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I. Structure of tooth & PeriodonHum
1. The tooth includes:
A. Enamel, den6ne, gingiva
B. Enamel, pulp, gingiva
C. Enamel, den6ne, pulp
D. Enamel, den6ne, cementum
2. The periodon6um includes:
A. Gingiva, den6ne, enamel, cementum
B. Gingiva, ligament, alveolar bone, cementum
C. Gingiva, pulp, den6ne, cementum
D. Gingiva, ligament, enamel, pulp
3. Tooth and gingiva are the structural and func6onal unit of den66on
A. True
B. False
4. Pulp and gingiva are known as hard 6ssues
A. False
B. True
5. What is the hardest biological 6ssue which is a product of cell that highly mineralized?

A. Den6ne thea

B. Pulp
C. Alveolar bone
D. Enamel -
6. The principal mineral component of enamel:
A. Microcrystalline hydroxyapa6te
B. Calcium Nano Hydroxyapa6te
C. Calcium Phosphate crystal
of - water
D. Calcium hydroxyapa6te in gove &
7. Den6n and dental pulp are of organic
A. Ectomesenchymal origin
B. Ectodermal origin = Enamal
C. Endodermal origin
8. What form the major por6on of a tooth and surrounds the pulp cavity?
A. Enamel
B. Gingiva
C. Den6n
D. Cementum
9. The cells that form the den6n?
A. Ameloblasts
B. Odontoblasts
C. Fibroblasts
D. Osteoblasts
10. Den6n formed during regular development and maturing of the tooth?
A. Ter6ary den6n
B. Secondary den6n
C. Primary den6n
11. Ter6ary den6n is?
A. den6n formed in response to a localized irrita6on
B. den6n formed before comple6on of the apical foramen
C. den6n formed during regular development and maturing of the tooth
12. Openings of the pulp (apical foramen and accessory canals) allow all of these to enter and exit the pulp from
periodontal ligament except:
A. Vessels
B. Nerves
C. Lympha6cs
D. None
13. What are the component of pulp?
A. Cells, nerves, fibers
B. Intercellular substance, vascular system
C. Tissue fluid, lympha6cs
D. A & B & C
E. None
14. What is the arrow poin6ng at? Apex of tooth and apical foramen
15.What is (are) the func6on(s) of the pulp?
A.Odontoblasts con6nue to form den6n throughout the life of a vital pulp
B.the blood vascular system of the pulp nourishes the den6n and enamel through
the odontoblasts and the odontoblast processes
C.all s6muli reaching the vital pulp tooth cause pain, this is regarded as protec6ve
D.irrita6on of the pulp caused by bacteria, chemical and physical agents can cause
an inflammatory response
E. All
16. Pulp responds to low-grade irrita6ons by producing secondary and ter6ary den6n in an abempt isolate the
pulp from the source of irrita6on is:
A. Forma6ve func6on
B. Nutri6ve func6on
C. Sensory func6on
D. Protec6ve func6on
E. Repara6ve func6on
17. What is the arrow poin6ng at? Pulp chamber

18. Ectomesenchymal cells of the follicle differen6ate into these structures except?
A. Cementoblasts -> cementum
B. Fibroblasts -> periodontal ligament
C. Osteoblasts -> den6n
D. Osteoblasts -> alveolar bone
19. Gingiva is of which origin?
A. Ectomesenchymal cells
B. Ectodermal origin
C. Mesoderm origin
D. Endoderm origin
20. What is not true about cementum?
A. Cementum is the part of periodon6um that abaches the teeth to the alveolar bone by anchoring the
periodontal ligament
B. Cementum is a sof, avascular and no innerva6on connec6ve 6ssue
C. The cementum is thickest at root apex area (50 – 200 μm or more) and thinnest at the cervix (10 – 50
D. Cementoblasts differen6ate from follicular ectomesenchyme cells
21. What is false about the two forms of cementum?
A. Base on structural and func6onal characteris6cs, cementum has two forms: Acellular cementum and
Cellular cementum
B. Cellular cementum has an adap6ve role in response to tooth wear (compensa6on by apical deposi6on)
C. Cellular cementum reproduces itself throughout life
D. Acellular cementum provides abachment for the alveolar bone
22. What is Sharpey’s fibers?
A. the collagen fibers from periodontal ligament that are par6ally inserted into the pulp as well as alveolar
bone on their other end
B. the collagen fibers from periodontal ligament that are par6ally inserted into the den6n as well as
alveolar bone on their other end
C. the collagen fibers from periodontal ligament that are par6ally inserted into the den6n as well as gingiva
on their other end
D. the collagen fibers from periodontal ligament that are par6ally inserted into the cementum as well as
alveolar bone on their other end
23. 3 paberns ff cementoenamel junc6on (CEJ):
A. Cementum overlap the enamel 60%; Cementum meet enamel end to end 30%; A gap between
cementum and enamel, leaving den6n exposed 10%
B. Cementum overlap the enamel 50%; Cementum meet enamel end to end 40%; A gap between
cementum and enamel, leaving den6n exposed 10%
C. Cementum overlap the enamel 40%; Cementum meet enamel end to end 40%; A gap between
cementum and enamel, leaving den6n exposed 20%
D. Cementum overlap the enamel 30%; Cementum meet enamel end to end 60%; A gap between
cementum and enamel, leaving den6n exposed 10%
24. The principal mineral (inorganic) component of cementum:

A. Tetracalcium phosphate Ca4(PO4)2O

B. Calcium phosphate Ca3(PO4)2
C. Calcium hydroxylapa6te Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2
D. Calcium alginate (C12H14CaO12)n
25. Which type of 6ssue of the periodontal ligament (PDL)?
A. Epithelial 6ssue
B. Muscle 6ssue
C. Connec6ve 6ssue
D. None
26. PDL situated between:
A. Cementum and alveolar bone proper
B. Gingiva and den6n
C. Pulp and alveolar bone proper
D. Cementum and pulp
27. PDL consists of how many groups? What are they? 2 goups: dentoalveolar group and gingival group
28. Which is not a component of groups of fiber bundles:
A. alveolar crest
B. apical
C. horizontal
D. tranversal
E. interradicular
29. What group of dentoalveolar fibers is the arrow poin6ng at? Oblique group

30.Gingival group of PDL comprises of:

A. dentogingival fibers, alveologingival fibers, transseptal fibers, circular fibers
B. dentoperiosteal fibers
C. A&B
D. None
31. Which group is this? Dentoperiosteal group
32. Strutural elements of PDL: (more than one op6on)
A. Fibroblast cell
B. collagen
C. elas6c fibers
D. ground subtance
E. undifferen6ated mesenchymal cell
F. remnants of Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath
33. These are the func6ons of PDL except:
A. abaches the tooth firmly to its bony socket (connect tooth to the jaws)
B. absorb the considerable forces of mas6ca6on (a natural shock absorber)
C. PDL serve as a endosteum to the alveolar bone proper and as pericementum to the cementum, the
gingival connec6ve 6ssues is also an extensive of the periodon6um
D. by sensory receptors within PDL, provide informa6on on pressure and posi6on
34. Absorb the considerable forces of mas6ca6on (a natural shock absorber) is … func6on of PDL
A. Sensory
B. Suppor6ve
C. Protec6ve
35. Alveolar process is the bony extension of the maxilla and mandible that supports the roots of the teeth
A. True
B. False
36. What is not true about the alveolar process?
A. Alveolar process is the bony extension of the maxilla and mandible that supports the roots of the teeth
B. Composed of the alveolar bone proper and the suppor6ng bone
C. Alveolar bone proper: a thick lamina of bone that lines the sockets and gives the means of abachment
for the periodontal ligament to the tooth, contain numerous of Sharpey’s fibers perfora6ons
D. Suppor6ng bone includes: the compact cor6cal plates, the cancellous bone situates between the cor6cal
plate and the alveolar bone proper
37. Border of alveolar process located
A. 1 -1.5 mm below cementoenamel junc6on
B. 1 -1.5 mm above cementoenamel junc6on
C. 2 -3 mm below cementoenamel junc6on
D. 2 -3 mm above cementoenamel junc6on
38. Alveolar process develops as a result of .?. elonga6on and .?. erup6on
A. gingiva, tooth root
B. gingiva, tooth
C. tooth root, tooth
D. tooth, tooth root
39. If the teeth are lost, the alveolar process disappears
A. True
B. False
40. Descrip6ons of gingiva: (more than one op6on)
A. oral mucosa
B. located around the necks of teeth
C. extending apically over the alveolar bone
D. ending at the mucogingival junc6on
41. The abached gingival mucosa:
A. a fold of 6ssue around the necks of teeth, separates the free gingiva and the abached gingiva
B. extends from free gingival groove to the mucogingival junc6on and is separated from the alveolar
mucosa by mucogingival junc6on
C. A&B
D. None

42. Which leber shows the mucogingival junc6on?

A. C
B. D
C. B
D. A

43. Gingival sulcus is:

A. the space between the abached gingiva and the tooth
B. average deep: 0.8 mm
C. A & B
D. None
44. Write the full name of these capital lebers
OE: oral epithelium
OSE: oral sulcular epithelium
JE: junc6onal epithelium
IBL: internal basal lamina
CT: connec6ve 6ssue
GC: gingival crest
GS: gingival sulcus
II. The Self-protecHve Features of the denHHon
45. Wrong statement about the phrase ‘form & func6on’:
A. The phrase “form and func6on” reflects a concept of interrela6ng the shape or abributes of something
with its func6on
B. In den6stry, this phrase may indicate the en6re mas6catory system, ac6ng as a physiomechanical
structure for its func6on
C. The term “form” not only means “shape” but also biomechanical abributes that contribute to
maintenance of func6on
D. For clinicians the general principle that becomes operant is form follows func6on
46. Soon afer the alignment of teeth in their respec6ve posi6ons, the contacts take place .?. and .?. except for
the .?. and the interdental embrasure is formed
A. Mesially, distally, last molars
B. Lingually, facially, last molars
C. Mesially, distally, last premolars
D. Lingually, facially, last premolars
47. Which statement below is true?
A. The areas of contact are small, these are mere points contact
B. The contact area decreases with age as a result of proximal abri6on
C. When the teeth are newly erupted some of teeth come close to having “point” contacts
D. The form and inclina6on of individual tooth in dental arches will result in a discon6nuity of den66on
48. All teeth are aligned in dental arches with varying degrees of inclina6on of their axial centers rela6ve to a
ver6cal line both in a .?. and .?. direc6on
Mesiodistal, faciolingual
49. Which class of teeth demonstrates greatest faciolingual inclina6on?
A. Mandibular incisors
B. Mandibular canines
C. Maxilary canines
D. Maxilary incisors

50. The apices of all upper molars are placed lingual to the crowns ! the inclina6on of the long axes of the
teeth are directed
A. upward-outward
B. downward-outward
C. upward-inward
D. downward-inward
51. Which class of tooth that the root apices are mesially directed and inclined to the lingual?
A. The canines and molars
B. The premolars and molars
C. The incisors and canines
D. The incisors
52. The .?. are aligned with the long axes nearly perpendicular to the occlusal plane
A. Incisors
B. Canines
C. Premolars
D. Molars

53. The apices of lower molars are placed buccal to the crowns ! the long axes of the lower molars are
resemble in which direc6on?
A. upward-inward
B. upward-outward
C. downward-inward
D. downward-outward
54. There is a slight mesial and a buccal inclina6on of the .?. and a mesial and a lingual inclina6on of the .?.
A. maxillary crowns, mandibular posterior crowns
B. maxillary crowns, mandibular anterior crowns
C. maxillary posterior crowns, mandibular crowns
D. maxillary anterior crowns, mandibular posterior crowns
55. All the following statements are true except:
A. The importance of direc6on of force resul6ng from a given occlusal load and its tolerance by the
abachment apparatus has been well established
B. Forces transmibed in an axial direc6on are best withstood, because axial stress has highest compression
poten6on and engages the maximum number of fibers, the physiologic tolerance of the axial stress is
greater than to stress directed in any other direc6on
C. The occlusal table is located over the root support. This permits force to be transmibed axially, where
they are best withstood and there is a minimum of compression of the periodontal ligament
D. When horizontal force is applied to the tooth a fulcrum is created about which the root rotates within
the alveolus causing an increased zone of crush (destruc6on) and a decreased zone of stretch

56. What is (are) true about the crown contours?

A. facial and lingual surfaces are too bulbous for the sof 6ssue: microbial plaque and food debris tend to
accumulate under the height contour
B. facial and lingual surfaces are too flat for the sof 6ssue: microbial and food debris become lodged in the
gingival sulcus
C. A&B
D. None
57. The axial line angle forms the transi6on between the flat or concave proximal surface and the convex facial

and lingual surface. The common errors in restora6ve den6stry are .?. the transi6onal line angles.
58. Name the number 1,2,3
1- contour of facial surface
2- transi6onal line angle

3- contour of distal surface

1 (

59. Which statement is true?

A. The mesial surfaces of the two lateral incisors are almost the same
B. The con6nuity is expressed as a gradual modifica6on in tooth form from anterior to posterior teeth

C. The height of contour of mesial surface of the tooth immediately distal is higher than that of the contour
of distal surface of the tooth immediately mesial The some

D. Correct and symmetry of interdental embrasures result in in a proper arch alignment which possesses a
definite&discon6nuity of tooth forms
60. Which statements describe the form and arrangement of the cusps?
A. Almost posterior teeth making contact at the same 6me in MIP
B. Permit the periodon6um of different teeth to be appropriately loaded in occlusal contact
C. Occlusal interferences during func6on do not occur

D. All of the above
E. B&C
61. Interdental embrasure spaces?
A. Rectangle-like
B. Pyramid-like
C. Square-like

D. Triangle-like
62. Which leber is Interproximal space?
A. B
B. C
C. A

63. What are the proper6es of the interdental and proximal embrasures?
1. contact areas should be located at proper loca6on
2. the proximal surfaces of adjacent teeth create a symmetrical canopy
3. contact of teeth should be sufficiently 6ght
4. adjacent marginal ridges should be the same height
5. adjacent cementoenamel junc6on (CEJ) should be of equal height
6. adjacent transi6onal line angles should be symmetrically posi6oned

A. 1, 2, 3, 6
B. 1, 3, 5, 6
C. 1,3,4,5,6
D. 1,2,3,4,6
E. 1,2,3,4,5,6
64. Contact areas are the greatest heights of contour on the proximal surfaces of crowns, where one tooth
touches an adjacent tooth.
A. True
B. False
65. From the facial aspect, contact areas are located in one of these places, except:
A. In the incisal (or occlusal) third
B. At the junc6on of the incisal (or occlusal) and middle thirds
C. In the middle third of root
D. In the middle third of crown
66. From the occlusal aspect: Contacts of posterior teeth are located slightly to the lingual aspect
A. True
B. False
67. The canopy has: A .?. that is created by the 6ght posi6oning of the contact areas of the teeth
A. Roof
B. Wall
C. Base
68. All of these are contact of teeth except
A. Contributes to the stability of the dental arch
B. Helps prevent food impac6on
C. Protects the interdental papillae of the gingiva by diver6ng food buccally and lingually
D. Lightens the color of teeth
69. Which statement is wrong?
A. Marginal ridges of adjacent posterior teeth should be the same height to prevent food impac6on
B. The base of interproximal embrasure is determined by the curvature of the CEJ
C. Food impac6on: impac6on of food because of open contact area, uneven marginal ridge height or
“plunger” cusps
D. The mirror image symmetry of adjacent proximal surfaces demands that CEJ of approxima6ng be located
at different level
70. All of the statement below is true about the dental arch except:
A. The curvatures of ECJ gradually diminish from the canines to the molars
B. All adjacent cementoenamel junc6ons tend to be at the same level
C. The mesial curvature of the CEJ of a given tooth is usually greater than its distal curvature
D. The mesial CEJ curvature of the tooth immediately distal is usually greater than the distal curvature of
the tooth immediately mesial

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