Cast and Immobilization Techniques in Orthopedics
Cast and Immobilization Techniques in Orthopedics
Cast and Immobilization Techniques in Orthopedics
Techniques in
Ø Introduction
Ø History
Ø Cast Types
Ø Materials and Equipment
Ø Nursing Management
Ø Cast Application
Ø Advantages and Disadvantages of Casting
Ø Removal
Ø Complications
Ø Nursing Diagnosis
Ø Conclusion
Ø Immobilization refers to the process of holding a
joint or bone in place with a splint, cast, or brace.
Ø Casts are generally used to immobilize a broken
Ø An orthopedic cast, or simply cast, is a shell,
frequently made from plaster or fiberglass, encasing
a limb (or, in some cases, large portions of the body)
to stabilize and hold anatomical structures, most
often a broken bone(or bones), in place until
healing is confirmed.
Ø It is similar in function to a splint.
Ø The earliest methods of holding a reduced fracture involved using
Ø Ancient Greeks used waxes and resin to create stiffened bandages
Ø Roman Celsus AD 30 described how to use splints and bandages
stiffened with starch
Ø Arabian Doctors used lime derived from sea shells and albumen from
egg whites to stiffen bandages
Ø Italian school of Salemo (20th century) recommended bandages
hardened with flour and egg mixture
Ø Medieval European bonesetters used casts made of egg white, flour
and animal fat
Ø Ambroise Pare(1517-1590) used artificial limbs, made casts of wax,
cardboard, cloth and parchment that hardened as they dried
Ø Dominique Jean Larry (1768-1842) Concluded that undisturbed
wound had facilitated healing. Also stiffened bandages using
camphorated alcohol, lead acetate and egg whites beated in
Ø Louis Seutin (1793-1865) - Seutin's bandage amidonnee consisted of
cardboard splints and bandages soaked in starch solution
Ø 19th century- Velpeau substituted Dextrin for starch
Ø Consul William Eton described immobilization of patient with
gypsum plaster (POP)
Ø Antonius Mathijsen (1805-1878)- developed a method of POP
Cast Types
Skin Complication Easily washes off skin and cloth Gloves are mandatory
Decrease Pain
Pain Malunion
Joint Stiffness
Neurologic Injury
Nursing Diagnosis