Engl 1004
Engl 1004
Engl 1004
A. Course Identification
1. Credit hours: 4
2. Course type
a. University College P Department Others
b. Required P Elective
3. Level/year at which this course is offered: 2nd Level
4. Pre-requisites for this course (if any):
2. Course Main Objectives:
The main objective of the course is to encourage students to use English language skills,
provide them with necessary vocabulary to use in each separate context. Furthermore, it
assists learners to improve their composition skills, provide individual and group activities, on
dealing with things from the world around them, and to enable them to use natural
expressions and structures as given in the book, to refer to life domains.
C. Course Content
Code Course Learning Outcomes Teaching Strategies Assessment Methods
Memorize terms and expressions in - Lectures -Quizzes
- Presentations -Assignments
1.1 real life situations for oral and written - Class discussions - Mid-term exam
communicate. -Final Exam
Recognize errors and give corrections - Lectures -Assignments
1.2 - Presentations
of them. - Class discussions
- Mid-term exam
-Final Exam
2.0 Skills
- Lectures -Quizzes
Produce various grammatical forms of - Presentations -Assignments
sentences. - Class discussions - Mid-term exam
-Brainstorming -Final Exam
- Lectures
Write well-formed and grammatical - Presentations -Quizzes
- Class discussions -Assignments
2.2 sentences in accordance with the rule -Brainstorming - Mid-term exam
they learn. - Cooperative learning -Final Exam
*Assessment task (i.e., written test, oral test, oral presentation, group project, essay, etc.)
Each faculty in the college has been assigned a list of students. During the office hours, set aside
for student guidance, support, and counseling, each member of the teaching staff has been given
a list of students to whom they can provide academic, career, psychological, and social advice
and counseling. The accountable teaching staff member has a commitment to place a notice of
his or her schedule, including office hours, on their office doors. Additionally, the Academic
Advising Portal is another helpful site where students can interact with their academic advisers
regarding a variety of topics, including enrolling in courses, asking academic questions, filing
complaints, giving suggestions, etc.
F. Learning Resources and Facilities
1. Learning Resources
Kocienda, Genevieve, G, Jones, M., J. Manin, Gregory,
Required Textbooks Rimmer, W. Simpson, K & dos Santos, R. R. (2021). EVOLVE
2 Special Edition. Cambridge University Press
1. Julie Lachance (2019). Practice Makes Perfect: Basic English,
Premium.Third Edition
Essential References 2. Redman, Stuart (1997). English vocabulary in use. Cambridge, the
Materials UK, Cambridge University Press.
3. Lisa McLendon (2017). The Perfect English Grammar Workbook:
Simple Rules and Quizzes to Master Today's English.
1. grammar.com
2. TED presentations
Electronic Materials
3. www.grammar.cl
4. Learnenglish.britishcouncil
Other Learning
- Youtube and Cambly Application
2. Facilities Required
Item Resources
(Classrooms, laboratories, demonstration Classrooms
rooms/labs, etc.)
Technology Resources
(AV, data show, Smart Board, software, Data show & Smart Board
Other Resources
(Specify, e.g. if specific laboratory None
equipment is required, list requirements or
attach a list)
Evaluators Evaluation Methods
- Rubrics
Evaluation areas (e.g., Effectiveness of teaching and assessment, Extent of achievement of course learning
outcomes, Quality of learning resources, etc.)
Evaluators (Students, Faculty, Program Leaders, Peer Reviewer, Others (specify)
Assessment Methods (Direct, Indirect)
H. Specification Approval Data
Council / Committee 6th Departmental Council
Reference No. 4400014940
Date 26/12/2022