En VM Admin1
En VM Admin1
En VM Admin1
Admin Guide
This document is intended to serve as a reference
guide for system administrators when utilising
advanced VideoManager features.
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change without notice. MOTOROLA, MOTO, MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS and
the Stylized M Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Motorola
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© 2015 - 2021 Motorola Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Intended purpose This document is intended to serve as a reference guide for system
administrators when utilising advanced VideoManager features.
Document ID ED-012-221-11
Conventions This document uses the following conventions:
Convention Description
Text in code Examples of what code could look like when using the
custom predicate language.
Motorola Solutions 2
VideoManager - Admin Guide
1 Welcome to VideoManager 9
2 Initial Configuration 10
2.1 Download VideoManager 11
2.2 Re-Download VideoManager 13
3 Home 14
4 Videos 17
4.1 Search Videos 19
4.1.1 Change Viewing Options 22
4.2 Import Videos 24
4.3 Watch Videos 25
4.4 View and Edit Video Properties 27
4.5 Add Location Information to a Video 29
4.6 Perform Video Actions 30
4.7 Import Assets 33
4.8 View Assets 35
4.9 View and Edit Asset Properties 37
4.10 Perform Asset Actions 39
4.11 Share Videos and Assets 41
4.12 Prepare Media 43
4.13 Bulk Edit Videos and Assets 45
5 Incidents 47
5.1 Create Incidents Manually and Perform Incident Actions 49
5.2 Create Incidents Automatically 53
5.3 Create Incidents with Bulk Edit 55
5.4 Add Videos to an Existing Incident 57
5.5 Clip Footage in an Incident 58
5.6 Redact an Incident Clip 59
5.6.1 Create Foreground Redactions 61
5.6.2 Create Background Redactions 63
5.6.3 Create Audio Redactions 65
5.6.4 Create Text Annotations 67
5.6.5 Create Brightness Redactions 69
5.6.6 Create Zoom Redactions 71
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6 Devices 102
6.1 Connect Body-Worn Cameras to VideoManager 104
6.1.1 Configure and Connect a DockController to VideoManager 105
6.1.2 Connect Docks and Body-Worn Cameras to DockControllers 107
6.1.3 Connect VT-Series Cameras to VideoManager Remotely 108
6.2 Assign Body-Worn Cameras and Record Footage 110
6.2.1 Assign Body-Worn Cameras with Single Issue on VideoManager 112
6.2.2 Assign Body-Worn Cameras with Single Issue and RFID 114
6.2.3 Assign Body-Worn Cameras with Permanent Issue 116
6.2.4 Assign Body-Worn Cameras with Permanent Allocation 118
6.2.5 Bulk Touch Assign 120
6.3 Search Body-Worn Cameras 122
6.4 Pre-Assign a Body-Worn Camera 126
6.5 Edit Body-Worn Camera Properties 128
6.6 Perform Body-Worn Camera Actions 130
6.7 Bulk Edit Body-Worn Cameras 133
6.8 Perform DockController Actions 135
6.9 Bulk Edit DockControllers 137
7 Status 138
7.1 Manage Exports 140
7.2 Create Reports and Perform Report Actions 143
7.3 View Sites 147
7.4 View Connected Site Uploads 149
7.5 View Grids 151
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8 Tactical 158
9 Admin 160
9.1 People 162
9.1.1 Create, Edit, and Delete Users 165
9.1.2 Reassign a User 170
9.1.3 Unlock a User 171
9.1.4 Export and Import Users and Groups 172
9.1.5 View and Clear Device Affinities for a User 174
9.1.6 Create, Edit and Delete Groups 176
9.1.7 View a User or Group's Effective Permissions 180
9.1.8 Create, Edit, Copy, Import, Export and Delete Roles 182
9.1.9 Enable and Configure Two Factor Authentication 188
9.1.10 Enable and Configure Login by Email 192
9.1.11 Configure User Self Service 195
9.1.12 Configure the Built-in User Import Tool 201
9.2 Devices 202
9.2.1 Create, Edit, Reorder and Delete Device Profiles 204
9.2.2 Configure Device Settings 207
9.2.3 Configure Video metadata overlay settings 210
9.2.4 Create, Import, and Export Access Control Keys 213
9.2.5 Create, Import, Export, and Delete Device Certificate Authorities 216
9.3 Connectivity 219
9.3.1 Create WiFi Profiles and Perform WiFi Profile Actions 221
9.3.2 Create, Copy, Edit and Delete Bandwidth Rules 226
9.3.3 Configure Site Manager 229
9.3.4 Configure Email Properties 230
9.3.5 Configure Email Notifications 233
9.4 Policies 236
9.4.1 Configure Deletion Policies 240
9.4.2 Configure Incident Exports 244
9.4.3 Configure File Exports 253
9.4.4 Enable and Configure Automatic Incident Creation 255
9.4.5 Configure Password Complexity 257
9.4.6 Configure Report Settings 259
9.4.7 Edit Default User-defined Incident Fields 261
9.4.8 Edit Incident Clip Fields 263
9.4.9 Create New User-defined Incident Fields 264
9.4.10 Edit Default User-defined Media Fields 282
9.4.11 Create New User-defined Media Fields 283
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13 Appendices 412
13.1 Appendix A: Permissions 414
13.1.1 System Permissions 415
13.1.2 Video Permissions 417
13.1.3 Incident Permissions 422
13.1.4 Device Permissions 427
13.1.5 User Permissions 432
13.1.6 Notification Permissions 436
13.1.7 Report Permissions 437
13.1.8 Field Permissions 438
13.1.9 Advanced Permissions 439
13.2 Appendix B: Device Profiles 443
13.2.1 VB400 Device Profile 444
13.2.2 VB100/VB200/VB300 Device Profile 451
13.2.3 VT-Series Camera Device Profile 455
13.3 Appendix C: Types of Report 456
13.4 Appendix D: Keyboard Shortcuts 467
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14 Glossary 501
Motorola Solutions 8
VideoManager - Admin Guide 1 Welcome to VideoManager
1 Welcome to VideoManager
Thank you for choosing Motorola Solutions VideoManager as your aggregator of evidential-ready footage.
VideoManager is designed as an intuitive browser-based system, requiring minimal training.
Chapters are arranged by the corresponding tabs on VideoManager (Videos, Incidents, Devices, Status,
Tactical and Admin). From there, the sub-chapters are arranged by actions you can perform in each tab. The
exception for this is the Admin tab - this is broken down into the panes and sections of the Admin UI.
If you cannot see aspects of the User Interface (UI) or perform certain actions, it is probably because you do
not have sufficient permissions to do so. If this is the case, please contact Motorola Solutions support or speak
to your system administrator for further instructions.
Motorola Solutions 9
VideoManager - Admin Guide 2 Initial Configuration
2 Initial Configuration
This document assumes that VideoManager installation media has been provided as part of the purchase.
The steps for downloading differ, depending on whether VideoManager is being downloaded for the first time,
or being re-downloaded (i.e. to obtain a newer version of the software).
l Re-download VideoManager.
Motorola Solutions 10
VideoManager - Admin Guide 2 Initial Configuration
1. Ensure that Software Assurance has been obtained from Motorola Solutions.
Please contact edesixsales@motorolasolutions.com to obtain Software Assurance.
5. The administrator will be given the option to change where VideoManager is installed on
their PC - once the destination has been chosen, click Install.
VideoManager will be downloaded.
6. Click Finish.
7. Multiple installers will open. Click through every one by clicking Next and Finish.
11. Choose where users, groups, and incidents will be stored. The options are as follows:
l Server name - this must be the name of the administrator's SQL Server.
To find this information, open the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. The log in
pane will display the SQL Server name in the Server name field.
Motorola Solutions 11
VideoManager - Admin Guide 2 Initial Configuration
USE master;
COLLATE Latin1_General_100_CS_AS;
For more information, please contact Technical Support and ask for the
technical paper VideoManager and SQL Server Explained [ED-009-032].
12. The administrator will be prompted to create a VideoManager user. Enter a username
and password, and re-enter the password to confirm.
14. The administrator will be prompted to configure where their footage is sent initially:
l If Encrypt Footage is set to On, all footage will automatically be encrypted when
sent between body-worn cameras and VideoManager.
l In the Storage Location field, enter the path to which all footage will be sent.
This can be changed later.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit and Delete File Spaces on page 344
16. The administrator will automatically be logged in to VideoManager and can start using
the system.
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VideoManager - Admin Guide 2 Initial Configuration
1. Ensure that Software Assurance has been obtained from Motorola Solutions.
Please contact edesixsales@motorolasolutions.com to obtain Software Assurance.
4. The administrator will be asked to uninstall the old version of VideoManager. This will
not delete the administrator's database, as long as the administrator is upgrading to a
newer version. Click Yes, then Uninstall.
6. The administrator will be given the option to change where VideoManager is installed on
their PC - once the destination has been chosen, click Install.
VideoManager will be re-installed.
7. Click Finish.
8. Multiple installers will open. Click through every one by clicking Next and Finish.
It may take a few moments for VideoManager to load after being updated - the
administrator should refresh their browser if VideoManager does not open the first time.
Motorola Solutions 13
VideoManager - Admin Guide 3 Home
3 Home
When the user logs in, the first tab they will see is their Home tab. This provides a summary of the
information and footage available to the user on VideoManager.
l Videos scheduled to be deleted within {0} days - this pane lists all videos owned by
the logged-in user which are scheduled to be deleted within a certain time frame, as dic-
tated by the deletion policy.
This is only visible if the logged-in user is in a role which has the View videos scheduled to be
deleted on dashboard permission enabled.
>> For more information, see Configure Deletion Policies on page 240
l Recent videos - this pane gives details about the videos most recently downloaded
from a body-worn camera. The user can navigate to a chosen video for more details and
editing functions.
l Recently edited incidents - this pane gives details about the most recently created
and edited incidents. Users can navigate to a chosen incident for more details and edit-
ing functions.
l Devices - this pane shows which body-worn cameras have been assigned to the
current user. Users can also create a QR code configuration for VT-series cameras, by
clicking Generate device config code.
>> For more information, see Connect VT-Series Cameras to VideoManager Remotely on
page 108
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l User-specific WiFi networks - this pane shows any user-specific WiFi networks
belonging to the user. They can also add a new user-specific WiFi network, by clicking
Add network.
l {0} media shared with you - media has been shared with the logged-in user
or the logged-in user's group.
If the user clicks View, VideoManager will display the media which has been shared.
l {0} media now owned by you - a video/asset's Owner: field has been
changed to the logged-in user or logged-in user's group.
If the user clicks View, VideoManager will display the media which the user now owns.
l {0} incidents shared with you - incidents have been shared with the
logged-in user or the logged-in user's group.
If the user clicks View, VideoManager will display the incident which has been shared.
l {0} incidents now owned by you - incidents' Owner: fields have been
changed to the logged-in user or logged-in user's group.
If the user clicks View, VideoManager will display the incident which the user now owns.
The number of notifications corresponds to the number of videos which have been
downloaded, not the number of recordings. For example, if the body-worn camera
captured one hour-long recording, but the body-worn camera's device profile was
configured to split recordings up into 15-minute chunks, VideoManager would
display 4 notifications - one for each video.
If the user clicks View, VideoManager will display the media which has just been added.
l You have exports ready for download - the logged-in user's exports have
finished processing and can be downloaded to the PC.
If the user clicks View, VideoManager will display all export jobs. The most recent export
jobs will be presented at the top of the list.
l {0} imports are ready - the logged-in user's import jobs have finished pro-
If the user clicks View, VideoManager will display the import jobs. The user can then click
View assets, and VideoManager will display the imported asset itself.
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VideoManager - Admin Guide 3 Home
l - if there are system warnings (e.g. if a licence is expiring within a week), they
will be presented here. These notifications cannot be cleared.
If the user clicks View, VideoManager will display the warnings.
If VideoManager has multiple licences, information for the licence which will expire
first is displayed here.
l - the last time the user logged in. This notification cannot be cleared.
l Messages - this pane displays system messages set by either the user or an admin-
Users can set messages from the Messages section of the User Interface pane, in the Admin
>> For more information, see Create, Edit and Delete Messages on page 317
When the number of notifications reaches 99, users will not see any more notifications until they clear some
existing ones.
Motorola Solutions 16
VideoManager - Admin Guide 4 Videos
4 Videos
The Videos tab provides access to all videos available to a user in VideoManager and related functions which
they can perform on videos.
If users have sufficient permissions, they can:
l Search for videos, filter them by a number of criteria, and perform advanced searches.
l Watch videos which have been recorded on body-worn cameras or imported into
l Edit video properties (e.g. who owns the video, which body-worn camera recorded the
>> For more information, see View and Edit Video Properties on page 27
l Add location information to a video which was recorded without any (e.g. because GPS
was disabled, or because the body-worn camera did not have GPS functionality).
>> For more information, see Add Location Information to a Video on page 29
l If Asset Import has been licensed, users can import assets into VideoManager.
This includes videos which have not been recorded on a Motorola Solutions body-worn camera,
and other media including PDFs, JPEGs, and audio files.
Motorola Solutions 17
VideoManager - Admin Guide 4 Videos
l Edit asset properties (e.g. who owns the asset, which body-worn camera is associated
with the asset).
>> For more information, see View and Edit Asset Properties on page 37
l Perform asset actions (e.g. rotate an asset, view an asset's audit log, etc.).
>> For more information, see Share Videos and Assets on page 41
l If Media Preparations has been licensed, users can redact still images like they would
redact videos in an incident.
l Bulk edit videos and any assets which have been imported.
>> For more information, see Bulk Edit Videos and Assets on page 45
Videos which have been downloaded from a body-worn camera assigned to the logged-in user are shown
under the My Videos pane. Videos which have been shared with a user by another user are shown under the
Shared Videos pane.
If a user supervises other users, the supervised users' videos are shown under the Supervised Videos pane.
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VideoManager - Admin Guide 4 Videos
l Location - search for videos which were recorded in a specific place. This can be
done by clicking Set Location. Users can then choose the relevant location on a
map, and set a radius to search (minimum radius = 75ft, maximum radius = 6.25
l Earliest date and Latest date - search for videos recorded between set earliest
and latest dates. Users can also choose a specific time of day (in 24 hour format).
l Device - search for videos from a specified body-worn camera (or other source, if
the user has enabled Asset Import). This should be done by serial number.
l Origin - this will filter videos by the location to which they were downloaded. This
could be a DockController, a mobile phone, or the PC on which VideoManager is
To find videos which have been downloaded directly to the user's PC, enter local
into the search box.
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VideoManager - Admin Guide 4 Videos
l Match text - search for videos whose user-defined media fields match the text
entered here.
For example, a drop down field might have two options: yes and no. If the user enters yes into
the Match text field, all videos whose drop down field has been set to yes will be returned.
>> For more information, see Create New User-defined Media Fields on page 283
l Advanced filter - users with knowledge of using sequence conditions can input
more advanced search queries here.
>> For more information, see Appendix E: Custom Predicate Language on page 469
l Include incident videos - select whether to include videos which are part of one
or more incidents.
l Include non-incident videos - select whether to include videos which are not
part of one or more incidents.
l Only bookmarked videos - select whether only bookmarked videos are shown.
This will only return videos which had bookmarks added to them in the field by the body-worn
camera they were recorded on. It will not return videos which had bookmarks added to them in
an incident on VideoManager.
l Only videos that have location data - select whether only videos with location
data are shown.
This includes both videos with location data recorded alongside them and videos whose
location data was added in VideoManager after recording.
>> For more information, see Add Location Information to a Video on page 29
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l Only videos that have been shared - select whether only videos that have
been shared with other users on the system are shown.
l Only videos that will be deleted within (0) days - filter videos based on when
they are scheduled to be deleted automatically, based on VideoManager's dele-
tion policy.
If the deletion policy has not been configured, this filter will not do anything.
>> For more information, see Configure Deletion Policies on page 240
These conditions have a cumulative effect (e.g. if both Only bookmarked videos
and Only videos that have location data are checked, then only videos which
are both bookmarked and have location data will be shown).
3. Click Find videos to display all videos which match the previously-set criteria.
Users are only able to search for videos if they have the corresponding permissions (Access,
under the Video permissions pane).
1. Click the Filter heading. This will re-open the search parameters.
Motorola Solutions 21
VideoManager - Admin Guide 4 Videos
>> For more information, see Configure the Video List on page 316
Users can change how videos are presented either before or after searching for specific videos. To do so:
3. Select the relevant format from the top right-hand View options menu. Depending on
the user's permissions, the options are as follows:
l Large - this displays the first frame of each video, and allows video playback.
Basic information about the video is displayed, with a list of the video actions
available for this video.
l Gallery - this displays each video in a grid. Each image in the grid is a still
frame from one minute of the video. Click an image to jump to that point in the
video. No other information is displayed, and the only action that can be
performed is to delete the video.
l Status - whether the video has been uploaded from a site, and whether
the video has been bookmarked (by a VB400 in the field).
Motorola Solutions 22
VideoManager - Admin Guide 4 Videos
l Source - which body-worn camera recorded the video, and its serial
If the video has been imported, the Source will be shown as Import.
l - how many incidents include the video in question. Clicking this will
either open the relevant incident (if the video only belongs to one) or
present the list of incidents (if the video belongs to more than one).
Users can change how videos are ordered. This will make it easier to find videos that were either recorded or
downloaded more recently. To change how videos are ordered:
3. Click the relevant filter from the top right-hand dropdown menu.
l Recording date - this will present videos from most recently recorded to least
recently recorded.
l Recording date (least recent) - this will present videos from least recently
recorded to most recently recorded.
l Date added - this will present videos from most recently downloaded to least
recently downloaded.
Motorola Solutions 23
VideoManager - Admin Guide 4 Videos
To import a video:
4. In the Device field, enter the serial number of the body-worn camera which will be asso-
ciated with this video. This must be a body-worn camera which is associated with
Alternatively, the user can enter the origin of the video instead. This could be another database, or
a website name (if relevant).
5. In the Operator field, enter the name of the operator which will be associated with this
If the user does not enter the name of a previously-created user on VideoManager, the
video cannot be imported.
The Recording duration, Recording ended, and Upload name fields cannot be edited.
Motorola Solutions 24
VideoManager - Admin Guide 4 Videos
There are some optional steps that administrators can complete before users watch videos. They are as
>> For more information, see Configure the Playback Policy on page 305
l Configure the default quality of videos which are played back on VideoManager. The
default video quality setting is Low.
2. Find the relevant video, and click More Details next to it.
Users can find the relevant video by navigating to the My Videos, Shared Videos, or Supervised
Videos panes. They can also search for the relevant video from the Search Videos pane.
Once Play video has been clicked, the bottom menu bar will appear. Users can perform the following
actions from this bottom menu bar:
l To put the video in Theatre mode (which will fill the entire active window), click
Theatre. Click the button again to revert the video to its normal size.
l To put the video in Fullscreen mode (which will fill the entire screen), click
Fullscreen. Click the button again to revert the video to its normal size.
Motorola Solutions 25
VideoManager - Admin Guide 4 Videos
l Step Backward - steps backwards through the video one frame at a time.
l Step Forward - steps forwards through the video one frame at a time.
l Playback Speed - plays the video at different speeds (either 1/4x, 1/2x,
Normal, or 2x).
l To open the Playback Controls menu, click Settings. From here, users can
perform the following actions:
l Keyboard Shortcuts - lists certain keyboard shortcuts that users can take.
>> For more information, see Configure Video metadata overlay settings on
page 210
l Video Quality - changes the quality of the video in playback. This option is
only available to users with the correct permissions. It is recommended that the
Highest setting is only used if there is a good data transfer connection.
Once a user has finished watching a video, they can return to the Search Videos pane by clicking
Motorola Solutions 26
VideoManager - Admin Guide 4 Videos
2. Find the relevant video, and click More details next to it.
Users can find the relevant video by navigating to the My Videos, Shared Videos, or Supervised
Videos panes. They can also search for the relevant video from the Search Videos pane.
l Recording ID - if the video is part of a longer recording, this is the unique URN
assigned to that recording.
l Time added: - the time and date of when the video was downloaded to
VideoManager (either from a body-worn camera, or an external source).
Motorola Solutions 27
VideoManager - Admin Guide 4 Videos
l Scheduled deletion: - if the deletion policy has been configured, this field shows
when the video will be deleted by VideoManager automatically.
This could be based on a number of factors, including how many days have elapsed since the
video was recorded on a body-worn camera or downloaded from a body-worn camera to
>> For more information, see Configure Deletion Policies on page 240
l Signature - if file signing has been enabled, VideoManager will verify all videos
which were recorded on a VB400 against the VB400's certificate.
If the field reads as Success, VideoManager has successfully verified that the video has been
recorded on a trusted body-worn camera and has not been tampered with.
If the field reads as Untrusted Certificate, this could be because VideoManager does not
recognise the certificate of the body-worn camera which recorded the video.
If the field is not present at all, this could be because the video was downloaded from a non-
VB400 source (e.g. it was imported, or recorded on a VT100) or was downloaded to an older
version of VideoManager.
Users can edit some of a video's properties. To do so, click Edit properties. Users can edit the following
To change the owner of a video, administrators must instead change the sharing settings
for it.
>> For more information, see Share Videos and Assets on page 41
l Start time - when the video was initially added to VideoManager. This either means
when the body-worn camera which filmed the video was redocked, or when the video
was uploaded from the user's PC.
This does not change when the video was actually recorded.
>> For more information, see Create New User-defined Media Fields on page 283
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1. Ensure that location information has been enabled on VideoManager. This is done from
the Maps section of the User Interface pane, in the Admin tab.
>> For more information, see Enable and Configure Maps on page 327
3. Find the relevant video, and click More Details next to it.
Users can find the relevant video by navigating to the My Videos, Shared Videos, or Supervised
Videos panes. They can also search for the relevant video from the Search Videos pane.
5. Click and drag the map to position the marker at the desired location.
If the user has chosen a lookup provider from the Maps section, in the Admin tab, they
can also manually search for a location.
Motorola Solutions 29
VideoManager - Admin Guide 4 Videos
From the More Details pane, sufficiently privileged users can perform a range of actions.
2. Find the relevant video, and click More Details next to it.
Users can find the relevant video by navigating to the My Videos, Shared Videos, or Supervised
Videos panes. They can also search for the relevant video from the Search Videos pane.
>> For more information, see Create Incidents Manually and Perform Incident Actions on
page 49
l To verify a video, which indicates whether it has been tampered with since being
uploaded from a user's body-worn camera, click Verify file integrity.
If successful, a green icon will appear in the Verification: section of the Properties pane.
l signature.jws - the raw signature file retrieved from the body-worn camera.
Motorola Solutions 30
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l signed-payload.txt - the manifest from the report. This is a JSON structure with
the body-worn camera DID, filename, file size, and SHA256.
l trust-root.pem - the PEM-encoded trust root from the signature certificate chain.
l To download the video file to the user's PC, which is the only way to share a video with
workers who are not on VideoManager, click Download original file.
The video will be saved to the PC's default download location.
l To view the video's audit log, which reflects all actions taken on the video since it has
been added to VideoManager, click View Video Audit Log, and filter the audit log
using the following fields:
l Source - this will return actions performed on the video by the specified source
(e.g. a body-worn camera on VideoManager).
l Event type - this will return specific actions performed on the video.
If the user starts entering an event, VideoManager will suggest various event options (e.g.
l User - this will return actions performed on the video by the specified user.
If the user starts entering a username, VideoManager will suggest various usernames to match
l Message - this will return specific actions performed on the video, whose details
match the keywords entered here.
For example, the FOOTAGE_PLAY event comes with the message View Video File.
l Signature - the user should enter the signature of an incident. This will return
actions performed on the video in relation to this incident.
For example, when the video was added to the specified incident.
l Location - this will return actions performed on the video from a specific Dock-
Controller or EdgeController.
l Client - this will return actions performed on the video from a specific IP address.
l Server - this will return actions performed on the video from a specific server host-
ing VideoManager.
Motorola Solutions 31
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l From the Date range dropdown, users can select the date range for these
l To delete the video, which will remove it from the Videos tab and VideoManager, click
Delete video.
For a short while a deleted video can still be "undeleted", depending on how VideoManager's
deletion policy has been configured, using the Include deleted videos option when searching
from the Search Videos pane.
l To flip the video, click Rotate and select whether the video will be flipped to the left,
to the right, or horizontally.
Apart from audit logs, it is possible to perform these actions from the Search Videos page as well.
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VideoManager - Admin Guide 4 Videos
Before an administrator imports assets for the first time, there are some optional steps they can complete first:
l Create an import profile. This dictates whether an asset's user-defined media fields will
be automatically populated as it is imported.
>> For more information, see Configure Import Profiles on page 300
l Enable and configure VideoManager's antivirus policy. This ensures that all assets are
scanned for viruses before they are imported.
>> For more information, see Enable and Configure the Antivirus Policy on page 302
To import an asset:
4. Users can now import an asset by either dragging and dropping the file into VideoMan-
ager, or by clicking Choose Files to select a file on their PC.
Repeat this step for as many assets as necessary.
Motorola Solutions 33
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Users can view the status of the import from the Imports pane.
>> For more information, see View Import Jobs on page 156
Once an asset has been successfully imported, users can view it from the Videos tab like videos recorded on
body-worn cameras.
Motorola Solutions 34
VideoManager - Admin Guide 4 Videos
2. Find the relevant asset, and click More Details next to it.
Users can find the relevant asset by navigating to the My Videos, Shared Videos, or Supervised
Videos panes. They can also search for the relevant asset from the Search Videos pane.
l View image - the PDF will open in a new tab, and can be viewed and downloaded
like normal.
l Download file - the PDF will be downloaded to the PC's default download location.
If the user has imported an audio file, the actions they can take are as follows:
l Play video - the audio file will play. Users can skip, pause, and step through the file
like a normal video.
l Settings - this is similar to the Settings control for videos, but only has options for
Keyboard Shortcuts, Metadata Overlay, and Audio Quality.
If the user has imported a still image, the actions they can take are as follows:
l View image - the bottom menu bar will open, and users can perform image-specific
actions on the asset. These are:
l Show/Hide zoom panel - changes whether the zoom panel is visible or not.
If it is set to Visible, the white slider can be used to zoom in and out on a specific
area of the still image. The panel can be moved to focus on different parts of the
Motorola Solutions 35
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l Preparations - switches between the original still image and the prepared
l Settings - this is similar to the Settings control for videos, but only has
options for Keyboard Shortcuts and Take Screenshot.
The Theatre and Fullscreen controls function as normal.
If the user has imported a file whose file type is different from those mentioned above, they can click
Download file to download the file to the PC's default download location.
Motorola Solutions 36
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2. Find the relevant asset, and click More details next to it.
l Time added: - the time and date of when the asset was uploaded to VideoMan-
l Scheduled deletion: - if the deletion policy has been configured, this field shows
when the asset will be deleted by VideoManager automatically.
This could be based on a number of factors, including how many days have elapsed since the
assets were downloaded to the PC or uploaded to VideoManager.
>> For more information, see Configure Deletion Policies on page 240
Users can edit some of an asset's properties. To do so, click Edit properties. Users can edit the following
Motorola Solutions 37
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l Device name - which body-worn camera or source is associated with the asset.
This does not need to be a body-worn camera associated with VideoManager - users could enter
the name of the website from which the asset was downloaded or retrieved, or the PC from which it
was uploaded.
>> For more information, see Create New User-defined Media Fields on page 283
Motorola Solutions 38
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From the More Details pane, sufficiently privileged users can perform a range of actions.
2. Find the relevant asset, and click More Details next to it.
Users can find the relevant asset by navigating to the My Videos, Shared Videos, or Supervised
Videos panes. They can also search for the relevant asset from the Search Videos pane.
>> For more information, see Create Incidents Manually and Perform Incident Actions on
page 49
l To verify an asset, which indicates whether it has been tampered with since being
uploaded to VideoManager, click Verify file integrity.
If successful, a green icon will appear in the Verification: section of the Properties pane.
l To download the asset file to the user's PC, which is the only way to share an asset with
workers who are not on VideoManager, click Download original file.
The asset will be saved to the PC's default download location.
l To view the asset's audit log, which reflects all actions taken on the asset since it has
been added to VideoManager, click View Video Audit Log, and filter the audit log
using the following fields:
l Source - this will return actions performed on the asset by the specified source
(e.g. a body-worn camera on VideoManager).
Motorola Solutions 39
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l Event type - this will return specific actions performed on the asset.
If the user starts entering an event, VideoManager will suggest various event options (e.g.
l User - this will return actions performed on the asset by the specified user.
If the user starts entering a username, VideoManager will suggest various usernames to match
l Message - this will return specific actions performed on the asset, whose details
match the keywords entered here.
For example, the FOOTAGE_PLAY event comes with the message View Video File.
l Signature - the user should enter the signature of an incident. This will return
actions performed on the asset in relation to this incident.
For example, when the asset was added to the specified incident.
l Location - this will return actions performed on the asset from a specific Dock-
Controller or EdgeController.
l Client - this will return actions performed on the asset from a specific IP address.
l Server - this will return actions performed on the asset from a specific server host-
ing VideoManager.
l From the Date range dropdown, users can select the date range for these
l To delete the asset, which will remove it from the Videos tab and VideoManager, click
Delete video.
For a short while a deleted asset can still be "undeleted", depending on how VideoManager's
deletion policy has been configured, using the Include deleted videos option when searching
from the Search Videos pane.
l To flip the asset, click Rotate and select whether the asset will be flipped to the left,
to the right, or horizontally.
This is not possible for all assets (e.g. PDFs).
Apart from audit logs, it is possible to perform these actions from the Search Videos page as well.
Motorola Solutions 40
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>> For more information, see Share Incidents Externally Using a Link on page 91
2. Find the relevant video/asset, and click More Details next to it.
Users can find the relevant video/asset by navigating to the My Videos, Shared Videos, or
Supervised Videos panes. They can also search for the relevant video/asset from the
Search Videos pane.
4. In the Owner: field, administrators can change the owner of the video/asset.
Motorola Solutions 41
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This can be a user or an entire group. If the owner of the video/asset is a group, all users in that
group will be able to process the video as if it were their own (i.e. adding it to incidents, redacting
If administrators want to change the operator who recorded the video/imported the
asset, they must do so from the Properties pane instead.
5. If Restricted: is set to Yes, only users with the List restricted videos permission will
be able to search for the video/asset. Only users with the Play restricted videos per-
mission will be able to watch the video/asset.
6. In the Shared: field of the Sharing panel, enter the name of the user, with whom this
video/asset will be shared. Click next to this field to add this user to the list.
If is not clicked, the user will not be added.
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To prepare media:
2. Find the relevant asset, and click More Details next to it.
Users can find the relevant asset by navigating to the My Videos, Shared Videos, or Supervised
Videos panes. They can also search for the relevant asset from the Search Videos pane.
4. The user can now prepare assets in the same way they would redact a video.
If the prepared asset is added to an incident, it will retain the redactions added here - users can
add new redactions in the same manner that they would add redactions to a video. However, if the
asset is later redacted from this page again, the asset that was added to incidents beforehand will
not be updated accordingly. The asset must be deleted and re-added to the incident for new
changes to appear.
There are some image-exclusive actions that users can take when preparing media. These are:
l Crop the image to size - draw the square around the subject of the image - any-
thing in the blue section will not be featured in the finished media.
The cropped version of the image will not be shown until the user is finished with their
preparation and clicks confirm.
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l Adjust the image - if the user clicks this, a set of sliders will appear in the right-hand
menu. These sliders control Contrast, Brightness, Saturation, and Gamma.
Users can click Restore Defaults to restore the default settings for each slider.
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Once the user has selected videos for bulk editing, the following options are available:
l Rotate - this presents a dropdown which gives users the ability to rotate multiple
videos clockwise, anti-clockwise, 180 degrees, or horizontally.
l Create incident - this gives users the ability to create an incident with all the selec-
ted videos/assets included.
l Edit properties - this gives users the ability to edit the fields for all videos/assets
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In addition to the default fields (Operator name and Device name), users can also edit any user-
defined media fields which have been created.
If fields are bulk edited, any configuration they had previously will be overwritten.
l Edit sharing - this gives users the ability to share multiple videos/assets with other
users simulatenously.
l In the Owner: field, administrators can change the owner of the videos/assets.
This can be a user or an entire group. If the owner of the videos/assets is a group, all users in
that group will be able to process the videos/assets as if the videos/assets were their own (i.e.
adding them to incidents, redacting them).
l If Restricted: is set to Yes, only users with the List restricted videos per-
mission will be able to search for the videos/assets. Only users with the Play
restricted videos permission will be able to watch the videos/assets.
l In the Shared: field of the Sharing panel, enter the name of the user, with whom
these videos/assets will be shared.
Click next to this field to add this user to the list - if the user does not click , the other
user will not be added.
l Delete - this gives users the ability to delete all of the selected videos sim-
ultaneously. The user will be asked to confirm their choice.
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5 Incidents
The Incidents tab provides access to all incidents available to VideoManager and related functions which
users can perform on incidents. Users can:
>> For more information, see Create Incidents Manually and Perform Incident Actions on
page 49
>> For more information, see Create Incidents with Bulk Edit on page 55
>> For more information, see Add Videos to an Existing Incident on page 57
Motorola Solutions 47
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>> For more information, see Create, Edit and Delete Bookmarks on page 86
l If Nested Incidents has been licensed, users can edit and delete incident collections.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit and Delete Incident Collections on page 100
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There are some optional steps that administrators can complete before creating an incident for the first time.
They are as follows:
>> For more information, see Create New User-defined Incident Fields on page 264
l Import videos into VideoManager, either from a body-worn camera or using the Import
l Import assets (non-video media, such as PDFs) into VideoManager, using the Asset
Import licence.
l Configure whether incident clips are presented as versions of the original recording
when they are redacted and edited in an incident, or as unique videos in their own right.
>> For more information, see Configure Incident Settings on page 330
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2. Find the relevant video, and click Create new incident next to it.
Users can find the relevant video by navigating to the My Videos, Shared Videos, or Supervised
Videos panes. They can also search for the relevant video from the Search Videos pane.
3. If the video is part of a longer recording because the body-worn camera which recorded
it has been configured to split long recordings up into individual videos (through its
device profile), the entire recording can be added to this incident as well. To do so, set
Add whole recording to incident? to On.
4. If the operator who recorded this video also recorded other videos at the same time (e.g.
because multiple body-worn cameras were assigned to one operator), those videos can
be added to this incident as well. To do so, set Add other footage from same
operator? to On.
>> For more information, see Add Videos to an Existing Incident on page 57
From here, the process for filling in an incident's fields are identical, regardless of how the incident was
l The Creation Time field cannot be edited. It shows when the incident was first
l The Update Time field cannot be edited. It shows when the incident was last
l In the Incident time field, enter a time for the incident. This could be when the
videos were recorded, or when a specific event took place.
l The Clip Count field cannot be edited. It shows how many videos are in the
incident, and is automatically updated when a video is added or removed.
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l The Owner field cannot be edited. It shows the username of whoever is creating
the incident.
>> For more information, see Create New User-defined Incident Fields on page 264
4. If necessary, clip the videos which have been added to the incident. This enables users
to focus on the relevant sections of video.
5. If necessary, redact the videos which have been added to the incident. This enables
users to obscure sections of the video, in line with privacy regulations.
l Edit an incident.
To do so, click Edit incident, and make the relevant changes. Click Save incident to save the
Here, users can add incident attachments from their PC, but they cannot add videos
from VideoManager. This is done from the Videos tab.
>> For more information, see Add Videos to an Existing Incident on page 57
l Duplicate an incident. This will copy the incident's clips (and any redactions applied to
them), Title, Time, Reference, and Notes. However, the incident's Signature and
creation time will be different. Furthermore, the Owner for the duplicated incident will be
whoever duplicated the incident, not who created the original incident.
To do so, click Duplicate incident, and make any necessary changes to the copy of the
incident. Click Create incident.
l Delete an incident. This will not delete any of the videos or assets within the incident
To do so, click Delete incident, and confirm the deletion by clicking Delete Incident.
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For a short while, an incident can still be "undeleted", using the Show recently deleted
incidents option when searching from the Search Incidents pane.
l Export an incident. This will create a copy of the incident which can then be shared with
workers who are not on VideoManager.
To do so, click Export incident, and click Create Export.
>> For more information, see Share Incidents Externally Using an Export on page 93
l Create an audit log for the incident. This will show a list of all actions which were
performed on an incident, and which users performed them.
To do so, click View incident audit log, filter the audit log as necessary, and click Filter audit
Motorola Solutions 52
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If automatic incident creation should be enabled, an administrator must complete the following steps first:
>> For more information, see Create New User-defined Media Fields on page 283
>> For more information, see Enable and Configure Automatic Incident Creation on
page 255
Once the configuration has been completed, users can create incidents from videos/assets. To do so:
2. Find the video/asset in question, and click More details next to it.
Users can find the relevant video/asset by navigating to the My Videos, Shared Videos, or
Supervised Videos panes. They can also search for the relevant video/asset from the
Search Videos pane.
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4. Edit the user-defined media field, as configured from the Auto Incident Creation sec-
6. Click confirm.
To check that the incident has been created correctly, navigate to the Incidents tab. The incident should
appear in the Search Incidents pane.
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There are some optional steps that administrators can complete before creating an incident with bulk edit. They
are as follows:
>> For more information, see Create New User-defined Incident Fields on page 264
l Import videos into VideoManager, either from a body-worn camera or using the Import
l Import assets (non-video media, like PDFs) into VideoManager, using the Asset Import
4. Optionally select List from the View options menu in the top right-hand corner.
This will display more videos per page than the Large or Gallery view, making it easier to select
multiple videos simultaneously.
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6. Click next to the relevant videos, or click Toggle selection of ALL rows. to
select all videos.
l To arrange the incident clips by recording time (earliest first, latest last), click
Sort by time.
l To arrange the incident clips in a custom order, click and drag the incident
clip to the desired position.
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4. Next to the video which should be added to the incident, click Add video to exist-
ing incident.
7. If the incident contains multiple incident clips, users can now rearrange them in the fol-
lowing manners:
l To arrange the incident clips by recording time (earliest first, latest last), click
Sort by time.
l To arrange the incident clips in a custom order, click and drag the incident
clip to the desired position.
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To clip footage:
2. Find the relevant incident, and click Edit incident next to it.
Users can find the relevant incident by navigating to the My Incidents, Shared Incidents, or
Supervised Incidents panes. They can also search for the relevant incident from the Search
Incidents pane.
4. To shorten the video roughly, select the start and end time of the clip by dragging the
toggles in the top video progress bar.
5. For a more precise clipping, drag the toggle in the bottom video progress bar to the rel-
evant point and click Set Start of Clip in the bottom right-hand corner. This will shorten
the video to the point specified. Do the same for the end of the clip, using Set End of
6. Click confirm.
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2. Find the relevant incident, and click Edit incident next to it.
Users can find the relevant incident by navigating to the My Incidents, Shared Incidents, or
Supervised Incidents panes. They can also search for the relevant incident from the Search
Incidents pane.
l Foreground redactions.
l Background redactions.
l Audio redactions.
l Text redactions.
Motorola Solutions 59
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l Brightness redactions.
l Zoom redactions.
l Captions.
>> For more information, see Add Captions to an Incident Clip on page 74
>> For more information, see Access the Redaction Advanced Dropdown on page 76
Once a redaction has been created, the following actions can be performed on it:
l Edit a redaction.
To do so, click Edit incident. In the Incident clips section, click Redact parts of this
clip. Step forwards through the video to the point that the redaction starts, and select the redaction
by clicking it. Make the necessary changes, click confirm, then Save incident.
l Delete a redaction.
To do so, click Edit incident. In the Incident clips section, click Redact parts of this
clip. Step forwards through the video to the point that the redaction starts, and select the redaction
by clicking it. In the right-hand menu bar, click Delete. Click confirm, then Save incident.
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2. Find the relevant incident, and click Edit incident next to it.
Users can find the relevant incident by navigating to the My Incidents, Shared Incidents, or
Supervised Incidents panes. They can also search for the relevant incident from the Search
Incidents pane.
4. Step forwards through the video to the point that the redaction should start.
6. Draw a shape around the area to be redacted. This shape will be saved immediately.
The user can drag out the corners of the shape to fit the area which must be redacted.
A right-hand menu will appear.
7. If relevant, users can change the shape of the redaction from the Shape pane.
8. If relevant, check the box in the Redaction pane, and select the type of redaction
that will fill the highlighted area.
Users have a choice of Blur, Pixelate, and Solid.
9. If relevant, check the box in the Brightness pane and adjust the brightness of the
redaction using the slider.
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l If the subject of the video is moving, step through the video frame-by-frame and
reposition the shape manually to ensure that it is focused on the subject at all
times, using Step Backward / Step Forward. When the user reaches
the part of the video where the redaction should end, click End.
Users do not need to redraw the annotation, just re-position it.
l If the subject of the video is static, skip to the part of the video where the redaction
should end, and click End.
Motorola Solutions 62
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2. Find the relevant incident, and click Edit incident next to it.
Users can find the relevant incident by navigating to the My Incidents, Shared Incidents, or
Supervised Incidents panes. They can also search for the relevant incident from the Search
Incidents pane.
4. Step forwards through the video to the point that the redaction should start.
6. Draw a shape around the area which will remain unredacted. This shape will be saved
The user can drag out the corners of the shape to fit the area which must be redacted.
A right-hand menu will appear.
7. If relevant, users can change the shape of the redaction from the Shape pane.
8. For each redaction area, check the box in the Redaction pane, and select Unre-
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l If the subject of the video is moving, step through the video frame-by-frame and
reposition the shape manually to ensure that it is focused on the subject at all
times, using Step Backward / Step Forward. When the user reaches
the part of the video where the redaction should end, click End.
Users do not need to redraw the annotation, just re-position it.
l If the subject of the video is static, skip to the part of the video where the redaction
should end, and click End.
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2. Find the relevant incident, and click Edit incident next to it.
Users can find the relevant incident by navigating to the My Incidents, Shared Incidents, or
Supervised Incidents panes. They can also search for the relevant incident from the Search
Incidents pane.
4. Step forwards through the footage to the point that the redaction should start.
5. From the top toolbar, click Insert audio effect, and draw it over an area of the foot-
If no icon is desired, deselect the Show Icon setting from the Options pane.
6. In the right-hand menu, select a specific type of audio redaction from the Effect section.
The options are as follows:
l Muted - no audio will be played for this section of the incident clip.
l 2nd Channel - if the video was recorded on a VB400, only audio recorded by the
VB400's second microphone will be played for this section of the incident clip.
This is useful if the incident clip features a loud noise; using the second microphone may make
Motorola Solutions 65
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l Beep - a beep will mask the audio for this section of the incident clip.
7. Step forwards through the video to the point that the audio redaction is no longer
required, and click End.
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2. Find the relevant incident, and click Edit incident next to it.
Users can find the relevant incident by navigating to the My Incidents, Shared Incidents, or
Supervised Incidents panes. They can also search for the relevant incident from the Search
Incidents pane.
4. Step forwards through the video to the point that the redaction should start.
6. Click the area of the video frame where the text annotation should be displayed.
The Text panel is displayed.
Users can either choose a colour from the selection presented by VideoManager, or
enter their own colour using Hex code. By clicking C, the Hex code colour will be saved
and can be selected again from the row at the top.
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l If the subject of the video is moving, step through the video frame-by-frame and
reposition the text manually to ensure that it is focused on the subject at all times,
using Step Backward / Step Forward. When the user reaches the part
of the video where the redaction should end, click End.
Users do not need to redraw the annotation, just re-position it.
l If the subject of the video is static, skip to the part of the video where the redaction
should end, and click End.
8. Click confirm.
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Users can create foreground brightness redactions. These highlight a specific area of the video, in order to
draw attention to it. To do so:
2. Find the relevant incident, and click Edit incident next to it.
Users can find the relevant incident by navigating to the My Incidents, Shared Incidents, or
Supervised Incidents panes. They can also search for the relevant incident from the Search
Incidents pane.
4. Step forwards through the footage to the point that the redaction should start.
5. Click either Insert oval, Insert square, or Insert quadrilateral, and use
the cursor to draw the shape around the area that should be brightened or darkened.
6. Check the box in the Redaction pane, and select Unredact. This will leave the
area inside the redaction unredacted.
8. Use the slider to adjust the required brightness inside the redaction effects area.
Moving the slider towards the will make the area darker. Moving the slider towards the will
make the area lighter.
From here, the user has two options:
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l If the subject of the video is moving, step through the video frame-by-frame and
reposition the shape manually to ensure that it is focused on the subject at all
times, using Step Backward / Step Forward. When the user reaches
the part of the video where the redaction should end, click End.
Users do not need to redraw the annotation, just re-position it.
l If the subject of the video is static, skip to the part of the video where the redaction
should end, and click End.
Users can create a background brightness redaction effect. This will affect any areas of the video which are not
covered by foreground redactions. To do so:
1. Select the Background brightness option from the top menu bar.
2. From the dropdown menu, choose the desired brightness level. This will apply to the
entire duration of the video. The options are Very Dark, Dark, Normal, Bright, and
Very Bright.
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2. Find the relevant incident, and click Edit incident next to it.
Users can find the relevant incident by navigating to the My Incidents, Shared Incidents, or
Supervised Incidents panes. They can also search for the relevant incident from the Search
Incidents pane.
4. Skip forward through the video to where the redaction effect should start.
6. Draw the square around the area of the video which should be zoomed in (or out) on.
7. In the right-hand menu, use Zoom in, Zoom out, and Centre in frame to
move and scale the redaction over the area which will be affected.
The redaction effect will not appear until the video is played like normal.
l If the subject of the video is moving, step through the video frame-by-frame and
reposition the shape manually to ensure that it is focused on the subject at all
time, using Step Backward / Step Forward. When the user reaches the
Motorola Solutions 71
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part of the video where the redaction should end, click End.
Users do not need to redraw the annotation, just re-position it.
l If the subject of the video is static, skip to the part of the video where the redaction
should end, and click End.
8. Click confirm.
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The other redaction effects can be found in the top menu bar. They are as follows:
l Show metadata - this displays the metadata recorded alongside the video.
Clicking this icon multiple times changes the position of the overlay text, then hides it entirely.
>> For more information, see Configure Video metadata overlay settings on
page 210
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2. Find the relevant incident, and click Edit incident next to it.
Users can find the relevant incident by navigating to the My Incidents, Shared Incidents, or
Supervised Incidents panes. They can also search for the relevant incident from the Search
Incidents pane.
4. Click Captions.
To overwrite previously-imported captions with a new set of captions, click Import again and select the
desired .vtt file.
To export a set of captions from an incident clip, click Export. This will download the .vtt file to the PC
running VideoManager.
Motorola Solutions 74
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This .vtt file will not be identical to the file which was originally imported - only the captions will be
exported, without any styling or comments.
Motorola Solutions 75
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2. Find the relevant incident, and click Edit incident next to it.
Users can find the relevant incident by navigating to the My Incidents, Shared Incidents, or
Supervised Incidents panes. They can also search for the relevant incident from the Search
Incidents pane.
l Toggle handle size - if a redaction effect is selected, the handles on the redaction
will get bigger. This is useful if the user wants to create a small redaction which needs
more precise parameters.
l Keyboard Shortcuts - this will give the user information about the possible key-
board shortcuts they can perform to move through the video more quickly.
>> For more information, see Appendix D: Keyboard Shortcuts on page 467
l Cycle between annotations - if a redaction effect is selected, clicking this will cycle
through all the redaction effects in the video, then go back to the beginning and begin
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l Saved searches
>> For more information, see Create, Edit and Delete Saved Searches on page 80
l Title - search for incidents whose name matches the one entered.
l Incident Time - using the From: and To: fields, search for incidents whose time
matches the dates entered here.
This refers to the customisable Incident time field users can populate when they are creating
an incident - not the creation time of the incident itself.
l Reference Code - search for incidents whose Reference Code field matches
the text entered here.
l Notes - search for incidents whose Notes field matches the text entered here.
l Earliest date and Latest date - search for incidents whose videos were
recorded between set dates.
l Source - search for incidents containing videos from a specified body-worn cam-
eras or import sources.
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l Match text - search for incidents whose text (including title, reference code, and
notes) matches the text entered here.
This also applies to user-defined incident fields. For example, a drop down field might have two
options: yes and no. If the user enters yes into the Match text field, all incidents whose drop
down field has been set to yes will be returned.
>> For more information, see Create New User-defined Incident Fields on page 264
l Advanced filter - users with knowledge of using sequence conditions can input
more advanced search queries here.
l Show current incidents - select whether or not to include current (i.e. non-
deleted) incidents.
l Only show shared incidents - select whether or not to include incidents which
have been shared with users on VideoManager.
l Only show incidents with external links - select whether or not to include
incidents which have been shared externally, using incident links.
If this filter is checked, users will also be given to option to check Active external links only.
This will only include incidents whose incident links are active - that is, workers outside
VideoManager can still access the incident using its link.
3. Click Find incidents to display all incidents which match the previously-set criteria.
If the user wants to search for incidents using different parameters:
1. Click the Filter heading. This will re-open the search parameters.
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Every saved search is potentially shared with every user on the system - for this reason, VideoManager sorts
these searches by access group, and only allows users in the corresponding role-assigned access groups to
view the saved searches which are relevant to them.
To create a saved search:
5. In the Search name field, enter the name for the saved search.
6. In the Category field, enter the name of a previously-existing category or enter the
name of a new category, which will be created when this saved search is saved.
This makes it easier to sort saved searches in accordance with workflow - e.g. a category
dedicated to users who only need to look at incidents that are less than five days old.
7. If the Permission group field is left as Public, anyone on VideoManager who has the
permission to use saved searches will be able to view this saved search. If changed to
an access group, only users whose roles correspond to that access group can view it.
Motorola Solutions 80
VideoManager - Admin Guide 5 Incidents
3. From the Saved search dropdown, select the relevant saved search.
Users can expand saved search categories using . This will show all saved searches
in that category.
Once the user has selected a saved search, it will be searched automatically. If a user wishes to
change which saved search they use, or does not want to use a saved search at all, they should
click Clear filter.
Users can edit a saved search's properties. This may be necessary if the user wishes to change the saved
search's name, or which access groups can see it. To edit a saved search's properties:
6. Click Edit.
Users can edit the Search name, Category, and Permission group fields.
Users can edit a saved search's configuration. This may be necessary if the filters applying to the search have
changed. To edit a saved search's configuration:
3. From the saved search dropdown, select the relevant search from the menu.
The search will automatically be performed - re-click the Filter pane to open the saved search
pane again.
7. The user will be asked whether they want to overwrite the current saved search, or
create a new one.
Motorola Solutions 81
VideoManager - Admin Guide 5 Incidents
Users can delete a saved search. This may be necessary if the saved search has become redundant. To
delete a saved search:
A category will be deleted automatically if all the saved searches within it have been
Motorola Solutions 82
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>> For more information, see Appendix E: Custom Predicate Language on page 469
Motorola Solutions 83
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Once the user has selected videos for bulk editing, the following options are available:
l Create incident collection - if the user has licensed Nested Incidents, this will
enable them to create an incident collection containing the selected incidents.
Motorola Solutions 84
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>> For more information, see Create, Edit and Delete Incident Collections on page 100
Motorola Solutions 85
VideoManager - Admin Guide 5 Incidents
>> For more information, see Create Incidents Manually and Perform Incident Actions on
page 49
3. Find the relevant incident, and click Edit incident next to it.
Users can find the relevant incident by navigating to the My Incidents, Shared Incidents, or
Supervised Incidents panes. They can also search for the relevant incident from the Search
Incidents pane.
4. If there are multiple clips in the incident, scroll down to the Incident clips section and
select the relevant clip to which the bookmark will be added.
6. Drag the progress bar of the video to the position where the bookmark will be placed.
The video will be paused automatically.
7. Click Bookmarks.
Motorola Solutions 86
VideoManager - Admin Guide 5 Incidents
If users cannot see the Bookmarks option, they are only viewing the incident, not
editing it. To change into editing mode, click Edit incident.
2. Find the relevant incident, and click Edit incident next to it.
Users can find the relevant incident by navigating to the My Incidents, Shared Incidents, or
Supervised Incidents panes. They can also search for the relevant incident from the Search
Incidents pane.
3. Click Play.
The playback controls are displayed.
4. Click Bookmarks.
2. Find the relevant incident, and click Edit incident next to it.
Users can find the relevant incident by navigating to the My Incidents, Shared Incidents, or
Supervised Incidents panes. They can also search for the relevant incident from the Search
Incidents pane.
3. Click Play.
The playback controls are displayed.
Motorola Solutions 87
VideoManager - Admin Guide 5 Incidents
4. Click Bookmarks.
To immediately jump to a bookmark in a video, click Bookmarks under the relevant video, and select the
bookmark in question. This will skip the video forward or backward to the bookmark's position.
Motorola Solutions 88
VideoManager - Admin Guide 5 Incidents
>> For more information, see Share Incidents Externally Using a Link on page 91
>> For more information, see Share Incidents Externally Using an Export on page 93
Motorola Solutions 89
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2. Find the relevant incident, and click View incident next to it.
Users can find the relevant incident by navigating to the My Incidents, Shared Incidents, or
Supervised Incidents panes. They can also search for the relevant incident from the Search
Incidents pane.
5. If Restricted: is set to Yes, only users with the View any restricted incident per-
mission will be able to view the incident when they search for it.
6. In the Shared: field of the Sharing panel, enter the name of a user to share the incident
with. It is only possible to share incidents with users on VideoManager.
Motorola Solutions 90
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Before administrators create a link, they can optionally configure sharing defaults for incidents from the Admin
>> For more information, see Configure Sharing Policy on page 304
2. Find the relevant incident, and click View incident next to it.
Users can find the relevant incident by navigating to the My Incidents, Shared Incidents, or
Supervised Incidents panes. They can also search for the relevant incident from the Search
Incidents pane.
4. From the Link type dropdown, select the type of link to be created. The options are as
l An Incident link can be given to anyone who does not have a VideoManager
account. This will expire after a user-selected period, by default a week.
Motorola Solutions 91
VideoManager - Admin Guide 5 Incidents
l A Custom link is the same as an Incident link, but users are given the option to
add a description of the incident as well, which is viewable by people who have
been given the link. It also expires.
6. If an Incident link has been selected, in the Recipient email field, enter the email
address of the recipient.
7. In the Expiry date field, enter the expiry date for the link.
After this date, the link will expire and the incident will become inaccessible.
8. Click Create.
Once created, the link can be seen in the Links panel. Users can perform a variety of actions:
l Send in email message - if clicked, this will send an email message containing the
incident link to the recipient. This is only possible for Incident links.
l Show link to copy - this shows the link to the incident, which can be copied. This is
the only way that a Custom link can be shared.
l Update this link - this allows the user to edit the link.
l Delete link - this deletes the link. This will immediately invalidate the link, and the
incident will not be viewable through this link anymore.
Motorola Solutions 92
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Users can export incidents in common video formats. The following export profiles are provided by default:
l MP4 - creates a standard MP4 encoded video. This format of video is useful if users use
a file-sharing system or they want other users to be able to see the video across a range
of platforms - for example, smart phones or PCs.
l DVD - creates an ISO file in PAL or NTSC format and compatible with a range of media
types. After burning the ISO file onto a DVD, the user has a secure, offline, copy of the
video footage that can not be accessed unless a person has the physical media.
l Evidence Export - creates an MP4 of the incident and includes the source footage and
all related metadata. This is useful if the original incident needs to be expanded or more
information is required about the footage and its origins.
Administrators can also create their own export profiles from the Admin tab. This dictates what information will
be included in a user's exports.
>> For more information, see Configure Incident Exports on page 244
To create an export:
2. Find the relevant incident, and click Export incident next to it.
Users can find the relevant incident by navigating to the My Incidents, Shared Incidents, or
Supervised Incidents panes. They can also search for the relevant incident from the Search
Incidents pane.
3. From the Profile dropdown, select either MP4, DVD, or Evidence Export.
4. The following step differs, depending on the kind of export profile which has been
If DVD has been selected:
Motorola Solutions 93
VideoManager - Admin Guide 5 Incidents
l PAL - common in Europe and parts of Asia. Delivers a frame rate of 25 fps
with 625 lines
l NTSC - common in the U.S. and Canada. Delivers a frame rate of 30 fps
with 525 lines.
l Select the Output Media that the ISO file is going to be burned to.
Choose an output media type that best fits the exported video. For example, use
DL (double-layer) discs for large ISO files (4.0 GB or more).
l If Include original footage is set to On, the full-length videos will be included
alongside the incident and incident clips.
5. If configured in the export profile, users can now manually select which incident clips will
be included in the export.
If the incident only has one incident clip, this clip must be selected before the incident
can be exported. If multiple incident clips are selected, then the export will include them
as a single continuous video with a title and video identification information added to the
start of each incident clip.
Motorola Solutions 94
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6. In the Recipient email field, enter the email to which this export link will be sent.
Users can only enter one email address.
7. In the Expiry date field, select when the export link will expire.
The recipient of the export link must download the export by this time, or the link will stop working.
However, once the recpient has downloaded the export, they will have permanent access to it -
even once the export link has expired.
8. Click Create.
The export is ready to be shared.
9. Either click Send in email message to open a template email message with the
link, or click Show link to copy to display the standalone link which can be
manually copied.
Motorola Solutions 95
VideoManager - Admin Guide 5 Incidents
2. Select the My Exports or Supervised Exports pane, depending on how the user's per-
missions have been configured.
l Description - the title of the export. By default, this is the name of the incident
within the export.
l Type - the type of export. This could be MP4, DVD, or Evidence Export.
Once an export has been downloaded to a PC, VideoManager has no control over it.
l View Export audit log - this downloads the export's audit log to the user's PC.
Motorola Solutions 96
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Even once an export has been deleted from VideoManager, anyone who has already
downloaded it will still have access to the incident within it.
Motorola Solutions 97
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4. Refresh the site and the incident will be shown as Deleted. It can no longer be edited
from this instance of VideoManager.
Once it has been committed, an incident's audit log in the original site will end
immediately, and any changes made to the incident in the Central VideoManager will not
be replicated in the site.
The second way to commit an incident is by taking control of it from the Central VideoManager:
2. Find the relevant incident, and click Take control of incident next to it.
Users can find the relevant incident by navigating to the My Incidents, Shared Incidents, or
Supervised Incidents panes. They can also search for the relevant incident from the Search
Incidents pane.
4. Refresh VideoManager and the incident will appear in the Incidents tab. It can now be
If using bulk edit, the Fetch function is synonymous with taking control of an incident.
Although submitting and taking control have the same effect on an incident, the actions will look different in an
audit log.
Depending on how auto-fetch settings have been configured, videos in the incident may also be transferred to
the Central VideoManager as well.
Motorola Solutions 98
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>> For more information, see Configure Metadata/Footage Replication on page 377
l Incidents which have been automatically made viewable to the Central VideoManager,
but haven't been taken control of yet, are coloured blue.
l Incidents which have been deleted on the site before they were taken control of are col-
oured blue with red text.
If an incident has been deleted on the site, the Central VideoManager cannot take control of it.
In the site:
l Incidents which have been submitted to the Central VideoManager are coloured green.
l Incidents which have been deleted on the site itself are coloured red.
Motorola Solutions 99
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>> For more information, see Create Incidents Manually and Perform Incident Actions on
page 49
2. Find the relevant incident, and click View incident next to it.
Users can find the relevant incident by navigating to the My Incidents, Shared Incidents, or
Supervised Incidents panes. They can also search for the relevant incident from the Search
Incidents pane.
>> For more information, see Create Incidents Manually and Perform Incident Actions on
page 49
2. Find the incident which will be added to an incident collection, and click View
incident next to it.
4. The user will be presented with all incidents and incident collections.
If the user adds an incident to another incident, the latter will automatically become an incident
It is only possible to have two levels in an incident collection: the incident collection itself, and any
incidents it contains. This means that if the user adds an incident collection (C1) to another incident
collection (C2), all incidents within C1 will be presented as children of C2, along with C1.
5. Click Add To existing incident collection next to the relevant incident or incident
6 Devices
The Devices tab enables the user to administer their body-worn cameras and DockControllers. From here, it is
possible to view and configure all body-worn cameras and DockControllers on the network.
If users have sufficient permissions, they can perform the following actions:
>> For more information, see Connect Body-Worn Cameras to VideoManager on page 104
>> For more information, see Assign Body-Worn Cameras and Record Footage on
page 110
>> For more information, see Search Body-Worn Cameras on page 122
>> For more information, see Pre-Assign a Body-Worn Camera on page 126
l Edit the properties of a body-worn camera, including its name, custom status, and touch
assign settings.
>> For more information, see Edit Body-Worn Camera Properties on page 128
l Perform body-worn camera actions. These actions include upgrading firmware, and fact-
ory resetting a body-worn camera.
>> For more information, see Perform Body-Worn Camera Actions on page 130
>> For more information, see Bulk Edit Body-Worn Cameras on page 133
l Perform DockController actions. These actions include upgrading firmware, and remov-
ing a DockController from VideoManager.
>> For more information, see Perform DockController Actions on page 135
>> For more information, see Bulk Edit DockControllers on page 137
>> For more information, see Configure and Connect a DockController to VideoManager on
page 105
Once the DockControllers have been configured, the body-worn cameras should be connected to them.
Through this, the body-worn cameras will be connected to VideoManager automatically.
>> For more information, see Connect Docks and Body-Worn Cameras to DockControllers on
page 107
Alternatively, if the administrator has a suite of VT-series cameras but does not have physical access to
VideoManager, they can connect those body-worn cameras to VideoManager over WiFi, using a QR code.
>> For more information, see Connect VT-Series Cameras to VideoManager Remotely on page 108
To configure a DockController:
1. Plug one end of the DockController's power cable into its power socket, and the other
end into mains power.
3. Plug the other end of the Ethernet cable into any available port on the Network Switch.
10. In the Device name field, enter the name by which this DockController will be known on
12. If SSL is set to On, all footage passed through this DockController will have an extra
layer of encryption.
13. If Use static IP is set to On, the user must enter an IP address for the DockController.
14. From the Security dropdown, select what kind of whether the DockController will be pro-
tected with 802.1x (WPA2-PEAP-MSCHAPV2) or not.
17. Drag and drop the DockController configuration file into the root folder of the USB drive.
19. Plug the USB drive into one of the two DockController USB ports next to the function but-
Do not plug the USB drive into one of the six DockController USB ports on the front of the
1. Plug one end of the dock's USB into its USB port, and the other end into one of the six
USB ports on the front side of the DockController.
The dock's USB indication LED will go green. This indicates that the dock is connected to the
2. Plug one end of the dock's power cable into its power port, and the other end into mains
The user can now dock their body-worn cameras into their powered-on dock. This will connect the body-worn
cameras to VideoManager.
To check that the body-worn cameras have been connected to VideoManager:
3. The DockController should appear in the pane, and its status should read as Open &
5. In the Connected Devices section, users can see how many body-worn cameras are
connected to the DockController in question. The user can also view:
If the administrator has the VT-series camera and also has access to VideoManager themselves:
4. In the Serial number field, enter the VT-series camera's serial number.
5. From the Network name (SSID) dropdown, the administrator must select the WiFi pro-
file which will be used by the VT-series camera to connect to VideoManager. The
options are as follows:
l Enter Network name (SSID) manually - configure the WiFi network, using the
Network name (SSID) and Password fields, and the Security type dropdown.
This does not need to be the same network that VideoManager is operating on.
>> For more information, see Create WiFi Profiles and Perform WiFi Profile Actions
on page 221
7. The VT-series camera can now be connected to VideoManager by following the instruc-
tions onscreen.
Once the VT-series camera has been connected to VideoManager, it can be assigned to operators
like normal.
>> For more information, see Assign Body-Worn Cameras and Record Footage on
page 110
If the operator has the VT-series camera but does not have access to VideoManager:
4. In the Info pane, click Launch the public version of this page.
5. Copy the URL, and share it with the operator. The operator can access this URL and
configure the following settings:
l In the Serial number field, enter the VT-series camera's serial number.
l From the Network name (SSID) dropdown, select the WiFi profile which will be
used by the VT-series camera to connect to VideoManager. The options are as
>> For more information, see Create WiFi Profiles and Perform WiFi Profile
Actions on page 221
>> For more information, see Assign Body-Worn Cameras and Record Footage on
page 110
>> For more information, see Create, Edit, Reorder and Delete Device Profiles on page 204
>> For more information, see Configure Video metadata overlay settings on page 210
>> For more information, see Configure Device Settings on page 207
l Single issue - the body-worn camera will be assigned to the user for one trip into the
field, through the VideoManager UI. When the body-worn camera is redocked, it will
become unassigned and must be reassigned manually.
>> For more information, see Assign Body-Worn Cameras with Single Issue on
VideoManager on page 112
l Single issue and RFID - the user taps their RFID card against an RFID reader. This
assigns a body-worn camera to them for one trip into the field. When the body-worn cam-
era is redocked, it will become unassigned and must be reassigned again.
>> For more information, see Assign Body-Worn Cameras with Single Issue and RFID on
page 114
l Permanent issue - the body-worn camera will be assigned to the user through the
VideoManager UI. When the body-worn camera is redocked, it will stay assigned to the
same user, and cannot be assigned to other users.
>> For more information, see Assign Body-Worn Cameras with Permanent Issue on
page 116
l Permanent allocation - the body-worn camera will be allocated to the user through the
VideoManager UI. The user must then tap their RFID card against an RFID reader
before they can use the body-worn camera in the field. When the body-worn camera is
redocked, it will stay allocated to the same user, who must use their RFID time every
time they wish to use it.
>> For more information, see Assign Body-Worn Cameras with Permanent Allocation on
page 118
l Bulk touch assign - the user taps their RFID card against an RFID reader. This assigns
all body-worn cameras connected to an instance of VideoManager to that user. Bulk
touch assign enables multiple people to start operating body-worn cameras quickly,
because users do not need to assign the body-worn cameras first. However, because
the footage recorded through bulk touch assign cannot be traced to specific users, it
should only be used in an emergency.
>> For more information, see Bulk Touch Assign on page 120
>> For more information, see Configure Device Settings on page 207
>> For more information, see Search Body-Worn Cameras on page 122
4. Find a suitable body-worn camera, and click Assign Device next to it.
5. In the Operator name field, enter the name of the user who will be recording with this
body-worn camera. This must be a valid username on VideoManager.
If the user's name does not appear in the dropdown menu, they do not have the ability to operate
body-worn cameras. This is due to their roles. Their roles must be changed before they can use a
body-worn camera.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit, Copy, Import, Export and Delete Roles on
page 182
7. Select a suitable device profile from the Device Profile dropdown. This determines how
the body-worn camera will behave - which buttons perform which actions, etc.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit, Reorder and Delete Device Profiles on page 204
8. Select a previously-created WiFi profile, if necessary. This determines which WiFi profile
the body-worn camera will use, and is only relevant if the body-worn camera will be
streaming in the field, uploading footage over WiFi, or connecting to VB Companion.
>> For more information, see Create WiFi Profiles and Perform WiFi Profile Actions on
page 221
>> For more information, see Configure Device Settings on page 207
Users must ensure that they have an RFID reader connected to the DockController associated with their
instance of VideoManager, and one RFID card for every user which will be operating their body-worn cameras
with Single issue with RFID.
A user must be associated with one or more RFID cards on VideoManager. It is only necessary to do this once.
To do so:
1. Tap the relevant RFID card against the reader, and wait until it emits three low beeps.
5. Next to the user which will be associated with the RFID card in question, click Go to
7. Copy the touch assign ID from the audit log, and paste it into the Touch Assign ID field.
If a user should be associated with multiple RFID cards (e.g. if they have a door card and
a warrant card), repeat the previous steps for as many cards as necessary (i.e. touching
the RFID card to the reader, copying it from the audit log) and separate the touch assign
IDs with a comma in the Touch Assign ID field (e.g. 543642,873924).
To assign a body-worn camera with Single issue and RFID, the user should tap their RFID card against the
RFID reader. The device profile will be chosen depending on what roles the user inhabits, and the WiFi profile
will be the default one (if the default WiFi profile has user-specific WiFi networks enabled, the body-worn
camera will connect to the user's user-specific WiFi networks).
If a body-worn camera in the pool has been assigned successfully, it will emit a noise and its LEDs will flash -
this is the body-worn camera which has been assigned to the user. The user can undock the body-worn
camera and record footage like normal.
When the body-worn camera is returned, the videos are automatically downloaded - this will change the body-
worn camera's status to Busy, then Downloading. Once the videos have finished downloading, the body-
worn camera's status changes back to Unassigned.
>> For more information, see Search Body-Worn Cameras on page 122
4. Find the relevant body-worn camera, and click Assign Device next to it.
5. In the Operator name field, enter the name of the user who will be recording with this
body-worn camera. This must be a valid username on VideoManager.
If the user's name does not appear in the dropdown menu, they do not have the ability to operate
body-worn cameras. This is due to the roles they inhabit. Their roles must be changed before they
can use a body-worn camera.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit, Copy, Import, Export and Delete Roles on
page 182
7. Select the relevant device profile from the Device Profile dropdown. This determines
how the body-worn camera will behave - which buttons perform which actions, etc.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit, Reorder and Delete Device Profiles on page 204
8. Select a previously-created WiFi profile, if necessary. This determines which WiFi profile
the body-worn camera will use, and is only relevant if the body-worn camera will be
streaming in the field, uploading footage over WiFi, or connecting to VB Companion.
>> For more information, see Create WiFi Profiles and Perform WiFi Profile Actions on
page 221
When the body-worn camera is returned, the videos are automatically downloaded - this will change the body-
worn camera's status to Busy, then Downloading. Once the videos have finished downloading, the body-
worn camera's status changes back to Ready, and it can be operated again by the same user.
1. Tap the relevant RFID card against the reader, and wait until it emits three low beeps.
5. Next to the user which will be associated with the RFID card in question, click Go to
7. Copy the touch assign ID from the audit log, and paste it into the Touch Assign ID field.
If a user should be associated with multiple RFID cards (e.g. if they have a door card and
a warrant card), repeat the previous steps for as many cards as necessary (i.e. touching
the RFID card to the reader, copying it from the audit log) and separate the touch assign
IDs with a comma in the Touch Assign ID field (e.g. 543642,873924).
>> For more information, see Search Body-Worn Cameras on page 122
4. Find the relevant body-worn camera, and click Assign Device next to it.
5. In the Operator name field, enter the name of the user who will be recording with this
body-worn camera and has been associated with an RFID card. This must be a valid
username on VideoManager.
If the user's name does not appear in the dropdown menu, they do not have the ability to operate
body-worn cameras. This is due to the roles they inhabit. Their roles must be changed before they
can use a body-worn camera.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit, Copy, Import, Export and Delete Roles on
page 182
7. Click Assign Device. The device profile will be chosen depending on what roles the
user inhabits, and the WiFi profile will be the default one (if the default WiFi profile has
user-specific WiFi networks enabled, the body-worn camera will connect to the user's
user-specific WiFi networks).
If the body-worn camera has been allocated successfully, the user can undock the body-worn camera and
record footage like normal.
When the body-worn camera is returned, the videos are automatically downloading - this will change the body-
worn camera's status to Busy, then Downloading. Once the videos have finished downloading, the body-
worn camera's status changes back to Allocated.
This permission should only be used in exceptional circumstances and should not be assigned to
regular users.
In order to use this feature, users must create a role which is specifically designed for bulk touch assign. To do
5. Scroll down to the Device permissions pane. The role should be granted the Assign
device and Assign all available devices using RFID touch assign permissions.
1. Tap the relevant RFID card against the reader, and wait until it emits a beep.
7. Copy the touch assign ID from the audit log, and paste it into the Touch Assign ID field.
It is possible to configure which body-worn cameras will be included in bulk touch assign on the basis of their
charge levels. This is done from the Device Settings section of the Devices pane, in the Admin tab.
>> For more information, see Configure Device Settings on page 207
To use bulk touch assign, the user with the previously-created role must touch their RFID card to the reader. By
doing so, all unassigned body-worn cameras connected to VideoManager will be immediately assigned to that
user, and can be used to record footage.
The body-worn cameras remain assigned to that user for 30 seconds. Any body-worn cameras
which have not been undocked after 30 seconds will be unassigned again.
When body-worn cameras have been assigned using bulk touch assign, all footage recorded on those body-
worn cameras are associated with that single bulk touch assign user. When creating incidents using footage
from bulk touch assigned body-worn cameras, VideoManager gives the option to set Add other footage from
same operator? to On. This will add all footage associated with the touch assign user to the incident.
l Device - this will return the body-worn camera whose serial number or body-
worn camera ID matches the one specified.
If users want to search for multiple body-worn cameras, they should separate the values with
commas (e.g. 511033,599249).
l Operator - this will return any body-worn cameras assigned to the operator spe-
cified (regardless of whether they are recording, charging, etc.).
l Location - this will return any body-worn cameras who are plugged into the
EdgeController, DockController, or site specified.
l From the Status dropdown, users can filter body-worn cameras based on their
status. The options are as follows:
l All - this will return all body-worn cameras on the system, regardless of the
status they are in.
l Docked - this will return all body-worn cameras which are physically
docked to either a PC, a DockController, or an EdgeController associated
with the instance of VideoManager. If a VT-series camera has a WiFi pro-
file with the Enable Docking setting enabled, they will also appear on this
list when connected to the WiFi network in question.
l Assigned - this will return all body-worn cameras which have been
assigned to a user on the system.
l Assigned to me - this will return all body-worn cameras which have been
assigned to the user performing the search.
l Available for assignment - this will return all body-worn cameras which
are ready to be assigned - this means it will return all body-worn cameras
which are simultaneously docked, unassigned, and have finished down-
loading any footage.
l Stream available - this will return all body-worn cameras which are con-
nected to a WiFi network and streaming successfully to VideoManager.
l Downloading - this will return all body-worn cameras which are docked
and currently downloading recorded footage to VideoManager.
l Ready - this will return all body-worn cameras which are ready to be
undocked (all body-worn cameras which are simultaneously docked,
assigned to a user, and have finished downloading any footage).
l In use - this will return all body-worn cameras which are assigned to a
user and undocked. Body-worn cameras which are streaming as well as
recording will be shown here as well.
l Error - this will return all body-worn cameras which are in an error state:
this is usually because the body-worn camera cannot download its recor-
ded footage (either because VideoManager has no more storage space,
or because the body-worn camera itself is faulty).
l Allocated - this will return all body-worn cameras which are assigned to a
specific user but have not been tapped out with an RFID card.
l Service required - this will return all body-worn cameras for whom Ser-
vice required has been set to On.
l From the Firmware dropdown, users can filter body-worn cameras by the firm-
ware they are running. The options are as follows:
l Default firmware - this will return all body-worn cameras running the
default firmware, as specified from the Device Images section.
>> For more information, see Import, Edit and Delete Device Images on
page 334
l Non-default firmware - this will return all body-worn cameras running firm-
ware other than the default firmware.
l Other... - this will give the user the option to enter the name of a specific
firmware image. This search is useful if the user wants to find specific
body-worn cameras running out-of-date firmware. If the user does not
enter anything, all body-worn cameras will be returned.
l If Touch assign is set to Yes, all body-worn cameras with Touch Assign enabled
will be returned. If set to No, body-worn cameras with Touch Assign disabled will
be returned.
>> For more information, see Configure Firmware Settings on page 332
If VideoManager has been configured as a Central VideoManager, users will also have the
option to include remote body-worn cameras in their search by checking Include remote
devices. This will show the body-worn cameras associated with the Central VideoManager's
connected sites as well.
If users have forgotten body-worn cameras because they have been lost or are redundant,
users will also have the option to include these body-worn cameras in their search by checking
See forgotten devices.
l Click Find devices to display all matching body-worn cameras below the search
Some of these search options may not be available depending on how access
permissions have been configured.
Once videos have been filtered, there are some actions that users can take:
l Pause.
This will freeze the list, and no body-worn cameras can be added or removed until it is unpaused.
>> For more information, see Bulk Edit Body-Worn Cameras on page 133
Users may see icons next to their body-worn cameras. Potential combinations are as follows:
l - the body-worn camera is charging but has not met the minimum charge criteria for
single-issue and RFID.
l - the body-worn camera is charging and has met the minimum charge criteria for
single-issue and RFID, but RFID assignment has been disabled for this body-worn cam-
era from the Edit device properties pane.
l - the body-worn camera is charging, has met the minimum charge criteria for
single-issue and RFID, and RFID assignment is enabled for this body-worn camera. It is
ready to be assigned with single-issue and RFID.
l - the body-worn camera is fully charged, but RFID assignment has been dis-
abled for this body-worn camera from the Edit device properties pane.
l - the body-worn camera is fully charged and RFID assignment is enabled for
this body-worn camera. It is ready to be assigned with single-issue and RFID.
l - the body-worn camera is not charging. Service may be required - check the audit
log from the Status tab.
1. Navigate to the relevant site (if the remote worker is using an EdgeController).
l In the Operator name field, enter the name of the operator to whom this body-
worn camera will be pre-assigned.
l From the Assignment mode dropdown, select how the body-worn camera will
be pre-assigned to the operator.
>> For more information, see Assign Body-Worn Cameras and Record Footage on
page 110
l From the WiFi profile dropdown, select a previously-created WiFi profile. This
dictates which WiFi networks will be utilised by the VT-series camera next time it
connects to VideoManager.
l In the Device serial no. field, enter the serial number of the body-worn camera
which is being pre-assigned.
>> For more information, see Search Body-Worn Cameras on page 122
l In the Device name field, users can change the name of the body-worn camera
on VideoManager. By default, this is the body-worn camera's serial number.
If this is changed while the body-worn camera is disconnected from VideoManager, its name
will be overwritten once the body-worn camera is redocked.
l In the Custom status field, users can record notes about the body-worn camera
in question - for example, if it has recently been upgraded.
Users with the See devices permission can see custom statuses for assigned body-worn
cameras, and users with the See devices and See unassigned devices permissions can see
custom statuses for all body-worn cameras on VideoManager.
If the body-worn camera is a VB400, its LEDs will glow yellow as well. This will
either happen immediately (if it was already docked) or as soon as it is redocked (if
it was out in the field).
l If Touch assign is set to Yes, the body-worn camera can be assigned or alloc-
ated with RFID.
>> For more information, see Assign Body-Worn Cameras and Record Footage on
page 110
Depending on how the body-worn camera settings have been configured, it may
only be possible to assign a body-worn camera using Touch Assign if its battery is
>> For more information, see Configure Device Settings on page 207
>> For more information, see Configure Firmware Settings on page 332
l If Use static IP is set to Yes, the user must enter the IP address which the body-
worn camera will use.
If set to Off, the body-worn camera will have a different IP address every time it starts
>> For more information, see Search Body-Worn Cameras on page 122
4. Find the relevant body-worn camera, and click View device info next to it.
This will open the body-worn camera's information pane.
1. Ensure that the body-worn camera is docked (either with a dock or plugged directly into
the PC running VideoManager) and charging.
It may be necessary to factory reset a body-worn camera if it is Locked - this will happen if the body-worn
camera has recorded footage but is redocked to an instance of VideoManager which does not have its access
control key. While a body-worn camera is locked, it cannot be assigned to a user. To factory reset a body-worn
Factory resetting a body-worn camera means that all footage on it which has not already
been downloaded to VideoManager will be deleted.
Users can view a body-worn camera's audit log. This will give users insight into how the body-worn camera has
been used - who its operator is, when it was last undocked, etc. To do so:
l Event type - this will return specific actions performed on the body-worn camera.
If the user starts entering an event, VideoManager will suggest various event options (e.g.
l User - this will return actions performed on the body-worn camera by the
specified user.
If the user starts entering a username, VideoManager will suggest various usernames to match
l Message - this will return specific actions performed on the body-worn camera,
whose details match the keywords entered here.
For example, the DEVICE_DOCKED event comes with the message Device docked.
l Signature - the user should enter the signature of an incident. This will return
actions performed on videos recorded by this body-worn camera in the specified
For example, when a video recorded by this body-worn camera was added to the specified
l Location - this will return actions performed on the body-worn camera from a
specific DockController or EdgeController.
l Client - this will return actions performed on the body-worn camera from a
specific IP address.
l Server - this will return actions performed on the body-worn camera from a
specific server hosting VideoManager.
l From the Date range dropdown, users can select the date range for these
The audit log will be downloaded to the PC's default downloads location.
If a body-worn camera has been undocked from VideoManager, it can be forgotten. This will remove it from
VideoManager's list until it has been redocked. This is useful if a body-worn camera has been lost or taken out
of rotation, and the user wants to hide it from any search results for organisational purposes.
>> For more information, see Search Body-Worn Cameras on page 122
l Upgrade - if there is a firmware upgrade available, this will upgrade all selected
body-worn cameras.
l Update - this will update all selected body-worn cameras - users can change the fol-
lowing settings by clicking next to each one:
l Change auto-upgrade
l Forget - this will delete all selected body-worn cameras from the instance of
To exit bulk edit mode, click Cancel.
3. Find the relevant DockController, and click View details next to it.
Users can filter by Name, Serial, and Version.
If a DockController is offline, the user can view its serial number, mac address, device name, hardware
revision, version and status from this pane.
If a DockController is online, the user can view its serial number, mac address, device name, hardware
revision, version and status, as well as its Bandwidth Rule settings, and connected body-worn cameras from
this pane. Users can perform the following actions on these DockControllers:
l Restart a DockController.
To do so, click Restart DockController in the top right-hand corner, and click yes.
l Upgrade a DockController.
To do so, click Upgrade DockController in the top right-hand corner, select the new
DockController image, and click Upgrade DockController.
To do so, click Download logs from DockController in the top right-hand corner. The log will
be downloaded to the user's PC as a ZIP file.
>> For more information, see Create, Copy, Edit and Delete Bandwidth Rules on page 226
If High Priority DockController is set to On, all footage from this DockController will be uploaded
as quickly as possible - this means that if the DockController is part of a bandwidth rule that has the
Shared bandwidth group setting enabled, it will halt the downloads of other DockControllers in
the group until all of its footage has been uploaded.
l Change whether multiple DockControllers can share the same RFID reader - this means
that, if enabled, a user can touch their RFID card to an RFID reader connected to one
DockController and receive a body-worn camera from either that DockController or
another one.
To do so, set Allocate cameras from another touch assign reader to On. In the Available
DockController field, enter the name of the other DockController whose RFID reader will be
associated with this DockController as well.
Multiple DockControllers can use the same RFID reader - for example, if DockController
A uses DockController B's RFID reader, and DockController C uses DockController A's
(which is actually B's).
l Change which touch assign battery settings will be used by this DockController. By
default, a DockController will use the system-wide settings configured from the Admin
tab. Alternatively, administrators can configure a DockController to have its own touch
assign settings, which are different from the system-wide settings. This is useful if, for
example, users will be docking their body-worn cameras at this DockController
temporarily, and should be able to touch assign body-worn cameras even if they are not
fully charged.
To do so, in the Device settings pane, set Device settings to Off. Either set Full battery
required to touch assign to On, or, in the Minimum charge time field, enter the number of
minutes for which body-worn cameras must have been charging before they can be touch
l Upgrade - if there is a firmware upgrade available, this will upgrade all selected
7 Status
The Status tab shows reports which have been created in VideoManager, as well as Sites and Site Uploads
(if the user has configured their instance of VideoManager to act as a Central VideoManager), and Audit Log
and Statistics.
l Check whether there are any system messages from the System pane.
These messages could include system warnings, such as failed import jobs. Users can click
View system warning to view more information about the warning.
l Manage exports and perform export actions (retrying and deleting failed exports, view-
ing completed exports).
l View all scheduled and completed reports from the Reports pane.
>> For more information, see Create Reports and Perform Report Actions on page 143
l Review the uploads occurring at a user's sites from the Site Uploads pane.
>> For more information, see View Connected Site Uploads on page 149
l Check online grids and their statuses from the Grid pane.
l Review the comprehensive list of all actions taken on VideoManager from the Audit
Log pane.
>> For more information, see Filter and Download Audit Logs on page 152
l Watch live statistics based on a user's infrastructure from the Statistics pane.
l If the user has licensed Asset Import, they can view the status of imports which have
been integrated into VideoManager.
>> For more information, see View Import Jobs on page 156
>> For more information, see Share Incidents Externally Using an Export on page 93
The Manage Exports pane enables users with sufficient permissions to view previously created exports.
These exports can then be viewed or deleted to free up space on VideoManager.
3. From the Filter by state dropdown, users can select how exports are filtered. The
options are as follows:
l Failed exports - this will show all exports which have failed on VideoManager.
This might be because the Exports file space is full, and therefore no more
exports can be sent there.
l Pending exports - this will show all exports which are currently being processed
by VideoManager. It will also show in realtime what percentage of the export has
been processed by VideoManager.
Incidents which contain multiple videos will take longer for VideoManager to
process than incidents with fewer videos.
VideoManager will not automatically retry an export, even if more space is made
available in the Exports file space. For this reason, it is necessary to manually
retry exports.
>> For more information, see Share Incidents Externally Using an Export on page 93
l Description - the name of the export. This is not necessarily the same as
Before administrators create reports, they should configure report settings for VideoManager. These settings
dictate when reports will be automatically deleted and run.
>> For more information, see Configure Report Settings on page 259
They can also optionally configure a Report auto-copy file space, which will automatically copy every CSV
report when it is created, and send it to a specific location.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit and Delete File Spaces on page 344
To create a report:
5. From the Report type dropdown, select what type of report will be generated.
>> For more information, see Appendix C: Types of Report on page 456
6. Using the Day starts at field, select at what time the day will begin for this report (for
example, an organisation's work day might begin and end at 3am). This option does not
apply to User Export and Equipment reports because they only capture the state of
VideoManager at the moment they were run.
This may cause the report to finish the following day (e.g if Day starts at is set to
3am, the report will end at 3am the following day).
7. From the Schedule dropdown, users can select whether the report will be a one-off, or
automatically recurring. The options are as follows:
l No - the report will only be created once. The user must choose the start and end
dates that the report will cover.
l Minutely - this is only available if Equipment has been selected. From the
Interval dropdown, the user can select how often the report will run.
VideoManager will run this report from :00 of the hour and continue regularly (e.g.
if Every 30 minutes has been selected, the report will always run at :00 and :30
minutes past).
l Daily - the report will be run daily. The user must choose how many previous
days the report will cover.
l Weekly - the report will be run weekly. The user must choose on which day of the
week the report will run, and how many previous days the report will cover.
l Monthly - the report will be run monthly. The user must choose on which day of
the month (e.g. 1st, 2nd, etc.) the report will run, and how many previous days the
report will cover.
l Custom interval - the user must choose how often the report will run (days,
weeks, or months), and how many previous days the report will cover.
l If the user has already created a custom report schedule with a JSON file and
imported it into VideoManager, they can select it here.
>> For more information, see Configure Report Settings on page 259
8. If the user has chosen to create a scheduled report, the Number of reports retained
field will appear. In this field, the user can configure how many versions of the report will
be kept by VideoManager before the oldest ones are deleted automatically to free up
space for new ones.
9. If the user has created a Report Auto Copy file space, and has chosen a report which
downloads to the their PC as a CSV file, they can choose to set Auto Copy File Path to
>> For more information, see Create, Edit and Delete File Spaces on page 344
Using the Add Field dropdown, users can choose the name of the subfolder where the report will
be sent, within the file space. The options are as follows:
Users can also type in their own folders manually.
11. The steps for viewing a report differ, depending on whether it is non-recurring or
Reports cannot be edited like other aspects of VideoManager, such as incidents. Instead, if a user wishes to
edit the parameters of a report, it must be re-run.
2. Alter the parameters as necessary. All report parameters can be altered, and there is no
limit on how many can be changed.
3. Click Create.
The report will be re-run, with the updated parameters.
Once it has been created, users can pause a recurring report. This is useful if a report should be temporarily
stopped, but not deleted entirely. To do so:
2. In the Scheduled Reports pane, next to the report to be paused, click View
The steps for deleting a report differ, depending on whether it is non-recurring or recurring.
2. In the Reports pane, next to the report to be deleted, click Delete report.
2. In the Scheduled Reports pane, next to the report to be deleted, click View
Once a user has configured their sites, they can view the status of these sites from the Central VideoManager.
Users can also access their sites' UI from the Central VideoManager.
l In the Filter by site field, users can enter the name of the site in question.
VideoManager will automatically filter the relevant results as the user types.
l From the Filter by status dropdown, users can filter their sites based on whether
they are Online, Offline, or Disabled.
l From the Filter by last seen dropdown, users can filter their sites based on when
they were last seen. The options are Less than 4 hours ago or More than 4
hours ago.
The last time a site was "seen" by VideoManager is the last time it was connected
to VideoManager.
4. Once the sites have been filtered, users will be presented with the following columns:
l Site - this is the name of the site, which can be configured when initially creating
the site itself.
l Status - this is the status of the site. A site could be Online, Offline, or
A site could be Offline if the EdgeController hosting the site is turned off, or
the network between the site and Central VideoManager is disconnected.
l Last seen - this is when the site was last connected to VideoManager. If the site
is Online, this column will read as Connected.
l From the Site dropdown, users can select from which site the uploads will be
filtered. Alternatively, it can be left as Any site - this will return uploads from all
l From the status dropdown, users can filter site uploads by their status. The
options are as follows:
l Active uploads only - this will include uploads which are currently in pro-
gress, as well as uploads which are queued.
l Include failed uploads - this will include both active uploads and failed
uploads (this may be because the footage was deleted from the site before
it had a chance to be uploaded).
4. Once the site uploads have been filtered, users can view the following columns:
l Site - the name of the site from which the upload was sent.
l Created - when the upload was sent from the site to the Central VideoManager.
l Status - the status of the upload. This could be Upload Complete or Upload
If a site upload's status is Upload Cancelled, the user can click Retry this upload to retry
the site upload.
Normal users are unable to add, edit, or delete grids. The main aspects of grids which can be accessed by
regular users are worker statuses and logs. To view these:
For more information, please contact Technical Support and ask for the technical paper Grids Explained [ED-
l Source - view all actions undertaken by the specified body-worn camera (enter the
serial number) or import source.
l Event type - view all instances of the specified action taking place (e.g. creating an incid-
ent, or a report). By typing in the relevant action, various matches will appear for users to
l Message - view all messages whose text matches what is entered here.
A message could be any text entered when searching for an incident or video - for example, by
entering text into the Title field in the Search Incidents pane.
l Signature - view all actions performed on an incident with the same signature as the
one specified here.
l Video URN - view all actions performed on a video with the same URN as the one spe-
cified here.
l Location - view all actions performed in a location as the one specified here (e.g. a
DockController or EdgeController).
l Search by file hash - view all actions performed on a video or asset whose digest
matches the file hash entered here.
Users can either enter the file hash manually or click Read from file and select the file from their
l From the Date range dropdown, users can select a specific time period. All actions
undertaken within that time period will be returned. The options are None, In the last
day, In the last 7 days, and In the last 30 days.
Users can also select Custom, where they can choose two dates to filter between.
Once the options have been chosen, users can perform the following actions:
>> For more information, see Create Reports and Perform Report Actions on page 143
Users can hover their cursor over either the chart or the key beneath it, to break the information down
further and view exact percentages. The following statistics are available:
l The Devices pane shows the number of body-worn cameras visible to VideoManager,
and what state they are in.
l The Sites pane shows the number of EdgeControllers known to VideoManager, and
whether they are connected or disconnected.
l The Total footage stored pane shows the number of megabytes of video stored by
l The Footage written today pane shows the number of megabytes of video stored by
VideoManager that day.
l The Footage write rate pane shows how much footage has been written to disk by
l The User activity pane shows how many users are logged in by time.
l The Video recording counts pane shows the number of videos recorded in the past
seven days.
l The Total videos in system pane shows the total number of videos stored in
l The Queued downloads pane shows the five sites with the highest number of queued
downloads and the number of downloads queued at each.
l The Total queued downloads pane shows a count of the total number of downloads
queued by sites and EdgeControllers.
l The File spaces pane shows how the space allocated to VideoManager has been used.
Users can click Show file space breakdown for more information.
2. Select the Imports pane (if administrators will be viewing all import jobs) or the My
Imports pane (if administrators will be viewing only their import jobs).
Here, administrators can filter imports using the Filter by state dropdown. The options are as
l Failed import jobs - this will show any import jobs which failed on VideoMan-
l In-progress import jobs - this will show any import jobs which are still in pro-
l Completed import jobs - this will show any import jobs which have been com-
Administrators can also use the Earliest date and Latest date fields to filter import jobs by date.
3. Once the administrator has filtered the import jobs, they can perform the following
l View details - the administrator can view information about the import job's
Signature and Status, as well as when the job started and finished.
If the administrator has chosen Completed import jobs and clicks Delete, only the import
job itself will be deleted. The asset itself will not be deleted from VideoManager.
8 Tactical
The Tactical tab is only visible if users have a Tactical VideoManager licence. It gives users the opportunity to
see their body-worn cameras' locations represented on a live map.
To configure a body-worn camera to show up on Tactical VideoManager, users must first complete the
following steps:
2. Configure maps.
>> For more information, see Enable and Configure Maps on page 327
There are multiple actions that users can take once the body-worn cameras have appeared. These are as
l View a body-worn camera's live stream. To do so, click its pin on the map, or click its
name in the top right-hand corner list.
The live stream will appear in the bottom right-hand corner pane.
l Follow a body-worn camera - in this mode, the map will automatically scale and move to
ensure that the followed body-worn cameras are never offscreen. To do so:
1. Follow the relevant body-worn camera, either by clicking its pin on the map, or by
clicking its name in the top right-hand corner list.
l Add videos to, and view, the Tactical VideoManager wall - this gives the user a
fullscreen view of selected live streams. To do so:
1. Focus on the relevant body-worn camera, either by clicking its pin on the map, or
by clicking its name in the top right-hand corner list.
2. Click Add to wall in the bottom right-hand live stream pane. This will add its live
stream to the Tactical VideoManager wall.
3. Once a few live streams have been added to the wall, users can view the wall by
clicking the button in the top left-hand corner.
l Perform actions on the Tactical VideoManager wall. The actions are as follows:
2. To change the number of live streams shown on the wall simultaneously, click the
button in the top right-hand corner. This will switch the wall between a 1-
screen, 4-screen, and 9-screen view.
3. To change whether the wall is fullscreen or not, click the button in the top
right-hand corner.
l Zoom in/out. To do so, click the +/- buttons in the top left-hand corner.
l Turn the body-worn cameras' trail on. To do so, click the button in the top left-hand
corner. This will show the user a trail behind every body-worn camera, tracking their
most recent movements.
l Change whether body-worn camera following is set to On or Off. To do so, click the
button in the top left-hand corner. This will change whether body-worn camera following
is on or off.
If a user follows a body-worn camera, this setting will be turned on automatically. However, users
may wish to turn this feature off temporarily if they need to view an aspect of the map which is off-
screen. Once it is changed back to On, the same body-worn cameras will be followed as before.
9 Admin
The Admin tab provides access to system administration functions.
This tab is divided into panes, which are divided further into sections. Users can find the relevant section by
typing its name into the filter box at the top of the Admin tab.
The panes, and their sections, are as follows:
l People (Users, Groups, Roles, Two Factor Authentication, User Self Service,
and User Import Settings).
l Legal.
>> For more information, see View Legal Information on page 359
9.1 People
In the People pane, administrators can edit aspects of VideoManager related to users and roles.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit, and Delete Users on page 165
l Reassign users - this will transfer all videos and incidents from one user to
l Unlock users - if users cannot access VideoManager because they have entered
their password incorrectly too many times, administrators can manually grant
them access again.
l Export and import users and groups - administrators can download their entire
database of users and groups to a CSV file, edit it, then reupload it - this makes it
easy to bulk edit users and groups.
>> For more information, see Export and Import Users and Groups on page 172
l View a user's device affinities - if configured, this will show a list of body-worn
cameras which have been assigned to the user with single issue, undocked, and
then redocked mid-shift.
>> For more information, see View and Clear Device Affinities for a User on
page 174
>> For more information, see Create, Edit and Delete Groups on page 176
l View the effective permissions for a user or group. This will detail the aspects of
VideoManager to which a user or group has access, and how they got their per-
missions (e.g. from a role, or because they belong to a group).
>> For more information, see View a User or Group's Effective Permissions on
page 180
l Roles
Create, edit, and delete roles.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit, Copy, Import, Export and Delete Roles on
page 182
>> For more information, see Enable and Configure Two Factor Authentication on
page 188
l Enable and configure email login on VideoManager. This will prompt specific
users to click a link sent to their email before they can log in to VideoManager, in
addition to entering their password as normal.
>> For more information, see Enable and Configure Login by Email on page 192
>> For more information, see Configure User Self Service on page 195
>> For more information, see Configure the Built-in User Import Tool on page 201
>> For more information, see Configure User Self Service on page 195
To create a user:
l In the User name field, enter a name for this user. No two users can have the
same name on one VideoManager system. This cannot be changed later.
Once a value is entered here, the User must change password toggle will be
automatically set to On. This means that the user will be prompted to set their own
password the first time they log in.
l In the Confirm password field, enter the same password again to confirm it.
l In the Display name field, enter a display name for this user. This can be
changed later.
l In the Email notifications field, optionally enter an email address for this user.
l Users can receive notifications via email when specific actions are
performed on VideoManager. The exact actions which will prompt a
notification are determined by the user's roles.
l Users can reset their own password, if the feature has been configured
from the User Self Service section.
l Users may need to click a link sent to their email before they can log in to
VideoManager, if the feature has been configured from the Two Factor
Authentication section. Users without email addresses in this field will
not be able to log in.
l In the Touch Assign ID field, enter the touch assign ID which will identify a user's
RFID card with a body-worn camera. This is only relevant if the user will be
assigned a body-worn camera with RFID.
>> For more information, see Assign Body-Worn Cameras and Record Footage on
page 110
To find the RFID value of a card, touch the relevant card to the RFID reader. Click in the
Touch Assign ID field. This will show a list of failed touch assign scans - the most recent entry
will be for that failed scan, which the administrator can copy and paste into the Touch Assign
ID field.
If a user should be associated with multiple RFID cards (e.g. if they have a door
card and a warrant card), repeat the steps above as many times as necessary and
separate the touch assign IDs with a comma in the Touch Assign ID field (e.g.
6. Set additional options for the new user using the following toggles:
l If User must change password is set to On, the new user must change their
password the first time they log in.
This makes it possible to assign a predetermined password to a user and then force them to
change it for security purposes. Administrators should configure when the password will expire
from the Password Complexity section.
>> For more information, see Configure Password Complexity on page 257
l If Enabled is set to On, the user can log in to VideoManager. If set to Off, the
user cannot log in.
7. In the Roles pane, select the roles which the user will inhabit. This determines which
aspects of VideoManager the user can see and interact with.
The user's roles can be altered later.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit, Copy, Import, Export and Delete Roles on
page 182
8. In the Group memberships pane, select the groups to which the user will belong.
Enter the name of a previously-created group, and click to add it. This can be
changed later.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit and Delete Groups on page 176
9. In the Sharing pane, select the sharing options required for the user:
l Auto share with - any users or groups entered here will have access to all
videos, incidents, and exports created by the new user. Click to add the user
or group.
Users cannot see who their videos are auto-shared with, or if they are auto-shared
at all.
l For new videos, create shares for - any users or groups entered here will also
be automatically entered into the Shared: field of new videos recorded by the
new user. Click to add the user or group.
This is useful if certain users or groups should have access to videos recorded by the new user,
but should not have access to all of their exports or incidents, which Auto share with would
l For new incidents, create shares for - any users or groups entered here will
also be automatically entered into the Shared: field of new incidents created by
the new user. Click to add the user or group.
This is useful if certain users or groups should have access to incidents created by the new
user, but should not have access to all of their exports or videos, which Auto share with would
l Supervisor of - any users or groups entered here will be supervised by the new
user. This means that the user can view their videos, incidents, and exports from
the Supervised Videos, Supervised Incidents, and Supervised Exports
panes. Click to add the user or group.
10. If required, add user-specific WiFi networks from the WiFi networks pane, by
clicking Add network. These are networks which only appear on the user's
account, and are not viewable by other users on the system.
>> For more information, see Create User-Specific WiFi Networks on page 367
It may be necessary to edit a user if their password should be changed, or if they should be assigned to
different roles. To do so:
4. Locate the user to be edited. Administrators can filter users in the following ways:
l A user's name (both username and display name) - enter their username or
display name in the Name field. Click Find to find the users, or click to reset
the filter.
l A user's group - enter a group name in the In group field. Click Find to find the
users, or click to reset the filter.
If the user enters a group name in the In group field, they will have the option to
change whether Only immediate members is set to On or not. If set to On, only
users which are assigned directly to the specified group will be returned (as
opposed to if user A is assigned indirectly to group B because A belongs to group
C, which is assigned to group B).
l A user's role - from the Role dropdown, select the relevant role. All users who
inhabit that role will be returned. Click Find to find the users, or click to reset
the filter.
1. Optionally reassign the relevant user to another user on VideoManager. This will
transfer all of their incidents, exports, and videos to the other user.
If the user is not reassigned, the Operator: field for their videos will read as deleted user's name
(DELETED). If a user is later recreated with the same username, all of the videos, exports, and
incidents associated with that username will be automatically associated with that user.
2. Locate the user to be deleted. Administrators can filter users in the following ways:
l A user's name (both username and display name) - enter their username or
display name in the Name field. Click Find to find the users, or click to reset
the filter.
l A user's group - enter a group name in the In group field. Click Find to find the
users, or click to reset the filter.
If the user enters a group name in the In group field, they will have the option to
change whether Only immediate members is set to On or not. If set to On, only
users which are assigned directly to the specified group will be returned (as
opposed to if user A is assigned indirectly to group B because A belongs to group
C, which is assigned to group B).
l A user's role - from the Role dropdown, select the relevant role. All users who
inhabit that role will be returned. Click Find to find the users, or click to reset
the filter.
5. Click yes.
Reassignment can be done before or after a user has been deleted from the system. To do so:
5. In the Current owner field, enter the name of the user whose videos and incidents will
be transferred.
If the user still exists on VideoManager, their name will pop up when typed in. If the user
has been deleted, their name will not pop up when typed in, but will still be available for
6. In the New owner field, enter the name of the user who will receive the videos and incid-
7. Click Reassign.
If the user made too many incorrect login attempts because they forgot their password,
administrators can also reset their password from this pane. Enter the new password in
the Password and Confirm password fields.
To import the database back into VideoManager once it has been edited:
l Users and groups added: - this lists the number of users and groups which are
in the CSV file but not on VideoManager.
l Users and groups updated: - this lists the number of users and groups whose
data in the CSV file does not match the data on VideoManager.
l Users and groups removed: - this lists the number of users and groups which
are on VideoManager but not in the CSV file.
l All users and groups which are in the CSV file but not on VideoManager will be
l All users and groups whose data in the CSV file does not match the data on
VideoManager will be updated.
l All users and groups which are on VideoManager but not in the CSV file will be
The administrator can also import the CSV file into a new instance of VideoManager. This will copy the
database at the time of export, and may be useful if the administrator does not want to configure the built-in
user import tool. To do so, follow the same procedure for importing users and groups as outlined above;
however, the administrator must also ensure that the roles on the new instance of VideoManager match the
roles in the CSV file. If the roles in the CSV file do not match the role names on the new instance of
VideoManager, the import job will fail.
To export a role, navigate to the Admin tab, select the People pane, and click the Roles section. Click
Export role. On the new instance of VideoManager, navigate to the same place, and click Import role.
l The body-worn camera was assigned to the user with permanent issue - this
does not create an affinity between the user and the body-worn camera, because
the same body-worn camera will always be associated with the user anyway.
l The shift has elapsed (as determined from the Devices section of the Devices
pane, in the Admin tab).
>> For more information, see Configure Device Settings on page 207
6. In the Display name field, enter a display name for the group.
A group cannot have the same name as an existing user or group on the system.
However, a group and user can have the same display name.
7. In the Roles pane, enable the pre-existing roles which will apply to all users in this
This will not add all users which inhabit the role to the group.
8. In the Group memberships pane, enter the names of the groups which this group
will belong to. Click to add the user or group.
Administrators can also add individual users to groups. This should be done from the user's page.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit, and Delete Users on page 165
l Auto share with - any users or groups entered here will have access to all
videos, incidents, and exports created by the group. Click to add the group.
Users in a group cannot see who their videos are auto-shared with, or if they are
auto-shared at all.
If group A auto shares with a user, then every user in group A shares their incidents with that
If group A auto shares with group B, then every user in group A auto shares their incidents with
every user in group B.
l For new videos, create shares for - any users or groups entered here will also
be automatically entered into the Shared: field of new videos recorded by the
users within this group. Click to add the user or group.
This is useful if certain users or groups should have access to videos recorded by the users in
this group, but should not have access to all of their exports or incidents, which Auto share
with would grant.
l For new incidents, create shares for - any users or groups entered here will
also be automatically entered into the Shared: field of new incidents created by
users in the group. Click to add the user or group.
This is useful if certain users or groups should have access to incidents created by users in the
group, but should not have access to all of their exports or videos, which Auto share with
would grant.
l Supervisor of - this determines which users and groups are supervised by this
If group A supervises a user, then every user in group A supervises that user.
If group A supervises group B, then every user in group A supervises every user in group B.
10. In the WiFi networks pane, optionally create user-specific WiFi networks which will
only be available to all users in this group.
This may be necessary if all users in a group will be live streaming footage with their body-worn
cameras, over a specific hotspot.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit, and Delete Users on page 165
4. Locate the group to be edited. Administrators can filter groups in the following ways:
l A group's name (both username and display name) - enter their username or
display name in the Name field. Click Find to find the groups, or click to reset
the filter.
l Group - enter a group name in the In group field. Click Find to find the groups, or
click to reset the filter.
If the user enters a group name in the In group field, they will have the option to
change whether Only immediate members is set to On or not. If set to On, only
groups which are assigned directly to the specified group will be returned (as
opposed to if group A is assigned indirectly to group B because A belongs to group
C, which is assigned to group B).
l A group's role - from the Role dropdown, select the relevant role. All groups
which inhabit that role will be returned. Click Find to find the groups, or click
to reset the filter.
4. Locate the group to be deleted. Administrators can filter groups in the following ways:
l A group's name (both username and display name) - enter their username or
display name in the Name field. Click Find to find the groups, or click to reset
the filter.
l Group - enter a group name in the In group field. Click Find to find the groups, or
click to reset the filter.
If the user enters a group name in the In group field, they will have the option to
change whether Only immediate members is set to On or not. If set to On, only
groups which are assigned directly to the specified group will be returned (as
opposed to if group A is assigned indirectly to group B because A belongs to group
C, which is assigned to group B).
l A group's role - from the Role dropdown, select the relevant role. All groups
which inhabit that role will be returned. Click Find to find the groups, or click
to reset the filter.
7. Click yes.
If users belonged to the deleted group, their permissions and abilities will be altered immediately,
depending on how the group was configured. This could mean that the users no longer inhabit
certain roles, or no longer have access to other users' videos/exports/incidents.
l Assigned roles - for a user, this shows the roles they inhabit, and how they
got those roles (i.e. whether the user itself has the role, or whether it belongs to a
group which has the role).
For a group, this shows the roles every user in the group will inhabit, and how they got those
roles (i.e. whether the group itself has the role, or whether it belongs to another group which
has the role).
l Assigned groups - for a user/group, this shows the groups they belong to, if
This is relevant because body-worn cameras assigned via single issue (with
RFID) and permanent allocation will automatically use the default WiFi profile. If
user-specific WiFi networks are not enabled for the default WiFi profile, these
body-worn cameras cannot use them to live stream footage.
l Device profiles - this shows the user/group's device profiles. The user could
have these device profiles because:
1. The user has a role, with which the device profiles are associated.
2. The user is assigned to a group which has the role, with which the device
profiles are associated.
The group could have these device profiles because:
1. The group has a role, with which the device profiles are associated.
2. The group is assigned to another group which has the role, with which the
device profiles are associated.
Default device profiles are marked with . The default device profiles will be
automatically presented when the user is assigning a body-worn camera.
l Permissions - for a user/group, this pane on the right-hand side shows their sum
total of permissions. The user could have these permissions because:
2. The user is assigned to a group which has the role, which contains the per-
The group could have these permissions because:
2. The group is assigned to another group which has the role, which contains
the permissions.
Users within this group will have these permissions in addition to the permissions
they would have anyway from the roles they inhabit.
l System Administrator - users assigned to this role can access all aspects of the
VideoManager UI (e.g. deleting incidents, creating other users, etc.).
l Device Operator - users assigned to this role can record videos. They cannot perform
any other actions on VideoManager, and cannot log in.
l System User - users assigned to this role can view their own videos, and videos shared
with them. They cannot operate body-worn cameras, or access the Admin tab.
l System Supervisor - users assigned to this role can view their own videos and those
recorded by users they are supervising. They cannot operate body-worn cameras, or
access the Admin tab.
l System Manager - users assigned to this role can view all videos on VideoManager.
They can also assign body-worn cameras and perform actions on incidents.
Every default role except System Administrator can be edited manually. However, users may find it
necessary to create their own roles, tailored to their workflow. Creating unique roles is a simple process.
To create a role:
7. From the Default device profiles dropdown, administrators can select which
previously-created device profiles will apply to body-worn cameras which have been
assigned to users in this role.
Body-worn cameras assigned with RFID will use this device profile automatically. If body-worn
cameras are assigned manually, users can override this device profile if they have the correct
The administrator should choose a device profile for each body-worn camera family (VB400,
VB100 / VB200 / VB300, and VT-series cameras). If they do not, the default device profile will be
If a user belongs to multiple roles, but all of the roles' device profiles are set to the system default
except one, the one which is not the system default will be used.
If a user belongs to multiple roles, but some of the roles' device profiles aren't set to the system
default, the device profile which is highest in the device profile list (apart from the default profile)
will be used.
This list can be reordered from the Device Settings section of the Devices pane, in the
Admin tab. From here, users can also change the system default device profile.
8. Set additional options for the new role using the following toggles:
l If Add new users to this role? is set to On, any new users created on
VideoManager from now onwards will automatically inhabit this role.
l If Use alternate password complexity? is set to Yes, the users in this role must
set a password which conforms to the alternate password rules, instead of the
normal password rules.
>> For more information, see Configure Password Complexity on page 257
l From the Role assignment tier dropdown, select which tier this role will belong
to. By default, roles will belong to tier 1. Users can only add other users to roles
which are in the same tier or lower as their own roles.
For example, if user A's role is in tier 2, then they can only add other users to roles which are
also in tier 2, or lower. This means they cannot add other users - or themselves - to roles which
are in tier 1.
Even users with the Assign higher privileges permission will not be able to add
other users to roles which are in a higher tier than their own role.
>> For more information, see Enable and Configure Two Factor Authentication on
page 188
>> For more information, see Configure Privilege Escalation on page 390
9. Configure permissions for the role. This will determine what actions users in this role can
5. Click yes.
If users are associated with the role in question, their ability to use VideoManager may be
compromised once it has been deleted. If the deleted role was the user's only role, they
will be unable to access VideoManager until they have been assigned a new role.
A user's permissions are the union of their roles. This means that if a user belongs to two roles, one of which
has the permission Log in to VideoManager application set to On and one which has it set to Off, that user
will still be able to log in. There are no permissions which deny an action - only the absence of permissions
denies actions.
The groups of permissions are as follows:
l Video permissions - these permissions control users' abilities regarding videos. The per-
missions are also sorted by the following criteria:
l Owned - if enabled, users can perform actions on the videos recorded by them.
l Shared - if enabled, users can perform actions on the videos that have been
shared with them by other users on the system.
l Supervised - if enabled, users can perform actions on the videos that have been
recorded by other users on the system that they supervise.
l Any - if enabled, users can perform actions on any videos on the system, regard-
less of who recorded them.
l Incident permissions - these permissions control users' abilities regarding incidents. The
permissions are also sorted by the following criteria:
l Owned - if enabled, users can perform actions on the incidents created by them.
l Shared - if enabled, users can perform actions on the incidents that have been
shared with them by other users on the system.
l Supervised - if enabled, users can perform actions on the incidents that have
been created by other users on the system that they supervise.
l Any - if enabled, users can perform actions on any incidents on the system,
regardless of who created them.
l User - if enabled, users can perform actions on the body-worn cameras assigned
to them.
l Any - if enabled, users can perform actions on any body-worn camera on the sys-
l User permissions - these permissions control users' abilities regarding other users. The
permissions are also sorted by the following criteria:
l Supervised - if enabled, users can perform actions on the users on the system
that they supervise.
l Any - if enabled, users can perform actions on any user on the system.
l Notification permissions - these permissions control how notifications work (if they have
been licensed).
l Report permissions - these permissions control users' abilities to create reports and
view statistics.
l Field permissions - these permissions dictate the access groups to which users belong.
This affects which saved searches and user-defined incident fields they can see.
Before individual users can utilise two factor authentication to log in, it must be enabled on VideoManager. To
do so:
4. From the Authentication settings dropdown, administrators can select how two factor
authentication behaves on VideoManager. The options are as follows:
5. From the TOTP two-factor authentication dropdown, administrators can configure the
two factor authentication settings which will affect all users in this role. The options are
as follows:
l Mandatory - two factor authentication is the only function that a user in this role
can perform when they first log in, and every login after that will require a 6-digit
code to be entered as provided to the user via an app.
l Optional - the user will not be required to go through two factor authentication
when initially logging in. However, they can enable it from their Account Profile
page once they are logged in to VideoManager.
l Disabled - two factor authentication is not requested upon first login, and users
cannot enable it from their Account Profile page.
If a user inhabits two roles with contrasting two factor authentication rules - for
example, one is set to Disabled and one is set to Mandatory - the user will still
need to utilise two factor authentication.
3. Users will immediately be asked to set up two factor authentication - click Set up to
4. A QR code will appear on the screen. Using the authenticator app, users can either scan
the code directly, or manually type in the key.
5. The authenticator app will provide a 6-digit code. Users should enter this code into the
field on VideoManager.
If the user gets a new phone, they must repeat the process of associating it with VideoManager. To do so:
1. Ensure that the administrator is in a role where the Clear Two Factor Authentication
permission has been set to On.
5. Next to the user who has lost their phone, click Go to user.
Before individual users can utilise their email to log in, email logins must be enabled on VideoManager. To do
1. Ensure email settings have been enabled and configured from the Email Properties
section of the Connectivity pane, in the Admin tab.
>> For more information, see Configure Email Properties on page 230
5. From the Use email to login dropdown, administrators can select which users will be
affected by email login. The options are as follows:
6. In the Email subject template and Email content template fields, the administrator
can configure the format of the email that users will receive when they try to log in.
Possible variables are as follows:
l ${loginUrl} - this is the link which users must click to log in.
If ${loginUrl} is not included in the email, users will not be able to log in.
l ${expirationTime} - this is the length of time that the link is valid for, as
configured in the Verification expiry time field.
7. In the Verification expiry time field, the administrator can configure how long a login
link is valid for.
4. Locate the user to be edited. Administrators can filter users in the following ways:
l A user's name (both username and display name) - enter their username or
display name in the Name field. Click Find to find the users, or click to reset
the filter.
l A user's group - enter a group name in the In group field. Click Find to find the
users, or click to reset the filter.
If the user enters a group name in the In group field, they will have the option to
change whether Only immediate members is set to On or not. If set to On, only
users which are assigned directly to the specified group will be returned (as
opposed to if user A is assigned indirectly to group B because A belongs to group
C, which is assigned to group B).
l A user's role - from the Role dropdown, select the relevant role. All users who
inhabit that role will be returned. Click Find to find the users, or click to reset
the filter.
6. In the Email notifications field, enter the email address which will be sent login links for
this user.
The actions which administrators can perform from this section are as follows:
Both password resetting and self-service registration are conducted through links sent via email. From the
User Self Service section, administrators can configure for how many minutes these links are valid. To do so:
4. In the Verification expiry time (mins) field, enter the number of minutes after which a
link will expire and must be re-sent.
>> For more information, see Configure Email Properties on page 230
6. In the Password reset templates section, configure what users will see from
VideoManager's login pane and in the password reset email:
l In the Password reset label field, enter the text that users will see on VideoMan-
ager's login page if they enter their password incorrectly.
One example is Forgotten password?
l In the Link label field, enter the text that users must click in order to send a pass-
word reset email. This will be displayed on VideoManager's login page alongside
the Password reset label field.
Examples include Reset here and Click here.
l In the Subject field, enter the text that will be set as the subject line for the pass-
word reset email.
l In the Content field, enter the content of the password reset email.
${loginUrl} and ${completionUrl} can be utilised to direct users to VideoManager's login pane
and password reset pane, respectively.
l If users have been created with self-registration, they can reset their passwords by
default because there is an email address associated with their account (their user-
l If users have not been created with self-registration (i.e. they have been created manu-
ally, or have been imported with the user import tool), an administrator must associate
an email address with their account. To do so:
5. In the Email notifications field, enter an email address for the user.
>> For more information, see Configure Email Properties on page 230
2. Ensure that at least one group exists, to which new users can be added.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit and Delete Groups on page 176
5. In the Registration email patterns section, administrators can configure which email
address patterns will be accepted by VideoManager when user creation is requested.
Requests from email addresses with patterns not listed here will be ignored. To add an
address pattern:
4. Click create.
6. In the Registration terms section, configure what non-registered workers will see from
VideoManager's login pane:
l In the Registration label field, enter the text that will appear on VideoManager's
login pane.
Examples include Unregistered? and Don't have an account?.
l In the Link label field, enter the text for the link that workers must click in order to
send a registration email.
Examples include Register here and Click here.
l In the Registration terms field, enter the text to which non-registered workers
must agree before they can create their new user profile.
It is possible to customise the text using the following settings (clicking the buttons again will
undo the changes):
l Heading - any text on the same line as ### will appear as heading
l Unordered List - any text after the hyphen will appear as part of a bul-
let point list. Unordered List must be clicked for each individual list entry.
l Ordered List - any text after the hyphen will appear as part of a
numbered list. Ordered List must be clicked for each individual list entry
(the numbers will appear in order once the message is previewed).
l Code - any text within the single quotation marks will appear as code.
l Quote - any text on the same line as > will appear as a quote.
7. In the Welcome email section, configure what workers will see when they open
VideoManager's welcome email:
l In the Subject field, enter the text that will be set as the subject line for the wel-
come email.
8. In the Already registered email section, configure what workers will see if an email
address they entered for self-registration is already associated with a user on VideoMan-
l In the Subject field, enter the text that will be set as the subject line for the email.
For more information, please see the document Built-in User Import Tool Guide [ED-012-229]. This can be
found in VideoManager's installation location, in the userimporttool folder.
Alternatively, administrators can manually export and import their entire user and group database via the
Users section.
>> For more information, see Export and Import Users and Groups on page 172
9.2 Devices
In the Devices pane, administrators can edit aspects of VideoManager related to body-worn camera
l Device Profiles
Import, edit, and delete device profiles. These control the way that individual body-worn cameras
behave when assigned, depending on the type of body-worn camera they are (i.e. VB400,
VB300/VB200/VB100, or VT-series camera).
>> For more information, see Create, Edit, Reorder and Delete Device Profiles on page 204
l Device Settings
Edit global body-worn camera settings. Unlike device profiles, settings configured here apply to all
body-worn cameras connected to VideoManager, regardless of their type.
>> For more information, see Configure Device Settings on page 207
>> For more information, see Configure Video metadata overlay settings on page 210
Import, edit, and delete access control keys. Access control keys determine which body-worn
cameras can connect to VideoManager - by exporting and importing access control keys, users
can access any footage that was still on a body-worn camera when it was moved to a different
instance of VideoManager.
>> For more information, see Create, Import, and Export Access Control Keys on page 213
>> For more information, see Create, Import, Export, and Delete Device Certificate
Authorities on page 216
l VB400 - this will only show device profiles that are applicable to VB400s.
l VB200/300 - this will only show device profiles that are applicable to
l VT50/100 - this will only show device profiles that are applicable to VT-series
Body-worn camera families which are not present on the administrator's instance
of VideoManager will still be presented here as an option in the dropdown.
6. From the Device family dropdown, select to which device family this device profile will
apply. The options are as follows:
l VB400
l VB200/300
l VT50/100
>> For more information, see Appendix B: Device Profiles on page 443
>> For more information, see Assign Body-Worn Cameras and Record Footage on
page 110
>> For more information, see Create, Edit, Copy, Import, Export and Delete Roles on
page 182
4. Find the relevant device profile by selecting a body-worn camera type from the Family
worn camera. Furthermore, the device profile which is highest overall in the list will be the system default. To
reorder device profiles:
4. Find the relevant device profiles by selecting a body-worn camera type from the Family
If an administrator wants to import/export all device profiles on VideoManager, they can do so from the
Import/Export System Config section of the System pane in the Admin tab.
>> For more information, see Import or Export VideoManager's Configuration on page 356
l If Full battery required is set to On, only body-worn cameras with a full battery will be
eligible for touch assign.
If set to Off, administrators will be given the option to enter a minimum charge time, before which
the body-worn camera cannot be assigned by RFID. The exception for this is body-worn cameras
which have been permanently allocated to a user - in this case, they can be tapped out by an RFID
card even when they have not met the minimum charge time.
In the Device discovery section, administrators can configure body-worn camera discovery.
l If Enable device discovery is set to On, VideoManager will discover all body-worn
cameras which are connected via USB, configured DockControllers, or unconfigured
If set to Off, VideoManager will only discover body-worn cameras which are connected to
DockControllers. Any body-worn cameras connected by USB will not appear on the Devices tab.
In the Device setup section, administrators can configure body-worn camera assignment.
l From the Default device assignment mode dropdown, select which body-worn
camera assignment mode is the default. This saves time when body-worn cameras are
being assigned, if one assignment mode is used consistently in an organisation. The
l Single issue - the body-worn camera will be assigned to a user and when it is
redocked, it will become unassigned and must be reassigned manually.
l Permanent issue - the body-worn camera will be assigned to the user and when
it is redocked, it will stay assigned to the same user.
In the Body-Worn Camera Field Trip, Operator Recorder Summary, and User
Summary reports, body-worn cameras in this mode will be marked as
Unassigned if they have been allocated but not tapped out with an RFID card.
l If Show public QR code bootstrap screen is set to On, users have the option to
launch a public version of the QR config page when configuring a VT-series camera.
This is useful if remote workers do not have access to VideoManager, but still need to
assign their body-worn cameras - an administrator can send them the link to the public
page, and the remote worker can use it to assign their body-worn cameras from their
own office or home.
If set to Off, only users with direct access to VideoManager can assign VT-series cameras via QR
>> For more information, see Connect VT-Series Cameras to VideoManager Remotely on
page 108
l In the Bluetooth address prefix field, administrators can set the range of MAC
addresses with which body-worn cameras can pair.
For more information, please contact Technical Support and ask for the technical paper
VideoManager and Tetra Radio Integration Explained [ED-009-062].
In the Device downloads section, administrators can configure how and when body-worn cameras download
footage to VideoManager.
l If Limit simultaneous downloads to is set to On, administrators can set the limit for
the number of simultaneous downloads performed by body-worn cameras.
If the download number is set to 10, then only 10 body-worn cameras can download footage to
VideoManager simultaneously. Once one body-worn camera finishes downloading, another body-
worn camera will take its place.
l If Fast download recovery is set to On, when a footage download is interrupted and
connection is then re-established, it will resume downloading from the same point before
connection was broken.
If set to Off, when a footage download is interrupted and connection is then re-established, the
download will begin again from the beginning.
In the Device properties section, administrators can configure their body-worn cameras' battery settings.
l Battery life extender should only be set to On if users regularly leave VB300s and
VB400s charging in their docks for 24 hours or longer.
l If Expect connectivity on charger is set to On, VB400s which are charging but cannot
connect to VideoManager will restart periodically, in an attempt to connect.
This will improve the reliablility of USB connection to VideoManager, but should be set to Off if
users will be charging their VB400s in the field without connecting to VideoManager (e.g.
connected via USB to a PC which does not have VideoManager installed).
In the Shift-long field trips section, administrators can configure what happens to body-worn cameras which
have been assigned to a user, if they are redocked in the middle of a shift:
l If Enable shift-long field trips is set to On, a body-worn camera assigned to a user will
have an affinity with that user once it is redocked in the middle of a shift.
This does not apply to body-worn cameras which have been assigned with permanent
issue or permanent allocation, because VideoManager will associate the user to the
body-worn camera permanently anyway.
This means that if an operator redocks their body-worn camera mid-shift and then undocks it later
in the shift, VideoManager will automatically assign the same body-worn camera to them, unless
one of the following conditions is met:
l The shift ends, as determined by the number of hours entered into the Maximum
shift length field.
In the Footage signing section, administrators can enable footage signing if they have also created or
imported a certificate authority from the Device Certificate Authorities section.
l Enable footage signing - if set to On, each VB400 will be provided with a certificate
which they will use to sign videos. When the videos are downloaded, VideoManager will
check that the videos' signatures match the body-worn cameras' certificates, and that
the body-worn cameras' certificates can be trusted.
This will only work if a certificate authority has been created or imported into
VideoManager. If the administrator has not created or imported a certificate authority, this
will do nothing.
>> For more information, see Create, Import, Export, and Delete Device
Certificate Authorities on page 216
4. To add a metadata element to the video overlay, scroll down to the bottom of the pane,
and select an element from the Add element dropdown.
The order in which an administrator chooses the metadata elements determines the
order that those elements will appear in when a video is played (left to right).
l Device serial number - the serial number of the body-worn camera on which the
footage was recorded.
l Operator name - the name of the operator who recorded the footage. Admin-
istrators can configure how many characters of the name will be visible over the
video, and how many spaces will be added to "pad" the name out to a minimum
l Date and time - for footage recorded on a VT-series camera or VB400, the
administrator can configure the following:
l Timezone - UTC (Greenwich Mean Time, but without adjustments for day-
light savings time) or Local Time (taken from VideoManager's server).
l Time &date format - this sets the format for date and time metadata. The
options are as follows:
l ISO Standard 8601 - if selected, the time and date will be presen-
ted in an internationally standardised manner.
l Text - administrators can enter text here which will give more information about
the body-worn camera, operator, etc.
Unlike other elements, administrators can add as many Text elements as necessary.
l GPS - for footage recorded on a VB400, this will display the latitude and longitude
of the body-worn camera. The administrator can also enable the following set-
l Include speed - if set to On, the speed of the body-worn camera will be
displayed in meters per second.
l Include track - if set to On, the track of the body-worn camera will be dis-
played in degrees.
l Device name - the name of the body-worn camera, as configured from the Edit
device properties pane.
l Battery level - the level of the VB400's battery when it recorded the footage.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit, Reorder and Delete Device Profiles on page 204
5. In the Description field, enter a name for the access control key.
7. Once an access control key has been created, the administrator can make it the default,
by which all new or factory reset body-worn cameras are authenticated, by clicking
Set as default key.
It is recommended that all access control keys are exported upon creation to somewhere
secure - in event of a system failure, this will ensure that users can still access footage on
their body-worn cameras that has not been downloaded already.
If an administrator wishes to move a body-worn camera to another instance of VideoManager, they must
import the corresponding access control key into that instance of VideoManager as well - otherwise, the body-
worn camera will appear as locked and the administrator will not be able to access any footage on the body-
worn camera which has not already been downloaded to VideoManager. To do so:
1. In the original VideoManager instance, next to the access control key, click Export
The access control key will be downloaded to the administrator's PC.
If an access control key is deleted while body-worn cameras associated with it are still in
the field, those body-worn cameras will appear as Locked when redocked and all
footage which was not already downloaded to VideoManager will be permanently
inaccessible, unless the administrator has exported the access control key and can
import it into VideoManager again.
7. Click delete.
The initial steps differ, depending on whether the administrator is creating or importing a certificate authority.
5. VideoManager automatically populates the Common Name field with the public
address + root CA. Administrators can change this, if desired.
6. In the Organisation field, optionally enter the name of the administrator's organisation
(e.g. Motorola Solutions).
7. In the Organisational unit field, optionally enter the name of the department that this
8. Click create.
Alternatively, if the administrator is importing an existing certificate authority into VideoManager:
7. Click OK.
Once the certificate authority has been created or imported, the administrator must enable file signing from the
Device Settings of the Devices pane, in the Admin tab. The setting is located in the Footage signing
>> For more information, see Configure Device Settings on page 207
From now on, all upgraded VB400s which are docked will be issued with signing certificates. All videos
downloaded from these VB400s will be accompanied by a digital signature: VideoManager will check that the
downloaded videos match their signatures and that the body-worn cameras' certificate associated with the
signature is trusted by VideoManager. Administrators can check whether the videos match this certificate from
the Videos tab.
>> For more information, see View and Edit Video Properties on page 27
If body-worn cameras are being moved from one instance of VideoManager to another, the administrator
should also export those body-worn cameras' certificate authority from the original instance and import it into
the new instance. This ensures that videos from those body-worn cameras can have their signatures checked
against the original certificate. Only the public part of the certificate authority will be exported, so there is no
security risk from importing these certificates into a less trusted system. To do so:
4. Next to the certificate authority which will be exported, click View Certificate
From now on, videos which would have been signed by the deleted certificate authority
will not be trusted by the system when downloaded, and videos which were already
downloaded and signed by the deleted certificate will also no longer be trusted. In both
cases, the videos' Signature field will read as Untrusted Certificate.
9.3 Connectivity
In the Connectivity pane, administrators can edit aspects of VideoManager related to WiFi and sites.
l WiFi Profiles
Create, edit, and delete WiFi profiles. This is necessary if users want to send live streams from
their body-worn cameras to VideoManager.
>> For more information, see Create WiFi Profiles and Perform WiFi Profile Actions on
page 221
l Bandwidth Rules
Configure bandwidth rules. This is necessary if administrators have sites uploading footage, and
they want to control when the footage is uploaded.
>> For more information, see Create, Copy, Edit and Delete Bandwidth Rules on page 226
l Site Manager
Configure sites. If VideoManager is not already acting as a Central VideoManager, this pane
allows administrators to enable their instance of VideoManager to act as a site. This is part of a
multi-step process.
l Email Properties
Configure how emails are sent and received in VideoManager.
>> For more information, see Configure Email Properties on page 230
l Configure email notifications on VideoManager, including the email template and which
actions prompt notifications to be sent to users.
>> For more information, see Configure Email Notifications on page 233
6. If Default profile is set to On, the WiFi profile will be the default. This means that body-
worn cameras assigned with single issue via RFID and Permanent allocation will
automatically use this WiFi profile.
>> For more information, see Create User-Specific WiFi Networks on page 367
The following settings must be configured if user-specific WiFi networks have been enabled:
l If Enable streaming is set to On, users with appropriate permissions can live
stream footage over VideoManager from VT-series cameras in the field.
l If Enable docking is set to On, users can assign and unassign VT-series
cameras over WiFi, instead of having to manually dock the body-worn cameras
8. Click Add network to add WiFi networks to this WiFi profile. Unlike user-specific
WiFi networks, these WiFi networks can be used by all body-worn cameras which have
this WiFi profile assigned to them, regardless of their operator.
Administrators can now configure the following settings:
l In the Network name (SSID) field, enter the SSID of the WiFi network.
l From the Security type dropdown, select the security type of the WiFi network.
l From the Band dropdown, select which frequencies the body-worn cameras will
attempt to connect to. The options are as follows:
l Any - this option will make VB400s connect to both 2.4GHz and 5GHz
l 2.4GHz only - this option will make all body-worn cameras connect to
2.4GHz frequencies.
l 5GHz only - this option will make VB400s connect to 5GHz frequencies.
l Hidden network should only be set to On if the networks within a WiFi profile are
hidden networks. This toggle enables body-worn cameras to connect to hidden
9. VT-series camera settings must be configured for the individual WiFi network. They are
as follows:
l If Enable streaming is set to On, users with appropriate permissions can live
stream footage over VideoManager from VT-series cameras in the field.
l If Enable docking is set to On, users can assign and unassign VT-series
cameras over WiFi, instead of having to manually dock the body-worn cameras
10. If multiple networks should be contained within the WiFi profile, click Add network
again and repeat the process until all of the necessary networks have been added.
Prioritise the networks using Move up and Move down. The first network shown will be
the one which body-worn cameras attempt to connect to first, while the last in the list will
only be used if all the others are unavailable.
11. Once the WiFi networks have been added, administrators must configure settings for
VB-series cameras for the entire WiFi profile. They are as follows:
l If Enable streaming is set to On, body-worn cameras will be able to live stream
footage over the WiFi networks in this WiFi profile.
l If Download video over WiFi is set to On, footage which has been recorded on
VB-series cameras can be downloaded to VideoManager over the WiFi networks
within this WiFi profile.
If the administrator has configured device profiles so that VB400s can place bookmarks in a
video, then only bookmarked videos will be downloaded over the WiFi networks.
If the administrator has not configured their device profiles so that VB400s can place
bookmarks in a video, then all videos will be downloaded over the WiFi networks when the
VB400 is connected to power.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit, Reorder and Delete Device Profiles on
page 204 and Appendix B: Device Profiles on page 443
>> For more information, see Assign Body-Worn Cameras and Record Footage on
page 110
The default WiFi profile cannot be deleted. Administrators must first select another WiFi profile
which will become the default instead. Next to the WiFi profile which will become the default, click
Go to profile, set Default profile to On, and click Save profile. The old WiFi profile can now
be deleted.
Administrators can duplicate WiFi profiles. This is useful if VideoManager should have multiple similar WiFi
profiles. To do so:
5. Administrators can edit the WiFi profile like normal. By default, the WiFi profile's Name
will be set to [name of the duplicated WiFi profile] (copy).
No two WiFi profiles can share the same name on VideoManager. Administrators cannot
save a WiFi profile whose name is identical to a previously-existing WiFi profile.
6. Once the relevant changes have been made (if any), click Save profile.
Administrators can export WiFi profiles. This is useful if sites should have the same WiFi profiles as their
Central VideoManager. To do so:
Administrators can import previously-created WiFi profiles which have been created on another instance of
VideoManager. This is useful if sites should have the same WiFi profiles as their Central VideoManager. To do
6. Click import.
The WiFi profile will now appear on the administrator's instance of VideoManager.
Alternatively, if an administrator wants to import/export all of their WiFi profiles simultaneously, they can do so
from the Import/Export System Config section of the System pane in the Admin tab.
>> For more information, see Import or Export VideoManager's Configuration on page 356
6. If Shared bandwidth group is set to On, all DockControllers which are added to this
rule will be part of the same "group" and will share the same bandwidth limit. This is
useful if multiple DockControllers are on the same network connection, and
administrators want to stagger the downloads.
7. If Slow connection is set to On, all DockControllers who are added to this rule will
continuously download footage to VideoManager, ignoring the overall download limit.
This is useful if the DockControllers in question have a slow network connection.
8. Click Add rule to create an individual rule. Administrators can configure the
following settings:
l In the from field, enter the time of day when this rule will begin.
l In the until field, enter the time of day when this rule will finish.
l In the limit to field, enter the number of kilobits per second to which uploads will
be limited while this rule applies.
Administrators can create multiple rules within one bandwidth rule, by clicking Add rule. This
is useful if there are certain "busy" times when footage and other data should not be offloaded, and
other "quiet" times when footage and data should be offloaded.
If there are multiple rules within one bandwidth rule, administrators should order them using the
controls next to each rule. If there are two overlapping rules (e.g. two rules both applying on
Saturday), the rule which is highest in the list will take priority.
To delete an individual rule within a bandwidth rule, click Delete bandwidth rule.
3. Find the relevant DockController, and click View details next to it.
Administrators can filter by Name, Serial, and Version.
5. If High Priority DockController is set to On, all footage from this DockController will be
downloaded as quickly as possible - this means that if the DockController is part of a
bandwidth rule that has the Shared bandwidth group setting enabled, it will halt the
downloads of other DockControllers in the group until all of its footage has been
Administrators can copy a bandwidth rule. This enables administrators to create multiple, similar bandwidth
rules. To do so:
Unlike groups and users, it is possible to create two bandwidth rules with the same name
- however, this is not generally recommended.
5. Make any necessary changes to the copy of the bandwidth rule, and click Save
bandwidth rule.
To edit an existing bandwidth rule:
If the deleted bandwidth rule was previously applied to a DockController or site, the
bandwidth setting for those DockControllers and sites will immediately change to No
Restriction until another bandwidth rule is manually re-applied.
>> For more information, see Import and Delete Licences on page 353
l In the Sender email address field, enter the email address from which all
VideoManager emails will be sent.
This includes email notifications, password reset emails, and user profile creation emails.
l In the Host field, enter the host from which emails will be sent.
For Gmail, this is smtp.gmail.com.
l In the Port field, enter the port from which emails will be sent.
For Gmail, this is 587.
l If Authentication is set to On, the administrator must enter the Username and
Password belonging to the email address entered in the Sender email address
The password is not necessarily the same password which is utilised to log in to
the email address's account.
1. Open the account settings pane for the email address entered in the
Sender email address field.
5. Enter VideoManager.
6. Click Generate.
l If STARTTLS enable is set to On, all emails sent from VideoManager will be pro-
tected with Transport Layer Security (TLS).
l If Trust server certificates is set to On, VideoManager will trust the SMTP
If set to Off, VideoManager will check server certificates.
7. In the Custom properties section, administrators can add specific properties which dic-
tate how VideoManager interacts with the SMTP server. To do so:
l In the Property field, enter the name of the property. This should be the name of
a JavaMail SMTP property.
Examples include mail.smtp.timeout and mail.smtp.reportsuccess.
8. In the Custom templates section, administrators can optionally configure the noti-
fication email which is sent to users when specific actions are taken on VideoManager:
l If First time login is set to On, administrators can configure the email that users
receive when another user on VideoManager logs in for the first time.
l If Device stream start is set to On, administrators can configure the email that
users receive when a body-worn camera starts streaming. This could be the
user's own body-worn camera, or a body-worn camera assigned to someone
they supervise, depending on the way the user's permissions have been con-
9. In the Test Properties section, administrators can send a test email. If email noti-
fications have been configured correctly, the email will be sent from VideoManager suc-
cessfully. In the Test recipient field, enter the email address to which test emails will be
sent, and click Test to send the test email.
Administrators can also configure how password reset emails and user profile creation emails are sent.
>> For more information, see Configure User Self Service on page 195
The administrator can first optionally configure the emails that users will receive when specific actions are
taken on VideoManager. To do so:
4. Scroll down to the Custom templates section. The options are as follows:
l If First time login is set to On, administrators can configure the email that users
receive when another user on VideoManager logs in for the first time.
If left as Off, the default message is User has logged in to ${system} for the
first time. User ${username}${displayName} has logged in.
l If Device stream start is set to On, administrators can configure the email that
users receive when a body-worn camera starts streaming. This could be the
user's own body-worn camera, or a body-worn camera assigned to someone
they supervise, depending on the way the user's permissions have been
If left as Off, the default message is Device started streaming. ${device} started
streaming to ${system}.
l If File storage threshold warning is set to On, administrators can configure the
email that users receive when one of VideoManager's file spaces is nearly full.
If left as Off, the default message is A File Space on ${system} has exceeded the
threshold: <#list storageWarnings as message> ${message.category} :
${message.level}% </#list> .
Once the administrator has optionally configured the email templates, they must configure which users will
receive notifications on a role-by-role basis. To do so:
l First time login - this permission means that users will receive a notification
when other users first log into VideoManager.
l Personal device stream start - this permission means that users will receive a
notification when a body-worn camera assigned to them starts streaming.
l Supervised device stream start - this permission means that users will receive
a notification when a body-worn camera assigned to users they supervise starts
l File storage threshold warnings - this permission means that users will receive
a notification when VideoManager is low on storage space.
4. Locate the user to be edited. Administrators can filter users in the following ways:
l A user's name (both username and display name) - enter their username or
display name in the Name field. Click Find to find the users, or click to reset
the filter.
l A user's group - enter a group name in the In group field. Click Find to find the
users, or click to reset the filter.
If the user enters a group name in the In group field, they will have the option to
change whether Only immediate members is set to On or not. If set to On, only
users which are assigned directly to the specified group will be returned (as
opposed to if user A is assigned indirectly to group B because A belongs to group
C, which is assigned to group B).
l A user's role - from the Role dropdown, select the relevant role. All users who
inhabit that role will be returned. Click Find to find the users, or click to reset
the filter.
6. In the Email notifications field, enter an email address for this user.
9.4 Policies
In the Policies pane, administrators can edit aspects of VideoManager relating to reoccurring rules and
l Deletion Policy
Configure when old footage and incidents are automatically deleted.
>> For more information, see Configure Deletion Policies on page 240
l Incident Exports
Configure incident export profiles. Incident export profiles determine how a user can export an
already-created incident from VideoManager (i.e. DVD, MP4, or Evidence Export).
>> For more information, see Configure Incident Exports on page 244
l File Exports
Configure whether recorded footage will be sent straight from a body-worn camera to a
predetermined location on a PC or server, in addition to being stored on VideoManager.
>> For more information, see Configure File Exports on page 253
>> For more information, see Enable and Configure Automatic Incident Creation on
page 255
l Password Complexity
Configure password complexity rules, to which all users on VideoManager must adhere.
>> For more information, see Configure Password Complexity on page 257
l Reports
Configure when old reports are automatically deleted, and at what time of day scheduled reports
are run.
>> For more information, see Configure Report Settings on page 259
l Edit default user-defined incident fields. These are built into VideoManager and
can have various aspects of their configuration changed.
>> For more information, see Edit Default User-defined Incident Fields on page 261
l Edit which incident clip properties can be viewed by different users, based on
their permission groups.
>> For more information, see Edit Incident Clip Fields on page 263
>> For more information, see Create New User-defined Incident Fields on page 264
l Edit default user-defined media fields. These are built into VideoManager and
can have various aspects of their configuration changed.
>> For more information, see Edit Default User-defined Media Fields on page 282
l Create, import and export user-defined media fields. User-defined media fields
enable users to categorise assets and videos, using more complex fields than
those which VideoManager provides by default.
>> For more information, see Create New User-defined Media Fields on page 283
>> For more information, see Configure CommandCentral Vault Settings on page 297
>> For more information, see Create User-defined Playback Reason Fields on page 298
l Import profiles
Configure import profiles. These profiles dictate which user-defined media fields are automatically
populated when an asset is imported into VideoManager.
>> For more information, see Configure Import Profiles on page 300
l Antivirus Policy
Configure whether VideoManager scans imported media for viruses.
>> For more information, see Enable and Configure the Antivirus Policy on page 302
l Sharing Policy
Configure which email address will be the default, and which incident clip fields will be visible,
when using incident links.
>> For more information, see Configure Sharing Policy on page 304
l Playback Policy
Configure whether users must record their reason for watching a video after a set period of time. It
is used in tandem with the user-defined playback reason fields configured in the User-defined
Playback Reason Fields section of the Policies pane, in the Admin tab.
>> For more information, see Configure the Playback Policy on page 305
l VB Companion Settings
Configure VB Companion settings, if VB Companion has been licensed from Motorola Solutions.
>> For more information, see Configure VB Companion Settings on page 308
>> For more information, see Create, View and Delete API Keys on page 309
l If Automatically delete old footage is set to On, old footage on VideoManager will be
automatically deleted.
Enter the number of days for which recorded footage should be kept before it is deleted.
Enter the number of days for which downloaded footage should be kept before it is deleted.
This differentiation is useful if footage isn't always downloaded on the same day as it is
recorded, and users want more time to review footage or add it to incidents.
l If Keep footage until auto file export complete is set to On, the deletion policy will be
suspended for individual videos until they have been exported. Once a video has been
exported, the original video on VideoManager will be subjected to the deletion policy like
This should not be enabled unless users have also enabled automatic incident exports,
as determined from the Incident Exports section of the Policies pane, in the Admin tab.
l If Keep all recording footage is set to On, an entire recording will be kept if one video
within it has been added to an incident.
If set to Off, only videos which have been added to incidents will be preserved. The larger
recording will be subject to VideoManager's deletion policy like normal.
l A VB400 enables users to bookmark footage in the field, drawing attention to certain
portions of footage. From the Bookmarked footage policy dropdown, select how
bookmarked footage will be treated by VideoManager's deletion policy. The options are
as follows:
l Keep for specified amount of time - if this option is selected, users will have
the option to configure for how long bookmarked footage is kept. The default is 90
l Enter the number of days for which footage is kept after deletion is requested, in case a
video has been deleted accidentally.
l Enter the number of days for which footage is protected after it has been removed from
an incident. Footage in an incident is never deleted unless:
l The incident it is a part of has been deleted, in which case the footage will be
subject to normal deletion policies.
l If Enable forced delete is set to On, footage will be deleted even if it is part of an
Normally, footage will never be deleted while it is part of an incident.
Export deletion policy - this section controls the deletion policy regarding exports on VideoManager.
l If Automatically delete old exports is set to On, this will automatically delete old
exports on VideoManager, even if the export has not already been downloaded to the
user's PC.
Enter the number of days for which exports are kept after being created.
Incidents deletion policy - this section controls the deletion policy regarding incidents on VideoManager. If
Automatically delete old incidents is set to On, the deletion policy will automatically delete old incidents
from VideoManager. There is some configuration involved:
1. Create a new user-defined incident field like normal, from the User-defined Incident
Fields section.
>> For more information, see Create New User-defined Incident Fields on page 264
There can only be one Computed auto-delete user-defined incident field per instance of
VideoManager. If one already exists, this option will not be visible in the dropdown.
3. In the Delete incident if field, enter the conditions under which this policy will go into
effect, using the Motorola Solutions custom predicate language. The most simple input
would be true, which would delete all incidents meeting the date specified in the Auto-
deletion date: field.
>> For more information, see Appendix E: Custom Predicate Language on page 469
4. In the Auto-deletion date field, enter the relevant time period which determines when
an incident will be deleted, using the Motorola Solutions custom predicate language.
The most simple input would be something like dateAdd(6, day, [creation-
time]), which would delete incidents that were 6 days old.
>> For more information, see Appendix E: Custom Predicate Language on page 469
Dashboard - this section controls whether a user's videos which are set to be deleted within a certain time
frame are visible on their dashboard:
l In the Show videos scheduled to be deleted within (7) days field, enter the number
of days within which a video will be deleted, before it will show up on a user's dashboard.
This setting only applies to users which have the View videos scheduled to be deleted on
dashboard permission set to Yes.
Optionally click Download Change Summary. This will download a CSV file directly to the administrator's
PC which contains information about any changes to which videos and incidents will be deleted as a result of
the new policy. Click Save settings.
From the appropriate pane, administrators can perform the following actions:
l Enable accelerated export jobs - if the PC running VideoManager has nVidia hardware,
this will increase the rate at which export jobs are processed.
The types of export profile that an administrator can create are as follows:
l MP4
l Evidence Export
Administrators can change whether incidents are automatically exported upon creation. This is useful if, due to
an organisation's workflow, every incident must be reviewed externally as soon as they have been saved.
Administrators may wish to create an export profile first, which all automatically-exported incidents will use. To
enable automatic incident exports:
5. From the Auto-export profile dropdown, select the previously-created export profile
that automatically exported incidents will inhabit.
Administrators can set rules for export profiles - these will dictate whether the export
profile can be applied to the incident in question, based on the status of the incident's
user-defined incident fields. However, automatic export will ignore any rules set by the
selected export profile.
4. In the DVD export defaults section, choose the appropriate option from the dropdown.
5. If Can override defaults is set to On, other users can change the type of DVD media
when creating they are creating an export.
Some nVidia GPUs have limits on the number of simultaneous export jobs they support.
If the number of simultaneous export jobs on VideoManager exceeds this limit, the
acceleration will not function. To determine what this limit is, navigate to
open the Encoding table, and look under the Max # of concurrent sessions column.
If the PC running VideoManager does not have an nVidia GPU, this will do nothing.
7. If Selectable is set to Yes, users can select this export profile when creating an export
from the Incidents tab.
Users with the Use any export profile permission will be able to select any profile, not
just those which are enabled. This profile can also still be used if incidents are being
exported automatically.
8. If Default is set to Yes, this export profile will be the default when creating an export
from the Incidents tab.
9. If Select Clips is set to On, users can manually select which incident clips will be
included in the export when they export the incident.
Users cannot select individual clips if the incident they are exporting contains a
composite clip.
If set to Off, all incident clips within the incident will be included in the export.
10. If Encrypt Downloads is set to On, the .zip folder containing exports with this profile will
be protected with AES 256 encryption. The user must set a passphrase when they down-
load the export to their PC; they must then enter the same passphrase when they extract
the .zip folder.
Windows cannot extract encrypted .zip folders. Instead, install 7-zip (which can be
downloaded for free from www.7-zip.org), and extract the .zip with that instead.
11. In the Ready To Export Rules field, administrators can configure the conditions which
must be met, before an incident can be exported with this export profile. The conditions
are based on how user-defined incident fields have been populated in the incident, and
the rules are formatted using Motorola Solutions custom predicate language.
>> For more information, see Create New User-defined Incident Fields on page 264 and
Appendix E: Custom Predicate Language on page 469
12. If Use Template for Title Page is set to On, administrators can customise the export's
title page, using markdown.
>> For more information, see Appendix F: Customise Export Title Pages on page 484
13. If Title pages, Watermark logo, and Watermark signature are set to Yes, these set-
tings will be applied by default.
14. If the toggles in the Overridable? column are set to Yes, these settings can be changed
by the user on a per-export basis, as they are being created in the Incidents tab.
15. From the Format dropdown, select the format for the export.
PAL should be chosen if the exports will be played in Europe, Australia, or Asia. NTSC should be
chosen if the exports will be played in the United States of America.
7. If Selectable is set to Yes, users can select this export profile when creating an export
from the Incidents tab.
Users with the Use any export profile permission will be able to select any profile, not
just those which are enabled. This profile can also still be used if incidents are being
exported automatically.
8. If Default is set to Yes, this export profile will be the default when creating an export
from the Incidents tab.
9. If Select Clips is set to On, users can manually select which incident clips will be
included in the export when they export the incident.
Users cannot select individual clips if the incident they are exporting contains a
composite clip.
If set to Off, all incident clips within the incident will be included in the export.
10. If Encrypt Downloads is set to On, the .zip folder containing exports with this profile will
be protected with AES 256 encryption. The user must set a passphrase when they down-
load the export to their PC; they must then enter the same passphrase when they extract
the .zip folder.
Windows cannot extract encrypted .zip folders. Instead, install 7-zip (which can be
downloaded for free from www.7-zip.org), and extract the .zip with that instead.
11. In the Ready To Export Rules field, administrators can configure the conditions which
must be met, before an incident can be exported with this export profile. The conditions
are based on how user-defined incident fields have been populated in the incident, and
the rules are formatted using Motorola Solutions custom predicate language.
>> For more information, see Create New User-defined Incident Fields on page 264 and
Appendix E: Custom Predicate Language on page 469
12. If Use Template for Title Page is set to On, administrators can customise the export's
title page, using markdown.
>> For more information, see Appendix F: Customise Export Title Pages on page 484
13. If Title pages, Watermark logo, and Watermark signature are set to Yes, these set-
tings will be applied by default.
14. If the toggles in the Overridable? column are set to Yes, these settings can be changed
by the user on a per-export basis, as they are being created in the Incidents tab.
7. If Selectable is set to Yes, users can select this export profile when creating an export
from the Incidents tab.
Users with the Use any export profile permission will be able to select any profile, not
just those which are enabled. This profile can also still be used if incidents are being
exported automatically.
8. If Default is set to Yes, this export profile will be the default when creating an export
from the Incidents tab.
9. If Select Clips is set to On, users can manually select which incident clips will be
included in the export when they export the incident.
Users cannot select individual clips if the incident they are exporting contains a
composite clip.
If set to Off, all incident clips within the incident will be included in the export.
10. If Encrypt Downloads is set to On, the .zip folder containing exports with this profile will
be protected with AES 256 encryption. The user must set a passphrase when they down-
load the export to their PC; they must then enter the same passphrase when they extract
the .zip folder.
Windows cannot extract encrypted .zip folders. Instead, install 7-zip (which can be
downloaded for free from www.7-zip.org), and extract the .zip with that instead.
11. In the Ready To Export Rules field, administrators can configure the conditions which
must be met, before an incident can be exported with this export profile. The conditions
are based on how user-defined incident fields have been populated in the incident, and
the rules are formatted using Motorola Solutions custom predicate language.
>> For more information, see Create New User-defined Incident Fields on page 264 and
Appendix E: Custom Predicate Language on page 469
12. From the Export Location dropdown, select where the export will be sent to. The
options are as follows: Default, Output directory, and Box.
If Output directory has been chosen, the administrator must configure the following settings:
l If Overwrite existing files is set to On, the export will replace another export
which is in the same folder with the same name.
l Output directory - enter the output directory for the export. This determines
where the export will be sent.
If Box has been chosen, the administrator must configure VideoManager with their Box's unique
information. Contact the network administrator.
Once the basic settings for the export profile have been configured, there are others settings that
administrators can configure.
Export Metadata - this section controls what metadata will be exported alongside the incident.
l If Add Metadata File is set to On, a separate metadata file will be exported alongside
the incident file.
l From the Metadata File generation level dropdown, select which incidents should be
exported. This is only relevant if the administrator has licensed Nested Incidents. The
options are as follows:
l For all incident levels - there will be separate metadata files for the main
incident and the nested incidents.
l Only the main incident - there will only be a metadata file for the main incident.
l Only nested incidents - there will only be a metadata file for the nested
l In the Metadata Filename Template field, enter the filename template for the metadata
l In the Metadata Content Template field, enter the content template for the metadata
l If Include Commit File is set to On, a file will be created and exported that indicates the
export has been completed.
Original Footage - this section controls what original footage will be exported alongside the incident. It is only
visible if Include original footage has been set to Yes.
l If Use Template for Filename is set to On, the administrator must enter a filename
template in the Filename Template field.
l If Add Metadata File is set to On, there will be separate metadata files for each original
piece of footage. The administrator must enter a metadata filename template and
l If Use Template for Filename is set to On, the administrator must enter a filename
template in the Filename Template field.
l If Add Metadata File is set to On, there will be separate metadata files for each incident
clip. The administrator must enter a metadata filename template and content template in
the Metadata Filename Template and Metadata Content Template fields,
Administrators can configure other aspects of an evidence bundle. These are controlled through toggles - the
toggles in the left-hand column control whether the features will be enabled, and the toggles in the right-hand
Overridable? column control whether users can override the pre-determined configuration when exporting an
l If Watermark logo is set to On, the export will include the previously-configured
watermark over the footage in the incident.
This is configured in the Theme Resources section.
>> For more information, see Change and Reset Theme Resources on page 320
l If Include original footage is set to On, the export will include the original, full-length
footage from which the incident clips were taken.
l If Include clip footage is set to On, the export will include the incident clips themselves.
l If Include confidential metadata is set to On, the export will include the incident's fields
as a JSON file. This is useful if the user is planning to upload the incident to another
instance of VideoManager - this will allow VideoManager to automatically populate the
incident fields when the incident is uploaded.
l If Single file per incident clip is set to On, this will include every redacted incident clip
as individual video files instead of one long video file.
Click create to create the export profile.
5. In the File path field, enter the file path to which videos will automatically be sent.
Administrators can add fields to this path which correlate with the video's properties. To do so,
select the relevant fields from the Add Field dropdown. Separate each field with a slash.
These fields will send the video to sub-folders based on, for instance, the operator who recorded
the video, or the body-worn camera's serial number.
If the specified folders do not already exist for this path, they will be created as soon as
the videos are automatically exported.
7. In the File name field, enter the name that will be given to individual video files once
they have been exported.
Administrators can add fields to this name which correlate with the video's properties, in addition to
plaintext. To do so, select the relevant fields from the Add Field dropdown. Separate each field
with a slash.
VideoManager will not save the File name field's configuration unless it generates a
unique name for every exported video. Click for more information about how to
guarantee unique names.
>> For more information, see Configure CommandCentral Vault Settings on page 306
6. Administrators can view the CommandCentral Vault fields which map directly on to
already-existing user-defined media fields.
Unlike user-defined incident fields, user-defined media fields can only be edited after the videos
have been downloaded to VideoManager. Because file exports will send videos to
CommandCentral Vault immediately, users will not have time to edit the user-defined media fields.
For this reason, it is recommended that administrators contact Motorola Solutions Support
regarding these user-defined media fields.
1. Ensure that the Media Properties and Incidents licences have been enabled on
For more information, please contact edesixsales@motorolasolutions.com.
>> For more information, see Import and Delete Licences on page 353
>> For more information, see Create New User-defined Media Fields on page 283
7. If Use whole recording is set to On, an entire recording will be added to an auto-
matically-generated incident if one video within it meets the requirements for automatic
incident creation.
If set to Off, a recording will not be added to an incident if one of its videos meets the requirements
for automatic incident creation. Instead, VideoManager will only create incidents for the individual
videos which meet the requirements.
8. In the Auto incident creation criteria field, use Motorola Solutions custom predicate
language to determine which user-defined media fields will prompt VideoManager to cre-
ate an incident automatically.
>> For more information, see Appendix E: Custom Predicate Language on page 469
The Password Complexity section is divided into Primary and Alternate requirements. By default, all
passwords must meet the primary requirements. However, if there is a need for administrative passwords to be
more secure than user passwords, the alternate requirements can be set more stringently and any role can be
set to require passwords to meet them instead.
To configure password complexity:
4. In the Minimum password length field, enter the minimum number of characters which
users must meet.
5. In the Minimum hours between password changes field, enter the minimum number
of hours for which a user's password must exist, after which it can be changed by them.
This only affects a user's ability to change their own password from the Update password pane of
their Account Profile tab. Administrators can still update passwords from the Users section, even
if doing so violates the rule configured here.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit, and Delete Users on page 165
6. If Lowercase is set to On, a password must have at least one lowercase letter.
7. If Uppercase is set to On, a password must have at least one uppercase letter.
10. If Disallow username in password is set to On, a user cannot include their username
in their password.
11. If Disallow repeated characters is set to On, a password cannot have the same char-
acter multiple times in a row.
The administrator must set the maximum number of repeated characters allowed by
VideoManager (e.g. if the number is set to 1, then the password Bubble would be deemed
inadmissible because it has two bs in a row).
12. If Disallow password reuse is set to On, a password cannot match the user's previous
The administrator must enter the number of previous passwords which the new password cannot
13. If Require periodic password changes is set to On, the administrator must enter the
number of days, after which passwords on VideoManager must be reset.
14. If Prevent repeated login attempts is set to On, the administrator must enter the num-
ber of times someone can try to log in to VideoManager unsuccessfully, after which their
account will be locked. The administrator must also enter the number of minutes for
which the profile will be locked, before users can try to log in again.
Suitably privileged users can unlock other users from the Users section of the People
pane, in the Admin tab.
15. If Temporary password expire is set to On, a temporary password given to a user (e.g.
because they have forgotten their password) will expire after a set number of hours.
The administrator must enter the number of hours for which the password will be valid.
16. If Alternate is set to On, the same password restrictions must be configured.
Any roles which will be utilising the alternate password complexity must have Alternate set to Yes.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit, Copy, Import, Export and Delete Roles on
page 182
4. In the Minimum Auto-delete age field, enter the minimum number of days for which
reports must have existed, before they are considered for deletion.
5. In the Scheduled report time field, select the time of day at which scheduled reports
should run.
This setting will affect all scheduled reports on VideoManager, and only dictates when reports are
generated, not what times they cover.
[{"name":"NAME OF SCHEDULE",
"scheduleDates": [{"startDay":DAY OF MONTH,"startMonth":
MONTH,"endDay":DAY OF MONTH,"endMonth":MONTH}]]
The day and month should be entered numerically (e.g. April = 4, May = 5, etc).
In the following example, the JSON would import the schedule Test, which covers April 1st until
May 20th.
"scheduleDates": [{"startDay":1,"startMonth":
In the following example, the JSON would import the schedules Test and Test-2, which cover
April 1st until May 20th and June 1st until July 20th, respectively.
"scheduleDates": [{"startDay":1,"startMonth":
4,"endDay":20,"endMonth":5}] [{"name":"Test-2",
"scheduleDates": [{"startDay":1,"startMonth":
>> For more information, see Create Reports and Perform Report Actions on page 143
If administrators import a new JSON file to VideoManager, then all schedules with the
same name will be overwritten, and all schedules not mentioned in the new JSON file will
be deleted.
1. In the Identifier field, optionally enter an updated identifier for the user-defined incident
This should be all lowercase, and unique.
2. In the Display name field, optionally enter an updated display name for the user-defined
incident field.
3. If Mandatory is set to On, users will be unable to save an incident unless they populate
this field.
4. From the Permission group dropdown, optionally select to which access group this
user-defined incident field will apply. Any users in the selected access group will be able
to view this user-defined incident field when creating and editing incidents.
5. From the Column width dropdown, optionally select how wide this user-defined
incident field's column will appear in incident search results.
This is only relevant if the user-defined incident field has been configured to appear in the incident
search results pane.
1. In the Display name field, optionally enter an updated display name for the user-defined
incident field.
2. From the Permission group dropdown, optionally select to which access group this
user-defined incident field will apply. Any users in the selected access group will be able
to view this user-defined incident field when creating and editing incidents.
3. From the Column width dropdown, optionally select how wide this user-defined
incident field's column will appear in incident search results.
This is only relevant if the user-defined incident field has been configured to appear in the incident
search results pane.
4. If Show in summary is set to No, this user-defined incident field will not be visible when
users edit and view incidents.
4. Scroll to the Incident Clip Fields section and click View field next to the field which
will be edited.
There are four fields - one for each incident clip property.
5. From the Permission group dropdown, select which users will be able to view this incid-
ent clip property.
By default, the dropdown is set to Public, meaning that all users on VideoManager and anyone
with an incident link can view this property. The administrator can select a specific permission
group from the dropdown, so users can only view this property if one of their roles has this
permission group enabled.
The administrator cannot edit the incident clip field further. Incident clip fields cannot be
deleted, either.
>> For more information, see Configure Sharing Policy on page 304
Before the administrator creates new user-defined incident fields, they can optionally create validators, which
define how information entered into user-defined incident fields must be formatted (e.g. as a UK postcode).
l If the administrator is creating a user-defined incident field which users must pop-
ulate while creating an incident, click Create field.
l If the administrator is creating a user-defined incident field which users must pop-
ulate before deleting an incident, scroll to the Incident Deletion Fields section
and click Create field.
4. In the Identifier field, enter an identifier for the user-defined incident field.
This should be all lowercase, and unique.
5. In the Display name field, enter a display name for the user-defined incident field.
This will be what the user-defined incident field is called in the VideoManager UI.
6. If the administrator is creating a field, select the type of user-defined incident field to be
created from the Type dropdown:
l Text - in this user-defined incident field, users can enter text related to the incid-
This is useful if users need to search for a specific phrase or word (e.g. Assault, Arrest, etc.).
l Date - in this user-defined incident field, users can select a date related to the
l Date &Time - in this user-defined incident field, users can select a date and time
related to the incident.
l Drop down - in this user-defined incident field, users can select an option from a
dropdown related to the incident.
l Check box - in this user-defined incident field, users can either check or uncheck
a checkbox related to the incident.
l URL - in this user-defined incident field, users can enter a URL related to the
l Computed - in this user-defined incident field, users can create URLs from pre-
viously-created user-defined incident fields. Administrators can also configure
computed fields to appear - and change their appearance - based on how other
user-defined incident fields have been populated.
l Tag List - in this user-defined incident field, users can select one or more tags
related to the incident.
7. If Mandatory is set to On, users will be unable to save an incident unless they populate
this field.
8. From the Permission group dropdown, select to which access group this user-defined
incident field will apply. Any users in the selected access group will be able to view and
edit the user-defined incident field when creating and editing incidents.
If all users should be able to utilise this user-defined incident field when creating and editing
incidents, select Public.
Computed fields do not need to have the same permission groups as the other user-defined
incident fields which determine whether they appear or not. For example, if only some
administrators should have the ability to populate the [review-status] field with sensitive
information, but all users should be able to see the more general [reviewed-already]
computed field, [review-status] could be set to Access Group One, while [review-
status] could be set to Public.
9. From the Column width dropdown, select how wide this user-defined incident field's
column will appear in incident search results.
This is only relevant if the user-defined incident field has been configured to appear in the incident
search results pane.
The following steps differ, depending on the kind of user-defined incident field to be created:
l Text
l Date
l Date &Time
l Drop down
l Check box
l Computed
l Tag List
Once an administrator has created user-defined incident fields, there are actions which can be performed on
these user-defined incident fields from the User-defined Incident Fields pane. They are as follows:
l Export user-defined incident fields from one instance of VideoManager, and import them
into another instance.
l Configure how user-defined incident fields are presented when viewing incidents in the
Search Incidents pane.
l Reorder user-defined incident fields, which affects how user-defined incident fields are
To create a validator:
7. In the Description field, enter the text which users will see when populating a user-
defined incident field.
This should detail the format to which the user-defined incident field will adhere.
8. In the Pattern field, enter the pattern of the validator itself. This should be done utilising
regular expressions.
9. If Case insensitive is set to On, the validator will ignore the case of the text entered into
the user-defined incident field.
If set to Off, the case of the text entered into the user-defined incident field must match that of the
Pattern field exactly.
10. If the administrator wishes to test the validator, they can enter example text into the Test
text field.
VideoManager will determine whether the example text would be accepted by the validator or not.
>> For more information, see Create New User-defined Incident Fields on page 264
1. In the Number of lines field, enter the number of lines (1-50) which will be displayed at
once when viewing the text field in an incident. This does not restrict the actual number
of lines which can be entered.
For example, if the number of lines is set to 3 and there are 4 lines of text in an incident's text field,
a scroll bar will appear on the right-hand side of the pane to show the last line.
3. In the Default value field, enter a default value. This will be the value if nothing else is
entered into the text field.
If the administrator has selected a validator from the Validator dropdown, the default
value in the Default value field must match this validator.
4. If Include in match text search is set to On, incidents can be filtered by the text
entered into this text field, using the Match Text field in the Search Incidents pane.
5. If Show search field is set to On, a field will appear in the Search Incidents pane
that enables users to filter incidents only by text entered into this text field.
6. In the Conditions section, administrators can configure whether this user-defined incid-
ent field only appears in the New Incident pane when another drop down field or check
box field has been populated in a specific manner. To do so:
l Ensure there is at least one drop down field or check box field on VideoManager
already. Conditions can only be used on these fields.
l Click confirm.
1. In the Default value field, enter a default value. This will be the value if nothing else
is entered into the date field.
2. If Search by range is set to On, a field will appear in the Search Incidents pane
that enables users to filter incidents only by a range of dates entered into this date field.
If set to Off, users can only filter by one date at a time.
This change will not come into effect unless Show search field is also set to On.
3. If Include in date search is set to On, incidents can be filtered by the date entered into
this date field, using the Earliest date and Latest date fields in the Search
Incidents pane.
4. If Show search field is set to On, a field will appear in the Search Incidents pane
that enables users to filter incidents only by the dates entered into this date field.
5. In the Conditions section, administrators can configure whether this user-defined incid-
ent field only appears in the New Incident pane when another drop down field or check
box field has been populated in a specific manner. To do so:
l Ensure there is at least one drop down field or check box field on VideoManager
already. Conditions can only be used on these fields.
l Click confirm.
1. In the Default value field, enter a default value. This will be the value if nothing else
is entered into the date and time field.
By clicking Set to now, users can set the default value to the server's current date and time.
2. If Include in date search is set to On, incidents can be filtered by the date entered into
this date and time field, using the Earliest date and Latest date fields in the
Search Incidents pane.
3. If Show search field is set to On, a field will appear in the Search Incidents pane
that enables users to filter incidents only by the date and time entered into this date and
time field.
4. In the Conditions section, administrators can configure whether this user-defined incid-
ent field only appears in the New Incident pane when another drop down field or check
box field has been populated in a specific manner. To do so:
l Ensure there is at least one drop down field or check box field on VideoManager
already. Conditions can only be used on these fields.
l Click confirm.
1. Click New value. This will add an option to the drop down field, which the user can
select when creating an incident. In the Value field, enter the name of the dropdown
option. Click confirm.
2. From the Default value dropdown, select a default value. This will be the value if noth-
ing else is selected from the drop down field.
3. If Include in match text search is set to On, incidents can be filtered by the value of the
drop down field, using the Match Text field in the Search Incidents pane.
For example - if the user selects a value from the drop down field called Assault, they should enter
Assault into the Match Text field.
4. If Show search field is set to On, a dropdown will appear in the Search Incidents
pane that enables users to filter incidents only by the value chosen from this drop down
5. In the Conditions section, administrators can configure whether this user-defined incid-
ent field only appears in the New Incident pane when another drop down field or check
box field has been populated in a specific manner. To do so:
l Ensure there is at least one drop down field or check box field on VideoManager
already. Conditions can only be used on these fields.
l Click confirm.
1. From the Default value field, select a default value. This will be the value if the check
box field is not edited during the creation of the incident.
This can either be checked or unchecked.
2. If Show search field is set to On, a checkbox will appear in the Search Incidents
pane that enables users to filter incidents only by whether this check box field has been
checked or not.
3. In the Conditions section, administrators can configure whether this user-defined incid-
ent field only appears in the New Incident pane when another drop down field or check
box field has been populated in a specific manner. To do so:
l Ensure there is at least one drop down field or check box field on VideoManager
already. Conditions can only be used on these fields.
l Click confirm.
1. In the Default value field, enter a default value. This will be the value if nothing else is
entered into the URL field.
2. If Include in match text search is set to On, incidents can be filtered by the URL
entered into this text field, using the Match Text field in the Search Incidents pane.
3. In the Conditions section, administrators can configure whether this user-defined incid-
ent field only appears in the New Incident pane when another drop down field or check
box field has been populated in a specific manner. To do so:
l Ensure there is at least one drop down field or check box field on VideoManager
already. Conditions can only be used on these fields.
l Click confirm.
1. In the Expression field, enter the relevant text using Motorola Solutions custom pre-
dicate language.
>> For more information, see Appendix E: Custom Predicate Language on page 469
2. If As Url is set to On, the field will be presented as a URL when creating an incident.
The encodeURIComponent() function allows users to encode a string to make it suitable for use
in a URL - even if the string contains characters which would normally not be allowed in a URL.
3. In the Conditions section, administrators can configure whether this user-defined incid-
ent field only appears in the New Incident pane when another drop down field or check
box field has been populated in a specific manner. To do so:
l Ensure there is at least one drop down field or check box field on VideoManager
already. Conditions can only be used on these fields.
l Click confirm.
1. Click New value. This will add an option to the tag list field, which the user can
select when creating an incident. Click confirm.
2. From the Default value dropdown, select a default value. This will be the value if noth-
ing else is selected in the tag list field.
3. If Show search field is set to On, a field will appear in the Search Incidents pane
that enables users to filter incidents only by the value chosen from this tag list field.
4. In the Conditions section, administrators can configure whether this user-defined incid-
ent field only appears in the New Incident pane when another drop down field or check
box field has been populated in a specific manner. To do so:
l Ensure there is at least one drop down field or check box field on VideoManager
already. Conditions can only be used on these fields.
l Click confirm.
4. Click Export.
The user-defined incident fields will be saved to the PC's default download location.
5. In the new instance of VideoManager (or a site, if User-defined Fields has been set to
Off in the Metadata/Footage Replication section), navigate to the Admin tab.
8. Click Import.
Select the previously downloaded user-defined incident fields.
9. Click Import.
Alternatively, if an administrator wants to import all of their user-defined incident fields simultaneously, they
can do so from the Import/Export System Config section of the System pane in the Admin tab.
>> For more information, see Import or Export VideoManager's Configuration on page 356
l Small tables - this shows which user-defined incident fields will be displayed in a
small table (e.g. on a mobile phone).
l Medium tables - this shows which user-defined incident fields will be displayed
in a medium table (e.g. on a tablet).
l Large tables - this shows which user-defined incident fields will be displayed in a
large table (e.g. on a computer).
6. From the dropdown, select which user-defined incident field should be added to the
The user-defined incident field will be added to the bottom of the list.
7. If necessary, rearrange the user-defined incident fields in the table by grabbing the left-
hand side of the relevant user-defined incident field and dragging it to the desired loc-
ation in the list.
5. Grab the left-hand side of the relevant user-defined incident field and drag it to the
desired location in the list.
6. Click confirm.
When users create an incident, the user-defined incident fields to be populated will be presented in the same
order which has been configured here.
>> For more information, see Create Incidents Manually and Perform Incident Actions on page 49
4. Default user-defined media fields are marked with an icon. Next to the relevant
default field, click Edit field.
5. From the Permission group dropdown, select which users will be able to view this
user-defined media field.
By default, the dropdown is set to Public, meaning that all users on VideoManager can view this
field. The administrator can select a specific permission group from the dropdown, so users can
only view this field if one of their roles has this permission group enabled.
The administrator cannot edit the user-defined media field further. Default user-defined
media fields cannot be deleted, either.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit, Copy, Import, Export and Delete Roles on page 182
Before the administrator creates user-defined media fields, they can optionally create validators, which define
how information entered into user-defined media fields must be formatted (e.g. as a UK postcode).
5. In the Identifier field, enter an identifier for the user-defined media field.
This should be all lowercase, and unique.
6. In the Display name field, enter a display name for the user-defined media field.
This will be what the user-defined media field is called in the VideoManager UI.
7. From the Type dropdown, select the type of user-defined media field to be created.
l Text - in this user-defined media field, users can enter text related to the
This is useful if users need to search for a specific phrase or word (e.g. Assault, Arrest, etc.).
l Date - in this user-defined media field, users can select a date related to the
l Date &Time - in this user-defined media field, users can select a date and time
related to the video/asset.
l Drop down - in this user-defined media field, users can select an option from a
dropdown related to the video/asset.
l Check box - in this user-defined media field, users can either check or uncheck a
checkbox related to the video/asset.
l URL - in this user-defined media field, users can enter a URL related to the
l Computed - in this user-defined media field, users can create URLs from pre-
viously-created user-defined media fields. Administrators can also configure com-
puted fields to appear - and change their appearance - based on how other user-
defined media fields have been populated.
Computed fields do not need to have the same permission groups as the other user-defined
media fields which determine whether they appear or not. For example, if only some
administrators should have the ability to populate the [review-status] field with sensitive
information, but all users should be able to see the more general [reviewed-already]
computed field, [review-status] could be set to Access Group One, while [review-
status] could be set to Public.
l Tag List - in this user-defined media field, users can select one or more tags
related to the video/asset.
8. If Mandatory is set to On, users will be unable to save an video/asset unless they pop-
ulate this field.
9. From the Permission group dropdown, select to which access group this user-defined
media field will apply. Any users in the selected access group will be able to view and
edit the user-defined media field when creating and editing videos/assets.
If all users should be able to utilise this user-defined media field when creating and editing
videos/assets, select Public.
The following steps differ, depending on the kind of user-defined media field to be created:
l Text
l Date
l Date &Time
l Drop down
l Check box
l Computed
l Tag List
Once an administrator has created user-defined media fields, there are actions which can be performed on
these user-defined media fields from the User-defined Media Fields pane. They are as follows:
l Export user-defined media fields from one instance of VideoManager, and import them
into another instance.
l Reorder user-defined media fields, which affects how user-defined media fields are
presented when editing a video/asset.
To create a validator:
7. In the Description field, enter the text which users will see when populating a user-
defined media field.
This should detail the format to which the user-defined media field will adhere.
8. In the Pattern field, enter the pattern of the validator itself. This should be done utilising
regular expressions.
9. If Case insensitive is set to On, the validator will ignore the case of the text entered into
the user-defined media field.
If set to Off, the case of the text entered into the user-defined media field must match that of the
Pattern field exactly.
10. If the administrator wishes to test the validator, they can enter example text into the Test
text field.
VideoManager will determine whether the example text would be accepted by the validator or not.
>> For more information, see Create New User-defined Media Fields on page 283
1. In the Number of lines field, enter the number of lines (1-50) which will be displayed at
once when viewing the text field in a video/asset. This does not restrict the actual num-
ber of lines which can be entered.
For example, if the number of lines is set to 3 and there are 4 lines of text in a video's text field, a
scroll bar will appear on the right-hand side of the pane to show the last line.
3. In the Default value field, enter a default value. This will be the value if nothing else is
entered into the text field.
If the user has selected a validator from the Validator dropdown, the default value in the
Default value field must match this validator.
4. If Include in match text search is set to On, videos/assets can be filtered by the text
entered into this text field, using the Match Text field in the Search Videos pane.
5. If Show search field is set to On, a field will appear in the Search Videos pane that
enables users to filter videos/assets only by text entered into this text field.
6. If Show in Incidents is set to On, the way this field has been populated will be viewable
in the Incident clips section of the incident editor once the video/asset has been added
to an incident.
7. In the Conditions section, users can configure whether this user-defined media field
only appears in the Edit properties pane when another drop down field or check box
field has been populated in a specific manner. To do so:
l Ensure there is at least one drop down field or check box field on VideoManager
already. Conditions can only be used on these fields.
l From the Field dropdown, select which drop down field or check box field will dic-
tate the appearance of this user-defined media field.
l From the Value dropdown, select which of the drop down field or check box field's
values will dictate the appearance of this user-defined media field.
This will be presented as a checkbox if a check box field has been chosen, and a dropdown if a
drop down field has been chosen.
l Click confirm.
1. In the Default value field, enter a default value. This will be the value if nothing else
is entered into the date field.
2. If Search by range is set to On, a field will appear in the Search Videos pane that
enables users to filter videos/assets only by a range of dates entered into this date field.
If set to Off, users can only filter by one date at a time.
This change will not come into effect unless Show search field is also set to On.
3. If Include in date search is set to On, videos/assets can be filtered by the date entered
into this date field, using the Earliest date and Latest date fields in the
Search Videos pane.
4. If Show search field is set to On, a field will appear in the Search Videos pane that
enables users to filter videos only by the dates entered into this date field.
5. If Show in Incidents is set to On, the way this field has been populated will be viewable
in the Incident clips section of the incident editor once the video/asset has been added
to an incident.
6. In the Conditions section, users can configure whether this user-defined media field
only appears in the Edit properties pane when another drop down field or check box
field has been populated in a specific manner. To do so:
l Ensure there is at least one drop down field or check box field on VideoManager
already. Conditions can only be used on these fields.
l From the Field dropdown, select which drop down field or check box field will dic-
tate the appearance of this user-defined media field.
l From the Value dropdown, select which of the drop down field or check box field's
values will dictate the appearance of this user-defined media field.
This will be presented as a checkbox if a check box field has been chosen, and a dropdown if a
drop down field has been chosen.
l Click confirm.
1. In the Default value field, enter a default value. This will be the value if nothing else
is entered into the date and time field.
By clicking Set to now, users can set the default value to the server's current date and time.
2. If Include in date search is set to On, videos/assets can be filtered by the date entered
into this date and time field, using the Earliest date and Latest date fields in the
Search Videos pane.
3. If Show search field is set to On, a field will appear in the Search Videos pane that
enables users to filter videos/assets only by the date and time entered into this date and
time field.
4. If Show in Incidents is set to On, the way this field has been populated will be viewable
in the Incident clips section of the incident editor once the video/asset has been added
to an incident.
5. In the Conditions section, users can configure whether this user-defined media field
only appears in the Edit properties pane when another drop down field or check box
field has been populated in a specific manner. To do so:
l Ensure there is at least one drop down field or check box field on VideoManager
already. Conditions can only be used on these fields.
l From the Field dropdown, select which drop down field or check box field will dic-
tate the appearance of this user-defined media field.
l From the Value dropdown, select which of the drop down field or check box field's
values will dictate the appearance of this user-defined media field.
This will be presented as a checkbox if a check box field has been chosen, and a dropdown if a
drop down field has been chosen.
l Click confirm.
1. Click New value. This will add an option to the drop down field, which the user can
select when editing a video/asset. In the Value field, enter the name of the dropdown
option. Click confirm.
2. From the Default value dropdown, select a default value. This will be the value if noth-
ing else is selected from the drop down field.
3. If Include in match text search is set to On, videos/assets can be filtered by the value
of the drop down field, using the Match Text field in the Search Videos pane.
For example - if the user selects a value from the drop down field called Assault, they should enter
Assault into the Match Text field.
4. If Show search field is set to On, a dropdown will appear in the Search Videos
pane that enables users to filter videos/assets only by the value chosen from this drop
down field.
5. If Show in Incidents is set to On, the way this field has been populated will be viewable
in the Incident clips section of the incident editor once the video/asset has been added
to an incident.
6. In the Conditions section, users can configure whether this user-defined media field
only appears in the Edit properties pane when another drop down field or check box
field has been populated in a specific manner. To do so:
l Ensure there is at least one drop down field or check box field on VideoManager
already. Conditions can only be used on these fields.
l From the Field dropdown, select which drop down field or check box field will dic-
tate the appearance of this user-defined media field.
l From the Value dropdown, select which of the drop down field or check box field's
values will dictate the appearance of this user-defined media field.
This will be presented as a checkbox if a check box field has been chosen, and a dropdown if a
drop down field has been chosen.
l Click confirm.
1. From the Default value field, select a default value. This will be the value if the check
box field is not edited.
This can either be checked or unchecked.
2. If Show search field is set to On, a checkbox will appear in the Search Videos
pane that enables users to filter videos/assets only by whether this check box field has
been checked or not.
3. If Show in Incidents is set to On, the way this field has been populated will be viewable
in the Incident clips section of the incident editor once the video/asset has been added
to an incident.
4. In the Conditions section, users can configure whether this user-defined media field
only appears in the Edit properties pane when another drop down field or check box
field has been populated in a specific manner. To do so:
l Ensure there is at least one drop down field or check box field on VideoManager
already. Conditions can only be used on these fields.
l From the Field dropdown, select which drop down field or check box field will dic-
tate the appearance of this user-defined media field.
l From the Value dropdown, select which of the drop down field or check box field's
values will dictate the appearance of this user-defined media field.
This will be presented as a checkbox if a check box field has been chosen, and a dropdown if a
drop down field has been chosen.
l Click confirm.
1. In the Default value field, enter a default value. This will be the value if nothing else is
entered into the URL field.
2. If Include in match text search is set to On, videos/assets can be filtered by the URL
entered into this text field, using the Match Text field in the Search Videos pane.
3. If Show in Incidents is set to On, the way this field has been populated will be viewable
in the Incident clips section of the incident editor once the video/asset has been added
to an incident.
4. In the Conditions section, users can configure whether this user-defined media field
only appears in the Edit properties pane when another drop down field or check box
field has been populated in a specific manner. To do so:
l Ensure there is at least one drop down field or check box field on VideoManager
already. Conditions can only be used on these fields.
l From the Field dropdown, select which drop down field or check box field will dic-
tate the appearance of this user-defined media field.
l From the Value dropdown, select which of the drop down field or check box field's
values will dictate the appearance of this user-defined media field.
This will be presented as a checkbox if a check box field has been chosen, and a dropdown if a
drop down field has been chosen.
l Click confirm.
1. In the Expression field, enter the relevant text using Motorola Solutions custom pre-
dicate language.
>> For more information, see Appendix E: Custom Predicate Language on page 469
2. If As Url is set to On, the field will be presented as a URL when editing a video/asset.
The encodeURIComponent() function allows users to encode a string to make it suitable for use
in a URL - even if the string contains characters which would normally not be allowed in a URL.
3. In the Conditions section, users can configure whether this user-defined media field
only appears in the Edit properties pane when another drop down field or check box
field has been populated in a specific manner. To do so:
l Ensure there is at least one drop down field or check box field on VideoManager
already. Conditions can only be used on these fields.
l From the Field dropdown, select which drop down field or check box field will dic-
tate the appearance of this user-defined media field.
l From the Value dropdown, select which of the drop down field or check box field's
values will dictate the appearance of this user-defined media field.
This will be presented as a checkbox if a check box field has been chosen, and a dropdown if a
drop down field has been chosen.
l Click confirm.
1. Click New value. This will add an option to the tag list field, which the user can
select when editing a video/asset. Click confirm.
2. From the Default value dropdown, select a default value. This will be the value if noth-
ing else is selected in the tag list field.
3. If Show search field is set to On, a field will appear in the Search Videos pane that
enables users to filter videos/assets only by the value chosen from this tag list field.
4. If Show in Incidents is set to On, the way this field has been populated will be viewable
in the Incident clips section of the incident editor once the video/asset has been added
to an incident.
5. In the Conditions section, users can configure whether this user-defined media field
only appears in the Edit properties pane when another drop down field or check box
field has been populated in a specific manner. To do so:
l Ensure there is at least one drop down field or check box field on VideoManager
already. Conditions can only be used on these fields.
l From the Field dropdown, select which drop down field or check box field will dic-
tate the appearance of this user-defined media field.
l From the Value dropdown, select which of the drop down field or check box field's
values will dictate the appearance of this user-defined media field.
This will be presented as a checkbox if a check box field has been chosen, and a dropdown if a
drop down field has been chosen.
l Click confirm.
4. Click Export.
The user-defined media fields will be saved to the PC's default download location.
5. In the new instance of VideoManager (or a site, if User-defined Fields has been set to
Off in the Metadata/Footage Replication section), navigate to the Admin tab.
8. Click Import.
Select the previously downloaded user-defined media fields.
9. Click Import.
Alternatively, if an administrator wants to import all of their user-defined media fields simultaneously, they can
do so from the Import/Export System Config section of the System pane in the Admin tab.
>> For more information, see Import or Export VideoManager's Configuration on page 356
>> For more information, see Configure CommandCentral Vault Settings on page 306
>> For more information, see Create New User-defined Incident Fields on page 264
If a user has been successful in creating a user-defined CommandCentral vault field, it will appear in the Vault
field mappings pane of the CommandCentral Vault Settings section.
>> For more information, see Create New User-defined Incident Fields on page 264
Once the user-defined playback reason fields have been created, the playback policy must be configured to
prompt users to complete these fields after a certain period of time.
>> For more information, see Configure the Playback Policy on page 305
4. Click Export.
The user-defined playback reason fields will be saved to the PC's default download location.
5. In the new instance of VideoManager (or a site, if User-defined Fields has been set to
Off in the Metadata/Footage Replication section), navigate to the Admin tab.
8. Click Import.
Select the previously downloaded user-defined playback reason fields.
Alternatively, if an administrator wants to import all of their user-defined playback reason fields simultaneously,
they can do so from the Import/Export System Config section of the System pane in the Admin tab.
>> For more information, see Import or Export VideoManager's Configuration on page 356
Before administrators configure import profiles, they must create at least one user-defined media field which
can be populated by users when they import assets.
>> For more information, see Create New User-defined Media Fields on page 283
For example, if the administrator had created a user-defined media field called vehicle-type, any
assets imported with this import profile would have their vehicle-type field populated with car.
To automatically populate multiple user-defined media fields, enter a comma (,) between the fields,
like so:
Another simple profile will enable users to populate the user-defined media fields for an asset
themselves, before the asset is imported. The JSON properties are as follows:
l promptedFields - the user importing the asset can optionally populate these
user-defined media fields before the asset is imported.
l promptedMandatory - the user importing the asset must populate these user-
defined media fields before the asset can be imported.
The JSON format is as follows:
In the following configuration, users would be prompted to populate the [import-reason] user-
defined media field when importing their asset.
{"promptedFields": ["import-reason"]}
In the following configuration, users would have to populate the [import-reason] user-defined
media field before they could import their asset.
{"promptedMandatory": ["import-reason"]}
For more complex import profile configurations, Motorola Solutions Support should be
8. Keep Automatic import set to Off unless specified by Motorola Solutions Support.
When set to Off, the user must choose the profile from the dropdown when manually importing
files from the Videos tab.
6. In the API Key field, enter the API key associated with the administrator's OPSWAT
To find this, log in to the OPSWAT portal and navigate to the Dashboard tab. The API key is
shown in the My API Key section of the MetaDefender Cloud pane.
8. To ensure that the API key is valid, click Check OPSWAT connection status.
Check the Current connection status: section:
l If it reads as Connection succeeded, the API key is valid and working correctly.
l If it reads as Connection failed, the API key is invalid and should be entered
9. In the File size limit field, enter the size of imported files in megabytes, above which
VideoManager will not attempt scan them for viruses.
The file size upper limit depends on the administrator's OPSWAT account. A free account has an
upper limit of 140MB, a commercial account has an upper limit of 256MB, and an enterprise
account does not have a limit.
The larger an imported file, the longer OPSWAT will take to scan it for viruses.
10. From the Media files and Non media files dropdowns, administrators can determine
the default scan policies for media (JPG, JPEG, MP4) and non-media (PDF, XLS/XLSX,
CSV) imports, respectively. The options are as follows:
l Scan files below the limit, fail files which are too large
l Scan files below the limit, pass files which are too large
4. In the Default email address field, enter the email address which will be the default
recipient for incident links.
Users can override this email address when creating a link from the Incidents tab.
5. In the Default expiry time field, enter the default number of days for which a link will be
active, before it expires.
Users can override this expiry time when creating a link from the Incidents tab.
>> For more information, see Share Incidents Externally Using a Link on page 91
6. In the Anonymous link visible fields section, administrators can configure which incid-
ent clip fields are visible when an incident is shared via an incident link. This depends on
which incident clip fields are visible to specific permission groups, as configured in the
User-defined Incident Fields section.
For example, if the Operator: field has been configured so only users in permission group one can
view it, then administrators could enable Access Group One here. This means that the Operator:
property would be visible in the incident link.
>> For more information, see Edit Incident Clip Fields on page 263
Before administrators configure the playback policy, they should create a user-defined playback reason field.
This enables users to supply their reason for rewatching the video in question. If a user-defined playback
reason field is not created once the playback policy has been confiured, then users must still acknowledge that
they are rewatching a video after a certain amount of time has elapsed, but VideoManager will not prompt them
for a reason.
>> For more information, see Create User-defined Playback Reason Fields on page 298
4. If Enable playback reason auditing is set to On, users must record their reason for
watching a video after a set number of days.
In the Require media playback reason section, enter the number of days since the video was
recorded, after which a user must give a reason for watching it.
5. If Enable playback watermarking is set to On, all videos on VideoManager will have a
watermark when played back, relating to the user who is watching the video.
If Enable playback signature is set to On, every individual playback will have its own unique
watermark. This watermark will be shown on the video itself when it is watched, and will appear in
the audit log against the user who watched it.
If Enable playback username &datetime is set to On, every video will have a watermark
displaying the username of the user who is watching it, and the current date and time.
5. From the User association dropdown, select which user will be associated with exports
entering CommandCentral Vault. The options are as follows:
l None - if chosen, the media will not have a user associated with it when it is
uploaded to CommandCentral Vault.
l Specified user - if chosen, the name of the user who will be associated with the
media on CommandCentral Vault must be entered.
This must be a user on CommandCentral Vault, not VideoManager.
If the username is entered incorrectly here, the media will not be uploaded.
l Committing user - if chosen, the media will be associated with the user who is
committing it to CommandCentral Vault.
The user in question must have the same username in both CommandCentral Vault and
l Device operator - if chosen, the media will be associated with the user who
recorded or imported it.
The user in question must have the same username in both CommandCentral Vault and
VideoManager. For this reason, if the majority of users who are operating body-worn cameras
will not have access to CommandCentral Vault, it is recommended that Committing user is
chosen instead.
6. If Enable vault incident commit is set to On, users can export incidents from
VideoManager to CommandCentral Vault.
VideoManager's user-defined incident fields can be synced with CommandCentral Vault's fields,
so the former automatically populates the latter when an incident is exported. If CommandCentral
Vault fields have been configured, they will show up in the Vault field mappings pane.
>> For more information, see Configure CommandCentral Vault Settings on page 297
This is part of the multi-step process which enables VB Companion to work with VideoManager. Please see the
VB Companion guide for more information.
6. If Generate key is set to On, the API key will be automatically generated upon creation.
This is necessary if the administrator is creating an entirely new API key.
If set to Off, the administrator can enter the key manually. This is necessary if the administrator is
adding a previously-existing API key to VideoManager.
7. If Generate secret is set to On, the API secret will be automatically generated upon
creation. This is necessary if the administrator is creating an entirely new API key.
If set to Off, the administrator can enter the secret manually. This is necessary if the administrator
is adding a previously-existing API key to VideoManager.
8. From the API key roles dropdown, select which role is most appropriate for the API key.
If the administrator will be integrating their own software with VideoManager, the Use
System Role option is recommended.
9. If Use System Role has been selected from the previous dropdown, from the Roles
dropdown, select which of VideoManager's roles the API key will inhabit.
10. Double-check that the information entered is correct - API keys cannot be edited after
Once API keys have been created, they can be viewed on VideoManager. To do so:
6. Click close.
If an API key becomes redundant, it can be deleted from VideoManager. To do so:
l Login Settings
Create, edit, and delete login warnings, and configure user agreements.
>> For more information, see Configure Login Settings on page 313
l Video List
Change how all users will view videos on their homepage.
>> For more information, see Configure the Video List on page 316
l Messages
Create messages which all users will view on their homepage.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit and Delete Messages on page 317
l Theme Resources
Change the logos displayed on VideoManager, and VideoManager's colour scheme.
>> For more information, see Change and Reset Theme Resources on page 320
l Player
l Language
Change the default language in which the VideoManager user interface is displayed.
>> For more information, see Configure VideoManager's Language on page 325
l Maps
Change map settings. This is necessary if administrators want to use Tactical VideoManager, view
location data for recorded footage, and filter recorded footage by location.
>> For more information, see Enable and Configure Maps on page 327
l Thumbnails
Change the default thumbnail for assets which have been imported without a built-in thumbnail.
l Incidents
Configure how incident clips are presented in incidents.
>> For more information, see Configure Incident Settings on page 330
l Heading - any text on the same line as ### will appear as heading text.
l Unordered List - any text after the hyphen will appear as part of a bullet
point list. Unordered List must be clicked for each individual list entry.
l Ordered List - any text after the hyphen will appear as part of a numbered
list. Ordered List must be clicked for each individual list entry (the numbers will
appear in order once the message is previewed).
l Code - any text within the single quotation marks will appear as code.
l Quote - any text on the same line as > will appear as a quote.
2. By clicking Preview, a previewable version will become visible. To edit the text, click
Preview again.
2. In the Agreement title field, enter a title for the user agreement.
3. In the Agreement text field, enter the text for the user agreement. This could be legal
information, or terms and conditions.
It is possible to customise the text using the following settings (clicking the buttons again will undo
the changes):
l Heading - any text on the same line as ### will appear as heading text.
l Unordered List - any text after the hyphen will appear as part of a bullet
point list. Unordered List must be clicked for each individual list entry.
l Ordered List - any text after the hyphen will appear as part of a numbered
list. Ordered List must be clicked for each individual list entry (the numbers will
appear in order once the message is previewed).
l Code - any text within the single quotation marks will appear as code.
l Quote - any text on the same line as > will appear as a quote.
4. By clicking Preview, a previewable version will become visible. To edit the text, click
Preview again.
The default text is I agree to the terms and have read the User Agreement.
1. In the Session timeout field, enter the number of minutes for which VideoManager
must be inactive, after which the user must log in again.
>> For more information, see Configure Privilege Escalation on page 390
4. From the Dashboard video display mode dropdown, select how videos on users'
dashboards are presented. The options are List or Gallery.
5. From the Video sort order dropdown, select how videos in the Videos tab are ordered.
The options are Recording date, Recording date (least recent), or Date added.
This sets the default in the Videos tab for all users. However, users with the correct permissions
can override the default for their individual session.
To create a message:
6. From the Type dropdown, select the type of message to be created. The options are as
l Heading - any text on the same line as ### will appear as heading text.
l Unordered List - any text after the hyphen will appear as part of a bullet
point list. Unordered List must be clicked for each individual list entry.
l Ordered List - any text after the hyphen will appear as part of a numbered
list. Ordered List must be clicked for each individual list entry (the numbers will
appear in order once the message is previewed).
l Code - any text within the single quotation marks will appear as code.
l Quote - any text on the same line as > will appear as a quote.
8. By clicking Preview, a previewable version will become visible. To edit the text, click
Preview again.
9. In the Link field, administrators can enter the address of another website. This will
appear at the bottom of the message, and users can click on it to learn more about the
10. If User can hide is set to On, users can hide the message on their own dashboard by
clicking Hide.
This will only hide the message on the user's personal dashboard - other users on
VideoManager will still be able to see the message until they hide it themselves.
5. Click yes.
l Login background - the image used as the background when users are logging
l Login logo - the image used in the top left-hand corner of the login box.
l Navigation bar logo - the image visible in the top left-hand corner of the nav-
igation bar along the top of the VideoManager user interface.
l Export watermark logo - the image used as the watermark for exported incid-
ents. This must be a PNG file with a transparent background.
l Favicon - the icon shown in the VideoManager tab. This must be an ico file
which is 16x16 pixels.
8. To reset the logo, click Reset to default next to the icon that will be reset.
l Text colour - this changes the colour of the text in VideoManager's body, as well
as the colour of icons when the cursor is held over them.
l Link colour - this changes the colour of UI controls which take the user to a
different page (e.g. Find incidents).
l Text colour - this changes the colour of unselected text in the main navigation
l Background colour - this changes the colour of the background in the main
navigation bar.
l Current section text colour - this changes the colour of the selected text in the
main navigation bar.
l Current section background colour - this changes the colour of the selected
background in the main navigation bar.
l Background colour (when mouse over) - this changes the colour of the
background in the main navigation bar when the mouse is hovering over it.
l Header background colour (in incidents) - this changes the colour of the
headings for videos which are included in one or more incidents.
5. On the new instance of VideoManager (or a site), navigate to the Admin tab.
8. Click Import.
4. From the Default quality dropdown, select the default video quality. The options are
Highest, Standard, Low, Lower, Very low, and Lowest.
Users who have the Control playback quality permission enabled can override this default when they watch
videos from the Videos tab. Users without this permission must watch all videos from the Videos tab in this
From the appropriate pane, administrators can perform a range of actions regarding VideoManager's
Administrators can change VideoManager's server language. This is the default language in which all users
will navigate VideoManager.
4. In the top pane, select a language from the Server language dropdown.
This is the language in which all users will navigate VideoManager.
The server language cannot be deleted while it is acting as a server language. The
English and Key language files cannot be deleted at all, even if they are not acting as a
server language.
Administrators can change whether the browser language is ignored at login or not. This may be useful if the
browser running VideoManager is in one language, but users wish to use it in another. To do so:
4. If Ignore browser language at login is set to Yes, VideoManager will use the
previously-set server language and ignore the browser language.
If set to No, VideoManager will try to use the browser language.
Administrators can change the current session's language. This is useful if they want to navigate
VideoManager in a different language for the duration of their personal session. To do so:
4. Next to the relevant language, click Select language for current session.
The language of VideoManager will be changed for the administrator until they log out or their
session expires.
It is also possible for users to select their own language, by clicking in the top right-
hand corner and selecting Language. This selection will be tied to their user only and
permissions to do this must be configured by an administrator. The relevant permission is
Select Language for login session, under Advanced permissions.
Administrators can import new language files into VideoManager. This will enable them to navigate
VideoManager in that language. To do so:
To use mapping:
5. From the Map provider dropdown, select the maps provider. This will enable admin-
istrators to perform actions such as utlising Tactical VideoManager, adding location data
to videos, and filtering videos based on this location data. The options are as follows:
l Google Places - if selected, administrators must enter an API key in the Google
API key field.
An API key can be generated from the Google developers' page.
l ArcGIS - if selected, administrators must enter a server URL in the ArcGIS tile
server URL field.
If the administrator is using a private ArcGis service, copy the client ID and paste it
into the ArcGIS client ID field, copy the client secret and paste it into the ArcGIS
client secret field, and copy the authentication URL and paste it into the ArcGIS
authentication URL field.
6. From the Location lookup provider dropdown, select the location lookup provider.
This enables administrators to enter specifc addresses and postcodes when filtering
videos based on their location and editing video location data. The options are as fol-
l Google Places - if selected, the administrator can use the same API key entered
l Nominatim - if selected, the administrator must enter a server URL into the Nom-
inatim server URL field.
Nominatim providers may also instruct administrators to enter an API key into the Nominatim
API key field.
l ArcGIS - if selected, the administrator must enter a server URL from their ArcGis
account into the ArcGIS search server URL field.
7. From the Distance units dropdown, select the unit of measurement which will be used
by VideoManager when presenting maps. The options are Imperial (ft/mi) and Metric
8. In the Default location field, administrators can set a default location for videos which
do not have GPS data (e.g. because the body-worn camera on which they were recor-
ded is not GPS-enabled). Click Set to confirm the choice, or to clear the field.
Administrators can edit the custom thumbnails for imported assets. To do so:
l Audio file expression - this dictates the default thumbnail for audio assets.
l PDF file expression - this dictates the default thumbnail for PDF assets.
l Other files expression - this dictates the default thumbnail for other types of
There are some thumbnail-specific functions that administrators can input. These are as follows:
l text() - this will return a string representation of whatever input it is given. This
could be a number, or dates.
9.6 Firmware
In the Firmware pane, administrators can edit aspects of VideoManager related to body-worn camera
l Firmware Settings
Change global firmware settings, regarding auto-upgrades.
>> For more information, see Configure Firmware Settings on page 332
l Device Images
Import, edit, and delete body-worn camera images.
>> For more information, see Import, Edit and Delete Device Images on page 334
l DockController Images
Import, edit, and delete DockController images.
>> For more information, see Import, Edit and Delete DockController Images on page 336
l EdgeController Images
Import, edit, and delete EdgeController images.
>> For more information, see Import, Edit and Delete EdgeController Images on page 338
If set to Off, DockControllers must be manually upgraded from the DockControllers pane.
In the Default firmware section, administrators can configure which firmware on VideoManager is set as the
l If Use latest firmware as default is set to On, the default images for body-worn
cameras, DockControllers, and EdgeControllers will be automatically set to the most
recent (e.g. if VideoManager has both 14.3 and 15.0 images, 15.0 will be the default).
The effect this has depends on how the Auto-upgrade section has been configured:
l If auto-upgrade has been enabled for devices, then they will be upgraded to the
most recent firmware automatically.
l If auto-upgrade has been disabled for devices, then the most recent firmware will
be presented as default when a user tries to upgrade them manually from the
Devices/DockControllers/Sites pane. However, users can also override this
Click Save settings.
Once at the relevant section, administrators can choose to either import, edit, or delete the images of their
body-worn cameras.
To import a device image:
6. If Default Image is set to On, this device image will become the default. When users
upgrade a body-worn camera from the Devices tab, this device image will be presented
first. However, users can change which device image will be used.
This setting is only available if Use latest firmware as default has been set to Off in the
Firmware Settings section.
>> For more information, see Configure Firmware Settings on page 332
5. In the Name field, administrators can change the name of the device image.
6. If Default Image is set to On, this device image will become the default. When users
upgrade a body-worn camera from the Devices tab, this device image will be presented
first. However, users can change which device image will be used.
This setting is only available if Use latest firmware as default has been set to Off in the
Firmware Settings section.
7. Click More details to learn more about the type of image and the hardware which the
image can support.
Body-worn cameras will retain their device images, even if the device image in question
has been deleted.
Once at the relevant section, administrators can choose to either import, edit, or delete the images of their
To import a DockController image:
6. If Default Image is set to On, this DockController image will become the default. When
users upgrade a DockController from the DockControllers pane, this DockController
image will be presented first. However, users can change which DockController image
will be used.
This setting is only available if Use latest firmware as default has been set to Off in the
Firmware Settings section.
>> For more information, see Configure Firmware Settings on page 332
5. In the Name field, users can change the name of the DockController image.
6. If Default Image is set to On, this DockController image will become the default. When
users upgrade a DockController from the DockControllers pane, this DockController
image will be presented first. However, users can change which DockController image
will be used.
This setting is only available if Use latest firmware as default has been set to Off in the
Firmware Settings section.
7. Click More details to learn more about the type of image and the hardware which the
image can support.
DockControllers will retain their DockController images, even if the DockController image
in question has been deleted.
Once at the relevant section, administrators can choose to either import, edit, or delete the images of their
To import an EdgeController image:
6. If Default Image is set to On, this EdgeController image will become the default. When
users upgrade an EdgeController from the Sites pane, this EdgeController image will be
presented first. However, users can change which EdgeController image will be used.
This setting is only available if Use latest firmware as default has been set to Off in the
Firmware Settings section.
>> For more information, see Configure Firmware Settings on page 332
5. In the Name field, users can change the name of the EdgeController image.
6. If Default Image is set to On, this EdgeController image will become the default. When
users upgrade an EdgeController from the Sites pane, this EdgeController image will be
presented first. However, users can change which EdgeController image will be used.
This setting is only available if Use latest firmware as default has been set to Off in the
Firmware Settings section.
7. Click More details to learn more about the type of image and the hardware which the
image can support.
9.7 System
In the System pane, administrators can edit aspects of VideoManager related to storage and server
configuration. This pane should not usually be accessed unless the administrator has working knowledge of
their PC.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit and Delete File Containers on page 342
>> For more information, see Create, Edit and Delete File Spaces on page 344
l Configure file space warnings, which appear when one of VideoManager's file
spaces is almost full.
>> For more information, see Configure File Space Warnings on page 348
l Web Server
Configure web server settings, and discover the server's listen address and public address.
>> For more information, see Configure the Web Server on page 349
l Backup Databases
>> For more information, see Create Backup Databases on page 351
l Licences
Import or renew licences. Licences determine which actions users can perform on VideoManager -
for example, Tactical VideoManager is a licensed feature.
>> For more information, see Import and Delete Licences on page 353
l Advanced Settings
Configure the advanced settings file.
>> For more information, see Configure the Advanced Settings on page 355
>> For more information, see Import or Export VideoManager's Configuration on page 356
l Server Controls
Restart the server. This will allow certain changes to come into effect - for example, if the
administrator has changed VideoManager's Server listen address.
>> For more information, see Restart the Server on page 358
These steps can be ignored by administrators who haven't bought Amazon S3 Object Storage or
Azure Blob Storage, and will be using filesystem storage instead.
5. In the Name field, enter a name for the file container. This will be how the file container is
identified on VideoManager.
6. From the Type dropdown, select either S3 Object Storage or Azure Blob Storage.
The following steps differ, depending on the kind of storage purchased by the administrator.
If the administrator is using S3 Object Storage:
1. In the Bucket name field, enter the bucket name. Motorola Solutions suggests using
VideoManager's unique fully qualified domain name.
The endpoint must match the region where the bucket was created.
3. In the Key and Secret fields, enter the IAM user's key and secret, respectively.
The administrator can only get this information immediately after creating an IAM user with S3
access. If the administrator does not have the key and secret for the IAM user, they must create
another user and make a note of the key and secret's information which is presented when the
user is saved.
3. In the Account field, enter the name of the Azure Blob Storage account.
Click confirm.
4. Click Create file space. The Create file space window opens.
6. From the Category dropdown, select a category for the file space.
The categories are as follows:
>> For more information, see Create Backup Databases on page 351
l Report Auto Copy - this is where all scheduled reports will be automatically
copied to. If this option is selected, no more configuration is necessary from this
pane, and the user can click confirm.
7. In the Max size field, enter the maximum size of the file space. From the dropdown,
choose a unit in which the data will be counted - this could be Bytes, Kilobytes,
Megabytes, Gigabytes, Terabytes, or Petabytes.
Motorola Solutions recommends that the maximum size is not set to the absolute upper limit of the
If every file space of one type is full, system functions will stop working (e.g. if all Footage
file spaces are full, body-worn cameras will not be able to download footage to
VideoManager when docked, and will instead enter an error state).
8. From the State dropdown, select a state for the file space. In most cases, this will be
Online. However, users can also select:
l Obsolete - this is useful if users wish to keep a file space on VideoManager, but
do not want footage or other data to be sent there.
l Offline - this is useful if the network database or local storage is down for
maintenance. However, if the file space is marked as Offline, all information that
was in the file space will be unavailable until it comes back online again.
l Evacuate - this will automatically move all data in the file space to the other file
space(s) of the same type. This is useful if an old file space should be deleted, but
the data within it should be kept.
If another user on the system is viewing, editing, or exporting the data in a file space which is
being evacuated, the evacuation will be forced to wait until the other actions have finished.
9. From the Encryption dropdown, select an encryption type (if relevant). The options are
NONE, AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256.
This cannot be changed later. If an encryption mode is chosen, users must download the
encryption key after creation, and store it offsite. This ensures that the data can be recovered later
in case of a disaster. To do so:
l Click Go to file space next to the file space whose encryption key should be
10. If Preferred is set to Yes, all footage/exports/reports/backups will be sent to this file
space until it is full.
If multiple file spaces have Preferred set to Yes, VideoManager will alternate between those file
spaces when storing resources.
If no file spaces have Preferred set to Yes, VideoManager will alternate between all file spaces
when storing resources.
4. Click Create file space. The Create file space window opens.
6. Configure the rest of the settings as desired, and ensure that Preferred is set to Yes.
7. Click confirm.
8. Click Go to file space next to the old file space whose path must be changed.
Alternatively, administrators can change the path of the original file space itself. Before doing so, they must
stop the VideoManager service, and manually move the files to the new location. Then, on VideoManager:
5. Click Change.
4. Click Go to file space next to the file space whose size should be changed.
6. Click confirm.
It may become necessary to delete a file space altogether. To do so users must first ensure that all data in the
file space has been evacuated to another suitable file space. To do so:
1. Ensure that there is at least one other file space on VideoManager whose Category
matches that of the file space which is being deleted, and whose State is set to Online.
4. Click confirm.
The data in the deleted file space will be evacuated to the other file space(s).
l If Warn when footage storage is above threshold is set to On, the admin-
istrator will be prompted to enter a percentage (between 1 and 100%), above
which an alarm will be triggered.
l If Warn when export storage is above threshold is set to On, the admin-
istrator will be prompted to enter a percentage (between 1 and 100%), above
which an alarm will be triggered.
l If Warn when backup storage is above threshold is set to On, the admin-
istrator will be prompted to enter a percentage (between 1 and 100%), above
which an alarm will be triggered.
l Server listen address - the address which users should enter to get to
VideoManager. This should ordinarily be the local IP address of the server run-
ning VideoManager. If the administrator does not know this address, they should
click Guess public address
l Port - the port which VideoManager will listen on. By default, this is 9080.
l Use SSL? - if enabled, connections between the user's browser will be secured
with SSL.
The SSL certificate used to secure the connection can be uploaded by selecting Configure.
Click Choose File and then select the certificate. The correct passphrase must be entered in
the Passphrase box. After it is entered, Unlock will unlock the certificate. Once unlocked,
select OK to save these details.
Optionally set Enable legacy protocols to On. Click for more information.
Click Delete to delete the current SSL certificate, if a new certificate should be uploaded.
l Public address - this is the address which users can use to access VideoMan-
ager if they are not on the same network as the server. Guess public address
will try to guess what this address should be.
l Port - the port which VideoManager uses to listen to traffic, including Dock-
Controller and body-worn camera information.
l Use SSL? - if enabled, then SSL will be used to secure connections to the Public
The server's listen address and public address are shown at the bottom of the pane.
The backup function only backs up the system state - it does not back up the contents of the footage, exports or
reports filespaces. Backups should be regularly transferred to a secure location offsite.
Administrators can initiate an immediate backup. This will capture VideoManager's state at the time when the
immediate backup was created. To do so:
>> For more information, see Create, Edit and Delete File Spaces on page 344
Administrators can also configure recurring backups, which run automatically every hour. To do so:
5. Enter the number of most recent daily and hourly backups that will be retained.
A daily backup is the last hourly backup within a 24-hour window. It is recommended to configure
both of these settings
6. If Avoid busy times is set to On, backups will only occur when there is little or no activ-
ity occurring on VideoManager, in order to minimise system load.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit and Delete File Spaces on page 344
The current backup status will be displayed at the bottom of the pane, as well as the start and end date of the
To import a licence:
6. In the Activation key field, enter the key provided by Motorola Solutions in the licence
If the key entered here does not match the key set by Motorola Solutions, the licence will
not work.
7. Click import.
If successful, the licence should appear as Valid. All licences are on and enabled by default once
An imported licence will usually have an expiry date. A warning will appear on VideoManager when a licence is
one week away from expiration. When the licence expires, VideoManager will restart.
It may be necessary to delete a licence once it has expired. To do so:
6. Click yes.
If the licence was still valid at the time of deletion, all VideoManager features associated
with it will immediately stop working.
4. From the Replace this configuration on target system dropdown, administrators can
select which policies will be added to the system configuration file.
Click to add a set of information to the exported configuration. The options are as follows:
5. From the Merge this configuration with target system dropdown, administrators can
select which roles, fields, and profiles will be added to the system configuration file.
If any of the imported roles, fields, or profiles from the original VideoManager have the
same names as previously-existing roles, fields or profiles on the new instance of
VideoManager, the latter will be overwritten.
Click to add a set of information to the exported configuration. The options are as follows:
l User defined fields - user-defined incident fields, user-defined media fields, and
user-defined playback reason fields will be exported.
6. Click confirm.
3. Click About.
Here, administrators can view the following fields:
l Copyright notice - who has copyrighted the system, and for how long.
If ProgramData isn't visible, navigate to the View tab at the top of the pane, and tick the
Hidden Items checkbox.
3. The script should return an exit code of 1 to indicate that a warning should be shown to
users and 2 to indicate that there is an error and that users should be prevented from
using VideoManager. If the script outputs a line beginning Message: then the message
will be shown to users.
For example, the following batch file script would show the message This is an error to
users and disable VideoManager:
Save the file, and restart VideoManager from the Server Controls section.
It is possible to configure when the health check is run automatically on VideoManager. To do so:
This will set the period between health checks while healthy to the number of seconds specified.
health.check.error.period.secs=number of seconds
This will set the period between health checks while in an error state to the number of seconds
The default time period for a reoccurring healthy system check is an hour. The default
time period for a reoccurring error system check is three minutes.
Although the check runs automatically, it is possible to run it manually as well. To do so:
10 Account Profile
In the Account Profile pane, users can edit aspects of their VideoManager profile.
1. Click the user icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
>> For more information, see Create User-Specific WiFi Networks on page 367
11 Multi-Step Processes
There are some processes on VideoManager which span multiple sections of the UI - for this reason, they have
been compiled here instead.
l Configure streaming.
l Configure sites.
>> For more information, see Configure Privilege Escalation on page 390
>> For more information, see Use Bluetooth with Peer-Assisted Recording (PAR) on
page 394
1. Configure firewalls.
This step is only necessary if VideoManager is configured to use anything other than its default
port or if VideoManager is set up on a public network.
>> For more information, see Configure VideoManager's Public Address on page 366
3. Create a user-specific WiFi network, if the user will be live streaming over a personal hot-
>> For more information, see Create User-Specific WiFi Networks on page 367
>> For more information, see Create a WiFi Profile on page 369
>> For more information, see Assign a Body-Worn Camera for Streaming on page 371
>> For more information, see View Live Streams on page 373
If users have trouble configuring streaming, they should see the FAQs section.
8. In the Specific Local Ports section, enter VideoManager's port, and click Next.
This can be found on VideoManager, in the Web Server section of the System pane, in the
Admin tab.
10. Check the relevant profiles for this rule. If in doubt, leave all checked, and click Next.
If the user has other firewalls or NAT routers in the network between VideoManager and
the WiFi network to which body-worn cameras will connect, they must also be configured
to allow TCP connections between the body-worn camera and the VideoManager server.
5. Select Inbound Rules, and scroll down until the VideoManager Web rule is visible.
6. Double-click on the rule and in the Advanced section, ensure that Public is checked.
7. Click OK.
4. In the Public address field, either enter the public address or click Guess public
address to guess what this address should be.
The steps for creating a user-specific WiFi network differ, depending on whether the user is creating the
network for another user on VideoManager or for themselves.
If the user is configuring a user-specific WiFi network for another user, the steps are as follows:
6. In the Network name (SSID) field, enter the name of the WiFi network or hotspot.
This cannot be changed later.
7. From the Security type dropdown, select which security configuration the user-specific
WiFi network will use. The options are WPA2-PSK, WPA-PSK, WEP, or Open.
8. In the Passphrase field, enter the passphrase of the WiFi network or hotspot.
9. From the Band dropdown, select which frequencies the body-worn cameras will attempt
to connect to. The options are as follows:
10. If Use static IP is set to On, the user must enter the corresponding static IP details.
11. If Disconnect on low signal is set to On, body-worn cameras trying to stream over this
network will disconnect from it if its signal is weak.
Users will have the option to define the "weak" signal as a percentage, and the time in seconds that
the body-worn camera must be connected to the specified signal level, after which the body-worn
camera will disconnect.
4. In the Network name (SSID) field, enter the name of the WiFi network or hotspot.
This cannot be changed later.
5. From the Security type dropdown, select which security configuration the user-specific
WiFi network will use. The options are WPA2-PSK, WPA-PSK, WEP, or Open.
6. In the Passphrase field, enter the passphrase of the WiFi network or hotspot.
7. From the Band dropdown, select which frequencies the body-worn cameras will attempt
to connect to. The options are as follows:
8. If Use static IP is set to On, the user must enter the corresponding static IP details.
9. If Disconnect on low signal is set to On, body-worn cameras trying to stream over this
network will disconnect from it if its signal is weak.
Users will have the option to define the "weak" signal as a percentage, and the time in seconds that
the body-worn camera must be connected to the specified signal level, after which the body-worn
camera will disconnect.
5. Enter the following information for the WiFi profile (this will apply to all body-worn cam-
eras which use the profile in question):
l If the administrator has already created user-specific WiFi networks, they can be
added to the WiFi profile by setting User-specific networks to On.
>> For more information, see Create User-Specific WiFi Networks on page 367
>> For more information, see Create WiFi Profiles and Perform WiFi Profile Actions
on page 221
>> For more information, see Search Body-Worn Cameras on page 122
4. Find the relevant body-worn camera, and click Assign Device next to it.
5. In the Operator name field, enter the name of the user who will be recording with this
body-worn camera. This must be a valid username on VideoManager.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit, Copy, Import, Export and Delete Roles on
page 182
>> For more information, see Assign Body-Worn Cameras and Record Footage on
page 110
If Permanent allocation has been chosen, the user will not be able to select the relevant device profile and
WiFi profile. However, this is not an issue - the default VideoManager device profile is suitable for streaming,
and the WiFi profile should have already been set as the default.
If the WiFi profile has not already been set as the default, navigate to the Admin tab, select the
Connectivity pane, click the WiFi Profiles section, click Go to profile next to the newly
created WiFi profile, and set Default profile to On.
If Single issue or Permanent issue have been chosen, the user must do the following:
1. From the Device Profile dropdown, select the default device profile.
2. From the WiFi profile dropdown, select the previously-created WiFi profile.
Wait until the body-worn camera's status changes to Ready. At this point, the body-worn camera can be
undocked and users can start streaming from their body-worn camera.
2. Next to the streaming body-worn camera, there will be two alerts - one will say Rec and
one will say Live. Click View live.
3. This will take the user to a page where they can view the live stream.
Only users with the permission to view body-worn cameras live can see live streams.
However, even with this permission, they can only see live streams from body-worn
cameras they have permission to view (this could be body-worn cameras they own,
body-worn cameras they supervise, or all body-worn cameras).
4. Once a live stream has stopped, the screen will go blue and there will be a message
reading Device not streaming.
It is highly recommended that these computers are running the same version of VideoManager -
there may be problems syncing the configuration otherwise. If the versions of VideoManager are
not the same, the computer with the more recent version must act as the Central VideoManager.
Check release notes for which versions of VideoManager are compatible.
>> For more information, see Enable and Configure a Central VideoManager on page 376
2. Configure how footage on sites is treated (i.e. whether it is automatically uploaded to the
Central VideoManager or not).
>> For more information, see Configure Metadata/Footage Replication on page 377
3. Configure how other information on sites is treated (i.e. whether it is automatically rep-
licated from the Central VideoManager to the sites or not).
>> For more information, see Enable Configuration Replication on page 379
Once the Central VideoManager has been configured, sites can be connected to it. The steps for configuring a
site differ, depending on the type of site to be used.
If the administrator will be connecting another instance of VideoManager to the Central VideoManager:
>> For more information, see Create Sites on the Central VideoManager on page 381
>> For more information, see Enable and Configure Sites on page 383
Once an EdgeController has been configured to act as a site, it can be administered over WiFi.
Some configurations require a Three-tier site setup. Motorola Solutions should be contacted first.
>> For more information, see Configure Three-tier Sites on page 389
Users might want to automatically share videos with a Central VideoManager because otherwise, every video
would have to be manually submitted or committed from the site or Central VideoManager, respectively.
To reach the Metadata/Footage Replication section:
l If Auto-fetch video and audit metadata is set to On, all metadata for site footage will
be transferred to the Central VideoManager. This metadata will be displayed in the the
Central VideoManager.
l From the Auto-fetch footage dropdown, select how footage is uploaded from a site to a
Central VideoManager.The options are as follows:
l Auto-upload all footage - all footage on the site will be uploaded automatically,
regardless of whether it is in an incident or not. This is only recommended if the
user's Central VideoManager has a lot of storage.
>> For more information, see Create Sites on the Central VideoManager on page 381
Video distribution monitor settings - these settings control how footage is uploaded from sites to the Central
Users might want to share a Central VideoManager's configuration with all of its connected sites because it will
allow for the automatic replication of a variety of settings - instead of manually creating roles and password
rules, users can configure their Central VideoManager to automatically send this information to the sites. This
also means that administrators do not need to manually export individual device profiles and user-defined
incident fields. To do so:
l If Keys is set to On, the Central VideoManager will share access control keys
with its sites, enabling body-worn cameras assigned at one site to be docked at
any other, if necessary.
This will also replicate VideoManager's filesigning configuration, including certificate
authorities: this means that all videos which can be verified by the Central VideoManager can
also be verified at the sites.
l If Roles &password rules is set to On, the Central VideoManager will share all
roles with its sites, enabling users to inhabit the same roles across all devices in
an organisation.
l If Users is set to On, all users will be shared across sites. This means that if a
user can log in to a Central VideoManager, they can also log in to the cor-
responding site.
It is best practice to share both Roles &password rules and Users, or neither.
l If Device profiles is set to On, the Central VideoManager will share device pro-
files with its sites.
l If Deletion policies is set to On, the Central VideoManager will share its deletion
policy with its sites.
l If User-defined Fields is set to On, the Central VideoManager will share user-
defined incident fields with its sites.
l If Firmware and upgrade policy is set to On, the Central VideoManager will syn-
chronise the firmware and upgrade policies configured from the Firmware Set-
tings pane.
l If Synchronise Clocks is set to On, all EdgeControllers which are not connected
to the internet will be synchronised with the Central VideoManager clock.
Users with sufficient permissions can still make changes to these settings on their site
(e.g. changing the default device profile). However, as soon as the relevant setting is
changed in the Central VideoManager, any changes made on the site will be overwritten.
This pane will not be visible unless the administrator has already enabled this instance of
VideoManager to act as a Central VideoManager.
>> For more information, see Enable and Configure a Central VideoManager
on page 376
5. In the Identifier field, enter a unique name for the site. This cannot be changed later.
7. From the State dropdown, select the state of the site. The options are as follows:
l Disabled - if a site is disabled, it will not transfer footage and incidents to the Cen-
tral VideoManager. Likewise, any settings which have been configured from the
Central VideoManager's Metadata/Footage Replication and Configuration
Replication panes will not apply until the site's state has been changed to
A site whose state has been set to Disabled can still be accessed like a normal
instance of VideoManager. However, if the site is not connected to the Central
VideoManager within two weeks, its licences will expire.
8. From the Auto-fetch footage dropdown, select what will happen to footage uploaded to
this site. Although the default has already been configured from the Configuration Rep-
lication section, it can be overridden for the specific site here. The options are as fol-
l Don't auto-upload footage - footage will not automatically be sent from the site
to the Central VideoManager.
l Auto-upload all footage - all footage will be automatically sent to the Central
VideoManager, regardless of whether it is part of an incident or not.
l Default {0} - this will be the default auto-fetch setting, as configured from the
Configuration Replication section.
>> For more information, see Enable Configuration Replication on page 379
9. From the Bandwidth rule dropdown, select which previously-created bandwidth rule
will apply to this site. If no bandwidth rules have been created, the administrator must
select No Restriction.
Bandwidth rules dictate when footage is uploaded from sites to the Central VideoManager, and
also how much is uploaded at once. A lower bandwidth means that footage and metadata will be
transferred more slowly, but will also be less disruptive to other users on the system.
>> For more information, see Create, Copy, Edit and Delete Bandwidth Rules on page 226
1. On the instance of VideoManager which will become a site (not the Central VideoMan-
ager), navigate to the Admin tab.
5. Enter the server address and port number of the Central VideoManager.
This is found on the Central VideoManager, from the Web Server section of the System pane, in
the Admin tab.
6. Enter the identifier and password of this site, which has already been created from the
Central VideoManager.
>> For more information, see Create Sites on the Central VideoManager on page 381
If the EdgeController has not already been connected to mains power, it should be connected now. To do so:
2. Hold the power supply so that the cable is on the bottom face of the charger and pointing
towards the floor.
3. Slide the small plastic cover on the front face of the charging block upwards, and remove
4. Select the relevant plug, depending on the region, and slide it downwards into the space
where the plastic cover was.
5. Plug the power supply into the mains. Plug the other end into the port on the back of the
EdgeController marked 19v.
6. Plug one end of the RJ45M Ethernet cable into the port on the back of the EdgeCon-
troller marked LAN. Plug the other end into the router.
7. Turn the EdgeController on, using the button on the top of the device.
Once the EdgeController has been connected to mains power, its configuration file can be generated on
VideoManager and delivered via USB. To do so:
5. It is recommended that EdgeControllers get their networking by DHCP - if this is not pos-
sible, set Use static IP to On.
This is only necessary if an EdgeController cannot get its networking configuration by DHCP.
9. Drag and drop the EdgeController configuration file into the root folder of the USB drive.
11. Plug the USB drive into one of the EdgeController's USB ports.
If successful, the site should appear in the Sites tab of the Central VideoManager.
3. If Change WiFi Configuration is set to On, the following settings will appear:
l If Set WiFi config is set to On, administrators can change the details of the WiFi
network to which the EdgeController is connected.
If the details entered here are incorrect, and the EdgeController is connected to
the Central VideoManager over WiFi (instead of Ethernet), the EdgeController will
go offline and must be reconfigured via USB.
3. If Change WiFi Configuration is set to On, the following settings will appear:
l If Set WiFi config is set to On, administrators can change the details of the WiFi
network to which the EdgeController is connected.
If the details entered here are incorrect, and the EdgeController is connected to
the Central VideoManager over WiFi (instead of Ethernet), the EdgeController will
go offline and must be reconfigured via USB.
6. Drag and drop the EdgeController configuration file into the root folder of the USB drive.
8. Plug the USB drive into one of the EdgeController's USB ports.
8. Click Choose File, and select the file provided by Motorola Solutions.
9. Click Upload.
>> For more information, see Enable and Configure a Central VideoManager on page 376
2. Configure the sites and add them to the Central VideoManager Mid-tier.
>> For more information, see Create Sites on the Central VideoManager on page 381 and
Enable and Configure Sites on page 383
3. Configure the top tier Central VideoManager like a normal Central VideoManager.
>> For more information, see Enable and Configure a Central VideoManager on page 376
4. Add the VideoManager Mid-tier to the top tier Central VideoManager like a normal site,
through the Site Manager section of the Connectivity pane.
>> For more information, see Enable and Configure Sites on page 383
The top tier Central VideoManager can take control of incidents from both sites and VideoManager Mid-tier.
>> For more information, see Configure Privilege Escalation For VideoManager on
page 391
>> For more information, see Configure Privilege Escalation For Roles on page 392
>> For more information, see Use Privilege Escalation on page 393
5. If Requires re-authentication is set to On, users must re-enter their password before
they can escalate their privileges.
If set to Off, users do not need to re-enter their password when escalating their privileges.
6. If Timeout is set to On, the user will be automatically returned to their non-escalated
role after the specified number of minutes has elapsed. If the escalated role is the user's
only role, they must re-escalate their privilege before they can perform any actions on
>> For more information, see Use Privilege Escalation on page 393
If there are any users which only belong to this role, they will be unable to perform any
actions on VideoManager until they have elevated their privileges.
To escalate privileges:
If Elevate Privilege is not available, the user does not inhabit a role which requires
privilege escalation.
3. If Requires re-authentication has been set to On, the Validate password window
will open. The user must re-enter their password and click Validate.
The user's privileges will be escalated. An orange banner will appear in VideoManager, which will
revoke the user's privileges immediately if clicked.
1. Ensure that there are at least two users who have a role with the Operate device per-
mission enabled.
Navigate to the Admin tab, select the People pane, and click the Roles section. Click
Go to role next to the relevant role, and set Operate device to On.
Navigate to the Admin tab, select the People pane, and select the Users section. Click
Go to user next to the relevant user, and set the relevant role to On.
2. Ensure that there is a device profile on VideoManager which has Peer-Assisted record-
ing set to On.
Navigate to the Admin tab, select the Devices pane, and click the Device Profiles
section. Click Go to profile next to the relevant device profile. In the Bluetooth Settings
section, set Peer-Assisted recording to On.
If Suppress PAR after undocking is set to On, the user can enter the number of seconds after
assignment, during which a VB400 will not prompt other VB400s to start recording.
If Suppress PAR after undocking is set to Off, the VB400 will be able to prompt other VB400s to
start recording as soon as it has been assigned and undocked.
3. Assign the VB400s to the users. Ensure that the previously-created device profile is
Navigate to the Devices tab. Click Assign Device next to the relevant VB400. In the Operator
name field, enter the name of the user which will operate the VB400. Select the previously created
device profile from the Device Profile dropdown. Repeat this step for the other VB400.
Whenever one VB400 starts recording in the vicinity of another, the other VB400 will be prompted to start
recording as well. However, it is not possible to stop multiple body-worn cameras recording with Bluetooth -
users must stop recording individually and manually.
1. Either dock your body-worn camera or plug it in to your PC using a USB cable.
3. Locate the body-worn camera you've just plugged in. Click View device info.
>> For more information, see "Share Incidents Externally Using a Link" on page 91
Q. What is the difference between the operator and the owner of a video?
A. The operator of a video is the one who physically recorded it on their body-worn camera. The owner has full
administrative control over the video. Normally this will be the same person - however, if the footage in question
is too sensitive for more junior users to retain control of, it may be necessary to reallocate who the owner is.
>> For more information, see "Share Videos and Assets" on page 41
l Permissions - VideoManager gives administrators lots of control over what actions can
be performed by other users on the site. It does this through roles - these affect how
much privilege a user has on the site. It’s possible that when you were creating your
admin user after logging in for the first time, you didn’t assign it the privileges which will
allow you to see the videos filmed by yourself and others on the system. To fix this:
l Deletion Policies - you may want to check the configuration of your deletion policy, in
case it is configured to delete footage almost immediately. To do so:
4. Change the number of days that footage is kept for after it has been recorded and
l You are on a Central VideoManager and the video is on the site. You must fetch the
video from the site before you can watch it.
>> For more information, see "Bulk Edit Videos and Assets" on page 45
l You are on a site and the video was fetched from the Central VideoManager.
This means that you can no longer watch the video on the site.
4. The deleted video will appear with a red heading. Click Reinstate video.
5. Click yes.
The video will be reinstated and can be watched like normal.
>> For more information, see "Share Incidents Externally Using a Link" on page 91
l Incidents which have been automatically made viewable to the Central VideoManager,
but haven't been taken control of yet, are coloured blue.
l Incidents which have been deleted on the site before they were taken control of are col-
oured blue with red text.
If an incident has been deleted on the site, the Central VideoManager cannot take control of it.
In the site:
l Incidents which have been submitted to the Central VideoManager are coloured green.
l Incidents which have been deleted on the site itself are coloured red.
>> For more information, see "Share Incidents Externally Using a Link" on page 91
Alternatively, you may not be able to export an incident if it does not meet the configured export profile rules.
>> For more information, see "Configure Incident Exports" on page 244
4. The deleted incident will appear with a red heading. Click Reinstate incident.
5. Click yes.
The incident will be reinstated and can be edited like normal.
2. Simultaneously press and hold the two plastic buttons on the top-left and bottom-right
corners of the body-worn camera for 5 to 10 seconds.
3. All the lights on the body-worn camera should come on and start flashing.
5. Once the lights have stopped flashing, try re-docking the body-worn camera again.
If the procedure above doesn't work, leave the body-worn camera off its charging base until the battery is
completely flat (this could take over 24 hours). Once the battery is flat, try re-docking the body-worn camera.
If neither of these procedures work, the body-worn camera must be returned to Motorola Solutions for servicing
or repair. To do so:
2. Fill in the form by entering your company name, email address, telephone number and
return address details.
Leave the reseller name blank.
3. Select the correct camera model from the dropdown list under "part".
6. If you are returning more than one body-worn camera, click Add line for each addi-
tional return and fill out the form as detailed above.
7. Click Create.
2. Pull the rubber charging cover upwards gently and rotate it to the side, so you can see
the charging/docking port.
3. To the right of the charging/docking port, there is a small plastic switch. Press this switch
down for 5 to 10 seconds.
4. Keep looking at the top of the body-worn camera. The green power light will go out. It will
then glow orange and red, and the other lights on the top of the body-worn camera will
glow green.
This indicates that the body-worn camera is rebooting.
5. Once the lights have stopped flashing, try re-docking the body-worn camera again.
If the procedure above doesn't work, leave the body-worn camera off its charging base until the battery is
completely flat (this could take over 24 hours). Once the battery is flat, try re-docking the body-worn camera.
If neither of these procedures work, the body-worn camera must be returned to Motorola Solutions for servicing
or repair. To do so:
2. Fill in the form by entering your company name, email address, telephone number and
return address details.
Leave the reseller name blank.
3. Select the correct camera model from the dropdown list under "part".
6. If you are returning more than one body-worn camera, click Add line for each addi-
tional return and fill out the form as detailed above.
7. Click Create.
l All footage on the body-worn camera has been downloaded to the instance of
VideoManager it was originally associated with - once the body-worn camera has been
factory reset, all footage that wasn't downloaded already will be lost.
l You have imported the body-worn camera's access control key from the old instance of
VideoManager to the new instance.
>> For more information, see "Create, Import, and Export Access Control Keys" on
page 213
Furthermore, if you have enabled file signing, you should export your certificate authority. If your certificate
authority is not exported, videos recorded by the moved body-worn cameras cannot be verified on the new
instance of VideoManager.
>> For more information, see "Create, Import, Export, and Delete Device Certificate Authorities" on
page 216
1. Undock your body-worn camera from the PC or DockController associated with the old
version of VideoManager.
3. Navigate to the Devices tab, and click View device info next to the relevant body-
worn camera.
If you have not imported the body-worn camera's access control key, it will appear as locked. You
must click Factory Reset this Device to associate the body-worn camera with the new instance
of VideoManager.
To do so:
2. Fill in the form by entering your company name, email address, telephone number and
return address details.
Leave the reseller name blank.
3. Select the correct camera model from the dropdown list under "part".
7. If you are returning more than one body-worn camera, click Add line for each
additional return and fill out the form as detailed above.
8. Click Create.
l - the body-worn camera is charging but has not met the minimum charge criteria for
single-issue and RFID.
l - the body-worn camera is charging and has met the minimum charge criteria for
single-issue and RFID, but RFID assignment has been disabled for this body-worn cam-
era from the Edit device properties pane.
l - the body-worn camera is charging, has met the minimum charge criteria for
single-issue and RFID, and RFID assignment is enabled for this body-worn camera. It is
ready to be assigned with single-issue and RFID.
l - the body-worn camera is fully charged, but RFID assignment has been dis-
abled for this body-worn camera from the Edit device properties pane.
l - the body-worn camera is fully charged and RFID assignment is enabled for
this body-worn camera. It is ready to be assigned with single-issue and RFID.
l - the body-worn camera is not charging. Service may be required - check the audit
log from the Status tab.
>> For more information, see "Create, Edit, and Delete Users" on page 165
Alternatively, if you do not have access to the Admin tab, click the user icon in the top right-hand corner of
the screen, and select Account Profile from the dropdown. In the Update password pane, enter your
current password, enter a new password, re-enter it in the Confirm new password field, and click Save new
Here, the administrator user can change your password for you.
If you are the only administrator on your system, you must contact Motorola Solutions for more
information. This can be done by sending an email to support@edesix.com.
Alternatively, if Email Notifications have been licenced, you can have a password reset URL sent to you.
>> For more information, see "Enable Users to Reset Their Own Passwords" on page 196
l Composite clips
This allows users to create composite clips in an incident. Composite clips show all videos in an
incident simultaneously.
l Object storage
This enables users to create S3 cloud file containers.
l ONStream
Users can connect VideoManager to their VMS if ONStream is enabled.
Q. Is there a way to set messages that all users on VideoManager will see?
A. Yes. Navigate to the Admin tab, select the User Interface pane, and click the Messages section. You can
set a message here that all users will see on their home dashboard.
>> For more information, see "Create, Edit and Delete Messages" on page 317
Q. Why isn't two factor authentication working when I try to log in?
A. Two factor authentication codes are time-dependent - they expire after a certain period of time, and a new
one is re-issued. This means that if your instance of VideoManager has a different time to that of your phone,
the code will be out of sync and rendered invalid.
l Ensure you have the correct WiFi profile selected. The WiFi profile must have streaming
l Try temporarily disabling the firewall on the machine running VideoManager. If this
fixes the problem, you must turn the firewall back on and configure a firewall rule.
l Check whether the body-worn camera's device profile enables it to connect to WiFi auto-
matically. It may have been configured so you need to press a button before it connects
to WiFi.
>> For more information, see "VB400 Device Profile" on page 444 and
"VB100/VB200/VB300 Device Profile" on page 451
l The body-worn camera doesn't have the most recent firmware. To fix this:
l Your user has not been enabled. To fix this, an administrator must take the following
l Your user does not have the correct permissions to log in. To fix this, an administrator
must take the following actions:
8. In the System permissions section, check that all of the login permissions are
set to On.
Q. I can’t see some aspects of the VideoManager user interface. Why is this?
A. There are two possible reasons for this - permissions and licensing.
l Permissions - VideoManager gives administrators lots of control over what actions can
be performed by other users on the site. It does this through roles - these affect what
aspects of the UI can be viewed and edited by a user. It’s possible that when you were
creating your administrator user after logging in for the first time, you didn’t assign it the
correct privileges. To fix this:
>> For more information, see "Change and Reset Theme Resources" on page 320
>> For more information, see "Change and Reset Theme Resources" on page 320
Q. Can other users see the passwords of WiFi networks I've added to
A. Other users cannot see the passwords of WiFi networks you've added to VideoManager.
13 Appendices
13.1 Appendix A: Permissions 414
13.1.1 System Permissions 415
13.1.2 Video Permissions 417
13.1.3 Incident Permissions 422
13.1.4 Device Permissions 427
13.1.5 User Permissions 432
13.1.6 Notification Permissions 436
13.1.7 Report Permissions 437
13.1.8 Field Permissions 438
13.1.9 Advanced Permissions 439
13.2 Appendix B: Device Profiles 443
13.2.1 VB400 Device Profile 444
13.2.2 VB100/VB200/VB300 Device Profile 451
13.2.3 VT-Series Camera Device Profile 455
13.3 Appendix C: Types of Report 456
13.4 Appendix D: Keyboard Shortcuts 467
13.5 Appendix E: Custom Predicate Language 469
13.5.1 Custom Predicate Language and Incident and Media Fields 470
13.5.2 Match Text Operators and Values 471
13.5.3 Match Date Operators and Values 475
13.5.4 CASE Functions 478
13.5.5 Other Search Functions 480
13.6 Appendix F: Customise Export Title Pages 484
13.6.1 Incident Model 486
13.6.2 Incident Clip Model 488
13.6.3 User-Defined Incident Fields and User-Defined Media Fields Model 489
13.6.4 Video Model 492
13.6.5 Export Job Model 495
13.6.6 Bookmark Model 496
13.7 Appendix G: Profiles Hierarchy 497
13.7.1 WiFi Profiles Hierarchy 498
Login - these permissions affect the manner in which users log into VideoManager.
l Login to VideoManager website - this permission enables users to log into the
VideoManager web interface.
l Log in to VideoManager application - this permission enables users to log into the
desktop VideoManager administrator application. They can use the same credentials as
they would use to log into VideoManager normally.
l Access VideoManager website with single sign-on - this permission enables users
to authenticate into VideoManager through their desktop account. If enabled, single sign
on will be available to users.
Audit - these permissions control whether users can view audit information and download the system logs.
l Download system logs - this permission enables users to download the system logs
from the dashboard.
This is useful for troubleshooting - if necessary, the system logs can be sent to Motorola Solutions
support, who can diagnose the problem.
Export - these permissions control whether users can view, share, and delete exports, and view the audit log
entries for exports. There are toggles accompanying each permission. They determine which exports the
permissions apply to: Owned (exports created by the user), Supervised (exports that have been created by
other users on the system that the user supervises), and Any (any exports on the system, regardless of who
created them).
l View/delete - this permission enables users to view and delete finished exports.
If enabled, users will have access to the My Exports (in accordance with the Owned toggle),
Supervised Exports (in accordance with the Supervised toggle), and Manage Exports (in
accordance with the Any toggle) panes, in the Incidents tab.
l View audit log - this permission enables users to view the audit log of all exports. These
audit logs only encompass one incident each.
If enabled, users will have access to the View Export audit log control when viewing their
l Externally share - this permission enables users to share incidents externally. This
means that workers who do not have access to VideoManager can view incidents, either
for a predetermined length of time, or permanently.
If enabled, users will have access to the Links pane when viewing their exports.
Video - there are four toggles accompanying each permission. They determine which videos the permissions
apply to: Owned (videos created by the user), Shared (videos that have been shared with a user by other
users on the system), Supervised (videos that have been created by other users on the system that the user
supervises), and Any (any videos on the system, regardless of who created them).
l Access - this permission controls which videos users can see on the Videos tab.
l List - this permission controls whether users are presented with the My Videos, Shared
Videos, and Supervised Videos sections in the Videos tab.
This also controls whether users can see recently imported assets and downloaded videos on their
l Access deleted - this permission enables users to search for deleted videos, by
checking the Include deleted videos box in the Search Videos pane.
l Delete forever - this permission enables users to permanently delete footage will
immediately remove it from the system, irrespective of VideoManager's deletion policy.
This will make it unrecoverable.
To permanently delete a video, the user should also have the List, Access, and Access deleted
permissions enabled. After they have filtered incidents with the Include deleted videos box in the
Search Videos pane, deleted footage will appear with a red banner. The user can then click
Delete video forever to permanently delete the footage.
l Undelete - this permission enables the user to "undelete" previously deleted footage, as
long as it has been retained in line with VideoManager's deletion policy.
To undelete a video, the user should also have the List, Access, and Access deleted
permissions enabled. After they have filtered incidents with the Include deleted videos box in the
Search Videos pane, deleted footage will appear with a red banner. The user can then click
Reinstate video to permanently undelete the footage.
l Add to incident - this permission enables users to add videos directly to already-
created incidents.
Other permissions are also required in order to use this permission - they are Create incident
from footage, Use single video as evidence, Use whole recording as evidence, and Add
footage to existing incident.
l View audit log - this permission enables users to view the audit log of a specific video.
Logged actions include adding a video to, and removing a video from, an incident.
This does not apply to the VideoManager audit log. The ability to view the VideoManager audit log
is dictated by the View auditing information permission in the Login section.
Once a video has been downloaded to a PC, VideoManager has no control over it.
l Edit share list - this permission enables users to edit the Sharing pane, which
dictates whether the video is shared with other users on VideoManager.
l View share list - this permission enables users to view the Sharing pane, which
shows whether the video is shared with other users on VideoManager.
l Change owner - this permission enables users to change the owner of a video, from
the Sharing pane.
This is useful if, for instance, videos of an event were captured on multiple body-worn cameras but
one user is creating and administering the incident.
l Restrict - this permission enables users to restrict a video. This makes it unviewable to
other users unless they have the List restricted videos and Play restricted videos
permissions enabled.
l Upload from site - this permission enables users to upload videos from a site to a
Central VideoManager, if their instance of VideoManager has been configured to act as
a site.
l Set location - this permission enables users to set location data for videos which do not
already have location data associated with them.
This is only possible if users have already enabled maps, from the Maps section.
l Edit location - this permission enables users to overwrite location data for videos. They
can only overwrite data that was set after the video was recorded - they cannot
overwrite data that was recorded alongside a video.
This is only possible if users have already enabled maps, from the Maps section.
l Edit device - this permission enables users to change the recorded name of the body-
worn camera that a video was recorded on.
This is done from the Edit properties pane.
l Edit operator - this permission enables users to change the recorded name of the user
who recorded a video.
This is done from the Edit properties pane.
l Edit timestamps - this permission enables users to change the recorded time of a
This is done from the Edit properties pane.
l Edit properties - this permission enables users to edit the user-defined media fields for
a video/asset once it has been downloaded.
This is done from the Edit properties pane.
l View scheduled deletion date - this permission enables users to view the deletion
date for their video/asset from its Properties pane, based on VideoManager's deletion
l View location - this permission enables the user to view location recording information
associated with a video they are viewing.
l Rotate/Flip - this permission enables users to rotate and flip videos in the redaction
l Prepare media - this permission enables users to prepare an asset in the same way
that they would redact footage in an incident.
Unlike footage, assets can be prepared even if they are not part of an incident.
l Import videos - this permission enables users to import videos captured on body-worn
cameras other than VB-series cameras or VT-series cameras into VideoManager.
l Allow large uploads from site - this permission enables users on a Central
VideoManager to upload more than one hour of footage from a site at a time.
This applies to both multiple videos whose total length is more than one hour, and individual videos
whose length is more than one hour.
l Bulk-edit videos - this permission enables users to bulk edit multiple videos at once.
Actions that can be performed on multiple videos simultaneously include Create
incident and Delete.
This is useful because it allows users to perform actions across many videos immediately.
l Search by location - this permission enables users to filter footage by the location
recording data attached to it.
This is only possible if users have already enabled maps, from the Maps section.
l Search using advanced filter - this permission enables users to filter videos and
assets with the custom predicate language.
>> For more information, see Appendix E: Custom Predicate Language on page 469
l Search by scheduled deletion date - this permission enables users to filter videos and
assets based on when they are set to be deleted by VideoManager's deletion policy.
l Control playback quality - this permission enables users to change the quality of the
videos they watch from the Videos tab. This will enable them to override the default
quality set from the Player section of the User Interface pane, in the Admin tab.
l Take screenshot - this permission enables users to screenshot a video or asset while it
is being viewed.
This screenshot will be downloaded directly to the user's PC.
l List restricted videos - this permission enables users to view restricted videos in the
My Videos, Shared Videos, or Supervised Videos panes.
l Play restricted videos - this permission enables users to play videos which have been
restricted by other users.
l Full control of restricted videos - this permission enables a user to treat a restricted
video exactly as they would an unrestricted one.
l Display audit log of restricted videos - this permission enables users to view the
audit log entries for restricted videos.
l Add restricted videos to incidents - this permission enables users to add restricted
videos to an incident.
l Search Videos - this permission enables users to search for specific videos from the
Search Videos pane of the Videos tab.
l Search By Shared Videos Only - this permission enables users to search for videos
that have been shared either by them or with them, from the Search Videos pane of
the Videos tab.
l Create incident from footage - this permission enables users to create an incident
from a video they are currently viewing.
l Create incident with bulk select - this permission enables users to create an incident
comprising of videos chosen through bulk select.
This is useful if users want to create an incident containing a large number of videos.
l Use single video as evidence - this permission enables users to add a single video
from a longer recording to an incident.
Administrators can configure how a body-worn camera will divide a long recording from its device
profile. By default, if a recording is longer than 15 minutes, it will be divided into 15-minute videos
upon download.
l Use whole recording as evidence - this permission enables users to add an entire
recording to an incident, instead of just individual videos.
l Add footage to existing incident - this permission enables users to add videos to
already-existing incidents, instead of just new incidents.
l Add additional footage from same operator as evidence - this permission enables
users to add footage from the same operator to an incident, if there is already footage
belonging to that operator in the incident.
VideoManager will only offer to add footage from the same operator if the videos' recording times
l View videos in large view mode - this permission enables users to view videos from
the Videos tab in large mode if it has been set as the system default.
With this permission, users can also manually select Large from the View options menu. This
changes the Videos tab to large mode if it has not been set as the default.
l View videos in gallery view mode - this permission enables users to view videos from
the Videos tab in gallery mode if it has been set as the system default.
With this permission, users can also manually select Gallery from the View options menu.
This changes the Videos tab to gallery mode if it has not been set as the default.
l View videos in list view mode - this permission enables users to view videos from the
Videos tab in list mode if it has been set as the system default.
With this permission, users can also manually select List from the View options menu. This
changes the Videos tab to list mode if it has not been set as the default.
Incident - there are four toggles accompanying each permission. They determine which incidents the
permissions apply to: Owned (incidents created by the user), Shared (incidents that have been shared with a
user by other users on the system), Supervised (incidents that have been created by other users on the
system that the user supervises), and Any (any incidents on the system, regardless of who created them).
l Access - this permission controls which incidents users can see on the Incidents tab.
If this permission is set to Off, any other incident permissions in the same column will
also be set to Off. This is because the following permissions all require access to the
l List - this permission controls whether users are presented with the My Incidents,
Shared Incidents, and Supervised Incidents sections in the Incidents tab.
This also controls whether users can see recently edited and created incidents on their homepage.
l Access deleted - this permission enables users to search for deleted incidents, by
checking the Show recently deleted incidents box in the Search Incidents pane.
l Duplicate - this permission enables users to duplicate incidents - a new incident will be
created that contains the same footage, location recording, and title.
l Reinstate - this permission enables the user to "undelete" previously deleted incidents,
as long as they have been retained in line with VideoManager's deletion policy.
To reinstate an incident, the user should also have the List, Access, and Access deleted
permissions enabled. After they have filtered incidents with the Show recently deleted incidents
box in the Search Incidents pane, deleted incidents will appear with a red banner. The user
can then click Reinstate incident next to the relevant incident.
l Edit - this permission enables users to edit the incidents they have access to.
It is only possible to enable this permission if the corresponding Access permission has been
enabled as well.
l Export - this permission enables users to create exports. Exports, along with incident
links, let users share incidents with people who are not already on VideoManager.
Even if a user does not have this permission, automatic exports will still be created if they are
Once an incident has been exported, VideoManager has no control over it.
l View audit log - this permission enables users to view the audit log of incidents they
can already access.
l Edit share list - this permission enables users to edit the Sharing pane, which
dictates whether the incident is shared with other users on VideoManager.
l View share list - this permission enables users to view the Sharing pane, which
shows whether the incident is shared with other users on VideoManager.
l Externally share - this permission enables users to create incident links. Incident links,
along with exports, let users share incidents with people who are not already on
Incident links only offer access to the incident for a limited time. Once the link expires, people
outside VideoManager will not have access to the incident anymore.
l Change owner - this permission enables users to change the owner of an incident, from
the Sharing pane.
This is useful if the user who created an incident should not own it anymore.
l Submit - this permission enables users to upload incidents from a site to a Central
VideoManager, if their instance of VideoManager has been configured to act as a site.
This is useful if, due to bandwidth limitations, users cannot automatically upload incidents to a
Central VideoManager using Metadata/Footage Replication. Instead, users can manually choose
to upload incidents from their site.
l Take control - this permission enables users to upload incidents from a site to a
Central VideoManager, if their instance of VideoManager has been configured to act as
a Central VideoManager.
This is useful if, due to bandwidth limitations, users cannot automatically upload incidents to a
Central VideoManager using Metadata/Footage Replication. Instead, users can manually choose
to upload incidents to their Central VideoManager.
l Restrict - this permission enables users to restrict an incident. If an incident has been
restricted, only users with the corresponding View any restricted incident permission
can view it.
l View attachments - this permission enables users to view any non-video attachments
that have been added to an incident.
l Edit location - this permission enables users to edit the location data for a video that
belongs to the incident they are editing.
This is only applicable for videos that were recorded without location data. Users cannot overwrite
previously recorded location data - they can only edit location data that was added to the video in
l View location - this permission enables users to view the location data for all videos
within the incident they are viewing.
If more than one video with location data has been added to an incident, the location data will be
superimposed on top of each other.
l Search Incidents - this permission enables users to search for any incidents from the
Search Incidents pane of the Incidents tab.
l Create incident with no footage - this permission enables users to create an incident
without any videos in it.
l Add incident to existing incident collection - this permission enables users to add
incidents to existing incident collections.
This permission will not be visible unless the user has the Nested Incidents licence.
l View any restricted incident - this permission enables users to view restricted
l Create incident custom link - this permission enables users to create custom links.
Custom links, along with exports, let users share incidents with people who are not
already on VideoManager.
Incident links only offer access to the incident for a limited time. Once the link expires, people
outside VideoManager will not have access to the incident anymore. Unlike incident links, custom
links cannot be emailed. They can only be copied.
l Search by only shared incidents - this permission enables users to search for
incidents that have been shared either with, or by, them.
l Search by only externally linked incidents - this permission enables users to search
for incidents which have shared with either an incident link or custom link.
>> For more information, see Share Incidents Externally Using a Link on page 91
l Search using advanced filter - this permission enables users to search for incidents
using the advanced search box and VideoManager's custom predicate language.
>> For more information, see Appendix E: Custom Predicate Language on page 469
l Can use saved incident search - this permission enables users to search for incidents
with a saved search.
This is useful if there are a few repeated searches which are regularly performed.
l Create saved incident search - this permission enables users to create their own
saved search.
l Edit saved incident search - this permission enables users to edit previously created
saved searches.
l Delete saved incident search - this permission enables users to delete saved
l Use Computer Analysis - this permission enables users to utilise a computer anaylses
on videos within an incident. Doing so will automatically redact faces or bodies.
l Use any export profile - this permission enables users to use all export profiles when
creating an export, not just export profiles for whom Selectable has been set to On.
Export profiles can be configured from the Incident Exports section of the Policies pane, in the
Admin tab.
Incident clips - once a video has been added to an incident, it becomes an incident clip. The Incident clips
permissions determine what actions users can perform on these incident clips. There are three toggles
accompanying each permission. They determine what incident clips the permissions apply to: New, Existing,
and Duplicate.
l Edit clip times - this permission enables users to edit the start/end times of a clip,
using Edit clip start/end time.
l Redact clip - this permission enables users to perform redactions on their incident clips.
This is useful if a face or numberplate should be obscured due to GDPR reasons, or if a certain
aspect of the footage should be highlighted.
l Edit clip notes - this permission enables users to edit the Notes section while editing
an incident.
Here, users can enter comments about the relevant incident clip.
l Edit clip bookmarks - this permission enables users to edit an incident clip's
Bookmarks highlight particularly relevant parts of footage - this is useful if an incident clip is too
long to be watched in full.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit and Delete Bookmarks on page 86
l Delete clip - this permission enables users to delete incident clips from an incident.
This will not delete the original video.
l Can duplicate incident video clip - this permission enables users to duplicate an
incident clip in an incident, by clicking Duplicate clip. A duplicated incident clip will
retain the same redaction effects as the original incident clip.
l Can add new clip for recording in incident editor - if Group incident clips by
recording has been set to Yes from the Incidents section, this permission enables
users to add a complete, unredacted recording to an incident. To do so, users must click
Add new clip for recording.
Device - there are toggles accompanying each permission. They determine which body-worn cameras the
permissions apply to: User (body-worn cameras assigned to the user), Supervised (body-worn cameras
assigned to users supervised by the user), and Any (all body-worn cameras visible to VideoManager).
l See devices - this permission enables users to see a list of body-worn cameras
detected by VideoManager, from the Devices tab.
l View device on dashboard - this permission enables users to see body-worn cameras
assigned to them on their personal Home tab.
l Operate device - this permission enables users to operate body-worn cameras (i.e.
have body-worn cameras assigned to them, undock body-worn cameras, and record
footage using the body-worn cameras).
l See unassigned devices - this permission enables users to see body-worn cameras
which have not yet been assigned to users, from the Devices tab.
l See devices at sites - this permission enables users whose instance of VideoManager
is configured as a Central VideoManager to view body-worn cameras which are
connected to their sites.
To find these body-worn cameras, navigate to the Devices tab, select the Search Devices
pane, and check Include remote devices. Once the user clicks Find devices, body-worn
cameras associated with the Central VideoManager's sites will be returned as well as body-worn
cameras directly associated with the Central VideoManager.
l See forgotten devices - this permission enables users to view body-worn cameras
which have been forgotten. Forgotten body-worn cameras are body-worn cameras
which used to be connected to VideoManager, but have been manually removed by
users because they are redundant.
To find these body-worn cameras, navigate to the Devices tab, select the Search Devices
pane, and check Include forgotten devices. Once the user clicks Find devices, body-worn
cameras associated with the Central VideoManager's sites will be returned as well as body-worn
cameras directly associated with the Central VideoManager.
l Forget devices - this permission enables users to "forget" body-worn cameras which
were once connected to VideoManager but are now disconnected - either because they
are in use, or because they have been replaced/are no longer in circulation.
To forget a body-worn camera, navigate to the Devices tab, click View device info next to the
relevant body-worn camera, and click Forget Device in the top right-hand corner. Click yes to
l Bulk-edit devices - this permission enables users to bulk edit body-worn cameras.
Users with this permission can perform a variety of issues on large numbers of body-worn
cameras, including Upgrade and and Forget.
l Download device audit logs - this permission enables users to download the audit
logs of a specific body-worn camera to their PC.
To download a body-worn camera's audit log, navigate to the Devices tab, click View device
info next to the relevant body-worn camera, and click View device audit log in the top right-
hand corner. Click Filter audit log.
Management - these permissions control body-worn camera settings and factory resetting and updating the
firmware of body-worn cameras as well as managing, viewing and deleting DockControllers.
l Change device custom status - this permission enables users to change a body-worn
camera's custom status, from the Custom status field in the Edit device
properties pane.
l Factory reset devices - this permission enables users to factory reset docked body-
worn cameras.
When a body-worn camera is factory reset, its access control key and any footage that was not
already downloaded to VideoManager will be deleted.
l Apply device firmware upgrades - this permission enables users to upgrade body-
worn cameras, if new firmware has become available.
l Change device name - this permission enables users to change a body-worn camera's
name, from the Device name field in the Edit device properties pane.
l Change touch assign - this permission enables users to change a body-worn camera's
touch assign settings, using the Touch assign toggle in the Edit device properties
l Set service required - this permission enables users to change a body-worn camera's
status to Service Required, using the Service required toggle in the Edit device
properties pane.
l Setup Companion Services App for myself - this permission enables users to
configure VB Companion for themselves.
l Setup Companion Services App for supervised user - this permission enables
users to configure VB Companion for users they supervise.
l Setup Companion Services App for any user - this permission enables users to
configure VB Companion for all users on VideoManager.
l View/Edit VB Companion metadata - this permission enables users to view and edit
the metadata of the videos they have recorded in the field.
l View system page in VB Companion - this permission enables users to access the
System page of VB Companion. The System page displays the status of the VB400
(i.e. whether it is recording or not) and its serial number.
ONStream - these permissions control what actions a user can perform during a body-worn camera live
l Live view via RTSP - this permission enables the user to view a body-worn camera's
live stream, using a VMS.
l Live view - this permission enables the user to view a body-worn camera's live stream,
using VideoManager.
Assignment - these permissions control the user's ability to assign body-worn cameras, both to themselves
and other users on the system.
l Assign device - this permission enables users to assign body-worn cameras visible to
VideoManager. Body-worn cameras must be assigned to users before they can record
>> For more information, see Assign Body-Worn Cameras and Record Footage on
page 110
This permission must be combined with either Manually assign a device for single
use, Manually assign a device for permanent use, and Manually allocate a device.
l Assign device using RFID touch assign - this permission enables users to assign
body-worn cameras visible to VideoManager using touch assign.
l Assign multiple devices using RFID touch assign - this permission enables users to
assign more than one body-worn camera to a user, using touch assign.
This may be necessary if there is one user to whom all body-worn cameras should be assigned in
case of an emergency, so that many operators can undock - and use - body-worn cameras quickly.
However, this also means that footage cannot be traced back to one specific operator.
l Assign all available devices using RFID touch assign - this permission enables
users to make all docked body-worn cameras available for recording with touch assign.
>> For more information, see Bulk Touch Assign on page 120
l Select device profile when assigning - this permission enables users to select the
device profile for the body-worn camera they are assigning. If users do not have this
permission, VideoManager will use the default device profile as set in the Device
Profiles section of the Devices pane, in the Admin tab, or the device profile which has
been assigned to the user's role.
l Pre-assign device - this will allow users to pre-assign a body-worn camera before it has
even been docked to VideoManager.
This is useful if a remote worker is being sent a new body-worn camera, but they don't have access
to their site's UI. Pre-assign allows the system administrator to assign the body-worn camera from
the site's UI so it is ready to use when it arrives at the remote worker's home.
l Find and collect allocated device using RFID touch assign - this permission
enables users to collect a body-worn camera assigned to them using touch assign.
l Allocate new device using RFID touch assign - this permission enables users
without an assigned body-worn camera to permanently assign themselves a body-worn
camera from the pool using touch assign.
l Manually assign a device for single use - this permission enables users to assign a
body-worn camera to a user for one trip.
This means that once the body-worn camera has been redocked, it will be unassigned and
returned to the pool.
If users wish to enable this permission, they must also enable Assign device.
l Manually assign a device for permanent use - this permission enables users to
assign a body-worn camera to a user permanently, until it is manually unassigned.
This means that once the body-worn camera has been redocked, it will remain assigned to the
same user.
If users wish to enable this permission, they must also enable Assign device.
l Force unassign - this permission enables users to unassign a body worn cameras
while it is in the field, from the Edit device properties pane.
This will not unassign the body-worn camera while the operator is still using it - instead, as soon as
the body-worn camera is redocked, it will become unassigned (even if it was originally assigned
with permanent issue).
User - these permissions control the user's ability to create, edit and delete other users on VideoManager.
l Change touch assign - this permission enables users to edit the touch assign value for
other users on the system. If this permission is not enabled, a user can still see the
Touch Assign ID field from the Edit User pane, but cannot change the values within it.
l Enable - this permission enables users to enable other users. When a user is enabled,
they can log in.
l Disable - this permission enables users to disable other users. When a user is disabled,
they cannot log in.
l Edit display name - this permission enables users to change the display name of other
l Force password change - this permission enables users to force other users to
change their password next time they log in to VideoManager, via the User must
change password toggle.
l Undo force password change - this permission enables users to undo the effects of
the previous permission.
l Add user-specific WiFi networks - this permission enables users to create their own
user-specific WiFi networks.
l Edit user-specific WiFi networks - this permission enables users to edit existing user-
specific WiFi networks.
l Change password - this permission enables users to change the password of other
l Set password for new user - this permission enables a user to set the password for a
new user before they log in for the first time.
l Edit sharing - this permission determines whether or not users can alter the sharing
settings of other users, such as whether their footage and incidents are automatically
shared with other users on the system.
l Edit roles - this permission enables users to edit what roles other users inhabit.
l Edit groups - this permission enables users to edit which users are supervised by
l Edit external app config - this permission enables users to configure how VB-series
cameras interact with the VideoBadge View app.
l Clear Two Factor Authentication - this gives a user the ability to clear the two factor
authentication key for another user, from the Edit Role pane.
This is useful if a user has lost the phone on which their two factor authentication code is
configured, because they will be locked out of VideoManager until the key is reset.
l Edit user email - this permission enables a user to edit the email address of either
users they supervise or all users on the system. This permission will only be viewable if
email notifications have been licensed from Motorola Solutions.
l Edit user mobile - this permission enables a user to edit the phone number of either
users they supervise or all users on the system. This permission will only be viewable if
SMS notifications have been licensed from Motorola Solutions.
l Test user email - this permission enables a user to send a test email to either users
they supervise or all users on the system. This permission will only be viewable if email
notifications have been licensed from Motorola Solutions.
l Test user mobile - this permission enables a user to send a test SMS to either users
they supervise or all users on the system. This permission will only be viewable if SMS
notifications have been licensed from Motorola Solutions.
l View permission report - this permission enables users to view a user's effective
permissions, utilising the View effective permissions control.
l View Bluetooth pairing - this permission enables users to view body-worn cameras
which have been paired to a specific user, utilising the View device Bluetooth
pairings control.
l View device affinity - this permission enables users to view the device affinities for
other users.
l Clear user device affinity - this permission enables users to clear the device affinities
for other users.
>> For more information, see View and Clear Device Affinities for a User on page 174
l Reassign user - this permission enables users to reassign a user. This will transfer the
ownership of all incidents, videos, and exports from one user to another. Incidents and
videos shared with the first user will now be shared with the second user instead.
This is useful if a user is going to be deleted, and another user should take ownership of their
footage and incidents. Users can be reassigned even after they have been deleted.
l Assign higher privileges - this permission enables users to add themselves and other
users to a role which has permissions that the user does not already have.
If this permission is set to Off, the user cannot add other users to a role if the role has permissions
that the user does not already have.
Even users with the Assign higher privileges permission will not be able to add other
users to roles which are in a higher tier than their own role.
l Export users - this permission enables users to export VideoManager's entire user
database to a CSV file.
l Import users - this permission enables users to import a user database into
VideoManager, via a CSV file.
Account - these permissions control what actions a user can take on themselves, from the Account
Profile pane.
l View user-specific WiFi networks - this permission enables users to view their own
user-specific WiFi networks from the Account Profile pane.
l Edit user-specific WiFi networks - this permission enables users to edit their own
user-specific WiFi networks from the Account Profile pane.
l Edit own display name - this permission enables users to change their own display
name from the Account Profile pane.
User group - these permissions control the user's ability to create, edit and delete groups on VideoManager.
l View - this permission enables users to view the Groups section of the People pane, in
the Admin tab.
l Edit display name - this permission enables users to change the display name of a
The Group name cannot be changed once it has been set, but the Display name can be changed
as many times as necessary.
l Add user-specific WiFi networks - this permission enables users to add a user-
specific WiFi network to a group.
l Edit user-specific WiFi networks - this permission enables users to edit a user-
specific WiFi network that has been added to a group.
l Edit sharing - this permission enables users to configure which users or groups will
have access to the group's videos and incidents.
If enabled, users will have access to the Sharing pane in the Groups section.
l Edit roles - this permission enables users to edit the roles that a group will inherit.
If enabled, users will have access to the Roles pane in the Groups section.
l Edit groups - this permission enables users to edit which groups are supervised by
other groups.
If enabled, users will have access to the Group memberships pane in the Groups section.
l View permission report - this permission enables users to view the permissions report
for a group, utilising the View effective permissions control.
Receive notifications on - these permissions control which actions performed by users on VideoManager
will prompt a notification.
l First time login - this permission means that users will receive a notification when
other users first log into VideoManager.
l Personal device stream start - this permission means that users will receive a
notification when a body-worn camera assigned to them starts streaming.
l Supervised device stream start - this permission means that users will receive a
notification when a body-worn camera assigned to users they supervise starts
l File storage threshold warnings - this permission means that users will receive a
notification when VideoManager is low on storage space.
Reports - these permissions control whether users can perform actions on reports.
l View reports - this permission enables users to view reports from the Reports pane of
the Status tab.
l Create reports - this permission enables users to create new reports from the Reports
pane of the Status tab.
If enabled, users will have access to the Create New Report control.
If Create scheduled reports has not been enabled as well, users will not have the ability to make
their reports scheduled.
l View scheduled reports - this permission enables users to view scheduled reports
from the Reports pane of the Status tab.
If enabled, users will have access to the Scheduled Reports pane.
l Create scheduled reports - this permission enables users to create scheduled reports
from the Reports pane of the Status tab.
If enabled, users will have access to the Create New Report control.
If Create reports has not been enabled as well, users will not have the ability to make a one-off
report. In the Schedule dropdown, there will not be a No option.
Live stats - this permission dictates whether users can view the Statistics pane in the Status tab.
l View live stats - this permission enables users to view statistics related to their
instance of VideoManager, from the Statistics pane.
There are twenty permissions - one for each access group. Access groups determine which user-defined
incident fields and saved searches users can see.
Settings - the first half of these permissions control which panes of the Admin tab users can access. There is
a permission for every pane in the Admin tab. By setting View to On, users can view the relevant pane. By
setting Edit to On, users can perform actions in the relevant pane. It is not possible to have View set to Off and
Edit to On.
The second half of these permissions control advanced actions:
l Change manager settings - this permission enables users to view the entire Admin
tab in sites which are running instances of VideoManager older than version 10.1.
l Export access control keys - this permission enables users to export access control
keys from an instance of VideoManager.
l Delete access control keys - this permission enables users to delete access control
If body-worn cameras on VideoManager were using the now-deleted access control key, those
body-worn cameras will appear as Locked and any footage on them which had not yet been
downloaded to VideoManager at time of deletion will be lost forever.
l Export file space keys - this permission enables users to export keys used for
decrypting file spaces.
l Select Language for login session - this permission enables users to choose in
which language their instance of VideoManager will be presented. The language will
only apply to their personal session - when they log out, it will be reset to the default
specified from the Language section of the User Interface pane, in the Admin tab.
l List sites connected to the Manager - this permission enables users on a Central
VideoManager to see a list of all sites connected to it.
If enabled, users will have access to the Sites and Site Uploads panes in the Status tab.
l Visit sites connected to the Manager - this permission enables users to access a
site's UI through the Central VideoManager.
If enabled, users will have access to the View site control in the Sites pane.
l Export device profile - this permission enables users to export a device profile from
their instance of VideoManager.
This is useful if device profiles from a Central VideoManager are not automatically replicated to
their sites due to bandwidth issues - instead, users can manually export the relevant profiles and, if
Import device profile has also been enabled, import the profiles into their sites.
l Import device profile - this permission enables users to import a device profile into
their instance of VideoManager.
This is useful if device profiles from a Central VideoManager are not automatically replicated to
their sites due to bandwidth issues - instead, if Export device profile has also been enabled,
users can manually export the relevant profiles and import the profiles into their site.
l Export wifi profile - this permission enables users to export a WiFi profile from their
instance of VideoManager.
Doing this will also export the passwords associated with the WiFi networks within the
WiFi profile.
l Import wifi profile - this permission enables users to import a WiFi profile from their
instance of VideoManager.
l Export self service settings - this permission enables users to export a previously-
created user self-service configuration, from the User Self Service section of the
People pane, in the Admin tab.
l Import self service settings - this permission enables users to import a previously-
created user self-service configuration, from the User Self Service section of the
People pane, in the Admin tab.
l Restart the server - this permission enables users to restart their VideoManager
There are many instances where this might be necessary - for instance, if a new licence has been
downloaded, if VideoManager's public address has changed, etc.
l View system status - this permission enables users to view the status of their system
from the Status tab.
l View grid status - this permission enables users to view the status of their grids, if grids
are being used.
If enabled, users will have access to the Grid pane in the Status tab.
l View UI login mode tab - this permission enables users to view the UI Login Mode tab
in the VideoManager administrator application.
l View about legal page - this permission enables users to view the Legal pane in the
Admin tab.
This pane gives users insight into VideoManager's terms and conditions.
l Export import profiles - this permission enables users to export their import profile
from an instance of VideoManager.
l Import import profiles - this permission enables users to import their import profile into
their instance of VideoManager.
l Import system config - this permission enables users to import a new system config
for VideoManager, from the Import/Export System Config section of the System pane
in the Admin tab.
l Export system config - this permission enables users to export the entire
VideoManager system config, from the Import/Export System Config section of the
System pane in the Admin tab.
Accessibility - these permissions control printing and copying text from the web interface.
l Print from website - if enabled, this permission allows users to print pages of
Although the user will still have the ability to use CTRL + P like normal if this permission is not
enabled, the page will appear as blank.
l Copy text from website - this permission enables users to copy text from
Although the user will still have the ability to use CTRL + C like normal and highlight text if this
permission is not enabled, they will not be able to paste the results.
Computer Analysis - these permissions are only viewable if computer analysis has been licensed from
Motorola Solutions.
l View/delete - this permission enables users to view and delete computer analyses from
the Computer Analysis section of the System pane, in the Admin tab.
Tactical Video Manager - these permissions are only viewable if Tactical VideoManager has been licensed
from Motorola Solutions.
l Access tactical mode - this permission enables users to view the Tactical tab.
l View Tactical Video Wall - this permission enables users to view the Tactical
VideoManager wall.
l Update Tactical Video Wall - this permission enables users to add and remove live
streams from the Tactical VideoManager wall.
Asset imports - these permissions are only viewable if asset features have been licensed from Motorola
l View audit log - this permission enables users to view the audit logs of relevant assets.
l Use asset imports - this permission enables users to import non-video files (e.g. still
images, PDFs), using the Advanced Import feature.
l View/delete automated imports - this permission enables users to view and delete
automated imports from the Videos tab.
l VB400
>> For more information, see VB400 Device Profile on page 444
>> For more information, see VB100/VB200/VB300 Device Profile on page 451
l VT-series cameras
>> For more information, see VT-Series Camera Device Profile on page 455
6. From the Device family dropdown of the Details pane, select VB400.
The following settings are now available:
Notifications &Alarms - this section enables administrators to customise the way that the VB400 alerts its
operator to various states and events.
l If Sound alarm when storage nearly full is set to Yes, the VB400 will beep
periodically when its storage space is low.
l If Sound alarm when battery level critical is set to Yes, the VB400 will beep
periodically when its battery level is critically low (less than 10 minutes of recording
l If Customise LED patterns is set to Yes, the administrator can customise how a
VB400's LEDs will behave when recording and pre-recording, using the When
recording and When pre-recording dropdowns, respectively. The options for both
dropdowns are as follows:
l Solid red
l Solid green
l Blinking red
l The administrator can customise how a VB400 will behave when in normal mode and
hush mode, using the When in normal mode and When in hush mode rows,
respectively. The options for the rows are as follows:
l If Enable LEDs is set to On, LEDs will indicate when a body-worn camera starts
and stops recording/pre-recording.
l If Enable beeps is set to On, sounds will indicate when a body-worn camera
starts and stops recording/pre-recording.
l If Enable vibrate is set to On, haptic feedback will indicate when a body-worn
camera starts and stops recording/pre-recording.
l The administrator can customise whether a VB400 will alert the user periodically while it
is recording, using the Recording alarm row. The options for the row are as follows:
l If Enable beeps is set to On, the VB400 will beep while recording.
l If Enable vibrate is set to On, the VB400 will buzz while recording.
In the seconds field, administrators can configure the interval at which the alarm will sound
(between 5 and 600 seconds). This will apply to both beeps and haptic feedback, depending on
what has been enabled.
If Enable beeps and Enable vibrate have not also been set to On in the When in
normal mode or When in hush mode rows, none of the configuration in the
Recording alarm row will take effect.
Power Management - this section enables administrators to configure advanced battery life management.
l From the Behaviour when idle dropdown, select how the VB400 will behave when idle
(assigned and undocked, but not recording). The options are as follows:
l Device enters standby mode - the body-worn camera will enter standby. The
VB400 will leave standby as soon as it is prompted to record again.
l Device shuts down - the body-worn camera will shut down. The VB400 will turn
on a few seconds after it is prompted to record.
If Device shuts down is selected, the VB400's battery will last for longer between
Recording Behaviour - this section controls how a VB400 will act when it is recording.
l If Show video metadata overlay is set to Yes, metadata will be shown over all videos
recorded on body-worn cameras which inhabit this device profile. What precise
metadata is shown can be configured from the Video metadata overlay settings
section of the Devices pane, in the Admin tab.
>> For more information, see Configure Video metadata overlay settings on page 210
l If Overwrite oldest footage when full is set to Yes, the body-worn camera will
overwrite its oldest footage with newer footage if it has run out of storage space.
If set to No, the body-worn camera will stop recording once it has run out of storage space.
l If Allow recording in hush mode is set to Yes, the body-worn camera can record
footage while in hush mode. The body-worn camera can also enter hush mode while
If set to No, if the body-worn camera is in hush mode and the the operator performs the gesture
which prompts their body-worn camera to start recording, the body-worn camera will exit hush
mode. If the body-worn camera is recording and the operator performs the gesture which prompts
their body-worn camera to enter hush mode, the body-worn camera will stop recording.
Pre-record will still work in hush mode, even if Allow recording in hush mode is set to
l In the Seconds field, enter the number of seconds for which the VB400 will pre-
record. The default is 30 seconds, and the upper limit is 120 seconds.
l From the dropdown, select when pre-record will start. The options are as follows:
l From the Record audio dropdown, administrators can select whether their body-worn
cameras record audio or not. The options are as follows:
l Yes - audio will be recorded during both pre-record and normal recording.
l Yes (except during pre-record) - audio will only be recorded during normal
l If Enable GPS is set to Yes, GPS location data will be recorded alongside any video.
If set to No, the user can still add location data to the videos after they have been downloaded to
l In the Video length field, enter the number of minutes for which a VB400 can record,
after which the footage will be split into multiple videos.
The administrator can select between 5 and 30 minutes.
l In the Suppress recording on undock field, enter the number of seconds for which the
body-worn camera will be prevented from recording after it has been undocked. This
means that in the configured period of time, the body-worn camera will ignore any
gestures which would normally prompt it to record.
Video Settings - this section controls video resolution and frame rate.
l From the Video resolution dropdown, administrators can select the video resolution of
videos recorded on body-worn cameras which inhabit this device profile. The options
are as follows:
l From the Frame rate dropdown, administrators can select the frame rate in which body-
worn cameras inhabiting this device profile will record. There are two options: 25FPS or
Audio Settings - this section controls the VB400's audio options.
l From the Audio codec dropdown, select the kind of audio which will be recorded by
VB400s with this device profile. The options are as follows:
l AAC - this will compress the audio, and results in smaller file sizes.
l PCM - this will record high-quality audio, but results in larger file sizes.
Bluetooth Settings - this section controls whether Bluetooth can be used with a VB400.
l From the Motorola radio integration dropdown, administrators can configure which
radios will be compatible with body-worn cameras in this device profile.
For more information, please contact Technical Support and ask for the technical paper
VideoManager and Tetra Radio Integration Explained [ED-009-062].
VB Companion Settings - this section controls whether VB Companion can be used with a VB400.
l If Enable VB Companion is set to Yes, the VB400 will be compatible with Motorola
Solutions VB Companion.
Controls - this section enables administrators to configure their VB400s' buttons and gestures.
l From the Hold timing dropdown, select how long an operator must hold a VB400's
button for the body-worn camera to register the gesture as a "hold". The options are
Long, Normal, or Short.
l From the Double click timing dropdown, select how quickly an operator must double-
click a VB400's button for the body-worn camera to register the gesture as a "double
click". The options are Long, Normal, or Short.
Administrators can also map VB400 buttons (e.g. Front button) to gestures (e.g. Press) and the actions which
will be performed as a result (e.g. No action).
To map a button's gesture onto an action, identify the relevant button and gesture from the Control column.
Using the corresponding Action dropdowns, select the action which will be performed when the button's
gesture is performed. The options are as follows:
l Start/stop recording - the gesture changes recording mode; if the VB400 is already
recording, recording will stop when the gesture is performed. If VB400 is not recording
when button is pressed, recording starts.
l Start recording - the gesture starts recording. If recording is already in progress, the
gesture does nothing.
l Stop recording - the gesture stops recording. If recording is not in progress, the gesture
does nothing.
l Show battery status - the gesture will cause the VB400's LED C to reflect the body-
worn camera's battery status. If the LED is green, the body-worn camera still has plenty
of charge left. If the LED is yellow, the body-worn camera's battery is running low and
should be recharged as soon as possible. If the LED is red, the body-worn camera is
about to shut down due to low battery.
l Record bookmark - the gesture will place a bookmark in the video. Once the video has
been downloaded to VideoManager, users can skip straight to the bookmark while
viewing it.
This is the only way that users can place a bookmark directly into a video. Users can place
bookmarks into videos on VideoManager, but they must be in an incident first.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit and Delete Bookmarks on page 86
l Enter hush mode - the gesture enters hush mode. While in hush mode, the VB400 will
obey the settings configured in the When in hush mode row of the Notifications
&Alarms pane.
l Exit hush mode - the gesture exits hush mode. Without hush mode, the VB400 will
obey the settings configured in the When in normal mode row of the Notifications
&Alarms pane.
l Toggle hush mode - the gesture changes between hush mode and normal mode.
l Pair Bluetooth peripheral - the gesture will prompt the VB400 to pair with a new
Bluetooth Peripheral. The Bluetooth Peripheral must be connected to power while this is
l Bypass peripheral warning - the gesture will allow users to stop a VB400 from
beeping when it cannot find the requisite number of Bluetooth Peripherals, as specified
from the Yardarm™ Holster Aware™ peripherals dropdown.
l Enter safety mode - the gesture causes the VB400 to enter safety mode. While in
safety mode, the VB400 will be completely inert: start/stop recording gestures will not
work, and the body-worn camera will not connect to WiFi networks/Bluetooth, or make
l Exit safety mode - the gesture causes the VB400 to exit safety mode. Once the VB400
has exited safety mode, it can record footage, connect to WiFi networks/Bluetooth, and
make noise.
l Toggle safety mode - if the VB400 is already in safety mode, it will exit safety mode. If
the VB400 is not in safety mode, it will enter safety mode.
The following dropdown options are only visible if Pre-record has been set to Yes in the Recording
Behaviour pane:
l Start pre-record - the gesture will start pre-recording. The length of the pre-record
depends on the configuration in the Recording Behaviour pane.
l Stop pre-record - the gesture will stop pre-recording, and the pre-recorded footage will
be discarded.
l Toggle pre-record - if the body-worn camera is already pre-recording, the gesture will
stop pre-recording. If the body-worn camera is not pre-recording, the gesture will start
In the Controls section, there is also an option to make the WiFi connection either Automatic or Manual. If
set to Automatic, the VB400 will search for WiFi upon powering on. If set to Manual, the VB400 must be
ordered to search for WiFi using a button gesture. For this reason, more options will appear in the dropdown
dictating what action the VB400's button will perform:
l Connect to WiFi - the gesture will prompt the VB400 to start searching for WiFi. If the
VB400 is already connected to WiFi, this button does nothing.
l Disconnect from WiFi - the gesture will disconnect the VB400 from WiFi. If the VB400
is not already connected to WiFi, this button does nothing.
l Toggle WiFi connection - the gesture will change the state of the WiFi connection - if
the WiFi was turned off, it will be turned on, and vice versa.
In the X-100/X-200 section, users can configure how the X-series camera button is mapped onto gestures
(Press, Hold, and Double click) and the actions which will be performed as a result (e.g. No action). To map
the gesture's gesture to an action, use the Action dropdown - the options are the same as in the VB400
6. From the Device family dropdown of the Details pane, select VB200/300.
The following settings are now available:
Notifications &Alarms - this section enables administrators to customise the way that the VB-series camera
responds when various actions are performed.
l If Sound alarm when storage nearly full is set to Yes, the VB-series camera will beep
periodically when its storage space is low.
l If Sound alarm when battery level critical is set to Yes, an alarm will sound in
addition to the LED warning when battery is critically low (less than 10 minutes of
recording remaining).
l If Sound alarm when recording starts or stops is set to Yes, the VB-series camera
will beep when recording starts.
l If Sound alarm regularly while recording is set to Yes, the VB-series camera will
regularly beep while recording video.
Administrators can configure the interval at which the alarm will sound.
l If Enable alarms in hush mode is set to Yes, any alarms which have been configured
in the previous settings will still make a noise when the body-worn camera is in hush
l If Blink LED in standby is set to Yes, a VB-series camera will blink when it is in standby
mode. It will enter standby mode when it has been idle (assigned and undocked, but not
recording) for a period of time.
l If Show front LEDs when recording VB300 is set to Yes, the VB-series camera's
LEDs will be turned on during recording.
l If Show LEDs when recording X-100/X-200 is set to Yes, the X-100/X-200's LEDs will
be turned on during recording.
l If Enable X-100/X-200 buzzer is set to Yes, X-100s and X-200s will have haptic
Power Management - this setting enables administrators to configure advanced battery life management.
l If Power off when idle is set to Yes, administrators can configure for how many hours
the VB-series camera must be away from its charger, after which it will power off.
This will preserve battery life - however, the body-worn camera must be manually powered on
before it can record. This can be done by pressing any button on the body-worn camera.
Recording Behaviour - this section controls how a VB-series camera will act when it is recording.
l If Show video metadata overlay is set to Yes, metadata will be shown over all videos
recorded on body-worn cameras which inhabit this device profile. What precise
metadata is shown can be configured from the Video metadata overlay settings
section of the Devices pane, in the Admin tab.
>> For more information, see Configure Video metadata overlay settings on page 210
l If Overwrite oldest footage when full is set to Yes, the body-worn camera will
overwrite its oldest footage with newer footage if it has run out of storage space.
If set to No, the body-worn camera will stop recording once it has run out of storage space.
l In the Seconds field, enter the number of seconds for which the VB300 will pre-
record. The default is 30 seconds, and the upper limit is 120 seconds.
l From the dropdown, select when pre-record will start. The options are as follows:
l From the Record audio dropdown, administrators can select whether their body-worn
cameras record audio or not. The options are as follows:
l Yes - audio will be recorded during both pre-record and normal recording.
l Yes (except during pre-record) - audio will only be recorded during normal
This option will only be visible if the administrator has set Pre-record to On.
l Require double consent - the user must go through two steps before audio will
be recorded - firstly, they must start recording with their body-worn camera, and
then they must perform another gesture (as defined in the Controls pane) before
the audio will be recorded alongside a video.
Video Settings - this section controls video resolution and frame rate.
l From the Video resolution dropdown, administrators can select the video resolution of
videos recorded on body-worn cameras which inhabit this device profile. The options
are as follows:
l From the Frame rate dropdown, users can select the frame rate in which body-worn
cameras inhabiting this device profile will record. There are two options: 25FPS or
l If Enhanced night vision is set to Yes, the body-worn camera's frame rate will be cut in
half and its exposure time will be doubled. This produces more well-lit footage but
should only be used if the VB-series camera is mounted on a stable surface.
Controls - this section controls which gestures and actions are associated with the buttons of an X-100, X-200,
and VB300.
To map a button's gesture onto an action, identify the relevant button and gesture from the Control column.
Using the corresponding Action dropdowns, select the action which will be performed when the button's
gesture is performed. The options are as follows:
l Start/stop recording - the gesture changes recording mode - if the VB300 is already
recording, recording will stop when the gesture is performed. If the VB300 is not
recording when the gesture is performed, recording starts.
l Start recording - the gesture starts recording. If recording is already in progress, the
gesture does nothing.
l Stop recording - the gesture stops recording. If recording is not in progress, the gesture
does nothing.
l Record bookmark - the gesture will place a bookmark in the video. Once the video has
been downloaded to VideoManager, users can skip straight to the bookmark while
viewing it.
>> For more information, see Create, Edit and Delete Bookmarks on page 86
l Enter hush mode - the VB300 will enter hush mode, meaning LEDs will turn off and
alarms will not sound. If the VB300 is already in hush mode, the gesture does nothing.
l Exit hush mode - the VB300 will exit hush mode, meaning LEDs will turn on and alarms
will sound as normal. If the VB300 is not in hush mode, the gesture does nothing.
l Toggle hush mode - if the VB300 is in hush mode when the gesture is performed, it will
exit hush mode. If the VB300 is not in hush mode when the gesture is performed, it will
enter hush mode.
The following dropdown options are only visible if Pre-record has been set to Yes in the
Recording Behaviour pane:
l Start pre-record - the gesture will start pre-recording. The length of the pre-
record depends on the configuration in the Recording Behaviour pane.
l Stop pre-record - the gesture will stop pre-recording, and the pre-recorded
footage will be discarded.
l Connect to WiFi - the gesture will prompt the VB300 to start searching for WiFi.
If the VB300 is already connected to WiFi, this button does nothing.
l Disconnect from WiFi - the gesture will disconnect the VB300 from WiFi. If the
VB300 is not already connected to WiFi, this button does nothing.
l Toggle WiFi connection - the gesture will change the state of the WiFi
connection - if the WiFi was turned off, it will be turned on, and vice versa.
In the X-100/X-200 section, administrators can configure how the X-series camera button is mapped onto
gestures (Press, Hold, and Double click) and the actions which will be performed as a result (e.g. No action).
To map the button's gesture to an action, use the Action dropdown - the options are the same as in the VB300
5. Select VT50/100 from the Device family dropdown of the Details pane.
6. If Show video metadata overlay is set to On, all VT-series cameras in this device pro-
file will record videos with burned-in metadata.
Administrators can configure what information will be included in this metadata from the Video
metadata overlay settings section of the Devices pane, in the Admin tab.
>> For more information, see Configure Video metadata overlay settings on page 210
If VideoManager has been configured to act as a Central VideoManager, this will return a list of all sites
connected to it, as well as detailing how long the sites have been online/offline (in hours).
l Site Name - the name of the site, as configured from the Status tab.
l Online - the number of hours for which the site was online (within the period covered by
the report).
l Offline - the number of hours for which the site was offline (within the period covered by
the report).
l Bytes - the number of bytes transferred from this site to the Central VideoManager,
including footage and metadata.
This will return a high-level overview of key system parameters, including the total hours of footage recorded,
and the total number of incidents and exports created, within the period covered by the report.
l Recordings (total) - the total number of recordings captured in the period covered by
the report.
l Recordings (length) - the total length of recordings captured in the period covered by
the report, in minutes.
l Recordings (MB) - the total size of recordings captured in the period covered by the
report, in MB.
l Average recording (length) - the average length of recording captured in the period
covered by the report, in minutes.
l Average recording (MB) - the average size of recording captured in the period covered
by the report, in MB.
l Media items (total) - the total number of media. This includes videos recorded on body-
worn cameras, imported videos, and imported assets (within the period covered by the
l Media items (length) - the total length of media recorded or imported in the period
covered by the report, in minutes.
l Media items (MB) - the total size of media recorded or imported in the period covered
by the report, in MB.
l Media deletions (manual) - the number of media items which users have manually
deleted from VideoManager (within the period covered by the report).
l Media deletions (policy) - the number of media items which have been automatically
deleted by VideoManager as a result of its deletion policy (within the period covered by
the report).
l Incidents - the number of incidents created on the system (within the period covered by
the report).
l Exports - the number of exports created on the system (within the period covered by the
l Active Device Operators - the number of users which have body-worn cameras
assigned to them (within the period covered by the report).
l Active Devices Video Test Failures - the number of videos which have been flagged
by VideoManager as having dropped frames (within the period covered by the report).
l Device Key Exports - the number of times that access control keys have been expor-
ted (within the period covered by the report). If the same access control key is exported
multiple times, this will count as different events in the report.
User Summary
This will return the metrics for a specified user, including their username, display name, whether they are
enabled or not, and the number of days for which they have logged in/not logged in. If no username is entered,
the report will present the information for all users on the system. If scheduled, this report can be copied to the
Report auto-copy file space.
l Username - the username for the user, as configured in the User name field.
l Name - the display name for the user, as configured in the Display name field.
l State - whether the user is enabled (i.e. can log into VideoManager) or disabled (i.e. can-
not log into VideoManager).
l Date Assigned with Recording - the number of days that the user was assigned a
body-worn camera and recorded footage (within the period covered by the report).
l Date Assigned without Recording - the number of days that the user was assigned a
body-worn camera but did not record footage (within the period covered by the report).
l Days Not Assigned - the number of days that the user was not assigned a body-worn
camera (within the period covered by the report).
l Days Logged In - the number of days that the user logged into VideoManager (within
the period covered by the report).
l Days Not Logged In - the number of days that the user did not log into VideoManager
(within the period covered by the report).
This will return a list of all incidents which have been created in the period covered by the report. It will also
return the details for these incidents, including their signatures, names, when they were created, and when
they were last edited (even if this is not within the period covered by the report). If scheduled, this report can be
copied to the Report auto-copy file space.
The columns which users will see depend on how user-defined incident fields have been configured. By
default, if the administrator has not edited the built-in incident fields (i.e. has not renamed, reordered, or deleted
them), the columns will be as follows:
l Incident time - the incident's time, as configured in the Incident time field.
l Reference code - the incident's reference code, as configured in the Reference code
l Any other user-defined incident fields which the administrator has created will appear as
separate columns, regardless of whether the fields themselves have been populated in
the incidents.
Computed fields will still be shown in the report, even if their conditions have not been
l Other fields - if a user has populated a now-deleted user-defined incident field for this
incident, this column will show the name of the deleted user-defined incident field(s) and
the corresponding value(s).
l Recorded by - if the incident includes footage, this column will list the operator(s) which
recorded the footage.
This will return a list of all videos which were recorded on body-worn cameras or imported into VideoManager
in the period covered by the report. It will also return the details for these videos, including who recorded them,
when the recording started and stopped, the videos' duration, and the serial numbers of the body-worn
cameras which recorded them. If scheduled, this report can be copied to the Report auto-copy file space.
l Recording index - if the video is part of a longer recording, this column will show its pos-
ition in the recording (i.e. the first video will be 0, the second video will be 1, etc.).
l Badge ID - the body-worn camera which recorded the video. If the video was imported,
this will read as import.
User Export
This will return a list of all users on VideoManager at the time the report was created. It will also return the
details for these users, including their usernames, display names, RFID IDs, and the roles they inhabit. If
scheduled, this report can be copied to the Report auto-copy file space.
l Username - the username for the user, as configured in the User name field.
l Display Name - the display name for the user, as configured in the Display name field.
l State - whether the user is enabled (i.e. can log into VideoManager), disabled (i.e. can-
not log into VideoManager), or deleted.
l RFID - if the user has been associated with an RFID card, this is their Touch Assign ID.
l BLE MAC Address - if enabled for the report, this is the user's BLE MAC Address.
Users are automatically issued an Address by VideoManager the first time they use
Bluetooth (either with VB Companion, peer-assisted recording, or Bluetooth
serial numbers of the body-worn cameras, and how many videos were recorded. If scheduled, this report can
be copied to the Report auto-copy file space.
l Operator Name - the name of the operator who recorded the footage.
l Device Number - the serial number of the body-worn camera which was used by the
operator on the specified date.
l Number Of Videos - the number of videos which were recorded by the operator on the
specified date.
l Time of First Video - the start time of the first recording on the specified date.
l Time of Last Video - the start time of the last recording on the specified date.
l Number of videos < 20 secs - the number of videos on the specified date which are
shorter than 20 seconds.
l % of videos < 20 secs - the percentage of videos on the specified date which are
shorter than 20 seconds.
This will return a list of all equipment associated with this instance of VideoManager (i.e. body-worn cameras,
DockControllers, EdgeControllers, Central VideoManager, sites, grid masters and grid workers). It will also
return the details for these pieces of equipment, including their type (e.g. VB400), when they were last "seen"
by VideoManager, and the software they are running. If scheduled, this report can be copied to the Report
auto-copy file space.
l Identity or custom status - the information presented here depends on the type of
l If the equipment is a body-worn camera, this will be its custom status, as con-
figured from the Custom status field.
l If the equipment is not a body-worn camera, this will be its name or serial number.
l Last seen - when the equipment was last detected by VideoManager. If the equipment
is still connected to VideoManager, this timestamp will be when the report was run.
l Last location - the site where the equipment was last detected by VideoManager. If
sites have not been configured, or if the equipment was last seen at the Central
VideoManager, this will read as Central.
l Last sub-location - the DockController where the equipment was last detected by
VideoManager. If body-worn cameras are directly connected to VideoManager via USB,
this will read as USB. If body-worn cameras are connected to VideoManager via WiFi,
this will read as Network: [WiFi Network Name].
l Last software version - the software version that the equipment was running when it
was last seen by VideoManager.
l Last state - the last state that the equipment was in when it was last seen by VideoMan-
l Additional Info - the information presented here depends on the state of the equip-
l If the body-worn camera is assigned, this will read as the operator it is assigned
l If the body-worn camera has been forgotten from VideoManager, this will read as
the date when it was forgotten.
l If equipment was moved from this instance of VideoManager, this will read as
Moved to another location.
l If the site was deleted from VideoManager, this will read as the date when it was
Battery Audit
This report details whether body-worn cameras' batteries have degraded. This could be because the body-
worn camera has a faulty battery, has charged down quickly once it has been fully charged and still docked, or
has powered down sooner than expected while recording. If scheduled, this report can be copied to the Report
auto-copy file space.
l Device Name - the unique device ID of the body-worn camera which is experiencing bat-
tery issues.
l Event Date - when VideoManager first registered the battery issue. If the body-worn
camera powered down unexpectedly in the field, this will be when it was redocked.
l Event Type - the specific kind of battery issue which the body-worn camera is exper-
l battery status - the body-worn camera has detected an issue with charging its bat-
l high self discharge or self discharge - the body-worn camera's battery charged
down quickly while docked after being fully charged. This only applies to VB100,
VB200, and VB300 body-worn cameras.
l limited battery capacity - the body-worn camera was fully charged when
undocked, but ran out of charge unexpectedly while in the field. This only applies
to VB100, VB200, and VB300 body-worn cameras.
l If the body-worn camera's issue is battery status, this will provide information
about the specific problem with the battery (e.g. whether it is refusing to charge,
charging too slowly, or could not be detected).
l If the body-worn camera's issue is high self discharge or self discharge, this will
provide information about how much voltage was discharged from the battery
while charging, and when it did so, as measured from when the battery was fully
charged (e.g. 3.89V after duration of 6h means that, 6 hours after the battery was
fully charged, the battery voltage dropped to 3.89V).
l If the body-worn camera's issue is limited battery capacity, this will provide inform-
ation about when the body-worn camera shut down unexpectedly, compared to
the expected battery life.
Device Availability
This will return a list of body-worn cameras at each location (e.g. a DockController) in five-minute intervals for
the duration of the period covered by the report. It will also return the number of body-worn cameras which are
busy, charging, or assigned, and the number of body-worn cameras which are available (ready to be assigned)
at each location. If scheduled, this report can be copied to the Report auto-copy file space.
l Location - the DC-200 which is being audited. If body-worn cameras are directly con-
nected to VideoManager via USB, this will read as USB. If sites have been configured,
this will read as site name / DockController name (or USB).
l Timestamp - when VideoManager checked the location. This will be in five-minute inter-
l Busy - the number of body-worn cameras at the location which are upgrading firmware
or downloading footage.
l Charging - the number of body-worn cameras at the location which are charging.
l Assigned - the number of body-worn cameras at the location which are assigned to
l Start Site - the site where the body-worn camera was undocked. If sites have not been
configured, or if the body-worn camera was undocked at the Central VideoManager, this
will read as Central.
l End Site - the site where the body-worn camera was redocked. If sites have not been
configured, or if the body-worn camera was undocked at the Central VideoManager, this
will read as Central.
l Start Location - the DockController where the body-worn camera was undocked. If
body-worn cameras are directly connected to VideoManager via USB, this will read as
USB. If body-worn cameras are connected to VideoManager via WiFi, this will read as
Network: [WiFi Network Name].
l End Location - the DockController where the body-worn camera was redocked. If
body-worn cameras are directly connected to VideoManager via USB, this will read as
USB. If body-worn cameras are connected to VideoManager via WiFi, this will read as
Network: [WiFi Network Name].
l Badge ID - the serial number of the body-worn camera which was operated by the user.
l End time - when the body-worn camera was redocked. If the body-worn camera is still
in the field, this will read as In Field.
l Duration - the length of the field trip, from the body-worn camera being undocked to
Operator Activity
This will return a list of every user on VideoManager who has recorded at least one video in the period covered
by the report. It will also return the length of the videos (from 30 seconds up to over 40 minutes), whether those
videos are in incidents or not, the total number of videos recorded by a user, and the combined length of a
user's videos. If scheduled, this report can be copied to the Report auto-copy file space.
l Evidential over 40 minutes - the number of videos recorded by the operator which
meet three criteria: they were recorded in the period covered by the report, are more
than 40 minutes long, and have been added to an incident.
l Total number of recordings - how many recordings have been recorded by the oper-
ator (within the period covered by the report).
l Total number of evidential recordings - how many of the operator's recordings which
were recorded in the period covered by the report have been added to an incident.
l Total length of recordings - the total length of the operator's recordings which were
recorded in the period covered by the report, in seconds.
l Count of cameras booked out - the number of times that a body-worn camera
assigned to this user was undocked (within the period covered by the report).
l Username - the username for the user, as configured in the User name field.
l Display Name - the display name for the user, as configured in the Display name field.
l Enabled - whether the user is enabled (i.e. can log into VideoManager) or disabled (i.e.
cannot log into VideoManager).
l Email Notifications - whether email notifications have been enabled for the user or not.
l Mobile Notifications - whether mobile notifications have been enabled for the user or
l Touch Assign ID - if the user has been associated with an RFID card, this is their
Touch Assign ID.
The [GROUPS] section provides information about the groups exported from VideoManager:
l Role name - the name of the role on VideoManager which the user/group inhabits.
The [RELATIONSHIPS] section provides information about the relationships between the exported users and
l UserOrGroup1 - the name of the user/group which has some form of oversight over
another user/group.
l UserOrGroup2 - the name of the user/group which is subject to oversight from User-
If enabled, the [WIFIS] section provides information about the WiFi networks exported from VideoManager and
the users they are assigned to:
l UserOrGroup - the name of the user/group to whom this WiFi network is assigned.
l Security type - the security type of the WiFi network. This could be WPA2-PSK, WPA-
l Identity - this column will be empty unless the user has specified that the WiFi network
l 24Hz only/5Hz only - these columns correspond to the WiFi network's Band dropdown.
These columns are mutually exclusive.
l Use Static IP, IP, Network Mask, Gateway, DNS Server 1, DNS Server 2 - this inform-
ation is only relevant to the network administrator.
l Signal Threshold - this corresponds to the Disconnect on low signal toggle. It will be
either true or false.
l Signal Percent - if the Signal Threshold column has been populated with true, this is
the corresponding signal level, below which the WiFi network will be disconnected from
the body-worn camera.
l Signal Threshold Time - if the Signal Threshold column has been populated with
true, this is the corresponding time in seconds that the signal must be weak for, after
which the WiFi network will be disconnected.
l Hidden Network - this corresponds with the Hidden network toggle. It will be either
true or false.
For more information, please see the document Built-in User Import Tool Guide [ED-012-229]. This can be
found in VideoManager's installation location, in the userimporttool folder.
l Searching for incidents using an advanced search, from the Search Incidents
l Searching for media using an advanced search, from the Search Videos pane.
l Deleting incidents automatically, based on how their user-defined incident fields have
been populated.
l Creating rules for an export profile, based on how an incident's user-defined incident
fields have been populated.
l Creating computed fields, which appear and change based on how other user-defined
incident fields in an incident have been populated.
For computed fields, administrators can determine whether the field appears based on how other built-in and
user-defined incident fields have been populated. They can either be formatted as a boolean function (which
will present the computed field as a checkbox - checked if true, unchecked if false), or as a CASE function. This
documentation will give examples for both.
There are two types of text field: built-in and user-defined incident fields.
l = - the text field matches the value (e.g. title = 'Incident 0001').
l < > or != - the text field does not match the value (e.g. title != 'Incident
l contains() - this is only for tag list fields. Here, the user must enter the tag list field
identifier, and the name of the specific tag(s) - e.g. contains ([priority-level],
'high priority').
As well as matching a text field to a specific value (e.g. owner = test), users can also utilise wildcard values
that match text fields to letters or characters. The wildcard values are as follows:
l a_%_% - the field starts with'a' and is at least three characters in length.
l a%o - the field starts with 'a' and ends with 'o'.
Use the text field's identifier, instead of their display name. If the identifier is more than one word, either wrap
it in square brackets (e.g. [ready-to-export]) or use camel case (e.g. readyToExport).
Use and/or functions to link multiple fields together.
The custom predicate language is case-sensitive for identifiers - for example, if an administrator has created
the drop down field [reason-for-creation], VideoManager would not let them save the following entry,
because it does not recognise the field.
[Reason-For-Creation] = theft
The custom predicate language is also case-sensitive for values - for example, if an administrator has
created the drop down field [reason-for-creation] with the options assault and theft,
VideoManager would not enforce the following export profile rule because it does not recognise the value.
when [reason-for-creation] = 'Theft' then 'You cannot export this
owner = admin
In the following examples, any incident whose owner is not admin would be returned:
owner != admin
In the following example, any incident whose title started with t would be returned:
In the following example, any incident whose title started with t or T would be returned:
contains(vehicle, 'car')
In the following example, any video or asset whose vehicle tag list field includes car and bus would be
In the following example, any video or asset whose title started with t would be returned:
In the following example, any video or asset whose title started with t or T would be returned:
owner = admin
In the following example, any media whose owner is admin and whose [auto-incident] user-defined
media field has been set to true would be added to an incident:
In the following example, any media whose title started with t would be added to an incident:
In the following example, any media whose title started with t or T would be added to an incident:
[ready-to-delete] = yes
In the following example, any incident whose [reviewed-already] and [ready-to-delete] user-
defined incident fields are set to yes would be elgible for deletion:
In the following example, any incident whose title started with t would be eligible for deletion:
In the following example, any incident whose title does not start with t would be eligible for deletion:
when [ready-to-export] = 'No' then 'This incident is not ready to
be exported.'
In the following example, any incidents whose [ready-to-export] user-defined incident field is set to Yes
could use the export profile, and incidents whose [ready-to-export] user-defined incident field is set to
anything else could not:
when [ready-to-export] = 'Yes' then 'This incident is ready to be
else 'This incident is not ready to be exported.'
In the following example, any incidents whose Reviewed by user-defined incident field is populated with b%
could use the export profile:
when [reviewed-by] = 'b%' then ''
[reviewer] = 'administrator'
In the following examples, the computed field [reviewed] would appear as a checked checkbox in any
incidents whose [review-notes] user-defined incident field had been populated:
[review-notes] != ''
In the following example, the computed field [reviewed] would appear with different text, depending on how
the [review-notes] user-defined incident field had been populated in incidents:
when [review-notes] != '' then 'This incident has been reviewed.'
when [review-notes] = '' then 'This incident has not been
In the following example, the computed field [reviewed-by-administrator] would appear as a checked
checkbox in any incidents whose [reviewer] user-defined incident field was populated with admin%:
[reviewer] = 'admin%'
In the following example, the computed field [reviewed] would appear with different text, depending on how
the [reviewer] user-defined incident field had been populated in incidents:
when [reviewer] = 'admin%' then 'This incident has been reviewed
by an administrator.'
when [reviewer] != 'admin%' then 'This incident has not been
reviewed by an administrator.'
l = - the date field matches the value (e.g. [creation-time] = 2019/12/11, the
Creation Time field has a value of December 11th, 2019).
l < - the date field is less than the value (e.g. [creation-time] < 2019/12/11, the
Creation Time field has a value which is earlier than December 11th, 2019).
l <= - the date field is equal to, or less than, the value (e.g. [creation-time] <=
2019/12/11, the Creation Time field has a value which is either December 11th, 2019
or earlier).
l > - the date field is greater than the value (e.g. [creation-time] > 2019/12/11,
the Creation Time field has a value which is later than December 11th, 2019).
l >= - the date field is equal to, or greater than, the value (e.g. [creation-time] >=
2019/12/11, the Creation Time field has a value which is either December 11th, 2019
or later).
Instead of matching an incident text field to a specific, fixed value (e.g. [creation-time] =
'2020/04/01'), users can also utilise wildcard values that match date fields to dates which are relative to
today. The wildcard values are as follows:
l dateAdd() - users can add intervals using three formats: number, interval, and dates
(e.g. > dateAdd(-7, day, now()) would set the time to a week before now).
The number can be positive or negative (e.g. 7 or -7), and the intervals are day, month, year,
hour, minute, and second.
Use the date field's identifier, instead of their display name. If the identifier is more than one word, either wrap
it in square brackets (e.g. [creation-time]) or use camel case (e.g. creationTime).
Format dates as YYYY/MM/DD, and wrap them in single quotation marks (e.g. '2007/11/30').
In the following example, any incidents which were created within the week before today will be returned:
In the following example, any videos/assets whose [upload-date] user-defined media field has a value
before today will be returned:
In the following example, any videos/assets whose [upload-date] user-defined media field has a value
within the week before today will be returned:
[upload-date] = '2020-07-24'
In the following example, any videos/assets whose [upload-date] user-defined media field has a value
within the week before today will be added to an incident:
when [creation-time] < '2020-01-01' then 'Incidents created before
2020 cannot be exported'
In the following example, only incidents whose [created-on] user-defined incident field was populated with
a date at least 7 days before today could use the export profile:
when [created-on] > dateAdd(-7, day, now()) then 'You cannot
export incidents until they are one week old'
when [date-reviewed] > '2020-01-01' then 'This incident been
reviewed recently.'
when [date-reviewed] < '2020-01-01' then 'This incident has not
been reviewed in some time, and may need to be reviewed again.'
In the following example, the computed field [review-reminder] would appear with different text,
depending on how the [date-reviewed] user-defined incident field had been populated in incidents:
when [date-reviewed] < dateAdd(-7,day,now()) then 'This incident
been reviewed in the past week.'
when [date-reviewed] > dateAdd(-7,day,now()) then 'This incident
has not been reviewed in the past week'
when condition1 then value1
when condition2 then value2
else fallbackValue
when owner = me() then priority = 'high'
when owner != me() then priority = 'medium'
when owner = me() then priority = 'high'
when owner != me() then priority = 'medium'
when title = 't%' and [ready-for-incident] = true then true
when title = 't%' then true
when title = 'b%' then 'Exports cannot have a title which begins
with b.'
Administrators can use the CASE function's fallbackValue to determine what happens to incidents whose
user-defined incident fields have not been populated in the expected manner. In the following example, only
incidents whose [title] field started with "b" could use the export profile.:
when title = 'b%' then ''
else 'You cannot use this export profile.'
when [email] != '' then "mailto:" + encodeURIcomponent([reviewer-
The administrator would also need to set As Url to On. This enables them to set the URL text which users will
when [email] != '' then 'Send an email to this address'
else 'No email address set'
In the following example, the computed field [search-location] would only appear if the [postcode]
user-defined incident field had been populated in incidents:
when [postcode] != '' then "https://www.google.com/search?q=" +
The administrator would also need to set As Url to On. This enables them to set the URL text which users will
when [postcode] != '' then 'Search for this postcode'
else 'No postcode selected'
l ownedByMe() - this will return incidents or assets which are owned by the logged-in
l supervisedByMe() - this will return incidents or assets which have been created by
users supervised by the logged-in user.
l isShared() - this will return incidents or assets which have been explicitly shared with
other users on the system, through the Sharing section.
This will not return incidents which have been automatically shared with other users.
l isSharedWith('user') - this will return incidents or assets which have been expli-
citly shared with the specified user, through the Sharing section.
l isOwnedBy() - this will return incidents or assets which are either owned by the spe-
cified user, or a group that the specified user belongs to.
The following functions only apply to advanced incident searches:
l hasExternalLink() - this will return incidents which have external access links
(including expired links).
l operator - this returns media whose operator matches the user entered here.
By default, this is whoever recorded the video or imported the asset.
l mediaType - this returns media with the same media type as the one specified.
Possible media types are video, audio, image, pdf, and other.
In the following example, only videos will be returned:
mediaType = 'video'
l audioCodec - this returns videos/assets with the same audio codec as the one spe-
Possible audio codecs are MP2, ULAW, ACC, MP3, PCM_S16LE and VORBIS.
In the following example, only videos/assets which have an MP3 audio codec will be returned:
audioCodec = 'MP3'
l videoCodec - this returns assets with the same video codec as the one specified.
videoCodec = 'H624'
l width - this returns videos/assets whose width in pixels matches the one specified (if
In the following example, only assets which have a width between 320 pixels and 768 pixels will be
l height - this returns videos/assets whose height in pixels matches the one specified (if
In the following example, only videos/assets which have a height greater than 740 pixels will be
height › 740
l startTime - this returns videos/assets whose start time matches the one specified.
In the following example, only assets whose start time matches today's date will be returned:
startTime = today()
If the start time is not applicable, this will return videos/assets which were added to
VideoManager on the specified date.
l duration - this returns videos/assets whose duration, in seconds, matches the one
specified (if applicable).
In the following example, only videos/assets whose duration is longer than 120 seconds will be
duration › 120
l deviceId - this returns videos which were recorded on the device specified.
In the following example, only videos recorded on the device with an ID 00:c0:d0:00:00:00 will be
deviceId = '00:c0:d0:00:00:00'
Users can find a body-worn camera's unique ID by navigating to the Devices tab, clicking
View device info, and looking at the Device details pane. The multi-digit string
listed by the DID entry is the body-worn camera's ID.
l deviceName - this returns videos/assets which were recorded on the body-worn cam-
era specified. This uses the body-worn camera's serial number instead of its ID. If the
asset in question was imported, users can specify the name of the source of the file.
In the following example, only videos recorded on the body-worn camera with the serial number
467632 will be returned.
deviceName = '467632'
In the following example, only assets imported from the source with the name LAPTOP-458823
will be returned.
deviceName = 'LAPTOP-458823'
Users can edit the body-worn camera name for an asset or video from the More details
>> For more information, see View and Edit Asset Properties on page 37 and
View and Edit Video Properties on page 27
l urn - this returns videos/assets whose URN matches the one specified.
In the following example, only videos/assets with the URN 8e31d1f305792c6d7d68705cee864ae4
will be returned:
urn = '8e31d1f305792c6d7d68705cee864ae4'
l filename - this returns assets whose original filename (as it was imported) matches
the one specified.
In the following example, only assets with the filename example.pdf will be returned:
filename = 'example.pdf'
l fileExtension - this returns assets whose file extension matches the one specified.
In the following example, only assets with the file extension jpg will be returned:
fileExtension = 'jpg'
l importsignature - this returns assets whose import signature matches the one
entered here.
In the following example, only assets with the import signature ystKH9cssC will be returned:
importsignature = 'ystKH9cssC'
Basic Syntax
The syntax to be used with the customisable export title page is as follows:
l #list - this is necessary if a field can have multiple values (e.g. an incident can have
multiple bookmarks).
Administrators can also use ![] with the #list function, if a field with multiple values can be
absent in some exports but present in others (e.g. an incident may not have any bookmarks).
l #if - this is necessary if a field can have a null value (e.g. an incident may not neces-
sarily have bookmarks).
l By default, VideoManager will present timestamp fields with both a date and time value.
Alternatively, administrators can specify whether only one value is presented, using the
following syntax:
l Incident clip model - this provides information about incident clips in the incident which is
being exported.
>> For more information, see Incident Clip Model on page 488
l User-defined incident fields and user-defined media fields model - this provides inform-
ation about fields in the incident which is being exported.
>> For more information, see User-Defined Incident Fields and User-Defined Media Fields
Model on page 489
l Export job model - this provides information about the export job itself.
>> For more information, see Export Job Model on page 495
l Bookmark model - this provides information about the bookmarks in the incident clips
and incidents which are being exported.
l ${owner} - the owner of the incident. By default, this is the user who created this incid-
ent, but administrators can also manually change the owner of an incident.
l ${location} - the latitude and longitude of the incident, if a location has been set.
l ${editTimeStamp} - when the incident clip was last edited (e.g. redacted, or clipped
This field can optionally use ?date or ?time syntax.
To include only user-defined incident fields which have been populated in the template:
<#if incident.customFields["custom-field-name"]??>
<#assign field = incident.customFields["custom-field-name"]>
The syntax is the same for user-defined media fields, but requires use of an additional #list function:
l ${mandatory} - whether the custom field is mandatory (i.e. the user cannot save the
incident unless they have populated the field).
This field must use ?string syntax.
l ${derived} - whether the custom field value is dynamically calculated from other
information (e.g. a computed field).
This field must use ?string syntax.
l ${defaultValue} - the default value of the custom field, if nothing else is entered.
<#list incident.customFields?keys as key>
<#assign field = incident.customFields[key]>
| ${field.name} : | ${defaultValue} |
l ${deleted} - whether custom field has been deleted from VideoManager or not.
This field must use ?string syntax.
l ${permissionGroup} - The access group that users must belong to in order to view
and edit this user-defined incident field. This could be 0 (i.e. public), ONE, TWO, etc.
<#list incident.customFields?keys as key>
<#assign field = incident.customFields[key]>
| What is the permission group for ${field.name}? : |
${permission} |
Video Syntax
To present information about videos, administrators must use #list syntax:
Video Values
l ${originalName} - the original file name. This will be different from the ${name} if
the video is an asset which has been imported from an external source.
<#list clip.videoFiles as video>
| Name : | ${video.originalName} |
</#list >
l ${startTimeStamp} - the start time of the video. This may be different from ${re-
cordingStartTimeStamp} if the recording was split into multiple videos.
This field can optionally use ?date or ?time syntax.
l ${endTimeStamp} - the end time of the video. This may be different from ${re-
cordingStartTimeStamp} if the recording was split into multiple videos.
This field can optionally use ?date or ?time syntax.
l ${operator} - the operator of the video. By default, this is the user who recorded it.
l ${indexInRecording} - the index (i.e. position) of this video within the recording.
If the recording only consists of this video, the value will be 0.
l ${location} - the latitude and longitude of the video, if the body-worn camera which
recorded it was GPS-enabled.
l ${exportOriginalFileName} -
l ${exportConvertedFileName} -
If the administrator previews a template featuring these fields, the values will all be presented as example.
Bookmark Syntax
Firstly, the administrator must decide which bookmarks will be included in the template.
To present information about an incident's bookmarks, administrators must use #list syntax, and optionally !
[] (if not all incidents have bookmarks).
To present information about an individual video's bookmarks, administrators must first use #list syntax to
list the videos. They must then use #list syntax to list the bookmarks, and optionally ![] (if not all videos
have bookmarks).
Bookmark Values
Once the administrator has configured the template, they can use the following values to present information
about their bookmarks:
name - the name of the bookmark. The default name of the bookmark depends on whether it was
added on VideoManager as part of an incident, or it was added in the field by a body-worn camera:
l If the bookmark was created once the video had been added to an incident, the
default bookmark name is the time and date it refers to in the incident.
l If the bookmark was created in the field by the body-worn camera, the default
bookmark name is the time it refers to in the video.
l startTime - when the bookmark was placed in the video or incident clip.
This field must use ?datetime, ?date or ?time syntax.
>> For more information, see WiFi Profiles Hierarchy on page 498
One hierarchy defines which device profile is chosen for the body-worn camera to use.
>> For more information, see Device Profiles Hierarchy on page 500
The following flowchart demonstrates how VideoManager determines which individual networks the VB-series
camera or VT-series camera will have access to.
14 Glossary
Access Group
Access groups determine which user-defined incident fields, user-defined media fields, and saved
searches users can see. There are twenty.
Any non-video import to VideoManager. This could be a PDF, a still image, or an audio file.
If a body-worn camera has been assigned, it has been paired with a user and can record footage. An
unassigned body-worn camera has not been paired with a user, and cannot record footage until it has
been assigned.
Audit Log
The trail of information that records every action on the system. This includes when people logged on,
logged off, whether they docked or undocked body-worn cameras, deleted videos, etc. This trail is not
Bandwidth Rule
A configurable rule that determines when footage is uploaded from sites to the Central VideoManager.
This is useful if remote workers don't want to put strain on their home WiFi during high-traffic hours.
Bluetooth Peripheral
A device which sends a notification to body-worn cameras when a change in state is detected (e.g. a
gun is unholstered). Administrators can configure body-worn cameras to start recording when they
receive this notification. For more information, please contact Technical Support and ask for the
technical paper "Personal Issue Yardarm Holster Aware Sensors Explained [ED-009-038]" or "Pool
Issue Yardarm Holster Aware Sensors Explained [ED-009-070]".
This draws attention to a specific part of a video. It can be created by the body-worn camera which is
recording the video in the field, if the operator presses a configured button. Alternatively, users can
add bookmarks to a video in an incident, once the video has been downloaded to VideoManager.
Central VideoManager
An instance of VideoManager which acts as a "hub", to which other instances of VideoManager
(known as sites) can connect, in order to pass on their footage and metadata.
VideoManager's homepage, to which all users are automatically directed upon logging in. If an
administrator has created a message for users, they will see it here.
Deletion Policy
A rule which determines whether old footage is deleted from VideoManager automatically, and how
long footage is kept for before it can be deleted.
Motorola Solutions equipment which has been associated with VideoManager (e.g. body-worn
cameras, DockControllers).
Device Affinity
This is created when a body-worn camera is assigned to a user with single issue (either with RFID or
through VideoManager), and the user then redocks the body-worn camera mid-way through their
shift. VideoManager will remember the connection, allowing the user to undock the same body-worn
camera later in the shift.
Display Name
The name of a user that will be presented to others on the VideoManager system - this is not
necessarily the same as a username.
A device which converts the videos from body-worn cameras into data that can be sent over a network
or the internet - this allows up to 84 body-worn cameras to be used with just one DockController, and
enables these body-worn cameras to be installed away from the physical VideoManager server.
A small embedded computer with inbuilt storage, which provides remote or home-based workers with
a docking location for their body-worn cameras. They are used exclusively as a site, connected to a
Central VideoManager.
Incidents which have been exported from VideoManager to the user's PC. A version of the incident
will remain on VideoManager.
A collection of evidence - such as footage, notes, and users - which can be exported or shared with
people outside of VideoManager. In some lines of work, this is known as an exhibit or event.
Incident Clip
Any video which has been added to an incident.
Some features on VideoManager are not available unless a licence has been obtained from Motorola
Solutions. Such features include assisted redaction, Tactical VideoManager, and ONStream.
Any videos or assets which can be added to an incident for evidential purposes.
A licensed feature from Motorola Solutions which enables body-worn cameras to send a live stream to
VideoManager over WiFi.
By default, this is the user who recorded the video on a body-worn camera, or imported the asset into
VideoManager (either manually, or as configured in an automatic import profile).
Owner of a Video/Asset
This is the user who has administrative control over a video/asset. By default, this is the user who
recorded the video on a body-worn camera, or imported the asset into VideoManager (either
manually, or as configured in an automatic import profile). However, this can be changed to a senior
user with more permissions.
Owner of an Incident
This is the user who has administrative control over the incident. By default, this is the user who
created the incident. However, this can be changed to a senior user with more permissions.
Permanent allocation
If a body-worn camera has been assigned to a user with permanent allocation, it will be assigned to
the user permanently, even when it is redocked. It does not need to be reassigned every time the user
wishes to use it. Unlike permanent issue, the user can only undock the body-worn camera with RFID
touch assign.
Permanent issue
If a body-worn camera has been assigned to a user with permanent issue, it will be assigned to the
user permanently, even when it is redocked. It does not need to be reassigned every time the user
wishes to use it.
An individual rule which determines the actions users can perform on VideoManager.
The video immediately following an event which is captured automatically, once the operator stops
recording. This could be between 1 and 120 seconds.
The video preceding an event which is automatically captured as soon as an operator starts
recording. This could be between 1 and 120 seconds.
This is the complete footage recorded by a body-worn camera, from the moment it is prompted to start
recording until the moment it is prompted to stop (including any pre- and post-record periods). A
recording will be split into multiple videos if it reaches a certain length, as defined in the body-worn
camera's device profile.
Recording ID
A unique ID that identifies a specific recording. If a recording has been split up into multiple videos
(due to the device profile of the body-worn camera that recorded it), these videos will all have the
same recording ID.
Remote Devices
Body-worn cameras which are connected to a site, and can still be configured like normal from the
Central VideoManager.
Instead of applying permissions directly to users, they are applied to a role, which is then applied to a
user. This means that multiple users can belong to the same role.
Safety Mode
While a body-worn camera is in safety mode, all functionality (LEDs, beeps, haptic feedback,
recording, Bluetooth connection, etc.) will be disabled. To restore functionality, the operator must
either perform the gesture associated with leaving safety mode, or connect the body-worn camera to
Saved Search
VideoManager allows incident searches to be saved and re-searched by other users on the system as
many times as necessary.
Single issue
If a body-worn camera has been assigned to a user with single issue, it will only be assigned to the
user for one trip. Once the body-worn camera is redocked, it will return to the pool and can be
assigned to a different user.
An instance of VideoManager which connects to another instance of VideoManager (known as a
"Central VideoManager"), in order to pass on its footage and metadata.
System Administrator
A role which cannot be edited or deleted. Any users with this role will be able to access any aspect of
Every individual on an instance of VideoManager must have their own user.
User-Defined Field
A manually-created field which helps to filter/categorise incidents in a more advanced manner.
VB Companion
Motorola Solutions VB Companion enables users who are still in the field to use their phone to view,
and categorise, footage they have recently recorded.
A robust body-worn camera designed and sold by Motorola Solutions. It can record for up to 8 hours
and has 16GB of recording storage.
A robust body-worn camera designed and sold by Motorola Solutions. It can record for up to 8 hours in
HD and has 32GB of recording storage. It also has the ability to livestream footage to VideoManager
over a WiFi network.
A robust body-worn camera designed and sold by Motorola Solutions. It can record for up to 8 hours in
full HD and has 32GB of recording storage. It also has GPS-tracking, Bluetooth functionality, and can
livestream footage to VideoManager over a WiFi network.
A section of a recording, the length of which is determined by the body-worn camera's device profile.
Video ID
A unique ID that identifies a specific video/asset. It is used in the audit log to record which video/asset
an entry refers to, and can be used to locate videos/assets.
A VT100 is a lightweight, discreet body-worn camera designed and sold by Motorola Solutions. It can
record for up to 4 hours, and has the capacity to livestream footage to VideoManager if connected to
WiFi. It is the first body-worn camera in Motorola Solutions' VT-series camera range to have haptic
A lightweight, discreet body-worn camera designed and sold by Motorola Solutions. It can record for
up to 2 hours, and has the capacity to livestream footage to VideoManager if connected to WiFi.
WiFi Profile
A collection of individual WiFi networks that is then applied to a body-worn camera. The body-worn
camera in question will stream to VideoManager over these networks.
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