Agro 3611 Practical Manual
Agro 3611 Practical Manual
Agro 3611 Practical Manual
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Exercise No. 1
Introduction: -
The course of Practical Crop Production – II in Agronomy is introduced in Fourth
semester B.Sc. (Agri.) degree, from academic year 2007-08 commonly for all Agricultural
Universities of Maharashtra State.
During this semester, each student will be given about 2 R area for raising one Rabi crop
from cereal, pulses or oil seed group. The students are expected to work from sowing up to
threshing and preparing produce for marketing. The students should also take all biometric
observations from germination up to harvesting in the plot. The student’s work will be evaluated
on the basis of the performance of the students in completing the field operations, observations
and maintenance of record, calculations etc. in the journal.
4. To study the constraints encountered for cultivation of crop under given set of field
and climatic condition.
Allotment of plot
Each student is allotted an area of 2 R for raising Wheat crop. Student should carry out all
operations, record observations and do calculations of each operation to be carried out.
Assignment: -
Draw map of individual plot indicating the dimensions of plot and number of
rows of crop sown.
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Physiological maturity:
When the kernels have attained maximum dry weight it is physically matured.Note the green
color is gone from the peduncle and head parts.
Cultural Practices for Seed production of Wheat
Land requirement :
a) Land to be used for seed production of wheat should be:
b) Free of volunteer plants.
c) The field should be well drained,
d) Free of weeds.
e) The soil neither too acidic not too alkaline
Long interval of Crop rotation is desirable
Previous cropping
a) The crop should be planted on a field with a known history to avoid contamination from
volunteer plants, noxious weeds and soil-borne diseases that are potentially seed transmitted.
b) A wheat seed crop should never immediately follow wheat, unless the wheat crop in the
previous season was of the same variety and of the same or higher generation.
c) Two year rotation for flag smut and seed gall nematode is suggested where applicable.
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Isolation requirement
Normally a self-pollinated crop(Clistogamous)
• In cases where variety is susceptible to diseases caused by Ustilago spp. ( eg. loose smut)
an isolation distance of 180 meters between seed field and other fields of wheat is
• As per Indian minimum seed certification standards require only 150 m isolation from
other wheat fields where in loose smut infection is in excess of 0.1% in the case of
foundation seed production and 0.5 % in the case of certified seed production.
Culture practices
Time of Sowing:
1. Long duration varieties like C 306 should be sown during the first fortnight of November.
2. Short and medium duration varieties like Sonalika, HD 1982 should be sown during the
second fortnight of November.
3. The optimum time of sowing for wheat is when the mean daily temperature is 23±3°C
and for good tillering temperature should range between 16-20°C.
Preparation of Land
1. Deep ploughing with a soil turning plough.
2. Running a harrow before the pre- sowing irrigation.
3. Give a light shallow ploughing or discing after pre-sowing irrigation.
4. Levelling is an important part of seed bed preparation.
5. Keep the seed bed free of weeds.
Method of sowing
The seed crop is sown in rows with seed drill, or behind the plough in furrows.
The depth of seeding should be 5 cm.
Seed drill should be thoroughly cleaned and checked before use.
Sowing of one variety should be completed before taking up another variety, to
avoid mixture.
If, for any reason, it has to be used for another variety, it should be thoroughly
cleaned and checked so that not even a single seed of the previous variety is
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Field Inspection
The best time to access cultivar purity is after ear-emergence when seed has started
to fill. Latter inspection when glume and seed colour can be observed
Depending on the soil, four to six irrigations may suffice.
The first irrigation should be given at crown root initiation stage, about 30-
35 days after sowing.
Other irrigations should be given at late tillering, late jointing, flowering,
milk and dough stages.
Two to three extra irrigations may be needed on light soils.
In case of zero tillage, first irrigation should also be applied similar to
conventional tillage.
Crown root initiation and heading stages are the most critical to moisture
Timely weeding and interculture are essential.
Weed control by Periodic hoeing and weeding.
For control of broad-leaved weeds spray 2-4 D at@ 0.5kg active ingredient per
hectare in 750 liters of water after 25 to 30 days of sowing.
For control of Phalaris minor or wild oats make a pre-emergence application of
Penda methalin (stomp) @ 1 kg per ha in 750 liters of water or spray
Isproturon @ 1 kg per ha in 750 liters of water after 35 days of sowing.
production fields.-
Breeder and pre-basic seed are harvested by plot combine and do not constitute
many problems.
foundation and certified seeds have to be harvested with commercial combine
The most critical factors to be considered are :
seed moisture content ,
mechanical damage
cleanliness of equipment.
For seed crops, dry weather during ripening and
harvesting is essential.
Threshing or combine harvesting at 16 to 19 percent moisture content reduces
mechanical damage (Thompson, 1979).
Harvesting may be done by sickle, Combine orreaper, and
later the threshing with stationary thresher.
Threshing should be done promptly.
Threshing equipment should be cleaned after threshing other wheat varieties.
The threshing floor must be thoroughly cleaned to prevent mixtures.
Care must be exercised to ensure that laborers do not mix the harvested certified
seed with other wheat on the farm.
1. Reaping { Harvesting }
2. Threshing
3. Winnowing these 3
operations are combined to form
a single process in the combine
A tractor-drawn ZT seed-cum-fertilizer drill
FUNCTION OF COMBINE HARVESTER Feeding the standing crop to the cutter bar
with the help of reel Cutting the crop Feeding the crop to threshing unit Threshing the
crop Separating the husk from grains Cleaning the grains Conveying and storing the
harvester in field we should check the followings in the field: Height of cutting, Moisture
content , Crop condition ,Field condition.
grains 2. No grain loss on the ground at the cutter bar end 3. No grain losses at the back
end of the harvesting unit 4. No un-thrashed grain 5. Should give clean grains 6. Machine
should be capable of operation on crop even with higher moisture content 7. Machine
should be capable of working on various crops 8. Easy to operate 9. Easy to maintain 10.
Should consume less fuel
Combine Harvester
Exercise No. 04
Study of physical and chemical properties of the allotted Plot to the students
Introduction: -
Soil is defined as natural body consisted of mineral, organic matter and other living
material in which plants grow. It is a natural body developed as a result of pedogenic process that
takes place during and after weathering of rocks in which plants and other forms of life are able
to grow.
A) Physical properties of the soil: - The physical properties of soil depend primarily
on size. Shape and arrangement of its mineral and soil particles. The important physical
properties of the soils are as under.
% N (g) x 2240784
2) Available N Kg/ha = --------------------------------
i) Soil pH :
ii) E.C. of soils :
iii) Organic carbon :
iv) Available N :
v) Available P2O5 :
vi) Available K2o :
vii) CaCO3 :
1. Draw the diagram of equilateral triangle for determination of textural class of Soil
2. Suggest dose of N, P & K for Wheat crop according to available N, P2 O5 & K2O of the
allotted plot.
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Exercise No. 5
Study of package of practices for growing Wheat crop (Timely, Late
and Rainfed)
Botanical Name: -Triticum Spp. Family :-Poaceae
B) Origin and History: -It is originated from South Western Asia (Turkey). Aryan’s introduce
Wheat in India.
C) Area and distribution: - Wheat is grown all over world over an area of about 215 million
ha. with a production of 584 million tones of grain. The important Wheat growing countries are
China, India, USSR and USA. India ranks second in area and production of Wheat. Production
of India in the year 2006-07 were 73 million tones. Important states growing Wheat are U.P,
Punjab, Haryana, M.P., Bihar, Rajasthan and Maharashtra , U.P. stands 1 st in area and production
of Wheat but productivity was highest in Punjab.
D) Classification: -
Wheat is annual plant which belongs to poaceae family and genus Triticum. Although as
many as 18 species of Wheat have been described following four species are economically
important and in cultivation.
1. Triticum aestivum: -It is also known as soft Wheat or sarbati Wheat or bread Wheat. It is used
for preparation of chapaty and bakery products.
2. Triticum durum: - It is also known as Hard or Bansi or macaroni Wheat. It is used for
preparation of Suji, Rava, Sevya, Maida etc.
3. Triticum dicoccum: -It is also known as Emmer or khapli Wheat. It is used for preparation of
South Indian dish e.g. Uppama. In Western Maharashtra it is used for preparation of “Kheer”.
4. Triticum spherococcum: -It is also known as Indian dwarf Wheat or Club Wheat.
Amongst these four Triticum aestivum is most important species accounting over 87 per
cent of the total Wheat production of India followed by the durum Wheat (about 12%) and
dicoccum Wheat (about 1 per cent.)
E) Crop morphology: -Wheat plant can be divided in two distinct parts viz root system and
shoot system.
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1) Root system: - i) Primary root system or Temporary roots: -
It forms at the time of germination and absorb nutrients for the young seedlings. As the
plant growth progresses, the primary root system usually dies and is replaced by the more
permanent secondary root system.
ii) Secondary root system or Permanent roots: - It arises at a point above the primary root
system at the primary organ of absorption till maturity arises near the soil surface at the time of
crown root initiation stage (usually, 21- 25 days after sowing).
2) Shoot system: -
i) Stem: - The stem is round or cylindrical generally hollow except at the node.
ii) Leaves: - Leaf consist of four parts.
a) Leaf sheath: -It is basal part of leaf, it protect the growing point and auxiliary buds from
b) Leaf blade: - It is flattened with parallel veined portion.
c) Ligule: - A membranous portion at the junction of the sheath and blade on the side of the leaf.
The continuation of the sheath through the collar is
known as ligule.
d) Auricle: - These are lobes of the leaf blade which extend down word on each side
at the junction of the blade and sheath.
iii) Inflorescence: -
The flowering portion of the Wheat plant is called ear or head but in botanical language,
it is a spike. Spikelets are systematically arranged on the common axis. The central zigzag axis is
the rachis. The spikelets are alternate.
Spilelet is composed of flowers called florets. The number of florets in a spikelet may
vary from 1-5.
Florets: - The outer covering of a floret is made up of a lemma and a palea.
Kernel: - The typical Wheat kernel is from 3-10 mm in length and 3-5 mm in diameter.
F) Climatic requirement: - It requires cool, moist weather during its major portion of growing
period followed by dry warm weather towards maturity. Temperature requirement at various
growth stages of Wheat is as follows.
1) Germination- 20 - 250C 2) Tillering- 16 - 200C
3) Grain filling- 23 - 250C 4) Base temp- 50C
Wheat can be grown effectively where annual rainfall is 700 to 1600 mm. Rains after
germination results into seedling blight. Warm and damp climate is not suitable. For maximum
number of effective tillers, wheat requires about 55 – 60 days of cool climate during early stages
of growth. When cloudy weather is coupled with high temperature then crop suffers from rust
G) Soil: -Wheat prefers clay loam or loamy textural soils with good drainage and moderate
water holding capacity soil pH Requirement for Wheat is 6.5 to 7.5. Information regarding Land
preparation, seeds and sowing, Fertilizer management, inter-cultivation, water management,
plant protection, harvesting and threshing are discussed in further exercises.
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H) Rotations and inter cropping: - a) Crop Rotations:-
i) Soybean -Wheat ii) Paddy - Wheat iii) Maize - Toria - Wheat
b) Intercropping:- Wheat + Mustard (9:1)
Exercise No. 6
Objects: -
Definition: -
It is a statement of work schedule indicating the type of operations to be carri ed out in all
farm crops during a specified period,
Problem: - Prepare a calendar of operation for growing wheat on an area of one ha and 2 R.
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Calendar of operation for Wheat:
Exercise No. 7
Object: -
1. To know the various operations to be carried out in preparatory tillage operation
for making friable and loose seedbed for easy and optimum germination and good
growth of wheat.
Introduction: -
Tillage is defined as a physical manipulation of soil with suitable tools and
implements to result good soil tilth for better germination and subsequent crop growth and
Preparatory tillage: -
It includes proper leveling and mixing of F. Y. M. in the soil, planking and lay out of
field for sowing the crop.
Secondary tillage:-
It includes harrowing and mixing of F.Y.M. in the soil, planking and lay out of the
field for sowing the crop.
Wheat requires well-pulverized firm and fine but Compact seed bed. After the harvest
of kharif crop the field should be deep ploughed with the help of M. B. Plough followed by 2
to 3 harrowing. The stubbles and residues of previous crop be collected and burnt off and
make field clean. Planking is done after each harrowing to level the seedbed. Before last
harrowing apply 10 to 15 t of FYM/ha.
For irrigated Wheat, field is divided into no. of strips called as sara or broad furrow
with the help of sara yantra. Width of sara should be 2 to 4 m, however, length depends upon
slope and type of soil. (6 to 8 m).
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On shallow and medium soil the length of sara should be less. On leveled and deep
clay soils the length may be more. These strips are divided into flat beds by preparing
furrows across the sara with the help of ridger, which may serve as irrigation channels. The
bunds of the saras are mended with manual labour with the spade.
Observations to be recorded: -
Sr Operation carried out Date of Labour used Implement used Area
No. Operation M F BP covered
Calculations: -
i. Calculate total labour unit required per plot for preparatory tillage.
ii. Calculate labour unit required per ha. for seedbed preparation.
iii. Calculate total cost required for seedbed preparation.
a. Per plot
b. Per ha.
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Exercise No. 8
Objectives: -
1. To know the various seed treatments to be carried out in Wheat.
2. To know the cost of seed treatment to Wheat.
Introduction: -
Seed treatment is defined as a process of treatment of seed with various substances i.e.
water, fungicides, growth regulators, nutrient solutions or any other physical treatment before
sowing the seed for various purposes or objectives.
Objectives of seed treatment: -
i. Preventive control measure against pest & diseases-
ii. Breaking of seed dormancy
iii. Convenience in sowing
iv. Quicker germination
v. For N fixation
vi. Enhancing crop growth
Seed treatments to Wheat Seed: -
Prepare a Jaggery solution by adding 125 of Jaggery in 1.25 litre of water. Boil the
solution, cool it and add 250 g. Azotobactor culture in Jaggery solution. Stir it properly and
pour on the 10 kg seed. Treat the seed thoroughly and dry under shade before sowing.
Observation and Calculations: -
i) Calculate the required quantity of seed.
i. Per plot ……………… ii. Per ha. ………………
ii) Calculate required quantity of thirum / Azotobactor.
i. Per Plot ……………… ii. Per ha ………………
iii) Calculate labour unit required / plot
a. Labour required for treating the seed / plot
b. Time required to treating the seed / plot
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i) Calculate labour units required / ha
ii) Calculate cost of thiram required
i. Per Plot ……………… ii. Per ha ………………
Sowing of Wheat: -
a) Sowing time: -
Rainfed - 15 – 30th October.
Timely sown irrigated Wheat - 01 – 15th November.
Late sown irrigated Wheat - 15 Nov. to 15th December.
Delayed sowing causes reduction in yield.
b) Method of sowing: - Drilling with the help of two bowl seed drill or seed cum ferti
c) Seed rate: -
1. Rainfed Wheat - 75 – 80 kg/ha.
2. Timely sown irrigated Wheat- 100 to 125 kg/ha.
3. Late sown irrigated Wheat - 125 to 150 kg/ha.
d) Depth of sowing: -
1. Rainfed Wheat (Tall varieties) - 8 – 10 cm.
2. Irrigated Wheat - 4 – 5 cm.
Mexican dwarf varieties of wheat should be sown at shallow depth because of
short coleoptile length.
e) Spacing: -
i) Rainfed and timely sown irrigated Wheat - 22.5 cm betn row to row.
II) Late sown irrigated Wheat - 15 – 18cm betn row to row.
f) Plant population / ha: - 18 – 20 lacs/ha.
Assignment: -
Calculate the seed required for your plot area if the seed rate is 100 kg/ha.
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Exercise No. 9
Objects: -
Apply 10 to 15 t of FYM or compost before last harrowing. NPK dose for Wheat is as
For rainfed Wheat full dose of NPK should be applied at the time of sowing.
However, under irrigated condition half dose of nitrogen and full dose of P & K should be
applied at the time of sowing with the help of two bowl seed drill. Remaining half dose of
nitrogen should be broadcasted at the time of first irrigation i.e. 18 – 21 DAS.
For Integrated Nutrient management of Wheat the seed should be inoculated with
Azatobactor and PSB 250g per 10 to 12 kg of seed.
Assignment: -
1. Calculate quantity of Urea, SSP and MOP for Wheat crop grown on 2 R area.
2. Calculate quantity of 18:18:10, Urea and MOP for late sown irrigated Wheat
grown on 1 ha area
3. Calculate dose fertilizer for your plot on the basis of soil test report.
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Exercise No. 10
Objects: -
1. To know the water requirement of Wheat.
2. To know the critical growth stages of Wheat for irrigation.
Irrigation Layout: -
For irrigated Wheat, after the seedbed preparation, saras (Broad bed) are prepared
dividing the field in the number of strips with the help of “sara yantra”. The width of sara
should be 2 to 4 m. The length depends upon and type of soil. (Generally, 6 to 8 m.)
Water requirement: - 45 to 50 cm
Irrigation scheduling: -
Based on different approaches for irrigation scheduling recommendations for Wheat
are as follows.
1) Soil moisture depletion Approach: - Generally Wheat is irrigated at 50 to 75 per cent
depletion of soil moisture.
3) Critical growth stage approach: - Critical growth stages of Wheat are crown root
initiation, maximum tillering, late jointing, flowering, milk stage and dough stage. If
irrigation is applied at every critical growth stage, maximum yield can be achieved.
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Observations: -
1. Variety :
2. Date of sowing :
3. Critical growth stages :
4. Date of irrigations :
5. Water measuring device used :
6. Area to be irrigated :
7. Time required in (hrs.) :
8. Discharge / second (lit) :
9. Total water required (lit.) :
Assignment: -
1 Identify critical growth stages of Wheat, draw diagrams and labeled.
2. Calculate cost of each irrigation and total irrigations for 1 hectare and for 2 R area.
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Exercise No. 11
Germination is the development of seedling from the seed embryo which is able to
produce a normal plant under favorable conditions. Plant population per hectare is the most
important production factor for obtaining higher yield. For this purpose grower must know
the germination percentage of seed which is being used for sowing. Seed rate can be adjusted
according germination percentage for obtaining optimum plant population.
Types of germination: -
i) Epigeal: - In which cotyledons come above the soil surface and generally become green
and photosynthetic.
ii) Hypogeal: - In which cotyledons do not come above the soil surface.
1. Paper method: -
The paper should be soak in water for 2 - 4 hours to moisten it evenly and to remove
water soluble toxic substances. If present, paper may be used for seed germination in one of
the several ways listed below:
a) TP (Top of paper)
b) BP (Between paper)
c) PP (Pleated paper)
When seeds are germinated in paper first count may be taken after 4 days. Final count
may be taken after 12 days. If seedlings are weak then the germination period may be
prolonged. By taking final count germination percentage may be calculated.
Emergence percentage: -
Emergence percentage is calculated after sowing the seeds in the field when
germination completely takes place. After sowing the when complete germination take place
than number of plants emerged in the plot are to be counted physically. Then on the basis of
theoretical plant population and actual emerged seedlings, emergence percent is to be
Observations and calculations: -
1. Date of sowing
2. Date of observation
3. Plot size
a) Length of plot row
b) Spacing between two rows
c) Spacing between two plants
d) No. of lines/plot:
4. Calculate theoretical plant population/plot (A) _________________
5. Actually No. of seedling emerged-/Plot (B) _________________
6. Calculate emergence % {(B/A) x 100} _________________
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Exercise No. 12
Study of growth and yield contributing attributes in Wheat.
Objects: -
1. To study various growth stages of Wheat crop.
2. To study growth and yield attributes of Wheat.
ii) Yield contributing characters: - It includes, No. of earheads per metre row
length, No. of spikelets per earhead, length of earhead, No. of grains per earhead, test weight
(1000 grains weight), yield / plant (Grain & straw yield) etc.
Objects: -
1 To Know the method, cost of interculturing required to Wheat crop.
1) Hoeing: - In Wheat, only one hoeing with hand hoe or slit blade hoe is recommended at
15 DAS.
Exercise No. 14
Object: - 1) To identify and control the various diseases and pest in Wheat.
Insect pests: -
Wheat is affected by a number of insect, pest and rodents.
1) Stem borer:
Attack of stem borer is observed in Wheat at heading stage.
Control measure: - 1) Uproot affected plants & burnt it.
2) Spray Carbaryl 50% @ 40g/10lit. of water
2) Termites: -
Termites damage the crop soon after sowing and sometimes near maturity.
Infestation is heavy under unirrigated condition and in the fields where undecomposed FYM
is applied before sowing.
Control measure: -
Mix 5% Aldrin dust @ 25kg/ha at the time of last harrowing before sowing.
3) Brown Wheat mites, Aphids and Jassids: -
These leaf sucking inseds results into discolouration of leaves.
Control measure: - 1. Rogor @ 10g/10lit of Water.
Rodents: -
Field Rats: -
They cause heavy loss to Wheat crop and do considerable damage to the
harvested crops lying in stacks in the field.
Control measure: -
1) Use poison bait to control rats (50 parts Wheat or maize floor + 1 part Zinc phosphide +
little edible oil) OR
Fumigate the burrows of rats in the morning time with aluminum phosphide @ 1 tablet of
0.5g per small burrow or 3.0g per large burrow.
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Diseases of Wheat: -
1) Rusts: -
a) Brown Rust : Puccinia recondita tritici
b) Yellow Rust : Puccinia striiformis
c) Black Rust : Puccinia graminis tritici
Control measure: -
1) Grow resistant varieties viz. HD 2733, HD-2428.
2) Avoid late sowing of long duration varieties.
3) Spray Zineb or Mancozeb (Dithane M-45) @ 25g 1 lit of water.
2) Loose smut: -Ustilago nuda tritici.
Control measure: -1) Solar heat treatment or seed treatment with vitavax @ 2g/kg seed
before sowing.
3) Karnal Bunt: - Neovassia indica
C.M. 1) Seed treatment with Agrosan GN @ 2.5g/kg seed.
2) Avoid excessive irrigation particularly during flowering of Wheat.
1. Identify diseases and pests in your plot. Write their nature of damage.
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Exercise No. 15
Study of crop maturity signs and harvesting of Wheat.
Objects: -
i) To know the maturity and proper time of harvesting of wheat crop.
ii) To know the method of harvesting of wheat crop.
iii) To know the labour cost required for harvesting of wheat crop.
Introduction: A) Maturity sings: -
The maturity period in Wheat varies from variety to variety.
Early Varieties - 90 – 95 days
Medium duration - 105 – 110 days
Long duration - 120 to 130 days
Signs of maturity in Wheat are as follows.
1) Leaves and stem turn yellow and becomes fairly dry.
2) Moisture content in grains 25 – 30 %
To avoid loss in yield, crop should be harvested before it is dead ripe. Delay in
harvesting may result in damage by rats, birds, insects, shattering and lodging. Timely
harvesting ensures optimum grain quality and consumer acceptance.
B) Harvesting: - Harvesting of Wheat normally done with sickles by hand. The crop is
cut at about 15 cm from the ground level. It is tied into bundles and allowed to dry for 4 to 5
Observation: -
1) Date of harvesting :
2) Age of crop at harvesting :
3) Labour required per plot for harvesting :
4) Time required per plot for harvesting :
5) Weight of plants immediately after harvest (W1) :
6) Weight of harvested produce after drying (W2) :
7) Loss in moisture (W1-W2) :
8) Calculate the loss of moisture % :
Calculations: -
1)Labour unit/plot for harvesting- 2) Labour unit/ha harvesting-
3) Cost of harvesting/plot- 4) Cost of harvesting/ha-
Assignment: - Identity signs of maturity on your plot.
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Exercise No. 16
i) To know the method of threshing of wheat crop.
ii) To know the labour cost required for threshing and marketing of wheat crop
Threshing in Wheat: -
It can be threshed by trampling under bullock feet or by tractor Now-a-days power
thresher are used for threshing. In mechanized farming combine harvester cum thresher can
be used which can do harvesting, threshing and winnowing of Wheat crop in single operation.
Threshing be done with mechanical thresher having either wire loop cylinder or rasp bar
cylinder. (550-600 RPM)
Harvest index:
It is the ratio of economic yield to total biomass production.
Economic Yield
H. I. = X 100
Biological Yield
Winnowing: -
It is process of separating grains from the threshed material or bhoosa using natural or
artificial wind. When threshing machines are used, winnowing is done simultaneously with
Drying and storage: -
After winnowing, seed are dried in the sun up to moisture percentage of 10 to 12% for
safe storage seeds are dried under sunlight to bring moisture content in grains up to 12%.
Preparation of produce for marketing:
Before marketing or storing the grains are dried in bright sunshine. Again cleaning
and grading is adopted. The produce is filled in gunny bags or bins and then stored in rat
proof godown.
Calculate harvest index of wheat from following data.
1. Grain Yield : Per plot __________ Per ha. ____________
2. Straw Yield: Per plot __________ Per ha. ____________
2. How value addition can be done in wheat after harvesting.
3. What are the cares are to be taken while storing and marketing of wheat.
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Exercise No. 17
Study of cost of cultivation of Wheat and working out net returns per
Objectives: -
i. To study the cost per unit area required for various operations
ii. To study the total cost of cultivation per plot and per ha.
iii. To study the cost of production per unit of produce of Wheat
iv. To study the benefit cost ratio of Wheat
v. To study the cost of various inputs required for Wheat
Introduction: -
Cost of cultivation is a total expenditure incurred to any crop till the produce sold in
the market. It is calculated by taking into consideration all the tillage operations. Following
are the terms required for finding out the expenditure for production of crop.
1. Preparatory tillage: - Charges required for all essential preparatory tillage operations
like, ploughing, harrowing, clod crushing, Leveling etc.
2. Manures & fertilizers: - Cost required for purchase of manures, fertilizer & its
applications is taken into account.
3. Seeds and sowing:- Cost of seed & its sowing & material required for seed treatment.
4. Irrigation:- Irrigation charges depend upon season & duration of the crop and source of
irrigation Number of irrigation’s given are taken into consideration and charges incurred on it
are calculated.
5. After tillage: - Expenditure required for after tillage operations like hoeing, weeding,
plant protection measures and any other special operation carried after sowing are included
under this item.
6. Harvesting & preparing for market: - This includes the charges required for harvesting
of crop, threshing, cleaning drying & preparing it to market.
7. Marketing charges: - Generally, marketing charges are calculated 50 paise per 100 kg of
produce & by product if any while calculating marketing charges. Labour required for
grading the produce, transporting to market, charged by municipality and hamali charges are
also included under this item.
8. Supervision charges: - These are calculated 10% on the total cost of production i.e. from
preparatory tillage up to marketing of produce.
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9. Interest on capital: - It is based on the half life period of the crop. It is calculate (a) 16%
depending on that half period of crop.
10. Rent of land: - It depends upon the crop i.e. unirrigated of irrigated. It varies from
Rs. 60 to 250 per ha for unirrated to irrigated respectively.
11. hire charges for application & depreciation charges: - It involves the higher charges
of appliances such as implements, tools, sprayers dusters etc. required throughout period of
Sr. Operation Labour required Cost (Rs.)
No. M W BP Per plot Per ha.
I Preparatory
a) ploughing (1)
b) Harrowing (1)
c) Cold crushing (1)
d) Harrowing (2)
e) Collection of stubbles
f) Planking
II Seed and sowing
a) Cost of seed @ Rs. 16 /kg
b) Sowing with two bowled seed drill
c) Covering the seed
d) Preparation of Saras, water channel
III Manure and fertilizers
a) Cost of F.Y.M. 5t @ Rs. 300/t
b) Transport of F.Y.M.
c) Spreading of F.Y.M.
d) Cost of Urea
e) Cost of S.S.P
f) Cost of M.O.P. s
g) Top dressing of Urea
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IV After care
a) Gap filling
b) Hoeing (2)
c) Weeding
d) Irrigation (6)
e) Irrigation charges @ Rs. 100/irrigation
for 6 irrigation
V Plant protection
a) Seed treatment of thirum @ 3 g/kg for
Thiram cost @ Rs. 17/100g packet
b) Treating seed with thium
C) Spraying (2) cost of dithane M – 45 –
2kg @ Rs. 110/500 g.
d) Labour charges for Spraying (2)
e) Foliar spray of Urea (2%)
VI Harvesting
a) Cutting the plants & trying the bundles
b) Threshing with machine @ Rs. 50/q
c) Drying, cleaning, bagging
VII Marketing
a) Grading (sieving) and transport
b) Octroi and other charges
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Exercise No 18
Study of post harvest technology of wheat
Objectives: -
i. To study the processing, cleaning, grading and packing procedure.
ii. To study the value addition technology.
iii. To study the cost of Wheat as per gradation.
• After a seed crop has been harvested, the seed, if necessary, has to be dried and
• For wheat seed cleaning, mainly screens, indented cylinders and air screen cleaner
are used
• Screens separate based on the width and thickness; a width (or diameter) separation
is obtained by round screens, while for thickness separation oblong screens are used
• Indented cylinders carry out length separation; the indents (cells or pockets) in the
cylinder will, depending on their size, lift the seeds, which fit in the indents.
• Air separates seeds according to their behavior in an air stream (seed density) . The
most important characteristic is the weight; light particles (dust, chaff, glumes or
empty or partly filled seeds) will be lifted, whereas the heavier seed will fall down
through the air stream.
Pre-cleaner- It has one air channel to remove light material, one top scalping screen
toremove large particles and one bottom grading screen to remove small particles.
Dryer- If wheat seed is above 11 to 12 percent moisture, it is dried before it goes into bulk
storage or processing.
Air-screen cleaner
o This is the basic cleaner, usually with two air channels and, preferably, four screens.
o The first air channel removes dust and light materials as the seed falls from the feed
o The second air channel removes light seed and materials after the seed passes
through the last screen.
o Screen configurations vary considerably, one or two top or scalping screens remove
particles larger than the good seed, and one or
two bottom or grading screens remove particles smaller than the good seed.
o Because the average size of wheat seed varies according to the growing
conditions, standard screen sizes cannot be
o recommended..
o In general size of Screen aperture for all wheat variety is :
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Length separator
A length separator is almost always used to clean wheat seed. By using the proper
machine configuration, shorter or longer undesirable materials (such as broken grains,
weed seeds, oat, barley, etc.) are removed. Broken grains and weed seeds, which are
shorter than the good seed, are removed by using cylinders with smaller indents.
Larger impurities can be removed by using a cylinder with indents that lift all good
seed, but contaminants (wild oats, oats or barley grains and unthreshed glumes) remain
in the cylinder.
Gravity separator
The gravity separator classifies a seed mixture mainly according to density or specific
gravity. It can be used to remove unthreshed glumes and soil particles, which have
similar sizes to wheat but different weights.
Another application is the removal of weevil-infested grains from the seed lot and
upgrading seed (in order to improve germination).
Furthermore, wild oats and some barley may be removed from the wheat seed lots.
Wheat seed should, if necessary, be treated with the appropriate fungicide to protect the
seed and seedling after planting.
Insecticides are sometimes applied to protect seed in storage and in the soil.
Treatments may be applied to protect the seedlings or adult plants against pathogens
carried on or in the seed.
In humid and hot climates, seeds may be sealed in vapour- tight plastic bags to
maintain viability over longer periods.
In such cases, wheat seed moisture content must be below 9 percent, preferably not over
8.5 percent. Usually, a dehumidified, closed-circuit dryer is used after the seed
treatment is applied.
The final step is to weigh the proper amount of seed into the proper kind of bag.
Wheat seed bags should be of a size that fits local farmer needs (seed rates and field
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Storage of wheat
Seed should be harvested when it reaches harvest maturity, dried to a safe
moisture content (if necessary), stored under favourable conditions and protected
from damage and pests until it can be planted.
Immature or damaged seed cannot survive long storage periods.
Mechanical injury to seed during harvest or handling makes it more susceptible
to deterioration in storage.
seed should be properly dried before going into storage and protected from
moisture and high relative humidity.
Fungi (Aspergillus and Penicillium) cause damage to stored seed if seed
moisture is high.
High storage temperature has a damaging effect on seed. Stores should be
designed so that low temperatures are maintained;
In general, stored wheat seed should be kept at moisture content levels below 12
percent and relative humidity should not exceed 50 to 60 percent. The cleaned,
bagged seed should be stored in a dry, insect and rodent proof warehouse.
Effective rodent control (traps and poison) is essential in all seed stores.
A complete programme of exclusion ,
sanitation and control should be used;
Assignments: Visit to Wheat processing plant and take a observations and write in this
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Exercise No. 19
Each student should write a summary report of Agronomical field work done in wheat
crop in course No. 248 on the following points.
Assignments: - Write in detail summery report of wheat crop which you have studied in this
course.(Attach separate page if needed )
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Exercise No. 20
Weekly weather record for Mean maximum and minimum temperature, Rainfall, number of
rainy days and humidity during Year ………………. At College of Agril. ………………
Practical Crop Production - II (Rabi Crops) Credit - 0 + 1
This is to certify that Shri./Ku. _________________________________________
Enroll. No. ____________ has completed practical of Course No. Agro – 3611 (N)
(Practical Crop Production - II (Rabi Crops) as per the syllabus of B. Sc. Agri.
(Hons.) second year fourth semester in the laboratory of College as prescribed by M.
C. A. E. R., Pune