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Innovative Processes in Managing an Enterprise from the Energy and Food

Sector in the Era of Industry 4.0

Article in Processes · February 2021

DOI: 10.3390/pr9020381


4 33

1 author:

Piotr Borowski
Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW


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Case Report
Innovative Processes in Managing an Enterprise from the
Energy and Food Sector in the Era of Industry 4.0
Piotr F. Borowski

Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland;

Abstract: The paper analyzes issues related to production processes in learning organizations using
innovative solutions based on the Industry 4.0 paradigm. This study was realized by surveys
and observation of companies operating in the energy and food sectors. These are sectors that
in recent years have started to intensively implement innovative solutions and are undergoing a
transformation towards an intelligent (digital) enterprise, which uses virtual reality, supported by
effectively controlling the non-player characters (NPCs). The presented examples can be inspiration
for chief executive officer (CEOs), chief operating officers (COOs), and chief information officers
(CIOs), the people managing companies for investment in innovative solutions. The implementation
of Industry 4.0 solutions, as well as new machines design according state-of-the-art achievements
of mechanical engineering rules, will allow companies to implement new products, achieve better
results (e.g., more products with lower production cost), increase operational efficiency (e.g., lower
energy and water consumption), and meet environmental requirements (e.g., reduce CO2 emission,
introduce zero-emission energy production).

 Keywords: production processes; Industry 4.0; learning organization; machine to machine; circular
economy; energy industry; food industry; mechanical engineering
Citation: Borowski, P.F. Innovative
Processes in Managing an Enterprise
from the Energy and Food Sector in
the Era of Industry 4.0. Processes 2021,
9, 381.
1. Introduction
10.3390/pr9020381 The current industrial revolution aims to transform global economies by influencing
issues such as process automation and the introduction of innovative technologies in
Academic Editors: Luis Puigjaner and companies based on the Internet of Things, machine learning, and blurring the boundaries
Fernando V. Lima between the digital and analog world. The combination of production machines with
Received: 30 December 2020 digital technologies allows the entire system, including employees, to efficiently transfer
Accepted: 12 February 2021 information relevant to each other at every stage of production. As a result of these
Published: 19 February 2021 activities, the production efficiency increases, because all data are transferred immediately
and their transfer is independent of each other.
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral The paper presents the processes taking place in companies in the energy and food
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
sector, which use elements of the Industry 4.0 paradigm, such as machine learning, Internet
published maps and institutional affil-
of Things, Big Data, or augmented reality. The example of an energy company shows how
the latest technological solutions are used to meet the challenges of modern energy in the
four main groups of processes: mining, production, distribution, and sale. The example
of a food company shows how new technological development and new solutions enable
the production of products with an increasingly higher level of added value, and how,
Copyright: © 2021 by the author. for example, augmented reality increases production efficiency, ensuring a higher level of
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. production or services.
This article is an open access article In recent years, more and more research has been conducted in the field of adaptability
distributed under the terms and
of enterprises to the market environment, adaptation of production processes in the context
conditions of the Creative Commons
of sustainable development, and implementation of innovative solutions in conjunction
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
with artificial intelligence and augmented reality [1,2]. It is extremely important to un-
dertake activities in the field of scientific research and to introduce advanced solutions

Processes 2021, 9, 381.

Processes 2021, 9, 381 2 of 17

in computerization and IT (Information Technology) in the energy and food sectors, in

the broadly understood life sciences sector. For the life sciences, it is worth being at the
forefront of mathematical, physical, and chemical, as well as management research and
applications, and implementing solutions using the most advanced software and hardware
applications of our time. Innovations and new technologies allow the companies to func-
tion, work, and develop in an ever-changing environment. Innovation can be understood
as the introduction of a new product, process, or device. Innovation means something new
that reduces operating costs and provides an improved product, service, or instrument that
better meets the expectations of market participants [3]. In the era of numerous changes
resulting from legal, political, technological, or ecological factors, companies face the
challenge of adjusting their activities to the requirements of the external environment [4].
The dynamically progressing automation and robotization of many sectors of modern
economies clearly shows that enterprises incur increasing costs of implementing instru-
ments improving the quality of production processes [5], which is associated with setting
the limits of process efficiency [6]. The issues related to the optimization and quality of
production processes are developing dynamically and systematically. The importance of
quality management in achieving the goals and tasks of each enterprise is growing. This
requires managers (chief executive officers (CEOs), chief operating officers (COOs), chief
information officers (CIOs)) to take these issues into account in the methods of enterprise
management and coordination of its activities. These issues are important from the point
of view of the company’s performance [5].
The management cadre faces the challenge of managing production and processes that
should be adaptable. Adaptability enables enterprises to effectively manufacture products
and to actively react to changes [1]. For this purpose, it is necessary to use a system
with functions intended for efficient planning, production, and control of the processes
carried out in changing circumstances. Comprehensive planning is an adaptive process
and includes planning decisions to be interrelated at all decision levels [7].
One of the biggest problems in production companies is the effective planning and
re-planning of the use of materials, raw materials, and resources in the production process,
which is adapted to the new requirements. The question that concerns the management
of production processes in an enterprise can be formulated as follows: how to quickly
plan and adapt production with the maximum level of production capacity utilization and
ensuring adequate efficiency? This paper presents processes in companies in the energy
and food sector. Both sectors are very important and very sensitive for innovative solutions
from the high-tech range. Energy efficiency is a key issue for the food industry. In this
industry, the consumption of electricity, water, and heat is high [8,9]. Improving the energy
efficiency of the company translates into lower operating costs and brings benefits for the
environment—an energy-efficient plant is less emission-intensive and significantly reduces
environmental pollution.
In the energy sector, the use of Industry 4.0 solutions will improve operational effi-
ciency, change the organization of work, improve efficiency, and enable the implementation
of new operating standards and mechanisms for monitoring the environment and quickly
reacting to changes that occur. Thanks to new technologies, decision making and analytical
and reporting processes will also be accelerated. The energy sector also faces the challenges
of decarbonization, which will be a complex process requiring capital-intensive invest-
ments focused on only low- and zero-carbon generation. RES (Renewable Energy Sources)
and the conversion of coal fuel will reduce the impact on the natural environment and
achieve climate neutrality by 2050. The reduction of the emission intensity of production
will take place by changing the technology, expanding the RES portfolio, enabling active
participation of customers (prosumers) and involving the entire industry in activities for
the circular economy [1,9].
The presented research shows the direction that enterprises are recommended to
follow to make production processes environmentally friendly and at the same time
increase the efficiency of the company’s operations.
Processes 2021, 9, 381 3 of 17

2. The Processes in Companies in the Energy and Food Sector

2.1. The Enterprise as a Learning Organization
A learning organization is an emerging management theory that has been highlighted
by many scientists and practitioners in recent years [10,11]. The challenge for enterprises is
to move towards a learning organization that can transform the acquired knowledge into
new cognitive perspectives, expectations, modernized procedures, and new organizational
structures. A learning organization is also a new way of organizing an enterprise so that
the tasks performed are a challenge to undertake subsequent tasks, so that innovations in
both work processes and products lead to the creation of new competences. In this way, in
a learning organization there is a positive feedback [12].
The new configuration of the enterprise, which is the result of the learning process, is
a response to the constantly emerging adaptation needs. Thanks to learning, the company
gains many positive features, such as:
• the ability to avoid and prevent errors and the ability to reduce the number of failures;
• overall increase in productivity and efficiency;
• increasing competitiveness by flexible adaptation to the preferences of various cus-
tomer groups and to the conditions on different markets;
• the ability to make quick adjustments by taking appropriate steps and trying out new
opportunities; and
• the ability to quickly adjust structures and react depending on customer preferences
and market’s trends.
All the above-mentioned features are extremely important in the adaptation process,
as they greatly facilitate the possibility of potential changes within the company and the
reaction to the changes in the environment [13]. Some factors that may affect the form
of an organization include external environment, business strategy, technology and its
transformation, the state and scale of the organization, and institutional culture [11].
In a rapidly changing market environment, companies should act quickly and update
their skills and learning strategies on an ongoing basis [14]. The organization should
make continuous adjustments accordingly and properly [11]. The importance of a learning
organization is recognized in business research. Depending on the sector and type of
activity, measures are taken in the dimensions of the learning organization [15]. The
concept of a “learning organization” is one of the most popular management ideas of the
last few decades.
“Learning organization” has been given different definitions and meanings, so it is
difficult to establish any unified understanding of what a learning organization really
is [16,17]. There are several definitions and approaches to the learning organization issue
in the literature. The level of interest in a learning organization among researchers has
increased significantly in recent years and the usefulness of this concept is mainly based on
its role in improving organizational culture, efficiency, and innovation capacity [10]. The
selected definitions of learning organizations are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Selected definitions of learning organization.

Definition of Learning Organization Main Core of Definition

A learning organization is an organization in which a
learning culture is fostered and the structure is strong
enough to improve mindsets and enable learning of
Learning culture and supporting learning processes
the entire organization by continuously transforming
and innovating for sustainable development in a
complex and uncertain environment [18].
A learning organization is an organization that is
organized to search for information in its
environment, create information on its own, and
Constantly transforming information into knowledge
promote individuals to transform information into
knowledge, and coordinate that knowledge among
individuals to gain new insight [12].
Processes 2021, 9, 381 4 of 17

Table 1. Cont.

Definition of Learning Organization Main Core of Definition

A learning organization is an organization with the
skills to create, acquire, and transfer knowledge and The ability to create new knowledge based on
to modify its behavior to reflect new knowledge and previous experiences
insights [19].
A learning organization can be perceived as a
learning organization by coding applications that Drawing conclusions from activities in a historical
result from the activities of the enterprise so far and perspective
building a certain routine guiding behavior [20].
The learning organization is people who constantly
develop their ability to create. These are
organizations where people are constantly
Creative thinking and creativity of employees
expanding their creative potential, where new and
expansive thinking patterns are supported, and
where collective aspirations are released [21,22].

In many industry documents, a learning organization is seen as a sign of a developed

safety culture. Depending on the industry, the emphasis may be on other elements related
to the learning organization.
In the energy sector and in nuclear power plants in particular, safety is the most
important factor. For example, the definition developed by the International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA) indicates a safety culture in which the building blocks are organizational
attitudes and procedures and the implementation of ever better solutions [23]. The learning
process compares the new solution to the previous one, and as you search for the next
solution, several better solutions are available. In principle, any learning problem can be
solved as an optimization task, i.e., a genetic algorithm [23]. From the management side,
the emphasis is on practices and procedures (such as event-based learning, self-assessment,
benchmarking, external operational experience, and external evaluations) that support
learning in the organization [24].
In the food industry, first generated idea of using the plant as a kind of laboratory or
learning model for the corporation were in mid-1968 during a meeting of General Foods
managers in Wisconsin [25]. The learning organization is poorly researched and described,
but one of the available examples is the General Foods Plant in Topeka, which used a
pioneering system of the idea of self-managing teams who assumed responsibility and
they had a high level of employee autonomy [19,26]. This plant was one of the most highly
publicized examples of organizational innovation although some believe that the learning
system did not fully work in this organization [25].

2.2. Machine Learning

Learning abilities at the organizational level positively influence the achievement
of higher levels of operational efficiency of the company, which systematically supports
learning and knowledge sharing at the organizational level. A learning organization may
benefit more from adopting the latest technologies [27].
In addition to the learning organization, machine learning is an important element
in the production process, which offers great hope for reducing the cost of products and
services. Machine learning algorithms can prioritize and automate decision making. They
can also signal opportunities and appropriate actions that should be taken immediately
in the enterprise [28]. Due to the increased use of machine learning in companies, it is
becoming more and more important to use deep neural networks, which depend mainly on
a wide range of network architecture hyperparameter choices [29]. Machine learning and
the development of artificial intelligence (AI) carry certain risks related to the protection
of personal data [30]. Data processing with the use of technologies such as Big Data
and artificial intelligence is, among other things, difficult manual intervention in the
automatic decision-making process, which may have a built-in bias in its algorithm. AI
bias is an anomaly in the output of machine learning algorithms, which may be due to
Processes 2021, 9, 381 5 of 17

the biases adopted during the algorithm development process or bias in the training data.
Another threat related to artificial intelligence is the lack of transparency about what data is
processed, through which process and who is responsible when the system makes decisions
based on algorithms that artificial intelligence has developed itself. The occurrence of
errors in AI has become the reason why many guidelines, reports, and scientific papers on
ethics in artificial intelligence have been written in the last few years [31,32].
Predictive analysis algorithms can be used to detect potential malfunctions in engines,
turbines, hydraulics, and other equipment, for example by analyzing an oil sample. Com-
bined with the experience of analysts, machine learning has become indispensable for
the maintenance and service life of equipment in manufacturing companies. The ability
to accurately track machine operation and predict the possibility of failure before it ac-
tually occurs is a significant help for manufacturers to increase OEE (overall equipment
effectiveness) and contribute to cost reduction and time wastage. Prediction models are
created by leveraging statistical techniques, machine learning (ML), or data mining to
extract behavioral patterns [33].
The switch to this type of activity paves the way for new and innovative business
models, products, and services. In addition, machine learning allows you to speed up
business processes and provide better customer service. Machine learning is recognized
as one of the most important application areas in the era of unprecedented technological
development, and its adoption is gaining momentum in almost all industries [34]. Machine
learning ranges from face recognition to self-driving cars, and from speech recognition
to introduction. Machine learning can be thought of as computational techniques for
Processes 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW learning probability distributions from data [35]. Machine learning is an algorithm6 of 18 will
transform input data into output. The input data will be used to refine the manufacturing
process. Production process with feedback (learning) is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Idea of production processes in a learning organization using machine learning.

Figure 1. Idea of production processes in a learning organization using machine learning.
In the production process, you must have the ability to anticipate and the ability to
In the operationalprocess,
risk. In you mustmanagement,
business have the ability to anticipate
managers should and the knowledge
have ability to of
demand forrisk. In business
products management,
and should managers of
have knowledge should
when, knowledge
and how of much
the demand
to produce for products and should
[36]. Another haveissue
important knowledge of what, of
is the problem when, and how
designing much tofood
a resistant
produce [36].chain that important
Another will ensureissue
the continuity of business
is the problem operations
of designing in thefood
a resistant event of threats
will ensure [37].
the continuity of business operations in the event of threats or dis-
The performance of many machine learning methods is very sensitive to the multitude
ruptions [37].
of design decisions,
The performance of which
many is a significant
machine barrier
learning for new
methods users.
is very This is especially
sensitive to the multi- true in
tudethe dynamically
of design developing
decisions, which isfield of deep learning,
a significant where
barrier for newengineers
users. This have to choose the
is especially
true in the dynamicallyneuraldeveloping
architecture andoftraining
field procedures
deep learning, where[29]. Deep learning
engineers is a “deep”
have to choose
neural network
the appropriate thatarchitecture
neural includes many andlayers of neurons
training and [29].
procedures hugeDeep
volumes of data.
learning is aDeep
learning allows computers to learn from experience and, thanks to
“deep” neural network that includes many layers of neurons and huge volumes of data. the hierarchy of concepts,
allows you to learn
allows and, based
computers on simpler
to learn examples, create
from experience more complex
and, thanks concepts [38,39].
to the hierarchy of
Neural networks have the ability to approximate any non-linear
concepts, it allows you to learn and, based on simpler examples, create more complex mapping with a given
concepts [38,39]. Neural networks have the ability to approximate any non-linear map-
ping with a given accuracy and are also characterized by the ability to generalize the
knowledge acquired during the learning of the modeled system [40].
The last decade has seen an explosion in machine learning research and applications,
in particular, deep learning methods that have enabled key advances in many application
Processes 2021, 9, 381 6 of 17

accuracy and are also characterized by the ability to generalize the knowledge acquired
during the learning of the modeled system [40].
The last decade has seen an explosion in machine learning research and applications,
in particular, deep learning methods that have enabled key advances in many application
areas such as computer vision, speech processing, and image recognition [29]. Deep
learning allows for a completely new approach—it is the transition from feature engineering
to automatic representation learning from data. The main assumption and hope in deep
learning techniques is that they can lead to predictive systems that generalize well, adapt
well, can continuously improve as new data becomes available, and that they are more
dynamic than predictive systems built on hard and deterministic business rules [41].

3. Industry 4.0 in Innovative Enterprises

Industry 4.0 allows manufacturers to take their production lines to a higher tech-
nological level through complete system integration and networking. Industry 4.0 has
decentralized analytics, critical decision making, and increase in response time during
productions [42]. Industry 4.0 solutions allow for communication between man and ma-
chine, giving wide opportunities to reduce production costs [43]. Industry 4.0 integrates
employees and digitally controlled machines with the Internet and information technolo-
gies. According to the main assumptions, the materials used in production can always be
identified; they also have the ability to constantly communicate with each other. Using
machine learning algorithms to design predictive models in the Industry 4.0 environment is
Processes 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW
very useful [33]. In the new paradigm of Industry 4.0, the most optimal solution is machine 7 of 18
learning and deep learning, which uses large datasets for the optimization process and
obtains innovative solutions and new insights [44].
conceptofof Industry
4.0 is
is inextricably
inextricably correlated
with, e.g.,
e.g., the
the Internet
Internet of
of Things,
machine to machine (M2M) technology, and machine learning (ML), which
machine to machine (M2M) technology, and machine learning (ML), which allow for con- allow for
constant contact
stant contact between
between machines,people,
machines, people,products,
even production
production materials,
materials, as
shown in Figure
shown in Figure 2.2.


Big Data Industry 4.0

and Internet of
Augmented Things

Cloud technologies
computing and

Figure 2.
Figure 2. Idea of Industry Idea of Industry 4.0.

The implementation
implementationof ofIndustry
inaa production
intelligent technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things
(IoT), M2M, machine learning, etc. Artificial intelligence and its techniques and machine
learning algorithms give huge possibilities to predict, improve outcomes, and better gen-
eralize the dataset [33].
Processes 2021, 9, 381 7 of 17

intelligent technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT),
M2M, machine learning, etc. Artificial intelligence and its techniques and machine learning
algorithms give huge possibilities to predict, improve outcomes, and better generalize the
dataset [33].
The main purpose of machine-to-machine technology is to use sensor data and send it
to the network. The main components of the M2M system include sensors, RFID (radio-
frequency identification), Wi-Fi, or cellular link, and process control systems, which are
essential for process automation and optimization. Autonomous data processing software
programmed in order to assist a network device to interpret data and make decisions can
trigger pre-programmed, automated actions [45]. Thanks to the use of these technical
solutions, production companies have a real possibility to connect the previously isolated
production elements with the rest of the process thanks to systems using radio waves
for data transmission and protection against copying of product features. The above-
mentioned technologies allow the implementation of digital information in the product,
which, during the production process, enables the exchange of data between production
machines about the condition of the product and its possible defects without human
intervention. The information generated thanks to RFID systems allows for an ongoing
description of the state in which the processed object or material is at a given moment.
This information can be used at any stage of production. This allows for dynamic and
autonomous development of the process during its duration. Data collected in this way
allows the process to be designed and improved based on requirements [46].
Companies that have adapted to the Industry 4.0 paradigm are going through a
new phase of automation that enables innovative and more efficient processes, products,
and services. By using a combination of intelligent devices and machines, and by using
self-learning solutions and increasing self-directional capabilities, it will be possible to
reduce production costs, while increasing flexibility, quality, and speed of production. The
possibilities of mass adaptation to market expectations will also improve [47].
The efficiency of processes is related to the measurement of processes, the determina-
tion of the desired value levels for individual process measures, and the assessment of the
legitimacy of the implementation of activities in a specific system of processes [6]. Inventory
logistics is also important in the food sector. In factories producing food, issues related to
logistics 4.0 are considered. A smart factory helps to implement a sustainable production
mode to meet global challenges [48]. A company that successfully implements the Industry
4.0 concept can accelerate by increasing the productivity of its production [49]. The ultimate
goal is to identify new machine learning patterns in highly digitalized industrial work [47].
When implementing Industry 4.0 solutions, an important role is also played by production
line operators who use real-time operational data technology, and they should be involved
in the learning process from the perspective of a learning organization [50].

4. Methodology
The research methods used in the conducted research are secondary research (desk
research) and research of primary observations and interviews [1,51]. Secondary research
consisted of analyzing the collected information. The data necessary for the analysis
were information collected on the basis of existing sources, published in reports, journals,
and statistical yearbooks. On the other hand, the conducted observations constituted a
qualitative research method used to analyze the behavior of enterprises.
The production companies belonging to the energy and food sectors were the exem-
plary material. Research materials about the energy company PGE were collected as desk
research data. Research materials related to the food sector were collected during the ob-
servations and surveys. Answers for surveys, which were carried out in a rendering plant
producing pork gelatin intended for food and pharmaceutical purposes, were collected
from the accounting department and production section.
Processes 2021, 9, 381 8 of 17

4.1. Energy Industry—PGE Capital Group

Enterprises in the energy sector face many challenges. On the one hand, there are
low-emission trends and sustainable development, and on the other hand, there is the
rationality of incurring transformation costs, operational efficiency, i.e., cost discipline and
optimization of expenses. Measurement of efficiency becomes an important element in
energy companies. Business performance measures should be considered based on the
goals that the company intends to achieve in the short and long term.
Industry 4.0 and the external environment force the energy company to constantly
adjust its goals, which is associated with increased and continuous measurements [52].
Energy production changes as technology advances. Production technologies as well
as measurement technologies and measurement accuracy, including measurements of
production efficiency indicators, are changing. Technological progress shows that, apart
from production technologies, the management of energy production and transmission is
also changing [53,54]. This is the direction in which Polish participants of the heat, power,
and energy markets, who are currently facing profound changes and large investments,
will follow [52]. Increasing energy efficiency is closely related to the circular economy,
the development of renewable energy sources, and the reduction of emissions. In the
era of depleting natural resources and progressive urbanization, circular economy is one
of the most important directions of sustainable development. In the energy sector, it is
also important to use products resulting from combustion. Combustion by-products are a
valuable raw material widely used in various industries, including the most common in
the construction (building) sector.
An example of an enterprise in the energy sector is the PGE Capital Group, which
operates in the areas of central and eastern Poland. PGE has 5.33 million recipients
and produces 58.32 TWh of energy [55], which accounts for 36.7% of the total electricity
production in Poland in 2019 (158.76 TWh) [56]. The PGE Group plans to reduce the
negative impact on the natural environment and achieve climate neutrality by 2050. PGE
wants to realize these plans by integrating sustainable strategies assumed at the level of
extraction, production, distribution, and sales departments. Moreover, PGE will continue
developing distributed generation (DG) and will provide active support for distributed
generation as well as storage service for distributed sources [57]. The reduction of the
emissivity of generation will take place by changing the technology, expanding the RES
portfolio, enabling PGE customers to participate in the transformation, and engaging in
activities for the circular economy.
Due to increasing social pressure on environmental issues, stricter regulations, and a
higher level of competition, the company takes environmental aspects into account in its
strategic plans and is gradually shifting towards a circular economy. The circular economy
(CE) will significantly contribute to achieving climate neutrality in the future [58,59].
All of the above-mentioned elements will require the implementation of new activities
at PGE and reorganization of processes based on Industry 4.0 technology, supported by the
idea of a learning organization. At PGE, core business is divided into mining (extraction),
manufacturing, distribution, and sales. As part of these specified activities, it is possible
to improve, modernize processes, and implement innovative solutions combined with
elements of Industry 4.0 in order to achieve the assumed strategic plans.

4.1.1. Mining
Two elements can be distinguished within the mining activity: optimization of extrac-
tion and processing of the raw material, in which elements of Industry 4.0 are used.
Optimization of the mining process includes, among others, more accurate methods of
resource identification, tools for numerical modeling of components of newly established
opencast mines, diagnostic systems limiting the failure rate of machines and devices, and
reducing the energy consumption of devices and subsystems.
Raw material treatment is a new method of improving the calorific value of the raw
material, maintaining the assumed parameters for power units in real time, and monitoring
Processes 2021, 9, 381 9 of 17

the content of sulfur, ash, and humidity. Monitoring the sulfur content is important as
the combustion of fossil fuels pollutes the environment and contributes to its systematic
degradation. Coal, which contains a lot of sulfur, burns and releases it into the atmosphere
as sulfur dioxide. SO2 acidifies the environment and is responsible for acid rain that
damages forests.
Coal ash includes a number of by-products produced from burning coal. The structure
and composition of ashes depends mainly on the type of coal burned and the combustion
temperature in power boilers. After combustion, the ashes contain potassium dioxide (K2 O)
and silica (SiO2 ). The ashes also contain chlorine (Cl), calcium (CaO), and magnesium
(MgO). In order to assess the quality of the burned coal, it is also necessary to know the
content of chlorine (Cl) and sulfur (S). A large amount of these elements causes corrosion
and contamination of boilers, pipes, feed lines, and an increase in SOx, Cl2 , and HCl
emissions. Chemical composition of ash from burning Polish brown coal coming from
different mines is as follows (expressed as percent by weight): SiO2 (33.47–51.20); Al2 O3
(6.37–30.26); Fe2 O3 (4.83–5.93); CaO (20.00–31.18); MgO (1.27–1.84); SO2 (0.40–8.01); K2 O
(0.11–2.64); Na2 O (0.15–1.05) [60].

4.1.2. Production
Manufacturing is another group. As part of the production, we can distinguish
activities related to CO2 and other harmful greenhouse gases.
Carbon dioxide utilization: CO2 capture and storage technologies, CO2 absorption
process modeling, post-combustion separation methods. Reduction of NOx, SOx, Hg emis-
sions etc. Methods of exhaust gas dedusting, emission reduction technologies (adsorption,
absorption, catalytic). Energy companies have invested in flue gas desulphurization instal-
lations that ensure effective desulphurization of all fumes emitted during the operation of
the power plant. Installations are made using the wet lime method. In addition to SO2 , the
absorber additionally removes impurities such as hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride,
mercury, and ash. Another negative effect is the formation of nitrogen oxides as a result of
coal burning too quickly at high temperatures. Nitrogen oxides, called NOx, are emitted
into the atmosphere by power plants and combined heat and power plants (CHP). In order
to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere, in line with the applicable
standards, CHP plants are successfully developing the system of catalytic denitrification
of selective catalytic reduction (SCR). The method consists in reducing nitrogen oxides to
atmospheric nitrogen with a substance containing ammonia. The reaction takes place at
the surface of the catalyst. The processing of by-products of combustion contributes to
the creation of a waste-free industry. It also reduces the consumption of natural resources
and reduces the amount of landfilled waste. The use of secondary raw materials such as
combustion by-products gives a favorable CO2 balance and reduces the degradation of the
natural environment.
Improvement of production efficiency: predictive modeling and analysis of technical
condition of devices, improvement of flexibility of the press of coal units. Fuel gasification:
ground gasification technologies. Microcogeneration: cogeneration/diffuse trigeneration,
improving production efficiency in combination.

4.1.3. Distribution
The third important activity in the enterprise is distribution. As part of distribution,
Industry 4.0 can be used in the field of energy transmission, measurement, and storage.
Smart grid: optimization of transmission capacity, new methods of grid management,
integration of RES with the distribution grid, use of data from balancing meters (advanced
metering infrastructure—AMI) for grid monitoring.
Smart meters: DSR (demand side response) executive mechanisms, modern methods
of reducing energy losses. The progressing digitization in energy enterprises will affect
the optimization of the operation of the power grid (smart grid, smart metering) and will
increase the possibilities of actively using the resources connected to the distribution grid.
Processes 2021, 9, 381 10 of 17

The prosumer will not only generate electricity but will also become a participant in the
energy market.
Energy storage: increasing the efficiency of energy storage, integrating storage facilities
with renewable energy installations, increasing storage capacity, and service life. Work
on energy storage technology has a key role to play in the transition to a carbon neutral
economy in the future [54]. The energy storage system makes it possible to balance energy
supply and demand.

4.1.4. Sale
The fourth element in an energy company is sales. As part of sales, the key is to know
the customer and cooperate with him.
Customer information management: estimating customer value, grouping customers
according to common features, prediction of customer behavior, customer migration man-
Smart facility: customer control of power consumption devices, planning and man-
agement of energy consumption, integration of the prosumer infrastructure with the
distribution network.
E-mobility: integrating solutions for vehicles in individual and public transport,
optimization of vehicle charging locations (including logistics).
Demand management: tools and functioning of ICT (information and communication
technologies) used to aggregate the DSR (demand side response) potential of recipients.
The demand side in the energy sector are energy consumers who, in exchange for ade-
quate remuneration, are able to voluntarily and temporarily reduce electricity consumption
or postpone it. Therefore, it is worth encouraging consumers to introduce flexibility in
the use of electricity. This is especially true for customers with inertial processes that are
independent of the time of day/night, e.g., washing, cleaning, etc. These customers can
shift periods of high consumption to periods of low electricity cost without disrupting their
operations. Consumers shift their demand from daytime/nighttime from high to lower
prices as part of continuous optimization [54]. The assumption of the smart grid system is
the active participation of the end users of the power system in the market game and the
possibility of controlled individual generation and storage of energy. The role of such a
client changes into active participation consisting of both consumption and generation of
energy. Energy consumption management will be important not only for retail customers,
but also for manufacturing companies [61].

4.2. Food Industry—Gelatine Company

The term food industry refers to companies that produce, process, manufacture, sell,
and serve food, drinks, and dietary supplements [62]. The food industry has recently
faced rapid and continual change due to the current industrial revolution. Food is in-
creasingly being produced efficiently and sustainably without harming the environment.
Technological development has enabled the production of products with an ever higher
level of added value and the high level of competition in the sector has resulted in higher
performance requirements at the production stage. The use of innovative technological
solutions that ensure a higher level of production or services [63] has a positive impact
on the company and its environment [54]. In addition, modern technologies used in the
enterprise are complex—apart from the production technology, they include a number
of necessary peripheral installations, e.g., for environmental protection, such as modern
sewage treatment plants or biofilters for odor treatment. The increase in processing capacity
in a food enterprise reduces the energy consumption of the plant and at the same time
increases the efficiency of production in the examined plant [9]. The implementation of
new construction elements in the production process is based on mechanical engineering.
Strength calculations allow you to increase efficiency, e.g., multi-stage pumps and complete
systems that dose with the highest precision, even with back pressures of 20 to 50 bar. Me-
Processes 2021, 9, 381 11 of 17

chanical calculations of the structure are also performed for pipelines in order to optimize
the conditions or the mechanisms grinding meat waste are investigated [64,65]
The research was started in 2019 and finished in 2020 in the gelatin plant employing
144 people, including 120 production workers. The volume of all rooms was 32,350 m3 ,
including 21,456 m3 of production rooms. In the factory, two types of processes in order
to produce two types of gelatin are used. Type A gelatin is produced by acid processing
of collagenous raw material; type B gelatin is produced by alkaline or lime processing.
Mostly, type A gelatin is made from pork bones. The process includes macerating of bones
and washing to remove extraneous matter and phosphorus, for four days in 5% solution
of hydrochloric acid. The four to five extractions are made at temperatures increasing
for 55–65 ◦ C for the first extract to 95–100 ◦ C for the last extract. Each extraction lasts
about 4–8 h. Concentration to 20–40% solids is carried out, in several stages by continuous
vacuum evaporation. The viscous solution is chilled, extruded into thin “noodles” (strips
of gelatin), and dried at 30–60 ◦ C on a continuous belt. Drying is completed by passing
the strips through zones of successive temperature changes wherein conditioned air blows
Processes 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW
across the surface and through the gelatin strips mass. The dry gelatin is then ground12and
of 18
blended to specification. The process of gelatin production type A is presented in Figure 3.

•macerating of bones
mechanical and •acid treatment
chemical •ossein washing

•gelatin extraction
•gelatin deionization
chemical and •gelatin concentration
processing •gelatin sterilization

•gelatin chilling
•gelatin drying
thermal and •milling
mechanical •sitting and blending

Figure Processofofgelatin

The conductedresearch
energyand andwater
waterare arere-re-
quired in the production of type A and type B gelatins. The lowest
quired in the production of type A and type B gelatins. The lowest consumption was in consumption was in
usingthe theacid
method.The Theproduction
productionofof1 1kg kgofof
gelatin ·h ofofelectricity, 3 of
20–25kg kgofofsteam,
steam,3–53–5kWkW·h electricity,and
approximately 150
150dmdm 3 of

observationand andsurvey
50–60%. Increased technological progress and the application of
50–60%. Increased technological progress and the application of energy-saving energy-saving production
technology and apparatuses
tion technology and apparatusesat individual stagesstages
at individual of theoftransformation
the transformation of energy carriers
of energy car-
contributed to the to
riers contributed reduced unit energy
the reduced consumption.
unit energy The company
consumption. The company has the ISO
has the22000 cer-
ISO 22000
tificate which
certificate indicates
which thatthat
indicates a food safety
a food safetymanagement
management system
systemis in place.
is in This
place. Thisensures
customer confidence in the product and it is becoming increasingly important
customer confidence in the product and it is becoming increasingly important as custom- as customers
ers demand safe food. For the
safe food. Fordiscussed company
the discussed companyproducing
gelatin, the next
gelatin, stepstep
the next in
their development may be the production of gelatin based on fish or poultry
in their development may be the production of gelatin based on fish or poultry waste and waste and the
the implementation of modular production lines. Thanks to this, the company will be able
to acquire new customers and enter new markets where pork gelatin is not widespread or
is not allowed for cultural and religious reasons [66,67]. The larger a company’s product
portfolio, the greater the diversity, volume, complexity, or variety of national and inter-
Processes 2021, 9, 381 12 of 17

implementation of modular production lines. Thanks to this, the company will be able to
acquire new customers and enter new markets where pork gelatin is not widespread or
is not allowed for cultural and religious reasons [66,67]. The larger a company’s product
portfolio, the greater the diversity, volume, complexity, or variety of national and interna-
tional regulations that need to be met, the more digitization and Industry 4.0 technologies
Processes 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW
will be needed in creating a digital enterprise. 13 of 18
Industry 4.0 is a paradigm which mobilizes enterprises to use state-of-the-art tech-
nology, to be smarter in line with the world of Industry 4.0, to become a “smart factory”.
The technology used in the frame of Industry 4.0 will address issues such as food safety,
security, control, instability, competitive pressure, and demand forecasting [68]. Industry
4.0 is driving profound changes in the overall dynamics of the industry. The “new industry”
has become sensitive to the use of application tools such as the Internet, cloud computing,
and augmented virtual reality [43]. The concept of augmented reality is shown on Figure 4.


Augmented Augmented Virtual

Reality Virtuality Reality

World completely
World unmodeled World partially modeled

Figure 4. Augmented reality as a combination of virtual reality and the real world. Source: own elaboration based on [69].

New technologies are improving many areas in the food sector. An example is
augmented reality (AR)—thanks to special digital glasses or tablets, the machine operator
can see much more. The glasses show him production data and KPIs (key performance
4. Augmented in reality as a combination
real time. AR glassesofare virtual reality
useful, forand the real world.
example, for cleanliness control in
food production plants. The screen displays information on what needs special attention
and where theSource: own
critical elaboration
points for thebased
entire onprocess
[69]. are. As a result, the control is more
efficient and all food products are much safer. AR is used by employees of the maintenance
New technologies
department, which allowsare improving
to improve themany areas inofthe
performance food
daily sector.duties
service An example is aug-
and supports
repairs. reality (AR)—thanks
solutions provide visual to special
guidancedigital onglasses
where or tablets, the
problems machine
are and how operator
to fix them can
see much
when needed.more. ThisThe glasses
helps show him
to reduce production
downtime and thusdata increase
and KPIsthe (key performance
overall equipment indi-
cators) in real
effectiveness time.for
(OEE) ARthe glasses
machine.are useful, for example, for cleanliness control in food pro-
duction plants. The screen displays
The introduction of these cutting edge information
business onmodels
what needs
requires special attention and
new professional
where the critical points for the entire process are. As a result,
skills from the workforce in the food industry. A proactive industry-wide strategy has the control is more efficient
put inall food
place in products are much
the food sector safer. AR
to properly is used byanemployees
implement of the transformation
effective digital maintenance de-
the sector.which
To this allows
end, theto improve
present the andperformance
future key skills of daily
andservice duties required
competences and supports by
each of theAR solutions provide
occupational profiles visual
relatedguidance on where
to the food industryproblems
have beenare and how to
defined. Infix them
higherThis helps competences
employee to reduce downtime and match andskills
increase the overall
professional equipment
effectiveness (OEE) for the machine.
better-oriented lifelong learning programs [70] have been introduced. A learning organiza-
The introduction
tion whose organizational of leadership
these cutting edge business
is properly models contributes
implemented requires new to professional
the added
value from leaders
the workforce
are ableintothe food industry.
constructively A proactive
cooperate industry-wide
with each other and strategy
with their has
been put in
employees place
[71]. in the food
Effective sector deals
leadership to properly
with issuesimplement an effective
of sustainable digital transfor-
development and
mation ininfluences
the sector. theTolearning
this end, of the
the present
organization and the
and future generated
key skills and results [72].
competences re-
In the
quired by food
each of sector, these benefits
the occupational include
profiles technological
related to the food development
industry have andbeeneconomic
In order toproduction
achieve higher flexibility,
employeeand reconfiguration.
competences and In match
addition, thewith
skills implementation
Industry 4.0 increases
quirements, the productivity
better-oriented lifelong and efficiency
learning of resources
programs in thebeen
[70] have entireintroduced.
process andA
learningtraces the entire
organization production
whose process leadership is properly implemented contrib-
utes to the added value when leaders are able to constructively cooperate with each other
and with their employees [71]. Effective leadership deals with issues of sustainable devel-
opment and positively influences the learning of the organization and the generated re-
sults [72].
In the food sector, these benefits include technological development and economic
Processes 2021, 9, 381 13 of 17

Global economic development and changes in the functioning of products intended

for processing, dynamic changes in the approach to process management, as well as a
variety of differentiated products, increased customer service requirements, and shortening
the product life cycle perform the functions of managing the efficiency of the flow of
ingredients, finished products, and information [73]. Moreover, making AR tools available
to the consumers themselves is becoming more and more popular. Thanks to this, the
availability of knowledge takes completely new forms. Thanks to special applications,
customers can find out everything about the selected products. They get to know their
composition and nutritional values, and receive a lot of additional information about
the manufacturer. Consumers are able to consciously choose the optimal food products
for them.

5. Discussion and Conclusions

Due to the requirements of the market economy, the effectiveness of economic activity
is determined by the rationality of decisions made, not only at the strategic and tactical level,
but also at the operational level. In production companies, the efficiency of production
planning and control determines the level of organization of production processes, which
results in rational use of available resources. High consumption rates of raw materials
and large amounts of waste products prove that the technological production process is
underdeveloped [9]. Managing a production company requires computer support both for
production preparation, supervision over its implementation, and auxiliary activities. The
wave of transformation in the energy sectors is noticeable in most enterprises. The new,
alternative models of energy market are implemented. Distributed generation (DG), also
known as on-site generation, is the decentralized generation of electricity. In distributed
power generation, electricity production is usually based on renewable or unconventional
energy sources, often in combination with heat generation (distributed cogeneration).
In terms of increasing energy efficiency in the power industry, innovative projects are
implemented to increase the efficiency of electricity generation. An additional goal is to
reduce the network loss ratio in transmission and distribution, including modernization
of the existing networks and construction of new ones, replacement of low-efficiency
transformers, and development of distributed generation, as well as increased energy
end-use efficiency. Improving energy efficiency will also be a tool contributing to the
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions [74].
The development of RES (water, wind, sun, and biomass, e.g., bamboo) and related
technologies also leads to improvements in other sectors (e.g., the food sector). By invest-
ing in the development of high-tech technologies in the field of energy, companies are
moving towards a circular economy with zero emissions and focus on the potential of
electromobility [9,75,76]. The profound decarbonization efforts required to achieve climate
neutrality imply a fundamental transformation at all stages regarding the energy company.
In the field of renewable energy sources, it is important to flexibly adjust the supply to
the market needs and thus supplement the shortages of electricity. With the development
of photovoltaics and wind energy, both of which are characterized by high fluctuation
in production, energy storage is a key issue. Electricity storage is the key to solving
the problem of using renewable energy sources. As wind, water, and sun only generate
electricity when weather conditions (variable and unpredictable) allow, they must be
integrated into an efficient energy storage system. Energy management is one of the
main pillars of Industry 4.0. Similar results of the research were presented by Lang,
who called the new stage of energy development “Energy 4.0”. The energy industry
is becoming one big and highly complex cyber-physical system composed of physical
entities and controlled or monitored by computer-based algorithms [77]. The company’s
motivation in this respect comes from the combination of environmental aspects, cost
pressure, European Union (EU) and national regulations, as well as proactivity in the field
of energy efficiency. Moreover, the integration of different energy generation sources in an
increasingly demanding and fragmented market will require technology that guarantees
Processes 2021, 9, 381 14 of 17

quality, sustainability, and efficiency [78]. Modern energy management systems will use
a large amount of data collected by different types of meters, in different places, and
these large amounts of data will also be constantly analyzed and decisions will be made
on that basis [79]. Innovations for energy management and smart metering were also
mentioned by Weiß and Goosen [80,81]. The use of sensors and automation systems for
production management, monitoring and automation, machine learning, and Industry
4.0 will become the norm in the near future in most manufacturing companies to prepare
the product for the next million new consumers who will expect further personalization
of products while maintaining their high quality and attractive purchase costs. Novel
methods are recommended for various products. Thanks to this, it is possible to look for
and process new raw materials, if their processing has so far been considered impossible
or economically unprofitable [82]. The situation in the entire food industry will change
dynamically, and companies will follow these changes—producers will react quickly to
new trends characterized by frequent changes in customers’ eating habits, modern tools
and eco-friendly farming methods [83], fashion for healthy food, or increasingly globalized
supply chains.
Therefore, companies need modular production lines, the use of flexible processes
and integration with high tech systems to create digital enterprises. Its main goal is to
achieve the highest possible productivity with the possibility of personalization of mass
production. Digital enterprise includes design using virtual reality, and integrated solutions
for production automation and robotization. Realistic non-player controlled characters
(NPCs) are essential for a virtual environment and are making the virtual world more
real for users [84]. Realistic non-player characters are an important component of virtual
environments. Dynamic NPC behavior supports work in enterprises in order to feel virtual
reality (VR) as the realistic systems [85]. It can be useful not only in VR games, but also in
companies, to prepare the movement path of real products in production process. Path-
planning techniques based on machine learning are continuously used by enterprises.
Companies are working and study a navigation mesh generation technique that more
accurately controls the movement of NPCs by reflecting various physical properties such
as sound, speed, and viewpoint [86].

6. Limitation and Recommendation

The theory was presented extensively, while research was limited to two interrelated
key sectors of the economy. Many papers concerning the Industry 4.0 are expanding
rapidly, and everyday new papers are published, but based on the review of the literature
in the field of the food and energy industry, it can be seen that Industry 4.0 in both of these
sectors is not yet discussed in depth and detail. Therefore, it is worth scientifically reflecting
on these issues of the food and energy industry and continuing this kind of research.
In the next step, research can be carried out among the above-mentioned sectors as
well as other industries, e.g., construction or finance, to investigate the importance of
Industry 4.0 for the development of various sectors of the economy. The construction
(building) sector is responsible for a high level of final energy consumption, while the
financial sector is a pivotal one for the development of all economy and industry companies.
Along with the development of technology, new generation production systems force a
deep modification of the organizational behavior and the very core of production control
systems. Steering systems emphasize the cooperation of autonomous and connected
entities in the decision-making process. In the near future, it would be valuable for research
development to move towards the holonic architectures needed to obtain full support for
Industry 4.0.

Funding: The APC was funded by Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Institute of Mechanical
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Processes 2021, 9, 381 15 of 17

Data Availability Statement: Data sharing is not applicable to this article.

Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest.

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