3AS - Diagnostic Test
3AS - Diagnostic Test
3AS - Diagnostic Test
Level: 3rd Year Scientific/Literary Stream Time: 1 Hour Academic Year: 2022/2023
Diagnostic Test
Read the text and do the following activities
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is the official name of a respiratory infectious disease that started first
in Wuhan, China. It continued to spread all over the world with an unexpectedly fast speed. As a result, flights
have been canceled worldwide and transportation has been stopped nationwide and across international borders.
Evidently, the COVID-19 lockdown has had several social and economic effects. For example, the global
economy has taken a major hit and many people around the world lost their jobs. In addition, due to the
lockdown, many people are now suffering from mental health issues such as: depression, anxiety, and mood
disorders. On the other hand, the lockdown has impacted the natural environment somewhat positively. Overall
carbon emissions have dropped, which has led to an improvement in air quality and a reduction in water
pollution in many cities around the globe.
Adapted from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/