The document provides a normal checklist for an A321 aircraft during various phases of flight including before start, descent, landing, after landing, parking, and securing the aircraft. It lists tasks to complete in each phase such as ensuring cockpit prep is completed, fuel is checked, flight instruments are set, and checking ECAM status. The checklist helps flight crews configure the aircraft properly and ensure key safety items are addressed at each stage of the flight.
The document provides a normal checklist for an A321 aircraft during various phases of flight including before start, descent, landing, after landing, parking, and securing the aircraft. It lists tasks to complete in each phase such as ensuring cockpit prep is completed, fuel is checked, flight instruments are set, and checking ECAM status. The checklist helps flight crews configure the aircraft properly and ensure key safety items are addressed at each stage of the flight.
The document provides a normal checklist for an A321 aircraft during various phases of flight including before start, descent, landing, after landing, parking, and securing the aircraft. It lists tasks to complete in each phase such as ensuring cockpit prep is completed, fuel is checked, flight instruments are set, and checking ECAM status. The checklist helps flight crews configure the aircraft properly and ensure key safety items are addressed at each stage of the flight.
The document provides a normal checklist for an A321 aircraft during various phases of flight including before start, descent, landing, after landing, parking, and securing the aircraft. It lists tasks to complete in each phase such as ensuring cockpit prep is completed, fuel is checked, flight instruments are set, and checking ECAM status. The checklist helps flight crews configure the aircraft properly and ensure key safety items are addressed at each stage of the flight.
COCKPIT PREP ......................... COMPLETED (BOTH) CABIN CREW .......................................... ADVISED EFB SWITCHES ........................................................ ON SEAT BELTS ..................................................... ON GEAR PINS AND COVERS .......................... REMOVED BRIEFING & NAV AIDS ........................ DONE/SET MDA/DH ............................................................ SET SIGNS ...............................................ON/AUTO/ARMED ECAM STATUS ..................................... CHECKED ADIRS ............................................... 3 NAV & LOGGED EFB & i-PAD ............................................ STOWED FUEL – .............. X KG BLOCK CHECKED/BALANCED LANDING BARO REF ...................................................... QNH SET BARO REF QNH............................................... SET A/THR ................................................. SPEED/OFF ECAM MEMO ............................... LDG / NO BLUE • LDG GEAR DOWN MOBILE PHONE & IPAD .......... OFF/AIRPLANE MODE • SIGNS ON • SPLRS ARM T/O DATA ................................................................. SET • FLAPS SET WINDOWS/DOORS ........................... CLOSED/ARMED AFTER LANDING THRUST LEVERS .................................................. IDLE SPOILERS ............................................ DISARMED ATC TRANSPONDER .......................................... AUTO FLAPS (consider cold/hot weather) ........ RETRACT PARKING BRAKE ........................................... AS RQRD RADAR/PWS ................................................... OFF ENG MODE SEL........................................... NORM BEACON .................................................................... ON BRAKE ACCU PRESSURE ................... CHECKED AFTER START TCAS ............................................................. STBY ANTI-ICE ......................................................... AS RQRD *ONE ENGINE TAXI (conditions permitting) .......... APPLY ENG MODE SEL .................................................. NORM --------------------------------------------------------------------- RUDDER TRIM ..................................................... ZERO APU .............................................................. START PARKING PITCH TRIM ...................................................... ___ SET APU BLEED ....................................................... ON FLIGHT CONTROLS .................................... CHECKED ENGINES ......................................................... OFF ECAM STATUS ............................................. CHECKED SEAT BELTS ................................................... OFF BEFORE TAKE-OFF EXT LTS ................................................. AS RQRD FLT INST ....................................................... CHECKED FUEL PUMPS .................................................. OFF ATC TRANSPONDER ........................... SET STBY BRIEFINGS & NAVAIDS................... CONFIRMED/SET IRS PERFORMANCE ............................ CHECKED FLAPS ................................. “X” PLANNED/SELD/INDIC (Consider heavy rain) (Mobile phone on for turnaround) V1/VR/V2 / FLEX TEMP .............................. CHECKED SECURING THE AIRCRAFT ATC CODE ............................................................... SET ADIRS .............................................................. OFF ECAM MEMO T/O NO BLUE OXYGEN.......................................................... OFF • AUTO BRK MAX APU BLEED ..................................................... OFF NO SMOKING.................................................. OFF • SIGNS ON GPU/APU ................................................ AS REQD • SPLRS ARM BAT ......................................................... AS REQD • FLAP TO EFB ........................... SHUTDOWN/STOWED/OFF • TO CONFIG NORM i-PAD ........................................................ REMOVE (Note: For runway change or intersection departure the required flap setting & speeds may change – For these cases (Consider Cold Weather) Please complete the Before T/O Checklist again. Last Flight Of The Day -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EMER EXIT LIGHTS ....................................... OFF EFB & i-PAD ................................................... STOWED CABIN .............................................................. SECURE SINGLE ENGINE TAXI-IN PACKS & APU ................................................ AS RQRD APU (if required at gate) .............................. START TCAS (prior to line up) ......................................... TA/RA Ensure APU AVAIL light on prior to shutting down #2 engine AFTER TAKE-OFF Yellow Electric Pump ......................................... ON Challenge .................. “Off the Steering and Brakes” LDG GEAR ................................................................. UP Engine 2 Master ............................................... OFF FLAPS ....................................................... RETRACTED PACKS ....................................................................... ON APU .......................................................................... OFF BARO REF ............................................................... SET