John Paul Jackson PDF Free
John Paul Jackson PDF Free
John Paul Jackson PDF Free
W hen three Orlando, Florida, women Elsewhere in the mall that day another
recently set out for their favorite mall, group of Christians was walking and pray-
they figured it would be just another shop- ing when they sensed the Holy Spirit point-
ping trip. And it was—until God invaded ing out a certain man. A thought arose in
and changed their lives forever. their spirits: He’s struggling with loneliness.
While the trio enjoyed lunch in the food They approached him and struck up a
court, two of them listened as their friend conversation. Within minutes the man
shared a dream she had the night before. invited Jesus Christ into his heart.
They were perplexed. Did the Elated, the group moved on
dream mean something? If it had and found a woman they felt the
a deeper meaning, what was it? Holy Spirit directing them
Nearby sat two Christians, evangelism— toward. They interpreted a dream
who were also talking about listening to for her and then led her to the
dreams. They turned to the three Lord.
God while
women. “Do any of you have a A third group walking around
dream you want interpreted?” sharing the the Orlando mall felt the sensation
they asked. gospel—is one of electricity in their hands and
The women looked at each interpreted it as a sign to pray for
key to the next
other. One of them stammered, someone’s healing. Upon seeing a
“Yes. In fact, we were just talking move of God woman with a withered hand and
about it.” in the world. a limp, they approached her and
As the woman described her were soon praying for her.
dream, the Christians silently Suddenly, the woman’s with-
prayed for God’s wisdom and direction. ered hand opened and her feet straight-
When she finished they offered her a spiri- ened! She was so excited that she accepted
tual interpretation of her dream as well as Jesus on the spot.
God’s encouragement. The woman was so During that weekend in Orlando, 14
touched that she gave her heart to Jesus, people came to know Jesus Christ, and sev-
right there in the food court and in front of eral were healed. The Christians were
her friends. members of our “Dream Teams,” individu-
als who have been trained by Streams Min- to the next great move of God in the
istries International in dream interpretation world. Prophetic evangelism is a great
and prophetic evangelism. way to grow the church and to introduce
Last year we sent a Dream Team to Salt Jesus to your unsaved friends.
Lake City for the Winter Olympics. In a
Starbucks coffeehouse one night, two TRUE DREAMS ARE FROM GOD In the
team members were chatting about 1980s, my friend and pastor John Wim-
dreams when they looked over at a group ber, then leader of the Association of
of about 30 people standing in line. “Does Vineyard Churches, coined the phrase
anyone have a dream they’d like to know “power evangelism.” He focused on the
more about?” one of them asked. usefulness of signs and wonders, espe-