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The World English Bible

Catholic Book Order
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Tobit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
Judith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
Esther (Greek) . . . . . . . . . 499
1 Maccabees . . . . . . . . . . 510
Contents 2 Maccabees . . . . . . . . . . 543
Job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569
Psalms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602
Proverbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683
Ecclesiastes . . . . . . . . . . . 711
Song of Solomon . . . . . . . . 719
Wisdom of Solomon . . . . . . 725
Genesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Sirach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747
Isaiah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800
Jeremiah . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860
Exodus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Lamentations . . . . . . . . . . 924
Baruch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 931
Leviticus . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Ezekiel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 938
Daniel (Greek) . . . . . . . . . 991
Hosea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1013
Joel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1023
Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Amos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1027
Obadiah . . . . . . . . . . . . .1034
Deuteronomy . . . . . . . . . . 169 Jonah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1035
Micah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1037
Nahum . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1043
Joshua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 Habakkuk . . . . . . . . . . . .1045
Zephaniah . . . . . . . . . . . .1048
Haggai . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1051
Judges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 Zechariah . . . . . . . . . . . .1053
Malachi . . . . . . . . . . . . .1062
Matthew . . . . . . . . . . . . .1065
Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1099
Luke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1120
John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1156
1 Samuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 Acts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1183
Romans . . . . . . . . . . . . .1218
1 Corinthians . . . . . . . . . .1232
2 Samuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 2 Corinthians . . . . . . . . . .1245
Galatians . . . . . . . . . . . .1254
Ephesians . . . . . . . . . . . .1259
1 Kings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 Philippians . . . . . . . . . . .1264
Colossians . . . . . . . . . . . .1268
2 Kings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 1 Thessalonians . . . . . . . .1271
2 Thessalonians . . . . . . . .1274
1 Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . .1276
2 Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . .1280
1 Chronicles . . . . . . . . . . . 384
Titus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1283
Philemon . . . . . . . . . . . .1285
2 Chronicles . . . . . . . . . . . 412 Hebrews . . . . . . . . . . . . .1286
James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1297
1 Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1301
Ezra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447 2 Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1305
1 John . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1308
2 John . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1312
Nehemiah . . . . . . . . . . . . 458 3 John . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1313

Jude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1314
Revelation . . . . . . . . . . . .1315
Genesis 1:1 1 Genesis 1:30

made the two great lights: the greater light

to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule
The First Book of Moses, the night. He also made the stars. 17 God
Commonly Called set them in the expanse of the sky to give
Genesis light to the earth, 18 and to rule over the
day and over the night, and to divide the
1 In the beginning, God† created the light from the darkness. God saw that it
heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was was good. 19 There was evening and there
formless and empty. Darkness was on the was morning, a fourth day.
surface of the deep and God’s Spirit was 20 God said, “Let the waters abound with
hovering over the surface of the waters. living creatures, and let birds fly above
3 God said, “Let there be light,” and there the earth in the open expanse of the sky.”
21 God created the large sea creatures and
was light. 4 God saw the light, and saw that
it was good. God divided the light from the every living creature that moves, with
darkness. 5 God called the light “day”, and which the waters swarmed, after their
the darkness he called “night”. There was kind, and every winged bird after its kind.
evening and there was morning, the first God saw that it was good. 22 God blessed
day. them, saying, “Be fruitful, and multiply,
6 God said, “Let there be an expanse in and fill the waters in the seas, and let
birds multiply on the earth.” 23 There was
the middle of the waters, and let it divide
the waters from the waters.” 7 God made evening and there was morning, a fifth
the expanse, and divided the waters which day.
24 God said, “Let the earth produce liv-
were under the expanse from the waters
which were above the expanse; and it was ing creatures after their kind, livestock,
so. 8 God called the expanse “sky”. There creeping things, and animals of the earth
was evening and there was morning, a after their kind;” and it was so. 25 God
second day. made the animals of the earth after their
9 God said, “Let the waters under the sky kind, and the livestock after their kind, and
everything that creeps on the ground after
be gathered together to one place, and let its kind. God saw that it was good.
the dry land appear;” and it was so. 10 God 26 God said, “Let’s make man in our im-
called the dry land “earth”, and the gather- age, after our likeness. Let them have
ing together of the waters he called “seas”. dominion over the fish of the sea, and over
God saw that it was good. 11 God said, the birds of the sky, and over the livestock,
“Let the earth yield grass, herbs yielding and over all the earth, and over every
seeds, and fruit trees bearing fruit after creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
their kind, with their seeds in it, on the 27 God created man in his own image. In
earth;” and it was so. 12 The earth yielded God’s image he created him; male and
grass, herbs yielding seed after their kind, female he created them. 28 God blessed
and trees bearing fruit, with their seeds in them. God said to them, “Be fruitful, mul-
it, after their kind; and God saw that it was tiply, fill the earth, and subdue it. Have
good. 13 There was evening and there was dominion over the fish of the sea, over
morning, a third day. the birds of the sky, and over every living
14 God said, “Let there be lights in the thing that moves on the earth.” 29 God
expanse of the sky to divide the day from said, “Behold,‡ I have given you every herb
the night; and let them be for signs to mark yielding seed, which is on the surface of
seasons, days, and years; 15 and let them be all the earth, and every tree, which bears
for lights in the expanse of the sky to give fruit yielding seed. It will be your food.
light on the earth;” and it was so. 16 God 30 To every animal of the earth, and to

† 1:1 The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬ ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim). ‡ 1:29 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take
notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.
Genesis 1:31 2 Genesis 3:3

every bird of the sky, and to everything which flows in front of Assyria. The fourth
that creeps on the earth, in which there river is the Euphrates. 15 The LORD God
is life, I have given every green herb for took the man, and put him into the garden
food;” and it was so. of Eden to cultivate and keep it. 16 The
31 God saw everything that he had made, LORD God commanded the man, saying,
and, behold, it was very good. There was “You may freely eat of every tree of the
evening and there was morning, a sixth garden; 17 but you shall not eat of the tree
day. of the knowledge of good and evil; for in
the day that you eat of it, you will surely
2 die.”
18 The LORD God said, “It is not good
1 The heavens, the earth, and all their
vast array were finished. 2 On the seventh for the man to be alone. I will make him
day God finished his work which he had a helper comparable to§ him.” 19 Out of
done; and he rested on the seventh day the ground the LORD God formed every
from all his work which he had done. 3 God animal of the field, and every bird of the
blessed the seventh day, and made it holy, sky, and brought them to the man to see
because he rested in it from all his work of what he would call them. Whatever the
creation which he had done. man called every living creature became
4 This is the history of the generations
its name. 20 The man gave names to all
of the heavens and of the earth when they livestock, and to the birds of the sky, and
were created, in the day that the LORD† to every animal of the field; but for man
God made the earth and the heavens. 5 No there was not found a helper comparable
plant of the field was yet in the earth, and to him. 21 The LORD God caused the man
no herb of the field had yet sprung up; for to fall into a deep sleep. As the man slept,
the LORD God had not caused it to rain he took one of his ribs, and closed up the
on the earth. There was not a man to till flesh in its place. 22 The LORD God made
the ground, 6 but a mist went up from the
a woman from the rib which he had taken
earth, and watered the whole surface of from the man, and brought her to the man.
the ground. 7 The LORD God formed man 23 The man said, “This is now bone of my
from the dust of the ground, and breathed bones, and flesh of my flesh. She will be
into his nostrils the breath of life; and called ‘woman,’ because she was taken out
man became a living soul. 8 The LORD of Man.” 24 Therefore a man will leave his
God planted a garden eastward, in Eden, father and his mother, and will join with
and there he put the man whom he had his wife, and they will be one flesh. 25 The
formed. 9 Out of the ground the LORD God man and his wife were both naked, and
made every tree to grow that is pleasant to they were not ashamed.
the sight, and good for food, including the
tree of life in the middle of the garden and
the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
1 Now the serpent was more subtle than
10 A river went out of Eden to water the
garden; and from there it was parted, and any animal of the field which the LORD
became the source of four rivers. 11 The God had made. He said to the woman, “Has
name of the first is Pishon: it flows through God really said, ‘You shall not eat of any
the whole land of Havilah, where there is tree of the garden’?”
gold; 12 and the gold of that land is good. 2 The woman said to the serpent, “We
Bdellium‡ and onyx stone are also there. may eat fruit from the trees of the garden,
13 The name of the second river is Gihon. 3 but not the fruit of the tree which is in the
It is the same river that flows through the middle of the garden. God has said, ‘You
whole land of Cush. 14 The name of the shall not eat of it. You shall not touch it, lest
third river is Hiddekel. This is the one you die.’ ”
† 2:4 When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, “LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name. ‡ 2:12
or, aromatic resin § 2:18 or, suitable for, or appropriate for.
Genesis 3:4 3 Genesis 4:4

4 The serpent said to the woman, “You “I will greatly multiply your pain in child-
won’t really die, 5 for God knows that in the birth.
day you eat it, your eyes will be opened, You will bear children in pain.
and you will be like God, knowing good Your desire will be for your husband,
and evil.” and he will rule over you.”
6 When the woman saw that the tree was 17 To Adam he said,
good for food, and that it was a delight “Because you have listened to your wife’s
to the eyes, and that the tree was to be voice,
desired to make one wise, she took some and have eaten from the tree,
of its fruit, and ate. Then she gave some about which I commanded you, say-
to her husband with her, and he ate it, too. ing, ‘You shall not eat of it,’
7 Their eyes were opened, and they both
the ground is cursed for your sake.
knew that they were naked. They sewed You will eat from it with much labor all the
fig leaves together, and made coverings for days of your life.
themselves. 8 They heard the LORD God’s 18 It will yield thorns and thistles to
voice walking in the garden in the cool you;
of the day, and the man and his wife hid and you will eat the herb of the field.
themselves from the presence of the LORD 19 You will eat bread by the sweat of your
God among the trees of the garden. face until you return to the ground,
9 The LORD God called to the man, and for you were taken out of it.
said to him, “Where are you?” For you are dust,
10 The man said, “I heard your voice in and you shall return to dust.”
20 The man called his wife Eve because
the garden, and I was afraid, because I was
naked; so I hid myself.” she would be the mother of all the living.
21 The LORD God made garments of ani-
11 God said, “Who told you that you were
naked? Have you eaten from the tree that mal skins for Adam and for his wife, and
clothed them.
I commanded you not to eat from?” 22 The LORD God said, “Behold, the man
12 The man said, “The woman whom you
has become like one of us, knowing good
gave to be with me, she gave me fruit from and evil. Now, lest he reach out his hand,
the tree, and I ate it.” and also take of the tree of life, and eat, and
13 The LORD God said to the woman, live forever—” 23 Therefore the LORD God
“What have you done?” sent him out from the garden of Eden, to
The woman said, “The serpent deceived till the ground from which he was taken.
24 So he drove out the man; and he placed
me, and I ate.”
14 The LORD God said to the serpent, cherubim† at the east of the garden of
“Because you have done this, Eden, and a flaming sword which turned
you are cursed above all livestock, every way, to guard the way to the tree of
and above every animal of the field. life.
You shall go on your belly
and you shall eat dust all the days of
1 The man knew† Eve his wife. She con-
your life. ceived,‡ and gave birth to Cain, and said, “I
15 I will put hostility between you and the have gotten a man with the LORD’s help.”
woman, 2 Again she gave birth, to Cain’s brother
and between your offspring and her Abel. Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain
offspring. was a tiller of the ground. 3 As time passed,
He will bruise your head, Cain brought an offering to the LORD from
and you will bruise his heel.” the fruit of the ground. 4 Abel also brought
16 To the woman he said, some of the firstborn of his flock and of
† 3:24 cherubim are powerful angelic creatures, messengers of God with wings. See Ezekiel 10. † 4:1 or, lay with,
or, had relations with ‡ 4:1 or, became pregnant
Genesis 4:5 4 Genesis 5:11

its fat. The LORD respected Abel and his birth to Jabal, who was the father of those
offering, 5 but he didn’t respect Cain and who dwell in tents and have livestock.
21 His brother’s name was Jubal, who was
his offering. Cain was very angry, and the
expression on his face fell. 6 The LORD the father of all who handle the harp and
said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why pipe. 22 Zillah also gave birth to Tubal Cain,
has the expression of your face fallen? 7 If the forger of every cutting instrument of
you do well, won’t it be lifted up? If you bronze and iron. Tubal Cain’s sister was
don’t do well, sin crouches at the door. Its Naamah. 23 Lamech said to his wives,
desire is for you, but you are to rule over “Adah and Zillah, hear my voice.
it.” 8 Cain said to Abel, his brother, “Let’s go You wives of Lamech, listen to my
into the field.” While they were in the field, speech,
Cain rose up against Abel, his brother, and for I have slain a man for wounding me,
killed him. a young man for bruising me.
9 The LORD said to Cain, “Where is Abel, 24 If Cain will be avenged seven times,
your brother?” truly Lamech seventy-seven times.”
He said, “I don’t know. Am I my brother’s 25 Adam knew his wife again. She gave
keeper?” birth to a son, and named him Seth, say-
10 The LORD said, “What have you done? ing, “for God has given me another child
The voice of your brother’s blood cries instead of Abel, for Cain killed him.” 26 A
to me from the ground. 11 Now you are son was also born to Seth, and he named
cursed because of the ground, which has him Enosh. At that time men began to call
opened its mouth to receive your brother’s on the LORD’s name.
blood from your hand. 12 From now on,
when you till the ground, it won’t yield its
1 This is the book of the generations of
strength to you. You will be a fugitive and Adam. In the day that God created man, he
a wanderer in the earth.” made him in God’s likeness. 2 He created
13 Cain said to the LORD, “My punish-
them male and female, and blessed them.
ment is greater than I can bear. 14 Behold, On the day they were created, he named
you have driven me out today from the them Adam.† 3 Adam lived one hundred
surface of the ground. I will be hidden thirty years, and became the father of a son
from your face, and I will be a fugitive and in his own likeness, after his image, and
a wanderer in the earth. Whoever finds named him Seth. 4 The days of Adam after
me will kill me.” he became the father of Seth were eight
15 The LORD said to him, “Therefore
hundred years, and he became the father
whoever slays Cain, vengeance will be
of other sons and daughters. 5 All the days
taken on him sevenfold.” The LORD ap-
that Adam lived were nine hundred thirty
pointed a sign for Cain, so that anyone
years, then he died.
finding him would not strike him. 6 Seth lived one hundred five years, then
16 Cain left the LORD’s presence, and
became the father of Enosh. 7 Seth lived
lived in the land of Nod, east of Eden. after he became the father of Enosh eight
17 Cain knew his wife. She conceived, and
hundred seven years, and became the fa-
gave birth to Enoch. He built a city, and
ther of other sons and daughters. 8 All of
named the city after the name of his son,
the days of Seth were nine hundred twelve
Enoch. 18 Irad was born to Enoch. Irad
became the father of Mehujael. Mehu- years, then he died.
9 Enosh lived ninety years, and became
jael became the father of Methushael.
Methushael became the father of Lamech. the father of Kenan. 10 Enosh lived after he
19 Lamech took two wives: the name of became the father of Kenan eight hundred
the first one was Adah, and the name of fifteen years, and became the father of
the second one was Zillah. 20 Adah gave other sons and daughters. 11 All of the days
† 5:2 “Adam” and “Man” are spelled with the exact same consonants in Hebrew, so this can be correctly translated
either way.
Genesis 5:12 5 Genesis 6:15

of Enosh were nine hundred five years, the days of Lamech were seven hundred
then he died. seventy-seven years, then he died.
12 Kenan lived seventy years, then be- 32 Noah was five hundred years old, then
came the father of Mahalalel. 13 Kenan Noah became the father of Shem, Ham,
lived after he became the father of Ma- and Japheth.
halalel eight hundred forty years, and be-
came the father of other sons and daugh- 6
ters 14 and all of the days of Kenan were 1 When men began to multiply on the
nine hundred ten years, then he died. surface of the ground, and daughters were
15 Mahalalel lived sixty-five years, then born to them, 2 God’s sons saw that men’s
became the father of Jared. 16 Mahalalel daughters were beautiful, and they took
lived after he became the father of Jared any that they wanted for themselves as
eight hundred thirty years, and became wives. 3 The LORD said, “My Spirit will not
the father of other sons and daughters. strive with man forever, because he also
17 All of the days of Mahalalel were eight is flesh; so his days will be one hundred
hundred ninety-five years, then he died. twenty years.” 4 The Nephilim† were in
18 Jared lived one hundred sixty-two the earth in those days, and also after that,
when God’s sons came in to men’s daugh-
years, then became the father of Enoch. ters and had children with them. Those
19 Jared lived after he became the father
were the mighty men who were of old,
of Enoch eight hundred years, and became men of renown.
the father of other sons and daughters. 5 The LORD saw that the wickedness of
20 All of the days of Jared were nine hun- man was great in the earth, and that every
dred sixty-two years, then he died. imagination of the thoughts of man’s heart
21 Enoch lived sixty-five years, then be- was continually only evil. 6 The LORD was
came the father of Methuselah. 22 After sorry that he had made man on the earth,
Methuselah’s birth, Enoch walked with and it grieved him in his heart. 7 The LORD
God for three hundred years, and became said, “I will destroy man whom I have
the father of more sons and daughters. created from the surface of the ground—
23 All the days of Enoch were three hun- man, along with animals, creeping things,
dred sixty-five years. 24 Enoch walked with and birds of the sky—for I am sorry that I
God, and he was not found, for God took have made them.” 8 But Noah found favor
him. in the LORD’s eyes.
25 Methuselah lived one hundred eighty- 9 This is the history of the generations of

seven years, then became the father of Noah: Noah was a righteous man, blame-
Lamech. 26 Methuselah lived after he be- less among the people of his time. Noah
came the father of Lamech seven hundred walked with God. 10 Noah became the
eighty-two years, and became the father of father of three sons: Shem, Ham, and
other sons and daughters. 27 All the days of Japheth. 11 The earth was corrupt before
Methuselah were nine hundred sixty-nine God, and the earth was filled with violence.
years, then he died. 12 God saw the earth, and saw that it was
28 Lamech lived one hundred eighty-two corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their
years, then became the father of a son. way on the earth.
13 God said to Noah, “I will bring an end
29 He named him Noah, saying, “This one
will comfort us in our work and in the toil to all flesh, for the earth is filled with vio-
of our hands, caused by the ground which lence through them. Behold, I will destroy
the LORD has cursed.” 30 Lamech lived af- them and the earth. 14 Make a ship of
ter he became the father of Noah five hun- gopher wood. You shall make rooms in the
dred ninety-five years, and became the ship, and shall seal it inside and outside
father of other sons and daughters. 31 All with pitch. 15 This is how you shall make
† 6:4 or, giants ‡ 6:15 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about
18 inches or 46 centimeters.
Genesis 6:16 6 Genesis 8:1

it. The length of the ship shall be three on the ground 9 went by pairs to Noah
hundred cubits,‡ its width fifty cubits, and into the ship, male and female, as God
its height thirty cubits. 16 You shall make commanded Noah. 10 After the seven days,
a roof in the ship, and you shall finish it to the floodwaters came on the earth. 11 In
a cubit upward. You shall set the door of the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in
the ship in its side. You shall make it with the second month, on the seventeenth day
lower, second, and third levels. 17 I, even I, of the month, on that day all the fountains
will bring the flood of waters on this earth, of the great deep burst open, and the sky’s
to destroy all flesh having the breath of life windows opened. 12 It rained on the earth
from under the sky. Everything that is in forty days and forty nights.
the earth will die. 18 But I will establish 13 In the same day Noah, and Shem,
my covenant with you. You shall come Ham, and Japheth—the sons of Noah—and
into the ship, you, your sons, your wife, Noah’s wife and the three wives of his sons
and your sons’ wives with you. 19 Of every with them, entered into the ship— 14 they,
living thing of all flesh, you shall bring two and every animal after its kind, all the
of every sort into the ship, to keep them livestock after their kind, every creeping
alive with you. They shall be male and thing that creeps on the earth after its kind,
female. 20 Of the birds after their kind, and every bird after its kind, every bird
of the livestock after their kind, of every of every sort. 15 Pairs from all flesh with
creeping thing of the ground after its kind, the breath of life in them went into the
two of every sort will come to you, to keep ship to Noah. 16 Those who went in, went
them alive. 21 Take with you some of all in male and female of all flesh, as God
food that is eaten, and gather it to yourself; commanded him; then the LORD shut him
and it will be for food for you, and for in. 17 The flood was forty days on the earth.
them.” 22 Thus Noah did. He did all that The waters increased, and lifted up the
God commanded him. ship, and it was lifted up above the earth.
18 The waters rose, and increased greatly
7 on the earth; and the ship floated on the
1 TheLORD said to Noah, “Come with all surface of the waters. 19 The waters rose
of your household into the ship, for I have very high on the earth. All the high moun-
seen your righteousness before me in this tains that were under the whole sky were
generation. 2 You shall take seven pairs covered. 20 The waters rose fifteen cubits†
of every clean animal with you, the male higher, and the mountains were covered.
21 All flesh died that moved on the earth,
and his female. Of the animals that are not
clean, take two, the male and his female. including birds, livestock, animals, every
3 Also of the birds of the sky, seven and creeping thing that creeps on the earth,
seven, male and female, to keep seed alive and every man. 22 All on the dry land,
on the surface of all the earth. 4 In seven in whose nostrils was the breath of the
days, I will cause it to rain on the earth for spirit of life, died. 23 Every living thing was
forty days and forty nights. I will destroy destroyed that was on the surface of the
every living thing that I have made from ground, including man, livestock, creep-
the surface of the ground.” ing things, and birds of the sky. They were
5 Noah did everything that the LORD destroyed from the earth. Only Noah was
commanded him. left, and those who were with him in the
6 Noah was six hundred years old when ship. 24 The waters flooded the earth one
the flood of waters came on the earth. hundred fifty days.
7 Noah went into the ship with his sons,
his wife, and his sons’ wives, because of 8
the floodwaters. 8 Clean animals, unclean 1 God remembered Noah, all the ani-
animals, birds, and everything that creeps mals, and all the livestock that were with
† 7:20 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46
Genesis 8:2 7 Genesis 9:11

him in the ship; and God made a wind 18 Noah went out, with his sons, his wife,
to pass over the earth. The waters sub- and his sons’ wives with him. 19 Every
sided. 2 The deep’s fountains and the sky’s animal, every creeping thing, and every
windows were also stopped, and the rain bird, whatever moves on the earth, after
from the sky was restrained. 3 The waters their families, went out of the ship.
continually receded from the earth. Af- 20 Noah built an altar to the LORD, and
ter the end of one hundred fifty days the took of every clean animal, and of every
waters receded. 4 The ship rested in the clean bird, and offered burnt offerings on
seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the altar. 21 The LORD smelled the pleasant
the month, on Ararat’s mountains. 5 The aroma. The LORD said in his heart, “I
waters receded continually until the tenth will not again curse the ground any more
month. In the tenth month, on the first day for man’s sake because the imagination
of the month, the tops of the mountains of man’s heart is evil from his youth. I
were visible. will never again strike every living thing,
6 At the end of forty days, Noah opened as I have done. 22 While the earth re-
the window of the ship which he had mains, seed time and harvest, and cold and
made, 7 and he sent out a raven. It went heat, and summer and winter, and day and
back and forth, until the waters were dried night will not cease.”
up from the earth. 8 He himself sent out
a dove to see if the waters were abated 9
from the surface of the ground, 9 but the 1 God blessed Noah and his sons, and
dove found no place to rest her foot, and said to them, “Be fruitful, multiply, and
she returned into the ship to him, for the replenish the earth. 2 The fear of you and
waters were on the surface of the whole the dread of you will be on every animal
earth. He put out his hand, and took her, of the earth, and on every bird of the sky.
and brought her to him into the ship. 10 He Everything that moves along the ground,
waited yet another seven days; and again and all the fish of the sea, are delivered
he sent the dove out of the ship. 11 The dove into your hand. 3 Every moving thing that
came back to him at evening and, behold, lives will be food for you. As I gave you
in her mouth was a freshly plucked olive the green herb, I have given everything
leaf. So Noah knew that the waters were to you. 4 But flesh with its life, that is, its
abated from the earth. 12 He waited yet blood, you shall not eat. 5 I will surely
another seven days, and sent out the dove; require accounting for your life’s blood.
and she didn’t return to him any more. At the hand of every animal I will require
13 In the six hundred first year, in the it. At the hand of man, even at the hand
first month, the first day of the month, of every man’s brother, I will require the
the waters were dried up from the earth. life of man. 6 Whoever sheds man’s blood,
Noah removed the covering of the ship, his blood will be shed by man, for God
and looked. He saw that the surface of the made man in his own image. 7 Be fruitful
ground was dry. 14 In the second month, on and multiply. Increase abundantly in the
the twenty-seventh day of the month, the earth, and multiply in it.”
earth was dry. 8 God spoke to Noah and to his sons with
15 God spoke to Noah, saying, 16 “Go out him, saying, 9 “As for me, behold, I estab-
of the ship, you, your wife, your sons, and lish my covenant with you, and with your
your sons’ wives with you. 17 Bring out offspring after you, 10 and with every liv-
with you every living thing that is with you ing creature that is with you: the birds, the
of all flesh, including birds, livestock, and livestock, and every animal of the earth
every creeping thing that creeps on the with you, of all that go out of the ship, even
earth, that they may breed abundantly in every animal of the earth. 11 I will establish
the earth, and be fruitful, and multiply on my covenant with you: All flesh will not be
the earth.” cut off any more by the waters of the flood.
Genesis 9:12 8 Genesis 10:24

There will never again be a flood to destroy 10

the earth.” 12 God said, “This is the token 1 Now this is the history of the gener-
of the covenant which I make between me ations of the sons of Noah and of Shem,
and you and every living creature that is Ham, and Japheth. Sons were born to them
with you, for perpetual generations: 13 I after the flood.
set my rainbow in the cloud, and it will 2 The sons of Japheth were: Gomer, Ma-
be a sign of a covenant between me and
gog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, and
the earth. 14 When I bring a cloud over
Tiras. 3 The sons of Gomer were: Ashke-
the earth, that the rainbow will be seen in naz, Riphath, and Togarmah. 4 The sons of
the cloud, 15 I will remember my covenant, Javan were: Elishah, Tarshish, Kittim, and
which is between me and you and every Dodanim. 5 Of these were the islands of the
living creature of all flesh, and the waters nations divided in their lands, everyone
will no more become a flood to destroy after his language, after their families, in
all flesh. 16 The rainbow will be in the their nations.
cloud. I will look at it, that I may remember 6 The sons of Ham were: Cush, Mizraim,
the everlasting covenant between God and Put, and Canaan. 7 The sons of Cush
every living creature of all flesh that is on were: Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, and
the earth.” 17 God said to Noah, “This is Sabteca. The sons of Raamah were: Sheba
the token of the covenant which I have and Dedan. 8 Cush became the father of
established between me and all flesh that Nimrod. He began to be a mighty one in
is on the earth.” the earth. 9 He was a mighty hunter before
18 The sons of Noah who went out from
the LORD. Therefore it is said, “like Nim-
the ship were Shem, Ham, and Japheth. rod, a mighty hunter before the LORD”.
Ham is the father of Canaan. 19 These three 10 The beginning of his kingdom was Babel,
were the sons of Noah, and from these the
whole earth was populated. Erech, Accad, and Calneh, in the land of
20 Noah began to be a farmer, and
Shinar. 11 Out of that land he went into
Assyria, and built Nineveh, Rehoboth Ir,
planted a vineyard. 21 He drank of the Calah, 12 and Resen between Nineveh and
wine and got drunk. He was uncovered the great city Calah. 13 Mizraim became the
within his tent. 22 Ham, the father of father of Ludim, Anamim, Lehabim, Naph-
Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, tuhim, 14 Pathrusim, Casluhim (which the
and told his two brothers outside. 23 Shem Philistines descended from), and Caph-
and Japheth took a garment, and laid it torim.
on both their shoulders, went in back- 15 Canaan became the father of Sidon
wards, and covered the nakedness of their (his firstborn), Heth, 16 the Jebusites, the
father. Their faces were backwards, and Amorites, the Girgashites, 17 the Hivites,
they didn’t see their father’s nakedness.
24 Noah awoke from his wine, and knew the Arkites, the Sinites, 18 the Arvadites,
what his youngest son had done to him. the Zemarites, and the Hamathites. Af-
25 He said, terward the families of the Canaanites
were spread abroad. 19 The border of
“Canaan is cursed. the Canaanites was from Sidon—as you go
He will be a servant of servants to his toward Gerar—to Gaza—as you go toward
brothers.” Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboiim—
26 He said,
to Lasha. 20 These are the sons of Ham,
“Blessed be the LORD, the God of Shem. after their families, according to their lan-
Let Canaan be his servant. guages, in their lands and their nations.
27 May God enlarge Japheth.
21 Children were also born to Shem (the
Let him dwell in the tents of Shem. elder brother of Japheth), the father of
Let Canaan be his servant.” all the children of Eber. 22 The sons of
28 Noah lived three hundred fifty years Shem were: Elam, Asshur, Arpachshad,
after the flood. 29 All the days of Noah were Lud, and Aram. 23 The sons of Aram were:
nine hundred fifty years, and then he died. Uz, Hul, Gether, and Mash. 24 Arpachshad
Genesis 10:25 9 Genesis 11:29

became the father of Shelah. Shelah be- when he became the father of Arpachshad
came the father of Eber. 25 To Eber were two years after the flood. 11 Shem lived five
born two sons. The name of the one was hundred years after he became the father
Peleg, for in his days the earth was divided.
of Arpachshad, and became the father of
His brother’s name was Joktan. 26 Joktan
more sons and daughters.
became the father of Almodad, Sheleph, 12 Arpachshad lived thirty-five years
Hazarmaveth, Jerah, 27 Hadoram, Uzal,
and became the father of Shelah.
Diklah, 28 Obal, Abimael, Sheba, 29 Ophir, 13 Arpachshad lived four hundred three
Havilah, and Jobab. All these were the years after he became the father of Shelah,
sons of Joktan. 30 Their dwelling extended and became the father of more sons and
from Mesha, as you go toward Sephar, the daughters.
mountain of the east. 31 These are the sons 14 Shelah lived thirty years, and became
of Shem, by their families, according to the father of Eber. 15 Shelah lived four
their languages, lands, and nations. hundred three years after he became the
32 These are the families of the sons of father of Eber, and became the father of
Noah, by their generations, according to more sons and daughters.
their nations. The nations divided from 16 Eber lived thirty-four years, and be-
these in the earth after the flood. came the father of Peleg. 17 Eber lived four
hundred thirty years after he became the
11 father of Peleg, and became the father of
1 The whole earth was of one language more sons and daughters.
and of one speech. 2 As they traveled 18 Peleg lived thirty years, and became
east,† they found a plain in the land of the father of Reu. 19 Peleg lived two hun-
Shinar, and they lived there. 3 They said to dred nine years after he became the father
one another, “Come, let’s make bricks, and of Reu, and became the father of more sons
burn them thoroughly.” They had brick and daughters.
for stone, and they used tar for mortar. 20 Reu lived thirty-two years, and be-
4 They said, “Come, let’s build ourselves a
came the father of Serug. 21 Reu lived two
city, and a tower whose top reaches to the hundred seven years after he became the
sky, and let’s make a name for ourselves, father of Serug, and became the father of
lest we be scattered abroad on the surface more sons and daughters.
of the whole earth.” 22 Serug lived thirty years, and became
5 The LORD came down to see the city
and the tower, which the children of men the father of Nahor. 23 Serug lived two
built. 6 The LORD said, “Behold, they hundred years after he became the father
are one people, and they all have one of Nahor, and became the father of more
language, and this is what they begin to sons and daughters.
24 Nahor lived twenty-nine years, and
do. Now nothing will be withheld from
them, which they intend to do. 7 Come, became the father of Terah. 25 Nahor lived
one hundred nineteen years after he be-
let’s go down, and there confuse their lan-
came the father of Terah, and became the
guage, that they may not understand one father of more sons and daughters.
another’s speech.” 8 So the LORD scattered 26 Terah lived seventy years, and became
them abroad from there on the surface the father of Abram, Nahor, and Haran.
of all the earth. They stopped building 27 Now this is the history of the genera-
the city. 9 Therefore its name was called
tions of Terah. Terah became the father of
Babel, because there the LORD confused Abram, Nahor, and Haran. Haran became
the language of all the earth. From there, the father of Lot. 28 Haran died in the land
the LORD scattered them abroad on the of his birth, in Ur of the Chaldees, while
surface of all the earth. his father Terah was still alive. 29 Abram
10 This is the history of the generations
and Nahor married wives. The name of
of Shem: Shem was one hundred years old Abram’s wife was Sarai, and the name
† 11:2 LXX reads “from the east”.
Genesis 11:30 10 Genesis 13:8

of Nahor’s wife was Milcah, the daugh- look at. 12 It will happen that when the
ter of Haran, who was also the father of Egyptians see you, they will say, ‘This is his
Iscah. 30 Sarai was barren. She had no wife.’ They will kill me, but they will save
child. 31 Terah took Abram his son, Lot you alive. 13 Please say that you are my
the son of Haran, his son’s son, and Sarai sister, that it may be well with me for your
his daughter-in-law, his son Abram’s wife. sake, and that my soul may live because of
They went from Ur of the Chaldees, to go you.”
into the land of Canaan. They came to 14 When Abram had come into Egypt,
Haran and lived there. 32 The days of Terah
Egyptians saw that the woman was very
were two hundred five years. Terah died
beautiful. 15 The princes of Pharaoh saw
in Haran.
her, and praised her to Pharaoh; and the
woman was taken into Pharaoh’s house.
12 16 He dealt well with Abram for her sake.
1 Now the LORD said to Abram, “Leave He had sheep, cattle, male donkeys, male
your country, and your relatives, and your servants, female servants, female don-
father’s house, and go to the land that I keys, and camels. 17 The LORD afflicted
will show you. 2 I will make of you a great Pharaoh and his house with great plagues
nation. I will bless you and make your because of Sarai, Abram’s wife. 18 Pharaoh
name great. You will be a blessing. 3 I called Abram and said, “What is this that
will bless those who bless you, and I will you have done to me? Why didn’t you tell
curse him who treats you with contempt. me that she was your wife? 19 Why did you
All the families of the earth will be blessed say, ‘She is my sister,’ so that I took her to
through you.” be my wife? Now therefore, see your wife,
4 So Abram went, as the LORD had told take her, and go your way.”
him. Lot went with him. Abram was 20 Pharaoh commanded men concerning
seventy-five years old when he departed him, and they escorted him away with his
from Haran. 5 Abram took Sarai his wife, wife and all that he had.
Lot his brother’s son, all their possessions
that they had gathered, and the people
whom they had acquired in Haran, and 13
they went to go into the land of Canaan. Abram went up out of Egypt—he, his

They entered into the land of Canaan. wife, all that he had, and Lot with him—
6 Abram passed through the land to the into the South. 2 Abram was very rich
place of Shechem, to the oak of Moreh. At in livestock, in silver, and in gold. 3 He
that time, Canaanites were in the land. went on his journeys from the South as
7 The LORD appeared to Abram and said, far as Bethel, to the place where his tent
“I will give this land to your offspring.”† had been at the beginning, between Bethel
and Ai, 4 to the place of the altar, which
He built an altar there to the LORD, who
he had made there at the first. There
had appeared to him. 8 He left from there Abram called on the LORD’s name. 5 Lot
to go to the mountain on the east of Bethel also, who went with Abram, had flocks,
and pitched his tent, having Bethel on the herds, and tents. 6 The land was not able
west, and Ai on the east. There he built to bear them, that they might live together;
an altar to the LORD and called on the for their possessions were so great that
LORD’s name. 9 Abram traveled, still going they couldn’t live together. 7 There was
on toward the South. strife between the herdsmen of Abram’s
10 There was a famine in the land. Abram
livestock and the herdsmen of Lot’s live-
went down into Egypt to live as a foreigner stock. The Canaanites and the Perizzites
there, for the famine was severe in the lived in the land at that time. 8 Abram
land. 11 When he had come near to enter said to Lot, “Please, let there be no strife
Egypt, he said to Sarai his wife, “See now, between you and me, and between your
I know that you are a beautiful woman to herdsmen and my herdsmen; for we are
† 12:7 or, seed
Genesis 13:9 11 Genesis 14:20

relatives. 9 Isn’t the whole land before you? 6 and the Horites in their Mount Seir, to El
Please separate yourself from me. If you go Paran, which is by the wilderness. 7 They
to the left hand, then I will go to the right. returned, and came to En Mishpat (also
Or if you go to the right hand, then I will go called Kadesh), and struck all the country
to the left.” of the Amalekites, and also the Amorites,
10 Lot lifted up his eyes, and saw all that lived in Hazazon Tamar. 8 The king
the plain of the Jordan, that it was well- of Sodom, and the king of Gomorrah, the
watered everywhere, before the LORD de- king of Admah, the king of Zeboiim, and
stroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, like the gar- the king of Bela (also called Zoar) went
den of the LORD, like the land of Egypt, as out; and they set the battle in array against
you go to Zoar. 11 So Lot chose the Plain them in the valley of Siddim 9 against
of the Jordan for himself. Lot traveled Chedorlaomer king of Elam, Tidal king of
east, and they separated themselves from Goiim, Amraphel king of Shinar, and Ari-
one other. 12 Abram lived in the land och king of Ellasar; four kings against the
of Canaan, and Lot lived in the cities of five. 10 Now the valley of Siddim was full
the plain, and moved his tent as far as of tar pits; and the kings of Sodom and
Sodom. 13 Now the men of Sodom were Gomorrah fled, and some fell there. Those
exceedingly wicked and sinners against who remained fled to the hills. 11 They took
the LORD. all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah, and
14 The LORD said to Abram, after Lot
was separated from him, “Now, lift up all their food, and went their way. 12 They
your eyes, and look from the place where took Lot, Abram’s brother’s son, who lived
in Sodom, and his goods, and departed.
you are, northward and southward and
eastward and westward, 15 for I will give One who had escaped came and told
all the land which you see to you and to Abram, the Hebrew. At that time, he
your offspring forever. 16 I will make your lived by the oaks of Mamre, the Amorite,
offspring as the dust of the earth, so that brother of Eshcol and brother of Aner.
if a man can count the dust of the earth, They were allies of Abram. 14 When Abram
then your offspring may also be counted. heard that his relative was taken captive,
17 Arise, walk through the land in its length he led out his three hundred eighteen
and in its width; for I will give it to you.” trained men, born in his house, and pur-
18 Abram moved his tent, and came and sued as far as Dan. 15 He divided himself
lived by the oaks of Mamre, which are in against them by night, he and his servants,
Hebron, and built an altar there to the and struck them, and pursued them to
LORD. Hobah, which is on the left hand of Damas-
cus. 16 He brought back all the goods, and
14 also brought back his relative Lot and his
1 In the days of Amraphel, king of Shinar; goods, and the women also, and the other
Arioch, king of Ellasar; Chedorlaomer, people.
king of Elam; and Tidal, king of Goiim, 17 The king of Sodom went out to meet
2 they made war with Bera, king of Sodom;
him after his return from the slaughter
Birsha, king of Gomorrah; Shinab, king of of Chedorlaomer and the kings who were
Admah; Shemeber, king of Zeboiim; and with him, at the valley of Shaveh (that is,
the king of Bela (also called Zoar). 3 All the King’s Valley). 18 Melchizedek king of
these joined together in the valley of Sid- Salem brought out bread and wine. He
dim (also called the Salt Sea). 4 They served was priest of God Most High. 19 He blessed
Chedorlaomer for twelve years, and in the him, and said, “Blessed be Abram of God
thirteenth year they rebelled. 5 In the four- Most High, possessor of heaven and earth.
teenth year Chedorlaomer and the kings 20 Blessed be God Most High, who has de-
who were with him came and struck the livered your enemies into your hand.”
Rephaim in Ashteroth Karnaim, the Zuzim
in Ham, the Emim in Shaveh Kiriathaim, Abram gave him a tenth of all.
Genesis 14:21 12 Genesis 16:6

21 The king of Sodom said to Abram, 12 When the sun was going down, a deep
“Give me the people, and take the goods for sleep fell on Abram. Now terror and great
yourself.” darkness fell on him. 13 He said to Abram,
22 Abram said to the king of Sodom, “I “Know for sure that your offspring will live
have lifted up my hand to the LORD, God as foreigners in a land that is not theirs,
Most High, possessor of heaven and earth, and will serve them. They will afflict them
23 that I will not take a thread nor a sandal four hundred years. 14 I will also judge that
strap nor anything that is yours, lest you nation, whom they will serve. Afterward
should say, ‘I have made Abram rich.’ 24 I they will come out with great wealth; 15 but
will accept nothing from you except that you will go to your fathers in peace. You
which the young men have eaten, and the will be buried at a good old age. 16 In
portion of the men who went with me: the fourth generation they will come here
Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre. Let them take again, for the iniquity of the Amorite is
their portion.” not yet full.” 17 It came to pass that, when
the sun went down, and it was dark, be-
15 hold, a smoking furnace and a flaming
torch passed between these pieces. 18 In
1After these things the LORD’s word
came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Don’t that day the LORD made a covenant with
be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your Abram, saying, “I have given this land to
exceedingly great reward.” your offspring, from the river of Egypt to
2 Abram said, “Lord† GOD, what will you
the great river, the river Euphrates: 19 the
land of the Kenites, the Kenizzites, the Kad-
give me, since I go childless, and he who monites, 20 the Hittites, the Perizzites, the
will inherit my estate is Eliezer of Dam- Rephaim, 21 the Amorites, the Canaanites,
ascus?” 3 Abram said, “Behold, you have the Girgashites, and the Jebusites.”
given no children to me: and, behold, one
born in my house is my heir.”
1 Now
4 Behold, the LORD’s word came to him, Sarai, Abram’s wife, bore him no
saying, “This man will not be your heir, but children. She had a servant, an Egyptian,
he who will come out of your own body whose name was Hagar. 2 Sarai said to
will be your heir.” 5 The LORD brought Abram, “See now, the LORD has restrained
him outside, and said, “Look now toward me from bearing. Please go in to my ser-
the sky, and count the stars, if you are vant. It may be that I will obtain children
able to count them.” He said to Abram, by her.” Abram listened to the voice of
“So your offspring will be.” 6 He believed Sarai. 3 Sarai, Abram’s wife, took Hagar
in the LORD, who credited it to him for the Egyptian, her servant, after Abram
righteousness. 7 He said to Abram, “I am had lived ten years in the land of Canaan,
the LORD who brought you out of Ur of the and gave her to Abram her husband to
Chaldees, to give you this land to inherit it.” be his wife. 4 He went in to Hagar, and
8 He said, “Lord GOD, how will I know she conceived. When she saw that she
that I will inherit it?” had conceived, her mistress was despised
9 He said to him, “Bring me a heifer three in her eyes. 5 Sarai said to Abram, “This
years old, a female goat three years old, wrong is your fault. I gave my servant into
a ram three years old, a turtledove, and a your bosom, and when she saw that she
young pigeon.” 10 He brought him all these, had conceived, she despised me. May The
and divided them in the middle, and laid LORD judge between me and you.”
each half opposite the other; but he didn’t 6 But Abram said to Sarai, “Behold, your
divide the birds. 11 The birds of prey came maid is in your hand. Do to her whatever
down on the carcasses, and Abram drove is good in your eyes.” Sarai dealt harshly
them away. with her, and she fled from her face.
† 15:2 The word translated “Lord” is “Adonai”.
Genesis 16:7 13 Genesis 17:20

7 The LORD’s angel found her by a foun- after you throughout their generations for
tain of water in the wilderness, by the an everlasting covenant, to be a God to you
fountain on the way to Shur. 8 He said, “Ha- and to your offspring after you. 8 I will give
gar, Sarai’s servant, where did you come to you, and to your offspring after you, the
from? Where are you going?” land where you are traveling, all the land
She said, “I am fleeing from the face of of Canaan, for an everlasting possession. I
my mistress Sarai.” will be their God.”
9 The LORD’s angel said to her, “Return to 9 God said to Abraham, “As for you, you
your mistress, and submit yourself under shall keep my covenant, you and your off-
her hands.” 10 The LORD’s angel said to spring after you throughout their genera-
her, “I will greatly multiply your offspring, tions. 10 This is my covenant, which you
that they will not be counted for multi- shall keep, between me and you and your
tude.” 11 The LORD’s angel said to her, offspring after you. Every male among
“Behold, you are with child, and will bear you shall be circumcised. 11 You shall be
a son. You shall call his name Ishmael, circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin. It
because the LORD has heard your afflic- will be a token of the covenant between me
tion. 12 He will be like a wild donkey among and you. 12 He who is eight days old shall
men. His hand will be against every man, be circumcised among you, every male
and every man’s hand against him. He will throughout your generations, he who is
live opposed to all of his brothers.” born in the house, or bought with money
13 She called the name of the LORD who from any foreigner who is not of your off-
spoke to her, “You are a God who sees,” spring. 13 He who is born in your house,
for she said, “Have I even stayed alive and he who is bought with your money,
after seeing him?” 14 Therefore the well must be circumcised. My covenant shall be
was called Beer Lahai Roi.† Behold, it is in your flesh for an everlasting covenant.
between Kadesh and Bered. 14 The uncircumcised male who is not cir-
15 Hagar bore a son for Abram. Abram cumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, that
called the name of his son, whom Hagar soul shall be cut off from his people. He has
bore, Ishmael. 16 Abram was eighty-six broken my covenant.”
years old when Hagar bore Ishmael to 15 God said to Abraham, “As for Sarai
Abram. your wife, you shall not call her name
Sarai, but her name shall be Sarah. 16 I will
17 bless her, and moreover I will give you a
1When Abram was ninety-nine years
son by her. Yes, I will bless her, and she will
old, the LORD appeared to Abram and said
be a mother of nations. Kings of peoples
to him, “I am God Almighty. Walk before
will come from her.”
me and be blameless. 2 I will make my 17 Then Abraham fell on his face, and
covenant between me and you, and will laughed, and said in his heart, “Will a child
multiply you exceedingly.” be born to him who is one hundred years
3 Abram fell on his face. God talked
with him, saying, 4 “As for me, behold, my old? Will Sarah, who is ninety years old,
covenant is with you. You will be the father give birth?” 18 Abraham said to God, “Oh
of a multitude of nations. 5 Your name that Ishmael might live before you!”
will no more be called Abram, but your 19 God said, “No, but Sarah, your wife,
name will be Abraham; for I have made will bear you a son. You shall call his name
you the father of a multitude of nations. 6 I Isaac.† I will establish my covenant with
will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I him for an everlasting covenant for his
will make nations of you. Kings will come offspring after him. 20 As for Ishmael, I
out of you. 7 I will establish my covenant have heard you. Behold, I have blessed
between me and you and your offspring him, and will make him fruitful, and will
† 16:14 Beer Lahai Roi means “well of the one who lives and sees me”. † 17:19 Isaac means “he laughs”.
Genesis 17:21 14 Genesis 18:24

multiply him exceedingly. He will become dressed, and set it before them. He stood
the father of twelve princes, and I will by them under the tree, and they ate.
make him a great nation. 21 But I will 9 They asked him, “Where is Sarah, your
establish my covenant with Isaac, whom wife?”
Sarah will bear to you at this set time next He said, “There, in the tent.”
year.” 10 He said, “I will certainly return to you
22 When he finished talking with him, at about this time next year; and behold,
God went up from Abraham. 23 Abraham Sarah your wife will have a son.”
took Ishmael his son, all who were born Sarah heard in the tent door, which was
in his house, and all who were bought behind him. 11 Now Abraham and Sarah
with his money: every male among the were old, well advanced in age. Sarah had
men of Abraham’s house, and circumcised passed the age of childbearing. 12 Sarah
the flesh of their foreskin in the same laughed within herself, saying, “After I
day, as God had said to him. 24 Abraham have grown old will I have pleasure, my
was ninety-nine years old when he was lord being old also?”
circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin. 13 The LORD said to Abraham, “Why did
25 Ishmael, his son, was thirteen years old
Sarah laugh, saying, ‘Will I really bear
when he was circumcised in the flesh of his a child when I am old?’ 14 Is anything
foreskin. 26 In the same day both Abraham
too hard for the LORD? At the set time I
and Ishmael, his son, were circumcised. will return to you, when the season comes
27 All the men of his house, those born in
around, and Sarah will have a son.”
the house, and those bought with money 15 Then Sarah denied it, saying, “I didn’t
from a foreigner, were circumcised with
laugh,” for she was afraid.
He said, “No, but you did laugh.”
16 The men rose up from there, and
18 looked toward Sodom. Abraham went
1 The LORD appeared to him by the oaks with them to see them on their way. 17 The
of Mamre, as he sat in the tent door in the LORD said, “Will I hide from Abraham
heat of the day. 2 He lifted up his eyes what I do, 18 since Abraham will surely
and looked, and saw that three men stood become a great and mighty nation, and all
near him. When he saw them, he ran to the nations of the earth will be blessed in
meet them from the tent door, and bowed him? 19 For I have known him, to the end
himself to the earth, 3 and said, “My lord, that he may command his children and his
if now I have found favor in your sight, household after him, that they may keep
please don’t go away from your servant. the way of the LORD, to do righteousness
4 Now let a little water be fetched, wash and justice; to the end that the LORD may
your feet, and rest yourselves under the bring on Abraham that which he has spo-
tree. 5 I will get a piece of bread so you can ken of him.” 20 The LORD said, “Because
refresh your heart. After that you may go the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great,
your way, now that you have come to your and because their sin is very grievous, 21 I
servant.” will go down now, and see whether their
They said, “Very well, do as you have deeds are as bad as the reports which have
said.” come to me. If not, I will know.”
6 Abraham hurried into the tent to Sarah, 22 The men turned from there, and went
and said, “Quickly prepare three seahs† toward Sodom, but Abraham stood yet
of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes.” before the LORD. 23 Abraham came near,
7 Abraham ran to the herd, and fetched a and said, “Will you consume the righteous
tender and good calf, and gave it to the with the wicked? 24 What if there are
servant. He hurried to dress it. 8 He took fifty righteous within the city? Will you
butter, milk, and the calf which he had consume and not spare the place for the
† 18:6 1 seah is about 7 liters or 1.9 gallons or 0.8 pecks
Genesis 18:25 15 Genesis 19:16

fifty righteous who are in it? 25 May it be 3 He urged them greatly, and they came
far from you to do things like that, to kill in with him, and entered into his house. He
the righteous with the wicked, so that the made them a feast, and baked unleavened
righteous should be like the wicked. May bread, and they ate. 4 But before they
that be far from you. Shouldn’t the Judge lay down, the men of the city, the men of
of all the earth do right?” Sodom, surrounded the house, both young
26 The LORD said, “If I find in Sodom and old, all the people from every quar-
fifty righteous within the city, then I will ter. 5 They called to Lot, and said to him,
spare the whole place for their sake.” “Where are the men who came in to you
27 Abraham answered, “See now, I have this night? Bring them out to us, that we
taken it on myself to speak to the Lord, may have sex with them.”
although I am dust and ashes. 28 What if 6 Lot went out to them through the door,
there will lack five of the fifty righteous? and shut the door after himself. 7 He said,
Will you destroy all the city for lack of “Please, my brothers, don’t act so wickedly.
five?” 8 See now, I have two virgin daughters.
He said, “I will not destroy it if I find Please let me bring them out to you, and
forty-five there.” you may do to them what seems good to
29 He spoke to him yet again, and said, you. Only don’t do anything to these men,
“What if there are forty found there?” because they have come under the shadow
He said, “I will not do it for the forty’s of my roof.”
sake.” 9 They said, “Stand back!” Then they
30 He said, “Oh don’t let the Lord be an-
said, “This one fellow came in to live as a
gry, and I will speak. What if there are foreigner, and he appoints himself a judge.
thirty found there?” Now we will deal worse with you than with
He said, “I will not do it if I find thirty them!” They pressed hard on the man Lot,
there.” and came near to break the door. 10 But the
31 He said, “See now, I have taken it on men reached out their hand, and brought
myself to speak to the Lord. What if there Lot into the house to them, and shut the
are twenty found there?” door. 11 They struck the men who were
He said, “I will not destroy it for the at the door of the house with blindness,
twenty’s sake.” both small and great, so that they wearied
32 He said, “Oh don’t let the Lord be an- themselves to find the door.
12 The men said to Lot, “Do you have
gry, and I will speak just once more. What
if ten are found there?” anybody else here? Sons-in-law, your sons,
He said, “I will not destroy it for the ten’s your daughters, and whomever you have
sake.” in the city, bring them out of the place:
33 The LORD went his way as soon as he 13 for we will destroy this place, because
had finished communing with Abraham, the outcry against them has grown so great
and Abraham returned to his place. before the LORD that the LORD has sent us
to destroy it.”
19 14 Lot went out, and spoke to his sons-
1The two angels came to Sodom at in-law, who were pledged to marry his
evening. Lot sat in the gate of Sodom. Lot daughters, and said, “Get up! Get out of
saw them, and rose up to meet them. He this place, for the LORD will destroy the
bowed himself with his face to the earth, city!”
2 and he said, “See now, my lords, please
But he seemed to his sons-in-law to be
come into your servant’s house, stay all joking. 15 When the morning came, then
night, wash your feet, and you can rise up the angels hurried Lot, saying, “Get up!
early, and go on your way.” Take your wife and your two daughters
They said, “No, but we will stay in the who are here, lest you be consumed in the
street all night.” iniquity of the city.” 16 But he lingered;
Genesis 19:17 16 Genesis 20:7

and the men grabbed his hand, his wife’s earth to come in to us in the way of all the
hand, and his two daughters’ hands, the earth. 32 Come, let’s make our father drink
LORD being merciful to him; and they took wine, and we will lie with him, that we may
him out, and set him outside of the city. preserve our father’s family line.” 33 They
17 It came to pass, when they had taken made their father drink wine that night:
them out, that he said, “Escape for your and the firstborn went in, and lay with her
life! Don’t look behind you, and don’t father. He didn’t know when she lay down,
stay anywhere in the plain. Escape to the nor when she arose. 34 It came to pass on
mountains, lest you be consumed!” the next day, that the firstborn said to the
18 Lot said to them, “Oh, not so, my lord. younger, “Behold, I lay last night with my
19 See now, your servant has found favor father. Let’s make him drink wine again
in your sight, and you have magnified your tonight. You go in, and lie with him, that
loving kindness, which you have shown to we may preserve our father’s family line.”
me in saving my life. I can’t escape to the 35 They made their father drink wine that
mountain, lest evil overtake me, and I die. night also. The younger went and lay with
20 See now, this city is near to flee to, and it him. He didn’t know when she lay down,
is a little one. Oh let me escape there (isn’t nor when she got up. 36 Thus both of Lot’s
it a little one?), and my soul will live.” daughters were with child by their father.
21 He said to him, “Behold, I have granted 37 The firstborn bore a son, and named him
your request concerning this thing also, Moab. He is the father of the Moabites to
that I will not overthrow the city of which this day. 38 The younger also bore a son,
you have spoken. 22 Hurry, escape there, and called his name Ben Ammi. He is the
for I can’t do anything until you get there.” father of the children of Ammon to this
Therefore the name of the city was called
23 The sun had risen on the earth when 20
Lot came to Zoar. 24 Then the LORD rained
1Abraham traveled from there toward
on Sodom and on Gomorrah sulfur and fire the land of the South, and lived between
from the LORD out of the sky. 25 He over- Kadesh and Shur. He lived as a foreigner
threw those cities, all the plain, all the in- in Gerar. 2 Abraham said about Sarah his
habitants of the cities, and that which grew wife, “She is my sister.” Abimelech king
on the ground. 26 But Lot’s wife looked of Gerar sent, and took Sarah. 3 But God
back from behind him, and she became a came to Abimelech in a dream of the night,
pillar of salt. and said to him, “Behold, you are a dead
27 Abraham went up early in the morn- man, because of the woman whom you
ing to the place where he had stood before have taken; for she is a man’s wife.”
4 Now Abimelech had not come near
the LORD. 28 He looked toward Sodom and her. He said, “Lord, will you kill even a
Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the
plain, and saw that the smoke of the land righteous nation? 5 Didn’t he tell me, ‘She
went up as the smoke of a furnace. is my sister’? She, even she herself, said,
29 When God destroyed the cities of the ‘He is my brother.’ I have done this in the
plain, God remembered Abraham, and integrity of my heart and the innocence of
sent Lot out of the middle of the overthrow, my hands.”
6 God said to him in the dream, “Yes, I
when he overthrew the cities in which Lot
lived. know that in the integrity of your heart
30 Lot went up out of Zoar, and lived you have done this, and I also withheld
in the mountain, and his two daughters you from sinning against me. Therefore
with him; for he was afraid to live in Zoar. I didn’t allow you to touch her. 7 Now
He lived in a cave with his two daughters. therefore, restore the man’s wife. For he
31 The firstborn said to the younger, “Our is a prophet, and he will pray for you, and
father is old, and there is not a man in the you will live. If you don’t restore her, know
† 19:22 Zoar means “little”.
Genesis 20:8 17 Genesis 21:19

for sure that you will die, you, and all who eight days old, as God had commanded
are yours.” him. 5 Abraham was one hundred years
8 Abimelech rose early in the morning, old when his son, Isaac, was born to him.
6 Sarah said, “God has made me laugh.
and called all his servants, and told all
these things in their ear. The men were Everyone who hears will laugh with me.”
very scared. 9 Then Abimelech called 7 She said, “Who would have said to Abra-
Abraham, and said to him, “What have you ham that Sarah would nurse children? For
done to us? How have I sinned against I have borne him a son in his old age.”
you, that you have brought on me and on 8 The child grew and was weaned. Abra-
my kingdom a great sin? You have done ham made a great feast on the day that
deeds to me that ought not to be done!” Isaac was weaned. 9 Sarah saw the son of
10 Abimelech said to Abraham, “What did Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had borne
you see, that you have done this thing?” to Abraham, mocking. 10 Therefore she
11 Abraham said, “Because I thought, said to Abraham, “Cast out this servant and
‘Surely the fear of God is not in this place. her son! For the son of this servant will not
They will kill me for my wife’s sake.’ be heir with my son, Isaac.”
12 Besides, she is indeed my sister, the 11 The thing was very grievous in Abra-
daughter of my father, but not the daugh- ham’s sight on account of his son. 12 God
ter of my mother; and she became my wife. said to Abraham, “Don’t let it be grievous in
13 When God caused me to wander from
your sight because of the boy, and because
my father’s house, I said to her, ‘This is of your servant. In all that Sarah says to
your kindness which you shall show to me. you, listen to her voice. For your offspring
Everywhere that we go, say of me, “He is will be named through Isaac. 13 I will also
my brother.” ’ ” make a nation of the son of the servant,
14 Abimelech took sheep and cattle, male
because he is your child.” 14 Abraham rose
servants and female servants, and gave up early in the morning, and took bread
them to Abraham, and restored Sarah, his and a container of water, and gave it to
wife, to him. 15 Abimelech said, “Behold, Hagar, putting it on her shoulder; and gave
my land is before you. Dwell where it her the child, and sent her away. She
pleases you.” 16 To Sarah he said, “Behold, I departed, and wandered in the wilderness
have given your brother a thousand pieces of Beersheba. 15 The water in the container
of silver. Behold, it is for you a covering of was spent, and she put the child under one
the eyes to all that are with you. In front of of the shrubs. 16 She went and sat down
all you are vindicated.” opposite him, a good way off, about a bow
17 Abraham prayed to God. So God shot away. For she said, “Don’t let me see
healed Abimelech, his wife, and his female the death of the child.” She sat opposite
servants, and they bore children. 18 For the him, and lifted up her voice, and wept.
LORD had closed up tight all the wombs of 17 God heard the voice of the boy.
the house of Abimelech, because of Sarah, The angel of God called to Hagar out of
Abraham’s wife.
the sky, and said to her, “What troubles
you, Hagar? Don’t be afraid. For God has
21 heard the voice of the boy where he is.
1 TheLORD visited Sarah as he had said, 18 Get up, lift up the boy, and hold him with
and the LORD did to Sarah as he had spo-
ken. 2 Sarah conceived, and bore Abraham your hand. For I will make him a great
a son in his old age, at the set time of nation.”
which God had spoken to him. 3 Abraham 19 God opened her eyes, and she saw a
called his son who was born to him, whom well of water. She went, filled the con-
Sarah bore to him, Isaac.† 4 Abraham tainer with water, and gave the boy a
circumcised his son, Isaac, when he was drink.
† 21:3 Isaac means “He laughs”.
Genesis 21:20 18 Genesis 22:14

20 God was with the boy, and he grew. land of Moriah. Offer him there as a burnt
He lived in the wilderness, and as he grew offering on one of the mountains which I
up, he became an archer. 21 He lived in thewill tell you of.”
wilderness of Paran. His mother got a wife 3 Abraham rose early in the morning,
for him out of the land of Egypt. and saddled his donkey; and took two of
22 At that time, Abimelech and Phicol his young men with him, and Isaac his son.
the captain of his army spoke to Abraham, He split the wood for the burnt offering,
saying, “God is with you in all that you do.
and rose up, and went to the place of which
23 Now, therefore, swear to me here by God God had told him. 4 On the third day Abra-
that you will not deal falsely with me, norham lifted up his eyes, and saw the place
with my son, nor with my son’s son. But far off. 5 Abraham said to his young men,
according to the kindness that I have done “Stay here with the donkey. The boy and
to you, you shall do to me, and to the landI will go over there. We will worship, and
in which you have lived as a foreigner.” come back to you.” 6 Abraham took the
24 Abraham said, “I will swear.” wood of the burnt offering and laid it on
25 Abraham complained to Abimelech Isaac his son. He took in his hand the fire
because of a water well, which Abim- and the knife. They both went together.
elech’s servants had violently taken away. 7 Isaac spoke to Abraham his father, and
26 Abimelech said, “I don’t know who has said, “My father?”
done this thing. You didn’t tell me, and I He said, “Here I am, my son.”
didn’t hear of it until today.” He said, “Here is the fire and the wood,
27 Abraham took sheep and cattle, and
but where is the lamb for a burnt offer-
gave them to Abimelech. Those twoing?”
made a covenant. 28 Abraham set seven 8 Abraham said, “God will provide him-
ewe lambs of the flock by themselves. self the lamb for a burnt offering, my son.”
29 Abimelech said to Abraham, “What do
So they both went together. 9 They came
these seven ewe lambs, which you have set to the place which God had told him of.
by themselves, mean?” Abraham built the altar there, and laid
30 He said, “You shall take these seven
the wood in order, bound Isaac his son,
ewe lambs from my hand, that it may and laid him on the altar, on the wood.
be a witness to me, that I have dug this 10 Abraham stretched out his hand, and
well.” 31 Therefore he called that place took the knife to kill his son.
Beersheba,‡ because they both swore an 11 The LORD’s angel called to him out of
oath there. 32 So they made a covenant at the sky, and said, “Abraham, Abraham!”
Beersheba. Abimelech rose up with Phicol, He said, “Here I am.”
the captain of his army, and they returned 12 He said, “Don’t lay your hand on the
into the land of the Philistines. 33 Abraham
boy or do anything to him. For now I
planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, and
know that you fear God, since you have
there he called on the name of the LORD,
not withheld your son, your only son, from
the Everlasting God. 34 Abraham lived as
a foreigner in the land of the Philistines 13 Abraham lifted up his eyes, and
many days.
looked, and saw that behind him was a
ram caught in the thicket by his horns.
22 Abraham went and took the ram, and
1 After these things, God tested Abra-
offered him up for a burnt offering instead
ham, and said to him, “Abraham!” of his son. 14 Abraham called the name
He said, “Here I am.” of that place “The LORD Will Provide”.†
2 He said, “Now take your son, your only As it is said to this day, “On the LORD’s
son, Isaac, whom you love, and go into the mountain, it will be provided.”
‡ 21:31 Beersheba can mean “well of the oath” or “well of seven”. † 22:14 or, the LORD Jireh, or, the LORD Seeing
Genesis 22:15 19 Genesis 24:1

15 The LORD’s angel called to Abraham of my sight, hear me, and entreat for me to
a second time out of the sky, 16 and said, Ephron the son of Zohar, 9 that he may sell
“ ‘I have sworn by myself,’ says the LORD, me the cave of Machpelah, which he has,
‘because you have done this thing, and which is in the end of his field. For the full
have not withheld your son, your only price let him sell it to me among you as a
son, 17 that I will bless you greatly, and possession for a burial place.”
I will multiply your offspring greatly like 10 Now Ephron was sitting in the middle
the stars of the heavens, and like the sand of the children of Heth. Ephron the Hittite
which is on the seashore. Your offspring answered Abraham in the hearing of the
will possess the gate of his enemies. 18 All children of Heth, even of all who went in at
the nations of the earth will be blessed by the gate of his city, saying, 11 “No, my lord,
your offspring, because you have obeyed hear me. I give you the field, and I give you
my voice.’ ” the cave that is in it. In the presence of the
19 So Abraham returned to his young children of my people I give it to you. Bury
men, and they rose up and went together your dead.”
to Beersheba. Abraham lived at Beer- 12 Abraham bowed himself down before
sheba. the people of the land. 13 He spoke to
20 After these things, Abraham was told, Ephron in the audience of the people of the
“Behold, Milcah, she also has borne chil- land, saying, “But if you will, please hear
dren to your brother Nahor: 21 Uz his first- me. I will give the price of the field. Take it
born, Buz his brother, Kemuel the father from me, and I will bury my dead there.”
of Aram, 22 Chesed, Hazo, Pildash, Jidlaph, 14 Ephron answered Abraham, saying to
and Bethuel.” 23 Bethuel became the father him, 15 “My lord, listen to me. What is a
of Rebekah. These eight Milcah bore to piece of land worth four hundred shekels
Nahor, Abraham’s brother. 24 His concu- of silver† between me and you? Therefore
bine, whose name was Reumah, also bore
Tebah, Gaham, Tahash, and Maacah. bury your dead.”
16 Abraham listened to Ephron. Abra-

1 Sarah lived one hundred twenty-seven
ham weighed to Ephron the silver which
he had named in the hearing of the chil-
years. This was the length of Sarah’s life. dren of Heth, four hundred shekels of sil-
2 Sarah died in Kiriath Arba (also called ver, according to the current merchants’
Hebron), in the land of Canaan. Abraham standard.
17 So the field of Ephron, which was in
came to mourn for Sarah, and to weep for
her. 3 Abraham rose up from before his Machpelah, which was before Mamre, the
dead and spoke to the children of Heth, field, the cave which was in it, and all the
saying, 4 “I am a stranger and a foreigner trees that were in the field, that were in all
living with you. Give me a possession of of its borders, were deeded 18 to Abraham
for a possession in the presence of the
a burying-place with you, that I may bury
children of Heth, before all who went in at
my dead out of my sight.” the gate of his city. 19 After this, Abraham
5 The children of Heth answered Abra-
buried Sarah his wife in the cave of the
ham, saying to him, 6 “Hear us, my lord. field of Machpelah before Mamre (that is,
You are a prince of God among us. Bury Hebron), in the land of Canaan. 20 The
your dead in the best of our tombs. None of field, and the cave that is in it, were deeded
us will withhold from you his tomb. Bury to Abraham by the children of Heth as a
your dead.” possession for a burial place.
7 Abraham rose up, and bowed himself
to the people of the land, to the children 24
of Heth. 8 He talked with them, saying, “If 1 Abraham was old, and well advanced
you agree that I should bury my dead out in age. The LORD had blessed Abraham in
† 23:15 A shekel is about 10 grams, so 400 shekels would be about 4 kg. or 8.8 pounds.
Genesis 24:2 20 Genesis 24:30

all things. 2 Abraham said to his servant, 15 Before he had finished speaking, be-
the elder of his house, who ruled over all hold, Rebekah came out, who was born to
that he had, “Please put your hand under Bethuel the son of Milcah, the wife of Na-
my thigh. 3 I will make you swear by the hor, Abraham’s brother, with her pitcher
LORD, the God of heaven and the God of on her shoulder. 16 The young lady was
the earth, that you shall not take a wife for very beautiful to look at, a virgin. No man
my son of the daughters of the Canaanites, had known her. She went down to the
among whom I live. 4 But you shall go to spring, filled her pitcher, and came up.
17 The servant ran to meet her, and said,
my country, and to my relatives, and take
a wife for my son Isaac.” “Please give me a drink, a little water from
5 The servant said to him, “What if the your pitcher.”
woman isn’t willing to follow me to this 18 She said, “Drink, my lord.” She hur-
land? Must I bring your son again to the ried, and let down her pitcher on her hand,
land you came from?” and gave him a drink. 19 When she had
6 Abraham said to him, “Beware that finished giving him a drink, she said, “I will
you don’t bring my son there again. 7 The also draw for your camels, until they have
LORD, the God of heaven—who took me finished drinking.” 20 She hurried, and
from my father’s house, and from the land emptied her pitcher into the trough, and
of my birth, who spoke to me, and who ran again to the well to draw, and drew for
swore to me, saying, ‘I will give this land all his camels.
to your offspring—he will send his angel 21 The man looked steadfastly at her, re-
before you, and you shall take a wife for maining silent, to know whether the LORD
my son from there. 8 If the woman isn’t had made his journey prosperous or not.
willing to follow you, then you shall be 22 As the camels had done drinking, the
clear from this oath to me. Only you shall man took a golden ring of half a shekel†
not bring my son there again.” weight, and two bracelets for her hands
9 The servant put his hand under the of ten shekels weight of gold, 23 and said,
thigh of Abraham his master, and swore “Whose daughter are you? Please tell me.
to him concerning this matter. 10 The ser- Is there room in your father’s house for us
vant took ten of his master’s camels, and to stay?”
departed, having a variety of good things 24 She said to him, “I am the daughter of
of his master’s with him. He arose, and Bethuel the son of Milcah, whom she bore
went to Mesopotamia, to the city of Nahor. to Nahor.” 25 She said moreover to him,
11 He made the camels kneel down outside “We have both straw and feed enough, and
the city by the well of water at the time room to lodge in.”
of evening, the time that women go out to 26 The man bowed his head, and wor-
draw water. 12 He said, “LORD, the God shiped the LORD. 27 He said, “Blessed be
of my master Abraham, please give me the LORD, the God of my master Abraham,
success today, and show kindness to my who has not forsaken his loving kindness
master Abraham. 13 Behold, I am standing and his truth toward my master. As for
by the spring of water. The daughters of me, the LORD has led me on the way to the
the men of the city are coming out to draw house of my master’s relatives.”
water. 14 Let it happen, that the young lady 28 The young lady ran, and told her
to whom I will say, ‘Please let down your
mother’s house about these words.
pitcher, that I may drink,’ then she says, 29 Rebekah had a brother, and his name
‘Drink, and I will also give your camels a was Laban. Laban ran out to the man,
drink,’—let her be the one you have ap- to the spring. 30 When he saw the ring,
pointed for your servant Isaac. By this I and the bracelets on his sister’s hands, and
will know that you have shown kindness to when he heard the words of Rebekah his
my master.” sister, saying, “This is what the man said
† 24:22 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces.
Genesis 24:31 21 Genesis 24:60

to me,” he came to the man. Behold, he said to her, ‘Please let me drink.’ 46 She
was standing by the camels at the spring. hurried and let down her pitcher from her
31 He said, “Come in, you blessed of the shoulder, and said, ‘Drink, and I will also
LORD. Why do you stand outside? For I give your camels a drink.’ So I drank, and
have prepared the house, and room for the she also gave the camels a drink. 47 I asked
camels.” her, and said, ‘Whose daughter are you?’
32 The man came into the house, and he She said, ‘The daughter of Bethuel, Nahor’s
unloaded the camels. He gave straw and son, whom Milcah bore to him.’ I put the
feed for the camels, and water to wash his ring on her nose, and the bracelets on her
feet and the feet of the men who were with hands. 48 I bowed my head, and worshiped
him. 33 Food was set before him to eat, but the LORD, and blessed the LORD, the God
he said, “I will not eat until I have told my of my master Abraham, who had led me in
message.” the right way to take my master’s brother’s
Laban said, “Speak on.” daughter for his son. 49 Now if you will deal
34 He said, “I am Abraham’s servant. kindly and truly with my master, tell me.
35 The LORD has blessed my master If not, tell me, that I may turn to the right
greatly. He has become great. The LORD hand, or to the left.”
has given him flocks and herds, silver and 50 Then Laban and Bethuel answered,
gold, male servants and female servants, “The thing proceeds from the LORD. We
and camels and donkeys. 36 Sarah, my can’t speak to you bad or good. 51 Behold,
master’s wife, bore a son to my master Rebekah is before you. Take her, and go,
when she was old. He has given all that he and let her be your master’s son’s wife, as
has to him. 37 My master made me swear, the LORD has spoken.”
saying, ‘You shall not take a wife for my 52 When Abraham’s servant heard their
son from the daughters of the Canaanites, words, he bowed himself down to the
in whose land I live, 38 but you shall go earth to the LORD. 53 The servant brought
to my father’s house, and to my relatives, out jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and
and take a wife for my son.’ 39 I asked clothing, and gave them to Rebekah. He
my master, ‘What if the woman will not also gave precious things to her brother
follow me?’ 40 He said to me, ‘The LORD, and her mother. 54 They ate and drank,
before whom I walk, will send his angel he and the men who were with him, and
with you, and prosper your way. You shall stayed all night. They rose up in the morn-
take a wife for my son from my relatives, ing, and he said, “Send me away to my
and of my father’s house. 41 Then you will master.”
55 Her brother and her mother said, “Let
be clear from my oath, when you come to
my relatives. If they don’t give her to you, the young lady stay with us a few days, at
you shall be clear from my oath.’ 42 I came least ten. After that she will go.”
56 He said to them, “Don’t hinder me,
today to the spring, and said, ‘The LORD,
the God of my master Abraham, if now you since the LORD has prospered my way.
do prosper my way which I go— 43 behold, Send me away that I may go to my master.”
57 They said, “We will call the young lady,
I am standing by this spring of water. Let it
happen, that the maiden who comes out to and ask her.” 58 They called Rebekah, and
draw, to whom I will say, “Please give me said to her, “Will you go with this man?”
a little water from your pitcher to drink,” She said, “I will go.”
44 then she tells me, “Drink, and I will 59 They sent away Rebekah, their sister,
also draw for your camels,”—let her be the with her nurse, Abraham’s servant, and
woman whom the LORD has appointed for his men. 60 They blessed Rebekah, and
my master’s son.’ 45 Before I had finished said to her, “Our sister, may you be the
speaking in my heart, behold, Rebekah mother of thousands of ten thousands, and
came out with her pitcher on her shoulder. let your offspring possess the gate of those
She went down to the spring, and drew. I who hate them.”
Genesis 24:61 22 Genesis 25:30

61Rebekah arose with her ladies. They names of the sons of Ishmael, by their
rode on the camels, and followed the man. names, according to the order of their
The servant took Rebekah, and went his birth: the firstborn of Ishmael, Nebaioth,
way. 62 Isaac came from the way of Beer then Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, 14 Mishma,
Lahai Roi, for he lived in the land of the Dumah, Massa, 15 Hadad, Tema, Jetur,
South. 63 Isaac went out to meditate in the Naphish, and Kedemah. 16 These are
field at the evening. He lifted up his eyes the sons of Ishmael, and these are their
and looked. Behold, there were camels names, by their villages, and by their
coming. 64 Rebekah lifted up her eyes, and encampments: twelve princes, according
when she saw Isaac, she got off the camel. to their nations. 17 These are the years of
65 She said to the servant, “Who is the man
the life of Ishmael: one hundred thirty-
who is walking in the field to meet us?” seven years. He gave up his spirit and died,
The servant said, “It is my master.” and was gathered to his people. 18 They
She took her veil, and covered herself. lived from Havilah to Shur that is before
66 The servant told Isaac all the things that
Egypt, as you go toward Assyria. He lived
he had done. 67 Isaac brought her into opposite all his relatives.
his mother Sarah’s tent, and took Rebekah, 19 This is the history of the generations
and she became his wife. He loved her. of Isaac, Abraham’s son. Abraham became
So Isaac was comforted after his mother’s
death. the father of Isaac. 20 Isaac was forty years
old when he took Rebekah, the daughter
25 of Bethuel the Syrian of Paddan Aram, the
1 Abraham took another wife, and her sister of Laban the Syrian, to be his wife.
name was Keturah. 2 She bore him Zim- 21 Isaac entreated the LORD for his wife,
ran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and because she was barren. The LORD was
Shuah. 3 Jokshan became the father of entreated by him, and Rebekah his wife
Sheba, and Dedan. The sons of Dedan conceived. 22 The children struggled to-
were Asshurim, Letushim, and Leummim. gether within her. She said, “If it is like this,
4 The sons of Midian were Ephah, Epher,
why do I live?” She went to inquire of the
Hanoch, Abida, and Eldaah. All these were LORD. 23 The LORD said to her,
the children of Keturah. 5 Abraham gave “Two nations are in your womb.
all that he had to Isaac, 6 but Abraham gave
Two peoples will be separated from your
gifts to the sons of Abraham’s concubines.
While he still lived, he sent them away
from Isaac his son, eastward, to the east The one people will be stronger than the
country. 7 These are the days of the years other people.
of Abraham’s life which he lived: one hun- The elder will serve the younger.”
dred seventy-five years. 8 Abraham gave 24 When her days to be delivered were
up his spirit, and died at a good old age, an fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her
old man, and full of years, and was gath- womb. 25 The first came out red all over,
ered to his people. 9 Isaac and Ishmael, his like a hairy garment. They named him
sons, buried him in the cave of Machpelah, Esau. 26 After that, his brother came out,
in the field of Ephron, the son of Zohar and his hand had hold on Esau’s heel. He
the Hittite, which is near Mamre, 10 the was named Jacob. Isaac was sixty years old
field which Abraham purchased from the when she bore them.
27 The boys grew. Esau was a skillful
children of Heth. Abraham was buried
there with Sarah, his wife. 11 After the hunter, a man of the field. Jacob was a
death of Abraham, God blessed Isaac, his quiet man, living in tents. 28 Now Isaac
son. Isaac lived by Beer Lahai Roi. loved Esau, because he ate his venison.
12 Now this is the history of the gener- Rebekah loved Jacob. 29 Jacob boiled stew.
ations of Ishmael, Abraham’s son, whom Esau came in from the field, and he was
Hagar the Egyptian, Sarah’s servant, famished. 30 Esau said to Jacob, “Please
bore to Abraham. 13 These are the feed me with some of that red stew, for
Genesis 25:31 23 Genesis 26:26

I am famished.” Therefore his name was 11 Abimelech commanded all the people,
called Edom.† saying, “He who touches this man or his
31 Jacob said, “First, sell me your
wife will surely be put to death.”
birthright.” 12 Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped
32 Esau said, “Behold, I am about to die.
in the same year one hundred times what
What good is the birthright to me?”
33 Jacob said, “Swear to me first.” he planted. The LORD blessed him. 13 The
man grew great, and grew more and
He swore to him. He sold his birthright more until he became very great. 14 He
to Jacob. 34 Jacob gave Esau bread and had possessions of flocks, possessions
lentil stew. He ate and drank, rose up, of herds, and a great household. The
and went his way. So Esau despised his Philistines envied him. 15 Now all the
birthright. wells which his father’s servants had dug
in the days of Abraham his father, the
1 There was a famine in the land, in addi- Philistines had stopped, and filled with
tion to the first famine that was in the days earth. Abimelech said to Isaac, “Go away

of Abraham. Isaac went to Abimelech king from us, for you are much mightier than
of the Philistines, to Gerar. 2 The LORD 17 Isaac departed from there, encamped
appeared to him, and said, “Don’t go down
in the valley of Gerar, and lived there.
into Egypt. Live in the land I will tell you 18 Isaac dug again the wells of water,
about. 3 Live in this land, and I will be with
you, and will bless you. For I will give to which they had dug in the days of Abra-
you, and to your offspring, all these lands, ham his father, for the Philistines had
and I will establish the oath which I swore stopped them after the death of Abraham.
to Abraham your father. 4 I will multiply He called their names after the names by
your offspring as the stars of the sky, and which his father had called them. 19 Isaac’s
will give all these lands to your offspring. servants dug in the valley,20and found there
In your offspring all the nations of the a well of flowing water. The herdsmen

earth will be blessed, 5 because Abraham of Gerar argued with Isaac’s herdsmen,
obeyed my voice, and kept my require- saying, “The water is ours.” So he called
ments, my commandments, my statutes, the name of the well Esek,‡ because they
and my laws.” contended with him. 21 They dug another
6 Isaac lived in Gerar. 7 The men of the well, and they argued over that, also. So
place asked him about his wife. He said, he called its name Sitnah.§ 22 He left that
“She is my sister,” for he was afraid to say, place, and dug another well. They didn’t
“My wife”, lest, he thought, “the men of the argue over that one. So he called it Re-
place might kill me for Rebekah, because hoboth.† He said, “For now the LORD has
she is beautiful to look at.” 8 When he had made room for us, and we will be fruitful
been there a long time, Abimelech king of in the land.”
23 He went up from there to Beersheba.
the Philistines looked out at a window, and
saw, and, behold, Isaac was caressing Re- 24 The LORD appeared to him the same
bekah, his wife. 9 Abimelech called Isaac, night, and said, “I am the God of Abraham
and said, “Behold, surely she is your wife. your father. Don’t be afraid, for I am with
Why did you say, ‘She is my sister?’ ” you, and will bless you, and multiply your
Isaac said to him, “Because I said, ‘Lest I offspring for my servant Abraham’s sake.”
die because of her.’ ” 25 He built an altar there, and called
10 Abimelech said, “What is this you have on the LORD’s name, and pitched his tent
done to us? One of the people might easily there. There Isaac’s servants dug a well.
have lain with your wife, and you would 26 Then Abimelech went to him from
have brought guilt on us!” Gerar with Ahuzzath his friend, and Phicol
† 25:30 “Edom” means “red”. † 26:19 Or, living. Or, fresh. ‡ 26:20 “Esek” means “contention”. § 26:21
“Sitnah” means “hostility”. † 26:22 “Rehoboth” means “broad places”.
Genesis 26:27 24 Genesis 27:23

the captain of his army. 27 Isaac said to make me savory food, that I may eat,
them, “Why have you come to me, since and bless you before the LORD before my
you hate me, and have sent me away from death.’ 8 Now therefore, my son, obey my
you?” voice according to that which I command
28 They said, “We saw plainly that the you. 9 Go now to the flock and get me two
LORD was with you. We said, ‘Let there good young goats from there. I will make
now be an oath between us, even between them savory food for your father, such as
us and you, and let’s make a covenant with he loves. 10 You shall bring it to your father,
you, 29 that you will do us no harm, as we that he may eat, so that he may bless you
have not touched you, and as we have done before his death.”
to you nothing but good, and have sent you 11 Jacob said to Rebekah his mother, “Be-
away in peace.’ You are now the blessed of hold, Esau my brother is a hairy man,
the LORD.” and I am a smooth man. 12 What if my
30 He made them a feast, and they ate father touches me? I will seem to him as
and drank. 31 They rose up some time in a deceiver, and I would bring a curse on
the morning, and swore an oath to one myself, and not a blessing.”
another. Isaac sent them away, and they 13 His mother said to him, “Let your
departed from him in peace. 32 The same curse be on me, my son. Only obey my
day, Isaac’s servants came, and told him voice, and go get them for me.”
concerning the well which they had dug, 14 He went, and got them, and brought
and said to him, “We have found water.” them to his mother. His mother made
33 He called it “Shibah”.‡ Therefore the savory food, such as his father loved.
name of the city is “Beersheba”§ to this 15 Rebekah took the good clothes of Esau,
day. her elder son, which were with her in the
34 When Esau was forty years old, he house, and put them on Jacob, her younger
took as wife Judith, the daughter of Beeri son. 16 She put the skins of the young goats
the Hittite, and Basemath, the daughter of on his hands, and on the smooth of his
Elon the Hittite. 35 They grieved Isaac’s and neck. 17 She gave the savory food and the
Rebekah’s spirits. bread, which she had prepared, into the
hand of her son Jacob.
27 18 He came to his father, and said, “My
1 When Isaac was old, and his eyes were father?”
dim, so that he could not see, he called Esau He said, “Here I am. Who are you, my
his elder son, and said to him, “My son?” son?”
19 Jacob said to his father, “I am Esau
He said to him, “Here I am.”
2 He said, “See now, I am old. I your firstborn. I have done what you asked
don’t know the day of my death. 3 Now me to do. Please arise, sit and eat of my
therefore, please take your weapons, your venison, that your soul may bless me.”
20 Isaac said to his son, “How is it that you
quiver and your bow, and go out to the
field, and get me venison. 4 Make me sa- have found it so quickly, my son?”
vory food, such as I love, and bring it to me, He said, “Because the LORD your God
that I may eat, and that my soul may bless gave me success.”
you before I die.” 21 Isaac said to Jacob, “Please come near,
5 Rebekah heard when Isaac spoke to that I may feel you, my son, whether you
Esau his son. Esau went to the field to are really my son Esau or not.”
hunt for venison, and to bring it. 6 Rebekah 22 Jacob went near to Isaac his father.
spoke to Jacob her son, saying, “Behold, He felt him, and said, “The voice is Ja-
I heard your father speak to Esau your cob’s voice, but the hands are the hands of
brother, saying, 7 ‘Bring me venison, and Esau.” 23 He didn’t recognize him, because
‡ 26:33 Shibah means “oath” or “seven”. § 26:33 Beersheba means “well of the oath” or “well of the seven”
Genesis 27:24 25 Genesis 28:2

his hands were hairy, like his brother he has taken away my blessing.” He said,
Esau’s hands. So he blessed him. 24 He said, “Haven’t you reserved a blessing for me?”
“Are you really my son Esau?” 37 Isaac answered Esau, “Behold, I have
He said, “I am.” made him your lord, and all his brothers
25 He said, “Bring it near to me, and I will I have given to him for servants. I have
eat of my son’s venison, that my soul may sustained him with grain and new wine.
bless you.” What then will I do for you, my son?”
He brought it near to him, and he ate. 38 Esau said to his father, “Do you have
He brought him wine, and he drank. 26 His just one blessing, my father? Bless me,
father Isaac said to him, “Come near now, even me also, my father.” Esau lifted up his
and kiss me, my son.” 27 He came near, voice, and wept.
and kissed him. He smelled the smell of his 39 Isaac his father answered him,
clothing, and blessed him, and said, “Behold, your dwelling will be of the fat-
“Behold, the smell of my son ness of the earth,
is as the smell of a field which the and of the dew of the sky from above.
LORD has blessed. 40 You will live by your sword, and you will
28 God give you of the dew of the sky,
of the fatness of the earth, serve your brother.
and plenty of grain and new wine. It will happen, when you will break loose,
29 Let peoples serve you, that you will shake his yoke from off your
and nations bow down to you. neck.”
41 Esau hated Jacob because of the bless-
Be lord over your brothers. ing with which his father blessed him.
Let your mother’s sons bow down to
you. Esau said in his heart, “The days of mourn-
Cursed be everyone who curses you. ing for my father are at hand. Then I will
Blessed be everyone who blesses you.” kill my brother Jacob.”
42 The words of Esau, her elder son, were
30 As soon as Isaac had finished blessing
told to Rebekah. She sent and called Jacob,
Jacob, and Jacob had just gone out from
her younger son, and said to him, “Behold,
the presence of Isaac his father, Esau his
your brother Esau comforts himself about
brother came in from his hunting. 31 He
you by planning to kill you. 43 Now there-
also made savory food, and brought it to
fore, my son, obey my voice. Arise, flee to
his father. He said to his father, “Let my
Laban, my brother, in Haran. 44 Stay with
father arise, and eat of his son’s venison,
that your soul may bless me.” him a few days, until your brother’s fury
32 Isaac his father said to him, “Who are turns away— 45 until your brother’s anger
you?” turns away from you, and he forgets what
He said, “I am your son, your firstborn, you have done to him. Then I will send,
Esau.” and get you from there. Why should I be
33 Isaac trembled violently, and said, bereaved of you both in one day?”
“Who, then, is he who has taken venison, 46 Rebekah said to Isaac, “I am weary of
and brought it to me, and I have eaten of all my life because of the daughters of Heth. If
before you came, and have blessed him? Jacob takes a wife of the daughters of Heth,
Yes, he will be blessed.” such as these, of the daughters of the land,
34 When Esau heard the words of his what good will my life do me?”
father, he cried with an exceedingly great
and bitter cry, and said to his father, “Bless 28
me, even me also, my father.” Isaac called Jacob, blessed him, and
35 He said, “Your brother came with de- commanded him, “You shall not take a wife
ceit, and has taken away your blessing.” of the daughters of Canaan. 2 Arise, go
36 He said, “Isn’t he rightly named Jacob? to Paddan Aram, to the house of Bethuel
For he has supplanted me these two times. your mother’s father. Take a wife from
He took away my birthright. See, now there from the daughters of Laban, your
Genesis 28:3 26 Genesis 29:10

mother’s brother. 3 May God Almighty and I didn’t know it.” 17 He was afraid, and
bless you, and make you fruitful, and mul- said, “How awesome this place is! This is
tiply you, that you may be a company of none other than God’s house, and this is
peoples, 4 and give you the blessing of the gate of heaven.”
18 Jacob rose up early in the morning,
Abraham, to you and to your offspring
with you, that you may inherit the land and took the stone that he had put under
where you travel, which God gave to Abra- his head, and set it up for a pillar, and
ham.” poured oil on its top. 19 He called the name
5 Isaac sent Jacob away. He went to of that place Bethel, but the name of the
Paddan Aram to Laban, son of Bethuel the city was Luz at the first. 20 Jacob vowed a
Syrian, the brother of Rebekah, Jacob’s and vow, saying, “If God will be with me, and
Esau’s mother. will keep me in this way that I go, and will
6 Now Esau saw that Isaac had blessed
give me bread to eat, and clothing to put
Jacob and sent him away to Paddan Aram, on, 21 so that I come again to my father’s
to take him a wife from there, and that as house in peace, and the LORD will be my
he blessed him he gave him a command, God, 22 then this stone, which I have set up
saying, “You shall not take a wife of the for a pillar, will be God’s house. Of all that
daughters of Canaan;” 7 and that Jacob you will give me I will surely give a tenth to
obeyed his father and his mother, and was you.”
gone to Paddan Aram. 8 Esau saw that the
daughters of Canaan didn’t please Isaac, 29
his father. 9 So Esau went to Ishmael, and 1 Then Jacob went on his journey, and
took, in addition to the wives that he had, came to the land of the children of the east.
Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael, Abra- 2 He looked, and saw a well in the field, and
ham’s son, the sister of Nebaioth, to be his saw three flocks of sheep lying there by it.
wife. For out of that well they watered the flocks.
10 Jacob went out from Beersheba, and
The stone on the well’s mouth was large.
went toward Haran. 11 He came to a cer- 3 There all the flocks were gathered. They
tain place, and stayed there all night, be- rolled the stone from the well’s mouth, and
cause the sun had set. He took one of the watered the sheep, and put the stone back
stones of the place, and put it under his on the well’s mouth in its place. 4 Jacob
head, and lay down in that place to sleep. said to them, “My relatives, where are you
12 He dreamed and saw a stairway set upon
the earth, and its top reached to heaven. They said, “We are from Haran.”
Behold, the angels of God were ascending 5 He said to them, “Do you know Laban,
and descending on it. 13 Behold, the LORD the son of Nahor?”
stood above it, and said, “I am the LORD, They said, “We know him.”
the God of Abraham your father, and the 6 He said to them, “Is it well with him?”
God of Isaac. I will give the land you lie They said, “It is well. See, Rachel, his
on to you and to your offspring. 14 Your daughter, is coming with the sheep.”
offspring will be as the dust of the earth, 7 He said, “Behold, it is still the middle
and you will spread abroad to the west, of the day, not time to gather the livestock
and to the east, and to the north, and to together. Water the sheep, and go and feed
the south. In you and in your offspring, them.”
all the families of the earth will be blessed. 8 They said, “We can’t, until all the flocks
15 Behold, I am with you, and will keep you,
are gathered together, and they roll the
wherever you go, and will bring you again stone from the well’s mouth. Then we will
into this land. For I will not leave you until water the sheep.”
I have done that which I have spoken of to 9 While he was yet speaking with them,
you.” Rachel came with her father’s sheep,
16 Jacob awakened out of his sleep, and for she kept them. 10 When Jacob saw
he said, “Surely the LORD is in this place, Rachel the daughter of Laban, his mother’s
Genesis 29:11 27 Genesis 30:11

brother, and the sheep of Laban, his 28 Jacob did so, and fulfilled her week.
mother’s brother, Jacob went near, and He gave him Rachel his daughter as wife.
rolled the stone from the well’s mouth, and 29 Laban gave Bilhah, his servant, to his
watered the flock of Laban his mother’s daughter Rachel to be her servant. 30 He
brother. 11 Jacob kissed Rachel, and lifted went in also to Rachel, and he loved also
up his voice, and wept. 12 Jacob told Rachel Rachel more than Leah, and served with
that he was her father’s relative, and that him seven more years.
he was Rebekah’s son. She ran and told her 31 The LORD saw that Leah was hated,
father. and he opened her womb, but Rachel was
13 When Laban heard the news of Ja-
barren. 32 Leah conceived, and bore a son,
cob, his sister’s son, he ran to meet Ja- and she named him Reuben. For she said,
cob, and embraced him, and kissed him, “Because the LORD has looked at my afflic-
and brought him to his house. Jacob told tion; for now my husband will love me.”
Laban all these things. 14 Laban said to 33 She conceived again, and bore a son, and
him, “Surely you are my bone and my said, “Because the LORD has heard that I
flesh.” Jacob stayed with him for a month. am hated, he has therefore given me this
15 Laban said to Jacob, “Because you are
son also.” She named him Simeon. 34 She
my relative, should you therefore serve me conceived again, and bore a son. She said,
for nothing? Tell me, what will your wages “Now this time my husband will be joined
be?” to me, because I have borne him three
16 Laban had two daughters. The name
sons.” Therefore his name was called Levi.
of the elder was Leah, and the name of 35 She conceived again, and bore a son. She
the younger was Rachel. 17 Leah’s eyes said, “This time I will praise the LORD.”
were weak, but Rachel was beautiful in Therefore she named him Judah. Then she
form and attractive. 18 Jacob loved Rachel. stopped bearing.
He said, “I will serve you seven years for
Rachel, your younger daughter.”
19 Laban said, “It is better that I give
1 When Rachel saw that she bore Jacob
her to you, than that I should give her to no children, Rachel envied her sister. She
another man. Stay with me.” said to Jacob, “Give me children, or else I
20 Jacob served seven years for Rachel. will die.”
2 Jacob’s anger burned against Rachel,
They seemed to him but a few days, for the
love he had for her. and he said, “Am I in God’s place, who has
21 Jacob said to Laban, “Give me my wife, withheld from you the fruit of the womb?”
for my days are fulfilled, that I may go in to 3 She said, “Behold, my maid Bilhah. Go
her.” in to her, that she may bear on my knees,
22 Laban gathered together all the men and I also may obtain children by her.”
of the place, and made a feast. 23 In the 4 She gave him Bilhah her servant as wife,
evening, he took Leah his daughter, and and Jacob went in to her. 5 Bilhah con-
brought her to Jacob. He went in to her. ceived, and bore Jacob a son. 6 Rachel said,
24 Laban gave Zilpah his servant to his “God has judged me, and has also heard my
daughter Leah for a servant. 25 In the voice, and has given me a son.” Therefore
morning, behold, it was Leah! He said to she called his name Dan. 7 Bilhah, Rachel’s
Laban, “What is this you have done to me? servant, conceived again, and bore Jacob a
Didn’t I serve with you for Rachel? Why second son. 8 Rachel said, “I have wrestled
then have you deceived me?” with my sister with mighty wrestlings, and
26 Laban said, “It is not done so in our have prevailed.” She named him Naphtali.
place, to give the younger before the first- 9 When Leah saw that she had finished
born. 27 Fulfill the week of this one, and we bearing, she took Zilpah, her servant, and
will give you the other also for the service gave her to Jacob as a wife. 10 Zilpah,
which you will serve with me for seven Leah’s servant, bore Jacob a son. 11 Leah
more years.” said, “How fortunate!” She named him
Genesis 30:12 28 Genesis 30:41

Gad. 12 Zilpah, Leah’s servant, bore Jacob 29 Jacob said to him, “You know how I
a second son. 13 Leah said, “Happy am I, have served you, and how your livestock
for the daughters will call me happy.” She have fared with me. 30 For it was little
named him Asher. which you had before I came, and it has
14 Reuben went in the days of wheat increased to a multitude. The LORD has
harvest, and found mandrakes in the field, blessed you wherever I turned. Now when
and brought them to his mother, Leah. will I provide for my own house also?”
31 Laban said, “What shall I give you?”
Then Rachel said to Leah, “Please give me
some of your son’s mandrakes.” Jacob said, “You shall not give me any-
15 Leah said to her, “Is it a small matter thing. If you will do this thing for me,
that you have taken away my husband? I will again feed your flock and keep it.
32 I will pass through all your flock today,
Would you take away my son’s mandrakes,
also?” removing from there every speckled and
Rachel said, “Therefore he will lie with spotted one, and every black one among
you tonight for your son’s mandrakes.” the sheep, and the spotted and speckled
16 Jacob came from the field in the among the goats. This will be my hire.
33 So my righteousness will answer for me
evening, and Leah went out to meet him,
and said, “You must come in to me; for I hereafter, when you come concerning my
have surely hired you with my son’s man- hire that is before you. Every one that is
drakes.” not speckled and spotted among the goats,
He lay with her that night. 17 God lis- and black among the sheep, that might be
tened to Leah, and she conceived, and with me, will be considered stolen.”
bore Jacob a fifth son. 18 Leah said, “God 34 Laban said, “Behold, let it be according
has given me my hire, because I gave my to your word.”
servant to my husband.” She named him 35 That day, he removed the male goats
Issachar. 19 Leah conceived again, and that were streaked and spotted, and all
bore a sixth son to Jacob. 20 Leah said, “God the female goats that were speckled and
has endowed me with a good dowry. Now spotted, every one that had white in it, and
my husband will live with me, because all the black ones among the sheep, and
I have borne him six sons.” She named gave them into the hand of his sons. 36 He
him Zebulun. 21 Afterwards, she bore a set three days’ journey between himself
daughter, and named her Dinah. and Jacob, and Jacob fed the rest of Laban’s
22 God remembered Rachel, and God lis-
tened to her, and opened her womb. 23 She 37 Jacob took to himself rods of fresh
conceived, bore a son, and said, “God has poplar, almond, and plane tree, peeled
taken away my reproach.” 24 She named white streaks in them, and made the white
him Joseph,† saying, “May the LORD add appear which was in the rods. 38 He set
another son to me.” the rods which he had peeled opposite
25 When Rachel had borne Joseph, Jacob the flocks in the watering troughs where
said to Laban, “Send me away, that I may the flocks came to drink. They conceived
go to my own place, and to my country. when they came to drink. 39 The flocks
26 Give me my wives and my children for conceived before the rods, and the flocks
whom I have served you, and let me go; produced streaked, speckled, and spotted.
for you know my service with which I have 40 Jacob separated the lambs, and set the
served you.” faces of the flocks toward the streaked and
27 Laban said to him, “If now I have all the black in Laban’s flock. He put his
found favor in your eyes, stay here, for I own droves apart, and didn’t put them into
have divined that the LORD has blessed me Laban’s flock. 41 Whenever the stronger of
for your sake.” 28 He said, “Appoint me the flock conceived, Jacob laid the rods in
your wages, and I will give it.” front of the eyes of the flock in the watering
† 30:24 Joseph means “may he add”.
Genesis 30:42 29 Genesis 31:30

troughs, that they might conceive among in our father’s house? 15 Aren’t we con-
the rods; 42 but when the flock were feeble, sidered as foreigners by him? For he has
he didn’t put them in. So the feebler were sold us, and has also used up our money.
16 For all the riches which God has taken
Laban’s, and the stronger Jacob’s. 43 The
man increased exceedingly, and had large away from our father are ours and our
flocks, female servants and male servants, children’s. Now then, whatever God has
and camels and donkeys. said to you, do.”
17 Then Jacob rose up, and set his sons
and his wives on the camels, 18 and he took
31 away all his livestock, and all his posses-
1 Jacob heard Laban’s sons’ words, say- sions which he had gathered, including the
ing, “Jacob has taken away all that was our livestock which he had gained in Paddan
father’s. He has obtained all this wealth Aram, to go to Isaac his father, to the land
from that which was our father’s.” 2 Jacob of Canaan. 19 Now Laban had gone to shear
saw the expression on Laban’s face, and, his sheep; and Rachel stole the teraphim†
behold, it was not toward him as before. that were her father’s.
3 The LORD said to Jacob, “Return to the 20 Jacob deceived Laban the Syrian, in
land of your fathers, and to your relatives, that he didn’t tell him that he was running
and I will be with you.” away. 21 So he fled with all that he had. He
4 Jacob sent and called Rachel and Leah rose up, passed over the River, and set his
to the field to his flock, 5 and said to them, face toward the mountain of Gilead.
“I see the expression on your father’s face, 22 Laban was told on the third day that
that it is not toward me as before; but Jacob had fled. 23 He took his relatives
the God of my father has been with me. with him, and pursued him seven days’
6 You know that I have served your father journey. He overtook him in the mountain
with all of my strength. 7 Your father has of Gilead. 24 God came to Laban the Syrian
deceived me, and changed my wages ten in a dream of the night, and said to him, “Be
times, but God didn’t allow him to hurt careful that you don’t speak to Jacob either
me. 8 If he said, ‘The speckled will be your good or bad.”
wages,’ then all the flock bore speckled. If 25 Laban caught up with Jacob. Now
he said, ‘The streaked will be your wages,’ Jacob had pitched his tent in the mountain,
then all the flock bore streaked. 9 Thus God and Laban with his relatives encamped in
has taken away your father’s livestock, and the mountain of Gilead. 26 Laban said to
given them to me. 10 During mating season, Jacob, “What have you done, that you have
I lifted up my eyes, and saw in a dream, deceived me, and carried away my daugh-
and behold, the male goats which leaped ters like captives of the sword? 27 Why
on the flock were streaked, speckled, and did you flee secretly, and deceive me, and
grizzled. 11 The angel of God said to me didn’t tell me, that I might have sent you
in the dream, ‘Jacob,’ and I said, ‘Here I away with mirth and with songs, with tam-
am.’ 12 He said, ‘Now lift up your eyes, bourine and with harp; 28 and didn’t allow
and behold, all the male goats which leap me to kiss my sons and my daughters?
on the flock are streaked, speckled, and Now have you done foolishly. 29 It is in
grizzled, for I have seen all that Laban does the power of my hand to hurt you, but the
to you. 13 I am the God of Bethel, where you God of your father spoke to me last night,
anointed a pillar, where you vowed a vow saying, ‘Be careful that you don’t speak to
to me. Now arise, get out from this land, Jacob either good or bad.’ 30 Now, you want
and return to the land of your birth.’ ” to be gone, because you greatly longed
14 Rachel and Leah answered him, “Is for your father’s house, but why have you
there yet any portion or inheritance for us stolen my gods?”
† 31:19 teraphim were household idols that may have been associated with inheritance rights to the household
Genesis 31:31 30 Genesis 32:5

31 Jacob answered Laban, “Because I was children, the flocks are my flocks, and all
afraid, for I said, ‘Lest you should take your that you see is mine! What can I do today
daughters from me by force.’ 32 Anyone to these my daughters, or to their children
you find your gods with shall not live. Be- whom they have borne? 44 Now come, let’s
fore our relatives, discern what is yours make a covenant, you and I. Let it be for a
with me, and take it.” For Jacob didn’t witness between me and you.”
know that Rachel had stolen them. 45 Jacob took a stone, and set it up for a
33 Laban went into Jacob’s tent, into
pillar. 46 Jacob said to his relatives, “Gather
Leah’s tent, and into the tent of the two fe- stones.” They took stones, and made a
male servants; but he didn’t find them. He heap. They ate there by the heap. 47 Laban
went out of Leah’s tent, and entered into called it Jegar Sahadutha,‡ but Jacob called
Rachel’s tent. 34 Now Rachel had taken the
teraphim, put them in the camel’s saddle, it Galeed.§ 48 Laban said, “This heap is wit-
and sat on them. Laban felt around all the ness between me and you today.” There-
tent, but didn’t find them. 35 She said to her fore it was named Galeed 49 and Mizpah,
father, “Don’t let my lord be angry that I for he said, “The LORD watch between me
can’t rise up before you; for I’m having my and you, when we are absent one from
period.” He searched, but didn’t find the another. 50 If you afflict my daughters, or
teraphim. if you take wives in addition to my daugh-
36 Jacob was angry, and argued with La- ters, no man is with us; behold, God is
ban. Jacob answered Laban, “What is my witness between me and you.” 51 Laban
trespass? What is my sin, that you have said to Jacob, “See this heap, and see the
hotly pursued me? 37 Now that you have pillar, which I have set between me and
felt around in all my stuff, what have you you. 52 May this heap be a witness, and
found of all your household stuff? Set it the pillar be a witness, that I will not pass
here before my relatives and your rela- over this heap to you, and that you will
tives, that they may judge between us two. not pass over this heap and this pillar to
38 “These twenty years I have been with me, for harm. 53 The God of Abraham, and
you. Your ewes and your female goats the God of Nahor, the God of their father,
have not cast their young, and I haven’t judge between us.” Then Jacob swore by
the fear of his father, Isaac. 54 Jacob offered
eaten the rams of your flocks. 39 That
a sacrifice in the mountain, and called his
which was torn of animals, I didn’t bring relatives to eat bread. They ate bread, and
to you. I bore its loss. Of my hand you
stayed all night in the mountain. 55 Early in
required it, whether stolen by day or stolen
the morning, Laban rose up, and kissed his
by night. 40 This was my situation: in sons and his daughters, and blessed them.
the day the drought consumed me, and Laban departed and returned to his place.
the frost by night; and my sleep fled from
my eyes. 41 These twenty years I have
been in your house. I served you four- 1 Jacob
went on his way, and the angels
teen years for your two daughters, and six of God met him. 2 When he saw them,
years for your flock, and you have changed Jacob said, “This is God’s army.” He called
my wages ten times. 42 Unless the God of the name of that place Mahanaim.†
my father, the God of Abraham, and the 3 Jacob sent messengers in front of him
fear of Isaac, had been with me, surely now to Esau, his brother, to the land of Seir,
you would have sent me away empty. God the field of Edom. 4 He commanded them,
has seen my affliction and the labor of my saying, “This is what you shall tell my lord,
hands, and rebuked you last night.” Esau: ‘This is what your servant, Jacob,
43 Laban answered Jacob, “The daugh- says. I have lived as a foreigner with
ters are my daughters, the children are my Laban, and stayed until now. 5 I have
‡ 31:47 “Jegar Sahadutha” means “Witness Heap” in Aramaic. § 31:47 “Galeed” means “Witness Heap” in
Hebrew. † 32:2 “Mahanaim” means “two camps”.
Genesis 32:6 31 Genesis 33:2

cattle, donkeys, flocks, male servants, and when you find him. 20 You shall say, ‘Not
female servants. I have sent to tell my lord, only that, but behold, your servant, Jacob,
that I may find favor in your sight.’ ” 6 The is behind us.’ ” For, he said, “I will appease
messengers returned to Jacob, saying, “We him with the present that goes before me,
came to your brother Esau. He is com- and afterward I will see his face. Perhaps
ing to meet you, and four hundred men he will accept me.”
are with him.” 7 Then Jacob was greatly 21 So the present passed over before him,
afraid and was distressed. He divided the and he himself stayed that night in the
people who were with him, along with the camp.
flocks, the herds, and the camels, into two 22 He rose up that night, and took his two
companies. 8 He said, “If Esau comes to wives, and his two servants, and his eleven
the one company, and strikes it, then the sons, and crossed over the ford of the Jab-
company which is left will escape.” 9 Jacob bok. 23 He took them, and sent them over
said, “God of my father Abraham, and God the stream, and sent over that which he
of my father Isaac, the LORD, who said to had. 24 Jacob was left alone, and wrestled
me, ‘Return to your country, and to your with a man there until the breaking of the
relatives, and I will do you good,’ 10 I am not day. 25 When he saw that he didn’t prevail
worthy of the least of all the loving kind- against him, the man touched the hollow
nesses, and of all the truth, which you have of his thigh, and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh
shown to your servant; for with just my was strained as he wrestled. 26 The man
staff I crossed over this Jordan; and now said, “Let me go, for the day breaks.”
I have become two companies. 11 Please Jacob said, “I won’t let you go unless you
deliver me from the hand of my brother, bless me.”
27 He said to him, “What is your name?”
from the hand of Esau; for I fear him, lest
he come and strike me and the mothers He said, “Jacob”.
with the children. 12 You said, ‘I will surely 28 He said, “Your name will no longer
do you good, and make your offspring as be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have
the sand of the sea, which can’t be counted fought with God and with men, and have
because there are so many.’ ” prevailed.”
13He stayed there that night, and took 29 Jacob asked him, “Please tell me your
from that which he had with him a present name.”
for Esau, his brother: 14 two hundred fe- He said, “Why is it that you ask what my
male goats and twenty male goats, two name is?” So he blessed him there.
hundred ewes and twenty rams, 15 thirty 30 Jacob called the name of the place
milk camels and their colts, forty cows, Peniel;‡ for he said, “I have seen God face
ten bulls, twenty female donkeys and ten to face, and my life is preserved.” 31 The
foals. 16 He delivered them into the hands sun rose on him as he passed over Pe-
of his servants, every herd by itself, and niel, and he limped because of his thigh.
said to his servants, “Pass over before me, 32 Therefore the children of Israel don’t
and put a space between herd and herd.” eat the sinew of the hip, which is on the
17 He commanded the foremost, saying, hollow of the thigh, to this day, because he
“When Esau, my brother, meets you, and touched the hollow of Jacob’s thigh in the
asks you, saying, ‘Whose are you? Where sinew of the hip.
are you going? Whose are these before
you?’ 18 Then you shall say, ‘They are your 33
servant, Jacob’s. It is a present sent to my 1 Jacob lifted up his eyes, and looked,
lord, Esau. Behold, he also is behind us.’ ” and, behold, Esau was coming, and with
19 He commanded also the second, and the
him four hundred men. He divided the
third, and all that followed the herds, say- children between Leah, Rachel, and the
ing, “This is how you shall speak to Esau, two servants. 2 He put the servants and
‡ 32:30 Peniel means “face of God”.
Genesis 33:3 32 Genesis 34:11

their children in front, Leah and her chil- 16 So Esau returned that day on his way
dren after, and Rachel and Joseph at the to Seir. 17 Jacob traveled to Succoth, built
rear. 3 He himself passed over in front of himself a house, and made shelters for his
them, and bowed himself to the ground livestock. Therefore the name of the place
seven times, until he came near to his is called Succoth.†
brother. 18 Jacob came in peace to the city of
4 Esau ran to meet him, embraced him,
Shechem, which is in the land of Canaan,
fell on his neck, kissed him, and they wept. when he came from Paddan Aram; and
5 He lifted up his eyes, and saw the women encamped before the city. 19 He bought the
and the children; and said, “Who are these parcel of ground where he had spread his
with you?” tent, at the hand of the children of Hamor,
He said, “The children whom God has Shechem’s father, for one hundred pieces
graciously given your servant.” 6 Then the of money. 20 He erected an altar there, and
servants came near with their children, called it El Elohe Israel.‡
and they bowed themselves. 7 Leah also
and her children came near, and bowed
themselves. After them, Joseph came near
1 Dinah, the daughter of Leah, whom
with Rachel, and they bowed themselves. she bore to Jacob, went out to see the
8 Esau said, “What do you mean by all
daughters of the land. 2 Shechem the son
this company which I met?” of Hamor the Hivite, the prince of the
Jacob said, “To find favor in the sight of land, saw her. He took her, lay with her,
my lord.” and humbled her. 3 His soul joined to
9 Esau said, “I have enough, my brother; Dinah, the daughter of Jacob, and he loved
let that which you have be yours.” the young lady, and spoke kindly to the
10 Jacob said, “Please, no, if I have now young lady. 4 Shechem spoke to his father,
found favor in your sight, then receive my Hamor, saying, “Get me this young lady as
present at my hand, because I have seen a wife.”
your face, as one sees the face of God, and 5 Now Jacob heard that he had defiled
you were pleased with me. 11 Please take Dinah, his daughter; and his sons were
the gift that I brought to you, because God with his livestock in the field. Jacob held
has dealt graciously with me, and because his peace until they came. 6 Hamor the
I have enough.” He urged him, and he took father of Shechem went out to Jacob to
it. talk with him. 7 The sons of Jacob came
12 Esau said, “Let’s take our journey, and in from the field when they heard it. The
let’s go, and I will go before you.” men were grieved, and they were very
13 Jacob said to him, “My lord knows that angry, because he had done folly in Israel
the children are tender, and that the flocks in lying with Jacob’s daughter, a thing that
and herds with me have their young, and if ought not to be done. 8 Hamor talked
they overdrive them one day, all the flocks with them, saying, “The soul of my son,
will die. 14 Please let my lord pass over be- Shechem, longs for your daughter. Please
fore his servant, and I will lead on gently, give her to him as a wife. 9 Make marriages
according to the pace of the livestock that with us. Give your daughters to us, and
are before me and according to the pace take our daughters for yourselves. 10 You
of the children, until I come to my lord to shall dwell with us, and the land will be
Seir.” before you. Live and trade in it, and get
15 Esau said, “Let me now leave with you possessions in it.”
some of the people who are with me.” 11 Shechem said to her father and to her
He said, “Why? Let me find favor in the brothers, “Let me find favor in your eyes,
sight of my lord.” and whatever you will tell me I will give.
† 33:17 succoth means shelters or booths. ‡ 33:20 El Elohe Israel means “God, the God of Israel” or “The God of
Israel is mighty”.
Genesis 34:12 33 Genesis 35:10

12 Ask me a great amount for a dowry, and dead, and plundered the city, because they
I will give whatever you ask of me, but give had defiled their sister. 28 They took their
me the young lady as a wife.” flocks, their herds, their donkeys, that
13 The sons of Jacob answered Shechem which was in the city, that which was in the
and Hamor his father with deceit when field, 29 and all their wealth. They took cap-
they spoke, because he had defiled Dinah tive all their little ones and their wives, and
their sister, 14 and said to them, “We can’t took as plunder everything that was in the
do this thing, to give our sister to one who is house. 30 Jacob said to Simeon and Levi,
uncircumcised; for that is a reproach to us. “You have troubled me, to make me odious
15 Only on this condition will we consent to the inhabitants of the land, among the
to you. If you will be as we are, that every Canaanites and the Perizzites. I am few
male of you be circumcised, 16 then will we in number. They will gather themselves
give our daughters to you; and we will take together against me and strike me, and I
your daughters to us, and we will dwell will be destroyed, I and my house.”
31 They said, “Should he deal with our
with you, and we will become one people.
17 But if you will not listen to us and be sister as with a prostitute?”
circumcised, then we will take our sister,†
and we will be gone.” 35
18 Their words pleased Hamor and
1 God said to Jacob, “Arise, go up to
Bethel, and live there. Make there an altar
Shechem, Hamor’s son. 19 The young man to God, who appeared to you when you fled
didn’t wait to do this thing, because he had from the face of Esau your brother.”
delight in Jacob’s daughter, and he was 2 Then Jacob said to his household, and
honored above all the house of his father. to all who were with him, “Put away the
20 Hamor and Shechem, his son, came to
the gate of their city, and talked with the foreign gods that are among you, purify
men of their city, saying, 21 “These men yourselves, and change your garments.
3 Let’s arise, and go up to Bethel. I will
are peaceful with us. Therefore let them
live in the land and trade in it. For behold, make there an altar to God, who answered
the land is large enough for them. Let’s me in the day of my distress, and was with
take their daughters to us for wives, and me on the way which I went.”
4 They gave to Jacob all the foreign
let’s give them our daughters. 22 Only on
this condition will the men consent to us to gods which were in their hands, and the
live with us, to become one people, if every rings which were in their ears; and Jacob
male among us is circumcised, as they are hid them under the oak which was by
circumcised. 23 Won’t their livestock and Shechem. 5 They traveled, and a terror of
their possessions and all their animals be God was on the cities that were around
ours? Only let’s give our consent to them, them, and they didn’t pursue the sons of
and they will dwell with us.” Jacob. 6 So Jacob came to Luz (that is,
24 All who went out of the gate of his Bethel), which is in the land of Canaan, he
city listened to Hamor, and to Shechem his and all the people who were with him. 7 He
son; and every male was circumcised, all built an altar there, and called the place El
who went out of the gate of his city. 25 On Beth El; because there God was revealed
the third day, when they were sore, two to him, when he fled from the face of his
brother. 8 Deborah, Rebekah’s nurse, died,
of Jacob’s sons, Simeon and Levi, Dinah’s and she was buried below Bethel under
brothers, each took his sword, came upon the oak; and its name was called Allon
the unsuspecting city, and killed all the Bacuth.
males. 26 They killed Hamor and Shechem, 9 God appeared to Jacob again, when he
his son, with the edge of the sword, and came from Paddan Aram, and blessed him.
took Dinah out of Shechem’s house, and 10 God said to him, “Your name is Jacob.
went away. 27 Jacob’s sons came on the Your name shall not be Jacob any more,
† 34:17 Hebrew has, literally, “daughter”
Genesis 35:11 34 Genesis 36:17

but your name will be Israel.” He named 36

him Israel. 11 God said to him, “I am God 1 Now this is the history of the genera-
Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply. A tions of Esau (that is, Edom). 2 Esau took
nation and a company of nations will be his wives from the daughters of Canaan:
from you, and kings will come out of your Adah the daughter of Elon, the Hittite;
body. 12 The land which I gave to Abraham and Oholibamah the daughter of Anah,
and Isaac, I will give it to you, and to your the daughter of Zibeon, the Hivite; 3 and
offspring after you I will give the land.” Basemath, Ishmael’s daughter, sister of
13 God went up from him in the place Nebaioth. 4 Adah bore to Esau Eliphaz.
where he spoke with him. 14 Jacob set up Basemath bore Reuel. 5 Oholibamah bore
a pillar in the place where he spoke with Jeush, Jalam, and Korah. These are the
him, a pillar of stone. He poured out a sons of Esau, who were born to him in the
drink offering on it, and poured oil on it. land of Canaan. 6 Esau took his wives, his
15 Jacob called the name of the place where sons, his daughters, and all the members
God spoke with him “Bethel”. of his household, with his livestock, all his
16 They traveled from Bethel. There was
animals, and all his possessions, which he
had gathered in the land of Canaan, and
still some distance to come to Ephrath, went into a land away from his brother
and Rachel travailed. She had hard labor. Jacob. 7 For their substance was too great
17 When she was in hard labor, the mid-
wife said to her, “Don’t be afraid, for now for them to dwell together, and the land
you will have another son.” of their travels couldn’t bear them because
18 As her soul was departing (for she
of their livestock. 8 Esau lived in the hill
country of Seir. Esau is Edom.
died), she named him Benoni,† but his fa- 9 This is the history of the generations
ther named him Benjamin.‡ 19 Rachel died, of Esau the father of the Edomites in the
and was buried on the way to Ephrath hill country of Seir: 10 these are the names
(also called Bethlehem). 20 Jacob set up of Esau’s sons: Eliphaz, the son of Adah,
a pillar on her grave. The same is the the wife of Esau; and Reuel, the son of
Pillar of Rachel’s grave to this day. 21 Israel Basemath, the wife of Esau. 11 The sons
traveled, and spread his tent beyond the of Eliphaz were Teman, Omar, Zepho, and
tower of Eder. 22 While Israel lived in that Gatam, and Kenaz. 12 Timna was concu-
land, Reuben went and lay with Bilhah, his bine to Eliphaz, Esau’s son; and she bore
father’s concubine, and Israel heard of it. to Eliphaz Amalek. These are the descen-
Now the sons of Jacob were twelve. dants of Adah, Esau’s wife. 13 These are the
23 The sons of Leah: Reuben (Jacob’s first- sons of Reuel: Nahath, Zerah, Shammah,
born), Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and and Mizzah. These were the descendants
Zebulun. 24 The sons of Rachel: Joseph and of Basemath, Esau’s wife. 14 These were the
Benjamin. 25 The sons of Bilhah (Rachel’s sons of Oholibamah, the daughter of Anah,
servant): Dan and Naphtali. 26 The sons the daughter of Zibeon, Esau’s wife: she
of Zilpah (Leah’s servant): Gad and Asher. bore to Esau Jeush, Jalam, and Korah.
15 These are the chiefs of the sons of
These are the sons of Jacob, who were born
to him in Paddan Aram. 27 Jacob came to Esau: the sons of Eliphaz the firstborn
Isaac his father, to Mamre, to Kiriath Arba of Esau: chief Teman, chief Omar, chief
(which is Hebron), where Abraham and Zepho, chief Kenaz, 16 chief Korah, chief
Isaac lived as foreigners. Gatam, chief Amalek. These are the chiefs
28 The days of Isaac were one hundred who came of Eliphaz in the land of Edom.
These are the sons of Adah. 17 These are
eighty years. 29 Isaac gave up the spirit and the sons of Reuel, Esau’s son: chief Nahath,
died, and was gathered to his people, old chief Zerah, chief Shammah, chief Mizzah.
and full of days. Esau and Jacob, his sons, These are the chiefs who came of Reuel
buried him. in the land of Edom. These are the sons
† 35:18 “Benoni” means “son of my trouble”. ‡ 35:18 “Benjamin” means “son of my right hand”.
Genesis 36:18 35 Genesis 37:11

of Basemath, Esau’s wife. 18 These are of Matred, the daughter of Mezahab.

the sons of Oholibamah, Esau’s wife: chief 40 These are the names of the chiefs
Jeush, chief Jalam, chief Korah. These are who came from Esau, according to their
the chiefs who came of Oholibamah the families, after their places, and by their
daughter of Anah, Esau’s wife. 19 These are names: chief Timna, chief Alvah, chief
the sons of Esau (that is, Edom), and these Jetheth, 41 chief Oholibamah, chief Elah,
are their chiefs. chief Pinon, 42 chief Kenaz, chief Teman,
20 These are the sons of Seir the Horite, chief Mibzar, 43 chief Magdiel, and chief
the inhabitants of the land: Lotan, Shobal, Iram. These are the chiefs of Edom, ac-
Zibeon, Anah, 21 Dishon, Ezer, and Dis- cording to their habitations in the land of
han. These are the chiefs who came of their possession. This is Esau, the father of
the Horites, the children of Seir in the the Edomites.
land of Edom. 22 The children of Lotan
were Hori and Heman. Lotan’s sister
was Timna. 23 These are the children of 37
Shobal: Alvan, Manahath, Ebal, Shepho, 1 Jacob lived in the land of his father’s
and Onam. 24 These are the children of travels, in the land of Canaan. 2 This is the
Zibeon: Aiah and Anah. This is Anah who history of the generations of Jacob. Joseph,
found the hot springs in the wilderness, as being seventeen years old, was feeding the
he fed the donkeys of Zibeon his father. flock with his brothers. He was a boy with
25 These are the children of Anah: Dishon
the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah, his father’s
and Oholibamah, the daughter of Anah. wives. Joseph brought an evil report of
26 These are the children of Dishon: Hem-
dan, Eshban, Ithran, and Cheran. 27 These them to their father. 3 Now Israel loved
Joseph more than all his children, because
are the children of Ezer: Bilhan, Zaavan,
and Akan. 28 These are the children of he was the son of his old age, and he made
Dishan: Uz and Aran. 29 These are the him a tunic of many colors. 4 His brothers
chiefs who came of the Horites: chief saw that their father loved him more than
Lotan, chief Shobal, chief Zibeon, chief all his brothers, and they hated him, and
Anah, 30 chief Dishon, chief Ezer, and chief couldn’t speak peaceably to him.
Dishan. These are the chiefs who came of 5 Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told
the Horites, according to their chiefs in the it to his brothers, and they hated him all
land of Seir. the more. 6 He said to them, “Please hear
31 These are the kings who reigned in this dream which I have dreamed: 7 for be-
the land of Edom, before any king reigned hold, we were binding sheaves in the field,
over the children of Israel. 32 Bela, the son and behold, my sheaf arose and also stood
of Beor, reigned in Edom. The name of upright; and behold, your sheaves came
his city was Dinhabah. 33 Bela died, and around, and bowed down to my sheaf.”
Jobab, the son of Zerah of Bozrah, reigned 8 His brothers asked him, “Will you in-
in his place. 34 Jobab died, and Husham deed reign over us? Will you indeed have
of the land of the Temanites reigned in his dominion over us?” They hated him all
place. 35 Husham died, and Hadad, the son the more for his dreams and for his words.
9 He dreamed yet another dream, and told
of Bedad, who struck Midian in the field
of Moab, reigned in his place. The name it to his brothers, and said, “Behold, I have
of his city was Avith. 36 Hadad died, and dreamed yet another dream: and behold,
Samlah of Masrekah reigned in his place. the sun and the moon and eleven stars
37 Samlah died, and Shaul of Rehoboth by bowed down to me.” 10 He told it to his
father and to his brothers. His father re-
the river, reigned in his place. 38 Shaul buked him, and said to him, “What is this
died, and Baal Hanan the son of Achbor dream that you have dreamed? Will I and
reigned in his place. 39 Baal Hanan the son your mother and your brothers indeed
of Achbor died, and Hadar reigned in his come to bow ourselves down to the earth
place. The name of his city was Pau. His before you?” 11 His brothers envied him,
wife’s name was Mehetabel, the daughter but his father kept this saying in mind.
Genesis 37:12 36 Genesis 38:9

12 His brothers went to feed their father’s 28 Midianites who were merchants passed
flock in Shechem. 13 Israel said to Joseph, by, and they drew and lifted up Joseph
“Aren’t your brothers feeding the flock in out of the pit, and sold Joseph to the Ish-
Shechem? Come, and I will send you to maelites for twenty pieces of silver. The
them.” He said to him, “Here I am.” merchants brought Joseph into Egypt.
14 He said to him, “Go now, see whether
29 Reuben returned to the pit, and saw
it is well with your brothers, and well with that Joseph wasn’t in the pit; and he tore
the flock; and bring me word again.” So
his clothes. 30 He returned to his brothers,
he sent him out of the valley of Hebron, and said, “The child is no more; and I,
and he came to Shechem. 15 A certain man where will I go?” 31 They took Joseph’s
found him, and behold, he was wandering
tunic, and killed a male goat, and dipped
in the field. The man asked him, “What are
you looking for?” the tunic in the blood. 32 They took the
16 He said, “I am looking for my brothers. tunic of many colors, and they brought it to
their father, and said, “We have found this.
Tell me, please, where they are feeding the Examine it, now, and see if it is your son’s
flock.” tunic or not.”
17 The man said, “They have left here, for
33 He recognized it, and said, “It is my
I heard them say, ‘Let’s go to Dothan.’ ”
son’s tunic. An evil animal has devoured
Joseph went after his brothers, and him. Joseph is without doubt torn in
found them in Dothan. 18 They saw him pieces.” 34 Jacob tore his clothes, and put
afar off, and before he came near to them, sackcloth on his waist, and mourned for
they conspired against him to kill him. his son many days. 35 All his sons and
19 They said to one another, “Behold, this
all his daughters rose up to comfort him,
dreamer comes. 20 Come now therefore, but he refused to be comforted. He said,
and let’s kill him, and cast him into one of “For I will go down to Sheol† to my son,
the pits, and we will say, ‘An evil animal mourning.” His father wept for him. 36 The
has devoured him.’ We will see what will Midianites sold him into Egypt to Potiphar,
become of his dreams.”
21 Reuben heard it, and delivered him an officer of Pharaoh’s, the captain of the
out of their hand, and said, “Let’s not take guard.
his life.” 22 Reuben said to them, “Shed no
blood. Throw him into this pit that is in the 38
wilderness, but lay no hand on him”—that 1 At that time, Judah went down from his
he might deliver him out of their hand, to brothers, and visited a certain Adullamite,
restore him to his father. 23 When Joseph whose name was Hirah. 2 There, Judah
came to his brothers, they stripped Joseph saw the daughter of a certain Canaanite
of his tunic, the tunic of many colors that man named Shua. He took her, and went
was on him; 24 and they took him, and in to her. 3 She conceived, and bore a son;
threw him into the pit. The pit was empty. and he named him Er. 4 She conceived
There was no water in it. again, and bore a son; and she named
25 They sat down to eat bread, and they him Onan. 5 She yet again bore a son,
lifted up their eyes and looked, and saw a and named him Shelah. He was at Chezib
caravan of Ishmaelites was coming from when she bore him. 6 Judah took a wife
Gilead, with their camels bearing spices for Er, his firstborn, and her name was
and balm and myrrh, going to carry it Tamar. 7 Er, Judah’s firstborn, was wicked
down to Egypt. 26 Judah said to his broth- in the LORD’s sight. So the LORD killed
ers, “What profit is it if we kill our brother him. 8 Judah said to Onan, “Go in to your
and conceal his blood? 27 Come, and let’s brother’s wife, and perform the duty of a
sell him to the Ishmaelites, and not let our husband’s brother to her, and raise up off-
hand be on him; for he is our brother, spring for your brother.” 9 Onan knew that
our flesh.” His brothers listened to him. the offspring wouldn’t be his; and when
† 37:35 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Genesis 38:10 37 Genesis 39:5

he went in to his brother’s wife, he spilled They said, “There has been no prostitute
his semen on the ground, lest he should here.”
22 He returned to Judah, and said, “I
give offspring to his brother. 10 The thing
which he did was evil in the LORD’s sight, haven’t found her; and also the men of the
and he killed him also. 11 Then Judah said place said, ‘There has been no prostitute
to Tamar, his daughter-in-law, “Remain a here.’ ” 23 Judah said, “Let her keep it, lest
widow in your father’s house, until Shelah, we be shamed. Behold, I sent this young
my son, is grown up;” for he said, “Lest he goat, and you haven’t found her.”
24 About three months later, Judah was
also die, like his brothers.” Tamar went
and lived in her father’s house. told, “Tamar, your daughter-in-law, has
12 After many days, Shua’s daughter, played the prostitute. Moreover, behold,
the wife of Judah, died. Judah was com- she is with child by prostitution.”
forted, and went up to his sheep shearers Judah said, “Bring her out, and let her be
to Timnah, he and his friend Hirah, the burned.” 25 When she was brought out, she
Adullamite. 13 Tamar was told, “Behold, sent to her father-in-law, saying, “I am with
your father-in-law is going up to Timnah child by the man who owns these.” She
to shear his sheep.” 14 She took off the also said, “Please discern whose these are—
garments of her widowhood, and covered the signet, and the cords, and the staff.”
26 Judah acknowledged them, and said,
herself with her veil, and wrapped herself,
and sat in the gate of Enaim, which is on “She is more righteous than I, because I
the way to Timnah; for she saw that Shelah didn’t give her to Shelah, my son.”
was grown up, and she wasn’t given to He knew her again no more. 27 In the
him as a wife. 15 When Judah saw her, he time of her travail, behold, twins were in
thought that she was a prostitute, for she her womb. 28 When she travailed, one put
had covered her face. 16 He turned to her out a hand, and the midwife took and tied
by the way, and said, “Please come, let me a scarlet thread on his hand, saying, “This
come in to you,” for he didn’t know that she came out first.” 29 As he drew back his
was his daughter-in-law. hand, behold, his brother came out, and
she said, “Why have you made a breach for
She said, “What will you give me, that yourself?” Therefore his name was called
you may come in to me?” Perez.† 30 Afterward his brother came out,
17 He said, “I will send you a young goat who had the scarlet thread on his hand,
from the flock.” and his name was called Zerah.‡
She said, “Will you give me a pledge,
until you send it?” 39
1Joseph was brought down to Egypt.
18 He said, “What pledge will I give you?”
Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh’s, the cap-
She said, “Your signet and your cord, and tain of the guard, an Egyptian, bought him
your staff that is in your hand.” from the hand of the Ishmaelites that had
brought him down there. 2 The LORD was
He gave them to her, and came in to
with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man.
her, and she conceived by him. 19 She He was in the house of his master the
arose, and went away, and put off her veil Egyptian. 3 His master saw that the LORD
from her, and put on the garments of her was with him, and that the LORD made all
widowhood. 20 Judah sent the young goat that he did prosper in his hand. 4 Joseph
by the hand of his friend, the Adullamite, found favor in his sight. He ministered
to receive the pledge from the woman’s to him, and Potiphar made him overseer
hand, but he didn’t find her. 21 Then he over his house, and all that he had he put
asked the men of her place, saying, “Where into his hand. 5 From the time that he made
is the prostitute, that was at Enaim by the him overseer in his house, and over all that
road?” he had, the LORD blessed the Egyptian’s
† 38:29 Perez means “breaking out”. ‡ 38:30 Zerah means “scarlet” or “brightness”.
Genesis 39:6 38 Genesis 40:13

house for Joseph’s sake. The LORD’s bless- of the keeper of the prison. 22 The keeper
ing was on all that he had, in the house of the prison committed to Joseph’s hand
and in the field. 6 He left all that he had in all the prisoners who were in the prison.
Joseph’s hand. He didn’t concern himself Whatever they did there, he was respon-
with anything, except for the food which sible for it. 23 The keeper of the prison
he ate. didn’t look after anything that was under
Joseph was well-built and handsome. his hand, because the LORD was with him;
7 After these things, his master’s wife set and that which he did, the LORD made it
her eyes on Joseph; and she said, “Lie with prosper.
8 But he refused, and said to his master’s 40
wife, “Behold, my master doesn’t know 1 After these things, the butler of the
what is with me in the house, and he has king of Egypt and his baker offended their
put all that he has into my hand. 9 No one is lord, the king of Egypt. 2 Pharaoh was
greater in this house than I am, and he has angry with his two officers, the chief cup
not kept back anything from me but you, bearer and the chief baker. 3 He put them
because you are his wife. How then can I in custody in the house of the captain of
do this great wickedness, and sin against the guard, into the prison, the place where
God?” Joseph was bound. 4 The captain of the
10 As she spoke to Joseph day by day, he
guard assigned them to Joseph, and he
didn’t listen to her, to lie by her, or to be took care of them. They stayed in prison
with her. 11 About this time, he went into many days. 5 They both dreamed a dream,
the house to do his work, and there were each man his dream, in one night, each
none of the men of the house inside. 12 She man according to the interpretation of his
caught him by his garment, saying, “Lie
dream, the cup bearer and the baker of
with me!”
the king of Egypt, who were bound in the
He left his garment in her hand, and
prison. 6 Joseph came in to them in the
ran outside. 13 When she saw that he had
left his garment in her hand, and had run morning, and saw them, and saw that they
outside, 14 she called to the men of her were sad. 7 He asked Pharaoh’s officers
house, and spoke to them, saying, “Behold, who were with him in custody in his mas-
he has brought a Hebrew in to us to mock ter’s house, saying, “Why do you look so
us. He came in to me to lie with me, and I sad today?”
8 They said to him, “We have dreamed
cried with a loud voice. 15 When he heard
that I lifted up my voice and cried, he left a dream, and there is no one who can
his garment by me, and ran outside.” 16 She interpret it.”
laid up his garment by her, until his master Joseph said to them, “Don’t interpreta-
came home. 17 She spoke to him according tions belong to God? Please tell it to me.”
to these words, saying, “The Hebrew ser- 9 The chief cup bearer told his dream to
vant, whom you have brought to us, came Joseph, and said to him, “In my dream, be-
in to me to mock me, 18 and as I lifted up my hold, a vine was in front of me, 10 and in the
voice and cried, he left his garment by me, vine were three branches. It was as though
and ran outside.” it budded, it blossomed, and its clusters
19 When his master heard the words of produced ripe grapes. 11 Pharaoh’s cup
his wife, which she spoke to him, saying, was in my hand; and I took the grapes,
“This is what your servant did to me,” his and pressed them into Pharaoh’s cup, and
wrath was kindled. 20 Joseph’s master took I gave the cup into Pharaoh’s hand.”
him, and put him into the prison, the place 12 Joseph said to him, “This is its interpre-
where the king’s prisoners were bound, tation: the three branches are three days.
and he was there in custody. 21 But the 13 Within three more days, Pharaoh will
LORD was with Joseph, and showed kind- lift up your head, and restore you to your
ness to him, and gave him favor in the sight office. You will give Pharaoh’s cup into his
Genesis 40:14 39 Genesis 41:23

hand, the way you did when you were his and full ears. Pharaoh awoke, and behold,
cup bearer. 14 But remember me when it it was a dream. 8 In the morning, his
is well with you. Please show kindness to spirit was troubled, and he sent and called
me, and make mention of me to Pharaoh, for all of Egypt’s magicians and wise men.
and bring me out of this house. 15 For Pharaoh told them his dreams, but there
indeed, I was stolen away out of the land was no one who could interpret them to
of the Hebrews, and here also I have done Pharaoh.
nothing that they should put me into the 9 Then the chief cup bearer spoke to
dungeon.” Pharaoh, saying, “I remember my faults
16 When the chief baker saw that the today. 10 Pharaoh was angry with his ser-
interpretation was good, he said to Joseph, vants, and put me in custody in the house
“I also was in my dream, and behold, three of the captain of the guard, with the chief
baskets of white bread were on my head. baker. 11 We dreamed a dream in one
17 In the uppermost basket there were all night, he and I. Each man dreamed ac-
kinds of baked food for Pharaoh, and the cording to the interpretation of his dream.
birds ate them out of the basket on my 12 There was with us there a young man,
head.” a Hebrew, servant to the captain of the
18 Joseph answered, “This is its interpre- guard, and we told him, and he interpreted
tation. The three baskets are three days. to us our dreams. He interpreted to each
19 Within three more days, Pharaoh will lift man according to his dream. 13 As he
up your head from off you, and will hang interpreted to us, so it was. He restored me
you on a tree; and the birds will eat your to my office, and he hanged him.”
flesh from off you.” 20 On the third day, 14 Then Pharaoh sent and called Joseph,
which was Pharaoh’s birthday, he made and they brought him hastily out of the
a feast for all his servants, and he lifted dungeon. He shaved himself, changed
up the head of the chief cup bearer and his clothing, and came in to Pharaoh.
the head of the chief baker among his ser- 15 Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I have dreamed
vants. 21 He restored the chief cup bearer a dream, and there is no one who can
to his position again, and he gave the cup interpret it. I have heard it said of you, that
into Pharaoh’s hand; 22 but he hanged the when you hear a dream you can interpret
chief baker, as Joseph had interpreted to it.”
them. 23 Yet the chief cup bearer didn’t 16 Joseph answered Pharaoh, saying, “It
remember Joseph, but forgot him. isn’t in me. God will give Pharaoh an
answer of peace.”
41 17 Pharaoh spoke to Joseph, “In my
1At the end of two full years, Pharaoh dream, behold, I stood on the brink of the
dreamed, and behold, he stood by the river; 18 and behold, seven fat and sleek
river. 2 Behold, seven cattle came up out cattle came up out of the river. They fed
of the river. They were sleek and fat, and in the marsh grass; 19 and behold, seven
they fed in the marsh grass. 3 Behold, other cattle came up after them, poor and
seven other cattle came up after them out very ugly and thin, such as I never saw in
of the river, ugly and thin, and stood by the all the land of Egypt for ugliness. 20 The
other cattle on the brink of the river. 4 The thin and ugly cattle ate up the first seven
ugly and thin cattle ate up the seven sleek fat cattle; 21 and when they had eaten them
and fat cattle. So Pharaoh awoke. 5 He slept up, it couldn’t be known that they had
and dreamed a second time; and behold, eaten them, but they were still ugly, as
seven heads of grain came up on one stalk, at the beginning. So I awoke. 22 I saw
healthy and good. 6 Behold, seven heads of in my dream, and behold, seven heads of
grain, thin and blasted with the east wind, grain came up on one stalk, full and good;
sprung up after them. 7 The thin heads 23 and behold, seven heads of grain, with-
of grain swallowed up the seven healthy ered, thin, and blasted with the east wind,
Genesis 41:24 40 Genesis 41:55

sprung up after them. 24 The thin heads of as you. 40 You shall be over my house. All
grain swallowed up the seven good heads my people will be ruled according to your
of grain. I told it to the magicians, but there word. Only in the throne I will be greater
was no one who could explain it to me.” than you.” 41 Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Be-
25 Joseph said to Pharaoh, “The dream hold, I have set you over all the land of
of Pharaoh is one. What God is about to Egypt.” 42 Pharaoh took off his signet ring
do he has declared to Pharaoh. 26 The from his hand, and put it on Joseph’s hand,
seven good cattle are seven years; and and arrayed him in robes of fine linen, and
the seven good heads of grain are seven put a gold chain about his neck. 43 He
years. The dream is one. 27 The seven made him ride in the second chariot which
thin and ugly cattle that came up after he had. They cried before him, “Bow the
them are seven years, and also the seven knee!” He set him over all the land of
empty heads of grain blasted with the east Egypt. 44 Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I am
wind; they will be seven years of famine. Pharaoh. Without you, no man shall lift
28 That is the thing which I have spoken up his hand or his foot in all the land of
to Pharaoh. God has shown Pharaoh what Egypt.” 45 Pharaoh called Joseph’s name
he is about to do. 29 Behold, seven years Zaphenath-Paneah. He gave him Asenath,
of great plenty throughout all the land of the daughter of Potiphera priest of On as
Egypt are coming. 30 Seven years of famine a wife. Joseph went out over the land of
will arise after them, and all the plenty Egypt.
will be forgotten in the land of Egypt. The 46 Joseph was thirty years old when he
famine will consume the land, 31 and the stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt. Joseph
plenty will not be known in the land by went out from the presence of Pharaoh,
reason of that famine which follows; for it and went throughout all the land of Egypt.
will be very grievous. 32 The dream was 47 In the seven plenteous years the earth
doubled to Pharaoh, because the thing is produced abundantly. 48 He gathered up
established by God, and God will shortly all the food of the seven years which were
bring it to pass. in the land of Egypt, and laid up the food in
33 “Now therefore let Pharaoh look for a the cities. He stored food in each city from
discreet and wise man, and set him over the fields around that city. 49 Joseph laid up
the land of Egypt. 34 Let Pharaoh do this, grain as the sand of the sea, very much, un-
and let him appoint overseers over the til he stopped counting, for it was without
land, and take up the fifth part of the land number. 50 To Joseph were born two sons
of Egypt’s produce in the seven plenteous before the year of famine came, whom
years. 35 Let them gather all the food of Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera priest
these good years that come, and store grain of On, bore to him. 51 Joseph called the
under the hand of Pharaoh for food in the name of the firstborn Manasseh,† “For”, he
cities, and let them keep it. 36 The food said, “God has made me forget all my toil,
will be to supply the land against the seven and all my father’s house.” 52 The name
years of famine, which will be in the land of the second, he called Ephraim:‡ “For
of Egypt; so that the land will not perish God has made me fruitful in the land of my
through the famine.” affliction.”
37 The thing was good in the eyes of 53 The seven years of plenty, that were in
Pharaoh, and in the eyes of all his servants. the land of Egypt, came to an end. 54 The
38 Pharaoh said to his servants, “Can we seven years of famine began to come, just
find such a one as this, a man in whom as Joseph had said. There was famine
is the Spirit of God?” 39 Pharaoh said to in all lands, but in all the land of Egypt
Joseph, “Because God has shown you all of there was bread. 55 When all the land of
this, there is no one so discreet and wise Egypt was famished, the people cried to
† 41:51 “Manasseh” sounds like the Hebrew for “forget”. ‡ 41:52 “Ephraim” sounds like the Hebrew for “twice
Genesis 41:56 41 Genesis 42:29

Pharaoh for bread, and Pharaoh said to 14 Joseph said to them, “It is like I told
all the Egyptians, “Go to Joseph. What you, saying, ‘You are spies!’ 15 By this you
he says to you, do.” 56 The famine was shall be tested. By the life of Pharaoh, you
over all the surface of the earth. Joseph shall not go out from here, unless your
opened all the store houses, and sold to the youngest brother comes here. 16 Send one
Egyptians. The famine was severe in the of you, and let him get your brother, and
land of Egypt. 57 All countries came into you shall be bound, that your words may
Egypt, to Joseph, to buy grain, because the be tested, whether there is truth in you,
famine was severe in all the earth. or else by the life of Pharaoh surely you
are spies.” 17 He put them all together into
42 custody for three days.
1 Now Jacob saw that there was grain 18 Joseph said to them the third day, “Do
in Egypt, and Jacob said to his sons, “Why this, and live, for I fear God. 19 If you are
do you look at one another?” 2 He said, honest men, then let one of your broth-
“Behold, I have heard that there is grain ers be bound in your prison; but you go,
in Egypt. Go down there, and buy for us carry grain for the famine of your houses.
from there, so that we may live, and not 20 Bring your youngest brother to me; so
die.” 3 Joseph’s ten brothers went down to will your words be verified, and you won’t
buy grain from Egypt. 4 But Jacob didn’t die.”
send Benjamin, Joseph’s brother, with his They did so. 21 They said to one an-
brothers; for he said, “Lest perhaps harm other, “We are certainly guilty concerning
happen to him.” 5 The sons of Israel came our brother, in that we saw the distress
to buy among those who came, for the of his soul, when he begged us, and we
famine was in the land of Canaan. 6 Joseph wouldn’t listen. Therefore this distress has
was the governor over the land. It was come upon us.” 22 Reuben answered them,
he who sold to all the people of the land. saying, “Didn’t I tell you, saying, ‘Don’t
Joseph’s brothers came, and bowed them- sin against the child,’ and you wouldn’t
selves down to him with their faces to the listen? Therefore also, behold, his blood is
earth. 7 Joseph saw his brothers, and he required.” 23 They didn’t know that Joseph
recognized them, but acted like a stranger understood them; for there was an inter-
to them, and spoke roughly with them. He preter between them. 24 He turned him-
said to them, “Where did you come from?” self away from them, and wept. Then he
They said, “From the land of Canaan, to returned to them, and spoke to them, and
buy food.” took Simeon from among them, and bound
8 Joseph recognized his brothers, but him before their eyes. 25 Then Joseph gave
they didn’t recognize him. 9 Joseph re- a command to fill their bags with grain,
membered the dreams which he dreamed and to restore each man’s money into his
about them, and said to them, “You are sack, and to give them food for the way. So
spies! You have come to see the nakedness it was done to them.
of the land.” 26 They loaded their donkeys with their
10 They said to him, “No, my lord, but grain, and departed from there. 27 As one
your servants have come to buy food. of them opened his sack to give his don-
11 We are all one man’s sons; we are honest key food in the lodging place, he saw his
men. Your servants are not spies.” money. Behold, it was in the mouth of
12 He said to them, “No, but you have his sack. 28 He said to his brothers, “My
come to see the nakedness of the land!” money is restored! Behold, it is in my
13 They said, “We, your servants, are sack!” Their hearts failed them, and they
twelve brothers, the sons of one man in the turned trembling to one another, saying,
land of Canaan; and behold, the youngest “What is this that God has done to us?”
is today with our father, and one is no 29 They came to Jacob their father, to the
more.” land of Canaan, and told him all that had
Genesis 42:30 42 Genesis 43:18

happened to them, saying, 30 “The man, man said to us, ‘You shall not see my face,
the lord of the land, spoke roughly with unless your brother is with you.’ ”
us, and took us for spies of the country. 6 Israel said, “Why did you treat me so
31 We said to him, ‘We are honest men. We badly, telling the man that you had an-
are no spies. 32 We are twelve brothers, other brother?”
sons of our father; one is no more, and the 7 They said, “The man asked directly
youngest is today with our father in the concerning ourselves, and concerning our
land of Canaan.’ 33 The man, the lord of relatives, saying, ‘Is your father still alive?
the land, said to us, ‘By this I will know Have you another brother?’ We just an-
that you are honest men: leave one of swered his questions. Is there any way we
your brothers with me, and take grain for could know that he would say, ‘Bring your
the famine of your houses, and go your brother down?’ ”
way. 34 Bring your youngest brother to me. 8 Judah said to Israel, his father, “Send
Then I will know that you are not spies, but the boy with me, and we’ll get up and go,
that you are honest men. So I will deliver so that we may live, and not die, both we,
your brother to you, and you shall trade in and you, and also our little ones. 9 I’ll
the land.’ ” be collateral for him. From my hand will
35 As they emptied their sacks, behold, you require him. If I don’t bring him to
each man’s bundle of money was in his you, and set him before you, then let me
sack. When they and their father saw bear the blame forever; 10 for if we hadn’t
their bundles of money, they were afraid. delayed, surely we would have returned a
36 Jacob, their father, said to them, “You second time by now.”
have bereaved me of my children! Joseph 11 Their father, Israel, said to them, “If
is no more, Simeon is no more, and you it must be so, then do this: Take from the
want to take Benjamin away. All these choice fruits of the land in your bags, and
things are against me.” carry down a present for the man, a little
37 Reuben spoke to his father, saying, balm, a little honey, spices and myrrh,
“Kill my two sons, if I don’t bring him to nuts, and almonds; 12 and take double
you. Entrust him to my care, and I will money in your hand, and take back the
bring him to you again.” money that was returned in the mouth of
38 He said, “My son shall not go down your sacks. Perhaps it was an oversight.
13 Take your brother also, get up, and re-
with you; for his brother is dead, and he
turn to the man. 14 May God Almighty
only is left. If harm happens to him along
give you mercy before the man, that he
the way in which you go, then you will
may release to you your other brother and
bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to
Benjamin. If I am bereaved of my children,
I am bereaved.”
15 The men took that present, and they
43 took double money in their hand, and Ben-
1The famine was severe in the land. jamin; and got up, went down to Egypt,
2 When they had eaten up the grain which
and stood before Joseph. 16 When Joseph
they had brought out of Egypt, their father saw Benjamin with them, he said to the
said to them, “Go again, buy us a little more steward of his house, “Bring the men into
food.” the house, and butcher an animal, and
3 Judah spoke to him, saying, “The man
prepare; for the men will dine with me at
solemnly warned us, saying, ‘You shall not noon.”
see my face, unless your brother is with 17 The man did as Joseph commanded,
you.’ 4 If you’ll send our brother with us, and the man brought the men to Joseph’s
we’ll go down and buy you food; 5 but if you house. 18 The men were afraid, because
don’t send him, we won’t go down, for the they were brought to Joseph’s house; and
† 42:38 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Genesis 43:19 43 Genesis 44:13

they said, “Because of the money that was an abomination to the Egyptians. 33 They
returned in our sacks the first time, we’re sat before him, the firstborn according to
brought in; that he may seek occasion his birthright, and the youngest according
against us, attack us, and seize us as slaves, to his youth, and the men marveled with
along with our donkeys.” 19 They came one another. 34 He sent portions to them
near to the steward of Joseph’s house, and from before him, but Benjamin’s portion
they spoke to him at the door of the house, was five times as much as any of theirs.
20 and said, “Oh, my lord, we indeed came They drank, and were merry with him.
down the first time to buy food. 21 When
we came to the lodging place, we opened
our sacks, and behold, each man’s money
1 He commanded the steward of his
was in the mouth of his sack, our money house, saying, “Fill the men’s sacks with
in full weight. We have brought it back in food, as much as they can carry, and put
our hand. 22 We have brought down other each man’s money in his sack’s mouth.
money in our hand to buy food. We don’t 2 Put my cup, the silver cup, in the sack’s
know who put our money in our sacks.” mouth of the youngest, with his grain
23 He said, “Peace be to you. Don’t be money.” He did according to the word that
afraid. Your God, and the God of your Joseph had spoken. 3 As soon as the morn-
father, has given you treasure in your ing was light, the men were sent away,
sacks. I received your money.” He brought they and their donkeys. 4 When they had
Simeon out to them. 24 The man brought gone out of the city, and were not yet far
the men into Joseph’s house, and gave off, Joseph said to his steward, “Up, follow
them water, and they washed their feet. after the men. When you overtake them,
He gave their donkeys fodder. 25 They ask them, ‘Why have you rewarded evil for
prepared the present for Joseph’s coming good? 5 Isn’t this that from which my lord
at noon, for they heard that they should eat drinks, and by which he indeed divines?
bread there. You have done evil in so doing.’ ” 6 He over-
26 When Joseph came home, they
took them, and he spoke these words to
brought him the present which was in them.
their hand into the house, and bowed 7 They said to him, “Why does my lord
themselves down to the earth before him. speak such words as these? Far be it from
27 He asked them of their welfare, and said,
your servants that they should do such
“Is your father well, the old man of whom
a thing! 8 Behold, the money, which we
you spoke? Is he yet alive?”
28 They said, “Your servant, our father, is
found in our sacks’ mouths, we brought
again to you out of the land of Canaan.
well. He is still alive.” They bowed down How then should we steal silver or gold out
humbly. 29 He lifted up his eyes, and saw of your lord’s house? 9 With whomever of
Benjamin, his brother, his mother’s son, your servants it is found, let him die, and
and said, “Is this your youngest brother, of we also will be my lord’s slaves.”
whom you spoke to me?” He said, “God 10 He said, “Now also let it be according to
be gracious to you, my son.” 30 Joseph
hurried, for his heart yearned over his your words. He with whom it is found will
brother; and he sought a place to weep. be my slave; and you will be blameless.”
11 Then they hurried, and each man took
He entered into his room, and wept there.
31 He washed his face, and came out. He his sack down to the ground, and each
controlled himself, and said, “Serve the man opened his sack. 12 He searched,
meal.” beginning with the oldest, and ending
32 They served him by himself, and them at the youngest. The cup was found in
by themselves, and the Egyptians who ate Benjamin’s sack. 13 Then they tore their
with him by themselves, because the Egyp- clothes, and each man loaded his donkey,
tians don’t eat with the Hebrews, for that is and returned to the city.
Genesis 44:14 44 Genesis 45:10

14 Judah and his brothers came to and the boy is not with us; since his life is
Joseph’s house, and he was still there. They bound up in the boy’s life; 31 it will happen,
fell on the ground before him. 15 Joseph when he sees that the boy is no more, that
said to them, “What deed is this that you he will die. Your servants will bring down
have done? Don’t you know that such a the gray hairs of your servant, our father,
man as I can indeed do divination?” with sorrow to Sheol.‡ 32 For your servant
16 Judah said, “What will we tell my lord?
became collateral for the boy to my father,
What will we speak? How will we clear saying, ‘If I don’t bring him to you, then I
ourselves? God has found out the iniquity will bear the blame to my father forever.’
of your servants. Behold, we are my lord’s 33 Now therefore, please let your servant
slaves, both we and he also in whose hand stay instead of the boy, my lord’s slave; and
the cup is found.” let the boy go up with his brothers. 34 For
17 He said, “Far be it from me that I
how will I go up to my father, if the boy isn’t
should do so. The man in whose hand the with me?—lest I see the evil that will come
cup is found, he will be my slave; but as for on my father.”
you, go up in peace to your father.”
18 Then Judah came near to him, and
said, “Oh, my lord, please let your servant 1 Then Joseph couldn’t control himself
speak a word in my lord’s ears, and don’t before all those who stood before him, and
let your anger burn against your servant; he called out, “Cause everyone to go out
for you are even as Pharaoh. 19 My lord from me!” No one else stood with him,
asked his servants, saying, ‘Have you a while Joseph made himself known to his
father, or a brother?’ 20 We said to my brothers. 2 He wept aloud. The Egyptians
lord, ‘We have a father, an old man, and heard, and the house of Pharaoh heard.
a child of his old age, a little one; and his 3 Joseph said to his brothers, “I am Joseph!
brother is dead, and he alone is left of his Does my father still live?”
mother; and his father loves him.’ 21 You His brothers couldn’t answer him;
said to your servants, ‘Bring him down to for they were terrified at his presence.
me, that I may set my eyes on him.’ 22 We 4 Joseph said to his brothers, “Come near
said to my lord, ‘The boy can’t leave his to me, please.”
father, for if he should leave his father, They came near. He said, “I am Joseph,
his father would die.’ 23 You said to your your brother, whom you sold into Egypt.
servants, ‘Unless your youngest brother 5 Now don’t be grieved, nor angry with
comes down with you, you will see my face yourselves, that you sold me here, for God
no more.’ 24 When we came up to your sent me before you to preserve life. 6 For
servant my father, we told him the words these two years the famine has been in the
of my lord. 25 Our father said, ‘Go again land, and there are yet five years, in which
and buy us a little food.’ 26 We said, ‘We there will be no plowing and no harvest.
can’t go down. If our youngest brother is 7 God sent me before you to preserve for
with us, then we will go down: for we may you a remnant in the earth, and to save you
not see the man’s face, unless our youngest alive by a great deliverance. 8 So now it
brother is with us.’ 27 Your servant, my wasn’t you who sent me here, but God, and
father, said to us, ‘You know that my wife he has made me a father to Pharaoh, lord
bore me two sons. 28 One went out from of all his house, and ruler over all the land
me, and I said, “Surely he is torn in pieces;” of Egypt. 9 Hurry, and go up to my father,
and I haven’t seen him since. 29 If you take and tell him, ‘This is what your son Joseph
this one also from me, and harm happens says, “God has made me lord of all Egypt.
to him, you will bring down my gray hairs Come down to me. Don’t wait. 10 You
with sorrow to Sheol.’† 30 Now therefore shall dwell in the land of Goshen, and you
when I come to your servant my father, will be near to me, you, your children,
† 44:29 Sheol is the place of the dead. ‡ 44:31 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Genesis 45:11 45 Genesis 46:17

your children’s children, your flocks, your didn’t believe them. 27 They told him all
herds, and all that you have. 11 There I the words of Joseph, which he had said
will provide for you; for there are yet five to them. When he saw the wagons which
years of famine; lest you come to poverty, Joseph had sent to carry him, the spirit of
you, and your household, and all that you Jacob, their father, revived. 28 Israel said,
have.” ’ 12 Behold, your eyes see, and the “It is enough. Joseph my son is still alive. I
eyes of my brother Benjamin, that it is my will go and see him before I die.”
mouth that speaks to you. 13 You shall tell
my father of all my glory in Egypt, and of 46
1 Israel traveled with all that he had, and
all that you have seen. You shall hurry and
bring my father down here.” 14 He fell on came to Beersheba, and offered sacrifices
his brother Benjamin’s neck and wept, and to the God of his father, Isaac. 2 God spoke
Benjamin wept on his neck. 15 He kissed all to Israel in the visions of the night, and
his brothers, and wept on them. After that said, “Jacob, Jacob!”
his brothers talked with him. He said, “Here I am.”
3 He said, “I am God, the God of your
16 The report of it was heard in Pharaoh’s
house, saying, “Joseph’s brothers have father. Don’t be afraid to go down into
come.” It pleased Pharaoh well, and his Egypt, for there I will make of you a great
servants. 17 Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Tell nation. 4 I will go down with you into
your brothers, ‘Do this: Load your ani- Egypt. I will also surely bring you up again.
mals, and go, travel to the land of Canaan. Joseph’s hand will close your eyes.”
5 Jacob rose up from Beersheba, and the
18 Take your father and your households,
and come to me, and I will give you the sons of Israel carried Jacob, their father,
good of the land of Egypt, and you will their little ones, and their wives, in the
wagons which Pharaoh had sent to carry
eat the fat of the land.’ 19 Now you are
him. 6 They took their livestock, and their
commanded to do this: Take wagons out of
goods, which they had gotten in the land of
the land of Egypt for your little ones, and
Canaan, and came into Egypt—Jacob, and
for your wives, and bring your father, and
all his offspring with him, 7 his sons, and
come. 20 Also, don’t concern yourselves
his sons’ sons with him, his daughters, and
about your belongings, for the good of all his sons’ daughters, and he brought all his
the land of Egypt is yours.” offspring with him into Egypt.
21 The sons of Israel did so. Joseph gave 8 These are the names of the children
them wagons, according to the command- of Israel, who came into Egypt, Jacob and
ment of Pharaoh, and gave them provision his sons: Reuben, Jacob’s firstborn. 9 The
for the way. 22 He gave each one of them sons of Reuben: Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron,
changes of clothing, but to Benjamin he and Carmi. 10 The sons of Simeon: Jemuel,
gave three hundred pieces of silver and Jamin, Ohad, Jachin, Zohar, and Shaul the
five changes of clothing. 23 He sent the son of a Canaanite woman. 11 The sons of
following to his father: ten donkeys loaded Levi: Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. 12 The
with the good things of Egypt, and ten fe- sons of Judah: Er, Onan, Shelah, Perez, and
male donkeys loaded with grain and bread Zerah; but Er and Onan died in the land of
and provision for his father by the way. Canaan. The sons of Perez were Hezron
24 So he sent his brothers away, and they and Hamul. 13 The sons of Issachar: Tola,
Puvah, Iob, and Shimron. 14 The sons of
departed. He said to them, “See that you Zebulun: Sered, Elon, and Jahleel. 15 These
don’t quarrel on the way.” are the sons of Leah, whom she bore to
25 They went up out of Egypt, and came Jacob in Paddan Aram, with his daughter
into the land of Canaan, to Jacob their Dinah. All the souls of his sons and his
father. 26 They told him, saying, “Joseph daughters were thirty-three. 16 The sons
is still alive, and he is ruler over all the of Gad: Ziphion, Haggi, Shuni, Ezbon, Eri,
land of Egypt.” His heart fainted, for he Arodi, and Areli. 17 The sons of Asher:
Genesis 46:18 46 Genesis 47:13

Imnah, Ishvah, Ishvi, Beriah, and Serah dwell in the land of Goshen; for every
their sister. The sons of Beriah: Heber and shepherd is an abomination to the Egyp-
Malchiel. 18 These are the sons of Zilpah, tians.”
whom Laban gave to Leah, his daughter,
and these she bore to Jacob, even sixteen
1 Then
souls. 19 The sons of Rachel, Jacob’s wife: Joseph went in and told Pharaoh,
Joseph and Benjamin. 20 To Joseph in the and said, “My father and my brothers,
land of Egypt were born Manasseh and with their flocks, their herds, and all that
Ephraim, whom Asenath, the daughter of they own, have come out of the land of
Potiphera, priest of On, bore to him. 21 The Canaan; and behold, they are in the land
sons of Benjamin: Bela, Becher, Ashbel, of Goshen.” 2 From among his brothers
Gera, Naaman, Ehi, Rosh, Muppim, Hup- he took five men, and presented them to
pim, and Ard. 22 These are the sons of Pharaoh. 3 Pharaoh said to his brothers,
Rachel, who were born to Jacob: all the “What is your occupation?”
souls were fourteen. 23 The son of Dan: They said to Pharaoh, “Your servants
Hushim. 24 The sons of Naphtali: Jahzeel, are shepherds, both we, and our fathers.”
4 They also said to Pharaoh, “We have come
Guni, Jezer, and Shillem. 25 These are
the sons of Bilhah, whom Laban gave to to live as foreigners in the land, for there
Rachel, his daughter, and these she bore is no pasture for your servants’ flocks. For
to Jacob: all the souls were seven. 26 All the famine is severe in the land of Canaan.
the souls who came with Jacob into Egypt, Now therefore, please let your servants
who were his direct offspring, in addition dwell in the land of Goshen.”
5 Pharaoh spoke to Joseph, saying, “Your
to Jacob’s sons’ wives, all the souls were father and your brothers have come to
sixty-six. 27 The sons of Joseph, who were you. 6 The land of Egypt is before you.
born to him in Egypt, were two souls. All
Make your father and your brothers dwell
the souls of the house of Jacob, who came
in the best of the land. Let them dwell in
into Egypt, were seventy. the land of Goshen. If you know any able
28 Jacob sent Judah before him to Joseph,
men among them, then put them in charge
to show the way before him to Goshen, of my livestock.”
and they came into the land of Goshen. 7 Joseph brought in Jacob, his father, and
29 Joseph prepared his chariot, and went
set him before Pharaoh; and Jacob blessed
up to meet Israel, his father, in Goshen. He Pharaoh. 8 Pharaoh said to Jacob, “How old
presented himself to him, and fell on his are you?”
neck, and wept on his neck a good while. 9 Jacob said to Pharaoh, “The years of my
30 Israel said to Joseph, “Now let me die,
pilgrimage are one hundred thirty years.
since I have seen your face, that you are The days of the years of my life have been
still alive.” few and evil. They have not attained to the
31 Joseph said to his brothers, and to his
days of the years of the life of my fathers
father’s house, “I will go up, and speak in the days of their pilgrimage.” 10 Jacob
with Pharaoh, and will tell him, ‘My broth- blessed Pharaoh, and went out from the
ers, and my father’s house, who were in presence of Pharaoh.
the land of Canaan, have come to me. 11 Joseph placed his father and his broth-
32 These men are shepherds, for they have
ers, and gave them a possession in the
been keepers of livestock, and they have land of Egypt, in the best of the land, in
brought their flocks, and their herds, and the land of Rameses, as Pharaoh had com-
all that they have.’ 33 It will happen, manded. 12 Joseph provided his father, his
when Pharaoh summons you, and will say, brothers, and all of his father’s household
‘What is your occupation?’ 34 that you shall with bread, according to the sizes of their
say, ‘Your servants have been keepers of families.
livestock from our youth even until now, 13 There was no bread in all the land;
both we, and our fathers:’ that you may for the famine was very severe, so that
Genesis 47:14 47 Genesis 48:6

the land of Egypt and the land of Canaan food, for them of your households, and for
fainted by reason of the famine. 14 Joseph food for your little ones.”
gathered up all the money that was 25 They said, “You have saved our lives!
found in the land of Egypt, and in the Let us find favor in the sight of my lord, and
land of Canaan, for the grain which they we will be Pharaoh’s servants.”
bought: and Joseph brought the money 26 Joseph made it a statute concerning
into Pharaoh’s house. 15 When the money the land of Egypt to this day, that Pharaoh
was all spent in the land of Egypt, and in should have the fifth. Only the land of the
the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came priests alone didn’t become Pharaoh’s.
to Joseph, and said, “Give us bread, for why 27 Israel lived in the land of Egypt, in the
should we die in your presence? For our land of Goshen; and they got themselves
money fails.” possessions therein, and were fruitful, and
16 Joseph said, “Give me your livestock; multiplied exceedingly. 28 Jacob lived in
and I will give you food for your livestock, the land of Egypt seventeen years. So the
if your money is gone.” days of Jacob, the years of his life, were
17 They brought their livestock to Joseph, one hundred forty-seven years. 29 The
and Joseph gave them bread in exchange time came near that Israel must die, and
for the horses, and for the flocks, and for he called his son Joseph, and said to him,
the herds, and for the donkeys: and he “If now I have found favor in your sight,
fed them with bread in exchange for all please put your hand under my thigh, and
their livestock for that year. 18 When that deal kindly and truly with me. Please don’t
year was ended, they came to him the bury me in Egypt, 30 but when I sleep with
second year, and said to him, “We will not my fathers, you shall carry me out of Egypt,
hide from my lord how our money is all and bury me in their burying place.”
spent, and the herds of livestock are my Joseph said, “I will do as you have said.”
lord’s. There is nothing left in the sight 31 Israel said, “Swear to me,” and he
of my lord, but our bodies, and our lands. swore to him. Then Israel bowed himself
19 Why should we die before your eyes, on the bed’s head.
both we and our land? Buy us and our
land for bread, and we and our land will 48
be servants to Pharaoh. Give us seed, that After these things, someone said to

we may live, and not die, and that the land Joseph, “Behold, your father is sick.” He
won’t be desolate.” took with him his two sons, Manasseh and
20 So Joseph bought all the land of Egypt Ephraim. 2 Someone told Jacob, and said,
for Pharaoh, for every man of the Egyp- “Behold, your son Joseph comes to you,”
tians sold his field, because the famine and Israel strengthened himself, and sat
was severe on them, and the land became on the bed. 3 Jacob said to Joseph, “God
Pharaoh’s. 21 As for the people, he moved Almighty appeared to me at Luz in the
them to the cities from one end of the land of Canaan, and blessed me, 4 and said
border of Egypt even to the other end of it. to me, ‘Behold, I will make you fruitful,
22 Only he didn’t buy the land of the priests, and multiply you, and I will make of you
for the priests had a portion from Pharaoh, a company of peoples, and will give this
and ate their portion which Pharaoh gave land to your offspring after you for an
them. That is why they didn’t sell their everlasting possession.’ 5 Now your two
land. 23 Then Joseph said to the people, sons, who were born to you in the land
“Behold, I have bought you and your land of Egypt before I came to you into Egypt,
today for Pharaoh. Behold, here is seed for are mine; Ephraim and Manasseh, even as
you, and you shall sow the land. 24 It will Reuben and Simeon, will be mine. 6 Your
happen at the harvests, that you shall give offspring, whom you become the father
a fifth to Pharaoh, and four parts will be of after them, will be yours. They will
your own, for seed of the field, for your be called after the name of their brothers
Genesis 48:7 48 Genesis 49:9

in their inheritance. 7 As for me, when I than he, and his offspring will become a
came from Paddan, Rachel died beside me multitude of nations.” 20 He blessed them
in the land of Canaan on the way, when that day, saying, “Israel will bless in you,
there was still some distance to come to saying, ‘God make you as Ephraim and as
Ephrath, and I buried her there on the way Manasseh’ ” He set Ephraim before Man-
to Ephrath (also called Bethlehem).” asseh. 21 Israel said to Joseph, “Behold, I
8 Israel saw Joseph’s sons, and said,
am dying, but God will be with you, and
“Who are these?” bring you again to the land of your fathers.
9 Joseph said to his father, “They are my 22 Moreover I have given to you one por-
sons, whom God has given me here.” tion above your brothers, which I took out
He said, “Please bring them to me, and I of the hand of the Amorite with my sword
will bless them.” 10 Now the eyes of Israel and with my bow.”
were dim for age, so that he couldn’t see
well. Joseph brought them near to him;
and he kissed them, and embraced them.
11 Israel said to Joseph, “I didn’t think I
Jacob called to his sons, and said:
“Gather yourselves together, that I may tell
would see your face, and behold, God has you that which will happen to you in the
let me see your offspring also.” 12 Joseph days to come.
brought them out from between his knees, 2 Assemble yourselves, and hear, you sons
and he bowed himself with his face to the of Jacob.
earth. 13 Joseph took them both, Ephraim
in his right hand toward Israel’s left hand, Listen to Israel, your father.
and Manasseh in his left hand toward Is- 3 “Reuben, you are my firstborn, my might,
rael’s right hand, and brought them near to
him. 14 Israel stretched out his right hand, and the beginning of my strength,
and laid it on Ephraim’s head, who was the excelling in dignity, and excelling in
younger, and his left hand on Manasseh’s 4 Boiling over like water, you shall not
head, guiding his hands knowingly, for
Manasseh was the firstborn. 15 He blessed because you went up to your father’s
Joseph, and said,
“The God before whom my fathers Abra- bed,
then defiled it. He went up to my
ham and Isaac walked,
the God who has fed me all my life long to couch.
this day, 5 “Simeon and Levi are brothers.
16 the angel who has redeemed me from all Their swords are weapons of violence.
evil, bless the lads, 6 My soul, don’t come into their council.
and let my name be named on them, My glory, don’t be united to their as-
and the name of my fathers Abraham and sembly;
Isaac. for in their anger they killed men.
Let them grow into a multitude upon the
In their self-will they hamstrung cat-
17 When Joseph saw that his father laid tle.
7 Cursed be their anger, for it was fierce;
his right hand on the head of Ephraim, it
and their wrath, for it was cruel.
displeased him. He held up his father’s
I will divide them in Jacob,
hand, to remove it from Ephraim’s head to
and scatter them in Israel.
Manasseh’s head. 18 Joseph said to his fa-
ther, “Not so, my father, for this is the first- 8 “Judah, your brothers will praise you.
born. Put your right hand on his head.” Your hand will be on the neck of your
19 His father refused, and said, “I know,
my son, I know. He also will become a Your father’s sons will bow down be-
people, and he also will be great. How- fore you.
ever, his younger brother will be greater 9 Judah is a lion’s cub.
Genesis 49:10 49 Genesis 50:2

From the prey, my son, you have gone The arms of his hands were made
up. strong,
He stooped down, he crouched as a lion, by the hands of the Mighty One of
as a lioness. Jacob,
Who will rouse him up? (from there is the shepherd, the stone
10 The scepter will not depart from Judah,
of Israel),
nor the ruler’s staff from between his 25 even by the God of your father, who will
feet, help you,
until he comes to whom it belongs. by the Almighty, who will bless you,
The obedience of the peoples will be to with blessings of heaven above,
him. blessings of the deep that lies below,
11 Binding his foal to the vine,
blessings of the breasts, and of the
his donkey’s colt to the choice vine, womb.
he has washed his garments in wine, 26 The blessings of your father have pre-
his robes in the blood of grapes. vailed above the blessings of my an-
12 His eyes will be red with wine, cestors,
his teeth white with milk. above the boundaries of the ancient
13 “Zebulun will dwell at the haven of the They will be on the head of Joseph,
sea. on the crown of the head of him who is
He will be for a haven of ships. separated from his brothers.
His border will be on Sidon.
27 “Benjamin is a ravenous wolf.
14 “Issachar is a strong donkey,
In the morning he will devour the
lying down between the saddlebags. prey.
15 He saw a resting place, that it was good, At evening he will divide the plunder.”
the land, that it was pleasant. 28 All these are the twelve tribes of Is-
He bows his shoulder to the burden, rael, and this is what their father spoke
and becomes a servant doing forced to them, and blessed them. He blessed
labor. everyone according to his own blessing.
29 He instructed them, and said to them,
16 “Dan will judge his people,
“I am to be gathered to my people. Bury
as one of the tribes of Israel. me with my fathers in the cave that is
17 Dan will be a serpent on the trail,
in the field of Ephron the Hittite, 30 in
an adder in the path, the cave that is in the field of Machpelah,
that bites the horse’s heels, which is before Mamre, in the land of
so that his rider falls backward. Canaan, which Abraham bought with the
18 I have waited for your salvation, LORD.
field from Ephron the Hittite as a burial
19 “A troop will press on Gad, place. 31 There they buried Abraham and
but he will press on their heel. Sarah, his wife. There they buried Isaac
and Rebekah, his wife, and there I buried
20 “Asher’s food will be rich. Leah: 32 the field and the cave that is
He will produce royal dainties. therein, which was purchased from the
children of Heth.” 33 When Jacob finished
21 “Naphtali is a doe set free, charging his sons, he gathered up his feet
who bears beautiful fawns. into the bed, breathed his last breath, and
was gathered to his people.
22 “Joseph is a fruitful vine,
a fruitful vine by a spring. 50
1 Joseph fell on his father’s face, wept on
His branches run over the wall.
23 The archers have severely grieved him, him, and kissed him. 2 Joseph commanded
shot at him, and persecuted him: his servants, the physicians, to embalm
24 But his bow remained strong. his father; and the physicians embalmed
Genesis 50:3 50 Genesis 49:26

Israel. 3 Forty days were used for him, for he died, saying, 17 ‘You shall tell Joseph,
that is how many days it takes to embalm. “Now please forgive the disobedience of
The Egyptians wept for Israel for seventy your brothers, and their sin, because they
days. did evil to you.” ’ Now, please forgive the
4 When the days of weeping for him were disobedience of the servants of the God
past, Joseph spoke to Pharaoh’s staff, say- of your father.” Joseph wept when they
ing, “If now I have found favor in your spoke to him. 18 His brothers also went and
eyes, please speak in the ears of Pharaoh, fell down before his face; and they said,
saying, 5 ‘My father made me swear, say- “Behold, we are your servants.” 19 Joseph
ing, “Behold, I am dying. Bury me in my said to them, “Don’t be afraid, for am I in
grave which I have dug for myself in the the place of God? 20 As for you, you meant
land of Canaan.” Now therefore, please let evil against me, but God meant it for good,
me go up and bury my father, and I will to save many people alive, as is happening
come again.’ ” today. 21 Now therefore don’t be afraid. I
6 Pharaoh said, “Go up, and bury your will provide for you and your little ones.”
father, just like he made you swear.” He comforted them, and spoke kindly to
7 Joseph went up to bury his father; them.
22 Joseph lived in Egypt, he, and his fa-
and with him went up all the servants of ther’s house. Joseph lived one hundred ten
Pharaoh, the elders of his house, all the years. 23 Joseph saw Ephraim’s children to
elders of the land of Egypt, 8 all the house the third generation. The children also of
of Joseph, his brothers, and his father’s Machir, the son of Manasseh, were born
house. Only their little ones, their flocks, on Joseph’s knees. 24 Joseph said to his
and their herds, they left in the land of brothers, “I am dying, but God will surely
Goshen. 9 Both chariots and horsemen visit you, and bring you up out of this land
went up with him. It was a very great to the land which he swore to Abraham, to
company. 10 They came to the threshing Isaac, and to Jacob.” 25 Joseph took an oath
floor of Atad, which is beyond the Jordan, from the children of Israel, saying, “God
and there they lamented with a very great will surely visit you, and you shall carry
and severe lamentation. He mourned for up my bones from here.” 26 So Joseph died,
his father seven days. 11 When the in-
being one hundred ten years old, and they
habitants of the land, the Canaanites, saw
the mourning in the floor of Atad, they embalmed him, and he was put in a coffin
said, “This is a grievous mourning by the in Egypt.
Egyptians.” Therefore its name was called
Abel Mizraim, which is beyond the Jor-
dan. 12 His sons did to him just as he com-
manded them, 13 for his sons carried him
into the land of Canaan, and buried him in
the cave of the field of Machpelah, which
Abraham bought with the field, as a pos-
session for a burial site, from Ephron the
Hittite, near Mamre. 14 Joseph returned
into Egypt—he, and his brothers, and all
that went up with him to bury his father,
after he had buried his father.
15 When Joseph’s brothers saw that their
father was dead, they said, “It may be
that Joseph will hate us, and will fully pay
us back for all the evil which we did to
him.” 16 They sent a message to Joseph,
saying, “Your father commanded before
Exodus 1:1 51 Exodus 2:9

midwives feared God,‡ and didn’t do what

the king of Egypt commanded them, but
The Second Book of Moses, saved the baby boys alive. 18 The king of
Commonly Called Egypt called for the midwives, and said to
them, “Why have you done this thing and
Exodus saved the boys alive?”
1 Now these are the names of the sons 19 The midwives said to Pharaoh, “Be-
of Israel, who came into Egypt (every cause the Hebrew women aren’t like the
man and his household came with Ja- Egyptian women; for they are vigorous
cob): 2 Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah, and give birth before the midwife comes to
3 Issachar, Zebulun, and Benjamin, 4 Dan them.”
and Naphtali, Gad and Asher. 5 All the 20 God dealt well with the midwives,
souls who came out of Jacob’s body were and the people multiplied, and grew very
seventy souls, and Joseph was in Egypt al- mighty. 21 Because the midwives feared
ready. 6 Joseph died, as did all his brothers, God, he gave them families. 22 Pharaoh
and all that generation. 7 The children of commanded all his people, saying, “You
Israel were fruitful, and increased abun- shall cast every son who is born into the
dantly, and multiplied, and grew exceed- river, and every daughter you shall save
ingly mighty; and the land was filled with alive.”
8 Now there arose a new king over Egypt,
who didn’t know Joseph. 9 He said to his 1 A man of the house of Levi went and
people, “Behold,† the people of the chil- took a daughter of Levi as his wife. 2 The
dren of Israel are more and mightier than woman conceived and bore a son. When
we. 10 Come, let’s deal wisely with them, she saw that he was a fine child, she hid
lest they multiply, and it happen that when him three months. 3 When she could no
any war breaks out, they also join them- longer hide him, she took a papyrus basket
selves to our enemies and fight against us, for him, and coated it with tar and with
and escape out of the land.” 11 Therefore pitch. She put the child in it, and laid
they set taskmasters over them to afflict it in the reeds by the river’s bank. 4 His
them with their burdens. They built stor- sister stood far off, to see what would be
age cities for Pharaoh: Pithom and Raam- done to him. 5 Pharaoh’s daughter came
ses. 12 But the more they afflicted them, the down to bathe at the river. Her maidens
walked along by the riverside. She saw
more they multiplied and the more they the basket among the reeds, and sent her
spread out. They started to dread the chil- servant to get it. 6 She opened it, and saw
dren of Israel. 13 The Egyptians ruthlessly the child, and behold, the baby cried. She
made the children of Israel serve, 14 and had compassion on him, and said, “This is
they made their lives bitter with hard ser- one of the Hebrews’ children.”
vice in mortar and in brick, and in all kinds 7 Then his sister said to Pharaoh’s daugh-
of service in the field, all their service, in
which they ruthlessly made them serve. ter, “Should I go and call a nurse for you
15 The king of Egypt spoke to the He- from the Hebrew women, that she may
brew midwives, of whom the name of the nurse the child for you?”
8 Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, “Go.”
one was Shiphrah, and the name of the
other Puah, 16 and he said, “When you per- The young woman went and called the
form the duty of a midwife to the Hebrew child’s mother. 9 Pharaoh’s daughter said
women, and see them on the birth stool, if to her, “Take this child away, and nurse
it is a son, then you shall kill him; but if it is him for me, and I will give you your
a daughter, then she shall live.” 17 But the wages.”
† 1:9 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.
‡ 1:17 The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim).
Exodus 2:10 52 Exodus 3:10

The woman took the child, and nursed Israel sighed because of the bondage, and
it. 10 The child grew, and she brought him they cried, and their cry came up to God
to Pharaoh’s daughter, and he became her because of the bondage. 24 God heard
son. She named him Moses,† and said, their groaning, and God remembered his
“Because I drew him out of the water.” covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and
11 In those days, when Moses had grown
with Jacob. 25 God saw the children of
up, he went out to his brothers and saw Israel, and God understood.
their burdens. He saw an Egyptian striking
a Hebrew, one of his brothers. 12 He looked
this way and that way, and when he saw
1 Now Moses was keeping the flock of
that there was no one, he killed the Egyp-
Jethro, his father-in-law, the priest of Mid-
tian, and hid him in the sand.
13 He went out the second day, and be- ian, and he led the flock to the back of the
wilderness, and came to God’s mountain,
hold, two men of the Hebrews were fight- to Horeb. 2 The LORD’s† angel appeared to
ing with each other. He said to him who him in a flame of fire out of the middle of
did the wrong, “Why do you strike your a bush. He looked, and behold, the bush
fellow?” burned with fire, and the bush was not
14 He said, “Who made you a prince and
consumed. 3 Moses said, “I will go now,
a judge over us? Do you plan to kill me, as and see this great sight, why the bush is not
you killed the Egyptian?” burned.”
Moses was afraid, and said, “Surely this 4 When the LORD saw that he came over
thing is known.” 15 Now when Pharaoh to see, God called to him out of the middle
heard this thing, he sought to kill Moses. of the bush, and said, “Moses! Moses!”
But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh, He said, “Here I am.”
and lived in the land of Midian, and he sat 5 He said, “Don’t come close. Take off
down by a well. your sandals, for the place you are stand-
16 Now the priest of Midian had seven ing on is holy ground.” 6 Moreover he said,
daughters. They came and drew water, “I am the God of your father, the God of
and filled the troughs to water their fa- Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of
ther’s flock. 17 The shepherds came and Jacob.”
drove them away; but Moses stood up Moses hid his face because he was afraid
and helped them, and watered their flock. to look at God.
18 When they came to Reuel, their father, 7 The LORD said, “I have surely seen the
he said, “How is it that you have returned affliction of my people who are in Egypt,
so early today?” and have heard their cry because of their
19 They said, “An Egyptian delivered us taskmasters, for I know their sorrows. 8 I
out of the hand of the shepherds, and have come down to deliver them out of
moreover he drew water for us, and wa- the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring
tered the flock.” them up out of that land to a good and
20 He said to his daughters, “Where is he? large land, to a land flowing with milk
Why is it that you have left the man? Call and honey; to the place of the Canaanite,
him, that he may eat bread.” the Hittite, the Amorite, the Perizzite, the
21 Moses was content to dwell with the Hivite, and the Jebusite. 9 Now, behold, the
man. He gave Moses Zipporah, his daugh- cry of the children of Israel has come to
ter. 22 She bore a son, and he named him me. Moreover I have seen the oppression
Gershom,‡ for he said, “I have lived as a with which the Egyptians oppress them.
foreigner in a foreign land.” 10 Come now therefore, and I will send you
23 In the course of those many days, the to Pharaoh, that you may bring my people,
king of Egypt died, and the children of the children of Israel, out of Egypt.”
† 2:10 “Moses” sounds like the Hebrew for “draw out”. ‡ 2:22 “Gershom” sounds like the Hebrew for “an alien
there”. † 3:2 When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, “LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name.
Exodus 3:11 53 Exodus 4:12

11 Moses said to God, “Who am I, that gold, and clothing. You shall put them on
I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should your sons, and on your daughters. You
bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” shall plunder the Egyptians.”
12 He said, “Certainly I will be with you.
This will be the token to you, that I have 4
sent you: when you have brought the peo- 1 Moses answered, “But, behold, they
ple out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this will not believe me, nor listen to my voice;
mountain.” for they will say, ‘The LORD has not ap-
13 Moses said to God, “Behold, when I peared to you.’ ”
come to the children of Israel, and tell 2 The LORD said to him, “What is that in
them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent your hand?”
me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his He said, “A rod.”
name?’ what should I tell them?” 3 He said, “Throw it on the ground.”
14 God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM,” He threw it on the ground, and it became
and he said, “You shall tell the children a snake; and Moses ran away from it.
of Israel this: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ ” 4 The LORD said to Moses, “Stretch out
15 God said moreover to Moses, “You shall
your hand, and take it by the tail.”
tell the children of Israel this, ‘The LORD, He stretched out his hand, and took hold
the God of your fathers, the God of Abra- of it, and it became a rod in his hand.
ham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, 5 “This is so that they may believe that the
has sent me to you.’ This is my name for- LORD, the God of their fathers, the God of
ever, and this is my memorial to all gener- Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of
ations. 16 Go and gather the elders of Israel Jacob, has appeared to you.” 6 The LORD
together, and tell them, ‘The LORD, the God said furthermore to him, “Now put your
of your fathers, the God of Abraham, of hand inside your cloak.”
Isaac, and of Jacob, has appeared to me, He put his hand inside his cloak, and
saying, “I have surely visited you, and seen when he took it out, behold, his hand was
that which is done to you in Egypt. 17 I have leprous, as white as snow.
said, I will bring you up out of the afflic- 7 He said, “Put your hand inside your
tion of Egypt to the land of the Canaanite, cloak again.”
the Hittite, the Amorite, the Perizzite, the He put his hand inside his cloak again,
Hivite, and the Jebusite, to a land flowing and when he took it out of his cloak, be-
with milk and honey.” ’ 18 They will listen hold, it had turned again as his other flesh.
to your voice. You shall come, you and 8 “It will happen, if they will not believe
the elders of Israel, to the king of Egypt, you or listen to the voice of the first sign,
and you shall tell him, ‘The LORD, the God that they will believe the voice of the latter
of the Hebrews, has met with us. Now sign. 9 It will happen, if they will not
please let us go three days’ journey into believe even these two signs or listen to
the wilderness, that we may sacrifice to the your voice, that you shall take of the water
LORD, our God.’ 19 I know that the king of of the river, and pour it on the dry land.
Egypt won’t give you permission to go, no, The water which you take out of the river
not by a mighty hand. 20 I will reach out my will become blood on the dry land.”
hand and strike Egypt with all my wonders 10 Moses said to the LORD, “O Lord,† I
which I will do among them, and after that am not eloquent, neither before now, nor
he will let you go. 21 I will give this people since you have spoken to your servant; for
favor in the sight of the Egyptians, and it I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue.”
will happen that when you go, you shall 11 The LORD said to him, “Who made
not go empty-handed. 22 But every woman man’s mouth? Or who makes one mute,
shall ask of her neighbor, and of her who or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Isn’t it I, the
visits her house, jewels of silver, jewels of LORD? 12 Now therefore go, and I will be
† 4:10 The word translated “Lord” is “Adonai”.
Exodus 4:13 54 Exodus 5:10

with your mouth, and teach you what you He went, and met him on God’s moun-
shall speak.” tain, and kissed him. 28 Moses told Aaron
13 Moses said, “Oh, Lord, please send all the LORD’s words with which he had
someone else.” sent him, and all the signs with which he
14 The LORD’s anger burned against had instructed him. 29 Moses and Aaron
went and gathered together all the elders
Moses, and he said, “What about Aaron,
your brother, the Levite? I know that he of the children of Israel. 30 Aaron spoke
can speak well. Also, behold, he is coming all the words which the LORD had spoken
out to meet you. When he sees you, he will to Moses, and did the signs in the sight of
be glad in his heart. 15 You shall speak to the people. 31 The people believed, and
him, and put the words in his mouth. I will when they heard that the LORD had vis-
be with your mouth, and with his mouth, ited the children of Israel, and that he had
seen their affliction, then they bowed their
and will teach you what you shall do. 16 He
heads and worshiped.
will be your spokesman to the people. It
will happen that he will be to you a mouth,
and you will be to him as God. 17 You shall
1 Afterward Moses and Aaron came, and
take this rod in your hand, with which you said to Pharaoh, “This is what the LORD,
shall do the signs.” the God of Israel, says, ‘Let my people go,
18 Moses went and returned to Jethro his that they may hold a feast to me in the
father-in-law, and said to him, “Please let wilderness.’ ”
me go and return to my brothers who are 2 Pharaoh said, “Who is the LORD, that I
in Egypt, and see whether they are still should listen to his voice to let Israel go? I
alive.” don’t know the LORD, and moreover I will
Jethro said to Moses, “Go in peace.” not let Israel go.”
19 The LORD said to Moses in Midian, 3 They said, “The God of the Hebrews has
“Go, return into Egypt; for all the men who met with us. Please let us go three days’
sought your life are dead.” journey into the wilderness, and sacrifice
20 Moses took his wife and his sons, and to the LORD, our God, lest he fall on us with
set them on a donkey, and he returned to pestilence, or with the sword.”
4 The king of Egypt said to them, “Why
the land of Egypt. Moses took God’s rod
in his hand. 21 The LORD said to Moses, do you, Moses and Aaron, take the people
“When you go back into Egypt, see that you from their work? Get back to your bur-
do before Pharaoh all the wonders which dens!” 5 Pharaoh said, “Behold, the people
I have put in your hand, but I will harden of the land are now many, and you make
his heart and he will not let the people go. them rest from their burdens.” 6 The same
22 You shall tell Pharaoh, ‘The LORD says, day Pharaoh commanded the taskmasters
Israel is my son, my firstborn, 23 and I have of the people and their officers, saying,
said to you, “Let my son go, that he may 7 “You shall no longer give the people straw
serve me;” and you have refused to let him to make brick, as before. Let them go
go. Behold, I will kill your firstborn son.’ ” and gather straw for themselves. 8 You
24 On the way at a lodging place, the shall require from them the number of the
LORD met Moses and wanted to kill him. bricks which they made before. You shall
25 Then Zipporah took a flint, and cut off not diminish anything of it, for they are
the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his idle. Therefore they cry, saying, ‘Let’s go
feet; and she said, “Surely you are a bride- and sacrifice to our God.’ 9 Let heavier
groom of blood to me.” work be laid on the men, that they may
26 So he let him alone. Then she said, labor in it. Don’t let them pay any attention
“You are a bridegroom of blood,” because to lying words.”
10 The taskmasters of the people went
of the circumcision.
27 The LORD said to Aaron, “Go into the out with their officers, and they spoke to
wilderness to meet Moses.” the people, saying, “This is what Pharaoh
Exodus 5:11 55 Exodus 6:16

says: ‘I will not give you straw. 11 Go strong hand he shall drive them out of his
yourselves, get straw where you can find land.”
2 God spoke to Moses, and said to him, “I
it, for nothing of your work shall be di-
minished.’ ” 12 So the people were scat- am the LORD. 3 I appeared to Abraham, to
tered abroad throughout all the land of Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty; but
Egypt to gather stubble for straw. 13 The by my name the LORD I was not known
taskmasters were urgent saying, “Fulfill to them. 4 I have also established my
your work quota daily, as when there was covenant with them, to give them the land
of Canaan, the land of their travels, in
straw!” 14 The officers of the children of Is-
rael, whom Pharaoh’s taskmasters had set which they lived as aliens. 5 Moreover
over them, were beaten, and were asked, I have heard the groaning of the chil-
“Why haven’t you fulfilled your quota both dren of Israel, whom the Egyptians keep
yesterday and today, in making brick as in bondage, and I have remembered my
before?” covenant. 6 Therefore tell the children of
15 Then the officers of the children of Israel, ‘I am the LORD, and I will bring
Israel came and cried to Pharaoh, saying, you out from under the burdens of the
“Why do you deal this way with your ser- Egyptians, and I will rid you out of their
vants? 16 No straw is given to your ser- bondage, and I will redeem you with an
vants, and they tell us, ‘Make brick!’ and outstretched arm, and with great judg-
behold, your servants are beaten; but the ments. 7 I will take you to myself for a
fault is in your own people.” people. I will be your God; and you shall
17 But Pharaoh said, “You are idle! You know that I am the LORD your God, who
are idle! Therefore you say, ‘Let’s go and brings you out from under the burdens of
the Egyptians. 8 I will bring you into the
sacrifice to the LORD.’ 18 Go therefore now,
and work; for no straw shall be given to land which I swore to give to Abraham, to
you; yet you shall deliver the same number Isaac, and to Jacob; and I will give it to you
of bricks!” for a heritage: I am the LORD.’ ”
19 The officers of the children of Israel 9 Moses spoke so to the children of Israel,
saw that they were in trouble when it but they didn’t listen to Moses for anguish
was said, “You shall not diminish anything of spirit, and for cruel bondage.
from your daily quota of bricks!” 10 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
20 They met Moses and Aaron, who stood 11 “Go in, speak to Pharaoh king of Egypt,
along the way, as they came out from that he let the children of Israel go out of
Pharaoh. 21 They said to them, “May the his land.”
LORD look at you and judge, because you 12 Moses spoke before the LORD, saying,
have made us a stench to be abhorred in “Behold, the children of Israel haven’t lis-
the eyes of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of histened to me. How then shall Pharaoh listen
servants, to put a sword in their hand to to me, when I have uncircumcised lips?”
kill us!” 13 The LORD spoke to Moses and to Aaron,
22 Moses returned to the LORD, and said,and gave them a command to the children
“Lord, why have you brought trouble on of Israel, and to Pharaoh king of Egypt, to
this people? Why is it that you have sent bring the children of Israel out of the land
me? 23 For since I came to Pharaoh to speakof Egypt.
in your name, he has brought trouble on 14 These are the heads of their fathers’
this people. You have not rescued your houses. The sons of Reuben the firstborn
people at all!” of Israel: Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and
Carmi; these are the families of Reuben.
15 The sons of Simeon: Jemuel, and Jamin,
6 and Ohad, and Jachin, and Zohar, and
1 The LORD said to Moses, “Now you shall
Shaul the son of a Canaanite woman; these
see what I will do to Pharaoh, for by a are the families of Simeon. 16 These are
strong hand he shall let them go, and by a the names of the sons of Levi according to
Exodus 6:17 56 Exodus 7:18

their generations: Gershon, and Kohath, heart, and multiply my signs and my won-
and Merari; and the years of the life of ders in the land of Egypt. 4 But Pharaoh
Levi were one hundred thirty-seven years. will not listen to you, so I will lay my hand
17 The sons of Gershon: Libni and Shimei, on Egypt, and bring out my armies, my
according to their families. 18 The sons of people the children of Israel, out of the
Kohath: Amram, and Izhar, and Hebron, land of Egypt by great judgments. 5 The
and Uzziel; and the years of the life of Ko- Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD
hath were one hundred thirty-three years. when I stretch out my hand on Egypt,
19 The sons of Merari: Mahli and Mushi.
and bring the children of Israel out from
These are the families of the Levites ac- among them.”
cording to their generations. 20 Amram 6 Moses and Aaron did so.
took Jochebed his father’s sister to him- As the
LORD commanded them, so they did.
self as wife; and she bore him Aaron and 7 Moses was eighty years old, and Aaron
Moses. The years of the life of Amram were
eighty-three years old, when they spoke to
one hundred thirty-seven years. 21 The
sons of Izhar: Korah, and Nepheg, and 8 The LORD spoke to Moses and to Aaron,
Zichri. 22 The sons of Uzziel: Mishael, Elza-
saying, 9 “When Pharaoh speaks to you,
phan, and Sithri. 23 Aaron took Elisheba,
saying, ‘Perform a miracle!’ then you shall
the daughter of Amminadab, the sister of
tell Aaron, ‘Take your rod, and cast it down
Nahshon, as his wife; and she bore him
Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar. before Pharaoh, and it will become a ser-
24 The sons of Korah: Assir, Elkanah, and pent.’ ”
10 Moses and Aaron went in to Pharaoh,
Abiasaph; these are the families of the Ko-
rahites. 25 Eleazar Aaron’s son took one of and they did so, as the LORD had com-
the daughters of Putiel as his wife; and she manded. Aaron cast down his rod before
bore him Phinehas. These are the heads of Pharaoh and before his servants, and it
the fathers’ houses of the Levites according became a serpent. 11 Then Pharaoh also
to their families. 26 These are that Aaron called for the wise men and the sorcer-
and Moses to whom the LORD said, “Bring ers. They also, the magicians of Egypt, did
out the children of Israel from the land of the same thing with their enchantments.
Egypt according to their armies.” 27 These 12 For they each cast down their rods, and
are those who spoke to Pharaoh king of they became serpents; but Aaron’s rod
Egypt, to bring out the children of Israel swallowed up their rods. 13 Pharaoh’s
from Egypt. These are that Moses and heart was hardened, and he didn’t listen to
Aaron. them, as the LORD had spoken.
28 On the day when the LORD spoke to 14 The LORD said to Moses, “Pharaoh’s

Moses in the land of Egypt, 29 The LORD heart is stubborn. He refuses to let the
said to Moses, “I am the LORD. Tell Pharaoh people go. 15 Go to Pharaoh in the morning.
king of Egypt all that I tell you.” Behold, he is going out to the water. You
shall stand by the river’s bank to meet him.
30 Moses said before the LORD, “Behold,
You shall take the rod which was turned
I am of uncircumcised lips, and how shall to a serpent in your hand. 16 You shall
Pharaoh listen to me?” tell him, ‘The LORD, the God of the He-
brews, has sent me to you, saying, “Let my
people go, that they may serve me in the
7 wilderness. Behold, until now you haven’t
1 The LORD said to Moses, “Behold, I listened.” 17 The LORD says, “In this you
have made you as God to Pharaoh; and shall know that I am the LORD. Behold:
Aaron your brother shall be your prophet. I will strike with the rod that is in my
2 You shall speak all that I command you;
hand on the waters which are in the river,
and Aaron your brother shall speak to and they shall be turned to blood. 18 The
Pharaoh, that he let the children of Israel fish that are in the river will die and the
go out of his land. 3 I will harden Pharaoh’s river will become foul. The Egyptians will
Exodus 7:19 57 Exodus 8:20

loathe to drink water from the river.” ’ ” with their enchantments, and brought up
19 The LORD said to Moses, “Tell Aaron,
frogs on the land of Egypt.
‘Take your rod, and stretch out your hand 8 Then Pharaoh called for Moses and
over the waters of Egypt, over their rivers, Aaron, and said, “Entreat the LORD, that
over their streams, and over their pools, he take away the frogs from me and from
and over all their ponds of water, that they my people; and I will let the people go, that
may become blood. There will be blood they may sacrifice to the LORD.”
throughout all the land of Egypt, both in 9 Moses said to Pharaoh, “I give you the
vessels of wood and in vessels of stone.’ ” honor of setting the time that I should pray
20 Moses and Aaron did so, as the LORD for you, and for your servants, and for
commanded; and he lifted up the rod, and your people, that the frogs be destroyed
struck the waters that were in the river, from you and your houses, and remain in
in the sight of Pharaoh, and in the sight the river only.”
of his servants; and all the waters that 10 Pharaoh said, “Tomorrow.”
were in the river were turned to blood. Moses said, “Let it be according to your
21 The fish that were in the river died. The
river became foul. The Egyptians couldn’t word, that you may know that there is
drink water from the river. The blood was no one like the LORD our God. 11 The
throughout all the land of Egypt. 22 The frogs shall depart from you, and from your
magicians of Egypt did the same thing houses, and from your servants, and from
with their enchantments. So Pharaoh’s your people. They shall remain in the river
heart was hardened, and he didn’t listen to only.”
12 Moses and Aaron went out from
them, as the LORD had spoken. 23 Pharaoh
turned and went into his house, and he Pharaoh, and Moses cried to the LORD con-
didn’t even take this to heart. 24 All the cerning the frogs which he had brought on
Egyptians dug around the river for water Pharaoh. 13 The LORD did according to the
to drink; for they couldn’t drink the river word of Moses, and the frogs died out of
water. 25 Seven days were fulfilled, after the houses, out of the courts, and out of
the LORD had struck the river. the fields. 14 They gathered them together
in heaps, and the land stank. 15 But when
8 Pharaoh saw that there was a respite, he
hardened his heart, and didn’t listen to
1 The LORD spoke to Moses, “Go in to them, as the LORD had spoken.
Pharaoh, and tell him, ‘This is what the 16 The LORD said to Moses, “Tell Aaron,
LORD says, “Let my people go, that they ‘Stretch out your rod, and strike the dust of
may serve me. 2 If you refuse to let them the earth, that it may become lice through-
go, behold, I will plague all your borders out all the land of Egypt.’ ” 17 They did so;
with frogs. 3 The river will swarm with and Aaron stretched out his hand with his
frogs, which will go up and come into your rod, and struck the dust of the earth, and
house, and into your bedroom, and on there were lice on man, and on animal; all
your bed, and into the house of your ser- the dust of the earth became lice through-
vants, and on your people, and into your out all the land of Egypt. 18 The magicians
ovens, and into your kneading troughs. tried with their enchantments to produce
4 The frogs shall come up both on you, lice, but they couldn’t. There were lice on
and on your people, and on all your ser- man, and on animal. 19 Then the magicians
vants.” ’ ” 5 The LORD said to Moses, “Tell said to Pharaoh, “This is God’s finger;”
Aaron, ‘Stretch out your hand with your but Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and
rod over the rivers, over the streams, and he didn’t listen to them, as the LORD had
over the pools, and cause frogs to come up spoken.
on the land of Egypt.’ ” 6 Aaron stretched 20 The LORD said to Moses, “Rise up early
out his hand over the waters of Egypt; and in the morning, and stand before Pharaoh;
the frogs came up, and covered the land of behold, he comes out to the water; and
Egypt. 7 The magicians did the same thing tell him, ‘This is what the LORD says, “Let
Exodus 8:21 58 Exodus 9:15

my people go, that they may serve me. LORD, the God of the Hebrews, says: “Let
21 Else, if you will not let my people go, my people go, that they may serve me.
behold, I will send swarms of flies on you, 2 For if you refuse to let them go, and hold
and on your servants, and on your peo- them still, 3 behold, the LORD’s hand is on
ple, and into your houses. The houses your livestock which are in the field, on
of the Egyptians shall be full of swarms the horses, on the donkeys, on the camels,
of flies, and also the ground they are on. on the herds, and on the flocks with a
22 I will set apart in that day the land of very grievous pestilence. 4 The LORD will
Goshen, in which my people dwell, that no make a distinction between the livestock
swarms of flies shall be there, to the end of Israel and the livestock of Egypt; and
you may know that I am the LORD on the nothing shall die of all that belongs to
earth. 23 I will put a division between my the children of Israel.” ’ ” 5 The LORD ap-
people and your people. This sign shall pointed a set time, saying, “Tomorrow the
happen by tomorrow.” ’ ” 24 The LORD did LORD shall do this thing in the land.” 6 The
so; and there came grievous swarms of LORD did that thing on the next day; and
all the livestock of Egypt died, but of the
flies into the house of Pharaoh, and into his
servants’ houses. In all the land of Egypt livestock of the children of Israel, not one
the land was corrupted by reason of the died. 7 Pharaoh sent, and, behold, there
swarms of flies. was not so much as one of the livestock
25 Pharaoh called for Moses and for of the Israelites dead. But the heart of
Aaron, and said, “Go, sacrifice to your God Pharaoh was stubborn, and he didn’t let
in the land!” the people go.
26 Moses said, “It isn’t appropriate to do 8 The LORD said to Moses and to Aaron,
so; for we shall sacrifice the abomination “Take handfuls of ashes of the furnace, and
of the Egyptians to the LORD our God. let Moses sprinkle it toward the sky in the
Behold, if we sacrifice the abomination of sight of Pharaoh. 9 It shall become small
the Egyptians before their eyes, won’t they dust over all the land of Egypt, and shall
stone us? 27 We will go three days’ journey be boils and blisters breaking out on man
into the wilderness, and sacrifice to the and on animal, throughout all the land of
LORD our God, as he shall command us.” Egypt.”
28 Pharaoh said, “I will let you go, that
10 They took ashes of the furnace, and
you may sacrifice to the LORD your God in
stood before Pharaoh; and Moses sprin-
the wilderness, only you shall not go very
kled it up toward the sky; and it became
far away. Pray for me.”
29 Moses said, “Behold, I am going out boils and blisters breaking out on man and
on animal. 11 The magicians couldn’t stand
from you. I will pray to the LORD that the
before Moses because of the boils; for the
swarms of flies may depart from Pharaoh, boils were on the magicians and on all
from his servants, and from his people, the Egyptians. 12 The LORD hardened the
tomorrow; only don’t let Pharaoh deal de- heart of Pharaoh, and he didn’t listen to
ceitfully any more in not letting the peoplethem, as the LORD had spoken to Moses.
go to sacrifice to the LORD.” 30 Moses went 13 The LORD said to Moses, “Rise up early
out from Pharaoh, and prayed to the LORD.
31 The LORD did according to the word in the morning, and stand before Pharaoh,
of Moses, and he removed the swarms of and tell him, ‘This is what the LORD, the
flies from Pharaoh, from his servants, and God of the Hebrews, says: “Let my people
from his people. There remained not one. go, that they may serve me. 14 For this
32 Pharaoh hardened his heart this time time I will send all my plagues against your
also, and he didn’t let the people go. heart, against your officials, and against
your people; that you may know that there
9 is no one like me in all the earth. 15 For
1 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Go in now I would have stretched out my hand,
to Pharaoh, and tell him, ‘This is what the and struck you and your people with pesti-
Exodus 9:16 59 Exodus 10:7

lence, and you would have been cut off that you may know that the earth is the
from the earth; 16 but indeed for this cause LORD’s. 30 But as for you and your ser-
I have made you stand: to show you my vants, I know that you don’t yet fear the
power, and that my name may be declared LORD God.”
throughout all the earth, 17 because you 31 The flax and the barley were struck,
still exalt yourself against my people, that for the barley had ripened and the flax
you won’t let them go. 18 Behold, tomorrow was blooming. 32 But the wheat and the
about this time I will cause it to rain a very spelt were not struck, for they had not
grievous hail, such as has not been in Egypt grown up. 33 Moses went out of the city
since the day it was founded even until from Pharaoh, and spread out his hands
now. 19 Now therefore command that all to the LORD; and the thunders and hail
of your livestock and all that you have in ceased, and the rain was not poured on
the field be brought into shelter. The hail the earth. 34 When Pharaoh saw that the
will come down on every man and animal rain and the hail and the thunders had
that is found in the field, and isn’t brought ceased, he sinned yet more, and hardened
home, and they will die.” ’ ” his heart, he and his servants. 35 The heart
20 Those who feared the LORD’s word of Pharaoh was hardened, and he didn’t let
among the servants of Pharaoh made their the children of Israel go, just as the LORD
servants and their livestock flee into the had spoken through Moses.
houses. 21 Whoever didn’t respect the
LORD’s word left his servants and his live- 10
stock in the field. 1 The LORD said to Moses, “Go in to
22 The LORD said to Moses, “Stretch out Pharaoh, for I have hardened his heart and
your hand toward the sky, that there may the heart of his servants, that I may show
be hail in all the land of Egypt, on man, and these my signs among them; 2 and that you
on animal, and on every herb of the field, may tell in the hearing of your son, and
throughout the land of Egypt.” of your son’s son, what things I have done
23 Moses stretched out his rod toward to Egypt, and my signs which I have done
the heavens, and the LORD sent thunder among them; that you may know that I am
and hail; and lightning flashed down to the the LORD.”
3 Moses and Aaron went in to Pharaoh,
earth. The LORD rained hail on the land
of Egypt. 24 So there was very severe hail, and said to him, “This is what the LORD,
and lightning mixed with the hail, such the God of the Hebrews, says: ‘How long
as had not been in all the land of Egypt will you refuse to humble yourself before
since it became a nation. 25 The hail struck me? Let my people go, that they may serve
throughout all the land of Egypt all that me. 4 Or else, if you refuse to let my people
was in the field, both man and animal; and go, behold, tomorrow I will bring locusts
the hail struck every herb of the field, and into your country, 5 and they shall cover
broke every tree of the field. 26 Only in the surface of the earth, so that one won’t
the land of Goshen, where the children of be able to see the earth. They shall eat the
Israel were, there was no hail. residue of that which has escaped, which
27 Pharaoh sent and called for Moses and remains to you from the hail, and shall
Aaron, and said to them, “I have sinned eat every tree which grows for you out
this time. The LORD is righteous, and I of the field. 6 Your houses shall be filled,
and my people are wicked. 28 Pray to the and the houses of all your servants, and
LORD; for there has been enough of mighty the houses of all the Egyptians, as neither
thunderings and hail. I will let you go, and your fathers nor your fathers’ fathers have
you shall stay no longer.” seen, since the day that they were on the
29 Moses said to him, “As soon as I have earth to this day.’ ” He turned, and went
gone out of the city, I will spread out my out from Pharaoh.
hands to the LORD. The thunders shall 7 Pharaoh’s servants said to him, “How
cease, and there will not be any more hail; long will this man be a snare to us? Let
Exodus 10:8 60 Exodus 11:3

the men go, that they may serve the LORD, exceedingly strong west wind, which took
their God. Don’t you yet know that Egypt is up the locusts, and drove them into the Red
destroyed?” Sea.† There remained not one locust in
8 Moses and Aaron were brought again all the borders of Egypt. 20 But the LORD
to Pharaoh, and he said to them, “Go, serve hardened Pharaoh’s heart, and he didn’t
the LORD your God; but who are those who let the children of Israel go.
21 The LORD said to Moses, “Stretch out
will go?”
9 Moses said, “We will go with our young your hand toward the sky, that there may
be darkness over the land of Egypt, even
and with our old. We will go with our sons
darkness which may be felt.” 22 Moses
and with our daughters, with our flocks
stretched out his hand toward the sky, and
and with our herds; for we must hold a
feast to the LORD.” there was a thick darkness in all the land of
10 He said to them, “The LORD be with
Egypt for three days. 23 They didn’t see one
another, and nobody rose from his place
you if I let you go with your little ones! for three days; but all the children of Israel
See, evil is clearly before your faces. 11 Not had light in their dwellings.
so! Go now you who are men, and serve 24 Pharaoh called to Moses, and said, “Go,
the LORD; for that is what you desire!”
serve the LORD. Only let your flocks and
Then they were driven out from Pharaoh’s
presence. your herds stay behind. Let your little ones
12 The LORD said to Moses, “Stretch out
also go with you.”
25 Moses said, “You must also give into
your hand over the land of Egypt for the lo-
custs, that they may come up on the land of our hand sacrifices and burnt offerings,
Egypt, and eat every herb of the land, even that we may sacrifice to the LORD our God.
26 Our livestock also shall go with us. Not a
all that the hail has left.” 13 Moses stretched
out his rod over the land of Egypt, and the hoof shall be left behind, for of it we must
LORD brought an east wind on the land take to serve the LORD our God; and we
all that day, and all night; and when it don’t know with what we must serve the
LORD, until we come there.”
was morning, the east wind brought the 27 But the LORD hardened Pharaoh’s
locusts. 14 The locusts went up over all the heart, and he wouldn’t let them go.
land of Egypt, and rested in all the borders 28 Pharaoh said to him, “Get away from me!
of Egypt. They were very grievous. Before Be careful to see my face no more; for in
them there were no such locusts as they, the day you see my face you shall die!”
nor will there ever be again. 15 For they 29 Moses said, “You have spoken well. I
covered the surface of the whole earth,
so that the land was darkened, and they will see your face again no more.”
ate every herb of the land, and all the
fruit of the trees which the hail had left. 11
There remained nothing green, either tree 1 The LORD said to Moses, “I will bring
or herb of the field, through all the land of yet one more plague on Pharaoh, and on
Egypt. 16 Then Pharaoh called for Moses Egypt; afterwards he will let you go. When
and Aaron in haste, and he said, “I have he lets you go, he will surely thrust you
sinned against the LORD your God, and out altogether. 2 Speak now in the ears of
against you. 17 Now therefore please for- the people, and let every man ask of his
give my sin again, and pray to the LORD neighbor, and every woman of her neigh-
your God, that he may also take away from bor, jewels of silver, and jewels of gold.”
me this death.” 3 The LORD gave the people favor in the
18 Moses went out from Pharaoh, and sight of the Egyptians. Moreover, the man
prayed to the LORD. 19 The LORD sent an Moses was very great in the land of Egypt,
† 10:19 “Red Sea” is the translation for the Hebrew “Yam Suf”, which could be more literally translated “Sea of
Reeds” or “Sea of Cattails”. It refers to the body of water currently known as the Red Sea, or possibly to one of the
bodies of water connected to it or near it.
Exodus 11:4 61 Exodus 12:19

in the sight of Pharaoh’s servants, and in take some of the blood, and put it on the
the sight of the people. two door posts and on the lintel, on the
4 Moses said, “This is what the LORD houses in which they shall eat it. 8 They
says: ‘About midnight I will go out into the shall eat the meat in that night, roasted
middle of Egypt, 5 and all the firstborn in with fire, with unleavened bread. They
the land of Egypt shall die, from the first- shall eat it with bitter herbs. 9 Don’t eat
born of Pharaoh who sits on his throne, it raw, nor boiled at all with water, but
even to the firstborn of the female servant roasted with fire; with its head, its legs
who is behind the mill, and all the firstborn and its inner parts. 10 You shall let nothing
of livestock. 6 There will be a great cry of it remain until the morning; but that
throughout all the land of Egypt, such as which remains of it until the morning you
there has not been, nor will be any more. shall burn with fire. 11 This is how you
7 But against any of the children of Israel shall eat it: with your belt on your waist,
a dog won’t even bark or move its tongue, your sandals on your feet, and your staff
against man or animal, that you may know in your hand; and you shall eat it in haste:
that the LORD makes a distinction between it is the LORD’s Passover. 12 For I will go
the Egyptians and Israel. 8 All these ser- through the land of Egypt in that night, and
vants of yours will come down to me, and will strike all the firstborn in the land of
bow down themselves to me, saying, “Get Egypt, both man and animal. I will execute
out, with all the people who follow you;” judgments against all the gods of Egypt. I
and after that I will go out.’ ” He went out am the LORD. 13 The blood shall be to you
from Pharaoh in hot anger. for a token on the houses where you are.
9 The LORD said to Moses, “Pharaoh When I see the blood, I will pass over you,
won’t listen to you, that my wonders and no plague will be on you to destroy you
may be multiplied in the land of Egypt.” when I strike the land of Egypt. 14 This day
10 Moses and Aaron did all these wonders shall be a memorial for you. You shall keep
before Pharaoh, but the LORD hardened it as a feast to the LORD. You shall keep it as
Pharaoh’s heart, and he didn’t let the chil- a feast throughout your generations by an
dren of Israel go out of his land. ordinance forever.
15 “ ‘Seven days you shall eat unleavened
12 bread; even the first day you shall put
1 The LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron away yeast out of your houses, for who-
in the land of Egypt, saying, 2 “This month ever eats leavened bread from the first day
shall be to you the beginning of months. until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut
It shall be the first month of the year to off from Israel. 16 In the first day there shall
you. 3 Speak to all the congregation of be to you a holy convocation, and in the
Israel, saying, ‘On the tenth day of this seventh day a holy convocation; no kind
month, they shall take to them every man of work shall be done in them, except that
a lamb, according to their fathers’ houses, which every man must eat, only that may
a lamb for a household; 4 and if the house- be done by you. 17 You shall observe the
hold is too little for a lamb, then he and feast of unleavened bread; for in this same
his neighbor next to his house shall take day I have brought your armies out of the
one according to the number of the souls. land of Egypt. Therefore you shall observe
You shall make your count for the lamb this day throughout your generations by
according to what everyone can eat. 5 Your an ordinance forever. 18 In the first month,
lamb shall be without defect, a male a year on the fourteenth day of the month at
old. You shall take it from the sheep or evening, you shall eat unleavened bread,
from the goats. 6 You shall keep it until until the twenty first day of the month at
the fourteenth day of the same month; and evening. 19 There shall be no yeast found
the whole assembly of the congregation of in your houses for seven days, for whoever
Israel shall kill it at evening. 7 They shall eats that which is leavened, that soul shall
Exodus 12:20 62 Exodus 12:49

be cut off from the congregation of Israel, 33 The Egyptians were urgent with the
whether he is a foreigner, or one who is people, to send them out of the land in
born in the land. 20 You shall eat nothing haste, for they said, “We are all dead men.”
leavened. In all your habitations you shall 34 The people took their dough before it
eat unleavened bread.’ ” was leavened, their kneading troughs be-
21 Then Moses called for all the elders of ing bound up in their clothes on their
Israel, and said to them, “Draw out, and shoulders. 35 The children of Israel did
take lambs according to your families, and according to the word of Moses; and they
kill the Passover. 22 You shall take a bunch asked of the Egyptians jewels of silver, and
of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is jewels of gold, and clothing. 36 The LORD
in the basin, and strike the lintel and the gave the people favor in the sight of the
two door posts with the blood that is in Egyptians, so that they let them have what
the basin. None of you shall go out of they asked. They plundered the Egyptians.
the door of his house until the morning. 37 The children of Israel traveled from
23 For the LORD will pass through to strike Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred
the Egyptians; and when he sees the blood thousand on foot who were men, in addi-
on the lintel, and on the two door posts, tion to children. 38 A mixed multitude went
the LORD will pass over the door, and will up also with them, with flocks, herds, and
not allow the destroyer to come in to your even very much livestock. 39 They baked
houses to strike you. 24 You shall observe unleavened cakes of the dough which they
this thing for an ordinance to you and to brought out of Egypt; for it wasn’t leav-
your sons forever. 25 It shall happen when ened, because they were thrust out of
you have come to the land which the LORD Egypt, and couldn’t wait, and they had not
will give you, as he has promised, that you prepared any food for themselves. 40 Now
shall keep this service. 26 It will happen, the time that the children of Israel lived in
when your children ask you, ‘What do you Egypt was four hundred thirty years. 41 At
mean by this service?’ 27 that you shall say, the end of four hundred thirty years, to the
‘It is the sacrifice of the LORD’s Passover, day, all of the LORD’s armies went out from
who passed over the houses of the children the land of Egypt. 42 It is a night to be much
of Israel in Egypt, when he struck the Egyp- observed to the LORD for bringing them
tians, and spared our houses.’ ” out from the land of Egypt. This is that
night of the LORD, to be much observed by
The people bowed their heads and wor- all the children of Israel throughout their
shiped. 28 The children of Israel went generations.
and did so; as the LORD had commanded 43 The LORD said to Moses and Aaron,
Moses and Aaron, so they did.
“This is the ordinance of the Passover. No
29 At midnight, the LORD struck all the foreigner shall eat of it, 44 but every man’s
firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the servant who is bought for money, when
firstborn of Pharaoh who sat on his throne you have circumcised him, then shall he
to the firstborn of the captive who was in eat of it. 45 A foreigner and a hired servant
the dungeon, and all the firstborn of live- shall not eat of it. 46 It must be eaten in
stock. 30 Pharaoh rose up in the night, he, one house. You shall not carry any of the
and all his servants, and all the Egyptians; meat outside of the house. Do not break
and there was a great cry in Egypt, for any of its bones. 47 All the congregation
there was not a house where there was of Israel shall keep it. 48 When a stranger
not one dead. 31 He called for Moses and lives as a foreigner with you, and would
Aaron by night, and said, “Rise up, get out like to keep the Passover to the LORD, let
from among my people, both you and the all his males be circumcised, and then let
children of Israel; and go, serve the LORD, him come near and keep it. He shall be
as you have said! 32 Take both your flocks as one who is born in the land; but no
and your herds, as you have said, and be uncircumcised person shall eat of it. 49 One
gone; and bless me also!” law shall be to him who is born at home,
Exodus 12:50 63 Exodus 14:4

and to the stranger who lives as a foreigner will not redeem it, then you shall break
among you.” 50 All the children of Israel its neck; and you shall redeem all the
did so. As the LORD commanded Moses firstborn of man among your sons. 14 It
and Aaron, so they did. 51 That same day, shall be, when your son asks you in time
the LORD brought the children of Israel out to come, saying, ‘What is this?’ that you
of the land of Egypt by their armies. shall tell him, ‘By strength of hand the
LORD brought us out from Egypt, from
13 the house of bondage. 15 When Pharaoh
1 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, stubbornly refused to let us go, the LORD
2 “Sanctify to me all the firstborn, whatever killed all the firstborn in the land of Egypt,
opens the womb among the children of both the firstborn of man, and the first-
Israel, both of man and of animal. It is born of livestock. Therefore I sacrifice to
mine.” the LORD all that opens the womb, being
3 Moses said to the people, “Remem- males; but all the firstborn of my sons I
ber this day, in which you came out of redeem.’ 16 It shall be for a sign on your
Egypt, out of the house of bondage; for by hand, and for symbols between your eyes;
strength of hand the LORD brought you for by strength of hand the LORD brought
out from this place. No leavened bread us out of Egypt.”
shall be eaten. 4 Today you go out in the 17 When Pharaoh had let the people go,
month Abib. 5 It shall be, when the LORD God didn’t lead them by the way of the
brings you into the land of the Canaanite, land of the Philistines, although that was
and the Hittite, and the Amorite, and the near; for God said, “Lest perhaps the peo-
Hivite, and the Jebusite, which he swore ple change their minds when they see
to your fathers to give you, a land flow- war, and they return to Egypt”; 18 but
ing with milk and honey, that you shall God led the people around by the way
keep this service in this month. 6 Seven of the wilderness by the Red Sea; and
days you shall eat unleavened bread, and the children of Israel went up armed out
in the seventh day shall be a feast to the of the land of Egypt. 19 Moses took the
LORD. 7 Unleavened bread shall be eaten bones of Joseph with him, for he had made
throughout the seven days; and no leav- the children of Israel swear, saying, “God
ened bread shall be seen with you. No will surely visit you, and you shall carry
yeast shall be seen with you, within all up my bones away from here with you.”
your borders. 8 You shall tell your son in 20 They took their journey from Succoth,
that day, saying, ‘It is because of that which and encamped in Etham, in the edge of the
the LORD did for me when I came out of wilderness. 21 The LORD went before them
Egypt.’ 9 It shall be for a sign to you on your by day in a pillar of cloud, to lead them on
hand, and for a memorial between your their way, and by night in a pillar of fire, to
eyes, that the LORD’s law may be in your give them light, that they might go by day
mouth; for with a strong hand the LORD and by night: 22 the pillar of cloud by day,
has brought you out of Egypt. 10 You shall and the pillar of fire by night, didn’t depart
therefore keep this ordinance in its season from before the people.
from year to year.
11 “It shall be, when the LORD brings
you into the land of the Canaanite, as he 1The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
swore to you and to your fathers, and will 2 “Speak to the children of Israel, that they
give it to you, 12 that you shall set apart turn back and encamp before Pihahiroth,
to the LORD all that opens the womb, and between Migdol and the sea, before Baal
every firstborn that comes from an animal Zephon. You shall encamp opposite it by
which you have. The males shall be the the sea. 3 Pharaoh will say of the children
LORD’s. 13 Every firstborn of a donkey of Israel, ‘They are entangled in the land.
you shall redeem with a lamb; and if you The wilderness has shut them in.’ 4 I will
Exodus 14:5 64 Exodus 14:29

harden Pharaoh’s heart, and he will fol- ground. 17 Behold, I myself will harden
low after them; and I will get honor over the hearts of the Egyptians, and they will
Pharaoh, and over all his armies; and the go in after them. I will get myself honor
Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD.” over Pharaoh, and over all his armies,
They did so. over his chariots, and over his horsemen.
5 The king of Egypt was told that the 18 The Egyptians shall know that I am the

people had fled; and the heart of Pharaoh LORD when I have gotten myself honor
and of his servants was changed toward over Pharaoh, over his chariots, and over
the people, and they said, “What is this we his horsemen.” 19 The angel of God, who
have done, that we have let Israel go from went before the camp of Israel, moved
serving us?” 6 He prepared his chariot, and went behind them; and the pillar of
and took his army with him; 7 and he took cloud moved from before them, and stood
six hundred chosen chariots, and all the behind them. 20 It came between the camp
chariots of Egypt, with captains over all of Egypt and the camp of Israel. There was
of them. 8 The LORD hardened the heart the cloud and the darkness, yet it gave light
of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and he pursued by night. One didn’t come near the other
the children of Israel; for the children of all night.
Israel went out with a high hand.† 9 The 21 Moses stretched out his hand over the
Egyptians pursued them. All the horses sea, and the LORD caused the sea to go
and chariots of Pharaoh, his horsemen, back by a strong east wind all night, and
and his army overtook them encamping made the sea dry land, and the waters
by the sea, beside Pihahiroth, before Baal were divided. 22 The children of Israel
Zephon. went into the middle of the sea on the
10 When Pharaoh came near, the chil- dry ground; and the waters were a wall
dren of Israel lifted up their eyes, and be- to them on their right hand and on their
hold, the Egyptians were marching after left. 23 The Egyptians pursued, and went
them; and they were very afraid. The in after them into the middle of the sea:
all of Pharaoh’s horses, his chariots, and
children of Israel cried out to the LORD. his horsemen. 24 In the morning watch,
11 They said to Moses, “Because there were
no graves in Egypt, have you taken us away the LORD looked out on the Egyptian army
to die in the wilderness? Why have you through the pillar of fire and of cloud, and
treated us this way, to bring us out of confused the Egyptian army. 25 He took off
Egypt? 12 Isn’t this the word that we spoke their chariot wheels, and they drove them
to you in Egypt, saying, ‘Leave us alone, heavily; so that the Egyptians said, “Let’s
that we may serve the Egyptians?’ For it flee from the face of Israel, for the LORD
fights for them against the Egyptians!”
would have been better for us to serve the
Egyptians than to die in the wilderness.” 26 The LORD said to Moses, “Stretch out
13 Moses said to the people, “Don’t be your hand over the sea, that the waters
afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of may come again on the Egyptians, on their
the LORD, which he will work for you to- chariots, and on their horsemen.” 27 Moses
day; for you will never again see the Egyp- stretched out his hand over the sea, and
the sea returned to its strength when the
tians whom you have seen today. 14 The
morning appeared; and the Egyptians fled
LORD will fight for you, and you shall be
against it. The LORD overthrew the Egyp-
15 The LORD said to Moses, “Why do you tians in the middle of the sea. 28 The waters
returned, and covered the chariots and the
cry to me? Speak to the children of Israel, horsemen, even all Pharaoh’s army that
that they go forward. 16 Lift up your rod, went in after them into the sea. There re-
and stretch out your hand over the sea mained not so much as one of them. 29 But
and divide it. Then the children of Israel the children of Israel walked on dry land
shall go into the middle of the sea on dry in the middle of the sea, and the waters
† 14:8 or, defiantly.
Exodus 14:30 65 Exodus 15:22

were a wall to them on their right hand They sank like lead in the mighty wa-
and on their left. 30 Thus the LORD saved ters.
11 Who is like you, LORD, among the gods?
Israel that day out of the hand of the Egyp-
tians; and Israel saw the Egyptians dead Who is like you, glorious in holiness,
on the seashore. 31 Israel saw the great fearful in praises, doing wonders?
work which the LORD did to the Egyptians, 12 You stretched out your right hand.
and the people feared the LORD; and they The earth swallowed them.
13 “You, in your loving kindness, have led
believed in the LORD and in his servant
Moses. the people that you have redeemed.
You have guided them in your
15 strength to your holy habitation.
1 Then Moses and the children of Israel 14 The peoples have heard.
sang this song to the LORD, and said, They tremble.
“I will sing to the LORD, for he has tri- Pangs have taken hold of the inhabi-
umphed gloriously. tants of Philistia.
He has thrown the horse and his rider 15 Then the chiefs of Edom were dismayed.
into the sea. Trembling takes hold of the mighty
2 The LORD is my strength and song.
men of Moab.
He has become my salvation. All the inhabitants of Canaan have
This is my God, and I will praise him; melted away.
my father’s God, and I will exalt him. 16 Terror and dread falls on them.
3 The LORD is a man of war. By the greatness of your arm they are
The LORD is his name. as still as a stone,
4 He has cast Pharaoh’s chariots and his until your people pass over, LORD,
army into the sea. until the people you have purchased
His chosen captains are sunk in the pass over.
Red Sea. 17 You will bring them in, and plant
5 The deeps cover them. them in the mountain of your inher-
They went down into the depths like a itance,
stone. the place, LORD, which you have
6 Your right hand, LORD, is glorious in
made for yourself to dwell in:
power. the sanctuary, Lord, which your
Your right hand, LORD, dashes the en- hands have established.
emy in pieces. 18 The LORD will reign forever and ever.”
7 In the greatness of your excellency, 19 For the horses of Pharaoh went in with
you overthrow those who rise up his chariots and with his horsemen into
against you. the sea, and the LORD brought back the
You send out your wrath. It consumes waters of the sea on them; but the children
them as stubble. of Israel walked on dry land in the middle
8 With the blast of your nostrils, the waters of the sea. 20 Miriam the prophetess, the
were piled up. sister of Aaron, took a tambourine in her
The floods stood upright as a heap. hand; and all the women went out after
The deeps were congealed in the heart her with tambourines and with dances.
21 Miriam answered them,
of the sea.
9 The enemy said, ‘I will pursue. I will “Sing to the LORD, for he has triumphed
overtake. I will divide the plunder. gloriously.
My desire will be satisfied on them. He has thrown the horse and his rider into
the sea.”
I will draw my sword. My hand will 22 Moses led Israel onward from the Red
destroy them.’ Sea, and they went out into the wilder-
10 You blew with your wind. ness of Shur; and they went three days
The sea covered them. in the wilderness, and found no water.
† 15:23 Marah means bitter.
Exodus 15:23 66 Exodus 16:20

23 When they came to Marah, they couldn’t shall see the LORD’s glory; because he
drink from the waters of Marah, for they hears your murmurings against the LORD.
were bitter. Therefore its name was called Who are we, that you murmur against
Marah.† 24 The people murmured against us?” 8 Moses said, “Now the LORD will give
Moses, saying, “What shall we drink?” you meat to eat in the evening, and in the
25 Then he cried to the LORD. The LORD
morning bread to satisfy you, because the
showed him a tree, and he threw it into LORD hears your murmurings which you
the waters, and the waters were made murmur against him. And who are we?
sweet. There he made a statute and an
ordinance for them, and there he tested Your murmurings are not against us, but
them. 26 He said, “If you will diligently against the LORD.” 9 Moses said to Aaron,
listen to the LORD your God’s voice, and “Tell all the congregation of the children
will do that which is right in his eyes, and of Israel, ‘Come close to the LORD, for he
will pay attention to his commandments, has heard your murmurings.’ ” 10 As Aaron
and keep all his statutes, I will put none of spoke to the whole congregation of the
the diseases on you which I have put on children of Israel, they looked toward the
the Egyptians; for I am the LORD who heals wilderness, and behold, the LORD’s glory
you.” appeared in the cloud. 11 The LORD spoke
27 They came to Elim, where there were to Moses, saying, 12 “I have heard the mur-
twelve springs of water and seventy palm murings of the children of Israel. Speak
trees. They encamped there by the waters. to them, saying, ‘At evening you shall eat
meat, and in the morning you shall be
16 filled with bread. Then you will know that
1 They took their journey from Elim, and I am the LORD your God.’ ”
all the congregation of the children of Is-
13 In the evening, quail came up and
rael came to the wilderness of Sin, which
is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth covered the camp; and in the morning the
day of the second month after their depart- dew lay around the camp. 14 When the dew
ing out of the land of Egypt. 2 The whole that lay had gone, behold, on the surface
congregation of the children of Israel mur- of the wilderness was a small round thing,
mured against Moses and against Aaron in small as the frost on the ground. 15 When
the wilderness; 3 and the children of Israel the children of Israel saw it, they said to
said to them, “We wish that we had died one another, “What is it?” For they didn’t
by the LORD’s hand in the land of Egypt, know what it was. Moses said to them,
when we sat by the meat pots, when we ate “It is the bread which the LORD has given
our fill of bread, for you have brought us you to eat. 16 This is the thing which the
out into this wilderness to kill this whole LORD has commanded: ‘Gather of it ev-
assembly with hunger.” eryone according to his eating; an omer†
4 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Behold, a head, according to the number of your
I will rain bread from the sky for you, and persons, you shall take it, every man for
the people shall go out and gather a day’s those who are in his tent.’ ” 17 The chil-
portion every day, that I may test them, dren of Israel did so, and some gathered
whether they will walk in my law or not. more, some less. 18 When they measured
5 It shall come to pass on the sixth day, that it with an omer, he who gathered much
they shall prepare that which they bring had nothing over, and he who gathered
in, and it shall be twice as much as they little had no lack. They each gathered
gather daily.” according to his eating. 19 Moses said to
6 Moses and Aaron said to all the chil- them, “Let no one leave of it until the
dren of Israel, “At evening, you shall know morning.” 20 Notwithstanding they didn’t
that the LORD has brought you out from listen to Moses, but some of them left of it
the land of Egypt. 7 In the morning, you until the morning, so it bred worms and
† 16:16 An omer is about 2.2 liters or about 2.3 quarts
Exodus 16:21 67 Exodus 17:12

became foul; and Moses was angry with came to the borders of the land of Canaan.
them. 21 They gathered it morning by 36 Now an omer is one tenth of an ephah.§
morning, everyone according to his eating.
When the sun grew hot, it melted. 22 On 17
the sixth day, they gathered twice as much 1 All the congregation of the children
bread, two omers for each one; and all the of Israel traveled from the wilderness of
rulers of the congregation came and told Sin, starting according to the LORD’s com-
Moses. 23 He said to them, “This is that mandment, and encamped in Rephidim;
which the LORD has spoken, ‘Tomorrow is but there was no water for the people to
a solemn rest, a holy Sabbath to the LORD. drink. 2 Therefore the people quarreled
Bake that which you want to bake, and boil with Moses, and said, “Give us water to
that which you want to boil; and all that drink.”
remains over lay up for yourselves to be Moses said to them, “Why do you quarrel
kept until the morning.’ ” They laid it up
24 with me? Why do you test the LORD?”
until the morning, as Moses ordered, and 3 The people were thirsty for water
it didn’t become foul, and there were no there; so the people murmured against
worms in it. Moses said, “Eat that today, Moses, and said, “Why have you brought
for today is a Sabbath to the LORD. Today us up out of Egypt, to kill us, our children,
you shall not find it in the field. 26 Six days and our livestock with thirst?”
you shall gather it, but on the seventh day 4 Moses cried to the LORD, saying, “What
is the Sabbath. In it there shall be none.” shall I do with these people? They are
27 On the seventh day, some of the people almost ready to stone me.”
went out to gather, and they found none. 5 The LORD said to Moses, “Walk on
28 The LORD said to Moses, “How long do before the people, and take the elders of
you refuse to keep my commandments and Israel with you, and take the rod in your
my laws? 29 Behold, because the LORD has hand with which you struck the Nile, and
given you the Sabbath, therefore he gives go. 6 Behold, I will stand before you there
you on the sixth day the bread of two days. on the rock in Horeb. You shall strike the
Everyone stay in his place. Let no one go rock, and water will come out of it, that
out of his place on the seventh day.” 30 So the people may drink.” Moses did so in the
the people rested on the seventh day. sight of the elders of Israel. 7 He called the
31 The house of Israel called its name name of the place Massah, and Meribah,
† ‡

“Manna”,‡ and it was like coriander seed, because the children of Israel quarreled,
white; and its taste was like wafers with and because they tested the LORD, saying,
honey. 32 Moses said, “This is the thing “Is the LORD among us, or not?”
which the LORD has commanded, ‘Let an 8 Then Amalek came and fought with
omer-full of it be kept throughout your Israel in Rephidim. 9 Moses said to Joshua,
generations, that they may see the bread “Choose men for us, and go out to fight
with which I fed you in the wilderness, with Amalek. Tomorrow I will stand on the
when I brought you out of the land of top of the hill with God’s rod in my hand.”
Egypt.’ ” 33 Moses said to Aaron, “Take a 10 So Joshua did as Moses had told him, and
pot, and put an omer-full of manna in it, fought with Amalek; and Moses, Aaron,
and lay it up before the LORD, to be kept and Hur went up to the top of the hill.
throughout your generations.” 34 As the 11 When Moses held up his hand, Israel
LORD commanded Moses, so Aaron laid prevailed. When he let down his hand,
it up before the Testimony, to be kept. Amalek prevailed. 12 But Moses’ hands
35 The children of Israel ate the manna were heavy; so they took a stone, and put
forty years, until they came to an inhab- it under him, and he sat on it. Aaron and
ited land. They ate the manna until they Hur held up his hands, the one on the one
‡ 16:31 “Manna” means “What is it?” § 16:36 1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel † 17:7 Massah
means testing. ‡ 17:7 Meribah means quarreling.
Exodus 17:13 68 Exodus 18:24

side, and the other on the other side. His that the LORD is greater than all gods be-
hands were steady until sunset. 13 Joshua cause of the way that they treated people
defeated Amalek and his people with the arrogantly.” 12 Jethro, Moses’ father-in-
edge of the sword. 14 The LORD said to law, took a burnt offering and sacrifices
Moses, “Write this for a memorial in a for God. Aaron came with all the elders of
book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: Israel, to eat bread with Moses’ father-in-
that I will utterly blot out the memory of law before God.
Amalek from under the sky.” 15 Moses 13 On the next day, Moses sat to judge
built an altar, and called its name “The the people, and the people stood around
LORD our Banner”.§ 16 He said, “The LORD Moses from the morning to the evening.
has sworn: ‘The LORD will have war with 14 When Moses’ father-in-law saw all that
Amalek from generation to generation.’ ” he did to the people, he said, “What is this
thing that you do for the people? Why
1 Now Jethro, the priest of Midian, Moses’
do you sit alone, and all the people stand
around you from morning to evening?”
father-in-law, heard of all that God had 15 Moses said to his father-in-law, “Be-
done for Moses and for Israel his peo- cause the people come to me to inquire of
ple, how the LORD had brought Israel out
God. 16 When they have a matter, they
of Egypt. 2 Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, come to me, and I judge between a man
received Zipporah, Moses’ wife, after he and his neighbor, and I make them know
had sent her away, 3 and her two sons. the statutes of God, and his laws.” 17 Moses’
The name of one son was Gershom,† for father-in-law said to him, “The thing that
Moses said, “I have lived as a foreigner you do is not good. 18 You will surely wear
in a foreign land”. 4 The name of the away, both you, and this people that is with
other was Eliezer,‡ for he said, “My father’s you; for the thing is too heavy for you. You
God was my help and delivered me from are not able to perform it yourself alone.
Pharaoh’s sword.” 5 Jethro, Moses’ father- 19 Listen now to my voice. I will give you
in-law, came with Moses’ sons and his wife counsel, and God be with you. You repre-
to Moses into the wilderness where he was
encamped, at the Mountain of God. 6 He sent the people before God, and bring the
said to Moses, “I, your father-in-law Jethro, causes to God. 20 You shall teach them the
statutes and the laws, and shall show them
have come to you with your wife, and her the way in which they must walk, and the
two sons with her.”
7 Moses went out to meet his father-in- work that they must do. 21 Moreover you
law, and bowed and kissed him. They shall provide out of all the people able
asked each other of their welfare, and men which fear God: men of truth, hating
they came into the tent. 8 Moses told unjust gain; and place such over them, to
his father-in-law all that the LORD had be rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds,
done to Pharaoh and to the Egyptians for rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens. 22 Let
Israel’s sake, all the hardships that had them judge the people at all times. It shall
come on them on the way, and how the be that every great matter they shall bring
LORD delivered them. 9 Jethro rejoiced to you, but every small matter they shall
for all the goodness which the LORD had judge themselves. So shall it be easier for
done to Israel, in that he had delivered you, and they shall share the load with
them out of the hand of the Egyptians. you. 23 If you will do this thing, and God
10 Jethro said, “Blessed be the LORD, who commands you so, then you will be able to
has delivered you out of the hand of the endure, and all these people also will go to
Egyptians, and out of the hand of Pharaoh; their place in peace.”
who has delivered the people from under 24 So Moses listened to the voice of his
the hand of the Egyptians. 11 Now I know father-in-law, and did all that he had said.
§ 17:15 Hebrew, YahwehNissi † 18:3 “Gershom” sounds like the Hebrew for “an alien there”. ‡ 18:4 Eliezer
means “God is my helper”.
Exodus 18:25 69 Exodus 19:25

25 Moses chose able men out of all Is- that you don’t go up onto the mountain,
rael, and made them heads over the peo- or touch its border. Whoever touches
ple, rulers of thousands, rulers of hun- the mountain shall be surely put to death.
dreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens. 13 No hand shall touch him, but he shall
26 They judged the people at all times. They surely be stoned or shot through; whether
brought the hard cases to Moses, but ev- it is animal or man, he shall not live.’ When
ery small matter they judged themselves. the trumpet sounds long, they shall come
27 Moses let his father-in-law depart, and up to the mountain.”
he went his way into his own land. 14 Moses went down from the moun-
tain to the people, and sanctified the peo-
19 ple; and they washed their clothes. 15 He
In the third month after the children
said to the people, “Be ready by the third
of Israel had gone out of the land of day. Don’t have sexual relations with a
Egypt, on that same day they came into woman.”
the wilderness of Sinai. 2 When they had 16 On the third day, when it was morn-
departed from Rephidim, and had come to
the wilderness of Sinai, they encamped in ing, there were thunders and lightnings,
the wilderness; and there Israel encamped and a thick cloud on the mountain, and
before the mountain. 3 Moses went up to the sound of an exceedingly loud trumpet;
God, and the LORD called to him out of and all the people who were in the camp
the mountain, saying, “This is what you trembled. 17 Moses led the people out of
shall tell the house of Jacob, and tell the the camp to meet God; and they stood at
children of Israel: 4 ‘You have seen what I the lower part of the mountain. 18 All of
did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on Mount Sinai smoked, because the LORD
eagles’ wings, and brought you to myself. descended on it in fire; and its smoke as-
5 Now therefore, if you will indeed obey cended like the smoke of a furnace, and the
my voice and keep my covenant, then you whole mountain quaked greatly. 19 When
shall be my own possession from among the sound of the trumpet grew louder and
all peoples; for all the earth is mine; 6 and louder, Moses spoke, and God answered
you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and him by a voice. 20 The LORD came down
a holy nation.’ These are the words which on Mount Sinai, to the top of the mountain.
you shall speak to the children of Israel.” The LORD called Moses to the top of the
7 Moses came and called for the elders of mountain, and Moses went up.
the people, and set before them all these 21 The LORD said to Moses, “Go down,
words which the LORD commanded him. warn the people, lest they break through
8 All the people answered together, and
to the LORD to gaze, and many of them
said, “All that the LORD has spoken we will perish. 22 Let the priests also, who come
do.” near to the LORD, sanctify themselves, lest
Moses reported the words of the people the LORD break out on them.”
to the LORD. 9 The LORD said to Moses,
23 Moses said to the LORD, “The people
“Behold, I come to you in a thick cloud,
that the people may hear when I speak can’t come up to Mount Sinai, for you
with you, and may also believe you for- warned us, saying, ‘Set bounds around the
ever.” Moses told the words of the people mountain, and sanctify it.’ ”
to the LORD. 10 The LORD said to Moses, 24 The LORD said to him, “Go down! You
“Go to the people, and sanctify them today shall bring Aaron up with you, but don’t let
and tomorrow, and let them wash their the priests and the people break through
garments, 11 and be ready for the third to come up to the LORD, lest he break out
day; for on the third day the LORD will against them.”
come down in the sight of all the people
25 So Moses went down to the people, and
on Mount Sinai. 12 You shall set bounds to
the people all around, saying, ‘Be careful told them.
Exodus 20:1 70 Exodus 21:6

20 18 All the people perceived the thunder-

1 God† spoke all these words, saying, 2 “I ings, the lightnings, the sound of the trum-
am the LORD your God, who brought you pet, and the mountain smoking. When the
out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of people saw it, they trembled, and stayed at
bondage. a distance. 19 They said to Moses, “Speak
3 “You shall have no other gods before with us yourself, and we will listen; but
me. don’t let God speak with us, lest we die.”
4 “You shall not make for yourselves an 20 Moses said to the people, “Don’t be
idol, nor any image of anything that is in afraid, for God has come to test you, and
the heavens above, or that is in the earth that his fear may be before you, that you
beneath, or that is in the water under the won’t sin.” 21 The people stayed at a dis-
earth: 5 you shall not bow yourself down to tance, and Moses came near to the thick
them, nor serve them, for I, the LORD your darkness where God was.
God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity 22 The LORD said to Moses, “This is what
of the fathers on the children, on the third you shall tell the children of Israel: ‘You
and on the fourth generation of those who yourselves have seen that I have talked
hate me, 6 and showing loving kindness to with you from heaven. 23 You shall most
thousands of those who love me and keep certainly not make gods of silver or gods
my commandments. of gold for yourselves to be alongside me.
7 “You shall not misuse the name of the 24 You shall make an altar of earth for me,
LORD your God,‡ for the LORD will not and shall sacrifice on it your burnt offer-
hold him guiltless who misuses his name. ings and your peace offerings, your sheep
8 “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep and your cattle. In every place where I
it holy. 9 You shall labor six days, and record my name I will come to you and I
do all your work, 10 but the seventh day will bless you. 25 If you make me an altar
is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. You of stone, you shall not build it of cut stones;
shall not do any work in it, you, nor your for if you lift up your tool on it, you have
son, nor your daughter, your male ser- polluted it. 26 You shall not go up by steps
vant, nor your female servant, nor your to my altar, that your nakedness may not
livestock, nor your stranger who is within be exposed to it.’
your gates; 11 for in six days the LORD
made heaven and earth, the sea, and all
that is in them, and rested the seventh day;
1 “Now these are the ordinances which
therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath you shall set before them:
day, and made it holy. 2 “If you buy a Hebrew servant, he shall
12 “Honor your father and your mother,
serve six years, and in the seventh he shall
that your days may be long in the land go out free without paying anything. 3 If he
which the LORD your God gives you. comes in by himself, he shall go out by him-
13 “You shall not murder.
self. If he is married, then his wife shall
14 “You shall not commit adultery.
go out with him. 4 If his master gives him
15 “You shall not steal. a wife and she bears him sons or daugh-
16 “You shall not give false testimony ters, the wife and her children shall be her
against your neighbor. master’s, and he shall go out by himself.
17 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s 5 But if the servant shall plainly say, ‘I love
house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s my master, my wife, and my children. I
wife, nor his male servant, nor his female will not go out free;’ 6 then his master shall
servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor bring him to God, and shall bring him to
anything that is your neighbor’s.” the door or to the doorpost, and his master
† 20:1 After “God”, the Hebrew has the two letters “Aleph Tav” (the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet), not
as a word, but as a grammatical marker. ‡ 20:7 or, You shall not take the name of Yahweh your God in vain
Exodus 21:7 71 Exodus 22:3

shall bore his ear through with an awl, and if any harm follows, then you must take
he shall serve him forever. life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth,
7 “If a man sells his daughter to be a
hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burning for
female servant, she shall not go out as the burning, wound for wound, and bruise for
male servants do. 8 If she doesn’t please bruise.
her master, who has married her to him- 26 “If a man strikes his servant’s eye, or
self, then he shall let her be redeemed. He his maid’s eye, and destroys it, he shall
shall have no right to sell her to a foreign let him go free for his eye’s sake. 27 If
people, since he has dealt deceitfully with he strikes out his male servant’s tooth, or
her. 9 If he marries her to his son, he shall his female servant’s tooth, he shall let the
deal with her as a daughter. 10 If he takes servant go free for his tooth’s sake.
another wife to himself, he shall not dimin- 28 “If a bull gores a man or a woman to
ish her food, her clothing, and her marital death, the bull shall surely be stoned, and
rights. 11 If he doesn’t do these three things its meat shall not be eaten; but the owner
for her, she may go free without paying of the bull shall not be held responsible.
any money. 29 But if the bull had a habit of goring in
12 “One who strikes a man so that he dies
the past, and this has been testified to its
shall surely be put to death, 13 but not if it is owner, and he has not kept it in, but it has
unintentional, but God allows it to happen; killed a man or a woman, the bull shall be
then I will appoint you a place where he stoned, and its owner shall also be put to
shall flee. 14 If a man schemes and comes death. 30 If a ransom is imposed on him,
presumptuously on his neighbor to kill
then he shall give for the redemption of
him, you shall take him from my altar, that
his life whatever is imposed. 31 Whether
he may die.
15 “Anyone who attacks his father or his it has gored a son or has gored a daughter,
according to this judgment it shall be done
mother shall be surely put to death.
16 “Anyone who kidnaps someone and
to him. 32 If the bull gores a male servant or
a female servant, thirty shekels† of silver
sells him, or if he is found in his hand, he shall be given to their master, and the ox
shall surely be put to death.
17 “Anyone who curses his father or his shall be stoned.
33 “If a man opens a pit, or if a man digs
mother shall surely be put to death. a pit and doesn’t cover it, and a bull or a
18 “If men quarrel and one strikes the
donkey falls into it, 34 the owner of the pit
other with a stone, or with his fist, and shall make it good. He shall give money to
he doesn’t die, but is confined to bed; 19 if its owner, and the dead animal shall be his.
he rises again and walks around with his 35 “If one man’s bull injures another’s, so
staff, then he who struck him shall be that it dies, then they shall sell the live bull,
cleared; only he shall pay for the loss of and divide its price; and they shall also
his time, and shall provide for his healing divide the dead animal. 36 Or if it is known
until he is thoroughly healed. that the bull was in the habit of goring in
20 “If a man strikes his servant or his
the past, and its owner has not kept it in, he
maid with a rod, and he dies under his shall surely pay bull for bull, and the dead
hand, the man shall surely be punished. animal shall be his own.
21 Notwithstanding, if his servant gets up
after a day or two, he shall not be punished, 22
for the servant is his property. 1 “If a man steals an ox or a sheep, and
22 “If men fight and hurt a pregnant kills it or sells it, he shall pay five oxen for
woman so that she gives birth prema- an ox, and four sheep for a sheep. 2 If the
turely, and yet no harm follows, he shall be thief is found breaking in, and is struck so
surely fined as much as the woman’s hus- that he dies, there shall be no guilt of blood-
band demands and the judges allow. 23 But shed for him. 3 If the sun has risen on him,
† 21:32 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces, so 30 shekels is about 300 grams or about 10.6 ounces.
Exodus 22:4 72 Exodus 23:2

he is guilty of bloodshed. He shall make wife. 17 If her father utterly refuses to give
restitution. If he has nothing, then he shall her to him, he shall pay money according
be sold for his theft. 4 If the stolen property to the dowry of virgins.
is found in his hand alive, whether it is ox, 18 “You shall not allow a sorceress to live.
donkey, or sheep, he shall pay double. 19 “Whoever has sex with an animal shall
5 “If a man causes a field or vineyard to surely be put to death.
be eaten by letting his animal loose, and 20 “He who sacrifices to any god, ex-
it grazes in another man’s field, he shall cept to the LORD only, shall be utterly
make restitution from the best of his own destroyed.
field, and from the best of his own vine- 21 “You shall not wrong an alien or op-
yard. press him, for you were aliens in the land
6 “If fire breaks out, and catches in of Egypt.
thorns so that the shocks of grain, or the 22 “You shall not take advantage of any
standing grain, or the field are consumed; widow or fatherless child. 23 If you take
he who kindled the fire shall surely make advantage of them at all, and they cry at
restitution. all to me, I will surely hear their cry; 24 and
7 “If a man delivers to his neighbor
my wrath will grow hot, and I will kill you
money or stuff to keep, and it is stolen out with the sword; and your wives shall be
of the man’s house, if the thief is found, he widows, and your children fatherless.
shall pay double. 8 If the thief isn’t found, 25 “If you lend money to any of my people
then the master of the house shall come
near to God, to find out whether or not he with you who is poor, you shall not be to
has put his hand on his neighbor’s goods. him as a creditor. You shall not charge
9 For every matter of trespass, whether it him interest. 26 If you take your neighbor’s
is for ox, for donkey, for sheep, for cloth- garment as collateral, you shall restore it to
ing, or for any kind of lost thing, about him before the sun goes down, 27 for that
which one says, ‘This is mine,’ the cause is his only covering, it is his garment for
of both parties shall come before God. He his skin. What would he sleep in? It will
whom God condemns shall pay double to happen, when he cries to me, that I will
his neighbor. hear, for I am gracious.
10 “If a man delivers to his neighbor a 28 “You shall not blaspheme God, nor

donkey, an ox, a sheep, or any animal to curse a ruler of your people.

29 “You shall not delay to offer from
keep, and it dies or is injured, or driven
away, no man seeing it; 11 the oath of the your harvest and from the outflow of your
LORD shall be between them both, he has presses.
not put his hand on his neighbor’s goods; “You shall give the firstborn of your sons
and its owner shall accept it, and he shall to me. 30 You shall do likewise with your
not make restitution. 12 But if it is stolen cattle and with your sheep. It shall be with
from him, the one who stole shall make its mother seven days, then on the eighth
restitution to its owner. 13 If it is torn in day you shall give it to me.
pieces, let him bring it for evidence. He 31 “You shall be holy men to me, there-
shall not make good that which was torn. fore you shall not eat any meat that is torn
14 “If a man borrows anything of his
by animals in the field. You shall cast it to
neighbor’s, and it is injured, or dies, its the dogs.
owner not being with it, he shall surely
make restitution. 15 If its owner is with it,
he shall not make it good. If it is a leased
1 “You shall not spread a false report.
thing, it came for its lease. Don’t join your hand with the wicked to be
16 “If a man entices a virgin who isn’t
a malicious witness.
pledged to be married, and lies with her, 2 “You shall not follow a crowd to do evil.
he shall surely pay a dowry for her to be his You shall not testify in court to side with a
Exodus 23:3 73 Exodus 23:33

multitude to pervert justice. 3 You shall not 18 “You shall not offer the blood of my
favor a poor man in his cause. sacrifice with leavened bread. The fat of
4 “If you meet your enemy’s ox or his my feast shall not remain all night until the
donkey going astray, you shall surely bring morning.
it back to him again. 5 If you see the donkey 19 You shall bring the first of the first
of him who hates you fallen down under fruits of your ground into the house of the
his burden, don’t leave him. You shall LORD your God.
surely help him with it. “You shall not boil a young goat in its
6 “You shall not deny justice to your poor mother’s milk.
people in their lawsuits. 20 “Behold, I send an angel before you, to
7 “Keep far from a false charge, and don’t keep you by the way, and to bring you into
kill the innocent and righteous; for I will the place which I have prepared. 21 Pay
not justify the wicked. attention to him, and listen to his voice.
8 “You shall take no bribe, for a bribe Don’t provoke him, for he will not pardon
blinds those who have sight and perverts your disobedience, for my name is in him.
22 But if you indeed listen to his voice, and
the words of the righteous.
9 “You shall not oppress an alien, for you do all that I speak, then I will be an enemy
know the heart of an alien, since you were to your enemies, and an adversary to your
aliens in the land of Egypt. adversaries. 23 For my angel shall go be-
10 “For six years you shall sow your land, fore you, and bring you in to the Amorite,
the Hittite, the Perizzite, the Canaanite,
and shall gather in its increase, 11 but the the Hivite, and the Jebusite; and I will cut
seventh year you shall let it rest and lie them off. 24 You shall not bow down to
fallow, that the poor of your people may their gods, nor serve them, nor follow their
eat; and what they leave the animal of the practices, but you shall utterly overthrow
field shall eat. In the same way, you shall them and demolish their pillars. 25 You
deal with your vineyard and with your shall serve the LORD your God, and he will
olive grove. bless your bread and your water, and I
12 “Six days you shall do your work, and will take sickness away from among you.
on the seventh day you shall rest, that your 26 No one will miscarry or be barren in
ox and your donkey may have rest, and the your land. I will fulfill the number of your
son of your servant, and the alien may be days. 27 I will send my terror before you,
refreshed. and will confuse all the people to whom
13 “Be careful to do all things that I have
you come, and I will make all your enemies
said to you; and don’t invoke the name of turn their backs to you. 28 I will send the
other gods or even let them be heard out hornet before you, which will drive out
of your mouth. the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hittite,
14 “You shall observe a feast to me three from before you. 29 I will not drive them
times a year. 15 You shall observe the feast out from before you in one year, lest the
of unleavened bread. Seven days you shall land become desolate, and the animals of
eat unleavened bread, as I commanded the field multiply against you. 30 Little by
you, at the time appointed in the month little I will drive them out from before you,
Abib (for in it you came out of Egypt), until you have increased and inherit the
and no one shall appear before me empty. land. 31 I will set your border from the
16 And the feast of harvest, the first fruits
Red Sea even to the sea of the Philistines,
of your labors, which you sow in the field; and from the wilderness to the River; for I
and the feast of ingathering, at the end of will deliver the inhabitants of the land into
the year, when you gather in your labors your hand, and you shall drive them out
out of the field. 17 Three times in the year before you. 32 You shall make no covenant
all your males shall appear before the Lord with them, nor with their gods. 33 They
GOD. shall not dwell in your land, lest they make
Exodus 24:1 74 Exodus 25:13

you sin against me, for if you serve their 13 Moses rose up with Joshua, his ser-
gods, it will surely be a snare to you.” vant, and Moses went up onto God’s Moun-
tain. 14 He said to the elders, “Wait here
for us, until we come again to you. Behold,
24 Aaron and Hur are with you. Whoever is
1 He said to Moses, “Come up to the involved in a dispute can go to them.”
LORD, you, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, 15 Moses went up on the mountain, and
and seventy of the elders of Israel; and the cloud covered the mountain. 16 The
worship from a distance. 2 Moses alone LORD’s glory settled on Mount Sinai, and
shall come near to the LORD, but they shall the cloud covered it six days. The seventh
not come near. The people shall not go up day he called to Moses out of the middle of
with him.” the cloud. 17 The appearance of the LORD’s
3 Moses came and told the people all the glory was like devouring fire on the top of
LORD’s words, and all the ordinances; and the mountain in the eyes of the children of
all the people answered with one voice, Israel. 18 Moses entered into the middle of

and said, “All the words which the LORD the cloud, and went up on the mountain;
has spoken will we do.” and Moses was on the mountain forty days
4 Moses wrote all the LORD’s words, then
and forty nights.
rose up early in the morning and built an
altar at the base of the mountain, with
1 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
twelve pillars for the twelve tribes of Is- 2 “Speak to the children of Israel, that they
rael. 5 He sent young men of the children take an offering for me. From every-
of Israel, who offered burnt offerings and one whose heart makes him willing you
sacrificed peace offerings of cattle to the shall take my offering. 3 This is the of-
LORD. 6 Moses took half of the blood and fering which you shall take from them:
put it in basins, and half of the blood he
gold, silver, bronze, 4 blue, purple, scarlet,
sprinkled on the altar. 7 He took the book
fine linen, goats’ hair, 5 rams’ skins dyed
of the covenant and read it in the hearing
red, sea cow hides,† acacia wood, 6 oil for
of the people, and they said, “We will do all the light, spices for the anointing oil and
that the LORD has said, and be obedient.” for the sweet incense, 7 onyx stones, and
8 Moses took the blood, and sprinkled
stones to be set for the ephod and for
it on the people, and said, “Look, this is the breastplate. 8 Let them make me a
the blood of the covenant, which the LORD sanctuary, that I may dwell among them.
has made with you concerning all these 9 According to all that I show you, the pat-
words.” tern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of
9 Then Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and
all of its furniture, even so you shall make
seventy of the elders of Israel went up. it.
10 They saw the God of Israel. Under his 10 “They shall make an ark of acacia
feet was like a paved work of sapphire† wood. Its length shall be two and a half
stone, like the skies for clearness. 11 He cubits,‡ its width a cubit and a half, and
didn’t lay his hand on the nobles of the a cubit and a half its height. 11 You shall
children of Israel. They saw God, and ate overlay it with pure gold. You shall overlay
and drank. it inside and outside, and you shall make
12 The LORD said to Moses, “Come up to a gold molding around it. 12 You shall cast
me on the mountain, and stay here, and four rings of gold for it, and put them in
I will give you the stone tablets with the its four feet. Two rings shall be on the
law and the commands that I have written, one side of it, and two rings on the other
that you may teach them.” side of it. 13 You shall make poles of acacia
† 24:10 or, lapis lazuli † 25:5 or, fine leather ‡ 25:10 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to
the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46 centimeters.
Exodus 25:14 75 Exodus 26:5

wood, and overlay them with gold. 14 You gold. The lamp stand shall be made of
shall put the poles into the rings on the hammered work. Its base, its shaft, its
sides of the ark to carry the ark. 15 The cups, its buds, and its flowers shall be
poles shall be in the rings of the ark. They of one piece with it. 32 There shall be
shall not be taken from it. 16 You shall six branches going out of its sides: three
put the covenant which I shall give you branches of the lamp stand out of its one
into the ark. 17 You shall make a mercy side, and three branches of the lamp stand
seat of pure gold. Two and a half cubits out of its other side; 33 three cups made like
shall be its length, and a cubit and a half almond blossoms in one branch, a bud and
its width. 18 You shall make two cheru- a flower; and three cups made like almond
bim of hammered gold. You shall make blossoms in the other branch, a bud and a
them at the two ends of the mercy seat. flower, so for the six branches going out of
19 Make one cherub at the one end, and one the lamp stand; 34 and in the lamp stand
cherub at the other end. You shall make four cups made like almond blossoms, its
the cherubim on its two ends of one piece buds and its flowers; 35 and a bud under
with the mercy seat. 20 The cherubim shall two branches of one piece with it, and a
spread out their wings upward, covering bud under two branches of one piece with
the mercy seat with their wings, with their it, and a bud under two branches of one
faces toward one another. The faces of the piece with it, for the six branches going out
cherubim shall be toward the mercy seat. of the lamp stand. 36 Their buds and their
21 You shall put the mercy seat on top of
branches shall be of one piece with it, all
the ark, and in the ark you shall put the of it one beaten work of pure gold. 37 You
covenant that I will give you. 22 There I shall make its lamps seven, and they shall
will meet with you, and I will tell you from light its lamps to give light to the space
above the mercy seat, from between the in front of it. 38 Its snuffers and its snuff
two cherubim which are on the ark of the dishes shall be of pure gold. 39 It shall be
covenant, all that I command you for the
made of a talent§ of pure gold, with all
children of Israel.
23 “You shall make a table of acacia wood.
these accessories. 40 See that you make
them after their pattern, which has been
Its length shall be two cubits, and its width
shown to you on the mountain.
a cubit, and its height one and a half cubits.
24 You shall overlay it with pure gold, and
make a gold molding around it. 25 You shall 26
1 “Moreover you shall make the taberna-
make a rim of a hand width around it. You
shall make a golden molding on its rim cle with ten curtains of fine twined linen,
around it. 26 You shall make four rings of and blue, and purple, and scarlet, with
gold for it, and put the rings in the four cherubim. You shall make them with the
corners that are on its four feet. 27 The work of a skillful workman. 2 The length of
rings shall be close to the rim, for places each curtain shall be twenty-eight cubits,†
for the poles to carry the table. 28 You and the width of each curtain four cubits:
shall make the poles of acacia wood, and all the curtains shall have one measure.
3 Five curtains shall be coupled together
overlay them with gold, that the table may to one another, and the other five curtains
be carried with them. 29 You shall make its shall be coupled to one another. 4 You
dishes, its spoons, its ladles, and its bowls
shall make loops of blue on the edge of the
with which to pour out offerings. You shall
one curtain from the edge in the coupling,
make them of pure gold. 30 You shall set
and you shall do likewise on the edge of
bread of the presence on the table before
the curtain that is outermost in the second
me always. coupling. 5 You shall make fifty loops in
31 “You shall make a lamp stand of pure the one curtain, and you shall make fifty
§ 25:39 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds or 965 Troy ounces † 26:2 A cubit is the length from the tip
of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46 centimeters.
Exodus 26:6 76 Exodus 27:1

loops in the edge of the curtain that is in you shall make six boards. 23 You shall
the second coupling. The loops shall be make two boards for the corners of the
opposite one another. 6 You shall make tabernacle in the far side. 24 They shall be
fifty clasps of gold, and couple the curtains double beneath, and in the same way they
to one another with the clasps. The taber- shall be whole to its top to one ring: thus
nacle shall be a unit. shall it be for them both; they shall be for
7 “You shall make curtains of goats’ hair the two corners. 25 There shall be eight
for a covering over the tabernacle. You boards, and their sockets of silver, sixteen
shall make eleven curtains. 8 The length sockets; two sockets under one board, and
of each curtain shall be thirty cubits, and two sockets under another board.
26 “You shall make bars of acacia wood:
the width of each curtain four cubits: the
eleven curtains shall have one measure. five for the boards of the one side of the
9 You shall couple five curtains by them- tabernacle, 27 and five bars for the boards
selves, and six curtains by themselves, and of the other side of the tabernacle, and five
shall double over the sixth curtain in the bars for the boards of the side of the taber-
forefront of the tent. 10 You shall make fifty nacle, for the far side westward. 28 The
loops on the edge of the one curtain that is middle bar in the middle of the boards
shall pass through from end to end. 29 You
outermost in the coupling, and fifty loops shall overlay the boards with gold, and
on the edge of the curtain which is outer- make their rings of gold for places for the
most in the second coupling. 11 You shall bars. You shall overlay the bars with gold.
make fifty clasps of bronze, and put the 30 You shall set up the tabernacle according
clasps into the loops, and couple the tent to the way that it was shown to you on the
together, that it may be one. 12 The over- mountain.
hanging part that remains of the curtains 31 “You shall make a veil of blue, and
of the tent—the half curtain that remains— purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen,
shall hang over the back of the tabernacle.
13 The cubit on the one side and the cubit on with cherubim. It shall be the work of a
skillful workman. 32 You shall hang it on
the other side, of that which remains in the
length of the curtains of the tent, shall hang four pillars of acacia overlaid with gold;
over the sides of the tabernacle on this side their hooks shall be of gold, on four sockets
and on that side, to cover it. 14 You shall of silver. 33 You shall hang up the veil
make a covering for the tent of rams’ skins under the clasps, and shall bring the ark
dyed red, and a covering of sea cow hides of the covenant in there within the veil.
above. The veil shall separate the holy place from
15 “You shall make the boards for the the most holy for you. 34 You shall put
tabernacle of acacia wood, standing up- the mercy seat on the ark of the covenant
right. 16 Ten cubits shall be the length of a in the most holy place. 35 You shall set
board, and one and a half cubits the width the table outside the veil, and the lamp
of each board. 17 There shall be two tenons stand opposite the table on the side of the
in each board, joined to one another: thus tabernacle toward the south. You shall put
you shall make for all the boards of the the table on the north side.
tabernacle. 18 You shall make twenty 36 “You shall make a screen for the door
boards for the tabernacle, for the south of the Tent, of blue, and purple, and scarlet,
side southward. 19 You shall make forty and fine twined linen, the work of the
sockets of silver under the twenty boards; embroiderer. 37 You shall make for the
two sockets under one board for its two screen five pillars of acacia, and overlay
tenons, and two sockets under another them with gold. Their hooks shall be of
board for its two tenons. 20 For the second gold. You shall cast five sockets of bronze
side of the tabernacle, on the north side, for them.
twenty boards, 21 and their forty sockets of
silver; two sockets under one board, and
two sockets under another board. 22 For 27
the far side of the tabernacle westward 1 “You shall make the altar of acacia
Exodus 27:2 77 Exodus 28:8

wood, five cubits† long, and five cubits be filleted with silver; their hooks of silver,
wide. The altar shall be square. Its height and their sockets of bronze. 18 The length
shall be three cubits.‡ 2 You shall make its of the court shall be one hundred cubits,
horns on its four corners. Its horns shall and the width fifty throughout, and the
be of one piece with it. You shall overlay height five cubits, of fine twined linen, and
it with bronze. 3 You shall make its pots their sockets of bronze. 19 All the instru-
to take away its ashes; and its shovels, its ments of the tabernacle in all its service,
basins, its meat hooks, and its fire pans. and all its pins, and all the pins of the court,
You shall make all its vessels of bronze. shall be of bronze.
4 You shall make a grating for it of network 20 “You shall command the children of
of bronze. On the net you shall make four Israel, that they bring to you pure olive
bronze rings in its four corners. 5 You shall oil beaten for the light, to cause a lamp to
put it under the ledge around the altar burn continually. 21 In the Tent of Meet-
beneath, that the net may reach halfway ing, outside the veil which is before the
up the altar. 6 You shall make poles for covenant, Aaron and his sons shall keep
the altar, poles of acacia wood, and overlay it in order from evening to morning be-
them with bronze. 7 Its poles shall be put fore the LORD: it shall be a statute forever
into the rings, and the poles shall be on throughout their generations on the behalf
the two sides of the altar when carrying of the children of Israel.
it. 8 You shall make it hollow with planks.
They shall make it as it has been shown you 28
on the mountain. 1 “Bring Aaron your brother, and his
9 “You shall make the court of the taber- sons with him, near to you from among
nacle: for the south side southward there the children of Israel, that he may min-
shall be hangings for the court of fine ister to me in the priest’s office: Aaron,
twined linen one hundred cubits long for with Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar,
one side. 10 Its pillars shall be twenty, and Aaron’s sons. 2 You shall make holy gar-
their sockets twenty, of bronze. The hooks ments for Aaron your brother, for glory
of the pillars and their fillets shall be of sil- and for beauty. 3 You shall speak to all
ver. 11 Likewise for the length of the north who are wise-hearted, whom I have filled
side, there shall be hangings one hundred with the spirit of wisdom, that they make
cubits long, and its pillars twenty, and Aaron’s garments to sanctify him, that he
their sockets twenty, of bronze; the hooks may minister to me in the priest’s office.
4 These are the garments which they shall
of the pillars, and their fillets, of silver.
12 For the width of the court on the west make: a breastplate, an ephod, a robe, a
side shall be hangings of fifty cubits; their fitted tunic, a turban, and a sash. They
pillars ten, and their sockets ten. 13 The shall make holy garments for Aaron your
width of the court on the east side east- brother and his sons, that he may minister
ward shall be fifty cubits. 14 The hangings to me in the priest’s office. 5 They shall use
for the one side of the gate shall be fifteen the gold, and the blue, and the purple, and
cubits; their pillars three, and their sockets the scarlet, and the fine linen.
three. 15 For the other side shall be hang- 6 “They shall make the ephod of gold,
ings of fifteen cubits; their pillars three, blue, purple, scarlet, and fine twined linen,
and their sockets three. 16 For the gate of the work of the skillful workman. 7 It shall
the court shall be a screen of twenty cubits, have two shoulder straps joined to the two
of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine ends of it, that it may be joined together.
twined linen, the work of the embroiderer; 8 The skillfully woven band, which is on
their pillars four, and their sockets four. it, shall be like its work and of the same
17 All the pillars of the court around shall piece; of gold, blue, purple, scarlet, and
† 27:1 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46
centimeters. ‡ 27:1 The altar was to be about 2.3×2.3×1.4 meters or about 7½×7½×4½ feet.
Exodus 28:9 78 Exodus 28:38

fine twined linen. 9 You shall take two onyx shall put on the two settings, and put them
stones, and engrave on them the names of on the shoulder straps of the ephod in its
the children of Israel. 10 Six of their names forepart. 26 You shall make two rings of
on the one stone, and the names of the gold, and you shall put them on the two
six that remain on the other stone, in the ends of the breastplate, on its edge, which
order of their birth. 11 With the work of is toward the side of the ephod inward.
an engraver in stone, like the engravings of 27 You shall make two rings of gold, and
a signet, you shall engrave the two stones,
shall put them on the two shoulder straps
according to the names of the children of
of the ephod underneath, in its forepart,
Israel. You shall make them to be enclosed
in settings of gold. 12 You shall put the two close by its coupling, above the skillfully
stones on the shoulder straps of the ephod, woven band of the ephod. 28 They shall
to be stones of memorial for the children bind the breastplate by its rings to the rings
of Israel. Aaron shall bear their names of the ephod with a lace of blue, that it
before the LORD on his two shoulders for may be on the skillfully woven band of
a memorial. 13 You shall make settings the ephod, and that the breastplate may
of gold, 14 and two chains of pure gold; not swing out from the ephod. 29 Aaron
you shall make them like cords of braided shall bear the names of the children of
work. You shall put the braided chains on Israel in the breastplate of judgment on his
the settings. heart, when he goes in to the holy place,
15 “You for a memorial before the LORD contin-
shall make a breastplate of judg- ually. 30 You shall put in the breastplate
ment, the work of the skillful workman; of judgment the Urim and the Thummim;
like the work of the ephod you shall make and they shall be on Aaron’s heart, when
it; of gold, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, he goes in before the LORD. Aaron shall
and fine twined linen, you shall make it. bear the judgment of the children of Israel
16 It shall be square and folded double;
on his heart before the LORD continually.
a span† shall be its length, and a span 31 “You shall make the robe of the ephod
its width. 17 You shall set in it settings
of stones, four rows of stones: a row of all of blue. 32 It shall have a hole for the
head in the middle of it. It shall have a
ruby, topaz, and beryl shall be the first binding of woven work around its hole, as
row; 18 and the second row a turquoise, a it were the hole of a coat of mail, that it
sapphire,‡ and an emerald; 19 and the third not be torn. 33 On its hem you shall make
row a jacinth, an agate, and an amethyst; pomegranates of blue, and of purple, and
20 and the fourth row a chrysolite, an onyx,
of scarlet, all around its hem; with bells
and a jasper. They shall be enclosed in of gold between and around them: 34 a
gold in their settings. 21 The stones shall golden bell and a pomegranate, a golden
be according to the names of the children bell and a pomegranate, around the hem of
of Israel, twelve, according to their names; the robe. 35 It shall be on Aaron to minister:
like the engravings of a signet, everyone and its sound shall be heard when he goes
according to his name, they shall be for in to the holy place before the LORD, and
the twelve tribes. 22 You shall make on the when he comes out, that he not die.
breastplate chains like cords, of braided 36 “You shall make a plate of pure gold,
work of pure gold. 23 You shall make and engrave on it, like the engravings of a
on the breastplate two rings of gold, and signet, ‘HOLY TO THE LORD.’ 37 You shall
shall put the two rings on the two ends of put it on a lace of blue, and it shall be on
the breastplate. 24 You shall put the two the sash. It shall be on the front of the
braided chains of gold in the two rings at sash. 38 It shall be on Aaron’s forehead,
the ends of the breastplate. 25 The other and Aaron shall bear the iniquity of the
two ends of the two braided chains you holy things, which the children of Israel
† 28:16 A span is the length from the tip of a man’s thumb to the tip of his little finger when his hand is stretched out
(about half a cubit, or 9 inches, or 22.8 cm.) ‡ 28:18 or, lapis lazuli
Exodus 28:39 79 Exodus 29:25

shall make holy in all their holy gifts; and it shall lay their hands on the head of the
shall be always on his forehead, that they bull. 11 You shall kill the bull before the
may be accepted before the LORD. 39 You LORD at the door of the Tent of Meeting.
12 You shall take of the blood of the bull,
shall weave the tunic with fine linen. You
shall make a turban of fine linen. You shall and put it on the horns of the altar with
make a sash, the work of the embroiderer. your finger; and you shall pour out all the
40 “You shall make tunics for Aaron’s
blood at the base of the altar. 13 You shall
sons. You shall make sashes for them. You take all the fat that covers the innards, the
shall make headbands for them, for glory cover of the liver, the two kidneys, and the
and for beauty. 41 You shall put them on fat that is on them, and burn them on the
Aaron your brother, and on his sons with altar. 14 But the meat of the bull, and its
him, and shall anoint them, and conse- skin, and its dung, you shall burn with fire
crate them, and sanctify them, that they outside of the camp. It is a sin offering.
may minister to me in the priest’s office. 15 “You shall also take the one ram, and
42 You shall make them linen pants to cover
Aaron and his sons shall lay their hands
their naked flesh. They shall reach from on the head of the ram. 16 You shall kill
the waist even to the thighs. 43 They shall the ram, and you shall take its blood, and
be on Aaron and on his sons, when they sprinkle it around on the altar. 17 You shall
go in to the Tent of Meeting, or when they cut the ram into its pieces, and wash its
come near to the altar to minister in the innards, and its legs, and put them with
holy place, that they don’t bear iniquity, its pieces, and with its head. 18 You shall
and die. This shall be a statute forever to burn the whole ram on the altar: it is a
him and to his offspring after him. burnt offering to the LORD; it is a pleasant
aroma, an offering made by fire to the
29 LORD.
1 “This is the thing that you shall do to
19 “You shall take the other ram, and
them to make them holy, to minister to me
in the priest’s office: take one young bull Aaron and his sons shall lay their hands
and two rams without defect, 2 unleavened on the head of the ram. 20 Then you shall
bread, unleavened cakes mixed with oil, kill the ram, and take some of its blood,
and unleavened wafers anointed with oil. and put it on the tip of the right ear of
You shall make them of fine wheat flour. Aaron, and on the tip of the right ear of
3 You shall put them into one basket, and his sons, and on the thumb of their right
bring them in the basket, with the bull and hand, and on the big toe of their right foot;
the two rams. 4 You shall bring Aaron and and sprinkle the blood around on the altar.
his sons to the door of the Tent of Meeting, 21 You shall take of the blood that is on the
and shall wash them with water. 5 You altar, and of the anointing oil, and sprinkle
shall take the garments, and put on Aaron it on Aaron, and on his garments, and on
the tunic, the robe of the ephod, the ephod, his sons, and on the garments of his sons
and the breastplate, and clothe him with with him: and he shall be made holy, and
the skillfully woven band of the ephod. his garments, and his sons, and his sons’
6 You shall set the turban on his head, and garments with him. 22 Also you shall take
put the holy crown on the turban. 7 Then some of the ram’s fat, the fat tail, the fat
you shall take the anointing oil, and pour that covers the innards, the cover of the
it on his head, and anoint him. 8 You shall liver, the two kidneys, the fat that is on
bring his sons, and put tunics on them. them, and the right thigh (for it is a ram
9 You shall clothe them with belts, Aaron of consecration), 23 and one loaf of bread,
and his sons, and bind headbands on them. one cake of oiled bread, and one wafer out
They shall have the priesthood by a per- of the basket of unleavened bread that is
petual statute. You shall consecrate Aaron before the LORD. 24 You shall put all of this
and his sons. in Aaron’s hands, and in his sons’ hands,
10 “You shall bring the bull before the and shall wave them for a wave offering
Tent of Meeting; and Aaron and his sons before the LORD. 25 You shall take them
Exodus 29:26 80 Exodus 30:6

from their hands, and burn them on the and the altar shall be most holy. Whatever
altar on the burnt offering, for a pleasant touches the altar shall be holy.
aroma before the LORD: it is an offering 38 “Now this is that which you shall offer
made by fire to the LORD. on the altar: two lambs a year old day
26 “You shall take the breast of Aaron’s by day continually. 39 The one lamb you
ram of consecration, and wave it for a shall offer in the morning; and the other
wave offering before the LORD. It shall lamb you shall offer at evening; 40 and with
be your portion. 27 You shall sanctify the the one lamb a tenth part of an ephah† of
breast of the wave offering and the thigh fine flour mixed with the fourth part of a
of the wave offering, which is waved, and hin‡ of beaten oil, and the fourth part of
which is raised up, of the ram of conse- a hin of wine for a drink offering. 41 The
cration, even of that which is for Aaron, other lamb you shall offer at evening, and
and of that which is for his sons. 28 It shall shall do to it according to the meal offering
be for Aaron and his sons as their portion of the morning and according to its drink
forever from the children of Israel; for it is offering, for a pleasant aroma, an offering
a wave offering. It shall be a wave offering
made by fire to the LORD. 42 It shall be a
from the children of Israel of the sacrifices
of their peace offerings, even their wave continual burnt offering throughout your
offering to the LORD. generations at the door of the Tent of Meet-
29 “The holy garments of Aaron shall
ing before the LORD, where I will meet
with you, to speak there to you. 43 There I
be for his sons after him, to be anointed will meet with the children of Israel; and
in them, and to be consecrated in them. the place shall be sanctified by my glory.
30 Seven days shall the son who is priest in
44 I will sanctify the Tent of Meeting and
his place put them on, when he comes into the altar. I will also sanctify Aaron and his
the Tent of Meeting to minister in the holy sons to minister to me in the priest’s office.
place. 45 I will dwell among the children of Israel,
31 “You shall take the ram of consecration
and will be their God. 46 They shall know
and boil its meat in a holy place. 32 Aaron that I am the LORD their God, who brought
and his sons shall eat the meat of the ram, them out of the land of Egypt, that I might
and the bread that is in the basket, at dwell among them: I am the LORD their
the door of the Tent of Meeting. 33 They God.
shall eat those things with which atone-
ment was made, to consecrate and sanctify
them; but a stranger shall not eat of it,
1 “You shall make an altar to burn in-
because they are holy. 34 If anything of the cense on. You shall make it of acacia wood.
meat of the consecration, or of the bread, 2 Its length shall be a cubit,† and its width
remains to the morning, then you shall a cubit. It shall be square, and its height
burn the remainder with fire. It shall not shall be two cubits. Its horns shall be of
be eaten, because it is holy. one piece with it. 3 You shall overlay it
35 “You shall do so to Aaron and to his with pure gold, its top, its sides around
sons, according to all that I have com- it, and its horns; and you shall make a
manded you. You shall consecrate them gold molding around it. 4 You shall make
seven days. 36 Every day you shall offer two golden rings for it under its molding;
the bull of sin offering for atonement. You on its two ribs, on its two sides you shall
shall cleanse the altar when you make make them; and they shall be for places
atonement for it. You shall anoint it, to for poles with which to bear it. 5 You
sanctify it. 37 Seven days you shall make shall make the poles of acacia wood, and
atonement for the altar, and sanctify it; overlay them with gold. 6 You shall put
† 29:40 1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel ‡ 29:40 A hin is about 6.5 liters or 1.7 gallons, so a fourth
of a hin is about 1.6 liters. † 30:2 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s
arm, or about 18 inches or 46 centimeters.
Exodus 30:7 81 Exodus 30:35

it before the veil that is by the ark of the in it. 19 Aaron and his sons shall wash their
covenant, before the mercy seat that is hands and their feet in it. 20 When they go
over the covenant, where I will meet with into the Tent of Meeting, they shall wash
you. 7 Aaron shall burn incense of sweet with water, that they not die; or when they
spices on it every morning. When he tends come near to the altar to minister, to burn
the lamps, he shall burn it. 8 When Aaron an offering made by fire to the LORD. 21 So
lights the lamps at evening, he shall burn they shall wash their hands and their feet,
it, a perpetual incense before the LORD that they not die. This shall be a statute
throughout your generations. 9 You shall forever to them, even to him and to his de-
offer no strange incense on it, nor burnt scendants throughout their generations.”
offering, nor meal offering; and you shall 22 Moreover the LORD spoke to Moses,
pour no drink offering on it. 10 Aaron shall saying, 23 “Also take fine spices: of liquid
make atonement on its horns once in the myrrh, five hundred shekels;‡ and of fra-
year; with the blood of the sin offering of grant cinnamon half as much, even two
atonement once in the year he shall make hundred and fifty; and of fragrant cane,
atonement for it throughout your genera- two hundred and fifty; 24 and of cassia five
tions. It is most holy to the LORD.” hundred, according to the shekel of the
11 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, sanctuary; and a hin§ of olive oil. 25 You
12 “When you take a census of the chil- shall make it into a holy anointing oil, a
dren of Israel, according to those who perfume compounded after the art of the
are counted among them, then each man perfumer: it shall be a holy anointing oil.
shall give a ransom for his soul to the 26 You shall use it to anoint the Tent of Meet-
LORD when you count them, that there be ing, the ark of the covenant, 27 the table
no plague among them when you count and all its articles, the lamp stand and its
them. 13 They shall give this, everyone accessories, the altar of incense, 28 the altar
who passes over to those who are counted, of burnt offering with all its utensils, and
half a shekel according to the shekel‡ of the basin with its base. 29 You shall sanctify
the sanctuary (the shekel is twenty ger- them, that they may be most holy. What-
ahs§); half a shekel for an offering to the ever touches them shall be holy. 30 You
LORD. 14 Everyone who passes over to shall anoint Aaron and his sons, and sanc-
those who are counted, from twenty years tify them, that they may minister to me in
old and upward, shall give the offering to the priest’s office. 31 You shall speak to the
the LORD. 15 The rich shall not give more, children of Israel, saying, ‘This shall be a
and the poor shall not give less, than the holy anointing oil to me throughout your
half shekel,† when they give the offering generations. 32 It shall not be poured on
of the LORD, to make atonement for your man’s flesh, and do not make any like it,
souls. 16 You shall take the atonement according to its composition. It is holy.
money from the children of Israel, and It shall be holy to you. 33 Whoever com-
shall appoint it for the service of the Tent pounds any like it, or whoever puts any of
of Meeting; that it may be a memorial for it on a stranger, he shall be cut off from his
the children of Israel before the LORD, to people.’ ”
make atonement for your souls.” 34 The LORD said to Moses, “Take to your-
17 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, self sweet spices, gum resin, onycha, and
18 “You shall also make a basin of bronze, galbanum: sweet spices with pure frank-
and its base of bronze, in which to wash. incense. There shall be an equal weight
You shall put it between the Tent of Meet- of each. 35 You shall make incense of it,
ing and the altar, and you shall put water a perfume after the art of the perfumer,
‡ 30:13 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces. § 30:13 a gerah is about 0.5 grams or about 7.7 grains
† 30:15 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces. ‡ 30:23 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces,
so 500 shekels is about 5 kilograms or about 11 pounds. § 30:24 A hin is about 6.5 liters or 1.7 gallons.
Exodus 30:36 82 Exodus 32:8

seasoned with salt, pure and holy. 36 You that soul shall be cut off from among his
shall beat some of it very small, and put people. 15 Six days shall work be done,
some of it before the covenant in the Tent but on the seventh day is a Sabbath of
of Meeting, where I will meet with you. It solemn rest, holy to the LORD. Whoever
shall be to you most holy. 37 You shall not does any work on the Sabbath day shall
make this incense, according to its com- surely be put to death. 16 Therefore the
position, for yourselves: it shall be to you children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath,
holy for the LORD. 38 Whoever shall make to observe the Sabbath throughout their
any like that, to smell of it, he shall be cut generations, for a perpetual covenant. 17 It
off from his people.” is a sign between me and the children of Is-
rael forever; for in six days the LORD made
31 heaven and earth, and on the seventh day
1 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, he rested, and was refreshed.’ ”
2 “Behold, I have called by name Bezalel 18 When he finished speaking with him
the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe on Mount Sinai, he gave Moses the two
of Judah. 3 I have filled him with the Spirit tablets of the covenant, stone tablets, writ-
of God, in wisdom, and in understand- ten with God’s finger.
ing, and in knowledge, and in all kinds of
workmanship, 4 to devise skillful works, to 32
work in gold, and in silver, and in bronze, When the people saw that Moses de-
5 and in cutting of stones for setting, and
layed coming down from the mountain,
in carving of wood, to work in all kinds the people gathered themselves together
of workmanship. 6 Behold, I myself have to Aaron, and said to him, “Come, make us
appointed with him Oholiab, the son of gods, which shall go before us; for as for
Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan; and in this Moses, the man who brought us up out
the heart of all who are wise-hearted I of the land of Egypt, we don’t know what
have put wisdom, that they may make all has become of him.”
that I have commanded you: 7 the Tent 2 Aaron said to them, “Take off the golden
of Meeting, the ark of the covenant, the rings, which are in the ears of your wives,
mercy seat that is on it, all the furniture of your sons, and of your daughters, and
of the Tent, 8 the table and its vessels, the bring them to me.”
pure lamp stand with all its vessels, the 3 All the people took off the golden rings
altar of incense, 9 the altar of burnt of- which were in their ears, and brought
fering with all its vessels, the basin and them to Aaron. 4 He received what they
its base, 10 the finely worked garments— handed him, fashioned it with an engrav-
the holy garments for Aaron the priest, ing tool, and made it a molded calf. Then
the garments of his sons to minister in the they said, “These are your gods, Israel,
priest’s office— 11 the anointing oil, and the which brought you up out of the land of
incense of sweet spices for the holy place: Egypt.”
according to all that I have commanded 5 When Aaron saw this, he built an altar
you they shall do.” before it; and Aaron made a proclamation,
12 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
and said, “Tomorrow shall be a feast to the
13 “Speak also to the children of Israel, LORD.”
saying, ‘Most certainly you shall keep my 6 They rose up early on the next day, and
Sabbaths; for it is a sign between me and offered burnt offerings, and brought peace
you throughout your generations, that you offerings; and the people sat down to eat
may know that I am the LORD who sanc- and to drink, and rose up to play.
tifies you. 14 You shall keep the Sabbath 7 The LORD spoke to Moses, “Go, get
therefore, for it is holy to you. Every- down; for your people, whom you brought
one who profanes it shall surely be put to up out of the land of Egypt, have cor-
death; for whoever does any work therein, rupted themselves! 8 They have turned
Exodus 32:9 83 Exodus 32:32

away quickly out of the way which I com- grew hot, and he threw the tablets out of
manded them. They have made them- his hands, and broke them beneath the
selves a molded calf, and have worshiped mountain. 20 He took the calf which they
it, and have sacrificed to it, and said, ‘These had made, and burned it with fire, ground
are your gods, Israel, which brought you it to powder, and scattered it on the water,
up out of the land of Egypt.’ ” and made the children of Israel drink it.
9 The LORD said to Moses, “I have seen 21 Moses said to Aaron, “What did these
these people, and behold, they are a stiff- people do to you, that you have brought a
necked people. 10 Now therefore leave me great sin on them?”
alone, that my wrath may burn hot against 22 Aaron said, “Don’t let the anger of my
them, and that I may consume them; and I lord grow hot. You know the people, that
will make of you a great nation.” they are set on evil. 23 For they said to me,
11 Moses begged the LORD his God, and ‘Make us gods, which shall go before us.
said, “LORD, why does your wrath burn As for this Moses, the man who brought us
hot against your people, that you have up out of the land of Egypt, we don’t know
brought out of the land of Egypt with what has become of him.’ 24 I said to them,
great power and with a mighty hand? ‘Whoever has any gold, let them take it off.’
12 Why should the Egyptians talk, saying, So they gave it to me; and I threw it into the
‘He brought them out for evil, to kill them fire, and out came this calf.”
in the mountains, and to consume them 25 When Moses saw that the people were
from the surface of the earth?’ Turn from out of control, (for Aaron had let them
your fierce wrath, and turn away from lose control, causing derision among their
this evil against your people. 13 Remember enemies), 26 then Moses stood in the gate
Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, your servants, of the camp, and said, “Whoever is on the
to whom you swore by your own self, LORD’s side, come to me!”
and said to them, ‘I will multiply your All the sons of Levi gathered themselves
offspring† as the stars of the sky, and all together to him. 27 He said to them, “The
this land that I have spoken of I will give LORD, the God of Israel, says, ‘Every man
to your offspring, and they shall inherit it put his sword on his thigh, and go back
forever.’ ” and forth from gate to gate throughout
14 So The LORD turned away from the
the camp, and every man kill his brother,
evil which he said he would do to his peo- and every man his companion, and every
ple. man his neighbor.’ ” 28 The sons of Levi did
15 Moses turned, and went down from
according to the word of Moses. About
the mountain, with the two tablets of the three thousand men fell of the people that
covenant in his hand; tablets that were day. 29 Moses said, “Consecrate yourselves
written on both their sides. They were
today to the LORD, for every man was
written on one side and on the other. 16 The
tablets were the work of God, and the writ- against his son and against his brother,
ing was the writing of God, engraved on that he may give you a blessing today.”
the tablets. 30 On the next day, Moses said to the
17 When Joshua heard the noise of the people, “You have sinned a great sin. Now
people as they shouted, he said to Moses, I will go up to the LORD. Perhaps I shall
“There is the noise of war in the camp.” make atonement for your sin.”
18 He said, “It isn’t the voice of those who 31 Moses returned to the LORD, and said,
shout for victory. It is not the voice of those “Oh, this people have sinned a great sin,
who cry for being overcome; but the noise and have made themselves gods of gold.
of those who sing that I hear.” 19 As soon 32 Yet now, if you will, forgive their sin—
as he came near to the camp, he saw the and if not, please blot me out of your book
calf and the dancing. Then Moses’ anger which you have written.”
† 32:13 or, seed
Exodus 32:33 84 Exodus 34:1

33 The LORD said to Moses, “Whoever the people rose up and worshiped, every-
has sinned against me, I will blot him out one at their tent door. 11 The LORD spoke
of my book. 34 Now go, lead the people to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his
to the place of which I have spoken to friend. He turned again into the camp, but
you. Behold, my angel shall go before you. his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young
Nevertheless, in the day when I punish, man, didn’t depart from the Tent.
I will punish them for their sin.” 35 The 12 Moses said to the LORD, “Behold, you
LORD struck the people, because of what tell me, ‘Bring up this people;’ and you
they did with the calf, which Aaron made. haven’t let me know whom you will send
with me. Yet you have said, ‘I know you
33 by name, and you have also found favor in
my sight.’ 13 Now therefore, if I have found
1 The LORD spoke to Moses, “Depart, go
up from here, you and the people that you favor in your sight, please show me your
have brought up out of the land of Egypt, way, now, that I may know you, so that I
to the land of which I swore to Abraham, may find favor in your sight; and consider
to Isaac, and to Jacob, saying, ‘I will give that this nation is your people.”
14 He said, “My presence will go with you,
it to your offspring.’ 2 I will send an angel
before you; and I will drive out the Canaan- and I will give you rest.”
15 Moses said to him, “If your presence
ite, the Amorite, and the Hittite, and the
Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite. 3 Go doesn’t go with me, don’t carry us up from
to a land flowing with milk and honey; but here. 16 For how would people know that I
I will not go up among you, for you are a have found favor in your sight, I and your
stiff-necked people, lest I consume you on people? Isn’t it that you go with us, so that
the way.” we are separated, I and your people, from
4 When the people heard this evil news, all the people who are on the surface of the
they mourned; and no one put on his jew- earth?”
17 The LORD said to Moses, “I will do this
elry. thing also that you have spoken; for you
5 The LORD had said to Moses, “Tell the
have found favor in my sight, and I know
children of Israel, ‘You are a stiff-necked you by name.”
people. If I were to go up among you 18 Moses said, “Please show me your
for one moment, I would consume you. glory.”
Therefore now take off your jewelry from 19 He said, “I will make all my goodness
you, that I may know what to do to you.’ ”
pass before you, and will proclaim the
6 The children of Israel stripped them-
LORD’s name before you. I will be gracious
selves of their jewelry from Mount Horeb to whom I will be gracious, and will show
onward. mercy on whom I will show mercy.” 20 He
7 Now Moses used to take the tent and
said, “You cannot see my face, for man may
pitch it outside the camp, far away from
not see me and live.” 21 The LORD also said,
the camp, and he called it “The Tent of “Behold, there is a place by me, and you
Meeting.” Everyone who sought the LORD shall stand on the rock. 22 It will happen,
went out to the Tent of Meeting, which while my glory passes by, that I will put
was outside the camp. 8 When Moses went you in a cleft of the rock, and will cover
out to the Tent, all the people rose up, you with my hand until I have passed by;
and stood, everyone at their tent door, and 23 then I will take away my hand, and you
watched Moses, until he had gone into the will see my back; but my face shall not be
Tent. 9 When Moses entered into the Tent, seen.”
the pillar of cloud descended, stood at the
door of the Tent, and the LORD spoke with 34
Moses. 10 All the people saw the pillar of 1 The LORD said to Moses, “Chisel two
cloud stand at the door of the Tent, and all stone tablets like the first. I will write on
Exodus 34:2 85 Exodus 34:27

the tablets the words that were on the first god; for the LORD, whose name is Jealous,
tablets, which you broke. 2 Be ready by is a jealous God.
the morning, and come up in the morning 15 “Don’t make a covenant with the in-
to Mount Sinai, and present yourself there habitants of the land, lest they play the
to me on the top of the mountain. 3 No prostitute after their gods, and sacrifice to
one shall come up with you or be seen their gods, and one call you and you eat of
anywhere on the mountain. Do not let his sacrifice; 16 and you take of their daugh-
the flocks or herds graze in front of that ters to your sons, and their daughters play
mountain.” the prostitute after their gods, and make
4 He chiseled two tablets of stone like the your sons play the prostitute after their
first; then Moses rose up early in the morn- gods.
ing, and went up to Mount Sinai, as the 17 “You shall make no cast idols for your-
LORD had commanded him, and took in selves.
his hand two stone tablets. 5 The LORD de- 18 “You shall keep the feast of unleav-
scended in the cloud, and stood with him ened bread. Seven days you shall eat un-
there, and proclaimed the LORD’s name. leavened bread, as I commanded you, at
6 The LORD passed by before him, and
the time appointed in the month Abib; for
proclaimed, “The LORD! The LORD, a mer- in the month Abib you came out of Egypt.
ciful and gracious God, slow to anger, and 19 “All that opens the womb is mine; and
abundant in loving kindness and truth, all your livestock that is male, the firstborn
7 keeping loving kindness for thousands,
of cow and sheep. 20 You shall redeem the
forgiving iniquity and disobedience and firstborn of a donkey with a lamb. If you
sin; and who will by no means clear the will not redeem it, then you shall break its
guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers neck. You shall redeem all the firstborn of
on the children, and on the children’s chil- your sons. No one shall appear before me
dren, on the third and on the fourth gener- empty.
ation.” 21 “Six days you shall work, but on the
8 Moses hurried and bowed his head to- seventh day you shall rest: in plowing time
ward the earth, and worshiped. 9 He said, and in harvest you shall rest.
“If now I have found favor in your sight, 22 “You shall observe the feast of weeks
Lord, please let the Lord go among us, even with the first fruits of wheat harvest, and
though this is a stiff-necked people; pardon the feast of harvest at the year’s end.
23 Three times in the year all your males
our iniquity and our sin, and take us for
your inheritance.” shall appear before the Lord GOD, the God
of Israel. 24 For I will drive out nations be-
10 He said, “Behold, I make a covenant: fore you and enlarge your borders; neither
before all your people I will do marvels, shall any man desire your land when you
such as have not been worked in all the go up to appear before the LORD, your God,
earth, nor in any nation; and all the people three times in the year.
among whom you are shall see the work 25 “You shall not offer the blood of my
of the LORD; for it is an awesome thing sacrifice with leavened bread. The sacri-
that I do with you. 11 Observe that which fice of the feast of the Passover shall not be
I command you today. Behold, I will drive left to the morning.
out before you the Amorite, the Canaanite, 26 “You shall bring the first of the first
the Hittite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and fruits of your ground to the house of the
the Jebusite. 12 Be careful, lest you make a LORD your God.
covenant with the inhabitants of the land “You shall not boil a young goat in its
where you are going, lest it be for a snare mother’s milk.”
among you; 13 but you shall break down 27 The LORD said to Moses, “Write these
their altars, and dash in pieces their pil- words; for in accordance with these words
lars, and you shall cut down their Asherah I have made a covenant with you and with
poles; 14 for you shall worship no other Israel.”
Exodus 34:28 86 Exodus 35:25

28 He was there with the LORD forty days for the sweet incense, 9 onyx stones, and
and forty nights; he neither ate bread, nor stones to be set for the ephod and for the
drank water. He wrote on the tablets the breastplate.
words of the covenant, the ten command- 10 “ ‘Let every wise-hearted man among
29 When Moses came down from Mount you come, and make all that the LORD has
Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant commanded: 11 the tabernacle, its outer
in Moses’ hand, when he came down from covering, its roof, its clasps, its boards,
the mountain, Moses didn’t know that the its bars, its pillars, and its sockets; 12 the
skin of his face shone by reason of his ark, and its poles, the mercy seat, the veil
speaking with him. 30 When Aaron and all of the screen; 13 the table with its poles
the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, and all its vessels, and the show bread;
the skin of his face shone; and they were 14 the lamp stand also for the light, with its
afraid to come near him. 31 Moses called to vessels, its lamps, and the oil for the light;
them, and Aaron and all the rulers of the 15 and the altar of incense with its poles, the
congregation returned to him; and Moses
anointing oil, the sweet incense, the screen
spoke to them. 32 Afterward all the chil- for the door, at the door of the tabernacle;
dren of Israel came near, and he gave them 16 the altar of burnt offering, with its grat-
all the commandments that the LORD had ing of bronze, its poles, and all its vessels,
spoken with him on Mount Sinai. 33 When
Moses was done speaking with them, he the basin and its base; the hangings of

put a veil on his face. 34 But when Moses the court, its pillars, their sockets, and the
went in before the LORD to speak with screen for the gate of the court; 18 the pins

him, he took the veil off, until he came out; of the tabernacle, the pins of the court, and
and he came out, and spoke to the children their cords; 19 the finely worked garments

of Israel that which he was commanded. for ministering in the holy place—the holy
35 The children of Israel saw Moses’ face, garments for Aaron the priest, and the
that the skin of Moses’ face shone; so Moses garments of his sons—to minister in the
put the veil on his face again, until he went priest’s office.’ ”
in to speak with him. 20 All the congregation of the children
of Israel departed from the presence of
35 Moses. 21 They came, everyone whose
1 Moses assembled all the congregation heart stirred him up, and everyone whom
of the children of Israel, and said to them, his spirit made willing, and brought the
“These are the words which the LORD has LORD’s offering for the work of the Tent
commanded, that you should do them. of Meeting, and for all of its service, and
2 ‘Six days shall work be done, but on the
for the holy garments. 22 They came, both
seventh day there shall be a holy day for men and women, as many as were willing-
you, a Sabbath of solemn rest to the LORD: hearted, and brought brooches, earrings,
whoever does any work in it shall be put to signet rings, and armlets, all jewels of gold;
death. 3 You shall kindle no fire throughout even every man who offered an offering of
your habitations on the Sabbath day.’ ” gold to the LORD. 23 Everyone with whom
4 Moses spoke to all the congregation of
was found blue, purple, scarlet, fine linen,
the children of Israel, saying, “This is the goats’ hair, rams’ skins dyed red, and sea
thing which the LORD commanded, say- cow hides, brought them. 24 Everyone who
ing, 5 ‘Take from among you an offering to offered an offering of silver and bronze
the LORD. Whoever is of a willing heart, brought the LORD’s offering; and every-
let him bring it as the LORD’s offering: one with whom was found acacia wood for
gold, silver, bronze, 6 blue, purple, scarlet, any work of the service, brought it. 25 All
fine linen, goats’ hair, 7 rams’ skins dyed the women who were wise-hearted spun
red, sea cow hides, acacia wood, 8 oil for with their hands, and brought that which
the light, spices for the anointing oil and they had spun: the blue, the purple, the
Exodus 35:26 87 Exodus 36:19

scarlet, and the fine linen. 26 All the women performed all the work of the sanctuary,
whose heart stirred them up in wisdom each came from his work which he did.
spun the goats’ hair. 27 The rulers brought 5 They spoke to Moses, saying, “The people
the onyx stones and the stones to be set for have brought much more than enough for
the ephod and for the breastplate; 28 with the service of the work which the LORD
the spice and the oil for the light, for the commanded to make.”
6 Moses gave a commandment, and they
anointing oil, and for the sweet incense.
29 The children of Israel brought a free caused it to be proclaimed throughout
will offering to the LORD; every man and the camp, saying, “Let neither man nor
woman whose heart made them willing to woman make anything else for the offer-
bring for all the work, which the LORD had ing for the sanctuary.” So the people were
commanded to be made by Moses. restrained from bringing. 7 For the stuff
30 Moses said to the children of Israel, they had was sufficient to do all the work,
“Behold, the LORD has called by name and too much.
8 All the wise-hearted men among those
Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the
tribe of Judah. 31 He has filled him with the who did the work made the tabernacle
with ten curtains of fine twined linen, blue,
Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, purple, and scarlet. They made them with
in knowledge, and in all kinds of work- cherubim, the work of a skillful workman.
manship; 32 and to make skillful works, 9 The length of each curtain was twenty-
to work in gold, in silver, in bronze, 33 in eight cubits,† and the width of each cur-
cutting of stones for setting, and in carving tain four cubits. All the curtains had one
of wood, to work in all kinds of skillful measure. 10 He coupled five curtains to
workmanship. 34 He has put in his heart one another, and the other five curtains
that he may teach, both he and Oholiab, the he coupled to one another. 11 He made
son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. 35 He loops of blue on the edge of the one curtain
has filled them with wisdom of heart to from the edge in the coupling. Likewise he
work all kinds of workmanship, of the en- made in the edge of the curtain that was
graver, of the skillful workman, and of the outermost in the second coupling. 12 He
embroiderer, in blue, in purple, in scarlet, made fifty loops in the one curtain, and he
and in fine linen, and of the weaver, even made fifty loops in the edge of the curtain
of those who do any workmanship, and of that was in the second coupling. The loops
those who make skillful works. were opposite to one another. 13 He made
36 fifty clasps of gold, and coupled the cur-
tains to one another with the clasps: so the
1 “Bezalel and Oholiab shall work with
every wise-hearted man, in whom the tabernacle was a unit.
14 He made curtains of goats’ hair for a
LORD has put wisdom and understanding
to know how to do all the work for the covering over the tabernacle. He made
service of the sanctuary, according to all them eleven curtains. 15 The length of each
that the LORD has commanded.” curtain was thirty cubits, and four cubits
2 Moses called Bezalel and Oholiab, and the width of each curtain. The eleven cur-
every wise-hearted man, in whose heart tains had one measure. 16 He coupled five
the LORD had put wisdom, even everyone curtains by themselves, and six curtains by
whose heart stirred him up to come to the themselves. 17 He made fifty loops on the
work to do it. 3 They received from Moses edge of the curtain that was outermost in
all the offering which the children of Israel the coupling, and he made fifty loops on
had brought for the work of the service of the edge of the curtain which was outer-
the sanctuary, with which to make it. They most in the second coupling. 18 He made
kept bringing free will offerings to him fifty clasps of bronze to couple the tent
every morning. 4 All the wise men, who together, that it might be a unit. 19 He made
† 36:9 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46
Exodus 36:20 88 Exodus 37:18

a covering for the tent of rams’ skins dyed with gold, and their five sockets were of
red, and a covering of sea cow hides above. bronze.
20 He made the boards for the tabernacle
of acacia wood, standing up. 21 Ten cubits
1 Bezalel made the ark of acacia wood.
was the length of a board, and a cubit and a Its length was two and a half cubits,† and
half the width of each board. 22 Each board its width a cubit and a half, and a cubit
had two tenons, joined to one another. and a half its height. 2 He overlaid it with
He made all the boards of the tabernacle pure gold inside and outside, and made a
this way. 23 He made the boards for the molding of gold for it around it. 3 He cast
tabernacle, twenty boards for the south four rings of gold for it in its four feet—
side southward. 24 He made forty sockets two rings on its one side, and two rings on
of silver under the twenty boards: two its other side. 4 He made poles of acacia
sockets under one board for its two tenons, wood and overlaid them with gold. 5 He
and two sockets under another board for put the poles into the rings on the sides of
its two tenons. 25 For the second side of
the tabernacle, on the north side, he made the ark, to bear the ark. 6 He made a mercy
twenty boards 26 and their forty sockets of seat of pure gold. Its length was two and a
silver: two sockets under one board, and half cubits, and a cubit and a half its width.
7 He made two cherubim of gold. He made
two sockets under another board. 27 For
the far part of the tabernacle westward he them of beaten work, at the two ends of
made six boards. 28 He made two boards the mercy seat: 8 one cherub at the one
for the corners of the tabernacle in the far end, and one cherub at the other end. He
part. 29 They were double beneath, and in made the cherubim of one piece with the
the same way they were all the way to its mercy seat at its two ends. 9 The cherubim
top to one ring. He did this to both of them spread out their wings above, covering the
in the two corners. 30 There were eight mercy seat with their wings, with their
boards and their sockets of silver, sixteen faces toward one another. The faces of the
sockets—under every board two sockets. cherubim were toward the mercy seat.
10 He made the table of acacia wood. Its
31 He made bars of acacia wood: five length was two cubits, and its width was
for the boards of the one side of the taber-
nacle, 32 and five bars for the boards of a cubit, and its height was a cubit and
the other side of the tabernacle, and five a half. 11 He overlaid it with pure gold,
bars for the boards of the tabernacle for and made a gold molding around it. 12 He
the hinder part westward. 33 He made the made a border of a hand’s width around it,
middle bar to pass through in the middle of and made a golden molding on its border
the boards from the one end to the other. around it. 13 He cast four rings of gold for
34 He overlaid the boards with gold, and
it, and put the rings in the four corners that
made their rings of gold as places for the were on its four feet. 14 The rings were
bars, and overlaid the bars with gold. close by the border, the places for the poles
35 He made the veil of blue, purple, scar- to carry the table. 15 He made the poles
let, and fine twined linen, with cherubim. of acacia wood, and overlaid them with
He made it the work of a skillful workman. gold, to carry the table. 16 He made the
36 He made four pillars of acacia for it, and vessels which were on the table, its dishes,
overlaid them with gold. Their hooks were its spoons, its bowls, and its pitchers with
of gold. He cast four sockets of silver for which to pour out, of pure gold.
17 He made the lamp stand of pure gold.
them. 37 He made a screen for the door of
the tent, of blue, purple, scarlet, and fine He made the lamp stand of beaten work.
twined linen, the work of an embroiderer; Its base, its shaft, its cups, its buds, and its
38 and the five pillars of it with their hooks. flowers were of one piece with it. 18 There
He overlaid their capitals and their fillets were six branches going out of its sides:
† 37:1 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46
Exodus 37:19 89 Exodus 38:20

three branches of the lamp stand out of its up. 5 He cast four rings for the four corners
one side, and three branches of the lamp of bronze grating, to be places for the poles.
stand out of its other side: 19 three cups 6 He made the poles of acacia wood, and
made like almond blossoms in one branch, overlaid them with bronze. 7 He put the
a bud and a flower, and three cups made poles into the rings on the sides of the altar,
like almond blossoms in the other branch, with which to carry it. He made it hollow
a bud and a flower; so for the six branches with planks.
going out of the lamp stand. 20 In the lamp
stand were four cups made like almond
8He made the basin of bronze, and its
blossoms, its buds and its flowers; 21 and base of bronze, out of the mirrors of the
a bud under two branches of one piece ministering women who ministered at the
with it, and a bud under two branches of door of the Tent of Meeting.
one piece with it, and a bud under two 9 He made the court: for the south side
branches of one piece with it, for the six southward the hangings of the court were
branches going out of it. 22 Their buds and of fine twined linen, one hundred cubits;
their branches were of one piece with it. 10 their pillars were twenty, and their sock-
The whole thing was one beaten work of ets twenty, of bronze; the hooks of the
pure gold. 23 He made its seven lamps, and pillars and their fillets were of silver. 11 For
its snuffers, and its snuff dishes, of pure the north side one hundred cubits, their
gold. 24 He made it of a talent‡ of pure gold, pillars twenty, and their sockets twenty,
with all its vessels. of bronze; the hooks of the pillars, and
25 He made the altar of incense of acacia their fillets, of silver. 12 For the west side
wood. It was square: its length was a cubit, were hangings of fifty cubits, their pillars
and its width a cubit. Its height was two ten, and their sockets ten; the hooks of the
cubits. Its horns were of one piece with pillars, and their fillets, of silver. 13 For
it. 26 He overlaid it with pure gold: its the east side eastward fifty cubits, 14 the
top, its sides around it, and its horns. He hangings for the one side were fifteen cu-
made a gold molding around it. 27 He made bits; their pillars three, and their sockets
two golden rings for it under its molding three; 15 and so for the other side: on
crown, on its two ribs, on its two sides, this hand and that hand by the gate of
for places for poles with which to carry it. the court were hangings of fifteen cubits;
28 He made the poles of acacia wood, and their pillars three, and their sockets three.
overlaid them with gold. 29 He made the 16 All the hangings around the court were
holy anointing oil and the pure incense of of fine twined linen. 17 The sockets for the
sweet spices, after the art of the perfumer. pillars were of bronze. The hooks of the
pillars and their fillets were of silver. Their
38 capitals were overlaid with silver. All the
pillars of the court had silver bands. 18 The
1 He made the altar of burnt offering of
acacia wood. It was square. Its length was screen for the gate of the court was the
five cubits,† its width was five cubits, and work of the embroiderer, of blue, purple,
its height was three cubits. 2 He made its scarlet, and fine twined linen. Twenty
horns on its four corners. Its horns were cubits was the length, and the height along
of one piece with it, and he overlaid it with the width was five cubits, like the hangings
bronze. 3 He made all the vessels of the of the court. 19 Their pillars were four, and
altar: the pots, the shovels, the basins, the their sockets four, of bronze; their hooks of
forks, and the fire pans. He made all its silver, and the overlaying of their capitals,
vessels of bronze. 4 He made for the altar a and their fillets, of silver. 20 All the pins of
grating of a network of bronze, under the the tabernacle, and around the court, were
ledge around it beneath, reaching halfway of bronze.
‡ 37:24 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds or 965 Troy ounces † 38:1 A cubit is the length from the tip
of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46 centimeters.
Exodus 38:21 90 Exodus 39:14

21 These are the amounts of materials the court, all the pins of the tabernacle, and
used for the tabernacle, even the Taberna- all the pins around the court.
cle of the Testimony, as they were counted,
according to the commandment of Moses,
for the service of the Levites, by the hand
Of the blue, purple, and scarlet, they
of Ithamar, the son of Aaron the priest.
22 Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, made finely worked garments for minis-
of the tribe of Judah, made all that the tering in the holy place, and made the holy
garments for Aaron, as the LORD com-
LORD commanded Moses. 23 With him
was Oholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the manded Moses.
2 He made the ephod of gold, blue, pur-
tribe of Dan, an engraver, and a skillful
workman, and an embroiderer in blue, in ple, scarlet, and fine twined linen. 3 They
purple, in scarlet, and in fine linen. beat the gold into thin plates, and cut it
into wires, to work it in with the blue, the
24 All the gold that was used for the purple, the scarlet, and the fine linen, the
work in all the work of the sanctuary, work of the skillful workman. 4 They made
even the gold of the offering, was twenty- shoulder straps for it, joined together. It
nine talents‡ and seven hundred thirty was joined together at the two ends. 5 The
shekels, according to the shekel§ of the skillfully woven band that was on it, with
sanctuary. 25 The silver of those who which to fasten it on, was of the same
were counted of the congregation was one piece, like its work: of gold, of blue, purple,
hundred talents† and one thousand seven scarlet, and fine twined linen, as the LORD
hundred seventy-five shekels,‡ according commanded Moses.
6 They worked the onyx stones, enclosed
to the shekel of the sanctuary: 26 a beka§ a
head, that is, half a shekel, according to the in settings of gold, engraved with the
shekel† of the sanctuary, for everyone who engravings of a signet, according to the
passed over to those who were counted, names of the children of Israel. 7 He put
from twenty years old and upward, for them on the shoulder straps of the ephod,
six hundred three thousand five hundred to be stones of memorial for the children of
fifty men. 27 The one hundred talents‡ Israel, as the LORD commanded Moses.
8 He made the breastplate, the work of
of silver were for casting the sockets of
the sanctuary and the sockets of the veil: a skillful workman, like the work of the
one hundred sockets for the one hundred ephod: of gold, of blue, purple, scarlet, and
talents, one talent per socket. 28 From the fine twined linen. 9 It was square. They
one thousand seven hundred seventy-five made the breastplate double. Its length
shekels§ he made hooks for the pillars, was a span,† and its width a span, being
overlaid their capitals, and made fillets for double. 10 They set in it four rows of
them. 29 The bronze of the offering was stones. A row of ruby, topaz, and beryl
seventy talents† and two thousand four was the first row; 11 and the second row,
hundred shekels.‡ 30 With this he made the a turquoise, a sapphire,‡ and an emerald;
sockets to the door of the Tent of Meeting, 12 and the third row, a jacinth, an agate,
the bronze altar, the bronze grating for it, and an amethyst; 13 and the fourth row,
all the vessels of the altar, 31 the sockets a chrysolite, an onyx, and a jasper. They
around the court, the sockets of the gate of were enclosed in gold settings. 14 The
‡ 38:24 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds or 965 Troy ounces. § 38:24 A shekel is about 10 grams or
about 0.32 Troy ounces. † 38:25 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds ‡ 38:25 A shekel is about 10 grams
or about 0.35 ounces. § 38:26 a beka is about 5 grams or about 0.175 ounces † 38:26 A shekel is about 10 grams
or about 0.35 ounces. ‡ 38:27 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds. § 38:28 A shekel is about 10 grams
or about 0.35 ounces, so 1775 shekels is about 17.75 kilograms or about 39 pounds. † 38:29 A talent is about 30
kilograms or 66 pounds ‡ 38:29 70 talents + 2400 shekels is about 2124 kilograms, or 2.124 metric tons. † 39:9
A span is the length from the tip of a man’s thumb to the tip of his little finger when his hand is stretched out (about
half a cubit, or 9 inches, or 22.8 cm.) ‡ 39:11 or, lapis lazuli
Exodus 39:15 91 Exodus 40:5

stones were according to the names of the embroiderer, as the LORD commanded
the children of Israel, twelve, according Moses.
30 They made the plate of the holy crown
to their names; like the engravings of a
signet, everyone according to his name, for of pure gold, and wrote on it an inscription,
the twelve tribes. 15 They made on the like the engravings of a signet: “HOLY TO
breastplate chains like cords, of braided THE LORD”. 31 They tied to it a lace of
work of pure gold. 16 They made two blue, to fasten it on the turban above, as
settings of gold, and two gold rings, and the LORD commanded Moses.
32 Thus all the work of the tabernacle
put the two rings on the two ends of the of the Tent of Meeting was finished. The
breastplate. 17 They put the two braided children of Israel did according to all that
chains of gold in the two rings at the ends the LORD commanded Moses; so they did.
of the breastplate. 18 The other two ends 33 They brought the tabernacle to Moses:
of the two braided chains they put on the the tent, with all its furniture, its clasps,
two settings, and put them on the shoulder its boards, its bars, its pillars, its sockets,
straps of the ephod, in its front. 19 They 34 the covering of rams’ skins dyed red, the
made two rings of gold, and put them on covering of sea cow hides, the veil of the
the two ends of the breastplate, on its edge, screen, 35 the ark of the covenant with its
which was toward the side of the ephod in- poles, the mercy seat, 36 the table, all its
ward. 20 They made two more rings of gold, vessels, the show bread, 37 the pure lamp
and put them on the two shoulder straps stand, its lamps, even the lamps to be set
of the ephod underneath, in its front, close in order, all its vessels, the oil for the light,
by its coupling, above the skillfully woven 38 the golden altar, the anointing oil, the
band of the ephod. 21 They bound the sweet incense, the screen for the door of
breastplate by its rings to the rings of the the Tent, 39 the bronze altar, its grating of
ephod with a lace of blue, that it might be bronze, its poles, all of its vessels, the basin
on the skillfully woven band of the ephod, and its base, 40 the hangings of the court, its
and that the breastplate might not come pillars, its sockets, the screen for the gate
loose from the ephod, as the LORD com- of the court, its cords, its pins, and all the
manded Moses. instruments of the service of the taberna-
22 He made the robe of the ephod of cle, for the Tent of Meeting, 41 the finely
woven work, all of blue. 23 The open- worked garments for ministering in the
ing of the robe in the middle of it was holy place, the holy garments for Aaron
like the opening of a coat of mail, with a the priest, and the garments of his sons, to
binding around its opening, that it should minister in the priest’s office. 42 According
not be torn. 24 They made on the skirts to all that the LORD commanded Moses,
of the robe pomegranates of blue, purple, so the children of Israel did all the work.
43 Moses saw all the work, and behold,
scarlet, and twined linen. 25 They made they had done it as the LORD had com-
bells of pure gold, and put the bells be- manded. They had done so; and Moses
tween the pomegranates around the skirts blessed them.
of the robe, between the pomegranates;
26 a bell and a pomegranate, a bell and
1 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, 2 “On
a pomegranate, around the skirts of the
robe, to minister in, as the LORD com- the first day of the first month you shall
manded Moses. raise up the tabernacle of the Tent of Meet-
27 They made the tunics of fine linen of ing. 3 You shall put the ark of the covenant
woven work for Aaron and for his sons, in it, and you shall screen the ark with the
28 the turban of fine linen, the linen head- veil. 4 You shall bring in the table, and set
bands of fine linen, the linen trousers of in order the things that are on it. You shall
fine twined linen, 29 the sash of fine twined bring in the lamp stand, and light its lamps.
linen, blue, purple, and scarlet, the work of 5 You shall set the golden altar for incense
Exodus 40:6 92 Exodus 40:38

before the ark of the covenant, and put the Meeting, opposite the table, on the south
screen of the door to the tabernacle. side of the tabernacle. 25 He lit the lamps
6 “You shall set the altar of burnt offering before the LORD, as the LORD commanded
before the door of the tabernacle of the Moses. 26 He put the golden altar in the
Tent of Meeting. 7 You shall set the basin Tent of Meeting before the veil; 27 and he
between the Tent of Meeting and the altar, burned incense of sweet spices on it, as the
and shall put water therein. 8 You shall set LORD commanded Moses. 28 He put up the
up the court around it, and hang up the screen of the door to the tabernacle. 29 He
screen of the gate of the court. set the altar of burnt offering at the door
9 “You shall take the anointing oil, and of the tabernacle of the Tent of Meeting,
anoint the tabernacle and all that is in it, and offered on it the burnt offering and the
and shall make it holy, and all its furniture, meal offering, as the LORD commanded
and it will be holy. 10 You shall anoint the Moses. 30 He set the basin between the Tent
altar of burnt offering, with all its vessels, of Meeting and the altar, and put water
and sanctify the altar, and the altar will be therein, with which to wash. 31 Moses,
most holy. 11 You shall anoint the basin and Aaron, and his sons washed their hands
its base, and sanctify it. and their feet there. 32 When they went
12 “You shall bring Aaron and his sons into the Tent of Meeting, and when they
to the door of the Tent of Meeting, and came near to the altar, they washed, as the
shall wash them with water. 13 You shall LORD commanded Moses. 33 He raised up
put on Aaron the holy garments; and you the court around the tabernacle and the
shall anoint him, and sanctify him, that he altar, and set up the screen of the gate of
may minister to me in the priest’s office. the court. So Moses finished the work.
34 Then the cloud covered the Tent of
14 You shall bring his sons, and put tunics
Meeting, and the LORD’s glory filled the
on them. 15 You shall anoint them, as you tabernacle. 35 Moses wasn’t able to enter
anointed their father, that they may minis- into the Tent of Meeting, because the cloud
ter to me in the priest’s office. Their anoint- stayed on it, and the LORD’s glory filled the
ing shall be to them for an everlasting tabernacle. 36 When the cloud was taken
priesthood throughout their generations.” up from over the tabernacle, the children
16 Moses did so. According to all that the of Israel went onward, throughout all their
LORD commanded him, so he did. journeys; 37 but if the cloud wasn’t taken
17 In the first month in the second year, up, then they didn’t travel until the day
on the first day of the month, the taberna- that it was taken up. 38 For the cloud of the
cle was raised up. 18 Moses raised up the LORD was on the tabernacle by day, and
tabernacle, and laid its sockets, and set up there was fire in the cloud by night, in the
its boards, and put in its bars, and raised sight of all the house of Israel, throughout
up its pillars. 19 He spread the covering all their journeys.
over the tent, and put the roof of the taber-
nacle above on it, as the LORD commanded
Moses. 20 He took and put the covenant
into the ark, and set the poles on the ark,
and put the mercy seat above on the ark.
21 He brought the ark into the taberna-
cle, and set up the veil of the screen, and
screened the ark of the covenant, as the
LORD commanded Moses. 22 He put the
table in the Tent of Meeting, on the north
side of the tabernacle, outside of the veil.
23 He set the bread in order on it before
the LORD, as the LORD commanded Moses.
24 He put the lamp stand in the Tent of
Leviticus 1:1 93 Leviticus 2:10

made by fire, of a pleasant aroma to the

The Third Book of Moses, 14 “ ‘If his offering to the LORD is a burnt

Commonly Called offering of birds, then he shall offer his

offering from turtledoves or of young pi-
Leviticus geons. 15 The priest shall bring it to the
altar, and wring off its head, and burn it
1 The LORD† called to Moses, and spoke on the altar; and its blood shall be drained
to him from the Tent of Meeting, saying, out on the side of the altar; 16 and he shall
2 “Speak to the children of Israel, and tell take away its crop and its feathers, and
them, ‘When anyone of you offers an of- cast it beside the altar on the east part, in
fering to the LORD, you shall offer your the place of the ashes. 17 He shall tear it
offering of the livestock, from the herd and by its wings, but shall not divide it apart.
from the flock. The priest shall burn it on the altar, on
3 “ ‘If his offering is a burnt offering from the wood that is on the fire. It is a burnt
the herd, he shall offer a male without offering, an offering made by fire, of a
defect. He shall offer it at the door of the pleasant aroma to the LORD.
Tent of Meeting, that he may be accepted
before the LORD. 4 He shall lay his hand on 2
the head of the burnt offering, and it shall
1 “ ‘When anyone offers an offering of
be accepted for him to make atonement a meal offering to the LORD, his offering
for him. 5 He shall kill the bull before shall be of fine flour. He shall pour oil on it,
the LORD. Aaron’s sons, the priests, shall and put frankincense on it. 2 He shall bring
present the blood and sprinkle the blood it to Aaron’s sons, the priests. He shall
around on the altar that is at the door of take his handful of its fine flour, and of its
the Tent of Meeting. 6 He shall skin the oil, with all its frankincense, and the priest
burnt offering and cut it into pieces. 7 The shall burn its memorial on the altar, an
sons of Aaron the priest shall put fire on offering made by fire, of a pleasant aroma
the altar, and lay wood in order on the fire; to the LORD. 3 That which is left of the meal
8 and Aaron’s sons, the priests, shall lay the offering shall be Aaron’s and his sons’. It
pieces, the head, and the fat in order on is a most holy part of the offerings of the
the wood that is on the fire which is on the LORD made by fire.
altar; 9 but he shall wash its innards and its 4 “ ‘When you offer an offering of a meal
legs with water. The priest shall burn all offering baked in the oven, it shall be un-
of it on the altar, for a burnt offering, an leavened cakes of fine flour mixed with oil,
offering made by fire, of a pleasant aroma or unleavened wafers anointed with oil.
5 If your offering is a meal offering made
to the LORD.
10 “ ‘If his offering is from the flock, from on a griddle, it shall be of unleavened fine
the sheep or from the goats, for a burnt of- flour, mixed with oil. 6 You shall cut it in
fering, he shall offer a male without defect. pieces, and pour oil on it. It is a meal of-
11 He shall kill it on the north side of the fering. 7 If your offering is a meal offering
altar before the LORD. Aaron’s sons, the of the pan, it shall be made of fine flour
priests, shall sprinkle its blood around on with oil. 8 You shall bring the meal offering
the altar. 12 He shall cut it into its pieces, that is made of these things to the LORD.
with its head and its fat. The priest shall It shall be presented to the priest, and he
lay them in order on the wood that is on the shall bring it to the altar. 9 The priest shall
fire which is on the altar, 13 but the innards take from the meal offering its memorial,
and the legs he shall wash with water. The and shall burn it on the altar, an offering
priest shall offer the whole, and burn it on made by fire, of a pleasant aroma to the
the altar. It is a burnt offering, an offering LORD. 10 That which is left of the meal
† 1:1 When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, “LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name.
Leviticus 2:11 94 Leviticus 4:4

offering shall be Aaron’s and his sons’. It either male or female, he shall offer it with-
is a most holy part of the offerings of the out defect. 7 If he offers a lamb for his offer-
LORD made by fire. ing, then he shall offer it before the LORD;
8 and he shall lay his hand on the head of
11 “ ‘No meal offering which you shall
his offering, and kill it before the Tent of
offer to the LORD shall be made with yeast; Meeting. Aaron’s sons shall sprinkle its
for you shall burn no yeast, nor any honey, blood around on the altar. 9 He shall offer
as an offering made by fire to the LORD. from the sacrifice of peace offerings an
12 As an offering of first fruits you shall
offering made by fire to the LORD; its fat,
offer them to the LORD, but they shall not the entire tail fat, he shall take away close
rise up as a pleasant aroma on the altar. to the backbone; and the fat that covers
13 Every offering of your meal offering you
the entrails, and all the fat that is on the
shall season with salt. You shall not allow entrails, 10 and the two kidneys, and the fat
the salt of the covenant of your God† to be that is on them, which is by the loins, and
lacking from your meal offering. With all the cover on the liver, with the kidneys, he
your offerings you shall offer salt. shall take away. 11 The priest shall burn it
14 “ ‘If you offer a meal offering of on the altar: it is the food of the offering
first fruits to the LORD, you shall offer made by fire to the LORD.
for the meal offering of your first fruits 12 “ ‘If his offering is a goat, then he shall
fresh heads of grain parched with fire and offer it before the LORD. 13 He shall lay
crushed. 15 You shall put oil on it and lay his hand on its head, and kill it before the
frankincense on it. It is a meal offering. Tent of Meeting; and the sons of Aaron
16 The priest shall burn as its memorial shall sprinkle its blood around on the altar.
part of its crushed grain and part of its oil, 14 He shall offer from it as his offering, an
along with all its frankincense. It is an offering made by fire to the LORD; the fat
offering made by fire to the LORD. that covers the innards, and all the fat that
is on the innards, 15 and the two kidneys,
and the fat that is on them, which is by the
3 loins, and the cover on the liver, with the
1 “ ‘If his offering is a sacrifice of peace kidneys, he shall take away. 16 The priest
offerings, if he offers it from the herd, shall burn them on the altar: it is the food
whether male or female, he shall offer it of the offering made by fire, for a pleasant
without defect before the LORD. 2 He shall aroma; all the fat is the LORD’s.
lay his hand on the head of his offering, 17 “ ‘It shall be a perpetual statute
and kill it at the door of the Tent of Meeting. throughout your generations in all your
Aaron’s sons, the priests, shall sprinkle dwellings, that you shall eat neither fat nor
the blood around on the altar. 3 He shall blood.’ ”
offer of the sacrifice of peace offerings an
offering made by fire to the LORD. The fat 4
that covers the innards, and all the fat that 1 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
is on the innards, 4 and the two kidneys, 2 “Speak to the children of Israel, saying, ‘If
and the fat that is on them, which is by anyone sins unintentionally, in any of the
the loins, and the cover on the liver, with things which the LORD has commanded
the kidneys, he shall take away. 5 Aaron’s not to be done, and does any one of them,
sons shall burn it on the altar on the burnt 3 if the anointed priest sins so as to bring
offering, which is on the wood that is on
guilt on the people, then let him offer for
the fire: it is an offering made by fire, of a
his sin which he has sinned a young bull
pleasant aroma to the LORD.
without defect to the LORD for a sin offer-
6 “ ‘If his offering for a sacrifice of peace ing. 4 He shall bring the bull to the door
offerings to the LORD is from the flock, of the Tent of Meeting before the LORD;
† 2:13 The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim).
Leviticus 4:5 95 Leviticus 4:32

and he shall lay his hand on the head of burnt offering, which is at the door of the
the bull, and kill the bull before the LORD. Tent of Meeting. 19 All its fat he shall take
5 The anointed priest shall take some of the from it, and burn it on the altar. 20 He shall
blood of the bull, and bring it to the Tent of do this with the bull; as he did with the
Meeting. 6 The priest shall dip his finger in bull of the sin offering, so he shall do with
the blood, and sprinkle some of the blood this; and the priest shall make atonement
seven times before the LORD, before the for them, and they shall be forgiven. 21 He
veil of the sanctuary. 7 The priest shall put shall carry the bull outside the camp, and
some of the blood on the horns of the altar burn it as he burned the first bull. It is the
of sweet incense before the LORD, which sin offering for the assembly.
is in the Tent of Meeting; and he shall 22 “ ‘When a ruler sins, and unwittingly
pour out the rest of the blood of the bull does any one of all the things which the
at the base of the altar of burnt offering, LORD his God has commanded not to be
which is at the door of the Tent of Meeting. done, and is guilty, 23 if his sin in which
8 He shall take all the fat of the bull of the he has sinned is made known to him, he
sin offering from it: the fat that covers shall bring as his offering a goat, a male
the innards, and all the fat that is on the without defect. 24 He shall lay his hand
innards, 9 and the two kidneys, and the fat on the head of the goat, and kill it in the
that is on them, which is by the loins, and place where they kill the burnt offering
the cover on the liver, with the kidneys, he before the LORD. It is a sin offering. 25 The
shall remove, 10 as it is removed from the priest shall take some of the blood of the
bull of the sacrifice of peace offerings. The sin offering with his finger, and put it on
priest shall burn them on the altar of burnt the horns of the altar of burnt offering. He
offering. 11 He shall carry the bull’s skin, all shall pour out the rest of its blood at the
its meat, with its head, and with its legs, its base of the altar of burnt offering. 26 All
innards, and its dung 12 —all the rest of the its fat he shall burn on the altar, like the
bull—outside of the camp to a clean place fat of the sacrifice of peace offerings; and
where the ashes are poured out, and burn the priest shall make atonement for him
it on wood with fire. It shall be burned concerning his sin, and he will be forgiven.
where the ashes are poured out. 27 “ ‘If anyone of the common people
13“ ‘If the whole congregation of Israel sins unwittingly, in doing any of the things
sins, and the thing is hidden from the eyes which the LORD has commanded not to be
of the assembly, and they have done any done, and is guilty, 28 if his sin which he
of the things which the LORD has com- has sinned is made known to him, then he
shall bring for his offering a goat, a female
manded not to be done, and are guilty;
14 when the sin in which they have sinned without defect, for his sin which he has
sinned. 29 He shall lay his hand on the head
is known, then the assembly shall offer a of the sin offering, and kill the sin offering
young bull for a sin offering, and bring it in the place of burnt offering. 30 The priest
before the Tent of Meeting. 15 The elders of shall take some of its blood with his finger,
the congregation shall lay their hands on and put it on the horns of the altar of burnt
the head of the bull before the LORD; and offering; and the rest of its blood he shall
the bull shall be killed before the LORD.
16 The anointed priest shall bring some of pour out at the base of the altar. 31 All its
the blood of the bull to the Tent of Meeting. fat he shall take away, like the fat is taken
17 The priest shall dip his finger in the away from the sacrifice of peace offerings;
blood and sprinkle it seven times before and the priest shall burn it on the altar for a
the LORD, before the veil. 18 He shall put pleasant aroma to the LORD; and the priest
some of the blood on the horns of the altar shall make atonement for him, and he will
which is before the LORD, that is in the be forgiven.
Tent of Meeting; and the rest of the blood 32 “ ‘If he brings a lamb as his offering
he shall pour out at the base of the altar of for a sin offering, he shall bring a female
Leviticus 4:33 96 Leviticus 5:18

without defect. 33 He shall lay his hand on a sin offering, and the other for a burnt
the head of the sin offering, and kill it for offering. 8 He shall bring them to the priest,
a sin offering in the place where they kill who shall first offer the one which is for
the burnt offering. 34 The priest shall take the sin offering. He shall wring off its
some of the blood of the sin offering with head from its neck, but shall not sever it
his finger, and put it on the horns of the completely. 9 He shall sprinkle some of
altar of burnt offering; and all the rest of its the blood of the sin offering on the side of
blood he shall pour out at the base of the al- the altar; and the rest of the blood shall be
tar. 35 He shall remove all its fat, like the fat drained out at the base of the altar. It is a
of the lamb is removed from the sacrifice sin offering. 10 He shall offer the second
of peace offerings. The priest shall burn for a burnt offering, according to the or-
them on the altar, on the offerings of the dinance; and the priest shall make atone-
LORD made by fire. The priest shall make ment for him concerning his sin which he
atonement for him concerning his sin that has sinned, and he shall be forgiven.
he has sinned, and he will be forgiven. 11 “ ‘But if he can’t afford two turtledoves
or two young pigeons, then he shall bring
5 as his offering for that in which he has
1 “ ‘If anyone sins, in that he hears a sinned, one tenth of an ephah† of fine flour
public adjuration to testify, he being a wit- for a sin offering. He shall put no oil on it,
ness, whether he has seen or known, if and he shall not put any frankincense on
he doesn’t report it, then he shall bear his it, for it is a sin offering. 12 He shall bring
iniquity. it to the priest, and the priest shall take
2 “ ‘Or if anyone touches any unclean his handful of it as the memorial portion,
thing, whether it is the carcass of an un- and burn it on the altar, on the offerings of
clean animal, or the carcass of unclean the LORD made by fire. It is a sin offering.
livestock, or the carcass of unclean creep- 13 The priest shall make atonement for him
ing things, and it is hidden from him, and concerning his sin that he has sinned in
he is unclean, then he shall be guilty. any of these things, and he will be forgiven;
3 “ ‘Or if he touches the uncleanness of and the rest shall be the priest’s, as the
man, whatever his uncleanness is with meal offering.’ ”
which he is unclean, and it is hidden from 14 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
him; when he knows of it, then he shall be 15 “If anyone commits a trespass, and sins
4 “ ‘Or if anyone swears rashly with his unwittingly regarding the LORD’s holy
things, then he shall bring his trespass
lips to do evil or to do good—whatever it is
offering to the LORD: a ram without defect
that a man might utter rashly with an oath,
from the flock, according to your estima-
and it is hidden from him—when he knows
of it, then he will be guilty of one of these. tion in silver by shekels, according to the
5 It shall be, when he is guilty of one of shekel‡ of the sanctuary, for a trespass
these, he shall confess that in which he has offering. 16 He shall make restitution for
sinned; 6 and he shall bring his trespass that which he has done wrong regarding
offering to the LORD for his sin which he the holy thing, and shall add a fifth part to
has sinned: a female from the flock, a lamb it, and give it to the priest; and the priest
or a goat, for a sin offering; and the priest shall make atonement for him with the
shall make atonement for him concerning ram of the trespass offering, and he will be
his sin. forgiven.
7 “ ‘If he can’t afford a lamb, then he 17 “If anyone sins, doing any of the things
shall bring his trespass offering for that in which the LORD has commanded not to be
which he has sinned, two turtledoves, or done, though he didn’t know it, he is still
two young pigeons, to the LORD; one for guilty, and shall bear his iniquity. 18 He
† 5:11 1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel ‡ 5:15 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces.
Leviticus 5:19 97 Leviticus 6:25

shall bring a ram without defect from of and carry the ashes outside the camp to a
the flock, according to your estimation, clean place. 12 The fire on the altar shall
for a trespass offering, to the priest; and be kept burning on it, it shall not go out;
the priest shall make atonement for him and the priest shall burn wood on it every
concerning the thing in which he sinned morning. He shall lay the burnt offering in
and didn’t know it, and he will be forgiven. order upon it, and shall burn on it the fat
19 It is a trespass offering. He is certainly of the peace offerings. 13 Fire shall be kept
guilty before the LORD.” burning on the altar continually; it shall
not go out.
14 “ ‘This is the law of the meal offering:
6 the sons of Aaron shall offer it before the
1 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, LORD, before the altar. 15 He shall take
2 “If anyone sins, and commits a trespass
from there his handful of the fine flour
against the LORD, and deals falsely with of the meal offering, and of its oil, and
his neighbor in a matter of deposit, or of all the frankincense which is on the meal
bargain, or of robbery, or has oppressed offering, and shall burn it on the altar for
his neighbor, 3 or has found that which a pleasant aroma, as its memorial portion,
was lost, and lied about it, and swearing to the LORD. 16 That which is left of it Aaron
to a lie—in any of these things that a man and his sons shall eat. It shall be eaten
without yeast in a holy place. They shall
sins in his actions— 4 then it shall be, if he
has sinned, and is guilty, he shall restore eat it in the court of the Tent of Meeting.
17 It shall not be baked with yeast. I have
that which he took by robbery, or the thing
which he has gotten by oppression, or the given it as their portion of my offerings
deposit which was committed to him, or made by fire. It is most holy, as are the sin
the lost thing which he found, 5 or any offering and the trespass offering. 18 Every
thing about which he has sworn falsely: he male among the children of Aaron shall eat
shall restore it in full, and shall add a fifth of it, as their portion forever throughout
part more to it. He shall return it to him your generations, from the offerings of
to whom it belongs in the day of his being the LORD made by fire. Whoever touches
found guilty. 6 He shall bring his trespass them shall be holy.’ ”
19 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
offering to the LORD: a ram without defect
from the flock, according to your estima- 20 “This is the offering of Aaron and of his
tion, for a trespass offering, to the priest. sons, which they shall offer to the LORD in
7 The priest shall make atonement for him the day when he is anointed: one tenth of
before the LORD, and he will be forgiven an ephah† of fine flour for a meal offering
concerning whatever he does to become perpetually, half of it in the morning, and
guilty.” half of it in the evening. 21 It shall be made
8 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, with oil in a griddle. When it is soaked, you
9 “Command Aaron and his sons, saying, shall bring it in. You shall offer the meal of-
‘This is the law of the burnt offering: the fering in baked pieces for a pleasant aroma
burnt offering shall be on the hearth on the to the LORD. 22 The anointed priest that
altar all night until the morning; and the will be in his place from among his sons
fire of the altar shall be kept burning on it. shall offer it. By a statute forever, it shall be
10 The priest shall put on his linen garment, wholly burned to the LORD. 23 Every meal
and he shall put on his linen trousers upon offering of a priest shall be wholly burned.
his body; and he shall remove the ashes It shall not be eaten.”
24 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
from where the fire has consumed the 25 “Speak to Aaron and to his sons, saying,
burnt offering on the altar, and he shall put
them beside the altar. 11 He shall take off ‘This is the law of the sin offering: in the
his garments, and put on other garments, place where the burnt offering is killed,
† 6:20 1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel
Leviticus 6:26 98 Leviticus 7:25

the sin offering shall be killed before the the LORD: 12 If he offers it for a thanksgiv-
LORD. It is most holy. 26 The priest who ing, then he shall offer with the sacrifice
offers it for sin shall eat it. It shall be of thanksgiving unleavened cakes mixed
eaten in a holy place, in the court of the with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed
Tent of Meeting. 27 Whatever shall touch with oil, and cakes mixed with oil. 13 He
its flesh shall be holy. When there is any shall offer his offering with the sacrifice of
of its blood sprinkled on a garment, you his peace offerings for thanksgiving with
shall wash that on which it was sprinkled cakes of leavened bread. 14 Of it he shall
in a holy place. 28 But the earthen vessel offer one out of each offering for a heave
in which it is boiled shall be broken; and offering to the LORD. It shall be the priest’s
if it is boiled in a bronze vessel, it shall who sprinkles the blood of the peace of-
be scoured, and rinsed in water. 29 Every ferings. 15 The flesh of the sacrifice of his
male among the priests shall eat of it. It peace offerings for thanksgiving shall be
is most holy. 30 No sin offering, of which eaten on the day of his offering. He shall
any of the blood is brought into the Tent not leave any of it until the morning.
of Meeting to make atonement in the Holy 16 “ ‘But if the sacrifice of his offering is
Place, shall be eaten. It shall be burned a vow, or a free will offering, it shall be
with fire. eaten on the day that he offers his sacrifice.
On the next day what remains of it shall
7 be eaten, 17 but what remains of the meat
of the sacrifice on the third day shall be
1“ ‘This is the law of the trespass offer-
burned with fire. 18 If any of the meat of the
ing: It is most holy. 2 In the place where sacrifice of his peace offerings is eaten on
they kill the burnt offering, he shall kill the third day, it will not be accepted, and
the trespass offering; and its blood he shall it shall not be credited to him who offers it.
sprinkle around on the altar. 3 He shall It will be an abomination, and the soul who
offer all of its fat: the fat tail, and the fat eats any of it will bear his iniquity.
that covers the innards, 4 and he shall take 19 “ ‘The meat that touches any unclean
away the two kidneys, and the fat that is on thing shall not be eaten. It shall be burned
them, which is by the loins, and the cover
with fire. As for the meat, everyone who
on the liver, with the kidneys; 5 and the
is clean may eat it; 20 but the soul who
priest shall burn them on the altar for an
eats of the meat of the sacrifice of peace
offering made by fire to the LORD: it is a
offerings that belongs to the LORD, having
trespass offering. 6 Every male among the his uncleanness on him, that soul shall be
priests may eat of it. It shall be eaten in a cut off from his people. 21 When anyone
holy place. It is most holy. touches any unclean thing, the unclean-
7 “ ‘As is the sin offering, so is the trespass ness of man, or an unclean animal, or any
offering; there is one law for them. The unclean abomination, and eats some of
priest who makes atonement with them the meat of the sacrifice of peace offerings
shall have it. 8 The priest who offers any which belong to the LORD, that soul shall
man’s burnt offering shall have for himself be cut off from his people.’ ”
the skin of the burnt offering which he 22 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
has offered. 9 Every meal offering that is 23 “Speak to the children of Israel, saying,
baked in the oven, and all that is prepared ‘You shall eat no fat, of bull, or sheep, or
in the pan and on the griddle, shall be goat. 24 The fat of that which dies of itself,
the priest’s who offers it. 10 Every meal and the fat of that which is torn of animals,
offering, mixed with oil or dry, belongs may be used for any other service, but you
to all the sons of Aaron, one as well as shall in no way eat of it. 25 For whoever eats
another. the fat of the animal which men offer as
11 “ ‘This is the law of the sacrifice of an offering made by fire to the LORD, even
peace offerings, which one shall offer to the soul who eats it shall be cut off from
Leviticus 7:26 99 Leviticus 8:20

his people. 26 You shall not eat any blood,

the bull of the sin offering, and the two
whether it is of bird or of animal, in any of
rams, and the basket of unleavened bread;
your dwellings. 27 Whoever it is who eats3 and assemble all the congregation at the
door of the Tent of Meeting.”
any blood, that soul shall be cut off from his
people.’ ” 4 Moses did as the LORD commanded
28 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, him; and the congregation was assembled
at the door of the Tent of Meeting. 5 Moses
29 “Speak to the children of Israel, saying,
said to the congregation, “This is the thing
‘He who offers the sacrifice of his peace of-
which the LORD has commanded to be
ferings to the LORD shall bring his offering
done.” 6 Moses brought Aaron and his
to the LORD out of the sacrifice of his peace
offerings. 30 With his own hands he shallsons, and washed them with water. 7 He
bring the offerings of the LORD made by put the tunic on him, tied the sash on him,
clothed him with the robe, put the ephod
fire. He shall bring the fat with the breast,
that the breast may be waved for a wave on him, and he tied the skillfully woven
offering before the LORD. 31 The priest band of the ephod on him and fastened it
shall burn the fat on the altar, but the to him with it. 8 He placed the breastplate
on him. He put the Urim and Thummim
breast shall be Aaron’s and his sons’. 32 The
in the breastplate. 9 He set the turban on
right thigh you shall give to the priest for a
his head. He set the golden plate, the holy
heave offering out of the sacrifices of your
peace offerings. 33 He among the sons of crown, on the front of the turban, as the
Aaron who offers the blood of the peace LORD commanded Moses. 10 Moses took
the anointing oil, and anointed the taber-
offerings, and the fat, shall have the right
nacle and all that was in it, and sanctified
thigh for a portion. 34 For the waved breast
them. 11 He sprinkled it on the altar seven
and the heaved thigh I have taken from
times, and anointed the altar and all its
the children of Israel out of the sacrifices
vessels, and the basin and its base, to sanc-
of their peace offerings, and have given
tify them. 12 He poured some of the anoint-
them to Aaron the priest and to his sons as
ing oil on Aaron’s head, and anointed him,
their portion forever from the children of
to sanctify him. 13 Moses brought Aaron’s
Israel.’ ”
35 This is the consecrated portion of sons, and clothed them with tunics, and
tied sashes on them, and put headbands on
Aaron, and the consecrated portion of histhem, as the LORD commanded Moses.
sons, out of the offerings of the LORD made 14 He brought the bull of the sin offering,
by fire, in the day when he presented them
and Aaron and his sons laid their hands
to minister to the LORD in the priest’s of-
on the head of the bull of the sin offering.
fice; 36 which the LORD commanded to be 15 He killed it; and Moses took the blood,
given them of the children of Israel, in the
and put it around on the horns of the altar
day that he anointed them. It is their por-
with his finger, and purified the altar, and
tion forever throughout their generations.
poured out the blood at the base of the
37 This is the law of the burnt offering, the
altar, and sanctified it, to make atonement
meal offering, the sin offering, the trespass
for it. 16 He took all the fat that was on
offering, the consecration, and the sacri-
the innards, and the cover of the liver, and
fice of peace offerings 38 which the LORDthe two kidneys, and their fat; and Moses
commanded Moses in Mount Sinai in the burned it on the altar. 17 But the bull,
day that he commanded the children of and its skin, and its meat, and its dung, he
Israel to offer their offerings to the LORD,
burned with fire outside the camp, as the
in the wilderness of Sinai. LORD commanded Moses. 18 He presented
the ram of the burnt offering. Aaron and
8 his sons laid their hands on the head of the
1 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, ram. 19 He killed it; and Moses sprinkled
2 “Take Aaron and his sons with him, and the blood around on the altar. 20 He cut
the garments, and the anointing oil, and the ram into its pieces; and Moses burned
Leviticus 8:21 100 Leviticus 9:12

the head, and the pieces, and the fat. 21 He the Tent of Meeting for seven days, until
washed the innards and the legs with wa- the days of your consecration are fulfilled:
ter; and Moses burned the whole ram on for he shall consecrate you seven days.
the altar. It was a burnt offering for a 34 What has been done today, so the LORD
pleasant aroma. It was an offering made has commanded to do, to make atonement
by fire to the LORD, as the LORD com- for you. 35 You shall stay at the door of
manded Moses. 22 He presented the other the Tent of Meeting day and night seven
ram, the ram of consecration. Aaron and days, and keep the LORD’s command, that
his sons laid their hands on the head of the you don’t die: for so I am commanded.”
ram. 23 He killed it; and Moses took some 36 Aaron and his sons did all the things
of its blood, and put it on the tip of Aaron’s which the LORD commanded by Moses.
right ear, and on the thumb of his right
hand, and on the great toe of his right foot.
24 He brought Aaron’s sons; and Moses put 9
1 On the eighth day, Moses called Aaron
some of the blood on the tip of their right
and his sons, and the elders of Israel; 2 and
ear, and on the thumb of their right hand, he said to Aaron, “Take a calf from the herd
and on the great toe of their right foot; and for a sin offering, and a ram for a burnt
Moses sprinkled the blood around on the offering, without defect, and offer them
altar. 25 He took the fat, the fat tail, all the before the LORD. 3 You shall speak to the
fat that was on the innards, the cover of the
children of Israel, saying, ‘Take a male goat
liver, the two kidneys and their fat, and the
for a sin offering; and a calf and a lamb,
right thigh; 26 and out of the basket of un-
both a year old, without defect, for a burnt
leavened bread that was before the LORD,
he took one unleavened cake, one cake of offering; 4 and a bull and a ram for peace
oiled bread, and one wafer, and placed offerings, to sacrifice before the LORD; and
them on the fat and on the right thigh. 27 He a meal offering mixed with oil: for today
put all these in Aaron’s hands and in his the LORD appears to you.’ ”
5 They brought what Moses commanded
sons’ hands, and waved them for a wave
offering before the LORD. 28 Moses took before the Tent of Meeting. All the con-
them from their hands, and burned them gregation came near and stood before the
on the altar on the burnt offering. They LORD. 6 Moses said, “This is the thing
were a consecration offering for a pleasant which the LORD commanded that you
aroma. It was an offering made by fire should do; and the LORD’s glory shall ap-
to the LORD. 29 Moses took the breast, and pear to you.” 7 Moses said to Aaron, “Draw
waved it for a wave offering before the near to the altar, and offer your sin of-
LORD. It was Moses’ portion of the ram fering, and your burnt offering, and make
of consecration, as the LORD commanded atonement for yourself, and for the people;
Moses. 30 Moses took some of the anointing and offer the offering of the people, and
oil, and some of the blood which was on make atonement for them, as the LORD
the altar, and sprinkled it on Aaron, on his commanded.”
garments, and on his sons, and on his sons’ 8 So Aaron came near to the altar, and
garments with him, and sanctified Aaron, killed the calf of the sin offering, which
his garments, and his sons, and his sons’ was for himself. 9 The sons of Aaron pre-
garments with him. sented the blood to him; and he dipped his
31 Moses said to Aaron and to his sons, finger in the blood, and put it on the horns
“Boil the meat at the door of the Tent of of the altar, and poured out the blood at
Meeting, and there eat it and the bread the base of the altar; 10 but the fat, and the
that is in the basket of consecration, as I kidneys, and the cover from the liver of the
commanded, saying, ‘Aaron and his sons sin offering, he burned upon the altar, as
shall eat it.’ 32 What remains of the meat the LORD commanded Moses. 11 The meat
and of the bread you shall burn with fire. and the skin he burned with fire outside
33 You shall not go out from the door of the camp. 12 He killed the burnt offering;
Leviticus 9:13 101 Leviticus 10:15

and Aaron’s sons delivered the blood to ‘I will show myself holy to those who come
him, and he sprinkled it around on the near me,
altar. 13 They delivered the burnt offering and before all the people I will be glo-
to him, piece by piece, and the head. He rified.’ ”
burned them upon the altar. 14 He washed Aaron held his peace. 4 Moses called
the innards and the legs, and burned them Mishael and Elzaphan, the sons of Uzziel
on the burnt offering on the altar. 15 He the uncle of Aaron, and said to them,
presented the people’s offering, and took “Draw near, carry your brothers from be-
the goat of the sin offering which was for fore the sanctuary out of the camp.” 5 So
the people, and killed it, and offered it they came near, and carried them in their
for sin, like the first. 16 He presented the tunics out of the camp, as Moses had said.
burnt offering, and offered it according to 6 Moses said to Aaron, and to Eleazar and
the ordinance. 17 He presented the meal to Ithamar, his sons, “Don’t let the hair of
offering, and filled his hand from there, your heads go loose, and don’t tear your
and burned it upon the altar, in addition clothes, so that you don’t die, and so that he
to the burnt offering of the morning. 18 He will not be angry with all the congregation;
also killed the bull and the ram, the sacri- but let your brothers, the whole house of
fice of peace offerings, which was for the Israel, bewail the burning which the LORD
people. Aaron’s sons delivered to him the has kindled. 7 You shall not go out from
blood, which he sprinkled around on the the door of the Tent of Meeting, lest you
altar; 19 and the fat of the bull and of the die; for the anointing oil of the LORD is
ram, the fat tail, and that which covers the on you.” They did according to the word
innards, and the kidneys, and the cover of of Moses. 8 Then The LORD said to Aaron,
the liver; 20 and they put the fat upon the 9 “You and your sons are not to drink wine
breasts, and he burned the fat on the altar. or strong drink whenever you go into the
21 Aaron waved the breasts and the right
Tent of Meeting, or you will die. This shall
thigh for a wave offering before the LORD, be a statute forever throughout your gen-
as Moses commanded. 22 Aaron lifted up erations. 10 You are to make a distinction
his hands toward the people, and blessed between the holy and the common, and
them; and he came down from offering the between the unclean and the clean. 11 You
sin offering, and the burnt offering, and are to teach the children of Israel all the
the peace offerings. statutes which the LORD has spoken to
23 Moses and Aaron went into the Tent them by Moses.”
of Meeting, and came out, and blessed the 12 Moses spoke to Aaron, and to Eleazar
people; and the LORD’s glory appeared and to Ithamar, his sons who were left,
to all the people. 24 Fire came out from “Take the meal offering that remains of the
before the LORD, and consumed the burnt offerings of the LORD made by fire, and eat
offering and the fat upon the altar. When it without yeast beside the altar; for it is
all the people saw it, they shouted, and fell most holy; 13 and you shall eat it in a holy
on their faces. place, because it is your portion, and your
sons’ portion, of the offerings of the LORD
10 made by fire; for so I am commanded.
14 The waved breast and the heaved thigh
1 Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron,
each took his censer, and put fire in it, you shall eat in a clean place, you, and your
and laid incense on it, and offered strange sons, and your daughters with you: for
fire before the LORD, which he had not they are given as your portion, and your
commanded them. 2 Fire came out from sons’ portion, out of the sacrifices of the
before the LORD, and devoured them, and peace offerings of the children of Israel.
they died before the LORD. 15 They shall bring the heaved thigh and
3 Then Moses said to Aaron, “This is what the waved breast with the offerings made
the LORD spoke of, saying, by fire of the fat, to wave it for a wave offer-
Leviticus 10:16 102 Leviticus 11:29

ing before the LORD. It shall be yours, and the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers,
your sons’ with you, as a portion forever, that you may eat. 10 All that don’t have
as the LORD has commanded.” fins and scales in the seas and rivers, all
16 Moses diligently inquired about the that move in the waters, and all the living
goat of the sin offering, and, behold,† it was creatures that are in the waters, they are
burned. He was angry with Eleazar and an abomination to you, 11 and you shall
with Ithamar, the sons of Aaron who were detest them. You shall not eat of their
left, saying, 17 “Why haven’t you eaten the meat, and you shall detest their carcasses.
sin offering in the place of the sanctuary, 12 Whatever has no fins nor scales in the
since it is most holy, and he has given it to waters is an abomination to you.
13 “ ‘You shall detest these among the
you to bear the iniquity of the congrega-
tion, to make atonement for them before birds; they shall not be eaten because they
the LORD? 18 Behold, its blood was not are an abomination: the eagle, the vulture,
brought into the inner part of the sanctu- the black vulture, 14 the red kite, any kind
ary. You certainly should have eaten it in of black kite, 15 any kind of raven, 16 the
the sanctuary, as I commanded.” horned owl, the screech owl, the gull, any
19 Aaron spoke to Moses, “Behold, today kind of hawk, 17 the little owl, the cor-
they have offered their sin offering and morant, the great owl, 18 the white owl,
their burnt offering before the LORD; and the desert owl, the osprey, 19 the stork, any
such things as these have happened to me. kind of heron, the hoopoe, and the bat.
If I had eaten the sin offering today, would 20 “ ‘All flying insects that walk on all
it have been pleasing in the LORD’s sight?” fours are an abomination to you. 21 Yet
20 When Moses heard that, it was pleas- you may eat these: of all winged creeping
ing in his sight. things that go on all fours, which have
long, jointed legs for hopping on the earth.
11 22 Even of these you may eat: any kind
1 The LORD spoke to Moses and to Aaron, of locust, any kind of katydid, any kind
saying to them, 2 “Speak to the children of of cricket, and any kind of grasshopper.
Israel, saying, ‘These are the living things 23 But all winged creeping things which
which you may eat among all the animals have four feet are an abomination to you.
that are on the earth. 3 Whatever parts the 24 “ ‘By these you will become unclean:
hoof, and is cloven-footed, and chews the whoever touches their carcass shall be un-
cud among the animals, that you may eat. clean until the evening. 25 Whoever carries
4 “ ‘Nevertheless these you shall not eat any part of their carcass shall wash his
of those that chew the cud, or of those who clothes, and be unclean until the evening.
part the hoof: the camel, because it chews 26 “ ‘Every animal which has a split hoof
the cud but doesn’t have a parted hoof, is that isn’t completely divided, or doesn’t
unclean to you. 5 The hyrax,† because it chew the cud, is unclean to you. Every-
chews the cud but doesn’t have a parted one who touches them shall be unclean.
27 Whatever goes on its paws, among all an-
hoof, is unclean to you. 6 The hare, because
it chews the cud but doesn’t have a parted imals that go on all fours, they are unclean
hoof, is unclean to you. 7 The pig, because to you. Whoever touches their carcass
it has a split hoof, and is cloven-footed, but shall be unclean until the evening. 28 He
doesn’t chew the cud, is unclean to you. who carries their carcass shall wash his
8 You shall not eat their meat. You shall not clothes, and be unclean until the evening.
touch their carcasses. They are unclean to They are unclean to you.
you. 29 “ ‘These are they which are unclean
9 “ ‘You may eat of all these that are in to you among the creeping things that
the waters: whatever has fins and scales in creep on the earth: the weasel, the rat,
† 10:16 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.
† 11:5 or rock badger, or cony
Leviticus 11:30 103 Leviticus 13:2

any kind of great lizard, 30 the gecko, and I am holy. You shall not defile yourselves
the monitor lizard, the wall lizard, the with any kind of creeping thing that moves
skink, and the chameleon. 31 These are on the earth. 45 For I am the LORD who
they which are unclean to you among all brought you up out of the land of Egypt, to
that creep. Whoever touches them when be your God. You shall therefore be holy,
they are dead shall be unclean until the for I am holy.
evening. 32 Anything they fall on when 46 “ ‘This is the law of the animal, and of
they are dead shall be unclean; whether the bird, and of every living creature that
it is any vessel of wood, or clothing, or moves in the waters, and of every crea-
skin, or sack, whatever vessel it is, with ture that creeps on the earth, 47 to make
which any work is done, it must be put a distinction between the unclean and the
into water, and it shall be unclean until the clean, and between the living thing that
evening. Then it will be clean. 33 Every may be eaten and the living thing that may
earthen vessel into which any of them falls not be eaten.’ ”
and all that is in it shall be unclean. You
shall break it. 34 All food which may be 12
eaten which is soaked in water shall be un- 1 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
clean. All drink that may be drunk in every 2 “Speak to the children of Israel, saying,
such vessel shall be unclean. 35 Everything ‘If a woman conceives, and bears a male
whereupon part of their carcass falls shall child, then she shall be unclean seven
be unclean; whether oven, or range for days; as in the days of her monthly period
pots, it shall be broken in pieces. They she shall be unclean. 3 In the eighth day
are unclean, and shall be unclean to you. the flesh of his foreskin shall be circum-
36 Nevertheless a spring or a cistern in cised. 4 She shall continue in the blood
which water is gathered shall be clean, but of purification thirty-three days. She shall
that which touches their carcass shall be not touch any holy thing, nor come into the
unclean. 37 If part of their carcass falls on sanctuary, until the days of her purifying
any sowing seed which is to be sown, it is are completed. 5 But if she bears a female
clean. 38 But if water is put on the seed, and child, then she shall be unclean two weeks,
part of their carcass falls on it, it is unclean as in her period; and she shall continue in
to you. the blood of purification sixty-six days.
6 “ ‘When the days of her purification are
39 “‘If any animal of which you may eat
dies, he who touches its carcass shall be completed for a son or for a daughter, she
unclean until the evening. 40 He who eats shall bring to the priest at the door of the
of its carcass shall wash his clothes, and Tent of Meeting, a year old lamb for a burnt
be unclean until the evening. He also who offering, and a young pigeon or a turtle-
carries its carcass shall wash his clothes, dove, for a sin offering. 7 He shall offer it
and be unclean until the evening. before the LORD, and make atonement for
her; then she shall be cleansed from the
41 “ ‘Every creeping thing that creeps fountain of her blood.
on the earth is an abomination. It shall “ ‘This is the law for her who bears,
not be eaten. 42 Whatever goes on its whether a male or a female. 8 If she can-
belly, and whatever goes on all fours, or not afford a lamb, then she shall take two
whatever has many feet, even all creeping turtledoves or two young pigeons: the one
things that creep on the earth, them you for a burnt offering, and the other for a sin
shall not eat; for they are an abomination. offering. The priest shall make atonement
43 You shall not make yourselves abom- for her, and she shall be clean.’ ”
inable with any creeping thing that creeps.
You shall not make yourselves unclean 13
with them, that you should be defiled by 1 The LORD spoke to Moses and to
them. 44 For I am the LORD your God. Sanc- Aaron, saying, 2 “When a man shall have
tify yourselves therefore, and be holy; for a swelling in his body’s skin, or a scab, or
Leviticus 13:3 104 Leviticus 13:29

a bright spot, and it becomes in the skin he shall be unclean. 15 The priest shall
of his body the plague of leprosy, then he examine the raw flesh, and pronounce him
shall be brought to Aaron the priest or to unclean: the raw flesh is unclean. It is
one of his sons, the priests. 3 The priest leprosy. 16 Or if the raw flesh turns again,
shall examine the plague in the skin of the and is changed to white, then he shall come
body. If the hair in the plague has turned to the priest. 17 The priest shall examine
white, and the appearance of the plague is him. Behold, if the plague has turned
deeper than the body’s skin, it is the plague white, then the priest shall pronounce him
of leprosy; so the priest shall examine him clean of the plague. He is clean.
and pronounce him unclean. 4 If the bright 18 “When the body has a boil on its skin,
spot is white in the skin of his body, and its and it has healed, 19 and in the place of the
appearance isn’t deeper than the skin, and boil there is a white swelling, or a bright
its hair hasn’t turned white, then the priest spot, reddish-white, then it shall be shown
shall isolate the infected person for seven to the priest. 20 The priest shall examine it.
days. 5 The priest shall examine him on Behold, if its appearance is deeper than the
the seventh day. Behold, if in his eyes the skin, and its hair has turned white, then
plague is arrested and the plague hasn’t the priest shall pronounce him unclean. It
spread in the skin, then the priest shall iso- is the plague of leprosy. It has broken out
late him for seven more days. 6 The priest in the boil. 21 But if the priest examines
shall examine him again on the seventh it, and behold, there are no white hairs in
day. Behold, if the plague has faded and it, and it isn’t deeper than the skin, but is
the plague hasn’t spread in the skin, then dim, then the priest shall isolate him seven
the priest shall pronounce him clean. It is days. 22 If it spreads in the skin, then the
a scab. He shall wash his clothes, and be priest shall pronounce him unclean. It is a
clean. 7 But if the scab spreads on the skin plague. 23 But if the bright spot stays in its
after he has shown himself to the priest place, and hasn’t spread, it is the scar from
for his cleansing, he shall show himself to the boil; and the priest shall pronounce
the priest again. 8 The priest shall examine him clean.
him; and behold, if the scab has spread on 24 “Or when the body has a burn from
the skin, then the priest shall pronounce fire on its skin, and the raw flesh of
him unclean. It is leprosy. the burn becomes a bright spot, reddish-
white, or white, 25 then the priest shall
9 “When the plague of leprosy is in a examine it; and behold, if the hair in the
man, then he shall be brought to the priest; bright spot has turned white, and its ap-
10 and the priest shall examine him. Be-
pearance is deeper than the skin, it is lep-
hold, if there is a white swelling in the rosy. It has broken out in the burning, and
skin, and it has turned the hair white, and the priest shall pronounce him unclean. It
there is raw flesh in the swelling, 11 it is a is the plague of leprosy. 26 But if the priest
chronic leprosy in the skin of his body, and examines it, and behold, there is no white
the priest shall pronounce him unclean. hair in the bright spot, and it isn’t deeper
He shall not isolate him, for he is already than the skin, but has faded, then the priest
unclean. shall isolate him seven days. 27 The priest
12 “If the leprosy breaks out all over the shall examine him on the seventh day. If it
skin, and the leprosy covers all the skin of has spread in the skin, then the priest shall
the infected person from his head even to pronounce him unclean. It is the plague
his feet, as far as it appears to the priest, of leprosy. 28 If the bright spot stays in its
13 then the priest shall examine him. Be- place, and hasn’t spread in the skin, but is
hold, if the leprosy has covered all his faded, it is the swelling from the burn, and
flesh, he shall pronounce him clean of the the priest shall pronounce him clean, for it
plague. It has all turned white: he is clean. is the scar from the burn.
14 But whenever raw flesh appears in him, 29 “When a man or woman has a plague
Leviticus 13:30 105 Leviticus 13:56

on the head or on the beard, 30 then the his bald forehead, like the appearance of
priest shall examine the plague; and be- leprosy in the skin of the body, 44 he is a
hold, if its appearance is deeper than the leprous man. He is unclean. The priest
skin, and the hair in it is yellow and thin, shall surely pronounce him unclean. His
then the priest shall pronounce him un- plague is on his head.
clean. It is an itch. It is leprosy of the 45 “The leper in whom the plague is shall
head or of the beard. 31 If the priest ex- wear torn clothes, and the hair of his head
amines the plague of itching, and behold, shall hang loose. He shall cover his upper
its appearance isn’t deeper than the skin, lip, and shall cry, ‘Unclean! Unclean!’ 46 All
and there is no black hair in it, then the the days in which the plague is in him he
priest shall isolate the person infected with shall be unclean. He is unclean. He shall
itching seven days. 32 On the seventh day dwell alone. His dwelling shall be outside
the priest shall examine the plague; and of the camp.
behold, if the itch hasn’t spread, and there 47 “The garment also that the plague of
is no yellow hair in it, and the appear- leprosy is in, whether it is a woolen gar-
ance of the itch isn’t deeper than the skin, ment, or a linen garment; 48 whether it
33 then he shall be shaved, but he shall not
is in warp or woof;† of linen or of wool;
shave the itch. Then the priest shall iso- whether in a leather, or in anything made
late the one who has the itch seven more of leather; 49 if the plague is greenish or
days. 34 On the seventh day, the priest shall
examine the itch; and behold, if the itch reddish in the garment, or in the leather,
hasn’t spread in the skin, and its appear- or in the warp, or in the woof, or in any-
ance isn’t deeper than the skin, then the thing made of leather; it is the plague of
priest shall pronounce him clean. He shall leprosy, and shall be shown to the priest.
50 The priest shall examine the plague, and
wash his clothes and be clean. 35 But if the
itch spreads in the skin after his cleansing, isolate the plague seven days. 51 He shall
36 then the priest shall examine him; and examine the plague on the seventh day.
behold, if the itch has spread in the skin, If the plague has spread in the garment,
the priest shall not look for the yellow hair; either in the warp, or in the woof, or in
he is unclean. 37 But if in his eyes the itch the skin, whatever use the skin is used for,
is arrested and black hair has grown in it, the plague is a destructive mildew. It is
then the itch is healed. He is clean. The unclean. 52 He shall burn the garment,
priest shall pronounce him clean. whether the warp or the woof, in wool or
38 “When a man or a woman has bright in linen, or anything of leather, in which
spots in the skin of the body, even white the plague is, for it is a destructive mildew.
bright spots, 39 then the priest shall exam- It shall be burned in the fire.
53 “If the priest examines it, and behold,
ine them. Behold, if the bright spots on
the skin of their body are a dull white, it is the plague hasn’t spread in the garment,
a harmless rash. It has broken out in the either in the warp, or in the woof, or in
skin. He is clean. anything of skin; 54 then the priest shall
40 “If a man’s hair has fallen from his command that they wash the thing that
head, he is bald. He is clean. 41 If his the plague is in, and he shall isolate it
hair has fallen off from the front part of seven more days. 55 Then the priest shall
his head, he is forehead bald. He is clean. examine it, after the plague is washed; and
42 But if a reddish-white plague is in the behold, if the plague hasn’t changed its
bald head or the bald forehead, it is leprosy color, and the plague hasn’t spread, it is
breaking out in his bald head or his bald unclean; you shall burn it in the fire. It
forehead. 43 Then the priest shall examine is a mildewed spot, whether the bareness
him. Behold, if the swelling of the plague is inside or outside. 56 If the priest looks,
is reddish-white in his bald head, or in and behold, the plague has faded after it
† 13:48 warp and woof are the vertical and horizontal threads in woven cloth
Leviticus 13:57 106 Leviticus 14:21

is washed, then he shall tear it out of the 10 “On the eighth day he shall take two
garment, or out of the skin, or out of the male lambs without defect, one ewe lamb
warp, or out of the woof; 57 and if it appears a year old without defect, three tenths of
again in the garment, either in the warp, an ephah† of fine flour for a meal offering,
or in the woof, or in anything of skin, it is mixed with oil, and one log‡ of oil. 11 The
spreading. You shall burn what the plague priest who cleanses him shall set the man
is in with fire. 58 The garment, either the who is to be cleansed, and those things,
warp, or the woof, or whatever thing of before the LORD, at the door of the Tent of
skin it is, which you shall wash, if the Meeting.
plague has departed from them, then it 12 “The priest shall take one of the male
shall be washed the second time, and it will lambs, and offer him for a trespass offer-
be clean.” ing, with the log of oil, and wave them
59 This is the law of the plague of mildew
for a wave offering before the LORD. 13 He
in a garment of wool or linen, either in the shall kill the male lamb in the place where
warp, or the woof, or in anything of skin, they kill the sin offering and the burnt
to pronounce it clean, or to pronounce it offering, in the place of the sanctuary; for
unclean. as the sin offering is the priest’s, so is the
trespass offering. It is most holy. 14 The
1 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, priest shall take some of the blood of the
2 “This shall be the law of the leper in the trespass offering, and the priest shall put
it on the tip of the right ear of him who
day of his cleansing: He shall be brought
is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his
to the priest, 3 and the priest shall go out right hand, and on the big toe of his right
of the camp. The priest shall examine him. foot. 15 The priest shall take some of the
Behold, if the plague of leprosy is healed in log of oil, and pour it into the palm of his
the leper, 4 then the priest shall command own left hand. 16 The priest shall dip his
them to take for him who is to be cleansed right finger in the oil that is in his left hand,
two living clean birds, cedar wood, scarlet,
and hyssop. 5 The priest shall command and shall sprinkle some of the oil with his
them to kill one of the birds in an earthen finger seven times before the LORD. 17 The
vessel over running water. 6 As for the priest shall put some of the rest of the oil
living bird, he shall take it, the cedar wood, that is in his hand on the tip of the right
the scarlet, and the hyssop, and shall dip ear of him who is to be cleansed, and on
them and the living bird in the blood of the thumb of his right hand, and on the
the bird that was killed over the running big toe of his right foot, upon the blood of
water. 7 He shall sprinkle on him who is to the trespass offering. 18 The rest of the oil
be cleansed from the leprosy seven times, that is in the priest’s hand he shall put on
and shall pronounce him clean, and shall the head of him who is to be cleansed, and
let the living bird go into the open field. the priest shall make atonement for him
8 “He who is to be cleansed shall wash before the LORD.
19 “The priest shall offer the sin offering,
his clothes, and shave off all his hair,
and bathe himself in water; and he shall and make atonement for him who is to
be clean. After that he shall come into be cleansed because of his uncleanness.
the camp, but shall dwell outside his tent Afterward he shall kill the burnt offering;
20 then the priest shall offer the burnt of-
seven days. 9 It shall be on the seventh
day, that he shall shave all his hair off his fering and the meal offering on the altar.
head and his beard and his eyebrows. He The priest shall make atonement for him,
shall shave off all his hair. He shall wash and he shall be clean.
his clothes, and he shall bathe his body in 21 “If he is poor, and can’t afford so much,
water. Then he shall be clean. then he shall take one male lamb for a
† 14:10 1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel ‡ 14:10 a log is a liquid measure of about 300 ml or 10
Leviticus 14:22 107 Leviticus 14:49

trespass offering to be waved, to make house shall come and tell the priest, say-
atonement for him, and one tenth of an ing, ‘There seems to me to be some sort
ephah§ of fine flour mixed with oil for a of plague in the house.’ 36 The priest
meal offering, and a log† of oil; 22 and two shall command that they empty the house,
turtledoves, or two young pigeons, such as before the priest goes in to examine the
he is able to afford; and the one shall be a plague, that all that is in the house not
sin offering, and the other a burnt offering. be made unclean. Afterward the priest
23 “On the eighth day he shall bring them shall go in to inspect the house. 37 He
for his cleansing to the priest, to the door shall examine the plague; and behold, if
of the Tent of Meeting, before the LORD. the plague is in the walls of the house with
24 The priest shall take the lamb of the hollow streaks, greenish or reddish, and it
trespass offering, and the log of oil, and the appears to be deeper than the wall, 38 then
priest shall wave them for a wave offering the priest shall go out of the house to the
before the LORD. 25 He shall kill the lamb of door of the house, and shut up the house
the trespass offering. The priest shall take seven days. 39 The priest shall come again
some of the blood of the trespass offering on the seventh day, and look. If the plague
and put it on the tip of the right ear of him has spread in the walls of the house, 40 then
who is to be cleansed, and on the thumb the priest shall command that they take
of his right hand, and on the big toe of his out the stones in which is the plague, and
right foot. 26 The priest shall pour some of cast them into an unclean place outside of
the oil into the palm of his own left hand; the city. 41 He shall cause the inside of the
27 and the priest shall sprinkle with his house to be scraped all over. They shall
right finger some of the oil that is in his left pour out the mortar that they scraped off
hand seven times before the LORD. 28 Then outside of the city into an unclean place.
the priest shall put some of the oil that is in 42 They shall take other stones, and put
his hand on the tip of the right ear of him them in the place of those stones; and he
who is to be cleansed, and on the thumb shall take other mortar, and shall plaster
of his right hand, and on the big toe of his the house.
right foot, on the place of the blood of the 43 “If the plague comes again, and breaks
trespass offering. 29 The rest of the oil that out in the house after he has taken out
is in the priest’s hand he shall put on the the stones, and after he has scraped the
head of him who is to be cleansed, to make house, and after it was plastered, 44 then
atonement for him before the LORD. 30 He the priest shall come in and look; and be-
shall offer one of the turtledoves, or of the hold, if the plague has spread in the house,
young pigeons, which ever he is able to it is a destructive mildew in the house. It
afford, 31 of the kind he is able to afford, the is unclean. 45 He shall break down the
one for a sin offering, and the other for a house, its stones, and its timber, and all the
burnt offering, with the meal offering. The house’s mortar. He shall carry them out of
priest shall make atonement for him who the city into an unclean place.
is to be cleansed before the LORD.” 46 “Moreover he who goes into the house
32 This is the law for him in whom is the
while it is shut up shall be unclean until the
plague of leprosy, who is not able to afford evening. 47 He who lies down in the house
the sacrifice for his cleansing. shall wash his clothes; and he who eats in
33 The LORD spoke to Moses and to the house shall wash his clothes.
Aaron, saying, 34 “When you have come 48 “If the priest shall come in, and exam-
into the land of Canaan, which I give to ine it, and behold, the plague hasn’t spread
you for a possession, and I put a spread- in the house, after the house was plastered,
ing mildew in a house in the land of then the priest shall pronounce the house
your possession, 35 then he who owns the clean, because the plague is healed. 49 To
§ 14:21 1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel † 14:21 a log is a liquid measure of about 300 ml or 10
Leviticus 14:50 108 Leviticus 15:22

cleanse the house he shall take two birds, 9 “ ‘Whatever saddle he who has the
cedar wood, scarlet, and hyssop. 50 He discharge rides on shall be unclean.
shall kill one of the birds in an earthen 10 Whoever touches anything that was
vessel over running water. 51 He shall take under him shall be unclean until the
the cedar wood, the hyssop, the scarlet, evening. He who carries those things shall
and the living bird, and dip them in the wash his clothes, and bathe himself in
blood of the slain bird, and in the running water, and be unclean until the evening.
water, and sprinkle the house seven times. 11 “ ‘Whomever he who has the dis-
52 He shall cleanse the house with the blood charge touches, without having rinsed his
of the bird, and with the running water, hands in water, he shall wash his clothes,
with the living bird, with the cedar wood, and bathe himself in water, and be un-
with the hyssop, and with the scarlet; 53 but clean until the evening.
12 “ ‘The earthen vessel, which he who
he shall let the living bird go out of the
city into the open field. So shall he make has the discharge touches, shall be broken;
atonement for the house; and it shall be and every vessel of wood shall be rinsed in
clean.” water.
13 “ ‘When he who has a discharge is
54 This is the law for any plague of lep-
cleansed of his discharge, then he shall
rosy, and for an itch, 55 and for the destruc-
count to himself seven days for his cleans-
tive mildew of a garment, and for a house,
56 and for a swelling, and for a scab, and for ing, and wash his clothes; and he shall
bathe his flesh in running water, and shall
a bright spot; 57 to teach when it is unclean,
be clean.
and when it is clean. 14 “ ‘On the eighth day he shall take two
This is the law of leprosy.
turtledoves, or two young pigeons, and
come before the LORD to the door of the
1 The LORD spoke to Moses and to Aaron,
Tent of Meeting, and give them to the
priest. 15 The priest shall offer them, the
saying, 2 “Speak to the children of Israel, one for a sin offering, and the other for
and tell them, ‘When any man has a dis- a burnt offering. The priest shall make
charge from his body, because of his dis- atonement for him before the LORD for his
charge he is unclean. 3 This shall be his discharge.
uncleanness in his discharge: whether his 16 “ ‘If any man has an emission of se-
body runs with his discharge, or his body men, then he shall bathe all his flesh in
has stopped from his discharge, it is his water, and be unclean until the evening.
uncleanness. 17 Every garment and every skin which the
4 “ ‘Every bed on which he who has
semen is on shall be washed with water,
the discharge lies shall be unclean; and and be unclean until the evening. 18 If a
everything he sits on shall be unclean. man lies with a woman and there is an
5 Whoever touches his bed shall wash his
emission of semen, they shall both bathe
clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be themselves in water, and be unclean until
unclean until the evening. 6 He who sits on the evening.
anything on which the man who has the 19 “ ‘If a woman has a discharge, and
discharge sat shall wash his clothes, and her discharge in her flesh is blood, she
bathe himself in water, and be unclean shall be in her impurity seven days. Who-
until the evening. ever touches her shall be unclean until the
7 “ ‘He who touches the body of him who
has the discharge shall wash his clothes, 20 “ ‘Everything that she lies on in her
and bathe himself in water, and be un- impurity shall be unclean. Everything
clean until the evening. also that she sits on shall be unclean.
8 “ ‘If he who has the discharge spits on 21 Whoever touches her bed shall wash his
him who is clean, then he shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and
clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be be unclean until the evening. 22 Whoever
unclean until the evening. touches anything that she sits on shall
Leviticus 15:23 109 Leviticus 16:15

wash his clothes, and bathe himself in wa- before the mercy seat which is on the ark;
ter, and be unclean until the evening. 23 If lest he die; for I will appear in the cloud on
it is on the bed, or on anything she sits on, the mercy seat.
when he touches it, he shall be unclean 3 “Aaron shall come into the sanctuary
until the evening. with a young bull for a sin offering, and
24 “ ‘If any man lies with her, and her
a ram for a burnt offering. 4 He shall put
monthly flow is on him, he shall be un- on the holy linen tunic. He shall have the
clean seven days; and every bed he lies on linen trousers on his body, and shall put
shall be unclean. on the linen sash, and he shall be clothed
25 “ ‘If a woman has a discharge of her
with the linen turban. They are the holy
blood many days not in the time of her
garments. He shall bathe his body in wa-
period, or if she has a discharge beyond
ter, and put them on. 5 He shall take from
the time of her period, all the days of the
the congregation of the children of Israel
discharge of her uncleanness shall be as
two male goats for a sin offering, and one
in the days of her period. She is unclean.
26 Every bed she lies on all the days of her ram for a burnt offering.
6 “Aaron shall offer the bull of the sin
discharge shall be to her as the bed of her
period. Everything she sits on shall be offering, which is for himself, and make
unclean, as the uncleanness of her period. atonement for himself and for his house.
7 He shall take the two goats, and set them
27 Whoever touches these things shall be
before the LORD at the door of the Tent of
unclean, and shall wash his clothes and Meeting. 8 Aaron shall cast lots for the two
bathe himself in water, and be unclean goats: one lot for the LORD, and the other
until the evening. lot for the scapegoat. 9 Aaron shall present
28 “ ‘But if she is cleansed of her dis-
charge, then she shall count to herself the goat on which the lot fell for the LORD,
seven days, and after that she shall be and offer him for a sin offering. 10 But the
clean. 29 On the eighth day she shall take goat on which the lot fell for the scapegoat
two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, shall be presented alive before the LORD,
and bring them to the priest, to the door of to make atonement for him, to send him
away as the scapegoat into the wilderness.
the Tent of Meeting. 30 The priest shall of-
11 “Aaron shall present the bull of the
fer the one for a sin offering, and the other
for a burnt offering; and the priest shall sin offering, which is for himself, and shall
make atonement for her before the LORD make atonement for himself and for his
for the uncleanness of her discharge. house, and shall kill the bull of the sin of-
31 “ ‘Thus you shall separate the children fering which is for himself. 12 He shall take
of Israel from their uncleanness, so they a censer full of coals of fire from off the
altar before the LORD, and two handfuls
will not die in their uncleanness when they of sweet incense beaten small, and bring it
defile my tabernacle that is among them.’ ”
32 This is the law of him who has a dis- within the veil. 13 He shall put the incense
charge, and of him who has an emission of on the fire before the LORD, that the cloud
of the incense may cover the mercy seat
semen, so that he is unclean by it; 33 and of
that is on the covenant, so that he will not
her who has her period, and of a man or die. 14 He shall take some of the blood of
woman who has a discharge, and of him the bull, and sprinkle it with his finger on
who lies with her who is unclean. the mercy seat on the east; and before the
16 mercy seat he shall sprinkle some of the
blood with his finger seven times.
1The LORD spoke to Moses after the
death of the two sons of Aaron, when they 15 “Then he shall kill the goat of the sin of-
came near before the LORD, and died; fering that is for the people, and bring his
2 and the LORD said to Moses, “Tell Aaron blood within the veil, and do with his blood
your brother not to come at just any time as he did with the blood of the bull, and
into the Most Holy Place within the veil, sprinkle it on the mercy seat and before
Leviticus 16:16 110 Leviticus 17:5

the mercy seat. 16 He shall make atone- atonement in the Holy Place, shall be car-
ment for the Holy Place, because of the ried outside the camp; and they shall burn
uncleanness of the children of Israel, and their skins, their flesh, and their dung with
because of their transgressions, even all fire. 28 He who burns them shall wash his
their sins; and so he shall do for the Tent of clothes, and bathe his flesh in water, and
Meeting that dwells with them in the mid- afterward he shall come into the camp.
dle of their uncleanness. 17 No one shall 29 “It shall be a statute to you forever:
be in the Tent of Meeting when he enters in the seventh month, on the tenth day of
to make atonement in the Holy Place, until the month, you shall afflict your souls, and
he comes out, and has made atonement for shall do no kind of work, whether native-
himself and for his household, and for all born or a stranger who lives as a foreigner
the assembly of Israel. among you; 30 for on this day shall atone-
18 “He shall go out to the altar that is ment be made for you, to cleanse you. You
before the LORD and make atonement for shall be clean from all your sins before the
it, and shall take some of the bull’s blood, LORD. 31 It is a Sabbath of solemn rest to
and some of the goat’s blood, and put it you, and you shall afflict your souls. It
around on the horns of the altar. 19 He is a statute forever. 32 The priest, who
shall sprinkle some of the blood on it with is anointed and who is consecrated to be
his finger seven times, and cleanse it, and priest in his father’s place, shall make the
make it holy from the uncleanness of the atonement, and shall put on the linen gar-
children of Israel. ments, even the holy garments. 33 Then he
20 “When he has finished atoning for shall make atonement for the Holy Sanctu-
the Holy Place, the Tent of Meeting, and ary; and he shall make atonement for the
the altar, he shall present the live goat. Tent of Meeting and for the altar; and he
21 Aaron shall lay both his hands on the shall make atonement for the priests and
head of the live goat, and confess over him for all the people of the assembly.
all the iniquities of the children of Israel, 34 “This shall be an everlasting statute for
and all their transgressions, even all their you, to make atonement for the children of
sins; and he shall put them on the head Israel once in the year because of all their
of the goat, and shall send him away into sins.”
the wilderness by the hand of a man who It was done as the LORD commanded
is ready. 22 The goat shall carry all their Moses.
iniquities on himself to a solitary land, and
he shall release the goat in the wilderness. 17
1The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
23 “Aaron shall come into the Tent of 2 “Speak to Aaron, and to his sons, and to
Meeting, and shall take off the linen gar- all the children of Israel, and say to them,
ments which he put on when he went into ‘This is the thing which the LORD has com-
the Holy Place, and shall leave them there.
24 Then he shall bathe himself in water manded: 3 Whatever man there is of the
house of Israel who kills a bull, or lamb, or
in a holy place, put on his garments, and goat in the camp, or who kills it outside the
come out and offer his burnt offering and camp, 4 and hasn’t brought it to the door of
the burnt offering of the people, and make the Tent of Meeting to offer it as an offering
atonement for himself and for the people. to the LORD before the LORD’s tabernacle:
25 The fat of the sin offering he shall burn
blood shall be imputed to that man. He
on the altar. has shed blood. That man shall be cut off
26 “He who lets the goat go as the scape- from among his people. 5 This is to the
goat shall wash his clothes, and bathe his end that the children of Israel may bring
flesh in water, and afterward he shall their sacrifices, which they sacrifice in the
come into the camp. 27 The bull for the open field, that they may bring them to the
sin offering, and the goat for the sin offer- LORD, to the door of the Tent of Meeting, to
ing, whose blood was brought in to make the priest, and sacrifice them for sacrifices
Leviticus 17:6 111 Leviticus 18:17

of peace offerings to the LORD. 6 The priestthe LORD your God. 3 You shall not do as
shall sprinkle the blood on the LORD’s al- they do in the land of Egypt, where you
tar at the door of the Tent of Meeting, and lived. You shall not do as they do in the
burn the fat for a pleasant aroma to the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you.
LORD. 7 They shall no more sacrifice their You shall not follow their statutes. 4 You
shall do my ordinances. You shall keep
sacrifices to the goat idols, after which they
play the prostitute. This shall be a statutemy statutes and walk in them. I am the
forever to them throughout their genera- LORD your God. 5 You shall therefore keep
tions.’ my statutes and my ordinances, which if a
8 “You shall say to them, ‘Any man there man does, he shall live in them. I am the
is of the house of Israel, or of the strangers
6 “ ‘None of you shall approach any close
who live as foreigners among them, who
offers a burnt offering or sacrifice, 9 and relatives, to uncover their nakedness: I am
doesn’t bring it to the door of the Tent of the LORD.
7 “ ‘You shall not uncover the nakedness
Meeting to sacrifice it to the LORD, that of your father, nor the nakedness of your
man shall be cut off from his people. mother: she is your mother. You shall not
10 “ ‘Any man of the house of Israel, or
uncover her nakedness.
of the strangers who live as foreigners 8 “ ‘You shall not uncover the nakedness
among them, who eats any kind of blood, I of your father’s wife. It is your father’s
will set my face against that soul who eats nakedness.
blood, and will cut him off from among his 9 “ ‘You shall not uncover the nakedness
of your sister, the daughter of your father,
people. 11 For the life of the flesh is in the
blood. I have given it to you on the altar or the daughter of your mother, whether
to make atonement for your souls; for it is born at home or born abroad.
the blood that makes atonement by reason 10 “ ‘You shall not uncover the nakedness
of the life. 12 Therefore I have said to theof your son’s daughter, or of your daugh-
children of Israel, “No person among you ter’s daughter, even their nakedness; for
may eat blood, nor may any stranger who theirs is your own nakedness.
lives as a foreigner among you eat blood.” 11 “ ‘You shall not uncover the nakedness
13 “ ‘Whatever man there is of the chil- of your father’s wife’s daughter, conceived
dren of Israel, or of the strangers who by your father, since she is your sister.
live as foreigners among them, who takes 12 “ ‘You shall not uncover the nakedness
in hunting any animal or bird that may of your father’s sister. She is your father’s
be eaten, he shall pour out its blood, and near kinswoman.
13 “ ‘You shall not uncover the nakedness
cover it with dust. 14 For as to the life of all
of your mother’s sister, for she is your
flesh, its blood is with its life. Therefore I
said to the children of Israel, “You shall not
mother’s near kinswoman.
eat the blood of any kind of flesh; for the 14 “ ‘You shall not uncover the nakedness
of your father’s brother. You shall not
life of all flesh is its blood. Whoever eats it
shall be cut off.” approach his wife. She is your aunt.
15 “ ‘Every person that eats what dies of 15 “ ‘You shall not uncover the nakedness
itself, or that which is torn by animals, of your daughter-in-law. She is your son’s
whether he is native-born or a foreigner, wife. You shall not uncover her nakedness.
shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself 16 “ ‘You shall not uncover the nakedness
in water, and be unclean until the evening. of your brother’s wife. It is your brother’s
Then he shall be clean. 16 But if he doesn’tnakedness.
wash them, or bathe his flesh, then he shall 17 “ ‘You shall not uncover the nakedness
bear his iniquity.’ ” of a woman and her daughter. You shall
not take her son’s daughter, or her daugh-
1 The LORD said to Moses, 2 “Speak to the
ter’s daughter, to uncover her nakedness.
They are near kinswomen. It is wicked-
children of Israel, and say to them, ‘I am ness.
Leviticus 18:18 112 Leviticus 19:16

18 “ ‘You shall not take a wife in addition 3“ ‘Each one of you shall respect his
to her sister, to be a rival, to uncover her mother and his father. You shall keep my
nakedness, while her sister is still alive. Sabbaths. I am the LORD your God.
19 “ ‘You shall not approach a woman to 4 “ ‘Don’t turn to idols, nor make molten
uncover her nakedness, as long as she is gods for yourselves. I am the LORD your
impure by her uncleanness. God.
20 “ ‘You shall not lie carnally with your 5 “ ‘When you offer a sacrifice of peace
neighbor’s wife, and defile yourself with offerings to the LORD, you shall offer it
her. so that you may be accepted. 6 It shall be
21 “ ‘You shall not give any of your chil- eaten the same day you offer it, and on
dren as a sacrifice to Molech. You shall not the next day. If anything remains until
profane the name of your God. I am the the third day, it shall be burned with fire.
LORD. 7 If it is eaten at all on the third day, it is
22 “ ‘You shall not lie with a man as with
an abomination. It will not be accepted;
a woman. That is detestable. 8 but everyone who eats it shall bear his
23 “ ‘You shall not lie with any animal to
iniquity, because he has profaned the holy
defile yourself with it. No woman may give thing of the LORD, and that soul shall be
herself to an animal, to lie down with it: it cut off from his people.
is a perversion. 9 “ ‘When you reap the harvest of your
24 “ ‘Don’t defile yourselves in any of
land, you shall not wholly reap the corners
these things; for in all these the nations
of your field, neither shall you gather the
which I am casting out before you were
gleanings of your harvest. 10 You shall
defiled. 25 The land was defiled. There-
fore I punished its iniquity, and the land not glean your vineyard, neither shall you
vomited out her inhabitants. 26 You there- gather the fallen grapes of your vineyard.
fore shall keep my statutes and my ordi- You shall leave them for the poor and for
nances, and shall not do any of these abom- the foreigner. I am the LORD your God.
inations; neither the native-born, nor the 11 “ ‘You shall not steal.
stranger who lives as a foreigner among “ ‘You shall not lie.
you 27 (for the men of the land that were “ ‘You shall not deceive one another.
before you had done all these abomina- 12 “ ‘You shall not swear by my name
tions, and the land became defiled), 28 that falsely, and profane the name of your God.
the land not vomit you out also, when you I am the LORD.
defile it, as it vomited out the nation that 13 “ ‘You shall not oppress your neighbor,
was before you. nor rob him.
29 “ ‘For whoever shall do any of these “ ‘The wages of a hired servant shall not
abominations, even the souls that do them remain with you all night until the morn-
shall be cut off from among their peo- ing.
ple. 30 Therefore you shall keep my re- 14 “ ‘You shall not curse the deaf, nor put
quirements, that you do not practice any a stumbling block before the blind; but you
of these abominable customs which were shall fear your God. I am the LORD.
practiced before you, and that you do not 15 “ ‘You shall do no injustice in judg-
defile yourselves with them. I am the ment. You shall not be partial to the poor,
LORD your God.’ ” nor show favoritism to the great; but you
shall judge your neighbor in righteous-
19 ness.
16 “ ‘You shall not go around as a slan-
1 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
2 “Speak to all the congregation of the chil- derer among your people.
dren of Israel, and tell them, ‘You shall be “ ‘You shall not endanger the life† of your
holy; for I, the LORD your God, am holy. neighbor. I am the LORD.
† 19:16 literally, “blood”
Leviticus 19:17 113 Leviticus 20:5

17 “ ‘You shall not hate your brother in prostitution, and the land become full of
your heart. You shall surely rebuke your wickedness.
neighbor, and not bear sin because of him. 30 “ ‘You shall keep my Sabbaths, and
18 “ ‘You shall not take vengeance, nor reverence my sanctuary; I am the LORD.
bear any grudge against the children of 31 “ ‘Don’t turn to those who are medi-
your people; but you shall love your neigh- ums, nor to the wizards. Don’t seek them
bor as yourself. I am the LORD. out, to be defiled by them. I am the LORD
19 “ ‘You shall keep my statutes. your God.
32 “ ‘You shall rise up before the gray
“ ‘You shall not cross-breed different
kinds of animals. head and honor the face of the elderly; and
“ ‘You shall not sow your field with two you shall fear your God. I am the LORD.
kinds of seed; 33 “ ‘If a stranger lives as a foreigner with
“ ‘Don’t wear a garment made of two you in your land, you shall not do him
kinds of material. wrong. 34 The stranger who lives as a
20 “ ‘If a man lies carnally with a woman
foreigner with you shall be to you as the
who is a slave girl, pledged to be married to native-born among you, and you shall love
another man, and not ransomed or given him as yourself; for you lived as foreigners
her freedom; they shall be punished. They in the land of Egypt. I am the LORD your
shall not be put to death, because she was God.
not free. 21 He shall bring his trespass 35 “ ‘You shall do no unrighteousness
offering to the LORD, to the door of the in judgment, in measures of length, of
Tent of Meeting, even a ram for a trespass weight, or of quantity. 36 You shall have
offering. 22 The priest shall make atone- just balances, just weights, a just ephah,§
ment for him with the ram of the trespass and a just hin.† I am the LORD your God,
offering before the LORD for his sin which who brought you out of the land of Egypt.
he has committed; and the sin which he 37 “ ‘You shall observe all my statutes and
has committed shall be forgiven him.
23 “ ‘When you come into the land, and all my ordinances, and do them. I am the
LORD.’ ”
have planted all kinds of trees for food,
then you shall count their fruit as forbid-
den.‡ For three years it shall be forbidden 20
to you. It shall not be eaten. 24 But in the 1 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
fourth year all its fruit shall be holy, for 2 “Moreover, you shall tell the children of
giving praise to the LORD. 25 In the fifth Israel, ‘Anyone of the children of Israel, or
year you shall eat its fruit, that it may yield of the strangers who live as foreigners in
its increase to you. I am the LORD your Israel, who gives any of his offspring† to
God. Molech shall surely be put to death. The
26 “ ‘You shall not eat any meat with the people of the land shall stone that person
blood still in it. You shall not use enchant- with stones. 3 I also will set my face against
ments, nor practice sorcery. that person, and will cut him off from
27 “ ‘You shall not cut the hair on the sides among his people, because he has given
of your head or clip off the edge of your of his offspring to Molech, to defile my
beard. sanctuary, and to profane my holy name.
28 “ ‘You shall not make any cuttings in 4
If the people of the land all hide their
your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any eyes from that person when he gives of his
marks on you. I am the LORD. offspring to Molech, and don’t put him to
29 “ ‘Don’t profane your daughter, to death, 5 then I will set my face against that
make her a prostitute; lest the land fall to man and against his family, and will cut
‡ 19:23 literally, “uncircumcised” § 19:36 1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel † 19:36 A hin is
about 6.5 liters or 1.7 gallons. † 20:2 or, seed
Leviticus 20:6 114 Leviticus 21:2

him off, and all who play the prostitute af- 18 “ ‘If a man lies with a woman hav-
ter him to play the prostitute with Molech, ing her monthly period, and uncovers
from among their people. her nakedness, he has made her fountain
6 “ ‘The person that turns to those who naked, and she has uncovered the foun-
are mediums and wizards, to play the pros- tain of her blood. Both of them shall be cut
off from among their people.
titute after them, I will even set my face 19 “ ‘You shall not uncover the nakedness
against that person, and will cut him off of your mother’s sister, nor of your father’s
from among his people. sister, for he has made his close relative
7 “ ‘Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be
naked. They shall bear their iniquity. 20 If
holy; for I am the LORD your God. 8 You a man lies with his uncle’s wife, he has un-
shall keep my statutes, and do them. I am covered his uncle’s nakedness. They shall
the LORD who sanctifies you. bear their sin. They shall die childless.
9 “ ‘For everyone who curses his father 21 “ ‘If a man takes his brother’s wife,
or his mother shall surely be put to death. it is an impurity. He has uncovered his
He has cursed his father or his mother. His brother’s nakedness. They shall be child-
blood shall be upon himself. less.
10 “ ‘The man who commits adultery 22 “ ‘You shall therefore keep all my
with another man’s wife, even he who statutes and all my ordinances, and do
commits adultery with his neighbor’s wife, them, that the land where I am bringing
the adulterer and the adulteress shall you to dwell may not vomit you out. 23 You
surely be put to death.
11 “ ‘The man who lies with his father’s shall not walk in the customs of the nation
which I am casting out before you; for
wife has uncovered his father’s nakedness.
Both of them shall surely be put to death. they did all these things, and therefore I
Their blood shall be upon themselves. abhorred them. 24 But I have said to you,
12 “ ‘If a man lies with his daughter-in- “You shall inherit their land, and I will give
law, both of them shall surely be put to it to you to possess it, a land flowing with
death. They have committed a perversion. milk and honey.” I am the LORD your God,
Their blood shall be upon themselves. who has separated you from the peoples.
13 “ ‘If a man lies with a male, as with 25 “ ‘You shall therefore make a distinc-

a woman, both of them have committed tion between the clean animal and the un-
an abomination. They shall surely be put clean, and between the unclean fowl and
the clean. You shall not make yourselves
to death. Their blood shall be upon them-
abominable by animal, or by bird, or by
14 “ ‘If a man takes a wife and her mother, anything with which the ground teems,
it is wickedness. They shall be burned with which I have separated from you as un-
fire, both he and they, that there may be no clean for you. 26 You shall be holy to me,
wickedness among you. for I, the LORD, am holy, and have set you
15 “ ‘If a man lies with an animal, he shall apart from the peoples, that you should be
surely be put to death; and you shall kill mine.
27 “ ‘A man or a woman that is a medium
the animal.
16 “ ‘If a woman approaches any animal or is a wizard shall surely be put to death.
and lies with it, you shall kill the woman They shall be stoned with stones. Their
and the animal. They shall surely be put to blood shall be upon themselves.’ ”
death. Their blood shall be upon them.
17 “ ‘If a man takes his sister—his fa- 21
ther’s daughter, or his mother’s daughter— 1 The LORD said to Moses, “Speak to the
and sees her nakedness, and she sees his priests, the sons of Aaron, and say to them,
nakedness, it is a shameful thing. They ‘A priest shall not defile himself for the
shall be cut off in the sight of the children dead among his people, 2 except for his rel-
of their people. He has uncovered his sis- atives that are near to him: for his mother,
ter’s nakedness. He shall bear his iniquity. for his father, for his son, for his daughter,
Leviticus 21:3 115 Leviticus 22:9

for his brother, 3 and for his virgin sister hunchbacked, or a dwarf, or one who has
who is near to him, who has had no hus- a defect in his eye, or an itching disease, or
band; for her he may defile himself. 4 He scabs, or who has damaged testicles. 21 No
shall not defile himself, being a chief man man of the offspring of Aaron the priest
among his people, to profane himself. who has a defect shall come near to offer
5 “ ‘They shall not shave their heads or the offerings of the LORD made by fire.
shave off the corners of their beards or Since he has a defect, he shall not come
make any cuttings in their flesh. 6 They near to offer the bread of his God. 22 He
shall be holy to their God, and not profane shall eat the bread of his God, both of the
the name of their God, for they offer the most holy, and of the holy. 23 He shall not
offerings of the LORD made by fire, the come near to the veil, nor come near to the
altar, because he has a defect; that he may
bread of their God. Therefore they shall be
not profane my sanctuaries, for I am the
7 “ ‘They shall not marry a woman who is LORD who sanctifies them.’ ”
24 So Moses spoke to Aaron, and to his
a prostitute, or profane. A priest shall not sons, and to all the children of Israel.
marry a woman divorced from her hus-
band; for he is holy to his God. 8 Therefore
you shall sanctify him, for he offers the
1 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, 2 “Tell
bread of your God. He shall be holy to you, Aaron and his sons to separate themselves
for I the LORD, who sanctify you, am holy. from the holy things of the children of
9 “ ‘The daughter of any priest, if she pro-
Israel, which they make holy to me, and
fanes herself by playing the prostitute, she that they not profane my holy name. I am
profanes her father. She shall be burned the LORD.
with fire. 3 “Tell them, ‘If anyone of all your off-
10 “ ‘He who is the high priest among his
spring throughout your generations ap-
brothers, upon whose head the anointing proaches the holy things which the chil-
oil is poured, and who is consecrated to put dren of Israel make holy to the LORD, hav-
on the garments, shall not let the hair of his ing his uncleanness on him, that soul shall
head hang loose, or tear his clothes. 11 He be cut off from before me. I am the LORD.
must not go in to any dead body, or defile 4 “ ‘Whoever of the offspring of Aaron is
himself for his father or for his mother. a leper or has a discharge shall not eat of
12 He shall not go out of the sanctuary, nor
the holy things until he is clean. Whoever
profane the sanctuary of his God; for the touches anything that is unclean by the
crown of the anointing oil of his God is dead, or a man who has a seminal emis-
upon him. I am the LORD. sion, 5 or whoever touches any creeping
13 “ ‘He shall take a wife in her virginity. thing by which he may be made unclean,
14 He shall not marry a widow, or one di- or a man from whom he may become
vorced, or a woman who has been defiled, unclean, whatever uncleanness he has—
or a prostitute. He shall take a virgin of 6 the person that touches any such shall be
his own people as a wife. 15 He shall not unclean until the evening, and shall not eat
profane his offspring among his people, of the holy things unless he bathes his body
for I am the LORD who sanctifies him.’ ” in water. 7 When the sun is down, he shall
16 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, be clean; and afterward he shall eat of the
17 “Say to Aaron, ‘None of your offspring holy things, because it is his bread. 8 He
throughout their generations who has a shall not eat that which dies of itself or is
defect may approach to offer the bread of torn by animals, defiling himself by it. I am
his God. 18 For whatever man he is that has the LORD.
9 “ ‘They shall therefore follow my com-
a defect, he shall not draw near: a blind
man, or a lame, or he who has a flat nose, mandment, lest they bear sin for it and die
or any deformity, 19 or a man who has in it, if they profane it. I am the LORD who
an injured foot, or an injured hand, 20 or sanctifies them.
Leviticus 22:10 116 Leviticus 23:8

10“ ‘No stranger shall eat of the holy this in your land. 25 You must not offer any
thing: a foreigner living with the priests, of these as the bread of your God from the
or a hired servant, shall not eat of the hand of a foreigner, because their corrup-
holy thing. 11 But if a priest buys a slave, tion is in them. There is a defect in them.
purchased by his money, he shall eat of it; They shall not be accepted for you.’ ”
and those who are born in his house shall 26 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
eat of his bread. 12 If a priest’s daughter 27 “When a bull, a sheep, or a goat is born,
is married to an outsider, she shall not eat it shall remain seven days with its mother.
of the heave offering of the holy things. From the eighth day on it shall be accepted
13 But if a priest’s daughter is a widow,
for the offering of an offering made by fire
or divorced, and has no child, and has to the LORD. 28 Whether it is a cow or ewe,
returned to her father’s house as in her you shall not kill it and its young both in
youth, she may eat of her father’s bread;
but no stranger shall eat any of it. one day.
29 “When you sacrifice a sacrifice of
14 “‘If a man eats something holy unwit- thanksgiving to the LORD, you shall sacri-
tingly, then he shall add the fifth part of its fice it so that you may be accepted. 30 It
value to it, and shall give the holy thing to shall be eaten on the same day; you shall
the priest. 15 The priests shall not profane leave none of it until the morning. I am the
the holy things of the children of Israel, LORD.
which they offer to the LORD, 16 and so 31 “Therefore you shall keep my com-
cause them to bear the iniquity that brings mandments, and do them. I am the LORD.
guilt when they eat their holy things; for I 32 You shall not profane my holy name, but
am the LORD who sanctifies them.’ ” I will be made holy among the children of
17 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Israel. I am the LORD who makes you holy,
18 “Speak to Aaron, and to his sons, and 33 who brought you out of the land of Egypt,
to all the children of Israel, and say to to be your God. I am the LORD.”
them, ‘Whoever is of the house of Israel,
or of the foreigners in Israel, who offers
his offering, whether it is any of their vows
or any of their free will offerings, which
1 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
2 “Speak to the children of Israel, and tell
they offer to the LORD for a burnt offering:
19 that you may be accepted, you shall offer them, ‘The set feasts of the LORD, which
you shall proclaim to be holy convoca-
a male without defect, of the bulls, of the
tions, even these are my set feasts.
sheep, or of the goats. 20 But you shall not
3 “ ‘Six days shall work be done, but on
offer whatever has a defect, for it shall not
be acceptable for you. 21 Whoever offers the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest,
a sacrifice of peace offerings to the LORD a holy convocation; you shall do no kind
to accomplish a vow, or for a free will of work. It is a Sabbath to the LORD in all
offering of the herd or of the flock, it shall your dwellings.
4 “ ‘These are the set feasts of the LORD,
be perfect to be accepted. It shall have
no defect. 22 You shall not offer what is even holy convocations, which you shall
blind, is injured, is maimed, has a wart, proclaim in their appointed season. 5 In
is festering, or has a running sore to the the first month, on the fourteenth day of
LORD, nor make an offering by fire of them the month in the evening, is the LORD’s
on the altar to the LORD. 23 Either a bull or Passover. 6 On the fifteenth day of the same
a lamb that has any deformity or lacking month is the feast of unleavened bread to
in his parts, that you may offer for a free the LORD. Seven days you shall eat unleav-
will offering; but for a vow it shall not ened bread. 7 In the first day you shall have
be accepted. 24 You must not offer to the a holy convocation. You shall do no regular
LORD that which has its testicles bruised, work. 8 But you shall offer an offering
crushed, broken, or cut. You must not do made by fire to the LORD seven days. In
Leviticus 23:9 117 Leviticus 23:35

the seventh day is a holy convocation. You the two lambs. They shall be holy to the
shall do no regular work.’ ” LORD for the priest. 21 You shall make
9 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, proclamation on the same day that there
10 “Speak to the children of Israel, and shall be a holy convocation to you. You
tell them, ‘When you have come into the shall do no regular work. This is a statute
land which I give to you, and shall reap forever in all your dwellings throughout
its harvest, then you shall bring the sheaf your generations.
of the first fruits of your harvest to the 22 “ ‘When you reap the harvest of your
priest. 11 He shall wave the sheaf before land, you must not wholly reap into the
the LORD, to be accepted for you. On the corners of your field. You must not gather
next day after the Sabbath the priest shall the gleanings of your harvest. You must
wave it. 12 On the day when you wave the leave them for the poor and for the for-
sheaf, you shall offer a male lamb without eigner. I am the LORD your God.’ ”
defect a year old for a burnt offering to 23 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
the LORD. 13 The meal offering with it shall 24 “Speak to the children of Israel, saying,
be two tenths of an ephah† of fine flour ‘In the seventh month, on the first day of
mixed with oil, an offering made by fire the month, there shall be a solemn rest for
to the LORD for a pleasant aroma; and you, a memorial of blowing of trumpets,
the drink offering with it shall be of wine, a holy convocation. 25 You shall do no
the fourth part of a hin.‡ 14 You must not regular work. You shall offer an offering
eat bread, or roasted grain, or fresh grain, made by fire to the LORD.’ ”
until this same day, until you have brought 26 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
the offering of your God. This is a statute 27 “However on the tenth day of this sev-
forever throughout your generations in all enth month is the day of atonement. It
your dwellings. shall be a holy convocation to you. You
15 “ ‘You shall count from the next day shall afflict yourselves and you shall offer
after the Sabbath, from the day that you an offering made by fire to the LORD. 28 You
brought the sheaf of the wave offering: shall do no kind of work in that same day,
seven Sabbaths shall be completed. 16 The for it is a day of atonement, to make atone-
next day after the seventh Sabbath you ment for you before the LORD your God.
shall count fifty days; and you shall offer a 29 For whoever it is who shall not deny
new meal offering to the LORD. 17 You shall himself in that same day shall be cut off
bring out of your habitations two loaves from his people. 30 Whoever does any kind
of bread for a wave offering made of two of work in that same day, I will destroy
tenths of an ephah§ of fine flour. They that person from among his people. 31 You
shall be baked with yeast, for first fruits shall do no kind of work: it is a statute
to the LORD. 18 You shall present with the forever throughout your generations in all
bread seven lambs without defect a year your dwellings. 32 It shall be a Sabbath of
old, one young bull, and two rams. They solemn rest for you, and you shall deny
shall be a burnt offering to the LORD, with yourselves. In the ninth day of the month
their meal offering and their drink offer- at evening, from evening to evening, you
ings, even an offering made by fire, of a shall keep your Sabbath.”
33 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
sweet aroma to the LORD. 19 You shall offer 34 “Speak to the children of Israel, and say,
one male goat for a sin offering, and two
male lambs a year old for a sacrifice of ‘On the fifteenth day of this seventh month
peace offerings. 20 The priest shall wave is the feast of booths† for seven days to the
them with the bread of the first fruits for LORD. 35 On the first day shall be a holy
a wave offering before the LORD, with convocation. You shall do no regular work.
† 23:13 1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel ‡ 23:13 A hin is about 6.5 liters or 1.7 gallons. § 23:17
1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel † 23:34 or, feast of tents, or Succoth
Leviticus 23:36 118 Leviticus 24:20

36 Seven days you shall offer an offering the LORD continually. It shall be a statute
made by fire to the LORD. On the eighth forever throughout your generations. 4 He
day shall be a holy convocation to you. You shall keep in order the lamps on the pure
shall offer an offering made by fire to the gold lamp stand before the LORD continu-
LORD. It is a solemn assembly; you shall do ally.
no regular work. 5 “You shall take fine flour, and bake
37 “ ‘These are the appointed feasts of the twelve cakes of it: two tenths of an ephah†
LORD which you shall proclaim to be holy shall be in one cake. 6 You shall set them
convocations, to offer an offering made by in two rows, six on a row, on the pure gold
fire to the LORD, a burnt offering, a meal table before the LORD. 7 You shall put pure
offering, a sacrifice, and drink offerings, frankincense on each row, that it may be to
each on its own day— 38 in addition to the bread for a memorial, even an offering
the Sabbaths of the LORD, and in addition made by fire to the LORD. 8 Every Sabbath
to your gifts, and in addition to all your day he shall set it in order before the LORD
vows, and in addition to all your free will continually. It is an everlasting covenant
offerings, which you give to the LORD. on the behalf of the children of Israel. 9 It
39 “ ‘So on the fifteenth day of the seventh shall be for Aaron and his sons. They shall
eat it in a holy place; for it is most holy to
month, when you have gathered in the
him of the offerings of the LORD made by
fruits of the land, you shall keep the feast
fire by a perpetual statute.”
of the LORD seven days. On the first day 10 The son of an Israelite woman, whose
shall be a solemn rest, and on the eighth
father was an Egyptian, went out among
day shall be a solemn rest. 40 You shall
the children of Israel; and the son of the
take on the first day the fruit of majestic Israelite woman and a man of Israel strove
trees, branches of palm trees, and boughs together in the camp. 11 The son of the Is-
of thick trees, and willows of the brook; raelite woman blasphemed the Name, and
and you shall rejoice before the LORD your cursed; and they brought him to Moses.
God seven days. 41 You shall keep it as His mother’s name was Shelomith, the
a feast to the LORD seven days in the daughter of Dibri, of the tribe of Dan.
year. It is a statute forever throughout 12 They put him in custody until the LORD’s
your generations. You shall keep it in will should be declared to them. 13 The
the seventh month. 42 You shall dwell in LORD spoke to Moses, saying, 14 “Bring him
temporary shelters‡ for seven days. All who cursed out of the camp; and let all who
who are native-born in Israel shall dwell heard him lay their hands on his head, and
in temporary shelters,§ 43 that your gener- let all the congregation stone him. 15 You
ations may know that I made the children shall speak to the children of Israel, saying,
of Israel to dwell in temporary shelters† ‘Whoever curses his God shall bear his sin.
when I brought them out of the land of 16 He who blasphemes the LORD’s name,
Egypt. I am the LORD your God.’ ” he shall surely be put to death. All the con-
44 So Moses declared to the children of gregation shall certainly stone him. The
Israel the appointed feasts of the LORD. foreigner as well as the native-born shall
be put to death when he blasphemes the
24 Name.
17 “ ‘He who strikes any man mortally
The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
2 “Command the children of Israel, that shall surely be put to death. 18 He who
they bring to you pure olive oil beaten for strikes an animal mortally shall make it
the light, to cause a lamp to burn continu- good, life for life. 19 If anyone injures his
ally. 3 Outside of the veil of the Testimony, neighbor, it shall be done to him as he has
in the Tent of Meeting, Aaron shall keep it done: 20 fracture for fracture, eye for eye,
in order from evening to morning before tooth for tooth. It shall be done to him as
‡ 23:42 or, booths § 23:42 or, booths † 23:43 or, booths † 24:5 1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a
Leviticus 24:21 119 Leviticus 25:28

he has injured someone. 21 He who kills an be holy to you. You shall eat of its increase
animal shall make it good; and he who kills out of the field.
a man shall be put to death. 22 You shall 13 “ ‘In this Year of Jubilee each of you
have one kind of law for the foreigner as shall return to his property.
well as the native-born; for I am the LORD 14 “ ‘If you sell anything to your neigh-
your God.’ ” bor, or buy from your neighbor, you shall
23 Moses spoke to the children of Israel; not wrong one another. 15 According to
and they brought him who had cursed out the number of years after the Jubilee you
of the camp, and stoned him with stones. shall buy from your neighbor. According
The children of Israel did as the LORD to the number of years of the crops he shall
commanded Moses. sell to you. 16 According to the length of
the years you shall increase its price, and
25 according to the shortness of the years you
1 The LORD said to Moses on Mount
Sinai, 2 “Speak to the children of Israel, and shall diminish its price; for he is selling the
tell them, ‘When you come into the land number of the crops to you. 17 You shall not
which I give you, then the land shall keep wrong one another, but you shall fear your
a Sabbath to the LORD. 3 You shall sow God; for I am the LORD your God.
your field six years, and you shall prune 18 “ ‘Therefore you shall do my statutes,
your vineyard six years, and gather in its and keep my ordinances and do them; and
fruits; 4 but in the seventh year there shall you shall dwell in the land in safety. 19 The
be a Sabbath of solemn rest for the land, land shall yield its fruit, and you shall eat
a Sabbath to the LORD. You shall not sow your fill, and dwell therein in safety. 20 If
your field or prune your vineyard. 5 What you said, “What shall we eat the seventh
grows of itself in your harvest you shall not year? Behold, we shall not sow, nor gather
reap, and you shall not gather the grapes of in our increase;” 21 then I will command
your undressed vine. It shall be a year of my blessing on you in the sixth year, and it
solemn rest for the land. 6 The Sabbath of shall bear fruit for the three years. 22 You
the land shall be for food for you; for your- shall sow the eighth year, and eat of the
self, for your servant, for your maid, for fruits from the old store until the ninth
your hired servant, and for your stranger, year. Until its fruits come in, you shall eat
who lives as a foreigner with you. 7 For the old store.
your livestock also, and for the animals 23 “ ‘The land shall not be sold in per-
that are in your land, shall all its increase petuity, for the land is mine; for you are
be for food. strangers and live as foreigners with me.
8 “ ‘You shall count off seven Sabbaths of 24 In all the land of your possession you
years, seven times seven years; and there
shall grant a redemption for the land.
shall be to you the days of seven Sabbaths 25 “ ‘If your brother becomes poor, and
of years, even forty-nine years. 9 Then you
shall sound the loud trumpet on the tenth sells some of his possessions, then his kins-
day of the seventh month. On the Day of man who is next to him shall come, and
redeem that which his brother has sold.
Atonement you shall sound the trumpet 26 If a man has no one to redeem it, and he
throughout all your land. 10 You shall make becomes prosperous and finds sufficient
the fiftieth year holy, and proclaim liberty means to redeem it, 27 then let him reckon
throughout the land to all its inhabitants. the years since its sale, and restore the
It shall be a jubilee to you; and each of you surplus to the man to whom he sold it; and
shall return to his own property, and each he shall return to his property. 28 But if
of you shall return to his family. 11 That he isn’t able to get it back for himself, then
fiftieth year shall be a jubilee to you. In it what he has sold shall remain in the hand
you shall not sow, neither reap that which of him who has bought it until the Year of
grows of itself, nor gather from the un- Jubilee. In the Jubilee it shall be released,
dressed vines. 12 For it is a jubilee; it shall and he shall return to his property.
Leviticus 25:29 120 Leviticus 26:1

29 “‘If a man sells a dwelling house in a 44“ ‘As for your male and your female
walled city, then he may redeem it within slaves, whom you may have from the
a whole year after it has been sold. For nations that are around you, from them
a full year he shall have the right of re- you may buy male and female slaves.
demption. 30 If it isn’t redeemed within 45 Moreover, of the children of the aliens
the space of a full year, then the house who live among you, of them you may buy,
that is in the walled city shall be made and of their families who are with you,
sure in perpetuity to him who bought it, which they have conceived in your land;
throughout his generations. It shall not be and they will be your property. 46 You
released in the Jubilee. 31 But the houses may make them an inheritance for your
of the villages which have no wall around children after you, to hold for a possession.
them shall be accounted for with the fields Of them you may take your slaves forever,
of the country: they may be redeemed, and but over your brothers the children of Is-
they shall be released in the Jubilee. rael you shall not rule, one over another,
32 “ ‘Nevertheless, in the cities of the with harshness.
Levites, the Levites may redeem the 47 “ ‘If an alien or temporary resident
houses in the cities of their possession at with you becomes rich, and your brother
any time. 33 The Levites may redeem the beside him has grown poor, and sells
house that was sold, and the city of his himself to the stranger or foreigner liv-
possession, and it shall be released in the ing among you, or to a member of the
Jubilee; for the houses of the cities of the stranger’s family, 48 after he is sold he may
Levites are their possession among the be redeemed. One of his brothers may
children of Israel. 34 But the field of the redeem him; 49 or his uncle, or his uncle’s
pasture lands of their cities may not be son, may redeem him, or any who is a
sold, for it is their perpetual possession. close relative to him of his family may re-
35 “ ‘If your brother has become poor, deem him; or if he has grown rich, he may
and his hand can’t support himself among redeem himself. 50 He shall reckon with
you, then you shall uphold him. He shall him who bought him from the year that he
live with you like an alien and a temporary sold himself to him to the Year of Jubilee.
resident. 36 Take no interest from him or The price of his sale shall be according to
profit; but fear your God, that your brother the number of years; he shall be with him
may live among you. 37 You shall not lend according to the time of a hired servant.
him your money at interest, nor give him 51 If there are yet many years, according
your food for profit. 38 I am the LORD your to them he shall give back the price of his
God, who brought you out of the land of redemption out of the money that he was
Egypt, to give you the land of Canaan, and bought for. 52 If there remain but a few
to be your God. years to the year of jubilee, then he shall
39 “ ‘If your brother has grown poor reckon with him; according to his years of
among you, and sells himself to you, you service he shall give back the price of his
shall not make him to serve as a slave. redemption. 53 As a servant hired year by
40 As a hired servant, and as a temporary year shall he be with him. He shall not rule
resident, he shall be with you; he shall with harshness over him in your sight. 54 If
serve with you until the Year of Jubilee. he isn’t redeemed by these means, then he
41 Then he shall go out from you, he and shall be released in the Year of Jubilee: he
his children with him, and shall return to and his children with him. 55 For to me the
his own family, and to the possession of children of Israel are servants; they are my
his fathers. 42 For they are my servants, servants whom I brought out of the land of
whom I brought out of the land of Egypt. Egypt. I am the LORD your God.
They shall not be sold as slaves. 43 You shall
not rule over him with harshness, but shall 26
fear your God. 1 “ ‘You shall make for yourselves no
Leviticus 26:2 121 Leviticus 26:33

idols, and you shall not raise up a carved before your enemies. Those who hate you
image or a pillar, and you shall not place will rule over you; and you will flee when
any figured stone in your land, to bow no one pursues you.
down to it; for I am the LORD your God. 18 “ ‘If you in spite of these things will
2 “ ‘You shall keep my Sabbaths, and have not listen to me, then I will chastise you
reverence for my sanctuary. I am the seven times more for your sins. 19 I will
LORD. break the pride of your power, and I will
3 “ ‘If you walk in my statutes and keep make your sky like iron, and your soil like
my commandments, and do them, 4 then bronze. 20 Your strength will be spent in
I will give you your rains in their season, vain; for your land won’t yield its increase,
and the land shall yield its increase, and neither will the trees of the land yield their
the trees of the field shall yield their fruit. fruit.
5 Your threshing shall continue until the 21 “ ‘If you walk contrary to me, and

vintage, and the vintage shall continue won’t listen to me, then I will bring seven
until the sowing time. You shall eat your times more plagues on you according to
bread to the full, and dwell in your land your sins. 22 I will send the wild animals
safely. among you, which will rob you of your
6 “ ‘I will give peace in the land, and you children, destroy your livestock, and make
shall lie down, and no one will make you you few in number. Your roads will be-
afraid. I will remove evil animals out of the come desolate.
23 “ ‘If by these things you won’t be
land, neither shall the sword go through
your land. 7 You shall chase your enemies, turned back to me, but will walk contrary
and they shall fall before you by the sword. to me, 24 then I will also walk contrary to
8 Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a you; and I will strike you, even I, seven
hundred of you shall chase ten thousand; times for your sins. 25 I will bring a sword
and your enemies shall fall before you by upon you that will execute the vengeance
the sword. of the covenant. You will be gathered to-
9 “ ‘I will have respect for you, make you gether within your cities, and I will send
fruitful, multiply you, and will establish the pestilence among you. You will be
my covenant with you. 10 You shall eat old delivered into the hand of the enemy.
supplies long kept, and you shall move out 26 When I break your staff of bread, ten
the old because of the new. 11 I will set my women shall bake your bread in one oven,
tent among you, and my soul won’t abhor and they shall deliver your bread again by
you. 12 I will walk among you, and will be weight. You shall eat, and not be satisfied.
your God, and you will be my people. 13 I 27 “ ‘If you in spite of this won’t listen
am the LORD your God, who brought you to me, but walk contrary to me, 28 then
out of the land of Egypt, that you should not I will walk contrary to you in wrath. I
be their slaves. I have broken the bars of will also chastise you seven times for your
your yoke, and made you walk upright. sins. 29 You will eat the flesh of your sons,
14 “ ‘But if you will not listen to me, and you will eat the flesh of your daugh-
and will not do all these commandments, ters. 30 I will destroy your high places,
15 and if you shall reject my statutes, and
and cut down your incense altars, and cast
if your soul abhors my ordinances, so that your dead bodies upon the bodies of your
you will not do all my commandments, idols; and my soul will abhor you. 31 I
but break my covenant, 16 I also will do will lay your cities waste, and will bring
this to you: I will appoint terror over you, your sanctuaries to desolation. I will not
even consumption and fever, that shall take delight in the sweet fragrance of your
consume the eyes, and make the soul to offerings. 32 I will bring the land into
pine away. You will sow your seed in vain, desolation, and your enemies who dwell in
for your enemies will eat it. 17 I will set it will be astonished at it. 33 I will scatter
my face against you, and you will be struck you among the nations, and I will draw out
Leviticus 26:34 122 Leviticus 27:14

the sword after you. Your land will be a of Egypt in the sight of the nations, that I
desolation, and your cities shall be a waste. might be their God. I am the LORD.’ ”
34 Then the land will enjoy its Sabbaths as 46 These are the statutes, ordinances,
long as it lies desolate and you are in your and laws, which the LORD made between
enemies’ land. Even then the land will him and the children of Israel in Mount
rest and enjoy its Sabbaths. 35 As long as Sinai by Moses.
it lies desolate it shall have rest, even the
rest which it didn’t have in your Sabbaths 27
when you lived on it. 1 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
36 “ ‘As for those of you who are left, I 2 “Speak to the children of Israel, and say

will send a faintness into their hearts in to them, ‘When a man consecrates a per-
the lands of their enemies. The sound of son to the LORD in a vow, according to
a driven leaf will put them to flight; and your valuation, 3 your valuation of a male
they shall flee, as one flees from the sword. from twenty years old to sixty years old
They will fall when no one pursues. 37 They shall be fifty shekels of silver, according
will stumble over one another, as it were to the shekel† of the sanctuary. 4 If she
before the sword, when no one pursues. is a female, then your valuation shall be
You will have no power to stand before thirty shekels. 5 If the person is from
your enemies. 38 You will perish among five years old to twenty years old, then
the nations. The land of your enemies will your valuation shall be for a male twenty
eat you up. 39 Those of you who are left shekels, and for a female ten shekels. 6 If
will pine away in their iniquity in your the person is from a month old to five years
enemies’ lands; and also in the iniquities old, then your valuation shall be for a male
of their fathers they shall pine away with five shekels of silver, and for a female
them. your valuation shall be three shekels of
40 “ ‘If they confess their iniquity and silver. 7 If the person is from sixty years
the iniquity of their fathers, in their tres- old and upward; if he is a male, then your
pass which they trespassed against me; valuation shall be fifteen shekels, and for
and also that because they walked con- a female ten shekels. 8 But if he is poorer
trary to me, 41 I also walked contrary to than your valuation, then he shall be set
them, and brought them into the land of before the priest, and the priest shall as-
their enemies; if then their uncircumcised sign a value to him. The priest shall assign
heart is humbled, and they then accept the a value according to his ability to pay.
punishment of their iniquity, 42 then I will 9 “ ‘If it is an animal of which men offer
remember my covenant with Jacob, my an offering to the LORD, all that any man
covenant with Isaac, and also my covenant gives of such to the LORD becomes holy.
10 He shall not alter it, nor exchange it, a
with Abraham; and I will remember the
land. 43 The land also will be left by them, good for a bad, or a bad for a good. If
and will enjoy its Sabbaths while it lies des- he shall at all exchange animal for animal,
olate without them; and they will accept then both it and that for which it is ex-
the punishment of their iniquity because changed shall be holy. 11 If it is any unclean
they rejected my ordinances, and their animal, of which they do not offer as an
soul abhorred my statutes. 44 Yet for all offering to the LORD, then he shall set the
that, when they are in the land of their animal before the priest; 12 and the priest
enemies, I will not reject them, neither shall evaluate it, whether it is good or bad.
will I abhor them, to destroy them utterly As the priest evaluates it, so it shall be.
13 But if he will indeed redeem it, then he
and to break my covenant with them; for
I am the LORD their God. 45 But I will for shall add the fifth part of it to its valuation.
their sake remember the covenant of their 14 “ ‘When a man dedicates his house to
ancestors, whom I brought out of the land be holy to the LORD, then the priest shall
† 27:3 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces.
Leviticus 27:15 123 Leviticus 27:34

evaluate it, whether it is good or bad. As redeemed, then it shall be sold according
the priest evaluates it, so it shall stand. to your valuation.
15 If he who dedicates it will redeem his 28 “ ‘Notwithstanding, no devoted thing
house, then he shall add the fifth part of the that a man devotes to the LORD of all that
money of your valuation to it, and it shall he has, whether of man or animal, or of
be his. the field of his possession, shall be sold or
16 “ ‘If a man dedicates to the LORD part redeemed. Everything that is permanently
of the field of his possession, then your devoted is most holy to the LORD.
29 “ ‘No one devoted to destruction, who
valuation shall be according to the seed
for it. The sowing of a homer‡ of barley shall be devoted from among men, shall be
ransomed. He shall surely be put to death.
shall be valued at fifty shekels§ of silver. 30 “ ‘All the tithe of the land, whether of
17 If he dedicates his field from the Year of
Jubilee, according to your valuation it shall the seed of the land or of the fruit of the
trees, is the LORD’s. It is holy to the LORD.
stand. 18 But if he dedicates his field after 31 If a man redeems anything of his tithe,
the Jubilee, then the priest shall reckon
to him the money according to the years he shall add a fifth part to it. 32 All the tithe
that remain to the Year of Jubilee; and of the herds or the flocks, whatever passes
an abatement shall be made from your under the rod, the tenth shall be holy to the
valuation. 19 If he who dedicated the field LORD. 33 He shall not examine whether it is
will indeed redeem it, then he shall add the good or bad, neither shall he exchange it. If
fifth part of the money of your valuation to he exchanges it at all, then both it and that
it, and it shall remain his. 20 If he will not for which it is exchanged shall be holy. It
redeem the field, or if he has sold the field shall not be redeemed.’ ”
34 These are the commandments which
to another man, it shall not be redeemed
the LORD commanded Moses for the chil-
any more; 21 but the field, when it goes out dren of Israel on Mount Sinai.
in the Jubilee, shall be holy to the LORD, as
a devoted field. It shall be owned by the
22 “ ‘If he dedicates a field to the LORD
which he has bought, which is not of the
field of his possession, 23 then the priest
shall reckon to him the worth of your val-
uation up to the Year of Jubilee; and he
shall give your valuation on that day, as
a holy thing to the LORD. 24 In the Year of
Jubilee the field shall return to him from
whom it was bought, even to him to whom
the possession of the land belongs. 25 All
your valuations shall be according to the
shekel of the sanctuary: twenty gerahs† to
the shekel.‡
26 “ ‘However the firstborn among an-
imals, which belongs to the LORD as a
firstborn, no man may dedicate, whether
an ox or a sheep. It is the LORD’s. 27 If
it is an unclean animal, then he shall buy
it back according to your valuation, and
shall add to it the fifth part of it; or if it isn’t
‡ 27:16 1 homer is about 220 liters or 6 bushels § 27:16 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces. † 27:25
A gerah is about 0.5 grams or about 7.7 grains. ‡ 27:25 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces.
Numbers 1:1 124 Numbers 1:31

one. 19 As the LORD commanded Moses, so

he counted them in the wilderness of Sinai.
The Fourth Book of Moses, 20 The children of Reuben, Israel’s first-

Commonly Called born, their generations, by their families,

by their fathers’ houses, according to the
Numbers number of the names, one by one, every
1 The LORD† spoke to Moses in the male from twenty years old and upward,
wilderness of Sinai, in the Tent of Meeting, all who were able to go out to war: 21 those
on the first day of the second month, in who were counted of them, of the tribe
of Reuben, were forty-six thousand five
the second year after they had come out of
the land of Egypt, saying, 2 “Take a census 22 Of the children of Simeon, their gener-
of all the congregation of the children of ations, by their families, by their fathers’
Israel, by their families, by their fathers’ houses, those who were counted of it, ac-
houses, according to the number of the cording to the number of the names, one
names, every male, one by one, 3 from by one, every male from twenty years old
twenty years old and upward, all who are and upward, all who were able to go out to
able to go out to war in Israel. You and war: 23 those who were counted of them, of
Aaron shall count them by their divisions. the tribe of Simeon, were fifty-nine thou-
4 With you there shall be a man of every
sand three hundred.
tribe, each one head of his fathers’ house. 24 Of the children of Gad, their genera-
5 These are the names of the men who shall tions, by their families, by their fathers’
stand with you: houses, according to the number of the
Of Reuben: Elizur the son of Shedeur. names, from twenty years old and up-
6 Of Simeon: Shelumiel the son of Zur-
ward, all who were able to go out to war:
ishaddai. 25 those who were counted of them, of the
7 Of Judah: Nahshon the son of Ammi-
tribe of Gad, were forty-five thousand six
8 Of Issachar: Nethanel the son of Zuar. hundred fifty.
9 Of Zebulun: Eliab the son of Helon. 26 Of the children of Judah, their gen-
10 Of the children of Joseph: of Ephraim: erations, by their families, by their fa-
Elishama the son of Ammihud; of Man- thers’ houses, according to the number
asseh: Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur. of the names, from twenty years old and
11 Of Benjamin: Abidan the son of upward, all who were able to go out to
Gideoni. war: 27 those who were counted of them,
12 Of Dan: Ahiezer the son of Ammishad- of the tribe of Judah, were seventy-four
dai. thousand six hundred.
13 Of Asher: Pagiel the son of Ochran. 28 Of the children of Issachar, their gen-
14 Of Gad: Eliasaph the son of Deuel. erations, by their families, by their fathers’
15 Of Naphtali: Ahira the son of Enan.” houses, according to the number of the
16 These are those who were called of the names, from twenty years old and up-
congregation, the princes‡ of the tribes of ward, all who were able to go out to war:
their fathers; they were the heads of the 29 those who were counted of them, of the
thousands of Israel. 17 Moses and Aaron tribe of Issachar, were fifty-four thousand
took these men who are mentioned by four hundred.
name. 18 They assembled all the congrega- 30 Of the children of Zebulun, their gen-
tion together on the first day of the second erations, by their families, by their fa-
month; and they declared their ancestry thers’ houses, according to the number
by their families, by their fathers’ houses, of the names, from twenty years old and
according to the number of the names, upward, all who were able to go out to
from twenty years old and upward, one by war: 31 those who were counted of them,
† 1:1 When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, “LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name. ‡ 1:16
or, chiefs, or, leaders
Numbers 1:32 125 Numbers 2:4

of the tribe of Zebulun, were fifty-seven 44These are those who were counted,
thousand four hundred. whom Moses and Aaron counted, and the
32 Of the children of Joseph: of the chil- twelve men who were princes of Israel,
dren of Ephraim, their generations, by each one for his fathers’ house. 45 So all
their families, by their fathers’ houses, those who were counted of the children of
Israel by their fathers’ houses, from twenty
according to the number of the names,
years old and upward, all who were able
from twenty years old and upward, all
to go out to war in Israel— 46 all those
who were able to go out to war: 33 those
who were counted were six hundred three
who were counted of them, of the tribe thousand five hundred fifty. 47 But the
of Ephraim, were forty thousand five hun- Levites after the tribe of their fathers were
dred. not counted among them. 48 For the LORD
34 Of the children of Manasseh, their
spoke to Moses, saying, 49 “Only the tribe of
generations, by their families, by their fa- Levi you shall not count, neither shall you
thers’ houses, according to the number take a census of them among the children
of the names, from twenty years old and of Israel; 50 but appoint the Levites over the
upward, all who were able to go out to Tabernacle of the Testimony, and over all
war: 35 those who were counted of them, its furnishings, and over all that belongs
of the tribe of Manasseh, were thirty-two to it. They shall carry the tabernacle and
thousand two hundred. all its furnishings; and they shall take care
36 Of the children of Benjamin, their
of it, and shall encamp around it. 51 When
generations, by their families, by their fa- the tabernacle is to move, the Levites shall
thers’ houses, according to the number take it down; and when the tabernacle is
of the names, from twenty years old and to be set up, the Levites shall set it up.
upward, all who were able to go out to The stranger who comes near shall be put
war: 37 those who were counted of them, to death. 52 The children of Israel shall
of the tribe of Benjamin, were thirty-five pitch their tents, every man by his own
thousand four hundred. camp, and every man by his own standard,
38 Of the children of Dan, their gener- according to their divisions. 53 But the
ations, by their families, by their fathers’ Levites shall encamp around the Taberna-
houses, according to the number of the cle of the Testimony, that there may be no
names, from twenty years old and up- wrath on the congregation of the children
ward, all who were able to go out to war: of Israel. The Levites shall be responsible
39 those who were counted of them, of for the Tabernacle of the Testimony.”
the tribe of Dan, were sixty-two thousand 54 Thus the children of Israel did. Ac-
seven hundred. cording to all that the LORD commanded
40 Of the children of Asher, their gener-
Moses, so they did.
ations, by their families, by their fathers’
houses, according to the number of the
names, from twenty years old and up- 2
ward, all who were able to go out to war: 1 The LORD spoke to Moses and to Aaron,
41 those who were counted of them, of the saying, 2 “The children of Israel shall en-
tribe of Asher, were forty-one thousand camp every man by his own standard, with
five hundred. the banners of their fathers’ houses. They
42 Of the children of Naphtali, their gen-
shall encamp around the Tent of Meeting
erations, by their families, by their fa- at a distance from it.
thers’ houses, according to the number 3 “Those who encamp on the east side
of the names, from twenty years old and toward the sunrise shall be of the standard
upward, all who were able to go out to of the camp of Judah, according to their di-
war: 43 those who were counted of them, visions. The prince of the children of Judah
of the tribe of Naphtali, were fifty-three shall be Nahshon the son of Amminadab.
thousand four hundred. 4 His division, and those who were counted
Numbers 2:5 126 Numbers 3:1

of them, were seventy-four thousand six Manasseh shall be Gamaliel the son of
hundred. Pedahzur. 21 His division, and those who
5 “Those who encamp next to him shall were counted of them, were thirty-two
be the tribe of Issachar. The prince of thousand two hundred.
22 “The tribe of Benjamin: the prince of
the children of Issachar shall be Nethanel
the son of Zuar. 6 His division, and those the children of Benjamin shall be Abidan
who were counted of it, were fifty-four the son of Gideoni. 23 His army, and those
thousand four hundred. who were counted of them, were thirty-
7 “The tribe of Zebulun: the prince of
five thousand four hundred.
the children of Zebulun shall be Eliab the 24 “All who were counted of the camp
son of Helon. 8 His division, and those of Ephraim were one hundred eight thou-
who were counted of it, were fifty-seven sand one hundred, according to their divi-
thousand four hundred. sions. They shall set out third.
9 “All who were counted of the camp of
25 “On the north side shall be the stan-
Judah were one hundred eighty-six thou- dard of the camp of Dan according to their
sand four hundred, according to their di- divisions. The prince of the children of
visions. They shall set out first. Dan shall be Ahiezer the son of Ammishad-
10 “On the south side shall be the stan-
dai. 26 His division, and those who were
dard of the camp of Reuben according to counted of them, were sixty-two thousand
their divisions. The prince of the chil- seven hundred.
dren of Reuben shall be Elizur the son of 27 “Those who encamp next to him shall
Shedeur. 11 His division, and those who be the tribe of Asher. The prince of the
were counted of it, were forty-six thou- children of Asher shall be Pagiel the son
sand five hundred. of Ochran. 28 His division, and those
12 “Those who encamp next to him shall
who were counted of them, were forty-one
be the tribe of Simeon. The prince of the
thousand five hundred.
children of Simeon shall be Shelumiel the 29 “The tribe of Naphtali: the prince of
son of Zurishaddai. 13 His division, and
those who were counted of them, were the children of Naphtali shall be Ahira the
fifty-nine thousand three hundred. son of Enan. 30 His division, and those
14 “The tribe of Gad: the prince of the who were counted of them, were fifty-
children of Gad shall be Eliasaph the son of three thousand four hundred.
31 “All who were counted of the camp of
Reuel. 15 His division, and those who were
counted of them, were forty-five thousand Dan were one hundred fifty-seven thou-
six hundred fifty. sand six hundred. They shall set out last by
16 “All who were counted of the camp of their standards.”
32 These are those who were counted
Reuben were one hundred fifty-one thou- of the children of Israel by their fathers’
sand four hundred fifty, according to their houses. All who were counted of the
armies. They shall set out second. camps according to their armies were
17 “Then the Tent of Meeting shall set out, six hundred three thousand five hundred
with the camp of the Levites in the middle fifty. 33 But the Levites were not counted
of the camps. As they encamp, so shall they among the children of Israel, as the LORD
set out, every man in his place, by their commanded Moses.
34 Thus the children of Israel did. Ac-
18 “On the west side shall be the standard cording to all that the LORD commanded
of the camp of Ephraim according to their Moses, so they encamped by their stan-
divisions. The prince of the children of dards, and so they set out, everyone by
Ephraim shall be Elishama the son of Am- their families, according to their fathers’
mihud. 19 His division, and those who were houses.
counted of them, were forty thousand five
hundred. 3
20 “Next to him shall be the tribe of 1 Now this is the history of the gen-
Manasseh. The prince of the children of erations of Aaron and Moses in the day
Numbers 3:2 127 Numbers 3:33

that the LORD spoke with Moses in Mount 18 These are the names of the sons of Ger-
Sinai. 2 These are the names of the sons shon by their families: Libni and Shimei.
of Aaron: Nadab the firstborn, and Abihu, 19 The sons of Kohath by their families:
Eleazar, and Ithamar. Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel.
3 These are the names of the sons of 20 The sons of Merari by their families:
Aaron, the priests who were anointed, Mahli and Mushi.
whom he consecrated to minister in the These are the families of the Levites ac-
priest’s office. 4 Nadab and Abihu died be- cording to their fathers’ houses.
fore the LORD when they offered strange 21 Of Gershon was the family of the
fire before the LORD in the wilderness of Libnites, and the family of the Shimeites.
Sinai, and they had no children. Eleazar These are the families of the Gershonites.
and Ithamar ministered in the priest’s of- 22 Those who were counted of them, ac-
fice in the presence of Aaron their father. cording to the number of all the males
5 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
from a month old and upward, even those
6 “Bring the tribe of Levi near, and set
who were counted of them were seven
them before Aaron the priest, that they thousand five hundred.
23 The families of the Gershonites shall
may minister to him. 7 They shall keep
his requirements, and the requirements of encamp behind the tabernacle westward.
24 Eliasaph the son of Lael shall be the
the whole congregation before the Tent of
Meeting, to do the service of the taberna- prince of the fathers’ house of the Gershon-
cle. 8 They shall keep all the furnishings of ites. 25 The duty of the sons of Gershon in
the Tent of Meeting, and the obligations of the Tent of Meeting shall be the tabernacle,
the children of Israel, to do the service of the tent, its covering, the screen for the
the tabernacle. 9 You shall give the Levites door of the Tent of Meeting, 26 the hangings
to Aaron and to his sons. They are wholly of the court, the screen for the door of
given to him on the behalf of the children the court which is by the tabernacle and
of Israel. 10 You shall appoint Aaron and around the altar, and its cords for all of its
his sons, and they shall keep their priest- service.
27 Of Kohath was the family of the Am-
hood, but the stranger who comes near
ramites, the family of the Izharites, the
shall be put to death.”
11 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, family of the Hebronites, and the family
12 “Behold,† I have taken the Levites from
of the Uzzielites. These are the families of
the Kohathites. 28 According to the number
among the children of Israel instead of all of all the males from a month old and
the firstborn who open the womb among upward, there were eight thousand six
the children of Israel; and the Levites shall hundred keeping the requirements of the
be mine, 13 for all the firstborn are mine. sanctuary.
On the day that I struck down all the first- 29 The families of the sons of Kohath shall
born in the land of Egypt I made holy to encamp on the south side of the taberna-
me all the firstborn in Israel, both man cle. 30 The prince of the fathers’ house
and animal. They shall be mine. I am the of the families of the Kohathites shall be
LORD.” Elizaphan the son of Uzziel. 31 Their duty
14 The LORD spoke to Moses in the shall be the ark, the table, the lamp stand,
wilderness of Sinai, saying, 15 “Count the the altars, the vessels of the sanctuary with
children of Levi by their fathers’ houses, by which they minister, the screen, and all its
their families. You shall count every male service. 32 Eleazar the son of Aaron the
from a month old and upward.” priest shall be prince of the princes of the
16 Moses counted them according to the Levites, with the oversight of those who
LORD’s word, as he was commanded. keep the requirements of the sanctuary.
17 These were the sons of Levi by their 33 Of Merari was the family of the
names: Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. Mahlites and the family of the Mushites.
† 3:12 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.
Numbers 3:34 128 Numbers 4:9

These are the families of Merari. 34 Those the two hundred seventy-three of the first-
who were counted of them, according to born of the children of Israel who exceed
the number of all the males from a month the number of the Levites, 47 you shall
old and upward, were six thousand two take five shekels apiece for each one; ac-
hundred.‡ cording to the shekel§ of the sanctuary
35 The prince of the fathers’ house of the
you shall take them (the shekel is twenty
families of Merari was Zuriel the son of gerahs†); 48 and you shall give the money,
Abihail. They shall encamp on the north
with which their remainder is redeemed,
side of the tabernacle. 36 The appointed to Aaron and to his sons.”
duty of the sons of Merari shall be the 49 Moses took the redemption money
tabernacle’s boards, its bars, its pillars, its from those who exceeded the number of
sockets, all its instruments, all its service, those who were redeemed by the Levites;
37 the pillars of the court around it, their 50 from the firstborn of the children of
sockets, their pins, and their cords. Israel he took the money, one thousand
38 Those who encamp before the taber- three hundred sixty-five shekels,‡ accord-
nacle eastward, in front of the Tent of ing to the shekel of the sanctuary; 51 and
Meeting toward the sunrise, shall be Moses gave the redemption money to
Moses, with Aaron and his sons, keeping Aaron and to his sons, according to the
the requirements of the sanctuary for LORD’s word, as the LORD commanded
the duty of the children of Israel. The Moses.
outsider who comes near shall be put to
death. 39 All who were counted of the 4
1 The LORD spoke to Moses and to Aaron,
Levites, whom Moses and Aaron counted
at the commandment of the LORD, by their saying, 2 “Take a census of the sons of Ko-
families, all the males from a month old hath from among the sons of Levi, by their
and upward, were twenty-two thousand. families, by their fathers’ houses, 3 from
40 The LORD said to Moses, “Count all thirty years old and upward even until
the firstborn males of the children of Israel fifty years old, all who enter into the ser-
from a month old and upward, and take vice to do the work in the Tent of Meeting.
the number of their names. 41 You shall 4 “This is the service of the sons of Kohath
take the Levites for me—I am the LORD— in the Tent of Meeting, regarding the most
instead of all the firstborn among the chil- holy things. 5 When the camp moves for-
dren of Israel; and the livestock of the ward, Aaron shall go in with his sons; and
Levites instead of all the firstborn among they shall take down the veil of the screen,
the livestock of the children of Israel.” cover the ark of the Testimony with it, 6 put
42 Moses counted, as the LORD com-
manded him, all the firstborn among the a covering of sealskin on it, spread a blue
cloth over it, and put in its poles.
children of Israel. 43 All the firstborn males 7 “On the table of show bread they shall
according to the number of names from
a month old and upward, of those who spread a blue cloth, and put on it the
were counted of them, were twenty-two dishes, the spoons, the bowls, and the cups
thousand two hundred seventy-three. with which to pour out; and the continual
44 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, bread shall be on it. 8 They shall spread
45 “Take the Levites instead of all the first- on them a scarlet cloth, and cover it with
born among the children of Israel, and a covering of sealskin, and shall put in its
the livestock of the Levites instead of their poles.
livestock; and the Levites shall be mine. 9 “They shall take a blue cloth and cover
I am the LORD. 46 For the redemption of the lamp stand of the light, its lamps, its
‡ 3:34 + 22,000 is the sum rounded to 2 significant digits. The sum of the Gershonites, Kohathites, and Merarites
given above is 22,300, but the traditional Hebrew text has the number rounded to 2 significant digits, not 3 significant
digits. § 3:47 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces. † 3:47 A gerah is about 0.5 grams or about 7.7
grains. ‡ 3:50 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces, so 1365 shekels is about 13.65 kilograms or about
30 pounds.
Numbers 4:10 129 Numbers 4:37

snuffers, its snuff dishes, and all its oil all who enter in to wait on the service, to
vessels, with which they minister to it. do the work in the Tent of Meeting.
10 They shall put it and all its vessels within 24 “This is the service of the families of
a covering of sealskin, and shall put it on the Gershonites, in serving and in bearing
the frame. burdens: 25 they shall carry the curtains
11 “On the golden altar they shall spread of the tabernacle and the Tent of Meet-
a blue cloth, and cover it with a covering of ing, its covering, the covering of sealskin
sealskin, and shall put in its poles. that is on it, the screen for the door of
12 “They shall take all the vessels of min- the Tent of Meeting, 26 the hangings of the
istry with which they minister in the sanc- court, the screen for the door of the gate of
tuary, and put them in a blue cloth, cover the court which is by the tabernacle and
them with a covering of sealskin, and shall around the altar, their cords, and all the
instruments of their service, and whatever
put them on the frame. shall be done with them. They shall serve
13 “They shall take away the ashes from
in there. 27 At the commandment of Aaron
the altar, and spread a purple cloth on and his sons shall be all the service of
it. 14 They shall put on it all its vessels the sons of the Gershonites, in all their
with which they minister about it, the fire burden and in all their service; and you
pans, the meat hooks, the shovels, and the shall appoint their duty to them in all their
basins—all the vessels of the altar; and they responsibilities. 28 This is the service of
shall spread on it a covering of sealskin, the families of the sons of the Gershonites
and put in its poles. in the Tent of Meeting. Their duty shall
15 “When Aaron and his sons have fin- be under the hand of Ithamar the son of
Aaron the priest.
ished covering the sanctuary and all the 29 “As for the sons of Merari, you shall
furniture of the sanctuary, as the camp
moves forward; after that, the sons of Ko- count them by their families, by their fa-
hath shall come to carry it; but they shall thers’ houses; 30 you shall count them from
not touch the sanctuary, lest they die. The thirty years old and upward even to fifty
sons of Kohath shall carry these things years old—everyone who enters on the ser-
belonging to the Tent of Meeting. vice, to do the work of the Tent of Meet-
16 “The duty of Eleazar the son of Aaron ing. 31 This is the duty of their burden,
according to all their service in the Tent of
the priest shall be the oil for the light, the Meeting: the tabernacle’s boards, its bars,
sweet incense, the continual meal offering, its pillars, its sockets, 32 the pillars of the
and the anointing oil, the requirements of court around it, their sockets, their pins,
all the tabernacle, and of all that is in it, the their cords, with all their instruments, and
sanctuary, and its furnishings.” with all their service. You shall appoint the
17 The LORD spoke to Moses and to
instruments of the duty of their burden to
Aaron, saying, 18 “Don’t cut off the tribe of them by name. 33 This is the service of the
the families of the Kohathites from among families of the sons of Merari, according to
the Levites; 19 but do this to them, that they all their service in the Tent of Meeting, un-
may live, and not die, when they approach der the hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron
the most holy things: Aaron and his sons the priest.”
shall go in and appoint everyone to his 34 Moses and Aaron and the princes of
service and to his burden; 20 but they shall the congregation counted the sons of the
not go in to see the sanctuary even for a Kohathites by their families, and by their
moment, lest they die.” fathers’ houses, 35 from thirty years old
21 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, and upward even to fifty years old, every-
22 “Take a census of the sons of Gershon one who entered into the service for work
also, by their fathers’ houses, by their fam- in the Tent of Meeting. 36 Those who were
ilies; 23 you shall count them from thirty counted of them by their families were two
years old and upward until fifty years old: thousand seven hundred fifty. 37 These are
Numbers 4:38 130 Numbers 5:15

those who were counted of the families they put out of the camp every leper, ev-
of the Kohathites, all who served in the eryone who has a discharge, and whoever
Tent of Meeting, whom Moses and Aaron is unclean by a corpse. 3 You shall put both
counted according to the commandment male and female outside of the camp so
of the LORD by Moses. that they don’t defile their camp, in the
38 Those who were counted of the sons of
midst of which I dwell.”
Gershon, by their families, and by their fa-4 The children of Israel did so, and put
thers’ houses, 39 from thirty years old and
them outside of the camp; as the LORD
upward even to fifty years old—everyone spoke to Moses, so the children of Israel
who entered into the service for work in did.
the Tent of Meeting, 40 even those who 5 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
were counted of them, by their families, by
6 “Speak to the children of Israel: ‘When
their fathers’ houses, were two thousand
six hundred thirty. 41 These are those a man or woman commits any sin that
who were counted of the families of the men commit, so as to trespass against the
sons of Gershon, all who served in the LORD, and that soul is guilty, 7 then he
Tent of Meeting, whom Moses and Aaron shall confess his sin which he has done;
counted according to the commandment and he shall make restitution for his guilt
of the LORD. in full, add to it the fifth part of it, and
42 Those who were counted of the fam- give it to him in respect of whom he has
ilies of the sons of Merari, by their fam-
been guilty. 8 But if the man has no kins-
ilies, by their fathers’ houses, 43 from man to whom restitution may be made for
thirty years old and upward even to fiftythe guilt, the restitution for guilt which
years old—everyone who entered into the is made to the LORD shall be the priest’s,
service for work in the Tent of Meeting, in addition to the ram of the atonement,
44 even those who were counted of them by which atonement shall be made for
by their families, were three thousand two
him. 9 Every heave offering of all the holy
hundred. 45 These are those who were things of the children of Israel, which they
counted of the families of the sons of Mer-
present to the priest, shall be his. 10 Every
ari, whom Moses and Aaron counted ac-
cording to the commandment of the LORD man’s holy things shall be his; whatever
by Moses. any man gives the priest, it shall be his.’ ”
46 All those who were counted of the 11 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
Levites whom Moses and Aaron and the 12 “Speak to the children of Israel, and
princes of Israel counted, by their fami-tell them: ‘If any man’s wife goes astray
lies and by their fathers’ houses, 47 from
and is unfaithful to him, 13 and a man lies
thirty years old and upward even to fiftywith her carnally, and it is hidden from
years old, everyone who entered in to the eyes of her husband and this is kept
do the work of service and the work of concealed, and she is defiled, there is no
bearing burdens in the Tent of Meeting, witness against her, and she isn’t taken in
48 even those who were counted of them,
the act; 14 and the spirit of jealousy comes
were eight thousand five hundred eighty. on him, and he is jealous of his wife and
49 According to the commandment of the
she is defiled; or if the spirit of jealousy
LORD they were counted by Moses, every- comes on him, and he is jealous of his
one according to his service and according
wife and she isn’t defiled; 15 then the man
to his burden. Thus they were counted by shall bring his wife to the priest, and shall
him, as the LORD commanded Moses. bring her offering for her: one tenth of an
ephah† of barley meal. He shall pour no oil
5 on it, nor put frankincense on it, for it is a
1 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, meal offering of jealousy, a meal offering
2 “Command the children of Israel that of memorial, bringing iniquity to memory.
† 5:15 1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel
Numbers 5:16 131 Numbers 6:10

16 The priest shall bring her near, and set swell, and her thigh will fall away; and the
her before the LORD. 17 The priest shall woman will be a curse among her people.
take holy water in an earthen vessel; and 28 If the woman isn’t defiled, but is clean;
the priest shall take some of the dust that then she shall be free, and shall conceive
is on the floor of the tabernacle and put it offspring.‡
into the water. 18 The priest shall set the 29 “ ‘This is the law of jealousy, when
woman before the LORD, and let the hair a wife, being under her husband, goes
of the woman’s head go loose, and put the astray, and is defiled, 30 or when the spirit
meal offering of memorial in her hands, of jealousy comes on a man, and he is
which is the meal offering of jealousy. The jealous of his wife; then he shall set the
priest shall have in his hand the water woman before the LORD, and the priest
of bitterness that brings a curse. 19 The shall execute on her all this law. 31 The
priest shall cause her to take an oath and man shall be free from iniquity, and that
shall tell the woman, “If no man has lain woman shall bear her iniquity.’ ”
with you, and if you haven’t gone aside to
uncleanness, being under your husband’s 6
authority, be free from this water of bitter- 1 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
2 “Speak to the children of Israel, and
ness that brings a curse. 20 But if you have
gone astray, being under your husband’s tell them: ‘When either man or woman
authority, and if you are defiled, and some shall make a special vow, the vow of a
man has lain with you besides your hus- Nazirite, to separate himself to the LORD,
3 he shall separate himself from wine and
band—” 21 then the priest shall cause the
woman to swear with the oath of cursing, strong drink. He shall drink no vinegar
and the priest shall tell the woman, “May of wine, or vinegar of fermented drink,
The LORD make you a curse and an oath neither shall he drink any juice of grapes,
among your people, when the LORD allows nor eat fresh grapes or dried. 4 All the days
your thigh to fall away, and your body to of his separation he shall eat nothing that
swell; 22 and this water that brings a curse is made of the grapevine, from the seeds
will go into your bowels, and make your even to the skins.
5 “ ‘All the days of his vow of separation
body swell, and your thigh fall away.” The
no razor shall come on his head, until the
woman shall say, “Amen, Amen.” days are fulfilled in which he separates
23 “ ‘The priest shall write these curses
himself to the LORD. He shall be holy. He
in a book, and he shall wipe them into the shall let the locks of the hair of his head
water of bitterness. 24 He shall make the grow long.
woman drink the water of bitterness that 6 “ ‘All the days that he separates himself
causes the curse; and the water that causes to the LORD he shall not go near a dead
the curse shall enter into her and become body. 7 He shall not make himself unclean
bitter. 25 The priest shall take the meal of-
fering of jealousy out of the woman’s hand, for his father, or for his mother, for his
and shall wave the meal offering before brother, or for his sister, when they die,
because his separation to God† is on his
the LORD, and bring it to the altar. 26 The
head. 8 All the days of his separation he is
priest shall take a handful of the meal of-
holy to the LORD.
fering, as its memorial portion, and burn 9 “ ‘If any man dies very suddenly beside
it on the altar, and afterward shall make
the woman drink the water. 27 When he him, and he defiles the head of his sep-
has made her drink the water, then it shall aration, then he shall shave his head in
happen, if she is defiled and has committed the day of his cleansing. On the seventh
a trespass against her husband, that the day he shall shave it. 10 On the eighth
water that causes the curse will enter into day he shall bring two turtledoves or two
her and become bitter, and her body will young pigeons to the priest, to the door
‡ 5:28 or, seed † 6:7 The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim).
Numbers 6:11 132 Numbers 7:11

of the Tent of Meeting. 11 The priest shall 23 “Speak to Aaron and to his sons, saying,
offer one for a sin offering, and the other ‘This is how you shall bless the children of
for a burnt offering, and make atonement Israel.’ You shall tell them,
for him, because he sinned by reason of 24 ‘The LORD bless you, and keep you.
the dead, and shall make his head holy 25 The LORD make his face to shine on
that same day. 12 He shall separate to the you,
LORD the days of his separation, and shall and be gracious to you.
bring a male lamb a year old for a trespass 26 The LORD lift up his face toward you,
offering; but the former days shall be void, and give you peace.’
because his separation was defiled. 27 “So they shall put my name on the
13 “ ‘This is the law of the Nazirite: when
children of Israel; and I will bless them.”
the days of his separation are fulfilled, he
shall be brought to the door of the Tent of
Meeting, 14 and he shall offer his offering 7
1 On the day that Moses had finished set-
to the LORD: one male lamb a year old
without defect for a burnt offering, one ting up the tabernacle, and had anointed
ewe lamb a year old without defect for a it and sanctified it with all its furniture,
sin offering, one ram without defect for and the altar with all its vessels, and had
peace offerings, 15 a basket of unleavened anointed and sanctified them; 2 the princes
bread, cakes of fine flour mixed with oil, of Israel, the heads of their fathers’ houses,
and unleavened wafers anointed with oil gave offerings. These were the princes
with their meal offering and their drink of the tribes. These are they who were
offerings. 16 The priest shall present them over those who were counted; 3 and they
before the LORD, and shall offer his sin brought their offering before the LORD,
offering and his burnt offering. 17 He shall six covered wagons and twelve oxen; a
offer the ram for a sacrifice of peace of- wagon for every two of the princes, and
ferings to the LORD, with the basket of for each one an ox. They presented them
unleavened bread. The priest shall offer before the tabernacle. 4 The LORD spoke to
also its meal offering and its drink offer- Moses, saying, 5 “Accept these from them,
ing. 18 The Nazirite shall shave the head that they may be used in doing the service
of his separation at the door of the Tent of of the Tent of Meeting; and you shall give
Meeting, take the hair of the head of his them to the Levites, to every man accord-
separation, and put it on the fire which ing to his service.”
is under the sacrifice of peace offerings. 6 Moses took the wagons and the oxen,
19 The priest shall take the boiled shoulder and gave them to the Levites. 7 He gave
of the ram, one unleavened cake out of two wagons and four oxen to the sons of
the basket, and one unleavened wafer, and Gershon, according to their service. 8 He
shall put them on the hands of the Nazirite gave four wagons and eight oxen to the
after he has shaved the head of his separa- sons of Merari, according to their service,
tion; 20 and the priest shall wave them for under the direction of Ithamar the son
a wave offering before the LORD. They are of Aaron the priest. 9 But to the sons of
holy for the priest, together with the breast Kohath he gave none, because the service
that is waved and the thigh that is offered. of the sanctuary belonged to them; they
After that the Nazirite may drink wine. carried it on their shoulders.
21 “ ‘This is the law of the Nazirite who 10 The princes gave offerings for the ded-
vows and of his offering to the LORD for his ication of the altar in the day that it was
separation, in addition to that which he is anointed. The princes gave their offerings
able to afford. According to his vow which before the altar.
he vows, so he must do after the law of his 11 The LORD said to Moses, “They shall
separation.’ ” offer their offering, each prince on his day,
22 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, for the dedication of the altar.”
Numbers 7:12 133 Numbers 7:40

12 He who offered his offering the first of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for
day was Nahshon the son of Amminadab, a meal offering;
26 one golden ladle of ten shekels, full of
of the tribe of Judah, 13 and his offering
was: incense;
one silver platter, the weight of which 27 one young bull,
was one hundred thirty shekels,† one ram,
one silver bowl of seventy shekels, ac- one male lamb a year old, for a burnt
cording to the shekel of the sanctuary, both offering;
28 one male goat for a sin offering;
of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for
a meal offering; 29 and for the sacrifice of peace offerings,
14 one golden ladle of ten shekels, full of two head of cattle, five rams, five male
incense; goats, and five male lambs a year old. This
15 one young bull, was the offering of Eliab the son of Helon.
one ram, 30 On the fourth day Elizur the son of
one male lamb a year old, for a burnt Shedeur, prince of the children of Reuben,
offering; 31 gave his offering:
16 one male goat for a sin offering; one silver platter, the weight of which
17 and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, was one hundred thirty shekels,
two head of cattle, five rams, five male one silver bowl of seventy shekels, ac-
goats, and five male lambs a year old. This cording to the shekel of the sanctuary, both
was the offering of Nahshon the son of of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for
Amminadab. a meal offering;
18 On the second day Nethanel the son of 32 one golden ladle of ten shekels, full of
Zuar, prince of Issachar, gave his offering. incense;
19 He offered for his offering: 33 one young bull,

one silver platter, the weight of which one ram,

was one hundred thirty shekels, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt
one silver bowl of seventy shekels, ac- offering;
34 one male goat for a sin offering;
cording to the shekel of the sanctuary, both 35 and for the sacrifice of peace offer-
of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for
a meal offering; ings, two head of cattle, five rams, five
20 one golden ladle of ten shekels, full of male goats, and five male lambs a year old.
incense; This was the offering of Elizur the son of
21 one young bull, Shedeur.
36 On the fifth day Shelumiel the son
one ram,
one male lamb a year old, for a burnt of Zurishaddai, prince of the children of
offering; Simeon, 37 gave his offering:
22 one male goat for a sin offering; one silver platter, the weight of which
23 and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, was one hundred thirty shekels,
one silver bowl of seventy shekels, ac-
two head of cattle, five rams, five male
goats, five male lambs a year old. This was cording to the shekel of the sanctuary, both
the offering of Nethanel the son of Zuar. of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for
a meal offering;
24 On the third day Eliab the son of Helon,
38 one golden ladle of ten shekels, full of
prince of the children of Zebulun, 25 gave incense;
his offering: 39 one young bull,
one silver platter, the weight of which one ram,
was a hundred and thirty shekels, one male lamb a year old, for a burnt
one silver bowl of seventy shekels, ac- offering;
cording to the shekel of the sanctuary, both 40 one male goat for a sin offering;

† 7:13 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces.

Numbers 7:41 134 Numbers 7:69

41 and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, ac-
two head of cattle, five rams, five male cording to the shekel of the sanctuary, both
goats, and five male lambs a year old: this of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for
was the offering of Shelumiel the son of a meal offering;
Zurishaddai. 56 one golden ladle of ten shekels, full of
42 On the sixth day, Eliasaph the son of incense;
Deuel, prince of the children of Gad, 43 gave 57 one young bull,
his offering: one ram,
one silver platter, the weight of which one male lamb a year old, for a burnt
was one hundred thirty shekels, offering;
58 one male goat for a sin offering;
one silver bowl of seventy shekels, ac-
59 and for the sacrifice of peace offerings,
cording to the shekel of the sanctuary, both
of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for two head of cattle, five rams, five male
a meal offering; goats, and five male lambs a year old. This
44 one golden ladle of ten shekels, full of was the offering of Gamaliel the son of
incense; Pedahzur.
45 one young bull, 60 On the ninth day Abidan the son of
one ram, Gideoni, prince of the children of Ben-
one male lamb a year old, for a burnt jamin, 61 gave his offering:
offering; one silver platter, the weight of which
46 one male goat for a sin offering; was one hundred thirty shekels,
47 and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, ac-
two head of cattle, five rams, five male cording to the shekel of the sanctuary, both
goats, and five male lambs a year old. This of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for
was the offering of Eliasaph the son of a meal offering;
Deuel. 62 one golden ladle of ten shekels, full of
48 On the seventh day Elishama the son
of Ammihud, prince of the children of 63 one young bull,
Ephraim, 49 gave his offering: one ram,
one silver platter, the weight of which one male lamb a year old, for a burnt
was one hundred thirty shekels, offering;
one silver bowl of seventy shekels, ac- 64 one male goat for a sin offering;
cording to the shekel of the sanctuary, both 65 and for the sacrifice of peace offer-
of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for ings, two head of cattle, five rams, five
a meal offering; male goats, and five male lambs a year old.
50 one golden ladle of ten shekels, full of This was the offering of Abidan the son of
incense; Gideoni.
51 one young bull, 66 On the tenth day Ahiezer the son of
one ram, Ammishaddai, prince of the children of
one male lamb a year old, for a burnt Dan, 67 gave his offering:
offering; one silver platter, the weight of which
52 one male goat for a sin offering;
was one hundred thirty shekels,
53 and for the sacrifice of peace offerings,
one silver bowl of seventy shekels, ac-
two head of cattle, five rams, five male cording to the shekel of the sanctuary, both
goats, and five male lambs a year old. This of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for
was the offering of Elishama the son of a meal offering;
Ammihud. 68 one golden ladle of ten shekels, full of
54 On the eighth day Gamaliel the son of
Pedahzur, prince of the children of Man- 69 one young bull,
asseh, 55 gave his offering: one ram,
one silver platter, the weight of which one male lamb a year old, for a burnt
was one hundred thirty shekels, offering;
Numbers 7:70 135 Numbers 8:9

70 one male goat for a sin offering; ladles; 85 each silver platter weighing one
71 and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, hundred thirty shekels, and each bowl sev-
two head of cattle, five rams, five male enty; all the silver of the vessels two thou-
goats, and five male lambs a year old. This sand four hundred shekels, according to
was the offering of Ahiezer the son of Am- the shekel of the sanctuary; 86 the twelve
mishaddai. golden ladles, full of incense, weighing
72 On the eleventh day Pagiel the son of
ten shekels apiece, according to the shekel
Ochran, prince of the children of Asher, of the sanctuary; all the gold of the la-
73 gave his offering:
dles weighed one hundred twenty shekels;
one silver platter, the weight of which 87 all the cattle for the burnt offering
was one hundred thirty shekels, twelve bulls, the rams twelve, the male
one silver bowl of seventy shekels, ac- lambs a year old twelve, and their meal
cording to the shekel of the sanctuary, both offering; and twelve male goats for a sin
of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for offering; 88 and all the cattle for the sacri-
a meal offering; fice of peace offerings: twenty-four bulls,
74 one golden ladle of ten shekels, full of sixty rams, sixty male goats, and sixty male
incense; lambs a year old. This was the dedication
75 one young bull, offering of the altar, after it was anointed.
one ram, 89 When Moses went into the Tent of
one male lamb a year old, for a burnt Meeting to speak with the LORD, he heard
offering; his voice speaking to him from above the
76 one male goat for a sin offering;
mercy seat that was on the ark of the Tes-
77 and for the sacrifice of peace offer-
timony, from between the two cherubim;
ings, two head of cattle, five rams, five and he spoke to him.
male goats, and five male lambs a year old.
This was the offering of Pagiel the son of
78 On the twelfth day Ahira the son of
1 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
2 “Speak to Aaron, and tell him, ‘When you
Enan, prince of the children of Naphtali,
79 gave his offering: light the lamps, the seven lamps shall give
light in front of the lamp stand.’ ”
one silver platter, the weight of which 3 Aaron did so. He lit its lamps to light
was one hundred thirty shekels,
one silver bowl of seventy shekels, ac- the area in front of the lamp stand, as the
cording to the shekel of the sanctuary, both LORD commanded Moses. 4 This was the
workmanship of the lamp stand, beaten
of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for
a meal offering; work of gold. From its base to its flowers, it
80 one golden ladle of ten shekels, full of was beaten work. He made the lamp stand
incense; according to the pattern which the LORD
81 one young bull, had shown Moses.
5 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
one ram,
6 “Take the Levites from among the chil-
one male lamb a year old, for a burnt
offering; dren of Israel, and cleanse them. 7 You
82 one male goat for a sin offering; shall do this to them to cleanse them:
83 and for the sacrifice of peace offerings,
sprinkle the water of cleansing on them,
let them shave their whole bodies with
two head of cattle, five rams, five male a razor, let them wash their clothes, and
goats, and five male lambs a year old. This cleanse themselves. 8 Then let them take
was the offering of Ahira the son of Enan. a young bull and its meal offering, fine
84 This was the dedication offering of the flour mixed with oil; and another young
altar, on the day when it was anointed, by bull you shall take for a sin offering.
the princes of Israel: twelve silver plat- 9 You shall present the Levites before the
ters, twelve silver bowls, twelve golden Tent of Meeting. You shall assemble the
Numbers 8:10 136 Numbers 9:11

whole congregation of the children of Is- and before his sons: as the LORD had com-
rael. 10 You shall present the Levites before manded Moses concerning the Levites, so
the LORD. The children of Israel shall lay they did to them.
23 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
their hands on the Levites, 11 and Aaron
shall offer the Levites before the LORD 24 “This is what is assigned to the Levites:
for a wave offering on the behalf of the from twenty-five years old and upward
children of Israel, that it may be theirs to they shall go in to wait on the service in the
do the service of the LORD. work of the Tent of Meeting; 25 and from
12 “The Levites shall lay their hands on the age of fifty years they shall retire from
the heads of the bulls, and you shall offer doing the work, and shall serve no more,
the one for a sin offering and the other 26 but shall assist their brothers in the Tent
for a burnt offering to the LORD, to make of Meeting, to perform the duty, and shall
atonement for the Levites. 13 You shall set perform no service. This is how you shall
the Levites before Aaron and before his have the Levites do their duties.”
sons, and offer them as a wave offering to
the LORD. 14 Thus you shall separate the 9
1 The LORD spoke to Moses in the wilder-
Levites from among the children of Israel,
and the Levites shall be mine. ness of Sinai, in the first month of the
15 “After that, the Levites shall go in to second year after they had come out of the
do the service of the Tent of Meeting. You land of Egypt, saying, 2 “Let the children of
shall cleanse them, and offer them as a Israel keep the Passover in its appointed
wave offering. 16 For they are wholly given season. 3 On the fourteenth day of this
to me from among the children of Israel; month, at evening, you shall keep it in
instead of all who open the womb, even its appointed season. You shall keep it
the firstborn of all the children of Israel, according to all its statutes and according
I have taken them to me. 17 For all the to all its ordinances.”
4 Moses told the children of Israel that
firstborn among the children of Israel are
mine, both man and animal. On the day they should keep the Passover. 5 They kept
that I struck all the firstborn in the land the Passover in the first month, on the
of Egypt, I sanctified them for myself. 18 I fourteenth day of the month at evening,
have taken the Levites instead of all the in the wilderness of Sinai. According to
firstborn among the children of Israel. 19 I all that the LORD commanded Moses, so
have given the Levites as a gift to Aaron the children of Israel did. 6 There were
and to his sons from among the children certain men who were unclean because of
of Israel, to do the service of the children the dead body of a man, so that they could
of Israel in the Tent of Meeting, and to not keep the Passover on that day, and they
make atonement for the children of Israel, came before Moses and Aaron on that day.
7 Those men said to him, “We are unclean
so that there will be no plague among the
children of Israel when the children of because of the dead body of a man. Why
Israel come near to the sanctuary.” are we kept back, that we may not offer
20 Moses, and Aaron, and all the con- the offering of the LORD in its appointed
gregation of the children of Israel did season among the children of Israel?”
8 Moses answered them, “Wait, that I
so to the Levites. According to all that
the LORD commanded Moses concerning may hear what the LORD will command
the Levites, so the children of Israel did concerning you.”
9 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
to them. 21 The Levites purified them-
10 “Say to the children of Israel, ‘If any man
selves from sin, and they washed their
clothes; and Aaron offered them for a of you or of your generations is unclean by
wave offering before the LORD and Aaron reason of a dead body, or is on a journey
made atonement for them to cleanse them. far away, he shall still keep the Passover
22 After that, the Levites went in to do their to the LORD. 11 In the second month, on
service in the Tent of Meeting before Aaron the fourteenth day at evening they shall
Numbers 9:12 137 Numbers 10:12

keep it; they shall eat it with unleavened didn’t travel; but when it was taken up,
bread and bitter herbs. 12 They shall leave they traveled. 23 At the commandment
none of it until the morning, nor break a of the LORD they encamped, and at the
bone of it. According to all the statute of commandment of the LORD they traveled.
the Passover they shall keep it. 13 But the They kept the LORD’s command, at the
man who is clean, and is not on a journey, commandment of the LORD by Moses.
and fails to keep the Passover, that soul
shall be cut off from his people. Because he
didn’t offer the offering of the LORD in its
1The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
appointed season, that man shall bear his 2 “Make two trumpets of silver. You shall
14 “ ‘If a foreigner lives among you and make them of beaten work. You shall
use them for the calling of the congrega-
desires to keep the Passover to the LORD, tion and for the journeying of the camps.
then he shall do so according to the statute 3 When they blow them, all the congre-
of the Passover, and according to its ordi- gation shall gather themselves to you at
nance. You shall have one statute, both for the door of the Tent of Meeting. 4 If they
the foreigner and for him who is born in blow just one, then the princes, the heads
the land.’ ” of the thousands of Israel, shall gather
15 On the day that the tabernacle was
themselves to you. 5 When you blow an
raised up, the cloud covered the taberna- alarm, the camps that lie on the east side
cle, even the Tent of the Testimony. At shall go forward. 6 When you blow an
evening it was over the tabernacle, as it alarm the second time, the camps that lie
were the appearance of fire, until morn- on the south side shall go forward. They
ing. 16 So it was continually. The cloud shall blow an alarm for their journeys.
covered it, and the appearance of fire by 7 But when the assembly is to be gathered
night. 17 Whenever the cloud was taken together, you shall blow, but you shall not
up from over the Tent, then after that sound an alarm.
the children of Israel traveled; and in the 8 “The sons of Aaron, the priests, shall
place where the cloud remained, there the blow the trumpets. This shall be to you for
children of Israel encamped. 18 At the a statute forever throughout your genera-
commandment of the LORD, the children tions. 9 When you go to war in your land
of Israel traveled, and at the command-
ment of the LORD they encamped. As long against the adversary who oppresses you,
as the cloud remained on the tabernacle then you shall sound an alarm with the
they remained encamped. 19 When the trumpets. Then you will be remembered
cloud stayed on the tabernacle many days, before the LORD your God, and you will be
then the children of Israel kept the LORD’s saved from your enemies.
command, and didn’t travel. 20 Sometimes 10 “Also in the day of your gladness, and
the cloud was a few days on the taberna- in your set feasts, and in the beginnings of
cle; then according to the commandment your months, you shall blow the trumpets
of the LORD they remained encamped, over your burnt offerings, and over the
and according to the commandment of sacrifices of your peace offerings; and they
the LORD they traveled. 21 Sometimes the shall be to you for a memorial before your
cloud was from evening until morning; God. I am the LORD your God.”
and when the cloud was taken up in the 11 In the second year, in the second
morning, they traveled; or by day and by month, on the twentieth day of the month,
night, when the cloud was taken up, they the cloud was taken up from over the
traveled. 22 Whether it was two days, or a tabernacle of the covenant. 12 The children
month, or a year that the cloud stayed on of Israel went forward on their journeys
the tabernacle, remaining on it, the chil- out of the wilderness of Sinai; and the
dren of Israel remained encamped, and cloud stayed in the wilderness of Paran.
Numbers 10:13 138 Numbers 11:10

13 They first went forward according to the 30 He said to him, “I will not go; but I
commandment of the LORD by Moses. will depart to my own land, and to my
14 First,the standard of the camp of the relatives.”
31 Moses said, “Don’t leave us, please;
children of Judah went forward according because you know how we are to encamp
to their armies. Nahshon the son of Ammi- in the wilderness, and you can be our eyes.
nadab was over his army. 15 Nethanel the 32 It shall be, if you go with us—yes, it shall
son of Zuar was over the army of the tribe
of the children of Issachar. 16 Eliab the son be—that whatever good the LORD does to
of Helon was over the army of the tribe of us, we will do the same to you.”
33 They set forward from the Mount of
the children of Zebulun. 17 The tabernacle
was taken down; and the sons of Gershon the LORD three days’ journey. The ark
and the sons of Merari, who bore the taber- of the LORD’s covenant went before them
nacle, went forward. 18 The standard of the three days’ journey, to seek out a resting
camp of Reuben went forward according place for them. 34 The cloud of the LORD
to their armies. Elizur the son of Shedeur was over them by day, when they set for-
was over his army. 19 Shelumiel the son of ward from the camp. 35 When the ark went
Zurishaddai was over the army of the tribe forward, Moses said, “Rise up, LORD, and
of the children of Simeon. 20 Eliasaph the let your enemies be scattered! Let those
son of Deuel was over the army of the tribe who hate you flee before you!” 36 When it
of the children of Gad. rested, he said, “Return, LORD, to the ten
21 The Kohathites set forward, bearing thousands of the thousands of Israel.”
the sanctuary. The others set up the taber-
nacle before they arrived. 11
1 The people were complaining in the
22 The standard of the camp of the chil- ears of the LORD. When the LORD heard
dren of Ephraim set forward according to it, his anger burned; and the LORD’s fire
their armies. Elishama the son of Ammi- burned among them, and consumed some
hud was over his army. 23 Gamaliel the son of the outskirts of the camp. 2 The people
of Pedahzur was over the army of the tribe cried to Moses; and Moses prayed to the
of the children of Manasseh. 24 Abidan the LORD, and the fire abated. 3 The name
son of Gideoni was over the army of the of that place was called Taberah,† because
tribe of the children of Benjamin. the LORD’s fire burned among them.
25 The standard of the camp of the chil- 4 The mixed multitude that was among
dren of Dan, which was the rear guard them lusted exceedingly; and the children
of all the camps, set forward according of Israel also wept again, and said, “Who
to their armies. Ahiezer the son of Am- will give us meat to eat? 5 We remember
mishaddai was over his army. 26 Pagiel the fish, which we ate in Egypt for nothing;
the son of Ochran was over the army of the cucumbers, and the melons, and the
the tribe of the children of Asher. 27 Ahira leeks, and the onions, and the garlic; 6 but
the son of Enan was over the army of the now we have lost our appetite. There is
tribe of the children of Naphtali. 28 Thus nothing at all except this manna to look at.”
were the travels of the children of Israel 7 The manna was like coriander seed, and
according to their armies; and they went it looked like bdellium.‡ 8 The people went
forward. around, gathered it, and ground it in mills,
29 Moses said to Hobab, the son of Reuel or beat it in mortars, and boiled it in pots,
the Midianite, Moses’ father-in-law, “We and made cakes of it. Its taste was like the
are journeying to the place of which the taste of fresh oil. 9 When the dew fell on the
LORD said, ‘I will give it to you.’ Come with camp in the night, the manna fell on it.
us, and we will treat you well; for the LORD 10 Moses heard the people weeping
has spoken good concerning Israel.” throughout their families, every man at
† 11:3 Taberah means “burning” ‡ 11:7 Bdellium is a resin extracted from certain African trees.
Numbers 11:11 139 Numbers 11:33

the door of his tent; and the LORD’s anger 22 Shall flocks and herds be slaughtered for
burned greatly; and Moses was displeased. them, to be sufficient for them? Shall all
11 Moses said to the LORD, “Why have the fish of the sea be gathered together for
you treated your servant so badly? Why them, to be sufficient for them?”
haven’t I found favor in your sight, that 23 The LORD said to Moses, “Has the
you lay the burden of all this people on LORD’s hand grown short? Now you will
me? 12 Have I conceived all this people? see whether my word will happen to you
Have I brought them out, that you should or not.”
tell me, ‘Carry them in your bosom, as 24 Moses went out, and told the people
a nurse carries a nursing infant, to the the LORD’s words; and he gathered sev-
land which you swore to their fathers?’ enty men of the elders of the people, and
13 Where could I get meat to give all these set them around the Tent. 25 The LORD
people? For they weep before me, saying, came down in the cloud, and spoke to him,
‘Give us meat, that we may eat.’ 14 I am not and took of the Spirit that was on him, and
able to bear all this people alone, because put it on the seventy elders. When the
it is too heavy for me. 15 If you treat me Spirit rested on them, they prophesied, but
this way, please kill me right now, if I have they did so no more. 26 But two men re-
found favor in your sight; and don’t let me mained in the camp. The name of one was
see my wretchedness.” Eldad, and the name of the other Medad;
and the Spirit rested on them. They were
16 The LORD said to Moses, “Gather to me
of those who were written, but had not
seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom gone out to the Tent; and they prophesied
you know to be the elders of the people and in the camp. 27 A young man ran, and told
officers over them; and bring them to the Moses, and said, “Eldad and Medad are
Tent of Meeting, that they may stand there prophesying in the camp!”
with you. 17 I will come down and talk with 28 Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of
you there. I will take of the Spirit which is Moses, one of his chosen men, answered,
on you, and will put it on them; and they “My lord Moses, forbid them!”
shall bear the burden of the people with 29 Moses said to him, “Are you jealous for
you, that you don’t bear it yourself alone.
my sake? I wish that all the LORD’s people
18 “Say to the people, ‘Sanctify yourselves
were prophets, that the LORD would put
in preparation for tomorrow, and you will his Spirit on them!”
eat meat; for you have wept in the ears of 30 Moses went into the camp, he and
the LORD, saying, “Who will give us meat the elders of Israel. 31 A wind from the
to eat? For it was well with us in Egypt.” LORD went out and brought quails from
Therefore the LORD will give you meat, the sea, and let them fall by the camp,
and you will eat. 19 You will not eat just about a day’s journey on this side, and a
one day, or two days, or five days, or ten day’s journey on the other side, around
days, or twenty days, 20 but a whole month, the camp, and about two cubits§ above the
until it comes out at your nostrils, and surface of the earth. 32 The people rose up
it is loathsome to you; because you have all that day, and all of that night, and all
rejected the LORD who is among you, and the next day, and gathered the quails. He
have wept before him, saying, “Why did who gathered least gathered ten homers;†
we come out of Egypt?” ’ ” and they spread them all out for them-
21 Moses said, “The people, among whom selves around the camp. 33 While the meat
I am, are six hundred thousand men on was still between their teeth, before it was
foot; and you have said, ‘I will give them chewed, the LORD’s anger burned against
meat, that they may eat a whole month.’ the people, and the LORD struck the people
§ 11:31 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46
centimeters. † 11:32 1 homer is about 220 liters or 6 bushels ‡ 11:34 Kibroth Hattaavah means “graves of lust”
Numbers 11:34 140 Numbers 13:18

with a very great plague. 34 The name of outside of the camp seven days, and after
that place was called Kibroth Hattaavah,‡ that she shall be brought in again.”
because there they buried the people who 15 Miriam was shut up outside of the
lusted. camp seven days, and the people didn’t
35 From Kibroth Hattaavah the people
travel until Miriam was brought in again.
traveled to Hazeroth; and they stayed at 16 Afterward the people traveled from
Hazeroth. Hazeroth, and encamped in the wilder-
1 Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses
ness of Paran.

because of the Cushite woman whom he 13

had married; for he had married a Cushite
1 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
2 “Send men, that they may spy out the
woman. 2 They said, “Has the LORD indeed
spoken only with Moses? Hasn’t he spoken land of Canaan, which I give to the children
also with us?” And the LORD heard it. of Israel. Of every tribe of their fathers,
3 Now the man Moses was very humble, you shall send a man, every one a prince
more than all the men who were on the among them.”
surface of the earth. 4 The LORD spoke sud- 3 Moses sent them from the wilderness of
denly to Moses, to Aaron, and to Miriam, Paran according to the commandment of
“You three come out to the Tent of Meet- the LORD. All of them were men who were
ing!” heads of the children of Israel. 4 These
The three of them came out. 5 The LORD were their names:
came down in a pillar of cloud, and stood Of the tribe of Reuben, Shammua the son
at the door of the Tent, and called Aaron of Zaccur.
5 Of the tribe of Simeon, Shaphat the son of
and Miriam; and they both came forward.
6 He said, “Now hear my words. If there Hori.
6 Of the tribe of Judah, Caleb the son of
is a prophet among you, I, the LORD, will
make myself known to him in a vision. 7 Of the tribe of Issachar, Igal the son of
I will speak with him in a dream. 7 My
servant Moses is not so. He is faithful in 8 Of the tribe of Ephraim, Hoshea the son of
all my house. 8 With him, I will speak
mouth to mouth, even plainly, and not in Nun.
9 Of the tribe of Benjamin, Palti the son of
riddles; and he shall see the LORD’s form.
Why then were you not afraid to speak Raphu.
10 Of the tribe of Zebulun, Gaddiel the son
against my servant, against Moses?” 9 The
of Sodi.
LORD’s anger burned against them; and he 11 Of the tribe of Joseph, of the tribe of
departed. Manasseh, Gaddi the son of Susi.
10 The cloud departed from over the 12 Of the tribe of Dan, Ammiel the son of
Tent; and behold, Miriam was leprous, as Gemalli.
white as snow. Aaron looked at Miriam, 13 Of the tribe of Asher, Sethur the son of
and behold, she was leprous. Michael.
11 Aaron said to Moses, “Oh, my lord, 14 Of the tribe of Naphtali, Nahbi the son of
please don’t count this sin against us, in Vophsi.
which we have done foolishly, and in 15 Of the tribe of Gad, Geuel the son of
which we have sinned. 12 Let her not, I Machi.
16 These are the names of the men who
pray, be as one dead, of whom the flesh is
half consumed when he comes out of his Moses sent to spy out the land. Moses
mother’s womb.” called Hoshea the son of Nun Joshua.
13 Moses cried to the LORD, saying, “Heal 17 Moses sent them to spy out the land
her, God, I beg you!” of Canaan, and said to them, “Go up this
14 The LORD said to Moses, “If her father way by the South, and go up into the hill
had but spit in her face, shouldn’t she be country. 18 See the land, what it is; and
ashamed seven days? Let her be shut up the people who dwell therein, whether
Numbers 13:19 141 Numbers 14:11

they are strong or weak, whether they are land which they had spied out to the chil-
few or many; 19 and what the land is that dren of Israel, saying, “The land, through
they dwell in, whether it is good or bad; which we have gone to spy it out, is a land
and what cities they are that they dwell that eats up its inhabitants; and all the
in, whether in camps, or in strongholds; people who we saw in it are men of great
20 and what the land is, whether it is fertile stature. 33 There we saw the Nephilim,†
or poor, whether there is wood therein, or the sons of Anak, who come from the
not. Be courageous, and bring some of the Nephilim.‡ We were in our own sight
fruit of the land.” Now the time was the as grasshoppers, and so we were in their
time of the first-ripe grapes. sight.”
21 So they went up, and spied out the
land from the wilderness of Zin to Rehob, 14
to the entrance of Hamath. 22 They went 1 All the congregation lifted up their
up by the South, and came to Hebron; and voice, and cried; and the people wept that
Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai, the children night. 2 All the children of Israel mur-
of Anak, were there. (Now Hebron was mured against Moses and against Aaron.
built seven years before Zoan in Egypt.) The whole congregation said to them, “We
23 They came to the valley of Eshcol, and
wish that we had died in the land of Egypt,
cut down from there a branch with one or that we had died in this wilderness!
cluster of grapes, and they bore it on a staff 3 Why does the LORD bring us to this
between two. They also brought some of land, to fall by the sword? Our wives
the pomegranates and figs. 24 That place and our little ones will be captured or
was called the valley of Eshcol, because of killed! Wouldn’t it be better for us to
the cluster which the children of Israel cut return into Egypt?” 4 They said to one
down from there. 25 They returned from another, “Let’s choose a leader, and let’s
spying out the land at the end of forty days. return into Egypt.”
26 They went and came to Moses, to Aaron, 5 Then Moses and Aaron fell on their
and to all the congregation of the children faces before all the assembly of the congre-
of Israel, to the wilderness of Paran, to gation of the children of Israel.
Kadesh; and brought back word to them 6 Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the
and to all the congregation. They showed son of Jephunneh, who were of those
them the fruit of the land. 27 They told who spied out the land, tore their clothes.
him, and said, “We came to the land where 7 They spoke to all the congregation of
you sent us. Surely it flows with milk and the children of Israel, saying, “The land,
honey, and this is its fruit. 28 However, the which we passed through to spy it out, is
people who dwell in the land are strong, an exceedingly good land. 8 If the LORD
and the cities are fortified and very large. delights in us, then he will bring us into this
Moreover, we saw the children of Anak land, and give it to us: a land which flows
there. 29 Amalek dwells in the land of the with milk and honey. 9 Only don’t rebel
South. The Hittite, the Jebusite, and the
Amorite dwell in the hill country. The against the LORD, neither fear the people
Canaanite dwells by the sea, and along the of the land; for they are bread for us. Their
side of the Jordan.” defense is removed from over them, and
the LORD is with us. Don’t fear them.”
30 Caleb stilled the people before Moses, 10 But all the congregation threatened to
and said, “Let’s go up at once, and possess stone them with stones.
it; for we are well able to overcome it!” The LORD’s glory appeared in the Tent of
31 But the men who went up with him Meeting to all the children of Israel. 11 The
said, “We aren’t able to go up against the LORD said to Moses, “How long will this
people; for they are stronger than we.” people despise me? How long will they not
32 They brought up an evil report of the believe in me, for all the signs which I have
† 13:33 or, giants ‡ 13:33 or, giants
Numbers 14:12 142 Numbers 14:40

worked among them? 12 I will strike them way to the Red Sea.” 26 The LORD spoke
with the pestilence, and disinherit them, to Moses and to Aaron, saying, 27 “How
and will make of you a nation greater and long shall I bear with this evil congregation
mightier than they.” that complain against me? I have heard
13 Moses said to the LORD, “Then the the complaints of the children of Israel,
Egyptians will hear it; for you brought which they complain against me. 28 Tell
up this people in your might from among them, ‘As I live, says the LORD, surely as
them. 14 They will tell it to the inhabitants you have spoken in my ears, so I will do
of this land. They have heard that you to you. 29 Your dead bodies shall fall in
LORD are among this people; for you LORD this wilderness; and all who were counted
are seen face to face, and your cloud stands of you, according to your whole number,
over them, and you go before them, in a from twenty years old and upward, who
pillar of cloud by day, and in a pillar of fire have complained against me, 30 surely you
by night. 15 Now if you killed this people shall not come into the land concerning
as one man, then the nations which have which I swore that I would make you dwell
heard the fame of you will speak, saying, therein, except Caleb the son of Jephun-
16 ‘Because the LORD was not able to bring neh, and Joshua the son of Nun. 31 But I
this people into the land which he swore will bring in your little ones that you said
to them, therefore he has slain them in the should be captured or killed, and they shall
wilderness.’ 17 Now please let the power know the land which you have rejected.
of the Lord† be great, according as you 32 But as for you, your dead bodies shall fall
have spoken, saying, 18 ‘The LORD is slow in this wilderness. 33 Your children shall be
to anger, and abundant in loving kind- wanderers in the wilderness forty years,
ness, forgiving iniquity and disobedience; and shall bear your prostitution, until your
and he will by no means clear the guilty, dead bodies are consumed in the wilder-
visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the ness. 34 After the number of the days in
children, on the third and on the fourth which you spied out the land, even forty
generation.’ 19 Please pardon the iniquity days, for every day a year, you will bear
of this people according to the greatness of your iniquities, even forty years, and you
your loving kindness, and just as you have will know my alienation.’ 35 I, the LORD,
forgiven this people, from Egypt even until have spoken. I will surely do this to all
now.” this evil congregation who are gathered
20 The LORD said, “I have pardoned ac- together against me. In this wilderness
cording to your word; 21 but in very deed— they shall be consumed, and there they
as I live, and as all the earth shall be shall die.”
filled with the LORD’s glory— 22 because all 36 The men whom Moses sent to spy out
those men who have seen my glory and the land, who returned and made all the
my signs, which I worked in Egypt and congregation to murmur against him by
in the wilderness, yet have tempted me bringing up an evil report against the land,
these ten times, and have not listened to 37 even those men who brought up an evil
my voice; 23 surely they shall not see the report of the land, died by the plague be-
land which I swore to their fathers, neither fore the LORD. 38 But Joshua the son of Nun
shall any of those who despised me see it. and Caleb the son of Jephunneh remained
24 But my servant Caleb, because he had
alive of those men who went to spy out the
another spirit with him, and has followed land.
me fully, him I will bring into the land 39 Moses told these words to all the chil-
into which he went. His offspring shall dren of Israel, and the people mourned
possess it. 25 Since the Amalekite and the greatly. 40 They rose up early in the morn-
Canaanite dwell in the valley, tomorrow ing and went up to the top of the moun-
turn and go into the wilderness by the tain, saying, “Behold, we are here, and will
† 14:17 The word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.”
Numbers 14:41 143 Numbers 15:24

go up to the place which the LORD has mixed with half a hin of oil; 10 and you
promised; for we have sinned.” shall offer for the drink offering half a hin
41 Moses said, “Why now do you disobey of wine, for an offering made by fire, of
the commandment of the LORD, since it a pleasant aroma to the LORD. 11 Thus it
shall not prosper? 42 Don’t go up, for shall be done for each bull, for each ram,
the LORD isn’t among you; that way you for each of the male lambs, or of the young
won’t be struck down before your ene- goats. 12 According to the number that you
mies. 43 For there the Amalekite and the shall prepare, so you shall do to everyone
Canaanite are before you, and you will according to their number.
fall by the sword because you turned back 13 “ ‘All who are native-born shall do
from following the LORD; therefore the these things in this way, in offering an
LORD will not be with you.” offering made by fire, of a pleasant aroma
44 But they presumed to go up to the to the LORD. 14 If a stranger lives as a
top of the mountain. Nevertheless, the foreigner with you, or whoever may be
ark of the LORD’s covenant and Moses among you throughout your generations,
didn’t depart out of the camp. 45 Then the and will offer an offering made by fire, of
Amalekites came down, and the Canaan- a pleasant aroma to the LORD, as you do, so
ites who lived in that mountain, and he shall do. 15 For the assembly, there shall
struck them and beat them down even to
Hormah. be one statute for you and for the stranger
who lives as a foreigner, a statute forever
15 throughout your generations. As you are,
1 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, so the foreigner shall be before the LORD.
2 “Speak to the children of Israel, and tell 16 One law and one ordinance shall be for
them, ‘When you have come into the land you and for the stranger who lives as a
of your habitations, which I give to you, foreigner with you.’ ”
3 and will make an offering by fire to the 17 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
LORD—a burnt offering, or a sacrifice, to 18 “Speak to the children of Israel, and tell
accomplish a vow, or as a free will offering, them, ‘When you come into the land where
or in your set feasts, to make a pleasant I bring you, 19 then it shall be that when
aroma to the LORD, of the herd, or of the you eat of the bread of the land, you shall
flock— 4 then he who offers his offering offer up a wave offering to the LORD. 20 Of
shall offer to the LORD a meal offering of the first of your dough you shall offer up
one tenth of an ephah† of fine flour mixed a cake for a wave offering. As the wave
with one fourth of a hin‡ of oil. 5 You shall offering of the threshing floor, so you shall
prepare wine for the drink offering, one heave it. 21 Of the first of your dough,
fourth of a hin, with the burnt offering or you shall give to the LORD a wave offering
for the sacrifice, for each lamb. throughout your generations.
6 “ ‘For a ram, you shall prepare for a
22 “ ‘When you err, and don’t observe
meal offering two tenths of an ephah§ of all these commandments which the LORD
fine flour mixed with the third part of a has spoken to Moses— 23 even all that the
hin of oil; 7 and for the drink offering you LORD has commanded you by Moses, from
shall offer the third part of a hin of wine, the day that the LORD gave command-
of a pleasant aroma to the LORD. 8 When ment and onward throughout your gener-
you prepare a bull for a burnt offering or ations— 24 then it shall be, if it was done
for a sacrifice, to accomplish a vow, or unwittingly, without the knowledge of the
for peace offerings to the LORD, 9 then he congregation, that all the congregation
shall offer with the bull a meal offering shall offer one young bull for a burnt offer-
of three tenths of an ephah† of fine flour ing, for a pleasant aroma to the LORD, with
† 15:4 1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel ‡ 15:4 A hin is about 6.5 liters or 1.7 gallons. § 15:6 1
ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel † 15:9 1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel
Numbers 15:25 144 Numbers 16:9

its meal offering and its drink offering, tell them that they should make them-
according to the ordinance, and one male selves fringes‡ on the borders of their gar-
goat for a sin offering. 25 The priest shall ments throughout their generations, and
make atonement for all the congregation that they put on the fringe§ of each border
of the children of Israel, and they shall be a cord of blue. 39 It shall be to you for a
forgiven; for it was an error, and they have fringe,† that you may see it, and remem-
brought their offering, an offering made ber all the LORD’s commandments, and do
by fire to the LORD, and their sin offering them; and that you don’t follow your own
before the LORD, for their error. 26 All heart and your own eyes, after which you
the congregation of the children of Israel used to play the prostitute; 40 so that you
shall be forgiven, as well as the stranger may remember and do all my command-
who lives as a foreigner among them; for ments, and be holy to your God. 41 I am
with regard to all the people, it was done the LORD your God, who brought you out
unwittingly. of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I am
27 “ ‘If a person sins unwittingly, then the LORD your God.”
he shall offer a female goat a year old for
a sin offering. 28 The priest shall make
1 Now
atonement for the soul who errs when he Korah, the son of Izhar, the son of
sins unwittingly before the LORD. He shall Kohath, the son of Levi, with Dathan and
make atonement for him; and he shall be Abiram, the sons of Eliab, and On, the son
forgiven. 29 You shall have one law for him of Peleth, sons of Reuben, took some men.
2 They rose up before Moses, with some
who does anything unwittingly, for him
who is native-born among the children of of the children of Israel, two hundred fifty
Israel, and for the stranger who lives as a princes of the congregation, called to the
foreigner among them. assembly, men of renown. 3 They assem-
30 “ ‘But the soul who does anything with bled themselves together against Moses
a high hand, whether he is native-born or and against Aaron, and said to them, “You
a foreigner, blasphemes the LORD. That take too much on yourself, since all the
soul shall be cut off from among his peo- congregation are holy, everyone of them,
ple. 31 Because he has despised the LORD’s and the LORD is among them! Why do
word, and has broken his commandment, you lift yourselves up above the LORD’s
that soul shall be utterly cut off. His iniq- assembly?”
uity shall be on him.’ ” 4 When Moses heard it, he fell on his face.
32 While the children of Israel were in 5 He said to Korah and to all his company,
the wilderness, they found a man gather- “In the morning, the LORD will show who
ing sticks on the Sabbath day. 33 Those who are his, and who is holy, and will cause him
found him gathering sticks brought him to to come near to him. Even him whom he
Moses and Aaron, and to all the congrega- shall choose, he will cause to come near
tion. 34 They put him in custody, because to him. 6 Do this: have Korah and all his
company take censers, 7 put fire in them,
it had not been declared what should be
done to him. and put incense on them before the LORD
35 The LORD said to Moses, “The man tomorrow. It shall be that the man whom
shall surely be put to death. All the con- the LORD chooses, he shall be holy. You
gregation shall stone him with stones out- have gone too far, you sons of Levi!”
8 Moses said to Korah, “Hear now, you
side of the camp.” 36 All the congrega-
tion brought him outside of the camp, and sons of Levi! 9 Is it a small thing to you
stoned him to death with stones, as the that the God of Israel has separated you
LORD commanded Moses. from the congregation of Israel, to bring
37 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, you near to himself, to do the service of the
38 “Speak to the children of Israel, and LORD’s tabernacle, and to stand before the
‡ 15:38 or, tassels (Hebrew ‫יצת‬
֛ ִ ‫)צ‬
ִ § 15:38 or, tassel † 15:39 or, tassel
Numbers 16:10 145 Numbers 16:39

congregation to minister to them; 10 and 25 Moses rose up and went to Dathan and
that he has brought you near, and all your Abiram; and the elders of Israel followed
brothers the sons of Levi with you? Do him. 26 He spoke to the congregation, say-
you seek the priesthood also? 11 Therefore ing, “Depart, please, from the tents of these
you and all your company have gathered wicked men, and touch nothing of theirs,
together against the LORD! What is Aaron lest you be consumed in all their sins!”
that you complain against him?” 27 So they went away from the tent of
12 Moses sent to call Dathan and Abiram, Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, on every side.
the sons of Eliab; and they said, “We won’t Dathan and Abiram came out, and stood
come up! 13 Is it a small thing that you have at the door of their tents with their wives,
brought us up out of a land flowing with their sons, and their little ones.
28 Moses said, “Hereby you shall know
milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness,
but you must also make yourself a prince that the LORD has sent me to do all these
works; for they are not from my own mind.
over us? 14 Moreover you haven’t brought 29 If these men die the common death of
us into a land flowing with milk and honey, all men, or if they experience what all men
nor given us inheritance of fields and vine- experience, then the LORD hasn’t sent me.
yards. Will you put out the eyes of these 30 But if the LORD makes a new thing, and
men? We won’t come up.” the ground opens its mouth, and swallows
15 Moses was very angry, and said to the them up with all that belong to them, and
LORD, “Don’t respect their offering. I have they go down alive into Sheol,† then you
not taken one donkey from them, neither shall understand that these men have de-
have I hurt one of them.” spised the LORD.”
16 Moses said to Korah, “You and all 31 As he finished speaking all these
your company go before the LORD, you, words, the ground that was under them
and they, and Aaron, tomorrow. 17 Each split apart. 32 The earth opened its mouth
man take his censer and put incense on and swallowed them up with their house-
it, and each man bring before the LORD holds, all of Korah’s men, and all their
his censer, two hundred fifty censers; you goods. 33 So they, and all that belonged
also, and Aaron, each with his censer.” to them went down alive into Sheol.‡ The
18 They each took his censer, and put fire earth closed on them, and they perished
in it, and laid incense on it, and stood at from among the assembly. 34 All Israel
the door of the Tent of Meeting with Moses that were around them fled at their cry;
and Aaron. 19 Korah assembled all the for they said, “Lest the earth swallow us
congregation opposite them to the door of up!” 35 Fire came out from the LORD, and
the Tent of Meeting. devoured the two hundred fifty men who
The LORD’s glory appeared to all the con- offered the incense.
36 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
gregation. 20 The LORD spoke to Moses and 37 “Speak to Eleazar the son of Aaron the
to Aaron, saying, 21 “Separate yourselves priest, that he take up the censers out of
from among this congregation, that I may
the burning, and scatter the fire away from
consume them in a moment!”
22 They fell on their faces, and said, “God,
the camp; for they are holy, 38 even the
censers of those who sinned against their
the God of the spirits of all flesh, shall one own lives. Let them be beaten into plates
man sin, and will you be angry with all the for a covering of the altar, for they offered
congregation?” them before the LORD. Therefore they are
23 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
holy. They shall be a sign to the children of
24 “Speak to the congregation, saying, ‘Get Israel.”
away from around the tent of Korah, 39 Eleazar the priest took the bronze
Dathan, and Abiram!’ ” censers which those who were burned
† 16:30 Sheol is the place of the dead. ‡ 16:33 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Numbers 16:40 146 Numbers 18:4

had offered; and they beat them out for a where I meet with you. 5 It shall hap-
covering of the altar, 40 to be a memorial pen that the rod of the man whom I shall
to the children of Israel, to the end that choose shall bud. I will make the murmur-
no stranger who isn’t of the offspring of ings of the children of Israel, which they
Aaron, would come near to burn incense murmur against you, cease from me.”
before the LORD, that he not be as Korah 6 Moses spoke to the children of Israel;
and as his company; as the LORD spoke to and all their princes gave him rods, for
him by Moses. each prince one, according to their fathers’
41 But on the next day all the congrega-
houses, a total of twelve rods. Aaron’s rod
tion of the children of Israel complained was among their rods. 7 Moses laid up the
against Moses and against Aaron, saying, rods before the LORD in the Tent of the
“You have killed the LORD’s people!” Testimony.
42 When the congregation was assem- 8 On the next day, Moses went into the
bled against Moses and against Aaron, Tent of the Testimony; and behold, Aaron’s
they looked toward the Tent of Meet- rod for the house of Levi had sprouted,
ing. Behold, the cloud covered it, and budded, produced blossoms, and bore ripe
the LORD’s glory appeared. 43 Moses and almonds. 9 Moses brought out all the rods
Aaron came to the front of the Tent of from before the LORD to all the children of
Meeting. 44 The LORD spoke to Moses, Israel. They looked, and each man took his
saying, 45 “Get away from among this con- rod.
gregation, that I may consume them in a 10 The LORD said to Moses, “Put back
moment!” They fell on their faces. the rod of Aaron before the covenant, to
46 Moses said to Aaron, “Take your
be kept for a token against the children
censer, put fire from the altar in it, lay of rebellion; that you may make an end
incense on it, carry it quickly to the con- of their complaining against me, that they
gregation, and make atonement for them; not die.” 11 Moses did so. As the LORD
for wrath has gone out from the LORD! The commanded him, so he did.
plague has begun.” 12 The children of Israel spoke to Moses,
47 Aaron did as Moses said, and ran saying, “Behold, we perish! We are un-
into the middle of the assembly. The done! We are all undone! 13 Everyone who
plague had already begun among the peo- keeps approaching the LORD’s tabernacle,
ple. He put on the incense, and made dies! Will we all perish?”
atonement for the people. 48 He stood
between the dead and the living; and the
plague was stayed. 49 Now those who 18
1 The LORD said to Aaron, “You and your
died by the plague were fourteen thousand
seven hundred, in addition to those who sons and your fathers’ house with you
died about the matter of Korah. 50 Aaron shall bear the iniquity of the sanctuary;
returned to Moses to the door of the Tent and you and your sons with you shall bear
of Meeting, and the plague was stopped. the iniquity of your priesthood. 2 Bring
your brothers also, the tribe of Levi, the
17 tribe of your father, near with you, that
1 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, they may be joined to you, and minister to
2 “Speak to the children of Israel, and
you; but you and your sons with you shall
take rods from them, one for each fathers’ be before the Tent of the Testimony. 3 They
house, of all their princes according to shall keep your commands and the duty of
their fathers’ houses, twelve rods. Write the whole Tent; only they shall not come
each man’s name on his rod. 3 You shall
write Aaron’s name on Levi’s rod. There near to the vessels of the sanctuary and to
shall be one rod for each head of their the altar, that they not die, neither they nor
fathers’ houses. 4 You shall lay them up in you. 4 They shall be joined to you and keep
the Tent of Meeting before the covenant, the responsibility of the Tent of Meeting,
Numbers 18:5 147 Numbers 18:26

for all the service of the Tent. A stranger firstborn of man, and you shall redeem the
shall not come near to you. firstborn of unclean animals. 16 You shall
5 “You shall perform the duty of the sanc- redeem those who are to be redeemed
tuary and the duty of the altar, that there of them from a month old, according to
be no more wrath on the children of Israel. your estimation, for five shekels of money,
6 Behold, I myself have taken your brothers according to the shekel† of the sanctuary,
the Levites from among the children of which weighs twenty gerahs.‡
17 “But you shall not redeem the first-
Israel. They are a gift to you, dedicated
to the LORD, to do the service of the Tent born of a cow, or the firstborn of a sheep,
of Meeting. 7 You and your sons with you or the firstborn of a goat. They are holy.
shall keep your priesthood for everything You shall sprinkle their blood on the altar,
of the altar, and for that within the veil. and shall burn their fat for an offering
You shall serve. I give you the service of made by fire, for a pleasant aroma to the
the priesthood as a gift. The stranger who LORD. 18 Their meat shall be yours, as the
comes near shall be put to death.” wave offering breast and as the right thigh,
8 The LORD spoke to Aaron, “Behold, I it shall be yours. 19 All the wave offerings
myself have given you the command of my of the holy things which the children of
wave offerings, even all the holy things of Israel offer to the LORD, I have given you
the children of Israel. I have given them to and your sons and your daughters with
you by reason of the anointing, and to your you, as a portion forever. It is a covenant
sons, as a portion forever. 9 This shall be of salt forever before the LORD to you and
yours of the most holy things from the fire: to your offspring with you.”
every offering of theirs, even every meal 20 The LORD said to Aaron, “You shall
offering of theirs, and every sin offering have no inheritance in their land, neither
of theirs, and every trespass offering of shall you have any portion among them.
theirs, which they shall render to me, shall I am your portion and your inheritance
be most holy for you and for your sons. among the children of Israel.
10 You shall eat of it like the most holy 21 “To the children of Levi, behold, I have

things. Every male shall eat of it. It shall given all the tithe in Israel for an inher-
be holy to you. itance, in return for their service which
11 “This is yours, too: the wave offering they serve, even the service of the Tent
of their gift, even all the wave offerings of Meeting. 22 Henceforth the children
of the children of Israel. I have given of Israel shall not come near the Tent of
Meeting, lest they bear sin, and die. 23 But
them to you, and to your sons and to your the Levites shall do the service of the Tent
daughters with you, as a portion forever. of Meeting, and they shall bear their iniq-
Everyone who is clean in your house shall uity. It shall be a statute forever through-
eat of it. out your generations. Among the children
12 “I have given to you all the best of the
of Israel, they shall have no inheritance.
oil, all the best of the vintage, and of the 24 For the tithe of the children of Israel,
grain, the first fruits of them which they which they offer as a wave offering to the
give to the LORD. 13 The first-ripe fruits of LORD, I have given to the Levites for an
all that is in their land, which they bring to inheritance. Therefore I have said to them,
the LORD, shall be yours. Everyone who is ‘Among the children of Israel they shall
clean in your house shall eat of it. have no inheritance.’ ”
14 “Everything devoted in Israel shall be 25 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
yours. 15 Everything that opens the womb, 26 “Moreover you shall speak to the Levites,
of all flesh which they offer to the LORD, and tell them, ‘When you take of the chil-
both of man and animal, shall be yours. dren of Israel the tithe which I have given
Nevertheless, you shall surely redeem the you from them for your inheritance, then
† 18:16 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces. ‡ 18:16 A gerah is about 0.5 grams or about 7.7 grains.
Numbers 18:27 148 Numbers 19:20

you shall offer up a wave offering of it for 9 “A man who is clean shall gather up the
the LORD, a tithe of the tithe. 27 Your wave ashes of the heifer, and lay them up outside
offering shall be credited to you, as though of the camp in a clean place; and it shall
it were the grain of the threshing floor, and be kept for the congregation of the chil-
as the fullness of the wine press. 28 Thus dren of Israel for use in water for cleans-
you also shall offer a wave offering to the ing impurity. It is a sin offering. 10 He
LORD of all your tithes, which you receive who gathers the ashes of the heifer shall
of the children of Israel; and of it you shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the
give the LORD’s wave offering to Aaron the evening. It shall be to the children of Israel,
priest. 29 Out of all your gifts, you shall and to the stranger who lives as a foreigner
offer every wave offering to the LORD, of among them, for a statute forever.
11 “He who touches the dead body of any
all its best parts, even the holy part of it.’
30 “Therefore you shall tell them, ‘When man shall be unclean seven days. 12 He
you heave its best from it, then it shall be shall purify himself with water on the
credited to the Levites as the increase of third day, and on the seventh day he shall
the threshing floor, and as the increase of be clean; but if he doesn’t purify himself
the wine press. 31 You may eat it anywhere, the third day, then the seventh day he
you and your households, for it is your shall not be clean. 13 Whoever touches a
reward in return for your service in the dead person, the body of a man who has
Tent of Meeting. 32 You shall bear no sin by died, and doesn’t purify himself, defiles
reason of it, when you have heaved from the LORD’s tabernacle; and that soul shall
be cut off from Israel; because the water
it its best. You shall not profane the holy for impurity was not sprinkled on him, he
things of the children of Israel, that you not shall be unclean. His uncleanness is yet on
die.’ ” him.
14 “This is the law when a man dies in
19 a tent: everyone who comes into the tent,
1 The LORD spoke to Moses and to Aaron, and everyone who is in the tent, shall be
saying, 2 “This is the statute of the law unclean seven days. 15 Every open vessel,
which the LORD has commanded. Tell which has no covering bound on it, is un-
the children of Israel to bring you a red clean.
heifer without spot, in which is no defect, 16 “Whoever in the open field touches
and which was never yoked. 3 You shall one who is slain with a sword, or a dead
give her to Eleazar the priest, and he shall body, or a bone of a man, or a grave, shall
bring her outside of the camp, and one be unclean seven days.
17 “For the unclean, they shall take of
shall kill her before his face. 4 Eleazar the
priest shall take some of her blood with his the ashes of the burning of the sin offer-
finger, and sprinkle her blood toward the ing; and running water shall be poured
front of the Tent of Meeting seven times. on them in a vessel. 18 A clean person
5 One shall burn the heifer in his sight; her shall take hyssop, dip it in the water, and
skin, and her meat, and her blood, with sprinkle it on the tent, on all the vessels,
her dung, shall he burn. 6 The priest shall on the persons who were there, and on
take cedar wood, hyssop, and scarlet, and him who touched the bone, or the slain,
cast it into the middle of the burning of or the dead, or the grave. 19 The clean
the heifer. 7 Then the priest shall wash person shall sprinkle on the unclean on
his clothes, and he shall bathe his flesh in the third day, and on the seventh day. On
water, and afterward he shall come into the seventh day, he shall purify him. He
the camp, and the priest shall be unclean shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in
until the evening. 8 He who burns her shall water, and shall be clean at evening. 20 But
wash his clothes in water, and bathe his the man who shall be unclean, and shall
flesh in water, and shall be unclean until not purify himself, that soul shall be cut
the evening. off from among the assembly, because he
Numbers 19:21 149 Numbers 20:25

has defiled the sanctuary of the LORD. The 12 The LORD said to Moses and Aaron,
water for impurity has not been sprinkled “Because you didn’t believe in me, to sanc-
on him. He is unclean. 21 It shall be a tify me in the eyes of the children of Israel,
perpetual statute to them. He who sprin- therefore you shall not bring this assembly
kles the water for impurity shall wash his into the land which I have given them.”
clothes, and he who touches the water for 13 These are the waters of Meribah;† be-
impurity shall be unclean until evening. cause the children of Israel strove with the
22 “Whatever the unclean person LORD, and he was sanctified in them.
14 Moses sent messengers from Kadesh
touches shall be unclean; and the soul that
touches it shall be unclean until evening.” to the king of Edom, saying:
“Your brother Israel says: You know all
1 The
20 the travail that has happened to us; 15 how
children of Israel, even the whole our fathers went down into Egypt, and we
congregation, came into the wilderness of lived in Egypt a long time. The Egyptians
Zin in the first month. The people stayed mistreated us and our fathers. 16 When
in Kadesh. Miriam died there, and was we cried to the LORD, he heard our voice,
buried there. 2 There was no water for the sent an angel, and brought us out of Egypt.
congregation; and they assembled them- Behold, we are in Kadesh, a city in the edge
selves together against Moses and against of your border.
Aaron. 3 The people quarreled with Moses, 17 “Please let us pass through your land.
and spoke, saying, “We wish that we had We will not pass through field or through
died when our brothers died before the vineyard, neither will we drink from the
LORD! 4 Why have you brought the LORD’s water of the wells. We will go along the
assembly into this wilderness, that we king’s highway. We will not turn away to
should die there, we and our animals? the right hand nor to the left, until we have
5 Why have you made us to come up out of
passed your border.”
Egypt, to bring us in to this evil place? It is 18 Edom said to him, “You shall not pass
no place of seed, or of figs, or of vines, or of
through me, lest I come out with the sword
pomegranates; neither is there any water
against you.”
to drink.” 19 The children of Israel said to him, “We
6 Moses and Aaron went from the pres-
ence of the assembly to the door of the will go up by the highway; and if we drink
Tent of Meeting, and fell on their faces. your water, I and my livestock, then I will
The LORD’s glory appeared to them. 7 The give its price. Only let me, without doing
LORD spoke to Moses, saying, 8 “Take the anything else, pass through on my feet.”
20 He said, “You shall not pass through.”
rod, and assemble the congregation, you,
and Aaron your brother, and speak to the Edom came out against him with many
rock before their eyes, that it pour out its people, and with a strong hand. 21 Thus
water. You shall bring water to them out of Edom refused to give Israel passage
the rock; so you shall give the congregation through his border, so Israel turned away
and their livestock drink.” from him.
9 Moses took the rod from before the 22 They traveled from Kadesh, and the

LORD, as he commanded him. 10 Moses children of Israel, even the whole congre-
and Aaron gathered the assembly together gation, came to Mount Hor. 23 The LORD
before the rock, and he said to them, “Hear spoke to Moses and Aaron in Mount Hor,
now, you rebels! Shall we bring water by the border of the land of Edom, saying,
out of this rock for you?” 11 Moses lifted 24 “Aaron shall be gathered to his people;
up his hand, and struck the rock with for he shall not enter into the land which
his rod twice, and water came out abun- I have given to the children of Israel, be-
dantly. The congregation and their live- cause you rebelled against my word at
stock drank. the waters of Meribah. 25 Take Aaron
† 20:13 “Meribah” means “quarreling”.
Numbers 20:26 150 Numbers 21:26

and Eleazar his son, and bring them up If a serpent had bitten any man, when he
to Mount Hor; 26 and strip Aaron of his looked at the serpent of bronze, he lived.
garments, and put them on Eleazar his 10 The children of Israel traveled, and
son. Aaron shall be gathered, and shall die encamped in Oboth. 11 They traveled from
there.” Oboth, and encamped at Iyeabarim, in
27 Moses did as the LORD commanded. the wilderness which is before Moab, to-
They went up onto Mount Hor in the ward the sunrise. 12 From there they trav-
sight of all the congregation. 28 Moses eled, and encamped in the valley of Zered.
stripped Aaron of his garments, and put 13 From there they traveled, and encamped
them on Eleazar his son. Aaron died there on the other side of the Arnon, which is
on the top of the mountain, and Moses in the wilderness that comes out of the
and Eleazar came down from the moun- border of the Amorites; for the Arnon is
tain. 29 When all the congregation saw the border of Moab, between Moab and the
that Aaron was dead, they wept for Aaron Amorites. 14 Therefore it is said in The Book
thirty days, even all the house of Israel. of the Wars of the LORD, “Vaheb in Suphah,
the valleys of the Arnon, 15 the slope of the
21 valleys that incline toward the dwelling of
1 The Canaanite, the king of Arad, who Ar, leans on the border of Moab.”
lived in the South, heard that Israel came 16 From there they traveled to Beer; that
by the way of Atharim. He fought against is the well of which the LORD said to
Israel, and took some of them captive. Moses, “Gather the people together, and I
2 Israel vowed a vow to the LORD, and said, will give them water.”
“If you will indeed deliver this people into 17 Then Israel sang this song:
my hand, then I will utterly destroy their “Spring up, well! Sing to it,
cities.” 3 The LORD listened to the voice 18 the well, which the princes dug,
of Israel, and delivered up the Canaanites; which the nobles of the people dug,
and they utterly destroyed them and their with the scepter, and with their poles.”
cities. The name of the place was called From the wilderness they traveled to
Hormah.† Mattanah; 19 and from Mattanah to Na-
4 They traveled from Mount Hor by the
haliel; and from Nahaliel to Bamoth; 20 and
way to the Red Sea, to go around the land from Bamoth to the valley that is in the
of Edom. The soul of the people was field of Moab, to the top of Pisgah, which
very discouraged because of the journey. looks down on the desert. 21 Israel sent
5 The people spoke against God and against messengers to Sihon king of the Amorites,
Moses: “Why have you brought us up out saying, 22 “Let me pass through your land.
of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there We will not turn away into field or vine-
is no bread, there is no water, and our soul yard. We will not drink of the water of the
loathes this disgusting food!” wells. We will go by the king’s highway,
6 The LORD sent venomous snakes until we have passed your border.”
among the people, and they bit the people. 23 Sihon would not allow Israel to pass
Many people of Israel died. 7 The people through his border, but Sihon gathered all
came to Moses, and said, “We have sinned, his people together, and went out against
because we have spoken against the LORD Israel into the wilderness, and came to
and against you. Pray to the LORD, that he Jahaz. He fought against Israel. 24 Israel
take away the serpents from us.” Moses struck him with the edge of the sword, and
prayed for the people. possessed his land from the Arnon to the
8 The LORD said to Moses, “Make a ven-
Jabbok, even to the children of Ammon;
omous snake, and set it on a pole. It shall for the border of the children of Ammon
happen that everyone who is bitten, when was fortified. 25 Israel took all these cities.
he sees it, shall live.” 9 Moses made a Israel lived in all the cities of the Amorites,
serpent of bronze, and set it on the pole. in Heshbon, and in all its villages. 26 For
† 21:3 “Hormah” means “destruction”.
Numbers 21:27 151 Numbers 22:18

Heshbon was the city of Sihon the king Balak the son of Zippor was king of Moab
of the Amorites, who had fought against at that time. 5 He sent messengers to Bal-
the former king of Moab, and taken all his aam the son of Beor, to Pethor, which is
land out of his hand, even to the Arnon. by the River, to the land of the children
27 Therefore those who speak in proverbs of his people, to call him, saying, “Behold,
say, there is a people who came out of Egypt.
“Come to Heshbon. Behold, they cover the surface of the earth,
Let the city of Sihon be built and estab- and they are staying opposite me. 6 Please
lished; come now therefore, and curse this people
28 for a fire has gone out of Heshbon,
for me; for they are too mighty for me.
a flame from the city of Sihon. Perhaps I shall prevail, that we may strike
It has devoured Ar of Moab, them, and that I may drive them out of the
The lords of the high places of the land; for I know that he whom you bless is
Arnon. blessed, and he whom you curse is cursed.”
29 Woe to you, Moab! 7 The elders of Moab and the elders of
You are undone, people of Chemosh! Midian departed with the rewards of div-
He has given his sons as fugitives, ination in their hand. They came to Bal-
and his daughters into captivity, aam, and spoke to him the words of Balak.
to Sihon king of the Amorites. 8 He said to them, “Lodge here this night,
30 We have shot at them. and I will bring you word again, as the
Heshbon has perished even to Dibon. LORD shall speak to me.” The princes of
We have laid waste even to Nophah, Moab stayed with Balaam.
Which reaches to Medeba.” 9 God came to Balaam, and said, “Who
31 Thus Israel lived in the land of the are these men with you?”
Amorites. 32 Moses sent to spy out Jazer. 10 Balaam said to God, “Balak the son
They took its villages, and drove out the of Zippor, king of Moab, has said to me,
Amorites who were there. 33 They turned 11 ‘Behold, the people that has come out of
and went up by the way of Bashan. Og the Egypt covers the surface of the earth. Now,
king of Bashan went out against them, he come curse them for me. Perhaps I shall be
and all his people, to battle at Edrei. able to fight against them, and shall drive
34 The LORD said to Moses, “Don’t fear them out.’ ”
him, for I have delivered him into your 12 God said to Balaam, “You shall not go
hand, with all his people, and his land. You with them. You shall not curse the people,
shall do to him as you did to Sihon king of for they are blessed.”
the Amorites, who lived at Heshbon.” 13 Balaam rose up in the morning, and
35 So they struck him, with his sons and said to the princes of Balak, “Go to your
all his people, until there were no sur- land; for the LORD refuses to permit me to
vivors; and they possessed his land. go with you.”
14 The princes of Moab rose up, and they
22 went to Balak, and said, “Balaam refuses to
1 The children of Israel traveled, and come with us.”
encamped in the plains of Moab beyond 15 Balak again sent princes, more, and
the Jordan at Jericho. 2 Balak the son of more honorable than they. 16 They came to
Zippor saw all that Israel had done to the Balaam, and said to him, “Balak the son of
Amorites. 3 Moab was very afraid of the Zippor says, ‘Please let nothing hinder you
people, because they were many. Moab from coming to me, 17 for I will promote
was distressed because of the children of you to very great honor, and whatever you
Israel. 4 Moab said to the elders of Midian, say to me I will do. Please come therefore,
“Now this multitude will lick up all that is and curse this people for me.’ ”
around us, as the ox licks up the grass of the 18 Balaam answered the servants of
field.” Balak, “If Balak would give me his house
Numbers 22:19 152 Numbers 23:3

full of silver and gold, I can’t go beyond 31 Then the LORD opened the eyes of Bal-
the word of the LORD my God, to do less aam, and he saw the LORD’s angel stand-
or more. 19 Now therefore please stay here ing in the way, with his sword drawn in
tonight as well, that I may know what else his hand; and he bowed his head, and fell
the LORD will speak to me.” on his face. 32 The LORD’s angel said to
20 God came to Balaam at night, and said him, “Why have you struck your donkey
these three times? Behold, I have come
to him, “If the men have come to call you, out as an adversary, because your way is
rise up, go with them; but only the word perverse before me. 33 The donkey saw me,
which I speak to you, that you shall do.” and turned away before me these three
21 Balaam rose up in the morning, and times. Unless she had turned away from
saddled his donkey, and went with the me, surely now I would have killed you,
princes of Moab. 22 God’s anger burned and saved her alive.”
34 Balaam said to the LORD’s angel, “I
because he went; and the LORD’s angel
placed himself in the way as an adversary have sinned; for I didn’t know that you
against him. Now he was riding on his stood in the way against me. Now there-
donkey, and his two servants were with fore, if it displeases you, I will go back
him. 23 The donkey saw the LORD’s angel again.”
35 The LORD’s angel said to Balaam, “Go
standing in the way, with his sword drawn
in his hand; and the donkey turned out of with the men; but you shall only speak the
the path, and went into the field. Balaam word that I shall speak to you.”
struck the donkey, to turn her into the So Balaam went with the princes of
path. 24 Then the LORD’s angel stood in a Balak. 36 When Balak heard that Balaam
narrow path between the vineyards, a wall had come, he went out to meet him to the
being on this side, and a wall on that side. City of Moab, which is on the border of the
25 The donkey saw the LORD’s angel, and Arnon, which is in the utmost part of the
she thrust herself to the wall, and crushed border. 37 Balak said to Balaam, “Didn’t
Balaam’s foot against the wall. He struck I earnestly send for you to summon you?
her again. Why didn’t you come to me? Am I not able
indeed to promote you to honor?”
26 The LORD’s angel went further, and 38 Balaam said to Balak, “Behold, I have
stood in a narrow place, where there was come to you. Have I now any power at all
no way to turn either to the right hand or to speak anything? I will speak the word
to the left. 27 The donkey saw the LORD’s that God puts in my mouth.”
angel, and she lay down under Balaam. 39 Balaam went with Balak, and they
Balaam’s anger burned, and he struck the came to Kiriath Huzoth. 40 Balak sacrificed
donkey with his staff. cattle and sheep, and sent to Balaam, and
28 The LORD opened the mouth of the to the princes who were with him. 41 In the
donkey, and she said to Balaam, “What morning, Balak took Balaam, and brought
have I done to you, that you have struck me him up into the high places of Baal; and he
these three times?” saw from there part of the people.
29 Balaam said to the donkey, “Because
you have mocked me, I wish there were a 1 Balaam said to Balak, “Build here seven
sword in my hand, for now I would have altars for me, and prepare here seven bulls
killed you.” and seven rams for me.”
2 Balak did as Balaam had spoken; and
30 The donkey said to Balaam, “Am I not
Balak and Balaam offered on every altar
your donkey, on which you have ridden all
a bull and a ram. 3 Balaam said to Balak,
your life long until today? Was I ever in the “Stand by your burnt offering, and I will
habit of doing so to you?” go. Perhaps the LORD will come to meet
He said, “No.” me. Whatever he shows me I will tell you.”
Numbers 23:4 153 Numbers 24:1

He went to a bare height. 4 God met Bal- princes of Moab with him. Balak said to
aam, and he said to him, “I have prepared him, “What has the LORD spoken?”
the seven altars, and I have offered up a 18 He took up his parable, and said,
bull and a ram on every altar.” “Rise up, Balak, and hear!
5 The LORD put a word in Balaam’s Listen to me, you son of Zippor.
mouth, and said, “Return to Balak, and 19 God is not a man, that he should lie,
thus you shall speak.” nor a son of man, that he should re-
6 He returned to him, and behold, he pent.
was standing by his burnt offering, he, and Has he said, and he won’t do it?
all the princes of Moab. 7 He took up his Or has he spoken, and he won’t make
parable, and said, it good?
“From Aram has Balak brought me, 20 Behold, I have received a command to
the king of Moab from the mountains bless.
of the East. He has blessed, and I can’t reverse it.
21 He has not seen iniquity in Jacob.
Come, curse Jacob for me.
Come, defy Israel. Neither has he seen perverseness in
8 How shall I curse whom God has not Israel.
cursed? The LORD his God is with him.
How shall I defy whom the LORD has The shout of a king is among them.
22 God brings them out of Egypt.
not defied?
9 For from the top of the rocks I see him. He has as it were the strength of the
From the hills I see him. wild ox.
Behold, it is a people that dwells alone, 23 Surely there is no enchantment with
and shall not be listed among the na- Jacob;
tions. neither is there any divination with
10 Who can count the dust of Jacob, Israel.
or count the fourth part of Israel? Now it shall be said of Jacob and of Israel,
Let me die the death of the righteous! ‘What has God done!’
24 Behold, a people rises up as a lioness.
Let my last end be like his!”
11 Balak said to Balaam, “What have you As a lion he lifts himself up.
done to me? I took you to curse my ene- He shall not lie down until he eats of the
mies, and behold, you have blessed them prey,
altogether.” and drinks the blood of the slain.”
25 Balak said to Balaam, “Neither curse
12 He answered and said, “Must I not take
them at all, nor bless them at all.”
heed to speak that which the LORD puts in 26 But Balaam answered Balak, “Didn’t I
my mouth?” tell you, saying, ‘All that the LORD speaks,
13 Balak said to him, “Please come with
that I must do?’ ”
me to another place, where you may see 27 Balak said to Balaam, “Come now, I
them. You shall see just part of them, and will take you to another place; perhaps it
shall not see them all. Curse them from will please God that you may curse them
there for me.” for me from there.”
14 He took him into the field of Zophim, 28 Balak took Balaam to the top of Peor,
to the top of Pisgah, and built seven altars, that looks down on the desert. 29 Balaam
and offered up a bull and a ram on every said to Balak, “Build seven altars for me
altar. 15 He said to Balak, “Stand here by here, and prepare seven bulls and seven
your burnt offering, while I meet God over rams for me here.”
there.” 30 Balak did as Balaam had said, and
16 The LORD met Balaam, and put a word offered up a bull and a ram on every altar.
in his mouth, and said, “Return to Balak,
and say this.” 24
17 He came to him, and behold, he was When Balaam saw that it pleased the
standing by his burnt offering, and the LORD to bless Israel, he didn’t go, as at
Numbers 24:2 154 Numbers 25:2

the other times, to use divination, but 15 He took up his parable, and said,
he set his face toward the wilderness. “Balaam the son of Beor says,
2 Balaam lifted up his eyes, and he saw
the man whose eyes are open says;
Israel dwelling according to their tribes; 16 he says, who hears the words of God,
and the Spirit of God came on him. 3 He knows the knowledge of the Most
took up his parable, and said, High,
“Balaam the son of Beor says, and who sees the vision of the
the man whose eyes are open says; Almighty,
4 he says, who hears the words of God, falling down, and having his eyes
who sees the vision of the Almighty, open:
falling down, and having his eyes 17 I see him, but not now.
open: I see him, but not near.
5 How goodly are your tents, Jacob, A star will come out of Jacob.
and your dwellings, Israel! A scepter will rise out of Israel,
6 As valleys they are spread out, and shall strike through the corners of
as gardens by the riverside, Moab,
as aloes which the LORD has planted, and crush all the sons of Sheth.
18 Edom shall be a possession.
as cedar trees beside the waters.
7 Water shall flow from his buckets. Seir, his enemy, also shall be a posses-
His seed shall be in many waters. sion,
His king shall be higher than Agag. while Israel does valiantly.
His kingdom shall be exalted. 19 Out of Jacob shall one have dominion,
8 God brings him out of Egypt. and shall destroy the remnant from
He has as it were the strength of the the city.”
wild ox. 20 He looked at Amalek, and took up his
He shall consume the nations his adver- parable, and said,
saries, “Amalek was the first of the nations,
shall break their bones in pieces, but his latter end shall come to de-
and pierce them with his arrows. struction.”
9 He couched, he lay down as a lion, 21 He looked at the Kenite, and took up
as a lioness; his parable, and said,
who shall rouse him up? “Your dwelling place is strong.
Everyone who blesses you is blessed. Your nest is set in the rock.
Everyone who curses you is cursed.” 22 Nevertheless Kain shall be wasted,
10 Balak’s anger burned against Balaam, until Asshur carries you away cap-
and he struck his hands together. Balak tive.”
23 He took up his parable, and said,
said to Balaam, “I called you to curse
my enemies, and, behold, you have al- “Alas, who shall live when God does this?
24 But ships shall come from the coast
together blessed them these three times.
11 Therefore, flee to your place, now! I of Kittim.
They shall afflict Asshur, and shall afflict
thought to promote you to great honor;
but, behold, the LORD has kept you back He also shall come to destruction.”
from honor.” 25 Balaam rose up, and went and re-
12 Balaam said to Balak, “Didn’t I also tell
turned to his place; and Balak also went his
your messengers whom you sent to me, way.
saying, 13 ‘If Balak would give me his house
full of silver and gold, I can’t go beyond the 25
LORD’s word, to do either good or bad from 1 Israel stayed in Shittim; and the peo-
my own mind. I will say what the LORD ple began to play the prostitute with the
says’? 14 Now, behold, I go to my people. daughters of Moab; 2 for they called the
Come, I will inform you what this people people to the sacrifices of their gods. The
shall do to your people in the latter days.” people ate and bowed down to their gods.
Numbers 25:3 155 Numbers 26:18

3 Israel joined himself to Baal Peor, and the Midian, their sister, who was slain on the
LORD’s anger burned against Israel. 4 The day of the plague in the matter of Peor.”
LORD said to Moses, “Take all the chiefs of
the people, and hang them up to the LORD 26
before the sun, that the fierce anger of the 1 After the plague, the LORD spoke to
LORD may turn away from Israel.” Moses and to Eleazar the son of Aaron
5 Moses said to the judges of Israel, “Ev- the priest, saying, 2 “Take a census of all
eryone kill his men who have joined them- the congregation of the children of Israel,
selves to Baal Peor.” from twenty years old and upward, by
6 Behold, one of the children of Israel their fathers’ houses, all who are able to go
came and brought to his brothers a Midi- out to war in Israel.” 3 Moses and Eleazar
anite woman in the sight of Moses, and in the priest spoke with them in the plains
the sight of all the congregation of the chil- of Moab by the Jordan at Jericho, saying,
4 “Take a census, from twenty years old and
dren of Israel, while they were weeping at
the door of the Tent of Meeting. 7 When upward, as the LORD commanded Moses
Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of and the children of Israel.”
Aaron the priest, saw it, he rose up from These are those who came out of the land
of Egypt. 5 Reuben, the firstborn of Israel;
the middle of the congregation, and took
the sons of Reuben: of Hanoch, the family
a spear in his hand. 8 He went after the
of the Hanochites; of Pallu, the family of
man of Israel into the pavilion, and thrust
the Palluites; 6 of Hezron, the family of
both of them through, the man of Israel,
the Hezronites; of Carmi, the family of the
and the woman through her body. So the
Carmites. 7 These are the families of the
plague was stopped among the children of Reubenites; and those who were counted
Israel. 9 Those who died by the plague were of them were forty-three thousand seven
twenty-four thousand. hundred thirty. 8 The son of Pallu: Eliab.
10 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, 9 The sons of Eliab: Nemuel, Dathan, and
11 “Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son
Abiram. These are that Dathan and Abi-
of Aaron the priest, has turned my wrath ram who were called by the congregation,
away from the children of Israel, in that he who rebelled against Moses and against
was jealous with my jealousy among them, Aaron in the company of Korah when they
so that I didn’t consume the children of rebelled against the LORD; 10 and the earth
Israel in my jealousy. 12 Therefore say, ‘Be- opened its mouth, and swallowed them up
hold, I give to him my covenant of peace. together with Korah when that company
13 It shall be to him, and to his offspring
died; at the time the fire devoured two
after him, the covenant of an everlasting hundred fifty men, and they became a
priesthood, because he was jealous for his sign. 11 Notwithstanding, the sons of Korah
God, and made atonement for the children didn’t die. 12 The sons of Simeon after
of Israel.’ ” their families: of Nemuel, the family of
14 Now the name of the man of Israel
the Nemuelites; of Jamin, the family of the
that was slain, who was slain with the Jaminites; of Jachin, the family of the Ja-
Midianite woman, was Zimri, the son of
Salu, a prince of a fathers’ house among chinites; 13 of Zerah, the family of the Zer-
the Simeonites. 15 The name of the Midi- ahites; of Shaul, the family of the Shaulites.
14 These are the families of the Simeonites,
anite woman who was slain was Cozbi, the
daughter of Zur. He was head of the people twenty-two thousand two hundred. 15 The
of a fathers’ house in Midian. sons of Gad after their families: of Zephon,
16 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, the family of the Zephonites; of Haggi, the
17 “Harass the Midianites, and strike them; family of the Haggites; of Shuni, the family
18 for they harassed you with their wiles, of the Shunites; 16 of Ozni, the family of the
wherein they have deceived you in the Oznites; of Eri, the family of the Erites; 17 of
matter of Peor, and in the incident regard- Arod, the family of the Arodites; of Areli,
ing Cozbi, the daughter of the prince of the family of the Arelites. 18 These are
Numbers 26:19 156 Numbers 26:54

the families of the sons of Gad according family of the Tahanites. 36 These are the
to those who were counted of them, forty sons of Shuthelah: of Eran, the family
thousand and five hundred. 19 The sons of the Eranites. 37 These are the fami-
of Judah: Er and Onan. Er and Onan lies of the sons of Ephraim according to
died in the land of Canaan. 20 The sons of those who were counted of them, thirty-
Judah after their families were: of Shelah, two thousand five hundred. These are the
the family of the Shelanites; of Perez, the sons of Joseph after their families. 38 The
family of the Perezites; of Zerah, the family sons of Benjamin after their families: of
of the Zerahites. 21 The sons of Perez were: Bela, the family of the Belaites; of Ashbel,
of Hezron, the family of the Hezronites; the family of the Ashbelites; of Ahiram,
of Hamul, the family of the Hamulites. the family of the Ahiramites; 39 of Shep-
22 These are the families of Judah accord-
hupham, the family of the Shuphamites;
ing to those who were counted of them, of Hupham, the family of the Huphamites.
seventy-six thousand five hundred. 23 The 40 The sons of Bela were Ard and Naa-
sons of Issachar after their families: of man: the family of the Ardites; and of Naa-
Tola, the family of the Tolaites; of Puvah, man, the family of the Naamites. 41 These
the family of the Punites; 24 of Jashub, are the sons of Benjamin after their fam-
the family of the Jashubites; of Shimron, ilies; and those who were counted of
the family of the Shimronites. 25 These them were forty-five thousand six hun-
are the families of Issachar according to dred. 42 These are the sons of Dan after
those who were counted of them, sixty- their families: of Shuham, the family of
four thousand three hundred. 26 The sons the Shuhamites. These are the families of
of Zebulun after their families: of Sered, Dan after their families. 43 All the fami-
the family of the Seredites; of Elon, the lies of the Shuhamites, according to those
family of the Elonites; of Jahleel, the family who were counted of them, were sixty-
of the Jahleelites. 27 These are the fami- four thousand four hundred. 44 The sons
lies of the Zebulunites according to those of Asher after their families: of Imnah, the
family of the Imnites; of Ishvi, the family
who were counted of them, sixty thousand
of the Ishvites; of Beriah, the family of the
five hundred. 28 The sons of Joseph after
Berites. 45 Of the sons of Beriah: of Heber,
their families: Manasseh and Ephraim. the family of the Heberites; of Malchiel, the
29 The sons of Manasseh: of Machir, the
family of the Malchielites. 46 The name of
family of the Machirites; and Machir be-
the daughter of Asher was Serah. 47 These
came the father of Gilead; of Gilead, the
family of the Gileadites. 30 These are the are the families of the sons of Asher ac-
cording to those who were counted of
sons of Gilead: of Iezer, the family of them, fifty-three thousand four hundred.
the Iezerites; of Helek, the family of the 48 The sons of Naphtali after their families:
Helekites; 31 and Asriel, the family of the of Jahzeel, the family of the Jahzeelites; of
Asrielites; and Shechem, the family of the Guni, the family of the Gunites; 49 of Jezer,
Shechemites; 32 and Shemida, the family of the family of the Jezerites; of Shillem, the
the Shemidaites; and Hepher, the family of family of the Shillemites. 50 These are
the Hepherites. 33 Zelophehad the son of the families of Naphtali according to their
Hepher had no sons, but daughters: and families; and those who were counted of
the names of the daughters of Zelophe- them were forty-five thousand four hun-
had were Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, dred. 51 These are those who were counted
and Tirzah. 34 These are the families of of the children of Israel, six hundred one
Manasseh. Those who were counted of thousand seven hundred thirty.
them were fifty-two thousand seven hun-
dred. 35 These are the sons of Ephraim The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

after their families: of Shuthelah, the fam- 53“To these the land shall be divided for
ily of the Shuthelahites; of Becher, the an inheritance according to the number
family of the Becherites; of Tahan, the of names. 54 To the more you shall give
the more inheritance, and to the fewer
Numbers 26:55 157 Numbers 27:17

you shall give the less inheritance. To before Eleazar the priest, and before the
everyone according to those who were princes and all the congregation, at the
counted of him shall his inheritance be door of the Tent of Meeting, saying, 3 “Our
given. 55 Notwithstanding, the land shall father died in the wilderness. He was not
be divided by lot. According to the names among the company of those who gathered
of the tribes of their fathers they shall themselves together against the LORD in
inherit. 56 According to the lot shall their the company of Korah, but he died in his
inheritance be divided between the more own sin. He had no sons. 4 Why should
and the fewer.” the name of our father be taken away from
57 These are those who were counted of
among his family, because he had no son?
the Levites after their families: of Gershon,
the family of the Gershonites; of Kohath, Give to us a possession among the brothers
the family of the Kohathites; of Merari, the of our father.”
5 Moses brought their cause before the
family of the Merarites. 58 These are the
families of Levi: the family of the Libnites, LORD. 6 The LORD spoke to Moses, say-
the family of the Hebronites, the family of ing, 7 “The daughters of Zelophehad speak
the Mahlites, the family of the Mushites, right. You shall surely give them a posses-
and the family of the Korahites. Kohath sion of an inheritance among their father’s
became the father of Amram. 59 The brothers. You shall cause the inheritance
name of Amram’s wife was Jochebed, the of their father to pass to them. 8 You shall
daughter of Levi, who was born to Levi speak to the children of Israel, saying, ‘If a
in Egypt. She bore to Amram Aaron and man dies, and has no son, then you shall
Moses, and Miriam their sister. 60 To Aaron cause his inheritance to pass to his daugh-
were born Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and ter. 9 If he has no daughter, then you shall
Ithamar. 61 Nadab and Abihu died when give his inheritance to his brothers. 10 If
they offered strange fire before the LORD. he has no brothers, then you shall give his
62 Those who were counted of them were inheritance to his father’s brothers. 11 If
twenty-three thousand, every male from a his father has no brothers, then you shall
month old and upward; for they were not give his inheritance to his kinsman who
counted among the children of Israel, be- is next to him of his family, and he shall
cause there was no inheritance given them possess it. This shall be a statute and or-
among the children of Israel. 63 These dinance for the children of Israel, as the
are those who were counted by Moses and LORD commanded Moses.’ ”
Eleazar the priest, who counted the chil- 12 The LORD said to Moses, “Go up into
dren of Israel in the plains of Moab by this mountain of Abarim, and see the land
the Jordan at Jericho. 64 But among these which I have given to the children of Is-
there was not a man of them who were rael. 13 When you have seen it, you also
counted by Moses and Aaron the priest, shall be gathered to your people, as Aaron
who counted the children of Israel in the your brother was gathered; 14 because in
wilderness of Sinai. 65 For the LORD had the strife of the congregation, you rebelled
said of them, “They shall surely die in the against my word in the wilderness of Zin,
wilderness.” There was not a man left of to honor me as holy at the waters be-
them, except Caleb the son of Jephunneh,
and Joshua the son of Nun. fore their eyes.” (These are the waters of
Meribah of Kadesh in the wilderness of
1 Then
27 15 Moses spoke to the LORD, saying,
the daughters of Zelophehad, the
16 “Let the LORD, the God of the spirits of
son of Hepher, the son of Gilead, the son
of Machir, the son of Manasseh, of the all flesh, appoint a man over the congre-
families of Manasseh the son of Joseph gation, 17 who may go out before them,
came near. These are the names of his and who may come in before them, and
daughters: Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, who may lead them out, and who may
and Tirzah. 2 They stood before Moses, bring them in, that the congregation of the
Numbers 27:18 158 Numbers 28:23

LORD may not be as sheep which have no offering made by fire, for a pleasant aroma
shepherd.” to the LORD.
18 The LORD said to Moses, “Take Joshua 9 “ ‘On the Sabbath day, you shall offer
the son of Nun, a man in whom is the two male lambs a year old without defect,
Spirit, and lay your hand on him. 19 Set and two tenths of an ephah† of fine flour
him before Eleazar the priest, and before for a meal offering mixed with oil, and its
all the congregation; and commission him drink offering: 10 this is the burnt offering
in their sight. 20 You shall give authority of every Sabbath, in addition to the contin-
to him, that all the congregation of the ual burnt offering and its drink offering.
children of Israel may obey. 21 He shall 11 “ ‘In the beginnings of your months,
stand before Eleazar the priest, who shall you shall offer a burnt offering to the
inquire for him by the judgment of the LORD: two young bulls, one ram, seven
Urim before the LORD. At his word they male lambs a year old without defect,
shall go out, and at his word they shall 12 and three tenths of an ephah‡ of fine
come in, both he and all the children of flour for a meal offering mixed with oil,
Israel with him, even all the congregation.”
22 Moses did as the LORD commanded for each bull; and two tenth parts of fine
him. He took Joshua, and set him before flour for a meal offering mixed with oil, for
Eleazar the priest and before all the con- the one ram; 13 and one tenth part of fine
gregation. 23 He laid his hands on him and flour mixed with oil for a meal offering to
commissioned him, as the LORD spoke by every lamb, as a burnt offering of a pleas-
Moses. ant aroma, an offering made by fire to the
LORD. 14 Their drink offerings shall be half
28 a hin of wine for a bull, the third part of
1 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, a hin for the ram, and the fourth part of a
2 “Command the children of Israel, and tell
hin for a lamb. This is the burnt offering
them, ‘See that you present my offering, of every month throughout the months of
my food for my offerings made by fire, as a the year. 15 Also, one male goat for a sin
pleasant aroma to me, in their due season.’ offering to the LORD shall be offered in
3 You shall tell them, ‘This is the offering
addition to the continual burnt offering
made by fire which you shall offer to the and its drink offering.
LORD: male lambs a year old without de- 16 “ ‘In the first month, on the fourteenth
fect, two day by day, for a continual burnt day of the month, is the LORD’s Passover.
offering. 4 You shall offer the one lamb in 17 On the fifteenth day of this month shall
the morning, and you shall offer the other
be a feast. Unleavened bread shall be
lamb at evening, 5 with one tenth of an eaten for seven days. 18 In the first day
ephah† of fine flour for a meal offering, shall be a holy convocation. You shall
mixed with the fourth part of a hin‡ of do no regular work, 19 but you shall offer
beaten oil. 6 It is a continual burnt offering an offering made by fire, a burnt offering
which was ordained in Mount Sinai for a to the LORD: two young bulls, one ram,
pleasant aroma, an offering made by fire and seven male lambs a year old. They
to the LORD. 7 Its drink offering shall be the shall be without defect, 20 with their meal
fourth part of a hin§ for each lamb. You offering, fine flour mixed with oil. You
shall pour out a drink offering of strong shall offer three tenths for a bull, and two
drink to the LORD in the holy place. 8 The tenths for the ram. 21 You shall offer one
other lamb you shall offer at evening. As tenth for every lamb of the seven lambs;
the meal offering of the morning, and as 22 and one male goat for a sin offering,
its drink offering, you shall offer it, an to make atonement for you. 23 You shall
† 28:5 1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel ‡ 28:5 A hin is about 6.5 liters or 1.7 gallons. § 28:7
One hin is about 6.5 liters, so 1/4 hin is about 1.6 liters or 1.7 quarts. † 28:9 1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3
of a bushel ‡ 28:12 1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel
Numbers 28:24 159 Numbers 29:24

offer these in addition to the burnt offering burnt offering to the LORD for a pleasant
of the morning, which is for a continual aroma: one young bull, one ram, seven
burnt offering. 24 In this way you shall male lambs a year old, all without defect;
offer daily, for seven days, the food of the 9 and their meal offering, fine flour mixed
offering made by fire, of a pleasant aroma with oil: three tenths for the bull, two
to the LORD. It shall be offered in addi- tenths for the one ram, 10 one tenth for
tion to the continual burnt offering and its every lamb of the seven lambs; 11 one male
drink offering. 25 On the seventh day you goat for a sin offering, in addition to the sin
shall have a holy convocation. You shall do offering of atonement, and the continual
no regular work. burnt offering, and its meal offering, and
26 “ ‘Also in the day of the first fruits, their drink offerings.
when you offer a new meal offering to the 12 “ ‘On the fifteenth day of the seventh
LORD in your feast of weeks, you shall month you shall have a holy convocation.
have a holy convocation. You shall do You shall do no regular work. You shall
no regular work; 27 but you shall offer a keep a feast to the LORD seven days. 13 You
burnt offering for a pleasant aroma to the shall offer a burnt offering, an offering
LORD: two young bulls, one ram, seven made by fire, of a pleasant aroma to the
male lambs a year old; 28 and their meal LORD: thirteen young bulls, two rams,
offering, fine flour mixed with oil, three fourteen male lambs a year old, all without
tenths for each bull, two tenths for the defect; 14 and their meal offering, fine flour
one ram, 29 one tenth for every lamb of mixed with oil: three tenths for every bull
the seven lambs; 30 and one male goat, to of the thirteen bulls, two tenths for each
make atonement for you. 31 Besides the ram of the two rams, 15 and one tenth for
continual burnt offering and its meal of- every lamb of the fourteen lambs; 16 and
fering, you shall offer them and their drink one male goat for a sin offering, in addition
offerings. See that they are without defect. to the continual burnt offering, its meal
offering, and its drink offering.
29 17 “ ‘On the second day you shall offer
1 “ ‘In the seventh month, on the first twelve young bulls, two rams, and four-
day of the month, you shall have a holy teen male lambs a year old without defect;
convocation; you shall do no regular work. 18 and their meal offering and their drink
It is a day of blowing of trumpets to you.
2 You shall offer a burnt offering for a offerings for the bulls, for the rams, and for
the lambs, according to their number, af-
pleasant aroma to the LORD: one young
ter the ordinance; 19 and one male goat for
bull, one ram, seven male lambs a year old
a sin offering, in addition to the continual
without defect; 3 and their meal offering,
burnt offering, with its meal offering and
fine flour mixed with oil: three tenths for
the bull, two tenths for the ram, 4 and one their drink offerings.
tenth for every lamb of the seven lambs; 20 “ ‘On the third day: eleven bulls, two
5 and one male goat for a sin offering, to rams, fourteen male lambs a year old with-
make atonement for you; 6 in addition to out defect; 21 and their meal offering and
the burnt offering of the new moon with their drink offerings for the bulls, for the
its meal offering, and the continual burnt rams, and for the lambs, according to their
offering with its meal offering, and their number, after the ordinance; 22 and one
drink offerings, according to their ordi- male goat for a sin offering, in addition to
nance, for a pleasant aroma, an offering the continual burnt offering, and its meal
made by fire to the LORD. offering, and its drink offering.
7 “ ‘On the tenth day of this seventh 23 “ ‘On the fourth day ten bulls, two
month you shall have a holy convocation. rams, fourteen male lambs a year old with-
You shall afflict your souls. You shall do out defect; 24 their meal offering and their
no kind of work; 8 but you shall offer a drink offerings for the bulls, for the rams,
Numbers 29:25 160 Numbers 30:12

and for the lambs, according to their num- your drink offerings, and your peace offer-
ber, after the ordinance; 25 and one male ings.’ ”
goat for a sin offering; in addition to the 40 Moses told the children of Israel ac-
continual burnt offering, its meal offering, cording to all that the LORD commanded
and its drink offering. Moses.
26 “ ‘On the fifth day: nine bulls, two
rams, fourteen male lambs a year old with- 1 Moses
spoke to the heads of the tribes
out defect; 27 and their meal offering and of the children of Israel, saying, “This is the
their drink offerings for the bulls, for the thing which the LORD has commanded.
rams, and for the lambs, according to their 2 When a man vows a vow to the LORD,
number, after the ordinance, 28 and one or swears an oath to bind his soul with a
male goat for a sin offering, in addition to bond, he shall not break his word. He shall
the continual burnt offering, and its meal do according to all that proceeds out of his
offering, and its drink offering. mouth.
3 “Also, when a woman vows a vow to
29 “ ‘On the sixth day: eight bulls, two
the LORD and binds herself by a pledge,
rams, fourteen male lambs a year old with-
being in her father’s house, in her youth,
out defect; 30 and their meal offering and 4 and her father hears her vow and her
their drink offerings for the bulls, for the pledge with which she has bound her soul,
rams, and for the lambs, according to their and her father says nothing to her, then
number, after the ordinance, 31 and one all her vows shall stand, and every pledge
male goat for a sin offering; in addition with which she has bound her soul shall
to the continual burnt offering, its meal stand. 5 But if her father forbids her in the
offering, and the drink offerings of it. day that he hears, none of her vows or of
32 “ ‘On the seventh day: seven bulls, her pledges with which she has bound her
two rams, fourteen male lambs a year old soul, shall stand. The LORD will forgive
without defect; 33 and their meal offering her, because her father has forbidden her.
6 “If she has a husband, while her vows
and their drink offerings for the bulls, for
are on her, or the rash utterance of her lips
the rams, and for the lambs, according to
with which she has bound her soul, 7 and
their number, after the ordinance, 34 and her husband hears it, and says nothing to
one male goat for a sin offering; in addition
her in the day that he hears it; then her
to the continual burnt offering, its meal
vows shall stand, and her pledges with
offering, and its drink offering.
which she has bound her soul shall stand.
35 “ ‘On the eighth day you shall have a 8 But if her husband forbids her in the day
solemn assembly. You shall do no regular that he hears it, then he makes void her
work; 36 but you shall offer a burnt offer- vow which is on her and the rash utterance
ing, an offering made by fire, a pleasant of her lips, with which she has bound her
aroma to the LORD: one bull, one ram, soul. The LORD will forgive her.
9 “But the vow of a widow, or of her who
seven male lambs a year old without de-
fect; 37 their meal offering and their drink is divorced, everything with which she has
offerings for the bull, for the ram, and bound her soul shall stand against her.
10 “If she vowed in her husband’s house
for the lambs, shall be according to their
number, after the ordinance, 38 and one or bound her soul by a bond with an oath,
11 and her husband heard it, and held his
male goat for a sin offering, in addition to
the continual burnt offering, with its meal peace at her and didn’t disallow her, then
offering, and its drink offering. all her vows shall stand, and every pledge
with which she bound her soul shall stand.
39 “ ‘You shall offer these to the LORD 12 But if her husband made them null and
in your set feasts—in addition to your void in the day that he heard them, then
vows and your free will offerings—for whatever proceeded out of her lips con-
your burnt offerings, your meal offerings, cerning her vows, or concerning the bond
Numbers 30:13 161 Numbers 31:26

of her soul, shall not stand. Her husband of animal. 12 They brought the captives
has made them void. The LORD will for- with the prey and the plunder, to Moses,
give her. 13 Every vow, and every binding and to Eleazar the priest, and to the con-
oath to afflict the soul, her husband may gregation of the children of Israel, to the
establish it, or her husband may make it camp at the plains of Moab, which are by
void. 14 But if her husband says nothing to the Jordan at Jericho. 13 Moses and Eleazar
her from day to day, then he establishes all the priest, with all the princes of the con-
her vows or all her pledges which are on gregation, went out to meet them outside
her. He has established them, because he of the camp. 14 Moses was angry with
said nothing to her in the day that he heard the officers of the army, the captains of
them. 15 But if he makes them null and void thousands and the captains of hundreds,
after he has heard them, then he shall bear
her iniquity.” who came from the service of the war.
15 Moses said to them, “Have you saved all
16 These are the statutes which the LORD
the women alive? 16 Behold, these caused
commanded Moses, between a man and the children of Israel, through the coun-
his wife, between a father and his daugh-
sel of Balaam, to commit trespass against
ter, being in her youth, in her father’s
the LORD in the matter of Peor, and so
house. the plague was among the congregation
31 of the LORD. 17 Now therefore kill every
1 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, male among the little ones, and kill every
2 “Avenge the children of Israel on the Mid- woman who has known man by lying with
ianites. Afterward you shall be gathered to him.
18 But all the girls, who have not

your people.” known man by lying with him, keep alive

3 Moses spoke to the people, saying, for yourselves.
19 “Encamp outside of the camp for
“Arm men from among you for war, that
they may go against Midian, to execute seven days. Whoever has killed any per-
the LORD’s vengeance on Midian. 4 You son, and whoever has touched any slain,
shall send one thousand out of every tribe, purify yourselves on the third day and on
throughout all the tribes of Israel, to the the seventh day, you and your captives.
war.” 5 So there were delivered, out of 20 You shall purify every garment, and all
the thousands of Israel, a thousand from that is made of skin, and all work of goats’
every tribe, twelve thousand armed for hair, and all things made of wood.”
war. 6 Moses sent them, one thousand 21 Eleazar the priest said to the men of
of every tribe, to the war with Phinehas war who went to the battle, “This is the
the son of Eleazar the priest, to the war, statute of the law which the LORD has
with the vessels of the sanctuary and the commanded Moses. 22 However the gold,
trumpets for the alarm in his hand. 7 They and the silver, the bronze, the iron, the
fought against Midian, as the LORD com- tin, and the lead, 23 everything that may
manded Moses. They killed every male. withstand the fire, you shall make to go
8 They killed the kings of Midian with the through the fire, and it shall be clean; nev-
rest of their slain: Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, ertheless it shall be purified with the water
and Reba, the five kings of Midian. They for impurity. All that doesn’t withstand
also killed Balaam the son of Beor with the the fire you shall make to go through the
sword. 9 The children of Israel took the water. 24 You shall wash your clothes on
women of Midian captive with their little
the seventh day, and you shall be clean.
ones; and all their livestock, all their flocks,
and all their goods, they took as plunder. Afterward you shall come into the camp.”
10 All their cities in the places in which they The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
lived, and all their encampments, they 26 “Count the plunder that was taken, both
burned with fire. 11 They took all the cap- of man and of animal, you, and Eleazar
tives, and all the plunder, both of man and the priest, and the heads of the fathers’
Numbers 31:27 162 Numbers 32:6

households of the congregation; 27 and di- fifty, both of man and of animal, and gave
vide the plunder into two parts: between them to the Levites, who performed the
the men skilled in war, who went out to duty of the LORD’s tabernacle, as the LORD
battle, and all the congregation. 28 Levy commanded Moses.
a tribute to the LORD of the men of war 48 The officers who were over the thou-
who went out to battle: one soul of five sands of the army, the captains of thou-
hundred; of the persons, of the cattle, of sands, and the captains of hundreds, came
the donkeys, and of the flocks. 29 Take near to Moses. 49 They said to Moses,
it from their half, and give it to Eleazar “Your servants have taken the sum of
the priest, for the LORD’s wave offering. the men of war who are under our com-
30 Of the children of Israel’s half, you shall mand, and there lacks not one man of us.
50 We have brought the LORD’s offering,
take one drawn out of every fifty, of the
persons, of the cattle, of the donkeys, and what every man found: gold ornaments,
of the flocks, of all the livestock, and give armlets, bracelets, signet rings, earrings,
them to the Levites, who perform the duty and necklaces, to make atonement for our
of the LORD’s tabernacle.” souls before the LORD.”
51 Moses and Eleazar the priest took their
31 Moses and Eleazar the priest did as the
gold, even all worked jewels. 52 All the
LORD commanded Moses. gold of the wave offering that they offered
32 Now the plunder, over and above up to the LORD, of the captains of thou-
the booty which the men of war took, sands, and of the captains of hundreds,
was six hundred seventy-five thousand was sixteen thousand seven hundred fifty
sheep, 33 seventy-two thousand head of shekels.† 53 The men of war had taken
cattle, 34 sixty-one thousand donkeys, booty, every man for himself. 54 Moses
35 and thirty-two thousand persons in all, and Eleazar the priest took the gold of the
of the women who had not known man captains of thousands and of hundreds,
by lying with him. 36 The half, which and brought it into the Tent of Meeting
was the portion of those who went out to for a memorial for the children of Israel
war, was in number three hundred thirty- before the LORD.
seven thousand five hundred sheep; 37 and
the LORD’s tribute of the sheep was six 32
1 Now the children of Reuben and the
hundred seventy-five. 38 The cattle were children of Gad had a very great multitude
thirty-six thousand, of which the LORD’s of livestock. They saw the land of Jazer,
tribute was seventy-two. 39 The donkeys and the land of Gilead. Behold, the place
were thirty thousand five hundred, of was a place for livestock. 2 Then the chil-
which the LORD’s tribute was sixty-one. dren of Gad and the children of Reuben
40 The persons were sixteen thousand, of came and spoke to Moses, and to Eleazar
whom the LORD’s tribute was thirty-two the priest, and to the princes of the con-
persons. 41 Moses gave the tribute, which gregation, saying, 3 “Ataroth, Dibon, Jazer,
was the LORD’s wave offering, to Eleazar Nimrah, Heshbon, Elealeh, Sebam, Nebo,
the priest, as the LORD commanded Moses. and Beon, 4 the land which The LORD
42 Of the children of Israel’s half, which struck before the congregation of Israel,
Moses divided off from the men who is a land for livestock; and your servants
fought 43 (now the congregation’s half have livestock.” 5 They said, “If we have
was three hundred thirty-seven thousand found favor in your sight, let this land be
five hundred sheep, 44 thirty-six thousand given to your servants for a possession.
head of cattle, 45 thirty thousand five Don’t bring us over the Jordan.”
hundred donkeys, 46 and sixteen thousand 6 Moses said to the children of Gad, and
persons), 47 even of the children of Israel’s to the children of Reuben, “Shall your
half, Moses took one drawn out of every brothers go to war while you sit here?
† 31:52 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces, so 16,750 shekels is about 167.5 kilograms or about 368.5
Numbers 32:7 163 Numbers 32:38

7 Why do you discourage the heart of the afterward you shall return, and be clear of
children of Israel from going over into obligation to the LORD and to Israel. Then
the land which the LORD has given them? this land shall be your possession before
8 Your fathers did so when I sent them from the LORD.
Kadesh Barnea to see the land. 9 For when 23 “But if you will not do so, behold, you
they went up to the valley of Eshcol, and have sinned against the LORD; and be sure
saw the land, they discouraged the heart of your sin will find you out. 24 Build cities for
the children of Israel, that they should not your little ones, and folds for your sheep;
go into the land which the LORD had given and do that which has proceeded out of
them. 10 The LORD’s anger burned in that your mouth.”
day, and he swore, saying, 11 ‘Surely none 25 The children of Gad and the children
of the men who came up out of Egypt, from of Reuben spoke to Moses, saying, “Your
twenty years old and upward, shall see the servants will do as my lord commands.
land which I swore to Abraham, to Isaac, 26 Our little ones, our wives, our flocks, and
and to Jacob; because they have not wholly all our livestock shall be there in the cities
followed me, 12 except Caleb the son of of Gilead; 27 but your servants will pass
Jephunneh the Kenizzite, and Joshua the over, every man who is armed for war,
son of Nun, because they have followed before the LORD to battle, as my lord says.”
the LORD completely.’ 13 The LORD’s anger 28 So Moses commanded concerning
burned against Israel, and he made them them to Eleazar the priest, and to Joshua
wander back and forth in the wilderness the son of Nun, and to the heads of the
forty years, until all the generation who fathers’ households of the tribes of the
had done evil in the LORD’s sight was con- children of Israel. 29 Moses said to them,
sumed. “If the children of Gad and the children of
14 “Behold, you have risen up in your Reuben will pass with you over the Jordan,
fathers’ place, an increase of sinful men, every man who is armed to battle before
to increase the fierce anger of the LORD the LORD, and the land is subdued before
toward Israel. 15 For if you turn away from you, then you shall give them the land of
after him, he will yet again leave them in Gilead for a possession; 30 but if they will
the wilderness; and you will destroy all not pass over with you armed, they shall
these people.” have possessions among you in the land of
16 They came near to him, and said, “We
31 The children of Gad and the children
will build sheepfolds here for our live- of Reuben answered, saying, “As the LORD
stock, and cities for our little ones; 17 but has said to your servants, so will we do.
we ourselves will be ready armed to go 32 We will pass over armed before the
before the children of Israel, until we have LORD into the land of Canaan, and the
brought them to their place. Our little ones possession of our inheritance shall remain
shall dwell in the fortified cities because of with us beyond the Jordan.”
the inhabitants of the land. 18 We will not 33 Moses gave to them, even to the chil-
return to our houses until the children of
Israel have all received their inheritance. dren of Gad, and to the children of Reuben,
19 For we will not inherit with them on and to the half-tribe of Manasseh the son
the other side of the Jordan and beyond, of Joseph, the kingdom of Sihon king of the
because our inheritance has come to us on Amorites, and the kingdom of Og king of
this side of the Jordan eastward.” Bashan; the land, according to its cities and
20 Moses said to them: “If you will do this borders, even the cities of the surrounding
thing, if you will arm yourselves to go be- land. 34 The children of Gad built Dibon,
fore the LORD to the war, 21 and every one Ataroth, Aroer, 35 Atroth-shophan, Jazer,
of your armed men will pass over the Jor- Jogbehah, 36 Beth Nimrah, and Beth Haran:
dan before the LORD until he has driven fortified cities and folds for sheep. 37 The
out his enemies from before him, 22 and children of Reuben built Heshbon, Elealeh,
the land is subdued before the LORD; then Kiriathaim, 38 Nebo, and Baal Meon, (their
Numbers 32:39 164 Numbers 33:40

names being changed), and Sibmah. They traveled from Alush, and encamped in
gave other names to the cities which they Rephidim, where there was no water for
built. 39 The children of Machir the son of the people to drink. 15 They traveled from
Manasseh went to Gilead, took it, and dis- Rephidim, and encamped in the wilder-
possessed the Amorites who were therein. ness of Sinai. 16 They traveled from
40 Moses gave Gilead to Machir the son of
the wilderness of Sinai, and encamped
Manasseh; and he lived therein. 41 Jair the in Kibroth Hattaavah. 17 They traveled
son of Manasseh went and took its villages, from Kibroth Hattaavah, and encamped
and called them Havvoth Jair. 42 Nobah in Hazeroth. 18 They traveled from Haze-
went and took Kenath and its villages, and roth, and encamped in Rithmah. 19 They
called it Nobah, after his own name. traveled from Rithmah, and encamped in
Rimmon Perez. 20 They traveled from
33 Rimmon Perez, and encamped in Lib-
1 These are the journeys of the children nah. 21 They traveled from Libnah, and
of Israel, when they went out of the land encamped in Rissah. 22 They traveled
of Egypt by their armies under the hand from Rissah, and encamped in Kehelathah.
of Moses and Aaron. 2 Moses wrote the 23 They traveled from Kehelathah, and
starting points of their journeys by the encamped in Mount Shepher. 24 They
commandment of the LORD. These are traveled from Mount Shepher, and en-
their journeys according to their starting
camped in Haradah. 25 They traveled
points. 3 They traveled from Rameses
from Haradah, and encamped in Makh-
in the first month, on the fifteenth day
eloth. 26 They traveled from Makheloth,
of the first month; on the next day af-
and encamped in Tahath. 27 They trav-
ter the Passover, the children of Israel
went out with a high hand in the sight eled from Tahath, and encamped in Terah.
28 They traveled from Terah, and en-
of all the Egyptians, 4 while the Egyptians
were burying all their firstborn, whom camped in Mithkah. 29 They traveled from
the LORD had struck among them. The Mithkah, and encamped in Hashmonah.
30 They traveled from Hashmonah, and
LORD also executed judgments on their
gods. 5 The children of Israel traveled from encamped in Moseroth. 31 They trav-
Rameses, and encamped in Succoth. 6 They eled from Moseroth, and encamped in
traveled from Succoth, and encamped in Bene Jaakan. 32 They traveled from Bene
Etham, which is in the edge of the wilder- Jaakan, and encamped in Hor Haggidgad.
33 They traveled from Hor Haggidgad, and
ness. 7 They traveled from Etham, and
turned back to Pihahiroth, which is before encamped in Jotbathah. 34 They trav-
Baal Zephon, and they encamped before eled from Jotbathah, and encamped in
Migdol. 8 They traveled from before Hahi- Abronah. 35 They traveled from Abronah,
roth, and crossed through the middle of and encamped in Ezion Geber. 36 They
the sea into the wilderness. They went traveled from Ezion Geber, and encamped
three days’ journey in the wilderness of at Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin. 37 They
Etham, and encamped in Marah. 9 They traveled from Kadesh, and encamped in
traveled from Marah, and came to Elim. Mount Hor, in the edge of the land of
In Elim, there were twelve springs of wa- Edom. 38 Aaron the priest went up into
ter and seventy palm trees, and they en- Mount Hor at the commandment of the
camped there. 10 They traveled from Elim, LORD and died there, in the fortieth year
and encamped by the Red Sea. 11 They after the children of Israel had come out
of the land of Egypt, in the fifth month, on
traveled from the Red Sea, and encamped
the first day of the month. 39 Aaron was
in the wilderness of Sin. 12 They trav-
one hundred twenty-three years old when
eled from the wilderness of Sin, and en-
camped in Dophkah. 13 They traveled from he died in Mount Hor. 40 The Canaanite
king of Arad, who lived in the South in
Dophkah, and encamped in Alush. 14 They
Numbers 33:41 165 Numbers 34:19

the land of Canaan, heard of the coming land of Canaan according to its borders),
of the children of Israel. 41 They trav- 3 then your south quarter shall be from
eled from Mount Hor, and encamped in the wilderness of Zin along by the side of
Zalmonah. 42 They traveled from Zal- Edom, and your south border shall be from
monah, and encamped in Punon. 43 They the end of the Salt Sea eastward. 4 Your
traveled from Punon, and encamped in border shall turn about southward of the
Oboth. 44 They traveled from Oboth, and ascent of Akrabbim, and pass along to
encamped in Iye Abarim, in the border of Zin; and it shall pass southward of Kadesh
Moab. 45 They traveled from Iyim, and Barnea; and it shall go from there to Hazar
encamped in Dibon Gad. 46 They traveled Addar, and pass along to Azmon. 5 The
from Dibon Gad, and encamped in Almon border shall turn about from Azmon to the
brook of Egypt, and it shall end at the sea.
Diblathaim. 47 They traveled from Almon 6 “ ‘For the western border, you shall
Diblathaim, and encamped in the moun-
have the great sea and its border. This
tains of Abarim, before Nebo. 48 They shall be your west border.
traveled from the mountains of Abarim, 7 “ ‘This shall be your north border: from
and encamped in the plains of Moab by the
the great sea you shall mark out for your-
Jordan at Jericho. 49 They encamped by
the Jordan, from Beth Jeshimoth even to selves Mount Hor. 8 From Mount Hor you
shall mark out to the entrance of Hamath;
Abel Shittim in the plains of Moab. 50 The
and the border shall pass by Zedad. 9 Then
LORD spoke to Moses in the plains of Moab
the border shall go to Ziphron, and it shall
by the Jordan at Jericho, saying, 51 Speak end at Hazar Enan. This shall be your
to the children of Israel, and tell them, north border.
“When you pass over the Jordan into the 10 “ ‘You shall mark out your east border
land of Canaan, 52 then you shall drive out from Hazar Enan to Shepham. 11 The bor-
all the inhabitants of the land from before der shall go down from Shepham to Riblah,
you, destroy all their stone idols, destroy
all their molten images, and demolish all on the east side of Ain. The border shall
go down, and shall reach to the side of the
their high places. 53 You shall take pos- sea of Chinnereth eastward. 12 The border
session of the land, and dwell therein; for shall go down to the Jordan, and end at the
I have given the land to you to possess Salt Sea. This shall be your land according
it. 54 You shall inherit the land by lot to its borders around it.’ ”
according to your families; to the larger 13 Moses commanded the children of Is-
groups you shall give a larger inheritance, rael, saying, “This is the land which you
and to the smaller you shall give a smaller shall inherit by lot, which the LORD has
inheritance. Wherever the lot falls to any commanded to give to the nine tribes, and
man, that shall be his. You shall inherit to the half-tribe; 14 for the tribe of the
according to the tribes of your fathers. children of Reuben according to their fa-
55 “But if you do not drive out the inhab- thers’ houses, the tribe of the children of
itants of the land from before you, then Gad according to their fathers’ houses, and
those you let remain of them will be like the half-tribe of Manasseh have received
pricks in your eyes and thorns in your their inheritance. 15 The two tribes and the
half-tribe have received their inheritance
sides. They will harass you in the land in beyond the Jordan at Jericho eastward, to-
which you dwell. 56 It shall happen that as ward the sunrise.”
I thought to do to them, so I will do to you.” 16 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
17 “These are the names of the men who
34 shall divide the land to you for inheritance:
1 The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Eleazar the priest, and Joshua the son of
2 “Command the children of Israel, and Nun. 18 You shall take one prince of every
tell them, ‘When you come into the land tribe, to divide the land for inheritance.
of Canaan (this is the land that shall 19 These are the names of the men: Of the
fall to you for an inheritance, even the tribe of Judah, Caleb the son of Jephunneh.
Numbers 34:20 166 Numbers 35:22

20 Of the tribe of the children of Simeon, shall give of the possession of the children
Shemuel the son of Ammihud. 21 Of the of Israel, from the many you shall take
tribe of Benjamin, Elidad the son of Chis- many, and from the few you shall take
lon. 22 Of the tribe of the children of Dan few. Everyone according to his inheri-
a prince, Bukki the son of Jogli. 23 Of tance which he inherits shall give some
the children of Joseph: of the tribe of the of his cities to the Levites.” 9 The LORD
children of Manasseh a prince, Hanniel the spoke to Moses, saying, 10 “Speak to the
son of Ephod. 24 Of the tribe of the children children of Israel, and tell them, ‘When
of Ephraim a prince, Kemuel the son of you pass over the Jordan into the land
Shiphtan. 25 Of the tribe of the children of Canaan, 11 then you shall appoint for
of Zebulun a prince, Elizaphan the son of yourselves cities to be cities of refuge for
Parnach. 26 Of the tribe of the children you, that the man slayer who kills any
of Issachar a prince, Paltiel the son of person unwittingly may flee there. 12 The
Azzan. 27 Of the tribe of the children of cities shall be for your refuge from the
Asher a prince, Ahihud the son of Shelomi. avenger, that the man slayer not die until
28 Of the tribe of the children of Naphtali
he stands before the congregation for judg-
a prince, Pedahel the son of Ammihud.” ment. 13 The cities which you shall give
29 These are they whom the LORD com-
shall be for you six cities of refuge. 14 You
manded to divide the inheritance to the shall give three cities beyond the Jordan,
children of Israel in the land of Canaan.
and you shall give three cities in the land
1 The
35 of Canaan. They shall be cities of refuge.
LORD spoke to Moses in the plains 15 These six cities shall be refuge for the
of Moab by the Jordan at Jericho, saying, children of Israel, for the stranger, and
2 “Command the children of Israel to give for the foreigner living among them, that
to the Levites cities to dwell in out of their everyone who kills any person unwittingly
inheritance. You shall give pasture lands may flee there.
for the cities around them to the Levites. 16 “ ‘But if he struck him with an instru-
3 They shall have the cities to dwell in.
Their pasture lands shall be for their live- ment of iron, so that he died, he is a mur-
derer. The murderer shall surely be put to
stock, and for their possessions, and for all
death. 17 If he struck him with a stone in
their animals. the hand, by which a man may die, and he
4 “The pasture lands of the cities, which
died, he is a murderer. The murderer shall
you shall give to the Levites, shall be from surely be put to death. 18 Or if he struck
the wall of the city and outward one thou- him with a weapon of wood in the hand,
sand cubits† around it. 5 You shall measure by which a man may die, and he died, he
outside of the city for the east side two
thousand cubits, and for the south side two is a murderer. The murderer shall surely
thousand cubits, and for the west side two be put to death. 19 The avenger of blood
thousand cubits, and for the north side shall himself put the murderer to death.
two thousand cubits, the city being in the When he meets him, he shall put him to
middle. This shall be the pasture lands of death. 20 If he shoved him out of hatred,
their cities. or hurled something at him while lying in
6 “The cities which you shall give to wait, so that he died, 21 or in hostility struck
the Levites, they shall be the six cities of him with his hand, so that he died, he who
refuge, which you shall give for the man struck him shall surely be put to death. He
slayer to flee to. Besides them you shall is a murderer. The avenger of blood shall
give forty-two cities. 7 All the cities which put the murderer to death when he meets
you shall give to the Levites shall be forty- him.
eight cities together with their pasture 22 “ ‘But if he shoved him suddenly with-
lands. 8 Concerning the cities which you out hostility, or hurled on him anything
† 35:4 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46
Numbers 35:23 167 Numbers 36:12

without lying in wait, 23 or with any stone, son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, of the
by which a man may die, not seeing him, families of the sons of Joseph, came near
and cast it on him so that he died, and and spoke before Moses and before the
he was not his enemy and not seeking princes, the heads of the fathers’ house-
his harm, 24 then the congregation shall holds of the children of Israel. 2 They said,
judge between the striker and the avenger “The LORD commanded my lord to give the
of blood according to these ordinances. land for inheritance by lot to the children
25 The congregation shall deliver the man of Israel. My lord was commanded by the
slayer out of the hand of the avenger of LORD to give the inheritance of Zelophe-
blood, and the congregation shall restore had our brother to his daughters. 3 If they
him to his city of refuge, where he had fled.are married to any of the sons of the other
He shall dwell therein until the death of tribes of the children of Israel, then their
the high priest, who was anointed with the inheritance will be taken away from the in-
holy oil. heritance of our fathers, and will be added
26 “ ‘But if the man slayer shall at any to the inheritance of the tribe to which
time go beyond the border of his city of they shall belong. So it will be taken away
refuge where he flees, 27 and the avenger from the lot of our inheritance. 4 When
of blood finds him outside of the border the jubilee of the children of Israel comes,
of his city of refuge, and the avenger of then their inheritance will be added to the
blood kills the man slayer, he shall not inheritance of the tribe to which they shall
be guilty of blood, 28 because he should belong. So their inheritance will be taken
have remained in his city of refuge until away from the inheritance of the tribe of
the death of the high priest. But after the our fathers.”
5 Moses commanded the children of Is-
death of the high priest, the man slayer
shall return into the land of his possession.rael according to the LORD’s word, saying,
29 “ ‘These things shall be for a statute “The tribe of the sons of Joseph speak what
and ordinance to you throughout your is right. 6 This is the thing which the LORD
generations in all your dwellings. commands concerning the daughters of
30 “ ‘Whoever kills any person, the mur- Zelophehad, saying, ‘Let them be married
to whom they think best, only they shall
derer shall be slain based on the testimony
marry into the family of the tribe of their
of witnesses; but one witness shall not
testify alone against any person so that he father. 7 So shall no inheritance of the chil-
dren of Israel move from tribe to tribe; for
dies. the children of Israel shall all keep the in-
31 “ ‘Moreover you shall take no ransom
heritance of the tribe of his fathers. 8 Every
for the life of a murderer who is guilty of
daughter who possesses an inheritance in
death. He shall surely be put to death.
32 “ ‘You shall take no ransom for him any tribe of the children of Israel shall be
who has fled to his city of refuge, that he wife to one of the family of the tribe of
may come again to dwell in the land before her father, that the children of Israel may
the death of the priest. each possess the inheritance of his fathers.
9 So shall no inheritance move from one
33 “ ‘So you shall not pollute the land
tribe to another tribe; for the tribes of the
where you live; for blood pollutes the land. children of Israel shall each keep his own
No atonement can be made for the land for inheritance.’ ”
the blood that is shed in it, but by the blood 10 The daughters of Zelophehad did
of him who shed it. 34 You shall not defile
the land which you inhabit, where I dwell; as the LORD commanded Moses: 11 for
for I, the LORD, dwell among the children Mahlah, Tirzah, Hoglah, Milcah, and
of Israel.’ ” Noah, the daughters of Zelophehad, were
married to their father’s brothers’ sons.
36 12 They were married into the families of
1 The heads of the fathers’ households the sons of Manasseh the son of Joseph.
of the family of the children of Gilead, the Their inheritance remained in the tribe of
Numbers 36:13 168 Numbers 36:13

the family of their father.

13 These are the commandments and the
ordinances which the LORD commanded
by Moses to the children of Israel in the
plains of Moab by the Jordan at Jericho.
Deuteronomy 1:1 169 Deuteronomy 1:25

tribes, and I will make them heads over

The Fifth Book of Moses, 14 You answered me, and said, “The thing

Commonly Called which you have spoken is good to do.”

15 So I took the heads of your tribes, wise
and respected men, and made them heads
1 These are the words which Moses over you, captains of thousands, captains
spoke to all Israel beyond the Jordan in of hundreds, captains of fifties, captains of
the wilderness, in the Arabah opposite Suf, tens, and officers, according to your tribes.
16 I commanded your judges at that time,
between Paran, Tophel, Laban, Hazeroth,
and Dizahab. 2 It is eleven days’ journey saying, “Hear cases between your brothers
from Horeb by the way of Mount Seir to and judge righteously between a man and
Kadesh Barnea. 3 In the fortieth year, in his brother, and the foreigner who is living
the eleventh month, on the first day of with him. 17 You shall not show partiality
the month, Moses spoke to the children in judgment; you shall hear the small and
of Israel according to all that the LORD† the great alike. You shall not be afraid
had given him in commandment to them, of the face of man, for the judgment is
4 after he had struck Sihon the king of the God’s. The case that is too hard for you, you
Amorites who lived in Heshbon, and Og shall bring to me, and I will hear it.” 18 I
the king of Bashan who lived in Ashtaroth, commanded you at that time all the things
at Edrei. 5 Beyond the Jordan, in the land which you should do. 19 We traveled from
of Moab, Moses began to declare this law, Horeb and went through all that great and
saying, 6 “The LORD our God‡ spoke to us in terrible wilderness which you saw, by the
Horeb, saying, ‘You have lived long enough way to the hill country of the Amorites,
at this mountain. 7 Turn, and take your as the LORD our God commanded us; and
journey, and go to the hill country of the we came to Kadesh Barnea. 20 I said to
you, “You have come to the hill country
Amorites and to all the places near there:
of the Amorites, which the LORD our God
in the Arabah, in the hill country, in the
gives to us. 21 Behold, the LORD your God
lowland, in the South, by the seashore, in
has set the land before you. Go up, take
the land of the Canaanites, and in Lebanon
as far as the great river, the river Eu- possession, as the LORD the God of your
fathers has spoken to you. Don’t be afraid,
phrates. 8 Behold,§ I have set the land neither be dismayed.”
before you. Go in and possess the land 22 You came near to me, everyone of you,
which the LORD swore to your fathers—to
and said, “Let’s send men before us, that
Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob—to give to they may search the land for us, and bring
them and to their offspring† after them.’ ” back to us word of the way by which we
9 I spoke to you at that time, saying, “I am
must go up, and the cities to which we shall
not able to bear you myself alone. 10 The come.”
LORD your God has multiplied you, and 23 The thing pleased me well. I took
behold, you are today as the stars of the twelve of your men, one man for every
sky for multitude. 11 May the LORD, the tribe. 24 They turned and went up into
God of your fathers, make you a thousand the hill country, and came to the valley
times as many as you are and bless you, as of Eshcol, and spied it out. 25 They took
he has promised you! 12 How can I myself some of the fruit of the land in their hands
alone bear your problems, your burdens, and brought it down to us, and brought
and your strife? 13 Take wise men of under- us word again, and said, “It is a good land
standing who are respected among your which the LORD our God gives to us.”
† 1:3 When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, “LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name. ‡ 1:6
The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬ ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim). §1:8 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice,
observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection. † 1:8 or, seed
Deuteronomy 1:26 170 Deuteronomy 2:8

26 Yet you wouldn’t go up, but rebelled the LORD our God commanded us.” Every
against the commandment of the LORD man of you put on his weapons of war, and
your God. 27 You murmured in your tents, presumed to go up into the hill country.
and said, “Because the LORD hated us, he 42 The LORD said to me, “Tell them, ‘Don’t
has brought us out of the land of Egypt, to go up and don’t fight; for I am not among
deliver us into the hand of the Amorites you, lest you be struck before your ene-
to destroy us. 28 Where are we going up? mies.’ ”
Our brothers have made our heart melt, 43 So I spoke to you, and you didn’t listen;
saying, ‘The people are greater and taller but you rebelled against the command-
than we. The cities are great and fortified ment of the LORD, and were presumptu-
up to the sky. Moreover we have seen the ous, and went up into the hill country.
sons of the Anakim there!’ ” 44 The Amorites, who lived in that hill
29 Then I said to you, “Don’t be terrified.
country, came out against you and chased
Don’t be afraid of them. 30 The LORD your you as bees do, and beat you down in
God, who goes before you, he will fight Seir, even to Hormah. 45 You returned and
for you, according to all that he did for wept before the LORD, but the LORD didn’t
you in Egypt before your eyes, 31 and in listen to your voice, nor turn his ear to
the wilderness where you have seen how you. 46 So you stayed in Kadesh many days,
that the LORD your God carried you, as a according to the days that you remained.
man carries his son, in all the way that you
went, until you came to this place.”
1 Then
32 Yet in this thing you didn’t believe the we turned, and took our journey
LORD your God, 33 who went before you into the wilderness by the way to the Red
on the way, to seek out a place for you to Sea, as the LORD spoke to me; and we
pitch your tents in: in fire by night, to show encircled Mount Seir many days.
you by what way you should go, and in 2 The LORD spoke to me, saying, 3 “You
the cloud by day. 34 The LORD heard the have encircled this mountain long enough.
voice of your words and was angry, and Turn northward. 4 Command the people,
swore, saying, 35 “Surely not one of these saying, ‘You are to pass through the border
men of this evil generation shall see the of your brothers, the children of Esau, who
good land which I swore to give to your dwell in Seir; and they will be afraid of
fathers, 36 except Caleb the son of Jephun- you. Therefore be careful. 5 Don’t contend
neh. He shall see it. I will give the land with them; for I will not give you any of
that he has trodden on to him and to his their land, no, not so much as for the sole
children, because he has wholly followed of the foot to tread on, because I have
the LORD.” given Mount Seir to Esau for a possession.
37 Also the LORD was angry with me for 6 You shall purchase food from them for
your sakes, saying, “You also shall not go in money, that you may eat. You shall also
there. 38 Joshua the son of Nun, who stands buy water from them for money, that you
before you, shall go in there. Encourage may drink.’ ”
him, for he shall cause Israel to inherit 7 For the LORD your God has blessed you
it. 39 Moreover your little ones, whom in all the work of your hands. He has
you said would be captured or killed, your known your walking through this great
children, who today have no knowledge of wilderness. These forty years, the LORD
good or evil, shall go in there. I will give it your God has been with you. You have
to them, and they shall possess it. 40 But as lacked nothing.
for you, turn, and take your journey into 8 So we passed by from our brothers, the
the wilderness by the way to the Red Sea.” children of Esau, who dwell in Seir, from
41 Then you answered and said to me, the way of the Arabah from Elath and from
“We have sinned against the LORD. We Ezion Geber. We turned and passed by the
will go up and fight, according to all that way of the wilderness of Moab.
Deuteronomy 2:9 171 Deuteronomy 2:37

9 The LORD said to me, “Don’t bother 24 “Rise up, take your journey, and pass
Moab, neither contend with them in battle; over the valley of the Arnon. Behold, I
for I will not give you any of his land for a have given into your hand Sihon the Amor-
possession, because I have given Ar to the ite, king of Heshbon, and his land; begin to
children of Lot for a possession.” possess it, and contend with him in battle.
10 (The Emim lived there before, a great 25 Today I will begin to put the dread of you

and numerous people, and tall as the and the fear of you on the peoples who are
Anakim. 11 These also are considered to be under the whole sky, who shall hear the
Rephaim, as the Anakim; but the Moabites report of you, and shall tremble and be in
call them Emim. 12 The Horites also lived anguish because of you.”
in Seir in the past, but the children of Esau 26 I sent messengers out of the wilder-
succeeded them. They destroyed them ness of Kedemoth to Sihon king of Heshbon
from before them, and lived in their place, with words of peace, saying, 27 “Let me
as Israel did to the land of his possession, pass through your land. I will go along by
which the LORD gave to them.) the highway. I will turn neither to the right
13 “Now rise up and cross over the brook hand nor to the left. 28 You shall sell me
Zered.” We went over the brook Zered. food for money, that I may eat; and give
14 The days in which we came from me water for money, that I may drink. Just
Kadesh Barnea until we had come over the let me pass through on my feet, 29 as the
brook Zered were thirty-eight years, until children of Esau who dwell in Seir, and the
all the generation of the men of war were Moabites who dwell in Ar, did to me, until
consumed from the middle of the camp, as I pass over the Jordan into the land which
the LORD swore to them. 15 Moreover the the LORD our God gives us.” 30 But Sihon
LORD’s hand was against them, to destroy king of Heshbon would not let us pass by
them from the middle of the camp, until him, for the LORD your God hardened his
they were consumed. 16 So, when all the spirit and made his heart obstinate, that he
men of war were consumed and dead from might deliver him into your hand, as it is
among the people, 17 the LORD spoke to today.
me, saying, 18 “You are to pass over Ar, the 31 The LORD said to me, “Behold, I have
border of Moab, today. 19 When you come begun to deliver up Sihon and his land
near the border of the children of Ammon, before you. Begin to possess, that you may
don’t bother them, nor contend with them; inherit his land.” 32 Then Sihon came out
for I will not give you any of the land of against us, he and all his people, to battle
the children of Ammon for a possession, at Jahaz. 33 The LORD our God delivered
because I have given it to the children of him up before us; and we struck him, his
Lot for a possession.” sons, and all his people. 34 We took all his
20 (That also is considered a land of cities at that time, and utterly destroyed
Rephaim. Rephaim lived there in the past, every inhabited city, with the women and
but the Ammonites call them Zamzum- the little ones. We left no one remaining.
mim, 21 a great people, many, and tall, as 35 Only the livestock we took for plunder
the Anakim; but the LORD destroyed them for ourselves, with the plunder of the cities
from before Israel, and they succeeded which we had taken. 36 From Aroer, which
them, and lived in their place, 22 as he is on the edge of the valley of the Arnon,
did for the children of Esau who dwell in and the city that is in the valley, even to
Seir, when he destroyed the Horites from Gilead, there was not a city too high for us.
before them; and they succeeded them, The LORD our God delivered up all before
and lived in their place even to this day. us. 37 Only to the land of the children
23 Then the Avvim, who lived in villages of Ammon you didn’t come near: all the
as far as Gaza: the Caphtorim, who came banks of the river Jabbok, and the cities of
out of Caphtor, destroyed them and lived the hill country, and wherever the LORD
in their place.) our God forbade us.
Deuteronomy 3:1 172 Deuteronomy 3:27

3 region of Argob, to the border of the Geshu-

1 Then we turned, and went up the way rites and the Maacathites, and called them,
to Bashan. Og the king of Bashan came out even Bashan, after his own name, Havvoth
Jair, to this day.) 15 I gave Gilead to Machir.
against us, he and all his people, to battle 16 To the Reubenites and to the Gadites I
at Edrei. 2 The LORD said to me, “Don’t fear gave from Gilead even to the valley of the
him; for I have delivered him, with all his Arnon, the middle of the valley, and its
people and his land, into your hand. You
border, even to the river Jabbok, which
shall do to him as you did to Sihon king of
is the border of the children of Ammon;
the Amorites, who lived at Heshbon.” 17 the Arabah also, and the Jordan and its
3 So the LORD our God also delivered into border, from Chinnereth even to the sea of
our hand Og, the king of Bashan, and all the Arabah, the Salt Sea, under the slopes
his people. We struck him until no one of Pisgah eastward.
was left to him remaining. 4 We took all 18 I commanded you at that time, say-
his cities at that time. There was not a ing, “The LORD your God has given you
city which we didn’t take from them: sixty this land to possess it. All of you men of
cities, all the region of Argob, the kingdom valor shall pass over armed before your
of Og in Bashan. 5 All these were cities brothers, the children of Israel. 19 But
fortified with high walls, gates, and bars, in your wives, and your little ones, and your
addition to a great many villages without livestock, (I know that you have much live-
walls. 6 We utterly destroyed them, as stock), shall live in your cities which I have
we did to Sihon king of Heshbon, utterly given you, 20 until the LORD gives rest to
destroying every inhabited city, with the your brothers, as to you, and they also
women and the little ones. 7 But all the possess the land which the LORD your God
livestock, and the plunder of the cities, we gives them beyond the Jordan. Then you
took for plunder for ourselves. 8 We took shall each return to his own possession,
the land at that time out of the hand of which I have given you.”
the two kings of the Amorites who were 21 I commanded Joshua at that time, say-
beyond the Jordan, from the valley of the
Arnon to Mount Hermon. 9 (The Sidonians ing, “Your eyes have seen all that the LORD
call Hermon Sirion, and the Amorites call it your God has done to these two kings.
Senir.) 10 We took all the cities of the plain, So shall the LORD do to all the kingdoms
and all Gilead, and all Bashan, to Salecah where you go over. 22 You shall not fear
and Edrei, cities of the kingdom of Og in them; for the LORD your God himself fights
Bashan. 11 (For only Og king of Bashan for you.”
remained of the remnant of the Rephaim. 23 I begged GOD at that time, saying,
Behold, his bedstead was a bedstead of 24 “Lord‡ GOD, you have begun to show
iron. Isn’t it in Rabbah of the children of your servant your greatness, and your
Ammon? Nine cubits† was its length, and strong hand. For what god is there in
four cubits its width, after the cubit of a heaven or in earth that can do works like
man.) 12 This land we took in possession yours, and mighty acts like yours? 25 Please
at that time: from Aroer, which is by the let me go over and see the good land that
valley of the Arnon, and half the hill coun- is beyond the Jordan, that fine mountain,
try of Gilead with its cities, I gave to the and Lebanon.”
Reubenites and to the Gadites; 13 and the 26 But the LORD was angry with me be-
rest of Gilead, and all Bashan, the kingdom cause of you, and didn’t listen to me. The
of Og, I gave to the half-tribe of Manasseh— LORD said to me, “That is enough! Speak
all the region of Argob, even all Bashan. no more to me of this matter. 27 Go up to the
(The same is called the land of Rephaim. top of Pisgah, and lift up your eyes west-
14 Jair the son of Manasseh took all the ward, and northward, and southward, and
† 3:11 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46
centimeters. ‡ 3:24 The word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.”
Deuteronomy 3:28 173 Deuteronomy 4:25

eastward, and see with your eyes; for you earth, and that they may teach their chil-
shall not go over this Jordan. 28 But com- dren.” 11 You came near and stood under
mission Joshua, and encourage him, and the mountain. The mountain burned with
strengthen him; for he shall go over before fire to the heart of the sky, with darkness,
this people, and he shall cause them to cloud, and thick darkness. 12 The LORD
inherit the land which you shall see.” 29 So spoke to you out of the middle of the fire:
we stayed in the valley near Beth Peor. you heard the voice of words, but you saw
no form; you only heard a voice. 13 He
declared to you his covenant, which he
4 commanded you to perform, even the ten
1 Now, Israel, listen to the statutes and commandments. He wrote them on two
to the ordinances which I teach you, to stone tablets. 14 The LORD commanded
do them, that you may live and go in and me at that time to teach you statutes and
possess the land which the LORD, the God ordinances, that you might do them in the
of your fathers, gives you. 2 You shall not land where you go over to possess it. 15 Be
add to the word which I command you, very careful, for you saw no kind of form
neither shall you take away from it, that on the day that the LORD spoke to you in
you may keep the commandments of the Horeb out of the middle of the fire, 16 lest
you corrupt yourselves, and make yourself
LORD your God which I command you.
3 Your eyes have seen what the LORD did a carved image in the form of any figure,
the likeness of male or female, 17 the like-
because of Baal Peor; for the LORD your ness of any animal that is on the earth, the
God has destroyed all the men who fol- likeness of any winged bird that flies in the
lowed Baal Peor from among you. 4 But sky, 18 the likeness of anything that creeps
you who were faithful to the LORD your on the ground, the likeness of any fish that
God are all alive today. 5 Behold, I have
is in the water under the earth; 19 and lest
taught you statutes and ordinances, even you lift up your eyes to the sky, and when
as the LORD my God commanded me, that you see the sun and the moon and the stars,
you should do so in the middle of the land even all the army of the sky, you are drawn
where you go in to possess it. 6 Keep there- away and worship them, and serve them,
fore and do them; for this is your wisdom which the LORD your God has allotted to
and your understanding in the sight of the all the peoples under the whole sky. 20 But
peoples who shall hear all these statutes the LORD has taken you, and brought you
and say, “Surely this great nation is a wise out of the iron furnace, out of Egypt, to
and understanding people.” 7 For what be to him a people of inheritance, as it
great nation is there that has a god so near is today. 21 Furthermore the LORD was
to them as the LORD our God is whenever angry with me for your sakes, and swore
we call on him? 8 What great nation is
there that has statutes and ordinances so that I should not go over the Jordan, and
righteous as all this law which I set before that I should not go in to that good land
you today? which the LORD your God gives you for an
9 Only be careful, and keep your soul inheritance; 22 but I must die in this land. I
must not go over the Jordan, but you shall
diligently, lest you forget the things which go over and possess that good land. 23 Be
your eyes saw, and lest they depart from careful, lest you forget the covenant of the
your heart all the days of your life; but LORD your God, which he made with you,
make them known to your children and and make yourselves a carved image in
your children’s children— 10 the day that the form of anything which the LORD your
you stood before the LORD your God in God has forbidden you. 24 For the LORD
Horeb, when the LORD said to me, “As- your God is a devouring fire, a jealous
semble the people to me, and I will make
God. 25 When you father children and chil-
them hear my words, that they may learn
dren’s children, and you have been long
to fear me all the days that they live on the
Deuteronomy 4:26 174 Deuteronomy 5:4

in the land, and then corrupt yourselves, power, out of Egypt; 38 to drive out nations
and make a carved image in the form of from before you greater and mightier than
anything, and do that which is evil in the you, to bring you in, to give you their land
LORD your God’s sight to provoke him to for an inheritance, as it is today. 39 Know
anger, 26 I call heaven and earth to witness therefore today, and take it to heart, that
against you today, that you will soon ut- the LORD himself is God in heaven above
terly perish from off the land which you and on the earth beneath. There is no
go over the Jordan to possess it. You will one else. 40 You shall keep his statutes and
not prolong your days on it, but will utterly his commandments which I command you
be destroyed. 27 The LORD will scatter you today, that it may go well with you and
among the peoples, and you will be left few with your children after you, and that you
in number among the nations where the may prolong your days in the land which
LORD will lead you away. 28 There you the LORD your God gives you for all time.
41 Then Moses set apart three cities be-
will serve gods, the work of men’s hands,
wood and stone, which neither see, nor yond the Jordan toward the sunrise, 42 that
hear, nor eat, nor smell. 29 But from there the man slayer might flee there, who kills
you shall seek the LORD your God, and his neighbor unintentionally and didn’t
you will find him when you search after hate him in time past, and that fleeing to
him with all your heart and with all your one of these cities he might live: 43 Bezer
soul. 30 When you are in oppression, and in the wilderness, in the plain country, for
all these things have come on you, in the the Reubenites; and Ramoth in Gilead for
latter days you shall return to the LORD the Gadites; and Golan in Bashan for the
your God and listen to his voice. 31 For the Manassites.
44 This is the law which Moses set before
LORD your God is a merciful God. He will the children of Israel. 45 These are the
not fail you nor destroy you, nor forget the testimonies, and the statutes, and the ordi-
covenant of your fathers which he swore nances which Moses spoke to the children
to them. 32 For ask now of the days that of Israel when they came out of Egypt,
are past, which were before you, since the 46 beyond the Jordan, in the valley opposite
day that God created man on the earth, and Beth Peor, in the land of Sihon king of the
from the one end of the sky to the other, Amorites, who lived at Heshbon, whom
whether there has been anything as great Moses and the children of Israel struck
as this thing is, or has been heard like it? when they came out of Egypt. 47 They took
33 Did a people ever hear the voice of God possession of his land and the land of Og
speaking out of the middle of the fire, as king of Bashan, the two kings of the Amor-
you have heard, and live? 34 Or has God ites, who were beyond the Jordan toward
tried to go and take a nation for himself the sunrise; 48 from Aroer, which is on the
from among another nation, by trials, by edge of the valley of the Arnon, even to
signs, by wonders, by war, by a mighty Mount Zion (also called Hermon), 49 and all
hand, by an outstretched arm, and by great the Arabah beyond the Jordan eastward,
terrors, according to all that the LORD your even to the sea of the Arabah, under the
God did for you in Egypt before your eyes? slopes of Pisgah.
35 It was shown to you so that you might
know that the LORD is God. There is no 5
one else besides him. 36 Out of heaven he Moses called to all Israel, and said to

made you to hear his voice, that he might them, “Hear, Israel, the statutes and the
instruct you. On earth he made you to ordinances which I speak in your ears to-
see his great fire; and you heard his words day, that you may learn them, and ob-
out of the middle of the fire. 37 Because serve to do them.” 2 The LORD our God
he loved your fathers, therefore he chose made a covenant with us in Horeb. 3 The
LORD didn’t make this covenant with our
their offspring after them, and brought fathers, but with us, even us, who are all
you out with his presence, with his great of us here alive today. 4 The LORD spoke
Deuteronomy 5:5 175 Deuteronomy 5:31

with you face to face on the mountain out 18 “You shall not commit adultery.
of the middle of the fire, 5 (I stood between 19 “You shall not steal.
the LORD and you at that time, to show 20 “You shall not give false testimony
you the LORD’s word; for you were afraid
against your neighbor.
because of the fire, and didn’t go up onto
21 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s
the mountain) saying,
6 “I am the LORD your God, who brought wife. Neither shall you desire your neigh-
you out of the land of Egypt, out of the bor’s house, his field, or his male servant,
house of bondage. or his female servant, his ox, or his donkey,
7 “You shall have no other gods before or anything that is your neighbor’s.”
me. 22 The LORD spoke these words to all
8 “You shall not make a carved image for
your assembly on the mountain out of
yourself—any likeness of what is in heaven the middle of the fire, of the cloud, and
above, or what is in the earth beneath, or of the thick darkness, with a great voice.
that is in the water under the earth. 9 You He added no more. He wrote them on
shall not bow yourself down to them, nor two stone tablets, and gave them to me.
serve them, for I, the LORD your God, am 23 When you heard the voice out of the mid-
a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the dle of the darkness, while the mountain
fathers on the children and on the third was burning with fire, you came near to
and on the fourth generation of those who me, even all the heads of your tribes, and
hate me 10 and showing loving kindness to your elders; 24 and you said, “Behold, the
thousands of those who love me and keep LORD our God has shown us his glory and
my commandments. his greatness, and we have heard his voice
11 “You shall not misuse the name of the
out of the middle of the fire. We have seen
LORD your God;† for the LORD will not today that God does speak with man, and
hold him guiltless who misuses his name. he lives. 25 Now therefore, why should we
12 “Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it
die? For this great fire will consume us.
holy, as the LORD your God commanded If we hear the LORD our God’s voice any
you. 13 You shall labor six days, and do more, then we shall die. 26 For who is there
all your work; 14 but the seventh day is a of all flesh who has heard the voice of the
Sabbath to the LORD your God, in which living God speaking out of the middle of
you shall not do any work— neither you, the fire, as we have, and lived? 27 Go near,
nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your and hear all that the LORD our God shall
male servant, nor your female servant, nor say, and tell us all that the LORD our God
your ox, nor your donkey, nor any of your tells you; and we will hear it, and do it.”
livestock, nor your stranger who is within 28 The LORD heard the voice of your
your gates; that your male servant and words when you spoke to me; and the
your female servant may rest as well as LORD said to me, “I have heard the voice of
you. 15 You shall remember that you were a the words of this people which they have
servant in the land of Egypt, and the LORD spoken to you. They have well said all
your God brought you out of there by a that they have spoken. 29 Oh that there
mighty hand and by an outstretched arm. were such a heart in them that they would
Therefore the LORD your God commanded fear me and keep all my commandments
you to keep the Sabbath day. always, that it might be well with them and
16 “Honor your father and your mother, with their children forever!
as the LORD your God commanded you, 30 “Go tell them, ‘Return to your tents.’
that your days may be long and that it may 31 But as for you, stand here by me, and I
go well with you in the land which the will tell you all the commandments, and
LORD your God gives you. the statutes, and the ordinances, which
17 “You shall not murder. you shall teach them, that they may do
† 5:11 or, You shall not take the name of Yahweh your God in vain;
Deuteronomy 5:32 176 Deuteronomy 7:1

them in the land which I give them to 12 then beware lest you forget the LORD,
possess.” who brought you out of the land of Egypt,
32 You shall observe to do therefore as out of the house of bondage. 13 You shall
the LORD your God has commanded you. fear the LORD your God; and you shall
You shall not turn away to the right hand or serve him, and shall swear by his name.
to the left. 33 You shall walk in all the way 14 You shall not go after other gods, of the
which the LORD your God has commanded gods of the peoples who are around you,
you, that you may live and that it may be 15 for the LORD your God among you is
well with you, and that you may prolong a jealous God, lest the anger of the LORD
your days in the land which you shall pos- your God be kindled against you, and he
sess. destroy you from off the face of the earth.
16 You shall not tempt the LORD your God,
6 as you tempted him in Massah. 17 You
1 Now these are the commandments, the
shall diligently keep the commandments
statutes, and the ordinances, which the of the LORD your God, and his testimonies,
LORD your God commanded to teach you, and his statutes, which he has commanded
that you might do them in the land that you. 18 You shall do that which is right
you go over to possess; 2 that you might and good in the LORD’s sight, that it may
fear the LORD your God, to keep all his be well with you and that you may go
statutes and his commandments, which I in and possess the good land which the
command you—you, your son, and your
LORD swore to your fathers, 19 to thrust out
son’s son, all the days of your life; and
all your enemies from before you, as the
that your days may be prolonged. 3 Hear LORD has spoken.
therefore, Israel, and observe to do it, that 20 When your son asks you in time to
it may be well with you, and that you may
increase mightily, as the LORD, the God come, saying, “What do the testimonies,
of your fathers, has promised to you, in a the statutes, and the ordinances, which
land flowing with milk and honey. the LORD our God has commanded you
4 Hear, Israel: the LORD is our God. The mean?” 21 then you shall tell your son, “We
were Pharaoh’s slaves in Egypt. The LORD
LORD is one. 5 You shall love the LORD
your God with all your heart, with all your brought us out of Egypt with a mighty
soul, and with all your might. 6 These hand; 22 and the LORD showed great and
words, which I command you today, shall awesome signs and wonders on Egypt,
be on your heart; 7 and you shall teach on Pharaoh, and on all his house, before
them diligently to your children, and shall our eyes; 23 and he brought us out from
talk of them when you sit in your house, there, that he might bring us in, to give
and when you walk by the way, and when us the land which he swore to our fathers.
24 The LORD commanded us to do all these
you lie down, and when you rise up. 8 You statutes, to fear the LORD our God, for
shall bind them for a sign on your hand, our good always, that he might preserve
and they shall be for frontlets between us alive, as we are today. 25 It shall be
your eyes. 9 You shall write them on the righteousness to us, if we observe to do
door posts of your house and on your gates. all these commandments before the LORD
10 It shall be, when the LORD your God our God, as he has commanded us.”
brings you into the land which he swore
to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and 7
to Jacob, to give you, great and goodly When the LORD your God brings you
cities which you didn’t build, 11 and houses into the land where you go to possess it,
full of all good things which you didn’t and casts out many nations before you—
fill, and cisterns dug out which you didn’t the Hittite, the Girgashite, the Amorite, the
dig, vineyards and olive trees which you Canaanite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and
didn’t plant, and you shall eat and be full; the Jebusite—seven nations greater and
Deuteronomy 7:2 177 Deuteronomy 7:26

mightier than you; 2 and when the LORD of your livestock and the young of your
your God delivers them up before you, flock, in the land which he swore to your
and you strike them, then you shall utterly fathers to give you. 14 You will be blessed
destroy them. You shall make no covenant above all peoples. There won’t be male or
with them, nor show mercy to them. 3 You female barren among you, or among your
shall not make marriages with them. You livestock. 15 The LORD will take away from
shall not give your daughter to his son, you all sickness; and he will put none of the
nor shall you take his daughter for your evil diseases of Egypt, which you know, on
son. 4 For that would turn away your sons you, but will lay them on all those who hate
from following me, that they may serve you. 16 You shall consume all the peoples
other gods. So the LORD’s anger would be whom the LORD your God shall deliver to
kindled against you, and he would destroy you. Your eye shall not pity them. You shall
you quickly. 5 But you shall deal with them not serve their gods; for that would be a
like this: you shall break down their altars, snare to you. 17 If you shall say in your
dash their pillars in pieces, cut down their heart, “These nations are more than I; how
Asherah poles, and burn their engraved can I dispossess them?” 18 you shall not be
images with fire. 6 For you are a holy afraid of them. You shall remember well
people to the LORD your God. The LORD what the LORD your God did to Pharaoh
your God has chosen you to be a people and to all Egypt: 19 the great trials which
for his own possession, above all peoples your eyes saw, the signs, the wonders, the
who are on the face of the earth. 7 The mighty hand, and the outstretched arm,
LORD didn’t set his love on you nor choose by which the LORD your God brought you
you, because you were more in number out. So shall the LORD your God do to
than any people; for you were the fewest all the peoples of whom you are afraid.
of all peoples; 8 but because the LORD loves 20 Moreover the LORD your God will send
you, and because he desires to keep the the hornet among them, until those who
oath which he swore to your fathers, the are left, and hide themselves, perish from
LORD has brought you out with a mighty before you. 21 You shall not be scared of
hand and redeemed you out of the house them; for the LORD your God is among you,
of bondage, from the hand of Pharaoh king a great and awesome God. 22 The LORD
of Egypt. 9 Know therefore that the LORD your God will cast out those nations before
your God himself is God, the faithful God, you little by little. You may not consume
who keeps covenant and loving kindness them at once, lest the animals of the field
to a thousand generations with those who increase on you. 23 But the LORD your
love him and keep his commandments, God will deliver them up before you, and
10 and repays those who hate him to their will confuse them with a great confusion,
face, to destroy them. He will not be slack until they are destroyed. 24 He will deliver
to him who hates him. He will repay him their kings into your hand, and you shall
to his face. 11 You shall therefore keep make their name perish from under the
the commandments, the statutes, and the sky. No one will be able to stand before you
ordinances which I command you today, until you have destroyed them. 25 You shall
to do them. 12 It shall happen, because you burn the engraved images of their gods
listen to these ordinances and keep and do with fire. You shall not covet the silver
them, that the LORD your God will keep or the gold that is on them, nor take it for
with you the covenant and the loving kind- yourself, lest you be snared in it; for it is an
ness which he swore to your fathers. 13 He abomination to the LORD your God. 26 You
will love you, bless you, and multiply you. shall not bring an abomination into your
He will also bless the fruit of your body and house and become a devoted thing like it.
the fruit of your ground, your grain and You shall utterly detest it. You shall utterly
your new wine and your oil, the increase abhor it; for it is a devoted thing.
Deuteronomy 8:1 178 Deuteronomy 9:5

8 omous snakes and scorpions, and thirsty

1 You shall observe to do all the com- ground where there was no water; who
mandments which I command you today, poured water for you out of the rock of
that you may live, and multiply, and go flint; 16 who fed you in the wilderness with
in and possess the land which the LORD manna, which your fathers didn’t know,
swore to your fathers. 2 You shall remem- that he might humble you, and that he
ber all the way which the LORD your God might prove you, to do you good at your
has led you these forty years in the wilder- latter end; 17 and lest you say in your heart,
ness, that he might humble you, to test you, “My power and the might of my hand has
to know what was in your heart, whether gotten me this wealth.” 18 But you shall
you would keep his commandments or remember the LORD your God, for it is he
not. 3 He humbled you, allowed you to be who gives you power to get wealth, that
hungry, and fed you with manna, which he may establish his covenant which he
you didn’t know, neither did your fathers swore to your fathers, as it is today.
know, that he might teach you that man 19 It shall be, if you shall forget the LORD
does not live by bread only, but man lives your God, and walk after other gods, and
by every word that proceeds out of the serve them and worship them, I testify
LORD’s mouth. 4 Your clothing didn’t grow against you today that you shall surely per-
old on you, neither did your foot swell, ish. 20 As the nations that the LORD makes
these forty years. 5 You shall consider in to perish before you, so you shall perish,
your heart that as a man disciplines his because you wouldn’t listen to the LORD
son, so the LORD your God disciplines you. your God’s voice.
6 You shall keep the commandments of
the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, 9
and to fear him. 7 For the LORD your 1 Hear, Israel! You are to pass over the
God brings you into a good land, a land Jordan today, to go in to dispossess nations
of brooks of water, of springs, and un- greater and mightier than yourself, cities
derground water flowing into valleys and great and fortified up to the sky, 2 a people
hills; 8 a land of wheat, barley, vines, fig great and tall, the sons of the Anakim,
trees, and pomegranates; a land of olive whom you know, and of whom you have
trees and honey; 9 a land in which you shall heard say, “Who can stand before the sons
eat bread without scarcity, you shall not of Anak?” 3 Know therefore today that the
lack anything in it; a land whose stones are LORD your God is he who goes over before
iron, and out of whose hills you may dig you as a devouring fire. He will destroy
copper. 10 You shall eat and be full, and you them and he will bring them down before
shall bless the LORD your God for the good you. So you shall drive them out and make
land which he has given you. them perish quickly, as the LORD has spo-
11 Beware lest you forget the LORD your ken to you.
God, in not keeping his commandments, 4 Don’t say in your heart, after the LORD
his ordinances, and his statutes, which I your God has thrust them out from before
command you today; 12 lest, when you you, “For my righteousness the LORD has
have eaten and are full, and have built brought me in to possess this land;” be-
fine houses and lived in them; 13 and when cause the LORD drives them out before
your herds and your flocks multiply, and you because of the wickedness of these
your silver and your gold is multiplied, nations. 5 Not for your righteousness or for
and all that you have is multiplied; 14 then the uprightness of your heart do you go in
your heart might be lifted up, and you for- to possess their land; but for the wicked-
get the LORD your God, who brought you ness of these nations the LORD your God
out of the land of Egypt, out of the house does drive them out from before you, and
of bondage; 15 who led you through the that he may establish the word which the
great and terrible wilderness, with ven- LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham,
Deuteronomy 9:6 179 Deuteronomy 10:2

to Isaac, and to Jacob. 6 Know therefore 18 I fell down before the LORD, as at the
that the LORD your God doesn’t give you first, forty days and forty nights. I neither
this good land to possess for your righ- ate bread nor drank water, because of all
teousness, for you are a stiff-necked peo- your sin which you sinned, in doing that
ple. 7 Remember, and don’t forget, how you which was evil in the LORD’s sight, to pro-
provoked the LORD your God to wrath in voke him to anger. 19 For I was afraid of
the wilderness. From the day that you left the anger and hot displeasure with which
the land of Egypt until you came to this the LORD was angry against you to destroy
place, you have been rebellious against you. But the LORD listened to me that
the LORD. 8 Also in Horeb you provoked time also. 20 The LORD was angry enough
the LORD to wrath, and the LORD was with Aaron to destroy him. I prayed for
angry with you to destroy you. 9 When I Aaron also at the same time. 21 I took
had gone up onto the mountain to receive your sin, the calf which you had made,
the stone tablets, even the tablets of the and burned it with fire, and crushed it,
covenant which the LORD made with you, grinding it very small, until it was as fine
then I stayed on the mountain forty days as dust. I threw its dust into the brook
and forty nights. I neither ate bread nor that descended out of the mountain. 22 At
Taberah, at Massah, and at Kibroth Hat-
drank water. 10 The LORD delivered to me taavah you provoked the LORD to wrath.
the two stone tablets written with God’s 23 When the LORD sent you from Kadesh
finger. On them were all the words which
the LORD spoke with you on the mountain Barnea, saying, “Go up and possess the
out of the middle of the fire in the day of land which I have given you,” you rebelled
the assembly. against the commandment of the LORD
11 It came to pass at the end of forty days
your God, and you didn’t believe him or
listen to his voice. 24 You have been rebel-
and forty nights that the LORD gave me lious against the LORD from the day that
the two stone tablets, even the tablets of I knew you. 25 So I fell down before the
the covenant. 12 The LORD said to me, LORD the forty days and forty nights that
“Arise, get down quickly from here; for I fell down, because the LORD had said
your people whom you have brought out he would destroy you. 26 I prayed to the
of Egypt have corrupted themselves. They LORD, and said, “Lord GOD, don’t destroy
have quickly turned away from the way your people and your inheritance that you
which I commanded them. They have have redeemed through your greatness,
made a molten image for themselves!” that you have brought out of Egypt with a
13 Furthermore the LORD spoke to me,
mighty hand. 27 Remember your servants,
saying, “I have seen these people, and Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Don’t look
behold, they are a stiff-necked people. at the stubbornness of this people, nor at
14 Leave me alone, that I may destroy them,
their wickedness, nor at their sin, 28 lest the
and blot out their name from under the land you brought us out from say, ‘Because
sky; and I will make of you a nation might- the LORD was not able to bring them into
ier and greater than they.” the land which he promised to them, and
15 So I turned and came down from the because he hated them, he has brought
mountain, and the mountain was burning them out to kill them in the wilderness.’
with fire. The two tablets of the covenant 29 Yet they are your people and your inheri-
were in my two hands. 16 I looked, and tance, which you brought out by your great
behold, you had sinned against the LORD power and by your outstretched arm.”
your God. You had made yourselves a
molded calf. You had quickly turned away 10
from the way which the LORD had com- that time the LORD said to me, “Cut
1 At
manded you. 17 I took hold of the two two stone tablets like the first, and come
tablets, and threw them out of my two up to me onto the mountain, and make an
hands, and broke them before your eyes. ark of wood. 2 I will write on the tablets
Deuteronomy 10:3 180 Deuteronomy 11:9

the words that were on the first tablets the foreskin of your heart, and be no more
which you broke, and you shall put them stiff-necked. 17 For the LORD your God, he
in the ark.” 3 So I made an ark of aca- is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great
cia wood, and cut two stone tablets like God, the mighty, and the awesome, who
the first, and went up onto the mountain, doesn’t respect persons or take bribes.
having the two tablets in my hand. 4 He 18 He executes justice for the fatherless and
wrote on the tablets, according to the first widow and loves the foreigner in giving
writing, the ten commandments, which him food and clothing. 19 Therefore love
the LORD spoke to you on the mountain the foreigner, for you were foreigners in
out of the middle of the fire in the day of the land of Egypt. 20 You shall fear the
the assembly; and the LORD gave them to LORD your God. You shall serve him. You
me. 5 I turned and came down from the shall cling to him, and you shall swear by
mountain, and put the tablets in the ark
which I had made; and there they are as his name. 21 He is your praise, and he is
the LORD commanded me. your God, who has done for you these great
6 (The children of Israel traveled from and awesome things which your eyes have
Beeroth Bene Jaakan to Moserah. There seen. 22 Your fathers went down into Egypt
Aaron died, and there he was buried; and with seventy persons; and now the LORD
Eleazar his son ministered in the priest’s your God has made you as the stars of the
office in his place. 7 From there they sky for multitude.
traveled to Gudgodah; and from Gudgo-
dah to Jotbathah, a land of brooks of wa- 11
1 Therefore you shall love the LORD your
ter. 8 At that time the LORD set apart the
tribe of Levi to bear the ark of the LORD’s God, and keep his instructions, his statutes,
covenant, to stand before the LORD to min- his ordinances, and his commandments,
ister to him, and to bless in his name, to this always. 2 Know this day—for I don’t speak
day. 9 Therefore Levi has no portion nor with your children who have not known,
inheritance with his brothers; the LORD and who have not seen the chastisement
is his inheritance, according as the LORD of the LORD your God, his greatness, his
your God spoke to him.) mighty hand, his outstretched arm, 3 his
10 I stayed on the mountain, as at the signs, and his works, which he did in the
first time, forty days and forty nights; and middle of Egypt to Pharaoh the king of
the LORD listened to me that time also. Egypt, and to all his land; 4 and what he
The LORD would not destroy you. 11 The did to the army of Egypt, to their horses,
LORD said to me, “Arise, take your journey and to their chariots; how he made the
before the people; and they shall go in and water of the Red Sea to overflow them as
possess the land which I swore to their they pursued you, and how the LORD has
fathers to give to them.” destroyed them to this day; 5 and what
12 Now, Israel, what does the LORD your he did to you in the wilderness until you
God require of you, but to fear the LORD came to this place; 6 and what he did to
your God, to walk in all his ways, to love Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, the
him, and to serve the LORD your God son of Reuben—how the earth opened its
with all your heart and with all your soul, mouth and swallowed them up, with their
13 to keep the LORD’s commandments and households, their tents, and every living
statutes, which I command you today for thing that followed them, in the middle of
your good? 14 Behold, to the LORD your all Israel; 7 but your eyes have seen all of
God belongs heaven, the heaven of heav- the LORD’s great work which he did.
ens, and the earth, with all that is therein. 8 Therefore you shall keep the entire
15 Only the LORD had a delight in your commandment which I command you to-
fathers to love them, and he chose their off- day, that you may be strong, and go in
spring after them, even you above all peo- and possess the land that you go over to
ples, as it is today. 16 Circumcise therefore possess; 9 and that you may prolong your
Deuteronomy 11:10 181 Deuteronomy 12:5

days in the land which the LORD swore to from before you, and you shall dispossess
your fathers to give to them and to their nations greater and mightier than your-
offspring, a land flowing with milk and selves. 24 Every place on which the sole of
honey. 10 For the land, where you go in your foot treads shall be yours: from the
to possess isn’t like the land of Egypt that wilderness and Lebanon, from the river,
you came out of, where you sowed your the river Euphrates, even to the western
seed and watered it with your foot, as a sea shall be your border. 25 No man will be
garden of herbs; 11 but the land that you able to stand before you. The LORD your
go over to possess is a land of hills and God will lay the fear of you and the dread
valleys which drinks water from the rain of you on all the land that you tread on,
of the sky, 12 a land which the LORD your as he has spoken to you. 26 Behold, I set
God cares for. The LORD your God’s eyes before you today a blessing and a curse:
are always on it, from the beginning of 27 the blessing, if you listen to the com-
the year even to the end of the year. 13 It mandments of the LORD your God, which
shall happen, if you shall listen diligently I command you today; 28 and the curse, if
to my commandments which I command you do not listen to the commandments
you today, to love the LORD your God, and of the LORD your God, but turn away out
to serve him with all your heart and with of the way which I command you today,
all your soul, 14 that I will give the rain for to go after other gods which you have not
your land in its season, the early rain and known. 29 It shall happen, when the LORD
the latter rain, that you may gather in your your God brings you into the land that you
grain, your new wine, and your oil. 15 I will go to possess, that you shall set the blessing
give grass in your fields for your livestock, on Mount Gerizim, and the curse on Mount
and you shall eat and be full. 16 Be care- Ebal. 30 Aren’t they beyond the Jordan,
ful, lest your heart be deceived, and you behind the way of the going down of the
turn away to serve other gods and worship sun, in the land of the Canaanites who
them; 17 and the LORD’s anger be kindled dwell in the Arabah near Gilgal, beside
against you, and he shut up the sky so that the oaks of Moreh? 31 For you are to pass
there is no rain, and the land doesn’t yield over the Jordan to go in to possess the land
its fruit; and you perish quickly from off which the LORD your God gives you, and
the good land which the LORD gives you. you shall possess it and dwell in it. 32 You
18 Therefore you shall lay up these words shall observe to do all the statutes and the
of mine in your heart and in your soul. You ordinances which I set before you today.
shall bind them for a sign on your hand,
and they shall be for frontlets between 12
your eyes. 19 You shall teach them to your
1These are the statutes and the ordi-
nances which you shall observe to do in
children, talking of them when you sit in
the land which the LORD, the God of your
your house, when you walk by the way,
when you lie down, and when you rise up. fathers, has given you to possess all the
20 You shall write them on the door posts days that you live on the earth. 2 You shall
surely destroy all the places in which the
of your house and on your gates; 21 that
nations that you shall dispossess served
your days and your children’s days may
their gods: on the high mountains, and on
be multiplied in the land which the LORD
the hills, and under every green tree. 3 You
swore to your fathers to give them, as the
shall break down their altars, dash their
days of the heavens above the earth. 22 For pillars in pieces, and burn their Asherah
if you shall diligently keep all these com- poles with fire. You shall cut down the
mandments which I command you—to do engraved images of their gods. You shall
them, to love the LORD your God, to walk destroy their name out of that place. 4 You
in all his ways, and to cling to him— 23 then shall not do so to the LORD your God. 5 But
the LORD will drive out all these nations to the place which the LORD your God shall
Deuteronomy 12:6 182 Deuteronomy 12:30

choose out of all your tribes, to put his any of your vows which you vow, nor your
name there, you shall seek his habitation, free will offerings, nor the wave offering of
and you shall come there. 6 You shall bring your hand; 18 but you shall eat them before
your burnt offerings, your sacrifices, your the LORD your God in the place which the
tithes, the wave offering of your hand, LORD your God shall choose: you, your
your vows, your free will offerings, and the son, your daughter, your male servant,
firstborn of your herd and of your flock your female servant, and the Levite who is
there. 7 There you shall eat before the within your gates. You shall rejoice before
LORD your God, and you shall rejoice in all the LORD your God in all that you put
that you put your hand to, you and your your hand to. 19 Be careful that you don’t
households, in which the LORD your God forsake the Levite as long as you live in
has blessed you. 8 You shall not do all the your land.
things that we do here today, every man 20 When the LORD your God enlarges
whatever is right in his own eyes; 9 for you your border, as he has promised you, and
haven’t yet come to the rest and to the in- you say, “I want to eat meat,” because
heritance which the LORD your God gives your soul desires to eat meat, you may eat
you. 10 But when you go over the Jordan meat, after all the desire of your soul. 21 If
and dwell in the land which the LORD your the place which the LORD your God shall
God causes you to inherit, and he gives you choose to put his name is too far from you,
rest from all your enemies around you, so then you shall kill of your herd and of your
that you dwell in safety, 11 then it shall flock, which the LORD has given you, as
happen that to the place which the LORD I have commanded you; and you may eat
your God shall choose, to cause his name to within your gates, after all the desire of
dwell there, there you shall bring all that I your soul. 22 Even as the gazelle and as the
command you: your burnt offerings, your deer is eaten, so you shall eat of it. The
sacrifices, your tithes, the wave offering of unclean and the clean may eat of it alike.
your hand, and all your choice vows which 23 Only be sure that you don’t eat the blood;
you vow to the LORD. 12 You shall rejoice for the blood is the life. You shall not eat
before the LORD your God—you, and your the life with the meat. 24 You shall not eat
sons, your daughters, your male servants, it. You shall pour it out on the earth like
your female servants, and the Levite who water. 25 You shall not eat it, that it may go
is within your gates, because he has no well with you and with your children after
portion nor inheritance with you. 13 Be you, when you do that which is right in
careful that you don’t offer your burnt the LORD’s eyes. 26 Only your holy things
offerings in every place that you see; 14 but which you have, and your vows, you shall
in the place which the LORD chooses in one take and go to the place which the LORD
of your tribes, there you shall offer your shall choose. 27 You shall offer your burnt
burnt offerings, and there you shall do all offerings, the meat and the blood, on the
that I command you. LORD your God’s altar. The blood of your
sacrifices shall be poured out on the LORD
15 Yet you may kill and eat meat within your God’s altar, and you shall eat the
all your gates, after all the desire of your meat. 28 Observe and hear all these words
soul, according to the LORD your God’s which I command you, that it may go well
blessing which he has given you. The with you and with your children after you
unclean and the clean may eat of it, as of forever, when you do that which is good
the gazelle and the deer. 16 Only you shall and right in the LORD your God’s eyes.
not eat the blood. You shall pour it out on 29 When the LORD your God cuts off
the earth like water. 17 You may not eat the nations from before you where you go
within your gates the tithe of your grain, in to dispossess them, and you dispossess
or of your new wine, or of your oil, or the them and dwell in their land, 30 be careful
firstborn of your herd or of your flock, nor that you are not ensnared to follow them
Deuteronomy 12:31 183 Deuteronomy 14:5

after they are destroyed from before you, him to put him to death, and afterwards
and that you not inquire after their gods, the hands of all the people. 10 You shall
saying, “How do these nations serve their stone him to death with stones, because
gods? I will do likewise.” 31 You shall not do he has sought to draw you away from
so to the LORD your God; for every abom- the LORD your God, who brought you out
ination to the LORD, which he hates, they of the land of Egypt, out of the house of
have done to their gods; for they even burn bondage. 11 All Israel shall hear, and fear,
their sons and their daughters in the fire to and shall not do any more wickedness like
their gods. 32 Whatever thing I command this among you.
you, that you shall observe to do. You shall 12 If you hear about one of your cities,
not add to it, nor take away from it. which the LORD your God gives you to
dwell there, that 13 certain wicked fellows
have gone out from among you and have
13 drawn away the inhabitants of their city,
1 If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams saying, “Let’s go and serve other gods,”
arises among you, and he gives you a sign which you have not known, 14 then you
or a wonder, 2 and the sign or the won- shall inquire, investigate, and ask dili-
der comes to pass, of which he spoke to gently. Behold, if it is true, and the thing
you, saying, “Let’s go after other gods” certain, that such abomination was done
(which you have not known) “and let’s among you, 15 you shall surely strike the
serve them,” 3 you shall not listen to the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the
words of that prophet, or to that dreamer sword, destroying it utterly, with all that
of dreams; for the LORD your God is testing is therein and its livestock, with the edge
you, to know whether you love the LORD of the sword. 16 You shall gather all its
your God with all your heart and with all plunder into the middle of its street, and
your soul. 4 You shall walk after the LORD shall burn with fire the city, with all of its
your God, fear him, keep his command- plunder, to the LORD your God. It shall be
ments, and obey his voice. You shall serve a heap forever. It shall not be built again.
him, and cling to him. 5 That prophet, 17 Nothing of the devoted thing shall cling
or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to your hand, that the LORD may turn from
to death, because he has spoken rebellion the fierceness of his anger and show you
against the LORD your God, who brought mercy, and have compassion on you and
you out of the land of Egypt and redeemed multiply you, as he has sworn to your fa-
you out of the house of bondage, to draw thers, 18 when you listen to the LORD your
you aside out of the way which the LORD God’s voice, to keep all his commandments
your God commanded you to walk in. So which I command you today, to do that
you shall remove the evil from among you. which is right in the LORD your God’s eyes.
6 If your brother, the son of your mother,
or your son, or your daughter, or the wife
1 You
of your bosom, or your friend who is as are the children of the LORD your
your own soul, entices you secretly, saying, God. You shall not cut yourselves, nor
“Let’s go and serve other gods”—which you make any baldness between your eyes for
have not known, you, nor your fathers; 7 of the dead. 2 For you are a holy people to the
the gods of the peoples who are around LORD your God, and the LORD has chosen
you, near to you, or far off from you, from you to be a people for his own possession,
the one end of the earth even to the other above all peoples who are on the face of the
end of the earth— 8 you shall not consent earth.
to him nor listen to him; neither shall your 3 You shall not eat any abominable thing.
eye pity him, neither shall you spare, nei- 4 These are the animals which you may
ther shall you conceal him; 9 but you shall eat: the ox, the sheep, the goat, 5 the deer,
surely kill him. Your hand shall be first on the gazelle, the roebuck, the wild goat,
Deuteronomy 14:6 184 Deuteronomy 15:8

the ibex, the antelope, and the chamois. 25 then you shall turn it into money, bind
6 Every animal that parts the hoof, and up the money in your hand, and shall go to
has the hoof split in two and chews the the place which the LORD your God shall
cud, among the animals, you may eat. choose. 26 You shall trade the money for
7 Nevertheless these you shall not eat of whatever your soul desires: for cattle, or
them that chew the cud, or of those who for sheep, or for wine, or for strong drink,
have the hoof split: the camel, the hare, or for whatever your soul asks of you. You
and the rabbit. Because they chew the cud shall eat there before the LORD your God,
but don’t part the hoof, they are unclean and you shall rejoice, you and your house-
to you. 8 The pig, because it has a split hold. 27 You shall not forsake the Levite
hoof but doesn’t chew the cud, is unclean who is within your gates, for he has no
to you. You shall not eat their meat. You portion nor inheritance with you. 28 At the
shall not touch their carcasses. 9 These end of every three years you shall bring
you may eat of all that are in the waters: all the tithe of your increase in the same
you may eat whatever has fins and scales. year, and shall store it within your gates.
10 You shall not eat whatever doesn’t have 29 The Levite, because he has no portion
fins and scales. It is unclean to you. 11 Of nor inheritance with you, as well as the
all clean birds you may eat. 12 But these are foreigner living among you, the fatherless,
they of which you shall not eat: the eagle, and the widow who are within your gates
the vulture, the osprey, 13 the red kite, the shall come, and shall eat and be satisfied;
falcon, the kite of any kind, 14 every raven that the LORD your God may bless you in
of any kind, 15 the ostrich, the owl, the all the work of your hand which you do.
seagull, the hawk of any kind, 16 the little
owl, the great owl, the horned owl, 17 the 15
pelican, the vulture, the cormorant, 18 the At the end of every seven years, you
stork, the heron after its kind, the hoopoe, shall cancel debts. 2 This is the way it
and the bat. 19 All winged creeping things shall be done: every creditor shall release
are unclean to you. They shall not be eaten. that which he has lent to his neighbor. He
20 Of all clean birds you may eat. shall not require payment from his neigh-
21 You shall not eat of anything that dies bor and his brother, because the LORD’s
of itself. You may give it to the foreigner release has been proclaimed. 3 Of a for-
living among you who is within your gates, eigner you may require it; but whatever
that he may eat it; or you may sell it to a of yours is with your brother, your hand
foreigner; for you are a holy people to the shall release. 4 However there will be no
LORD your God. poor with you (for the LORD will surely
You shall not boil a young goat in its bless you in the land which the LORD your
mother’s milk. God gives you for an inheritance to pos-
22 You shall surely tithe all the increase sess) 5 if only you diligently listen to the
of your seed, that which comes out of the LORD your God’s voice, to observe to do all
field year by year. 23 You shall eat before this commandment which I command you
the LORD your God, in the place which today. 6 For the LORD your God will bless
he chooses to cause his name to dwell, you, as he promised you. You will lend
the tithe of your grain, of your new wine, to many nations, but you will not borrow.
and of your oil, and the firstborn of your You will rule over many nations, but they
herd and of your flock; that you may learn will not rule over you. 7 If a poor man,
to fear the LORD your God always. 24 If one of your brothers, is with you within
the way is too long for you, so that you any of your gates in your land which the
are not able to carry it because the place LORD your God gives you, you shall not
which the LORD your God shall choose to harden your heart, nor shut your hand
set his name there is too far from you, from your poor brother; 8 but you shall
when the LORD your God blesses you, surely open your hand to him, and shall
Deuteronomy 15:9 185 Deuteronomy 16:11

surely lend him sufficient for his need, whatever, you shall not sacrifice it to the
which he lacks. 9 Beware that there not LORD your God. 22 You shall eat it within
be a wicked thought in your heart, saying, your gates. The unclean and the clean shall
“The seventh year, the year of release, is at eat it alike, as the gazelle and as the deer.
hand,” and your eye be evil against your 23 Only you shall not eat its blood. You shall
poor brother and you give him nothing; pour it out on the ground like water.
and he cry to the LORD against you, and
it be sin to you. 10 You shall surely give, 16
and your heart shall not be grieved when 1 Observe the month of Abib, and keep
you give to him, because it is for this thing the Passover to the LORD your God; for
the LORD your God will bless you in all in the month of Abib the LORD your God
your work and in all that you put your brought you out of Egypt by night. 2 You
hand to. 11 For the poor will never cease shall sacrifice the Passover to the LORD
out of the land. Therefore I command you your God, of the flock and the herd, in
to surely open your hand to your brother, the place which the LORD shall choose to
to your needy, and to your poor, in your cause his name to dwell there. 3 You shall
land. 12 If your brother, a Hebrew man, eat no leavened bread with it. You shall
or a Hebrew woman, is sold to you and eat unleavened bread with it seven days,
serves you six years, then in the seventh even the bread of affliction (for you came
year you shall let him go free from you. out of the land of Egypt in haste) that you
13 When you let him go free from you, you may remember the day when you came
shall not let him go empty. 14 You shall out of the land of Egypt all the days of your
furnish him liberally out of your flock, out life. 4 No yeast shall be seen with you in
of your threshing floor, and out of your all your borders seven days; neither shall
wine press. As the LORD your God has any of the meat, which you sacrifice the
blessed you, you shall give to him. 15 You first day at evening, remain all night until
shall remember that you were a slave in the morning. 5 You may not sacrifice the
the land of Egypt, and the LORD your God Passover within any of your gates which
redeemed you. Therefore I command you the LORD your God gives you; 6 but at
this thing today. 16 It shall be, if he tells the place which the LORD your God shall
you, “I will not go out from you,” because choose to cause his name to dwell in, there
he loves you and your house, because he you shall sacrifice the Passover at evening,
is well with you, 17 then you shall take an at the going down of the sun, at the season
awl, and thrust it through his ear to the that you came out of Egypt. 7 You shall
door, and he shall be your servant forever. roast and eat it in the place which the
Also to your female servant you shall do LORD your God chooses. In the morning
likewise. 18 It shall not seem hard to you you shall return to your tents. 8 Six days
when you let him go free from you, for he you shall eat unleavened bread. On the
has been double the value of a hired hand seventh day shall be a solemn assembly to
as he served you six years. The LORD your the LORD your God. You shall do no work.
9 You shall count for yourselves seven
God will bless you in all that you do. 19 You
shall dedicate all the firstborn males that weeks. From the time you begin to put the
are born of your herd and of your flock to sickle to the standing grain you shall begin
the LORD your God. You shall do no work to count seven weeks. 10 You shall keep
with the firstborn of your herd, nor shear the feast of weeks to the LORD your God
the firstborn of your flock. 20 You shall eat with a tribute of a free will offering of your
it before the LORD your God year by year hand, which you shall give according to
in the place which the LORD shall choose, how the LORD your God blesses you. 11 You
you and your household. 21 If it has any shall rejoice before the LORD your God:
defect—is lame or blind, or has any defect you, your son, your daughter, your male
servant, your female servant, the Levite
Deuteronomy 16:12 186 Deuteronomy 17:12

who is within your gates, the foreigner, the anything evil; for that is an abomination to
fatherless, and the widow who are among the LORD your God.
you, in the place which the LORD your God 2 If there is found among you, within
shall choose to cause his name to dwell any of your gates which the LORD your
there. 12 You shall remember that you God gives you, a man or woman who does
were a slave in Egypt. You shall observe that which is evil in the LORD your God’s
and do these statutes. sight in transgressing his covenant, 3 and
13 You shall keep the feast of booths
has gone and served other gods and wor-
seven days, after you have gathered in shiped them, or the sun, or the moon, or
from your threshing floor and from your any of the stars of the sky, which I have
wine press. 14 You shall rejoice in your not commanded, 4 and you are told, and
feast, you, your son, your daughter, your you have heard of it, then you shall in-
male servant, your female servant, the quire diligently. Behold, if it is true, and
Levite, the foreigner, the fatherless, and the thing certain, that such abomination is
the widow who are within your gates. done in Israel, 5 then you shall bring out
15 You shall keep a feast to the LORD your
that man or that woman who has done this
God seven days in the place which the evil thing to your gates, even that same
LORD chooses, because the LORD your God man or woman; and you shall stone them
will bless you in all your increase and in to death with stones. 6 At the mouth of two
all the work of your hands, and you shall witnesses, or three witnesses, he who is to
be altogether joyful. 16 Three times in a die shall be put to death. At the mouth of
year all of your males shall appear before one witness he shall not be put to death.
7 The hands of the witnesses shall be first
the LORD your God in the place which he
chooses: in the feast of unleavened bread, on him to put him to death, and afterward
in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of the hands of all the people. So you shall
booths. They shall not appear before the remove the evil from among you.
LORD empty. 17 Every man shall give as 8 If there arises a matter too hard for you
he is able, according to the LORD your in judgment, between blood and blood, be-
God’s blessing which he has given you. tween plea and plea, and between stroke
18 You shall make judges and officers in and stroke, being matters of controversy
all your gates, which the LORD your God within your gates, then you shall arise, and
gives you, according to your tribes; and go up to the place which the LORD your
they shall judge the people with righteous God chooses. 9 You shall come to the priests
judgment. 19 You shall not pervert justice. who are Levites and to the judge who shall
You shall not show partiality. You shall be in those days. You shall inquire, and
not take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the they shall give you the verdict. 10 You
eyes of the wise and perverts the words shall do according to the decisions of the
of the righteous. 20 You shall follow that verdict which they shall give you from that
which is altogether just, that you may live place which the LORD chooses. You shall
and inherit the land which the LORD your observe to do according to all that they
God gives you. 21 You shall not plant for shall teach you. 11 According to the deci-
yourselves an Asherah of any kind of tree sions of the law which they shall teach you,
beside the LORD your God’s altar, which and according to the judgment which they
you shall make for yourselves. 22 Neither shall tell you, you shall do. You shall not
shall you set yourself up a sacred stone turn away from the sentence which they
which the LORD your God hates. announce to you, to the right hand, nor to
the left. 12 The man who does presump-
tuously in not listening to the priest who
17 stands to minister there before the LORD
1 You shall not sacrifice to the LORD your your God, or to the judge, even that man
God an ox or a sheep in which is a defect or shall die. You shall put away the evil from
Deuteronomy 17:13 187 Deuteronomy 18:20

Israel. 13 All the people shall hear and fear, your God has chosen him out of all your
and do no more presumptuously. tribes to stand to minister in the LORD’s
14 When you have come to the land name, him and his sons forever.
which the LORD your God gives you, and 6 If a Levite comes from any of your gates
possess it and dwell in it, and say, “I will out of all Israel where he lives, and comes
set a king over me, like all the nations that with all the desire of his soul to the place
are around me,” 15 you shall surely set him which the LORD shall choose, 7 then he
whom the LORD your God chooses as king shall minister in the name of the LORD his
over yourselves. You shall set as king over God, as all his brothers the Levites do, who
you one from among your brothers. You stand there before the LORD. 8 They shall
may not put a foreigner over you, who have like portions to eat, in addition to that
which comes from the sale of his family
is not your brother. 16 Only he shall not
multiply horses to himself, nor cause the
9 When you have come into the land
people to return to Egypt, to the end that
he may multiply horses; because the LORD which the LORD your God gives you, you
has said to you, “You shall not go back that shall not learn to imitate the abominations
way again.” 17 He shall not multiply wives of those nations. 10 There shall not be
found with you anyone who makes his son
to himself, that his heart not turn away. He or his daughter to pass through the fire,
shall not greatly multiply to himself silver one who uses divination, one who tells
and gold. fortunes, or an enchanter, or a sorcerer,
18 It shall be, when he sits on the throne 11 or a charmer, or someone who consults
of his kingdom, that he shall write himself with a familiar spirit, or a wizard, or a
a copy of this law in a book, out of that necromancer. 12 For whoever does these
which is before the Levitical priests. 19 It things is an abomination to the LORD. Be-
shall be with him, and he shall read from cause of these abominations, the LORD
it all the days of his life, that he may learn your God drives them out from before you.
to fear the LORD his God, to keep all the 13 You shall be blameless with the LORD
words of this law and these statutes, to your God. 14 For these nations that you
do them; 20 that his heart not be lifted up shall dispossess listen to those who prac-
above his brothers, and that he not turn tice sorcery and to diviners; but as for you,
away from the commandment to the right the LORD your God has not allowed you so
hand, or to the left, to the end that he may to do. 15 The LORD your God will raise up
prolong his days in his kingdom, he and his to you a prophet from among you, of your
children, in the middle of Israel. brothers, like me. You shall listen to him.
16 This is according to all that you desired
18 of the LORD your God in Horeb in the day
1 The priests and the Levites—all the of the assembly, saying, “Let me not hear
tribe of Levi—shall have no portion nor again the LORD my God’s voice, neither let
inheritance with Israel. They shall eat the me see this great fire any more, that I not
offerings of the LORD made by fire and his die.”
portion. 2 They shall have no inheritance 17 The LORD said to me, “They have well
among their brothers. The LORD is their said that which they have spoken. 18 I will
inheritance, as he has spoken to them. raise them up a prophet from among their
3 This shall be the priests’ due from the
brothers, like you. I will put my words
people, from those who offer a sacrifice, in his mouth, and he shall speak to them
whether it be ox or sheep, that they shall all that I shall command him. 19 It shall
give to the priest: the shoulder, the two happen, that whoever will not listen to my
cheeks, and the inner parts. 4 You shall give words which he shall speak in my name, I
him the first fruits of your grain, of your will require it of him. 20 But the prophet
new wine, and of your oil, and the first of who speaks a word presumptuously in my
the fleece of your sheep. 5 For the LORD name, which I have not commanded him
Deuteronomy 18:21 188 Deuteronomy 20:3

to speak, or who speaks in the name of for an inheritance, leaving blood guilt on
other gods, that same prophet shall die.” you. 11 But if any man hates his neighbor,
21 You may say in your heart, “How shall lies in wait for him, rises up against him,
we know the word which the LORD has strikes him mortally so that he dies, and
not spoken?” 22 When a prophet speaks he flees into one of these cities; 12 then the
in the LORD’s name, if the thing doesn’t elders of his city shall send and bring him
follow, nor happen, that is the thing which there, and deliver him into the hand of the
the LORD has not spoken. The prophet has avenger of blood, that he may die. 13 Your
spoken it presumptuously. You shall not be eye shall not pity him, but you shall purge
afraid of him. the innocent blood from Israel that it may
go well with you.
19 14 You shall not remove your neighbor’s
1 When the LORD your God cuts off the landmark, which they of old time have
nations whose land the LORD your God set, in your inheritance which you shall
gives you, and you succeed them and dwell inherit, in the land that the LORD your God
in their cities and in their houses, 2 you gives you to possess.
shall set apart three cities for yourselves in 15 One witness shall not rise up against
the middle of your land, which the LORD a man for any iniquity, or for any sin that
your God gives you to possess. 3 You shall he sins. At the mouth of two witnesses,
prepare the way, and divide the borders or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall a
of your land which the LORD your God matter be established. 16 If an unrighteous
causes you to inherit into three parts, that witness rises up against any man to testify
every man slayer may flee there. 4 This is against him of wrongdoing, 17 then both
the case of the man slayer who shall flee the men, between whom the controversy
there and live: Whoever kills his neighbor is, shall stand before the LORD, before the
unintentionally, and didn’t hate him in priests and the judges who shall be in those
time past— 5 as when a man goes into the days; 18 and the judges shall make diligent
forest with his neighbor to chop wood and inquisition; and behold, if the witness is
his hand swings the ax to cut down the a false witness, and has testified falsely
tree, and the head slips from the handle against his brother, 19 then you shall do to
and hits his neighbor so that he dies—he him as he had thought to do to his brother.
shall flee to one of these cities and live. So you shall remove the evil from among
6 Otherwise, the avenger of blood might you. 20 Those who remain shall hear, and
pursue the man slayer while hot anger is fear, and will never again commit any such
in his heart and overtake him, because evil among you. 21 Your eyes shall not pity:
the way is long, and strike him mortally, life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth,
even though he was not worthy of death, hand for hand, foot for foot.
because he didn’t hate him in time past.
7 Therefore I command you to set apart
1 When
three cities for yourselves. 8 If the LORD you go out to battle against your
your God enlarges your border, as he has enemies, and see horses, chariots, and a
sworn to your fathers, and gives you all people more numerous than you, you shall
the land which he promised to give to your not be afraid of them; for the LORD your
fathers; 9 and if you keep all this command- God, who brought you up out of the land
ment to do it, which I command you today, of Egypt, is with you. 2 It shall be, when
to love the LORD your God, and to walk you draw near to the battle, that the priest
ever in his ways, then you shall add three shall approach and speak to the people,
3 and shall tell them, “Hear, Israel, you
cities more for yourselves, in addition to
these three. 10 This is so that innocent draw near today to battle against your en-
blood will not be shed in the middle of your emies. Don’t let your heart faint! Don’t be
land which the LORD your God gives you afraid, nor tremble, neither be scared of
Deuteronomy 20:4 189 Deuteronomy 21:10

them; 4 for the LORD your God is he who God has commanded you; 18 that they not
goes with you, to fight for you against your teach you to follow all their abominations,
enemies, to save you.” which they have done for their gods; so
5 The officers shall speak to the people, would you sin against the LORD your God.
19 When you shall besiege a city a long
saying, “What man is there who has built
a new house, and has not dedicated it? Let time, in making war against it to take it,
him go and return to his house, lest he die you shall not destroy its trees by wielding
in the battle, and another man dedicate an ax against them; for you may eat of
it. 6 What man is there who has planted them. You shall not cut them down, for
a vineyard, and has not used its fruit? Let is the tree of the field20man, that it should
him go and return to his house, lest he die be besieged by you? Only the trees that
in the battle, and another man use its fruit. you know are not trees for food, you shall
7 What man is there who has pledged to be destroy and cut them down. You shall
married to a wife, and has not taken her? build bulwarks against the city that makes
Let him go and return to his house, lest war with you, until it falls.
he die in the battle, and another man take
her.” 8 The officers shall speak further to 21
1 If someone is found slain in the land
the people, and they shall say, “What man
is there who is fearful and faint-hearted? which the LORD your God gives you to pos-
Let him go and return to his house, lest sess, lying in the field, and it isn’t known
his brother’s heart melt as his heart.” 9 It who has struck him, 2 then your elders and
shall be, when the officers have finished your judges shall come out, and they shall
speaking to the people, that they shall ap- measure to the cities which are around
point captains of armies at the head of the him who is slain. 3 It shall be that the
people. elders of the city which is nearest to the
10 When you draw near to a city to fight
slain man shall take a heifer of the herd,
which hasn’t been worked with and which
against it, then proclaim peace to it. 11 It has not drawn in the yoke. 4 The elders
shall be, if it gives you answer of peace of that city shall bring the heifer down
and opens to you, then it shall be that all to a valley with running water, which is
the people who are found therein shall neither plowed nor sown, and shall break
become forced laborers to you, and shall the heifer’s neck there in the valley. 5 The
serve you. 12 If it will make no peace with priests the sons of Levi shall come near,
you, but will make war against you, then for them the LORD your God has chosen to
you shall besiege it. 13 When the LORD minister to him, and to bless in the LORD’s
your God delivers it into your hand, you name; and according to their word shall
shall strike every male of it with the edge every controversy and every assault be
of the sword; 14 but the women, the little decided. 6 All the elders of that city which
ones, the livestock, and all that is in the is nearest to the slain man shall wash their
city, even all its plunder, you shall take hands over the heifer whose neck was bro-
for plunder for yourself. You may use ken in the valley. 7 They shall answer and
the plunder of your enemies, which the say, “Our hands have not shed this blood,
LORD your God has given you. 15 Thus neither have our eyes seen it. 8 Forgive,
you shall do to all the cities which are LORD, your people Israel, whom you have
very far off from you, which are not of redeemed, and don’t allow innocent blood
the cities of these nations. 16 But of the among your people Israel.” The blood shall
cities of these peoples that the LORD your be forgiven them. 9 So you shall put away
God gives you for an inheritance, you shall the innocent blood from among you, when
save alive nothing that breathes; 17 but you you shall do that which is right in the
shall utterly destroy them: the Hittite, the LORD’s eyes.
Amorite, the Canaanite, the Perizzite, the 10 When you go out to battle against your
Hivite, and the Jebusite, as the LORD your enemies, and the LORD your God deliv-
Deuteronomy 21:11 190 Deuteronomy 22:14

ers them into your hands and you carry is hanged is accursed of God. Don’t defile
them away captive, 11 and see among the your land which the LORD your God gives
captives a beautiful woman, and you are you for an inheritance.
attracted to her, and desire to take her as
your wife, 12 then you shall bring her home 22
to your house. She shall shave her head 1 You shall not see your brother’s ox or
and trim her nails. 13 She shall take off the his sheep go astray and hide yourself from
clothing of her captivity, and shall remain them. You shall surely bring them again to
in your house, and bewail her father and your brother. 2 If your brother isn’t near
her mother a full month. After that you to you, or if you don’t know him, then you
shall go in to her and be her husband, and shall bring it home to your house, and it
she shall be your wife. 14 It shall be, if shall be with you until your brother comes
you have no delight in her, then you shall looking for it, and you shall restore it to
let her go where she desires; but you shall him. 3 So you shall do with his donkey. So
not sell her at all for money. You shall not you shall do with his garment. So you shall
deal with her as a slave, because you have do with every lost thing of your brother’s,
humbled her. which he has lost and you have found.
15 If a man has two wives, the one You may not hide yourself. 4 You shall not
beloved and the other hated, and they see your brother’s donkey or his ox fallen
have borne him children, both the beloved down by the way, and hide yourself from
and the hated, and if the firstborn son is them. You shall surely help him to lift them
hers who was hated, 16 then it shall be, in up again.
the day that he causes his sons to inherit 5 A woman shall not wear men’s cloth-
that which he has, that he may not give the ing, neither shall a man put on women’s
son of the beloved the rights of the first- clothing; for whoever does these things is
born before the son of the hated, who is the an abomination to the LORD your God.
firstborn; 17 but he shall acknowledge the 6 If you come across a bird’s nest on the
firstborn, the son of the hated, by giving way, in any tree or on the ground, with
him a double portion of all that he has; for young ones or eggs, and the hen sitting on
he is the beginning of his strength. The the young, or on the eggs, you shall not take
right of the firstborn is his. the hen with the young. 7 You shall surely
18 If a man has a stubborn and rebellious let the hen go, but the young you may take
son who will not obey the voice of his fa- for yourself, that it may be well with you,
ther or the voice of his mother, and though and that you may prolong your days.
they chasten him, will not listen to them, 8 When you build a new house, then you
19 then his father and his mother shall take shall make a railing around your roof, so
hold of him and bring him out to the elders that you don’t bring blood on your house if
of his city and to the gate of his place. anyone falls from there.
20 They shall tell the elders of his city, “This 9 You shall not sow your vineyard with
our son is stubborn and rebellious. He will two kinds of seed, lest all the fruit be de-
not obey our voice. He is a glutton and a filed, the seed which you have sown, and
drunkard.” 21 All the men of his city shall the increase of the vineyard. 10 You shall
stone him to death with stones. So you not plow with an ox and a donkey together.
shall remove the evil from among you. All 11 You shall not wear clothes of wool and
Israel shall hear, and fear. linen woven together.
22 If a man has committed a sin worthy 12 You shall make yourselves fringes† on
of death, and he is put to death, and you the four corners of your cloak with which
hang him on a tree, 23 his body shall not you cover yourself.
remain all night on the tree, but you shall 13 If any man takes a wife, and goes in to
surely bury him the same day; for he who her, hates her, 14 accuses her of shameful
† 22:12 or, tassels
Deuteronomy 22:15 191 Deuteronomy 23:10

things, gives her a bad name, and says, “I with her shall die; 26 but to the lady you
took this woman, and when I came near shall do nothing. There is in the lady no sin
to her, I didn’t find in her the tokens of worthy of death; for as when a man rises
virginity;” 15 then the young lady’s father against his neighbor and kills him, even so
and mother shall take and bring the to- is this matter; 27 for he found her in the
kens of the young lady’s virginity to the field, the pledged to be married lady cried,
elders of the city in the gate. 16 The young and there was no one to save her. 28 If a
lady’s father shall tell the elders, “I gave my man finds a lady who is a virgin, who is
daughter to this man as his wife, and he not pledged to be married, grabs her and
hates her. 17 Behold, he has accused her lies with her, and they are found, 29 then
of shameful things, saying, ‘I didn’t find in the man who lay with her shall give to the
your daughter the tokens of virginity;’ and lady’s father fifty shekels§ of silver. She
yet these are the tokens of my daughter’s shall be his wife, because he has humbled
virginity.” They shall spread the cloth be- her. He may not put her away all his days.
fore the elders of the city. 18 The elders of 30 A man shall not take his father’s wife,
that city shall take the man and chastise and shall not uncover his father’s skirt.
him. 19 They shall fine him one hundred
shekels of silver,‡ and give them to the 23
father of the young lady, because he has 1 He who is emasculated by crushing
given a bad name to a virgin of Israel. She or cutting shall not enter into the LORD’s
shall be his wife. He may not put her away assembly. 2 A person born of a forbid-
all his days. den union shall not enter into the LORD’s
assembly; even to the tenth generation
20 But if this thing is true, that the tokens
shall no one of his enter into the LORD’s
of virginity were not found in the young assembly. 3 An Ammonite or a Moabite
lady, 21 then they shall bring out the young shall not enter into the LORD’s assembly;
lady to the door of her father’s house, and even to the tenth generation shall no one
the men of her city shall stone her to death belonging to them enter into the LORD’s
with stones, because she has done folly in assembly forever, 4 because they didn’t
Israel, to play the prostitute in her father’s meet you with bread and with water on
house. So you shall remove the evil from the way when you came out of Egypt, and
among you. because they hired against you Balaam the
22 If a man is found lying with a woman son of Beor from Pethor of Mesopotamia,
married to a husband, then they shall both to curse you. 5 Nevertheless the LORD
die, the man who lay with the woman and your God wouldn’t listen to Balaam, but
the woman. So you shall remove the evil the LORD your God turned the curse into
from Israel. 23 If there is a young lady who a blessing to you, because the LORD your
is a virgin pledged to be married to a hus- God loved you. 6 You shall not seek their
band, and a man finds her in the city, and peace nor their prosperity all your days
lies with her, 24 then you shall bring them forever. 7 You shall not abhor an Edomite,
both out to the gate of that city, and you for he is your brother. You shall not ab-
shall stone them to death with stones; the hor an Egyptian, because you lived as a
lady, because she didn’t cry, being in the foreigner in his land. 8 The children of
city; and the man, because he has humbled the third generation who are born to them
his neighbor’s wife. So you shall remove may enter into the LORD’s assembly.
the evil from among you. 25 But if the man 9 When you go out and camp against
finds the lady who is pledged to be married your enemies, then you shall keep your-
in the field, and the man forces her and selves from every evil thing. 10 If there
lies with her, then only the man who lay is among you any man who is not clean
‡ 22:19 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces, so 100 shekels is about a kilogram or 2.2 pounds. § 22:29
A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces.
Deuteronomy 23:11 192 Deuteronomy 24:10

by reason of that which happens to him do. 24 When you come into your neighbor’s
by night, then shall he go outside of the vineyard, then you may eat your fill of
camp. He shall not come within the camp; grapes at your own pleasure; but you shall
11 but it shall be, when evening comes, he not put any in your container. 25 When
shall bathe himself in water. When the sun you come into your neighbor’s standing
is down, he shall come within the camp. grain, then you may pluck the ears with
12 You shall have a place also outside of
your hand; but you shall not use a sickle on
the camp where you go relieve yourself. your neighbor’s standing grain.
13 You shall have a trowel among your
weapons. It shall be, when you relieve
yourself, you shall dig with it, and shall
1 When a man takes a wife and marries
turn back and cover your excrement; 14 for her, then it shall be, if she finds no favor
the LORD your God walks in the middle of in his eyes because he has found some un-
your camp, to deliver you, and to give up seemly thing in her, that he shall write her
your enemies before you. Therefore your a certificate of divorce, put it in her hand,
camp shall be holy, that he may not see an and send her out of his house. 2 When
unclean thing in you, and turn away from she has departed out of his house, she may
you. go and be another man’s wife. 3 If the
15 You shall not deliver to his master a latter husband hates her, and writes her a
servant who has escaped from his master certificate of divorce, puts it in her hand,
to you. 16 He shall dwell with you, among and sends her out of his house; or if the
you, in the place which he shall choose latter husband dies, who took her to be
within one of your gates, where it pleases his wife; 4 her former husband, who sent
him best. You shall not oppress him. her away, may not take her again to be his
17 There shall be no prostitute of the wife after she is defiled; for that would be
daughters of Israel, neither shall there be a an abomination to the LORD. You shall not
sodomite of the sons of Israel. 18 You shall cause the land to sin, which the LORD your
not bring the hire of a prostitute, or the God gives you for an inheritance. 5 When a
wages of a male prostitute,† into the house man takes a new wife, he shall not go out
of the LORD your God for any vow; for both in the army, neither shall he be assigned
of these are an abomination to the LORD any business. He shall be free at home one
your God. year, and shall cheer his wife whom he has
19 You shall not lend on interest to your taken.
6 No man shall take the mill or the upper
brother: interest of money, interest of
food, interest of anything that is lent on millstone as a pledge, for he takes a life in
interest. 20 You may charge a foreigner pledge.
interest; but you shall not charge your 7 If a man is found stealing any of his
brother interest, that the LORD your God brothers of the children of Israel, and he
may bless you in all that you put your hand deals with him as a slave, or sells him, then
to, in the land where you go in to possess it. that thief shall die. So you shall remove the
21 When you vow a vow to the LORD your evil from among you.
8 Be careful in the plague of leprosy, that
God, you shall not be slack to pay it, for
the LORD your God will surely require it you observe diligently and do according to
of you; and it would be sin in you. 22 But all that the Levitical priests teach you. As I
if you refrain from making a vow, it shall commanded them, so you shall observe to
be no sin in you. 23 You shall observe and do. 9 Remember what the LORD your God
do that which has gone out of your lips. did to Miriam, by the way as you came out
Whatever you have vowed to the LORD of Egypt.
your God as a free will offering, which you 10 When you lend your neighbor any
have promised with your mouth, you must kind of loan, you shall not go into his house
† 23:18 literally, dog
Deuteronomy 24:11 193 Deuteronomy 25:16

to get his pledge. 11 You shall stand out- beaten, that the judge shall cause him to
side, and the man to whom you lend shall lie down and to be beaten before his face,
bring the pledge outside to you. 12 If he is according to his wickedness, by number.
a poor man, you shall not sleep with his 3 He may sentence him to no more than
pledge. 13 You shall surely restore to him forty stripes. He shall not give more, lest
the pledge when the sun goes down, that if he should give more and beat him more
he may sleep in his garment and bless you. than that many stripes, then your brother
It shall be righteousness to you before the will be degraded in your sight.
LORD your God. 4 You shall not muzzle the ox when he
14 You shall not oppress a hired servant treads out the grain.
who is poor and needy, whether he is one 5 If brothers dwell together, and one of
of your brothers or one of the foreigners them dies and has no son, the wife of the
who are in your land within your gates. dead shall not be married outside to a
15 In his day you shall give him his wages, stranger. Her husband’s brother shall go
neither shall the sun go down on it, for he in to her, and take her as his wife, and
is poor and sets his heart on it, lest he cry perform the duty of a husband’s brother to
against you to the LORD, and it be sin to her. 6 It shall be that the firstborn whom
you. she bears shall succeed in the name of his
16 The fathers shall not be put to death brother who is dead, that his name not be
blotted out of Israel.
for the children, neither shall the children 7 If the man doesn’t want to take his
be put to death for the fathers. Every man brother’s wife, then his brother’s wife shall
shall be put to death for his own sin. go up to the gate to the elders, and say, “My
17 You shall not deprive the foreigner or
husband’s brother refuses to raise up to
the fatherless of justice, nor take a widow’s his brother a name in Israel. He will not
clothing in pledge; 18 but you shall remem- perform the duty of a husband’s brother
ber that you were a slave in Egypt, and to me.” 8 Then the elders of his city shall
the LORD your God redeemed you there. call him, and speak to him. If he stands
Therefore I command you to do this thing. and says, “I don’t want to take her,” 9 then
19 When you reap your harvest in your
his brother’s wife shall come to him in
field, and have forgotten a sheaf in the the presence of the elders, and loose his
field, you shall not go again to get it. It sandal from off his foot, and spit in his face.
shall be for the foreigner, for the father- She shall answer and say, “So shall it be
less, and for the widow, that the LORD done to the man who does not build up
your God may bless you in all the work his brother’s house.” 10 His name shall be
of your hands. 20 When you beat your called in Israel, “The house of him who had
olive tree, you shall not go over the boughs his sandal removed.”
11 When men strive against each other,
again. It shall be for the foreigner, for the
fatherless, and for the widow. and the wife of one draws near to deliver
21 When you harvest your vineyard, you her husband out of the hand of him who
strikes him, and puts out her hand, and
shall not glean it after yourselves. It shall
grabs him by his private parts, 12 then you
be for the foreigner, for the fatherless, and
shall cut off her hand. Your eye shall have
for the widow. 22 You shall remember no pity.
that you were a slave in the land of Egypt.
13 You shall not have in your bag diverse
Therefore I command you to do this thing.
weights, one heavy and one light. 14 You
1 If
25 shall not have in your house diverse mea-
there is a controversy between men, sures, one large and one small. 15 You shall
and they come to judgment and the judges have a perfect and just weight. You shall
judge them, then they shall justify the have a perfect and just measure, that your
righteous and condemn the wicked. 2 It days may be long in the land which the
shall be, if the wicked man is worthy to be LORD your God gives you. 16 For all who do
Deuteronomy 25:17 194 Deuteronomy 26:19

such things, all who do unrighteously, are you, the LORD, have given me.” You shall
an abomination to the LORD your God. set it down before the LORD your God,
17 Remember what Amalek did to you by and worship before the LORD your God.
the way as you came out of Egypt, 18 how 11 You shall rejoice in all the good which
he met you by the way, and struck the rear- the LORD your God has given to you, and
most of you, all who were feeble behind to your house, you, and the Levite, and the
you, when you were faint and weary; and foreigner who is among you.
he didn’t fear God. 19 Therefore it shall be,
when the LORD your God has given you 12 When you have finished tithing all the
rest from all your enemies all around, in tithe of your increase in the third year,
the land which the LORD your God gives which is the year of tithing, then you shall
you for an inheritance to possess it, that give it to the Levite, to the foreigner, to
you shall blot out the memory of Amalek the fatherless, and to the widow, that they
from under the sky. You shall not forget. may eat within your gates and be filled.
13 You shall say before the LORD your God,

26 “I have put away the holy things out of

1 It shall be, when you have come in to my house, and also have given them to
the land which the LORD your God gives the Levite, to the foreigner, to the father-
you for an inheritance, possess it, and less, and to the widow, according to all
dwell in it, 2 that you shall take some of the your commandment which you have com-
first of all the fruit of the ground, which manded me. I have not transgressed any of
you shall bring in from your land that the your commandments, neither have I for-
LORD your God gives you. You shall put it gotten them. 14 I have not eaten of it in my
in a basket, and shall go to the place which mourning, neither have I removed any of it
the LORD your God shall choose to cause while I was unclean, nor given of it for the
his name to dwell there. 3 You shall come dead. I have listened to the LORD my God’s
to the priest who shall be in those days, and voice. I have done according to all that you
tell him, “I profess today to the LORD your have commanded me. 15 Look down from
God, that I have come to the land which your holy habitation, from heaven, and
the LORD swore to our fathers to give us.” bless your people Israel, and the ground
4 The priest shall take the basket out of which you have given us, as you swore to
your hand, and set it down before the our fathers, a land flowing with milk and
LORD your God’s altar. 5 You shall answer honey.”
and say before the LORD your God, “My fa-
16 Today the LORD your God commands
ther† was a Syrian ready to perish. He went
down into Egypt, and lived there, few in you to do these statutes and ordinances.
number. There he became a great, mighty, You shall therefore keep and do them with
and populous nation. 6 The Egyptians mis- all your heart and with all your soul. 17 You
treated us, afflicted us, and imposed hard have declared today that the LORD is your
labor on us. 7 Then we cried to the LORD, God, and that you would walk in his ways,
the God of our fathers. The LORD heard keep his statutes, his commandments, and
our voice, and saw our affliction, our toil, his ordinances, and listen to his voice.
and our oppression. 8 The LORD brought 18 The LORD has declared today that you
us out of Egypt with a mighty hand, with an are a people for his own possession, as
outstretched arm, with great terror, with he has promised you, and that you should
signs, and with wonders; 9 and he has keep all his commandments. 19 He will
brought us into this place, and has given make you high above all nations that he
us this land, a land flowing with milk and has made, in praise, in name, and in honor,
honey. 10 Now, behold, I have brought and that you may be a holy people to the
the first of the fruit of the ground, which LORD your God, as he has spoken.
† 26:5 or, forefather
Deuteronomy 27:1 195 Deuteronomy 28:4

27 All the people shall answer and say,

1 Moses and the elders of Israel com- ‘Amen.’
16 ‘Cursed is he who dishonors his father
manded the people, saying, “Keep all the
or his mother.’
commandment which I command you to- All the people shall say, ‘Amen.’
day. 2 It shall be on the day when you shall 17 ‘Cursed is he who removes his neigh-
pass over the Jordan to the land which bor’s landmark.’
the LORD your God gives you, that you All the people shall say, ‘Amen.’
shall set yourself up great stones, and coat 18 ‘Cursed is he who leads the blind
them with plaster. 3 You shall write on astray on the road.’
them all the words of this law, when you All the people shall say, ‘Amen.’
have passed over, that you may go in to 19 ‘Cursed is he who withholds justice
the land which the LORD your God gives from the foreigner, fatherless, and widow.’
you, a land flowing with milk and honey, All the people shall say, ‘Amen.’
as the LORD, the God of your fathers, has 20 ‘Cursed is he who lies with† his father’s
promised you. 4 It shall be, when you have wife, because he dishonors his father’s
crossed over the Jordan, that you shall set bed.’
up these stones, which I command you All the people shall say, ‘Amen.’
21 ‘Cursed is he who lies with any kind of
today, on Mount Ebal, and you shall coat
them with plaster. 5 There you shall build animal.’
All the people shall say, ‘Amen.’
an altar to the LORD your God, an altar 22 ‘Cursed is he who lies with his sis-
of stones. You shall not use any iron tool ter, his father’s daughter or his mother’s
on them. 6 You shall build the LORD your daughter.’
God’s altar of uncut stones. You shall offer All the people shall say, ‘Amen.’
burnt offerings on it to the LORD your God. 23 ‘Cursed is he who lies with his mother-
7 You shall sacrifice peace offerings, and
shall eat there. You shall rejoice before All the people shall say, ‘Amen.’
the LORD your God. 8 You shall write on 24 ‘Cursed is he who secretly kills his
the stones all the words of this law very neighbor.’
plainly.” All the people shall say, ‘Amen.’
9 Moses and the Levitical priests spoke to 25 ‘Cursed is he who takes a bribe to kill

all Israel, saying, “Be silent and listen, Is- an innocent person.’
rael! Today you have become the people of All the people shall say, ‘Amen.’
26 ‘Cursed is he who doesn’t uphold the
the LORD your God. 10 You shall therefore
obey the LORD your God’s voice, and do his words of this law by doing them.’
commandments and his statutes, which I All the people shall say, ‘Amen.’ ”
command you today.”
11 Moses commanded the people the 1 It shall happen, if you shall listen dili-
same day, saying, 12 “These shall stand on gently to the LORD your God’s voice, to ob-
Mount Gerizim to bless the people, when serve to do all his commandments which
you have crossed over the Jordan: Simeon, I command you today, that the LORD your
Levi, Judah, Issachar, Joseph, and Ben- God will set you high above all the nations
jamin. 13 These shall stand on Mount Ebal of the earth. 2 All these blessings will come
for the curse: Reuben, Gad, Asher, Zebu- upon you, and overtake you, if you listen
lun, Dan, and Naphtali. 14 With a loud to the LORD your God’s voice. 3 You shall
voice, the Levites shall say to all the men be blessed in the city, and you shall be
of Israel, 15 ‘Cursed is the man who makes blessed in the field. 4 You shall be blessed
an engraved or molten image, an abomi- in the fruit of your body, the fruit of your
nation to the LORD, the work of the hands ground, the fruit of your animals, the in-
of the craftsman, and sets it up in secret.’ crease of your livestock, and the young of
† 27:20 i.e., has sexual relations with
Deuteronomy 28:5 196 Deuteronomy 28:33

your flock. 5 Your basket and your knead- when you go out. 20 The LORD will send
ing trough shall be blessed. 6 You shall on you cursing, confusion, and rebuke in
be blessed when you come in, and you all that you put your hand to do, until
shall be blessed when you go out. 7 The you are destroyed and until you perish
LORD will cause your enemies who rise quickly, because of the evil of your doings,
up against you to be struck before you. by which you have forsaken me. 21 The
They will come out against you one way, LORD will make the pestilence cling to you,
and will flee before you seven ways. 8 The until he has consumed you from off the
LORD will command the blessing on you land where you go in to possess it. 22 The
in your barns, and in all that you put your LORD will strike you with consumption,
hand to. He will bless you in the land with fever, with inflammation, with fiery
which the LORD your God gives you. 9 The heat, with the sword, with blight, and with
LORD will establish you for a holy people mildew. They will pursue you until you
to himself, as he has sworn to you, if you perish. 23 Your sky that is over your head
shall keep the commandments of the LORD will be bronze, and the earth that is under
your God, and walk in his ways. 10 All you will be iron. 24 The LORD will make the
the peoples of the earth shall see that you rain of your land powder and dust. It will
are called by the LORD’s name, and they come down on you from the sky, until you
will be afraid of you. 11 The LORD will are destroyed. 25 The LORD will cause you
grant you abundant prosperity in the fruit to be struck before your enemies. You will
of your body, in the fruit of your livestock, go out one way against them, and will flee
and in the fruit of your ground, in the land seven ways before them. You will be tossed
which the LORD swore to your fathers to back and forth among all the kingdoms
give you. 12 The LORD will open to you his of the earth. 26 Your dead bodies will be
good treasure in the sky, to give the rain food to all birds of the sky, and to the
of your land in its season, and to bless all animals of the earth; and there will be no
the work of your hand. You will lend to one to frighten them away. 27 The LORD
many nations, and you will not borrow. will strike you with the boils of Egypt,
13 The LORD will make you the head, and with the tumors, with the scurvy, and with
not the tail. You will be above only, and the itch, of which you can not be healed.
28 The LORD will strike you with madness,
you will not be beneath, if you listen to
the commandments of the LORD your God with blindness, and with astonishment of
which I command you today, to observe heart. 29 You will grope at noonday, as the
and to do, 14 and shall not turn away from blind gropes in darkness, and you shall not
any of the words which I command you prosper in your ways. You will only be
today, to the right hand or to the left, to go oppressed and robbed always, and there
after other gods to serve them. will be no one to save you. 30 You will
betroth a wife, and another man shall lie
15 But it shall come to pass, if you will with her. You will build a house, and you
not listen to the LORD your God’s voice, won’t dwell in it. You will plant a vineyard,
to observe to do all his commandments and not use its fruit. 31 Your ox will be
and his statutes which I command you slain before your eyes, and you will not
today, that all these curses will come on eat any of it. Your donkey will be violently
you and overtake you. 16 You will be cursed taken away from before your face, and will
in the city, and you will be cursed in the not be restored to you. Your sheep will be
field. 17 Your basket and your kneading given to your enemies, and you will have
trough will be cursed. 18 The fruit of your no one to save you. 32 Your sons and your
body, the fruit of your ground, the increase daughters will be given to another people.
of your livestock, and the young of your Your eyes will look and fail with longing
flock will be cursed. 19 You will be cursed for them all day long. There will be no
when you come in, and you will be cursed power in your hand. 33 A nation which you
Deuteronomy 28:34 197 Deuteronomy 28:60

don’t know will eat the fruit of your ground the eagle flies: a nation whose language
and all of your work. You will only be you will not understand, 50 a nation of
oppressed and crushed always, 34 so that fierce facial expressions, that doesn’t re-
the sights that you see with your eyes will spect the elderly, nor show favor to the
drive you mad. 35 The LORD will strike you young. 51 They will eat the fruit of your
in the knees and in the legs with a sore boil, livestock and the fruit of your ground,
of which you cannot be healed, from the until you are destroyed. They also won’t
sole of your foot to the crown of your head. leave you grain, new wine, oil, the increase
36 The LORD will bring you, and your king of your livestock, or the young of your
whom you will set over yourselves, to a flock, until they have caused you to per-
nation that you have not known, you nor ish. 52 They will besiege you in all your
your fathers. There you will serve other gates until your high and fortified walls in
gods of wood and stone. 37 You will become which you trusted come down throughout
an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword all your land. They will besiege you in all
among all the peoples where the LORD will your gates throughout all your land which
lead you away. 38 You will carry much seed the LORD your God has given you. 53 You
out into the field, and will gather little in, will eat the fruit of your own body, the
for the locust will consume it. 39 You will flesh of your sons and of your daughters,
plant vineyards and dress them, but you whom the LORD your God has given you,
will neither drink of the wine, nor harvest, in the siege and in the distress with which
because worms will eat them. 40 You will your enemies will distress you. 54 The
have olive trees throughout all your bor- man who is tender among you, and very
ders, but you won’t anoint yourself with delicate, his eye will be evil toward his
the oil, for your olives will drop off. 41 You brother, toward the wife whom he loves,
will father sons and daughters, but they and toward the remnant of his children
will not be yours, for they will go into cap- whom he has remaining, 55 so that he will
tivity. 42 Locusts will consume all of your not give to any of them of the flesh of his
trees and the fruit of your ground. 43 The children whom he will eat, because he has
foreigner who is among you will mount up nothing left to him, in the siege and in
above you higher and higher, and you will the distress with which your enemy will
come down lower and lower. 44 He will distress you in all your gates. 56 The ten-
lend to you, and you won’t lend to him. He der and delicate woman among you, who
will be the head, and you will be the tail. would not venture to set the sole of her
45 All these curses will come on you, and foot on the ground for delicateness and
will pursue you and overtake you, until tenderness, her eye will be evil toward
you are destroyed, because you didn’t lis- the husband that she loves, toward her
ten to the LORD your God’s voice, to keep son, toward her daughter, 57 toward her
his commandments and his statutes which young one who comes out from between
he commanded you. 46 They will be for a her feet, and toward her children whom
sign and for a wonder to you and to your she bears; for she will eat them secretly
offspring forever. 47 Because you didn’t for lack of all things in the siege and in
serve the LORD your God with joyfulness the distress with which your enemy will
and with gladness of heart, by reason of distress you in your gates. 58 If you will
the abundance of all things; 48 therefore not observe to do all the words of this
law that are written in this book, that you
you will serve your enemies whom the
may fear this glorious and fearful name,
LORD sends against you, in hunger, in
thirst, in nakedness, and in lack of all THE LORD your God, 59 then the LORD will
things. He will put an iron yoke on your make your plagues and the plagues of your
neck until he has destroyed you. 49 The offspring fearful, even great plagues, and
LORD will bring a nation against you from of long duration, and severe sicknesses,
far away, from the end of the earth, as and of long duration. 60 He will bring on
Deuteronomy 28:61 198 Deuteronomy 29:19

you again all the diseases of Egypt, which has not given you a heart to know, eyes
you were afraid of; and they will cling to see, and ears to hear, to this day. 5 I
to you. 61 Also every sickness and every have led you forty years in the wilderness.
plague which is not written in the book of Your clothes have not grown old on you,
this law, the LORD will bring them on you and your sandals have not grown old on
until you are destroyed. 62 You will be left your feet. 6 You have not eaten bread,
few in number, even though you were as neither have you drunk wine or strong
the stars of the sky for multitude, because drink, that you may know that I am the
you didn’t listen to the LORD your God’s LORD your God. 7 When you came to this
voice. 63 It will happen that as the LORD place, Sihon the king of Heshbon and Og
rejoiced over you to do you good, and to the king of Bashan came out against us to
multiply you, so the LORD will rejoice over battle, and we struck them. 8 We took their
you to cause you to perish and to destroy land, and gave it for an inheritance to the
you. You will be plucked from the land that Reubenites, and to the Gadites, and to the
you are going in to possess. 64 The LORD half-tribe of the Manassites. 9 Therefore
will scatter you among all peoples, from keep the words of this covenant and do
one end of the earth to the other end of them, that you may prosper in all that you
the earth. There you will serve other gods do. 10 All of you stand today in the presence
which you have not known, you nor your of the LORD your God: your heads, your
fathers, even wood and stone. 65 Among tribes, your elders, and your officers, even
these nations you will find no ease, and all the men of Israel, 11 your little ones,
there will be no rest for the sole of your your wives, and the foreigners who are in
foot; but the LORD will give you there a the middle of your camps, from the one
trembling heart, failing of eyes, and pining who cuts your wood to the one who draws
of soul. 66 Your life will hang in doubt your water, 12 that you may enter into the
before you. You will be afraid night and covenant of the LORD your God, and into
day, and will have no assurance of your his oath, which the LORD your God makes
life. 67 In the morning you will say, “I wish with you today, 13 that he may establish
it were evening!” and at evening you will you today as his people, and that he may
say, “I wish it were morning!” for the fear be your God, as he spoke to you and as
of your heart which you will fear, and for he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to
the sights which your eyes will see. 68 The Isaac, and to Jacob. 14 Neither do I make
LORD will bring you into Egypt again with this covenant and this oath with you only,
15 but with those who stand here with us
ships, by the way of which I told to you that
you would never see it again. There you today before the LORD our God, and also
will offer yourselves to your enemies for with those who are not here with us today
16 (for you know how we lived in the land
male and female slaves, and nobody will
buy you. of Egypt, and how we came through the
middle of the nations through which you
passed; 17 and you have seen their abom-
29 inations and their idols of wood, stone,
1 These are the words of the covenant silver, and gold, which were among them);
which the LORD commanded Moses to 18 lest there should be among you man,
make with the children of Israel in the land
of Moab, in addition to the covenant which woman, family, or tribe whose heart turns
he made with them in Horeb. 2 Moses away today from the LORD our God, to
called to all Israel, and said to them: go to serve the gods of those nations; lest
Your eyes have seen all that the LORD there should be among you a root that
did in the land of Egypt to Pharaoh, and to produces bitter poison; 19 and it happen,
all his servants, and to all his land; 3 the when he hears the words of this curse,
great trials which your eyes saw, the signs, that he bless himself in his heart, saying,
and those great wonders. 4 But the LORD “I shall have peace, though I walk in the
Deuteronomy 29:20 199 Deuteronomy 30:15

stubbornness of my heart,” to destroy the God and obey his voice according to all
moist with the dry. 20 The LORD will not that I command you today, you and your
pardon him, but then the LORD’s anger children, with all your heart and with
and his jealousy will smoke against that all your soul, 3 that then the LORD your
man, and all the curse that is written in God will release you from captivity, have
this book will fall on him, and the LORD compassion on you, and will return and
will blot out his name from under the sky. gather you from all the peoples where the
21 The LORD will set him apart for evil out
LORD your God has scattered you. 4 If
of all the tribes of Israel, according to all your outcasts are in the uttermost parts
the curses of the covenant written in this of the heavens, from there the LORD your
book of the law. God will gather you, and from there he
22 The generation to come—your chil-
will bring you back. 5 The LORD your God
dren who will rise up after you, and the will bring you into the land which your
foreigner who will come from a far land— fathers possessed, and you will possess it.
will say, when they see the plagues of that He will do you good, and increase your
land, and the sicknesses with which the numbers more than your fathers. 6 The
LORD has made it sick, 23 that all of its land
is sulfur, salt, and burning, that it is not LORD your God will circumcise your heart,
sown, doesn’t produce, nor does any grass and the heart of your offspring, to love the
grow in it, like the overthrow of Sodom, LORD your God with all your heart and
Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboiim, which with all your soul, that you may live. 7 The
the LORD overthrew in his anger, and in LORD your God will put all these curses
his wrath. 24 Even all the nations will say, on your enemies and on those who hate
“Why has the LORD done this to this land? you, who persecuted you. 8 You shall re-
What does the heat of this great anger turn and obey the LORD’s voice, and do all
mean?” his commandments which I command you
25 Then men will say, “Because they today. 9 The LORD your God will make you
abandoned the covenant of the LORD, the prosperous in all the work of your hand, in
God of their fathers, which he made with the fruit of your body, in the fruit of your
them when he brought them out of the livestock, and in the fruit of your ground,
land of Egypt, 26 and went and served other for good; for the LORD will again rejoice
gods and worshiped them, gods that they over you for good, as he rejoiced over your
didn’t know and that he had not given fathers, 10 if you will obey the LORD your
to them. 27 Therefore the LORD’s anger God’s voice, to keep his commandments
burned against this land, to bring on it all and his statutes which are written in this
the curses that are written in this book. book of the law, if you turn to the LORD
28 The LORD rooted them out of their land your God with all your heart and with all
in anger, in wrath, and in great indigna- your soul.
tion, and thrust them into another land, as
it is today.” 11 For this commandment which I com-
29 The secret things belong to the LORD mand you today is not too hard for you
our God; but the things that are revealed or too distant. 12 It is not in heaven, that
belong to us and to our children forever, you should say, “Who will go up for us to
that we may do all the words of this law. heaven, bring it to us, and proclaim it to
us, that we may do it?” 13 Neither is it
30 beyond the sea, that you should say, “Who
1It shall happen, when all these things will go over the sea for us, bring it to us,
have come on you, the blessing and the and proclaim it to us, that we may do it?”
curse, which I have set before you, and 14 But the word is very near to you, in
you shall call them to mind among all the your mouth and in your heart, that you
nations where the LORD your God has may do it. 15 Behold, I have set before you
driven you, 2 and return to the LORD your today life and prosperity, and death and
Deuteronomy 30:16 200 Deuteronomy 31:18

evil. 16 For I command you today to love the you shall cause them to inherit it. 8 The
LORD your God, to walk in his ways and LORD himself is who goes before you. He
to keep his commandments, his statutes, will be with you. He will not fail you nor
and his ordinances, that you may live and forsake you. Don’t be afraid. Don’t be
multiply, and that the LORD your God may discouraged.”
bless you in the land where you go in to 9 Moses wrote this law and delivered it
possess it. 17 But if your heart turns away, to the priests the sons of Levi, who bore
and you will not hear, but are drawn away the ark of the LORD’s covenant, and to all
and worship other gods, and serve them, the elders of Israel. 10 Moses commanded
18 I declare to you today that you will surely them, saying, “At the end of every seven
perish. You will not prolong your days in years, in the set time of the year of release,
the land where you pass over the Jordan to in the feast of booths, 11 when all Israel
go in to possess it. 19 I call heaven and earth has come to appear before the LORD your
to witness against you today that I have set God in the place which he will choose, you
before you life and death, the blessing and shall read this law before all Israel in their
the curse. Therefore choose life, that you hearing. 12 Assemble the people, the men
may live, you and your descendants, 20 to and the women and the little ones, and the
love the LORD your God, to obey his voice, foreigners who are within your gates, that
and to cling to him; for he is your life, and they may hear, learn, fear the LORD your
the length of your days, that you may dwell God, and observe to do all the words of
in the land which the LORD swore to your this law, 13 and that their children, who
fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, have not known, may hear and learn to
to give them. fear the LORD your God, as long as you live
in the land where you go over the Jordan to
possess it.”
31 14 The LORD said to Moses, “Behold, your
1 Moses went and spoke these words to
days approach that you must die. Call
all Israel. 2 He said to them, “I am one hun-
dred twenty years old today. I can no more Joshua, and present yourselves in the Tent
go out and come in. The LORD has said of Meeting, that I may commission him.”
to me, ‘You shall not go over this Jordan.’ Moses and Joshua went, and presented
3 The LORD your God himself will go over themselves in the Tent of Meeting.
before you. He will destroy these nations 15 The LORD appeared in the Tent in a
from before you, and you shall dispossess
pillar of cloud, and the pillar of cloud stood
them. Joshua will go over before you, as
over the Tent’s door. 16 The LORD said to
the LORD has spoken. 4 The LORD will do to Moses, “Behold, you shall sleep with your
them as he did to Sihon and to Og, the kings fathers. This people will rise up and play
of the Amorites, and to their land, when he the prostitute after the strange gods of the
destroyed them. 5 The LORD will deliver land where they go to be among them, and
them up before you, and you shall do to will forsake me and break my covenant
them according to all the commandment which I have made with them. 17 Then
which I have commanded you. 6 Be strong my anger shall be kindled against them in
and courageous. Don’t be afraid or scared that day, and I will forsake them, and I will
of them, for the LORD your God himself is hide my face from them, and they shall
who goes with you. He will not fail you nor be devoured, and many evils and troubles
forsake you.” shall come on them; so that they will say
7 Moses called to Joshua, and said to in that day, ‘Haven’t these evils come on
him in the sight of all Israel, “Be strong us because our God is not among us?’ 18 I
and courageous, for you shall go with this will surely hide my face in that day for all
people into the land which the LORD has the evil which they have done, in that they
sworn to their fathers to give them; and have turned to other gods.
Deuteronomy 31:19 201 Deuteronomy 32:13

19 “Now therefore write this song for 32

1 Give ear, you heavens, and I will speak.
yourselves, and teach it to the children of
Israel. Put it in their mouths, that this song Let the earth hear the words of my
may be a witness for me against the chil- mouth.
2 My doctrine will drop as the rain.
dren of Israel. 20 For when I have brought
them into the land which I swore to their My speech will condense as the dew,
fathers, flowing with milk and honey, and as the misty rain on the tender grass,
they have eaten and filled themselves, and as the showers on the herb.
3 For I will proclaim the LORD’s name.
grown fat, then they will turn to other
gods, and serve them, and despise me, Ascribe greatness to our God!
4 The Rock: his work is perfect,
and break my covenant. 21 It will happen,
when many evils and troubles have come for all his ways are just.
on them, that this song will testify before A God of faithfulness who does no
them as a witness; for it will not be forgot- wrong,
ten out of the mouths of their descendants; just and right is he.
5 They have dealt corruptly with him.
for I know their ways and what they are
doing today, before I have brought them They are not his children, because of
into the land which I promised them.” their defect.
22 So Moses wrote this song the same day, They are a perverse and crooked gen-
and taught it to the children of Israel. 6 Is this the way you repay the LORD,
23 He commissioned Joshua the son of
foolish and unwise people?
Nun, and said, “Be strong and courageous; Isn’t he your father who has bought you?
for you shall bring the children of Israel He has made you and established you.
into the land which I swore to them. I will 7 Remember the days of old.
be with you.”
24 When Moses had finished writing the
Consider the years of many genera-
words of this law in a book, until they Ask your father, and he will show you;
were finished, 25 Moses commanded the your elders, and they will tell you.
Levites, who bore the ark of the LORD’s 8 When the Most High gave to the nations
covenant, saying, 26 “Take this book of the their inheritance,
law, and put it by the side of the ark of the when he separated the children of
LORD your God’s covenant, that it may be men,
there for a witness against you. 27 For I he set the bounds of the peoples
know your rebellion and your stiff neck. according to the number of the chil-
Behold, while I am yet alive with you to- dren of Israel.
day, you have been rebellious against the 9 For the LORD’s portion is his people.
LORD. How much more after my death? Jacob is the lot of his inheritance.
28 Assemble to me all the elders of your 10 He found him in a desert land,
tribes and your officers, that I may speak in the waste howling wilderness.
these words in their ears, and call heaven He surrounded him.
and earth to witness against them. 29 For I He cared for him.
know that after my death you will utterly He kept him as the apple of his eye.
11 As an eagle that stirs up her nest,
corrupt yourselves, and turn away from
the way which I have commanded you; that flutters over her young,
and evil will happen to you in the latter he spread abroad his wings,
days, because you will do that which is he took them,
he bore them on his feathers.
evil in the LORD’s sight, to provoke him to 12 The LORD alone led him.
anger through the work of your hands.” There was no foreign god with him.
30 Moses spoke in the ears of all the as- 13 He made him ride on the high places of
sembly of Israel the words of this song, the earth.
until they were finished. He ate the increase of the field.
Deuteronomy 32:14 202 Deuteronomy 32:36

He caused him to suck honey out of the 24 They shall be wasted with hunger,
rock, and devoured with burning heat
oil out of the flinty rock; and bitter destruction.
14 butter from the herd, and milk from the I will send the teeth of animals on them,
flock, with the venom of vipers that glide in
with fat of lambs, the dust.
rams of the breed of Bashan, and 25 Outside the sword will bereave,
goats, and in the rooms,
with the finest of the wheat. terror on both young man and virgin,
From the blood of the grape, you the nursing infant with the gray-
drank wine. haired man.
15 But Jeshurun grew fat, and kicked. 26 I said that I would scatter them afar.
You have grown fat. I would make their memory to cease
You have grown thick. from among men;
You have become sleek. 27 were it not that I feared the provocation
Then he abandoned God who made him, of the enemy,
and rejected the Rock of his salvation. lest their adversaries should judge
16 They moved him to jealousy with
strange gods. lest they should say, ‘Our hand is ex-
They provoked him to anger with alted;
abominations. the LORD has not done all this.’ ”
17 They sacrificed to demons, not God,
to gods that they didn’t know, 28 For they are a nation void of counsel.
to new gods that came up recently, There is no understanding in them.
which your fathers didn’t dread. 29 Oh that they were wise, that they under-
18 Of the Rock who became your father, stood this,
you are unmindful, that they would consider their latter
and have forgotten God who gave you end!
30 How could one chase a thousand,
19 The LORD saw and abhorred, and two put ten thousand to flight,
because of the provocation of his sons unless their Rock had sold them,
and his daughters. and the LORD had delivered them up?
20 He said, “I will hide my face from them. 31 For their rock is not as our Rock,

I will see what their end will be; even our enemies themselves con-
for they are a very perverse generation, cede.
32 For their vine is of the vine of Sodom,
children in whom is no faithfulness. of the fields of Gomorrah.
21 They have moved me to jealousy with
Their grapes are poison grapes.
that which is not God. Their clusters are bitter.
They have provoked me to anger with 33 Their wine is the poison of serpents,
their vanities. the cruel venom of asps.
I will move them to jealousy with those
who are not a people. 34 “Isn’t this laid up in store with me,
I will provoke them to anger with a
sealed up among my treasures?
foolish nation. 35 Vengeance is mine, and recompense,
22 For a fire is kindled in my anger,
that burns to the lowest Sheol,† at the time when their foot slides,
devours the earth with its increase, for the day of their calamity is at hand.
and sets the foundations of the moun- Their doom rushes at them.”
tains on fire. 36 For the LORD will judge his people,
23 “I will heap evils on them. and have compassion on his servants,
I will spend my arrows on them. when he sees that their power is gone,
† 32:22 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Deuteronomy 32:37 203 Deuteronomy 33:7

that there is no one remaining, shut up prolong your days in the land, where you
or left at large. go over the Jordan to possess it.”
37 He will say, “Where are their gods, 48 The LORD spoke to Moses that same
the rock in which they took refuge, day, saying, 49 “Go up into this mountain
38 which ate the fat of their sacrifices, of Abarim, to Mount Nebo, which is in
and drank the wine of their drink of- the land of Moab, that is across from Jeri-
fering? cho; and see the land of Canaan, which I
Let them rise up and help you! give to the children of Israel for a posses-
Let them be your protection. sion. 50 Die on the mountain where you
go up, and be gathered to your people, as
39 “See now that I myself am he. Aaron your brother died on Mount Hor,
There is no god with me. and was gathered to his people; 51 because
I kill and I make alive. you trespassed against me among the chil-
I wound and I heal. dren of Israel at the waters of Meribah of
There is no one who can deliver out of Kadesh, in the wilderness of Zin; because
my hand. you didn’t uphold my holiness among the
40 For I lift up my hand to heaven and children of Israel. 52 For you shall see the
declare, land from a distance; but you shall not
as I live forever, go there into the land which I give the
41 if I sharpen my glittering sword, children of Israel.”
my hand grasps it in judgment; 33
I will take vengeance on my adversaries, 1 This is the blessing with which Moses
and will repay those who hate me. the man of God blessed the children of
42 I will make my arrows drunk with blood. Israel before his death. 2 He said,
My sword shall devour flesh with the “The LORD came from Sinai,
blood of the slain and the captives, and rose from Seir to them.
He shone from Mount Paran.
from the head of the leaders of the He came from the ten thousands of
enemy.” holy ones.
At his right hand was a fiery law for
43 Rejoice, you nations, with his people,
for he will avenge the blood of his 3 Yes, he loves the people.
servants. All his saints are in your hand.
He will take vengeance on his adver- They sat down at your feet.
saries, Each receives your words.
and will make atonement for his land 4
and for his people. ‡ Moses commanded us a law,
44 Moses came and spoke all the words of an inheritance for the assembly of Ja-
this song in the ears of the people, he and 5 He was king in Jeshurun,
Joshua the son of Nun. 45 Moses finished when the heads of the people were
reciting all these words to all Israel. 46 He gathered,
said to them, “Set your heart to all the all the tribes of Israel together.
words which I testify to you today, which
you shall command your children to ob- 6 “Let Reuben live, and not die;
serve to do, all the words of this law. 47 For Nor let his men be few.”
it is no vain thing for you, because it is 7 This is for Judah. He said,
your life, and through this thing you shall “Hear, LORD, the voice of Judah.
‡ 32:43 For this verse, LXX reads: Rejoice, you heavens, with him, and let all the angels of God worship him; rejoice
you Gentiles, with his people, and let all the sons of God strengthen themselves in him; for he will avenge the blood
of his sons, and he will render vengeance, and recompense justice to his enemies, and will reward them that hate
him; and the Lord shall purge the land of his people. † 33:2 another manuscript reads “He came with myriads of
holy ones from the south, from his mountain slopes.”
Deuteronomy 33:8 204 Deuteronomy 33:27

Bring him in to his people. on the crown of the head of him who
With his hands he contended for himself. was separated from his brothers.
You shall be a help against his adver- 17 Majesty belongs to the firstborn of his
saries.” herd.
8 About Levi he said, His horns are the horns of the wild ox.
“Your Thummim and your Urim are with With them he will push all the peoples
your godly one, to the ends of the earth.
whom you proved at Massah, They are the ten thousands of Ephraim.
with whom you contended at the wa- They are the thousands of Manasseh.”
18 About Zebulun he said,
ters of Meribah.
9 He said of his father, and of his mother, ‘I “Rejoice, Zebulun, in your going out;
have not seen him.’ and Issachar, in your tents.
He didn’t acknowledge his brothers, 19 They will call the peoples to the moun-
nor did he know his own children; tain.
for they have observed your word, There they will offer sacrifices of righ-
and keep your covenant. teousness,
10 They shall teach Jacob your ordinances, for they will draw out the abundance of the
and Israel your law. the hidden treasures of the sand.”
They shall put incense before you, 20 About Gad he said,
and whole burnt offering on your al- “He who enlarges Gad is blessed.
tar. He dwells as a lioness,
11 LORD, bless his skills. and tears the arm and the crown of the
Accept the work of his hands. head.
21 He provided the first part for himself,
Strike through the hips of those who rise
up against him, for the lawgiver’s portion was re-
of those who hate him, that they not served for him.
rise again.” He came with the heads of the people.
12 About Benjamin he said, He executed the righteousness of the
“The beloved of the LORD will dwell in His ordinances with Israel.”
safety by him. 22 About Dan he said,
He covers him all day long. “Dan is a lion’s cub
He dwells between his shoulders.” that leaps out of Bashan.”
13 About Joseph he said, 23 About Naphtali he said,
“His land is blessed by the LORD, “Naphtali, satisfied with favor,
for the precious things of the heavens, full of the LORD’s blessing,
for the dew, Possess the west and the south.”
for the deep that couches beneath, 24 About Asher he said,
14 for the precious things of the fruits of the “Asher is blessed with children.
sun, Let him be acceptable to his brothers.
for the precious things that the moon Let him dip his foot in oil.
can yield, 25 Your bars will be iron and bronze.
15 for the best things of the ancient moun- As your days, so your strength will be.
26 “There is no one like God, Jeshurun,
for the precious things of the everlast-
ing hills, who rides on the heavens for your
16 for the precious things of the earth and help,
its fullness, in his excellency on the skies.
27 The eternal God is your dwelling place.
the good will of him who lived in the
bush.‡ Underneath are the everlasting arms.
Let this come on the head of Joseph, He thrust out the enemy from before you,
‡ 33:16 i.e., the burning bush of Exodus 3:3-4.
Deuteronomy 33:28 205 Deuteronomy 34:12

and said, ‘Destroy!’ awesome deeds, which Moses did in the

28 Israel dwells in safety, sight of all Israel.
the fountain of Jacob alone,
In a land of grain and new wine.
Yes, his heavens drop down dew.
29 You are happy, Israel!
Who is like you, a people saved by the
the shield of your help,
the sword of your excellency?
Your enemies will submit themselves to
You will tread on their high places.”

1 Moses went up from the plains of Moab
to Mount Nebo, to the top of Pisgah, that
is opposite Jericho. The LORD showed
him all the land of Gilead to Dan, 2 and
all Naphtali, and the land of Ephraim and
Manasseh, and all the land of Judah, to the
Western Sea, 3 and the south,† and the Plain
of the valley of Jericho the city of palm
trees, to Zoar. 4 The LORD said to him, “This
is the land which I swore to Abraham, to
Isaac, and to Jacob, saying, ‘I will give it to
your offspring.’ I have caused you to see it
with your eyes, but you shall not go over
5 So Moses the servant of the LORD died
there in the land of Moab, according to the
LORD’s word. 6 He buried him in the valley
in the land of Moab opposite Beth Peor,
but no man knows where his tomb is to
this day. 7 Moses was one hundred twenty
years old when he died. His eye was not
dim, nor his strength gone. 8 The children
of Israel wept for Moses in the plains of
Moab thirty days, until the days of weeping
in the mourning for Moses were ended.
9 Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit
of wisdom, for Moses had laid his hands
on him. The children of Israel listened
to him, and did as the LORD commanded
Moses. 10 Since then, there has not arisen
a prophet in Israel like Moses, whom the
LORD knew face to face, 11 in all the signs
and the wonders which the LORD sent him
to do in the land of Egypt, to Pharaoh,
and to all his servants, and to all his land,
12 and in all the mighty hand, and in all the

† 34:3 or, Negev

Joshua 1:1 206 Joshua 2:4

12 Joshua spoke to the Reubenites, and

to the Gadites, and to the half-tribe of
The Book of Manasseh, saying, 13 “Remember the word
Joshua which Moses the servant of the LORD com-
manded you, saying, ‘The LORD your God
1 Now after the death of Moses the ser- gives you rest, and will give you this land.
vant of the LORD,† the LORD spoke to 14 Your wives, your little ones, and your
Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ servant, livestock shall live in the land which Moses
saying, 2 “Moses my servant is dead. Now gave you beyond the Jordan; but you shall
therefore arise, go across this Jordan, you pass over before your brothers armed, all
and all these people, to the land which I the mighty men of valor, and shall help
am giving to them, even to the children them 15 until the LORD has given your
of Israel. 3 I have given you every place brothers rest, as he has given you, and they
that the sole of your foot will tread on, as I have also possessed the land which the
told Moses. 4 From the wilderness and this LORD your God gives them. Then you shall
Lebanon even to the great river, the river return to the land of your possession and
Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and possess it, which Moses the servant of the
to the great sea toward the going down of LORD gave you beyond the Jordan toward
the sun, shall be your border. 5 No man the sunrise.’ ”
will be able to stand before you all the days 16 They answered Joshua, saying, “All
of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will that you have commanded us we will do,
be with you. I will not fail you nor forsake and wherever you send us we will go.
you. 17 Just as we listened to Moses in all things,
6 “Be strong and courageous; for you so will we listen to you. Only may the
shall cause this people to inherit the land LORD your God be with you, as he was with
which I swore to their fathers to give them. Moses. 18 Whoever rebels against your
7 Only be strong and very courageous. Be commandment, and doesn’t listen to your
careful to observe to do according to all the words in all that you command him shall
law which Moses my servant commanded himself be put to death. Only be strong and
you. Don’t turn from it to the right hand or courageous.”
to the left, that you may have good success
wherever you go. 8 This book of the law 2
shall not depart from your mouth, but you 1 Joshua the son of Nun secretly sent two
shall meditate on it day and night, that you men out of Shittim as spies, saying, “Go,
may observe to do according to all that is view the land, including Jericho.” They
written in it; for then you shall make your went and came into the house of a pros-
way prosperous, and then you shall have titute whose name was Rahab, and slept
good success. 9 Haven’t I commanded you? there.
Be strong and courageous. Don’t be afraid. 2 The king of Jericho was told, “Behold,†
Don’t be dismayed, for the LORD your God‡ men of the children of Israel came in here
is with you wherever you go.” tonight to spy out the land.”
10 Then Joshua commanded the officers 3 Jericho’s king sent to Rahab, saying,
of the people, saying, 11 “Pass through the “Bring out the men who have come to you,
middle of the camp, and command the who have entered into your house; for
people, saying, ‘Prepare food; for within they have come to spy out all the land.”
three days you are to pass over this Jordan, 4 The woman took the two men and hid
to go in to possess the land which the LORD them. Then she said, “Yes, the men came
your God gives you to possess.’ ” to me, but I didn’t know where they came
† 1:1 When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, “LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name. ‡ 1:9
The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬ ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim). † 2:2 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice,
observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.
Joshua 2:5 207 Joshua 3:4

from. 5 About the time of the shutting of us to swear. 18 Behold, when we come
the gate, when it was dark, the men went into the land, tie this line of scarlet thread
out. Where the men went, I don’t know. in the window which you used to let us
Pursue them quickly. You may catch up down. Gather to yourself into the house
with them.” 6 But she had brought them your father, your mother, your brothers,
up to the roof, and hidden them under the and all your father’s household. 19 It shall
stalks of flax which she had laid in order be that whoever goes out of the doors of
on the roof. 7 The men pursued them along your house into the street, his blood will be
the way to the fords of the Jordan River. on his head, and we will be guiltless. Who-
As soon as those who pursued them had ever is with you in the house, his blood
gone out, they shut the gate. 8 Before they shall be on our head, if any hand is on
had lain down, she came up to them on the him. 20 But if you talk about this business
roof. 9 She said to the men, “I know that of ours, then we shall be guiltless of your
the LORD has given you the land, and that oath which you’ve made us to swear.”
the fear of you has fallen upon us, and that
all the inhabitants of the land melt away
21 Shesaid, “Let it be as you have said.”
before you. 10 For we have heard how the She sent them away, and they departed.
LORD dried up the water of the Red Sea be- Then she tied the scarlet line in the win-
fore you, when you came out of Egypt; and
22 They went and came to the moun-
what you did to the two kings of the Amor-
ites, who were beyond the Jordan, to Sihon tain, and stayed there three days, until
and to Og, whom you utterly destroyed. the pursuers had returned. The pursuers
11 As soon as we had heard it, our hearts sought them all along the way, but didn’t
melted, and there wasn’t any more spirit find them. 23 Then the two men returned,
in any man, because of you: for the LORD descended from the mountain, crossed the
your God, he is God in heaven above, and river, and came to Joshua the son of Nun.
on earth beneath. 12 Now therefore, please They told him all that had happened to
swear to me by the LORD, since I have dealt them. 24 They said to Joshua, “Truly the
kindly with you, that you also will deal LORD has delivered all the land into our
hands. Moreover, all the inhabitants of the
kindly with my father’s house, and give me land melt away before us.”
a true sign; 13 and that you will save alive
my father, my mother, my brothers, and
my sisters, and all that they have, and will
deliver our lives from death.”
14 The men said to her, “Our life for 1 Joshua got up early in the morning; and
yours, if you don’t talk about this business they moved from Shittim and came to the
of ours; and it shall be, when the LORD Jordan, he and all the children of Israel.
gives us the land, that we will deal kindly They camped there before they crossed
and truly with you.” over. 2 After three days, the officers went
15 Then she let them down by a cord through the middle of the camp; 3 and they
through the window; for her house was commanded the people, saying, “When
on the side of the wall, and she lived on you see the ark of the LORD your God’s
the wall. 16 She said to them, “Go to the covenant, and the Levitical priests bearing
mountain, lest the pursuers find you. Hide it, then leave your place and follow it. 4 Yet
yourselves there three days, until the pur- there shall be a space between you and it of
suers have returned. Afterward, you may about two thousand cubits† by measure—
go your way.” don’t come closer to it—that you may know
17 The men said to her, “We will be guilt- the way by which you must go; for you
less of this your oath which you’ve made have not passed this way before.”
† 3:4 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46
centimeters, so 2,000 cubits is about 920 meters.
Joshua 3:5 208 Joshua 4:10

5 Joshua said to the people, “Sanctify priests who bore the ark of the LORD’s
yourselves; for tomorrow the LORD will do covenant stood firm on dry ground in the
wonders among you.” middle of the Jordan; and all Israel crossed
6 Joshua spoke to the priests, saying, over on dry ground, until all the nation had
“Take up the ark of the covenant, and cross passed completely over the Jordan.
over before the people.” They took up the
ark of the covenant, and went before the 4
people. 1 When all the nation had completely
7 The LORD said to Joshua, “Today I will
crossed over the Jordan, the LORD spoke to
begin to magnify you in the sight of all Is- Joshua, saying, 2 “Take twelve men out of
rael, that they may know that as I was with the people, a man out of every tribe, 3 and
Moses, so I will be with you. 8 You shall command them, saying, ‘Take from out of
command the priests who bear the ark of the middle of the Jordan, out of the place
the covenant, saying, ‘When you come to where the priests’ feet stood firm, twelve
the brink of the waters of the Jordan, you stones, carry them over with you, and lay
shall stand still in the Jordan.’ ” them down in the place where you’ll camp
9 Joshua said to the children of Israel,
tonight.’ ”
“Come here, and hear the words of the 4 Then Joshua called the twelve men
LORD your God.” 10 Joshua said, “By whom he had prepared of the children of
this you shall know that the living God is Israel, a man out of every tribe. 5 Joshua
among you, and that he will without fail said to them, “Cross before the ark of the
drive the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Hivite, LORD your God into the middle of the
the Perizzite, the Girgashite, the Amor- Jordan, and each of you pick up a stone
ite, and the Jebusite out from before you. and put it on your shoulder, according to
11 Behold, the ark of the covenant of the
the number of the tribes of the children
Lord‡ of all the earth passes over before of Israel; 6 that this may be a sign among
you into the Jordan. 12 Now therefore take you, that when your children ask in the
twelve men out of the tribes of Israel, for future, saying, ‘What do you mean by these
every tribe a man. 13 It shall be that when stones?’ 7 then you shall tell them, ‘Because
the soles of the feet of the priests who bear the waters of the Jordan were cut off be-
the ark of the LORD, the Lord of all the fore the ark of the LORD’s covenant. When
earth, rest in the waters of the Jordan, that it crossed over the Jordan, the waters of
the waters of the Jordan will be cut off. The the Jordan were cut off. These stones shall
waters that come down from above shall be for a memorial to the children of Israel
stand in one heap.” forever.’ ”
14 When the people moved from their 8 The children of Israel did as Joshua
tents to pass over the Jordan, the priests commanded, and took up twelve stones
who bore the ark of the covenant being out of the middle of the Jordan, as the
before the people, 15 and when those who LORD spoke to Joshua, according to the
bore the ark had come to the Jordan, and number of the tribes of the children of
the feet of the priests who bore the ark Israel. They carried them over with them
had dipped in the edge of the water (for to the place where they camped, and laid
the Jordan overflows all its banks all the them down there. 9 Joshua set up twelve
time of harvest), 16 the waters which came stones in the middle of the Jordan, in the
down from above stood, and rose up in one place where the feet of the priests who
heap a great way off, at Adam, the city that bore the ark of the covenant stood; and
is beside Zarethan; and those that went they are there to this day. 10 For the priests
down toward the sea of the Arabah, even who bore the ark stood in the middle of the
the Salt Sea, were wholly cut off. Then the Jordan until everything was finished that
people passed over near Jericho. 17 The the LORD commanded Joshua to speak to
‡ 3:11 The word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.”
Joshua 4:11 209 Joshua 5:11

the people, according to all that Moses 5

commanded Joshua; and the people hur- 1When all the kings of the Amorites,
ried and passed over. 11 When all the who were beyond the Jordan westward,
people had completely crossed over, the and all the kings of the Canaanites, who
LORD’s ark crossed over with the priests in were by the sea, heard how the LORD had
the presence of the people. dried up the waters of the Jordan from
12 The children of Reuben, and the chil-
before the children of Israel until we had
dren of Gad, and the half-tribe of Man- crossed over, their heart melted, and there
asseh crossed over armed before the chil- was no more spirit in them, because of
dren of Israel, as Moses spoke to them. the children of Israel. 2 At that time, the
13 About forty thousand men, ready and
LORD said to Joshua, “Make flint knives,
armed for war, passed over before the and circumcise again the sons of Israel the
LORD to battle, to the plains of Jericho. second time.” 3 Joshua made himself flint
14 On that day, the LORD magnified Joshua
knives, and circumcised the sons of Israel
in the sight of all Israel; and they feared at the hill of the foreskins. 4 This is the
him, as they feared Moses, all the days of reason Joshua circumcised them: all the
his life. people who came out of Egypt, who were
15 The LORD spoke to Joshua, saying, males, even all the men of war, died in
16 “Command the priests who bear the ark the wilderness along the way, after they
of the covenant, that they come up out of came out of Egypt. 5 For all the people
the Jordan.” who came out were circumcised; but all
17 Joshua therefore commanded the the people who were born in the wilder-
priests, saying, “Come up out of the ness along the way as they came out of
Jordan!” 18 When the priests who bore the Egypt had not been circumcised. 6 For the
ark of the LORD’s covenant had come up children of Israel walked forty years in
out of the middle of the Jordan, and the the wilderness until all the nation, even
the men of war who came out of Egypt,
soles of the priests’ feet had been lifted up
were consumed, because they didn’t listen
to the dry ground, the waters of the Jordan to the LORD’s voice. The LORD swore to
returned to their place, and went over all them that he wouldn’t let them see the land
its banks, as before. 19 The people came up which the LORD swore to their fathers that
out of the Jordan on the tenth day of the he would give us, a land flowing with milk
first month, and encamped in Gilgal, on and honey. 7 Their children, whom he
the east border of Jericho. raised up in their place, were circumcised
20 Joshua set up those twelve stones, by Joshua, for they were uncircumcised,
which they took out of the Jordan, in Gilgal. because they had not circumcised them
21 He spoke to the children of Israel, saying, on the way. 8 When they were done cir-
“When your children ask their fathers in cumcising the whole nation, they stayed in
time to come, saying, ‘What do these stones their places in the camp until they were
mean?’ 22 Then you shall let your children healed.
know, saying, ‘Israel came over this Jordan 9 The LORD said to Joshua, “Today I have
on dry land. 23 For the LORD your God rolled away the reproach of Egypt from
dried up the waters of the Jordan from you.” Therefore the name of that place was
before you until you had crossed over, as called Gilgal† to this day. 10 The children
the LORD your God did to the Red Sea, of Israel encamped in Gilgal. They kept
which he dried up from before us, until we the Passover on the fourteenth day of the
had crossed over, 24 that all the peoples of month at evening in the plains of Jericho.
the earth may know that the LORD’s hand 11 They ate unleavened cakes and parched
is mighty, and that you may fear the LORD grain of the produce of the land on the next
your God forever.’ ” day after the Passover, in the same day.
† 5:9 “Gilgal” sounds like the Hebrew for “roll.”
Joshua 5:12 210 Joshua 6:20

12 The manna ceased on the next day, after the LORD advanced and blew the trum-
they had eaten of the produce of the land. pets, and the ark of the LORD’s covenant
The children of Israel didn’t have manna followed them. 9 The armed men went
any more, but they ate of the fruit of the before the priests who blew the trumpets,
land of Canaan that year. and the ark went after them. The trumpets
13 When Joshua was by Jericho, he lifted sounded as they went.
10 Joshua commanded the people, say-
up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man
stood in front of him with his sword drawn ing, “You shall not shout nor let your voice
in his hand. Joshua went to him and said to be heard, neither shall any word proceed
him, “Are you for us, or for our enemies?” out of your mouth until the day I tell you
14 He said, “No; but I have come now as to shout. Then you shall shout.” 11 So
commander of the LORD’s army.” he caused the LORD’s ark to go around
Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and the city, circling it once. Then they came
worshiped, and asked him, “What does my into the camp, and stayed in the camp.
12 Joshua rose early in the morning, and
lord say to his servant?”
15 The prince of the LORD’s army said the priests took up the LORD’s ark. 13 The
to Joshua, “Take off your sandals, for the seven priests bearing the seven trumpets
place on which you stand is holy.” Joshua of rams’ horns in front of the LORD’s ark
did so. went on continually, and blew the trum-
pets. The armed men went in front of
6 them. The rear guard came after the
LORD’s ark. The trumpets sounded as they
1 Now Jericho was tightly shut up be-
cause of the children of Israel. No one went went. 14 The second day they marched
out, and no one came in. 2 The LORD said to around the city once, and returned into the
Joshua, “Behold, I have given Jericho into camp. They did this six days.
your hand, with its king and the mighty 15 On the seventh day, they rose early
men of valor. 3 All of your men of war at the dawning of the day, and marched
shall march around the city, going around around the city in the same way seven
the city once. You shall do this six days. times. On this day only they marched
4 Seven priests shall bear seven trumpets around the city seven times. 16 At the sev-
of rams’ horns before the ark. On the sev- enth time, when the priests blew the trum-
enth day, you shall march around the city pets, Joshua said to the people, “Shout, for
seven times, and the priests shall blow the the LORD has given you the city! 17 The city
trumpets. 5 It shall be that when they make shall be devoted, even it and all that is in
a long blast with the ram’s horn, and when it, to the LORD. Only Rahab the prostitute
you hear the sound of the trumpet, all the shall live, she and all who are with her
people shall shout with a great shout; then in the house, because she hid the messen-
the city wall will fall down flat, and the gers that we sent. 18 But as for you, only
people shall go up, every man straight in keep yourselves from what is devoted to
front of him.” destruction, lest when you have devoted
6 Joshua the son of Nun called the priests, it, you take of the devoted thing; so you
and said to them, “Take up the ark of the would make the camp of Israel accursed
covenant, and let seven priests bear seven and trouble it. 19 But all the silver, gold,
trumpets of rams’ horns before the LORD’s and vessels of bronze and iron are holy to
ark.” the LORD. They shall come into the LORD’s
7 They said to the people, “Advance! treasury.”
March around the city, and let the armed 20 So the people shouted and the priests
men pass on before the LORD’s ark.” blew the trumpets. When the people
8 It was so, that when Joshua had spoken heard the sound of the trumpet, the people
to the people, the seven priests bearing shouted with a great shout, and the wall
the seven trumpets of rams’ horns before fell down flat, so that the people went up
Joshua 6:21 211 Joshua 7:15

into the city, every man straight in front the people went up there, and they fled
of him, and they took the city. 21 They before the men of Ai. 5 The men of Ai
utterly destroyed all that was in the city, struck about thirty-six men of them. They
both man and woman, both young and old, chased them from before the gate even to
and ox, sheep, and donkey, with the edge Shebarim, and struck them at the descent.
of the sword. 22 Joshua said to the two men The hearts of the people melted, and be-
who had spied out the land, “Go into the came like water. 6 Joshua tore his clothes,
prostitute’s house, and bring the woman and fell to the earth on his face before
and all that she has out from there, as you the LORD’s ark until the evening, he and
swore to her.” 23 The young men who were the elders of Israel; and they put dust on
spies went in, and brought out Rahab with their heads. 7 Joshua said, “Alas, Lord GOD,
her father, her mother, her brothers, and why have you brought this people over the
all that she had. They also brought out all Jordan at all, to deliver us into the hand of
of her relatives, and they set them outside the Amorites, to cause us to perish? I wish
of the camp of Israel. 24 They burned the that we had been content and lived beyond
city with fire, and all that was in it. Only the Jordan! 8 Oh, Lord, what shall I say,
they put the silver, the gold, and the vessels after Israel has turned their backs before
their enemies? 9 For the Canaanites and all
of bronze and of iron into the treasury the inhabitants of the land will hear of it,
of the LORD’s house. 25 But Rahab the and will surround us, and cut off our name
prostitute, her father’s household, and all from the earth. What will you do for your
that she had, Joshua saved alive. She lives great name?”
in the middle of Israel to this day, because 10 The LORD said to Joshua, “Get up! Why
she hid the messengers whom Joshua sent
to spy out Jericho. have you fallen on your face like that?
11 Israel has sinned. Yes, they have even
26 Joshua commanded them with an oath
transgressed my covenant which I com-
at that time, saying, “Cursed is the man be- manded them. Yes, they have even taken
fore the LORD who rises up and builds this some of the devoted things, and have also
city Jericho. With the loss of his firstborn stolen, and also deceived. They have even
he will lay its foundation, and with the loss
put it among their own stuff. 12 Therefore
of his youngest son he will set up its gates.”
27 So the LORD was with Joshua; and his the children of Israel can’t stand before
their enemies. They turn their backs be-
fame was in all the land. fore their enemies, because they have be-
come devoted for destruction. I will not
7 be with you any more, unless you destroy
1 But the children of Israel committed a the devoted things from among you. 13 Get
trespass in the devoted things; for Achan, up! Sanctify the people, and say, ‘Sanctify
the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the yourselves for tomorrow, for the LORD,
son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, took
the God of Israel, says, “There is a de-
some of the devoted things. Therefore the voted thing among you, Israel. You can-
LORD’s anger burned against the children
not stand before your enemies until you
of Israel. 2 Joshua sent men from Jericho to take away the devoted thing from among
Ai, which is beside Beth Aven, on the east
you.” 14 In the morning therefore you shall
side of Bethel, and spoke to them, saying,
be brought near by your tribes. It shall
“Go up and spy out the land.”
be that the tribe which the LORD selects
The men went up and spied out Ai. shall come near by families. The family
3 They returned to Joshua, and said to him,
which the LORD selects shall come near
“Don’t let all the people go up, but let by households. The household which the
about two or three thousand men go up LORD selects shall come near man by man.
and strike Ai. Don’t make all the people 15 It shall be, that he who is taken with the
to toil there, for there are only a few of devoted thing shall be burned with fire, he
them.” 4 So about three thousand men of and all that he has, because he has trans-
Joshua 7:16 212 Joshua 8:13

gressed the LORD’s covenant, and because 8

he has done a disgraceful thing in Israel.’ ” 1The LORD said to Joshua, “Don’t be
16 So Joshua rose up early in the morning afraid, and don’t be dismayed. Take all the
and brought Israel near by their tribes. warriors with you, and arise, go up to Ai.
Behold, I have given into your hand the
The tribe of Judah was selected. 17 He
king of Ai, with his people, his city, and
brought near the family of Judah, and he
selected the family of the Zerahites. He his land. 2 You shall do to Ai and her king
as you did to Jericho and her king, except
brought near the family of the Zerahites
you shall take its goods and its livestock
man by man, and Zabdi was selected. 18 He
for yourselves. Set an ambush for the city
brought near his household man by man,
behind it.”
and Achan, the son of Carmi, the son of 3 So Joshua arose, with all the warriors,
Zabdi, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Ju- to go up to Ai. Joshua chose thirty thou-
dah, was selected. 19 Joshua said to Achan, sand men, the mighty men of valor, and
“My son, please give glory to the LORD, the sent them out by night. 4 He commanded
God of Israel, and make confession to him. them, saying, “Behold, you shall lie in am-
Tell me now what you have done! Don’t
bush against the city, behind the city. Don’t
hide it from me!”
20 Achan answered Joshua, and said, “I
go very far from the city, but all of you
be ready. 5 I and all the people who are
have truly sinned against the LORD, the with me will approach the city. It shall
God of Israel, and this is what I have done. happen, when they come out against us, as
21 When I saw among the plunder a beauti-
at the first, that we will flee before them.
ful Babylonian robe, two hundred shekels† 6 They will come out after us until we have
of silver, and a wedge of gold weighing drawn them away from the city; for they
fifty shekels, then I coveted them and took will say, ‘They flee before us, like the first
them. Behold, they are hidden in the time.’ So we will flee before them, 7 and
ground in the middle of my tent, with the you shall rise up from the ambush, and
silver under it.” take possession of the city; for the LORD
22 So Joshua sent messengers, and they
your God will deliver it into your hand. 8 It
ran to the tent. Behold, it was hidden in shall be, when you have seized the city,
his tent, with the silver under it. 23 They that you shall set the city on fire. You
took them from the middle of the tent, shall do this according to the LORD’s word.
and brought them to Joshua and to all the Behold, I have commanded you.”
children of Israel. They laid them down 9 Joshua sent them out; and they went
before the LORD. 24 Joshua, and all Israel to set up the ambush, and stayed between
with him, took Achan the son of Zerah, Bethel and Ai on the west side of Ai; but
the silver, the robe, the wedge of gold, his Joshua stayed among the people that night.
sons, his daughters, his cattle, his donkeys, 10 Joshua rose up early in the morning,
his sheep, his tent, and all that he had; mustered the people, and went up, he and
and they brought them up to the valley the elders of Israel, before the people to Ai.
of Achor. 25 Joshua said, “Why have you 11 All the people, even the men of war who
troubled us? The LORD will trouble you were with him, went up and came near,
today.” All Israel stoned him with stones, and came before the city and encamped on
and they burned them with fire and stoned the north side of Ai. Now there was a valley
them with stones. 26 They raised over him between him and Ai. 12 He took about five
a great heap of stones that remains to this thousand men, and set them in ambush
day. The LORD turned from the fierceness between Bethel and Ai, on the west side of
of his anger. Therefore the name of that the city. 13 So they set the people, even all
place was called “The valley of Achor” to the army who was on the north of the city,
this day. and their ambush on the west of the city;
† 7:21 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces.
Joshua 8:14 213 Joshua 9:2

and Joshua went that night into the middle he stretched out the javelin, until he had
of the valley. 14 When the king of Ai saw utterly destroyed all the inhabitants of Ai.
it, they hurried and rose up early, and the 27 Israel took for themselves only the live-
men of the city went out against Israel to stock and the goods of that city, according
battle, he and all his people, at the time ap- to the LORD’s word which he commanded
pointed, before the Arabah; but he didn’t Joshua. 28 So Joshua burned Ai and made
know that there was an ambush against it a heap forever, even a desolation, to this
him behind the city. 15 Joshua and all Israel day. 29 He hanged the king of Ai on a tree
made as if they were beaten before them, until the evening. At sundown, Joshua
and fled by the way of the wilderness. 16 All commanded, and they took his body down
the people who were in the city were called from the tree and threw it at the entrance
together to pursue after them. They pur- of the gate of the city, and raised a great
sued Joshua, and were drawn away from heap of stones on it that remains to this
the city. 17 There was not a man left in Ai or day.
30 Then Joshua built an altar to the
Bethel who didn’t go out after Israel. They
left the city open, and pursued Israel. LORD, the God of Israel, on Mount Ebal,
31 as Moses the servant of the LORD com-
18 The LORD said to Joshua, “Stretch out
manded the children of Israel, as it is writ-
the javelin that is in your hand toward Ai, ten in the book of the law of Moses: an altar
for I will give it into your hand.” of uncut stones, on which no one had lifted
Joshua stretched out the javelin that was up any iron. They offered burnt offerings
in his hand toward the city. 19 The ambush on it to the LORD and sacrificed peace
arose quickly out of their place, and they offerings. 32 He wrote there on the stones a
ran as soon as he had stretched out his copy of Moses’ law, which he wrote in the
hand and entered into the city and took presence of the children of Israel. 33 All Is-
it. They hurried and set the city on fire. rael, with their elders, officers, and judges,
20 When the men of Ai looked behind them,
stood on both sides of the ark before the
they saw, and behold, the smoke of the city Levitical priests, who carried the ark of the
ascended up to heaven, and they had no LORD’s covenant, the foreigner as well as
power to flee this way or that way. The the native; half of them in front of Mount
people who fled to the wilderness turned Gerizim, and half of them in front of Mount
back on the pursuers. 21 When Joshua Ebal, as Moses the servant of the LORD had
and all Israel saw that the ambush had commanded at the first, that they should
taken the city, and that the smoke of the bless the people of Israel. 34 Afterward he
city ascended, then they turned back and read all the words of the law, the blessing
killed the men of Ai. 22 The others came and the curse, according to all that is writ-
out of the city against them, so they were ten in the book of the law. 35 There was
in the middle of Israel, some on this side, not a word of all that Moses commanded
and some on that side. They struck them, which Joshua didn’t read before all the
so that they let none of them remain or assembly of Israel, with the women, the
escape. 23 They captured the king of Ai little ones, and the foreigners who were
alive, and brought him to Joshua. among them.
24 When Israel had finished killing all
the inhabitants of Ai in the field, in the 9
wilderness in which they pursued them, When all the kings who were beyond
and they had all fallen by the edge of the the Jordan, in the hill country, and in
sword until they were consumed, all Israel the lowland, and on all the shore of the
returned to Ai and struck it with the edge great sea in front of Lebanon, the Hit-
of the sword. 25 All that fell that day, both of tite, the Amorite, the Canaanite, the Per-
men and women, were twelve thousand, izzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite, heard
even all the people of Ai. 26 For Joshua of it 2 they gathered themselves together
didn’t draw back his hand, with which to fight with Joshua and with Israel, with
Joshua 9:3 214 Joshua 10:2

one accord. 3 But when the inhabitants their cities on the third day. Now their
of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done to cities were Gibeon, Chephirah, Beeroth,
Jericho and to Ai, 4 they also resorted to and Kiriath Jearim. 18 The children of Is-
a ruse, and went and made as if they had rael didn’t strike them, because the princes
been ambassadors, and took old sacks on of the congregation had sworn to them by
their donkeys, and old, torn-up and bound the LORD, the God of Israel. All the con-
up wine skins, 5 and old and patched san- gregation murmured against the princes.
dals on their feet, and wore old garments. 19 But all the princes said to all the con-
All the bread of their food supply was dry gregation, “We have sworn to them by the
and moldy. 6 They went to Joshua at the LORD, the God of Israel. Now therefore we
camp at Gilgal, and said to him and to the may not touch them. 20 We will do this to
men of Israel, “We have come from a far them, and let them live; lest wrath be on
country. Now therefore make a covenant us, because of the oath which we swore to
with us.” them.” 21 The princes said to them, “Let
7 The men of Israel said to the Hivites,
them live.” So they became wood cutters
“What if you live among us? How could we and drawers of water for all the congrega-
make a covenant with you?” tion, as the princes had spoken to them.
8 They said to Joshua, “We are your ser- 22 Joshua called for them, and he spoke to
vants.” them, saying, “Why have you deceived us,
Joshua said to them, “Who are you? saying, ‘We are very far from you,’ when
Where do you come from?”
9 They said to him, “Your servants have
you live among us? 23 Now therefore you
are cursed, and some of you will never
come from a very far country because of fail to be slaves, both wood cutters and
the name of the LORD your God; for we drawers of water for the house of my God.”
have heard of his fame, all that he did in 24 They answered Joshua, and said, “Be-
Egypt, 10 and all that he did to the two kings
cause your servants were certainly told
of the Amorites who were beyond the Jor-
how the LORD your God commanded his
dan, to Sihon king of Heshbon and to Og
servant Moses to give you all the land, and
king of Bashan, who was at Ashtaroth.
11 Our elders and all the inhabitants of our to destroy all the inhabitants of the land
country spoke to us, saying, ‘Take supplies from before you. Therefore we were very
in your hand for the journey, and go to afraid for our lives because of you, and
meet them. Tell them, “We are your ser- have done this thing. 25 Now, behold, we
vants. Now make a covenant with us.” ’ are in your hand. Do to us as it seems good
12 This our bread we took hot for our sup- and right to you to do.”
plies out of our houses on the day we went 26 He did so to them, and delivered them
out to go to you; but now, behold, it is out of the hand of the children of Israel,
dry, and has become moldy. 13 These wine so that they didn’t kill them. 27 That day
skins, which we filled, were new; and be- Joshua made them wood cutters and draw-
hold, they are torn. These our garments ers of water for the congregation and for
and our sandals have become old because the LORD’s altar to this day, in the place
of the very long journey.” which he should choose.
14 The men sampled their provisions,
and didn’t ask counsel from the LORD’s 10
mouth. 15 Joshua made peace with them, 1 Now when Adoni-Zedek king of
and made a covenant with them, to let Jerusalem heard how Joshua had taken
them live. The princes of the congregation Ai, and had utterly destroyed it; as he
swore to them. 16 At the end of three days had done to Jericho and her king, so he
after they had made a covenant with them, had done to Ai and her king; and how
they heard that they were their neighbors, the inhabitants of Gibeon had made peace
and that they lived among them. 17 The with Israel, and were among them, 2 they
children of Israel traveled and came to were very afraid, because Gibeon was a
Joshua 10:3 215 Joshua 10:27

great city, as one of the royal cities, and in the book of Jashar? The sun stayed in
because it was greater than Ai, and all the middle of the sky, and didn’t hurry to
its men were mighty. 3 Therefore Adoni- go down about a whole day. 14 There was
Zedek king of Jerusalem sent to Hoham no day like that before it or after it, that the
king of Hebron, Piram king of Jarmuth, LORD listened to the voice of a man; for the
Japhia king of Lachish, and Debir king LORD fought for Israel.
of Eglon, saying, 4 “Come up to me and 15 Joshua returned, and all Israel with
help me. Let’s strike Gibeon; for they him, to the camp to Gilgal. 16 These five
have made peace with Joshua and with kings fled, and hid themselves in the cave
the children of Israel.” 5 Therefore the at Makkedah. 17 Joshua was told, saying,
five kings of the Amorites, the king of “The five kings have been found, hidden in
Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of the cave at Makkedah.”
Jarmuth, the king of Lachish, and the king 18 Joshua said, “Roll large stones to cover
of Eglon, gathered themselves together the cave’s entrance, and set men by it to
and went up, they and all their armies, guard them; 19 but don’t stay there. Pursue
and encamped against Gibeon, and made your enemies, and attack them from the
war against it. 6 The men of Gibeon sent to rear. Don’t allow them to enter into their
Joshua at the camp at Gilgal, saying, “Don’t cities; for the LORD your God has delivered
abandon your servants! Come up to us them into your hand.”
quickly and save us! Help us; for all the 20 When Joshua and the children of Is-
kings of the Amorites that dwell in the hill rael had finished killing them with a very
country have gathered together against great slaughter until they were consumed,
us.” and the remnant which remained of them
7 So Joshua went up from Gilgal, he and
had entered into the fortified cities, 21 all
the whole army with him, including all the the people returned to the camp to Joshua
mighty men of valor. 8 The LORD said to at Makkedah in peace. None moved his
Joshua, “Don’t fear them, for I have deliv- tongue against any of the children of Is-
ered them into your hands. Not a man of rael. 22 Then Joshua said, “Open the cave
them will stand before you.” entrance, and bring those five kings out of
9 Joshua therefore came to them sud- the cave to me.”
denly. He marched from Gilgal all night. 23 They did so, and brought those five
10 The LORD confused them before Israel. kings out of the cave to him: the king of
He killed them with a great slaughter at Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of
Gibeon, and chased them by the way of the Jarmuth, the king of Lachish, and the king
ascent of Beth Horon, and struck them to of Eglon. 24 When they brought those kings
Azekah and to Makkedah. 11 As they fled out to Joshua, Joshua called for all the men
from before Israel, while they were at the of Israel, and said to the chiefs of the men
descent of Beth Horon, the LORD hurled of war who went with him, “Come near.
down great stones from the sky on them to Put your feet on the necks of these kings.”
Azekah, and they died. There were more They came near, and put their feet on
who died from the hailstones than those their necks.
whom the children of Israel killed with the 25 Joshua said to them, “Don’t be afraid,
sword. nor be dismayed. Be strong and coura-
12 Then Joshua spoke to the LORD in
the day when the LORD delivered up the geous, for the LORD will do this to all your
Amorites before the children of Israel. He enemies against whom you fight.”
said in the sight of Israel, “Sun, stand still 26 Afterward Joshua struck them, put
on Gibeon! You, moon, stop in the valley of them to death, and hanged them on five
Aijalon!” trees. They were hanging on the trees
13 The sun stood still, and the moon until the evening. 27 At the time of the go-
stayed, until the nation had avenged them- ing down of the sun, Joshua commanded,
selves of their enemies. Isn’t this written and they took them down off the trees,
Joshua 10:28 216 Joshua 11:10

and threw them into the cave in which were in it. He left no one remaining. As
they had hidden themselves, and laid great he had done to Hebron, so he did to Debir,
stones on the mouth of the cave, which and to its king; as he had done also to
remain to this very day. Libnah, and to its king. 40 So Joshua struck
28 Joshua took Makkedah on that day, all the land, the hill country, the South,
and struck it with the edge of the sword, the lowland, the slopes, and all their kings.
with its king. He utterly destroyed it and He left no one remaining, but he utterly
all the souls who were in it. He left no one destroyed all that breathed, as the LORD,
remaining. He did to the king of Makkedah the God of Israel, commanded. 41 Joshua
as he had done to the king of Jericho. struck them from Kadesh Barnea even to
29 Joshua passed from Makkedah, and Gaza, and all the country of Goshen, even
all Israel with him, to Libnah, and fought to Gibeon. 42 Joshua took all these kings
against Libnah. 30 The LORD delivered it and their land at one time because the
also, with its king, into the hand of Israel. LORD, the God of Israel, fought for Israel.
43 Joshua returned, and all Israel with him,
He struck it with the edge of the sword, and
all the souls who were in it. He left no one to the camp to Gilgal.
remaining in it. He did to its king as he had
done to the king of Jericho. 11
31 Joshua passed from Libnah, and all 1 When Jabin king of Hazor heard of it,
Israel with him, to Lachish, and encamped he sent to Jobab king of Madon, to the king
against it, and fought against it. 32 The of Shimron, to the king of Achshaph, 2 and
LORD delivered Lachish into the hand of to the kings who were on the north, in the
Israel. He took it on the second day, and hill country, in the Arabah south of Chin-
struck it with the edge of the sword, with neroth, in the lowland, and in the heights
all the souls who were in it, according to all of Dor on the west, 3 to the Canaanite on
that he had done to Libnah. 33 Then Horam the east and on the west, the Amorite, the
king of Gezer came up to help Lachish; and Hittite, the Perizzite, the Jebusite in the hill
Joshua struck him and his people, until he country, and the Hivite under Hermon in
had left him no one remaining. the land of Mizpah. 4 They went out, they
34 Joshua passed from Lachish, and all and all their armies with them, many peo-
Israel with him, to Eglon; and they en- ple, even as the sand that is on the seashore
camped against it and fought against it. in multitude, with very many horses and
35 They took it on that day, and struck it chariots. 5 All these kings met together;
with the edge of the sword. He utterly and they came and encamped together at
destroyed all the souls who were in it that the waters of Merom, to fight with Israel.
day, according to all that he had done to 6 The LORD said to Joshua, “Don’t be
Lachish. afraid because of them; for tomorrow at
36 Joshua went up from Eglon, and all Is- this time, I will deliver them up all slain
rael with him, to Hebron; and they fought before Israel. You shall hamstring their
against it. 37 They took it, and struck it with horses and burn their chariots with fire.”
the edge of the sword, with its king and all 7 So Joshua came suddenly, with all the
its cities, and all the souls who were in it. warriors, against them by the waters of
He left no one remaining, according to all Merom, and attacked them. 8 The LORD
that he had done to Eglon; but he utterly delivered them into the hand of Israel, and
destroyed it, and all the souls who were in they struck them, and chased them to great
it. Sidon, and to Misrephoth Maim, and to the
38 Joshua returned, and all Israel with valley of Mizpah eastward. They struck
him, to Debir, and fought against it. 39 He them until they left them no one remain-
took it, with its king and all its cities. They ing. 9 Joshua did to them as the LORD
struck them with the edge of the sword, told him. He hamstrung their horses and
and utterly destroyed all the souls who burned their chariots with fire. 10 Joshua
Joshua 11:11 217 Joshua 12:12

turned back at that time, and took Hazor, the LORD spoke to Moses; and Joshua gave
and struck its king with the sword; for it for an inheritance to Israel according to
Hazor used to be the head of all those their divisions by their tribes. Then the
kingdoms. 11 They struck all the souls land had rest from war.
who were in it with the edge of the sword,
utterly destroying them. There was no 12
one left who breathed. He burned Hazor 1 Now these are the kings of the land,
with fire. 12 Joshua captured all the cities whom the children of Israel struck, and
of those kings, with their kings, and he possessed their land beyond the Jordan
struck them with the edge of the sword, toward the sunrise, from the valley of
and utterly destroyed them, as Moses the the Arnon to Mount Hermon, and all the
servant of the LORD commanded. 13 But as Arabah eastward: 2 Sihon king of the
for the cities that stood on their mounds, Amorites, who lived in Heshbon, and ruled
Israel burned none of them, except Hazor from Aroer, which is on the edge of the
only. Joshua burned that. 14 The children valley of the Arnon, and the middle of
of Israel took all the plunder of these cities, the valley, and half Gilead, even to the
with the livestock, as plunder for them- river Jabbok, the border of the children
selves; but every man they struck with the of Ammon; 3 and the Arabah to the sea of
edge of the sword, until they had destroyed Chinneroth, eastward, and to the sea of the
them. They didn’t leave any who breathed. Arabah, even the Salt Sea, eastward, the
15 As the LORD commanded Moses his way to Beth Jeshimoth; and on the south,
servant, so Moses commanded Joshua. under the slopes of Pisgah: 4 and the bor-
Joshua did so. He left nothing undone der of Og king of Bashan, of the remnant of
of all that the LORD commanded Moses. the Rephaim, who lived at Ashtaroth and
16 So Joshua captured all that land, the at Edrei, 5 and ruled in Mount Hermon, and
hill country, all the South, all the land of in Salecah, and in all Bashan, to the border
Goshen, the lowland, the Arabah, the hill of the Geshurites and the Maacathites, and
country of Israel, and the lowland of the half Gilead, the border of Sihon king of
same, 17 from Mount Halak, that goes up Heshbon. 6 Moses the servant of the LORD
to Seir, even to Baal Gad in the valley of and the children of Israel struck them.
Moses the servant of the LORD gave it for
Lebanon under Mount Hermon. He took
all their kings, struck them, and put them a possession to the Reubenites, and the
to death. 18 Joshua made war a long time Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh.
7 These are the kings of the land whom
with all those kings. 19 There was not a
city that made peace with the children of Joshua and the children of Israel struck be-
Israel, except the Hivites, the inhabitants yond the Jordan westward, from Baal Gad
of Gibeon. They took all in battle. 20 For it in the valley of Lebanon even to Mount
was of the LORD to harden their hearts, to Halak, that goes up to Seir. Joshua gave it to
come against Israel in battle, that he might the tribes of Israel for a possession accord-
utterly destroy them, that they might have ing to their divisions; 8 in the hill country,
no favor, but that he might destroy them, and in the lowland, and in the Arabah, and
as the LORD commanded Moses. 21 Joshua in the slopes, and in the wilderness, and in
came at that time, and cut off the Anakim the South; the Hittite, the Amorite, and the
from the hill country, from Hebron, from Canaanite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and
the Jebusite:
Debir, from Anab, and from all the hill 9 the king of Jericho, one;
country of Judah, and from all the hill
country of Israel. Joshua utterly destroyed the king of Ai, which is beside Bethel, one;
10 the king of Jerusalem, one;
them with their cities. 22 There were none
of the Anakim left in the land of the chil- the king of Hebron, one;
dren of Israel. Only in Gaza, in Gath, and 11 the king of Jarmuth, one;
in Ashdod, did some remain. 23 So Joshua the king of Lachish, one;
took the whole land, according to all that 12 the king of Eglon, one;
Joshua 12:13 218 Joshua 13:23

the king of Gezer, one; therefore divide this land for an inheri-
13 the king of Debir, one; tance to the nine tribes and the half-tribe
the king of Geder, one; of Manasseh.” 8 With him the Reuben-
14 the king of Hormah, one;
ites and the Gadites received their inher-
itance, which Moses gave them, beyond
the king of Arad, one; the Jordan eastward, even as Moses the
15 the king of Libnah, one;
servant of the LORD gave them: 9 from
the king of Adullam, one; Aroer, that is on the edge of the valley
16 the king of Makkedah, one;
of the Arnon, and the city that is in the
the king of Bethel, one; middle of the valley, and all the plain of
17 the king of Tappuah, one; Medeba to Dibon; 10 and all the cities of
the king of Hepher, one; Sihon king of the Amorites, who reigned
18 the king of Aphek, one; in Heshbon, to the border of the children
the king of Lassharon, one; of Ammon; 11 and Gilead, and the border
19 the king of Madon, one; of the Geshurites and Maacathites, and all
the king of Hazor, one; Mount Hermon, and all Bashan to Salecah;
12 all the kingdom of Og in Bashan, who
20 the king of Shimron Meron, one;
the king of Achshaph, one; reigned in Ashtaroth and in Edrei (who
21 the king of Taanach, one; was left of the remnant of the Rephaim);
for Moses attacked these, and drove them
the king of Megiddo, one; out. 13 Nevertheless the children of Israel
22 the king of Kedesh, one;
didn’t drive out the Geshurites, nor the
the king of Jokneam in Carmel, one; Maacathites: but Geshur and Maacath live
23 the king of Dor in the height of Dor, one; within Israel to this day. 14 Only he gave
the king of Goiim in Gilgal, one; no inheritance to the tribe of Levi. The
24 the king of Tirzah, one: offerings of the LORD, the God of Israel,
all the kings thirty-one. made by fire are his inheritance, as he
spoke to him. 15 Moses gave to the tribe
of the children of Reuben according to
13 their families. 16 Their border was from
1 Now Joshua was old and well advanced
Aroer, that is on the edge of the valley
in years. The LORD said to him, “You are of the Arnon, and the city that is in the
old and advanced in years, and there re- middle of the valley, and all the plain by
mains yet very much land to be possessed.
2 “This is the land that still remains: all
Medeba; 17 Heshbon, and all its cities that
are in the plain; Dibon, Bamoth Baal, Beth
the regions of the Philistines, and all the Baal Meon, 18 Jahaz, Kedemoth, Mephaath,
Geshurites; 3 from the Shihor, which is 19 Kiriathaim, Sibmah, Zereth Shahar in
before Egypt, even to the border of Ekron
the mount of the valley, 20 Beth Peor, the
northward, which is counted as Canaanite;
the five lords of the Philistines; the Gazites, slopes of Pisgah, Beth Jeshimoth, 21 all the
and the Ashdodites, the Ashkelonites, the cities of the plain, and all the kingdom of
Gittites, and the Ekronites; also the Avvim, Sihon king of the Amorites, who reigned
4 on the south; all the land of the Canaan- in Heshbon, whom Moses struck with the
ites, and Mearah that belongs to the Sido- chiefs of Midian, Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and
nians, to Aphek, to the border of the Amor- Reba, the princes of Sihon, who lived in the
ites; 5 and the land of the Gebalites, and land. 22 The children of Israel also killed
all Lebanon, toward the sunrise, from Baal Balaam the son of Beor, the soothsayer,
Gad under Mount Hermon to the entrance with the sword, among the rest of their
of Hamath; 6 all the inhabitants of the slain.
hill country from Lebanon to Misrephoth 23 The border of the children of Reuben
Maim, even all the Sidonians. I will drive was the bank of the Jordan. This was
them out from before the children of Is- the inheritance of the children of Reuben
rael. Just allocate it to Israel for an inher- according to their families, the cities and
itance, as I have commanded you. 7 Now its villages.
Joshua 13:24 219 Joshua 15:1

24 Moses gave to the tribe of Gad, to for their livestock and for their property.
the children of Gad, according to their 5 The children of Israel did as the LORD
families. 25 Their border was Jazer, and commanded Moses, and they divided the
all the cities of Gilead, and half the land land.
6 Then the children of Judah came near
of the children of Ammon, to Aroer that
is near Rabbah; 26 and from Heshbon to to Joshua in Gilgal. Caleb the son of Je-
Ramath Mizpeh, and Betonim; and from phunneh the Kenizzite said to him, “You
Mahanaim to the border of Debir; 27 and know the thing that the LORD spoke to
in the valley, Beth Haram, Beth Nimrah, Moses the man of God concerning me and
Succoth, and Zaphon, the rest of the king- concerning you in Kadesh Barnea. 7 I was
dom of Sihon king of Heshbon, the Jordan’s forty years old when Moses the servant
bank, to the uttermost part of the sea of of the LORD sent me from Kadesh Barnea
Chinnereth beyond the Jordan eastward. to spy out the land. I brought him word
28 This is the inheritance of the children of again as it was in my heart. 8 Nevertheless,
Gad according to their families, the cities my brothers who went up with me made
and its villages. the heart of the people melt; but I wholly
29 Moses gave an inheritance to the half- followed the LORD my God. 9 Moses swore
tribe of Manasseh. It was for the half-tribe on that day, saying, ‘Surely the land where
of the children of Manasseh according to you walked shall be an inheritance to you
their families. 30 Their border was from and to your children forever, because you
Mahanaim, all Bashan, all the kingdom have wholly followed the LORD my God.’
of Og king of Bashan, and all the villages 10 “Now, behold, the LORD has kept me
of Jair, which are in Bashan, sixty cities. alive, as he spoke, these forty-five years,
31 Half Gilead, Ashtaroth, and Edrei, the
from the time that the LORD spoke this
cities of the kingdom of Og in Bashan, were word to Moses, while Israel walked in the
for the children of Machir the son of Man- wilderness. Now, behold, I am eighty-five
asseh, even for the half of the children of years old, today. 11 As yet I am as strong
Machir according to their families.
today as I was in the day that Moses sent
32 These are the inheritances which
me. As my strength was then, even so is
Moses distributed in the plains of Moab, my strength now for war, to go out and
beyond the Jordan at Jericho, eastward.
33 But Moses gave no inheritance to the to come in. 12 Now therefore give me this
hill country, of which the LORD spoke in
tribe of Levi. The LORD, the God of Israel,
is their inheritance, as he spoke to them. that day; for you heard in that day how the
Anakim were there, and great and fortified
cities. It may be that the LORD will be with
14 me, and I shall drive them out, as the LORD
1These are the inheritances which the said.”
children of Israel took in the land of 13 Joshua blessed him; and he gave He-
Canaan, which Eleazar the priest, Joshua bron to Caleb the son of Jephunneh for
the son of Nun, and the heads of the fa- an inheritance. 14 Therefore Hebron be-
thers’ houses of the tribes of the children came the inheritance of Caleb the son of
of Israel, distributed to them, 2 by the lot Jephunneh the Kenizzite to this day, be-
of their inheritance, as the LORD com- cause he followed the LORD, the God of
manded by Moses, for the nine tribes, and Israel wholeheartedly. 15 Now the name of
for the half-tribe. 3 For Moses had given the Hebron before was Kiriath Arba, after the
inheritance of the two tribes and the half- greatest man among the Anakim. Then the
tribe beyond the Jordan; but to the Levites land had rest from war.
he gave no inheritance among them. 4 For
the children of Joseph were two tribes, 15
Manasseh and Ephraim. They gave no 1 The lot for the tribe of the children of
portion to the Levites in the land, except Judah according to their families was to
cities to dwell in, with their pasture lands the border of Edom, even to the wilderness
Joshua 15:2 220 Joshua 15:44

of Zin southward, at the uttermost part of cording to the commandment of the LORD
the south. 2 Their south border was from to Joshua, even Kiriath Arba, named after
the uttermost part of the Salt Sea, from the the father of Anak (also called Hebron).
bay that looks southward; 3 and it went out 14 Caleb drove out the three sons of Anak:
southward of the ascent of Akrabbim, and Sheshai, and Ahiman, and Talmai, the chil-
passed along to Zin, and went up by the dren of Anak. 15 He went up against the in-
south of Kadesh Barnea, and passed along habitants of Debir: now the name of Debir
by Hezron, went up to Addar, and turned before was Kiriath Sepher. 16 Caleb said,
toward Karka; 4 and it passed along to “He who strikes Kiriath Sepher, and takes
Azmon, went out at the brook of Egypt; and it, to him I will give Achsah my daughter
the border ended at the sea. This shall be as wife.” 17 Othniel the son of Kenaz, the
your south border. 5 The east border was brother of Caleb, took it: and he gave him
the Salt Sea, even to the end of the Jordan. Achsah his daughter as wife. 18 When she
The border of the north quarter was from came, she had him ask her father for a
the bay of the sea at the end of the Jordan. field. She got off her donkey, and Caleb
6 The border went up to Beth Hoglah, and said, “What do you want?”
19 She said, “Give me a blessing. Because
passed along by the north of Beth Arabah;
and the border went up to the stone of you have set me in the land of the South,
Bohan the son of Reuben. 7 The border give me also springs of water.”
went up to Debir from the valley of Achor, So he gave her the upper springs and the
and so northward, looking toward Gilgal, lower springs.
that faces the ascent of Adummim, which 20 This is the inheritance of the tribe
is on the south side of the river. The border of the children of Judah according to
passed along to the waters of En Shemesh, their families. 21 The farthest cities of
and ended at En Rogel. 8 The border went the tribe of the children of Judah toward
up by the valley of the son of Hinnom to the the border of Edom in the South were
side of the Jebusite (also called Jerusalem) Kabzeel, Eder, Jagur, 22 Kinah, Dimonah,
southward; and the border went up to the Adadah, 23 Kedesh, Hazor, Ithnan, 24 Ziph,
top of the mountain that lies before the Telem, Bealoth, 25 Hazor Hadattah, Ke-
valley of Hinnom westward, which is at rioth Hezron (also called Hazor), 26 Amam,
the farthest part of the valley of Rephaim Shema, Moladah, 27 Hazar Gaddah, Hesh-
northward. 9 The border extended from mon, Beth Pelet, 28 Hazar Shual, Beer-
the top of the mountain to the spring of sheba, Biziothiah, 29 Baalah, Iim, Ezem,
30 Eltolad, Chesil, Hormah, 31 Ziklag, Mad-
the waters of Nephtoah, and went out to
the cities of Mount Ephron; and the bor- mannah, Sansannah, 32 Lebaoth, Shilhim,
der extended to Baalah (also called Kiriath Ain, and Rimmon. All the cities are twenty-
Jearim); 10 and the border turned about nine, with their villages.
33 In the lowland, Eshtaol, Zorah, Ashnah,
from Baalah westward to Mount Seir, and
34 Zanoah, En Gannim, Tappuah, Enam,
passed along to the side of Mount Jearim
35 Jarmuth, Adullam, Socoh, Azekah,
(also called Chesalon) on the north, and
went down to Beth Shemesh, and passed 36 Shaaraim, Adithaim and Gederah (or
along by Timnah; 11 and the border went Gederothaim); fourteen cities with their
out to the side of Ekron northward; and the villages.
border extended to Shikkeron, and passed 37 Zenan, Hadashah, Migdal Gad, 38 Dilean,
along to Mount Baalah, and went out at Mizpah, Joktheel, 39 Lachish, Bozkath,
Jabneel; and the goings out of the border Eglon, 40 Cabbon, Lahmam, Chitlish,
were at the sea. 12 The west border was 41 Gederoth, Beth Dagon, Naamah, and
to the shore of the great sea. This is the Makkedah; sixteen cities with their vil-
border of the children of Judah according lages.
to their families. 42 Libnah, Ether, Ashan, 43 Iphtah, Ashnah,
13 He gave to Caleb the son of Jephunneh Nezib, 44 Keilah, Achzib, and Mareshah;
a portion among the children of Judah, ac- nine cities with their villages.
Joshua 15:45 221 Joshua 17:7

45 Ekron, with its towns and its villages; eastward to Taanath Shiloh, and passed
46 from Ekron even to the sea, all that were along it on the east of Janoah. 7 It went
by the side of Ashdod, with their villages. down from Janoah to Ataroth, to Naarah,
47 Ashdod, its towns and its villages; Gaza, reached to Jericho, and went out at the
its towns and its villages; to the brook of Jordan. 8 From Tappuah the border went
Egypt, and the great sea with its coastline. along westward to the brook of Kanah; and
48 In the hill country, Shamir, Jattir, Socoh, ended at the sea. This is the inheritance
49 Dannah, Kiriath Sannah (which is De- of the tribe of the children of Ephraim
bir), 50 Anab, Eshtemoh, Anim, 51 Goshen, according to their families; 9 together with
Holon, and Giloh; eleven cities with their the cities which were set apart for the
villages. children of Ephraim in the middle of the
52 Arab, Dumah, Eshan, 53 Janim, Beth Tap- inheritance of the children of Manasseh,
puah, Aphekah, 54 Humtah, Kiriath Arba all the cities with their villages. 10 They
(also called Hebron), and Zior; nine cities didn’t drive out the Canaanites who lived
with their villages. in Gezer; but the Canaanites dwell in the
55 Maon, Carmel, Ziph, Jutah, 56 Jezreel, territory of Ephraim to this day, and have
Jokdeam, Zanoah, 57 Kain, Gibeah, and become servants to do forced labor.
Timnah; ten cities with their villages.
58 Halhul, Beth Zur, Gedor, 59 Maarath, 17
Beth Anoth, and Eltekon; six cities with This was the lot for the tribe of Man-
their villages. 60 Kiriath Baal (also called asseh, for he was the firstborn of Joseph.
Kiriath Jearim), and Rabbah; two cities As for Machir the firstborn of Manasseh,
with their villages. the father of Gilead, because he was a
61 In the wilderness, Beth Arabah, Middin, man of war, therefore he had Gilead and
Secacah, 62 Nibshan, the City of Salt, and En Bashan. 2 So this was for the rest of the
Gedi; six cities with their villages. children of Manasseh according to their
63 As for the Jebusites, the inhabitants of families: for the children of Abiezer, for
Jerusalem, the children of Judah couldn’t the children of Helek, for the children of
Asriel, for the children of Shechem, for the
drive them out; but the Jebusites live with children of Hepher, and for the children
the children of Judah at Jerusalem to this of Shemida. These were the male children
day. of Manasseh the son of Joseph according
to their families. 3 But Zelophehad, the
16 son of Hepher, the son of Gilead, the son
1The lot came out for the children of of Machir, the son of Manasseh, had no
Joseph from the Jordan at Jericho, at the sons, but daughters. These are the names
waters of Jericho on the east, even the of his daughters: Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah,
wilderness, going up from Jericho through Milcah, and Tirzah. 4 They came to Eleazar
the hill country to Bethel. 2 It went out the priest, and to Joshua the son of Nun,
from Bethel to Luz, and passed along to the and to the princes, saying, “The LORD
border of the Archites to Ataroth; 3 and it commanded Moses to give us an inheri-
went down westward to the border of the tance among our brothers.” Therefore ac-
Japhletites, to the border of Beth Horon the
lower, and on to Gezer; and ended at the cording to the commandment of the LORD
sea. he gave them an inheritance among the
4 The children of Joseph, Manasseh and brothers of their father. 5 Ten parts fell to
Ephraim, took their inheritance. 5 This Manasseh, in addition to the land of Gilead
was the border of the children of Ephraim and Bashan, which is beyond the Jordan;
6 because the daughters of Manasseh had
according to their families. The border
of their inheritance eastward was Ataroth an inheritance among his sons. The land
Addar, to Beth Horon the upper. 6 The bor- of Gilead belonged to the rest of the sons
der went out westward at Michmethath of Manasseh. 7 The border of Manasseh
on the north. The border turned about was from Asher to Michmethath, which is
Joshua 17:8 222 Joshua 18:12

before Shechem. The border went along yours; for you shall drive out the Canaan-
to the right hand, to the inhabitants of En ites, though they have chariots of iron, and
Tappuah. 8 The land of Tappuah belonged though they are strong.”
to Manasseh; but Tappuah on the border
of Manasseh belonged to the children of 18
Ephraim. 9 The border went down to the 1 The whole congregation of the children
brook of Kanah, southward of the brook. of Israel assembled themselves together
These cities belonged to Ephraim among at Shiloh, and set up the Tent of Meet-
the cities of Manasseh. The border of ing there. The land was subdued before
Manasseh was on the north side of the
brook, and ended at the sea. 10 Southward them. 2 Seven tribes remained among
it was Ephraim’s, and northward it was the children of Israel, which had not yet
Manasseh’s, and the sea was his border. divided their inheritance. 3 Joshua said
They reached to Asher on the north, and to the children of Israel, “How long will
to Issachar on the east. 11 Manasseh had you neglect to go in to possess the land,
three heights in Issachar, in Asher Beth which the LORD, the God of your fathers,
Shean and its towns, and Ibleam and its has given you? 4 Appoint for yourselves
towns, and the inhabitants of Dor and its three men from each tribe. I will send
towns, and the inhabitants of Endor and its them, and they shall arise, walk through
towns, and the inhabitants of Taanach and the land, and describe it according to their
its towns, and the inhabitants of Megiddo inheritance; then they shall come to me.
and its towns. 12 Yet the children of Man- 5 They shall divide it into seven portions.
asseh couldn’t drive out the inhabitants Judah shall live in his borders on the south,
of those cities; but the Canaanites would
dwell in that land. and the house of Joseph shall live in their
13 When the children of Israel had grown borders on the north. 6 You shall survey
strong, they put the Canaanites to forced the land into seven parts, and bring the
labor, and didn’t utterly drive them out. description here to me; and I will cast lots
14 The children of Joseph spoke to Joshua, for you here before the LORD our God.
7 However, the Levites have no portion
saying, “Why have you given me just one
lot and one part for an inheritance, since among you; for the priesthood of the LORD
we are a numerous people, because the is their inheritance. Gad, Reuben, and
the half-tribe of Manasseh have received
LORD has blessed us so far?” their inheritance east of the Jordan, which
15 Joshua said to them, “If you are a
Moses the servant of the LORD gave them.”
numerous people, go up to the forest, and 8 The men arose and went. Joshua com-
clear land for yourself there in the land of
manded those who went to survey the
the Perizzites and of the Rephaim, since
land, saying, “Go walk through the land,
the hill country of Ephraim is too narrow
survey it, and come again to me. I will
for you.”
cast lots for you here before the LORD in
16 The children of Joseph said, “The hill
country is not enough for us. All the 9 The men went and passed through the
Canaanites who dwell in the land of the land, and surveyed it by cities into seven
valley have chariots of iron, both those portions in a book. They came to Joshua
who are in Beth Shean and its towns, and to the camp at Shiloh. 10 Joshua cast lots
those who are in the valley of Jezreel.”
17 Joshua spoke to the house of Joseph,
for them in Shiloh before the LORD. There
Joshua divided the land to the children of
that is, to Ephraim and to Manasseh, say- Israel according to their divisions.
ing, “You are a numerous people, and 11 The lot of the tribe of the children
have great power. You shall not have one of Benjamin came up according to their
lot only; 18 but the hill country shall be families. The border of their lot went out
yours. Although it is a forest, you shall cut between the children of Judah and the
it down, and it’s farthest extent shall be children of Joseph. 12 Their border on the
Joshua 18:13 223 Joshua 19:21

north quarter was from the Jordan. The children of Benjamin according to their
border went up to the side of Jericho on the families.
north, and went up through the hill coun-
try westward. It ended at the wilderness 19
of Beth Aven. 13 The border passed along 1 The second lot came out for Simeon,
from there to Luz, to the side of Luz (also even for the tribe of the children of Simeon
called Bethel), southward. The border according to their families. Their inheri-
went down to Ataroth Addar, by the moun- tance was in the middle of the inheritance
tain that lies on the south of Beth Horon the of the children of Judah. 2 They had for
lower. 14 The border extended, and turned their inheritance Beersheba (or Sheba),
around on the west quarter southward, Moladah, 3 Hazar Shual, Balah, Ezem,
from the mountain that lies before Beth 4 Eltolad, Bethul, Hormah, 5 Ziklag, Beth
Horon southward; and ended at Kiriath Marcaboth, Hazar Susah, 6 Beth Lebaoth,
Baal (also called Kiriath Jearim), a city of and Sharuhen; thirteen cities with their
the children of Judah. This was the west villages; 7 Ain, Rimmon, Ether, and Ashan;
quarter. 15 The south quarter was from the four cities with their villages; 8 and all the
farthest part of Kiriath Jearim. The border villages that were around these cities to
went out westward, and went out to the Baalath Beer, Ramah of the South. This is
spring of the waters of Nephtoah. 16 The the inheritance of the tribe of the children
border went down to the farthest part of of Simeon according to their families. 9 Out
the mountain that lies before the valley of of the part of the children of Judah was the
the son of Hinnom, which is in the valley inheritance of the children of Simeon; for
of Rephaim northward. It went down to the portion of the children of Judah was
the valley of Hinnom, to the side of the too much for them. Therefore the children
Jebusite southward, and went down to En of Simeon had inheritance in the middle of
Rogel. 17 It extended northward, went out their inheritance.
10 The third lot came up for the chil-
at En Shemesh, and went out to Geliloth,
which is opposite the ascent of Adummim. dren of Zebulun according to their fami-
It went down to the stone of Bohan the son lies. The border of their inheritance was
of Reuben. 18 It passed along to the side to Sarid. 11 Their border went up west-
opposite the Arabah northward, and went ward, even to Maralah, and reached to
down to the Arabah. 19 The border passed Dabbesheth. It reached to the brook that
is before Jokneam. 12 It turned from Sarid
along to the side of Beth Hoglah north- eastward toward the sunrise to the bor-
ward; and the border ended at the north der of Chisloth Tabor. It went out to
bay of the Salt Sea, at the south end of the Daberath, and went up to Japhia. 13 From
Jordan. This was the south border. 20 The there it passed along eastward to Gath
Jordan was its border on the east quarter. Hepher, to Ethkazin; and it went out at
This was the inheritance of the children Rimmon which stretches to Neah. 14 The
of Benjamin, by the borders around it, ac- border turned around it on the north to
cording to their families. 21 Now the cities Hannathon; and it ended at the valley of
of the tribe of the children of Benjamin ac- Iphtah El; 15 Kattath, Nahalal, Shimron,
cording to their families were Jericho, Beth Idalah, and Bethlehem: twelve cities with
Hoglah, Emek Keziz, 22 Beth Arabah, Ze- their villages. 16 This is the inheritance of
maraim, Bethel, 23 Avvim, Parah, Ophrah, the children of Zebulun according to their
24 Chephar Ammoni, Ophni, and Geba; families, these cities with their villages.
twelve cities with their villages. 25 Gibeon, 17 The fourth lot came out for Is-
Ramah, Beeroth, 26 Mizpeh, Chephirah, sachar, even for the children of Issachar
Mozah, 27 Rekem, Irpeel, Taralah, 28 Zelah, according to their families. 18 Their

Eleph, the Jebusite (also called Jerusalem), border was to Jezreel, Chesulloth,
Gibeath, and Kiriath; fourteen cities with Shunem, 19 Hapharaim, Shion, Anaharath,
20 Rabbith, Kishion, Ebez, 21 Remeth,
their villages. This is the inheritance of the
Engannim, En Haddah, and Beth Pazzez.
Joshua 19:22 224 Joshua 20:6

22 The border reached to Tabor, Sha- 45 Jehud, Bene Berak, Gath Rimmon, 46 Me
hazumah, and Beth Shemesh. Their Jarkon, and Rakkon, with the border oppo-
border ended at the Jordan: sixteen site Joppa. 47 The border of the children of
cities with their villages. 23 This is the Dan went out beyond them; for the chil-
inheritance of the tribe of the children of dren of Dan went up and fought against
Issachar according to their families, the Leshem, and took it, and struck it with
cities with their villages. the edge of the sword, and possessed it,
24 The fifth lot came out for the tribe of and lived therein, and called Leshem, Dan,
the children of Asher according to their after the name of Dan their forefather.
families. 25 Their border was Helkath, 48 This is the inheritance of the tribe of the
Hali, Beten, Achshaph, 26 Allammelech, children of Dan according to their families,
Amad, Mishal. It reached to Carmel west- these cities with their villages.
ward, and to Shihorlibnath. 27 It turned 49 So they finished distributing the
toward the sunrise to Beth Dagon, and land for inheritance by its borders. The
reached to Zebulun, and to the valley of children of Israel gave an inheritance
Iphtah El northward to Beth Emek and to Joshua the son of Nun among them.
Neiel. It went out to Cabul on the left 50 According to the LORD’s commandment,
hand, 28 and Ebron, Rehob, Hammon, they gave him the city which he asked,
and Kanah, even to great Sidon. 29 The even Timnathserah in the hill country of
border turned to Ramah, to the fortified Ephraim; and he built the city, and lived
city of Tyre; and the border turned to
there. 51 These are the inheritances, which
Hosah. It ended at the sea by the region Eleazar the priest, Joshua the son of Nun,
of Achzib; 30 Ummah also, and Aphek, and and the heads of the fathers’ houses of the
Rehob: twenty-two cities with their vil- tribes of the children of Israel, distributed
lages. 31 This is the inheritance of the tribe for inheritance by lot in Shiloh before the
of the children of Asher according to their LORD, at the door of the Tent of Meeting.
families, these cities with their villages. So they finished dividing the land.
32 The sixth lot came out for the children
of Naphtali, even for the children of Naph-
tali according to their families. 33 Their
1The LORD spoke to Joshua, saying,
border was from Heleph, from the oak in 2 “Speak to the children of Israel, saying,
Zaanannim, Adami-nekeb, and Jabneel, to
‘Assign the cities of refuge, of which I spoke
Lakkum. It ended at the Jordan. 34 The bor-
der turned westward to Aznoth Tabor, and to you by Moses, 3 that the man slayer
went out from there to Hukkok. It reached who kills any person accidentally or un-
to Zebulun on the south, and reached to intentionally may flee there. They shall
Asher on the west, and to Judah at the be to you for a refuge from the avenger
Jordan toward the sunrise. 35 The forti- of blood. 4 He shall flee to one of those
fied cities were Ziddim, Zer, Hammath, cities, and shall stand at the entrance of
Rakkath, Chinnereth, 36 Adamah, Ramah, the gate of the city, and declare his case
Hazor, 37 Kedesh, Edrei, En Hazor, 38 Iron, in the ears of the elders of that city. They
Migdal El, Horem, Beth Anath, and Beth shall take him into the city with them, and
Shemesh; nineteen cities with their vil- give him a place, that he may live among
lages. 39 This is the inheritance of the tribe them. 5 If the avenger of blood pursues
of the children of Naphtali according to him, then they shall not deliver up the man
their families, the cities with their villages. slayer into his hand; because he struck his
40 The seventh lot came out for the neighbor unintentionally, and didn’t hate
tribe of the children of Dan according to him before. 6 He shall dwell in that city
their families. 41 The border of their in- until he stands before the congregation for
heritance was Zorah, Eshtaol, Irshemesh, judgment, until the death of the high priest
42 Shaalabbin, Aijalon, Ithlah, 43 Elon, Tim- that shall be in those days. Then the man
nah, Ekron, 44 Eltekeh, Gibbethon, Baalath, slayer shall return, and come to his own
Joshua 20:7 225 Joshua 21:27

city, and to his own house, to the city he commanded by Moses. 9 They gave out
fled from.’ ” of the tribe of the children of Judah, and
7 They set apart Kedesh in Galilee in the
out of the tribe of the children of Simeon,
hill country of Naphtali, Shechem in the these cities which are mentioned by name:
hill country of Ephraim, and Kiriath Arba 10 and they were for the children of Aaron,
(also called Hebron) in the hill country of of the families of the Kohathites, who were
Judah. 8 Beyond the Jordan at Jericho east- of the children of Levi; for theirs was the
ward, they assigned Bezer in the wilder- first lot. 11 They gave them Kiriath Arba,
ness in the plain out of the tribe of Reuben, named after the father of Anak (also called
Ramoth in Gilead out of the tribe of Gad, Hebron), in the hill country of Judah, with
and Golan in Bashan out of the tribe of its pasture lands around it. 12 But they
Manasseh. 9 These were the appointed gave the fields of the city and its villages
cities for all the children of Israel, and to Caleb the son of Jephunneh for his pos-
for the alien who lives among them, that session. 13 To the children of Aaron the
whoever kills any person unintentionally priest they gave Hebron with its pasture
might flee there, and not die by the hand of lands, the city of refuge for the man slayer,
the avenger of blood, until he stands trial Libnah with its pasture lands, 14 Jattir with
before the congregation. its pasture lands, Eshtemoa with its pas-
ture lands, 15 Holon with its pasture lands,
21 Debir with its pasture lands, 16 Ain with
1 Then the heads of fathers’ houses of its pasture lands, Juttah with its pasture
the Levites came near to Eleazar the priest, lands, and Beth Shemesh with its pasture
and to Joshua the son of Nun, and to the lands: nine cities out of those two tribes.
heads of fathers’ houses of the tribes of the 17 Out of the tribe of Benjamin, Gibeon
children of Israel. 2 They spoke to them with its pasture lands, Geba with its pas-
at Shiloh in the land of Canaan, saying, ture lands, 18 Anathoth with its pasture
“The LORD commanded through Moses to lands, and Almon with its pasture lands:
give us cities to dwell in, with their pasture four cities. 19 All the cities of the children
lands for our livestock.” of Aaron, the priests, were thirteen cities
3 The children of Israel gave to the
with their pasture lands.
Levites out of their inheritance, according 20 The families of the children of Kohath,
to the commandment of the LORD, these the Levites, even the rest of the children
cities with their pasture lands. 4 The lot of Kohath, had the cities of their lot out of
came out for the families of the Kohathites. the tribe of Ephraim. 21 They gave them
The children of Aaron the priest, who were
of the Levites, had thirteen cities by lot Shechem with its pasture lands in the hill
out of the tribe of Judah, out of the tribe country of Ephraim, the city of refuge for
the man slayer, and Gezer with its pasture
of the Simeonites, and out of the tribe of
Benjamin. 5 The rest of the children of lands, 22 Kibzaim with its pasture lands,
Kohath had ten cities by lot out of the and Beth Horon with its pasture lands:
families of the tribe of Ephraim, out of the four cities. 23 Out of the tribe of Dan, Elteke
tribe of Dan, and out of the half-tribe of with its pasture lands, Gibbethon with its
Manasseh. 6 The children of Gershon had pasture lands, 24 Aijalon with its pasture
thirteen cities by lot out of the families of lands, Gath Rimmon with its pasture lands:
the tribe of Issachar, out of the tribe of four cities. 25 Out of the half-tribe of Man-
Asher, out of the tribe of Naphtali, and out asseh, Taanach with its pasture lands, and
of the half-tribe of Manasseh in Bashan. Gath Rimmon with its pasture lands: two
7 The children of Merari according to their cities. 26 All the cities of the families of
families had twelve cities out of the tribe the rest of the children of Kohath were ten
of Reuben, out of the tribe of Gad, and out with their pasture lands.
of the tribe of Zebulun. 8 The children of 27 They gave to the children of Gershon,
Israel gave these cities with their pasture of the families of the Levites, out of the
lands by lot to the Levites, as the LORD half-tribe of Manasseh Golan in Bashan
Joshua 21:28 226 Joshua 22:10

with its pasture lands, the city of refuge for of any good thing which the LORD had
the man slayer, and Be Eshterah with its spoken to the house of Israel. All came to
pasture lands: two cities. 28 Out of the tribe pass.
of Issachar, Kishion with its pasture lands,
Daberath with its pasture lands, 29 Jarmuth
with its pasture lands, En Gannim with
1 Then Joshua called the Reubenites, the
its pasture lands: four cities. 30 Out of Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh,
the tribe of Asher, Mishal with its pas- 2 and said to them, “You have kept all
ture lands, Abdon with its pasture lands, that Moses the servant of the LORD com-
31 Helkath with its pasture lands, and Re-
manded you, and have listened to my voice
hob with its pasture lands: four cities. in all that I commanded you. 3 You have
32 Out of the tribe of Naphtali, Kedesh in
not left your brothers these many days to
Galilee with its pasture lands, the city of this day, but have performed the duty of
refuge for the man slayer, Hammothdor the commandment of the LORD your God.
with its pasture lands, and Kartan with its 4 Now the LORD your God has given rest to
pasture lands: three cities. 33 All the cities your brothers, as he spoke to them. There-
of the Gershonites according to their fami- fore now return and go to your tents, to the
lies were thirteen cities with their pasture land of your possession, which Moses the
lands. servant of the LORD gave you beyond the
34 To the families of the children of Mer-
Jordan. 5 Only take diligent heed to do the
ari, the rest of the Levites, out of the tribe of
Zebulun, Jokneam with its pasture lands, commandment and the law which Moses
the servant of the LORD commanded you,
Kartah with its pasture lands, 35 Dimnah to love the LORD your God, to walk in all
with its pasture lands, and Nahalal with his ways, to keep his commandments, to
its pasture lands: four cities. 36 Out of hold fast to him, and to serve him with all
the tribe of Reuben, Bezer with its pas- your heart and with all your soul.”
ture lands, Jahaz with its pasture lands, 6 So Joshua blessed them, and sent them
37 Kedemoth with its pasture lands, and
away; and they went to their tents. 7 Now
Mephaath with its pasture lands: four
to the one half-tribe of Manasseh Moses
cities. 38 Out of the tribe of Gad, Ramoth had given inheritance in Bashan; but
in Gilead with its pasture lands, the city of Joshua gave to the other half among their
refuge for the man slayer, and Mahanaim brothers beyond the Jordan westward.
with its pasture lands, 39 Heshbon with its Moreover when Joshua sent them away to
pasture lands, Jazer with its pasture lands: their tents, he blessed them, 8 and spoke to
four cities in all. 40 All these were the cities them, saying, “Return with much wealth
of the children of Merari according to their
to your tents, with very much livestock,
families, even the rest of the families of the
Levites. Their lot was twelve cities. with silver, with gold, with bronze, with
41 All the cities of the Levites among the iron, and with very much clothing. Divide
possessions of the children of Israel were the plunder of your enemies with your
forty-eight cities with their pasture lands. brothers.”
42 Each of these cities included their pas- 9 The children of Reuben and the chil-

ture lands around them. It was this way dren of Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh
returned, and departed from the children
with all these cities.
43 So the LORD gave to Israel all the land of Israel out of Shiloh, which is in the land
which he swore to give to their fathers. of Canaan, to go to the land of Gilead, to
They possessed it, and lived in it. 44 The the land of their possession, which they
LORD gave them rest all around, according owned, according to the commandment of
to all that he swore to their fathers. Not the LORD by Moses. 10 When they came
a man of all their enemies stood before to the region near the Jordan, that is in
them. The LORD delivered all their en- the land of Canaan, the children of Reuben
emies into their hand. 45 Nothing failed and the children of Gad and the half-tribe
Joshua 22:11 227 Joshua 22:31

of the thousands of Israel, 22 “The Mighty

of Manasseh built an altar there by the Jor-
One, God, the LORD, the Mighty One,
dan, a great altar to look at. 11 The children
of Israel heard this, “Behold, the childrenGod, the LORD, he knows; and Israel shall
of Reuben and the children of Gad and the know: if it was in rebellion, or if in trespass
half-tribe of Manasseh have built an altar against the LORD (don’t save us today),
along the border of the land of Canaan, 23 that we have built us an altar to turn
in the region around the Jordan, on the away from following the LORD; or if to
side that belongs to the children of Israel.”
offer burnt offering or meal offering, or if
12 When the children of Israel heard of
to offer sacrifices of peace offerings, let the
it, the whole congregation of the children LORD himself require it.
of Israel gathered themselves together at 24 “If we have not out of concern done
Shiloh, to go up against them to war. 13 The
this, and for a reason, saying, ‘In time to
children of Israel sent to the children of come your children might speak to our
Reuben, and to the children of Gad, and to children, saying, “What have you to do
the half-tribe of Manasseh, into the land
of Gilead, Phinehas the son of Eleazar the with the LORD, the God of Israel? 25 For
priest. 14 With him were ten princes, one the LORD has made the Jordan a border be-
prince of a fathers’ house for each of the tween us and you, you children of Reuben
and children of Gad. You have no por-
tribes of Israel; and they were each head of
their fathers’ houses among the thousands tion in the LORD.” ’ So your children might
of Israel. 15 They came to the children of make our children cease from fearing the
Reuben, and to the children of Gad, and to 26 “Therefore we said, ‘Let’s now prepare
the half-tribe of Manasseh, to the land of
Gilead, and they spoke with them, saying, to build ourselves an altar, not for burnt
16 “The whole congregation of the LORD offering, nor for sacrifice; 27 but it will be a
says, ‘What trespass is this that you have witness between us and you, and between
committed against the God of Israel, to our generations after us, that we may per-
turn away today from following the LORD, form the service of the LORD before him
with our burnt offerings, with our sacri-
in that you have built yourselves an altar,
fices, and with our peace offerings;’ that
to rebel today against the LORD? 17 Is the your children may not tell our children in
iniquity of Peor too little for us, from which
time to come, ‘You have no portion in the
we have not cleansed ourselves to this day,LORD.’
although there came a plague on the con- 28 “Therefore we said, ‘It shall be, when
gregation of the LORD, 18 that you must they tell us or our generations this in time
turn away today from following the LORD? to come, that we shall say, “Behold the
It will be, since you rebel today against pattern of the LORD’s altar, which our fa-
the LORD, that tomorrow he will be an- thers made, not for burnt offering, nor for
gry with the whole congregation of Israel. sacrifice; but it is a witness between us and
19 However, if the land of your possession
you.” ’
is unclean, then pass over to the land of 29 “Far be it from us that we should rebel
the possession of the LORD, in which the against the LORD, and turn away today
LORD’s tabernacle dwells, and take posses- from following the LORD, to build an altar
sion among us; but don’t rebel against the for burnt offering, for meal offering, or for
LORD, nor rebel against us, in building an sacrifice, besides the LORD our God’s altar
altar other than the LORD our God’s altar. that is before his tabernacle!”
20 Didn’t Achan the son of Zerah commit a 30 When Phinehas the priest, and the
trespass in the devoted thing, and wrath
princes of the congregation, even the
fell on all the congregation of Israel? That
heads of the thousands of Israel that were
man didn’t perish alone in his iniquity.’ ”with him, heard the words that the chil-
21 Then the children of Reuben and the dren of Reuben and the children of Gad
children of Gad and the half-tribe of Man- and the children of Manasseh spoke, it
asseh answered, and spoke to the heads pleased them well. 31 Phinehas the son
Joshua 22:32 228 Joshua 24:2

of Eleazar the priest said to the children them; 8 but hold fast to the LORD your God,
of Reuben, to the children of Gad, and to as you have done to this day.
the children of Manasseh, “Today we know 9 “For the LORD has driven great and
that the LORD is among us, because you strong nations out from before you. But
have not committed this trespass against as for you, no man has stood before you
the LORD. Now you have delivered the to this day. 10 One man of you shall chase
children of Israel out of the LORD’s hand.” a thousand; for it is the LORD your God
32 Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest,
who fights for you, as he spoke to you.
and the princes, returned from the chil- 11 Take good heed therefore to yourselves,
dren of Reuben, and from the children of that you love the LORD your God.
Gad, out of the land of Gilead, to the land 12 “But if you do at all go back, and hold
of Canaan, to the children of Israel, and
brought them word again. 33 The thing fast to the remnant of these nations, even
these who remain among you, and make
pleased the children of Israel; and the
marriages with them, and go in to them,
children of Israel blessed God, and spoke
and they to you; 13 know for a certainty
no more of going up against them to war,
that the LORD your God will no longer
to destroy the land in which the children
drive these nations from out of your sight;
of Reuben and the children of Gad lived.
34 The children of Reuben and the chil- but they shall be a snare and a trap to you,
dren of Gad named the altar “A Witness a scourge in your sides, and thorns in your
Between Us that the LORD is God.” eyes, until you perish from off this good
land which the LORD your God has given
23 you.
14 “Behold, today I am going the way of
1 After many days, when the LORD had
given rest to Israel from their enemies all the earth. You know in all your hearts
all around, and Joshua was old and well and in all your souls that not one thing
advanced in years, 2 Joshua called for all has failed of all the good things which the
Israel, for their elders and for their heads, LORD your God spoke concerning you. All
and for their judges and for their officers, have happened to you. Not one thing has
and said to them, “I am old and well ad- failed of it. 15 It shall happen that as all the
vanced in years. 3 You have seen all that good things have come on you of which the
the LORD your God has done to all these LORD your God spoke to you, so the LORD
nations because of you; for it is the LORD will bring on you all the evil things, until
your God who has fought for you. 4 Behold, he has destroyed you from off this good
I have allotted to you these nations that re- land which the LORD your God has given
main, to be an inheritance for your tribes, you, 16 when you disobey the covenant of
from the Jordan, with all the nations that I the LORD your God, which he commanded
have cut off, even to the great sea toward you, and go and serve other gods, and bow
the going down of the sun. 5 The LORD down yourselves to them. Then the LORD’s
your God will thrust them out from before anger will be kindled against you, and you
you, and drive them from out of your sight. will perish quickly from off the good land
You shall possess their land, as the LORD which he has given to you.”
your God spoke to you.
6 “Therefore be very courageous to keep
1 Joshua
and to do all that is written in the book gathered all the tribes of Israel
of the law of Moses, that you not turn to Shechem, and called for the elders of
away from it to the right hand or to the Israel, for their heads, for their judges,
left; 7 that you not come among these na- and for their officers; and they presented
tions, these that remain among you; nei- themselves before God. 2 Joshua said to
ther make mention of the name of their all the people, “The LORD, the God of Is-
gods, nor cause to swear by them, neither rael, says, ‘Your fathers lived of old time
serve them, nor bow down yourselves to beyond the River, even Terah, the father of
Joshua 24:3 229 Joshua 24:27

Abraham, and the father of Nahor. They beyond the River, in Egypt; and serve the
served other gods. 3 I took your father LORD. 15 If it seems evil to you to serve
Abraham from beyond the River, and led the LORD, choose today whom you will
him throughout all the land of Canaan, and serve; whether the gods which your fa-
multiplied his offspring,† and gave him thers served that were beyond the River,
Isaac. 4 I gave to Isaac Jacob and Esau: or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land
and I gave to Esau Mount Seir, to possess you dwell; but as for me and my house, we
it. Jacob and his children went down into will serve the LORD.”
Egypt. 16 The people answered, “Far be it from
5 “ ‘I sent Moses and Aaron, and I plagued us that we should forsake the LORD, to
Egypt, according to that which I did among serve other gods; 17 for it is the LORD our
them: and afterward I brought you out. 6 I God who brought us and our fathers up
brought your fathers out of Egypt: and you out of the land of Egypt, from the house
came to the sea. The Egyptians pursued of bondage, and who did those great signs
your fathers with chariots and with horse- in our sight, and preserved us in all the
men to the Red Sea. 7 When they cried out way in which we went, and among all the
to the LORD, he put darkness between you peoples through the middle of whom we
and the Egyptians, and brought the sea on passed. 18 The LORD drove out from before
them, and covered them; and your eyes us all the peoples, even the Amorites who
saw what I did in Egypt. You lived in the lived in the land. Therefore we also will
serve the LORD; for he is our God.”
wilderness many days. 19 Joshua said to the people, “You can’t
8 “ ‘I brought you into the land of the
serve the LORD, for he is a holy God. He is
Amorites, that lived beyond the Jordan. a jealous God. He will not forgive your dis-
They fought with you, and I gave them obedience nor your sins. 20 If you forsake
into your hand. You possessed their land, the LORD, and serve foreign gods, then he
and I destroyed them from before you. will turn and do you evil, and consume
9 Then Balak the son of Zippor, king of
you, after he has done you good.”
Moab, arose and fought against Israel. He 21 The people said to Joshua, “No, but
sent and called Balaam the son of Beor we will serve the LORD.” 22 Joshua said
to curse you, 10 but I would not listen to
to the people, “You are witnesses against
Balaam; therefore he blessed you still. So
yourselves that you have chosen the LORD
I delivered you out of his hand.
yourselves, to serve him.”
11 “ ‘You went over the Jordan, and came
They said, “We are witnesses.”
to Jericho. The men of Jericho fought 23 “Now therefore put away the foreign
against you, the Amorite, the Perizzite, gods which are among you, and incline
the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Girgashite, your heart to the LORD, the God of Israel.”
the Hivite, and the Jebusite; and I deliv- 24 The people said to Joshua, “We will
ered them into your hand. 12 I sent the
serve the LORD our God, and we will listen
hornet before you, which drove them out to his voice.”
from before you, even the two kings of the 25 So Joshua made a covenant with the
Amorites; not with your sword, nor with people that day, and made for them a
your bow. 13 I gave you a land on which statute and an ordinance in Shechem.
you had not labored, and cities which you 26 Joshua wrote these words in the book
didn’t build, and you live in them. You eat of the law of God; and he took a great
of vineyards and olive groves which you stone, and set it up there under the oak
didn’t plant.’ that was by the sanctuary of the LORD.
14 “Now therefore fear the LORD, and 27 Joshua said to all the people, “Behold,
serve him in sincerity and in truth. Put this stone shall be a witness against us, for
away the gods which your fathers served it has heard all the LORD’s words which he
† 24:3 or, seed
Joshua 24:28 230 Joshua 24:33

spoke to us. It shall be therefore a witness

against you, lest you deny your God.” 28 So
Joshua sent the people away, each to his
own inheritance.
29 After these things, Joshua the son of
Nun, the servant of the LORD, died, be-
ing one hundred ten years old. 30 They
buried him in the border of his inheri-
tance in Timnathserah, which is in the hill
country of Ephraim, on the north of the
mountain of Gaash. 31 Israel served the
LORD all the days of Joshua, and all the
days of the elders who outlived Joshua,
and had known all the work of the LORD,
that he had worked for Israel. 32 They
buried the bones of Joseph, which the chil-
dren of Israel brought up out of Egypt, in
Shechem, in the parcel of ground which
Jacob bought from the sons of Hamor the
father of Shechem for a hundred pieces of
silver.‡ They became the inheritance of the
children of Joseph. 33 Eleazar the son of
Aaron died. They buried him in the hill of
Phinehas his son, which was given him in
the hill country of Ephraim.

‡ 24:32 Hebrew: kesitahs. A kesitah was a kind of silver coin.

Judges 1:1 231 Judges 1:26

younger brother, took it, so he gave him

Achsah his daughter as his wife.
The Book of 14 When she came, she got him to ask her
Judges father for a field. She got off her donkey;
and Caleb said to her, “What would you
1 After the death of Joshua, the chil- like?”
dren of Israel asked of the LORD,† saying, 15 She said to him, “Give me a blessing;
“Who should go up for us first against the because you have set me in the land of the
Canaanites, to fight against them?” South, give me also springs of water.” Then
2 The LORD said, “Judah shall go up. Caleb gave her the upper springs and the
Behold,‡ I have delivered the land into his lower springs. 16 The children of the Ken-
hand.” ite, Moses’ brother-in-law, went up out of
3 Judah said to Simeon his brother, the city of palm trees with the children of
“Come up with me into my lot, that we may Judah into the wilderness of Judah, which
fight against the Canaanites; and I likewise is in the south of Arad; and they went and
will go with you into your lot.” So Simeon lived with the people. 17 Judah went with
went with him. 4 Judah went up, and the Simeon his brother, and they struck the
LORD delivered the Canaanites and the Canaanites who inhabited Zephath, and
Perizzites into their hand. They struck utterly destroyed it. The name of the
ten thousand men in Bezek. 5 They found city was called Hormah. 18 Also Judah
Adoni-Bezek in Bezek, and they fought took Gaza with its border, and Ashkelon
against him. They struck the Canaanites with its border, and Ekron with its border.
19 The LORD was with Judah, and drove
and the Perizzites. 6 But Adoni-Bezek fled.
They pursued him, caught him, and cut off out the inhabitants of the hill country; for
his thumbs and his big toes. 7 Adoni-Bezek he could not drive out the inhabitants of
said, “Seventy kings, having their thumbs the valley, because they had chariots of
and their big toes cut off, scavenged under iron. 20 They gave Hebron to Caleb, as
my table. As I have done, so God§ has done Moses had said, and he drove the three
to me.” They brought him to Jerusalem, sons of Anak out of there. 21 The children
of Benjamin didn’t drive out the Jebusites
and he died there. 8 The children of Judah who inhabited Jerusalem, but the Jebusites
fought against Jerusalem, took it, struck it dwell with the children of Benjamin in
with the edge of the sword, and set the city Jerusalem to this day.
on fire.
9 After that, the children of Judah went 22 The house of Joseph also went up
down to fight against the Canaanites who against Bethel, and the LORD was with
lived in the hill country, and in the South, them. 23 The house of Joseph sent to spy
and in the lowland. 10 Judah went against out Bethel. (The name of the city before
the Canaanites who lived in Hebron. (The that was Luz.) 24 The watchers saw a man
name of Hebron before that was Kiriath come out of the city, and they said to him,
Arba.) They struck Sheshai, Ahiman, and “Please show us the entrance into the city,
Talmai. and we will deal kindly with you.” 25 He
11 From there he went against the inhab- showed them the entrance into the city,
itants of Debir. (The name of Debir before and they struck the city with the edge of
that was Kiriath Sepher.) 12 Caleb said, “I the sword; but they let the man and all his
will give Achsah my daughter as wife to the family go. 26 The man went into the land of
man who strikes Kiriath Sepher, and takes the Hittites, built a city, and called its name
it.” 13 Othniel the son of Kenaz, Caleb’s Luz, which is its name to this day.
† 1:1 When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, “LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name. ‡ 1:2
“Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection. § 1:7
The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim).
Judges 1:27 232 Judges 2:17

27Manasseh didn’t drive out the inhab- in your sides, and their gods will be a snare
itants of Beth Shean and its towns, nor to you.’ ”
Taanach and its towns, nor the inhabi- 4 When the LORD’s angel spoke these
tants of Dor and its towns, nor the inhab- words to all the children of Israel, the peo-
itants of Ibleam and its towns, nor the ple lifted up their voice and wept. 5 They
inhabitants of Megiddo and its towns; but
called the name of that place Bochim,† and
the Canaanites would dwell in that land.
28 When Israel had grown strong, they they sacrificed there to the LORD. 6 Now
put the Canaanites to forced labor, and when Joshua had sent the people away, the
didn’t utterly drive them out. 29 Ephraim children of Israel each went to his inher-
itance to possess the land. 7 The people
didn’t drive out the Canaanites who lived
in Gezer, but the Canaanites lived in Gezer served the LORD all the days of Joshua,
among them. 30 Zebulun didn’t drive out and all the days of the elders who out-
the inhabitants of Kitron, nor the inhabi- lived Joshua, who had seen all the great
tants of Nahalol; but the Canaanites lived work of the LORD that he had worked
among them, and became subject to forced for Israel. 8 Joshua the son of Nun, the
labor. 31 Asher didn’t drive out the in- servant of the LORD, died, being one hun-
habitants of Acco, nor the inhabitants of dred ten years old. 9 They buried him
Sidon, nor of Ahlab, nor of Achzib, nor of in the border of his inheritance in Tim-
Helbah, nor of Aphik, nor of Rehob; 32 but nath Heres, in the hill country of Ephraim,
the Asherites lived among the Canaanites, on the north of the mountain of Gaash.
10 After all that generation were gathered
the inhabitants of the land, for they didn’t
drive them out. 33 Naphtali didn’t drive to their fathers, another generation arose
out the inhabitants of Beth Shemesh, nor after them who didn’t know the LORD, nor
the inhabitants of Beth Anath; but he lived the work which he had done for Israel.
11 The children of Israel did that which was
among the Canaanites, the inhabitants of evil in the LORD’s sight, and served the
the land. Nevertheless the inhabitants of Baals. 12 They abandoned the LORD, the
Beth Shemesh and of Beth Anath became
subject to forced labor. 34 The Amorites God of their fathers, who brought them
forced the children of Dan into the hill out of the land of Egypt, and followed
country, for they would not allow them other gods, of the gods of the peoples who
to come down to the valley; 35 but the were around them, and bowed themselves
Amorites would dwell in Mount Heres, in down to them; and they provoked the
Aijalon, and in Shaalbim. Yet the hand of LORD to anger. 13 They abandoned the
the house of Joseph prevailed, so that they LORD, and served Baal and the Ashtaroth.
14 The LORD’s anger burned against Israel,
became subject to forced labor. 36 The bor-
der of the Amorites was from the ascent of and he delivered them into the hands of
Akrabbim, from the rock, and upward. raiders who plundered them. He sold
them into the hands of their enemies all
around, so that they could no longer stand
2 before their enemies. 15 Wherever they
1 The LORD’s angel came up from Gil- went out, the LORD’s hand was against
gal to Bochim. He said, “I brought you them for evil, as the LORD had spoken, and
out of Egypt, and have brought you to the as the LORD had sworn to them; and they
land which I swore to give your fathers. were very distressed. 16 The LORD raised
I said, ‘I will never break my covenant up judges, who saved them out of the hand
with you. 2 You shall make no covenant of those who plundered them. 17 Yet they
with the inhabitants of this land. You shall didn’t listen to their judges; for they prosti-
break down their altars.’ But you have not tuted themselves to other gods, and bowed
listened to my voice. Why have you done themselves down to them. They quickly
this? 3 Therefore I also said, ‘I will not drive turned away from the way in which their
them out from before you; but they shall be fathers walked, obeying the LORD’s com-
† 2:5 “Bochim” means “weepers”.
Judges 2:18 233 Judges 3:21

mandments. They didn’t do so. 18 When their God, and served the Baals and the
the LORD raised up judges for them, then Asheroth. 8 Therefore the LORD’s anger
the LORD was with the judge, and saved burned against Israel, and he sold them
them out of the hand of their enemies all into the hand of Cushan Rishathaim king
the days of the judge; for it grieved the of Mesopotamia; and the children of Israel
LORD because of their groaning by reason served Cushan Rishathaim eight years.
of those who oppressed them and troubled 9 When the children of Israel cried to the
them. 19 But when the judge was dead, they LORD, the LORD raised up a savior to the
turned back, and dealt more corruptly children of Israel, who saved them, even
than their fathers in following other gods Othniel the son of Kenaz, Caleb’s younger
to serve them and to bow down to them. brother. 10 The LORD’s Spirit came on
They didn’t cease what they were doing, him, and he judged Israel; and he went
or give up their stubborn ways. 20 The out to war, and the LORD delivered Cushan
LORD’s anger burned against Israel; and Rishathaim king of Mesopotamia into his
he said, “Because this nation transgressed hand. His hand prevailed against Cushan
my covenant which I commanded their Rishathaim. 11 The land had rest forty
fathers, and has not listened to my voice, years, then Othniel the son of Kenaz died.
21 I also will no longer drive out any of the 12 The children of Israel again did that
nations that Joshua left when he died from which was evil in the LORD’s sight, and
before them; 22 that by them I may test the LORD strengthened Eglon the king
Israel, to see if they will keep the LORD’s of Moab against Israel, because they had
way to walk therein, as their fathers kept done that which was evil in the LORD’s
it, or not.” 23 So the LORD left those nations, sight. 13 He gathered the children of Am-
without driving them out hastily. He didn’t mon and Amalek to himself; and he went
deliver them into Joshua’s hand. and struck Israel, and they possessed the
city of palm trees. 14 The children of Israel
3 served Eglon the king of Moab eighteen
1Now these are the nations which the years. 15 But when the children of Israel
LORD left, to test Israel by them, even cried to the LORD, the LORD raised up a
as many as had not known all the wars savior for them: Ehud the son of Gera,
of Canaan; 2 only that the generations the Benjamite, a left-handed man. The
of the children of Israel might know, children of Israel sent tribute by him to
to teach them war, at least those who Eglon the king of Moab. 16 Ehud made
knew nothing of it before: 3 the five himself a sword which had two edges, a
lords of the Philistines, all the Canaan- cubit† in length; and he wore it under his
ites, the Sidonians, and the Hivites who clothing on his right thigh. 17 He offered
lived on Mount Lebanon, from Mount the tribute to Eglon king of Moab. Now
Baal Hermon to the entrance of Hamath. Eglon was a very fat man. 18 When Ehud
4 They were left to test Israel by them, to
had finished offering the tribute, he sent
know whether they would listen to the
away the people who carried the tribute.
LORD’s commandments, which he com- 19 But he himself turned back from the
manded their fathers by Moses. 5 The chil- stone idols that were by Gilgal, and said, “I
dren of Israel lived among the Canaanites, have a secret message for you, O king.”
the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites,
the Hivites, and the Jebusites. 6 They The king said, “Keep silence!” All who
took their daughters to be their wives, stood by him left him.
20 Ehud came to him; and he was sitting
and gave their own daughters to their
sons and served their gods. 7 The chil- by himself alone in the cool upper room.
dren of Israel did that which was evil in Ehud said, “I have a message from God to
the LORD’s sight, and forgot the LORD you.” He arose out of his seat. 21 Ehud
† 3:16 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46
Judges 3:22 234 Judges 4:16

put out his left hand, and took the sword 4 Now Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of
from his right thigh, and thrust it into his Lappidoth, judged Israel at that time. 5 She
body. 22 The handle also went in after the lived under Deborah’s palm tree between
blade; and the fat closed on the blade, for Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of
he didn’t draw the sword out of his body; Ephraim; and the children of Israel came
and it came out behind. 23 Then Ehud went up to her for judgment. 6 She sent and
out onto the porch, and shut the doors of called Barak the son of Abinoam out of
the upper room on him, and locked them. Kedesh Naphtali, and said to him, “Hasn’t
24 After he had gone, his servants came the LORD, the God of Israel, commanded,
and saw that the doors of the upper room ‘Go and lead the way to Mount Tabor, and
were locked. They said, “Surely he is cov- take with you ten thousand men of the
ering his feet‡ in the upper room.” 25 They children of Naphtali and of the children of
waited until they were ashamed; and be- Zebulun? 7 I will draw to you, to the river
hold, he didn’t open the doors of the upper Kishon, Sisera, the captain of Jabin’s army,
room. Therefore they took the key and with his chariots and his multitude; and I
opened them, and behold, their lord had will deliver him into your hand.’ ”
fallen down dead on the floor. 8 Barak said to her, “If you will go with
26 Ehud escaped while they waited,
me, then I will go; but if you will not go with
passed beyond the stone idols, and es- me, I will not go.”
caped to Seirah. 27 When he had come, 9 She said, “I will surely go with you.
he blew a trumpet in the hill country of Nevertheless, the journey that you take
Ephraim; and the children of Israel went won’t be for your honor; for the LORD will
down with him from the hill country, and sell Sisera into a woman’s hand.” Deborah
he led them. arose, and went with Barak to Kedesh.
28 He said to them, “Follow me; for
10 Barak called Zebulun and Naphtali
the LORD has delivered your enemies the
Moabites into your hand.” They followed together to Kedesh. Ten thousand men
him, and took the fords of the Jordan followed him; and Deborah went up with
against the Moabites, and didn’t allow any him. 11 Now Heber the Kenite had sepa-
man to pass over. 29 They struck at that rated himself from the Kenites, even from
the children of Hobab, Moses’ brother-in-
time about ten thousand men of Moab, law, and had pitched his tent as far as the
every strong man and every man of valor.
oak in Zaanannim, which is by Kedesh.
No man escaped. 30 So Moab was subdued 12 They told Sisera that Barak the son of
that day under the hand of Israel. Then the
Abinoam had gone up to Mount Tabor.
land had rest eighty years. 13 Sisera gathered together all his chari-
31 After him was Shamgar the son of
ots, even nine hundred chariots of iron,
Anath, who struck six hundred men of the and all the people who were with him,
Philistines with an ox goad. He also saved
from Harosheth of the Gentiles, to the river
Israel. Kishon.
4 14 Deborah said to Barak, “Go; for this is
the day in which the LORD has delivered
1The children of Israel again did that
which was evil in the LORD’s sight, when Sisera into your hand. Hasn’t the LORD
Ehud was dead. 2 The LORD sold them gone out before you?” So Barak went down
into the hand of Jabin king of Canaan, who from Mount Tabor, and ten thousand men
reigned in Hazor; the captain of whose after him. 15 The LORD confused Sisera,
army was Sisera, who lived in Harosheth all his chariots, and all his army, with the
of the Gentiles. 3 The children of Israel edge of the sword before Barak. Sisera
cried to the LORD, for he had nine hundred abandoned his chariot and fled away on
chariots of iron; and he mightily oppressed his feet. 16 But Barak pursued the chariots
the children of Israel for twenty years. and the army to Harosheth of the Gentiles;
‡ 3:24 or, “relieving himself”.
Judges 4:17 235 Judges 5:14

and all the army of Sisera fell by the edge 4 “LORD, when you went out of Seir,
of the sword. There was not a man left. when you marched out of the field of
17 However Sisera fled away on his feet Edom,
to the tent of Jael the wife of Heber the the earth trembled, the sky also dropped.
Kenite; for there was peace between Jabin Yes, the clouds dropped water.
the king of Hazor and the house of Heber 5 The mountains quaked at the LORD’s
the Kenite. 18 Jael went out to meet Sisera, presence,
and said to him, “Turn in, my lord, turn in even Sinai at the presence of the
to me; don’t be afraid.” He came in to her LORD, the God of Israel.
into the tent, and she covered him with a
rug. 6 “In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath,
19 He said to her, “Please give me a little in the days of Jael, the highways were
water to drink; for I am thirsty.” unoccupied.
She opened a container of milk, and gave The travelers walked through byways.
him a drink, and covered him. 7 The rulers ceased in Israel.
20 He said to her, “Stand in the door of the They ceased until I, Deborah, arose;
tent, and if any man comes and inquires of 8 Until I arose a mother in Israel.
you, and says, ‘Is there any man here?’ you They chose new gods.
shall say, ‘No.’ ” Then war was in the gates.
21 Then Jael, Heber’s wife, took a tent Was there a shield or spear seen
peg, and took a hammer in her hand, and 9 among forty thousand in Israel?
went softly to him, and struck the pin into My heart is toward the governors of Is-
his temples, and it pierced through into rael,
the ground, for he was in a deep sleep; so who offered themselves willingly
he fainted and died. 22 Behold, as Barak among the people.
pursued Sisera, Jael came out to meet him, Bless the LORD!
and said to him, “Come, and I will show 10 “Speak, you who ride on white donkeys,
you the man whom you seek.” He came
you who sit on rich carpets,
to her; and behold, Sisera lay dead, and
and you who walk by the way.
the tent peg was in his temples. 23 So God 11
subdued Jabin the king of Canaan before Far from the noise of archers, in the
places of drawing water,
the children of Israel on that day. 24 The there they will rehearse the LORD’s
hand of the children of Israel prevailed righteous acts,
more and more against Jabin the king of the righteous acts of his rule in Israel.
Canaan, until they had destroyed Jabin
king of Canaan. “Then the LORD’s people went down to the
5 12 ‘Awake, awake, Deborah!
1 Then Deborah and Barak the son of Awake, awake, utter a song!
Abinoam sang on that day, saying, Arise, Barak, and lead away your cap-
2 “Because the leaders took the lead in Is- tives, you son of Abinoam.’
because the people offered them- 13 “Then a remnant of the nobles and the
selves willingly, people came down.
be blessed, LORD! The LORD came down for me against
the mighty.
3 “Hear, you kings! 14 Those whose root is in Amalek came out
Give ear, you princes! of Ephraim,
I, even I, will sing to the LORD. after you, Benjamin, among your peo-
I will sing praise to the LORD, the God ples.
of Israel. Governors come down out of Machir.
Judges 5:15 236 Judges 6:6

Those who handle the marshal’s staff Yes, she pierced and struck through
came out of Zebulun. his temples.
15 The princes of Issachar were with Debo-
27 At her feet he bowed, he fell, he lay.
rah. At her feet he bowed, he fell.
As was Issachar, so was Barak.
They rushed into the valley at his feet. Where he bowed, there he fell down
By the watercourses of Reuben,
there were great resolves of heart. 28 “Through the window she looked out,
16 Why did you sit among the sheepfolds?
and cried:
To hear the whistling for the flocks? Sisera’s mother looked through the
At the watercourses of Reuben, lattice.
there were great searchings of heart. ‘Why is his chariot so long in coming?
17 Gilead lived beyond the Jordan. Why do the wheels of his chariots
Why did Dan remain in ships? wait?’
29 Her wise ladies answered her,
Asher sat still at the haven of the sea,
and lived by his creeks. Yes, she returned answer to herself,
18 Zebulun was a people that jeopardized 30 ‘Have they not found, have they not di-
their lives to the death; vided the plunder?
Naphtali also, on the high places of the A lady, two ladies to every man;
field. to Sisera a plunder of dyed garments,
a plunder of dyed garments embroi-
19 “The kings came and fought,
then the kings of Canaan fought at of dyed garments embroidered on
Taanach by the waters of Megiddo. both sides, on the necks of the plun-
They took no plunder of silver. der?’
20 From the sky the stars fought.
From their courses, they fought 31 “So let all your enemies perish, LORD,
against Sisera. but let those who love him be as the
21 The river Kishon swept them away, sun when it rises in its strength.”
that ancient river, the river Kishon.
My soul, march on with strength. Then the land had rest forty years.
22 Then the horse hoofs stamped because
of the prancing, 6
1 The children of Israel did that which
the prancing of their strong ones. was evil in the LORD’s sight, so the LORD
23 ‘Curse Meroz,’ said the LORD’s angel.
delivered them into the hand of Midian
‘Curse bitterly its inhabitants, seven years. 2 The hand of Midian pre-
because they didn’t come to help the vailed against Israel; and because of Mid-
LORD, ian the children of Israel made themselves
to help the LORD against the mighty.’ the dens which are in the mountains, the
caves, and the strongholds. 3 So it was,
24 “Jael shall be blessed above women, when Israel had sown, that the Midianites,
the wife of Heber the Kenite; the Amalekites, and the children of the east
blessed shall she be above women in came up against them. 4 They encamped
the tent. against them, and destroyed the increase
25 He asked for water.
She gave him milk. of the earth, until you come to Gaza. They
She brought him butter in a lordly left no sustenance in Israel, and no sheep,
dish. ox, or donkey. 5 For they came up with
26 She put her hand to the tent peg, their livestock and their tents. They came
and her right hand to the workmen’s in as locusts for multitude. Both they
hammer. and their camels were without number;
With the hammer she struck Sisera. and they came into the land to destroy it.
She struck through his head. 6 Israel was brought very low because of
Judges 6:7 237 Judges 6:29

Midian; and the children of Israel cried to 19 Gideon went in and prepared a young
the LORD. goat and unleavened cakes of an ephah‡ of
7 When the children of Israel cried to the meal. He put the meat in a basket and he
LORD because of Midian, 8 The LORD sent put the broth in a pot, and brought it out to
a prophet to the children of Israel; and he him under the oak, and presented it.
said to them, “The LORD, the God of Israel, 20 The angel of God said to him, “Take the
says, ‘I brought you up from Egypt, and
meat and the unleavened cakes, and lay
brought you out of the house of bondage.
9 I delivered you out of the hand of the them on this rock, and pour out the broth.”
He did so. 21 Then the LORD’s angel
Egyptians and out of the hand of all who
stretched out the end of the staff that was
oppressed you, and drove them out from in his hand, and touched the meat and the
before you, and gave you their land. 10 I unleavened cakes; and fire went up out of
said to you, “I am the LORD your God. You the rock and consumed the meat and the
shall not fear the gods of the Amorites, in unleavened cakes. Then the LORD’s angel
whose land you dwell.” But you have not departed out of his sight.
listened to my voice.’ ” 22 Gideon saw that he was the LORD’s
11 The LORD’s angel came and sat un- angel; and Gideon said, “Alas, Lord GOD!
der the oak which was in Ophrah, that Because I have seen the LORD’s angel face
belonged to Joash the Abiezrite. His son to face!”
23 The LORD said to him, “Peace be to
Gideon was beating out wheat in the wine
press, to hide it from the Midianites. 12 The you! Don’t be afraid. You shall not die.”
24 Then Gideon built an altar there to the
LORD’s angel appeared to him, and said to
him, “The LORD is with you, you mighty LORD, and called it “The LORD is Peace.”§
man of valor!” To this day it is still in Ophrah of the
13 Gideon said to him, “Oh, my lord, if Abiezrites.
25 That same night, the LORD said to him,
the LORD is with us, why then has all this
happened to us? Where are all his won- “Take your father’s bull, even the second
bull seven years old, and throw down the
drous works which our fathers told us of,
saying, ‘Didn’t the LORD bring us up from altar of Baal that your father has, and cut
Egypt?’ But now the LORD has cast us off, down the Asherah that is by it. 26 Then
and delivered us into the hand of Midian.” build an altar to the LORD your God on the
14 The LORD looked at him, and said, “Go top of this stronghold, in an orderly way,
in this your might, and save Israel from the and take the second bull, and offer a burnt
hand of Midian. Haven’t I sent you?” offering with the wood of the Asherah
15 He said to him, “O Lord,† how shall which you shall cut down.”
27 Then Gideon took ten men of his ser-
I save Israel? Behold, my family is the
vants, and did as the LORD had spoken to
poorest in Manasseh, and I am the least in
him. Because he feared his father’s house-
my father’s house.” hold and the men of the city, he could not
16 The LORD said to him, “Surely I will be
do it by day, but he did it by night.
with you, and you shall strike the Midian- 28 When the men of the city arose early
ites as one man.” in the morning, behold, the altar of Baal
17 He said to him, “If now I have found
was broken down, and the Asherah was
favor in your sight, then show me a sign cut down that was by it, and the second
that it is you who talk with me. 18 Please bull was offered on the altar that was built.
don’t go away until I come to you, and 29 They said to one another, “Who has done
bring out my present, and lay it before this thing?”
you.” When they inquired and asked, they
He said, “I will wait until you come said, “Gideon the son of Joash has done this
back.” thing.”
† 6:15 The word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.” ‡ 6:19 1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel § 6:24
or, Shalom
Judges 6:30 238 Judges 7:12

30 Then the men of the city said to Joash,

early and encamped beside the spring of
“Bring out your son, that he may die, be- Harod. Midian’s camp was on the north
cause he has broken down the altar of Baal,side of them, by the hill of Moreh, in the
and because he has cut down the Asherah valley. 2 The LORD said to Gideon, “The
that was by it.” 31 Joash said to all who people who are with you are too many for
stood against him, “Will you contend for me to give the Midianites into their hand,
Baal? Or will you save him? He who will lest Israel brag against me, saying, ‘My
contend for him, let him be put to death byown hand has saved me.’ 3 Now therefore
morning! If he is a god, let him contend proclaim in the ears of the people, saying,
for himself, because someone has broken ‘Whoever is fearful and trembling, let him
down his altar!” 32 Therefore on that day return and depart from Mount Gilead.’ ”
he named him Jerub-Baal,† saying, “Let So twenty-two thousand of the people re-
Baal contend against him, because he has turned, and ten thousand remained.
broken down his altar.” 4 The LORD said to Gideon, “There are
33 Then all the Midianites and the
still too many people. Bring them down
Amalekites and the children of the east to the water, and I will test them for you
assembled themselves together; and they
passed over, and encamped in the valley there. It shall be, that those whom I tell
you, ‘This shall go with you,’ shall go with
of Jezreel. 34 But the LORD’s Spirit came you; and whoever I tell you, ‘This shall
on Gideon, and he blew a trumpet; and
not go with you,’ shall not go.” 5 So he
Abiezer was gathered together to follow brought down the people to the water; and
him. 35 He sent messengers throughout all the LORD said to Gideon, “Everyone who
Manasseh, and they also were gathered to- laps of the water with his tongue, like a dog
gether to follow him. He sent messengers laps, you shall set him by himself; likewise
to Asher, to Zebulun, and to Naphtali; and everyone who bows down on his knees
they came up to meet them.
36 Gideon said to God, “If you will save
to drink.” 6 The number of those who
lapped, putting their hand to their mouth,
Israel by my hand, as you have spoken, was three hundred men; but all the rest of
37 behold, I will put a fleece of wool on the people bowed down on their knees to
the threshing floor. If there is dew on thedrink water. 7 The LORD said to Gideon,
“I will save you by the three hundred men
fleece only, and it is dry on all the ground,
then I’ll know that you will save Israel bywho lapped, and deliver the Midianites
my hand, as you have spoken.” into your hand. Let all the other people go,
each to his own place.”
38 It was so; for he rose up early on the
next day, and pressed the fleece together, 8 So the people took food in their hand,
and wrung the dew out of the fleece, a bowland their trumpets; and he sent all the rest
full of water. of the men of Israel to their own tents, but
39 Gideon said to God, “Don’t let your retained the three hundred men; and the
anger be kindled against me, and I will camp of Midian was beneath him in the
speak but this once. Please let me make a valley. 9 That same night, the LORD said to
him, “Arise, go down into the camp, for I
trial just this once with the fleece. Let it
now be dry only on the fleece, and on all have delivered it into your hand. 10 But if
the ground let there be dew.” you are afraid to go down, go with Purah
your servant down to the camp. 11 You will
40 God did so that night; for it was dry on
the fleece only, and there was dew on all hear what they say; and afterward your
the ground. hands will be strengthened to go down into
the camp.” Then went he down with Purah
7 his servant to the outermost part of the
1 Then Jerubbaal, who is Gideon, and all armed men who were in the camp.
the people who were with him, rose up 12 The Midianites and the Amalekites

† 6:32 “Jerub-Baal” means “Let Baal contend”.

Judges 7:13 239 Judges 8:8

and all the children of the east lay along as far as Beth Shittah toward Zererah, as
in the valley like locusts for multitude; and far as the border of Abel Meholah, by Tab-
their camels were without number, as the bath. 23 The men of Israel were gathered
sand which is on the seashore for multi- together out of Naphtali, out of Asher, and
tude. out of all Manasseh, and pursued Midian.
13 When Gideon had come, behold, there 24 Gideon sent messengers throughout all
was a man telling a dream to his fellow. the hill country of Ephraim, saying, “Come
He said, “Behold, I dreamed a dream; and down against Midian and take the waters
behold, a cake of barley bread tumbled
before them as far as Beth Barah, even the
into the camp of Midian, came to the tent, Jordan!” So all the men of Ephraim were
and struck it so that it fell, and turned it gathered together and took the waters as
upside down, so that the tent lay flat.”
14 His fellow answered, “This is nothing far as Beth Barah, even the Jordan. 25 They
took the two princes of Midian, Oreb and
other than the sword of Gideon the son of Zeeb. They killed Oreb at Oreb’s rock, and
Joash, a man of Israel. God has delivered
Midian into his hand, with all the army.” Zeeb they killed at Zeeb’s wine press, as
15 It was so, when Gideon heard the they pursued Midian. Then they brought
telling of the dream and its interpretation, the heads of Oreb and Zeeb to Gideon be-
yond the Jordan.
that he worshiped. Then he returned into
the camp of Israel and said, “Arise, for the
LORD has delivered the army of Midian 8
into your hand!” 1 Themen of Ephraim said to him, “Why
16 He divided the three hundred men have you treated us this way, that you
into three companies, and he put into the didn’t call us when you went to fight with
hands of all of them trumpets and empty Midian?” They rebuked him sharply. 2 He
pitchers, with torches within the pitchers. said to them, “What have I now done in
17 He said to them, “Watch me, and do comparison with you? Isn’t the gleaning of
likewise. Behold, when I come to the out- the grapes of Ephraim better than the vin-
ermost part of the camp, it shall be that, as tage of Abiezer? 3 God has delivered into
I do, so you shall do. 18 When I blow the your hand the princes of Midian, Oreb and
trumpet, I and all who are with me, then Zeeb! What was I able to do in comparison
blow the trumpets also on every side of all with you?” Then their anger was abated
the camp, and shout, ‘For the LORD and for toward him when he had said that.
Gideon!’ ” 4 Gideon came to the Jordan and passed
19 So Gideon and the hundred men who over, he and the three hundred men who
were with him came to the outermost part were with him, faint, yet pursuing. 5 He
of the camp in the beginning of the mid- said to the men of Succoth, “Please give
dle watch, when they had but newly set loaves of bread to the people who follow
the watch. Then they blew the trumpets me; for they are faint, and I am pursuing
and broke in pieces the pitchers that were after Zebah and Zalmunna, the kings of
in their hands. 20 The three companies Midian.”
blew the trumpets, broke the pitchers, and 6 The princes of Succoth said, “Are the
held the torches in their left hands and the hands of Zebah and Zalmunna now in your
trumpets in their right hands with which hand, that we should give bread to your
to blow; and they shouted, “The sword of army?”
the LORD and of Gideon!” 21 They each 7 Gideon said, “Therefore when the
stood in his place around the camp, and LORD has delivered Zebah and Zalmunna
all the army ran; and they shouted, and into my hand, then I will tear your flesh
put them to flight. 22 They blew the three with the thorns of the wilderness and with
hundred trumpets, and the LORD set ev- briers.”
ery man’s sword against his fellow and 8 He went up there to Penuel, and spoke
against all the army; and the army fled to them in the same way; and the men of
Judges 8:9 240 Judges 8:35

Penuel answered him as the men of Suc- his strength.” Gideon arose, and killed Ze-
coth had answered. 9 He spoke also to the bah and Zalmunna, and took the crescents
men of Penuel, saying, “When I come again that were on their camels’ necks.
in peace, I will break down this tower.” 22 Then the men of Israel said to Gideon,
10 Now Zebah and Zalmunna were in “Rule over us, both you, your son, and your
Karkor, and their armies with them, about son’s son also; for you have saved us out of
fifteen thousand men, all who were left of the hand of Midian.”
23 Gideon said to them, “I will not rule
all the army of the children of the east;
for there fell one hundred twenty thou- over you, neither shall my son rule over
sand men who drew sword. 11 Gideon you. The LORD shall rule over you.”
went up by the way of those who lived 24 Gideon said to them, “I do have a re-
in tents on the east of Nobah and Jogbe- quest: that you would each give me the
hah, and struck the army; for the army earrings of his plunder.” (For they had
felt secure. 12 Zebah and Zalmunna fled golden earrings, because they were Ish-
and he pursued them. He took the two maelites.)
kings of Midian, Zebah and Zalmunna, and 25 They answered, “We will willingly
confused all the army. 13 Gideon the son give them.” They spread a garment, and
of Joash returned from the battle from the every man threw the earrings of his plun-
ascent of Heres. 14 He caught a young man der into it. 26 The weight of the golden
of the men of Succoth, and inquired of earrings that he requested was one thou-
him; and he described for him the princes sand and seven hundred shekels† of gold,
of Succoth, and its elders, seventy-seven in addition to the crescents, and the pen-
men. 15 He came to the men of Succoth, and dants, and the purple clothing that was on
said, “See Zebah and Zalmunna, concern- the kings of Midian, and in addition to the
ing whom you taunted me, saying, ‘Are chains that were about their camels’ necks.
the hands of Zebah and Zalmunna now 27 Gideon made an ephod out of it, and put
in your hand, that we should give bread it in Ophrah, his city. Then all Israel played
to your men who are weary?’ ” 16 He took the prostitute with it there; and it became
the elders of the city, and thorns of the a snare to Gideon and to his house. 28 So
wilderness and briers, and with them he Midian was subdued before the children
taught the men of Succoth. 17 He broke of Israel, and they lifted up their heads no
down the tower of Penuel, and killed the more. The land had rest forty years in the
men of the city. days of Gideon.
18 Then he said to Zebah and Zalmunna, 29 Jerubbaal the son of Joash went and

“What kind of men were they whom you lived in his own house. 30 Gideon had
killed at Tabor?” seventy sons conceived from his body, for
he had many wives. 31 His concubine who
They answered, “They were like you. was in Shechem also bore him a son, and
They all resembled the children of a king.” he named him Abimelech. 32 Gideon the
19 He said, “They were my brothers, the son of Joash died in a good old age, and was
sons of my mother. As the LORD lives, if buried in the tomb of Joash his father, in
you had saved them alive, I would not kill Ophrah of the Abiezrites.
you.” 33 As soon as Gideon was dead, the chil-

20 He said to Jether his firstborn, “Get up dren of Israel turned again and played the
prostitute following the Baals, and made
and kill them!” But the youth didn’t draw
Baal Berith their god. 34 The children of Is-
his sword; for he was afraid, because he
was yet a youth. rael didn’t remember the LORD their God,
who had delivered them out of the hand of
21 Then Zebah and Zalmunna said, “You all their enemies on every side; 35 neither
rise and fall on us; for as the man is, so is did they show kindness to the house of
† 8:26 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.32 Troy ounces, so 1700 shekels is about 17 kilograms or 37.4 pounds.
Judges 9:1 241 Judges 9:25

Jerubbaal, that is, Gideon, according to 13 “The vine said to them, ‘Should I leave
all the goodness which he had shown to my new wine, which cheers God and man,
Israel. and go to wave back and forth over the
9 14 “Then all the trees said to the bramble,
1 Abimelech the son of Jerubbaal went ‘Come and reign over us.’
to Shechem to his mother’s brothers, and 15 “The bramble said to the trees, ‘If in
spoke with them and with all the family truth you anoint me king over you, then
of the house of his mother’s father, saying, come and take refuge in my shade; and if
2 “Please speak in the ears of all the men
not, let fire come out of the bramble, and
of Shechem, ‘Is it better for you that all devour the cedars of Lebanon.’
the sons of Jerubbaal, who are seventy 16 “Now therefore, if you have dealt truly
persons, rule over you, or that one rule and righteously, in that you have made
over you?’ Remember also that I am your Abimelech king, and if you have dealt well
bone and your flesh.” with Jerubbaal and his house, and have
3 His mother’s brothers spoke of him done to him according to the deserving of
in the ears of all the men of Shechem his hands 17 (for my father fought for you,
all these words. Their hearts inclined to risked his life, and delivered you out of the
follow Abimelech; for they said, “He is hand of Midian; 18 and you have risen up
our brother.” 4 They gave him seventy against my father’s house today and have
pieces of silver out of the house of Baal slain his sons, seventy persons, on one
Berith, with which Abimelech hired vain stone, and have made Abimelech, the son
and reckless fellows who followed him. of his female servant, king over the men of
5 He went to his father’s house at Ophrah,
Shechem, because he is your brother); 19 if
and killed his brothers the sons of Jerub-
you then have dealt truly and righteously
baal, being seventy persons, on one stone;
with Jerubbaal and with his house today,
but Jotham the youngest son of Jerubbaal
then rejoice in Abimelech, and let him also
was left, for he hid himself. 6 All the men of
Shechem assembled themselves together rejoice in you;
20 but if not, let fire come

with all the house of Millo, and went and out from Abimelech and devour the men
of Shechem and the house of Millo; and let
made Abimelech king by the oak of the fire come out from the men of Shechem
pillar that was in Shechem. 7 When they and from the house of Millo and devour
told it to Jotham, he went and stood on Abimelech.”
the top of Mount Gerizim and lifted up his 21 Jotham ran away and fled, and went
voice, cried out, and said to them, “Listen to Beer† and lived there, for fear of Abim-
to me, you men of Shechem, that God may elech his brother.
22 Abimelech was prince over Israel
listen to you. 8 The trees set out to anoint
a king over themselves. They said to the three years. 23 Then God sent an evil
olive tree, ‘Reign over us.’ spirit between Abimelech and the men of
9 “But the olive tree said to them, ‘Should Shechem; and the men of Shechem dealt
I stop producing my oil, with which they treacherously with Abimelech, 24 that the
honor God and man by me, and go to wave violence done to the seventy sons of Jerub-
back and forth over the trees?’ baal might come, and that their blood
10 “The trees said to the fig tree, ‘Come might be laid on Abimelech their brother
and reign over us.’ who killed them, and on the men of
11 “But the fig tree said to them, ‘Should Shechem who strengthened his hands to
I leave my sweetness, and my good fruit, kill his brothers. 25 The men of Shechem
and go to wave back and forth over the set an ambush for him on the tops of the
trees?’ mountains, and they robbed all who came
12 “The trees said to the vine, ‘Come and along that way by them; and Abimelech
reign over us.’ was told about it.
† 9:21 “Beer” is Hebrew for “well”, i.e., a village named for its well.
Judges 9:26 242 Judges 9:53

26 Gaal the son of Ebed came with his 39 Gaal went out before the men of
brothers and went over to Shechem; and Shechem, and fought with Abimelech.
the men of Shechem put their trust in 40 Abimelech chased him, and he fled be-
him. 27 They went out into the field, har- fore him, and many fell wounded, even
vested their vineyards, trod the grapes, cel- to the entrance of the gate. 41 Abimelech
ebrated, and went into the house of their lived at Arumah; and Zebul drove out
god and ate and drank, and cursed Abim- Gaal and his brothers, that they should not
elech. 28 Gaal the son of Ebed said, “Who dwell in Shechem. 42 On the next day, the
is Abimelech, and who is Shechem, that we people went out into the field; and they
should serve him? Isn’t he the son of Jerub- told Abimelech. 43 He took the people and
baal? Isn’t Zebul his officer? Serve the men divided them into three companies, and
of Hamor the father of Shechem, but why laid wait in the field; and he looked, and
should we serve him? 29 I wish that this behold, the people came out of the city. So,
people were under my hand! Then I would he rose up against them and struck them.
remove Abimelech.” He said to Abimelech, 44 Abimelech and the companies that were
“Increase your army and come out!”
30 When Zebul the ruler of the city heard
with him rushed forward and stood in the
entrance of the gate of the city; and the two
the words of Gaal the son of Ebed, his anger companies rushed on all who were in the
burned. 31 He sent messengers to Abim- field and struck them. 45 Abimelech fought
elech craftily, saying, “Behold, Gaal the son against the city all that day; and he took
of Ebed and his brothers have come to the city and killed the people in it. He beat
Shechem; and behold, they incite the city down the city and sowed it with salt.
against you. 32 Now therefore, go up by 46 When all the men of the tower of
night, you and the people who are with Shechem heard of it, they entered into
you, and lie in wait in the field. 33 It shall the stronghold of the house of Elberith.
be that in the morning, as soon as the sun is 47 Abimelech was told that all the men
up, you shall rise early and rush on the city. of the tower of Shechem were gathered
Behold, when he and the people who are together. 48 Abimelech went up to Mount
with him come out against you, then may Zalmon, he and all the people who were
you do to them as you shall find occasion.” with him; and Abimelech took an ax in
34 Abimelech rose up, and all the people his hand, and cut down a bough from the
who were with him, by night, and they trees, and took it up, and laid it on his
laid wait against Shechem in four compa- shoulder. Then he said to the people who
nies. 35 Gaal the son of Ebed went out, and were with him, “What you have seen me
stood in the entrance of the gate of the city. do, make haste, and do as I have done!”
Abimelech rose up, and the people who 49 All the people likewise each cut down his
were with him, from the ambush. bough, followed Abimelech, and put them
36 When Gaal saw the people, he said to at the base of the stronghold, and set the
Zebul, “Behold, people are coming down stronghold on fire over them, so that all
from the tops of the mountains.” the people of the tower of Shechem died
Zebul said to him, “You see the shadows also, about a thousand men and women.
50 Then Abimelech went to Thebez and en-
of the mountains as if they were men.”
37 Gaal spoke again and said, “Behold,
camped against Thebez, and took it. 51 But
there was a strong tower within the city,
people are coming down by the middle of and all the men and women of the city fled
the land, and one company comes by the there, and shut themselves in, and went
way of the oak of Meonenim.” up to the roof of the tower. 52 Abimelech
38 Then Zebul said to him, “Now where is
came to the tower and fought against it,
your mouth, that you said, ‘Who is Abim- and came near to the door of the tower to
elech, that we should serve him?’ Isn’t this burn it with fire. 53 A certain woman cast
the people that you have despised? Please an upper millstone on Abimelech’s head,
go out now and fight with them.” and broke his skull.
Judges 9:54 243 Judges 11:7

54Then he called hastily to the young 11 The LORD said to the children of Israel,
man, his armor bearer, and said to him, “Didn’t I save you from the Egyptians, and
“Draw your sword and kill me, that men from the Amorites, from the children of
not say of me, ‘A woman killed him.’ His Ammon, and from the Philistines? 12 The
young man thrust him through, and he Sidonians also, and the Amalekites, and
died.” the Maonites, oppressed you; and you
55 When the men of Israel saw that Abim- cried to me, and I saved you out of their
elech was dead, they each departed to his hand. 13 Yet you have forsaken me and
place. 56 Thus God repaid the wickedness served other gods. Therefore I will save
of Abimelech, which he did to his father you no more. 14 Go and cry to the gods
in killing his seventy brothers; 57 and God which you have chosen. Let them save you
repaid all the wickedness of the men of in the time of your distress!”
Shechem on their heads; and the curse of 15 The children of Israel said to the LORD,
Jotham the son of Jerubbaal came on them. “We have sinned! Do to us whatever seems
good to you; only deliver us, please, today.”
10 16 They put away the foreign gods from
1 AfterAbimelech, Tola the son of Puah, among them and served the LORD; and his
the son of Dodo, a man of Issachar, arose soul was grieved for the misery of Israel.
to save Israel. He lived in Shamir in the 17 Then the children of Ammon were
hill country of Ephraim. 2 He judged Is- gathered together and encamped in
rael twenty-three years, and died, and was Gilead. The children of Israel assembled
buried in Shamir. themselves together and encamped in
3 After him Jair, the Gileadite, arose.
Mizpah. 18 The people, the princes of
He judged Israel twenty-two years. 4 He Gilead, said to one another, “Who is the
had thirty sons who rode on thirty donkey man who will begin to fight against the
colts. They had thirty cities, which are children of Ammon? He shall be head over
called Havvoth Jair to this day, which are all the inhabitants of Gilead.”
in the land of Gilead. 5 Jair died, and was
buried in Kamon.
6 The children of Israel again did that
1 Now Jephthah the Gileadite was a
which was evil in the LORD’s sight, and mighty man of valor. He was the son of
served the Baals, the Ashtaroth, the gods a prostitute. Gilead became the father of
of Syria, the gods of Sidon, the gods of Jephthah. 2 Gilead’s wife bore him sons.
Moab, the gods of the children of Am- When his wife’s sons grew up, they drove
mon, and the gods of the Philistines. They Jephthah out and said to him, “You will
abandoned the LORD, and didn’t serve not inherit in our father’s house, for you
him. 7 The LORD’s anger burned against
are the son of another woman.” 3 Then
Israel, and he sold them into the hand of Jephthah fled from his brothers and lived
the Philistines and into the hand of the in the land of Tob. Outlaws joined up with
children of Ammon. 8 They troubled and
Jephthah, and they went out with him.
oppressed the children of Israel that year.
4 After a while, the children of Ammon
For eighteen years they oppressed all the
children of Israel that were beyond the made war against Israel. 5 When the chil-
Jordan in the land of the Amorites, which is dren of Ammon made war against Israel,
in Gilead. 9 The children of Ammon passed the elders of Gilead went to get Jephthah
over the Jordan to fight also against Ju- out of the land of Tob. 6 They said to
dah, and against Benjamin, and against the Jephthah, “Come and be our chief, that we
house of Ephraim, so that Israel was very may fight with the children of Ammon.”
7 Jephthah said to the elders of Gilead,
distressed. 10 The children of Israel cried to
the LORD, saying, “We have sinned against “Didn’t you hate me, and drive me out of
you, even because we have forsaken our my father’s house? Why have you come to
God, and have served the Baals.” me now when you are in distress?”
Judges 11:8 244 Judges 11:32

8 The elders of Gilead said to Jephthah, place.’ 20 But Sihon didn’t trust Israel to
“Therefore we have turned again to you pass through his border; but Sihon gath-
now, that you may go with us and fight ered all his people together, and encamped
with the children of Ammon. You will in Jahaz, and fought against Israel. 21 The
be our head over all the inhabitants of LORD, the God of Israel, delivered Sihon
Gilead.” and all his people into the hand of Israel,
9 Jephthah said to the elders of Gilead, “If
and they struck them. So Israel possessed
you bring me home again to fight with the all the land of the Amorites, the inhabi-
children of Ammon, and the LORD delivers tants of that country. 22 They possessed
them before me, will I be your head?” all the border of the Amorites, from the
10 The elders of Gilead said to Jephthah, Arnon even to the Jabbok, and from the
“The LORD will be witness between us. wilderness even to the Jordan. 23 So now
Surely we will do what you say.” the LORD, the God of Israel, has dispos-
11 Then Jephthah went with the elders
sessed the Amorites from before his peo-
of Gilead, and the people made him head ple Israel, and should you possess them?
and chief over them. Jephthah spoke all his 24 Won’t you possess that which Chemosh
words before the LORD in Mizpah. your god gives you to possess? So whoever
12 Jephthah sent messengers to the king the LORD our God has dispossessed from
of the children of Ammon, saying, “What before us, them will we possess. 25 Now are
do you have to do with me, that you have you anything better than Balak the son of
come to me to fight against my land?” Zippor, king of Moab? Did he ever strive
13 The king of the children of Ammon an- against Israel, or did he ever fight against
swered the messengers of Jephthah, “Be- them? 26 Israel lived in Heshbon and its
cause Israel took away my land when he towns, and in Aroer and its towns, and
came up out of Egypt, from the Arnon in all the cities that are along the side of
even to the Jabbok, and to the Jordan. the Arnon for three hundred years! Why
Now therefore restore that territory again didn’t you recover them within that time?
27 Therefore I have not sinned against you,
14 Jephthah sent messengers again to the but you do me wrong to war against me.
king of the children of Ammon; 15 and he May The LORD the Judge be judge today
said to him, “Jephthah says: Israel didn’t between the children of Israel and the chil-
dren of Ammon.”
take away the land of Moab, nor the land 28 However, the king of the children of
of the children of Ammon; 16 but when Ammon didn’t listen to the words of Jeph-
they came up from Egypt, and Israel went
thah which he sent him. 29 Then the
through the wilderness to the Red Sea, and LORD’s Spirit came on Jephthah, and he
came to Kadesh, 17 then Israel sent messen- passed over Gilead and Manasseh, and
gers to the king of Edom, saying, ‘Please let passed over Mizpah of Gilead, and from
me pass through your land;’ but the king Mizpah of Gilead he passed over to the
of Edom didn’t listen. In the same way, he children of Ammon.
sent to the king of Moab, but he refused; so 30 Jephthah vowed a vow to the LORD,
Israel stayed in Kadesh. 18 Then they went
and said, “If you will indeed deliver the
through the wilderness, and went around
children of Ammon into my hand, 31 then
the land of Edom, and the land of Moab,
and came by the east side of the land of it shall be, that whatever comes out of the
doors of my house to meet me when I re-
Moab, and they encamped on the other
turn in peace from the children of Ammon,
side of the Arnon; but they didn’t come
it shall be the LORD’s, and I will offer it up
within the border of Moab, for the Arnon
was the border of Moab. 19 Israel sent for a burnt offering.”
messengers to Sihon king of the Amorites, 32 So Jephthah passed over to the chil-
the king of Heshbon; and Israel said to him, dren of Ammon to fight against them; and
‘Please let us pass through your land to my the LORD delivered them into his hand.
Judges 11:33 245 Judges 13:3

33 He struck them from Aroer until you into my hand. Why then have you come up
come to Minnith, even twenty cities, and to to me today, to fight against me?”
Abelcheramim, with a very great slaugh- 4 Then Jephthah gathered together
ter. So the children of Ammon were sub- all the men of Gilead, and fought with
dued before the children of Israel. Ephraim. The men of Gilead struck
34 Jephthah came to Mizpah to his house;
Ephraim, because they said, “You are
and behold, his daughter came out to meet fugitives of Ephraim, you Gileadites, in the
him with tambourines and with dances. middle of Ephraim, and in the middle of
She was his only child. Besides her he had
neither son nor daughter. 35 When he saw Manasseh.” 5 The Gileadites took the fords
of the Jordan against the Ephraimites.
her, he tore his clothes, and said, “Alas, myWhenever a fugitive of Ephraim said, “Let
daughter! You have brought me very low,
me go over,” the men of Gilead said to
and you are one of those who trouble me;
him, “Are you an Ephraimite?” If he said,
for I have opened my mouth to the LORD,
“No;” 6 then they said to him, “Now say
and I can’t go back.”
36 She said to him, “My father, you have ‘Shibboleth;’ ” and he said “Sibboleth”;
for he couldn’t manage to pronounce it
opened your mouth to the LORD; do to correctly, then they seized him and killed
me according to that which has proceeded him at the fords of the Jordan. At that time,
out of your mouth, because the LORD has forty-two thousand of Ephraim fell.
taken vengeance for you on your enemies, 7 Jephthah judged Israel six years. Then
even on the children of Ammon.” 37 Then Jephthah the Gileadite died, and was
she said to her father, “Let this thing be
done for me. Leave me alone two months, buried in the cities of Gilead.
8 After him Ibzan of Bethlehem judged
that I may depart and go down on the
mountains, and bewail my virginity, I and Israel. 9 He had thirty sons. He sent his
my companions.” thirty daughters outside his clan, and he
38 He said, “Go.” He sent her away for brought in thirty daughters from outside
two months; and she departed, she and her his clan for his sons. He judged Israel
companions, and mourned her virginity seven years. 10 Ibzan died, and was buried
on the mountains. 39 At the end of two at Bethlehem.
11 After him, Elon the Zebulunite judged
months, she returned to her father, who
did with her according to his vow which he Israel; and he judged Israel ten years.
12 Elon the Zebulunite died, and was
had vowed. She was a virgin. It became
a custom in Israel 40 that the daughters of buried in Aijalon in the land of Zebulun.
13 After him, Abdon the son of Hillel the
Israel went yearly to celebrate the daugh-
ter of Jephthah the Gileadite four days in a Pirathonite judged Israel. 14 He had forty
year. sons and thirty sons’ sons who rode on
seventy donkey colts. He judged Israel
12 eight years. 15 Abdon the son of Hillel
1 The men of Ephraim were gathered the Pirathonite died, and was buried in
together, and passed northward; and they Pirathon in the land of Ephraim, in the hill
said to Jephthah, “Why did you pass over to country of the Amalekites.
fight against the children of Ammon, and
didn’t call us to go with you? We will burn 13
your house around you with fire!” 1 The children of Israel again did that
2 Jephthah said to them, “I and my people which was evil in the LORD’s sight; and the
were at great strife with the children of LORD delivered them into the hand of the
Ammon; and when I called you, you didn’t Philistines forty years.
save me out of their hand. 3 When I saw 2 There was a certain man of Zorah, of
that you didn’t save me, I put my life in my the family of the Danites, whose name was
hand, and passed over against the children Manoah; and his wife was barren, and
of Ammon, and the LORD delivered them childless. 3 The LORD’s angel appeared
Judges 13:4 246 Judges 14:4

to the woman, and said to her, “See now, you must offer it to the LORD.” For Manoah
you are barren and childless; but you shall didn’t know that he was the LORD’s angel.
conceive and bear a son. 4 Now there- 17 Manoah said to the LORD’s angel,
fore please beware and drink no wine nor “What is your name, that when your words
strong drink, and don’t eat any unclean happen, we may honor you?”
thing; 5 for, behold, you shall conceive and 18 The LORD’s angel said to him, “Why do
give birth to a son. No razor shall come on you ask about my name, since it is incom-
his head, for the child shall be a Nazirite to prehensible†?”
God from the womb. He shall begin to save 19 So Manoah took the young goat with
Israel out of the hand of the Philistines.” the meal offering, and offered it on the
6 Then the woman came and told her
husband, saying, “A man of God came to rock to the LORD. Then the angel did an
me, and his face was like the face of the amazing thing as Manoah and his wife
angel of God, very awesome. I didn’t ask watched. 20 For when the flame went up to-
him where he was from, neither did he tell ward the sky from off the altar, the LORD’s
me his name; 7 but he said to me, ‘Behold, angel ascended in the flame of the altar.
you shall conceive and bear a son; and now Manoah and his wife watched; and they
drink no wine nor strong drink. Don’t eat fell on their faces to the ground. 21 But the
any unclean thing, for the child shall be a LORD’s angel didn’t appear to Manoah or
Nazirite to God from the womb to the day to his wife any more. Then Manoah knew
of his death.’ ” that he was the LORD’s angel. 22 Manoah
8 Then Manoah entreated the LORD, and said to his wife, “We shall surely die, be-
said, “Oh, Lord, please let the man of God cause we have seen God.”
whom you sent come again to us, and teach 23 But his wife said to him, “If the LORD
us what we should do to the child who shall were pleased to kill us, he wouldn’t have
be born.” received a burnt offering and a meal of-
9 God listened to the voice of Manoah,
fering at our hand, and he wouldn’t have
and the angel of God came again to the shown us all these things, nor would he
woman as she sat in the field; but Manoah, have told us such things as these at this
her husband, wasn’t with her. 10 The time.” 24 The woman bore a son and
woman hurried and ran, and told her hus- named him Samson. The child grew, and
band, saying to him, “Behold, the man who the LORD blessed him. 25 The LORD’s Spirit
came to me that day has appeared to me.” began to move him in Mahaneh Dan, be-
11 Manoah arose and followed his wife,
tween Zorah and Eshtaol.
and came to the man, and said to him, “Are
you the man who spoke to my wife?” 14
He said, “I am.” 1 Samson went down to Timnah, and saw
12 Manoah said, “Now let your words a woman in Timnah of the daughters of
happen. What shall the child’s way of life the Philistines. 2 He came up, and told his
and mission be?” father and his mother, saying, “I have seen
13 The LORD’s angel said to Manoah, “Of
a woman in Timnah of the daughters of the
all that I said to the woman let her beware. Philistines. Now therefore get her for me
14 She may not eat of anything that comes
as my wife.”
of the vine, neither let her drink wine or 3 Then his father and his mother said
strong drink, nor eat any unclean thing. to him, “Isn’t there a woman among your
Let her observe all that I commanded her.” brothers’ daughters, or among all my peo-
15 Manoah said to the LORD’s angel,
ple, that you go to take a wife of the uncir-
“Please stay with us, that we may make a cumcised Philistines?”
young goat ready for you.” Samson said to his father, “Get her for
16 The LORD’s angel said to Manoah,
me, for she pleases me well.”
“Though you detain me, I won’t eat your 4 But his father and his mother didn’t
bread. If you will prepare a burnt offering, know that it was of the LORD; for he sought
† 13:18 or, wonderful
Judges 14:5 247 Judges 15:7

an occasion against the Philistines. Now at 17 She wept before him the seven days,
that time the Philistines ruled over Israel. while their feast lasted; and on the seventh
5 Then Samson went down to Timnah day, he told her, because she pressed him
with his father and his mother, and came severely; and she told the riddle to the
to the vineyards of Timnah; and behold, children of her people. 18 The men of the
a young lion roared at him. 6 The LORD’s city said to him on the seventh day before
Spirit came mightily on him, and he tore the sun went down, “What is sweeter than
him as he would have torn a young goat honey? What is stronger than a lion?”
with his bare hands, but he didn’t tell He said to them,
his father or his mother what he had “If you hadn’t plowed with my heifer,
done. 7 He went down and talked with
the woman, and she pleased Samson well. you wouldn’t have found out my rid-
8 After a while he returned to take her, and dle.”
19 The LORD’s Spirit came mightily on
he went over to see the carcass of the lion;
and behold, there was a swarm of bees him, and he went down to Ashkelon and
in the body of the lion, and honey. 9 He struck thirty men of them. He took their
took it into his hands, and went on, eating plunder, then gave the changes of clothing
as he went. He came to his father and to those who declared the riddle. His anger
mother and gave to them, and they ate, but burned, and he went up to his father’s
he didn’t tell them that he had taken the house. 20 But Samson’s wife was given to
honey out of the lion’s body. 10 His father his companion, who had been his friend.
went down to the woman; and Samson
made a feast there, for the young men used 15
to do so. 11 When they saw him, they 1 But after a while, in the time of wheat
brought thirty companions to be with him. harvest, Samson visited his wife with a
12 Samson said to them, “Let me tell you young goat. He said, “I will go in to my
a riddle now. If you can tell me the answer wife’s room.”
within the seven days of the feast, and But her father wouldn’t allow him to go
find it out, then I will give you thirty linen in. 2 Her father said, “I most certainly
garments and thirty changes of clothing; thought that you utterly hated her; there-
13 but if you can’t tell me the answer, then fore I gave her to your companion. Isn’t
you shall give me thirty linen garments her younger sister more beautiful than
and thirty changes of clothing.” she? Please, take her instead.”
3 Samson said to them, “This time I will
They said to him, “Tell us your riddle,
that we may hear it.” be blameless in the case of the Philistines
14 He said to them, when I harm them.” 4 Samson went
and caught three hundred foxes, and took
“Out of the eater came out food. torches, and turned tail to tail, and put
Out of the strong came out sweetness.”
a torch in the middle between every two
They couldn’t in three days declare the tails. 5 When he had set the torches on fire,
riddle. 15 On the seventh day, they said to he let them go into the standing grain of the
Samson’s wife, “Entice your husband, that Philistines, and burned up both the shocks
he may declare to us the riddle, lest we and the standing grain, and also the olive
burn you and your father’s house with fire. groves.
Have you called us to impoverish us? Isn’t 6 Then the Philistines said, “Who has
that so?” done this?”
16 Samson’s wife wept before him, and
They said, “Samson, the son-in-law of
said, “You just hate me, and don’t love me. the Timnite, because he has taken his wife
You’ve told a riddle to the children of my and given her to his companion.” The
people, and haven’t told it to me.” Philistines came up, and burned her and
He said to her, “Behold, I haven’t told my her father with fire.
father or my mother, so why should I tell 7 Samson said to them, “If you behave
you?” like this, surely I will take revenge on you,
Judges 15:8 248 Judges 16:12

and after that I will cease.” 8 He struck 20 He judged Israel twenty years in the days
them hip and thigh with a great slaughter; of the Philistines.
and he went down and lived in the cave
in Etam’s rock. 9 Then the Philistines went
up, encamped in Judah, and spread them-
1 Samson went to Gaza, and saw there
selves in Lehi. a prostitute, and went in to her. 2 The
10 The men of Judah said, “Why have you
Gazites were told, “Samson is here!” They
come up against us?” surrounded him and laid wait for him all
They said, “We have come up to bind night in the gate of the city, and were quiet
Samson, to do to him as he has done to us.” all the night, saying, “Wait until morning
11 Then three thousand men of Judah
light; then we will kill him.” 3 Samson
went down to the cave in Etam’s rock, and lay until midnight, then arose at midnight
said to Samson, “Don’t you know that the and took hold of the doors of the gate of
Philistines are rulers over us? What then the city, with the two posts, and plucked
is this that you have done to us?” them up, bar and all, and put them on his
He said to them, “As they did to me, so I shoulders and carried them up to the top
have done to them.” of the mountain that is before Hebron.
12 They said to him, “We have come
4 It came to pass afterward that he loved
down to bind you, that we may deliver you a woman in the valley of Sorek, whose
into the hand of the Philistines.” name was Delilah. 5 The lords of the
Samson said to them, “Swear to me that Philistines came up to her and said to her,
you will not attack me yourselves.” “Entice him, and see in which his great
13 They spoke to him, saying, “No, but
strength lies, and by what means we may
we will bind you securely and deliver you prevail against him, that we may bind him
into their hands; but surely we will not kill to afflict him; and we will each give you
you.” They bound him with two new ropes, eleven hundred pieces of silver.”
and brought him up from the rock. 6 Delilah said to Samson, “Please tell me
14 When he came to Lehi, the Philistines
where your great strength lies, and what
shouted as they met him. Then the LORD’s you might be bound to afflict you.”
Spirit came mightily on him, and the ropes 7 Samson said to her, “If they bind me
that were on his arms became as flax with seven green cords that were never
that was burned with fire; and his bands
dropped from off his hands. 15 He found dried, then shall I become weak, and be as
a fresh jawbone of a donkey, put out his another man.”
8 Then the lords of the Philistines
hand, took it, and struck a thousand men brought up to her seven green cords which
with it. 16 Samson said, “With the jawbone had not been dried, and she bound him
of a donkey, heaps on heaps; with the jaw- with them. 9 Now she had an ambush
bone of a donkey I have struck a thousand waiting in the inner room. She said to him,
men.” 17 When he had finished speaking, “The Philistines are on you, Samson!” He
he threw the jawbone out of his hand; and broke the cords as a flax thread is broken
that place was called Ramath Lehi.† when it touches the fire. So his strength
18 He was very thirsty, and called on the was not known.
10 Delilah said to Samson, “Behold, you
LORD and said, “You have given this great
deliverance by the hand of your servant; have mocked me, and told me lies. Now
and now shall I die of thirst, and fall into please tell me how you might be bound.”
11 He said to her, “If they only bind me
the hands of the uncircumcised?”
19 But God split the hollow place that is with new ropes with which no work has
in Lehi, and water came out of it. When been done, then shall I become weak, and
he had drunk, his spirit came again, and be as another man.”
12 So Delilah took new ropes and bound
he revived. Therefore its name was called
En Hakkore, which is in Lehi, to this day. him with them, then said to him, “The
† 15:17 “Ramath” means “hill” and “Lehi” means “jawbone”.
Judges 16:13 249 Judges 17:3

Philistines are on you, Samson!” The am- “Our god has delivered Samson our enemy
bush was waiting in the inner room. He into our hand.” 24 When the people saw
broke them off his arms like a thread. him, they praised their god; for they said,
13 Delilah said to Samson, “Until now, “Our god has delivered our enemy and the
you have mocked me and told me lies. Tell destroyer of our country, who has slain
me with what you might be bound.” many of us, into our hand.”
He said to her, “If you weave the seven 25 When their hearts were merry, they
locks of my head with the fabric on the said, “Call for Samson, that he may en-
loom.” tertain us.” They called for Samson out
14 She fastened it with the pin, and said to
of the prison; and he performed before
him, “The Philistines are on you, Samson!” them. They set him between the pillars;
He awakened out of his sleep, and plucked 26 and Samson said to the boy who held
away the pin of the beam and the fabric. him by the hand, “Allow me to feel the
15 She said to him, “How can you say, ‘I pillars on which the house rests, that I may
love you,’ when your heart is not with me? lean on them.” 27 Now the house was full
You have mocked me these three times, of men and women; and all the lords of
and have not told me where your great the Philistines were there; and there were
strength lies.” on the roof about three thousand men
16 When she pressed him daily with her and women, who saw while Samson per-
words and urged him, his soul was trou- formed. 28 Samson called to the LORD, and
said, “Lord GOD, remember me, please,
bled to death. 17 He told her all his heart
and said to her, “No razor has ever come on and strengthen me, please, only this once,
my head; for I have been a Nazirite to God God, that I may be at once avenged of the
from my mother’s womb. If I am shaved, Philistines for my two eyes.” 29 Samson
then my strength will go from me and I will took hold of the two middle pillars on
become weak, and be like any other man.” which the house rested and leaned on
18 When Delilah saw that he had told her
them, the one with his right hand and the
all his heart, she sent and called for the other with his left. 30 Samson said, “Let
lords of the Philistines, saying, “Come up me die with the Philistines!” He bowed
himself with all his might; and the house
this once, for he has told me all his heart.” fell on the lords, and on all the people who
Then the lords of the Philistines came up to
were in it. So the dead that he killed at his
her and brought the money in their hand. death were more than those who he killed
19 She made him sleep on her knees; and
in his life.
she called for a man and shaved off the 31 Then his brothers and all the house
seven locks of his head; and she began of his father came down and took him,
to afflict him, and his strength went from and brought him up and buried him be-
him. 20 She said, “The Philistines are upon tween Zorah and Eshtaol in the burial site
you, Samson!” of Manoah his father. He judged Israel
twenty years.
He awoke out of his sleep, and said, “I
will go out as at other times, and shake
myself free.” But he didn’t know that 1 There
was a man of the hill country of
the LORD had departed from him. 21 The Ephraim, whose name was Micah. 2 He
Philistines laid hold on him and put out his said to his mother, “The eleven hundred
eyes; and they brought him down to Gaza pieces of silver that were taken from you,
and bound him with fetters of bronze; about which you uttered a curse, and also
and he ground at the mill in the prison. spoke it in my ears—behold, the silver is
22 However, the hair of his head began to
with me. I took it.”
grow again after he was shaved. His mother said, “May the LORD bless
23 The lords of the Philistines gathered my son!”
together to offer a great sacrifice to Dagon 3 He restored the eleven hundred pieces
their god, and to rejoice; for they said, of silver to his mother, then his mother
Judges 17:4 250 Judges 18:13

said, “I most certainly dedicate the silver the land and to search it. They said to them,
to the LORD from my hand for my son, to “Go, explore the land!”
make a carved image and a molten image. They came to the hill country of
Now therefore I will restore it to you.” Ephraim, to the house of Micah, and
4 When he restored the money to his lodged there. 3 When they were by the
mother, his mother took two hundred house of Micah, they knew the voice of the
pieces of silver, and gave them to a silver- young man the Levite; so they went over
smith, who made a carved image and a there and said to him, “Who brought you
molten image out of it. It was in the house here? What do you do in this place? What
of Micah. do you have here?”
5 The man Micah had a house of gods,
4 He said to them, “Thus and thus has
and he made an ephod, and teraphim,† and Micah dealt with me, and he has hired me,
consecrated one of his sons, who became and I have become his priest.”
his priest. 6 In those days there was no king 5 They said to him, “Please ask counsel of
in Israel. Everyone did that which was
God, that we may know whether our way
right in his own eyes. 7 There was a young which we go shall be prosperous.”
man out of Bethlehem Judah, of the family 6 The priest said to them, “Go in peace.
of Judah, who was a Levite; and he lived
there. 8 The man departed out of the city, Your way in which you go is before the
out of Bethlehem Judah, to live where he LORD.”
7 Then the five men departed and came
could find a place, and he came to the hill
country of Ephraim, to the house of Micah, to Laish and saw the people who were
as he traveled. 9 Micah said to him, “Where there, how they lived in safety, in the way
did you come from?” of the Sidonians, quiet and secure; for
there was no one in the land possessing
He said to him, “I am a Levite of Bethle-
hem Judah, and I am looking for a place to authority, that might put them to shame
live.” in anything, and they were far from the
10 Micah said to him, “Dwell with me, Sidonians, and had no dealings with any-
and be to me a father and a priest, and I one else. 8 They came to their brothers
will give you ten pieces of silver per year, at Zorah and Eshtaol; and their brothers
a suit of clothing, and your food.” So the asked them, “What do you say?”
9 They said, “Arise, and let’s go up against
Levite went in. 11 The Levite was content
to dwell with the man; and the young man them; for we have seen the land, and be-
was to him as one of his sons. 12 Micah hold, it is very good. Do you stand still?
consecrated the Levite, and the young man Don’t be slothful to go and to enter in to
became his priest, and was in the house of possess the land. 10 When you go, you will
Micah. 13 Then Micah said, “Now I know come to an unsuspecting people, and the
that the LORD will do good to me, since I land is large; for God has given it into your
have a Levite as my priest.” hand, a place where there is no lack of
anything that is in the earth.”
18 11 The family of the Danites set out from
1 In those days there was no king in Is- Zorah and Eshtaol with six hundred men
rael. In those days the tribe of the Danites armed with weapons of war. 12 They went
sought an inheritance to dwell in; for to up and encamped in Kiriath Jearim in Ju-
that day, their inheritance had not fallen dah. Therefore they call that place Ma-
to them among the tribes of Israel. 2 The haneh Dan to this day. Behold, it is behind
children of Dan sent five men of their fam- Kiriath Jearim. 13 They passed from there
ily from their whole number, men of valor, to the hill country of Ephraim, and came to
from Zorah and from Eshtaol, to spy out the house of Micah.
† 17:5 teraphim were household idols that may have been associated with inheritance rights to the household
Judges 18:14 251 Judges 19:5

14 Then the five men who went to spy out gry fellows fall on you, and you lose your
the country of Laish answered and said to life, with the lives of your household.”
their brothers, “Do you know that there is 26 The children of Dan went their way;
in these houses an ephod, and teraphim,† and when Micah saw that they were too
and a carved image, and a molten image? strong for him, he turned and went back to
Now therefore consider what you have to his house. 27 They took that which Micah
do.” 15 They went over there and came to had made, and the priest whom he had,
the house of the young Levite man, even to and came to Laish, to a people quiet and
the house of Micah, and asked him how he unsuspecting, and struck them with the
was doing. 16 The six hundred men armed edge of the sword; then they burned the
with their weapons of war, who were of city with fire. 28 There was no deliverer,
the children of Dan, stood by the entrance because it was far from Sidon, and they
of the gate. 17 The five men who went to spy had no dealings with anyone else; and it
out the land went up, and came in there, was in the valley that lies by Beth Rehob.
and took the engraved image, the ephod, They built the city and lived in it. 29 They
the teraphim, and the molten image; and called the name of the city Dan, after the
the priest stood by the entrance of the name of Dan their father, who was born to
gate with the six hundred men armed with Israel; however the name of the city used
weapons of war. to be Laish. 30 The children of Dan set up
18 When these went into Micah’s house, for themselves the engraved image; and
and took the engraved image, the ephod, Jonathan, the son of Gershom, the son of
the teraphim, and the molten image, the Moses, and his sons were priests to the
priest said to them, “What are you doing?” tribe of the Danites until the day of the
19 They said to him, “Hold your peace, captivity of the land. 31 So they set up for
put your hand on your mouth, and go with themselves Micah’s engraved image which
us. Be a father and a priest to us. Is it he made, and it remained all the time that
better for you to be priest to the house of God’s house was in Shiloh.
one man, or to be priest to a tribe and a
family in Israel?” 19
1 In
those days, when there was no king
20 The priest’s heart was glad, and he
in Israel, there was a certain Levite living
took the ephod, the teraphim, and the on the farther side of the hill country of
engraved image, and went with the peo- Ephraim, who took for himself a concu-
ple. 21 So they turned and departed, and bine out of Bethlehem Judah. 2 His con-
put the little ones, the livestock, and the cubine played the prostitute against him,
goods before them. 22 When they were and went away from him to her father’s
a good way from the house of Micah, the house to Bethlehem Judah, and was there
men who were in the houses near Micah’s for four months. 3 Her husband arose and
house gathered together and overtook the went after her to speak kindly to her, to
children of Dan. 23 As they called to the bring her again, having his servant with
children of Dan, they turned their faces, him and a couple of donkeys. She brought
and said to Micah, “What ails you, that you him into her father’s house; and when the
come with such a company?” father of the young lady saw him, he re-
24 He said, “You have taken away my joiced to meet him. 4 His father-in-law, the
gods which I made, and the priest, and young lady’s father, kept him there; and he
have gone away! What more do I have? stayed with him three days. So they ate and
How can you ask me, ‘What ails you?’ ” drank, and stayed there.
25 The children of Dan said to him, “Don’t 5 On the fourth day, they got up early
let your voice be heard among us, lest an- in the morning, and he rose up to depart.
† 18:14 teraphim were household idols that may have been associated with inheritance rights to the household
Judges 19:6 252 Judges 19:28

The young lady’s father said to his son-in- “Where are you going? Where did you
law, “Strengthen your heart with a morsel come from?”
of bread, and afterward you shall go your 18 He said to him, “We are passing from
way.” 6 So they sat down, ate, and drank, Bethlehem Judah to the farther side of the
both of them together. Then the young hill country of Ephraim. I am from there,
lady’s father said to the man, “Please be and I went to Bethlehem Judah. I am
pleased to stay all night, and let your heart going to the LORD’s house; and there is
be merry.” 7 The man rose up to depart; no one who has taken me into his house.
19 Yet there is both straw and feed for our
but his father-in-law urged him, and he
stayed there again. 8 He arose early in donkeys; and there is bread and wine also
the morning on the fifth day to depart; for me, and for your servant, and for the
and the young lady’s father said, “Please young man who is with your servants.
strengthen your heart and stay until the There is no lack of anything.”
20 The old man said, “Peace be to you!
day declines;” and they both ate.
9 When the man rose up to depart, he, Just let me supply all your needs, but don’t
and his concubine, and his servant, his sleep in the street.” 21 So he brought him
father-in-law, the young lady’s father, said into his house, and gave the donkeys fod-
to him, “Behold, now the day draws toward der. Then they washed their feet, and
evening, please stay all night. Behold, the ate and drank. 22 As they were making
day is ending. Stay here, that your heart their hearts merry, behold, the men of the
may be merry; and tomorrow go on your city, certain wicked fellows, surrounded
way early, that you may go home.” 10 But the house, beating at the door; and they
the man wouldn’t stay that night, but he spoke to the master of the house, the old
rose up and went near Jebus (also called man, saying, “Bring out the man who came
Jerusalem). With him were a couple of into your house, that we can have sex with
saddled donkeys. His concubine also was him!”
with him. 23 The man, the master of the house,
11 When they were by Jebus, the day went out to them, and said to them, “No,
was far spent; and the servant said to his my brothers, please don’t act so wickedly;
master, “Please come and let’s enter into since this man has come into my house,
this city of the Jebusites, and stay in it.” don’t do this folly. 24 Behold, here is my
12 His master said to him, “We won’t virgin daughter and his concubine. I will
enter into the city of a foreigner that is not bring them out now. Humble them, and do
of the children of Israel; but we will pass with them what seems good to you; but to
over to Gibeah.” 13 He said to his servant, this man don’t do any such folly.”
“Come and let’s draw near to one of these 25 But the men wouldn’t listen to him;
places; and we will lodge in Gibeah, or in so the man grabbed his concubine, and
Ramah.” 14 So they passed on and went brought her out to them; and they had sex
their way; and the sun went down on them with her, and abused her all night until the
near Gibeah, which belongs to Benjamin. morning. When the day began to dawn,
15 They went over there, to go in to stay in
they let her go. 26 Then the woman came
Gibeah. He went in, and sat down in the in the dawning of the day, and fell down
street of the city; for there was no one who at the door of the man’s house where her
took them into his house to stay. lord was, until it was light. 27 Her lord rose
16 Behold, an old man came from his up in the morning and opened the doors
work out of the field at evening. Now the of the house, and went out to go his way;
man was from the hill country of Ephraim, and behold, the woman his concubine had
and he lived in Gibeah; but the men of the fallen down at the door of the house, with
place were Benjamites. 17 He lifted up his her hands on the threshold.
eyes, and saw the wayfaring man in the 28 He said to her, “Get up, and let’s get
street of the city; and the old man said, going!” but no one answered. Then he took
Judges 19:29 253 Judges 20:23

her up on the donkey; and the man rose up, men of Gibeah have done in Israel.” 11 So
and went to his place. all the men of Israel were gathered against
29 When he had come into his house, the city, knit together as one man.
he took a knife and cut up his concubine, 12 The tribes of Israel sent men through
and divided her, limb by limb, into twelve all the tribe of Benjamin, saying, “What
pieces, and sent her throughout all the wickedness is this that has happened
borders of Israel. 30 It was so, that all who among you? 13 Now therefore deliver up
saw it said, “Such a deed has not been done the men, the wicked fellows who are in
or seen from the day that the children of Gibeah, that we may put them to death and
Israel came up out of the land of Egypt to put away evil from Israel.”
this day! Consider it, take counsel, and But Benjamin would not listen to the
speak.” voice of their brothers, the children of Is-
rael. 14 The children of Benjamin gath-
20 ered themselves together out of the cities
1 Then all the children of Israel went
out, and the congregation was assembled to Gibeah, to go out to battle against the
as one man, from Dan even to Beersheba, children of Israel. 15 The children of Ben-
with the land of Gilead, to the LORD at jamin were counted on that day out of the
Mizpah. 2 The chiefs of all the people, cities twenty-six thousand men who drew
even of all the tribes of Israel, presented the sword, in addition to the inhabitants of
Gibeah, who were counted seven hundred
themselves in the assembly of the people
chosen men. 16 Among all these soldiers
of God, four hundred thousand footmen there were seven hundred chosen men
who drew sword. 3 (Now the children of who were left-handed. Every one of them
Benjamin heard that the children of Israel
could sling a stone at a hair and not miss.
had gone up to Mizpah.) The children of Is- 17 The men of Israel, besides Benjamin,
rael said, “Tell us, how did this wickedness
happen?” were counted four hundred thousand men
4 The Levite, the husband of the woman
who drew sword. All these were men of
who was murdered, answered, “I came 18 The children of Israel arose, went up
into Gibeah that belongs to Benjamin, I to Bethel, and asked counsel of God. They
and my concubine, to spend the night. asked, “Who shall go up for us first to battle
5 The men of Gibeah rose against me, and
against the children of Benjamin?”
surrounded the house by night. They in-
tended to kill me and they raped my con- The LORD said, “Judah first.”
19 The children of Israel rose up in the
cubine, and she is dead. 6 I took my con-
cubine and cut her in pieces, and sent her morning and encamped against Gibeah.
throughout all the country of the inheri- 20 The men of Israel went out to battle
tance of Israel; for they have committed against Benjamin; and the men of Israel set
lewdness and folly in Israel. 7 Behold, you the battle in array against them at Gibeah.
21 The children of Benjamin came out of
children of Israel, all of you, give here your
advice and counsel.” Gibeah, and on that day destroyed twenty-
8 All the people arose as one man, saying, two thousand of the Israelite men down
“None of us will go to his tent, neither will to the ground. 22 The people, the men of
any of us turn to his house. 9 But now this Israel, encouraged themselves, and set the
is the thing which we will do to Gibeah: we battle again in array in the place where
will go up against it by lot; 10 and we will they set themselves in array the first day.
23 The children of Israel went up and wept
take ten men of one hundred throughout
all the tribes of Israel, and one hundred of before the LORD until evening; and they
one thousand, and a thousand out of ten asked of the LORD, saying, “Shall I again
thousand to get food for the people, that draw near to battle against the children of
they may do, when they come to Gibeah of Benjamin my brother?”
Benjamin, according to all the folly that the The LORD said, “Go up against him.”
Judges 20:24 254 Judges 21:1

24 The children of Israel came near yielded to Benjamin because they trusted
against the children of Benjamin the sec- the ambushers whom they had set against
ond day. 25 Benjamin went out against Gibeah. 37 The ambushers hurried, and
them out of Gibeah the second day, and de- rushed on Gibeah; then the ambushers
stroyed down to the ground of the children spread out, and struck all the city with the
of Israel again eighteen thousand men. All edge of the sword. 38 Now the appointed
these drew the sword. sign between the men of Israel and the
26 Then all the children of Israel and all ambushers was that they should make a
the people went up, and came to Bethel, great cloud of smoke rise up out of the city.
and wept, and sat there before the LORD, 39 The men of Israel turned in the battle,
and fasted that day until evening; then and Benjamin began to strike and kill of
they offered burnt offerings and peace of- the men of Israel about thirty persons; for
ferings before the LORD. 27 The children they said, “Surely they are struck down
of Israel asked the LORD (for the ark of before us, as in the first battle.” 40 But when
the covenant of God was there in those the cloud began to arise up out of the city
days, 28 and Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, in a pillar of smoke, the Benjamites looked
the son of Aaron, stood before it in those behind them; and behold, the whole city
days), saying, “Shall I yet again go out to
went up in smoke to the sky. 41 The men
battle against the children of Benjamin my
brother, or shall I cease?” of Israel turned, and the men of Benjamin
were dismayed; for they saw that disas-
The LORD said, “Go up; for tomorrow I
will deliver him into your hand.” ter had come on them. 42 Therefore they
29 Israel set ambushes all around Gibeah.
turned their backs before the men of Israel
30 The children of Israel went up against
to the way of the wilderness, but the battle
followed hard after them; and those who
the children of Benjamin on the third came out of the cities destroyed them in the
day, and set themselves in array against middle of it. 43 They surrounded the Ben-
Gibeah, as at other times. 31 The children of jamites, chased them, and trod them down
Benjamin went out against the people, and at their resting place, as far as near Gibeah
were drawn away from the city; and they toward the sunrise. 44 Eighteen thousand
began to strike and kill of the people as at men of Benjamin fell; all these were men of
other times, in the highways, of which one
valor. 45 They turned and fled toward the
goes up to Bethel and the other to Gibeah,
wilderness to the rock of Rimmon. They
in the field, about thirty men of Israel.
32 The children of Benjamin said, “They
gleaned five thousand men of them in the
highways, and followed hard after them
are struck down before us, as at the first.” to Gidom, and struck two thousand men
But the children of Israel said, “Let’s flee, of them. 46 So that all who fell that day
and draw them away from the city to the of Benjamin were twenty-five thousand
highways.” men who drew the sword. All these were
33 All the men of Israel rose up out of
men of valor. 47 But six hundred men
their place and set themselves in array turned and fled toward the wilderness to
at Baal Tamar. Then the ambushers of the rock of Rimmon, and stayed in the
Israel broke out of their place, even out rock of Rimmon four months. 48 The men
of Maareh Geba. 34 Ten thousand chosen of Israel turned again on the children of
men out of all Israel came over against Benjamin, and struck them with the edge
Gibeah, and the battle was severe; but of the sword—including the entire city, the
they didn’t know that disaster was close to livestock, and all that they found. More-
them. 35 The LORD struck Benjamin before over they set all the cities which they found
Israel; and the children of Israel destroyed on fire.
of Benjamin that day twenty-five thousand
one hundred men. All these drew the 21
sword. 36 So the children of Benjamin saw Now the men of Israel had sworn in
that they were struck, for the men of Israel Mizpah, saying, “None of us will give his
Judges 21:2 255 Judges 21:25

daughter to Benjamin as a wife.” 2 The grieved for Benjamin, because the LORD
people came to Bethel and sat there until had made a breach in the tribes of Israel.
16 Then the elders of the congregation said,
evening before God, and lifted up their
voices, and wept severely. 3 They said, “How shall we provide wives for those who
“The LORD, the God of Israel, why has this remain, since the women are destroyed
happened in Israel, that there should be out of Benjamin?” 17 They said, “There
one tribe lacking in Israel today?” must be an inheritance for those who are
escaped of Benjamin, that a tribe not be
4On the next day, the people rose early blotted out from Israel. 18 However, we
and built an altar there, and offered burnt may not give them wives of our daugh-
offerings and peace offerings. 5 The chil- ters, for the children of Israel had sworn,
dren of Israel said, “Who is there among all saying, ‘Cursed is he who gives a wife to
the tribes of Israel who didn’t come up in Benjamin.’ ” 19 They said, “Behold, there
the assembly to the LORD?” For they had is a feast of the LORD from year to year
made a great oath concerning him who in Shiloh, which is on the north of Bethel,
didn’t come up to the LORD to Mizpah, on the east side of the highway that goes
saying, “He shall surely be put to death.” up from Bethel to Shechem, and on the
6 The children of Israel grieved for Ben- south of Lebonah.” 20 They commanded
jamin their brother, and said, “There is one the children of Benjamin, saying, “Go and
tribe cut off from Israel today. 7 How shall lie in wait in the vineyards, 21 and see, and
we provide wives for those who remain, behold, if the daughters of Shiloh come out
since we have sworn by the LORD that to dance in the dances, then come out of
we will not give them of our daughters to the vineyards, and each man catch his wife
wives?” 8 They said, “What one is there of the daughters of Shiloh, and go to the
of the tribes of Israel who didn’t come up land of Benjamin. 22 It shall be, when their
to the LORD to Mizpah?” Behold, no one fathers or their brothers come to complain
came from Jabesh Gilead to the camp to to us, that we will say to them, ‘Grant them
the assembly. 9 For when the people were graciously to us, because we didn’t take for
counted, behold, there were none of the each man his wife in battle, neither did you
inhabitants of Jabesh Gilead there. 10 The give them to them; otherwise you would
congregation sent twelve thousand of the now be guilty.’ ”
most valiant men there, and commanded 23 The children of Benjamin did so, and
them, saying, “Go and strike the inhab- took wives for themselves according to
itants of Jabesh Gilead with the edge of their number, of those who danced, whom
the sword, with the women and the little they carried off. They went and returned
ones. 11 This is the thing that you shall do: to their inheritance, built the cities, and
you shall utterly destroy every male, and lived in them. 24 The children of Israel
every woman who has lain with a man.” departed from there at that time, every
12 They found among the inhabitants of man to his tribe and to his family, and
Jabesh Gilead four hundred young virgins they each went out from there to his own
who had not known man by lying with inheritance. 25 In those days there was no
him; and they brought them to the camp to king in Israel. Everyone did that which
Shiloh, which is in the land of Canaan. was right in his own eyes.
13The whole congregation sent and
spoke to the children of Benjamin who
were in the rock of Rimmon, and pro-
claimed peace to them. 14 Benjamin re-
turned at that time; and they gave them
the women whom they had saved alive of
the women of Jabesh Gilead. There still
weren’t enough for them. 15 The people
Ruth 1:1 256 Ruth 2:2

should also bear sons, 13 would you then

wait until they were grown? Would you
The Book of then refrain from having husbands? No,
Ruth my daughters, for it grieves me seriously
for your sakes, for the LORD’s hand has
1 In the days when the judges judged, gone out against me.”
there was a famine in the land. A certain 14 They lifted up their voices and wept
man of Bethlehem Judah went to live in again; then Orpah kissed her mother-in-
the country of Moab with his wife and his law, but Ruth stayed with her. 15 She said,
two sons. 2 The name of the man was Elim- “Behold,‡ your sister-in-law has gone back
elech, and the name of his wife Naomi. The
names of his two sons were Mahlon and to her people and to her god. Follow your
Chilion, Ephrathites of Bethlehem Judah. sister-in-law.”
16 Ruth said, “Don’t urge me to leave
They came into the country of Moab and
lived there. 3 Elimelech, Naomi’s husband, you, and to return from following you, for
died; and she was left with her two sons. where you go, I will go; and where you
4 They took for themselves wives of the stay, I will stay. Your people will be my peo-
women of Moab. The name of the one ple, and your God§ my God. 17 Where you
was Orpah, and the name of the other was die, I will die, and there I will be buried.
Ruth. They lived there about ten years. May The LORD do so to me, and more also,
5 Mahlon and Chilion both died, and the if anything but death parts you and me.”
woman was bereaved of her two children 18 When Naomi saw that she was deter-
and of her husband. 6 Then she arose mined to go with her, she stopped urging
with her daughters-in-law, that she might her.
return from the country of Moab; for she 19 So they both went until they came
had heard in the country of Moab how to Bethlehem. When they had come to
the LORD† had visited his people in giving Bethlehem, all the city was excited about
them bread. 7 She went out of the place them, and they asked, “Is this Naomi?”
where she was, and her two daughters-in- 20 She said to them, “Don’t call me
law with her. They went on the way to Naomi.† Call me Mara,‡ for the Almighty
return to the land of Judah. 8 Naomi said has dealt very bitterly with me. 21 I went
to her two daughters-in-law, “Go, return out full, and the LORD has brought me
each of you to her mother’s house. May home again empty. Why do you call
the LORD deal kindly with you, as you have me Naomi, since the LORD has testified
dealt with the dead and with me. 9 May against me, and the Almighty has afflicted
The LORD grant you that you may find rest, me?” 22 So Naomi returned, and Ruth the
each of you in the house of her husband.” Moabitess, her daughter-in-law, with her,
Then she kissed them, and they lifted up who returned out of the country of Moab.
their voices, and wept. 10 They said to her, They came to Bethlehem in the beginning
“No, but we will return with you to your of barley harvest.
11 Naomi said, “Go back, my daughters.
Why do you want to go with me? Do I still 1 Naomi had a relative of her husband’s,
have sons in my womb, that they may be a mighty man of wealth, of the family of
your husbands? 12 Go back, my daughters, Elimelech, and his name was Boaz. 2 Ruth
go your way; for I am too old to have a the Moabitess said to Naomi, “Let me now
husband. If I should say, ‘I have hope,’ if I go to the field, and glean among the ears of
should even have a husband tonight, and grain after him in whose sight I find favor.”
† 1:6 When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, “LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name. ‡ 1:15
“Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬, §
ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection. 1:16
The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim). † 1:20 “Naomi” means “pleasant”. ‡ 1:20 “Mara” means
Ruth 2:3 257 Ruth 3:2

She said to her, “Go, my daughter.” 3 She kindly to your servant, though I am not as
went, and came and gleaned in the field one of your servants.”
after the reapers; and she happened to 14 At meal time Boaz said to her, “Come
come to the portion of the field belonging here, and eat some bread, and dip your
to Boaz, who was of the family of Elim- morsel in the vinegar.”
elech. She sat beside the reapers, and they
4 Behold, Boaz came from Bethlehem, passed her parched grain. She ate, was
and said to the reapers, “May The LORD be satisfied, and left some of it. 15 When she
with you.” had risen up to glean, Boaz commanded
They answered him, “May The LORD his young men, saying, “Let her glean even
bless you.” among the sheaves, and don’t reproach
5 Then Boaz said to his servant who was her. 16 Also pull out some for her from the
set over the reapers, “Whose young lady is bundles, and leave it. Let her glean, and
this?” don’t rebuke her.”
6 The servant who was set over the 17 So she gleaned in the field until
reapers answered, “It is the Moabite lady evening; and she beat out that which she
who came back with Naomi out of the had gleaned, and it was about an ephah† of
country of Moab. 7 She said, ‘Please let me barley. 18 She took it up, and went into the
glean and gather after the reapers among city. Then her mother-in-law saw what she
the sheaves.’ So she came, and has con- had gleaned; and she brought out and gave
tinued even from the morning until now,
to her that which she had left after she had
except that she rested a little in the house.” enough.
8 Then Boaz said to Ruth, “Listen, my 19 Her mother-in-law said to her, “Where
daughter. Don’t go to glean in another have you gleaned today? Where have you
field, and don’t go from here, but stay here worked? Blessed be he who noticed you.”
close to my maidens. 9 Let your eyes be on She told her mother-in-law with whom
the field that they reap, and go after them. she had worked, “The man’s name with
Haven’t I commanded the young men not whom I worked today is Boaz.” 20 Naomi
to touch you? When you are thirsty, go to said to her daughter-in-law, “May he be
the vessels, and drink from that which the blessed by the LORD, who has not aban-
young men have drawn.” doned his kindness to the living and to
10 Then she fell on her face and bowed the dead.” Naomi said to her, “The man
herself to the ground, and said to him, is a close relative to us, one of our near
“Why have I found favor in your sight, that kinsmen.”
21 Ruth the Moabitess said, “Yes, he said
you should take knowledge of me, since I
am a foreigner?” to me, ‘You shall stay close to my young
11 Boaz answered her, “I have been told men until they have finished all my har-
all about what you have done for your vest.’ ”
22 Naomi said to Ruth her daughter-in-
mother-in-law since the death of your hus-
law, “It is good, my daughter, that you
band, and how you have left your father,
go out with his maidens, and that they
your mother, and the land of your birth,
not meet you in any other field.” 23 So
and have come to a people that you didn’t
she stayed close to the maidens of Boaz,
know before. 12 May the LORD repay
to glean to the end of barley harvest and
your work, and a full reward be given
of wheat harvest; and she lived with her
to you from the LORD, the God of Israel, mother-in-law.
under whose wings you have come to take
refuge.” 3
13 Then she said, “Let me find favor in 1Naomi her mother-in-law said to her,
your sight, my lord, because you have com- “My daughter, shall I not seek rest for you,
forted me, and because you have spoken that it may be well with you? 2 Now isn’t
† 2:17 1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel
Ruth 3:3 258 Ruth 4:9

Boaz our kinsman, with whose maidens measured six measures of barley, and laid
you were? Behold, he will be winnow- it on her; then he went into the city.
ing barley tonight on the threshing floor. 16 When she came to her mother-in-law,
3 Therefore wash yourself, anoint yourself, she said, “How did it go, my daughter?”
get dressed, and go down to the threshing She told her all that the man had done
floor; but don’t make yourself known to for her. 17 She said, “He gave me these six
the man until he has finished eating and measures of barley; for he said, ‘Don’t go
drinking. 4 It shall be, when he lies down, empty to your mother-in-law.’ ”
that you shall note the place where he is 18 Then she said, “Wait, my daughter,
lying. Then you shall go in, uncover his until you know what will happen; for the
feet, and lie down. Then he will tell you man will not rest until he has settled this
what to do.” today.”
5 She said to her, “All that you say, I will
do.” 6 She went down to the threshing 4
floor, and did everything that her mother-
1 Now Boaz went up to the gate and sat
down there. Behold, the near kinsman
in-law told her. 7 When Boaz had eaten of whom Boaz spoke came by. Boaz said
and drunk, and his heart was merry, he
went to lie down at the end of the heap of to him, “Come over here, friend, and sit
down!” He came over, and sat down.
grain. She came softly, uncovered his feet, 2 Boaz took ten men of the elders of the
and lay down. 8 At midnight, the man was city, and said, “Sit down here,” and they
startled and turned himself; and behold, a sat down. 3 He said to the near kinsman,
woman lay at his feet. 9 He said, “Who are “Naomi, who has come back out of the
you?” country of Moab, is selling the parcel of
She answered, “I am Ruth your servant. land, which was our brother Elimelech’s.
4 I thought I should tell you, saying, ‘Buy it
Therefore spread the corner of your gar-
ment over your servant; for you are a near before those who sit here, and before the
kinsman.” elders of my people.’ If you will redeem
10 He said, “You are blessed by the LORD,
it, redeem it; but if you will not redeem it,
then tell me, that I may know. For there is
my daughter. You have shown more kind- no one to redeem it besides you; and I am
ness in the latter end than at the be- after you.”
ginning, because you didn’t follow young
men, whether poor or rich. 11 Now, my He said, “I will redeem it.”
5 Then Boaz said, “On the day you buy
daughter, don’t be afraid. I will do to you
all that you say; for all the city of my peo- the field from the hand of Naomi, you must
ple knows that you are a worthy woman. buy it also from Ruth the Moabitess, the
12 Now it is true that I am a near kinsman. wife of the dead, to raise up the name of the
However, there is a kinsman nearer than I. dead on his inheritance.”
13 Stay this night, and in the morning, if he 6 The near kinsman said, “I can’t redeem

will perform for you the part of a kinsman, it for myself, lest I endanger my own in-
good. Let him do the kinsman’s duty. But heritance. Take my right of redemption for
if he will not do the duty of a kinsman for yourself; for I can’t redeem it.”
7 Now this was the custom in former time
you, then I will do the duty of a kinsman for
you, as the LORD lives. Lie down until the in Israel concerning redeeming and con-
morning.” cerning exchanging, to confirm all things:
a man took off his sandal, and gave it to his
14She lay at his feet until the morning, neighbor; and this was the way of formal-
then she rose up before one could discern izing transactions in Israel. 8 So the near
another. For he said, “Let it not be known kinsman said to Boaz, “Buy it for yourself,”
that the woman came to the threshing then he took off his sandal.
floor.” 15 He said, “Bring the mantle that 9 Boaz said to the elders and to all the
is on you, and hold it.” She held it; and he people, “You are witnesses today, that I
Ruth 4:10 259 Ruth 4:22

have bought all that was Elimelech’s, and

all that was Chilion’s and Mahlon’s, from
the hand of Naomi. 10 Moreover, Ruth
the Moabitess, the wife of Mahlon, I have
purchased to be my wife, to raise up the
name of the dead on his inheritance, that
the name of the dead may not be cut off
from among his brothers and from the gate
of his place. You are witnesses today.”
11 All the people who were in the gate,
and the elders, said, “We are witnesses.
May the LORD make the woman who has
come into your house like Rachel and like
Leah, which both built the house of Israel;
and treat you worthily in Ephrathah, and
be famous in Bethlehem. 12 Let your house
be like the house of Perez, whom Tamar
bore to Judah, of the offspring† which the
LORD will give you by this young woman.”
13 So Boaz took Ruth and she became his
wife; and he went in to her, and the LORD
enabled her to conceive, and she bore a
son. 14 The women said to Naomi, “Blessed
be the LORD, who has not left you today
without a near kinsman. Let his name be
famous in Israel. 15 He shall be to you a
restorer of life and sustain you in your old
age; for your daughter-in-law, who loves
you, who is better to you than seven sons,
has given birth to him.” 16 Naomi took the
child, laid him in her bosom, and became
nurse to him. 17 The women, her neigh-
bors, gave him a name, saying, “A son is
born to Naomi”. They named him Obed.
He is the father of Jesse, the father of David.
18 Now this is the history of the genera-
tions of Perez: Perez became the father of
Hezron, 19 and Hezron became the father
of Ram, and Ram became the father of Am-
minadab, 20 and Amminadab became the
father of Nahshon, and Nahshon became
the father of Salmon, 21 and Salmon be-
came the father of Boaz, and Boaz became
the father of Obed, 22 and Obed became the
father of Jesse, and Jesse became the father
of David.

† 4:12 or, seed

1 Samuel 1:1 260 1 Samuel 1:27

“How long will you be drunk? Get rid of

your wine!”
The First Book of Samuel 15 Hannah answered, “No, my lord, I am

1 Now there was a certain man of Ra- a woman of a sorrowful spirit. I have not
mathaim Zophim, of the hill country of been drinking wine or strong drink, but
Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah, the I poured out my soul before the LORD.
16 Don’t consider your servant a wicked
son of Jeroham, the son of Elihu, the son
of Tohu, the son of Zuph, an Ephraimite. woman; for I have been speaking out of
2 He had two wives. The name of one was the abundance of my complaint and my
Hannah, and the name of the other Penin- provocation.”
nah. Peninnah had children, but Hannah 17 Then Eli answered, “Go in peace; and
had no children. 3 This man went up out of may the God‡ of Israel grant your petition
his city from year to year to worship and to that you have asked of him.”
sacrifice to the LORD† of Armies in Shiloh. 18 She said, “Let your servant find favor
The two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, in your sight.” So the woman went her way
priests to the LORD, were there. 4 When and ate; and her facial expression wasn’t
the day came that Elkanah sacrificed, he sad any more.
gave portions to Peninnah his wife and 19 They rose up in the morning early
to all her sons and her daughters; 5 but
and worshiped the LORD, then returned
he gave a double portion to Hannah, for
and came to their house to Ramah. Then
he loved Hannah, but the LORD had shut Elkanah knew Hannah his wife; and the
up her womb. 6 Her rival provoked her LORD remembered her.
severely, to irritate her, because the LORD 20 When the time had come, Hannah con-
had shut up her womb. 7 So year by year, ceived, and bore a son; and she named him
when she went up to the LORD’s house, her Samuel,§ saying, “Because I have asked
rival provoked her. Therefore she wept, him of the LORD.”
and didn’t eat. 8 Elkanah her husband said 21 The man Elkanah, and all his house,
to her, “Hannah, why do you weep? Why went up to offer to the LORD the yearly
don’t you eat? Why is your heart grieved? sacrifice and his vow. 22 But Hannah didn’t
Am I not better to you than ten sons?” go up, for she said to her husband, “Not
9 So Hannah rose up after they had fin- until the child is weaned; then I will bring
ished eating and drinking in Shiloh. Now him, that he may appear before the LORD,
Eli the priest was sitting on his seat by and stay there forever.”
the doorpost of the LORD’s temple. 10 She 23 Elkanah her husband said to her, “Do
was in bitterness of soul, and prayed to what seems good to you. Wait until you
the LORD, weeping bitterly. 11 She vowed have weaned him; only may the LORD
a vow, and said, “LORD of Armies, if you establish his word.”
will indeed look at the affliction of your So the woman waited and nursed her
servant and remember me, and not forget son until she weaned him. 24 When she
your servant, but will give to your servant had weaned him, she took him up with her,
a boy, then I will give him to the LORD all with three bulls, and one ephah† of meal,
the days of his life, and no razor shall come and a container of wine, and brought him
on his head.” to the LORD’s house in Shiloh. The child
12 As she continued praying before the was young. 25 They killed the bull, and
LORD, Eli saw her mouth. 13 Now Hannah brought the child to Eli. 26 She said, “Oh,
spoke in her heart. Only her lips moved, my lord, as your soul lives, my lord, I am
but her voice was not heard. Therefore Eli the woman who stood by you here, praying
thought she was drunk. 14 Eli said to her, to the LORD. 27 I prayed for this child, and
† 1:3 When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, “LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name. ‡ 1:17
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim). § 1:20 Samuel sounds like the Hebrew for “heard by God.”
The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
† 1:24 1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel
1 Samuel 1:28 261 1 Samuel 2:23

the LORD has given me my petition which He will thunder against them in the
I asked of him. 28 Therefore I have also sky.
given him to the LORD. As long as he lives
he is given to the LORD.” He worshiped the “The LORD will judge the ends of the earth.
LORD there. He will give strength to his king,
and exalt the horn of his anointed.”
2 11 Elkanah went to Ramah to his house.
1 Hannah prayed, and said, The child served the LORD before Eli the
“My heart exults in the LORD! priest.
My horn is exalted in the LORD. 12 Now the sons of Eli were wicked men.

My mouth is enlarged over my enemies, They didn’t know the LORD. 13 The cus-
because I rejoice in your salvation. tom of the priests with the people was
2 There is no one as holy as the LORD, that when anyone offered a sacrifice, the
priest’s servant came while the meat was
for there is no one besides you,
boiling, with a fork of three teeth in his
nor is there any rock like our God.
hand; 14 and he stabbed it into the pan, or
3 “Don’t keep talking so exceedingly kettle, or cauldron, or pot. The priest took
proudly. all that the fork brought up for himself.
Don’t let arrogance come out of your They did this to all the Israelites who came
mouth, there to Shiloh. Yes, before they burned

for the LORD is a God of knowledge. the fat, the priest’s servant came, and said
By him actions are weighed. to the man who sacrificed, “Give meat to
roast for the priest; for he will not accept
4 “The bows of the mighty men are broken. boiled meat from you, but raw.”
16 If the man said to him, “Let the fat
Those who stumbled are armed with
strength. be burned first, and then take as much
5 Those who were full have hired them- as your soul desires;” then he would say,
selves out for bread. “No, but you shall give it to me now; and
Those who were hungry are satisfied. if not, I will take it by force.” 17 The sin
Yes, the barren has borne seven. of the young men was very great before
She who has many children lan- the LORD; for the men despised the LORD’s
guishes. offering. 18 But Samuel ministered before
the LORD, being a child, clothed with a
6 “The LORD kills and makes alive. linen ephod. 19 Moreover his mother made
He brings down to Sheol† and brings him a little robe, and brought it to him
up. from year to year when she came up with
7 The LORD makes poor and makes rich.
her husband to offer the yearly sacrifice.
He brings low, he also lifts up. 20 Eli blessed Elkanah and his wife, and
8 He raises up the poor out of the dust.
said, “May The LORD give you offspring‡
He lifts up the needy from the dunghill from this woman for the petition which
to make them sit with princes was asked of the LORD.” Then they went
and inherit the throne of glory. to their own home. 21 The LORD visited
For the pillars of the earth are the LORD’s. Hannah, and she conceived and bore three
He has set the world on them. sons and two daughters. The child Samuel
9 He will keep the feet of his holy ones, grew before the LORD.
but the wicked will be put to silence in 22 Now Eli was very old; and he heard
darkness; all that his sons did to all Israel, and how
for no man will prevail by strength. that they slept with the women who served
10 Those who strive with the LORD shall be at the door of the Tent of Meeting. 23 He
broken to pieces. said to them, “Why do you do such things?
† 2:6 Sheol is the place of the dead. ‡ 2:20 or, seed
1 Samuel 2:24 262 1 Samuel 3:12

For I hear of your evil dealings from all in my mind. I will build him a sure house.
these people. 24 No, my sons; for it is not He will walk before my anointed forever.
a good report that I hear! You make the 36 It will happen that everyone who is left
LORD’s people disobey. 25 If one man sins in your house will come and bow down to
against another, God will judge him; but him for a piece of silver and a loaf of bread,
if a man sins against the LORD, who will and will say, “Please put me into one of the
intercede for him?” Notwithstanding, they priests’ offices, that I may eat a morsel of
didn’t listen to the voice of their father, bread.” ’ ”
because the LORD intended to kill them.
26 The child Samuel grew on, and in- 3
1 The child Samuel ministered to the
creased in favor both with the LORD and
also with men. LORD before Eli. The LORD’s word was
27 A man of God came to Eli and said to
rare in those days. There were not many
visions, then. 2 At that time, when Eli was
him, “The LORD says, ‘Did I reveal myself laid down in his place (now his eyes had
to the house of your father when they were begun to grow dim, so that he could not
in Egypt in bondage to Pharaoh’s house?
28 Didn’t I choose him out of all the tribes see), and God’s lamp hadn’t yet gone out,

of Israel to be my priest, to go up to my and Samuel had laid down in the LORD’s

temple where God’s ark was, 4 The LORD
altar, to burn incense, to wear an ephod called Samuel. He said, “Here I am.”
before me? Didn’t I give to the house of 5 He ran to Eli and said, “Here I am; for
your father all the offerings of the children you called me.”
of Israel made by fire? 29 Why do you kick He said, “I didn’t call. Lie down again.”
at my sacrifice and at my offering, which He went and lay down. 6 The LORD
I have commanded in my habitation, and called yet again, “Samuel!”
honor your sons above me, to make your-
Samuel arose and went to Eli and said,
selves fat with the best of all the offer- “Here I am; for you called me.”
ings of Israel my people?’ 30 “Therefore
the LORD, the God of Israel, says, ‘I said He answered, “I didn’t call, my son. Lie
indeed that your house and the house of down again.”
7 Now Samuel didn’t yet

your father should walk before me for- know the LORD, neither was8the LORD’s
ever.’ But now the LORD says, ‘Far be it word yet revealed to him. The LORD
called Samuel again the third time. He
from me; for those who honor me I will
honor, and those who despise me will be arose and went to Eli and said, “Here I am;
for you called me.”
cursed. 31 Behold,§ the days come that I Eli perceived that the LORD had called
will cut off your arm and the arm of your
the child. 9 Therefore Eli said to Samuel,
father’s house, that there will not be an old “Go, lie down. It shall be, if he calls you,
man in your house. 32 You will see the af- that you shall say, ‘Speak, LORD; for your
fliction of my habitation, in all the wealth servant hears.’ ” So Samuel went and lay
which I will give Israel. There shall not be
down in his place. 10 The LORD came,
an old man in your house forever. 33 The and stood, and called as at other times,
man of yours whom I don’t cut off from my “Samuel! Samuel!”
altar will consume your eyes† and grieve Then Samuel said, “Speak; for your ser-
your heart. All the increase of your house vant hears.”
will die in the flower of their age. 34 This 11 The LORD said to Samuel, “Behold,
will be the sign to you that will come on I will do a thing in Israel at which both
your two sons, on Hophni and Phinehas: the ears of everyone who hears it will tin-
in one day they will both die. 35 I will raise gle. 12 In that day I will perform against
up a faithful priest for myself who will do Eli all that I have spoken concerning his
according to that which is in my heart and house, from the beginning even to the end.
§ 2:31 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.
† 2:33 or, blind your eyes with tears
1 Samuel 3:13 263 1 Samuel 3:17

13 For I have told him that I will judge his Hophni and Phinehas, were there with
house forever for the iniquity which he the ark of the covenant of God. 5 When
knew, because his sons brought a curse on the ark of the LORD’s covenant came
themselves, and he didn’t restrain them. into the camp, all Israel shouted with a
14 Therefore I have sworn to the house of great shout, so that the earth resounded.
Eli that the iniquity of Eli’s house shall 6 When the Philistines heard the noise of
not be removed with sacrifice or offering the shout, they said, “What does the noise
forever.” of this great shout in the camp of the
15 Samuel lay until the morning, and Hebrews mean?” They understood that
opened the doors of the LORD’s house. the LORD’s ark had come into the camp.
Samuel was afraid to show Eli the vi- 7 The Philistines were afraid, for they said,
sion. 16 Then Eli called Samuel and said, “God has come into the camp.” They said,
“Samuel, my son!” “Woe to us! For there has not been such
He said, “Here I am.” a thing before. 8 Woe to us! Who shall
17 He said, “What is the thing that he has deliver us out of the hand of these mighty
spoken to you? Please don’t hide it from gods? These are the gods that struck the
me. God do so to you, and more also, if you Egyptians with all kinds of plagues in the
hide anything from me of all the things that wilderness. 9 Be strong and behave like
he spoke to you.” men, O you Philistines, that you not be
18 Samuel told him every bit, and hid servants to the Hebrews, as they have been
nothing from him. to you. Strengthen yourselves like men,
He said, “It is the LORD. Let him do what and fight!” 10 The Philistines fought, and
seems good to him.” Israel was defeated, and each man fled to
19 Samuel grew, and the LORD was with his tent. There was a very great slaughter;
him and let none of his words fall to the for thirty thousand footmen of Israel fell.
ground. 20 All Israel from Dan even to Beer- 11 God’s ark was taken; and the two sons of
sheba knew that Samuel was established Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were slain.
to be a prophet of the LORD. 21 The LORD 12 A man of Benjamin ran out of the army
appeared again in Shiloh; for the LORD
revealed himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the and came to Shiloh the same day, with
LORD’s word. his clothes torn and with dirt on his head.
13 When he came, behold, Eli was sitting

4 on his seat by the road watching, for his

1 The word of Samuel came to all Israel. heart trembled for God’s ark. When the
Now Israel went out against the man came into the city and told about it,
Philistines to battle, and encamped beside all the city cried out. 14 When Eli heard the
Ebenezer; and the Philistines encamped in noise of the crying, he said, “What does the
Aphek. 2 The Philistines put themselves in noise of this tumult mean?”
array against Israel. When they joined bat- The man hurried, and came and told Eli.
tle, Israel was defeated by the Philistines, 15 Now Eli was ninety-eight years old. His
who killed about four thousand men of the eyes were set, so that he could not see.
army in the field. 3 When the people had 16 The man said to Eli, “I am he who came
come into the camp, the elders of Israel out of the army, and I fled today out of the
said, “Why has the LORD defeated us today army.”
before the Philistines? Let’s get the ark He said, “How did the matter go, my
of the LORD’s covenant out of Shiloh and son?”
bring it to us, that it may come among
17 He who brought the news answered,
us and save us out of the hand of our
enemies.” “Israel has fled before the Philistines, and
4 So the people sent to Shiloh, and they there has been also a great slaughter
brought from there the ark of the covenant among the people. Your two sons also,
of the LORD of Armies, who sits above Hophni and Phinehas, are dead, and God’s
the cherubim; and the two sons of Eli, ark has been captured.”
1 Samuel 3:18 264 1 Samuel 6:6

18 When he made mention of God’s ark, shall we do with the ark of the God of
Eli fell from off his seat backward by the Israel?”
side of the gate; and his neck broke, and he They answered, “Let the ark of the God
died, for he was an old man and heavy. He of Israel be carried over to Gath.” They
had judged Israel forty years. carried the ark of the God of Israel there.
9 It was so, that after they had carried it
19 His daughter-in-law, Phinehas’ wife,
there, the LORD’s hand was against the city
was with child, near to giving birth. When
with a very great confusion; and he struck
she heard the news that God’s ark was
taken and that her father-in-law and her the men of the city, both small and great, so
husband were dead, she bowed herself that tumors broke out on them. 10 So they
and gave birth; for her pains came on her. sent God’s ark to Ekron.
20 About the time of her death the women As God’s ark came to Ekron, the Ekro-
who stood by her said to her, “Don’t be nites cried out, saying, “They have brought
afraid, for you have given birth to a son.” the ark of the God of Israel here to us, to kill
But she didn’t answer, neither did she re- us and our people.” 11 They sent therefore
gard it. 21 She named the child Ichabod,† and gathered together all the lords of the
saying, “The glory has departed from Is- Philistines, and they said, “Send the ark
rael!” because God’s ark was taken, and of the God of Israel away, and let it go
because of her father-in-law and her hus- again to its own place, that it not kill us
band. 22 She said, “The glory has departed and our people.” For there was a deadly
from Israel; for God’s ark has been taken.” panic throughout all the city. The hand of
God was very heavy there. 12 The men who
5 didn’t die were struck with the tumors;
1 Now the Philistines had taken God’s and the cry of the city went up to heaven.
ark, and they brought it from Ebenezer to
Ashdod. 2 The Philistines took God’s ark, 6
and brought it into the house of Dagon 1 The LORD’s ark was in the country
and set it by Dagon. 3 When the people of the Philistines seven months. 2 The
of Ashdod arose early on the next day, Philistines called for the priests and the
behold, Dagon had fallen on his face to diviners, saying, “What shall we do with
the ground before the LORD’s ark. They the LORD’s ark? Show us how we should
took Dagon and set him in his place again. send it to its place.”
4 When they arose early on the follow- 3 They said, “If you send away the ark of

ing morning, behold, Dagon had fallen on the God of Israel, don’t send it empty; but
his face to the ground before the LORD’s by all means return a trespass offering to
ark; and the head of Dagon and both the him. Then you will be healed, and it will be
palms of his hands were cut off on the known to you why his hand is not removed
threshold. Only Dagon’s torso was intact. from you.”
5 Therefore neither the priests of Dagon 4 Then they said, “What should the tres-

nor any who come into Dagon’s house step pass offering be which we shall return to
on the threshold of Dagon in Ashdod to him?”
this day. 6 But the LORD’s hand was heavy They said, “Five golden tumors and five
on the people of Ashdod, and he destroyed golden mice, for the number of the lords
them and struck them with tumors, even of the Philistines; for one plague was on
Ashdod and its borders. you all, and on your lords. 5 Therefore
7 When the men of Ashdod saw that it you shall make images of your tumors and
was so, they said, “The ark of the God of images of your mice that mar the land;
Israel shall not stay with us, for his hand is and you shall give glory to the God of Is-
severe on us and on Dagon our god.” 8 They rael. Perhaps he will release his hand from
sent therefore and gathered together all you, from your gods, and from your land.
the lords of the Philistines, and said, “What 6 Why then do you harden your hearts as
† 4:21 “Ichabod” means “no glory”.
1 Samuel 6:7 265 1 Samuel 7:8

the Egyptians and Pharaoh hardened their the five lords, both of fortified cities and of
hearts? When he had worked wonderfully country villages, even to the great stone on
among them, didn’t they let the people go, which they set down the LORD’s ark. That
and they departed? stone remains to this day in the field of
7 “Now therefore take and prepare your- Joshua of Beth Shemesh. 19 He struck of the
selves a new cart and two milk cows on men of Beth Shemesh, because they had
which there has come no yoke; and tie the looked into the LORD’s ark, he struck fifty
cows to the cart, and bring their calves thousand seventy of the men. Then the
home from them; 8 and take the LORD’s ark people mourned, because the LORD had
and lay it on the cart. Put the jewels of struck the people with a great slaughter.
gold, which you return him for a trespass 20 The men of Beth Shemesh said, “Who is
offering, in a box by its side; and send it able to stand before the LORD, this holy
away, that it may go. 9 Behold, if it goes God? To whom shall he go up from us?”
up by the way of its own border to Beth 21 They sent messengers to the inhab-
Shemesh, then he has done us this great itants of Kiriath Jearim, saying, “The
evil; but if not, then we shall know that it is Philistines have brought back the LORD’s
not his hand that struck us. It was a chance ark. Come down and bring it up to
that happened to us.” yourselves.”
10 The men did so, and took two milk
cows and tied them to the cart, and shut
up their calves at home. 11 They put the 7
LORD’s ark on the cart, and the box with 1 The men of Kiriath Jearim came and
the golden mice and the images of their took the LORD’s ark, and brought it into
tumors. 12 The cows took the straight way Abinadab’s house on the hill, and conse-
by the way to Beth Shemesh. They went crated Eleazar his son to keep the LORD’s
along the highway, lowing as they went, ark. 2 From the day that the ark stayed
and didn’t turn away to the right hand or in Kiriath Jearim, the time was long—for
to the left; and the lords of the Philistines it was twenty years; and all the house of
went after them to the border of Beth Israel lamented after the LORD. 3 Samuel
Shemesh. 13 The people of Beth Shemesh spoke to all the house of Israel, saying, “If
were reaping their wheat harvest in the you are returning to the LORD with all
valley; and they lifted up their eyes and your heart, then put away the foreign gods
saw the ark, and rejoiced to see it. 14 The and the Ashtaroth from among you, and
cart came into the field of Joshua of Beth direct your hearts to the LORD, and serve
Shemesh, and stood there, where there him only; and he will deliver you out of
was a great stone. Then they split the wood the hand of the Philistines.” 4 Then the
of the cart and offered up the cows for a children of Israel removed the Baals and
burnt offering to the LORD. 15 The Levites the Ashtaroth, and served the LORD only.
5 Samuel said, “Gather all Israel to Mizpah,
took down the LORD’s ark and the box that
was with it, in which the jewels of gold and I will pray to the LORD for you.” 6 They
were, and put them on the great stone; and gathered together to Mizpah, and drew
the men of Beth Shemesh offered burnt of- water, and poured it out before the LORD,
ferings and sacrificed sacrifices the same and fasted on that day, and said there, “We
day to the LORD. 16 When the five lords of have sinned against the LORD.” Samuel
the Philistines had seen it, they returned judged the children of Israel in Mizpah.
to Ekron the same day. 17 These are the 7 When the Philistines heard that the
golden tumors which the Philistines re- children of Israel were gathered together
turned for a trespass offering to the LORD: at Mizpah, the lords of the Philistines went
for Ashdod one, for Gaza one, for Ashkelon up against Israel. When the children of
one, for Gath one, for Ekron one; 18 and the Israel heard it, they were afraid of the
golden mice, according to the number of Philistines. 8 The children of Israel said
all the cities of the Philistines belonging to to Samuel, “Don’t stop crying to the LORD
1 Samuel 7:9 266 1 Samuel 8:20

our God for us, that he will save us out Samuel when they said, “Give us a king to
of the hand of the Philistines.” 9 Samuel judge us.”
took a suckling lamb, and offered it for a
Samuel prayed to the LORD. 7 The LORD
whole burnt offering to the LORD. Samuel
said to Samuel, “Listen to the voice of
cried to the LORD for Israel, and the LORD the people in all that they tell you; for
answered him. 10 As Samuel was offering
they have not rejected you, but they
up the burnt offering, the Philistines came
have rejected me as the king over them.
near to battle against Israel; but the LORD 8 According to all the works which they
thundered with a great thunder on that
have done since the day that I brought
day on the Philistines and confused them;
them up out of Egypt even to this day, in
and they were struck down before Israel.
11 The men of Israel went out of Mizpah that they have forsaken me and served
other gods, so they also do to you. 9 Now
and pursued the Philistines, and struck
therefore, listen to their voice. However,
them until they came under Beth Kar. you shall protest solemnly to them, and
12 Then Samuel took a stone and set
shall show them the way of the king who
it between Mizpah and Shen, and called will reign over them.”
its name Ebenezer,† saying, “The LORD
10 Samuel told all the LORD’s words to
helped us until now.” 13 So the Philistines
were subdued, and they stopped coming the people who asked him for a king. 11 He
within the border of Israel. The LORD’s said, “This will be the way of the king who
hand was against the Philistines all the shall reign over you: he will take your
days of Samuel. sons and appoint them as his servants, for
14 The cities which the Philistines had his chariots and to be his horsemen; and
taken from Israel were restored to Israel, they will run before his chariots. 12 He
from Ekron even to Gath; and Israel re- will appoint them to him for captains of
covered its border out of the hand of the thousands and captains of fifties; and he
Philistines. There was peace between Is- will assign some to plow his ground and to
rael and the Amorites. reap his harvest; and to make his instru-
15 Samuel judged Israel all the days of ments of war and the instruments of his
his life. 16 He went from year to year in a chariots. 13 He will take your daughters
circuit to Bethel, Gilgal, and Mizpah; and to be perfumers, to be cooks, and to be
he judged Israel in all those places. 17 His bakers. 14 He will take your fields, your
return was to Ramah, for his house was vineyards, and your olive groves, even
there, and he judged Israel there; and he your best, and give them to his servants.
15 He will take one tenth of your seed and
built an altar to the LORD there.
of your vineyards, and give it to his officers
8 and to his servants. 16 He will take your
male servants, your female servants, your
1 When Samuel was old, he made his
sons judges over Israel. 2 Now the name best young men, and your donkeys, and
of his firstborn was Joel, and the name assign them to his own work. 17 He will
of his second, Abijah. They were judges take one tenth of your flocks; and you will
in Beersheba. 3 His sons didn’t walk in be his servants. 18 You will cry out in that
his ways, but turned away after dishonest day because of your king whom you will
gain, took bribes, and perverted justice. have chosen for yourselves; and the LORD
4 Then all the elders of Israel gathered will not answer you in that day.”
themselves together and came to Samuel 19 But the people refused to listen to the
to Ramah. 5 They said to him, “Behold, you voice of Samuel; and they said, “No, but we
are old, and your sons don’t walk in your will have a king over us, 20 that we also may
ways. Now make us a king to judge us like be like all the nations; and that our king
all the nations.” 6 But the thing displeased may judge us, and go out before us, and
† 7:12 “Ebenezer” means “stone of help”.
1 Samuel 8:21 267 1 Samuel 9:20

fight our battles.” earlier times in Israel, when a man went

21 Samuel heard all the words of the to inquire of God, he said, “Come! Let’s
people, and he rehearsed them in the ears go to the seer;” for he who is now called a
of the LORD. 22 The LORD said to Samuel, prophet was before called a seer.)
“Listen to their voice, and make them a 10 Then Saul said to his servant, “Well
king.” said. Come! Let’s go.” So they went to the
Samuel said to the men of Israel, “Every- city where the man of God was. 11 As they
one go to your own city.” went up the ascent to the city, they found
young maidens going out to draw water,
9 and said to them, “Is the seer here?”
1 Now there was a man of Benjamin, 12 They answered them and said, “He is.
whose name was Kish the son of Abiel, the Behold, he is before you. Hurry now, for
son of Zeror, the son of Becorath, the son he has come today into the city; for the
of Aphiah, the son of a Benjamite, a mighty people have a sacrifice today in the high
man of valor. 2 He had a son whose name place. 13 As soon as you have come into the
was Saul, an impressive young man; and city, you will immediately find him before
there was not among the children of Israel he goes up to the high place to eat; for the
a more handsome person than he. From people will not eat until he comes, because
his shoulders and upward he was taller he blesses the sacrifice. Afterwards those
than any of the people. who are invited eat. Now therefore go up;
3 The donkeys of Kish, Saul’s father, were
for at this time you will find him.”
lost. Kish said to Saul his son, “Now take 14 They went up to the city. As they came
one of the servants with you, and arise, within the city, behold, Samuel came out
go look for the donkeys.” 4 He passed toward them to go up to the high place.
through the hill country of Ephraim, and 15 Now the LORD had revealed to
passed through the land of Shalishah, but Samuel a day before Saul came, saying,
they didn’t find them. Then they passed 16 “Tomorrow about this time I will send
through the land of Shaalim, and they you a man out of the land of Benjamin, and
weren’t there. Then he passed through the you shall anoint him to be prince over my
land of the Benjamites, but they didn’t find people Israel. He will save my people out
them. of the hand of the Philistines; for I have
5 When they had come to the land of looked upon my people, because their cry
Zuph, Saul said to his servant who was has come to me.”
with him, “Come! Let’s return, lest my 17 When Samuel saw Saul, the LORD said
father stop caring about the donkeys and to him, “Behold, the man of whom I spoke
be anxious for us.” to you! He will have authority over my
6 The servant said to him, “Behold now, people.”
there is a man of God in this city, and he 18 Then Saul approached Samuel in the
is a man who is held in honor. All that he gateway, and said, “Please tell me where
says surely happens. Now let’s go there. the seer’s house is.”
Perhaps he can tell us which way to go.” 19 Samuel answered Saul and said, “I am
7 Then Saul said to his servant, “But be- the seer. Go up before me to the high
hold, if we go, what should we bring the place, for you are to eat with me today.
man? For the bread is spent in our sacks, In the morning I will let you go and will
and there is not a present to bring to the tell you all that is in your heart. 20 As for
man of God. What do we have?” your donkeys who were lost three days
8 The servant answered Saul again and
ago, don’t set your mind on them, for they
said, “Behold, I have in my hand the fourth have been found. For whom does all Israel
part of a shekel† of silver. I will give that to desire? Is it not you and all your father’s
the man of God, to tell us our way.” 9 (In house?”
† 9:8 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces, so 1/4 shekel would be a small coin of about 2.5 grams.
1 Samuel 9:21 268 1 Samuel 10:16

21 Saul answered, “Am I not a Benjamite, loaves of bread, and another carrying a
of the smallest of the tribes of Israel? And container of wine. 4 They will greet you
my family the least of all the families of the and give you two loaves of bread, which
tribe of Benjamin? Why then do you speak you shall receive from their hand.
to me like this?” 5 “After that you will come to the hill of
22 Samuel took Saul and his servant and
God, where the garrison of the Philistines
brought them into the guest room, and
is; and it will happen, when you have come
made them sit in the best place among
there to the city, that you will meet a band
those who were invited, who were about
thirty persons. 23 Samuel said to the cook, of prophets coming down from the high
place with a lute, a tambourine, a pipe,
“Bring the portion which I gave you, of
and a harp before them; and they will
which I said to you, ‘Set it aside.’ ” 24 The
cook took up the thigh, and that which was be prophesying. 6 Then the LORD’s Spirit
will come mightily on you, then you will
on it, and set it before Saul. Samuel said,
“Behold, that which has been reserved! Set prophesy with them and will be turned
it before yourself and eat; because it has into another man. 7 Let it be, when these
been kept for you for the appointed time, signs have come to you, that you do what
for I said, ‘I have invited the people.’ ” So is appropriate for the occasion; for God is
Saul ate with Samuel that day. with you.
8 “Go down ahead of me to Gilgal; and
25 When they had come down from the
high place into the city, he talked with Saul behold, I will come down to you to offer
on the housetop. 26 They arose early; and burnt offerings and to sacrifice sacrifices
about daybreak, Samuel called to Saul on of peace offerings. Wait seven days, until
the housetop, saying, “Get up, that I may I come to you and show you what you are
send you away.” Saul arose, and they both to do.” 9 It was so, that when he had turned
his back to go from Samuel, God gave him
went outside, he and Samuel, together.
27 As they were going down at the end another heart; and all those signs hap-
pened that day. 10 When they came there
of the city, Samuel said to Saul, “Tell the
to the hill, behold, a band of prophets met
servant to go on ahead of us.” He went
him; and the Spirit of God came mightily
ahead, then Samuel said, “But stand still
first, that I may cause you to hear God’s on him, and he prophesied among them.
11 When all who knew him before saw that,
behold, he prophesied with the prophets,
then the people said to one another, “What
10 is this that has come to the son of Kish? Is
1Then Samuel took the vial of oil and Saul also among the prophets?”
poured it on his head, then kissed him and 12 One from the same place answered,
said, “Hasn’t the LORD anointed you to be “Who is their father?” Therefore it be-
prince over his inheritance? 2 When you came a proverb, “Is Saul also among the
have departed from me today, then you prophets?” 13 When he had finished
will find two men by Rachel’s tomb, on prophesying, he came to the high place.
the border of Benjamin at Zelzah. They 14 Saul’s uncle said to him and to his
will tell you, ‘The donkeys which you went servant, “Where did you go?”
to look for have been found; and behold, He said, “To seek the donkeys. When we
your father has stopped caring about the saw that they were not found, we came to
donkeys and is anxious for you, saying, Samuel.”
“What shall I do for my son?” ’ 15 Saul’s uncle said, “Please tell me what
3 “Then you will go on forward from Samuel said to you.”
there, and you will come to the oak of Ta- 16 Saul said to his uncle, “He told us
bor. Three men will meet you there going plainly that the donkeys were found.” But
up to God to Bethel: one carrying three concerning the matter of the kingdom, of
young goats, and another carrying three which Samuel spoke, he didn’t tell him.
1 Samuel 10:17 269 1 Samuel 11:14

17 Samuel called the people together to 2 Nahash the Ammonite said to them,
the LORD to Mizpah; 18 and he said to the “On this condition I will make it with you,
children of Israel, “The LORD, the God of that all your right eyes be gouged out. I will
Israel, says ‘I brought Israel up out of Egypt make this dishonor all Israel.”
3 The elders of Jabesh said to him, “Give
and I delivered you out of the hand of the
Egyptians, and out of the hand of all the us seven days, that we may send messen-
kingdoms that oppressed you.’ 19 But you gers to all the borders of Israel; and then,
have today rejected your God, who himself if there is no one to save us, we will come
saves you out of all your calamities and out to you.” 4 Then the messengers came to
your distresses; and you have said to him, Gibeah of Saul, and spoke these words in
‘No! Set a king over us!’ Now therefore the ears of the people, then all the people
present yourselves before the LORD by lifted up their voice and wept.
5 Behold, Saul came following the oxen
your tribes and by your thousands.”
20 So Samuel brought all the tribes of out of the field; and Saul said, “What ails
the people that they weep?” They told him
Israel near, and the tribe of Benjamin was
the words of the men of Jabesh. 6 God’s
chosen. 21 He brought the tribe of Ben-
Spirit came mightily on Saul when he
jamin near by their families and the family
heard those words, and his anger burned
of the Matrites was chosen. Then Saul the
son of Kish was chosen; but when they hot. 7 He took a yoke of oxen and cut
looked for him, he could not be found. them in pieces, then sent them through-
22 Therefore they asked of the LORD fur- out all the borders of Israel by the hand
ther, “Is there yet a man to come here?” of messengers, saying, “Whoever doesn’t
The LORD answered, “Behold, he has come out after Saul and after Samuel, so
hidden himself among the baggage.” shall it be done to his oxen.” The dread
23 They ran and got him there. When
of the LORD fell on the people, and they
came out as one man. 8 He counted them
he stood among the people, he was higher in Bezek; and the children of Israel were
than any of the people from his shoulders three hundred thousand, and the men of
and upward. 24 Samuel said to all the Judah thirty thousand. 9 They said to the
people, “Do you see him whom the LORD messengers who came, “Tell the men of
has chosen, that there is no one like him Jabesh Gilead, ‘Tomorrow, by the time the
among all the people?” sun is hot, you will be rescued.’ ” The mes-
All the people shouted and said, “Long sengers came and told the men of Jabesh;
live the king!” and they were glad. 10 Therefore the men
25 Then Samuel told the people the reg- of Jabesh said, “Tomorrow we will come
ulations of the kingdom, and wrote it in out to you, and you shall do with us all
a book and laid it up before the LORD. that seems good to you.” 11 On the next
Samuel sent all the people away, every day, Saul put the people in three compa-
man to his house. 26 Saul also went to his nies; and they came into the middle of the
house in Gibeah; and the army went with camp in the morning watch, and struck the
him, whose hearts God had touched. 27 But Ammonites until the heat of the day. Those
certain worthless fellows said, “How could who remained were scattered, so that no
this man save us?” They despised him, and two of them were left together.
brought him no tribute. But he held his 12 The people said to Samuel, “Who is
peace. he who said, ‘Shall Saul reign over us?’
Bring those men, that we may put them to
11 death!”
1 Then Nahash the Ammonite came up 13 Saul said, “No man shall be put to
and encamped against Jabesh Gilead; and death today; for today the LORD has res-
all the men of Jabesh said to Nahash, cued Israel.”
14 Then Samuel said to the people,
“Make a covenant with us, and we will
serve you.” “Come! Let’s go to Gilgal, and renew the
1 Samuel 11:15 270 1 Samuel 12:24

kingdom there.” 15 All the people went and Samuel, and delivered you out of the
to Gilgal; and there they made Saul king hand of your enemies on every side; and
before the LORD in Gilgal. There they you lived in safety.
offered sacrifices of peace offerings before 12 “When you saw that Nahash the king
the LORD; and there Saul and all the men of the children of Ammon came against
of Israel rejoiced greatly. you, you said to me, ‘No, but a king shall
reign over us,’ when the LORD your God
1 Samuel said to all Israel, “Behold, I have
was your king. 13 Now therefore see the
king whom you have chosen and whom
listened to your voice in all that you said to
you have asked for. Behold, the LORD has
me, and have made a king over you. 2 Now,
set a king over you. 14 If you will fear
behold, the king walks before you. I am
the LORD, and serve him, and listen to his
old and gray-headed. Behold, my sons are voice, and not rebel against the command-
with you. I have walked before you from ment of the LORD, then both you and also
my youth to this day. 3 Here I am. Witness the king who reigns over you are followers
against me before the LORD and before of the LORD your God. 15 But if you will not
his anointed. Whose ox have I taken? listen to the LORD’s voice, but rebel against
Whose donkey have I taken? Whom have
I defrauded? Whom have I oppressed? Of the commandment of the LORD, then the
LORD’s hand will be against you, as it was
whose hand have I taken a bribe to make
me blind my eyes? I will restore it to you.” against your fathers.
4 They said, “You have not defrauded us, 16 “Now therefore stand still and see this

nor oppressed us, neither have you taken great thing, which the LORD will do before
anything from anyone’s hand.” your eyes. 17 Isn’t it wheat harvest today?
5 He said to them, “The LORD is witness I will call to the LORD, that he may send
against you, and his anointed is witness thunder and rain; and you will know and
today, that you have not found anything in see that your wickedness is great, which
my hand.” you have done in the LORD’s sight, in ask-
They said, “He is witness.” 6 Samuel ing for a king.”
18 So Samuel called to the LORD, and
said to the people, “It is the LORD who
appointed Moses and Aaron, and that the LORD sent thunder and rain that day.
brought your fathers up out of the land of Then all the people greatly feared the
Egypt. 7 Now therefore stand still, that I LORD and Samuel.
19 All the people said to Samuel, “Pray for
may plead with you before the LORD con-
your servants to the LORD your God, that
cerning all the righteous acts of the LORD,
we not die; for we have added to all our
which he did to you and to your fathers. sins this evil, to ask for a king.”
8 “When Jacob had come into Egypt, and
20 Samuel said to the people, “Don’t be
your fathers cried to the LORD, then the afraid. You have indeed done all this evil;
LORD sent Moses and Aaron, who brought yet don’t turn away from following the
your fathers out of Egypt, and made them LORD, but serve the LORD with all your
to dwell in this place. 9 But they forgot heart. 21 Don’t turn away to go after vain
the LORD their God; and he sold them into things which can’t profit or deliver, for
the hand of Sisera, captain of the army of
they are vain. 22 For the LORD will not for-
Hazor, and into the hand of the Philistines,
and into the hand of the king of Moab; and sake his people for his great name’s sake,
because it has pleased the LORD to make
they fought against them. 10 They cried
to the LORD, and said, ‘We have sinned, you a people for himself. 23 Moreover, as
because we have forsaken the LORD and for me, far be it from me that I should sin
have served the Baals and the Ashtaroth; against the LORD in ceasing to pray for
but now deliver us out of the hand of our you; but I will instruct you in the good and
enemies, and we will serve you.’ 11 The the right way. 24 Only fear the LORD, and
LORD sent Jerubbaal, Bedan, Jephthah, serve him in truth with all your heart; for
1 Samuel 12:25 271 1 Samuel 13:22

consider what great things he has done for Saul said, “Because I saw that the peo-
you. 25 But if you keep doing evil, you will ple were scattered from me, and that you
be consumed, both you and your king.” didn’t come within the days appointed,
and that the Philistines assembled them-
selves together at Michmash, 12 therefore I
13 said, ‘Now the Philistines will come down
1 Saul was thirty years old when he on me to Gilgal, and I haven’t entreated
became king, and he reigned over Israel the favor of the LORD.’ I forced myself
forty-two years.† therefore, and offered the burnt offering.”
2 Saul chose for himself three thousand 13Samuel said to Saul, “You have done
men of Israel, of which two thousand foolishly. You have not kept the command-
were with Saul in Michmash and in the ment of the LORD your God, which he
Mount of Bethel, and one thousand were commanded you; for now the LORD would
with Jonathan in Gibeah of Benjamin. He have established your kingdom on Israel
sent the rest of the people to their own
forever. 14 But now your kingdom will
tents. 3 Jonathan struck the garrison of not continue. The LORD has sought for
the Philistines that was in Geba, and the
himself a man after his own heart, and the
Philistines heard of it. Saul blew the trum- LORD has appointed him to be prince over
pet throughout all the land, saying, “Let the
Hebrews hear!” 4 All Israel heard that Saul his people, because you have not kept that
had struck the garrison of the Philistines, which the LORD commanded you.”
and also that Israel was considered an 15Samuel arose, and went from Gilgal
abomination to the Philistines. The people to Gibeah of Benjamin. Saul counted the
were gathered together after Saul to Gilgal. people who were present with him, about
5 The Philistines assembled themselves to-
gether to fight with Israel: thirty thousand six hundred men. 16 Saul, and Jonathan
chariots, six thousand horsemen, and peo- his son, and the people who were present
ple as the sand which is on the seashore in with them, stayed in Geba of Benjamin; but
multitude. They came up and encamped in the Philistines encamped in Michmash.
17 The raiders came out of the camp of
Michmash, eastward of Beth Aven. 6 When
the men of Israel saw that they were in the Philistines in three companies: one
trouble (for the people were distressed), company turned to the way that leads to
then the people hid themselves in caves, Ophrah, to the land of Shual; 18 another
in thickets, in rocks, in tombs, and in pits. company turned the way to Beth Horon;
7 Now some of the Hebrews had gone over and another company turned the way of
the Jordan to the land of Gad and Gilead; the border that looks down on the valley
but as for Saul, he was yet in Gilgal, and all of Zeboim toward the wilderness. 19 Now
there was no blacksmith found through-
the people followed him trembling. 8 He out all the land of Israel, for the Philistines
stayed seven days, according to the time said, “Lest the Hebrews make themselves
set by Samuel; but Samuel didn’t come swords or spears”; 20 but all the Israelites
to Gilgal, and the people were scattering went down to the Philistines, each man to
from him. 9 Saul said, “Bring the burnt of- sharpen his own plowshare, mattock, ax,
fering to me here, and the peace offerings.” and sickle. 21 The price was one payim‡
He offered the burnt offering. each to sharpen mattocks, plowshares,
10 It came to pass that as soon as he pitchforks, axes, and goads. 22 So it came
had finished offering the burnt offering, to pass in the day of battle that neither
behold, Samuel came; and Saul went out sword nor spear was found in the hand of
to meet him, that he might greet him. any of the people who were with Saul and
11 Samuel said, “What have you done?” Jonathan; but Saul and Jonathan his son
† 13:1 The traditional Hebrew text omits “thirty” and “forty-”. The blanks are filled in here from a few manuscripts
of the Septuagint. ‡ 13:21 A payim (or pim) was 2/3 shekel of silver, or 0.26 ounces, or 7.6 grams
1 Samuel 13:23 272 1 Samuel 14:24

had them. bearer, and said, “Come up to us, and we

23 The garrison of the Philistines went will show you something!”
out to the pass of Michmash. Jonathan said to his armor bearer,
“Come up after me, for the LORD has
14 delivered them into the hand of Israel.”
1 Now it happened on a day that 13 Jonathan climbed up on his hands and
Jonathan the son of Saul said to the young on his feet, and his armor bearer after
man who bore his armor, “Come! Let’s him, and they fell before Jonathan; and
go over to the Philistines’ garrison that his armor bearer killed them after him.
14 That first slaughter, which Jonathan and
is on the other side.” But he didn’t tell
his father. 2 Saul stayed in the uttermost his armor bearer made, was about twenty
part of Gibeah under the pomegranate tree men, within as it were half a furrow’s
which is in Migron; and the people who length in an acre of land.
15 There was a trembling in the camp, in
were with him were about six hundred
men, including Ahijah the son of Ahitub, the field, and among all the people; the gar-
Ichabod’s brother, the son of Phinehas, the rison and the raiders also trembled; and
son of Eli the priest of the LORD in Shiloh, the earth quaked, so there was an exceed-
wearing an ephod. The people didn’t know ingly great trembling. 16 The watchmen
that Jonathan was gone. of Saul in Gibeah of Benjamin looked; and
4 Between the passes, by which Jonathan behold, the multitude melted away and
sought to go over to the Philistines’ garri- scattered. 17 Then Saul said to the people
son, there was a rocky crag on the one side who were with him, “Count now, and see
and a rocky crag on the other side; and who is missing from us.” When they had
the name of the one was Bozez, and the counted, behold, Jonathan and his armor
name of the other Seneh. 5 The one crag bearer were not there.
18 Saul said to Ahijah, “Bring God’s ark
rose up on the north in front of Michmash,
and the other on the south in front of Geba. here.” For God’s ark was with the children
6 Jonathan said to the young man who bore of Israel at that time. 19 While Saul talked to
his armor, “Come! Let’s go over to the the priest, the tumult that was in the camp
garrison of these uncircumcised. It may be of the Philistines went on and increased;
that the LORD will work for us, for there is and Saul said to the priest, “Withdraw your
no restraint on the LORD to save by many hand!”
20 Saul and all the people who were with
or by few.”
7 His armor bearer said to him, “Do all him were gathered together, and came to
that is in your heart. Go, and behold, I am the battle; and behold, they were all strik-
with you according to your heart.” ing each other with their swords in very
8 Then Jonathan said, “Behold, we will great confusion.
21 Now the Hebrews who
were with the Philistines before and who
pass over to the men, and we will reveal went up with them into the camp from
ourselves to them. 9 If they say this to us, all around, even they also turned to be
‘Wait until we come to you!’ then we will with the Israelites who were with Saul and
stand still in our place and will not go up Jonathan. 22 Likewise all the men of Is-
to them. 10 But if they say this, ‘Come up to rael who had hidden themselves in the hill
us!’ then we will go up, for the LORD has country of Ephraim, when they heard that
delivered them into our hand. This shall be the Philistines fled, even they also followed
the sign to us.” hard after them in the battle. 23 So the
11 Both of them revealed themselves to LORD saved Israel that day; and the battle
the garrison of the Philistines; and the passed over by Beth Aven.
Philistines said, “Behold, the Hebrews are 24 The men of Israel were distressed that
coming out of the holes where they had day; for Saul had adjured the people, say-
hidden themselves!” 12 The men of the gar- ing, “Cursed is the man who eats any food
rison answered Jonathan and his armor until it is evening, and I am avenged of
1 Samuel 14:25 273 1 Samuel 14:48

my enemies.” So none of the people tasted They said, “Do whatever seems good to
food. you.”
25 All the people came into the forest; and Then the priest said, “Let’s draw near
there was honey on the ground. 26 When here to God.”
37 Saul asked counsel of God: “Shall I
the people had come to the forest, behold, go down after the Philistines? Will you
honey was dripping, but no one put his deliver them into the hand of Israel?” But
hand to his mouth, for the people feared he didn’t answer him that day. 38 Saul
the oath. 27 But Jonathan didn’t hear when said, “Draw near here, all you chiefs of the
his father commanded the people with the people, and know and see in whom this sin
oath. Therefore he put out the end of has been today. 39 For as the LORD lives,
the rod that was in his hand and dipped who saves Israel, though it is in Jonathan
it in the honeycomb, and put his hand my son, he shall surely die.” But there
to his mouth; and his eyes brightened. was not a man among all the people who
28 Then one of the people answered, and
answered him. 40 Then he said to all Israel,
said, “Your father directly commanded the “You be on one side, and I and Jonathan my
people with an oath, saying, ‘Cursed is the son will be on the other side.”
man who eats food today.’ ” So the people The people said to Saul, “Do what seems
were faint. good to you.”
29 Then Jonathan said, “My father has 41 Therefore Saul said to the LORD, the

troubled the land. Please look how my God of Israel, “Show the right.”
eyes have brightened because I tasted a Jonathan and Saul were chosen, but the
little of this honey. 30 How much more, if people escaped.
42 Saul said, “Cast lots between me and
perhaps the people had eaten freely today
of the plunder of their enemies which they Jonathan my son.”
found? For now there has been no great Jonathan was selected.
43 Then Saul said to Jonathan, “Tell me
slaughter among the Philistines.” 31 They
struck the Philistines that day from Mich- what you have done!”
mash to Aijalon. The people were very Jonathan told him, and said, “I certainly
faint; 32 and the people pounced on the did taste a little honey with the end of the
plunder, and took sheep, cattle, and calves, rod that was in my hand; and behold, I
and killed them on the ground; and the must die.”
44 Saul said, “God do so and more also;
people ate them with the blood. 33 Then for you shall surely die, Jonathan.”
they told Saul, saying, “Behold, the people 45 The people said to Saul, “Shall
are sinning against the LORD, in that they
Jonathan die, who has worked this great
eat meat with the blood.”
salvation in Israel? Far from it! As the
He said, “You have dealt treacherously. LORD lives, there shall not one hair of his
Roll a large stone to me today!” 34 Saul said, head fall to the ground, for he has worked
“Disperse yourselves among the people, with God today!” So the people rescued
and tell them, ‘Every man bring me here Jonathan, so he didn’t die. 46 Then Saul
his ox, and every man his sheep, and kill went up from following the Philistines;
them here, and eat; and don’t sin against and the Philistines went to their own place.
the LORD in eating meat with the blood.’ ” 47 Now when Saul had taken the king-
All the people brought every man his ox dom over Israel, he fought against all his
with him that night, and killed them there. enemies on every side: against Moab,
35 Saul built an altar to the LORD. This and against the children of Ammon, and
was the first altar that he built to the against Edom, and against the kings
LORD. 36 Saul said, “Let’s go down after of Zobah, and against the Philistines.
the Philistines by night, and take plunder Wherever he turned himself, he defeated
among them until the morning light. Let’s them. 48 He did valiantly and struck the
not leave a man of them.” Amalekites, and delivered Israel out of
1 Samuel 14:49 274 1 Samuel 15:22

the hands of those who plundered them. 10 Then the LORD’s word came to
49 Now the sons of Saul were Jonathan, Samuel, saying, 11 “It grieves me that I have
Ishvi, and Malchishua; and the names of set up Saul to be king, for he has turned
his two daughters were these: the name of back from following me, and has not
the firstborn Merab, and the name of the performed my commandments.” Samuel
younger Michal. 50 The name of Saul’s wife was angry; and he cried to the LORD all
was Ahinoam the daughter of Ahimaaz. night.
The name of the captain of his army was 12 Samuel rose early to meet Saul in
Abner the son of Ner, Saul’s uncle. 51 Kish the morning; and Samuel was told, say-
was the father of Saul, and Ner the father ing, “Saul came to Carmel, and behold, he
of Abner was the son of Abiel. set up a monument for himself, turned,
52 There was severe war against the passed on, and went down to Gilgal.”
Philistines all the days of Saul; and when 13 Samuel came to Saul; and Saul said
Saul saw any mighty man or any valiant to him, “You are blessed by the LORD! I
man, he took him into his service. have performed the commandment of the
15 14 Samuel said, “Then what does this
bleating of the sheep in my ears and the
1 Samuel said to Saul, “The LORD sent me
to anoint you to be king over his people, lowing of the cattle which I hear mean?”
15 Saul said, “They have brought them
over Israel. Now therefore listen to the
voice of the LORD’s words. 2 The LORD of from the Amalekites; for the people spared
Armies says, ‘I remember what Amalek did the best of the sheep and of the cattle, to
to Israel, how he set himself against him sacrifice to the LORD your God. We have
on the way when he came up out of Egypt. utterly destroyed the rest.”
3 Now go and strike Amalek, and utterly 16 Then Samuel said to Saul, “Stay, and I
destroy all that they have, and don’t spare will tell you what the LORD said to me last
them; but kill both man and woman, infant night.”
and nursing baby, ox and sheep, camel and He said to him, “Say on.”
donkey.’ ” 17 Samuel said, “Though you were little
4 Saul summoned the people, and in your own sight, weren’t you made the
counted them in Telaim, two hundred head of the tribes of Israel? The LORD
thousand footmen and ten thousand men anointed you king over Israel; 18 and the
of Judah. 5 Saul came to the city of Amalek, LORD sent you on a journey, and said,
and set an ambush in the valley. 6 Saul said ‘Go, and utterly destroy the sinners the
to the Kenites, “Go, depart, go down from Amalekites, and fight against them until
among the Amalekites, lest I destroy you they are consumed.’ 19 Why then didn’t
with them; for you showed kindness to all you obey the LORD’s voice, but took the
the children of Israel when they came up plunder, and did that which was evil in the
out of Egypt.” So the Kenites departed from LORD’s sight?”
among the Amalekites. 20 Saul said to Samuel, “But I have
7 Saul struck the Amalekites, from Hav- obeyed the LORD’s voice, and have gone
ilah as you go to Shur, which is before the way which the LORD sent me, and have
Egypt. 8 He took Agag the king of the brought Agag the king of Amalek, and have
Amalekites alive, and utterly destroyed all utterly destroyed the Amalekites. 21 But
the people with the edge of the sword. 9 But the people took of the plunder, sheep and
Saul and the people spared Agag and the cattle, the best of the devoted things, to
best of the sheep, of the cattle, of the fat sacrifice to the LORD your God in Gilgal.”
calves, of the lambs, and all that was good, 22 Samuel said, “Has the LORD as great
and were not willing to utterly destroy delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as
them; but everything that was vile and in obeying the LORD’s voice? Behold, to
refuse, that they destroyed utterly. obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen
1 Samuel 15:23 275 1 Samuel 16:12

than the fat of rams. 23 For rebellion is as 16

the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is 1 The LORD said to Samuel, “How long
as idolatry and teraphim.† Because you will you mourn for Saul, since I have re-
have rejected the LORD’s word, he has also jected him from being king over Israel? Fill
rejected you from being king.” your horn with oil, and go. I will send you
24 Saul said to Samuel, “I have sinned; to Jesse the Bethlehemite, for I have pro-
for I have transgressed the commandment vided a king for myself among his sons.”
2 Samuel said, “How can I go? If Saul
of the LORD and your words, because I
feared the people and obeyed their voice. hears it, he will kill me.”
25 Now therefore, please pardon my sin, The LORD said, “Take a heifer with you,
and turn again with me, that I may wor- and say, ‘I have come to sacrifice to the
ship the LORD.” LORD.’ 3 Call Jesse to the sacrifice, and I
will show you what you shall do. You shall
26 Samuel said to Saul, “I will not re-
anoint to me him whom I name to you.”
turn with you; for you have rejected the 4 Samuel did that which the LORD spoke,
LORD’s word, and the LORD has rejected and came to Bethlehem. The elders of the
you from being king over Israel.” 27 As city came to meet him trembling, and said,
Samuel turned around to go away, Saul “Do you come peaceably?”
grabbed the skirt of his robe, and it tore. 5 He said, “Peaceably; I have come to
28 Samuel said to him, “The LORD has torn
sacrifice to the LORD. Sanctify yourselves,
the kingdom of Israel from you today, and and come with me to the sacrifice.” He
has given it to a neighbor of yours who sanctified Jesse and his sons, and called
is better than you. 29 Also the Strength of them to the sacrifice. 6 When they had
Israel will not lie nor repent; for he is not a come, he looked at Eliab, and said, “Surely
man, that he should repent.” the LORD’s anointed is before him.”
7 But the LORD said to Samuel, “Don’t
30 Then he said, “I have sinned; yet
look on his face, or on the height of his
please honor me now before the elders stature, because I have rejected him; for I
of my people and before Israel, and come don’t see as man sees. For man looks at the
back with me, that I may worship the LORD outward appearance, but the LORD looks
your God.” at the heart.”
8 Then Jesse called Abinadab, and made
31 So Samuel went back with Saul;
and Saul worshiped the LORD. 32 Then him pass before Samuel. He said, “The
Samuel said, “Bring Agag the king of the LORD has not chosen this one, either.”
9 Then Jesse made Shammah to pass by.
Amalekites here to me!”
He said, “The LORD has not chosen this
Agag came to him cheerfully. Agag said, one, either.” 10 Jesse made seven of his
“Surely the bitterness of death is past.” sons to pass before Samuel. Samuel said
33 Samuel said, “As your sword has made to Jesse, “The LORD has not chosen these.”
11 Samuel said to Jesse, “Are all your chil-
women childless, so your mother will be
childless among women!” Then Samuel dren here?”
cut Agag in pieces before the LORD in Gil- He said, “There remains yet the
gal. youngest. Behold, he is keeping the sheep.”
Samuel said to Jesse, “Send and get him,
34 Then Samuel went to Ramah; and Saul for we will not sit down until he comes
went up to his house to Gibeah of Saul. here.”
35 Samuel came no more to see Saul until 12 He sent, and brought him in. Now
the day of his death, but Samuel mourned he was ruddy, with a handsome face and
for Saul. The LORD grieved that he had good appearance. The LORD said, “Arise!
made Saul king over Israel. Anoint him, for this is he.”
† 15:23 teraphim were household idols that may have been associated with inheritance rights to the household
1 Samuel 16:13 276 1 Samuel 17:16

13 Then Samuel took the horn of oil and encamped in the valley of Elah, and set the
anointed him in the middle of his brothers. battle in array against the Philistines. 3 The
Then the LORD’s Spirit came mightily on Philistines stood on the mountain on the
David from that day forward. So Samuel one side, and Israel stood on the mountain
rose up and went to Ramah. 14 Now the on the other side: and there was a valley
LORD’s Spirit departed from Saul, and an between them. 4 A champion out of the
evil spirit from the LORD troubled him. camp of the Philistines named Goliath of
15 Saul’s servants said to him, “See now, an Gath, whose height was six cubits and a
evil spirit from God troubles you. 16 Let our span† went out. 5 He had a helmet of
lord now command your servants who are bronze on his head, and he wore a coat
in front of you to seek out a man who is a of mail; and the weight of the coat was
skillful player on the harp. Then when the five thousand shekels‡ of bronze. 6 He had
evil spirit from God is on you, he will play bronze shin armor on his legs and a bronze
with his hand, and you will be well.” javelin between his shoulders. 7 The staff
17 Saul said to his servants, “Provide me of his spear was like a weaver’s beam;
now a man who can play well, and bring and his spear’s head weighed six hundred
him to me.” shekels of iron.§ His shield bearer went be-
18 Then one of the young men answered fore him. 8 He stood and cried to the armies
and said, “Behold, I have seen a son of of Israel, and said to them, “Why have you
Jesse the Bethlehemite who is skillful in come out to set your battle in array? Am I
playing, a mighty man of valor, a man of not a Philistine, and you servants to Saul?
war, prudent in speech, and a handsome Choose a man for yourselves, and let him
person; and the LORD is with him.” come down to me. 9 If he is able to fight
19 Therefore Saul sent messengers to with me and kill me, then will we be your
Jesse, and said, “Send me David your son, servants; but if I prevail against him and
who is with the sheep.” kill him, then you will be our servants and
20 Jesse took a donkey loaded with bread, serve us.” 10 The Philistine said, “I defy the
a container of wine, and a young goat, and armies of Israel today! Give me a man, that
sent them by David his son to Saul. 21 David we may fight together!”
came to Saul and stood before him. He 11 When Saul and all Israel heard those
loved him greatly; and he became his ar- words of the Philistine, they were dis-
mor bearer. 22 Saul sent to Jesse, saying, mayed and greatly afraid. 12 Now David
“Please let David stand before me, for he was the son of that Ephrathite of Bethle-
has found favor in my sight.” 23 When the hem Judah, whose name was Jesse; and he
spirit from God was on Saul, David took the had eight sons. The man was an elderly old
harp and played with his hand; so Saul was man in the days of Saul. 13 The three oldest
refreshed and was well, and the evil spirit sons of Jesse had gone after Saul to the
departed from him. battle; and the names of his three sons who
went to the battle were Eliab the firstborn,
17 and next to him Abinadab, and the third
Now the Philistines gathered together
1 Shammah. 14 David was the youngest; and
their armies to battle; and they were gath- the three oldest followed Saul. 15 Now
ered together at Socoh, which belongs to David went back and forth from Saul to
Judah, and encamped between Socoh and feed his father’s sheep at Bethlehem.
Azekah in Ephesdammim. 2 Saul and the 16 The Philistine came near morning and
men of Israel were gathered together, and evening, and presented himself forty days.
† 17:4 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46
centimeters. A span is the length from the tip of a man’s thumb to the tip of his little finger when his hand is stretched
out (about half a cubit, or 9 inches, or 22.8 cm.) Therefore, Goliath was about 9 feet and 9 inches or 2.97 meters tall.
‡ 17:5 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces, so 5000 shekels is about 50 kilograms or 110 pounds. § 17:7
A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces, so 600 shekels is about 6 kilograms or about 13 pounds.
1 Samuel 17:17 277 1 Samuel 17:43

17 Jesse said to David his son, “Now 29 David said, “What have I now done? Is
take for your brothers an ephah† of this there not a cause?” 30 He turned away from
parched grain and these ten loaves, and him toward another, and spoke like that
carry them quickly to the camp to your again; and the people answered him again
brothers; 18 and bring these ten cheeses to the same way. 31 When the words were
the captain of their thousand; and see how heard which David spoke, they rehearsed
your brothers are doing, and bring back them before Saul; and he sent for him.
32 David said to Saul, “Let no man’s heart
news.” 19 Now Saul, and they, and all the
men of Israel were in the valley of Elah, fail because of him. Your servant will go
fighting with the Philistines. and fight with this Philistine.”
20 David rose up early in the morning 33 Saul said to David, “You are not able to

and left the sheep with a keeper, and took go against this Philistine to fight with him;
the provisions and went, as Jesse had com- for you are but a youth, and he a man of
manded him. He came to the place of the war from his youth.”
34 David said to Saul, “Your servant was
wagons as the army which was going out
to the fight shouted for the battle. 21 Israel keeping his father’s sheep; and when a lion
and the Philistines put the battle in array, or a bear came and took a lamb out of the
flock, 35 I went out after him, struck him,
army against army. 22 David left his bag- and rescued it out of his mouth. When
gage in the hand of the keeper of the bag- he arose against me, I caught him by his
gage and ran to the army, and came and beard, struck him, and killed him. 36 Your
greeted his brothers. 23 As he talked with servant struck both the lion and the bear.
them, behold, the champion, the Philistine This uncircumcised Philistine shall be as
of Gath, Goliath by name, came up out of one of them, since he has defied the armies
the ranks of the Philistines, and said the of the living God.” 37 David said, “The
same words; and David heard them. 24 All LORD, who delivered me out of the paw
the men of Israel, when they saw the man, of the lion and out of the paw of the bear,
fled from him and were terrified. 25 The will deliver me out of the hand of this
men of Israel said, “Have you seen this Philistine.”
man who has come up? He has surely Saul said to David, “Go! The LORD will
come up to defy Israel. The king will give be with you.”
38 Saul dressed David with his clothing.
great riches to the man who kills him, and
will give him his daughter, and will make He put a helmet of bronze on his head, and
his father’s house tax-free in Israel.” he clad him with a coat of mail. 39 David
26 David spoke to the men who stood strapped his sword on his clothing and he
by him, saying, “What shall be done to tried to move, for he had not tested it.
the man who kills this Philistine and takes David said to Saul, “I can’t go with these,
away the reproach from Israel? For who for I have not tested them.” Then David
is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he took them off.
40 He took his staff in his hand, and chose
should defy the armies of the living God?”
27 The people answered him in this way,
for himself five smooth stones out of the
brook, and put them in the pouch of his
saying, “So shall it be done to the man who shepherd’s bag which he had. His sling
kills him.” was in his hand; and he came near to the
28 Eliab his oldest brother heard when he
Philistine. 41 The Philistine walked and
spoke to the men; and Eliab’s anger burned came near to David; and the man who bore
against David, and he said, “Why have you the shield went before him. 42 When the
come down? With whom have you left Philistine looked around and saw David,
those few sheep in the wilderness? I know he disdained him; for he was but a youth,
your pride and the evil of your heart; for and ruddy, and had a good looking face.
you have come down that you might see 43 The Philistine said to David, “Am I a dog,
the battle.” that you come to me with sticks?” The
† 17:17 1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel
1 Samuel 17:44 278 1 Samuel 18:11

Philistine cursed David by his gods. 44 The Abner said, “As your soul lives, O king, I
Philistine said to David, “Come to me, and can’t tell.”
I will give your flesh to the birds of the sky 56 The king said, “Inquire whose son the
and to the animals of the field.” young man is!”
57 As David returned from the slaugh-
45 Then David said to the Philistine, “You
come to me with a sword, with a spear, ter of the Philistine, Abner took him and
and with a javelin; but I come to you in the brought him before Saul with the head of
name of the LORD of Armies, the God of the the Philistine in his hand. 58 Saul said
to him, “Whose son are you, you young
armies of Israel, whom you have defied.
46 Today, the LORD will deliver you into my man?”
David answered, “I am the son of your
hand. I will strike you and take your head servant Jesse the Bethlehemite.”
from off you. I will give the dead bodies
of the army of the Philistines today to the 18
birds of the sky and to the wild animals of 1 When he had finished speaking to Saul,
the earth, that all the earth may know that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul
there is a God in Israel, 47 and that all this of David, and Jonathan loved him as his
assembly may know that the LORD doesn’t own soul. 2 Saul took him that day, and
save with sword and spear; for the battle wouldn’t let him go home to his father’s
is the LORD’s, and he will give you into our house any more. 3 Then Jonathan and
hand.” David made a covenant, because he loved
48 When the Philistine arose, and walked him as his own soul. 4 Jonathan stripped
and came near to meet David, David hur- himself of the robe that was on him and
ried and ran toward the army to meet the gave it to David with his clothing, even
Philistine. 49 David put his hand in his including his sword, his bow, and his sash.
5 David went out wherever Saul sent
bag, took a stone and slung it, and struck
the Philistine in his forehead. The stone him, and behaved himself wisely; and Saul
sank into his forehead, and he fell on his set him over the men of war. It was good in
face to the earth. 50 So David prevailed the sight of all the people, and also in the
over the Philistine with a sling and with a sight of Saul’s servants.
stone, and struck the Philistine and killed 6 As they came, when David returned
him; but there was no sword in David’s from the slaughter of the Philistine, the
hand. 51 Then David ran, stood over the women came out of all the cities of Israel,
Philistine, took his sword, drew it out of singing and dancing, to meet King Saul
its sheath, killed him, and cut off his head with tambourines, with joy, and with in-
with it. struments of music. 7 The women sang to
When the Philistines saw that their one another as they played, and said,
champion was dead, they fled. 52 The “Saul has slain his thousands,
men of Israel and of Judah arose and and David his ten thousands.”
8 Saul was very angry, and this saying
shouted, and pursued the Philistines as
far as Gai and to the gates of Ekron. The displeased him. He said, “They have cred-
wounded of the Philistines fell down by ited David with ten thousands, and they
the way to Shaaraim, even to Gath and to have only credited me with thousands.
Ekron. 53 The children of Israel returned What can he have more but the kingdom?”
from chasing after the Philistines, and they 9 Saul watched David from that day and
plundered their camp. 54 David took the forward. 10 On the next day, an evil spirit
head of the Philistine and brought it to from God came mightily on Saul, and he
Jerusalem, but he put his armor in his tent. prophesied in the middle of the house.
55 When Saul saw David go out against the David played with his hand, as he did day
Philistine, he said to Abner, the captain by day. Saul had his spear in his hand;
of the army, “Abner, whose son is this 11 and Saul threw the spear, for he said, “I
youth?” will pin David to the wall!” David escaped
1 Samuel 18:12 279 1 Samuel 19:8

from his presence twice. 12 Saul was afraid David these words, it pleased David well
of David, because the LORD was with him, to be the king’s son-in-law. Before the
and had departed from Saul. 13 Therefore deadline, 27 David arose and went, he and
Saul removed him from his presence, and his men, and killed two hundred men of
made him his captain over a thousand; the Philistines. Then David brought their
and he went out and came in before the foreskins, and they gave them in full num-
people. ber to the king, that he might be the king’s
14 David behaved himself wisely in all son-in-law. Then Saul gave him Michal his
his ways; and the LORD was with him. daughter as wife. 28 Saul saw and knew
15 When Saul saw that he behaved himself that the LORD was with David; and Michal,
very wisely, he stood in awe of him. 16 But Saul’s daughter, loved him. 29 Saul was
all Israel and Judah loved David; for he even more afraid of David; and Saul was
went out and came in before them. 17 Saul David’s enemy continually.
said to David, “Behold, my elder daughter 30 Then the princes of the Philistines
Merab. I will give her to you as wife. Only went out; and as often as they went out,
be valiant for me, and fight the LORD’s bat- David behaved himself more wisely than
tles.” For Saul said, “Don’t let my hand be all the servants of Saul, so that his name
on him, but let the hand of the Philistines was highly esteemed.
be on him.”
18 David said to Saul, “Who am I, and
what is my life, or my father’s family in 19
Saul spoke to Jonathan his son and to
Israel, that I should be son-in-law to the
king?” all his servants, that they should kill David.
19 But at the time when Merab, Saul’s But Jonathan, Saul’s son, greatly delighted
daughter, should have been given to in David. 2 Jonathan told David, saying,
David, she was given to Adriel the Meho- “Saul my father seeks to kill you. Now
lathite as wife. therefore, please take care of yourself in
20 Michal, Saul’s daughter, loved David; the morning, live in a secret place, and
and they told Saul, and the thing pleased hide yourself. 3 I will go out and stand
him. 21 Saul said, I will give her to him, beside my father in the field where you
that she may be a snare to him and that the are, and I will talk with my father about
hand of the Philistines may be against him. you; and if I see anything, I will tell you.”
4 Jonathan spoke good of David to Saul
Therefore Saul said to David a second time,
“You shall today be my son-in-law.” his father, and said to him, “Don’t let the
22 Saul commanded his servants, “Talk king sin against his servant, against David;
with David secretly, and say, ‘Behold, the because he has not sinned against you, and
king has delight in you, and all his servants because his works have been very good
love you. Now therefore be the king’s son- toward you; 5 for he put his life in his hand
in-law.’ ” and struck the Philistine, and the LORD
23 Saul’s servants spoke those words in worked a great victory for all Israel. You
the ears of David. David said, “Does it seem saw it and rejoiced. Why then will you
to you a light thing to be the king’s son- sin against innocent blood, to kill David
in-law, since I am a poor man and little without a cause?”
known?” 6 Saul listened to the voice of Jonathan;
24 The servants of Saul told him, saying, and Saul swore, “As the LORD lives, he
“David spoke like this.” shall not be put to death.”
25 Saul said, “Tell David, ‘The king de- 7 Jonathan called David, and Jonathan
sires no dowry except one hundred fore- showed him all those things. Then
skins of the Philistines, to be avenged of Jonathan brought David to Saul, and he
the king’s enemies.’ ” Now Saul thought was in his presence as before.
he would make David fall by the hand of 8 There was war again. David went out
the Philistines. 26 When his servants told and fought with the Philistines, and killed
1 Samuel 19:9 280 1 Samuel 20:8

them with a great slaughter; and they fled One said, “Behold, they are at Naioth in
before him. Ramah.”
9 An evil spirit from the LORD was on 23 He went there to Naioth in Ramah.
Saul as he sat in his house with his spear Then God’s Spirit came on him also, and he
in his hand; and David was playing music went on, and prophesied, until he came to
with his hand. 10 Saul sought to pin David Naioth in Ramah. 24 He also stripped off his
to the wall with the spear, but he slipped clothes. He also prophesied before Samuel
away out of Saul’s presence; and he stuck and lay down naked all that day and all
the spear into the wall. David fled and that night. Therefore they say, “Is Saul also
escaped that night. 11 Saul sent messengers among the prophets?”
to David’s house to watch him and to kill
him in the morning. Michal, David’s wife,
told him, saying, “If you don’t save your 20
life tonight, tomorrow you will be killed.” 1 David
fled from Naioth in Ramah, and
12 So Michal let David down through the
came and said to Jonathan, “What have I
window. He went away, fled, and escaped. done? What is my iniquity? What is my sin
13 Michal took the teraphim† and laid it in
before your father, that he seeks my life?”
the bed, and put a pillow of goats’ hair at its 2 He said to him, “Far from it; you will not
head and covered it with clothes. 14 When
Saul sent messengers to take David, she die. Behold, my father does nothing either
said, “He is sick.” great or small, but that he discloses it to
15 Saul sent the messengers to see David, me. Why would my father hide this thing
saying, “Bring him up to me in the bed, that from me? It is not so.”
I may kill him.” 16 When the messengers 3 David swore moreover, and said, “Your
came in, behold, the teraphim was in the father knows well that I have found fa-
bed, with the pillow of goats’ hair at its vor in your eyes; and he says, ‘Don’t let
head. Jonathan know this, lest he be grieved;’ but
17 Saul said to Michal, “Why have you truly as the LORD lives, and as your soul
deceived me like this and let my enemy go, lives, there is but a step between me and
so that he has escaped?” death.”
Michal answered Saul, “He said to me, 4 Then Jonathan said to David, “What-
‘Let me go! Why should I kill you?’ ” ever your soul desires, I will even do it for
18 Now David fled and escaped, and you.”
came to Samuel at Ramah, and told him all 5 David said to Jonathan, “Behold, tomor-
that Saul had done to him. He and Samuel row is the new moon, and I should not fail
went and lived in Naioth. 19 Saul was
told, saying, “Behold, David is at Naioth in to dine with the king; but let me go, that I
Ramah.” may hide myself in the field to the third day
20 Saul sent messengers to seize David; at evening. 6 If your father misses me at
and when they saw the company of the all, then say, ‘David earnestly asked leave
prophets prophesying, and Samuel stand- of me that he might run to Bethlehem, his
ing as head over them, God’s Spirit came city; for it is the yearly sacrifice there for
on Saul’s messengers, and they also proph- all the family.’ 7 If he says, ‘It is well,’ your
esied. 21 When Saul was told, he sent servant shall have peace; but if he is angry,
other messengers, and they also prophe- then know that evil is determined by him.
sied. Saul sent messengers again the third 8 Therefore deal kindly with your servant,
time, and they also prophesied. 22 Then he for you have brought your servant into a
also went to Ramah, and came to the great covenant of the LORD with you; but if there
well that is in Secu: and he asked, “Where is iniquity in me, kill me yourself, for why
are Samuel and David?” should you bring me to your father?”
† 19:13 teraphim were household idols that may have been associated with inheritance rights to the household
1 Samuel 20:9 281 1 Samuel 20:37

9 Jonathan said, “Far be it from you; for 24 So David hid himself in the field.
if I should at all know that evil were deter- When the new moon had come, the king
mined by my father to come on you, then sat himself down to eat food. 25 The king
wouldn’t I tell you that?” sat on his seat, as at other times, even
10 Then David said to Jonathan, “Who on the seat by the wall; and Jonathan
will tell me if your father answers you stood up, and Abner sat by Saul’s side, but
roughly?” David’s place was empty. 26 Nevertheless
11 Jonathan said to David, “Come! Let’s Saul didn’t say anything that day, for he
go out into the field.” They both went out thought, “Something has happened to him.
into the field. 12 Jonathan said to David, He is not clean. Surely he is not clean.”
27 On the next day after the new moon,
“By the LORD, the God of Israel, when I
have sounded out my father about this the second day, David’s place was empty.
time tomorrow, or the third day, behold, Saul said to Jonathan his son, “Why didn’t
if there is good toward David, won’t I then the son of Jesse come to eat, either yester-
send to you and disclose it to you? 13 The day, or today?”
28 Jonathan answered Saul, “David
LORD do so to Jonathan and more also,
should it please my father to do you evil, if I earnestly asked permission of me to go
don’t disclose it to you and send you away, to Bethlehem. 29 He said, ‘Please let me
that you may go in peace. May the LORD go, for our family has a sacrifice in the
be with you as he has been with my father. city. My brother has commanded me to
14 You shall not only show me the loving be there. Now, if I have found favor in
kindness of the LORD while I still live, that your eyes, please let me go away and see
I not die; 15 but you shall also not cut off my brothers.’ Therefore he has not come
your kindness from my house forever, no, to the king’s table.”
30 Then Saul’s anger burned against
not when the LORD has cut off every one
of the enemies of David from the surface of Jonathan, and he said to him, “You son of a
the earth.” 16 So Jonathan made a covenant perverse rebellious woman, don’t I know
with David’s house, saying, “The LORD will that you have chosen the son of Jesse to
require it at the hand of David’s enemies.” your own shame, and to the shame of your
17 Jonathan caused David to swear again, mother’s nakedness? 31 For as long as the
for the love that he had to him; for he loved son of Jesse lives on the earth, you will
him as he loved his own soul. 18 Then not be established, nor will your kingdom.
Jonathan said to him, “Tomorrow is the Therefore now send and bring him to me,
new moon, and you will be missed, be- for he shall surely die!”
cause your seat will be empty. 19 When you 32 Jonathan answered Saul his father,
have stayed three days, go down quickly and said to him, “Why should he be put to
and come to the place where you hid your- death? What has he done?”
self when this started, and remain by the 33 Saul cast his spear at him to strike him.
stone Ezel. 20 I will shoot three arrows By this Jonathan knew that his father was
on its side, as though I shot at a mark. determined to put David to death. 34 So
21 Behold, I will send the boy, saying, ‘Go, Jonathan arose from the table in fierce
find the arrows!’ If I tell the boy, ‘Behold, anger, and ate no food the second day of
the arrows are on this side of you. Take the month; for he was grieved for David,
them;’ then come, for there is peace to you because his father had treated him shame-
and no danger, as the LORD lives. 22 But fully.
if I say this to the boy, ‘Behold, the arrows 35 In the morning, Jonathan went out
are beyond you,’ then go your way, for the into the field at the time appointed with
LORD has sent you away. 23 Concerning David, and a little boy with him. 36 He
the matter which you and I have spoken of, said to his boy, “Run, find now the arrows
behold, the LORD is between you and me which I shoot.” As the boy ran, he shot
forever.” an arrow beyond him. 37 When the boy
1 Samuel 20:38 282 1 Samuel 22:2

had come to the place of the arrow which from before the LORD, to be replaced with
Jonathan had shot, Jonathan cried after hot bread in the day when it was taken
the boy, and said, “Isn’t the arrow beyond away.
7 Now a certain man of the servants of
you?” 38 Jonathan cried after the boy, “Go
fast! Hurry! Don’t delay!” Jonathan’s Saul was there that day, detained before
boy gathered up the arrows, and came to the LORD; and his name was Doeg the
his master. 39 But the boy didn’t know Edomite, the best of the herdsmen who
anything. Only Jonathan and David knew belonged to Saul.
8 David said to Ahimelech, “Isn’t there
the matter. 40 Jonathan gave his weapons
to his boy, and said to him, “Go, carry them here under your hand spear or sword?
to the city.” For I haven’t brought my sword or my
41 As soon as the boy was gone, David weapons with me, because the king’s busi-
ness required haste.”
arose out of the south, and fell on his 9 The priest said, “Behold, the sword of
face to the ground, and bowed himself
three times. They kissed one another and Goliath the Philistine, whom you killed in
wept with one another, and David wept the valley of Elah, is here wrapped in a
the most. 42 Jonathan said to David, “Go cloth behind the ephod. If you would like
in peace, because we have both sworn in to take that, take it, for there is no other
the LORD’s name, saying, ‘The LORD is except that here.”
between me and you, and between my David said, “There is none like that. Give
it to me.”
offspring and your offspring, forever.’ ” He 10 David arose and fled that day for fear
arose and departed; and Jonathan went of Saul, and went to Achish the king of
into the city. Gath. 11 The servants of Achish said to
him, “Isn’t this David the king of the land?
1 Then
21 Didn’t they sing to one another about him
David came to Nob to Ahimelech in dances, saying,
the priest. Ahimelech came to meet David
‘Saul has slain his thousands,
trembling, and said to him, “Why are you
and David his ten thousands?’ ”
alone, and no man with you?” 2 David 12 David laid up these words in his heart,
said to Ahimelech the priest, “The king and was very afraid of Achish the king of
has commanded me to do something, and Gath. 13 He changed his behavior before
has said to me, ‘Let no one know anything them and pretended to be insane in their
about the business about which I send you, hands, and scribbled on the doors of the
and what I have commanded you. I have gate, and let his spittle fall down on his
sent the young men to a certain place.’ beard. 14 Then Achish said to his servants,
3 Now therefore what is under your hand?
“Look, you see the man is insane. Why
Please give me five loaves of bread in my then have you brought him to me? 15 Do I
hand, or whatever is available.” lack madmen, that you have brought this
4 The priest answered David, and said, “I
fellow to play the madman in my pres-
have no common bread, but there is holy ence? Should this fellow come into my
bread; if only the young men have kept house?”
themselves from women.”
5 David answered the priest, and said
to him, “Truly, women have been kept David therefore departed from there
from us as usual these three days. When and escaped to Adullam’s cave. When his
I came out, the vessels of the young men brothers and all his father’s house heard it,
were holy, though it was only a common they went down there to him. 2 Everyone
journey. How much more then today shall who was in distress, everyone who was
their vessels be holy?” 6 So the priest gave in debt, and everyone who was discon-
him holy bread; for there was no bread tented gathered themselves to him; and he
there but the show bread that was taken became captain over them. There were
1 Samuel 22:3 283 1 Samuel 23:3

with him about four hundred men. 3 David so faithful as David, who is the king’s son-
went from there to Mizpeh of Moab; and in-law, captain of your body guard, and
he said to the king of Moab, “Please let my honored in your house? 15 Have I today
father and my mother come out to you, begun to inquire of God for him? Be it far
until I know what God will do for me.” 4 He from me! Don’t let the king impute any-
brought them before the king of Moab; and thing to his servant, nor to all the house of
they lived with him all the time that David my father; for your servant knew nothing
was in the stronghold. 5 The prophet Gad of all this, less or more.”
said to David, “Don’t stay in the stronghold. 16 The king said, “You shall surely die,
Depart, and go into the land of Judah.” Ahimelech, you and all your father’s
Then David departed, and came into the house.” 17 The king said to the guard who
forest of Hereth. stood about him, “Turn and kill the priests
6 Saul heard that David was discovered,
of the LORD, because their hand also is
with the men who were with him. Now with David, and because they knew that
Saul was sitting in Gibeah, under the he fled and didn’t disclose it to me.” But the
tamarisk tree in Ramah, with his spear in servants of the king wouldn’t put out their
his hand, and all his servants were stand- hand to fall on the priests of the LORD.
ing around him. 7 Saul said to his servants 18 The king said to Doeg, “Turn and at-
who stood around him, “Hear now, you tack the priests!”
Benjamites! Will the son of Jesse give ev- Doeg the Edomite turned, and he at-
eryone of you fields and vineyards? Will tacked the priests, and he killed on that day
he make you all captains of thousands and eighty-five people who wore a linen ephod.
captains of hundreds? 8 Is that why all of 19 He struck Nob, the city of the priests,
you have conspired against me, and there with the edge of the sword—both men and
is no one who discloses to me when my son women, children and nursing babies, and
makes a treaty with the son of Jesse, and cattle, donkeys, and sheep, with the edge
there is none of you who is sorry for me, of the sword. 20 One of the sons of Ahim-
or discloses to me that my son has stirred elech the son of Ahitub, named Abiathar,
up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as escaped and fled after David. 21 Abiathar
it is today?” told David that Saul had slain the LORD’s
9 Then Doeg the Edomite, who stood by priests.
the servants of Saul, answered and said, 22 David said to Abiathar, “I knew on that
“I saw the son of Jesse coming to Nob, day, when Doeg the Edomite was there,
to Ahimelech the son of Ahitub. 10 He that he would surely tell Saul. I am respon-
inquired of the LORD for him, gave him sible for the death of all the persons of your
food, and gave him the sword of Goliath father’s house. 23 Stay with me. Don’t be
the Philistine.” afraid, for he who seeks my life seeks your
11 Then the king sent to call Ahimelech
life. You will be safe with me.”
the priest, the son of Ahitub, and all his
father’s house, the priests who were in 23
1 David was told, “Behold, the Philistines
Nob; and they all came to the king. 12 Saul
said, “Hear now, you son of Ahitub.” are fighting against Keilah, and are rob-
He answered, “Here I am, my lord.” bing the threshing floors.”
2 Therefore David inquired of the
13 Saul said to him, “Why have you con-
LORD, saying, “Shall I go and strike these
spired against me, you and the son of Jesse, Philistines?”
in that you have given him bread, and a The LORD said to David, “Go strike the
sword, and have inquired of God for him, Philistines, and save Keilah.”
that he should rise against me, to lie in 3 David’s men said to him, “Behold, we
wait, as it is today?” are afraid here in Judah. How much more
14 Then Ahimelech answered the king, then if we go to Keilah against the armies
and said, “Who among all your servants is of the Philistines?”
1 Samuel 23:4 284 1 Samuel 23:29

4 Then David inquired of the LORD yet won’t find you; and you will be king over
again. The LORD answered him, and said, Israel, and I will be next to you; and Saul
“Arise, go down to Keilah; for I will deliver my father knows that also.” 18 They both
the Philistines into your hand.” made a covenant before the LORD. Then
5 David and his men went to Keilah and David stayed in the woods and Jonathan
fought with the Philistines, and brought went to his house.
away their livestock, and killed them with 19 Then the Ziphites came up to Saul
a great slaughter. So David saved the in- to Gibeah, saying, “Doesn’t David hide
habitants of Keilah. himself with us in the strongholds in the
6 When Abiathar the son of Ahimelech
fled to David to Keilah, he came down with woods, in the hill of Hachilah, which is on
an ephod in his hand. the south of the desert? 20 Now therefore,
7 Saul was told that David had come to O king, come down. According to all the
Keilah. Saul said, “God has delivered him desire of your soul to come down; and
into my hand, for he is shut in by entering our part will be to deliver him up into the
into a town that has gates and bars.” 8 Saul king’s hand.”
summoned all the people to war, to go 21 Saul said, “You are blessed by the
down to Keilah to besiege David and his LORD, for you have had compassion on
men. 9 David knew that Saul was devising me. 22 Please go make yet more sure, and
mischief against him. He said to Abiathar know and see his place where his haunt
the priest, “Bring the ephod here.” 10 Then is, and who has seen him there; for I have
David said, “O LORD, the God of Israel, been told that he is very cunning. 23 See
your servant has surely heard that Saul therefore, and take knowledge of all the
seeks to come to Keilah to destroy the city lurking places where he hides himself; and
for my sake. 11 Will the men of Keilah come again to me with certainty, and I will
deliver me up into his hand? Will Saul go with you. It shall happen, if he is in the
come down, as your servant has heard? land, that I will search him out among all
LORD, the God of Israel, I beg you, tell your the thousands of Judah.”
The LORD said, “He will come down.” 24 They arose, and went to Ziph be-
12 Then David said, “Will the men of fore Saul; but David and his men were
Keilah deliver me and my men into the in the wilderness of Maon, in the Arabah
hand of Saul?” on the south of the desert. 25 Saul and
The LORD said, “They will deliver you his men went to seek him. When David
up.” was told, he went down to the rock, and
13 Then David and his men, who were stayed in the wilderness of Maon. When
about six hundred, arose and departed Saul heard that, he pursued David in the
out of Keilah and went wherever they wilderness of Maon. 26 Saul went on this
could go. Saul was told that David had side of the mountain, and David and his
escaped from Keilah; and he gave up going men on that side of the mountain; and
there. 14 David stayed in the wilderness in David hurried to get away for fear of
the strongholds, and remained in the hill Saul, for Saul and his men surrounded
David and his men to take them. 27 But
country in the wilderness of Ziph. Saul a messenger came to Saul, saying, “Hurry
sought him every day, but God didn’t de- and come, for the Philistines have made
liver him into his hand. 15 David saw that a raid on the land!” 28 So Saul returned
Saul had come out to seek his life. David from pursuing David, and went against
was in the wilderness of Ziph in the woods. the Philistines. Therefore they called that
16 Jonathan, Saul’s son, arose and went
place Sela Hammahlekoth.†
to David into the woods, and strengthened
his hand in God. 17 He said to him, “Don’t 29 David went up from there and lived in
be afraid, for the hand of Saul my father the strongholds of En Gedi.
† 23:28 “Sela Hammahlekoth” means “rock of parting”.
1 Samuel 24:1 285 1 Samuel 25:6

24 the king of Israel come out? Whom do

1 When Saul had returned from follow- you pursue? A dead dog? A flea? 15 May
ing the Philistines, he was told, “Behold, the LORD therefore be judge, and give sen-
David is in the wilderness of En Gedi.” tence between me and you, and see, and
2 Then Saul took three thousand chosen
plead my cause, and deliver me out of your
men out of all Israel, and went to seek hand.”
David and his men on the rocks of the 16 It came to pass, when David had fin-
wild goats. 3 He came to the sheep pens ished speaking these words to Saul, that
by the way, where there was a cave; and Saul said, “Is that your voice, my son
Saul went in to relieve himself. Now David David?” Saul lifted up his voice and wept.
and his men were staying in the innermost 17 He said to David, “You are more righ-
parts of the cave. 4 David’s men said to him,
“Behold, the day of which the LORD said teous than I; for you have done good to me,
to you, ‘Behold, I will deliver your enemy whereas I have done evil to you. 18 You
into your hand, and you shall do to him have declared today how you have dealt
as it shall seem good to you.’ ” Then David well with me, because when the LORD had
arose and cut off the skirt of Saul’s robe delivered me up into your hand, you didn’t
secretly. 5 Afterward, David’s heart struck kill me. 19 For if a man finds his enemy, will
him because he had cut off Saul’s skirt. 6 He he let him go away unharmed? Therefore
said to his men, “The LORD forbid that I may the LORD reward you good for that
should do this thing to my lord, the LORD’s which you have done to me today. 20 Now,
anointed, to stretch out my hand against behold, I know that you will surely be
him, since he is the LORD’s anointed.” 7 So king, and that the kingdom of Israel will
David checked his men with these words, be established in your hand. 21 Swear now
and didn’t allow them to rise against Saul. therefore to me by the LORD that you will
Saul rose up out of the cave, and went on not cut off my offspring after me, and that
his way. 8 David also arose afterward, and you will not destroy my name out of my
went out of the cave and cried after Saul, father’s house.”
saying, “My lord the king!” 22 David swore to Saul. Saul went home,

When Saul looked behind him, David but David and his men went up to the
bowed with his face to the earth, and stronghold.
showed respect. 9 David said to Saul, “Why
do you listen to men’s words, saying, ‘Be- 25
hold, David seeks to harm you?’ 10 Behold,
1 Samuel died; and all Israel gathered
today your eyes have seen how the LORD themselves together and mourned for
had delivered you today into my hand in him, and buried him at his house at
the cave. Some urged me to kill you, but Ramah.
I spared you. I said, ‘I will not stretch Then David arose and went down to
the wilderness of Paran. 2 There was a
out my hand against my lord, for he is the man in Maon whose possessions were in
LORD’s anointed.’ 11 Moreover, my father, Carmel; and the man was very great. He
behold, yes, see the skirt of your robe in had three thousand sheep and a thousand
my hand; for in that I cut off the skirt of goats; and he was shearing his sheep in
your robe and didn’t kill you, know and see Carmel. 3 Now the name of the man was
that there is neither evil nor disobedience Nabal; and the name of his wife Abigail.
in my hand. I have not sinned against This woman was intelligent and had a
you, though you hunt for my life to take beautiful face; but the man was surly and
it. 12 May the LORD judge between me and evil in his doings. He was of the house
you, and may the LORD avenge me of you; of Caleb. 4 David heard in the wilderness
but my hand will not be on you. 13 As the that Nabal was shearing his sheep. 5 David
proverb of the ancients says, ‘Out of the sent ten young men; and David said to the
wicked comes wickedness;’ but my hand young men, “Go up to Carmel, and go to Na-
will not be on you. 14 Against whom has bal, and greet him in my name. 6 Tell him,
1 Samuel 25:7 286 1 Samuel 25:30

‘Long life to you! Peace be to you! Peace wine, five sheep ready dressed, five seahs†
be to your house! Peace be to all that you of parched grain, one hundred clusters of
have! 7 Now I have heard that you have raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and
shearers. Your shepherds have now been laid them on donkeys. 19 She said to her
with us, and we didn’t harm them. Nothing young men, “Go on before me. Behold,
was missing from them all the time they I am coming after you.” But she didn’t
were in Carmel. 8 Ask your young men, tell her husband, Nabal. 20 As she rode
and they will tell you. Therefore let the on her donkey, and came down hidden by
young men find favor in your eyes, for we the mountain, behold, David and his men
come on a good day. Please give whatever came down toward her, and she met them.
comes to your hand to your servants and 21 Now David had said, “Surely in vain
to your son David.’ ” I have kept all that this fellow has in the
9 When David’s young men came, they wilderness, so that nothing was missed of
spoke to Nabal all those words in the name all that pertained to him. He has returned
of David, and waited. me evil for good. 22 God do so to the ene-
10 Nabal answered David’s servants and mies of David, and more also, if I leave of
said, “Who is David? Who is the son all that belongs to him by the morning light
of Jesse? There are many servants who so much as one who urinates on a wall.”‡
break away from their masters these days. 23 When Abigail saw David, she hurried
11 Shall I then take my bread, my water, and got off her donkey, and fell before
and my meat that I have killed for my David on her face and bowed herself to the
shearers, and give it to men who I don’t ground. 24 She fell at his feet and said, “On
know where they come from?” me, my lord, on me be the blame! Please
12 So David’s young men turned on their let your servant speak in your ears. Hear
way and went back, and came and told him the words of your servant. 25 Please don’t
all these words. let my lord pay attention to this worthless
13 David said to his men, “Every man put fellow, Nabal, for as his name is, so is he.
on his sword!” Nabal§ is his name, and folly is with him;
Every man put on his sword. David also but I, your servant, didn’t see my lord’s
put on his sword. About four hundred men young men whom you sent. 26 Now there-
followed David, and two hundred stayed fore, my lord, as the LORD lives and as your
by the baggage. soul lives, since the LORD has withheld you
14 But one of the young men told Abigail, from blood guiltiness and from avenging
Nabal’s wife, saying, “Behold, David sent yourself with your own hand, now there-
messengers out of the wilderness to greet fore let your enemies and those who seek
our master; and he insulted them. 15 But evil to my lord be as Nabal. 27 Now this
the men were very good to us, and we were present which your servant has brought to
not harmed, and we didn’t miss anything my lord, let it be given to the young men
as long as we went with them, when we who follow my lord. 28 Please forgive the
were in the fields. 16 They were a wall to trespass of your servant. For the LORD
us both by night and by day, all the while will certainly make my lord a sure house,
we were with them keeping the sheep. because my lord fights the LORD’s battles.
17 Now therefore know and consider what Evil will not be found in you all your days.
you will do; for evil is determined against 29 Though men may rise up to pursue you
our master and against all his house, for and to seek your soul, yet the soul of my
he is such a worthless fellow that one can’t lord will be bound in the bundle of life
speak to him.” with the LORD your God. He will sling out
18 Then Abigail hurried and took two the souls of your enemies as from a sling’s
hundred loaves of bread, two containers of pocket. 30 It will come to pass, when the
† 25:18 1 seah is about 7 liters or 1.9 gallons or 0.8 pecks ‡ 25:22 or, male. § 25:25 “Nabal” means “foolish”.
1 Samuel 25:31 287 1 Samuel 26:9

LORD has done to my lord according to all servant is a servant to wash the feet of the
the good that he has spoken concerning servants of my lord.” 42 Abigail hurriedly
you, and has appointed you prince over arose and rode on a donkey with her five
Israel, 31 that this shall be no grief to you, maids who followed her; and she went
nor offense of heart to my lord, either that after the messengers of David, and became
you have shed blood without cause, or that his wife. 43 David also took Ahinoam of
my lord has avenged himself. When the Jezreel; and they both became his wives.
44 Now Saul had given Michal his daugh-
LORD has dealt well with my lord, then
remember your servant.” ter, David’s wife, to Palti the son of Laish,
32 David said to Abigail, “Blessed is the who was of Gallim.
LORD, the God of Israel, who sent you to-
day to meet me! 33 Blessed is your discre- 26
tion, and blessed are you, who have kept 1The Ziphites came to Saul to Gibeah,
me today from blood guiltiness, and from saying, “Doesn’t David hide himself in
avenging myself with my own hand. 34 For the hill of Hachilah, which is before the
indeed, as the LORD the God of Israel lives, desert?” 2 Then Saul arose and went down
who has withheld me from harming you, to the wilderness of Ziph, having three
unless you had hurried and come to meet thousand chosen men of Israel with him,
me, surely there wouldn’t have been left to to seek David in the wilderness of Ziph.
3 Saul encamped in the hill of Hachilah,
Nabal by the morning light so much as one
who urinates on a wall.Ӡ which is before the desert, by the way. But
35 So David received from her hand that David stayed in the wilderness, and he saw
which she had brought him. Then he said that Saul came after him into the wilder-
to her, “Go up in peace to your house. ness. 4 David therefore sent out spies, and
Behold, I have listened to your voice and understood that Saul had certainly come.
5 Then David arose and came to the place
have granted your request.”
36 Abigail came to Nabal; and behold, he where Saul had encamped; and David saw
the place where Saul lay, with Abner the
held a feast in his house like the feast of son of Ner, the captain of his army. Saul
a king. Nabal’s heart was merry within
him, for he was very drunk. Therefore lay within the place of the wagons, and the
she told him nothing until the morning people were encamped around him.
6 Then David answered and said to
light. 37 In the morning, when the wine had
gone out of Nabal, his wife told him these Ahimelech the Hittite, and to Abishai the
things; and his heart died within him, and son of Zeruiah, brother of Joab, saying,
“Who will go down with me to Saul to the
he became as a stone. 38 About ten days
later, the LORD struck Nabal, so that he
died. 39 When David heard that Nabal was Abishai said, “I will go down with you.”
dead, he said, “Blessed is the LORD, who 7 So David and Abishai came to the people
has pleaded the cause of my reproach from by night; and, behold, Saul lay sleeping
the hand of Nabal, and has kept back his within the place of the wagons, with his
servant from evil. The LORD has returned spear stuck in the ground at his head;
the evildoing of Nabal on his own head.” and Abner and the people lay around him.
David sent and spoke concerning Abi- 8 Then Abishai said to David, “God has
gail, to take her to himself as wife. 40 When delivered up your enemy into your hand
David’s servants had come to Abigail to today. Now therefore please let me strike
Carmel, they spoke to her, saying, “David him with the spear to the earth at one
has sent us to you, to take you to him as stroke, and I will not strike him the second
wife.” time.”
41 She arose and bowed herself with her 9 David said to Abishai, “Don’t destroy
face to the earth, and said, “Behold, your him, for who can stretch out his hand
† 25:34 or, one male.
1 Samuel 26:10 288 1 Samuel 27:7

against the LORD’s anointed, and be guilt- when one hunts a partridge in the moun-
less?” 10 David said, “As the LORD lives, the tains.”
LORD will strike him; or his day shall come 21 Then Saul said, “I have sinned. Re-
to die, or he shall go down into battle and turn, my son David; for I will no more do
perish. 11 The LORD forbid that I should you harm, because my life was precious in
stretch out my hand against the LORD’s your eyes today. Behold, I have played the
anointed; but now please take the spear fool, and have erred exceedingly.”
that is at his head and the jar of water, and 22 David answered, “Behold the spear,
let’s go.” O king! Let one of the young men come
12 So David took the spear and the jar over and get it. 23 The LORD will render to
of water from Saul’s head, and they went every man his righteousness and his faith-
away. No man saw it, or knew it, nor fulness; because the LORD delivered you
did any awake; for they were all asleep, into my hand today, and I wouldn’t stretch
because a deep sleep from the LORD had out my hand against the LORD’s anointed.
fallen on them. 13 Then David went over 24 Behold, as your life was respected today
to the other side, and stood on the top of in my eyes, so let my life be respected in the
the mountain far away, a great space being LORD’s eyes, and let him deliver me out of
between them; 14 and David cried to the all oppression.”
people, and to Abner the son of Ner, saying, 25 Then Saul said to David, “You are
“Don’t you answer, Abner?” blessed, my son David. You will both do
Then Abner answered, “Who are you mightily, and will surely prevail.”
who calls to the king?” So David went his way, and Saul re-
15 David said to Abner, “Aren’t you a turned to his place.
man? Who is like you in Israel? Why
then have you not kept watch over your 27
lord the king? For one of the people came 1David said in his heart, “I will now
in to destroy your lord the king. 16 This perish one day by the hand of Saul. There
thing isn’t good that you have done. As the is nothing better for me than that I should
LORD lives, you are worthy to die, because escape into the land of the Philistines; and
you have not kept watch over your lord, Saul will despair of me, to seek me any
the LORD’s anointed. Now see where the more in all the borders of Israel. So I will
king’s spear is, and the jar of water that escape out of his hand.” 2 David arose
was at his head.” and passed over, he and the six hundred
17 Saul recognized David’s voice, and men who were with him, to Achish the
said, “Is this your voice, my son David?” son of Maoch, king of Gath. 3 David lived
David said, “It is my voice, my lord, O with Achish at Gath, he and his men, every
king.” 18 He said, “Why does my lord pur- man with his household, even David with
sue his servant? For what have I done? his two wives, Ahinoam the Jezreelitess
What evil is in my hand? 19 Now therefore, and Abigail the Carmelitess, Nabal’s wife.
4 Saul was told that David had fled to Gath,
please let my lord the king hear the words
of his servant. If it is so that the LORD has so he stopped looking for him.
stirred you up against me, let him accept 5 David said to Achish, “If now I have
an offering. But if it is the children of men, found favor in your eyes, let them give me
they are cursed before the LORD; for they a place in one of the cities in the country,
have driven me out today that I shouldn’t that I may dwell there. For why should
cling to the LORD’s inheritance, saying, your servant dwell in the royal city with
‘Go, serve other gods!’ 20 Now therefore, you?” 6 Then Achish gave him Ziklag that
don’t let my blood fall to the earth away day: therefore Ziklag belongs to the kings
from the presence of the LORD; for the king of Judah to this day. 7 The number of
of Israel has come out to seek a flea, as the days that David lived in the country
1 Samuel 27:8 289 1 Samuel 28:18

of the Philistines was a full year and four woman who has a familiar spirit, that I
months. may go to her and inquire of her.”
8 David and his men went up and
His servants said to him, “Behold, there
raided the Geshurites, the Girzites, and the is a woman who has a familiar spirit at
Amalekites; for those were the inhabitants Endor.”
of the land who were of old, on the way to 8 Saul disguised himself and put on other
Shur, even to the land of Egypt. 9 David clothing, and went, he and two men with
struck the land, and saved no man or him, and they came to the woman by night.
woman alive, and took away the sheep, Then he said, “Please consult for me by the
the cattle, the donkeys, the camels, and the familiar spirit, and bring me up whomever
clothing. Then he returned, and came to I shall name to you.”
Achish. 9 The woman said to him, “Behold, you
10 Achish said, “Against whom have you
know what Saul has done, how he has cut
made a raid today?” off those who have familiar spirits and the
David said, “Against the South of Judah, wizards out of the land. Why then do you
against the South of the Jerahmeelites, and lay a snare for my life, to cause me to die?”
against the South of the Kenites.” 11 David 10 Saul swore to her by the LORD, saying,
saved neither man nor woman alive to “As the LORD lives, no punishment will
bring them to Gath, saying, “Lest they
happen to you for this thing.”
should tell about us, saying, ‘David did this, 11 Then the woman said, “Whom shall I
and this has been his way all the time he
bring up to you?”
has lived in the country of the Philistines.’ ”
12 Achish believed David, saying, “He has He said, “Bring Samuel up for me.”
12 When the woman saw Samuel, she
made his people Israel utterly to abhor
cried with a loud voice; and the woman
him. Therefore he will be my servant spoke to Saul, saying, “Why have you de-
forever.” ceived me? For you are Saul!”
28 13 The king said to her, “Don’t be afraid!
What do you see?”
1In those days, the Philistines gathered
their armies together for warfare, to fight The woman said to Saul, “I see a god
with Israel. Achish said to David, “Know coming up out of the earth.”
assuredly that you will go out with me in 14 He said to her, “What does he look
the army, you and your men.” like?”
2 David said to Achish, “Therefore you She said, “An old man comes up. He is
will know what your servant can do.” covered with a robe.” Saul perceived that
Achish said to David, “Therefore I will it was Samuel, and he bowed with his face
make you my bodyguard forever.” to the ground, and showed respect.
15 Samuel said to Saul, “Why have you
3 Now Samuel was dead, and all Israel
had mourned for him and buried him in disturbed me, to bring me up?”
Ramah, even in his own city. Saul had sent Saul answered, “I am very distressed; for
away those who had familiar spirits and the Philistines make war against me, and
the wizards out of the land. God has departed from me, and answers
4 The Philistines gathered themselves me no more, by prophets, or by dreams.
together, and came and encamped in Therefore I have called you, that you may
Shunem; and Saul gathered all Israel make known to me what I shall do.”
together, and they encamped in Gilboa. 16 Samuel said, “Why then do you ask me,
5 When Saul saw the army of the since the LORD has departed from you and
Philistines, he was afraid, and his heart has become your adversary? 17 The LORD
trembled greatly. 6 When Saul inquired of has done to you as he spoke by me. The
the LORD, the LORD didn’t answer him by LORD has torn the kingdom out of your
dreams, by Urim, or by prophets. 7 Then hand and given it to your neighbor, even
Saul said to his servants, “Seek for me a to David. 18 Because you didn’t obey the
1 Samuel 28:19 290 1 Samuel 30:3

LORD’s voice, and didn’t execute his fierce Philistines said to him, “Make the man
wrath on Amalek, therefore the LORD has return, that he may go back to his place
done this thing to you today. 19 Moreover where you have appointed him, and let
the LORD will deliver Israel also with you him not go down with us to battle, lest in
into the hand of the Philistines; and tomor- the battle he become an adversary to us.
row you and your sons will be with me. For with what should this fellow reconcile
The LORD will deliver the army of Israel himself to his lord? Should it not be with
also into the hand of the Philistines.” the heads of these men? 5 Isn’t this David,
20 Then Saul fell immediately his full of whom people sang to one another in
length on the earth, and was terrified, be- dances, saying,
cause of Samuel’s words. There was no ‘Saul has slain his thousands,
strength in him, for he had eaten no bread and David his ten thousands?’ ”
all day long or all night long. 6 Then Achish called David and said to
21 The woman came to Saul and saw that him, “As the LORD lives, you have been
he was very troubled, and said to him, upright, and your going out and your com-
“Behold, your servant has listened to your ing in with me in the army is good in my
voice, and I have put my life in my hand, sight; for I have not found evil in you
and have listened to your words which since the day of your coming to me to this
you spoke to me. 22 Now therefore, please day. Nevertheless, the lords don’t favor
listen also to the voice of your servant, and you. 7 Therefore now return, and go in
let me set a morsel of bread before you. peace, that you not displease the lords of
Eat, that you may have strength when you the Philistines.”
8 David said to Achish, “But what have
go on your way.”
23 But he refused, and said, “I will not I done? What have you found in your
eat.” But his servants, together with the servant so long as I have been before you to
woman, constrained him; and he listened this day, that I may not go and fight against
to their voice. So he arose from the earth the enemies of my lord the king?”
and sat on the bed. 24 The woman had a 9 Achish answered David, “I know that
fattened calf in the house. She hurried and you are good in my sight, as an angel of
killed it; and she took flour and kneaded it, God. Notwithstanding, the princes of the
and baked unleavened bread of it. 25 She Philistines have said, ‘He shall not go up
brought it before Saul and before his ser-
vants, and they ate. Then they rose up and with us to the battle.’ 10 Therefore now rise
up early in the morning with the servants
went away that night.
of your lord who have come with you; and
29 as soon as you are up early in the morning
and have light, depart.”
1 Now the Philistines gathered together
11 So David rose up early, he and his men,
all their armies to Aphek; and the Is-
raelites encamped by the spring which is to depart in the morning, to return into the
in Jezreel. 2 The lords of the Philistines land of the Philistines; and the Philistines
passed on by hundreds and by thousands; went up to Jezreel.
and David and his men passed on in the
rear with Achish.
1 When
3 Then the princes of the Philistines said, David and his men had come to
“What about these Hebrews?” Ziklag on the third day, the Amalekites had
Achish said to the princes of the made a raid on the South and on Ziklag,
Philistines, “Isn’t this David, the servant and had struck Ziklag and burned it with
of Saul the king of Israel, who has been fire, 2 and had taken captive the women
with me these days, or rather these years? and all who were in it, both small and
I have found no fault in him since he fell great. They didn’t kill any, but carried
away until today.” them off and went their way. 3 When
4 But the princes of the Philistines were David and his men came to the city, behold,
angry with him; and the princes of the it was burned with fire; and their wives,
1 Samuel 30:4 291 1 Samuel 30:26

their sons, and their daughters were taken the hands of my master, and I will bring
captive. 4 Then David and the people who you down to this troop.”
were with him lifted up their voice and 16 When he had brought him down, be-
wept until they had no more power to hold, they were spread around over all
weep. 5 David’s two wives were taken the ground, eating, drinking, and dancing,
captive, Ahinoam the Jezreelitess, and because of all the great plunder that they
Abigail the wife of Nabal the Carmelite. had taken out of the land of the Philistines,
6 David was greatly distressed, for the peo-
and out of the land of Judah. 17 David
ple spoke of stoning him, because the souls struck them from the twilight even to the
of all the people were grieved, every man evening of the next day. Not a man of them
for his sons and for his daughters; but escaped from there, except four hundred
David strengthened himself in the LORD young men who rode on camels and fled.
his God. 7 David said to Abiathar the priest, 18 David recovered all that the Amalekites
the son of Ahimelech, “Please bring the had taken, and David rescued his two
ephod here to me.” wives. 19 There was nothing lacking to
Abiathar brought the ephod to David. them, neither small nor great, neither sons
8 David inquired of the LORD, saying, “If nor daughters, neither plunder, nor any-
I pursue after this troop, will I overtake thing that they had taken. David brought
them?” them all back. 20 David took all the flocks
and the herds, which they drove before
He answered him, “Pursue, for you will those other livestock, and said, “This is
surely overtake them, and will without fail David’s plunder.”
recover all.” 21 David came to the two hundred men,
9 So David went, he and the six hundred
men who were with him, and came to who were so faint that they could not fol-
the brook Besor, where those who were low David, whom also they had made to
left behind stayed. 10 But David pursued, stay at the brook Besor; and they went out
he and four hundred men; for two hun- to meet David, and to meet the people who
dred stayed behind, who were so faint were with him. When David came near to
that they couldn’t go over the brook Be- the people, he greeted them. 22 Then all the
sor. 11 They found an Egyptian in the field, wicked men and worthless fellows of those
who went with David answered and said,
and brought him to David, and gave him “Because they didn’t go with us, we will
bread, and he ate; and they gave him water not give them anything of the plunder that
to drink. 12 They gave him a piece of a we have recovered, except to every man
cake of figs and two clusters of raisins. his wife and his children, that he may lead
When he had eaten, his spirit came again them away and depart.”
to him; for he had eaten no bread, and 23 Then David said, “Do not do so, my
drank no water for three days and three
nights. 13 David asked him, “To whom do brothers, with that which the LORD has
given to us, who has preserved us, and
you belong? Where are you from?”
delivered the troop that came against us
He said, “I am a young man of Egypt, into our hand. 24 Who will listen to you in
servant to an Amalekite; and my master this matter? For as his share is who goes
left me, because three days ago I got sick. down to the battle, so shall his share be
14 We made a raid on the South of the
who stays with the baggage. They shall
Cherethites, and on that which belongs to share alike.” 25 It was so from that day
Judah, and on the South of Caleb; and we forward that he made it a statute and an
burned Ziklag with fire.” ordinance for Israel to this day.
15 David said to him, “Will you bring me 26 When David came to Ziklag, he sent
down to this troop?” some of the plunder to the elders of Ju-
He said, “Swear to me by God that you dah, even to his friends, saying, “Behold,
will not kill me and not deliver me up into a present for you from the plunder of the
1 Samuel 30:27 292 1 Samuel 31:13

LORD’s enemies.” 27 He sent it to those the house of the Ashtaroth, and they fas-
who were in Bethel, to those who were in tened his body to the wall of Beth Shan.
Ramoth of the South, to those who were 11 When the inhabitants of Jabesh Gilead
in Jattir, 28 to those who were in Aroer, to heard what the Philistines had done to
those who were in Siphmoth, to those who Saul, 12 all the valiant men arose, went all
were in Eshtemoa, 29 to those who were in night, and took the body of Saul and the
Racal, to those who were in the cities of bodies of his sons from the wall of Beth
the Jerahmeelites, to those who were in the Shan; and they came to Jabesh and burned
cities of the Kenites, 30 to those who were in them there. 13 They took their bones and
Hormah, to those who were in Borashan, buried them under the tamarisk† tree in
to those who were in Athach, 31 to those Jabesh, and fasted seven days.
who were in Hebron, and to all the places
where David himself and his men used to

1 Now the Philistines fought against Is-
rael; and the men of Israel fled from be-
fore the Philistines, and fell down slain on
Mount Gilboa. 2 The Philistines overtook
Saul and his sons; and the Philistines killed
Jonathan, Abinadab, and Malchishua, the
sons of Saul. 3 The battle went hard against
Saul, and the archers overtook him; and
he was greatly distressed by reason of the
archers. 4 Then Saul said to his armor
bearer, “Draw your sword, and thrust me
through with it, lest these uncircumcised
come and thrust me through and abuse
me!” But his armor bearer would not, for
he was terrified. Therefore Saul took his
sword and fell on it. 5 When his armor
bearer saw that Saul was dead, he likewise
fell on his sword, and died with him. 6 So
Saul died with his three sons, his armor
bearer, and all his men that same day to-
7 When the men of Israel who were on
the other side of the valley, and those who
were beyond the Jordan, saw that the men
of Israel fled and that Saul and his sons
were dead, they abandoned the cities and
fled; and the Philistines came and lived
in them. 8 On the next day, when the
Philistines came to strip the slain, they
found Saul and his three sons fallen on
Mount Gilboa. 9 They cut off his head,
stripped off his armor, and sent into the
land of the Philistines all around, to carry
the news to the house of their idols and
to the people. 10 They put his armor in
† 31:13 or, salt cedar
2 Samuel 1:1 293 2 Samuel 1:25

13 David said to the young man who told

him, “Where are you from?”
The Second Book of He answered, “I am the son of a for-
Samuel eigner, an Amalekite.”
14 David said to him, “Why were you not
1 After the death of Saul, when David afraid to stretch out your hand to destroy
had returned from the slaughter of the the LORD’s anointed?” 15 David called one
Amalekites, and David had stayed two of the young men and said, “Go near, and
days in Ziklag, 2 on the third day, behold,† cut him down!” He struck him so that he
a man came out of the camp from Saul, died. 16 David said to him, “Your blood be
with his clothes torn and earth on his head. on your head, for your mouth has testi-
When he came to David, he fell to the earth fied against you, saying, ‘I have slain the
and showed respect. LORD’s anointed.’ ”
3 David said to him, “Where do you come 17 David lamented with this lamentation
from?” over Saul and over Jonathan his son 18 (and
He said to him, “I have escaped out of the he commanded them to teach the children
camp of Israel.” of Judah the song of the bow; behold, it is
4 David said to him, “How did it go? written in the book of Jashar):
19 “Your glory, Israel, was slain on your
Please tell me.”
He answered, “The people have fled high places!
from the battle, and many of the people How the mighty have fallen!
also have fallen and are dead. Saul and 20 Don’t tell it in Gath.
Jonathan his son are dead also.” Don’t publish it in the streets of
5 David said to the young man who told Ashkelon,
him, “How do you know that Saul and lest the daughters of the Philistines rejoice,
Jonathan his son are dead?” lest the daughters of the uncircum-
6 The young man who told him said, “As cised triumph.
I happened by chance on Mount Gilboa, 21 You mountains of Gilboa,
behold, Saul was leaning on his spear; and let there be no dew or rain on you, and
behold, the chariots and the horsemen fol- no fields of offerings;
lowed close behind him. 7 When he looked for there the shield of the mighty was
behind him, he saw me and called to me. defiled and cast away,
I answered, ‘Here I am.’ 8 He said to me, the shield of Saul was not anointed
‘Who are you?’ I answered him, ‘I am an with oil.
Amalekite.’ 9 He said to me, ‘Please stand 22 From the blood of the slain,
beside me, and kill me, for anguish has from the fat of the mighty,
taken hold of me because my life lingers Jonathan’s bow didn’t turn back.
in me.’ 10 So I stood beside him and killed Saul’s sword didn’t return empty.
him, because I was sure that he could not 23 Saul and Jonathan were lovely and
live after he had fallen. I took the crown pleasant in their lives.
that was on his head and the bracelet that In their death, they were not divided.
was on his arm, and have brought them
here to my lord.” They were swifter than eagles.
11 Then David took hold on his clothes They were stronger than lions.
24 You daughters of Israel, weep over Saul,
and tore them; and all the men who were
with him did likewise. 12 They mourned, who clothed you delicately in scarlet,
wept, and fasted until evening for Saul and who put ornaments of gold on your
for Jonathan his son, and for the people clothing.
of the LORD,‡ and for the house of Israel, 25 How the mighty have fallen in the mid-
because they had fallen by the sword. dle of the battle!
† 1:2 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.
‡ 1:12 When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, “LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name.
2 Samuel 1:26 294 2 Samuel 2:24

Jonathan was slain on your high time that David was king in Hebron over
places. the house of Judah was seven years and six
26 I am distressed for you, my brother months.
Jonathan. 12 Abner the son of Ner, and the servants
You have been very pleasant to me. of Ishbosheth the son of Saul, went out
Your love to me was wonderful, from Mahanaim to Gibeon. 13 Joab the son
surpassing the love of women. of Zeruiah and David’s servants went out,
27 How the mighty have fallen, and met them by the pool of Gibeon; and
and the weapons of war have per- they sat down, the one on the one side of
ished!” the pool and the other on the other side of
the pool. 14 Abner said to Joab, “Please let
1 After
2 the young men arise and compete before
this, David inquired of the LORD, us!”
saying, “Shall I go up into any of the cities Joab said, “Let them arise!” 15 Then they
of Judah?” arose and went over by number: twelve
The LORD said to him, “Go up.” for Benjamin and for Ishbosheth the son
David said, “Where shall I go up?” of Saul, and twelve of David’s servants.
He said, “To Hebron.” 16 They each caught his opponent by the
2 So David went up there with his two
head and thrust his sword in his fellow’s
wives, Ahinoam the Jezreelitess, and side; so they fell down together. Therefore
Abigail the wife of Nabal the Carmelite. that place in Gibeon was called Helkath
3 David brought up his men who were with Hazzurim.† 17 The battle was very se-
him, every man with his household. They vere that day; and Abner was beaten, and
lived in the cities of Hebron. 4 The men the men of Israel, before David’s servants.
of Judah came, and there they anointed 18 The three sons of Zeruiah were there:
David king over the house of Judah. They Joab, Abishai, and Asahel. Asahel was as
told David, “The men of Jabesh Gilead light of foot as a wild gazelle. 19 Asahel
were those who buried Saul.” 5 David sent pursued Abner. He didn’t turn to the right
messengers to the men of Jabesh Gilead, hand or to the left from following Abner.
and said to them, “Blessed are you by the 20 Then Abner looked behind him and
LORD, that you have shown this kindness said, “Is that you, Asahel?”
to your lord, even to Saul, and have buried
He answered, “It is.”
him. 6 Now may the LORD show loving
21 Abner said to him, “Turn away to
kindness and truth to you. I also will
reward you for this kindness, because you your right hand or to your left, and grab
have done this thing. 7 Now therefore one of the young men, and take his ar-
let your hands be strong, and be valiant; mor.” But Asahel would not turn away
for Saul your lord is dead, and also the from following him. 22 Abner said again
house of Judah have anointed me king to Asahel, “Turn away from following me.
over them.” Why should I strike you to the ground?
8 Now Abner the son of Ner, captain How then could I look Joab your brother in
of Saul’s army, had taken Ishbosheth the the face?” 23 However, he refused to turn
son of Saul and brought him over to away. Therefore Abner with the back end
Mahanaim. 9 He made him king over of the spear struck him in the body, so that
Gilead, over the Ashurites, over Jezreel, the spear came out behind him; and he fell
over Ephraim, over Benjamin, and over down there and died in the same place. As
all Israel. 10 Ishbosheth, Saul’s son, was many as came to the place where Asahel
forty years old when he began to reign fell down and died stood still.
over Israel, and he reigned two years. But 24 But Joab and Abishai pursued Ab-
the house of Judah followed David. 11 The ner. The sun went down when they had
† 2:16 “Helkath Hazzurim” means “field of daggers”.
2 Samuel 2:25 295 2 Samuel 3:19

come to the hill of Ammah, that lies be- himself strong in Saul’s house. 7 Now Saul
fore Giah by the way of the wilderness had a concubine, whose name was Rizpah,
of Gibeon. 25 The children of Benjamin the daughter of Aiah; and Ishbosheth said
gathered themselves together after Abner to Abner, “Why have you gone in to my
and became one band, and stood on the father’s concubine?”
top of a hill. 26 Then Abner called to Joab, 8 Then Abner was very angry about Ish-
and said, “Shall the sword devour forever? bosheth’s words, and said, “Am I a dog’s
Don’t you know that it will be bitterness in head that belongs to Judah? Today I show
the latter end? How long will it be then, kindness to your father Saul’s house, to
before you ask the people to return from his brothers, and to his friends, and have
following their brothers?” not delivered you into the hand of David;
27 Joab said, “As God‡ lives, if you had and yet you charge me today with a fault
not spoken, surely then in the morning concerning this woman! 9 God do so to
the people would have gone away, and Abner, and more also, if, as the LORD
not each followed his brother.” 28 So has sworn to David, I don’t do even so to
Joab blew the trumpet; and all the people him: 10 to transfer the kingdom from Saul’s
stood still and pursued Israel no more, house, and to set up David’s throne over
and they fought no more. 29 Abner and Israel and over Judah, from Dan even to
his men went all that night through the Beersheba.”
11 He could not answer Abner another
Arabah; and they passed over the Jordan,
and went through all Bithron, and came to word, because he was afraid of him.
12 Abner sent messengers to David on his
30 Joab returned from following Abner; behalf, saying, “Whose is the land?” and
and when he had gathered all the people saying, “Make your alliance with me, and
together, nineteen men of David’s and Asa- behold, my hand will be with you to bring
hel were missing. 31 But David’s servants all Israel around to you.”
13 David said, “Good. I will make a treaty
had struck Benjamin Abner’s men so that
three hundred sixty men died. 32 They took with you, but one thing I require of you.
up Asahel and buried him in the tomb of That is, you will not see my face unless you
his father, which was in Bethlehem. Joab first bring Michal, Saul’s daughter, when
and his men went all night, and the day you come to see my face.” 14 David sent
broke on them at Hebron. messengers to Ishbosheth, Saul’s son, say-
ing, “Deliver me my wife Michal, whom I
3 was given to marry for one hundred fore-
skins of the Philistines.”
1 Now there was long war between Saul’s
15 Ishbosheth sent and took her from her
house and David’s house. David grew husband, Paltiel the son of Laish. 16 Her
stronger and stronger, but Saul’s house husband went with her, weeping as he
grew weaker and weaker. 2 Sons were went, and followed her to Bahurim. Then
born to David in Hebron. His firstborn Abner said to him, “Go! Return!” and he
was Amnon, of Ahinoam the Jezreelitess; returned.
3 and his second, Chileab, of Abigail the 17 Abner had communication with the
wife of Nabal the Carmelite; and the third, elders of Israel, saying, “In times past,
Absalom the son of Maacah the daugh- you sought for David to be king over you.
ter of Talmai king of Geshur; 4 and the 18 Now then do it! For the LORD has spo-
fourth, Adonijah the son of Haggith; and ken of David, saying, ‘By the hand of my
the fifth, Shephatiah the son of Abital; servant David, I will save my people Israel
5 and the sixth, Ithream, of Eglah, David’s out of the hand of the Philistines, and out
wife. These were born to David in Hebron. of the hand of all their enemies.’ ”
6 While there was war between Saul’s 19 Abner also spoke in the ears of Ben-
house and David’s house, Abner made jamin; and Abner went also to speak in the
‡ 2:27 The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim).
2 Samuel 3:20 296 2 Samuel 4:6

ears of David in Hebron all that seemed followed the bier. 32 They buried Abner
good to Israel and to the whole house of in Hebron; and the king lifted up his voice
Benjamin. 20 So Abner came to David to and wept at Abner’s grave; and all the peo-
Hebron, and twenty men with him. David ple wept. 33 The king lamented for Abner,
made Abner and the men who were with and said, “Should Abner die as a fool dies?
him a feast. 21 Abner said to David, “I will 34 Your hands weren’t bound, and your feet
arise and go, and will gather all Israel to weren’t put into fetters. As a man falls
my lord the king, that they may make a before the children of iniquity, so you fell.”
covenant with you, and that you may reign All the people wept again over him. 35 All
over all that your soul desires.” David sent the people came to urge David to eat bread
Abner away; and he went in peace. while it was yet day; but David swore,
22 Behold, David’s servants and Joab
saying, “God do so to me, and more also, if
came from a raid and brought in a great I taste bread or anything else, until the sun
plunder with them; but Abner was not goes down.”
with David in Hebron, for he had sent him 36 All the people took notice of it, and
away, and he had gone in peace. 23 When
it pleased them, as whatever the king did
Joab and all the army who was with him
pleased all the people. 37 So all the people
had come, they told Joab, “Abner the son of
and all Israel understood that day that it
Ner came to the king, and he has sent him
away, and he has gone in peace.” was not of the king to kill Abner the son
24 Then Joab came to the king and said, of Ner. 38 The king said to his servants,
“Don’t you know that a prince and a great
“What have you done? Behold, Abner
came to you. Why is it that you have sent man has fallen today in Israel? 39 I am
weak today, though anointed king. These
him away, and he is already gone? 25 You
men, the sons of Zeruiah are too hard for
know Abner the son of Ner. He came to me. May the LORD reward the evildoer
deceive you, and to know your going out
and your coming in, and to know all that according to his wickedness.”
you do.”
26 When Joab had come out from David, 4
1When Saul’s son heard that Abner
he sent messengers after Abner, and they was dead in Hebron, his hands became
brought him back from the well of Sirah; feeble, and all the Israelites were trou-
but David didn’t know it. 27 When Abner bled. 2 Saul’s son had two men who were
had returned to Hebron, Joab took him captains of raiding bands. The name of
aside into the middle of the gate to speak one was Baanah and the name of the
with him quietly, and struck him there in other Rechab, the sons of Rimmon the
the body, so that he died for the blood of Beerothite, of the children of Benjamin
Asahel his brother. 28 Afterward, when (for Beeroth also is considered a part of
David heard it, he said, “I and my kingdom Benjamin; 3 and the Beerothites fled to
are guiltless before the LORD forever of Gittaim, and have lived as foreigners there
the blood of Abner the son of Ner. 29 Let until today).
it fall on the head of Joab and on all his 4 Now Jonathan, Saul’s son, had a son
father’s house. Let there not fail from the who was lame in his feet. He was five
house of Joab one who has a discharge, years old when the news came about Saul
or who is a leper, or who leans on a staff, and Jonathan out of Jezreel; and his nurse
or who falls by the sword, or who lacks picked him up and fled. As she hurried to
bread.” 30 So Joab and Abishai his brother flee, he fell and became lame. His name
killed Abner, because he had killed their was Mephibosheth.
brother Asahel at Gibeon in the battle. 5 The sons of Rimmon the Beerothite,
31 David said to Joab and to all the people
Rechab and Baanah, went out and came
who were with him, “Tear your clothes, at about the heat of the day to the house
and clothe yourselves with sackcloth, and of Ishbosheth as he took his rest at noon.
mourn in front of Abner.” King David 6 They came there into the middle of the
2 Samuel 4:7 297 2 Samuel 5:20

house as though they would have fetched reigned thirty-three years over all Israel
wheat, and they struck him in the body; and Judah.
and Rechab and Baanah his brother es- 6 The king and his men went to
caped. 7 Now when they came into the Jerusalem against the Jebusites, the in-
house as he lay on his bed in his bedroom, habitants of the land, who spoke to David,
they struck him, killed him, beheaded him, saying, “The blind and the lame will keep
and took his head, and went by the way you out of here,” thinking, “David can’t
of the Arabah all night. 8 They brought come in here.” 7 Nevertheless David took
the head of Ishbosheth to David to Hebron, the stronghold of Zion. This is David’s
and said to the king, “Behold, the head city. 8 David said on that day, “Whoever
of Ishbosheth, the son of Saul, your en- strikes the Jebusites, let him go up to the
emy, who sought your life! The LORD has watercourse and strike those lame and
avenged my lord the king today of Saul and blind, who are hated by David’s soul.”
of his offspring.†” Therefore they say, “The blind and the
9 David answered Rechab and Baanah lame can’t come into the house.”
his brother, the sons of Rimmon the 9 David lived in the stronghold, and
Beerothite, and said to them, “As the LORD called it David’s city. David built around
lives, who has redeemed my soul out of from Millo and inward. 10 David grew
all adversity, 10 when someone told me, greater and greater, for the LORD, the God
‘Behold, Saul is dead,’ thinking that he of Armies, was with him. 11 Hiram king of
brought good news, I seized him and killed Tyre sent messengers to David, with cedar
him in Ziklag, which was the reward I trees, carpenters, and masons; and they
gave him for his news. 11 How much built David a house. 12 David perceived
more, when wicked men have slain a that the LORD had established him king
righteous person in his own house on his over Israel, and that he had exalted his
bed, should I not now require his blood kingdom for his people Israel’s sake.
from your hand, and rid the earth of you?” 13 David took more concubines and
12 David commanded his young men, and wives for himself out of Jerusalem, after
they killed them, cut off their hands and he had come from Hebron; and more
their feet, and hanged them up beside the sons and daughters were born to David.
pool in Hebron. But they took the head of 14 These are the names of those who were
Ishbosheth and buried it in Abner’s grave born to him in Jerusalem: Shammua,
in Hebron. Shobab, Nathan, Solomon, 15 Ibhar, El-
ishua, Nepheg, Japhia, 16 Elishama, Eliada,
5 and Eliphelet.
1 Then all the tribes of Israel came to 17 When the Philistines heard that they
David at Hebron and spoke, saying, “Be-
had anointed David king over Israel, all
hold, we are your bone and your flesh.
2 In times past, when Saul was king over the Philistines went up to seek David, but
David heard about it and went down to
us, it was you who led Israel out and in. the stronghold. 18 Now the Philistines had
The LORD said to you, ‘You will be shep- come and spread themselves in the val-
herd of my people Israel, and you will be ley of Rephaim. 19 David inquired of the
prince over Israel.’ ” 3 So all the elders of LORD, saying, “Shall I go up against the
Israel came to the king to Hebron, and King Philistines? Will you deliver them into my
David made a covenant with them in He- hand?”
bron before the LORD; and they anointed The LORD said to David, “Go up; for I will
David king over Israel. certainly deliver the Philistines into your
4 David was thirty years old when he
began to reign, and he reigned forty years. 20 David came to Baal Perazim, and
5 In Hebron he reigned over Judah seven David struck them there. Then he said,
years and six months, and in Jerusalem he “The LORD has broken my enemies before
† 4:8 or, seed
2 Samuel 5:21 298 2 Samuel 6:22

me, like the breach of waters.” Therefore LORD’s ark to be with him in David’s city;
he called the name of that place Baal Per- but David carried it aside into Obed-Edom
azim.† 21 They left their images there, and the Gittite’s house. 11 The LORD’s ark re-
David and his men took them away. mained in Obed-Edom the Gittite’s house
22 The Philistines came up yet again three months; and the LORD blessed Obed-
Edom and all his house. 12 King David was
and spread themselves in the valley of told, “The LORD has blessed the house of
Rephaim. 23 When David inquired of the Obed-Edom, and all that belongs to him,
LORD, he said, “You shall not go up. Circle because of God’s ark.”
around behind them, and attack them in So David went and brought up God’s ark
front of the mulberry trees. 24 When you from the house of Obed-Edom into David’s
hear the sound of marching in the tops of city with joy. 13 When those who bore the
the mulberry trees, then stir yourself up; LORD’s ark had gone six paces, he sacri-
for then the LORD has gone out before you ficed an ox and a fattened calf. 14 David
to strike the army of the Philistines.” danced before the LORD with all his might;
25 David did so, as the LORD commanded and David was clothed in a linen ephod.
him, and struck the Philistines all the way 15 So David and all the house of Israel
from Geba to Gezer. brought up the LORD’s ark with shouting
and with the sound of the trumpet.
6 16 As the LORD’s ark came into David’s
1 David again gathered together all the city, Michal the daughter of Saul looked
chosen men of Israel, thirty thousand. out through the window and saw King
2 David arose and went with all the people David leaping and dancing before the
who were with him from Baale Judah, to LORD; and she despised him in her heart.
17 They brought in the LORD’s ark, and set
bring up from there God’s ark, which is
called by the Name, even the name of the it in its place in the middle of the tent that
LORD of Armies who sits above the cheru- David had pitched for it; and David offered
bim. 3 They set God’s ark on a new cart, burnt offerings and peace offerings before
and brought it out of Abinadab’s house the LORD. 18 When David had finished of-
that was on the hill; and Uzzah and Ahio, fering the burnt offering and the peace of-
the sons of Abinadab, drove the new cart. ferings, he blessed the people in the name
4 They brought it out of Abinadab’s house of the LORD of Armies. 19 He gave to all
which was in the hill, with God’s ark; and the people, even among the whole multi-
Ahio went before the ark. 5 David and tude of Israel, both to men and women,
all the house of Israel played before the to everyone a portion of bread, dates, and
LORD with all kinds of instruments made raisins. So all the people departed, each to
of cypress wood, with harps, with stringed his own house.
instruments, with tambourines, with cas- 20 Then David returned to bless his
tanets, and with cymbals. household. Michal the daughter of Saul
6 When they came to the threshing floor came out to meet David, and said, “How
of Nacon, Uzzah reached for God’s ark and glorious the king of Israel was today, who
took hold of it, for the cattle stumbled. uncovered himself today in the eyes of his
7 The LORD’s anger burned against Uzzah,
servants’ maids, as one of the vain fellows
and God struck him there for his error; shamelessly uncovers himself!”
and he died there by God’s ark. 8 David 21 David said to Michal, “It was before the
was displeased because the LORD had bro- LORD, who chose me above your father,
ken out against Uzzah; and he called that and above all his house, to appoint me
place Perez Uzzah† to this day. 9 David prince over the people of the LORD, over
was afraid of the LORD that day; and he Israel. Therefore I will celebrate before
said, “How could the LORD’s ark come to the LORD. 22 I will be yet more undignified
me?” 10 So David would not move the than this, and will be worthless in my own
† 5:20 “Baal Perazim” means “Lord who breaks out”. † 6:8 “Perez Uzzah” means “outbreak against Uzzah”.
2 Samuel 6:23 299 2 Samuel 7:27

sight. But the maids of whom you have house for my name, and I will establish the
spoken will honor me.” throne of his kingdom forever. 14 I will be
23 Michal the daughter of Saul had no his father, and he will be my son. If he
child to the day of her death. commits iniquity, I will chasten him with
the rod of men and with the stripes of the
7 children of men; 15 but my loving kindness
1 When the king lived in his house, and will not depart from him, as I took it from
the LORD had given him rest from all Saul, whom I put away before you. 16 Your
his enemies all around, 2 the king said to house and your kingdom will be made sure
Nathan the prophet, “See now, I dwell in a forever before you. Your throne will be
house of cedar, but God’s ark dwells within established forever.” ’ ” 17 Nathan spoke to
curtains.” David all these words, and according to all
3 Nathan said to the king, “Go, do all that
this vision.
is in your heart, for the LORD is with you.” 18 Then David the king went in and sat
4 That same night, the LORD’s word came before the LORD; and he said, “Who am
to Nathan, saying, 5 “Go and tell my servant I, Lord† GOD, and what is my house, that
David, ‘The LORD says, “Should you build you have brought me this far? 19 This
me a house for me to dwell in? 6 For I was yet a small thing in your eyes, Lord
have not lived in a house since the day that GOD, but you have spoken also of your
I brought the children of Israel up out of servant’s house for a great while to come;
Egypt, even to this day, but have moved and this among men, Lord GOD! 20 What
around in a tent and in a tabernacle. 7 In more can David say to you? For you know
all places in which I have walked with all your servant, Lord GOD. 21 For your word’s
the children of Israel, did I say a word to sake, and according to your own heart, you
anyone from the tribes of Israel whom I have worked all this greatness, to make
commanded to be shepherd of my people your servant know it. 22 Therefore you
Israel, saying, ‘Why have you not built me a are great, LORD God. For there is no one
house of cedar?’ ” ’ 8 Now therefore tell my like you, neither is there any God besides
servant David this: ‘The LORD of Armies you, according to all that we have heard
says, “I took you from the sheep pen, from with our ears. 23 What one nation in the
following the sheep, to be prince over my earth is like your people, even like Israel,
people, over Israel. 9 I have been with whom God went to redeem to himself for a
you wherever you went, and have cut off people, and to make himself a name, and
all your enemies from before you. I will to do great things for you, and awesome
make you a great name, like the name of things for your land, before your people,
the great ones who are in the earth. 10 I whom you redeemed to yourself out of
will appoint a place for my people Israel, Egypt, from the nations and their gods?
and will plant them, that they may dwell 24 You established for yourself your people
in their own place and be moved no more. Israel to be your people forever; and you,
The children of wickedness will not afflict LORD, became their God.
them any more, as at the first, 11 and as 25 “Now, LORD God, the word that you
from the day that I commanded judges to have spoken concerning your servant, and
be over my people Israel. I will cause you concerning his house, confirm it forever,
to rest from all your enemies. Moreover and do as you have spoken. 26 Let your
the LORD tells you that the LORD will make name be magnified forever, saying, ‘The
you a house. 12 When your days are ful- LORD of Armies is God over Israel; and
filled and you sleep with your fathers, I the house of your servant David will be
will set up your offspring after you, who established before you.’ 27 For you, LORD
will proceed out of your body, and I will of Armies, the God of Israel, have revealed
establish his kingdom. 13 He will build a to your servant, saying, ‘I will build you a
† 7:18 The word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.”
2 Samuel 7:28 300 2 Samuel 9:7

house.’ Therefore your servant has found bronze. 11 King David also dedicated these
in his heart to pray this prayer to you. to the LORD, with the silver and gold that
28 “Now, O Lord GOD, you are God, he dedicated of all the nations which he
and your words are truth, and you have subdued— 12 of Syria, of Moab, of the
promised this good thing to your servant. children of Ammon, of the Philistines, of
29 Now therefore, let it please you to bless Amalek, and of the plunder of Hadadezer,
the house of your servant, that it may con- son of Rehob, king of Zobah.
13 David earned a reputation when he re-
tinue forever before you; for you, Lord
GOD, have spoken it. Let the house of turned from striking down eighteen thou-
your servant be blessed forever with your sand men of the Syrians in the Valley
blessing.” of Salt. 14 He put garrisons in Edom.
Throughout all Edom, he put garrisons,
and all the Edomites became servants to
8 David. The LORD gave victory to David
1 After this, David struck the Philistines wherever he went.
and subdued them; and David took the 15 David reigned over all Israel; and
bridle of the mother city out of the hand David executed justice and righteousness
of the Philistines. 2 He defeated Moab, for all his people. 16 Joab the son of Zeruiah
and measured them with the line, making was over the army, Jehoshaphat the son
them to lie down on the ground; and he of Ahilud was recorder, 17 Zadok the son
measured two lines to put to death, and of Ahitub and Ahimelech the son of Abi-
one full line to keep alive. The Moabites athar were priests, Seraiah was scribe,
became servants to David, and brought 18 Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was over the
tribute. Cherethites and the Pelethites; and David’s
3 David also struck Hadadezer the son sons were chief ministers.
of Rehob, king of Zobah, as he went to
recover his dominion at the River. 4 David 9
took from him one thousand seven hun- 1David said, “Is there yet any who is
dred horsemen and twenty thousand foot- left of Saul’s house, that I may show him
men. David hamstrung the chariot horses, kindness for Jonathan’s sake?” 2 There was
but reserved enough of them for one hun- of Saul’s house a servant whose name was
dred chariots. 5 When the Syrians of Ziba, and they called him to David; and the
Damascus came to help Hadadezer king king said to him, “Are you Ziba?”
of Zobah, David struck twenty two thou- He said, “I am your servant.”
sand men of the Syrians. 6 Then David 3 The king said, “Is there not yet any of
put garrisons in Syria of Damascus; and Saul’s house, that I may show the kindness
the Syrians became servants to David, and of God to him?”
brought tribute. The LORD gave victory Ziba said to the king, “Jonathan still has
to David wherever he went. 7 David took a son, who is lame in his feet.”
the shields of gold that were on the ser- 4 The king said to him, “Where is he?”
vants of Hadadezer, and brought them Ziba said to the king, “Behold, he is in the
to Jerusalem. 8 From Betah and from house of Machir the son of Ammiel, in Lo
Berothai, cities of Hadadezer, King David Debar.”
took a great quantity of bronze. 5 Then King David sent and brought him
9 When Toi king of Hamath heard out of the house of Machir the son of Am-
that David had struck all the army of miel, from Lo Debar. 6 Mephibosheth, the
Hadadezer, 10 then Toi sent Joram his son son of Jonathan, the son of Saul, came to
to King David to greet him and to bless him, David, fell on his face, and showed respect.
because he had fought against Hadadezer David said, “Mephibosheth?”
and struck him; for Hadadezer had wars He answered, “Behold, your servant!”
with Toi. Joram brought with him vessels 7 David said to him, “Don’t be afraid,
of silver, vessels of gold, and vessels of for I will surely show you kindness for
2 Samuel 9:8 301 2 Samuel 10:19

Jonathan your father’s sake, and will re- 6 When the children of Ammon saw that
store to you all the land of Saul your father. they had become odious to David, the chil-
You will eat bread at my table continually.” dren of Ammon sent and hired the Syrians
8 He bowed down, and said, “What is of Beth Rehob and the Syrians of Zobah,
your servant, that you should look at such twenty thousand footmen, and the king of
a dead dog as I am?” Maacah with one thousand men, and the
9 Then the king called to Ziba, Saul’s ser- men of Tob twelve thousand men. 7 When
vant, and said to him, “All that belonged David heard of it, he sent Joab and all the
to Saul and to all his house I have given to army of the mighty men. 8 The children
your master’s son. 10 Till the land for him— of Ammon came out, and put the battle in
you, your sons, and your servants. Bring array at the entrance of the gate. The Syri-
in the harvest, that your master’s son may ans of Zobah and of Rehob and the men of
Tob and Maacah were by themselves in the
have bread to eat; but Mephibosheth your
field. 9 Now when Joab saw that the battle
master’s son will always eat bread at my
was set against him before and behind,
Now Ziba had fifteen sons and twenty he chose of all the choice men of Israel
and put them in array against the Syrians.
servants. 11 Then Ziba said to the king, 10 The rest of the people he committed into
“According to all that my lord the king
the hand of Abishai his brother; and he
commands his servant, so your servant put them in array against the children of
will do.” So Mephibosheth ate at the Ammon. 11 He said, “If the Syrians are too
king’s table like one of the king’s sons. strong for me, then you shall help me; but
12 Mephibosheth had a young son, whose
if the children of Ammon are too strong
name was Mica. All who lived in Ziba’s for you, then I will come and help you.
house were servants to Mephibosheth. 12 Be courageous, and let’s be strong for
13 So Mephibosheth lived in Jerusalem, for
he ate continually at the king’s table. He our people and for the cities of our God;
was lame in both his feet. and may the LORD do what seems good
to him.” 13 So Joab and the people who
10 were with him came near to the battle
against the Syrians, and they fled before
1 After this, the king of the children of
Ammon died, and Hanun his son reigned him. 14 When the children of Ammon saw
in his place. 2 David said, “I will show that the Syrians had fled, they likewise fled
kindness to Hanun the son of Nahash, as before Abishai, and entered into the city.
his father showed kindness to me.” So Then Joab returned from the children of
David sent by his servants to comfort him Ammon and came to Jerusalem.
concerning his father. David’s servants 15 When the Syrians saw that they were
came into the land of the children of Am- defeated by Israel, they gathered them-
mon. selves together. 16 Hadadezer sent and
3 But the princes of the children of Am-
brought out the Syrians who were be-
mon said to Hanun their lord, “Do you yond the River; and they came to Helam,
think that David honors your father, in with Shobach the captain of the army of
that he has sent comforters to you? Hasn’t Hadadezer at their head. 17 David was
David sent his servants to you to search the told that; and he gathered all Israel to-
city, to spy it out, and to overthrow it?” gether, passed over the Jordan, and came
4 So Hanun took David’s servants,
to Helam. The Syrians set themselves in
shaved off one half of their beards, and array against David and fought with him.
cut off their garments in the middle, even 18 The Syrians fled before Israel; and David
to their buttocks, and sent them away. killed seven hundred charioteers of the
5 When they told David this, he sent to meet
Syrians and forty thousand horsemen, and
them, for the men were greatly ashamed. struck Shobach the captain of their army,
The king said, “Wait at Jericho until your so that he died there. 19 When all the
beards have grown, and then return.” kings who were servants to Hadadezer
2 Samuel 11:1 302 2 Samuel 11:27

saw that they were defeated before Israel, the next day. 13 When David had called
they made peace with Israel and served him, he ate and drank before him; and he
them. So the Syrians were afraid to help made him drunk. At evening, he went out
the children of Ammon any more. to lie on his bed with the servants of his
lord, but didn’t go down to his house. 14 In
11 the morning, David wrote a letter to Joab
and sent it by the hand of Uriah. 15 He
1 At the return of the year, at the time
when kings go out, David sent Joab and wrote in the letter, saying, “Send Uriah
his servants with him, and all Israel; and to the forefront of the hottest battle, and
they destroyed the children of Ammon and retreat from him, that he may be struck
besieged Rabbah. But David stayed at and die.”
16 When Joab kept watch on the city, he
Jerusalem. 2 At evening, David arose from
his bed and walked on the roof of the king’s assigned Uriah to the place where he knew
house. From the roof, he saw a woman that valiant men were. 17 The men of the
city went out and fought with Joab. Some
bathing, and the woman was very beauti-
of the people fell, even of David’s servants;
ful to look at. 3 David sent and inquired
and Uriah the Hittite died also. 18 Then
after the woman. One said, “Isn’t this Joab sent and told David all the things
Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam, Uriah concerning the war; 19 and he commanded
the Hittite’s wife?” the messenger, saying, “When you have
4 David sent messengers, and took her;
finished telling all the things concerning
and she came in to him, and he lay with her
the war to the king, 20 it shall be that, if
(for she was purified from her unclean-
the king’s wrath arise, and he asks you,
ness); and she returned to her house. 5 The
woman conceived; and she sent and told ‘Why did you go so near to the city to fight?
David, and said, “I am with child.” Didn’t you know that they would shoot
6 David sent to Joab, “Send me Uriah the from the wall? 21 Who struck Abimelech
the son of Jerubbesheth? Didn’t a woman
Hittite.” Joab sent Uriah to David. 7 When
cast an upper millstone on him from the
Uriah had come to him, David asked him
how Joab did, and how the people fared, wall, so that he died at Thebez? Why did
you go so near the wall?’ then you shall
and how the war prospered. 8 David said
say, ‘Your servant Uriah the Hittite is also
to Uriah, “Go down to your house and
dead.’ ”
wash your feet.” Uriah departed out of 22 So the messenger went, and came and
the king’s house, and a gift from the king showed David all that Joab had sent him
was sent after him. 9 But Uriah slept at the for. 23 The messenger said to David, “The
door of the king’s house with all the ser- men prevailed against us, and came out to
vants of his lord, and didn’t go down to his us into the field; and we were on them even
house. 10 When they had told David, say- to the entrance of the gate. 24 The shooters
ing, “Uriah didn’t go down to his house,” shot at your servants from off the wall; and
David said to Uriah, “Haven’t you come some of the king’s servants are dead, and
from a journey? Why didn’t you go down your servant Uriah the Hittite is also dead.”
to your house?” 25 Then David said to the messenger,
11 Uriah said to David, “The ark, Israel,
“Tell Joab, ‘Don’t let this thing displease
and Judah, are staying in tents; and my you, for the sword devours one as well
lord Joab and the servants of my lord are as another. Make your battle stronger
encamped in the open field. Shall I then go against the city, and overthrow it.’ Encour-
into my house to eat and to drink, and to lie age him.”
with my wife? As you live, and as your soul 26 When Uriah’s wife heard that Uriah
lives, I will not do this thing!” her husband was dead, she mourned for
12 David said to Uriah, “Stay here today her husband. 27 When the mourning was
also, and tomorrow I will let you depart.” past, David sent and took her home to his
So Uriah stayed in Jerusalem that day and house, and she became his wife and bore
2 Samuel 12:1 303 2 Samuel 12:24

him a son. But the thing that David had secretly, but I will do this thing before all
done displeased the LORD. Israel, and before the sun.’ ”
13 David said to Nathan, “I have sinned

12 against the LORD.”

1 The LORD sent Nathan to David. He Nathan said to David, “The LORD also
came to him, and said to him, “There were has put away your sin. You will not die.
two men in one city: the one rich, and the 14 However, because by this deed you have
other poor. 2 The rich man had very many given great occasion to the LORD’s ene-
flocks and herds, 3 but the poor man had mies to blaspheme, the child also who
nothing, except one little ewe lamb, which is born to you will surely die.” 15 Then
he had bought and raised. It grew up Nathan departed to his house.
together with him and with his children. The LORD struck the child that Uriah’s
It ate of his own food, drank of his own wife bore to David, and he was very sick.
cup, and lay in his bosom, and was like a 16 David therefore begged God for the
daughter to him. A traveler came to the
4 child; and David fasted, and went in and
rich man, and he didn’t want to take of his lay all night on the ground. 17 The elders
own flock and of his own herd to prepare of his house arose beside him, to raise him
for the wayfaring man who had come to up from the earth; but he would not, and
him, but took the poor man’s lamb and he didn’t eat bread with them. 18 On the
prepared it for the man who had come to seventh day, the child died. David’s ser-
him.” vants were afraid to tell him that the child
5 David’s anger burned hot against the was dead, for they said, “Behold, while the
man, and he said to Nathan, “As the LORD child was yet alive, we spoke to him and he
lives, the man who has done this deserves didn’t listen to our voice. How will he then
to die! 6 He must restore the lamb fourfold, harm
himself if we tell him that the child is
because he did this thing and because he 19 But when David saw that his ser-
had no pity!” vants were whispering together, David
7 Nathan said to David, “You are the man! perceived that the child was dead; and
This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, David said to his servants, “Is the child
says: ‘I anointed you king over Israel, and dead?”
I delivered you out of the hand of Saul. They said, “He is dead.”
8 I gave you your master’s house and your 20 Then David arose from the earth,
master’s wives into your bosom, and gave and washed and anointed himself, and
you the house of Israel and of Judah; and changed his clothing; and he came into
if that would have been too little, I would the LORD’s house, and worshiped. Then
have added to you many more such things. he came to his own house; and when he
9 Why have you despised the LORD’s word, requested, they set bread before him and
to do that which is evil in his sight? You he ate. 21 Then his servants said to him,
have struck Uriah the Hittite with the “What is this that you have done? You
sword, have taken his wife to be your wife, fasted and wept for the child while he was
and have slain him with the sword of the alive, but when the child was dead, you
children of Ammon. 10 Now therefore the rose up and ate bread.”
sword will never depart from your house, 22 He said, “While the child was yet alive,
because you have despised me and have I fasted and wept; for I said, ‘Who knows
taken Uriah the Hittite’s wife to be your whether the LORD will not be gracious to
wife.’ me, that the child may live?’ 23 But now he
11 “This is what the LORD says: ‘Behold,
is dead. Why should I fast? Can I bring him
I will raise up evil against you out of your back again? I will go to him, but he will not
own house; and I will take your wives return to me.”
before your eyes and give them to your 24 David comforted Bathsheba his wife,
neighbor, and he will lie with your wives and went in to her, and lay with her.
in the sight of this sun. 12 For you did this She bore a son, and he called his name
2 Samuel 12:25 304 2 Samuel 13:18

Solomon. The LORD loved him; 25 and he 6 So Amnon lay down and faked being
sent by the hand of Nathan the prophet, sick. When the king came to see him,
and he named him Jedidiah,† for the Amnon said to the king, “Please let my
LORD’s sake. sister Tamar come and make me a couple
26 Now Joab fought against Rabbah of of cakes in my sight, that I may eat from her
the children of Ammon, and took the royal hand.”
city. 27 Joab sent messengers to David, and 7 Then David sent home to Tamar,
said, “I have fought against Rabbah. Yes, I saying, “Go now to your brother Amnon’s
have taken the city of waters. 28 Now there- house, and prepare food for him.” 8 So
fore gather the rest of the people together, Tamar went to her brother Amnon’s
and encamp against the city and take it; house; and he was lying down. She took
lest I take the city, and it be called by my dough, kneaded it, made cakes in his sight,
name.” and baked the cakes. 9 She took the pan
29 David gathered all the people together and poured them out before him, but he
and went to Rabbah, and fought against it refused to eat. Amnon said, “Have all men
and took it. 30 He took the crown of their leave me.” Then every man went out from
king from off his head; and its weight was him. 10 Amnon said to Tamar, “Bring the
a talent‡ of gold, and in it were precious food into the room, that I may eat from
stones; and it was set on David’s head. He your hand.” Tamar took the cakes which
brought a great quantity of plunder out of she had made, and brought them into the
the city. 31 He brought out the people who room to Amnon her brother. 11 When she
were in it, and put them to work under had brought them near to him to eat, he
saws, under iron picks, under axes of iron, took hold of her and said to her, “Come, lie
and made them go to the brick kiln; and with me, my sister!”
he did so to all the cities of the children 12 She answered him, “No, my brother,
of Ammon. Then David and all the people do not force me! For no such thing ought
returned to Jerusalem. to be done in Israel. Don’t you do this
folly! 13 As for me, where would I carry my
13 shame? And as for you, you will be as one
of the fools in Israel. Now therefore, please
1 After this, Absalom the son of David
had a beautiful sister, whose name was speak to the king; for he will not withhold
Tamar; and Amnon the son of David loved me from you.”
her. 2 Amnon was so troubled that he 14 However, he would not listen to her
became sick because of his sister Tamar, voice; but being stronger than she, he
for she was a virgin, and it seemed hard to forced her and lay with her. 15 Then Am-
Amnon to do anything to her. 3 But Amnon non hated her with exceedingly great ha-
had a friend whose name was Jonadab tred; for the hatred with which he hated
the son of Shimeah, David’s brother; and her was greater than the love with which
Jonadab was a very subtle man. 4 He said he had loved her. Amnon said to her,
to him, “Why, son of the king, are you so “Arise, be gone!”
sad from day to day? Won’t you tell me?” 16 She said to him, “Not so, because this
Amnon said to him, “I love Tamar, my great wrong in sending me away is worse
brother Absalom’s sister.” than the other that you did to me!”
5 Jonadab said to him, “Lay down on your But he would not listen to her. 17 Then he
bed and pretend to be sick. When your called his servant who ministered to him,
father comes to see you, tell him, ‘Please let and said, “Now put this woman out from
my sister Tamar come and give me bread me, and bolt the door after her.”
to eat, and prepare the food in my sight, 18 She had a garment of various colors
that I may see it and eat it from her hand.’ ” on her, for the king’s daughters who were
† 12:25 “Jedidiah” means “loved by Yahweh”. ‡ 12:30 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds or 965 Troy
2 Samuel 13:19 305 2 Samuel 14:7

virgins dressed in such robes. Then his ser- 32 Jonadab the son of Shimeah, David’s
vant brought her out and bolted the door brother, answered, “Don’t let my lord sup-
after her. 19 Tamar put ashes on her head, pose that they have killed all the young
and tore her garment of various colors that men, the king’s sons, for Amnon only is
was on her; and she laid her hand on her dead; for by the appointment of Absalom
head and went her way, crying aloud as this has been determined from the day
she went. 20 Absalom her brother said to that he forced his sister Tamar. 33 Now
her, “Has Amnon your brother been with therefore don’t let my lord the king take
you? But now hold your peace, my sister. the thing to his heart, to think that all the
He is your brother. Don’t take this thing to king’s sons are dead; for only Amnon is
heart.” dead.” 34 But Absalom fled. The young
So Tamar remained desolate in her man who kept the watch lifted up his eyes
brother Absalom’s house. 21 But when and looked, and behold, many people were
King David heard of all these things, he
coming by way of the hillside behind him.
was very angry. 22 Absalom spoke to Am- 35 Jonadab said to the king, “Behold, the
non neither good nor bad; for Absalom
hated Amnon, because he had forced his king’s sons are coming! It is as your ser-
sister Tamar. vant said.” 36 As soon as he had finished
23 After two full years, Absalom had speaking, behold, the king’s sons came,
sheep shearers in Baal Hazor, which is and lifted up their voices and wept. The
beside Ephraim; and Absalom invited all king also and all his servants wept bitterly.
37 But Absalom fled and went to Talmai
the king’s sons. 24 Absalom came to the
the son of Ammihur, king of Geshur. David
king and said, “See now, your servant has
sheep shearers. Please let the king and his mourned for his son every day. 38 So Ab-
servants go with your servant.” salom fled and went to Geshur, and was
25 The king said to Absalom, “No, my son, there three years. 39 King David longed to
go out to Absalom, for he was comforted
let’s not all go, lest we be burdensome to concerning Amnon, since he was dead.
you.” He pressed him; however he would
not go, but blessed him.
26 Then Absalom said, “If not, please let
1 Now
Joab the son of Zeruiah perceived
my brother Amnon go with us.” that the king’s heart was toward Absalom.
The king said to him, “Why should he go 2 Joab sent to Tekoa and brought a wise
with you?” woman from there, and said to her, “Please
27 But Absalom pressed him, and he let
act like a mourner, and put on mourning
Amnon and all the king’s sons go with clothing, please, and don’t anoint your-
him. 28 Absalom commanded his servants, self with oil; but be as a woman who has
saying, “Mark now, when Amnon’s heart mourned a long time for the dead. 3 Go in
is merry with wine; and when I tell you, to the king and speak like this to him.” So
‘Strike Amnon,’ then kill him. Don’t be Joab put the words in her mouth.
afraid. Haven’t I commanded you? Be 4 When the woman of Tekoa spoke to the
courageous, and be valiant!” king, she fell on her face to the ground,
29 The servants of Absalom did to Amnon
showed respect, and said, “Help, O king!”
as Absalom had commanded. Then all the 5 The king said to her, “What ails you?”
king’s sons arose, and every man got up on
his mule and fled. She answered, “Truly I am a widow, and
30 While they were on the way, the news my husband is dead. 6 Your servant had
came to David, saying, “Absalom has slain two sons; and they both fought together
all the king’s sons, and there is not one of in the field, and there was no one to part
them left!” them, but the one struck the other and
31 Then the king arose, and tore his gar- killed him. 7 Behold, the whole family
ments, and lay on the earth; and all his has risen against your servant, and they
servants stood by with their clothes torn. say, ‘Deliver him who struck his brother,
2 Samuel 14:8 306 2 Samuel 14:29

that we may kill him for the life of his 18 Then the king answered the woman,
brother whom he killed, and so destroy the “Please don’t hide anything from me that
heir also.’ Thus they would quench my I ask you.”
coal which is left, and would leave to my The woman said, “Let my lord the king
husband neither name nor remainder on now speak.”
the surface of the earth.” 19 The king said, “Is the hand of Joab with
8 The king said to the woman, “Go to
your house, and I will give a command you in all this?”
concerning you.” The woman answered, “As your soul
9 The woman of Tekoa said to the king, lives, my lord the king, no one can turn
“My lord, O king, may the iniquity be on to the right hand or to the left from any-
me, and on my father’s house; and may the thing that my lord the king has spoken; for
king and his throne be guiltless.” your servant Joab urged me, and he put all
10 The king said, “Whoever says anything these words in the mouth of your servant.
20 Your servant Joab has done this thing to
to you, bring him to me, and he will not
bother you any more.” change the face of the matter. My lord is
11 Then she said, “Please let the king wise, according to the wisdom of an angel
of God, to know all things that are in the
remember the LORD your God, that the
avenger of blood destroy not any more, lest 21 The king said to Joab, “Behold now, I
they destroy my son.”
have granted this thing. Go therefore, and
He said, “As the LORD lives, not one hair bring the young man Absalom back.”
of your son shall fall to the earth.” 22 Joab fell to the ground on his face,
12 Then the woman said, “Please let your
servant speak a word to my lord the king.” showed respect, and blessed the king. Joab
said, “Today your servant knows that I
He said, “Say on.”
13 The woman said, “Why then have you
have found favor in your sight, my lord,
O king, in that the king has performed the
devised such a thing against the people of request of his servant.”
God? For in speaking this word the king 23 So Joab arose and went to Geshur, and
is as one who is guilty, in that the king
does not bring home again his banished brought Absalom to Jerusalem. 24 The king
one. 14 For we must die, and are like wa- said, “Let him return to his own house,
ter spilled on the ground, which can’t be but let him not see my face.” So Absalom
gathered up again; neither does God take returned to his own house, and didn’t see
the king’s face. 25 Now in all Israel there
away life, but devises means, that he who
was no one to be so much praised as Ab-
is banished not be an outcast from him.
15 Now therefore, seeing that I have come salom for his beauty. From the sole of his
to speak this word to my lord the king, it is foot even to the crown of his head there
was no defect in him. 26 When he cut the
because the people have made me afraid. hair of his head (now it was at every year’s
Your servant said, ‘I will now speak to the end that he cut it; because it was heavy on
king; it may be that the king will perform him, therefore he cut it), he weighed the
the request of his servant.’ 16 For the king hair of his head at two hundred shekels,†
will hear, to deliver his servant out of the after the king’s weight. 27 Three sons were
hand of the man who would destroy me born to Absalom, and one daughter, whose
and my son together out of the inheritance name was Tamar. She was a woman with
of God. 17 Then your servant said, ‘Please a beautiful face. 28 Absalom lived two full
let the word of my lord the king bring rest; years in Jerusalem, and he didn’t see the
for as an angel of God, so is my lord the king king’s face. 29 Then Absalom sent for Joab,
to discern good and bad. May the LORD, to send him to the king, but he would not
your God, be with you.’ ” come to him. Then he sent again a second
† 14:26 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces, so 200 shekels is about 2 kilograms or about 4.4 pounds.
2 Samuel 14:30 307 2 Samuel 15:21

time, but he would not come. 30 Therefore ‘If the LORD shall indeed bring me again to
he said to his servants, “Behold, Joab’s field Jerusalem, then I will serve the LORD.’ ”
is near mine, and he has barley there. Go 9 The king said to him, “Go in peace.”
and set it on fire.” So Absalom’s servants
set the field on fire. So he arose and went to Hebron. 10 But
31 Then Joab arose and came to Absalom Absalom sent spies throughout all the
tribes of Israel, saying, “As soon as you
to his house, and said to him, “Why have
hear the sound of the trumpet, then you
your servants set my field on fire?” shall say, ‘Absalom is king in Hebron!’ ”
32 Absalom answered Joab, “Behold, I
11 Two hundred men went with Absa-
sent to you, saying, ‘Come here, that I may lom out of Jerusalem, who were invited,
send you to the king, to say, “Why have I and went in their simplicity; and they
come from Geshur? It would be better for didn’t know anything. 12 Absalom sent
me to be there still. Now therefore, let me
see the king’s face; and if there is iniquity for Ahithophel the Gilonite, David’s coun-
in me, let him kill me.” ’ ” selor, from his city, even from Giloh, while
33 So Joab came to the king and told him; he was offering the sacrifices. The conspir-
acy was strong, for the people increased
and when he had called for Absalom, he
came to the king and bowed himself on his continually with Absalom. 13 A messenger
face to the ground before the king; and the came to David, saying, “The hearts of the
king kissed Absalom. men of Israel are after Absalom.”
14 David said to all his servants who were
with him at Jerusalem, “Arise! Let’s flee,
15 or else none of us will escape from Absa-
1 After this, Absalom prepared a chariot lom. Hurry to depart, lest he overtake us
and horses for himself, and fifty men to quickly and bring down evil on us, and
run before him. 2 Absalom rose up early, strike the city with the edge of the sword.”
and stood beside the way of the gate. When 15 The king’s servants said to the king,
any man had a suit which should come “Behold, your servants are ready to do
to the king for judgment, then Absalom whatever my lord the king chooses.”
called to him, and said, “What city are you 16 The king went out, and all his house-
from?” hold after him. The king left ten women,
He said, “Your servant is of one of the who were concubines, to keep the house.
tribes of Israel.” 17 The king went out, and all the people
3 Absalom said to him, “Behold, your
after him; and they stayed in Beth Mer-
matters are good and right; but there is no hak. 18 All his servants passed on beside
man deputized by the king to hear you.” him; and all the Cherethites, and all the
4 Absalom said moreover, “Oh that I were
Pelethites, and all the Gittites, six hun-
made judge in the land, that every man dred men who came after him from Gath,
who has any suit or cause might come passed on before the king.
to me, and I would do him justice!” 5 It 19 Then the king said to Ittai the Gittite,
was so, that when any man came near to “Why do you also go with us? Return, and
bow down to him, he stretched out his
stay with the king; for you are a foreigner
hand, took hold of him, and kissed him.
6 Absalom did this sort of thing to all Israel and also an exile. Return to your own
who came to the king for judgment. So place. 20 Whereas you came but yesterday,
Absalom stole the hearts of the men of should I today make you go up and down
Israel. with us, since I go where I may? Return,
7 At the end of forty years, Absalom said and take back your brothers. Mercy and
to the king, “Please let me go and pay my truth be with you.”
vow, which I have vowed to the LORD, in 21 Ittai answered the king and said, “As
Hebron. 8 For your servant vowed a vow the LORD lives, and as my lord the king
while I stayed at Geshur in Syria, saying, lives, surely in what place my lord the
2 Samuel 15:22 308 2 Samuel 16:8

king is, whether for death or for life, your me the counsel of Ahithophel.’ 35 Don’t you
servant will be there also.” have Zadok and Abiathar the priests there
22 David said to Ittai, “Go and pass over.” with you? Therefore whatever you hear
Ittai the Gittite passed over, and all his out of the king’s house, tell it to Zadok and
men, and all the little ones who were with Abiathar the priests. 36 Behold, they have
him. 23 All the country wept with a loud there with them their two sons, Ahimaaz,
voice, and all the people passed over. The Zadok’s son, and Jonathan, Abiathar’s son.
king also himself passed over the brook Send to me everything that you shall hear
Kidron, and all the people passed over to- by them.”
ward the way of the wilderness. 24 Behold, 37 So Hushai, David’s friend, came
Zadok also came, and all the Levites with into the city; and Absalom came into
him, bearing the ark of the covenant of Jerusalem.
God; and they set down God’s ark; and Abi-
athar went up until all the people finished 16
passing out of the city. 25 The king said 1When David was a little past the top,
to Zadok, “Carry God’s ark back into the behold, Ziba the servant of Mephibosheth
city. If I find favor in the LORD’s eyes, he met him with a couple of donkeys saddled,
will bring me again, and show me both and on them two hundred loaves of bread,
it and his habitation; 26 but if he says, ‘I and one hundred clusters of raisins, and
have no delight in you,’ behold, here I one hundred summer fruits, and a con-
am. Let him do to me as seems good to tainer of wine. 2 The king said to Ziba,
him.” 27 The king said also to Zadok the “What do you mean by these?”
priest, “Aren’t you a seer? Return into the Ziba said, “The donkeys are for the king’s
city in peace, and your two sons with you, household to ride on; and the bread and
Ahimaaz your son and Jonathan the son of summer fruit for the young men to eat; and
Abiathar. 28 Behold, I will stay at the fords the wine, that those who are faint in the
of the wilderness until word comes from wilderness may drink.”
you to inform me.” 29 Zadok therefore and 3 The king said, “Where is your master’s
Abiathar carried God’s ark to Jerusalem son?”
again; and they stayed there. 30 David went Ziba said to the king, “Behold, he is stay-
up by the ascent of the Mount of Olives, ing in Jerusalem; for he said, ‘Today the
and wept as he went up; and he had his house of Israel will restore me the king-
head covered and went barefoot. All the dom of my father.’ ”
people who were with him each covered 4 Then the king said to Ziba, “Behold, all
his head, and they went up, weeping as that belongs to Mephibosheth is yours.”
they went up.
31 Someone
Ziba said, “I bow down. Let me find
told David, saying, favor in your sight, my lord, O king.”
“Ahithophel is among the conspirators 5 When King David came to Bahurim,
with Absalom.” behold, a man of the family of Saul’s house
David said, “LORD, please turn the coun- came out, whose name was Shimei, the
sel of Ahithophel into foolishness.” son of Gera. He came out and cursed as
32 When David had come to the top, he came. 6 He cast stones at David and at
where God was worshiped, behold, Hushai all the servants of King David, and all the
the Archite came to meet him with his people and all the mighty men were on his
tunic torn and earth on his head. 33 David right hand and on his left. 7 Shimei said
said to him, “If you pass on with me, then when he cursed, “Be gone, be gone, you
you will be a burden to me; 34 but if you re- man of blood, and wicked fellow! 8 The
turn to the city, and tell Absalom, ‘I will be LORD has returned on you all the blood
your servant, O king. As I have been your of Saul’s house, in whose place you have
father’s servant in time past, so I will now reigned! The LORD has delivered the king-
be your servant; then will you defeat for dom into the hand of Absalom your son!
2 Samuel 16:9 309 2 Samuel 17:12

Behold, you are caught by your own mis- 22 So they spread a tent for Absalom on
chief, because you are a man of blood!” the top of the house, and Absalom went in
9 Then Abishai the son of Zeruiah said to to his father’s concubines in the sight of all
the king, “Why should this dead dog curse Israel.
23 The counsel of Ahithophel, which he
my lord the king? Please let me go over and
take off his head.” 10 The king said, “What gave in those days, was as if a man in-
have I to do with you, you sons of Zeruiah? quired at the inner sanctuary of God. All
Because he curses, and because the LORD the counsel of Ahithophel was like this
has said to him, ‘Curse David,’ who then both with David and with Absalom.
shall say, ‘Why have you done so?’ ”
11 David said to Abishai and to all his 1 Moreover
Ahithophel said to Absalom,
servants, “Behold, my son, who came out “Let me now choose twelve thousand men,
of my bowels, seeks my life. How much and I will arise and pursue after David
more this Benjamite, now? Leave him tonight. 2 I will come on him while he is
alone, and let him curse; for the LORD has weary and exhausted, and will make him
invited him. 12 It may be that the LORD will afraid. All the people who are with him
look on the wrong done to me, and that the
will flee. I will strike the king only, 3 and I
LORD will repay me good for the cursing of
will bring back all the people to you. The
me today.” 13 So David and his men went man whom you seek is as if all returned.
by the way; and Shimei went along on All the people shall be in peace.”
the hillside opposite him and cursed as he 4 The saying pleased Absalom well, and
went, threw stones at him, and threw dust.
14 The king and all the people who were all the elders of Israel. 5 Then Absalom
said, “Now call Hushai the Archite also,
with him arrived weary; and he refreshed and let’s hear likewise what he says.”
himself there. 6 When Hushai had come to Absalom,
15 Absalom and all the people, the men of
Absalom spoke to him, saying, “Ahithophel
Israel, came to Jerusalem, and Ahithophel has spoken like this. Shall we do what he
with him. 16 When Hushai the Archite, says? If not, speak up.”
David’s friend, had come to Absalom, 7 Hushai said to Absalom, “The counsel
Hushai said to Absalom, “Long live the that Ahithophel has given this time is not
king! Long live the king!” good.” 8 Hushai said moreover, “You know
17 Absalom said to Hushai, “Is this your your father and his men, that they are
kindness to your friend? Why didn’t you mighty men, and they are fierce in their
go with your friend?” minds, like a bear robbed of her cubs in the
18 Hushai said to Absalom, “No; but field. Your father is a man of war, and will
whomever the LORD and this people and not lodge with the people. 9 Behold, he is
all the men of Israel have chosen, I will now hidden in some pit, or in some other
be his, and I will stay with him. 19 Again, place. It will happen, when some of them
whom should I serve? Shouldn’t I serve in have fallen at the first, that whoever hears
the presence of his son? As I have served in it will say, ‘There is a slaughter among the
your father’s presence, so I will be in your people who follow Absalom!’ 10 Even he
presence.” who is valiant, whose heart is as the heart
20 Then Absalom said to Ahithophel, of a lion, will utterly melt; for all Israel
“Give your counsel what we shall do.” knows that your father is a mighty man,
and those who are with him are valiant
21 Ahithophel said to Absalom, “Go in to
men. 11 But I counsel that all Israel be
your father’s concubines that he has left gathered together to you, from Dan even
to keep the house. Then all Israel will to Beersheba, as the sand that is by the sea
hear that you are abhorred by your father. for multitude; and that you go to battle in
Then the hands of all who are with you will your own person. 12 So we will come on
be strong.” him in some place where he will be found,
2 Samuel 17:13 310 2 Samuel 18:5

and we will light on him as the dew falls on 23 When Ahithophel saw that his counsel
the ground, then we will not leave so much was not followed, he saddled his donkey,
as one of him and of all the men who are arose, and went home to his city, set his
with him. 13 Moreover, if he has gone into house in order, and hanged himself; and
a city, then all Israel will bring ropes to that he died, and was buried in the tomb of his
city, and we will draw it into the river, until father.
there isn’t one small stone found there.” 24 Then David came to Mahanaim. Ab-
14 Absalom and all the men of Israel said, salom passed over the Jordan, he and all
“The counsel of Hushai the Archite is bet- the men of Israel with him. 25 Absalom
ter than the counsel of Ahithophel.” For set Amasa over the army instead of Joab.
the LORD had ordained to defeat the good Now Amasa was the son of a man whose
counsel of Ahithophel, to the intent that name was Ithra the Israelite, who went in
the LORD might bring evil on Absalom. to Abigail the daughter of Nahash, sister
15 Then Hushai said to Zadok and to Abi- to Zeruiah, Joab’s mother. 26 Israel and
athar the priests, “Ahithophel counseled Absalom encamped in the land of Gilead.
Absalom and the elders of Israel that way; 27 When David had come to Mahanaim,
and I have counseled this way. 16 Now Shobi the son of Nahash of Rabbah of
therefore send quickly, and tell David, say- the children of Ammon, and Machir the
ing, ‘Don’t lodge tonight at the fords of the son of Ammiel of Lodebar, and Barzil-
wilderness, but by all means pass over, lai the Gileadite of Rogelim, 28 brought
lest the king be swallowed up, and all the beds, basins, earthen vessels, wheat, bar-
people who are with him.’ ” ley, meal, parched grain, beans, lentils,
17 Now Jonathan and Ahimaaz were roasted grain, 29 honey, butter, sheep, and
staying by En Rogel; and a female servant cheese of the herd, for David and for the
used to go and report to them, and they people who were with him to eat; for they
went and told King David; for they couldn’t said, “The people are hungry, weary, and
thirsty in the wilderness.”
risk being seen coming into the city. 18 But
a boy saw them, and told Absalom. Then
they both went away quickly and came to 18
the house of a man in Bahurim, who had David counted the people who were
a well in his court; and they went down with him, and set captains of thousands
there. 19 The woman took and spread and captains of hundreds over them.
the covering over the well’s mouth, and 2 David sent the people out, a third part
spread out crushed grain on it; and noth- under the hand of Joab, and a third part
ing was known. 20 Absalom’s servants under the hand of Abishai the son of
came to the woman to the house; and they Zeruiah, Joab’s brother, and a third part
said, “Where are Ahimaaz and Jonathan?” under the hand of Ittai the Gittite. The king
The woman said to them, “They have said to the people, “I will also surely go out
gone over the brook of water.” with you myself.”
When they had sought and could not 3 But the people said, “You shall not go
find them, they returned to Jerusalem. out, for if we flee away, they will not care
21 After they had departed, they came up for us, neither if half of us die, will they
out of the well and went and told King care for us. But you are worth ten thou-
David; and they said to David, “Arise and sand of us. Therefore now it is better that
pass quickly over the water; for thus has you are ready to help us out of the city.”
Ahithophel counseled against you.” 4 The king said to them, “I will do what
22 Then David arose, and all the people seems best to you.”
who were with him, and they passed over The king stood beside the gate, and all
the Jordan. By the morning light there the people went out by hundreds and by
lacked not one of them who had not gone thousands. 5 The king commanded Joab
over the Jordan. and Abishai and Ittai, saying, “Deal gently
2 Samuel 18:6 311 2 Samuel 18:28

for my sake with the young man Absa- stones. Then all Israel fled, each to his own
lom.” All the people heard when the king tent.
18 Now Absalom in his lifetime had taken
commanded all the captains concerning
Absalom. and reared up for himself the pillar which
6 So the people went out into the field
is in the king’s valley, for he said, “I have
no son to keep my name in memory.” He
against Israel; and the battle was in the for- called the pillar after his own name. It is
est of Ephraim. 7 The people of Israel were called Absalom’s monument, to this day.
struck there before David’s servants, and 19 Then Ahimaaz the son of Zadok said,
there was a great slaughter there that day “Let me now run and carry the king news,
of twenty thousand men. 8 For the battle how the LORD has avenged him of his
was there spread over the surface of all enemies.”
the country, and the forest devoured more 20 Joab said to him, “You must not be the
people that day than the sword devoured. bearer of news today, but you must carry
9 Absalom happened to meet David’s ser- news another day. But today you must
vants. Absalom was riding on his mule, carry no news, because the king’s son is
and the mule went under the thick boughs dead.”
21 Then Joab said to the Cushite, “Go, tell
of a great oak; and his head caught hold
of the oak, and he was hanging between the king what you have seen!” The Cushite
the sky and earth; and the mule that was bowed himself to Joab, and ran.
22 Then Ahimaaz the son of Zadok said
under him went on. 10 A certain man saw
it, and told Joab, and said, “Behold, I saw yet again to Joab, “But come what may,
Absalom hanging in an oak.” please let me also run after the Cushite.”
11 Joab said to the man who told him, Joab said, “Why do you want to run, my
son, since you will have no reward for the
“Behold, you saw it, and why didn’t you
strike him there to the ground? I would 23 “But come what may,” he said, “I will
have given you ten pieces of silver and a run.”
sash.” He said to him, “Run!” Then Ahimaaz
12 The man said to Joab, “Though I should ran by the way of the Plain, and outran the
receive a thousand pieces of silver in my Cushite.
24 Now David was sitting between the
hand, I still wouldn’t stretch out my hand
against the king’s son; for in our hearing two gates; and the watchman went up to
the king commanded you and Abishai and the roof of the gate to the wall, and lifted
Ittai, saying, ‘Beware that no one touch the up his eyes and looked, and, behold, a man
young man Absalom.’ 13 Otherwise, if I had running alone. 25 The watchman shouted
dealt falsely against his life (and there is and told the king. The king said, “If he
no matter hidden from the king), then you is alone, there is news in his mouth.” He
yourself would have set yourself against came closer and closer.
26 The watchman saw another man run-
me.” ning; and the watchman called to the gate-
14 Then Joab said, “I’m not going to wait
keeper and said, “Behold, a man running
like this with you.” He took three darts alone!”
in his hand and thrust them through Ab- The king said, “He also brings news.”
salom’s heart while he was still alive in 27 The watchman said, “I think the run-
the middle of the oak. 15 Ten young men ning of the first one is like the running of
who bore Joab’s armor surrounded and Ahimaaz the son of Zadok.”
struck Absalom, and killed him. 16 Joab The king said, “He is a good man, and
blew the trumpet, and the people returned comes with good news.”
from pursuing after Israel; for Joab held 28 Ahimaaz called, and said to the king,
the people back. 17 They took Absalom “All is well.” He bowed himself before the
and cast him into a great pit in the forest, king with his face to the earth, and said,
and raised over him a very great heap of “Blessed is the LORD your God, who has
2 Samuel 18:29 312 2 Samuel 19:18

delivered up the men who lifted up their speak to comfort your servants; for I swear
hand against my lord the king!” by the LORD, if you don’t go out, not a man
29 The king said, “Is it well with the young will stay with you this night. That would
man Absalom?” be worse to you than all the evil that has
Ahimaaz answered, “When Joab sent the happened to you from your youth until
king’s servant, even me your servant, I saw now.”
a great tumult, but I don’t know what it 8 Then the king arose and sat in the gate.
was.” The people were all told, “Behold, the king
30 The king said, “Come and stand here.”
is sitting in the gate.” All the people came
He came and stood still. before the king. Now Israel had fled every
31 Behold, the Cushite came. The Cushite
man to his tent. 9 All the people were at
said, “Good news for my lord the king, for strife throughout all the tribes of Israel,
the LORD has avenged you today of all saying, “The king delivered us out of the
those who rose up against you.” hand of our enemies, and he saved us out
32 The king said to the Cushite, “Is it well
of the hand of the Philistines; and now
with the young man Absalom?” he has fled out of the land from Absalom.
The Cushite answered, “May the ene- 10 Absalom, whom we anointed over us, is
mies of my lord the king, and all who rise dead in battle. Now therefore why don’t
up against you to do you harm, be as that you speak a word of bringing the king
young man is.” back?”
33 The king was much moved, and went 11 King David sent to Zadok and to Abi-

up to the room over the gate and wept. As athar the priests, saying, “Speak to the
he went, he said, “My son Absalom! My elders of Judah, saying, ‘Why are you the
son, my son Absalom! I wish I had died last to bring the king back to his house,
instead of you, Absalom, my son, my son!” since the speech of all Israel has come to
the king, to return him to his house? 12 You
19 are my brothers. You are my bone and my
1 Joab was told, “Behold, the king weeps flesh. Why then are you the last to bring
and mourns for Absalom.” 2 The victory back the king?’ 13 Say to Amasa, ‘Aren’t
that day was turned into mourning among you my bone and my flesh? God do so to
all the people, for the people heard it said me, and more also, if you aren’t captain of
that day, “The king grieves for his son.” the army before me continually instead of
3 The people sneaked into the city that Joab.’ ” 14 He bowed the heart of all the men
day, as people who are ashamed steal of Judah, even as one man, so that they sent
away when they flee in battle. 4 The king to the king, saying, “Return, you and all
covered his face, and the king cried with a your servants.”
loud voice, “My son Absalom, Absalom, my 15 So the king returned, and came to the
son, my son!” Jordan. Judah came to Gilgal, to go to meet
5 Joab came into the house to the king, the king, to bring the king over the Jordan.
and said, “Today you have shamed the 16 Shimei the son of Gera, the Benjamite,
faces of all your servants who today have who was of Bahurim, hurried and came
saved your life, and the lives of your sons down with the men of Judah to meet King
and of your daughters, and the lives of David. 17 There were a thousand men of
your wives, and the lives of your concu- Benjamin with him, and Ziba the servant
bines; 6 in that you love those who hate you of Saul’s house, and his fifteen sons and his
and hate those who love you. For you have twenty servants with him; and they went
declared today that princes and servants through the Jordan in the presence of the
are nothing to you. For today I perceive king. 18 A ferry boat went to bring over
that if Absalom had lived and we had all the king’s household, and to do what he
died today, then it would have pleased you thought good.
well. 7 Now therefore arise, go out and Shimei the son of Gera fell down before
2 Samuel 19:19 313 2 Samuel 19:42

the king when he had come over the Jor- 31 Barzillai the Gileadite came down
dan. 19 He said to the king, “Don’t let my from Rogelim; and he went over the Jor-
lord impute iniquity to me, or remember dan with the king to conduct him over
that which your servant did perversely the Jordan. 32 Now Barzillai was a very
the day that my lord the king went out of aged man, even eighty years old. He had
Jerusalem, that the king should take it to provided the king with sustenance while
his heart. 20 For your servant knows that he stayed at Mahanaim, for he was a very
I have sinned. Therefore behold, I have great man. 33 The king said to Barzillai,
come today as the first of all the house of “Come over with me, and I will sustain you
Joseph to go down to meet my lord the with me in Jerusalem.”
king.” 34 Barzillai said to the king, “How many
21 But Abishai the son of Zeruiah an- are the days of the years of my life, that I
swered, “Shouldn’t Shimei be put to death should go up with the king to Jerusalem?
for this, because he cursed the LORD’s 35 I am eighty years old, today. Can I dis-
anointed?” cern between good and bad? Can your ser-
22 David said, “What have I to do with vant taste what I eat or what I drink? Can I
you, you sons of Zeruiah, that you should hear the voice of singing men and singing
be adversaries to me today? Shall any man women any more? Why then should your
be put to death today in Israel? For don’t servant be a burden to my lord the king?
I know that I am king over Israel today?” 36 Your servant will just go over the Jordan
23 The king said to Shimei, “You will not with the king. Why should the king repay
die.” The king swore to him. me with such a reward? 37 Please let your
24 Mephibosheth the son of Saul came servant turn back again, that I may die in
down to meet the king; and he had nei- my own city, by the grave of my father
ther groomed his feet, nor trimmed his and my mother. But behold, your servant
beard, nor washed his clothes, from the Chimham; let him go over with my lord the
day the king departed until the day he king; and do to him what shall seem good
came home in peace. 25 When he had come to you.”
38 The king answered, “Chimham shall
to Jerusalem to meet the king, the king
said to him, “Why didn’t you go with me, go over with me, and I will do to him that
Mephibosheth?” which shall seem good to you. Whatever
26 He answered, “My lord, O king, my you request of me, that I will do for you.”
39 All the people went over the Jordan,
servant deceived me. For your servant
said, ‘I will saddle a donkey for myself, and the king went over. Then the king
that I may ride on it and go with the king,’ kissed Barzillai and blessed him; and he
because your servant is lame. 27 He has returned to his own place. 40 So the king
slandered your servant to my lord the king, went over to Gilgal, and Chimham went
but my lord the king is as an angel of God. over with him. All the people of Judah
Therefore do what is good in your eyes. brought the king over, and also half the
28 For all my father’s house were but dead people of Israel. 41 Behold, all the men
men before my lord the king; yet you set of Israel came to the king, and said to the
your servant among those who ate at your king, “Why have our brothers the men of
own table. What right therefore have I yet Judah stolen you away, and brought the
that I should appeal any more to the king?” king and his household, over the Jordan,
and all David’s men with him?”
29 The king said to him, “Why do you 42 All the men of Judah answered the
speak any more of your matters? I say, you men of Israel, “Because the king is a close
and Ziba divide the land.” relative to us. Why then are you angry
30 Mephibosheth said to the king, “Yes, let
about this matter? Have we eaten at all
him take all, because my lord the king has at the king’s cost? Or has he given us any
come in peace to his own house.” gift?”
2 Samuel 19:43 314 2 Samuel 20:21

43 The men of Israel answered the men of 10 But Amasa took no heed to the sword
Judah, and said, “We have ten parts in the that was in Joab’s hand. So he struck him
king, and we have also more claim to David with it in the body and shed out his bowels
than you. Why then did you despise us, to the ground, and didn’t strike him again;
that our advice should not be first had in and he died. Joab and Abishai his brother
bringing back our king?” The words of the pursued Sheba the son of Bichri. 11 One of
men of Judah were fiercer than the words Joab’s young men stood by him, and said,
of the men of Israel. “He who favors Joab, and he who is for
David, let him follow Joab!”
20 12 Amasa lay wallowing in his blood in
1 There happened to be there a wicked
fellow, whose name was Sheba the son the middle of the highway. When the
of Bichri, a Benjamite; and he blew the man saw that all the people stood still, he
trumpet, and said, “We have no portion in carried Amasa out of the highway into the
David, neither have we inheritance in the field, and cast a garment over him when
son of Jesse. Every man to his tents, Israel!” he saw that everyone who came by him
2 So all the men of Israel went up from stood still. 13 When he was removed out of
following David, and followed Sheba the the highway, all the people went on after
son of Bichri; but the men of Judah joined Joab to pursue Sheba the son of Bichri.
14 He went through all the tribes of Israel
with their king, from the Jordan even to
Jerusalem. to Abel, to Beth Maacah, and all the Berites.
3 David came to his house at Jerusalem; They were gathered together, and went
and the king took the ten women his con- also after him. 15 They came and besieged
cubines, whom he had left to keep the him in Abel of Beth Maacah, and they cast
house, and put them in custody and pro- up a mound against the city, and it stood
vided them with sustenance, but didn’t go against the rampart; and all the people
in to them. So they were shut up to the day who were with Joab battered the wall to
of their death, living in widowhood. throw it down.
16 Then a wise woman cried out of the
4 Then the king said to Amasa, “Call me
city, “Hear, hear! Please say to Joab, ‘Come
the men of Judah together within three near here, that I may speak with you.’ ”
days, and be here present.” 17 He came near to her; and the woman
5 So Amasa went to call the men of Judah
said, “Are you Joab?”
together, but he stayed longer than the set He answered, “I am.”
time which had been appointed to him. Then she said to him, “Hear the words of
6 David said to Abishai, “Now Sheba the
your servant.”
son of Bichri will do us more harm than He answered, “I’m listening.”
Absalom did. Take your lord’s servants
18 Then she spoke, saying, “They used
and pursue after him, lest he get himself
fortified cities, and escape out of our sight.” to say in old times, ‘They shall surely ask
7 Joab’s men went out after him with counsel at Abel,’ and so they settled a mat-
the Cherethites, the Pelethites, and all ter. 19 I am among those who are peaceable
the mighty men; and they went out of and faithful in Israel. You seek to destroy a
Jerusalem to pursue Sheba the son of city and a mother in Israel. Why will you
Bichri. 8 When they were at the great stone swallow up the LORD’s inheritance?”
which is in Gibeon, Amasa came to meet 20 Joab answered, “Far be it, far be it from
them. Joab was clothed in his apparel of me, that I should swallow up or destroy.
war that he had put on, and on it was a 21 The matter is not so. But a man of the
sash with a sword fastened on his waist hill country of Ephraim, Sheba the son of
in its sheath; and as he went along it fell Bichri by name, has lifted up his hand
out. 9 Joab said to Amasa, “Is it well with against the king, even against David. Just
you, my brother?” Joab took Amasa by deliver him, and I will depart from the
the beard with his right hand to kiss him. city.”
2 Samuel 20:22 315 2 Samuel 21:17

The woman said to Joab, “Behold, his 7 But the king spared Mephibosheth the
head will be thrown to you over the wall.” son of Jonathan the son of Saul, because of
22 Then the woman went to all the people the LORD’s oath that was between them,
in her wisdom. They cut off the head of between David and Jonathan the son of
Sheba the son of Bichri, and threw it out to Saul. 8 But the king took the two sons of
Joab. He blew the trumpet, and they were Rizpah the daughter of Aiah, whom she
dispersed from the city, every man to his bore to Saul, Armoni and Mephibosheth;
tent. Then Joab returned to Jerusalem to and the five sons of Merab the daughter
the king. of Saul, whom she bore to Adriel the son
23 Now Joab was over all the army of Barzillai the Meholathite. 9 He deliv-
ered them into the hands of the Gibeonites;
of Israel, Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and they hanged them on the mountain
was over the Cherethites and over the before the LORD, and all seven of them
Pelethites, 24 Adoram was over the men fell together. They were put to death in
subject to forced labor, Jehoshaphat the
the days of harvest, in the first days, at the
son of Ahilud was the recorder, 25 Sheva
was scribe, Zadok and Abiathar were beginning of barley harvest.
10 Rizpah the daughter of Aiah took sack-
priests, 26 and Ira the Jairite was chief min-
ister to David. cloth and spread it for herself on the rock,
from the beginning of harvest until water
21 poured on them from the sky. She allowed
neither the birds of the sky to rest on them
1 There was a famine in the days of David
for three years, year after year; and David by day, nor the animals of the field by
sought the face of the LORD. The LORD night. 11 David was told what Rizpah the
said, “It is for Saul, and for his bloody daughter of Aiah, the concubine of Saul,
house, because he put the Gibeonites to had done. 12 So David went and took the
bones of Saul and the bones of Jonathan
2 The king called the Gibeonites and said his son from the men of Jabesh Gilead, who
had stolen them from the street of Beth
to them (now the Gibeonites were not of Shan, where the Philistines had hanged
the children of Israel, but of the remnant them in the day that the Philistines killed
of the Amorites, and the children of Is-
rael had sworn to them; and Saul sought Saul in Gilboa; 13 and he brought up from
to kill them in his zeal for the children there the bones of Saul and the bones of
of Israel and Judah); 3 and David said Jonathan his son. They also gathered the
to the Gibeonites, “What should I do for bones of those who were hanged. 14 They
you? And with what should I make atone- buried the bones of Saul and Jonathan his
ment, that you may bless the LORD’s inher- son in the country of Benjamin in Zela,
itance?” in the tomb of Kish his father; and they
4 The Gibeonites said to him, “It is no performed all that the king commanded.
matter of silver or gold between us and After that, God answered prayer for the
Saul or his house; neither is it for us to put land.
15 The Philistines had war again with
any man to death in Israel.”
Israel; and David went down, and his ser-
He said, “I will do for you whatever you vants with him, and fought against the
5 They said to the king, “The man who
Philistines. David grew faint; 16 and Ish-
bibenob, who was of the sons of the gi-
consumed us and who plotted against us, ant, the weight of whose spear was three
that we should be destroyed from remain- hundred shekels of bronze in weight, he
ing in any of the borders of Israel, 6 let being armed with a new sword, thought
seven men of his sons be delivered to us, he would kill David. 17 But Abishai the
and we will hang them up to the LORD in son of Zeruiah helped him, and struck the
Gibeah of Saul, the chosen of the LORD.” Philistine and killed him. Then the men
The king said, “I will give them.” of David swore to him, saying, “Don’t go
2 Samuel 21:18 316 2 Samuel 22:25

out with us to battle any more, so that you 9 Smoke went up out of his nostrils.
don’t quench the lamp of Israel.” Consuming fire came out of his mouth.
18 After this, there was again war with Coals were kindled by it.
the Philistines at Gob. Then Sibbecai the 10 He bowed the heavens also, and came
Hushathite killed Saph, who was of the down.
sons of the giant. 19 There was again war Thick darkness was under his feet.
11 He rode on a cherub, and flew.
with the Philistines at Gob, and Elhanan
the son of Jaare-Oregim the Bethlehemite Yes, he was seen on the wings of the
killed Goliath the Gittite’s brother, the staff wind.
12 He made darkness a shelter around him-
of whose spear was like a weaver’s beam.
20 There was again war at Gath, where self,
gathering of waters, and thick clouds
there was a man of great stature, who had of the skies.
six fingers on every hand and six toes on 13 At the brightness before him,
every foot, twenty-four in number, and he coals of fire were kindled.
also was born to the giant. 21 When he 14 The LORD thundered from heaven.
defied Israel, Jonathan the son of Shimei, The Most High uttered his voice.
15 He sent out arrows and scattered them,
David’s brother, killed him. 22 These four
were born to the giant in Gath; and they lightning and confused them.
fell by the hand of David and by the hand 16 Then the channels of the sea appeared.
of his servants. The foundations of the world were
laid bare by the LORD’s rebuke,
1 David
22 at the blast of the breath of his nostrils.
spoke to the LORD the words of
17 He sent from on high and he took me.
this song in the day that the LORD deliv-
ered him out of the hand of all his enemies, He drew me out of many waters.
and out of the hand of Saul, 2 and he said: 18 He delivered me from my strong enemy,
“The LORD is my rock, from those who hated me, for they
my fortress, were too mighty for me.
and my deliverer, even mine; 19 They came on me in the day of my
3 God is my rock in whom I take refuge; calamity,
my shield, and the horn of my salva- but the LORD was my support.
tion, 20 He also brought me out into a large place.
my high tower, and my refuge. He delivered me, because he delighted
My savior, you save me from violence. in me.
4 I call on the LORD, who is worthy to be
21 The LORD rewarded me according to my
So shall I be saved from my enemies. righteousness.
He rewarded me according to the
5 For the waves of death surrounded me. cleanness of my hands.
The floods of ungodliness made me 22 For I have kept the LORD’s ways,
afraid. and have not wickedly departed from
6 The cords of Sheol† were around me.
my God.
The snares of death caught me. 23 For all his ordinances were before me.
7 In my distress, I called on the LORD.
As for his statutes, I didn’t depart from
Yes, I called to my God. them.
He heard my voice out of his temple. 24 I was also perfect toward him.
My cry came into his ears. I kept myself from my iniquity.
8 Then the earth shook and trembled. 25 Therefore the LORD has rewarded me
The foundations of heaven quaked according to my righteousness,
and were shaken, According to my cleanness in his eye-
because he was angry. sight.
† 22:6 Sheol is the place of the dead.
2 Samuel 22:26 317 2 Samuel 23:4

26 With the merciful you will show yourself 43 Then I beat them as small as the dust of
merciful. the earth.
With the perfect man you will show I crushed them as the mire of the
yourself perfect. streets, and spread them abroad.
27 With the pure you will show your-
44 You also have delivered me from the
self pure. strivings of my people.
With the crooked you will show your- You have kept me to be the head of the
self shrewd. nations.
28 You will save the afflicted people,
A people whom I have not known will
but your eyes are on the arrogant, that serve me.
you may bring them down. 45 The foreigners will submit themselves to
29 For you are my lamp, LORD. me.
As soon as they hear of me, they will
The LORD will light up my darkness.
30 For by you, I run against a troop. obey me.
46 The foreigners will fade away,
By my God, I leap over a wall.
31 As for God, his way is perfect. and will come trembling out of their
close places.
The LORD’s word is tested.
He is a shield to all those who take 47 The LORD lives!
refuge in him. Blessed be my rock!
32 For who is God, besides the LORD? Exalted be God, the rock of my salvation,
48 even the God who executes
Who is a rock, besides our God?
33 God is my strong fortress. vengeance for me,
who brings down peoples under me,
He makes my way perfect. 49 who brings me away from my ene-
34 He makes his feet like hinds’ feet,
and sets me on my high places. Yes, you lift me up above those who rise up
35 He teaches my hands to war,
against me.
so that my arms bend a bow of bronze. You deliver me from the violent man.
36 You have also given me the shield of your 50 Therefore I will give thanks to you,
salvation. LORD, among the nations,
Your gentleness has made me great. and will sing praises to your name.
37 You have enlarged my steps under me. 51 He gives great deliverance to his king,
My feet have not slipped. and shows loving kindness to his
38 I have pursued my enemies and de-
stroyed them. to David and to his offspring, forever
I didn’t turn again until they were con- more.”
39 I have consumed them, 23
1 Now these are the last words of David.
and struck them through,
so that they can’t arise. David the son of Jesse says,
Yes, they have fallen under my feet. the man who was raised on high says,
40 For you have armed me with strength for the anointed of the God of Jacob,
the battle. the sweet psalmist of Israel:
2 “The LORD’s Spirit spoke by me.
You have subdued under me those
who rose up against me. His word was on my tongue.
41 You have also made my enemies turn 3 The God of Israel said,
their backs to me, the Rock of Israel spoke to me,
that I might cut off those who hate me. ‘One who rules over men righteously,
42 They looked, but there was no one to who rules in the fear of God,
save; 4 shall be as the light of the morning when
even to the LORD, but he didn’t answer the sun rises,
them. a morning without clouds,
2 Samuel 23:5 318 2 Samuel 23:34

when the tender grass springs out of would give me water to drink from the
the earth, well of Bethlehem, which is by the gate!”
through clear shining after rain.’ 16 The three mighty men broke through
the army of the Philistines, and drew water
5 Isn’t my house so with God?
out of the well of Bethlehem that was by
Yet he has made with me an everlast- the gate and took it and brought it to David;
ing covenant, but he would not drink of it, but poured it
ordered in all things, and sure, out to the LORD. 17 He said, “Be it far from
for it is all my salvation and all my me, LORD, that I should do this! Isn’t this
desire. the blood of the men who risked their lives
Won’t he make it grow? to go?” Therefore he would not drink it.
6 But all the ungodly will be as thorns to be The three mighty men did these things.
thrust away, 18 Abishai, the brother of Joab, the son
because they can’t be taken with the of Zeruiah, was chief of the three. He
hand. lifted up his spear against three hundred
7 The man who touches them must be and killed them, and had a name among
armed with iron and the staff of a the three. 19 Wasn’t he most honorable of
spear. the three? Therefore he was made their
They will be utterly burned with fire in captain. However he wasn’t included as
their place.” one of the three.
20 Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, the son
8 These are the names of the mighty men
of a valiant man of Kabzeel, who had done
whom David had: Josheb Basshebeth a mighty deeds, killed the two sons of Ariel
Tahchemonite, chief of the captains; he of Moab. He also went down and killed
was called Adino the Eznite, who killed a lion in the middle of a pit in a time of
eight hundred at one time. 9 After him snow. 21 He killed a huge Egyptian, and the
was Eleazar the son of Dodai the son of an Egyptian had a spear in his hand; but he
Ahohite, one of the three mighty men with went down to him with a staff and plucked
David when they defied the Philistines the spear out of the Egyptian’s hand, and
who were there gathered together to bat- killed him with his own spear. 22 Benaiah
tle, and the men of Israel had gone away. the son of Jehoiada did these things, and
10 He arose and struck the Philistines until
had a name among the three mighty men.
his hand was weary, and his hand froze to 23
He was more honorable than the thirty,
the sword; and the LORD worked a great
but he didn’t attain to the three. David set
victory that day; and the people returned him over his guard.
after him only to take plunder. 11 After him 24 Asahel the brother of Joab was
was Shammah the son of Agee a Hararite.
one of the thirty: Elhanan the son of
The Philistines had gathered together into
a troop where there was a plot of ground Dodo of Bethlehem,
25 Shammah the
Harodite, Elika the Harodite, 26 Helez the
full of lentils; and the people fled from the Paltite, Ira the son of Ikkesh the Tekoite,
Philistines. 12 But he stood in the middle 27 Abiezer the Anathothite, Mebunnai
of the plot and defended it, and killed the the Hushathite, 28 Zalmon the Ahohite,
Philistines; and the LORD worked a great Maharai the Netophathite, 29 Heleb the
victory. son of Baanah the Netophathite, Ittai the
13 Three of the thirty chief men went
son of Ribai of Gibeah of the children
down, and came to David in the har- of Benjamin, 30 Benaiah a Pirathonite,
vest time to the cave of Adullam; and Hiddai of the brooks of Gaash. 31 Abialbon
the troop of the Philistines was encamped the Arbathite, Azmaveth the Barhumite,
in the valley of Rephaim. 14 David was 32 Eliahba the Shaalbonite, the sons
then in the stronghold; and the garrison of Jashen, Jonathan, 33 Shammah the
of the Philistines was then in Bethlehem. Hararite, Ahiam the son of Sharar the
15 David said longingly, “Oh that someone Ararite, 34 Eliphelet the son of Ahasbai,
2 Samuel 23:35 319 2 Samuel 24:21

the son of the Maacathite, Eliam the I have done. But now, the LORD, put away,
son of Ahithophel the Gilonite, 35 Hezro I beg you, the iniquity of your servant; for
the Carmelite, Paarai the Arbite, 36 Igal I have done very foolishly.”
the son of Nathan of Zobah, Bani the 11 When David rose up in the morning,
Gadite, 37 Zelek the Ammonite, Naharai the LORD’s word came to the prophet Gad,
the Beerothite, armor bearers to Joab the
David’s seer, saying, 12 “Go and speak to
son of Zeruiah, 38 Ira the Ithrite, Gareb David, ‘The LORD says, “I offer you three
the Ithrite, 39 and Uriah the Hittite: thirty-
things. Choose one of them, that I may do
seven in all.
it to you.” ’ ”
24 13 So Gad came to David, and told him,
saying, “Shall seven years of famine come
1 Again the LORD’s anger burned against
Israel, and he moved David against them, to you in your land? Or will you flee
saying, “Go, count Israel and Judah.” 2 The three months before your foes while they
king said to Joab the captain of the army, pursue you? Or shall there be three days’
who was with him, “Now go back and forth pestilence in your land? Now answer, and
through all the tribes of Israel, from Dan consider what answer I shall return to him
who sent me.”
even to Beersheba, and count the people, 14 David said to Gad, “I am in distress.
that I may know the sum of the people.”
3 Joab said to the king, “Now may the
Let us fall now into the LORD’s hand, for
his mercies are great. Let me not fall into
LORD your God add to the people, however man’s hand.”
many they may be, one hundred times; 15 So the LORD sent a pestilence on Israel
and may the eyes of my lord the king see from the morning even to the appointed
it. But why does my lord the king delight time; and seventy thousand men died of
in this thing?” the people from Dan even to Beersheba.
4 Notwithstanding, the king’s word pre- 16 When the angel stretched out his hand
vailed against Joab and against the cap- toward Jerusalem to destroy it, the LORD
tains of the army. Joab and the captains of relented of the disaster, and said to the
the army went out from the presence of the angel who destroyed the people, “It is
king to count the people of Israel. 5 They enough. Now withdraw your hand.” The
passed over the Jordan and encamped in LORD’s angel was by the threshing floor of
Aroer, on the right side of the city that Araunah the Jebusite.
is in the middle of the valley of Gad, and 17 David spoke to the LORD when he saw
to Jazer; 6 then they came to Gilead and the angel who struck the people, and said,
to the land of Tahtim Hodshi; and they “Behold, I have sinned, and I have done
came to Dan Jaan and around to Sidon, perversely; but these sheep, what have
7 and came to the stronghold of Tyre, and
they done? Please let your hand be against
to all the cities of the Hivites and of the me, and against my father’s house.”
Canaanites; and they went out to the south
18 Gad came that day to David and said
of Judah, at Beersheba. 8 So when they
had gone back and forth through all the to him, “Go up, build an altar to the LORD
land, they came to Jerusalem at the end of on the threshing floor of Araunah the Je-
nine months and twenty days. 9 Joab gave busite.”
19 David went up according to the say-
up the sum of the counting of the people
to the king; and there were in Israel eight ing of Gad, as the LORD commanded.
20 Araunah looked out, and saw the king
hundred thousand valiant men who drew
the sword, and the men of Judah were five and his servants coming on toward him.
hundred thousand men. Then Araunah went out and bowed him-
10 David’s heart struck him after he had self before the king with his face to the
counted the people. David said to the ground. 21 Araunah said, “Why has my lord
LORD, “I have sinned greatly in that which the king come to his servant?”
2 Samuel 24:22 320 2 Samuel 24:25

David said, “To buy your threshing floor,

to build an altar to the LORD, that the
plague may be stopped from afflicting the
22 Araunah said to David, “Let my lord
the king take and offer up what seems good
to him. Behold, the cattle for the burnt
offering, and the threshing sledges and the
yokes of the oxen for the wood. 23 All this,
O king, does Araunah give to the king.”
Araunah said to the king, “May the LORD
your God accept you.”
24 The king said to Araunah, “No, but I
will most certainly buy it from you for a
price. I will not offer burnt offerings to the
LORD my God which cost me nothing.” So
David bought the threshing floor and the
oxen for fifty shekels† of silver. 25 David
built an altar to the LORD there, and of-
fered burnt offerings and peace offerings.
So the LORD was entreated for the land,
and the plague was removed from Israel.

† 24:24 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces, so 50 shekels is about 0.5 kilograms or 1.1 pounds.
1 Kings 1:1 321 1 Kings 1:25

own life and your son Solomon’s life. 13 Go

in to King David, and tell him, ‘Didn’t you,
The First Book of Kings my lord the king, swear to your servant,
saying, “Assuredly Solomon your son shall
1 Now King David was old and ad- reign after me, and he shall sit on my
vanced in years; and they covered him throne?” Why then does Adonijah reign?’
14 Behold,† while you are still talking there
with clothes, but he couldn’t keep warm.
2 Therefore his servants said to him, “Let with the king, I will also come in after you
a young virgin be sought for my lord the and confirm your words.”
king. Let her stand before the king, and 15 Bathsheba went in to the king in his
cherish him; and let her lie in your bosom, room. The king was very old; and Abishag
that my lord the king may keep warm.” the Shunammite was serving the king.
3 So they sought for a beautiful young 16 Bathsheba bowed and showed respect to
lady throughout all the borders of Israel, the king. The king said, “What would you
and found Abishag the Shunammite, and like?”
brought her to the king. 4 The young lady 17 She said to him, “My lord, you swore
was very beautiful; and she cherished the
king, and served him; but the king didn’t by the LORD‡ your God§ to your servant,
know her intimately. ‘Assuredly Solomon your son shall reign
5 Then Adonijah the son of Haggith ex- after me, and he shall sit on my throne.’
18 Now, behold, Adonijah reigns; and you,
alted himself, saying, “I will be king.” Then
my lord the king, don’t know it. 19 He
he prepared him chariots and horsemen,
has slain cattle and fatlings and sheep in
and fifty men to run before him. 6 His
abundance, and has called all the sons of
father had not displeased him at any time the king, Abiathar the priest, and Joab the
in saying, “Why have you done so?” and captain of the army; but he hasn’t called
he was also a very handsome man; and he Solomon your servant. 20 You, my lord
was born after Absalom. 7 He conferred the king, the eyes of all Israel are on you,
with Joab the son of Zeruiah and with Abi-
athar the priest; and they followed Adoni- that you should tell them who will sit on
jah and helped him. 8 But Zadok the priest, the throne of my lord the king after him.
21 Otherwise it will happen, when my lord
Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, Nathan the
prophet, Shimei, Rei, and the mighty men the king sleeps with his fathers, that I and
who belonged to David, were not with my son Solomon will be considered crimi-
Adonijah. nals.”
9 Adonijah killed sheep, cattle, and 22 Behold, while she was still talking

fatlings by the stone of Zoheleth, which with the king, Nathan the prophet came
is beside En Rogel; and he called all his in. 23 They told the king, saying, “Behold,
brothers, the king’s sons, and all the men of Nathan the prophet!”
Judah, the king’s servants; 10 but he didn’t When he had come in before the king,
call Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah, and he bowed himself before the king with
the mighty men, and Solomon his brother. his face to the ground. 24 Nathan said,
11 Then Nathan spoke to Bathsheba the “My lord, King, have you said, ‘Adonijah
mother of Solomon, saying, “Haven’t you shall reign after me, and he shall sit on
heard that Adonijah the son of Haggith my throne?’ 25 For he has gone down
reigns, and David our lord doesn’t know today, and has slain cattle, fatlings, and
it? 12 Now therefore come, please let me sheep in abundance, and has called all the
give you counsel, that you may save your king’s sons, the captains of the army, and
† 1:14 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.
‡ 1:17 When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, “LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name. § 1:17
The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim).
1 Kings 1:26 322 1 Kings 1:52

Abiathar the priest. Behold, they are eat- the Tent, and anointed Solomon. They
ing and drinking before him, and saying, blew the trumpet; and all the people said,
‘Long live King Adonijah!’ 26 But he hasn’t “Long live King Solomon!”
called me, even me your servant, Zadok 40 Allthe people came up after him, and
the priest, Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and the people piped with pipes, and rejoiced
your servant Solomon. 27 Was this thing with great joy, so that the earth shook
done by my lord the king, and you haven’t with their sound. 41 Adonijah and all the
shown to your servants who should sit on guests who were with him heard it as they
the throne of my lord the king after him?” had finished eating. When Joab heard the
28 Then King David answered, “Call
sound of the trumpet, he said, “Why is this
Bathsheba in to me.” She came into the noise of the city being in an uproar?”
king’s presence and stood before the king.
29 The king vowed and said, “As the LORD 42 While he yet spoke, behold, Jonathan
lives, who has redeemed my soul out of all the son of Abiathar the priest came; and
adversity, 30 most certainly as I swore to Adonijah said, “Come in; for you are a
you by the LORD, the God of Israel, saying, worthy man, and bring good news.”
‘Assuredly Solomon your son shall reign 43 Jonathan answered Adonijah, “Most
after me, and he shall sit on my throne certainly our lord King David has made
in my place;’ I will most certainly do this Solomon king. 44 The king has sent with
today.” him Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet,
31 Then Bathsheba bowed with her face
Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and the
to the earth and showed respect to the Cherethites and the Pelethites; and they
king, and said, “Let my lord King David live have caused him to ride on the king’s mule.
forever!” 45 Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet
32 King David said, “Call to me Zadok the
have anointed him king in Gihon. They
priest, Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah
have come up from there rejoicing, so that
the son of Jehoiada.” They came before the
the city rang again. This is the noise that
king. 33 The king said to them, “Take with
you have heard. 46 Also, Solomon sits on
you the servants of your lord, and cause
the throne of the kingdom. 47 Moreover the
Solomon my son to ride on my own mule,
king’s servants came to bless our lord King
and bring him down to Gihon. 34 Let Zadok David, saying, ‘May your God make the
the priest and Nathan the prophet anoint
name of Solomon better than your name,
him there king over Israel. Blow the trum-
and make his throne greater than your
pet, and say, ‘Long live King Solomon!’
35 Then come up after him, and he shall throne;’ and the king bowed himself on the
bed. 48 Also thus said the king, ‘Blessed be
come and sit on my throne; for he shall be
the LORD, the God of Israel, who has given
king in my place. I have appointed him to
one to sit on my throne today, my eyes even
be prince over Israel and over Judah.”
36 Benaiah the son of Jehoiada answered
seeing it.’ ”
49 All the guests of Adonijah were afraid,
the king, and said, “Amen. May the LORD,
the God of my lord the king, say so. 37 As the and rose up, and each man went his
LORD has been with my lord the king, even way. 50 Adonijah was afraid because

so may he be with Solomon, and make his of Solomon; and he arose, and went,
throne greater than the throne of my lord and hung onto the horns of the altar.
51 Solomon was told, “Behold, Adonijah
King David.”
38 So Zadok the priest, Nathan the fears King Solomon; for, behold, he is
prophet, Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, hanging onto the horns of the altar, saying,
and the Cherethites and the Pelethites ‘Let King Solomon swear to me first that he
went down and had Solomon ride on King will not kill his servant with the sword.’ ”
David’s mule, and brought him to Gihon. 52 Solomon said, “If he shows himself a
39 Zadok the priest took the horn of oil from worthy man, not a hair of his shall fall to
1 Kings 1:53 323 1 Kings 2:23

the earth; but if wickedness is found in you ought to do to him, and you shall bring
him, he shall die.” his gray head down to Sheol‡ with blood.”
53 So King Solomon sent, and they 10 David slept with his fathers, and
brought him down from the altar. He came was buried in David’s city. 11 The days
and bowed down to King Solomon; and that David reigned over Israel were forty
Solomon said to him, “Go to your house.” years; he reigned seven years in He-
bron, and he reigned thirty-three years in
2 Jerusalem. 12 Solomon sat on David his fa-
1 Now the days of David came near ther’s throne; and his kingdom was firmly
that he should die; and he commanded established.
Solomon his son, saying, 2 “I am going 13 Then Adonijah the son of Haggith
the way of all the earth. You be strong came to Bathsheba the mother of Solomon.
therefore, and show yourself a man; 3 and She said, “Do you come peaceably?”
keep the instruction of the LORD your God, He said, “Peaceably. 14 He said more-
to walk in his ways, to keep his statutes, over, I have something to tell you.”
his commandments, his ordinances, and She said, “Say on.”
his testimonies, according to that which is 15 He said, “You know that the kingdom
written in the law of Moses, that you may was mine, and that all Israel set their faces
prosper in all that you do and wherever on me, that I should reign. However, the
you turn yourself. 4 Then the LORD may kingdom is turned around, and has be-
establish his word which he spoke con- come my brother’s; for it was his from the
cerning me, saying, ‘If your children are LORD. 16 Now I ask one petition of you.
careful of their way, to walk before me in Don’t deny me.”
truth with all their heart and with all their She said to him, “Say on.”
soul, there shall not fail you,’ he said, ‘a 17 He said, “Please speak to Solomon the
man on the throne of Israel.’ king (for he will not tell you ‘no’), that he
5 “Moreover you know also what Joab
give me Abishag the Shunammite as wife.”
the son of Zeruiah did to me, even what 18 Bathsheba said, “All right. I will speak
he did to the two captains of the armies
of Israel, to Abner the son of Ner and to for you to the king.”
19 Bathsheba therefore went to King
Amasa the son of Jether, whom he killed,
and shed the blood of war in peace, and Solomon, to speak to him for Adonijah.
put the blood of war on his sash that was The king rose up to meet her and bowed
around his waist and in his sandals that himself to her, and sat down on his throne
were on his feet. 6 Do therefore according and caused a throne to be set for the king’s
to your wisdom, and don’t let his gray head mother; and she sat on his right hand.
go down to Sheol† in peace. 7 But show 20 Then she said, “I ask one small petition
kindness to the sons of Barzillai the Gilea- of you; don’t deny me.”
dite, and let them be among those who eat The king said to her, “Ask on, my mother,
at your table; for so they came to me when for I will not deny you.”
I fled from Absalom your brother. 21 She said, “Let Abishag the Shunam-
8 “Behold, there is with you Shimei the mite be given to Adonijah your brother as
son of Gera, the Benjamite of Bahurim, wife.”
who cursed me with a grievous curse in 22 King Solomon answered his mother,
the day when I went to Mahanaim; but he “Why do you ask Abishag the Shunammite
came down to meet me at the Jordan, and for Adonijah? Ask for him the kingdom
I swore to him by the LORD, saying, ‘I will also, for he is my elder brother; even for
not put you to death with the sword.’ 9 Now him, and for Abiathar the priest, and for
therefore don’t hold him guiltless, for you Joab the son of Zeruiah.” 23 Then King
are a wise man; and you will know what Solomon swore by the LORD, saying, “God
† 2:6 Sheol is the place of the dead. ‡ 2:9 Sheol is the place of the dead.
1 Kings 2:24 324 1 Kings 2:46

do so to me, and more also, if Adonijah has throne, there will be peace forever from
not spoken this word against his own life. the LORD.”
24 Now therefore as the LORD lives, who 34 Then Benaiah the son of Jehoiada
has established me and set me on my fa- went up and fell on him, and killed him;
ther David’s throne, and who has made me and he was buried in his own house in the
a house as he promised, surely Adonijah wilderness. 35 The king put Benaiah the
shall be put to death today.” son of Jehoiada in his place over the army;
25 King Solomon sent Benaiah the son of and the king put Zadok the priest in the
Jehoiada; and he fell on him, so that he place of Abiathar.
36 The king sent and called for Shimei,
died. 26 To Abiathar the priest the king
said, “Go to Anathoth, to your own fields, and said to him, “Build yourself a house
for you are worthy of death. But I will not in Jerusalem, and live there, and don’t go
at this time put you to death, because you anywhere else. 37 For on the day you go out
and pass over the brook Kidron, know for
bore the Lord§ GOD’s ark before David my
certain that you will surely die. Your blood
father, and because you were afflicted in
will be on your own head.”
all in which my father was afflicted.” 27 So 38 Shimei said to the king, “What you
Solomon thrust Abiathar out from being
say is good. As my lord the king has said,
priest to the LORD, that he might fulfill the
so will your servant do.” Shimei lived in
LORD’s word which he spoke concerning
Jerusalem many days.
the house of Eli in Shiloh. 39 At the end of three years, two of
28 This news came to Joab; for Joab had
followed Adonijah, although he didn’t fol- Shimei’s slaves ran away to Achish, son of
low Absalom. Joab fled to the LORD’s Tent, Maacah, king of Gath. They told Shimei,
saying, “Behold, your slaves are in Gath.”
and held onto the horns of the altar. 29 King 40 Shimei arose, saddled his donkey, and
Solomon was told, “Joab has fled to the
LORD’s Tent; and behold, he is by the al- went to Gath to Achish to seek his slaves;
and Shimei went and brought his slaves
tar.” Then Solomon sent Benaiah the son
of Jehoiada, saying, “Go, fall on him.” from Gath. 41 Solomon was told that
Shimei had gone from Jerusalem to Gath,
30 Benaiah came to the LORD’s Tent, and
and had come again.
said to him, “The king says, ‘Come out!’ ” 42 The king sent and called for Shimei,
He said, “No; but I will die here.” and said to him, “Didn’t I adjure you by
Benaiah brought the king word again, the LORD and warn you, saying, ‘Know for
saying, “This is what Joab said, and this is certain that on the day you go out and walk
how he answered me.” anywhere else, you shall surely die?’ You
31 The king said to him, “Do as he has said to me, ‘The saying that I have heard is
said, and fall on him, and bury him, that good.’ 43 Why then have you not kept the
you may take away the blood, which Joab oath of the LORD and the commandment
shed without cause, from me and from my that I have instructed you with?” 44 The
father’s house. 32 The LORD will return his king said moreover to Shimei, “You know
blood on his own head, because he fell on in your heart all the wickedness that you
two men more righteous and better than did to David my father. Therefore the
he, and killed them with the sword, and LORD will return your wickedness on your
my father David didn’t know it: Abner the own head. 45 But King Solomon will be
son of Ner, captain of the army of Israel, blessed, and David’s throne will be estab-
and Amasa the son of Jether, captain of lished before the LORD forever.” 46 So
the army of Judah. 33 So their blood will the king commanded Benaiah the son of
return on the head of Joab and on the head Jehoiada; and he went out, and fell on
of his offspring† forever. But for David, him, so that he died. The kingdom was
for his offspring, for his house, and for his established in the hand of Solomon.
§ 2:26 The word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.” † 2:33 or, seed
1 Kings 3:1 325 1 Kings 3:26

3 given you that which you have not asked,

1 Solomon made a marriage alliance both riches and honor, so that there will
with Pharaoh king of Egypt. He took not be any among the kings like you for all
Pharaoh’s daughter and brought her into your days. 14 If you will walk in my ways, to
David’s city until he had finished build- keep my statutes and my commandments,
ing his own house, the LORD’s house, and as your father David walked, then I will
the wall around Jerusalem. 2 However, lengthen your days.”
15 Solomon awoke; and behold, it was
the people sacrificed in the high places,
because there was not yet a house built a dream. Then he came to Jerusalem
for the LORD’s name. 3 Solomon loved and stood before the ark of the LORD’s
the LORD, walking in the statutes of David covenant, and offered up burnt offerings,
his father, except that he sacrificed and offered peace offerings, and made a feast
burned incense in the high places. 4 The for all his servants.
16 Then two women who were prosti-
king went to Gibeon to sacrifice there, for
that was the great high place. Solomon tutes came to the king, and stood before
offered a thousand burnt offerings on that him. 17 The one woman said, “Oh, my lord,
altar. 5 In Gibeon, the LORD appeared to I and this woman dwell in one house. I de-
livered a child with her in the house. 18 The
Solomon in a dream by night; and God third day after I delivered, this woman
said, “Ask for what I should give you.” delivered also. We were together. There
6 Solomon said, “You have shown to your was no stranger with us in the house, just
servant David my father great loving kind- us two in the house. 19 This woman’s child
ness, because he walked before you in died in the night, because she lay on it.
20 She arose at midnight, and took my son
truth, in righteousness, and in uprightness
of heart with you. You have kept for him from beside me while your servant slept,
this great loving kindness, that you have and laid it in her bosom, and laid her dead
given him a son to sit on his throne, as it child in my bosom. 21 When I rose in the
is today. 7 Now, LORD my God, you have morning to nurse my child, behold, he was
made your servant king instead of David dead; but when I had looked at him in the
my father. I am just a little child. I don’t morning, behold, it was not my son whom
know how to go out or come in. 8 Your I bore.”
22 The other woman said, “No! But the
servant is among your people which you living one is my son, and the dead one is
have chosen, a great people, that can’t be your son.”
numbered or counted for multitude. 9 Give The first one said, “No! But the dead one
your servant therefore an understanding
is your son, and the living one is my son.”
heart to judge your people, that I may dis-
They argued like this before the king.
cern between good and evil; for who is able 23 Then the king said, “One says, ‘This
to judge this great people of yours?”
is my son who lives, and your son is the
10 This request pleased the Lord, that
dead;’ and the other says, ‘No! But your son
Solomon had asked this thing. 11 God is the dead one, and my son is the living
said to him, “Because you have asked this one.’ ”
thing, and have not asked for yourself 24 The king said, “Get me a sword.” So
long life, nor have you asked for riches they brought a sword before the king.
for yourself, nor have you asked for the 25 The king said, “Divide the living child
life of your enemies, but have asked for in two, and give half to the one, and half to
yourself understanding to discern justice, the other.”
12 behold, I have done according to your 26 Then the woman whose the living
word. Behold, I have given you a wise child was spoke to the king, for her heart
and understanding heart, so that there has yearned over her son, and she said, “Oh,
been no one like you before you, and after my lord, give her the living child, and in no
you none will arise like you. 13 I have also way kill him!”
1 Kings 3:27 326 1 Kings 4:33

But the other said, “He shall be neither in Issachar; 18 Shimei the son of Ela, in
mine nor yours. Divide him.” Benjamin; 19 Geber the son of Uri, in the
27 Then the king answered, “Give the first land of Gilead, the country of Sihon king
woman the living child, and definitely do of the Amorites and of Og king of Bashan;
not kill him. She is his mother.” and he was the only officer who was in the
28 All Israel heard of the judgment which land.
the king had judged; and they feared the 20 Judah and Israel were numerous as
king, for they saw that the wisdom of God the sand which is by the sea in multitude,
was in him to do justice. eating and drinking and making merry.
21 Solomon ruled over all the kingdoms
4 from the River to the land of the Philistines,
1 King Solomon was king over all Is- and to the border of Egypt. They brought
rael. 2 These were the princes whom tribute and served Solomon all the days
he had: Azariah the son of Zadok, the of his life. 22 Solomon’s provision for one
priest; 3 Elihoreph and Ahijah, the sons day was thirty cors† of fine flour, sixty
of Shisha, scribes; Jehoshaphat the son of measures of meal, 23 ten head of fat cat-
Ahilud, the recorder; 4 Benaiah the son of tle, twenty head of cattle out of the pas-
Jehoiada was over the army; Zadok and tures, and one hundred sheep, in addition
Abiathar were priests; 5 Azariah the son to deer, gazelles, roebucks, and fattened
of Nathan was over the officers; Zabud fowl. 24 For he had dominion over all
the son of Nathan was chief minister, on this side the River, from Tiphsah even
the king’s friend; 6 Ahishar was over the to Gaza, over all the kings on this side
household; and Adoniram the son of Abda the River; and he had peace on all sides
was over the men subject to forced labor. around him. 25 Judah and Israel lived
7 Solomon had twelve officers over all safely, every man under his vine and un-
Israel, who provided food for the king and der his fig tree, from Dan even to Beer-
his household. Each man had to make sheba, all the days of Solomon. 26 Solomon
provision for a month in the year. 8 These had forty thousand stalls of horses for his
are their names: Ben Hur, in the hill coun- chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen.
try of Ephraim; 9 Ben Deker, in Makaz, in 27 Those officers provided food for King
Shaalbim, Beth Shemesh, and Elon Beth Solomon, and for all who came to King
Hanan; 10 Ben Hesed, in Arubboth (Socoh
and all the land of Hepher belonged to Solomon’s table, every man in his month.
him); 11 Ben Abinadab, in all the height They let nothing be lacking. 28 They also
of Dor (he had Taphath, Solomon’s daugh- brought barley and straw for the horses
ter, as wife); 12 Baana the son of Ahilud, and swift steeds to the place where the
in Taanach and Megiddo, and all Beth officers were, each man according to his
Shean which is beside Zarethan, beneath duty. 29 God gave Solomon abundant
Jezreel, from Beth Shean to Abel Meholah, wisdom, understanding, and breadth of
as far as beyond Jokmeam; 13 Ben Geber, mind like the sand that is on the seashore.
30 Solomon’s wisdom excelled the wisdom
in Ramoth Gilead (the towns of Jair the of all the children of the east and all the
son of Manasseh, which are in Gilead, be- wisdom of Egypt. 31 For he was wiser than
longed to him; and the region of Argob, all men—wiser than Ethan the Ezrahite,
which is in Bashan, sixty great cities with Heman, Calcol, and Darda, the sons of Ma-
walls and bronze bars, belonged to him); hol; and his fame was in all the nations
14 Ahinadab the son of Iddo, in Mahanaim; all around. 32 He spoke three thousand
15 Ahimaaz, in Naphtali (he also took Base-
proverbs, and his songs numbered one
math the daughter of Solomon as wife); thousand five. 33 He spoke of trees, from
16 Baana the son of Hushai, in Asher and the cedar that is in Lebanon even to the
Bealoth; 17 Jehoshaphat the son of Paruah, hyssop that grows out of the wall; he also
† 4:22 1 cor is the same as a homer, or about 55.9 U. S. gallons (liquid) or 211 liters or 6 bushels
1 Kings 4:34 327 1 Kings 6:6

spoke of animals, of birds, of creeping thousand cors† of wheat for food to his
things, and of fish. 34 People of all nations household, and twenty cors‡ of pure oil.
came to hear the wisdom of Solomon, sent Solomon gave this to Hiram year by year.
by all kings of the earth who had heard of 12 The LORD gave Solomon wisdom, as he
his wisdom. promised him. There was peace between
Hiram and Solomon, and the two of them
5 made a treaty together.
1Hiram king of Tyre sent his servants 13 King Solomon raised a levy out of all
to Solomon, for he had heard that they Israel; and the levy was thirty thousand
had anointed him king in the place of his men. 14 He sent them to Lebanon, ten
father, and Hiram had always loved David. thousand a month by courses: for a month
2 Solomon sent to Hiram, saying, 3 “You
they were in Lebanon, and two months at
know that David my father could not build home; and Adoniram was over the men
a house for the name of the LORD his God subject to forced labor. 15 Solomon had
because of the wars which were around seventy thousand who bore burdens, and
him on every side, until the LORD put his
eighty thousand who were stone cutters
enemies under the soles of his feet. 4 But
now the LORD my God has given me rest on in the mountains, 16 besides Solomon’s
every side. There is no enemy and no evil chief officers who were over the work:
three thousand three hundred who ruled
occurrence. 5 Behold, I intend to build a over the people who labored in the work.
house for the name of the LORD my God, as 17 The king commanded, and they cut out
the LORD spoke to David my father, saying, large stones, costly stones, to lay the foun-
‘Your son, whom I will set on your throne dation of the house with worked stone.
in your place shall build the house for my 18 Solomon’s builders and Hiram’s builders
name.’ 6 Now therefore command that and the Gebalites cut them, and prepared
cedar trees be cut for me out of Lebanon. the timber and the stones to build the
My servants will be with your servants; house.
and I will give you wages for your servants
according to all that you say. For you know
that there is nobody among us who knows
1 Inthe four hundred and eightieth year
how to cut timber like the Sidonians.” after the children of Israel had come out
7 When Hiram heard the words of
of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of
Solomon, he rejoiced greatly, and said,
Solomon’s reign over Israel, in the month
“Blessed is the LORD today, who has given
Ziv, which is the second month, he began
to David a wise son to rule over this
great people.” 8 Hiram sent to Solomon, to build the LORD’s house. 2 The house
which King Solomon built for the LORD
saying, “I have heard the message which
had a length of sixty cubits,† and its width
you have sent to me. I will do all your
desire concerning timber of cedar, and twenty, and its height thirty cubits. 3 The
porch in front of the temple of the house
concerning cypress timber. 9 My servants
had a length of twenty cubits, which was
will bring them down from Lebanon to the
along the width of the house. Ten cubits
sea. I will make them into rafts to go by sea
was its width in front of the house. 4 He
to the place that you specify to me, and will made windows of fixed lattice work for the
cause them to be broken up there, and you house. 5 Against the wall of the house, he
will receive them. You will accomplish my built floors all around, against the walls of
desire, in giving food for my household.” the house all around, both of the temple
10 So Hiram gave Solomon cedar timber
and of the inner sanctuary; and he made
and cypress timber according to all his side rooms all around. 6 The lowest floor
desire. 11 Solomon gave Hiram twenty was five cubits wide, and the middle was
† 5:11 20,000 cors would be about 120,000 bushels or about 4.2 megaliters of wheat, which would weigh about 3,270
metric tons. ‡ 5:11 20 cors is about 1,100 gallons or about 4220 liters. † 6:2 A cubit is the length from the tip of
the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46 centimeters.
1 Kings 6:7 328 1 Kings 6:38

six cubits wide, and the third was seven overlaid it with gold. 22 He overlaid the
cubits wide; for on the outside he made whole house with gold, until all the house
offsets in the wall of the house all around, was finished. He also overlaid the whole
that the beams should not be inserted into altar that belonged to the inner sanctuary
the walls of the house. 7 The house, when it with gold.
was under construction, was built of stone 23 In the inner sanctuary he made two
prepared at the quarry; and no hammer
or ax or any tool of iron was heard in cherubim‡ of olive wood, each ten cubits
the house while it was under construction. high. 24 Five cubits was the length of one
8 The door for the middle side rooms was wing of the cherub, and five cubits was
in the right side of the house. They went the length of the other wing of the cherub.
up by winding stairs into the middle floor, From the tip of one wing to the tip of the
and out of the middle into the third. 9 So other was ten cubits. 25 The other cherub
he built the house and finished it; and he was ten cubits. Both the cherubim were of
covered the house with beams and planks one measure and one form. 26 One cherub
of cedar. 10 He built the floors all along was ten cubits high, and so was the other
the house, each five cubits high; and they cherub. 27 He set the cherubim within the
inner house. The wings of the cherubim
rested on the house with timbers of cedar.
11 The LORD’s word came to Solomon, were stretched out, so that the wing of the
saying, 12 “Concerning this house which one touched the one wall and the wing of
you are building, if you will walk in my the other cherub touched the other wall;
statutes, and execute my ordinances, and and their wings touched one another in the
keep all my commandments to walk in middle of the house. 28 He overlaid the
cherubim with gold.
them, then I will establish my word with
29 He carved all the walls of the house
you, which I spoke to David your father.
13 I will dwell among the children of Israel, around with carved figures of cherubim,
and will not forsake my people Israel.” palm trees, and open flowers, inside and
14 So Solomon built the house and fin- outside. 30 He overlaid the floor of the
ished it. 15 He built the walls of the house house with gold, inside and outside. 31 For
within with boards of cedar; from the floor the entrance of the inner sanctuary, he
of the house to the walls of the ceiling, made doors of olive wood. The lintel and
he covered them on the inside with wood. door posts were a fifth part of the wall.
32 So he made two doors of olive wood; and
He covered the floor of the house with
cypress boards. 16 He built twenty cubits he carved on them carvings of cherubim,
of the back part of the house with boards palm trees, and open flowers, and overlaid
of cedar from the floor to the ceiling. He them with gold. He spread the gold on the
built this within, for an inner sanctuary, cherubim and on the palm trees. 33 He
even for the most holy place. 17 In front of also made the entrance of the temple door
the temple sanctuary was forty cubits long. posts of olive wood, out of a fourth part
18 There was cedar on the house within, of the wall, 34 and two doors of cypress
carved with buds and open flowers. All wood. The two leaves of the one door were
was cedar. No stone was visible. 19 He folding, and the two leaves of the other
prepared an inner sanctuary in the middle door were folding. 35 He carved cherubim,
of the house within, to set the ark of the palm trees, and open flowers; and he over-
LORD’s covenant there. 20 Within the inner laid them with gold fitted on the engraved
sanctuary was twenty cubits in length, and work. 36 He built the inner court with three
twenty cubits in width, and twenty cubits courses of cut stone and a course of cedar
in its height. He overlaid it with pure beams.
gold. He covered the altar with cedar. 37 The foundation of the LORD’s house
21 So Solomon overlaid the house within was laid in the fourth year, in the month
with pure gold. He drew chains of gold Ziv. 38 In the eleventh year, in the month
across before the inner sanctuary, and he Bul, which is the eighth month, the house
‡ 6:23 “Cherubim” is plural of “cherub”, an angelic being.
1 Kings 7:1 329 1 Kings 7:28

was finished throughout all its parts and and skill to work all works in bronze. He
according to all its specifications. So he came to King Solomon and performed all
spent seven years building it. his work. 15 For he fashioned the two pil-
lars of bronze, eighteen cubits high apiece;
and a line of twelve cubits encircled either
7 of them. 16 He made two capitals of molten
1 Solomon was building his own house
bronze to set on the tops of the pillars. The
thirteen years, and he finished all his height of the one capital was five cubits,
house. 2 For he built the House of the and the height of the other capital was five
Forest of Lebanon. Its length was one cubits. 17 There were nets of checker work
hundred cubits,† its width fifty cubits, and and wreaths of chain work for the capitals
its height thirty cubits, on four rows of which were on the top of the pillars: seven
cedar pillars, with cedar beams on the for the one capital, and seven for the other
pillars. 3 It was covered with cedar above capital. 18 So he made the pillars; and there
over the forty-five beams that were on the were two rows of pomegranates around
pillars, fifteen in a row. 4 There were the one network, to cover the capitals that
beams in three rows, and window was were on the top of the pillars; and he did
facing window in three ranks. 5 All the so for the other capital. 19 The capitals that
doors and posts were made square with were on the top of the pillars in the porch
beams; and window was facing window were of lily work, four cubits. 20 There
in three ranks. 6 He made the hall of were capitals above also on the two pil-
pillars. Its length was fifty cubits and its lars, close by the belly which was beside
width thirty cubits, with a porch before the network. There were two hundred
them, and pillars and a threshold before pomegranates in rows around the other
them. 7 He made the porch of the throne capital. 21 He set up the pillars at the porch
where he was to judge, even the porch of of the temple. He set up the right pillar and
judgment; and it was covered with cedar called its name Jachin; and he set up the
from floor to floor. 8 His house where he left pillar and called its name Boaz. 22 On
was to dwell, the other court within the the tops of the pillars was lily work. So the
porch, was of the same construction. He
work of the pillars was finished.
made also a house for Pharaoh’s daughter 23 He made the molten sea ten cubits
(whom Solomon had taken as wife), like
this porch. 9 All these were of costly stones, from brim to brim, round in shape. Its
even of stone cut according to measure, height was five cubits; 24 and a line of thirty
cubits encircled it.
sawed with saws, inside and outside, even around there were buds which Under its brim
encircled it
from the foundation to the coping, and so for ten cubits, encircling the sea. The buds
on the outside to the great court. 10 The were in two rows, cast when it was cast.
foundation was of costly stones, even great 25 It stood on twelve oxen, three looking to-
stones, stones of ten cubits and stones of ward the north, and three looking toward
eight cubits. 11 Above were costly stones, the west, and three looking toward the
even cut stone, according to measure, and south, and three looking toward the east;
cedar wood. 12 The great court around had and the sea was set on them above, and all
three courses of cut stone with a course their hindquarters were inward. 26 It was
of cedar beams, like the inner court of the a hand width thick. Its brim was worked
LORD’s house and the porch of the house. like the brim of a cup, like the flower of a
13 King Solomon sent and brought Hiram lily. It held two thousand baths.
out of Tyre. 14 He was the son of a widow 27 He made the ten bases of bronze. The
of the tribe of Naphtali, and his father was length of one base was four cubits, four
a man of Tyre, a worker in bronze; and he cubits its width, and three cubits its height.
was filled with wisdom and understanding 28 The work of the bases was like this:
† 7:2 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46
1 Kings 7:29 330 1 Kings 8:4

they had panels; and there were panels works; two rows of pomegranates for each
between the ledges; 29 and on the panels network, to cover the two bowls of the
that were between the ledges were lions, capitals that were on the pillars; 43 the ten
oxen, and cherubim; and on the ledges bases; the ten basins on the bases; 44 the
there was a pedestal above; and beneath one sea; the twelve oxen under the sea;
45 the pots; the shovels; and the basins.
the lions and oxen were wreaths of hang-
ing work. 30 Every base had four bronze All of these vessels, which Hiram made
wheels and axles of bronze; and its four for King Solomon in the LORD’s house,
feet had supports. The supports were cast were of burnished bronze. 46 The king cast
beneath the basin, with wreaths at the side them in the plain of the Jordan, in the clay
of each. 31 Its opening within the capital ground between Succoth and Zarethan.
and above was a cubit. Its opening was 47 Solomon left all the vessels unweighed,
round like the work of a pedestal, a cubit because there were so many of them. The
and a half; and also on its opening were weight of the bronze could not be deter-
engravings, and their panels were square, mined.
48 Solomon made all the vessels that
not round. 32 The four wheels were un-
derneath the panels; and the axles of the were in the LORD’s house: the golden altar
wheels were in the base. The height of a and the table that the show bread was on,
wheel was a cubit and half a cubit. 33 The of gold; 49 and the lamp stands, five on
work of the wheels was like the work of the right side and five on the left, in front
a chariot wheel. Their axles, their rims, of the inner sanctuary, of pure gold; and
their spokes, and their hubs were all of the flowers, the lamps, and the tongs, of
cast metal. 34 There were four supports at gold; 50 the cups, the snuffers, the basins,
the four corners of each base. Its supports the spoons, and the fire pans, of pure gold;
were of the base itself. 35 In the top of the and the hinges, both for the doors of the
base there was a round band half a cubit inner house, the most holy place, and for
high; and on the top of the base its supports the doors of the house, of the temple, of
and its panels were the same. 36 On the gold.
plates of its supports and on its panels, he 51 Thus all the work that King Solomon
engraved cherubim, lions, and palm trees, did in the LORD’s house was finished.
each in its space, with wreaths all around. Solomon brought in the things which
37 He made the ten bases in this way: all
David his father had dedicated—the silver,
of them had one casting, one measure, and the gold, and the vessels—and put them in
one form. 38 He made ten basins of bronze. the treasuries of the LORD’s house.
One basin contained forty baths.‡ Every
basin measured four cubits. One basin
was on every one of the ten bases. 39 He
1Then Solomon assembled the elders
set the bases, five on the right side of the of Israel with all the heads of the tribes,
house and five on the left side of the house. the princes of the fathers’ households of
He set the sea on the right side of the house the children of Israel, to King Solomon
eastward and toward the south. in Jerusalem, to bring up the ark of the
40 Hiram made the pots, the shovels, and
LORD’s covenant out of David’s city, which
the basins. So Hiram finished doing all is Zion. 2 All the men of Israel assembled
the work that he worked for King Solomon themselves to King Solomon at the feast in
in the LORD’s house: 41 the two pillars; the month Ethanim, which is the seventh
the two bowls of the capitals that were on month. 3 All the elders of Israel came,
the top of the pillars; the two networks to and the priests picked up the ark. 4 They
cover the two bowls of the capitals that brought up the LORD’s ark, the Tent of
were on the top of the pillars; 42 the four Meeting, and all the holy vessels that were
hundred pomegranates for the two net- in the Tent. The priests and the Levites
‡ 7:38 1 bath is one tenth of a cor, or about 5.6 U. S. gallons or 21 liters, so 40 baths was about 224 gallons or 840
1 Kings 8:5 331 1 Kings 8:30

brought these up. 5 King Solomon and of your body, he shall build the house for
all the congregation of Israel, who were my name.’ 20 The LORD has established his
assembled to him, were with him before word that he spoke; for I have risen up in
the ark, sacrificing sheep and cattle that the place of David my father, and I sit on
could not be counted or numbered for the throne of Israel, as the LORD promised,
multitude. 6 The priests brought in the and have built the house for the name of
ark of the LORD’s covenant to its place, the LORD, the God of Israel. 21 There I
into the inner sanctuary of the house, to have set a place for the ark, in which is the
the most holy place, even under the cheru- LORD’s covenant, which he made with our
bim’s wings. 7 For the cherubim spread fathers when he brought them out of the
their wings out over the place of the ark, land of Egypt.”
and the cherubim covered the ark and its 22 Solomon stood before the LORD’s al-
poles above. 8 The poles were so long that tar in the presence of all the assembly
the ends of the poles were seen from the of Israel, and spread out his hands to-
holy place before the inner sanctuary, but ward heaven; 23 and he said, “LORD, the
they were not seen outside. They are there God of Israel, there is no God like you,
to this day. 9 There was nothing in the ark in heaven above, or on earth beneath;
except the two stone tablets which Moses who keeps covenant and loving kindness
put there at Horeb, when the LORD made a with your servants who walk before you
covenant with the children of Israel, when with all their heart; 24 who has kept with
they came out of the land of Egypt. 10 It your servant David my father that which
came to pass, when the priests had come you promised him. Yes, you spoke with
out of the holy place, that the cloud filled your mouth, and have fulfilled it with your
the LORD’s house, 11 so that the priests hand, as it is today. 25 Now therefore, may
could not stand to minister by reason of LORD, the God of Israel, keep with your
the cloud; for the LORD’s glory filled the servant David my father that which you
LORD’s house. have promised him, saying, ‘There shall
12 Then Solomon said, “The LORD has not fail from you a man in my sight to sit on
said that he would dwell in the thick dark- the throne of Israel, if only your children
ness. 13 I have surely built you a house take heed to their way, to walk before me
of habitation, a place for you to dwell in as you have walked before me.’
forever.” 26 “Now therefore, God of Israel, please
14 The king turned his face around and let your word be verified, which you spoke
blessed all the assembly of Israel; and all to your servant David my father. 27 But
the assembly of Israel stood. 15 He said, will God in very deed dwell on the earth?
“Blessed is the LORD, the God of Israel, who Behold, heaven and the heaven of heav-
spoke with his mouth to David your father, ens can’t contain you; how much less this
and has with his hand fulfilled it, saying, house that I have built! 28 Yet have respect
16 ‘Since the day that I brought my people for the prayer of your servant and for his
Israel out of Egypt, I chose no city out of all supplication, LORD my God, to listen to the
the tribes of Israel to build a house, that my cry and to the prayer which your servant
name might be there; but I chose David to prays before you today; 29 that your eyes
be over my people Israel.’ may be open toward this house night and
17 “Now it was in the heart of David my day, even toward the place of which you
father to build a house for the name of have said, ‘My name shall be there;’ to
the LORD, the God of Israel. 18 But the listen to the prayer which your servant
LORD said to David my father, ‘Whereas prays toward this place. 30 Listen to the
it was in your heart to build a house for supplication of your servant, and of your
my name, you did well that it was in your people Israel, when they pray toward this
heart. 19 Nevertheless, you shall not build place. Yes, hear in heaven, your dwelling
the house; but your son who shall come out place; and when you hear, forgive.
1 Kings 8:31 332 1 Kings 8:53

31 “If a man sins against his neighbor, prays toward this house, 43 hear in heaven,
and an oath is laid on him to cause him your dwelling place, and do according to
to swear, and he comes and swears before all that the foreigner calls to you for; that
your altar in this house, 32 then hear in all the peoples of the earth may know your
heaven, and act, and judge your servants, name, to fear you, as do your people Israel,
condemning the wicked, to bring his way and that they may know that this house
on his own head, and justifying the righ- which I have built is called by your name.
teous, to give him according to his righ- 44 “If your people go out to battle against
33 “When your people Israel are struck their enemy, by whatever way you shall
down before the enemy because they have send them, and they pray to the LORD
sinned against you, if they turn again to toward the city which you have chosen,
you and confess your name, and pray and and toward the house which I have built
for your name, 45 then hear in heaven
make supplication to you in this house, their prayer and their supplication, and
34 then hear in heaven, and forgive the sin
maintain their cause. 46 If they sin against
of your people Israel, and bring them again you (for there is no man who doesn’t sin),
to the land which you gave to their fathers. and you are angry with them and deliver
35 “When the sky is shut up and there is
them to the enemy, so that they carry them
no rain because they have sinned against away captive to the land of the enemy,
you, if they pray toward this place and far off or near; 47 yet if they repent in
confess your name, and turn from their the land where they are carried captive,
sin when you afflict them, 36 then hear in and turn again, and make supplication to
heaven, and forgive the sin of your ser- you in the land of those who carried them
vants, and of your people Israel, when you captive, saying, ‘We have sinned and have
teach them the good way in which they done perversely; we have dealt wickedly,’
should walk; and send rain on your land 48 if they return to you with all their heart
which you have given to your people for an and with all their soul in the land of their
inheritance. enemies who carried them captive, and
37 “If there is famine in the land, if there
pray to you toward their land which you
is pestilence, if there is blight, mildew, gave to their fathers, the city which you
locust or caterpillar; if their enemy be- have chosen and the house which I have
sieges them in the land of their cities, built for your name, 49 then hear their
whatever plague, whatever sickness there prayer and their supplication in heaven,
is, 38 whatever prayer and supplication is your dwelling place, and maintain their
made by any man, or by all your people cause; 50 and forgive your people who have
Israel, who shall each know the plague of sinned against you, and all their trans-
his own heart, and spread out his hands gressions in which they have transgressed
toward this house, 39 then hear in heaven, against you; and give them compassion be-
your dwelling place, and forgive, and act, fore those who carried them captive, that
and give to every man according to all they may have compassion on them 51 (for
his ways, whose heart you know (for you, they are your people and your inheritance,
even you only, know the hearts of all the which you brought out of Egypt, from the
children of men); 40 that they may fear you middle of the iron furnace); 52 that your
all the days that they live in the land which eyes may be open to the supplication of
you gave to our fathers. your servant and to the supplication of
41 “Moreover, concerning the foreigner, your people Israel, to listen to them when-
who is not of your people Israel, when he ever they cry to you. 53 For you separated
comes out of a far country for your name’s them from among all the peoples of the
sake 42 (for they shall hear of your great earth to be your inheritance, as you spoke
name and of your mighty hand and of your by Moses your servant, when you brought
outstretched arm), when he comes and our fathers out of Egypt, Lord GOD.”
1 Kings 8:54 333 1 Kings 9:11

54 It was so, that when Solomon had people away; and they blessed the king,
finished praying all this prayer and sup- and went to their tents joyful and glad in
plication to the LORD, he arose from be- their hearts for all the goodness that the
fore the LORD’s altar, from kneeling on his LORD had shown to David his servant, and
knees with his hands spread out toward to Israel his people.
heaven. 55 He stood and blessed all the
assembly of Israel with a loud voice, say-
ing, 56 “Blessed be the LORD, who has given
1 When Solomon had finished the build-
rest to his people Israel, according to all ing of the LORD’s house, the king’s house,
that he promised. There has not failed and all Solomon’s desire which he was
one word of all his good promise, which pleased to do, 2 The LORD appeared to
he promised by Moses his servant. 57 May Solomon the second time, as he had ap-
the LORD our God be with us as he was peared to him at Gibeon. 3 The LORD
with our fathers. Let him not leave us said to him, “I have heard your prayer
or forsake us, 58 that he may incline our and your supplication that you have made
hearts to him, to walk in all his ways, and before me. I have made this house holy,
to keep his commandments, his statutes, which you have built, to put my name
and his ordinances, which he commanded there forever; and my eyes and my heart
our fathers. 59 Let these my words, with shall be there perpetually. 4 As for you,
which I have made supplication before the if you will walk before me as David your
LORD, be near to the LORD our God day father walked, in integrity of heart and in
and night, that he may maintain the cause uprightness, to do according to all that I
of his servant and the cause of his people have commanded you, and will keep my
Israel, as every day requires; 60 that all the statutes and my ordinances, 5 then I will
peoples of the earth may know that the establish the throne of your kingdom over
LORD himself is God. There is no one else. Israel forever, as I promised to David your
61 “Let your heart therefore be perfect
father, saying, ‘There shall not fail from
with the LORD our God, to walk in his
statutes, and to keep his commandments, you a man on the throne of Israel.’ 6 But if
as it is today.” you turn away from following me, you or
62 The king, and all Israel with him, your children, and not keep my command-
ments and my statutes which I have set be-
offered sacrifice before the LORD. fore you, but go and serve other gods and
63 Solomon offered for the sacrifice of
peace offerings, which he offered to the worship them, 7 then I will cut off Israel
LORD, twenty two thousand head of cattle out of the land which I have given them;
and one hundred twenty thousand sheep. and I will cast this house, which I have
So the king and all the children of Israel made holy for my name, out of my sight;
dedicated the LORD’s house. 64 The same and Israel will be a proverb and a byword
day the king made the middle of the court among all peoples. 8 Though this house is
holy that was before the LORD’s house; so high, yet everyone who passes by it will
for there he offered the burnt offering, be astonished and hiss; and they will say,
the meal offering, and the fat of the ‘Why has the LORD done this to this land
peace offerings, because the bronze altar and to this house?’ 9 and they will answer,
that was before the LORD was too little ‘Because they abandoned the LORD their
to receive the burnt offering, the meal God, who brought their fathers out of the
offering, and the fat of the peace offerings. land of Egypt, and embraced other gods,
65 So Solomon held the feast at that time, and worshiped them, and served them.
and all Israel with him, a great assembly, Therefore the LORD has brought all this
from the entrance of Hamath to the brook evil on them.’ ”
of Egypt, before the LORD our God, seven 10 At the end of twenty years, in which
days and seven more days, even fourteen Solomon had built the two houses, the
days. 66 On the eighth day he sent the LORD’s house and the king’s house 11 (now
1 Kings 9:12 334 1 Kings 10:10

Hiram the king of Tyre had furnished to the LORD three times per year, burning
Solomon with cedar trees and cypress incense with them on the altar that was
trees, and with gold, according to all his before the LORD. So he finished the house.
26 King Solomon made a fleet of ships in
desire), King Solomon gave Hiram twenty
cities in the land of Galilee. 12 Hiram came Ezion Geber, which is beside Eloth, on the
out of Tyre to see the cities which Solomon shore of the Red Sea, in the land of Edom.
had given him; and they didn’t please 27 Hiram sent in the fleet his servants,
him. 13 He said, “What cities are these sailors who had knowledge of the sea, with
which you have given me, my brother?” the servants of Solomon. 28 They came to
He called them the land of Cabul† to this Ophir, and fetched from there gold, four
day. 14 Hiram sent to the king one hundred hundred and twenty talents,§ and brought
twenty talents‡ of gold. it to King Solomon.
15 This is the reason of the forced la-
bor which King Solomon conscripted: to
build the LORD’s house, his own house, 10
1 When the queen of Sheba heard of the
Millo, Jerusalem’s wall, Hazor, Megiddo,
and Gezer. 16 Pharaoh king of Egypt had fame of Solomon concerning the LORD’s
gone up, taken Gezer, burned it with fire, name, she came to test him with hard
killed the Canaanites who lived in the city, questions. 2 She came to Jerusalem with
and given it for a wedding gift to his daugh- a very great caravan, with camels that
ter, Solomon’s wife. 17 Solomon built in bore spices, very much gold, and pre-
the land Gezer, Beth Horon the lower, cious stones; and when she had come to
18 Baalath, Tamar in the wilderness, 19 all Solomon, she talked with him about all
the storage cities that Solomon had, the that was in her heart. 3 Solomon answered
all her questions. There wasn’t anything
cities for his chariots, the cities for his
horsemen, and that which Solomon de- hidden from the king which he didn’t tell
sired to build for his pleasure in Jerusalem, her. 4 When the queen of Sheba had seen
and in Lebanon, and in all the land of his all the wisdom of Solomon, the house that
dominion. 20 As for all the people who he had built, 5 the food of his table, the
were left of the Amorites, the Hittites, the sitting of his servants, the attendance of
Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, his officials, their clothing, his cup bearers,
who were not of the children of Israel— and his ascent by which he went up to the
21 their children who were left after them LORD’s house, there was no more spirit
in the land, whom the children of Israel in her. 6 She said to the king, “It was a
were not able utterly to destroy—of them true report that I heard in my own land of
Solomon raised a levy of bondservants to your acts and of your wisdom. 7 However,
this day. 22 But of the children of Israel I didn’t believe the words until I came and
Solomon made no bondservants; but they my eyes had seen it. Behold, not even half
were the men of war, his servants, his was told me! Your wisdom and prosperity
princes, his captains, and rulers of his exceed the fame which I heard. 8 Happy
chariots and of his horsemen. 23 These are your men, happy are these your ser-
were the five hundred fifty chief officers vants who stand continually before you,
who were over Solomon’s work, who ruled who hear your wisdom. 9 Blessed is the
over the people who labored in the work. LORD your God, who delighted in you, to
24 But Pharaoh’s daughter came up out set you on the throne of Israel. Because the
of David’s city to her house which Solomon LORD loved Israel forever, therefore he
had built for her. Then he built Millo. made you king, to do justice and righteous-
25 Solomon offered burnt offerings and ness.” 10 She gave the king one hundred
peace offerings on the altar which he built twenty talents of gold, and a very great
† 9:13 “Cabul” sounds like Hebrew for “good-for-nothing”. ‡ 9:14 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds or
965 Troy ounces, so 120 talents is about 3.6 metric tons § 9:28 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds or 965
Troy ounces, so 420 talents is about 12.6 metric tons
1 Kings 10:11 335 1 Kings 11:4

quantity of spices, and precious stones. the king had a fleet of ships of Tarshish at
Never again was there such an abundance sea with Hiram’s fleet. Once every three
of spices as these which the queen of Sheba years the fleet of Tarshish came bringing
gave to King Solomon. gold, silver, ivory, apes, and peacocks.
11 The fleet of Hiram that brought gold 23 So King Solomon exceeded all the

from Ophir also brought in from Ophir kings of the earth in riches and in wis-
great quantities of almug trees† and pre- dom. 24 All the earth sought the presence
cious stones. 12 The king made of the almug of Solomon to hear his wisdom which God
trees pillars for the LORD’s house and for had put in his heart. 25 Year after year,
the king’s house, harps also and stringed every man brought his tribute, vessels of
instruments for the singers; no such almug silver, vessels of gold, clothing, armor,
trees came or were seen to this day. spices, horses, and mules.
26 Solomon gathered together chariots
13 King Solomon gave to the queen of
and horsemen. He had one thousand
Sheba all her desire, whatever she asked, four hundred chariots and twelve thou-
in addition to that which Solomon gave sand horsemen. He kept them in the char-
her of his royal bounty. So she turned iot cities and with the king at Jerusalem.
and went to her own land, she and her 27 The king made silver as common as
servants. stones in Jerusalem, and cedars as com-
14 Now the weight of gold that came
mon as the sycamore trees that are in the
to Solomon in one year was six hundred lowland. 28 The horses which Solomon
sixty-six talents‡ of gold, 15 in addition to had were brought out of Egypt. The king’s
that which the traders brought, and the merchants received them in droves, each
traffic of the merchants, and of all the drove at a price. 29 A chariot was imported
kings of the mixed people, and of the gov- from Egypt for six hundred shekels‡ of
ernors of the country. 16 King Solomon silver, and a horse for one hundred fifty
made two hundred bucklers of beaten shekels; and so they exported them to all
gold; six hundred shekels§ of gold went the kings of the Hittites and to the kings of
to one buckler. 17 He made three hun- Syria.
dred shields of beaten gold; three minas†
of gold went to one shield; and the king 11
put them in the House of the Forest of 1 Now King Solomon loved many for-
Lebanon. 18 Moreover the king made a eign women, together with the daughter
great throne of ivory, and overlaid it with of Pharaoh: women of the Moabites, Am-
the finest gold. 19 There were six steps to monites, Edomites, Sidonians, and Hit-
the throne, and the top of the throne was tites, 2 of the nations concerning which
round behind; and there were armrests on the LORD said to the children of Israel,
either side by the place of the seat, and “You shall not go among them, neither
two lions standing beside the armrests. shall they come among you, for surely
20 Twelve lions stood there on the one side they will turn away your heart after their
and on the other on the six steps. Nothing gods.” Solomon joined to these in love.
like it was made in any kingdom. 21 All 3 He had seven hundred wives, princesses,
King Solomon’s drinking vessels were of and three hundred concubines. His wives
gold, and all the vessels of the House of the turned his heart away. 4 When Solomon
Forest of Lebanon were of pure gold. None was old, his wives turned away his heart
were of silver, because it was considered after other gods; and his heart was not
of little value in the days of Solomon. 22 For perfect with the LORD his God, as the heart
† 10:11 possibly an Indian sandalwood, with nice grain and a pleasant scent, and good for woodworking ‡ 10:14
A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds or 965 Troy ounces, so 666 talents is about 20 metric tons § 10:16 A
shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.32 Troy ounces, so 600 shekels is about 6 kilograms or 13.2 pounds or 192 Troy
ounces. † 10:17 A mina is about 600 grams or 1.3 U. S. pounds. ‡ 10:29 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35
1 Kings 11:5 336 1 Kings 11:32

of David his father was. 5 For Solomon sister of Tahpenes bore him Genubath his
went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the son, whom Tahpenes weaned in Pharaoh’s
Sidonians, and after Milcom the abomina- house; and Genubath was in Pharaoh’s
tion of the Ammonites. 6 Solomon did that house among the sons of Pharaoh. 21 When
which was evil in the LORD’s sight, and Hadad heard in Egypt that David slept with
didn’t go fully after the LORD, as David his fathers, and that Joab the captain of
his father did. 7 Then Solomon built a the army was dead, Hadad said to Pharaoh,
high place for Chemosh the abomination “Let me depart, that I may go to my own
of Moab, on the mountain that is before country.”
Jerusalem, and for Molech the abomina- 22 Then Pharaoh said to him, “But what
tion of the children of Ammon. 8 So he have you lacked with me, that behold, you
did for all his foreign wives, who burned
seek to go to your own country?”
incense and sacrificed to their gods. 9 The
LORD was angry with Solomon, because He answered, “Nothing, however only
his heart was turned away from the LORD, let me depart.”
23 God raised up an adversary to him,
the God of Israel, who had appeared to
him twice, 10 and had commanded him Rezon the son of Eliada, who had fled
concerning this thing, that he should not from his lord, Hadadezer king of Zobah.
24 He gathered men to himself, and became
go after other gods; but he didn’t keep that
which the LORD commanded. 11 Therefore captain over a troop, when David killed
the LORD said to Solomon, “Because this them of Zobah. They went to Damascus
is done by you, and you have not kept my and lived there, and reigned in Damascus.
25 He was an adversary to Israel all the days
covenant and my statutes, which I have
commanded you, I will surely tear the of Solomon, in addition to the mischief of
kingdom from you, and will give it to your Hadad. He abhorred Israel, and reigned
servant. 12 Nevertheless, I will not do it over Syria.
26 Jeroboam the son of Nebat, an
in your days, for David your father’s sake;
but I will tear it out of your son’s hand. Ephraimite of Zeredah, a servant of
13 However, I will not tear away all the Solomon, whose mother’s name was
kingdom; but I will give one tribe to your Zeruah, a widow, also lifted up his hand
son, for David my servant’s sake, and for against the king. 27 This was the reason
Jerusalem’s sake which I have chosen.” why he lifted up his hand against the
14 The LORD raised up an adversary to king: Solomon built Millo, and repaired
Solomon: Hadad the Edomite. He was the breach of his father David’s city. 28 The
one of the king’s offspring in Edom. 15 For man Jeroboam was a mighty man of valor;
when David was in Edom, and Joab the and Solomon saw the young man that
captain of the army had gone up to bury he was industrious, and he put him in
the slain, and had struck every male in charge of all the labor of the house of
Edom 16 (for Joab and all Israel remained Joseph. 29 At that time, when Jeroboam
there six months, until he had cut off every went out of Jerusalem, the prophet Ahijah
male in Edom), 17 Hadad fled, he and cer- the Shilonite found him on the way.
tain Edomites of his father’s servants with Now Ahijah had clad himself with a new
him, to go into Egypt, when Hadad was still garment; and the two of them were alone
a little child. 18 They arose out of Midian in the field. 30 Ahijah took the new garment
and came to Paran; and they took men that was on him, and tore it in twelve
with them out of Paran, and they came pieces. 31 He said to Jeroboam, “Take ten
to Egypt, to Pharaoh king of Egypt, who pieces; for the LORD, the God of Israel,
gave him a house, and appointed him food, says, ‘Behold, I will tear the kingdom out
and gave him land. 19 Hadad found great of the hand of Solomon and will give ten
favor in the sight of Pharaoh, so that he tribes to you 32 (but he shall have one
gave him as wife the sister of his own wife, tribe, for my servant David’s sake and for
the sister of Tahpenes the queen. 20 The Jerusalem’s sake, the city which I have
1 Kings 11:33 337 1 Kings 12:14

chosen out of all the tribes of Israel), he had fled from the presence of King
33 because they have forsaken me, and Solomon, and Jeroboam lived in Egypt;
have worshiped Ashtoreth the goddess of 3 and they sent and called him), Jeroboam
the Sidonians, Chemosh the god of Moab, and all the assembly of Israel came, and
and Milcom the god of the children of spoke to Rehoboam, saying, 4 “Your father
Ammon. They have not walked in my made our yoke difficult. Now therefore
ways, to do that which is right in my make the hard service of your father, and
eyes, and to keep my statutes and my his heavy yoke which he put on us, lighter,
ordinances, as David his father did. and we will serve you.”
34 “ ‘However, I will not take the whole 5 He said to them, “Depart for three days,
kingdom out of his hand, but I will make then come back to me.”
him prince all the days of his life for David So the people departed.
my servant’s sake whom I chose, who kept 6 King Rehoboam took counsel with the
my commandments and my statutes, 35 but old men who had stood before Solomon
I will take the kingdom out of his son’s his father while he yet lived, saying, “What
hand and will give it to you, even ten tribes. counsel do you give me to answer these
36 I will give one tribe to his son, that
David my servant may have a lamp always 7 They replied, “If you will be a servant to
before me in Jerusalem, the city which I this people today, and will serve them, and
have chosen for myself to put my name answer them with good words, then they
there. 37 I will take you, and you shall reign will be your servants forever.”
according to all that your soul desires, and 8 But he abandoned the counsel of the
shall be king over Israel. 38 It shall be, old men which they had given him, and
if you will listen to all that I command took counsel with the young men who had
you, and will walk in my ways, and do grown up with him, who stood before him.
that which is right in my eyes, to keep my 9 He said to them, “What counsel do you
statutes and my commandments, as David give, that we may answer these people
my servant did, that I will be with you, and who have spoken to me, saying, ‘Make the
will build you a sure house, as I built for yoke that your father put on us lighter?’ ”
David, and will give Israel to you. 39 I will 10 The young men who had grown up
afflict the offspring of David for this, but
with him said to him, “Tell these people
not forever.’ ”
40 Therefore Solomon sought to kill Jer- who spoke to you, saying, ‘Your father
made our yoke heavy, but make it lighter
oboam, but Jeroboam arose and fled into
to us’— tell them, ‘My little finger is thicker
Egypt, to Shishak king of Egypt, and was in
Egypt until the death of Solomon. than my father’s waist. 11 Now my father
41 Now the rest of the acts of Solomon,
burdened you with a heavy yoke, but I will
add to your yoke. My father chastised you
and all that he did, and his wisdom,
aren’t they written in the book of the acts with whips, but I will chastise you with
scorpions.’ ”
of Solomon? 42 The time that Solomon
12 So Jeroboam and all the people came
reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel was
forty years. 43 Solomon slept with his fa- to Rehoboam the third day, as the king
thers, and was buried in his father David’s asked, saying, “Come to me again the third
city; and Rehoboam his son reigned in his day.” 13 The king answered the people
place. roughly, and abandoned the counsel of the
old men which they had given him, 14 and
12 spoke to them according to the counsel of
1Rehoboam went to Shechem, for all the young men, saying, “My father made
Israel had come to Shechem to make him your yoke heavy, but I will add to your
king. 2 When Jeroboam the son of Nebat yoke. My father chastised you with whips,
heard of it (for he was yet in Egypt, where but I will chastise you with scorpions.”
1 Kings 12:15 338 1 Kings 13:4

15 So the king didn’t listen to the peo- the LORD’s house at Jerusalem, then the
ple; for it was a thing brought about heart of this people will turn again to their
from the LORD, that he might establish his lord, even to Rehoboam king of Judah; and
word, which the LORD spoke by Ahijah they will kill me, and return to Rehoboam
the Shilonite to Jeroboam the son of Nebat. king of Judah.” 28 So the king took coun-
16 When all Israel saw that the king didn’t sel, and made two calves of gold; and he
listen to them, the people answered the said to them, “It is too much for you to go
king, saying, “What portion have we in up to Jerusalem. Look and behold your
David? We don’t have an inheritance in gods, Israel, which brought you up out
the son of Jesse. To your tents, Israel! Now of the land of Egypt!” 29 He set the one
see to your own house, David.” So Israel in Bethel, and the other he put in Dan.
departed to their tents. 30 This thing became a sin, for the people
17 But as for the children of Israel who went even as far as Dan to worship before
lived in the cities of Judah, Rehoboam the one there. 31 He made houses of high
reigned over them. 18 Then King Re- places, and made priests from among all
hoboam sent Adoram, who was over the the people, who were not of the sons of
men subject to forced labor; and all Israel Levi. 32 Jeroboam ordained a feast in the
stoned him to death with stones. King eighth month, on the fifteenth day of the
Rehoboam hurried to get himself up to his month, like the feast that is in Judah, and
chariot, to flee to Jerusalem. 19 So Israel he went up to the altar. He did so in Bethel,
rebelled against David’s house to this day. sacrificing to the calves that he had made,
20 When all Israel heard that Jeroboam and he placed in Bethel the priests of the
had returned, they sent and called him to high places that he had made. 33 He went
the congregation, and made him king over up to the altar which he had made in Bethel
all Israel. There was no one who followed on the fifteenth day in the eighth month,
David’s house, except for the tribe of Judah even in the month which he had devised of
only. his own heart; and he ordained a feast for
21 When Rehoboam had come to the children of Israel, and went up to the
Jerusalem, he assembled all the house altar to burn incense.
of Judah and the tribe of Benjamin, a
hundred and eighty thousand chosen men 13
1 Behold, a man of God came out of Judah
who were warriors, to fight against the
house of Israel, to bring the kingdom again by the LORD’s word to Bethel; and Jer-
to Rehoboam the son of Solomon. 22 But oboam was standing by the altar to burn
the word of God came to Shemaiah the incense. 2 He cried against the altar by the
man of God, saying, 23 “Speak to Rehoboam LORD’s word, and said, “Altar! Altar! the
the son of Solomon, king of Judah, and to LORD says: ‘Behold, a son will be born to
all the house of Judah and Benjamin, and David’s house, Josiah by name. On you he
to the rest of the people, saying, 24 ‘The will sacrifice the priests of the high places
LORD says, “You shall not go up or fight who burn incense on you, and they will
against your brothers, the children of burn men’s bones on you.’ ” 3 He gave a
Israel. Everyone return to his house; for sign the same day, saying, “This is the sign
this thing is from me.” ’ ” So they listened to which the LORD has spoken: Behold, the
the LORD’s word, and returned and went altar will be split apart, and the ashes that
their way, according to the LORD’s word. are on it will be poured out.”
25 Then Jeroboam built Shechem in the 4 When the king heard the saying of the
hill country of Ephraim, and lived in it; and man of God, which he cried against the
he went out from there and built Penuel. altar in Bethel, Jeroboam put out his hand
26 Jeroboam said in his heart, “Now the from the altar, saying, “Seize him!” His
kingdom will return to David’s house. 27 If hand, which he put out against him, dried
this people goes up to offer sacrifices in up, so that he could not draw it back again
1 Kings 13:5 339 1 Kings 13:31

to himself. 5 The altar was also split apart, LORD’s word, saying, ‘Bring him back with
and the ashes poured out from the altar, you into your house, that he may eat bread
according to the sign which the man of God and drink water.’ ” He lied to him.
had given by the LORD’s word. 6 The king 19 So he went back with him, ate bread
answered the man of God, “Now intercede in his house, and drank water. 20 As they
for the favor of the LORD your God, and sat at the table, the LORD’s word came to
pray for me, that my hand may be restored the prophet who brought him back; 21 and
me again.” he cried out to the man of God who came
The man of God interceded with the from Judah, saying, “The LORD says, ‘Be-
LORD, and the king’s hand was restored to cause you have been disobedient to the
him again, and became as it was before. LORD’s word, and have not kept the com-
7 The king said to the man of God, “Come mandment which the LORD your God com-
home with me and refresh yourself, and I manded you, 22 but came back, and have
will give you a reward.” eaten bread and drank water in the place
8 The man of God said to the king, “Even of which he said to you, “Eat no bread, and
if you gave me half of your house, I would drink no water,” your body will not come
not go in with you, neither would I eat to the tomb of your fathers.’ ”
bread nor drink water in this place; 9 for 23 After he had eaten bread and af-
so was it commanded me by the LORD’s ter he drank, he saddled the donkey for
word, saying, ‘You shall eat no bread, drink the prophet whom he had brought back.
24 When he had gone, a lion met him by the
no water, and don’t return by the way that
you came.’ ” 10 So he went another way, way and killed him. His body was thrown
and didn’t return by the way that he came on the path, and the donkey stood by it.
to Bethel. The lion also stood by the body. 25 Behold,
11 Now an old prophet lived in Bethel, men passed by and saw the body thrown
and one of his sons came and told him all on the path, and the lion standing by the
the works that the man of God had done body; and they came and told it in the city
that day in Bethel. They also told their where the old prophet lived. 26 When the
father the words which he had spoken to prophet who brought him back from the
the king. way heard of it, he said, “It is the man of
12 Their father said to them, “Which way
God who was disobedient to the LORD’s
did he go?” Now his sons had seen which word. Therefore the LORD has delivered
way the man of God went, who came from him to the lion, which has mauled him and
Judah. 13 He said to his sons, “Saddle the slain him, according to the LORD’s word
donkey for me.” So they saddled the don- which he spoke to him.” 27 He said to
key for him; and he rode on it. 14 He went his sons, saying, “Saddle the donkey for
after the man of God, and found him sitting me,” and they saddled it. 28 He went and
under an oak. He said to him, “Are you the found his body thrown on the path, and
man of God who came from Judah?” the donkey and the lion standing by the
He said, “I am.” body. The lion had not eaten the body nor
15 Then he said to him, “Come home with mauled the donkey. 29 The prophet took up
me and eat bread.” the body of the man of God, and laid it on
16 He said, “I may not return with you, the donkey, and brought it back. He came
nor go in with you. I will not eat bread or to the city of the old prophet to mourn, and
drink water with you in this place. 17 For to bury him. 30 He laid his body in his own
it was said to me by the LORD’s word, ‘You grave; and they mourned over him, saying,
shall eat no bread or drink water there, “Alas, my brother!”
and don’t turn again to go by the way that 31 After he had buried him, he spoke to
you came.’ ” his sons, saying, “When I am dead, bury
18 He said to him, “I also am a prophet as
me in the tomb in which the man of God
you are; and an angel spoke to me by the is buried. Lay my bones beside his bones.
1 Kings 13:32 340 1 Kings 14:21

32 For the saying which he cried by the and made for yourself other gods, molten
LORD’s word against the altar in Bethel, images, to provoke me to anger, and have
and against all the houses of the high cast me behind your back, 10 therefore,
places which are in the cities of Samaria, behold, I will bring evil on the house of
will surely happen.” Jeroboam, and will cut off from Jeroboam
33 After this thing, Jeroboam didn’t turn everyone who urinates on a wall,† he who
from his evil way, but again made priests is shut up and he who is left at large in
of the high places from among all the peo- Israel, and will utterly sweep away the
ple. Whoever wanted to, he consecrated house of Jeroboam, as a man sweeps away
him, that there might be priests of the high dung until it is all gone. 11 The dogs will
places. 34 This thing became sin to the eat he who belongs to Jeroboam who dies
house of Jeroboam, even to cut it off and to in the city; and the birds of the sky will
destroy it from off the surface of the earth. eat he who dies in the field, for the LORD
has spoken it.” ’ 12 Arise therefore, and go
14 to your house. When your feet enter into
the city, the child will die. 13 All Israel
1At that time Abijah the son of Jer-
oboam became sick. 2 Jeroboam said to will mourn for him and bury him; for he
his wife, “Please get up and disguise your- only of Jeroboam will come to the grave,
self, so that you won’t be recognized as because in him there is found some good
Jeroboam’s wife. Go to Shiloh. Behold, thing toward the LORD, the God of Israel,
Ahijah the prophet is there, who said that I in the house of Jeroboam. 14 Moreover
would be king over this people. 3 Take with the LORD will raise up a king for himself
you ten loaves of bread, some cakes, and a over Israel who will cut off the house of
Jeroboam. This is the day! What? Even
jar of honey, and go to him. He will tell you now. 15 For the LORD will strike Israel, as
what will become of the child.” a reed is shaken in the water; and he will
4 Jeroboam’s wife did so, and arose and
root up Israel out of this good land which
went to Shiloh, and came to Ahijah’s house. he gave to their fathers, and will scatter
Now Ahijah could not see, for his eyes them beyond the River,‡ because they have
were set by reason of his age. 5 The LORD made their Asherah poles, provoking the
said to Ahijah, “Behold, Jeroboam’s wife is LORD to anger. 16 He will give Israel up
coming to inquire of you concerning her because of the sins of Jeroboam, which he
son, for he is sick. Tell her such and such; has sinned, and with which he has made
for it will be, when she comes in, that she Israel to sin.”
will pretend to be another woman.” 17 Jeroboam’s wife arose and departed,
6 So when Ahijah heard the sound of her and came to Tirzah. As she came to the
feet as she came in at the door, he said, threshold of the house, the child died. 18 All
“Come in, Jeroboam’s wife! Why do you Israel buried him and mourned for him,
pretend to be another? For I am sent to you according to the LORD’s word, which he
with heavy news. 7 Go, tell Jeroboam, ‘The spoke by his servant Ahijah the prophet.
LORD, the God of Israel, says: “Because I 19 The rest of the acts of Jeroboam, how
exalted you from among the people, and he fought and how he reigned, behold,
made you prince over my people Israel, they are written in the book of the chroni-
8 and tore the kingdom away from David’s cles of the kings of Israel. 20 The days which
house, and gave it you; and yet you have Jeroboam reigned were twenty two years;
not been as my servant David, who kept then he slept with his fathers, and Nadab
my commandments, and who followed me his son reigned in his place.
with all his heart, to do that only which was 21 Rehoboam the son of Solomon reigned
right in my eyes, 9 but have done evil above in Judah. Rehoboam was forty-one years
all who were before you, and have gone old when he began to reign, and he reigned
† 14:10 or, male ‡ 14:15 That is, the Euphrates.
1 Kings 14:22 341 1 Kings 15:19

seventeen years in Jerusalem, the city son after him and to establish Jerusalem;
which the LORD had chosen out of all the 5 because David did that which was right
tribes of Israel, to put his name there. in the LORD’s eyes, and didn’t turn away
His mother’s name was Naamah the Am- from anything that he commanded him all
monitess. 22 Judah did that which was evil the days of his life, except only in the mat-
in the LORD’s sight, and they provoked ter of Uriah the Hittite. 6 Now there was
him to jealousy with their sins which they war between Rehoboam and Jeroboam all
committed, above all that their fathers had the days of his life. 7 The rest of the acts
done. 23 For they also built for themselves of Abijam, and all that he did, aren’t they
high places, sacred pillars, and Asherah written in the book of the chronicles of the
poles on every high hill and under every kings of Judah? There was war between
green tree. 24 There were also sodomites Abijam and Jeroboam. 8 Abijam slept with
in the land. They did according to all his fathers, and they buried him in David’s
the abominations of the nations which the city; and Asa his son reigned in his place.
LORD drove out before the children of Is-
rael. 9 In the twentieth year of Jeroboam king
25 In the fifth year of King Rehoboam, of Israel, Asa began to reign over Judah.
Shishak king of Egypt came up against 10 He reigned forty-one years in Jerusalem.
Jerusalem; 26 and he took away the trea- His mother’s name was Maacah the daugh-
sures of the LORD’s house and the trea- ter of Abishalom. 11 Asa did that which was
sures of the king’s house. He even took right in the LORD’s eyes, as David his fa-
away all of it, including all the gold shields ther did. 12 He put away the sodomites out
which Solomon had made. 27 King Re- of the land, and removed all the idols that
hoboam made shields of bronze in their his fathers had made. 13 He also removed
place, and committed them to the hands Maacah his mother from being queen, be-
of the captains of the guard, who kept the cause she had made an abominable im-
door of the king’s house. 28 It was so, that age for an Asherah. Asa cut down her
as often as the king went into the LORD’s image and burned it at the brook Kidron.
14 But the high places were not taken away.
house, the guard bore them, and brought
them back into the guard room. Nevertheless the heart of Asa was perfect
29 Now the rest of the acts of Rehoboam, with the LORD all his days. 15 He brought
and all that he did, aren’t they written in into the LORD’s house the things that his
the book of the chronicles of the kings of Ju- father had dedicated, and the things that
dah? 30 There was war between Rehoboam he himself had dedicated: silver, gold, and
and Jeroboam continually. 31 Rehoboam utensils.
slept with his fathers, and was buried with 16 There was war between Asa and
his fathers in David’s city. His mother’s Baasha king of Israel all their days.
name was Naamah the Ammonitess. Abi- 17 Baasha king of Israel went up against
jam his son reigned in his place. Judah, and built Ramah, that he might
not allow anyone to go out or come in to
15 Asa king of Judah. 18 Then Asa took all
1 Now in the eighteenth year of King Jer- the silver and the gold that was left in
oboam the son of Nebat, Abijam began to the treasures of the LORD’s house, and
reign over Judah. 2 He reigned three years the treasures of the king’s house, and
in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was delivered it into the hand of his servants.
Maacah the daughter of Abishalom. 3 He Then King Asa sent them to Ben Hadad, the
walked in all the sins of his father, which son of Tabrimmon, the son of Hezion, king
he had done before him; and his heart was of Syria, who lived at Damascus, saying,
19 “Let there be a treaty between me and
not perfect with the LORD his God, as the
heart of David his father. 4 Nevertheless you, like that between my father and your
for David’s sake, the LORD his God gave father. Behold, I have sent to you a present
him a lamp in Jerusalem, to set up his of silver and gold. Go, break your treaty
1 Kings 15:20 342 1 Kings 16:11

with Baasha king of Israel, that he may Israel? 32 There was war between Asa and
depart from me.” Baasha king of Israel all their days.
33 In the third year of Asa king of Judah,
20 Ben Hadad listened to King Asa, and
Baasha the son of Ahijah began to reign
sent the captains of his armies against the over all Israel in Tirzah for twenty-four
cities of Israel, and struck Ijon, and Dan,
years. 34 He did that which was evil in
and Abel Beth Maacah, and all Chinneroth,
the LORD’s sight, and walked in the way
with all the land of Naphtali. 21 When
of Jeroboam, and in his sin with which he
Baasha heard of it, he stopped building
made Israel to sin.
Ramah, and lived in Tirzah. 22 Then King
Asa made a proclamation to all Judah. No 16
one was exempted. They carried away 1 The LORD’s word came to Jehu the
the stones of Ramah, and its timber, with son of Hanani against Baasha, saying,
which Baasha had built; and King Asa used 2 “Because I exalted you out of the dust
it to build Geba of Benjamin, and Mizpah. and made you prince over my people Is-
23 Now the rest of all the acts of Asa, and
rael, and you have walked in the way of
all his might, and all that he did, and the Jeroboam and have made my people Israel
cities which he built, aren’t they written in to sin, to provoke me to anger with their
the book of the chronicles of the kings of sins, 3 behold, I will utterly sweep away
Judah? But in the time of his old age he was Baasha and his house; and I will make
diseased in his feet. 24 Asa slept with his your house like the house of Jeroboam the
fathers, and was buried with his fathers son of Nebat. 4 The dogs will eat Baasha’s
in his father David’s city; and Jehoshaphat descendants who die in the city; and he
his son reigned in his place. who dies of his in the field, the birds of the
25 Nadab the son of Jeroboam began to sky will eat.”
5 Now the rest of the acts of Baasha, and
reign over Israel in the second year of
Asa king of Judah; and he reigned over what he did, and his might, aren’t they
Israel two years. 26 He did that which was written in the book of the chronicles of
the kings of Israel? 6 Baasha slept with
evil in the LORD’s sight, and walked in
his fathers, and was buried in Tirzah; and
the way of his father, and in his sin with Elah his son reigned in his place.
which he made Israel to sin. 27 Baasha 7 Moreover the LORD’s word came by
the son of Ahijah, of the house of Issachar,
conspired against him; and Baasha struck the prophet Jehu the son of Hanani against
him at Gibbethon, which belonged to the Baasha and against his house, both be-
Philistines; for Nadab and all Israel were cause of all the evil that he did in the
LORD’s sight, to provoke him to anger with
besieging Gibbethon. 28 Even in the third
the work of his hands, in being like the
year of Asa king of Judah, Baasha killed
house of Jeroboam, and because he struck
him and reigned in his place. 29 As soon
as he was king, he struck all the house of 8 In the twenty-sixth year of Asa king
Jeroboam. He didn’t leave to Jeroboam of Judah, Elah the son of Baasha began to
any who breathed, until he had destroyed reign over Israel in Tirzah for two years.
him, according to the saying of the LORD, 9 His servant Zimri, captain of half his
which he spoke by his servant Ahijah the chariots, conspired against him. Now he
Shilonite; 30 for the sins of Jeroboam which was in Tirzah, drinking himself drunk in
he sinned, and with which he made Israel the house of Arza, who was over the house-
to sin, because of his provocation with hold in Tirzah; 10 and Zimri went in and
which he provoked the LORD, the God of struck him and killed him in the twenty-
Israel, to anger. seventh year of Asa king of Judah, and
31 Now the rest of the acts of Nadab, reigned in his place.
and all that he did, aren’t they written in 11 When he began to reign, as soon as
the book of the chronicles of the kings of he sat on his throne, he attacked all the
1 Kings 16:12 343 1 Kings 17:5

house of Baasha. He didn’t leave him a of Shemer, the owner of the hill. 25 Omri
single one who urinates on a wall† among did that which was evil in the LORD’s sight,
his relatives or his friends. 12 Thus Zimri and dealt wickedly above all who were
destroyed all the house of Baasha, accord- before him. 26 For he walked in all the
ing to the LORD’s word which he spoke way of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, and in
against Baasha by Jehu the prophet, 13 for his sins with which he made Israel to sin,
all the sins of Baasha, and the sins of Elah to provoke the LORD, the God of Israel, to
his son, which they sinned and with which anger with their vanities. 27 Now the rest
they made Israel to sin, to provoke the of the acts of Omri which he did, and his
LORD, the God of Israel, to anger with their might that he showed, aren’t they written
vanities. 14 Now the rest of the acts of Elah, in the book of the chronicles of the kings
and all that he did, aren’t they written in of Israel? 28 So Omri slept with his fathers,
the book of the chronicles of the kings of and was buried in Samaria; and Ahab his
Israel? son reigned in his place.
15 In the twenty-seventh year of Asa 29 In the thirty-eighth year of Asa king of
king of Judah, Zimri reigned seven days in Judah, Ahab the son of Omri began to reign
Tirzah. Now the people were encamped over Israel. Ahab the son of Omri reigned
against Gibbethon, which belonged to the over Israel in Samaria twenty-two years.
Philistines. 16 The people who were en- 30 Ahab the son of Omri did that which was
camped heard that Zimri had conspired, evil in the LORD’s sight above all that were
and had also killed the king. Therefore before him. 31 As if it had been a light thing
all Israel made Omri, the captain of the for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the
army, king over Israel that day in the camp. son of Nebat, he took as wife Jezebel the
17 Omri went up from Gibbethon, and all daughter of Ethbaal king of the Sidonians,
Israel with him, and they besieged Tirzah. and went and served Baal and worshiped
18 When Zimri saw that the city was taken, him. 32 He raised up an altar for Baal in
he went into the fortified part of the king’s the house of Baal, which he had built in
house and burned the king’s house over Samaria. 33 Ahab made the Asherah; and
him with fire, and died, 19 for his sins Ahab did more yet to provoke the LORD,
which he sinned in doing that which was the God of Israel, to anger than all the kings
evil in the LORD’s sight, in walking in the of Israel who were before him. 34 In his
way of Jeroboam, and in his sin which he days Hiel the Bethelite built Jericho. He
did to make Israel to sin. 20 Now the rest laid its foundation with the loss of Abiram
of the acts of Zimri, and his treason that he his firstborn, and set up its gates with the
committed, aren’t they written in the book loss of his youngest son Segub, according
of the chronicles of the kings of Israel? to the LORD’s word, which he spoke by
21 Then the people of Israel were divided Joshua the son of Nun.
into two parts: half of the people followed
Tibni the son of Ginath, to make him king, 17
and half followed Omri. 22 But the people Elijah the Tishbite, who was one of

who followed Omri prevailed against the the settlers of Gilead, said to Ahab, “As
the LORD, the God of Israel, lives, before
people who followed Tibni the son of Gi- whom I stand, there shall not be dew
nath; so Tibni died, and Omri reigned. 23 In nor rain these years, but according to my
the thirty-first year of Asa king of Judah, word.”
Omri began to reign over Israel for twelve 2 Then the LORD’s word came to him,
years. He reigned six years in Tirzah. saying, 3 “Go away from here, turn east-
24 He bought the hill Samaria of Shemer ward, and hide yourself by the brook
for two talents‡ of silver; and he built on Cherith, that is before the Jordan. 4 You
the hill, and called the name of the city shall drink from the brook. I have com-
which he built, Samaria, after the name manded the ravens to feed you there.” 5 So
† 16:11 or, male ‡ 16:24 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds.
1 Kings 17:6 344 1 Kings 18:10

he went and did according to the LORD’s laid him on his own bed. 20 He cried to the
word, for he went and lived by the brook LORD and said, “LORD my God, have you
Cherith that is before the Jordan. 6 The also brought evil on the widow with whom
ravens brought him bread and meat in I am staying, by killing her son?”
the morning, and bread and meat in the 21 He stretched himself on the child three
evening; and he drank from the brook. times, and cried to the LORD and said,
7 After a while, the brook dried up, because “LORD my God, please let this child’s soul
there was no rain in the land. come into him again.”
8 The LORD’s word came to him, saying, 22 The LORD listened to the voice of Eli-
9 “Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to jah; and the soul of the child came into
Sidon, and stay there. Behold, I have com- him again, and he revived. 23 Elijah took
manded a widow there to sustain you.” the child and brought him down out of the
10 So he arose and went to Zarephath; room into the house, and delivered him to
his mother; and Elijah said, “Behold, your
and when he came to the gate of the
son lives.”
city, behold, a widow was there gathering 24 The woman said to Elijah, “Now I
sticks. He called to her and said, “Please get know that you are a man of God, and that
me a little water in a jar, that I may drink.” the LORD’s word in your mouth is truth.”
11 As she was going to get it, he called to
her and said, “Please bring me a morsel of
bread in your hand.”
1 After many days, the LORD’s word
12 She said, “As the LORD your God lives,
came to Elijah, in the third year, saying,
I don’t have anything baked, but only a “Go, show yourself to Ahab; and I will send
handful of meal in a jar and a little oil in a rain on the earth.”
jar. Behold, I am gathering two sticks, that 2 Elijah went to show himself to Ahab.
I may go in and bake it for me and my son, The famine was severe in Samaria. 3 Ahab
that we may eat it, and die.” called Obadiah, who was over the house-
13 Elijah said to her, “Don’t be afraid. Go hold. (Now Obadiah feared the LORD
and do as you have said; but make me a greatly; 4 for when Jezebel cut off the
little cake from it first, and bring it out to LORD’s prophets, Obadiah took one hun-
me, and afterward make some for you and dred prophets, and hid them fifty to a
for your son. 14 For the LORD, the God of cave, and fed them with bread and water.)
5 Ahab said to Obadiah, “Go through the
Israel, says, ‘The jar of meal will not run
out, and the jar of oil will not fail, until land, to all the springs of water, and to all
the day that the LORD sends rain on the the brooks. Perhaps we may find grass and
earth.’ ” save the horses and mules alive, that we
15 She went and did according to the say- not lose all the animals.”
6 So they divided the land between them
ing of Elijah; and she, he, and her house-
hold ate many days. 16 The jar of meal to pass throughout it. Ahab went one way
didn’t run out and the jar of oil didn’t fail, by himself, and Obadiah went another
according to the LORD’s word, which he way by himself. 7 As Obadiah was on the
spoke by Elijah. way, behold, Elijah met him. He recog-
17 After these things, the son of the nized him, and fell on his face, and said, “Is
it you, my lord Elijah?”
woman, the mistress of the house, became 8 He answered him, “It is I. Go, tell your
sick; and his sickness was so severe that
there was no breath left in him. 18 She said lord, ‘Behold, Elijah is here!’ ”
to Elijah, “What have I to do with you, you 9 He said, “How have I sinned, that you
man of God? You have come to me to bring would deliver your servant into the hand
my sin to memory, and to kill my son!” of Ahab, to kill me? 10 As the LORD your
19 He said to her, “Give me your son.” God lives, there is no nation or kingdom
He took him out of her bosom, and carried where my lord has not sent to seek you.
him up into the room where he stayed, and When they said, ‘He is not here,’ he took an
1 Kings 18:11 345 1 Kings 18:36

oath of the kingdom and nation that they the LORD’s name. The God who answers
didn’t find you. 11 Now you say, ‘Go, tell by fire, let him be God.”
your lord, “Behold, Elijah is here.” ’ 12 It All the people answered, “What you say
will happen, as soon as I leave you, that is good.”
the LORD’s Spirit will carry you I don’t 25 Elijah said to the prophets of Baal,
know where; and so when I come and tell “Choose one bull for yourselves, and dress
Ahab, and he can’t find you, he will kill it first, for you are many; and call on the
me. But I, your servant, have feared the name of your god, but put no fire under it.”
LORD from my youth. 13 Wasn’t it told 26 They took the bull which was given
my lord what I did when Jezebel killed the them, and they dressed it, and called on
LORD’s prophets, how I hid one hundred the name of Baal from morning even until
men of the LORD’s prophets with fifty to a noon, saying, “Baal, hear us!” But there
cave, and fed them with bread and water? was no voice, and nobody answered. They
14 Now you say, ‘Go, tell your lord, “Behold,
leaped about the altar which was made.
Elijah is here”.’ He will kill me.” 27 At noon, Elijah mocked them, and said,
15 Elijah said, “As the LORD of Armies “Cry aloud, for he is a god. Either he is deep
lives, before whom I stand, I will surely in thought, or he has gone somewhere, or
show myself to him today.” 16 So Obadiah he is on a journey, or perhaps he sleeps and
went to meet Ahab, and told him; and must be awakened.”
Ahab went to meet Elijah. 28 They cried aloud, and cut themselves
17 When Ahab saw Elijah, Ahab said to in their way with knives and lances until
him, “Is that you, you troubler of Israel?” the blood gushed out on them. 29 When
18 He answered, “I have not troubled midday was past, they prophesied until
Israel, but you and your father’s house, in the time of the evening offering; but there
that you have forsaken the LORD’s com- was no voice, no answer, and nobody paid
mandments and you have followed the attention.
30 Elijah said to all the people, “Come
Baals. 19 Now therefore send, and gather
near to me!”; and all the people came near
to me all Israel to Mount Carmel, and
to him. He repaired the LORD’s altar that
four hundred fifty of the prophets of Baal,
and four hundred of the prophets of the had been thrown down. 31 Elijah took
Asherah, who eat at Jezebel’s table.” twelve stones, according to the number of
20 So Ahab sent to all the children of
the tribes of the sons of Jacob, to whom the
LORD’s word came, saying, “Israel shall be
Israel, and gathered the prophets together
your name.” 32 With the stones he built
to Mount Carmel. 21 Elijah came near to all
an altar in the LORD’s name. He made a
the people, and said, “How long will you trench around the altar large enough to
waver between the two sides? If the LORD contain two seahs† of seed. 33 He put the
is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow
him.” wood in order, and cut the bull in pieces
The people didn’t say a word. and laid it on the wood. He said, “Fill four
jars with water, and pour it on the burnt
22 Then Elijah said to the people, “I, even
offering and on the wood.” 34 He said, “Do
I only, am left as a prophet of the LORD; it a second time;” and they did it the second
but Baal’s prophets are four hundred fifty time. He said, “Do it a third time;” and
men. 23 Let them therefore give us two they did it the third time. 35 The water
bulls; and let them choose one bull for ran around the altar; and he also filled the
themselves, and cut it in pieces, and lay it trench with water.
on the wood, and put no fire under; and I 36 At the time of the evening offering,
will dress the other bull, and lay it on the Elijah the prophet came near and said,
wood, and put no fire under it. 24 You call “LORD, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and
on the name of your god, and I will call on of Israel, let it be known today that you are
† 18:32 1 seah is about 7 liters or 1.9 gallons or 0.8 pecks
1 Kings 18:37 346 1 Kings 19:14

God in Israel and that I am your servant, belongs to Judah, and left his servant there.
and that I have done all these things at 4 But he himself went a day’s journey into
your word. 37 Hear me, LORD, hear me, the wilderness, and came and sat down
that this people may know that you, LORD, under a juniper tree. Then he requested
are God, and that you have turned their for himself that he might die, and said, “It is
heart back again.” enough. Now, O LORD, take away my life;
38 Then the LORD’s fire fell and con- for I am not better than my fathers.”
sumed the burnt offering, the wood, the 5 He lay down and slept under a juniper
stones, and the dust; and it licked up the tree; and behold, an angel touched him,
water that was in the trench. 39 When all and said to him, “Arise and eat!”
the people saw it, they fell on their faces. 6 He looked, and behold, there was at his
They said, “The LORD, he is God! the LORD, head a cake baked on the coals, and a jar
he is God!” of water. He ate and drank, and lay down
40 Elijah said to them, “Seize the prophets
again. 7 The LORD’s angel came again the
of Baal! Don’t let one of them escape!”
second time, and touched him, and said,
They seized them; and Elijah brought “Arise and eat, because the journey is too
them down to the brook Kishon, and killed great for you.”
them there. 8 He arose, and ate and drank, and went
41 Elijah said to Ahab, “Get up, eat and
drink; for there is the sound of abundance in the strength of that food forty days and
of rain.” forty nights to Horeb, God’s Mountain. 9 He
42 So Ahab went up to eat and to drink. came to a cave there, and camped there;
Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; and he and behold, the LORD’s word came to him,
bowed himself down on the earth, and put and he said to him, “What are you doing
his face between his knees. 43 He said to his here, Elijah?”
servant, “Go up now and look toward the 10 He said, “I have been very jealous
sea.” for the LORD, the God of Armies; for
He went up and looked, then said, the children of Israel have forsaken your
“There is nothing.” covenant, thrown down your altars, and
He said, “Go again” seven times. killed your prophets with the sword. I,
44 On the seventh time, he said, “Behold,
even I only, am left; and they seek my life,
a small cloud, like a man’s hand, is rising to take it away.”
out of the sea.” 11 He said, “Go out and stand on the
He said, “Go up, tell Ahab, ‘Get ready
and go down, so that the rain doesn’t stop mountain before the LORD.”
you.’ ” Behold, the LORD passed by, and a great
45 In a little while, the sky grew black and strong wind tore the mountains and
with clouds and wind, and there was a broke in pieces the rocks before the LORD;
great rain. Ahab rode, and went to Jezreel. but the LORD was not in the wind. After
46 The LORD’s hand was on Elijah; and the wind there was an earthquake; but the
LORD was not in the earthquake. 12 After
he tucked his cloak into his belt and ran
before Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel. the earthquake a fire passed; but the LORD
was not in the fire. After the fire, there was
19 a still small voice. 13 When Elijah heard
it, he wrapped his face in his mantle, went
1Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had
done, and how he had killed all the out, and stood in the entrance of the cave.
prophets with the sword. 2 Then Jezebel Behold, a voice came to him, and said,
sent a messenger to Elijah, saying, “So let “What are you doing here, Elijah?”
14 He said, “I have been very jealous
the gods do to me, and more also, if I don’t
make your life as the life of one of them by for the LORD, the God of Armies; for
tomorrow about this time!” the children of Israel have forsaken your
3 When he saw that, he arose and ran covenant, thrown down your altars, and
for his life, and came to Beersheba, which killed your prophets with the sword. I,
1 Kings 19:15 347 1 Kings 20:16

even I only, am left; and they seek my life, 6 but I will send my servants to you tomor-
to take it away.” row about this time, and they will search
15 The LORD said to him, “Go, return your house and the houses of your ser-
on your way to the wilderness of Damas- vants. Whatever is pleasant in your eyes,
cus. When you arrive, anoint Hazael to be they will put it in their hand, and take it
king over Syria. 16 Anoint Jehu the son of away.” ’ ”
Nimshi to be king over Israel; and anoint 7 Then the king of Israel called all the
Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abel Meholah elders of the land, and said, “Please notice
to be prophet in your place. 17 He who es- how this man seeks mischief; for he sent to
capes from the sword of Hazael, Jehu will me for my wives, and for my children, and
kill; and he who escapes from the sword of for my silver, and for my gold; and I didn’t
Jehu, Elisha will kill. 18 Yet I reserved seven deny him.”
thousand in Israel, all the knees of which 8 All the elders and all the people said to
have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth him, “Don’t listen, and don’t consent.”
which has not kissed him.” 9 Therefore he said to the messengers of
19 So he departed from there and found
Ben Hadad, “Tell my lord the king, ‘All that
Elisha the son of Shaphat, who was plow- you sent for to your servant at the first I
ing with twelve yoke of oxen before him, will do, but this thing I cannot do.’ ”
and he with the twelfth. Elijah went over The messengers departed and brought
to him and put his mantle on him. 20 Elisha him back the message. 10 Ben Hadad sent
left the oxen and ran after Elijah, and to him, and said, “The gods do so to me,
said, “Let me please kiss my father and my and more also, if the dust of Samaria will
mother, and then I will follow you.” be enough for handfuls for all the people
He said to him, “Go back again; for what who follow me.”
have I done to you?” 11 The king of Israel answered, “Tell him,
21 He returned from following him, and ‘Don’t let him who puts on his armor brag
took the yoke of oxen, killed them, and like he who takes it off.’ ”
12 When Ben Hadad heard this message
boiled their meat with the oxen’s equip-
ment, and gave to the people; and they ate. as he was drinking, he and the kings in the
Then he arose, and went after Elijah, and pavilions, he said to his servants, “Prepare
served him. to attack!” So they prepared to attack the
20 13 Behold, a prophet came near to Ahab
1 Ben Hadad the king of Syria gathered king of Israel, and said, “The LORD says,
all his army together; and there were ‘Have you seen all this great multitude?
thirty-two kings with him, with horses Behold, I will deliver it into your hand
and chariots. He went up and besieged today. Then you will know that I am the
Samaria, and fought against it. 2 He sent LORD.’ ”
14 Ahab said, “By whom?”
messengers into the city to Ahab king of
Israel and said to him, “Ben Hadad says, He said, “The LORD says, ‘By the young
3 ‘Your silver and your gold are mine. Your men of the princes of the provinces.’ ”
wives also and your children, even the Then he said, “Who shall begin the bat-
best, are mine.’ ” tle?”
4 The king of Israel answered, “It is ac- He answered, “You.”
cording to your saying, my lord, O king. I 15 Then he mustered the young men of
am yours, and all that I have.” the princes of the provinces, and they were
5 The messengers came again and said, two hundred and thirty-two. After them,
“Ben Hadad says, ‘I sent indeed to you, he mustered all the people, even all the
saying, “You shall deliver me your silver, children of Israel, being seven thousand.
your gold, your wives, and your children; 16 They went out at noon. But Ben Hadad
1 Kings 20:17 348 1 Kings 20:39

was drinking himself drunk in the pavil- your hand, and you shall know that I am
ions, he and the kings, the thirty-two kings the LORD.’ ”
29 They encamped opposite each other
who helped him. 17 The young men of the
princes of the provinces went out first; and for seven days. Then on the seventh day
Ben Hadad sent out, and they told him, say- the battle was joined; and the children of
ing, “Men are coming out from Samaria.” Israel killed one hundred thousand foot-
men of the Syrians in one day. 30 But the
He said, “If they have come out for
rest fled to Aphek, into the city; and the
peace, take them alive; or if they have wall fell on twenty-seven thousand men
come out for war, take them alive.” who were left. Ben Hadad fled and came
19 So these went out of the city, the young into the city, into an inner room. 31 His ser-
men of the princes of the provinces, and vants said to him, “See now, we have heard
that the kings of the house of Israel are
the army which followed them. 20 They
merciful kings. Please let us put sackcloth
each killed his man. The Syrians fled, and
on our bodies and ropes on our heads, and
Israel pursued them. Ben Hadad the king
go out to the king of Israel. Maybe he will
of Syria escaped on a horse with horse-
save your life.”
men. 21 The king of Israel went out and 32 So they put sackcloth on their bodies
struck the horses and chariots, and killed
the Syrians with a great slaughter. 22 The and ropes on their heads, and came to the
prophet came near to the king of Israel and king of Israel, and said, “Your servant Ben
said to him, “Go, strengthen yourself, and Hadad says, ‘Please let me live.’ ”
plan what you must do, for at the return He said, “Is he still alive? He is my
of the year, the king of Syria will come up brother.”
33 Now the men observed diligently and
against you.” hurried to take this phrase; and they said,
23 The servants of the king of Syria said “Your brother Ben Hadad.”
to him, “Their god is a god of the hills; Then he said, “Go, bring him.”
therefore they were stronger than we. But Then Ben Hadad came out to him; and
let’s fight against them in the plain, and he caused him to come up into the char-
surely we will be stronger than they. 24 Do iot. 34 Ben Hadad said to him, “The cities
this thing: take the kings away, every man which my father took from your father I
out of his place, and put captains in their will restore. You shall make streets for
yourself in Damascus, as my father made
place. 25 Muster an army like the army that in Samaria.”
you have lost, horse for horse and chariot “I”, said Ahab, “will let you go with this
for chariot. We will fight against them in covenant.” So he made a covenant with
the plain, and surely we will be stronger him and let him go.
than they are.” 35 A certain man of the sons of the
prophets said to his fellow by the LORD’s
He listened to their voice and did so. 26 At
the return of the year, Ben Hadad mus- word, “Please strike me!”
tered the Syrians and went up to Aphek to The man refused to strike him. 36 Then
he said to him, “Because you have not
fight against Israel. 27 The children of Is- obeyed the LORD’s voice, behold, as soon
rael were mustered and given provisions,
as you have departed from me, a lion will
and went against them. The children of
kill you.” As soon as he had departed from
Israel encamped before them like two little
him, a lion found him and killed him.
flocks of young goats, but the Syrians filled 37 Then he found another man, and said,
the country. 28 A man of God came near “Please strike me.”
and spoke to the king of Israel, and said, The man struck him and wounded him.
“The LORD says, ‘Because the Syrians have 38 So the prophet departed and waited for
said, “The LORD is a god of the hills, but the king by the way, and disguised himself
he is not a god of the valleys,” therefore with his headband over his eyes. 39 As the
I will deliver all this great multitude into king passed by, he cried to the king, and
1 Kings 20:40 349 1 Kings 21:19

he said, “Your servant went out into the vineyard for it.’ He answered, ‘I will not
middle of the battle; and behold, a man give you my vineyard.’ ”
came over and brought a man to me, and 7 Jezebel his wife said to him, “Do you
said, ‘Guard this man! If by any means now govern the kingdom of Israel? Arise,
he is missing, then your life shall be for and eat bread, and let your heart be merry.
his life, or else you shall pay a talent† of I will give you the vineyard of Naboth the
silver.’ 40 As your servant was busy here Jezreelite.” 8 So she wrote letters in Ahab’s
and there, he was gone.” name and sealed them with his seal, and
The king of Israel said to him, “So shall sent the letters to the elders and to the
your judgment be. You yourself have de- nobles who were in his city, who lived with
cided it.” Naboth. 9 She wrote in the letters, saying,
41 He hurried, and took the headband “Proclaim a fast, and set Naboth on high
away from his eyes; and the king of Is- among the people. 10 Set two men, wicked
rael recognized that he was one of the fellows, before him, and let them testify
prophets. 42 He said to him, “The LORD against him, saying, ‘You cursed God and
says, ‘Because you have let go out of your the king!’ Then carry him out, and stone
hand the man whom I had devoted to de- him to death.”
struction, therefore your life will take the 11 The men of his city, even the elders
place of his life, and your people take the and the nobles who lived in his city, did as
place of his people.’ ” Jezebel had instructed them in the letters
43 The king of Israel went to his house which she had written and sent to them.
12 They proclaimed a fast, and set Naboth
sullen and angry, and came to Samaria.
on high among the people. 13 The two men,
the wicked fellows, came in and sat before
21 him. The wicked fellows testified against
1 Afterthese things, Naboth the Jezreel- him, even against Naboth, in the presence
ite had a vineyard which was in Jezreel, of the people, saying, “Naboth cursed God
next to the palace of Ahab king of Samaria. and the king!” Then they carried him out
2 Ahab spoke to Naboth, saying, “Give me
of the city and stoned him to death with
your vineyard, that I may have it for a gar- stones. 14 Then they sent to Jezebel, saying,
den of herbs, because it is near my house; “Naboth has been stoned and is dead.”
and I will give you for it a better vineyard 15 When Jezebel heard that Naboth had
than it. Or, if it seems good to you, I will been stoned and was dead, Jezebel said to
give you its worth in money.” Ahab, “Arise, take possession of the vine-
3 Naboth said to Ahab, “May the LORD
yard of Naboth the Jezreelite, which he
forbid me, that I should give the inheri- refused to give you for money; for Naboth
tance of my fathers to you!” is not alive, but dead.”
4 Ahab came into his house sullen and 16 When Ahab heard that Naboth was
angry because of the word which Naboth dead, Ahab rose up to go down to the
the Jezreelite had spoken to him, for he had vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, to take
said, “I will not give you the inheritance of possession of it.
my fathers.” He laid himself down on his 17 The LORD’s word came to Elijah the
bed, and turned away his face, and would Tishbite, saying, 18 “Arise, go down to meet
eat no bread. 5 But Jezebel his wife came to Ahab king of Israel, who dwells in Samaria.
him, and said to him, “Why is your spirit so Behold, he is in the vineyard of Naboth,
sad that you eat no bread?” where he has gone down to take posses-
6 He said to her, “Because I spoke to sion of it. 19 You shall speak to him, say-
Naboth the Jezreelite, and said to him, ing, ‘The LORD says, “Have you killed and
‘Give me your vineyard for money; or else, also taken possession?” ’ You shall speak to
if it pleases you, I will give you another him, saying, ‘The LORD says, “In the place
† 20:39 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds
1 Kings 21:20 350 1 Kings 22:15

where dogs licked the blood of Naboth, Jehoshaphat said to the king of Israel, “I
dogs will lick your blood, even yours.” ’ ” am as you are, my people as your people,
20 Ahab said to Elijah, “Have you found my horses as your horses.” 5 Jehoshaphat
me, my enemy?” said to the king of Israel, “Please inquire
He answered, “I have found you, be- first for the LORD’s word.”
cause you have sold yourself to do that 6 Then the king of Israel gathered the
which is evil in the LORD’s sight. 21 Behold, prophets together, about four hundred
I will bring evil on you, and will utterly men, and said to them, “Should I go against
sweep you away and will cut off from Ahab Ramoth Gilead to battle, or should I re-
everyone who urinates against a wall,† frain?”
and him who is shut up and him who is They said, “Go up; for the Lord will de-
left at large in Israel. 22 I will make your liver it into the hand of the king.”
house like the house of Jeroboam the son 7 But Jehoshaphat said, “Isn’t there here
of Nebat, and like the house of Baasha the a prophet of the LORD, that we may in-
son of Ahijah, for the provocation with quire of him?”
which you have provoked me to anger, and 8 The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat,
have made Israel to sin.” 23 The LORD also “There is yet one man by whom we may
spoke of Jezebel, saying, “The dogs will eat
inquire of the LORD, Micaiah the son of
Jezebel by the rampart of Jezreel. 24 The
Imlah; but I hate him, for he does not
dogs will eat he who dies of Ahab in the prophesy good concerning me, but evil.”
city; and the birds of the sky will eat he
who dies in the field.” Jehoshaphat said, “Don’t let the king say
25 But there was no one like Ahab, who so.”
9 Then the king of Israel called an officer,
sold himself to do that which was evil in
the LORD’s sight, whom Jezebel his wife and said, “Quickly get Micaiah the son of
stirred up. 26 He did very abominably in Imlah.”
following idols, according to all that the 10 Now the king of Israel and Je-
Amorites did, whom the LORD cast out hoshaphat the king of Judah were sitting
before the children of Israel. each on his throne, arrayed in their robes,
27 When Ahab heard those words, he
in an open place at the entrance of the
tore his clothes, put sackcloth on his body, gate of Samaria; and all the prophets were
fasted, lay in sackcloth, and went about prophesying before them. 11 Zedekiah the
despondently. son of Chenaanah made himself horns
28 The LORD’s word came to Elijah the of iron, and said, “The LORD says, ‘With
Tishbite, saying, 29 “See how Ahab hum- these you will push the Syrians, until
bles himself before me? Because he hum- they are consumed.’ ” 12 All the prophets
bles himself before me, I will not bring the prophesied so, saying, “Go up to Ramoth
evil in his days; but I will bring the evil on Gilead and prosper; for the LORD will
his house in his son’s day.” deliver it into the hand of the king.”
13 The messenger who went to call Mi-
22 caiah spoke to him, saying, “See now, the
1They continued three years without
prophets declare good to the king with one
war between Syria and Israel. 2 In the third
mouth. Please let your word be like the
year, Jehoshaphat the king of Judah came
word of one of them, and speak good.”
down to the king of Israel. 3 The king of
14 Micaiah said, “As the LORD lives, what
Israel said to his servants, “You know that
Ramoth Gilead is ours, and we do nothing, the LORD says to me, that I will speak.”
and don’t take it out of the hand of the 15 When he had come to the king, the
king of Syria?” 4 He said to Jehoshaphat, king said to him, “Micaiah, shall we go
“Will you go with me to battle to Ramoth to Ramoth Gilead to battle, or shall we
Gilead?” forbear?”
† 21:21 or, male
1 Kings 22:16 351 1 Kings 22:42

He answered him, “Go up and prosper; 29 So the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat
and the LORD will deliver it into the hand the king of Judah went up to Ramoth
of the king.” Gilead. 30 The king of Israel said to Je-
16 The king said to him, “How many times hoshaphat, “I will disguise myself and go
do I have to adjure you that you speak to into the battle, but you put on your robes.”
me nothing but the truth in the LORD’s The king of Israel disguised himself and
name?” went into the battle.
17 He said, “I saw all Israel scattered 31 Now the king of Syria had commanded
on the mountains, as sheep that have no the thirty-two captains of his chariots, say-
shepherd. The LORD said, ‘These have no ing, “Don’t fight with small nor great, ex-
master. Let them each return to his house cept only with the king of Israel.”
in peace.’ ”
18 The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, 32 When the captains of the chariots saw

“Didn’t I tell you that he would not proph- Jehoshaphat, they said, “Surely that is the
esy good concerning me, but evil?” king of Israel!” and they came over to
19 Micaiah said, “Therefore hear the fight against him. Jehoshaphat cried out.
33 When the captains of the chariots saw
LORD’s word. I saw the LORD sitting on
his throne, and all the army of heaven that it was not the king of Israel, they
standing by him on his right hand and on turned back from pursuing him. 34 A cer-
his left. 20 The LORD said, ‘Who will entice tain man drew his bow at random, and
Ahab, that he may go up and fall at Ramoth struck the king of Israel between the joints
Gilead?’ One said one thing, and another of the armor. Therefore he said to the
said another. driver of his chariot, “Turn around, and
21 A spirit came out and stood before the carry me out of the battle, for I am severely
LORD, and said, ‘I will entice him.’ wounded.” 35 The battle increased that
22 The LORD said to him, ‘How?’
day. The king was propped up in his
chariot facing the Syrians, and died at
He said, ‘I will go out and will be a lying evening. The blood ran out of the wound
spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.’ into the bottom of the chariot. 36 A cry
He said, ‘You will entice him, and will went throughout the army about the going
also prevail. Go out and do so.’ 23 Now down of the sun, saying, “Every man to his
therefore, behold, the LORD has put a ly- city, and every man to his country!”
ing spirit in the mouth of all these your 37 So the king died, and was brought
prophets; and the LORD has spoken evil
concerning you.” to Samaria; and they buried the king in
24 Then Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah Samaria. 38 They washed the chariot by
came near and struck Micaiah on the the pool of Samaria; and the dogs licked
cheek, and said, “Which way did the up his blood where the prostitutes washed
LORD’s Spirit go from me to speak to you?” themselves, according to the LORD’s word
25 Micaiah said, “Behold, you will see on which he spoke.
that day when you go into an inner room 39 Now the rest of the acts of Ahab, and all
to hide yourself.” that he did, and the ivory house which he
26 The king of Israel said, “Take Micaiah, built, and all the cities that he built, aren’t
and carry him back to Amon the governor they written in the book of the chronicles
of the city and to Joash the king’s son. of the kings of Israel? 40 So Ahab slept with
27 Say, ‘The king says, “Put this fellow in his fathers; and Ahaziah his son reigned in
the prison, and feed him with bread of his place.
affliction and with water of affliction, until 41 Jehoshaphat the son of Asa began to
I come in peace.” ’ ” reign over Judah in the fourth year of Ahab
28 Micaiah said, “If you return at all in king of Israel. 42 Jehoshaphat was thirty-
peace, the LORD has not spoken by me.” He five years old when he began to reign; and
said, “Listen, all you people!” he reigned twenty-five years in Jerusalem.
1 Kings 22:43 352 1 Kings 22:53

His mother’s name was Azubah the daugh-

ter of Shilhi. 43 He walked in all the way of
Asa his father. He didn’t turn away from it,
doing that which was right in the LORD’s
eyes. However, the high places were not
taken away. The people still sacrificed
and burned incense on the high places.
44 Jehoshaphat made peace with the king of
45 Now the rest of the acts of Je-
hoshaphat, and his might that he showed,
and how he fought, aren’t they written
in the book of the chronicles of the
kings of Judah? 46 The remnant of the
sodomites, that remained in the days of
his father Asa, he put away out of the
land. 47 There was no king in Edom. A
deputy ruled. 48 Jehoshaphat made ships
of Tarshish to go to Ophir for gold, but they
didn’t go, for the ships wrecked at Ezion
Geber. 49 Then Ahaziah the son of Ahab
said to Jehoshaphat, “Let my servants go
with your servants in the ships.” But
Jehoshaphat would not. 50 Jehoshaphat
slept with his fathers, and was buried
with his fathers in his father David’s city.
Jehoram his son reigned in his place.
51 Ahaziah the son of Ahab began to
reign over Israel in Samaria in the seven-
teenth year of Jehoshaphat king of Judah,
and he reigned two years over Israel. 52 He
did that which was evil in the LORD’s sight,
and walked in the way of his father, and
in the way of his mother, and in the way
of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, in which he
made Israel to sin. 53 He served Baal and
worshiped him, and provoked the LORD,
the God of Israel, to anger in all the ways
that his father had done so.
2 Kings 1:1 353 2 Kings 2:2

your fifty!” Then fire came down from the

sky, and consumed him and his fifty.
The Second Book of Kings 11 Again he sent to him another captain
of fifty with his fifty. He answered him,
1 Moab rebelled against Israel after the “Man of God, the king has said, ‘Come
death of Ahab. down quickly!’ ”
2 Ahaziah fell down through the lattice in 12 Elijah answered them, “If I am a man
his upper room that was in Samaria, and of God, then let fire come down from the
was sick. So he sent messengers, and said sky and consume you and your fifty!” Then
to them, “Go, inquire of Baal Zebub, the God’s fire came down from the sky, and
god of Ekron, whether I will recover of this consumed him and his fifty.
sickness.” 13 Again he sent the captain of a third
3 But the LORD’s† angel said to Elijah the
fifty with his fifty. The third captain of fifty
Tishbite, “Arise, go up to meet the messen-
went up, and came and fell on his knees
gers of the king of Samaria, and tell them,
before Elijah, and begged him, and said to
‘Is it because there is no God‡ in Israel
that you go to inquire of Baal Zebub, the him, “Man of God, please let my life and
god of Ekron? 4 Now therefore the LORD the life of these fifty of your servants be
says, “You will not come down from the precious in your sight. 14 Behold, fire came
bed where you have gone up, but you will down from the sky and consumed the last
surely die.” ’ ” Then Elijah departed. two captains of fifty with their fifties. But
5 The messengers returned to him, and now let my life be precious in your sight.”
15 The LORD’s angel said to Elijah, “Go
he said to them, “Why is it that you have
returned?” down with him. Don’t be afraid of him.”
6 They said to him, “A man came up to Then he arose and went down with him
meet us, and said to us, ‘Go, return to the to the king. 16 He said to him, “The LORD
king who sent you, and tell him, “The LORD says, ‘Because you have sent messengers
says, ‘Is it because there is no God in Israel to inquire of Baal Zebub, the god of Ekron,
that you send to inquire of Baal Zebub, the is it because there is no God in Israel to
god of Ekron? Therefore you will not come inquire of his word? Therefore you will
down from the bed where you have gone not come down from the bed where you
up, but you will surely die.’ ” ’ ” have gone up, but you will surely die.’ ”
7 He said to them, “What kind of man was 17 So he died according to the LORD’s
he who came up to meet you and told you word which Elijah had spoken. Jehoram
these words?” began to reign in his place in the second
8 They answered him, “He was a hairy year of Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat
man, and wearing a leather belt around king of Judah, because he had no son.
his waist.” 18 Now the rest of the acts of Ahaziah which
He said, “It’s Elijah the Tishbite.” he did, aren’t they written in the book of
9 Then the king sent a captain of fifty the chronicles of the kings of Israel?
with his fifty to him. He went up to him;
and behold,§ he was sitting on the top of 2
the hill. He said to him, “Man of God, the 1 When the LORD was about to take Eli-
king has said, ‘Come down!’ ” jah up by a whirlwind into heaven, Elijah
10 Elijah answered to the captain of fifty, went with Elisha from Gilgal. 2 Elijah said
“If I am a man of God, then let fire come to Elisha, “Please wait here, for the LORD
down from the sky and consume you and has sent me as far as Bethel.”
† 1:3 When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, “LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name. ‡ 1:3
The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬ ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim). § 1:9 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice,
observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.
2 Kings 2:3 354 2 Kings 3:1

Elisha said, “As the LORD lives, and as took Elijah’s mantle that fell from him, and
your soul lives, I will not leave you.” So struck the waters, and said, “Where is the
they went down to Bethel. LORD, the God of Elijah?” When he also
3 The sons of the prophets who were had struck the waters, they were divided
at Bethel came out to Elisha, and said to apart, and Elisha went over.
him, “Do you know that the LORD will take 15 When the sons of the prophets who
away your master from over you today?” were at Jericho facing him saw him, they
He said, “Yes, I know it. Hold your said, “The spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha.”
peace.” They came to meet him, and bowed them-
4 Elijah said to him, “Elisha, please wait selves to the ground before him. 16 They
here, for the LORD has sent me to Jericho.” said to him, “See now, there are with your
He said, “As the LORD lives, and as your servants fifty strong men. Please let them
soul lives, I will not leave you.” So they go and seek your master. Perhaps the
came to Jericho. LORD’s Spirit has taken him up, and put
5 The sons of the prophets who were at him on some mountain or into some val-
Jericho came near to Elisha, and said to ley.”
him, “Do you know that the LORD will take He said, “Don’t send them.”
17 When they urged him until he was
away your master from over you today?”
ashamed, he said, “Send them.”
He answered, “Yes, I know it. Hold your Therefore they sent fifty men; and they
6 Elijah said to him, “Please wait here, for
searched for three days, but didn’t find
him. 18 They came back to him while he
the LORD has sent me to the Jordan.” stayed at Jericho; and he said to them,
He said, “As the LORD lives, and as your “Didn’t I tell you, ‘Don’t go?’ ”
soul lives, I will not leave you.” Then they 19 The men of the city said to Elisha,
both went on. 7 Fifty men of the sons of the “Behold, please, the situation of this city is
prophets went and stood opposite them pleasant, as my lord sees; but the water is
at a distance; and they both stood by the bad, and the land is barren.”
Jordan. 8 Elijah took his mantle, and rolled 20 He said, “Bring me a new jar, and put
it up, and struck the waters; and they were salt in it.” Then they brought it to him.
divided here and there, so that they both 21 He went out to the spring of the waters,
went over on dry ground. 9 When they had and threw salt into it, and said, “The LORD
gone over, Elijah said to Elisha, “Ask what says, ‘I have healed these waters. There
I shall do for you, before I am taken from shall not be from there any more death or
you.” barren wasteland.’ ” 22 So the waters were
Elisha said, “Please let a double portion healed to this day, according to Elisha’s
of your spirit be on me.” word which he spoke.
10 He said, “You have asked a hard thing. 23 He went up from there to Bethel. As
If you see me when I am taken from you, it he was going up by the way, some youths
will be so for you; but if not, it will not be came out of the city and mocked him, and
so.” said to him, “Go up, you baldy! Go up,
11 As they continued on and talked, be-
you baldy!” 24 He looked behind him and
hold, a chariot of fire and horses of fire saw them, and cursed them in the LORD’s
separated them; and Elijah went up by a name. Then two female bears came out of
whirlwind into heaven. 12 Elisha saw it, the woods and mauled forty-two of those
and he cried, “My father, my father, the youths. 25 He went from there to Mount
chariots of Israel and its horsemen!” Carmel, and from there he returned to
He saw him no more. Then he took hold Samaria.
of his own clothes and tore them in two
pieces. 13 He also took up Elijah’s mantle 3
that fell from him, and went back and 1 Now Jehoram the son of Ahab began
stood by the bank of the Jordan. 14 He to reign over Israel in Samaria in the eigh-
2 Kings 3:2 355 2 Kings 3:26

teenth year of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, The king of Israel said to him, “No, for the
and reigned twelve years. 2 He did that LORD has called these three kings together
which was evil in the LORD’s sight, but not to deliver them into the hand of Moab.”
like his father and like his mother, for he 14 Elisha said, “As the LORD of Armies
put away the pillar of Baal that his father lives, before whom I stand, surely, were
had made. 3 Nevertheless he held to the it not that I respect the presence of Je-
sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, with hoshaphat the king of Judah, I would not
which he made Israel to sin. He didn’t look toward you, nor see you. 15 But now
depart from them. bring me a musician.” When the musician
4 Now Mesha king of Moab was a sheep played, the LORD’s hand came on him.
breeder; and he supplied the king of Israel 16 He said, “The LORD says, ‘Make this
with one hundred thousand lambs and the valley full of trenches.’ 17 For the LORD
wool of one hundred thousand rams. 5 But says, ‘You will not see wind, neither will
when Ahab was dead, the king of Moab you see rain, yet that valley will be filled
rebelled against the king of Israel. 6 King with water, and you will drink, both you
Jehoram went out of Samaria at that time, and your livestock and your other animals.
and mustered all Israel. 7 He went and sent 18 This is an easy thing in the LORD’s sight.
to Jehoshaphat the king of Judah, saying,
He will also deliver the Moabites into your
“The king of Moab has rebelled against
hand. 19 You shall strike every fortified city
me. Will you go with me against Moab to
and every choice city, and shall fell every
good tree, and stop all springs of water,
He said, “I will go up. I am as you are, my and mar every good piece of land with
people as your people, my horses as your stones.’ ”
horses.” 8 Then he said, “Which way shall 20 In the morning, about the time of of-
we go up?” fering the sacrifice, behold, water came
Jehoram answered, “The way of the by the way of Edom, and the country was
wilderness of Edom.” filled with water.
9 So the king of Israel went with the king 21 Now when all the Moabites heard that

of Judah and the king of Edom, and they the kings had come up to fight against
marched for seven days along a circuitous them, they gathered themselves together,
route. There was no water for the army or all who were able to put on armor, young
for the animals that followed them. 10 The and old, and stood on the border. 22 They
king of Israel said, “Alas! For the LORD has rose up early in the morning, and the sun
called these three kings together to deliver shone on the water, and the Moabites saw
them into the hand of Moab.” the water opposite them as red as blood.
23 They said, “This is blood. The kings
11 But Jehoshaphat said, “Isn’t there a
prophet of the LORD here, that we may are surely destroyed, and they have struck
inquire of the LORD by him?” each other. Now therefore, Moab, to the
One of the king of Israel’s servants an- 24 When they came to the camp of Is-
swered, “Elisha the son of Shaphat, who rael, the Israelites rose up and struck the
poured water on the hands of Elijah, is Moabites, so that they fled before them;
here.” and they went forward into the land at-
12 Jehoshaphat said, “The LORD’s word
tacking the Moabites. 25 They beat down
is with him.” So the king of Israel and the cities; and on every good piece of
Jehoshaphat and the king of Edom went land each man cast his stone, and filled it.
down to him. They also stopped all the springs of water
13 Elisha said to the king of Israel, “What and cut down all the good trees, until in
have I to do with you? Go to the prophets Kir Hareseth all they left was its stones;
of your father, and to the prophets of your however the men armed with slings went
mother.” around it and attacked it. 26 When the king
2 Kings 3:27 356 2 Kings 4:26

of Moab saw that the battle was too severe 11 One day he came there, and he went to
for him, he took with him seven hundred the room and lay there. 12 He said to Gehazi
men who drew a sword, to break through his servant, “Call this Shunammite.” When
to the king of Edom; but they could not. he had called her, she stood before him.
27 Then he took his oldest son who would 13 He said to him, “Say now to her, ‘Behold,
have reigned in his place, and offered him you have cared for us with all this care.
for a burnt offering on the wall. There What is to be done for you? Would you
was great wrath against Israel; and they like to be spoken for to the king, or to the
departed from him, and returned to their captain of the army?’ ”
own land. She answered, “I dwell among my own
4 14 He said, “What then is to be done for
1 Now a certain woman of the wives of her?”
the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha, Gehazi answered, “Most certainly she
saying, “Your servant my husband is dead. has no son, and her husband is old.”
You know that your servant feared the 15 He said, “Call her.” When he had called
LORD. Now the creditor has come to take her, she stood in the door. 16 He said, “At
for himself my two children to be slaves.” this season next year, you will embrace a
2 Elisha said to her, “What should I do son.”
for you? Tell me, what do you have in the She said, “No, my lord, you man of God,
house?” do not lie to your servant.”
She said, “Your servant has nothing in 17 The woman conceived, and bore a son
the house, except a pot of oil.” at that season when the time came around,
3 Then he said, “Go, borrow empty con- as Elisha had said to her. 18 When the
tainers from all your neighbors. Don’t child was grown, one day he went out to
borrow just a few containers. 4 Go in and his father to the reapers. 19 He said to his
shut the door on you and on your sons, and father, “My head! My head!”
pour oil into all those containers; and set He said to his servant, “Carry him to his
aside those which are full.” mother.”
20 When he had taken him and brought
5 So she went from him, and shut the
door on herself and on her sons. They him to his mother, he sat on her knees
brought the containers to her, and she until noon, and then died. 21 She went up
poured oil. 6 When the containers were and laid him on the man of God’s bed, and
shut the door on him, and went out. 22 She
full, she said to her son, “Bring me another called to her husband and said, “Please
container.” send me one of the servants, and one of the
He said to her, “There isn’t another con- donkeys, that I may run to the man of God
tainer.” Then the oil stopped flowing. and come again.”
7 Then she came and told the man of God. 23 He said, “Why would you want to go
He said, “Go, sell the oil, and pay your debt; to him today? It is not a new moon or a
and you and your sons live on the rest.” Sabbath.”
8 One day Elisha went to Shunem, where She said, “It’s all right.”
there was a prominent woman; and she 24 Then she saddled a donkey, and said to
persuaded him to eat bread. So it was, that her servant, “Drive, and go forward! Don’t
as often as he passed by, he turned in there slow down for me, unless I ask you to.”
to eat bread. 9 She said to her husband, 25 So she went, and came to the man of
“See now, I perceive that this is a holy God to Mount Carmel. When the man of
man of God who passes by us continually. God saw her afar off, he said to Gehazi his
10 Please, let’s make a little room on the servant, “Behold, there is the Shunammite.
roof. Let’s set a bed, a table, a chair, and a 26 Please run now to meet her, and ask her,
lamp stand for him there. When he comes ‘Is it well with you? Is it well with your
to us, he can stay there.” husband? Is it well with your child?’ ”
2 Kings 4:27 357 2 Kings 5:6

She answered, “It is well.” a lap full of wild gourds from it, and came
27 When she came to the man of God to and cut them up into the pot of stew; for
the hill, she caught hold of his feet. Gehazi they didn’t recognize them. 40 So they
came near to thrust her away; but the man poured out for the men to eat. As they were
of God said, “Leave her alone, for her soul eating some of the stew, they cried out and
is troubled within her; and the LORD has said, “Man of God, there is death in the
hidden it from me, and has not told me.” pot!” And they could not eat it.
28 Then she said, “Did I ask you for a son,
41 But he said, “Then bring meal.” He
my lord? Didn’t I say, ‘Do not deceive me’?” threw it into the pot; and he said, “Serve it
29 Then he said to Gehazi, “Tuck your
to the people, that they may eat.” And there
cloak into your belt, take my staff in your was nothing harmful in the pot.
hand, and go your way. If you meet any 42 A man from Baal Shalishah came, and
man, don’t greet him; and if anyone greets brought the man of God some bread of the
you, don’t answer him again. Then lay my first fruits: twenty loaves of barley and
staff on the child’s face.” fresh ears of grain in his sack. Elisha said,
30 The child’s mother said, “As the LORD
“Give to the people, that they may eat.”
lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave 43 His servant said, “What, should I set
this before a hundred men?”
So he arose, and followed her. But he said, “Give it to the people, that
31 Gehazi went ahead of them, and laid
they may eat; for the LORD says, ‘They will
the staff on the child’s face; but there was
no voice and no hearing. Therefore he eat, and will have some left over.’ ”
44 So he set it before them and they ate
returned to meet him, and told him, “The
child has not awakened.” and had some left over, according to the
32 When Elisha had come into the house, LORD’s word.
behold, the child was dead, and lying on
his bed. 33 He went in therefore, and shut 5
the door on them both, and prayed to the Now Naaman, captain of the army of

LORD. 34 He went up and lay on the child, the king of Syria, was a great man with
and put his mouth on his mouth, and his his master, and honorable, because by him
eyes on his eyes, and his hands on his the LORD had given victory to Syria; he
hands. He stretched himself on him; and was also a mighty man of valor, but he
the child’s flesh grew warm. 35 Then he was a leper. 2 The Syrians had gone out in
returned, and walked in the house once bands, and had brought away captive out
back and forth, then went up and stretched of the land of Israel a little girl, and she
himself out on him. Then the child sneezed waited on Naaman’s wife. 3 She said to her
seven times, and the child opened his eyes. mistress, “I wish that my lord were with
36 He called Gehazi, and said, “Call this the prophet who is in Samaria! Then he
Shunammite!” So he called her. would heal him of his leprosy.”
When she had come in to him, he said, 4 Someone went in and told his lord,
“Take up your son.” saying, “The girl who is from the land of
37 Then she went in, fell at his feet, and Israel said this.”
bowed herself to the ground; then she 5 The king of Syria said, “Go now, and I
picked up her son, and went out. will send a letter to the king of Israel.”
38 Elisha came again to Gilgal. There was He departed, and took with him ten tal-
a famine in the land; and the sons of the ents† of silver, six thousand pieces of gold,
prophets were sitting before him; and he and ten changes of clothing. 6 He brought
said to his servant, “Get the large pot, and the letter to the king of Israel, saying, “Now
boil stew for the sons of the prophets.” when this letter has come to you, behold, I
39 One went out into the field to gather have sent Naaman my servant to you, that
herbs, and found a wild vine, and gathered you may heal him of his leprosy.”
† 5:5 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds
2 Kings 5:7 358 2 Kings 5:27

7 When the king of Israel had read the offer neither burnt offering nor sacrifice
letter, he tore his clothes and said, “Am I to other gods, but to the LORD. 18 In this
God, to kill and to make alive, that this man thing may the LORD pardon your servant:
sends to me to heal a man of his leprosy? when my master goes into the house of
But please consider and see how he seeks Rimmon to worship there, and he leans on
a quarrel against me.” my hand, and I bow myself in the house of
8 It was so, when Elisha the man of God
Rimmon. When I bow myself in the house
heard that the king of Israel had torn his of Rimmon, may the LORD pardon your
clothes, that he sent to the king, saying, servant in this thing.”
“Why have you torn your clothes? Let him 19 He said to him, “Go in peace.”
come now to me, and he shall know that So he departed from him a little way.
there is a prophet in Israel.” 20 But Gehazi the servant of Elisha the
9 So Naaman came with his horses and
man of God, said, “Behold, my master has
with his chariots, and stood at the door spared this Naaman the Syrian, in not re-
of the house of Elisha. 10 Elisha sent a ceiving at his hands that which he brought.
messenger to him, saying, “Go and wash
As the LORD lives, I will run after him, and
in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh take something from him.”
shall come again to you, and you shall be 21 So Gehazi followed after Naaman.
11 But Naaman was angry, and went When Naaman saw one running after him,
he came down from the chariot to meet
away and said, “Behold, I thought, ‘He will him, and said, “Is all well?”
surely come out to me, and stand, and call 22 He said, “All is well. My master has
on the name of the LORD his God, and sent me, saying, ‘Behold, even now two
wave his hand over the place, and heal young men of the sons of the prophets
the leper.’ 12 Aren’t Abanah and Pharpar, have come to me from the hill country of
the rivers of Damascus, better than all the Ephraim. Please give them a talent‡ of
waters of Israel? Couldn’t I wash in them silver and two changes of clothing.’ ”
and be clean?” So he turned and went 23 Naaman said, “Be pleased to take two
away in a rage.
13 His servants came near and spoke to talents.” He urged him, and bound two tal-
him, and said, “My father, if the prophet ents of silver in two bags, with two changes
had asked you do some great thing, of clothing, and laid them on two of his
wouldn’t you have done it? How much servants; and they carried them before
rather then, when he says to you, ‘Wash, him.
24 When he came to the hill, he took

and be clean?’ ” them from their hand, and stored them

14 Then went he down and dipped him- in the house. Then he let the men go,
self seven times in the Jordan, according to and they departed.
25 But he went in, and

the saying of the man of God; and his flesh stood before his master. Elisha said to him,
was restored like the flesh of a little child, “Where did you come from, Gehazi?”
and he was clean. 15 He returned to the He said, “Your servant went nowhere.”
26 He said to him, “Didn’t my heart go
man of God, he and all his company, and
came, and stood before him; and he said, with you when the man turned from his
“See now, I know that there is no God in chariot to meet you? Is it a time to re-
all the earth, but in Israel. Now therefore, ceive money, and to receive garments, and
please take a gift from your servant.” olive groves and vineyards, and sheep and
16 But he said, “As the LORD lives, before cattle, and male servants and female ser-
whom I stand, I will receive none.” vants? 27 Therefore the leprosy of Naaman
He urged him to take it; but he refused. will cling to you and to your offspring§
17 Naaman said, “If not, then, please let
two mules’ load of earth be given to your He went out from his presence a leper, as
servant; for your servant will from now on white as snow.
‡ 5:22 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds § 5:27 or, seed
2 Kings 6:1 359 2 Kings 6:26

6 His servant said to him, “Alas, my master!

1 The sons of the prophets said to Elisha, What shall we do?”
“See now, the place where we live and 16 He answered, “Don’t be afraid, for
meet with you is too small for us. 2 Please those who are with us are more than those
let us go to the Jordan, and each man take a who are with them.” 17 Elisha prayed, and
beam from there, and let’s make us a place said, “LORD, please open his eyes, that he
there, where we may live.” may see.” the LORD opened the young
He answered, “Go!” man’s eyes, and he saw; and behold, the
3 One said, “Please be pleased to go with mountain was full of horses and chariots
of fire around Elisha. 18 When they came
your servants.”
down to him, Elisha prayed to the LORD,
He answered, “I will go.” 4 So he went and said, “Please strike this people with
with them. When they came to the Jordan, blindness.”
they cut down wood. 5 But as one was He struck them with blindness accord-
cutting down a tree, the ax head fell into ing to Elisha’s word.
the water. Then he cried out and said, 19 Elisha said to them, “This is not the
“Alas, my master! For it was borrowed.”
6 The man of God asked, “Where did it
way, neither is this the city. Follow me,
and I will bring you to the man whom you
fall?” He showed him the place. He cut
seek.” He led them to Samaria. 20 When
down a stick, threw it in there, and made they had come into Samaria, Elisha said,
the iron float. 7 He said, “Take it.” So he put “LORD, open these men’s eyes, that they
out his hand and took it. may see.”
8 Now the king of Syria was at war
against Israel; and he took counsel with his The LORD opened their eyes, and they
servants, saying, “My camp will be in such saw; and behold, they were in the middle
and such a place.” of Samaria.
21 The king of Israel said to Elisha, when
9 The man of God sent to the king of
Israel, saying, “Beware that you not pass he saw them, “My father, shall I strike
this place, for the Syrians are coming down them? Shall I strike them?”
22 He answered, “You shall not strike
there.” 10 The king of Israel sent to the
place which the man of God told him them. Would you strike those whom you
and warned him of; and he saved himself have taken captive with your sword and
there, not once or twice. 11 The king of with your bow? Set bread and water be-
Syria’s heart was very troubled about this. fore them, that they may eat and drink,
He called his servants, and said to them, then go to their master.”
“Won’t you show me which of us is for the 23 He prepared a great feast for them.
king of Israel?” After they ate and drank, he sent them
12 One of his servants said, “No, my lord, away and they went to their master. So the
O king; but Elisha, the prophet who is in bands of Syria stopped raiding the land of
Israel, tells the king of Israel the words that Israel.
you speak in your bedroom.” 24 After this, Benhadad king of Syria
13 He said, “Go and see where he is, that I gathered all his army, and went up and
may send and get him.” besieged Samaria. 25 There was a great
He was told, “Behold, he is in Dothan.” famine in Samaria. Behold, they besieged
14 Therefore he sent horses, chariots, it until a donkey’s head was sold for eighty
and a great army there. They came by pieces of silver, and the fourth part of a
night and surrounded the city. 15 When kab† of dove’s dung for five pieces of silver.
26 As the king of Israel was passing by on
the servant of the man of God had risen
early and gone out, behold, an army with the wall, a woman cried to him, saying,
horses and chariots was around the city. “Help, my lord, O king!”
† 6:25 A kab was about 2 liters, so a fourth of a kab would be about 500 milliliters or about a pint
2 Kings 6:27 360 2 Kings 7:12

27 He said, “If the LORD doesn’t help you, another, “Why do we sit here until we die?
where could I get help for you? From the 4 If we say, ‘We will enter into the city,’ then
threshing floor, or from the wine press?” the famine is in the city, and we will die
28 Then the king asked her, “What is your there. If we sit still here, we also die. Now
problem?” therefore come, and let’s surrender to the
She answered, “This woman said to me, army of the Syrians. If they save us alive,
‘Give your son, that we may eat him today, we will live; and if they kill us, we will only
and we will eat my son tomorrow.’ 29 So we die.”
boiled my son and ate him; and I said to her 5 They rose up in the twilight to go to the
on the next day, ‘Give up your son, that we camp of the Syrians. When they had come
may eat him;’ and she has hidden her son.” to the outermost part of the camp of the
30 When the king heard the words of Syrians, behold, no man was there. 6 For
the woman, he tore his clothes. Now he the Lord§ had made the army of the Syri-
was passing by on the wall, and the peo- ans to hear the sound of chariots and the
ple looked, and behold, he had sackcloth sound of horses, even the noise of a great
underneath on his body. 31 Then he said, army; and they said to one another, “Be-
“God do so to me, and more also, if the head hold, the king of Israel has hired against
of Elisha the son of Shaphat stays on him us the kings of the Hittites and the kings
today.” of the Egyptians to attack us.” 7 Therefore
32 But Elisha was sitting in his house, and they arose and fled in the twilight, and left
the elders were sitting with him. Then their tents, their horses, and their donkeys,
the king sent a man from before him; but even the camp as it was, and fled for their
before the messenger came to him, he said life. 8 When these lepers came to the outer-
to the elders, “Do you see how this son of a most part of the camp, they went into one
murderer has sent to take away my head? tent, and ate and drank, then carried away
Behold, when the messenger comes, shut silver, gold, and clothing and went and
the door, and hold the door shut against hid it. Then they came back, and entered
him. Isn’t the sound of his master’s feet into another tent and carried things from
behind him?” there also, and went and hid them. 9 Then
33 While he was still talking with them,
they said to one another, “We aren’t doing
behold, the messenger came down to him. right. Today is a day of good news, and we
Then he said, “Behold, this evil is from the keep silent. If we wait until the morning
LORD. Why should I wait for the LORD any light, punishment will overtake us. Now
longer?” therefore come, let’s go and tell the king’s
7 10 So they came and called to the city
1Elisha said, “Hear the LORD’s word.
The LORD says, ‘Tomorrow about this time gatekeepers; and they told them, “We
a seah† of fine flour will be sold for a came to the camp of the Syrians, and, be-
shekel,‡ and two seahs of barley for a hold, there was no man there, not even a
shekel, in the gate of Samaria.’ ” man’s voice, but the horses tied, and the
2 Then the captain on whose hand the donkeys tied, and the tents as they were.”
11 Then the gatekeepers called out and
king leaned answered the man of God, and
said, “Behold, if the LORD made windows told it to the king’s household within.
in heaven, could this thing be?” 12 The king arose in the night, and said to
He said, “Behold, you will see it with his servants, “I will now show you what the
your eyes, but will not eat of it.” Syrians have done to us. They know that
3 Now there were four leprous men at we are hungry. Therefore they have gone
the entrance of the gate. They said to one out of the camp to hide themselves in the
† 7:1 1 seah is about 7 liters or 1.9 gallons or 0.8 pecks ‡ 7:1 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces. In
this context, it was probably a silver coin weighing that much. § 7:6 The word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.”
2 Kings 7:13 361 2 Kings 8:12

field, saying, ‘When they come out of the 2 The woman arose, and did according
city, we shall take them alive, and get into to the man of God’s word. She went with
the city.’ ” her household, and lived in the land of
13 One of his servants answered, “Please the Philistines for seven years. 3 At the
let some people take five of the horses that end of seven years, the woman returned
remain, which are left in the city. Behold, from the land of the Philistines. Then she
they are like all the multitude of Israel went out to beg the king for her house and
who are left in it. Behold, they are like all for her land. 4 Now the king was talking
the multitude of Israel who are consumed. with Gehazi the servant of the man of God,
Let’s send and see.” saying, “Please tell me all the great things
14 Therefore they took two chariots with that Elisha has done.” 5 As he was telling
horses; and the king sent them out to the the king how he had restored to life him
Syrian army, saying, “Go and see.” who was dead, behold, the woman whose
15 They went after them to the Jordan; son he had restored to life begged the king
and behold, all the path was full of gar- for her house and for her land. Gehazi
ments and equipment which the Syrians said, “My lord, O king, this is the woman,
had cast away in their haste. The messen- and this is her son, whom Elisha restored
gers returned and told the king. 16 The to life.”
6 When the king asked the woman, she
people went out and plundered the camp
told him. So the king appointed to her
of the Syrians. So a seah† of fine flour
a certain officer, saying, “Restore all that
was sold for a shekel, and two measures
of barley for a shekel,‡ according to the was hers, and all the fruits of the field since
the day that she left the land, even until
LORD’s word. 17 The king had appointed now.”
the captain on whose hand he leaned to be 7 Elisha came to Damascus; and Ben-
in charge of the gate; and the people tram- hadad the king of Syria was sick. He was
pled over him in the gate, and he died as told, “The man of God has come here.”
the man of God had said, who spoke when 8 The king said to Hazael, “Take a present
the king came down to him. 18 It happened in your hand, and go meet the man of God,
as the man of God had spoken to the king, and inquire of the LORD by him, saying,
saying, “Two seahs§ of barley for a shekel,† ‘Will I recover from this sickness?’ ”
and a seah of fine flour for a shekel, shall 9 So Hazael went to meet him and took
be tomorrow about this time in the gate a present with him, even of every good
of Samaria;” 19 and that captain answered thing of Damascus, forty camels’ burden,
the man of God, and said, “Now, behold, if and came and stood before him and said,
the LORD made windows in heaven, might “Your son Benhadad king of Syria has sent
such a thing be?” and he said, “Behold, you me to you, saying, ‘Will I recover from this
will see it with your eyes, but will not eat of sickness?’ ”
10 Elisha said to him, “Go, tell him, ‘You
it.” 20 It happened like that to him, for the
people trampled over him in the gate, and will surely recover;’ however the LORD
he died. has shown me that he will surely die.”
11 He settled his gaze steadfastly on him,
8 until he was ashamed. Then the man of
1Now Elisha had spoken to the woman God wept.
whose son he had restored to life, saying, 12 Hazael said, “Why do you weep, my
“Arise, and go, you and your household, lord?”
and stay for a while wherever you can; for He answered, “Because I know the evil
the LORD has called for a famine. It will that you will do to the children of Israel.
also come on the land for seven years.” You will set their strongholds on fire, and
† 7:16 1 seah is about 7 liters or 1.9 gallons or 0.8 pecks ‡ 7:16 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces.
In this context, it was probably a silver coin weighing that much. § 7:18 1 seah is about 7 liters or 1.9 gallons or
0.8 pecks † 7:18 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces. In this context, it was probably a silver coin
weighing that much.
2 Kings 8:13 362 2 Kings 9:8

you will kill their young men with the 26 Ahaziah was twenty-two years old when
sword, and will dash their little ones in he began to reign; and he reigned one
pieces, and rip up their pregnant women.” year in Jerusalem. His mother’s name
13 Hazael said, “But what is your servant, was Athaliah the daughter of Omri king of
who is but a dog, that he could do this great Israel. 27 He walked in the way of Ahab’s
thing?” house and did that which was evil in the
Elisha answered, “The LORD has shown LORD’s sight, as did Ahab’s house, for he
me that you will be king over Syria.” was the son-in-law of Ahab’s house.
14 Then he departed from Elisha, and 28 He went with Joram the son of Ahab to

came to his master, who said to him, “What war against Hazael king of Syria at Ramoth
did Elisha say to you?” Gilead, and the Syrians wounded Joram.
He answered, “He told me that you 29 King Joram returned to be healed in
would surely recover.” Jezreel from the wounds which the Syrians
15 On the next day, he took a thick cloth, had given him at Ramah, when he fought
dipped it in water, and spread it on the against Hazael king of Syria. Ahaziah the
king’s face, so that he died. Then Hazael son of Jehoram, king of Judah, went down
reigned in his place. to see Joram the son of Ahab in Jezreel,
16 In the fifth year of Joram the son of because he was sick.
Ahab king of Israel, Jehoshaphat being
king of Judah then, Jehoram the son of 9
Jehoshaphat king of Judah began to reign.
1Elisha the prophet called one of the
17 He was thirty-two years old when he sons of the prophets, and said to him, “Put
began to reign. He reigned eight years your belt on your waist, take this vial of
in Jerusalem. 18 He walked in the way of oil in your hand, and go to Ramoth Gilead.
2 When you come there, find Jehu the son
the kings of Israel, as did Ahab’s house,
for he married Ahab’s daughter. He did of Jehoshaphat the son of Nimshi, and go
that which was evil in the LORD’s sight. in and make him rise up from among his
19 However, the LORD would not destroy brothers, and take him to an inner room.
3 Then take the vial of oil, and pour it on
Judah, for David his servant’s sake, as he
promised him to give to him a lamp for his his head, and say, ‘The LORD says, “I have
children always. anointed you king over Israel.” ’ Then open
20 In his days Edom revolted from under the door, flee, and don’t wait.”
4 So the young man, the young prophet,
the hand of Judah, and made a king over
themselves. 21 Then Joram crossed over to went to Ramoth Gilead. 5 When he came,
behold, the captains of the army were sit-
Zair, and all his chariots with him; and he
rose up by night and struck the Edomites ting. Then he said, “I have a message for
who surrounded him with the captains of you, captain.”
the chariots; and the people fled to their Jehu said, “To which one of us?”
tents. 22 So Edom revolted from under the He said, “To you, O captain.” 6 He
hand of Judah to this day. Then Libnah arose, and went into the house. Then he
revolted at the same time. 23 The rest of poured the oil on his head, and said to
the acts of Joram, and all that he did, aren’t him, “The LORD, the God of Israel, says,
they written in the book of the chronicles ‘I have anointed you king over the people
of the kings of Judah? 24 Joram slept with of the LORD, even over Israel. 7 You must
his fathers, and was buried with his fa- strike your master Ahab’s house, that I
thers in David’s city; and Ahaziah his son may avenge the blood of my servants the
reigned in his place. prophets, and the blood of all the servants
25 In the twelfth year of Joram the son of the LORD, at the hand of Jezebel. 8 For
of Ahab king of Israel, Ahaziah the son the whole house of Ahab will perish. I will
of Jehoram king of Judah began to reign. cut off from Ahab everyone who urinates
† 9:8 or, male
2 Kings 9:9 363 2 Kings 9:32

against a wall,† both him who is shut up 20 The watchman said, “He came to them,
and him who is left at large in Israel. 9 I and isn’t coming back. The driving is like
will make Ahab’s house like the house of the driving of Jehu the son of Nimshi, for
Jeroboam the son of Nebat, and like the he drives furiously.”
house of Baasha the son of Ahijah. 10 The 21 Joram said, “Get ready!”
dogs will eat Jezebel on the plot of ground They got his chariot ready. Then Joram
of Jezreel, and there shall be no one to bury king of Israel and Ahaziah king of Judah
her.’ ” Then he opened the door and fled. went out, each in his chariot; and they
11 When Jehu came out to the servants of went out to meet Jehu, and found him
his lord and one said to him, “Is all well? on Naboth the Jezreelite’s land. 22 When
Why did this madman come to you?” Joram saw Jehu, he said, “Is it peace, Jehu?”
He said to them, “You know the man and He answered, “What peace, so long as
how he talks.” the prostitution of your mother Jezebel
12 They said, “That is a lie. Tell us now.”
and her witchcraft abound?”
He said, “He said to me, ‘The LORD says, 23 Joram turned his hands and fled, and
I have anointed you king over Israel.’ ” said to Ahaziah, “This is treason, Ahaziah!”
13 Then they hurried, and each man took 24 Jehu drew his bow with his full
his cloak, and put it under him on the top strength, and struck Joram between his
of the stairs, and blew the trumpet, saying, arms; and the arrow went out at his heart,
“Jehu is king.” and he sunk down in his chariot. 25 Then
14 So Jehu the son of Jehoshaphat the son Jehu said to Bidkar his captain, “Pick him
of Nimshi conspired against Joram. (Now up, and throw him in the plot of the field of
Joram was defending Ramoth Gilead, he Naboth the Jezreelite; for remember how,
and all Israel, because of Hazael king of when you and I rode together after Ahab
Syria; 15 but King Joram had returned to his father, the LORD laid this burden on
be healed in Jezreel of the wounds which him: 26 ‘Surely I have seen yesterday the
the Syrians had given him when he fought blood of Naboth, and the blood of his sons,’
with Hazael king of Syria.) Jehu said, “If says the LORD; ‘and I will repay you in
this is your thinking, then let no one es- this plot of ground,’ says the LORD. Now
cape and go out of the city to go to tell it therefore take and cast him onto the plot
in Jezreel.” 16 So Jehu rode in a chariot of ground, according to the LORD’s word.”
27 But when Ahaziah the king of Judah
and went to Jezreel, for Joram lay there.
Ahaziah king of Judah had come down saw this, he fled by the way of the garden
to see Joram. 17 Now the watchman was house. Jehu followed after him, and said,
standing on the tower in Jezreel, and he “Strike him also in the chariot!” They
spied the company of Jehu as he came, and struck him at the ascent of Gur, which is
said, “I see a company.” by Ibleam. He fled to Megiddo, and died
Joram said, “Take a horseman, and send there. 28 His servants carried him in a
to meet them, and let him say, ‘Is it chariot to Jerusalem, and buried him in his
peace?’ ” tomb with his fathers in David’s city. 29 In
18 So one went on horseback to meet him, the eleventh year of Joram the son of Ahab,
and said, “the king says, ‘Is it peace?’ ” Ahaziah began to reign over Judah.
30 When Jehu had come to Jezreel,
Jehu said, “What do you have to do with
peace? Fall in behind me!” Jezebel heard of it; and she painted her
The watchman said, “The messenger eyes, and adorned her head, and looked
came to them, but he isn’t coming back.” out at the window. 31 As Jehu entered in at
19 Then he sent out a second on horse- the gate, she said, “Do you come in peace,
back, who came to them and said, “The Zimri, you murderer of your master?”
king says, ‘Is it peace?’ ” 32 He lifted up his face to the window,
Jehu answered, “What do you have to do and said, “Who is on my side? Who?”
with peace? Fall in behind me!” Two or three eunuchs looked out at him.
2 Kings 9:33 364 2 Kings 10:19

33 He said, “Throw her down!” killed them, even seventy people, and put
So they threw her down; and some of her their heads in baskets, and sent them to
blood was sprinkled on the wall, and on him to Jezreel. 8 A messenger came and
the horses. Then he trampled her under told him, “They have brought the heads of
foot. 34 When he had come in, he ate and the king’s sons.”
drank. Then he said, “See now to this He said, “Lay them in two heaps at the
cursed woman, and bury her; for she is a entrance of the gate until the morning.”
king’s daughter.” 9 In the morning, he went out and stood,
35 They went to bury her, but they found
and said to all the people, “You are righ-
no more of her than the skull, the feet, and teous. Behold, I conspired against my mas-
the palms of her hands. 36 Therefore they ter and killed him, but who killed all these?
came back, and told him. 10 Know now that nothing will fall to the
He said, “This is the LORD’s word, which earth of the LORD’s word, which the LORD
he spoke by his servant Elijah the Tish- spoke concerning Ahab’s house. For the
bite, saying, ‘The dogs will eat the flesh LORD has done that which he spoke by his
of Jezebel on the plot of Jezreel, 37 and servant Elijah.”
the body of Jezebel will be as dung on the 11 So Jehu struck all that remained of
surface of the field on Jezreel’s land, so that Ahab’s house in Jezreel, with all his great
they won’t say, “This is Jezebel.” ’ ” men, his familiar friends, and his priests,
until he left him no one remaining.
10 12 He arose and departed, and went to
1 Now Ahab had seventy sons in
Samaria. Jehu wrote letters and sent them Samaria. As he was at the shearing house
to Samaria, to the rulers of Jezreel, even of the shepherds on the way, 13 Jehu met
the elders, and to those who brought up with the brothers of Ahaziah king of Judah,
Ahab’s sons, saying, 2 “Now as soon as this and said, “Who are you?”
letter comes to you, since your master’s They answered, “We are the brothers of
sons are with you, and you have chariots Ahaziah. We are going down to greet the
and horses, a fortified city also, and armor, children of the king and the children of the
3 select the best and fittest of your master’s queen.”
14 He said, “Take them alive!”
sons, set him on his father’s throne, and
fight for your master’s house.” They took them alive, and killed them at
4 But they were exceedingly afraid, and the pit of the shearing house, even forty-
said, “Behold, the two kings didn’t stand two men. He didn’t leave any of them.
15 When he had departed from there, he
before him! How then shall we stand?”
5 He who was over the household, and he met Jehonadab the son of Rechab coming
who was over the city, the elders also, and to meet him. He greeted him, and said to
those who raised the children, sent to Jehu, him, “Is your heart right, as my heart is
saying, “We are your servants, and will do with your heart?”
all that you ask us. We will not make any Jehonadab answered, “It is.”
man king. You do that which is good in “If it is, give me your hand.” He gave him
your eyes.” his hand; and he took him up to him into
6 Then he wrote a letter the second time the chariot. 16 He said, “Come with me, and
to them, saying, “If you are on my side, and see my zeal for the LORD.” So they made
if you will listen to my voice, take the heads him ride in his chariot. 17 When he came
of the men who are your master’s sons, and to Samaria, he struck all who remained to
come to me to Jezreel by tomorrow this Ahab in Samaria, until he had destroyed
time.” them, according to the LORD’s word which
Now the king’s sons, being seventy per- he spoke to Elijah.
sons, were with the great men of the city, 18 Jehu gathered all the people together,
who brought them up. 7 When the letter and said to them, “Ahab served Baal a little,
came to them, they took the king’s sons and but Jehu will serve him much. 19 Now
2 Kings 10:20 365 2 Kings 11:7

therefore call to me all the prophets of But Jehu took no heed to walk in the
Baal, all of his worshipers, and all of his law of the LORD, the God of Israel, with all
priests. Let no one be absent, for I have a his heart. He didn’t depart from the sins
great sacrifice to Baal. Whoever is absent, of Jeroboam, with which he made Israel to
he shall not live.” But Jehu did decep- sin.
32 In those days the LORD began to cut
tively, intending to destroy the worshipers
of Baal. away parts of Israel; and Hazael struck
20 Jehu said, “Sanctify a solemn assembly them in all the borders of Israel 33 from the
for Baal!” Jordan eastward, all the land of Gilead, the
So they proclaimed it. 21 Jehu sent Gadites, and the Reubenites, and the Man-
through all Israel; and all the worshipers assites, from Aroer, which is by the valley
of Baal came, so that there was not a man of the Arnon, even Gilead and Bashan.
34 Now the rest of the acts of Jehu, and
left that didn’t come. They came into the
house of Baal; and the house of Baal was all that he did, and all his might, aren’t
filled from one end to another. 22 He said they written in the book of the chroni-
to him who kept the wardrobe, “Bring out cles of the kings of Israel? 35 Jehu slept
robes for all the worshipers of Baal!” with his fathers; and they buried him in
So he brought robes out to them. 23 Jehu Samaria. Jehoahaz his son reigned in his
went with Jehonadab the son of Rechab place. 36 The time that Jehu reigned over
into the house of Baal. Then he said to the Israel in Samaria was twenty-eight years.
worshipers of Baal, “Search, and see that
none of the servants of the LORD are here
with you, but only the worshipers of Baal.”
1Now when Athaliah the mother of
24 So they went in to offer sacrifices and Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she
burnt offerings. Now Jehu had appointed arose and destroyed all the royal offspring.
for himself eighty men outside, and said, 2 But Jehosheba, the daughter of King Jo-
“If any of the men whom I bring into your ram, sister of Ahaziah, took Joash the
hands escape, he who lets him go, his life son of Ahaziah, and stole him away from
shall be for the life of him.” among the king’s sons who were slain,
25 As soon as he had finished offering the
even him and his nurse, and put them
burnt offering, Jehu said to the guard and in the bedroom; and they hid him from
to the captains, “Go in and kill them! Let no Athaliah, so that he was not slain. 3 He
one escape.” So they struck them with the was with her hidden in the LORD’s house
edge of the sword. The guard and the cap- six years while Athaliah reigned over the
tains threw the bodies out, and went to the land.
4 In the seventh year Jehoiada sent and
inner shrine of the house of Baal. 26 They
brought out the pillars that were in the fetched the captains over hundreds of the
house of Baal and burned them. 27 They Carites and of the guard, and brought them
broke down the pillar of Baal, and broke to him into the LORD’s house; and he
down the house of Baal, and made it a made a covenant with them, and made a
latrine, to this day. 28 Thus Jehu destroyed covenant with them in the LORD’s house,
Baal out of Israel. and showed them the king’s son. 5 He
29 However, Jehu didn’t depart from the commanded them, saying, “This is what
sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, with you must do: a third of you, who come
which he made Israel to sin—the golden in on the Sabbath, shall be keepers of the
calves that were in Bethel and that were watch of the king’s house; 6 a third of you
in Dan. 30 The LORD said to Jehu, “Be- shall be at the gate Sur; and a third of
cause you have done well in executing that you at the gate behind the guard. So you
which is right in my eyes, and have done shall keep the watch of the house, and be a
to Ahab’s house according to all that was in barrier. 7 The two companies of you, even
my heart, your descendants shall sit on the all who go out on the Sabbath, shall keep
throne of Israel to the fourth generation.” the watch of the LORD’s house around the
2 Kings 11:8 366 2 Kings 12:9

king. 8 You shall surround the king, every the altars. The priest appointed officers
man with his weapons in his hand; and over the LORD’s house. 19 He took the cap-
he who comes within the ranks, let him be tains over hundreds, and the Carites, and
slain. Be with the king when he goes out, the guard, and all the people of the land;
and when he comes in.” and they brought down the king from the
9 The captains over hundreds did ac- LORD’s house, and came by the way of the
cording to all that Jehoiada the priest com- gate of the guard to the king’s house. He
manded; and they each took his men, those sat on the throne of the kings. 20 So all the
who were to come in on the Sabbath with people of the land rejoiced, and the city
those who were to go out on the Sabbath, was quiet. They had slain Athaliah with
and came to Jehoiada the priest. 10 The the sword at the king’s house.
priest delivered to the captains over hun- 21 Jehoash was seven years old when he
dreds the spears and shields that had been began to reign.
King David’s, which were in the LORD’s
house. 11 The guard stood, every man 12
with his weapons in his hand, from the 1 Jehoash began to reign in the seventh
right side of the house to the left side year of Jehu, and he reigned forty years in
of the house, along by the altar and the Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Zibiah
house, around the king. 12 Then he brought of Beersheba. 2 Jehoash did that which
out the king’s son, and put the crown on was right in the LORD’s eyes all his days
him, and gave him the covenant; and they in which Jehoiada the priest instructed
made him king and anointed him; and they him. 3 However, the high places were not
clapped their hands, and said, “Long live taken away. The people still sacrificed and
the king!” burned incense in the high places.
13 When Athaliah heard the noise of the 4 Jehoash said to the priests, “All the
guard and of the people, she came to the money of the holy things that is brought
people into the LORD’s house; 14 and she into the LORD’s house, in current money,
looked, and behold, the king stood by the the money of the people for whom each
pillar, as the tradition was, with the cap- man is evaluated,* and all the money that
tains and the trumpets by the king; and all it comes into any man’s heart to bring into
the people of the land rejoiced, and blew the LORD’s house, 5 let the priests take it
trumpets. Then Athaliah tore her clothes to them, each man from his donor; and
and cried, “Treason! Treason!” they shall repair the damage to the house,
15 Jehoiada the priest commanded the
wherever any damage is found.”
captains of hundreds who were set over 6 But it was so, that in the twenty-third
the army, and said to them, “Bring her year of King Jehoash the priests had not
out between the ranks. Kill anyone who repaired the damage to the house. 7 Then
follows her with the sword.” For the priest King Jehoash called for Jehoiada the priest,
said, “Don’t let her be slain in the LORD’s and for the other priests, and said to them,
house.” 16 So they seized her; and she went “Why aren’t you repairing the damage to
by the way of the horses’ entry to the king’s the house? Now therefore take no more
house, and she was slain there. money from your treasurers, but deliver it
17 Jehoiada made a covenant between for repair of the damage to the house.”
the LORD and the king and the people, 8 The priests consented that they should
that they should be the LORD’s people; also take no more money from the people, and
between the king and the people. 18 All not repair the damage to the house. 9 But
the people of the land went to the house Jehoiada the priest took a chest and bored
of Baal, and broke it down. They broke his a hole in its lid, and set it beside the al-
altars and his images in pieces thoroughly, tar, on the right side as one comes into
and killed Mattan the priest of Baal before the LORD’s house; and the priests who
* 12:4 Exodus 30:12
2 Kings 12:10 367 2 Kings 13:13

kept the threshold put all the money that him with his fathers in David’s city; and
was brought into the LORD’s house into Amaziah his son reigned in his place.
it. 10 When they saw that there was much
money in the chest, the king’s scribe and 13
the high priest came up, and they put it 1 In the twenty-third year of Joash the
in bags and counted the money that was son of Ahaziah, king of Judah, Jehoahaz the
found in the LORD’s house. 11 They gave son of Jehu began to reign over Israel in
the money that was weighed out into the Samaria for seventeen years. 2 He did that
hands of those who did the work, who which was evil in the LORD’s sight, and
had the oversight of the LORD’s house; followed the sins of Jeroboam the son of
and they paid it out to the carpenters and Nebat, with which he made Israel to sin.
the builders who worked on the LORD’s He didn’t depart from it. 3 The LORD’s
house, 12 and to the masons and the stone anger burned against Israel, and he deliv-
cutters, and for buying timber and cut ered them into the hand of Hazael king
stone to repair the damage to the LORD’s of Syria, and into the hand of Benhadad
house, and for all that was laid out for the son of Hazael, continually. 4 Jehoahaz
the house to repair it. 13 But there were begged the LORD, and the LORD listened
not made for the LORD’s house cups of sil- to him; for he saw the oppression of Is-
ver, snuffers, basins, trumpets, any vessels rael, how the king of Syria oppressed them.
of gold or vessels of silver, of the money 5 (The LORD gave Israel a savior, so that
that was brought into the LORD’s house; they went out from under the hand of the
14 for they gave that to those who did the
Syrians; and the children of Israel lived in
work, and repaired the LORD’s house with their tents as before. 6 Nevertheless they
it. 15 Moreover they didn’t demand an didn’t depart from the sins of the house of
accounting from the men into whose hand Jeroboam, with which he made Israel to
they delivered the money to give to those sin, but walked in them; and the Asherah
who did the work; for they dealt faithfully. also remained in Samaria.) 7 For he didn’t
16 The money for the trespass offerings and leave to Jehoahaz of the people any more
the money for the sin offerings was not than fifty horsemen, and ten chariots, and
brought into the LORD’s house. It was the ten thousand footmen; for the king of Syria
priests’. destroyed them and made them like the
17 Then Hazael king of Syria went up dust in threshing. 8 Now the rest of the
and fought against Gath, and took it; and acts of Jehoahaz, and all that he did, and
Hazael set his face to go up to Jerusalem. his might, aren’t they written in the book
18 Jehoash king of Judah took all the holy of the chronicles of the kings of Israel?
things that Jehoshaphat and Jehoram and 9 Jehoahaz slept with his fathers; and they
Ahaziah, his fathers, kings of Judah, had buried him in Samaria; and Joash his son
dedicated, and his own holy things, and all reigned in his place.
the gold that was found in the treasures of 10 In the thirty-seventh year of Joash
the LORD’s house, and of the king’s house, king of Judah, Jehoash the son of Jehoahaz
and sent it to Hazael king of Syria; and he began to reign over Israel in Samaria for
went away from Jerusalem. sixteen years. 11 He did that which was
19 Now the rest of the acts of Joash, and evil in the LORD’s sight. He didn’t depart
all that he did, aren’t they written in the from all the sins of Jeroboam the son of
book of the chronicles of the kings of Ju- Nebat, with which he made Israel to sin;
dah? 20 His servants arose and made a but he walked in them. 12 Now the rest
conspiracy, and struck Joash at the house of the acts of Joash, and all that he did,
of Millo, on the way that goes down to Silla. and his might with which he fought against
21 For Jozacar the son of Shimeath, and Amaziah king of Judah, aren’t they written
Jehozabad the son of Shomer, his servants, in the book of the chronicles of the kings
struck him, and he died; and they buried of Israel? 13 Joash slept with his fathers;
2 Kings 13:14 368 2 Kings 14:13

and Jeroboam sat on his throne. Joash was 14

buried in Samaria with the kings of Israel. 1 In the second year of Joash, son of
14 Now Elisha became sick with the ill- Joahaz, king of Israel, Amaziah the son of
ness of which he died; and Joash the king Joash king of Judah began to reign. 2 He
of Israel came down to him, and wept over was twenty-five years old when he began
him, and said, “My father, my father, the to reign; and he reigned twenty-nine years
chariots of Israel and its horsemen!” in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Je-
15 Elisha said to him, “Take bow and hoaddin of Jerusalem. 3 He did that which
arrows;” and he took bow and arrows for was right in the LORD’s eyes, yet not like
himself. 16 He said to the king of Israel, David his father. He did according to all
“Put your hand on the bow;” and he put that Joash his father had done. 4 However
his hand on it. Elisha laid his hands on the the high places were not taken away. The
king’s hands. 17 He said, “Open the window people still sacrificed and burned incense
eastward;” and he opened it. Then Elisha in the high places. 5 As soon as the king-
said, “Shoot!” and he shot. He said, “The dom was established in his hand, he killed
LORD’s arrow of victory, even the arrow of his servants who had slain the king his
victory over Syria; for you will strike the father, 6 but the children of the murderers
Syrians in Aphek until you have consumed he didn’t put to death, according to that
them.” which is written in the book of the law of
18 He said, “Take the arrows;” and he Moses, as the LORD commanded, saying,
took them. He said to the king of Israel, “The fathers shall not be put to death for
“Strike the ground;” and he struck three the children, nor the children be put to
times, and stopped. 19 The man of God death for the fathers; but every man shall
was angry with him, and said, “You should die for his own sin.”
have struck five or six times. Then you 7 He killed ten thousand Edomites in the
would have struck Syria until you had con- Valley of Salt, and took Sela by war, and
sumed it, but now you will strike Syria just called its name Joktheel, to this day. 8 Then
three times.” Amaziah sent messengers to Jehoash, the
20 Elisha died, and they buried him. son of Jehoahaz son of Jehu, king of Israel,
Now the bands of the Moabites invaded saying, “Come, let’s look one another in the
the land at the coming in of the year. 21 As face.”
they were burying a man, behold, they saw 9 Jehoash the king of Israel sent to
a band of raiders; and they threw the man Amaziah king of Judah, saying, “The this-
into Elisha’s tomb. As soon as the man tle that was in Lebanon sent to the cedar
touched Elisha’s bones, he revived, and that was in Lebanon, saying, ‘Give your
stood up on his feet. daughter to my son as wife.’ Then a wild
22 Hazael king of Syria oppressed Israel animal that was in Lebanon passed by, and
all the days of Jehoahaz. 23 But the LORD trampled down the thistle. 10 You have
was gracious to them, and had compassion indeed struck Edom, and your heart has
on them, and favored them because of his lifted you up. Enjoy the glory of it, and
covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, stay at home; for why should you meddle
and would not destroy them and he didn’t to your harm, that you fall, even you, and
cast them from his presence as yet. Judah with you?”
24 Hazael king of Syria died; 11 But Amaziah would not listen. So
Benhadad his son reigned in his place. Jehoash king of Israel went up; and he and
25 Jehoash the son of Jehoahaz took again Amaziah king of Judah looked one another
out of the hand of Benhadad the son of in the face at Beth Shemesh, which belongs
Hazael the cities which he had taken out to Judah. 12 Judah was defeated by Israel;
of the hand of Jehoahaz his father by and each man fled to his tent. 13 Jehoash
war. Joash struck him three times, and king of Israel took Amaziah king of Judah,
recovered the cities of Israel. the son of Jehoash the son of Ahaziah, at
2 Kings 14:14 369 2 Kings 15:11

Beth Shemesh and came to Jerusalem, then out the name of Israel from under the
broke down the wall of Jerusalem from the sky; but he saved them by the hand of
gate of Ephraim to the corner gate, four Jeroboam the son of Joash. 28 Now the rest
hundred cubits.† 14 He took all the gold and of the acts of Jeroboam, and all that he did,
silver and all the vessels that were found and his might, how he fought, and how he
in the LORD’s house and in the treasures recovered Damascus, and Hamath, which
of the king’s house, the hostages also, and had belonged to Judah, for Israel, aren’t
returned to Samaria. they written in the book of the chronicles
15 Now the rest of the acts of Jehoash of the kings of Israel? 29 Jeroboam slept
which he did, and his might, and how he with his fathers, even with the kings of
fought with Amaziah king of Judah, aren’t Israel; and Zechariah his son reigned in his
they written in the book of the chronicles place.
of the kings of Israel? 16 Jehoash slept with
his fathers, and was buried in Samaria
with the kings of Israel; and Jeroboam his
1 In the twenty-seventh year of Jer-
son reigned in his place. oboam king of Israel, Azariah son of
17 Amaziah the son of Joash king of Judah
Amaziah king of Judah began to reign. 2 He
lived after the death of Jehoash son of Je- was sixteen years old when he began to
hoahaz, king of Israel, fifteen years. 18 Now reign, and he reigned fifty-two years in
the rest of the acts of Amaziah, aren’t they Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Jeco-
written in the book of the chronicles of the liah of Jerusalem. 3 He did that which
kings of Judah? 19 They made a conspiracy was right in the LORD’s eyes, according
against him in Jerusalem, and he fled to to all that his father Amaziah had done.
Lachish; but they sent after him to Lachish 4 However, the high places were not taken
and killed him there. 20 They brought him away. The people still sacrificed and
on horses, and he was buried at Jerusalem burned incense in the high places. 5 The
with his fathers in David’s city. LORD struck the king, so that he was a
21 All the people of Judah took Azariah, leper to the day of his death, and lived
who was sixteen years old, and made him in a separate house. Jotham, the king’s
king in the place of his father Amaziah. son, was over the household, judging the
22 He built Elath and restored it to Judah. people of the land. 6 Now the rest of the
After that the king slept with his fathers. acts of Azariah, and all that he did, aren’t
23 In the fifteenth year of Amaziah the they written in the book of the chronicles
son of Joash king of Judah, Jeroboam the of the kings of Judah? 7 Azariah slept with
son of Joash king of Israel began to reign his fathers; and they buried him with his
in Samaria for forty-one years. 24 He did fathers in David’s city; and Jotham his son
that which was evil in the LORD’s sight. He reigned in his place.
8 In the thirty-eighth year of Azariah
didn’t depart from all the sins of Jeroboam
the son of Nebat, with which he made king of Judah, Zechariah the son of Jer-
Israel to sin. 25 He restored the border of oboam reigned over Israel in Samaria six
Israel from the entrance of Hamath to the months. 9 He did that which was evil in the
sea of the Arabah, according to the LORD, LORD’s sight, as his fathers had done. He
the God of Israel’s word, which he spoke didn’t depart from the sins of Jeroboam the
by his servant Jonah the son of Amittai, son of Nebat, with which he made Israel
the prophet, who was from Gath Hepher. to sin. 10 Shallum the son of Jabesh con-
26 For the LORD saw the affliction of Israel, spired against him, and struck him before
that it was very bitter for all, slave and the people and killed him, and reigned
free; and there was no helper for Israel. in his place. 11 Now the rest of the acts
27 The LORD didn’t say that he would blot of Zechariah, behold, they are written in
† 14:13 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46
2 Kings 15:12 370 2 Kings 15:37

the book of the chronicles of the kings of the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, with
Israel. 12 This was the LORD’s word which which he made Israel to sin. 25 Pekah the
he spoke to Jehu, saying, “Your sons to the son of Remaliah, his captain, conspired
fourth generation shall sit on the throne of against him and attacked him in Samaria,
Israel.” So it came to pass. in the fortress of the king’s house, with
13 Shallum the son of Jabesh began to Argob and Arieh; and with him were fifty
reign in the thirty-ninth year of Uzziah men of the Gileadites. He killed him, and
king of Judah, and he reigned for a reigned in his place. 26 Now the rest of
month in Samaria. 14 Menahem the son the acts of Pekahiah, and all that he did,
of Gadi went up from Tirzah, came to behold, they are written in the book of the
Samaria, struck Shallum the son of Jabesh chronicles of the kings of Israel.
in Samaria, killed him, and reigned in 27In the fifty-second year of Azariah
his place. 15 Now the rest of the acts of king of Judah, Pekah the son of Remaliah
Shallum, and his conspiracy which he began to reign over Israel in Samaria for
made, behold, they are written in the book twenty years. 28 He did that which was evil
of the chronicles of the kings of Israel. in the LORD’s sight. He didn’t depart from
16 Then Menahem attacked Tiphsah and
the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, with
all who were in it and its border areas, which he made Israel to sin. 29 In the days
from Tirzah. He attacked it because they of Pekah king of Israel, Tiglath Pileser king
didn’t open their gates to him, and he of Assyria came and took Ijon, Abel Beth
ripped up all their women who were with Maacah, Janoah, Kedesh, Hazor, Gilead,
17 In the thirty ninth year of Azariah and Galilee, all the land of Naphtali; and he
king of Judah, Menahem the son of Gadi carried them captive to Assyria. 30 Hoshea
began to reign over Israel for ten years in the son of Elah made a conspiracy against
Samaria. 18 He did that which was evil in Pekah the son of Remaliah, attacked him,
the LORD’s sight. He didn’t depart all his killed him, and reigned in his place, in the
days from the sins of Jeroboam the son of twentieth year of Jotham the son of Uzziah.
31 Now the rest of the acts of Pekah, and all
Nebat, with which he made Israel to sin.
19 Pul the king of Assyria came against the that he did, behold, they are written in the
land, and Menahem gave Pul one thou- book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel.
sand talents† of silver, that his hand might 32 In the second year of Pekah the son
be with him to confirm the kingdom in of Remaliah king of Israel, Jotham the son
his hand. 20 Menahem exacted the money of Uzziah king of Judah began to reign.
from Israel, even from all the mighty men 33 He was twenty-five years old when he
of wealth, from each man fifty shekels‡ of began to reign, and he reigned sixteen
silver, to give to the king of Assyria. So the years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name
king of Assyria turned back, and didn’t stay was Jerusha the daughter of Zadok. 34 He
there in the land. 21 Now the rest of the did that which was right in the LORD’s
acts of Menahem, and all that he did, aren’t eyes. He did according to all that his father
they written in the book of the chronicles Uzziah had done. 35 However the high
of the kings of Israel? 22 Menahem slept places were not taken away. The people
with his fathers, and Pekahiah his son still sacrificed and burned incense in the
reigned in his place. high places. He built the upper gate of
23 In the fiftieth year of Azariah king
the LORD’s house. 36 Now the rest of the
of Judah, Pekahiah the son of Menahem acts of Jotham, and all that he did, aren’t
began to reign over Israel in Samaria for they written in the book of the chronicles
two years. 24 He did that which was evil of the kings of Judah? 37 In those days, the
in the LORD’s sight. He didn’t depart from LORD began to send Rezin the king of Syria
† 15:19 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds, so 1000 talents is about 30 metric tons ‡ 15:20 A shekel is
about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces, so 50 shekels was about 0.5 kilograms or 1.1 pounds.
2 Kings 15:38 371 2 Kings 17:4

and Pekah the son of Remaliah against Ahaz from Damascus. 12 When the king
Judah. 38 Jotham slept with his fathers, and had come from Damascus, the king saw the
was buried with his fathers in his father altar; and the king came near to the altar,
David’s city; and Ahaz his son reigned in and offered on it. 13 He burned his burnt
his place. offering and his meal offering, poured his
drink offering, and sprinkled the blood of
16 his peace offerings on the altar. 14 The
bronze altar, which was before the LORD,
1 In the seventeenth year of Pekah the
son of Remaliah, Ahaz the son of Jotham he brought from the front of the house,
from between his altar and the LORD’s
king of Judah began to reign. 2 Ahaz was house, and put it on the north side of his
twenty years old when he began to reign, altar. 15 King Ahaz commanded Urijah the
and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem. priest, saying, “On the great altar burn the
He didn’t do that which was right in the morning burnt offering, the evening meal
LORD his God’s eyes, like David his father. offering, the king’s burnt offering and his
3 But he walked in the way of the kings
meal offering, with the burnt offering of all
of Israel, and even made his son to pass the people of the land, their meal offering,
through the fire, according to the abomi- and their drink offerings; and sprinkle on
nations of the nations whom the LORD cast it all the blood of the burnt offering, and all
out from before the children of Israel. 4 He
sacrificed and burned incense in the high the blood of the sacrifice; but the bronze
places, on the hills, and under every green altar will be for me to inquire by.” 16 Urijah
tree. the priest did so, according to all that King
5 Then Rezin king of Syria and Pekah Ahaz commanded.
17 King Ahaz cut off the panels of the
son of Remaliah king of Israel came up
to Jerusalem to wage war. They besieged bases, and removed the basin from off
Ahaz, but could not overcome him. 6 At them, and took down the sea from off the
that time Rezin king of Syria recovered bronze oxen that were under it, and put
Elath to Syria, and drove the Jews from it on a pavement of stone. 18 He removed
Elath; and the Syrians came to Elath, and the covered way for the Sabbath that they
lived there to this day. 7 So Ahaz sent mes- had built in the house, and the king’s outer
sengers to Tiglath Pileser king of Assyria, entrance to the LORD’s house, because of
saying, “I am your servant and your son. the king of Assyria. 19 Now the rest of
Come up and save me out of the hand of the the acts of Ahaz which he did, aren’t they
king of Syria and out of the hand of the king written in the book of the chronicles of
the kings of Judah? 20 Ahaz slept with his
of Israel, who rise up against me.” 8 Ahaz
fathers, and was buried with his fathers in
took the silver and gold that was found in David’s city; and Hezekiah his son reigned
the LORD’s house, and in the treasures of in his place.
the king’s house, and sent it for a present
to the king of Assyria. 9 The king of Assyria
listened to him; and the king of Assyria 17
went up against Damascus and took it, and In the twelfth year of Ahaz king of Ju-
carried its people captive to Kir, and killed dah, Hoshea the son of Elah began to reign
Rezin. in Samaria over Israel for nine years. 2 He
10 King Ahaz went to Damascus to meet did that which was evil in the LORD’s sight,
Tiglath Pileser king of Assyria, and saw the yet not as the kings of Israel who were
altar that was at Damascus; and King Ahaz before him. 3 Shalmaneser king of Assyria
sent to Urijah the priest a drawing of the al- came up against him; and Hoshea became
tar and plans to build it. 11 Urijah the priest his servant, and brought him tribute. 4 The
built an altar. According to all that King king of Assyria discovered a conspiracy in
Ahaz had sent from Damascus, so Urijah Hoshea; for he had sent messengers to So
the priest made it for the coming of King king of Egypt, and offered no tribute to the
2 Kings 17:5 372 2 Kings 17:27

king of Assyria, as he had done year by commandments of the LORD their God,
year. Therefore the king of Assyria seized and made molten images for themselves,
him, and bound him in prison. 5 Then the even two calves, and made an Asherah,
king of Assyria came up throughout all the and worshiped all the army of the sky,
land, went up to Samaria, and besieged it and served Baal. 17 They caused their sons
three years. 6 In the ninth year of Hoshea and their daughters to pass through the
the king of Assyria took Samaria and car- fire, used divination and enchantments,
ried Israel away to Assyria, and placed and sold themselves to do that which was
them in Halah, and on the Habor, the river evil in the LORD’s sight, to provoke him
of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes. to anger. 18 Therefore the LORD was very
angry with Israel, and removed them out
7 It
was so because the children of Israel of his sight. There was none left but the
had sinned against the LORD their God, tribe of Judah only.
who brought them up out of the land of 19 Also Judah didn’t keep the command-
Egypt from under the hand of Pharaoh ments of the LORD their God, but walked
king of Egypt, and had feared other gods, in the statutes of Israel which they made.
8 and walked in the statutes of the nations 20 The LORD rejected all the offspring of
whom the LORD cast out from before the Israel, afflicted them, and delivered them
children of Israel, and of the kings of Is-
into the hands of raiders, until he had
rael, which they made. 9 The children cast them out of his sight. 21 For he tore
of Israel secretly did things that were not Israel from David’s house; and they made
right against the LORD their God; and they Jeroboam the son of Nebat king; and Jer-
built high places for themselves in all their oboam drove Israel from following the
cities, from the tower of the watchmen to LORD, and made them sin a great sin.
the fortified city; 10 and they set up for 22 The children of Israel walked in all the
themselves pillars and Asherah poles on sins of Jeroboam which he did; they didn’t
every high hill and under every green tree; depart from them 23 until the LORD re-
11 and there they burned incense in all the
moved Israel out of his sight, as he said
high places, as the nations whom the LORD by all his servants the prophets. So Israel
carried away before them did; and they was carried away out of their own land to
did wicked things to provoke the LORD to Assyria to this day.
anger; 12 and they served idols, of which 24 The king of Assyria brought peo-
the LORD had said to them, “You shall not
do this thing.” 13 Yet the LORD testified ple from Babylon, from Cuthah, from
to Israel and to Judah, by every prophet Avva, and from Hamath and Sepharvaim,
and every seer, saying, “Turn from your and placed them in the cities of Samaria
evil ways, and keep my commandments instead of the children of Israel; and
and my statutes, according to all the law they possessed Samaria and lived in its
which I commanded your fathers, and cities. 25 So it was, at the beginning of
which I sent to you by my servants the their dwelling there, that they didn’t fear
prophets.” 14 Notwithstanding, they would the LORD. Therefore the LORD sent lions
among them, which killed some of them.
not listen, but hardened their neck like 26 Therefore they spoke to the king of As-
the neck of their fathers who didn’t be-
lieve in the LORD their God. 15 They re- syria, saying, “The nations which you have
jected his statutes and his covenant that carried away and placed in the cities of
he made with their fathers, and his tes- Samaria don’t know the law of the god
timonies which he testified to them; and of the land. Therefore he has sent lions
they followed vanity, and became vain, among them; and behold, they kill them,
and followed the nations that were around because they don’t know the law of the god
them, concerning whom the LORD had of the land.”
commanded them that they should not 27 Then the king of Assyria commanded,
do like them. 16 They abandoned all the saying, “Carry there one of the priests
2 Kings 17:28 373 2 Kings 18:12

whom you brought from there; and let did what they did before. 41 So these na-
him† go and dwell there, and let him teach tions feared the LORD, and also served
them the law of the god of the land.” their engraved images. Their children did
28 So one of the priests whom they had likewise, and so did their children’s chil-
carried away from Samaria came and dren. They do as their fathers did to this
lived in Bethel, and taught them how they day.
should fear the LORD.
29 However every nation made gods of 18
1 Now in the third year of Hoshea son
their own, and put them in the houses of of Elah king of Israel, Hezekiah the son of
the high places which the Samaritans had
Ahaz king of Judah began to reign. 2 He was
made, every nation in their cities in which
twenty-five years old when he began to
they lived. 30 The men of Babylon made reign, and he reigned twenty-nine years in
Succoth Benoth, and the men of Cuth made Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Abi the
Nergal, and the men of Hamath made
daughter of Zechariah. 3 He did that which
Ashima, 31 and the Avvites made Nibhaz
and Tartak; and the Sepharvites burned was right in the LORD’s eyes, according to
their children in the fire to Adrammelech all that David his father had done. 4 He
and Anammelech, the gods of Sepharvaim. removed the high places, broke the pillars,
32 So they feared the LORD, and also made and cut down the Asherah. He also broke
in pieces the bronze serpent that Moses
from among themselves priests of the high had made, because in those days the chil-
places for themselves, who sacrificed for dren of Israel burned incense to it; and
them in the houses of the high places. he called it Nehushtan. 5 He trusted in
33 They feared the LORD, and also served
the LORD, the God of Israel, so that after
their own gods, after the ways of the na- him was no one like him among all the
tions from among whom they had been kings of Judah, nor among them that were
carried away. 34 To this day they do what before him. 6 For he joined with the LORD.
they did before. They don’t fear the LORD, He didn’t depart from following him, but
and they do not follow the statutes, or kept his commandments, which the LORD
the ordinances, or the law, or the com- commanded Moses. 7 The LORD was with
mandment which the LORD commanded him. Wherever he went, he prospered. He
the children of Jacob, whom he named rebelled against the king of Assyria, and
Israel; 35 with whom the LORD had made didn’t serve him. 8 He struck the Philistines
a covenant and commanded them, saying, to Gaza and its borders, from the tower of
“You shall not fear other gods, nor bow the watchmen to the fortified city.
yourselves to them, nor serve them, nor 9 In the fourth year of King Hezekiah,
sacrifice to them; 36 but you shall fear which was the seventh year of Hoshea son
the LORD, who brought you up out of the of Elah king of Israel, Shalmaneser king
land of Egypt with great power and with of Assyria came up against Samaria and
an outstretched arm, and you shall bow besieged it. 10 At the end of three years
yourselves to him, and you shall sacrifice they took it. In the sixth year of Hezekiah,
to him. 37 The statutes and the ordinances, which was the ninth year of Hoshea king
and the law and the commandment which of Israel, Samaria was taken. 11 The king
he wrote for you, you shall observe to do of Assyria carried Israel away to Assyria,
forever more. You shall not fear other and put them in Halah, and on the Habor,
gods. 38 You shall not forget the covenant
the river of Gozan, and in the cities of
that I have made with you. You shall not the Medes, 12 because they didn’t obey the
fear other gods. 39 But you shall fear the LORD their God’s voice, but transgressed
LORD your God, and he will deliver you out his covenant, even all that Moses the ser-
of the hand of all your enemies.” vant of the LORD commanded, and would
40 However they didn’t listen, but they not hear it or do it.
† 17:27 Hebrew: them
2 Kings 18:13 374 2 Kings 18:35

13Now in the fourteenth year of King 24 How then can you turn away the face
Hezekiah, Sennacherib king of Assyria of one captain of the least of my master’s
came up against all the fortified cities of servants, and put your trust on Egypt for
Judah and took them. 14 Hezekiah king of chariots and for horsemen? 25 Have I now
Judah sent to the king of Assyria at Lachish, come up without the LORD against this
saying, “I have offended you. Withdraw place to destroy it? the LORD said to me,
from me. That which you put on me, I ‘Go up against this land, and destroy it.’ ” ’ ”
26 Then Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, Sheb-
will bear.” The king of Assyria appointed
to Hezekiah king of Judah three hundred nah, and Joah, said to Rabshakeh, “Please
talents of silver and thirty talents† of gold. speak to your servants in the Syrian lan-
15 Hezekiah gave him all the silver that guage, for we understand it. Don’t speak
was found in the LORD’s house and in the with us in the Jews’ language, in the hear-
treasures of the king’s house. 16 At that ing of the people who are on the wall.”
time, Hezekiah cut off the gold from the 27 But Rabshakeh said to them, “Has my
doors of the LORD’s temple, and from the master sent me to your master and to you,
pillars which Hezekiah king of Judah had to speak these words? Hasn’t he sent me
overlaid, and gave it to the king of Assyria. to the men who sit on the wall, to eat their
own dung, and to drink their own urine
17The king of Assyria sent Tartan, Rab- with you?”
saris, and Rabshakeh from Lachish to King 28 Then Rabshakeh stood and cried with
Hezekiah with a great army to Jerusalem. a loud voice in the Jews’ language, and
They went up and came to Jerusalem. spoke, saying, “Hear the word of the great
When they had come up, they came and king, the king of Assyria. 29 The king
stood by the conduit of the upper pool, says, ‘Don’t let Hezekiah deceive you, for
which is in the highway of the fuller’s field. he will not be able to deliver you out of
18 When they had called to the king, Eli- his hand. 30 Don’t let Hezekiah make you
akim the son of Hilkiah, who was over the trust in the LORD, saying, “The LORD will
household, and Shebnah the scribe, and surely deliver us, and this city shall not be
Joah the son of Asaph the recorder came given into the hand of the king of Assyria.”
out to them. 19 Rabshakeh said to them, 31 Don’t listen to Hezekiah.’ For the king
“Say now to Hezekiah, ‘The great king, the of Assyria says, ‘Make your peace with me,
king of Assyria, says, “What confidence is and come out to me; and everyone of you
this in which you trust? 20 You say (but eat from his own vine, and everyone from
they are but vain words), ‘There is counsel his own fig tree, and everyone drink water
and strength for war.’ Now on whom do from his own cistern; 32 until I come and
you trust, that you have rebelled against take you away to a land like your own
me? 21 Now, behold, you trust in the staff land, a land of grain and new wine, a land
of this bruised reed, even in Egypt. If a of bread and vineyards, a land of olive
man leans on it, it will go into his hand trees and of honey, that you may live and
and pierce it. So is Pharaoh king of Egypt not die. Don’t listen to Hezekiah when
to all who trust on him. 22 But if you he persuades you, saying, “The LORD will
tell me, ‘We trust in the LORD our God,’ deliver us.” 33 Has any of the gods of the
isn’t that he whose high places and whose nations ever delivered his land out of the
altars Hezekiah has taken away, and has hand of the king of Assyria? 34 Where are
said to Judah and to Jerusalem, ‘You shall the gods of Hamath and of Arpad? Where
worship before this altar in Jerusalem?’ are the gods of Sepharvaim, of Hena, and
23 Now therefore, please give pledges to Ivvah? Have they delivered Samaria out of
my master the king of Assyria, and I will my hand? 35 Who are they among all the
give you two thousand horses if you are gods of the countries, that have delivered
able on your part to set riders on them. their country out of my hand, that the
† 18:14 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds or 965 Troy ounces
2 Kings 18:36 375 2 Kings 19:23

LORD should deliver Jerusalem out of my have done to all lands, by destroying them
hand?’ ” utterly. Will you be delivered? 12 Have
36 But the people stayed quiet, and
the gods of the nations delivered them,
answered him not a word; for the king’s which my fathers have destroyed—Gozan,
commandment was, “Don’t answer him.” Haran, Rezeph, and the children of Eden
37 Then Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, who
who were in Telassar? 13 Where is the king
was over the household, came with of Hamath, the king of Arpad, and the king
Shebna the scribe and Joah the son of of the city of Sepharvaim, of Hena, and
Asaph the recorder to Hezekiah with their Ivvah?’ ”
clothes torn, and told him Rabshakeh’s 14 Hezekiah received the letter from the
hand of the messengers and read it. Then
19 Hezekiah went up to the LORD’s house,
and spread it before the LORD. 15 Hezekiah
1 When King Hezekiah heard it, he tore
his clothes, covered himself with sack- prayed before the LORD, and said, “LORD,
cloth, and went into the LORD’s house. 2 He the God of Israel, who are enthroned above
sent Eliakim, who was over the household, the cherubim, you are the God, even you
Shebna the scribe, and the elders of the alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth. You
priests, covered with sackcloth, to Isaiah have made heaven and earth. 16 Incline
the prophet the son of Amoz. 3 They said your ear, LORD, and hear. Open your
to him, “Hezekiah says, ‘Today is a day of eyes, LORD, and see. Hear the words of
trouble, of rebuke, and of rejection; for the Sennacherib, which he has sent to defy the
children have come to the point of birth, living God. 17 Truly, LORD, the kings of As-
and there is no strength to deliver them. syria have laid waste the nations and their
4 It may be the LORD your God will hear all lands, 18 and have cast their gods into the
the words of Rabshakeh, whom the king of fire; for they were no gods, but the work of
Assyria his master has sent to defy the liv- men’s hands, wood and stone. Therefore
ing God, and will rebuke the words which they have destroyed them. 19 Now there-
the LORD your God has heard. Therefore fore, LORD our God, save us, I beg you, out
lift up your prayer for the remnant that is of his hand, that all the kingdoms of the
left.’ ” earth may know that you, LORD, are God
5 So the servants of King Hezekiah came alone.”
to Isaiah. 6 Isaiah said to them, “Tell your 20 Then Isaiah the son of Amoz sent
master this: ‘The LORD says, “Don’t be to Hezekiah, saying, “The LORD, the God
afraid of the words that you have heard, of Israel, says ‘You have prayed to me
with which the servants of the king of As- against Sennacherib king of Assyria, and
syria have blasphemed me. 7 Behold, I will I have heard you. 21 This is the word
put a spirit in him, and he will hear news, that the LORD has spoken concerning
and will return to his own land. I will cause him: ‘The virgin daughter of Zion has de-
him to fall by the sword in his own land.” ’ ” spised you and ridiculed you. The daugh-
8 So Rabshakeh returned and found the ter of Jerusalem has shaken her head at
king of Assyria warring against Libnah; you. 22 Whom have you defied and blas-
for he had heard that he had departed phemed? Against whom have you ex-
from Lachish. 9 When he heard it said of alted your voice and lifted up your eyes
Tirhakah king of Ethiopia, “Behold, he has on high? Against the Holy One of Israel!
come out to fight against you,” he sent mes- 23 By your messengers, you have defied the
sengers again to Hezekiah, saying, 10 “Tell Lord, and have said, “With the multitude
Hezekiah king of Judah this: ‘Don’t let your of my chariots, I have come up to the height
God in whom you trust deceive you, say- of the mountains, to the innermost parts of
ing, Jerusalem will not be given into the Lebanon, and I will cut down its tall cedars
hand of the king of Assyria. 11 Behold, and its choice cypress trees; and I will
you have heard what the kings of Assyria enter into his farthest lodging place, the
2 Kings 19:24 376 2 Kings 20:12

forest of his fruitful field. 24 I have dug and him with the sword; and they escaped into
drunk strange waters, and I will dry up all the land of Ararat. Esar Haddon his son
the rivers of Egypt with the sole of my feet.” reigned in his place.
25 Haven’t you heard how I have done it
long ago, and formed it of ancient times? 20
Now I have brought it to pass, that it should
1 In those days Hezekiah was sick and
be yours to lay waste fortified cities into ru- dying. Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz
inous heaps. 26 Therefore their inhabitants came to him, and said to him, “The LORD
says, ‘Set your house in order; for you will
had little power. They were dismayed
die, and not live.’ ”
and confounded. They were like the grass 2 Then he turned his face to the wall, and
of the field and like the green herb, like prayed to the LORD, saying, 3 “Remember
the grass on the housetops and like grain now, LORD, I beg you, how I have walked
blasted before it has grown up. 27 But I before you in truth and with a perfect
know your sitting down, your going out, heart, and have done that which is good in
your coming in, and your raging against your sight.” And Hezekiah wept bitterly.
me. 28 Because of your raging against me, 4 Before Isaiah had gone out into the
and because your arrogance has come up middle part of the city, the LORD’s word
into my ears, therefore I will put my hook came to him, saying, 5 “Turn back, and
in your nose, and my bridle in your lips, tell Hezekiah the prince of my people, ‘The
and I will turn you back by the way by LORD, the God of David your father, says, “I
which you came.’ have heard your prayer. I have seen your
29 “This will be the sign to you: This year,
tears. Behold, I will heal you. On the third
you will eat that which grows of itself, day, you will go up to the LORD’s house. 6 I
and in the second year that which springs will add to your days fifteen years. I will
from that; and in the third year sow and deliver you and this city out of the hand
reap, and plant vineyards and eat their of the king of Assyria. I will defend this
fruit. 30 The remnant that has escaped of city for my own sake, and for my servant
the house of Judah will again take root David’s sake.” ’ ”
downward, and bear fruit upward. 31 For 7 Isaiah said, “Take a cake of figs.”
out of Jerusalem a remnant will go out, and They took and laid it on the boil, and he
out of Mount Zion those who shall escape. recovered.
8 Hezekiah said to Isaiah, “What will be
The LORD’s zeal will perform this.
32 “Therefore the LORD says concerning the sign that the LORD will heal me, and
that I will go up to the LORD’s house the
the king of Assyria, ‘He will not come to
third day?”
this city, nor shoot an arrow there. He will 9 Isaiah said, “This will be the sign to
not come before it with shield, nor cast up
a mound against it. 33 He will return the you from the LORD, that the LORD will do
same way that he came, and he will not the thing that he has spoken: should the
shadow go forward ten steps, or go back
come to this city,’ says the LORD. 34 ‘For I
ten steps?”
will defend this city to save it, for my own 10 Hezekiah answered, “It is a light thing
sake and for my servant David’s sake.’ ”
for the shadow to go forward ten steps. No,
35 That night, the LORD’s angel went out
but let the shadow return backward ten
and struck one hundred eighty-five thou- steps.”
sand in the camp of the Assyrians. When 11 Isaiah the prophet cried to the LORD;
men arose early in the morning, behold, and he brought the shadow ten steps back-
these were all dead bodies. 36 So Sen- ward, by which it had gone down on the
nacherib king of Assyria departed, went sundial of Ahaz.
home, and lived at Nineveh. 37 As he was 12 At that time Berodach Baladan the
worshiping in the house of Nisroch his son of Baladan, king of Babylon, sent let-
god, Adrammelech and Sharezer struck ters and a present to Hezekiah, for he
2 Kings 20:13 377 2 Kings 21:15

had heard that Hezekiah had been sick. his father had destroyed; and he raised
13 Hezekiah listened to them, and showed
up altars for Baal, and made an Asherah,
them all the storehouse of his precious as Ahab king of Israel did, and worshiped
things—the silver, the gold, the spices, and all the army of the sky, and served them.
the precious oil, and the house of his ar- 4 He built altars in the LORD’s house, of
mor, and all that was found in his trea- which the LORD said, “I will put my name
sures. There was nothing in his house, or in Jerusalem.” 5 He built altars for all the
in all his dominion, that Hezekiah didn’t army of the sky in the two courts of the
show them. LORD’s house. 6 He made his son to pass
14 Then Isaiah the prophet came to King
Hezekiah, and said to him, “What did these through the fire, practiced sorcery, used
men say? From where did they come to enchantments, and dealt with those who
you?” had familiar spirits and with wizards. He
did much evil in the LORD’s sight, to pro-
Hezekiah said, “They have come from a
far country, even from Babylon.” voke him to anger. 7 He set the engraved
15 He said, “What have they seen in your image of Asherah that he had made in the
house of which the LORD said to David
house?” and to Solomon his son, “In this house,
Hezekiah answered, “They have seen all and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out
that is in my house. There is nothing of all the tribes of Israel, I will put my
among my treasures that I have not shown name forever; 8 I will not cause the feet of
them.” Israel to wander any more out of the land
16 Isaiah said to Hezekiah, “Hear the
which I gave their fathers, if only they will
LORD’s word. 17 ‘Behold, the days come
observe to do according to all that I have
that all that is in your house, and that
commanded them, and according to all the
which your fathers have laid up in store to
law that my servant Moses commanded
this day, will be carried to Babylon. Noth-
them.” 9 But they didn’t listen, and Man-
ing will be left,’ says the LORD. 18 ‘They will
asseh seduced them to do that which is evil
take away some of your sons who will issue more than the nations did whom the LORD
from you, whom you will father; and they destroyed before the children of Israel.
will be eunuchs in the palace of the king of
Babylon.’ ” 10 The LORD spoke by his servants the
19 Then Hezekiah said to Isaiah, “The prophets, saying, 11 “Because Manasseh
LORD’s word which you have spoken is king of Judah has done these abomina-
good.” He said moreover, “Isn’t it so, if tions, and has done wickedly above all
peace and truth will be in my days?” that the Amorites did, who were before
20 Now the rest of the acts of Hezekiah, him, and has also made Judah to sin with
and all his might, and how he made the his idols; 12 therefore the LORD the God
pool, and the conduit, and brought water of Israel says, ‘Behold, I will bring such
into the city, aren’t they written in the evil on Jerusalem and Judah that whoever
book of the chronicles of the kings of Ju- hears of it, both his ears will tingle. 13 I will
dah? 21 Hezekiah slept with his fathers, stretch over Jerusalem the line of Samaria,
and Manasseh his son reigned in his place. and the plumb line of Ahab’s house; and I
will wipe Jerusalem as a man wipes a dish,
21 wiping it and turning it upside down. 14 I
1Manasseh was twelve years old when will cast off the remnant of my inheritance
he began to reign, and he reigned fifty- and deliver them into the hands of their
five years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name enemies. They will become a prey and
was Hephzibah. 2 He did that which was a plunder to all their enemies, 15 because
evil in the LORD’s sight, after the abomina- they have done that which is evil in my
tions of the nations whom the LORD cast sight, and have provoked me to anger since
out before the children of Israel. 3 For he the day their fathers came out of Egypt,
built again the high places which Hezekiah even to this day.’ ”
2 Kings 21:16 378 2 Kings 22:16

16 Moreover Manasseh shed innocent the high priest, that he may count the
blood very much, until he had filled money which is brought into the LORD’s
Jerusalem from one end to another; in house, which the keepers of the threshold
addition to his sin with which he made have gathered of the people. 5 Let them
Judah to sin, in doing that which was evil deliver it into the hand of the workers who
in the LORD’s sight. have the oversight of the LORD’s house;
17 Now the rest of the acts of Manasseh, and let them give it to the workers who are
and all that he did, and his sin that he in the LORD’s house, to repair the damage
sinned, aren’t they written in the book to the house, 6 to the carpenters, and to
of the chronicles of the kings of Judah? the builders, and to the masons, and for
18 Manasseh slept with his fathers, and was
buying timber and cut stone to repair the
buried in the garden of his own house, house. 7 However, no accounting shall be
in the garden of Uzza; and Amon his son asked of them for the money delivered into
reigned in his place. their hand, for they deal faithfully.”
19 Amon was twenty-two years old when 8 Hilkiah the high priest said to Shaphan
he began to reign; and he reigned two the scribe, “I have found the book of the
years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name law in the LORD’s house.” Hilkiah deliv-
was Meshullemeth the daughter of Haruz ered the book to Shaphan, and he read
of Jotbah. 20 He did that which was evil it. 9 Shaphan the scribe came to the king,
in the LORD’s sight, as Manasseh his fa- and brought the king word again, and
ther did. 21 He walked in all the ways said, “Your servants have emptied out the
that his father walked in, and served the money that was found in the house, and
idols that his father served, and worshiped have delivered it into the hands of the
them; 22 and he abandoned the LORD, the workmen who have the oversight of the
God of his fathers, and didn’t walk in the LORD’s house.” 10 Shaphan the scribe told
way of the LORD. 23 The servants of Amon the king, saying, “Hilkiah the priest has
conspired against him, and put the king to delivered a book to me.” Then Shaphan
death in his own house. 24 But the people of read it before the king.
the land killed all those who had conspired 11 When the king had heard the words
against King Amon; and the people of the of the book of the law, he tore his clothes.
land made Josiah his son king in his place. 12 The king commanded Hilkiah the priest,
25 Now the rest of the acts of Amon which Ahikam the son of Shaphan, Achbor the
he did, aren’t they written in the book of son of Micaiah, Shaphan the scribe, and
the chronicles of the kings of Judah? 26 He Asaiah the king’s servant, saying, 13 “Go
was buried in his tomb in the garden of inquire of the LORD for me, and for the
Uzza, and Josiah his son reigned in his people, and for all Judah, concerning the
place. words of this book that is found; for great
is the LORD’s wrath that is kindled against
22 us, because our fathers have not listened
1Josiah was eight years old when he to the words of this book, to do according
began to reign, and he reigned thirty-one to all that which is written concerning us.”
years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name 14 So Hilkiah the priest, Ahikam, Achbor,
was Jedidah the daughter of Adaiah of Shaphan, and Asaiah went to Huldah the
Bozkath. 2 He did that which was right in prophetess, the wife of Shallum the son
the LORD’s eyes, and walked in all the ways of Tikvah, the son of Harhas, keeper of
of David his father, and didn’t turn away to the wardrobe (now she lived in Jerusalem
the right hand or to the left. in the second quarter); and they talked
3 In the eighteenth year of King Josiah, with her. 15 She said to them, “The LORD
the king sent Shaphan, the son of Azaliah the God of Israel says, ‘Tell the man who
the son of Meshullam, the scribe, to the sent you to me, 16 “The LORD says, ‘Be-
LORD’s house, saying, 4 “Go up to Hilkiah hold, I will bring evil on this place and
2 Kings 22:17 379 2 Kings 23:14

on its inhabitants, even all the words of Bethel. 5 He got rid of the idolatrous priests
the book which the king of Judah has whom the kings of Judah had ordained
read. 17 Because they have forsaken me to burn incense in the high places in the
and have burned incense to other gods, cities of Judah and in the places around
that they might provoke me to anger with Jerusalem; those also who burned incense
all the work of their hands, therefore my to Baal, to the sun, to the moon, to the
wrath shall be kindled against this place, planets, and to all the army of the sky.
and it will not be quenched.’ ” 18 But to the 6 He brought out the Asherah from the
king of Judah, who sent you to inquire of LORD’s house, outside of Jerusalem, to the
The LORD, tell him, “the LORD the God of brook Kidron, and burned it at the brook
Israel says, ‘Concerning the words which Kidron, and beat it to dust, and cast its
you have heard, 19 because your heart was dust on the graves of the common peo-
tender, and you humbled yourself before ple. 7 He broke down the houses of the
the LORD when you heard what I spoke male shrine prostitutes that were in the
against this place and against its inhab- LORD’s house, where the women wove
itants, that they should become a deso- hangings for the Asherah. 8 He brought all
lation and a curse, and have torn your the priests out of the cities of Judah, and
clothes and wept before me, I also have defiled the high places where the priests
heard you,’ says the LORD. 20 ‘Therefore had burned incense, from Geba to Beer-
behold, I will gather you to your fathers, sheba; and he broke down the high places
and you will be gathered to your grave in of the gates that were at the entrance of
peace. Your eyes will not see all the evil the gate of Joshua the governor of the city,
which I will bring on this place.’ ” ’ ” So which were on a man’s left hand at the
they brought this message back to the king. gate of the city. 9 Nevertheless the priests
of the high places didn’t come up to the
LORD’s altar in Jerusalem, but they ate
23 unleavened bread among their brothers.
1 The king sent, and they gathered to him 10 He defiled Topheth, which is in the valley
all the elders of Judah and of Jerusalem. of the children of Hinnom, that no man
2 The king went up to the LORD’s house,
might make his son or his daughter to pass
and all the men of Judah and all the in- through the fire to Molech. 11 He took
habitants of Jerusalem with him—with the away the horses that the kings of Judah
priests, the prophets, and all the people, had dedicated to the sun, at the entrance of
both small and great; and he read in their the LORD’s house, by the room of Nathan
hearing all the words of the book of the Melech the officer who was in the court;
covenant which was found in the LORD’s and he burned the chariots of the sun
house. 3 The king stood by the pillar and with fire. 12 The king broke down the
made a covenant before the LORD to walk altars that were on the roof of the upper
after the LORD and to keep his command- room of Ahaz, which the kings of Judah
ments, his testimonies, and his statutes had made, and the altars which Manasseh
with all his heart and all his soul, to con- had made in the two courts of the LORD’s
firm the words of this covenant that were house, and beat them down from there,
written in this book; and all the people and cast their dust into the brook Kidron.
agreed to the covenant. 13 The king defiled the high places that
4 The king commanded Hilkiah the high were before Jerusalem, which were on the
priest, and the priests of the second order, right hand of the mountain of corruption,
and the keepers of the threshold, to bring which Solomon the king of Israel had built
out of the LORD’s temple all the vessels that for Ashtoreth the abomination of the Sido-
were made for Baal, for the Asherah, and nians, and for Chemosh the abomination
for all the army of the sky; and he burned of Moab, and for Milcom the abomination
them outside of Jerusalem in the fields of the children of Ammon. 14 He broke in
pieces the pillars, cut down the Asherah
of the Kidron, and carried their ashes to
2 Kings 23:15 380 2 Kings 23:35

poles, and filled their places with men’s in the book that Hilkiah the priest found in
bones. the LORD’s house. 25 There was no king like
15 Moreover the altar that was at Bethel him before him, who turned to the LORD
and the high place which Jeroboam the with all his heart, and with all his soul, and
son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin, with all his might, according to all the law
had made, even that altar and the high of Moses; and there was none like him who
place he broke down; and he burned the arose after him. 26 Notwithstanding, the
high place and beat it to dust, and burned LORD didn’t turn from the fierceness of his
the Asherah. 16 As Josiah turned himself, great wrath, with which his anger burned
he spied the tombs that were there in against Judah, because of all the provoca-
the mountain; and he sent, and took the tion with which Manasseh had provoked
bones out of the tombs, and burned them him. 27 The LORD said, “I will also remove
on the altar, and defiled it, according to Judah out of my sight, as I have removed
the LORD’s word which the man of God Israel; and I will cast off this city which
proclaimed, who proclaimed these things. I have chosen, even Jerusalem, and the
17 Then he said, “What monument is that
house of which I said, ‘My name shall be
which I see?” there.’ ”
The men of the city told him, “It is the 28 Now the rest of the acts of Josiah,
tomb of the man of God who came from
Judah and proclaimed these things that and all that he did, aren’t they written
you have done against the altar of Bethel.” in the book of the chronicles of the kings
18 He said, “Let him be! Let no one of Judah? 29 In his days Pharaoh Necoh
move his bones.” So they let his bones king of Egypt went up against the king
alone, with the bones of the prophet who of Assyria to the river Euphrates; and
came out of Samaria. 19 All the houses also King Josiah went against him, but Pharaoh
of the high places that were in the cities Necoh killed him at Megiddo when he saw
of Samaria, which the kings of Israel had him. 30 His servants carried him dead
made to provoke the LORD to anger, Josiah in a chariot from Megiddo, brought him
took away, and did to them according to to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own
all the acts that he had done in Bethel. tomb. The people of the land took Jehoa-
20 He killed all the priests of the high places haz the son of Josiah, and anointed him,
that were there, on the altars, and burned and made him king in his father’s place.
men’s bones on them; and he returned to
31 Jehoahaz was twenty-three years
21 The king commanded all the people, old when he began to reign; and he
reigned three months in Jerusalem. His
saying, “Keep the Passover to the LORD
mother’s name was Hamutal the daughter
your God, as it is written in this book of
of Jeremiah of Libnah. 32 He did that which
the covenant.” 22 Surely there was not
was evil in the LORD’s sight, according to
kept such a Passover from the days of the
all that his fathers had done. 33 Pharaoh
judges who judged Israel, nor in all the Necoh put him in bonds at Riblah in
days of the kings of Israel, nor of the kings the land of Hamath, that he might not
of Judah; 23 but in the eighteenth year of reign in Jerusalem; and put the land to
King Josiah, this Passover was kept to the a tribute of one hundred talents of silver
LORD in Jerusalem. and a talent‡ of gold. 34 Pharaoh Necoh
24 Moreover, Josiah removed those who made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in the
had familiar spirits, the wizards, and the place of Josiah his father, and changed his
teraphim,† and the idols, and all the abomi- name to Jehoiakim; but he took Jehoahaz
nations that were seen in the land of Judah away, and he came to Egypt and died
and in Jerusalem, that he might confirm there. 35 Jehoiakim gave the silver and
the words of the law which were written the gold to Pharaoh; but he taxed the
† 23:24 teraphim were household idols. ‡ 23:33 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds or 965 Troy ounces
2 Kings 23:36 381 2 Kings 25:2

land to give the money according to the of Babylon came to the city while his ser-
commandment of Pharaoh. He exacted vants were besieging it, 12 and Jehoiachin
the silver and the gold of the people the king of Judah went out to the king of
of the land, from everyone according Babylon—he, his mother, his servants, his
to his assessment, to give it to Pharaoh princes, and his officers; and the king of
Necoh. 36 Jehoiakim was twenty-five
Babylon captured him in the eighth year
years old when he began to reign, and he of his reign. 13 He carried out from there
reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. His all the treasures of the LORD’s house and
mother’s name was Zebidah the daughter the treasures of the king’s house, and cut
of Pedaiah of Rumah. 37 He did that which in pieces all the vessels of gold which
was evil in the LORD’s sight, according to Solomon king of Israel had made in the
all that his fathers had done. LORD’s temple, as the LORD had said. 14 He
carried away all Jerusalem, and all the
24 princes, and all the mighty men of valor,
1 In his days Nebuchadnezzar king of even ten thousand captives, and all the
Babylon came up, and Jehoiakim became craftsmen and the smiths. No one re-
his servant three years. Then he turned mained except the poorest people of the
and rebelled against him. 2 The LORD sent land. 15 He carried away Jehoiachin to
against him bands of the Chaldeans, bands Babylon, with the king’s mother, the king’s
of the Syrians, bands of the Moabites, and wives, his officers, and the chief men of
bands of the children of Ammon, and sent the land. He carried them into captivity
them against Judah to destroy it, accord- from Jerusalem to Babylon. 16 All the men
ing to the LORD’s word which he spoke of might, even seven thousand, and the
by his servants the prophets. 3 Surely at craftsmen and the smiths one thousand,
the commandment of the LORD this came all of them strong and fit for war, even
on Judah, to remove them out of his sight them the king of Babylon brought captive
for the sins of Manasseh, according to all to Babylon. 17 The king of Babylon made
that he did, 4 and also for the innocent Mattaniah, Jehoiachin’s father’s brother,
blood that he shed; for he filled Jerusalem king in his place, and changed his name to
with innocent blood, and the LORD would Zedekiah.
not pardon. 5 Now the rest of the acts of 18 Zedekiah was twenty-one years old
Jehoiakim, and all that he did, aren’t they when he began to reign, and he reigned
written in the book of the chronicles of the eleven years in Jerusalem. His mother’s
kings of Judah? 6 So Jehoiakim slept with name was Hamutal the daughter of
his fathers, and Jehoiachin his son reigned Jeremiah of Libnah. 19 He did that which
in his place. was evil in the LORD’s sight, according to
7 The king of Egypt didn’t come out of his all that Jehoiakim had done. 20 For through
land any more; for the king of Babylon had the anger of the LORD, this happened in
taken, from the brook of Egypt to the river Jerusalem and Judah, until he had cast
Euphrates, all that belonged to the king of them out from his presence.
Egypt. Then Zedekiah rebelled against the king
8 Jehoiachin was eighteen years old of Babylon.
when he began to reign, and he reigned
in Jerusalem three months. His mother’s 25
name was Nehushta the daughter of El- In the ninth year of his reign, in the

nathan of Jerusalem. 9 He did that which tenth month, in the tenth day of the month,
was evil in the LORD’s sight, according to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came, he
all that his father had done. 10 At that and all his army, against Jerusalem, and
time the servants of Nebuchadnezzar king encamped against it; and they built forts
of Babylon came up to Jerusalem, and the against it around it. 2 So the city was
city was besieged. 11 Nebuchadnezzar king besieged until the eleventh year of King
2 Kings 25:3 382 2 Kings 25:26

Zedekiah. 3 On the ninth day of the fourth which Solomon had made for the LORD’s
month, the famine was severe in the city, house, the bronze of all these vessels was
so that there was no bread for the people not weighed. 17 The height of the one
of the land. 4 Then a breach was made pillar was eighteen cubits,† and a capital
in the city, and all the men of war fled by of bronze was on it. The height of the
night by the way of the gate between the capital was three cubits, with network and
two walls, which was by the king’s garden pomegranates on the capital around it, all
(now the Chaldeans were against the city of bronze; and the second pillar with its
around it); and the king went by the way network was like these.
18 The captain of the guard took Sera-
of the Arabah. 5 But the Chaldean army
pursued the king, and overtook him in the iah the chief priest, Zephaniah the second
plains of Jericho; and all his army was priest, and the three keepers of the thresh-
scattered from him. 6 Then they captured old; 19 and out of the city he took an officer
the king and carried him up to the king of who was set over the men of war; and
Babylon to Riblah; and they passed judg- five men of those who saw the king’s face,
ment on him. 7 They killed Zedekiah’s sons who were found in the city; and the scribe,
before his eyes, then put out Zedekiah’s the captain of the army, who mustered the
eyes, bound him in fetters, and carried him people of the land, and sixty men of the
to Babylon. people of the land who were found in the
8 Now in the fifth month, on the seventh city. 20 Nebuzaradan the captain of the
day of the month, which was the nine- guard took them, and brought them to the
teenth year of King Nebuchadnezzar king king of Babylon to Riblah. 21 The king of
of Babylon, Nebuzaradan the captain of Babylon attacked them and put them to
the guard, a servant of the king of Babylon, death at Riblah in the land of Hamath. So
Judah was carried away captive out of his
came to Jerusalem. 9 He burned the LORD’s land.
house, the king’s house, and all the houses 22 As for the people who were left in the
of Jerusalem. He burned every great house land of Judah whom Nebuchadnezzar king
with fire. 10 All the army of the Chaldeans, of Babylon had left, even over them he
who were with the captain of the guard, made Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, the son
broke down the walls around Jerusalem. of Shaphan, governor. 23 Now when all the
11 Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard
captains of the forces, they and their men,
carried away captive the rest of the people heard that the king of Babylon had made
who were left in the city and those who had Gedaliah governor, they came to Gedaliah
deserted to the king of Babylon—all the rest to Mizpah, even Ishmael the son of Netha-
of the multitude. 12 But the captain of the niah, Johanan the son of Kareah, Seraiah
guard left some of the poorest of the land the son of Tanhumeth the Netophathite,
to work the vineyards and fields. and Jaazaniah the son of the Maacathite,
13 The Chaldeans broke up the pillars of they and their men. 24 Gedaliah swore to
bronze that were in the LORD’s house and them and to their men, and said to them,
the bases and the bronze sea that were in “Don’t be afraid because of the servants of
the LORD’s house, and carried the bronze the Chaldeans. Dwell in the land and serve
pieces to Babylon. 14 They took away the the king of Babylon, and it will be well with
pots, the shovels, the snuffers, the spoons, you.”
and all the vessels of bronze with which 25 But in the seventh month, Ishmael the
they ministered. 15 The captain of the son of Nethaniah, the son of Elishama, of
guard took away the fire pans, the basins, the royal offspring came, and ten men with
that which was of gold, for gold, and that him, and struck Gedaliah so that he died,
which was of silver, for silver. 16 The with the Jews and the Chaldeans that were
two pillars, the one sea, and the bases, with him at Mizpah. 26 All the people,
† 25:17 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46
2 Kings 25:27 383 2 Kings 25:30

both small and great, and the captains of

the forces arose and came to Egypt; for
they were afraid of the Chaldeans. 27 In
the thirty-seventh year of the captivity of
Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the twelfth
month, on the twenty-seventh day of the
month, Evilmerodach king of Babylon, in
the year that he began to reign, released
Jehoiachin king of Judah out of prison,
28 and he spoke kindly to him and set his
throne above the throne of the kings who
were with him in Babylon, 29 and changed
his prison garments. Jehoiachin ate bread
before him continually all the days of his
life; 30 and for his allowance, there was a
continual allowance given him from the
king, every day a portion, all the days of his
1 Chronicles 1:1 384 1 Chronicles 2:1

Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah. The sons of

Jokshan: Sheba and Dedan. 33 The sons
The First Book of of Midian: Ephah, Epher, Hanoch, Abida,
Chronicles and Eldaah. All these were the sons of
34 Abraham became the father of Isaac.
1 Adam, Seth, Enosh, 2 Kenan, Maha-
The sons of Isaac: Esau and Israel. 35 The
lalel, Jared, 3 Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, sons of Esau: Eliphaz, Reuel, Jeush, Jalam,
4 Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
and Korah. 36 The sons of Eliphaz: Teman,
5 The sons of Japheth: Gomer, Magog,
Omar, Zephi, Gatam, Kenaz, Timna, and
Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras. Amalek. 37 The sons of Reuel: Nahath,
6 The sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, Diphath,
Zerah, Shammah, and Mizzah.
and Togarmah. 7 The sons of Javan: El- 38 The sons of Seir: Lotan, Shobal,
ishah, Tarshish, Kittim, and Rodanim. Zibeon, Anah, Dishon, Ezer, and Dishan.
8 The sons of Ham: Cush, Mizraim, Put, 39 The sons of Lotan: Hori and Homam;
and Canaan. 9 The sons of Cush: Seba, and Timna was Lotan’s sister. 40 The sons
Havilah, Sabta, Raama, Sabteca. The sons of Shobal: Alian, Manahath, Ebal, Shephi,
of Raamah: Sheba and Dedan. 10 Cush and Onam. The sons of Zibeon: Aiah and
became the father of Nimrod. He began to Anah. 41 The son of Anah: Dishon. The
be a mighty one in the earth. 11 Mizraim sons of Dishon: Hamran, Eshban, Ithran,
became the father of Ludim, Anamim, and Cheran. 42 The sons of Ezer: Bilhan,
Lehabim, Naphtuhim, 12 Pathrusim, Zaavan, and Jaakan. The sons of Dishan:
Casluhim (where the Philistines came Uz and Aran.
43 Now these are the kings who reigned
from), and Caphtorim. 13 Canaan became
the father of Sidon his firstborn, Heth, in the land of Edom, before any king
14 the Jebusite, the Amorite, the Girgashite, reigned over the children of Israel: Bela
15 the Hivite, the Arkite, the Sinite, 16 the the son of Beor; and the name of his city
Arvadite, the Zemarite, and the Hamath- was Dinhabah. 44 Bela died, and Jobab
ite. the son of Zerah of Bozrah reigned in
17 The sons of Shem: Elam, Asshur, his place. 45 Jobab died, and Husham of
Arpachshad, Lud, Aram, Uz, Hul, Gether, the land of the Temanites reigned in his
and Meshech. 18 Arpachshad became the place. 46 Husham died, and Hadad the
father of Shelah, and Shelah became the son of Bedad, who struck Midian in the
father of Eber. 19 To Eber were born two field of Moab, reigned in his place; and
sons: the name of the one was Peleg, for the name of his city was Avith. 47 Hadad
in his days the earth was divided; and died, and Samlah of Masrekah reigned
his brother’s name was Joktan. 20 Joktan in his place. 48 Samlah died, and Shaul
became the father of Almodad, Sheleph, of Rehoboth by the River reigned in his
Hazarmaveth, Jerah, 21 Hadoram, Uzal, place. 49 Shaul died, and Baal Hanan
Diklah, 22 Ebal, Abimael, Sheba, 23 Ophir, the son of Achbor reigned in his place.
Havilah, and Jobab. All these were the sons 50 Baal Hanan died, and Hadad reigned in
of Joktan. 24 Shem, Arpachshad, Shelah, his place; and the name of his city was
25 Eber, Peleg, Reu, 26 Serug, Nahor, Terah,
Pai. His wife’s name was Mehetabel, the
27 Abram (also called Abraham).
daughter of Matred, the daughter of Meza-
28 The sons of Abraham: Isaac and hab. 51 Then Hadad died. The chiefs of
Ishmael. 29 These are their generations: Edom were: chief Timna, chief Aliah, chief
the firstborn of Ishmael, Nebaioth; then Jetheth, 52 chief Oholibamah, chief Elah,
Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, 30 Mishma, chief Pinon, 53 chief Kenaz, chief Teman,
Dumah, Massa, Hadad, Tema, 31 Jetur, chief Mibzar, 54 chief Magdiel, and chief
Naphish, and Kedemah. These are the sons Iram. These are the chiefs of Edom.
of Ishmael.
32 The sons of Keturah, Abraham’s con- 2
cubine: she bore Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, 1 These are the sons of Israel: Reuben,
1 Chronicles 2:2 385 1 Chronicles 2:46

Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, of Machir the father of Gilead. 24 After
2 Dan, Joseph, Benjamin, Naphtali, Gad, Hezron died in Caleb Ephrathah, Abijah,
and Asher. Hezron’s wife, bore him Ashhur the father
3 The sons of Judah: Er, Onan, and of Tekoa.
Shelah, which three were born to him 25 The sons of Jerahmeel the firstborn
of Shua’s daughter the Canaanitess. Er, of Hezron were Ram the firstborn, Bunah,
Judah’s firstborn, was wicked in the Oren, Ozem, and Ahijah. 26 Jerahmeel had
LORD’s† sight; and he killed him. 4 Tamar another wife, whose name was Atarah.
his daughter-in-law bore him Perez and She was the mother of Onam. 27 The
Zerah. All the sons of Judah were five. sons of Ram the firstborn of Jerahmeel
5 The sons of Perez: Hezron and Hamul. were Maaz, Jamin, and Eker. 28 The sons
6 The sons of Zerah: Zimri, Ethan, Heman, of Onam were Shammai and Jada. The
Calcol, and Dara—five of them in all. 7 The sons of Shammai: Nadab and Abishur.
29 The name of the wife of Abishur was
son of Carmi: Achar, the troubler of Israel,
who committed a trespass in the devoted Abihail; and she bore him Ahban and
thing. 8 The son of Ethan: Azariah. Molid. 30 The sons of Nadab: Seled and
Appaim; but Seled died without children.
9 The sons also of Hezron, who were 31 The son of Appaim: Ishi. The son of
born to him: Jerahmeel, Ram, and Ishi: Sheshan. The son of Sheshan: Ahlai.
Chelubai. 10 Ram became the father of 32 The sons of Jada the brother of Sham-
Amminadab, and Amminadab became the mai: Jether and Jonathan; and Jether died
father of Nahshon, prince of the children without children. 33 The sons of Jonathan:
of Judah; 11 and Nahshon became the Peleth and Zaza. These were the sons
father of Salma, and Salma became the of Jerahmeel. 34 Now Sheshan had no
father of Boaz, 12 and Boaz became the sons, but only daughters. Sheshan had
father of Obed, and Obed became the a servant, an Egyptian, whose name was
father of Jesse; 13 and Jesse became the Jarha. 35 Sheshan gave his daughter to
father of his firstborn Eliab, Abinadab the Jarha his servant as wife; and she bore
second, Shimea the third, 14 Nethanel the him Attai. 36 Attai became the father of
fourth, Raddai the fifth, 15 Ozem the sixth, Nathan, and Nathan became the father of
and David the seventh; 16 and their sisters Zabad, 37 and Zabad became the father
were Zeruiah and Abigail. The sons of of Ephlal, and Ephlal became the father
Zeruiah: Abishai, Joab, and Asahel, three. of Obed, 38 and Obed became the father
17 Abigail bore Amasa; and the father of
of Jehu, and Jehu became the father of
Amasa was Jether the Ishmaelite. Azariah, 39 and Azariah became the father
18 Caleb the son of Hezron became the fa- of Helez, and Helez became the father of
ther of children by Azubah his wife, and by Eleasah, 40 and Eleasah became the father
Jerioth; and these were her sons: Jesher, of Sismai, and Sismai became the father
Shobab, and Ardon. 19 Azubah died, and of Shallum, 41 and Shallum became the
Caleb married Ephrath, who bore him father of Jekamiah, and Jekamiah became
Hur. 20 Hur became the father of Uri, and the father of Elishama.
Uri became the father of Bezalel. 42 The sons of Caleb the brother of Jerah-
21 Afterward Hezron went in to the
meel were Mesha his firstborn, who was
daughter of Machir the father of Gilead, the father of Ziph, and the sons of Mare-
whom he took as wife when he was shah the father of Hebron. 43 The sons
sixty years old; and she bore him Segub. of Hebron: Korah, Tappuah, Rekem, and
22 Segub became the father of Jair, who had
Shema. 44 Shema became the father of
twenty-three cities in the land of Gilead. Raham, the father of Jorkeam; and Rekem
23 Geshur and Aram took the towns of Jair
became the father of Shammai. 45 The
from them, with Kenath, and its villages, son of Shammai was Maon; and Maon
even sixty cities. All these were the sons was the father of Beth Zur. 46 Ephah,
† 2:3 When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, “LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name.
1 Chronicles 2:47 386 1 Chronicles 4:9

Caleb’s concubine, bore Haran, Moza, and 11 Joram his son, Ahaziah his son, Joash his
Gazez; and Haran became the father of son, 12 Amaziah his son, Azariah his son,
Gazez. 47 The sons of Jahdai: Regem, Jotham his son, 13 Ahaz his son, Hezekiah
Jothan, Geshan, Pelet, Ephah, and Shaaph. his son, Manasseh his son, 14 Amon his
48 Maacah, Caleb’s concubine, bore Sheber son, and Josiah his son. 15 The sons of
and Tirhanah. 49 She bore also Shaaph the Josiah: the firstborn Johanan, the sec-
father of Madmannah, Sheva the father of ond Jehoiakim, the third Zedekiah, and
Machbena and the father of Gibea; and the the fourth Shallum. 16 The sons of Je-
daughter of Caleb was Achsah. hoiakim: Jeconiah his son, and Zedekiah
50 These were the sons of Caleb, the son
his son. 17 The sons of Jeconiah, the cap-
of Hur, the firstborn of Ephrathah: Shobal tive: Shealtiel his son, 18 Malchiram, Peda-
the father of Kiriath Jearim, 51 Salma the iah, Shenazzar, Jekamiah, Hoshama, and
father of Bethlehem, and Hareph the fa- Nedabiah. 19 The sons of Pedaiah: Zerub-
ther of Beth Gader. 52 Shobal the father of babel and Shimei. The sons of Zerubbabel:
Kiriath Jearim had sons: Haroeh, half of Meshullam and Hananiah; and Shelomith
the Menuhoth. 53 The families of Kiriath was their sister; 20 and Hashubah, Ohel,
Jearim: the Ithrites, the Puthites, the Shu- Berechiah, Hasadiah, and Jushab Hesed,
mathites, and the Mishraites; from them five. 21 The sons of Hananiah: Pelatiah
came the Zorathites and the Eshtaolites. and Jeshaiah; the sons of Rephaiah, the
54 The sons of Salma: Bethlehem, the Ne-
sons of Arnan, the sons of Obadiah, the
tophathites, Atroth Beth Joab, and half of sons of Shecaniah. 22 The son of Shecaniah:
the Manahathites, the Zorites. 55 The fam- Shemaiah. The sons of Shemaiah: Hattush,
ilies of scribes who lived at Jabez: the Igal, Bariah, Neariah, and Shaphat, six.
Tirathites, the Shimeathites, and the Su- 23 The sons of Neariah: Elioenai, Hizkiah,
cathites. These are the Kenites who came and Azrikam, three. 24 The sons of Elioe-
from Hammath, the father of the house of nai: Hodaviah, Eliashib, Pelaiah, Akkub,
Rechab. Johanan, Delaiah, and Anani, seven.
1 Now these were the sons of David, who 4
were born to him in Hebron: the firstborn, The sons of Judah: Perez, Hezron,
Amnon, of Ahinoam the Jezreelitess; the Carmi, Hur, and Shobal. 2 Reaiah the son
second, Daniel, of Abigail the Carmelitess; of Shobal became the father of Jahath;
2 the third, Absalom the son of Maacah and Jahath became the father of Ahumai
the daughter of Talmai king of Geshur; and Lahad. These are the families of the
the fourth, Adonijah the son of Haggith; Zorathites. 3 These were the sons of the
3 the fifth, Shephatiah of Abital; the sixth, father of Etam: Jezreel, Ishma, and Idbash.
Ithream by Eglah his wife: 4 six were The name of their sister was Hazzelelponi.
4 Penuel was the father of Gedor and Ezer
born to him in Hebron; and he reigned
there seven years and six months. He the father of Hushah. These are the sons
of Hur, the firstborn of Ephrathah, the
reigned thirty-three years in Jerusalem;
5 and these were born to him in Jerusalem: father of Bethlehem. 5 Ashhur the fa-
ther of Tekoa had two wives, Helah and
Shimea, Shobab, Nathan, and Solomon, Naarah. 6 Naarah bore him Ahuzzam, Hep-
four, by Bathshua the daughter of Ammiel; her, Temeni, and Haahashtari. These were
6 and Ibhar, Elishama, Eliphelet, 7 Nogah,
the sons of Naarah. 7 The sons of Helah
Nepheg, Japhia, 8 Elishama, Eliada, and were Zereth, Izhar, and Ethnan. 8 Hakkoz
Eliphelet, nine. 9 All these were the sons became the father of Anub, Zobebah, and
of David, in addition to the sons of the the families of Aharhel the son of Harum.
concubines; and Tamar was their sister. 9 Jabez was more honorable than his
10 Solomon’s son was Rehoboam, Abijah brothers. His mother named him Jabez,†
his son, Asa his son, Jehoshaphat his son, saying, “Because I bore him with sorrow.”
† 4:9 “Jabez” sounds similar to the Hebrew word for “pain”. ‡ 4:10 The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫”א‬
1 Chronicles 4:10 387 1 Chronicles 5:2

10 Jabez called on the God‡ of Israel, say- his brothers didn’t have many children,
ing, “Oh that you would bless me indeed, and all their family didn’t multiply like
and enlarge my border! May your hand be the children of Judah. 28 They lived at
with me, and may you keep me from evil, Beersheba, Moladah, Hazarshual, 29 at Bil-
that I may not cause pain!” hah, at Ezem, at Tolad, 30 at Bethuel, at
God granted him that which he re- Hormah, at Ziklag, 31 at Beth Marcaboth,
quested. Hazar Susim, at Beth Biri, and at Shaaraim.
11 Chelub the brother of Shuhah became
These were their cities until David’s reign.
32 Their villages were Etam, Ain, Rimmon,
the father of Mehir, who was the father
of Eshton. 12 Eshton became the father Tochen, and Ashan, five cities; 33 and all
of Beth Rapha, Paseah, and Tehinnah the their villages that were around the same
father of Ir Nahash. These are the men of cities, as far as Baal. These were their
Recah. 13 The sons of Kenaz: Othniel and settlements, and they kept their genealogy.
Seraiah. The sons of Othniel: Hathath.§ 34 Meshobab, Jamlech, Joshah the son of
14 Meonothai became the father of Ophrah:
Amaziah, 35 Joel, Jehu the son of Joshib-
and Seraiah became the father of Joab iah, the son of Seraiah, the son of Asiel,
the father of Ge Harashim, for they were 36 Elioenai, Jaakobah, Jeshohaiah, Asaiah,
craftsmen. 15 The sons of Caleb the son Adiel, Jesimiel, Benaiah, 37 and Ziza the
of Jephunneh: Iru, Elah, and Naam. The son of Shiphi, the son of Allon, the son of
son of Elah: Kenaz. 16 The sons of Je- Jedaiah, the son of Shimri, the son of She-
hallelel: Ziph, Ziphah, Tiria, and Asarel. maiah— 38 these mentioned by name were
17 The sons of Ezrah: Jether, Mered, Epher,
princes in their families. Their fathers’
and Jalon; and Mered’s wife bore Miriam, houses increased greatly.
Shammai, and Ishbah the father of Eshte- 39 They went to the entrance of Gedor,
moa. 18 His wife the Jewess bore Jered even to the east side of the valley, to seek
the father of Gedor, Heber the father of
Soco, and Jekuthiel the father of Zanoah. pasture for their flocks. 40 They found rich,
good pasture, and the land was wide, and
These are the sons of Bithiah the daughter
quiet, and peaceful, for those who lived
of Pharaoh, whom Mered took. 19 The sons
of the wife of Hodiah, the sister of Naham, there before were descended from Ham.
41 These written by name came in the days
were the fathers of Keilah the Garmite and
Eshtemoa the Maacathite. 20 The sons of of Hezekiah king of Judah, and struck their
Shimon: Amnon, Rinnah, Ben Hanan, and tents and the Meunim who were found
Tilon. The sons of Ishi: Zoheth, and Ben there; and they destroyed them utterly
Zoheth. 21 The sons of Shelah the son to this day, and lived in their place, be-
of Judah: Er the father of Lecah, Laadah cause there was pasture there for their
the father of Mareshah, and the families flocks. 42 Some of them, even of the sons of
of the house of those who worked fine Simeon, five hundred men, went to Mount
linen, of the house of Ashbea; 22 and Jokim, Seir, having for their captains Pelatiah,
and the men of Cozeba, and Joash, and Neariah, Rephaiah, and Uzziel, the sons
Saraph, who had dominion in Moab, and of Ishi. 43 They struck the remnant of the
Jashubilehem. These records are ancient. Amalekites who escaped, and have lived
23 These were the potters, and the inhab- there to this day.
itants of Netaim and Gederah; they lived
there with the king for his work. 5
24 The sons of Simeon: Nemuel, Jamin, 1 Thesons of Reuben the firstborn of Is-
Jarib, Zerah, Shaul; 25 Shallum his son, rael (for he was the firstborn, but because
Mibsam his son, and Mishma his son. he defiled his father’s couch, his birthright
26 The sons of Mishma: Hammuel his son, was given to the sons of Joseph the son of
Zaccur his son, Shimei his son. 27 Shimei Israel; and the genealogy is not to be listed
had sixteen sons and six daughters; but according to the birthright. 2 For Judah
§ 4:13 Greek and Vulgate add “and Meonothai”
1 Chronicles 5:3 388 1 Chronicles 6:13

prevailed above his brothers, and from God in the battle, and he answered them
him came the prince; but the birthright because they put their trust in him. 21 They
was Joseph’s)— 3 the sons of Reuben the took away their livestock: of their camels
firstborn of Israel: Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron, fifty thousand, and of sheep two hundred
and Carmi. 4 The sons of Joel: Shemaiah fifty thousand, and of donkeys two thou-
his son, Gog his son, Shimei his son, 5 Micah sand, and of men one hundred thousand.
his son, Reaiah his son, Baal his son, 6 and 22 For many fell slain, because the war was
Beerah his son, whom Tilgath Pilneser of God. They lived in their place until the
king of Assyria carried away captive. He captivity.
was prince of the Reubenites. 7 His broth- 23 The children of the half-tribe of Man-
ers by their families, when the genealogy asseh lived in the land. They increased
of their generations was listed: the chief, from Bashan to Baal Hermon, Senir, and
Jeiel, and Zechariah, 8 and Bela the son of Mount Hermon. 24 These were the heads
Azaz, the son of Shema, the son of Joel, of their fathers’ houses: Epher, Ishi, Eliel,
who lived in Aroer, even to Nebo and Baal Azriel, Jeremiah, Hodaviah, and Jahdiel—
Meon; 9 and he lived eastward even to the mighty men of valor, famous men, heads
entrance of the wilderness from the river of their fathers’ houses. 25 They trespassed
Euphrates, because their livestock were against the God of their fathers, and played
multiplied in the land of Gilead. the prostitute after the gods of the peoples
10 In the days of Saul, they made war of the land whom God destroyed before
with the Hagrites, who fell by their hand; them. 26 So the God of Israel stirred up
and they lived in their tents throughout all the spirit of Pul king of Assyria, and the
the land east of Gilead. spirit of Tilgath Pilneser king of Assyria,
11 The sons of Gad lived beside them and he carried away the Reubenites, the
in the land of Bashan to Salecah: 12 Joel Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh,
the chief, Shapham the second, Janai, and and brought them to Halah, Habor, Hara,
Shaphat in Bashan. 13 Their brothers of and to the river of Gozan, to this day.
their fathers’ houses: Michael, Meshullam,
Sheba, Jorai, Jacan, Zia, and Eber, seven.
14 These were the sons of Abihail, the son of
1 The sons of Levi: Gershon, Kohath,
Huri, the son of Jaroah, the son of Gilead, and Merari. 2 The sons of Kohath: Am-
the son of Michael, the son of Jeshishai, ram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. 3 The
the son of Jahdo, the son of Buz; 15 Ahi children of Amram: Aaron, Moses, and
the son of Abdiel, the son of Guni, chief Miriam. The sons of Aaron: Nadab, Abihu,
of their fathers’ houses. 16 They lived in Eleazar, and Ithamar. 4 Eleazar became
Gilead in Bashan and in its towns, and in the father of Phinehas, Phinehas became
all the pasture lands of Sharon as far as the father of Abishua, 5 Abishua became
their borders. 17 All these were listed by the father of Bukki. Bukki became the
father of Uzzi. 6 Uzzi became the father
genealogies in the days of Jotham king of of Zerahiah. Zerahiah became the father
Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam king of of Meraioth. 7 Meraioth became the father
Israel. of Amariah. Amariah became the father
18 The sons of Reuben, the Gadites, and of Ahitub. 8 Ahitub became the father
the half-tribe of Manasseh, of valiant men, of Zadok. Zadok became the father of
men able to bear buckler and sword, able Ahimaaz. 9 Ahimaaz became the father
to shoot with bow, and skillful in war, were of Azariah. Azariah became the father
forty-four thousand seven hundred sixty of Johanan. 10 Johanan became the fa-
that were able to go out to war. 19 They ther of Azariah, who executed the priest’s
made war with the Hagrites, with Jetur, office in the house that Solomon built in
Jerusalem. 11 Azariah became the father
and Naphish, and Nodab. 20 They were of Amariah. Amariah became the father
helped against them, and the Hagrites of Ahitub. 12 Ahitub became the father
were delivered into their hand, and all of Zadok. Zadok became the father of
who were with them; for they cried to Shallum. 13 Shallum became the father
1 Chronicles 6:14 389 1 Chronicles 6:62

of Hilkiah. Hilkiah became the father of Shimea, 40 the son of Michael, the son of
Azariah. 14 Azariah became the father Baaseiah, the son of Malchijah, 41 the son of
of Seraiah. Seraiah became the father of Ethni, the son of Zerah, the son of Adaiah,
Jehozadak. 15 Jehozadak went into cap- 42 the son of Ethan, the son of Zimmah,
tivity when the LORD carried Judah and the son of Shimei, 43 the son of Jahath, the
Jerusalem away by the hand of Nebuchad- son of Gershom, the son of Levi. 44 On
nezzar. the left hand their brothers the sons of
16 The sons of Levi: Gershom, Kohath,
Merari: Ethan the son of Kishi, the son
and Merari. 17 These are the names of of Abdi, the son of Malluch, 45 the son of
the sons of Gershom: Libni and Shimei. Hashabiah, the son of Amaziah, the son
18 The sons of Kohath were Amram, Izhar,
Hebron, and Uzziel. 19 The sons of Merari: of Hilkiah, 46 the son of Amzi, the son of
Mahli and Mushi. These are the families Bani, the son of Shemer, 47 the son of Mahli,
of the Levites according to their fathers’ the son of Mushi, the son of Merari, the
households. 20 Of Gershom: Libni his son, son of Levi. 48 Their brothers the Levites
were appointed for all the service of the
Jahath his son, Zimmah his son, 21 Joah
tabernacle of God’s house. 49 But Aaron
his son, Iddo his son, Zerah his son, and and his sons offered on the altar of burnt
Jeatherai his son. 22 The sons of Kohath: offering, and on the altar of incense, for
Amminadab his son, Korah his son, As- all the work of the most holy place, and
sir his son, 23 Elkanah his son, Ebiasaph to make atonement for Israel, according
his son, Assir his son, 24 Tahath his son, to all that Moses the servant of God had
Uriel his son, Uzziah his son, and Shaul commanded.
his son. 25 The sons of Elkanah: Amasai 50 These are the sons of Aaron: Eleazar
and Ahimoth. 26 As for Elkanah, the sons his son, Phinehas his son, Abishua his
of Elkanah: Zophai his son, Nahath his son, 51 Bukki his son, Uzzi his son, Zer-
son, 27 Eliab his son, Jeroham his son, and ahiah his son, 52 Meraioth his son, Amariah
Elkanah his son. 28 The sons of Samuel: his son, Ahitub his son, 53 Zadok his son,
the firstborn, Joel, and the second, Abijah. and Ahimaaz his son. 54 Now these are
29 The sons of Merari: Mahli, Libni his son, their dwelling places according to their
Shimei his son, Uzzah his son, 30 Shimea his encampments in their borders: to the sons
son, Haggiah his son, Asaiah his son. of Aaron, of the families of the Kohathites
31 These are they whom David set over (for theirs was the first lot), 55 to them they
the service of song in the LORD’s house gave Hebron in the land of Judah, and its
after the ark came to rest there. 32 They pasture lands around it; 56 but the fields
ministered with song before the taberna- of the city and its villages, they gave to
cle of the Tent of Meeting until Solomon Caleb the son of Jephunneh. 57 To the sons
had built the LORD’s house in Jerusalem. of Aaron they gave the cities of refuge,
They performed the duties of their office Hebron, Libnah also with its pasture lands,
according to their order. 33 These are those Jattir, Eshtemoa with its pasture lands,
who served, and their sons. Of the sons 58 Hilen with its pasture lands, Debir with
of the Kohathites: Heman the singer, the its pasture lands, 59 Ashan with its pasture
son of Joel, the son of Samuel, 34 the son lands, and Beth Shemesh with its pasture
of Elkanah, the son of Jeroham, the son of lands; 60 and out of the tribe of Benjamin,
Eliel, the son of Toah, 35 the son of Zuph, the Geba with its pasture lands, Allemeth with
son of Elkanah, the son of Mahath, the son its pasture lands, and Anathoth with its
of Amasai, 36 the son of Elkanah, the son of pasture lands. All their cities throughout
Joel, the son of Azariah, the son of Zepha- their families were thirteen cities.
niah, 37 the son of Tahath, the son of Assir, 61 To the rest of the sons of Kohath were
the son of Ebiasaph, the son of Korah, 38 the given by lot, out of the family of the tribe,
son of Izhar, the son of Kohath, the son out of the half-tribe, the half of Manasseh,
of Levi, the son of Israel. 39 His brother ten cities. 62 To the sons of Gershom, ac-
Asaph, who stood on his right hand, even cording to their families, out of the tribe
Asaph the son of Berechiah, the son of of Issachar, and out of the tribe of Asher,
1 Chronicles 6:63 390 1 Chronicles 7:13

and out of the tribe of Naphtali, and out of its pasture lands, and Mephaath with its
the tribe of Manasseh in Bashan, thirteen pasture lands; 80 and out of the tribe of
cities. 63 To the sons of Merari were given Gad, Ramoth in Gilead with its pasture
by lot, according to their families, out of lands, Mahanaim with its pasture lands,
the tribe of Reuben, and out of the tribe of 81 Heshbon with its pasture lands, and
Gad, and out of the tribe of Zebulun, twelve Jazer with its pasture lands.
cities. 64 The children of Israel gave to the
Levites the cities with their pasture lands.
65 They gave by lot out of the tribe of the 7
children of Judah, and out of the tribe of 1 Of the sons of Issachar: Tola, Puah,
the children of Simeon, and out of the tribe Jashub, and Shimron, four. 2 The sons of
of the children of Benjamin, these cities Tola: Uzzi, Rephaiah, Jeriel, Jahmai, Ib-
which are mentioned by name. sam, and Shemuel, heads of their fathers’
66 Some of the families of the sons of Ko- houses, of Tola; mighty men of valor in
hath had cities of their borders out of the their generations. Their number in the
tribe of Ephraim. 67 They gave to them the days of David was twenty-two thousand
cities of refuge, Shechem in the hill coun- six hundred. 3 The son of Uzzi: Izrahiah.
try of Ephraim with its pasture lands and The sons of Izrahiah: Michael, Obadiah,
Gezer with its pasture lands, 68 Jokmeam Joel, and Isshiah, five; all of them chief
with its pasture lands, Beth Horon with its men. 4 With them, by their generations, af-
pasture lands, 69 Aijalon with its pasture ter their fathers’ houses, were bands of the
lands, Gath Rimmon with its pasture lands; army for war, thirty-six thousand; for they
70 and out of the half-tribe of Manasseh, had many wives and sons. 5 Their brothers
Aner with its pasture lands, and Bileam among all the families of Issachar, mighty
with its pasture lands, for the rest of the men of valor, listed in all by genealogy,
family of the sons of Kohath. were eighty-seven thousand.
71 To the sons of Gershom were given, 6 The sons of Benjamin: Bela, Becher,
out of the family of the half-tribe of Man- and Jediael, three. 7 The sons of Bela:
asseh, Golan in Bashan with its pasture Ezbon, Uzzi, Uzziel, Jerimoth, and Iri,
lands, and Ashtaroth with its pasture five; heads of fathers’ houses, mighty men
lands; 72 and out of the tribe of Issachar, of valor; and they were listed by ge-
Kedesh with its pasture lands, Daberath nealogy twenty-two thousand thirty-four.
with its pasture lands, 73 Ramoth with its 8 The sons of Becher: Zemirah, Joash,
pasture lands, and Anem with its pasture Eliezer, Elioenai, Omri, Jeremoth, Abijah,
lands; 74 and out of the tribe of Asher, Anathoth, and Alemeth. All these were the
Mashal with its pasture lands, Abdon with sons of Becher. 9 They were listed by ge-
its pasture lands, 75 Hukok with its pasture nealogy, after their generations, heads of
lands, and Rehob with its pasture lands; their fathers’ houses, mighty men of valor,
76 and out of the tribe of Naphtali, Kedesh twenty thousand two hundred. 10 The
in Galilee with its pasture lands, Hammon son of Jediael: Bilhan. The sons of Bil-
with its pasture lands, and Kiriathaim with han: Jeush, Benjamin, Ehud, Chenaanah,
its pasture lands. Zethan, Tarshish, and Ahishahar. 11 All
77 To the rest of the Levites, the sons these were sons of Jediael, according to the
of Merari, were given, out of the tribe heads of their fathers’ households, mighty
of Zebulun, Rimmono with its pasture men of valor, seventeen thousand two
lands, and Tabor with its pasture lands; hundred, who were able to go out in the
78 and beyond the Jordan at Jericho, on the army for war. 12 So were Shuppim, Hup-
east side of the Jordan, were given them pim, the sons of Ir, Hushim, and the sons
out of the tribe of Reuben: Bezer in the of Aher.
wilderness with its pasture lands, Jahzah 13 The sons of Naphtali: Jahziel, Guni,
with its pasture lands, 79 Kedemoth with Jezer, Shallum, and the sons of Bilhah.
1 Chronicles 7:14 391 1 Chronicles 8:23

14 The sons of Manasseh: Asriel, whom sons of Shemer: Ahi, Rohgah, Jehubbah,
his concubine the Aramitess bore. She and Aram. 35 The sons of Helem his
bore Machir the father of Gilead. 15 Machir brother: Zophah, Imna, Shelesh, and
took a wife of Huppim and Shuppim, Amal. 36 The sons of Zophah: Suah,
whose sister’s name was Maacah. The Harnepher, Shual, Beri, Imrah, 37 Bezer,
name of the second was Zelophehad; and
Hod, Shamma, Shilshah, Ithran, and
Zelophehad had daughters. 16 Maacah the Beera. 38 The sons of Jether: Jephunneh,
wife of Machir bore a son, and she named Pispa, and Ara. 39 The sons of Ulla: Arah,
him Peresh. The name of his brother
was Sheresh; and his sons were Ulam Hanniel, and Rizia. 40 All these were the
and Rakem. 17 The sons of Ulam: Bedan. children of Asher, heads of the fathers’
These were the sons of Gilead the son of houses, choice and mighty men of valor,
Machir, the son of Manasseh. 18 His sis- chief of the princes. The number of them
ter Hammolecheth bore Ishhod, Abiezer, listed by genealogy for service in war was
and Mahlah. 19 The sons of Shemida were twenty-six thousand men.
Ahian, Shechem, Likhi, and Aniam.
20 The sons of Ephraim: Shuthelah,
Bered his son, Tahath his son, Eleadah
his son, Tahath his son, 21 Zabad his son,
1 Benjamin became the father of Bela
Shuthelah his son, Ezer, and Elead, whom his firstborn, Ashbel the second, Aharah
the men of Gath who were born in the the third, 2 Nohah the fourth, and Rapha
land killed, because they came down to the fifth. 3 Bela had sons: Addar, Gera,
take away their livestock. 22 Ephraim their Abihud, 4 Abishua, Naaman, Ahoah, 5 Gera,
father mourned many days, and his broth- Shephuphan, and Huram. 6 These are the
ers came to comfort him. 23 He went in sons of Ehud. These are the heads of
to his wife, and she conceived and bore fathers’ households of the inhabitants of
a son, and he named him Beriah,† be- Geba, who were carried captive to Man-
cause there was trouble with his house. ahath: 7 Naaman, Ahijah, and Gera, who
24 His daughter was Sheerah, who built carried them captive; and he became the
Beth Horon the lower and the upper, and father of Uzza and Ahihud.
Uzzen Sheerah. 25 Rephah was his son, 8 Shaharaim became the father of chil-
Resheph his son, Telah his son, Tahan his dren in the field of Moab, after he had sent
son, 26 Ladan his son, Ammihud his son, El- them away. Hushim and Baara were his
ishama his son, 27 Nun his son, and Joshua wives. 9 By Hodesh his wife, he became
his son. 28 Their possessions and settle- the father of Jobab, Zibia, Mesha, Mal-
ments were Bethel and its towns, and east- cam, 10 Jeuz, Shachia, and Mirmah. These
ward Naaran, and westward Gezer with its were his sons, heads of fathers’ house-
towns; Shechem also and its towns, to Az- holds. 11 By Hushim, he became the fa-
zah and its towns; 29 and by the borders of ther of Abitub and Elpaal. 12 The sons of
the children of Manasseh, Beth Shean and Elpaal: Eber, Misham, and Shemed, who
its towns, Taanach and its towns, Megiddo built Ono and Lod, with its towns; 13 and
and its towns, and Dor and its towns. The Beriah and Shema, who were heads of
children of Joseph the son of Israel lived in fathers’ households of the inhabitants of
these. Aijalon, who put to flight the inhabitants
30 The sons of Asher: Imnah, Ishvah, of Gath; 14 and Ahio, Shashak, Jeremoth,
15 Zebadiah, Arad, Eder, 16 Michael, Ish-
Ishvi, and Beriah. Serah was their sister.
31 The sons of Beriah: Heber and Malchiel, pah, Joha, the sons of Beriah, 17 Zebadiah,
who was the father of Birzaith. 32 Heber Meshullam, Hizki, Heber, 18 Ishmerai,
became the father of Japhlet, Shomer, Izliah, Jobab, the sons of Elpaal, 19 Jakim,
Hotham, and Shua their sister. 33 The sons Zichri, Zabdi, 20 Elienai, Zillethai, Eliel,
of Japhlet: Pasach, Bimhal, and Ashvath. 21 Adaiah, Beraiah, Shimrath, the sons of
These are the children of Japhlet. 34 The Shimei, 22 Ishpan, Eber, Eliel, 23 Abdon,
† 7:23 “Beriah” is similar to the Hebrew word for “misfortune”.
1 Chronicles 8:24 392 1 Chronicles 9:20

Zichri, Hanan, 24 Hananiah, Elam, An- Imri, the son of Bani, of the children of
thothijah, 25 Iphdeiah, Penuel, the sons Perez the son of Judah. 5 Of the Shilonites:
of Shashak, 26 Shamsherai, Shehariah, Asaiah the firstborn and his sons. 6 Of
Athaliah, 27 Jaareshiah, Elijah, Zichri, and the sons of Zerah: Jeuel and their broth-
the sons of Jeroham. 28 These were heads ers, six hundred ninety. 7 Of the sons of
of fathers’ households throughout their Benjamin: Sallu the son of Meshullam, the
generations, chief men. These lived in son of Hodaviah, the son of Hassenuah;
8 and Ibneiah the son of Jeroham, and Elah
29 The father of Gibeon, whose wife’s the son of Uzzi, the son of Michri; and
name was Maacah, lived in Gibeon 30 with Meshullam the son of Shephatiah, the son
his firstborn son Abdon, Zur, Kish, Baal, of Reuel, the son of Ibnijah; 9 and their
Nadab, 31 Gedor, Ahio, Zecher, 32 and Mik- brothers, according to their generations,
loth, who became the father of Shimeah. nine hundred fifty-six. All these men were
They also lived with their families in heads of fathers’ households by their fa-
Jerusalem, near their relatives. 33 Ner thers’ houses.
became the father of Kish. Kish became 10 Of the priests: Jedaiah, Jehoiarib,
the father of Saul. Saul became the fa- Jachin, 11 and Azariah the son of Hilkiah,
ther of Jonathan, Malchishua, Abinadab,
the son of Meshullam, the son of Zadok,
and Eshbaal. 34 The son of Jonathan was the son of Meraioth, the son of Ahitub, the
Merib-baal. Merib-baal became the father ruler of God’s house; 12 and Adaiah the son
of Micah. 35 The sons of Micah: Pithon, of Jeroham, the son of Pashhur, the son
Melech, Tarea, and Ahaz. 36 Ahaz became of Malchijah; and Maasai the son of Adiel,
the father of Jehoaddah. Jehoaddah be-
the son of Jahzerah, the son of Meshullam,
came the father of Alemeth, Azmaveth,
and Zimri. Zimri became the father of the son of Meshillemith, the son of Im-
Moza. 37 Moza became the father of Binea. mer; 13 and their brothers, heads of their
Raphah was his son, Eleasah his son, and fathers’ houses, one thousand seven hun-
Azel his son. 38 Azel had six sons, whose dred sixty; they were very able men for the
names are these: Azrikam, Bocheru, Ish- work of the service of God’s house.
mael, Sheariah, Obadiah, and Hanan. All 14 Of the Levites: Shemaiah the son of
these were the sons of Azel. 39 The sons Hasshub, the son of Azrikam, the son of
of Eshek his brother: Ulam his firstborn, Hashabiah, of the sons of Merari; 15 and
Jeush the second, and Eliphelet the third. Bakbakkar, Heresh, Galal, and Mattaniah
40 The sons of Ulam were mighty men of the son of Mica, the son of Zichri, the son
valor, archers, and had many sons, and of Asaph, 16 and Obadiah the son of Shema-
grandsons, one hundred fifty. All these iah, the son of Galal, the son of Jeduthun;
were of the sons of Benjamin. and Berechiah the son of Asa, the son of
Elkanah, who lived in the villages of the
1 So all Israel were listed by genealogies;
17 The gatekeepers: Shallum, Akkub, Tal-
and behold,† they are written in the book mon, Ahiman, and their brothers (Shallum
of the kings of Israel. Judah was carried was the chief), 18 who previously served in
away captive to Babylon for their disobe- the king’s gate eastward. They were the
dience. 2 Now the first inhabitants who gatekeepers for the camp of the children
lived in their possessions in their cities of Levi. 19 Shallum was the son of Kore,
were Israel, the priests, the Levites, and the son of Ebiasaph, the son of Korah, and
the temple servants. 3 In Jerusalem, there his brothers, of his father’s house, the Ko-
lived of the children of Judah, of the chil- rahites, were over the work of the service,
dren of Benjamin, and of the children of keepers of the thresholds of the tent. Their
Ephraim and Manasseh: 4 Uthai the son fathers had been over the LORD’s camp,
of Ammihud, the son of Omri, the son of keepers of the entry. 20 Phinehas the son of
† 9:1 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.
1 Chronicles 9:21 393 1 Chronicles 10:10

Eleazar was ruler over them in time past, Zechariah, and Mikloth. 38 Mikloth be-
and the LORD was with him. 21 Zechariah came the father of Shimeam. They also
the son of Meshelemiah was gatekeeper lived with their relatives in Jerusalem,
of the door of the Tent of Meeting. 22 All near their relatives. 39 Ner became the
these who were chosen to be gatekeep- father of Kish. Kish became the fa-
ers in the thresholds were two hundred ther of Saul. Saul became the father of
twelve. These were listed by genealogy in Jonathan, Malchishua, Abinadab, and Es-
their villages, whom David and Samuel the hbaal. 40 The son of Jonathan was Merib-
seer ordained in their office of trust. 23 So baal. Merib-baal became the father of
they and their children had the oversight Micah. 41 The sons of Micah: Pithon,
of the gates of the LORD’s house, even the Melech, Tahrea, and Ahaz. 42 Ahaz be-
house of the tent, as guards. 24 On the came the father of Jarah. Jarah became
four sides were the gatekeepers, toward the father of Alemeth, Azmaveth, and
Zimri. Zimri became the father of Moza.
the east, west, north, and south. 25 Their 43 Moza became the father of Binea, Repha-
brothers, in their villages, were to come in iah his son, Eleasah his son, and Azel his
every seven days from time to time to be son. 44 Azel had six sons, whose names
with them, 26 for the four chief gatekeep- are Azrikam, Bocheru, Ishmael, Sheariah,
ers, who were Levites, were in an office Obadiah, and Hanan. These were the sons
of trust, and were over the rooms and of Azel.
over the treasuries in God’s house. 27 They
stayed around God’s house, because that 10
was their duty; and it was their duty to 1 Now the Philistines fought against Is-
open it morning by morning. rael; and the men of Israel fled from be-
28 Certain of them were in charge of the fore the Philistines, and fell down slain on
vessels of service, for these were brought Mount Gilboa. 2 The Philistines followed
hard after Saul and after his sons; and the
in by count, and these were taken out by Philistines killed Jonathan, Abinadab, and
count. 29 Some of them also were ap- Malchishua, the sons of Saul. 3 The battle
pointed over the furniture, and over all went hard against Saul, and the archers
the vessels of the sanctuary, over the fine overtook him; and he was distressed by
flour, the wine, the oil, the frankincense, reason of the archers. 4 Then Saul said
and the spices. to his armor bearer, “Draw your sword,
30 Some of the sons of the priests and thrust me through with it, lest these
prepared the mixing of the spices. uncircumcised come and abuse me.”
31 Mattithiah, one of the Levites, who was But his armor bearer would not, for
the firstborn of Shallum the Korahite, had he was terrified. Therefore Saul took his
the office of trust over the things that were sword and fell on it. 5 When his armor
baked in pans. 32 Some of their brothers, of bearer saw that Saul was dead, he likewise
fell on his sword and died. 6 So Saul died
the sons of the Kohathites, were over the with his three sons; and all his house died
show bread, to prepare it every Sabbath. together. 7 When all the men of Israel
33 These are the singers, heads of fathers’
who were in the valley saw that they fled,
households of the Levites, who lived in the and that Saul and his sons were dead, they
rooms and were free from other service, abandoned their cities, and fled; and the
for they were employed in their work day Philistines came and lived in them.
and night. 34 These were heads of fa- 8 On the next day, when the Philistines
thers’ households of the Levites, through- came to strip the slain, they found Saul and
out their generations, chief men. They his sons fallen on Mount Gilboa. 9 They
lived at Jerusalem. stripped him and took his head and his
35 Jeiel the father of Gibeon, whose armor, then sent into the land of the
wife’s name was Maacah, lived in Gibeon. Philistines all around to carry the news to
36 His firstborn son was Abdon, then Zur, their idols and to the people. 10 They put
Kish, Baal, Ner, Nadab, 37 Gedor, Ahio, his armor in the house of their gods, and
1 Chronicles 10:11 394 1 Chronicles 11:22

fastened his head in the house of Dagon. according to the LORD’s word concerning
11 When all Jabesh Gilead heard all that Israel.
the Philistines had done to Saul, 12 all the 11 This is the number of the mighty men
valiant men arose and took away the body whom David had: Jashobeam, the son of
of Saul and the bodies of his sons, and a Hachmonite, the chief of the thirty; he
brought them to Jabesh, and buried their lifted up his spear against three hundred
bones under the oak in Jabesh, and fasted and killed them at one time. 12 After him
seven days. was Eleazar the son of Dodo, the Aho-
13 So Saul died for his trespass which he hite, who was one of the three mighty
committed against the LORD, because of men. 13 He was with David at Pasdammim,
the LORD’s word, which he didn’t keep, and there the Philistines were gathered
and also because he asked counsel of one together to battle, where there was a plot
who had a familiar spirit, to inquire, 14 and of ground full of barley; and the people
didn’t inquire of the LORD. Therefore he fled from before the Philistines. 14 They
killed him, and turned the kingdom over to stood in the middle of the plot, defended
David the son of Jesse. it, and killed the Philistines; and the LORD
saved them by a great victory.
1 Then
11 15 Three of the thirty chief men went
all Israel gathered themselves to down to the rock to David, into the cave of
David to Hebron, saying, “Behold, we are Adullam; and the army of the Philistines
your bone and your flesh. 2 In times past, were encamped in the valley of Rephaim.
even when Saul was king, it was you who 16 David was then in the stronghold, and
led out and brought in Israel. The LORD the garrison of the Philistines was in Beth-
your God said to you, ‘You shall be shep- lehem at that time. 17 David longed, and
herd of my people Israel, and you shall be said, “Oh, that someone would give me
prince over my people Israel.’ ” water to drink from the well of Bethlehem,
3 So all the elders of Israel came to which is by the gate!”
the king to Hebron; and David made a 18 The three broke through the army of
covenant with them in Hebron before the
LORD. They anointed David king over Is- the Philistines, and drew water out of the
rael, according to the LORD’s word by well of Bethlehem that was by the gate,
Samuel. took it, and brought it to David; but David
4 David and all Israel went to Jerusalem would not drink any of it, but poured it out
(also called Jebus); and the Jebusites, the to the LORD, 19 and said, “My God forbid
inhabitants of the land, were there. 5 The me, that I should do this! Shall I drink
inhabitants of Jebus said to David, “You the blood of these men who have put their
will not come in here!” Nevertheless David lives in jeopardy?” For they risked their
took the stronghold of Zion. The same is lives to bring it. Therefore he would not
David’s city. 6 David had said, “Whoever drink it. The three mighty men did these
strikes the Jebusites first shall be chief and things.
captain.” Joab the son of Zeruiah went up 20 Abishai, the brother of Joab, was chief
first, and was made chief. 7 David lived of the three; for he lifted up his spear
in the stronghold; therefore they called it against three hundred and killed them,
David’s city. 8 He built the city all around, and had a name among the three. 21 Of
from Millo even around; and Joab repaired the three, he was more honorable than the
the rest of the city. 9 David grew greater two, and was made their captain; however
and greater, for the LORD of Armies was he wasn’t included in the three.
with him. 22 Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, the son
10 Now these are the chief of the mighty
of a valiant man of Kabzeel, who had done
men whom David had, who showed them- mighty deeds, killed the two sons of Ariel
selves strong with him in his kingdom, of Moab. He also went down and killed a
together with all Israel, to make him king, lion in the middle of a pit on a snowy day.
1 Chronicles 11:23 395 1 Chronicles 12:17

23 He killed an Egyptian, a man of great 12

1 Now these are those who came to David
stature, five cubits† high. In the Egyptian’s
hand was a spear like a weaver’s beam; to Ziklag while he was a fugitive from Saul
and he went down to him with a staff, the son of Kish. They were among the
plucked the spear out of the Egyptian’s mighty men, his helpers in war. 2 They
hand, and killed him with his own spear. were armed with bows, and could use
24 Benaiah the son of Jehoiada did these both the right hand and the left in sling-
things and had a name among the three ing stones and in shooting arrows from
mighty men. 25 Behold, he was more hon- the bow. They were of Saul’s relatives of
orable than the thirty, but he didn’t attain the tribe of Benjamin. 3 The chief was
to the three; and David set him over his Ahiezer, then Joash, the sons of Shemaah
guard. the Gibeathite; Jeziel and Pelet, the sons of
Azmaveth; Beracah; Jehu the Anathothite;
4 Ishmaiah the Gibeonite, a mighty man
among the thirty and a leader of the thirty;
26The mighty men of the armies Jeremiah; Jahaziel; Johanan; Jozabad the
also include Asahel the brother of Joab, Gederathite; 5 Eluzai; Jerimoth; Bealiah;
Elhanan the son of Dodo of Bethle- Shemariah; Shephatiah the Haruphite;
hem, 27 Shammoth the Harorite, Helez 6 Elkanah, Isshiah, Azarel, Joezer, and
the Pelonite, 28 Ira the son of Ikkesh
the Tekoite, Abiezer the Anathothite, Jashobeam, the Korahites; 7 and Joelah and
29 Sibbecai the Hushathite, Ilai the Ahohite, Zebadiah, the sons of Jeroham of Gedor.
30 Maharai the Netophathite, Heled the 8 Some Gadites joined David in the

son of Baanah the Netophathite, 31 Ithai stronghold in the wilderness, mighty men
the son of Ribai of Gibeah of the children of valor, men trained for war, who could
of Benjamin, Benaiah the Pirathonite, handle shield and spear; whose faces were
32 Hurai of the brooks of Gaash, Abiel the like the faces of lions, and they were
Arbathite, 33 Azmaveth the Baharumite, as swift as the gazelles on the moun-
Eliahba the Shaalbonite, 34 the sons of tains: 9 Ezer the chief, Obadiah the second,
Hashem the Gizonite, Jonathan the son Eliab the third, 10 Mishmannah the fourth,
of Shagee the Hararite, 35 Ahiam the son Jeremiah the fifth, 11 Attai the sixth, Eliel
of Sacar the Hararite, Eliphal the son of the seventh, 12 Johanan the eighth, Elzabad
Ur, 36 Hepher the Mecherathite, Ahijah the the ninth, 13 Jeremiah the tenth, and Mach-
Pelonite, 37 Hezro the Carmelite, Naarai bannai the eleventh. 14 These of the sons
the son of Ezbai, 38 Joel the brother of of Gad were captains of the army. He
Nathan, Mibhar the son of Hagri, 39 Zelek who was least was equal to one hundred,
the Ammonite, Naharai the Berothite (the and the greatest to one thousand. 15 These
armor bearer of Joab the son of Zeruiah), are those who went over the Jordan in the
40 Ira the Ithrite, Gareb the Ithrite, 41 Uriah first month, when it had overflowed all its
the Hittite, Zabad the son of Ahlai, 42 Adina banks; and they put to flight all who lived
the son of Shiza the Reubenite (a chief in the valleys, both toward the east and
of the Reubenites), and thirty with him, toward the west.
43 Hanan the son of Maacah, Joshaphat the 16 Some of the children of Benjamin and
Mithnite, 44 Uzzia the Ashterathite, Shama Judah came to the stronghold to David.
and Jeiel the sons of Hotham the Aroerite, 17 David went out to meet them, and an-
45 Jediael the son of Shimri, and Joha his swered them, “If you have come peaceably
brother, the Tizite, 46 Eliel the Mahavite, to me to help me, my heart will be united
and Jeribai, and Joshaviah, the sons of with you; but if you have come to betray
Elnaam, and Ithmah the Moabite, 47 Eliel, me to my adversaries, since there is no
Obed, and Jaasiel the Mezobaite. wrong in my hands, may the God of our
† 11:23 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46
centimeters. Therefore this Egyptian was bout 7 feet and 6 inches or 2.28 meters tall.
1 Chronicles 12:18 396 1 Chronicles 13:5

fathers see this and rebuke it.” 18 Then were two hundred; and all their brothers
the Spirit came on Amasai, who was chief were at their command. 33 Of Zebulun,
of the thirty, and he said, “We are yours, such as were able to go out in the army,
David, and on your side, you son of Jesse. who could set the battle in array with all
Peace, peace be to you, and peace be to kinds of instruments of war: fifty thou-
your helpers; for your God helps you.” sand who could command and were not
Then David received them and made them of double heart. 34 Of Naphtali: one thou-
captains of the band. sand captains, and with them with shield
19 Some of Manasseh also joined David and spear thirty-seven thousand. 35 Of the
when he came with the Philistines against Danites who could set the battle in array:
Saul to battle, but they didn’t help them, for twenty-eight thousand six hundred. 36 Of
the lords of the Philistines sent him away Asher, such as were able to go out in the
after consultation, saying, “He will desert army, who could set the battle in array:
to his master Saul to the jeopardy of our forty thousand. 37 On the other side of
heads.” the Jordan, of the Reubenites, the Gadites,
20 As he went to Ziklag, some from Man- and of the half-tribe of Manasseh, with all
asseh joined him: Adnah, Jozabad, Jediael, kinds of instruments of war for the battle:
Michael, Jozabad, Elihu, and Zillethai, cap- one hundred twenty thousand.
tains of thousands who were of Manasseh. 38 All these were men of war who could
21 They helped David against the band of order the battle array, and came with a
raiders, for they were all mighty men of perfect heart to Hebron to make David
valor and were captains in the army. 22 For king over all Israel; and all the rest also
from day to day men came to David to of Israel were of one heart to make David
help him, until there was a great army, like king. 39 They were there with David three
God’s army. days, eating and drinking; for their broth-
23 These are the numbers of the heads of ers had supplied provisions for them.
those who were armed for war, who came 40 Moreover those who were near to them,
to David to Hebron to turn the kingdom as far as Issachar, Zebulun, and Naphtali,
of Saul to him, according to the LORD’s brought bread on donkeys, on camels, on
word. 24 The children of Judah who bore mules, and on oxen: supplies of flour,
shield and spear were six thousand eight cakes of figs, clusters of raisins, wine, oil,
hundred, armed for war. 25 Of the children cattle, and sheep in abundance; for there
of Simeon, mighty men of valor for the was joy in Israel.
war: seven thousand one hundred. 26 Of
the children of Levi: four thousand six
hundred. 27 Jehoiada was the leader of the 13
household of Aaron; and with him were
1David consulted with the captains of
three thousand seven hundred, 28 and thousands and of hundreds, even with ev-
Zadok, a young man mighty of valor, and ery leader. 2 David said to all the assembly
of his father’s house twenty-two captains. of Israel, “If it seems good to you, and if
29 Of the children of Benjamin, Saul’s rel- it is of the LORD our God, let’s send word
atives: three thousand, for until then, the everywhere to our brothers who are left
greatest part of them had kept their alle- in all the land of Israel, with whom the
giance to Saul’s house. 30 Of the children of priests and Levites are in their cities that
Ephraim: twenty thousand eight hundred, have pasture lands, that they may gather
mighty men of valor, famous men in their themselves to us. 3 Also, let’s bring the ark
fathers’ houses. 31 Of the half-tribe of Man- of our God back to us again, for we didn’t
asseh: eighteen thousand, who were men- seek it in the days of Saul.”
tioned by name, to come and make David 4 All the assembly said that they would
king. 32 Of the children of Issachar, men do so, for the thing was right in the eyes
who had understanding of the times, to of all the people. 5 So David assembled all
know what Israel ought to do, their heads Israel together, from the Shihor River of
1 Chronicles 13:6 397 1 Chronicles 15:8

Egypt even to the entrance of Hamath, to them. 9 Now the Philistines had come
bring God’s ark from Kiriath Jearim. and made a raid in the valley of Rephaim.
6 David went up with all Israel to Baalah, 10 David inquired of God, saying, “Shall I go

that is, to Kiriath Jearim, which belonged up against the Philistines? Will you deliver
to Judah, to bring up from there God the them into my hand?”
LORD’s ark that sits above the cherubim, The LORD said to him, “Go up; for I will
that is called by the Name. 7 They carried deliver them into your hand.”
God’s ark on a new cart, and brought it out 11 So they came up to Baal Perazim, and
of Abinadab’s house; and Uzza and Ahio David defeated them there. David said,
drove the cart. 8 David and all Israel played God has broken my enemies by my hand,
before God with all their might, even with like waters breaking out. Therefore they
songs, with harps, with stringed instru- called the name of that place Baal Per-
ments, with tambourines, with cymbals, azim.† 12 They left their gods there; and
and with trumpets. David gave a command, and they were
9 When they came to Chidon’s threshing burned with fire.
floor, Uzza put out his hand to hold the 13 The Philistines made another raid in
ark, for the oxen stumbled. 10 The LORD’s the valley. 14 David inquired again of God;
anger burned against Uzza, and he struck and God said to him, “You shall not go up
him because he put his hand on the ark; after them. Turn away from them, and
and he died there before God. 11 David come on them opposite the mulberry trees.
was displeased, because the LORD had 15 When you hear the sound of marching in
broken out against Uzza. He called that the tops of the mulberry trees, then go out
place Perez Uzza, to this day. 12 David was to battle; for God has gone out before you
afraid of God that day, saying, “How can I to strike the army of the Philistines.”
bring God’s ark home to me?” 13 So David 16 David did as God commanded him;
didn’t move the ark with him into David’s and they attacked the army of the
city, but carried it aside into Obed-Edom Philistines from Gibeon even to Gezer.
the Gittite’s house. 14 God’s ark remained 17 The fame of David went out into all
with the family of Obed-Edom in his house lands; and the LORD brought the fear of
three months; and the LORD blessed Obed- him on all nations.
Edom’s house and all that he had.
14 1 Davidmade himself houses in David’s
1Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers city; and he prepared a place for God’s ark,
to David with cedar trees, masons, and and pitched a tent for it. 2 Then David said,
carpenters, to build him a house. 2 David “No one ought to carry God’s ark but the
perceived that the LORD had established Levites. For the LORD has chosen them
him king over Israel, for his kingdom was to carry God’s ark, and to minister to him
highly exalted, for his people Israel’s sake. forever.”
3 David took more wives in Jerusalem, 3 David assembled all Israel at
and David became the father of more Jerusalem, to bring up the LORD’s ark
sons and daughters. 4 These are the to its place, which he had prepared for
names of the children whom he had in it. 4 David gathered together the sons of
Jerusalem: Shammua, Shobab, Nathan, Aaron and the Levites: 5 of the sons of
Solomon, 5 Ibhar, Elishua, Elpelet, 6 Nogah, Kohath, Uriel the chief, and his brothers
Nepheg, Japhia, 7 Elishama, Beeliada, and one hundred twenty; 6 of the sons of
Eliphelet. Merari, Asaiah the chief, and his brothers
8 When the Philistines heard that David two hundred twenty; 7 of the sons of
was anointed king over all Israel, all the Gershom, Joel the chief, and his brothers
Philistines went up to seek David; and one hundred thirty; 8 of the sons of
David heard of it, and went out against Elizaphan, Shemaiah the chief, and his
† 14:11 “Baal Perazim” means “The Lord who breaks out”.
1 Chronicles 15:9 398 1 Chronicles 16:6

brothers two hundred; 9 of the sons of Amasai, Zechariah, Benaiah, and Eliezer,
Hebron, Eliel the chief, and his brothers the priests, blew the trumpets before God’s
eighty; 10 of the sons of Uzziel, Amminadab ark; and Obed-Edom and Jehiah were
the chief, and his brothers one hundred doorkeepers for the ark.
twelve. 25 So David, the elders of Israel, and the
11 David called for Zadok and Abiathar
the priests, and for the Levites: for Uriel, captains over thousands went to bring the
Asaiah, Joel, Shemaiah, Eliel, and Ammi- ark of the LORD’s covenant up out of the
nadab, 12 and said to them, “You are the house of Obed-Edom with joy. 26 When
heads of the fathers’ households of the God helped the Levites who bore the ark
Levites. Sanctify yourselves, both you and of the LORD’s covenant, they sacrificed
your brothers, that you may bring the ark seven bulls and seven rams. 27 David
of the LORD, the God of Israel, up to the was clothed with a robe of fine linen, as
place that I have prepared for it. 13 For were all the Levites who bore the ark,
because you didn’t carry it at first, the the singers, and Chenaniah the choir mas-
LORD our God broke out in anger against ter with the singers; and David had an
us, because we didn’t seek him according ephod of linen on him. 28 Thus all Israel
to the ordinance.” brought the ark of the LORD’s covenant up
14 So the priests and the Levites sancti- with shouting, with sound of the cornet,
fied themselves to bring up the ark of the with trumpets, and with cymbals, sound-
LORD, the God of Israel. 15 The children of ing aloud with stringed instruments and
the Levites bore God’s ark on their shoul- harps. 29 As the ark of the LORD’s covenant
ders with its poles, as Moses commanded came to David’s city, Michal the daughter
according to the LORD’s word. of Saul looked out at the window, and saw
16 David spoke to the chief of the Levites king David dancing and playing; and she
to appoint their brothers as singers with despised him in her heart.
instruments of music, stringed instru-
ments, harps, and cymbals, sounding
aloud and lifting up their voices with 16
joy. 17 So the Levites appointed Heman 1 They brought in God’s ark, and set it
the son of Joel; and of his brothers, in the middle of the tent that David had
Asaph the son of Berechiah; and of the pitched for it; and they offered burnt of-
sons of Merari their brothers, Ethan the ferings and peace offerings before God.
son of Kushaiah; 18 and with them their 2 When David had finished offering the
brothers of the second rank: Zechariah, burnt offering and the peace offerings, he
Ben, Jaaziel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Unni, blessed the people in the LORD’s name.
Eliab, Benaiah, Maaseiah, Mattithiah, 3 He gave to everyone of Israel, both man
Eliphelehu, Mikneiah, Obed-Edom, and and woman, to everyone a loaf of bread, a
Jeiel, the doorkeepers. 19 So the singers, portion of meat, and a cake of raisins.
Heman, Asaph, and Ethan, were given
cymbals of bronze to sound aloud; 20 and 4 He appointed some of the Levites to
Zechariah, Aziel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, minister before the LORD’s ark, and to
Unni, Eliab, Maaseiah, and Benaiah, with commemorate, to thank, and to praise the
stringed instruments set to Alamoth; LORD, the God of Israel: 5 Asaph the chief,
21 and Mattithiah, Eliphelehu, Mikneiah, and second to him Zechariah, then Jeiel,
Obed-Edom, Jeiel, and Azaziah, with harps Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Mattithiah, Eliab, Be-
tuned to the eight-stringed lyre, to lead. naiah, Obed-Edom, and Jeiel, with stringed
22 Chenaniah, chief of the Levites, was instruments and with harps; and Asaph
over the singing. He taught the singers, with cymbals, sounding aloud; 6 with Be-
because he was skillful. 23 Berechiah naiah and Jahaziel the priests with trum-
and Elkanah were doorkeepers for the pets continually, before the ark of the
ark. 24 Shebaniah, Joshaphat, Nethanel, covenant of God.
1 Chronicles 16:7 399 1 Chronicles 16:39

7Then on that day David first ordained 25 For great is the LORD, and greatly to be
giving of thanks to the LORD by the hand praised.
of Asaph and his brothers. He also is to be feared above all gods.
8 Oh give thanks to the LORD. 26 For all the gods of the peoples are idols,
Call on his name. but the LORD made the heavens.
Make what he has done known among 27 Honor and majesty are before him.
the peoples. Strength and gladness are in his place.
9 Sing to him.
28 Ascribe to the LORD, you families of the
Sing praises to him.
Tell of all his marvelous works. peoples,
10 Glory in his holy name. ascribe to the LORD glory and
Let the heart of those who seek the strength!
LORD rejoice. 29 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due to his
11 Seek the LORD and his strength. name.
Seek his face forever more. Bring an offering, and come before
12 Remember his marvelous works that he him.
has done, Worship the LORD in holy array.
his wonders, and the judgments of his 30 Tremble before him, all the earth.
mouth, The world also is established that it
13 you offspring† of Israel his servant, can’t be moved.
31 Let the heavens be glad,
you children of Jacob, his chosen ones.
and let the earth rejoice!
14 He is the LORD our God. Let them say among the nations, “The
His judgments are in all the earth. LORD reigns!”
15 Remember his covenant forever, 32 Let the sea roar, and its fullness!
the word which he commanded to a Let the field exult, and all that is in it!
thousand generations, 33 Then the trees of the forest will sing for
16 the covenant which he made with joy before the LORD,
Abraham, for he comes to judge the earth.
his oath to Isaac. 34 Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is
17 He confirmed it to Jacob for a statute,
and to Israel for an everlasting for his loving kindness endures for-
covenant, ever.
18 saying, “I will give you the land of 35 Say, “Save us, God of our salvation!
Canaan, Gather us together and deliver us from
The lot of your inheritance,” the nations,
19 when you were but a few men in
to give thanks to your holy name,
number, to triumph in your praise.”
yes, very few, and foreigners in it. 36 Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel,
20 They went about from nation to nation,
from everlasting even to everlasting.
from one kingdom to another people. All the people said, “Amen,” and praised
21 He allowed no man to do them wrong.
the LORD.
Yes, he reproved kings for their sakes, 37 So he left Asaph and his brothers there
22 “Don’t touch my anointed ones! before the ark of the LORD’s covenant,
Do my prophets no harm!” to minister before the ark continually,
as every day’s work required; 38 and
23 Sing to the LORD, all the earth! Obed-Edom with their sixty-eight rela-
Display his salvation from day to day. tives; Obed-Edom also the son of Jeduthun
24 Declare his glory among the nations, and Hosah to be doorkeepers; 39 and Zadok
and his marvelous works among all the priest and his brothers the priests,
the peoples. before the LORD’s tabernacle in the high
† 16:13 or, seed
1 Chronicles 16:40 400 1 Chronicles 17:24

place that was at Gibeon, 40 to offer burnt commanded judges to be over my people
offerings to the LORD on the altar of burnt Israel. I will subdue all your enemies.
offering continually morning and evening, Moreover I tell you that the LORD will
even according to all that is written in build you a house. 11 It will happen, when
the LORD’s law, which he commanded to your days are fulfilled that you must go
Israel; 41 and with them Heman and Je- to be with your fathers, that I will set up
duthun and the rest who were chosen, who your offspring after you, who will be of
were mentioned by name, to give thanks your sons; and I will establish his kingdom.
to the LORD, because his loving kindness 12 He will build me a house, and I will
endures forever; 42 and with them Heman establish his throne forever. 13 I will be his
and Jeduthun with trumpets and cymbals father, and he will be my son. I will not
for those that should sound aloud, and take my loving kindness away from him,
with instruments for the songs of God, and as I took it from him who was before you;
the sons of Jeduthun to be at the gate. 14 but I will settle him in my house and
43 All the people departed, each man to in my kingdom forever. His throne will
his house; and David returned to bless his be established forever.” ’ ” 15 According to
house. all these words, and according to all this
vision, so Nathan spoke to David.
17 16 Then David the king went in and sat
1 When David was living in his house,
David said to Nathan the prophet, “Behold, before the LORD; and he said, “Who am
I, LORD God, and what is my house, that
I live in a cedar house, but the ark of the
LORD’s covenant is in a tent.” you have brought me this far? 17 This
2 Nathan said to David, “Do all that is in was a small thing in your eyes, O God, but
your heart; for God is with you.” you have spoken of your servant’s house
3 That same night, the word of God came for a great while to come, and have re-
to Nathan, saying, 4 “Go and tell David my spected me according to the standard of a
servant, ‘The LORD says, “You shall not man of high degree, LORD God. 18 What
build me a house to dwell in; 5 for I have can David say yet more to you concerning
not lived in a house since the day that I the honor which is done to your servant?
brought up Israel to this day, but have gone For you know your servant. 19 LORD, for
from tent to tent, and from one tent to your servant’s sake, and according to your
another. 6 In all places in which I have own heart, you have done all this great-
walked with all Israel, did I speak a word ness, to make known all these great things.
with any of the judges of Israel, whom I 20 LORD, there is no one like you, neither is
commanded to be shepherd of my people, there any God besides you, according to all
saying, ‘Why have you not built me a house that we have heard with our ears. 21 What
of cedar?’ ” ’ one nation in the earth is like your people
7 “Now therefore, you shall tell my ser- Israel, whom God went to redeem to him-
vant David, ‘The LORD of Armies says, “I self for a people, to make you a name by
took you from the sheep pen, from follow- great and awesome things, in driving out
ing the sheep, to be prince over my people nations from before your people whom
Israel. 8 I have been with you wherever you redeemed out of Egypt? 22 For you
you have gone, and have cut off all your made your people Israel your own peo-
enemies from before you. I will make you ple forever; and you, LORD, became their
a name like the name of the great ones who God. 23 Now, LORD, let the word that you
are in the earth. 9 I will appoint a place have spoken concerning your servant, and
for my people Israel, and will plant them, concerning his house, be established for-
that they may dwell in their own place, ever, and do as you have spoken. 24 Let
and be moved no more. The children of your name be established and magnified
wickedness will not waste them any more, forever, saying, ‘The LORD of Armies is the
as at the first, 10 and from the day that I God of Israel, even a God to Israel. The
1 Chronicles 17:25 401 1 Chronicles 19:6

house of David your servant is established gold and silver and bronze. 11 King David
before you.’ 25 For you, my God, have re- also dedicated these to the LORD, with the
vealed to your servant that you will build silver and the gold that he carried away
him a house. Therefore your servant has from all the nations: from Edom, from
found courage to pray before you. 26 Now, Moab, from the children of Ammon, from
LORD, you are God, and have promised the Philistines, and from Amalek.
12 Moreover Abishai the son of Zeruiah
this good thing to your servant. 27 Now
it has pleased you to bless the house of struck eighteen thousand of the Edomites
your servant, that it may continue forever in the Valley of Salt. 13 He put garrisons
before you; for you, LORD, have blessed, in Edom; and all the Edomites became
and it is blessed forever.” servants to David. The LORD gave victory
to David wherever he went.
18 14 David reigned over all Israel; and he
executed justice and righteousness for all
1 After this, David defeated the
Philistines and subdued them, and took his people. 15 Joab the son of Zeruiah
Gath and its towns out of the hand of the was over the army; Jehoshaphat the son of
Philistines. 2 He defeated Moab; and the Ahilud was recorder; 16 Zadok the son of
Moabites became servants to David and Ahitub and Abimelech the son of Abiathar
brought tribute. were priests; Shavsha was scribe; 17 and
3 David defeated Hadadezer king of Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was over the
Zobah, toward Hamath, as he went to Cherethites and the Pelethites; and the
establish his dominion by the river Eu- sons of David were chief officials serving
phrates. 4 David took from him one thou- the king.
sand chariots, seven thousand horsemen,
and twenty thousand footmen; and David
hamstrung all the chariot horses, but re-
1 After
this, Nahash the king of the chil-
served of them enough for one hundred
dren of Ammon died, and his son reigned
chariots. 5 When the Syrians of Dam-
in his place. 2 David said, “I will show kind-
ascus came to help Hadadezer king of
ness to Hanun the son of Nahash, because
Zobah, David struck twenty-two thousand his father showed kindness to me.”
men of the Syrians. 6 Then David put So David sent messengers to comfort
garrisons in Syria of Damascus; and the him concerning his father. David’s ser-
Syrians became servants to David and vants came into the land of the children of
brought tribute. The LORD gave victory Ammon to Hanun to comfort him. 3 But the
to David wherever he went. 7 David took princes of the children of Ammon said to
the shields of gold that were on the ser- Hanun, “Do you think that David honors
vants of Hadadezer, and brought them your father, in that he has sent comforters
to Jerusalem. 8 From Tibhath and from to you? Haven’t his servants come to you
Cun, cities of Hadadezer, David took very to search, to overthrow, and to spy out the
much bronze, with which Solomon made land?” 4 So Hanun took David’s servants,
the bronze sea, the pillars, and the vessels shaved them, and cut off their garments in
of bronze. the middle at their buttocks, and sent them
9 When Tou king of Hamath heard
away. 5 Then some people went and told
that David had struck all the army of David how the men were treated. He sent
Hadadezer king of Zobah, 10 he sent to meet them; for the men were greatly
Hadoram his son to King David to greet humiliated. The king said, “Stay at Jericho
him and to bless him, because he had until your beards have grown, and then
fought against Hadadezer and struck him return.”
(for Hadadezer had wars with Tou); and 6 When the children of Ammon saw
he had with him all kinds of vessels of that they had made themselves odious to
† 19:6 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds, so 1000 talents is about 30 metric tons
1 Chronicles 19:7 402 1 Chronicles 21:2

David, Hanun and the children of Am- before Israel; and David killed of the Syr-
mon sent one thousand talents† of sil- ian men seven thousand charioteers and
ver to hire chariots and horsemen out of forty thousand footmen, and also killed
Mesopotamia, out of Aram-maacah, and Shophach the captain of the army. 19 When
out of Zobah. 7 So they hired for them- the servants of Hadadezer saw that they
selves thirty-two thousand chariots, and were defeated by Israel, they made peace
the king of Maacah with his people, who with David and served him. The Syrians
came and encamped near Medeba. The would not help the children of Ammon any
children of Ammon gathered themselves more.
together from their cities, and came to
battle. 8 When David heard of it, he sent 20
Joab with all the army of the mighty men. 1At the time of the return of the year,
9 The children of Ammon came out, and at the time when kings go out, Joab led
put the battle in array at the gate of the out the army and wasted the country of
city; and the kings who had come were by the children of Ammon, and came and
themselves in the field. besieged Rabbah. But David stayed at
10 Now when Joab saw that the battle Jerusalem. Joab struck Rabbah, and over-
was set against him before and behind, he threw it. 2 David took the crown of their
king from off his head, and found it to
chose some of all the choice men of Israel, weigh a talent of gold,† and there were
and put them in array against the Syrians.
11 The rest of the people he committed precious stones in it. It was set on David’s
head, and he brought very much plunder
into the hand of Abishai his brother; and
they put themselves in array against the out of the city. 3 He brought out the people
who were in it, and had them cut with
children of Ammon. 12 He said, “If the saws, with iron picks, and with axes. David
Syrians are too strong for me, then you are
did so to all the cities of the children of
to help me; but if the children of Ammon Ammon. Then David and all the people
are too strong for you, then I will help you. returned to Jerusalem.
13 Be courageous, and let’s be strong for
4 After this, war arose at Gezer with the
our people and for the cities of our God. Philistines. Then Sibbecai the Hushathite
May the LORD do that which seems good killed Sippai, of the sons of the giant; and
to him.” they were subdued.
14 So Joab and the people who were with 5 Again there was war with the
him came near to the front of the Syrians Philistines; and Elhanan the son of Jair
to the battle; and they fled before him. killed Lahmi the brother of Goliath the
15 When the children of Ammon saw that Gittite, the staff of whose spear was like
the Syrians had fled, they likewise fled be- a weaver’s beam. 6 There was again war
fore Abishai his brother, and entered into at Gath, where there was a man of great
the city. Then Joab came to Jerusalem. stature, who had twenty-four fingers and
16 When the Syrians saw that they were toes, six on each hand and six on each
foot; and he also was born to the giant.
defeated by Israel, they sent messengers 7 When he defied Israel, Jonathan the son
and called out the Syrians who were be-
of Shimea, David’s brother, killed him.
yond the River,‡ with Shophach the cap- 8 These were born to the giant in Gath; and
tain of the army of Hadadezer leading
they fell by the hand of David and by the
them. 17 David was told that, so he gath-
hand of his servants.
ered all Israel together, passed over the
Jordan, came to them, and set the battle 21
in array against them. So when David had 1 Satan stood up against Israel, and
put the battle in array against the Syrians, moved David to take a census of Israel.
they fought with him. 18 The Syrians fled 2 David said to Joab and to the princes of
‡ 19:16 or, the Euphrates River † 20:2 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds or 965 Troy ounces
1 Chronicles 21:3 403 1 Chronicles 21:24

the people, “Go, count Israel from Beer- to destroy it. As he was about to de-
sheba even to Dan; and bring me word, stroy, the LORD saw, and he relented of
that I may know how many there are.” the disaster, and said to the destroying
3 Joab said, “May the LORD make his angel, “It is enough. Now withdraw your
people a hundred times as many as they hand.” the LORD’s angel was standing by
are. But, my lord the king, aren’t they all the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.
16 David lifted up his eyes, and saw the
my lord’s servants? Why does my lord
require this thing? Why will he be a cause LORD’s angel standing between earth and
of guilt to Israel?” the sky, having a drawn sword in his hand
4 Nevertheless the king’s word prevailed stretched out over Jerusalem.
against Joab. Therefore Joab departed and Then David and the elders, clothed in
went throughout all Israel, then came to sackcloth, fell on their faces. 17 David said
Jerusalem. 5 Joab gave the sum of the to God, “Isn’t it I who commanded the peo-
census of the people to David. All those of ple to be counted? It is even I who have
Israel were one million one hundred thou- sinned and done very wickedly; but these
sand men who drew a sword; and in Judah sheep, what have they done? Please let
were four hundred seventy thousand men your hand, O LORD my God, be against
who drew a sword. 6 But he didn’t count me and against my father’s house; but not
Levi and Benjamin among them, for the against your people, that they should be
king’s word was abominable to Joab. plagued.”
7 God was displeased with this thing; 18 Then the LORD’s angel commanded
therefore he struck Israel. 8 David said to Gad to tell David that David should go
God, “I have sinned greatly, in that I have up and raise an altar to the LORD on
done this thing. But now put away, I beg the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.
you, the iniquity of your servant, for I have 19 David went up at the saying of Gad,
done very foolishly.” which he spoke in the LORD’s name.
9 The LORD spoke to Gad, David’s seer,
20 Ornan turned back and saw the angel;
saying, 10 “Go and speak to David, saying, and his four sons who were with him hid
‘The LORD says, “I offer you three things. themselves. Now Ornan was threshing
Choose one of them, that I may do it to wheat. 21 As David came to Ornan, Ornan
you.” ’ ” looked and saw David, and went out of
11 So Gad came to David and said to the threshing floor, and bowed himself to
him, “The LORD says, ‘Take your choice: David with his face to the ground.
12 either three years of famine; or three
22 Then David said to Ornan, “Sell me
months to be consumed before your foes, the place of this threshing floor, that I may
while the sword of your enemies overtakes build an altar to the LORD on it. You shall
you; or else three days of the sword of sell it to me for the full price, that the
the LORD, even pestilence in the land, and plague may be stopped from afflicting the
the LORD’s angel destroying throughout people.”
all the borders of Israel. Now therefore 23 Ornan said to David, “Take it for your-
consider what answer I shall return to him
who sent me.’ ” self, and let my lord the king do that which
13 David said to Gad, “I am in distress. Let is good in his eyes. Behold, I give the
me fall, I pray, into the LORD’s hand, for oxen for burnt offerings, and the threshing
his mercies are very great. Don’t let me fall instruments for wood, and the wheat for
into man’s hand.” the meal offering. I give it all.”
14 So the LORD sent a pestilence on Is- 24 King David said to Ornan, “No, but I
rael, and seventy thousand men of Israel will most certainly buy it for the full price.
fell. 15 God sent an angel to Jerusalem For I will not take that which is yours for
† 21:25 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.32 Troy ounces, so 600 shekels was about 6 kilograms or about 192
Troy ounces.
1 Chronicles 21:25 404 1 Chronicles 22:19

the LORD, nor offer a burnt offering that saying, ‘You have shed blood abundantly
costs me nothing.” and have made great wars. You shall not
25 So David gave to Ornan six hundred build a house to my name, because you
shekels† of gold by weight for the place. have shed much blood on the earth in my
26 David built an altar to the LORD there, sight. 9 Behold, a son shall be born to you,
and offered burnt offerings and peace of- who shall be a man of peace. I will give him
ferings, and called on the LORD; and he rest from all his enemies all around; for
answered him from the sky by fire on the his name shall be Solomon, and I will give
altar of burnt offering. peace and quietness to Israel in his days.
27 Then The LORD commanded the an- 10 He shall build a house for my name;
gel, and he put his sword back into its and he will be my son, and I will be his
sheath. father; and I will establish the throne of his
28 At that time, when David saw that the kingdom over Israel forever.’ 11 Now, my
LORD had answered him in the thresh- son, may the LORD be with you and pros-
ing floor of Ornan the Jebusite, then he per you, and build the house of the LORD
sacrificed there. 29 For the LORD’s taber- your God, as he has spoken concerning
nacle, which Moses made in the wilder-
ness, and the altar of burnt offering, were you. 12 May the LORD give you discretion
at that time in the high place at Gibeon. and understanding, and put you in charge
30 But David couldn’t go before it to inquire of Israel, so that you may keep the law
of God, for he was afraid because of the of the LORD your God. 13 Then you will
sword of the LORD’s angel. prosper, if you observe to do the statutes
and the ordinances which the LORD gave
22 Moses concerning Israel. Be strong and
courageous. Don’t be afraid and don’t be
1Then David said, “This is the house of
the LORD God, and this is the altar of burnt dismayed. 14 Now, behold, in my affliction
offering for Israel.” I have prepared for the LORD’s house one
2 David gave orders to gather together hundred thousand talents† of gold, one
the foreigners who were in the land of million talents‡ of silver, and bronze and
Israel; and he set masons to cut dressed iron without weight; for it is in abundance.
stones to build God’s house. 3 David pre- I have also prepared timber and stone; and
pared iron in abundance for the nails for you may add to them. 15 There are also
the doors of the gates and for the cou- workmen with you in abundance—cutters
plings, and bronze in abundance without and workers of stone and timber, and all
weight, 4 and cedar trees without num- kinds of men who are skillful in every
ber, for the Sidonians and the people of kind of work; 16 of the gold, the silver, the
Tyre brought cedar trees in abundance to bronze, and the iron, there is no number.
David. 5 David said, “Solomon my son is Arise and be doing, and may the LORD be
young and tender, and the house that is with you.”
to be built for the LORD must be exceed- 17 David also commanded all the princes
ingly magnificent, of fame and of glory of Israel to help Solomon his son, saying,
throughout all countries. I will therefore 18 “Isn’t the LORD your God with you?
make preparation for it.” So David pre- Hasn’t he given you rest on every side?
pared abundantly before his death. 6 Then For he has delivered the inhabitants of
he called for Solomon his son, and com- the land into my hand; and the land is
manded him to build a house for the LORD, subdued before the LORD and before his
the God of Israel. 7 David said to Solomon people. 19 Now set your heart and your
his son, “As for me, it was in my heart to soul to follow the LORD your God. Arise
build a house to the name of the LORD my therefore, and build the sanctuary of the
God. 8 But the LORD’s word came to me, LORD God, to bring the ark of the LORD’s
† 22:14 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds or 965 Troy ounces, so 100,000 talents is about 3 metric tons
‡ 22:14 about 30,000 metric tons
1 Chronicles 23:1 405 1 Chronicles 24:3

covenant and the holy vessels of God into Uzziel: Micah the chief, and Isshiah the
the house that is to be built for the LORD’s second.
name.” 21 The sons of Merari: Mahli and Mushi.
The sons of Mahli: Eleazar and Kish.
22 Eleazar died, and had no sons, but
23 daughters only; and their relatives, the
1 Now David was old and full of days; and sons of Kish, took them as wives. 23 The
he made Solomon his son king over Israel. sons of Mushi: Mahli, Eder, and Jeremoth,
2 He gathered together all the princes of Is- three.
24 These were the sons of Levi after their
rael, with the priests and the Levites. 3 The
Levites were counted from thirty years fathers’ houses, even the heads of the fa-
old and upward; and their number by thers’ houses of those who were counted
individually, in the number of names by
their polls, man by man, was thirty-eight
their polls, who did the work for the ser-
thousand. 4 David said, “Of these, twenty-
vice of the LORD’s house, from twenty
four thousand were to oversee the work
of the LORD’s house, six thousand were years old and upward.
25 For David said,

officers and judges, 5 four thousand were “The LORD, the God of Israel, has given rest
doorkeepers, and four thousand praised to his people; and he dwells in Jerusalem
the LORD with the instruments which I forever.
26 Also the Levites will no longer
made for giving praise.” need to carry the tabernacle and all its ves-
6 David divided them into divisions ac- sels for its service.”
27 For by the last words

cording to the sons of Levi: Gershon, Ko- of David the sons of Levi were counted,
hath, and Merari. from twenty years old and upward. 28 For
7 Of the Gershonites: Ladan and Shimei. their duty was to wait on the sons of Aaron
8 The sons of Ladan: Jehiel the chief, for the service of the LORD’s house—in the
Zetham, and Joel, three. 9 The sons of courts, in the rooms, and in the purifying
Shimei: Shelomoth, Haziel, and Haran, of all holy things, even the work of the
three. These were the heads of the fa- service of God’s house; for the show

thers’ households of Ladan. 10 The sons bread also, and for the fine flour for a meal
of Shimei: Jahath, Zina, Jeush, and Be- offering, whether of unleavened wafers,
riah. These four were the sons of Shimei. or of that which is baked in the pan, or of
11 Jahath was the chief, and Zizah the sec- that which is soaked, and for all measure-
ond; but Jeush and Beriah didn’t have ments of quantity and size; 30 and to stand
many sons; therefore they became a fa- every morning to thank and praise the
thers’ house in one reckoning. LORD, and likewise in the evening; 31 and
12 The sons of Kohath: Amram, Izhar, to offer all burnt offerings to the LORD on
Hebron, and Uzziel, four. 13 The sons of the Sabbaths, on the new moons, and on
Amram: Aaron and Moses; and Aaron was the set feasts, in number according to the
separated that he should sanctify the most ordinance concerning them, continually
holy things, he and his sons forever, to before the LORD; 32 and that they should
burn incense before the LORD, to minister keep the duty of the Tent of Meeting, the
to him, and to bless in his name forever. duty of the holy place, and the duty of the
14 But as for Moses the man of God, his sons of Aaron their brothers for the service
sons were named among the tribe of Levi. of the LORD’s house.
15 The sons of Moses: Gershom and Eliezer.
16 The sons of Gershom: Shebuel the chief.
17 The son of Eliezer was Rehabiah the
1 These were the divisions of the sons of
chief; and Eliezer had no other sons, but Aaron. The sons of Aaron: Nadab, Abihu,
the sons of Rehabiah were very many. Eleazar, and Ithamar. 2 But Nadab and
18 The son of Izhar: Shelomith the chief. Abihu died before their father, and had no
19 The sons of Hebron: Jeriah the chief, children; therefore Eleazar and Ithamar
Amariah the second, Jahaziel the third, served as priests. 3 David, with Zadok of
and Jekameam the fourth. 20 The sons of the sons of Eleazar and Ahimelech of the
1 Chronicles 24:4 406 1 Chronicles 25:8

sons of Ithamar, divided them according of Jaaziah: Beno. 27 The sons of Merari by
to their ordering in their service. 4 There Jaaziah: Beno, Shoham, Zaccur, and Ibri.
were more chief men found of the sons of 28 Of Mahli: Eleazar, who had no sons. 29 Of
Eleazar than of the sons of Ithamar; and Kish, the son of Kish: Jerahmeel. 30 The
they were divided like this: of the sons sons of Mushi: Mahli, Eder, and Jerimoth.
of Eleazar there were sixteen, heads of These were the sons of the Levites after
fathers’ houses; and of the sons of Ithamar, their fathers’ houses. 31 These likewise
according to their fathers’ houses, eight. cast lots even as their brothers the sons of
5 Thus they were divided impartially by Aaron in the presence of David the king,
drawing lots; for there were princes of the Zadok, Ahimelech, and the heads of the
sanctuary and princes of God, both of the fathers’ households of the priests and of
sons of Eleazar, and of the sons of Ithamar. the Levites, the fathers’ households of the
6 Shemaiah the son of Nethanel the scribe, chief even as those of his younger brother.
who was of the Levites, wrote them in the
presence of the king, the princes, Zadok
the priest, Ahimelech the son of Abiathar, 25
and the heads of the fathers’ households of 1 Moreover, David and the captains of the
the priests and of the Levites; one fathers’ army set apart for the service certain of the
house being taken for Eleazar, and one sons of Asaph, of Heman, and of Jeduthun,
taken for Ithamar. who were to prophesy with harps, with
7 Now the first lot came out to Jehoiarib,
stringed instruments, and with cymbals.
the second to Jedaiah, 8 the third to Harim, The number of those who did the work
the fourth to Seorim, 9 the fifth to Malchi- according to their service was: 2 of the
jah, the sixth to Mijamin, 10 the seventh to sons of Asaph: Zaccur, Joseph, Nethaniah,
Hakkoz, the eighth to Abijah, 11 the ninth and Asharelah. The sons of Asaph were
to Jeshua, the tenth to Shecaniah, 12 the under the hand of Asaph, who prophesied
eleventh to Eliashib, the twelfth to Jakim, at the order of the king. 3 Of Jeduthun,
13 the thirteenth to Huppah, the fourteenth the sons of Jeduthun: Gedaliah, Zeri, Jesha-
to Jeshebeab, 14 the fifteenth to Bilgah, the iah, Shimei, Hashabiah, and Mattithiah,
sixteenth to Immer, 15 the seventeenth to six, under the hands of their father Je-
Hezir, the eighteenth to Happizzez, 16 the duthun, who prophesied in giving thanks
nineteenth to Pethahiah, the twentieth to and praising the LORD with the harp. 4 Of
Jehezkel, 17 the twenty-first to Jachin, the Heman, the sons of Heman: Bukkiah, Mat-
twenty-second to Gamul, 18 the twenty- taniah, Uzziel, Shebuel, Jerimoth, Hana-
third to Delaiah, and the twenty-fourth niah, Hanani, Eliathah, Giddalti, Romamti-
to Maaziah. 19 This was their ordering Ezer, Joshbekashah, Mallothi, Hothir, and
in their service, to come into the LORD’s Mahazioth. 5 All these were the sons of He-
house according to the ordinance given to man the king’s seer in the words of God, to
them by Aaron their father, as the LORD, lift up the horn. God gave to Heman four-
the God of Israel, had commanded him. teen sons and three daughters. 6 All these
20 Of the rest of the sons of Levi: of the were under the hands of their father for
sons of Amram, Shubael; of the sons of song in the LORD’s house, with cymbals,
Shubael, Jehdeiah. 21 Of Rehabiah: of the stringed instruments, and harps, for the
sons of Rehabiah, Isshiah the chief. 22 Of service of God’s house: Asaph, Jeduthun,
the Izharites, Shelomoth; of the sons of and Heman being under the order of the
Shelomoth, Jahath. 23 The sons of Hebron: king. 7 The number of them, with their
Jeriah, Amariah the second, Jahaziel the brothers who were instructed in singing
third, and Jekameam the fourth. 24 The to the LORD, even all who were skillful,
sons of Uzziel: Micah; of the sons of Micah, was two hundred eighty-eight. 8 They cast
Shamir. 25 The brother of Micah: Isshiah; lots for their offices, all alike, the small as
of the sons of Isshiah, Zechariah. 26 The well as the great, the teacher as well as the
sons of Merari: Mahli and Mushi. The son student.
1 Chronicles 25:9 407 1 Chronicles 26:26

9Now the first lot came out for Asaph his son, who ruled over the house of their
to Joseph; the second to Gedaliah, he and father; for they were mighty men of valor.
his brothers and sons were twelve; 10 the 7 The sons of Shemaiah: Othni, Rephael,
third to Zaccur, his sons and his brothers, Obed, and Elzabad, whose relatives were
twelve; 11 the fourth to Izri, his sons and valiant men, Elihu, and Semachiah. 8 All
his brothers, twelve; 12 the fifth to Netha- these were of the sons of Obed-Edom with
niah, his sons and his brothers, twelve; their sons and their brothers, able men
13 the sixth to Bukkiah, his sons and his in strength for the service: sixty-two of
brothers, twelve; 14 the seventh to Jeshare- Obed-Edom. 9 Meshelemiah had sons and
lah, his sons and his brothers, twelve; brothers, eighteen valiant men. 10 Also
15 the eighth to Jeshaiah, his sons and his Hosah, of the children of Merari, had sons:
brothers, twelve; 16 the ninth to Mattaniah, Shimri the chief (for though he was not the
his sons and his brothers, twelve; 17 the firstborn, yet his father made him chief),
tenth to Shimei, his sons and his brothers, 11 Hilkiah the second, Tebaliah the third,
twelve; 18 the eleventh to Azarel, his sons and Zechariah the fourth. All the sons and
and his brothers, twelve; 19 the twelfth brothers of Hosah were thirteen.
12 Of these were the divisions of the
to Hashabiah, his sons and his brothers,
twelve; 20 for the thirteenth, Shubael, his doorkeepers, even of the chief men, hav-
sons and his brothers, twelve; 21 for the ing offices like their brothers, to minis-
fourteenth, Mattithiah, his sons and his ter in the LORD’s house. 13 They cast
brothers, twelve; 22 for the fifteenth to Jer- lots, the small as well as the great, ac-
emoth, his sons and his brothers, twelve; cording to their fathers’ houses, for every
23 for the sixteenth to Hananiah, his sons gate. 14 The lot eastward fell to Shelemiah.
and his brothers, twelve; 24 for the seven- Then for Zechariah his son, a wise coun-
teenth to Joshbekashah, his sons and his selor, they cast lots; and his lot came out
brothers, twelve; 25 for the eighteenth to northward. 15 To Obed-Edom southward;
Hanani, his sons and his brothers, twelve; and to his sons the storehouse. 16 To
26 for the nineteenth to Mallothi, his sons Shuppim and Hosah westward, by the
and his brothers, twelve; 27 for the twenti- gate of Shallecheth, at the causeway that
eth to Eliathah, his sons and his brothers, goes up, watchman opposite watchman.
twelve; 28 for the twenty-first to Hothir, 17 Eastward were six Levites, northward
his sons and his brothers, twelve; 29 for four a day, southward four a day, and for
the twenty-second to Giddalti, his sons and the storehouse two and two. 18 For Parbar
his brothers, twelve; 30 for the twenty- westward, four at the causeway, and two
third to Mahazioth, his sons and his broth- at Parbar. 19 These were the divisions of
ers, twelve; 31 for the twenty-fourth to the doorkeepers; of the sons of the Ko-
Romamti-Ezer, his sons and his brothers, rahites, and of the sons of Merari.
twelve. 20 Of the Levites, Ahijah was over the
treasures of God’s house and over the trea-
26 sures of the dedicated things. 21 The sons
1For the divisions of the doorkeepers: of Ladan, the sons of the Gershonites be-
of the Korahites, Meshelemiah the son of longing to Ladan, the heads of the fathers’
Kore, of the sons of Asaph. 2 Meshelemiah households belonging to Ladan the Ger-
had sons: Zechariah the firstborn, Jediael shonite: Jehieli. 22 The sons of Jehieli:
the second, Zebadiah the third, Jathniel Zetham, and Joel his brother, over the trea-
the fourth, 3 Elam the fifth, Jehohanan sures of the LORD’s house. 23 Of the Am-
the sixth, and Eliehoenai the seventh. ramites, of the Izharites, of the Hebronites,
4 Obed-Edom had sons: Shemaiah the of the Uzzielites: 24 Shebuel the son of
firstborn, Jehozabad the second, Joah the Gershom, the son of Moses, was ruler over
third, Sacar the fourth, Nethanel the fifth, the treasuries. 25 His brothers: of Eliezer,
5 Ammiel the sixth, Issachar the seventh, Rehabiah his son, and Jeshaiah his son,
and Peullethai the eighth; for God blessed and Joram his son, and Zichri his son, and
him. 6 Sons were also born to Shemaiah Shelomoth his son. 26 This Shelomoth and
1 Chronicles 26:27 408 1 Chronicles 27:22

his brothers were over all the treasuries and in his division were twenty-four thou-
of the dedicated things, which David the sand. 5 The third captain of the army for
king, and the heads of the fathers’ house- the third month was Benaiah, the son of
holds, the captains over thousands and Jehoiada the chief priest. In his division
hundreds, and the captains of the army, were twenty-four thousand. 6 This is that
had dedicated. 27 They dedicated some of Benaiah who was the mighty man of the
the plunder won in battles to repair the thirty and over the thirty. Of his division
LORD’s house. 28 All that Samuel the seer, was Ammizabad his son. 7 The fourth
Saul the son of Kish, Abner the son of Ner, captain for the fourth month was Asahel
and Joab the son of Zeruiah had dedicated, the brother of Joab, and Zebadiah his son
whoever had dedicated anything, it was after him. In his division were twenty-four
under the hand of Shelomoth and of his thousand. 8 The fifth captain for the fifth
brothers. month was Shamhuth the Izrahite. In his
29 Of the Izharites, Chenaniah and his
division were twenty-four thousand. 9 The
sons were appointed to the outward busi- sixth captain for the sixth month was Ira
ness over Israel, for officers and judges. the son of Ikkesh the Tekoite. In his di-
30 Of the Hebronites, Hashabiah and his
vision were twenty-four thousand. 10 The
brothers, one thousand seven hundred seventh captain for the seventh month
men of valor, had the oversight of Israel was Helez the Pelonite, of the children of
beyond the Jordan westward, for all the Ephraim. In his division were twenty-four
business of the LORD and for the service of thousand. 11 The eighth captain for the
the king. 31 Of the Hebronites, Jerijah was eighth month was Sibbecai the Hushathite,
the chief of the Hebronites, according to of the Zerahites. In his division were
their generations by fathers’ households. twenty-four thousand. 12 The ninth cap-
They were sought for in the fortieth year tain for the ninth month was Abiezer the
of the reign of David, and mighty men Anathothite, of the Benjamites. In his di-
of valor were found among them at Jazer vision were twenty-four thousand. 13 The
of Gilead. 32 His relatives, men of valor, tenth captain for the tenth month was Ma-
were two thousand seven hundred, heads harai the Netophathite, of the Zerahites.
of fathers’ households, whom King David In his division were twenty-four thousand.
made overseers over the Reubenites, the 14 The eleventh captain for the eleventh
Gadites, and the half-tribe of the Manas- month was Benaiah the Pirathonite, of the
sites, for every matter pertaining to God children of Ephraim. In his division were
and for the affairs of the king. twenty-four thousand. 15 The twelfth cap-
tain for the twelfth month was Heldai the
27 Netophathite, of Othniel. In his division
1Now the children of Israel after their were twenty-four thousand.
number, the heads of fathers’ households
16 Furthermore over the tribes of Is-
and the captains of thousands and of hun-
dreds, and their officers who served the rael: of the Reubenites, Eliezer the son
king in any matter of the divisions which of Zichri was the ruler; of the Simeonites,
came in and went out month by month Shephatiah the son of Maacah; 17 of Levi,
throughout all the months of the year— Hashabiah the son of Kemuel; of Aaron,
of every division were twenty-four thou- Zadok; 18 of Judah, Elihu, one of the broth-
sand. ers of David; of Issachar, Omri the son of
2 Over the first division for the first Michael; 19 of Zebulun, Ishmaiah the son
month was Jashobeam the son of Zabdiel. of Obadiah; of Naphtali, Jeremoth the son
In his division were twenty-four thousand. of Azriel; 20 of the children of Ephraim,
3 He was of the children of Perez, the Hoshea the son of Azaziah; of the half-tribe
chief of all the captains of the army for of Manasseh, Joel the son of Pedaiah; 21 of
the first month. 4 Over the division of the half-tribe of Manasseh in Gilead, Iddo
the second month was Dodai the Ahohite the son of Zechariah; of Benjamin, Jaasiel
and his division, and Mikloth the ruler; the son of Abner; 22 of Dan, Azarel the son
1 Chronicles 27:23 409 1 Chronicles 28:13

of Jeroham. These were the captains of the me, it was in my heart to build a house
tribes of Israel. 23 But David didn’t take of rest for the ark of the LORD’s covenant,
the number of them from twenty years old and for the footstool of our God; and I had
and under, because the LORD had said he prepared for the building. 3 But God said
would increase Israel like the stars of the to me, ‘You shall not build a house for my
sky. 24 Joab the son of Zeruiah began to name, because you are a man of war and
take a census, but didn’t finish; and wrath have shed blood.’ 4 However the LORD, the
came on Israel for this. The number wasn’t God of Israel, chose me out of all the house
put into the account in the chronicles of of my father to be king over Israel forever.
King David. For he has chosen Judah to be prince; and
25 Over the king’s treasures was Az-
in the house of Judah, the house of my
maveth the son of Adiel. Over the trea- father; and among the sons of my father
sures in the fields, in the cities, in the vil- he took pleasure in me to make me king
lages, and in the towers was Jonathan the
over all Israel. 5 Of all my sons (for the
son of Uzziah; 26 Over those who did the
work of the field for tillage of the ground LORD has given me many sons), he has
chosen Solomon my son to sit on the throne
was Ezri the son of Chelub. 27 Over the
vineyards was Shimei the Ramathite. Over of the LORD’s kingdom over Israel. 6 He
the increase of the vineyards for the wine said to me, ‘Solomon, your son, shall build
cellars was Zabdi the Shiphmite. 28 Over my house and my courts; for I have chosen
the olive trees and the sycamore trees that him to be my son, and I will be his father.
7 I will establish his kingdom forever if he
were in the lowland was Baal Hanan the
Gederite. Over the cellars of oil was Joash. continues to do my commandments and
29 Over the herds that fed in Sharon was my ordinances, as it is today.’
Shitrai the Sharonite. Over the herds that 8 Now therefore, in the sight of all Israel,
were in the valleys was Shaphat the son of the LORD’s assembly, and in the audience
Adlai. 30 Over the camels was Obil the Ish- of our God, observe and seek out all the
maelite. Over the donkeys was Jehdeiah commandments of the LORD your God,
the Meronothite. Over the flocks was Jaziz that you may possess this good land, and
the Hagrite. 31 All these were the rulers of leave it for an inheritance to your children
the property which was King David’s. after you forever.
32 Also Jonathan, David’s uncle, was a 9 You, Solomon my son, know the God
counselor, a man of understanding, and of your father, and serve him with a per-
a scribe. Jehiel the son of Hachmoni was fect heart and with a willing mind; for
with the king’s sons. 33 Ahithophel was the the LORD searches all hearts, and under-
king’s counselor. Hushai the Archite was stands all the imaginations of the thoughts.
the king’s friend. 34 After Ahithophel was If you seek him, he will be found by you;
Jehoiada the son of Benaiah, and Abiathar. but if you forsake him, he will cast you off
Joab was the captain of the king’s army. forever. 10 Take heed now, for the LORD
has chosen you to build a house for the
28 sanctuary. Be strong, and do it.”
1David assembled all the princes of Is- 11 Then David gave to Solomon his son
rael, the princes of the tribes, the captains the plans for the porch of the temple, for
of the companies who served the king by its houses, for its treasuries, for its up-
division, the captains of thousands, the per rooms, for its inner rooms, for the
captains of hundreds, and the rulers over place of the mercy seat; 12 and the plans
all the substance and possessions of the of all that he had by the Spirit, for the
king and of his sons, with the officers and courts of the LORD’s house, for all the
the mighty men, even all the mighty men surrounding rooms, for the treasuries of
of valor, to Jerusalem. 2 Then David the God’s house, and for the treasuries of the
king stood up on his feet and said, “Hear dedicated things; 13 also for the divisions
me, my brothers and my people! As for of the priests and the Levites, for all the
1 Chronicles 28:14 410 1 Chronicles 29:12

work of the service of the LORD’s house, silver for the things of silver, the bronze
and for all the vessels of service in the for the things of bronze, iron for the things
LORD’s house— 14 of gold by weight for the of iron, and wood for the things of wood,
gold for all vessels of every kind of service, also onyx stones, stones to be set, stones
for all the vessels of silver by weight, for for inlaid work of various colors, all kinds
all vessels of every kind of service; 15 by of precious stones, and marble stones in
weight also for the lamp stands of gold, and abundance. 3 In addition, because I have
for its lamps, of gold, by weight for every set my affection on the house of my God,
lamp stand and for its lamps; and for the since I have a treasure of my own of gold
lamp stands of silver, by weight for every and silver, I give it to the house of my God,
lamp stand and for its lamps, according to over and above all that I have prepared
the use of every lamp stand; 16 and the gold for the holy house: 4 even three thousand
by weight for the tables of show bread, talents of gold,† of the gold of Ophir, and
for every table; and silver for the tables seven thousand talents‡ of refined silver,
of silver; 17 and the forks, the basins, and with which to overlay the walls of the
the cups, of pure gold; and for the golden houses; 5 of gold for the things of gold, and
bowls by weight for every bowl; and for of silver for the things of silver, and for
the silver bowls by weight for every bowl; all kinds of work to be made by the hands
18 and for the altar of incense, refined gold of artisans. Who then offers willingly to
by weight; and gold for the plans for the consecrate himself today to the LORD?”
chariot, and the cherubim that spread out 6 Then the princes of the fathers’ house-
and cover the ark of the LORD’s covenant. holds, and the princes of the tribes of Is-
19 “All this”, David said, “I have been made
rael, and the captains of thousands and of
to understand in writing from the LORD’s
hundreds, with the rulers over the king’s
hand, even all the works of this pattern.”
work, offered willingly; 7 and they gave for
20 David said to Solomon his son, “Be
the service of God’s house of gold five thou-
strong and courageous, and do it. Don’t
sand talents§ and ten thousand darics,†
be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD of silver ten thousand talents, of bronze
God, even my God, is with you. He will eighteen thousand talents, and of iron one
not fail you nor forsake you, until all the hundred thousand talents. 8 People with
work for the service of the LORD’s house is whom precious stones were found gave
finished. 21 Behold, there are the divisions
of the priests and the Levites for all the them to the treasure of the LORD’s house,
service of God’s house. Every willing man under the hand of Jehiel the Gershonite.
9 Then the people rejoiced, because they
who has skill for any kind of service shall
be with you in all kinds of work. Also the offered willingly, because with a perfect
captains and all the people will be entirely heart they offered willingly to the LORD;
at your command.” and David the king also rejoiced with great
10 Therefore David blessed the LORD be-
29 fore all the assembly; and David said, “You
1 Davidthe king said to all the assembly, are blessed, LORD, the God of Israel our
“Solomon my son, whom alone God has father, forever and ever. 11 Yours, LORD,
chosen, is yet young and tender, and the is the greatness, the power, the glory, the
work is great; for the palace is not for man, victory, and the majesty! For all that is
but for the LORD God. 2 Now I have pre- in the heavens and in the earth is yours.
pared with all my might for the house of Yours is the kingdom, LORD, and you are
my God the gold for the things of gold, the exalted as head above all. 12 Both riches
† 29:4 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds or 965 Troy ounces, so 3000 talents is about 90 metric tons ‡ 29:4
about 210 metric tons § 29:7 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds or 965 Troy ounces, so 5000 talents is
about 150 metric tons † 29:7 a daric was a gold coin issued by a Persian king, weighing about 8.4 grams or about
0.27 troy ounces each.
1 Chronicles 29:13 411 1 Chronicles 29:30

and honor come from you, and you rule 24 All the princes, the mighty men, and also
over all! In your hand is power and might! all of the sons of King David submitted
It is in your hand to make great, and to themselves to Solomon the king. 25 The
give strength to all! 13 Now therefore, our LORD magnified Solomon exceedingly in
God, we thank you and praise your glo- the sight of all Israel, and gave to him such
rious name. 14 But who am I, and what royal majesty as had not been on any king
is my people, that we should be able to before him in Israel.
offer so willingly as this? For all things 26 Now David the son of Jesse reigned
come from you, and we have given you of over all Israel. 27 The time that he reigned
your own. 15 For we are strangers before over Israel was forty years; he reigned
you and foreigners, as all our fathers were. seven years in Hebron, and he reigned
Our days on the earth are as a shadow, thirty-three years in Jerusalem. 28 He died
and there is no remaining. 16 LORD our at a good old age, full of days, riches, and
God, all this store that we have prepared honor; and Solomon his son reigned in his
to build you a house for your holy name place. 29 Now the acts of David the king,
comes from your hand, and is all your own. first and last, behold, they are written in
17 I know also, my God, that you try the the history of Samuel the seer, and in the
heart and have pleasure in uprightness. history of Nathan the prophet, and in the
As for me, in the uprightness of my heart history of Gad the seer, 30 with all his reign
I have willingly offered all these things. and his might, and the events that involved
Now I have seen with joy your people, who him, Israel, and all the kingdoms of the
are present here, offer willingly to you. lands.
18 LORD, the God of Abraham, of Isaac,
and of Israel, our fathers, keep this desire
forever in the thoughts of the heart of your
people, and prepare their heart for you;
19 and give to Solomon my son a perfect
heart, to keep your commandments, your
testimonies, and your statutes, and to do
all these things, and to build the palace, for
which I have made provision.”
20 Then David said to all the assembly,
“Now bless the LORD your God!”
All the assembly blessed the LORD, the
God of their fathers, and bowed down their
heads and prostrated themselves before
the LORD and the king. 21 They sacrificed
sacrifices to the LORD and offered burnt
offerings to the LORD on the next day after
that day, even one thousand bulls, one
thousand rams, and one thousand lambs,
with their drink offerings and sacrifices
in abundance for all Israel, 22 and ate
and drank before the LORD on that day
with great gladness. They made Solomon
the son of David king the second time,
and anointed him before the LORD to be
prince, and Zadok to be priest.
23 Then Solomon sat on the throne of the
LORD as king instead of David his father,
and prospered; and all Israel obeyed him.
2 Chronicles 1:1 412 2 Chronicles 2:4

and knowledge for yourself, that you may

judge my people, over whom I have made
The Second Book of you king, 12 therefore wisdom and knowl-
Chronicles edge is granted to you. I will give you
riches, wealth, and honor, such as none of
1Solomon the son of David was firmly the kings have had who have been before
established in his kingdom, and the LORD† you, and none after you will have.”
his God‡ was with him, and made him 13 So Solomon came from the high place
exceedingly great. that was at Gibeon, from before the Tent of
2 Solomon spoke to all Israel, to the cap-
Meeting, to Jerusalem; and he reigned over
tains of thousands and of hundreds, to the Israel.
judges, and to every prince in all Israel, the 14 Solomon gathered chariots and horse-
heads of the fathers’ households. 3 Then men. He had one thousand four hundred
Solomon, and all the assembly with him, chariots and twelve thousand horsemen
went to the high place that was at Gibeon; that he placed in the chariot cities, and
for God’s Tent of Meeting was there, which with the king at Jerusalem. 15 The king
the LORD’s servant Moses had made in made silver and gold to be as common as
the wilderness. 4 But David had brought stones in Jerusalem, and he made cedars to
God’s ark up from Kiriath Jearim to the be as common as the sycamore trees that
place that David had prepared for it; for are in the lowland. 16 The horses which
he had pitched a tent for it at Jerusalem. Solomon had were brought out of Egypt
5 Moreover the bronze altar that Bezalel and from Kue. The king’s merchants pur-
the son of Uri, the son of Hur, had made chased them from Kue. 17 They imported
was there before the LORD’s tabernacle; from Egypt then exported a chariot for six
and Solomon and the assembly were seek- hundred pieces of silver and a horse for
ing counsel there. 6 Solomon went up there
to the bronze altar before the LORD, which one hundred fifty.§ They also exported
was at the Tent of Meeting, and offered one them to the Hittite kings and the Syrian†
thousand burnt offerings on it. kings.
7 That night, God appeared to Solomon
and said to him, “Ask for what you want 2
1 Now Solomon decided to build a house
me to give you.”
8 Solomon said to God, “You have shown for the LORD’s name, and a house for
great loving kindness to David my father, his kingdom. 2 Solomon counted out sev-
enty thousand men to bear burdens, eighty
and have made me king in his place. 9 Now,
thousand men who were stone cutters in
LORD God, let your promise to David my the mountains, and three thousand six
father be established; for you have made hundred to oversee them.
me king over a people like the dust of the 3 Solomon sent to Huram the king of
earth in multitude. 10 Now give me wisdom Tyre, saying, “As you dealt with David my
and knowledge, that I may go out and come father, and sent him cedars to build him a
in before this people; for who can judge house in which to dwell, so deal with me.
this great people of yours?” 4 Behold,† I am about to build a house for
11 God said to Solomon, “Because this the name of the LORD my God, to dedi-
was in your heart, and you have not asked cate it to him, to burn before him incense
riches, wealth, honor, or the life of those of sweet spices, for the continual show
who hate you, nor yet have you asked bread, and for the burnt offerings morning
for long life; but have asked for wisdom and evening, on the Sabbaths, on the new
† 1:1 When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, “LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name. ‡ 1:1
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim). § 1:17 The pieces of silver were probably shekels, so 600
The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
pieces would be about 13.2 pounds or 6 kilograms of silver, and 150 would be about 3.3 pounds or 1.5 kilograms of
silver. † 1:17 or, Aramean † 2:4 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is
often used as an interjection.
2 Chronicles 2:5 413 2 Chronicles 3:6

moons, and on the set feasts of the LORD also to engrave any kind of engraving and
our God. This is an ordinance forever to to devise any device, that there may be a
Israel. place appointed to him with your skillful
5 “The house which I am building will be
men, and with the skillful men of my lord
great, for our God is greater than all gods. David your father.
6 But who is able to build him a house,
15 “Now therefore, the wheat, the barley,
since heaven and the heaven of heavens
can’t contain him? Who am I then, that the oil, and the wine which my lord has
I should build him a house, except just to spoken of, let him send to his servants;
16 and we will cut wood out of Lebanon,
burn incense before him?
7 “Now therefore send me a man skillful as much as you need. We will bring it to
to work in gold, in silver, in bronze, in iron, you in rafts by sea to Joppa; then you shall
and in purple, crimson, and blue, and who carry it up to Jerusalem.”
knows how to engrave engravings, to be 17 Solomon counted all the foreigners
with the skillful men who are with me in who were in the land of Israel, after
Judah and in Jerusalem, whom David my the census with which David his father
father provided. had counted them; and they found one
8 “Send me also cedar trees, cypress hundred fifty-three thousand six hundred.
18 He set seventy thousand of them to bear
trees, and algum trees out of Lebanon, for
I know that your servants know how to burdens, eighty thousand who were stone
cut timber in Lebanon. Behold, my ser- cutters in the mountains, and three thou-
vants will be with your servants, 9 even sand six hundred overseers to assign the
to prepare me timber in abundance; for people their work.
the house which I am about to build will
be great and wonderful. 10 Behold, I will 3
give to your servants, the cutters who cut 1 Then Solomon began to build the
timber, twenty thousand cors‡ of beaten LORD’s house at Jerusalem on Mount Mo-
wheat, twenty thousand baths§ of bar- riah, where the LORD appeared to David
ley, twenty thousand baths of wine, and his father, which he prepared in the place
twenty thousand baths of oil.” that David had appointed, on the threshing
11 Then Huram the king of Tyre an- floor of Ornan the Jebusite. 2 He began
swered in writing, which he sent to to build in the second day of the second
Solomon, “Because the LORD loves his month, in the fourth year of his reign.
people, he has made you king over them.” 3 Now these are the foundations which
12 Huram continued, “Blessed be the LORD, Solomon laid for the building of God’s
the God of Israel, who made heaven and house: the length by cubits† after the first
earth, who has given to David the king measure was sixty cubits, and the width
a wise son, endowed with discretion and twenty cubits. 4 The porch that was in
understanding, who would build a house front, its length, across the width of the
for the LORD and a house for his kingdom. house, was twenty cubits, and the height
13 Now I have sent a skillful man, en- one hundred twenty; and he overlaid it
dowed with understanding, Huram-abi,† within with pure gold. 5 He made the
14 the son of a woman of the daughters of larger room with a ceiling of cypress wood,
Dan; and his father was a man of Tyre. which he overlaid with fine gold, and or-
He is skillful to work in gold, in silver, in namented it with palm trees and chains.
bronze, in iron, in stone, in timber, in pur- 6 He decorated the house with precious
ple, in blue, in fine linen, and in crimson, stones for beauty. The gold was gold from
‡ 2:10 1 cor is the same as a homer, or about 55.9 U. S. gallons (liquid) or 211 liters or 6 bushels, so 20,000 cors of
wheat would weigh about 545 metric tons § 2:10 1 bath is one tenth of a cor, or about 5.6 U. S. gallons or 21 liters
or 2.4 pecks. 20,000 baths of barley would weigh about 262 metric tons. † 2:13 or, Huram, my father † 3:3 A
cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46 centimeters.
2 Chronicles 3:7 414 2 Chronicles 4:16

Parvaim. 7 He also overlaid the house, the thirty cubits in circumference. 3 Under
beams, the thresholds, its walls, and its it was the likeness of oxen, which encir-
doors with gold, and engraved cherubim cled it, for ten cubits, encircling the sea.
on the walls. The oxen were in two rows, cast when it
8 He made the most holy place. Its length,
was cast. 4 It stood on twelve oxen, three
according to the width of the house, was looking toward the north, three looking
twenty cubits, and its width twenty cubits; toward the west, three looking toward the
and he overlaid it with fine gold, amount- south, and three looking toward the east;
ing to six hundred talents.‡ 9 The weight and the sea was set on them above, and all
of the nails was fifty shekels§ of gold. He their hindquarters were inward. 5 It was a
overlaid the upper rooms with gold. handbreadth thick. Its brim was made like
10 In the most holy place he made two the brim of a cup, like the flower of a lily. It
cherubim by carving, and they overlaid received and held three thousand baths.§
6 He also made ten basins, and put five on
them with gold. 11 The wings of the cheru-
bim were twenty cubits long: the wing of the right hand and five on the left, to wash
the one was five cubits, reaching to the in them. The things that belonged to the
wall of the house; and the other wing was burnt offering were washed in them, but
five cubits, reaching to the wing of the the sea was for the priests to wash in.
7 He made the ten lamp stands of gold ac-
other cherub. 12 The wing of the other
cherub was five cubits, reaching to the cording to the ordinance concerning them;
wall of the house; and the other wing was and he set them in the temple, five on the
five cubits, joining to the wing of the other right hand and five on the left. 8 He made
cherub. 13 The wings of these cherubim also ten tables, and placed them in the
spread themselves out twenty cubits. They temple, five on the right side and five on
stood on their feet, and their faces were the left. He made one hundred basins of
toward the house. 14 He made the veil of gold. 9 Furthermore he made the court of
blue, purple, crimson, and fine linen, and the priests, the great court, and doors for
ornamented it with cherubim. the court, and overlaid their doors with
15 Also he made before the house two bronze. 10 He set the sea on the right side
pillars thirty-five cubits high, and the cap- of the house eastward, toward the south.
ital that was on the top of each of them 11 Huram made the pots, the shovels, and
was five cubits. 16 He made chains in the basins.
the inner sanctuary, and put them on the So Huram finished doing the work that
tops of the pillars; and he made one hun- he did for King Solomon in God’s house:
dred pomegranates, and put them on the 12 the two pillars, the bowls, the two cap-
chains. 17 He set up the pillars before itals which were on the top of the pil-
the temple, one on the right hand and lars, the two networks to cover the two
the other on the left; and called the name bowls of the capitals that were on the
of that on the right hand Jachin, and the
top of the pillars, 13 and the four hun-
name of that on the left Boaz.
dred pomegranates for the two networks—
4 two rows of pomegranates for each net-
1 Then he made an altar of bronze, work, to cover the two bowls of the cap-
twenty cubits† long, twenty cubits wide, itals that were on the pillars. 14 He also
and ten cubits high. 2 Also he made the made the bases, and he made the basins
molten sea‡ of ten cubits from brim to on the bases— 15 one sea, and the twelve
brim. It was round, five cubits high, and oxen under it. 16 Huram-abi† also made
‡ 3:8 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds or 965 Troy ounces, so 600 talents is about 18 metric tons § 3:9
A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.32 Troy ounces, so 50 shekels was about 0.5 kilograms or about 16 Troy ounces.
† 4:1 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46
centimeters. ‡ 4:2 or, pool, or, reservoir § 4:5 A bath is about 5.6 U. S. gallons or 21.1 liters, so 3,000 baths is
about 16,800 gallons or 63.3 kiloliters. † 4:16 “abi” means “his father”
2 Chronicles 4:17 415 2 Chronicles 6:5

the pots, the shovels, the forks, and all its and the cherubim covered the ark and its
vessels for King Solomon, for the LORD’s poles above. 9 The poles were so long that
house, of bright bronze. 17 The king cast the ends of the poles were seen from the
them in the plain of the Jordan, in the clay ark in front of the inner sanctuary, but
ground between Succoth and Zeredah. they were not seen outside; and it is there
18 Thus Solomon made all these vessels in to this day. 10 There was nothing in the
great abundance, so that the weight of the ark except the two tablets which Moses put
bronze could not be determined. there at Horeb, when the LORD made a
19 Solomon made all the vessels that covenant with the children of Israel, when
were in God’s house: the golden altar, the they came out of Egypt.
tables with the show bread on them, 20 and 11 When the priests had come out of
the lamp stands with their lamps to burn the holy place (for all the priests who
according to the ordinance before the in- were present had sanctified themselves,
ner sanctuary, of pure gold; 21 and the and didn’t keep their divisions; 12 also the
flowers, the lamps, and the tongs of gold Levites who were the singers, all of them,
that was purest gold; 22 and the snuffers, even Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun, and their
the basins, the spoons, and the fire pans of sons and their brothers, arrayed in fine
pure gold. As for the entry of the house, its linen, with cymbals and stringed instru-
inner doors for the most holy place and the ments and harps, stood at the east end
doors of the main hall of the temple were of the altar, and with them one hundred
of gold. twenty priests sounding with trumpets);
13 when the trumpeters and singers were

5 as one, to make one sound to be heard

in praising and thanking the LORD; and
1 Thus all the work that Solomon did for
the LORD’s house was finished. Solomon when they lifted up their voice with the
brought in the things that David his father trumpets and cymbals and instruments of
had dedicated, even the silver, the gold, music, and praised the LORD, saying,
and all the vessels, and put them in the “For he is good,
treasuries of God’s house. for his loving kindness endures for-
2 Then Solomon assembled the elders of ever!”
Israel and all the heads of the tribes, the then the house was filled with a cloud,
princes of the fathers’ households of the even the LORD’s house, 14 so that the
children of Israel, to Jerusalem, to bring priests could not stand to minister by rea-
up the ark of the LORD’s covenant out of son of the cloud; for the LORD’s glory filled
David’s city, which is Zion. 3 So all the God’s house.
men of Israel assembled themselves to the
king at the feast, which was in the seventh 6
1 Then Solomon said, “The LORD has said
month. 4 All the elders of Israel came. The
Levites took up the ark. 5 They brought that he would dwell in the thick darkness.
2 But I have built you a house and home, a
up the ark, the Tent of Meeting, and all
the holy vessels that were in the Tent. The place for you to dwell in forever.”
3 The king turned his face, and blessed all
Levitical priests brought these up. 6 King
Solomon and all the congregation of Israel the assembly of Israel; and all the assem-
who were assembled to him were before bly of Israel stood.
the ark, sacrificing sheep and cattle that 4 He said, “Blessed be the LORD, the God
could not be counted or numbered for of Israel, who spoke with his mouth to
multitude. 7 The priests brought in the ark David my father, and has with his hands
of the LORD’s covenant to its place, into fulfilled it, saying, 5 ‘Since the day that I
the inner sanctuary of the house, to the brought my people out of the land of Egypt,
most holy place, even under the wings of I chose no city out of all the tribes of Israel
the cherubim. 8 For the cherubim spread to build a house in, that my name might
out their wings over the place of the ark, be there, and I chose no man to be prince
2 Chronicles 6:6 416 2 Chronicles 6:28

over my people Israel; 6 but now I have 18 “But will God indeed dwell with men
chosen Jerusalem, that my name might be on the earth? Behold, heaven and the
there; and I have chosen David to be over heaven of heavens can’t contain you; how
my people Israel.’ 7 Now it was in the heart much less this house which I have built!
19 Yet have respect for the prayer of your
of David my father to build a house for
the name of the LORD, the God of Israel. servant and to his supplication, LORD
8 But the LORD said to David my father, my God, to listen to the cry and to the
‘Whereas it was in your heart to build a prayer which your servant prays before
house for my name, you did well that it you; 20 that your eyes may be open toward
was in your heart; 9 nevertheless you shall this house day and night, even toward the
not build the house, but your son who will place where you have said that you would
come out of your body, he shall build the put your name, to listen to the prayer
house for my name.’ which your servant will pray toward this
10 “The LORD has performed his word place. 21 Listen to the petitions of your
that he spoke; for I have risen up in the servant and of your people Israel, when
place of David my father, and sit on the they pray toward this place. Yes, hear from
throne of Israel, as the LORD promised, your dwelling place, even from heaven;
and have built the house for the name of and when you hear, forgive.
the LORD, the God of Israel. 11 There I 22 “If a man sins against his neighbor,
have set the ark, in which is the LORD’s and an oath is laid on him to cause him
covenant, which he made with the chil- to swear, and he comes and swears be-
dren of Israel.” fore your altar in this house, 23 then hear
12 He stood before the LORD’s altar in the
from heaven, act, and judge your ser-
presence of all the assembly of Israel, and vants, bringing retribution to the wicked,
spread out his hands 13 (for Solomon had to bring his way on his own head; and jus-
made a bronze platform, five cubits† long, tifying the righteous, to give him according
five cubits wide, and three cubits high, and to his righteousness.
had set it in the middle of the court; and he 24 “If your people Israel are struck
stood on it, and knelt down on his knees be-
fore all the assembly of Israel, and spread down before the enemy because they
out his hands toward heaven). 14 Then he have sinned against you, and they turn
said, “LORD, the God of Israel, there is no again and confess your name, and pray
God like you in heaven or on earth—you and make supplication before you in this
who keep covenant and loving kindness house, 25 then hear from heaven, and
with your servants who walk before you forgive the sin of your people Israel, and
with all their heart; 15 who have kept with bring them again to the land which you
your servant David my father that which gave to them and to their fathers.
you promised him. Yes, you spoke with 26 “When the sky is shut up and there is
your mouth, and have fulfilled it with your no rain because they have sinned against
hand, as it is today. you, if they pray toward this place and
16 “Now therefore, LORD, the God of Is- confess your name, and turn from their
rael, keep with your servant David my fa- sin when you afflict them, 27 then hear in
ther that which you have promised him, heaven, and forgive the sin of your ser-
saying, ‘There shall not fail you a man in vants, your people Israel, when you teach
my sight to sit on the throne of Israel, if them the good way in which they should
only your children take heed to their way, walk, and send rain on your land, which
to walk in my law as you have walked you have given to your people for an inher-
before me.’ 17 Now therefore, LORD, the itance.
God of Israel, let your word be verified, 28 “If there is famine in the land, if there
which you spoke to your servant David. is pestilence, if there is blight or mildew,
† 6:13 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46
2 Chronicles 6:29 417 2 Chronicles 7:6

locust or caterpillar; if their enemies be- the city which you have chosen, and to-
siege them in the land of their cities; what- ward the house which I have built for your
ever plague or whatever sickness there name; 39 then hear from heaven, even
is— 29 whatever prayer and supplication is from your dwelling place, their prayer and
made by any man, or by all your people their petitions, and maintain their cause,
Israel, who will each know his own plague and forgive your people who have sinned
and his own sorrow, and shall spread out against you.
his hands toward this house, 30 then hear 40 “Now, my God, let, I beg you, your eyes
from heaven your dwelling place and for- be open, and let your ears be attentive to
give, and render to every man according the prayer that is made in this place.
to all his ways, whose heart you know (for 41 “Now therefore arise, LORD God, into
you, even you only, know the hearts of the your resting place, you, and the ark of your
children of men), 31 that they may fear you, strength. Let your priests, LORD God, be
to walk in your ways as long as they live in clothed with salvation, and let your saints
the land which you gave to our fathers. rejoice in goodness.
32 “Moreover, concerning the foreigner, 42 “LORD God, don’t turn away the face
who is not of your people Israel, when he of your anointed. Remember your loving
comes from a far country for your great kindnesses to David your servant.”
name’s sake and your mighty hand and
your outstretched arm, when they come
and pray toward this house, 33 then hear
1 Now when Solomon had finished pray-
from heaven, even from your dwelling
ing, fire came down from heaven and
place, and do according to all that the for-
consumed the burnt offering and the sac-
eigner calls to you for; that all the peoples
rifices; and the LORD’s glory filled the
of the earth may know your name and fear
you, as do your people Israel, and that they house. 2 The priests could not enter into
may know that this house which I have the LORD’s house, because the LORD’s
glory filled the LORD’s house. 3 All the
built is called by your name.
children of Israel looked on, when the fire
34 “If your people go out to battle against
came down, and the LORD’s glory was on
their enemies, by whatever way you send the house. They bowed themselves with
them, and they pray to you toward this their faces to the ground on the pavement,
city which you have chosen, and the house worshiped, and gave thanks to the LORD,
which I have built for your name; 35 then saying,
hear from heaven their prayer and their “For he is good,
supplication, and maintain their cause. for his loving kindness endures for-
36 “If they sin against you (for there is no ever!”
man who doesn’t sin), and you are angry 4 Then the king and all the people offered
with them and deliver them to the enemy, sacrifices before the LORD. 5 King Solomon
so that they carry them away captive to offered a sacrifice of twenty-two thousand
a land far off or near; 37 yet if they come head of cattle and a hundred twenty thou-
to their senses in the land where they sand sheep. So the king and all the peo-
are carried captive, and turn again, and ple dedicated God’s house. 6 The priests
make supplication to you in the land of stood, according to their positions; the
their captivity, saying, ‘We have sinned, Levites also with instruments of music of
we have done perversely, and have dealt the LORD, which David the king had made
wickedly;’ 38 if they return to you with all to give thanks to the LORD, when David
their heart and with all their soul in the praised by their ministry, saying “For his
land of their captivity, where they have loving kindness endures forever.” The
been taken captive, and pray toward their priests sounded trumpets before them;
land which you gave to their fathers, and and all Israel stood.
2 Chronicles 7:7 418 2 Chronicles 8:10

7 Moreover Solomon made the middle 19 But if you turn away and forsake my
of the court that was before the LORD’s statutes and my commandments which I
house holy; for there he offered the burnt have set before you, and go and serve other
offerings and the fat of the peace offerings, gods and worship them, 20 then I will pluck
because the bronze altar which Solomon them up by the roots out of my land which
had made was not able to receive the burnt
offering, the meal offering, and the fat. I have given them; and this house, which
8 So Solomon held the feast at that time I have made holy for my name, I will cast
for seven days, and all Israel with him, a out of my sight, and I will make it a proverb
very great assembly, from the entrance of and a byword among all peoples. 21 This
Hamath to the brook of Egypt. house, which is so high, everyone who
9 On the eighth day, they held a solemn passes by it will be astonished and say,
‘Why has the LORD done this to this land
assembly; for they kept the dedication of
and to this house?’ 22 They shall answer,
the altar seven days, and the feast seven
‘Because they abandoned the LORD, the
days. 10 On the twenty-third day of the
God of their fathers, who brought them
seventh month, he sent the people away
out of the land of Egypt, and took other
to their tents, joyful and glad of heart for
gods, worshiped them, and served them.
the goodness that the LORD had shown to
Therefore he has brought all this evil on
David, to Solomon, and to Israel his people.
them.’ ”
11 Thus Solomon finished the LORD’s
house and the king’s house; and he suc-
cessfully completed all that came into 8
Solomon’s heart to make in the LORD’s
1 At the end of twenty years, in which
house and in his own house. Solomon had built the LORD’s house and
12 Then the LORD appeared to Solomon his own house, 2 Solomon built the cities
which Huram had given to Solomon, and
by night, and said to him, “I have heard
caused the children of Israel to dwell there.
your prayer, and have chosen this place 3 Solomon went to Hamath Zobah, and
for myself for a house of sacrifice. prevailed against it. 4 He built Tadmor in
13 “If I shut up the sky so that there is no
the wilderness, and all the storage cities,
rain, or if I command the locust to devour which he built in Hamath. 5 Also he built
the land, or if I send pestilence among my Beth Horon the upper and Beth Horon the
people, 14 if my people who are called by lower, fortified cities with walls, gates, and
my name will humble themselves, pray, bars; 6 and Baalath, and all the storage
seek my face, and turn from their wicked cities that Solomon had, and all the cities
ways, then I will hear from heaven, will for his chariots, the cities for his horsemen,
forgive their sin, and will heal their land. and all that Solomon desired to build for
15 Now my eyes will be open and my ears his pleasure in Jerusalem, in Lebanon, and
attentive to prayer that is made in this in all the land of his dominion.
7 As for all the people who were left of the
place. 16 For now I have chosen and made
this house holy, that my name may be Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the
there forever; and my eyes and my heart Hivites, and the Jebusites, who were not
will be there perpetually. of Israel— 8 of their children who were left
17 “As for you, if you will walk before
after them in the land, whom the children
of Israel didn’t consume—of them Solomon
me as David your father walked, and do conscripted forced labor to this day. 9 But
according to all that I have commanded of the children of Israel, Solomon made no
you, and will keep my statutes and my servants for his work, but they were men
ordinances, 18 then I will establish the of war, chief of his captains, and rulers of
throne of your kingdom, according as I his chariots and of his horsemen. 10 These
covenanted with David your father, say- were the chief officers of King Solomon,
ing, ‘There shall not fail you a man to be even two-hundred fifty, who ruled over
ruler in Israel.’ the people.
2 Chronicles 8:11 419 2 Chronicles 9:12

11 Solomon brought up Pharaoh’s daugh- Solomon, she talked with him about all
ter out of David’s city to the house that he that was in her heart. 2 Solomon answered
had built for her; for he said, “My wife all her questions. There wasn’t anything
shall not dwell in the house of David king hidden from Solomon which he didn’t tell
of Israel, because the places where the her. 3 When the queen of Sheba had seen
LORD’s ark has come are holy.” the wisdom of Solomon, the house that he
12 Then Solomon offered burnt offerings had built, 4 the food of his table, the seating
of his servants, the attendance of his min-
to the LORD on the LORD’s altar which isters, their clothing, his cup bearers and
he had built before the porch, 13 even as
the duty of every day required, offering their clothing, and his ascent by which he
according to the commandment of Moses went up to the LORD’s house, there was no
on the Sabbaths, on the new moons, and on more spirit in her.†
the set feasts, three times per year, during 5 She said to the king, “It was a true
the feast of unleavened bread, during the report that I heard in my own land of your
feast of weeks, and during the feast of acts and of your wisdom. 6 However I
booths.† didn’t believe their words until I came, and
14 He appointed, according to the ordi- my eyes had seen it; and behold half of the
nance of David his father, the divisions of greatness of your wisdom wasn’t told me.
the priests to their service, and the Levites You exceed the fame that I heard! 7 Happy
to their offices, to praise and to minister are your men, and happy are these your
before the priests, as the duty of every day servants, who stand continually before
required, the doorkeepers also by their you and hear your wisdom. 8 Blessed be
divisions at every gate, for David the man the LORD your God, who delighted in you
of God had so commanded. 15 They didn’t and set you on his throne to be king for the
depart from the commandment of the king LORD your God, because your God loved
to the priests and Levites concerning any Israel, to establish them forever. There-
matter or concerning the treasures. fore he made you king over them, to do
16 Now all the work of Solomon was ac- justice and righteousness.”
complished from the day of the foundation 9 She gave the king one hundred and
of the LORD’s house until it was finished.
So the LORD’s house was completed. twenty talents‡ of gold, spices in great
17 Then Solomon went to Ezion Geber abundance, and precious stones. There
and to Eloth, on the seashore in the land was never before such spice as the queen
of Edom. 18 Huram sent him ships and of Sheba gave to King Solomon.
servants who had knowledge of the sea by 10 The servants of Huram and the ser-
the hands of his servants; and they came vants of Solomon, who brought gold from
with the servants of Solomon to Ophir, Ophir, also brought algum trees§ and pre-
and brought from there four hundred fifty cious stones. 11 The king used algum tree
talents‡ of gold, and brought them to King wood to make terraces for the LORD’s
Solomon. house and for the king’s house, and harps
and stringed instruments for the singers.
1 When
9 There were none like these seen before
the queen of Sheba heard of the in the land of Judah. 12 King Solomon
fame of Solomon, she came to test Solomon gave to the queen of Sheba all her desire,
with hard questions at Jerusalem, with whatever she asked, more than that which
a very great caravan, including camels she had brought to the king. So she turned
that bore spices, gold in abundance, and and went to her own land, she and her
precious stones. When she had come to servants.
† 8:13 or, feast of tents (Sukkot) ‡ 8:18 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds or 965 Troy ounces, so 450
talents is about 13.5 metric tons † 9:4 or, she was breathless. ‡ 9:9 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds
or 965 Troy ounces, so 120 talents is about 3.6 metric tons § 9:10 possibly Indian sandalwood, which has nice
grain and a pleasant scent and is good for woodworking
2 Chronicles 9:13 420 2 Chronicles 10:8

13Now the weight of gold that came in Jerusalem as stones, and he made cedars
to Solomon in one year was six hundred to be as abundant as the sycamore trees
sixty-six talents† of gold, 14 in addition that are in the lowland. 28 They brought
to that which the traders and merchants horses for Solomon out of Egypt and out of
brought. All the kings of Arabia and the all lands.
governors of the country brought gold and 29 Now the rest of the acts of Solomon,
silver to Solomon. 15 King Solomon made first and last, aren’t they written in the
two hundred large shields of beaten gold. history of Nathan the prophet, and in the
Six hundred shekels‡ of beaten gold went prophecy of Ahijah the Shilonite, and in
to one large shield. 16 He made three hun- the visions of Iddo the seer concerning
dred shields of beaten gold. Three hun- Jeroboam the son of Nebat? 30 Solomon
dred shekels§ of gold went to one shield. reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel forty
The king put them in the House of the years. 31 Solomon slept with his fathers,
Forest of Lebanon. 17 Moreover the king and he was buried in his father David’s
made a great throne of ivory, and overlaid city; and Rehoboam his son reigned in his
it with pure gold. 18 There were six steps to place.
the throne, with a footstool of gold, which
were fastened to the throne, and armrests 10
on either side by the place of the seat, and 1 Rehoboam went to Shechem, for all
two lions standing beside the armrests. Israel had come to Shechem to make
19 Twelve lions stood there on the one side him king. 2 When Jeroboam the son of
and on the other on the six steps. There Nebat heard of it (for he was in Egypt,
was nothing like it made in any other king- where he had fled from the presence of
dom. 20 All King Solomon’s drinking ves- King Solomon), Jeroboam returned out of
sels were of gold, and all the vessels of Egypt. 3 They sent and called him; and
the House of the Forest of Lebanon were Jeroboam and all Israel came, and they
of pure gold. Silver was not considered spoke to Rehoboam, saying, 4 “Your father
valuable in the days of Solomon. 21 For the made our yoke grievous. Now therefore
king had ships that went to Tarshish with make the grievous service of your father
Huram’s servants. Once every three years, and his heavy yoke which he put on us,
the ships of Tarshish came bringing gold, lighter, and we will serve you.”
silver, ivory, apes, and peacocks. 5 He said to them, “Come again to me
after three days.”
22So King Solomon exceeded all the
So the people departed.
kings of the earth in riches and wisdom. 6 King Rehoboam took counsel with the
23 All the kings of the earth sought the
presence of Solomon to hear his wisdom, old men, who had stood before Solomon
his father while he yet lived, saying, “What
which God had put in his heart. 24 They
counsel do you give me about how to an-
each brought tribute: vessels of silver, ves-
swer these people?”
sels of gold, clothing, armor, spices, horses, 7 They spoke to him, saying, “If you are
and mules every year. 25 Solomon had
four thousand stalls for horses and char- kind to these people, please them, and
iots, and twelve thousand horsemen that speak good words to them, then they will
he stationed in the chariot cities and with be your servants forever.”
the king at Jerusalem. 26 He ruled over 8 But he abandoned the counsel of the
all the kings from the River even to the old men which they had given him, and
land of the Philistines, and to the border of took counsel with the young men who had
Egypt. 27 The king made silver as common grown up with him, who stood before him.
† 9:13 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds or 965 Troy ounces, so 666 talents is about 20 metric tons ‡ 9:15
A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.32 Troy ounces, so 600 shekels was about 6 kilograms or about 192 Troy ounces.
§ 9:16 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.32 Troy ounces, so 300 shekels was about 3 kilograms or about 96 Troy
2 Chronicles 10:9 421 2 Chronicles 11:19

9 He said to them, “What counsel do you 11

give, that we may give an answer to these 1 When Rehoboam had come to
people, who have spoken to me, saying, Jerusalem, he assembled the house of
‘Make the yoke that your father put on us Judah and Benjamin, one hundred eighty
lighter?’ ” thousand chosen men who were warriors,
10 The young men who had grown up
to fight against Israel, to bring the kingdom
again to Rehoboam. 2 But the LORD’s word
with him spoke to him, saying, “Thus you came to Shemaiah the man of God, saying,
shall tell the people who spoke to you, say- 3 “Speak to Rehoboam the son of Solomon,
ing, ‘Your father made our yoke heavy, but king of Judah, and to all Israel in Judah
make it lighter on us;’ thus you shall say to and Benjamin, saying, 4 ‘The LORD says,
them, ‘My little finger is thicker than my “You shall not go up, nor fight against your
father’s waist. 11 Now whereas my father brothers! Every man return to his house;
burdened you with a heavy yoke, I will for this thing is of me.” ’ ” So they listened
add to your yoke. My father chastised you to the LORD’s words, and returned from
with whips, but I will chastise you with going against Jeroboam.
scorpions.’ ” 5 Rehoboam lived in Jerusalem, and built
12 So Jeroboam and all the people came cities for defense in Judah. 6 He built Beth-
to Rehoboam the third day, as the king lehem, Etam, Tekoa, 7 Beth Zur, Soco, Adul-
asked, saying, “Come to me again the third lam, 8 Gath, Mareshah, Ziph, 9 Adoraim,
day.” 13 The king answered them roughly; Lachish, Azekah, 10 Zorah, Aijalon, and
and King Rehoboam abandoned the coun- Hebron, which are fortified cities in Ju-
sel of the old men, 14 and spoke to them dah and in Benjamin. 11 He fortified the
after the counsel of the young men, saying, strongholds and put captains in them with
“My father made your yoke heavy, but I stores of food, oil and wine. 12 He put
will add to it. My father chastised you shields and spears in every city, and made
with whips, but I will chastise you with them exceedingly strong. Judah and Ben-
scorpions.” jamin belonged to him.
15 So the king didn’t listen to the people; 13 The priests and the Levites who were

for it was brought about by God, that the in all Israel14stood with him out of all their
territory. For the Levites left their pas-
LORD might establish his word, which he
ture lands and their possessions, and came
spoke by Ahijah the Shilonite to Jeroboam
to Judah and Jerusalem; for Jeroboam and
the son of Nebat.
his sons cast them off, that they should
16 When all Israel saw that the king didn’t
not execute the priest’s office to the LORD.
listen to them, the people answered the 15 He himself appointed priests for the high
king, saying, “What portion do we have in places, for the male goat and calf idols
David? We don’t have an inheritance in which he had made. 16 After them, out
the son of Jesse! Every man to your tents, of all the tribes of Israel, those who set
Israel! Now see to your own house, David.” their hearts to seek the LORD, the God
So all Israel departed to their tents. of Israel, came to Jerusalem to sacrifice
17 But as for the children of Israel who to the LORD, the God of their fathers.
lived in the cities of Judah, Rehoboam 17 So they strengthened the kingdom of
reigned over them. 18 Then King Re- Judah and made Rehoboam the son of
hoboam sent Hadoram, who was over the Solomon strong for three years, for they
men subject to forced labor; and the chil- walked three years in the way of David and
dren of Israel stoned him to death with Solomon.
stones. King Rehoboam hurried to get him- 18 Rehoboam took a wife for himself,
self up to his chariot, to flee to Jerusalem. Mahalath the daughter of Jerimoth the son
19 So Israel rebelled against David’s house of David and of Abihail the daughter of
to this day. Eliab the son of Jesse. 19 She bore him sons:
2 Chronicles 11:20 422 2 Chronicles 13:5

Jeush, Shemariah, and Zaham. 20 After 9So Shishak king of Egypt came up
her, he took Maacah the granddaughter against Jerusalem and took away the trea-
of Absalom; and she bore him Abijah, At- sures of the LORD’s house and the trea-
tai, Ziza, and Shelomith. 21 Rehoboam sures of the king’s house. He took it all
loved Maacah the granddaughter of Ab- away. He also took away the shields of
salom above all his wives and his con- gold which Solomon had made. 10 King
cubines; for he took eighteen wives and Rehoboam made shields of bronze in their
sixty concubines, and became the father place, and committed them to the hands
of twenty-eight sons and sixty daughters. of the captains of the guard, who kept the
22 Rehoboam appointed Abijah the son of door of the king’s house. 11 As often as
Maacah to be chief, the prince among his the king entered into the LORD’s house, the
brothers, for he intended to make him guard came and bore them, then brought
king. 23 He dealt wisely, and dispersed them back into the guard room. 12 When
some of his sons throughout all the lands he humbled himself, the LORD’s wrath
of Judah and Benjamin, to every fortified turned from him, so as not to destroy him
city. He gave them food in abundance; and altogether. Moreover, there were good
he sought many wives for them. things found in Judah.
13 So King Rehoboam strengthened him-

12 self in Jerusalem and reigned; for Re-

1When the kingdom of Rehoboam was hoboam was forty-one years old when he
established and he was strong, he aban- began to reign, and he reigned seventeen
doned the LORD’s law, and all Israel with years in Jerusalem, the city which the
him. 2 In the fifth year of King Rehoboam, LORD had chosen out of all the tribes of
Shishak king of Egypt came up against Israel to put his name there. His mother’s
Jerusalem, because they had trespassed name was Naamah the Ammonitess. 14 He
against the LORD, 3 with twelve hundred did that which was evil, because he didn’t
chariots and sixty thousand horsemen. set his heart to seek the LORD.
15 Now the acts of Rehoboam, first and
The people were without number who last, aren’t they written in the histories
came with him out of Egypt: the Lubim, the of Shemaiah the prophet and of Iddo the
Sukkiim, and the Ethiopians. 4 He took the seer, in the genealogies? There were wars
fortified cities which belonged to Judah, between Rehoboam and Jeroboam contin-
and came to Jerusalem. 5 Now Shemaiah ually. 16 Rehoboam slept with his fathers,
the prophet came to Rehoboam and to the and was buried in David’s city; and Abijah
princes of Judah, who were gathered to- his son reigned in his place.
gether to Jerusalem because of Shishak,
and said to them, “The LORD says, ‘You
have forsaken me, therefore I have also
In the eighteenth year of King Jer-
left you in the hand of Shishak.’ ” oboam, Abijah began to reign over Judah.
6 Then the princes of Israel and the king 2 He reigned three years in Jerusalem. His
humbled themselves; and they said, “The mother’s name was Micaiah the daugh-
LORD is righteous.” ter of Uriel of Gibeah. There was war
7 When the LORD saw that they hum- between Abijah and Jeroboam. 3 Abijah
bled themselves, the LORD’s word came joined battle with an army of valiant men
to Shemaiah, saying, “They have humbled of war, even four hundred thousand cho-
themselves. I will not destroy them, but I sen men; and Jeroboam set the battle in ar-
will grant them some deliverance, and my ray against him with eight hundred thou-
wrath won’t be poured out on Jerusalem sand chosen men, who were mighty men
by the hand of Shishak. 8 Nevertheless of valor. 4 Abijah stood up on Mount Ze-
they will be his servants, that they may maraim, which is in the hill country of
know my service, and the service of the Ephraim, and said, “Hear me, Jeroboam
kingdoms of the countries.” and all Israel: 5 Ought you not to know
2 Chronicles 13:6 423 2 Chronicles 14:8

that the LORD, the God of Israel, gave the and God delivered them into their hand.
17 Abijah and his people killed them with
kingdom over Israel to David forever, even
to him and to his sons by a covenant of salt? a great slaughter, so five hundred thou-
6 Yet Jeroboam the son of Nebat, the ser- sand chosen men of Israel fell down slain.
18 Thus the children of Israel were brought
vant of Solomon the son of David, rose up,
and rebelled against his lord. 7 Worthless under at that time, and the children of Ju-
men were gathered to him, wicked fellows dah prevailed, because they relied on the
who strengthened themselves against Re- LORD, the God of their fathers. 19 Abijah
hoboam the son of Solomon, when Re- pursued Jeroboam, and took cities from
hoboam was young and tender hearted, him: Bethel with its villages, Jeshanah
and could not withstand them. with its villages, and Ephron with its vil-
8 “Now you intend to withstand the king- lages.
dom of the LORD in the hand of the sons of 20 Jeroboam didn’t recover strength
David. You are a great multitude, and the again in the days of Abijah. The LORD
golden calves which Jeroboam made you struck him, and he died. 21 But Abijah
for gods are with you. 9 Haven’t you driven grew mighty and took for himself fourteen
out the priests of the LORD, the sons of wives, and became the father of twenty-
Aaron, and the Levites, and made priests two sons and sixteen daughters. 22 The
for yourselves according to the ways of the rest of the acts of Abijah, his ways, and his
peoples of other lands? Whoever comes to sayings are written in the commentary of
consecrate himself with a young bull and the prophet Iddo.
seven rams may be a priest of those who
are no gods.
10 “But as for us, the LORD is our God, and 14
we have not forsaken him. We have priests
1 So Abijah slept with his fathers, and
serving the LORD, the sons of Aaron, and they buried him in David’s city; and Asa
the Levites in their work. 11 They burn his son reigned in his place. In his days,
to the LORD every morning and every the land was quiet ten years. 2 Asa did that
evening burnt offerings and sweet in- which was good and right in the LORD his
cense. They also set the show bread in God’s eyes, 3 for he took away the foreign
order on the pure table, and care for the altars and the high places, broke down the
gold lamp stand with its lamps, to burn pillars, cut down the Asherah poles, 4 and
every evening; for we keep the instruction commanded Judah to seek the LORD, the
of the LORD our God, but you have for- God of their fathers, and to obey his law
saken him. 12 Behold, God is with us at and command. 5 Also he took away out
our head, and his priests with the trumpets of all the cities of Judah the high places
of alarm to sound an alarm against you. and the sun images; and the kingdom was
Children of Israel, don’t fight against the quiet before him. 6 He built fortified cities
LORD, the God of your fathers; for you will in Judah; for the land was quiet, and he
not prosper.” had no war in those years, because the
13 But Jeroboam caused an ambush to LORD had given him rest. 7 For he said to
come about behind them; so they were Judah, “Let’s build these cities and make
before Judah, and the ambush was behind walls around them, with towers, gates, and
them. 14 When Judah looked back, behold, bars. The land is yet before us, because we
the battle was before and behind them; have sought the LORD our God. We have
and they cried to the LORD, and the priests sought him, and he has given us rest on
sounded with the trumpets. 15 Then the every side.” So they built and prospered.
men of Judah gave a shout. As the men 8 Asa had an army of three hundred
of Judah shouted, God struck Jeroboam thousand out of Judah who bore bucklers
and all Israel before Abijah and Judah. and spears, and two hundred eighty thou-
16 The children of Israel fled before Judah, sand out of Benjamin who bore shields and
2 Chronicles 14:9 424 2 Chronicles 16:1

drew bows. All these were mighty men of you be strong! Don’t let your hands be
valor. slack, for your work will be rewarded.”
9 Zerah the Ethiopian came out against 8 When Asa heard these words and the
them with an army of a million troops prophecy of Oded the prophet, he took
and three hundred chariots, and he came courage, and put away the abominations
to Mareshah. 10 Then Asa went out to out of all the land of Judah and Benjamin,
meet him, and they set the battle in array and out of the cities which he had taken
in the valley of Zephathah at Mareshah. from the hill country of Ephraim; and he
11 Asa cried to the LORD his God, and said, renewed the LORD’s altar that was be-
“LORD, there is no one besides you to help, fore the LORD’s porch. 9 He gathered
between the mighty and him who has no all Judah and Benjamin, and those who
strength. Help us, LORD our God; for we lived with them out of Ephraim, Manasseh,
rely on you, and in your name are we come and Simeon; for they came to him out
against this multitude. LORD, you are our of Israel in abundance when they saw
God. Don’t let man prevail against you.” that the LORD his God was with him.
10 So they gathered themselves together
12 So the LORD struck the Ethiopians be-
at Jerusalem in the third month, in the
fore Asa and before Judah; and the Ethiopi- fifteenth year of Asa’s reign. 11 They sacri-
ans fled. 13 Asa and the people who were ficed to the LORD in that day, of the plun-
with him pursued them to Gerar. So many der which they had brought, seven hun-
of the Ethiopians fell that they could not re- dred head of cattle and seven thousand
cover themselves, for they were destroyed sheep. 12 They entered into the covenant
before the LORD and before his army. Ju- to seek the LORD, the God of their fathers,
dah’s army carried away very much booty. with all their heart and with all their soul;
14 They struck all the cities around Gerar, 13 and that whoever would not seek the
for the fear of the LORD came on them. LORD, the God of Israel, should be put to
They plundered all the cities, for there was death, whether small or great, whether
much plunder in them. 15 They also struck man or woman. 14 They swore to the
the tents of those who had livestock, and LORD with a loud voice, with shouting,
carried away sheep and camels in abun- with trumpets, and with cornets. 15 All
dance, then returned to Jerusalem. Judah rejoiced at the oath, for they had
sworn with all their heart and sought him
with their whole desire; and he was found
15 by them. Then the LORD gave them rest all
1 The Spirit of God came on Azariah the around.
son of Oded. 2 He went out to meet Asa, and 16 Also Maacah, the mother of Asa
said to him, “Hear me, Asa, and all Judah the king, he removed from being queen
and Benjamin! The LORD is with you while mother, because she had made an abom-
you are with him; and if you seek him, he inable image for an Asherah; so Asa cut
will be found by you; but if you forsake down her image, ground it into dust, and
him, he will forsake you. 3 Now for a burned it at the brook Kidron. 17 But the
long time Israel was without the true God, high places were not taken away out of
without a teaching priest, and without law. Israel; nevertheless the heart of Asa was
4 But when in their distress they turned to perfect all his days. 18 He brought the
the LORD, the God of Israel, and sought things that his father had dedicated and
him, he was found by them. 5 In those that he himself had dedicated, silver, gold,
times there was no peace to him who went and vessels into God’s house. 19 There was
out, nor to him who came in; but great no more war to the thirty-fifth year of Asa’s
troubles were on all the inhabitants of the reign.
lands. 6 They were broken in pieces, nation
against nation, and city against city; for 16
God troubled them with all adversity. 7 But 1 In the thirty-sixth year of Asa’s reign,
2 Chronicles 16:2 425 2 Chronicles 17:12

Baasha king of Israel went up against Ju- but just the physicians. 13 Asa slept with his
dah, and built Ramah, that he might not al- fathers, and died in the forty-first year of
low anyone to go out or come in to Asa king his reign. 14 They buried him in his own
of Judah. 2 Then Asa brought out silver tomb, which he had dug out for himself in
and gold out of the treasures of the LORD’s David’s city, and laid him in the bed which
house and of the king’s house, and sent was filled with sweet odors and various
to Ben Hadad king of Syria, who lived at kinds of spices prepared by the perfumers’
Damascus, saying, 3 “Let there be a treaty art; and they made a very great fire for
between me and you, as there was be- him.
tween my father and your father. Behold,
I have sent you silver and gold. Go, break 17
your treaty with Baasha king of Israel, that
1 Jehoshaphat his son reigned in his
he may depart from me.” place, and strengthened himself against
4 Ben Hadad listened to King Asa, and Israel. 2 He placed forces in all the fortified
cities of Judah, and set garrisons in the
sent the captains of his armies against the
land of Judah and in the cities of Ephraim,
cities of Israel; and they struck Ijon, Dan,
Abel Maim, and all the storage cities of which Asa his father had taken. 3 The
LORD was with Jehoshaphat, because he
Naphtali. 5 When Baasha heard of it, he walked in the first ways of his father David,
stopped building Ramah, and let his work and didn’t seek the Baals, 4 but sought
cease. 6 Then Asa the king took all Ju- the God of his father, and walked in his
dah, and they carried away the stones and commandments, and not in the ways of Is-
timber of Ramah, with which Baasha had rael. 5 Therefore the LORD established the
built; and he built Geba and Mizpah with kingdom in his hand. All Judah brought
them. tribute to Jehoshaphat, and he had riches
7 At that time Hanani the seer came
and honor in abundance. 6 His heart was
to Asa king of Judah, and said to him, lifted up in the ways of the LORD. Further-
“Because you have relied on the king of more, he took away the high places and the
Syria, and have not relied on the LORD Asherah poles out of Judah.
your God, therefore the army of the king 7 Also in the third year of his reign he
of Syria has escaped out of your hand. sent his princes, even Ben Hail, Obadiah,
8 Weren’t the Ethiopians and the Lubim a
Zechariah, Nethanel, and Micaiah, to teach
huge army, with chariots and exceedingly in the cities of Judah; 8 and with them
many horsemen? Yet, because you relied Levites, even Shemaiah, Nethaniah, Zeba-
on the LORD, he delivered them into your diah, Asahel, Shemiramoth, Jehonathan,
hand. 9 For the LORD’s eyes run back and Adonijah, Tobijah, and Tobadonijah, the
forth throughout the whole earth, to show Levites; and with them Elishama and Jeho-
himself strong in the behalf of them whose ram, the priests. 9 They taught in Judah,
heart is perfect toward him. You have having the book of the LORD’s law with
done foolishly in this; for from now on you them. They went about throughout all
will have wars.” the cities of Judah and taught among the
10 Then Asa was angry with the seer, and
put him in the prison; for he was in a 10 The fear of the LORD fell on all the
rage with him because of this thing. Asa kingdoms of the lands that were around
oppressed some of the people at the same Judah, so that they made no war against
time. Jehoshaphat. 11 Some of the Philistines
11 Behold, the acts of Asa, first and last,
brought Jehoshaphat presents and silver
behold, they are written in the book of the for tribute. The Arabians also brought him
kings of Judah and Israel. 12 In the thirty- flocks: seven thousand seven hundred
ninth year of his reign, Asa was diseased in rams and seven thousand seven hundred
his feet. His disease was exceedingly great; male goats. 12 Jehoshaphat grew great ex-
yet in his disease he didn’t seek the LORD, ceedingly; and he built fortresses and store
2 Chronicles 17:13 426 2 Chronicles 18:19

cities in Judah. 13 He had many works in never prophesies good concerning me, but
the cities of Judah; and men of war, mighty always evil. He is Micaiah the son of Imla.”
men of valor, in Jerusalem. 14 This was Jehoshaphat said, “Don’t let the king say
the numbering of them according to their so.”
8 Then the king of Israel called an officer,
fathers’ houses: From Judah, the captains
of thousands: Adnah the captain, and with and said, “Get Micaiah the son of Imla
him three hundred thousand mighty men quickly.”
9 Now the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat
of valor; 15 and next to him Jehohanan the
captain, and with him two hundred eighty the king of Judah each sat on his throne,
thousand; 16 and next to him Amasiah arrayed in their robes, and they were sit-
the son of Zichri, who willingly offered ting in an open place at the entrance of the
himself to the LORD, and with him two gate of Samaria; and all the prophets were
hundred thousand mighty men of valor. prophesying before them. 10 Zedekiah the
17 From Benjamin: Eliada, a mighty man son of Chenaanah made himself horns of
of valor, and with him two hundred thou- iron and said, “The LORD says, ‘With these
sand armed with bow and shield; 18 and you shall push the Syrians, until they are
next to him Jehozabad, and with him one consumed.’ ”
11 All the prophets prophesied so, saying,
hundred eighty thousand ready and pre-
pared for war. 19 These were those who “Go up to Ramoth Gilead, and prosper; for
waited on the king, in addition to those the LORD will deliver it into the hand of the
whom the king put in the fortified cities 12 The messenger who went to call Mi-
throughout all Judah.
caiah spoke to him, saying, “Behold, the
words of the prophets declare good to the
1 Now Jehoshaphat had riches and honor king with one mouth. Let your word there-
fore, please be like one of theirs, and speak
in abundance; and he allied himself with
Ahab. 2 After some years, he went down 13 Micaiah said, “As the LORD lives, I will
to Ahab to Samaria. Ahab killed sheep
say what my God says.”
and cattle for him in abundance, and for 14 When he had come to the king, the
the people who were with him, and moved
him to go up with him to Ramoth Gilead. king said to him, “Micaiah, shall we go
3 Ahab king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat to Ramoth Gilead to battle, or shall I for-
king of Judah, “Will you go with me to He said, “Go up, and prosper. They shall
Ramoth Gilead?” be delivered into your hand.”
He answered him, “I am as you are, and 15 The king said to him, “How many times
my people as your people. We will be with shall I adjure you that you speak to me
you in the war.” 4 Jehoshaphat said to the nothing but the truth in the LORD’s name?”
king of Israel, “Please inquire first for the 16 He said, “I saw all Israel scattered
LORD’s word.” on the mountains, as sheep that have no
5 Then the king of Israel gathered the
shepherd. The LORD said, ‘These have no
prophets together, four hundred men, and master. Let them each return to his house
said to them, “Shall we go to Ramoth Gilead in peace.’ ”
to battle, or shall I forbear?” 17 The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat,
They said, “Go up, for God will deliver it “Didn’t I tell you that he would not proph-
into the hand of the king.” esy good concerning me, but evil?”
6 But Jehoshaphat said, “Isn’t there here 18 Micaiah said, “Therefore hear the
a prophet of the LORD besides, that we LORD’s word: I saw the LORD sitting on
may inquire of him?” his throne, and all the army of heaven
7 The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, standing on his right hand and on his left.
“There is yet one man by whom we may 19 The LORD said, ‘Who will entice Ahab
inquire of the LORD; but I hate him, for he king of Israel, that he may go up and fall
2 Chronicles 18:20 427 2 Chronicles 19:11

at Ramoth Gilead?’ One spoke saying in king of Israel between the joints of the ar-
this way, and another saying in that way. mor. Therefore he said to the driver of the
20 A spirit came out, stood before the LORD, chariot, “Turn around and carry me out
and said, ‘I will entice him.’ of the battle, for I am severely wounded.”
“The LORD said to him, ‘How?’ 34 The battle increased that day. However,
21 “He said, ‘I will go, and will be a lying the king of Israel propped himself up in
spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.’ his chariot against the Syrians until the
“He said, ‘You will entice him, and will evening; and at about sunset, he died.
prevail also. Go and do so.’
22 “Now therefore, behold, the LORD has
put a lying spirit in the mouth of these your
1 Jehoshaphat the king of Judah returned
prophets; and the LORD has spoken evil to his house in peace to Jerusalem. 2 Jehu
concerning you.” the son of Hanani the seer went out to
23 Then Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah
meet him, and said to King Jehoshaphat,
came near, and struck Micaiah on the “Should you help the wicked, and love
cheek, and said, “Which way did the those who hate the LORD? Because of this,
LORD’s Spirit go from me to speak to you?” wrath is on you from before the LORD.
24 Micaiah said, “Behold, you shall see on 3 Nevertheless there are good things found
that day, when you go into an inner room in you, in that you have put away the
to hide yourself.” Asheroth out of the land, and have set your
25 The king of Israel said, “Take Micaiah,
heart to seek God.”
and carry him back to Amon the governor 4 Jehoshaphat lived at Jerusalem; and
of the city, and to Joash the king’s son; he went out again among the people from
26 and say, ‘The king says, “Put this fellow
Beersheba to the hill country of Ephraim,
in the prison, and feed him with bread of and brought them back to the LORD, the
affliction and with water of affliction, until God of their fathers. 5 He set judges in the
I return in peace.” ’ ” land throughout all the fortified cities of
27 Micaiah said, “If you return at all in
Judah, city by city, 6 and said to the judges,
peace, the LORD has not spoken by me.” He “Consider what you do, for you don’t judge
said, “Listen, you people, all of you!” for man, but for the LORD; and he is with
28 So the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat
you in the judgment. 7 Now therefore let
the king of Judah went up to Ramoth the fear of the LORD be on you. Take heed
Gilead. 29 The king of Israel said to Je- and do it; for there is no iniquity with the
hoshaphat, “I will disguise myself, and go LORD our God, nor respect of persons, nor
into the battle; but you put on your robes.” taking of bribes.”
So the king of Israel disguised himself; and 8 Moreover in Jerusalem Jehoshaphat
they went into the battle. 30 Now the king appointed certain Levites, priests, and
of Syria had commanded the captains of heads of the fathers’ households of Israel
his chariots, saying, “Don’t fight with small to give judgment for the LORD and for con-
nor great, except only with the king of troversies. They returned to Jerusalem.
Israel.” 9 He commanded them, saying, “You shall
31 When the captains of the chariots saw
do this in the fear of the LORD, faithfully,
Jehoshaphat, they said, “It is the king of and with a perfect heart. 10 Whenever
Israel!” Therefore they turned around to any controversy comes to you from your
fight against him. But Jehoshaphat cried brothers who dwell in their cities, between
out, and the LORD helped him; and God blood and blood, between law and com-
moved them to depart from him. 32 When mandment, statutes and ordinances, you
the captains of the chariots saw that it must warn them, that they not be guilty
was not the king of Israel, they turned toward the LORD, and so wrath come on
back from pursuing him. 33 A certain man you and on your brothers. Do this, and you
drew his bow at random, and struck the will not be guilty. 11 Behold, Amariah the
2 Chronicles 20:1 428 2 Chronicles 20:22

chief priest is over you in all matters of the don’t know what to do, but our eyes are on
LORD; and Zebadiah the son of Ishmael, you.”
the ruler of the house of Judah, in all the 13 All Judah stood before the LORD, with
king’s matters. Also the Levites shall be their little ones, their wives, and their chil-
officers before you. Deal courageously, dren.
and may the LORD be with the good.” 14 Then the LORD’s Spirit came on Ja-
haziel the son of Zechariah, the son of
20 Benaiah, the son of Jeiel, the son of Mat-
1 After this, the children of Moab, taniah, the Levite, of the sons of Asaph, in
the children of Ammon, and with them the middle of the assembly; 15 and he said,
some of the Ammonites, came against “Listen, all Judah, and you inhabitants
Jehoshaphat to battle. 2 Then some came of Jerusalem, and you, King Jehoshaphat.
who told Jehoshaphat, saying, “A great The LORD says to you, ‘Don’t be afraid, and
multitude is coming against you from don’t be dismayed because of this great
beyond the sea from Syria. Behold, multitude; for the battle is not yours, but
they are in Hazazon Tamar” (that is, En God’s. 16 Tomorrow, go down against them.
Gedi). 3 Jehoshaphat was alarmed, and set Behold, they are coming up by the ascent
himself to seek to the LORD. He proclaimed of Ziz. You will find them at the end of
a fast throughout all Judah. 4 Judah the valley, before the wilderness of Jeruel.
gathered themselves together to seek help 17 You will not need to fight this battle. Set
from the LORD. They came out of all the yourselves, stand still, and see the salva-
cities of Judah to seek the LORD. tion of the LORD with you, O Judah and
5 Jehoshaphat stood in the assembly of Jerusalem. Don’t be afraid, nor be dis-
Judah and Jerusalem, in the LORD’s house, mayed. Go out against them tomorrow, for
before the new court; 6 and he said, “LORD, the LORD is with you.’ ”
the God of our fathers, aren’t you God 18 Jehoshaphat bowed his head with his
in heaven? Aren’t you ruler over all the face to the ground; and all Judah and the
kingdoms of the nations? Power and might inhabitants of Jerusalem fell down before
are in your hand, so that no one is able to the LORD, worshiping the LORD. 19 The
withstand you. 7 Didn’t you, our God, drive Levites, of the children of the Kohathites
out the inhabitants of this land before your and of the children of the Korahites, stood
people Israel, and give it to the offspring† up to praise the LORD, the God of Israel,
of Abraham your friend forever? 8 They with an exceedingly loud voice.
lived in it, and have built you a sanctuary 20 They rose early in the morning and
in it for your name, saying, 9 ‘If evil comes went out into the wilderness of Tekoa. As
on us—the sword, judgment, pestilence, or they went out, Jehoshaphat stood and said,
famine—we will stand before this house, “Listen to me, Judah and you inhabitants
and before you (for your name is in this of Jerusalem! Believe in the LORD your
house), and cry to you in our affliction, God, so you will be established! Believe his
and you will hear and save.’ 10 Now, be- prophets, so you will prosper.”
hold, the children of Ammon and Moab 21 When he had taken counsel with the
and Mount Seir, whom you would not let people, he appointed those who were to
Israel invade when they came out of the sing to the LORD and give praise in holy
land of Egypt, but they turned away from array as they go out before the army, and
them, and didn’t destroy them; 11 behold, say, “Give thanks to the LORD, for his lov-
how they reward us, to come to cast us out ing kindness endures forever.” 22 When
of your possession, which you have given they began to sing and to praise, the LORD
us to inherit. 12 Our God, will you not judge set ambushers against the children of Am-
them? For we have no might against this mon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had
great company that comes against us. We come against Judah; and they were struck.
† 20:7 or, seed
2 Chronicles 20:23 429 2 Chronicles 21:10

23 For the children of Ammon and Moab 35 After this, Jehoshaphat king of Judah
stood up against the inhabitants of Mount joined himself with Ahaziah king of Israel.
Seir to utterly kill and destroy them. When The same did very wickedly. 36 He joined
they had finished the inhabitants of Seir, himself with him to make ships to go to
everyone helped to destroy each other. Tarshish. They made the ships in Ezion
24 When Judah came to the place over- Geber. 37 Then Eliezer the son of Do-
looking the wilderness, they looked at the davahu of Mareshah prophesied against
multitude; and behold, they were dead Jehoshaphat, saying, “Because you have
bodies fallen to the earth, and there were joined yourself with Ahaziah, the LORD
none who escaped. 25 When Jehoshaphat has destroyed your works.” The ships
and his people came to take their plun- were wrecked, so that they were not able
der, they found among them in abundance to go to Tarshish.
both riches and dead bodies with precious
jewels, which they stripped off for them- 21
1 Jehoshaphat slept with his fathers, and
selves, more than they could carry away.
They took plunder for three days, it was so was buried with his fathers in David’s
city; and Jehoram his son reigned in his
much. 26 On the fourth day, they assem-
place. 2 He had brothers, the sons of
bled themselves in Beracah‡ Valley, for
Jehoshaphat: Azariah, Jehiel, Zechariah,
there they blessed the LORD. Therefore the
Azariah, Michael, and Shephatiah. All
name of that place was called “Beracah
these were the sons of Jehoshaphat king of
Valley” to this day. 27 Then they returned,
Israel. 3 Their father gave them great gifts
every man of Judah and Jerusalem, with
of silver, of gold, and of precious things,
Jehoshaphat in front of them, to go again
with fortified cities in Judah; but he gave
to Jerusalem with joy; for the LORD had
the kingdom to Jehoram, because he was
made them to rejoice over their enemies.
28 They came to Jerusalem with stringed the firstborn. 4 Now when Jehoram had
risen up over the kingdom of his father,
instruments, harps, and trumpets to the
and had strengthened himself, he killed
LORD’s house. 29 The fear of God was on
all the kingdoms of the countries when all his brothers with the sword, and also
they heard that the LORD fought against some of the princes of Israel. 5 Jehoram
the enemies of Israel. 30 So the realm of was thirty-two years old when he began
Jehoshaphat was quiet, for his God gave to reign, and he reigned eight years in
him rest all around. Jerusalem. 6 He walked in the way of the
31 So Jehoshaphat reigned over Judah. kings of Israel, as did Ahab’s house, for he
had Ahab’s daughter as his wife. He did
He was thirty-five years old when he began that which was evil in the LORD’s sight.
to reign. He reigned twenty-five years 7 However the LORD would not destroy
in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was
David’s house, because of the covenant
Azubah the daughter of Shilhi. 32 He that he had made with David, and as he
walked in the way of Asa his father, and promised to give a lamp to him and to his
didn’t turn away from it, doing that which children always.
was right in the LORD’s eyes. 33 However 8 In his days Edom revolted from under
the high places were not taken away, and the hand of Judah, and made a king over
the people had still not set their hearts on themselves. 9 Then Jehoram went there
the God of their fathers. with his captains and all his chariots with
34 Now the rest of the acts of Je- him. He rose up by night and struck the
hoshaphat, first and last, behold, they are Edomites who surrounded him, along with
written in the history of Jehu the son of the captains of the chariots. 10 So Edom
Hanani, which is included in the book of has been in revolt from under the hand of
the kings of Israel. Judah to this day. Then Libnah revolted
‡ 20:26 “Beracah” means “blessing”.
2 Chronicles 21:11 430 2 Chronicles 22:12

at the same time from under his hand, of Judah reigned. 2 Ahaziah was forty-
because he had forsaken the LORD, the two years old when he began to reign, and
God of his fathers. he reigned one year in Jerusalem. His
11 Moreover he made high places in the
mother’s name was Athaliah the daughter
mountains of Judah, and made the in- of Omri. 3 He also walked in the ways of
habitants of Jerusalem play the prostitute, Ahab’s house, because his mother was his
and led Judah astray. 12 A letter came counselor in acting wickedly. 4 He did that
to him from Elijah the prophet, saying, which was evil in the LORD’s sight, as did
“the LORD, the God of David your father, Ahab’s house, for they were his counselors
says, ‘Because you have not walked in the after the death of his father, to his de-
ways of Jehoshaphat your father, nor in struction. 5 He also followed their counsel,
the ways of Asa king of Judah, 13 but have and went with Jehoram the son of Ahab
walked in the way of the kings of Israel, king of Israel to war against Hazael king
and have made Judah and the inhabitants of Syria at Ramoth Gilead; and the Syri-
of Jerusalem to play the prostitute like ans wounded Joram. 6 He returned to be
Ahab’s house did, and also have slain your healed in Jezreel of the wounds which they
brothers of your father’s house, who were had given him at Ramah, when he fought
better than yourself, 14 behold, the LORD against Hazael king of Syria. Azariah the
will strike your people with a great plague, son of Jehoram, king of Judah, went down
including your children, your wives, and to see Jehoram the son of Ahab in Jezreel,
all your possessions; 15 and you will have because he was sick.
7 Now the destruction of Ahaziah was of
great sickness with a disease of your bow-
els, until your bowels fall out by reason of God, in that he went to Joram; for when
the sickness, day by day.’ ” he had come, he went out with Jehoram
16 The LORD stirred up against Jeho- against Jehu the son of Nimshi, whom the
ram the spirit of the Philistines and of the LORD had anointed to cut off Ahab’s house.
8 When Jehu was executing judgment on
Arabians who are beside the Ethiopians; Ahab’s house, he found the princes of
17 and they came up against Judah, broke
Judah and the sons of the brothers of
into it, and carried away all the posses- Ahaziah serving Ahaziah, and killed them.
sions that were found in the king’s house, 9 He sought Ahaziah, and they caught him
including his sons and his wives, so that (now he was hiding in Samaria), and they
there was no son left to him except Jehoa- brought him to Jehu and killed him; and
haz, the youngest of his sons. they buried him, for they said, “He is the
18 After all this the LORD struck him in
son of Jehoshaphat, who sought the LORD
his bowels with an incurable disease. 19 In with all his heart.” The house of Ahaziah
process of time, at the end of two years, his had no power to hold the kingdom.
bowels fell out by reason of his sickness, 10 Now when Athaliah the mother of
and he died of severe diseases. His people Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she
made no burning for him, like the burning arose and destroyed all the royal offspring
of his fathers. 20 He was thirty-two years of the house of Judah. 11 But Jehoshabeath,
old when he began to reign, and he reigned the king’s daughter, took Joash the son of
in Jerusalem eight years. He departed with Ahaziah, and stealthily rescued him from
no one’s regret. They buried him in David’s among the king’s sons who were slain, and
city, but not in the tombs of the kings. put him and his nurse in the bedroom. So
Jehoshabeath, the daughter of King Jeho-
22 ram, the wife of Jehoiada the priest (for
1The inhabitants of Jerusalem made she was the sister of Ahaziah), hid him
Ahaziah his youngest son king in his place, from Athaliah, so that she didn’t kill him.
because the band of men who came with 12 He was with them hidden in God’s house
the Arabians to the camp had slain all the six years while Athaliah reigned over the
oldest. So Ahaziah the son of Jehoram king land.
2 Chronicles 23:1 431 2 Chronicles 24:2

23 12 When Athaliah heard the noise of the

1 Inthe seventh year, Jehoiada strength- people running and praising the king, she
ened himself, and took the captains of hun- came to the people into the LORD’s house.
13 Then she looked, and behold, the king
dreds—Azariah the son of Jeroham, Ish-
mael the son of Jehohanan, Azariah the stood by his pillar at the entrance, with the
son of Obed, Maaseiah the son of Adaiah, captains and the trumpeters by the king.
and Elishaphat the son of Zichri—into a All the people of the land rejoiced and blew
covenant with him. 2 They went around trumpets. The singers also played musical
in Judah and gathered the Levites out of instruments, and led the singing of praise.
Then Athaliah tore her clothes, and said,
all the cities of Judah, and the heads of fa-
thers’ households of Israel, and they came “Treason! treason!”
14 Jehoiada the priest brought out the
to Jerusalem. 3 All the assembly made captains of hundreds who were set over
a covenant with the king in God’s house. the army, and said to them, “Bring her out
Jehoiada† said to them, “Behold, the king’s between the ranks; and whoever follows
son must reign, as the LORD has spoken her, let him be slain with the sword.” For
concerning the sons of David. 4 This is the the priest said, “Don’t kill her in the LORD’s
thing that you must do: a third part of you,house.” 15 So they made way for her. She
who come in on the Sabbath, of the priests went to the entrance of the horse gate to
and of the Levites, shall be gatekeepers of the king’s house; and they killed her there.
the thresholds. 5 A third part shall be at the 16 Jehoiada made a covenant between
king’s house; and a third part at the gate himself, all the people, and the king, that
of the foundation. All the people will be they should be the LORD’s people. 17 All the
in the courts of the LORD’s house. 6 But letpeople went to the house of Baal, broke it
no one come into the LORD’s house except down, broke his altars and his images in
the priests and those who minister of the pieces, and killed Mattan the priest of Baal
Levites. They shall come in, for they are before the altars. 18 Jehoiada appointed
holy, but all the people shall follow the the officers of the LORD’s house under
LORD’s instructions. 7 The Levites shall the hand of the Levitical priests, whom
surround the king, every man with his David had distributed in the LORD’s house,
weapons in his hand. Whoever comes into to offer the burnt offerings of the LORD,
the house, let him be slain. Be with the king
as it is written in the law of Moses, with
when he comes in and when he goes out.” rejoicing and with singing, as David had
8 So the Levites and all Judah did ac- ordered. 19 He set the gatekeepers at the
cording to all that Jehoiada the priest com-gates of the LORD’s house, that no one who
manded. They each took his men, those was unclean in anything should enter in.
who were to come in on the Sabbath, with 20 He took the captains of hundreds, the
those who were to go out on the Sabbath, nobles, the governors of the people, and
for Jehoiada the priest didn’t dismiss the all the people of the land, and brought the
shift. 9 Jehoiada the priest delivered to the
king down from the LORD’s house. They
captains of hundreds the spears, bucklers, came through the upper gate to the king’s
and shields that had been king David’s, house, and set the king on the throne of the
which were in God’s house. 10 He set all thekingdom. 21 So all the people of the land
people, every man with his weapon in his rejoiced, and the city was quiet. They had
hand, from the right side of the house to slain Athaliah with the sword.
the left side of the house, near the altar and
the house, around the king. 11 Then they 24
1 Joash was seven years old when he be-
brought out the king’s son, put the crown
on him, gave him the covenant, and made gan to reign, and he reigned forty years in
him king. Jehoiada and his sons anointed Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Zibiah,
him, and they said, “Long live the king!” of Beersheba. 2 Joash did that which was
† 23:3 Hebrew He
2 Chronicles 24:3 432 2 Chronicles 24:25

right in the LORD’s eyes all the days of for the LORD’s house, even vessels with
Jehoiada the priest. 3 Jehoiada took for him which to minister and to offer, includ-
two wives, and he became the father of ing spoons and vessels of gold and silver.
sons and daughters. They offered burnt offerings in the LORD’s
4 After this, Joash intended to restore house continually all the days of Jehoiada.
15 But Jehoiada grew old and was full of
the LORD’s house. 5 He gathered together
the priests and the Levites, and said to days, and he died. He was one hundred
them, “Go out to the cities of Judah, and thirty years old when he died. 16 They
gather money to repair the house of your buried him in David’s city among the
God from all Israel from year to year. See kings, because he had done good in Israel,
that you expedite this matter.” However and toward God and his house.
17 Now after the death of Jehoiada, the
the Levites didn’t do it right away. 6 The
king called for Jehoiada the chief, and said princes of Judah came and bowed down
to him, “Why haven’t you required of the to the king. Then the king listened to
Levites to bring in the tax of Moses the them. 18 They abandoned the house of the
servant of the LORD, and of the assembly LORD, the God of their fathers, and served
the Asherah poles and the idols, so wrath
of Israel, out of Judah and out of Jerusalem,
came on Judah and Jerusalem for this their
for the Tent of the Testimony?” 7 For
the sons of Athaliah, that wicked woman, guiltiness. 19 Yet he sent prophets to them
had broken up God’s house; and they also to bring them again to the LORD, and they
gave all the dedicated things of the LORD’s testified against them; but they would not
house to the Baals. listen.
20 The Spirit of God came on Zechariah
8 So the king commanded, and they
the son of Jehoiada the priest; and he stood
made a chest, and set it outside at the gate
above the people, and said to them, “God
of the LORD’s house. 9 They made a procla- says, ‘Why do you disobey the LORD’s com-
mation through Judah and Jerusalem, to mandments, so that you can’t prosper? Be-
bring in for the LORD the tax that Moses cause you have forsaken the LORD, he has
the servant of God laid on Israel in the also forsaken you.’ ”
wilderness. 10 All the princes and all
21 They conspired against him, and
the people rejoiced, and brought in, and
cast into the chest, until they had filled stoned him with stones at the command-
ment of the king in the court of the LORD’s
it. 11 Whenever the chest was brought
house. 22 Thus Joash the king didn’t
to the king’s officers by the hand of the
remember the kindness which Jehoiada
Levites, and when they saw that there
his father had done to him, but killed his
was much money, the king’s scribe and son. When he died, he said, “May the LORD
the chief priest’s officer came and emptied look at it, and repay it.”
the chest, and took it, and carried it to its 23 At the end of the year, the army of the
place again. Thus they did day by day,
and gathered money in abundance. 12 The Syrians came up against him. They came to
king and Jehoiada gave it to those who Judah and Jerusalem, and destroyed all the
did the work of the service of the LORD’s princes of the people from among the peo-
house. They hired masons and carpenters ple, and sent all their plunder to the king of
to restore the LORD’s house, and also those Damascus. 24 For the army of the Syrians
who worked iron and bronze to repair the came with a small company of men; and
LORD’s house. 13 So the workmen worked, the LORD delivered a very great army into
and the work of repairing went forward their hand, because they had forsaken the
in their hands. They set up God’s house LORD, the God of their fathers. So they
as it was designed, and strengthened it. executed judgment on Joash.
14 When they had finished, they brought 25 When they had departed from him
the rest of the money before the king and (for they left him seriously wounded), his
Jehoiada, from which were made vessels own servants conspired against him for
2 Chronicles 24:26 433 2 Chronicles 25:18

the blood of the sons of Jehoiada the priest, 9Amaziah said to the man of God, “But
and killed him on his bed, and he died. what shall we do for the hundred talents‡
They buried him in David’s city, but they which I have given to the army of Israel?”
didn’t bury him in the tombs of the kings. The man of God answered, “The LORD is
26 These are those who conspired against able to give you much more than this.”
10 Then Amaziah separated them, the
him: Zabad the son of Shimeath the Am-
monitess and Jehozabad the son of Shim- army that had come to him out of Ephraim,
rith the Moabitess. 27 Now concerning his to go home again. Therefore their anger
sons, the greatness of the burdens laid on was greatly kindled against Judah, and
him, and the rebuilding of God’s house, be- they returned home in fierce anger.
hold, they are written in the commentary 11 Amaziah took courage, and led his
of the book of the kings. Amaziah his son people out and went to the Valley of Salt,
reigned in his place. and struck ten thousand of the children of
Seir. 12 The children of Judah carried away
25 ten thousand alive, and brought them to
1 Amaziah was twenty-five years the top of the rock, and threw them down
old when he began to reign, and he from the top of the rock, so that they all
reigned twenty-nine years in Jerusalem. were broken in pieces. 13 But the men of
His mother’s name was Jehoaddan, of the army whom Amaziah sent back, that
Jerusalem. 2 He did that which was right they should not go with him to battle, fell
in the LORD’s eyes, but not with a perfect on the cities of Judah from Samaria even
heart. 3 Now when the kingdom was to Beth Horon, and struck of them three
established to him, he killed his servants thousand, and took much plunder.
14 Now after Amaziah had come from
who had killed his father the king. 4 But
he didn’t put their children to death, but the slaughter of the Edomites, he brought
did according to that which is written in the gods of the children of Seir, and set
the law in the book of Moses, as the LORD them up to be his gods, and bowed down
commanded, saying, “The fathers shall himself before them and burned incense
not die for the children, neither shall the to them. 15 Therefore the LORD’s anger
children die for the fathers; but every man burned against Amaziah, and he sent to
shall die for his own sin.” him a prophet who said to him, “Why have
5 Moreover Amaziah gathered Judah to- you sought after the gods of the people,
gether and ordered them according to which have not delivered their own people
their fathers’ houses, under captains of out of your hand?”
16 As he talked with him, the king said to
thousands and captains of hundreds, even
all Judah and Benjamin. He counted them him, “Have we made you one of the king’s
from twenty years old and upward, and counselors? Stop! Why should you be
found that there were three hundred thou- struck down?”
sand chosen men, able to go out to war, Then the prophet stopped, and said, “I
who could handle spear and shield. 6 He know that God has determined to destroy
also hired one hundred thousand mighty you, because you have done this and have
men of valor out of Israel for one hundred not listened to my counsel.”
talents† of silver. 7 A man of God came to 17 Then Amaziah king of Judah consulted
him, saying, “O king, don’t let the army of his advisers, and sent to Joash, the son of
Israel go with you, for the LORD is not with Jehoahaz, the son of Jehu, king of Israel,
Israel, with all the children of Ephraim. saying, “Come! Let’s look one another in
8 But if you will go, take action, and be
the face.”
strong for the battle. God will overthrow 18 Joash king of Israel sent to Amaziah
you before the enemy; for God has power king of Judah, saying, “The thistle that was
to help, and to overthrow.” in Lebanon sent to the cedar that was in
† 25:6 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds ‡ 25:9 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds
2 Chronicles 25:19 434 2 Chronicles 26:15

Lebanon, saying, ‘Give your daughter to 3 Uzziah was sixteen years old when he
my son as his wife. Then a wild animal that began to reign; and he reigned fifty-two
was in Lebanon passed by and trampled years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name
down the thistle. 19 You say to yourself was Jechiliah, of Jerusalem. 4 He did that
that you have struck Edom; and your heart which was right in the LORD’s eyes, ac-
lifts you up to boast. Now stay at home. cording to all that his father Amaziah had
Why should you meddle with trouble, that done. 5 He set himself to seek God in the
you should fall, even you and Judah with days of Zechariah, who had understanding
you?’ ” in the vision of God; and as long as he
20 But Amaziah would not listen; for it sought the LORD, God made him prosper.
was of God, that he might deliver them into He went out and fought against the
the hand of their enemies, because they Philistines, and broke down the wall of
had sought after the gods of Edom. 21 So Gath, the wall of Jabneh, and the wall of
Joash king of Israel went up, and he and Ashdod; and he built cities in the coun-
Amaziah king of Judah looked one another try of Ashdod, and among the Philistines.
in the face at Beth Shemesh, which belongs 7 God helped him against the Philistines,
to Judah. 22 Judah was defeated by Israel; and against the Arabians who lived in Gur
so every man fled to his tent. Baal, and the Meunim. 8 The Ammonites
23 Joash king of Israel took Amaziah king
gave tribute to Uzziah. His name spread
of Judah, the son of Joash the son of Je- abroad even to the entrance of Egypt, for
hoahaz, at Beth Shemesh and brought him he grew exceedingly strong. 9 Moreover
to Jerusalem, and broke down the wall of Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem at the
Jerusalem from the gate of Ephraim to the corner gate, at the valley gate, and at the
corner gate, four hundred cubits.§ 24 He turning of the wall, and fortified them.
took all the gold and silver, and all the ves- 10 He built towers in the wilderness, and
sels that were found in God’s house with dug out many cisterns, for he had much
Obed-Edom, and the treasures of the king’s livestock, both in the lowlands and in the
house, and the hostages, and returned to plains. He had farmers and vineyard keep-
Samaria. ers in the mountains and in the fruitful
25 Amaziah the son of Joash, king of Ju- fields, for he loved farming. 11 Moreover
dah, lived for fifteen years after the death Uzziah had an army of fighting men who
of Joash, son of Jehoahaz, king of Israel. went out to war by bands, according to
26 Now the rest of the acts of Amaziah, the number of their reckoning made by
first and last, behold, aren’t they written in Jeiel the scribe and Maaseiah the officer,
the book of the kings of Judah and Israel? under the hand of Hananiah, one of the
27 Now from the time that Amaziah turned king’s captains. 12 The whole number of
away from following the LORD, they made the heads of fathers’ households, even the
a conspiracy against him in Jerusalem. He mighty men of valor, was two thousand
fled to Lachish, but they sent after him six hundred. 13 Under their hand was
to Lachish and killed him there. 28 They an army, three hundred seven thousand
brought him on horses and buried him five hundred, who made war with mighty
with his fathers in the City of Judah. power, to help the king against the enemy.
14 Uzziah prepared for them, even for all
26 the army, shields, spears, helmets, coats of
1All the people of Judah took Uzziah, mail, bows, and stones for slinging. 15 In
who was sixteen years old, and made him Jerusalem, he made devices, invented by
king in the place of his father Amaziah. skillful men, to be on the towers and on
2 He built Eloth and restored it to Judah. the battlements, with which to shoot ar-
After that the king slept with his fathers. rows and great stones. His name spread
§ 25:23 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46
centimeters, so 400 cubits is about 200 yards or 184 meters.
2 Chronicles 26:16 435 2 Chronicles 28:6

far abroad, because he was marvelously had done. However he didn’t enter into
helped until he was strong. the LORD’s temple. The people still acted
16 But when he was strong, his heart was corruptly. 3 He built the upper gate of the
lifted up, so that he did corruptly and he LORD’s house, and he built much on the
trespassed against the LORD his God, for wall of Ophel. 4 Moreover he built cities
he went into the LORD’s temple to burn in the hill country of Judah, and in the
incense on the altar of incense. 17 Azariah forests he built fortresses and towers. 5 He
the priest went in after him, and with also fought with the king of the children
him eighty priests of the LORD, who were of Ammon, and prevailed against them.
valiant men. 18 They resisted Uzziah the The children of Ammon gave him the same
king, and said to him, “It isn’t for you, year one hundred talents† of silver, ten
Uzziah, to burn incense to the LORD, but thousand cors‡ of wheat, and ten thousand
for the priests the sons of Aaron, who are cors of barley.§ The children of Ammon
consecrated to burn incense. Go out of the also gave that much to him in the second
sanctuary, for you have trespassed. It will year, and in the third. 6 So Jotham be-
not be for your honor from the LORD God.” came mighty, because he ordered his ways
19 Then Uzziah was angry. He had a before the LORD his God. 7 Now the rest
censer in his hand to burn incense, and of the acts of Jotham, and all his wars
while he was angry with the priests, the and his ways, behold, they are written in
leprosy broke out on his forehead before the book of the kings of Israel and Judah.
8 He was twenty-five years old when he be-
the priests in the LORD’s house, beside
the altar of incense. 20 Azariah the chief gan to reign, and reigned sixteen years in
priest and all the priests looked at him, Jerusalem. 9 Jotham slept with his fathers,
and behold, he was leprous in his fore- and they buried him in David’s city; and
head; and they thrust him out quickly from Ahaz his son reigned in his place.
there. Indeed, he himself also hurried to
go out, because the LORD had struck him. 28
21 Uzziah the king was a leper to the day 1Ahaz was twenty years old when he
of his death, and lived in a separate house, began to reign, and he reigned sixteen
being a leper; for he was cut off from the years in Jerusalem. He didn’t do that
LORD’s house. Jotham his son was over which was right in the LORD’s eyes, like
the king’s house, judging the people of the David his father, 2 but he walked in the
land. ways of the kings of Israel, and also made
22 Now the rest of the acts of Uzziah, molten images for the Baals. 3 Moreover
first and last, Isaiah the prophet, the son of he burned incense in the valley of the son
Amoz, wrote. 23 So Uzziah slept with his fa- of Hinnom, and burned his children in the
thers; and they buried him with his fathers fire, according to the abominations of the
in the field of burial which belonged to the nations whom the LORD cast out before
kings, for they said, “He is a leper.” Jotham the children of Israel. 4 He sacrificed and
burned incense in the high places, and on
his son reigned in his place. the hills, and under every green tree.
5 Therefore the LORD his God delivered
27 him into the hand of the king of Syria. They
1 Jotham was twenty-five years old when
struck him, and carried away from him a
he began to reign, and he reigned sixteen great multitude of captives, and brought
years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name them to Damascus. He was also delivered
was Jerushah the daughter of Zadok. 2 He into the hand of the king of Israel, who
did that which was right in the LORD’s struck him with a great slaughter. 6 For
eyes, according to all that his father Uzziah Pekah the son of Remaliah killed in Judah
† 27:5 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds ‡ 27:5 1 cor is the same as a homer, or about 55.9 U. S. gallons
(liquid) or 211 liters or 6 bushels. 10,000 cors of wheat would weigh about 1,640 metric tons. § 27:5 10,000 cors
of barley would weigh about 1,310 metric tons.
2 Chronicles 28:7 436 2 Chronicles 29:2

one hundred twenty thousand in one day, 16 At that time King Ahaz sent to the kings
all of them valiant men, because they had of Assyria to help him. 17 For again the
forsaken the LORD, the God of their fa- Edomites had come and struck Judah, and
thers. 7 Zichri, a mighty man of Ephraim, carried away captives. 18 The Philistines
killed Maaseiah the king’s son, Azrikam also had invaded the cities of the low-
the ruler of the house, and Elkanah who land and of the South of Judah, and had
was next to the king. 8 The children of Is- taken Beth Shemesh, Aijalon, Gederoth,
rael carried away captive of their brothers Soco with its villages, Timnah with its vil-
two hundred thousand women, sons, and lages, and also Gimzo and its villages; and
daughters, and also took away much plun- they lived there. 19 For the LORD brought
der from them, and brought the plunder to Judah low because of Ahaz king of Israel,
Samaria. 9 But a prophet of the LORD was because he acted without restraint in Ju-
there, whose name was Oded; and he went dah and trespassed severely against the
out to meet the army that came to Samaria, LORD. 20 Tilgath-pilneser king of Assyria
and said to them, “Behold, because the came to him and gave him trouble, but
LORD, the God of your fathers, was angry didn’t strengthen him. 21 For Ahaz took
with Judah, he has delivered them into away a portion out of the LORD’s house,
your hand, and you have slain them in and out of the house of the king and of the
a rage which has reached up to heaven. princes, and gave it to the king of Assyria;
10 Now you intend to degrade the children
but it didn’t help him.
of Judah and Jerusalem as male and female 22 In the time of his distress, he tres-
slaves for yourselves. Aren’t there even passed yet more against the LORD, this
with you trespasses of your own against same King Ahaz. 23 For he sacrificed to the
the LORD your God? 11 Now hear me gods of Damascus which had defeated him.
therefore, and send back the captives that He said, “Because the gods of the kings of
you have taken captive from your broth- Syria helped them, I will sacrifice to them,
ers, for the fierce wrath of the LORD is on that they may help me.” But they were the
you.” 12 Then some of the heads of the ruin of him and of all Israel. 24 Ahaz gath-
children of Ephraim, Azariah the son of Jo- ered together the vessels of God’s house,
hanan, Berechiah the son of Meshillemoth, cut the vessels of God’s house in pieces,
Jehizkiah the son of Shallum, and Amasa and shut up the doors of the LORD’s house;
the son of Hadlai, stood up against those and he made himself altars in every corner
who came from the war, 13 and said to of Jerusalem. 25 In every city of Judah he
them, “You must not bring in the captives made high places to burn incense to other
here, for you intend that which will bring gods, and provoked the LORD, the God of
on us a trespass against the LORD, to add his fathers, to anger.
to our sins and to our guilt; for our guilt 26 Now the rest of his acts, and all his
is great, and there is fierce wrath against ways, first and last, behold, they are writ-
Israel.” ten in the book of the kings of Judah
14 So the armed men left the captives
and Israel. 27 Ahaz slept with his fathers,
and the plunder before the princes and and they buried him in the city, even in
all the assembly. 15 The men who have Jerusalem, because they didn’t bring him
been mentioned by name rose up and took into the tombs of the kings of Israel; and
the captives, and with the plunder clothed Hezekiah his son reigned in his place.
all who were naked among them, dressed
them, gave them sandals, gave them some-
1 Hezekiah
thing to eat and to drink, anointed them, began to reign when he was
carried all the feeble of them on donkeys, twenty-five years old, and he reigned
and brought them to Jericho, the city of twenty-nine years in Jerusalem. His
palm trees, to their brothers. Then they mother’s name was Abijah, the daughter
returned to Samaria. of Zechariah. 2 He did that which was
2 Chronicles 29:3 437 2 Chronicles 29:26

right in the LORD’s eyes, according to all inner part of the LORD’s house to cleanse
that David his father had done. 3 In the it, and brought out all the uncleanness that
first year of his reign, in the first month, they found in the LORD’s temple into the
he opened the doors of the LORD’s house court of the LORD’s house. The Levites
and repaired them. 4 He brought in the took it from there to carry it out to the
priests and the Levites and gathered them brook Kidron. 17 Now they began on the
together into the wide place on the east, first day of the first month to sanctify, and
5 and said to them, “Listen to me, you on the eighth day of the month they came
Levites! Now sanctify yourselves, and to the LORD’s porch. They sanctified the
sanctify the house of the LORD, the God of LORD’s house in eight days, and on the
your fathers, and carry the filthiness out sixteenth day of the first month they fin-
of the holy place. 6 For our fathers were ished. 18 Then they went in to Hezekiah the
unfaithful, and have done that which was king within the palace and said, “We have
evil in the LORD our God’s sight, and have cleansed all the LORD’s house, including
forsaken him, and have turned away their the altar of burnt offering with all its ves-
faces from the habitation of the LORD, and sels, and the table of show bread with all
turned their backs. 7 Also they have shut its vessels. 19 Moreover, we have prepared
up the doors of the porch, and put out the and sanctified all the vessels which King
lamps, and have not burned incense nor Ahaz threw away in his reign when he was
offered burnt offerings in the holy place unfaithful. Behold, they are before the
to the God of Israel. 8 Therefore the LORD’s LORD’s altar.”
wrath was on Judah and Jerusalem, and he 20 Then Hezekiah the king arose early,
has delivered them to be tossed back and gathered the princes of the city, and went
forth, to be an astonishment and a hissing,
up to the LORD’s house. 21 They brought
as you see with your eyes. 9 For behold,
seven bulls, seven rams, seven lambs, and
our fathers have fallen by the sword, and seven male goats, for a sin offering for
our sons and our daughters and our wives the kingdom, for the sanctuary, and for
are in captivity for this. 10 Now it is in my Judah. He commanded the priests the sons
heart to make a covenant with the LORD, of Aaron to offer them on the LORD’s altar.
the God of Israel, that his fierce anger may 22 So they killed the bulls, and the priests
turn away from us. 11 My sons, don’t be received the blood and sprinkled it on the
negligent now; for the LORD has chosen altar. They killed the rams and sprinkled
you to stand before him, to minister to him, the blood on the altar. They also killed
and that you should be his ministers and the lambs and sprinkled the blood on the
burn incense.” altar. 23 They brought near the male goats
12Then the Levites arose: Mahath, the for the sin offering before the king and
son of Amasai, and Joel the son of Azariah, the assembly; and they laid their hands
of the sons of the Kohathites; and of the on them. 24 Then the priests killed them,
sons of Merari, Kish the son of Abdi, and and they made a sin offering with their
Azariah the son of Jehallelel; and of the blood on the altar, to make atonement for
Gershonites, Joah the son of Zimmah, and all Israel; for the king commanded that the
Eden the son of Joah; 13 and of the sons burnt offering and the sin offering should
of Elizaphan, Shimri and Jeuel; and of the be made for all Israel.
sons of Asaph, Zechariah and Mattaniah; 25 He set the Levites in the LORD’s house
14 and of the sons of Heman, Jehuel and with cymbals, with stringed instruments,
Shimei; and of the sons of Jeduthun, She- and with harps, according to the com-
maiah and Uzziel. 15 They gathered their mandment of David, of Gad the king’s
brothers, sanctified themselves, and went seer, and Nathan the prophet; for the
in, according to the commandment of the commandment was from the LORD by
king by the LORD’s words, to cleanse the his prophets. 26 The Levites stood with
LORD’s house. 16 The priests went into the David’s instruments, and the priests with
2 Chronicles 29:27 438 2 Chronicles 30:12

the trumpets. 27 Hezekiah commanded LORD’s house at Jerusalem, to keep the

them to offer the burnt offering on the Passover to the LORD, the God of Israel.
altar. When the burnt offering began, the 2 For the king had taken counsel with his
LORD’s song also began, along with the princes and all the assembly in Jerusalem
trumpets and instruments of David king of to keep the Passover in the second month.
Israel. 28 All the assembly worshiped, the 3 For they could not keep it at that time, be-
singers sang, and the trumpeters sounded. cause the priests had not sanctified them-
All this continued until the burnt offeringselves in sufficient number, and the people
was finished. had not gathered themselves together to
29 When they had finished offering, Jerusalem. 4 The thing was right in the
the king and all who were present with eyes of the king and of all the assembly.
him bowed themselves and worshiped. 5 So they established a decree to make
30 Moreover Hezekiah the king and the proclamation throughout all Israel, from
princes commanded the Levites to sing Beersheba even to Dan, that they should
praises to the LORD with the words of come to keep the Passover to the LORD, the
David, and of Asaph the seer. They sang God of Israel, at Jerusalem, for they had
praises with gladness, and they bowed not kept it in great numbers in the way it
their heads and worshiped. is written.
31 Then Hezekiah answered, “Now you 6 So the couriers went with the letters
have consecrated yourselves to the LORD. from the king and his princes through-
Come near and bring sacrifices and thank out all Israel and Judah, according to the
offerings into the LORD’s house.” The commandment of the king, saying, “You
assembly brought in sacrifices and thank children of Israel, turn again to the LORD,
offerings, and as many as were of a will- the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, that
ing heart brought burnt offerings. 32 The he may return to the remnant of you that
number of the burnt offerings which the have escaped out of the hand of the kings
assembly brought was seventy bulls, one of Assyria. 7 Don’t be like your fathers
hundred rams, and two hundred lambs. and like your brothers, who trespassed
All these were for a burnt offering to the against the LORD, the God of their fathers,
LORD. 33 The consecrated things were six so that he gave them up to desolation, as
hundred head of cattle and three thousand you see. 8 Now don’t be stiff-necked, as
sheep. 34 But the priests were too few, so your fathers were, but yield yourselves to
that they could not skin all the burnt offer-
the LORD, and enter into his sanctuary,
ings. Therefore their brothers the Levites which he has sanctified forever, and serve
helped them until the work was ended, the LORD your God, that his fierce anger
and until the priests had sanctified them- may turn away from you. 9 For if you turn
selves, for the Levites were more upright again to the LORD, your brothers and your
in heart to sanctify themselves than the children will find compassion with those
priests. 35 Also the burnt offerings were who led them captive, and will come again
in abundance, with the fat of the peace into this land, because the LORD your God
offerings and with the drink offerings for is gracious and merciful, and will not turn
every burnt offering. So the service of theaway his face from you if you return to
LORD’s house was set in order. 36 Hezekiah him.”
and all the people rejoiced because of that 10 So the couriers passed from city
which God had prepared for the people; to city through the country of Ephraim
for the thing was done suddenly. and Manasseh, even to Zebulun, but
people ridiculed them and mocked them.
30 11 Nevertheless some men of Asher, Man-
1 Hezekiah sent to all Israel and Judah, asseh, and Zebulun humbled themselves
and wrote letters also to Ephraim and and came to Jerusalem. 12 Also the hand of
Manasseh, that they should come to the God came on Judah to give them one heart,
2 Chronicles 30:13 439 2 Chronicles 31:6

to do the commandment of the king and of seven thousand sheep; and the princes
the princes by the LORD’s word. gave to the assembly a thousand bulls and
13 Many people assembled at Jerusalem ten thousand sheep; and a great number
to keep the feast of unleavened bread in of priests sanctified themselves. 25 All the
the second month, a very great assem- assembly of Judah, with the priests and the
bly. 14 They arose and took away the Levites, and all the assembly who came
altars that were in Jerusalem, and they out of Israel, and the foreigners who came
took away all the altars for incense and out of the land of Israel and who lived in
threw them into the brook Kidron. 15 Then Judah, rejoiced. 26 So there was great joy
they killed the Passover on the fourteenth in Jerusalem; for since the time of Solomon
day of the second month. The priests and the son of David king of Israel there was
the Levites were ashamed, and sanctified nothing like this in Jerusalem. 27 Then
themselves, and brought burnt offerings the Levitical priests arose and blessed the
into the LORD’s house. 16 They stood in people. Their voice was heard, and their
their place after their order, according to prayer came up to his holy habitation,
the law of Moses the man of God. The even to heaven.
priests sprinkled the blood which they re-
ceived of the hand of the Levites. 17 For
there were many in the assembly who
1Now when all this was finished, all
had not sanctified themselves; therefore Israel who were present went out to the
the Levites were in charge of killing the cities of Judah and broke the pillars in
Passovers for everyone who was not clean, pieces, cut down the Asherah poles, and
to sanctify them to the LORD. 18 For a broke down the high places and the al-
multitude of the people, even many of tars out of all Judah and Benjamin, also
Ephraim, Manasseh, Issachar, and Zebu- in Ephraim and Manasseh, until they had
lun, had not cleansed themselves, yet they destroyed them all. Then all the children
ate the Passover other than the way it of Israel returned, every man to his posses-
is written. For Hezekiah had prayed for sion, into their own cities.
them, saying, “May the good LORD pardon 2 Hezekiah appointed the divisions of
everyone 19 who sets his heart to seek God, the priests and the Levites after their di-
the LORD, the God of his fathers, even if visions, every man according to his ser-
they aren’t clean according to the purifica-
vice, both the priests and the Levites, for
tion of the sanctuary.”
20 The LORD listened to Hezekiah, and
burnt offerings and for peace offerings,
to minister, to give thanks, and to praise
healed the people. 21 The children of Israel in the gates of the LORD’s camp. 3 He
who were present at Jerusalem kept the also appointed the king’s portion of his
feast of unleavened bread seven days with possessions for the burnt offerings: for the
great gladness. The Levites and the priests morning and evening burnt offerings, and
praised the LORD day by day, singing with the burnt offerings for the Sabbaths, for
loud instruments to the LORD. 22 Hezekiah the new moons, and for the set feasts, as it
spoke encouragingly to all the Levites who
is written in the LORD’s law. 4 Moreover
had good understanding in the service of he commanded the people who lived in
the LORD. So they ate throughout the feast Jerusalem to give the portion of the priests
for the seven days, offering sacrifices of and the Levites, that they might give them-
peace offerings and making confession to selves to the LORD’s law. 5 As soon as the
the LORD, the God of their fathers. commandment went out, the children of
23 The whole assembly took counsel to Israel gave in abundance the first fruits of
keep another seven days, and they kept grain, new wine, oil, honey, and of all the
another seven days with gladness. 24 For increase of the field; and they brought in
Hezekiah king of Judah gave to the assem- the tithe of all things abundantly. 6 The
bly for offerings one thousand bulls and children of Israel and Judah, who lived
2 Chronicles 31:7 440 2 Chronicles 32:8

in the cities of Judah, also brought in the were listed by genealogy of all their little
tithe of cattle and sheep, and the tithe of ones, their wives, their sons, and their
dedicated things which were consecrated daughters, through all the congregation;
to the LORD their God, and laid them in for in their office of trust they sanctified
heaps. themselves in holiness. 19 Also for the sons
of Aaron the priests, who were in the fields
7In the third month, they began to of the pasture lands of their cities, in every
lay the foundation of the heaps, and fin- city, there were men who were mentioned
ished them in the seventh month. 8 When by name to give portions to all the males
Hezekiah and the princes came and saw
among the priests and to all who were
the heaps, they blessed the LORD and his
listed by genealogy among the Levites.
people Israel. 9 Then Hezekiah questioned 20 Hezekiah did so throughout all Judah;
the priests and the Levites about the heaps.
10 Azariah the chief priest, of the house and he did that which was good, right, and
faithful before the LORD his God. 21 In
of Zadok, answered him and said, “Since every work that he began in the service of
people began to bring the offerings into God’s house, in the law, and in the com-
the LORD’s house, we have eaten and had mandments, to seek his God, he did it with
enough, and have plenty left over, for the all his heart and prospered.
LORD has blessed his people; and that
which is left is this great store.” 32
1 After these things and this faithfulness,
11Then Hezekiah commanded them to
prepare rooms in the LORD’s house, and Sennacherib king of Assyria came, entered
they prepared them. 12 They brought into Judah, encamped against the forti-
in the offerings, the tithes, and the ded- fied cities, and intended to win them for
icated things faithfully. Conaniah the himself. 2 When Hezekiah saw that Sen-
nacherib had come, and that he was plan-
Levite was ruler over them, and Shimei
his brother was second. 13 Jehiel, Azaziah, ning to fight against Jerusalem, 3 he took
Nahath, Asahel, Jerimoth, Jozabad, Eliel, counsel with his princes and his mighty
Ismachiah, Mahath, and Benaiah were men to stop the waters of the springs
overseers under the hand of Conaniah and which were outside of the city, and they
Shimei his brother, by the appointment of helped him. 4 Then many people gathered
Hezekiah the king and Azariah the ruler together and they stopped all the springs
of God’s house. 14 Kore the son of Im- and the brook that flowed through the
nah the Levite, the gatekeeper at the east middle of the land, saying, “Why should
gate, was over the free will offerings of the kings of Assyria come, and find abun-
God, to distribute the LORD’s offerings dant water?”
5 He took courage, built up all the wall
and the most holy things. 15 Under him
were Eden, Miniamin, Jeshua, Shemaiah, that was broken down, and raised it up
Amariah, and Shecaniah, in the cities of to the towers, with the other wall outside,
the priests, in their office of trust, to give to and strengthened Millo in David’s city, and
their brothers by divisions, to the great as made weapons and shields in abundance.
6 He set captains of war over the people,
well as to the small; 16 in addition to those
who were listed by genealogy of males, gathered them together to him in the wide
from three years old and upward, even place at the gate of the city, and spoke
everyone who entered into the LORD’s encouragingly to them, saying, 7 “Be strong
house, as the duty of every day required, and courageous. Don’t be afraid or dis-
for their service in their offices accord- mayed because of the king of Assyria, nor
ing to their divisions; 17 and those who for all the multitude who is with him; for
were listed by genealogy of the priests by there is a greater one with us than with
their fathers’ houses, and the Levites from him. 8 An arm of flesh is with him, but
twenty years old and upward, in their of- the LORD our God is with us to help us
fices by their divisions; 18 and those who and to fight our battles.” The people rested
2 Chronicles 32:9 441 2 Chronicles 32:31

themselves on the words of Hezekiah king men’s hands.

of Judah. 20 Hezekiah the king and Isaiah the
9 After this, Sennacherib king of Assyria prophet, the son of Amoz, prayed because
sent his servants to Jerusalem, (now he of this, and cried to heaven.
21 The LORD sent an angel, who cut off
was attacking Lachish, and all his forces
were with him), to Hezekiah king of Judah, all the mighty men of valor, the leaders,
and to all Judah who were at Jerusalem, and captains in the camp of the king of
saying, 10 Sennacherib king of Assyria says, Assyria. So he returned with shame of face
“In whom do you trust, that you remain to his own land. When he had come into
under siege in Jerusalem? 11 Doesn’t the house of his god, those who came out
Hezekiah persuade you to give you over to of his own body† killed him there with the
die by famine and by thirst, saying, ‘The sword. Thus the LORD saved Hezekiah
and the inhabitants of Jerusalem from the
LORD our God will deliver us out of the hand of Sennacherib the king of Assyria
hand of the king of Assyria?’ 12 Hasn’t the
same Hezekiah taken away his high places and from the hand of 23 all others, and guided
and his altars, and commanded Judah and them on every side. Many brought gifts
Jerusalem, saying, ‘You shall worship be- to the LORD to Jerusalem, and precious
fore one altar, and you shall burn incense things to Hezekiah king of Judah, so that he
on it?’ 13 Don’t you know what I and my was exalted in the sight of all nations from
fathers have done to all the peoples of then on.
24 In those days Hezekiah was termi-
the lands? Were the gods of the nations
of those lands in any way able to deliver nally ill, and he prayed to the LORD; and
their land out of my hand? 14 Who was he spoke to him, and gave him a sign.
25 But Hezekiah didn’t reciprocate appro-
there among all the gods of those nations
which my fathers utterly destroyed that priate to the benefit done for him, because
could deliver his people out of my hand, his heart was lifted up. Therefore there
that your God should be able to deliver you was wrath on him, Judah, and Jerusalem.
26 However, Hezekiah humbled himself for
out of my hand? 15 Now therefore don’t let
Hezekiah deceive you nor persuade you in the pride of his heart, both he and the in-
this way. Don’t believe him, for no god of habitants of Jerusalem, so that the LORD’s
any nation or kingdom was able to deliver wrath didn’t come on them in the days of
his people out of my hand, and out of the Hezekiah.
27 Hezekiah had exceedingly great riches
hand of my fathers. How much less will
your God deliver you out of my hand?” and honor. He provided himself with
treasuries for silver, for gold, for pre-
16 His servants spoke yet more against
cious stones, for spices, for shields, and
the LORD God and against his servant for all kinds of valuable vessels; 28 also
Hezekiah. 17 He also wrote letters insulting storehouses for the increase of grain, new
the LORD, the God of Israel, and speaking wine, and oil; and stalls for all kinds of
against him, saying, “As the gods of the animals, and flocks in folds. 29 Moreover
nations of the lands, which have not deliv- he provided for himself cities, and posses-
ered their people out of my hand, so shall sions of flocks and herds in abundance; for
the God of Hezekiah not deliver his people God had given him abundant possessions.
out of my hand.” 18 They called out with 30 This same Hezekiah also stopped the
a loud voice in the Jews’ language to the upper spring of the waters of Gihon, and
people of Jerusalem who were on the wall, brought them straight down on the west
to frighten them and to trouble them, that side of David’s city. Hezekiah prospered in
they might take the city. 19 They spoke of all his works.
the God of Jerusalem as of the gods of the 31 However, concerning the ambas-
peoples of the earth, which are the work of sadors of the princes of Babylon, who sent
† 32:21 i.e., his own sons
2 Chronicles 32:32 442 2 Chronicles 33:20

to him to inquire of the wonder that was did more evil than did the nations whom
done in the land, God left him to test him, the LORD destroyed before the children of
that he might know all that was in his Israel.
heart. 10 The LORD spoke to Manasseh and
32 Now the rest of the acts of Hezekiah to his people, but they didn’t listen.
and his good deeds, behold, they are writ- 11 Therefore the LORD brought on them
ten in the vision of Isaiah the prophet, the the captains of the army of the king of
son of Amoz, in the book of the kings of Assyria, who took Manasseh in chains,
Judah and Israel. 33 Hezekiah slept with his bound him with fetters, and carried him
fathers, and they buried him in the ascent to Babylon.
to the tombs of the sons of David. All Judah 12 When he was in distress, he begged
and the inhabitants of Jerusalem honored the LORD his God, and humbled him-
him at his death. Manasseh his son reigned self greatly before the God of his fathers.
in his place. 13 He prayed to him; and he was entreated
by him, and heard his supplication, and
33 brought him again to Jerusalem into his
1Manasseh was twelve years old when kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the
he began to reign, and he reigned fifty- LORD was God.
five years in Jerusalem. 2 He did that 14 Now after this, he built an outer wall
which was evil in the LORD’s sight, after to David’s city on the west side of Gihon, in
the abominations of the nations whom the the valley, even to the entrance at the fish
LORD cast out before the children of Israel.
3 For he built again the high places which gate. He encircled Ophel with it, and raised
Hezekiah his father had broken down; and it up to a very great height; and he put
he raised up altars for the Baals, made valiant captains in all the fortified cities of
Asheroth, and worshiped all the army of Judah. 15 He took away the foreign gods
the sky, and served them. 4 He built altars and the idol out of the LORD’s house, and
in the LORD’s house, of which the LORD all the altars that he had built in the moun-
said, “My name shall be in Jerusalem for- tain of the LORD’s house and in Jerusalem,
ever.” 5 He built altars for all the army and cast them out of the city. 16 He built up
of the sky in the two courts of the LORD’s the LORD’s altar, and offered sacrifices of
peace offerings and of thanksgiving on it,
house. 6 He also made his children to pass and commanded Judah to serve the LORD,
through the fire in the valley of the son of
the God of Israel. 17 Nevertheless the peo-
Hinnom. He practiced sorcery, divination,
ple still sacrificed in the high places, but
and witchcraft, and dealt with those who
had familiar spirits and with wizards. He only to the LORD their God.
18 Now the rest of the acts of Manasseh,
did much evil in the LORD’s sight, to pro-
voke him to anger. 7 He set the engraved and his prayer to his God, and the words
image of the idol, which he had made, in of the seers who spoke to him in the name
God’s house, of which God said to David of the LORD, the God of Israel, behold, they
and to Solomon his son, “In this house, are written among the acts of the kings of
and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen Israel. 19 His prayer also, and how God
out of all the tribes of Israel, I will put listened to his request, and all his sin and
my name forever. 8 I will not any more his trespass, and the places in which he
remove the foot of Israel from off the land built high places and set up the Asherah
which I have appointed for your fathers, poles and the engraved images before he
if only they will observe to do all that I humbled himself: behold, they are written
have commanded them, even all the law, in the history of Hozai.† 20 So Manasseh
the statutes, and the ordinances given by slept with his fathers, and they buried
Moses.” 9 Manasseh seduced Judah and him in his own house; and Amon his son
the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that they reigned in his place.
† 33:19 or, the seers
2 Chronicles 33:21 443 2 Chronicles 34:20

21 Amon was twenty-two years old when and Joah the son of Joahaz the recorder
he began to reign; and he reigned two to repair the house of the LORD his God.
years in Jerusalem. 22 He did that which 9 They came to Hilkiah the high priest and
was evil in the LORD’s sight, as did Man- delivered the money that was brought into
asseh his father; and Amon sacrificed to all God’s house, which the Levites, the keep-
the engraved images which Manasseh his ers of the threshold, had gathered from
father had made, and served them. 23 He the hands of Manasseh, Ephraim, of all the
didn’t humble himself before the LORD, as remnant of Israel, of all Judah and Ben-
Manasseh his father had humbled himself; jamin, and of the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
but this same Amon trespassed more and 10 They delivered it into the hands of the
more. 24 His servants conspired against workmen who had the oversight of the
him, and put him to death in his own LORD’s house; and the workmen who la-
house. 25 But the people of the land killed bored in the LORD’s house gave it to mend
all those who had conspired against King and repair the house. 11 They gave it to
Amon; and the people of the land made the carpenters and to the builders to buy
Josiah his son king in his place. cut stone and timber for couplings, and
to make beams for the houses which the
34 kings of Judah had destroyed. 12 The men
1 Josiah was eight years old when he did the work faithfully. Their overseers
began to reign, and he reigned thirty-one were Jahath and Obadiah the Levites, of
years in Jerusalem. 2 He did that which the sons of Merari; and Zechariah and
was right in the LORD’s eyes, and walked Meshullam, of the sons of the Kohathites,
to give direction; and others of the Levites,
in the ways of David his father, and didn’t
who were all skillful with musical instru-
turn away to the right hand or to the left. ments. 13 Also they were over the bear-
3 For in the eighth year of his reign, while
ers of burdens, and directed all who did
he was yet young, he began to seek af- the work in every kind of service. Of the
ter the God of David his father; and in Levites, there were scribes, officials, and
the twelfth year he began to purge Judah gatekeepers.
and Jerusalem from the high places, the 14 When they brought out the money
Asherah poles, the engraved images, and
that was brought into the LORD’s house,
the molten images. 4 They broke down
Hilkiah the priest found the book of the
the altars of the Baals in his presence;
and he cut down the incense altars that LORD’s law given by Moses. 15 Hilkiah an-
were on high above them. He broke the swered Shaphan the scribe, “I have found
Asherah poles, the engraved images, and the book of the law in the LORD’s house.”
the molten images in pieces, made dust So Hilkiah delivered the book to Shaphan.
16 Shaphan carried the book to the king,
of them, and scattered it on the graves of
those who had sacrificed to them. 5 He and moreover brought back word to the
burned the bones of the priests on their king, saying, “All that was committed to
altars, and purged Judah and Jerusalem. your servants, they are doing. 17 They have
6 He did this in the cities of Manasseh, emptied out the money that was found in
Ephraim, and Simeon, even to Naphtali, the LORD’s house, and have delivered it
around in their ruins. 7 He broke down the into the hand of the overseers and into the
altars, beat the Asherah poles and the en- hand of the workmen.” 18 Shaphan the
graved images into powder, and cut down scribe told the king, saying, “Hilkiah the
all the incense altars throughout all the priest has delivered me a book.” Shaphan
land of Israel, then returned to Jerusalem. read from it to the king.
8 Now in the eighteenth year of his reign, 19 When the king had heard the words
when he had purged the land and the of the law, he tore his clothes. 20 The
house, he sent Shaphan the son of Aza- king commanded Hilkiah, Ahikam the son
liah, Maaseiah the governor of the city, of Shaphan, Abdon the son of Micah,
2 Chronicles 34:21 444 2 Chronicles 35:8

Shaphan the scribe, and Asaiah the king’s both great and small—and he read in their
servant, saying, 21 “Go inquire of the LORD hearing all the words of the book of the
for me, and for those who are left in Israel covenant that was found in the LORD’s
and in Judah, concerning the words of the house. 31 The king stood in his place
book that is found; for great is the LORD’s and made a covenant before the LORD,
wrath that is poured out on us, because our to walk after the LORD, and to keep his
fathers have not kept the LORD’s word, to commandments, his testimonies, and his
do according to all that is written in this statutes with all his heart and with all his
book.” soul, to perform the words of the covenant
22 So Hilkiah and those whom the king that were written in this book. 32 He
caused all who were found in Jerusalem
had commanded went to Huldah the and Benjamin to stand. The inhabitants of
prophetess, the wife of Shallum the son of
Tokhath, the son of Hasrah, keeper of the Jerusalem did according to the covenant
wardrobe (now she lived in Jerusalem in of God, the God of their fathers. 33 Josiah
the second quarter), and they spoke to her took away all the abominations out of all
to that effect. the countries that belonged to the children
23 She said to them, “The LORD, the God of Israel, and made all who were found
of Israel says: ‘Tell the man who sent you to in Israel to serve, even to serve the LORD
their God. All his days they didn’t depart
me, 24 “The LORD says, ‘Behold, I will bring
from following the LORD, the God of their
evil on this place and on its inhabitants,
even all the curses that are written in the
book which they have read before the king
of Judah. 25 Because they have forsaken 35
Josiah kept a Passover to the LORD in
me, and have burned incense to other
gods, that they might provoke me to anger Jerusalem. They killed the Passover on the
with all the works of their hands, therefore fourteenth day of the first month. 2 He set
my wrath is poured out on this place, and the priests in their offices and encouraged
it will not be quenched.’ ” ’ 26 But to the them in the service of the LORD’s house.
3 He said to the Levites who taught all
king of Judah, who sent you to inquire
Israel, who were holy to the LORD, “Put
of the LORD, you shall tell him this, ‘The
the holy ark in the house which Solomon
LORD, the God of Israel says: “About the
the son of David king of Israel built. It will
words which you have heard, 27 because
no longer be a burden on your shoulders.
your heart was tender, and you humbled
Now serve the LORD your God and his peo-
yourself before God when you heard his
ple Israel. 4 Prepare yourselves after your
words against this place and against its
fathers’ houses by your divisions, accord-
inhabitants, and have humbled yourself
ing to the writing of David king of Israel,
before me, and have torn your clothes and
and according to the writing of Solomon
wept before me, I also have heard you,”
his son. 5 Stand in the holy place according
says the LORD. 28 “Behold, I will gather you
to the divisions of the fathers’ houses of
to your fathers, and you will be gathered to your brothers the children of the people,
your grave in peace. Your eyes won’t see all and let there be for each a portion of a
the evil that I will bring on this place and fathers’ house of the Levites. 6 Kill the
on its inhabitants.” ’ ” Passover lamb, sanctify yourselves, and
They brought back this message to the prepare for your brothers, to do according
king. to the LORD’s word by Moses.”
29 Then the king sent and gathered 7 Josiah gave to the children of the peo-
together all the elders of Judah and ple, of the flock, lambs and young goats, all
Jerusalem. 30 The king went up to the of them for the Passover offerings, to all
LORD’s house with all the men of Judah who were present, to the number of thirty
and the inhabitants of Jerusalem—the thousand, and three thousand bulls. These
priests, the Levites, and all the people, were of the king’s substance. 8 His princes
2 Chronicles 35:9 445 2 Chronicles 36:3

gave a free will offering to the people, to the prophet, nor did any of the kings of
the priests, and to the Levites. Hilkiah, Israel keep such a Passover as Josiah kept—
Zechariah, and Jehiel, the rulers of God’s with the priests, the Levites, and all Judah
house, gave to the priests for the Passover and Israel who were present, and the in-
offerings two thousand six hundred small habitants of Jerusalem. 19 This Passover
livestock, and three hundred head of cat- was kept in the eighteenth year of the reign
tle. 9 Conaniah also, and Shemaiah and of Josiah.
Nethanel, his brothers, and Hashabiah, 20 After all this, when Josiah had pre-
Jeiel, and Jozabad, the chiefs of the Levites, pared the temple, Neco king of Egypt went
gave to the Levites for the Passover offer- up to fight against Carchemish by the Eu-
ings five thousand small livestock and five phrates, and Josiah went out against him.
hundred head of cattle. 21 But he sent ambassadors to him, saying,
10 So the service was prepared, and
“What have I to do with you, you king of
the priests stood in their place, and the Judah? I come not against you today, but
Levites by their divisions, according to against the house with which I have war.
the king’s commandment. 11 They killed God has commanded me to make haste.
the Passover lambs, and the priests sprin- Beware that it is God who is with me, that
kled the blood which they received from he not destroy you.”
their hands, and the Levites skinned them. 22 Nevertheless Josiah would not turn his
12 They removed the burnt offerings, that
face from him, but disguised himself, that
they might give them according to the divi- he might fight with him, and didn’t listen to
sions of the fathers’ houses of the children the words of Neco from the mouth of God,
of the people, to offer to the LORD, as it and came to fight in the valley of Megiddo.
is written in the book of Moses. They did 23 The archers shot at King Josiah; and the
the same with the cattle. 13 They roasted king said to his servants, “Take me away,
the Passover with fire according to the because I am seriously wounded!”
ordinance. They boiled the holy offerings 24 So his servants took him out of the
in pots, in cauldrons, and in pans, and chariot, and put him in the second chariot
carried them quickly to all the children of that he had, and brought him to Jerusalem;
the people. 14 Afterward they prepared for and he died, and was buried in the tombs
themselves and for the priests, because the of his fathers. All Judah and Jerusalem
priests the sons of Aaron were busy with mourned for Josiah. 25 Jeremiah lamented
offering the burnt offerings and the fat un- for Josiah, and all the singing men and
til night. Therefore the Levites prepared singing women spoke of Josiah in their
for themselves and for the priests the sons lamentations to this day; and they made
of Aaron. 15 The singers, the sons of Asaph, them an ordinance in Israel. Behold, they
were in their place, according to the com- are written in the lamentations. 26 Now the
mandment of David, Asaph, Heman, and rest of the acts of Josiah and his good deeds,
Jeduthun the king’s seer; and the gatekeep- according to that which is written in the
ers were at every gate. They didn’t need LORD’s law, 27 and his acts, first and last,
to depart from their service, because their behold, they are written in the book of the
brothers the Levites prepared for them. kings of Israel and Judah.
16 So all the service of the LORD was pre-
pared the same day, to keep the Passover, 36
and to offer burnt offerings on the LORD’s 1 Then the people of the land took Jehoa-
altar, according to the commandment of haz the son of Josiah, and made him king
King Josiah. 17 The children of Israel who in his father’s place in Jerusalem. 2 Joahaz
were present kept the Passover at that was twenty-three years old when he began
time, and the feast of unleavened bread to reign; and he reigned three months in
seven days. 18 There was no Passover like Jerusalem. 3 The king of Egypt removed
that kept in Israel from the days of Samuel him from office at Jerusalem, and fined the
2 Chronicles 36:4 446 2 Chronicles 36:23

land one hundred talents of silver and a place; 16 but they mocked the messengers
talent† of gold. 4 The king of Egypt made of God, despised his words, and scoffed
Eliakim his brother king over Judah and at his prophets, until the LORD’s wrath
Jerusalem, and changed his name to Je- arose against his people, until there was no
hoiakim. Neco took Joahaz his brother, remedy.
and carried him to Egypt. 17 Therefore he brought on them the
5 Jehoiakim was twenty-five years old
king of the Chaldeans, who killed their
when he began to reign, and he reigned young men with the sword in the house
eleven years in Jerusalem. He did that of their sanctuary, and had no compassion
which was evil in the LORD his God’s sight. on young man or virgin, old man or infirm.
6 Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came
He gave them all into his hand. 18 All the
up against him, and bound him in fetters to vessels of God’s house, great and small,
carry him to Babylon. 7 Nebuchadnezzar and the treasures of the LORD’s house, and
also carried some of the vessels of the the treasures of the king and of his princes,
LORD’s house to Babylon, and put them in all these he brought to Babylon. 19 They
his temple at Babylon. 8 Now the rest of the burned God’s house, broke down the wall
acts of Jehoiakim, and his abominations of Jerusalem, burned all its palaces with
which he did, and that which was found fire, and destroyed all of its valuable ves-
in him, behold, they are written in the sels. 20 He carried those who had escaped
book of the kings of Israel and Judah; and from the sword away to Babylon, and they
Jehoiachin his son reigned in his place. were servants to him and his sons until the
9 Jehoiachin was eight years old when reign of the kingdom of Persia, 21 to fulfill
he began to reign, and he reigned three the LORD’s word by Jeremiah’s mouth, un-
months and ten days in Jerusalem. He til the land had enjoyed its Sabbaths. As
did that which was evil in the LORD’s long as it lay desolate, it kept Sabbath, to
sight. 10 At the return of the year, King fulfill seventy years.
Nebuchadnezzar sent and brought him 22 Now in the first year of Cyrus king of
to Babylon, with the valuable vessels of Persia, that the LORD’s word by the mouth
the LORD’s house, and made Zedekiah his of Jeremiah might be accomplished, the
brother king over Judah and Jerusalem. LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king
11 Zedekiah was twenty-one years old
of Persia, so that he made a proclamation
when he began to reign, and he reigned throughout all his kingdom, and put it also
eleven years in Jerusalem. 12 He did that in writing, saying, 23 “Cyrus king of Persia
which was evil in the LORD his God’s says, ‘The LORD, the God of heaven, has
sight. He didn’t humble himself before given all the kingdoms of the earth to me;
Jeremiah the prophet speaking from the and he has commanded me to build him
LORD’s mouth. 13 He also rebelled against a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah.
King Nebuchadnezzar, who had made him Whoever there is among you of all his
swear by God; but he stiffened his neck, people, the LORD his God be with him, and
and hardened his heart against turning to let him go up.’ ”
the LORD, the God of Israel. 14 Moreover
all the chiefs of the priests and the people
trespassed very greatly after all the abom-
inations of the nations; and they polluted
the LORD’s house which he had made holy
in Jerusalem.
15 The LORD, the God of their fathers,
sent to them by his messengers, rising up
early and sending, because he had com-
passion on his people and on his dwelling
† 36:3 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds or 965 Troy ounces
Ezra 1:1 447 Ezra 2:25

bowls of a second kind, and one thousand

other vessels. 11 All the vessels of gold
The Book of and of silver were five thousand four
Ezra hundred. Sheshbazzar brought all these
up when the captives were brought up
1 Now in the first year of Cyrus king from Babylon to Jerusalem.
of Persia, that the LORD’s† word by
Jeremiah’s mouth might be accomplished, 2
1 Now these are the children of the
the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king
of Persia, so that he made a proclamation province who went up out of the captiv-
throughout all his kingdom, and put it also ity of those who had been carried away,
in writing, saying, whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Baby-
2 “Cyrus king of Persia says, ‘The LORD, lon had carried away to Babylon, and who
returned to Jerusalem and Judah, every-
the God‡ of heaven, has given me all
one to his city; 2 who came with Zerubba-
the kingdoms of the earth; and he has
bel, Jeshua, Nehemiah, Seraiah, Reelaiah,
commanded me to build him a house in
Jerusalem, which is in Judah. 3 Whoever Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispar, Bigvai, Rehum,
there is among you of all his people, may and Baanah.
his God be with him, and let him go The number of the men of the people
up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and of Israel: 3 The children of Parosh, two
thousand one hundred seventy-two. 4 The
build the house of the LORD, the God of
Israel (he is God), which is in Jerusalem. children of Shephatiah, three hundred
4 Whoever is left, in any place where seventy-two. The children of Arah, seven

he lives, let the men of his place help hundred seventy-five.

6 The children of

him with silver, with gold, with goods, Pahathmoab, of the children of Jeshua
and with animals, in addition to the free and Joab, two thousand eight hundred
will offering for God’s house which is in twelve. 7 The children of Elam, one thou-

Jerusalem.’ ” sand two hundred fifty-four. 8 The children

5 Then the heads of fathers’ households of Zattu, nine hundred forty-five.
9 The

of Judah and Benjamin, the priests and the children of Zaccai, seven hundred sixty.
Levites, all whose spirit God had stirred 10 The children of Bani, six hundred forty-
to go up, rose up to build the LORD’s two. 11 The children of Bebai, six hundred
house which is in Jerusalem. 6 All those twenty-three.
12 The children of Azgad,

who were around them strengthened one thousand two hundred twenty-two.
13 The children of Adonikam, six hundred
their hands with vessels of silver, with
gold, with goods, with animals, and sixty-six. 14 The children of Bigvai, two
with precious things, in addition to all thousand fifty-six. 15 The children of Adin,
that was willingly offered. 7 Also Cyrus four hundred fifty-four. 16 The children
the king brought out the vessels of the of Ater, of Hezekiah, ninety-eight. 17 The
LORD’s house, which Nebuchadnezzar children of Bezai, three hundred twenty-
had brought out of Jerusalem, and had put three. 18 The children of Jorah, one hun-
in the house of his gods; 8 even those, Cyrus dred twelve. 19 The children of Hashum,
king of Persia brought out by the hand two hundred twenty-three. 20 The chil-
of Mithredath the treasurer, and counted dren of Gibbar, ninety-five. 21 The children
them out to Sheshbazzar the prince of of Bethlehem, one hundred twenty-three.
Judah. 9 This is the number of them: thirty 22 The men of Netophah, fifty-six. 23 The
platters of gold, one thousand platters men of Anathoth, one hundred twenty-
of silver, twenty-nine knives, 10 thirty eight. 24 The children of Azmaveth, forty-
bowls of gold, four hundred ten silver two. 25 The children of Kiriath Arim, Chep-
† 1:1 When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, “LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name. ‡ 1:2
The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim).
Ezra 2:26 448 Ezra 2:68

hirah, and Beeroth, seven hundred forty- of Harsha, 53 the children of Barkos, the
three. 26 The children of Ramah and Geba, children of Sisera, the children of Temah,
six hundred twenty-one. 27 The men of 54 the children of Neziah, the children of
Michmas, one hundred twenty-two. 28 The Hatipha.
men of Bethel and Ai, two hundred twenty- 55 The children of Solomon’s servants:
three. 29 The children of Nebo, fifty-two. the children of Sotai, the children of Hasso-
30 The children of Magbish, one hundred phereth, the children of Peruda, 56 the chil-
fifty-six. 31 The children of the other dren of Jaalah, the children of Darkon, the
Elam, one thousand two hundred fifty- children of Giddel, 57 the children of Shep-
four. 32 The children of Harim, three hun- hatiah, the children of Hattil, the children
dred twenty. 33 The children of Lod, Ha- of Pochereth Hazzebaim, the children of
Ami. 58 All the temple servants, and the
did, and Ono, seven hundred twenty-five.
34 The children of Jericho, three hundred children of Solomon’s servants, were three
hundred ninety-two.
forty-five. 35 The children of Senaah, three 59 These were those who went up from
thousand six hundred thirty.
Tel Melah, Tel Harsha, Cherub, Addan, and
36 The priests: the children of Jeda-
Immer; but they could not show their fa-
iah, of the house of Jeshua, nine hundred thers’ houses and their offspring,† whether
seventy-three. 37 The children of Immer, they were of Israel: 60 the children of De-
one thousand fifty-two. 38 The children laiah, the children of Tobiah, the children
of Pashhur, one thousand two hundred of Nekoda, six hundred fifty-two. 61 Of
forty-seven. 39 The children of Harim, one the children of the priests: the children
thousand seventeen. of Habaiah, the children of Hakkoz, and
40 The Levites: the children of Jeshua the children of Barzillai, who took a wife
and Kadmiel, of the children of Hodaviah, of the daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite,
seventy-four. 41 The singers: the chil- and was called after their name. 62 These
dren of Asaph, one hundred twenty-eight. sought their place among those who were
42 The children of the gatekeepers: the registered by genealogy, but they were
children of Shallum, the children of Ater, not found; therefore they were deemed
the children of Talmon, the children of disqualified and removed from the priest-
Akkub, the children of Hatita, the children hood. 63 The governor told them that they
of Shobai, in all one hundred thirty-nine. should not eat of the most holy things until
43 The temple servants: the children of a priest stood up to serve with Urim and
Ziha, the children of Hasupha, the children with Thummim.
64 The whole assembly together was
of Tabbaoth, 44 the children of Keros, the
children of Siaha, the children of Padon, forty-two thousand three hundred sixty,
45 the children of Lebanah, the children 65 in addition to their male servants and
of Hagabah, the children of Akkub, 46 the their female servants, of whom there were
children of Hagab, the children of Shamlai, seven thousand three hundred thirty-
the children of Hanan, 47 the children of seven; and they had two hundred singing
Giddel, the children of Gahar, the children men and singing women. 66 Their horses
of Reaiah, 48 the children of Rezin, the chil- were seven hundred thirty-six; their
dren of Nekoda, the children of Gazzam, mules, two hundred forty-five; 67 their
49 the children of Uzza, the children of camels, four hundred thirty-five; their
Paseah, the children of Besai, 50 the chil- donkeys, six thousand seven hundred
dren of Asnah, the children of Meunim, twenty.
the children of Nephisim, 51 the children 68 Some of the heads of fathers’ house-
of Bakbuk, the children of Hakupha, the holds, when they came to the LORD’s
children of Harhur, 52 the children of Baz- house which is in Jerusalem, offered will-
luth, the children of Mehida, the children ingly for God’s house to set it up in its
† 2:59 or, seed ‡ 2:69 a daric was a gold coin issued by a Persian king, weighing about 8.4 grams or about 0.27
troy ounces each.
Ezra 2:69 449 Ezra 4:3

place. 69 They gave according to their abil- and all those who had come out of the
ity into the treasury of the work sixty-one captivity to Jerusalem, began the work and
thousand darics of gold,‡ five thousand appointed the Levites, from twenty years
minas§ of silver, and one hundred priests’ old and upward, to have the oversight of
garments. the work of the LORD’s house. 9 Then
70 So the priests and the Levites, with Jeshua stood with his sons and his broth-
ers, Kadmiel and his sons, the sons of
some of the people, the singers, the gate- Judah, together to have the oversight of
keepers, and the temple servants, lived in the workmen in God’s house: the sons of
their cities, and all Israel in their cities. Henadad, with their sons and their broth-
ers the Levites.
3 10 When the builders laid the foundation
of the LORD’s temple, they set the priests
1When the seventh month had come,
and the children of Israel were in the cities, in their vestments with trumpets, with the
the people gathered themselves together Levites the sons of Asaph with cymbals, to
as one man to Jerusalem. 2 Then Jeshua praise the LORD, according to the direc-
the son of Jozadak stood up with his broth- tions of David king of Israel. 11 They sang to
ers the priests and Zerubbabel the son of one another in praising and giving thanks
Shealtiel and his relatives, and built the to the LORD, “For he is good, for his loving
altar of the God of Israel, to offer burnt kindness endures forever toward Israel.”
offerings on it, as it is written in the law All the people shouted with a great shout,
of Moses the man of God. 3 In spite of when they praised the LORD, because the
their fear because of the peoples of the foundation of the LORD’s house had been
surrounding lands, they set the altar on laid.
12 But many of the priests and Levites
its base; and they offered burnt offerings
and heads of fathers’ households, the old
on it to the LORD, even burnt offerings men who had seen the first house, when
morning and evening. 4 They kept the feast the foundation of this house was laid be-
of booths, as it is written, and offered the fore their eyes, wept with a loud voice.
daily burnt offerings by number, accord- Many also shouted aloud for joy, 13 so that
ing to the ordinance, as the duty of every the people could not discern the noise of
day required; 5 and afterward the contin- the shout of joy from the noise of the weep-
ual burnt offering, the offerings of the new ing of the people; for the people shouted
moons, of all the set feasts of the LORD that with a loud shout, and the noise was heard
were consecrated, and of everyone who far away.
willingly offered a free will offering to the
LORD. 6 From the first day of the seventh
month, they began to offer burnt offerings
1Now when the adversaries of Judah
to the LORD; but the foundation of the and Benjamin heard that the children of
LORD’s temple was not yet laid. 7 They the captivity were building a temple to the
also gave money to the masons and to the LORD, the God of Israel, 2 they came near
carpenters. They also gave food, drink, to Zerubbabel, and to the heads of fathers’
and oil to the people of Sidon and Tyre to households, and said to them, “Let us build
bring cedar trees from Lebanon to the sea, with you, for we seek your God as you do;
to Joppa, according to the grant that they and we have been sacrificing to him since
had from Cyrus King of Persia. the days of Esar Haddon king of Assyria,
8 Now in the second year of their coming who brought us up here.”
to God’s house at Jerusalem, in the second 3 But Zerubbabel, Jeshua, and the rest of
month, Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, the heads of fathers’ households of Israel
Jeshua the son of Jozadak, and the rest of said to them, “You have nothing to do with
their brothers the priests and the Levites, us in building a house to our God; but we
§ 2:69 A mina is about 600 grams or 1.3 U. S. pounds, so 5,000 minas is about 3 metric tons.
Ezra 4:4 450 Ezra 5:1

ourselves together will build to the LORD, records of your fathers. You will see
the God of Israel, as King Cyrus the king of in the book of the records, and know
Persia has commanded us.” that this city is a rebellious city, and
4 Then the people of the land weakened hurtful to kings and provinces, and that
the hands of the people of Judah, and they have started rebellions within it
troubled them in building. 5 They hired in the past. That is why this city was
counselors against them to frustrate their destroyed. 16 We inform the king that if
purpose all the days of Cyrus king of Per- this city is built and the walls finished,
sia, even until the reign of Darius king of then you will have no possession beyond
Persia. 6 In the reign of Ahasuerus, in the the River.
beginning of his reign, they wrote an accu-
sation against the inhabitants of Judah and
17 Then the king sent an answer to Re-
Jerusalem. hum the chancellor, and to Shimshai the
7 In the days of Artaxerxes, Bishlam,
scribe, and to the rest of their companions
who live in Samaria, and in the rest of the
Mithredath, Tabeel, and the rest of his country beyond the River:
companions wrote to Artaxerxes king of
Persia; and the writing of the letter was Peace.
written in Syrian and delivered in the
Syrian language. 8 Rehum the chancel- 18 The
letter which you sent to us has
lor and Shimshai the scribe wrote a let- been plainly read before me. 19 I de-
ter against Jerusalem to Artaxerxes the creed, and search has been made, and it
king as follows. 9 Then Rehum the chan- was found that this city has made insur-
cellor, Shimshai the scribe, and the rest rection against kings in the past, and that
of their companions, the Dinaites, and rebellion and revolts have been made
the Apharsathchites, the Tarpelites, the in it. 20 There have also been mighty
Apharsites, the Archevites, the Babylo- kings over Jerusalem who have ruled
nians, the Shushanchites, the Dehaites, over all the country beyond the River;
the Elamites, 10 and the rest of the na- and tribute, custom, and toll was paid
tions whom the great and noble Osnap- to them. 21 Make a decree now to cause
par brought over and settled in the city these men to cease, and that this city not
of Samaria, and in the rest of the country be built until a decree is made by me.
beyond the River, and so forth, wrote. 22 Be careful that you not be slack doing
11 This is the copy of the letter that they so. Why should damage grow to the hurt
sent: of the kings?

To King Artaxerxes, from your servants, 23 Then when the copy of King Ar-
the people beyond the River. taxerxes’ letter was read before Rehum,
12 Be it known to the king that the Jews Shimshai the scribe, and their compan-
who came up from you have come to us ions, they went in haste to Jerusalem to
to Jerusalem. They are building the re- the Jews, and made them to cease by force
bellious and bad city, and have finished of arms. 24 Then work stopped on God’s
the walls and repaired the foundations. house which is at Jerusalem. It stopped
13 Be it known now to the king that if until the second year of the reign of Darius
this city is built and the walls finished, king of Persia.
they will not pay tribute, custom, or toll,
and in the end it will be hurtful to the
kings. 14 Now because we eat the salt of 5
the palace and it is not appropriate for us 1 Now the prophets, Haggai the prophet
to see the king’s dishonor, therefore we and Zechariah the son of Iddo, prophe-
have sent and informed the king, 15 that sied to the Jews who were in Judah and
search may be made in the book of the Jerusalem. They prophesied to them in the
Ezra 5:2 451 Ezra 6:5

name of the God of Israel. 2 Then Zerub- Babylon, Cyrus the king made a decree
babel the son of Shealtiel, and Jeshua the to build this house of God. 14 The gold
son of Jozadak rose up and began to build and silver vessels of God’s house, which
God’s house which is at Jerusalem; and Nebuchadnezzar took out of the tem-
with them were the prophets of God, help- ple that was in Jerusalem and brought
ing them. into the temple of Babylon, those Cyrus
3 At the same time Tattenai, the gov- the king also took out of the temple of
ernor beyond the River, came to them, Babylon, and they were delivered to one
with Shetharbozenai and their compan- whose name was Sheshbazzar, whom
ions, and asked them, “Who gave you a he had made governor. 15 He said to
decree to build this house and to finish this him, ‘Take these vessels, go, put them in
wall?” 4 They also asked for the names the temple that is in Jerusalem, and let
of the men who were making this build- God’s house be built in its place.’ 16 Then
ing. 5 But the eye of their God was on the the same Sheshbazzar came and laid the
elders of the Jews, and they didn’t make foundations of God’s house which is in
them cease until the matter should come to Jerusalem. Since that time even until
Darius, and an answer should be returned now it has been being built, and yet it is
by letter concerning it. not completed.
6 The copy of the letter that Tattenai, the 17 Now therefore, if it seems good to

governor beyond the River, and Shethar- the king, let a search be made in the
bozenai, and his companions the Apharsa- king’s treasure house, which is there at
chites who were beyond the River, sent to Babylon, whether it is so that a decree
Darius the king follows. 7 They sent a letter was made by Cyrus the king to build this
to him, in which was written: house of God at Jerusalem; and let the
king send his pleasure to us concerning
To Darius the king, all peace. this matter.”
8 Be it known to the king that we
went into the province of Judah, to the 6
house of the great God, which is being 1Then Darius the king made a decree,
built with great stones and timber is laid and the house of the archives, where
in the walls. This work goes on with the treasures were laid up in Babylon,
diligence and prospers in their hands. was searched. 2 A scroll was found at
9 Then we asked those elders, and said Achmetha, in the palace that is in the
to them thus, “Who gave you a decree province of Media, and in it this was writ-
to build this house, and to finish this ten for a record:
wall?” 10 We asked them their names
also, to inform you that we might write In the first year of Cyrus the king,

the names of the men who were at their Cyrus the king made a decree: Concern-
head. 11 Thus they returned us answer, ing God’s house at Jerusalem, let the
saying, “We are the servants of the God house be built, the place where they of-
of heaven and earth and are building fer sacrifices, and let its foundations be
the house that was built these many strongly laid, with its height sixty cubits†
years ago, which a great king of Israel and its width sixty cubits; 4 with three
built and finished. 12 But after our fa- courses of great stones and a course of
thers had provoked the God of heaven new timber. Let the expenses be given
to wrath, he gave them into the hand out of the king’s house. 5 Also let the gold
of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, the and silver vessels of God’s house, which
Chaldean, who destroyed this house and Nebuchadnezzar took out of the temple
carried the people away into Babylon. which is at Jerusalem and brought to
13 But in the first year of Cyrus king of Babylon, be restored and brought again
† 6:3 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46
Ezra 6:6 452 Ezra 7:7

to the temple which is at Jerusalem, ev- was finished on the third day of the month
erything to its place. You shall put them Adar, which was in the sixth year of the
in God’s house. reign of Darius the king.
6 Now therefore, Tattenai, governor 16 The children of Israel, the priests, the
beyond the River, Shetharbozenai, and Levites, and the rest of the children of
your companions the Apharsachites, the captivity, kept the dedication of this
who are beyond the River, you must stay house of God with joy. 17 They offered at
far from there. 7 Leave the work of this the dedication of this house of God one
house of God alone; let the governor hundred bulls, two hundred rams, four
of the Jews and the elders of the Jews hundred lambs; and for a sin offering for
build this house of God in its place. all Israel, twelve male goats, according to
8 Moreover I make a decree regarding
the number of the tribes of Israel. 18 They
what you shall do for these elders of the set the priests in their divisions and the
Jews for the building of this house of Levites in their courses, for the service of
God: that of the king’s goods, even of God which is at Jerusalem, as it is written
the tribute beyond the River, expenses in the book of Moses.
must be given with all diligence to these 19 The children of the captivity kept the
men, that they not be hindered. 9 That Passover on the fourteenth day of the first
which they have need of, including month. 20 Because the priests and the
young bulls, rams, and lambs, for burnt Levites had purified themselves together,
offerings to the God of heaven; also all of them were pure. They killed the
wheat, salt, wine, and oil, according Passover for all the children of the cap-
to the word of the priests who are at tivity, for their brothers the priests, and
Jerusalem, let it be given them day by for themselves. 21 The children of Israel
day without fail, 10 that they may offer who had returned out of the captivity, and
sacrifices of pleasant aroma to the God all who had separated themselves to them
of heaven, and pray for the life of the from the filthiness of the nations of the
king and of his sons. 11 I have also made a land to seek the LORD, the God of Israel,
decree that whoever alters this message, ate, 22 and kept the feast of unleavened
let a beam be pulled out from his house, bread seven days with joy; because the
and let him be lifted up and fastened on LORD had made them joyful, and had
it; and let his house be made a dunghill turned the heart of the king of Assyria
to them, to strengthen their hands in the
for this. 12 May the God who has caused
work of God, the God of Israel’s house.
his name to dwell there overthrow all
kings and peoples who stretch out their
hand to alter this, to destroy this house 7
of God which is at Jerusalem. I Darius
1 Now after these things, in the reign
have made a decree. Let it be done with of Artaxerxes king of Persia, Ezra the son
all diligence. of Seraiah, the son of Azariah, the son
of Hilkiah, 2 the son of Shallum, the son
13Then Tattenai, the governor beyond of Zadok, the son of Ahitub, 3 the son of
the River, Shetharbozenai, and their com- Amariah, the son of Azariah, the son of
panions did accordingly with all diligence, Meraioth, 4 the son of Zerahiah, the son
of Uzzi, the son of Bukki, 5 the son of
because Darius the king had sent a decree. Abishua, the son of Phinehas, the son of
14 The elders of the Jews built and pros- Eleazar, the son of Aaron the chief priest—
pered, through the prophesying of Haggai 6 this Ezra went up from Babylon. He
the prophet and Zechariah the son of Iddo. was a skilled scribe in the law of Moses,
They built and finished it, according to the which the LORD, the God of Israel, had
commandment of the God of Israel, and ac- given; and the king granted him all his
cording to the decree of Cyrus, Darius, and request, according to the LORD his God’s
Artaxerxes king of Persia. 15 This house hand on him. 7 Some of the children of
Ezra 7:8 453 Ezra 7:28

Israel, including some of the priests, the silver and the gold, do that according to
Levites, the singers, the gatekeepers, and the will of your God. 19 The vessels that
the temple servants went up to Jerusalem are given to you for the service of the
in the seventh year of Artaxerxes the king. house of your God, deliver before the
8 He came to Jerusalem in the fifth month, God of Jerusalem. 20 Whatever more will
which was in the seventh year of the king. be needed for the house of your God,
9 For on the first day of the first month which you may have occasion to give,
he began to go up from Babylon; and on give it out of the king’s treasure house.
the first day of the fifth month he came to 21 I, even I, Artaxerxes the king, make
Jerusalem, according to the good hand of a decree to all the treasurers who are
his God on him. 10 For Ezra had set his beyond the River, that whatever Ezra
heart to seek the LORD’s law, and to do the priest, the scribe of the law of the
it, and to teach statutes and ordinances in God of heaven, requires of you, it shall
Israel. be done with all diligence, 22 up to one
11 Now this is the copy of the letter that hundred talents† of silver, and to one
King Artaxerxes gave to Ezra the priest, hundred cors‡ of wheat, and to one hun-
the scribe, even the scribe of the words dred baths§ of wine, and to one hundred
of the LORD’s commandments, and of his baths of oil, and salt without prescribing
statutes to Israel: how much. 23 Whatever is commanded
by the God of heaven, let it be done ex-
12 Artaxerxes, king of kings, actly for the house of the God of heaven;
To Ezra the priest, the scribe of the law of for why should there be wrath against
the perfect God of heaven. the realm of the king and his sons?
Now 13 I make a decree that all those 24 Also we inform you that it shall not
of the people of Israel and their priests be lawful to impose tribute, custom, or
and the Levites in my realm, who in- toll on any of the priests, Levites, singers,
tend of their own free will to go to gatekeepers, temple servants, or labor-
Jerusalem, go with you. 14 Because you ers of this house of God.
are sent by the king and his seven coun- 25 You, Ezra, according to the wisdom
selors to inquire concerning Judah and of your God that is in your hand, ap-
Jerusalem, according to the law of your point magistrates and judges who may
God which is in your hand, 15 and to judge all the people who are beyond the
carry the silver and gold, which the king River, who all know the laws of your
and his counselors have freely offered God; and teach him who doesn’t know
to the God of Israel, whose habitation them. 26 Whoever will not do the law
is in Jerusalem, 16 and all the silver and of your God and the law of the king, let
gold that you will find in all the province judgment be executed on him with all
of Babylon, with the free will offering diligence, whether it is to death, or to
of the people and of the priests, offer- banishment, or to confiscation of goods,
ing willingly for the house of their God or to imprisonment.
which is in Jerusalem. 17 Therefore you
shall with all diligence buy with this 27 Blessed be the LORD, the God of our
money bulls, rams, and lambs with their fathers, who has put such a thing as this
meal offerings and their drink offerings, in the king’s heart, to beautify the LORD’s
and shall offer them on the altar of the house which is in Jerusalem; 28 and has
house of your God which is in Jerusalem. extended loving kindness to me before the
18 Whatever seems good to you and to king and his counselors, and before all the
your brothers to do with the rest of the king’s mighty princes. I was strengthened
† 7:22 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds or 965 Troy ounces ‡ 7:22 1 cor is the same as a homer, or about
55.9 U. S. gallons (liquid) or 211 liters or 6 bushels. § 7:22 1 bath is one tenth of a cor, or about 5.6 U. S. gallons or
21 liters or 2.4 pecks. 100 baths would be about 2,100 liters.
Ezra 8:1 454 Ezra 8:26

according to the LORD my God’s hand on 15 I gathered them together to the river
me, and I gathered together chief men out that runs to Ahava; and there we en-
of Israel to go up with me. camped three days. Then I looked around
at the people and the priests, and found
there were none of the sons of Levi. 16 Then
8 I sent for Eliezer, for Ariel, for Shemaiah,
for Elnathan, for Jarib, for Elnathan, for
1 Now these are the heads of their fa-
Nathan, for Zechariah, and for Meshul-
thers’ households, and this is the geneal- lam, chief men; also for Joiarib and for El-
ogy of those who went up with me from
nathan, who were teachers. 17 I sent them
Babylon, in the reign of Artaxerxes the out to Iddo the chief at the place Casiphia;
king: and I told them what they should tell Iddo
2 Of the sons of Phinehas, Gershom.
and his brothers the temple servants at
Of the sons of Ithamar, Daniel. the place Casiphia, that they should bring
Of the sons of David, Hattush. to us ministers for the house of our God.
3 Of the sons of Shecaniah, of the sons of 18
According to the good hand of our God
Parosh, Zechariah; and with him were on us they brought us a man of discretion,
listed by genealogy of the males one of the sons of Mahli, the son of Levi, the
hundred fifty. son of Israel, namely Sherebiah, with his
4 Of the sons of Pahathmoab, Eliehoenai
sons and his brothers, eighteen; 19 and
the son of Zerahiah; and with him two Hashabiah, and with him Jeshaiah of the
hundred males. sons of Merari, his brothers and their
5 Of the sons of Shecaniah, the son of
sons, twenty; 20 and of the temple servants,
Jahaziel; and with him three hundred whom David and the princes had given
6 Of the sons of Adin, Ebed the son of for the service of the Levites, two hundred
Jonathan; and with him fifty males. twenty temple servants. All of them were
7 Of the sons of Elam, Jeshaiah the son of mentioned by name.
21 Then I proclaimed a fast there at the
Athaliah; and with him seventy males.
8 Of the sons of Shephatiah, Zebadiah the river Ahava, that we might humble our-
son of Michael; and with him eighty selves before our God, to seek from him
males. a straight way for us, for our little ones,
9 Of the sons of Joab, Obadiah the son and for all our possessions. 22 For I was
of Jehiel; and with him two hundred ashamed to ask of the king a band of sol-
eighteen males. diers and horsemen to help us against the
10 Of the sons of Shelomith, the son of enemy on the way, because we had spoken
Josiphiah; and with him one hundred to the king, saying, “The hand of our God
sixty males. is on all those who seek him, for good; but
11 Of the sons of Bebai, Zechariah the son his power and his wrath is against all those
of Bebai; and with him twenty-eight who forsake him.”
23 So we fasted and

males. begged our God for this, and he granted

12 Of the sons of Azgad, Johanan the son our request.
24 Then I set apart twelve of the chiefs
of Hakkatan; and with him one hun-
dred ten males. of the priests, even Sherebiah, Hashabiah,
13 Of the sons of Adonikam, who were and ten of their brothers with them, 25 and
the last, their names are: Eliphelet, weighed to them the silver, the gold, and
Jeuel, and Shemaiah; and with them the vessels, even the offering for the house
sixty males. of our God, which the king, his counselors,
14 Of the sons of Bigvai, Uthai and Zab- his princes, and all Israel there present,
bud; and with them seventy males. had offered. 26 I weighed into their hand
† 8:26 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds or 965 Troy ounces ‡ 8:27 a daric was a gold coin issued by a
Persian king, weighing about 8.4 grams or about 0.27 troy ounces each.
Ezra 8:27 455 Ezra 9:11

six hundred fifty talents of silver,† one peoples of the lands, following their abom-
hundred talents of silver vessels, one hun- inations, even those of the Canaanites, the
dred talents of gold, 27 twenty bowls of gold Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the
weighing one thousand darics,‡ and two Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians,
vessels of fine bright bronze, precious as and the Amorites. 2 For they have taken
gold. 28 I said to them, “You are holy to the of their daughters for themselves and for
LORD, and the vessels are holy. The silver their sons, so that the holy offspring have
and the gold are a free will offering to the mixed themselves with the peoples of the
LORD, the God of your fathers. 29 Watch lands. Yes, the hand of the princes and
and keep them until you weigh them be- rulers has been chief in this trespass.”
fore the chiefs of the priests, the Levites, 3 When I heard this thing, I tore my gar-
and the princes of the fathers’ households ment and my robe, and pulled the hair out
of Israel at Jerusalem, in the rooms of the of my head and of my beard, and sat down
LORD’s house.” confounded. 4 Then everyone who trem-
30 So the priests and the Levites received
bled at the words of the God of Israel were
the weight of the silver, the gold, and the assembled to me because of the trespass of
vessels, to bring them to Jerusalem to the the exiles; and I sat confounded until the
house of our God. evening offering.
31 Then we departed from the river 5 At the evening offering I rose up from
Ahava on the twelfth day of the first my humiliation, even with my garment
month, to go to Jerusalem. The hand of our and my robe torn; and I fell on my knees,
God was on us, and he delivered us from and spread out my hands to the LORD my
the hand of the enemy and the bandits by God; 6 and I said, “My God, I am ashamed
the way. 32 We came to Jerusalem, and and blush to lift up my face to you, my
stayed there three days. 33 On the fourth God, for our iniquities have increased over
day the silver and the gold and the vessels our head, and our guiltiness has grown up
were weighed in the house of our God into to the heavens. 7 Since the days of our
the hand of Meremoth the son of Uriah the fathers we have been exceedingly guilty
priest; and with him was Eleazar the son
to this day; and for our iniquities we, our
of Phinehas; and with them were Jozabad kings, and our priests have been delivered
the son of Jeshua, and Noadiah the son into the hand of the kings of the lands, to
of Binnui, the Levites. 34 Everything was the sword, to captivity, to plunder, and to
counted and weighed; and all the weight confusion of face, as it is this day. 8 Now for
was written at that time.
35 The children of the captivity, who
a little moment grace has been shown from
the LORD our God, to leave us a remnant
had come out of exile, offered burnt offer- to escape, and to give us a stake in his
ings to the God of Israel: twelve bulls for holy place, that our God may lighten our
all Israel, ninety-six rams, seventy-seven eyes, and revive us a little in our bondage.
lambs, and twelve male goats for a sin 9 For we are bondservants; yet our God has
offering. All this was a burnt offering to not forsaken us in our bondage, but has
the LORD. 36 They delivered the king’s com- extended loving kindness to us in the sight
missions to the king’s local governors and of the kings of Persia, to revive us, to set
to the governors beyond the River. So they up the house of our God, and to repair its
supported the people and God’s house. ruins, and to give us a wall in Judah and in
9 10 “Now, our God, what shall we say
1 Now when these things were done, the after this? For we have forsaken your
princes came near to me, saying, “The peo- commandments, 11 which you have com-
ple of Israel, the priests, and the Levites manded by your servants the prophets,
have not separated themselves from the saying, ‘The land to which you go to pos-
Ezra 9:12 456 Ezra 10:15

sess is an unclean land through the un- to swear that they would do according to
cleanness of the peoples of the lands, this word. So they swore. 6 Then Ezra
through their abominations, which have rose up from before God’s house, and went
filled it from one end to another with their into the room of Jehohanan the son of
filthiness. 12 Now therefore don’t give Eliashib. When he came there, he didn’t
your daughters to their sons. Don’t take eat bread or drink water, for he mourned
their daughters to your sons, nor seek their because of the trespass of the exiles. 7 They
peace or their prosperity forever, that you made a proclamation throughout Judah
may be strong and eat the good of the land, and Jerusalem to all the children of the
and leave it for an inheritance to your captivity, that they should gather them-
children forever.’ selves together to Jerusalem; 8 and that
13 “After all that has come on us for our
whoever didn’t come within three days,
evil deeds and for our great guilt, since according to the counsel of the princes and
you, our God, have punished us less than the elders, all his possessions should be
our iniquities deserve, and have given us forfeited, and he himself separated from
such a remnant, 14 shall we again break the assembly of the captivity.
your commandments, and join ourselves
with the peoples that do these abomina- 9 Then all the men of Judah and Ben-
tions? Wouldn’t you be angry with us jamin gathered themselves together to
until you had consumed us, so that there Jerusalem within the three days. It was the
would be no remnant, nor any to escape? ninth month, on the twentieth day of the
15 LORD, the God of Israel, you are righ- month; and all the people sat in the wide
teous; for we are left a remnant that has place in front of God’s house, trembling
escaped, as it is today. Behold,† we are because of this matter, and because of the
before you in our guiltiness; for no one can great rain.
stand before you because of this.” 10 Ezra the priest stood up and said to
them, “You have trespassed, and have mar-
1 Now
10 ried foreign women, increasing the guilt of
while Ezra prayed and made con- Israel. 11 Now therefore make confession
fession, weeping and casting himself down to the LORD, the God of your fathers and do
before God’s house, there was gathered his pleasure. Separate yourselves from the
together to him out of Israel a very great peoples of the land and from the foreign
assembly of men and women and chil- women.”
dren; for the people wept very bitterly. 12 Then all the assembly answered with
2 Shecaniah the son of Jehiel, one of the
a loud voice, “We must do as you have
sons of Elam, answered Ezra, “We have said concerning us. 13 But the people are
trespassed against our God, and have mar- many, and it is a time of much rain, and
ried foreign women of the peoples of the we are not able to stand outside. This is
land. Yet now there is hope for Israel not a work of one day or two, for we have
concerning this thing. 3 Now therefore let’s greatly transgressed in this matter. 14 Now
make a covenant with our God to put away let our princes be appointed for all the
all the wives and those who are born of assembly, and let all those who are in our
them, according to the counsel of my lord cities who have married foreign women
and of those who tremble at the command- come at appointed times, and with them
ment of our God. Let it be done according
to the law. 4 Arise, for the matter belongs to the elders of every city and its judges, until
you and we are with you. Be courageous, the fierce wrath of our God is turned from
us, until this matter is resolved.”
and do it.”
5 Then Ezra arose, and made the chiefs 15 Only Jonathan the son of Asahel and
of the priests, the Levites, and all Israel Jahzeiah the son of Tikvah stood up against
† 9:15 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.
Ezra 10:16 457 Ezra 10:44

this; and Meshullam and Shabbethai the 33 Of the sons of Hashum: Mattenai,
Levite helped them. Mattattah, Zabad, Eliphelet, Jeremai,
16 The children of the captivity did so. Manasseh, and Shimei.
Ezra the priest, with certain heads of 34 Of the sons of Bani: Maadai, Amram,
fathers’ households, after their fathers’ Uel, 35 Benaiah, Bedeiah, Cheluhi,
36 Vaniah, Meremoth, Eliashib,
houses, and all of them by their names,
37 Mattaniah, Mattenai, Jaasu, 38 Bani,
were set apart; and they sat down in the
first day of the tenth month to examine the Binnui, Shimei, 39 Shelemiah, Nathan,
matter. 17 They finished with all the men Adaiah, 40 Machnadebai, Shashai,
who had married foreign women by the Sharai, 41 Azarel, Shelemiah, She-
first day of the first month. mariah, 42 Shallum, Amariah, and
18 Among the sons of the priests there Joseph.
43 Of the sons of Nebo: Jeiel, Mattithiah,
were found who had married foreign
women: Zabad, Zebina, Iddo, Joel, and Bena-
of the sons of Jeshua, the son of Jozadak, iah.
44 All these had taken foreign wives.
and his brothers: Maaseiah, Eliezer,
Jarib, and Gedaliah. 19 They gave their Some of them had wives by whom they had
hand that they would put away their children.
wives; and being guilty, they offered a
ram of the flock for their guilt.
20 Of the sons of Immer: Hanani and
21 Of the sons of Harim: Maaseiah, Elijah,
Shemaiah, Jehiel, and Uzziah.
22 Of the sons of Pashhur: Elioenai, Maa-
seiah, Ishmael, Nethanel, Jozabad,
and Elasah.
23 Of the Levites: Jozabad, Shimei, Ke-
laiah (also called Kelita), Pethahiah,
Judah, and Eliezer.
24 Of the singers: Eliashib.
Of the gatekeepers: Shallum, Telem, and
25 Of Israel: Of the sons of Parosh:
Ramiah, Izziah, Malchijah, Mijamin,
Eleazar, Malchijah, and Benaiah.
26 Of the sons of Elam: Mattaniah,
Zechariah, Jehiel, Abdi, Jeremoth, and
27 Of the sons of Zattu: Elioenai, Eliashib,
Mattaniah, Jeremoth, Zabad, and Az-
28 Of the sons of Bebai: Jehohanan,
Hananiah, Zabbai, and Athlai.
29 Of the sons of Bani: Meshullam, Mal-
luch, Adaiah, Jashub, Sheal, and Jere-
30 Of the sons of Pahathmoab: Adna,
Chelal, Benaiah, Maaseiah, Mattaniah,
Bezalel, Binnui, and Manasseh.
31 Of the sons of Harim: Eliezer, Isshi-
jah, Malchijah, Shemaiah, Shimeon,
32 Benjamin, Malluch, and Shemariah.
Nehemiah 1:1 458 Nehemiah 2:8

10 “Now these are your servants and

your people, whom you have redeemed by
The Book of your great power and by your strong hand.
Nehemiah 11 Lord,§ I beg you, let your ear be attentive
now to the prayer of your servant, and to
1 The words of Nehemiah the son of Ha- the prayer of your servants who delight to
caliah. fear your name; and please prosper your
Now in the month Chislev, in the twen- servant today, and grant him mercy in the
tieth year, as I was in Susa the palace, sight of this man.”
2 Hanani, one of my brothers, came, he
Now I was cup bearer to the king.
and certain men out of Judah; and I asked
them about the Jews who had escaped,
who were left of the captivity, and con- 2
cerning Jerusalem. 3 They said to me, “The
1 In the month Nisan, in the twentieth
remnant who are left of the captivity there year of Artaxerxes the king, when wine
in the province are in great affliction and was before him, I picked up the wine, and
gave it to the king. Now I had not been sad
reproach. The wall of Jerusalem is also
broken down, and its gates are burned before in his presence. 2 The king said to
with fire.” me, “Why is your face sad, since you are
4 When I heard these words, I sat down not sick? This is nothing else but sorrow of
and wept, and mourned several days; and heart.”
I fasted and prayed before the God† of Then I was very much afraid. 3 I said to
heaven, 5 and said, “I beg you, LORD,‡ the the king, “Let the king live forever! Why
God of heaven, the great and awesome God shouldn’t my face be sad, when the city, the
who keeps covenant and loving kindness place of my fathers’ tombs, lies waste, and
with those who love him and keep his com- its gates have been consumed with fire?”
4 Then the king said to me, “What is your
mandments, 6 let your ear now be attentive
and your eyes open, that you may listen request?”
to the prayer of your servant which I pray So I prayed to the God of heaven. 5 I said
before you at this time, day and night, for to the king, “If it pleases the king, and if
the children of Israel your servants, while your servant has found favor in your sight,
I confess the sins of the children of Israel I ask that you would send me to Judah, to
which we have sinned against you. Yes, I the city of my fathers’ tombs, that I may
and my father’s house have sinned. 7 We build it.”
have dealt very corruptly against you, and 6 The king said to me (the queen was
have not kept the commandments, nor the also sitting by him), “How long will your
statutes, nor the ordinances, which you journey be? When will you return?”
commanded your servant Moses. So it pleased the king to send me, and
8 “Remember, I beg you, the word that
I set a time for him. 7 Moreover I said to
you commanded your servant Moses, say- the king, “If it pleases the king, let letters
ing, ‘If you trespass, I will scatter you be given me to the governors beyond the
among the peoples; 9 but if you return to River, that they may let me pass through
me, and keep my commandments and do until I come to Judah; 8 and a letter to
them, though your outcasts were in the Asaph the keeper of the king’s forest, that
uttermost part of the heavens, yet I will he may give me timber to make beams for
gather them from there, and will bring the gates of the citadel by the temple, for
them to the place that I have chosen, to the wall of the city, and for the house that I
cause my name to dwell there.’ will occupy.”
† 1:4 The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim). ‡ 1:5 When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS,
“LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name. § 1:11 The word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.”
Nehemiah 2:9 459 Nehemiah 3:13

The king granted my requests, because build; but you have no portion, nor right,
of the good hand of my God on me. 9 Then nor memorial in Jerusalem.”
I came to the governors beyond the River,
and gave them the king’s letters. Now the
king had sent captains of the army and
1 Then Eliashib the high priest rose up
horsemen with me. 10 When Sanballat the
Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite ser- with his brothers the priests, and they built
vant heard of it, it grieved them exceed- the sheep gate. They sanctified it, and set
ingly, because a man had come to seek the up its doors. They sanctified it even to
welfare of the children of Israel. the tower of Hammeah, to the tower of
11 So I came to Jerusalem, and was there Hananel. 2 Next to him the men of Jericho
three days. 12 I arose in the night, I and built. Next to them Zaccur the son of Imri
a few men with me. I didn’t tell anyone built.
3 The sons of Hassenaah built the fish
what my God put into my heart to do for
gate. They laid its beams, and set up its
Jerusalem. There wasn’t any animal with
doors, its bolts, and its bars. 4 Next to
me except the animal that I rode on. 13 I them, Meremoth the son of Uriah, the son
went out by night by the valley gate toward of Hakkoz made repairs. Next to them,
the jackal’s well, then to the dung gate; and Meshullam the son of Berechiah, the son of
I inspected the walls of Jerusalem, which Meshezabel made repairs. Next to them,
were broken down, and its gates were con- Zadok the son of Baana made repairs.
sumed with fire. 14 Then I went on to the 5 Next to them, the Tekoites made repairs;
spring gate and to the king’s pool, but there but their nobles didn’t put their necks to
was no place for the animal that was under the Lord’s work.
me to pass. 15 Then I went up in the night 6 Joiada the son of Paseah and Meshul-
by the brook and inspected the wall; and lam the son of Besodeiah repaired the old
I turned back, and entered by the valley gate. They laid its beams and set up its
gate, and so returned. 16 The rulers didn’t doors, its bolts, and its bars. 7 Next to
know where I went, or what I did. I had not them, Melatiah the Gibeonite and Jadon
as yet told it to the Jews, nor to the priests, the Meronothite, the men of Gibeon and
nor to the nobles, nor to the rulers, nor to of Mizpah, repaired the residence of the
the rest who did the work.
17 Then I said to them, “You see the bad governor beyond the River. 8 Next to him,
Uzziel the son of Harhaiah, goldsmiths,
situation that we are in, how Jerusalem lies
made repairs. Next to him, Hananiah,
waste, and its gates are burned with fire.
one of the perfumers, made repairs, and
Come, let’s build up the wall of Jerusalem,
they fortified Jerusalem even to the wide
that we won’t be disgraced.” 18 I told them
wall. 9 Next to them, Rephaiah the son
about the hand of my God which was good
of Hur, the ruler of half the district of
on me, and also about the king’s words that
Jerusalem, made repairs. 10 Next to them,
he had spoken to me.
Jedaiah the son of Harumaph made re-
They said, “Let’s rise up and build.” So pairs across from his house. Next to him,
they strengthened their hands for the good Hattush the son of Hashabneiah made re-
work. pairs. 11 Malchijah the son of Harim and
19 But when Sanballat the Horonite, To- Hasshub the son of Pahathmoab repaired
biah the Ammonite servant, and Geshem another portion and the tower of the fur-
the Arabian, heard it, they ridiculed us and naces. 12 Next to him, Shallum the son
despised us, and said, “What is this thing of Hallohesh, the ruler of half the district
that you are doing? Will you rebel against of Jerusalem, he and his daughters made
the king?” repairs.
20 Then I answered them, and said to 13 Hanun and the inhabitants of Zanoah
them, “The God of heaven will prosper us. repaired the valley gate. They built it, and
Therefore we, his servants, will arise and set up its doors, its bolts, and its bars, and
Nehemiah 3:14 460 Nehemiah 4:6

one thousand cubits† of the wall to the in Ophel, to the place opposite the water
dung gate. gate toward the east, and the tower that
14 Malchijah the son of Rechab, the ruler stands out.) 27 After him the Tekoites re-
of the district of Beth Haccherem, repaired paired another portion, opposite the great
the dung gate. He built it, and set up its tower that stands out, and to the wall of
doors, its bolts, and its bars. Ophel.
15 Shallun the son of Colhozeh, the ruler 28 Above the horse gate, the priests made
of the district of Mizpah, repaired the repairs, everyone across from his own
spring gate. He built it, covered it, and set house. 29 After them, Zadok the son of
up its doors, its bolts, and its bars; and he Immer made repairs across from his own
repaired the wall of the pool of Shelah by house. After him, Shemaiah the son of
the king’s garden, even to the stairs that go Shecaniah, the keeper of the east gate,
down from David’s city. 16 After him, Ne- made repairs. 30 After him, Hananiah
hemiah the son of Azbuk, the ruler of half the son of Shelemiah, and Hanun, the
the district of Beth Zur, made repairs to the sixth son of Zalaph, repaired another por-
place opposite the tombs of David, and to tion. After him, Meshullam the son of
the pool that was made, and to the house of Berechiah made repairs across from his
the mighty men. 17 After him, the Levites— room. 31 After him, Malchijah, one of the
Rehum the son of Bani made repairs. Next goldsmiths to the house of the temple ser-
to him, Hashabiah, the ruler of half the dis- vants, and of the merchants, made repairs
trict of Keilah, made repairs for his district. opposite the gate of Hammiphkad and to
18 After him, their brothers, Bavvai the son the ascent of the corner. 32 Between the
of Henadad, the ruler of half the district ascent of the corner and the sheep gate,
of Keilah made repairs. 19 Next to him, the goldsmiths and the merchants made
Ezer the son of Jeshua, the ruler of Mizpah, repairs.
repaired another portion across from the
ascent to the armory at the turning of the 4
1 But when Sanballat heard that we were
wall. 20 After him, Baruch the son of Zabbai
earnestly repaired another portion, from building the wall, he was angry, and was
the turning of the wall to the door of the very indignant, and mocked the Jews. 2 He
house of Eliashib the high priest. 21 After spoke before his brothers and the army of
him, Meremoth the son of Uriah the son Samaria, and said, “What are these feeble
of Hakkoz repaired another portion, from Jews doing? Will they fortify themselves?
the door of the house of Eliashib even to Will they sacrifice? Will they finish in a
the end of the house of Eliashib. 22 After day? Will they revive the stones out of the
him, the priests, the men of the surround- heaps of rubbish, since they are burned?”
ing area made repairs. 23 After them, Ben- 3 Now Tobiah the Ammonite was by him,
jamin and Hasshub made repairs across and he said, “What they are building, if a
from their house. After them, Azariah the fox climbed up it, he would break down
son of Maaseiah the son of Ananiah made their stone wall.”
repairs beside his own house. 24 After him, 4 “Hear, our God, for we are despised.
Binnui the son of Henadad repaired an- Turn back their reproach on their own
other portion, from the house of Azariah to head. Give them up for a plunder in a
the turning of the wall, and to the corner. land of captivity. 5 Don’t cover their in-
25 Palal the son of Uzai made repairs oppo- iquity. Don’t let their sin be blotted out
site the turning of the wall, and the tower from before you; for they have insulted the
that stands out from the upper house of the builders.”
king, which is by the court of the guard. 6 So we built the wall; and all the wall
After him Pedaiah the son of Parosh made was joined together to half its height, for
repairs. 26 (Now the temple servants lived the people had a mind to work.
† 3:13 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46
Nehemiah 4:7 461 Nehemiah 5:9

7 But when Sanballat, Tobiah, the Ara- is great and widely spread out, and we
bians, the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites are separated on the wall, far from one
heard that the repairing of the walls of another. 20 Wherever you hear the sound
Jerusalem went forward, and that the of the trumpet, rally there to us. Our God
breaches began to be filled, they were very will fight for us.”
angry; 8 and they all conspired together 21 So we did the work. Half of the
to come and fight against Jerusalem, and people held the spears from the rising
to cause confusion among us. 9 But we of the morning until the stars appeared.
made our prayer to our God, and set a 22 Likewise at the same time I said to the
watch against them day and night because people, “Let everyone with his servant
of them. lodge within Jerusalem, that in the night
10 Judah said, “The strength of the bear- they may be a guard to us, and may labor in
ers of burdens is fading and there is much the day.” 23 So neither I, nor my brothers,
rubble, so that we are not able to build the nor my servants, nor the men of the guard
wall.” 11 Our adversaries said, “They will who followed me took off our clothes. Ev-
not know or see, until we come in among eryone took his weapon to the water.
them and kill them, and cause the work to
cease.” 5
12 When the Jews who lived by them 1 Then there arose a great cry of the
came, they said to us ten times from all people and of their wives against their
places, “Wherever you turn, they will at- brothers the Jews. 2 For there were some
tack us.” who said, “We, our sons and our daugh-
13 Therefore I set guards in the lowest ters, are many. Let us get grain, that we
parts of the space behind the wall, in the may eat and live.” 3 There were also some
open places. I set the people by family who said, “We are mortgaging our fields,
groups with their swords, their spears, and our vineyards, and our houses. Let us
their bows. 14 I looked, and rose up, and get grain, because of the famine.” 4 There
said to the nobles, to the rulers, and to were also some who said, “We have bor-
the rest of the people, “Don’t be afraid of rowed money for the king’s tribute using
them! Remember the Lord, who is great our fields and our vineyards as collateral.
5 Yet now our flesh is as the flesh of our
and awesome, and fight for your brothers,
your sons, your daughters, your wives, brothers, our children as their children.
Behold,† we bring our sons and our daugh-
and your houses.”
15 When our enemies heard that it was
ters into bondage to be servants, and some
of our daughters have been brought into
known to us, and God had brought their
bondage. It is also not in our power to help
counsel to nothing, all of us returned to
it, because other men have our fields and
the wall, everyone to his work. 16 From our vineyards.”
that time forth, half of my servants did the 6 I was very angry when I heard their
work, and half of them held the spears, the cry and these words. 7 Then I consulted
shields, the bows, and the coats of mail; with myself, and contended with the no-
and the rulers were behind all the house
of Judah. 17 Those who built the wall, bles and the rulers, and said to them, “You
and those who bore burdens loaded them- exact usury, everyone of his brother.” I
selves; everyone with one of his hands held a great assembly against them. 8 I
did the work, and with the other held his said to them, “We, after our ability, have
weapon. 18 Among the builders, everyone redeemed our brothers the Jews that were
wore his sword at his side, and so built. sold to the nations; and would you even
He who sounded the trumpet was by me. sell your brothers, and should they be sold
19 I said to the nobles, and to the rulers to us?” Then they held their peace, and
and to the rest of the people, “The work found not a word to say. 9 Also I said, “The
† 5:5 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.
Nehemiah 5:10 462 Nehemiah 6:12

thing that you do is not good. Shouldn’t 19 Remember me, my God, for all the good
you walk in the fear of our God because of that I have done for this people.
the reproach of the nations, our enemies?
10 I likewise, my brothers and my servants, 6
lend them money and grain. Please let us 1 Now when it was reported to Sanballat,
stop this usury. 11 Please restore to them, Tobiah, Geshem the Arabian, and to the
even today, their fields, their vineyards, rest of our enemies that I had built the
their olive groves, and their houses, also wall, and that there was no breach left in
the hundredth part of the money, and of it (though even to that time I had not set
the grain, the new wine, and the oil, that up the doors in the gates), 2 Sanballat and
you are charging them.” Geshem sent to me, saying, “Come! Let’s
12 Then they said, “We will restore them, meet together in the villages in the plain of
and will require nothing of them. We will Ono.” But they intended to harm me.
3 I sent messengers to them, saying, “I
do so, even as you say.”
Then I called the priests, and took an am doing a great work, so that I can’t come
oath of them, that they would do according down. Why should the work cease while I
to this promise. 13 Also I shook out my leave it and come down to you?”
4 They sent to me four times like this; and
lap, and said, “So may God shake out every
man from his house, and from his labor, I answered them the same way. 5 Then
that doesn’t perform this promise; even Sanballat sent his servant to me the same
may he be shaken out and emptied like way the fifth time with an open letter in
this.” his hand, 6 in which was written, “It is
All the assembly said, “Amen,” and reported among the nations, and Gashmu
praised the LORD. The people did accord- says it, that you and the Jews intend to
ing to this promise. rebel. Because of that, you are building the
14 Moreover from the time that I was ap- wall. You would be their king, according
pointed to be their governor in the land of to these words. 7 You have also appointed
Judah, from the twentieth year even to the prophets to proclaim of you at Jerusalem,
thirty-second year of Artaxerxes the king, saying, ‘There is a king in Judah!’ Now
that is, twelve years, I and my brothers it will be reported to the king according
have not eaten the bread of the governor. to these words. Come now therefore, and
15 But the former governors who were be- let’s take counsel together.”
8 Then I sent to him, saying, “There are
fore me were supported by the people, and
took bread and wine from them, plus forty no such things done as you say, but you
shekels‡ of silver; yes, even their servants imagine them out of your own heart.” 9 For
ruled over the people, but I didn’t do so, they all would have made us afraid, say-
because of the fear of God. 16 Yes, I also ing, “Their hands will be weakened from
continued in the work of this wall. We the work, that it not be done.” But now,
didn’t buy any land. All my servants were strengthen my hands.
gathered there to the work. 17 Moreover 10 I went to the house of Shemaiah the
there were at my table, of the Jews and the son of Delaiah the son of Mehetabel, who
rulers, one hundred fifty men, in addition was shut in at his home; and he said, “Let
to those who came to us from among the us meet together in God’s house, within
nations that were around us. 18 Now that the temple, and let’s shut the doors of the
which was prepared for one day was one temple; for they will come to kill you. Yes,
ox and six choice sheep. Also fowls were in the night they will come to kill you.”
prepared for me, and once in ten days a 11 I said, “Should a man like me flee?
store of all sorts of wine. Yet for all this, I Who is there that, being such as I, would go
didn’t demand the governor’s pay, because into the temple to save his life? I will not go
the bondage was heavy on this people. in.” 12 I discerned, and behold, God had not
‡ 5:15 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces.
Nehemiah 6:13 463 Nehemiah 7:27

sent him, but he pronounced this prophecy 6 These are the children of the province
against me. Tobiah and Sanballat had who went up out of the captivity of those
hired him. 13 He was hired so that I would who had been carried away, whom Neb-
be afraid, do so, and sin, and that they uchadnezzar the king of Babylon had car-
might have material for an evil report, that ried away, and who returned to Jerusalem
they might reproach me. 14 “Remember, and to Judah, everyone to his city, 7 who
my God, Tobiah and Sanballat according to came with Zerubbabel, Jeshua, Nehemiah,
these their works, and also the prophetess Azariah, Raamiah, Nahamani, Mordecai,
Noadiah and the rest of the prophets that Bilshan, Mispereth, Bigvai, Nehum, and
would have put me in fear.” Baanah.
15 So the wall was finished in the twenty- The number of the men of the people of
fifth day of Elul, in fifty-two days. 16 When Israel:
8 The children of Parosh: two thousand
all our enemies heard of it, all the na-
tions that were around us were afraid, one hundred seventy-two.
9 The children of Shephatiah: three hun-
and they lost their confidence; for they
perceived that this work was done by our dred seventy-two.
10 The children of Arah: six hundred
God. 17 Moreover in those days the nobles
of Judah sent many letters to Tobiah, and fifty-two.
11 The children of Pahathmoab, of the
Tobiah’s letters came to them. 18 For there
were many in Judah sworn to him because children of Jeshua and Joab: two thou-
he was the son-in-law of Shecaniah the sand eight hundred eighteen.
son of Arah; and his son Jehohanan had 12 The children of Elam: one thousand
taken the daughter of Meshullam the son two hundred fifty-four.
of Berechiah as wife. 19 Also they spoke of 13 The children of Zattu: eight hundred
his good deeds before me, and reported my forty-five.
words to him. Tobiah sent letters to put me 14 The children of Zaccai: seven hundred
in fear. sixty.
15 The children of Binnui: six hundred

7 forty-eight.
16 The children of Bebai: six hundred
1 Now when the wall was built and I
had set up the doors, and the gatekeepers twenty-eight.
17 The children of Azgad: two thousand
and the singers and the Levites were ap-
pointed, 2 I put my brother Hanani, and three hundred twenty-two.
18 The children of Adonikam: six hun-
Hananiah the governor of the fortress, in
charge of Jerusalem; for he was a faithful dred sixty-seven.
19 The children of Bigvai: two thousand
man and feared God above many. 3 I said
to them, “Don’t let the gates of Jerusalem sixty-seven.
20 The children of Adin: six hundred
be opened until the sun is hot; and while
they stand guard, let them shut the doors, 21 The children of Ater: of Hezekiah,
and you bar them; and appoint watches of
the inhabitants of Jerusalem, everyone in 22 The children of Hashum: three hun-
his watch, with everyone near his house.” dred twenty-eight.
4 Now the city was wide and large; 23 The children of Bezai: three hundred
but the people were few therein, and the twenty-four.
houses were not built. 24 The children of Hariph: one hundred
5 My God put into my heart to gather
together the nobles, and the rulers, and the 25 The children of Gibeon: ninety-five.
people, that they might be listed by geneal- 26 The men of Bethlehem and Netophah:
ogy. I found the book of the genealogy of one hundred eighty-eight.
those who came up at the first, and I found 27 The men of Anathoth: one hundred
this written in it: twenty-eight.
Nehemiah 7:28 464 Nehemiah 7:69

28 The men of Beth Azmaveth: forty-two. children of Uzza, the children of Paseah,
29 The men of Kiriath Jearim, Chephirah, 52 the children of Besai, the children of
and Beeroth: seven hundred forty- Meunim, the children of Nephushesim,
53 the children of Bakbuk, the children of
30 The men of Ramah and Geba: six hun- Hakupha, the children of Harhur, 54 the
dred twenty-one. children of Bazlith, the children of Mehida,
31 The men of Michmas: one hundred the children of Harsha, 55 the children of
twenty-two. Barkos, the children of Sisera, the children
32 The men of Bethel and Ai: one hun- of Temah, 56 the children of Neziah, and the
dred twenty-three. children of Hatipha.
33 The men of the other Nebo: fifty-two.
57 The children of Solomon’s servants:
34 The children of the other Elam: one
the children of Sotai, the children of So-
thousand two hundred fifty-four. phereth, the children of Perida, 58 the chil-
35 The children of Harim: three hundred
dren of Jaala, the children of Darkon, the
36 The children of Jericho: three hun- children of Giddel,
59 the children of Shep-
hatiah, the children of Hattil, the children
dred forty-five. of Pochereth Hazzebaim, and the children
37 The children of Lod, Hadid, and Ono:
of Amon. 60 All the temple servants and the
seven hundred twenty-one. children of Solomon’s servants were three
38 The children of Senaah: three thou-
hundred ninety-two.
sand nine hundred thirty.
61 These were those who went up from
39 The priests: The children of Jedaiah, Tel Melah, Tel Harsha, Cherub, Addon,
of the house of Jeshua: nine hundred and Immer; but they could not show
seventy-three. their fathers’ houses, nor their offspring,†
40 The children of Immer: one thousand whether they were of Israel:
fifty-two. 62 The children of Delaiah, the children
41 The children of Pashhur: one thou- of Tobiah, the children of Nekoda: six
sand two hundred forty-seven. hundred forty-two.
42 The children of Harim: one thousand 63 Of the priests: the children of Hobaiah,
seventeen. the children of Hakkoz, the children
43 The Levites: the children of Jeshua, of of Barzillai, who took a wife of the
daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite,
Kadmiel, of the children of Hodevah: and was called after their name.
seventy-four. 64 These searched for their genealogical
44 The singers: the children of Asaph:
one hundred forty-eight. records, but couldn’t find them. There-
45 The gatekeepers: the children of Shal- fore they were deemed disqualified and
removed from the priesthood. 65 The gov-
lum, the children of Ater, the chil-
dren of Talmon, the children of Akkub, ernor told them not to eat of the most holy
the children of Hatita, the children of things until a priest stood up to minister
Shobai: one hundred thirty-eight. with Urim and Thummim.
46 The temple servants: the children of 66 The whole assembly together was

Ziha, the children of Hasupha, the chil- forty-two thousand three hundred sixty,
dren of Tabbaoth, 47 the children of Keros, 67 in addition to their male servants and
the children of Sia, the children of Padon, their female servants, of whom there were
48 the children of Lebana, the children seven thousand three hundred thirty-
of Hagaba, the children of Salmai, 49 the seven. They had two hundred forty-
children of Hanan, the children of Giddel, five singing men and singing women.
68 Their horses were seven hundred thirty-
the children of Gahar, 50 the children of
Reaiah, the children of Rezin, the children six; their mules, two hundred forty-five;
of Nekoda, 51 the children of Gazzam, the 69 their camels, four hundred thirty-
† 7:61 or, seed
Nehemiah 7:70 465 Nehemiah 8:15

five; their donkeys, six thousand seven people stood up. 6 Then Ezra blessed the
hundred twenty. LORD, the great God.
70 Some from among the heads of fa- All the people answered, “Amen, Amen,”
thers’ households gave to the work. The with the lifting up of their hands. They
governor gave to the treasury one thou- bowed their heads, and worshiped the
sand darics of gold,‡ fifty basins, and five LORD with their faces to the ground.
7 Also Jeshua, Bani, Sherebiah, Jamin,
hundred thirty priests’ garments. 71 Some
of the heads of fathers’ households gave Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodiah, Maaseiah, Ke-
into the treasury of the work twenty thou- lita, Azariah, Jozabad, Hanan, Pelaiah, and
sand darics of gold, and two thousand two the Levites, caused the people to under-
hundred minas§ of silver. 72 That which stand the law; and the people stayed in
the rest of the people gave was twenty their place. 8 They read in the book, in the
thousand darics of gold, plus two thousand law of God, distinctly; and they gave the
minas of silver, and sixty-seven priests’ sense, so that they understood the reading.
garments. 9 Nehemiah, who was the governor, Ezra
73 So the priests, the Levites, the gate- the priest and scribe, and the Levites who
keepers, the singers, some of the people, taught the people said to all the people,
the temple servants, and all Israel lived in “Today is holy to the LORD your God. Don’t
their cities. mourn, nor weep.” For all the people wept
When the seventh month had come, the when they heard the words of the law.
10 Then he said to them, “Go your way. Eat
children of Israel were in their cities.
the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions
8 to him for whom nothing is prepared, for
today is holy to our Lord. Don’t be grieved,
1 All the people gathered themselves to-
for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”
gether as one man into the wide place that 11 So the Levites calmed all the people,
was in front of the water gate; and they
spoke to Ezra the scribe to bring the book saying, “Hold your peace, for the day is
of the law of Moses, which the LORD had holy. Don’t be grieved.”
12 All the people went their way to eat, to
commanded to Israel. 2 Ezra the priest
brought the law before the assembly, both drink, to send portions, and to celebrate,
men and women, and all who could hear because they had understood the words
with understanding, on the first day of the that were declared to them.
13 On the second day, the heads of fa-
seventh month. 3 He read from it before
the wide place that was in front of the wa- thers’ households of all the people, the
ter gate from early morning until midday, priests, and the Levites were gathered to-
in the presence of the men and the women, gether to Ezra the scribe, to study the
and of those who could understand. The words of the law. 14 They found writ-
ears of all the people were attentive to the ten in the law how the LORD had com-
book of the law. 4 Ezra the scribe stood manded by Moses that the children of Is-
on a pulpit of wood, which they had made rael should dwell in booths in the feast
for the purpose; and beside him stood of the seventh month; 15 and that they
Mattithiah, Shema, Anaiah, Uriah, Hilkiah, should publish and proclaim in all their
and Maaseiah, on his right hand; and on cities and in Jerusalem, saying, “Go out
his left hand, Pedaiah, Mishael, Malchijah, to the mountain, and get olive branches,
Hashum, Hashbaddanah, Zechariah, and branches of wild olive, myrtle branches,
Meshullam. 5 Ezra opened the book in the palm branches, and branches of thick
sight of all the people (for he was above all trees, to make temporary shelters,† as it is
the people), and when he opened it, all the written.”
‡ 7:70 a daric was a gold coin issued by a Persian king, weighing about 8.4 grams or about 0.27 troy ounces each.
§ 7:71 A mina is about 600 grams or 1.3 U. S. pounds, so 2,200 minas is about 1.3 metric tons. † 8:15 or, booths
‡ 8:16 or, booths
Nehemiah 8:16 466 Nehemiah 9:19

16 So the people went out and brought you, and made a covenant with him to give
them, and made themselves temporary the land of the Canaanite, the Hittite, the
shelters,‡ everyone on the roof of his Amorite, the Perizzite, the Jebusite, and
house, in their courts, in the courts of God’s the Girgashite, to give it to his offspring,
house, in the wide place of the water gate, and have performed your words, for you
and in the wide place of Ephraim’s gate. are righteous.
17 All the assembly of those who had come
9 “You saw the affliction of our fathers
back out of the captivity made temporary in Egypt, and heard their cry by the Red
shelters§ and lived in the temporary shel- Sea, 10 and showed signs and wonders
ters, for since the days of Joshua the son against Pharaoh, against all his servants,
of Nun to that day the children of Israel and against all the people of his land, for
had not done so. There was very great you knew that they dealt proudly against
gladness. 18 Also day by day, from the firstthem, and made a name for yourself, as it is
day to the last day, he read in the book of today. 11 You divided the sea before them,
the law of God. They kept the feast seven so that they went through the middle of
days; and on the eighth day was a solemn the sea on the dry land; and you cast their
assembly, according to the ordinance. pursuers into the depths, as a stone into
the mighty waters. 12 Moreover, in a pillar
9 of cloud you led them by day; and in a
1 Now in the twenty-fourth day of this pillar of fire by night, to give them light in
month the children of Israel were assem- the way in which they should go.
bled with fasting, with sackcloth, and dirt 13 “You also came down on Mount Sinai,
on them. 2 The offspring of Israel sepa-
and spoke with them from heaven, and
rated themselves from all foreigners and
gave them right ordinances and true laws,
stood and confessed their sins and the in-
iquities of their fathers. They stood up good statutes and commandments, and
3 14

in their place, and read in the book of the made known to them your holy Sabbath,
law of the LORD their God a fourth part and commanded them commandments,
of the day; and a fourth part they con- statutes, and a law, by Moses your ser-
fessed and worshiped the LORD their God. vant, 15 and gave them bread from the sky

4 Then Jeshua, Bani, Kadmiel, Shebaniah, for their hunger, and brought water out
Bunni, Sherebiah, Bani, and Chenani of the of the rock for them for their thirst, and
Levites stood up on the stairs, and cried commanded them that they should go in to
with a loud voice to the LORD their God. possess the land which you had sworn to
5 Then the Levites, Jeshua, and Kadmiel, give them.
Bani, Hashabneiah, Sherebiah, Hodiah, 16 “But they and our fathers behaved
Shebaniah, and Pethahiah, said, “Stand up proudly, hardened their neck, didn’t lis-
and bless the LORD your God from ev- ten to your commandments, 17 and re-
erlasting to everlasting! Blessed be your fused to obey. They weren’t mindful of
glorious name, which is exalted above all your wonders that you did among them,
blessing and praise! 6 You are the LORD, but hardened their neck, and in their re-
even you alone. You have made heaven, bellion appointed a captain to return to
the heaven of heavens, with all their army, their bondage. But you are a God ready
the earth and all things that are on it, to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to
the seas and all that is in them, and you anger, and abundant in loving kindness,
preserve them all. The army of heaven and didn’t forsake them. 18 Yes, when they
worships you. 7 You are the LORD, the had made themselves a molded calf, and
God who chose Abram, brought him out of said, ‘This is your God who brought you
Ur of the Chaldees, gave him the name of up out of Egypt,’ and had committed awful
Abraham, 8 found his heart faithful before blasphemies, 19 yet you in your manifold
§ 8:17 or, booths
Nehemiah 9:20 467 Nehemiah 9:38

mercies didn’t forsake them in the wilder- you heard from heaven; and many times
ness. The pillar of cloud didn’t depart from you delivered them according to your mer-
over them by day, to lead them in the way; cies, 29 and testified against them, that you
neither did the pillar of fire by night, to might bring them again to your law. Yet
show them light, and the way in which they were arrogant, and didn’t listen to
they should go. 20 You gave also your good your commandments, but sinned against
Spirit to instruct them, and didn’t withhold your ordinances (which if a man does,
your manna from their mouth, and gave he shall live in them), turned their backs,
them water for their thirst. stiffened their neck, and would not hear.
21 “Yes, forty years you sustained them 30 Yet many years you put up with them,
in the wilderness. They lacked nothing. and testified against them by your Spirit
Their clothes didn’t grow old, and their through your prophets. Yet they would not
feet didn’t swell. 22 Moreover you gave listen. Therefore you gave them into the
them kingdoms and peoples, which you hand of the peoples of the lands.
allotted according to their portions. So
they possessed the land of Sihon, even the
31 “Nevertheless in your manifold mer-
land of the king of Heshbon, and the land cies you didn’t make a full end of them, nor
of Og king of Bashan. 23 You also multiplied forsake them; for you are a gracious and
their children as the stars of the sky, and merciful God.
brought them into the land concerning 32 Now therefore, our God, the great,
which you said to their fathers that they the mighty, and the awesome God, who
should go in to possess it. keeps covenant and loving kindness, don’t
24 “So the children went in and possessed let all the travail seem little before you
the land; and you subdued before them that has come on us, on our kings, on our
the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites, princes, on our priests, on our prophets,
and gave them into their hands, with their on our fathers, and on all your people,
kings and the peoples of the land, that since the time of the kings of Assyria to this
they might do with them as they pleased. day. 33 However you are just in all that
25 They took fortified cities and a rich has come on us; for you have dealt truly,
land, and possessed houses full of all good but we have done wickedly. 34 Also our
things, cisterns dug out, vineyards, olive kings, our princes, our priests, and our fa-
groves, and fruit trees in abundance. So thers have not kept your law, nor listened
they ate, were filled, became fat, and de- to your commandments and your testi-
lighted themselves in your great goodness. monies with which you testified against
26 “Nevertheless they were disobedient them. 35 For they have not served you in
and rebelled against you, cast your law their kingdom, and in your great goodness
behind their back, killed your prophets that you gave them, and in the large and
that testified against them to turn them rich land which you gave before them.
again to you, and they committed awful They didn’t turn from their wicked works.
blasphemies. 27 Therefore you delivered 36 “Behold, we are servants today, and as
them into the hand of their adversaries,
who distressed them. In the time of their for the land that you gave to our fathers
trouble, when they cried to you, you heard to eat its fruit and its good, behold, we are
from heaven; and according to your man- servants in it. 37 It yields much increase
ifold mercies you gave them saviors who to the kings whom you have set over us
saved them out of the hands of their ad- because of our sins. Also they have power
versaries. 28 But after they had rest, they over our bodies and over our livestock, at
did evil again before you; therefore you their pleasure, and we are in great distress.
left them in the hands of their enemies, 38 Yet for all this, we make a sure covenant,
so that they had the dominion over them; and write it; and our princes, our Levites,
yet when they returned and cried to you, and our priests, seal it.”
Nehemiah 10:1 468 Nehemiah 11:2

10 selves, to charge ourselves yearly with the

1 Now those who sealed were: Nehemiah third part of a shekel† for the service of the
the governor, the son of Hacaliah, and house of our God: 33 for the show bread, for
Zedekiah, 2 Seraiah, Azariah, Jeremiah, the continual meal offering, for the con-
3 Pashhur, Amariah, Malchijah, 4 Hattush, tinual burnt offering, for the Sabbaths, for
Shebaniah, Malluch, 5 Harim, Meremoth, the new moons, for the set feasts, for the
Obadiah, 6 Daniel, Ginnethon, Baruch, holy things, for the sin offerings to make
7 Meshullam, Abijah, Mijamin, 8 Maaziah, atonement for Israel, and for all the work
Bilgai, and Shemaiah. These were the of the house of our God. 34 We, the priests,
priests. 9 The Levites: Jeshua the son of the Levites, and the people, cast lots for the
Azaniah, Binnui of the sons of Henadad, wood offering, to bring it into the house of
Kadmiel; 10 and their brothers, Sheba- our God, according to our fathers’ houses,
niah, Hodiah, Kelita, Pelaiah, Hanan, at times appointed year by year, to burn on
11 Mica, Rehob, Hashabiah, 12 Zaccur, the LORD our God’s altar, as it is written in
Sherebiah, Shebaniah, 13 Hodiah, Bani, the law; 35 and to bring the first fruits of
and Beninu. 14 The chiefs of the people: our ground and the first fruits of all fruit
Parosh, Pahathmoab, Elam, Zattu, Bani, of all kinds of trees, year by year, to the
15 Bunni, Azgad, Bebai, 16 Adonijah, Bigvai,
LORD’s house; 36 also the firstborn of our
Adin, 17 Ater, Hezekiah, Azzur, 18 Hodiah, sons and of our livestock, as it is written
Hashum, Bezai, 19 Hariph, Anathoth, in the law, and the firstborn of our herds
Nobai, 20 Magpiash, Meshullam, Hezir, and of our flocks, to bring to the house
21 Meshezabel, Zadok, Jaddua, 22 Pelatiah, of our God, to the priests who minister
Hanan, Anaiah, 23 Hoshea, Hananiah, in the house of our God; 37 and that we
Hasshub, 24 Hallohesh, Pilha, Shobek, should bring the first fruits of our dough,
25 Rehum, Hashabnah, Maaseiah, 26 Ahiah, our wave offerings, the fruit of all kinds of
Hanan, Anan, 27 Malluch, Harim, and trees, and the new wine and the oil, to the
Baanah. priests, to the rooms of the house of our
28 The rest of the people, the priests, the God; and the tithes of our ground to the
Levites, the gatekeepers, the singers, the Levites; for they, the Levites, take the tithes
temple servants, and all those who had in all our farming villages. 38 The priest,
separated themselves from the peoples of the descendent of Aaron, shall be with the
the lands to the law of God, their wives, Levites when the Levites take tithes. The
their sons, and their daughters—everyone Levites shall bring up the tithe of the tithes
who had knowledge and understanding— to the house of our God, to the rooms, into
29 joined with their brothers, their nobles, the treasure house. 39 For the children of
and entered into a curse and into an oath, Israel and the children of Levi shall bring
to walk in God’s law, which was given the wave offering of the grain, of the new
by Moses the servant of God, and to ob- wine, and of the oil, to the rooms where
serve and do all the commandments of the the vessels of the sanctuary are, and the
LORD our Lord, and his ordinances and his priests who minister, with the gatekeepers
statutes; 30 and that we would not give our and the singers. We will not forsake the
daughters to the peoples of the land, nor house of our God.
take their daughters for our sons; 31 and if
the peoples of the land bring wares or any
grain on the Sabbath day to sell, that we 11
would not buy from them on the Sabbath, 1 The princes of the people lived in
or on a holy day; and that we would forego Jerusalem. The rest of the people also
the seventh year crops and the exaction of cast lots to bring one of ten to dwell in
every debt. Jerusalem, the holy city, and nine parts in
32 Also we made ordinances for our- the other cities. 2 The people blessed all the
† 10:32 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces.
Nehemiah 11:3 469 Nehemiah 12:1

men who willingly offered themselves to taniah the son of Mica, the son of Zabdi,
dwell in Jerusalem. the son of Asaph, who was the chief to
3 Now these are the chiefs of the province begin the thanksgiving in prayer, and Bak-
who lived in Jerusalem; but in the cities of bukiah, the second among his brothers;
Judah, everyone lived in his possession in and Abda the son of Shammua, the son of
their cities—Israel, the priests, the Levites, Galal, the son of Jeduthun. 18 All the Levites
the temple servants, and the children of in the holy city were two hundred eighty-
Solomon’s servants. 4 Some of the children four.
19 Moreover the gatekeepers, Akkub, Tal-
of Judah and of the children of Benjamin
lived in Jerusalem. Of the children of Ju- mon, and their brothers, who kept watch
dah: Athaiah the son of Uzziah, the son at the gates, were one hundred seventy-
of Zechariah, the son of Amariah, the son two. 20 The residue of Israel, of the priests,
of Shephatiah, the son of Mahalalel, of and the Levites were in all the cities of Ju-
the children of Perez; 5 and Maaseiah the dah, everyone in his inheritance. 21 But the
son of Baruch, the son of Colhozeh, the temple servants lived in Ophel; and Ziha
son of Hazaiah, the son of Adaiah, the son and Gishpa were over the temple servants.
of Joiarib, the son of Zechariah, the son 22 The overseer also of the Levites at
of the Shilonite. 6 All the sons of Perez Jerusalem was Uzzi the son of Bani, the
who lived in Jerusalem were four hundred son of Hashabiah, the son of Mattaniah,
sixty-eight valiant men. the son of Mica, of the sons of Asaph, the
7 These are the sons of Benjamin: Sallu
singers responsible for the service of God’s
the son of Meshullam, the son of Joed, the house. 23 For there was a commandment
son of Pedaiah, the son of Kolaiah, the son from the king concerning them, and a set-
of Maaseiah, the son of Ithiel, the son of tled provision for the singers, as every day
Jeshaiah. 8 After him Gabbai and Sallai, required. 24 Pethahiah the son of Meshez-
nine hundred twenty-eight. 9 Joel the son abel, of the children of Zerah the son of
of Zichri was their overseer; and Judah the Judah, was at the king’s hand in all matters
son of Hassenuah was second over the city. concerning the people.
10 Of the priests: Jedaiah the son of 25 As for the villages with their fields,
Joiarib, Jachin, 11 Seraiah the son of some of the children of Judah lived in
Hilkiah, the son of Meshullam, the son Kiriath Arba and its towns, in Dibon and
of Zadok, the son of Meraioth, the son of its towns, in Jekabzeel and its villages, 26 in
Ahitub, the ruler of God’s house, 12 and Jeshua, in Moladah, Beth Pelet, 27 in Hazar
their brothers who did the work of the Shual, in Beersheba and its towns, 28 in Zik-
house, eight hundred twenty-two; and lag, in Meconah and in its towns, 29 in En
Adaiah the son of Jeroham, the son of Rimmon, in Zorah, in Jarmuth, 30 Zanoah,
Pelaliah, the son of Amzi, the son of Adullam, and their villages, Lachish and
Zechariah, the son of Pashhur, the son of
Malchijah, 13 and his brothers, chiefs of its fields, and Azekah and its towns. So
they encamped from Beersheba to the val-
fathers’ households, two hundred forty-
ley of Hinnom. 31 The children of Benjamin
two; and Amashsai the son of Azarel, the
son of Ahzai, the son of Meshillemoth, the also lived from Geba onward, at Michmash
son of Immer, 14 and their brothers, mighty and Aija, and at Bethel and its towns, 32 at
men of valor, one hundred twenty-eight; Anathoth, Nob, Ananiah, 33 Hazor, Ramah,
and their overseer was Zabdiel, the son of Gittaim, 34 Hadid, Zeboim, Neballat, 35 Lod,
Haggedolim. and Ono, the valley of craftsmen. 36 Of the
15 Of the Levites: Shemaiah the son of Levites, certain divisions in Judah settled
Hasshub, the son of Azrikam, the son of in Benjamin’s territory.
Hashabiah, the son of Bunni; 16 and Shab-
bethai and Jozabad, of the chiefs of the 12
Levites, who had the oversight of the out- 1Now these are the priests and the
ward business of God’s house; 17 and Mat- Levites who went up with Zerubbabel
Nehemiah 12:2 470 Nehemiah 12:40

the son of Shealtiel, and Jeshua: Sera- Nehemiah the governor, and of Ezra the
iah, Jeremiah, Ezra, 2 Amariah, Malluch, priest and scribe.
Hattush, 3 Shecaniah, Rehum, Meremoth, 27 At the dedication of the wall of
4 Iddo, Ginnethoi, Abijah, 5 Mijamin, Maa- Jerusalem, they sought the Levites out of
diah, Bilgah, 6 Shemaiah, Joiarib, Jedaiah, all their places, to bring them to Jerusalem
7 Sallu, Amok, Hilkiah, and Jedaiah. These to keep the dedication with gladness,
were the chiefs of the priests and of their both with giving thanks and with singing,
brothers in the days of Jeshua. with cymbals, stringed instruments, and
8 Moreover the Levites were Jeshua, Bin- with harps. 28 The sons of the singers
nui, Kadmiel, Sherebiah, Judah, and Mat- gathered themselves together, both out of
taniah, who was over the thanksgiving the plain around Jerusalem and from the
songs, he and his brothers. 9 Also Bak- villages of the Netophathites; 29 also from
bukiah and Unno, their brothers, were Beth Gilgal and out of the fields of Geba
close to them according to their offices. and Azmaveth, for the singers had built
10 Jeshua became the father of Joiakim, and themselves villages around Jerusalem.
Joiakim became the father of Eliashib, and 30 The priests and the Levites purified
Eliashib became the father of Joiada, 11 and themselves; and they purified the people,
Joiada became the father of Jonathan, and the gates, and the wall.
Jonathan became the father of Jaddua. 31 Then I brought the princes of Judah
12 In the days of Joiakim were priests, up on the wall, and appointed two great
heads of fathers’ households: of Seraiah, companies who gave thanks and went in
Meraiah; of Jeremiah, Hananiah; 13 of procession. One went on the right hand
Ezra, Meshullam; of Amariah, Jehohanan; on the wall toward the dung gate; 32 and
14 of Malluchi, Jonathan; of Shebaniah, after them went Hoshaiah, with half of the
Joseph; 15 of Harim, Adna; of Meraioth, princes of Judah, 33 and Azariah, Ezra, and
Helkai; 16 of Iddo, Zechariah; of Ginnethon, Meshullam, 34 Judah, Benjamin, Shema-
Meshullam; 17 of Abijah, Zichri; of Mini- iah, Jeremiah, 35 and some of the priests’
amin, of Moadiah, Piltai; 18 of Bilgah, sons with trumpets: Zechariah the son of
Shammua; of Shemaiah, Jehonathan; 19 of Jonathan, the son of Shemaiah, the son
Joiarib, Mattenai; of Jedaiah, Uzzi; 20 of of Mattaniah, the son of Micaiah, the son
Sallai, Kallai; of Amok, Eber; 21 of Hilkiah, of Zaccur, the son of Asaph; 36 and his
Hashabiah; of Jedaiah, Nethanel. brothers, Shemaiah, Azarel, Milalai, Gi-
22 As for the Levites, in the days of lalai, Maai, Nethanel, Judah, and Hanani,
Eliashib, Joiada, Johanan, and Jaddua, with the musical instruments of David the
man of God; and Ezra the scribe was before
there were recorded the heads of fathers’ them. 37 By the spring gate, and straight
households; also the priests, in the reign
of Darius the Persian. 23 The sons of Levi, before them, they went up by the stairs
heads of fathers’ households, were written of David’s city, at the ascent of the wall,
in the book of the chronicles, even until the above David’s house, even to the water
days of Johanan the son of Eliashib. 24 The gate eastward.
38 The other company of those who gave
chiefs of the Levites: Hashabiah, Shere-
biah, and Jeshua the son of Kadmiel, with thanks went to meet them, and I after
their brothers close to them, to praise and them, with the half of the people on the
give thanks according to the command- wall above the tower of the furnaces, even
ment of David the man of God, section to the wide wall, 39 and above the gate of
next to section. 25 Mattaniah, Bakbukiah, Ephraim, and by the old gate, and by the
Obadiah, Meshullam, Talmon, and Akkub fish gate, the tower of Hananel, and the
were gatekeepers keeping the watch at the tower of Hammeah, even to the sheep gate;
storehouses of the gates. 26 These were and they stood still in the gate of the guard.
in the days of Joiakim the son of Jeshua, 40 So the two companies of those who gave
the son of Jozadak, and in the days of thanks in God’s house stood, and I and
Nehemiah 12:41 471 Nehemiah 13:17

the half of the rulers with me; 41 and the where before they laid the meal offer-
priests, Eliakim, Maaseiah, Miniamin, Mi- ings, the frankincense, the vessels, and the
caiah, Elioenai, Zechariah, and Hananiah, tithes of the grain, the new wine, and the
with trumpets; 42 and Maaseiah, Shema- oil, which were given by commandment to
iah, Eleazar, Uzzi, Jehohanan, Malchijah, the Levites, the singers, and the gatekeep-
Elam, and Ezer. The singers sang loud, ers; and the wave offerings for the priests.
with Jezrahiah their overseer. 43 They 6 But in all this, I was not at Jerusalem;
offered great sacrifices that day, and re- for in the thirty-second year of Artaxerxes
joiced, for God had made them rejoice with king of Babylon I went to the king; and
great joy; and the women and the children after some days I asked leave of the king,
also rejoiced, so that the joy of Jerusalem 7 and I came to Jerusalem, and understood
was heard even far away. the evil that Eliashib had done for Tobiah,
44 On that day, men were appointed over in preparing him a room in the courts
the rooms for the treasures, for the wave of God’s house. 8 It grieved me severely.
offerings, for the first fruits, and for the Therefore I threw all Tobiah’s household
tithes, to gather into them according to the stuff out of the room. 9 Then I commanded,
fields of the cities the portions appointed and they cleansed the rooms. I brought
by the law for the priests and Levites; for into them the vessels of God’s house, with
Judah rejoiced for the priests and for the the meal offerings and the frankincense
Levites who served. 45 They performed again.
10 I perceived that the portions of the
the duty of their God and the duty of the
purification, and so did the singers and the Levites had not been given them, so that
gatekeepers, according to the command- the Levites and the singers, who did the
ment of David and of Solomon his son. work, had each fled to his field. 11 Then
46 For in the days of David and Asaph of old I contended with the rulers, and said,
there was a chief of the singers, and songs “Why is God’s house forsaken?” I gath-
of praise and thanksgiving to God. 47 All ered them together, and set them in their
Israel in the days of Zerubbabel and in the place. 12 Then all Judah brought the tithe
days of Nehemiah gave the portions of the of the grain, the new wine, and the oil to
singers and the gatekeepers, as every day the treasuries. 13 I made treasurers over
the treasuries, Shelemiah the priest, and
required; and they set apart that which
Zadok the scribe, and of the Levites, Peda-
was for the Levites; and the Levites set iah: and next to them was Hanan the son of
apart that which was for the sons of Aaron. Zaccur, the son of Mattaniah; for they were
counted faithful, and their business was to
13 distribute to their brothers.
14 Remember me, my God, concerning
1 On that day they read in the book of
Moses in the hearing of the people; and it this, and don’t wipe out my good deeds that
was found written in it that an Ammonite I have done for the house of my God, and
and a Moabite should not enter into the for its observances.
15 In those days I saw some men tread-
assembly of God forever, 2 because they
didn’t meet the children of Israel with ing wine presses on the Sabbath in Ju-
bread and with water, but hired Balaam dah, bringing in sheaves, and loading
against them to curse them; however, our donkeys with wine, grapes, figs, and all
God turned the curse into a blessing. 3 It kinds of burdens which they brought into
came to pass, when they had heard the Jerusalem on the Sabbath day; and I tes-
law, that they separated all the mixed mul- tified against them in the day in which
titude from Israel. they sold food. 16 Some men of Tyre also
4 Now before this, Eliashib the priest, lived there, who brought in fish and all
who was appointed over the rooms of kinds of wares, and sold on the Sabbath
the house of our God, being allied to To- to the children of Judah, and in Jerusalem.
biah, 5 had prepared for him a great room, 17 Then I contended with the nobles of
Nehemiah 13:18 472 Nehemiah 13:31

Judah, and said to them, “What evil thing is because they have defiled the priesthood
this that you do, and profane the Sabbath and the covenant of the priesthood and of
day? 18 Didn’t your fathers do this, and the Levites.
30 Thus I cleansed them from all foreign-
didn’t our God bring all this evil on us and
on this city? Yet you bring more wrath on ers and appointed duties for the priests
Israel by profaning the Sabbath.” and for the Levites, everyone in his work;
19 It came to pass that when the gates of 31 and for the wood offering, at appointed

Jerusalem began to be dark before the Sab- times, and for the first fruits. Remember
bath, I commanded that the doors should me, my God, for good.
be shut, and commanded that they should
not be opened until after the Sabbath. I
set some of my servants over the gates,
so that no burden should be brought in
on the Sabbath day. 20 So the merchants
and sellers of all kinds of wares camped
outside of Jerusalem once or twice. 21 Then
I testified against them, and said to them,
“Why do you stay around the wall? If
you do so again, I will lay hands on you.”
From that time on, they didn’t come on
the Sabbath. 22 I commanded the Levites
that they should purify themselves, and
that they should come and keep the gates,
to sanctify the Sabbath day. Remember
me for this also, my God, and spare me
according to the greatness of your loving
23 In those days I also saw the Jews who
had married women of Ashdod, of Am-
mon, and of Moab; 24 and their children
spoke half in the speech of Ashdod, and
could not speak in the Jews’ language, but
according to the language of each people.
25 I contended with them, cursed them,
struck certain of them, plucked off their
hair, and made them swear by God, “You
shall not give your daughters to their sons,
nor take their daughters for your sons, or
for yourselves. 26 Didn’t Solomon king of
Israel sin by these things? Yet among many
nations there was no king like him, and he
was loved by his God, and God made him
king over all Israel. Nevertheless foreign
women caused even him to sin. 27 Shall we
then listen to you to do all this great evil,
to trespass against our God in marrying
foreign women?”
28 One of the sons of Joiada, the son of
Eliashib the high priest, was son-in-law to
Sanballat the Horonite; therefore I chased
him from me. 29 Remember them, my God,
Tobit 1:1 473 Tobit 2:1

carried away captive to Nineveh, all my

kindred and my relatives ate of the bread
Tobit of the Gentiles; 11 but I kept myself from
Tobit is recognized as Deuterocanon- eating, 12 because I remembered God with
ical Scripture by the Roman Catholic, all my soul. 13 So the Most High gave me
Greek Orthodox, and Russian Orthodox grace and favor‡ in the sight of Enemessar,
Churches. and I was his purchasing agent. 14 And
1 The I went into Media, and left ten talents of
book of the words of Tobit, the son silver in trust with Gabael, the brother of
of Tobiel, the son of Ananiel, the son of Gabrias, at Rages of Media.
Aduel, the son of Gabael, of the seed of 15 And when Enemessar was dead, Sen-
Asiel, of the tribe of Naphtali; 2 who in the
days of Enemessar† king of the Assyrians nacherib his son reigned in his place. In his
was carried away captive out of Thisbe, time, the highways were troubled,§ and I
which is on the right hand of Kedesh Naph- could no longer go into Media. 16 In the
tali in Galilee above Asher. days of Enemessar, I did many alms deeds
3 I, Tobit walked in the ways of truth to my kindred: I gave my bread to the
and righteousness all the days of my life, hungry, 17 and my garments to the naked.
and I did many alms deeds to my kin- If I saw any of my race dead, and thrown
dred and my nation, who went with me out on† the wall of Ninevah, I buried him.
18 If Sennacherib the king killed any, when
into the land of the Assyrians, to Nineveh.
4 When I was in my own country, in the he came fleeing from Judea, I buried them
land of Israel, while I was yet young, all privately; for in his wrath he killed many;
the tribe of Naphtali my father fell away and the bodies were sought for by the king,
from the house of Jerusalem, which was and were not found. 19 But one of the
chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, that Ninevites went and showed to the king
all the tribes should sacrifice there, and concerning me, how I buried them, and
the temple of the habitation of the Most hid myself; and when I knew that I was
High was hallowed and built therein for sought for to be put to death, I withdrew
all ages. 5 All the tribes which fell away myself for fear. 20 And all my goods were
together sacrificed to the heifer Baal, and forcibly taken away, and there was noth-
so did the house of Naphtali my father. ing left to me, save my wife Anna and my
6 I alone went often to Jerusalem at the son Tobias. 21 No more than fifty five days
feasts, as it has been ordained to all Israel passed before two of his sons killed him,
by an everlasting decree, having the first and they fled into the mountains of Ararat.
fruits and the tenths of my increase, and And Sarchedonus‡ his son reigned in his
that which was first shorn; and I gave place; and he appointed Achiacharus my
them at the altar to the priests the sons of brother Anael’s son over all the accounts
Aaron. 7 I gave a tenth part of all my in- of his kingdom, and over all his affairs.
22 Achiacharus requested me, and I came
crease to the sons of Levi, who ministered
at Jerusalem. A second tenth part I sold to Nineveh. Now Achiacharus was cup-
away, and went, and spent it each year at bearer, keeper of the signet, steward, and
Jerusalem. 8 A third tenth I gave to them overseer of the accounts. Sarchedonus
to whom it was appropriate, as Deborah appointed him next to himself, but he was
my father’s mother had commanded me, my brother’s son.
because I was left an orphan by my father.
9 When I became a man, I took as wife Anna 2
of the seed of our own family. With her, I 1 Now when I had come home again, and
became the father of Tobias. 10 When I was my wife Anna was restored to me, and my
† 1:2 That is, Shalmaneser. Compare 2 Kings 17:3, 23. ‡ 1:13 Gr. beauty. § 1:15 Gr. his highways were
troubled. † 1:17 Some ancient authorities read behind. ‡ 1:21 That is, Esar-haddon, and so in verse 22.
Tobit 2:2 474 Tobit 3:10

son Tobias, in the feast of Pentecost, which But she answered and said to me,
is the holy feast of the seven weeks, there “Where are your alms and your righteous
was a good dinner prepared for me, and deeds? Behold, you and all your works are
I sat down to eat. 2 I saw abundance of known.‡”
meat, and I said to my son, “Go and bring
whatever poor man you find of our kin- 3
dred, who is mindful of the Lord. Behold, I 1 I was grieved and wept, and prayed in
wait for you.” sorrow, saying,
3 Then he came, and said, “Father, one 2 “O Lord, you are righteous, and all your
of our race is strangled, and has been cast works and all your ways are mercy and
out in the marketplace.” 4 Before I had truth, and you judge true and righteous
tasted anything, I sprang up, and took him judgment forever. 3 Remember me, and
up into a chamber until the sun had set. look at me. Don’t take vengeance on me for
5 Then I returned, washed myself, ate my
my sins and my ignorances, and the sins of
bread in heaviness, 6 and remembered the my fathers who sinned before you. 4 For
prophecy of Amos, as he said, they disobeyed your commandments. You
*“Your feasts will be turned into mourn- gave us as plunder, for captivity, for death,
ing, and for a proverb of reproach to all the
and all your mirth into lamentation. nations among whom we are dispersed.
5 Now your judgments are many and true,
7 So I wept: and when the sun had set,
I went and dug a grave, and buried him. that you should deal with me according to
8 My neighbors mocked me, and said, “He my sins and the sins of my fathers, because
is no longer afraid to be put to death for we didn’t keep your commandments, for
this matter; and yet he fled away. Behold, we didn’t walk in truth before you. Now
deal with me according to that which is
he buries the dead again.” 9 The same
pleasing in your sight. Command my spirit
night I returned from burying him, and
to be taken from me, that I may be re-
slept by the wall of my courtyard, being
leased, and become earth. For it is more
polluted; and my face was uncovered. 10 I profitable for me to die rather than to live,
didn’t know that there were sparrows in because I have heard false reproaches, and
the wall. My eyes were open and the spar- there is much sorrow in me. Command
rows dropped warm dung into my eyes, that I be released from my distress, now,
and white films came over my eyes. I and go to the everlasting place. Don’t turn
went to the physicians, and they didn’t your face away from me.”
help me; but Achiacharus nourished me, 7 The same day it happened to Sarah
until I went† into Elymais. the daughter of Raguel in Ecbatana of Me-
11 My wife Anna wove cloth in the dia, that she also was reproached by her
women’s chambers, 12 and sent the work father’s maidservants; 8 because that she
back to the owners. They on their part had been given to seven husbands, and
paid her wages, and also gave her a kid. Asmodaeus the evil spirit† killed them, be-
13 But when it came to my house, it began fore they had lain with her. And they said
to cry, and I said to her, “Where did this kid to her, “Do you not know that you strangle
come from? Is it stolen? Give it back to the your husbands? You have had already
owners; for it is not lawful to eat anything seven husbands, and you haven’t borne
that is stolen.” 14 But she said, “It has been the name of any one of them. 9 Why do you
given to me for a gift more than the wages.” scourge us? If they are dead, go your ways
I didn’t believe her, and I asked her to with them. Let us never see either son or
return it to the owners; and I was ashamed daughter from you.” 10 When she heard
of her. these things, she was grieved exceedingly,
* 2:6 Amos 8:10 † 2:10 Some authorities read until he went. ‡ 2:14 Gr. all things are known with you. † 3:8
Gr. demon.
Tobit 3:11 475 Tobit 4:15

so that she thought about hanging herself. my child, that she has seen many dangers
Then she said, “I am the only daughter of for you, when you were in her womb.
my father. If I do this, it will be a reproach When she is dead, bury her by me in
to him, and I will bring down his old age one grave. 5 My child, be mindful of the
with sorrow to the grave.‡” 11 Then she Lord our God all your days, and don’t let
prayed by the window, and said, “Blessed your will be set to sin and to transgress
are you, O Lord my God, and blessed is his commandments: do righteousness all
your holy and honorable name forever! the days of your life, and don’t follow the
Let all your works praise you forever! ways of unrighteousness. 6 For if you do
12 And now, Lord, I have set my eyes and what is true, your deeds will prosperously
my face toward you. 13 Command that I succeed for you, and for all those who
be released from the earth, and that I no do righteousness. 7 Give alms from your
longer hear reproach. 14 You know, Lord, possessions. When you give alms, don’t
that I am pure from all sin with man, 15 and let your eye be envious. Don’t turn away
that I never polluted my name or the name your face from any poor man, and the
of my father in the land of my captivity. face of God won’t be turned away from
I am the only daughter of my father, and you. 8 As your possessions are, give alms
he has no child that will be his heir, nor of it according to your abundance. If you
brother near him, nor son belonging to have little, don’t be afraid to give alms
him, that I should keep myself for a wife according to that little; 9 for you lay up
to him. Seven husbands of mine are dead a good treasure for yourself against the
already. Why should I live? If it doesn’t day of necessity; 10 because alms-giving
please you to kill me, command some re- delivers from death, and doesn’t allow you
gard to be had of me, and pity taken of me, to come into darkness. 11 Alms is a good
and that I hear no more reproach.” gift in the sight of the Most High for all
16 The prayer of both was heard before
that give it. 12 Beware, my child, of all
the glory of the great God. 17 Raphael fornication, and take first a wife of the
also was sent to heal them both, to scale seed of your fathers. Don’t take a strange
away the white films from Tobit’s eyes, and wife, who is not of your father’s tribe; for
to give Sarah the daughter of Raguel for we are the descendants of the prophets.
a wife to Tobias the son of Tobit; and to Remember, my child, that Noah, Abraham,
bind Asmodaeus the evil spirit§; because it Isaac, and Jacob, our fathers of old time,
belonged to Tobias that he should inherit all took wives of their kindred, and were
her. At that very time, Tobit returned blessed in their children, and their seed
and entered into his house, and Sarah the will inherit the land. 13 And now, my child,
daughter of Raguel came down from her love your kindred, and don’t scorn your
upper chamber. kindred and the sons and the daughters of
your people in your heart, to take a wife
4 of them; for in scornfulness is destruction
1 In that day Tobit remembered the and much trouble, and in idleness is decay
money which he had left in trust with and great lack; for idleness is the mother of
Gabael in Rages of Media, 2 and he said to famine. 14 Don’t let the wages of any man
himself, I have asked for death; why do I who works for you wait with you, but give
not call my son Tobias, that I may explain it to him out of hand. If you serve God, you
to him about the money before I die? 3 And will be rewarded. Take heed to yourself,
he called him, and said, my child, in all your works, and be discreet
“My child, if I die, bury me. Don’t despise in all your behavior. 15 And what you your-
your mother. Honor her all the days of self hate, do to no man. Don’t drink wine
your life, and do that which is pleasing to to drunkenness, and don’t let drunkenness
her, and don’t grieve her. 4 Remember,
‡ 3:10 Gr. Hades. § 3:17 Gr. demon.
Tobit 4:16 476 Tobit 5:21

go with you on your way. 16 Give of your But he said, “Call him to me, that I may
bread to the hungry, and of your garments know of what tribe he is, and whether he
to those who are naked. Give alms from be a trustworthy man to go with you.”
all your abundance. Don’t let your eye be 9 So he called him, and he came in, and
envious when you give alms. 17 Pour out they saluted one another. 10 And Tobit said
your bread on the burial† of the just, and to him, “Brother, of what tribe and of what
give nothing to sinners. 18 Ask counsel of family are you? Tell me.”
every man who is wise, and don’t despise 11 He said to him, “Do you seek a tribe
any counsel that is profitable. 19 Bless the and a family, or a hired man which will go
Lord your God at all times, and ask of with your son?”
him that your ways may be made straight, And Tobit said to him, “I want to know,
and that all your paths and counsels may brother, your kindred and your name.”
prosper; for every nation has no counsel; 12 And he said, “I am Azarias, the son of
but the Lord himself gives all good things, Ananias the great, of your kindred.”
and he humbles whom he will, as he will. 13 And he said to him, “Welcome,
And now, my child, remember my com- brother. Don’t be angry with me, because
mandments, and let them not be blotted I sought to know your tribe and family.
out of your mind. 20 And now I explain to You are my brother, of an honest and good
you about the ten talents of silver, which I lineage; for I knew Ananias and Jathan,
left in trust with Gabael the son of Gabrias the sons of Shemaiah the great, when we
at Rages of Media. 21 And fear not, my went together to Jerusalem to worship,
child, because we are made poor. You have and offered the firstborn, and the tenths
much wealth, if you fear God, and depart of our increase; and they didn’t go astray
from all sin, and do that which is pleasing in the error of our kindred. My brother,
in his sight.” you are of a great stock. 14 But tell me,
what wages shall I give you? A drachma
5 a day, and those things that be necessary
for you, as to my son? 15 And moreover, if
1 Then Tobias answered and said to him,
“Father, I will do all things, whatever you you both return safe and sound, I will add
have commanded me. 2 But how could something to your wages.”
16 And so they agreed. And he said to
I receive the money, since I don’t know
him?” Tobias, “Prepare yourself for the journey.
3 He gave him the handwriting, and said May God prosper you.” So his son pre-
to him, “Seek a man who will go with you, pared what was needful for the journey,
and I will give him wages, while I still live; and his father said to him, “Go with this
and go and receive the money.” man; but God, who dwells in heaven, will
prosper your journey. May his angel go
4 He went to seek a man, and found
with you.”
Raphael who was an angel; 5 and he didn’t Then they both departed, and the young
know it. He said to him, “Can I go with man’s dog went with them. 17 But Anna
you to Rages of Media? Do you know those his mother wept, and said to Tobit, “Why
places well?” have you sent away our child? Isn’t he the
6 The angel said to him, “I will go with staff of our hand, in going in and out before
you. I know the way well. I have lodged us? 18 Don’t be greedy to add money to
with our brother Gabael.” money; but let it be as refuse compared to
7 Tobias said to him, “Wait for me, and I our child. 19 For what the Lord has given us
will tell my father.” to live is enough for us.”
8 He said to him, “Go, and don’t wait. And 20 Tobit said to her, “Don’t worry, my
he went in and said to his father, “Behold, I sister. He will return safe and sound, and
have found someone who will go with me.” your eyes will see him. 21 For a good angel
† 4:17 Or, tomb
Tobit 5:22 477 Tobit 7:4

will go with him. His journey will be pros- this maid has been given to seven men,
pered, and he will return safe and sound.” and that they all perished in the bride-
22 So she stopped weeping. chamber. 14 Now I am the only son of my
father, and I am afraid, lest I go in and
6 die, even as those before me. For a demon
1 Now as they went on their journey, loves her, which harms no man, but those
they came at evening to the river Tigris, which come to her. Now I fear lest I die,
and they lodged there. 2 But the young and bring my father’s and my mother’s life
man went down to wash himself, and a fish to the grave with sorrow because of me.
leaped out of the river, and would have They have no other son to bury them.”
15 But the angel said to him, “Don’t you
swallowed up the young man. 3 But the
angel said to him, “Grab the fish!” remember the words which your father
So the young man grabbed the fish, and commanded you, that you should take a
hauled it up onto the land. wife of your own kindred? Now hear me,
4 And the angel said to him, “Cut the fish brother; for she will be your wife. Don’t
open, and take the heart, the liver, and the worry about the demon; 16 for this night she
bile, and keep them with you.” 5 And the will be given you as wife. And when you

young man did as the angel commanded come into the bride-chamber, you shall
him; but they roasted the fish, and ate it. take the ashes of incense, and shall lay
And they both went on their way, till they upon them some of the heart and liver of
drew near to Ecbatana. the fish, and shall make smoke with them.
17 The demon will smell it, and flee away,
6 The young man said to the angel,
“Brother Azarias, of what use is the heart, and never come again any more. But when
the liver, and the bile of the fish?” you go near to her, both of you rise up,
7 He said to him, “About the heart and and cry to God who is merciful. He will
the liver: If a demon or an evil spirit save you, and have mercy on you. Don’t be
troubles anyone, we must burn those and afraid, for she was prepared for you from
make smoke of them before the man or the the beginning; and you will save her, and
woman, and the affliction will flee. 8 But as she will go with you. And I suppose that
for the bile, it is good to anoint a man that you will have children with her.”
has white films in his eyes, and he will be When Tobias heard these things, he
healed.” loved her, and his soul was strongly joined
9 But when they drew near to Rages, to her.
10 the angel said to the young man,
“Brother, today we will lodge with Raguel. 7
1 They came to Ecbatana, and arrived at
He is your kinsman. He has an only
daughter named Sarah. I will speak about the house of Raguel. But Sarah met them;
her, that she should be given to you for a and she greeted them, and they her. Then
wife. 11 For her inheritance belongs to you, she brought them into the house. 2 Raguel
and you only are of her kindred. 12 The said to Edna his wife, “This young man
maid is fair and wise. And now hear me, really resembles Tobit my cousin!” 3 And
and I will speak to her father. When we Raguel asked them, “Where are you two
return from Rages we will celebrate the from, kindred?”
marriage; for I know that Raguel may in They said to him, “We are of the sons of
no way marry her to another according to Naphtali, who are captives in Nineveh.”
the law of Moses, or else he would be liable 4 He said to them, “Do you know Tobit
to death, because it belongs to you to take our brother?”
the inheritance, rather than any other.” They said, “We know him.”
13 Then the young man said to the an- Then he said to them, “Is he in good
gel, “Brother Azarias, I have heard that health?”
† 6:16 Gr. if.
Tobit 7:5 478 Tobit 8:17

5 They said, “He is both alive, and in good

he went, he remembered the words of
health.” Tobias said, “He is my father.” Raphael, and took the ashes of the incense,
and put the heart and the liver of the
6 And Raguel sprang up, and kissed him,
fish on them, and made smoke with them.
wept, 7 blessed him, and said to him, “You
3 When the demon smelled that smell, it
are the son of an honest and good man.”
When he had heard that Tobit had lost hisfled into the uppermost parts of Egypt, and
the angel bound him. 4 But after they were
sight, he was grieved, and wept; 8 and Edna
his wife and Sarah his daughter wept. both shut in together, Tobias rose up from
the bed, and said, “Sister, arise, and let’s
They received them gladly; and they killed
a ram of the flock, and served them meat.pray that the Lord may have mercy on us.”
5 And Tobias began to say, “Blessed are you,
But Tobias said to Raphael, “Brother
O God of our fathers, and blessed is your
Azarias, speak of those things of which you
holy and glorious name forever. Let the
talked about in the way, and let the matter
be finished.” heavens bless you, and all your creatures.
9 So he communicated the thing to 6 You made Adam, and gave him Eve his
Raguel. Raguel said to Tobias, “Eat, drink,
wife for a helper and support. From them
and make merry: 10 for it belongs to you came the seed of men. You said, it is not
to take my child. However I will tell yougood that the man should be alone. Let’s
make him a helper like him. 7 And now, O
the truth. 11 I have given my child to seven
men of our relatives, and whenever they Lord, I take not this my sister for lust, but
in truth. Command that I may find mercy
came in to her, they died in the night. But
for the present be merry.” and grow old with her.”
And Tobias said, “I will taste nothing 8 She said with him, “Amen.” And they
here, until you all make a covenant and both slept that night.
enter into that covenant with me.” 9 Raguel arose, and went and dug a
12 Raguel said, “Take her to yourself from
now on according to custom. You are her grave, 10 saying, “Lest he also should die.”
11 And Raguel came into his house, 12 and
relative, and she is yours. The merciful
God will give all good success to you.” said to Edna his wife, “Send one of the
13 And he called his daughter Sarah, and maidservants, and let them see if he is
took her by the hand, and gave her to be alive. If not, we will bury him, and no man
will know it.”
wife of Tobias, and said, “Behold, take her
13 So the maidservant opened the door,
to yourself after the law of Moses, and lead
her away to your father.” And he blessed and went in, and found them both sleep-
them. 14 He called Edna his wife, then ing, 14 and came out, and told them that he
took a book, wrote a contract, and sealedwas alive.
it. 15 Then they began to eat. 15 Then Raguel blessed God, saying,
16 And Raguel called his wife Edna, and
“Blessed are you, O God, with all pure
said to her, “Sister, prepare the other and holy blessing! Let your saints bless
chamber, and bring her in there.” 17 She you, and all your creatures! Let all your
did as he asked her, and brought her in angels and your elect bless you forever!
there. She wept, and she received the tears
16 Blessed are you, because you have made
of her daughter, and said to her, 18 “Be me glad; and it has not happened to me
comforted, my child. May the Lord of as I suspected; but you have dealt with us
heaven and earth give you favor† for thisaccording to your great mercy. 17 Blessed
your sorrow. Be comforted, my daughter.” are you, because you have had mercy on
two that were the only begotten children of
1 When they had finished their supper,
their parents. Show them mercy, O Lord.
Fulfill their life in health with gladness and
they brought Tobias in to her. 2 But as mercy.
† 7:18 Many ancient authorities read joy.
Tobit 8:18 479 Tobit 11:8

18 He commanded his servants to fill the expired, which Raguel had sworn that he
grave. 19 He kept the wedding feast for should spend there.
them fourteen days. 20 Before the days of Then Tobias said to Raguel, “Send me
the wedding feast were finished, Raguel away, for my father and my mother look
sware to him, that he should not depart no more to see me.” 8 But his father-in-law
till the fourteen days of the wedding feast said to him, “Stay with me, and I will send
were fulfilled; 21 and that then he should to your father, and they will declare to him
take half of his goods, and go in safety to how things go with you.” 9 Tobias said, “No.
his father; and the rest, said he, when my Send me away to my father.”
wife and I die. 10 Raguel arose, and gave him Sarah his
wife, and half his goods, servants and cat-
9 tle and money; 11 and he blessed them,
1 And Tobias called Raphael, and said to and sent them away, saying, “The God of
him, 2 “Brother Azarias, take with you a heaven will prosper you, my children, be-
servant and two camels, and go to Rages fore I die.” 12 And he said to his daugh-
of Media to Gabael, and receive the money ter, “Honor your father-in-law and your
for me, and bring him to the wedding feast, mother-in-law. They are now your par-
3 because Raguel has sworn that I must not ents. Let me hear a good report of you.”
depart. 4 My father counts the days; and Then he kissed her.
if I wait long, he will be very grieved. 5 So Edna said to Tobias, “May the Lord of
Raphael went on his way, and lodged with heaven restore you, dear brother, and
Gabael, and gave him the handwriting; so grant to me that I may see your children
he brought forth the bags with their seals, of my daughter Sarah, that I may rejoice
and gave them to him. 6 Then they rose up before the Lord. Behold, I commit my
early in the morning together, and came to daughter to you in special trust. Don’t
the wedding feast. Tobias blessed his wife. cause her grief.

10 1 After
these things Tobias also went his
1Tobit his father counted every day. way, blessing God because he had pros-
When the days of the journey were ex- pered his journey; and he blessed Raguel
pired, and they didn’t come, 2 he said, “Is and Edna his wife. Then he went on
he perchance detained?† Or is Gabael per- his way until they drew near to Nineveh.
chance dead, and there is no one to give 2 Raphael said to Tobias, “Don’t you know,
him the money?” 3 He was very grieved. brother, how you left your father? 3 Let’s
4 But his wife said to him, “The child has run forward before your wife, and pre-
perished, seeing he waits long.” She began pare the house. 4 But take in your hand the
to bewail him, and said, 5 “I care about bile of the fish.” So they went their way,
nothing,‡ my child, since I have let you go, and the dog went after them.
the light of my eyes.” 6 Tobit said to her, 5 Anna sat looking around toward the
“Hold your peace. Don’t worry. He is in path for her son. 6 She saw him coming,
good health.” and said to his father, “Behold, your son is
7 And she said to him, “Hold your peace. coming with the man that went with him!”
Don’t deceive me. My child has perished.” 7 Raphael said, “I know, Tobias, that your
And she went out every day into the way father will open his eyes. 8 Therefore
by which they went, and ate no bread in anoint his eyes with the bile, and being
the day-time, and didn’t stop bewailing pricked with it, he will rub, and will make
her son Tobias for whole nights, until the the white films fall away. Then he will see
fourteen days of the wedding feast were you.”
† 10:2 Many ancient authorities read “Are they perchance put to shame?” ‡ 10:5 Some authorities read “Woe is
Tobit 11:9 480 Tobit 12:22

9 Anna ran to him, and fell upon the neck 6 Then he called them both privately,
of her son, and said to him, “I have seen and said to them, “Bless God, and give him
you, my child! I am ready to die.” They thanks, and magnify him, and give him
both wept. thanks in the sight of all that live, for the
10 Tobit went toward the door and stum- things which he has done with you. It
bled; but his son ran to him, 11 and took is good to bless God and exalt his name,
hold of his father. He rubbed the bile on showing forth with honor the works of
his father’s eyes, saying, “Cheer up, my God. Don’t be slack to give him thanks. 7 It
father.” 12 When his eyes began to hurt, is good to conceal the secret of a king, but
he rubbed them. 13 Then the white films to reveal gloriously the works of God. Do
peeled away from the corners of his eyes;
good, and evil won’t find you. 8 Good is
and he saw his son, and fell upon his neck.
14 He wept, and said, “Blessed are you,
prayer with fasting, alms, and righteous-
ness. A little with righteousness is better
O God, and blessed is your name forever! than much with unrighteousness. It is
Blessed are all your holy angels! 15 For you better to give alms than to lay up gold.
scourged, and had mercy on me. Behold, 9 Alms delivers from death, and it purges
I see my son Tobias.” And his son went away all sin. Those who give alms and do
in rejoicing, and told his father the great righteousness will be filled with life; 10 but
things that had happened to him in Media. those who sin are enemies to their own life.
16 Tobit went out to meet his daughter- 11 Surely I will conceal nothing from you. I
in-law at the gate of Nineveh, rejoicing have said, ‘It is good to conceal the secret
and blessing God. Those who saw him of a king, but to reveal gloriously the works
go marveled, because he had received of God.’ 12 And now, when you prayed, and
his sight. 17 Tobit gave thanks before Sarah your daughter-in-law, I brought the
them, because God had shown mercy on memorial of your prayer before the Holy
him. When Tobit came near to Sarah his One. When you buried the dead, I was
daughter-in-law, he blessed her, saying, with you likewise. 13 And when you didn’t
“Welcome, daughter! Blessed is God who delay to rise up, and leave your dinner,
has brought you to us, and blessed are that you might go and cover the dead, your
your father and your mother.” And there good deed was not hidden from me. I was
was joy among all his kindred who were with you. 14 And now God sent me to heal
at Nineveh. 18 Achiacharus and Nasbas you and Sarah your daughter-in-law. 15 I
his brother’s son came. 19 Tobias’ wedding am Raphael, one of the seven holy angels
feast was kept seven days with great glad- which present the prayers of the saints and
go in before the glory of the Holy One.”
12 16 And they were both troubled, and fell
1And Tobit called his son Tobias, and upon their faces; for they were afraid.
said to him, “See, my child, that the man 17 And he said to them, “Don’t be afraid.
which went with you have his wages, and You will all have peace; but bless God for-
you must give him more.” ever. 18 For I came not of any favor of my
2 And he said to him, “Father, it is no
own, but by the will of your God. There-
harm to me to give him the half of those fore bless him forever. 19 All these days
things which I have brought; 3 for he has I appeared to you. I didn’t eat or drink,
led me for you in safety, and he cured my but you all saw a vision. 20 Now give God
wife, and brought my money, and likewise thanks, because I ascend to him who sent
cured you.” me. Write in a book all the things which
4 The old man said, “It is due to him.” have been done.” 21 Then they rose up,
5 And he called the angel, and said and saw him no more. 22 They confessed
to him, “Take half of all that you have the great and wonderful works of God, and
brought.” how the angel of the Lord had appeared to
Tobit 13:1 481 Tobit 14:2

them. and will again have mercy on the sons

of the righteous.
1 And
13 10 Give thanks to the Lord with goodness,
Tobit wrote a prayer for rejoicing, and bless the everlasting King,
and said, that his tabernacle may be built in you
“Blessed is God who lives forever! again with joy,
Blessed is his kingdom! and that he may make glad in you
2 For he scourges, and shows mercy.
those who are captives,
He leads down to the grave,† and and love in you forever those who are
brings up again. miserable.
There is no one who will escape his 11 Many nations will come from afar to the
hand. name of the Lord God
3 Give thanks to him before the Gentiles, all
with gifts in their hands, even gifts to
you children of Israel! the King of heaven.
For he has scattered us among them. Generations of generations will praise you,
4 Declare his greatness, there.
and sing songs of rejoicing.
Extol him before all the living, 12 All those who hate you are cursed.
because he is our Lord, All those who love you forever will be
and God is our Father forever. blessed.
5 He will scourge us for our iniquities, and 13 Rejoice and be exceedingly glad for the
will again show mercy, sons of the righteous;
and will gather us out of all the nations for they will be gathered together and
among whom you are all scattered. will bless the Lord of the righteous.
6 If you turn to him with your whole heart 14 Oh blessed are those who love you.
and with your whole soul, They will rejoice for your peace.
to do truth before him, Blessed are all those who mourned for all
then he will turn to you, your scourges;
and won’t hide his face from you. because they will rejoice for you when
See what he will do with you. they have seen all your glory.
Give him thanks with your whole They will be made glad forever.
mouth. 15 Let my soul bless God the great King.
Bless the Lord of righteousness. 16 For Jerusalem will be built with sap-
Exalt the everlasting King. phires, emeralds, and precious
I give him thanks in the land of my captiv- stones;
ity, your walls and towers and battle-
and show his strength and majesty to ments with pure gold.
a nation of sinners. 17 The streets of Jerusalem will be paved
Turn, you sinners, and do righteousness with beryl, carbuncle, and stones of
before him. Ophir.
Who can tell if he will accept you and 18 All her streets will say, “Hallelujah!”
have mercy on you? and give praise, saying, “Blessed be
7 I exalt my God.
God, who has exalted you forever!”
My soul exalts the King of heaven,
and rejoices in his greatness.
1 Then
8 Let all men speak, Tobit finished giving thanks. 2 He
and let them give him thanks in was fifty-eight years old when he lost his
Jerusalem. sight. After eight years, he received it
9 O Jerusalem, the holy city, again. He gave alms and he feared the
he will scourge you for the works of Lord God more and more, and gave thanks
your sons, to him.
† 13:2 Gr. Hades.
Tobit 14:3 482 Tobit 14:15

3 Now he grew very old; and he called his bias buried him magnificently. 12 When
son with the six sons of his son, and said Anna died, he buried her with his father.
to him, “My child, take your sons. Behold, But Tobias departed with his wife and his
I have grown old, and am ready to depart sons to Ecbatana to Raguel his father-in-
out of this life. 4 Go into Media, my child, law, 13 and he grew old in honor, and he
for I surely believe all the things which buried his father-in-law and mother-in-
Jonah the prophet spoke of Nineveh, that it law magnificently, and he inherited their
will be overthrown, but in Media there will possessions, and his father Tobit’s. 14 He
rather be peace for a season. Our kindred died at Ecbatana of Media, being one hun-
will be scattered in the earth from the good dred twenty seven years old. 15 Before he
land. Jerusalem will be desolate, and the died, he heard of the destruction of Nin-
house of God in it will be burned up, and eveh, which Nebuchadnezzar and Aha-
will be desolate for a time. 5 God will suerus took captive. Before his death, he
again have mercy on them, and bring them rejoiced over Nineveh.
back into the land, and they will build the
house, but not like to the former house,
until the times of that age are fulfilled.
Afterward they will return from the places
of their captivity, and build up Jerusalem
with honor. The house of God will be built
in it forever with a glorious building, even
as the prophets spoke concerning it. 6 And
all the nations will turn to fear the Lord
God truly, and will bury their idols. 7 All
the nations will bless the Lord, and his peo-
ple will give thanks to God, and the Lord
will exalt his people; and all those who love
the Lord God in truth and righteousness
will rejoice, showing mercy to our kindred.
8 And now, my child, depart from Nineveh,
because those things which the prophet
Jonah spoke will surely come to pass. 9 But
you must keep the law and the ordinances,
and show yourself merciful and righteous,
that it may be well with you. 10 Bury
me decently, and your mother with me.
Don’t stay at Nineveh. See, my child, what
Aman did to Achiacharus who nourished
him, how out of light he brought him into
darkness, and all the recompense that he
made him. Achiacharus was saved, but
the other had his recompense, and he went
down into darkness. Manasses gave alms,
and escaped the snare of death which he
set for him; but Aman fell into the snare,
and perished. 11 And now, my children,
consider what alms does, and how righ-
teousness delivers.”
While he was saying these things, he
gave up the ghost in the bed; but he was
one hundred fifty eight years old. To-
Judith 1:1 483 Judith 2:5

one man. They turned away his messen-

gers from their presence without effect,
Judith and with disgrace.
Judith is recognized as Deuterocanon- 12 And Nebuchadnezzar was exceed-
ical Scripture by the Roman Catholic, ingly angry with all this land, and he swore
Greek Orthodox, and Russian Orthodox by his throne and kingdom that he would
Churches. surely be avenged upon all the coasts of
1 In
Cilicia, Damascus, and Syria, that he would
the twelfth year of the reign of Neb- kill with his sword all the inhabitants of
uchadnezzar, who reigned over the Assyr- the land of Moab, the children of Ammon,
ians in Nineveh, the great city, in the days all Judea, and all who were in Egypt, until
of Arphaxad, who reigned over the Medes you come to the borders of the two seas.
in Ecbatana, 2 and built around Ecbatana 13 And he set the battle in array with his
walls of hewn stones three cubits broad army against King Arphaxad in the seven-
and six cubits long, and made the height teenth year; and he prevailed in his bat-
of the wall seventy cubits, and its breadth tle, and turned to flight all the army of
fifty cubits, 3 and set its towers at its gates Arphaxad, with all his horses and all his
one hundred cubits high, and its breadth chariots. 14 He took possession of his cities.
in the foundation was sixty cubits, 4 and He came to Ecbatana and took the towers,
made its gates, even gates that were raised plundered its streets, and turned its beauty
to the height of seventy cubits, and their into shame. 15 He took Arphaxad in the
breadth forty cubits, for his mighty army mountains of Ragau, struck him through
to go out of, and the setting in array of his with his darts, and utterly destroyed him
footmen— 5 in those days King Nebuchad- to this day. 16 He returned with them to
nezzar made war with King Arphaxad in Nineveh, he and all his company of sundry
the great plain. This plain is on the borders nations—an exceedingly great multitude
of Ragau. 6 There came to meet him all of men of war. There he took his ease
that lived in the hill country, and all that and banqueted, he and his army, for one
lived by Euphrates, Tigris, and Hydaspes, hundred twenty days.
and in the plain of Arioch the king of the
Elymaeans. Many nations of the sons of
Chelod assembled themselves to the battle.
7 And Nebuchadnezzar king of the Assyr-
1 In the eighteenth year, the twenty-
ians sent to all who lived in Persia, and to second day of the first month, there was
all who lived westward, to those who lived talk in the house of Nebuchadnezzar king
in Cilicia, Damascus, Libanus, Antilibanus, of the Assyrians that he should be avenged
and to all who lived along the sea coast, on all the land, even as he spoke. 2 He
8 and to those among the nations that were called together all his servants and all
of Carmel and Gilead, and to the higher his great men, and communicated with
Galilee and the great plain of Esdraelon, them his secret counsel, and with his own
9 and to all who were in Samaria and its mouth, recounted the wickedness of all the
cities, and beyond Jordan to Jerusalem, land. 3 They decreed to destroy all flesh
Betane, Chellus, Kadesh, the river of Egypt, which didn’t follow the word of his mouth.
4 It came to pass, when he had ended his
Tahpanhes, Rameses, and all the land of
Goshen, 10 until you come above Tanis and counsel, Nebuchadnezzar king of the As-
Memphis, and to all that lived in Egypt, syrians called Holofernes the chief captain
until you come to the borders of Ethiopia. of his army, who was second to himself,
11 All those who lived in all the land made and said to him, 5 “The great king, the
light of the commandment of Nebuchad- lord of all the earth, says: ‘Behold, you
nezzar king of the Assyrians, and didn’t shall go out from my presence, and take
go with him to the war; for they were not with you men who trust in their strength,
afraid of him, but he was before them as to one hundred twenty thousand footmen
Judith 2:6 484 Judith 3:4

and twelve thousand horses with their rid- their multitude.

ers. 6 And you shall go out against all the 21 And they departed out of Nineveh
west country, because they disobeyed the three days’ journey toward the plain of
commandment of my mouth. 7 You shall Bectileth, and encamped from Bectileth
declare to them that they should prepare near the mountain which is at the left hand
earth and water, because I will go out in of the Upper Cilicia. 22 And he took all his
my wrath against them, and will cover the army, his footmen, horsemen, and chari-
whole face of the earth with the feet of my ots, and went away from there into the hill
army, who will plunder them. 8 Their slain country, 23 and destroyed Put and Lud, and
will fill their valleys and brooks, and the plundered all the children of Rasses and
river will be filled with their dead until it the children of Ishmael, which were along
overflows. 9 I will lead them as captives the wilderness to the south of the land of
to the utmost parts of all the earth. 10 But the Chellians. 24 And he went over Eu-
you shall go forth, and take all their coasts phrates, and went through Mesopotamia,
for me first. If they will yield themselves and broke down all the high cities that
to you,† then you must reserve them for were upon the river Arbonai, until you
me until the day of their reproof. 11 As for come to the sea. 25 And he took posses-
those who resist, your eye shall not spare; sion of the borders of Cilicia, and killed all
but you shall give them up to be slain and who resisted him, and came to the borders
to be plundered in all your land. 12 For as of Japheth, which were toward the south,
I live, and by the power of my kingdom, opposite Arabia. 26 He surrounded all the
I have spoken, and I will do this with my children of Midian, and set their tents on
hand. 13 Moreover, you shall not transgress fire, and plundered their sheepfolds. 27 He
anything of the commandments of your went down into the plain of Damascus in
lord, but you shall surely accomplish them, the days of wheat harvest, and set all their
as I have commanded you. You shall not fields on fire, and utterly destroyed their
defer to do them.’ ” flocks and herds, plundered their cities,
laid their plains waste, and struck all their
14 So Holofernes went out from the pres- young men with the edge of the sword.
ence of his lord, and called all the gover- 28 And the fear and the dread of him
nors, the captains, and officers of the army fell upon those who lived on the sea coast,
of Asshur. 15 He counted chosen men for upon those who were in Sidon and Tyre,
the battle, as his lord had commanded him, those who lived in Sur and Ocina, and all
to one hundred twenty thousand, with who lived in Jemnaan. Those who lived
twelve thousand archers on horseback. in Azotus and Ascalon feared him exceed-
16 He arranged them as a great multitude
is ordered for the war. 17 He took camels,
donkeys, and mules for their baggage, an
exceedingly great multitude, and sheep, 3
1 And they sent to him messengers with
oxen, and goats without number for their
provision, 18 and a large supply of rations words of peace, saying, 2 “Behold, we
for every man, and a huge amount of gold the servants of Nebuchadnezzar the great
and silver out of the king’s house. 19 He king lie before you. Use us as it is pleasing
went out, he and all his army, on their in your sight. 3 Behold, our dwellings, and
journey, to go before King Nebuchadnez- all our country, and all our fields of wheat,
zar, and to cover all the face of the earth and our flocks and herds, and all the sheep-
westward with their chariots, horsemen, folds of our tents, lie before your face. Use
and chosen footmen. 20 A great company them as it may please you. 4 Behold, even
of various nations went out with them like our cities and those who dwell in them are
locusts and like the sand of the earth. For your servants. Come and deal with them
they could not be counted by reason of as it is good in your eyes.”
† 2:10 Gr. they will yield...and you shall reserve.
Judith 3:5 485 Judith 5:2

5 So the men came to Holofernes, and country; because by them was the en-
declared to him according to these words. trance into Judea, and it was easy to stop
6 He came down toward the sea coast, he them from approaching, inasmuch as the
and his army, and set garrisons in the high approach was narrow, with space for two
cities, and took out of them chosen men for men at the most. 8 And the children of
allies. 7 They received him, they and all Israel did as Joakim the high priest had
the country round about them, with gar- commanded them, as did the senate of all
lands and dances and timbrels. 8 He cast the people of Israel, which was in session
down all their borders, and cut down their at Jerusalem.
sacred groves. It had been given to him to 9 And every man of Israel cried to God
destroy all the gods of the land, that all the with great earnestness, and with great
nations would worship Nebuchadnezzar earnestness they humbled their souls.
only, and that all their tongues and their 10 They, their wives, their children, their
tribes would call upon him as a god. cattle, and every sojourner, hireling, and
9 Then he came toward Esdraelon near servant bought with their money put
to Dotaea, which is opposite the great ridge sackcloth on their loins. 11 Every man
of Judea. 10 He encamped between Geba and woman of Israel, including the little
and Scythopolis. He was there a whole children and the inhabitants of Jerusalem,
month, that he might gather together all fell prostrate before the temple, cast ashes
the baggage of his army. upon their heads, and spread out their
sackcloth before the Lord. They put sack-
cloth around the altar. 12 They cried to the
4 God of Israel earnestly with one consent,
1The children of Israel who lived in that he would not give their children as
Judea heard all that Holofernes the chief prey, their wives as plunder, the cities of
captain of Nebuchadnezzar king of the As- their inheritance to destruction, and the
syrians had done to the nations, and how sanctuary to being profaned and being
he had plundered all their temples and made a reproach, for the nations to rejoice
destroyed them utterly. 2 They were ex- at. 13 The Lord heard their voice, and
ceedingly afraid at his approach, and were looked at their affliction. The people
troubled for Jerusalem and for the temple continued fasting many days in all Judea
of the Lord their God; 3 because they had and Jerusalem before the sanctuary of the
newly come up from the captivity, and all Lord Almighty. 14 And Joakim the high
the people of Judea were recently gathered priest, and all the priests who stood before
together; and the vessels, the altar, and the Lord, and those who ministered to the
the house were sanctified after being pro- Lord, had their loins dressed in sackcloth
faned. and offered the continual burnt offering,
4 And they sent into every coast of the vows, and the free gifts of the people.
15 They had ashes on their turbans. They
Samaria, to Konae, to Beth-horon, Bel-
maim, Jericho, to Choba, Aesora, and to cried to the Lord with all their power, that
the valley of Salem; 5 and they occupied he would look upon all the house of Israel
beforehand all the tops of the high moun- for good.
tains, fortified the villages that were in
them, and stored supplies for the provi- 5
sion of war, for their fields were newly 1 Holofernes, the chief captain of the
reaped. 6 Joakim the high priest, who was army of Asshur, was told that the children
in those days at Jerusalem, wrote to those of Israel had prepared for war, had shut
who lived in Bethulia and Betomesthaim, up the passages of the hill country, had
which is opposite Esdraelon toward the fortified all the tops of the high hills, and
plain that is near to Dothaim, 7 charging had set up barricades in the plains. 2 Then
them to seize upon the ascents of the hill he was exceedingly angry, and he called
Judith 5:3 486 Judith 6:1

all the princes of Moab, the captains of of Sinai Kadesh-Barnea and they cast out
Ammon, and all the governors of the sea all that lived in the wilderness. 15 They
coast, 3 and he said to them, “Tell me now, lived in the land of the Amorites, and they
you sons of Canaan, who are these people destroyed by their strength everyone in
who dwell in the hill country? What are Heshbon. Passing over Jordan, they pos-
the cities that they inhabit? How large sessed all the hill country. 16 They cast out
is their army? Where is their power and before them the Canaanite, the Perizzite,
their strength? What king is set over them, the Jebusite, the Shechemite, and all the
to be the leader of their army? 4 Why have Girgashites, and they lived in that country
they turned their backs, that they should many days.
not come and meet me, more than all who 17 And while they didn’t sin before their
dwell in the west?” God, they prospered, because God who
hates iniquity was with them. 18 But when
5 Then Achior, the leader of all the chil- they departed from the way which he
dren of Ammon, said to him, “Let my lord appointed them, they were destroyed in
now hear a word from the mouth of your many severe battles, and were led captives
servant, and I will tell you the truth con- into a land that was not theirs. The tem-
cerning these people who dwell in this ple of their God was razed to the ground,
hill country, near to the place where you and their cities were taken by their adver-
dwell. No lie will come out of the mouth saries. 19 And now they have returned to
of your servant. 6 These people are de- their God, and have come up from the dis-
scended from the Chaldeans. 7 They so- persion where they were dispersed, and
journed before this in Mesopotamia, be- have possessed Jerusalem, where their
cause they didn’t want to follow the gods sanctuary is, and are settled in the hill
of their fathers, which were in the land country; for it was desolate.
of the Chaldeans. 8 They departed from 20 And now, my lord and master, if there
the way of their parents, and worshiped
is any error in this people, and they sin
the God of heaven, the God whom they
against their God, we will find out what
knew. Their parents cast them out from
this thing is in which they stumble, and we
the face of their gods, and they fled into
will go up and overcome them. 21 But if
Mesopotamia and sojourned there many
there is no lawlessness in their nation, let
days. 9 Then their God commanded them my lord now pass by, lest their Lord defend
to depart from the place where they so- them, and their God be for them, and we
journed, and to go into the land of Canaan. will be a reproach before all the earth.”
They lived there, and prospered with gold 22 It came to pass, when Achior had fin-
and silver, and with exceedingly much cat- ished speaking these words, all the people
tle. 10 Then they went down into Egypt, for standing around the tent complained. The
a famine covered all the land of Canaan. great men of Holofernes, and all who lived
They sojourned there until they had grown
by the sea side and in Moab, said that he
up. They became a great multitude there,
should be cut to pieces. 23 For, they said,
so that one could not count the population
“We will not be afraid of the children of
of their nation. 11 Then the king of Egypt Israel, because, behold, they are a people
rose up against them, and dealt subtly with that has no power nor might to make the
them, and brought them low, making them battle strong. 24 Therefore now we will go
labor in brick,† and made them slaves. up, and they will be a prey to be devoured
12 They cried to their God, and he struck all
by all your army, Lord Holofernes.”
the land of Egypt with incurable plagues;
so the Egyptians cast them out of their
sight. 13 God dried up the Red sea before
1 And when the disturbance of the men
them, 14 and brought them into the way that were around the council had ceased,
† 5:11 Some authorities read and he brought them low with clay and brick, etc.
Judith 6:2 487 Judith 7:2

Holofernes the chief captain of the army 12 When the men of the city saw them
of Asshur said to Achior and to all the on the top of the hill, they took up their
children of Moab† before all the people of weapons, and went out of the city against
the foreigners: them to the top of the hill. Every man that
2 “And who are you, Achior, and the used a sling kept them from coming up,
mercenaries of Ephraim,‡ that you have and threw stones at them. 13 They took
prophesied among us as today, and have cover under the hill, bound Achior, cast
said that we should not make war with the him down, left him at the foot of the hill,
race of Israel, because their God will de- and went away to their lord.
fend them? And who is God but Nebuchad- 14 But the children of Israel descended
nezzar? 3 He will send forth his might, from their city, and came to him, un-
and will destroy them from the face of the tied him, led him away into Bethulia, and
earth, and their God will not deliver them; presented him to the rulers of their city,
but we his servants will strike them as one 15 which were in those days Ozias the
man. They will not sustain the might of our son of Micah, of the tribe of Simeon, and
cavalry. 4 For with them we will burn them Chabris the son of Gothoniel, and Charmis
up. Their mountains will be drunken with the son of Melchiel. 16 Then they called
their blood. Their plains will be filled with together all the elders of the city; and all
their dead bodies. Their footsteps will not their young men ran together, with their
stand before us, but they will surely perish, women, to the assembly. They set Achior
says King Nebuchadnezzar, lord of all the in the midst of all their people. Then Ozias
earth; for he said, ‘The words that I have asked him what had happened. 17 He an-
spoken§ will not be in vain.’ swered and declared to them the words
5 But you, Achior, hireling of Ammon, of the council of Holofernes, and all the
who have spoken these words in the day words that he had spoken in the midst
of your iniquity, will see my face no more of the princes of the children of Asshur,
from this day, until I am avenged of the and all the great words that Holofernes
race of those that came out of Egypt. had spoken against the house of Israel.
18 Then the people fell down and wor-
6 And then the sword of my army, and
the multitude of those who serve me, will shiped God, and cried, saying, 19 “O Lord
pass through your sides, and you will fall God of heaven, behold their arrogance,
among their slain when I return. 7 Then and pity the low estate of our race. Look
my servants will bring you back into the upon the face of those who are sanctified
hill country, and will set you in one of the to you this day.” 20 They comforted Achior,
cities by the passes. 8 You will not perish and praised him exceedingly. 21 Then
until you are destroyed with them. 9 And Ozias took him out of the assembly into
if you hope in your heart that they will not his house, and made a feast for the elders.
be taken, don’t let your countenance fall. I They called on the God of Israel for help all
have spoken it, and none of my words will that night.
fall to the ground.”
10 Then Holofernes commanded his ser- 7
vants who waited in his tent to take Achior, The next day Holofernes commanded

and bring him back to Bethulia, and de- all his army and all the people who had
liver him into the hands of the children come to be his allies, that they should
of Israel. 11 So his servants took him, move their camp toward Bethulia, seize
and brought him out of the camp into the the passes of the hill country, and make
plain, and they moved from the midst of war against the children of Israel. 2 Every
the plains into the hill country, and came mighty man of them moved that day.
to the springs that were under Bethulia. The army of their men of war was one
† 6:1 Some authorities read Ammon. Compare ver. 5. ‡ 6:2 Some authorities read Ammon. Compare ver. 5.
§ 6:4 Gr. he has spoken.
Judith 7:3 488 Judith 7:24

hundred seventy thousand footmen, plus with famine—they, their wives, and their
twelve thousand horsemen, besides the children. Before the sword comes against
baggage and the men who were on foot them they will be laid low in the streets
among them—an exceedingly great multi- where they dwell. 15 And you will pay them
tude. 3 They encamped in the valley near back with evil, because they rebelled, and
Bethulia, by the fountain. They spread didn’t meet your face in peace.”
themselves in breadth over Dothaim even 16 Their words were pleasing in the sight
to Belmaim, and in length from Bethulia to
Cyamon, which is near Esdraelon. of Holofernes and in the sight of all his
4 But the children of Israel, when they servants; and he ordered them to do as
they had spoken. 17 And the army of the
saw the multitude of them, were terrified, children of Ammon moved, and with them
and everyone said to his neighbor, “Now five thousand of the children of Asshur,
these men will lick up the face of all the and they encamped in the valley. They
earth. Neither the high mountains, nor seized the waters and the springs of the
the valleys, nor the hills will be able to waters of the children of Israel. 18 The chil-
bear their weight. 5 Every man took up dren of Esau went up with the children of
his weapons of war, and when they had Ammon, and encamped in the hill country
kindled fires upon their towers, they re- near Dothaim. They sent some of them to-
mained and watched all that night. ward the south, and toward the east, near
6 But on the second day Holofernes led Ekrebel, which is near Chusi, that is upon
out all his cavalry in the sight of the chil- the brook Mochmur. The rest of the army
dren of Israel which were in Bethulia, of the Assyrians encamped in the plain,
7 viewed the ascents to their city, and and covered all the face of the land. Their
searched out the springs of the waters, tents and baggage were pitched upon it in
seized upon them, and set garrisons of a great crowd. They were an exceedingly
men of war over them. Then he departed great multitude.
back to his people. 19 The children of Israel cried to the
8 All the rulers of the children of Esau, Lord their God, for their spirit fainted; for
all the leaders of the people of Moab, and all their enemies had surrounded them.
the captains of the sea coast came to him There was no way to escape out from
and said, 9 “Let our lord now hear a word, among them. 20 All the army of Asshur
that there not be losses in your army. 10 For remained around them, their footmen and
this people of the children of Israel do not their chariots and their horsemen, for
trust in their spears, but in the height of thirty-four days. All their vessels of water
the mountains wherein they dwell, for it ran dry for all the inhabitants of Bethulia.
21 The cisterns were emptied, and they
is not easy to come up to the tops of their
mountains. 11 And now, my lord, don’t had no water to drink their fill for one
fight against them as men fight who join day; for they rationed drink by measure.
22 Their young children were discouraged.
battle, and there will not so much as one
man of your people perish. 12 Remain in The women and the young men fainted for
your camp, and keep every man of your thirst. They fell down in the streets of the
army safe. Let your servants get posses- city, and in the passages of the gates. There
sion of the water spring, which flows from was no longer any strength in them.
the foot of the mountain, 13 because all 23 All the people, including the young
the inhabitants of Bethulia get their water men, the women, and the children, were
from there. Then thirst will kill them, and gathered together against Ozias, and
they will give up their city. Then we and against the rulers of the city. They cried
our people will go up to the tops of the with a loud voice, and said before all the
mountains that are near, and will camp elders, 24 “God be judge between all of you
upon them, to watch that not one man gets and us, because you have done us great
out of the city. 14 They will be consumed wrong, in that you have not spoken words
Judith 7:25 489 Judith 8:16

of peace with the children of Asshur. herself a tent upon the roof of her house,
25 Now we have no helper; but God has and put on sackcloth upon her loins. The
sold us into their hands, that we should garments of her widowhood were upon
be laid low before them with thirst and her. 6 And she fasted all the days of her
great destruction. 26 And now summon widowhood, except the eves of the Sab-
them, and deliver up the whole city as baths, the Sabbaths, the eves of the new
prey to the people of Holofernes, and to moons, the new moons, and the feasts and
all his army. 27 For it is better for us to be joyful days of the house of Israel. 7 She was
captured by them. For we will be servants, beautiful in appearance, and lovely to be-
and our souls will live, and we will not see hold. Her husband Manasses had left her
the death of our babies before our eyes, gold, silver, menservants, maidservants,
and our wives and our children fainting cattle, and lands. She remained on those
in death. 28 We take to witness against you lands. 8 No one said anything evil about
the heaven and the earth, and our God and her, for she feared God exceedingly.
the Lord of our fathers, who punishes us 9 She
according to our sins and the sins of our heard the evil words of the people
fathers. Do what we have said today!” against the governor, because they fainted
29 And there was great weeping of all for lack of water; and Judith heard all the
with one consent in the midst of the assem- words that Ozias spoke to them, how he
bly; and they cried to the Lord God with swore to them that he would deliver the
city to the Assyrians after five days. 10 So
a loud voice. 30 And Ozias said to them,
“Brethren, be of good courage! Let us she sent her maid, who was over all things
endure five more days, during which the that she had, to summon Ozias, Chabris,
and Charmis, the elders of her city. 11 They
Lord our God will turn his mercy toward
came to her, and she said to them, “Hear
us; for he will not forsake us utterly. 31 But me now, O you rulers of the inhabitants of
if these days pass, and no help comes to Bethulia! For your word that you have spo-
us, I will do what you say.” 32 Then he ken before the people this day is not right.
dispersed the people, every man to his own You have set the oath which you have
camp; and they went away to the walls and pronounced between God and you, and
towers of their city. He sent the women have promised to deliver the city to our
and children into their houses. They were enemies, unless within these days the Lord
brought very low in the city. turns to help you. 12 Now who are you that
you have tested God this day, and stand
8 in the place of God among the children of
1In those days Judith heard about this.
She was the daughter of Merari, the son men? 13 Now try the Lord Almighty, and
of Ox, the son of Joseph, the son of Oziel, you will never know anything. 14 For you
the son of Elkiah, the son of Ananias, the will not find the depth of the heart of man,
son of Gideon, the son of Raphaim, the and you will not perceive the things that
son of Ahitub, the son of Elihu, the son he thinks. How will you search out God,
of Eliab, the son of Nathanael, the son of who has made all these things, and know
Salamiel, the son of Salasadai, the son of his mind, and comprehend his purpose?
Israel. 2 Her husband was Manasses, of her No, my kindred, don’t provoke the Lord
tribe and of her family. He died in the days our God to anger! 15 For if he has not
of barley harvest. 3 For he stood over those decided to help us within these five days,
who bound sheaves in the field, and was he has power to defend us in such time as
overcome by the burning heat, and he fell he will, or to destroy us before the face of
on his bed, and died in his city Bethulia. our enemies. 16 But don’t you pledge the
So they buried him with his fathers in the counsels of the Lord our God! For God is
field which is between Dothaim and Bala- not like a human being, that he should be
mon. 4 Judith was a widow in her house threatened, neither is he like a son of man,
three years and four months. 5 She made that he should be won over by pleading.
Judith 8:17 490 Judith 9:4

17 Therefore let’s wait for the salvation that good. 30 But the people were exceedingly
comes from him, and call upon him to help thirsty, and compelled us to do as we spoke
us. He will hear our voice, if it pleases to them, and to bring an oath upon our-
him. 18 For there arose none in our age, selves, which we will not break. 31 And
neither is there any of us today, tribe, or now pray for us, because you are a godly
kindred, or family, or city, which worship woman, and the Lord will send us rain to
gods made with hands, as it was in the fill our cisterns, and we will faint no more.”
former days; 19 for which cause our fathers 32 Then Judith said to them, “Hear me,
were given to the sword, and for plunder, and I will do a thing, which will go down
and fell with a great destruction before our to all generations among the children of
enemies. 20 But we know no other god our race. 33 You shall all stand at the gate
beside him. Therefore we hope that he will tonight. I will go out with my maid. Within
not despise us, nor any of our race. 21 For if the days after which you said that you
we are captured, all Judea will be captured would deliver the city to our enemies, the
and our sanctuary will be plundered; and Lord will deliver Israel by my hand. 34 But
he will require our blood for profaning you shall not inquire of my act; for I will
it. 22 The slaughter of our kindred, the not tell you until the things are finished
captivity of the land, and the desolation that I will do.”
35 Then Ozias and the rulers said to her,
of our inheritance, he will bring on our
heads among the Gentiles, wherever we “Go in peace. May the Lord God be before
will be in bondage. We will be an offense you, to take vengeance on our enemies.”
36 So they returned from the tent, and went
and a reproach to those who take us for
a possession. 23 For our bondage will not to their stations.
be ordered to favor; but the Lord our God
will turn it to dishonor. 24 And now, kin- 9
dred, let’s show an example to our kindred, But Judith fell upon her face, and put

because their soul depends on us, and the ashes upon her head, and uncovered the
sanctuary, the house, and the altar depend sackcloth with which she was clothed. The
on us. 25 Besides all this let’s give thanks incense of that evening was now being
to the Lord our God, who tries us, even as offered at Jerusalem in the house of God,
he did our fathers also. 26 Remember all and Judith cried to the Lord with a loud
the things which he did to Abraham, and voice, and said, 2 “O Lord God of my father
all the things in which he tried Isaac, and Simeon, into whose hand you gave a sword
all the things which happened to Jacob in to take vengeance on the strangers who
Mesopotamia of Syria, when he kept the loosened the belt of a virgin to defile her,
sheep of Laban his mother’s brother. 27 For uncovered her thigh to her shame, and
he has not tried us in the fire, as he did profaned her womb to her reproach; for
them, to search out their hearts, neither you said, ‘It shall not be so;’ and they did
has he taken vengeance on us; but the Lord so. 3 Therefore you gave their rulers to be
scourges those who come near to him, to slain, and their bed, which was ashamed
admonish them.” for her who was deceived,† to be dyed
in blood, and struck the servants with
And Ozias said to her, “All that you
28 their masters, and the masters upon their
have spoken, you have spoken with a good thrones; 4 and gave their wives for a prey,
heart. There is no one who will deny and their daughters to be captives, and all
your words. 29 For this is not the first day their spoils to be divided among your dear
wherein your wisdom is manifested; but children; which were moved with zeal for
from the beginning of your days all the you, and abhorred the pollution of their
people have known your understanding, blood, and called upon you for aid. O God,
because the disposition of your heart is O my God, hear me also who am a widow.
† 9:3 Some authorities read which was ashamed for their deceit that they practiced.
Judith 9:5 491 Judith 10:12

5 For you did the things that were before to cry to the God of Israel, and had fin-
those things, and those things, and such ished saying all these words, 2 that she
as come after; and you planned the things rose up where she had fallen down, called
which are now, and the things which are her maid, and went down into the house
to come. The things which you planned that she lived on the Sabbath days and on
came to pass. 6 Yes, the things which you her feast days. 3 She pulled off the sack-
determined stood before you, and said, cloth which she had put on, took off the
‘Behold, we are here; for all your ways are garments of her widowhood, washed her
prepared, and your judgment is with fore- body all over with water, anointed herself
knowledge.’ 7 For, behold, the Assyrians with rich ointment, braided the hair of her
are multiplied in their power. They are head, and put a tiara upon it. She put on
exalted with horse and rider. They were her garments of gladness, which she used
proud of the strength of their footmen. to wear in the days of the life of Manasses
They have trusted in shield, spear, bow, her husband. 4 She took sandals for her
and sling. They don’t know that you are feet, and put on her anklet, bracelets, rings,
the Lord who breaks the battles. ‘The Lord’ earrings, and all her jewelry. She made
is your name. 8 Break their strength in herself very beautiful to deceive the eyes
your power, and bring down their force of all men who would see her. 5 She gave
in your wrath; for they intend to profane her maid a leather container of wine and
your sanctuary, and to defile the taberna- a flask of oil, and filled a bag with roasted
cle where your glorious name rests, and grain, lumps of figs, and fine bread. She
to destroy the horn of your altar with the packed all her vessels together, and laid
sword. 9 Look at their pride, and send them upon her.
your wrath upon their heads. Give into my 6 They went out to the gate of the city of
hand, which am a widow, the might that I Bethulia, and found Ozias and the elders
have conceived. 10 Strike by the deceit of of the city, Chabris and Charmis standing
my lips the servant with the prince, and by it. 7 But when they saw her, that her
the prince with his servant. Break down countenance was altered and her apparel
their arrogance by the hand of a woman. was changed, they were greatly astonished
11 For your power stands not in numbers, by her beauty and said to her, 8 “May the
nor your might in strong men, but you are God of our fathers give you favor, and
a God of the afflicted. You are a helper accomplish your purposes to the glory of
of the oppressed, a helper of the weak, a the children of Israel, and to the exaltation
protector of the forsaken, a savior of those of Jerusalem.”
who are without hope. 12 Please, please, Then she worshiped God, 9 and said to
God of my father, and God of the inheri- them, “Command that they open the gate
tance of Israel, Lord of the heavens and ofof the city for me, and I will go out to
the earth, Creator of the waters, King of accomplish the things you spoke with me
all your creation, hear my prayer. 13 Make about.”
my speech and deceit to be their wound
and bruise, who intend hard things against And they commanded the young men to
your covenant, your holy house, the top of open to her, as she had spoken; 10 and they
Zion, and the house of the possession of did so.
your children. 14 Make every nation and Then Judith went out, she, and her
handmaid with her. The men of the city
tribe of yours to know that you are God, the
God of all power and might, and that there watched her until she had gone down the
is no other who protects the race of Israelmountain, until she had passed the valley,
but you.” and they could see her no more. 11 They
went straight onward in the valley. The
10 watch of the Assyrians met her; 12 and they
1 It came to pass, when she had ceased took her, and asked her, “Of what people
Judith 10:13 492 Judith 11:10

are you? Where are you coming from? him and his servants, they all marveled at
Where are you going?” the beauty of her countenance. She fell
She said, “I am a daughter of the He- down upon her face and bowed down to
brews. I am fleeing away from their pres- him, but his servants raised her up.
ence, because they are about to be given
you to be consumed. 13 I am coming into 11
the presence of Holofernes the chief cap- 1 Holofernes said to her, “Woman, take
tain of your army, to declare words of courage. Don’t be afraid in your heart;
truth. I will show him a way that he can go for I never hurt anyone who has chosen to
and win all the hill country, and there will serve Nebuchadnezzar, the king of all the
not be lacking of his men one person, nor earth. 2 And now, if your people who dwell
one life.” in the hill country had not slighted me, I
14 Now when the men heard her words, would not have lifted up my spear against
and considered her countenance, the them; but they have done these things to
beauty thereof was exceedingly mar- themselves. 3 And now tell me why you
velous in their eyes. They said to her, fled from them and came to us; for you
15 “You have saved your life, in that
have come to save yourself. Take courage!
you have hurried to come down to the You will live tonight, and hereafter; 4 for
presence of our master. Now come to there is no one that will wrong you, but all
his tent. Some of us will guide you until will treat you well, as is done to the ser-
they deliver you into his hands. 16 But vants of King Nebuchadnezzar my lord.”
when† you stand before him, don’t be 5 And Judith said to him, “Receive the
afraid in your heart, but declare to him words of your servant, and let your hand-
what you just said, and he will treat you maid speak in your presence, and I won’t
well.” 17 They chose out of them a hundred lie to my lord tonight. 6 If you will fol-
men, and appointed them to accompany low the words of your handmaid, God will
her and her maid; and they brought them bring the thing to pass perfectly with you;
to the tent of Holofernes. and my lord will not fail to accomplish his
18 And there was great excitement
purposes. 7 As Nebuchadnezzar king of
throughout all the camp, for her coming all the earth lives, and as his power lives,
was reported among the tents. They came who has sent you for the preservation of
and surrounded her as she stood outside every living thing, not only do men serve
Holofernes’ tent, until they told him about
him by you, but also the beasts of the field,
her. 19 They marveled at her beauty, and the cattle, and the birds of the sky will live
marveled at the children of Israel because through your strength, in the time of Neb-
of her. Each one said to his neighbor, “Who
would despise these people, who have uchadnezzar and of all his house. 8 For we
have heard of your wisdom and the subtle
among them such women? For it is not
plans of your soul. It has been reported
good that one man of them be left, seeing
in all the earth that you only are brave
that, if they are let go, they will be able to
in all the kingdom, mighty in knowledge,
deceive the whole earth.
20 Then the guards of Holofernes and all and wonderful in feats of war. 9 And now
as concerning the matter which Achior
his servants came out and brought her into spoke in your council, we have heard his
the tent. 21 And Holofernes was resting words; for the men of Bethulia saved him,
upon his bed under the canopy, which was and he declared to them all that he had
woven with purple, gold, emeralds, and spoken before you. 10 Therefore, O lord
precious stones. 22 And they told him about and master, don’t neglect his word, but lay
her; and he came out into the space before it up in your heart, for it is true; for our
his tent, with silver lamps going before race will not be punished, neither will the
him. 23 But when Judith had come before sword prevail against them, unless they
† 10:16 Gr. if.
Judith 11:11 493 Judith 12:10

sin against their God. 11 And now, that my face and wisdom of words.”
lord may not be defeated and frustrated 22 Holofernes said to her, “God did well
in his purpose, and that death may fall to send you before the people, that might
upon them, their sin has overtaken them, would be in our hands, and destruction
wherewith they will provoke their God among those who slighted my lord. 23 And
to anger, whenever they do wickedness. now you are beautiful in your counte-
12 Since their food failed them, and all nance, and wise in your words. If you
their water was scant, they took counsel to will do as you have spoken, your God
kill their livestock, and determined to con- will be my God, and you will dwell in the
sume all those things which God charged palace of King Nebuchadnezzar, and will
them by his laws that they should not eat. be renowned through the whole earth.”
13 They are resolved to spend the first fruits
of the grain and the tithes of the wine
and the oil, which they had sanctified and
1 He commanded that she should be
reserved for the priests who stand before brought in where his silver vessels were
the face of our God in Jerusalem, which set, and asked that his servants should
it is not fitting for any of the people so prepare some of his own delicacies for her,
much as to touch with their hands. 14 They and that she should drink from his own
have sent some to Jerusalem, because they wine.
2 And Judith said, “I can’t eat of it, lest
also that dwell there have done this thing,
to bring them permission from the coun- there be an occasion of stumbling; but
cil of elders. 15 When these instructions provision will be made for me from the
come to them and they do it, they will be things that have come with me.”
given to you to be destroyed the same day. 3 And Holofernes said to her, “But if the
16 Therefore I your servant, knowing all things that are with you should run out,
this, fled away from their presence. God from where will we be able to give you
sent me to work things with you, at which more like it? For there is none of your race
all the earth will be astonished, even as with us.”
many as hear it. 17 For your servant is 4 And Judith said to him, “As your soul
religious, and serves the God of heaven lives, my lord, your servant will not use up
day and night. Now, my lord, I will stay those things that are with me until the Lord
with you; and your servant will go out works by my hand the things that he has
by night into the valley. I will pray to determined.” 5 Then Holofernes’ servants
God, and he will tell me when they have brought her into the tent, and she slept un-
committed their sins. 18 Then I will come til midnight. Then she rose up toward the
and tell you. Then you can go out with all morning watch, 6 and sent to Holofernes,
your army, and there will be none of them saying, “Let my lord now command that
that will resist you. 19 And I will lead you they allow your servant to go out to pray.”
through the midst of Judea, until you come 7 Holofernes commanded his guards
to Jerusalem. I will set your throne in the that they should not stop her. She stayed
midst of it. You will drive them as sheep in the camp three days, and went out ev-
that have no shepherd, and a dog will not ery night into the valley of Bethulia and
so much as open his mouth before you; for washed herself at the fountain of water in
these things were told me according to my the camp. 8 And when she came up, she
foreknowledge, and were declared to me, implored the Lord God of Israel to direct
and I was sent to tell you.” her way to the triumph of the children
20Her words were pleasing in the sight of his people. 9 She came in clean and
of Holofernes and of all his servants. remained in the tent until she ate her food
They marveled at her wisdom, and said, toward evening.
21 “There is not such a woman from one 10 It came to pass on the fourth day,
end of the earth to the other, for beauty of that Holofernes made a feast for his own
Judith 12:11 494 Judith 13:14

servants only, and called none of the of- went away to their beds; for they were all
ficers to the banquet. 11 And he said to weary, because the feast had been long.
Bagoas the eunuch, who had charge over 2 But Judith was left alone in the tent, with
all that he had, “Go now, and persuade Holofernes lying along upon his bed; for he
this Hebrew woman who is with you that was drunk with wine. 3 Judith had said to
she come to us, and eat and drink with us. her servant that she should stand outside
12 For behold, it would be a disgrace if we her bedchamber, and wait for her to come
shall let such a woman go, not having had out, as she did daily; for she said she would
her company; for if we don’t draw her to go out to her prayer. She spoke to Bagoas
ourselves, she will laugh us to scorn.” according to the same words. 4 All went
13 Bagoas went from the presence of away from her presence, and none was left
Holofernes, and came in to her, and said, in the bedchamber, small or great. Judith,
“Let this fair lady not fear to come to my standing by his bed, said in her heart, O
lord, and to be honored in his presence, Lord God of all power, look in this hour
and to drink wine and be merry with us, upon the works of my hands for the exalta-
and to be made this day as one of the tion of Jerusalem. 5 For now is the time to
daughters of the children of Asshur who help your inheritance, and to do the thing
serve in Nebuchadnezzar’s palace.” that I have purposed to the destruction of
14 Judith said to him, “Who am I, that the enemies which have risen up against
I should contradict my lord? For what- us. 6 She came to the bedpost which was
ever would be pleasing in his eyes, I will at Holofernes’ head, and took down his
do speedily, and this will be my joy to sword from there. 7 She drew near to the
bed, took hold of the hair of his head, and
the day of my death.” 15 She arose, and said, “Strengthen me, O Lord God of Israel,
decked herself with her apparel and all her this day.” 8 She struck twice upon his neck
woman’s attire; and her servant went and with all her might and cut off his head,
laid fleeces on the ground for her next to 9 tumbled his body down from the bed,
Holofernes, which she had received from
Bagoas for her daily use, that she might sit and took down the canopy from the posts.
and eat upon them. After a little while she went out, and gave
16 Judith came in and sat down, and Holofernes’ head to her maid; 10 and she
put it in her bag of food. They both went
Holofernes’ heart was ravished with her. out together to prayer, according to their
His passion was aroused, and he exceed-
ingly desired her company. He was watch- custom. They passed through the camp,
ing for a time to deceive her from the day circled around that valley, and went up to
that he had seen her. 17 Holofernes said to the mountain of Bethulia, and came to its
her, “Drink now, and be merry with us.” gates.
11 Judith said afar off to the watchmen
18 Judith said, “I will drink now, my lord,
because my life is magnified in me this day at the gates, “Open, open the gate, now.
more than all the days since I was born.” God is with us, even our God, to show his
19 Then she took and ate and drank be- power yet in Israel, and his might against
fore him what her servant had prepared. the enemy, as he has done even this day.”
20 Holofernes took great delight in her, and 12 It came to pass, when the men of
drank exceedingly much wine, more than her city heard her voice, they made haste
he had drunk at any time in one day since to go down to the gate of their city, and
he was born. they called together the elders of the city.
13 They all ran together, both small and

13 great, for it seemed unbelievable to them

1But when the evening had come, his that she had come. They opened the gate
servants hurried to depart. Bagoas shut and received them, making a fire to give
the tent outside, and dismissed those who light, and surrounded them. 14 She said
waited from the presence of his lord. They to them with a loud voice, “Praise God!
Judith 13:15 495 Judith 14:14

Praise him! Praise God, who has not taken their camp and rouse up the captains of
away his mercy from the house of Israel, the army of Asshur. They will run together
but has destroyed our enemies by my hand to Holofernes’ tent. They won’t find him.
tonight!” Fear will fall upon them, and they will flee
15 Then she took the head out of the bag before your face. 4 You men, and all that
and showed it, and said to them, “Behold, inhabit every border of Israel, shall pur-
the head of Holofernes, the chief captain sue them and overthrow them as they go.
of the army of Asshur, and behold, the 5 But before you do these things, summon
canopy under which he laid in his drunk- Achior the Ammonite to me, that he may
enness. The Lord struck him by the hand see and know him that despised the house
of a woman. 16 And as the Lord lives, who of Israel, and that sent him to us, as it were
preserved me in my way that I went, my to death.
countenance deceived him to his destruc- 6 And they called Achior out of the house
tion, and he didn’t commit sin with me, to of Ozias; but when he came, and saw the
defile and shame me.” head of Holofernes in a man’s hand in the
17 All the people were exceedingly assembly of the people, he fell upon his
amazed, and bowed themselves, and face, and his spirit failed. 7 But when they
worshiped God, and said with one accord, had recovered him,† he fell at Judith’s feet,
“Blessed are you, O our God, who have bowed down to her, and said, “Blessed
this day humiliated the enemies of your are you in every tent of Judah! In every
people.” nation, those who hear your name will be
18 Ozias said to her, “Blessed are you, troubled. 8 Now tell me all the things that
daughter, in the sight of the Most High God, you have done in these days.”
above all the women upon the earth; and And Judith declared to him in the midst
blessed is the Lord God, who created the of the people all the things that she had
heavens and the earth, who directed you done, from the day that she went out until
to cut off the head of the prince of our the time that she spoke to them. 9 But when
enemies. 19 For your hope will not depart she finished speaking, the people shouted
from the heart of men that remember the with a loud voice, and made a joyful noise
strength of God forever. 20 May God turn in their city. 10 But when Achior saw all
these things to you for a perpetual praise, the things that the God of Israel had done,
to visit you with good things, because you he believed in God exceedingly, and cir-
didn’t spare your life by reason of the af- cumcised the flesh of his foreskin, and was
fliction of our race, but prevented our ruin, joined to the house of Israel, to this day.
walking a straight way before our God.” 11 But as soon as the morning arose, they
And all the people said, “Amen! Amen!” hanged the head of Holofernes upon the
wall, and every man took up his weapons,
14 and they went forth by bands to the ascents
1 Judith said to them, “Hear me now, of the mountain. 12 But when the chil-
my kindred, and take this head, and hang dren of Asshur saw them, they sent word
it upon the battlement of your wall. 2 It to their leaders, and they went to their
will be, so soon as the morning appears, captains and tribunes, and to every one of
and the sun comes up on the earth, you their rulers. 13 They came to Holofernes’
shall each take up his weapons of war, and tent, and said to him that was over all
every valiant man of you go out of the that he had, “Wake our lord up, now, for
city. You shall set a captain over them, as the slaves have been bold to come down
though you would go down to the plain to- against us to battle, that they may be ut-
ward the watch of the children of Asshur; terly destroyed.”
but you men shall not go down. 3 These will 14 Bagoas went in, and knocked at the
take up their full armor, and shall go into outer door of the tent; for he supposed
† 14:7 Many authorities read he had recovered himself.
Judith 14:15 496 Judith 16:2

that Holofernes was sleeping with Judith. were enriched exceedingly. 7 The children
15 But when no one answered, he opened of Israel returned from the slaughter, and
it, went into the bedchamber, and found got possession of that which remained.
him cast upon the threshold dead; and his The villages and the cities that were in the
head had been taken from him. 16 He cried hill country and in the plain country took
with a loud voice, with weeping, groaning, many spoils; for there was an exceedingly
and shouting, and tore his garments. 17 He great supply.
entered into the tent where Judith lodged, 8 Joakim the high priest, and the el-
and he didn’t find her. He leaped out to ders of the children of Israel who lived
the people, and cried aloud, 18 “The slaves in Jerusalem, came to see the good things
have dealt treacherously! One woman which the Lord had showed to Israel, and
of the Hebrews has brought shame upon to see Judith and to greet her. 9 When
the house of King Nebuchadnezzar; for, they came to her, they all blessed her with
behold, Holofernes lies upon the ground, one accord, and said to her, “You are the
and his head is not on him!” exaltation of Jerusalem! You are the great
19 But when the rulers of the army of glory of Israel! You are the great rejoicing
Asshur heard this, they tore their tunics, of our race! 10 You have done all these
and their souls were troubled exceedingly. things by your hand. You have done with
There were cries and an exceedingly great Israel the things that are good, and God is
noise in the midst of the camp. pleased with it. May you be blessed by the
Almighty Lord forever!”
15 And all the people said, “Amen!”
11 And the people plundered the camp
1 When those who were in the tents
heard, they were amazed at what hap- for thirty days; and they gave Holofernes’
pened. 2 Trembling and fear fell upon tent to Judith, along with all his silver cups,
them, and no man dared stay any more in his beds, his bowls, and all his furniture.
the sight of his neighbor, but rushing out She took them, placed them on her mule,
with one accord, they fled into every way prepared her wagons, and piled them on it.
of the plain and of the hill country. 3 Those 12 And all the women of Israel ran to-
who had encamped in the hill country gether to see her; and they blessed her, and
round about Bethulia fled away. And then made a dance among them for her. She
the children of Israel, every one who was took branches in her hand, and distributed
a warrior among them, rushed out upon them to the women who were with her.†
13 Then they made themselves garlands of
them. 4 Ozias sent to Betomasthaim, Bebai,
Chobai, and Chola, and to every border of olive, she and those who were with her,
and she went before all the people in the
Israel, to tell about the things that had been
dance, leading all the women. All the men
accomplished, and that all should rush
of Israel followed in their armor with gar-
upon their enemies to destroy them. 5 But
lands, and with songs in their mouths.
when the children of Israel heard this, they
all fell upon them with one accord, and
struck them to Chobai. Yes, and in like 16
manner also, people from Jerusalem and And Judith began to sing this song

from all the hill country came (for men had of thanksgiving in all Israel, and all the
told them about what happened in their people sang with loud voices this song of
enemies’ camp), and those who were in praise. 2 Judith said,
Gilead and in Galilee fell upon their flank “Begin a song to my God with timbrels.
with a great slaughter, until they were past Sing to my Lord with cymbals.
Damascus and its borders. 6 The rest of the Make melody to him with psalm and
people who lived at Bethulia fell upon the praise.
camp of Asshur, and plundered them, and Exalt him, and call upon his name.
† 15:12 Compare 2 Maccabees 10:7.
Judith 16:3 497 Judith 16:23

3 For the Lord is the God that crushes bat- and wounded them as fugitives’ chil-
tles. dren.
For in his armies in the midst of the They perished by the army of my Lord.
he delivered me out of the hand of 13 “I will sing to my God a new song:
those who persecuted me. O Lord, you are great and glorious,
4 Asshur came out of the mountains from
marvelous in strength, invincible.
the north. 14 Let all your creation serve you;
He came with ten thousands of his
army. for you spoke, and they were made.
Its multitude stopped the torrents. You sent out your spirit, and it built them.
Their horsemen covered the hills. There is no one who can resist your
5 He said that he would burn up my bor- voice.
15 For the mountains will be moved from
ders, their foundations with the waters,
kill my young men with the sword, and the rocks will melt as wax at your
throw my nursing children to the presence:
ground, But you are yet merciful to those who
give my infants up as prey, fear you.
and make my virgins a plunder. 16 For all sacrifice is little for a sweet savor,
and all the fat is very little for a whole
6 “The Almighty Lord brought them to
burnt offering to you;
nothing by the hand of a woman. but he who fears the Lord is great
7 For their mighty one didn’t fall by continually.
young men,
neither did sons of the Titans strike 17 “Woe to the nations who rise up against
him. my race!
Tall giants didn’t attack him, The Lord Almighty will take
but Judith the daughter of Merari vengeance on them in the day of
made him weak with the beauty of judgment
her countenance. and put fire and worms in their flesh;
8 “For she put off the apparel of her widow- and they will weep and feel their pain
hood 18 Now when they came to Jerusalem,
for the exaltation of those who were
distressed in Israel. they worshiped God. When the people
She anointed her face with ointment, were purified, they offered their whole
bound her hair in a tiara, burnt offerings, their free will offerings,
and took a linen garment to deceive and their gifts. 19 Judith dedicated all
him. Holofernes’ stuff, which the people had
9 Her sandal ravished his eye. given her, and gave the canopy, which she
Her beauty took his soul prisoner. had taken for herself out of his bedcham-
The sword passed through his neck. ber, for a gift to the Lord.
20 And the people continued feasting in
10 “The Persians quaked at her daring.
The Medes were daunted at her bold- Jerusalem before the sanctuary for three
ness. months, and Judith remained with them.
21 After these days, everyone departed
11 “Then my lowly ones shouted aloud. to his own inheritance. Judith went away
My oppressed people were terrified to Bethulia, and remained in her own pos-
and trembled for fear. session, and was honorable in her time in
They lifted up their voices and the en- all the land. 22 Many desired her, but no
emy fled. man knew her all the days of her life from
12 The children of slave-girls pierced them the day that Manasses her husband died
through, and was gathered to his people. 23 She
Judith 16:24 498 Judith 16:25

increased in greatness exceedingly; and

she grew old in her husband’s house, to
one hundred five years. She let her maid
go free. Then she died in Bethulia. They
buried her in the cave of her husband Man-
asses. 24 The house of Israel mourned for
her seven days. She distributed her goods
before she died to all those who were near-
est of kin to Manasses her husband, and
to those who were nearest of her own kin-
dred. 25 There was no one who made the
children of Israel afraid any more in the
days of Judith, nor for a long time after her
Esther (Greek) 1:1 499 Esther (Greek) 1:6

and anguish, affection and tumult upon

the earth. And all the righteous nation
Esther was troubled, fearing their own afflictions.
translated from the Greek They prepared to die, and cried to God.
Septuagint Something like a great river from a little
spring with much water, came from their
Introduction cry. Light and the sun arose, and the lowly
The book of Esther in the Greek Sep-
were exalted, and devoured the honor-
tuagint contains 5 additions that the able.
traditional Hebrew text doesn’t have. Mordecai, who had seen this vision and
These additions are recognized as Deute- what God desired to do, having arisen, kept
rocanonical Scripture by the Roman it in his heart, and desired by all means to
Catholic, Greek Orthodox, and Russian interpret it, even until night.
Orthodox Churches. Those additions are
enclosed in [square brackets]. Because the Mordecai rested quietly in the palace
additions by themselves make little sense with Gabatha and Tharrha the king’s two
without the broader context of the book, chamberlains, eunuchs who guarded the
we present here a translation of the whole palace. He heard their conversation and
book of Esther from the Greek. searched out their plans. He learned that
We have chosen not to distract the they were preparing to lay hands on King
reader with confusing out-of-order chap- Ahasuerus; and he informed the king con-
ter numbers that would result from us- cerning them. The king examined the
ing the KJV versification, but rather merge two chamberlains. They confessed, and
these 5 additions as extensions at the be- were led away and executed. The king
ginning of 1:1 and after 3:13, 4:17, 8:12, wrote these things for a record. Morde-
and 10:3. This makes some verses (1:1, 5:1, cai also wrote concerning these matters.
and 8:12) really long, but it also makes the The king commanded Mordecai to serve in
verses line up with the same verse num- the palace, and gave gifts for this service.
bers in Esther as translated from the tra- But Haman the son of Hammedatha the
ditional Hebrew text. Some of the proper Bougean was honored in the sight of the
names in this book have been changed to king, and he endeavored to harm Morde-
the more familiar Hebrew form instead of cai and his people, because of the king’s
the direct transliteration from the Greek.
two chamberlains.]
1 [In
the second year of the reign of Aha- † And it came to pass after these things‡
suerus the great king, on the first day of in the days of Ahasuerus, —(this Aha-
Nisan, Mordecai the son of Jair, the son suerus ruled over one hundred twenty-
of Shimei, the son of Kish, of the tribe of seven provinces from India)— 2 in those
Benjamin, a Jew dwelling in the city Susa, days, when King Ahasuerus was on the
a great man, serving in the king’s palace, throne in the city of Susa, 3 in the third year
saw a vision. Now he was one of the cap- of his reign, he made a feast for his friends,
tives whom Nebuchadnezzar king of Baby- for people from the rest of the nations,
lon had carried captive from Jerusalem for the nobles of the Persians and Medes,
with Jeconiah the king of Judea. This was and for the chief of the local governors.
his dream: Behold, voices and a noise, 4 After this—after he had shown them the
thunders and earthquake, tumult upon the wealth of his kingdom and the abundant
earth. And, behold, two great serpents glory of his wealth during one hundred
came out, both ready for conflict. A great eighty days— 5 when the days of the wed-
voice came from them. Every nation was ding feast were completed, the king made
prepared for battle by their voice, even to a banquet lasting six days for the people of
fight against the nation of the just. Behold, the nations who were present in the city, in
a day of darkness and blackness, suffering the court of the king’s house, 6 which was
† 1:1 Note: In the Hebrew and some copies of LXX, Esther begins here. ‡ 1:1 Greek words.
Esther (Greek) 1:7 500 Esther (Greek) 2:7

adorned with fine linen and flax on cords she said to the king, will dare in the same
of fine linen and purple, fastened to golden way to dishonor their husbands. 19 If
and silver studs on pillars of white marble then it seems good to the king, let him
and stone. There were golden and silver make a royal decree, and let it be written
couches on a pavement of emerald stone, according to the laws of the Medes and
and of mother-of-pearl, and of white mar- Persians, and let him not alter it: ‘Don’t
ble, with transparent coverings variously allow the queen to come in to him any
flowered, having roses arranged around it. more. Let the king give her royalty to a
7 There were gold and silver cups, and a woman better than she.’ 20 Let the law
small cup of carbuncle set out, of the value of the king which he will have made be
of thirty thousand talents, with abundant widely proclaimed in his kingdom. Then
and sweet wine, which the king himself all the women will give honor to their
drank. 8 This banquet was not according to husbands, from the poor even to the rich.”
the appointed law, but as the king desired 21 This advice pleased the king and the
to have it. He charged the stewards to princes; and the king did as Memucan
perform his will and that of the company. had said, 22 and sent into all his kingdom
9 Also Vashti the queen made a banquet through the several provinces, according
for the women in the palace where to their language, so that men might be
King Ahasuerus lived. 10 Now on the feared in their own houses.
seventh day, the king, being merry,
told Haman, Bazan, Tharrha, Baraze, 2
Zatholtha, Abataza, and Tharaba, the 1 After this, the king’s anger was paci-
seven chamberlains, servants of King fied, and he no more mentioned Vashti,
Ahasuerus, 11 to bring in the queen to him, bearing in mind what she had said, and
to§ enthrone her, and crown her with the how he had condemned her. 2 Then the
diadem, and to show her to the princes, servants of the king said, “Let chaste,
and her beauty to the nations, for she was beautiful young virgins be sought for the
beautiful. 12 But queen Vashti refused to king.
3 Let the king appoint local gover-

come with the chamberlains; so the king nors in all the provinces of his kingdom,
was grieved and angered. 13 And he said and let them select beautiful, chaste young
to his friends, “This is what Vashti said. ladies and bring them to the city Susa,
Therefore pronounce your legal judgment into the women’s apartment. Let them be
on this case.” consigned to the king’s chamberlain, the
14 So Arkesaeus, Sarsathaeus, and keeper of the women. Then let things for
Malisear, the princes of the Persians and purification and other needs be given to
Medes, who were near the king, who sat them. 4 Let the woman who pleases the
chief in rank by the king, drew near to king be queen instead of Vashti.”
him, 15 and reported to him according to This thing pleased the king; and he did
the laws what it was proper to do to queen so.
Vashti, because she had not done the 5 Now there was a Jew in the city Susa,
things commanded by the king through and his name was Mordecai, the son of
the chamberlains. 16 And Memucan said to Jairus, the son of Shimei, the son of Kish,
the king and to the princes, “Queen Vashti of the tribe of Benjamin. 6 He had been
has not wronged the king only, but also brought as a prisoner from Jerusalem,
all the king’s rulers and princes; 17 for he whom Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon
has told them the words of the queen, and had carried into captivity. 7 He had a foster
how she† disobeyed the king. As she then child, daughter of Aminadab his father’s
refused to obey King Ahasuerus, 18 so this brother. Her name was Esther. When
day the other wives of the chiefs of the her parents died, he brought her up to
Persians and Medes, having heard what womanhood as his own. This lady was
§ 1:11 Greek to make her queen. † 1:17 Greek contradicted.
Esther (Greek) 2:8 501 Esther (Greek) 3:9

beautiful. 8 And because the king’s ordi- her country, for so Mordecai commanded
nance was published, many ladies were her, to fear God, and perform his com-
gathered to the city of Susa under the mandments, as when she was with him.
hand of Hegai; and Esther was brought to Esther didn’t change her manner of life.
Hegai, the keeper of the women. 9 The lady 21 Two chamberlains of the king, the
pleased him, and she found favor in his chiefs of the body-guard, were grieved,
sight. He hurried to give her the things because Mordecai was promoted; and they
for purification, her portion, and the seven sought to kill King Ahasuerus. 22 And the
maidens appointed her out of the palace. matter was discovered by Mordecai, and
He treated her and her maidens well in he made it known to Esther, and she de-
the women’s apartment. 10 But Esther clared to the king the matter of the con-
didn’t reveal her family or her kindred, for spiracy. 23 And the king examined the
Mordecai had charged her not to tell. 11 But two chamberlains and hanged them. Then
Mordecai used to walk every day by the the king gave orders to make a note for a
women’s court, to see what would become memorial in the royal library of the good-
of Esther. will shown by Mordecai, as a commenda-
12 Now this was the time for a virgin
to go into the king, when she had com-
pleted twelve months; for so are the days
of purification fulfilled, six months while 3
1 After this, King Ahasuerus highly hon-
they are anointing themselves with oil of
myrrh, and six months with spices and ored Haman the son of Hammedatha, the
women’s purifications. 13 And then the Bugaean. He exalted him and set his seat
lady goes in to the king. The officer that he above all his friends. 2 All in the palace
commands to do so will bring her to come bowed down to him, for so the king had
in with him from the women’s apartment given orders to do; but Mordecai didn’t
to the king’s chamber. 14 She enters in the bow down to him. 3 And they in the
evening, and in the morning she departs king’s palace said to Mordecai, “Mordecai,
to the second women’s apartment, where why do you transgress the commands of
Hegai the king’s chamberlain is keeper the king?” 4 They questioned him daily,
of the women. She doesn’t go in to the but he didn’t listen to them; so they re-
king again, unless she is called by name. ported to Haman that Mordecai resisted
15 And when the time was fulfilled for Es- the commands of the king; and Mordecai
ther the daughter of Aminadab the brother had shown to them that he was a Jew.
of Mordecai’s father to go in to the king, 5 When Haman understood that Mordecai
she neglected nothing which the cham- didn’t bow down to him, he was greatly
berlain, the women’s keeper, commanded; enraged, 6 and plotted to utterly destroy
for Esther found grace in the sight of all all the Jews who were under the rule of
who looked at her. 16 So Esther went in Ahasuerus.
to King Ahasuerus in the twelfth month, 7 In the twelfth year of the reign of Aha-
which is Adar, in the seventh year of his suerus, Haman made a decision by casting
reign. 17 The king loved Esther, and she lots by day and month, to kill the race of
found favor beyond all the other virgins. Mordecai in one day. The lot fell on the
He put the queen’s crown on her. 18 The fourteenth day of the month of Adar. 8 So
king made a banquet for all his friends and he spoke to King Ahasuerus, saying, “There
great men for seven days, and he highly is a nation scattered among the nations
celebrated the marriage of Esther; and he in all your kingdom, and their laws differ
granted a remission of taxes to those who from all the other nations. They disobey
were under his dominion. the king’s laws. It is not expedient for the
19 Meanwhile, Mordecai served in the king to tolerate them. 9 If it seem good to
courtyard. 20 Now Esther had not revealed the king, let him make a decree to destroy
Esther (Greek) 3:10 502 Esther (Greek) 4:7

them, and I will remit into the king’s trea- tinually set in opposition to every man,
sury ten thousand talents of silver.” introducing as a change a foreign code of
10 So the king took off his ring, and laws, and injuriously plotting to accom-
gave it into the hands of Haman to seal plish the worst of evils against our inter-
the decrees against the Jews. 11 The king ests, and against the happy establishment
said to Haman, “Keep the silver, and treat of the monarchy, we instruct you in the
the nation as you will.” 12 So the king’s letter written by Haman, who is set over
recorders were called in the first month, the public affairs and is our second gover-
on the thirteenth day, and they wrote as nor, to destroy them all utterly with their
Haman commanded to the captains and wives and children by the swords of the
governors in every province, from India enemies, without pitying or sparing any,
even to Ethiopia, to one hundred twenty- on the fourteenth day of the twelfth month
seven provinces; and to the rulers of the Adar, of the present year; that the people
nations according to their languages, in aforetime and now ill-disposed to us hav-
the name of King Ahasuerus. 13 The mes- ing been violently consigned to death in
sage was sent by couriers throughout the one day, may hereafter secure to us con-
kingdom of Ahasuerus, to utterly destroy tinually a well constituted and quiet state
the race of the Jews on the first day of of affairs.”] 14 Copies of the letters were
the twelfth month, which is Adar, and to published in every province; and an order
plunder their goods.† [The following is the was given to all the nations to be ready for
copy of the letter. “From the great King that day. 15 This business was hastened
Ahasuerus to the rulers and the governors also in Susa. The king and Haman began
under them of one hundred twenty-seven to drink, but the city was confused.
provinces, from India even to Ethiopia,
who hold authority under him: 4
But Mordecai, having perceived what
“Ruling over many nations and having was done, tore his garments, put on sack-
obtained dominion over the whole world, cloth, and sprinkled dust upon himself.
I was determined (not elated by the confi-
Having rushed forth through the open
dence of power, but ever conducting my-
street of the city, he cried with a loud voice,
self with great moderation and gentleness) “A nation that has done no wrong is going
to make the lives of my subjects contin-
to be destroyed!” 2 He came to the king’s
ually tranquil, desiring both to maintain
gate, and stood; for it was not lawful for
the kingdom quiet and orderly to its ut-
him to enter into the palace wearing sack-
most limits, and to restore the peace de-
cloth and ashes. 3 And in every province
sired by all men. When I had asked my
where the letters were published, there
counselors how this should be brought to
was crying, lamentation, and great mourn-
pass, Haman, who excels in soundness of
ing on the part of the Jews. They wore
judgment among us, and has been mani-
sackcloth and ashes. 4 The queen’s maids
festly well inclined without wavering and
and chamberlains went in and told her;
with unshaken fidelity, and had obtained and when she had heard what was done,
the second post in the kingdom, informed she was deeply troubled. She sent clothes
us that a certain ill-disposed people is to Mordecai to replace his sackcloth, but
scattered among all the tribes throughout he refused. 5 So Esther called for her
the world, opposed in their law to every chamberlain Hathach, who waited upon
other nation, and continually neglecting her; and she sent to learn the truth from
the commands of the king, so that the Mordecai. 7 Mordecai showed him what
united government blamelessly adminis- was done, and the promise which Haman
tered by us is not quietly established. Hav- had made the king of ten thousand tal-
ing then conceived that this nation is con- ents to be paid into the treasury, that he
† 3:13 Note: The part in brackets is not in Hebrew
Esther (Greek) 4:8 503 Esther (Greek) 4:36

might destroy the Jews. 8 And he gave him is no one who can resist you, Lord. 22 You
the copy of what was published in Susa know all things. You know, Lord, that it is
concerning their destruction to show to not in insolence, nor arrogance, nor love
Esther; and told him to charge her to go in of glory, that I have done this, to refuse to
and entreat the king, and to beg him for bow down to the arrogant Haman. 23 For
the people. “Remember, he said, the days I would gladly have kissed the soles of his
of your humble condition, how you were feet for the safety of Israel. 24 But I have
nursed by my hand; because Haman, who done this that I might not set the glory of
holds the next place to the king, has spoken man above the glory of God. I will not
against us to cause our death. Call upon the worship anyone except you, my Lord, and
Lord, and speak to the king concerning us, I will not do these things in arrogance.
to deliver us from death.” 25 And now, O Lord God, the King, the God
9 So Hathach went in and told her all
of Abraham, spare your people, for our
these words. 10 Esther said to Hathach, “Go enemies are planning our destruction, and
to Mordecai, and say, 11 ‘All the nations of they have desired to destroy your ancient
the empire know than any man or woman inheritance. 26 Do not overlook your peo-
who goes in to the king into the inner court ple, whom you have redeemed for yourself
without being called, that person must die, out of the land of Egypt. 27 Listen to my
unless the king stretches out his golden prayer. Have mercy on your inheritance
sceptre; then he shall live. I haven’t been and turn our mourning into gladness, that
called to go into the king for thirty days.’ ” we may live and sing praise to your name,
12 So Hathach reported to Mordecai all
O Lord. Don’t utterly destroy the mouth of
the words of Esther. 13 Then Mordecai said those who praise you, O Lord.”
to Hathach, “Go, and say to her, ‘Esther,
don’t say to yourself that you alone will 28 All Israel cried with all their might, for
escape in the kingdom, more than all the death was before their eyes. 29 And queen
other Jews. 14 For if you keep quiet on this Esther took refuge in the Lord, being taken
occasion, help and protection will come as it were in the agony of death. 30 Having
to the Jews from another place; but you taken off her glorious apparel, she put
and your father’s house will perish. Who on garments of distress and mourning.
knows if you have been made queen for Instead of grand perfumes she filled her
this occasion?’ ” head with ashes and dung. She greatly
15 And Esther sent the messenger who humbled her body, and she filled every
came to her to Mordecai, saying, 16 “Go and place of her glad adorning with her tan-
assemble the Jews that are in Susa, and all gled hair. 31 She implored the Lord God
of you fast for me. Don’t eat or drink for of Israel, and said, “O my Lord, you alone
three days, night and day. My maidens and are our king. Help me. I am destitute, and
I will also fast. Then I will go in to the king have no helper but you, 32 for my danger
contrary to the law, even if I must die.” is near at hand§. 33 I have heard from my
17 So Mordecai went and did all that Es-
birth in the tribe of my kindred that you,
ther commanded him.† 18 [He prayed to the Lord, took Israel out of all the nations, and
Lord, making mention of all the works of our fathers out of all their kindred for a
the Lord. 19 He said, “Lord‡ God, you are perpetual inheritance, and have done for
king ruling over all, for all things are in them all that you have said. 34 And now
your power, and there is no one who can we have sinned before you, and you have
oppose you in your purpose to save Israel; delivered us into the hands of our enemies,
20 for you have made the heaven and the 35 because we honored their gods. You are
earth and every wonderful thing under righteous, O Lord. 36 But now they have
heaven. 21 You are Lord of all, and there not been content with the bitterness of our
† 4:17 Note: The part between brackets, i.e. to the end of chapter 5 is not in the Hebrew ‡ 4:19 See 3 Kings 8.53.
Note. § 4:32 Greek in my hand.
Esther (Greek) 4:37 504 Esther (Greek) 5:6

slavery, but have laid their hands on the Preserver of all things, she took her two
hands of their idols 37 to abolish the decree maids, and she leaned upon one, as a del-
of your mouth, and utterly to destroy your icate female, and the other followed bear-
inheritance, and to stop the mouth of those ing her train. She was blooming in the per-
who praise you, and to extinguish the glory fection of her beauty. Her face was cheer-
of your house and your altar, 38 and to ful and looked lovely, but her heart was
open the mouth of the Gentiles to speak filled with fear. Having passed through all
the† praises of vanities, and that a mor- the doors, she stood before the king. He
tal king should be admired forever. 39 O was sitting on his royal throne. He had put
Lord, don’t surrender your sceptre to those on all his glorious apparel, covered all over
who don’t exist, and don’t let them laugh with gold and precious stones, and was
at our fall, but turn their counsel against very terrifying. And having raised his face
themselves, and make an example of him resplendent with glory, he looked with in-
who has begun to injure us. 40 Remember tense anger. The queen fell, and changed
us, O Lord! Manifest yourself in the time her color as she fainted. She bowed herself
of our affliction. Encourage me, O King upon the head of the maid who went be-
of gods, and ruler of all dominion! 41 Put fore her. But God changed the spirit of the
harmonious speech into my mouth before king to gentleness, and in intense feeling,
the lion, and turn his heart to hate him who he sprang from off his throne, and took
fights against us, to the utter destruction of her into his arms, until she recovered. He
those who agree with him. 42 But deliver us comforted her with peaceful words, and
by your hand, and help me who am alone said to her, “What is the matter, Esther? I
and have no one but you, O Lord. 43 You am your relative. Cheer up! You shall not
know all things, and know that I hate the die, for our command is openly declared to
glory of transgressors,‡ and that I abhor you: ‘Draw near.’ ”
the bed of the uncircumcised and of every 2 And having raised the golden sceptre,
stranger. 44 You know my necessity, for he laid it upon her neck, and embraced
I abhor the symbol of my proud station, her. He said, “Speak to me.”
which is upon my head in the days of my§ So she said to him, “I saw you, my lord,
splendor. I abhor it as a menstruous cloth, as an angel of God, and my heart was
and I don’t wear it in the days of my tran- troubled for fear of your glory; for you, my
quility. 45 Your handmaid has not eaten lord, are to be wondered at, and your face
at Haman’s table, and I have not honored is full of grace.” While she was speaking,
the banquet of the king, neither have I she fainted and fell.
drunk wine of libations. 46 Neither has Then the king was troubled, and all his
your handmaid rejoiced since the day of servants comforted her. 3 The king said,
my promotion until now, except in you, O “What do you desire, Esther? What is
Lord God of Abraham. 47 O god, who has your request? Ask even to the half of my
power over all, listen to the voice of the kingdom, and it shall be yours.”
desperate, and deliver us from the hand 4 Esther said, “Today is a special day. So
of those who devise mischief. Deliver me
from my fear.] if it seems good to the king, let both him
and Haman come to the feast which I will
1 † It came to pass on the third day, when
prepare this day.”
5 The king said, “Hurry and bring Haman
she had ceased praying, that she took off here, that we may do as Esther said.” So
her servant’s dress and put on her glori- they both came to the feast about which
ous apparel. Being splendidly dressed and Esther had spoken. 6 At the banquet, the
having called upon God the Overseer and king said to Esther, “What is your request,
† 4:38 Greek virtues. ‡ 4:43 Or, opinion. § 4:44 Greek vision. † 5:1 From the first verse to the third, the
Greek widely differs from the Hebrew
Esther (Greek) 5:7 505 Esther (Greek) 7:2

queen Esther? You shall have all that you Mordecai on the gallows which he had pre-
require.” pared. 5 The king’s servants said, “Behold,
7 She said, “My request and my petition Haman stands in the court.”
is: 8 if I have found favor in the king’s sight, And the king said, “Call him!”
let the king and Haman come again tomor- 6 The king said to Haman, “What should
row to the feast which I shall prepare for I do for the man whom I wish to honor?”
them, and tomorrow I will do as I have Haman said within himself, “Whom
done today.” would the king honor but myself?” 7 He
9 So Haman went out from the king very said to the king, “As for the man whom the
glad and merry; but when Haman saw king wishes to honor, 8 let the king’s ser-
Mordecai the Jew in the court, he was vants bring the robe of fine linen which the
greatly enraged. 10 Having gone into his king puts on, and the horse on which the
own house, he called his friends, and his king rides, 9 and let him give it to one of the
wife Zeresh. 11 He showed them his wealth king’s noble friends, and let him dress the
and the glory with which the king had in- man whom the king loves. Let him mount
vested him, and how he had promoted him him on the horse, and proclaim through
to be chief ruler in the kingdom. 12 Haman the§ streets of the city, saying, “This is what
said, “The queen has called no one to the will be done for every man whom the king
feast with the king but me, and I am invited honors!”
tomorrow. 13 But these things don’t please 10 Then the king said to Haman, “You
me while I see Mordecai the Jew in the have spoken well. Do so for Mordecai
court. the Jew, who waits in the palace, and let
14 Then Zeresh his wife and his friends
not a word of what you have spoken be
said to him, “Let a fifty cubit tall‡ gallows neglected!”
be made for you. In the morning you speak 11 So Haman took the robe and the horse,
to the king, and let Mordecai be hanged on
dressed Mordecai, mounted him on the
the gallows; but you go in to the feast with horse, and went through the streets of the
the king, and be merry.” city, proclaiming, “This is what will be
The saying pleased Haman, and the gal- done for every man whom the king wishes
lows was prepared. to honor.” 12 Then Mordecai returned to
the palace; but Haman went home mourn-
6 ing, with his head covered.
1 TheLord removed sleep from the king 13 Haman related the events that had
that night; so he told his servant to bring in happened to him to Zeresh his wife and to
the† books, the registers of daily events, to his friends. His friends and his wife said to
read to him. 2 And he found the‡ records him, “If Mordecai is of the race of the Jews,
written concerning Mordecai, how he had and you have begun to be humbled before
told the king about the king’s two cham- him, you will assuredly fall; and you will
berlains, when they were keeping guard, not be able to withstand him, for the liv-
and sought to lay hands on Ahasuerus. ing God is with him.” 14 While they were
3 The king said, “What honor or favor have still speaking, the chamberlains arrived to
we done for Mordecai?” rush Haman to the banquet which Esther
The king’s servants said, “You haven’t had prepared.
done anything for him.”
4 And while the king was enquiring 7
1 So the king and Haman went in to drink
about the kindness of Mordecai, behold,
Haman was in the court. The king said, with the queen. 2 The king said to Esther
“Who is in the court? Now Haman had at the banquet on the second day, “What
come in to speak to the king about hanging is it, queen Esther? What is your request?
‡ 5:14 Greek a tree cut. † 6:1 Greek letters. ‡ 6:2 Greek letters. § 6:9 Or, wide space.
Esther (Greek) 7:3 506 Esther (Greek) 8:13

What is your petition? It shall be done for king extended the golden sceptre to Esther;
you, up to half of my kingdom.” and Esther arose to stand near the king.
3 She answered and said, “If I have found 5 Esther said, “If it seems good to you, and I
favor in the sight of the king, let my life be have found favor in your sight, let an order
granted as my petition, and my people as be sent that the letters sent by Haman may
my request. 4 For both I and my people are be reversed—letters that were written for
sold for destruction, pillage, and genocide. the destruction of the Jews who are in your
If both we and our children were sold for kingdom. 6 For how could I see the afflic-
male and female slaves, I would not have tion of my people, and how could I survive
bothered you, for this† isn’t worthy of the the destruction of my† kindred?”
king’s palace.”
5 The king said, “Who has dared to do this
7 Then the king said to Esther, “If I have
given and freely granted you all that was
6 Esther said, “The enemy is Haman, this Haman’s, and hanged him on a gallows
because he laid his hands upon the Jews,
wicked man!”
Then Haman was terrified in the pres- what more do you seek? 8 Write in my
ence of the king and the queen. 7 The king name whatever seems good to you, and
rose up from the banquet to go into the seal it with my ring; for whatever is writ-
garden. Haman began to beg the queen ten at the command of the king, and sealed
for mercy, for he saw that he was in seri- with my ring, cannot be countermanded.
9 So the scribes were called in the first
ous trouble. 8 The king returned from the month, which is Nisan, on the twenty-third
garden; and Haman had fallen upon the day of the same year; and orders were
couch, begging the queen for mercy. The written to the Jews, whatever the king
king said, “Will you even assault my wife had commanded to the‡ local governors
in my house?” and chiefs of the local governors, from In-
And when Haman heard it, he changed dia even to Ethiopia—one hundred twenty-
countenance. 9 And Bugathan, one of the seven local governors, according to the
chamberlains, said to the king, “Behold, several provinces, in their own languages.
Haman has also prepared a gallows for 10 They were written by order of the king,
Mordecai, who spoke concerning the king, sealed with his ring, and the letters were
and a fifty cubit high gallows has been set sent by the couriers. 11 In them, he charged
up on Haman’s property.” them to use their own laws in every city,
The king said, “Let him be‡ hanged on to help each other, and to treat their ad-
it!” 10 So Haman was hanged on the gal- versaries and those who attacked them as
lows that had been prepared for Mordecai. they pleased, 12 on one day in all the king-
Then the king’s wrath was abated. dom of Ahasuerus, on the thirteenth day
of the twelfth month, which is Adar. 13 Let
8 the copies be posted in conspicuous places
1On that day, King Ahasuerus gave to throughout the kingdom. Let all the Jews
Esther all that belonged to Haman the slan- be ready against this day, to fight against
derer. The king called Mordecai, for Esther their enemies. The following is a copy of
had told that he was related to her. 2 The the letter containing orders:
king took the ring which he had taken
away from Haman and gave it to Mordecai. § [The great King Ahasuerus sends greet-
Esther appointed Mordecai over all that ings to the rulers of provinces in one
had been Haman’s. 3 She spoke yet again to hundred twenty-seven local governance
the king, and fell at his feet, and implored regions, from India to Ethiopia, even to
him to undo Haman’s mischief and all that those who are faithful to our interests.
he had done against the Jews. 4 Then the Many who have been frequently honored
† 7:4 see Hebrew: slanderer ‡ 7:9 Or, impaled. † 8:6 Greek country. ‡ 8:9 Greek stewards. § 8:13 the
passages in brackets are not in the Hebrew. † 8:13 perhaps rulers, see Luke 22. 25.
Esther (Greek) 8:14 507 Esther (Greek) 8:15

by the most abundant kindness of their† he thought, having surprised us in a de-

benefactors have conceived ambitious de- fenseless state, to transfer the dominion
signs, and not only endeavor to hurt our of the Persians to the Macedonians. But
subjects, but moreover, not being able to we find that the Jews, who have been con-
bear prosperity, they also endeavor to plot signed to destruction by the‡ most abom-
against their own benefactors. They not inable of men, are not malefactors, but
only would utterly abolish gratitude from living according to the most just laws, and
among men, but also, elated by the boast- being the sons of the living God, the most
ings of men who are strangers to all that high and§ mighty, who maintains the king-
is good, they supposed that they would dom, to us as well as to our forefathers, in
escape the sin-hating vengeance of the the most excellent order. You will there-
ever-seeing God. And oftentimes evil ex- fore do well in refusing to obey the letter
hortation has made partakers of the guilt sent by Haman the son of Hammedatha,
of shedding innocent blood, and has in- because he who has done these things has
volved in irremediable calamities many of been hanged with his whole family at the
those who had been appointed to offices gates of Susa, Almighty God having swiftly
of authority, who had been entrusted with returned to him a worthy punishment. We
the management of their friends’ affairs; enjoin you then, having openly published
while men, by the false sophistry of an a copy of this letter in every place, to
evil disposition, have deceived the simple give the Jews permission to use their own
goodwill of the ruling powers. And it is lawful customs and to strengthen them,
possible to see this, not so much from more that on the thirteenth of the twelfth month
ancient traditional accounts, as it is im- Adar, on the self-same day, they may de-
mediately in your power to see it by ex- fend themselves against those who attack
amining what things have been wickedly‡ them in a time of affliction. For in the
place of the destruction of the chosen race,
perpetrated by the baseness of men un-
Almighty God has granted them this time
worthily holding power. It is right to take
of gladness. Therefore you also, among
heed with regard to the future, that we
your notable feasts, must keep a distinct
may maintain the government in undis-
day with all festivity, that both now and
turbed peace for all men, adopting need-
hereafter it may be a day of deliverance to
ful changes, and ever judging those cases
us and who are well disposed toward the
which come under our notice with truly
Persians, but to those that plotted against
equitable decisions. For whereas Haman,
us a memorial of destruction. And every
a Macedonian, the son of Hammedatha,
in reality an alien from the blood of the city and province collectively, which shall
Persians, and differing widely from our not do accordingly, shall be consumed
mild course of government, having been with vengeance by spear and fire. It shall
hospitably entertained by us, obtained so be made not only inaccessible to men, but
large a share of our universal kindness as most hateful to wild beasts and birds for-
ever.] Let the copies be posted in conspic-
to be called our father, and to continue uous places throughout the kingdom and
the person next to the royal throne, rev- let all the Jews be ready against this day, to
erenced of all; he however, overcome by§ fight against their enemies. 14 So the horse-
pride, endeavored to deprive us of our men went forth with haste to perform the
dominion, and our life;† having by various king’s commands. The ordinance was also
and subtle artifices demanded for destruc- published in Susa.
tion both Mordecai our deliverer and per-
petual benefactor, and Esther the blame- 15 Mordecai
went out robed in royal ap-
less consort of our kingdom, along with parel, wearing a golden crown and a di-
their whole nation. For by these methods adem of fine purple linen. The people
‡ 8:13 Greek contrived. § 8:13 Greek not having borne. † 8:13 Greek spirit. ‡ 8:13 Greek thrice guilty.
§ 8:13 Greek greatest.
Esther (Greek) 8:16 508 Esther (Greek) 9:27

in Susa saw it and rejoiced. 16 The Jews mies; for they destroyed fifteen thousand
had light and gladness 17 in every city and of them on the thirteenth day of Adar, but
province where the ordinance was pub- took no spoil. 17 They rested on the four-
lished. Wherever the proclamation took teenth of the same month, and kept it as a
place, the Jews had joy and gladness, feast- day of rest with joy and gladness.
ing and mirth. Many of the Gentiles were 18 The Jews in the city of Susa assembled
circumcised and became Jews for fear of also on the fourteenth day and rested; and
the Jews. they also observed the fifteenth with joy
and gladness. 19 On this account then,
9 the Jews dispersed in every foreign land
1 Now in the twelfth month, on the thir- keep the fourteenth of Adar as a† holy day
teenth day of the month, which is Adar, with joy, each sending gifts of food to his
the letters written by the king arrived. neighbor.
2 In that day, the adversaries of the Jews
20 Mordecai wrote these things in a book
perished; for no one resisted, through
fear of them. 3 For the chiefs of the lo- and sent them to the Jews, as many as were
cal governors, and the princes and the in the kingdom of Ahasuerus, both those
royal scribes, honored the Jews; for the who were near and those who were far
fear of Mordecai was upon them. 4 For away, 21 to establish these as joyful days
the order of the king was in force, that and to keep the fourteenth and fifteenth
he should be celebrated in all the king- of Adar; 22 for on these days the Jews
dom. 6 In the city Susa the Jews killed obtained rest from their enemies; and in
that month, which was Adar, in which a
five hundred men, 7 including Pharsannes, change was made for them from mourn-
Delphon, Phasga, 8 Pharadatha, Barea, Sar- ing to joy, and from sorrow to a holiday,
baca, 9 Marmasima, Ruphaeus, Arsaeus, to spend the whole of it in good days of‡
and Zabuthaeus, 10 the ten sons of Haman feasting and gladness, sending portions
the son of Hammedatha the Bugaean, the
to their friends and to the poor. 23 And
enemy of the Jews; and they plundered
the Jews consented to this as Mordecai
their property on the same day. 11 The
wrote to them, 24 showing how Haman
number of those who perished in Susa was
the son of Hammedatha the Macedonian
reported to the king. fought against them, how he made a de-
12 Then the king said to Esther, “The Jews
cree and cast§ lots to destroy them ut-
have slain five hundred men in the city terly; 25 also how he went in to the king,
Susa. What do you think they have done in telling him to hang Mordecai; but all the
the rest of the country? What more do you calamities he tried to bring upon the Jews
ask, that it may be done for you?” came upon himself, and he was hanged,
13 Esther said to the king, “Let it be
along with his children. 26 Therefore these
granted to the Jews to do the same to them days were called Purim, because of the
tomorrow. Also, hang the bodies of the ten lots (for in their language they are called
sons of Haman.” Purim) because of the words of this let-
14 He permitted it to be done; and he
ter, and because of all they suffered on
gave up to the Jews of the city the bodies this account, and all that happened to
of the sons of Haman to hang. 15 The Jews them. 27 Mordecai established it, and the
assembled in Susa on the fourteenth day Jews took upon themselves, upon their off-
of Adar and killed three hundred men, but spring, and upon those who were joined to
plundered no property. them to observe it, neither would they on
16 The rest of the Jews who were in the any account behave differently; but these
kingdom assembled, and helped one an- days were to be a memorial kept in ev-
other, and obtained rest from their ene- ery generation, city, family, and province.
† 9:19 Greek good day. ‡ 9:22 Greek weddings. § 9:24 Greek lot.
Esther (Greek) 9:28 509 Esther (Greek) 10:14

28 These days of Purim shall be kept for- with an assembly, joy, and gladness before
ever, and their memorial shall not fail in God, throughout the generations forever
any generation. among his people Israel. 14 In the fourth
29 Queen Esther the daughter of Ami- year of the reign of Ptolemeus and Cleopa-
nadab and Mordecai the Jew wrote all that tra, Dositheus, who said he was a priest
they had done, and gave the confirmation and Levite, and Ptolemeus his son brought
of the letter about Purim. 31 Mordecai and this letter of Purim, which they said was
Esther the queen established this decision authentic, and that Lysimachus the son
on their own, pledging their own well- of Ptolemeus, who was in Jerusalem, had
being to their plan. 32 And Esther estab- interpreted.]
lished it by a command forever, and it was
written for a memorial.

1 The king levied a tax upon his kingdom
both by land and sea. 2 As for his strength
and valour, and the wealth and glory of
his kingdom, behold, they are written in
the book of the Persians and Medes for a
3 Mordecai† was viceroy to King Aha-
suerus, and was a great man in the king-
dom, honored by the Jews, and lived his
life loved by all his nation.‡ 4 [Mordecai
said, “These things have come from God.
5 For I remember the dream which I had
concerning these matters; for not one de-
tail of them has failed. 6 There was the little
spring which became a river, and there
was light, and the sun and much water.
The river is Esther, whom the king married
and made queen. 7 The two serpents are
Haman and me. 8 The nations are those
which combined to destroy the name of
the Jews. 9 But as for my nation, this is
Israel, even those who cried to God and
were delivered; for the Lord delivered his
people. The Lord rescued us out of all these
calamities; and God worked such signs
and great wonders as have not been done
among the nations. 10 Therefore he or-
dained two lots. One for the people of God,
and one for all the other nations. 11 And
these two lots came for an appointed sea-
son, and for a day of judgment, before
God, and for all the nations. 12 God re-
membered his people and vindicated his
inheritance. 13 They shall observe these
days in the month Adar, on the fourteenth
and on the fifteenth day of the month,
† 10:3 Greek succeded to Or, came into the place of. ‡ 10:3 the passages in brackets are not in the Hebrew.
1 Maccabees 1:1 510 1 Maccabees 1:27

separated from them many evils have be-

fallen us. 12 That proposal was good in
The First Book of the their eyes. 13 Some of the people eagerly
Maccabees went to the king, and he authorized them
The First Book of the Maccabees is rec- to observe the ordinances of the† Gentiles.
14 So‡ they built a gymnasium in Jerusalem
ognized as Deuterocanonical Scripture by
the Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, and according to the laws of the§ Gentiles.
15 They made themselves uncircumcised,
Russian Orthodox Churches.
forsook the holy covenant, joined them-
1 After Alexander the Macedonian, the selves to the† Gentiles, and sold themselves
son of Philip, who came out of the land to do evil.
of Chittim, and struck Darius king of the 16 The kingdom was established in the
Persians and Medes, it came to pass, af- sight of Antiochus, and he planned to reign
ter he had struck him, that he reigned in over Egypt, that he might reign over both
his place, in former time, over† Greece. kingdoms. 17 He entered into Egypt with
2 He fought many battles, won many a‡ great multitude, with chariots, with ele-
strongholds, killed the kings of the earth, phants, with cavalry, and with a great§
3 went through to the ends of the earth, navy. 18 He made war against Ptolemy king
and took spoils of a multitude of nations. of Egypt. Ptolemy was put to shame before
The earth was quiet before him. He was him, and fled; and many fell wounded
exalted. His heart was lifted up. 4 He to death. 19 They took possession of the
gathered together an exceedingly strong strong cities in the land of Egypt, and he
army and ruled over countries, nations, took the spoils of Egypt.
and principalities, and they paid him trib- 20 Antiochus, after he had defeated
5 After these things he fell sick, and per- Egypt, returned in the one hundred forty

third year, and went up against Israel
ceived that he was going to die. 6 He called and Jerusalem with a‡ great multitude,
his honorable servants, which had been 21 and entered presumptuously into the
brought up with him from his youth, and
sanctuary, and took the golden altar, the
he divided to them his kingdom while he
lampstand for the light, and all its utensils.
was still alive. 7 Alexander reigned twelve 22
He took the table of the show bread, the
years, then he died. 8 Then his servants cups for the drink offerings, the bowls,
ruled, each one in his place. 9 They all the golden censers, the veil, the crowns,
put crowns upon themselves after he was and the gold decoration on the front of
dead, and so did their sons after them the temple. He peeled it all off. 23 He
many years; and they multiplied evils in
took the silver, the gold, and the precious
the earth.
10 There came out of them a sinful root, vessels. He took the hidden treasures
which he found. 24 When he had taken all
Antiochus Epiphanes, son of Antiochus the of these, he went away into his own land.
king, who had been a hostage at Rome, He made a great slaughter, and spoke very
and he reigned in‡ the one hundred thirty arrogantly. 25 Great mourning came upon
seventh year of the kingdom of the Greeks. Israel, in every place where they were.
11 In those days transgressors of the law 26
The rulers and elders groaned. The
came out of Israel and persuaded many, virgins and young men were made feeble.
saying, let’s go make a covenant with the§ The beauty of the women was changed.
Gentiles around us; for since we were 27 Every bridegroom took up lamentation.
† 1:1 That is, the Greek Empire. Compare 1 Maccabees 1:10 and 1 Maccabees 6:2. ‡ 1:10 circa B.C. 176. § 1:11
Or, nations: and so throughout this book. † 1:13 Or, nations: and so throughout this book. ‡ 1:14 See 2 Maccabees
4:9, 12. § 1:14 Or, nations: and so throughout this book. † 1:15 Or, nations: and so throughout this book
‡ 1:17 Gr. heavy. § 1:17 Or, armament † 1:20 circa B.C. 170. See 2 Maccabees 5:11-16. ‡ 1:20 Gr. heavy.
1 Maccabees 1:28 511 1 Maccabees 1:60

She who sat in the marriage chamber was king sent letters by the hand of messen-
mourning. 28 The land was moved for its gers to Jerusalem and the cities of Judah,
inhabitants, and all the house of Jacob was that they should follow laws strange to
clothed with shame. the land, 45 and should forbid whole burnt
29 §After two full years, the king sent offerings and sacrifice and drink offer-
a chief collector of tribute to the cities of ings in the sanctuary; and should profane
Judah, and he came to Jerusalem with a† the Sabbaths and feasts, 46 and pollute
great multitude. 30 He spoke words of the sanctuary and those who were holy;
peace to them in subtlety, and they be- 47 that they should build altars, and tem-
lieved him. Then he fell upon the city ples, and shrines for idols, and should sac-
suddenly, struck it very severely, and de- rifice swine’s flesh and unclean animals;
48 and that they should leave their sons un-
stroyed many people of Israel. 31 He took
the spoils of the city, set it on fire, and circumcised, that they should make their
pulled down its houses and its walls on souls abominable with all manner of un-
every side. 32 They led captive the women cleanness and profanation; 49 so that they
and the children, and seized the livestock. might forget the law, and change all the
33 Then they fortified the city of David with ordinances. 50 Whoever doesn’t do ac-
a large, strong wall and with strong tow- cording to the word of the king, he shall
ers, and it became their citadel. 34 They die. 51 According to all these words wrote
put a sinful nation, transgressors of the he to his whole kingdom. He appointed
law, there, and they strengthened them- overseers over all the people, and he com-
selves in it. 35 They stored up weapons manded the cities of Judah to sacrifice, city
and food, and gathering together the spoils by city. 52 From the people were gathered
of Jerusalem, they stored them there, and together to them many, everyone who had
forsaken the law; and they did evil things
they became a great menace. 36 It became
a place to lie in wait against the sanctuary, in the land. 53 They made Israel to hide
and an evil adversary to Israel continually. themselves in every place of refuge which
37 They shed innocent blood on every side they had.
of the sanctuary, and defiled the sanctu- 54 On the fifteenth day of Chislev, in§ the
ary. 38 The inhabitants of Jerusalem fled
because of them. She became a habitation one hundred forty fifth year, they built an
of foreigners. She became foreign to those abomination of desolation upon the altar,†
who were born in her, and her children and in the cities of Judah on every side
forsook her. 39 Her sanctuary was laid they built idol altars.‡ 55 At the doors of
waste like a wilderness,‡ her feasts were the houses and in the streets they burned
turned into mourning, her Sabbaths into incense. 56 They tore the books of the law
reproach, and her honor into contempt. which they found in pieces and set them on
40 According to her glory, so was her dis- fire. 57 Anyone who was found with any a
honor multiplied, and her exaltation was book of the covenant, and if any consented
turned into mourning. to the law, the king’s sentence delivered
41 King Antiochus wrote to his whole him to death. 58 Thus did they in their
kingdom that all should be one people, might to Israel, to those who were found
42 and that each should forsake his own month by month in the cities. 59 On the
laws. All the nations agreed according to twenty-fifth day of the month they sacri-
the word of the king. 43 Many of Israel ficed upon the idol altar that was on top
consented to his worship, sacrificed to the of the altar of burnt offering. 60 §They
idols, and profaned the Sabbath. 44 The put to death women who had circumcised
§ 1:29 See 2 Maccabees 5:24. † 1:29 Gr. heavy. ‡ 1:39 See 2 Maccabees 6:6. § 1:54 circa B.C. 168. See
2 Maccabees 5:11. † 1:54 The two words rendered altar are different in the Greek: and so in 1 Maccabees 1:59.
‡ 1:54 The two words rendered altar are different in the Greek: and so in 1 Maccabees 1:59. § 1:60 See 2
Maccabees 6:10.
1 Maccabees 1:61 512 1 Maccabees 2:31

their children, according to the command- gathered together. 17 The king’s officers
ment. 61 They hung their babies around answered and spoke to Mattathias, saying,
their necks, and their houses, and those “You are a ruler and an honorable and
who had circumcised them. 62 Many in great man in this city, and strengthened
Israel were fully resolved and confirmed with sons and kindred. 18 Now therefore
in themselves not to eat unclean things. come first and do the commandment of
63 †They chose to die, that they might not the king, as all the nations have done,
including the men of Judah and those
be defiled with the food, and that they
who remain in Jerusalem. You and your
might not profane the holy covenant; and
house will be numbered among the king’s‡
they died. 64 Exceedingly great wrath came
friends, and you and your sons will be
upon Israel.
honored with silver and gold and many
2 19 And Mattathias answered and said
1 In those days Mattathias the son of
John, the son of Simeon, a priest of the sons with a loud voice, “If all the nations that
of Joarib, from Jerusalem rose up; and he are in the house of the king’s dominion
listen to him, to fall away each one from
lived at Modin. 2 And he had five sons:†
John, who was surnamed Gaddis; 3 Simon, the worship of his fathers, and have made
who was called Thassi; 4 Judas, who was choice to follow his commandments, 20 yet
called Maccabaeus; 5 Eleazar, who was I and my sons and my kindred will walk
called Avaran; and Jonathan, who was in the covenant of our fathers. 21 Far be
called Apphus. it from us that we should forsake the law
6 He saw the blasphemies that were com-
and the ordinances. 22 We will not listen
to the king’s words, to turn aside from our
mitted in Judah and in Jerusalem, 7 and worship, to the right hand, or to the left.”
he said, “Woe is me! Why was I born to 23 When he had finished speaking these
see the destruction of my people and the words, a Jew came in the sight of all to
destruction of the holy city, and to dwell sacrifice on the altar which was at Modin,
there when it was given into the hand of according to the king’s commandment.
the enemy, the sanctuary into the hand 24 Mattathias saw it, so his zeal was kin-
of foreigners? 8 Her temple has become dled, and his guts trembled, and he vented
like a man who was glorious. 9 Her ves- his wrath according to judgment, and ran
sels of glory are carried away into captiv- and killed him upon the altar. 25 He killed
ity. Her infants are slain in her streets. the king’s officer, who compelled men to
Her young men are slain with the enemy’s sacrifice, at the same time, and pulled
sword. 10 What nation has not inherited down the altar. 26 He was zealous for the
her palaces and taken possession of her law, even as Phinehas did to Zimri the son
spoils? 11 Her adornment has all been of Salu.
taken away. Instead of a free woman, she 27 Mattathias cried out in the city with
has become a slave. 12 Behold, our holy a loud voice, saying, “Whoever is zealous
things, our beauty, and our glory are laid for the law and maintains the covenant, let
waste. The Gentiles have profaned them. him follow me!” 28 He and his sons fled into
13 Why should we live any longer?” the mountains, and left all that they had in
14 Mattathias and his sons tore their the city.
clothes, put on sackcloth, and mourned 29 Then many who sought justice and
exceedingly. judgment went down into the wilderness
15 And the king’s officers who were en- to live there— 30 they, their children, their
forcing the apostasy came into the city wives, and their livestock—because evils
Modin to sacrifice. 16 Many of Israel came were multiplied upon them. 31 It was told
to them, and Mattathias and his sons were the king’s officers and the forces that were
† 1:63 See 2 Maccabees 6:19 and 7:1, etc. † 2:2 Gr. Joannes. ‡ 2:18 See 1 Maccabees 3:38; 10:10, etc.; Compare
1 Maccabees 10:65; 11:27; 2 Maccabees 8:9.
1 Maccabees 2:32 513 1 Maccabees 2:66

in Jerusalem, the city of David, that certain and the work prospered in their hand.
men who had broken the king’s command- 48 They rescued the law out of the hand
ment had gone down into the secret places of the Gentiles and out of the hand of the
in the wilderness; 32 and many pursued kings. They never allowed the sinner to
after them, and having overtaken them, triumph.
they encamped against them and set the 49 The days of Mattathias drew near that
battle in array against them on the Sabbath he should die, and he said to his sons, “Now
day. 33 They said to them, “Enough of this! pride and scorn have gained strength. It
Come out and do according to the word of is a season of overthrow and indignant
the king, and you will all live!” wrath. 50 Now, my children, be zealous
34 They said, “We won’t come out. We
for the law, and give your lives for the
won’t do the word of the king, to profane covenant of your fathers. 51 Call to re-
the Sabbath day.” membrance the deeds of our fathers which
35 Then the enemy hurried to attack they did in their generations; and re-
them. ceive great glory and an everlasting name.
36 They didn’t answer them. They didn’t 52
Wasn’t Abraham found faithful in temp-
cast a stone at them, or block their secret tation, and it was reckoned to him for
places, 37 saying, “Let’s all die in our inno- righteousness? 53 Joseph in the time of
cence. Heaven and earth testify for us, that his distress kept the commandment, and
you put us to death unjustly.” became lord of Egypt. 54 Phinehas our fa-
38 So they attacked them on the Sabbath,
ther, because he was exceedingly zealous,
and they died—they, their wives, their chil- obtained the covenant of an everlasting
dren, and their livestock—in number a priesthood. 55 Joshua became a judge in
thousand souls of men.
39 When Mattathias and his friends Israel for fulfilling the word.
56 Caleb ob-

found out about it, and they mourned over tained a heritage in the57land for testifying
them exceedingly. 40 One said to another, in the congregation. David inherited
“If we all do as our kindred have done, the throne of a kingdom forever and ever
and don’t fight against the Gentiles for our for being merciful. Elijah was taken up

lives and our ordinances, they will quickly into heaven because he was exceedingly
destroy us from off the earth.” 41 So they zealous for the law. 59 Hananiah, Azariah,

decided that day, saying, “Whoever comes and Mishael believed, and were saved out
of the flame. 60 Daniel was delivered from
against us to battle on the Sabbath day, let’s the mouth of lions for his innocence.
fight against him, and we will in no way 61 “Thus consider from generation to
all die, as our kindred died in the secret
places.” generation that no one who put their trust
42 Then a company of the Hasidaeans,§ in him will lack for strength.
62 Don’t be

mighty men of Israel, everyone who of- afraid of the words of a sinful man; for his
fered himself willingly for the law, were glory will be dung and worms. 63 Today

gathered together to them. 43 All those who he will be lifted up, and tomorrow he will
fled from the evils were added to them, in no way be found, because he has re-
and supported them. 44 They mustered an turned 64to dust, and his thought has per-
army, and struck sinners in their anger, ished. You, my children, be strong, and
and lawless men in their wrath. The rest show yourselves men on behalf of the law;
fled to the Gentiles for safety. 45 And Mat- for in it you will obtain glory. 65 Behold,
tathias and his friends went around and Simon your brother, whom I know to be
pulled down the altars. 46 They forcibly a man of counsel. Always listen to him.
circumcised the boys who were uncircum- He shall be a father to you. 66 Judas Mac-
cised, as many as they found in the coasts cabaeus has been strong and mighty from
of Israel. 47 They pursued the arrogant, his youth. He shall be your captain and
§ 2:42 That is, Chasidim. † 2:66 Some ancient authorities read you shall fight.
1 Maccabees 2:67 514 1 Maccabees 3:29

shall fight† the battle of the people. 67 Rally and get myself glory in the kingdom. I will
around all the doers of the law, and avenge fight against Judas and those who are with
the wrong done to your people. 68 Repay him, who despise the king’s command. 15 A
the Gentiles, and obey the commandments mighty army of the ungodly went up with
of the law.” him to help him, to take vengeance on the
69 He blessed them, and was gathered to children of Israel.
16 He came near to the ascent of Beth-
his ancestors. 70 He died in‡ the one hun-
dred forty sixth year, and his sons buried horon, and Judas went out to meet him
him in the tombs of his ancestors at Modin. with a small company. 17 But when they
All Israel made great lamentation for him. saw the army coming to meet them, they
said to Judas, “What? Shall we be able,
3 being a small company, to fight against so
1 His son Judas, who was called Mac- great and strong a multitude? We for our
cabaeus, rose up in his place. 2 All his kin- part are faint, having tasted no food this
dred helped him, and so did all those who day.”
18 Judas said, “It is an easy thing for many
joined with his father, and they fought
with gladness the battle of Israel. 3 He got to be hemmed in by the hands of a few.
his people great glory, and put on a breast- With‡ heaven it is all one, to save by many
plate like a giant, and bound his warlike or by few; 19 for victory in battle stands not
harness around him, and set battles in in the multitude of an army, but strength is
array, protecting the army with his sword. from heaven. 20 They come to us in fullness
4 He was like a lion in his deeds, and like of insolence and lawlessness, to destroy us
a lion’s cub roaring for prey. 5 He hunted and our wives and our children, and to
and pursued the lawless, and he burned plunder us, 21 but we fight for our lives and
up those who troubled his people. 6 The our laws. 22 He himself will crush them
lawless shrunk back for fear of him, and before our face; but as for you, don’t be
all the workers of lawlessness were very afraid of them.
23 Now when he had finished speaking,
troubled, and deliverance prospered in his
hand. 7 He angered many kings and made he rushed suddenly against Seron and his
Jacob glad with his acts. His memory is army, and they were defeated before him.
24 They pursued them down the descent
blessed forever. 8 He went through the
cities of Judah, destroyed the ungodly† out of Bethhoron to the plain, and about eight
of the land, and turned away wrath from hundred men of them fell; but the rest fled
into the land of the Philistines.
Israel. 9 He was renowned to the utmost 25 The fear of Judas and his kindred, and
part of the earth. He gathered together
the dread of them, began to fall on the na-
those who were ready to perish.
10 Apollonius gathered the Gentiles to-
tions around them. 26 His fame reached the
king, and every nation told of the battles of
gether with a great army from Samaria Judas.
to fight against Israel. 11 Judas learned of 27 But when King Antiochus heard these
it, and he went out to meet him, struck words, he was full of indignation; and he
him, and killed him. Many fell wounded to sent and gathered together all the forces
death, and the rest fled. 12 They took their of his realm, an exceedingly strong army.
spoils, and Judas took Apollonius’ sword, 28 He opened his treasury and gave his
and he fought with it all his days. forces pay for a year, and commanded
13 Seron, the commander of the army them to be ready for every need. 29 He saw
of Syria, heard that Judas had gathered a that the money was gone from his trea-
large company, including a body of faith- sures, and that the tributes of the country
ful men who stayed with him, went out to were small, because of the dissension and
war. 14 He said, “I will make myself a name disaster which he had brought upon the
‡ 2:70 circa B.C. 167. † 3:8 Gr. out of it. ‡ 3:18 Some ancient authorities read the God of heaven.
1 Maccabees 3:30 515 1 Maccabees 3:56

land, to the end that he might take away were multiplied, and that the forces were
the laws which had been from the first encamping in their borders. They learned
days. 30 He was afraid that he wouldn’t about the king’s words which he had com-
have enough as at other times for the manded, to destroy the people and make
charges and the gifts which he used to give an end of them. 43 Then they each said
with a liberal hand, more abundantly than to his neighbor, “Let’s repair the ruins
the kings who were before him. 31 And of our people. Let’s fight for our people
he was exceedingly perplexed in his mind, and the holy place.” 44 The congregation
and he determined to go into Persia, and to was gathered together, that they might
take the tributes of those countries, and to be ready for battle, and that they might
gather much money. 32 He left Lysias, an pray and ask for mercy and compassion.
honorable man, and one of royal lineage, 45 Jerusalem was without inhabitant like
to be over the affairs of the king from the a wilderness. There was none of her off-
river Euphrates to the borders of Egypt, spring who went in or went out. The
33 and to bring up his son Antiochus, until sanctuary was trampled down. Children
he came again. 34 He delivered to Lysias of foreigners were in the citadel. The Gen-
half of his forces and the elephants, and tiles lived there. Joy was taken away from
gave him charge of all the things that he Jacob, and the pipe and the harp ceased.
would have done, and concerning those 46 They gathered themselves together, and
who lived in Judea and in Jerusalem, 35 that came to Mizpeh, near Jerusalem; for in
he should send an army against them to Mizpeh there used to be a place of prayer
root out and destroy the strength of Israel for Israel. 47 They fasted that day, put on
and the remnant of Jerusalem, and to take sackcloth, put ashes on their heads, tore
away their memory from the place, 36 and their clothes, 48 and opened the book of the
that he should make foreigners live in all law, to learn about the things for which
their territory, and should divide their the Gentiles consulted the images of their
land to them by lot. 37 The king took the idols. 49 They brought the priests’ gar-
half that remained of the forces, and left ments, the first fruits, and the tithes. They
Antioch, his royal city, in the one hundred stirred up the Nazarites, who had accom-
forty seventh year;§ and he passed over plished their days. 50 They cried aloud to-
the river Euphrates, and went through the ward heaven, saying, “What should we do
upper countries. with these men? Where should we carry
38 Lysias chose Ptolemy the son of Do- them away? 51 Your holy place is trampled
rymenes, Nicanor, and Gorgias, mighty down and profaned. Your priests mourn
men of the king’s friends;† 39 and with in humiliation. 52 Behold, the Gentiles are
them, he sent forty thousand infantry and assembled together against us to destroy
seven thousand cavalry to go into the land us. You know what things they imagine
of Judah and to destroy it, according to against us. 53 How will we be able to stand
the word of the king. 40 They set out with against them, unless you help us?” 54 They
all their army, and came and encamped sounded with the trumpets, and gave a
near Emmaus in the plain country. 41 The loud shout.
55 And after this Judas appointed leaders
merchants of the country heard of their
of the people: captains of thousands, cap-
fame, and took silver and gold in large
tains of hundreds, captains of fifties, and
quantities, and fetters,‡ and came into the
captains of tens. 56 He said to those who
camp to take the children of Israel for
were building houses, were betrothing
slaves. Forces of Syria and of the land of
wives, were planting vineyards, and were
the Philistines§ joined with them. fearful, that they should return, each man
42 Judas and his kindred saw that evils to his own house, according to the law.
§ 3:37 circa B.C. 166. † 3:38 See 1 Maccabees 2:18. ‡ 3:41 Most of the authorities read servants. § 3:41
Gr. foreigners.
1 Maccabees 3:57 516 1 Maccabees 4:31

57 The army marched out and encamped pursued them to† Gazara, and to the plains
upon the south side of Emmaus. 58 Judas of Idumaea, Azotus, and Jamnia. About
said, “Arm yourselves and be valiant men! three thousand of those men fell. 16 Then
Be ready in the morning to fight with Judas and his army returned from pur-
these Gentiles who are assembled together suing them; 17 and he said to the people,
against us to destroy us and our holy place. “Don’t be greedy for the spoils, because
59 For it is better for us to die in battle than there is a battle before us. 18 Gorgias and
to see the calamities of our nation and the his army are near us on the mountain.
holy place. 60 Nevertheless, as may be the But stand now against our enemies and
will in heaven, so shall he do. fight against them, and afterwards take
the spoils with boldness.” 19 While Judas
4 was finishing this speech, a part of them
Gorgias took five thousand infantry, a
appeared looking out from the mountain.
thousand chosen cavalry, and the army 20 They saw that their army had been put
moved out at night, 2 that it might fall to flight, and that the Jews were burning
upon the army of the Jews and strike them the camp; for the smoke that was seen
suddenly. The men of the citadel were declared what was done. 21 But when they
his guides. 3 Judas heard of this, and he perceived these things, they were very
and the valiant men moved, that he might afraid. Perceiving also the army of Judas
strike the king’s army which was at Em- in the plain ready for battle, 22 they all fled
maus 4 while the forces were still dispersed into the land of the‡ Philistines. 23 Judas
from the camp. 5 Gorgias came into the returned to plunder the camp, and they
camp of Judas at night and found no man. took much gold, silver, blue, sea purple,
He sought them in the mountains; for he and great riches. 24 Then they returned
said, “These men are running away from home, and sang a song of thanksgiving,
us.” and gave praise to heaven, because he is
6 As soon as it was day, Judas appeared
good, because his mercy endures forever.
in the plain with three thousand men. 25 Israel had a great deliverance that day.
However they didn’t have the armor and 26 The foreigners who had escaped came
swords they desired. 7 They saw the and told Lysias all the things that had hap-
camp of the Gentiles strong and forti- pened. 27 When he heard of it, he was
fied, with cavalry all around it; and these confounded and discouraged, because the
were expert in war. 8 Judas said to the things he desired had not been done to
men who were with him, “Don’t be afraid Israel, nor had such things happened as
of their numbers, or when they charge. the king commanded him.
9 Remember how our fathers were saved
28 In the next year, he gathered together
in the Red sea, when Pharaoh pursued
them with an army. 10 Now let’s cry to sixty thousand chosen infantry and five
heaven, if he will have us, and will re- thousand cavalry, that he might subdue
member the covenant of our fathers, and them. 29 They came into Idumaea and
destroy this army before our face today. encamped at Bethsura. Judas met them
11 Then all the Gentiles will know that with ten thousand men. 30 He saw that the
there is one who redeems and saves Israel. army was strong, and he prayed and said,
12 The foreigners lifted up their eyes, “Blessed are you, O Savior of Israel, who
and saw them coming near them. 13 They defeated the attack of the mighty warrior
went out of the camp to battle. Those who by the hand of your servant David, and
were with Judas sounded their trumpets delivered the army of the§ Philistines into
14 and joined battle. The Gentiles were the hands of Jonathan the son of Saul, and
defeated, and fled into the plain. 15 But all of his armor bearer. 31 Hem in this army
those in the rear fell by the sword. They in the hand of your people Israel, and let
† 4:15 Gr. Gazera. ‡ 4:22 Gr. foreigners. § 4:30 Gr. foreigners.
1 Maccabees 4:32 517 1 Maccabees 4:61

them be ashamed for their army and their to the law, and built a new altar like the
cavalry. 32 Give them faintness of heart. former. 48 They built the holy place and the
Cause the boldness of their strength to melt inner parts of the house; and they conse-
away, and let them quake at their destruc- crated the courts. 49 They made new holy
tion. 33 Strike them down with the sword of vessels, and they brought the lampstand,
those who love you, and let all who know the altar of incense, and the table into the
your name praise you with thanksgiving.” temple. 50 They burned incense on the
34 They joined in battle; and about five altar, and they lit the lamps that were upon
thousand men of Lysias’ army fell. They the lampstand, and they gave light in the
fell down near them. 35 But when Lysias temple. 51 They set loaves upon the table,
saw that his troops were put to flight, and hung up the curtains, and finished all the
the boldness that had come upon those work which they had done.
who were with Judas, and how they were 52 They rose up early in the morning, on
ready either to live or to die nobly, he with- the twenty-fifth day of the ninth month,
drew to Antioch, and gathered together which is the month Chislev, in§ the one
hired soldiers, that he might come again hundred forty eighth year, 53 and offered
into Judea with an even greater army. sacrifice according to the law on the new
36 But Judas and his kindred said, “Be- altar of burnt offerings which they had
hold, our enemies are defeated. Let’s go made. 54 At the time and day the Gentiles
up to cleanse the holy place and to reded- had profaned it, even then it was dedi-
icate it.” 37 All the army was gathered cated with songs, harps, lutes, and with
together, and they went up to mount Zion. cymbals. 55 All the people fell on their
38 They saw the sanctuary laid desolate, faces, worshiped, and gave praise toward
the altar profaned, the gates burned up, heaven, which had given them good suc-
shrubs growing in the courts as in a for- cess. 56 They celebrated the dedication
est or as on one of the mountains, and of the altar eight days, and offered burnt
the priests’ chambers pulled down; 39 and offerings with gladness, and sacrificed a
they tore their clothes, made great lamen- sacrifice of deliverance and praise. 57 They
tation, put ashes upon their heads, 40 fell decorated the front of the temple with
on their faces to the ground, † blew with crowns of gold and small shields. They
the solemn trumpets,‡ and cried toward dedicated the gates and the priests’ cham-
heaven. 41 Then Judas appointed certain bers, and made doors for them. 58 There
men to fight against those who were in was exceedingly great gladness among the
the citadel until he had cleansed the holy people, and the reproach of the Gentiles
place. was turned away.
42 He chose blameless priests who were 59 Judas and his kindred and the whole

devoted to the law; 43 and they cleansed the congregation of Israel ordained that the
holy place and carried the defiled stones days of the dedication of the altar should
out to an unclean place. 44 They deliber- be kept in their seasons from year to year
ated what to do with the altar of burnt for eight days, from the twenty-fifth day of
offerings, which had been profaned. 45 A the month Chislev, with gladness and joy.
good plan came into their mind, that they 60 At that time, they fortified mount Zion
should pull it down, lest it would be a re- with high walls and strong towers around
proach to them, because the Gentiles had it, lest perhaps the Gentiles might come
defiled it. So they pulled down the altar and trample them down, as they had done
46 and laid up the stones on the temple before. 61 Judas stationed a garrison to
hill in a convenient place, until a prophet guard it. They fortified Bethsura to keep
would come to give an answer concerning it, that the people might have a stronghold
them. 47 They took whole stones according near Idumaea.
† 4:40 Compare Numbers 31:6. ‡ 4:40 Gr. trumpets of signals. § 4:52 circa B.C. 165.
1 Maccabees 5:1 518 1 Maccabees 5:28

5 similar report, 15 saying, “People of Ptole-

1 It came to pass, when the Gentiles all mais, of Tyre, of Sidon, and all Galilee
around heard that the altar had been re- of the† Gentiles have gathered together to
built and the sanctuary dedicated as be- destroy us.”
fore, they were exceedingly angry. 2 They 16 Now when Judas and the people heard
took counsel to destroy the race of Jacob these words, a great congregation as-
that was in the midst of them, and they sembled together to determine what they
began to kill and destroy among the peo- should do for their kindred who were in
ple. 3 Judas fought against the children of distress and under attack. 17 Judas said
Esau in Idumaea at Akrabattine, because to Simon his brother, “Choose men and go
they besieged Israel. He struck them with deliver your kindred who are in Galilee,
a great slaughter, humbled them, and took but Jonathan my brother and I will go into
their spoils. 4 He remembered the wicked- the land of Gilead.” 18 He left Joseph the son
ness of the children of† Baean, who were a of Zacharias, and Azarias, as leaders of the
snare and a stumbling block to the people, people, with the remnant of the army, in
lying in wait for them on the highways. Judea, to guard it. 19 He commanded them,
5 They were shut up by him in the towers.
saying, “Take charge of this people, and
He encamped against them, and destroyed fight no battle with the Gentiles until we
them utterly, and burned with fire the tow- return.” 20 Then three thousand men were
ers of the place with all who were in them. assigned to go into Galilee with Simon,
6 He passed over to the children of Ammon, but eight thousand men were assigned to
and found a mighty band and many peo- Judas to go into the land of Gilead.
ple, with Timotheus for their leader. 7 He 21 Simon went into Galilee and fought
fought many battles with them, and they many battles with the Gentiles, and the
were defeated before his face. He struck Gentiles were defeated before him. 22 He
them, 8 and took possession of Jazer and its pursued them to the gate of Ptolemais.
villages,‡ and returned again into Judea. About three thousand men of the Gentiles
9 The Gentiles who were in Gilead gath- fell, and he took their spoils. 23 They took to
ered themselves together against the Is- them those who were in Galilee and in Ar-
raelites who were on their borders, to de- batta, with their wives, their children, and
stroy them. They fled to the stronghold of all that they had, and brought them into
Dathema, and sent letters to Judas and
10 Judea with great gladness. 24 Judas Mac-

his kindred, saying, “The Gentiles who are cabaeus and his brother Jonathan passed
around us are gathered together against over the Jordan, and went 25 three days’
us to destroy us. 11 They are preparing to journey in the wilderness. They met
come and get possession of the stronghold with the Nabathaeans, and these met them
where we fled for refuge, and Timotheus is in a peaceful manner and told them all
the leader of their army. 12 Now therefore things that had happened to their kindred
come and deliver us from their hand, for in the land of Gilead, and how many

many of us have fallen. 13 All our kin- of them were shut up in Bosora, Bosor,
dred who were in the land of §Tubias have Alema, Casphor, Maked, and Carnaim—

been put to death. They have carried their all these cities are strong and large— 27 and
wives, their children, and their stuff into how they were shut up in the rest of the
captivity. They destroyed about a thou- cities of the land of Gilead, and that to-
sand men there.” morrow they planned to encamp against
14 While the letters were still being the strongholds, and to take them, and to
read, behold, other messengers came from destroy all these men in one day.
Galilee with their clothes torn, bringing a 28 Judas and his army turned suddenly

† 5:4 Compare 2 Maccabees 10:18-23. ‡ 5:8 Gr. daughters. Compare Numbers 21:25. § 5:13 Compare 2
Maccabees 12:17. † 5:15 Gr. foreigners. ‡ 5:26 Compare 2 Maccabees 12:13. § 5:26 compare 2 Maccabees
1 Maccabees 5:29 519 1 Maccabees 5:54

by the way of the wilderness to Bosora; to remain by the brook, and commanded
and he took the city, and killed all the them, saying, “Allow no man to encamp,
males with the edge of the sword, took all but let all come to the battle.” 43 Then he
their spoils, and burned the city with fire. crossed over the first against them, and all
29 He left there at night, and went until the people after him; and all the Gentiles
he came to the stronghold. 30 When the were defeated before his face, and threw
morning came, they lifted up their eyes away their weapons, and fled to the temple
and saw many people who couldn’t be at ‡Carnaim. 44 They took the city and
counted, bearing ladders and engines of burned the temple with fire, together with
war, to take the stronghold; and they were all who were in it. Carnaim was subdued.
fighting against them. 31 Judas saw that They couldn’t stand any longer before the
the battle had begun, and that the cry of face of Judas.
the city went up to heaven, with trumpets Judas gathered together all Israel,
and a great sound, 32 and he said to the those who were in the land of Gilead, from
men of his army, “Fight today for your kin- the least to the greatest, with their wives,
dred!” 33 Then he went out behind them their children, and their stuff, an exceed-
in three companies. They sounded with ingly great army, that they might come
their trumpets and cried out in prayer. into the land of Judah. 46 They came as
34 And the army of Timotheus perceived
far as Ephron, and this same city was large
that it was Maccabaeus, and they fled from and very strong. It was on the road where
before him. He struck them with a great they were going. They couldn’t turn away
slaughter. About eight thousand men of from it on the right hand or on the left,
them fell on that day. but needed to pass through the middle of
35 He turned away to Mizpeh and fought it. 47 The people of the city shut them out
against it, took it, killed all its males, and blocked the gates with stones. 48 Judas
took its spoils, and burned it with fire. sent to them with words of peace, saying,
36 From there he marched and took† Cas- “We will pass through your land to go into
phor, Maked, Bosor, and the other cities of our own land, and no one will harm you.
the land of Gilead. We will only pass by on our feet.” But
37 Now after these things, Timotheus they wouldn’t open to him. 49 Then Judas
gathered another army and encamped commanded proclamation to be made in
near Raphon beyond the brook. 38 Judas the army, that each man should encamp
sent men to spy on the army; and they in the place where he was. 50 So the men
brought him word, saying, “All the Gen- of the army encamped, and fought against
tiles who are around us are gathered the city all that day and all that night, and
together to them, an exceedingly great the city was delivered into his hands. 51 He
army. 39 They have hired Arabians to destroyed all the males with the edge of the
help them, and are encamped beyond the sword, razed the city, took its plunder, and
brook, ready to come against you to bat- passed through the city over those who
tle.” So Judas went to meet them. were slain. 52 They went over the Jordan
40 Timotheus said to the captains of his into the great plain near Bethshan. 53 And
army when Judas and his army drew near Judas gathered together those who lagged
to the brook of water, “If he crosses over to behind and encouraged the people all the
us first, we won’t be able to withstand him, way through, until he came into the land
for he will certainly defeat us; 41 but if he of Judah. 54 They went up to mount Zion
is afraid, and encamps beyond the river, with gladness and joy, and offered whole
we will cross over to him, and defeat him.” burnt offerings, because not so much as
42 Now when Judas came near to the water one of them was slain until they returned
brook, he caused the scribes of the people in peace.
† 5:36 See 1 Maccabees 5:26 ‡ 5:43 See 1 Maccabees 5:26.
1 Maccabees 5:55 520 1 Maccabees 6:13

55 In the days when Judas and Jonathan renowned for riches, for silver and gold,
were in the land of Gilead, and Simon 2 and that the temple which was in it was
his brother in Galilee before Ptolemais, exceedingly rich, and that in it were golden
56 Joseph the son of Zacharias, and Azarias,
shields, breastplates, and weapons which
rulers of the army, heard of their exploits Alexander, son of Philip, the Macedonian
and of the war, and what things they had king, who reigned first among the Greeks,
done. 57 They said, “Let’s also get us a left behind there. 3 So he came and tried to
name, and let’s go fight against the Gentiles take the city and to pillage it; and he was
who are around us.” 58 So they gave orders not able, because his plan was known to
to the men of the army that was with them, them of the city, 4 and they rose up against
and went toward Jamnia. 59 Gorgias and him in battle. He fled and returned to
his men came out of the city to meet them Babylon with great disappointment.
in battle. 60 Joseph and Azarias were put 5 Then someone came into Persia bring-
to flight, and were pursued to the bor- ing him news that the armies which went
ders of Judea. About two thousand men against the land of Judah had been put
of Israel fell on that day. 61 There was to flight, 6 and that Lysias went first with
a great overthrow among the people, be- a strong army and was put to shame be-
cause they didn’t listen to Judas and his fore them, and that they had grown strong
kindred, thinking to do some exploit. 62 But because of weapons, power, and a sup-
they were not of the family of those men ply of plunder which they took from the
by whose hand deliverance was given to armies that they had cut off, 7 and that they
Israel. had pulled down the abomination which
63 The man Judas and his kindred were
he had built upon the altar that was in
glorified exceedingly in the sight of all Jerusalem, and that they had surrounded
Israel, and of all the Gentiles, wherever the sanctuary with high walls, as before,
their name was heard of. 64 Men gathered and also Bethsura, his city.
together to them, acclaiming them.
65 Judas and his kindred went out and
8 It came to pass, when the king heard
fought against the children of Esau in the these words, he was astonished and
land toward the south. He struck He- moved exceedingly. He laid himself down
bron and its villages,§ pulled down its on his bed, and fell sick for grief, because
strongholds, and burned its towers all it had not turned out for him as he had
planned. 9 He was there many days,
around. 66 He marched to go into the land because great grief continually gripped
of the† Philistines, and he went through‡ him, and he realized that he would die.
Samaria. 67 In that day certain priests, 10 He called for all his† friends, and said
desiring to do exploits there, were slain in to them, “Sleep departs from my eyes, and
battle, when they went out to battle unad- my heart fails because of worry. 11 I said in
visedly. 68 But Judas turned toward Azotus, my heart, ‘To what suffering I have come!
to the land of the§ Philistines, pulled down How great a flood it is that I’m in, now!
their altars, burned the carved images of For I was gracious and loved in my power.’
their gods with fire, took the plunder of 12 But now I remember the evils which I
their cities, and returned into the land of did at Jerusalem, and that I took all the
Judah. vessels of silver and gold that were in it,
and sent out to destroy the inhabitants of
1 King Antiochus was traveling through
Judah without a cause. 13 I perceive that
it is because of this that these evils have
the upper countries; and he heard that come upon me. Behold, I am perishing
in Elymais in Persia there was a city through great grief in a strange land.”
§ 5:65 Gr. daughters. Compare Numbers 21:25. † 5:66 Gr. foreigners. ‡ 5:66 Or, Marisa See Josephus,
Antiquities 12:8. 6, and 2 Maccabees 12:35. § 5:68 Gr. foreigners. † 6:10 See 1 Maccabees 2:18. ‡ 6:14 See
1 Maccabees 2:18.
1 Maccabees 6:14 521 1 Maccabees 6:43

14 Then he called for Philip, one of his‡ alry, and thirty-two elephants trained for
friends, and set him over all his kingdom. war. 31 They went through Idumaea, and
15 He gave him his crown, his robe, and encamped against Bethsura, and fought
his signet ring, so that he could guide An- against it many days, and made engines of
tiochus his son, and nourish him up that war. The Jews came out and burned them
he might be king. 16 Then King Antiochus with fire, and fought valiantly.
died there in the one hundred forty-ninth 32 Judas marched away from the citadel
year.§ 17 When Lysias learned that the and encamped at Bethzacharias, near the
king was dead, he set up Antiochus his son king’s camp. 33 The king rose early in
to reign, whom he had nourished up being the morning, and marched his army† at
young, and he called his name Eupator. full speed along the road to Bethzacharias.
18 Those who were in the citadel kept His forces made themselves ready to bat-
hemming Israel in around the sanctuary, tle and sounded their trumpets. 34 They
and always sought to harm them and to offered the elephants the juice of grapes
strengthen the Gentiles. 19 Judas planned and mulberries, that they might prepare
to destroy them, and called all the people them for the battle. 35 They distributed the
together to besiege them. 20 They were animals among the phalanxes. They set by
gathered together, and besieged them in† each elephant a thousand men armed with
the one hundred fiftieth year, and he made coats of mail and helmets of brass on their
mounds to shoot from, and engines of war. heads. Five hundred chosen cavalry were
21 Some of those who were hemmed in appointed for each elephant. 36 These
came out, and some of the ungodly men were ready beforehand, wherever the ele-
of Israel were joined to them. 22 They phant was. Wherever the elephant went,
went to the king, and said, “How long will they went with it. They didn’t leave it.
37 Strong, covered wooden towers were
you not execute judgment, and avenge our
kindred? 23 We were willing to serve your upon them, one upon each elephant, fas-
father and to live by his words, and to tened upon it with secure harnesses. Upon
follow his commandments. 24 Because of each were four valiant men who fought
this, the children of our people besieged upon them, beside his Indian driver. 38 The
the citadel‡ and were alienated from us; rest of the cavalry he set on this side and
but as many of us as they could catch, they that side on the two flanks of the army,
killed, and plundered our inheritances. striking terror into the enemy, and pro-
25 Not against us only did they stretch out tected by the phalanxes. 39 Now when the
their hand, but also against all their bor- sun shone upon the shields of gold and
ders. 26 Behold, they are encamped this brass, the mountains lit up, and blazed like
day against the citadel at Jerusalem to take flaming torches.
it. They have fortified the sanctuary and 40 A part of the king’s army was spread
Bethsura. 27 If you don’t quickly prevent upon the high hills and some on the low
them, they will do greater things than ground, and they went on firmly and in
these, and you won’t be able to control order. 41 All who heard the noise of their
them. multitude, the marching of the multitude,
28 When the king heard this, he was an- and the rattling of the weapons trembled;
gry, and gathered together all his§ friends, for the army was exceedingly great and
the rulers of his army, and those who were strong. 42 Judas and his army drew near
over the cavalry. 29 Bands of hired sol- for battle, and six hundred men of the
diers came to him from other kingdoms king’s army fell. 43 Eleazar, who was called
and from islands of the sea. 30 The num- Avaran, saw one of the animals armed
ber of his forces was one hundred thou- with royal breastplates, and it was taller
sand infantry, and twenty thousand cav- than all the animals, and the king seemed
§ 6:16 Circa B.C. 164. † 6:20 circa B.C. 163. ‡ 6:24 Gr. it. § 6:28 See 1 Maccabees 2:18. † 6:33 Or, itself
eager for the fight
1 Maccabees 6:44 522 1 Maccabees 7:9

to be on it. 44 He gave his life to deliver his fore let’s negotiate with these men, and
people, and to get himself an everlasting make peace with them and with all their
name. 45 He ran upon him courageously nation, 59 and covenant with them, that
into the midst of the phalanx, and killed they may walk after their own laws, as
on the right hand and on the left, and they before; for because of their laws which we
parted away from him on this side and on abolished they were angered, and did all
that. 46 He crept under the elephant, and these things.”
stabbed it from beneath, and killed it. The 60 The speech pleased the king and the
elephant fell to the earth upon him, and he princes, and he sent to them to make
died there. 47 They saw the strength of the peace; and they accepted it. 61 The king
kingdom and the fierce attack of the army, and the princes swore to them. On
and turned away from them. these conditions, they came out from the
48 But the soldiers of the king’s army stronghold. 62 Then the king entered into
went up to Jerusalem to meet them, and mount Zion. He saw the strength of the
the king encamped toward Judea and to- place, and broke the oath which he had
ward mount Zion. 49 He made peace with sworn, and gave orders to pull down the
the people of Bethsura. He came out of wall all around. 63 Then he left in haste
the city because they had no food there to and returned to Antioch, and found Philip
endure the siege, because it was a Sabbath master of the city. He fought against him,
to the land. 50 The king took Bethsura, and took the city by force.
and appointed a garrison there to keep
it. 51 He encamped against the sanctuary 7
many days; and set there mounds to shoot
1In the one hundred fifty first year,†
from, and engines of war, and machines Demetrius the son of Seleucus came out
of Rome, and went up with a few men
for throwing fire and stones, and weapons
to a city by the sea, and reigned there.
to throw darts, and slings. 52 The Jews also 2 It came to pass, when he would go into
made engines of war against their engines,
the house of the kingdom of his fathers,
and fought for many days. 53 But there was
that the army laid hands on Antiochus and
no food in the sanctuary, because it was
Lysias, to bring them to him. 3 The thing
the seventh year, and those who fled for
became known to him, and he said, “Don’t
safety into Judea from among the Gentiles show me their faces!” 4 So the army killed
had eaten up the rest of the stores. 54 There them. Then Demetrius sat upon the throne
were only a few people left in the sanctu- of his kingdom.
ary, because the famine prevailed against 5 All the lawless and ungodly men of
them, and they were scattered, each man
Israel came to him. Alcimus was their
to his own place. leader, desiring to be high priest. 6 They ac-
55 Lysias heard that Philip, whom An-
cused the people to the king, saying, “Judas
tiochus the king, while he was yet alive, and his kindred have destroyed all your
appointed to raise his son Antiochus to friends, and have scattered us from our
be king, 56 had returned from Persia and own land. 7 Now therefore send a man
Media, and with him the forces that went whom you trust, and let him go and see
with the king, and that he was seeking all the destruction which he has brought
to take control of the government. 57 He on us and the king’s country, and how he
made haste, and gave orders to depart. has punished them and all who helped
He said to the king and the leaders of the them.” 8 So the king chose Bacchides, one
army and to the men, “We get weaker of the king’s‡ friends, who was ruler in
daily, our food is scant, the place where the country beyond the river, and was a
we encamp is strong, and the affairs of great man in the kingdom, and faithful to
the kingdom lie upon us. 58 Now there- the king. 9 He sent him and that ungodly
† 7:1 circa B.C. 162. ‡ 7:8 See 1 Maccabees 2:18.
1 Maccabees 7:10 523 1 Maccabees 7:39

Alcimus, whom he made the high priest; restrained from going out into the country.
and he commanded him to take vengeance 25 But when Alcimus saw that Judas and
upon the children of Israel. his company had grown strong, and knew
10 They marched away and came with that he was not able to withstand them,
a great army into the land of Judah. He he returned to the king, and brought evil
sent messengers to Judas and his kindred accusations against them.
26 ‡Then the king sent Nicanor, one of his
with words of peace deceitfully. 11 They
paid no attention to their words; for they honorable princes, a man who hated Israel
saw that they had come with a great army. and was their enemy, and commanded
12 A group of scribes gathered together to him to destroy the people. 27 Nicanor came
Alcimus and Bacchides to seek just terms. to Jerusalem with a great army. He sent
13 The§ Hasidaeans were the first among to Judas and his kindred deceitfully with
the children of Israel who sought peace words of peace, saying, 28 “Let there be no
from them, 14 for they said, “One who is a battle between me and you; I will come
priest of the seed of Aaron has come with with a few men, that I may see your faces
the army, and he will do us no wrong.” in peace.” 29 He came to Judas, and they
15 He spoke with them words of peace, and saluted one another peaceably. The ene-
swore to them, saying, “We won’t seek to mies were ready to seize Judas by violence.
30 This was known to Judas, that he came
harm you or your friends.” 16 They trusted
him. Then he seized sixty men of them, to him with deceit, and he was very afraid
and killed them in one day, according to of him, and would see his face no more.
31 Nicanor found out that his plan was
the word which was written,
17 † The flesh of your saints disclosed; and he went out to meet Judas in
battle beside Capharsalama. 32 About five
and their blood was shed all around
Jerusalem, hundred men of Nicanor’s army fell, and
and there was no one to bury them. the rest fled into the city of David.
33 After these things, Nicanor went up
18 The fear and the dread of them fell
upon all the people, for they said, “There is to mount Zion. Some of the priests came
neither truth nor justice in them; for they out of the sanctuary, with some of the el-
have broken the covenant and the oath ders of the people, to salute him peaceably,
which they swore.” 19 Bacchides withdrew and to show him the whole burned sac-
from Jerusalem, and encamped in Bezeth. rifice that was being offered for the king.
34 He mocked them, laughed at them, de-
He sent and seized many of the deserters
who were with him, and some of the peo- rided them shamefully,§ spoke arrogantly,
ple, and he killed them, throwing them 35 and swore in a rage, saying, “Unless
into a large pit. 20 He placed Alcimus in Judas and his army are now delivered into
charge of the country and left with him my hands, it shall be that, if I return safely,
a force to aid him. Then Bacchides went I will burn up this house!” And he went out
away to the king. in a great rage. 36 The priests entered in,
21 Alcimus struggled to maintain his high and stood before the altar and the temple;
priesthood. 22 All those who troubled their and they wept, and said, 37 “You chose this
people joined him, and they took control house to be called by your name, to be a
of the land of Judah, and did great damage house of prayer and supplication for your
in Israel. 23 Judas saw all the wrongs that people. 38 Take vengeance on this man and
Alcimus and his company had done among his army, and let them fall by the sword.
the children of Israel, even more than the Remember their blasphemies, and don’t
Gentiles. 24 He went out into all the borders allow them to live any longer.”
of Judea and took vengeance on the men 39 Then Nicanor went out from
who had deserted from him, and they were Jerusalem and encamped in Bethhoron,
§ 7:13 That is, Chasidim. † 7:17 Psalm 79:2, 3. ‡ 7:26 See 2 Maccabees 14:12. § 7:34 Gr. polluted them.
1 Maccabees 7:40 524 1 Maccabees 8:15

and there the Syrian army met him. the kings who came against them from the
40 Judas encamped in Adasa with three uttermost part of the earth, until they had
thousand men. Judas prayed and said, defeated them, and struck them severely;
41 “When those who came from the king and how the rest give them tribute year by
blasphemed, your angel went out, and year. 5 Philip, and Perseus, king of Chit-
struck among them one hundred eighty- tim, and those who lifted up themselves
five thousand. 42 Even so, crush this army against them, they defeated in battle, and
before us today, and let all the rest know conquered them. 6 Antiochus also, the
that he has spoken wickedly against your great king of Asia, came against them to
sanctuary. Judge him according to his battle, having one hundred twenty ele-
wickedness.” 43 On the thirteenth day phants, with cavalry, chariots, and an ex-
of the month Adar, the armies met in ceedingly great army, and he was defeated
battle. Nicanor’s army was defeated, and by them. 7 They took him alive, and de-
he himself was the first to fall in the battle. creed that both he and those who reigned
44 Now when his army saw that Nicanor
after him should give them a great tribute,
had fallen, they threw away their weapons and should give hostages, and a parcel
and fled. 45 They pursued them a day’s of land from the best of their provinces:
journey from Adasa until you come to† 8 the countries of India, Media, and Ly-
Gazara, and they sounded an alarm after dia. They took them from him, and gave
them with the signal trumpets. 46 Men them to King Eumenes. 9 Judas heard how
came out of all the surrounding villages of the Greeks planned to come and destroy
Judea, and outflanked them. These turned them, 10 but this became known to them,
them back on those, and they all fell by and they sent against them a general who
the sword. There wasn’t one of them left. fought against them, and many of them fell
47 The Jews took the spoils and the booty,
down wounded to death, and they made
and they cut off Nicanor’s head and his captive their wives and their children,
right hand, which he had stretched out so and plundered them, and conquered their
arrogantly, and brought them, and hung land, and pulled down their strongholds,
them up beside Jerusalem. 48 The people and plundered them, and brought them
were exceedingly glad, and they kept that into bondage to this day. 11 The remaining
day as a day of great gladness. 49 ‡They kingdoms and islands, as many as rose up
ordained to keep this day year by year on against them at any time, they destroyed
the thirteenth day of Adar. 50 So the land of and made them to be their servants; 12 but
Judah had rest a few days. with their friends and those who relied on
them they stayed friends. They conquered
1 Judas heard of the fame of the Romans,
the kingdoms that were near and those
that were far off, and all that heard of their
that they are valiant men, and have plea- fame were afraid of them. 13 Moreover,
sure in all who join themselves to them, whoever they desired to help and to make
and make friends with all who come to kings, these they make kings; and whoever
them, 2 and that they are valiant men. They they desired, they depose. They are ex-
told him of their wars and exploits which alted exceedingly. 14 For all this, none of
they do among the Gauls, and how they them ever put on a crown, neither did they
conquered them, and forced them to pay clothe themselves with purple, as a display
tribute; 3 and what things they did in the of grandeur. 15 Judas heard how they had
land of Spain, that they might take control made for themselves a senate house, and
of the silver and gold mines which were day by day, three hundred twenty men
there; 4 and how by their policy and persis- sat in council, consulting always for the
tence they conquered all the place (and the people, to the end they might be well gov-
place was exceedingly far from them), and
† 7:45 Gr. Gazera. ‡ 7:49 See 2 Maccabees 15:36.
1 Maccabees 8:16 525 1 Maccabees 9:10

erned, 16 and how they commit their gov- Jewish people. 30 But if hereafter the one
ernment to one man year by year, that he party and the other shall determine to add
should rule over them, and control all their or diminish anything, they shall do it at
country, and all are obedient to that one, their pleasure, and whatever they add or
and there is neither envy nor emulation take away shall be ratified.
among them. 31 Concerning the evils which King
17 So Judas chose Eupolemus the son Demetrius is doing to them, we have
of John, the son of Accos, and Jason the written to him, saying, ‘Why have you
son of Eleazar, and sent them to Rome, made your yoke heavy on our friends and
to establish friendship and alliance with allies the Jews? 32 If therefore they plead
them, 18 and that they should free the any more against you, we will do them
yoke from themselves; for they saw that justice, and fight with you on sea and on
the kingdom of the Greeks kept Israel in land.’ ”
bondage. 19 Then they went to Rome, a
very long journey, and they entered into 9
the senate house, and said, 20 “Judas, who 1 Demetrius heard that Nicanor had
is also called Maccabaeus, and his kindred, fallen with his forces in battle, and he sent
and the people of the Jews, have sent us to Bacchides and Alcimus again into the land
you, to make an alliance and peace with of Judah a second time, and the right wing
you, and that we might be registered as of his army with them. 2 They went by
your allies and friends.” the way that leads to Gilgal, and encamped
21 This thing was pleasing to them. against Mesaloth, which is in Arbela, and
22 This is the copy of the writing which they took possession of it, and killed many peo-
wrote back again on tables of brass, and ple. 3 The first month of the one hundred
sent to Jerusalem, that it might be with fifty-second year, † they encamped against
them there for a memorial of peace and Jerusalem. 4 Then they marched away
alliance: and went to Berea with twenty thousand
23 “Good success be to the Romans, and to infantry and two thousand cavalry. 5 Judas
the nation of the Jews, by sea and by land was encamped at Elasa with three thou-
forever. May the sword and the enemy sand chosen men. 6 They saw the multi-
be far from them. 24 But if war arises for tude of the forces, that they were many,
Rome first, or any of their allies in all their and they were terrified. Many slipped
dominion, 25 the nation of the Jews shall away out of the army. There were not left
help them as allies, as the occasion shall of them more than eight hundred men.
indicate to them, with all their heart. 26 To 7 Judas saw that his army slipped away
those who make war upon them, they shall and that the battle pressed upon him, and
not give supplies, food, weapons, money, he was very troubled in spirit, because he
or ships, as it has seemed good to Rome, had no time to gather them together, and
and they shall keep their ordinances with- he became faint. 8 He said to those who
out taking anything in return. 27 In the were left, “Let’s arise and go up against our
same way, moreover, if war comes first adversaries, if perhaps we may be able to
upon the nation of the Jews, the Romans fight with them.”
shall willingly help them as allies, as the 9 They tried to dissuade him, saying,
occasion shall indicate to them; 28 and to “There is no way we are able; but let’s
those who are fighting with them, there rather save our lives now. Let’s return
shall not be given food, weapons, money, again with our kindred, and fight against
or ships, as it has seemed good to Rome. them; but we are too few.”
They shall keep these ordinances, and 10 Judas said, “Let it not be so that I
that without deceit. 29 According to these should do this thing, to flee from them.
terms, the Romans made a treaty with the If our time has come, let’s die in a manly
† 9:3 circa B.C. 161.
1 Maccabees 9:11 526 1 Maccabees 9:42

way for our kindred’s sake, and not leave a in Israel, such as was not since the time
cause of reproach against our honor.” prophets stopped appearing to them.
11 The army marched out from the camp, 28 All the friends of Judas were gath-
and stood to encounter them. The cavalry ered together, and they said to Jonathan,
was divided into two companies, and the 29 “Since your brother Judas has died, we
slingers and the archers went before the have no man like him to go out against
army, and all the mighty men that fought our enemies and Bacchides, and among
in the front of the battle. 12 Bacchides those of our nation who hate us. 30 Now
was in the right wing. The phalanx ad- therefore we have chosen you this day to
vanced on the two parts, and they blew be our prince and leader in his place, that
with their trumpets. 13 The men by Judas’ you may fight our battles.” 31 So Jonathan
side sounded with their trumpets, and the took the governance upon him at that time,
earth shook with the shout of the armies, and rose up in the place of his brother
and the battle was joined, and continued Judas.
from morning until evening. 32 When Bacchides found out, he tried
14 Judas saw that Bacchides and the to kill him. 33 Jonathan, and Simon his
strength of his army were on the right side, brother, and all who were with him, knew
and all that were brave in heart went with it; and they fled into the wilderness of
him, 15 and the right wing was defeated Tekoah, and encamped by the water of the
by them, and he pursued after them to pool of Asphar. 34 Bacchides found this out
the mount Azotus. 16 Those who were on the Sabbath day, and came—he and all
on the left wing saw that the right wing his army—over the Jordan.
was defeated, and they turned and fol- 35 Jonathan sent his brother, a leader of
lowed in the footsteps of Judas and of those
the multitude, and implored his friends
who were with him. 17 The battle became the Nabathaeans, that they might store
desparate, and many on both sides fell
wounded to death. 18 Judas fell, and the their baggage, which was much, with
rest fled. them. 36 The children of Jambri came out

19 Jonathan and Simon took Judas their

of Medaba, and seized John and all that he
had, and went their way with it.
brother, and buried him in the tomb of
37 But after these things, they brought
his ancestors at Modin. 20 They wept for
him. All Israel made great lamentation for word to Jonathan and Simon his brother
him, and mourned many days, and said, that the children of Jambri were celebrat-
21 “How is the mighty fallen, the savior of ing a great wedding, and were bringing
Israel!” 22 The rest of the acts of Judas, and the bride, a daughter of one of the great
his wars, and the valiant deeds which he nobles of Canaan, from Nadabath with a
did, and his greatness, are not written; for large escort.
38 They remembered John

they were exceedingly many. their brother, and went up, and hid them-
23 It came to pass after the death of Ju- 39
selves under the cover of the mountain.
They lifted up their eyes and looked,
das, that the lawless emerged within all and saw a great procession with much bag-
the borders of Israel. All those who did gage. The bridegroom came out with his
iniquity rose up. 24 In those days there was friends and his kindred to meet them with
an exceedingly great famine, and the coun- timbrels, musicians, and many weapons.
try went over to their side. 25 Bacchides 40 They rose up against them from their
chose the ungodly men and made them ambush and killed them, and many fell
rulers of the country. 26 They inquired wounded to death. The remnant fled into
and searched for the friends of Judas, and the mountain, and the Jews took all their
brought them to Bacchides, and he took spoils. 41 So the wedding was turned into
vengeance on them and used them de- mourning, and the voice of their musicians
spitefully. 27 There was great suffering into lamentation. 42 They avenged fully the
1 Maccabees 9:43 527 1 Maccabees 9:72

blood of their brother, and turned back to saying, “Behold, Jonathan and his men are
the marshes of the Jordan. dwelling at ease and in security. Now
43 Bacchides heard it, and he came on therefore we will bring Bacchides, and
the Sabbath day to the banks of Jordan he will capture them all in one night.
with a great army. 44 Jonathan said to his 59 They went and consulted with him. 60 He
company, “Let’s stand up now and fight marched out and came with a great army,
for our lives, for things are different to- and sent letters secretly to all his allies
day than they were yesterday and the day who were in Judea, that they should seize
before. 45 For, behold, the battle is before Jonathan and those who were with him;
us and behind us. Moreover the water but they couldn’t, because their plan was
of the Jordan is on this side and on that known to them. 61 Jonathan’s men seized
side, and marsh and thicket. There is no about fifty of the men of the country who
place to escape. 46 Now therefore cry to were authors of the wickedness, and he
heaven, that you may be delivered out killed them. 62 Jonathan, Simon, and those
of the hand of your enemies.” 47 So the who were with him, went away to Beth-
battle was joined, and Jonathan stretched basi, which is in the wilderness, and he
out his hand to strike Bacchides, and he built up that which had been pulled down,
turned away back from him. 48 Jonathan and they made it strong. 63 Bacchides
and those who were with him leapt into found out about it, and he gathered to-
the Jordan, and swam over to the other gether all his multitude, and sent orders to
side. The enemy didn’t pass over the Jor- those who were of Judea. 64 He went and
dan against them. 49 About a thousand encamped against Bethbasi and fought
men of Bacchides’ company fell that day; against it many days, and made engines of
50 and he returned to Jerusalem. They built war.
strong cities in Judea, the stronghold that 65 Jonathan left his brother Simon in the
was in Jericho, and Emmaus, Bethhoron, city, and went out into the country, and
Bethel, Timnath, Pharathon, and Tephon, he went with a few men. 66 He struck
with high walls and gates and bars. 51 He Odomera and his kindred, and the chil-
set garrisons in them to harass Israel. 52 He dren of Phasiron in their tents. 67 They
fortified the city Bethsura, Gazara, and the began to strike them, and to go up with
citadel, and put troops and stores of food in their forces. Then Simon and those who
them. 53 He took the sons of the chief men were with him went out of the city, and set
of the country for hostages, and put them the engines of war on fire, 68 and fought
under guard in the citadel at Jerusalem. against Bacchides, and he was defeated
54 And in the one hundred fifty-third by them. They afflicted him severely; for
year,‡ in the second month, Alcimus gave his counsel and expedition was in vain.
69 They were very angry with the lawless
orders to pull down the wall of the inner
court of the sanctuary. He also pulled men who gave him counsel to come into
down the works of the prophets. 55 He be- the country, and they killed many of them.
gan to pull down. At that time was Alcimus Then he decided to depart into his own
stricken, and his works were hindered; land.
and his mouth was stopped, and he was 70 Jonathan learned of this and sent am-
taken with a palsy, and he could no more bassadors to him, to the end that they
speak anything and give orders concern- should make peace with him, and that he
ing his house. 56 Alcimus died at that time should restore to them the captives. 71 He
with great torment. 57 Bacchides saw that accepted the thing, and did according to
Alcimus was dead, and he returned to the his words, and swore to him that he would
king. Then the land of Judah had rest for not seek his harm all the days of his life.
two years. 72 He restored to him the captives which
58 Then all the lawless men took counsel, he had taken before out of the land of Ju-
‡ 9:54 circa B.C. 160.
1 Maccabees 9:73 528 1 Maccabees 10:29

dah, and he returned and departed into his who had forsaken the law and the com-
own land, and didn’t come any more into mandments, for it was a place of refuge to
their borders. 73 Thus the sword ceased them.
15 King Alexander heard all the promises
from Israel. Jonathan lived at Michmash.
Jonathan began to judge the people; and he which Demetrius had sent to Jonathan.
destroyed the ungodly out of Israel. They told him of the battles and the valiant
deeds which he and his kindred had done,
and of the troubles which they had en-
10 dured. 16 So he said, “Could we find an-
1 In the one hundred sixtieth year,† other man like him? Now we will make
Alexander Epiphanes, the son of Anti- him our friend and ally.”
17 He wrote a

ochus, went up and took possession of letter and sent it to him, in these words,
18 “King Alexander to his brother
Ptolemais. They received him, and he saying,
reigned there. 2 King Demetrius heard Jonathan, greetings.
19 We have heard of

about this, and he gathered together ex- you, that you are a mighty man of valour,
ceedingly great forces, and went out to and worthy to be our † friend. 20 Now we

meet him in battle. have appointed you this day to be high

3 Demetrius sent a letter to Jonathan
priest of your nation, and to be called the
king’s‡ friend, and to take our side, and to
with words of peace, so as to honor him. keep friendship with us.” He also sent to
4 For he said, “Let’s go beforehand to make
him a purple robe and a golden crown.
peace with them, before he makes peace 21 And Jonathan put on the holy gar-
with Alexander against us; 5 for he will
ments in the seventh month of the one
remember all the evils that we have done hundred sixtieth year,§ at the feast of
against him, and to his kindred and to
his nation.” 6 So he gave him authority tabernacles; and he gathered together
to gather together forces, and to provide forces and provided weapons in abun-
weapons, and that he should be his ally. He dance. 22 When Demetrius heard these things,
also commanded that they should release
he was grieved and said, 23 “What is this
the hostages that were in the citadel to him.
that we have done, that Alexander has got-
7 Jonathan came to Jerusalem, and read ten ahead of us in establishing friendship
the letter in the hearing of all the peo- with the Jews to strengthen himself? 24 I
ple, and of those who were in the citadel. also will write to them words of encour-
8 They were very afraid when they heard agement and of honor and of gifts, that
that the king had given him authority to they may be with me to aid me.” 25 So he
gather together an army. 9 Those in the sent to them this message:
citadel released the hostages to Jonathan, “King Demetrius to the nation of the
and he restored them to their parents. Jews, greetings. 26 Since as you have kept
10 Jonathan lived in Jerusalem and be- your covenants with us, and continued in
gan to build and renew the city. 11 He our friendship, and have not joined your-
commanded those who did the work to selves to our enemies, we have heard of
build the walls and encircle Mount Zion this, and are glad. 27 Now continue still to
with‡ square stones for defense; and they keep faith with us, and we will repay you
did so. 12 The foreigners who were in with good in return for your dealings with
the strongholds which Bacchides had built us. 28 We will grant you many immunities
fled away. 13 Each man left his place and and give you gifts.
departed into his own land. 14 Only at 29 “Now I free you and release all the
Bethsura, there were left some of those Jews from the tributes, from the salt tax,
† 10:1 circa B.C. 153. ‡ 10:11 So the versions and Josephus. Gr. four-foot stones. § 10:16 See 1 Maccabees
2:18. Compare 1 Maccabees 10:65. † 10:19 See 1 Maccabees 2:18. Compare 1 Maccabees 10:65. ‡ 10:20 See 1
Maccabees 2:18. Compare 1 Maccabees 10:65. § 10:21 circa B.C. 153.
1 Maccabees 10:30 529 1 Maccabees 10:54

and from the crown levies. 30 Instead of additional funds which those who manage
the third part of the seed, and instead of the king’s affairs didn’t pay as in the first
half of the fruit of the trees, which falls years, they shall give from now on toward
to me to receive, I release it from this day the works of the temple. 42 Besides this, the
and henceforth, so that I will not take it five thousand shekels of silver which they
from the land of Judah, and from the three received from the uses of the sanctuary
districts which are added to it from the from the revenue year by year is also
country of Samaria and Galilee, from this
released, because it belongs to the priests
day forth and for all time. 31 Let Jerusalem
who minister there. 43 Whoever flees to
be holy and free, with her borders, tithes, the temple that is at Jerusalem, and within
and taxes. 32 I yield up also my authority all of its borders, whether one owe money
over the citadel which is at Jerusalem, and to the king, or any other matter, let them
give it to the high priest, that he may ap- go free, along with all that they have in my
point in it men whom he chooses to keep kingdom. 44 For the building and renewing
it. 33 Every soul of the Jews who has been of the structures of the sanctuary, the
carried captive from the land of Judah into expense shall also be given out of the king’s
any part of my kingdom, I set at liberty revenue. 45 For the building of the walls of
without payment. Let all officials also can- Jerusalem and fortifying it all around, the
cel the taxes on their livestock. expense shall also be given out of the king’s
34 “All the feasts, the Sabbaths, new
revenue, also for the building of the walls
moons, appointed days, three days before in Judea.”
a feast, and three days after a feast, let 46 Now when Jonathan and the people
them all be days of immunity and release heard these words, they gave no credence
for all the Jews who are in my kingdom. to them, and didn’t accept them, because
35 No man shall have authority to exact
they remembered the great evil which he
anything from any of them, or to trouble had done in Israel, and that he had af-
them concerning any matter. flicted them very severely. 47 They were
36 “Let there be enrolled among the well pleased with Alexander, because he
king’s forces about thirty thousand men of was the first who spoke words of peace
the Jews, and pay shall be given to them, to them, and they were allies with him
as is due to all the king’s forces. 37 Of always.
them, some shall be placed in the king’s 48 King Alexander gathered together
great strongholds, and some of them shall great forces and encamped near
be placed over the affairs of the kingdom, Demetrius. 49 The two kings joined battle,
which are positions of trust. Let those who and the army of Alexander fled; and
are over them and their rulers be of them- Demetrius followed after him, and pre-
selves, and let them walk after their own vailed against them. 50 He strengthened
laws, even as the king has commanded in the battle exceedingly until the sun went
the land of Judah. down; and Demetrius fell that day.
38 “The three districts that have been 51 Alexander sent ambassadors to
added to Judea from the country of Ptolemy king of Egypt with this message:
Samaria, let them be annexed to Judea, 52 “Since I have returned to my kingdom,
that they may be reckoned to be under one and am seated on the throne of my fathers,
ruler, that they may not obey any other and have established my dominion, and
authority than the high priest’s. 39 As for have overthrown Demetrius, and have
Ptolemais and its land, I have given it as a taken possession of our country— 53 yes,
gift to the sanctuary that is at Jerusalem, I joined the battle with him, and he and
for the expenses of the sanctuary. 40 I also his army were defeated by us, and we sat
give every year fifteen thousand shekels on the throne of his kingdom— 54 now also
of silver from the king’s revenues from the let’s make friends with one another. Give
places that are appropriate. 41 And all the me now your daughter as my wife. I will
1 Maccabees 10:55 530 1 Maccabees 10:81

be joined with you, and will give both you tioch. 69 Demetrius appointed Apollonius,
and her gifts worthy of you.” who was over Coelesyria, and he gath-
55 Ptolemy the king answered, saying, ered together a great army, and encamped
“Happy is the day you returned to the land against Jamnia, and sent to Jonathan the
of your ancestors and sat on the throne of high priest, saying,
their kingdom. 56 Now I will do to you as 70 “You alone lift up yourself against us,
you have written, but meet me at Ptole- but I am ridiculed and in reproach be-
mais, that we may see one another; and I cause of you. Why do you assume author-
will join with you, even as you have said.” ity against us in the mountains? 71 Now
57 So Ptolemy went out of Egypt, himself therefore, if you trust in your forces, come
and Cleopatra his daughter, and came to down to us into the plain, and let’s match
Ptolemais in the one hundred sixty-second strength with each other there; for the
year.† 58 King Alexander met him, and power of the cities is with me. 72 Ask and
he gave him his daughter Cleopatra, and learn who I am, and the rest who help us.
celebrated her wedding at Ptolemais with They say, ‘Your foot can’t stand before our
great pomp, as kings do. face; for your ancestors have been put to
59 King Alexander wrote to Jonathan, flight twice in their own land.’ 73 Now you
that he should come to meet him. 60 He won’t be able to withstand the cavalry and
went with pomp to Ptolemais, and met the such an army as this in the plain, where is
two kings. He gave them and their friends‡ there is no stone or pebble, or place to flee.”
silver and gold, and many gifts, and found 74 Now when Jonathan heard the words
favor in their sight. 61 Some malcontents of Apollonius, he was moved in his mind,
out of Israel, men who were transgres- and he chose ten thousand men, and went
sors of the law, gathered together against out from Jerusalem; and Simon his brother
him to complain against him; but the king met him to help him. 75 Then he encamped
paid no attention to them. 62 The king against Joppa. The people of the city shut
commanded that they take off Jonathan’s him out, because Apollonius had a garri-
garments and clothe him in purple, and son in Joppa. 76 So they fought against
they did so. 63 The king made him sit with it. The people of the city were afraid,
him, and said to his princes, “Go out with and opened to him; and Jonathan became
him into the midst of the city, and proclaim master of Joppa.
that no man may complain against him of 77 Apollonius heard about that, and he
any matter, and let no man trouble him
gathered an army of three thousand cav-
for any reason.” 64 It came to pass, when
alry, and a great army, and went to Azotus
those who complained against him saw
as though he were on a journey, and at
his honor according to the proclamation,
the same time advanced onward into the
and saw him clothed in purple, they all plain, because he had a multitude of cav-
fled away. 65 The king gave him honor, alry which he trusted. 78 He pursued him
and enrolled him among his chief friends,§ to Azotus, and the armies joined battle.‡
and made him a captain and governor of 79 Apollonius had secretly left a thousand
a province. 66 Then Jonathan returned to cavalry behind them. 80 Jonathan learned
Jerusalem with peace and gladness. that there was an ambush behind him.
67 In the one hundred sixty-fifth year,† They surrounded his army, and shot their
Demetrius, son of Demetrius, came out arrows at the people, from morning until
of Crete into the land of his ancestors. evening; 81 but the people stood fast, as
68 When King Alexander heard of it, he Jonathan commanded them; and the en-
grieved exceedingly and returned to An- emy’s horses grew tired.
† 10:57 circa B.C. 151. ‡ 10:60
See 1 Maccabees 2:18. Compare 1 Maccabees 10:65. § 10:65 See 1 Maccabees
11:27; 2 Maccabees 8:9. Compare 1 Maccabees 2:18; 10:16, etc. † 10:67 circa B.C. 148. ‡ 10:78 Most of the
authorities here repeat after him.
1 Maccabees 10:82 531 1 Maccabees 11:22

82 Then Simon brought forward his army and they slept there. 7 Jonathan went with
and joined battle with the phalanx (for the the king as far as the river that is called
cavalry were exhausted), and they were Eleutherus, then returned to Jerusalem.
defeated by him and fled. 83 The cavalry 8 But King Ptolemy took control of the
were scattered in the plain. They fled cities along the sea coast, to Selucia which
to Azotus and entered into Beth-dagon, is by the sea, and he devised evil plans
their idol’s temple, to save themselves. concerning Alexander. 9 He sent ambas-
84 Jonathan burned Azotus and the cities
sadors to King Demetrius, saying, “Come!
around it and took their spoils. He burned Let’s make a covenant with one another,
the temple of Dagon and those who fled and I will give you my daughter whom
into it with fire. 85 Those who had fallen Alexander has, and you shall reign over
by the sword plus those who were burned your father’s kingdom; 10 for I regret that I
were about eight thousand men. gave my daughter to him, for he tried to kill
86 From there, Jonathan left and en-
me. 11 He accused him, because he coveted
camped against Ascalon. The people of his kingdom. 12 Taking his daughter from
the city came out to meet him with great him, he gave her to Demetrius, and was es-
pomp. 87 Jonathan, with those who were tranged from Alexander, and their enmity
on his side, returned to Jerusalem, having was openly seen.
many spoils. 88 It came to pass, when King 13 Ptolemy entered into Antioch, and put
Alexander heard these things, he honored
on himself the crown of Asia. He put two
Jonathan even more. 89 He sent him a gold
crowns upon his head, the crown of Egypt
buckle, as the custom is to give to the king’s
kindred. He gave him Ekron and all its and that of Asia. 14 But King Alexander was
land for a possession. in Cilicia at that time, because the people
of that region were in revolt. 15 When
11 Alexander heard of it, he came against
him in war. Ptolemy marched out and
1 Then the king of Egypt gathered to-
gether great forces, as the sand which is met him with a strong force, and put him
by the sea shore, and many ships, and to flight. 16 Alexander fled into Arabia,
sought to make himself master of Alexan- that he might be sheltered there; but King
der’s kingdom by deceit, and to add it to Ptolemy was triumphant. 17 Zabdiel the
his own kingdom. 2 He went out into Syria Arabian took off Alexander’s head, and
with words of peace, and the people of the sent it to Ptolemy. 18 King Ptolemy died
cities opened their gates to him and met the third day after, and those who were
him; for King Alexander’s command was in his strongholds were slain by the in-
that they should meet him, because he was habitants of the strongholds. 19 Demetrius
his father-in-law. 3 Now as he entered into became king in the one hundred sixty-
the cities of Ptolemais, he set his forces for seventh year.†
a garrison in each city. 20 In those days Jonathan gathered to-
4 But when he came near to Azotus, they gether the Judeans to take the citadel that
showed him the temple of Dagon burned was at Jerusalem. He made many engines
with fire, and Azotus and its pasture lands of war to use against it. 21 Some lawless
destroyed, and the bodies cast out, and men who hated their own nation went to
those who had been burned, whom he the king and reported to him that Jonathan
burned in the war, for they had made was besieging the citadel. 22 He heard, and
heaps of them in his way. 5 They told the was angry, but when he heard it, he set
king what Jonathan had done, that they out immediately, and came to Ptolemais,
might cast blame on him; but the king kept and wrote to Jonathan, that he should not
silent. 6 Jonathan met the king with pomp besiege it, and that he should meet him and
at Joppa, and they greeted one another, speak with him at Ptolemais with all speed.
† 11:19 circa B.C. 146.
1 Maccabees 11:23 532 1 Maccabees 11:47

23 But when Jonathan heard this, he gave time forth and forever. 37 Now therefore
orders to continue the siege. He chose be careful to make a copy of these things,
some of the elders of Israel and of the and let it be given to Jonathan, and let it be
priests, and put himself in peril 24 by taking set up on the holy mountain in a suitable
silver, gold, clothing, and various other and conspicuous place.’ ”
presents, and went to Ptolemais to the 38 When King Demetrius saw that the
king. Then he found favor in his sight. land was quiet before him, and that no
25 Some lawless men of those who were of
resistance was made to him, he sent away
the nation made complaints against him, all his troops, each man to his own place,
26 and the king did to him even as his
except the foreign troops, which he had
predecessors had done to him, and exalted raised from the islands of the Gentiles. So
him in the sight of all his‡ friends, 27 and all the troops of his fathers hated him.
confirmed to him the high priesthood, and 39 Now Tryphon was one of those who
all the other honors that he had before, previously had been on Alexander’s side,
and gave him preeminence among his§ and he saw that all the forces murmured
chief friends. 28 And Jonathan requested against Demetrius. So he went to Imalcue
of the king that he would make Judea the Arabian, who was raising up Antiochus
free from tribute, along with the three† the young child of Alexander, 40 and ur-
provinces and the country of Samaria, gently insisted to him that he should de-
and promised him three hundred talents. liver him to him, that he might reign in
29 The king consented, and wrote letters his father’s place. He told him all that
to Jonathan concerning all these things as Demetrius had done, and the hatred with
follows: which his forces hated him; and he stayed
there many days.
30 “King Demetrius to his brother 41 Now Jonathan sent to King Demetrius,
Jonathan, and to the nation of the Jews, that he should remove the troops of
greetings. 31 The copy of the letter which the citadel from Jerusalem, and the
we wrote to Lasthenes our kinsman troops who were in the strongholds; for
concerning you, we have written also to
you, that you may see it. 32 ‘King Demetrius they fought against Israel continually.
42 Demetrius sent to Jonathan, saying, “I
to Lasthenes his father, greetings. 33 We
have determined to do good to the nation will not only do this for you and your
of the Jews, who are our friends, and nation, but I will greatly honor you and
observe what is just toward us, because your nation, if I find an opportunity.
43 Now therefore you shall do well if you
of their good will toward us. 34 We
have confirmed therefore to them the send me men who will fight for me; for all
borders of Judea, and also the three my forces have revolted.” 44 So Jonathan
governments of Aphaerema, Lydda, and sent him three thousand valiant men to
Ramathaim (these were added to Judea Antioch. They came to the king, and the
from the country of Samaria), and all their king was glad at their coming.
45 The people of the city gathered them-
territory to them, for all who do sacrifice in
Jerusalem, instead of the king’s dues which selves together into the midst of the city,
the king received of them yearly before to the number of one hundred and twenty
from the produce of the earth and the thousand men, and they wanted to kill the
fruits of trees. 35 As for the other payments king. 46 The king fled into the court of the
to us from henceforth, of the tithes and the palace, and the people of the city seized the
taxes that pertain to us, and the salt pits, main streets of the city and began to fight.
and the crown taxes due to us, all these 47 The king called the Jews to help him, and
we will give back to them. 36 Not one of they were gathered together to him all at
these grants shall be annulled from this once, and they dispersed themselves in the
‡ 11:26 See 1 Maccabees 2:18. § 11:27 See 1 Maccabees 10:65. † 11:28 Gr. toparchies
1 Maccabees 11:48 533 1 Maccabees 12:3

city, and killed that day about one hundred plundered them. 62 The people of Gaza
thousand. 48 They set the city on fire, and pleaded with Jonathan, and he gave them
seized many spoils that day, and saved the his right hand, and took the sons of their
king. 49 The people of the city saw that the princes for hostages, and sent them away
Jews had taken control of the city as they to Jerusalem. Then he passed through the
pleased, and they became faint in their country as far as Damascus.
hearts, and they cried out to the king with 63 Then Jonathan heard that Demetrius’
supplication, saying, 50 “Give us your right princes had come to Kedesh, which is in
hand, and let the Jews cease from fighting Galilee, with a great army, intending to
against us and the city.” 51 They threw remove him from his office. 64 He went to
away their weapons and made peace. The meet them, but he left Simon his brother
Jews were glorified in the sight of the king, in the country. 65 Simon encamped against
and before all who were in his kingdom. Bethsura, and fought against it many days,
Then they returned to Jerusalem, having and hemmed it in. 66 They asked him to
much plunder. 52 So King Demetrius sat give them his right hand, and he gave it to
on the throne of his kingdom, and the land them. He removed them from there, took
was quiet before him. 53 He lied in all possession of the city, and set a garrison
that he spoke, and estranged himself from over it.
67 Jonathan and his army encamped at
Jonathan, and didn’t repay him according
to the benefits with which he had repaid the water of Gennesareth, and early in
him, and treated him very harshly. the morning they marched to the plain of
54 Now after this, Tryphon returned, and Hazor. 68 Behold, an army of foreigners
met him in the plain. They laid an am-
with him the young child Antiochus, who
bush for him in the mountains, but they
reigned and put on a crown. 55 All the
themselves met him face to face. 69 But
forces which Demetrius had sent away those who lay in ambush rose out of their
with disgrace were gathered to him, and places and joined battle. All those who
they fought against him, and he fled and were on Jonathan’s side fled. 70 Not one
was routed. 56 Tryphon took the elephants, of them was left, except Mattathias the son
and took control of Antioch. 57 The young of Absalom, and Judas the son of Chalphi,
Antiochus wrote to Jonathan, saying, “I captains of the forces. 71 Jonathan tore his
confirm to you the high priesthood, and clothes, put dirt on his head, and prayed.
appoint you over the four districts, and 72 He turned again to them in battle, and
to be one of the king’s‡ friends.” 58 He routed them, and they fled. 73 When the
sent to him golden vessels and furniture men on his side who had fled saw this, they
for the table, and gave him permission to returned to him and pursued with him to
drink in golden vessels, and to be clothed Kedesh to their camp, and they encamped
in purple, and to have a golden buckle. there. 74 About three thousand men of the
59 He made his brother Simon governor
foreigners fell on that day. Then Jonathan
from the Ladder of Tyre to the borders of returned to Jerusalem.
60 Jonathan went out and took his jour-
ney beyond the river and through the 1 Jonathan
saw that the time was favor-
cities. All the forces of Syria gathered able for him, so he chose men and sent
themselves to him to be his allies. He them to Rome to confirm and renew the
came to Ascalon, and the people of the friendship that they had with them. 2 He
city met him honorably. 61 He departed also sent similar letters to the Spartans,
from there to Gaza, and the people of and to other places. 3 They went to Rome,
Gaza shut him out. So he besieged it and entered into the senate house, and said,
burned its pasture lands with fire, and “Jonathan the high priest and the nation of
‡ 11:57 See 1 Maccabees 2:18.
1 Maccabees 12:4 534 1 Maccabees 12:33

the Jews have sent us to renew for them the ing the renewing of friendship and our
friendship and the alliance, as in former brotherhood. 18 And now you will do well
time.” 4 They gave them letters to the men if you give us a reply.”
in every place, that they should provide 19 And this is the copy of the letters which
safe conduct for them on their way to the they sent to Onias:
land of Judah. 5 This is the copy of the let- 20 “Arius king of the Spartans to Onias
ters which Jonathan wrote to the Spartans:
the chief priest, greetings. 21 It has been
6 “Jonathan the high priest, and the sen-
found in writing, concerning the Spartans
ate of the nation, and the priests, and the and the Jews, that they are kindred, and
rest of the people of the Jews, to their that they are of the descendants of Abra-
kindred the Spartans, greetings. 7 Even ham. 22 Now, since this has come to our
before this time letters were sent to Onias knowledge, you will do well to write to us
the high priest from Arius,† who was reign- of your‡ prosperity. 23 We moreover write
ing among you, to signify that you are on our part to you, that your livestock and
our kindred, as the copy written below goods are ours, and ours are yours. We do
shows. 8 Onias welcomed honorably the command therefore that they make report
man who was sent and received the letters, to you accordingly.”
wherein declaration was made of alliance
24 Now Jonathan heard that Demetrius’
and friendship. 9 Therefore we also, even
though we need none of these things, hav- princes had returned to fight against him
ing for our encouragement the holy books with a greater army than before, 25 so
which are in our hands, 10 have under- he marched away from Jerusalem, and
taken to send that we might renew our met them in the country of Hamath; for
brotherhood and friendship with you, to he gave them no opportunity to set foot
the end that we should not become es- in his country. 26 He sent spies into his
tranged from you altogether; for a long camp, and they came again, and reported
time has passed since you sent your letter to him that they were preparing to attack
to us. 11 We therefore at all times without them at night. 27 But as soon as the sun
ceasing, both in our feasts, and on the was down, Jonathan commanded his men
other convenient days, remember you in to watch, and to be armed, that all the
the sacrifices which we offer, and in our night long they might be ready for battle.
prayers, as it is right and proper to be He stationed sentinels around the camp.
mindful of kindred. 12 Moreover, we are 28 The adversaries heard that Jonathan
glad for your glory. 13 But as for ourselves, and his men were ready for battle, and
many afflictions and many wars have en- they feared, and trembled in their hearts,
compassed us, and the kings who are and they kindled fires in their camp then
around us have fought against us. 14 We withdrew. 29 But Jonathan and his men
were unwilling to be troublesome to you, didn’t know it until the morning; for they
and to the rest of our allies and friends, in saw the fires burning. 30 Jonathan pursued
these wars; 15 for we have the help which
after them, but didn’t overtake them; for
is from heaven to help us, and we have they had gone over the river Eleutherus.
been delivered from our enemies, and our 31 Then Jonathan turned toward the Ara-
enemies have been humbled. 16 We chose
therefore Numenius the son of Antiochus bians, who are called Zabadaeans, and
and Antipater the son of Jason, and have struck them, and took their spoils. 32 He
sent them to the Romans, to renew the came out from there, and came to Damas-
friendship that we had with them, and the cus, and took his journey through all the
former alliance. 17 We commanded them country.
therefore to go also to you, and to salute 33 Simon went out, and took his journey
you, and to deliver you our letters concern- as far as Ascalon, and the strongholds that
† 12:7 So the old Latin versions and Josephus: compare also ver. 20. All the other authorities read Darius in this
place. ‡ 12:22 Gr. peace
1 Maccabees 12:34 535 1 Maccabees 13:6

were near it. Then he turned toward Joppa reserved to himself three thousand men,
and took possession of it; 34 for he had of whom he left two thousand in Galilee,
heard that they were planning to hand but one thousand went with him. 48 Now as
over the stronghold to Demetrius’ men. He soon as Jonathan entered into Ptolemais,
set a garrison there to guard it. the people of Ptolemais shut the gates and
35 Then Jonathan returned and called seized him. They killed all those who came
in with him with the sword.
the elders of the people together. He 49 Tryphon sent troops and cavalry into
planned with them to build strongholds
Galilee, and into the Great Plain, to de-
in Judea, 36 and to make the walls of stroy all Jonathan’s men. 50 They per-
Jerusalem higher, and to raise a great ceived that he had been seized and had
mound between the citadel and the city, to perished, along with those who were with
separate it from the city, that so it might him. They encouraged one another and
be isolated, that its garrison might neither went on their way close together, prepared
buy nor sell. 37 They were gathered to- to fight. 51 Those who followed them saw
gether to build the city. Part of the wall that they were ready to fight for their
of the brook that is on the east side fell lives, and turned back again. 52 They all
down, and he repaired the section called came in peace into the land of Judah, and
Chaphenatha. 38 Simon also built Adida in they mourned for Jonathan and those who
the§ plain country, made it strong, and set were with him, and they were very afraid.
up gates and bars. All Israel mourned with a great mourning.
39 And Tryphon sought to reign over Asia 53 And all the Gentiles who were around
and to crown himself, and to stretch out them sought to destroy them utterly; for
his hand against Antiochus the king. 40 He they said, “They have no ruler nor anyone
was afraid that Jonathan wouldn’t allow to help them. Now therefore let’s fight
him, and that he would fight against him; against them, and take away their memory
and he sought a way to seize him, that he from among men.”
might destroy him. So he marched out
and came to Bethshan. 41 Jonathan came
out to meet him with forty thousand men
Simon heard that Tryphon had gath-
chosen for battle, and came to Bethshan. ered together a mighty army to come into
42 Tryphon saw that he came with a great
the land of Judah and destroy it utterly.
army, and he was afraid to stretch out 2 He saw that the people were trembling
his hand against him. 43 He received him in great fear. So he went up to Jerusalem
honorably, and commended him to all and gathered the people together. 3 He
his† friends, and gave him gifts, and com- encouraged them, and said to them, “You
manded his forces to be obedient to him, yourselves know all the things that I, my
as to himself. 44 He said to Jonathan, “Why
kindred, and my father’s house have done
have you put all this people to so much
for the laws and the sanctuary, and the
trouble, seeing there is no war between us?
45 Now send them away to their homes, but battles and the distresses which we have
seen. 4 Because of this, all my brothers
choose for yourself a few men who shall be have perished for Israel’s sake, and I am
with you, and come with me to Ptolemais, left alone. 5 Now be it far from me, that
and I will give it to you, and the rest of I should spare my own life in any time
the strongholds and the rest of the forces, of affliction, for I am not better than my
and all the king’s officers. Then I will turn kindred. 6 However, I will take vengeance
around and depart; for this is why I came.” for my nation, for the sanctuary, and for
46 He put his trust in him, and did even as our wives and children, because all the
he said, and sent away his forces, and they Gentiles have gathered out of hatred to
departed into the land of Judah. 47 But he destroy us.”
§ 12:38 Gr. Sephela. † 12:43 See 1 Maccabees 2:18.
1 Maccabees 13:7 536 1 Maccabees 13:39

7 The spirit of the people revived as soon he killed Jonathan, and he was buried
as they heard these words. 8 They an- there. 24 Then Tryphon turned back, and
swered with a loud voice, saying, “You went away into his own land.
are our leader in the place of Judas and 25 Simon sent, and took the bones of
Jonathan your brothers. 9 Fight our bat- Jonathan his brother, and buried him at
tles, and we will do all that you tell us to Modin, the city of his fathers. 26 All Is-
do.” rael made great lamentation over him, and
10 He gathered together all the men of
mourned for him many days. 27 Simon
war, and hurried to finish the walls of built a monument on the tomb of his fa-
Jerusalem. He fortified it all around. 11 He ther and his kindred, and raised it high so
sent Jonathan the son of Absalom, and that it could be seen, with polished stone
with him a great army, to Joppa. He threw on the front and back. 28 He also set up
out those who were in it, and lived there. seven pyramids, one near another, for his
12 Tryphon left Ptolemais with a mighty
father, his mother, and his four brothers.
army to enter into the land of Judah, and 29 For these, he made an elaborate setting,
Jonathan was with him under guard. 13 But erecting great pillars around them, and
Simon encamped at Adida, near the plain. upon the pillars he made suits of armor
14 Tryphon knew that Simon had risen up for a perpetual memorial, and beside the
in the place of his brother Jonathan, and suits of armor, he carved ships, so that
meant to join battle with him, so he sent they could be seen by all who sail on the
ambassadors to him, saying, 15 “It is for sea. 30 This is the tomb which he made at
money which Jonathan your brother owed Modin. It remains to this day.
to the king’s treasury, by reason of the 31 Now Tryphon deceived the young
offices which he had, that we are detaining King Antiochus and killed him, 32 and
him. 16 Now send one hundred talents of reigned in his place. He put on himself
silver and two of his sons for hostages, so the crown of Asia and brought a great
that when he is released he may not revolt calamity upon the land. 33 Simon built
against us, and we will release him.” up the strongholds of Judea, and walled
17 Simon knew that they spoke to him
them all around with high towers, great
deceitfully, but he sent to get the money walls, gates, and bars; and he stored food
and the children, lest perhaps he would in the strongholds. 34 Simon chose men,
arouse great hostility among the people, and sent to King Demetrius with a request
18 who might say, “Because I didn’t send
that he grant the country an immunity, be-
him the money and the children, he per- cause all that Tryphon did was to plunder.
ished.” 19 So he sent the children and the 35 King Demetrius sent to him according
hundred talents, but Tryphon lied, and
to these words, and answered him, and
didn’t release Jonathan. wrote a letter to him, as follows:
20 After this, Tryphon came to invade the
36 “King Demetrius to Simon the high
land and destroy it, and he went around
priest and friend† of kings, and to the
by the way that leads to Adora. Simon and
elders and nation of the Jews, greetings.
his army marched near him to every place, 37 The golden crown and the palm branch,
wherever he went. 21 Now the people of
which you sent, we have received. We
the citadel sent to Tryphon ambassadors,
urging him to come to them through the are ready to make a steadfast peace with
you, yes, and to write to our officers to re-
wilderness, and to send them food. 22 So
Tryphon prepared all his cavalry to come, lease you from tribute. 38 Whatever things
but on that night a very heavy snow fell, we confirmed to you, they are confirmed.
and he didn’t come because of the snow. The strongholds, which you have built, let
He marched off and went into the land of them be your own. 39 As for any over-
Gilead. 23 When he came near to Bascama, sights and faults committed to this day,
† 13:36 See 1 Maccabees 2:18.
1 Maccabees 13:40 537 1 Maccabees 14:12

we forgive them, and the crown tax which seventy-first year,‡ with praise and palm
you owed us. If there were any other tax branches, with harps, with cymbals, and
collected in Jerusalem, let it be collected no with stringed instruments, with hymns,
longer. 40 If any among you are qualified and with songs, because a great enemy
to be enrolled in our court, let them be had been destroyed out of Israel. 52 Simon
enrolled, and let there be peace between ordained that they should keep that day
us.” every year with gladness. He made the
41 In the one hundred seventieth year,‡
hill of the temple that was by the citadel
the yoke of the Gentiles was taken away stronger than before, and he lived there
from Israel. 42 The people began to write with his men. 53 Simon saw that his son
in their instruments and contracts, “In the John was a man, so he made him leader of
first year of Simon, the great high priest all his forces; and he lived in Gazara.
and captain and leader of the Jews.”
43 In those days Simon encamped
against§ Gazara, and surrounded it with 1 In the one hundred seventy-second
troops. He made a seige engine, and year,† King Demetrius gathered his forces
brought it up to the city, and struck a together, and went into Media to get
tower, and captured it. 44 Those who were help, that he might fight against Tryphon.
in the engine leaped out into the city; and 2 When Arsaces, the king of Persia and
there was a great uproar in the city. 45 The Media, heard that Demetrius had come
people of the city tore their clothes, and into his borders, he sent one of his princes
went up on the walls with their wives to take him alive. 3 He went and struck
and children, and cried with a loud voice, the army of Demetrius, and seized him
asking Simon to give them† his right hand. and brought him to Arsaces, who put him
46 They said, “Don’t deal with us according
under guard.
to our wickednesses, but according to your 4 The land had rest all the days of Simon.
mercy.” 47 So Simon was reconciled to He sought the good of his nation. His
them, and didn’t fight against them; but he authority and his honor was pleasing to
expelled them from the city and cleansed them all his days. 5 Amid all his honors,
the houses where the idols were, and then he took Joppa for a harbor, and made it an
entered into it with singing and giving entrance for the islands of the sea. 6 He
praise. 48 He removed all uncleanness enlarged the borders of his nation and took
out of it, and placed in it men who would possession of the country. 7 He gathered
keep the law, and made it stronger than it together a great number of captives, and
was before, and built a dwelling place for took control of Gazara, Bethsura, and the
himself in it. citadel, and he removed its uncleannesses
49 But the people of the citadel in
from it. There was no one who resisted
Jerusalem were hindered from going out him. 8 They tilled their land in peace, and
and from going into the country, and the land gave her increase, and the trees
from buying and selling. So they were of the plains gave their fruit. 9 The old
very hungry, and a great number of them men sat in the streets; they all conversed
perished from famine. 50 Then they cried together about good things. The young
out to Simon, that he should give them his men put on glorious and warlike apparel.
right hand; and he gave it to them; but he 10 He provided food for the cities and fur-
expelled them from there, and he cleansed nished them with means of defense, until
the citadel from its pollutions. 51 He the glory of his name was known to the end
entered into it on the twenty-third day of the earth. 11 He made peace in the land,
of the second month, in the one hundred and Israel rejoiced with great joy. 12 Each
‡ 13:41 circa B.C. 143. § 13:43 See 1 Maccabees 13:53 (compare 1 Maccabees 13:48); 1 Maccabees 14:7, 34; 15:28;
16:1: also Josephus. All the authorities read Gaza in this verse. † 13:45 Gr. right hands. ‡ 13:51 circa B.C. 142.
† 14:1 circa B.C. 141.
1 Maccabees 14:13 538 1 Maccabees 14:35

man sat under his vine and his fig tree, give to Simon and his sons? 26 For he and
and there was no one to make them afraid. his brothers and the house of his father
13 No one was left in the land who fought have made themselves strong, and have
against them. The kings were defeated in fought and chased away Israel’s enemies,
those days. 14 He strengthened all those of and confirmed liberty to Israel.‡” 27 So they
his people who were humble. He searched wrote on tablets of brass, and set them on
out the law, and every lawless and wicked pillars on mount Zion. This is the copy of
person he took away. 15 He glorified the the writing:
sanctuary, and added to the vessels of the
temple. “On the eighteenth day of Elul, in the
16 It was heard at Rome that Jonathan one hundred seventy-second year,§ which
was dead, and even in Sparta, and they is the third year of Simon the high priest,
were exceedingly grieved. 17 But as soon 28 in Asaramel, in a great congregation
as they heard that his brother Simon was of priests and people and princes of the
made high priest in his place, and ruled the nation, and of the elders of the country, it
country and the cities in it, 18 they wrote was proclaimed to us:† 29 ‘Since wars often
to him on brass tablets to renew with him occurred in the country, Simon the son of
the friendship and the alliance which they Mattathias, the son of the sons of Joarib,
had confirmed with his brothers Judas and and his brothers, put themselves in jeop-
Jonathan. 19 These were read before the ardy and withstood the enemies of their
congregation at Jerusalem. nation, that their sanctuary and the law
20 This is the copy of the letters which the might be established, and glorified their
Spartans sent: nation with great glory. 30 Jonathan rallied
“The rulers and the city of the Spartans, the nation, became their high priest, and
to Simon the high priest, to the elders, was gathered to his people. 31 Their ene-
the priests, and the rest of the people of mies planned to invade their country, that
the Jews, our kindred, greetings. 21 The they might destroy their country utterly,
ambassadors who were sent to our people and stretch out their hands against their
reported to us about your glory and honor. sanctuary. 32 Then Simon rose up and
We were glad for their coming, 22 and we fought for his nation. He spent much of
registered the things that were spoken by his own money to arm the valiant men
them in the public records‡ as follows: ‘Nu- of his nation and give them wages. 33 He
menius son of Antiochus, and Antipater fortified the cities of Judea and Bethsura
son of Jason, the Jews’ ambassadors, came that lies on the borders of Judea, where
to us to renew the friendship they had with the weapons of the enemies were had been
us. 23 It pleased the people to entertain stored, and there he placed a garrison of
the men honorably, and to put the copy of Jews. 34 He fortified Joppa which is upon
their words in the public records,§ to the the sea, and Gazara which is upon the bor-
end that the people of the Spartans might ders of Azotus, where the enemies used to
have a record of them. Moreover they live, and placed Jews there, and set in there
wrote a copy of these things to Simon the all things necessary for their restoration.
35 The people saw Simon’s faith,‡ and the
high priest.’ ”
24 After this, Simon sent Numenius to glory which he resolved to bring to his
Rome with a great shield of gold of weigh- nation, and they made him their leader
ing one thousand minas,† in order to con- and high priest, because he had done all
firm the alliance with them. these things, and for the justice and the
25 But when the people heard these faith which he kept to his nation, and be-
things, they said, “What thanks shall we cause he sought by all means to exalt his
‡ 14:22 Gr. counsels of the people. § 14:23 Gr. books that are appointed for the people. † 14:24 1,000 minas
is about 499 kg or 1,098 pounds. ‡ 14:26 Gr. him. § 14:27 circa B.C. 141. † 14:28 Gr. he made known.
‡ 14:35 Some authorities read acts.
1 Maccabees 14:36 539 1 Maccabees 15:12

people. 36 In his days, things prospered in conspicuous place, 49 and moreover to put
his hands, so that the Gentiles were taken copies of them in the treasury, so that Si-
away out of their country, and they also mon and his sons might have them.
who were in the city of David, those who
were in Jerusalem, who had made them-
selves a citadel, out of which they used
1 Antiochus son of Demetrius the king
to go, and polluted everything around the sent a letter from the islands of the sea to
sanctuary, and did great damage to its pu- Simon the priest and† governor of the Jews,
rity. 37 He placed Jews in it and fortified and to all the nation. 2 Its contents follow:
it for the safety of the country and the “King Antiochus to Simon the chief
city, and made high the walls of Jerusalem. priest and‡ governor, and to the nation
38 King Demetrius confirmed to him the
of the Jews, greetings. 3 Whereas certain
high priesthood according to these things, troublemakers have made themselves
39 and made him one of his friends,§ and masters of the kingdom of our fathers,
honored him with great honor; 40 for he but my purpose is to claim the kingdom,
had heard that the Jews had been called that I may restore it as it was before;
by the Romans friends, allies, and kindred, and moreover I have raised a multitude
and that they had met the ambassadors of foreign soldiers, and have prepared
of Simon honorably; 41 and that the Jews warships; 4 moreover I plan to land in the
and the priests were well pleased that Si- country, that I may punish those who have
mon should be their leader and high priest destroyed our country, and those who
forever, until there should arise a faithful have made many cities in the kingdom
prophet; 42 and that he should be gover- desolate; 5 now therefore I confirm to you
nor over them, and should take charge all the tax remissions which the kings
of the sanctuary, to set them over their who were before me remitted to you, and
works, and over the country, and over the whatever gifts besides they remitted to
weapons, and over the strongholds; and you, 6 and I permit you to coin money
that he should take charge of the sanctu- for your country with your own stamp,
7 but that Jerusalem and the sanctuary
ary, 43 and that he should be obeyed by all,
and that all contracts in the country should should be free. All the weapons that
be written in his name, and that he should you have prepared, and the strongholds
be clothed in purple, and wear gold; 44 and that you have built, which you have in
that it should not be lawful for any of the your possession, let them remain yours.
people or of the priests to nullify any of 8 Every debt owed to the king, and the
these things, or to oppose the words that he things that will be owed to the king from
should speak, or to gather an assembly in henceforth and for evermore, let them be
the country without him, or to be clothed remitted to you. 9 Moreover, when we have
in purple, or wear a buckle of gold; 45 but established our kingdom, we will glorify
whoever should do otherwise, or nullify you and your nation and the temple with
any of these things, he will be liable to pun- great glory, so that your glory will be made
ishment.’ ” 46 All the people consented to manifest in all the earth.
10 In the one hundred seventy-fourth
ordain for Simon that he should do accord-
ing to these words. 47 So Simon accepted year,§ Antiochus went into the land of his
this, and consented to be high priest, and to fathers; and all the forces came together
be captain and governor† of the Jews and to him, so that there were few men with
of the priests, and to be protector of all. Tryphon. 11 King Antiochus pursued him,
48 They commanded to put this writing and he came, as he fled, to Dor, which is
on tablets of brass, and to set them up by the sea; 12 for he knew that troubles
within the precinct of the sanctuary in a had come upon him all at once, and that
§ 14:39 See 1 Maccabees 2:18. † 14:47 Gr. ethnarch. † 15:1 Gr. ethnarch. ‡ 15:2 Gr. ethnarch. § 15:10
circa B.C. 139
1 Maccabees 15:13 540 1 Maccabees 15:39

his forces had deserted him. 13 Antiochus dance. 27 He would not receive them, but
encamped against Dor, and with him one nullified all the covenants which he had
hundred twenty thousand men of war and made with him before, and was estranged
eight thousand cavalry. 14 He surrounded from him. 28 He sent to him Athenobius,
the city, and the ships joined in the attack one of his friends,§ to confer with him, say-
from the sea. He harassed the city by land ing, “You hold possession of Joppa, Gazara,
and sea, and permitted no one to go out or and the citadel that is in Jerusalem, cities
in. of my kingdom. 29 You have devastated
15 Numenius and his company came their territory, and done great harm in the
from Rome, having letters to the kings and land, and control of many places in my
to the countries, in which were written kingdom. 30 Now therefore hand over the
these things: cities which you have taken, and the trib-
16 “Lucius, consul of the Romans, to King utes of the places which you have taken
Ptolemy, greetings. 17 The Jews’ ambas- control of outside of the borders of Judea;
31 or else give me for them five hundred
sadors came to us as our friends and allies,
to renew the old friendship and alliance, talents of silver; and for the harm that you
being sent from Simon the high priest, and have done, and the tributes of the cities,
from the people of the Jews. 18 Moreover another five hundred talents. Otherwise
they brought a shield of gold weighing we will come and subdue you.”
32 Athenobius, the king’s friend,† came
one thousand minas.† 19 It pleased us
therefore to write to the kings and to the to Jerusalem. When he saw the glory of
countries, that they should not seek their Simon, the cupboard of gold and silver
harm or fight against them, their cities, vessels, and his great attendance, he was
and their country, or be allies with those amazed. He reported to him the king’s
who fight against them. 20 Moreover, it words. 33 Simon answered, and said to
seemed good to us to receive the shield him, “We have not taken other men’s land
from them. 21 If therefore any troublemak- nor do we have possession of that which
ers have fled from their country to you, belongs to others, but of the inheritance
deliver them to Simon the high priest, that of our fathers. However, it had been in
he may take vengeance on them according possession of our enemies wrongfully for
to their law.” a while. 34 But we, having opportunity,
22 He wrote the same things to King firmly hold the inheritance of our fathers.
35 As for Joppa and Gazara, which you
Demetrius, to Attalus, to Arathes, to Ar-
saces, 23 to all the countries, to‡ Samp- demand, they did great harm among the
sames, to the Spartans, to Delos, to Myn- people throughout our country. We will
dos, to Sicyon, to Caria, to Samos, to give one hundred talents for them.”
Pamphylia, to Lycia, to Halicarnassus, to Athenobius didn’t answer even one
Rhodes, to Phaselis, to Cos, to Side, to word, 36 but returned in a rage to the
Aradus, Gortyna, Cnidus, Cyprus, and king, and reported to him these words,
Cyrene. 24 They also wrote this copy to and the glory of Simon, and all that he
Simon the high priest. had seen; and the king was exceedingly
25 But King Antiochus encamped against angry. 37 Meanwhile, Tryphon embarked
Dor the second day, bringing his forces up on board a ship, and fled to Orthosia.
38 The king appointed Cendebaeus chief
to it continually, and making engines of
war; and he shut up Tryphon from going captain of the sea coast, and gave him
in or out. 26 Simon sent him two thousand troops of infantry and cavalry. 39 He com-
chosen men to fight on his side, with sil- manded him to encamp against Judea, and
ver, gold, and instruments of war in abun- he commanded him to build up Kidron,
† 15:18 1,000 minas is about 499 kg. or about 1,098 pounds. ‡ 15:23 Some authorities read Sampsaces: the Latin
versions have Lampsacus. § 15:28 See 1 Maccabees 2:18. † 15:32 See 1 Maccabees 2:18.
1 Maccabees 15:40 541 1 Maccabees 16:24

and to fortify the gates, and that he should About two thousand men men of them fell.
fight against the people; but the king pur- Then he returned into Judea in peace.
sued Tryphon. 40 So Cendebaeus came to Ptolemy the son of Abubus had been
Jamnia and began to provoke the people, appointed governor over the plain of Jeri-
and to invade Judea, and to take the people cho, and he had much silver and gold;
captive and kill them. 41 He built Kidron 12 for he was the high priest’s son-in-law.
and stationed cavalry and infantry there, 13 His heart was lifted up, and he planned
to the end that going out they might make to make himself master of the country,
raids on the highways of Judea, as the king and he made deceitful plans against Si-
had commanded him. mon and his sons, to do away with them.
14 Now Simon was visiting the cities that
16 were in the country, and attending to their
1 John went up from Gazara and told needs. He went down to Jericho—himself
Simon his father what Cendebaeus was with Mattathias and Judas his sons—in the
doing. 2 Simon called his two oldest sons, one hundred seventy-seventh year,† in the
Judas and John, and said to them, “I and eleventh month, which is the month Se-
my brothers and my father’s house have bat. 15 The son of Abubus received them
fought the battles of Israel from our youth, deceitfully into the little stronghold that is
even to this day; and things have pros- called Dok, which he had built, and made
pered in our hands, that we have often de- them a great banquet, and hid men there.
16 When Simon and his sons had drunk
livered Israel. 3 But now I am old, and you freely, Ptolemy and his men rose up, took
moreover, by his mercy, are of a sufficient their weapons, rushed in against Simon in
age. Take the place of me and my brother, the banqueting place, and killed him, his
and go out and fight for our nation; and let two sons, and some of his servants. 17 He
the help which is from heaven be with you. committed a great iniquity, and repaid evil
4 He chose out of the country twenty for good.
thousand men of war and cavalry, and
Ptolemy wrote these things and sent
they went against Cendebaeus, and slept
to the king, that he should send him forces
at Modin. 5 Rising up in the morning, they
to aid him, and should deliver him their
went into the plain, and, behold, a great
country and the cities. 19 He sent others
army of infantry and cavalry came to meet to Gazara to do away with John. To the
them. There was a brook between them.
6 He encamped near them, he and his peo- captains of thousands, he sent letters to
ple. He saw that the people were afraid to come to him, that he might give them sil-
pass over the brook, and he passed over ver, gold, and gifts. 20 He sent others to
first. When the men saw him, they passed take possession of Jerusalem and the tem-
over after him. 7 He divided the people, ple hill. 21 One ran before to Gazara, and
and placed the calvary in the midst of the told John that his father and kindred had
infantry; but the enemies’ cavalry were perished, and he has sent to kill you also.
22 When he heard, he was greatly shocked.
exceedingly many. 8 They sounded the
trumpets; and Cendebaeus and his army He seized the men who came to destroy
were put to flight, and many of them fell him and killed them; for he perceived that
wounded to death, but those who were they were seeking to destroy him.
left fled to the stronghold. 9 At that time And the rest of the acts of John and
Judas, John’s brother, was wounded; but of his wars and of his valiant deeds which
John pursued after them until he came he did, and of the building of the walls
to Kidron, which Cendebaeus had built. which he built, and of his achievements,
10 They fled to the towers that are in the 24 behold, they are written in the chroni-
fields of Azotus; and he burned it with fire. cles‡ of his high priesthood, from the time
† 16:14 circa B.C. 136. ‡ 16:24 Gr. book of days.
1 Maccabees 16:24 542 1 Maccabees 16:24

that he was made high priest after his fa-

2 Maccabees 1:1 543 2 Maccabees 1:23

had come there, with an army that seemed

irresistible, they were cut to pieces in
The Second Book of the the temple of Nanaea by the treachery of
Maccabees Nanaea’s priests. 14 For Antiochus, on the
The Second Book of the Maccabees is rec- pretense that he would marry her, came
ognized as Deuterocanonical Scripture by into the place, he and his friends who were
the Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, and with him, that they might take a large part
Russian Orthodox Churches. of the treasures as a dowry. 15 And when
the priests of Nanaea’s temple had set the
1 The kindred, the Jews who are in treasures out, and he had come there with
Jerusalem and those who are in the coun- a small company within the wall of the
try of Judea, send greetings and good peace sacred precinct, they locked the temple
to the kindred, the Jews who are through- when Antiochus had come in. 16 Opening
out Egypt. 2 May God do good to you, the secret door of the panelled ceiling, they
and remember his covenant with Abra- threw stones and struck down the prince.
ham, Isaac, and Jacob, his faithful ser- They cut him and his company in pieces,
vants, 3 and give you all a heart to worship and cut off their heads, and threw them to
him and do his will with a strong heart the people who were outside. 17 Blessed
and a willing soul. 4 May God open your be our God in all things, who handed over
heart to his law and his statutes, and make those who had committed impiety.
peace, 5 and listen to your requests, and be 18 Since we are now about to cele-
reconciled with you, and not forsake you brate the purification of the temple in the
in an evil time. 6 Now we are praying for month Chislev, on the twenty-fifth day, we
you here. thought it necessary to notify you, so that
7 In the reign of Demetrius, in the one you may also keep a feast of tabernacles,
hundred sixty-ninth year, we the Jews and remember the fire which was given
have already written to you in the suffer- when Nehemiah offered sacrifices, after
ing and in the distress that has come upon he had built both the temple and the altar.
us in these years, from the time that Jason 19 For indeed when our fathers were
and his company revolted from the holy about to be led into the land of Persia, the
land and the kingdom, 8 and set the gate on godly priests of that time took some of the
fire, and shed innocent blood. We prayed fire of the altar, and hid it secretly in the
to the Lord, and were heard. We offered hollow of a well that was without water,
sacrifices and meal offerings. We lit the where they made sure that the place was
lamps. We set out the show bread.† 9 Now unknown to anyone. 20 Now after many
see that you keep the days of the feast of years, when it pleased God, Nehemiah,
tabernacles in the month Chislev in the having received a charge from the king
one hundred eighty-eighth year. of Persia, sent in quest of the fire the de-
scendants of the priests who hid it. When
10 The people of Jerusalem and those they declared to us that they had found
who are in Judea, with the senate and no fire, but thick liquid, 21 he commanded
Judas, to Aristobulus, King Ptolemy’s them to draw some of it out and bring it
teacher, who is also of the stock of the to him. When the sacrifices had been of-
anointed priests, and to the Jews who are fered, Nehemiah commanded the priests
in Egypt, we send greetings and health. to sprinkle with that liquid both the wood
11 Having been saved by God out of great and the things laid on it. 22 When that was
perils, as men arrayed against a king, we done and some time had passed, and the
thank him greatly. 12 For he threw out sun shone out, which before was hidden
into Persia those who fought against us with clouds, a great blaze was kindled, so
in the holy city. 13 For when the prince that all men marveled. 23 The priests made
† 1:8 Gr. loaves
2 Maccabees 1:24 544 2 Maccabees 2:15

a prayer while the sacrifice was being con- the prophet charged those who were car-
sumed—both the priests and all the others. ried away, having given them the law, that
Jonathan led and the rest responded, as they should not forget the statutes of the
Nehemiah did. Lord or be led astray in their minds when
24 The prayer was like this: “O Lord, they saw images of gold and silver, and
Lord God, the Creator of all things, who are their adornment. 3 With other such words
awesome, strong, righteous, and merciful, exhorted he them, that the law should not
who alone are King and gracious, 25 who depart from their hearts.
4 It was in the writing that the prophet,
alone supply every need, who alone are
righteous, almighty, and eternal, you who being warned by God, commanded that
save Israel out of all evil, who chose the an- the tabernacle and the ark should follow
cestors and sanctified them, 26 accept the with him,† when he went out to the moun-
sacrifice for all your people Israel, and pre- tain where Moses had gone up and saw
serve your own portion, and consecrate it. God’s inheritance. 5 Jeremiah came and
27 Gather together our scattered people, set found a cave, he brought the tabernacle,
at liberty those who are in bondage among the ark, and the altar of incense into it;
the heathen, look upon those who are de- then he sealed the entrance. 6 Some of
those who followed with him came there
spised and abhorred, and let the heathen that they might mark the way, and could
know that you are our God. 28 Punish not find it. 7 But when Jeremiah learned
those who oppress us and in arrogance about that, he rebuked them, saying, “The
shamefully entreat us. 29 Plant your people place shall be unknown until God gath-
in your holy place, even as Moses said.” ers the people together again and shows
30 Then the priests sang the hymns. 31 As mercy. 8 Then the Lord will disclose these
soon as the sacrifice was consumed, then things, and the glory of the Lord shall be
Nehemiah commanded that the rest of the seen with the cloud, as it was also shown to
liquid be poured on large stones. 32 When Moses, also as Solomon implored that the
this was done, a flame was kindled; but place might be consecrated greatly, 9 and it
when the light from the altar shone back, was also declared that he, having wisdom,
it went out. 33 When the matter became offered a sacrifice of dedication, and of the
known, and it was told the king of the Per- finishing of the temple. 10 As Moses prayed
sians that, in the place where the priests to the Lord and fire came down out of
who were led away had hid the fire, the liq- heaven and consumed the sacrifice, even
uid appeared which Nehemiah and those so Solomon also prayed, and the fire came
who were with him purified the sacrifice, down and consumed the burnt offerings.
34 then the king enclosed the place and 11 ‡Moses said, ‘Because the sin offering
made it sacred after he had investigated had not been eaten, it was consumed in
the matter. 35 When the king would show like manner.’ 12 Likewise Solomon kept the
favor to any, he would exchange many eight days.”
presents and give them some of this liquid. 13 The same things were reported both
36 Nehemiah and those who were with him
in the public archives and in Nehemiah’s
called this thing “Nephthar”, which is by records, and also how he, founding a li-
interpretation, “Cleansing”; but most men brary, gathered together the books about
call it Nephthai. the kings and prophets, and the writings
of David, and letters of kings about sacred
2 gifts. 14 In like manner Judas also gathered
1 It is also found in the records that together for us all those books that had
Jeremiah the prophet commanded those been scattered by reason of the war, and
who were carried away to take some of the they are still with us. 15 If therefore you
fire, as has been mentioned, 2 and how that have need of them, send some people to
† 2:4 Gr. and when. The Greek text here is probably corrupt. ‡ 2:11 See Leviticus 10:16 and 9:24.
2 Maccabees 2:16 545 2 Maccabees 3:7

bring them to you. painful labor, 28 leaving to the historian

16 Seeing then that we are about to cele- the exact handling of every particular, and
brate the purification, we write to you. You again having no strength to fill in the out-
will therefore do well if you celebrate the lines of our abridgement. 29 For as the
days. 17 Now God, who saved all his people, masterbuilder of a new house must care
and restored the heritage to all, with the for the whole structure, and again he who
kingdom, the priesthood, and the conse- undertakes to decorate and paint it must
cration, 18 even as he promised through the seek out the things fit for its adorning; even
law— in God have we hope, that he will so I think it is also with us. 30 To occupy the
soon have mercy upon us, and gather us ground, and to indulge in long discussions,
together out of everywhere under heaven and to be curious in particulars, is fitting
into his holy place; for he delivered us out for the first author of the history; 31 but to
of great evils, and purified the place. strive after brevity of expression, and to
avoid a labored fullness in the treatment,
——————— is to be granted to him who would bring a
writing into a new form. 32 Here then let’s
19 Now the things concerning Judas Mac-
begin the narration, only adding this much
cabaeus and his brothers, the purification to that which has already been said; for it
of the greatest temple, the dedication of is a foolish thing to make a long prologue
the altar, 20 and further the wars against to the history, and to abridge the history
Antiochus Epiphanes and Eupator his son, itself.
21 and the manifestations that came from
heaven to those who fought with one an-
other in brave deeds for the religion of the 3
Jews; so that, being but a few, they seized 1 When the holy city was inhabited with
the whole country, chased the barbarous unbroken peace and the laws were kept
multitudes, 22 recovered again the temple very well because of the godliness of Onias
renowned all the world over, freed the the high priest and his hatred of wicked-
city, and restored the laws which were ness, 2 it came to pass that even the kings
about to be overthrown, seeing the Lord themselves honored the place and glori-
became gracious to them with all kindness. fied the temple with the noblest presents,
23 These things which have been declared 3 so that even King Seleucus of Asia bore
by Jason of Cyrene in five books, we will all the costs belonging to the services of
attempt to abridge in one book. 24 For the sacrifices out of his own revenues.
having in view the confused mass of the 4 But a man named Simon of the tribe
numbers, and the§ difficulty which awaits of Benjamin, having been made guardian
those who would enter into the narratives of the temple, disagreed with the high
of the history, by reason of the abundance priest about the ruling of the market in the
of the matter, 25 we were careful that those city. 5 When he couldn’t overcome Onias,
who choose to read may be attracted, and he went to Apollonius of †Tarsus, who at
that those who wish us well may find it that time was governor of Coelesyria and
easy to recall, and that all readers may Phoenicia. 6 He brought him word how
benefit. 26 Although to us, who have taken that the treasury in Jerusalem was full of
upon ourselves the painful labor of the untold sums of money, so that the multi-
abridgement, the task is not easy, but a tude of the funds was innumerable, and
matter of sweat and sleeplessness, 27 even that they didn’t pertain to the account of
as it is no light thing to him who prepares the sacrifices, but that it was possible that
a banquet, and seeks the benefit of others. these should fall under the king’s power.
Nevertheless, for the sake of the gratitude 7 When Apollonius met the king, he in-
of the many we will gladly endure the formed him of the money about which
§ 2:24 Or, weariness † 3:5 Greek Thraseas
2 Maccabees 3:8 546 2 Maccabees 3:30

he had been told. So the king appointed was about to come into dishonor. 19 The
Heliodorus, who was his chancellor, and women, girded with sackcloth under their
sent him with a command to accomplish breasts, thronged the streets. The virgins
the removal of the reported money. 8 So who were kept indoors ran together, some
Heliodorus set out on his journey at once, to the gates, others to the walls, and some
ostensibly to visit the cities of Coelesyria looked out through the windows. 20 All,
and Phoenicia, but in fact to execute the stretching out their hands toward heaven,
king’s purpose. made their solemn supplication. 21 Then
9 When he had come to Jerusalem and it was pitiful to see the multitude pros-
had been courteously received by the high trating themselves all mixed together, and
priest of the city, he told him about the in- the anxiety of the high priest in his great
formation which had been given, and de- distress.
clared why he had come; and he inquired 22 While therefore they called upon the
if in truth these things were so. 10 The high Almighty Lord to keep the things entrusted
priest explained to him that there were to them ‡ safe and secure for those who
in the treasury deposits of widows and had entrusted them, 23 Heliodorus went
orphans, 11 and moreover some money on to execute that which had been de-
belonging to Hyrcanus the son of Tobias, a creed. 24 But when he was already present
man in very high place, not as that impious there with his guards near the treasury,
Simon falsely alleged; and that in all there the Sovereign of spirits and of all author-
were four hundred talents of silver and ity caused a great manifestation, so that
two hundred of gold, 12 and that it was all who had presumed to come with him,
altogether impossible that wrong should stricken with dismay at the power of God,
be done to those who had put trust in the fainted in terror. 25 For they saw a horse
holiness of the place, and in the majesty with a frightening rider, adorned with
and inviolable sanctity of the temple, hon- beautiful trappings, and he rushed fiercely
ored over all the world. 13 But Heliodorus, and struck at Heliodorus with his forefeet.
because of the king’s command given him, It seemed like he who sat on the horse had
said that in any case this money must be complete armor of gold. 26 Two others also
confiscated for the king’s treasury. appeared to him, young men notable in
14 So having appointed a day, he en-
their strength, and beautiful in their glory,
and splendid in their apparel, who stood
tered in to direct the inquiry concerning by him on either side, and scourged him
these matters; and there was no small dis- unceasingly, inflicting on him many sore
tress throughout the whole city. 15 The
stripes. 27 When he had fallen suddenly to
priests, prostrating themselves before the
the ground, and great darkness had come
altar in their priestly garments, and called
over him, his guards picked him up and
toward heaven upon him who gave the
put him on a stretcher, 28 and carried him—
law concerning deposits, that he should
this man who had just now entered with
preserve these treasures safe for those
a great retinue and all his guard into the
who had deposited them. 16 Whoever
aforesaid treasury, himself now brought
saw the appearance of the high priest was
to utter helplessness, manifestly made to
wounded in mind; for his countenance
and the change of his color betrayed the recognize the sovereignty of God. 29 So,
while he, through the working of God,
distress of his soul. 17 For a terror and
a shuddering of the body had come over speechless and bereft of all hope and de-
the man, by which the pain that was in liverance, lay prostrate, 30 they blessed the
his heart was plainly shown to those who Lord who acted marvelously for his own
looked at him. 18 Those who were in the place. The temple, which a little before
houses rushed out in crowds to make a was full of terror and alarm, was filled
universal supplication, because the place with joy and gladness after the Almighty
‡ 3:22 Gr. safe with all security.
2 Maccabees 3:31 547 2 Maccabees 4:13

Lord appeared. the benefactor of the city, the guardian of

31 But quickly some of Heliodorus’s fa- his fellow countrymen, and a zealot for the
miliar friends implored Onias to call upon laws. 3 When his hatred grew so great that
the Most High to grant life to him who lay even murders were perpetrated through
quite at the last gasp. 32 The high priest, one of Simon’s approved agents, 4 Onias,
secretly fearing lest the king might come seeing the danger of the contention, and
to think that some treachery toward He- that †Apollonius the son of Menestheus,
liodorus had been perpetrated by the Jews, the governor of Coelesyria and Phoenicia,
brought a sacrifice for the recovery of the was increasing Simon’s malice, 5 appealed
man. 33 But as the high priest was making to the king, not to be an accuser of his
the atoning sacrifice, the same young men fellow-citizens, but looking to the good of
appeared again to Heliodorus, arrayed in all the‡ people, both public and private;
the same garments. They stood and said, 6 for he saw that without the king’s in-
“Give Onias the high priest great thanks, volvement it was impossible for the state
for for his sake the Lord has granted you to obtain peace any more, and that Simon
life. 34 See that you, since you have been would not cease from his madness.
scourged from heaven, proclaim to all men 7 When Seleucus was deceased, and An-
the sovereign majesty of God.” When they tiochus, who was called Epiphanes, suc-
had spoken these words, they vanished out ceeded to the kingdom, Jason the brother
of sight. 35 So Heliodorus, having offered of Onias supplanted his brother in the high
a sacrifice to the Lord and vowed §great priesthood, 8 having promised to the king
vows to him who had saved his life, and at an audience three hundred sixty talents
having bidden Onias farewell, returned of silver, and out of another fund eighty
with his army to the king. 36 He testified talents. 9 In addition to this, he under-
to all men the works of the greatest God, took to assign one hundred fifty more, if it
which he had seen with his eyes. might be allowed him §through the king’s
37 When the king asked Heliodorus what authority to set him up a gymnasium and
sort of man was fit to be sent yet once again a body of youths to be trained in it, and
to Jerusalem, he said, 38 “If you have any to register the inhabitants of Jerusalem as
enemy or conspirator against the state, citizens of Antioch. 10 When the king had
send him there, and you will receive him assented, and Jason had taken possession
back well scourged, if he even escapes with of the office, he immediately shifted those
his life; because truly there is some power of his own race to the Greek way of life.
of God in that place. 39 For he who has his 11 Setting aside the royal ordinances of
dwelling in heaven himself has his eyes on special favor to the Jews, granted by the
that place and helps it. Those who come to means of John the father of Eupolemus,
hurt it, he strikes and destroys.” who went on the mission to the Romans
40 This was the history of Heliodorus and to establish friendship and alliance, and
the keeping of the treasury. seeking to overthrow the lawful ways of
living, he brought in new customs forbid-
4 den by the law. 12 For he eagerly estab-
1 The previously mentioned Simon, who lished a gymnasium under the citadel it-
had given information about the money self, and caused the noblest of the young
against his country, slandered Onias, say- men to wear the Greek hat. 13 Thus there
ing that it was he who had incited He- was an extreme of hellenization, and an
liodorus and had been the real cause of advance of a foreign religion, by reason of
these evils. 2 He dared to call him a con- the exceeding profaneness of Jason, who
spirator against the state who was actually was an ungodly man and not a high priest;
§ 3:35 Gr. greatest. † 4:4 Compare 2 Maccabees 4:21. See also 2 Maccabees 3:5. The Greek as commonly read
means Apollonius, as being the governor...Phoenicia, did rage, and increase etc. ‡ 4:5 Gr. multitude. § 4:9
Gr. through his.
2 Maccabees 4:14 548 2 Maccabees 4:35

14 so that the priests had no more any zeal secured the high priesthood for himself,
for the services of the altar; but despis- outbidding Jason by three hundred talents
ing the sanctuary and neglecting the sac- of silver. 25 After receiving the royal man-
rifices, they hastened to enjoy that which dates, he returned bringing nothing wor-
was unlawfully provided in the wrestling thy of the high priesthood, but having the
arena, after the summons to the discus- passion of a cruel tyrant and the rage of a
throwing. 15 They despised the honors of savage animal. 26 So Jason, who had sup-
their fathers, and valued the prestige of the planted his own brother, was supplanted
Greeks best of all. 16 For this reason, severe by another and driven as a fugitive into
calamity overtook them. The men whose the country of the Ammonites, 27 Menelaus
ways of living they earnestly followed, and had possession of the office; but of the
to whom they desired to be made like in money that had been promised to the king
all things, these became their enemies and nothing was regularly paid, even though
punished them. 17 For it is not a light thing Sostratus the governor of the citadel de-
to show irreverence to God’s laws, but later manded it— 28 for his job was the gathering
events will make this clear. of the revenues—so they were both called
18 Now when certain games that came
by the king to his presence. 29 Menelaus
every fifth year were kept at Tyre, and left his own brother Lysimachus for his†
the king was present, 19 the vile Jason sent deputy in the high priesthood; and Sostra-
sacred envoys,† as being Antiochians of tus left Crates, who was over the Cyprians.
Jerusalem, bearing three hundred drach- 30 Now while this was the state of things,
mas of silver to the sacrifice of Hercules,
which even the bearers thereof thought it came to pass that the people of Tarsus
and Mallus revolted because they were
not right to use for any sacrifice, because it
to be given as a present to Antiochis, the
was not fit, but to spend it for another pur-
king’s concubine. 31 The king therefore
pose. 20 Although the intended purpose of
quickly came to settle matters, leaving for
the sender this money was for the sacrifice
his ‡deputy Andronicus, a man of high
of Hercules, yet on account of ‡present
circumstances it went to the construction rank. 32 Then Menelaus, supposing that
of trireme warships. he had gotten a favorable opportunity,
21 Now when Apollonius the son of
presented to Andronicus certain vessels of
gold belonging to the temple, which he had
Menestheus was sent into Egypt for the stolen. He had already sold others into
§ enthronement of Philometor as king, Tyre and the neighboring cities. 33 When
Antiochus, learning that Philometor had Onias had sure knowledge of this, he
shown himself hostile toward the govern- sharply reproved him, having withdrawn
ment, took precautions for the security of himself into a sanctuary at Daphne, that
his realm. Therefore, going to Joppa, he lies by Antioch. 34 Therefore Menelaus,
travelled on to Jerusalem. 22 Being magnif- taking Andronicus aside, asked him to kill
icently received by Jason and the city, he Onias. Coming to Onias, and being per-
was brought in with torches and shouting. suaded to use treachery, and being re-
Then he led his army down into Phoenicia. ceived as a friend, Andronicus gave him
23 Now after a space of three years, Jason his right hand with oaths and, though he
sent Menelaus, the previously mentioned was suspicious, persuaded him to come
Simon’s brother, to carry the money to out of the sanctuary. Then, with no re-
the king, and to make reports concerning gard for justice, he immediately put him to
some necessary matters. 24 But he being death. 35 For this reason not only Jews, but
commended to the king, and having been many also of the other nations, had indig-
glorified by the display of his authority, nation and displeasure at the unjust mur-
† 4:19 See ver. 9. ‡ 4:20 Some authorities read the bearers. § 4:21 The exact meaning of the Greek word is
uncertain. † 4:29 Gr. successor. ‡ 4:31 Gr. successor.
2 Maccabees 4:36 549 2 Maccabees 5:7

der of the man. 36 And when the king had air, convinced him to change his mind.
come back from the places in Cilicia, the 47 He who was the cause of all the evil,
Jews who were in the city appealed to him Menelaus, he discharged from the ac-
against Andronicus (the Greeks also join- cusations; but these hapless men, who,
ing with them in hatred of the wickedness), if they had pleaded even before Scythi-
urging that Onias had been wrongfully ans, would have been discharged uncon-
slain. 37 Antiochus therefore was heartily demned, them he sentenced to death.
48 Those who were spokesmen for the city
sorry, and was moved to pity, and wept,
because of the sober and well ordered life and the families of Israel and the holy
of him who was dead. 38 Being inflamed vessels soon suffered that unrighteous
with anger, he immediately stripped off penalty. 49 Therefore even certain Tyrians,
Andronicus’s purple robe, and tore off his moved with hatred of the wickedness, pro-
under garments, and when he had led him vided magnificently for their burial. 50 But
round through the whole city to that very Menelaus, through the covetous dealings
place where he had committed the outrage of those who were in power, remained
against Onias, there he put the murderer still in his office, growing in wickedness,
out of the way, the Lord rendering to him established as a great conspirator against
the punishment he had deserved. his fellow-citizens.
39 Now when many sacrileges had been
committed in the city by Lysimachus with 5
the consent of Menelaus, and when the 1Now about this time Antiochus made
report of them had spread abroad outside, his second invasion into Egypt. 2 It hap-
the people gathered themselves together pened that throughout all the city, for al-
against Lysimachus, after many vessels of most forty days, cavalry appeared in the
gold had already been stolen. 40 When midst of the sky in swift motion, wear-
the multitudes were rising against him and ing robes woven with gold and carry-
were filled with anger, Lysimachus armed ing spears, equipped with troops for bat-
about three thousand men, and with un- tle— 3 drawing swords, squadrons of cav-
righteous violence began the attack under alry in array, encounters and pursuits of
the leadership of Hauran, a man far gone both armies, shaking shields, multitudes
in years and no less also in folly. 41 But of lances, throwing of missiles, flashing of
when they perceived the assault of Lysi- golden trappings, and putting on all sorts
machus, some caught up stones, others of armor. 4 Therefore everyone prayed
logs of wood, and some took handfuls of that the manifestation might have been
the ashes that lay near, and they flung given for good.
them all in wild confusion at Lysimachus 5 When a false rumor had arisen that
and those who were with him. 42 As a Antiochus was dead, Jason took not less
result, they wounded many of them, they than a thousand men, and suddenly made
killed some, and they forced the rest of an assault upon the city. When those
them to flee, but the author of the sacrilege who were on the wall were being routed,
himself they killed beside the treasury. and the city was at length nearly taken,
43 But about these matters, there was an Menelaus took refuge in the citadel. 6 But
accusation laid against Menelaus. 44 When Jason slaughtered his own citizens with-
the king had come to Tyre, the three out mercy, not considering that good suc-
men who were sent by the senate pleaded cess against kinsmen is the greatest mis-
the cause before him. 45 But Menelaus, fortune, but supposing himself to be set-
seeing himself now defeated, promised ting up trophies over enemies, and not
much money to Ptolemy the son of Do- over fellow-countrymen. 7 He didn’t win
rymenes, that he might win over the king. control of the government, but receiving
46 Therefore Ptolemy taking the king aside shame as the result of his conspiracy, he
into a cloister, as if to get some fresh fled again as a fugitive into the country of
2 Maccabees 5:8 550 2 Maccabees 5:27

the Ammonites. 8 At last therefore he met who was sent by King Seleucus to view
with a miserable end. Having been impris- the treasury, would, as soon as he came
oned at the court of Aretas the prince of forward, have been scourged and turned
the Arabians, fleeing from city to city, pur- back from his daring deed. 19 However
sued by all men, hated as an rebel against the Lord didn’t choose the nation for the
the laws, and abhorred as the executioner place’s sake, but the place for the nation’s
of his country and his fellow citizens, he sake. 20 Therefore also the place itself,
was cast ashore in Egypt. 9 He who had having shared in the calamities that hap-
driven many from their own country into pened to the nation, did afterward share
exile perished in exile, having crossed the in its benefits; and the place which was
sea to the Lacedaemonians, hoping to find forsaken in the wrath of the Almighty was,
shelter there because they were† near of at the reconciliation of the great Sovereign,
kin. 10 He who had thrown out a multitude restored again with all glory.
unburied had none to mourn for him. He
didn’t have any funeral at all and no place
in the tomb of his ancestors. 21 As for Antiochus, when he had car-
11 Now when news came to the king con- ried away out of the temple one thousand
cerning that which was done, he thought eight hundred talents, he hurried away to
that Judea was in revolt. So, setting out Antioch, thinking in his arrogance that he
from Egypt in a rage, he took the city by could sail on land and walk on the sea, be-
force of weapons, 12 and commanded his cause his heart was lifted up. 22 Moreover
soldiers to cut down without mercy those he left governors to afflict the race: at
who came in their way, and to kill those Jerusalem, Philip, by race a Phrygian, and
who went into their houses. 13 Then there in character more barbarous than him
was killing of young and old, destruction who set him there; 23 and at Gerizim, An-
of boys, women, and children, and slaying dronicus; and besides these, Menelaus,
who worse than all the rest, exalted him-
of virgins and infants. 14 In a total of three self against his fellow-citizens. Having a
days, eighty thousand were destroyed, of
which forty thousand were slain in close malicious mind‡ toward the Jews§ whom
combat, and no fewer were sold into slav- he had made his citizens, 24 he sent that†
ery than slain. lord of pollutions Apollonius with an army
15 Not content with this, he presumed to
of twenty-two thousand, commanding him
to kill all those who were of full age, and
enter into the most holy temple of all the to sell the women and the boys as slaves.
earth, having Menelaus for his guide (who 25 He came to Jerusalem, and pretending
had proved himself a traitor both to the to be a man of peace, waited till the holy
laws and to his country), 16 even taking the day of the Sabbath, and finding the Jews
sacred vessels with his polluted hands, and at rest from work, he commanded his men
dragging down with his profane hands the to parade fully armed. 26 He put to the
offerings that had been dedicated by other sword all those who came out to the spec-
kings to enhance the glory and honor of tacle. Running into the city with the armed
the place. 17 Antiochus was lifted up in men, he killed great multitudes. 27 But
mind, not seeing that because of the sins Judas, who is also called Maccabaeus, with
of those who lived in the city the Sovereign about nine others, withdrew himself, and
Lord had been provoked to anger a little with his company kept himself alive in
while, and therefore his eye was turned the mountains like wild animals do. They
away from the place. 18 But had it not continued feeding on what grew wild, that
been so that they were already bound by they might not be partakers of the defile-
many sins, this man, even as Heliodorus ment.
† 5:9 See 1 Maccabees 12:7. ‡ 5:23 Some authorities read toward the Jews, he sent. The Greek text of this sentence
is uncertain. § 5:23 Compare 2 Maccabees 4:9, 19; 9:19. † 5:24 Gr. Μυσάρχην, which also may mean ruler of
the Mysians. † 6:1 Or, Geron an Athenian
2 Maccabees 6:1 551 2 Maccabees 6:23

1 Not long after this, the king sent out †an
12 I urge those who read this book to
not be discouraged because of the calami-
old man of Athens to compel the Jews to ties, but recognize that these punishments
depart from the laws of their fathers and were not for the destruction, but for the
not to live by the laws of God, 2 and also chastening of our race. 13 For indeed it
to pollute the sanctuary in Jerusalem and is a sign of great kindness that those who
to call it by the name of Olympian Zeus, act impiously are not let alone for a long
and to call the sanctuary in Gerizim by the time, but immediately meet with retribu-
name of Zeus the Protector of foreigners, tion. 14 For in the case of the other na-
even as the people who lived in that place tions, the Sovereign Lord waits patiently
did. to punish them until they have attained to
3 The visitation of this evil was harsh and the full measure of their sins; but not with
utterly grievous. 4 For the temple was filled us, 15 that he may not take vengeance on
with debauchery and reveling by the hea- us afterward,§ when we have come to the†
then, who ‡ dallied with prostitutes, and height of our sins. 16 Therefore he never
had intercourse with women within the withdraws his mercy from us; but though
sacred precincts, and moreover brought he chastens with calamity, he doesn’t for-
inside things that were not appropriate. sake his own people. 17 However let this
5 The altar was filled with those abom-
that we have spoken suffice to remind you;
inable things which had been prohibited
but after a few words, we must come to the
by the laws. 6 A man could neither keep narrative.
the Sabbath, nor observe the feasts of their
18 Eleazar, one of the principal scribes, a
ancestors, nor so much as confess himself
to be a Jew. man already well advanced in years, and
7 On the day of the king’s birth every of a noble countenance, was compelled to
month, they were led along with bitter open his mouth to eat swine’s flesh. 19 But
constraint to eat of the sacrifices. When he, welcoming death with honor rather
the feast of Dionysia came, they were com- than life with defilement, advanced of his
pelled to go in procession in honor of own accord to the instrument of torture,
Dionysus, wearing wreaths of ivy. 8 A but first spat out the flesh, 20 as men ought
decree went out to the neighboring Greek to come who are resolute to repel such
cities, by the suggestion of Ptolemy, that things as not even for the natural love of
they should observe the same conduct life is it lawful to taste.
against the Jews, and should make them 21 But those who had the charge of that
eat of the sacrifices, 9 and that they should forbidden sacrificial feast took the man
kill those who didn’t choose to go over aside, for the acquaintance which of old
to the Greek rites. So the present mis- times they had with him, and privately
ery was for all to see. 10 For example, implored him to bring flesh of his own
two women were brought in for having providing, such as was proper for him to
circumcised their children. These, when use, and to make as if he did eat of the
they had led them publicly around the city flesh from the sacrifice, as had been com-
with the babes hung from their breasts, manded by the king; 22 that by so doing
they threw down headlong from the wall. he might be delivered from death, and so
11 Others who had run together into the his ancient friendship with them might be
caves nearby to keep the seventh day se- treated kindly. 23 But he, having formed
cretly, were betrayed to Philip and were all a high resolve, and one that became his
burned together, because their piety kept years, the dignity of old age, and the gray
them from defending themselves, in view hairs‡ which he had reached with honor,
of the honor of that most solemn day. and his excellent§ education from a child,
‡ 6:4 Or, idled with their fellows § 6:15 Or, when our sins have come to their height † 6:15 Gr. end. ‡ 6:23
The Greek text appears to be corrupt. § 6:23 Some authorities read manner of life. † 6:23 Gr. legislation.
2 Maccabees 6:24 552 2 Maccabees 7:13

or rather the holy laws† of God’s ordaining, from us? For we are ready to die rather
declared his mind accordingly, bidding than transgress the laws of our ancestors.”
them to quickly send him to Hades. 3 The king fell into a rage, and com-
24 “For it doesn’t become our years to dis- manded that pans and caldrons be heated.
semble,” he said, “that many of the young 4 When these were immediately heated,
should suppose that Eleazar, the man of he gave orders to cut out the tongue of
ninety years, had gone over to an alien him who had been their spokesman, and
religion; 25 and so they, by reason of my to scalp him, and to cut off his extremi-
deception, and for the sake of this brief ties, with the rest of his brothers and his
and momentary life, would be led astray mother looking on. 5 And when he was
because of me, and I defile and disgrace utterly† maimed, the king gave orders to
myself in my old age. 26 For even if for bring him to the fire, being yet alive, and
the present time I would remove from me to fry him in the pan. And as the smoke
the punishment of men, yet whether I live from the pan spread far, they and their
or die, I wouldn’t escape the hands of the mother also exhorted one another to die
Almighty. 27 Therefore, by bravely parting nobly, saying this: 6 “The Lord God sees,
with my life now, I will show myself wor- and in truth is‡ entreated for us, as Moses
thy of my old age, 28 and ‡leave behind a declared in §his song, which witnesses
noble example to the young to die willingly against the people to their faces, saying,
and nobly a glorious death for the revered ‘And he will have compassion on his ser-
and holy laws.” vants.’ ”
7 And when the first had died like this,
When he had said these words, he went they brought the second to the mocking;
immediately to the instrument of torture. and they pulled off the skin of his head
29 § When they changed the good will they
with the hair and asked him, “Will you
bore toward him a little before into ill will eat, before your body is punished in every
because these words of his were, as they limb?”
thought, sheer madness, 30 and when he 8 But he answered in the language of his
was at the point to die with the† blows, he ancestors and said to them, “No.” There-
groaned aloud and said, “To the Lord, who fore he also underwent the next torture in
has the holy knowledge, it is manifest that, succession, as the first had done. 9 When
while I might have been delivered from he was at the last gasp, he said, “You, mis-
death, I endure severe pains in my body by creant, release us out of this present life,
being scourged; but in soul I gladly suffer but the King of the world will raise us who
these things because of my fear of him.” have died for his laws up to an everlasting
31 So this man also died like this, leaving renewal of life.”
10 After him, the third was made a vic-
his death for an example of nobleness and
a memorial of virtue, not only to the young tim of their mocking. When he was re-
but also to the great body of his nation. quired, he quickly put out his tongue,
and stretched out his hands courageously,
11 and nobly said, “I got these from heaven.
7 For his laws’ sake I treat these with con-
1 It came to pass that seven broth- tempt. From him, I hope to receive these
ers and their mother were at the king’s back again.” 12 As a result, the king him-
command taken and shamefully handled self and those who were with him were
with scourges and cords, to compel them astonished at the young man’s soul, for he
to taste of the abominable swine’s flesh. regarded the pains as nothing.
2 One of them made himself the spokesman 13 When he too was dead, they shame-
and said, “What would you ask and learn fully handled and tortured the fourth in
‡ 6:28 Gr. one that has left behind. § 6:29 The Greek text of this verse is uncertain. † 6:30 Or, blows † 7:5
Gr. useless. ‡ 7:6 Or, comforted in § 7:6 See Deuteronomy 31:21 and 32:36.
2 Maccabees 7:14 553 2 Maccabees 7:36

the same way. 14 Being near to death he words, but also at the same time promised
said this: “It is good to die at the hands of with oaths that he would enrich him and†
men and look for the hope which is given raise him to high honor if he would turn
by God, that we will be raised up again from the ways of his ancestors, and that
by him. For as for you, you will have no he would take him for his ‡friend25 and
resurrection to life.” entrust him with public affairs. But
15 Next after him, they brought the fifth when the young man would in no way
and shamefully handled him. 16 But he listen, the king called to him his mother,
looked toward †the king and said, “Because and urged26her to advise the youth to save
you have authority among men, though himself. When he had urged her with
you are corruptible, you do what you many words, she undertook to persuade
please. But don’t think that our race has her son. But bending toward him, laugh-

been forsaken by God. 17 But hold on ing the cruel tyrant to scorn, she spoke this
to your ways, and see how his sovereign in the language of her fathers: “My son,
majesty will torture you and your descen- have pity upon me who carried you nine
dants!” months in my womb, and nursed you three
18 After him they brought the sixth. years, and nourished and brought you up
When he was about to die, he said, “Don’t to this age, and sustained you. I beg you,

be vainly deceived, for we suffer these my child, to lift your eyes to the sky and
things for our own doings, as sinning the earth, and to see all things that are in
against our own God. Astounding things it, and thus to recognize that God made
have come to pass; 19 but don’t think you them not of things that were, and that the
that you will be unpunished, having tried race of men in this way comes into being.
29 Don’t be afraid of this butcher, but, prov-
to fight against God!”
20 But above all, the mother was mar- ing yourself worthy of your brothers, ac-
velous and worthy of honorable memory; cept your death, that in God’s mercy I may
for when she watched seven sons perish- receive you again with your brothers.”
ing within the space of one day, she bore 30 But before she had finished speaking,
the sight with a good courage because of the young man said, “What are you all
her hope in the Lord. 21 She exhorted waiting for? I don’t obey the command-
each one of them in the language of their ment of the king, but I listen to the com-
fathers, filled with a noble spirit and stir- mandment of the law that was given to
ring up her woman’s thoughts with manly our fathers through Moses. 31 But you,
courage, saying to them, 22 “I don’t know who have devised all kinds of evil against
how you came into my womb. It wasn’t I the Hebrews, will in no way escape God’s
who gave you your ‡spirit and your life. It hands. 32 For we are suffering because
wasn’t I who brought into order the first of our own sins. 33 If for rebuke and
elements of each one of you. 23 Therefore chastening, our living Lord has been an-
the Creator of the world, who shaped the gered a little while, yet he will again be
first origin of man and devised the first reconciled with his own servants. 34 But
origin of all things, in mercy gives back to you, O unholy man and of all most vile,
you again both your §spirit and your life, don’t be vainly lifted up in your wild pride
as you now treat yourselves with contempt with uncertain hopes, raising your hand
for his laws’ sake.” against the heavenly children. 35 For you
24 But Antiochus, thinking himself to be have not yet escaped the judgment of the
despised, and suspecting the reproachful Almighty God who sees all things. 36 For
voice, while the youngest was yet alive these our brothers, having endured a §
didn’t only make his appeal to him by short pain that brings everlasting life, have
† 7:16 Gr. him. ‡ 7:22 Or, breath § 7:23 Or, breath † 7:24 Gr. make him one that is counted happy.
‡ 7:24 See 2 Maccabees 8:9. § 7:36 Gr. short pain of ever-flowing life.
2 Maccabees 7:37 554 2 Maccabees 8:17

now † died under God’s covenant. But you, And in winning back the most important
through God’s judgment, will receive in positions, putting to flight no small num-
just measure the penalties of your arro- ber of the enemies, 7 he especially took ad-
gance. 37 But I, as my brothers, give up both vantage of the nights for such assaults. His
body and soul for the laws of our fathers, courage was loudly talked of everywhere.
calling upon God that he may speedily be- 8 But when Philip saw the man gain-
come ‡gracious to the nation, and that you, ing ground little by little, and increasing
amidst trials and plagues, may confess that more and more in his success, he wrote
he alone is God, 38 and that in me and to Ptolemy, the governor of Coelesyria
my brothers § you may bring to an end and Phoenicia, that he should support the
the wrath of the Almighty which has been king’s cause. 9 Ptolemy quickly appointed
justly brought upon our whole race.” Nicanor the son of Patroclus, one of the
39 But the king, falling into a rage, han- king’s ‡ chief friends, and sent him, in com-
dled him worse than all the rest, being mand of no fewer than twenty thousand
exasperated at his mocking. 40 So he also of all nations, to destroy the whole race of
died pure, putting his whole trust in the Judea. With him he joined Gorgias also,
Lord. a captain and one who had experience in
41 Last of all, after her sons, the mother matters of war. 10 Nicanor resolved by
died. the sale of the captive Jews to make up
42 Let it then suffice to have said thus
for the king the tribute of two thousand
much concerning the sacrificial feasts and talents which he was to pay to the Romans.
the extreme tortures. 11 Immediately he sent to the cities upon
the sea coast, inviting them to buy Jew-
8 ish §slaves, promising to deliver seventy
1 But Judas, who is also called Mac-
†slaves for a talent, not expecting the judg-
cabaeus, and those who were with him,
making their way secretly into the villages, ment that was to overtake him from the
called to them their kindred. Taking to Almighty.
them those who had continued in the Jews’ 12 News came to Judas concerning
religion, gathered together about six thou- Nicanor’s invasion. When he commu-
sand. 2 They called upon the Lord to look at nicated to those who were with him
the people who were oppressed by all, and the presence of the army, 13 those who
to have compassion on the sanctuary that were cowardly and distrustful of God’s
had been profaned by the ungodly men, judgment ‡ran away and left the country.
14 Others sold all that they had left, and at
3 and to have pity on the city that was suf-
fering ruin and ready to be leveled to the the same time implored the Lord to deliver
ground, and to listen to the blood that cried those who had been sold as slaves by the
out to him, 4 and to remember the lawless impious Nicanor before he ever met them,
15 if not for their own sakes, then for the
destruction of the innocent infants, and
concerning the blasphemies that had been covenants made with their ancestors, and
committed against his name, and to show because he had called them by his holy and
his hatred of wickedness. glorious name. 16 So Maccabaeus gathered
5 When Maccabaeus had trained his men his men together, six thousand in number,
for service, the heathen at once found him and exhorted them not to be frightened by
irresistible, for the wrath of the Lord was the enemy, nor to fear the great multitude
turned into mercy. 6 †Coming without of the heathen who came wrongfully
warning, he set fire to cities and villages. against them, but to fight nobly, 17 setting
† 7:36 Gr. fallen. By the omission of one Greek letter the words would signify having endured a short pain, have
now drunk of ever-flowing life under God’s covenant. ‡ 7:37 Gr. propitious. § 7:38 Some authorities read
may be stayed. † 8:6 The Greek text of verses 6 and 7 is uncertain. ‡ 8:9 See 1 Maccabees 10:65. Compare 2
Maccabees 1:14; 7:24; 10:13; 14:11; 1 Maccabees 2:18. § 8:11 Gr. bodies. † 8:11 Gr. bodies. ‡ 8:13 The
Greek text here is uncertain.
2 Maccabees 8:18 555 2 Maccabees 8:35

before their eyes the outrage that had constrained by the time of the day; 26 for
been lawlessly perpetrated upon the holy it was the day before the Sabbath, and for
place, and the torture of the city that had this reason they made no effort to chase
been turned to mockery, and further the them far. 27 † When they had gathered
overthrow of the way of life received from ‡the weapons of the enemy together, and
their ancestors. 18 “For they,” he said, had stripped off their spoils, they kept
“trust their weapons and daring deeds, the Sabbath, greatly blessing and thanking
but we trust in the almighty God, since the Lord who had saved them to this day,
he is able at a nod to cast down those because he had begun to show mercy to
who are coming against us, and even the them. 28 After the Sabbath, when they had
whole world.” 19 Moreover, he recounted given some of the spoils to the § maimed,
to them the help given from time to time and to the widows and orphans, they dis-
in the days of their ancestors, both in the tributed the rest among themselves and
days of Sennacherib, when one hundred their children. 29 When they had accom-
eighty-five thousand perished, 20 and in plished these things and had made a com-
the land of Babylon, in the battle that mon supplication, they implored the mer-
was fought against the§ Gauls, how they ciful Lord to be wholly reconciled with his
came to the battle with eight thousand in servants.
all, with four thousand Macedonians, and 30 Having had an encounter with the
how, the Macedonians being hard pressed, forces of Timotheus and Bacchides, they
the †six thousand destroyed the hundred killed more than twenty thousand of them,
and twenty thousand because of the help and made themselves masters of exceed-
which they had from heaven, and took a ingly high strongholds, and divided very
great deal of plunder. much plunder, giving the †maimed, or-
21 And when he had with these words phans, widows, and the aged an equal
filled them with courage and made them share with themselves. 31 ‡ When they
ready to die for the laws and their country, had gathered the weapons § of the enemy
he divided his army into four parts. 22 He together, they stored them all up carefully
appointed his brothers, Simon, Joseph, in the most strategic positions, and they
and Jonathan, to be leaders of the divisions carried the rest of the spoils to Jerusalem.
with him, giving each the command of one 32 They killed the †phylarch of Timotheus’s
thousand five hundred men. 23 Moreover forces, a most unholy man, and one who
Eleazer also, having read aloud the sacred had done the Jews much harm. 33 ‡ As they
book, and having given as watchword, celebrated the feast of victory in the § city
“THE HELP OF GOD”, leading the first band of their fathers, they burned those who
himself, joined battle with Nicanor. had set the sacred †gates on fire, including
24 Since the Almighty fought on their Callisthenes, who had fled into ‡a little
side, they killed more than nine thousand house. So they received the proper reward
of the enemy, and wounded and‡ disabled for their impiety.
most of Nicanor’s army, and compelled 34 The thrice-accursed Nicanor, who had
them all to flee. 25 They took the money brought the thousand merchants to buy
of those who had come there to buy them the Jews as slaves, 35 being through the
as slaves. After they had pursued them help of the Lord humbled by them who
for some §distance, they returned, being in his eyes were held to be of least ac-
§ 8:20 Gr. Galatians. † 8:20 Some authorities read eight. ‡ 8:24 Gr. disabled in their limbs. § 8:25 Or,
while † 8:27 The exact meaning of this clause is uncertain. ‡ 8:27 Gr. their weapons...the spoils of the enemy.
§ 8:28 Or, wounded Gr. shamefully handled. † 8:30 Or, wounded Gr. shamefully handled. ‡ 8:31 The exact
meaning of this clause is uncertain. § 8:31 Gr. of them. † 8:32 That is, probably, the captain of an irregular
auxiliary force. Some write Phylarches, as a proper name. ‡ 8:33 The Greek text here is perhaps corrupt. § 8:33
Or, country † 8:33 Or, porches ‡ 8:33 Or, a solitary hut § 8:35 Gr. having made himself solitary.
2 Maccabees 8:36 556 2 Maccabees 9:16

count, took off his glorious apparel, and he was filled with even more arrogance,
passing through the country, §shunning breathing fire in his passion against the
all company like a fugitive slave, arrived Jews, and giving orders to hasten the jour-
at Antioch, † having, as he thought, had ney. But it came to pass moreover that he
the greatest possible good fortune, though fell from his chariot as it rushed along, and
his army was destroyed. 36 He who had having a grievous fall was tortured in all
taken upon himself to make tribute sure of the members of his body. 8 He who had
for the Romans by the captivity of the men just supposed himself to have the waves of
of Jerusalem published abroad that the the sea at his bidding because he was so
Jews had One who fought for them, and superhumanly arrogant, and who thought
that ‡because this was so, the Jews were to weigh the heights of the mountains in
invulnerable, because they followed the a balance, was now brought to the ground
laws ordained by him. and carried in a litter, †showing to all that
the power was obviously God’s, 9 so that
worms swarmed out of the impious man’s
9 body, and while he was still living in an-
1 Now about that time, Antiochus re- guish and pains, his flesh fell off, and by
treated †in disorder from the region of reason of the stench all the army turned
Persia. 2 For he had entered into the city with loathing from his decay. 10 The man
called Persepolis, and he attempted to rob who a little before supposed himself to
‡a temple and to control the city. Therefore
touch the stars of heaven, no one could
the multitudes rushed in and the people of endure to carry because of his intolerable
the country turned to defend themselves stench. 11 Therefore he began in great part
with weapons; and it came to pass that to cease from his arrogance, being broken
Antiochus was put to flight by the people in spirit, and to come to knowledge under
of the country and broke his camp with the scourge of God, his pains increasing ev-
disgrace. 3 While he was at Ecbatana, news ery moment. 12 When he himself could not
was brought to him about what had hap- stand his own smell, he said these words:
pened to Nicanor and the forces of Tim- “It is right to be subject to God, and that
otheus. 4 Being overcome by his anger, one who is mortal should not think they
he planned to make the Jews suffer for are equal to God.”
the evil deeds of those who had put him
to flight. Therefore, with judgment from 13The vile man vowed to the sovereign
heaven even now accompanying him, he Lord, who now no more would have pity
ordered his charioteer to drive without upon him, saying 14 that the holy city, to
ceasing until he completed the journey; which he was going in haste to lay it even
for he arrogantly said this: “I will make with the ground and to ‡make it a com-
Jerusalem a common graveyard of Jews mon graveyard, he would declare free.
when I come there.” 15 Concerning the Jews, whom he had de-
5 But the All-seeing Lord, the God of Is- cided not even to count worthy of burial,
rael, struck him with a §fatal and invisible but to cast them out to the animals with
stroke. As soon as he had finished speaking their infants for the birds to devour, he
this word, an incurable pain of the bowels would make them all equal to citizens of
seized him, with bitter torments of the Athens. 16 The holy sanctuary, which be-
inner parts— 6 and that most justly, for he fore he had plundered, he would adorn
had tormented other men’s bowels with with best offerings, and would restore all
many and strange sufferings. 7 But he in no the sacred vessels many times multiplied,
way ceased from his rude insolence. No, and out of his own revenues would defray
† 8:35 Or, having won the greatest possible favor by reason of the destruction of his army ‡ 8:36 Or, because
of this their way of life Gr. because of this manner. † 9:1 Or, with dishonor ‡ 9:2 Or, temples § 9:5 Gr.
remediless. † 9:8 Or, showing manifestly to all the power of God ‡ 9:14 Gr. build.
2 Maccabees 9:17 557 2 Maccabees 10:10

the charges that were required for the sac- ended his life among the mountains by
rifices. 17 Beside all this, he said that he a most piteous fate in a strange land.
would become a Jew and would visit every 29 Philip his foster brother took the body
inhabited place, proclaiming the power of home and then, fearing the son of An-
God. 18 But when his sufferings did in no tiochus, he withdrew himself to Ptolemy
way cease, for the judgment of God had Philometor in Egypt.
come upon him in righteousness, having
given up all hope for himself, he wrote to
the Jews the letter written below, having
1 Then Maccabaeus and those who were
the nature of a supplication, to this effect: with him, the Lord leading them on, recov-
19 “To the worthy Jewish citizens, Anti-
ered the temple and the city. 2 They pulled
ochus, king and general, wishes much joy down the altars that had been built in the
and health and prosperity. 20 May you marketplace by the foreigners, and also
and your children fare well, and may your the sacred enclosures. 3 Having cleansed
affairs be as you wish. Having my hope the sanctuary, they made another altar
in heaven, 21 I remembered with affection of sacrifice. †Striking flint and starting
your honor and good will. Returning out a fire, they offered sacrifices after they
of the region of Persia, and being taken had ceased for two years, burned incense,
with an annoying sickness, I deemed it lit lamps, and set out the show bread.
necessary to take thought for the common 4 When they had done these things, they
safety of all, 22 not despairing of myself, fell prostrate and implored the Lord that
but having great hope to escape from the they might fall no more into such evils;
sickness. 23 But considering that my father but that, if they ever did sin, they might
also, at the time he led an army into the up- be chastened by him with forbearance,
per country, appointed his successor, 24 to and not be delivered to blaspheming and
the end that, if anything fell out contrary to barbarous heathen. 5 Now on the same
expectation, or if any unwelcome tidings day that the sanctuary was profaned by
were brought, the people in the country, foreigners, upon that very day it came to
knowing to whom the state had been left, pass that the sanctuary was cleansed, even
might not be troubled, 25 and, moreover, on the twenty-fifth day of the same month,
observing how the princes who are along which is Chislev. 6 They observed eight
the borders and neighbors to my kingdom days with gladness in the manner of the
watch for opportunities and look for the feast of tabernacles, remembering how
future event, I have appointed my son An- ‡not long before, during the feast of taber-
tiochus to be king, whom I often entrusted nacles, they were wandering in the moun-
and commended to most of you when I was tains and in the caves like wild animals.
7 Therefore carrying wands wreathed with
hurrying to the upper provinces. I have
written to him what is written below. 26 I leaves, and beautiful branches, and palm
therefore urge you and beg you, having fronds also, they offered up hymns of
in your remembrance the benefits done thanksgiving to him who had successfully
to you in common and severally, to pre- brought to pass the cleansing of his own
serve your present good will, each of you, place. 8 They ordained also with a public
toward me and my son. 27 For I am per- statute and decree, for all the nation of the
suaded that he in gentleness and kindness Jews, that they should observe these days
will follow my purpose and treat you with every year.
9 Such were the events of the end of
moderation and kindness.
28 So the murderer and blasphemer, hav- Antiochus, who was called Epiphanes.
10 Now we will declare what came to pass
ing endured the most intense sufferings,
even as he had dealt with other men, under Antiochus §Eupator, who proved
† 10:3 Gr. firing. ‡ 10:6 Or, not long before they kept the feast of tabernacles by wandering § 10:10 That is,
son of a good father.
2 Maccabees 10:11 558 2 Maccabees 10:30

himself a son of that ungodly man, and them slip away. 21 But when word was
will summarize the main evils of the wars. brought to Maccabaeus of what was done,
11 For this man, when he succeeded to the
he gathered the leaders of the people to-
kingdom, appointed one Lysias to be chan- gether, and accused those men of having
cellor and supreme governor of Coelesyria sold their kindred for money by setting
and Phoenicia. 12 For Ptolemy who was their enemies free to fight against them.
called Macron, setting an example of ob- 22 So he killed these men for having turned
serving justice toward the Jews because traitors, and immediately took possession
of the wrong that had been done to them, of the two towers. 23 Prospering with his
endeavored to deal with them on peace- weapons in everything he undertook, he
ful terms. 13 Whereupon being accused destroyed more than twenty thousand in
by the king’s †friends before Eupator, and the two strongholds.
hearing himself called traitor at every
turn because he had abandoned Cyprus
24 Now Timotheus, who had been de-
which Philometor had entrusted to him, feated by the Jews before, having gath-
and had withdrawn himself to Antiochus ered together foreign forces in great mul-
Epiphanes, and ‡ failing to uphold the titudes, and having collected the cavalry
honor of his office, he took poison and did which belonged to Asia, not a few, came
away with himself. as though he would take Judea by force
14 But when Gorgias was made gover- of weapons. 25 But as he drew near, Mac-
cabaeus and his men sprinkled dirt on
nor of the district, he maintained a force
of mercenaries, and at every turn kept their heads and girded their loins with
up war with the Jews. 15 Together with sackcloth, in supplication to God, 26 and
him the Idumaeans also, being masters of falling down upon the step in front of the
important strongholds, harassed the Jews; altar, implored him to become §gracious to
and received those who had taken refuge them, and †be an enemy to their enemies
from Jerusalem, they endeavored to keep and an adversary to their adversaries, as
up the war. 16 But Maccabaeus and his the law declares. 27 Rising from their
men, having made solemn supplication prayer they took up their weapons, and ad-
and having implored God to fight on their vanced some distance from the city. When
side, rushed upon the strongholds of the they had come near to their enemies, they‡
Idumaeans. 17 Assaulting them vigorously, halted. 28 When the dawn was now break-
ing, the two armies joined in battle, the one
they took control of the positions, and kept
part having this, beside virtue, for a pledge
off all who fought upon the wall, and killed
those whom they encountered, killing no of success and victory, that they had fled
fewer than twenty thousand. to the Lord for refuge, the others making
their passion their leader in the fight.
18 Because no fewer than nine thou-
29 When the battle became strong, there
sand had fled into two very strong tow-
ers having everything needed for a seige, appeared out of heaven to their adver-
19 Maccabaeus, having left Simon and saries five splendid men on horses with
Joseph, and also Zacchaeus and those who bridles of gold, §and two of them, lead-
were with him, a force sufficient to besiege ing on the Jews, 30 and taking Maccabaeus
them, departed himself to places where in the midst of them, and covering him
he was most needed. 20 But Simon and with their own armor, guarded him from
those who were with him, yielding to cov- wounds, while they shot arrows and thun-
etousness, were bribed by some of those derbolts at the enemies. For this reason,
who were in the towers, and receiving they were blinded and thrown into con-
seventy thousand drachmas, let some of fusion, and were cut to pieces, filled with
† 10:13 See 2 Maccabees 8:9 ‡ 10:13 The Greek text here is corrupt. § 10:26 Gr. propitious. † 10:26 See
Exodus 23:22. ‡ 10:27 Gr. were by themselves. § 10:29 Some authorities read and leading on the Jews; who
also, taking.
2 Maccabees 10:31 559 2 Maccabees 11:16

bewilderment. 31 Twenty thousand five his eighty elephants. 5 Coming into Judea
hundred were slain, beside six hundred and approaching Bethsuron, which was a
cavalry. strong place and about five stadia‡ away
32 Timotheus himself fled into a from Jerusalem, he pressed it hard.
stronghold called Gazara, a fortress of 6 When Maccabaeus and his men
great strength, †where Chaereas was in learned that he was besieging the
command. 33 Then Maccabaeus and his strongholds, they and all the people with
men were glad and laid siege to the lamentations and tears made supplication
fortress for four days. 34 Those who
to the Lord to send a good angel to save
were within, trusting in the strength Israel. 7 Maccabaeus himself took up
of the place, blasphemed exceedingly, weapons first, and exhorted the others
and hurled out impious words. 35 But to put themselves in jeopardy together
at dawn of the fifth day, certain young with him and help their kindred; and
men of Maccabaeus’ company, inflamed they went out with him very willingly.
with anger because of the blasphemies, 8 As they were there, close to Jerusalem, a
assaulted the wall with masculine force horseman appeared at their head in white
and with ‡furious anger, and cut down
apparel, brandishing§ weapons of gold.
whoever came in their way. 36 Others 9 They all together praised the merciful
climbing up in the same way, while the
God, and were yet more strengthened in
enemies were distracted with those who
had made their way within, set fire to heart, being ready to †assail not only men
the towers, and kindled fires that burned but the wildest animals and walls of iron,
10 they advanced in array, having him
the blasphemers alive, while others broke
open the gates, and, having given entrance who is in heaven to fight on their side, for
to the rest of the band, occupied the city. the Lord had mercy on them. 11 Hurling
37 They killed Timotheus, who was hidden themselves like lions against the enemy,
in a cistern, and his brother Chaereas, they killed eleven thousand infantry
and Apollophanes. 38 When they had and one thousand six hundred cavalry,
accomplished these things, they blessed and forced all the rest to flee. 12 Most
the Lord with hymns and thanksgiving, of them escaped wounded and naked.
blessing him who provides great benefits Lysias himself also escaped by shameful
to Israel and gives them the victory. flight. 13 But as he was a man not void
of understanding, pondering the defeat
which had befallen him, and considering
11 that the Hebrews could not be overcome
1 Now after a very little time, Lysias, the because the Almighty God fought on their
king’s guardian, kinsman, and chancellor, side, he sent again 14 and persuaded them
being very displeased about the things that to come to terms on condition that all their
had happened, 2 collected about eighty rights were acknowledged, and ‡ promised
thousand infantry and all his cavalry and that he would also persuade the king to
came against the Jews, planing to make become their friend. 15 Maccabaeus gave
the city a home for Greeks, 3 and to levy consent upon all the conditions which
tribute on the temple, as †on the other Lysias proposed to him, being careful of
sacred places of the nations, and to put the common good; for whatever requests
up the high priesthood for sale every year. Maccabaeus delivered in writing to Lysias
4 He took no account of God’s power, but concerning the Jews the king allowed.
was puffed up with his ten thousands of 16 The letter written to the Jews from
infantry, his thousands of cavalry, and Lysias was to this effect:
† 10:32 See ver. 37. ‡ 10:35 Gr. passion as of wild animals. † 11:3 Or, on all the sacred places of the heathen
‡ 11:5 One stadia was roughly 189 meters or 618 feet, so 5 stadia was about a little less than 1 km or a little more
than half a mile. § 11:8 Gr. a panoply. † 11:9 Gr. wound. ‡ 11:14 The Greek text here is corrupt. § 11:16
Gr. multitude.
2 Maccabees 11:17 560 2 Maccabees 12:4

“Lysias to the §people of the Jews, greet- ness. 30 They therefore who depart home
ings. 17 John and Absalom, who were sent up to the thirtieth day of Xanthicus shall
from you, having delivered the document have our §friendship, with full permission
written below, made request concerning 31 that the Jews use their own foods and
the things written therein. 18 Whatever observe their own laws, even as formerly.
things therefore needed to be brought be- None of them shall be in any way mo-
fore the king I declared to him, and what lested for the things that have been done
things were possible he allowed. 19 If in ignorance. 32 Moreover I have sent
then you will all preserve your good will Menelaus also, that he may encourage you.
toward the government, I will also en- 33 Farewell. Written in the one hundred
deavor in the future to contribute to your forty-eighth year, on the fifteenth day of
good. 20 Concerning this, I have given Xanthicus.”
order in detail, both to these men and to 34 The Romans also sent to them a letter
those who are sent from me, to confer in these words:
with you. 21 Farewell. Written in the one “Quintus Memmius and Titus Manius,
hundred forty-eighth year, on the twenty- ambassadors of the Romans, to the peo-
fourth day of the month †Dioscorinthius.” ple of the Jews, greetings. 35 In regard
22 And the king’s letter contained these to the things which Lysias the king’s kins-
words: man granted you, we also give consent.
“King Antiochus to his brother Lysias, 36 But as for the things which he judged
greetings. 23 Seeing that our father passed should be referred to the king, send some-
to the gods having the wish that the sub- one promptly, after you have considered
jects of his kingdom ‡should be undis- them, that we may publish such decrees
turbed and give themselves to the care of as are appropriate for your case; for we
their own affairs, 24 we, having heard that are on our way to Antioch. 37 Therefore
the Jews do not consent to our father’s send someone with speed, that we also
purpose to turn them to the customs of may learn what is your mind. 38 †Farewell.
the Greeks, but choose rather their own Written in the one hundred forty-eighth
way of living, and make request that the year, on the fifteenth day of Xanthicus.
customs of their law be allowed to them—
25 choosing therefore that this nation also
should be free from disturbance, we de- 12
termine that their temple is to be restored 1So when this agreement had been
to them, and that they live according to made, Lysias departed to the king, and the
the customs that were in the days of their Jews went about their farming.
ancestors. 26 You will therefore do well to 2 But some of the governors of dis-
send messengers to them and give them
the right hand of friendship, that they, tricts, Timotheus and Apollonius the son of
knowing our mind, may be of good heart, Gennaeus, and also Hieronymus and De-
and gladly occupy themselves with the mophon, and beside them Nicanor the gov-
conduct of their own affairs.” ernor of Cyprus, would not allow them to
27 And to the nation, the king’s letter was enjoy tranquillity and live in peace. 3 Men
as follows: of Joppa perpetrated this great impiety:
“King Antiochus to the senate of the Jews they invited the Jews who lived among
and to the other Jews, greetings. 28 If you them to go with their wives and children
are all well, it is as we desire. We our- into the boats which they had provided, as
selves also are in good health. 29 Menelaus though they had no ill will toward them.
informed us that your desire was to re- 4 When† the Jews,‡ relying on the public
turn home and follow your own busi- vote of the city, accepted the invitation,
† 11:21 This month name is not found elsewhere, and is perhaps corrupt. ‡ 11:23 Or, should not be disquieted
but § 11:30 Gr. right hand. † 11:38 Gr. Be in good health. † 12:4 Gr. they also. ‡ 12:4 Gr. after.
2 Maccabees 12:5 561 2 Maccabees 12:23

as men desiring to live in peace and sus- speaking impious words. 15 But Judas
pecting nothing, they took them out to sea and his company, calling upon the great
and drowned not less than two hundred Sovereign of the world, who without rams
of them. 5 When Judas heard of the cru- and cunning engines of war hurled down
elty done to his fellow-countrymen, giving Jericho in the times of Joshua, rushed
command to the men that were with him wildly against the wall. 16 Having taken the
6 and calling upon God the righteous Judge,
city by the will of God, they made unspeak-
he came against the murderers of his kin- able slaughter, so much that the adjoining
dred, and set the harbor on fire at night,
lake, which was two furlongs§ broad, ap-
burned the boats, and put to the sword
peared to be filled with the deluge of blood.
those who had fled there. 7 But when the
town gates were closed, he withdrew, in- 17 When they had gone seven hundred
tending to come again to root out the whole
fifty furlongs† from there, they made their
community of the men of Joppa. 8 But
way to Charax, to the Jews that are called
learning that the men of Jamnia intended ‡
to do the same thing to the Jews who lived Tubieni. They didn’t find Timotheus in
that district, for he had by then departed
among them, 9 he attacked the Jamnites at
from the district without accomplishing
night, and set fire to the harbor together
anything, but had left behind a very strong
with the fleet, so that the glare of the light
garrison in one place. 19 But Dositheus and
was seen at Jerusalem, two hundred forty
Sosipater, who were captains under Mac-
furlongs§ distant. cabaeus, went out and destroyed those
10 Now when they had drawn off nine who had been left by Timotheus in the
furlongs† from there, as they marched stronghold, more than ten thousand men.
against Timotheus, an army of Arabians 20 Maccabaeus, arranging his own army in
attacked him, no fewer than five thousand divisions, set §these two over the bands,
infantry and five hundred cavalry. 11 And and marched in haste against Timotheus,
when a hard battle had been fought, and who had with him one hundred twenty
Judas and his company, by the help of God, thousand infantry and two thousand five
had good success, the nomads being over- hundred cavalry. 21 When Timotheus
come implored Judas to grant them friend- heard of the approach of Judas, he at once
ship, promising to give him livestock, and sent away the women and the children
to help ‡his people in all other ways. 12 So with the baggage into the fortress called
Judas, thinking that they would indeed be †Carnion; for the place was hard to be-
profitable in many things, agreed to live in siege and difficult of access by reason of
peace with them; and receiving pledges of the narrowness of the approaches on all
friendship they departed to their tents. sides. 22 When the band of Judas, who
13 He also attacked a certain city, strong led the first division, appeared in sight,
and fenced with earthworks and walls, and when terror and fear came upon the
and inhabited by a mixed multitude of enemy, because the manifestation of him
various nations. It was named Caspin. who sees all things came upon them, they
14 Those who were within, trusting in the fled in every direction, carried this way
strength of the walls and their store of and that, so that they were often injured by
provisions, behaved themselves rudely to- their own men, and pierced with the points
ward Judas and those who were with him, of their own swords. 23 Judas continued
railing, and furthermore blaspheming and the pursuit more vigorously, putting the
§ 12:9 a furlong is about 201 meters or 220 yards, so 240 furlongs is about 48 km. or 30 miles † 12:10 a furlong
is about 201 meters or 220 yards, so 9 furlongs is about 1.8 km. or 1 1/8 miles ‡ 12:11 Gr. them. § 12:16 a
furlong is about 201 meters or 220 yards, so 2 furlongs is about 402 meters or 1/4 mile † 12:17 a furlong is about
201 meters or 220 yards, so 750 furlongs is about 151 km. or 94 miles ‡ 12:17 That is, men of Tob: see Judges 11:3,
2 Samuel 10:6, and compare 1 Maccabees 5:13. § 12:20 Gr. them. † 12:21 Compare Carnain,1 Maccabees 5:26,
43, 44.
2 Maccabees 12:24 562 2 Maccabees 12:42

wicked wretches to the sword, and he de- cavalry. 34 When they had set themselves
stroyed as many as thirty thousand men. in array, it came to pass that a few of the
24 Timotheus himself, falling in with the Jews fell. 35 A certain Dositheus, one †
company of Dositheus and Sosipater, im- of Bacenor’s company, who was on horse-
plored them with much crafty guile to let back and was a strong man, pressed hard
him go with his life, because he had in his on Gorgias, and taking hold of his cloke
power the parents of many of them and the dragged him along by main force. While
kindred of some. ‡ “Otherwise, he said, he planned to take the accursed man alive,
little regard will § be shown to these.” 25 So one of the Thracian cavalry bore down
when he had with many words confirmed on him and disabled his shoulder, and so
the agreement to restore them without Gorgias escaped to ‡Marisa.
harm, they let him go that they might save 36 When those who were with Esdris had
their kindred. been fighting long and were weary, Ju-
26 Then Judas, marching against das called upon the Lord to show himself,
†Carnion and the temple of Atergatis, fighting on their side and leading in the
killed twenty-five thousand people. battle. 37 Then in the language of his an-
27 After he had put these to flight and cestors he raised the battle cry joined with
destroyed them, he marched against hymns. Then he rushed against Gorgias’
Ephron also, a strong city, ‡wherein troops when they were not expecting it,
were multitudes of people of all nations. and put them to flight.
Stalwart young men placed §on the walls 38 Judas gathered his army and came to
made a vigorous defense. There were the city of §Adullam. As the seventh day
great stores of war engines and darts was coming on, they purified themselves
there. 28 But calling upon the Sovereign according to the custom, and kept the Sab-
who with might shatters the †strength of bath there.
‡the enemy, they took the city into their 39 On the following day, †when it had
hands, and killed as many as twenty-five become necessary, Judas and his company
thousand of those who were in it. came to take up the bodies of those who
29 Setting out from there, they marched
had fallen, ‡and in company with their
in haste against Scythopolis, which is six kinsmen to bring them back to the sepul-
hundred furlongs§ away from Jerusalem. chres of their ancestors. 40 But under the
30 But when the Jews who were settled garments of each one of the dead they
there testified of the good will that the found §consecrated tokens of the idols of
Scythopolitans had shown toward them, Jamnia, which the law forbids the Jews
and of their kind treatment of them in to have anything to do with. It became
the times of their misfortune, 31 they gave clear to all that it was for this cause that
thanks, and further exhorted them to re- they had fallen. 41 All therefore, blessing
main well disposed toward the race for the the ways of the Lord, the righteous Judge,
future. Then they went up to Jerusalem, who makes manifest the things that are
the feast of weeks being close at hand. hidden, 42 turned themselves to supplica-
32 But after the feast called Pentecost, tion, praying that the sin committed might
they marched in haste against Gorgias the be wholly blotted out. The noble Judas
governor of Idumaea. 33 He came out with exhorted the multitude to keep themselves
three thousand infantry and four hundred from sin, for they had seen with their own
‡ 12:24 Gr. and the result will be that these be disregarded. The Greek text here is perhaps corrupt. § 12:24 Or,
have been shown † 12:26 Compare Carnain, 1 Maccabees 5:26, 43, 44. ‡ 12:27 The Greek text here is perhaps
corrupt. § 12:27 Gr. in front of. † 12:28 Some authorities read weight. ‡ 12:28 Or, his enemies § 12:29
a furlong is about 201 meters or 220 yards, so 600 furlongs is about 121 km. or 75 miles † 12:35 The Greek text
is uncertain. ‡ 12:35 Compare 1 Maccabees 5:65. § 12:38 Gr. Odollam. † 12:39 The Greek text here is
uncertain. ‡ 12:39 Or, and to bring them back to be with their kinsmen in the sepulchres § 12:40 Perhaps
these were consecrated images of the idols.
2 Maccabees 12:43 563 2 Maccabees 13:17

eyes what happened because of the sin of the breaker of the law, Menelaus, died,
those who had fallen. 43 When he had without obtaining so much as a grave in
made a collection man by man to the sum the earth, and that justly; 8 for inasmuch
of two thousand drachmas of silver, he as he had perpetrated many sins ‡ against
sent to Jerusalem to offer a sacrifice for sin, the altar, whose fire and whose ashes were
doing very well and honorably in this, in holy, he received his death in ashes.
that he took thought for the resurrection. 9 Now the king,§ infuriated in spirit, was
44 For if he wasn’t expecting that those who
coming with intent to inflict on the Jews
had fallen would rise again, it would be
the very worst of the sufferings that had
superfluous and idle to pray for the dead.
45 But if he was looking forward to an been done in his father’s time. 10 But
when Judas heard of these things, he com-
honorable memorial of gratitude laid up manded the multitude to call upon the
for those who †die ‡in godliness, then the Lord day and night, if ever at any other
thought was holy and godly. Therefore he time, so now to help those who were at
made the atoning sacrifice for those who the point of being deprived of the law,
had died, that they might be released from their country, and the holy temple, 11 and
their sin. not to allow the people who had just be-
gun to be revived to fall into the hands of
13 those profane heathen. 12 So when they
1 In the one hundred forty-ninth year,
had all done the same thing together, †
news was brought to Judas and his com-
begging the merciful Lord with weeping
pany that Antiochus Eupator was coming
and fastings and prostration for three days
with multitudes against Judea, 2 and with
without ceasing, Judas exhorted them and
him Lysias his guardian and chancellor,
commanded they should join him.
each having a Greek force of one hundred
13 Having consulted privately with the
ten thousand infantry, five thousand three
hundred cavalry, twenty-two elephants, elders, he resolved that before the king’s
and three hundred chariots armed with army entered into Judea and made them-
scythes. selves masters of the city, they should go
3 And Menelaus also joined himself with out and decide the matter by the help of
them, and with great hypocrisy encour- ‡God. 14 And committing the decision to the
aged Antiochus, not for the saving of his §Lord of the world, and exhorting those
country, but because he thought that he who were with him to contend nobly even
would be set over the government. 4 But to death for laws, temple, city, country,
the King of kings stirred up the anger and way of life, he pitched his camp by
of Antiochus against the wicked wretch. Modin. 15 He gave out to his men the
When Lysias informed him that this man watchword, “VICTORY IS GOD’S”, with a
was the cause of all the evils, the king com- chosen force of the bravest young men he
manded to bring him to Beroea, and to put attacked by the king’s pavilion by night,
him to death in the way customary in that and killed of his army as many as two thou-
place. 5 Now there is in that place a tower sand men, and †brought down the leading
that is fifty cubits high, full of ashes, and elephant with him who was in the ‡tower
it had all around it a †circular rim sloping on him. 16 At last they filled the §army with
steeply on every side into the ashes. 6 Here terror and alarm, and departed with good
one who is guilty of sacrilege or notorious success. 17 This had been accomplished
for other crimes is pushed down to de- when the day was just dawning, because of
struction. 7 By such a fate it happened that the Lord’s protection that gave †Judas help.
† 12:45 Gr. fall asleep. ‡ 12:45 Or, on the side of godliness † 13:5 Gr. contrivance or machine. ‡ 13:8 Gr.
about. § 13:9 Some authorities read indignant. † 13:12 Gr. and implored. ‡ 13:13 Some authorities read
the Lord. § 13:14 Some authorities read Creator. † 13:15 The Greek text here is probably corrupt. ‡ 13:15
Gr. house. § 13:16 Gr. camp. † 13:17 Gr. him.
2 Maccabees 13:18 564 2 Maccabees 14:14

18 But the king, having had a taste of that there was no deliverance for him in
the exceeding boldness of the Jews, made any way, nor any more access to the holy
strategic attacks on their positions, 19 and altar, 4 came to King Demetrius in about
on a strong fortress of the Jews at Bethsura. the one hundred fifty-first year, presenting
He advanced, was turned back, failed, and to him a crown of gold and a palm, and be-
was defeated. 20 Judas sent the things that side these some of the festal olive boughs
were necessary to those who were within. of the temple. For that day, he held his
21 But Rhodocus, from the Jewish ranks, peace; 5 but having gotten opportunity to
made secrets known to the enemy. He further his own madness, being called by
was sought out, arrested, and shut up in Demetrius into a meeting of his council,
prison. 22 The king negotiated with them in and asked how the Jews stood affected and
Bethsura the second time, gave his hand, what they intended, he answered:
took theirs, departed, attacked the forces 6 “Those of the Jews called †Hasidaeans,
of Judas, was put to the worse, 23 heard
whose leader is Judas Maccabaeus, keep
that Philip who had been left as chancellor
up war and are seditious, not allowing the
in Antioch had become reckless, was con-
founded, made to the Jews an overture of kingdom to find tranquillity. 7 Therefore,
peace, submitted himself and swore to ac- having laid aside my ancestral glory—I
knowledge all their rights, came to terms mean the high priesthood—I have now
with them and offered sacrifice, honored come ‡here, 8 first for the genuine care I
the sanctuary and the place, 24 showed have for the things that concern the king,
kindness and graciously received Mac- and secondly because I have regard also
cabaeus, left Hegemonides governor from to my own fellow citizens. For through
Ptolemais even to the ‡ Gerrenians, 25 and the unadvised dealing of those of whom I
came to Ptolemais. The men of Ptolemais spoke before, our whole race is in no small
were displeased at the treaty, for they had misfortune. 9 O king, having informed
exceedingly great indignation against the yourself of these things, take thought both
Jews. They desired to annul the articles of for our country and for our race, which
the agreement. 26 Lysias §came forward is surrounded by enemies, according to
to speak, made the best defense that was the gracious kindness with which you re-
possible, persuaded, pacified, gained their ceive all. 10 For as long as Judas remains
good will, and departed to Antioch. This alive, it is impossible for the government
was the issue of the attack and departure to find peace. 11 When he had spoken
of the king. such words as these, at once §the rest of
the king’s †friends, having ill will against
14 Judas, inflamed Demetrius yet more. 12 He
1 Three years later, news was brought to immediately appointed Nicanor, who had
Judas and his company that Demetrius the been master of the elephants, and made
son of Seleucus, having sailed into the har- him governor of Judea. He sent him out,
bor of Tripolis with a mighty army and a 13 giving him written instructions to kill
fleet, 2 had taken possession of the country, Judas himself and to scatter those who
having made away with Antiochus and his were with him, and to set up Alcimus as
guardian Lysias. high priest of the ‡great temple. 14 Those
3 But one Alcimus, who had formerly in Judea who §had driven Judas into exile
been high priest, and had willfully pol- thronged to Nicanor in flocks, supposing
luted himself in the times when there was that the misfortunes and calamities of the
no mingling with the Gentiles, considering Jews would be successes to themselves.
‡ 13:24 The form of this word is uncertain. Compare Girzites (or Gizrites), 1 Samuel 27:8. One manuscript reads
Gerarenes. § 13:26 Gr. came forward to the tribune or judgment seat. † 14:6 That is, Chasidim. ‡ 14:7
Some authorities read a second time. § 14:11 Or, the king’s friends likewise † 14:11 See 2 Maccabees 8:9.
‡ 14:13 Gr. greatest. § 14:14 See 2 Maccabees 5:27.
2 Maccabees 14:15 565 2 Maccabees 14:36

15 But when the Jews heard of Nicanor’s that Nicanor was disloyal to the govern-
advance and the assault of the heathen, ment, for he had appointed that conspir-
they sprinkled dirt on their heads and ator against his kingdom, Judas, to be his
made solemn prayers to him who had es- successor. 27 The king, falling into a rage,
tablished his own people for evermore, and being exasperated by the false accu-
and who always, making manifest his sations of that most wicked man, wrote to
presence, upholds those who are his own Nicanor, signifying that he was displeased
heritage. 16 †When the leader had given at the covenants, and commanding him
orders, he immediately set out from there to send Maccabaeus prisoner to Antioch
and joined battle with them at a village in all haste. 28 When this message came
called Lessau. 17 But Simon, the brother to Nicanor, he was confounded, and was
of Judas, had encountered Nicanor, yet not very troubled at the thought of annulling
till late, having been delayed by reason the articles that had been agreed upon,
of the sudden consternation caused by his the man having done no wrong; 29 but
adversaries. because there was no opposing the king,
18 Nevertheless Nicanor, hearing of the he watched his time to execute this pur-
valor of those who were with Judas, and pose by strategy. 30 But Maccabaeus, when
their courage in fighting for their country, he perceived that Nicanor was behaving
shrank from bringing the matter to the more harshly in his dealings with him,
decision of the sword. 19 Therefore he sent and that he had become ruler in his cus-
Posidonius, Theodotus, and Mattathias to tomary bearing, understanding that this
give and receive pledges of friendship. harshness came not of good, gathered to-
20 So when these proposals had been long gether not a few of his men, and concealed
considered, and the leader had made the himself from Nicanor.
‡troops acquainted with them, and it ap- 31 But the other,† when he became aware
peared that they were all of like mind, they that he had been bravely defeated by the
consented to the covenants. 21 They ap- strategy of Judas,‡ came to the great§ and
pointed a day on which to meet together by holy temple, while the priests were offer-
themselves. A chariot came forward from ing the usual sacrifices, and commanded
each army. They set up seats of honor. them to hand over the man. 32 When
22 Judas stationed armed men ready in con- they declared with oaths that they had no
venient places, lest perhaps there should knowledge where the man was whom he
suddenly be treachery on the part of the sought, 33 he stretched out his right hand
enemy. They held a conference as was ap- toward the sanctuary, and swore this oath:
propriate. 23 Nicanor waited in Jerusalem, “If you won’t deliver up to me Judas as a
and did nothing to cause disturbance, but prisoner, I will level this †temple of God
dismissed the flocks of people that had even with the ground, break down the
gathered together. 24 He kept Judas always altar, and I will erect here a temple to
in his presence. He had gained a hearty Dionysus for all to see.
affection for the man. 25 He urged him 34 And having said this, he departed. But
to marry and have children. He married, the priests, stretching forth their hands
settled quietly, and took part in common toward heaven, called upon him who al-
life. ways fights for our nation, in these words:
26 But Alcimus, perceiving the good will 35 “You, O Lord of the universe, who in
that was between them, §and having taken yourself have need of nothing, were well
possession of the covenants that had been pleased that a sanctuary of your habita-
made, came to Demetrius and told him tion‡ should be set among us. 36 So now,
† 14:16 The Greek text of this verse and the next is corrupt. ‡ 14:20 Or, people Gr. multitudes. § 14:26 Or,
and the covenants that had been made, took occasion and came † 14:31 Or, though he was conscious that he had
been nobly defeated by ‡ 14:31 Gr. the man § 14:31 Gr. greatest. † 14:33 Or, chapel Gr. enclosure.
‡ 14:35 Gr. tabernacling.
2 Maccabees 14:37 566 2 Maccabees 15:12

O holy Lord of all holiness, keep undefiled resolved to attack them with complete
forever this house that has been recently safety on the day of rest. 2 When the
cleansed.” Jews who were compelled to follow him
37 Now information was given to
said, “Don’t destroy so savagely and bar-
Nicanor against one Razis, an elder of barously, but give due glory to the day
Jerusalem, who was a lover of his coun- which he who sees all things has honored
trymen and a man of very good report, and hallowed above other days.”
and one called Father of the Jews for his 3 Then the thrice-accursed wretch asked
good will. 38 For in the former times when if there were a Sovereign in heaven who
there was no mingling with the Gentiles, had commanded to keep the Sabbath day.
he had been accused of following the Jews’ 4 When they declared, “There is the Lord,
religion, and had risked body and life living himself as Sovereign in heaven, who
with all earnestness for the religion of the told us observe the seventh day.”
Jews. 39 Nicanor, wishing to make evident 5 He replied, “I also am a sovereign on
the ill will that he bore against the Jews, the earth, who commands you to take up
sent above five hundred soldiers to seize weapons and execute the king’s business.”
him; 40 for he thought by seizing him to Nevertheless he didn’t prevail to execute
inflict an injury on them. 41 But when his cruel plan.
the §troops were at the point of taking 6 And Nicanor, † in his utter boastfulness
the tower, and were forcing the door of and arrogance, had determined to set up a
the court, and asked for fire to burn the monument of complete victory over Judas
doors, he, being surrounded on every side, and all those who were with him. 7 But
fell upon his sword, 42 choosing rather to Maccabaeus still trusted unceasingly, with
die nobly than to fall into the hands of all hope that he should obtain help from
the wicked wretches, and suffer outrage the Lord. 8 He exhorted his company not
unworthy of his own nobleness. 43 But to be fearful at the assault of the heathen,
since he missed his stroke through the but keeping in mind the help which in
excitement of the struggle, and the crowds former times they had often received from
were now rushing within the door, he ran heaven, so now also to look for the vic-
bravely up to the wall and cast himself tory which would come to them from the
down bravely among the crowds. 44 But Almighty, 9 and encouraging them out of
as they quickly gave back, a space was the law and the prophets, and reminding
made, and he fell on the middle of †his them of the conflicts that they had won,
side. 45 Still having breath within him, he made them more eager. 10 And when
and being inflamed with anger, he rose he had aroused their courage, he gave
up, and though his blood gushed out in them orders, at the same time pointing
streams and his wounds were grievous, out the faithlessness of the heathen and
he ran through the crowds, and standing their breach of their oaths. 11 Arming each
upon a steep rock, 46 when as his blood one of them, not so much with the sure
was now well near spent, he drew forth defense of shields and spears as with the
his bowels through the wound, and taking encouragement of good words, and more-
them in both his hands he shook them over relating to them a dream worthy to
at the crowds. Calling upon him who is be believed, he made them all exceedingly
Lord of life and spirit to restore him ‡these glad.
again, he died like this. 12 The vision of that dream was this:
Onias, he who had been high priest, a
15 noble and good man, modest in bearing,
1 But Nicanor, hearing that Judas and his yet gentle in manner and well-spoken, and
company were in the region of Samaria, trained from a child in all points of virtue,
§ 14:41 Or, people Gr. multitudes. † 14:44 Or, the void place ‡ 14:46 Some authorities read the same.
† 15:6 Gr. carrying his neck high.
2 Maccabees 15:13 567 2 Maccabees 15:36

with outstretched hands invoking bless- Judea, and he killed of the §army of Sen-
ings on the whole body of the Jews. 13 Then nacherib as many as one hundred eighty-
he saw a man appear, of venerable age and five thousand. 23 So now also, O Sovereign
exceeding glory, and the dignity around of the heavens, send a good angel before us
him was wonderful and most majestic. to bring terror and trembling. 24 Through
14 Onias answered and said, “This is the the greatness of your arm let them be
lover of the kindred, he who prays much stricken with dismay who with blasphemy
for the people and the holy city: Jeremiah have come here against your holy people.”
the prophet of God. 15 Jeremiah stretched As he finished these words, 25 Nicanor and
out his right hand and delivered to Judas a his company advanced with trumpets and
gold sword, and in giving it addressed him victory songs; 26 but Judas and his com-
thus: 16 “Take this holy sword, a gift from pany joined battle with the enemy with
God, with which you shall strike down the invocation and prayers. 27 Fighting with
adversaries.” their hands and praying to God with their
17 Being encouraged by the words of Ju- hearts, they killed no less than thirty-five
das, which were noble and effective, and thousand men, being made exceedingly
able to incite to virtue and to stir the souls glad by the manifestation of God.
of the young to manly courage, they de- 28 When the engagement was over and
termined not to carry on a campaign, but they were returning again with joy, they
nobly to bear down upon the enemy, and recognized Nicanor lying dead in full ar-
fighting hand to hand with all courage mor. 29 Then there was shouting and noise,
bring the matter to a conclusion, because and they blessed the Sovereign Lord in the
the city, the sanctuary, and the temple language of their ancestors. 30 He who
were in danger. 18 For their fear for wives in all things was in body and soul the
and children, and furthermore for family foremost champion of his fellow-citizens,
and relatives, was less important to them; he who kept through life the good will of
but greatest and first was their fear for his youth toward his countrymen, ordered
the consecrated sanctuary. 19 Also those that Nicanor’s head be cut off with his
who were shut up in the city were in no hand and arm, and that they be brought to
light distress, being troubled because of Jerusalem. 31 When he had arrived there
the encounter in the open country. and had called his countrymen together
and set the priests before the altar, he
20 When all were now waiting for the sent for those who were in the citadel.
decision of the issue, and the enemy had al- 32 Showing the head of the vile Nicanor and
ready joined battle, and the army had been the hand of that profane man, which with
set in array, and the elephants‡ brought proud brags he had stretched out against
back to a convenient post,§ and the cavalry the holy house of the Almighty, 33 and cut-
deployed on the flanks, 21 Maccabaeus, ting out the tongue of the impious Nicanor,
perceiving the presence of the †troops, he said that he would give it in pieces to
and the various weapons with which they the birds, and hang up these rewards of his
were equipped, and the savageness of the folly near the sanctuary. 34 They all, look-
‡elephants, holding up his hands to heaven ing up to heaven, blessed the Lord who
called upon the Lord who works won- had manifested himself, saying, “Blessed
ders, knowing that success comes not by is he who has preserved his own place
weapons, but that, according to how the undefiled!” 35 He hung Nicanor’s head and
Lord judges, he gains the victory for those shoulder from the citadel, a clear sign evi-
who are worthy. 22 And calling upon God, dent to all of the help of the Lord. 36 They
he said this: “You, O Sovereign Lord, sent all ordained with a common decree to in
your angel in the time of King Hezekiah of no way let this day pass undistinguished,
‡ 15:20 Gr. animals. § 15:20 Or, stationed for convenient action † 15:21 Gr. multitudes. ‡ 15:21 Gr.
animals. § 15:22 Gr. camp.
2 Maccabees 15:37 568 2 Maccabees 15:39

but to mark with honor the thirteenth day

of the twelfth month (it is called Adar in the
Syrian language), the day before the day of
37 This then having been the account
of the attempt of Nicanor, and the city
having from those times been held by the
Hebrews, I also will here make an end of
my book. 38 If I have written well and
to the point in my story, this is what I
myself desired; but if its poorly done and
mediocre, this is the best I could do. 39 For
as it is †distasteful to drink wine alone
and likewise to drink water alone, ‡while
the mingling of wine with water at once
gives full pleasantness to the flavor; so also
the fashioning of the language delights the
ears of those who read the story.
Here is the end.

† 15:39 Or, hurtful ‡ 15:39 Gr. but even as.

Job 1:1 569 Job 1:22

is increased in the land. 11 But stretch out

your hand now, and touch all that he has,
The Book of and he will renounce you to your face.”
Job 12 The LORD said to Satan, “Behold,§ all
that he has is in your power. Only on
1 There was a man in the land of Uz, himself don’t stretch out your hand.”
whose name was Job. That man was So Satan went out from the presence of
blameless and upright, and one who
the LORD. 13 It fell on a day when his sons
feared God,† and turned away from evil.
2 There were born to him seven sons and his daughters were eating and drink-
and three daughters. 3 His possessions ing wine in their oldest brother’s house,
14 that a messenger came to Job, and said,
also were seven thousand sheep, three
thousand camels, five hundred yoke of “The oxen were plowing, and the donkeys
oxen, five hundred female donkeys, and feeding beside them, 15 and the Sabeans
a very great household; so that this man attacked, and took them away. Yes, they
was the greatest of all the children of the have killed the servants with the edge of
east. 4 His sons went and held a feast in the sword, and I alone have escaped to tell
the house of each one on his birthday; and you.”
they sent and called for their three sisters While he was still speaking, another
to eat and to drink with them. 5 It was so, also came and said, “The fire of God has
when the days of their feasting had run fallen from the sky, and has burned up
their course, that Job sent and sanctified the sheep and the servants, and consumed
them, and rose up early in the morning, them, and I alone have escaped to tell you.”
and offered burnt offerings according to 17 While he was still speaking, another
the number of them all. For Job said, “It also came and said, “The Chaldeans made
may be that my sons have sinned, and three bands, and swept down on the
renounced God in their hearts.” Job did camels, and have taken them away, yes,
so continually. and killed the servants with the edge of
6 Now on the day when God’s sons came
the sword; and I alone have escaped to tell
to present themselves before the LORD,‡ you.”
Satan also came among them. 7 The LORD
said to Satan, “Where have you come While he was still speaking, there

from?” came also another, and said, “Your sons

Then Satan answered the LORD, and and your daughters were eating and
said, “From going back and forth in the drinking wine in their oldest brother’s
earth, and from walking up and down in house, 19 and behold, there came a great
it.” wind from the wilderness, and struck the
8 The LORD said to Satan, “Have you four corners of the house, and it fell on
considered my servant, Job? For there is the young men, and they are dead. I alone
no one like him in the earth, a blameless have escaped to tell you.”
and an upright man, one who fears God, 20 ThenJob arose, and tore his robe, and
and turns away from evil.” shaved his head, and fell down on the
9 Then Satan answered the LORD, and ground, and worshiped. 21 He said, “Naked
said, “Does Job fear God for nothing? I came out of my mother’s womb, and
10 Haven’t you made a hedge around him, naked will I return there. The LORD gave,
and around his house, and around all that and the LORD has taken away. Blessed be
he has, on every side? You have blessed the LORD’s name.” 22 In all this, Job didn’t
the work of his hands, and his substance sin, nor charge God with wrongdoing.
† 1:1 The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim). ‡ 1:6 When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS,
“LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name. § 1:12 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice,
observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.
Job 2:1 570 Job 3:17

2 nights, and no one spoke a word to him, for

1 Again, on the day when God’s sons they saw that his grief was very great.
came to present themselves before the
LORD, Satan came also among them to 3
1 After this Job opened his mouth, and
present himself before the LORD. 2 The
LORD said to Satan, “Where have you cursed the day of his birth. Job answered:
3 “Let the day perish in which I was born,
come from?”
Satan answered the LORD, and said, the night which said, ‘There is a boy
“From going back and forth in the earth, 4 conceived.’
and from walking up and down in it.” Let that day be darkness.
3 The LORD said to Satan, “Have you Don’t let God from above seek for it,
neither let the light shine on it.
considered my servant Job? For there is 5
Let darkness and the shadow of death
no one like him in the earth, a blameless claim it for their own.
and an upright man, one who fears God, Let a cloud dwell on it.
and turns away from evil. He still main- Let all that makes the day black terrify
tains his integrity, although you incited me it.
6 As for that night, let thick darkness seize
against him, to ruin him without cause.”
4 Satan answered the LORD, and said, on it.
“Skin for skin. Yes, all that a man has Let it not rejoice among the days of the
he will give for his life. But stretch out
Let it not come into the number of the
your hand now, and touch his bone and months.
his flesh, and he will renounce you to your 7 Behold, let that night be barren.
face.” Let no joyful voice come therein.
6 The LORD said to Satan, “Behold, he is 8
Let them curse it who curse the day,
in your hand. Only spare his life.” who are ready to rouse up leviathan.
7 So Satan went out from the presence 9
Let the stars of its twilight be dark.
of the LORD, and struck Job with painful Let it look for light, but have none,
sores from the sole of his foot to his head. neither let it see the eyelids of the
8 He took for himself a potsherd to scrape
himself with, and he sat among the ashes. 10 because it didn’t shut up the doors of my
9 Then his wife said to him, “Do you still
mother’s womb,
maintain your integrity? Renounce God, nor did it hide trouble from my eyes.
and die.”
10 But he said to her, “You speak as one 11
“Why didn’t I die from the womb?
of the foolish women would speak. What? Why didn’t I give up the spirit when
Shall we receive good at the hand of God, my mother bore me?
and shall we not receive evil?” 12 Why did the knees receive me?
In all this Job didn’t sin with his lips. Or why the breast, that I should nurse?
11 Now when Job’s three friends heard of 13
For now I should have lain down and
all this evil that had come on him, they been quiet.
each came from his own place: Eliphaz the I should have slept, then I would have
Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar been at rest,
the Naamathite; and they made an ap- 14 with kings and counselors of the earth,
pointment together to come to sympathize who built up waste places for them-
with him and to comfort him. 12 When selves;
they lifted up their eyes from a distance, 15 or with princes who had gold,
and didn’t recognize him, they raised their who filled their houses with silver;
voices, and wept; and they each tore his 16 or as a hidden untimely birth I had not
robe, and sprinkled dust on their heads been,
toward the sky. 13 So they sat down with as infants who never saw light.
him on the ground seven days and seven 17 There the wicked cease from troubling.
Job 3:18 571 Job 5:4

There the weary are at rest. By the blast of his anger are they con-
18 There the prisoners are at ease together. sumed.
10 The roaring of the lion,
They don’t hear the voice of the
taskmaster. and the voice of the fierce lion,
19 The small and the great are there. the teeth of the young lions, are bro-
The servant is free from his master. ken.
11 The old lion perishes for lack of prey.
20 “Why is light given to him who is in The cubs of the lioness are scattered
misery, abroad.
life to the bitter in soul, 12 “Now a thing was secretly brought to me.
21 who long for death, but it doesn’t come;
and dig for it more than for hidden My ear received a whisper of it.
13 In thoughts from the visions of the night,
22 who rejoice exceedingly, when deep sleep falls on men,
and are glad, when they can find the 14 fear came on me, and trembling,
grave? which made all my bones shake.
23 Why is light given to a man whose way is 15 Then a spirit passed before my face.
hidden, The hair of my flesh stood up.
whom God has hedged in? 16 It stood still, but I couldn’t discern its
24 For my sighing comes before I eat. appearance.
My groanings are poured out like wa- A form was before my eyes.
ter. Silence, then I heard a voice, saying,
25 For the thing which I fear comes on me, 17 ‘Shall mortal man be more just than
that which I am afraid of comes to me. God?
26 I am not at ease, neither am I quiet,
Shall a man be more pure than his
neither do I have rest; Maker?
but trouble comes.” 18 Behold, he puts no trust in his servants.

1 Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered, 19
He charges his angels with error.
How much more those who dwell in
2 “If someone ventures to talk with you, houses of clay,
will you be grieved? whose foundation is in the dust,
who are crushed before the moth!
But who can withhold himself from 20 Between morning and evening they are
3 Behold, you have instructed many, destroyed.
They perish forever without any re-
you have strengthened the weak
garding it.
4 Your words have supported him who was 21 Isn’t their tent cord plucked up within
falling, them?
They die, and that without wisdom.’
you have made the feeble knees firm.
5 But now it has come to you, and you faint.
It touches you, and you are troubled.
6 Isn’t your piety your confidence?
1 “Call now; is there any who will answer
Isn’t the integrity of your ways your you?
hope? To which of the holy ones will you
7 “Remember, now, whoever perished, be- 2 For resentment kills the foolish man,
ing innocent? and jealousy kills the simple.
Or where were the upright cut off? 3 I have seen the foolish taking root,
8 According to what I have seen, those who but suddenly I cursed his habitation.
plow iniquity 4 His children are far from safety.
and sow trouble, reap the same. They are crushed in the gate.
9 By the breath of God they perish. Neither is there any to deliver them,
Job 5:5 572 Job 6:10

5 whose harvest the hungry eat up, neither will you be afraid of the ani-
and take it even out of the thorns. mals of the earth.
The snare gapes for their substance. 23 For you will be allied with the stones of
6 For affliction doesn’t come out of the dust, the field.
neither does trouble spring out of the The animals of the field will be at
ground; peace with you.
7 but man is born to trouble, 24 You will know that your tent is in peace.
as the sparks fly upward. You will visit your fold, and will miss
8 “But as for me, I would seek God. 25 You will know also that your offspring†
I would commit my cause to God, will be great,
9 who does great things that can’t be fath- your offspring as the grass of the earth.
omed, 26 You will come to your grave in a full age,
marvelous things without number; like a shock of grain comes in its sea-
10 who gives rain on the earth, son.
and sends waters on the fields; 27 Behold, we have researched it. It is so.
11 so that he sets up on high those who are Hear it, and know it for your good.”
those who mourn are exalted to safety.
12 He frustrates the plans of the crafty,
1 Then Job answered,
so that their hands can’t perform their
2 “Oh that my anguish were weighed,
13 He takes the wise in their own craftiness; and all my calamity laid in the bal-
the counsel of the cunning is carried 3 ances!
headlong. For now it would be heavier than the sand
14 They meet with darkness in the day time, of the seas,
therefore my words have been rash.
and grope at noonday as in the night. 4 For the arrows of the Almighty are within
15 But he saves from the sword of their
mouth, My spirit drinks up their poison.
even the needy from the hand of the The terrors of God set themselves in array
mighty. against me.
16 So the poor has hope, 5 Does the wild donkey bray when he
and injustice shuts her mouth. has grass?
17 “Behold, happy is the man whom God Or does the ox low over his fodder?
6 Can that which has no flavor be eaten
corrects. without salt?
Therefore do not despise the chasten- Or is there any taste in the white of an egg?
ing of the Almighty. 7 My soul refuses to touch them.
18 For he wounds and binds up.
They are as loathsome food to me.
He injures and his hands make whole.
19 He will deliver you in six troubles; 8 “Oh that I might have my request,
yes, in seven no evil will touch you. that God would grant the thing that I
20 In famine he will redeem you from
long for,
death; 9 even that it would please God to crush me;
in war, from the power of the sword. that he would let loose his hand, and
21 You will be hidden from the scourge of
cut me off!
the tongue, 10 Let it still be my consolation,
neither will you be afraid of destruc- yes, let me exult in pain that doesn’t
tion when it comes. spare,
22 You will laugh at destruction and
that I have not denied the words of the
famine, Holy One.
† 5:25 or, seed
Job 6:11 573 Job 7:12

11 What is my strength, that I should wait? 28 Now therefore be pleased to look at me,
What is my end, that I should be pa- for surely I will not lie to your face.
tient? 29 Please return.
12 Is my strength the strength of stones? Let there be no injustice.
Or is my flesh of bronze? Yes, return again.
13 Isn’t it that I have no help in me, My cause is righteous.
that wisdom is driven away from me? 30 Is there injustice on my tongue?
Can’t my taste discern mischievous
14 “To him who is ready to faint, kindness
should be shown from his friend;
even to him who forsakes the fear of
the Almighty. 7
15 My brothers have dealt deceitfully as a 1 “Isn’t a man forced to labor on earth?
brook, Aren’t his days like the days of a hired
as the channel of brooks that pass 2 hand?
away; As a servant who earnestly desires the
16 which are black by reason of the ice, shadow,
in which the snow hides itself. as a hireling who looks for his wages,
17 In the dry season, they vanish. 3 so I am made to possess months of misery,
When it is hot, they are consumed out wearisome nights are appointed to
of their place. me.
4 When I lie down, I say,
18 The caravans that travel beside them
turn away. ‘When will I arise, and the night be
They go up into the waste, and perish. gone?’
19 The caravans of Tema looked. I toss and turn until the dawning of the
The companies of Sheba waited for day.
5 My flesh is clothed with worms and clods
20 They were distressed because they were of dust.
confident. My skin closes up, and breaks out
They came there, and were con- afresh.
6 My days are swifter than a weaver’s shut-
21 For now you are nothing. tle,
You see a terror, and are afraid. and are spent without hope.
22 Did I ever say, ‘Give to me?’ 7 Oh remember that my life is a breath.
or, ‘Offer a present for me from your My eye will no more see good.
substance?’ 8 The eye of him who sees me will see me
23 or, ‘Deliver me from the adversary’s no more.
hand?’ Your eyes will be on me, but I will not
or, ‘Redeem me from the hand of the be.
oppressors?’ 9 As the cloud is consumed and vanishes
24 “Teach me, and I will hold my peace. so he who goes down to Sheol† will
Cause me to understand my error. come up no more.
25 How forcible are words of uprightness! 10 He will return no more to his house,
But your reproof, what does it re- neither will his place know him any
prove? more.
26 Do you intend to reprove words, 11 “Therefore I will not keep silent.
since the speeches of one who is des- I will speak in the anguish of my spirit.
perate are as wind? I will complain in the bitterness of my
27 Yes, you would even cast lots for the
fatherless, 12 Am I a sea, or a sea monster,
and make merchandise of your friend. that you put a guard over me?
† 7:9 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Job 7:13 574 Job 9:3

13 When I say, ‘My bed will comfort me. Find out about the learning of their
My couch will ease my complaint,’ fathers.
14 then you scare me with dreams 9 (For we are but of yesterday, and know

and terrify me through visions, nothing,

15 so that my soul chooses strangling, because our days on earth are a
death rather than my bones. shadow.)
10 Shall they not teach you, tell you,
16 I loathe my life.
I don’t want to live forever. and utter words out of their heart?
Leave me alone, for my days are but a 11 “Can the papyrus grow up without mire?
17 What is man, that you should magnify Can the rushes grow without water?
12 While it is yet in its greenness, not cut
that you should set your mind on him, down,
18 that you should visit him every morning, it withers before any other reed.
13 So are the paths of all who forget God.
and test him every moment?
19 How long will you not look away from The hope of the godless man will per-
me, ish,
14 whose confidence will break apart,
nor leave me alone until I swallow
down my spittle? whose trust is a spider’s web.
20 If I have sinned, what do I do to you, you 15 He will lean on his house, but it will not
watcher of men? stand.
Why have you set me as a mark for He will cling to it, but it will not en-
you, dure.
so that I am a burden to myself? 16 He is green before the sun.
21 Why do you not pardon my disobedi- His shoots go out along his garden.
ence, and take away my iniquity? 17 His roots are wrapped around the rock
For now will I lie down in the dust. pile.
You will seek me diligently, but I will He sees the place of stones.
not be.” 18 If he is destroyed from his place,
then it will deny him, saying, ‘I have
1 Then Bildad the Shuhite answered,
not seen you.’
19 Behold, this is the joy of his way.
2 “How long will you speak these things?
Out of the earth, others will spring.
Shall the words of your mouth be a
mighty wind? 20 “Behold, God will not cast away a blame-
3 Does God pervert justice?
less man,
Or does the Almighty pervert righ- neither will he uphold the evildoers.
teousness? 21 He will still fill your mouth with laugh-
4 If your children have sinned against him,
he has delivered them into the hand of your lips with shouting.
their disobedience. 22 Those who hate you will be clothed with
5 If you want to seek God diligently,
make your supplication to the shame.
The tent of the wicked will be no
Almighty. more.”
6 If you were pure and upright,
surely now he would awaken for you, 9
1 Then Job answered,
and make the habitation of your righteous-
ness prosperous. 2 “Truly I know that it is so,
7 Though your beginning was small, but how can man be just with God?
yet your latter end would greatly increase. 3 If he is pleased to contend with him,
he can’t answer him one time in a
8 “Please inquire of past generations. thousand.
Job 9:4 575 Job 10:3

4 God is wise in heart, and mighty in 21 I am blameless.

strength. I don’t respect myself.
Who has hardened himself against I despise my life.
him and prospered?
5 He removes the mountains, and they 22 “It is all the same.
Therefore I say he destroys the blame-
don’t know it,
when he overturns them in his anger. less and the wicked.
23 If the scourge kills suddenly,
6 He shakes the earth out of its place.
he will mock at the trial of the inno-
Its pillars tremble. cent.
7 He commands the sun and it doesn’t rise, 24 The earth is given into the hand of the
and seals up the stars. wicked.
8 He alone stretches out the heavens, He covers the faces of its judges.
and treads on the waves of the sea. If not he, then who is it?
9 He makes the Bear, Orion, and the
Pleiades, 25 “Now my days are swifter than a runner.
and the rooms of the south. They flee away. They see no good.
10 He does great things past finding out; 26 They have passed away as the swift
yes, marvelous things without num- ships,
ber. as the eagle that swoops on the prey.
11 Behold, he goes by me, and I don’t see
27 If I say, ‘I will forget my complaint,
him. I will put off my sad face, and cheer
He passes on also, but I don’t perceive
him. up,’
12 Behold, he snatches away. 28 I am afraid of all my sorrows.

Who can hinder him? I know that you will not hold me inno-
Who will ask him, ‘What are you do- cent.
29 I will be condemned.
ing?’ Why then do I labor in vain?
30 If I wash myself with snow,
13 “God will not withdraw his anger.
The helpers of Rahab stoop under him. and cleanse my hands with lye,
31 yet you will plunge me in the ditch.
14 How much less will I answer him,
and choose my words to argue with My own clothes will abhor me.
32 For he is not a man, as I am, that I should
15 Though I were righteous, yet I wouldn’t answer him,
answer him. that we should come together in judg-
I would make supplication to my ment.
33 There is no umpire between us,
16 If I had called, and he had answered me, that might lay his hand on us both.
34 Let him take his rod away from me.
yet I wouldn’t believe that he listened
to my voice. Let his terror not make me afraid;
35 then I would speak, and not fear him,
17 For he breaks me with a storm,
and multiplies my wounds without for I am not so in myself.
18 He will not allow me to catch my breath,
but fills me with bitterness.
19 If it is a matter of strength, behold, he is 10
1 “My soul is weary of my life.
If of justice, ‘Who,’ says he, ‘will sum- I will give free course to my complaint.
mon me?’ I will speak in the bitterness of my
20 Though I am righteous, my own mouth soul.
2 I will tell God, ‘Do not condemn me.
will condemn me.
Though I am blameless, it will prove Show me why you contend with me.
me perverse. 3 Is it good to you that you should oppress,
Job 10:4 576 Job 11:11

that you should despise the work of 19 I should have been as though I had not
your hands, been.
and smile on the counsel of the I should have been carried from the
wicked? womb to the grave.
4 Do you have eyes of flesh? 20 Aren’t my days few?
Or do you see as man sees? Stop!
5 Are your days as the days of mortals, Leave me alone, that I may find a little
or your years as man’s years, comfort,
6 that you inquire after my iniquity, 21 before I go where I will not return

and search after my sin? from,

7 Although you know that I am not wicked, to the land of darkness and of the
shadow of death;
there is no one who can deliver out of 22 the land dark as midnight,
your hand.
of the shadow of death,
8 “ ‘Your hands have framed me and fash- without any order,
ioned me altogether, where the light is as midnight.’ ”
yet you destroy me.
9 Remember, I beg you, that you have fash- 11
1 Then Zophar, the Naamathite, an-
ioned me as clay. swered,
Will you bring me into dust again? 2 “Shouldn’t the multitude of words be an-
10 Haven’t you poured me out like milk,
and curdled me like cheese? Should a man full of talk be justified?
11 You have clothed me with skin and flesh, 3
Should your boastings make men hold
and knit me together with bones and their peace?
sinews. When you mock, will no man make
12 You have granted me life and loving
you ashamed?
kindness. 4 For you say, ‘My doctrine is pure.
Your visitation has preserved my
I am clean in your eyes.’
spirit. 5 But oh that God would speak,
13 Yet you hid these things in your heart.
and open his lips against you,
I know that this is with you: 6 that he would show you the secrets of
14 if I sin, then you mark me.
You will not acquit me from my iniq- For true wisdom has two sides.
uity. Know therefore that God exacts of you
15 If I am wicked, woe to me. less than your iniquity deserves.
If I am righteous, I still will not lift up
my head, 7 “Can you fathom the mystery of God?
being filled with disgrace, Or can you probe the limits of the
and conscious of my affliction. Almighty?
16 If my head is held high, you hunt me like 8 They are high as heaven. What can you
a lion. do?
Again you show yourself powerful to They are deeper than Sheol.† What
me. can you know?
17 You renew your witnesses against me, 9 Its measure is longer than the earth,
and increase your indignation on me. and broader than the sea.
Changes and warfare are with me. 10 If he passes by, or confines,
or convenes a court, then who can
18 “ ‘Why, then, have you brought me out of oppose him?
the womb? 11 For he knows false men.
I wish I had given up the spirit, and no He sees iniquity also, even though he
eye had seen me. doesn’t consider it.
† 11:8 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Job 11:12 577 Job 12:25

12 An empty-headed man becomes wise the birds of the sky, and they will tell
when a man is born as a wild donkey’s you.
8 Or speak to the earth, and it will teach
13 “If you set your heart aright, The fish of the sea will declare to you.
stretch out your hands toward him. 9 Who doesn’t know that in all these,
14 If iniquity is in your hand, put it far the LORD’s hand has done this,
away. 10 in whose hand is the life of every living
Don’t let unrighteousness dwell in thing,
your tents. and the breath of all mankind?
15 Surely then you will lift up your face 11 Doesn’t the ear try words,
without spot. even as the palate tastes its food?
Yes, you will be steadfast, and will not 12 With aged men is wisdom,
fear, in length of days understanding.
16 for you will forget your misery.
13 “With God is wisdom and might.
You will remember it like waters that
have passed away. He has counsel and understanding.
17 Life will be clearer than the noonday. 14 Behold, he breaks down, and it can’t be
Though there is darkness, it will be as built again.
the morning. He imprisons a man, and there can be
18 You will be secure, because there is hope. no release.
15 Behold, he withholds the waters, and
Yes, you will search, and will take your
they dry up.
rest in safety.
19 Also you will lie down, and no one will
Again, he sends them out, and they
overturn the earth.
make you afraid. 16 With him is strength and wisdom.
Yes, many will court your favor. The deceived and the deceiver are his.
20 But the eyes of the wicked will fail. 17 He leads counselors away stripped.
They will have no way to flee. He makes judges fools.
Their hope will be the giving up of the 18 He loosens the bond of kings.
spirit.” He binds their waist with a belt.
19 He leads priests away stripped,

1 Then Job answered,
and overthrows the mighty.
20 He removes the speech of those who are
2 “No doubt, but you are the people, trusted,
and wisdom will die with you. and takes away the understanding of
3 But I have understanding as well as you; the elders.
21 He pours contempt on princes,
I am not inferior to you. and loosens the belt of the strong.
Yes, who doesn’t know such things as 22 He uncovers deep things out of darkness,
these? and brings out to light the shadow of
4 I am like one who is a joke to his neighbor,
I, who called on God, and he answered. death.
23 He increases the nations, and he de-
The just, the blameless man is a joke. stroys them.
5 In the thought of him who is at ease there
He enlarges the nations, and he leads
is contempt for misfortune. them captive.
It is ready for them whose foot slips. 24 He takes away understanding from the
6 The tents of robbers prosper.
chiefs of the people of the earth,
Those who provoke God are secure, and causes them to wander in a
who carry their god in their hands. wilderness where there is no way.
25 They grope in the dark without light.
7 “But ask the animals now, and they will He makes them stagger like a drunken
teach you; man.
Job 13:1 578 Job 14:9

1 “Behold, my eye has seen all this.
21 withdraw your hand far from me,
and don’t let your terror make me
My ear has heard and understood it. afraid.
2 What you know, I know also. 22 Then call, and I will answer,
I am not inferior to you. or let me speak, and you answer me.
23 How many are my iniquities and sins?
3 “Surely I would speak to the Almighty. Make me know my disobedience and
I desire to reason with God. my sin.
4 But you are forgers of lies. 24 Why do you hide your face,
You are all physicians of no value. and consider me your enemy?
5 Oh that you would be completely silent! 25 Will you harass a driven leaf?
Then you would be wise. Will you pursue the dry stubble?
6 Hear now my reasoning. 26 For you write bitter things against me,
Listen to the pleadings of my lips. and make me inherit the iniquities of
7 Will you speak unrighteously for God,
my youth.
and talk deceitfully for him? 27 You also put my feet in the stocks,
8 Will you show partiality to him?
and mark all my paths.
Will you contend for God? You set a bound to the soles of my feet,
9 Is it good that he should search you out? 28 though I am decaying like a rotten thing,
Or as one deceives a man, will you like a garment that is moth-eaten.
deceive him?
10 He will surely reprove you
if you secretly show partiality.
11 Won’t his majesty make you afraid 14
and his dread fall on you? 1 “Man, who is born of a woman,
12 Your memorable sayings are proverbs of is of few days, and full of trouble.
2 He grows up like a flower, and is cut
Your defenses are defenses of clay. down.
He also flees like a shadow, and
13 “Be silent! doesn’t continue.
Leave me alone, that I may speak. 3 Do you open your eyes on such a one,
Let come on me what will. and bring me into judgment with you?
14 Why should I take my flesh in my teeth, 4 Who can bring a clean thing out of an
and put my life in my hand? unclean?
15 Behold, he will kill me. Not one.
5 Seeing his days are determined,
I have no hope.
Nevertheless, I will maintain my ways the number of his months is with you,
before him. and you have appointed his bounds
16 This also will be my salvation, that he can’t pass.
that a godless man will not come be- 6 Look away from him, that he may rest,
fore him. until he accomplishes, as a hireling,
17 Listen carefully to my speech.
his day.
Let my declaration be in your ears.
18 See now, I have set my cause in order. 7 “For there is hope for a tree if it is cut
I know that I am righteous. down,
19 Who is he who will contend with me? that it will sprout again,
For then would I hold my peace and that the tender branch of it will not
give up the spirit. cease.
8 Though its root grows old in the earth,
20 “Only don’t do two things to me, and its stock dies in the ground,
then I will not hide myself from your yet through the scent of water it will bud,
face: and sprout boughs like a plant.
Job 14:10 579 Job 15:20

10 But man dies, and is laid low. or with speeches with which he can do
Yes, man gives up the spirit, and where no good?
is he? 4 Yes, you do away with fear,
11 As the waters fail from the sea,
and hinder devotion before God.
and the river wastes and dries up, 5 For your iniquity teaches your mouth,
12 so man lies down and doesn’t rise.
and you choose the language of the
Until the heavens are no more, they crafty.
will not awake, 6 Your own mouth condemns you, and not
nor be roused out of their sleep.
13 “Oh that you would hide me in Sheol,† Yes, your own lips testify against you.
that you would keep me secret until 7 “Are you the first man who was born?
your wrath is past, Or were you brought out before the
that you would appoint me a set time hills?
and remember me! 8 Have you heard the secret counsel of
14 If a man dies, will he live again?
I would wait all the days of my war- Do you limit wisdom to yourself?
fare, 9 What do you know that we don’t know?
until my release should come. What do you understand which is not
15 You would call, and I would answer you.
in us?
You would have a desire for the work 10 With us are both the gray-headed and
of your hands. the very aged men,
16 But now you count my steps.
much older than your father.
Don’t you watch over my sin? 11 Are the consolations of God too small for
17 My disobedience is sealed up in a bag. you,
You fasten up my iniquity. even the word that is gentle toward
18 “But the mountain falling comes to noth- 12 Why does your heart carry you away?
ing. Why do your eyes flash,
The rock is removed out of its place. 13 that you turn your spirit against God,
19 The waters wear the stones.
and let such words go out of your
The torrents of it wash away the dust mouth?
of the earth. 14 What is man, that he should be clean?
So you destroy the hope of man. What is he who is born of a woman,
20 You forever prevail against him, and he
that he should be righteous?
departs. 15 Behold, he puts no trust in his holy ones.
You change his face, and send him Yes, the heavens are not clean in his
away. sight;
21 His sons come to honor, and he doesn’t
16 how much less one who is abominable
know it. and corrupt,
They are brought low, but he doesn’t
a man who drinks iniquity like water!
perceive it of them.
22 But his flesh on him has pain,
17 “I will show you, listen to me;
and his soul within him mourns.” that which I have seen I will declare
(which wise men have told by their fa-

1 Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered,
and have not hidden it;
19 to whom alone the land was given,
2 “Should a wise man answer with vain
knowledge, and no stranger passed among them):
20 the wicked man writhes in pain all his
and fill himself with the east wind?
3 Should he reason with unprofitable talk, days,
† 14:13 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Job 15:21 580 Job 16:15

even the number of years that are laid 16

1 Then Job answered,
up for the oppressor.
21 A sound of terrors is in his ears. 2 “I have heard many such things.
In prosperity the destroyer will come You are all miserable comforters!
on him. 3 Shall vain words have an end?
22 He doesn’t believe that he will return out Or what provokes you that you an-
of darkness. swer?
He is waited for by the sword. 4 I also could speak as you do.
23 He wanders abroad for bread, saying, If your soul were in my soul’s place,
‘Where is it?’ I could join words together against
He knows that the day of darkness is you,
ready at his hand. and shake my head at you,
24 Distress and anguish make him afraid. 5 but I would strengthen you with my

They prevail against him, as a king mouth.

ready to the battle. The solace of my lips would relieve
25 Because he has stretched out his hand
against God, 6 “Though I speak, my grief is not subsided.
and behaves himself proudly against Though I forbear, what am I eased?
the Almighty, 7 But now, God, you have surely worn me
26 he runs at him with a stiff neck, out.
with the thick shields of his bucklers, You have made all my company deso-
27 because he has covered his face with his late.
fatness, 8 You have shriveled me up. This is a
and gathered fat on his thighs. witness against me.
28 He has lived in desolate cities, My leanness rises up against me.
in houses which no one inhabited, It testifies to my face.
which were ready to become heaps. 9 He has torn me in his wrath and perse-
29 He will not be rich, neither will his sub- cuted me.
stance continue, He has gnashed on me with his teeth.
neither will their possessions be ex- My adversary sharpens his eyes on
tended on the earth. me.
10 They have gaped on me with their
30 He will not depart out of darkness.
The flame will dry up his branches. mouth.
They have struck me on the cheek re-
He will go away by the breath of God’s proachfully.
mouth. They gather themselves together
31 Let him not trust in emptiness, deceiving
against me.
himself, 11 God delivers me to the ungodly,
for emptiness will be his reward.
32 It will be accomplished before his time.
and casts me into the hands of the
His branch will not be green. 12 I was at ease, and he broke me apart.
33 He will shake off his unripe grape as the Yes, he has taken me by the neck, and
vine, dashed me to pieces.
and will cast off his flower as the olive He has also set me up for his target.
tree. 13 His archers surround me.
34 For the company of the godless will be
He splits my kidneys apart, and does
barren, not spare.
and fire will consume the tents of He pours out my bile on the ground.
bribery. 14 He breaks me with breach on breach.
35 They conceive mischief and produce in- He runs at me like a giant.
iquity. 15 I have sewed sackcloth on my skin,
Their heart prepares deceit.” and have thrust my horn in the dust.
Job 16:16 581 Job 18:11

16 My face is red with weeping. I will not find a wise man among you.
Deep darkness is on my eyelids, 11 My days are past.
17 although there is no violence in my My plans are broken off,
hands, as are the thoughts of my heart.
and my prayer is pure. 12 They change the night into day,
saying ‘The light is near’ in the pres-
18 “Earth, don’t cover my blood.
ence of darkness.
Let my cry have no place to rest. 13 If I look for Sheol† as my house,
19 Even now, behold, my witness is in if I have spread my couch in the dark-
heaven. ness,
He who vouches for me is on high. 14 if I have said to corruption, ‘You are my
20 My friends scoff at me. father,’
My eyes pour out tears to God, and to the worm, ‘My mother,’ and ‘My
21 that he would maintain the right of a sister,’
15 where then is my hope?
man with God,
of a son of man with his neighbor! As for my hope, who will see it?
22 For when a few years have come, 16 Shall it go down with me to the gates of
I will go the way of no return. Sheol,‡
or descend together into the dust?”

1 “My spirit is consumed. 18
1 Then Bildad the Shuhite answered,
My days are extinct
2 “How long will you hunt for words?
and the grave is ready for me.
2 Surely there are mockers with me. Consider, and afterwards we will
My eye dwells on their provocation. speak.
3 Why are we counted as animals,
3 “Now give a pledge. Be collateral for me which have become unclean in your
with yourself. sight?
4 You who tear yourself in your anger,
Who is there who will strike hands
with me? will the earth be forsaken for you?
4 For you have hidden their heart from Or will the rock be removed out of its
understanding, place?
therefore you will not exalt them.
5 He who denounces his friends for plun- 5 “Yes, the light of the wicked will be put
der, out.
The spark of his fire won’t shine.
even the eyes of his children will fail. 6
The light will be dark in his tent.
6 “But he has made me a byword of the His lamp above him will be put out.
7 The steps of his strength will be short-
They spit in my face. ened.
7 My eye also is dim by reason of sorrow. His own counsel will cast him down.
8 For he is cast into a net by his own feet,
All my members are as a shadow. and he wanders into its mesh.
8 Upright men will be astonished at this. 9 A snare will take him by the heel.
The innocent will stir himself up A trap will catch him.
against the godless. 10 A noose is hidden for him in the ground,
9 Yet the righteous will hold to his way. a trap for him on the path.
He who has clean hands will grow 11 Terrors will make him afraid on every
stronger and stronger. side,
10 But as for you all, come back. and will chase him at his heels.
† 17:13 Sheol is the place of the dead. ‡ 17:16 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Job 18:12 582 Job 19:27

12 His strength will be famished. and taken the crown from my head.
Calamity will be ready at his side. 10 He has broken me down on every side,
13 The members of his body will be de- and I am gone.
voured. He has plucked my hope up like a tree.
The firstborn of death will devour his 11 He has also kindled his wrath against
members. me.
14 He will be rooted out of the security of
He counts me among his adversaries.
his tent. 12 His troops come on together,
He will be brought to the king of ter- build a siege ramp against me,
15 There will dwell in his tent that which is and encamp around my tent.
none of his.
13 “He has put my brothers far from me.
Sulfur will be scattered on his habita-
tion. My acquaintances are wholly es-
16 His roots will be dried up beneath.
tranged from me.
His branch will be cut off above. 14 My relatives have gone away.
17 His memory will perish from the earth.
My familiar friends have forgotten
He will have no name in the street. me.
18 He will be driven from light into dark- 15 Those who dwell in my house and my
ness, maids consider me a stranger.
and chased out of the world. I am an alien in their sight.
19 He will have neither son nor grandson
16 I call to my servant, and he gives me no
among his people,
nor any remaining where he lived. I beg him with my mouth.
20 Those who come after will be astonished 17 My breath is offensive to my wife.
at his day,
I am loathsome to the children of my
as those who went before were fright- own mother.
ened. 18 Even young children despise me.
21 Surely such are the dwellings of the un-
If I arise, they speak against me.
righteous. 19 All my familiar friends abhor me.
This is the place of him who doesn’t
They whom I loved have turned
know God.”
against me.
19 20 My bones stick to my skin and to my
1 Then Job answered, flesh.
2 “How long will you torment me, I have escaped by the skin of my teeth.
and crush me with words? 21 “Have
3 You have reproached me ten times. pity on me. Have pity on me, you
You aren’t ashamed that you attack my friends,
me. for the hand of God has touched me.
4 If it is true that I have erred, 22 Why do you persecute me as God,
my error remains with myself. and are not satisfied with my flesh?
5 If indeed you will magnify yourselves
23 “Oh that my words were now written!
against me,
and plead against me my reproach, Oh that they were inscribed in a book!
6 know now that God has subverted me, 24 That with an iron pen and lead
and has surrounded me with his net. they were engraved in the rock for-
7 “Behold, I cry out of wrong, but I am not 25 But as for me, I know that my Redeemer
heard. lives.
I cry for help, but there is no justice. In the end, he will stand upon the
8 He has walled up my way so that I can’t earth.
pass, 26 After my skin is destroyed,
and has set darkness in my paths. then I will see God in my flesh,
9 He has stripped me of my glory, 27 whom I, even I, will see on my side.
Job 19:28 583 Job 20:29

My eyes will see, and not as a stranger. 14 yet his food in his bowels is turned.
It is cobra venom within him.
“My heart is consumed within me. He has swallowed down riches, and he
28 If you say, ‘How we will persecute him!’ will vomit them up again.
because the root of the matter is found God will cast them out of his belly.
in me, 16 He will suck cobra venom.
29 be afraid of the sword, The viper’s tongue will kill him.
for wrath brings the punishments of 17 He will not look at the rivers,
the sword, the flowing streams of honey and but-
that you may know there is a judg- ter.
18 He will restore that for which he labored,
and will not swallow it down.
20 He will not rejoice according to the
1 Then Zophar the Naamathite an- substance that he has gotten.
swered, 19 For he has oppressed and forsaken the
2 “Therefore my thoughts answer me, poor.
even by reason of my haste that is in He has violently taken away a house,
me. and he will not build it up.
3 I have heard the reproof which puts me
to shame. 20 “Because he knew no quietness within
The spirit of my understanding an- him,
swers me. he will not save anything of that in
4 Don’t you know this from old time,
which he delights.
since man was placed on earth, 21 There was nothing left that he didn’t
5 that the triumphing of the wicked is short,
the joy of the godless but for a mo- therefore his prosperity will not en-
ment? dure.
6 Though his height mount up to the heav- 22
In the fullness of his sufficiency, distress
ens, will overtake him.
and his head reach to the clouds, The hand of everyone who is in misery
7 yet he will perish forever like his own
will come on him.
dung. 23 When he is about to fill his belly, God
Those who have seen him will say, will cast the fierceness of his wrath
‘Where is he?’ on him.
8 He will fly away as a dream, and will not It will rain on him while he is eating.
be found. 24 He will flee from the iron weapon.
Yes, he will be chased away like a vi- The bronze arrow will strike him
sion of the night. through.
9 The eye which saw him will see him no 25 He draws it out, and it comes out of his
more, body.
neither will his place see him any Yes, the glittering point comes out of
more. his liver.
10 His children will seek the favor of the
Terrors are on him.
poor. 26 All darkness is laid up for his treasures.
His hands will give back his wealth. An unfanned fire will devour him.
11 His bones are full of his youth, It will consume that which is left in his
but youth will lie down with him in the tent.
27 The heavens will reveal his iniquity.
The earth will rise up against him.
12 “Though wickedness is sweet in his 28
The increase of his house will depart.
mouth, They will rush away in the day of his
though he hide it under his tongue, wrath.
13 though he spare it, and will not let it go, 29 This is the portion of a wicked man from
but keep it still within his mouth, God,
Job 21:1 584 Job 22:1

the heritage appointed to him by God.” 19 You say, ‘God lays up his iniquity for his
21 Let him recompense it to himself, that
1 Then Job answered, he may know it.
2 “Listen diligently to my speech. 20 Let his own eyes see his destruction.
Let this be your consolation. Let him drink of the wrath of the
3 Allow me, and I also will speak. Almighty.
21 For what does he care for his house after
After I have spoken, mock on.
4 As for me, is my complaint to man? him,
when the number of his months is cut
Why shouldn’t I be impatient? off?
5 Look at me, and be astonished.
Lay your hand on your mouth. 22 “Shall any teach God knowledge,
6 When I remember, I am troubled. since he judges those who are high?
Horror takes hold of my flesh. 23 One dies in his full strength,
being wholly at ease and quiet.
7 “Why do the wicked live, 24 His pails are full of milk.
become old, yes, and grow mighty in The marrow of his bones is moistened.
power? 25 Another dies in bitterness of soul,
8 Their child is established with them in and never tastes of good.
their sight, 26 They lie down alike in the dust.
their offspring before their eyes. The worm covers them.
9 Their houses are safe from fear,
neither is the rod of God upon them. 27 “Behold, I know your thoughts,
10 Their bulls breed without fail. the plans with which you would
Their cows calve, and don’t miscarry. wrong me.
28 For you say, ‘Where is the house of the
11 They send out their little ones like a flock.
Their children dance. prince?
12 They sing to the tambourine and harp, Where is the tent in which the wicked
and rejoice at the sound of the pipe. lived?’
13 They spend their days in prosperity. 29 Haven’t you asked wayfaring men?

In an instant they go down to Sheol.† Don’t you know their evidences,

14 They tell God, ‘Depart from us, 30 that the evil man is reserved to the day

for we don’t want to know about your of calamity,

ways. that they are led out to the day of
15 What is the Almighty, that we should wrath?
31 Who will declare his way to his face?
serve him?
What profit should we have, if we pray Who will repay him what he has done?
32 Yet he will be borne to the grave.
to him?’
16 Behold, their prosperity is not in their Men will keep watch over the tomb.
hand. 33 The clods of the valley will be sweet to
The counsel of the wicked is far from him.
me. All men will draw after him,
17 “How often is it that the lamp of the as there were innumerable before
wicked is put out, 34 So how can you comfort me with non-
that their calamity comes on them, sense,
that God distributes sorrows in his because in your answers there re-
anger? mains only falsehood?”
18 How often is it that they are as stubble
before the wind, 22
as chaff that the storm carries away? 1 Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered,

† 21:13 Sheol is the place of the dead.

Job 22:2 585 Job 23:5

2 “Can a man be profitable to God? but the counsel of the wicked is far
Surely he who is wise is profitable to from me.
19 The righteous see it, and are glad.
3 Is it any pleasure to the Almighty that you The innocent ridicule them,
20 saying, ‘Surely those who rose up against
are righteous?
Or does it benefit him that you make us are cut off.
your ways perfect? The fire has consumed their remnant.’
4 Is it for your piety that he reproves you,
“Acquaint yourself with him now, and
that he enters with you into judgment? be at peace.
5 Isn’t your wickedness great?
By it, good will come to you.
Neither is there any end to your iniq-
22 Please receive instruction from his
uities. mouth,
6 For you have taken pledges from your and lay up his words in your heart.
brother for nothing, 23 If you return to the Almighty, you will be
and stripped the naked of their cloth- built up,
ing. if you put away unrighteousness far
7 You haven’t given water to the weary to from your tents.
drink, 24 Lay your treasure in the dust,
and you have withheld bread from the the gold of Ophir among the stones of
hungry. the brooks.
8 But as for the mighty man, he had the 25 The Almighty will be your treasure,
earth. and precious silver to you.
The honorable man, he lived in it. 26 For then you will delight yourself in the
9 You have sent widows away empty,
and the arms of the fatherless have and will lift up your face to God.
been broken. 27 You will make your prayer to him, and he
10 Therefore snares are around you.
Sudden fear troubles you, will hear you.
11 or darkness, so that you can not see, You will pay your vows.
28 You will also decree a thing, and it will be
and floods of waters cover you.
established to you.
12 “Isn’t God in the heights of heaven? Light will shine on your ways.
29 When they cast down, you will say, ‘be
See the height of the stars, how high
they are! lifted up.’
13 You say, ‘What does God know? He will save the humble person.
30 He will even deliver him who is not
Can he judge through the thick dark-
ness? Yes, he will be delivered through the
14 Thick clouds are a covering to him, so
cleanness of your hands.”
that he doesn’t see.
He walks on the vault of the sky.’
15 Will you keep the old way,
1 Then Job answered,
which wicked men have trodden, 2 “Even today my complaint is rebellious.
16 who were snatched away before their
time, His hand is heavy in spite of my groan-
whose foundation was poured out as a ing.
stream, 3 Oh that I knew where I might find him!
17 who said to God, ‘Depart from us!’ That I might come even to his seat!
and, ‘What can the Almighty do for 4 I would set my cause in order before him,
us?’ and fill my mouth with arguments.
18 Yet he filled their houses with good 5
I would know the words which he would
things, answer me,
Job 23:6 586 Job 24:17

and understand what he would tell 3 They drive away the donkey of the father-
me. less,
6 Would he contend with me in the great-
and they take the widow’s ox for a
ness of his power? pledge.
No, but he would listen to me. 4 They turn the needy out of the way.
7 There the upright might reason with him,
The poor of the earth all hide them-
so I should be delivered forever from selves.
my judge. 5 Behold, as wild donkeys in the desert,

8 “If I go east, he is not there.

they go out to their work, seeking dili-
gently for food.
If I go west, I can’t find him. The wilderness yields them bread for their
9 He works to the north, but I can’t see him.
He turns south, but I can’t catch a 6 They cut their food in the field.
glimpse of him. They glean the vineyard of the wicked.
7 They lie all night naked without
10 But he knows the way that I take.
When he has tried me, I will come out
like gold. and have no covering in the cold.
8 They are wet with the showers of the
11 My foot has held fast to his steps.
I have kept his way, and not turned and embrace the rock for lack of a shelter.
away. 9 There are those who pluck the father-
12 I haven’t gone back from the command-
less from the breast,
ment of his lips. and take a pledge of the poor,
I have treasured up the words of 10 so that they go around naked with-
his mouth more than my necessary out clothing.
food. Being hungry, they carry the sheaves.
13 But he stands alone, and who can oppose
11 They make oil within the walls of these
him? men.
What his soul desires, even that he They tread wine presses, and suffer
does. thirst.
14 For he performs that which is appointed
12 From out of the populous city, men
for me. groan.
Many such things are with him. The soul of the wounded cries out,
15 Therefore I am terrified at his presence.
yet God doesn’t regard the folly.
When I consider, I am afraid of him.
16 For God has made my heart faint. 13 “These are of those who rebel against the
The Almighty has terrified me. light.
17 Because I was not cut off before the They don’t know its ways,
darkness, nor stay in its paths.
neither did he cover the thick dark- 14 The murderer rises with the light.
ness from my face.
He kills the poor and needy.
In the night he is like a thief.
15 The eye also of the adulterer waits for
24 the twilight,
1 “Why aren’t times laid up by the saying, ‘No eye will see me.’
Almighty? He disguises his face.
Why don’t those who know him see his 16 In the dark they dig through houses.
days? They shut themselves up in the day-
2 There are people who remove the land- time.
marks. They don’t know the light.
They violently take away flocks, and 17 For the morning is to all of them like
feed them. thick darkness,
Job 24:18 587 Job 27:4

for they know the terrors of the thick 2 “How have you helped him who is with-
darkness. out power!
How have you saved the arm that has
18 “They are foam on the surface of the no strength!
waters. 3 How have you counseled him who has no
Their portion is cursed in the earth.
They don’t turn into the way of the wisdom,
and plentifully declared sound knowl-
19 Drought and heat consume the snow
4 To whom have you uttered words?
so does Sheol† those who have sinned. Whose spirit came out of you?
20 The womb will forget him.
5 “The departed spirits tremble,
The worm will feed sweetly on him.
He will be no more remembered. those beneath the waters and all that
Unrighteousness will be broken as a live in them.
6 Sheol† is naked before God,
21 He devours the barren who don’t bear. and Abaddon‡ has no covering.
7 He stretches out the north over empty
He shows no kindness to the widow.
22 Yet God preserves the mighty by his space,
power. and hangs the earth on nothing.
He rises up who has no assurance of 8 He binds up the waters in his thick clouds,
life. and the cloud is not burst under them.
23 God gives them security, and they rest in 9 He encloses the face of his throne,
it. and spreads his cloud on it.
His eyes are on their ways. 10 He has described a boundary on the
24 They are exalted; yet a little while, and surface of the waters,
they are gone. and to the confines of light and dark-
Yes, they are brought low, they are ness.
11 The pillars of heaven tremble
taken out of the way as all others,
and are cut off as the tops of the ears of and are astonished at his rebuke.
12 He stirs up the sea with his power,
grain. and by his understanding he strikes
25 If it isn’t so now, who will prove me a liar,
through Rahab.
and make my speech worth nothing?” 13 By his Spirit the heavens are garnished.
His hand has pierced the swift serpent.
14 Behold, these are but the outskirts of his
1 Then Bildad the Shuhite answered,
2 “Dominion and fear are with him.
How small a whisper do we hear of
He makes peace in his high places. But the thunder of his power who can
3 Can his armies be counted?
On whom does his light not arise?
4 How then can man be just with God?
1 Job again took up his parable, and said,
Or how can he who is born of a woman
be clean? 2 “As God lives, who has taken away my
5 Behold, even the moon has no brightness,
and the stars are not pure in his sight; the Almighty, who has made my soul
6 How much less man, who is a worm,
and the son of man, who is a worm!” 3 (for the length of my life is still in me,
and the spirit of God is in my nostrils);
1 Then Job answered,
26 4 surely my lips will not speak unrighteous-
† 24:19 Sheol is the place of the dead. † 26:6 Sheol is the place of the dead. ‡ 26:6 Abaddon means Destroyer.
Job 27:5 588 Job 28:15

neither will my tongue utter deceit. It sweeps him out of his place.
5 Far be it from me that I should justify you. 22 For it hurls at him, and does not spare,
Until I die I will not put away my in- as he flees away from his hand.
tegrity from me. 23 Men will clap their hands at him,
6 I hold fast to my righteousness, and will and will hiss him out of his place.
not let it go.
My heart will not reproach me so long
as I live.
1 “Surely there is a mine for silver,
7 “Let my enemy be as the wicked.
Let him who rises up against me be as and a place for gold which they refine.
the unrighteous. 2 Iron is taken out of the earth,
and copper is smelted out of the ore.
8 For what is the hope of the godless, when 3 Man sets an end to darkness,
he is cut off, and searches out, to the furthest
when God takes away his life? bound,
9 Will God hear his cry when trouble comes the stones of obscurity and of thick
on him? darkness.
10 Will he delight himself in the Almighty, 4 He breaks open a shaft away from where
and call on God at all times? people live.
11 I will teach you about the hand of God. They are forgotten by the foot.
I will not conceal that which is with the They hang far from men, they swing
Almighty. back and forth.
12 Behold, all of you have seen it your- 5 As for the earth, out of it comes bread.
selves; Underneath it is turned up as it were
why then have you become altogether by fire.
vain? 6 Sapphires come from its rocks.

13 “This is the portion of a wicked man with It has dust of gold.

7 That path no bird of prey knows,
the heritage of oppressors, which they neither has the falcon’s eye seen it.
8 The proud animals have not trodden it,
receive from the Almighty.
14 If his children are multiplied, it is for the nor has the fierce lion passed by there.
9 He puts his hand on the flinty rock,
His offspring will not be satisfied with and he overturns the mountains by
bread. the roots.
15 Those who remain of him will be buried 10 He cuts out channels among the rocks.
in death. His eye sees every precious thing.
His widows will make no lamentation. 11 He binds the streams that they don’t
16 Though he heap up silver as the dust,
and prepare clothing as the clay; The thing that is hidden he brings out
17 he may prepare it, but the just will put it
to light.
and the innocent will divide the silver. 12 “But where will wisdom be found?
18 He builds his house as the moth,
Where is the place of understanding?
as a booth which the watchman 13 Man doesn’t know its price,
19 He lies down rich, but he will not do so and it isn’t found in the land of the
again. living.
14 The deep says, ‘It isn’t in me.’
He opens his eyes, and he is not.
20 Terrors overtake him like waters. The sea says, ‘It isn’t with me.’
A storm steals him away in the night. 15 It can’t be gotten for gold,
21 The east wind carries him away, and he neither will silver be weighed for its
departs. price.
Job 28:16 589 Job 29:23

16 It can’t be valued with the gold of Ophir, when the friendship of God was in my
with the precious onyx, or the sap- tent,
5 when the Almighty was yet with me,
17 Gold and glass can’t equal it, and my children were around me,
6 when my steps were washed with butter,
neither will it be exchanged for jewels
of fine gold. and the rock poured out streams of oil
18 No mention will be made of coral or of for me,
7 when I went out to the city gate,
Yes, the price of wisdom is above ru- when I prepared my seat in the street.
8 The young men saw me and hid them-
19 The topaz of Ethiopia will not equal it. selves.
It won’t be valued with pure gold. The aged rose up and stood.
9 The princes refrained from talking,
20 Where then does wisdom come from?
Where is the place of understanding? and laid their hand on their mouth.
10 The voice of the nobles was hushed,
21 Seeing it is hidden from the eyes of all
and their tongue stuck to the roof of
living, their mouth.
and kept close from the birds of the 11 For when the ear heard me, then it
sky. blessed me,
22 Destruction and Death say, and when the eye saw me, it com-
‘We have heard a rumor of it with our mended me,
ears.’ 12 because I delivered the poor who cried,
and the fatherless also, who had no
23 “God understands its way,
one to help him,
and he knows its place. 13 the blessing of him who was ready to
24 For he looks to the ends of the earth, perish came on me,
and sees under the whole sky. and I caused the widow’s heart to sing
25 He establishes the force of the wind. for joy.
Yes, he measures out the waters by 14 I put on righteousness, and it clothed me.
measure. My justice was as a robe and a diadem.
26 When he made a decree for the rain,
15 I was eyes to the blind,
and a way for the lightning of the thun-
der, and feet to the lame.
16 I was a father to the needy.
27 then he saw it, and declared it.
I researched the cause of him whom I
He established it, yes, and searched it didn’t know.
out. 17 I broke the jaws of the unrighteous
28 To man he said,
and plucked the prey out of his teeth.
‘Behold, the fear of the Lord,‡ that is 18 Then I said, ‘I will die in my own house,
To depart from evil is understand- I will count my days as the sand.
19 My root is spread out to the waters.
ing.’ ”
The dew lies all night on my branch.
20 My glory is fresh in me.

1 Job again took up his parable, and said,
My bow is renewed in my hand.’

2 “Oh that I were as in the months of old, 21 “Men listened to me, waited,

as in the days when God watched over and kept silence for my counsel.
22 After my words they didn’t speak again.
3 when his lamp shone on my head, My speech fell on them.
23 They waited for me as for the rain.
and by his light I walked through dark-
ness, Their mouths drank as with the spring
4 as I was in my prime, rain.
† 28:16 or, lapis lazuli ‡ 28:28 The word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.”
Job 29:24 590 Job 30:31

24 I smiled on them when they had no 15 Terrors have turned on me.

confidence. They chase my honor as the wind.
They didn’t reject the light of my face. My welfare has passed away as a
25 I chose out their way, and sat as chief. cloud.
I lived as a king in the army,
16 “Now my soul is poured out within me.
as one who comforts the mourners.
Days of affliction have taken hold of
17 In the night season my bones are pierced
30 in me,
1 “But now those who are younger than I and the pains that gnaw me take no
have me in derision, rest.
whose fathers I considered unworthy 18 My garment is disfigured by great force.
to put with my sheep dogs. It binds me about as the collar of my
2 Of what use is the strength of their hands tunic.
to me, 19 He has cast me into the mire.
men in whom ripe age has perished? I have become like dust and ashes.
3 They are gaunt from lack and famine. 20 I cry to you, and you do not answer me.
They gnaw the dry ground, in the I stand up, and you gaze at me.
gloom of waste and desolation. 21 You have turned to be cruel to me.
4 They pluck salt herbs by the bushes. With the might of your hand you per-
The roots of the broom tree are their secute me.
22 You lift me up to the wind, and drive me
5 They are driven out from among men. with it.
They cry after them as after a thief, You dissolve me in the storm.
6 so that they live in frightful valleys, 23 For I know that you will bring me to

and in holes of the earth and of the death,

rocks. to the house appointed for all living.
7 They bray among the bushes.
They are gathered together under the 24 “However doesn’t one stretch out a hand
nettles. in his fall?
8 They are children of fools, yes, children of Or in his calamity therefore cry for
wicked men. help?
They were flogged out of the land. 25 Didn’t I weep for him who was in trou-
9 “Now I have become their song. Wasn’t my soul grieved for the needy?
Yes, I am a byword to them. 26 When I looked for good, then evil came.
10 They abhor me, they stand aloof from When I waited for light, darkness
me, came.
and don’t hesitate to spit in my face. 27 My heart is troubled, and doesn’t rest.
11 For he has untied his cord, and afflicted Days of affliction have come on me.
me; 28 I go mourning without the sun.
and they have thrown off restraint be-
I stand up in the assembly, and cry for
fore me.
12 On my right hand rise the rabble. help.
29 I am a brother to jackals,
They thrust aside my feet.
They cast their ways of destruction up and a companion to ostriches.
against me. 30 My skin grows black and peels from me.
13 They mar my path. My bones are burned with heat.
They promote my destruction 31 Therefore my harp has turned to mourn-
without anyone’s help. ing,
14 As through a wide breach they come. and my pipe into the voice of those
They roll themselves in amid the ruin. who weep.
Job 31:1 591 Job 31:33

1 “I made a covenant with my eyes;
18 (no, from my youth he grew up with me
as with a father,
how then should I look lustfully at a I have guided her from my mother’s
young woman? womb);
2 For what is the portion from God above, 19 if I have seen any perish for want of
and the heritage from the Almighty on clothing,
high? or that the needy had no covering;
3 Is it not calamity to the unrighteous, 20 if his heart hasn’t blessed me,
and disaster to the workers of iniq- if he hasn’t been warmed with my
uity? sheep’s fleece;
4 Doesn’t he see my ways, 21 if I have lifted up my hand against the

and count all my steps? fatherless,

because I saw my help in the gate;
5 “If I have walked with falsehood, 22 then let my shoulder fall from the shoul-
and my foot has hurried to deceit der blade,
6 (let me be weighed in an even balance, and my arm be broken from the bone.
23 For calamity from God is a terror to me.
that God may know my integrity);
7 if my step has turned out of the way, Because of his majesty, I can do noth-
if my heart walked after my eyes, ing.
24 “If I have made gold my hope,
if any defilement has stuck to my
hands, and have said to the fine gold, ‘You are
8 then let me sow, and let another eat. my confidence;’
Yes, let the produce of my field be 25 If I have rejoiced because my wealth was
rooted out. great,
and because my hand had gotten
9 “If my heart has been enticed to a woman, much;
and I have laid wait at my neighbor’s 26 if I have seen the sun when it shined,
door, or the moon moving in splendor,
10 then let my wife grind for another, 27 and my heart has been secretly enticed,
and let others sleep with her. and my hand threw a kiss from my
11 For that would be a heinous crime. mouth;
Yes, it would be an iniquity to be pun- 28 this also would be an iniquity to be pun-
ished by the judges, ished by the judges,
12 for it is a fire that consumes to destruc- for I would have denied the God who
tion, is above.
and would root out all my increase. 29 “If I have rejoiced at the destruction of
13 “If I have despised the cause of my male him who hated me,
servant or lifted up myself when evil found
or of my female servant, him
when they contended with me, 30 (I have certainly not allowed my mouth
14 what then will I do when God rises up? to sin
When he visits, what will I answer by asking his life with a curse);
him? 31 if the men of my tent have not said,
15 Didn’t he who made me in the womb ‘Who can find one who has not been
make him? filled with his meat?’
Didn’t one fashion us in the womb? 32 (the foreigner has not camped in the
16 “If I have withheld the poor from their street,
desire, but I have opened my doors to the
or have caused the eyes of the widow traveler);
to fail, 33 if like Adam I have covered my trans-
17 or have eaten my morsel alone, gressions,
and the fatherless has not eaten of it by hiding my iniquity in my heart,
Job 31:34 592 Job 33:2

34 because I feared the great multitude, nor the aged who understand justice.
and the contempt of families terrified 10 Therefore I said, ‘Listen to me;
me, I also will show my opinion.’
so that I kept silence, and didn’t go out
of the door— 11 “Behold, I waited for your words,
35 oh that I had one to hear me!
and I listened for your reasoning,
Behold, here is my signature! Let the
Almighty answer me! while you searched out what to say.
12 Yes, I gave you my full attention,
Let the accuser write my indictment!
36 Surely I would carry it on my shoulder, but there was no one who convinced
and I would bind it to me as a crown. or who answered his words, among
37 I would declare to him the number of my
steps. you.
13 Beware lest you say, ‘We have found
I would go near to him like a prince.
38 If my land cries out against me, wisdom.
God may refute him, not man;’
and its furrows weep together; 14 for he has not directed his words against
39 if I have eaten its fruits without money,
or have caused its owners to lose their neither will I answer him with your
40 let briers grow instead of wheat, speeches.
and stinkweed instead of barley.” 15 “They are amazed. They answer no
The words of Job are ended. They don’t have a word to say.
16 Shall I wait, because they don’t speak,
32 because they stand still, and answer
1So these three men ceased to answer no more?
Job, because he was righteous in his own 17 I also will answer my part,
eyes. 2 Then the wrath of Elihu the son of
and I also will show my opinion.
Barachel, the Buzite, of the family of Ram, 18 For I am full of words.
was kindled against Job. His wrath was
The spirit within me constrains me.
kindled because he justified himself rather 19 Behold, my breast is as wine which has
than God. 3 Also his wrath was kindled no vent;
against his three friends, because they had
like new wineskins it is ready to burst.
found no answer, and yet had condemned 20 I will speak, that I may be refreshed.
Job. 4 Now Elihu had waited to speak to Job,
because they were older than he. 5 When I will open my lips and answer.
21 Please don’t let me respect any man’s
Elihu saw that there was no answer in the
mouth of these three men, his wrath was person,
kindled. neither will I give flattering titles to
any man.
6 Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite 22 For I don’t know how to give flattering
answered, titles,
“I am young, and you are very old. or else my Maker would soon take me
Therefore I held back, and didn’t dare away.
show you my opinion.
7 I said, ‘Days should speak,
and multitude of years should teach
wisdom.’ 33
8 But there is a spirit in man, 1 “However, Job, please hear my speech,
and the Spirit† of the Almighty gives and listen to all my words.
them understanding. 2 See now, I have opened my mouth.
9 It is not the great who are wise, My tongue has spoken in my mouth.
† 32:8 or, breath
Job 33:3 593 Job 34:4

3 My words will utter the uprightness of my 20 so that his life abhors bread,
heart. and his soul dainty food.
That which my lips know they will 21 His flesh is so consumed away that it
speak sincerely. can’t be seen.
4 The Spirit of God has made me, His bones that were not seen stick out.
22 Yes, his soul draws near to the pit,
and the breath of the Almighty gives
me life. and his life to the destroyers.
5 If you can, answer me.
Set your words in order before me, 23 “If there is beside him an angel,
and stand up. an interpreter, one among a thousand,
6 Behold, I am toward God even as you are. to show to man what is right for him,
I am also formed out of the clay. 24 then God is gracious to him, and says,
7 Behold, my terror will not make you ‘Deliver him from going down to the
afraid, pit,
neither will my pressure be heavy on I have found a ransom.’
you. 25 His flesh will be fresher than a child’s.
He returns to the days of his youth.
8 “Surely you have spoken in my hearing, 26 He prays to God, and he is favorable to
I have heard the voice of your words, him,
saying, so that he sees his face with joy.
9 ‘I am clean, without disobedience. He restores to man his righteousness.
I am innocent, neither is there iniquity 27 He sings before men, and says,
in me. ‘I have sinned, and perverted that
10 Behold, he finds occasions against me.
which was right,
He counts me for his enemy. and it didn’t profit me.
11 He puts my feet in the stocks. 28 He has redeemed my soul from going
He marks all my paths.’ into the pit.
12 “Behold, I will answer you. In this you My life will see the light.’
are not just, 29 “Behold, God does all these things,
for God is greater than man. twice, yes three times, with a man,
13 Why do you strive against him,
30 to bring back his soul from the pit,
because he doesn’t give account of any that he may be enlightened with the
of his matters? light of the living.
14 For God speaks once,
31 Mark well, Job, and listen to me.
yes twice, though man pays no atten-
tion. Hold your peace, and I will speak.
15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, 32 If you have anything to say, answer me.

when deep sleep falls on men, Speak, for I desire to justify you.
in slumbering on the bed, 33 If not, listen to me.
16 then he opens the ears of men, Hold your peace, and I will teach you
and seals their instruction, wisdom.”
17 that he may withdraw man from his
and hide pride from man. 34
1 Moreover Elihu answered,
18 He keeps back his soul from the pit,
2 “Hear my words, you wise men.
and his life from perishing by the
Give ear to me, you who have knowl-
19 “He is chastened also with pain on his 3 For the ear tries words,
bed, as the palate tastes food.
with continual strife in his bones, 4 Let us choose for us that which is right.
Job 34:5 594 Job 34:35

Let us know among ourselves what is 20 In a moment they die, even at midnight.
good. The people are shaken and pass away.
5 For Job has said, ‘I am righteous, The mighty are taken away without a
God has taken away my right. hand.
6 Notwithstanding my right I am consid-
21 “For his eyes are on the ways of a man.
ered a liar.
My wound is incurable, though I am He sees all his goings.
22 There is no darkness, nor thick gloom,
without disobedience.’
7 What man is like Job, where the workers of iniquity may
who drinks scorn like water, hide themselves.
8 who goes in company with the workers of 23 For he doesn’t need to consider a man
iniquity, further,
and walks with wicked men? that he should go before God in judg-
9 For he has said, ‘It profits a man nothing ment.
24 He breaks mighty men in pieces in ways
that he should delight himself with
God.’ past finding out,
and sets others in their place.
10 “Therefore listen to me, you men of un- 25 Therefore he takes knowledge of their
derstanding: works.
far be it from God, that he should do He overturns them in the night, so that
wickedness, they are destroyed.
from the Almighty, that he should 26 He strikes them as wicked men
commit iniquity. in the open sight of others;
11 For the work of a man he will render to 27 because they turned away from follow-
him, ing him,
and cause every man to find according and wouldn’t pay attention to any of
to his ways. his ways,
12 Yes surely, God will not do wickedly, 28 so that they caused the cry of the poor to
neither will the Almighty pervert jus- come to him.
tice. He heard the cry of the afflicted.
13 Who put him in charge of the earth? 29 When he gives quietness, who then can
Or who has appointed him over the condemn?
whole world? When he hides his face, who then can
14 If he set his heart on himself,
see him?
if he gathered to himself his spirit and He is over a nation or a man alike,
his breath, 30 that the godless man may not reign,
15 all flesh would perish together, that there be no one to ensnare the
and man would turn again to dust. people.
16 “If now you have understanding, hear 31 “For has any said to God,
this. ‘I am guilty, but I will not offend any
Listen to the voice of my words. more.
17 Should even one who hates justice gov- 32 Teach me that which I don’t see.

ern? If I have done iniquity, I will do it no

Will you condemn him who is righ- more’?
33 Shall his recompense be as you desire,
teous and mighty,
18 who says to a king, ‘Vile!’ that you refuse it?
or to nobles, ‘Wicked!’? For you must choose, and not I.
19 He doesn’t respect the persons of Therefore speak what you know.
34 Men of understanding will tell me,
nor respect the rich more than the yes, every wise man who hears me:
poor, 35 ‘Job speaks without knowledge.
for they all are the work of his hands. His words are without wisdom.’
Job 34:36 595 Job 36:12

36 I wish that Job were tried to the end, The cause is before him, and you wait
because of his answering like wicked for him!
men. 15 But now, because he has not visited in
37 For he adds rebellion to his sin. his anger,
He claps his hands among us, neither does he greatly regard arro-
and multiplies his words against God.” gance,
16 therefore Job opens his mouth with
empty talk,
1 Moreover Elihu answered,
and he multiplies words without
2 “Do you think this to be your right,
or do you say, ‘My righteousness is
more than God’s,’
3 that you ask, ‘What advantage will it be to
1 Elihu also continued, and said,
you? 2 “Bear with me a little, and I will show you;
What profit will I have, more than if I for I still have something to say on
had sinned?’ God’s behalf.
4 I will answer you, 3 I will get my knowledge from afar,
and your companions with you. and will ascribe righteousness to my
5 Look to the skies, and see.
See the skies, which are higher than 4 For truly my words are not false.
you. One who is perfect in knowledge is
6 If you have sinned, what effect do you
with you.
have against him?
If your transgressions are multiplied, 5 “Behold, God is mighty, and doesn’t de-
what do you do to him? spise anyone.
7 If you are righteous, what do you give He is mighty in strength of under-
him? standing.
Or what does he receive from your 6 He doesn’t preserve the life of the wicked,
hand? but gives justice to the afflicted.
8 Your wickedness may hurt a man as you
7 He doesn’t withdraw his eyes from the
and your righteousness may profit a righteous,
son of man. but with kings on the throne,
he sets them forever, and they are
9 “By reason of the multitude of oppres- exalted.
sions they cry out. 8 If they are bound in fetters,
They cry for help by reason of the arm and are taken in the cords of afflic-
of the mighty. tions,
10 But no one says, ‘Where is God my 9 then he shows them their work,

Maker, and their transgressions, that they

who gives songs in the night, have behaved themselves proudly.
11 who teaches us more than the animals of 10 He also opens their ears to instruction,
the earth, and commands that they return from
and makes us wiser than the birds of iniquity.
the sky?’ 11 If they listen and serve him,
12 There they cry, but no one answers, they will spend their days in prosper-
because of the pride of evil men. ity,
13 Surely God will not hear an empty cry, and their years in pleasures.
neither will the Almighty regard it. 12 But if they don’t listen, they will perish
14 How much less when you say you don’t by the sword;
see him. they will die without knowledge.
Job 36:13 596 Job 37:15

13 “But those who are godless in heart lay 31 For by these he judges the people.
up anger. He gives food in abundance.
They don’t cry for help when he binds 32 He covers his hands with the lightning,
them. and commands it to strike the mark.
14 They die in youth. 33 Its noise tells about him,
Their life perishes among the unclean. and the livestock also, concerning the
15 He delivers the afflicted by their afflic- storm that comes up.
and opens their ear in oppression.
16 Yes, he would have allured you out of 37
1 “Yes, at this my heart trembles,
into a wide place, where there is no and is moved out of its place.
restriction. 2 Hear, oh, hear the noise of his voice,
That which is set on your table would the sound that goes out of his mouth.
be full of fatness. 3 He sends it out under the whole sky,

17 “But
and his lightning to the ends of the
you are full of the judgment of the earth.
wicked. 4 After it a voice roars.
Judgment and justice take hold of you. He thunders with the voice of his
18 Don’t let riches entice you to wrath, majesty.
neither let the great size of a bribe turn He doesn’t hold back anything when
you aside. his voice is heard.
19 Would your wealth sustain you in dis- 5 God thunders marvelously with his voice.
tress, He does great things, which we can’t
or all the might of your strength? comprehend.
20 Don’t desire the night, 6 For he says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’
when people are cut off in their place. likewise to the shower of rain,
21 Take heed, don’t regard iniquity; and to the showers of his mighty rain.
for you have chosen this rather than 7 He seals up the hand of every man,
affliction. that all men whom he has made may
22 Behold, God is exalted in his power.
know it.
Who is a teacher like him? 8 Then the animals take cover,
23 Who has prescribed his way for him? and remain in their dens.
Or who can say, ‘You have committed 9 Out of its room comes the storm,
unrighteousness?’ and cold out of the north.
10 By the breath of God, ice is given,
24 “Remember that you magnify his work, and the width of the waters is frozen.
11 Yes, he loads the thick cloud with mois-
about which men have sung.
25 All men have looked on it. ture.
He spreads abroad the cloud of his
Man sees it afar off.
26 Behold, God is great, and we don’t know lightning.
12 It is turned around by his guidance,
The number of his years is unsearch- that they may do whatever he com-
able. mands them
27 For he draws up the drops of water, on the surface of the habitable world,
13 whether it is for correction, or for his
which distill in rain from his vapor,
28 which the skies pour down land,
and which drop on man abundantly. or for loving kindness, that he causes
29 Indeed, can anyone understand the it to come.
spreading of the clouds 14 “Listen to this, Job.
and the thunderings of his pavilion? Stand still, and consider the wondrous
30 Behold, he spreads his light around him.
works of God.
He covers the bottom of the sea. 15 Do you know how God controls them,
Job 37:16 597 Job 38:25

and causes the lightning of his cloud to and wrapped it in thick darkness,
shine? 10 marked out for it my bound,
16 Do you know the workings of the clouds,
set bars and doors,
the wondrous works of him who is 11 and said, ‘You may come here, but no
perfect in knowledge? further.
17 You whose clothing is warm
Your proud waves shall be stopped
when the earth is still by reason of the here’?
south wind?
18 Can you, with him, spread out the sky, “Have you commanded the morning in
which is strong as a cast metal mirror? your days,
19 Teach us what we will tell him, and caused the dawn to know its place,
for we can’t make our case by reason 13 that it might take hold of the ends of the
of darkness. earth,
20 Will it be told him that I would speak?
and shake the wicked out of it?
Or should a man wish that he were 14 It is changed as clay under the seal,
swallowed up? and presented as a garment.
15 From the wicked, their light is withheld.
21 Now men don’t see the light which is
The high arm is broken.
bright in the skies,
but the wind passes, and clears them. 16 “Have you entered into the springs of the
22 Out of the north comes golden splendor.
With God is awesome majesty. Or have you walked in the recesses of
23 We can’t reach the Almighty.
the deep?
He is exalted in power. 17 Have the gates of death been revealed to
In justice and great righteousness, he you?
will not oppress. Or have you seen the gates of the
24 Therefore men revere him.
shadow of death?
He doesn’t regard any who are wise of 18 Have you comprehended the earth in its
heart.” width?
Declare, if you know it all.
1 Then the LORD answered Job out of the
19 “What is the way to the dwelling of light?

whirlwind, As for darkness, where is its place,

2 “Who is this who darkens counsel 20 that you should take it to its bound,
by words without knowledge? that you should discern the paths to its
3 Brace yourself like a man, house?
21 Surely you know, for you were born
for I will question you, then you an-
swer me! then,
and the number of your days is great!
4 “Where were you when I laid the founda- 22 Have you entered the storehouses of the
tions of the earth? snow,
Declare, if you have understanding. or have you seen the storehouses of
5 Who determined its measures, if you the hail,
know? 23 which I have reserved against the time
Or who stretched the line on it? of trouble,
6 What were its foundations fastened on?
against the day of battle and war?
Or who laid its cornerstone, 24 By what way is the lightning distributed,
7 when the morning stars sang together,
or the east wind scattered on the
and all the sons of God shouted for joy? earth?
8 “Or who shut up the sea with doors, 25 Who has cut a channel for the flood
when it broke out of the womb, water,
9 when I made clouds its garment, or the path for the thunderstorm,
Job 38:26 598 Job 39:17

26 to cause it to rain on a land where there Do you watch when the doe bears
is no man, fawns?
on the wilderness, in which there is no 2 Can you count the months that they ful-
man, fill?
27 to satisfy the waste and desolate ground,
Or do you know the time when they
to cause the tender grass to grow? give birth?
28 Does the rain have a father? 3 They bow themselves. They bear their
Or who fathers the drops of dew? young.
29 Whose womb did the ice come out of?
They end their labor pains.
Who has given birth to the gray frost 4 Their young ones become strong.
of the sky?
30 The waters become hard like stone, They grow up in the open field.
They go out, and don’t return again.
when the surface of the deep is frozen.
5 “Who has set the wild donkey free?
31 “Can you bind the cluster of the Pleiades,
or loosen the cords of Orion? Or who has loosened the bonds of the
32 Can you lead the constellations out in swift donkey,
6 whose home I have made the wilderness,
their season?
Or can you guide the Bear with her and the salt land his dwelling place?
7 He scorns the tumult of the city,
33 Do you know the laws of the heavens? neither does he hear the shouting of
Can you establish its dominion over the driver.
the earth? 8 The range of the mountains is his pasture.
He searches after every green thing.
34 “Can you lift up your voice to the clouds,
that abundance of waters may cover 9 “Will the wild ox be content to serve you?
you? Or will he stay by your feeding trough?
35 Can you send out lightnings, that they 10 Can you hold the wild ox in the furrow
may go? with his harness?
Do they report to you, ‘Here we are’? Or will he till the valleys after you?
36 Who has put wisdom in the inward 11 Will you trust him, because his strength
parts? is great?
Or who has given understanding to Or will you leave to him your labor?
the mind? 12 Will you confide in him, that he will
37 Who can count the clouds by wisdom?
bring home your seed,
Or who can pour out the containers of
the sky, and gather the grain of your threshing
38 when the dust runs into a mass, floor?
and the clods of earth stick together? 13 “The wings of the ostrich wave proudly,

39 “Can you hunt the prey for the lioness, but are they the feathers and plumage
of love?
or satisfy the appetite of the young 14 For she leaves her eggs on the earth,
lions, warms them in the dust,
40 when they crouch in their dens,
15 and forgets that the foot may crush them,
and lie in wait in the thicket? or that the wild animal may trample
41 Who provides for the raven his prey,
when his young ones cry to God, them.
16 She deals harshly with her young ones,
and wander for lack of food?
as if they were not hers.
Though her labor is in vain, she is
39 without fear,
1 “Do you know the time when the moun- 17 because God has deprived her of wis-
tain goats give birth? dom,
Job 39:18 599 Job 40:21

neither has he imparted to her under- 4 “Behold, I am of small account. What will
standing. I answer you?
18 When she lifts up herself on high, I lay my hand on my mouth.
5 I have spoken once, and I will not answer;
she scorns the horse and his rider.
Yes, twice, but I will proceed no fur-
19 “Have you given the horse might?
Have you clothed his neck with a quiv-
ering mane? 6 Then the LORD answered Job out of the
20 Have you made him to leap as a locust? whirlwind:
The glory of his snorting is awesome. 7 “Now brace yourself like a man.
21 He paws in the valley, and rejoices in his I will question you, and you will an-
strength. swer me.
8 Will you even annul my judgment?
He goes out to meet the armed men.
22 He mocks at fear, and is not dismayed,
Will you condemn me, that you may
be justified?
neither does he turn back from the 9
sword. Or do you have an arm like God?
23 The quiver rattles against him, Can you thunder with a voice like him?
the flashing spear and the javelin.
24 He eats up the ground with fierceness 10 “Now deck yourself with excellency and
and rage, dignity.
neither does he stand still at the sound Array yourself with honor and
of the trumpet. majesty.
25 As often as the trumpet sounds he snorts, 11 Pour out the fury of your anger.
‘Aha!’ Look at everyone who is proud, and
He smells the battle afar off, bring him low.
the thunder of the captains, and the 12 Look at everyone who is proud, and
shouting. humble him.
Crush the wicked in their place.
26 “Is it by your wisdom that the hawk 13
Hide them in the dust together.
and stretches her wings toward the 14 Bind their faces in the hidden place.
south? Then I will also admit to you
27 Is it at your command that the eagle that your own right hand can save
mounts up, you.
and makes his nest on high?
28 On the cliff he dwells and makes his 15 “See now behemoth, which I made as
home, well as you.
on the point of the cliff and the He eats grass as an ox.
stronghold. 16 Look now, his strength is in his thighs.
29 From there he spies out the prey. His force is in the muscles of his belly.
His eyes see it afar off. 17 He moves his tail like a cedar.
30 His young ones also suck up blood. The sinews of his thighs are knit to-
Where the slain are, there he is.” gether.
18 His bones are like tubes of bronze.
His limbs are like bars of iron.
1 Moreover the LORD answered Job, 19 He is the chief of the ways of God.
2 “Shall he who argues contend with the He who made him gives him his
Almighty? sword.
20 Surely the mountains produce food for
He who argues with God, let him an-
swer it.” him,
where all the animals of the field play.
3 Then Job answered the LORD, 21 He lies under the lotus trees,
Job 40:22 600 Job 41:33

in the covert of the reed, and the Who will come within his jaws?
marsh. 14 Who can open the doors of his face?
22 The lotuses cover him with their shade.
Around his teeth is terror.
The willows of the brook surround 15 Strong scales are his pride,
23 Behold, if a river overflows, he doesn’t shut up together with a close seal.
tremble. 16 One is so near to another,
He is confident, though the Jordan
swells even to his mouth. that no air can come between them.
24 Shall any take him when he is on the 17 They are joined to one another.

watch, They stick together, so that they can’t

or pierce through his nose with a be pulled apart.
18 His sneezing flashes out light.
His eyes are like the eyelids of the
19 Out of his mouth go burning torches.
1 “Can you draw out Leviathan† with a fish Sparks of fire leap out.
20 Out of his nostrils a smoke goes,
or press down his tongue with a cord? as of a boiling pot over a fire of reeds.
2 Can you put a rope into his nose, 21 His breath kindles coals.

or pierce his jaw through with a hook? A flame goes out of his mouth.
3 Will he make many petitions to you, 22 There is strength in his neck.

or will he speak soft words to you? Terror dances before him.

23 The flakes of his flesh are joined to-
4 Will he make a covenant with you,
that you should take him for a servant
They are firm on him.
5 Will you play with him as with a bird? They can’t be moved.
24 His heart is as firm as a stone,
Or will you bind him for your girls?
6 Will traders barter for him? yes, firm as the lower millstone.
25 When he raises himself up, the mighty
Will they part him among the mer-
chants? are afraid.
7 Can you fill his skin with barbed irons, They retreat before his thrashing.
26 If one attacks him with the sword, it can’t
or his head with fish spears?
8 Lay your hand on him. prevail;
Remember the battle, and do so no nor the spear, the dart, nor the pointed
more. shaft.
9 Behold, the hope of him is in vain. 27 He counts iron as straw,
Won’t one be cast down even at the and bronze as rotten wood.
28 The arrow can’t make him flee.
sight of him?
Sling stones are like chaff to him.
10 None is so fierce that he dare stir him up. 29 Clubs are counted as stubble.

Who then is he who can stand before He laughs at the rushing of the javelin.
me? 30 His undersides are like sharp potsherds,
11 Who has first given to me, that I should leaving a trail in the mud like a thresh-
repay him? ing sledge.
Everything under the heavens is mine. 31 He makes the deep to boil like a pot.
He makes the sea like a pot of oint-
12 “I will not keep silence concerning his ment.
limbs, 32 He makes a path shine after him.
nor his mighty strength, nor his goodly One would think the deep had white
frame. hair.
13 Who can strip off his outer garment? 33 On earth there is not his equal,

† 41:1 Leviathan is a name for a crocodile or similar creature.

Job 41:34 601 Job 42:17

that is made without fear. the LORD had brought on him. Everyone
34 He sees everything that is high.
also gave him a piece of money,† and ev-
He is king over all the sons of pride.” eryone a ring of gold.
12 So the LORD blessed the latter end of
Job more than his beginning. He had four-
1 Then Job answered the LORD:
teen thousand sheep, six thousand camels,
one thousand yoke of oxen, and a thou-
2 “I know that you can do all things,
sand female donkeys. 13 He had also seven
and that no purpose of yours can be sons and three daughters. 14 He called the
restrained. name of the first, Jemimah; and the name
3 You asked, ‘Who is this who hides counsel
of the second, Keziah; and the name of
without knowledge?’ the third, Keren Happuch. 15 In all the
therefore I have uttered that which I land were no women found so beautiful
didn’t understand, as the daughters of Job. Their father gave
things too wonderful for me, which I
them an inheritance among their brothers.
didn’t know. 16 After this Job lived one hundred forty
4 You said, ‘Listen, now, and I will speak;
I will question you, and you will an- years, and saw his sons, and his sons’ sons,
swer me.’ to four generations. 17 So Job died, being
5 I had heard of you by the hearing of the old and full of days.
but now my eye sees you.
6 Therefore I abhor myself,
and repent in dust and ashes.”
7 Itwas so, that after the LORD had spo-
ken these words to Job, the LORD said to
Eliphaz the Temanite, “My wrath is kin-
dled against you, and against your two
friends; for you have not spoken of me the
thing that is right, as my servant Job has.
8 Now therefore, take to yourselves seven
bulls and seven rams, and go to my servant
Job, and offer up for yourselves a burnt
offering; and my servant Job shall pray for
you, for I will accept him, that I not deal
with you according to your folly. For you
have not spoken of me the thing that is
right, as my servant Job has.”
9 So Eliphaz the Temanite and Bildad the
Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite went
and did what the LORD commanded them,
and the LORD accepted Job.
10 The LORD restored Job’s prosperity
when he prayed for his friends. The LORD
gave Job twice as much as he had before.
11 Then all his brothers, all his sisters, and
all those who had been of his acquaintance
before, came to him and ate bread with
him in his house. They comforted him, and
consoled him concerning all the evil that
† 42:11 literally, kesitah, a unit of money, probably silver
Psalms 1:1 602 Psalms 3:8

the uttermost parts of the earth for

your possession.
The Psalms 9 You shall break them with a rod of iron.
BOOK 1 You shall dash them in pieces like a
potter’s vessel.”
1 Blessed is the man who doesn’t walk in
10 Now therefore be wise, you kings.
Be instructed, you judges of the earth.
the counsel of the wicked, 11 Serve the LORD with fear,
nor stand on the path of sinners, and rejoice with trembling.
nor sit in the seat of scoffers; 12 Give sincere homage to the Son,§ lest he
2 but his delight is in the LORD’s† law.
be angry, and you perish on the way,
On his law he meditates day and night. for his wrath will soon be kindled.
3 He will be like a tree planted by the Blessed are all those who take refuge
streams of water, in him.
that produces its fruit in its season,
whose leaf also does not wither. 3
Whatever he does shall prosper. A Psalm by David, when he fled from Absa-
4 The wicked are not so, lom his son.
1 LORD, how my adversaries have in-
but are like the chaff which the wind
drives away. creased!
5 Therefore the wicked shall not stand in Many are those who rise up against
the judgment, me.
2 Many there are who say of my soul,
nor sinners in the congregation of the “There is no help for him in God.”†
righteous. Selah.
6 For the LORD knows the way of the righ- 3
But you, LORD, are a shield around me,
teous, my glory, and the one who lifts up my
but the way of the wicked shall perish. head.
4 I cry to the LORD with my voice,
1 Why do the nations rage,
and he answers me out of his holy hill.
and the peoples plot a vain thing? 5 I laid myself down and slept.
2 The kings of the earth take a stand, I awakened, for the LORD sustains me.
and the rulers take counsel together, 6 I will not be afraid of tens of thousands of
against the LORD, and against his people
Anointed, saying,
† who have set themselves against me
3 “Let’s break their bonds apart, on every side.
7 Arise, LORD!
and cast their cords from us.”
4 He who sits in the heavens will laugh. Save me, my God!
The Lord will have them in derision.
‡ For you have struck all of my enemies on
5 Then he will speak to them in his anger, the cheek bone.
and terrify them in his wrath: You have broken the teeth of the
6 “Yet I have set my King on my holy hill of 8
Salvation belongs to the LORD.
Zion.” May your blessing be on your people.
7 I will tell of the decree:
The LORD said to me, “You are my son.
Today I have become your father. 4
8 Ask of me, and I will give the nations for For the Chief Musician; on stringed instru-
your inheritance, ments. A Psalm by David.
† 1:2 When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, “LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name. † 2:2
The word “Anointed” is the same as the word for “Messiah” or “Christ” ‡ 2:4 The word translated “Lord” is
“Adonai.” § 2:12 or, Kiss the son † 3:2 The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim).
Psalms 4:1 603 Psalms 6:7

1 Answer me when I call, God of my righ- 7 But as for me, in the abundance of your
teousness. loving kindness I will come into
Give me relief from my distress. your house.
Have mercy on me, and hear my I will bow toward your holy temple in
2 You sons of men, how long shall my glory
reverence of you.
8 Lead me, LORD, in your righteousness
be turned into dishonor? because of my enemies.
Will you love vanity and seek after
falsehood? Make your way straight before my
Selah. face.
3 But know that the LORD has set apart for 9 For there is no faithfulness in their
himself him who is godly; Their heart is destruction.
The LORD will hear when I call to him. Their throat is an open tomb.
4 Stand in awe, and don’t sin.
They flatter with their tongue.
Search your own heart on your bed, 10 Hold them guilty, God.
and be still. Let them fall by their own counsels.
5 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness. Thrust them out in the multitude of their
Put your trust in the LORD.
6 Many say, “Who will show us any good?”
for they have rebelled against you.
11 But let all those who take refuge in you
LORD, let the light of your face shine rejoice.
on us.
7 You have put gladness in my heart, Let them always shout for joy, because
more than when their grain and their you defend them.
new wine are increased. Let them also who love your name be joy-
8 In peace I will both lay myself down and ful in you.
12 For you will bless the righteous.
for you alone, LORD, make me live in LORD, you will surround him with favor as
safety. with a shield.

5 6
For the Chief Musician; on stringed instru-
For the Chief Musician, with the flutes. A ments, upon the eight-stringed lyre. A
Psalm by David.
1 Give ear to my words, LORD.
Psalm by David.
1 LORD, don’t rebuke me in your anger,
Consider my meditation. neither discipline me in your wrath.
2 Listen to the voice of my cry, my King and 2 Have mercy on me, LORD, for I am faint.
my God, LORD, heal me, for my bones are trou-
for I pray to you. bled.
3 LORD, in the morning you will hear my 3 My soul is also in great anguish.
voice. But you, LORD—how long?
In the morning I will lay my requests 4 Return, LORD. Deliver my soul,
before you, and will watch expec- and save me for your loving kindness’
tantly. sake.
4 For you are not a God who has pleasure in 5 For in death there is no memory of you.
wickedness. In Sheol,† who shall give you thanks?
Evil can’t live with you. 6 I am weary with my groaning.
5 The arrogant will not stand in your sight. Every night I flood my bed.
You hate all workers of iniquity. I drench my couch with my tears.
6 You will destroy those who speak lies. 7 My eye wastes away because of grief.
The LORD abhors the bloodthirsty and It grows old because of all my adver-
deceitful man. saries.
† 6:5 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Psalms 6:8 604 Psalms 8:5

8 Depart from me, all you workers of iniq- their minds and hearts are searched
uity, by the righteous God.
10 My shield is with God,
for the LORD has heard the voice of my
weeping. who saves the upright in heart.
9 The LORD has heard my supplication. 11 God is a righteous judge,

The LORD accepts my prayer. yes, a God who has indignation every
10 May all my enemies be ashamed and day.
12 If a man doesn’t repent, he will sharpen
They shall turn back, they shall be his sword;
disgraced suddenly. he has bent and strung his bow.
13 He has also prepared for himself the

7 instruments of death.
He makes ready his flaming arrows.
A meditation by David, which he sang to
14 Behold,† he travails with iniquity.
the LORD, concerning the words of Cush,
the Benjamite. Yes, he has conceived mischief,
1 LORD, my God, I take refuge in you. and brought out falsehood.
15 He has dug a hole,
Save me from all those who pursue
me, and deliver me, and has fallen into the pit which he
2 lest they tear apart my soul like a lion, made.
16 The trouble he causes shall return to his
ripping it in pieces, while there is no own head.
one to deliver. His violence shall come down on the
3 LORD, my God, if I have done this, crown of his own head.
if there is iniquity in my hands, 17 I will give thanks to the LORD according
4 if I have rewarded evil to him who was at to his righteousness,
peace with me and will sing praise to the name of the
(yes, I have delivered him who with- LORD Most High.
out cause was my adversary),
5 let the enemy pursue my soul, and 8
overtake it; For the Chief Musician; on an instrument
yes, let him tread my life down to the earth, of Gath. A Psalm by David.
1 LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your
and lay my glory in the dust.
Selah. name in all the earth!
6 Arise, LORD, in your anger. You have set your glory above the
Lift up yourself against the rage of my 2 heavens!
adversaries. From the lips of babes and infants you
Awake for me. You have commanded judg- have established strength,
ment. because of your adversaries, that you
7 Let the congregation of the peoples might silence the enemy and the
surround you. avenger.
3 When I consider your heavens, the work
Rule over them on high.
8 The LORD administers judgment to the of your fingers,
peoples. the moon and the stars, which you
Judge me, LORD, according to my righ- have ordained,
teousness, 4 what is man, that you think of him?
and to my integrity that is in me. What is the son of man, that you care
9 Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come for him?
to an end, 5 For you have made him a little lower than
but establish the righteous; the angels,†
† 7:14 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.
† 8:5 Hebrew: Elohim. The word Elohim, used here, usually means “God”, but can also mean “gods”, “princes”, or
“angels”. The Septuagint reads “angels” here. See also the quote from the Septuagint in Hebrews 2:7.
Psalms 8:6 605 Psalms 10:5

and crowned him with glory and and declare among the people what he
honor. has done.
6 You make him ruler over the works of 12 For he who avenges blood remembers
your hands. them.
You have put all things under his feet: He doesn’t forget the cry of the af-
7 All sheep and cattle, flicted.
yes, and the animals of the field, 13 Have mercy on me, LORD.
8 the birds of the sky, the fish of the sea, See my affliction by those who hate
and whatever passes through the me,
paths of the seas. and lift me up from the gates of death,
9 LORD, our Lord, 14 that I may show all of your praise.

how majestic is your name in all the I will rejoice in your salvation in the
earth! gates of the daughter of Zion.
15 The nations have sunk down in the pit
9 that they made.
For the Chief Musician. Set to “The Death In the net which they hid, their own
of the Son.” A Psalm by David.
1 I will give thanks to the LORD with my
foot is taken.
16 The LORD has made himself known.
whole heart. He has executed judgment.
I will tell of all your marvelous works. The wicked is snared by the work of
2 I will be glad and rejoice in you.
his own hands.
I will sing praise to your name, O Most Meditation. Selah.
High. 17 The wicked shall be turned back to
3 When my enemies turn back, Sheol,†
they stumble and perish in your pres- even all the nations that forget God.
ence. 18 For the needy shall not always be forgot-
4 For you have maintained my just cause. ten,
You sit on the throne judging righ- nor the hope of the poor perish for-
teously. ever.
5 You have rebuked the nations. 19 Arise, LORD! Don’t let man prevail.
You have destroyed the wicked. Let the nations be judged in your sight.
You have blotted out their name for- 20 Put them in fear, LORD.
ever and ever. Let the nations know that they are
6 The enemy is overtaken by endless ruin.
only men.
The very memory of the cities which Selah.
you have overthrown has perished.
7 But the LORD reigns forever.
He has prepared his throne for judg- 1 Why do you stand far off, LORD?
ment. Why do you hide yourself in times of
8 He will judge the world in righteousness.
He will administer judgment to the 2 In arrogance, the wicked hunt down the
peoples in uprightness. weak.
9 The LORD will also be a high tower for the They are caught in the schemes that
oppressed; they devise.
a high tower in times of trouble. 3 For the wicked boasts of his heart’s crav-
10 Those who know your name will put ings.
their trust in you, He blesses the greedy and condemns
for you, LORD, have not forsaken the LORD.
those who seek you. 4 The wicked, in the pride of his face,
11 Sing praises to the LORD, who dwells in has no room in his thoughts for God.
Zion, 5 His ways are prosperous at all times.

† 9:17 Sheol is the place of the dead.

Psalms 10:6 606 Psalms 12:7

He is arrogant, and your laws are far 11

from his sight. For the Chief Musician. By David.
As for all his adversaries, he sneers at 1 In the LORD, I take refuge.
them. How can you say to my soul, “Flee as a
6 He says in his heart, “I shall not be bird to your mountain”?
shaken. 2 For, behold, the wicked bend their bows.
For generations I shall have no trou- They set their arrows on the strings,
ble.” that they may shoot in darkness at the
7 His mouth is full of cursing, deceit, and
upright in heart.
oppression. 3 If the foundations are destroyed,
Under his tongue is mischief and iniq- what can the righteous do?
uity. 4 The LORD is in his holy temple.
8 He lies in wait near the villages.
The LORD is on his throne in heaven.
From ambushes, he murders the inno- His eyes observe.
cent. His eyes examine the children of men.
His eyes are secretly set against the help- 5 The LORD examines the righteous,
less. but his soul hates the wicked and him
9 He lurks in secret as a lion in his ambush.
who loves violence.
He lies in wait to catch the helpless. 6 On the wicked he will rain blazing coals;
He catches the helpless when he fire, sulfur, and scorching wind shall
draws him in his net. be the portion of their cup.
10 The helpless are crushed. 7 For the LORD is righteous.
They collapse. He loves righteousness.
They fall under his strength. The upright shall see his face.
11 He says in his heart, “God has forgotten.
He hides his face. 12
He will never see it.” For the Chief Musician; upon an eight-
12 Arise, LORD!
stringed lyre. A Psalm of David.
1 Help, LORD; for the godly man ceases.
God, lift up your hand!
For the faithful fail from among the
Don’t forget the helpless.
13 Why does the wicked person condemn 2
children of men.
Everyone lies to his neighbor.
God, They speak with flattering lips, and
and say in his heart, “God won’t call with a double heart.
me into account?” 3 May the LORD cut off all flattering lips,
14 But you do see trouble and grief.
and the tongue that boasts,
You consider it to take it into your 4 who have said, “With our tongue we will
hand. prevail.
You help the victim and the fatherless. Our lips are our own.
15 Break the arm of the wicked.
Who is lord over us?”
As for the evil man, seek out his 5 “Because of the oppression of the weak
wickedness until you find none. and because of the groaning of the
16 The LORD is King forever and ever!
The nations will perish out of his land. I will now arise,” says the LORD;
17 LORD, you have heard the desire of the “I will set him in safety from those who
humble. malign him.”
You will prepare their heart. 6 The LORD’s words are flawless words,
You will cause your ear to hear, as silver refined in a clay furnace, pu-
18 to judge the fatherless and the op-
rified seven times.
pressed, 7 You will keep them, LORD.
that man who is of the earth may ter- You will preserve them from this gen-
rify no more. eration forever.
Psalms 12:8 607 Psalms 16:7

8 The wicked walk on every side, 7 Oh that the salvation of Israel would
when what is vile is exalted among the come out of Zion!
sons of men. When the LORD restores the fortunes
of his people,
13 then Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel
shall be glad.
For the Chief Musician. A Psalm by David.
1 How long, LORD?
Will you forget me forever?
A Psalm by David.
How long will you hide your face from 1 LORD, who shall dwell in your sanctuary?
me? Who shall live on your holy hill?
2 How long shall I take counsel in my soul,
2 He who walks blamelessly and does what
having sorrow in my heart every day?
is right,
How long shall my enemy triumph
over me? and speaks truth in his heart;
3 Behold, and answer me, LORD, my God. 3 he who doesn’t slander with his tongue,
Give light to my eyes, lest I sleep in nor does evil to his friend,
death; nor casts slurs against his fellow man;
4 lest my enemy say, “I have prevailed 4 in whose eyes a vile man is despised,
against him;” but who honors those who fear the
lest my adversaries rejoice when I fall. he who keeps an oath even when it
5 But I trust in your loving kindness. hurts, and doesn’t change;
5 he who doesn’t lend out his money for
My heart rejoices in your salvation. usury,
6 I will sing to the LORD,
nor take a bribe against the innocent.
because he has been good to me.
He who does these things shall never be
14 shaken.
For the Chief Musician. By David.
1 The fool has said in his heart, “There is no 16
God.” A Poem by David.
1 Preserve me, God, for I take refuge in you.
They are corrupt.
2 My soul, you have said to the LORD, “You
They have done abominable deeds.
There is no one who does good. are my Lord.
2 The LORD looked down from heaven on Apart from you I have no good thing.”
the children of men, 3 As for the saints who are in the earth,
to see if there were any who under- they are the excellent ones in whom is
stood, all my delight.
who sought after God.
3 They have all gone aside. 4 Their sorrows shall be multiplied who

They have together become corrupt. give gifts to another god.

There is no one who does good, no, not Their drink offerings of blood I will
one. not offer,
4 Have all the workers of iniquity no nor take their names on my lips.
knowledge, 5 The LORD assigned my portion and my
who eat up my people as they eat cup.
bread, You made my lot secure.
and don’t call on the LORD? 6 The lines have fallen to me in pleasant
5 There they were in great fear,
for God is in the generation of the righ- places.
teous. Yes, I have a good inheritance.
6 You frustrate the plan of the poor, 7 I will bless the LORD, who has given me
because the LORD is his refuge. counsel.
Psalms 16:8 608 Psalms 18:7

Yes, my heart instructs me in the night 11 They have now surrounded us in our
seasons. steps.
8 I have set the LORD always before me.
They set their eyes to cast us down to
Because he is at my right hand, I shall the earth.
not be moved. 12 He is like a lion that is greedy of his prey,
9 Therefore my heart is glad, and my
as it were a young lion lurking in se-
tongue rejoices. cret places.
My body shall also dwell in safety. 13 Arise, LORD, confront him.
10 For you will not leave my soul in Sheol,† Cast him down.
neither will you allow your holy one to Deliver my soul from the wicked by your
see corruption. sword,
11 You will show me the path of life. 14 from men by your hand, LORD,

In your presence is fullness of joy. from men of the world, whose portion
In your right hand there are pleasures for- is in this life.
ever more. You fill the belly of your cherished ones.
Your sons have plenty,
17 and they store up wealth for their chil-
A Prayer by David. dren.
1 Hear, LORD, my righteous plea. 15 As for me, I shall see your face in righ-
Give ear to my prayer that doesn’t go teousness.
out of deceitful lips. I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with
2 Let my sentence come out of your pres- seeing your form.
Let your eyes look on equity. 18
3 You have proved my heart. For the Chief Musician. By David the ser-
You have visited me in the night. vant of the LORD, who spoke to the LORD
You have tried me, and found nothing. the words of this song in the day that the
I have resolved that my mouth shall LORD delivered him from the hand of all
his enemies, and from the hand of Saul. He
not disobey. said,
4 As for the deeds of men, by the word of 1
I love you, LORD, my strength.
your lips, 2 The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my
I have kept myself from the ways of the deliverer;
violent. my God, my rock, in whom I take
5 My steps have held fast to your paths.
My feet have not slipped. my shield, and the horn of my salva-
6 I have called on you, for you will answer
tion, my high tower.
me, God. 3 I call on the LORD, who is worthy to be
Turn your ear to me.
Hear my speech.
7 Show your marvelous loving kindness, and I am saved from my enemies.
4 The cords of death surrounded me.
you who save those who take refuge The floods of ungodliness made me
by your right hand from their ene- afraid.
mies. 5 The cords of Sheol† were around me.
8 Keep me as the apple of your eye.
The snares of death came on me.
Hide me under the shadow of your 6 In my distress I called on the LORD,
wings, and cried to my God.
9 from the wicked who oppress me, He heard my voice out of his temple.
my deadly enemies, who surround My cry before him came into his ears.
me. 7 Then the earth shook and trembled.
10 They close up their callous hearts.
The foundations also of the mountains
With their mouth they speak proudly. quaked and were shaken,
† 16:10 Sheol is the place of the dead. † 18:5 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Psalms 18:8 609 Psalms 18:41

because he was angry. 24 Therefore the LORD has rewarded me

8 Smoke went out of his nostrils. according to my righteousness,
Consuming fire came out of his mouth. according to the cleanness of my
Coals were kindled by it. hands in his eyesight.
9 He bowed the heavens also, and came 25 With the merciful you will show yourself
down. merciful.
Thick darkness was under his feet. With the perfect man, you will show
10 He rode on a cherub, and flew. yourself perfect.
Yes, he soared on the wings of the 26 With the pure, you will show yourself
wind. pure.
11 He made darkness his hiding place, his With the crooked you will show your-
pavilion around him, self shrewd.
darkness of waters, thick clouds of the 27 For you will save the afflicted people,
skies. but the arrogant eyes you will bring
12 At the brightness before him his thick
clouds passed, 28 For you will light my lamp, LORD.
hailstones and coals of fire. My God will light up my darkness.
13 The LORD also thundered in the sky. 29 For by you, I advance through a troop.
The Most High uttered his voice: By my God, I leap over a wall.
hailstones and coals of fire. 30 As for God, his way is perfect.
14 He sent out his arrows, and scattered
The LORD’s word is tried.
them. He is a shield to all those who take
He routed them with great lightning refuge in him.
bolts. 31 For who is God, except the LORD?
15 Then the channels of waters appeared.
Who is a rock, besides our God,
The foundations of the world were 32 the God who arms me with strength,
laid bare at your rebuke, LORD,
and makes my way perfect?
at the blast of the breath of your nos- 33 He makes my feet like deer’s feet,
16 He sent from on high. and sets me on my high places.
34 He teaches my hands to war,
He took me.
He drew me out of many waters. so that my arms bend a bow of bronze.
17 He delivered me from my strong enemy, 35 You have also given me the shield of your

from those who hated me; for they salvation.

were too mighty for me. Your right hand sustains me.
18 They came on me in the day of my Your gentleness has made me great.
36 You have enlarged my steps under me,
but the LORD was my support. My feet have not slipped.
37 I will pursue my enemies, and overtake
19 He brought me out also into a large place.
He delivered me, because he delighted them.
I won’t turn away until they are con-
in me. sumed.
20 The LORD has rewarded me according to
38 I will strike them through, so that they
my righteousness. will not be able to rise.
According to the cleanness of my They shall fall under my feet.
hands, he has recompensed me. 39 For you have armed me with strength to
21 For I have kept the ways of the LORD,
the battle.
and have not wickedly departed from You have subdued under me those
my God. who rose up against me.
22 For all his ordinances were before me. 40 You have also made my enemies turn
I didn’t put away his statutes from me. their backs to me,
23 I was also blameless with him. that I might cut off those who hate me.
I kept myself from my iniquity. 41 They cried, but there was no one to save;
Psalms 18:42 610 Psalms 20:4

even to the LORD, but he didn’t answer like a strong man rejoicing to run his
them. course.
42 Then I beat them small as the dust before 6 His going out is from the end of the heav-
the wind. ens,
I cast them out as the mire of the his circuit to its ends.
streets. There is nothing hidden from its heat.
43 You have delivered me from the striv-
ings of the people. 7 The LORD’s law is perfect, restoring the
You have made me the head of the soul.
nations. The LORD’s covenant is sure, making
A people whom I have not known shall wise the simple.
serve me. 8 The LORD’s precepts are right, rejoicing
44 As soon as they hear of me they shall
obey me. the heart.
The LORD’s commandment is pure,
The foreigners shall submit them- enlightening the eyes.
selves to me. 9 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring
45 The foreigners shall fade away,
and shall come trembling out of their forever.
The LORD’s ordinances are true, and
strongholds. righteous altogether.
46 The LORD lives! Blessed be my rock. 10 They are more to be desired than gold,
Exalted be the God of my salvation, yes, than much fine gold,
47 even the God who executes vengeance
sweeter also than honey and the ex-
for me, tract of the honeycomb.
and subdues peoples under me. 11 Moreover your servant is warned by
48 He rescues me from my enemies.
Yes, you lift me up above those who In keeping them there is great reward.
rise up against me. 12 Who can discern his errors?
You deliver me from the violent man. Forgive me from hidden errors.
49 Therefore I will give thanks to you,
LORD, among the nations, 13 Keep back your servant also from pre-
and will sing praises to your name. sumptuous sins.
50 He gives great deliverance to his king, Let them not have dominion over me.
and shows loving kindness to his Then I will be upright.
anointed, I will be blameless and innocent of
to David and to his offspring,‡ forever great transgression.
more. 14 Let the words of my mouth and the med-
itation of my heart
19 be acceptable in your sight,
For the Chief Musician. A Psalm by David. LORD, my rock, and my redeemer.
1 The heavens declare the glory of God.
The expanse shows his handiwork. 20
2 Day after day they pour out speech, For the Chief Musician. A Psalm by David.
and night after night they display 1 May the LORD answer you in the day of
knowledge. trouble.
3 There is no speech nor language May the name of the God of Jacob set
where their voice is not heard. you up on high,
4 Their voice has gone out through all the 2 send you help from the sanctuary,
earth, grant you support from Zion,
their words to the end of the world. 3 remember all your offerings,
In them he has set a tent for the sun, and accept your burned sacrifice.
5 which is as a bridegroom coming out
of his room, 4 May he grant you your heart’s desire,

‡ 18:50 or, seed

Psalms 20:5 611 Psalms 22:13

and fulfill all your counsel. 10 You will destroy their descendants from
5 We will triumph in your salvation. the earth,
In the name of our God, we will set up their posterity from among the chil-
our banners. dren of men.
May the LORD grant all your requests. 11 For they intended evil against you.
6 Now I know that the LORD saves his They plotted evil against you which
anointed. cannot succeed.
He will answer him from his holy 12 For you will make them turn their back,
heaven, when you aim drawn bows at their
with the saving strength of his right face.
hand. 13 Be exalted, LORD, in your strength,
7 Some trust in chariots, and some in so we will sing and praise your power.
but we trust in the name of the LORD 22
our God. For the Chief Musician; set to “The Doe of
8 They are bowed down and fallen,
the Morning.” A Psalm by David.
but we rise up, and stand upright. 1 My God, my God, why have you forsaken
9 Save, LORD!
Let the King answer us when we call! Why are you so far from helping me,
and from the words of my groaning?
21 2 My God, I cry in the daytime, but you don’t
For the Chief Musician. A Psalm by David. answer;
1 The king rejoices in your strength, LORD! in the night season, and am not silent.
How greatly he rejoices in your salva- 3 But you are holy,
tion! you who inhabit the praises of Israel.
2 You have given him his heart’s desire, 4 Our fathers trusted in you.
and have not withheld the request of They trusted, and you delivered them.
his lips. 5 They cried to you, and were delivered.
Selah. They trusted in you, and were not dis-
3 For you meet him with the blessings of
goodness. 6 But I am a worm, and no man;
You set a crown of fine gold on his a reproach of men, and despised by
head. the people.
4 He asked life of you and you gave it to
7 All those who see me mock me.
him, They insult me with their lips. They
even length of days forever and ever. shake their heads, saying,
5 His glory is great in your salvation.
8 “He trusts in the LORD.
You lay honor and majesty on him. Let him deliver him.
6 For you make him most blessed forever. Let him rescue him, since he delights
You make him glad with joy in your in him.”
presence. 9 But you brought me out of the womb.
7 For the king trusts in the LORD. You made me trust while at my
Through the loving kindness of the mother’s breasts.
10 I was thrown on you from my mother’s
Most High, he shall not be moved.
8 Your hand will find out all of your ene- womb.
mies. You are my God since my mother bore
Your right hand will find out those 11 Don’t be far from me, for trouble is near.
who hate you. For there is no one to help.
9 You will make them as a fiery furnace in 12
Many bulls have surrounded me.
the time of your anger. Strong bulls of Bashan have encircled
The LORD will swallow them up in his me.
wrath. 13 They open their mouths wide against
The fire shall devour them. me,
Psalms 22:14 612 Psalms 24:4

lions tearing prey and roaring. All the relatives of the nations shall
14 I am poured out like water. worship before you.
28 For the kingdom is the LORD’s.
All my bones are out of joint.
My heart is like wax. He is the ruler over the nations.
29 All the rich ones of the earth shall eat and
It is melted within me.
15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd. worship.
My tongue sticks to the roof of my All those who go down to the dust shall
mouth. bow before him,
You have brought me into the dust of 30 even he who can’t keep his soul alive.
death. Posterity shall serve him.
16 For dogs have surrounded me. Future generations shall be told about
A company of evildoers have enclosed 31 the Lord.
me. They shall come and shall declare his
They have pierced my hands and feet. † righteousness to a people that shall
17 I can count all of my bones. be born,
They look and stare at me. for he has done it.
18 They divide my garments among them.
They cast lots for my clothing.
A Psalm by David.
1 The LORD is my shepherd;
19 But don’t be far off, LORD.
You are my help. Hurry to help me! I shall lack nothing.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures.
20 Deliver my soul from the sword,
He leads me beside still waters.
my precious life from the power of the 3 He restores my soul.
dog. He guides me in the paths of righteous-
21 Save me from the lion’s mouth!
ness for his name’s sake.
Yes, you have rescued me from the 4 Even though I walk through the valley of
horns of the wild oxen. the shadow of death,
22 I will declare your name to my brothers. I will fear no evil, for you are with me.
Among the assembly, I will praise you. Your rod and your staff,
23 You who fear the LORD, praise him! they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me
All you descendants of Jacob, glorify
him! in the presence of my enemies.
Stand in awe of him, all you descen- You anoint my head with oil.
dants of Israel! My cup runs over.
24 For he has not despised nor abhorred the 6 Surely goodness and loving kindness
affliction of the afflicted, shall follow me all the days of my
neither has he hidden his face from life,
him; and I will dwell in the LORD’s house
but when he cried to him, he heard. forever.
25 My praise of you comes in the great 24
assembly. A Psalm by David.
I will pay my vows before those who 1 The earth is the LORD’s, with its fullness;
fear him. the world, and those who dwell in it.
26 The humble shall eat and be satisfied. 2 For he has founded it on the seas,
They shall praise the LORD who seek and established it on the floods.
after him.
3 Who may ascend to the LORD’s hill?
Let your hearts live forever.
27 All the ends of the earth shall remember Who may stand in his holy place?
and turn to the LORD. 4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart;
† 22:16 So Dead Sea Scrolls. Masoretic Text reads, “Like a lion, they pin my hands and feet.”
Psalms 24:5 613 Psalms 26:5

who has not lifted up his soul to false- 8 Good and upright is the LORD,
hood, therefore he will instruct sinners in
and has not sworn deceitfully. the way.
5 He shall receive a blessing from the 9 He will guide the humble in justice.
LORD, He will teach the humble his way.
righteousness from the God of his sal- 10 All the paths of the LORD are loving
vation. kindness and truth
6 This is the generation of those who seek to such as keep his covenant and his
Him, testimonies.
who seek your face—even Jacob. 11 For your name’s sake, LORD,
Selah. pardon my iniquity, for it is great.
12 What man is he who fears the LORD?
7 Lift up your heads, you gates! He shall instruct him in the way that
Be lifted up, you everlasting doors, he shall choose.
and the King of glory will come in. 13 His soul will dwell at ease.
8 Who is the King of glory? His offspring will inherit the land.
14 The friendship of the LORD is with those
The LORD strong and mighty,
the LORD mighty in battle. who fear him.
9 Lift up your heads, you gates; He will show them his covenant.
yes, lift them up, you everlasting 15 My eyes are ever on the LORD,
doors, for he will pluck my feet out of the net.
and the King of glory will come in. 16 Turn to me, and have mercy on me,
10 Who is this King of glory?
for I am desolate and afflicted.
The LORD of Armies is the King of 17 The troubles of my heart are enlarged.
glory! Oh bring me out of my distresses.
Selah. 18 Consider my affliction and my travail.
Forgive all my sins.
25 19 Consider my enemies, for they are many.
By David.
1 To you, LORD, I lift up my soul.
They hate me with cruel hatred.
20 Oh keep my soul, and deliver me.
2 My God, I have trusted in you.
Let me not be disappointed, for I take
Don’t let me be shamed. refuge in you.
Don’t let my enemies triumph over 21 Let integrity and uprightness preserve
3 Yes, no one who waits for you will be me,
shamed. for I wait for you.
22 God, redeem Israel
They will be shamed who deal treach-
erously without cause. out of all his troubles.

4 Show me your ways, LORD. 26

By David.
Teach me your paths. 1 Judge me, LORD, for I have walked in my
5 Guide me in your truth, and teach me,
for you are the God of my salvation. I have trusted also in the LORD with-
I wait for you all day long. out wavering.
6 LORD, remember your tender mercies 2
Examine me, LORD, and prove me.
and your loving kindness, Try my heart and my mind.
for they are from old times. 3 For your loving kindness is before my
7 Don’t remember the sins of my youth, nor eyes.
my transgressions. I have walked in your truth.
Remember me according to your lov- 4 I have not sat with deceitful men,
ing kindness, neither will I go in with hypocrites.
for your goodness’ sake, LORD. 5 I hate the assembly of evildoers,
Psalms 26:6 614 Psalms 28:4

and will not sit with the wicked. Have mercy also on me, and answer
6 I will wash my hands in innocence, me.
8 When you said, “Seek my face,”
so I will go about your altar, LORD,
7 that I may make the voice of thanks- my heart said to you, “I will seek your
giving to be heard face, LORD.”
9 Don’t hide your face from me.
and tell of all your wondrous deeds.
8 LORD, I love the habitation of your house, Don’t put your servant away in anger.
the place where your glory dwells. You have been my help.
9 Don’t gather my soul with sinners, Don’t abandon me,
nor my life with bloodthirsty men neither forsake me, God of my salva-
10 in whose hands is wickedness; tion.
10 When my father and my mother forsake
their right hand is full of bribes. me,
11 But as for me, I will walk in my integrity.
then the LORD will take me up.
11 Teach me your way, LORD.
Redeem me, and be merciful to me. Lead me in a straight path, because of
12 My foot stands in an even place.
my enemies.
In the congregations I will bless the 12 Don’t deliver me over to the desire of my
27 for false witnesses have risen up
against me,
By David.
1 The LORD is my light and my salvation. such as breathe out cruelty.
13 I am still confident of this:
Whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the strength of my life. I will see the goodness of the LORD in
Of whom shall I be afraid? the land of the living.
2 When evildoers came at me to eat up my 14 Wait for the LORD.

flesh, Be strong, and let your heart take

even my adversaries and my foes, they
stumbled and fell. Yes, wait for the LORD.
3 Though an army should encamp against
me, 28
my heart shall not fear. By David.
1 To you, LORD, I call.
Though war should rise against me,
even then I will be confident. My rock, don’t be deaf to me,
4 One thing I have asked of the LORD, that I lest, if you are silent to me,
will seek after: I would become like those who go
that I may dwell in the LORD’s house down into the pit.
all the days of my life, 2 Hear the voice of my petitions, when I cry
to see the LORD’s beauty, to you,
and to inquire in his temple. when I lift up my hands toward your
5 For in the day of trouble, he will keep me Most Holy Place.
secretly in his pavilion. 3 Don’t draw me away with the wicked,
In the secret place of his tabernacle, he with the workers of iniquity who
will hide me. speak peace with their neighbors,
He will lift me up on a rock. but mischief is in their hearts.
6 Now my head will be lifted up above my 4 Give them according to their work, and
enemies around me. according to the wickedness of their
I will offer sacrifices of joy in his tent. doings.
I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Give them according to the operation
LORD. of their hands.
Bring back on them what they de-
7 Hear, LORD, when I cry with my voice. serve.
Psalms 28:5 615 Psalms 30:12

5 Because they don’t respect the works of 10 The LORD sat enthroned at the Flood.
the LORD, Yes, the LORD sits as King forever.
nor the operation of his hands, 11 The LORD will give strength to his peo-
he will break them down and not build ple.
them up. The LORD will bless his people with
6 Blessed be the LORD,
because he has heard the voice of my 30
petitions. A Psalm. A Song for the Dedication of the
7 The LORD is my strength and my shield. Temple. By David.
My heart has trusted in him, and I am 1 I will extol you, LORD, for you have raised
helped. me up,
Therefore my heart greatly rejoices. and have not made my foes to rejoice
With my song I will thank him. over me.
2 LORD my God, I cried to you,
8 The LORD is their strength.
and you have healed me.
He is a stronghold of salvation to his 3
LORD, you have brought up my soul from
9 Save your people, Sheol.†
You have kept me alive, that I should
and bless your inheritance. not go down to the pit.
Be their shepherd also, 4 Sing praise to the LORD, you saints of his.
and bear them up forever. Give thanks to his holy name.
5 For his anger is but for a moment.
29 His favor is for a lifetime.
A Psalm by David.
1 Ascribe to the LORD, you sons of the Weeping may stay for the night,
but joy comes in the morning.
mighty, 6 As for me, I said in my prosperity,
ascribe to the LORD glory and
“I shall never be moved.”
strength. 7 You, LORD, when you favored me, made
2 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due to his
my mountain stand strong;
Worship the LORD in holy array. but when you hid your face, I was
8 I cried to you, LORD.
3 The LORD’s voice is on the waters.
The God of glory thunders, even the I made supplication to the Lord:
LORD on many waters. 9 “What profit is there in my destruction, if
4 The LORD’s voice is powerful. I go down to the pit?
The LORD’s voice is full of majesty. Shall the dust praise you?
5 The LORD’s voice breaks the cedars. Shall it declare your truth?
Yes, the LORD breaks in pieces the 10 Hear, LORD, and have mercy on me.
cedars of Lebanon. LORD, be my helper.”
6 He makes them also to skip like a calf; 11 You have turned my mourning into
Lebanon and Sirion like a young, wild dancing for me.
ox. You have removed my sackcloth, and
7 The LORD’s voice strikes with flashes of
lightning. clothed me with gladness,
12 to the end that my heart may sing
8 The LORD’s voice shakes the wilder-
ness. praise to you, and not be silent.
The LORD shakes the wilderness of LORD my God, I will give thanks to you
Kadesh. forever!
9 The LORD’s voice makes the deer calve,
and strips the forests bare. 31
In his temple everything says, “Glory!” For the Chief Musician. A Psalm by David.
† 30:3 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Psalms 31:1 616 Psalms 32:4

1 In you, LORD, I take refuge. Deliver me from the hand of my ene-

Let me never be disappointed. mies, and from those who persecute
Deliver me in your righteousness. me.
16 Make your face to shine on your servant.
2 Bow down your ear to me.
Deliver me speedily. Save me in your loving kindness.
17 Let me not be disappointed, LORD, for I
Be to me a strong rock,
a house of defense to save me. have called on you.
3 For you are my rock and my fortress, Let the wicked be disappointed.
therefore for your name’s sake lead 18 Let them be silent in Sheol.†
me and guide me. Let the lying lips be mute,
4 Pluck me out of the net that they have laid which speak against the righteous in-
solently, with pride and contempt.
secretly for me, 19 Oh how great is your goodness,
for you are my stronghold.
5 Into your hand I commend my spirit. which you have laid up for those who
fear you,
You redeem me, LORD, God of truth.
6 I hate those who regard lying vanities, which you have worked for those who
take refuge in you,
but I trust in the LORD.
7 I will be glad and rejoice in your loving before the sons of men!
20 In the shelter of your presence you will
hide them from the plotting of man.
for you have seen my affliction.
You will keep them secretly in a
You have known my soul in adversi-
dwelling away from the strife of
ties. tongues.
8 You have not shut me up into the hand of
21 Praise be to the LORD,
the enemy.
for he has shown me his marvelous
You have set my feet in a large place. loving kindness in a strong city.
9 Have mercy on me, LORD, for I am in 22
As for me, I said in my haste, “I am cut off
distress. from before your eyes.”
My eye, my soul, and my body waste Nevertheless you heard the voice of
away with grief. my petitions when I cried to you.
10 For my life is spent with sorrow,
23 Oh love the LORD, all you his saints!
my years with sighing. The LORD preserves the faithful,
My strength fails because of my iniquity. and fully recompenses him who behaves
My bones are wasted away. arrogantly.
11 Because of all my adversaries I have
24 Be strong, and let your heart take
become utterly contemptible to my courage,
neighbors, all you who hope in the LORD.
a horror to my acquaintances.
Those who saw me on the street fled
from me.
12 I am forgotten from their hearts like a
By David. A contemplative psalm.
1 Blessed is he whose disobedience is for-
dead man. given,
I am like broken pottery. whose sin is covered.
13 For I have heard the slander of many, 2
Blessed is the man to whom the LORD
terror on every side, doesn’t impute iniquity,
while they conspire together against in whose spirit there is no deceit.
me, 3 When I kept silence, my bones wasted
they plot to take away my life. away through my groaning all day
14 But I trust in you, LORD.
I said, “You are my God.” 4 For day and night your hand was heavy
15 My times are in your hand. on me.
† 31:17 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Psalms 32:5 617 Psalms 33:22

My strength was sapped in the heat of all their army by the breath of his
summer. mouth.
7 He gathers the waters of the sea together
5 I acknowledged my sin to you.
as a heap.
I didn’t hide my iniquity.
He lays up the deeps in storehouses.
I said, I will confess my transgressions to 8 Let all the earth fear the LORD.
the LORD,
and you forgave the iniquity of my sin. Let all the inhabitants of the world
stand in awe of him.
9 For he spoke, and it was done.
6 For this, let everyone who is godly pray
to you in a time when you may be He commanded, and it stood firm.
10 The LORD brings the counsel of the na-
Surely when the great waters over- tions to nothing.
flow, they shall not reach to him. He makes the thoughts of the peoples
7 You are my hiding place. to be of no effect.
11 The counsel of the LORD stands fast for-
You will preserve me from trouble.
You will surround me with songs of ever,
deliverance. the thoughts of his heart to all genera-
Selah. tions.
8 I will instruct you and teach you in the 12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the
way which you shall go. LORD,
I will counsel you with my eye on you. the people whom he has chosen for his
9 Don’t be like the horse, or like the mule, own inheritance.
13 The LORD looks from heaven.
which have no understanding,
who are controlled by bit and bridle, He sees all the sons of men.
14 From the place of his habitation he looks
or else they will not come near to
you. out on all the inhabitants of the
10 Many sorrows come to the wicked, earth,
15 he who fashions all of their hearts;
but loving kindness shall surround
and he considers all of their works.
him who trusts in the LORD. 16 There is no king saved by the multitude
11 Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice, you
righteous! of an army.
Shout for joy, all you who are upright A mighty man is not delivered by great
in heart! strength.
17 A horse is a vain thing for safety,
33 neither does he deliver any by his
1 Rejoice in the LORD, you righteous! great power.
Praise is fitting for the upright. 18 Behold, the LORD’s eye is on those who
2 Give thanks to the LORD with the lyre. fear him,
Sing praises to him with the harp of on those who hope in his loving kind-
ten strings. ness,
3 Sing to him a new song. 19 to deliver their soul from death,
Play skillfully with a shout of joy! to keep them alive in famine.
4 For the LORD’s word is right. 20 Our soul has waited for the LORD.

All his work is done in faithfulness. He is our help and our shield.
5 He loves righteousness and justice. 21 For our heart rejoices in him,
The earth is full of the loving kindness because we have trusted in his holy
of the LORD. name.
6 By the LORD’s word, the heavens were 22 Let your loving kindness be on us, LORD,
made: since we have hoped in you.
† 34:1 Psalm 34 is an acrostic poem, with each verse starting with a letter of the alphabet (ordered from Alef to Tav).
Psalms 34:1 618 Psalms 35:11

34 and saves those who have a crushed

By David; when he pretended to be insane spirit.
before Abimelech, who drove him away, 19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
and he departed. but the LORD delivers him out of them
1 † I will bless the LORD at all times. all.
20 He protects all of his bones.
His praise will always be in my mouth.
2 My soul shall boast in the LORD. Not one of them is broken.
21 Evil shall kill the wicked.
The humble shall hear of it and be Those who hate the righteous shall be
3 Oh magnify the LORD with me. condemned.
22 The LORD redeems the soul of his ser-
Let’s exalt his name together. vants.
4 I sought the LORD, and he answered me, None of those who take refuge in him
and delivered me from all my fears. shall be condemned.
5 They looked to him, and were radiant.
Their faces shall never be covered 35
with shame. By David.
6 This poor man cried, and the LORD heard 1 Contend, LORD, with those who contend
him, with me.
and saved him out of all his troubles. Fight against those who fight against
7 The LORD’s angel encamps around those me.
2 Take hold of shield and buckler,
who fear him,
and delivers them. and stand up for my help.
8 Oh taste and see that the LORD is good. 3 Brandish the spear and block those who

Blessed is the man who takes refuge in pursue me.

him. Tell my soul, “I am your salvation.”
9 Oh fear the LORD, you his saints, 4 Let those who seek after my soul be dis-

for there is no lack with those who fear appointed and brought to dishonor.
him. Let those who plot my ruin be turned
10 The young lions do lack, and suffer
back and confounded.
hunger, 5 Let them be as chaff before the wind,
but those who seek the LORD shall not the LORD’s angel driving them on.
lack any good thing. 6 Let their way be dark and slippery,
the LORD’s angel pursuing them.
11 Come, you children, listen to me. 7 For without cause they have hidden their
I will teach you the fear of the LORD. net in a pit for me.
12 Who is someone who desires life,
Without cause they have dug a pit for
and loves many days, that he may see my soul.
good? 8 Let destruction come on him unawares.
13 Keep your tongue from evil,
Let his net that he has hidden catch
and your lips from speaking lies. himself.
14 Depart from evil, and do good. Let him fall into that destruction.
Seek peace, and pursue it. 9 My soul shall be joyful in the LORD.
15 The LORD’s eyes are toward the righ-
teous. It shall rejoice in his salvation.
10 All my bones shall say, “LORD, who is like
His ears listen to their cry.
16 The LORD’s face is against those who do you,
evil, who delivers the poor from him who is
to cut off their memory from the earth. too strong for him;
17 The righteous cry, and the LORD hears, yes, the poor and the needy from him
and delivers them out of all their trou- 11 who robs him?”
bles. Unrighteous witnesses rise up.
18 The LORD is near to those who have a They ask me about things that I don’t
broken heart, know about.
Psalms 35:12 619 Psalms 36:10

12 They reward me evil for good, 26 Let them be disappointed and con-
to the bereaving of my soul. founded together who rejoice at my
13 But as for me, when they were sick, my Let them be clothed with shame and
clothing was sackcloth. dishonor who magnify themselves
I afflicted my soul with fasting. against me.
My prayer returned into my own bo- 27
som. Let those who favor my righteous cause
14 I behaved myself as though it had been shout for joy and be glad.
my friend or my brother. Yes, let them say continually, “May The
I bowed down mourning, as one who LORD be magnified,
mourns his mother. who has pleasure in the prosperity of
15 But in my adversity, they rejoiced, and his servant!”
28 My tongue shall talk about your righ-
gathered themselves together.
The attackers gathered themselves to- teousness and about your praise all
gether against me, and I didn’t know day long.
They tore at me, and didn’t cease. 36
16 Like the profane mockers in feasts, For the Chief Musician. By David, the ser-
vant of the LORD.
they gnashed their teeth at me. 1 A revelation is within my heart about the
17 Lord, how long will you look on?
disobedience of the wicked:
Rescue my soul from their destruc- There is no fear of God before his eyes.
tion, 2 For he flatters himself in his own eyes,
my precious life from the lions. too much to detect and hate his sin.
18 I will give you thanks in the great assem- 3 The words of his mouth are iniquity and
bly. deceit.
I will praise you among many people. He has ceased to be wise and to do
19 Don’t let those who are my enemies
4 He plots iniquity on his bed.
wrongfully rejoice over me; He sets himself in a way that is not
neither let those who hate me without good.
a cause wink their eyes.
20 For they don’t speak peace,
He doesn’t abhor evil.
but they devise deceitful words 5 Your loving kindness, LORD, is in the
against those who are quiet in the heavens.
land. Your faithfulness reaches to the skies.
21 Yes, they opened their mouth wide 6 Your righteousness is like the mountains
against me. of God.
They said, “Aha! Aha! Our eye has Your judgments are like a great deep.
seen it!” LORD, you preserve man and animal.
7 How precious is your loving kindness,
22 You have seen it, LORD. Don’t keep silent.
Lord, don’t be far from me. God!
23 Wake up! Rise up to defend me, my God!
The children of men take refuge under
the shadow of your wings.
My Lord, contend for me! 8 They shall be abundantly satisfied with
24 Vindicate me, LORD my God, according
the abundance of your house.
to your righteousness. You will make them drink of the river
Don’t let them gloat over me. of your pleasures.
25 Don’t let them say in their heart, “Aha! 9 For with you is the spring of life.
That’s the way we want it!” In your light we will see light.
Don’t let them say, “We have swal- 10 Oh continue your loving kindness to
lowed him up!” those who know you,
Psalms 36:11 620 Psalms 37:30

your righteousness to the upright in to cast down the poor and needy,
heart. to kill those who are upright on the
11 Don’t let the foot of pride come against
me. 15 Their sword shall enter into their own
Don’t let the hand of the wicked drive heart.
me away. Their bows shall be broken.
12 There the workers of iniquity are fallen. 16 Better is a little that the righteous has,
They are thrust down, and shall not be than the abundance of many wicked.
able to rise. 17 For the arms of the wicked shall be bro-
37 but the LORD upholds the righteous.
By David. 18 The LORD knows the days of the perfect.
1 Don’t fret because of evildoers,
Their inheritance shall be forever.
neither be envious against those who 19 They shall not be disappointed in the
work unrighteousness. time of evil.
2 For they shall soon be cut down like the In the days of famine they shall be
grass, satisfied.
and wither like the green herb.
3 Trust in the LORD, and do good. 20 But the wicked shall perish.

Dwell in the land, and enjoy safe pas- The enemies of the LORD shall be like
ture. the beauty of the fields.
4 Also delight yourself in the LORD, They will vanish—
and he will give you the desires of your 21 vanish like smoke.
heart. The wicked borrow, and don’t pay back,
5 Commit your way to the LORD. but the righteous give generously.
22 For such as are blessed by him shall
Trust also in him, and he will do this:
6 he will make your righteousness shine inherit the land.
out like light, Those who are cursed by him shall be
and your justice as the noon day sun. 23 cut off.
7 Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for A man’s steps are established by the
him. He delights in his way.
Don’t fret because of him who pros- 24 Though he stumble, he shall not fall,
pers in his way, for the LORD holds him up with his
because of the man who makes wicked hand.
plots happen. 25 I have been young, and now am old,
8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath.
yet I have not seen the righteous for-
Don’t fret; it leads only to evildoing. saken,
9 For evildoers shall be cut off,
nor his children begging for bread.
but those who wait for the LORD shall 26 All day long he deals graciously, and
inherit the land.
10 For yet a little while, and the wicked will lends.
His offspring is blessed.
be no more. 27 Depart from evil, and do good.
Yes, though you look for his place, he
isn’t there. Live securely forever.
11 But the humble shall inherit the land, 28 For the LORD loves justice,
and shall delight themselves in the and doesn’t forsake his saints.
abundance of peace. They are preserved forever,
12 The wicked plots against the just, but the children of the wicked shall be
cut off.
and gnashes at him with his teeth. 29 The righteous shall inherit the land,
13 The Lord will laugh at him,
and live in it forever.
for he sees that his day is coming.
14 The wicked have drawn out the sword, 30 The mouth of the righteous talks of wis-
and have bent their bow, dom.
Psalms 37:31 621 Psalms 38:22

His tongue speaks justice. because of my foolishness.

31 The law of his God is in his heart. 6 I am in pain and bowed down greatly.
None of his steps shall slide. I go mourning all day long.
32 The wicked watch the righteous, 7 For my waist is filled with burning.
and seek to kill him. There is no soundness in my flesh.
33 The LORD will not leave him in his hand,
8 I am faint and severely bruised.
nor condemn him when he is judged.
34 Wait for the LORD, and keep his way, I have groaned by reason of the an-
and he will exalt you to inherit the guish of my heart.
9 Lord, all my desire is before you.
When the wicked are cut off, you shall My groaning is not hidden from you.
see it. 10 My heart throbs.

35 I have seen the wicked in great power, My strength fails me.

As for the light of my eyes, it has also
spreading himself like a green tree in
left me.
its native soil. 11 My lovers and my friends stand aloof
36 But he passed away, and behold, he was
not. from my plague.
Yes, I sought him, but he could not be My kinsmen stand far away.
found. 12 They also who seek after my life lay
37 Mark the perfect man, and see the up- snares.
right, Those who seek my hurt speak mis-
for there is a future for the man of chievous things,
peace. and meditate deceits all day long.
38 As for transgressors, they shall be de- 13 But I, as a deaf man, don’t hear.
stroyed together. I am as a mute man who doesn’t open
The future of the wicked shall be cut his mouth.
off. 14 Yes, I am as a man who doesn’t hear,
39 But the salvation of the righteous is from
in whose mouth are no reproofs.
the LORD. 15 For I hope in you, LORD.
He is their stronghold in the time of
trouble. You will answer, Lord my God.
40 The LORD helps them and rescues them. 16 For I said, “Don’t let them gloat over me,

He rescues them from the wicked and or exalt themselves over me when my
saves them, foot slips.”
because they have taken refuge in 17 For I am ready to fall.
him. My pain is continually before me.
38 18 For I will declare my iniquity.
I will be sorry for my sin.
A Psalm by David, for a memorial.
1 LORD, don’t rebuke me in your wrath, 19 But my enemies are vigorous and many.
neither chasten me in your hot dis- Those who hate me without reason
pleasure. are numerous.
20 They who render evil for good are also
2 For your arrows have pierced me,
your hand presses hard on me. adversaries to me,
3 There is no soundness in my flesh be- because I follow what is good.
21 Don’t forsake me, LORD.
cause of your indignation,
neither is there any health in my My God, don’t be far from me.
22 Hurry to help me,
bones because of my sin.
4 For my iniquities have gone over my Lord, my salvation.
As a heavy burden, they are too heavy 39
for me. For the Chief Musician. For Jeduthun. A
5 My wounds are loathsome and corrupt Psalm by David.
Psalms 39:1 622 Psalms 40:13

1 I said, “I will watch my ways, so that I 2 He brought me up also out of a horrible

don’t sin with my tongue. pit,
I will keep my mouth with a bridle out of the miry clay.
while the wicked is before me.” He set my feet on a rock,
2 I was mute with silence. and gave me a firm place to stand.
I held my peace, even from good. 3 He has put a new song in my mouth, even
My sorrow was stirred. praise to our God.
3 My heart was hot within me.
Many shall see it, and fear, and shall
While I meditated, the fire burned. trust in the LORD.
I spoke with my tongue: 4 Blessed is the man who makes the LORD
4 “LORD, show me my end, his trust,
what is the measure of my days. and doesn’t respect the proud, nor
Let me know how frail I am. such as turn away to lies.
5 Behold, you have made my days hand 5 Many, LORD, my God, are the wonderful
widths. works which you have done,
My lifetime is as nothing before you. and your thoughts which are toward
Surely every man stands as a breath.” us.
Selah. They can’t be declared back to you.
6 “Surely every man walks like a shadow. If I would declare and speak of them,
Surely they busy themselves in vain. they are more than can be counted.
6 Sacrifice and offering you didn’t desire.
He heaps up, and doesn’t know who
shall gather. You have opened my ears.
7 Now, Lord, what do I wait for? You have not required burnt offering
My hope is in you. and sin offering.
7 Then I said, “Behold, I have come.
8 Deliver me from all my transgressions.
It is written about me in the book in
Don’t make me the reproach of the the scroll.
foolish. 8 I delight to do your will, my God.
9 I was mute.
Yes, your law is within my heart.”
I didn’t open my mouth, 9 I have proclaimed glad news of righteous-
because you did it. ness in the great assembly.
10 Remove your scourge away from me.
Behold, I will not seal my lips, LORD,
I am overcome by the blow of your you know.
hand. 10 I have not hidden your righteousness
11 When you rebuke and correct man for
within my heart.
iniquity, I have declared your faithfulness and
you consume his wealth like a moth. your salvation.
Surely every man is but a breath.” I have not concealed your loving kind-
Selah. ness and your truth from the great
12 “Hear my prayer, LORD, and give ear to
my cry. assembly.
11 Don’t withhold your tender mercies
Don’t be silent at my tears.
For I am a stranger with you, from me, LORD.
Let your loving kindness and your
a foreigner, as all my fathers were. truth continually preserve me.
13 Oh spare me, that I may recover
12 For innumerable evils have surrounded
strength, me.
before I go away and exist no more.” My iniquities have overtaken me, so
that I am not able to look up.
40 They are more than the hairs of my head.
For the Chief Musician. A Psalm by David. My heart has failed me.
1 I waited patiently for the LORD. 13 Be pleased, LORD, to deliver me.
He turned to me, and heard my cry. Hurry to help me, LORD.
Psalms 40:14 623 Psalms 42:7

14 Let them be disappointed and con- has lifted up his heel against me.
founded together who seek after my
soul to destroy it. 10 But you, LORD, have mercy on me, and
Let them be turned backward and raise me up,
brought to dishonor who delight in that I may repay them.
my hurt. 11 By this I know that you delight in me,
15 Let them be desolate by reason of their
because my enemy doesn’t triumph
shame that tell me, “Aha! Aha!” over me.
16 Let all those who seek you rejoice and be 12 As for me, you uphold me in my in-
glad in you. tegrity,
Let such as love your salvation say and set me in your presence forever.
continually, “Let the LORD be ex-
alted!” 13 Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel,
17 But I am poor and needy. from everlasting and to everlasting!
May the Lord think about me. Amen and amen.
You are my help and my deliverer. BOOK 2
Don’t delay, my God.
41 For the Chief Musician. A contemplation
For the Chief Musician. A Psalm by David. by the sons of Korah.
1 Blessed is he who considers the poor. 1 As the deer pants for the water brooks,
The LORD will deliver him in the day so my soul pants after you, God.†
of evil. 2 My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
2 The LORD will preserve him, and keep
When shall I come and appear before
him alive. God?
He shall be blessed on the earth, 3 My tears have been my food day and
and he will not surrender him to the night,
will of his enemies.
3 The LORD will sustain him on his sickbed, while they continually ask me,
and restore him from his bed of ill- “Where is your God?”
ness. 4 These things I remember, and pour out
4 I said, “LORD, have mercy on me!
my soul within me,
Heal me, for I have sinned against how I used to go with the crowd, and
you.” led them to God’s house,
5 My enemies speak evil against me: with the voice of joy and praise, a mul-
“When will he die, and his name per- titude keeping a holy day.
ish?” 5 Why are you in despair, my soul?
6 If he comes to see me, he speaks false-
Why are you disturbed within me?
hood. Hope in God!
His heart gathers iniquity to itself.
When he goes abroad, he tells it. For I shall still praise him for the sav-
7 All who hate me whisper together against ing help of his presence.
6 My God, my soul is in despair within me.
They imagine the worst for me. Therefore I remember you from the
8 “An evil disease”, they say, “has afflicted land of the Jordan,
him. the heights of Hermon, from the hill
Now that he lies he shall rise up no Mizar.
more.” 7 Deep calls to deep at the noise of your
9 Yes, my own familiar friend, in whom I
trusted, All your waves and your billows have
who ate bread with me, swept over me.
† 42:1 The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim). ‡ 42:8 When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS,
“LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name.
Psalms 42:8 624 Psalms 44:17

8 GOD‡ will command his loving kindness 3 For they didn’t get the land in possession
in the daytime. by their own sword,
In the night his song shall be with me: neither did their own arm save them;
a prayer to the God of my life. but your right hand, your arm, and the
9 I will ask God, my rock, “Why have you light of your face,
forgotten me? because you were favorable to them.
4 God, you are my King.
Why do I go mourning because of the
oppression of the enemy?” Command victories for Jacob!
10 As with a sword in my bones, my adver- 5 Through you, we will push down our
saries reproach me, adversaries.
while they continually ask me, Through your name, we will tread
“Where is your God?” down those who rise up against us.
6 For I will not trust in my bow,
11 Why are you in despair, my soul?
Why are you disturbed within me? neither will my sword save me.
7 But you have saved us from our adver-
Hope in God! For I shall still praise him,
the saving help of my countenance, saries,
and have shamed those who hate us.
and my God. 8 In God we have made our boast all day
1 Vindicate me, God, and plead my cause We will give thanks to your name for-
against an ungodly nation. Selah.
Oh, deliver me from deceitful and
9 But now you rejected us, and brought us
wicked men.
2 For you are the God of my strength. Why to dishonor,
have you rejected me? and don’t go out with our armies.
Why do I go mourning because of the 10 You make us turn back from the adver-
oppression of the enemy? sary.
3 Oh, send out your light and your truth. Those who hate us take plunder for
Let them lead me. themselves.
11 You have made us like sheep for food,
Let them bring me to your holy hill,
to your tents. and have scattered us among the na-
4 Then I will go to the altar of God, tions.
12 You sell your people for nothing,
to God, my exceeding joy.
I will praise you on the harp, God, my God. and have gained nothing from their
5 Why are you in despair, my soul? sale.
13 You make us a reproach to our neigh-
Why are you disturbed within me? bors,
Hope in God! a scoffing and a derision to those who
For I shall still praise him: are around us.
my Savior, my helper, and my God. 14 You make us a byword among the na-
44 a shaking of the head among the peo-
For the Chief Musician. By the sons of ples.
Korah. A contemplative psalm. 15 All day long my dishonor is before me,
1 We have heard with our ears, God; and shame covers my face,
our fathers have told us what work 16 at the taunt of one who reproaches
you did in their days, and verbally abuses,
in the days of old. because of the enemy and the avenger.
2 You drove out the nations with your hand, 17
All this has come on us,
but you planted them. yet we haven’t forgotten you.
You afflicted the peoples, We haven’t been false to your
but you spread them abroad. covenant.
Psalms 44:18 625 Psalms 46:1

18 Our heart has not turned back, The nations fall under you, with ar-
neither have our steps strayed from rows in the heart of the king’s ene-
your path, mies.
19 though you have crushed us in the 6 Your throne, God, is forever and ever.
haunt of jackals, A scepter of equity is the scepter of
and covered us with the shadow of your kingdom.
death. 7 You have loved righteousness, and hated
20 If we have forgotten the name of our wickedness.
God, Therefore God, your God, has
or spread out our hands to a strange anointed you with the oil of gladness
god, above your fellows.
21 won’t God search this out? 8 All your garments smell like myrrh, aloes,
For he knows the secrets of the heart. and cassia.
22 Yes, for your sake we are killed all day Out of ivory palaces stringed instru-
long. ments have made you glad.
We are regarded as sheep for the 9 Kings’ daughters are among your honor-
slaughter. able women.
23 Wake up! At your right hand the queen stands in
Why do you sleep, Lord?† gold of Ophir.
10 Listen, daughter, consider, and turn
Don’t reject us forever. your ear.
24 Why do you hide your face, Forget your own people, and also your
and forget our affliction and our op- father’s house.
11 So the king will desire your beauty,
25 For our soul is bowed down to the dust. honor him, for he is your lord.
12 The daughter of Tyre comes with a gift.
Our body clings to the earth.
26 Rise up to help us. The rich among the people entreat
Redeem us for your loving kindness’ your favor.
13 The princess inside is all glorious.
Her clothing is interwoven with gold.
45 14 She shall be led to the king in embroi-
For the Chief Musician. Set to “The Lilies.” dered work.
A contemplation by the sons of Korah. A The virgins, her companions who fol-
wedding song. low her, shall be brought to you.
1 My heart overflows with a noble theme. 15 With gladness and rejoicing they shall be
I recite my verses for the king. led.
My tongue is like the pen of a skillful They shall enter into the king’s palace.
16 Your sons will take the place of your
2 You are the most excellent of the sons of fathers.
men. You shall make them princes in all the
Grace has anointed your lips, earth.
17 I will make your name to be remem-
therefore God has blessed you forever.
3 Strap your sword on your thigh, O mighty bered in all generations.
one, Therefore the peoples shall give you
in your splendor and your majesty. thanks forever and ever.
4 In your majesty ride on victoriously on
behalf of truth, humility, and righ- 46
teousness. For the Chief Musician. By the sons of
Let your right hand display awesome Korah. According to Alamoth. †
deeds. 1 God is our refuge and strength,
5 Your arrows are sharp. a very present help in trouble.
† 44:23 The word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.” † 46: Alamoth is a musical term.
Psalms 46:2 626 Psalms 48:12

2 Therefore we won’t be afraid, though the 6 Sing praises to God!

Sing praises!
earth changes, Sing praises to our King! Sing praises!
though the mountains are shaken into 7 For God is the King of all the earth.
the heart of the seas; Sing praises with understanding.
3 though its waters roar and are trou- 8
God reigns over the nations.
bled, God sits on his holy throne.
though the mountains tremble with 9 The princes of the peoples are gathered
their swelling. together,
Selah. the people of the God of Abraham.
4 There is a river, the streams of which For the shields of the earth belong to
make the city of God glad, God.
the holy place of the tents of the Most He is greatly exalted!
5 God is within her. She shall not be moved. 48
God will help her at dawn. A Song. A Psalm by the sons of Korah.
1 Great is the LORD, and greatly to be
6 The nations raged. The kingdoms were
moved. praised,
He lifted his voice and the earth in the city of our God, in his holy
melted. mountain.
7 The LORD of Armies is with us. 2 Beautiful in elevation, the joy of the
The God of Jacob is our refuge. whole earth,
Selah. is Mount Zion, on the north sides,
the city of the great King.
8 Come, see the LORD’s works, 3 God has shown himself in her citadels as
what desolations he has made in the a refuge.
earth. 4 For, behold, the kings assembled them-
9 He makes wars cease to the end of the
earth. selves,
He breaks the bow, and shatters the they passed by together.
spear. 5 They saw it, then they were amazed.
He burns the chariots in the fire. They were dismayed.
10 “Be still, and know that I am God.
They hurried away.
I will be exalted among the nations. 6 Trembling took hold of them there,
I will be exalted in the earth.” pain, as of a woman in travail.
11 The LORD of Armies is with us.
7 With the east wind, you break the ships of
The God of Jacob is our refuge.
Selah. 8 Tarshish.
As we have heard, so we have seen,
in the city of the LORD of Armies, in
47 the city of our God.
For the Chief Musician. A Psalm by the God will establish it forever.
sons of Korah. Selah.
1 Oh clap your hands, all you nations. 9 We have thought about your loving kind-
Shout to God with the voice of tri- ness, God,
umph! in the middle of your temple.
2 For the LORD Most High is awesome. 10 As is your name, God,
He is a great King over all the earth. so is your praise to the ends of the
3 He subdues nations under us,
and peoples under our feet. Your right hand is full of righteous-
4 He chooses our inheritance for us, ness.
11 Let Mount Zion be glad!
the glory of Jacob whom he loved.
Selah. Let the daughters of Judah rejoice be-
5 God has gone up with a shout, cause of your judgments.
the LORD with the sound of a trumpet. 12 Walk about Zion, and go around her.
Psalms 48:13 627 Psalms 50:7

Number its towers. Selah.

13 Notice her bulwarks. 14 They are appointed as a flock for Sheol.†
Consider her palaces, Death shall be their shepherd.
that you may tell it to the next genera- The upright shall have dominion over
tion. them in the morning.
14 For this God is our God forever and ever.
Their beauty shall decay in Sheol,‡
He will be our guide even to death. far from their mansion.
15 But God will redeem my soul from the
49 power of Sheol,§
For the Chief Musician. A Psalm by the
sons of Korah. for he will receive me.
1 Hear this, all you peoples. Selah.
16 Don’t be afraid when a man is made rich,
Listen, all you inhabitants of the when the glory of his house is in-
world, creased;
2 both low and high, 17 for when he dies he will carry nothing
rich and poor together. away.
3 My mouth will speak words of wisdom. His glory won’t descend after him.
My heart will utter understanding. 18 Though while he lived he blessed his
4 I will incline my ear to a proverb. soul—
I will solve my riddle on the harp. and men praise you when you do well
5 Why should I fear in the days of evil, for yourself—
19 he shall go to the generation of his
when iniquity at my heels surrounds
me? fathers.
6 Those who trust in their wealth, They shall never see the light.
and boast in the multitude of their 20 A man who has riches without under-
riches— standing,
7 none of them can by any means re-
is like the animals that perish.
deem his brother,
nor give God a ransom for him.
8 For the redemption of their life is costly,
A Psalm by Asaph.
no payment is ever enough, 1 The Mighty One, God, the LORD, speaks,
9 that he should live on forever, and calls the earth from sunrise to
that he should not see corruption. sunset.
10 For he sees that wise men die; 2 Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty,

likewise the fool and the senseless per- 3 God shines out.
ish, Our God comes, and does not keep silent.
and leave their wealth to others. A fire devours before him.
11 Their inward thought is that their It is very stormy around him.
4 He calls to the heavens above,
houses will endure forever,
and their dwelling places to all gener- to the earth, that he may judge his
ations. people:
They name their lands after them- 5 “Gather my saints together to me,
selves. those who have made a covenant with
12 But man, despite his riches, doesn’t en- me by sacrifice.”
dure. 6 The heavens shall declare his righteous-
He is like the animals that perish. ness,
for God himself is judge.
13 This is the destiny of those who are fool- Selah.
ish, 7 “Hear, my people, and I will speak.
and of those who approve their say- Israel, I will testify against you.
ings. I am God, your God.
† 49:14 Sheol is the place of the dead. ‡ 49:14 Sheol is the place of the dead. § 49:15 Sheol is the place of the
Psalms 50:8 628 Psalms 51:16

8 I don’t rebuke you for your sacrifices. 51

Your burnt offerings are continually For the Chief Musician. A Psalm by David,
before me. when Nathan the prophet came to him,
9 I have no need for a bull from your stall, after he had gone in to Bathsheba.
1 Have mercy on me, God, according to
nor male goats from your pens.
10 For every animal of the forest is mine, your loving kindness.
and the livestock on a thousand hills. According to the multitude of your
11 I know all the birds of the mountains. tender mercies, blot out my trans-
The wild animals of the field are mine. gressions.
12 If I were hungry, I would not tell you, 2 Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity.

for the world is mine, and all that is in Cleanse me from my sin.
it. 3 For I know my transgressions.
13 Will I eat the meat of bulls, My sin is constantly before me.
or drink the blood of goats? 4 Against you, and you only, I have sinned,
14 Offer to God the sacrifice of thanksgiv- and done that which is evil in your
ing. sight,
Pay your vows to the Most High. so you may be proved right when you
15 Call on me in the day of trouble. speak,
I will deliver you, and you will honor and justified when you judge.
5 Behold, I was born in iniquity.
My mother conceived me in sin.
16 But to the wicked God says, 6 Behold, you desire truth in the inward
“What right do you have to declare my parts.
statutes, You teach me wisdom in the inmost
that you have taken my covenant on place.
7 Purify me with hyssop, and I will be clean.
your lips,
17 since you hate instruction, Wash me, and I will be whiter than
and throw my words behind you? snow.
8 Let me hear joy and gladness,
18 When you saw a thief, you consented that the bones which you have broken
with him, may rejoice.
and have participated with adulter- 9 Hide your face from my sins,
and blot out all of my iniquities.
19 “You give your mouth to evil. 10 Create in me a clean heart, O God.

Your tongue frames deceit. Renew a right spirit within me.

11 Don’t throw me from your presence,
20 You sit and speak against your brother.
and don’t take your Holy Spirit from
You slander your own mother’s son. me.
21 You have done these things, and I kept 12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation.
silent. Uphold me with a willing spirit.
You thought that I was just like you. 13 Then I will teach transgressors your
I will rebuke you, and accuse you in ways.
front of your eyes. Sinners will be converted to you.
14 Deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed,
22 “Now consider this, you who forget God, O God, the God of my salvation.
lest I tear you into pieces, and there be My tongue will sing aloud of your righ-
no one to deliver. teousness.
23 Whoever offers the sacrifice of thanks- 15 Lord, open my lips.
giving glorifies me, My mouth will declare your praise.
and prepares his way so that I will 16 For you don’t delight in sacrifice, or else
show God’s salvation to him.” I would give it.
Psalms 51:17 629 Psalms 54:4

You have no pleasure in burnt offer- in the presence of your saints.

17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit. 53
O God, you will not despise a broken For the Chief Musician. To the tune of
and contrite heart. “Mahalath.” A contemplation by David.
1 The fool has said in his heart, “There is no
18 Do well in your good pleasure to Zion. God.”
Build the walls of Jerusalem. They are corrupt, and have done
19 Then you will delight in the sacrifices of abominable iniquity.
righteousness, There is no one who does good.
2 God looks down from heaven on the chil-
in burnt offerings and in whole burnt
dren of men,
offerings. to see if there are any who understood,
Then they will offer bulls on your altar. who seek after God.
3 Every one of them has gone back.
52 They have become filthy together.
For the Chief Musician. A contemplation There is no one who does good, no, not
by David, when Doeg the Edomite came one.
and told Saul, “David has come to Ahim- 4 Have the workers of iniquity no knowl-
elech’s house.” edge,
1 Why do you boast of mischief, mighty
who eat up my people as they eat
man? bread,
God’s loving kindness endures contin- and don’t call on God?
ually. 5 There they were in great fear, where no
2 Your tongue plots destruction,
fear was,
like a sharp razor, working deceit- for God has scattered the bones of him
fully. who encamps against you.
3 You love evil more than good, You have put them to shame,
lying rather than speaking the truth. because God has rejected them.
6 Oh that the salvation of Israel would
4 You love all devouring words, come out of Zion!
you deceitful tongue. When God brings back his people
5 God will likewise destroy you forever. from captivity,
He will take you up, and pluck you out then Jacob shall rejoice,
of your tent, and Israel shall be glad.
and root you out of the land of the
living. 54
For the Chief Musician. On stringed instru-
Selah. ments. A contemplation by David, when
6 The righteous also will see it, and fear,
the Ziphites came and said to Saul, “Isn’t
and laugh at him, saying,
7 “Behold, this is the man who didn’t make David hiding himself among us?”
1 Save me, God, by your name.
God his strength,
but trusted in the abundance of his 2 Vindicate me in your might.
riches, Hear my prayer, God.
and strengthened himself in his Listen to the words of my mouth.
wickedness.” 3 For strangers have risen up against me.
8 But as for me, I am like a green olive tree Violent men have sought after my
in God’s house. soul.
I trust in God’s loving kindness forever They haven’t set God before them.
and ever. Selah.
9 I will give you thanks forever, because 4 Behold, God is my helper.
you have done it. The Lord is the one who sustains my
I will hope in your name, for it is good, soul.
Psalms 54:5 630 Psalms 56:1

5 He will repay the evil to my enemies. then I would have hidden myself from
Destroy them in your truth. him.
6 With a free will offering, I will sacrifice to 13 But it was you, a man like me,
you. my companion, and my familiar
I will give thanks to your name, LORD, friend.
14 We took sweet fellowship together.
for it is good.
7 For he has delivered me out of all trouble. We walked in God’s house with com-
My eye has seen triumph over my en- pany.
15 Let death come suddenly on them.
Let them go down alive into Sheol.†
55 For wickedness is among them, in
For the Chief Musician. On stringed instru- their dwelling.
ments. A contemplation by David. 16 As for me, I will call on God.
1 Listen to my prayer, God. The LORD will save me.
17 Evening, morning, and at noon, I will cry
Don’t hide yourself from my supplica-
tion. out in distress.
2 Attend to me, and answer me. He will hear my voice.
18 He has redeemed my soul in peace from
I am restless in my complaint,
the battle that was against me,
and moan 3 because of the voice of the
enemy, although there are many who oppose
because of the oppression of the 19 God, who is enthroned forever,
wicked. will hear and answer them.
For they bring suffering on me. Selah.
In anger they hold a grudge against
me. They never change
4 My heart is severely pained within me.
and don’t fear God.
The terrors of death have fallen on me. 20 He raises his hands against his friends.
5 Fearfulness and trembling have come on He has violated his covenant.
me. 21 His mouth was smooth as butter,
Horror has overwhelmed me. but his heart was war.
6 I said, “Oh that I had wings like a dove! His words were softer than oil,
Then I would fly away, and be at rest. yet they were drawn swords.
7 Behold, then I would wander far off.
I would lodge in the wilderness.” 22 Cast your burden on the LORD and he
Selah. will sustain you.
8 “I would hurry to a shelter from the He will never allow the righteous to be
stormy wind and storm.” moved.
23 But you, God, will bring them down into
9 Confuse them, Lord, and confound their
language, the pit of destruction.
for I have seen violence and strife in Bloodthirsty and deceitful men shall
the city. not live out half their days,
10 Day and night they prowl around on its but I will trust in you.
Malice and abuse are also within her. 56
11 Destructive forces are within her. For the Chief Musician. To the tune of
Threats and lies don’t depart from her “Silent Dove in Distant Lands.” A poem by
streets. David, when the Philistines seized him in
12 For it was not an enemy who insulted Gath.
me, 1 Be merciful to me, God, for man wants to
then I could have endured it. swallow me up.
Neither was it he who hated me who raised All day long, he attacks and oppresses
himself up against me, me.
† 55:15 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Psalms 56:2 631 Psalms 58:6

2 My enemies want to swallow me up all God will send out his loving kindness and
day long, his truth.
4 My soul is among lions.
for they are many who fight proudly
against me. I lie among those who are set on fire,
3 When I am afraid, even the sons of men, whose teeth are
I will put my trust in you. spears and arrows,
4 In God, I praise his word. and their tongue a sharp sword.
In God, I put my trust. 5 Be exalted, God, above the heavens!
I will not be afraid. Let your glory be above all the earth!
What can flesh do to me?
5 All day long they twist my words. 6 They have prepared a net for my steps.
All their thoughts are against me for My soul is bowed down.
evil. They dig a pit before me.
6 They conspire and lurk,
They fall into the middle of it them-
watching my steps. selves.
They are eager to take my life. Selah.
7 Shall they escape by iniquity? 7 My heart is steadfast, God.
In anger cast down the peoples, God. My heart is steadfast.
8 You count my wanderings. I will sing, yes, I will sing praises.
You put my tears into your container. 8 Wake up, my glory! Wake up, lute and
Aren’t they in your book? harp!
9 Then my enemies shall turn back in the I will wake up the dawn.
day that I call. 9 I will give thanks to you, Lord, among the
I know this: that God is for me. peoples.
10 In God, I will praise his word.
I will sing praises to you among the
In the LORD, I will praise his word. nations.
11 I have put my trust in God. 10 For your great loving kindness reaches
I will not be afraid. to the heavens,
What can man do to me? and your truth to the skies.
12 Your vows are on me, God.
11 Be exalted, God, above the heavens.
I will give thank offerings to you.
13 For you have delivered my soul from Let your glory be over all the earth.
and prevented my feet from falling, 58
For the Chief Musician. To the tune of “Do
that I may walk before God in the light Not Destroy.” A poem by David.
of the living. 1 Do you indeed speak righteousness, silent
57 Do you judge blamelessly, you sons of
For the Chief Musician. To the tune of “Do men?
Not Destroy.” A poem by David, when he 2 No, in your heart you plot injustice.
fled from Saul, in the cave.
1 Be merciful to me, God, be merciful to me, You measure out the violence of your
for my soul takes refuge in you. hands in the earth.
3 The wicked go astray from the womb.
Yes, in the shadow of your wings, I will take
They are wayward as soon as they are
born, speaking lies.
until disaster has passed. 4 Their poison is like the poison of a snake,
2 I cry out to God Most High,
to God who accomplishes my requests for like a deaf cobra that stops its ear,
5 which doesn’t listen to the voice of
3 He will send from heaven, and save me, charmers,
he rebukes the one who is pursuing no matter how skillful the charmer
me. may be.
Selah. 6 Break their teeth, God, in their mouth.
Psalms 58:7 632 Psalms 60:3

Break out the great teeth of the young You scoff at all the nations.
9 Oh, my Strength, I watch for you,
lions, LORD.
7 Let them vanish like water that flows for God is my high tower.
away. 10 My God will go before me with his loving
When they draw the bow, let their kindness.
arrows be made blunt. God will let me look at my enemies in
8 Let them be like a snail which melts and
passes away, 11 Don’t kill them, or my people may forget.
like the stillborn child, who has not Scatter them by your power, and bring
seen the sun.
9 Before your pots can feel the heat of the them down, Lord our shield.
12 For the sin of their mouth, and the words
he will sweep away the green and the of their lips,
burning alike. let them be caught in their pride,
10 The righteous shall rejoice when he sees for the curses and lies which they ut-
the vengeance. 13 Consume them in wrath.
He shall wash his feet in the blood of Consume them, and they will be no
the wicked, more.
11 so that men shall say, “Most certainly
Let them know that God rules in Jacob,
there is a reward for the righteous. to the ends of the earth.
Most certainly there is a God who Selah.
14 At evening let them return.
judges the earth.”
Let them howl like a dog, and go
59 around the city.
For the Chief Musician. To the tune of “Do 15 They shall wander up and down for food,
Not Destroy.” A poem by David, when Saul and wait all night if they aren’t satis-
sent, and they watched the house to kill fied.
1 Deliver me from my enemies, my God. 16 But I will sing of your strength.
Set me on high from those who rise up Yes, I will sing aloud of your loving
against me. kindness in the morning.
2 Deliver me from the workers of iniquity.
For you have been my high tower,
Save me from the bloodthirsty men. a refuge in the day of my distress.
3 For, behold, they lie in wait for my soul. 17 To you, my strength, I will sing praises.
The mighty gather themselves to- For God is my high tower, the God of
gether against me, my mercy.
not for my disobedience, nor for my
sin, LORD. 60
4 I have done no wrong, yet they are ready For the Chief Musician. To the tune of
to attack me. “The Lily of the Covenant.” A teaching
Rise up, behold, and help me! poem by David, when he fought with Aram
5 You, LORD God of Armies, the God of Naharaim and with Aram Zobah, and Joab
Israel, returned, and killed twelve thousand of
rouse yourself to punish the nations. Edom in the Valley of Salt.
Show no mercy to the wicked traitors. 1 God, you have rejected us.
Selah. You have broken us down.
6 They return at evening, howling like
You have been angry.
dogs, Restore us, again.
and prowl around the city. 2 You have made the land tremble.
7 Behold, they spew with their mouth.
You have torn it.
Swords are in their lips, Mend its fractures,
“For”, they say, “who hears us?” for it quakes.
8 But you, LORD, laugh at them. 3 You have shown your people hard things.
Psalms 60:4 633 Psalms 62:12

You have made us drink the wine that 7 He shall be enthroned in God’s presence
makes us stagger. forever.
4 You have given a banner to those who Appoint your loving kindness and
fear you, truth, that they may preserve him.
that it may be displayed because of the 8 So I will sing praise to your name forever,
truth. that I may fulfill my vows daily.
5 So that your beloved may be delivered, 62
For the Chief Musician. To Jeduthun. A
save with your right hand, and answer Psalm by David.
us. 1 My soul rests in God alone.
6 God has spoken from his sanctuary:
“I will triumph. My salvation is from him.
2 He alone is my rock, my salvation, and my
I will divide Shechem,
and measure out the valley of Succoth. fortress.
7 Gilead is mine, and Manasseh is mine. I will never be greatly shaken.
3 How long will you assault a man?
Ephraim also is the defense of my
head. Would all of you throw him down,
Judah is my scepter. like a leaning wall, like a tottering
8 Moab is my wash basin. fence?
4 They fully intend to throw him down
I will throw my sandal on Edom.
I shout in triumph over Philistia.” from his lofty place.
They delight in lies.
9 Who will bring me into the strong city? They bless with their mouth, but they
Who has led me to Edom? curse inwardly.
10 Haven’t you, God, rejected us? Selah.
You don’t go out with our armies, God. 5 My soul, wait in silence for God alone,
11 Give us help against the adversary, for my expectation is from him.
for the help of man is vain. 6 He alone is my rock and my salvation, my
12 Through God we will do valiantly, fortress.
for it is he who will tread down our I will not be shaken.
7 My salvation and my honor is with God.
The rock of my strength, and my
61 refuge, is in God.
For the Chief Musician. For a stringed 8 Trust in him at all times, you people.
instrument. By David. Pour out your heart before him.
1 Hear my cry, God.
God is a refuge for us.
Listen to my prayer. Selah.
2 From the end of the earth, I will call to you 9 Surely men of low degree are just a
when my heart is overwhelmed. breath,
Lead me to the rock that is higher than and men of high degree are a lie.
I. In the balances they will go up.
3 For you have been a refuge for me,
They are together lighter than a
a strong tower from the enemy. breath.
4 I will dwell in your tent forever. 10 Don’t trust in oppression.
I will take refuge in the shelter of your Don’t become vain in robbery.
wings. If riches increase,
Selah. don’t set your heart on them.
5 For you, God, have heard my vows. 11 God has spoken once;
You have given me the heritage of twice I have heard this,
those who fear your name. that power belongs to God.
6 You will prolong the king’s life. 12 Also to you, Lord, belongs loving kind-
His years will be for generations. ness,
Psalms 63:1 634 Psalms 65:7

for you reward every man according 3 who sharpen their tongue like a sword,
to his work. and aim their arrows, deadly words,
4 to shoot innocent men from am-
63 bushes.
A Psalm by David, when he was in the They shoot at him suddenly and fear-
desert of Judah. lessly.
1 God, you are my God. 5 They encourage themselves in evil plans.
I will earnestly seek you. They talk about laying snares secretly.
My soul thirsts for you. They say, “Who will see them?”
My flesh longs for you, 6 They plot injustice, saying, “We have
in a dry and weary land, where there made a perfect plan!”
is no water. Surely man’s mind and heart are cun-
2 So I have seen you in the sanctuary,
watching your power and your glory. 7 But God will shoot at them.
3 Because your loving kindness is better They will be suddenly struck down
than life, with an arrow.
8 Their own tongues shall ruin them.
my lips shall praise you.
4 So I will bless you while I live. All who see them will shake their
I will lift up my hands in your name. heads.
9 All mankind shall be afraid.
5 My soul shall be satisfied as with the
They shall declare the work of God,
richest food. and shall wisely ponder what he has
My mouth shall praise you with joyful done.
lips, 10 The righteous shall be glad in the LORD,
6 when I remember you on my bed,
and shall take refuge in him.
and think about you in the night All the upright in heart shall praise
watches. him!
7 For you have been my help.
I will rejoice in the shadow of your 65
wings. For the Chief Musician. A Psalm by David.
8 My soul stays close to you. A song.
1 Praise waits for you, God, in Zion.
Your right hand holds me up.
9 But those who seek my soul to destroy it Vows shall be performed to you.
2 You who hear prayer,
shall go into the lower parts of the
earth. all men will come to you.
10 They shall be given over to the power of 3 Sins overwhelmed me,
the sword. but you atoned for our transgressions.
They shall be jackal food. 4 Blessed is the one whom you choose and
11 But the king shall rejoice in God. cause to come near,
Everyone who swears by him will that he may live in your courts.
praise him, We will be filled with the goodness of
for the mouth of those who speak lies your house,
shall be silenced. your holy temple.
5 By awesome deeds of righteousness, you
64 answer us,
For the Chief Musician. A Psalm by David. God of our salvation.
1 Hear my voice, God, in my complaint. You who are the hope of all the ends of the
Preserve my life from fear of the en- earth,
emy. of those who are far away on the sea.
2 Hide me from the conspiracy of the 6 By your power, you form the mountains,
wicked, having armed yourself with strength.
from the noisy crowd of the ones doing 7 You still the roaring of the seas,
evil; the roaring of their waves,
Psalms 65:8 635 Psalms 67:6

and the turmoil of the nations. 10 For you, God, have tested us.
8 They also who dwell in faraway places You have refined us, as silver is re-
are afraid at your wonders. fined.
You call the morning’s dawn and the 11 You brought us into prison.
evening with songs of joy. You laid a burden on our backs.
9 You visit the earth, and water it. 12 You allowed men to ride over our heads.

You greatly enrich it. We went through fire and through wa-
The river of God is full of water. but you brought us to the place of
You provide them grain, for so you
have ordained it. abundance.
13 I will come into your temple with burnt
10 You drench its furrows.
You level its ridges. offerings.
You soften it with showers. I will pay my vows to you, 14 which my
You bless it with a crop. lips promised,
11 You crown the year with your bounty. and my mouth spoke, when I was in
Your carts overflow with abundance. distress.
12 The wilderness grasslands overflow. 15 I will offer to you burnt offerings of fat
The hills are clothed with gladness. animals,
13 The pastures are covered with flocks. with the offering of rams,
The valleys also are clothed with I will offer bulls with goats.
grain. Selah.
16 Come and hear, all you who fear God.
They shout for joy!
They also sing. I will declare what he has done for my
66 17 I cried to him with my mouth.
He was extolled with my tongue.
For the Chief Musician. A song. A Psalm.
1 Make a joyful shout to God, all the earth! 18 If I cherished sin in my heart,
2 Sing to the glory of his name! the Lord wouldn’t have listened.
19 But most certainly, God has listened.
Offer glory and praise!
3 Tell God, “How awesome are your deeds! He has heard the voice of my prayer.
20 Blessed be God, who has not turned
Through the greatness of your power, away my prayer,
your enemies submit themselves to nor his loving kindness from me.
4 All the earth will worship you,
and will sing to you;
For the Chief Musician. With stringed in-
they will sing to your name.” struments. A Psalm. A song.
Selah. 1 May God be merciful to us, bless us,
5 Come, and see God’s deeds—
awesome work on behalf of the chil- and cause his face to shine on us.
dren of men. Selah.
2 That your way may be known on earth,
6 He turned the sea into dry land.
They went through the river on foot. and your salvation among all nations,
3 let the peoples praise you, God.
There, we rejoiced in him.
7 He rules by his might forever. Let all the peoples praise you.
4 Oh let the nations be glad and sing for joy,
His eyes watch the nations.
Don’t let the rebellious rise up against for you will judge the peoples with
him. equity,
Selah. and govern the nations on earth.
8 Praise our God, you peoples! Selah.
5 Let the peoples praise you, God.
Make the sound of his praise heard,
9 who preserves our life among the living, Let all the peoples praise you.
6 The earth has yielded its increase.
and doesn’t allow our feet to be
moved. God, even our own God, will bless us.
Psalms 67:7 636 Psalms 68:26

7 God will bless us. the wings of a dove sheathed with sil-
All the ends of the earth shall fear him. ver,
her feathers with shining gold.
68 14 When the Almighty scattered kings in
For the Chief Musician. A Psalm by David.
A song. it snowed on Zalmon.
1 Let God arise! 15 The mountains of Bashan are majestic
Let his enemies be scattered!
Let them who hate him also flee before mountains.
him. The mountains of Bashan are rugged.
2 As smoke is driven away, 16 Why do you look in envy, you rugged
so drive them away. mountains,
As wax melts before the fire, at the mountain where God chooses to
so let the wicked perish at the pres- reign?
ence of God. Yes, the LORD will dwell there forever.
3 But let the righteous be glad. 17 The chariots of God are tens of thou-
Let them rejoice before God. sands and thousands of thousands.
Yes, let them rejoice with gladness. The Lord is among them, from Sinai,
4 Sing to God! Sing praises to his name! into the sanctuary.
18 You have ascended on high.
Extol him who rides on the clouds:
to the LORD, his name! You have led away captives.
Rejoice before him! You have received gifts among people,
5 A father of the fatherless, and a defender yes, among the rebellious also, that the
of the widows, LORD God might dwell there.
is God in his holy habitation.
6 God sets the lonely in families. 19 Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our
He brings out the prisoners with singing, burdens,
but the rebellious dwell in a sun- even the God who is our salvation.
scorched land. Selah.
20 God is to us a God of deliverance.
7 God, when you went out before your To the LORD, the Lord, belongs escape
people, from death.
when you marched through the 21 But God will strike through the head of
wilderness... his enemies,
Selah. the hairy scalp of such a one as still
8 The earth trembled.
continues in his guiltiness.
The sky also poured down rain at the 22 The Lord said, “I will bring you again
presence of the God of Sinai—
at the presence of God, the God of from Bashan,
I will bring you again from the depths
9 You, God, sent a plentiful rain. of the sea,
23 that you may crush them, dipping your
You confirmed your inheritance when
it was weary. foot in blood,
10 Your congregation lived therein. that the tongues of your dogs may
You, God, prepared your goodness for have their portion from your ene-
the poor. mies.”
24 They have seen your processions, God,
11 The Lord announced the word.
The ones who proclaim it are a great even the processions of my God, my
company. King, into the sanctuary.
12 “Kings of armies flee! They flee!” 25 The singers went before, the minstrels
She who waits at home divides the followed after,
plunder, among the ladies playing with tam-
13 while you sleep among the camp bourines,
fires, 26 “Bless God in the congregations,
Psalms 68:27 637 Psalms 69:19

even the Lord in the assembly of Is- Those who want to cut me off, being
rael!” my enemies wrongfully, are mighty.
27 There is little Benjamin, their ruler, I have to restore what I didn’t take
the princes of Judah, their council, away.
the princes of Zebulun, and the 5 God, you know my foolishness.
princes of Naphtali. My sins aren’t hidden from you.
6 Don’t let those who wait for you be
28 Your God has commanded your shamed through me, Lord GOD of
strength. Armies.
Strengthen, God, that which you have Don’t let those who seek you be
done for us. brought to dishonor through me,
29 Because of your temple at Jerusalem, God of Israel.
kings shall bring presents to you. 7 Because for your sake, I have borne re-
30 Rebuke the wild animal of the reeds, proach.
the multitude of the bulls with the Shame has covered my face.
calves of the peoples. 8 I have become a stranger to my brothers,
Trample under foot the bars of silver. an alien to my mother’s children.
Scatter the nations who delight in war. 9 For the zeal of your house consumes me.
31 Princes shall come out of Egypt. The reproaches of those who reproach
Ethiopia shall hurry to stretch out her you have fallen on me.
hands to God. 10 When I wept and I fasted,
32 Sing to God, you kingdoms of the earth!
that was to my reproach.
Sing praises to the Lord— 11 When I made sackcloth my clothing,
Selah— I became a byword to them.
33 to him who rides on the heaven of heav-
12 Those who sit in the gate talk about me.
ens, which are of old;
behold, he utters his voice, a mighty I am the song of the drunkards.
13 But as for me, my prayer is to you, LORD,
34 Ascribe strength to God! in an acceptable time.
His excellency is over Israel, God, in the abundance of your loving
his strength is in the skies. kindness, answer me in the truth of
35 You are awesome, God, in your sanctuar- your salvation.
14 Deliver me out of the mire, and don’t let
The God of Israel gives strength and me sink.
power to his people. Let me be delivered from those who
hate me, and out of the deep waters.
Praise be to God! 15 Don’t let the flood waters overwhelm
69 neither let the deep swallow me up.
For the Chief Musician. To the tune of Don’t let the pit shut its mouth on me.
“Lilies.” By David. 16 Answer me, LORD, for your loving kind-
1 Save me, God,
for the waters have come up to my ness is good.
neck! According to the multitude of your
2 I sink in deep mire, where there is no tender mercies, turn to me.
17 Don’t hide your face from your servant,
I have come into deep waters, where for I am in distress.
the floods overflow me. Answer me speedily!
3 I am weary with my crying. 18 Draw near to my soul and redeem it.
My throat is dry. Ransom me because of my enemies.
My eyes fail looking for my God. 19 You know my reproach, my shame, and
4 Those who hate me without a cause are my dishonor.
more than the hairs of my head. My adversaries are all before you.
Psalms 69:20 638 Psalms 71:10

20 Reproach has broken my heart, and I am 70

full of heaviness. For the Chief Musician. By David. A re-
I looked for some to take pity, but there minder.
was none; 1 Hurry, God, to deliver me.
for comforters, but I found none. Come quickly to help me, LORD.
21 They also gave me poison for my food. 2 Let them be disappointed and con-
In my thirst, they gave me vinegar to founded who seek my soul.
drink. Let those who desire my ruin be
22 Let their table before them become a
turned back in disgrace.
snare. 3 Let them be turned because of their
May it become a retribution and a shame
trap. who say, “Aha! Aha!”
23 Let their eyes be darkened, so that they
4 Let all those who seek you rejoice and be
can’t see. glad in you.
Let their backs be continually bent.
24 Pour out your indignation on them.
Let those who love your salvation con-
tinually say,
Let the fierceness of your anger over- “Let God be exalted!”
take them. 5 But I am poor and needy.
25 Let their habitation be desolate.
Come to me quickly, God.
Let no one dwell in their tents.
26 For they persecute him whom you have You are my help and my deliverer.
LORD, don’t delay.
They tell of the sorrow of those whom
you have hurt.
27 Charge them with crime upon crime.
1 In you, LORD, I take refuge.
Don’t let them come into your righ- Never let me be disappointed.
teousness. 2 Deliver me in your righteousness, and
28 Let them be blotted out of the book of life,
rescue me.
and not be written with the righteous. Turn your ear to me, and save me.
29 But I am in pain and distress. 3 Be to me a rock of refuge to which I may
Let your salvation, God, protect me. always go.
30 I will praise the name of God with a song, Give the command to save me,
and will magnify him with thanksgiv- for you are my rock and my fortress.
ing. 4 Rescue me, my God, from the hand of the
31 It will please the LORD better than an ox, wicked,
or a bull that has horns and hoofs. from the hand of the unrighteous and
32 The humble have seen it, and are glad. cruel man.
5 For you are my hope, Lord GOD,
You who seek after God, let your heart
live. my confidence from my youth.
33 For the LORD hears the needy, 6 I have relied on you from the womb.
and doesn’t despise his captive people. You are he who took me out of my
34 Let heaven and earth praise him; mother’s womb.
I will always praise you.
the seas, and everything that moves 7
I am a marvel to many,
35 For God will save Zion, and build the but you are my strong refuge.
8 My mouth shall be filled with your praise,
cities of Judah.
They shall settle there, and own it. with your honor all day long.
9 Don’t reject me in my old age.
36 The children also of his servants shall
inherit it. Don’t forsake me when my strength
Those who love his name shall dwell fails.
therein. 10 For my enemies talk about me.
Psalms 71:11 639 Psalms 72:16

Those who watch for my soul conspire who want to harm me.
11 saying, “God has forsaken him. 72
Pursue and take him, for no one will 1 By Solomon.
rescue him.” God, give the king your justice;
12 God, don’t be far from me. your righteousness to the royal son.
My God, hurry to help me. 2 He will judge your people with righteous-
13 Let my accusers be disappointed and ness,
consumed. and your poor with justice.
3 The mountains shall bring prosperity to
Let them be covered with disgrace and
scorn who want to harm me. the people.
14 But I will always hope, The hills bring the fruit of righteous-
and will add to all of your praise. ness.
4 He will judge the poor of the people.
15 My mouth will tell about your righteous-
ness, He will save the children of the needy,
and of your salvation all day, and will break the oppressor in pieces.
though I don’t know its full measure. 5 They shall fear you while the sun en-
16 I will come with the mighty acts of the dures;
Lord GOD. and as long as the moon, throughout
I will make mention of your righteous- all generations.
ness, even of yours alone. 6 He will come down like rain on the mown
17 God, you have taught me from my youth. grass,
Until now, I have declared your won- 7 as showers that water the earth.
drous works. In his days, the righteous shall flourish,
18 Yes, even when I am old and gray-haired, and abundance of peace, until the
God, don’t forsake me, moon is no more.
8 He shall have dominion also from sea to
until I have declared your strength to
the next generation, from the River to the ends of the earth.
your might to everyone who is to 9 Those who dwell in the wilderness shall
come. bow before him.
19 God, your righteousness also reaches to
His enemies shall lick the dust.
the heavens. 10 The kings of Tarshish and of the islands
You have done great things. will bring tribute.
God, who is like you? The kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer
20 You, who have shown us many and bitter
troubles, 11 Yes, all kings shall fall down before him.
you will let me live. All nations shall serve him.
You will bring us up again from the 12 For he will deliver the needy when he
depths of the earth. cries;
21 Increase my honor the poor, who has no helper.
and comfort me again. 13 He will have pity on the poor and needy.
22 I will also praise you with the harp for He will save the souls of the needy.
your faithfulness, my God. 14 He will redeem their soul from oppres-
I sing praises to you with the lyre, Holy sion and violence.
One of Israel. Their blood will be precious in his
23 My lips shall shout for joy! sight.
My soul, which you have redeemed, 15 He will live; and Sheba’s gold will be
sings praises to you! given to him.
24 My tongue will also talk about your righ- Men will pray for him continually.
teousness all day long, They will bless him all day long.
for they are disappointed, and they 16 Abundance of grain shall be throughout
are confounded, the land.
Psalms 72:17 640 Psalms 74:1

Its fruit sways like Lebanon. Being always at ease, they increase in
Let it flourish, thriving like the grass of riches.
13 Surely I have cleansed my heart in vain,
the field.
17 His name endures forever. and washed my hands in innocence,
His name continues as long as the sun. 14 For all day long I have been plagued,
Men shall be blessed by him. and punished every morning.
All nations will call him blessed. 15 If I had said, “I will speak thus”,

18 Praise be to the LORD God, the God of behold, I would have betrayed the gen-
Israel, eration of your children.
16 When I tried to understand this,
who alone does marvelous deeds.
19 Blessed be his glorious name forever! it was too painful for me—
Let the whole earth be filled with his 17 until I entered God’s sanctuary,
glory! and considered their latter end.
Amen and amen. 18 Surely you set them in slippery places.

20 This ends the prayers by David, the son

You throw them down to destruction.
19 How they are suddenly destroyed!
of Jesse. They are completely swept away with
BOOK 3 terrors.
20 As a dream when one wakes up,
73 so, Lord,‡ when you awake, you will
A Psalm by Asaph. despise their fantasies.
1 Surely God† is good to Israel, 21 For my soul was grieved.
to those who are pure in heart. I was embittered in my heart.
2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone. 22 I was so senseless and ignorant.
My steps had nearly slipped. I was a brute beast before you.
3 For I was envious of the arrogant, 23 Nevertheless, I am continually with you.
when I saw the prosperity of the You have held my right hand.
wicked. 24 You will guide me with your counsel,
4 For there are no struggles in their death,
and afterward receive me to glory.
but their strength is firm. 25 Whom do I have in heaven?
5 They are free from burdens of men,
There is no one on earth whom I desire
neither are they plagued like other besides you.
men. 26 My flesh and my heart fails,
6 Therefore pride is like a chain around
their neck. but God is the strength of my heart and
Violence covers them like a garment. my portion forever.
7 Their eyes bulge with fat. 27 For, behold, those who are far from you

Their minds pass the limits of conceit. shall perish.

8 They scoff and speak with malice. You have destroyed all those who are
In arrogance, they threaten oppres- unfaithful to you.
28 But it is good for me to come close to God.
9 They have set their mouth in the heavens.
I have made the Lord the LORD§ my
Their tongue walks through the earth. refuge,
10 Therefore their people return to them, that I may tell of all your works.
and they drink up waters of abun-
11 They say, “How does God know?
Is there knowledge in the Most High?” A contemplation by Asaph.
12 Behold, these are the wicked. 1 God, why have you rejected us forever?

† 73:1 The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬

ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim). ‡ 73:20 The word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.”
§ 73:28 When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, “LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name.
Psalms 74:2 641 Psalms 75:8

Why does your anger smolder against You have prepared the light and the
the sheep of your pasture? sun.
2 Remember your congregation, which you 17 You have set all the boundaries of the
purchased of old, You have made summer and winter.
which you have redeemed to be the
tribe of your inheritance: 18 Remember this, that the enemy has
Mount Zion, in which you have lived. mocked you, LORD.
3 Lift up your feet to the perpetual ruins, Foolish people have blasphemed your
all the evil that the enemy has done in name.
19 Don’t deliver the soul of your dove to
the sanctuary.
4 Your adversaries have roared in the mid- wild beasts.
dle of your assembly. Don’t forget the life of your poor for-
They have set up their standards as 20 Honor your covenant,
signs. for haunts of violence fill the dark
5 They behaved like men wielding axes,
places of the earth.
cutting through a thicket of trees. 21 Don’t let the oppressed return ashamed.
6 Now they break all its carved work down
Let the poor and needy praise your
with hatchet and hammers. name.
7 They have burned your sanctuary to 22
Arise, God! Plead your own cause.
the ground. Remember how the foolish man
They have profaned the dwelling mocks you all day.
place of your Name. 23 Don’t forget the voice of your adver-
8 They said in their heart, “We will crush saries.
them completely.” The tumult of those who rise up
They have burned up all the places in against you ascends continually.
the land where God was worshiped.
9 We see no miraculous signs.
There is no longer any prophet, 75
For the Chief Musician. To the tune of “Do
neither is there among us anyone who Not Destroy.” A Psalm by Asaph. A song.
knows how long. 1 We give thanks to you, God.
10 How long, God, shall the adversary re-
We give thanks, for your Name is near.
proach? Men tell about your wondrous works.
Shall the enemy blaspheme your
name forever? 2 When I choose the appointed time,
11 Why do you draw back your hand, even
I will judge blamelessly.
your right hand? 3 The earth and all its inhabitants quake.
Take it from your chest and consume
them! I firmly hold its pillars.
12 Yet God is my King of old, 4 I said to the arrogant, “Don’t boast!”

working salvation throughout the I said to the wicked, “Don’t lift up the
earth. horn.
13 You divided the sea by your strength. 5 Don’t lift up your horn on high.

You broke the heads of the sea mon- Don’t speak with a stiff neck.”
sters in the waters. 6 For neither from the east, nor from the
14 You broke the heads of Leviathan in west,
pieces. nor yet from the south, comes exalta-
You gave him as food to people and tion.
desert creatures. 7 But God is the judge.
15 You opened up spring and stream.
He puts down one, and lifts up an-
You dried up mighty rivers. other.
16 The day is yours, the night is also yours. 8 For in the LORD’s hand there is a cup,
Psalms 75:9 642 Psalms 77:17

full of foaming wine mixed with 77

spices. For the Chief Musician. To Jeduthun. A
He pours it out. Psalm by Asaph.
Indeed the wicked of the earth drink 1 My cry goes to God!
and drink it to its very dregs. Indeed, I cry to God for help,
and for him to listen to me.
9 But I will declare this forever: 2 In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord.
I will sing praises to the God of Jacob. My hand was stretched out in the
10 I will cut off all the horns of the wicked, night, and didn’t get tired.
but the horns of the righteous shall be My soul refused to be comforted.
lifted up. 3 I remember God, and I groan.
I complain, and my spirit is over-
76 Selah.
For the Chief Musician. On stringed instru-
4 You hold my eyelids open.
ments. A Psalm by Asaph. A song.
1 In Judah, God is known. I am so troubled that I can’t speak.
5 I have considered the days of old,
His name is great in Israel.
2 His tabernacle is also in Salem. the years of ancient times.
His dwelling place in Zion. 6 I remember my song in the night.
3 There he broke the flaming arrows of the I consider in my own heart;
bow, my spirit diligently inquires:
the shield, and the sword, and the 7 “Will the Lord reject us forever?
weapons of war. Will he be favorable no more?
Selah. 8 Has his loving kindness vanished for-
4 Glorious are you, and excellent, ever?
more than mountains of game. Does his promise fail for generations?
5 Valiant men lie plundered, 9 Has God forgotten to be gracious?

they have slept their last sleep. Has he, in anger, withheld his compas-
None of the men of war can lift their sion?”
hands. Selah.
6 At your rebuke, God of Jacob, 10 Then I thought, “I will appeal to this:

both chariot and horse are cast into a the years of the right hand of the Most
dead sleep. High.”
7 You, even you, are to be feared. 11 I will remember the LORD’s deeds;

Who can stand in your sight when you for I will remember your wonders of
are angry? old.
12 I will also meditate on all your work,
8 You pronounced judgment from heaven.
and consider your doings.
The earth feared, and was silent, 13 Your way, God, is in the sanctuary.
9 when God arose to judgment,
to save all the afflicted ones of the 14 What god is great like God?
earth. You are the God who does wonders.
Selah. You have made your strength known
10 Surely the wrath of man praises you. among the peoples.
The survivors of your wrath are re- 15 You have redeemed your people with
strained. your arm,
11 Make vows to the LORD your God, and the sons of Jacob and Joseph.
fulfill them! Selah.
Let all of his neighbors bring presents 16 The waters saw you, God.
to him who is to be feared. The waters saw you, and they writhed.
12 He will cut off the spirit of princes. The depths also convulsed.
He is feared by the kings of the earth. 17 The clouds poured out water.
Psalms 77:18 643 Psalms 78:28

The skies resounded with thunder. his wondrous deeds that he had
Your arrows also flashed around. shown them.
18 The voice of your thunder was in the 12 He did marvelous things in the sight of
whirlwind. their fathers,
The lightnings lit up the world. in the land of Egypt, in the field of
The earth trembled and shook. Zoan.
19 Your way was through the sea, 13 He split the sea, and caused them to pass
your paths through the great waters. through.
Your footsteps were not known. He made the waters stand as a heap.
20 You led your people like a flock, 14 In the daytime he also led them with a
by the hand of Moses and Aaron. cloud,
and all night with a light of fire.
15 He split rocks in the wilderness,
78 and gave them drink abundantly as
A contemplation by Asaph. out of the depths.
1 Hear my teaching, my people.
16 He brought streams also out of the rock,
Turn your ears to the words of my and caused waters to run down like
mouth. rivers.
2 I will open my mouth in a parable. 17 Yet they still went on to sin against him,
I will utter dark sayings of old, to rebel against the Most High in the
3 which we have heard and known,
and our fathers have told us. 18 They tempted God in their heart
4 We will not hide them from their chil-
by asking food according to their de-
dren, sire.
telling to the generation to come the 19 Yes, they spoke against God.
praises of the LORD, They said, “Can God prepare a table in
his strength, and his wondrous deeds the wilderness?
that he has done. 20 Behold, he struck the rock, so that waters
5 For he established a covenant in Jacob,
gushed out,
and appointed a teaching in Israel, and streams overflowed.
which he commanded our fathers, Can he give bread also?
that they should make them known to Will he provide meat for his people?”
their children; 21 Therefore the LORD heard, and was an-
6 that the generation to come might know, gry.
even the children who should be A fire was kindled against Jacob,
born; anger also went up against Israel,
who should arise and tell their chil- 22 because they didn’t believe in God,
7 that they might set their hope in God, and didn’t trust in his salvation.
23 Yet he commanded the skies above,
and not forget God’s deeds, and opened the doors of heaven.
but keep his commandments, 24 He rained down manna on them to eat,
8 and might not be as their fathers—
and gave them food from the sky.
a stubborn and rebellious generation, 25 Man ate the bread of angels.
a generation that didn’t make their He sent them food to the full.
hearts loyal, 26 He caused the east wind to blow in the
whose spirit was not steadfast with sky.
God. By his power he guided the south
9 The children of Ephraim, being armed
and carrying bows, 27 He also rained meat on them as the dust,
turned back in the day of battle. winged birds as the sand of the seas.
10 They didn’t keep God’s covenant, 28 He let them fall in the middle of their
and refused to walk in his law. camp,
11 They forgot his doings, around their habitations.
Psalms 78:29 644 Psalms 78:61

29 So they ate, and were well filled. 46 He also gave their increase to the cater-
He gave them their own desire. pillar,
30 They didn’t turn from their cravings. and their labor to the locust.
47 He destroyed their vines with hail,
Their food was yet in their mouths,
31 when the anger of God went up their sycamore fig trees with frost.
48 He also gave over their livestock to the
against them,
killed some of their strongest, hail,
and struck down the young men of and their flocks to hot thunderbolts.
49 He threw on them the fierceness of his
Israel. anger,
32 For all this they still sinned,
and didn’t believe in his wondrous wrath, indignation, and trouble,
works. and a band of angels of evil.
33 Therefore he consumed their days in 50 He made a path for his anger.
vanity, He didn’t spare their soul from death,
and their years in terror. but gave their life over to the pesti-
34 When he killed them, then they inquired lence,
after him. 51 and struck all the firstborn in Egypt,
They returned and sought God the chief of their strength in the tents
earnestly. of Ham.
35 They remembered that God was their 52 But he led out his own people like sheep,
rock, and guided them in the wilderness like
the Most High God, their redeemer. a flock.
36 But they flattered him with their mouth, 53 He led them safely, so that they weren’t

and lied to him with their tongue. afraid,

37 For their heart was not right with him, but the sea overwhelmed their ene-
neither were they faithful in his 54 He brought them to the border of his
covenant. sanctuary,
38 But he, being merciful, forgave iniquity,
to this mountain, which his right hand
and didn’t destroy them.
had taken.
Yes, many times he turned his anger 55 He also drove out the nations before
away, them,
and didn’t stir up all his wrath. allotted them for an inheritance by
39 He remembered that they were but
flesh, and made the tribes of Israel to dwell
a wind that passes away, and doesn’t in their tents.
come again. 56 Yet they tempted and rebelled against
40 How often they rebelled against him in the Most High God,
the wilderness, and didn’t keep his testimonies,
and grieved him in the desert! 57 but turned back, and dealt treacherously
41 They turned again and tempted God, like their fathers.
and provoked the Holy One of Israel. They were twisted like a deceitful
42 They didn’t remember his hand, bow.
58 For they provoked him to anger with
nor the day when he redeemed them
from the adversary; their high places,
43 how he set his signs in Egypt, and moved him to jealousy with their
his wonders in the field of Zoan, engraved images.
44 he turned their rivers into blood, 59 When God heard this, he was angry,

and their streams, so that they could and greatly abhorred Israel,
60 so that he abandoned the tent of Shiloh,
not drink.
45 He sent among them swarms of flies, the tent which he placed among men,
which devoured them; 61 and delivered his strength into captivity,
and frogs, which destroyed them. his glory into the adversary’s hand.
Psalms 78:62 645 Psalms 80:3

62 He also gave his people over to the Will you be angry forever?
sword, Will your jealousy burn like fire?
and was angry with his inheritance. 6 Pour out your wrath on the nations that
63 Fire devoured their young men.
don’t know you,
Their virgins had no wedding song. on the kingdoms that don’t call on
64 Their priests fell by the sword, your name,
and their widows couldn’t weep. 7 for they have devoured Jacob,
65 Then the Lord awakened as one out of and destroyed his homeland.
sleep, 8 Don’t hold the iniquities of our forefa-
like a mighty man who shouts by rea- thers against us.
son of wine. Let your tender mercies speedily meet
66 He struck his adversaries backward.
He put them to a perpetual reproach. for we are in desperate need.
67 Moreover he rejected the tent of Joseph, 9 Help us, God of our salvation, for the glory
and didn’t choose the tribe of of your name.
68 But chose the tribe of Judah, Deliver us, and forgive our sins, for
your name’s sake.
Mount Zion which he loved. 10 Why should the nations say, “Where is
69 He built his sanctuary like the heights,
like the earth which he has established their God?”
forever. Let it be known among the nations,
70 He also chose David his servant, before our eyes,
and took him from the sheepfolds; that vengeance for your servants’
71 from following the ewes that have their blood is being poured out.
young, 11 Let the sighing of the prisoner come
he brought him to be the shepherd of before you.
Jacob, his people, According to the greatness of your
and Israel, his inheritance. power, preserve those who are sen-
72 So he was their shepherd according to
tenced to death.
the integrity of his heart, 12 Pay back to our neighbors seven times
and guided them by the skillfulness of into their bosom
his hands. their reproach with which they have
reproached you, Lord.
13 So we, your people and sheep of your
79 pasture,
A Psalm by Asaph. will give you thanks forever.
1 God, the nations have come into your
We will praise you forever, to all gen-
inheritance. erations.
They have defiled your holy temple.
They have laid Jerusalem in heaps.
2 They have given the dead bodies of your
servants to be food for the birds of For the Chief Musician. To the tune of “The
the sky, Lilies of the Covenant.” A Psalm by Asaph.
the flesh of your saints to the animals 1 Hear us, Shepherd of Israel,
of the earth. you who lead Joseph like a flock,
3 They have shed their blood like water
you who sit above the cherubim, shine
around Jerusalem. out.
There was no one to bury them. 2 Before Ephraim, Benjamin, and Man-
4 We have become a reproach to our neigh- asseh, stir up your might!
bors, Come to save us!
a scoffing and derision to those who 3 Turn us again, God.
are around us. Cause your face to shine,
5 How long, LORD? and we will be saved.
Psalms 80:4 646 Psalms 82:1

4 LORD God of Armies, Make a joyful shout to the God of Ja-

how long will you be angry against the cob!
prayer of your people? 2 Raise a song, and bring here the tam-
5 You have fed them with the bread of tears, bourine,
and given them tears to drink in large the pleasant lyre with the harp.
measure. 3 Blow the trumpet at the New Moon,
6 You make us a source of contention to our
at the full moon, on our feast day.
neighbors. 4 For it is a statute for Israel,
Our enemies laugh among them- an ordinance of the God of Jacob.
selves. 5 He appointed it in Joseph for a covenant,
7 Turn us again, God of Armies.
when he went out over the land of
Cause your face to shine, Egypt,
and we will be saved. I heard a language that I didn’t know.
6 “I removed his shoulder from the burden.
8 You brought a vine out of Egypt.
His hands were freed from the basket.
You drove out the nations, and planted 7 You called in trouble, and I delivered you.
it. I answered you in the secret place of
9 You cleared the ground for it.
It took deep root, and filled the land. I tested you at the waters of Meribah.”
10 The mountains were covered with its Selah.
Its boughs were like God’s cedars. 8 “Hear, my people, and I will testify to you,
11 It sent out its branches to the sea, Israel, if you would listen to me!
its shoots to the River. 9 There shall be no strange god in you,
12 Why have you broken down its walls,
neither shall you worship any foreign
so that all those who pass by the way god.
pluck it? 10 I am the LORD, your God,
13 The boar out of the wood ravages it.
who brought you up out of the land of
The wild animals of the field feed on it. Egypt.
14 Turn again, we beg you, God of Armies.
Open your mouth wide, and I will fill
Look down from heaven, and see, and it.
visit this vine, 11 But my people didn’t listen to my voice.
15 the stock which your right hand planted, Israel desired none of me.
the branch that you made strong for 12 So I let them go after the stubbornness of
yourself. their hearts,
16 It’s burned with fire. that they might walk in their own
It’s cut down. counsels.
They perish at your rebuke. 13 Oh that my people would listen to me,
17 Let your hand be on the man of your that Israel would walk in my ways!
14 I would soon subdue their enemies,
right hand,
on the son of man whom you made and turn my hand against their adver-
strong for yourself. saries.
15 The haters of the LORD would cringe
18 So we will not turn away from you.
before him,
Revive us, and we will call on your and their punishment would last for-
name. ever.
19 Turn us again, LORD God of Armies.
16 But he would have also fed them with the
Cause your face to shine, and we will finest of the wheat.
be saved. I will satisfy you with honey out of the
For the Chief Musician. On an instrument 82
of Gath. By Asaph. A Psalm by Asaph.
1 Sing aloud to God, our strength! 1 God presides in the great assembly.
Psalms 82:2 647 Psalms 84:8

He judges among the gods. who became as dung for the earth.
2 “How long will you judge unjustly, 11 Make their nobles like Oreb and Zeeb,
and show partiality to the wicked?” yes, all their princes like Zebah and
Selah. Zalmunna,
12 who said, “Let’s take possession of
3 “Defend the weak, the poor, and the fa- God’s pasture lands.”
therless. 13 My God, make them like tumbleweed,
Maintain the rights of the poor and like chaff before the wind.
oppressed. 14 As the fire that burns the forest,
4 Rescue the weak and needy.
as the flame that sets the mountains on
Deliver them out of the hand of the fire,
wicked.” 15 so pursue them with your tempest,
5 They don’t know, neither do they under-
and terrify them with your storm.
stand. 16 Fill their faces with confusion,
They walk back and forth in darkness. that they may seek your name, LORD.
All the foundations of the earth are 17 Let them be disappointed and dismayed
6 I said, “You are gods, forever.
all of you are sons of the Most High. Yes, let them be confounded and per-
7 Nevertheless you shall die like men, ish;
18 that they may know that you alone,
and fall like one of the rulers.” whose name is the LORD,
8 Arise, God, judge the earth,
are the Most High over all the earth.
for you inherit all of the nations.

83 84
For the Chief Musician. On an instrument
A song. A Psalm by Asaph. of Gath. A Psalm by the sons of Korah.
1 God, don’t keep silent. 1 How lovely are your dwellings,
Don’t keep silent, LORD of Armies!
and don’t be still, God. 2 My soul longs, and even faints for the
2 For, behold, your enemies are stirred up.
courts of the LORD.
Those who hate you have lifted up My heart and my flesh cry out for the
their heads. living God.
3 They conspire with cunning against your 3 Yes, the sparrow has found a home,
people. and the swallow a nest for herself,
They plot against your cherished ones. where she may have her young,
4 “Come,” they say, “let’s destroy them as a
near your altars, LORD of Armies, my
nation, King, and my God.
that the name of Israel may be remem- 4 Blessed are those who dwell in your
bered no more.” house.
5 For they have conspired together with
They are always praising you.
one mind. Selah.
They form an alliance against you. 5 Blessed are those whose strength is in
6 The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites; you,
Moab, and the Hagrites; who have set their hearts on a pilgrim-
7 Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek; age.
Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre; 6 Passing through the valley of Weeping,
8 Assyria also is joined with them. they make it a place of springs.
They have helped the children of Lot. Yes, the autumn rain covers it with
Selah. blessings.
9 Do to them as you did to Midian, 7 They go from strength to strength.
as to Sisera, as to Jabin, at the river Every one of them appears before God
Kishon; in Zion.
10 who perished at Endor, 8 LORD, God of Armies, hear my prayer.
Psalms 84:9 648 Psalms 86:14

Listen, God of Jacob. 11 Truth springs out of the earth.

Selah. Righteousness has looked down from
9 Behold, God our shield,
look at the face of your anointed. 12 Yes, the LORD will give that which is
10 For a day in your courts is better than a good.
thousand. Our land will yield its increase.
I would rather be a doorkeeper in the 13 Righteousness goes before him,
house of my God, and prepares the way for his steps.
than to dwell in the tents of wicked-
11 For the LORD God is a sun and a shield. 86
A Prayer by David.
The LORD will give grace and glory. 1 Hear, LORD, and answer me,
He withholds no good thing from for I am poor and needy.
those who walk blamelessly. 2 Preserve my soul, for I am godly.
12 LORD of Armies,
You, my God, save your servant who
blessed is the man who trusts in you.
trusts in you.
85 3 Be merciful to me, Lord,
for I call to you all day long.
For the Chief Musician. A Psalm by the 4
sons of Korah. Bring joy to the soul of your servant,
1 LORD, you have been favorable to your for to you, Lord, do I lift up my soul.
5 For you, Lord, are good, and ready to
You have restored the fortunes of Ja- forgive,
cob. abundant in loving kindness to all
2 You have forgiven the iniquity of your
those who call on you.
people. 6 Hear, LORD, my prayer.
You have covered all their sin. Listen to the voice of my petitions.
Selah. 7 In the day of my trouble I will call on you,
3 You have taken away all your wrath.
for you will answer me.
You have turned from the fierceness of 8
your anger. There is no one like you among the gods,
4 Turn us, God of our salvation, Lord,
and cause your indignation toward us nor any deeds like your deeds.
to cease. 9 All nations you have made will come and
5 Will you be angry with us forever? worship before you, Lord.
Will you draw out your anger to all They shall glorify your name.
generations? 10 For you are great, and do wondrous
6 Won’t you revive us again, things.
that your people may rejoice in you? You are God alone.
7 Show us your loving kindness, LORD. 11 Teach me your way, LORD.

Grant us your salvation. I will walk in your truth.

8 I will hear what God, the LORD, will Make my heart undivided to fear your
speak, name.
12 I will praise you, Lord my God, with my
for he will speak peace to his people,
his saints; whole heart.
I will glorify your name forever more.
but let them not turn again to folly. 13 For your loving kindness is great toward
9 Surely his salvation is near those who
fear him, You have delivered my soul from the
that glory may dwell in our land. lowest Sheol.†
10 Mercy and truth meet together. 14 God, the proud have risen up against me.
Righteousness and peace have kissed A company of violent men have sought
each other. after my soul,
† 86:13 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Psalms 86:15 649 Psalms 88:18

and they don’t hold regard for you 4I am counted among those who go down
before them. into the pit.
15 But you, Lord, are a merciful and gra-
I am like a man who has no help,
cious God, 5 set apart among the dead,
slow to anger, and abundant in loving like the slain who lie in the grave,
kindness and truth. whom you remember no more.
16 Turn to me, and have mercy on me!
They are cut off from your hand.
Give your strength to your servant. 6 You have laid me in the lowest pit,
Save the son of your servant. in the darkest depths.
17 Show me a sign of your goodness,
7 Your wrath lies heavily on me.
that those who hate me may see it, and You have afflicted me with all your
be shamed, waves.
because you, LORD, have helped me, Selah.
and comforted me. 8 You have taken my friends from me.
You have made me an abomination to
87 them.
A Psalm by the sons of Korah; a Song. I am confined, and I can’t escape.
1 His foundation is in the holy mountains. 9 My eyes are dim from grief.
2 The LORD loves the gates of Zion I have called on you daily, LORD.
more than all the dwellings of Jacob. I have spread out my hands to you.
3 Glorious things are spoken about you, 10 Do you show wonders to the dead?
city of God. Do the departed spirits rise up and
Selah. praise you?
4 I will record Rahab† and Babylon among Selah.
11 Is your loving kindness declared in the
those who acknowledge me.
Behold, Philistia, Tyre, and also grave?
Ethiopia: Or your faithfulness in Destruction?
12 Are your wonders made known in the
“This one was born there.”
5 Yes, of Zion it will be said, “This one and dark?
that one was born in her;” Or your righteousness in the land of
the Most High himself will establish forgetfulness?
her. 13 But to you, LORD, I have cried.
6 The LORD will count, when he writes up
In the morning, my prayer comes be-
the peoples, fore you.
“This one was born there.” 14 LORD, why do you reject my soul?
Selah. Why do you hide your face from me?
7 Those who sing as well as those who
15 I am afflicted and ready to die from my
dance say,
“All my springs are in you.” youth up.
While I suffer your terrors, I am dis-
88 tracted.
16 Your fierce wrath has gone over me.
A Song. A Psalm by the sons of Korah. For
the Chief Musician. To the tune of “The Your terrors have cut me off.
17 They came around me like water all day
Suffering of Affliction.” A contemplation
by Heman, the Ezrahite. long.
1 LORD, the God of my salvation, They completely engulfed me.
18 You have put lover and friend far from
I have cried day and night before you. me,
2 Let my prayer enter into your presence.
and my friends into darkness.
Turn your ear to my cry.
3 For my soul is full of troubles.
My life draws near to Sheol.† A contemplation by Ethan, the Ezrahite.
† 87:4 Rahab is a reference to Egypt. † 88:3 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Psalms 89:1 650 Psalms 89:34

1 I will sing of the loving kindness of the 15 Blessed

are the people who learn to ac-
LORD forever. claim you.
With my mouth, I will make known They walk in the light of your pres-
your faithfulness to all generations. ence, LORD.
2 I indeed declare, “Love stands firm for- 16 In your name they rejoice all day.
ever. In your righteousness, they are ex-
You established the heavens. alted.
Your faithfulness is in them.” 17 For you are the glory of their strength.
3 “I have made a covenant with my chosen In your favor, our horn will be exalted.
18 For our shield belongs to the LORD,
I have sworn to David, my servant, our king to the Holy One of Israel.
4 ‘I will establish your offspring forever,
19 Then you spoke in vision to your saints,
and build up your throne to all gener-
ations.’ ” and said, “I have given strength to the
Selah. warrior.
5 The heavens will praise your wonders, I have exalted a young man from the
LORD, people.
your faithfulness also in the assembly 20 I have found David, my servant.
of the holy ones. I have anointed him with my holy oil,
6 For who in the skies can be compared to 21 with whom my hand shall be estab-
the LORD? lished.
Who among the sons of the heavenly My arm will also strengthen him.
beings is like the LORD, 22 No enemy will tax him.
7 a very awesome God in the council of the No wicked man will oppress him.
holy ones, 23 I will beat down his adversaries before
to be feared above all those who are him,
around him? and strike those who hate him.
8 LORD, God of Armies, who is a mighty 24 But my faithfulness and my loving kind-
one, like you? ness will be with him.
The LORD, your faithfulness is around In my name, his horn will be exalted.
25 I will set his hand also on the sea,
9 You rule the pride of the sea. and his right hand on the rivers.
26 He will call to me, ‘You are my Father,
When its waves rise up, you calm
them. my God, and the rock of my salvation!’
10 You have broken Rahab in pieces, like 27 I will also appoint him my firstborn,
one of the slain. the highest of the kings of the earth.
You have scattered your enemies with 28 I will keep my loving kindness for him
your mighty arm. forever more.
11 The heavens are yours. My covenant will stand firm with him.
The earth also is yours, 29 I will also make his offspring endure
the world and its fullness. forever,
You have founded them. and his throne as the days of heaven.
12 You have created the north and the 30
If his children forsake my law,
south. and don’t walk in my ordinances;
Tabor and Hermon rejoice in your 31
name. if they break my statutes,
13 You have a mighty arm. and don’t keep my commandments;
Your hand is strong, and your right 32 then I will punish their sin with the rod,
hand is exalted. and their iniquity with stripes.
14 Righteousness and justice are the foun- 33 But I will not completely take my loving
dation of your throne. kindness from him,
Loving kindness and truth go before nor allow my faithfulness to fail.
your face. 34 I will not break my covenant,
Psalms 89:35 651 Psalms 90:12

nor alter what my lips have uttered. 50 Remember, Lord, the reproach of your
35 Once I have sworn by my holiness, servants,
I will not lie to David. how I bear in my heart the taunts of all
36 His offspring will endure forever, the mighty peoples,
51 With which your enemies have mocked,
his throne like the sun before me.
37 It will be established forever like the LORD,
moon, with which they have mocked the foot-
the faithful witness in the sky.” steps of your anointed one.
52 Blessed be the LORD forever more.
38 But you have rejected and spurned. Amen, and Amen.
You have been angry with your BOOK 4
39 You have renounced the covenant of 90
your servant. A Prayer by Moses, the man of God.†
You have defiled his crown in the dust. 1 Lord,‡ you have been our dwelling place
40 You have broken down all his hedges.
for all generations.
You have brought his strongholds to 2 Before the mountains were born,
ruin. before you had formed the earth and
41 All who pass by the way rob him.
the world,
He has become a reproach to his neigh- even from everlasting to everlasting,
bors. you are God.
42 You have exalted the right hand of his 3
You turn man to destruction, saying,
adversaries. “Return, you children of men.”
You have made all of his enemies re- 4
joice. For a thousand years in your sight are just
43 Yes, you turn back the edge of his sword, like yesterday when it is past,
and haven’t supported him in battle. like a watch in the night.
5 You sweep them away as they sleep.
44 You have ended his splendor,
and thrown his throne down to the In the morning they sprout like new
ground. grass.
6 In the morning it sprouts and springs up.
45 You have shortened the days of his
By evening, it is withered and dry.
youth. 7 For we are consumed in your anger.
You have covered him with shame.
Selah. We are troubled in your wrath.
46 How long, LORD? 8 You have set our iniquities before you,
Will you hide yourself forever? our secret sins in the light of your pres-
Will your wrath burn like fire? ence.
9 For all our days have passed away in your
47 Remember how short my time is,
for what vanity you have created all We bring our years to an end as a sigh.
the children of men! 10 The days of our years are seventy,
48 What man is he who shall live and not
see death, or even by reason of strength eighty
who shall deliver his soul from the
power of Sheol?† yet their pride is but labor and sorrow,
Selah. for it passes quickly, and we fly away.
49 Lord, where are your former loving 11 Who knows the power of your anger,
kindnesses, your wrath according to the fear that
which you swore to David in your is due to you?
faithfulness? 12 So teach us to count our days,

† 89:48 Sheol is the place of the dead. † 90: The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim). ‡ 90:1 The
word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.” § 90:13 When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, “LORD” or “GOD” is the
translation of God’s Proper Name.
Psalms 90:13 652 Psalms 92:11

that we may gain a heart of wisdom. 11 For he will put his angels in charge of
13 Relent, LORD!§ you,
How long? to guard you in all your ways.
Have compassion on your servants! 12 They will bear you up in their hands,
14 Satisfy us in the morning with your lov- so that you won’t dash your foot
ing kindness, against a stone.
that we may rejoice and be glad all our 13 You will tread on the lion and cobra.
days. You will trample the young lion and
15 Make us glad for as many days as you the serpent underfoot.
have afflicted us, 14 “Because he has set his love on me, there-
for as many years as we have seen evil. fore I will deliver him.
16 Let your work appear to your servants, I will set him on high, because he has
your glory to their children. known my name.
17 Let the favor of the Lord our God be on 15 He will call on me, and I will answer him.
us. I will be with him in trouble.
Establish the work of our hands for us. I will deliver him, and honor him.
Yes, establish the work of our hands. 16 I will satisfy him with long life,
and show him my salvation.”
1 He who dwells in the secret place of the
Most High 92
A Psalm. A song for the Sabbath day.
will rest in the shadow of the 1
Almighty. It is a good thing to give thanks to the
2 I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge LORD,
and my fortress; to sing praises to your name, Most
my God, in whom I trust.” High,
3 For he will deliver you from the snare of 2 to proclaim your loving kindness in the
the fowler, morning,
and from the deadly pestilence. and your faithfulness every night,
4 He will cover you with his feathers. 3 with the ten-stringed lute, with the harp,
Under his wings you will take refuge. and with the melody of the lyre.
His faithfulness is your shield and 4 For you, LORD, have made me glad
rampart. through your work.
5 You shall not be afraid of the terror by I will triumph in the works of your
night, hands.
nor of the arrow that flies by day, 5 How great are your works, LORD!
6 nor of the pestilence that walks in Your thoughts are very deep.
darkness, 6 A senseless man doesn’t know,
nor of the destruction that wastes at neither does a fool understand this:
noonday. 7 though the wicked spring up as the grass,
7 A thousand may fall at your side,
and all the evildoers flourish,
and ten thousand at your right hand; they will be destroyed forever.
but it will not come near you. 8 But you, LORD, are on high forever more.
8 You will only look with your eyes, 9 For behold, your enemies, LORD,
and see the recompense of the wicked. for behold, your enemies shall perish.
9 Because you have made the LORD your
All the evildoers will be scattered.
refuge, 10 But you have exalted my horn like that
and the Most High your dwelling of the wild ox.
place, I am anointed with fresh oil.
10 no evil shall happen to you, 11 My eye has also seen my enemies.
neither shall any plague come near My ears have heard of the wicked ene-
your dwelling. mies who rise up against me.
Psalms 92:12 653 Psalms 95:3

12 The righteous shall flourish like the palm 10 He who disciplines the nations, won’t he
tree. punish?
He will grow like a cedar in Lebanon. He who teaches man knows.
13 They are planted in the LORD’s house. 11 The LORD knows the thoughts of man,
They will flourish in our God’s courts. that they are futile.
14 They will still produce fruit in old age. 12 Blessed is the man whom you discipline,
They will be full of sap and green, LORD,
15 to show that the LORD is upright. and teach out of your law,
He is my rock, 13 that you may give him rest from the days
and there is no unrighteousness in of adversity,
him. until the pit is dug for the wicked.
14 For the LORD won’t reject his people,

1 The LORD reigns!

93 neither will he forsake his inheri-
He is clothed with majesty! 15 For judgment will return to righteous-
The LORD is armed with strength. ness.
The world also is established. All the upright in heart shall follow it.
16 Who will rise up for me against the
It can’t be moved.
2 Your throne is established from long ago. wicked?
You are from everlasting. Who will stand up for me against the
3 The floods have lifted up, LORD, evildoers?
17 Unless the LORD had been my help,
the floods have lifted up their voice.
The floods lift up their waves. my soul would have soon lived in si-
4 Above the voices of many waters, lence.
18 When I said, “My foot is slipping!”
the mighty breakers of the sea, Your loving kindness, LORD, held me
the LORD on high is mighty. up.
5 Your statutes stand firm. 19 In the multitude of my thoughts within
Holiness adorns your house, me,
LORD, forever more. your comforts delight my soul.
20 Shall the throne of wickedness have fel-
94 lowship with you,
1 LORD, you God to whom vengeance be- which brings about mischief by
longs, statute?
you God to whom vengeance belongs, 21 They gather themselves together against
shine out. the soul of the righteous,
2 Rise up, you judge of the earth. and condemn the innocent blood.
Pay back the proud what they deserve. 22 But the LORD has been my high tower,
3 LORD, how long will the wicked, my God, the rock of my refuge.
how long will the wicked triumph? 23 He has brought on them their own iniq-
4 They pour out arrogant words. uity,
All the evildoers boast. and will cut them off in their own
5 They break your people in pieces, LORD, wickedness.
and afflict your heritage. The LORD, our God, will cut them off.

6 They kill the widow and the alien,
and murder the fatherless. 1 Oh come, let’s sing to the LORD.
7 They say, “The LORD will not see,
Let’s shout aloud to the rock of our
neither will Jacob’s God consider.” salvation!
8 Consider, you senseless among the peo- 2 Let’s come before his presence with
ple; thanksgiving.
you fools, when will you be wise? Let’s extol him with songs!
9 He who implanted the ear, won’t he hear? 3 For the LORD is a great God,
He who formed the eye, won’t he see? a great King above all gods.
Psalms 95:4 654 Psalms 97:10

4 In his hand are the deep places of the Bring an offering, and come into his
earth. courts.
The heights of the mountains are also 9 Worship the LORD in holy array.
his. Tremble before him, all the earth.
5 The sea is his, and he made it. 10 Say among the nations, “The LORD
His hands formed the dry land. reigns.”
6 Oh come, let’s worship and bow down. The world is also established.
Let’s kneel before the LORD, our It can’t be moved.
Maker, He will judge the peoples with equity.
7 for he is our God. 11 Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth
We are the people of his pasture, rejoice.
and the sheep in his care. Let the sea roar, and its fullness!
Today, oh that you would hear his voice! 12 Let the field and all that is in it exult!
8 Don’t harden your heart, as at Then all the trees of the woods shall
Meribah, sing for joy
13 before the LORD; for he comes,
as in the day of Massah in the wilder-
ness, for he comes to judge the earth.
9 when your fathers tempted me, He will judge the world with righteous-
tested me, and saw my work. ness,
10 Forty long years I was grieved with that the peoples with his truth.
and said, “They are a people who err
1 The LORD reigns!
in their heart.
They have not known my ways.” Let the earth rejoice!
11 Therefore I swore in my wrath, Let the multitude of islands be glad!
“They won’t enter into my rest.” 2 Clouds and darkness are around him.
Righteousness and justice are the
1 Sing to the LORD a new song!
foundation of his throne.
3 A fire goes before him,
Sing to the LORD, all the earth. and burns up his adversaries on every
2 Sing to the LORD! side.
4 His lightning lights up the world.
Bless his name!
Proclaim his salvation from day to The earth sees, and trembles.
day! 5 The mountains melt like wax at the pres-
3 Declare his glory among the nations, ence of the LORD,
his marvelous works among all the at the presence of the Lord of the
peoples. whole earth.
4 For the LORD is great, and greatly to be 6 The heavens declare his righteousness.
praised! All the peoples have seen his glory.
7 Let all them be shamed who serve en-
He is to be feared above all gods.
5 For all the gods of the peoples are idols, graved images,
but the LORD made the heavens. who boast in their idols.
6 Honor and majesty are before him. Worship him, all you gods!†
8 Zion heard and was glad.
Strength and beauty are in his sanctu-
ary. The daughters of Judah rejoiced
7 Ascribe to the LORD, you families of na- because of your judgments, LORD.
tions, 9 For you, LORD, are most high above all
ascribe to the LORD glory and the earth.
strength. You are exalted far above all gods.
8 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due to his 10 You who love the LORD, hate evil!
name. He preserves the souls of his saints.
† 97:7 LXX reads “angels” instead of “gods”.
Psalms 97:11 655 Psalms 101:2

He delivers them out of the hand of the He is Holy!

11 Light is sown for the righteous, 4 The King’s strength also loves justice.
and gladness for the upright in heart. You establish equity.
12 Be glad in the LORD, you righteous peo-
You execute justice and righteousness
ple! in Jacob.
Give thanks to his holy Name. 5 Exalt the LORD our God.
Worship at his footstool.
98 He is Holy!
A Psalm.
1 Sing to the LORD a new song, 6 Moses and Aaron were among his priests,
for he has done marvelous things! Samuel was among those who call on
His right hand and his holy arm have his name.
worked salvation for him. They called on the LORD, and he an-
2 The LORD has made known his salvation.
swered them.
He has openly shown his righteous- 7 He spoke to them in the pillar of cloud.
ness in the sight of the nations. They kept his testimonies,
3 He has remembered his loving kind- the statute that he gave them.
ness and his faithfulness toward the 8 You answered them, LORD our God.
house of Israel. You are a God who forgave them,
All the ends of the earth have seen the although you took vengeance for their
salvation of our God.
4 Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the doings.
9 Exalt the LORD, our God.
Burst out and sing for joy, yes, sing Worship at his holy hill,
praises! for the LORD, our God, is holy!
5 Sing praises to the LORD with the harp,
with the harp and the voice of melody. 100
6 With trumpets and sound of the ram’s A Psalm of thanksgiving.
1 Shout for joy to the LORD, all you lands!
horn, 2 Serve the LORD with gladness.
make a joyful noise before the King,
the LORD. Come before his presence with
7 Let the sea roar with its fullness; singing.
the world, and those who dwell 3 Know that the LORD, he is God.
therein. It is he who has made us, and we are
8 Let the rivers clap their hands. his.
Let the mountains sing for joy to- We are his people, and the sheep of his
gether. pasture.
4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving,
9 Let them sing before the LORD,
for he comes to judge the earth. and into his courts with praise.
He will judge the world with righteous- Give thanks to him, and bless his
ness, name.
5 For the LORD is good.
and the peoples with equity.
His loving kindness endures forever,
1 The LORD reigns! Let the peoples trem-
his faithfulness to all generations.

ble. 101
He sits enthroned among the cheru- A Psalm by David.
1 I will sing of loving kindness and justice.
Let the earth be moved. To you, LORD, I will sing praises.
2 The LORD is great in Zion. 2 I will be careful to live a blameless life.
He is high above all the peoples. When will you come to me?
3 Let them praise your great and awesome I will walk within my house with a
name. blameless heart.
Psalms 101:3 656 Psalms 102:26

3 I will set no vile thing before my eyes. for you have taken me up and thrown
I hate the deeds of faithless men. me away.
They will not cling to me. 11 My days are like a long shadow.
4 A perverse heart will be far from me. I have withered like grass.
I will have nothing to do with evil.
5 I will silence whoever secretly slanders 12 But you, LORD, will remain forever;

his neighbor. your renown endures to all genera-

I won’t tolerate one who is arrogant tions.
13 You will arise and have mercy on Zion,
and conceited.
6 My eyes will be on the faithful of the land, for it is time to have pity on her.
that they may dwell with me. Yes, the set time has come.
14 For your servants take pleasure in her
He who walks in a perfect way,
he will serve me. stones,
7 He who practices deceit won’t dwell and have pity on her dust.
15 So the nations will fear the LORD’s name,
within my house.
He who speaks falsehood won’t be es- all the kings of the earth your glory.
16 For the LORD has built up Zion.
tablished before my eyes.
8 Morning by morning, I will destroy all the He has appeared in his glory.
17 He has responded to the prayer of the
wicked of the land,
to cut off all the workers of iniquity destitute,
from the LORD’s city. and has not despised their prayer.
18 This will be written for the generation to

102 come.
A people which will be created will
A Prayer of the afflicted, when he is over-
praise the LORD,
whelmed and pours out his complaint be- 19 for he has looked down from the height
fore the LORD.
1 Hear my prayer, LORD! of his sanctuary.
Let my cry come to you. From heaven, the LORD saw the earth,
2 Don’t hide your face from me in the day 20 to hear the groans of the prisoner,

of my distress. to free those who are condemned to

Turn your ear to me. death,
21 that men may declare the LORD’s name
Answer me quickly in the day when I
in Zion,
call. and his praise in Jerusalem,
3 For my days consume away like smoke.
22 when the peoples are gathered together,
My bones are burned as a torch.
4 My heart is blighted like grass, and with- the kingdoms, to serve the LORD.
for I forget to eat my bread.
23 He weakened my strength along the
5 By reason of the voice of my groaning,
He shortened my days.
my bones stick to my skin. 24 I said, “My God, don’t take me away in
6 I am like a pelican of the wilderness.
the middle of my days.
I have become as an owl of the waste Your years are throughout all genera-
places. tions.
7 I watch, and have become like a spar- 25 Of old, you laid the foundation of the
row that is alone on the housetop. earth.
8 My enemies reproach me all day. The heavens are the work of your
Those who are mad at me use my hands.
name as a curse. 26 They will perish, but you will endure.
9 For I have eaten ashes like bread,
Yes, all of them will wear out like a
and mixed my drink with tears, garment.
10 because of your indignation and You will change them like a cloak, and
your wrath; they will be changed.
Psalms 102:27 657 Psalms 104:9

27 But you are the same. Its place remembers it no more.

Your years will have no end. 17 But the LORD’s loving kindness is from
28 The children of your servants will con- everlasting to everlasting with those
tinue. who fear him,
Their offspring will be established be- his righteousness to children’s chil-
fore you.” dren,
18 to those who keep his covenant,
103 to those who remember to obey his
By David. precepts.
1 Praise the LORD, my soul! 19 The LORD has established his throne in
All that is within me, praise his holy the heavens.
name! His kingdom rules over all.
2 Praise the LORD, my soul, 20 Praise the LORD, you angels of his,
and don’t forget all his benefits, who are mighty in strength, who fulfill
3 who forgives all your sins, his word,
who heals all your diseases, obeying the voice of his word.
4 who redeems your life from destruction, 21 Praise the LORD, all you armies of his,
who crowns you with loving kindness you servants of his, who do his plea-
and tender mercies, sure.
5 who satisfies your desire with good 22 Praise the LORD, all you works of his,

things, in all places of his dominion.

so that your youth is renewed like the Praise the LORD, my soul!
6 The LORD executes righteous acts, 104
1 Bless the LORD, my soul.
and justice for all who are oppressed.
7 He made known his ways to Moses, The LORD, my God, you are very great.
his deeds to the children of Israel. You are clothed with honor and
8 The LORD is merciful and gracious, majesty.
2 He covers himself with light as with a
slow to anger, and abundant in loving garment.
9 He will not always accuse; He stretches out the heavens like a
neither will he stay angry forever. 3 He lays the beams of his rooms in the
10 He has not dealt with us according to our waters.
sins, He makes the clouds his chariot.
nor repaid us for our iniquities. He walks on the wings of the wind.
11 For as the heavens are high above the 4 He makes his messengers† winds,
earth, and his servants flames of fire.
5 He laid the foundations of the earth,
so great is his loving kindness toward
those who fear him. that it should not be moved forever.
12 As far as the east is from the west, 6 You covered it with the deep as with a
so far has he removed our transgres- cloak.
sions from us. The waters stood above the moun-
13 Like a father has compassion on his chil- tains.
7 At your rebuke they fled.
so the LORD has compassion on those At the voice of your thunder they hur-
who fear him. ried away.
14 For he knows how we are made. 8 The mountains rose,
He remembers that we are dust. the valleys sank down,
15 As for man, his days are like grass. to the place which you had assigned to
As a flower of the field, so he flour- them.
ishes. 9 You have set a boundary that they may
16 For the wind passes over it, and it is gone. not pass over,
† 104:4 or, angels
Psalms 104:10 658 Psalms 105:9

that they don’t turn again to cover the 27 These all wait for you,
earth. that you may give them their food in
10 He sends springs into the valleys.
due season.
They run among the mountains. 28 You give to them; they gather.
11 They give drink to every animal of the You open your hand; they are satisfied
field. with good.
The wild donkeys quench their thirst. 29 You hide your face; they are troubled.
12 The birds of the sky nest by them.
You take away their breath; they die
They sing among the branches. and return to the dust.
13 He waters the mountains from his 30 You send out your Spirit and they are
rooms. created.
The earth is filled with the fruit of your You renew the face of the ground.
works. 31 Let the LORD’s glory endure forever.
14 He causes the grass to grow for the live-
Let the LORD rejoice in his works.
stock, 32 He looks at the earth, and it trembles.
and plants for man to cultivate, He touches the mountains, and they
that he may produce food out of the smoke.
earth: 33 I will sing to the LORD as long as I live.
15 wine that makes the heart of man glad,
I will sing praise to my God while I
oil to make his face to shine, have any being.
and bread that strengthens man’s 34 Let my meditation be sweet to him.
heart. I will rejoice in the LORD.
16 The LORD’s trees are well watered,
35 Let sinners be consumed out of the
the cedars of Lebanon, which he has
planted, earth.
17 where the birds make their nests.
Let the wicked be no more.
Bless the LORD, my soul.
The stork makes its home in the cy- Praise the LORD!
press trees.
18 The high mountains are for the wild
1 Give thanks to the LORD! Call on his
The rocks are a refuge for the rock name!
badgers. Make his doings known among the
19 He appointed the moon for seasons. peoples.
The sun knows when to set. 2 Sing to him, sing praises to him!
20 You make darkness, and it is night, Tell of all his marvelous works.
in which all the animals of the forest 3 Glory in his holy name.
prowl. Let the heart of those who seek the
21 The young lions roar after their prey, LORD rejoice.
and seek their food from God. 4 Seek the LORD and his strength.
22 The sun rises, and they steal away, Seek his face forever more.
and lie down in their dens. 5 Remember his marvelous works that he
23 Man goes out to his work, has done:
to his labor until the evening. his wonders, and the judgments of his
24 LORD, how many are your works! mouth,
6 you offspring of Abraham, his servant,
In wisdom, you have made them all.
The earth is full of your riches. you children of Jacob, his chosen ones.
7 He is the LORD, our God.
25 There is the sea, great and wide,
in which are innumerable living His judgments are in all the earth.
8 He has remembered his covenant for-
things, ever,
both small and large animals. the word which he commanded to a
26 There the ships go,
thousand generations,
and leviathan, whom you formed to 9 the covenant which he made with Abra-
play there. ham,
Psalms 105:10 659 Psalms 106:4

his oath to Isaac, 33 He struck their vines and also their fig
10 and confirmed it to Jacob for a statute; trees,
to Israel for an everlasting covenant, and shattered the trees of their coun-
11 saying, “To you I will give the land of 34 He spoke, and the locusts came
the lot of your inheritance,” with the grasshoppers, without num-
12 when they were but a few men in num- ber.
35 They ate up every plant in their land,
yes, very few, and foreigners in it. and ate up the fruit of their ground.
36 He struck also all the firstborn in their
13 They went about from nation to nation,
from one kingdom to another people. the first fruits of all their manhood.
14 He allowed no one to do them wrong. 37 He brought them out with silver and
Yes, he reproved kings for their sakes, gold.
15 “Don’t touch my anointed ones! There was not one feeble person
Do my prophets no harm!” among his tribes.
16 He called for a famine on the land. 38 Egypt was glad when they departed,
He destroyed the food supplies. for the fear of them had fallen on
17 He sent a man before them. them.
Joseph was sold for a slave. 39 He spread a cloud for a covering,
18 They bruised his feet with shackles. fire to give light in the night.
His neck was locked in irons, 40 They asked, and he brought quails,
19 until the time that his word happened, and satisfied them with the bread of
and the LORD’s word proved him true. the sky.
20 The king sent and freed him, 41 He opened the rock, and waters gushed
even the ruler of peoples, and let him out.
go free. They ran as a river in the dry places.
42 For he remembered his holy word,
21 He made him lord of his house,
and ruler of all of his possessions, and Abraham, his servant.
43 He brought his people out with joy,
22 to discipline his princes at his pleasure,
and to teach his elders wisdom. his chosen with singing.
23 Israel also came into Egypt. 44 He gave them the lands of the nations.

Jacob lived in the land of Ham. They took the labor of the peoples in
24 He increased his people greatly, possession,
45 that they might keep his statutes,
and made them stronger than their
adversaries. and observe his laws.
25 He turned their heart to hate his people, Praise the LORD!
to conspire against his servants.
26 He sent Moses, his servant,
1 Praise the LORD!
and Aaron, whom he had chosen. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is
27 They performed miracles among them,
and wonders in the land of Ham. for his loving kindness endures for-
28 He sent darkness, and made it dark.
They didn’t rebel against his words. 2 Who can utter the mighty acts of the
29 He turned their waters into blood, LORD,
and killed their fish. or fully declare all his praise?
30 Their land swarmed with frogs, 3 Blessed are those who keep justice.
even in the rooms of their kings. Blessed is one who does what is right
31 He spoke, and swarms of flies came, at all times.
and lice in all their borders. 4 Remember me, LORD, with the favor that
32 He gave them hail for rain, you show to your people.
with lightning in their land. Visit me with your salvation,
Psalms 106:5 660 Psalms 106:39

5 that I may see the prosperity of your 23 Therefore he said that he would destroy
chosen, them,
that I may rejoice in the gladness of had Moses, his chosen, not stood be-
your nation, fore him in the breach,
that I may glory with your inheritance. to turn away his wrath, so that he
wouldn’t destroy them.
6 We have sinned with our fathers. 24 Yes, they despised the pleasant land.
We have committed iniquity. They didn’t believe his word,
We have done wickedly. 25 but murmured in their tents,
7 Our fathers didn’t understand your won-
and didn’t listen to the LORD’s voice.
ders in Egypt. 26 Therefore he swore to them
They didn’t remember the multitude that he would overthrow them in the
of your loving kindnesses, wilderness,
27 that he would overthrow their off-
but were rebellious at the sea, even at
the Red Sea. spring among the nations,
8 Nevertheless he saved them for his and scatter them in the lands.
name’s sake, 28 They joined themselves also to Baal Peor,
that he might make his mighty power and ate the sacrifices of the dead.
known. 29 Thus they provoked him to anger with
9 He rebuked the Red Sea also, and it was
their deeds.
dried up; The plague broke in on them.
so he led them through the depths, as 30 Then Phinehas stood up and executed
through a desert. judgment,
10 He saved them from the hand of him
so the plague was stopped.
who hated them, 31 That was credited to him for righteous-
and redeemed them from the hand of
the enemy. ness,
11 The waters covered their adversaries. for all generations to come.
There was not one of them left. 32 They angered him also at the waters of
12 Then they believed his words. Meribah,
They sang his praise. so that Moses was troubled for their
13 They soon forgot his works. 33 because they were rebellious against his
They didn’t wait for his counsel, spirit,
14 but gave in to craving in the desert, he spoke rashly with his lips.
and tested God in the wasteland. 34 They didn’t destroy the peoples,
15 He gave them their request,
as the LORD commanded them,
but sent leanness into their soul. 35 but mixed themselves with the na-
16 They envied Moses also in the camp,
and Aaron, the LORD’s saint. and learned their works.
17 The earth opened and swallowed up 36 They served their idols,
Dathan, which became a snare to them.
and covered the company of Abiram. 37 Yes, they sacrificed their sons and their
18 A fire was kindled in their company.
daughters to demons.
The flame burned up the wicked. 38 They shed innocent blood,
19 They made a calf in Horeb,
even the blood of their sons and of
and worshiped a molten image. their daughters,
20 Thus they exchanged their glory whom they sacrificed to the idols of
for an image of a bull that eats grass. Canaan.
21 They forgot God, their Savior, The land was polluted with blood.
who had done great things in Egypt, 39 Thus they were defiled with their works,
22 wondrous works in the land of Ham, and prostituted themselves in their
and awesome things by the Red Sea. deeds.
Psalms 106:40 661 Psalms 107:20

40 Therefore the LORD burned with anger 6 Then they cried to the LORD in their trou-
against his people. ble,
He abhorred his inheritance. and he delivered them out of their
41 He gave them into the hand of the na- distresses.
7 He led them also by a straight way,
Those who hated them ruled over that they might go to a city to live in.
them. 8 Let them praise the LORD for his loving
42 Their enemies also oppressed them.
They were brought into subjection un- for his wonderful deeds to the chil-
der their hand. dren of men!
43 He rescued them many times,
but they were rebellious in their coun- 9 For he satisfies the longing soul.
sel, He fills the hungry soul with good.
and were brought low in their iniq-
uity. 10 Some sat in darkness and in the shadow
44 Nevertheless he regarded their distress, of death,
when he heard their cry. being bound in affliction and iron,
11 because they rebelled against the
45 He remembered for them his covenant,
and repented according to the multi- words of God,‡
tude of his loving kindnesses. and condemned the counsel of the
46 He made them also to be pitied
Most High.
12 Therefore he brought down their heart
by all those who carried them captive. with labor.
47 Save us, LORD, our God,
They fell down, and there was no one
to help.
gather us from among the nations, 13 Then they cried to the LORD in their
to give thanks to your holy name,
to triumph in your praise! and he saved them out of their dis-
48 Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel,
14 He brought them out of darkness and the
from everlasting even to everlasting! shadow of death,
Let all the people say, “Amen.” and broke away their chains.
Praise the LORD! 15 Let them praise the LORD for his loving
BOOK 5 kindness,
for his wonderful deeds to the chil-
1 Give thanks to the LORD,† for he is good,
dren of men!
for his loving kindness endures for- 16 For he has broken the gates of bronze,
ever. and cut through bars of iron.
2 Let the redeemed by the LORD say so,
whom he has redeemed from the hand Fools are afflicted because of their dis-
of the adversary, obedience,
3 and gathered out of the lands,
and because of their iniquities.
from the east and from the west, 18 Their soul abhors all kinds of food.
from the north and from the south. They draw near to the gates of death.
19 Then they cry to the LORD in their trou-
4 They wandered in the wilderness in a
desert way. and he saves them out of their dis-
They found no city to live in. tresses.
5 Hungry and thirsty, 20 He sends his word, and heals them,
their soul fainted in them. and delivers them from their graves.
† 107:1 When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, “LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name.
‡ 107:11 The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim).
Psalms 107:21 662 Psalms 108:12

21 Let them praise the LORD for his loving He doesn’t allow their livestock to de-
kindness, crease.
39 Again, they are diminished and bowed
for his wonderful deeds to the chil-
dren of men! down
through oppression, trouble, and sor-
22 Let them offer the sacrifices of thanks- row.
giving, 40 He pours contempt on princes,
and declare his deeds with singing. and causes them to wander in a track-
less waste.
23 Those who go down to the sea in ships, 41 Yet he lifts the needy out of their afflic-

who do business in great waters, tion,

24 these see the LORD’s deeds, and increases their families like a
and his wonders in the deep. flock.
42 The upright will see it, and be glad.
25 For he commands, and raises the stormy
All the wicked will shut their mouths.
wind, 43 Whoever is wise will pay attention to
which lifts up its waves. these things.
26 They mount up to the sky; they go down
They will consider the loving kind-
again to the depths. nesses of the LORD.
Their soul melts away because of trou-
27 They reel back and forth, and stagger A Song. A Psalm by David.
like a drunken man, 1 My heart is steadfast, God.
and are at their wits’ end. I will sing and I will make music with
28 Then they cry to the LORD in their trou-
my soul.
ble, 2 Wake up, harp and lyre!
and he brings them out of their dis- I will wake up the dawn.
tress. 3 I will give thanks to you, LORD, among the
29 He makes the storm a calm,
so that its waves are still. nations.
30 Then they are glad because it is calm, I will sing praises to you among the
so he brings them to their desired peoples.
haven. 4 For your loving kindness is great above
31 Let them praise the LORD for his loving the heavens.
kindness, Your faithfulness reaches to the skies.
for his wonderful deeds for the chil- 5 Be exalted, God, above the heavens!
dren of men! Let your glory be over all the earth.
6 That your beloved may be delivered,
32 Let them exalt him also in the assembly
save with your right hand, and answer
of the people, us.
and praise him in the seat of the elders. 7 God has spoken from his sanctuary: “In
33 He turns rivers into a desert, I will divide Shechem, and measure
water springs into a thirsty ground, out the valley of Succoth.
34 and a fruitful land into a salt waste, 8 Gilead is mine. Manasseh is mine.
for the wickedness of those who dwell Ephraim also is my helmet.
in it. Judah is my scepter.
35 He turns a desert into a pool of water,
9 Moab is my wash pot.
and a dry land into water springs. I will toss my sandal on Edom.
36 There he makes the hungry live,
I will shout over Philistia.”
that they may prepare a city to live in, 10 Who will bring me into the fortified city?
37 sow fields, plant vineyards,
Who will lead me to Edom?
and reap the fruits of increase. 11 Haven’t you rejected us, God?
38 He blesses them also, so that they are You don’t go out, God, with our armies.
multiplied greatly. 12 Give us help against the enemy,
Psalms 108:13 663 Psalms 109:30

for the help of man is vain. 16 because he didn’t remember to show

13 Through God, we will do valiantly, kindness,
for it is he who will tread down our but persecuted the poor and needy
enemies. man,
the broken in heart, to kill them.
109 17 Yes, he loved cursing, and it came to him.
For the Chief Musician. A Psalm by David. He didn’t delight in blessing, and it
1 God of my praise, don’t remain silent, was far from him.
2 for they have opened the mouth of 18 He clothed himself also with cursing as

the wicked and the mouth of deceit with his garment.

against me. It came into his inward parts like wa-
They have spoken to me with a lying ter,
tongue. like oil into his bones.
3 They have also surrounded me with 19 Let it be to him as the clothing with

words of hatred, which he covers himself,

and fought against me without a for the belt that is always around him.
cause. 20 This is the reward of my adversaries
4 In return for my love, they are my adver-
from the LORD,
saries; of those who speak evil against my
but I am in prayer. soul.
5 They have rewarded me evil for good,
and hatred for my love. 21 But deal with me, GOD the Lord,† for
6 Set a wicked man over him. your name’s sake,
Let an adversary stand at his right because your loving kindness is good,
hand. deliver me;
7 When he is judged, let him come out 22 for I am poor and needy.
guilty. My heart is wounded within me.
Let his prayer be turned into sin. 23 I fade away like an evening shadow.
8 Let his days be few. I am shaken off like a locust.
Let another take his office. 24 My knees are weak through fasting.
9 Let his children be fatherless, My body is thin and lacks fat.
and his wife a widow. 25 I have also become a reproach to them.
10 Let his children be wandering beggars.
When they see me, they shake their
Let them be sought from their ruins. head.
11 Let the creditor seize all that he has. 26 Help me, LORD, my God.
Let strangers plunder the fruit of his Save me according to your loving
labor. kindness;
12 Let there be no one to extend kindness to
27 that they may know that this is your
neither let there be anyone to have hand;
pity on his fatherless children. that you, LORD, have done it.
13 Let his posterity be cut off. 28 They may curse, but you bless.

In the generation following let their When they arise, they will be shamed,
name be blotted out. but your servant shall rejoice.
14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remem- 29 Let my adversaries be clothed with dis-
bered by the LORD. honor.
Don’t let the sin of his mother be blot- Let them cover themselves with their
ted out. own shame as with a robe.
15 Let them be before the LORD continu- 30 I will give great thanks to the LORD with
ally, my mouth.
that he may cut off their memory from Yes, I will praise him among the multi-
the earth; tude.
† 109:21 The word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.”
Psalms 109:31 664 Psalms 112:10

31 For he will stand at the right hand of the 6 He has shown his people the power of his
needy, works,
to save him from those who judge his in giving them the heritage of the na-
soul. tions.
7 The works of his hands are truth and

110 justice.
All his precepts are sure.
A Psalm by David.
1 The LORD says to my Lord, “Sit at my right 8 They are established forever and ever.

hand, They are done in truth and upright-

until I make your enemies your foot- ness.
9 He has sent redemption to his people.
stool for your feet.”
2 The LORD will send out the rod of your He has ordained his covenant forever.
His name is holy and awesome!
strength out of Zion. 10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of
Rule among your enemies. wisdom.
3 Your people offer themselves willingly in All those who do his work have a good
the day of your power, in holy array. understanding.
Out of the womb of the morning, you His praise endures forever!
have the dew of your youth.
4 The LORD has sworn, and will not change
1 Praise the LORD!†
his mind:
“You are a priest forever in the order Blessed is the man who fears the
of Melchizedek.” LORD,
5 The Lord is at your right hand. who delights greatly in his command-
He will crush kings in the day of his 2 His offspring will be mighty in the land.
wrath. The generation of the upright will be
6 He will judge among the nations.
He will heap up dead bodies. 3 Wealth and riches are in his house.
He will crush the ruler of the whole His righteousness endures forever.
earth. 4 Light dawns in the darkness for the up-
7 He will drink of the brook on the way;
therefore he will lift up his head. gracious, merciful, and righteous.
5 It is well with the man who deals gra-

1 Praise the LORD!†

111 ciously and lends.
I will give thanks to the LORD with my He will maintain his cause in judg-
whole heart, 6 For he will never be shaken.
in the council of the upright, and in the The righteous will be remembered
congregation. forever.
2 The LORD’s works are great, 7 He will not be afraid of evil news.
pondered by all those who delight in His heart is steadfast, trusting in the
them. LORD.
3 His work is honor and majesty. 8 His heart is established.
He will not be afraid in the end when
His righteousness endures forever. he sees his adversaries.
4 He has caused his wonderful works to be 9 He has dispersed, he has given to the
remembered. poor.
The LORD is gracious and merciful. His righteousness endures forever.
5 He has given food to those who fear him.
His horn will be exalted with honor.
He always remembers his covenant. 10 The wicked will see it, and be grieved.

† 111:1 Psalm 111 is an acrostic poem, with each verse after the initial “Praise the LORD!” starting with a letter of
the alphabet (ordered from Alef to Tav). † 112:1 Psalm 112 is an acrostic poem, with each verse after the initial
“Praise the LORD!” starting with a letter of the alphabet (ordered from Alef to Tav).
Psalms 113:1 665 Psalms 116:3

He shall gnash with his teeth, and melt for your loving kindness, and for your
away. truth’s sake.
The desire of the wicked will perish. 2 Why should the nations say,
“Where is their God, now?”
113 3 But our God is in the heavens.
1 Praise the LORD! He does whatever he pleases.
Praise, you servants of the LORD, 4 Their idols are silver and gold,
praise the LORD’s name. the work of men’s hands.
2 Blessed be the LORD’s name, 5 They have mouths, but they don’t speak.
from this time forward and forever They have eyes, but they don’t see.
more. 6 They have ears, but they don’t hear.
3 From the rising of the sun to its going
They have noses, but they don’t smell.
down, 7 They have hands, but they don’t feel.
the LORD’s name is to be praised.
4 The LORD is high above all nations, They have feet, but they don’t walk,
neither do they speak through their
his glory above the heavens.
5 Who is like the LORD, our God, throat.
8 Those who make them will be like them;
who has his seat on high, yes, everyone who trusts in them.
6 who stoops down to see in heaven 9 Israel, trust in the LORD!
and in the earth? He is their help and their shield.
7 He raises up the poor out of the dust,
10 House of Aaron, trust in the LORD!
and lifts up the needy from the ash He is their help and their shield.
heap, 11 You who fear the LORD, trust in the
8 that he may set him with princes,
even with the princes of his people. He is their help and their shield.
9 He settles the barren woman in her home 12 The LORD remembers us. He will bless
as a joyful mother of children. us.
Praise the LORD! He will bless the house of Israel.
He will bless the house of Aaron.
1 When Israel went out of Egypt,
13 He will bless those who fear the LORD,
both small and great.
14 May the LORD increase you more and
the house of Jacob from a people of
foreign language, more,
2 Judah became his sanctuary, you and your children.
15 Blessed are you by the LORD,
Israel his dominion.
3 The sea saw it, and fled. who made heaven and earth.
16 The heavens are the LORD’s heavens,
The Jordan was driven back.
4 The mountains skipped like rams, but he has given the earth to the chil-
dren of men.
the little hills like lambs. 17 The dead don’t praise the LORD,
5 What was it, you sea, that you fled?
nor any who go down into silence,
You Jordan, that you turned back? 18 but we will bless the LORD,
6 You mountains, that you skipped like
from this time forward and forever
rams? more.
You little hills, like lambs? Praise the LORD!
7 Tremble, you earth, at the presence of the
Lord, 116
at the presence of the God of Jacob, 1I love the LORD, because he listens to my
8 who turned the rock into a pool of water, voice,
the flint into a spring of waters. and my cries for mercy.
2 Because he has turned his ear to me,
1 Not to us, LORD, not to us,
therefore I will call on him as long as I
but to your name give glory, 3 The cords of death surrounded me,
Psalms 116:4 666 Psalms 118:19

the pains of Sheol† got a hold of me. for his loving kindness endures for-
I found trouble and sorrow. ever.
4 Then I called on the LORD’s name: 2 Let Israel now say
“LORD, I beg you, deliver my soul.” that his loving kindness endures for-
5 The LORD is gracious and righteous. ever.
3 Let the house of Aaron now say
Yes, our God is merciful.
6 The LORD preserves the simple. that his loving kindness endures for-
I was brought low, and he saved me. 4 Now let those who fear the LORD say
7 Return to your rest, my soul,
that his loving kindness endures for-
for the LORD has dealt bountifully ever.
with you. 5 Out of my distress, I called on the LORD.
8 For you have delivered my soul from The LORD answered me with free-
death, dom.
6 The LORD is on my side. I will not be
my eyes from tears,
and my feet from falling. afraid.
9 I will walk before the LORD in the land of What can man do to me?
7 The LORD is on my side among those who
the living.
10 I believed, therefore I said, help me.
“I was greatly afflicted.” Therefore I will look in triumph at
11 I said in my haste, those who hate me.
8 It is better to take refuge in the LORD,
“All people are liars.” than to put confidence in man.
12 What will I give to the LORD for all his
9 It is better to take refuge in the LORD,
benefits toward me? than to put confidence in princes.
13 I will take the cup of salvation, and
10 All the nations surrounded me,
call on the LORD’s name.
14 I will pay my vows to the LORD, but in the LORD’s name I cut them off.
11 They surrounded me, yes, they sur-
yes, in the presence of all his people.
15 Precious in the LORD’s sight is the death rounded me.
In the LORD’s name I indeed cut them
of his saints. off.
16 LORD, truly I am your servant. 12 They surrounded me like bees.
I am your servant, the son of your They are quenched like the burning
servant girl. thorns.
You have freed me from my chains. In the LORD’s name I cut them off.
13 You pushed me back hard, to make me
17 I will offer to you the sacrifice of thanks-
giving, fall,
and will call on the LORD’s name. but the LORD helped me.
18 I will pay my vows to the LORD, 14 The LORD is my strength and song.
yes, in the presence of all his people, He has become my salvation.
19 in the courts of the LORD’s house, 15 The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in
in the middle of you, Jerusalem. the tents of the righteous.
Praise the LORD! “The right hand of the LORD does
1 Praise the LORD, all you nations!
16 The right hand of the LORD is exalted!
The right hand of the LORD does
Extol him, all you peoples!
2 For his loving kindness is great toward us. valiantly!”
17 I will not die, but live,
The LORD’s faithfulness endures for- and declare the LORD’s works.
ever. 18 The LORD has punished me severely,
Praise the LORD!
but he has not given me over to death.
1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good,
19 Open to me the gates of righteousness.
I will enter into them.
† 116:3 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Psalms 118:20 667 Psalms 119:27

I will give thanks to the LORD. Don’t utterly forsake me.

20 This is the gate of the LORD; BETH
9 How can a young man keep his way pure?
the righteous will enter into it.
21 I will give thanks to you, for you have By living according to your word.
10 With my whole heart I have sought you.
answered me,
and have become my salvation. Don’t let me wander from your com-
22 The stone which the builders rejected mandments.
11 I have hidden your word in my heart,
has become the cornerstone.†
23 This is the LORD’s doing. that I might not sin against you.
12 Blessed are you, LORD.
It is marvelous in our eyes.
24 This is the day that the LORD has made. Teach me your statutes.
13 With my lips,
We will rejoice and be glad in it!
25 Save us now, we beg you, LORD! I have declared all the ordinances of
your mouth.
LORD, we beg you, send prosperity 14 I have rejoiced in the way of your testi-
26 Blessed is he who comes in the LORD’s monies,
name! as much as in all riches.
We have blessed you out of the LORD’s 15 I will meditate on your precepts,
house. and consider your ways.
27 The LORD is God, and he has given us 16 I will delight myself in your statutes.
light. I will not forget your word.
Bind the sacrifice with cords, even to GIMEL
the horns of the altar. 17 Do good to your servant.
28 You are my God, and I will give thanks to
I will live and I will obey your word.
you. 18 Open my eyes,
You are my God, I will exalt you. that I may see wondrous things out of
29 Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is
your law.
good, 19 I am a stranger on the earth.
for his loving kindness endures for- Don’t hide your commandments from
ever. me.
20 My soul is consumed with longing for
119 your ordinances at all times.
ALEPH 21 You have rebuked the proud who are
1 Blessed are those whose ways are blame-
less, cursed,
who walk according to the LORD’s law. who wander from your command-
2 Blessed are those who keep his statutes, ments.
22 Take reproach and contempt away from
who seek him with their whole heart. me,
3 Yes, they do nothing wrong.
for I have kept your statutes.
They walk in his ways. 23 Though princes sit and slander me,
4 You have commanded your precepts,
your servant will meditate on your
that we should fully obey them. statutes.
5 Oh that my ways were steadfast 24 Indeed your statutes are my delight,
to obey your statutes! and my counselors.
6 Then I wouldn’t be disappointed, DALETH
25 My soul is laid low in the dust.
when I consider all of your command-
ments. Revive me according to your word!
7 I will give thanks to you with uprightness 26 I declared my ways, and you answered
of heart, me.
when I learn your righteous judg- Teach me your statutes.
ments. 27 Let me understand the teaching of your
8 I will observe your statutes. precepts!
† 118:22 Literally, head of the corner
Psalms 119:28 668 Psalms 119:66

Then I will meditate on your won- and will not be disappointed.

drous works. 47 I will delight myself in your command-
28 My soul is weary with sorrow; ments,
strengthen me according to your because I love them.
48 I reach out my hands for your command-
29 Keep me from the way of deceit. ments, which I love.
Grant me your law graciously! I will meditate on your statutes.
30 I have chosen the way of truth. ZAYIN
49 Remember your word to your servant,
I have set your ordinances before me.
31 I cling to your statutes, LORD. because you gave me hope.
50 This is my comfort in my affliction,
Don’t let me be disappointed.
32 I run in the path of your command- for your word has revived me.
51 The arrogant mock me excessively,
for you have set my heart free. but I don’t swerve from your law.
HE 52 I remember your ordinances of old,
33 Teach me, LORD, the way of your LORD,
statutes. and have comforted myself.
I will keep them to the end. 53 Indignation has taken hold on me,
34 Give me understanding, and I will keep
because of the wicked who forsake
your law. your law.
Yes, I will obey it with my whole heart. 54 Your statutes have been my songs
35 Direct me in the path of your command- in the house where I live.
ments, 55 I have remembered your name, LORD,
for I delight in them. in the night,
36 Turn my heart toward your statutes,
and I obey your law.
not toward selfish gain. 56 This is my way,
37 Turn my eyes away from looking at that I keep your precepts.
worthless things. HETH
Revive me in your ways. 57 The LORD is my portion.
38 Fulfill your promise to your servant, I promised to obey your words.
that you may be feared. 58 I sought your favor with my whole heart.
39 Take away my disgrace that I dread, Be merciful to me according to your
for your ordinances are good. word.
59 I considered my ways,
40 Behold, I long for your precepts!
Revive me in your righteousness. and turned my steps to your statutes.
60 I will hurry, and not delay,
41 Let your loving kindness also come to to obey your commandments.
me, LORD, 61 The ropes of the wicked bind me,
your salvation, according to your but I won’t forget your law.
word. 62 At midnight I will rise to give thanks to
42 So I will have an answer for him who you,
reproaches me, because of your righteous ordinances.
for I trust in your word. 63 I am a friend of all those who fear you,
43 Don’t snatch the word of truth out of my
of those who observe your precepts.
mouth, 64 The earth is full of your loving kindness,
for I put my hope in your ordinances. LORD.
44 So I will obey your law continually, Teach me your statutes.
forever and ever. TETH
45 I will walk in liberty, 65 You have treated your servant well,
for I have sought your precepts. according to your word, LORD.
46 I will also speak of your statutes before 66 Teach me good judgment and knowl-
kings, edge,
Psalms 119:67 669 Psalms 119:102

for I believe in your commandments. When will you execute judgment on

67 Before I was afflicted, I went astray; those who persecute me?
but now I observe your word. 85 The proud have dug pits for me,
68 You are good, and do good. contrary to your law.
Teach me your statutes. 86 All of your commandments are faithful.
69 The proud have smeared a lie upon me. They persecute me wrongfully.
With my whole heart, I will keep your Help me!
precepts. 87 They had almost wiped me from the
70 Their heart is as callous as the fat,
but I delight in your law. but I didn’t forsake your precepts.
71 It is good for me that I have been af- 88 Preserve my life according to your lov-
flicted, ing kindness,
that I may learn your statutes. so I will obey the statutes of your
72 The law of your mouth is better to me
than thousands of pieces of gold and LAMEDH
silver. 89 LORD, your word is settled in heaven
YODH forever.
73 Your hands have made me and formed 90 Your faithfulness is to all generations.
me. You have established the earth, and it
Give me understanding, that I may
learn your commandments. 91 Your laws remain to this day,
74 Those who fear you will see me and be
for all things serve you.
glad, 92 Unless your law had been my delight,
because I have put my hope in your I would have perished in my affliction.
word. 93 I will never forget your precepts,
75 LORD, I know that your judgments are
righteous, for with them, you have revived me.
94 I am yours.
that in faithfulness you have afflicted
me. Save me, for I have sought your pre-
76 Please let your loving kindness be for my cepts.
comfort, 95 The wicked have waited for me, to de-
according to your word to your ser- stroy me.
vant. I will consider your statutes.
77 Let your tender mercies come to me, that 96 I have seen a limit to all perfection,
I may live; but your commands are boundless.
for your law is my delight. MEM
78 Let the proud be disappointed, for they 97 How I love your law!
have overthrown me wrongfully. It is my meditation all day.
I will meditate on your precepts. 98 Your commandments make me wiser
79 Let those who fear you turn to me. than my enemies,
They will know your statutes. for your commandments are always
80 Let my heart be blameless toward your with me.
99 I have more understanding than all my
that I may not be disappointed. teachers,
KAPF for your testimonies are my medita-
81 My soul faints for your salvation. tion.
100 I understand more than the aged,
I hope in your word.
82 My eyes fail for your word. because I have kept your precepts.
I say, “When will you comfort me?” 101 I have kept my feet from every evil way,
83 For I have become like a wineskin in the that I might observe your word.
smoke. 102 I have not turned away from your ordi-
I don’t forget your statutes. nances,
84 How many are the days of your servant? for you have taught me.
Psalms 119:103 670 Psalms 119:141

103 How sweet are your promises to my Don’t leave me to my oppressors.

taste, 122 Ensure your servant’s well-being.
more than honey to my mouth! Don’t let the proud oppress me.
104 Through your precepts, I get under- 123
My eyes fail looking for your salvation,
standing; for your righteous word.
therefore I hate every false way. 124 Deal with your servant according to
NUN your loving kindness.
105 Your word is a lamp to my feet,
Teach me your statutes.
and a light for my path. 125 I am your servant. Give me understand-
106 I have sworn, and have confirmed it,
that I will obey your righteous ordi- ing,
nances. that I may know your testimonies.
107 I am afflicted very much. 126 It is time to act, LORD,
Revive me, LORD, according to your for they break your law.
word. 127 Therefore I love your commandments
108 Accept, I beg you, the willing offerings more than gold,
of my mouth. yes, more than pure gold.
LORD, teach me your ordinances. 128 Therefore I consider all of your pre-
109 My soul is continually in my hand, cepts to be right.
yet I won’t forget your law. I hate every false way.
110 The wicked have laid a snare for me, PE
yet I haven’t gone astray from your 129 Your testimonies are wonderful,
precepts. therefore my soul keeps them.
111 I have taken your testimonies as a her- 130 The entrance of your words gives light.
itage forever, It gives understanding to the simple.
for they are the joy of my heart. 131 I opened my mouth wide and panted,
112 I have set my heart to perform your for I longed for your commandments.
statutes forever, 132 Turn to me, and have mercy on me,
even to the end. as you always do to those who love
SAMEKH your name.
113 I hate double-minded men, 133 Establish my footsteps in your word.
but I love your law. Don’t let any iniquity have dominion
114 You are my hiding place and my shield.
over me.
I hope in your word. 134 Redeem me from the oppression of
115 Depart from me, you evildoers, man,
that I may keep the commandments of so I will observe your precepts.
135 Make your face shine on your servant.
my God.
116 Uphold me according to your word, that Teach me your statutes.
136 Streams of tears run down my eyes,
I may live.
Let me not be ashamed of my hope. because they don’t observe your law.
117 Hold me up, and I will be safe, TZADHE
137 You are righteous, LORD.
and will have respect for your statutes Your judgments are upright.
continually. 138 You have commanded your statutes in
118 You reject all those who stray from your
statutes, righteousness.
for their deceit is in vain. They are fully trustworthy.
119 You put away all the wicked of the earth 139 My zeal wears me out,
like dross. because my enemies ignore your
Therefore I love your testimonies. words.
120 My flesh trembles for fear of you. 140 Your promises have been thoroughly
I am afraid of your judgments. tested,
AYIN and your servant loves them.
121 I have done what is just and righteous. 141 I am small and despised.
Psalms 119:142 671 Psalms 120:3

I don’t forget your precepts. Every one of your righteous ordi-

142 Your righteousness is an everlasting nances endures forever.
righteousness. SIN AND SHIN
161 Princes have persecuted me without a
Your law is truth.
143 Trouble and anguish have taken hold of cause,
me. but my heart stands in awe of your
Your commandments are my delight. words.
144 Your testimonies are righteous forever. 162 I rejoice at your word,
Give me understanding, that I may as one who finds great plunder.
163 I hate and abhor falsehood.
QOPH I love your law.
145 I have called with my whole heart. 164 Seven times a day, I praise you,
Answer me, LORD! because of your righteous ordinances.
I will keep your statutes. 165 Those who love your law have great
146 I have called to you. Save me! peace.
I will obey your statutes. Nothing causes them to stumble.
147 I rise before dawn and cry for help. 166 I have hoped for your salvation, LORD.
I put my hope in your words. I have done your commandments.
148 My eyes stay open through the night 167 My soul has observed your testimonies.
watches, I love them exceedingly.
that I might meditate on your word. 168 I have obeyed your precepts and your
149 Hear my voice according to your loving testimonies,
kindness. for all my ways are before you.
Revive me, LORD, according to your TAV
ordinances. 169 Let my cry come before you, LORD.
150 They draw near who follow after Give me understanding according to
wickedness. your word.
They are far from your law. 170 Let my supplication come before you.
151 You are near, LORD.
Deliver me according to your word.
All your commandments are truth. 171 Let my lips utter praise,
152 Of old I have known from your testi-
for you teach me your statutes.
monies, 172 Let my tongue sing of your word,
that you have founded them forever.
RESH for all your commandments are righ-
153 Consider my affliction, and deliver me, teousness.
173 Let your hand be ready to help me,
for I don’t forget your law. for I have chosen your precepts.
154 Plead my cause, and redeem me!
174 I have longed for your salvation, LORD.
Revive me according to your promise.
155 Salvation is far from the wicked, Your law is my delight.
175 Let my soul live, that I may praise you.
for they don’t seek your statutes.
156 Great are your tender mercies, LORD. Let your ordinances help me.
176 I have gone astray like a lost sheep.
Revive me according to your ordi-
nances. Seek your servant, for I don’t forget
157 Many are my persecutors and my ad- your commandments.
I haven’t swerved from your testi- 120
monies. A Song of Ascents.
158 I look at the faithless with loathing, 1 In my distress, I cried to the LORD.
because they don’t observe your word. He answered me.
159 Consider how I love your precepts. 2 Deliver my soul, LORD, from lying lips,
Revive me, LORD, according to your from a deceitful tongue.
loving kindness. 3 What will be given to you, and what will
160 All of your words are truth. be done more to you,
Psalms 120:4 672 Psalms 125:1

you deceitful tongue? I will now say, “Peace be within you.”

4 Sharp arrows of the mighty, 9 For the sake of the house of the LORD our
with coals of juniper. God,
5 Woe is me, that I live in Meshech, I will seek your good.
that I dwell among the tents of Kedar!
6 My soul has had her dwelling too long 123
with him who hates peace. A Song of Ascents.
1 I lift up my eyes to you,
7 I am for peace,
but when I speak, they are for war. you who sit in the heavens.
2 Behold, as the eyes of servants look to the

121 hand of their master,

as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her
A Song of Ascents.
1 I will lift up my eyes to the hills. mistress,
Where does my help come from? so our eyes look to the LORD, our God,
2 My help comes from the LORD, until he has mercy on us.
3 Have mercy on us, LORD, have mercy on
who made heaven and earth.
3 He will not allow your foot to be moved. for we have endured much contempt.
4 Our soul is exceedingly filled with the
He who keeps you will not slumber.
4 Behold, he who keeps Israel scoffing of those who are at ease,
will neither slumber nor sleep. with the contempt of the proud.
5 The LORD is your keeper.
The LORD is your shade on your right 124
A Song of Ascents. By David.
hand. 1 If it had not been the LORD who was on
6 The sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night. our side,
7 The LORD will keep you from all evil. let Israel now say,
2 if it had not been the LORD who was on
He will keep your soul. our side,
8 The LORD will keep your going out and
when men rose up against us,
your coming in, 3 then they would have swallowed us up
from this time forward, and forever alive,
more. when their wrath was kindled against
122 4 then the waters would have over-
A Song of Ascents. By David. whelmed us,
1 I was glad when they said to me,
the stream would have gone over our
“Let’s go to the LORD’s house!” soul.
2 Our feet are standing within your gates, 5 Then the proud waters would have gone
Jerusalem! over our soul.
3 Jerusalem is built as a city that is 6 Blessed be the LORD,
compact together, who has not given us as a prey to their
4 where the tribes go up, even the LORD’s teeth.
7 Our soul has escaped like a bird out of the
according to an ordinance for Israel, fowler’s snare.
The snare is broken, and we have es-
to give thanks to the LORD’s name. caped.
5 For there are set thrones for judgment,
8 Our help is in the LORD’s name,
the thrones of David’s house. who made heaven and earth.
6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Those who love you will prosper.
7 Peace be within your walls,
A Song of Ascents.
and prosperity within your palaces. 1 Those who trust in the LORD are as Mount
8 For my brothers’ and companions’ sakes, Zion,
Psalms 125:2 673 Psalms 129:8

which can’t be moved, but remains 4 As arrows in the hand of a mighty man,
forever. so are the children of youth.
2 As the mountains surround Jerusalem, 5 Happy is the man who has his quiver full
so the LORD surrounds his people of them.
from this time forward and forever They won’t be disappointed when
more. they speak with their enemies in the
3 For the scepter of wickedness won’t re-
main over the allotment of the righ-
so that the righteous won’t use their A Song of Ascents. 128

hands to do evil. 1 Blessed is everyone who fears the LORD,

4 Do good, LORD, to those who are good,
to those who are upright in their 2 who walks in his ways.
hearts. For you will eat the labor of your hands.
5 But as for those who turn away to their You will be happy, and it will be well
crooked ways, with you.
the LORD will lead them away with the 3 Your wife will be as a fruitful vine in the
workers of iniquity. innermost parts of your house,
Peace be on Israel. your children like olive shoots around
your table.
126 4 Behold, this is how the man who fears the
A Song of Ascents. LORD is blessed.
1 When the LORD brought back those who 5 May the LORD bless you out of Zion,
returned to Zion, and may you see the good of Jerusalem
we were like those who dream. all the days of your life.
2 Then our mouth was filled with laughter, 6
Yes, may you see your children’s children.
and our tongue with singing. Peace be upon Israel.
Then they said among the nations,
“The LORD has done great things for 129
them.” A Song of Ascents.
3 The LORD has done great things for us, 1 Many times they have afflicted me from
and we are glad. my youth up.
4 Restore our fortunes again, LORD,
Let Israel now say:
like the streams in the Negev. 2 many times they have afflicted me from
5 Those who sow in tears will reap in joy.
my youth up,
6 He who goes out weeping, carrying
yet they have not prevailed against
seed for sowing, me.
will certainly come again with joy, car- 3 The plowers plowed on my back.
rying his sheaves. They made their furrows long.
4 The LORD is righteous.
127 He has cut apart the cords of the
A Song of Ascents. By Solomon. wicked.
1 Unless the LORD builds the house, 5 Let them be disappointed and turned
they who build it labor in vain. backward,
Unless the LORD watches over the city, all those who hate Zion.
the watchman guards it in vain. 6 Let them be as the grass on the housetops,
2 It is vain for you to rise up early, which withers before it grows up,
to stay up late, 7 with which the reaper doesn’t fill his
eating the bread of toil, hand,
for he gives sleep to his loved ones. nor he who binds sheaves, his bosom.
3 Behold, children are a heritage of the 8 Neither do those who go by say,
LORD. “The blessing of the LORD be on you.
The fruit of the womb is his reward. We bless you in the LORD’s name.”
Psalms 130:1 674 Psalms 134:1

130 We found it in the field of Jaar.

A Song of Ascents. 7 “We will go into his dwelling place.
1 Out of the depths I have cried to you, We will worship at his footstool.”
LORD. 8 Arise, LORD, into your resting place,
2 Lord, hear my voice.
you, and the ark of your strength.
Let your ears be attentive to the voice 9 Let your priests be clothed with righ-
of my petitions. teousness.
3 If you, LORD, kept a record of sins, Let your saints shout for joy!
Lord, who could stand? 10 For your servant David’s sake,
4 But there is forgiveness with you,
don’t turn away the face of your
therefore you are feared. anointed one.
5 I wait for the LORD. 11 The LORD has sworn to David in truth.
My soul waits. He will not turn from it:
I hope in his word. “I will set the fruit of your body on
6 My soul longs for the Lord more than your throne.
12 If your children will keep my covenant,
watchmen long for the morning,
more than watchmen for the morning. my testimony that I will teach them,
7 Israel, hope in the LORD, their children also will sit on your
for there is loving kindness with the throne forever more.”
13 For the LORD has chosen Zion.
Abundant redemption is with him. He has desired it for his habitation.
14 “This is my resting place forever.
8 He will redeem Israel from all their sins.
I will live here, for I have desired it.
131 15 I will abundantly bless her provision.
A Song of Ascents. By David. I will satisfy her poor with bread.
1 LORD, my heart isn’t arrogant, nor my 16 I will also clothe her priests with salva-
eyes lofty; tion.
nor do I concern myself with great Her saints will shout aloud for joy.
matters, 17 I will make the horn of David to bud
or things too wonderful for me. there.
2 Surely I have stilled and quieted my soul, I have ordained a lamp for my
like a weaned child with his mother, anointed.
18 I will clothe his enemies with shame,
like a weaned child is my soul within
me. but on himself, his crown will shine.”
3 Israel, hope in the LORD,
from this time forward and forever 133
more. A Song of Ascents. By David.
1 See how good and how pleasant it is
132 for brothers to live together in unity!
A Song of Ascents. 2 It is like the precious oil on the head,
1 LORD, remember David and all his afflic-
that ran down on the beard,
tion, even Aaron’s beard,
2 how he swore to the LORD,
that came down on the edge of his
and vowed to the Mighty One of Jacob: robes,
3 “Surely I will not come into the structure
3 like the dew of Hermon,
of my house, that comes down on the hills of Zion;
nor go up into my bed; for there the LORD gives the blessing,
4 I will not give sleep to my eyes,
even life forever more.
or slumber to my eyelids,
5 until I find out a place for the LORD, 134
a dwelling for the Mighty One of Ja- A Song of Ascents.
1 Look! Praise the LORD, all you servants
6 Behold, we heard of it in Ephrathah. of the LORD,
Psalms 134:2 675 Psalms 136:12

who stand by night in the LORD’s 17 They have ears, but they can’t hear,
house! neither is there any breath in their
2 Lift up your hands in the sanctuary.
Praise the LORD! 18 Those who make them will be like them,
3 May the LORD bless you from Zion, yes, everyone who trusts in them.
even he who made heaven and earth. 19 House of Israel, praise the LORD!
House of Aaron, praise the LORD!
1 Praise the LORD!
135 20 House of Levi, praise the LORD!

Praise the LORD’s name! You who fear the LORD, praise the
Praise him, you servants of the LORD, LORD!
2 you who stand in the LORD’s house, 21 Blessed be the LORD from Zion,

in the courts of our God’s house. who dwells in Jerusalem.

3 Praise the LORD, for the LORD is good. Praise the LORD!
Sing praises to his name, for that is
pleasant. 136
1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good,
4 For the LORD has chosen Jacob for him-
for his loving kindness endures for-
self, ever.
Israel for his own possession. 2 Give thanks to the God of gods,
5 For I know that the LORD is great,
for his loving kindness endures for-
that our Lord is above all gods. ever.
6 Whatever the LORD pleased, that he has 3 Give thanks to the Lord of lords,
done, for his loving kindness endures for-
in heaven and in earth, in the seas and ever;
4 to him who alone does great wonders,
in all deeps.
7 He causes the clouds to rise from the ends for his loving kindness endures for-
of the earth. ever;
He makes lightnings with the rain. 5 to him who by understanding made the
He brings the wind out of his trea- heavens,
suries. for his loving kindness endures for-
8 He struck the firstborn of Egypt, ever;
6 to him who spread out the earth above
both of man and animal.
9 He sent signs and wonders into the mid- the waters,
dle of you, Egypt, for his loving kindness endures for-
on Pharaoh, and on all his servants. ever;
10 He struck many nations, 7 to him who made the great lights,

and killed mighty kings— for his loving kindness endures for-
11 Sihon king of the Amorites, ever;
8 the sun to rule by day,
Og king of Bashan,
for his loving kindness endures for-
and all the kingdoms of Canaan— ever;
12 and gave their land for a heritage, 9 the moon and stars to rule by night,
a heritage to Israel, his people. for his loving kindness endures for-
13 Your name, LORD, endures forever; ever;
your renown, LORD, throughout all 10 to him who struck down the Egyptian
generations. firstborn,
14 For the LORD will judge his people for his loving kindness endures for-
and have compassion on his servants. ever;
11 and brought out Israel from among
15 The idols of the nations are silver and them,
gold, for his loving kindness endures for-
the work of men’s hands. ever;
16 They have mouths, but they can’t speak. 12 with a strong hand, and with an out-
They have eyes, but they can’t see. stretched arm,
Psalms 136:13 676 Psalms 138:5

for his loving kindness endures for- Yes, we wept, when we remembered
ever; Zion.
13 to him who divided the Red Sea apart, 2 On the willows in that land,
for his loving kindness endures for- we hung up our harps.
ever; 3 For there, those who led us captive asked
14 and made Israel to pass through the
us for songs.
middle of it, Those who tormented us demanded
for his loving kindness endures for- songs of joy:
ever; “Sing us one of the songs of Zion!”
15 but overthrew Pharaoh and his army in
4 How can we sing the LORD’s song in a
the Red Sea, foreign land?
for his loving kindness endures for- 5
ever; If I forget you, Jerusalem,
16 to him who led his people through the let my right hand forget its skill.
6 Let my tongue stick to the roof of my
for his loving kindness endures for- mouth if I don’t remember you,
ever; if I don’t prefer Jerusalem above my
17 to him who struck great kings, chief joy.
for his loving kindness endures for- 7 Remember, LORD, against the children of
ever; Edom in the day of Jerusalem,
18 and killed mighty kings,
who said, “Raze it!
for his loving kindness endures for- Raze it even to its foundation!”
ever; 8 Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruc-
19 Sihon king of the Amorites,
for his loving kindness endures for- he will be happy who repays you,
ever; as you have done to us.
20 Og king of Bashan,
9 Happy shall he be,
for his loving kindness endures for-
ever; who takes and dashes your little ones
21 and gave their land as an inheritance, against the rock.
for his loving kindness endures for-
ever; 138
22 even a heritage to Israel his servant, By David.
for his loving kindness endures for- 1 I will give you thanks with my whole
ever; heart.
23 who remembered us in our low estate, Before the gods,† I will sing praises to
for his loving kindness endures for- you.
ever; 2 I will bow down toward your holy temple,
24 and has delivered us from our adver- and give thanks to your Name for your
saries, loving kindness and for your truth;
for his loving kindness endures for- for you have exalted your Name and
ever; your Word above all.
25 who gives food to every creature,
3 In the day that I called, you answered me.
for his loving kindness endures for- You encouraged me with strength in
26 Oh give thanks to the God of heaven, my soul.
4 All the kings of the earth will give you
for his loving kindness endures for-
ever. thanks, LORD,
for they have heard the words of your
137 mouth.
1 By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat 5 Yes, they will sing of the ways of the LORD,
down. for the LORD’s glory is great!
† 138:1 The word elohim, used here, usually means “God” but can also mean “gods”, “princes”, or “angels”.
Psalms 138:6 677 Psalms 140:4

6 For though the LORD is high, yet he looks You knit me together in my mother’s
after the lowly; womb.
14 I will give thanks to you,
but he knows the proud from afar.
7 Though I walk in the middle of trouble, for I am fearfully and wonderfully
you will revive me. made.
You will stretch out your hand against Your works are wonderful.
My soul knows that very well.
the wrath of my enemies. 15 My frame wasn’t hidden from you,
Your right hand will save me.
8 The LORD will fulfill that which concerns
when I was made in secret,
woven together in the depths of the
Your loving kindness, LORD, endures 16 earth.
Your eyes saw my body.
Don’t forsake the works of your own In your book they were all written,
hands. the days that were ordained for me,
when as yet there were none of them.
139 17 How precious to me are your thoughts,
For the Chief Musician. A Psalm by David. God!
1 LORD, you have searched me, How vast is their sum!
18 If I would count them, they are more in
and you know me.
2 You know my sitting down and my rising number than the sand.
up. When I wake up, I am still with you.
19 If only you, God, would kill the wicked.
You perceive my thoughts from afar.
3 You search out my path and my lying Get away from me, you bloodthirsty
down, men!
20 For they speak against you wickedly.
and are acquainted with all my ways.
4 For there is not a word on my tongue, Your enemies take your name in vain.
21 LORD, don’t I hate those who hate you?
but behold, LORD, you know it alto-
Am I not grieved with those who rise
5 You hem me in behind and before.
up against you?
22 I hate them with perfect hatred.
You laid your hand on me.
6 This knowledge is beyond me. They have become my enemies.
23 Search me, God, and know my heart.
It’s lofty.
I can’t attain it. Try me, and know my thoughts.
7 Where could I go from your Spirit? 24 See if there is any wicked way in me,
Or where could I flee from your pres- and lead me in the everlasting way.
8 If I ascend up into heaven, you are there. 140
If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, you
† For the Chief Musician. A Psalm by David.
1 Deliver me, LORD, from evil men.
are there!
9 If I take the wings of the dawn, Preserve me from violent men:
2 those who devise mischief in their hearts.
and settle in the uttermost parts of the They continually gather themselves
10 even there your hand will lead me, together for war.
3 They have sharpened their tongues like a
and your right hand will hold me.
11 If I say, “Surely the darkness will over- serpent.
Viper’s poison is under their lips.
whelm me. Selah.
The light around me will be night,” 4 LORD, keep me from the hands of the
12 even the darkness doesn’t hide from you,
but the night shines as the day. Preserve me from the violent men
The darkness is like light to you. who have determined to trip my
13 For you formed my inmost being. feet.
† 139:8 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Psalms 140:5 678 Psalms 142:7

5 The proud have hidden a snare for me, let him reprove me, it is like oil on the
they have spread the cords of a net by head;
the path. don’t let my head refuse it;
They have set traps for me. Yet my prayer is always against evil
Selah. deeds.
6 I said to the LORD, “You are my God.” 6 Their judges are thrown down by the
Listen to the cry of my petitions, LORD. sides of the rock.
7 LORD, the Lord, the strength of my salva- They will hear my words, for they are
tion, well spoken.
7 “As when one plows and breaks up the
you have covered my head in the day
of battle. earth,
8 LORD, don’t grant the desires of the our bones are scattered at the mouth
wicked. of Sheol.Ӡ
8 For my eyes are on you, LORD, the Lord.
Don’t let their evil plans succeed, or
they will become proud. I take refuge in you.
Selah. Don’t leave my soul destitute.
9 As for the head of those who surround 9 Keep me from the snare which they have
me, laid for me,
let the mischief of their own lips cover from the traps of the workers of iniq-
them. uity.
10 Let burning coals fall on them. 10 Let the wicked fall together into their
Let them be thrown into the fire, own nets
into miry pits, from where they never while I pass by.
11 An evil speaker won’t be established in 142
the earth. A contemplation by David, when he was in
Evil will hunt the violent man to over- the cave. A Prayer.
throw him. 1 I cry with my voice to the LORD.
12 I know that the LORD will maintain the
cause of the afflicted, With my voice, I ask the LORD for
and justice for the needy. 2 I pour out my complaint before him.
13 Surely the righteous will give thanks to
your name. I tell him my troubles.
3 When my spirit was overwhelmed within
The upright will dwell in your pres-
ence. me,
you knew my route.
141 On the path in which I walk,
A Psalm by David. they have hidden a snare for me.
1 LORD, I have called on you. 4 Look on my right, and see;
Come to me quickly! for there is no one who is concerned
Listen to my voice when I call to you. for me.
2 Let my prayer be set before you like in- Refuge has fled from me.
cense; No one cares for my soul.
5 I cried to you, LORD.
the lifting up of my hands like the
evening sacrifice. I said, “You are my refuge,
3 Set a watch, LORD, before my mouth. my portion in the land of the living.”
6 Listen to my cry,
Keep the door of my lips.
4 Don’t incline my heart to any evil thing, for I am in desperate need.
to practice deeds of wickedness with Deliver me from my persecutors,
men who work iniquity. for they are too strong for me.
7 Bring my soul out of prison,
Don’t let me eat of their delicacies.
5 Let the righteous strike me, it is kindness; that I may give thanks to your name.
† 141:7 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Psalms 143:1 679 Psalms 144:14

The righteous will surround me, for I am your servant.

for you will be good to me.
143 By David.
A Psalm by David. 1 Blessed be the LORD, my rock,
1 Hear my prayer, LORD. who trains my hands to war,
Listen to my petitions. and my fingers to battle—
In your faithfulness and righteous- 2 my loving kindness, my fortress,
ness, relieve me. my high tower, my deliverer,
2 Don’t enter into judgment with your ser-
my shield, and he in whom I take
vant, refuge,
for in your sight no man living is righ-
teous. who subdues my people under me.
3 For the enemy pursues my soul. 3 LORD, what is man, that you care for him?
He has struck my life down to the Or the son of man, that you think of
ground. him?
4 Man is like a breath.
He has made me live in dark places, as
those who have been long dead. His days are like a shadow that passes
4 Therefore my spirit is overwhelmed
5 Part your heavens, LORD, and come
within me.
My heart within me is desolate. down.
5 I remember the days of old. Touch the mountains, and they will
I meditate on all your doings. 6 Throw out lightning, and scatter them.
I contemplate the work of your hands. Send out your arrows, and rout them.
6 I spread out my hands to you. 7 Stretch out your hand from above,
My soul thirsts for you, like a parched rescue me, and deliver me out of great
land. waters,
Selah. out of the hands of foreigners,
7 Hurry to answer me, LORD.
8 whose mouths speak deceit,
My spirit fails. whose right hand is a right hand of
Don’t hide your face from me, falsehood.
so that I don’t become like those who 9 I will sing a new song to you, God.
go down into the pit.
8 Cause me to hear your loving kindness in On a ten-stringed lyre, I will sing
praises to you.
the morning, 10 You are he who gives salvation to kings,
for I trust in you.
who rescues David, his servant, from
Cause me to know the way in which I the deadly sword.
should walk, 11 Rescue me, and deliver me out of the
for I lift up my soul to you.
9 Deliver me, LORD, from my enemies. hands of foreigners,
whose mouths speak deceit,
I flee to you to hide me. whose right hand is a right hand of
10 Teach me to do your will,
for you are my God.
Your Spirit is good. 12 Then our sons will be like well-nurtured
Lead me in the land of uprightness. plants,
11 Revive me, LORD, for your name’s sake. our daughters like pillars carved to
In your righteousness, bring my soul adorn a palace.
out of trouble. 13 Our barns are full, filled with all kinds of
12 In your loving kindness, cut off my ene- provision.
mies, Our sheep produce thousands and ten
and destroy all those who afflict my thousands in our fields.
soul, 14 Our oxen will pull heavy loads.
Psalms 144:15 680 Psalms 146:8

There is no breaking in, and no going The LORD is faithful in all his words,
away, and loving in all his deeds.‡
and no outcry in our streets. 14 The LORD upholds all who fall,
15 Happy are the people who are in such a and raises up all those who are bowed
situation. down.
Happy are the people whose God is the 15 The eyes of all wait for you.
LORD. You give them their food in due sea-
145 † 16 You open your hand,
A praise psalm by David. and satisfy the desire of every living
1 I will exalt you, my God, the King.
I will praise your name forever and 17 The LORD is righteous in all his ways,
ever. and gracious in all his works.
2 Every day I will praise you.
18 The LORD is near to all those who call on
I will extol your name forever and him,
3 Great is the LORD, and greatly to be to all who call on him in truth.
19 He will fulfill the desire of those who fear
praised! him.
His greatness is unsearchable. He also will hear their cry, and will
4 One generation will commend your save them.
works to another, 20 The LORD preserves all those who love
and will declare your mighty acts. him,
5 I will meditate on the glorious majesty of but he will destroy all the wicked.
your honor, 21 My mouth will speak the praise of the
on your wondrous works. LORD.
6 Men will speak of the might of your awe- Let all flesh bless his holy name for-
some acts. ever and ever.
I will declare your greatness.
7 They will utter the memory of your great
goodness, 1 Praise the LORD!
and will sing of your righteousness. Praise the LORD, my soul.
8 The LORD is gracious, merciful, 2 While I live, I will praise the LORD.
slow to anger, and of great loving kind- I will sing praises to my God as long as
ness. I exist.
9 The LORD is good to all.
3 Don’t put your trust in princes,
His tender mercies are over all his in a son of man in whom there is no
works. help.
10 All your works will give thanks to you,
4 His spirit departs, and he returns to the
Your saints will extol you. earth.
11 They will speak of the glory of your In that very day, his thoughts perish.
5 Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for
and talk about your power, his help,
12 to make known to the sons of men his whose hope is in the LORD, his God,
6 who made heaven and earth,
mighty acts,
the glory of the majesty of his king- the sea, and all that is in them;
dom. who keeps truth forever;
13 Your kingdom is an everlasting king- 7 who executes justice for the oppressed;
dom. who gives food to the hungry.
Your dominion endures throughout The LORD frees the prisoners.
all generations. 8 The LORD opens the eyes of the blind.

† 145: This is an acrostic psalm, with every verse (including the second half of verse 13) starting with a consecutive
letter of the Hebrew alphabet. ‡ 145:13 Some manuscripts omit these last two lines.
Psalms 146:9 681 Psalms 148:13

The LORD raises up those who are He fills you with the finest of the
bowed down. wheat.
The LORD loves the righteous. 15 He sends out his commandment to the
9 The LORD preserves the foreigners. earth.
He upholds the fatherless and widow, His word runs very swiftly.
16 He gives snow like wool,
but he turns the way of the wicked
upside down. and scatters frost like ashes.
17 He hurls down his hail like pebbles.
10 The LORD will reign forever;
your God, O Zion, to all generations. Who can stand before his cold?
18 He sends out his word, and melts them.
Praise the LORD! He causes his wind to blow, and the
waters flow.

1 Praise the LORD,

147 19 He shows his word to Jacob,
his statutes and his ordinances to Is-
for it is good to sing praises to our God; 20 rael.
for it is pleasant and fitting to praise He has not done this for just any nation.
him. They don’t know his ordinances.
2 The LORD builds up Jerusalem. Praise the LORD!
He gathers together the outcasts of Is-
3 He heals the broken in heart,
1 Praise the LORD!
and binds up their wounds. Praise the LORD from the heavens!
4 He counts the number of the stars.
Praise him in the heights!
He calls them all by their names. 2 Praise him, all his angels!
5 Great is our Lord, and mighty in power.
Praise him, all his army!
His understanding is infinite. 3 Praise him, sun and moon!
6 The LORD upholds the humble.
Praise him, all you shining stars!
He brings the wicked down to the 4 Praise him, you heavens of heavens,
ground. you waters that are above the heav-
7 Sing to the LORD with thanksgiving.
Sing praises on the harp to our God, 5 Let them praise the LORD’s name,
8 who covers the sky with clouds, for he commanded, and they were cre-
who prepares rain for the earth, ated.
who makes grass grow on the moun- 6 He has also established them forever and
tains. ever.
9 He provides food for the livestock, He has made a decree which will not
and for the young ravens when they 7 pass away.
call. Praise the LORD from the earth,
10 He doesn’t delight in the strength of the you great sea creatures, and all
horse. depths,
He takes no pleasure in the legs of a 8 lightning and hail, snow and clouds,
man. stormy wind, fulfilling his word,
11 The LORD takes pleasure in those who
9 mountains and all hills,
fear him, fruit trees and all cedars,
in those who hope in his loving kind- 10 wild animals and all livestock,
12 Praise the LORD, Jerusalem! small creatures and flying birds,
11 kings of the earth and all peoples,
Praise your God, Zion!
13 For he has strengthened the bars of your princes and all judges of the earth,
gates. 12 both young men and maidens,
He has blessed your children within old men and children.
you. 13 Let them praise the LORD’s name,
14 He makes peace in your borders. for his name alone is exalted.
Psalms 148:14 682 Psalms 150:6

His glory is above the earth and the 6 Leteverything that has breath praise the
heavens. LORD!
14 He has lifted up the horn of his people, Praise the LORD!
the praise of all his saints,
even of the children of Israel, a people
near to him.
Praise the LORD!

1 Praise the LORD!

Sing to the LORD a new song,
his praise in the assembly of the saints.
2 Let Israel rejoice in him who made them.
Let the children of Zion be joyful in
their King.
3 Let them praise his name in the dance!
Let them sing praises to him with tam-
bourine and harp!
4 For the LORD takes pleasure in his people.
He crowns the humble with salvation.
5 Let the saints rejoice in honor.
Let them sing for joy on their beds.
6 May the high praises of God be in their
and a two-edged sword in their hand,
7 to execute vengeance on the nations,
and punishments on the peoples;
8 to bind their kings with chains,
and their nobles with fetters of iron;
9 to execute on them the written judgment.
All his saints have this honor.
Praise the LORD!

1 Praise the LORD!

Praise God in his sanctuary!
Praise him in his heavens for his acts
of power!
2 Praise him for his mighty acts!
Praise him according to his excellent
3 Praise him with the sounding of the trum-
Praise him with harp and lyre!
4 Praise him with tambourine and danc-
Praise him with stringed instruments
and flute!
5 Praise him with loud cymbals!
Praise him with resounding cymbals!
Proverbs 1:1 683 Proverbs 1:31

17 For
the net is spread in vain in the sight
of any bird;
The Proverbs 18 but these lay in wait for their own blood.
1 The proverbs of Solomon, the son of
They lurk secretly for their own lives.
19 So are the ways of everyone who is
David, king of Israel: greedy for gain.
2 to know wisdom and instruction;
It takes away the life of its owners.
to discern the words of understand-
ing; 20 Wisdom calls aloud in the street.
3 to receive instruction in wise dealing,
She utters her voice in the public
in righteousness, justice, and equity; squares.
4 to give prudence to the simple, 21 She calls at the head of noisy places.
knowledge and discretion to the At the entrance of the city gates, she
young man— utters her words:
5 that the wise man may hear, and increase 22 “How long, you simple ones, will you
in learning; love simplicity?
that the man of understanding may How long will mockers delight them-
attain to sound counsel; selves in mockery,
6 to understand a proverb and parables, and fools hate knowledge?
the words and riddles of the wise. 23 Turn at my reproof.

7 The fear of the LORD† is the beginning of Behold,§ I will pour out my spirit on
knowledge, I will make known my words to you.
but the foolish despise wisdom and 24 Because I have called, and you have
instruction. refused;
8 My son, listen to your father’s instruction,
I have stretched out my hand, and no
and don’t forsake your mother’s teach- one has paid attention;
ing; 25 but you have ignored all my counsel,
9 for they will be a garland to grace your
and wanted none of my reproof;
head, 26 I also will laugh at your disaster.
and chains around your neck.
10 My son, if sinners entice you,
I will mock when calamity overtakes
don’t consent. 27 when calamity overtakes you like a
11 If they say, “Come with us.
Let’s lie in wait for blood. when your disaster comes on like a
Let’s lurk secretly for the innocent whirlwind,
without cause. when distress and anguish come on
12 Let’s swallow them up alive like Sheol,‡
and whole, like those who go down 28 Then they will call on me, but I will not
into the pit. answer.
13 We’ll find all valuable wealth. They will seek me diligently, but they
We’ll fill our houses with plunder. will not find me,
14 You shall cast your lot among us. 29 because they hated knowledge,
We’ll all have one purse”— and didn’t choose the fear of the LORD.
15 my son, don’t walk on the path with 30 They wanted none of my counsel.
them. They despised all my reproof.
Keep your foot from their path, 31 Therefore they will eat of the fruit of
16 for their feet run to evil. their own way,
They hurry to shed blood. and be filled with their own schemes.
† 1:7 When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, “LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name. ‡ 1:12
Sheol is the place of the dead. § 1:23 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It
is often used as an interjection.
Proverbs 1:32 684 Proverbs 3:12

32 For the backsliding of the simple will kill 16 to deliver you from the strange woman,
them. even from the foreigner who flatters
The careless ease of fools will destroy with her words,
them. 17 who forsakes the friend of her youth,
33 But whoever listens to me will dwell and forgets the covenant of her God;
securely, 18 for her house leads down to death,
and will be at ease, without fear of
harm.” her paths to the departed spirits.
19 None who go to her return again,

2 neither do they attain to the paths of

1 My son, if you will receive my words, life.
and store up my commandments 20 Therefore walk in the way of good men,
within you, and keep the paths of the righteous.
2 so as to turn your ear to wisdom, 21 For the upright will dwell in the land.

and apply your heart to understand- The perfect will remain in it.
ing; 22 But the wicked will be cut off from the
3 yes, if you call out for discernment, land.
The treacherous will be rooted out of
and lift up your voice for understand- it.
4 if you seek her as silver,
and search for her as for hidden trea- 1 My son, don’t forget my teaching,
sures; but let your heart keep my command-
5 then you will understand the fear of the ments,
LORD, 2 for they will add to you length of days,
and find the knowledge of God.† years of life, and peace.
6 For the LORD gives wisdom. 3 Don’t let kindness and truth forsake you.
Out of his mouth comes knowledge Bind them around your neck.
and understanding. Write them on the tablet of your heart.
7 He lays up sound wisdom for the upright. 4
So you will find favor,
He is a shield to those who walk in and good understanding in the sight of
integrity, God and man.
8 that he may guard the paths of justice, 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and preserve the way of his saints. and don’t lean on your own under-
9 Then you will understand righteousness standing.
and justice, 6 In all your ways acknowledge him,
equity and every good path. and he will make your paths straight.
10 For wisdom will enter into your heart. 7 Don’t be wise in your own eyes.
Knowledge will be pleasant to your Fear the LORD, and depart from evil.
soul. 8 It will be health to your body,
11 Discretion will watch over you.
and nourishment to your bones.
Understanding will keep you, 9 Honor the LORD with your substance,
12 to deliver you from the way of evil,
with the first fruits of all your in-
from the men who speak perverse crease;
things, 10 so your barns will be filled with plenty,
13 who forsake the paths of uprightness,
and your vats will overflow with new
to walk in the ways of darkness, wine.
14 who rejoice to do evil, 11 My son, don’t despise the LORD’s disci-
and delight in the perverseness of evil, pline,
15 who are crooked in their ways, neither be weary of his correction;
and wayward in their paths, 12 for whom the LORD loves, he corrects,

† 2:5 The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬

ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim).
Proverbs 3:13 685 Proverbs 4:11

even as a father reproves the son in since he dwells securely by you.

whom he delights. 30 Don’t strive with a man without cause,
if he has done you no harm.
13 Happy is the man who finds wisdom, 31 Don’t envy the man of violence.
the man who gets understanding. Choose none of his ways.
14 For her good profit is better than getting 32 For the perverse is an abomination to the
silver, LORD,
and her return is better than fine gold. but his friendship is with the upright.
15 She is more precious than rubies. 33 The LORD’s curse is in the house of the
None of the things you can desire are wicked,
to be compared to her. but he blesses the habitation of the
16 Length of days is in her right hand. righteous.
34 Surely he mocks the mockers,
In her left hand are riches and honor.
17 Her ways are ways of pleasantness. but he gives grace to the humble.
35 The wise will inherit glory,
All her paths are peace.
18 She is a tree of life to those who lay hold but shame will be the promotion of
of her. fools.
Happy is everyone who retains her.
19 By wisdom the LORD founded the earth. 4
1 Listen, sons, to a father’s instruction.
By understanding, he established the Pay attention and know understand-
heavens. ing;
20 By his knowledge, the depths were bro-
2 for I give you sound learning.
ken up,
and the skies drop down the dew. Don’t forsake my law.
3 For I was a son to my father,
21 My son, let them not depart from your
eyes. tender and an only child in the sight of
Keep sound wisdom and discretion, my mother.
22 so they will be life to your soul, 4 He taught me, and said to me:

and grace for your neck. “Let your heart retain my words.
23 Then you shall walk in your way se- Keep my commandments, and live.
5 Get wisdom.
Get understanding.
Your foot won’t stumble.
24 When you lie down, you will not be Don’t forget, and don’t deviate from
afraid. the words of my mouth.
6 Don’t forsake her, and she will preserve
Yes, you will lie down, and your sleep
will be sweet. you.
25 Don’t be afraid of sudden fear, Love her, and she will keep you.
neither of the desolation of the 7 Wisdom is supreme.
wicked, when it comes; Get wisdom.
26 for the LORD will be your confidence, Yes, though it costs all your posses-
and will keep your foot from being sions, get understanding.
taken. 8 Esteem her, and she will exalt you.
She will bring you to honor when you
27 Don’t withhold good from those to whom
embrace her.
it is due, 9 She will give to your head a garland of
when it is in the power of your hand to grace.
do it. She will deliver a crown of splendor to
28 Don’t say to your neighbor, “Go, and
come again;
tomorrow I will give it to you,” 10 Listen, my son, and receive my sayings.
when you have it by you. The years of your life will be many.
29 Don’t devise evil against your neighbor, 11 I have taught you in the way of wisdom.
Proverbs 4:12 686 Proverbs 5:21

I have led you in straight paths. 4 but in the end she is as bitter as worm-
12 When you go, your steps will not be wood,
hampered. and as sharp as a two-edged sword.
5 Her feet go down to death.
When you run, you will not stumble.
13 Take firm hold of instruction. Her steps lead straight to Sheol.†
Don’t let her go. 6 She gives no thought to the way of life.
Keep her, for she is your life. Her ways are crooked, and she doesn’t
14 Don’t enter into the path of the wicked. know it.
Don’t walk in the way of evil men.
15 Avoid it, and don’t pass by it. 7 Now therefore, my sons, listen to me.

Turn from it, and pass on. Don’t depart from the words of my
16 For they don’t sleep unless they do evil. mouth.
8 Remove your way far from her.
Their sleep is taken away, unless they
make someone fall. Don’t come near the door of her house,
17 For they eat the bread of wickedness 9 lest you give your honor to others,
and drink the wine of violence. and your years to the cruel one;
18 But the path of the righteous is like the 10 lest strangers feast on your wealth,
dawning light and your labors enrich another man’s
that shines more and more until the house.
perfect day. 11 You will groan at your latter end,
19 The way of the wicked is like darkness.
when your flesh and your body are
They don’t know what they stumble consumed,
over. 12 and say, “How I have hated instruction,
20 My son, attend to my words. and my heart despised reproof.
Turn your ear to my sayings. 13 I haven’t obeyed the voice of my teach-
21 Let them not depart from your eyes. ers,
Keep them in the center of your heart. nor turned my ear to those who in-
22 For they are life to those who find them, structed me!
14 I have come to the brink of utter ruin,
and health to their whole body. among the gathered assembly.”
23 Keep your heart with all diligence,
for out of it is the wellspring of life. 15 Drink water out of your own cistern,
24 Put away from yourself a perverse
running water out of your own well.
mouth. 16 Should your springs overflow in the
Put corrupt lips far from you. streets,
25 Let your eyes look straight ahead.
streams of water in the public
Fix your gaze directly before you. squares?
26 Make the path of your feet level.
17 Let them be for yourself alone,
Let all of your ways be established. not for strangers with you.
27 Don’t turn to the right hand nor to the
18 Let your spring be blessed.
Remove your foot from evil. Rejoice in the wife of your youth.
19 A loving doe and a graceful deer—

1 My son, pay attention to my wisdom.
let her breasts satisfy you at all times.
Be captivated always with her love.
Turn your ear to my understanding, 20 For why should you, my son, be capti-
2 that you may maintain discretion, vated with an adulteress?
that your lips may preserve knowl- Why embrace the bosom of another?
edge. 21 For the ways of man are before the
3 For the lips of an adulteress drip honey. LORD’s eyes.
Her mouth is smoother than oil, He examines all his paths.
† 5:5 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Proverbs 5:22 687 Proverbs 6:31

22 The evil deeds of the wicked ensnare He will be broken suddenly, and that
him. without remedy.
The cords of his sin hold him firmly.
23 He will die for lack of instruction. 16 There are six things which the LORD
In the greatness of his folly, he will go hates;
astray. yes, seven which are an abomination
to him:
1 My son, if you have become collateral for
17 arrogant eyes, a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
your neighbor, 18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
if you have struck your hands in feet that are swift in running to mis-
pledge for a stranger, chief,
2 you are trapped by the words of your 19 a false witness who utters lies,
mouth; and he who sows discord among
you are ensnared with the words of brothers.
your mouth.
3 Do this now, my son, and deliver yourself,
20 My son, keep your father’s command-
since you have come into the hand of and don’t forsake your mother’s teach-
your neighbor. ing.
Go, humble yourself. 21 Bind them continually on your heart.
Press your plea with your neighbor. Tie them around your neck.
4 Give no sleep to your eyes, 22 When you walk, it will lead you.
nor slumber to your eyelids. When you sleep, it will watch over
5 Free yourself, like a gazelle from the hand you.
of the hunter, When you awake, it will talk with you.
like a bird from the snare of the 23 For the commandment is a lamp,
fowler. and the law is light.
6 Go to the ant, you sluggard. Reproofs of instruction are the way of
Consider her ways, and be wise; 24 to keep you from the immoral woman,
7 which having no chief, overseer, or ruler,
8 provides her bread in the summer,
from the flattery of the wayward
wife’s tongue.
and gathers her food in the harvest. 25 Don’t lust after her beauty in your heart,
9 How long will you sleep, sluggard?
neither let her captivate you with her
When will you arise out of your sleep? eyelids.
10 A little sleep, a little slumber, 26 For a prostitute reduces you to a piece of
a little folding of the hands to sleep— bread.
11 so your poverty will come as a robber, The adulteress hunts for your pre-
and your scarcity as an armed man. cious life.
27 Can a man scoop fire into his lap,
12 A worthless person, a man of iniquity, and his clothes not be burned?
28 Or can one walk on hot coals,
is he who walks with a perverse
mouth, and his feet not be scorched?
29 So is he who goes in to his neighbor’s
13 who winks with his eyes, who signals
with his feet, Whoever touches her will not be un-
who motions with his fingers, punished.
14 in whose heart is perverseness, 30 Men don’t despise a thief
who devises evil continually, if he steals to satisfy himself when he
who always sows discord. is hungry,
15 Therefore his calamity will come sud- 31 but if he is found, he shall restore seven
denly. times.
Proverbs 6:32 688 Proverbs 8:3

He shall give all the wealth of his With an impudent face she said to
house. him:
32 He who commits adultery with a woman 14 “Sacrifices of peace offerings are with
is void of understanding. me.
He who does it destroys his own soul. Today I have paid my vows.
15 Therefore I came out to meet you,
33 He will get wounds and dishonor.
to diligently seek your face,
His reproach will not be wiped away.
34 For jealousy arouses the fury of the hus-
and I have found you.
16 I have spread my couch with carpets of
band. tapestry,
He won’t spare in the day of with striped cloths of the yarn of
35 He won’t regard any ransom, Egypt.
17 I have perfumed my bed with myrrh,
neither will he rest content, though
aloes, and cinnamon.
you give many gifts. 18 Come, let’s take our fill of loving until the
1 My son, keep my words.
7 Let’s solace ourselves with loving.
19 For my husband isn’t at home.
Lay up my commandments within He has gone on a long journey.
you. 20 He has taken a bag of money with him.
2 Keep my commandments and live!
He will come home at the full moon.”
Guard my teaching as the apple of 21 With persuasive words, she led him
your eye. astray.
3 Bind them on your fingers.
With the flattering of her lips, she se-
Write them on the tablet of your heart. duced him.
4 Tell wisdom, “You are my sister.” 22 He followed her immediately,
Call understanding your relative, as an ox goes to the slaughter,
5 that they may keep you from the strange as a fool stepping into a noose.
woman, 23 Until an arrow strikes through his liver,
from the foreigner who flatters with as a bird hurries to the snare,
her words. and doesn’t know that it will cost his
6 For at the window of my house, life.
I looked out through my lattice. 24 Now therefore, sons, listen to me.
7 I saw among the simple ones.
Pay attention to the words of my
I discerned among the youths a young mouth.
man void of understanding, 25 Don’t let your heart turn to her ways.
8 passing through the street near her cor-
Don’t go astray in her paths,
ner, 26 for she has thrown down many
he went the way to her house, wounded.
9 in the twilight, in the evening of the day,
Yes, all her slain are a mighty army.
in the middle of the night and in the 27 Her house is the way to Sheol,†
darkness. going down to the rooms of death.
10 Behold, there a woman met him with the
attire of a prostitute, 8
and with crafty intent. 1 Doesn’t wisdom cry out?
11 She is loud and defiant. Doesn’t understanding raise her
Her feet don’t stay in her house. voice?
12 Now she is in the streets, now in the 2 On the top of high places by the way,
squares, where the paths meet, she stands.
and lurking at every corner. 3 Beside the gates, at the entry of the city,
13 So she caught him, and kissed him. at the entry doors, she cries aloud:
† 7:27 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Proverbs 8:4 689 Proverbs 9:2

4 “I call to you men! 22 “The LORD possessed me in the begin-

I send my voice to the sons of mankind. ning of his work,
5 You simple, understand prudence! before his deeds of old.
23 I was set up from everlasting, from the
You fools, be of an understanding
heart! beginning,
6 Hear, for I will speak excellent things. before the earth existed.
24 When there were no depths, I was born,
The opening of my lips is for right
things. when there were no springs abound-
7 For my mouth speaks truth. ing with water.
25 Before the mountains were settled in
Wickedness is an abomination to my place,
lips. before the hills, I was born;
8 All the words of my mouth are in righ- 26 while as yet he had not made the earth,
teousness. nor the fields,
There is nothing crooked or perverse nor the beginning of the dust of the
in them. world.
9 They are all plain to him who under- 27 When he established the heavens, I was
stands, there.
right to those who find knowledge. When he set a circle on the surface of
10 Receive my instruction rather than sil- the deep,
ver, 28 when he established the clouds above,
knowledge rather than choice gold. when the springs of the deep became
11 For wisdom is better than rubies. strong,
All the things that may be desired can’t 29 when he gave to the sea its boundary,
be compared to it. that the waters should not violate his
12 “I, wisdom, have made prudence my when he marked out the foundations
dwelling. of the earth,
30 then I was the craftsman by his side.
Find out knowledge and discretion.
13 The fear of the LORD is to hate evil.
I was a delight day by day,
I hate pride, arrogance, the evil way, 31 always rejoicing before him,
and the perverse mouth. rejoicing in his whole world.
14 Counsel and sound knowledge are mine. My delight was with the sons of men.
I have understanding and power. 32 “Now therefore, my sons, listen to me,
15 By me kings reign,
for blessed are those who keep my
and princes decree justice. ways.
16 By me princes rule, 33 Hear instruction, and be wise.
nobles, and all the righteous rulers of Don’t refuse it.
34 Blessed is the man who hears me,
the earth.
17 I love those who love me. watching daily at my gates,
Those who seek me diligently will find waiting at my door posts.
me. 35 For whoever finds me finds life,
18 With me are riches, honor, and will obtain favor from the LORD.
enduring wealth, and prosperity. 36 But he who sins against me wrongs his
19 My fruit is better than gold, yes, than fine own soul.
gold, All those who hate me love death.”
my yield than choice silver.
20 I walk in the way of righteousness,
1 Wisdom has built her house.
in the middle of the paths of justice, She has carved out her seven pillars.
21 that I may give wealth to those who love 2 She has prepared her meat.
me. She has mixed her wine.
I fill their treasuries. She has also set her table.
Proverbs 9:3 690 Proverbs 10:18

3 She has sent out her maidens. but a foolish son brings grief to his
She cries from the highest places of the mother.
city: 2 Treasures of wickedness profit nothing,
4 “Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!” but righteousness delivers from
As for him who is void of understand- death.
ing, she says to him, 3 The LORD will not allow the soul of the
5 “Come, eat some of my bread, righteous to go hungry,
Drink some of the wine which I have but he thrusts away the desire of the
mixed! wicked.
6 Leave your simple ways, and live. 4 He becomes poor who works with a lazy
Walk in the way of understanding.” hand,
but the hand of the diligent brings
7 One who corrects a mocker invites insult. wealth.
One who reproves a wicked man in- 5 He who gathers in summer is a wise son,
vites abuse. but he who sleeps during the harvest
8 Don’t reprove a scoffer, lest he hate you. is a son who causes shame.
Reprove a wise person, and he will 6 Blessings are on the head of the righteous,
love you. but violence covers the mouth of the
9 Instruct a wise person, and he will be still wicked.
7 The memory of the righteous is blessed,
Teach a righteous person, and he will but the name of the wicked will rot.
8 The wise in heart accept commandments,
increase in learning.
10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of but a chattering fool will fall.
9 He who walks blamelessly walks surely,
The knowledge of the Holy One is un- but he who perverts his ways will be
derstanding. found out.
10 One who winks with the eye causes sor-
11 For by me your days will be multiplied.
The years of your life will be in- but a chattering fool will fall.
creased. 11 The mouth of the righteous is a spring of
12 If you are wise, you are wise for yourself.
If you mock, you alone will bear it. but violence covers the mouth of the
13 The foolish woman is loud,
12 Hatred stirs up strife,
undisciplined, and knows nothing. but love covers all wrongs.
14 She sits at the door of her house, 13 Wisdom is found on the lips of him who
on a seat in the high places of the city, has discernment,
15 to call to those who pass by,
but a rod is for the back of him who is
who go straight on their ways, void of understanding.
16 “Whoever is simple, let him turn in 14 Wise men lay up knowledge,
here.” but the mouth of the foolish is near
As for him who is void of understand- ruin.
ing, she says to him, 15 The rich man’s wealth is his strong city.
17 “Stolen water is sweet. The destruction of the poor is their
Food eaten in secret is pleasant.” poverty.
18 But he doesn’t know that the departed 16 The labor of the righteous leads to life.
spirits are there, The increase of the wicked leads to sin.
17 He is in the way of life who heeds correc-
that her guests are in the depths of
Sheol.† tion,
but he who forsakes reproof leads oth-
1 The proverbs of Solomon.
ers astray.
18 He who hides hatred has lying lips.
A wise son makes a glad father; He who utters a slander is a fool.
† 9:18 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Proverbs 10:19 691 Proverbs 11:16

19 In the multitude of words there is no lackThe integrity of the upright shall guide
of disobedience, them,
but he who restrains his lips does but the perverseness of the treacher-
wisely. ous shall destroy them.
20 The tongue of the righteous is like choice
4 Riches don’t profit in the day of wrath,
silver. but righteousness delivers from
The heart of the wicked is of little death.
worth. 5 The righteousness of the blameless will
21 The lips of the righteous feed many,
but the foolish die for lack of under- direct his way,
standing. but the wicked shall fall by his own
22 The LORD’s blessing brings wealth, wickedness.
6 The righteousness of the upright shall
and he adds no trouble to it.
23 It is a fool’s pleasure to do wickedness, deliver them,
but wisdom is a man of understand- but the unfaithful will be trapped by
ing’s pleasure. evil desires.
24 What the wicked fear will overtake 7 When a wicked man dies, hope perishes,
them, and expectation of power comes to
but the desire of the righteous will be nothing.
granted. 8 A righteous person is delivered out of
25 When the whirlwind passes, the wicked trouble,
is no more; and the wicked takes his place.
but the righteous stand firm forever.9 With his mouth the godless man destroys
26 As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke to his neighbor,
the eyes, but the righteous will be delivered
so is the sluggard to those who send through knowledge.
him. 10 When it goes well with the righteous, the
27 The fear of the LORD prolongs days,
city rejoices.
but the years of the wicked shall be When the wicked perish, there is
shortened. shouting.
28 The prospect of the righteous is joy,
11 By the blessing of the upright, the city is
but the hope of the wicked will perish.
29 The way of the LORD is a stronghold to exalted,
but it is overthrown by the mouth of
the upright, the wicked.
but it is a destruction to the workers of
12 One who despises his neighbor is void of
iniquity. wisdom,
30 The righteous will never be removed,
but a man of understanding holds his
but the wicked will not dwell in the peace.
land. 13 One who brings gossip betrays a confi-
31 The mouth of the righteous produces
wisdom, dence,
but the perverse tongue will be cut off. but one who is of a trustworthy spirit
32 The lips of the righteous know what is is one who keeps a secret.
14 Where there is no wise guidance, the
but the mouth of the wicked is per- nation falls,
verse. but in the multitude of counselors
there is victory.
11 15 He who is collateral for a stranger will
1 A false balance is an abomination to the suffer for it,
LORD, but he who refuses pledges of collat-
but accurate weights are his delight. eral is secure.
2 When pride comes, then comes shame, 16 A gracious woman obtains honor,
but with humility comes wisdom. but violent men obtain riches.
Proverbs 11:17 692 Proverbs 12:14

17 The merciful man does good to his own 12

soul, 1 Whoever loves correction loves knowl-
but he who is cruel troubles his own edge,
flesh. but he who hates reproof is stupid.
18 Wicked people earn deceitful wages, 2 A good man shall obtain favor from the
but one who sows righteousness reaps LORD,
a sure reward. but he will condemn a man of wicked
19 He who is truly righteous gets life. plans.
3 A man shall not be established by wicked-
He who pursues evil gets death.
20 Those who are perverse in heart are an ness,
but the root of the righteous shall not
abomination to the LORD, be moved.
but those whose ways are blameless 4 A worthy woman is the crown of her
are his delight. husband,
21 Most certainly, the evil man will not be
but a disgraceful wife is as rottenness
unpunished, in his bones.
but the offspring† of the righteous will 5 The thoughts of the righteous are just,
be delivered. but the advice of the wicked is deceit-
22 Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout, ful.
6 The words of the wicked are about lying
is a beautiful woman who lacks discre-
tion. in wait for blood,
23 The desire of the righteous is only good. but the speech of the upright rescues
The expectation of the wicked is them.
7 The wicked are overthrown, and are no
24 There is one who scatters, and increases more,
yet more. but the house of the righteous shall
There is one who withholds more than stand.
8 A man shall be commended according to
is appropriate, but gains poverty.
25 The liberal soul shall be made fat.
his wisdom,
but he who has a warped mind shall be
He who waters shall be watered also despised.
26 People curse someone who withholds 9 Better is he who is little known, and has a
than he who honors himself and lacks
but blessing will be on the head of him bread.
who sells it. 10 A righteous man respects the life of his
27 He who diligently seeks good seeks fa-
vor, but the tender mercies of the wicked
but he who searches after evil, it shall are cruel.
come to him. 11 He who tills his land shall have plenty of
28 He who trusts in his riches will fall, bread,
but the righteous shall flourish as the but he who chases fantasies is void of
green leaf. understanding.
29 He who troubles his own house shall 12 The wicked desires the plunder of evil
inherit the wind. men,
The foolish shall be servant to the wise but the root of the righteous flour-
of heart. ishes.
30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life. 13 An evil man is trapped by sinfulness of
He who is wise wins souls. lips,
31 Behold, the righteous shall be repaid in but the righteous shall come out of
the earth, trouble.
14 A man shall be satisfied with good by the
how much more the wicked and the
sinner! fruit of his mouth.
† 11:21 or, seed
Proverbs 12:15 693 Proverbs 13:20

The work of a man’s hands shall be 4 The soul of the sluggard desires, and has
rewarded to him. nothing,
15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes,
but the desire of the diligent shall be
but he who is wise listens to counsel. fully satisfied.
16 A fool shows his annoyance the same
5 A righteous man hates lies,
but a wicked man brings shame and
but one who overlooks an insult is
prudent. disgrace.
17 He who is truthful testifies honestly, 6 Righteousness guards the way of in-

but a false witness lies. tegrity,

18 There is one who speaks rashly like the but wickedness overthrows the sin-
piercing of a sword, ner.
7 There are some who pretend to be rich,
but the tongue of the wise heals.
19 Truth’s lips will be established forever, yet have nothing.
There are some who pretend to be
but a lying tongue is only momentary. poor, yet have great wealth.
20 Deceit is in the heart of those who plot
8 The ransom of a man’s life is his riches,
evil, but the poor hear no threats.
but joy comes to the promoters of 9 The light of the righteous shines brightly,
21 No mischief shall happen to the righ- but the lamp of the wicked is snuffed
teous, out.
10 Pride only breeds quarrels,
but the wicked shall be filled with evil.
22 Lying lips are an abomination to the but wisdom is with people who take
LORD, advice.
11 Wealth gained dishonestly dwindles
but those who do the truth are his
delight. away,
23 A prudent man keeps his knowledge, but he who gathers by hand makes it
but the hearts of fools proclaim fool- 12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
24 The hands of the diligent ones shall rule, but when longing is fulfilled, it is a tree
but laziness ends in slave labor. of life.
25 Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down, 13 Whoever despises instruction will pay

but a kind word makes it glad. for it,

26 A righteous person is cautious in friend- but he who respects a command will
ship, be rewarded.
14 The teaching of the wise is a spring of
but the way of the wicked leads them
astray. life,
27 The slothful man doesn’t roast his game, to turn from the snares of death.
15 Good understanding wins favor,
but the possessions of diligent men are but the way of the unfaithful is hard.
prized. 16 Every prudent man acts from knowl-
28 In the way of righteousness is life;
in its path there is no death. but a fool exposes folly.
17 A wicked messenger falls into trouble,
13 but a trustworthy envoy gains healing.
wise son listens to his father’s instruc-
18 Poverty and shame come to him who
but a scoffer doesn’t listen to rebuke. refuses discipline,
2 By the fruit of his lips, a man enjoys good but he who heeds correction shall be
things, honored.
19 Longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul,
but the unfaithful crave violence.
3 He who guards his mouth guards his soul. but fools detest turning from evil.
One who opens wide his lips comes to 20 One who walks with wise men grows
ruin. wise,
Proverbs 13:21 694 Proverbs 14:28

but a companion of fools suffers harm. 12 There is a way which seems right to a
21 Misfortune pursues sinners, man,
but prosperity rewards the righteous. but in the end it leads to death.
13 Even in laughter the heart may be sor-
22 A good man leaves an inheritance to his
children’s children, rowful,
but the wealth of the sinner is stored and mirth may end in heaviness.
for the righteous. 14 The unfaithful will be repaid for his own
23 An abundance of food is in poor people’s ways;
fields, likewise a good man will be rewarded
but injustice sweeps it away. for his ways.
24 One who spares the rod hates his son, 15 A simple man believes everything,
but one who loves him is careful to but the prudent man carefully consid-
discipline him. ers his ways.
25 The righteous one eats to the satisfying 16 A wise man fears and shuns evil,
of his soul, but the fool is hot headed and reckless.
but the belly of the wicked goes hun- 17 He who is quick to become angry will
gry. commit folly,
and a crafty man is hated.
1 Every wise woman builds her house, 18 The simple inherit folly,

but the foolish one tears it down with but the prudent are crowned with
her own hands. knowledge.
2 He who walks in his uprightness fears the 19 The evil bow down before the good,
LORD, and the wicked at the gates of the righ-
but he who is perverse in his ways teous.
despises him. 20 The poor person is shunned even by his
3 The fool’s talk brings a rod to his back, own neighbor,
but the lips of the wise protect them. but the rich person has many friends.
4 Where no oxen are, the crib is clean, 21 He who despises his neighbor sins,
but much increase is by the strength of but he who has pity on the poor is
the ox. blessed.
5 A truthful witness will not lie,
22 Don’t they go astray who plot evil?
but a false witness pours out lies.
6 A scoffer seeks wisdom, and doesn’t find But love and faithfulness belong to
it, those who plan good.
23 In all hard work there is profit,
but knowledge comes easily to a dis-
cerning person. but the talk of the lips leads only to
7 Stay away from a foolish man, poverty.
24 The crown of the wise is their riches,
for you won’t find knowledge on his
lips. but the folly of fools crowns them with
8 The wisdom of the prudent is to think folly.
25 A truthful witness saves souls,
about his way,
but the folly of fools is deceit. but a false witness is deceitful.
26 In the fear of the LORD is a secure
9 Fools mock at making atonement for sins,
but among the upright there is good and he will be a refuge for his children.
will. 27 The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life,
10 The heart knows its own bitterness and
joy; turning people from the snares of
he will not share these with a stranger. death.
11 The house of the wicked will be over- 28 In the multitude of people is the king’s
thrown, glory,
but the tent of the upright will flour- but in the lack of people is the destruc-
ish. tion of the prince.
Proverbs 14:29 695 Proverbs 15:26

29 He who is slow to anger has great under- but he loves him who follows after
standing, righteousness.
but he who has a quick temper dis- 10 There is stern discipline for one who
plays folly. forsakes the way.
30 The life of the body is a heart at peace, Whoever hates reproof shall die.
but envy rots the bones. 11 Sheol† and Abaddon are before the
31 He who oppresses the poor shows con- LORD—
tempt for his Maker, how much more then the hearts of the
children of men!
but he who is kind to the needy honors 12 A scoffer doesn’t love to be reproved;
him. he will not go to the wise.
32 The wicked is brought down in his
13 A glad heart makes a cheerful face,
but an aching heart breaks the spirit.
but in death, the righteous has a 14 The heart of one who has understanding
33 Wisdom rests in the heart of one who has seeks knowledge,
understanding, but the mouths of fools feed on folly.
15 All the days of the afflicted are wretched,
and is even made known in the inward
part of fools. but one who has a cheerful heart en-
34 Righteousness exalts a nation, joys a continual feast.
16 Better is little, with the fear of the LORD,
but sin is a disgrace to any people.
35 The king’s favor is toward a servant who than great treasure with trouble.
17 Better is a dinner of herbs, where love is,
deals wisely,
but his wrath is toward one who than a fattened calf with hatred.
18 A wrathful man stirs up contention,
causes shame.
but one who is slow to anger appeases
1 A gentle answer turns away wrath,
19 The way of the sluggard is like a thorn
but a harsh word stirs up anger. patch,
2 The tongue of the wise commends knowl- but the path of the upright is a high-
edge, way.
20 A wise son makes a father glad,
but the mouths of fools gush out folly.
3 The LORD’s eyes are everywhere, but a foolish man despises his mother.
21 Folly is joy to one who is void of wisdom,
keeping watch on the evil and the
good. but a man of understanding keeps his
4 A gentle tongue is a tree of life, way straight.
22 Where there is no counsel, plans fail;
but deceit in it crushes the spirit.
5 A fool despises his father’s correction, but in a multitude of counselors they
but he who heeds reproof shows pru- are established.
23 Joy comes to a man with the reply of his
6 In the house of the righteous is much mouth.
treasure, How good is a word at the right time!
but the income of the wicked brings 24 The path of life leads upward for the
trouble. wise,
7 The lips of the wise spread knowledge; to keep him from going downward to
not so with the heart of fools. Sheol.‡
8 The sacrifice made by the wicked is an 25 The LORD will uproot the house of the
abomination to the LORD, proud,
but the prayer of the upright is his but he will keep the widow’s borders
delight. intact.
9 The way of the wicked is an abomination 26 The LORD detests the thoughts of the
to the LORD, wicked,
† 15:11 Sheol is the place of the dead. ‡ 15:24 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Proverbs 15:27 696 Proverbs 16:28

but the thoughts of the pure are pleas- 11 Honest balances and scales are the
ing. LORD’s;
27 He who is greedy for gain troubles his all the weights in the bag are his work.
12 It is an abomination for kings to do
own house,
but he who hates bribes will live. wrong,
28 The heart of the righteous weighs an- for the throne is established by righ-
swers, teousness.
13 Righteous lips are the delight of kings.
but the mouth of the wicked gushes
out evil. They value one who speaks the truth.
29 The LORD is far from the wicked, 14 The king’s wrath is a messenger of death,
but he hears the prayer of the righ- but a wise man will pacify it.
teous. 15 In the light of the king’s face is life.
30 The light of the eyes rejoices the heart.
His favor is like a cloud of the spring
Good news gives health to the bones. rain.
31 The ear that listens to reproof lives, 16 How much better it is to get wisdom than
and will be at home among the wise. gold!
32 He who refuses correction despises his Yes, to get understanding is to be cho-
own soul, sen rather than silver.
but he who listens to reproof gets un- 17 The highway of the upright is to depart
derstanding. from evil.
33 The fear of the LORD teaches wisdom. He who keeps his way preserves his
Before honor is humility. soul.
18 Pride goes before destruction,

1 The plans of the heart belong to man,
and an arrogant spirit before a fall.
19 It is better to be of a lowly spirit with the

but the answer of the tongue is from poor,

the LORD. than to divide the plunder with the
2 All the ways of a man are clean in his own proud.
eyes, 20 He who heeds the Word finds prosperity.
but the LORD weighs the motives. Whoever trusts in the LORD is blessed.
3 Commit your deeds to the LORD, 21 The wise in heart shall be called prudent.

and your plans shall succeed. Pleasantness of the lips promotes in-
4 The LORD has made everything for its struction.
22 Understanding is a fountain of life to one
own end—
yes, even the wicked for the day of evil. who has it,
5 Everyone who is proud in heart is an but the punishment of fools is their
abomination to the LORD; folly.
23 The heart of the wise instructs his
they shall certainly not be unpun-
ished. mouth,
6 By mercy and truth iniquity is atoned for. and adds learning to his lips.
24 Pleasant words are a honeycomb,
By the fear of the LORD men depart
from evil. sweet to the soul, and health to the
7 When a man’s ways please the LORD, bones.
25 There is a way which seems right to a
he makes even his enemies to be at man,
peace with him.
8 Better is a little with righteousness,
but in the end it leads to death.
26 The appetite of the laboring man labors
than great revenues with injustice. for him,
9 A man’s heart plans his course, for his mouth urges him on.
but the LORD directs his steps. 27 A worthless man devises mischief.
10 Inspired judgments are on the lips of the His speech is like a scorching fire.
king. 28 A perverse man stirs up strife.
He shall not betray his mouth. A whisperer separates close friends.
Proverbs 16:29 697 Proverbs 17:28

29 A man of violence entices his neighbor, 12 Let a bear robbed of her cubs meet a
and leads him in a way that is not good. man,
30 One who winks his eyes to plot perversi- rather than a fool in his folly.
13 Whoever rewards evil for good,
one who compresses his lips, is bent evil shall not depart from his house.
on evil. 14 The beginning of strife is like breaching
31 Gray hair is a crown of glory. a dam,
It is attained by a life of righteousness. therefore stop contention before
32 One who is slow to anger is better than quarreling breaks out.
the mighty; 15 He who justifies the wicked, and he who
one who rules his spirit, than he who condemns the righteous,
takes a city. both of them alike are an abomination
33 The lot is cast into the lap, to the LORD.
16 Why is there money in the hand of a fool
but its every decision is from the
LORD. to buy wisdom,
since he has no understanding?
17 17 A friend loves at all times;
1 Better is a dry morsel with quietness, and a brother is born for adversity.
than a house full of feasting with 18 A man void of understanding strikes
strife. hands,
2 A servant who deals wisely will rule over and becomes collateral in the pres-
a son who causes shame, ence of his neighbor.
and shall have a part in the inheri- 19 He who loves disobedience loves strife.
tance among the brothers. One who builds a high gate seeks de-
3 The refining pot is for silver, and the struction.
20 One who has a perverse heart doesn’t
furnace for gold,
but the LORD tests the hearts. find prosperity,
4 An evildoer heeds wicked lips. and one who has a deceitful tongue
A liar gives ear to a mischievous falls into trouble.
tongue. 21 He who becomes the father of a fool
5 Whoever mocks the poor reproaches his grieves.
Maker. The father of a fool has no joy.
He who is glad at calamity shall not be 22 A cheerful heart makes good medicine,
unpunished. but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
6 Children’s children are the crown of old 23 A wicked man receives a bribe in secret,
men; to pervert the ways of justice.
the glory of children is their parents. 24 Wisdom is before the face of one who has
7 Excellent speech isn’t fitting for a fool,
much less do lying lips fit a prince. but the eyes of a fool wander to the
8 A bribe is a precious stone in the eyes of ends of the earth.
him who gives it; 25 A foolish son brings grief to his father,
wherever he turns, he prospers. and bitterness to her who bore him.
9 He who covers an offense promotes love; 26 Also to punish the righteous is not good,

but he who repeats a matter separates nor to flog officials for their integrity.
best friends. 27 He who spares his words has knowledge.
10 A rebuke enters deeper into one who has He who is even tempered is a man of
understanding understanding.
than a hundred lashes into a fool. 28 Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is
11 An evil man seeks only rebellion;
counted wise.
therefore a cruel messenger shall be When he shuts his lips, he is thought to
sent against him. be discerning.
Proverbs 18:1 698 Proverbs 19:11

18 Disputes are like the bars of a fortress.
man who isolates himself pursues self- 20 A man’s stomach is filled with the fruit of
ishness, his mouth.
and defies all sound judgment. With the harvest of his lips he is satis-
2 A fool has no delight in understanding, fied.
21 Death and life are in the power of the
but only in revealing his own opinion.
3 When wickedness comes, contempt also tongue;
comes, those who love it will eat its fruit.
22 Whoever finds a wife finds a good thing,
and with shame comes disgrace.
4 The words of a man’s mouth are like deep and obtains favor of the LORD.
23 The poor plead for mercy,
The fountain of wisdom is like a flow- but the rich answer harshly.
ing brook. 24 A man of many companions may be
5 To be partial to the faces of the wicked is ruined,
not good, but there is a friend who sticks closer
nor to deprive the innocent of justice. than a brother.
6 A fool’s lips come into strife,
and his mouth invites beatings.
1 Better is the poor who walks in his in-
7 A fool’s mouth is his destruction,
and his lips are a snare to his soul. than he who is perverse in his lips and
8 The words of a gossip are like dainty
is a fool.
morsels: 2 It isn’t good to have zeal without knowl-
they go down into a person’s inner- edge,
most parts.
9 One who is slack in his work nor being hasty with one’s feet and
is brother to him who is a master of missing the way.
3 The foolishness of man subverts his way;
10 The LORD’s name is a strong tower: his heart rages against the LORD.
the righteous run to him, and are safe. 4 Wealth adds many friends,
11 The rich man’s wealth is his strong city, but the poor is separated from his
like an unscalable wall in his own friend.
imagination. 5 A false witness shall not be unpunished.
12 Before destruction the heart of man is He who pours out lies shall not go free.
proud, 6 Many will entreat the favor of a ruler,
but before honor is humility. and everyone is a friend to a man who
13 He who answers before he hears,
gives gifts.
that is folly and shame to him. 7 All the relatives of the poor shun him;
14 A man’s spirit will sustain him in sick-
how much more do his friends avoid
ness, him!
but a crushed spirit, who can bear? He pursues them with pleas, but they
15 The heart of the discerning gets knowl- are gone.
edge. 8 He who gets wisdom loves his own soul.
The ear of the wise seeks knowledge. He who keeps understanding shall
16 A man’s gift makes room for him, find good.
and brings him before great men. 9 A false witness shall not be unpunished.
17 He who pleads his cause first seems He who utters lies shall perish.
right— 10 Delicate living is not appropriate for a
until another comes and questions fool,
him. much less for a servant to have rule
18 The lot settles disputes, over princes.
and keeps strong ones apart. 11 The discretion of a man makes him slow
19 A brother offended is more difficult than to anger.
a fortified city. It is his glory to overlook an offense.
Proverbs 19:12 699 Proverbs 20:15

12 The king’s wrath is like the roaring of a 28 A corrupt witness mocks justice,
lion, and the mouth of the wicked gulps
but his favor is like dew on the grass. down iniquity.
13 A foolish son is the calamity of his father. 29 Penalties are prepared for scoffers,
A wife’s quarrels are a continual drip- and beatings for the backs of fools.
14 House and riches are an inheritance
from fathers, 20
1 Wine is a mocker and beer is a brawler.
but a prudent wife is from the LORD.
15 Slothfulness casts into a deep sleep. Whoever is led astray by them is not
The idle soul shall suffer hunger. wise.
2 The terror of a king is like the roaring of a
16 He who keeps the commandment keeps
his soul, He who provokes him to anger forfeits
but he who is contemptuous in his his own life.
ways shall die. 3 It is an honor for a man to keep aloof from
17 He who has pity on the poor lends to the strife,
LORD; but every fool will be quarreling.
he will reward him. 4 The sluggard will not plow by reason of
18 Discipline your son, for there is hope;
the winter;
don’t be a willing party to his death. therefore he shall beg in harvest, and
19 A hot-tempered man must pay the have nothing.
penalty, 5 Counsel in the heart of man is like deep
for if you rescue him, you must do it water,
again. but a man of understanding will draw
20 Listen to counsel and receive instruc- it out.
6 Many men claim to be men of unfailing
that you may be wise in your latter love,
end. but who can find a faithful man?
21 There are many plans in a man’s heart, 7 A righteous man walks in integrity.

but the LORD’s counsel will prevail. Blessed are his children after him.
8 A king who sits on the throne of judgment
22 That which makes a man to be desired is
his kindness. scatters away all evil with his eyes.
9 Who can say, “I have made my heart pure.
A poor man is better than a liar.
23 The fear of the LORD leads to life, then I am clean and without sin?”
10 Differing weights and differing mea-
he rests and will not be touched by sures,
trouble. both of them alike are an abomination
24 The sluggard buries his hand in the dish; to the LORD.
11 Even a child makes himself known by his
he will not so much as bring it to his doings,
mouth again. whether his work is pure, and
25 Flog a scoffer, and the simple will learn
whether it is right.
prudence; 12 The hearing ear, and the seeing eye,
rebuke one who has understanding, the LORD has made even both of them.
and he will gain knowledge. 13 Don’t love sleep, lest you come to
26 He who robs his father and drives away poverty.
his mother Open your eyes, and you shall be satis-
is a son who causes shame and brings fied with bread.
reproach. 14 “It’s no good, it’s no good,” says the
27 If you stop listening to instruction, my buyer;
son, but when he is gone his way, then he
you will stray from the words of boasts.
knowledge. 15 There is gold and abundance of rubies,
Proverbs 20:16 700 Proverbs 21:19

but the lips of knowledge are a rare but the LORD weighs the hearts.
jewel. 3 To do righteousness and justice
16 Take the garment of one who puts up is more acceptable to the LORD than
collateral for a stranger; sacrifice.
4 A high look and a proud heart,
and hold him in pledge for a wayward
woman. the lamp of the wicked, is sin.
17 Fraudulent food is sweet to a man, 5 The plans of the diligent surely lead to
but afterwards his mouth is filled with profit;
gravel. and everyone who is hasty surely
18 Plans are established by advice;
rushes to poverty.
by wise guidance you wage war! 6 Getting treasures by a lying tongue
19 He who goes about as a tale-bearer re-
is a fleeting vapor for those who seek
veals secrets; death.
therefore don’t keep company with 7 The violence of the wicked will drive
him who opens wide his lips. them away,
20 Whoever curses his father or his mother, because they refuse to do what is right.
his lamp shall be put out in blackness 8 The way of the guilty is devious,
of darkness. but the conduct of the innocent is up-
21 An inheritance quickly gained at the be-
ginning 9 It is better to dwell in the corner of the
won’t be blessed in the end. housetop
22 Don’t say, “I will pay back evil.”
than to share a house with a con-
Wait for the LORD, and he will save tentious woman.
you. 10 The soul of the wicked desires evil;
23 The LORD detests differing weights, his neighbor finds no mercy in his
and dishonest scales are not pleasing. eyes.
24 A man’s steps are from the LORD; 11 When the mocker is punished, the sim-

how then can man understand his ple gains wisdom.

way? When the wise is instructed, he re-
25 It is a snare to a man to make a rash ceives knowledge.
12 The Righteous One considers the house
then later to consider his vows. of the wicked,
26 A wise king winnows out the wicked, and brings the wicked to ruin.
and drives the threshing wheel over 13 Whoever stops his ears at the cry of the
them. poor,
27 The spirit of man is the LORD’s lamp, he will also cry out, but shall not be
searching all his innermost parts. heard.
28 Love and faithfulness keep the king safe. 14 A gift in secret pacifies anger,

His throne is sustained by love. and a bribe in the cloak, strong wrath.
29 The glory of young men is their strength. 15 It is joy to the righteous to do justice;

The splendor of old men is their gray but it is a destruction to the workers of
hair. iniquity.
30 Wounding blows cleanse away evil, 16 The man who wanders out of the way of

and beatings purge the innermost understanding

parts. shall rest in the assembly of the de-
parted spirits.
17 He who loves pleasure will be a poor
21 man.
1 The king’s heart is in the LORD’s hand like He who loves wine and oil won’t be
the watercourses. rich.
18 The wicked is a ransom for the righteous,
He turns it wherever he desires.
2 Every way of a man is right in his own the treacherous for the upright.
eyes, 19 It is better to dwell in a desert land,
Proverbs 21:20 701 Proverbs 22:21

than with a contentious and fretful 5 Thorns and snares are in the path of the
woman. wicked;
20 There is precious treasure and oil in the
whoever guards his soul stays from
dwelling of the wise, them.
but a foolish man swallows it up. 6 Train up a child in the way he should go,
21 He who follows after righteousness and
and when he is old he will not depart
kindness from it.
finds life, righteousness, and honor. 7 The rich rule over the poor.
22 A wise man scales the city of the mighty,
The borrower is servant to the lender.
and brings down the strength of its 8 He who sows wickedness reaps trouble,
confidence. and the rod of his fury will be de-
23 Whoever guards his mouth and his
tongue 9 He who has a generous eye will be
keeps his soul from troubles.
24 The proud and arrogant man—“Scoffer” blessed,
for he shares his food with the poor.
is his name— 10 Drive out the mocker, and strife will go
he works in the arrogance of pride.
25 The desire of the sluggard kills him, out;
yes, quarrels and insults will stop.
for his hands refuse to labor. 11 He who loves purity of heart and speaks
26 There are those who covet greedily all
day long; gracefully
but the righteous give and don’t with- is the king’s friend.
12 The LORD’s eyes watch over knowledge,
27 The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomi- but he frustrates the words of the un-
nation— faithful.
how much more, when he brings it 13 The sluggard says, “There is a lion out-
with a wicked mind! side!
28 A false witness will perish. I will be killed in the streets!”
14 The mouth of an adulteress is a deep pit.
A man who listens speaks to eternity.
29 A wicked man hardens his face; He who is under the LORD’s wrath will
but as for the upright, he establishes fall into it.
15 Folly is bound up in the heart of a child;
his ways.
30 There is no wisdom nor understanding the rod of discipline drives it far from
nor counsel against the LORD. him.
16 Whoever oppresses the poor for his own
31 The horse is prepared for the day of
increase and whoever gives to the
but victory is with the LORD. rich,
both come to poverty.

1 A good name is more desirable than great
17 Turn your ear, and listen to the words of
the wise.
riches, Apply your heart to my teaching.
18 For it is a pleasant thing if you keep them
and loving favor is better than silver
and gold. within you,
2 The rich and the poor have this in com- if all of them are ready on your lips.
mon: 19 I teach you today, even you,
The LORD is the maker of them all. so that your trust may be in the LORD.
3 A prudent man sees danger and hides
20 Haven’t I written to you thirty excellent
but the simple pass on, and suffer for things
it. of counsel and knowledge,
4 The result of humility and the fear of the 21 To teach you truth, reliable words,
LORD to give sound answers to the ones who
is wealth, honor, and life. sent you?
Proverbs 22:22 702 Proverbs 23:28

22 Don’t exploit the poor because he is poor; for he will despise the wisdom of your
and don’t crush the needy in court; words.
23 for the LORD will plead their case,
10 Don’t move the ancient boundary stone.
and plunder the life of those who plun-
der them. Don’t encroach on the fields of the fa-
24 Don’t befriend a hot-tempered man. 11 for their Defender is strong.

Don’t associate with one who harbors He will plead their case against you.
25 lest you learn his ways 12 Apply your heart to instruction,

and ensnare your soul. and your ears to the words of knowl-
26 Don’t you be one of those who strike 13 Don’t withhold correction from a child.
hands, If you punish him with the rod, he will
of those who are collateral for debts. not die.
27 If you don’t have means to pay, 14 Punish him with the rod,
why should he take away your bed and save his soul from Sheol.†
from under you? 15 My son, if your heart is wise,

28 Don’t move the ancient boundary stone then my heart will be glad, even mine.
16 Yes, my heart will rejoice
which your fathers have set up.
when your lips speak what is right.
29 Do you see a man skilled in his work? 17 Don’t let your heart envy sinners,
He will serve kings. but rather fear the LORD all day long.
18 Indeed surely there is a future hope,
He won’t serve obscure men.
and your hope will not be cut off.
19 Listen, my son, and be wise,
1 When you sit to eat with a ruler, and keep your heart on the right path!
20 Don’t be among ones drinking too much
consider diligently what is before you;
2 put a knife to your throat wine,
or those who gorge themselves on
if you are a man given to appetite. meat;
3 Don’t be desirous of his dainties, 21 for the drunkard and the glutton shall
since they are deceitful food. become poor;
4 Don’t weary yourself to be rich.
and drowsiness clothes them in rags.
In your wisdom, show restraint. 22 Listen to your father who gave you life,
5 Why do you set your eyes on that which is
and don’t despise your mother when
not? she is old.
For it certainly sprouts wings like an 23 Buy the truth, and don’t sell it.
eagle and flies in the sky. Get wisdom, discipline, and under-
6 Don’t eat the food of him who has a stingy
eye, 24 The father of the righteous has great joy.
and don’t crave his delicacies, Whoever fathers a wise child delights
7 for as he thinks about the cost, so he
is. in him.
25 Let your father and your mother be glad!
“Eat and drink!” he says to you,
but his heart is not with you. Let her who bore you rejoice!
26 My son, give me your heart;
8 You will vomit up the morsel which you
have eaten and let your eyes keep in my ways.
27 For a prostitute is a deep pit;
and waste your pleasant words.
and a wayward wife is a narrow well.
9 Don’t speak in the ears of a fool, 28 Yes, she lies in wait like a robber,

† 23:14 Sheol is the place of the dead.

Proverbs 23:29 703 Proverbs 24:26

and increases the unfaithful among Indeed, hold back those who are stag-
men. gering to the slaughter!
12 If you say, “Behold, we didn’t know this,”
29 Who has woe?
Who has sorrow? doesn’t he who weighs the hearts con-
Who has strife? sider it?
Who has complaints? He who keeps your soul, doesn’t he know
Who has needless bruises? it?
Who has bloodshot eyes? Shall he not render to every man ac-
30 Those who stay long at the wine; cording to his work?
13 My son, eat honey, for it is good,
those who go to seek out mixed wine.
31 Don’t look at the wine when it is red, the droppings of the honeycomb,
when it sparkles in the cup, which are sweet to your taste;
when it goes down smoothly. 14 so you shall know wisdom to be to your
32 In the end, it bites like a snake, soul.
and poisons like a viper. If you have found it, then there will be
33 Your eyes will see strange things, a reward:
Your hope will not be cut off.
and your mind will imagine confusing 15 Don’t lay in wait, wicked man, against
34 Yes, you will be as he who lies down in the habitation of the righteous.
Don’t destroy his resting place;
the middle of the sea, 16 for a righteous man falls seven times and
or as he who lies on top of the rigging:
35 “They hit me, and I was not hurt! rises up again,
They beat me, and I don’t feel it! but the wicked are overthrown by
When will I wake up? I can do it again. calamity.
17 Don’t rejoice when your enemy falls.
I will look for more.”
Don’t let your heart be glad when he is
1 Don’t be envious of evil men,
18 lest the LORD see it, and it displease him,
and he turn away his wrath from him.
neither desire to be with them; 19 Don’t fret yourself because of evildoers,
2 for their hearts plot violence
neither be envious of the wicked;
and their lips talk about mischief. 20 for there will be no reward to the evil
3 Through wisdom a house is built; man.
by understanding it is established; The lamp of the wicked will be snuffed
4 by knowledge the rooms are filled out.
21 My son, fear the LORD and the king.
with all rare and beautiful treasure. Don’t join those who are rebellious,
5 A wise man has great power.
22 for their calamity will rise suddenly.
A knowledgeable man increases
strength, Who knows what destruction may
6 for by wise guidance you wage your war, come from them both?
and victory is in many advisors. 23 These also are sayings of the wise:
7 Wisdom is too high for a fool.
He doesn’t open his mouth in the gate. To show partiality in judgment is not good.
8 One who plots to do evil 24 He who says to the wicked, “You are
will be called a schemer. righteous,”
9 The schemes of folly are sin.
peoples will curse him, and nations
The mocker is detested by men. will abhor him—
10 If you falter in the time of trouble, 25 but it will go well with those who convict
your strength is small. the guilty,
11 Rescue those who are being led away to and a rich blessing will come on them.
death! 26 An honest answer
Proverbs 24:27 704 Proverbs 25:24

is like a kiss on the lips. What will you do in the end when your
27 Prepare your work outside, neighbor shames you?
and get your fields ready. 9 Debate your case with your neighbor,
Afterwards, build your house. and don’t betray the confidence of an-
28 Don’t be a witness against your neighbor other,
10 lest one who hears it put you to
without cause.
Don’t deceive with your lips. shame,
29 Don’t say, “I will do to him as he has done and your bad reputation never depart.
to me;
I will repay the man according to his 11 A word fitly spoken
work.” is like apples of gold in settings of sil-
30 I went by the field of the sluggard, ver.
by the vineyard of the man void of 12 As an earring of gold, and an ornament
understanding. of fine gold,
31 Behold, it was all grown over with so is a wise reprover to an obedient
thorns. ear.
13 As the cold of snow in the time of harvest,
Its surface was covered with nettles,
and its stone wall was broken down. so is a faithful messenger to those who
32 Then I saw, and considered well. send him;
I saw, and received instruction: for he refreshes the soul of his mas-
33 a little sleep, a little slumber, ters.
14 As clouds and wind without rain,
a little folding of the hands to sleep, so is he who boasts of gifts deceptively.
34 so your poverty will come as a robber
15 By patience a ruler is persuaded.
and your want as an armed man. A soft tongue breaks the bone.
16 Have you found honey?
25 Eat as much as is sufficient for you,
1 These also are proverbs of Solomon,
which the men of Hezekiah king of Judah lest you eat too much, and vomit it.
17 Let your foot be seldom in your neigh-
copied out.
2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, bor’s house,
lest he be weary of you, and hate you.
but the glory of kings is to search out a 18 A man who gives false testimony against
3 As the heavens for height, and the earth his neighbor
for depth, is like a club, a sword, or a sharp ar-
so the hearts of kings are unsearch- row.
19 Confidence in someone unfaithful in
able. time of trouble
4 Take away the dross from the silver,
is like a bad tooth or a lame foot.
and material comes out for the refiner. 20 As one who takes away a garment in cold
5 Take away the wicked from the king’s
presence, or vinegar on soda,
and his throne will be established in so is one who sings songs to a heavy
6 Don’t exalt yourself in the presence of the heart.
21 If your enemy is hungry, give him food
king, to eat.
or claim a place among great men; If he is thirsty, give him water to drink;
7 for it is better that it be said to you, “Come 22 for you will heap coals of fire on his head,
up here,” and the LORD will reward you.
than that you should be put lower in 23 The north wind produces rain;
the presence of the prince, so a backbiting tongue brings an angry
whom your eyes have seen. face.
8 Don’t be hasty in bringing charges to 24 It is better to dwell in the corner of the
court. housetop
Proverbs 25:25 705 Proverbs 27:3

than to share a house with a con- 14 As the door turns on its hinges,
tentious woman. so does the sluggard on his bed.
25 Like cold water to a thirsty soul, 15 The sluggard buries his hand in the dish.
so is good news from a far country. He is too lazy to bring it back to his
26 Like a muddied spring and a polluted
well, 16 The sluggard is wiser in his own eyes
so is a righteous man who gives way than seven men who answer with dis-
before the wicked. cretion.
27 It is not good to eat much honey, 17 Like one who grabs a dog’s ears
nor is it honorable to seek one’s own is one who passes by and meddles in a
honor. quarrel not his own.
28 Like a city that is broken down and with- 18 Like a madman who shoots torches, ar-
out walls rows, and death,
is a man whose spirit is without re- 19 is the man who deceives his neigh-
straint. bor and says, “Am I not joking?”
26 20 For lack of wood a fire goes out.
Without gossip, a quarrel dies down.
1 Like snow in summer, and as rain in
21 As coals are to hot embers,
so honor is not fitting for a fool. and wood to fire,
2 Like a fluttering sparrow, so is a contentious man to kindling
like a darting swallow, strife.
22 The words of a whisperer are as dainty
so the undeserved curse doesn’t come
to rest. morsels,
3 A whip is for the horse, they go down into the innermost parts.
23 Like silver dross on an earthen vessel
a bridle for the donkey,
and a rod for the back of fools! are the lips of a fervent one with an
4 Don’t answer a fool according to his folly, evil heart.
24 A malicious man disguises himself with
lest you also be like him.
5 Answer a fool according to his folly, his lips,
but he harbors evil in his heart.
lest he be wise in his own eyes. 25 When his speech is charming, don’t be-
6 One who sends a message by the hand of
lieve him,
a fool for there are seven abominations in
is cutting off feet and drinking vio- his heart.
lence. 26 His malice may be concealed by decep-
7 Like the legs of the lame that hang loose,
so is a parable in the mouth of fools. but his wickedness will be exposed in
8 As one who binds a stone in a sling, the assembly.
so is he who gives honor to a fool. 27 Whoever digs a pit shall fall into it.
9 Like a thorn bush that goes into the hand Whoever rolls a stone, it will come
of a drunkard, back on him.
28 A lying tongue hates those it hurts;
so is a parable in the mouth of fools.
10 As an archer who wounds all, and a flattering mouth works ruin.
so is he who hires a fool
or he who hires those who pass by. 27
1 Don’t boast about tomorrow;
11 As a dog that returns to his vomit,
so is a fool who repeats his folly. for you don’t know what a day may
12 Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? bring.
2 Let another man praise you,
There is more hope for a fool than for
him. and not your own mouth;
13 The sluggard says, “There is a lion in the a stranger, and not your own lips.
3 A stone is heavy,
A fierce lion roams the streets!” and sand is a burden;
Proverbs 27:4 706 Proverbs 28:7

but a fool’s provocation is heavier He who looks after his master shall be
than both. honored.
4 Wrath is cruel, 19 Like water reflects a face,
and anger is overwhelming; so a man’s heart reflects the man.
20 Sheol† and Abaddon are never satisfied;
but who is able to stand before jeal-
ousy? and a man’s eyes are never satisfied.
21 The crucible is for silver,
5 Better is open rebuke
than hidden love. and the furnace for gold;
6 The wounds of a friend are faithful, but man is refined by his praise.
22 Though you grind a fool in a mortar with
although the kisses of an enemy are
profuse. a pestle along with grain,
7 A full soul loathes a honeycomb; yet his foolishness will not be removed
but to a hungry soul, every bitter thing from him.
is sweet. 23 Know well the state of your flocks,
8 As a bird that wanders from her nest,
so is a man who wanders from his and pay attention to your herds,
24 for riches are not forever,
9 Perfume and incense bring joy to the nor does the crown endure to all gen-
heart; erations.
25 The hay is removed, and the new growth
so does earnest counsel from a man’s
friend. appears,
10 Don’t forsake your friend and your fa- the grasses of the hills are gathered in.
ther’s friend. 26 The lambs are for your clothing,
Don’t go to your brother’s house in the and the goats are the price of a field.
day of your disaster. 27 There will be plenty of goats’ milk for
A neighbor who is near is better than your food,
a distant brother. for your family’s food,
11 Be wise, my son,
and for the nourishment of your ser-
and bring joy to my heart, vant girls.
then I can answer my tormentor.
12 A prudent man sees danger and takes
refuge; 1 The wicked flee when no one pursues;
but the simple pass on, and suffer for but the righteous are as bold as a lion.
it. 2 In rebellion, a land has many rulers,
13 Take his garment when he puts up collat-
but order is maintained by a man of
eral for a stranger. understanding and knowledge.
Hold it for a wayward woman! 3 A needy man who oppresses the poor
14 He who blesses his neighbor with a loud
is like a driving rain which leaves no
voice early in the morning, crops.
it will be taken as a curse by him. 4 Those who forsake the law praise the
15 A continual dropping on a rainy day wicked;
and a contentious wife are alike: but those who keep the law contend
16 restraining her is like restraining the with them.
5 Evil men don’t understand justice;
or like grasping oil in his right hand. but those who seek the LORD under-
stand it fully.
17 Iron sharpens iron; 6 Better is the poor who walks in his in-
so a man sharpens his friend’s counte- tegrity
nance. than he who is perverse in his ways,
18 Whoever tends the fig tree shall eat its
and he is rich.
fruit. 7 Whoever keeps the law is a wise son;

† 27:20 Sheol is the place of the dead.

Proverbs 28:8 707 Proverbs 29:11

but he who is a companion of gluttons 23 One who rebukes a man will afterward
shames his father. find more favor
8 He who increases his wealth by excessive than one who flatters with the tongue.
interest 24 Whoever robs his father or his mother
gathers it for one who has pity on the and says, “It’s not wrong,”
poor. is a partner with a destroyer.
9 He who turns away his ear from hearing 25 One who is greedy stirs up strife;
the law, but one who trusts in the LORD will
even his prayer is an abomination. prosper.
10 Whoever causes the upright to go astray 26 One who trusts in himself is a fool;
in an evil way, but one who walks in wisdom is kept
he will fall into his own trap; safe.
but the blameless will inherit good. 27 One who gives to the poor has no lack;
11 The rich man is wise in his own eyes; but one who closes his eyes will have
but the poor who has understanding many curses.
28 When the wicked rise, men hide them-
sees through him.
12 When the righteous triumph, there is selves;
great glory; but when they perish, the righteous
but when the wicked rise, men hide thrive.
13 He who conceals his sins doesn’t pros- 29
per, 1 He who is often rebuked and stiffens his
but whoever confesses and renounces neck
them finds mercy. will be destroyed suddenly, with no
14 Blessed is the man who always fears; remedy.
2 When the righteous thrive, the people
but one who hardens his heart falls
into trouble. rejoice;
15 As a roaring lion or a charging bear, but when the wicked rule, the people
so is a wicked ruler over helpless peo- groan.
ple. 3 Whoever loves wisdom brings joy to his
16 A tyrannical ruler lacks judgment. father;
One who hates ill-gotten gain will have but a companion of prostitutes squan-
long days. ders his wealth.
17 A man who is tormented by blood guilt 4 The king by justice makes the land stable,

will be a fugitive until death. but he who takes bribes tears it down.
5 A man who flatters his neighbor
No one will support him.
18 Whoever walks blamelessly is kept safe; spreads a net for his feet.
6 An evil man is snared by his sin,
but one with perverse ways will fall
suddenly. but the righteous can sing and be glad.
19 One who works his land will have an 7 The righteous care about justice for the
abundance of food; poor.
but one who chases fantasies will have The wicked aren’t concerned about
his fill of poverty. knowledge.
20 A faithful man is rich with blessings; 8 Mockers stir up a city,
but one who is eager to be rich will not but wise men turn away anger.
go unpunished. 9 If a wise man goes to court with a foolish
21 To show partiality is not good, man,
yet a man will do wrong for a piece of the fool rages or scoffs, and there is no
bread. peace.
22 A stingy man hurries after riches, 10 The bloodthirsty hate a man of integrity;
and doesn’t know that poverty waits and they seek the life of the upright.
for him. 11 A fool vents all of his anger,
Proverbs 29:12 708 Proverbs 30:14

but a wise man brings himself under to Ithiel and Ucal:

control. 2 “Surely I am the most ignorant man,
12 If a ruler listens to lies, and don’t have a man’s understand-
all of his officials are wicked. ing.
13 The poor man and the oppressor have 3 I have not learned wisdom,
this in common: neither do I have the knowledge of the
The LORD gives sight to the eyes of Holy One.
both. 4 Who has ascended up into heaven, and
14 The king who fairly judges the poor,
his throne shall be established for- descended?
ever. Who has gathered the wind in his
15 The rod of correction gives wisdom, fists?
but a child left to himself causes Who has bound the waters in his gar-
shame to his mother. ment?
16 When the wicked increase, sin in- Who has established all the ends of the
creases; earth?
but the righteous will see their down- What is his name, and what is his son’s
fall. name, if you know?
17 Correct your son, and he will give you
peace; 5 “Every word of God is flawless.
yes, he will bring delight to your soul. He is a shield to those who take refuge
18 Where there is no revelation, the people in him.
6 Don’t you add to his words,
cast off restraint;
but one who keeps the law is blessed. lest he reprove you, and you be found
19 A servant can’t be corrected by words. a liar.
Though he understands, yet he will 7 “Two things I have asked of you.
not respond.
20 Do you see a man who is hasty in his Don’t deny me before I die.
8 Remove far from me falsehood and lies.
There is more hope for a fool than for Give me neither poverty nor riches.
him. Feed me with the food that is needful
21 He who pampers his servant from youth for me,
9 lest I be full, deny you, and say, ‘Who is
will have him become a son in the end.
22 An angry man stirs up strife, the LORD?’
and a wrathful man abounds in sin. or lest I be poor, and steal,
23 A man’s pride brings him low, and so dishonor the name of my God.
but one of lowly spirit gains honor.
24 Whoever is an accomplice of a thief is an 10 “Don’t slander a servant to his master,
enemy of his own soul. lest he curse you, and you be held
He takes an oath, but dares not testify. guilty.
25 The fear of man proves to be a snare,
but whoever puts his trust in the LORD There is a generation that curses their

is kept safe. father,

26 Many seek the ruler’s favor, and doesn’t bless their mother.
12 There is a generation that is pure in their
but a man’s justice comes from the own eyes,
LORD. yet are not washed from their filthi-
27 A dishonest man detests the righteous,
and the upright in their ways detest 13 There is a generation, oh how lofty are
the wicked. their eyes!
30 Their eyelids are lifted up.
1 The words of Agur the son of Jakeh, the 14 There is a generation whose teeth are
revelation: like swords,
the man says to Ithiel, and their jaws like knives,
Proverbs 30:15 709 Proverbs 31:8

to devour the poor from the earth, and yet they advance in ranks.
the needy from among men. 28 You can catch a lizard with your
15 “The leech has two daughters: yet it is in kings’ palaces.
‘Give, give.’
29 “There are three things which are stately
“There are three things that are never sat- in their march,
isfied; four which are stately in going:
four that don’t say, ‘Enough!’: 30 The lion, which is mightiest among
16 Sheol,† animals,
the barren womb, and doesn’t turn away for any;
the earth that is not satisfied with wa- 31 the greyhound;
ter, the male goat;
and the fire that doesn’t say, ‘Enough!’ and the king against whom there is no
17 “The eye that mocks at his father, rising up.
and scorns obedience to his mother, 32 “If
the ravens of the valley shall pick it you have done foolishly in lifting up
out, yourself,
the young eagles shall eat it. or if you have thought evil,
put your hand over your mouth.
18 “There are three things which are too 33 For as the churning of milk produces
amazing for me, butter,
four which I don’t understand: and the wringing of the nose produces
19 The way of an eagle in the air, blood,
the way of a serpent on a rock, so the forcing of wrath produces
the way of a ship in the middle of the strife.”
and the way of a man with a maiden. 31
1 The words of King Lemuel—the revela-
20 “So is the way of an adulterous woman: tion which his mother taught him:
She eats and wipes her mouth,
and says, ‘I have done nothing wrong.’ 2 “Oh, my son!
Oh, son of my womb!
21 “For three things the earth trembles, Oh, son of my vows!
and under four, it can’t bear up: 3 Don’t give your strength to women,
22 For a servant when he is king, nor your ways to that which destroys
a fool when he is filled with food, kings.
23 for an unloved woman when she is 4 It is not for kings, Lemuel,
married, it is not for kings to drink wine,
and a servant who is heir to her mis- nor for princes to say, ‘Where is strong
24 “There are four things which are little on 5 lest they drink, and forget the law,
the earth, and pervert the justice due to anyone
but they are exceedingly wise: who is afflicted.
6 Give strong drink to him who is ready to
25 The ants are not a strong people,
yet they provide their food in the sum- perish,
mer. and wine to the bitter in soul.
26 The hyraxes are but a feeble folk, 7 Let him drink, and forget his poverty,

yet make they their houses in the and remember his misery no more.
8 Open your mouth for the mute,
27 The locusts have no king, in the cause of all who are left desolate.
† 30:16 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Proverbs 31:9 710 Proverbs 31:31

9 Open your mouth, judge righteously, 28 Her children rise up and call her blessed.
and serve justice to the poor and Her husband also praises her:
needy.” 29 “Many women do noble things,
but you excel them all.”
10 †Who can find a worthy woman? 30 Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain;
For her value is far above rubies. but a woman who fears the LORD, she
11 The heart of her husband trusts in her.
shall be praised.
He shall have no lack of gain. 31 Give her of the fruit of her hands!
12 She does him good, and not harm,
Let her works praise her in the gates!
all the days of her life.
13 She seeks wool and flax,
and works eagerly with her hands.
14 She is like the merchant ships.
She brings her bread from afar.
15 She rises also while it is yet night,
gives food to her household,
and portions for her servant girls.
16 She considers a field, and buys it.
With the fruit of her hands, she plants
a vineyard.
17 She arms her waist with strength,
and makes her arms strong.
18 She perceives that her merchandise is
Her lamp doesn’t go out by night.
19 She lays her hands to the distaff,
and her hands hold the spindle.
20 She opens her arms to the poor;
yes, she extends her hands to the
21 She is not afraid of the snow for her
for all her household are clothed with
22 She makes for herself carpets of
Her clothing is fine linen and purple.
23 Her husband is respected in the gates,
when he sits among the elders of the
24 She makes linen garments and sells
and delivers sashes to the merchant.
25 Strength and dignity are her clothing.
She laughs at the time to come.
26 She opens her mouth with wisdom.
Kind instruction is on her tongue.
27 She looks well to the ways of her house-
and doesn’t eat the bread of idleness.
† 31:10 Proverbs 31:10-31 form an acrostic, with each verse starting with each letter of the Hebrew alphabet, in
Ecclesiastes 1:1 711 Ecclesiastes 2:12

applied my heart to know wisdom, and to

know madness and folly. I perceived that
Ecclesiastes this also was a chasing after wind. 18 For in
or, The Preacher much wisdom is much grief; and he who
increases knowledge increases sorrow.
1 The words of the Preacher, the son of
David, king in Jerusalem: 2
2 “Vanity of vanities,” says the Preacher; 1 I said in my heart, “Come now, I will test
“Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.” 3 What you with mirth; therefore enjoy pleasure;”
does man gain from all his labor in which and behold, this also was vanity. 2 I said of
he labors under the sun? 4 One generation laughter, “It is foolishness;” and of mirth,
goes, and another generation comes; but “What does it accomplish?”
the earth remains forever. 5 The sun also 3 I searched in my heart how to cheer
rises, and the sun goes down, and hurries my flesh with wine, my heart yet guiding
to its place where it rises. 6 The wind me with wisdom, and how to lay hold of
goes toward the south, and turns around folly, until I might see what it was good for
to the north. It turns around continually the sons of men that they should do under
as it goes, and the wind returns again to its heaven all the days of their lives. 4 I made
courses. 7 All the rivers run into the sea, myself great works. I built myself houses. I
yet the sea is not full. To the place where planted myself vineyards. 5 I made myself
the rivers flow, there they flow again. 8 All gardens and parks, and I planted trees in
things are full of weariness beyond utter- them of all kinds of fruit. 6 I made myself
ing. The eye is not satisfied with seeing, pools of water, to water the forest where
nor the ear filled with hearing. 9 That trees were grown. 7 I bought male ser-
which has been is that which shall be, and vants and female servants, and had ser-
that which has been done is that which vants born in my house. I also had great
shall be done; and there is no new thing
under the sun. 10 Is there a thing of which possessions of herds and flocks, above all
it may be said, “Behold,† this is new?” It who were before me in Jerusalem. 8 I also
has been long ago, in the ages which were gathered silver and gold for myself, and
before us. 11 There is no memory of the the treasure of kings and of the provinces.
former; neither shall there be any memory I got myself male and female singers, and
of the latter that are to come, among those the delights of the sons of men: musical
that shall come after. instruments of all sorts. 9 So I was great,
12 I, the Preacher, was king over Israel and increased more than all who were
before me in Jerusalem. My wisdom also
in Jerusalem. 13 I applied my heart to seek remained with me. 10 Whatever my eyes
and to search out by wisdom concerning
desired, I didn’t keep from them. I didn’t
all that is done under the sky. It is a heavy
withhold my heart from any joy, for my
burden that God‡ has given to the sons of
heart rejoiced because of all my labor, and
men to be afflicted with. 14 I have seen this was my portion from all my labor.
all the works that are done under the sun; 11 Then I looked at all the works that my
and behold, all is vanity and a chasing
after wind. 15 That which is crooked can’t hands had worked, and at the labor that
be made straight; and that which is lack- I had labored to do; and behold, all was
ing can’t be counted. 16 I said to myself, vanity and a chasing after wind, and there
“Behold, I have obtained for myself great was no profit under the sun.
12 I turned myself to consider wisdom,
wisdom above all who were before me in
Jerusalem. Yes, my heart has had great madness, and folly; for what can the king’s
experience of wisdom and knowledge.” 17 I successor do? Just that which has been
† 1:10 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.
‡ 1:13 The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim).
Ecclesiastes 2:13 712 Ecclesiastes 3:16

done long ago. 13 Then I saw that wisdom time for every purpose under heaven:
excels folly, as far as light excels darkness.
2 a time to be born,
14 The wise man’s eyes are in his head, and and a time to die;
the fool walks in darkness—and yet I per- a time to plant,
ceived that one event happens to them all. and a time to pluck up that which is
15 Then I said in my heart, “As it happens to planted;
the fool, so will it happen even to me; and 3 a time to kill,
why was I then more wise?” Then I said and a time to heal;
in my heart that this also is vanity. 16 For a time to break down,
of the wise man, even as of the fool, there and a time to build up;
4 a time to weep,
is no memory forever, since in the days
to come all will have been long forgotten. and a time to laugh;
Indeed, the wise man must die just like the a time to mourn,
fool! and a time to dance;
17 So I hated life, because the work that 5 a time to cast away stones,
is worked under the sun was grievous to and a time to gather stones together;
me; for all is vanity and a chasing after a time to embrace,
wind. 18 I hated all my labor in which and a time to refrain from embracing;
I labored under the sun, because I must 6 a time to seek,
leave it to the man who comes after me. and a time to lose;
19 Who knows whether he will be a wise a time to keep,
man or a fool? Yet he will have rule over all and a time to cast away;
of my labor in which I have labored, and in 7 a time to tear,
which I have shown myself wise under the and a time to sew;
sun. This also is vanity. a time to keep silence,
20 Therefore I began to cause my heart to
and a time to speak;
despair concerning all the labor in which 8 a time to love,
I had labored under the sun. 21 For there and a time to hate;
is a man whose labor is with wisdom, with a time for war,
knowledge, and with skillfulness; yet he and a time for peace.
shall leave it for his portion to a man who 9 What profit has he who works in that
has not labored for it. This also is vanity
in which he labors? 10 I have seen the
and a great evil. 22 For what does a man burden which God has given to the sons of
have of all his labor and of the striving men to be afflicted with. 11 He has made
of his heart, in which he labors under the everything beautiful in its time. He has
sun? 23 For all his days are sorrows, and also set eternity in their hearts, yet so that
his travail is grief; yes, even in the night man can’t find out the work that God has
his heart takes no rest. This also is vanity.done from the beginning even to the end.
24 There is nothing better for a man than 12 I know that there is nothing better for
that he should eat and drink, and make his them than to rejoice, and to do good as
soul enjoy good in his labor. This also I long as they live. 13 Also that every man
saw, that it is from the hand of God. 25 For should eat and drink, and enjoy good in
who can eat, or who can have enjoyment, all his labor, is the gift of God. 14 I know
more than I? 26 For to the man who pleases that whatever God does, it shall be forever.
him, God gives wisdom, knowledge, and Nothing can be added to it, nor anything
joy; but to the sinner he gives travail, to taken from it; and God has done it, that
gather and to heap up, that he may give to men should fear before him. 15 That which
him who pleases God. This also is vanity is has been long ago, and that which is to
and a chasing after wind. be has been long ago. God seeks again that
which is passed away.
3 16 Moreover I saw under the sun, in
1 For everything there is a season, and a the place of justice, that wickedness was
Ecclesiastes 3:17 713 Ecclesiastes 5:8

there; and in the place of righteousness, 9 Two are better than one, because they
that wickedness was there. 17 I said in my have a good reward for their labor. 10 For
heart, “God will judge the righteous and if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow;
the wicked; for there is a time there for but woe to him who is alone when he
every purpose and for every work.” 18 I falls, and doesn’t have another to lift him
said in my heart, “As for the sons of men, up. 11 Again, if two lie together, then they
God tests them, so that they may see that have warmth; but how can one keep warm
they themselves are like animals. 19 For alone? 12 If a man prevails against one who
that which happens to the sons of men hap- is alone, two shall withstand him; and a
pens to animals. Even one thing happens threefold cord is not quickly broken.
13 Better is a poor and wise youth than
to them. As the one dies, so the other dies.
Yes, they have all one breath; and man an old and foolish king who doesn’t know
has no advantage over the animals, for all how to receive admonition any more.
is vanity. 20 All go to one place. All are 14 For out of prison he came out to be king;
from the dust, and all turn to dust again. yes, even in his kingdom he was born poor.
21 Who knows the spirit of man, whether it 15 I saw all the living who walk under the
goes upward, and the spirit of the animal, sun, that they were with the youth, the
whether it goes downward to the earth?” other, who succeeded him. 16 There was no
22 Therefore I saw that there is nothing end of all the people, even of all them over
better than that a man should rejoice in his whom he was—yet those who come after
works, for that is his portion; for who can shall not rejoice in him. Surely this also is
bring him to see what will be after him? vanity and a chasing after wind.

4 5
1 Guard your steps when you go to God’s
1Then I returned and saw all the op-
house; for to draw near to listen is better
pressions that are done under the sun: than to give the sacrifice of fools, for they
and behold, the tears of those who were don’t know that they do evil. 2 Don’t be rash
oppressed, and they had no comforter;
with your mouth, and don’t let your heart
and on the side of their oppressors there
be hasty to utter anything before God; for
was power; but they had no comforter.
2 Therefore I praised the dead who have God is in heaven, and you on earth. There-
fore let your words be few. 3 For as a dream
been long dead more than the living who
comes with a multitude of cares, so a fool’s
are yet alive. 3 Yes, better than them both speech with a multitude of words. 4 When
is him who has not yet been, who has you vow a vow to God, don’t defer to pay
not seen the evil work that is done under it; for he has no pleasure in fools. Pay
the sun. 4 Then I saw all the labor and
achievement that is the envy of a man’s that which you vow. 5 It is better that you
neighbor. This also is vanity and a striving should not vow, than that you should vow
after wind. and not pay. 6 Don’t allow your mouth to
5 The fool folds his hands together and lead you into sin. Don’t protest before the
ruins himself. 6 Better is a handful, with messenger that this was a mistake. Why
quietness, than two handfuls with labor should God be angry at your voice, and
and chasing after wind. destroy the work of your hands? 7 For in
7 Then I returned and saw vanity under the multitude of dreams there are vanities,
the sun. 8 There is one who is alone, and as well as in many words; but you must
he has neither son nor brother. There is no fear God.
8 If you see the oppression of the poor,
end to all of his labor, neither are his eyes
satisfied with wealth. “For whom then do I and the violent taking away of justice and
labor and deprive my soul of enjoyment?” righteousness in a district, don’t marvel
This also is vanity. Yes, it is a miserable at the matter, for one official is eyed by
business. a higher one, and there are officials over
Ecclesiastes 5:9 714 Ecclesiastes 7:10

them. 9 Moreover the profit of the earth is with good, and moreover he has no burial,
for all. The king profits from the field. I say that a stillborn child is better than
10 He who loves silver shall not be sat- he; 4 for it comes in vanity, and departs
isfied with silver, nor he who loves abun- in darkness, and its name is covered with
dance, with increase. This also is vanity. darkness. 5 Moreover it has not seen the
11 When goods increase, those who eat sun nor known it. This has rest rather than
them are increased; and what advantage is the other. 6 Yes, though he live a thousand
there to its owner, except to feast on them years twice told, and yet fails to enjoy good,
with his eyes? don’t all go to one place? 7 All the labor of
12 The sleep of a laboring man is sweet, man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite
whether he eats little or much; but the is not filled. 8 For what advantage has the
abundance of the rich will not allow him wise more than the fool? What has the
to sleep. poor man, that knows how to walk before
13 There is a grievous evil which I have the living? 9 Better is the sight of the eyes
seen under the sun: wealth kept by its than the wandering of the desire. This
owner to his harm. 14 Those riches perish also is vanity and a chasing after wind.
10 Whatever has been, its name was given
by misfortune, and if he has fathered a son,
there is nothing in his hand. 15 As he came long ago; and it is known what man is;
out of his mother’s womb, naked shall he neither can he contend with him who is
mightier than he. 11 For there are many
go again as he came, and shall take nothing
words that create vanity. What does that
for his labor, which he may carry away in
profit man? 12 For who knows what is good
his hand. 16 This also is a grievous evil, that
for man in life, all the days of his vain life
in all points as he came, so shall he go. And
which he spends like a shadow? For who
what profit does he have who labors for
can tell a man what will be after him under
the wind? 17 All his days he also eats in the sun?
darkness, he is frustrated, and has sickness
and wrath.
18 Behold, that which I have seen to be
1 A good name is better than fine per-
good and proper is for one to eat and to fume; and the day of death better than the
drink, and to enjoy good in all his labor, in day of one’s birth. 2 It is better to go to the
which he labors under the sun, all the days house of mourning than to go to the house
of his life which God has given him; for this of feasting; for that is the end of all men,
is his portion. 19 Every man also to whom and the living should take this to heart.
God has given riches and wealth, and has 3 Sorrow is better than laughter; for by the
given him power to eat of it, and to take sadness of the face the heart is made good.
his portion, and to rejoice in his labor—this 4 The heart of the wise is in the house of
is the gift of God. 20 For he shall not often mourning; but the heart of fools is in the
reflect on the days of his life, because God house of mirth. 5 It is better to hear the
occupies him with the joy of his heart. rebuke of the wise than for a man to hear
the song of fools. 6 For as the crackling of
6 thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the
1 There is an evil which I have seen un- fool. This also is vanity. 7 Surely extortion
der the sun, and it is heavy on men: 2 a makes the wise man foolish; and a bribe
man to whom God gives riches, wealth, destroys the understanding. 8 Better is the
and honor, so that he lacks nothing for his end of a thing than its beginning.
soul of all that he desires, yet God gives him The patient in spirit is better than the
no power to eat of it, but an alien eats it. proud in spirit. 9 Don’t be hasty in your
This is vanity, and it is an evil disease. spirit to be angry, for anger rests in the
3 If a man fathers a hundred children, bosom of fools. 10 Don’t say, “Why were the
and lives many years, so that the days of former days better than these?” For you do
his years are many, but his soul is not filled not ask wisely about this.
Ecclesiastes 7:11 715 Ecclesiastes 8:14

11 Wisdom is as good as an inheritance. woman among all those. 29 Behold, I have

Yes, it is more excellent for those who see only found this: that God made mankind
the sun. 12 For wisdom is a defense, even upright; but they search for many inven-
as money is a defense; but the excellency tions.”
of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the
life of him who has it. 8
13 Consider the work of God, for who 1 Who is like the wise man? And who
can make that straight which he has made knows the interpretation of a thing? A
crooked? 14 In the day of prosperity be man’s wisdom makes his face shine, and
joyful, and in the day of adversity consider; the hardness of his face is changed.
2 I say, “Keep the king’s command!” be-
yes, God has made the one side by side with
the other, to the end that man should not cause of the oath to God. 3 Don’t be hasty
find out anything after him. to go out of his presence. Don’t persist in
15 All this I have seen in my days of an evil thing, for he does whatever pleases
vanity: there is a righteous man who per- him, 4 for the king’s word is supreme. Who
ishes in his righteousness, and there is a can say to him, “What are you doing?”
wicked man who lives long in his evildo- 5 Whoever keeps the commandment shall
ing. 16 Don’t be overly righteous, neither not come to harm, and his wise heart will
make yourself overly wise. Why should know the time and procedure. 6 For there
you destroy yourself? 17 Don’t be too is a time and procedure for every purpose,
wicked, neither be foolish. Why should although the misery of man is heavy on
you die before your time? 18 It is good him. 7 For he doesn’t know that which
that you should take hold of this. Yes, also will be; for who can tell him how it will
don’t withdraw your hand from that; for be? 8 There is no man who has power
he who fears God will come out of them over the spirit to contain the spirit; neither
all. 19 Wisdom is a strength to the wise does he have power over the day of death.
man more than ten rulers who are in a There is no discharge in war; neither shall
city. 20 Surely there is not a righteous man wickedness deliver those who practice it.
on earth who does good and doesn’t sin. 9 All this I have seen, and applied my
21 Also don’t take heed to all words that are mind to every work that is done under the
spoken, lest you hear your servant curse sun. There is a time in which one man
you; 22 for often your own heart knows has power over another to his hurt. 10 So I
that you yourself have likewise cursed oth- saw the wicked buried. Indeed they came
ers. 23 All this I have proved in wisdom. I also from holiness. They went and were
said, “I will be wise;” but it was far from forgotten in the city where they did this.
me. 24 That which is, is far off and exceed- This also is vanity. 11 Because sentence
ingly deep. Who can find it out? 25 I turned against an evil work is not executed speed-
around, and my heart sought to know and ily, therefore the heart of the sons of men
to search out, and to seek wisdom and the is fully set in them to do evil. 12 Though
scheme of things, and to know that wicked- a sinner commits crimes a hundred times,
ness is stupidity, and that foolishness is and lives long, yet surely I know that it will
madness. be better with those who fear God, who
26 I find more bitter than death the are reverent before him. 13 But it shall not
woman whose heart is snares and traps, be well with the wicked, neither shall he
whose hands are chains. Whoever pleases lengthen days like a shadow, because he
God shall escape from her; but the sinner doesn’t fear God.
will be ensnared by her. 14 There is a vanity which is done on
27 “Behold, I have found this,” says the the earth, that there are righteous men to
Preacher, “to one another, to find an ex- whom it happens according to the work
planation 28 which my soul still seeks, but of the wicked. Again, there are wicked
I have not found. I have found one man men to whom it happens according to the
among a thousand, but I have not found a work of the righteous. I said that this also
Ecclesiastes 8:15 716 Ecclesiastes 10:4

is vanity. 15 Then I commended mirth, you under the sun, all your days of vanity,
because a man has no better thing under for that is your portion in life, and in your
the sun than to eat, to drink, and to be labor in which you labor under the sun.
joyful: for that will accompany him in his 10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it
labor all the days of his life which God has with your might; for there is no work,
given him under the sun. nor plan, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in
16 When I applied my heart to know wis- Sheol,† where you are going.
dom, and to see the business that is done 11 I returned and saw under the sun that
on the earth (even though eyes see no sleep the race is not to the swift, nor the battle
day or night), 17 then I saw all the work of to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise,
God, that man can’t find out the work that nor yet riches to men of understanding,
is done under the sun, because however nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and
much a man labors to seek it out, yet he chance happen to them all. 12 For man also
won’t find it. Yes even though a wise man doesn’t know his time. As the fish that are
thinks he can comprehend it, he won’t be taken in an evil net, and as the birds that
able to find it. are caught in the snare, even so are the
sons of men snared in an evil time, when
9 it falls suddenly on them.
1 For all this I laid to my heart, even to
13 I have also seen wisdom under the
explore all this: that the righteous, and
the wise, and their works, are in the hand sun in this way, and it seemed great to
of God; whether it is love or hatred, man me. 14 There was a little city, and few men
doesn’t know it; all is before them. 2 All within it; and a great king came against
things come alike to all. There is one event it, besieged it, and built great bulwarks
to the righteous and to the wicked; to the against it. 15 Now a poor wise man was
good, to the clean, to the unclean, to him found in it, and he by his wisdom deliv-
who sacrifices, and to him who doesn’t ered the city; yet no man remembered that
sacrifice. As is the good, so is the sinner; same poor man. 16 Then I said, “Wisdom
he who takes an oath, as he who fears an is better than strength.” Nevertheless the
oath. 3 This is an evil in all that is done poor man’s wisdom is despised, and his
under the sun, that there is one event to all. words are not heard. 17 The words of the
Yes also, the heart of the sons of men is full wise heard in quiet are better than the cry
of evil, and madness is in their heart while of him who rules among fools. 18 Wisdom
they live, and after that they go to the dead. is better than weapons of war; but one
4 For to him who is joined with all the living
sinner destroys much good.
there is hope; for a living dog is better
than a dead lion. 5 For the living know
that they will die, but the dead don’t know 10
anything, neither do they have any more 1 Dead flies cause the oil of the perfumer to
a reward; for their memory is forgotten. produce an evil odor;
6 Also their love, their hatred, and their
so does a little folly outweigh wisdom
envy has perished long ago; neither do and honor.
they any longer have a portion forever in 2 A wise man’s heart is at his right hand,
anything that is done under the sun. but a fool’s heart at his left. 3 Yes
7 Go your way—eat your bread with joy,
also when the fool walks by the way,
and drink your wine with a merry heart; his understanding fails him, and he
for God has already accepted your works. says to everyone that he is a fool.
8 Let your garments be always white, and 4 If the spirit of the ruler rises up
don’t let your head lack oil. 9 Live joyfully against you, don’t leave your place;
with the wife whom you love all the days for gentleness lays great offenses to
of your life of vanity, which he has given rest.
† 9:10 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Ecclesiastes 10:5 717 Ecclesiastes 12:1

5 There is an evil which I have seen un- 2 Give a portion to seven, yes, even to eight;
der the sun, the sort of error which pro- for you don’t know what evil will be on
ceeds from the ruler. 6 Folly is set in great the earth.
dignity, and the rich sit in a low place. 7 I 3 If the clouds are full of rain, they empty
have seen servants on horses, and princes themselves on the earth;
walking like servants on the earth. 8 He and if a tree falls toward the south, or
who digs a pit may fall into it; and whoever toward the north,
breaks through a wall may be bitten by a in the place where the tree falls, there
snake. 9 Whoever carves out stones may shall it be.
4 He who observes the wind won’t sow;
be injured by them. Whoever splits wood
may be endangered by it. 10 If the ax is and he who regards the clouds won’t
blunt, and one doesn’t sharpen the edge, 5 As you don’t know what is the way of the
then he must use more strength; but skill
brings success. wind,
11 If the snake bites before it is charmed, nor how the bones grow in the womb
then is there no profit for the charmer’s of her who is with child;
even so you don’t know the work of
tongue. 12 The words of a wise man’s God who does all.
mouth are gracious; but a fool is swal- 6 In the morning sow your seed,
lowed by his own lips. 13 The beginning of and in the evening don’t withhold
the words of his mouth is foolishness; and your hand;
the end of his talk is mischievous madness. for you don’t know which will pros-
14 A fool also multiplies words.
Man doesn’t know what will be; and that per, whether this or that,
which will be after him, who can tell him? or whether they both will be equally
15 The labor of fools wearies every one of good.
7 Truly the light is sweet,
them; for he doesn’t know how to go to the
city. and it is a pleasant thing for the eyes to
16 Woe to you, land, when your king is a see the sun.
8 Yes, if a man lives many years, let him
and your princes eat in the morning! rejoice in them all;
17 Happy are you, land, when your king is but let him remember the days of
the son of nobles, darkness, for they shall be many.
and your princes eat in due season, All that comes is vanity.
for strength, and not for drunkenness! 9 Rejoice, young man, in your youth,
18 By slothfulness the roof sinks in; and let your heart cheer you in the
and through idleness of the hands the days of your youth,
house leaks. and walk in the ways of your heart,
19 A feast is made for laughter, and in the sight of your eyes;
and wine makes the life glad; but know that for all these things God
and money is the answer for all things. will bring you into judgment.
20 Don’t curse the king, no, not in your 10 Therefore remove sorrow from your
thoughts; heart,
and don’t curse the rich in your bed- and put away evil from your flesh;
room, for youth and the dawn of life are
for a bird of the sky may carry your vanity.
and that which has wings may tell the
matter. 12
Remember also your Creator in the
1 Cast your bread on the waters;
days of your youth,
before the evil days come, and the
for you shall find it after many days. years draw near,
Ecclesiastes 12:2 718 Ecclesiastes 12:14

when you will say, “I have no pleasure 13 This is the end of the matter. All
in them;” has been heard. Fear God and keep his
2 Before the sun, the light, the moon, and commandments; for this is the whole duty
the stars are darkened, of man. 14 For God will bring every work
and the clouds return after the rain; into judgment, with every hidden thing,
3 in the day when the keepers of the house whether it is good, or whether it is evil.
shall tremble,
and the strong men shall bow them-
and the grinders cease because they
are few,
and those who look out of the win-
dows are darkened,
4 and the doors shall be shut in the street;
when the sound of the grinding is low,
and one shall rise up at the voice of a
and all the daughters of music shall be
brought low;
5 yes, they shall be afraid of heights,
and terrors will be on the way;
and the almond tree shall blossom,
and the grasshopper shall be a bur-
and desire shall fail;
because man goes to his everlasting
and the mourners go about the streets;
6 before the silver cord is severed,
or the golden bowl is broken,
or the pitcher is broken at the spring,
or the wheel broken at the cistern,
7 and the dust returns to the earth as it was,
and the spirit returns to God who gave
8 “Vanity of vanities,” says the
“All is vanity!”
9 Further, because the Preacher was
wise, he still taught the people knowledge.
Yes, he pondered, sought out, and set in
order many proverbs. 10 The Preacher
sought to find out acceptable words, and
that which was written blamelessly, words
of truth. 11 The words of the wise are
like goads; and like nails well fastened
are words from the masters of assem-
blies, which are given from one shepherd.
12 Furthermore, my son, be admonished:
of making many books there is no end; and
much study is a weariness of the flesh.
Song of Solomon 1:1 719 Song of Solomon 2:9

with studs of silver.

The Song of Solomon 12 While the king sat at his table,
my perfume spread its fragrance.
1 The Song of songs, which is Solomon’s. 13 My beloved is to me a sachet of myrrh,
Beloved that lies between my breasts.
2 Let him kiss me with the kisses of his 14 My beloved is to me a cluster of henna
mouth; blossoms
for your love is better than wine. from the vineyards of En Gedi.
3 Your oils have a pleasing fragrance. Lover
15 Behold,† you are beautiful, my love.
Your name is oil poured out,
therefore the virgins love you. Behold, you are beautiful.
4 Take me away with you. Your eyes are like doves.
Let’s hurry. Beloved
16 Behold, you are beautiful, my beloved,
The king has brought me into his yes, pleasant;
Friends and our couch is verdant.
We will be glad and rejoice in you. Lover
17 The beams of our house are cedars.
We will praise your love more than Our rafters are firs.
They are right to love you.
5 I am dark, but lovely, 1 I am a rose of Sharon,
you daughters of Jerusalem, a lily of the valleys.
like Kedar’s tents, Lover
2 As a lily among thorns,
like Solomon’s curtains.
6 Don’t stare at me because I am dark, so is my love among the daughters.
because the sun has scorched me. Beloved
My mother’s sons were angry with me. 3 As the apple tree among the trees of the
They made me keeper of the vine- wood,
yards. so is my beloved among the sons.
I haven’t kept my own vineyard. I sat down under his shadow with great
7 Tell me, you whom my soul loves, delight,
where you graze your flock, his fruit was sweet to my taste.
4 He brought me to the banquet hall.
where you rest them at noon;
for why should I be as one who is 5 His banner over me is love.
veiled Strengthen me with raisins,
beside the flocks of your companions? refresh me with apples;
Lover for I am faint with love.
8 If you don’t know, most beautiful among 6 His left hand is under my head.
women, His right hand embraces me.
follow the tracks of the sheep. 7 I adjure you, daughters of Jerusalem,
Graze your young goats beside the by the roes, or by the hinds of the field,
shepherds’ tents. that you not stir up, nor awaken love,
until it so desires.
9 I have compared you, my love,
8 The voice of my beloved!
to a steed in Pharaoh’s chariots.
10 Your cheeks are beautiful with earrings, Behold, he comes,
your neck with strings of jewels. leaping on the mountains,
Friends skipping on the hills.
11 We will make you earrings of gold, 9 My beloved is like a roe or a young deer.

† 1:15 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,

ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.
Song of Solomon 2:10 720 Song of Solomon 4:3

Behold, he stands behind our wall! when I found him whom my soul
He looks in at the windows. loves.
He glances through the lattice. I held him, and would not let him go,
until I had brought him into my
10 My beloved spoke, and said to me,
mother’s house,
“Rise up, my love, my beautiful one, into the room of her who conceived
and come away. me.
11 For behold, the winter is past.
5 I adjure you, daughters of Jerusalem,
The rain is over and gone.
12 The flowers appear on the earth. by the roes, or by the hinds of the field,
that you not stir up nor awaken love,
The time of the singing has come, until it so desires.
and the voice of the turtledove is
heard in our land. 6 Who is this who comes up from the
13 The fig tree ripens her green figs.
wilderness like pillars of smoke,
The vines are in blossom. perfumed with myrrh and frankin-
They give out their fragrance. cense,
Arise, my love, my beautiful one, with all spices of the merchant?
and come away.” 7 Behold, it is Solomon’s carriage!
Lover Sixty mighty men are around it,
14 My dove in the clefts of the rock,
of the mighty men of Israel.
in the hiding places of the mountain- 8
side, They all handle the sword, and are expert
let me see your face. in war.
Every man has his sword on his thigh,
Let me hear your voice;
because of fear in the night.
for your voice is sweet and your face is
lovely. 9 King Solomon made himself a carriage
15 Catch for us the foxes,
of the wood of Lebanon.
the little foxes that plunder the vine- 10 He made its pillars of silver,
yards; its bottom of gold, its seat of purple,
for our vineyards are in blossom. the middle of it being paved with love,
Beloved from the daughters of Jerusalem.
16 My beloved is mine, and I am his.
11 Go out, you daughters of Zion, and see
He browses among the lilies. King Solomon,
17 Until the day is cool, and the shadows
with the crown with which his mother
flee away, has crowned him,
turn, my beloved, in the day of his weddings,
and be like a roe or a young deer on the in the day of the gladness of his heart.
mountains of Bether.
1 By night on my bed,
1 Behold, you are beautiful, my love.
I sought him whom my soul loves. Behold, you are beautiful.
I sought him, but I didn’t find him. Your eyes are like doves behind your veil.
2 I will get up now, and go about the city; Your hair is as a flock of goats,
in the streets and in the squares I will that descend from Mount Gilead.
2 Your teeth are like a newly shorn flock,
seek him whom my soul loves.
I sought him, but I didn’t find him. which have come up from the wash-
3 The watchmen who go about the city ing,
found me; where every one of them has twins.
“Have you seen him whom my soul None is bereaved among them.
3 Your lips are like scarlet thread.
4 I had scarcely passed from them, Your mouth is lovely.
Song of Solomon 4:4 721 Song of Solomon 5:7

Your temples are like a piece of a 15 a fountain of gardens,

pomegranate behind your veil. a well of living waters,
4 Your neck is like David’s tower built for an flowing streams from Lebanon.
armory, Beloved
on which a thousand shields hang, 16 Awake, north wind, and come, you
all the shields of the mighty men. south!
5 Your two breasts are like two fawns Blow on my garden, that its spices may
that are twins of a roe, flow out.
which feed among the lilies. Let my beloved come into his garden,
and taste his precious fruits.
6 Until the day is cool, and the shadows flee
away, 5
I will go to the mountain of myrrh, Lover
1 I have come into my garden, my sister, my
to the hill of frankincense.
7 You are all beautiful, my love. I have gathered my myrrh with my
There is no spot in you. spice;
8 Come with me from Lebanon, my bride, I have eaten my honeycomb with my
with me from Lebanon. honey;
Look from the top of Amana, I have drunk my wine with my milk.
from the top of Senir and Hermon, Friends
from the lions’ dens, Eat, friends!
from the mountains of the leopards. Drink, yes, drink abundantly, beloved.
9 You have ravished my heart, my sister, 2 I was asleep, but my heart was awake.
my bride. It is the voice of my beloved who
You have ravished my heart with one knocks:
of your eyes, “Open to me, my sister, my love, my
with one chain of your neck. dove, my undefiled;
10 How beautiful is your love, my sister, my for my head is filled with dew,
bride! and my hair with the dampness of the
How much better is your love than night.”
3 I have taken off my robe. Indeed, must I
the fragrance of your perfumes than put it on?
all kinds of spices! I have washed my feet. Indeed, must I
11 Your lips, my bride, drip like the honey- soil them?
4 My beloved thrust his hand in through
Honey and milk are under your the latch opening.
tongue. My heart pounded for him.
The smell of your garments is like the 5 I rose up to open for my beloved.
smell of Lebanon. My hands dripped with myrrh,
12 My sister, my bride, is a locked up gar-
my fingers with liquid myrrh,
den; on the handles of the lock.
a locked up spring, 6 I opened to my beloved;
a sealed fountain. but my beloved left, and had gone
13 Your shoots are an orchard of away.
pomegranates, with precious fruits, My heart went out when he spoke.
henna with spikenard plants, I looked for him, but I didn’t find him.
14 spikenard and saffron,
I called him, but he didn’t answer.
calamus and cinnamon, with every 7 The watchmen who go about the city
kind of incense tree; found me.
myrrh and aloes, with all the best They beat me.
spices, They bruised me.
Song of Solomon 5:8 722 Song of Solomon 6:13

The keepers of the walls took my cloak 3 I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is

away from me. mine.
He browses among the lilies.
8 I adjure you, daughters of Jerusalem,
If you find my beloved, Lover
4 You are beautiful, my love, as Tirzah,
that you tell him that I am faint with
lovely as Jerusalem,
Friends awesome as an army with banners.
9 How is your beloved better than another 5 Turn away your eyes from me,
beloved, for they have overcome me.
you fairest among women? Your hair is like a flock of goats,
How is your beloved better than another that lie along the side of Gilead.
beloved, 6 Your teeth are like a flock of ewes,
that you do so adjure us? which have come up from the wash-
Beloved ing,
10 My beloved is white and ruddy. of which every one has twins;
The best among ten thousand. not one is bereaved among them.
11 His head is like the purest gold. 7 Your temples are like a piece of a

His hair is bushy, black as a raven. pomegranate behind your veil.

12 His eyes are like doves beside the water
8 There are sixty queens, eighty concu-
washed with milk, mounted like jew- bines,
els. and virgins without number.
13 His cheeks are like a bed of spices with 9 My dove, my perfect one, is unique.
towers of perfumes. She is her mother’s only daughter.
His lips are like lilies, dropping liquid She is the favorite one of her who bore
myrrh. her.
14 His hands are like rings of gold set with
The daughters saw her, and called her
beryl. The queens and the concubines saw
His body is like ivory work overlaid her, and they praised her.
with sapphires.
15 His legs are like pillars of marble set on 10 Who is she who looks out as the morning,
sockets of fine gold. beautiful as the moon,
His appearance is like Lebanon, excel- clear as the sun,
lent as the cedars. and awesome as an army with ban-
16 His mouth is sweetness; ners?
yes, he is altogether lovely. 11 I went down into the nut tree grove,
This is my beloved, and this is my friend,
to see the green plants of the valley,
daughters of Jerusalem.
to see whether the vine budded,
and the pomegranates were in flower.
6 12 Without realizing it,
1 Where has your beloved gone, you fairest my desire set me with my royal peo-
among women? ple’s chariots.
Where has your beloved turned, that 13 Return, return, Shulammite!
we may seek him with you? Return, return, that we may gaze at
Beloved you.
2 My beloved has gone down to his garden,
to the beds of spices, Why do you desire to gaze at the Shulam-
to pasture his flock in the gardens, and mite,
to gather lilies. as at the dance of Mahanaim?
Song of Solomon 7:1 723 Song of Solomon 8:10

7 8
1 Oh that you were like my brother,
1 How beautiful are your feet in sandals,
prince’s daughter! who nursed from the breasts of my
Your rounded thighs are like jewels, mother!
the work of the hands of a skillful If I found you outside, I would kiss you;
workman. yes, and no one would despise me.
2 Your body is like a round goblet, 2 I would lead you, bringing you into the
no mixed wine is wanting. house of my mother,
Your waist is like a heap of wheat, who would instruct me.
set about with lilies. I would have you drink spiced wine,
3 Your two breasts are like two fawns, of the juice of my pomegranate.
that are twins of a roe. 3 His left hand would be under my head.
4 Your neck is like an ivory tower. His right hand would embrace me.
Your eyes are like the pools in Hesh-
4 I adjure you, daughters of Jerusalem,
bon by the gate of Bathrabbim.
Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon that you not stir up, nor awaken love,
which looks toward Damascus. until it so desires.
5 Your head on you is like Carmel. Friends
5 Who is this who comes up from the
The hair of your head like purple.
The king is held captive in its tresses. wilderness,
6 How beautiful and how pleasant you are, leaning on her beloved?
love, for delights! Beloved
7 This, your stature, is like a palm tree, Under the apple tree I awakened you.
your breasts like its fruit. There your mother conceived you.
8 I said, “I will climb up into the palm tree. There she was in labor and bore you.
I will take hold of its fruit.”
Let your breasts be like clusters of the vine, 6 Set me as a seal on your heart,
the smell of your breath like apples. as a seal on your arm;
9 Your mouth is like the best wine, for love is strong as death.
that goes down smoothly for my Jealousy is as cruel as Sheol.†
beloved, Its flashes are flashes of fire,
gliding through the lips of those who a very flame of Yah.‡
7 Many waters can’t quench love,
are asleep.
Beloved neither can floods drown it.
10 I am my beloved’s. If a man would give all the wealth of his
His desire is toward me. house for love,
11 Come, my beloved! Let’s go out into the he would be utterly scorned.
field. Brothers
8 We have a little sister.
Let’s lodge in the villages.
12 Let’s go early up to the vineyards. She has no breasts.
What shall we do for our sister
Let’s see whether the vine has budded, in the day when she is to be spoken
its blossom is open, for?
and the pomegranates are in flower.
9 If she is a wall,
There I will give you my love.
13 The mandrakes produce fragrance. we will build on her a turret of silver.
If she is a door,
At our doors are all kinds of precious we will enclose her with boards of
fruits, new and old, cedar.
which I have stored up for you, my Beloved
beloved. 10 I am a wall, and my breasts like towers,

† 8:6 Sheol is the place of the dead. ‡ 8:6 “Yah” is a short form of “Yahweh”, which is God’s proper Name,
sometimes rendered “LORD” (all caps) in other translations.
Song of Solomon 8:11 724 Song of Solomon 8:14

then I was in his eyes like one who

found peace.
11 Solomon had a vineyard at Baal Hamon.
He leased out the vineyard to keepers.
Each was to bring a thousand shekels§
of silver for its fruit.
12 My own vineyard is before me.
The thousand are for you, Solomon,
two hundred for those who tend its
13 You who dwell in the gardens, with
friends in attendance,
let me hear your voice!
14 Come away, my beloved!
Be like a gazelle or a young stag on the
mountains of spices!

§ 8:11 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces, so 1000 shekels is about 10 kilograms or about 22 pounds.
Wisdom of Solomon 1:1 725 Wisdom of Solomon 2:2

and the sound of his words will come

to the Lord to bring his lawless
The Wisdom of Solomon deeds to conviction;
10 because a jealous ear listens to all things,
The Wisdom of Solomon is recognized as
Deuterocanonical Scripture by the Roman and the noise of murmurings is not
Catholic, Greek Orthodox, and Russian Or- hidden.
11 Beware then of unprofitable murmur-
thodox Churches.
1 and keep your tongue from slander;
because no secret utterance will go on
1 Love righteousness, all you who are
judges of the earth. its way void,
Think of the Lord† with a good mind. and a lying mouth destroys a soul.
12 Don’t court death in the error of your
Seek him in singleness of heart,
2 because he is found by those who life.
Don’t draw destruction upon your-
don’t put him to the test, selves by the works of your hands;
and is manifested to those who trust 13 because God didn’t make death,
him. neither does he delight when the liv-
3 for crooked thoughts separate from God.
ing perish.
His Power convicts when it is tested, 14 For he created all things that they might
and exposes the foolish;
4 because wisdom will not enter into a soul
have being.
that devises evil, The generative powers of the world
nor dwell in a body that is enslaved by are wholesome,
sin. and there is no poison of destruction
5 For a holy spirit of discipline will flee in them,
nor has Hades‡ royal dominion upon
and will depart from thoughts that are earth;
15 for righteousness is immortal,
without understanding, 16 but ungodly men by their hands and
and will be ashamed when unrigh-
teousness has come in. their words summon death;
deeming him a friend they§ pined
6 For‡ wisdom is a spirit who loves man, away.
They made a covenant with him,
and she will not hold a§ blasphemer
because they are worthy to belong
guiltless for his lips,
with him.
because God is witness of his inmost
and is a true overseer of his heart,
and a hearer of his tongue.
1 For they said† within themselves, with
7 Because the spirit of the Lord has filled† unsound reasoning,
the world, “Our life is short and sorrowful.
and that which holds all things to- There is no healing when a man comes
gether knows what is said. to his end,
8 Therefore no one who utters unrighteous and no one was ever known who‡ was
things will be unseen; released from Hades.
2 Because we were born by mere chance,
neither will Justice, when it convicts, and hereafter we will be as though we
pass him by. had never been,
9 For in his counsels the ungodly will be
because the breath in our nostrils is
searched out, smoke,
† 1:1 Gr. in goodness. ‡ 1:6Some authorities read the spirit of wisdom is loving to man. § 1:6 Or, reviler
† 1:7 Gr. the inhabited earth. ‡ 1:14 Or, a royal house § 1:16 Or, were consumed with love of him † 2:1
Or, among ‡ 2:1 Or, returned out of Hades
Wisdom of Solomon 2:3 726 Wisdom of Solomon 3:2

and reason is a spark kindled by the and calls himself a child of the Lord.
beating of our heart, 14 He became to us a reproof of our
3 which being extinguished, the body will thoughts.
be turned into ashes, 15 He is grievous to us even to look at,
and the spirit will be dispersed as thin because his life is unlike other men’s,
air. and his paths are strange.
4 Our name will be forgotten in time. 16 We were regarded by him as something
No one will remember our works. worthless,
Our life will pass away as the traces of and he abstains from our ways as from
a cloud, uncleanness.
and will be scattered as is a mist, He calls the latter end of the righteous
when it is chased by the rays of the happy.
sun, He boasts that God is his father.
and§ overcome by its heat. 17 Let’s see if his words are true.
5 For our allotted time is the passing of a Let’s test what will happen at the end
shadow, of his life.
and our end doesn’t retreat, 18 For if the righteous man is God’s son, he
because it is securely sealed, and no will uphold him,
one† turns it back. and he will deliver him out of the hand
of his adversaries.
6 “Come therefore and let’s enjoy the good 19 Let’s test him with insult and torture,
things that exist. that we may find out how gentle he is,
Let’s use the creation earnestly as in and test his patience.
our youth. 20 Let’s condemn him to a shameful death,
7 Let’s fill ourselves with costly wine and for he will be protected, according to
perfumes, his words.”
and let no spring flower pass us by.
21 Thus they reasoned, and they were led
8 Let’s crown ourselves with rosebuds be-
fore they wither. astray;
9 Let none of us go without his share in our for their wickedness blinded them,
22 and they didn’t know the mysteries of
proud revelry.
Let’s leave tokens of mirth every- God,
neither did they hope for wages of
because this is our portion, and this is holiness,
nor did they discern that there is a
our lot.
10 Let’s oppress the righteous poor. prize for blameless souls.
23 Because God created man for incorrup-
Let’s not spare the widow,
nor regard the gray hair of the old tion,
man. and made him an image of his own
11 But let our strength be a law of righteous- everlastingness;
ness; 24 but death entered into the world by the
for that which is weak is proven use- envy of the devil,
less. and those who belong to him experi-
12 But let’s lie in wait for the righteous man,
ence it.
because he annoys us,
is contrary to our works, 3
reproaches us with sins against the 1 But the souls of the righteous are in the
law, hand of God,
and charges us with sins against our and no torment will touch them.
training. 2 In the eyes of the foolish they seemed to
13 He professes to have knowledge of God, have died.
§ 2:4 Gr. weighed down. † 2:5 Or, comes again
Wisdom of Solomon 3:3 727 Wisdom of Solomon 4:7

Their departure was considered a dis- 15 For good labors have fruit of great
aster, renown.
3 and their travel away from us ruin, The root of understanding can’t fail.
but they are in peace. 16 But children of adulterers will not come
4 For even if in the sight of men they are to maturity.
punished, The seed of an unlawful union will
their hope is full of immortality. vanish away.
17 For if they live long, they will not be
5 Having borne a little chastening, they will
receive great good; esteemed,
and in the end, their old age will be
because God tested them, and found
them worthy of himself. without honor.
18 If they die young, they will have no hope,
6 He tested them like gold in the furnace,
nor consolation in the day of judg-
and he accepted them as a whole ment.
burnt offering. 19 For the end of an unrighteous genera-
7 In the time of their visitation they will tion is always grievous.
They will run back and forth like
sparks among stubble.
1 It is better to be childless with virtue,
8 They will judge nations and have domin- for immortality is in the memory of
ion over peoples. virtue,
The Lord will reign over them forever. because it is recognized both before
9 Those who trust him will understand God and before men.
truth. 2 When it is present, people imitate it.
The faithful will live with him in love, They long after it when it has de-
because grace and mercy are with his parted.
chosen ones. Throughout all time it marches, crowned
10 But the ungodly will be punished even as in triumph,
their reasoning deserves, victorious in the competition for the
those who neglected righteousness prizes that are undefiled.
3 But the multiplying brood of the ungodly
and revolted from the Lord;
11 for he who despises wisdom and will be of no profit,
discipline is miserable. and their illegitimate offshoots won’t
Their hope is void and their toils unprof- take deep root,
itable. nor will they establish a sure hold.
Their works are useless. 4 For even if they grow branches and flour-
12 Their wives are foolish and their chil-
ish for a season,
dren are wicked. standing unsure, they will be shaken
13 Their descendants are cursed.
by the wind.
For the barren woman who is undefiled is
happy, They will be uprooted by the violence
she who has not conceived in trans- 5 of winds.
gression. Their branches will be broken off before
She will have fruit when God exam- they come to maturity.
ines souls. Their fruit will be useless,
14 So is the eunuch which has done no never ripe to eat, and fit for nothing.
lawless deed with his hands, 6 For unlawfully conceived children are
nor imagined wicked things against witnesses of wickedness
the Lord; against parents when they are investi-
for a precious gift will be given to him for gated.
his faithfulness,
and a delightful inheritance in the 7 But a righteous man, even if he dies be-
Lord’s sanctuary. fore his time, will be at rest.
Wisdom of Solomon 4:8 728 Wisdom of Solomon 5:11

8 For honorable old age is not that which and their memory will perish.
stands in length of time,
nor is its measure given by number of 20 They will come with coward fear when
years, their sins are counted.
9 but understanding is gray hair to Their lawless deeds will convict them
men, to their face.
and an unspotted life is ripe old age.
10 Being found well-pleasing to God, some- 1 Then the righteous man will stand in
one was loved. great boldness
While living among sinners he was before the face of those who afflicted
transported. him,
11 He was caught away, lest evil should and those who make his labors of no
change his understanding, account.
2 When they see him, they will be troubled
or guile deceive his soul.
12 For the fascination of wickedness ob- with terrible fear,
scures the things which are good, and will be amazed at the marvel of
and the whirl of desire perverts an 3 They will speak among themselves re-
innocent mind. penting,
13 Being made perfect quickly,
and for distress of spirit they will
he filled a long time; groan,
14 for his soul was pleasing to the Lord.
“This was he whom we used to hold in
Therefore he hurried out of the midst derision,
of wickedness. as a parable of reproach.
15 But the peoples saw and didn’t under-
4 We fools considered his life madness,
stand, and his end without honor.
not considering this, that grace and 5 How was he counted among sons of God?
mercy are with his chosen, How is his lot among saints?
and that he visits his holy ones; 6 Truly we went astray from the way of
16 but a righteous man who is dead will
condemn the ungodly who are liv- The light of righteousness didn’t shine
ing, for us.
and youth who is quickly perfected The sun didn’t rise for us.
will condemn the many years of an 7 We† took our fill of the paths of lawless-
unrighteous man’s old age. ness and destruction.
17 For the ungodly will see a wise man’s We traveled through trackless deserts,
end, but we didn’t know the Lord’s way.
and won’t understand what the Lord 8 What did our arrogance profit us?
planned for him, What good have riches and boasting
and why he safely kept him. brought us?
18 They will see, and they will despise;
but the Lord will laugh them to scorn. 9 Those things all passed away as a shadow,
After this, they will become a dishonored like a rumor that runs by,
carcass 10 like a ship passing through the bil-
and a reproach among the dead for-
ever; lowy water,
19 because he will dash them speechless to which, when it has gone by, there is no
the ground, trace to be found,
and will shake them from the founda- no pathway of its keel in the waves.
tions. 11 Or it is like when a bird flies through the
They will lie utterly waste. air,
They will be in anguish no evidence of its passage is found,
† 5:7 See Proverbs 14:14.
Wisdom of Solomon 5:12 729 Wisdom of Solomon 6:7

but the light wind, lashed with the The universe will go with him to fight
stroke of its pinions, against his frenzied foes.
and torn apart with the violent rush 21 Shafts of lightning will fly with true aim.
of the moving wings, is passed They will leap to the mark from the
through. clouds, as from a well-drawn bow.
Afterwards no sign of its coming re- 22 Hailstones full of wrath will be hurled as
mains. from a catapult.
12 Or it is like when an arrow is shot at a The water of the sea will be angered
mark, against them.
the air it divided closes up again im- Rivers will sternly overwhelm them.
mediately, 23 A mighty wind will encounter them.
so that men don’t know where it It will winnow them away like a tem-
passed through. pest.
13 So we also, as soon as we were born, So lawlessness will make all the land deso-
ceased to be; late.
and we had no sign of virtue to show, Their evil-doing will overturn the
but we were utterly consumed in our thrones of princes.
14 Because the hope of the ungodly man is 6
1 Hear therefore, you kings, and under-
like chaff carried by the wind,
and‡ as§ foam vanishing before a tem- Learn, you judges of the ends of the
pest; earth.
and is scattered like smoke by the 2 Give ear, you rulers who have domin-
wind, ion over many people,
and passes by as the remembrance of and make your boast† in multitudes of
a guest who stays just a day. nations,
3 because your dominion was given to you
15 But the righteous live forever.
from the Lord,
Their reward is in the Lord, and your sovereignty from the Most
and the care for them with the Most High.
High. He will search out your works,
16 Therefore they will receive the crown of
and will inquire about your plans,
royal dignity 4 because being officers of his kingdom,
and the diadem of beauty from the you didn’t judge rightly,
Lord’s hand, nor did you keep the law,
because he will cover them with his right nor did you walk according to God’s
hand, counsel.
and he will shield them with his arm. 5 He will come upon you awfully and
17 He will take his zeal as complete armor, swiftly,
and will make the whole creation his because a stern judgment comes on
weapons to punish his enemies: those who are in high places.
18 He will put on righteousness as a breast- 6 For the man of low estate may be par-
plate, doned in mercy,
and will wear impartial judgment as a but mighty men will be mightily
helmet. tested.
19 He will take holiness as an invincible 7 For the Sovereign Lord of all will not be
shield. impressed with anyone,
20 He will sharpen stern wrath for a
neither will he show deference to
sword. greatness;
‡ 5:14 Gr. like foam chased to thinness: or, as thin foam chased. § 5:14 Most Greek authorities read hoar frost:
some authorities, perhaps rightly, a spider’s web. † 6:2 Or, in the multitudes of your nations
Wisdom of Solomon 6:8 730 Wisdom of Solomon 7:9

because it is he who made both small and 22 But what wisdom is, and how she came
great, into being, I will declare.
and cares about them all; I won’t hide mysteries from you;
8 but the scrutiny that comes upon the pow-
but I will explore from her first begin-
erful is strict. ning,
9 Therefore, my words are to you, O
bring the knowledge of her into clear
princes, light,
that you may learn wisdom and not and I will not pass by the truth.
fall away. 23 Indeed, I won’t travel with consuming
10 For those who have kept the things that
are holy in holiness will be made because envy will have no fellowship
holy. with wisdom.
Those who have been taught them will 24 But a multitude of wise men is salvation
find what to say in defense. to the world,
11 Therefore set your desire on my words. and an understanding king is stability
Long for them, and you princes will be for his people.
25 Therefore be instructed by my words,
and you will profit.
12 Wisdom is radiant and doesn’t fade
away; 7
and is easily seen by those who love 1 I myself am also† mortal, like everyone
her, else,
and found by those who seek her. and am a descendant of one formed
13 She anticipates those who desire her, first and born of the earth.
2 I molded into flesh in the time of ten
making herself known.
14 He who rises up early to seek her won’t months in my mother’s womb,
being compacted in blood from the
have difficulty,
seed of man and pleasure of mar-
for he will find her sitting at his gates.
15 For to think upon her is perfection of riage.
3 I also, when I was born, drew in the
common air,
and he who watches for her will and fell upon the kindred earth,
quickly be free from care;
16 because she herself goes around, seek- uttering, like all, for my first voice, the
same cry.
ing those who are worthy of her, 4 I was nursed with care in swaddling
and in their paths she appears to them clothes.
graciously, 5 For no king had a different beginning,
and in every purpose she meets them. 6 but all men have one entrance into
17 For her true beginning is desire for in- life, and a common departure.
and desire for instruction is love. 7 For this cause I prayed, and understand-
18 And love is observance of her laws.
ing was given to me.
To give heed to her laws confirms im- I asked, and a spirit of wisdom came to
mortality. me.
19 Immortality brings closeness to God. 8 I preferred her before sceptres and
20 So then desire for wisdom promotes thrones.
to a kingdom. I considered riches nothing in com-
parison to her.
21 If therefore you delight in thrones and 9 Neither did I liken to her any priceless
sceptres, you princes of peoples, gem,
honor wisdom, that you may reign for- because all gold in her presence is a
ever. little sand,
† 7:1 Many authorities read a mortal man.
Wisdom of Solomon 7:10 731 Wisdom of Solomon 8:2

and silver will be considered as clay 22 for wisdom, that is the architect of
before her. all things, taught me.
10 I loved her more than health and beauty,
and I chose to have her rather than For there is in her a spirit that is quick to
light, understand, holy,
because her bright shining is never unique, manifold, subtle, freely mov-
laid to sleep. ing, clear in utterance, unpolluted,
11 All good things came to me with her, distinct, invulnerable, loving what is
and innumerable riches are in her good, keen, unhindered,
hands. 23 beneficent, loving toward man,
12 And I rejoiced over them all because
steadfast, sure, free from care, all-
wisdom leads them; powerful, all-surveying,
although I didn’t know that she was and penetrating through all spirits
their mother. that are quick to understand, pure,
13 As I learned without guile, I impart with-
most subtle.
out grudging. 24 For wisdom is more mobile than any
I don’t hide her riches. motion.
14 For she is a treasure for men that doesn’t Yes, she pervades and penetrates all
fail, things by reason of her purity.
and those who use it obtain friendship 25 For she is a breath of the power of God,
with God, and a pure emanation of the glory of
commended by the gifts which they the Almighty.
present through discipline.
Therefore nothing defiled can find en-
15 But may God grant that I may speak his trance into her.
26 For she is a reflection of everlasting light,
judgment, an unspotted mirror of the working of
and to conceive thoughts worthy of God,
what has been given me; and an image of his goodness.
because he is one who guides even 27 Although she is one, she has power to do
wisdom and who corrects the wise. all things.
16 For both we and our words are in his
hand, Remaining in herself, she renews all
with all understanding and skill in things.
various crafts. From generation to generation passing
17 For he himself gave me an unerring into holy souls,
knowledge of the things that are, she makes friends of God and
to know the structure of the universe prophets.
28 For God loves nothing as much as
and the operation of the elements;
18 the beginning, end, and middle of one who dwells with wisdom.
29 For she is fairer than the sun,
the alternations of the solstices and and above all the constellations of the
the changes of seasons; stars.
19 the circuits of years and the posi-
She is better than light.
30 For daylight yields to night,
tions of stars; but evil does not prevail against wis-
20 the natures of living creatures and
the raging of wild beasts;
the violence of‡ winds and the
thoughts of men;
1 But she reaches from one end to the other
the diversities of plants and the with full strength,
virtues of roots. and orders all things well.
21 All things that are either secret or mani-
fest I learned, 2 I loved her and sought her from my youth.

‡ 7:20 Or, spirits

Wisdom of Solomon 8:3 732 Wisdom of Solomon 9:3

I sought to take her for my bride. and leave behind an eternal memory
I became enamoured by her beauty. to those who come after me.
3 She glorifies her noble birth by living 14 I will govern peoples.

with God. Nations will be subjected to me.

The Sovereign Lord of all loves her. 15 Dreaded monarchs will fear me when
4 For she is initiated into the knowledge of they hear of me.
God, Among the people, I will show myself
and she chooses his works. to be good, and courageous in war.
5 But if riches are a desired possession in 16 When I come into my house, I will find
life, rest with her.
what is richer than wisdom, which For conversation with her has no bit-
makes all things? terness,
6 And if understanding is effective, and living with her has no pain, but
who more than† wisdom is an archi- gladness and joy.
tect of the things that exist? 17 When I considered these things in my-
7 If a man loves righteousness, self,
the fruits of wisdom’s labor‡ are and thought in my heart how immor-
virtues, tality is in kinship to wisdom,
for she teaches soberness, un- 18 and in her friendship is good delight,
derstanding, righteousness, and and in the labors of her hands is
courage. wealth that doesn’t fail,
There is nothing in life more prof- and understanding is in her compan-
itable for people than these. ionship,
8 And if anyone longs for wide experience,
and great renown in having fellow-
she knows the things of old, and infers ship with her words,
the things to come. I went about seeking how to take her
She understands subtleties of to myself.
speeches and interpretations of 19 Now I was a clever child, and received a
dark sayings. good soul.
She foresees signs and wonders, and 20 Or rather, being good, I came into an
the issues of seasons and times.
undefiled body.
9 Therefore I determined to take her to live 21 But perceiving that I could not otherwise
with me, possess wisdom unless God gave her
knowing that she is one who would to me—
give me good counsel, yes, and to know and understand by
and encourage me in cares and grief. whom the grace is given—
10 Because of her, I will have glory among I pleaded with the Lord and implored
multitudes, him, and with my whole heart I said:
and honor in the sight of elders,
though I am young. 9
11 I will be found keen when I give judg- 1 “O God of my ancestors and Lord of
ment. mercy,
I will be admired in the presence of who made all things by your word;
rulers. 2 and by your wisdom you formed man,
12 When I am silent, they will wait for me.
that he should have dominion over the
When I open my lips, they will heed creatures that were made by you,
what I say. 3 and rule the world in holiness and righ-
If I continue speaking, they will put teousness,
their hands on their mouths. and execute judgment in uprightness
13 Because of her, I will have immortality, of soul,
† 8:6 Gr. she. ‡ 8:7 Gr. her labors † 9:4 Or, children
Wisdom of Solomon 9:4 733 Wisdom of Solomon 10:6

4 give me wisdom, her who sits by you 15 For a corruptible body weighs down the
on your thrones. soul.
Don’t reject me from among your ser- † The earthy tent burdens a mind that is
vants, full of cares.
5 because I am your servant and the 16 We can hardly guess the things that are
son of your handmaid, on earth,
a weak and short-lived man, and we find the things that are close at
with little power to understand judg- hand with labor;
ment and laws. but who has traced out the things that
6 For even if a man is perfect among the are in the heavens?
sons of men, 17 Who gained knowledge of your counsel,
if the wisdom that comes from you unless you gave wisdom,
is not with him, he will count for and sent your holy spirit from on
nothing. high?
7 You chose me to be king of your people, 18 It was thus that the ways of those who
and a judge for your sons and daugh- are on earth were corrected,
ters. and men were taught the things that
8 You gave a command to build a sanctuary
are pleasing to you.
on your holy mountain,
They were saved through wisdom.”
and‡ an altar in the city where you live,
a copy of the holy tent which you pre-
pared from the beginning.
9 Wisdom is with you and knows your 10
1 Wisdom† guarded to the end the first
and was present when you were mak- formed father of the world, who was
created alone,
ing the world,
and delivered him out of his own
and understands what is pleasing in transgression,
your eyes, 2 and gave him strength to rule over all
and what is right according to your
commandments. things.
10 Send her from the holy heavens, 3 But when an unrighteous man fell away
and ask her to come from the throne of from her in his anger,
your glory, he perished himself in the rage with
that being present with me she may which he killed his brother.
work, 4 When for his cause the earth was drown-
and I may learn what pleases you well. ing with a flood,
11 For she knows all things and under- wisdom again saved it,
stands, guiding the righteous man’s course by a
and she will guide me prudently in my paltry piece of wood.
She will guard me in her glory. 5 Moreover, when nations consenting to-
12 So my works will be acceptible.
gether in wickedness had been con-
I will judge your people righteously, founded,
and I will be worthy of my father’s§ wisdom‡ knew the righteous man, and
throne. preserved him blameless to God,
13 For what man will know the counsel of
and kept him strong when his heart
God? yearned toward his child.
Or who will conceive what the Lord
14 For the thoughts of mortals are unstable, 6 While the ungodly were perishing, wis-
and our plans are prone to fail. dom§ delivered a righteous man,
‡ 9:8 Or, a place of sacrifice § 9:12 Gr. thrones. † 10:1 Gr. She. ‡ 10:5 Gr. she § 10:6 Gr. she
Wisdom of Solomon 10:7 734 Wisdom of Solomon 11:5

when he fled from the fire that de- 15 Wisdom§ delivered a holy people and
scended out of heaven on the five a blameless seed from a nation of
cities. oppressors.
7 To whose wickedness a smoking waste
16 She entered into the soul of a servant of
still witnesses, the Lord,
and plants bearing fair fruit that and withstood terrible kings in won-
doesn’t ripen, ders and signs.
a disbelieving soul has a memorial: a 17 She rendered to holy men a reward of
standing pillar of salt. their toils.
8 For having passed wisdom by,
She guided them along a marvelous
not only were they disabled from way,
recognising the things which are and became to them a covering in the
good, day-time,
but they also left behind them for their and a starry flame through the night.
life a monument of their folly, 18 She brought them over the Red sea,
to the end that where they stumbled, and led them through much water;
they might fail even to be unseen; 19 but she drowned their enemies,
9 but wisdom delivered those who waited and she cast them up from the bottom
on her out of troubles. of the deep.
20 Therefore the righteous plundered the
10 When a righteous man was a fugitive
from a brother’s wrath,† wisdom ungodly,
guided him in straight paths. and they sang praise to your holy
She showed him God’s kingdom, and name, O Lord,
gave him knowledge of holy things. and extolled with one accord your
She prospered him in his toils, and hand that fought for them,
21 because wisdom opened the mouth of
multiplied the fruits of his labor.
11 When in their covetousness men dealt the mute,
harshly with him, and made the tongues of babes to speak
she stood by him and made him rich. clearly.
12 She guarded him from enemies,
and she kept him safe from those who
lay in wait. 11
Over his severe conflict, she watched
1 Wisdom prospered their works in the
as judge, hand of a holy prophet.
that he might know that godliness is
more powerful than every one.
2 They traveled through a desert without
13 When a righteous man was sold,‡ wis- and they pitched their tents in track-
dom didn’t forsake him, less regions.
3 They withstood enemies and repelled
but she delivered him from sin.
She went down with him into a dun- foes.
geon, 4 They thirsted, and they called upon you,
14 and in bonds she didn’t depart from him, and water was given to them out of
until she brought him the sceptre of a the† flinty rock,
kingdom, and healing of their thirst out of the
and authority over those that dealt hard stone.
like a tyrant with him. 5 For by what things their foes were pun-
She also showed those who had mock- ished,
ingly accused him to be false, by these they in their need were bene-
and gave him eternal glory. fited.
† 10:10 Gr. she. ‡ 10:13 Gr. she. § 10:15 Gr. she. † 11:4 See Deuteronomy 8:15; Psalm 114:8.
Wisdom of Solomon 11:6 735 Wisdom of Solomon 12:2

6 When enemies were troubled with clot- 18 or newly-created and unknown

ted blood wild beasts, full of rage,
instead of a river’s ever-flowing foun- either breathing out a blast of fiery
tain, breath,
7 to rebuke the decree for the slaying of
or belching out smoke,
babies, or flashing dreadful sparks from their
you gave them abundant water be- eyes;
yond all hope, 19 which had power not only to consume
8 having shown by the thirst which they
them by their violence,
had suffered but to destroy them even by the terror
how you punished the adversaries.
9 For when they were tried, although chas- of their sight.
20 Yes and without these they might have
tened in mercy,
they learned how the ungodly were fallen by a single breath,
tormented, being judged with being pursued by Justice, and scat-
wrath. tered abroad by the breath of your
10 For you tested these as a father admon- power;
ishing them; but you arranged all things by mea-
but you searched out those as a stern sure, number, and weight.
king condemning them.
11 Yes and whether they were far off or
21 For to be greatly strong is yours at all
near, times.
they were equally distressed; Who could withstand the might of
12 for a double grief seized them, your arm?
22 Because the whole world before you is as
and a groaning at the memory of
things past. a grain in a balance,
13 For when they heard that through their and as a drop of dew that comes down
own punishments the others bene- upon the earth in the morning.
23 But you have mercy on all men, because
they recognized the Lord. you have power to do all things,
14 For him who long before was thrown out and you overlook the sins of men to
and exposed they stopped mocking. the end that they may repent.
In the end of what happened, they 24 For you love all things that are,
marveled, and abhor none of the things which
having thirsted in another manner you made;
than the righteous. For you never would have formed
anything if you hated it.
15 But in return for the senseless imagin- 25 How would anything have endured un-
ings of their unrighteousness, less you had willed it?
wherein they were led astray to Or that which was not called by you,
worship irrational reptiles and how would it have been preserved?
wretched vermin, 26 But you spare all things, because they
you sent upon them a multitude of are yours,
irrational creatures to punish them, O Sovereign Lord, you who love the
16 that they might learn that by what
things a man sins, by these he is
17 For your all-powerful hand 12
1 For your incorruptible spirit is in all
that created the world out of formless
matter things.
didn’t lack means to send upon them a 2 Therefore you convict little by little those
multitude of bears, fierce lions, who fall from the right way,
Wisdom of Solomon 12:3 736 Wisdom of Solomon 12:21

and, putting them in remembrance by Or who will come and stand before
the things wherein they sin, you ad- you as an avenger for unrighteous
monish them, men?
that escaping from their wickedness 13 For there isn’t any God beside you that
they may believe in you, O Lord. cares for all,
that you might show that you didn’t
3 For truly the old inhabitants of your holy judge unrighteously.
land, 14 No king or prince will be able to confront
4 hating them because they practiced you
detestable works of enchantments about those whom you have punished.
and unholy rites— 15 But being righteous, you rule all things
5 merciless slaughters of children
and sacrificial banquets of men’s flesh deeming it a thing alien from your
and of blood— power
6 allies in an impious fellowship,
to condemn one who doesn’t deserve
and murderers of their own helpless to be punished.
babes, 16 For your strength is the source of righ-
it was your counsel to destroy by the teousness,
hands of our fathers; and your sovereignty over all makes
7 that the land which in your sight is
you to forbear all.
most precious of all 17 For when men don’t believe that you
might receive a worthy colony of God’s
servants.† are perfect in power, you show your
8 Nevertheless you even spared these as strength,
men, and in dealing with those who think
and you sent hornets‡ as forerunners this, you confuse their boldness.
of your army, 18 But you, being sovereign in strength,
to cause them to perish little by little. judge in gentleness,
9 Not that you were unable to subdue the and with great forbearance you gov-
ungodly under the hand of the righ- ern us;
teous in battle, for the power is yours whenever you
or by terrible beasts or by a stern word desire it.
to make away with them at once,
19 But you taught your people by such
10 but judging them little by little you gave
them a chance to repent, works as these,
how the righteous must be kind.
not being ignorant that their nature by
birth was evil, You made your sons to have good hope,
their wickedness inborn, because you give repentance when
and that their manner of thought men have sinned.
would never be changed. 20 For if on those who were enemies of your
11 For they were a cursed seed from the servants§ and deserving of death,
beginning. you took vengeance with so great de-
It wasn’t through fear of any that you liberation and indulgence,
left them unpunished for their sins. giving them times and opportunities
when they might escape from their
12 For who will say, “What have you done?” wickedness,
Or “Who will withstand your judg- 21 with how great care you judged your
ment?” sons,
Who will accuse you for the perishing of to whose fathers you gave oaths and
nations which you caused? covenants of good promises!
† 12:7 Or, children ‡ 12:8 Or, wasps § 12:20 Or, children
Wisdom of Solomon 12:22 737 Wisdom of Solomon 13:13

22 Therefore while you chasten us, you let them know how much better their
scourge our enemies ten thousand Sovereign Lord is than these,
times more, for the first author of beauty created
to the intent that we may ponder your them.
4 But if it was through astonishment at
goodness when we judge,
and when we are judged may look for their power and influence,
mercy. then let them understand from them
how much more powerful he who
23 Therefore also the unrighteous that formed them is.
5 For from the greatness of the beauty of
lived in a life of folly,
you tormented through their own created things,
abominations. mankind forms the corresponding
24 For truly they went astray very far in the perception of their Maker.†
6 But yet for these men there is but small
ways of error,
Taking as gods those animals† which blame,
even among their enemies were for they too perhaps go astray
held in dishonor, while they are seeking God and desir-
deceived like foolish babes. ing to find him.
25 Therefore, as to unreasoning children, 7 For they diligently search while living
you sent your judgment to mock among his works,
them. and they trust their sight that the
26 But those who would not be admonished things that they look at are beauti-
by mild correction ful.
will experience the deserved judg- 8 But again even they are not to be excused.
ment of God. 9 For if they had power to know so much,
27 For through the sufferings they were
that they should be able to explore the
indignant of, world,
being punished in these creatures how is it that they didn’t find the
which they supposed to be gods, Sovereign Lord sooner?
they saw and recognized as the true
God him whom they previously re- 10 But they were miserable, and their
fused to know. hopes were in dead things,
Therefore also the result of extreme who called them gods which are
condemnation came upon them. works of men’s hands,
gold and silver, skillfully made, and
likenesses of animals,
1 For
13 or a useless stone, the work of an an-
truly all men who had no perception cient hand.
of God were foolish by nature, 11 Yes and some‡ woodcutter might saw
and didn’t gain power to know him down a tree that is easily moved,
who exists from the good things that skillfully strip away all its bark,
are seen. and fashion it in attractive form, make
They didn’t recognize the architect a useful vessel to serve his life’s
from his works. needs.
2 But they thought that either fire, or wind, 12 Burning the scraps from his handiwork
or swift air, to cook his food,
or circling stars, or raging water, or he eats his fill.
luminaries of heaven 13 Taking a discarded scrap which served
were gods that rule the world. no purpose,
3 If it was through delight in their beauty a crooked piece of wood and full of
that they took them to be gods, knots,
† 12:24 Gr. living creatures: and so elsewhere in this book. † 13:5 Gr. is the first maker of them seen. ‡ 13:11
Gr. carpenter who is a woodcutter.
Wisdom of Solomon 13:14 738 Wisdom of Solomon 14:15

he carves it with the diligence of his 5 It is your will that the works of your
idleness, wisdom should not be ineffective.
and shapes it by the skill of his idle- Therefore men also entrust their lives
ness. to a little piece of wood,
He shapes it in the image of a man, and passing through the surge on a
14 or makes it like some worthless ani-
raft come safely to land.
mal, 6 For† in the old time also, when proud
smearing it with something red, paint-
ing it red, giants were perishing,
and smearing over every stain in it. the hope of the world, taking refuge on
15 Having made a worthy chamber for it, a raft,
he sets it in a wall, securing it with your hand guided the seed of genera-
iron. tions of the race of men.
16 He plans for it that it may not fall down, 7 For blessed is wood through which comes
knowing that it is unable to help itself righteousness;
(for truly it is an image, and needs 8 but the idol made with hands is ac-
help). cursed, itself and he that made it;
17 When he makes his prayer concerning because his was the working, and the
goods and his marriage and chil- corruptible thing was called a god.
dren, 9 For both the ungodly and his ungodliness
he is not ashamed to speak to that are alike hateful to God;
which has no life. 10 for truly the deed will be punished
18 Yes, for health, he calls upon that which
together with him who committed
is weak. it.
For life, he implores that which is 11 Therefore also there will be a visita-
dead. tion among the idols of the nation,
For aid, he supplicates that which has because, though formed of things
no experience. which God created, they were made
For a good journey, he asks that which an abomination,
can’t so much as move a step. stumbling blocks to the souls of men,
19 And for profit in business and good suc-
and a snare to the feet of the foolish.
cess of his hands,
he asks ability from that which has 12 For the devising of idols was the begin-
hands with no ability. ning of fornication,
1 Again, one preparing to sail, and about to
and the invention of them the corrup-
tion of life.
13 For they didn’t exist from the beginning,
journey over raging waves,
calls upon a piece of wood more frag- and they won’t exist forever.
ile than the vessel that carries him. 14 For by the boastfulness of men they en-
2 For the hunger for profit planned it,
tered into the world,
and wisdom was the craftsman who and therefore a speedy end was
built it. planned for them.
3 Your providence, O Father, guides it
15 For a father worn with untimely grief,
because even in the sea you gave a
way, making an image of the child quickly
and in the waves a sure path, taken away,
4 showing that you can save out of every now honored him as a god which was
danger, then a dead human being,
that even a man without skill may put and delivered to those that were un-
to sea. der him mysteries and solemn rites.
† 14:6 The Greek text here may be corrupt.
Wisdom of Solomon 14:16 739 Wisdom of Solomon 15:4

16 Afterward the ungodly custom, in pro- 25 And all things confusedly are filled with
cess of time grown strong, was kept blood and murder, theft and deceit,
as a law, corruption, faithlessness, tumult, per-
and the engraved images received jury,
worship by the commandments of 26 confusion about what is good, forgetful-
princes. ness of favors,
17 And when men could not honor them in ingratitude for benefits,
presence because they lived far off, defiling of souls, confusion of sex,
imagining the likeness from afar, disorder in marriage, adultery and
they made a visible image of the king wantonness.
27 For the worship of idols that may not
whom they honored,
that by their zeal they might flatter the be named *
absent as if present. is a beginning and cause and end of
every evil.
28 For their worshipers either make merry
18 But worship was raised to a yet higher
pitch, even by those who didn’t to madness, or prophesy lies,
know him, or live unrighteously, or lightly com-
urged forward by the ambition of the mit perjury.
29 For putting their trust in lifeless idols,
19 for he, wishing perhaps to please his when they have sworn a wicked oath,
ruler, they expect not to suffer harm.
used his art to force the likeness to- 30 But on both counts, the just doom will
ward a greater beauty. pursue them,
20 So the multitude, allured by reason of because they had evil thoughts of God
the grace of his handiwork, by giving heed to idols,
now consider an object of devotion and swore unrighteously in deceit
him that a little before was honored through contempt for holiness.
as a man. 31 For it is not the power of things by which
21 And this became an ambush, men swear,
because men, in bondage either to but it is the just penalty for those who
calamity or to tyranny, sin
invested stones and stocks with the that always visits the transgression of
Name that shouldn’t be shared. the unrighteous.
22 Afterward it was not enough for them to
go astray concerning the knowledge 15
1 But you, our God, are gracious and true,
of God,
but also, while they live in a great war patient, and in mercy ordering all
of ignorance, they call a multitude of things.
evils peace. 2 For even if we sin, we are yours, knowing
23 For either slaughtering children in your dominion;
solemn rites, or celebrating secret but we will not sin, knowing that we
mysteries, have been accounted yours.
or holding frenzied revels of strange 3 For to be acquainted with you is† perfect
customs, righteousness,
24 no longer do they guard either life or and to know your dominion is the root
purity of marriage, of immortality.
but one brings upon another either 4 For we weren’t led astray by any evil plan
death by treachery, or anguish by of men’s,
adultery. nor yet by painters’ fruitless labor,
* 14:27 Exodus 23:13; Psalm 16:4; Hosea 2:17; Wisdom 14:21 † 15:3 Gr. entire. ‡ 15:5 Some authorities read
Wisdom of Solomon 15:5 740 Wisdom of Solomon 16:3

a form stained with varied colors, out of earthy matter making brittle
5 the sight of which leads fools into‡ lust. vessels and engraved images.
Their desire is for the breathless form 14 But most foolish and more miserable
of a dead image. than a baby,
6 Lovers of evil things, and worthy of such are the enemies of your people, who
hopes, oppressed them;
are those who make, desire, and wor- 15 because they even considered all the
ship them. idols of the nations to be gods,
which have neither the use of eyes for
7 For a potter, kneading soft earth,
laboriously molds each article for our nor nostrils for drawing breath,
service. nor ears to hear,
He fashions out of the same clay nor fingers for handling,
both the vessels that minister to clean and their feet are helpless for walking.
uses, and those of a contrary sort, 16 For a man made them,
all in like manner. and one whose own spirit is borrowed
What shall be the use of each article of
either sort, molded them;
the potter is the judge. for no one has power as a man to mold
8 Also, laboring to an evil end, he molds a a god like himself.
17 But, being mortal, he makes a dead thing
vain god out of the same clay,
he who, having but a little before been by the work of lawless hands;
made of earth, for he is better than the objects of his
after a short space goes his way to the worship,
earth out of which he was taken, since he indeed had life, but they
when he is required to render back never did.
the§ soul which was lent him. 18 Yes, and they worship the creatures that
9 However he has anxious care,
are most hateful,
not because his powers must fail, for, being compared as to lack of sense,
nor because his span of life is short; these are worse than all others;
But he compares himself with goldsmiths 19 Neither, as seen beside other crea-
and silversmiths, tures, are they beautiful, so that one
and he imitates molders in† brass, should desire them,
and considers it great that he molds but they have escaped both the praise
counterfeit gods. of God and his blessing.
10 His heart is ashes.
His hope is of less value than earth.
His life is of less honor than clay,
1 For this cause, they were deservedly pun-
11 because he was ignorant of him who
ished through creatures like those
molded him, which they worship,
and of him that inspired into him‡ an and tormented through a multitude of
active§ soul, vermin.
and breathed into him a vital spirit. 2 Instead of this punishment, you, giving
12 But† he accounted our life to be a game, benefits to your people,
and our‡ lifetime a festival for profit; prepared quails for food,
for, he says, one must get gain however one a delicacy to satisfy the desire of their ap-
can, even if it is by evil. petite,
13 For this man, beyond all others, knows 3 to the end that your enemies, desiring
that he sins, food,
§ 15:8 Or, life † 15:9 Or, copper ‡ 15:11 Gr. a soul that moves to activity. § 15:11 Or, life † 15:12 Some
authorities read they accounted. ‡ 15:12 Or, way of life
Wisdom of Solomon 16:4 741 Wisdom of Solomon 16:22

might for the hideousness of the crea- 13 For you have authority over life and
tures sent among them, death,
loathe even the necessary appetite; and you lead down to the gates of
but these, your people, having for a short Hades, and lead up again.
time suffered lack, 14 But though a man kills by his wicked-
might even partake of delicacies. ness,
4 For it was necessary that inescapable lack he can’t retrieve the spirit that has
should come upon those oppressors, departed
but that to these it should only be or release the imprisoned soul.
showed how their enemies were 15 But it is not possible to escape your hand;
5 For even when terrible raging of wild 16 for ungodly men, refusing to know you,
beasts came upon your people, were scourged in the strength of
and they were perishing by the bites of your arm,
crooked serpents, pursued with strange rains and hails
your wrath didn’t continue to the ut- and relentless storms,
termost; and utterly consumed with fire.
6 but for admonition were they troubled 17 For, what was most marvelous,

for a short time, in the water which quenches all

having a token of salvation things, the fire burned hotter;
to put them in remembrance of the for the world fights for the righteous.
commandment of your law; 18 For at one time the flame was restrained,
that it might not burn up the creatures
7 for he who turned toward it was not sent against the ungodly,
saved because of that which was but that these themselves as they
seen, looked might see that they were
but because of you, the Savior of all. chased by the judgment of God.
8 Yes, and in this you persuaded our ene- 19 At another time even in the midst of
mies water it burns more intensely than
that you are he who delivers out of fire,
every evil. that it may destroy the produce of an
9 For the bites of locusts and flies truly unrighteous land.
killed them. 20 Instead of these things, you gave your
No healing for their life was found, people angels’ food to eat,
because they were worthy to be pun- and you provided ready-to-eat bread
ished by such things. for them from heaven without toil,
10 But your children weren’t overcome by having the virtue of every pleasant
the very fangs of venomous drag- flavor,
ons, and agreeable to every taste.
for your mercy passed by where they 21 For your nature showed your sweetness
were and healed them. toward your children,
11 For they were bitten to put them in re-
while that bread, serving the desire of
membrance of your oracles, the eater,
and were quickly saved, lest, falling changed itself according to every
into deep forgetfulness, man’s choice.
they should become unable to re- 22 But snow and ice endured fire, and
spond to your kindness. didn’t melt,
12 For truly it was neither herb nor poultice that people might know that fire was
that cured them, destroying the fruits of the enemies,
but your word, O Lord, which heals all burning in the hail and flashing in the
people. rains;
Wisdom of Solomon 16:23 742 Wisdom of Solomon 17:14

23 and that this fire, again, in order that stricken with terrible awe, and very
righteous people may be nourished, troubled by apparitions.
has even forgotten its own power. 4 For neither did the dark recesses that
24 For the creation, ministering to you, its held them guard them from fears,
maker, but terrifying sounds rang around
strains its force against the unrigh- them,
teous for punishment and dismal phantoms appeared with
and in kindness, slackens it on behalf unsmiling faces.
of those who trust in you. 5 And no power of fire prevailed to give
25 Therefore at that time also, converting light,
itself into all forms, neither were the brightest flames of
it ministered to your all-nourishing the stars strong enough to illumi-
bounty, nate that gloomy night;
according to the desire of those who 6 but only the glimmering of a self-kindled
had need, fire appeared to them, full of fear.
26 that your children, whom you loved, O In terror, they considered the things
Lord, might learn which they saw
that it is not the growth of crops that to be worse than that sight, on which
nourishes a man, they could not gaze.
but that your word preserves those 7 The mockeries of their magic arts were
who trust you. powerless, now,
27 For that which was not destroyed by fire, and a shameful rebuke of their
melted away when it was simply boasted understanding:
8 For those who promised to drive away
warmed by a faint sunbeam,
28 that it might be known that we must rise terrors and disorders from a sick
before the sun to give you thanks, soul,
these were sick with a ludicrous fear-
and must pray to you at the dawning fulness.
of the light; 9 For even if no troubling thing frighted
29 for the hope of the unthankful will melt them,
as the winter’s hoar frost, yet, scared with the creeping of ver-
and will flow away as water that has min and hissing of serpents,
no use. 10 they perished trembling in fear,
refusing even to look at the air, which
17 could not be escaped on any side.
11 For wickedness, condemned by a wit-
1 For your judgments are great, and hard to
interpret; ness within, is a coward thing,
therefore undisciplined souls went and, being pressed hard by con-
astray. science, always has added forecasts
2 For when lawless men had supposed of the worst.
12 For fear is nothing else but a surren-
that they held a holy nation in their
power, der of the help which reason offers;
13 and from within, the expectation of
they, prisoners of darkness, and
bound in the fetters of a long night, being less
kept close beneath their roofs, prefers ignorance of the cause that
lay exiled from the eternal provi- brings the torment.
14 But they, all through the night which was
3 For while they thought that they were powerless indeed,
unseen in their secret sins, and which came upon them out of the
they were divided from one another recesses of powerless Hades,
by a dark curtain of forgetfulness, sleeping the same sleep,
Wisdom of Solomon 17:15 743 Wisdom of Solomon 18:10

15 now were haunted by monstrous 2 yet for that they do not hurt them, though
apparitions, wronged by them before, they are
and now were paralyzed by their thankful;
soul’s surrendering; and because they had been at variance
for sudden and unexpected fear came with them, they begged for pardon.
upon them. 3 Therefore you provided a burning pillar
16 So then whoever it might be, sinking of fire,
down in his place, to be a guide for your people’s un-
was kept captive, shut up in that known journey,
prison which was not barred with and a harmless sun for their glorious
iron; exile.
4 For the Egyptians well deserved to be
17 for whether he was a farmer, or a shep-
herd, deprived of light and imprisoned by
or a laborer whose toils were in the darkness,
wilderness, they who had imprisoned your chil-
he was overtaken, and endured that dren,
inescapable sentence; through whom the incorruptible light
for they were all bound with one chain of the law was to be given to the race
of darkness. of men.
18 Whether there was a whistling wind,
or a melodious sound of birds among After they had taken counsel to kill the

the spreading branches, babes of the holy ones,

or a measured fall of water running and when a single child had been
violently, abandoned and saved to convict
19 or a harsh crashing of rocks hurled them of their sin,
you took away from them their multi-
down, tude of children,
or the swift course of animals bound- and destroyed all their army together
ing along unseen,
in a mighty flood.
or the voice of wild beasts harshly 6 Our fathers were made aware of that
roaring, night beforehand,
or an echo rebounding from the hol- that, having sure knowledge, they
lows of the mountains, might be cheered by the oaths which
all these things paralyzed them with they had trusted.
terror. 7 Salvation of the righteous and destruc-
20 For the whole world was illuminated
with clear light, tion of the enemies was expected by
and was occupied with unhindered your people.
works, 8 For as you took vengeance on the adver-
21 while over them alone was spread a saries,
heavy night, by the same means, calling us to your-
an image of the darkness that should self, you glorified us.
afterward receive them; 9 For holy children of good men offered
but to themselves, they were heavier sacrifice in secret,
than darkness. and with one consent they agreed to
the covenant of the divine law,
1 But for your holy ones there was great
that they would partake alike in the
same good things and the same per-
light. ils,
Their enemies, hearing their voice but the fathers already leading the sacred
not seeing their form, songs of praise.
counted it a happy thing that they too 10 But the discordant cry of the enemies
had suffered, echoed back,
Wisdom of Solomon 18:11 744 Wisdom of Solomon 19:4

and a pitiful voice of lamentation for bringing the weapon of his own min-
children was spread abroad. istry,
11 Both servant and master were punished prayer, and the atoning sacrifice of
with the same just doom, incense.
and the commoner suffering the same He withstood the indignation and set an
as king; end to the calamity,
12 Yes, they all together, under one form of showing that he was your servant.
death, 22 And he overcame the anger,
had corpses without number. not by strength of body, not by force of
For the living were not sufficient even to weapons,
bury them, but by his word, he subdued the
Since at a single stroke, their most avenger
cherished offspring was consumed. by bringing to remembrance oaths
13 For while they were disbelieving all and covenants made with the fa-
things by reason of the enchant- 23 For when the dead had already fallen in
upon the destruction of the firstborn heaps one upon another,
they confessed the people to be he intervened and stopped the wrath,
God’s children. and cut off its way to the living.
14 For while peaceful silence wrapped all 24 For the whole world was pictured on his
things, long robe,
and night in her own swiftness was and the glories of the fathers were
half spent, upon the engraving of the four rows
15 your all-powerful word leaped from of precious stones,
heaven, from the royal throne, and your majesty was upon the dia-
a stern warrior, into the midst of the dem on his head.
25 The destroyer yielded to these, and they
doomed land,
16 bearing as a sharp sword your authentic feared;
commandment, for it was enough only to test the
and standing, it filled all things with wrath.
and while it touched the heaven it
stood upon the earth. 19
17 Then immediately apparitions in 1 But indignation without mercy came
dreams terribly troubled them, upon the ungodly to the end;
and unexpected fears came upon for God also foreknew their future,
2 how, having changed their minds to let
18 And each, one thrown here half dead, your people go,
another there, and having sped them eagerly on their
made known why he was dying; way,
19 for the dreams, disturbing them, fore- they would change their minds and
warned them of this, pursue them.
that they might not perish without 3 For while they were yet in the midst of
knowing why they were afflicted. their mourning,
and lamenting at the graves of the
20 The experience of death also touched the dead,
righteous, they made another foolish decision,
and a multitude were destroyed in the and pursued as fugitives those whom
wilderness, they had begged to leave and driven
but the wrath didn’t last long. out.
21 For a blameless man hurried to be their 4 For the doom which they deserved was
champion, drawing them to this end,
Wisdom of Solomon 19:5 745 Wisdom of Solomon 19:22

and it made them forget the things that for the hatred which they practiced
had happened to them, toward guests was grievous indeed.
that they might fill up the punishment 14 For while the others didn’t receive the
which was yet lacking from their strangers when they came to them,
torments, the Egyptians made slaves of guests
5 and that your people might journey
who were their benefactors.
on by a marvelous road, 15 And not only so, but while punishment
but they themselves might find a of some sort will come upon the for-
strange death. mer,
since they received as enemies those
6 For the whole creation, each part in its who were aliens;
diverse kind, was made new again, 16 because these first welcomed with
complying with your commandments, feastings,
that your servants might be kept un- and then afflicted with dreadful toils,
harmed. those who had already shared with
7 Then the cloud that overshadowed the them in the same rights.
camp was seen, 17 And moreover they were stricken with
and dry land rising up out of what had loss of sight
been water, (even as were those others at the righ-
out of the Red sea an unhindered high- teous man’s doors),
way, when, being surrounded with yawn-
and a grassy plain out of the violent ing darkness,
8 by which they passed over with all they each looked for the passage
their army, through his own door.
these who were covered with your 18 For as the notes of a lute vary the charac-
having seen strange marvels. ter of the rhythm,
9 For like horses they roamed at large, even so the elements, changing their
and they skipped about like lambs, order one with another,
continuing always in its sound,
praising you, O Lord, who was their
deliverer. as may clearly be conjectured from
10 For they still remembered the things the sight of the things that have hap-
that happened in the time of their pened.
19 For creatures of the dry land were
how instead of bearing cattle, the land turned into creatures of the waters,
brought forth lice, and creatures that swim moved upon
and instead of fish, the river spewed the land.
20 Fire kept the mastery of its own power in
out a multitude of frogs.
11 But afterwards, they also saw a new kind water,
and water forgot its quenching nature.
of birds, 21 On the contrary, flames didn’t consume
when, led on by desire, they asked for
luxurious dainties; flesh of perishable creatures that
12 for, to comfort them, quails came up for walked among them,
them from the sea. neither did they melt the crystalline
grains of ambrosial food that were
13 Punishments came upon the sinners, melted easily.
not without the signs that were given
beforehand by the violence of the 22 Forin all things, O Lord, you magnified
thunder, your people,
for they justly suffered through their and you glorified them and didn’t
own wickednesses, lightly regard them,
Wisdom of Solomon 19:22 746 Wisdom of Solomon 19:22

standing by their side in every time

and place.
Sirach 1:1 747 Sirach 1:14

I thought it therefore most necessary for

me to apply some diligence and travail to
The Wisdom of Jesus the translate this book, applying indeed much
watchfulness and skill in that space of time
Son of Sirach, to bring the book to an end and publish for
or them also, who in the land of their travels
Ecclesiaticus are desiring to learn, preparing their char-
The Wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirach, acter in advance, so as to live according to
also called Ecclesiasticus, is recognized as the law.
Deuterocanonical Scripture by the Roman
Catholic, Greek Orthodox, and Russian Or-
thodox Churches. 1
1 All wisdom comes from the Lord,
The Prologue of the Wisdom of Jesus the and is with him forever.
Son of Sirach. 2 Who can count the sand of the seas,
WHEREAS many and great things have the drops of rain,
been delivered to us by the law and the and the days of eternity?
prophets, and by the others that have fol- 3 Who will search out the height of the sky,
lowed in their steps, for which we must the breadth of the earth, the deep,
give Israel the praise for instruction and and wisdom?
wisdom; and since not only the readers 4 Wisdom has been created before all
need to become skillful themselves, but things,
also those who love learning must be able and the understanding of prudence
to profit those who are outside, both by from everlasting. 5 †
speaking and writing; my grandfather Je- 6 To whom has the root of wisdom been
sus, having much given himself to the revealed?
reading of the law, and the prophets, and Who has known her shrewd counsels?
the other books of our fathers, and having 8 There is one wise, greatly to be feared,
gained great familiarity with them, was sitting upon his throne: the Lord.
also drawn on himself to write somewhat 9
pertaining to instruction and wisdom, in He created her.
He saw and measured her.
order that those who love learning, and He poured her out upon all his works.
are devoted to these things, might make 10 She is with all flesh according to his gift.
progress much more by living according He gave her freely to those who love
to the law. You are entreated therefore him.
to read with favor and attention, and to
pardon us, if in any parts of what we have 11 The fear of the Lord is glory, exultation,
labored to interpret, we may seem to fail in gladness, and a crown of rejoicing.
some of the phrases. For things originally 12 The fear of the Lord will delight the
spoken in Hebrew don’t have the same heart,
force in them when they are translated and will give gladness, joy, and length
into another language. Not only these, but of days.
the law itself, and the prophecies, and the 13 Whoever fears the Lord, it will go well
rest of the books, have no small difference, with him at the last.
when they are spoken in their original lan- He will be blessed in the day of his
guage. For having come into Egypt in the death.
thirty-eighth year of Energetes the king,
and having continued there some time, I 14 To fear the Lord is the beginning of wis-
found a copy giving no small instruction. dom.
† 1:5 Verse 5 is omitted by the best authorities: The source of wisdom is God’s word in the highest heaven, and her
ways are the eternal commandments. ‡ 1:7 Verse 7 is omitted by the best authorities: To whom was the knowledge
of wisdom manifested? Who has understood her abundant experience?
Sirach 1:15 748 Sirach 2:10

It was created together with the faith- Keep watch over your lips.
ful in the womb. 30 Don’t exalt yourself,
15 She§ laid an eternal foundation with
lest you fall and bring dishonor upon
men. your soul.
She will be trusted among their off-
The Lord will reveal your secrets
16 To fear the Lord is the fullness of wis- and will cast you down in the midst of
dom. the congregation,
She inebriates men with her fruits. because you didn’t come to the fear of
17 She will fill all her house with desirable the Lord
things, and your heart was full of deceit.
and her storehouses with her produce.
18 The fear of the Lord is the crown of
wisdom, 2
making peace and† perfect health to 1 My son, if you come to serve the Lord,
flourish.‡ prepare your soul for temptation.
19 He both saw and measured her. 2 Set your heart aright, constantly endure,
He rained down skill and knowledge and don’t make haste in time of
of understanding, calamity.
and exalted the honor of those who 3 Cling to him, and don’t depart,
hold her fast.
20 To fear the Lord is the root of wisdom. that you may be increased at your lat-
Her branches are length of days. 21 § ter end.
4 Accept whatever is brought upon you,
22 Unjust wrath can never be justified, and be patient when you suffer humil-
for his wrath tips the scale to his down- 5 iation.
fall. For gold is tried in the fire,
23 A man that is patient will resist for a and acceptable men in the furnace of
season, humiliation.
and afterward gladness will spring up 6 Put your trust in him, and he will help
to him. you.
24 He will hide his words until the right Make your ways straight, and set your
moment, hope on him.
and the lips of many will tell of his
understanding. 7 All you who fear the Lord, wait for his
25 A wise saying is in the treasures of wis- Don’t turn aside, lest you fall.
dom; 8 All you who fear the Lord, put your trust
but godliness is an abomination to a in him,
sinner. and your reward will not fail.
26 If you desire wisdom, keep the com-
9 All you who fear the Lord, hope for good
mandments things,
and the Lord will give her to you
freely; and for eternal gladness and mercy.
10 Look at the generations of old, and see:
27 for the fear of the Lord is wisdom and
instruction. Who ever put his trust in the Lord, and
Faith and humility are his good plea- was ashamed?
sure. Or who remained in his fear, and was
28 Don’t disobey the fear of the Lord. forsaken?
Don’t come to him with a double heart. Or who called upon him, and he ne-
29 Don’t be a hypocrite in men’s sight. glected him?
§ 1:15 Gr. nested. † 1:18 Gr. health of cure. ‡ 1:18 The remainder of this verse is omitted by the best
authorities: Both are gifts of God for peace; glory opens out for those who love him. He saw her and took her measure.
§ 1:21 Verse 21 is omitted by the best authorities: The fear of the Lord drives away sins. Where it resides, it will
turn away all anger.
Sirach 2:11 749 Sirach 3:21

11 For the Lord is full of compassion and and will serve under his parents, as to
mercy. masters.
8 Honor your father in deed and word,
He forgives sins and saves in time of
affliction. that a blessing may come upon you
from him.
12 Woe to fearful hearts, to faint hands, 9 For the blessing of the father establishes
and to the sinner who goes two ways! the houses of children,
13 Woe to the faint heart! For it doesn’t but the curse of the mother roots out
believe. the foundations.
Therefore it won’t be defended.
14 Woe to you who have lost your patience! 10 Don’t glorify yourself in the dishonor of
And what will you all do when the your father,
Lord visits you? for your father’s dishonor is no glory
to you.
15 Those who fear the Lord will not disobey 11 For the glory of a man is from the honor
his words. of his father,
Those who love him will keep his and a mother in dishonor is a re-
ways. proach to her children.
16 Those who fear the Lord will seek his 12
My son, help your father in his old age,
good pleasure. and don’t grieve him as long as he
Those who love him will be filled with lives.
the law. 13 If he fails in understanding, have pa-
17 Those who fear the Lord will prepare
tience with him.
their hearts, Don’t dishonor him in your full
and will humble their souls in his strength.
sight. 14 For the kindness to your father will not
18 We will fall into the hands of the Lord,
and not into the hands of men; be forgotten.
for as his majesty is, Instead of sins it will be added to build
you up.
so also is his mercy. 15 In the day of your affliction it will be
remembered for you,
3 as fair weather upon ice,
1 Hear me, your father, O my children, so your sins will also melt away.
and do what you hear, that you all may 16 He who forsakes his father is as a blas-
be safe. phemer.
2 For the Lord honors the father over the He who provokes his mother is cursed
children, by the Lord.
and has confirmed the judgment of the
mother over her sons. 17 My son, go on with your business in
3 He who honors his father will make
atonement for sins. so you will be loved by an acceptable
4 He who gives glory to his mother is as
one who lays up treasure. 18 The greater you are, humble yourself the
5 Whoever honors his father will have joy more,
in his own children. and you will find favor before the
He will be heard in the day of his Lord. 19 ‡
prayer. 20 For the power of the Lord is great,
6 He who gives glory to his father will have and he is glorified by those who are
length of days. lowly.
He who listens to the Lord will bring 21 Don’t seek things that are too hard for
rest to his mother, you,
† 3:7 Some manuscripts add those who fear the Lord honor their father, ‡ 3:19 Some manuscripts add Many are
lofty and renowned, but he reveals his secrets to the humble.
Sirach 3:22 750 Sirach 4:19

and don’t search out things that are 4 Don’t reject a suppliant in his affliction.
above your strength. Don’t turn your face away from a poor
22 Think about the things that have been man.
5 Don’t turn your eye away from one who
commanded you,
for you have no need of the things that asks.
are secret. Give no occasion to a man to curse you.
23 Don’t be overly busy in tasks that are 6 For if he curses you in the bitterness of his

beyond you, soul,

for more things are shown to you than he who made him will hear his suppli-
men can understand. cation.
24 For the conceit of many has led them
7 Endear yourself to the assembly.
Evil opinion has caused their judg- Bow your head to a great man.
8 Incline your ear to a poor man.
ment to slip.
25 §There is no light without eyes. Answer him with peaceful words in
There is no wisdom without knowl- humility.
9 Deliver him who is wronged from the
hand of him who wrongs him;
26 A stubborn heart will do badly at the Don’t be hesitant in giving judgment.
end. 10 Be as a father to the fatherless,
He who loves danger will perish in it. and like a husband to their mother.
27 A stubborn heart will be burdened with So you will be as a son of the Most High,
troubles. and he will love you more than your
The sinner will heap sin upon sins. mother does.
28 The calamity of the proud has no heal-
11 Wisdom exalts her sons,
for a weed of wickedness has taken 12 and takes hold of those who seek her.
root in him. He who loves her loves life.
29 The heart of the prudent will understand Those who seek her early will be filled
a proverb. with gladness.
13 He who holds her fast will inherit glory.
A wise man desires the ear of a lis-
tener. Where† he enters, the Lord will bless.
14 Those who serve her minister to the Holy
30 Water will quench a flaming fire; One.
almsgiving will make atonement for The Lord loves those who love her.
15 He who listens to her will judge the na-
31 He who repays good turns is mindful of tions.
that which comes afterward. He who heeds her will dwell securely.
In the time of his falling he will find a 16 If he trusts her, he will inherit her,
support. and his generations will possess her.
17 For at the first she will walk with him in
crooked ways,
1 My son, don’t deprive the poor of his
and will bring fear and dread upon
living. and torment him with her discipline,
Don’t make the needy eyes wait long. until she may trust his soul, and try
2 Don’t make a hungry soul sorrowful, him by her judgments.
or provoke a man in his distress. 18 Then she will return him again to the
3 Don’t add more trouble to a heart that is straight way,
provoked. and will gladden him, and reveal to
Don’t put off giving to him who is in him her secrets.
need. 19 If he goes astray, she will forsake him,

§ 3:25 Some manuscripts omit verse 25. † 4:13 Or, she

Sirach 4:20 751 Sirach 6:2

and hand him over to his fall. that you add sin upon sins.
6 Don’t say, “His compassion is great.
20 Watch for the opportunity, and beware He will be pacified for the multitude of
of evil. my sins,”
Don’t be ashamed of your soul.
21 For there is a shame that brings sin, for mercy and wrath are with him,
and there is a shame that is glory and and his indignation will rest on sin-
grace. ners.
7 Don’t wait to turn to the Lord.
22 Don’t show partiality, discrediting your
Don’t put off from day to day;
soul. for suddenly the wrath of the Lord will
Don’t revere any man to your falling. come on you,
23 Don’t refrain from speaking when it is
and you will perish in the time of
for safety. vengeance.
‡Don’t hide your wisdom for the sake
of seeming fair. 8 Don’t set your heart upon unrighteous
24 For wisdom will be known by speech, gains,
and instruction by the word of the for you will profit nothing in the day of
tongue. calamity.
25 Don’t speak against the truth 9 Don’t winnow with every wind.
and be shamed for your ignorance. Don’t walk in every path.
26 Don’t be ashamed to confess your sins.
This is what the sinner who has a dou-
Don’t fight the river’s current. ble tongue does.
27 Don’t lay yourself down for a fool to 10 Be steadfast in your understanding.
tread upon. Let your speech be consistent.
Don’t be partial to one who is mighty.
28 Strive for the truth to death, 11 Be swift to hear
and the Lord God will fight for you. and answer with patience.
12 If you have understanding, answer your
29 Don’t be hasty with your tongue, neighbor;
or slack and negligent in your deeds. but if not, put your hand over your
30 Don’t be like a lion in your house, mouth.
or suspicious of your servants. 13 Glory and dishonor is in talk.
31 Don’t let your hand be stretched out to A man’s tongue may be his downfall.
receive, 14 Don’t be called a whisperer.
and closed when you should repay. Don’t lie in wait with your tongue;
for shame is on the thief,
1 Don’t set your heart upon your goods.
and an evil condemnation is on him
who has a double tongue.
Don’t say, “They are sufficient for me.” 15 Don’t be ignorant in a great or small
2 Don’t follow your own mind and your matter.
to walk in the desires of your heart. 6
3 Don’t say, “Who will have dominion over 1 Don’t become an enemy instead of a
me?” friend;
for the Lord will surely take for an evil name will inherit shame
vengeance on you. and reproach.
So it is with the sinner who has a dou-
4 Don’t say, “I sinned, and what happened ble tongue.
to me?”
for the Lord is patient. 2 Don’t exalt yourself in the counsel of your
5 Don’t be so confident of atonement soul,
‡ 4:23 Some manuscripts omit this line.
Sirach 6:3 752 Sirach 6:33

that your soul not be torn in pieces like 18 My son, gather instruction from your
a bull. youth up.
3 You will eat up your leaves, destroy your Even when you have gray hair you will
fruit, find wisdom.
and leave yourself like a dry tree. 19 Come to her as one who plows and sows
4 A wicked soul will destroy him who has it, and wait for her good fruit;
and will make him a laughing stock to for your toil will be little in her cultivation,
his enemies. and you will soon eat of her fruit.
20 How exceedingly harsh she is to the un-
5 Sweet words will multiply a man’s
friends. He who is without understanding will
A gracious tongue will multiply cour- not remain in her.
tesies. 21 She will rest upon him as a mighty stone
6 Let those that are at peace with you be
of trial.
many, He won’t hesitate to cast her from him.
but your advisers one of a thousand. 22 For wisdom is according to her name.
7 If you want to gain a friend, get him in a She isn’t manifest to many.
time of testing,
and don’t be in a hurry to trust him. 23 Give ear, my son, and accept my judg-
8 For there is a friend just for an occasion. ment.
Don’t refuse my counsel.
He won’t continue in the day of your 24
affliction. Bring your feet into her fetters,
9 And there is a friend who turns into an and your neck into her chain.
enemy. 25 Put your shoulder under her and bear
He will discover strife to your re- her.
proach. Don’t be grieved with her bonds.
10 And there is a friend who is a companion 26 Come to her with all your soul.
at the table, Keep her ways with your whole
but he won’t continue in the day of power.
27 Search and seek, and she will be made
your affliction.
11 In your prosperity he will be as yourself, known to you.
When you get hold of her, don’t let her
and will be bold over your servants. go.
12 If you are brought low, he will be against 28
For at the last you will find her rest;
you, and she will be turned for you into
and will hide himself from your face. gladness.
13 Separate yourself from your enemies,
29 Her fetters will be to you for a covering
and beware of your friends. of strength,
14 A faithful friend is a strong defense.
and her chains for a robe of glory.
30 For there is a golden ornament upon her,
He who has found him has found a
treasure. and her bands are * a purple cord.
15 There is nothing that can be taken in 31 You shall put her on as a robe of glory,
exchange for a faithful friend. and shall put her on as a crown of
His excellency is beyond price. rejoicing.
16 A faithful friend is a life-saving
32 My son, if you are willing, you will be
Those who fear the Lord will find him. instructed.
17 He who fears the Lord directs his friend- If you will yield your soul, you will be
ship properly; prudent.
for as he is, so is his neighbor also. 33 If you love to hear, you will receive.
* 6:30 Numbers 15:38
Sirach 6:34 753 Sirach 7:25

If you incline your ear, you will be When I make an offering to the Most
wise. High God, he will accept it.”
34 Stand in the multitude of the elders. 10 Don’t be faint-hearted in your prayer.
Attach yourself to whomever is wise. Don’t neglect to give alms.
35 Be willing to listen to every godly dis-
course. 11 Don’t laugh a man to scorn when he is in
Don’t let the proverbs of understand-
ing escape you. the bitterness of his soul,
36 If you see a man of understanding, get to for there is one who humbles and ex-
him early. 12 Don’t devise† a lie against your brother,
Let your foot wear out the steps of his or do the same to a friend.
doors. 13 Refuse to utter a lie,
37 Let your mind dwell on the ordinances
for that habit results in no good.
of the Lord 14 Don’t babble in the assembly of elders.
and meditate continually on his com- Don’t repeat your words in your
mandments. prayer.
He will establish your heart
and your desire for wisdom will be 15 Don’t hate hard labor
given to you. or farm work, which the Most High
has created.
16 Don’t number yourself among the multi-

1 Do no evil,
7 tude of sinners.
Remember that wrath will not wait.
so no evil will overtake you. 17 Humble your soul greatly,
2 Depart from wrong, for the punishment of the ungodly
and it will turn away from you. man is fire and the worm.
3 My son, don’t sow upon the furrows of
18 Don’t exchange a friend for something,
and you won’t reap them sevenfold. neither a true brother for the gold of
4 Don’t seek preeminence from the Lord, 19 Don’t deprive yourself of a wise and
nor the seat of honor from the king. good wife,
5 Don’t justify yourself in the presence of for her grace is worth more than gold.
the Lord, 20 Don’t abuse a servant who works faith-
and don’t display your wisdom before fully,
the king. or a hireling who gives you his life.
6 Don’t seek to be a judge, 21 Let your soul love a wise servant.
lest you not be able to take away iniq- Don’t defraud him of liberty.
lest perhaps you fear the person of a 22 Do you have cattle? Look after them.
mighty man, If they are profitable to you, let them
and lay a stumbling block in the way of stay by you.
your uprightness. 23 Do you have children? Correct them,
and make them obedient from their
7 Don’t sin against the multitude of the city. youth.
Don’t disgrace yourself in the crowd. 24 Do you have daughters? Take care of
their bodies,
8 Don’t commit a sin twice, and don’t be overly indulgent toward
for even in one you will not be unpun- them.
ished. 25 Give your daughter in marriage, and
9 Don’t say, “He will look upon the multi-
you will have accomplished a great
tude of my gifts. matter.
† 7:12 Gr. Don’t plow
Sirach 7:26 754 Sirach 8:17

Give her to a man of understanding. 4 Don’t make fun of a rude man,

lest your ancestors be dishonored.
26 Do you have a wife who pleases you? Don’t reproach a man when he turns
Don’t cast her out. from sin.
‡ But don’t trust yourself to one who isRemember that we are all worthy of
hateful. punishment.
6 Don’t dishonor a man in his old age,
27 Honor your father with your whole for some of us are also growing old.
heart, 7 Don’t rejoice over anyone’s death.
and don’t forget the birth pangs of
your mother. Remember that we all die.
28 Remember that you were born of them. 8 Don’t neglect the discourse of the wise.
What will you repay them for the Be conversant with their proverbs;
things that they have done for you? for from them you will learn discipline
and how to serve great men.
29 Fear the Lord with all your soul;
9 Don’t miss the discourse of the aged,
and revere his priests. for they also learned from their par-
30 With all your strength love him who
made you. because from them you will learn un-
Don’t forsake his ministers. derstanding,
31 Fear the Lord and honor the priest.
and to give an answer in time of need.
Give him his portion, even as it is com-
manded you: 10 Don’t kindle the coals of a sinner,
the first fruits, the trespass offering, lest you be burned with the flame of
the gift of the shoulders, his fire.
the sacrifice of sanctification, and the 11 Don’t rise up from the presence of an
first fruits of holy things. insolent man,
lest he lie in wait as an ambush for
32 Also stretch out your hand to the poor your mouth.
man, 12 Don’t lend to a man who is stronger than
that your blessing may be complete. you;
33 A gift has grace in the sight of every and if you lend, count it as a loss.
living man. 13 Don’t be surety beyond your means.
Don’t withhold grace for a dead man. If you give surety, think as one who
34 Don’t avoid those who weep, will have to pay.
and mourn with those who mourn.
35 Don’t be slow to visit a sick man, 14 Don’t go to law with a judge;
for by such things you will gain love. for according to his honor they will
36 In all your words, remember eternity, give judgment for him.
and you will never sin. 15 Don’t travel with a reckless man,
lest he be burdensome to you;
for he will do as he pleases,
1 Don’t contend with a mighty man,
and you will perish with his folly.
16 Don’t fight with a wrathful man.
lest perhaps you fall into his hands. Don’t travel with him through the
2 Don’t strive with a rich man, lest perhaps
he overpower you; for blood is as nothing in his sight.
for gold has destroyed many, Where there is no help, he will over-
and turned away the hearts of kings. throw you.
3 Don’t argue with a loudmouthed man. 17 Don’t consult with a fool,
Don’t heap wood upon his fire. for he will not be able to keep a secret.
‡ 7:26 Many authorities omit this line
Sirach 8:18 755 Sirach 10:3

18 Do no secret thing before a stranger, for you don’t know what his end will
for you don’t know what it will cause. be.
19 Don’t open your heart to every man. 12 Don’t delight in the delights of the un-
Don’t let him return you a favor. godly.
Remember they will not go unpun-
ished to‡ the grave.
1 Don’t be jealous over the wife of your 13 Keep yourself far from the man who
bosom, has§ power to kill,
and don’t teach her an evil lesson and you will not be troubled by the
against yourself.
2 Don’t give your soul to a woman fear of death.
If you come to him, commit no fault,
and let her trample down your
lest he take away your life.
3 Don’t go to meet a woman who plays the Know surely that you go about in the midst
prostitute, of snares,
and walk upon the battlements of a
lest perhaps you fall into her snares.
4 Don’t associate with a woman who is a city.
singer, 14 As well as you can, aim to know your
lest perhaps you be caught by her
tricks. neighbors,
5 Don’t gaze at a virgin, and take counsel with the wise.
15 Let your conversation be with men of
lest perhaps you stumble and incur
penalties for her. understanding.
6 Don’t give your soul to prostitutes, Let all your discourse be in the law of
that you not lose your inheritance. the Most High.
7 Don’t look around in the streets of the 16 Let righteous people be companions at
city. your table.
Don’t wander in its deserted places. Let your glorying be in the fear of the
8 Turn your eye away from a beautiful Lord.
and don’t gaze at another’s beauty. 17 A work is commended because of the
Many have been led astray by the beauty of skill of the artisan;
a woman; so he who rules the people will be
and with this, passion is kindled like a considered wise for his speech.
fire. 18 A loudmouthed man is dangerous in his
9 Don’t dine at all with a woman who has a
husband, He who is reckless in his speech will be
or revel with her at wine,† hated.
lest perhaps your soul turn away to
and with your spirit you slide into de-
1 A wise judge will instruct his people.

10 Don’t forsake an old friend; The government of a man of under-

for a new one is not comparable to standing will be well ordered.
2 As is the judge of his people, so are his
A new friend is like new wine: officials.
if it becomes old, you will drink it with As the city’s ruler is, so are all those
gladness. who dwell in it.
3 An undisciplined king will destroy his
11 Don’t envy the success of a sinner; people.
† 9:9 The preceding line of this verse is omitted by the best authorities. ‡ 9:12 Gr. Hades. § 9:13 Or, authority
Sirach 10:4 756 Sirach 10:31

A city will be established through the nor wrathful anger for the offspring of
understanding of the powerful. women.
4 The government of the earth is in the
19 Whose offspring has honor?
Lord’s hand.
In due time, he will raise up over it the Human offspring who fear the Lord.
right person at the right time. Whose offspring has no honor?
5 A man’s prosperity is in the Lord’s hand. Human offspring who break the com-
He will lay his honor upon the person mandments.
of the scribe. 20 In the midst of kindred he who rules
them has honor.
6 Don’t be angry with your neighbor for Those who fear the Lord have honor in
every wrong. his eyes. 21 ‡
Do nothing by works of violence. 22 The rich man, the honorable, and the
7 Pride is hateful before the Lord and men. poor
Arrogance is abhorrent in the judg- all glory in the fear of the Lord.
ment of both. 23 It is not right to dishonor a poor man
8 Sovereignty is transferred from nation to
nation who has understanding.
because of injustice, violence, and It is not fitting to glorify a man who is
greed for money. a sinner.
9 Why are dirt and ashes proud?† 24 The prince, the judge, and the mighty
Because in life, my body decays. man will be honored.
10 A long disease mocks the physician. There is not one of them greater than
he who fears the Lord.
The king of today will die tomorrow. 25 Free men will minister to a wise servant.
11 For when a man is dead,
A man who has knowledge will not
he will inherit maggots, vermin, and complain.
12 It is the beginning of pride when a man
26 Don’t flaunt your wisdom in doing your
departs from the Lord.
His heart has departed from him who work.
made him. Don’t boast in the time of your distress.
13 For the beginning of pride is sin. 27 Better is he who labors and abounds in
He who keeps it will pour out abomi- all things,
nation. than he who boasts and lacks bread.
For this cause the Lord brought upon them 28 My son, glorify your soul in humility,
strange calamities and ascribe to yourself honor accord-
and utterly overthrew them. ing to your worthiness.
14 The Lord cast down the thrones of rulers 29
Who will justify him who sins against his
and set the lowly in their place. own soul?
15 The Lord plucked up the roots of nations
Who will honor him who dishonors
and planted the lowly in their place. his own life?
16 The Lord overthrew the lands of nations
and destroyed them to the founda- 30 A poor man is honored for his knowl-
tions of the earth. edge.
17 He took some of them away and de- A rich man is honored for his riches.
stroyed them, 31 But he who is honored in poverty, how
and made their memory to cease from much more in riches?
the earth. He who is dishonored in riches, how
18 Pride has not been created for men, much more in poverty?
† 10:9 Two lines of this verse are here omitted by the best authorities. ‡ 10:21 Verse 21 is omitted by the best
authorities: Fear of the Lord is the beginning of acceptance, but obstinance and pride are the beginning of rejection.
Sirach 11:1 757 Sirach 11:29

11 13 and lifted up his head

1 The wisdom of the lowly will lift up his so that many marveled at him.
and make him sit in the midst of great 14 Good things and bad, life and death,
men. poverty and riches, are from the Lord.
15-16 ‡
2 Don’t commend a man for his good looks.
17 The Lord’s gift remains with the godly.
Don’t abhor a man for his outward
appearance. His good pleasure will prosper for-
3 The bee is little among flying creatures, ever.
18 One grows rich by his diligence and self-
but what it produces is the best of denial,
confections. and this is the portion of his reward:
4 Don’t boast about the clothes you wear,
19 when he says, “I have found rest,
and don’t exalt yourself in the day of
honor; and now I will eat of my goods!”
for the Lord’s works are wonderful, he doesn’t know how much time will pass
and his works are hidden among men. until he leaves them to others and dies.
5 Many† kings have sat down upon the 20 Be steadfast in your covenant and be
ground, doing it,
but one who was never thought of has and grow old in your work.
worn a crown.
6 Many mighty men have been greatly dis- 21 Don’t marvel at the works of a sinner,
graced. but trust the Lord and stay in your
Men of renown have been delivered labor;
into other men’s hands. for it is an easy thing in the sight of the Lord
7 Don’t blame before you investigate.
to swiftly and suddenly make a poor
man rich.
Understand first, and then rebuke. 22 The Lord’s blessing is in the reward of
8 Don’t answer before you have heard.
the godly.
Don’t interrupt while someone else is He makes his blessing flourish in an
speaking. hour that comes swiftly.
9 Don’t argue about a matter that doesn’t
23 Don’t say, “What use is there of me?
concern you.
Don’t sit with sinners when they judge. What further good things can be
24 Don’t say, “I have enough.
10 My son, don’t be busy about many mat-
ters; What harm could happen to me now?”
for if you meddle much, you will not 25 In the day of good things, bad things are
be unpunished. forgotten.
If you pursue, you will not overtake, In the day of bad things, a man will not
and you will not escape by fleeing. remember things that are good.
11 There is one who toils, labors, and hur- 26 For it is an easy thing in the sight of the
ries, Lord
and is even more behind. to reward a man in the day of death
12 There is one who is sluggish, and needs
according to his ways.
help, 27 The affliction of an hour causes delights
lacking in strength, and who abounds to be forgotten.
in poverty, In the end, a man’s deeds are revealed.
but the Lord’s eyes looked upon him for 28 Call no man happy before his death.
good, A man will be known in his children.
and he raised him up from his low
condition, 29 Don’t bring every man into your house,

† 11:5 Gr. tyrants ‡ 11:15-16 Verses 15 and 16 are omitted by the best authorities.
Sirach 11:30 758 Sirach 13:1

for many are the tricks of a deceitful His enemy won’t be hidden in adver-
man. sity.
30 Like a decoy partridge in a cage, so is the
9 In a man’s prosperity, his enemies are
heart of a proud man. grieved.
Like a spy, he looks for your weakness. In his adversity, even his friend
31 For he lies in wait to turn things that are
good into evil, 10 Never trust your enemy,
and assigns blame in things that are for his wickedness is like corrosion in
praiseworthy. copper.
32 From a spark of fire, a heap of many 11
Though he humbles himself and walks
coals is kindled, bowed down,
and a sinful man lies in wait to shed still be careful and beware of him.
33 Take heed of an evil-doer, for he plans You will be to him as one who has wiped a
wicked things, to be sure it doesn’t completely tar-
lest perhaps he ruin your reputation nish.
forever. 12 Don’t set him next to you,
34 Receive a stranger into your house, and
lest he overthrow you and stand in
he will distract you with arguments
your place.
and estrange you from your own fam-
ily. Don’t let him sit on your right hand,
lest he seek to take your seat,
and at the last you acknowledge my words,
1 If you do good, know to whom you do it,
and be pricked with my sayings.

and your good deeds will have thanks. 13 Who will pity a charmer that is bitten by
2 Do good to a godly man, and you will find a snake,
a reward— or any who come near wild beasts?
if not from him, then from the Most 14 Even so, who will pity him who goes to a
High. sinner,
3 No good will come to him who continues and is associated with him in his sins?
to do evil, 15 For a while he will stay with you,
nor to him who gives no alms. and if you falter, he will not stay.
4 Give to the godly man, 16 The enemy will speak sweetly with his
and don’t help the sinner. lips,
5 Do good to one who is lowly.
and in his heart plan to throw you into
Don’t give to an ungodly man. a pit.
Keep back his bread, and don’t give it to The enemy may weep with his eyes,
him, but if he finds opportunity, he will
lest he subdue you with it; want more blood.
for you would receive twice as much evil 17 If adversity meets you, you will find him
for all the good you would have done there before you.
to him. Pretending to help you, he will trip
6 For the Most High also hates sinners,
and will repay vengeance to the un- 18 He will shake his head, clap his hands,
godly.† whisper much, and change his counte-
7 Give to the good man,
and don’t help the sinner.
8 A man’s friend won’t be‡ fully tried in 13
prosperity. 1 He who touches pitch will be defiled.

† 12:6 The remainder of this verse is omitted by the best authorities. ‡ 12:8 Or, punished
Sirach 13:2 759 Sirach 13:26

He who has fellowship with a proud and every man loves his neighbor.
man will become like him. 16 All flesh associates with their own kind.
2 Don’t take up a burden above your
A man will stick to people like himself.
strength. 17 What fellowship would the wolf have
Have no fellowship with one who is with the lamb?
mightier and richer than yourself. So is the sinner to the godly.
What fellowship would the earthen pot 18 What peace is there between a hyena
have with the kettle? and a dog?
The kettle will strike, and the pot will
be dashed in pieces. What peace is there between a rich
3 The rich man does a wrong and threatens. man and the poor?
19 Wild donkeys are the prey of lions in the
The poor is wronged and apologizes.
4 If you are profitable, he will exploit you. wilderness;
If you are in need, he will forsake you. likewise poor men are feeding
5 If you own something, he will live with grounds for the rich.
you. 20 Lowliness is an abomination to a proud
He will drain your resources and will man;
not be sorry. likewise a poor man is an abomination
6 Does he need you? Then he will deceive to the rich.
you, 21 When a rich man is shaken, he is sup-
smile at you, and give you hope.
He will speak kindly to you and say, ported by his friends,
“What do you need?” but when the humble is down, he is
7 He will shame you by his delicacies pushed away even by his friends.
22 When a rich man falls, there are many
until he has made you bare twice or
thrice, helpers.
and in the end he will laugh you to He speaks things not to be spoken, and
scorn. men justify him.
Afterward he will see you, will forsake you, A humble man falls, and men rebuke him.
and shake his head at you. He utters wisdom, and is not listened
8 Beware that you are not deceived 23 A rich man speaks, and all keep silence.
and brought low in your enjoyment. They extol what he says to the clouds.
9 If a mighty man invites you, be reserved,
A poor man speaks, and they say, “Who is
and he will invite you more. this?”
10 Don’t press him, lest you be thrust back. If he stumbles, they will help to over-
Don’t stand far off, lest you be forgot- throw him.
11 Don’t try to speak with him as an equal, 24 Riches are good if they have no sin.
and don’t believe his many words; Poverty is evil only in the opinion of
for he will test you with much talk, the ungodly.
and will examine you in a smiling
manner. 25 The heart of a man changes his counte-
12 He who doesn’t keep secrets to himself is
unmerciful. whether it is for good or for evil.§
He won’t hesitate to harm and to bind.
13 Keep them to yourself and be careful, 26 A cheerful countenance is a sign of a
for you walk† in danger of falling. ‡
14 prosperous heart.
Devising proverbs takes strenuous
15 Every living creature loves its own kind, thinking.
† 13:13 Gr. along with. ‡ 13:14 The remainder of verse 13, and verse 14, are omitted by the best authorities.
§ 13:25 The remainder of this verse is omitted by the best authorities.
Sirach 14:1 760 Sirach 15:6

14 for the covenant from the beginning

1 Blessed is the man who has not slipped is, “You must die!”
with his mouth, 18 Like the leaves flourishing on a thick
and doesn’t suffer from sorrow for tree,
sins. some it sheds, and some grow,
2 Blessed is he whose soul does not con- so also are the generations of flesh and
demn him, blood:
and who has not given up hope. one comes to an end and another is
3 Riches are not appropriate for a stingy 19 Every work rots and falls away,
person. and its builder will depart with it.
What would a miser do with money?
4 He who gathers by denying himself gath- 20 Blessed is the man who meditates on
ers for others. wisdom,
Others will revel in his goods. and who reasons by his understand-
5 If one is mean to himself, to whom will he ing.
21 He who considers her ways in his heart
be good?
He won’t enjoy his possessions. will also have knowledge of her se-
6 There is none more evil than he who is crets.
22 Go after her like a hunter,
grudging to himself.
and lie in wait in her paths.
This is a punishment for his wicked- 23
ness. He who peers in at her windows
7 Even if he does good, he does it in forget- will also listen at her doors.
24 He who lodges close to her house
In the end, he reveals his wickedness. 25 will also fasten a nail in her walls.
8 A miser is evil. He will pitch his tent near at hand to her,
He turns away and disregards souls. and will lodge in a lodging where good
9 A covetous man’s eye is not satisfied with things are.
26 He will set his children under her shel-
his portion.
Wicked injustice dries up his soul. and will rest under her branches.
10 A miser begrudges bread, 27 By her he will be covered from heat,
and it is lacking at his table. and will lodge in her glory.
11 My son, according to what you have, 15
treat yourself well, 1 He who fears the Lord will do this.
and bring worthy offerings to the He who has possession of the law will
Lord. obtain her.
12 Remember that death will not wait, 2 She will meet him like a mother,
and that the covenant of Hades hasn’t and receive him like a wife married in
been shown to you. her virginity.
13 Do good to your friends before you die. 3 She will feed him with bread of under-

According to your ability, reach out standing

and give to them. and give him water of wisdom to
14 Don’t deprive yourself of a good day. drink.
4 He will be stayed upon her, and will not
Don’t let your share of a desired good be moved.
pass you by. He will rely upon her, and will not be
15 Won’t you leave your labors to another,
and your toils be divided by lot? 5 She will exalt him above his neighbors.
16 Give, take, and treat yourself well, She will open his mouth in the midst of
because there is no seeking of luxury the congregation.
in Hades. 6 He will inherit joy, a crown of gladness,
17 All flesh grows old like a garment, and an everlasting name.
Sirach 15:7 761 Sirach 16:17

7 Foolish men will not obtain her. for one can be better than a thousand,
Sinners will not see her. and to die childless than to have un-
8 She is far from pride. godly children.
Liars will not remember her. 4 For from one who has understanding, a
9 Praise is not attractive in the mouth of a
city will be populated,
for it was not sent to him from the but a race of wicked men will be made
Lord. desolate.
10 For praise will be spoken in wisdom; 5 I have seen many such things with my

The Lord will prosper it. eyes.

My ear has heard mightier things than
11 Don’t say, “It is through the Lord that I these.
fell away;” 6 In a congregation of sinners, a fire will be
for you shall not do the things that he kindled.
hates. In a disobedient nation, wrath is kin-
12 Don’t say, “It is he that caused me to err;”
for he has no need of a sinful man. 7 He was not pacified toward the giants of
13 The Lord hates every abomination;
old time,
and those who fear him don’t love who revolted in their strength.
14 He himself made man from the begin- 8 He didn’t spare Lot’s neighbors,
ning whom he abhorred for their pride.
and left him in the hand of his own 9 He didn’t pity the people of perdition
counsel. who were taken away in their sins,
15 If you choose, you can keep the com-
10 or in like manner, the six hundred
mandments. thousand footmen
To be faithful is a matter of your who were gathered together in the
choice. hardness of their hearts.
16 He has set fire and water before you.
11 Even if there is one stiff-necked person,
You will stretch forth your hand to it is a marvel if he will be unpunished;
whichever you desire. for mercy and wrath are both with
17 Before man is life and death.
Whichever he likes, it will be given to him who is mighty to forgive,
him. and he pours out wrath.
18 For the wisdom of the Lord is great. 12 As his mercy is great, so is his correction
He is mighty in power, and sees all also.
things. He judges a man according to his
19 His eyes are upon those who fear him. works.
13 The sinner will not escape with plunder.
He knows every act of man.
20 He has not commanded any man to be The perseverance of the godly will not
ungodly. be frustrated.
14 He will make room for every work of
He has not given any man license to mercy.
sin. Each man will receive according to his
works. 15-16 †
16 17 Don’t say, “I will be hidden from the
1 Don’t desire a multitude of unprofitable
children, Lord,”
neither delight in ungodly sons. and “Who will remember me from on
2 If they multiply, don’t delight in them high?”
unless the fear of the Lord is in them. I will not be known among so many people,
3 Don’t trust in their life. for what is my soul in a boundless
Don’t rely on their numbers; creation?
† 16:15-16 Verses 15 and 16 are omitted by the best authorities.
Sirach 16:18 762 Sirach 17:19

18 Behold, the heaven, the heaven of heav- and turned them back to it again.
ens, 2 He gave them days by number, and a set
the deep, and the earth, will be moved time,
when he visits. and gave them authority over the
19 The mountains and the foundations of
the earth together things that are on it.
3 He endowed them with strength proper
are shaken with trembling when he
looks at them. to them,
20 No heart will think about these things. and made them according to his own
Who could comprehend his ways? image.
21 Like a tempest which no man can see, 4 He put the fear of man upon all flesh,

so, the majority of his works are‡ hid- and gave him dominion over beasts
den. and birds. 5 †
22 Who will declare his works of righteous- 6 He gave them counsel, tongue, eyes,
ness? ears, and heart to have understand-
Who will wait for them? ing.
For his covenant is afar off.§ 7 He filled them with the knowledge of
23 He who is lacking in† understanding
thinks about these things. and showed them good and evil.
An unwise and erring man thinks fool- 8 He set his eye upon their hearts,
ishly. to show them the majesty of his works.
24 My son, listen to me, learn knowledge,
10 And they will praise his holy name,
and heed my words with your heart.
25 I will impart instruction with precision,
§ that they may declare the majesty of
and declare knowledge exactly. his works.
11 He added to them knowledge,

26 In the judgment of the Lord are his and gave them a law of life for a her-
works from the beginning. itage.
12 He made an everlasting covenant with
From the making of them he deter-
mined their boundaries. them,
27 He arranged his works for all time, and showed them his decrees.
13 Their eyes saw the majesty of his glory.
and their beginnings to their genera-
tions. Their ears heard the glory of his voice.
They aren’t hungry or weary, 14 He said to them, “Beware of all unrigh-
and they don’t cease from their works. teousness.”
28 No one pushes aside his neighbor. So he gave them commandment, each
They will never disobey his word. man concerning his neighbor.
29 After this also the Lord looked at the
15 Their ways are ever before him.
and filled it with his blessings. They will not be hidden from his eyes.
30 All manner of living things covered its 16 †
17 ‡For every nation he appointed a ruler,
and they return into it. but Israel is the Lord’s portion. 18 §
19 All their works are as clear as the sun
before him.
1 The Lord created mankind out of earth,
His eyes are continually upon their
‡ 16:21 Gr. among hidden things. § 16:22 The remainder of this verse is omitted by the best authorities.
† 16:23 Gr. heart. † 17:5 Verse 5 is omitted by the best authorities. ‡ 17:9 Verse 9 is omitted by the best
authorities. § 17:10 This line is added by the best authorities. † 17:16 Verses 16, 18, and 21 are omitted by the
best authorities. ‡ 17:17 The preceding part of this verse is omitted by the best authorities. § 17:18 Verses
16, 18, and 21 are omitted by the best authorities.
Sirach 17:20 763 Sirach 18:18

20 Their iniquities are not hidden from 5 Who could measure the strength of his
him. majesty?
All their sins are before the Lord. 21 † Who could also proclaim his mercies?
22 With him the alms of a man is as a signet.
6 As for the wondrous works of the Lord, it
He will keep a man’s kindness as the is not possible to take from them nor
pupil of the eye.‡ add to them,
23 Afterwards he will rise up and repay
neither is it possible to explore them.
them, 7 When a man has finished, then he is just
and render their repayment upon at the beginning.
their head. When he stops, then he will be per-
24 However to those who repent he grants
a return. plexed.
8 What is mankind, and what purpose do
He comforts those who are losing
hope. they serve?
What is their good, and what is their
25 Return to the Lord, and forsake sins. evil?
9 The number of man’s days at the most are
Make your prayer before his face of-
fend less. a hundred years.
26 Turn again to the Most High, and turn 10 As a drop of water from the sea, and a
away from iniquity.§ pebble from the sand,
Greatly hate the abominable thing. so are a few years in the day of eter-
27 Who will give praise to the Most High in nity.
Hades, 11 For this cause the Lord was patient over
in place of the living who return them,
thanks? and poured out his mercy upon them.
28 Thanksgiving perishes from the dead, as 12 He saw and perceived their end, that it is
from one who doesn’t exist. evil.
He who is in life and health will praise Therefore he multiplied his forgive-
the Lord. ness.
29 How great is the mercy of the Lord, 13 The mercy of a man is on his neighbor;
and his forgiveness to those who turn but the mercy of the Lord is on all
to him! flesh:
30 For humans are not capable of every- reproving, chastening, teaching,
thing, and bringing back, as a shepherd does
because the son of man is not immor- his flock.
tal. 14 He has mercy on those who accept chas-
31 What is brighter than the sun? Yet even
this can be eclipsed. and that diligently seek after his judg-
So flesh and blood devise evil. ments.
32 He looks upon the power of the height of
15 My son, don’t add reproach to your good
while all men are earth and ashes. deeds,
and no harsh words in any of your
1 He who lives forever created the whole
16 Doesn’t the dew relieve the scorching

universe. heat?
2 The Lord alone is just. 3 † So a word is better than a gift.
17 Behold, isn’t a word better than a gift?
4 He has given power to declare his works
to no one. Both are with a gracious person.
Who could trace out his mighty deeds? 18 A fool is ungracious and abusive.
† 17:21 Verses 16, 18, and 21 are omitted by the best authorities. ‡ 17:22 The remainder of this verse is omitted
by the best authorities. § 17:26 A line is here omitted by the best authorities. † 18:3 The remainder of verse
2, and verse 3, are omitted by the best authorities.
Sirach 18:19 764 Sirach 19:14

The gift of an grudging person con- 33 Don’t be made a beggar by banqueting

sumes the eyes. with borrowed money
when you have nothing in your
19 Learn before you speak. purse.†
Take care of your health before you get
20 Before judgment, examine yourself, 19
and in the hour of scrutiny you will
1 A worker who is a drunkard will not
become rich.
find forgiveness. He who despises small things will fall
21 Humble yourself before you get sick. little by little.
In the time of sins, repent. 2 Wine and women will make men of un-
22 Let nothing hinder you to pay your vow derstanding go astray.
in due time. He who joins with prostitutes is reck-
Don’t wait until death to be released. less.
23 Before you make a vow, prepare your- 3 Decay and worms will have him as their
self. heritage.
Don’t be like a man who tests the Lord. A reckless soul will be taken away.
24 Think about the wrath coming in the
days of the end, 4 He who is hasty to trust is shallow-
and the time of vengeance, when he hearted.
turns away his face. He who sins offends against his own
25 In the days of fullness remember the soul.
5 He who rejoices in wickedness will be
time of hunger. condemned.†
Remember poverty and lack in the 6 ‡ He who hates gossip has less wicked-
days of wealth. ness.
26 From morning until evening, the time 7 Never repeat what is told you,

changes. and you won’t lose anything.

8 Whether it is of friend or foe, don’t tell it.
All things are speedy before the Lord.
27 A wise man is cautious in everything. Unless it is a sin to you, don’t reveal it.
9 For if he has heard you and observed you,
In days of sinning, he will beware of
offense.‡ when the time comes, he will hate you.
28 Every man of understanding knows wis- 10 Have you heard something? Let it die

dom. with you.

He will give thanks to him who found Be brave: it will not make you burst!
her. 11 A fool will travail in pain with a word,
29 They who were of understanding in say- as a woman in labor with a child.
12 As an arrow that sticks in the flesh of the
ings also became wise themselves,
and poured out apt proverbs. thigh,
so is gossip in a fool.
30 Don’t go after your lusts.
13 Question a friend; it may be he didn’t do
Restrain your appetites.
31 If you give fully to your soul the delight
If he did something, it may be that he
of her desire, may do it no more.
she will make you§ the laughing stock 14 Question your neighbor; it may be he
of your enemies. didn’t say it.
32 Don’t make merry in much luxury, If he has said it, it may be that he may
and don’t be tied to its expense. not say it again.
‡ 18:27 The remainder of this verse is omitted by the best authorities. § 18:31 Or, a rejoicing to † 18:33 The
remainder of this verse is omitted by the best authorities. † 19:5 The remainder of this verse is omitted by the
best authorities. ‡ 19:6 The preceding part of this verse is omitted by the best authorities.
Sirach 19:15 765 Sirach 20:15

15 Question a friend; for many times there 20

1 There is a reproof that is not timely;
is slander.
Don’t trust every word. and there is a person who is wise
16 There is one who slips, and not from the enough to keep silent.
heart. 2 How good is it to reprove, rather than to
Who is he who hasn’t sinned with his be angry.
17 Reprove your neighbor before you
He who confesses will be kept back
from harm. 3 †
threaten him; 4 As is the lust of a eunuch to deflower a
and give place to the law of the Most virgin,
High. 18-19 § so is he who executes judgments with
20 All wisdom is the fear of the Lord. 5 There is one who keeps silent and is found
In all wisdom is the doing of the law. wise;
21 † and there is one who is hated for his
22 The knowledge of wickedness is not wis- much talk.
dom. 6 There is one who keeps silent, for he has
The prudence of sinners is not coun- no answer to make;
sel. And there is one who keeps silent,
23 There is a wickedness, and it is an abom- knowing when to speak.
ination. 7 A wise man will be silent until his time
There is a fool lacking in wisdom. has come,
24 Better is one who has little understand- but the braggart and fool will miss his
ing, and fears God, time.
than one who has much intelligence 8 He who uses many words will be ab-
and transgresses the law. horred.
25 There is an exquisite subtlety, and it is He who takes authority for himself
unjust. will be hated in it.
And there is one who perverts favor to 9
There is a prosperity that a man finds in
gain a judgment.‡
26 There is one who does wickedly, who
and there is a gain that turns to loss.
hangs down his head with mourn- 10 There is a gift that will not profit you;
ing; and there is a gift that pays back dou-
but inwardly he is full of deceit, ble.
27 bowing down his face, and pretend- 11
There are losses because of glory;
ing to be deaf in one ear. and there is one who has lifted up his
Where he isn’t known, he will take head from a low estate.
advantage of you. 12 There is one who buys much for a little,
28 And if for lack of power he is hindered
and pays for it again sevenfold.
from sinning, 13 He who is wise in words will make him-
if he finds opportunity, he will do mis- self beloved;
chief. but the pleasantries of fools will be
29 A man will be known by his appearance. wasted.
One who has understanding will be 14 The gift of a fool will not profit you,‡
known by his face when you meet for he looks for repayment many
him. times instead of one.
30 A man’s attire, grinning laughter, 15 He will give little and insult much.
and the way he walks show what he is. He will open his mouth like a crier.
§ 19:18-19 Verses 18 and 19 are omitted by the best authorities. † 19:21 The remainder of verse 20 and verse
21 are omitted by the best authorities. ‡ 19:25 The remainder of this verse is omitted by the best authorities.
† 20:3 Verse 3 is omitted by the best authorities. ‡ 20:14 A line of this verse is here omitted by the best authorities.
Sirach 20:16 766 Sirach 21:10

Today he will lend, and tomorrow he will He who pleases great men will get par-
ask for it back. don for iniquity.
Such a one is a hateful man. 29 Favors and gifts blind the eyes of the
16 The fool will say, “I have no friend,
and I have no thanks for my good and as a muzzle on the mouth, turn
deeds. away reproofs.
Those who eat my bread have an evil 30 Wisdom that is hidden, and treasure that
17 How often, and of how many, will he be
is out of sight—
what profit is in either of them?
laughed to scorn!§ 31 Better is a man who hides his folly

18 A slip on a pavement is better than a slip than a man who hides his wisdom. 32 †
with the tongue.
So the fall of the wicked will come
speedily. 21
1 My son, have you sinned?
19 A man without grace is a tale out of
season. Do it no more;
It will be continually in the mouth of and ask forgiveness for your past sins.
the ignorant. 2 Flee from sin as from the face of a snake;
20 A parable from a fool’s mouth will be for if you go near, it will bite you.
rejected; Its teeth are like lion’s teeth,
for he won’t tell it at the proper time. slaying people’s souls.
3 All iniquity is as a two-edged sword.
21 There is one who is hindered from sin- Its stroke has no healing.
ning through lack.
When he rests, he will not be troubled. 4 Terror and violence will waste away
22 There is one who destroys his soul riches.
through bashfulness. So the house of an arrogant man will
By a foolish countenance, he will de- be laid waste.
5 Supplication from a poor man’s mouth
stroy it.
23 There is one who for bashfulness makes reaches to the ears of† God,
promises to his friend; and his judgment comes speedily.
and he makes him his enemy for noth- 6 One who hates reproof is in the path of
ing. the sinner.
He who fears the Lord will repent in
24 A lie is an ugly blot on a person. his heart.
It will be continually in the mouth of 7 He who is mighty in tongue is known far
the ignorant. away;
25 A thief is better than a man who is con- but the man of understanding knows
tinually lying, when he slips.
but they both will inherit destruction.
8 He who builds his house with other men’s
26 The destination of a liar is dishonor.
His shame is with him continually. money
is like one who gathers stones for his
27 He who is wise in words will advance own tomb.
9 The congregation of wicked men is as a
And one who is prudent will please bundle of tow
great men. with a flame of fire at the end of them.
28 He who tills his land will raise his har- 10 The way of sinners is paved with stones;
vest high. and at the end of it is the pit of Hades.
§ 20:17 The latter part of verse 17 is omitted by the best authorities. † 20:32 Verse 32 is omitted by the best
authorities. † 21:5 Gr. him.
Sirach 21:11 767 Sirach 22:11

11 He who keeps the law becomes master of 25 The lips of strangers will be grieved at
its intent. these things,
The fulfilment of the fear of the Lord is but the words of prudent men will be
wisdom. weighed in the balance.
12 He who is not clever will not be in-
structed. 26 The heart of fools is in their mouth,
There is a cleverness which makes bit-
terness abound. but the mouth of wise men is their
13 The knowledge of a wise man will be heart.
27 When the ungodly curses an adversary,
made to abound as a flood,
and his counsel as a fountain of life. he curses his own soul.
14 The inward parts of a fool are like a 28 A whisperer defiles his own soul,
broken vessel. and will be hated wherever he travels.
He will hold no knowledge.
15 If a man of knowledge hears a wise 22
word, 1 A slothful man is compared to a stone that
he will commend it and add to it. is defiled.
The wanton man hears it, and it displeases Everyone will at hiss at him in his
him, disgrace.
so he throws it away behind his back. 2 A slothful man is compared to the filth of
16 The chatter of a fool is like a burden in
a dunghill.
the way,
Anyone who picks it up will shake it
but grace will be found on the lips of
out of his hand.
the wise.
17 The utterance of the prudent man will be
3 An undisciplined child is a disgrace to his
sought for in the congregation. father,
They will ponder his words in their and a foolish daughter is born to his
heart. loss.
18 As a house that is destroyed, so is wis-
4 A prudent daughter will inherit a hus-
dom to a fool. band of her own.
The knowledge of an unwise man is She who brings shame is the grief of
talk without sense.‡ her father.
19 Instruction is as fetters on the feet of an 5 She who is arrogant brings shame on
unwise man, father and husband.
and as manacles on the right hand. She will be despised by both of them.
20 A fool lifts up his voice with laughter, 6 Ill-timed conversation is like music in
but a clever man smiles quietly. mourning,
21 Instruction is to a prudent man as an but stripes and correction are wisdom
ornament of gold, in every season.
and as a bracelet upon his right arm.
7 He who teaches a fool is like one who
22 The foot of a fool rushes into a house, glues potsherds together,
but a man of experience will be even like one who wakes a sleeper out
ashamed of entering. of a deep sleep.
23 A foolish man peers into the door of a 8 He who teaches a fool is as one who
house, teaches a man who slumbers.
but a man who is instructed will stand In the end he will say, “What is it?”
9-10 †
24 It is rude for someone to listen at a door, 11 Weep for the dead, for he lacks light.
but a prudent person will be grieved Weep for a fool, for he lacks under-
with the disgrace. standing.
‡ 21:18 Gr. unexamined words. † 22:9-10 Verses 9 and 10 are omitted by the best authorities.
Sirach 22:12 768 Sirach 23:6

Weep more sweetly for the dead, because for there may be reconciliation,
he has found rest, unless it is for insulting, arrogance,
but the life of the fool is worse than disclosing of a secret, or a treacher-
death. ous blow—
12 Mourning for the dead lasts seven days,
for these things any friend will flee.
but for a fool and an ungodly man, it
lasts all the days of his life. 23 Gain trust with your neighbor in his
13 Don’t talk much with a foolish man,
that in his prosperity you may have
and don’t go to one who has no under- gladness.
standing. Stay steadfast to him in the time of his
Beware of him, lest you have trouble and affliction,
be defiled in his onslaught. that you may be heir with him in his
Turn away from him, and you will find inheritance.‡
rest, 24 Before fire is the vapor and smoke of a
and you won’t be wearied in his mad-
ness. furnace,
14 What would be heavier than lead? so insults precede bloodshed.
What is its name, but “Fool”? 25 I won’t be ashamed to shelter a friend.
15 Sand, salt, and a mass of iron is easier to I won’t hide myself from his face.
bear 26 If any evil happens to me because of him,
than a man without understanding. everyone who hears it will beware of
16 Timber girded and bound into a building him.
will not be released with shaking. 27 Who will set a watch over my mouth,
So a heart established in due season and a seal of shrewdness upon my lips,
on well advised counsel will not be
afraid. that I may not fall from it, and that my
17 A heart settled upon a thoughtful under- tongue may not destroy me?
is as an ornament of plaster on a pol- 23
ished wall. 1 O Lord, Father and Master of my life,
18 Fences set on a high place will not stand
don’t abandon me to their counsel.
against the wind; Don’t let me fall because of them.
so a fearful heart in the imagination of 2 Who will set scourges over my thought,
a fool will not stand against any fear. and a discipline of wisdom over my
19 He who pricks the eye will make tears that they spare me not for my errors,
fall. and not overlook their sins?
He who pricks the heart makes it show 3 Otherwise my errors might be multiplied,
feeling. and my sins abound,
20 Whoever casts a stone at birds scares
I fall before my adversaries,
them away. and my enemy rejoice over me.†
He who insults a friend will dissolve 4 O Lord, Father and God of my life,
21 If you have drawn a sword against a don’t give me a haughty eyes,‡
friend, don’t despair, 5 and turn away evil desire from me.§
for there may be a way back. 6 Let neither gluttony nor lust overtake me.
22 If you have opened your mouth against Don’t give me over to a shameless
a friend, don’t be afraid, mind.
‡ 22:23 The remainder of this verse is omitted by the best authorities. † 23:3 The remainder of this verse is
omitted by the best authorities. ‡ 23:4 The remainder of this verse is omitted by the best authorities. § 23:5
The remainder of this verse is omitted by the best authorities.
Sirach 23:7 769 Sirach 23:27

7 Listen, my children, to the discipline of and the third will bring wrath:
the mouth. a hot passion, like a burning fire,
He who keeps it will not be caught. will not be quenched until it is con-
8 The sinner will be overpowered through sumed;
his lips. a fornicator in the body of his flesh
By them, the insulter and the arrogant will never cease until he has burned
will stumble. out the fire.
9 Don’t accustom your mouth to an oath, 17 All bread is sweet to a fornicator.
and don’t be accustomed to naming He will not cease until he dies.
18 A man who goes astray from his own
the Holy One,
10 for as a servant who is continually marriage bed
scourged will not lack bruises, says in his heart, “Who sees me?
so he also who swears and continually Darkness is around me, and the walls hide
utters the Name will not be cleansed me.
from sin. No one sees me. Of whom am I afraid?
11 A man of many oaths will be filled with The Most High will not remember my
iniquity. 19 The eyes of men are his terror.
The scourge will not depart from his
He doesn’t know that the eyes of
If he offends, his sin will be upon him. the Lord are ten thousand times
brighter than the sun,
If he disregards it, he has sinned dou- seeing all the ways of men,
bly. and looking into secret places.
If he has sworn falsely, he will not be justi- 20
All things were known to him before
for his house will be filled with calami- they were created,
ties. and also after they were completed.
21 This man will be punished in the streets
12 There is a manner of speech that is
of the city.
clothed with death. He will be seized where he least ex-
Let it not be found in the heritage of pects it.
for all these things will be far from the 22 So also is a wife who leaves her husband,
godly, and produces an heir by another man.
and they will not wallow in sins. 23 For first, she was disobedient in the law
13 Don’t accustom your mouth to gross of the Most High.
rudeness, Second, she trespassed against her
for it involves sinful speech. own husband.
14 Remember your father and your Third, she played the adulteress in for-
mother, nication,
for you sit in the midst of great men, and had children by another man.
that you be not forgetful before them, 24 She shall be brought out into the congre-
and become a fool by your bad habit; gation.
so you may wish that you had not been Her punishment will extend to her
born, children.
and curse the day of your birth. 25 Her children will not take root.
15 A man who is accustomed to abusive Her branches will bear no fruit.
26 She will leave her memory for a curse.
won’t be corrected all the days of his Her reproach won’t be blotted out.
27 And those who are left behind will know
that there is nothing better than the
16 Two sorts of people multiply sins, fear of the Lord,
† 23:28 Verse 28 is omitted by the best authorities.
Sirach 23:28 770 Sirach 24:30

and nothing sweeter than to heed the I was exalted like a plane tree.
commandments of the Lord. 28 † 15 Like cinnamon and aspalathus, I have
given a scent to perfumes.
1 Wisdom will praise her own soul, Like choice myrrh, I spread abroad a
pleasant fragrance,
and will proclaim her glory in the
like† galbanum, onycha, stacte,
midst of her people.
2 She will open her mouth in the congrega- and as the smell of frankincense in the
tion of the Most High, 16 Like the terebinth, I stretched out my
and proclaim her glory in the presence branches.
of his power. My branches are glorious and grace-
3 “I came out of the mouth of the Most High, ful.
and covered the earth as a mist. 17 Like the vine, I put forth grace.
4 I lived in high places,
My flowers are the fruit of glory and
and my throne is in the pillar of the riches. 18 ‡
5 Alone I surrounded the circuit of heaven, 19 “Come to me, all you who desire me,
and walked in the depth of the abyss. and be filled with my fruits.
6 In the waves of the sea, and in all the 20 For my memory is sweeter than honey,
earth, and my inheritance than the honey-
and in every people and nation, I ob- comb.
tained a possession. 21 Those who eat me will be hungry for
7 With all these I sought rest.
In whose inheritance shall I lodge? Those who drink me will be thirsty for
8 Then the Creator of all things gave me a more.
22 He who obeys me will not be ashamed.
He who created me made my tent to Those who work with me will not sin.”
and said, ‘Let your dwelling be in Ja- 23 All these things are the book of the
cob, covenant of the Most High God,
and your inheritance in Israel.’ the law which Moses commanded us
9 He created me from the beginning, before for an inheritance for the assem-
the ages. blies of Jacob. 24 §
For all ages, I will not cease to exist. 25 It is he who makes wisdom abundant, as
10 In the holy tabernacle, I ministered be- Pishon,
fore him. and as Tigris in the days of first fruits.
So I was established in Zion. 26 He makes understanding full as the Eu-
11 In the beloved city, likewise he gave me
rest. and as the Jordan in the days of har-
In Jerusalem was my domain. vest,
12 I took root in a people that was honored,
27 who makes instruction shine forth as the
even in the portion of the Lord’s own light,
inheritance. as Gihon in the days of vintage.
28 The first man didn’t know her perfectly.
13 I was exalted like a cedar in Lebanon,
And like a cypress tree on the moun- In like manner, the last has not ex-
tains of Hermon. plored her.
14 I was exalted like a palm tree on the sea 29 For her thoughts are filled from the sea,
shore, and her counsels from the great deep.
like rose bushes in Jericho,
and like a fair olive tree in the plain. 30 I came out as a canal stream from a river,

† 24:15 See Exodus 30:34. ‡ 24:18 Verse 18 is omitted by the best authorities. § 24:24 Verse 24 is omitted by
the best authorities.
Sirach 24:31 771 Sirach 25:23

and as an irrigation ditch into a gar- and a man who lives and sees the fall
den. of his enemies.
31 I said, “I will water my garden, 8 Happy is he who dwells with a wife of

and will drench my garden bed.” understanding,

Behold, my stream became a river, he who has not slipped with his
and my river became a sea.
32 I will yet bring instruction to light as the
and he who has not served a man who
is unworthy of him.
morning, 9 Happy is he who has found prudence,
and will make these things clear from and he who speaks in the ears of those
far away. who listen.
33 I will continue to pour out teaching like 10 How great is he who has found wisdom!
prophecy, Yet is there none above him who fears
and leave it to all generations. the Lord.
11 The fear of the Lord surpasses all things.
34 See that I have not labored for myself
only, To whom shall he who holds it be
likened? 12 †
but for all those who diligently seek
wisdom. 13 Any wound but a wound of the heart!
Any wickedness but the wickedness of
a woman!
25 14 Any calamity but a calamity from those
1 I enjoy three things,
who hate me!
and they are beautiful before the Lord Any vengeance but the vengeance of
and men: enemies!
the agreement of kindred, 15 There is no venom worse than a snake’s
the friendship of neighbors, venom.
and a woman and her husband who There is no wrath worse than an en-
walk together in agreement. emy’s wrath.
2 But my soul hates three sorts of people,
16 I would rather dwell with a lion and a
and I am greatly offended at their life: dragon
a poor man who is arrogant, than keep house with a wicked
a rich man who is a liar, woman.
and an old fool who is an adulterer. 17 The wickedness of a woman changes her
3 If you gathered nothing in your youth,
and darkens her countenance like that
how could you find anything in your of a bear.
18 Her husband will sit among his neigh-
old age?
4 How beautiful a thing is judgment in the bors,
gray-haired, and when he hears it, he sighs bitterly.
19 All malice is small compared to the mal-
and for elders to know good counsel!
5 How beautiful is the wisdom of old men, ice of a woman.
Let the portion of a sinner fall on her.
and understanding and counsel to 20
As walking up a sandy hill is to the feet
men who are in honor!
6 Much experience is the crown of the aged. of the aged,
Their glory is the fear of the Lord. so is a wife full of words to a quiet man.
21 Don’t be ensnared by a woman’s beauty.
7 There are nine things that I have thought Don’t desire a woman for her beauty.
22 There is anger, impudence, and great
of, and in my heart counted happy,
and the tenth I will utter with my reproach
tongue: if a woman supports her husband.
a man who has joy with his children, 23 A wicked woman is abasement of heart,
† 25:12 Verse 12 is omitted by the best authorities.
Sirach 25:24 772 Sirach 26:29

sadness of countenance, and a lest she find liberty for herself, and use
wounded heart. it.
A woman who won’t make her husband 11 Watch out for an impudent eye,
happy and don’t be surprised if it sins against
is like hands that hang down, and you.
weak knees. 12 She will open her mouth like a thirsty
24 The beginning of sin came from a
woman. traveller,
Because of her, we all die. and drink from every water that is
25 Don’t give water an outlet, near.
and don’t give a wicked woman free- She will sit down at every post,
dom of speech. and open her quiver to any arrow.
26 If she doesn’t go as you direct,
13 The grace of a wife will delight her hus-
cut her away from your flesh.‡
Her knowledge will strengthen‡ his
1 Happy is the husband of a good wife.
14 A silent woman is a gift of the Lord.
There is nothing worth so much as a
The number of his days will be dou-
well-instructed soul.
bled. 15 A modest woman is grace upon grace.
2 A faithful wife gives joy to her husband.
He will fulfill his years in peace. There are no scales that can weigh the
3 A good wife is a great gift. value of a self-controlled soul.
16 As the sun when it arises in the highest
She will be given to those who fear the
places of the Lord,
4 Whether a man is rich or poor, so is the beauty of a good wife in her
a good heart makes a cheerful face at well-organized home.
17 As the lamp that shines upon the holy
all times.
5 Of three things my heart was afraid,
so is the beauty of the face on a well-
and concerning the fourth† kind I proportioned body.
made supplication: 18 As the golden pillars are upon a base of
The slander of a city, the assembly of a silver,
mob, and a false accusation. so are beautiful feet with the breasts of
All these are more grievous than one who is steadfast. 19-27 §
6 A grief of heart and sorrow is a woman 28
For two things my heart is grieved,
who is jealous of another woman. and for the third anger comes upon
Her tongue-lashing makes it known to me:
all. a warrior who suffers for poverty,
7 A wicked woman is like a chafing yoke. men of understanding who are
He who takes hold of her is like one counted as garbage,
who grasps a scorpion. and one who turns back from righ-
8 A drunken woman causes great wrath. teousness to sin—
She will not cover her own shame. the Lord will prepare him for the
9 The fornication of a woman is in the sword!
lifting up of her eyes;
it will be known by her eyelids. 29 It is difficult for a merchant to keep
10 Keep strict watch on a headstrong himself from wrong doing,
daughter, and for a retailer to be acquitted of sin.
‡ 25:26 The remainder of this verse is omitted by the best authorities. † 26:5 Gr. countenance. ‡ 26:13 or,
fatten § 26:19-27 Verses 19-27 are omitted by the best authorities.
Sirach 27:1 773 Sirach 27:29

1 Many have sinned for profit.
and will not find a close friend.
17 Love a friend, and keep faith with him;
He who seeks to multiply wealth will but if you reveal his secrets,
turn his eye away. you shall not follow him;
2 As a nail will stick fast between the join- 18 for as a man has destroyed his enemy,
ings of stones, so you have destroyed the friendship
so sin will thrust itself in between buy- of your neighbor.
ing and selling. 19 As a bird which you have released out of
3 Unless a person holds on diligently to the
your hand,
fear of the Lord, so you have let your neighbor go, and
his house will be overthrown quickly. you will not catch him again.
20 Don’t pursue him, for he has gone far
4 In the shaking of a sieve, the refuse re- away,
so does the filth of man in his thoughts. and has escaped like a gazelle out of
5 The furnace tests the potter’s vessels; the snare.
21 For a wound may be bound up, and after
so the test of a person is in his abuse there may be reconciliation;
thoughts. but he who reveals secrets is without
6 The fruit of a tree discloses its cultivation,
so is the utterance of the thought of a
person’s heart. One who winks the eye contrives evil
7 Praise no man before you hear his
thoughts, and those who know him will keep
for this is how people are tested. their distance.
23 When you are present, he will speak
8 If you follow righteousness, you will ob-
tain it, and will admire your words;
and put it on like a long robe of glory. but afterward he will twist his speech
9 Birds will return to their own kind,
and set a trap in your words.
so truth will return to those who prac- 24
tice it. I have hated many things, but nothing
10 The lion lies in wait for prey. like him.
The Lord will hate him.
So does sin for those who do evil.
25 One who casts a stone straight up casts it
11 The discourse of a godly man is always
wise, on his own head.
A deceitful blow opens wounds.
but the fool changes like the moon. 26 He who digs a pit will fall into it.
12 Limit your time among people void of
understanding, He who sets a snare will be caught in
but persevere among the thoughtful. 27 it.
13 The talk of fools is offensive. He who does evil things, they will roll
Their laughter is wantonly sinful. back upon him,
14 Their talk with much swearing makes and he will not know where they came
hair stand upright. from.
28 Mockery and reproach are from the ar-
Their strife makes others plug their rogant.
15 The strife of the proud leads to blood- Vengeance lies in wait for them like a
shed. lion.
29 Those who rejoice at the fall of the godly
Their abuse of each other is a grievous
thing to hear. will be caught in a snare.
Anguish will consume them before
16 He who reveals secrets destroys trust, they die.
Sirach 27:30 774 Sirach 29:1

30 Wrath and anger, these also are abomi- for he has destroyed many who were
nations. at peace.
A sinner will possess them. 14 A slanderer has shaken many,
and dispersed them from nation to
28 nation.
1 He who takes vengeance will find It has pulled down strong cities
vengeance from the Lord, and overthrown the houses of great
and he will surely make his sins firm. men.
2 Forgive your neighbor the hurt that he 15 A slanderer has cast out brave women
has done, and deprived them of their labors.
and then your sins will be pardoned 16 He who listens to it will not find rest,
when you pray. nor will he live quietly.
3 Does anyone harbor anger against an- 17 The stroke of a whip makes a mark in the
other flesh,
and expect healing from the Lord? but the stroke of a tongue will break
4 Upon a man like himself he has no mercy, bones.
and does he make supplication for his 18 Many have fallen by the edge of the
own sins? sword,
5 He himself, being flesh, nourishes wrath. yet not so many as those who have
Who will make atonement for his sins? fallen because of the tongue.
6 Remember your last end, and stop en- 19 Happy is he who is sheltered from it,
mity. who has not passed through its wrath,
Remember corruption and death, and who has not drawn its yoke,
be true to the commandments. and has not been bound with its
7 Remember the commandments, and
don’t be angry with your neighbor. 20 For its yoke is a yoke of iron,
Remember the covenant of the High- and its bands are bands of brass.
est, and overlook ignorance. 21 Its death is an evil death,

8 Abstain from strife, and you will diminish

and Hades is better than it.
22 It will not have rule over godly men.
your sins, They will not be burned in its flame.
for a passionate man will kindle strife. 23 Those who forsake the Lord will fall into
9 A man who is a sinner will trouble friends
and sow discord among those who are It will burn among them, and won’t be
at peace. quenched.
10 As is the fuel of the fire, so it will burn;
It will be sent against them like a lion.
and as the stoutness of the strife is, so
it will burn. It will destroy them like a leopard.
24 As you hedge your possession about with
As is the strength of the man, so will be his
wrath; thorns,
and as is his wealth, so he will exalt his and secure your silver and your gold,
anger. 25 so make a balance and a weight for your
11 A contention begun in haste kindles a
fire; and make a door and a bar for your
and hasty fighting sheds blood. mouth.
26 Take heed lest you slip with it,
12 If you blow on a spark, it will burn;
lest you fall before one who lies in
and if you spit upon it, it will be wait.
Both of these come out of your mouth.
13 Curse the whisperer and double- 1 He who shows mercy will lend to his
tongued, neighbor.
Sirach 29:2 775 Sirach 29:28

He who strengthens him with his hand better than a mighty shield and a pon-
keeps the commandments. derous spear.
2 Lend to your neighbor in time of his need.
14 A good man will be surety for his neigh-
Repay your neighbor on time.
3 Confirm your word, and keep faith with bor.
him; He who has lost shame will fail him.
15 Don’t forget the kindness of your guar-
and at all seasons you will find what
you need. for he has given his life for you.
4 Many have considered a loan to be a
16 A sinner will waste the property of his
windfall, guarantor.
and have given trouble to those who 17 He who is thankless will fail him
helped them. who delivered him.
5 Until he has received, he will kiss a man’s 18 Being surety has undone many who
hands. were prospering
For his neighbor’s money he will and shaken them as a wave of the sea.
speak submissively. It has driven mighty men from their
Then when payment is due, he will prolong homes.
the time, They wandered among foreign na-
return excuses, and complain about tions.
the season. 19 A sinner who falls into suretiship and
6 If he prevails, the creditor will hardly
undertakes contracts for work
receive half; will fall into lawsuits.
and he will count it as a windfall. 20 Help your neighbor according to your
If not, he has deprived him of his money, power,
and he has gotten him for an enemy and be careful not to fall yourself.
without cause.
He will pay him with cursing and railing. 21 The essentials of life are water, bread,
Instead of honor, he will pay him dis- a garment, and a house for privacy.
grace. 22 Better is the life of a poor man under a
7 Many on account of fraud have turned
shelter of logs
away. than sumptuous fare in another man’s
They are afraid of being defrauded for house.
nothing. 23 With little or with much, be well satis-
8 However be patient with a man in poor
estate. 24 It is a miserable life to go from house to
Don’t keep him waiting for your alms. house.
9 Help a poor man for the commandment’s
Where you are a guest, you dare not
sake. open your mouth.
According to his need don’t send him 25
empty away. You will entertain, serve drinks, and
10 Lose your money for a brother and a have no thanks.
In addition to this, you will hear bitter
friend. words.
Don’t let it rust under a stone and be 26 “Come here, you sojourner, set a table,
11 Allocate your treasure according to the and if you have anything in your hand,
commandments of the Most High feed me with it.”
27 “Leave, you sojourner, for an honored
and it will profit you more than gold.
12 Store up almsgiving in your store- guest is here.
chambers My brother has come to be my guest. I
and it will deliver you out of all afflic- need my house.”
28 These things are grievous to a man of
13 It will fight for you against your enemy understanding:
† 29:23 The remainder of this verse is omitted by the best authorities.
Sirach 30:1 776 Sirach 31:2

The scolding about lodging and the 14 Better is a poor man who is healthy and
insults of creditors. fit,
than a rich man who is afflicted in his
1 He
30 15 Health and fitness are better than all
who loves his son will continue to lay gold,
stripes upon him, and a strong body better than wealth
that he may have joy from him in the without measure.
end. 16 There is no wealth better than health of
2 He who chastises his son will have profit body.
from him, There is no gladness above the joy of
and will brag about him among his the heart.
acquaintances. 17 Death is better than a bitter life,
3 He who teaches his son will provoke his and eternal rest than a continual sick-
enemy to jealousy. ness.
Before friends, he will rejoice in him. 18
4 His father dies, and is as though he had Good things poured out upon a mouth
not died; that is closed
are like food offerings laid upon a
for he has left one behind him like grave.
5 In his life, he saw his son and rejoiced. 19 What does an offering profit an idol?
When he died, it was without regret. For it can’t eat or smell.
6 He left behind him an avenger against his So is he who is punished by the Lord,
20 seeing with his eyes and groaning,
and one to repay kindness to his like a eunuch embracing a virgin and
friends. groaning.
7 He who makes too much of his son will 21 Don’t give your soul to sorrow.
bind up his wounds. Don’t afflict yourself deliberately.
His heart will be troubled at every cry. 22 Gladness of heart is the life of a man.
8 An unbroken horse becomes stubborn.
Cheerfulness of a man lengthens his
An unrestrained son becomes head- days.
strong. 23 Love your own soul, and comfort your
9 Pamper your child, and he will make you
afraid. heart.
Play with him, and he will grieve you. Remove sorrow far from you,
10 Don’t laugh with him, lest you have sor- for sorrow has destroyed many,
and there is no profit in it.
row with him,
24 Envy and wrath shorten life.
and you gnash your teeth in the end.
11 Give him no liberty in his youth, Anxiety brings old age before its time.
25 Those who are cheerful and merry
and don’t ignore his follies.†
12 ‡Bow down his neck in his youth, will benefit from their food.
and beat him on the sides while he is a
child, 31
lest he become stubborn, and be dis- 1 Wakefulness that comes from riches con-
obedient to you, sumes the flesh,
and there be sorrow to your soul.§ and anxiety about it takes away sleep.
13 Chastise your son, and give him work, 2 Wakeful anxiety will crave slumber.

lest his shameless behavior be an of- In a severe disease, sleep will be bro-
fense to you. ken.
† 30:11 This line and the previous two lines are absent from some older MSS. ‡ 30:12 These three lines are absent
from the oldest MSS. § 30:12 These three lines are absent from the oldest MSS.
Sirach 31:3 777 Sirach 31:30

3 A rich man toils in gathering money to- Don’t be insatiable, lest you offend.
gether. 18 And if you sit among many,
When he rests, he is filled with his Don’t reach out your hand before
good things. them.
4 A poor man toils in lack of substance.
When he rests, he becomes needy. 19 How sufficient to a well-mannered man
5 He who loves gold won’t be justified. is a very little.
He who follows destruction will him- He doesn’t breathe heavily in his bed.
self have his fill of it. 20 Healthy sleep comes from moderate eat-
6 Many have been given over to ruin for the ing.
sake of gold. He rises early, and his wits are with
Their destruction meets them face to him.
face. The pain of wakefulness, colic,
7 It is a stumbling block to those who sacri-
and griping are with an insatiable
fice to it. man.
Every fool will be taken by it. 21 And if you have been forced to eat,
8 Blessed is the rich person who is found
rise up in the middle of it, and you
blameless, shall have rest.
and who doesn’t go after gold. 22 Hear me, my son, and don’t despise me,
9 Who is he, that we may call him blessed? and in the end you will appreciate my
For he has done wonderful things words.
among his people. In all your works be skillful,
10 Who has been tried by it, and found and no disease will come to you.
23 People bless him who is liberal with his
Then let him boast.
Who has had the power to transgress, and food.
has not transgressed? The testimony of his excellence will be
And to do evil, and has not done it? believed.
11 His prosperity will be made sure. 24 The city will murmur at him who is a

The congregation will proclaim his stingy with his food.

alms. The testimony of his stinginess will be
12 Do you sit at a great table? Don’t be
25 Don’t show yourself valiant in wine,
greedy there.
Don’t say, “There is a lot of food on it!” for wine has destroyed many.
13 Remember that a greedy eye is a wicked 26 The furnace tests the temper of steel by
thing. dipping;
What has been created more greedy so does wine test hearts in the quarrel-
than an eye? ing of the proud.
27 Wine is as good as life to men,
Therefore it sheds tears from every
face. if you drink it in moderation.
14 Don’t stretch your hand wherever it What life is there to a man who is without
looks. wine?
Don’t thrust yourself with it into the It has been created to make men glad.
dish. 28 Wine drunk in season and in modera-
15 Consider your neighbor’s feelings by tion
your own. is joy of heart and gladness of soul:
Be discreet in every point. 29 Wine drunk excessively is bitterness of
16 Eat like a human being those things soul,
which are set before you. with provocation and conflict.
Don’t eat greedily, lest you be hated. 30 Drunkenness increases the rage of a fool
17 Be first to stop for manners’ sake. to his hurt.
Sirach 31:31 778 Sirach 33:2

It diminishes strength and adds 12 Amuse

yourself there and do what is in
wounds. your heart.
31 Don’t rebuke your neighbor at a banquet
Don’t sin by proud speech.
13 For these things bless your Maker,
of wine. who gives you to drink freely of his
Don’t despise him in his mirth.
Don’t speak a word of reproach to him. good things.
Don’t distress him by making de- 14
He who fears the Lord will receive disci-
mands of him. pline.
1 Have they made you ruler of a feast?
Those who seek him early will find
15 He who seeks the law shall be filled with
Don’t be lifted up. it,
Be among them as one of them. but the hypocrite will stumble at it.
Take care of them first, and then sit 16
down. Those who fear the Lord will find true
2 And when you have done all your duties, judgment,
and will kindle righteous acts like a
take your place,
that you may be gladdened on their 17
account, A sinful man shuns reproof,
and receive a wreath for your good and will find a judgment according to
service. his will.
3 Speak, you who are older, for it’s your A sensible person won’t neglect a
right, but with sound knowledge; thought.
and don’t interrupt the music. An insolent and proud man won’t
4 Don’t pour out talk where there is a per- crouch in fear,
formance of music. even after he has done a thing by him-
Don’t display your wisdom at the self without counsel.
wrong time. 19 Do nothing without counsel,
5 As a ruby signet in a setting of gold, but when you have acted, don’t regret
so is a music concert at a wine ban- it.
quet. 20 Don’t go in a way of conflict.
6 As an emerald signet in a work of gold, Don’t stumble in stony places.
so is musical melody with pleasant 21 Don’t be overconfident on a smooth
wine. road.
22 Beware of your own children.
7 Speak, young man, if you are obliged to, 23 In every work guard your own soul,
but no more than twice, and only if for this is the keeping of the command-
asked. ments.
8 Sum up your speech, many things in few
24 He who believes the law gives heed to the
Be as one who knows and yet holds his commandment.
tongue. He who trusts in the Lord will suffer
9 When among great men, don’t behave as no loss.
their equal.
When another is speaking, don’t bab- 1 33
ble. No evil will happen to him who fears the
10 Lightning speeds before thunder. but in trials once and again he will
Approval goes before one who is mod- deliver him.
est. 2 A wise man will not hate the law,
11 Rise up in good time, and don’t be last. but he who is a hypocrite about it is
Go home quickly and don’t loiter like a boat in a storm.
Sirach 33:3 779 Sirach 33:30

3 A man of understanding will put his trust like one who gleans after the grape
in the law. gatherers.
And the law is faithful to him, as when17 By the Lord’s blessing I arrived before
one asks a divine oracle. them,
4 Prepare your speech, and so you will be and filled my winepress like one who
heard. gathers grapes.
Bind up instruction, and make your 18 Consider that I labored not for myself
answer. alone,
5 The heart of a fool is like a cartwheel.
but for all those who seek instruction.
His thoughts are like a rolling axle. 19 Hear me, you great men of the people,
6 A stallion horse is like a mocking friend.
and listen with your ears, you rulers of
He neighs under every one who sits the congregation.
upon him.
20 To son and wife, to brother and friend,
7 Why does one day excel another,
don’t give power over yourself while
when all the light of every day in the you live,
year is from the sun? and don’t give your goods to another,
8 They were distinguished by the Lord’s
lest you regret it and must ask for
knowledge, them.
and he varied seasons and feasts. 21 While you still live and breath is in you,
9 Some of them he exalted and hallowed,
and some of them he has made ordi- don’t give yourself over to anybody.
22 For it is better that your children should
nary days.
10 And all men are from the ground. ask from you
Adam was created from dust. than that you should look to the hand
11 In the abundance of his knowledge the of your children.
Lord distinguished them, 23 Excel in all your works.
and made their ways different. Don’t bring a stain on your honor.
12 Some of them he blessed and exalted, 24 In the day that you end the days of your
and some of them he made holy and life,
brought near to himself. in the time of death, distribute your
Some of them he cursed and brought low, inheritance.
and overthrew them from their place.
13 As the clay of the potter in his hand, 25 Fodder, a stick, and burdens are for a
all his ways are according to his good donkey.
pleasure, Bread, discipline, and work are for a
so men are in the hand of him who made servant.
them, 26 Set your slave to work, and you will find
to render to them according to his rest.
judgment. Leave his hands idle, and he will seek
14 Good is the opposite of evil, 27 Yoke and thong will bow the neck.
and life is the opposite of death; For an evil slave there are racks and
so† the sinner is the opposite of the 28 tortures.
godly. Send him to labor, that he not be idle,
15 Look upon all the works of the Most High for idleness teaches much mischief.
29 Set him to work, as is fit for him.
like this, If he doesn’t obey, make his fetters
they come in pairs, one against an-
other. 30 Don’t be excessive toward any.
16 I was the last on watch, Do nothing unjust.
† 33:14 A line of this verse is here omitted by the best authorities.
Sirach 33:31 780 Sirach 34:26

31 If you have a slave, treat him like your- 13 The spirit of those who fear the Lord will
self, live,
because you have bought him with for their hope is in him who saves
blood. them.
32 If you have a slave, treat him like your- 14 Whoever fears the Lord won’t be afraid,
self. and won’t be a coward,
For like your own soul, you will need for he is his hope.
him. 15 Blessed is the soul of him who fears the
If you treat him ill, and he departs and runs Lord.
away, To whom does he give heed? Who is
33 which way will you go to seek him? his support?
16 The eyes of the Lord are on those who
love him,
1 Vain and false hopes are for a man void of
a mighty protection and strong sup-
understanding. a cover from the hot blast, a shade
Dreams give wings to fools. from the noonday sun,
2 As one who grasps at a shadow and fol- a guard from stumbling, and a help
lows after the wind, from falling.
so is he who sets his mind on dreams. 17 He raises up the soul, and enlightens the
3 The vision of dreams is a reflection,
the likeness of a face near a face. He gives health, life, and blessing.
4 From an unclean thing what can be
cleansed? 18 He who sacrifices a thing wrongfully got-
From that which is false what can be ten, his offering is made in mockery.
5 Divinations, and soothsayings, and The mockeries of wicked men are not
dreams, are vain. acceptable.
19 The Most High has no pleasure in the
The heart has fantasies like a woman
in labor. offerings of the ungodly,
6 If they are not sent in a visitation from the Neither is he pacified for sins by the
Most High, multitude of sacrifices.
don’t give your heart to them. 20 Like one who kills a son before his fa-
7 For dreams have led many astray. ther’s eyes
They have failed by putting their hope is he who brings a sacrifice from the
in them. goods of the poor.
8 Without lying the law will be fulfilled. 21 The bread of the needy is the life of the
Wisdom is complete in a faithful poor.
mouth. He who deprives him of it is a man of
9 A well-instructed man knows many 22 Like one who murders his neighbor is he
things. who takes away his living.
He who has much experience will de- Like a shedder of blood is he who de-
clare understanding. prives a hireling of his hire.
10 He who has no experience knows few
23 When one builds, and another pulls
But he who has traveled increases down,
cleverness. what profit do they have but toil?
11 I have seen many things in my travels. 24 When one prays, and another curses,
My understanding is more than my whose voice will the Lord listen to?
25 He who washes himself after touching a
12 I was often in danger even to death. dead body, and touches it again,
I was preserved because of these expe- what does he gain by his washing?
riences. 26 Even so a man fasting for his sins,
Sirach 35:1 781 Sirach 36:3

and going again, and doing the same, He will listen to the prayer of him who
who will listen to his prayer? is wronged.
What profit does he have in his humil- 14 He will in no way despise the supplica-
iation? tion of the fatherless
or the widow, when she pours out her
35 15 Don’t the tears of the widow run down
1 He who keeps the law multiplies offer- her cheek?
ings. Isn’t her cry against him who has
He who heeds the commandments caused them to fall?
sacrifices a peace offering. 16 He who serves God according to his good
2 He who returns a kindness offers fine pleasure will be accepted.
flour. His supplication will reach to the
He who gives alms sacrifices a thank clouds.
offering. 17 The prayer of the humble pierces the
3 To depart from wickedness pleases the clouds.
Lord. until it comes near, he will not be com-
To depart from unrighteousness is an forted.
atoning sacrifice. He won’t depart until the Most High visits
4 See that you don’t appear in the presence and he judges righteously and exe-
of the Lord empty. cutes judgment.
5 For all these things are done because 18 And the Lord will not be slack, neither
of the commandment. will he be patient toward them,
6 The offering of the righteous enriches the until he has crushed the loins of the
altar. unmerciful.
The sweet fragrance of it is before the He will repay vengeance to the heathen
Most High. until he has taken away the multitude
7 The sacrifice of a righteous man is accept- of the arrogant
able. and broken in pieces the sceptres of
It won’t be forgotten. the unrighteous,
8 Glorify the Lord with generosity. 19 until he has rendered to every man
Don’t reduce the first fruits of your according to his deeds,
hands. and repaid the works of men accord-
9 In every gift show a cheerful counte- ing to their plans,
nance, until he has judged the cause of his
And dedicate your tithe with gladness. people,
10 Give to the Most High according as he
and he will make them rejoice in his
has given. mercy.
As your hand has found, give gener- 20 Mercy is as welcome in the time of his
ously. affliction,
11 For the Lord repays, as clouds of rain in the time of drought.
and he will repay you sevenfold.
12 Don’t plan to bribe him with gifts, for he 36
will not receive them. 1 Have mercy upon us, O Lord the God of
Don’t set your mind on an unrighteous all, and look at us with favor;
sacrifice, 2 and send your fear upon all the na-
For the Lord is the judge, tions.†
and with him is no respect of persons. 3 Lift up your hand against the foreign
13 He won’t accept any person against a nations
poor man. and let them see your mighty power.
† 36:2 The remainder of this verse is omitted by the best authorities.
Sirach 36:4 782 Sirach 37:4

4 As you showed your holiness in us before that you are the Lord, the† eternal God.
so be magnified in them before us. 18 The belly will eat any food,
5 Let them know you, as we also have but one food is better than another.
known you, 19 The mouth tastes meats taken in hunt-
that there is no God but only you, O ing,
God. so does an understanding heart detect
6 Show new signs, and work various won- false speech.
20 A contrary heart will cause heaviness.
Glorify your hand and your right A man of experience will pay him
arm.‡ back.
7 Raise up indignation and pour out wrath. 21 A woman will receive any man,
Take away the adversary and destroy but one daughter is better than an-
the enemy. other.
8 Hasten the time and remember your 22 The beauty of a woman cheers the coun-
oath. tenance.
Let them declare your mighty works. A man desires nothing more.
9 Let him who escapes be devoured by 23 If kindness and humility are on her

raging fire. tongue,

May those who harm your people find her husband is not like other sons of
destruction. 24 He who gets a wife gets his richest trea-
10 Crush the heads of the rulers of the ene-
mies a help meet for him and a pillar of
who say, “There is no one but our- support.
selves.” 25 Where no hedge is, the property will be
11 Gather all the tribes of Jacob together,
and§ take them for your inheritance,
He who has no wife will mourn as he
as from the beginning. wanders.
12 O Lord, have mercy upon the people that 26 For who would trust a nimble robber
is called by your name, who skips from city to city?
and upon Israel, whom you likened to Even so, who would trust a man who
a firstborn. has no nest, and lodges wherever he
13 Have compassion upon the city of your finds himself at nightfall?
Jerusalem, the place of your rest.
14 Fill Zion. Exalt your oracles 37
and fill your people with your glory. 1 Every friend will say, “I also am his
15 Give testimony to those who were your friend”;
creatures in the beginning, but there is a friend which is only a
and fulfill the prophecies that have friend in name.
2 Isn’t there a grief in it even to death
been spoken in your name.
16 Reward those who wait for you, when a companion and friend is
and men will put their trust in your turned into an enemy?
3 O wicked imagination, why were you
17 Listen, O Lord, to the prayer of your formed
servants, to cover the dry land with deceit?
4 There is a companion who rejoices in the
according to the blessing of Aaron con-
cerning your people; gladness of a friend,
and all those who are on the earth will but in time of affliction will be against
know him.
‡ 36:6 The remainder of this verse is omitted by the best authorities. § 36:11 The ancient authorities read I took
them for my inheritance: but the Greek text is here very confused. † 36:17 Gr. God of the ages.
Sirach 37:5 783 Sirach 37:31

5 There is a companion who for the belly’s 15 Above all this ask the Most High
sake labors with his friend, that he may direct your way in truth.
yet in the face of battle will carry his
buckler. 16 Let reason be the beginning of every
6 Don’t forget a friend in your soul.
Don’t be unmindful of him in your Let counsel go before every action.
riches. 17 As a token of the changing of the heart,
18 four kinds of things rise up:
7 Every counselor extols counsel,
good and evil, life and death.
but some give counsel in their own
That which rules over them continu-
interest. ally is the tongue.
8 Let your soul beware of a counselor,
19 There is one who is clever and the in-
and know in advance what is his inter- structor of many,
(for he will take counsel for himself), and yet is unprofitable to his own soul.
lest he cast the lot against you, 20 There is one who is subtle in words, and
9 and say to you, “Your way is good.” is hated.
Then he will stand near you, to see He will be destitute of all food.
21 For grace was not given to him from the
what will happen to you.
10 Don’t take counsel with one who looks Lord,
askance at you. because he is deprived of all wisdom.
Hide your counsel from those who are 22 There is one who is wise to his own soul;
jealous of you. and the fruits of his understanding are
11 Don’t consult with a woman about her trustworthy in the mouth.
rival, 23 A wise man will instruct his own people.
with a coward about war, The fruits of his understanding are
with a merchant about business, trustworthy.
with a buyer about selling, 24 A wise man will be filled with blessing.
with an envious man about thankful-
ness, All those who see him will call him
with an unmerciful man about kindli- happy.
25 The life of a man is counted by days.
with a sluggard about any kind of The days of Israel are innumerable.
work, 26 The wise man will inherit confidence
with a hireling in your house about among his people.
finishing his work, His name will live forever.
or with an idle servant about much
business. 27 My son, test your soul in your life.
Pay no attention to these in any matter See what is evil for it, and don’t give in
of counsel. to it.
12 But rather be continually with a godly 28 For not all things are profitable for all
man, men.
whom you know to be a keeper of the Not every soul has pleasure in every-
commandments, thing.
who in his soul is as your own soul, 29 Don’t be insatiable in any luxury.
and who will grieve with you, if you Don’t be greedy in the things that you
fail. eat.
13 Make the counsel of your heart stand, 30 For overeating brings disease,
for there is no one more faithful to you and gluttony causes nausea.
than it. 31 Because of gluttony, many have per-
14 For a man’s soul is sometimes inclined to
inform him ished,
better than seven watchmen who sit but he who takes heed shall prolong
on high on a watch-tower. his life.
Sirach 38:1 784 Sirach 38:28

1 Honor a physician according to your need
and as one who suffers grievously, be-
gin lamentation.
with the honors due to him, Wind up his body with due honor.
for truly the Lord has created him. Don’t neglect his burial.
2 For healing comes from the Most High, 17 Make bitter weeping and make passion-
and he shall receive a gift from the ate wailing.
king. Let your mourning be according to his
3 The skill of the physician will lift up his merit,
head. for one day or two, lest you be spoken
He will be admired in the sight of great evil of;
men. and so be comforted for your sorrow.
4 The Lord created medicines out of the 18 For from sorrow comes death.
earth. Sorrow of heart saps one’s strength.
A prudent man will not despise them. 19 In calamity, sorrow also remains.
5 Wasn’t water made sweet with wood,
that its power might be known? A poor man’s life is grievous to the
6 He gave men skill heart.
20 Don’t give your heart to sorrow.
that he might be glorified in his mar- Put it away, remembering the end.
velous works. 21 Don’t forget it, for there is no returning
7 With them he heals
and takes away pain. again.
8 With these, the pharmacist makes a mix- You do him no good, and you would
ture. harm yourself.
God’s works won’t be brought to an 22 Remember his end, for so also will yours
end. be:
From him, peace is upon the face of the yesterday for me, and today for you.
earth. 23 When the dead is at rest, let his remem-
brance rest.
9 My son, in your sickness don’t be negli- Be comforted for him when his spirit
gent, departs from him.
but pray to the Lord, and he will heal
you. 24 The wisdom of the scribe comes by the
10 Put away wrong doing, and direct your
opportunity of leisure.
hands in righteousness. He who has little business can become
Cleanse your heart from all sin. wise.
11 Give a sweet savor and a memorial of 25 How could he become wise who holds
fine flour, the plow,
and pour oil on your offering, accord- who glories in the shaft of the goad,
ing to your means. who drives oxen and is occupied in
12 Then give place to the physician, for their labors,
truly the Lord has created him. and who mostly talks about bulls?
26 He will set his heart upon turning his
Don’t let him leave you, for you need
him. furrows.
13 There is a time when in recovery is in His lack of sleep is to give his heifers
their hands. their fodder.
14 For they also shall ask the Lord 27 So is every craftsman and master artisan

to prosper them in diagnosis and in who passes his time by night as by day,
healing for the maintenance of life. those who cut engravings of signets.
15 He who sins before his Maker, His diligence is to make great variety.
let him fall into the hands of the physi- He sets his heart to preserve likeness
cian. in his portraiture,
and is careful to finish his work.
16 My son, let your tears fall over the dead, 28 So too is the smith sitting by the anvil
Sirach 38:29 785 Sirach 39:13

and considering the unwrought iron. 2 He will keep the sayings of the men of
The smoke of the fire will waste his flesh. renown
He toils in the heat of the furnace. and will enter in amidst the subtleties
The noise of the hammer deafens his ear. of parables.
His eyes are upon the pattern of the 3 He will seek out the hidden meaning of
object. proverbs
He will set his heart upon perfecting his and be conversant in the dark sayings
works. of parables.
He will be careful to adorn them per- 4 He will serve among great men
fectly. and appear before him who rules.
29 So is the potter sitting at his work
He will travel through the land of foreign
and turning the wheel around with his nations,
feet, for he has learned what is good and
who is always anxiously set at his evil among men.
work. 5 He will apply his heart to return early to
He produces his handiwork in quan- the Lord who made him,
tity. and will make supplication before the
30 He will fashion the clay with his arm
Most High,
and will bend its strength in front of and will open his mouth in prayer,
his feet. and will ask for pardon for his sins.
He will apply his heart to finish the glazing.
He will be careful to clean the kiln. 6 If the great Lord wills,

31 All these put their trust in their hands. he will be filled with the spirit of un-
Each becomes skillful in his own work.
32 Without these no city would be inhab- he will pour forth the words of his
ited. wisdom
Men wouldn’t reside as foreigners or and in prayer give thanks to the Lord.
7 He will direct his counsel and knowledge,
walk up and down there.
33 They won’t be sought for in the council and he will meditate in his secrets.
8 He will show the instruction which he has
of the people. been taught
They won’t mount on high in the as- and will glory in the law of the
sembly. covenant of the Lord.
They won’t sit on the seat of the judge. 9 Many will commend his understanding.
They won’t understand the covenant So long as the world endures, it won’t
of judgment. be blotted out.
Neither will they declare instruction His memory won’t depart.
and judgment. His name will live from generation to
They won’t be found where parables generation.
are. 10 Nations will declare his wisdom.
34 But they will maintain the fabric of the
The congregation will proclaim his
Their prayer is in the handiwork of 11
their craft. If he continues, he will leave a greater
name than a thousand.
If he finally rests, it is enough for him.
1 Not so he who has applied his soul Yet more I will utter, which I have

and meditates in the law of the Most thought about.

High. I am filled like the full moon.
13 Listen to me, you holy children,
He will seek out the wisdom of all the
ancients and bud forth like a rose growing by a
and will be occupied with prophecies. brook of water.
Sirach 39:14 786 Sirach 40:3

14 Give a sweet fragrance like frankin- the blood of the grape, oil, and cloth-
cense. ing.
Put forth flowers like a lily. 27 All these things are for good to the godly,
Scatter a sweet smell and sing a song but for sinners, they will be turned
of praise. into evils.
Bless the Lord for all his works!
15 Magnify his name 28 There are winds that are created for
and give utterance to his praise vengeance,
with the songs on your lips and with and in their fury they lay on their
harps! scourges heavily.
Say this when you utter his praise: In the time of reckoning, they pour out
their strength,
16 All the works of the Lord are exceedingly and will appease the wrath of him who
good, made them.
29 Fire, hail, famine, and death—
and every command will be done in its
time. all these are created for vengeance—
17 No one can say, “What is this?” “Why is 30 wild beasts’ teeth, scorpions,
that?” adders,
for at the proper time they will all be and a sword punishing the ungodly to
sought out. destruction.
31 They will rejoice in his commandment,
At his word, the waters stood as a heap,
and will be made ready upon earth
as did the reservoirs of water at the
word of his mouth. when needed.
18 At his command all his good pleasure is In their seasons, they won’t disobey
fulfilled. his command.
There is no one who can hinder his 32 Therefore from the beginning I was con-
19 The works of all flesh are before him. vinced,
It’s impossible to be hidden from his and I thought it through and left it in
eyes. writing:
20 He sees from everlasting to everlasting. 33 All the works of the Lord are good.

There is nothing too wonderful for He will supply every need in its time.
34 No one can say, “This is worse than that,”
21 No one can say, “What is this?” “Why is for they will all be well approved in
that?” their time.
35 Now with all your hearts and voices, sing
for all things are created for their own
uses. praises
and bless the Lord’s name!
22 His blessing covered the dry land as a
and saturated it as a flood. 40
1 Great travail is created for every man.
23 As he has made the waters salty,
so the heathen will inherit his wrath. A heavy yoke is upon the sons of
24 His ways are plain to the holy. Adam,
They are stumbling blocks to the from the day of their coming forth
wicked. from their mother’s womb,
25 Good things are created from the begin- until the day for their burial in the
ning for the good. mother of all things.
So are evil things for sinners. 2 The expectation of things to come, and
26 The main things necessary for the life of the day of death,
man trouble their thoughts, and cause fear
are water, fire, iron, salt, in their hearts.
wheat flour, and honey, milk, 3 From him who sits on a throne of glory,
Sirach 40:4 787 Sirach 41:1

even to him who is humbled in earth He who finds a treasure is better than
and ashes, both.
4 from him who wears purple and a crown, 19 Children and the building of a city estab-
even to him who is clothed in burlap, lish a name.
5 there is wrath, jealousy, trouble, unrest, A blameless wife is better than both.
20 Wine and music rejoice the heart.
fear of death, anger, and strife.
The love of wisdom is better than both.
In the time of rest upon his bed, 21 The pipe and the lute make pleasant
his night sleep changes his knowledge. melody.
6 He gets little or no rest,
A pleasant tongue is better than both.
and afterward in his sleep, as in a day 22 Your eye desires grace and beauty,
of keeping watch, but the green shoots of grain more
he is troubled in the vision of his heart, than both.
as one who has escaped from the front 23 A friend and a companion is always wel-
of battle. come,
7 In the very time of his deliverance, he and a wife with her husband is better
awakens, than both.
24 Relatives and helpers are for a time of
and marvels that the fear is nothing.
8 To all creatures, human and animal, but almsgiving rescues better than
and upon sinners sevenfold more, both.
25 Gold and silver will make the foot stand
9 come death, bloodshed, strife, sword,
calamities, famine, suffering, and and counsel is esteemed better than
plague. both.
10 All these things were created for the 26 Riches and strength will lift up the heart.
wicked, The fear of the Lord is better than
and because of them the flood came. both.
11 All things that are of the earth turn to the There is nothing lacking in the fear of the
earth again. Lord.
All things that are of the waters return In it, there is no need to seek help.
27 The fear of the Lord is like a garden of
into the sea.
12 Allbribery and injustice will be blotted and covers a man more than any glory.
Good faith will stand forever. 28 My son, don’t lead a beggar’s life.
13 The goods of the unjust will be dried up
It is better to die than to beg.
like a river, 29 A man who looks to the table of another,
and like a great thunder in rain will go
his life is not to be considered a life.
off in noise. He will pollute his soul with another per-
14 In opening his hands, a man will be
son’s food,
made glad; but a wise and well-instructed person
so lawbreakers will utterly fail. will beware of that.
15 The children of the ungodly won’t grow 30
Begging will be sweet in the mouth of the
many branches, shameless,
and are as unhealthy roots on a sheer but it kindles a fire in his belly.
16 The reeds by every water or river bank
will be plucked up before all grass. 41
1 O death, how bitter is the memory of
17 Kindness is like a garden of blessings.
Almsgiving endures forever. you to a man who is at peace in his
18 The life of one who labors and is content to the man who has nothing to distract
will be made sweet. him and has prosperity in all things,
Sirach 41:2 788 Sirach 41:24

and who still has strength to enjoy 14 My children, follow instruction in peace.
food! But wisdom that is hidden and a trea-
2 O death, your sentence is acceptable to a sure that is not seen,
man who is needy and who fails in what benefit is in them both?
strength, 15 Better is a man who hides his foolishness
who is in extreme old age, is distracted than a man who hides his wisdom.
about all things, 16 Therefore show respect for my words;
is perverse, and has lost patience! for it is not good to retain every kind of
3 Don’t be afraid of the sentence of death.
Remember those who have been be- Not everything is approved by all in
fore you and who come after. good faith.
This is the sentence from the Lord over all
flesh. 17 Be ashamed of sexual immorality before
4 And why do you refuse when it is the
good pleasure of the Most High? father and mother,
Whether life lasts ten, or a hundred, or a of a lie before a prince and a mighty
thousand years, man,
18 of an offense before a judge and
there is no inquiry about life in
Hades.† ruler,
of iniquity before the congregation
5 The children of sinners are abominable and the people,
children of unjust dealing before a partner and
and they frequent the dwellings of the friend,
ungodly. 19 and of theft in the place where you
6 The inheritance of sinners’ children will
and with their posterity will be a per- Be ashamed in regard of the truth of God
petual disgrace. and his covenant,
7 Children will complain of an ungodly fa- of leaning on your elbow at dinner,
ther, of contemptuous behavior in the mat-
because they suffer disgrace because ter of giving and taking,
of him. 20 of silence before those who greet
8 Woe to you, ungodly men, you,
who have forsaken the law of the Most of looking at a woman who is a prosti-
High God!‡ tute,
9 If you are born, you will be born to a 21 of turning away your face from a
curse. kinsman,
If you die, a curse will be your portion. of taking away a portion or a gift,
10 All things that are of the earth will go
of gazing at a woman who has a hus-
back to the earth; band,
so the ungodly will go from a curse to 22 of meddling with his maid—and
perdition. don’t come near her bed,
11 The mourning of men is about their bod-
of abusive speech to friends—and after
you have given, don’t insult,
ies; 23 of repeating and speaking what you
but the evil name of sinners will be
blotted out. have heard,
12 Have regard for your name, and of revealing of secrets.
for it continues with you longer than a 24 So you will be ashamed of the right
thousand great treasures of gold. things
13 A good life has its number of days,
and find favor in the sight of every
but a good name continues forever. man.
† 41:4 or, the place of the dead or, Sheol ‡ 41:8 The remainder of this verse is omitted by the best authorities.
Sirach 42:1 789 Sirach 42:24

42 a byword in the city and notorious

1 Don’t be ashamed of these things, among the people,
and don’t sin to save face: and shame you in public.
2 of the law of the Most High and his
covenant, 12 Don’t gaze at every beautiful body.
of judgment to do justice to the un- Don’t sit in the midst of women.
godly, 13 For from garments comes a moth,
3 of reckoning with a partner and with and from a woman comes a woman’s
travellers, wickedness.
14 Better is the wickedness of a man than a
of a gift from the inheritance of
friends, pleasant woman,
4 of exactness of scales and weights, a woman who puts you to shame and
of getting much or little, disgrace.
5 of bargaining dealing with mer-
15 I will make mention now of the works of
chants, the Lord,
of frequent correction of children, and will declare the things that I have
and of making the back of an evil slave seen.
to bleed. The Lord’s works are in his words.
6 A seal is good where an evil wife is. 16 The sun that gives light looks at all

Where there are many hands, lock things.

things up. The Lord’s work is full of his glory.
17 The Lord has not given power to the
7 Whatever you hand over, let it be by
number and weight. saints to declare all his marvelous
In giving and receiving, let all be in which the Almighty Lord firmly set-
writing. tled,
8 Don’t be ashamed to instruct the unwise that the universe might be established
and foolish, in his glory.
and one of extreme old age who con- 18 He searches out the deep and the heart.
tends with those who are young. He has understanding of their secrets.
So you will be well instructed indeed For the Most High knows all knowledge.
and approved in the sight of every He sees the signs of the world.
living man. 19 He declares the things that are past and
the things that shall be,
9 A daughter is a secret cause of wakeful-
and reveals the traces of hidden
ness to a father. things.
Care for her takes away sleep— 20 No thought escapes him.
in her youth, lest she pass the flower of There is not a word hidden from him.
her age; 21 He has ordered the mighty works of his
when she is married, lest she should wisdom.
be hated; He is from everlasting to everlasting.
10 in her virginity, lest she should be Nothing has been added to them, nor di-
defiled and be with child in her fa- minished from them.
ther’s house; He had no need of any counselor.
when she has a husband, lest she 22 How desirable are all his works!
should transgress; One may see this even in a spark.
and when she is married, lest she 23 All these things live and remain forever
should be barren. in all manner of uses.
11 Keep a strict watch over a headstrong They are all obedient.
daughter, 24 All things are in pairs, one opposite the
lest she make you a laughingstock to other.
your enemies, He has made nothing imperfect.
Sirach 42:25 790 Sirach 43:26

25 One thing establishes the good things of The hands of the Most High have
another. stretched it out.
Who could ever see enough of his
glory? 13 By his commandment, he makes the
snow fall
and swiftly sends the lightnings of his
43 judgment.
14 Therefore the storehouses are opened,
1 The pride of the heavenly heights is the
clear sky, and clouds fly out like birds.
the appearance of heaven, in the spec- 15 By his mighty power, he makes the
tacle of its glory. clouds strong
2 The sun, when it appears, bringing tid- and the hailstones are broken in
ings as it rises, pieces.
16 At his appearing, the mountains will be
is a marvelous instrument, the work of
the Most High. shaken.
3 At noon, it dries up the land. At his will, the south wind will blow.
17 The voice of his thunder rebukes the
Who can stand against its burning earth.
heat? So does the northern storm and the
4 A man tending a furnace is in burning
heat, Like birds flying down, he sprinkles the
but the sun three times more, burning snow.
up the mountains, It falls down like the lighting of locusts.
18 The eye is dazzled at the beauty of its
breathing out fiery vapors,
and sending out bright beams, it whiteness.
blinds the eyes. The heart is amazed as it falls.
19 He also pours out frost on the earth like
5 Great is the Lord who made it.
At his word, he hastens on its course. salt.
When it is freezes, it has points like
6 The moon marks the changing seasons, thorns.
declares times, and is a sign for the 20 The cold north wind blows
world. and ice freezes on the water.
7 From the moon is the sign of feast days,
It settles on every pool of water.
a light that wanes when it completes The water puts it on like it was a
its course. breastplate.
8 The month is called after its name, 21 It will devour the mountains, burn up
increasing wonderfully in its chang- the wilderness,
ing— and consume the green grass like fire.
an instrument of the army on high, 22 A mist coming speedily heals all things.
shining in the structure of heaven, A dew coming after heat brings cheer-
9 the beauty of heaven, the glory of the
an ornament giving light in the high- 23 By his counsel, he has calmed the deep
est places of the Lord. and planted islands in it.
10 At the word of the Holy One, they will 24
Those who sail on the sea tell of its dan-
stand in due order. gers.
They won’t faint in their watches. We marvel when we hear it with our
11 Look at the rainbow, and praise him who ears.
25 There are also those strange and won-
made it.
It is exceedingly beautiful in its bright- drous works in it—
ness. variety of all that has life and the huge
12 It encircles the sky with its glorious cir- creatures of the sea.
cle. 26 Because of him, his messengers succeed.
Sirach 43:27 791 Sirach 44:21

By his word, all things hold together. 7 All these were honored in their genera-
27 We may say many things, but couldn’t and were outstanding in their days.
say enough. 8 Some of them have left a name behind
The summary of our words is, “He is them,
everything!” so that others declare their praises.
28 How could we have strength to glorify 9 But of others, there is no memory.

him? They perished as though they had not

For he is himself the greater than all been.
his works. They become as though they had not
29 The Lord is awesome and exceedingly been born,
great! they and their children after them.
His power is marvelous! 10 But these were men of mercy,
30 Glorify the Lord and exalt him as much whose righteous deeds have not been
as you can! forgotten.
For even yet, he will surpass that. 11 A good inheritance remains with their
When you exalt him, summon your full offspring.
strength. Their children are within the
Don’t be weary, because you can’t covenant.
12 Their offspring stand fast,
praise him enough.
31 Who has seen him, that he may describe with their children, for their sakes.
13 Their offspring will remain forever.
him? Their glory won’t be blotted out.
Who can magnify him as he is? 14 Their bodies were buried in peace.
32 Many things greater than these are hid-
den, Their name lives to all generations.
15 People will declare their wisdom.
for we have seen just a few of his
works. The congregation proclaims their
33 For the Lord made all things. praise.
He gave wisdom to the godly. 16 Enoch pleased the Lord, and was taken
1 Let us now praise famous men,
an example of repentance to all gener-
our ancestors in their generations. 17 Noah was found perfect and righteous.
2 The Lord created great glory in them—
In the season of wrath, he kept the race
his mighty power from the beginning. alive.
3 Some ruled in their kingdoms
Therefore a remnant was left on the earth
and were men renowned for their when the flood came.
power, 18 Everlasting covenants were made with
giving counsel by their understand- him,
ing. that all flesh should no more be blot-
Some have spoken in prophecies, ted out by a flood.
4 leaders of the people by their coun-
19 Abraham was a great father of a multi-
and by their understanding, giving in- tude of nations.
There was none found like him in
struction for the people. glory,
Their words in their instruction were 20 who kept the law of the Most High,
5 Some composed musical tunes, and was taken into covenant with him.
In his flesh he established the covenant.
and set forth verses in writing, When he was tested, he was found
6 rich men endowed with ability,
living peaceably in their homes. 21 Therefore he assured him by an oath
Sirach 44:22 792 Sirach 45:15

that the nations would be blessed 7 He established an everlasting covenant

through his offspring, with him,
that he would multiply him like the and gave him the priesthood of the
dust of the earth, people.
exalt his offspring like the stars, He blessed him with stateliness,
and cause them to inherit from sea to and dressed him in a glorious robe.
sea, 8 He clothed him in perfect splendor,
and from the Euphrates River to the and strengthened him with symbols of
utmost parts of the earth. authority:
22 In Isaac also, he established the same
the linen trousers, the long robe, and
the ephod.
assurance for Abraham his father’s 9
sake, He encircled him with pomegranates;
the blessing of all men, and the with many golden bells around him,
covenant. to make a sound as he went,
23 He made it rest upon the head of Jacob. to make a sound that might be heard
He acknowledged him in his blessings, in the temple,
gave to him by inheritance, for a reminder for the children of his
and divided his portions. people;
10 with a holy garment, with gold, blue,
He distributed them among twelve
tribes. and purple, the work of the embroi-
45 with an oracle of judgment—Urim and
1 He brought out of him a man of mercy, Thummim;
11 with twisted scarlet, the work of the
who found favor in the sight of all
people, craftsman;
a man loved by God and men, even with precious stones engraved like a
Moses, signet, in a setting of gold, the work
whose memory is blessed. of the jeweller,
2 He made him equal to the glory of the for a reminder engraved in writing,
saints, after the number of the tribes of
and magnified him in the fears of his Israel;
12 with a crown of gold upon the mitre,
3 By his words he caused the wonders to having engraved on it, as on a signet,
cease. “HOLINESS”,
God glorified him in the sight of kings. an ornament of honor, the work of an
He gave him commandments for his peo- expert,
ple the desires of the eyes, goodly and
and showed him part of his glory. beautiful.
13 Before him there never have been any-
4 He sanctified him in his faithfulness and
meekness. thing like it.
He chose him out of all people. No stranger put them on, but only his
5 He made him to hear his voice, sons and his offspring perpetually.
14 His sacrifices shall be wholly burned,
led him into the thick darkness,
and gave him commandments face to twice every day continually.
15 Moses consecrated him,
even the law of life and knowledge, and anointed him with holy oil.
that he might teach Jacob the It was an everlasting covenant with him
covenant, and to his offspring, all the days of
and Israel his judgments. heaven,
to minister to the Lord, to serve as a
6 He exalted Aaron, a holy man like Moses, priest,
even his brother, of the tribe of Levi. and to bless his people in his name.
Sirach 45:16 793 Sirach 46:7

16 He chose him out of all living 25 Also he made a covenant with David the
to offer sacrifice to the Lord— son of Jesse, of the tribe of Judah.
incense, and a sweet fragrance, for a The inheritance of the king is his alone
memorial, from son to son.
to make atonement for your people. So the inheritance of Aaron is also to
17 He gave to him in his commandments, his seed.
authority in the covenants of judg- 26 May God give you wisdom in your heart
to judge his people in righteousness,
to teach Jacob the testimonies,
that their good things may not be abol-
and to enlighten Israel in his law.
18 Strangers conspired against him
and that their glory may endure for all
and envied him in the wilderness: their generations.
Dathan and Abiram with their com-
and the congregation of Korah, with
wrath and anger.
1 Joshua the son of Nun was valiant in war,
19 The Lord saw it, and it displeased him.
and was the successor of Moses in
In the wrath of his anger, they were prophecies.
destroyed. He was made great according to his name
He did wonders upon them, for the saving of† God’s elect,
to consume them with flaming fire. to take vengeance on the enemies that
20 He added glory to Aaron, rose up against them,
and gave him a heritage. that he might give Israel their inheri-
He divided to him the first fruits of the 2 tance.
increase, How was he glorified in the lifting up his
and prepared bread of first fruits in hands,
abundance. and in stretching out his sword against
21 For they eat the sacrifices of the Lord, the cities!
3 Who before him stood so firm?
which he gave to him and to his off-
For the Lord himself brought his ene-
22 However, in the land of the people, he 4
mies to him.
Didn’t the sun go back by his hand?
has no inheritance, Didn’t one day become as two?
and he has no portion among the peo- 5 He called upon the Most High, the Mighty
ple, One,
for the Lord himself is your portion when his foes pressed in all around
and inheritance. him,
23 Phinehas the son of Eleazar is the third
and the great Lord heard him.
6 With hailstones of mighty power,
in glory,
in that he was zealous in the fear of the he caused war to break violently upon
Lord, the nation,
and stood fast when the people turned and ‡ on the slope he destroyed those
away, who resisted,
and he made atonement for Israel. so that the nations might know his
24 Therefore, a covenant of peace was es- armor,
tablished for him, how he fought in the sight of the Lord;
that he should be leader of the sanctu- for he followed the Mighty One.
ary and of his people, 7 Also in the time of Moses, he did a work of
that he and his offspring should have mercy—
the dignity of the priesthood for- he and Caleb the son of Jephunneh—
ever. in that they withstood the adversary,
† 46:1 Gr. his. ‡ 46:6 See Joshua 10:11
Sirach 46:8 794 Sirach 47:8

hindered the people from sin, 19 Before the time of his age-long sleep,
and stilled their wicked complaining. he testified in the sight of the lord and
8 And of six hundred thousand people on his anointed,
foot, they two alone were preserved “I have not taken any man’s goods, so
to bring them into their inheritance, much as a sandal;”
into a land flowing with milk and and no one accused him.
20 Even after he fell asleep, he prophesied,
9 The Lord gave strength to Caleb, and showed the king his end,
and lifted up his voice from the earth
and it remained with him to his old
age, in prophecy,
so that he entered the hill country, to blot out the wickedness of the peo-
and his offspring obtained it for an ple.
10 that all the children of Israel might
see that it is good to follow the Lord. 47
1 After him, Nathan rose up

11 Also the judges, every one by his name, to prophesy in the days of David.
2 As is the fat when it is separated from the
all whose hearts didn’t engage in im-
morality, peace offering,
and who didn’t turn away from the so was David separated from the chil-
Lord— dren of Israel.
3 He played with lions as with kids,
may their memory be blessed!
12 May their bones flourish again out of and with bears as with lambs of the
their place. 4 In his youth didn’t he kill a giant,
May the name of those who have been and take away reproach from the peo-
honored be renewed in their chil- ple
when he lifted up his hand with a sling
13 Samuel, the prophet of the Lord, loved stone,
and beat down the boasting Goliath?
by his Lord, 5 For he called upon the Most High Lord,
established a kingdom and anointed
princes over his people. and he gave him strength in his right
14 By the law of the Lord he judged the hand
to kill a man mighty in war,
congregation, to exalt the horn of his people.
and the Lord watched over Jacob. 6 So they glorified him for his tens of thou-
15 By his faithfulness he was proved to be a
prophet. and praised him for the blessings of
By his words he was known to be faith- the Lord,
ful in vision. in that a glorious diadem was given to
16 When his enemies pressed on him on
every side, 7 For he destroyed the enemies on every
he called upon the Lord, the Mighty side,
One, and defeated the Philistines his adver-
with the offering of the suckling lamb. saries.
17 Then the Lord thundered from heaven. He broke their horn in pieces to this
He made his voice heard with a mighty day.
sound. 8 In every work of his he gave thanks to the
18 He utterly destroyed the rulers of the Holy One Most High with words of
Tyrians glory.
and all the princes of the Philistines. He sang praise with his whole heart,
† 47:9 The remainder of this verse is omitted by the best authorities.
Sirach 47:9 795 Sirach 48:10

and loved him who made him. He won’t take away the offspring him who
9 He set singers before the altar,
loved him.
to make sweet melody by their music.† He gave a remnant to Jacob,
10 He gave beauty to the feasts, and to David a root from his own fam-
and set in order the seasons to comple- ily.
while they praised his holy name, 23 So Solomon rested with his fathers.
and the sanctuary resounded from Of his offspring, he left behind him
early morning. Rehoboam,
11 The Lord took away his sins, the foolishness of the people, and one
and exalted his horn forever. who lacked understanding,
He gave him a covenant of kings, who made the people revolt by his
and a glorious throne in Israel. counsel.
Also Jeroboam the son of Nebat,
12 After him a wise son rose up, who made Israel to sin,
who because of him lived in security. and gave a way of sin to Ephraim.
13 Solomon reigned in days of peace. 24 Their sins were multiplied exceedingly,
God gave him rest all around, until they were removed from their
that he might set up a house for his land.
name, 25 For they sought out all manner of
and prepare a sanctuary forever. wickedness,
14 How wise you were made in your youth, until vengeance came upon them.
and filled as a river with understand-
15 Your influence covered the earth, 48
and you filled it with parables and 1 Then Elijah arose, the prophet like fire.
riddles. His word burned like a torch.
16 Your name reached to the far away is- 2 He brought a famine upon them,
lands, and by his zeal made them few in
and you were loved for your peace. number.
17 For your songs, proverbs, parables, 3 By the word of the Lord he shut up the
and interpretations, the countries heavens.
marveled at you. He brought down fire three times.
18 By the name of the Lord God, 4 How you were glorified, O Elijah, in your
who is called the God of Israel, wondrous deeds!
you gathered gold like tin, Whose glory is like yours?
and multiplied silver like lead. 5 You raised up a dead man from death,
19 You bowed your loins to women, from Hades, by the word of the Most
and in your body you were brought High.
into subjection. 6 You brought down kings to destruction,
20 You blemished your honor, and honorable men from their
and defiled your offspring, sickbeds.
7 You heard rebuke in Sinai,
to bring wrath upon your children.
I was grieved for your folly, and judgments of vengeance in Horeb.
21 because the sovereignty was di- 8 You anointed kings for retribution,
vided, and prophets to succeed after you.
and a disobedient kingdom ruled out 9 You were taken up in a tempest of fire,
of Ephraim. in a chariot of fiery horses.
22 But the Lord will never forsake his 10 You were recorded for reproofs in their
mercy. seasons,
He won’t destroy any of his works, to pacify anger, before it broke out
nor blot out the posterity of his elect. into wrath,
Sirach 48:11 796 Sirach 49:7

to turn the heart of the father to the and his angel utterly destroyed them.
son, 22 ForHezekiah did that which was pleas-
and to restore the tribes of Jacob. ing to the Lord,
11 Blessed are those who saw you,
and was strong in the ways of his an-
and those who have been beautified cestor David,
with love; which Isaiah the prophet com-
for we also shall surely live. manded,
12 Elijah was wrapped in a whirlwind.
who was great and faithful in his vi-
Elisha was filled with his spirit.
In his days he was not moved by the 23 In his days the sun went backward.
fear of any ruler, He prolonged the life of the king.
and no one brought him into subjec- 24 He saw by an excellent spirit what would
tion. come to pass in the future;
13 Nothing was too hard for him.
and he comforted those who mourned
When he was buried, his body proph- in Zion.
esied. 25 He showed the things that would happen
14 As in his life he did wonders,
through the end of time,
so his works were also marvelous in and the hidden things before they
death. came.
15 For all this the people didn’t repent.
They didn’t depart from their sins,
until they were carried away as a 49
1 The memory of Josiah is like the composi-
plunder from their land,
and were scattered through all the tion of incense
earth. prepared by the work of the perfumer.
The people were left very few in number, It will be sweet as honey in every mouth,
but with a ruler from the house of and like music at a banquet of wine.
David. 2 He did what was right in the reforming of
16 Some of them did that which was right,
the people,
but some multiplied sins. and took away the abominations of
17 Hezekiah fortified his city,
3 He set his heart right toward the Lord.
and brought water into its midst. In lawless days, he made godliness
He tunneled through rock with iron, prevail.
and built cisterns for water.
18 In his days Sennacherib invaded,
4 Except David, Hezekiah, and Josiah,
and sent Rabshakeh, and departed. all were wicked,
He lifted up his hand against Zion, because they abandoned the law of
and boasted great things in his arro- the Most High.
gance. The kings of Judah came to an end.
19 Then their hearts and their hands were
5 They gave their power to others,
and they were in pain, as women in and their glory to a foreign nation.
6 They set the chosen city of the sanctuary
20 But they called upon the Lord who is on fire
merciful, and made her streets desolate, as
spreading out their hands to him. it was written by the hand of
The Holy One quickly heard them out of Jeremiah.
7 For they mistreated him;
and delivered them by the hand of yet he was sanctified in the womb to
Isaiah. be a prophet,
21 He struck the camp of the Assyrians, to root out, to afflict, to destroy
Sirach 49:8 797 Sirach 50:15

and likewise to build and to plant. the brazen vessel like the sea in cir-
8 Ezekiel saw the vision of glory, 4 He planned to save his people from ruin,
which God showed him on the chariot and fortified the city against siege.
of the cherubim. 5 How glorious he was when the people
9 For truly he remembered the enemies in
gathered around him
rainstorm, as he came out of the house of the veil!
and to do good to those who directed 6 He was like the morning star among
their ways aright.
10 Also of the twelve prophets,† clouds,
like the full moon,
may their bones flourish again out of 7 like the sun shining on the temple of
their place. the Most High,
He comforted the people of Jacob, like the rainbow shining in clouds of
and delivered them by confident hope. glory,
8 like roses in the days of first fruits,
11 How shall we magnify Zerubbabel?
like lilies by a water spring,
He was like a signet ring on the right
hand. like the shoot of the frankincense tree
12 So was Jesus the son of Josedek, in summer time,
9 like fire and incense in the censer,
who in their days built the house, like a vessel of beaten gold adorned
and exalted a‡ people holy to the Lord, with all kinds of precious stones,
prepared for everlasting glory. 10 like an olive tree loaded with fruit,
13 Also of Nehemiah the memory is great.
and like a cypress growing high
He raised up for us fallen walls, among the clouds.
set up the gates and bars, 11 When he put on his glorious robe,
and rebuilt our houses.
and clothed himself in perfect splen-
14 No man was created upon the earth like dor,
Enoch, ascending to the holy altar,
for he was taken up from the earth. he made the court of the sanctuary
15 Nor was there a man born like Joseph, glorious.
a leader of his kindred, a supporter of
12 When he received the portions out of the
the people.
Even his bones were cared for. priests’ hands,
16 Shem and Seth were honored among as he stood by the hearth of the altar,
men, with his kindred like a garland around
but above every living thing in the him,
creation was Adam. he was like a young cedar in Lebanon
surrounded by the trunks of palm
50 13 All the sons of Aaron in their glory,
1 It was Simon, the son of Onias, the high
priest, held the Lord’s offering in their hands
who in his life repaired the house, before all the congregation of Israel.
14 Finishing the service at the altars,
and in his days strengthened the tem-
ple. that he might arrange the offering of
2 The foundation was built by him to the the Most High, the Almighty,
15 he stretched out his hand to the cup
height of the double walls,
the lofty retaining walls of the temple of libation,
enclosure. and poured out the cup of the grape.
3 In his days, a water cistern was dug, He poured it out at the foot of the altar,
† 49:10 The remainder of this line is omitted by the best authorities. ‡ 49:12 Some ancient authorities read
Sirach 50:16 798 Sirach 51:6

a sweet smelling fragrance to the Most and the foolish people who live in
High, the King of all. Shechem.
16 Then the sons of Aaron shouted.
They sounded the trumpets of beaten I have written in this book the instruc-

work. tion of understanding and knowl-

They made a great fanfare to be heard, edge,
for a reminder before the Most High. I Jesus, the son of Sirach Eleazar, of
17 Then all the people together hurried, Jerusalem,
who out of his heart poured forth wis-
and fell down to the ground on their
faces 28 Blessed is he who will exercise these
to worship their Lord, the Almighty, things.
God Most High. He who lays them up in his heart will
18 The singers also praised him with their become wise.
29 For if he does them, he will be strong in
voices. all things,
There was a sweet melody in the
for the light of the Lord is his guide.‡
whole house.
19 And the people implored the Lord Most
High, 51
in prayer before him who is merciful, A Prayer of Jesus the son of Sirach.
1 I will give thanks to you, O Lord, O King,
until the worship of the Lord was fin-
ished, and will praise you, O God my Savior.
and so they accomplished his service. I give thanks to your name,
20 Then he went down, and lifted up his 2 for you have been my protector and

hands helper,
over the whole congregation of the and delivered my body out of destruc-
children of Israel, tion,
to give blessing to the Lord with his and out of the snare of a slanderous
lips, tongue,
and to glory in his name. from lips that fabricate lies.
21 He bowed himself down in worship the You were my helper before those who
second time, stood by,
3 and delivered me, according to the
to declare the blessing from the Most
High. abundance of your mercy and of
your name,
22 Now bless the God of all, from the gnashings of teeth ready to
who everywhere does great things, devour,
who exalts our days from the womb, out of the hand of those seeking my
and deals with us according to his life,
mercy. out of the many afflictions I endured,
23 May he grant us joyfulness of heart, 4 from the choking of a fire on every

and that peace may be in our days in side,

Israel for the days of eternity, and out of the midst of fire that I hadn’t
24 to entrust his mercy with us,
5 out of the depth of the belly of Hades,
and let him deliver us in his time! from an unclean tongue,
25 With two nations my soul is vexed, and from lying words—
6 the slander of an unrighteous tongue
and the third is no nation:
26 Those who sit on the mountain of† to the king.
Samaria, the Philistines, My soul drew near to death.
† 50:26 According to some ancient versions, Seir. ‡ 50:29 The remainder of this verse is omitted by the best
Sirach 51:7 799 Sirach 51:30

My life was near to Hades. 20 I directed my soul to her.

7 They surrounded me on every side. In purity I found her.
There was no one to help me. I got myself a heart joined with her from
I was looking for human help, the beginning.
and there was none. Therefore I won’t be forsaken.
8 Then I remembered your mercy, O Lord, 21 My belly also was troubled to seek her.
and your working which has been Therefore I have gained a good posses-
from everlasting, sion.
22 The Lord gave me a tongue for my re-
how you deliver those who wait for
you, ward.
and save them out of the hand of their I will praise him with it.
9 I lifted up my prayer from the earth, 23 Draw near to me, all you who are uned-
and prayed for deliverance from ucated,
death. and live in the house of instruction.
10 I called upon the Lord, the Father of my 24 Why therefore are you all lacking in
Lord, these things,
that he would not forsake me in the and your souls are very thirsty?
days of affliction, 25 I opened my mouth and spoke,
in the time when there was no help “Get her for yourselves without
against the proud. money.”
11 I will praise your name continually. 26 Put your neck under the yoke,
I will sing praise with thanksgiving. and let your soul receive instruction.
My prayer was heard. She is near to find.
12 You saved me from destruction
27 See with your eyes
and delivered me from the evil time.
Therefore I will give thanks and praise to how that I labored just a little
you, and found for myself much rest.
and bless the name of the Lord. 28 Get instruction with a great sum of sil-

13 When I was yet young,

and gain much gold by her.
before I went abroad, 29 May your soul rejoice in his mercy,
I sought wisdom openly in my prayer. and may you all not be put to shame in
14 Before the temple I asked for her.
praising him.
I will seek her out even to the end. 30 Work your work before the time comes,
15 From the first flower to the ripening
and in his time he will give you your
grape my heart delighted in her.
My foot walked in uprightness.
From my youth I followed her steps.
16 I inclined my ear a little, and received
and found for myself much instruc-
17 I profited in her.
I will give glory to him who gives me
18 For I determined to practice her.
I was zealous for that which is good.
I will never be put to shame.
19 My soul has wrestled with her.
In my conduct I was exact.
I spread out my hands to the heaven above,
and bewailed my ignorances of her.
Isaiah 1:1 800 Isaiah 1:20

10 Hear Yahweh’s word, you rulers of

The Book of the Prophet Listen to the law of our God,§ you
people of Gomorrah!
Isaiah 11 “What are the multitude of your sacri-

The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz,

1 fices to me?”, says Yahweh.
which he saw concerning Judah and “I have had enough of the burnt offer-
Jerusalem, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, ings of rams
Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah. and the fat of fed animals.
2 Hear, heavens, I don’t delight in the blood of bulls,
and listen, earth; for Yahweh† has spo- or of lambs,
ken: or of male goats.
12 When you come to appear before me,
“I have nourished and brought up children
and they have rebelled against me. who has required this at your hand, to
3 The ox knows his owner, trample my courts?
13 Bring no more vain offerings.
and the donkey his master’s crib;
but Israel doesn’t know. Incense is an abomination to me.
My people don’t consider.” New moons, Sabbaths, and convoca-
4 Ah sinful nation, tions—
I can’t stand evil assemblies.
a people loaded with iniquity, 14 My soul hates your New Moons and your
offspring‡ of evildoers, appointed feasts.
children who deal corruptly! They are a burden to me.
They have forsaken Yahweh. I am weary of bearing them.
They have despised the Holy One of 15 When you spread out your hands, I will
Israel. hide my eyes from you.
They are estranged and backward.
5 Why should you be beaten more,
Yes, when you make many prayers, I
will not hear.
that you revolt more and more? Your hands are full of blood.
The whole head is sick, 16 Wash yourselves. Make yourself clean.
and the whole heart faint. Put away the evil of your doings from
6 From the sole of the foot even to the head
before my eyes.
there is no soundness in it, Cease to do evil.
but wounds, welts, and open sores. 17 Learn to do well.
They haven’t been closed, bandaged, Seek justice.
or soothed with oil. Relieve the oppressed.
7 Your country is desolate.
Defend the fatherless.
Your cities are burned with fire. Plead for the widow.”
Strangers devour your land in your
presence 18 “Come now, and let’s reason together,”
and it is desolate, says Yahweh:
as overthrown by strangers. “Though your sins are as scarlet, they
8 The daughter of Zion is left like a shelter shall be as white as snow.
in a vineyard, Though they are red like crimson, they
like a hut in a field of melons, shall be as wool.
19 If you are willing and obedient,
like a besieged city.
9 Unless Yahweh of Armies had left to us a you will eat the good of the land;
very small remnant, 20 but if you refuse and rebel, you will
we would have been as Sodom. be devoured with the sword;
We would have been like Gomorrah. for Yahweh’s mouth has spoken it.”
† 1:2 “Yahweh” is God’s proper Name, sometimes rendered “LORD” (all caps) in other translations. ‡ 1:4 or, seed
§ 1:10 The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim).
Isaiah 1:21 801 Isaiah 2:10

21 How the faithful city has become a pros- 2 It shall happen in the latter days, that the
titute! mountain of Yahweh’s house shall
She was full of justice. be established on the top of the
Righteousness lodged in her, mountains,
but now there are murderers. and shall be raised above the hills;
22 Your silver has become dross, and all nations shall flow to it.
3 Many peoples shall go and say,
your wine mixed with water.
23 Your princes are rebellious and compan- “Come, let’s go up to the mountain of
ions of thieves. Yahweh,
Everyone loves bribes and follows af- to the house of the God of Jacob;
ter rewards. and he will teach us of his ways,
They don’t defend the fatherless, and we will walk in his paths.”
neither does the cause of the widow For the law shall go out of Zion,
come to them. and Yahweh’s word from Jerusalem.
4 He will judge between the nations,
24 Therefore the Lord,† Yahweh of Armies,
and will decide concerning many peo-
the Mighty One of Israel, says: ples.
“Ah, I will get relief from my adversaries, They shall beat their swords into
and avenge myself on my enemies. plowshares,
25 I will turn my hand on you, and their spears into pruning hooks.
thoroughly purge away your dross, Nation shall not lift up sword against na-
and will take away all your tin. ‡ tion,
26 I will restore your judges as at the first, neither shall they learn war any more.
and your counselors as at the begin- 5
ning. House of Jacob, come, and let’s walk in the
Afterward you shall be called ‘The city of 6 light of Yahweh.
righteousness, For you have forsaken your people, the
a faithful town.’ house of Jacob,
27 Zion shall be redeemed with justice, because they are filled from the east,
and her converts with righteousness. with those who practice divination
28 But the destruction of transgressors and like the Philistines,
and they clasp hands with the children
sinners shall be together, of foreigners.
and those who forsake Yahweh shall 7 Their land is full of silver and gold,
be consumed.
29 For they shall be ashamed of the oaks neither is there any end of their trea-
which you have desired, Their land also is full of horses,
and you shall be confounded for the neither is there any end of their chari-
gardens that you have chosen. ots.
30 For you shall be as an oak whose leaf 8 Their land also is full of idols.
fades, They worship the work of their own
and as a garden that has no water. hands,
31 The strong will be like tinder, that which their own fingers have
and his work like a spark. 9 Man is brought low,
They will both burn together, and mankind is humbled;
and no one will quench them.” therefore don’t forgive them.
10 Enter into the rock,
2 and hide in the dust,
1 This is what Isaiah the son of Amoz saw from before the terror of Yahweh,
concerning Judah and Jerusalem. and from the glory of his majesty.
† 1:24 The word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.” ‡ 1:25 tin is a metal that is separated from silver during the
refining and purification process.
Isaiah 2:11 802 Isaiah 3:10

11 The lofty looks of man will be brought 3

1 For, behold,† the Lord, Yahweh of Armies,
the arrogance of men will be bowed takes away from Jerusalem and
down, from Judah supply and support,
and Yahweh alone will be exalted in the whole supply of bread,
that day. and the whole supply of water;
2 the mighty man,
12 For there will be a day of Yahweh of the man of war,
Armies for all that is proud and ar- the judge,
rogant, the prophet,
and for all that is lifted up, the diviner,
and it shall be brought low— the elder,
13 for all the cedars of Lebanon, that 3 the captain of fifty,
are high and lifted up, the honorable man,
for all the oaks of Bashan, the counselor,
14 for all the high mountains, the skilled craftsman,
for all the hills that are lifted up, and the clever enchanter.
4 I will give boys to be their princes,
15 for every lofty tower,
and children shall rule over them.
for every fortified wall, 5 The people will be oppressed,
16 for all the ships of Tarshish,
everyone by another,
and for all pleasant imagery. and everyone by his neighbor.
17 The loftiness of man shall be bowed The child will behave himself proudly
down, against the old man,
and the arrogance of men shall be and the wicked against the honorable.
brought low; 6 Indeed a man shall take hold of his
and Yahweh alone shall be exalted in brother in the house of his father,
that day. saying,
18 The idols shall utterly pass away. “You have clothing, you be our ruler,
19 Men shall go into the caves of the rocks, and let this ruin be under your hand.”
7 In that day he will cry out, saying, “I will
and into the holes of the earth,
from before the terror of Yahweh, not be a healer;
and from the glory of his majesty, for in my house is neither bread nor
when he arises to shake the earth clothing.
mightily. You shall not make me ruler of the
20 In that day, men shall cast away their
8 For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is
idols of silver fallen;
and their idols of gold,
because their tongue and their doings
which have been made for themselves are against Yahweh,
to worship,
to the moles and to the bats, to provoke the eyes of his glory.
9 The look of their faces testify against
21 to go into the caverns of the rocks,
and into the clefts of the ragged rocks, them.
They parade their sin like Sodom.
from before the terror of Yahweh, They don’t hide it.
and from the glory of his majesty, Woe to their soul!
when he arises to shake the earth For they have brought disaster upon
mightily. themselves.
22 Stop trusting in man, whose breath is in 10 Tell the righteous that it will be well with
his nostrils; them,
for of what account is he? for they will eat the fruit of their deeds.
† 3:1 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.
Isaiah 3:11 803 Isaiah 5:4

11 Woe to the wicked! 25 Your men shall fall by the sword,

Disaster is upon them, and your mighty in the war.
for the deeds of their hands will be 26 Her gates shall lament and mourn.
paid back to them. She shall be desolate and sit on the
12 As for my people, children are their op-
and women rule over them.
My people, those who lead you cause
1 Seven women shall take hold of one
you to err, man in that day, saying, “We will eat our
and destroy the way of your paths. own bread, and wear our own clothing.
13 Yahweh stands up to contend, Just let us be called by your name. Take
away our reproach.”
and stands to judge the peoples. 2 In that day, Yahweh’s branch will be
14 Yahweh will enter into judgment with
beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of
the elders of his people
the land will be the beauty and glory of
and their leaders:
“It is you who have eaten up the vine- the survivors of Israel.
3 It will happen

yard. that he who is left in Zion and he who

The plunder of the poor is in your remains in Jerusalem shall be called holy,
houses. even everyone who is written among the
15 What do you mean that you crush living in Jerusalem, 4 when the Lord shall
my people, have washed away the filth of the daugh-
and grind the face of the poor?” says ters of Zion, and shall have purged the
the Lord, Yahweh of Armies. blood of Jerusalem from within it, by the
spirit of justice and by the spirit of burning.
16 Moreover Yahweh said, “Because the 5 Yahweh will create over the whole habi-
daughters of Zion are arrogant, tation of Mount Zion and over her assem-
and walk with outstretched necks and blies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the
flirting eyes, shining of a flaming fire by night, for over
walking daintily as they go, all the glory will be a canopy. 6 There will
jingling ornaments on their feet; be a pavilion for a shade in the daytime
17 therefore the Lord brings sores on the from the heat, and for a refuge and for a
crown of the head of the women of shelter from storm and from rain.
and Yahweh will make their scalps 5
1 Let me sing for my well beloved a song of
18 In that day the Lord will take away my beloved about his vineyard.
the beauty of their anklets, the headbands, My beloved had a vineyard on a very
the crescent necklaces, 19 the earrings, the fruitful hill.
2 He dug it up,
bracelets, the veils, the headdresses, the
ankle chains, the sashes, the perfume con- gathered out its stones,
tainers, the charms, the signet rings, the
21 planted it with the choicest vine,
nose rings, 22 the fine robes, the capes, the built a tower in the middle of it,
cloaks, the purses, the hand mirrors, the
23 and also cut out a wine press in it.
fine linen garments, the tiaras, and the He looked for it to yield grapes,
shawls. but it yielded wild grapes.
24 It shall happen that instead of sweet
3 “Now, inhabitants of Jerusalem and men
spices, there shall be rottenness;
instead of a belt, a rope; of Judah,
instead of well set hair, baldness; please judge between me and my vine-
instead of a robe, a wearing of sack- yard.
cloth; 4 What could have been done more to my
and branding instead of beauty. vineyard, that I have not done in it?
Isaiah 5:5 804 Isaiah 5:23

Why, when I looked for it to yield 13 Therefore my people go into captivity for
grapes, did it yield wild grapes? lack of knowledge.
5 Now I will tell you what I will do to my Their honorable men are famished,
vineyard. and their multitudes are parched with
I will take away its hedge, and it will be thirst.
14 Therefore Sheol‡ has enlarged its desire,
eaten up.
I will break down its wall, and it will and opened its mouth without mea-
be trampled down. sure;
6 I will lay it a wasteland.
and their glory, their multitude, their
pomp, and he who rejoices among
It won’t be pruned or hoed, them, descend into it.
but it will grow briers and thorns. 15 So man is brought low,
I will also command the clouds that mankind is humbled,
they rain no rain on it.”
and the eyes of the arrogant ones are
7 For the vineyard of Yahweh of Armies is
the house of Israel, 16 but Yahweh of Armies is exalted in jus-
and the men of Judah his pleasant tice,
plant. and God the Holy One is sanctified in
He looked for justice, but behold, op- righteousness.
pression, 17 Then the lambs will graze as in their
for righteousness, but behold, a cry of pasture,
distress. and strangers will eat the ruins of the
8 Woe to those who join house to house,
who lay field to field, until there is no 18 Woe to those who draw iniquity with
room, cords of falsehood,
and you are made to dwell alone in the and wickedness as with cart rope,
middle of the land! 19 who say, “Let him make haste, let him
9 In my ears, Yahweh of Armies says:
hasten his work, that we may see it;
“Surely many houses will be deso- let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel
late, draw near and come,
even great and beautiful, unoccupied. that we may know it!”
10 For ten acres† of vineyard shall yield one 20
Woe to those who call evil good, and
bath,‡ good evil;
and a homer§ of seed shall yield an who put darkness for light,
ephah.Ӡ and light for darkness;
11 Woe to those who rise up early in who put bitter for sweet,
the morning, that they may follow and sweet for bitter!
strong drink, 21 Woe to those who are wise in their own
who stay late into the night, until wine eyes,
inflames them! and prudent in their own sight!
12 The harp, lyre, tambourine, and flute, 22 Woe to those who are mighty to drink
with wine, are at their feasts; wine,
but they don’t respect the work of Yah- and champions at mixing strong
weh, drink;
neither have they considered the op- 23 who acquit the guilty for a bribe,
eration of his hands. but deny justice for the innocent!
† 5:10 literally, ten yokes, or the amount of land that ten yokes of oxen can plow in one day, which is about 10 acres
or 4 hectares. ‡ 5:10 1 bath is about 22 liters or 5.8 U. S. gallons § 5:10 1 homer is about 220 liters or 6 bushels
† 5:10 1 ephah is about 22 liters or 0.6 bushels or about 2 pecks—only one tenth of what was sown. ‡ 5:14 Sheol
is the place of the dead.
Isaiah 5:24 805 Isaiah 7:1

24 Therefore as the tongue of fire devours wings. With two he covered his face. With
the stubble, two he covered his feet. With two he flew.
and as the dry grass sinks down in the 3 One called to another, and said,
flame, “Holy, holy, holy, is Yahweh of Armies!
so their root shall be as rottenness, The whole earth is full of his glory!”
and their blossom shall go up as dust, 4 The foundations of the thresholds
because they have rejected the law of Yah- shook at the voice of him who called, and
weh of Armies, the house was filled with smoke. 5 Then I
and despised the word of the Holy One said, “Woe is me! For I am undone, because
of Israel. I am a man of unclean lips and I live among
25 Therefore Yahweh’s anger burns against a people of unclean lips, for my eyes have
his people, seen the King, Yahweh of Armies!”
6 Then one of the seraphim flew to me,
and he has stretched out his hand
against them and has struck them. having a live coal in his hand, which he
The mountains tremble, had taken with the tongs from off the altar.
and their dead bodies are as refuse in 7 He touched my mouth with it, and said,
the middle of the streets. “Behold, this has touched your lips; and
For all this, his anger is not turned away, your iniquity is taken away, and your sin
but his hand is still stretched out. forgiven.”
8 I heard the Lord’s voice, saying, “Whom
26 He will lift up a banner to the nations
shall I send, and who will go for us?”
from far away,
Then I said, “Here I am. Send me!”
and he will whistle for them from the 9 He said, “Go, and tell this people,
end of the earth.
Behold, they will come speedily and ‘You hear indeed,
swiftly. but don’t understand.
27 No one shall be weary nor stumble You see indeed,
but don’t perceive.’
among them; 10 Make the heart of this people fat.
no one shall slumber nor sleep, Make their ears heavy, and shut their
neither shall the belt of their waist be eyes;
untied, lest they see with their eyes,
nor the strap of their sandals be bro- hear with their ears,
ken, understand with their heart,
28 whose arrows are sharp,
and turn again, and be healed.”
and all their bows bent. 11 Then I said, “Lord, how long?”
Their horses’ hoofs will be like flint, He answered,
and their wheels like a whirlwind. “Until cities are waste without inhabitant,
29 Their roaring will be like a lioness.
houses without man,
They will roar like young lions. the land becomes utterly waste,
Yes, they shall roar, 12 and Yahweh has removed men far
and seize their prey and carry it off, away,
and there will be no one to deliver. and the forsaken places are many
30 They will roar against them in that day
within the land.
like the roaring of the sea. 13 If there is a tenth left in it,
If one looks to the land, behold, dark- that also will in turn be consumed,
ness and distress. as a terebinth, and as an oak whose stump
The light is darkened in its clouds. remains when they are cut down,
so the holy seed is its stump.”
1 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw
the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted 1 In the days of Ahaz the son of Jotham,
up; and his train filled the temple. Above the son of Uzziah, king of Judah, Rezin
him stood the seraphim. Each one had six the king of Syria and Pekah the son of
Isaiah 7:2 806 Isaiah 8:4

Remaliah, king of Israel, went up to father’s house days that have not come,
Jerusalem to war against it, but could not from the day that Ephraim departed from
prevail against it. 2 David’s house was told, Judah, even the king of Assyria.
“Syria is allied with Ephraim.” His heart 18 It will happen in that day that Yah-
trembled, and the heart of his people, as weh will whistle for the fly that is in the
the trees of the forest tremble with the uttermost part of the rivers of Egypt, and
wind. for the bee that is in the land of Assyria.
3 Then Yahweh said to Isaiah, “Go out
19 They shall come, and shall all rest in the
now to meet Ahaz, you, and Shearjashub
desolate valleys, in the clefts of the rocks,
your son, at the end of the conduit of the
on all thorn hedges, and on all pastures.
upper pool, on the highway of the fuller’s
20 In that day the Lord will shave with a
field. 4 Tell him, ‘Be careful, and keep
calm. Don’t be afraid, neither let your razor that is hired in the parts beyond the
heart be faint because of these two tails River, even with the king of Assyria, the
of smoking torches, for the fierce anger head and the hair of the feet; and it shall
of Rezin and Syria, and of the son of Re- also consume the beard.
21 It shall happen in that day that a man
maliah. 5 Because Syria, Ephraim, and the
son of Remaliah, have plotted evil against shall keep alive a young cow, and two
you, saying, 6 “Let’s go up against Judah, sheep. 22 It shall happen, that because of
and tear it apart, and let’s divide it among the abundance of milk which they shall
ourselves, and set up a king within it, even give he shall eat butter, for everyone will
the son of Tabeel.” 7 This is what the Lord eat butter and honey that is left within the
Yahweh says: “It shall not stand, neither land.
23 It will happen in that day that every
shall it happen.” 8 For the head of Syria
is Damascus, and the head of Damascus place where there were a thousand vines
is Rezin. Within sixty-five years Ephraim worth a thousand silver shekels,‡ will be
shall be broken in pieces, so that it shall for briers and thorns. 24 People will go
not be a people. 9 The head of Ephraim there with arrows and with bow, because
is Samaria, and the head of Samaria is all the land will be briers and thorns. 25 All
Remaliah’s son. If you will not believe, the hills that were cultivated with the hoe,
surely you shall not be established.’ ” you shall not come there for fear of briers
10 Yahweh spoke again to Ahaz, saying, and thorns; but it shall be for the sending
11 “Ask a sign of Yahweh your God; ask it out of oxen, and for sheep to tread on.”
either in the depth, or in the height above.”
12 But Ahaz said, “I won’t ask. I won’t 8
1 Yahweh said to me, “Take a large tablet,
tempt Yahweh.”
13 He said, “Listen now, house of David. and write on it with a man’s pen, ‘For Ma-
Is it not enough for you to try the patience her Shalal Hash Baz’;† 2 and I will take for
of men, that you will try the patience of my myself faithful witnesses to testify: Uriah
God also? 14 Therefore the Lord himself the priest, and Zechariah the son of Je-
will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin will berechiah.”
3 I went to the prophetess, and she con-
conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his
name Immanuel.† 15 He shall eat butter ceived, and bore a son. Then Yahweh
and honey when he knows to refuse the said to me, “Call his name ‘Maher Shalal
evil and choose the good. 16 For before the Hash Baz.’ 4 For before the child knows
child knows to refuse the evil and choose how to say, ‘My father’ and ‘My mother,’
the good, the land whose two kings you the riches of Damascus and the plunder of
abhor shall be forsaken. 17 Yahweh will Samaria will be carried away by the king
bring on you, on your people, and on your of Assyria.”
† 7:14 “Immanuel” means “God with us”. ‡ 7:23 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces, so 1000 shekels
is about 10 kilograms or 22 pounds. † 8:1 “Maher Shalal Hash Baz” means “quick to the plunder, swift to the prey”.
Isaiah 8:5 807 Isaiah 9:10

5 Yahweh spoke to me yet again, saying, them. 21 They will pass through it, very
6 “Because this people has refused the wa- distressed and hungry. It will happen that
ters of Shiloah that go softly, and rejoice in when they are hungry, they will worry,
Rezin and Remaliah’s son; 7 now therefore, and curse their king and their God. They
behold, the Lord brings upon them the will turn their faces upward, 22 then look
mighty flood waters of the River: the king to the earth and see distress, darkness, and
of Assyria and all his glory. It will come the gloom of anguish. They will be driven
up over all its channels, and go over all its into thick darkness.
banks. 8 It will sweep onward into Judah.
It will overflow and pass through. It will 9
reach even to the neck. The stretching out
1 But there shall be no more gloom for
of its wings will fill the width of your land, her who was in anguish. In the former
O Immanuel. time, he brought into contempt the land
9 Make an uproar, you peoples, and be of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali; but
broken in pieces! Listen, all you from far in the latter time he has made it glorious,
countries: dress for battle, and be shat- by the way of the sea, beyond the Jordan,
tered! Dress for battle, and be shattered! Galilee of the nations.
2 The people who walked in darkness
10 Take counsel together, and it will be
brought to nothing; speak the word, and it have seen a great light.
will not stand, for God is with us.” The light has shined on those who
11 For Yahweh spoke this to me with a lived in the land of the shadow of
strong hand, and instructed me not to walk 3 You have multiplied the nation.
in the way of this people, saying, 12 “Don’t You have increased their joy.
call a conspiracy all that this people call They rejoice before you according to the
a conspiracy. Don’t fear their threats or joy in harvest, as men rejoice when they
be terrorized. 13 Yahweh of Armies is who divide the plunder. 4 For the yoke of his
you must respect as holy. He is the one burden, and the staff of his shoulder, the
you must fear. He is the one you must rod of his oppressor, you have broken as
dread. 14 He will be a sanctuary, but for in the day of Midian. 5 For all the armor
both houses of Israel, he will be a stum- of the armed man in the noisy battle, and
bling stone and a rock that makes them the garments rolled in blood, will be for
fall. For the people of Jerusalem, he will be burning, fuel for the fire. 6 For a child is
a trap and a snare. 15 Many will stumble born to us. A son is given to us; and the
over it, fall, be broken, be snared, and be government will be on his shoulders. His
captured.” name will be called Wonderful Counselor,
16 Wrap up the covenant. Seal the law
Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of
among my disciples. 17 I will wait for Yah- Peace. 7 Of the increase of his government
weh, who hides his face from the house of and of peace there shall be no end, on
Jacob, and I will look for him. 18 Behold, I David’s throne, and on his kingdom, to es-
and the children whom Yahweh has given tablish it, and to uphold it with justice and
me are for signs and for wonders in Israel with righteousness from that time on, even
from Yahweh of Armies, who dwells in forever. The zeal of Yahweh of Armies will
Mount Zion. perform this.
19 When they tell you, “Consult with 8 The Lord sent a word into Jacob,
those who have familiar spirits and with and it falls on Israel.
the wizards, who chirp and who mutter,” 9 All the people will know,
shouldn’t a people consult with their God? including Ephraim and the inhabi-
Should they consult the dead on behalf of tants of Samaria, who say in pride
the living? 20 Turn to the law and to the and in arrogance of heart,
covenant! If they don’t speak according to 10 “The bricks have fallen,
this word, surely there is no morning for but we will build with cut stone.
Isaiah 9:11 808 Isaiah 10:13

The sycamore fig trees have been cut 21 Manasseh eating Ephraim and
down, Ephraim eating Manasseh, and they
but we will put cedars in their place.” together will be against Judah.
11 Therefore Yahweh will set up on high
For all this his anger is not turned away,
against him the adversaries of but his hand is stretched out still.
and will stir up his enemies,
12 The Syrians in front,
1 Woe to those who decree unrighteous
and the Philistines behind; decrees, and to the writers who write op-
and they will devour Israel with open pressive decrees 2 to deprive the needy
mouth. of justice, and to rob the poor among my
For all this, his anger is not turned away,
people of their rights, that widows may be
but his hand is stretched out still.
their plunder, and that they may make the
13 Yet the people have not turned to him fatherless their prey! 3 What will you do in
who struck them, the day of visitation, and in the desolation
neither have they sought Yahweh of which will come from afar? To whom will
Armies. you flee for help? Where will you leave
14 Therefore Yahweh will cut off from Is- your wealth?
rael head and tail, 4 They will only bow down under the
palm branch and reed, in one day. prisoners,
15 The elder and the honorable man is the
and will fall under the slain.
head, For all this his anger is not turned away,
and the prophet who teaches lies is the
but his hand is stretched out still.
16 For those who lead this people lead them
5 Alas Assyrian, the rod of my anger,
and those who are led by them are the staff in whose hand is my indigna-
destroyed. tion! 6 I will send him against a profane
17 Therefore the Lord will not rejoice over nation, and against the people who anger
their young men, me I will give him a command to take the
neither will he have compassion on plunder and to take the prey, and to tread
their fatherless and widows; them down like the mire of the streets.
7 However, he doesn’t mean so, neither
for everyone is profane and an evildoer, does his heart think so; but it is in his heart
and every mouth speaks folly. to destroy, and to cut off not a few nations.
For all this his anger is not turned away, 8 For he says, “Aren’t all of my princes
but his hand is stretched out still. kings? 9 Isn’t Calno like Carchemish? Isn’t
18 For wickedness burns like a fire. Hamath like Arpad? Isn’t Samaria like
It devours the briers and thorns; Damascus?” 10 As my hand has found the
yes, it kindles in the thickets of the kingdoms of the idols, whose engraved im-
forest, ages exceeded those of Jerusalem and of
and they roll upward in a column of Samaria, 11 shall I not, as I have done to
smoke. Samaria and her idols, so do to Jerusalem
19 Through Yahweh of Armies’ wrath, the and her idols?
land is burned up; 12 Therefore it will happen that when
and the people are the fuel for the fire. the Lord has performed his whole work
No one spares his brother. on Mount Zion and on Jerusalem, I will
20 One will devour on the right hand, and punish the fruit of the willful proud heart
be hungry; of the king of Assyria, and the insolence of
and he will eat on the left hand, and his arrogant looks. 13 For he has said, “By
they will not be satisfied. the strength of my hand I have done it, and
Everyone will eat the flesh of his own arm: by my wisdom, for I have understanding.
Isaiah 10:14 809 Isaiah 11:6

I have removed the boundaries of the peo- the sea, and he will lift it up like he did
ples, and have robbed their treasures. Like against Egypt. 27 It will happen in that day
a valiant man I have brought down their that his burden will depart from off your
rulers. 14 My hand has found the riches of shoulder, and his yoke from off your neck,
the peoples like a nest, and like one gathers and the yoke shall be destroyed because of
eggs that are abandoned, I have gathered the anointing oil.
all the earth. There was no one who moved 28 He has come to Aiath. He has passed
their wing, or that opened their mouth, or through Migron. At Michmash he stores
chirped.” his baggage. 29 They have gone over the
15 Should an ax brag against him who
pass. They have taken up their lodging at
chops with it? Should a saw exalt itself Geba. Ramah trembles. Gibeah of Saul
above him who saws with it? As if a rod has fled. 30 Cry aloud with your voice,
should lift those who lift it up, or as if a staff daughter of Gallim! Listen, Laishah! You
should lift up someone who is not wood. poor Anathoth! 31 Madmenah is a fugitive.
16 Therefore the Lord, Yahweh of Armies,
The inhabitants of Gebim flee for safety.
will send among his fat ones leanness; and 32 This very day he will halt at Nob. He
under his glory a burning will be kindled shakes his hand at the mountain of the
like the burning of fire. 17 The light of daughter of Zion, the hill of Jerusalem.
Israel will be for a fire, and his Holy One 33 Behold, the Lord, Yahweh of Armies,
for a flame; and it will burn and devour will lop the boughs with terror. The tall
his thorns and his briers in one day. 18 He will be cut down, and the lofty will be
will consume the glory of his forest and of brought low. 34 He will cut down the thick-
his fruitful field, both soul and body. It ets of the forest with iron, and Lebanon
will be as when a standard bearer faints. will fall by the Mighty One.
19 The remnant of the trees of his forest
shall be few, so that a child could write
their number.
1 A shoot will come out of the stock of Jesse,
20 It will come to pass in that day that
and a branch out of his roots will bear
the remnant of Israel, and those who have fruit.
escaped from the house of Jacob will no 2 Yahweh’s Spirit will rest on him:
more again lean on him who struck them, the spirit of wisdom and understand-
but shall lean on Yahweh, the Holy One of ing,
Israel, in truth. 21 A remnant will return, the spirit of counsel and might,
even the remnant of Jacob, to the mighty the spirit of knowledge and of the fear
God. 22 For though your people, Israel, of Yahweh.
are like the sand of the sea, only a rem- 3 His delight will be in the fear of Yahweh.
nant of them will return. A destruction is He will not judge by the sight of his eyes,
determined, overflowing with righteous- neither decide by the hearing of his
ness. 23 For the Lord, Yahweh of Armies, ears;
will make a full end, and that determined, 4 but he will judge the poor with righteous-
throughout all the earth. ness,
24 Therefore the Lord, Yahweh of and decide with equity for the humble
Armies, says, “My people who dwell in of the earth.
Zion, don’t be afraid of the Assyrian, He will strike the earth with the rod of his
though he strike you with the rod, and lift mouth;
up his staff against you, as Egypt did. 25 For and with the breath of his lips he will
yet a very little while, and the indignation kill the wicked.
5 Righteousness will be the belt around his
against you will be accomplished, and my
anger will be directed to his destruction.” waist,
26 Yahweh of Armies will stir up a scourge and faithfulness the belt around his
against him, as in the slaughter of Midian
at the rock of Oreb. His rod will be over 6 The wolf will live with the lamb,
Isaiah 11:7 810 Isaiah 13:10

and the leopard will lie down with the 12

young goat, 1 In that day you will say, “I will
the calf, the young lion, and the fat- give thanks to you, Yahweh; for though
tened calf together; you were angry with me, your anger
and a little child will lead them. has turned away and you comfort me.
7 The cow and the bear will graze. 2 Behold, God is my salvation. I will trust,
Their young ones will lie down to- and will not be afraid; for Yah, Yahweh,
gether. is my strength and song; and he has
The lion will eat straw like the ox. become my salvation.” 3 Therefore with
8 The nursing child will play near a cobra’s joy you will draw water out of the wells
hole, of salvation. 4 In that day you will say,
and the weaned child will put his hand “Give thanks to Yahweh! Call on his name!
on the viper’s den. Declare his doings among the peoples!
9 They will not hurt nor destroy in all my Proclaim that his name is exalted! 5 Sing to
holy mountain; Yahweh, for he has done excellent things!
for the earth will be full of the knowl- Let this be known in all the earth! 6 Cry
edge of Yahweh, aloud and shout, you inhabitant of Zion,
as the waters cover the sea. for the Holy One of Israel is great among
10 Itwill happen in that day that the na-
tions will seek the root of Jesse, who stands 13
as a banner of the peoples; and his resting 1 The burden of Babylon, which Isaiah
place will be glorious. the son of Amoz saw.
11 It will happen in that day that the 2 Set up a banner on the bare mountain!

Lord will set his hand again the second Lift up your voice to them! Wave your
time to recover the remnant that is left hand, that they may go into the gates of
of his people from Assyria, from Egypt, the nobles. 3 I have commanded my conse-
from Pathros, from Cush, from Elam, from crated ones; yes, I have called my mighty
Shinar, from Hamath, and from the islands men for my anger, even my proudly exult-
of the sea. 12 He will set up a banner for the ing ones. 4 The noise of a multitude is in the
nations, and will assemble the outcasts of mountains, as of a great people; the noise
Israel, and gather together the dispersed of of an uproar of the kingdoms of the nations
Judah from the four corners of the earth. gathered together! Yahweh of Armies is
13 The envy also of Ephraim will depart, mustering the army for the battle. 5 They
and those who persecute Judah will be cut come from a far country, from the utter-
off. Ephraim won’t envy Judah, and Judah most part of heaven, even Yahweh, and the
won’t persecute Ephraim. 14 They will fly weapons of his indignation, to destroy the
down on the shoulders of the Philistines whole land.
on the west. Together they will plunder 6 Wail, for Yahweh’s day is at hand!
the children of the east. They will extend It will come as destruction from the
their power over Edom and Moab, and Almighty. 7 Therefore all hands will be
the children of Ammon will obey them. feeble, and everyone’s heart will melt.
15 Yahweh will utterly destroy the tongue 8 They will be dismayed. Pangs and
of the Egyptian sea; and with his scorch- sorrows will seize them. They will be in
ing wind he will wave his hand over the pain like a woman in labor. They will
River, and will split it into seven streams, look in amazement one at another. Their
and cause men to march over in sandals. faces will be faces of flame. 9 Behold,
16 There will be a highway for the remnant the day of Yahweh comes, cruel, with
that is left of his people from Assyria, like wrath and fierce anger; to make the land
there was for Israel in the day that he came a desolation, and to destroy its sinners
up out of the land of Egypt. out of it. 10 For the stars of the sky and
Isaiah 13:11 811 Isaiah 14:16

its constellations will not give their light. join himself with them, and they will unite
The sun will be darkened in its going out, with the house of Jacob. 2 The peoples
and the moon will not cause its light to will take them, and bring them to their
shine. 11 I will punish the world for their place. The house of Israel will possess
evil, and the wicked for their iniquity. I them in Yahweh’s land for servants and
will cause the arrogance of the proud to for handmaids. They will take as captives
cease, and will humble the arrogance of those whose captives they were; and they
the terrible. 12 I will make people more shall rule over their oppressors.
3 It will happen in the day that Yahweh
rare than fine gold, even a person than
the pure gold of Ophir. 13 Therefore I will will give you rest from your sorrow, from
make the heavens tremble, and the earth your trouble, and from the hard service
will be shaken out of its place in Yahweh in which you were made to serve, 4 that
of Armies’ wrath, and in the day of his you will take up this parable against the
fierce anger. 14 It will happen that like a king of Babylon, and say, “How the op-
hunted gazelle and like sheep that no one pressor has ceased! The golden city has
gathers, they will each turn to their own ceased!” 5 Yahweh has broken the staff of
people, and will each flee to their own the wicked, the scepter of the rulers, 6 who
land. 15 Everyone who is found will be struck the peoples in wrath with a contin-
thrust through. Everyone who is captured ual stroke, who ruled the nations in anger,
will fall by the sword. 16 Their infants also with a persecution that no one restrained.
7 The whole earth is at rest, and is quiet.
will be dashed in pieces before their eyes.
Their houses will be ransacked, and their They break out in song. 8 Yes, the cypress
wives raped. trees rejoice with you, with the cedars of
17 Behold, I will stir up the Medes against Lebanon, saying, “Since you are humbled,
them, who will not value silver, and as for no lumberjack has come up against us.”
9 Sheol† from beneath has moved for you
gold, they will not delight in it. 18 Their
bows will dash the young men in pieces; to meet you at your coming. It stirs up the
and they shall have no pity on the fruit of departed spirits for you, even all the rulers
the womb. Their eyes will not spare chil- of the earth. It has raised up from their
dren. 19 Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, thrones all the kings of the nations. 10 They
the beauty of the Chaldeans’ pride, will all will answer and ask you, “Have you
be like when God overthrew Sodom and also become as weak as we are? Have you
Gomorrah. 20 It will never be inhabited, become like us?” 11 Your pomp is brought
neither will it be lived in from generation down to Sheol,‡ with the sound of your
to generation. The Arabian will not pitch stringed instruments. Maggots are spread
a tent there, neither will shepherds make out under you, and worms cover you.
their flocks lie down there. 21 But wild ani- 12 How you have fallen from heaven,
mals of the desert will lie there, and their shining one, son of the dawn! How you
houses will be full of jackals. Ostriches are cut down to the ground, who laid the
will dwell there, and wild goats will frolic nations low! 13 You said in your heart, “I
there. 22 Hyenas will cry in their fortresses, will ascend into heaven! I will exalt my
and jackals in the pleasant palaces. Her throne above the stars of God! I will sit
time is near to come, and her days will not on the mountain of assembly, in the far
be prolonged. north! 14 I will ascend above the heights
of the clouds! I will make myself like the
14 Most High!” 15 Yet you shall be brought
1 For Yahweh will have compassion on down to Sheol,§ to the depths of the pit.
Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and set 16 Those who see you will stare at you.
them in their own land. The foreigner will They will ponder you, saying, “Is this the
† 14:9 Sheol is the place of the dead. ‡ 14:11 Sheol is the place of the dead. § 14:15 Sheol is the place of the
Isaiah 14:17 812 Isaiah 16:3

man who made the earth to tremble, who out of the north, and there is no straggler in
shook kingdoms, 17 who made the world his ranks.
like a wilderness, and overthrew its cities, 32 What will they answer the messengers
who didn’t release his prisoners to their of the nation? That Yahweh has founded
home?” Zion, and in her the afflicted of his people
18 All the kings of the nations sleep in will take refuge.
glory, everyone in his own house. 19 But
you are cast away from your tomb like an 15
abominable branch, clothed with the slain 1 The burden of Moab.
who are thrust through with the sword, For in a night, Ar of Moab is laid waste,
who go down to the stones of the pit; like a and brought to nothing. For in a night
dead body trodden under foot. 20 You will Kir of Moab is laid waste, and brought to
not join them in burial, because you have nothing. 2 They have gone up to Bayith,
destroyed your land. You have killed your and to Dibon, to the high places, to weep.
people. The offspring of evildoers will not Moab wails over Nebo and over Medeba.
be named forever. Baldness is on all of their heads. Every
21 Prepare for slaughter of his children
beard is cut off. 3 In their streets, they
because of the iniquity of their fathers, clothe themselves in sackcloth. In their
that they not rise up and possess the earth, streets and on their housetops, everyone
and fill the surface of the world with cities. wails, weeping abundantly. 4 Heshbon
22 “I will rise up against them,” says Yah-
cries out with Elealeh. Their voice is heard
weh of Armies, “and cut off from Baby- even to Jahaz. Therefore the armed men
lon name and remnant, and son and son’s of Moab cry aloud. Their souls tremble
son,” says Yahweh. 23 “I will also make it within them. 5 My heart cries out for
a possession for the porcupine, and pools Moab! Her nobles flee to Zoar, to Eglath
of water. I will sweep it with the broom of Shelishiyah; for they go up by the ascent
destruction,” says Yahweh of Armies. of Luhith with weeping; for on the way to
24 Yahweh of Armies has sworn, saying, Horonaim, they raise up a cry of destruc-
“Surely, as I have thought, so shall it hap- tion. 6 For the waters of Nimrim will be
pen; and as I have purposed, so shall it desolate; for the grass has withered away,
stand: 25 that I will break the Assyrian the tender grass fails, there is no green
in my land, and tread him under foot on thing. 7 Therefore they will carry away
my mountains. Then his yoke will leave the abundance they have gotten, and that
them, and his burden leave their shoul- which they have stored up, over the brook
ders. 26 This is the plan that is determined of the willows. 8 For the cry has gone
for the whole earth. This is the hand that around the borders of Moab, its wailing
is stretched out over all the nations. 27 For to Eglaim, and its wailing to Beer Elim.
Yahweh of Armies has planned, and who 9 For the waters of Dimon are full of blood;
can stop it? His hand is stretched out, and for I will bring yet more on Dimon, a lion
who can turn it back?” on those of Moab who escape, and on the
28 This burden was in the year that King
remnant of the land.
Ahaz died.
29 Don’t rejoice, O Philistia, all of you,
because the rod that struck you is broken;
1 Send the lambs for the ruler of the land
for out of the serpent’s root an adder will from Selah to the wilderness, to the moun-
emerge, and his fruit will be a fiery flying tain of the daughter of Zion. 2 For it will
serpent. 30 The firstborn of the poor will be that as wandering birds, as a scattered
eat, and the needy will lie down in safety; nest, so will the daughters of Moab be at
and I will kill your root with famine, and the fords of the Arnon. 3 Give counsel!
your remnant will be killed. Execute justice! Make your shade like the
31 Howl, gate! Cry, city! You are melted night in the middle of the noonday! Hide
away, Philistia, all of you; for smoke comes the outcasts! Don’t betray the fugitive!
Isaiah 16:4 813 Isaiah 17:14

4 Let my outcasts dwell with you! As for be for flocks, which shall lie down, and no
Moab, be a hiding place for him from the one shall make them afraid. 3 The fortress
face of the destroyer. For the extortionist shall cease from Ephraim, and the king-
is brought to nothing. Destruction ceases. dom from Damascus, and the remnant of
The oppressors are consumed out of the Syria. They will be as the glory of the
land. 5 A throne will be established in lov- children of Israel,” says Yahweh of Armies.
ing kindness. One will sit on it in truth, in
the tent of David, judging, seeking justice,
4 “It will happen in that day that the
and swift to do righteousness. glory of Jacob will be made thin, and the
6 We have heard of the pride of Moab, fatness of his flesh will become lean. 5 It
will be like when the harvester gathers
that he is very proud; even of his arro- the wheat, and his arm reaps the grain.
gance, his pride, and his wrath. His boast- Yes, it will be like when one gleans grain
ings are nothing. 7 Therefore Moab will in the valley of Rephaim. 6 Yet gleanings
wail for Moab. Everyone will wail. You will be left there, like the shaking of an
will mourn for the raisin cakes of Kir Hare- olive tree, two or three olives in the top
seth, utterly stricken. 8 For the fields of
of the uppermost bough, four or five in
Heshbon languish with the vine of Sibmah.
the outermost branches of a fruitful tree,”
The lords of the nations have broken down says Yahweh, the God of Israel. 7 In that
its choice branches, which reached even
to Jazer, which wandered into the wilder- day, people will look to their Maker, and
ness. Its shoots were spread abroad. They their eyes will have respect for the Holy
passed over the sea. 9 Therefore I will weep One of Israel. 8 They will not look to the
with the weeping of Jazer for the vine of altars, the work of their hands; neither
Sibmah. I will water you with my tears, shall they respect that which their fingers
Heshbon, and Elealeh: for on your sum- have made, either the Asherah poles or the
mer fruits and on your harvest the battle incense altars. 9 In that day, their strong
shout has fallen. 10 Gladness is taken away, cities will be like the forsaken places in
and joy out of the fruitful field; and in the the woods and on the mountain top, which
vineyards there will be no singing, neither were forsaken from before the children of
Israel; and it will be a desolation. 10 For you
joyful noise. Nobody will tread out wine have forgotten the God of your salvation,
in the presses. I have made the shouting and have not remembered the rock of your
stop. 11 Therefore my heart sounds like a strength. Therefore you plant pleasant
harp for Moab, and my inward parts for plants, and set out foreign seedlings. 11 In
Kir Heres. 12 It will happen that when the day of your planting, you hedge it in. In
Moab presents himself, when he wearies the morning, you make your seed blossom,
himself on the high place, and comes to his but the harvest flees away in the day of
sanctuary to pray, that he will not prevail. grief and of desperate sorrow.
13 This is the word that Yahweh spoke
concerning Moab in time past. 14 But Ah, the uproar of many peoples who
now Yahweh has spoken, saying, “Within roar like the roaring of the seas; and the
three years, as a worker bound by con- rushing of nations that rush like the rush-
tract would count them, the glory of Moab ing of mighty waters! 13 The nations will
shall be brought into contempt, with all his rush like the rushing of many waters, but
great multitude; and the remnant will be he will rebuke them, and they will flee far
very small and feeble.” off, and will be chased like the chaff of
the mountains before the wind, and like
17 the whirling dust before the storm. 14 At
1 The burden of Damascus. evening, behold, terror! Before the morn-
“Behold, Damascus is taken away from ing, they are no more. This is the portion of
being a city, and it will be a ruinous heap. those who plunder us, and the lot of those
2 The cities of Aroer are forsaken. They will who rob us.
Isaiah 18:1 814 Isaiah 19:19

18 king will rule over them,” says the Lord,

1 Ah, the land of the rustling of wings, Yahweh of Armies.
which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia; 5 The waters will fail from the sea, and
2 that sends ambassadors by the sea, even the river will be wasted and become dry.
in vessels of papyrus on the waters, say- 6 The rivers will become foul. The streams
ing, “Go, you swift messengers, to a na- of Egypt will be diminished and dried up.
tion tall and smooth, to a people awesome The reeds and flags will wither away. 7 The
from their beginning onward, a nation meadows by the Nile, by the brink of the
that measures out and treads down, whose Nile, and all the sown fields of the Nile, will
land the rivers divide!” 3 All you inhab- become dry, be driven away, and be no
itants of the world, and you dwellers on more. 8 The fishermen will lament, and all
the earth, when a banner is lifted up on those who fish in the Nile will mourn, and
the mountains, look! When the trumpet is those who spread nets on the waters will
blown, listen! languish. 9 Moreover those who work in
4 For Yahweh said to me, “I will be still, combed flax, and those who weave white
and I will see in my dwelling place, like cloth, will be confounded. 10 The pillars
clear heat in sunshine, like a cloud of dew will be broken in pieces. All those who
in the heat of harvest.” 5 For before the work for hire will be grieved in soul.
harvest, when the blossom is over, and 11 The princes of Zoan are utterly fool-
the flower becomes a ripening grape, he ish. The counsel of the wisest counselors
will cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks, of Pharaoh has become stupid. How do
and he will cut down and take away the you say to Pharaoh, “I am the son of the
spreading branches. 6 They will be left to- wise, the son of ancient kings?” 12 Where
gether for the ravenous birds of the moun- then are your wise men? Let them tell
tains, and for the animals of the earth. you now; and let them know what Yah-
The ravenous birds will eat them in the weh of Armies has purposed concerning
summer, and all the animals of the earth
will eat them in the winter. 7 In that Egypt. 13 The princes of Zoan have be-
time, a present will be brought to Yahweh come fools. The princes of Memphis are
of Armies from a people tall and smooth, deceived. They have caused Egypt to go
even from a people awesome from their astray, those who are the cornerstone of
beginning onward, a nation that measures her tribes. 14 Yahweh has mixed a spirit
out and treads down, whose land the of perverseness in the middle of her; and
rivers divide, to the place of the name of they have caused Egypt to go astray in all
Yahweh of Armies, Mount Zion. of its works, like a drunken man staggers
in his vomit. 15 Neither shall there be any
1 The burden of Egypt.
work for Egypt, which head or tail, palm
branch or rush, may do. 16 In that day
“Behold, Yahweh rides on a swift cloud, the Egyptians will be like women. They
and comes to Egypt. The idols of Egypt will tremble and fear because of the shak-
will tremble at his presence; and the heart ing of Yahweh of Armies’s hand, which he
of Egypt will melt within it. 2 I will stir shakes over them. 17 The land of Judah
up the Egyptians against the Egyptians, will become a terror to Egypt. Everyone to
and they will fight everyone against his whom mention is made of it will be afraid,
brother, and everyone against his neigh- because of the plans of Yahweh of Armies,
bor; city against city, and kingdom against which he determines against it. 18 In that
kingdom. 3 The spirit of the Egyptians will day, there will be five cities in the land of
fail within them. I will destroy their coun- Egypt that speak the language of Canaan,
sel. They will seek the idols, the charmers, and swear to Yahweh of Armies. One will
those who have familiar spirits, and the be called “The city of destruction.”
wizards. 4 I will give over the Egyptians 19 In that day, there will be an altar to
into the hand of a cruel lord. A fierce Yahweh in the middle of the land of Egypt,
Isaiah 19:20 815 Isaiah 21:16

and a pillar to Yahweh at its border. 20 It 21

1 The burden of the wilderness of the sea.
will be for a sign and for a witness to
Yahweh of Armies in the land of Egypt; As whirlwinds in the South sweep
for they will cry to Yahweh because of through, it comes from the wilderness,
oppressors, and he will send them a savior from an awesome land. 2 A grievous vision
and a defender, and he will deliver them. is declared to me. The treacherous man
21 Yahweh will be known to Egypt, and the deals treacherously, and the destroyer
Egyptians will know Yahweh in that day. destroys. Go up, Elam; attack! I have
Yes, they will worship with sacrifice and stopped all of Media’s sighing. 3 Therefore
offering, and will vow a vow to Yahweh, my thighs are filled with anguish. Pains
and will perform it. 22 Yahweh will strike have seized me, like the pains of a woman
Egypt, striking and healing. They will re- in labor. I am in so much pain that I can’t
turn to Yahweh, and he will be entreated hear. I am so dismayed that I can’t see. 4 My
by them, and will heal them. heart flutters. Horror has frightened me.
23 In that day there will be a highway out The twilight that I desired has been turned
of Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian shall into trembling for me. 5 They prepare
come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into the table. They set the watch. They eat.
Assyria; and the Egyptians will worship They drink. Rise up, you princes, oil the
with the Assyrians. shield! 6 For the Lord said to me, “Go, set
24 In that day, Israel will be the third with
a watchman. Let him declare what he
sees. 7 When he sees a troop, horsemen
Egypt and with Assyria, a blessing within in pairs, a troop of donkeys, a troop of
the earth; 25 because Yahweh of Armies has camels, he shall listen diligently with great
blessed them, saying, “Blessed be Egypt my attentiveness.” 8 He cried like a lion: “Lord,
people, Assyria the work of my hands, and I stand continually on the watchtower in
Israel my inheritance.” the daytime, and every night I stay at my
post. 9 Behold, here comes a troop of men,
20 horsemen in pairs.” He answered, “Fallen,
1In the year that Tartan came to Ash- fallen is Babylon; and all the engraved
dod, when Sargon the king of Assyria sent images of her gods are broken to the
him, and he fought against Ashdod and ground.
10 You are my threshing, and the grain of
took it; 2 at that time Yahweh spoke by
Isaiah the son of Amoz, saying, “Go, and my floor!” That which I have heard from
loosen the sackcloth from off your waist, Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel, I have
and take your sandals from off your feet.” declared to you.
11 The burden of Dumah.
He did so, walking naked and barefoot.
3 Yahweh said, “As my servant Isaiah has One calls to me out of Seir, “Watchman,
what of the night? Watchman, what of
walked naked and barefoot three years for the night?” 12 The watchman said, “The
a sign and a wonder concerning Egypt and
morning comes, and also the night. If you
concerning Ethiopia, 4 so the king of As- will inquire, inquire. Come back again.”
syria will lead away the captives of Egypt 13 The burden on Arabia.
and the exiles of Ethiopia, young and old, You will lodge in the thickets in Ara-
naked and barefoot, and with buttocks un- bia, you caravans of Dedanites. 14 They
covered, to the shame of Egypt. 5 They will brought water to him who was thirsty. The
be dismayed and confounded, because of inhabitants of the land of Tema met the
Ethiopia their expectation, and of Egypt fugitives with their bread. 15 For they fled
their glory. 6 The inhabitants of this coast away from the swords, from the drawn
land will say in that day, ‘Behold, this is our sword, from the bent bow, and from the
expectation, where we fled for help to be heat of battle. 16 For the Lord said to
delivered from the king of Assyria. And me, “Within a year, as a worker bound by
we, how will we escape?’ ” contract would count it, all the glory of
Isaiah 21:17 816 Isaiah 23:3

Kedar will fail, 17 and the residue of the you until you die,” says the Lord, Yahweh
number of the archers, the mighty men of Armies.
of the children of Kedar, will be few; for 15 The Lord, Yahweh of Armies says,
Yahweh, the God of Israel, has spoken it.” “Go, get yourself to this treasurer, even to
Shebna, who is over the house, and say,
16 ‘What are you doing here? Who has
22 you here, that you have dug out a tomb
1 The burden of the valley of vision.
here?’ Cutting himself out a tomb on high,
What ails you now, that you have all chiseling a habitation for himself in the
gone up to the housetops? 2 You that are rock!” 17 Behold, Yahweh will overcome
full of shouting, a tumultuous city, a joyous you and hurl you away violently. Yes, he
town, your slain are not slain with the will grasp you firmly. 18 He will surely
sword, neither are they dead in battle. 3 All wind you around and around, and throw
your rulers fled away together. They were you like a ball into a large country. There
bound by the archers. All who were found you will die, and there the chariots of your
by you were bound together. They fled glory will be, you disgrace of your lord’s
far away. 4 Therefore I said, “Look away house. 19 I will thrust you from your office.
from me. I will weep bitterly. Don’t labor You will be pulled down from your station.
to comfort me for the destruction of the 20 It will happen in that day that I will
daughter of my people. call my servant Eliakim the son of Hilkiah,
5 For it is a day of confusion, and of 21
and I will clothe him with your robe,
treading down, and of perplexity from the and strengthen him with your belt. I will
Lord, Yahweh of Armies, in the valley of commit your government into his hand;
vision, a breaking down of the walls, and and he will be a father to the inhabitants
a crying to the mountains.” 6 Elam carried of Jerusalem, and to the house of Judah.
his quiver, with chariots of men and horse- 22 I will lay the key of David’s house on his
men; and Kir uncovered the shield. 7 Your shoulder. He will open, and no one will
choicest valleys were full of chariots, and shut. He will shut, and no one will open.
the horsemen set themselves in array at 23 I will fasten him like a nail in a sure
the gate. 8 He took away the covering of place. He will be for a throne of glory to
Judah; and you looked in that day to the his father’s house. 24 They will hang on
armor in the house of the forest. 9 You him all the glory of his father’s house, the
saw the breaches of David’s city, that they offspring and the issue, every small vessel,
were many; and you gathered together the from the cups even to all the pitchers. 25 “In
waters of the lower pool. 10 You counted that day,” says Yahweh of Armies, “the nail
the houses of Jerusalem, and you broke that was fastened in a sure place will give
down the houses to fortify the wall. 11 You way. It will be cut down and fall. The
also made a reservoir between the two burden that was on it will be cut off, for
walls for the water of the old pool. But Yahweh has spoken it.”
you didn’t look to him who had done this,
neither did you have respect for him who 23
planned it long ago. 1 The burden of Tyre.
12 In that day, the Lord, Yahweh of Howl, you ships of Tarshish! For it is
Armies, called to weeping, to mourning, laid waste, so that there is no house, no
to baldness, and to dressing in sackcloth; entering in. From the land of Kittim it is
13 and behold, there is joy and gladness, revealed to them. 2 Be still, you inhabitants
killing cattle and killing sheep, eating meat of the coast, you whom the merchants of
and drinking wine: “Let’s eat and drink, Sidon that pass over the sea have replen-
for tomorrow we will die.” 14 Yahweh ished. 3 On great waters, the seed of the
of Armies revealed himself in my ears, Shihor, the harvest of the Nile, was her
“Surely this iniquity will not be forgiven revenue. She was the market of nations.
Isaiah 23:4 817 Isaiah 24:16

4 Be ashamed, Sidon; for the sea has spo- 24

ken, the stronghold of the sea, saying, “I 1 Behold, Yahweh makes the earth
have not travailed, nor given birth, neither empty, makes it waste, turns it upside
have I nourished young men, nor brought down, and scatters its inhabitants. 2 It
up virgins.” 5 When the report comes to will be as with the people, so with the
Egypt, they will be in anguish at the report priest; as with the servant, so with his
of Tyre. 6 Pass over to Tarshish! Wail, master; as with the maid, so with her
you inhabitants of the coast! 7 Is this your mistress; as with the buyer, so with the
joyous city, whose antiquity is of ancient seller; as with the creditor, so with the
days, whose feet carried her far away to debtor; as with the taker of interest, so
travel? with the giver of interest. 3 The earth
8 Who has planned this against Tyre, will be utterly emptied and utterly laid
the giver of crowns, whose merchants are waste; for Yahweh has spoken this word.
4 The earth mourns and fades away. The
princes, whose traders are the honorable
of the earth? 9 Yahweh of Armies has world languishes and fades away. The
planned it, to stain the pride of all glory, lofty people of the earth languish. 5 The
to bring into contempt all the honorable of earth also is polluted under its inhabi-
the earth. 10 Pass through your land like tants, because they have transgressed the
the Nile, daughter of Tarshish. There is laws, violated the statutes, and broken
no restraint any more. 11 He has stretched the everlasting covenant. 6 Therefore

out his hand over the sea. He has shaken the curse has devoured the earth, and
the kingdoms. Yahweh has ordered the those who dwell therein are found guilty.
destruction of Canaan’s strongholds. 12 He Therefore the inhabitants of the earth are
burned, and few men are left. 7 The new
said, “You shall rejoice no more, you op- wine mourns. The vine languishes. All
pressed virgin daughter of Sidon. Arise,
the merry-hearted sigh. 8 The mirth of
pass over to Kittim. Even there you will
tambourines ceases. The sound of those
have no rest.” who rejoice ends. The joy of the harp
13 Behold, the land of the Chaldeans. This ceases. 9 They will not drink wine with a
people didn’t exist. The Assyrians founded song. Strong drink will be bitter to those
it for those who dwell in the wilderness. who drink it. 10 The confused city is broken
They set up their towers. They overthrew down. Every house is shut up, that no
its palaces. They made it a ruin. 14 Howl, man may come in. 11 There is a crying
you ships of Tarshish, for your stronghold in the streets because of the wine. All
is laid waste! 15 It will come to pass in joy is darkened. The mirth of the land is
that day that Tyre will be forgotten seventy gone. 12 The city is left in desolation, and
years, according to the days of one king. the gate is struck with destruction. 13 For
After the end of seventy years it will be it will be so within the earth among the
to Tyre like in the song of the prostitute. peoples, as the shaking of an olive tree, as
16 Take a harp; go about the city, you pros-
the gleanings when the vintage is done.
titute that has been forgotten. Make sweet 14 These shall lift up their voice. They
melody. Sing many songs, that you may
will shout for the majesty of Yahweh. They
be remembered. 17 It will happen after the
cry aloud from the sea. 15 Therefore glo-
end of seventy years that Yahweh will visit
rify Yahweh in the east, even the name of
Tyre. She will return to her wages, and will
Yahweh, the God of Israel, in the islands of
play the prostitute with all the kingdoms the sea! 16 From the uttermost part of the
of the world on the surface of the earth. earth have we heard songs. Glory to the
18 Her merchandise and her wages will be
holiness to Yahweh. It will not be trea- righteous!
sured nor laid up; for her merchandise will But I said, “I pine away! I pine away!
be for those who dwell before Yahweh, to woe is me!” The treacherous have dealt
eat sufficiently, and for durable clothing. treacherously. Yes, the treacherous have
Isaiah 24:17 818 Isaiah 26:7

dealt very treacherously. 17 Fear, the pit, the surface of the covering that covers all
and the snare are on you who inhabit the peoples, and the veil that is spread over
earth. 18 It will happen that he who flees all nations. 8 He has swallowed up death
from the noise of the fear will fall into the forever! The Lord Yahweh will wipe away
pit; and he who comes up out of the middle tears from off all faces. He will take the
of the pit will be taken in the snare; for reproach of his people away from off all
the windows on high are opened, and the the earth, for Yahweh has spoken it.
foundations of the earth tremble. 19 The 9 It shall be said in that day, “Behold, this
earth is utterly broken. The earth is torn is our God! We have waited for him, and
apart. The earth is shaken violently. 20 The he will save us! This is Yahweh! We have
earth will stagger like a drunken man, and waited for him. We will be glad and rejoice
will sway back and forth like a hammock. in his salvation!” 10 For Yahweh’s hand will
Its disobedience will be heavy on it, and it rest in this mountain.
will fall and not rise again. Moab will be trodden down in his place,
21 It will happen in that day that Yahweh even like straw is trodden down in the
water of the dunghill. 11 He will spread
will punish the army of the high ones on
out his hands in the middle of it, like one
high, and the kings of the earth on the who swims spreads out hands to swim, but
earth. 22 They will be gathered together, as his pride will be humbled together with
prisoners are gathered in the pit, and will the craft of his hands. 12 He has brought
be shut up in the prison; and after many the high fortress of your walls down, laid
days they will be visited. 23 Then the moon low, and brought to the ground, even to the
will be confounded, and the sun ashamed; dust.
for Yahweh of Armies will reign on Mount
Zion and in Jerusalem; and glory will be
before his elders.
1 In that day, this song will be sung in the
land of Judah:
25 “We have a strong city.
1Yahweh, you are my God. I will ex-
alt you! I will praise your name, for God appoints salvation for walls and
you have done wonderful things, things bulwarks.
2 Open the gates, that the righteous nation
planned long ago, in complete faithfulness may enter:
and truth. 2 For you have made a city into the one which keeps faith.
a heap, a fortified city into a ruin, a palace 3 You will keep whoever’s mind is steadfast
of strangers to be no city. It will never
be built. 3 Therefore a strong people will in perfect peace,
glorify you. A city of awesome nations will because he trusts in you.
4 Trust in Yahweh forever;
fear you. 4 For you have been a stronghold
to the poor, a stronghold to the needy in for in Yah, Yahweh, is an everlasting
his distress, a refuge from the storm, a Rock.
5 For he has brought down those who dwell
shade from the heat, when the blast of the
dreaded ones is like a storm against the on high, the lofty city.
wall. 5 As the heat in a dry place you will He lays it low.
bring down the noise of strangers; as the He lays it low even to the ground.
heat by the shade of a cloud, the song of the He brings it even to the dust.
6 The foot shall tread it down,
dreaded ones will be brought low.
6 In this mountain, Yahweh of Armies even the feet of the poor
will make all peoples a feast of choice and the steps of the needy.”
7 The way of the just is uprightness.
meat,† a feast of choice wines, of choice
meat full of marrow, of well refined choice You who are upright make the path of
wines. 7 He will destroy in this mountain the righteous level.
† 25:6 literally, fat things
Isaiah 26:8 819 Isaiah 27:9

8 Yes, in the way of your judgments, Yah- We gave birth, it seems, only to wind.
weh, we have waited for you. We have not worked any deliverance
Your name and your renown are the in the earth;
desire of our soul. neither have the inhabitants of the
9 With my soul I have desired you in the world fallen.
19 Your dead shall live.
Yes, with my spirit within me I will Awake Their dead bodies shall arise.
and sing, you who dwell in the dust;
seek you earnestly; for your dew is like the dew of herbs,
for when your judgments are in the and the earth will cast out the de-
earth, the inhabitants of the world parted spirits.
learn righteousness.
10 Let favor be shown to the wicked, 20 Come, my people, enter into your rooms,
yet he will not learn righteousness. and shut your doors behind you.
In the land of uprightness he will deal Hide yourself for a little moment,
wrongfully, until the indignation is past.
and will not see Yahweh’s majesty. 21 For, behold, Yahweh comes out of his
place to punish the inhabitants of
11 Yahweh, your hand is lifted up, yet they
the earth for their iniquity.
don’t see; The earth also will disclose her blood,
but they will see your zeal for the peo- and will no longer cover her slain.
ple and be disappointed.
Yes, fire will consume your adver- 27
saries. 1 In that day, Yahweh with his hard
12 Yahweh, you will ordain peace for us,
and great and strong sword will pun-
for you have also done all our work for ish leviathan, the fleeing serpent, and
us. leviathan, the twisted serpent; and he will
13 Yahweh our God, other lords besides you
kill the dragon that is in the sea.
have had dominion over us, 2 In that day, sing to her, “A pleasant
but we will only acknowledge your
name. vineyard! 3 I, Yahweh, am its keeper. I
14 The dead shall not live. will water it every moment. Lest anyone
The departed spirits shall not rise. damage it, I will keep it night and day.
Therefore you have visited and destroyed 4 Wrath is not in me, but if I should find
them, briers and thorns, I would do battle! I
and caused all memory of them to per- would march on them and I would burn
ish. them together. 5 Or else let him take hold of
15 You have increased the nation, O Yah- my strength, that he may make peace with
weh. me. Let him make peace with me.”
You have increased the nation! 6 In days to come, Jacob will take root.
You are glorified! Israel will blossom and bud. They will fill
You have enlarged all the borders of the surface of the world with fruit. 7 Has he
the land. struck them as he struck those who struck
them? Or are they killed like those who
16 Yahweh, in trouble they have visited
killed them were killed? 8 In measure,
you. when you send them away, you contend
They poured out a prayer when your with them. He has removed them with his
chastening was on them. rough blast in the day of the east wind.
17 Just as a woman with child, who draws 9 Therefore by this the iniquity of Jacob
near the time of her delivery, will be forgiven, and this is all the fruit of
is in pain and cries out in her pangs, taking away his sin: that he makes all the
so we have been before you, Yahweh. stones of the altar as chalk stones that are
18 We have been with child. beaten in pieces, so that the Asherah poles
We have been in pain. and the incense altars shall rise no more.
Isaiah 27:10 820 Isaiah 28:21

10 For the fortified city is solitary, a habita- strong drink. They err in vision. They
tion deserted and forsaken, like the wilder- stumble in judgment. 8 For all tables are
ness. The calf will feed there, and there he completely full of filthy vomit and filthi-
will lie down, and consume its branches. ness.
11 When its boughs are withered, they will 9 Whom will he teach knowledge? To
be broken off. The women will come and whom will he explain the message? Those
set them on fire, for they are a people of no who are weaned from the milk, and drawn
understanding. Therefore he who made from the breasts? 10 For it is precept on
them will not have compassion on them, precept, precept on precept; line on line,
and he who formed them will show them line on line; here a little, there a little.
no favor. 11 But he will speak to this nation with
12 It will happen in that day that Yahweh
will thresh from the flowing stream of the stammering lips and in another language,
12 to whom he said, “This is the resting
Euphrates to the brook of Egypt; and you
will be gathered one by one, children of place. Give rest to the weary,” and “This
Israel. is the refreshing;” yet they would not
13 It will happen in that day that a great hear. 13 Therefore Yahweh’s word will be
trumpet will be blown; and those who to them precept on precept, precept on
were ready to perish in the land of As- precept; line on line, line on line; here a
syria, and those who were outcasts in the little, there a little; that they may go, fall
land of Egypt, shall come; and they will backward, be broken, be snared, and be
worship Yahweh in the holy mountain at taken.
14 Therefore hear Yahweh’s word, you
scoffers, that rule this people in Jerusalem:
15 “Because you have said, ‘We have made a
1 Woe to the crown of pride of the drunk- covenant with death, and we are in agree-
ards of Ephraim, and to the fading flower ment with Sheol.† When the overflow-
ing scourge passes through, it won’t come
of his glorious beauty, which is on the head to us; for we have made lies our refuge,
of the fertile valley of those who are over- and we have hidden ourselves under false-
come with wine! 2 Behold, the Lord has hood.’ ” 16 Therefore the Lord Yahweh says,
one who is mighty and strong. Like a storm “Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a
of hail, a destroying storm, and like a storm stone, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone
of mighty waters overflowing, he will cast of a sure foundation. He who believes
them down to the earth with his hand. shall not act hastily. 17 I will make justice
3 The crown of pride of the drunkards of
the measuring line, and righteousness the
Ephraim will be trodden under foot. 4 The plumb line. The hail will sweep away the
fading flower of his glorious beauty, which refuge of lies, and the waters will overflow
is on the head of the fertile valley, shall be the hiding place. 18 Your covenant with
like the first-ripe fig before the summer, death shall be annulled, and your agree-
which someone picks and eats as soon as ment with Sheol‡ shall not stand. When
he sees it. 5 In that day, Yahweh of Armies the overflowing scourge passes through,
will become a crown of glory and a diadem then you will be trampled down by it. 19 As
of beauty to the residue of his people, 6 and often as it passes through, it will seize
a spirit of justice to him who sits in judg- you; for morning by morning it will pass
ment, and strength to those who turn back through, by day and by night; and it will be
the battle at the gate. nothing but terror to understand the mes-
7 They also reel with wine, and stagger sage.” 20 For the bed is too short to stretch
with strong drink. The priest and the out on, and the blanket is too narrow to
prophet reel with strong drink. They are wrap oneself in. 21 For Yahweh will rise
swallowed up by wine. They stagger with up as on Mount Perazim. He will be angry
† 28:15 Sheol is the place of the dead. ‡ 28:18 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Isaiah 28:22 821 Isaiah 29:17

as in the valley of Gibeon; that he may do the flame of a devouring fire. 7 The mul-
his work, his unusual work, and bring to titude of all the nations that fight against
pass his act, his extraordinary act. 22 Now Ariel, even all who fight against her and
therefore don’t be scoffers, lest your bonds her stronghold, and who distress her, will
be made strong; for I have heard a decree be like a dream, a vision of the night. 8 It
of destruction from the Lord, Yahweh of will be like when a hungry man dreams,
Armies, on the whole earth. and behold, he eats; but he awakes, and
23 Give ear, and hear my voice! Listen, his hunger isn’t satisfied; or like when
and hear my speech! 24 Does he who plows a thirsty man dreams, and behold, he
to sow plow continually? Does he keep drinks; but he awakes, and behold, he is
turning the soil and breaking the clods? faint, and he is still thirsty. The multitude
25 When he has leveled its surface, doesn’t of all the nations that fight against Mount
he plant the dill, and scatter the cumin Zion will be like that.
9 Pause and wonder! Blind yourselves
seed, and put in the wheat in rows, the
barley in the appointed place, and the spelt and be blind! They are drunken, but
in its place? 26 For his God instructs him in not with wine; they stagger, but not with
right judgment and teaches him. 27 For the strong drink. 10 For Yahweh has poured
dill isn’t threshed with a sharp instrument, out on you a spirit of deep sleep, and has
neither is a cart wheel turned over the closed your eyes, the prophets; and he
cumin; but the dill is beaten out with a has covered your heads, the seers. 11 All
stick, and the cumin with a rod. 28 Bread vision has become to you like the words
flour must be ground; so he will not al- of a book that is sealed, which men de-
ways be threshing it. Although he drives liver to one who is educated, saying, “Read
the wheel of his threshing cart over it, his this, please;” and he says, “I can’t, for it is
horses don’t grind it. 29 This also comes out sealed;” 12 and the book is delivered to one
from Yahweh of Armies, who is wonderful who is not educated, saying, “Read this,
in counsel, and excellent in wisdom. please;” and he says, “I can’t read.”
13 The Lord said, “Because this people

29 draws near with their mouth and honors

me with their lips, but they have removed
1 Woe to Ariel! Ariel, the city where their heart far from me, and their fear of
David encamped! Add year to year; let me is a commandment of men which has
the feasts come around; 2 then I will dis- been taught; 14 therefore, behold, I will
tress Ariel, and there will be mourning and proceed to do a marvelous work among
lamentation. She shall be to me as an altar this people, even a marvelous work and a
hearth.† 3 I will encamp against you all wonder; and the wisdom of their wise men
around you, and will lay siege against you will perish, and the understanding of their
with posted troops. I will raise siege works prudent men will be hidden.”
against you. 4 You will be brought down, 15 Woe to those who deeply hide their
and will speak out of the ground. Your counsel from Yahweh, and whose deeds
speech will mumble out of the dust. Your are in the dark, and who say, “Who sees
voice will be as of one who has a familiar us?” and “Who knows us?” 16 You turn
spirit, out of the ground, and your speech things upside down! Should the potter be
will whisper out of the dust. thought to be like clay, that the thing made
5 But the multitude of your foes will be should say about him who made it, “He
like fine dust, and the multitude of the didn’t make me;” or the thing formed say
ruthless ones like chaff that blows away. of him who formed it, “He has no under-
Yes, it will be in an instant, suddenly. standing?”
6 She will be visited by Yahweh of Armies 17 Isn’t it yet a very little while, and
with thunder, with earthquake, with great Lebanon will be turned into a fruitful field,
noise, with whirlwind and storm, and with and the fruitful field will be regarded as a
† 29:2 or, Ariel
Isaiah 29:18 822 Isaiah 30:21

forest? 18 In that day, the deaf will hear therefore I have called her Rahab who sits
the words of the book, and the eyes of the still. 8 Now go, write it before them on
blind will see out of obscurity and out of a tablet, and inscribe it in a book, that
darkness. 19 The humble also will increase it may be for the time to come forever
their joy in Yahweh, and the poor among and ever. 9 For it is a rebellious people,
men will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. lying children, children who will not hear
20 For the ruthless is brought to nothing, Yahweh’s law; 10 who tell the seers, “Don’t
and the scoffer ceases, and all those who see!” and the prophets, “Don’t prophesy
are alert to do evil are cut off— 21 who cause to us right things. Tell us pleasant things.
a person to be indicted by a word, and lay Prophesy deceits. 11 Get out of the way.
a snare for one who reproves in the gate, Turn away from the path. Cause the Holy
and who deprive the innocent of justice One of Israel to cease from before us.”
12 Therefore the Holy One of Israel says,
with false testimony.
22 Therefore Yahweh, who redeemed “Because you despise this word, and trust
Abraham, says concerning the house of in oppression and perverseness, and rely
Jacob: “Jacob shall no longer be ashamed, on it, 13 therefore this iniquity shall be to
neither shall his face grow pale. 23 But you like a breach ready to fall, swelling
when he sees his children, the work of out in a high wall, whose breaking comes
my hands, in the middle of him, they will suddenly in an instant. 14 He will break it
sanctify my name. Yes, they will sanctify as a potter’s vessel is broken, breaking it in
the Holy One of Jacob, and will stand in pieces without sparing, so that there won’t
awe of the God of Israel. 24 They also who be found among the broken pieces a piece
err in spirit will come to understanding, good enough to take fire from the hearth,
and those who grumble will receive in- or to dip up water out of the cistern.”
struction.” 15 For thus said the Lord Yahweh, the
Holy One of Israel, “You will be saved in
30 returning and rest. Your strength will be in
1 “Woe to the rebellious children”, says quietness and in confidence.” You refused,
Yahweh, “who take counsel, but not from 16 but you said, “No, for we will flee on
me; and who make an alliance, but not horses;” therefore you will flee; and, “We
with my Spirit, that they may add sin to sin; will ride on the swift;” therefore those who
2 who set out to go down into Egypt with-
pursue you will be swift. 17 One thousand
out asking for my advice, to strengthen will flee at the threat of one. At the threat
themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, and of five, you will flee until you are left like a
to take refuge in the shadow of Egypt! beacon on the top of a mountain, and like
3 Therefore the strength of Pharaoh will be a banner on a hill.
your shame, and the refuge in the shadow 18 Therefore Yahweh will wait, that he
of Egypt your confusion. 4 For their princes may be gracious to you; and therefore he
are at Zoan, and their ambassadors have will be exalted, that he may have mercy on
come to Hanes. 5 They shall all be ashamed you, for Yahweh is a God of justice. Blessed
because of a people that can’t profit them, are all those who wait for him. 19 For
that are not a help nor profit, but a shame, the people will dwell in Zion at Jerusalem.
and also a reproach.” You will weep no more. He will surely be
6 The burden of the animals of the South. gracious to you at the voice of your cry.
Through the land of trouble and an- When he hears you, he will answer you.
guish, of the lioness and the lion, the viper 20 Though the Lord may give you the bread
and fiery flying serpent, they carry their of adversity and the water of affliction, yet
riches on the shoulders of young don- your teachers won’t be hidden any more,
keys, and their treasures on the humps of but your eyes will see your teachers; 21 and
camels, to an unprofitable people. 7 For when you turn to the right hand, and when
Egypt helps in vain, and to no purpose; you turn to the left, your ears will hear a
Isaiah 30:22 823 Isaiah 31:8

voice behind you, saying, “This is the way. wood. Yahweh’s breath, like a stream of
Walk in it.” 22 You shall defile the overlay- sulfur, kindles it.
ing of your engraved images of silver, and
the plating of your molten images of gold. 31
You shall cast them away as an unclean
1 Woe to those who go down to Egypt for
thing. You shall tell it, “Go away!” help,
23 He will give the rain for your seed,
and rely on horses,
and trust in chariots because they are
with which you will sow the ground; and many,
bread of the increase of the ground will and in horsemen because they are
be rich and plentiful. In that day, your very strong,
livestock will feed in large pastures. 24 The but they don’t look to the Holy One of
oxen likewise and the young donkeys that Israel,
till the ground will eat savory feed, which and they don’t seek Yahweh!
has been winnowed with the shovel and 2 Yet he also is wise, and will bring disaster,
with the fork. 25 There will be brooks and will not call back his words, but
and streams of water on every lofty moun- will arise against the house of the
tain and on every high hill in the day of evildoers,
the great slaughter, when the towers fall. and against the help of those who
26 Moreover the light of the moon will be
work iniquity.
like the light of the sun, and the light of the 3 Now the Egyptians are men, and not God;
sun will be seven times brighter, like the and their horses flesh, and not spirit.
light of seven days, in the day that Yahweh When Yahweh stretches out his hand, both
binds up the fracture of his people, and he who helps shall stumble,
heals the wound they were struck with. and he who is helped shall fall,
27 Behold, Yahweh’s name comes from and they all shall be consumed to-
far away, burning with his anger, and in gether.
thick rising smoke. His lips are full of
4 For Yahweh says to me,
indignation. His tongue is as a devouring
fire. 28 His breath is as an overflowing “As the lion and the young lion growling
stream that reaches even to the neck, to sift over his prey,
the nations with the sieve of destruction. A if a multitude of shepherds is called
bridle that leads to ruin will be in the jaws together against him,
of the peoples. 29 You will have a song, as will not be dismayed at their voice,
in the night when a holy feast is kept, and nor abase himself for their noise,
gladness of heart, as when one goes with so Yahweh of Armies will come down
a flute to come to Yahweh’s mountain, to to fight on Mount Zion and on its
Israel’s Rock. 30 Yahweh will cause his glo- heights.
rious voice to be heard, and will show the 5 As birds hovering, so Yahweh of Armies
descent of his arm, with the indignation will protect Jerusalem.
of his anger and the flame of a devouring He will protect and deliver it.
fire, with a blast, storm, and hailstones. He will pass over and preserve it.”
31 For through Yahweh’s voice the Assyr- 6 Return to him from whom you have
ian will be dismayed. He will strike him deeply revolted, children of Israel.
with his rod. 32 Every stroke of the rod 7 For in that day everyone shall cast
of punishment, which Yahweh will lay on away his idols of silver and his idols
him, will be with the sound of tambourines of gold—sin which your own hands
and harps. He will fight with them in have made for you.
battles, brandishing weapons. 33 For his 8 “The Assyrian will fall by the sword, not
burning place has long been ready. Yes, of man;
it is prepared for the king. He has made and the sword, not of mankind, shall
its pyre deep and large with fire and much devour him.
Isaiah 31:9 824 Isaiah 33:2

He will flee from the sword, Be troubled, you careless ones!

and his young men will become sub- Strip yourselves, make yourselves
ject to forced labor. naked,
9 His rock will pass away by reason of and put sackcloth on your waist.
terror, 12 Beat your breasts for the pleasant fields,
and his princes will be afraid of the for the fruitful vine.
banner,” 13 Thorns and briers will come up on my
says Yahweh, whose fire is in Zion, people’s land;
and his furnace in Jerusalem. yes, on all the houses of joy in the
joyous city.
32 14 For the palace will be forsaken.
1 Behold, a king shall reign in righteous- The populous city will be deserted.
ness, The hill and the watchtower will be for
and princes shall rule in justice. dens forever,
2 A man shall be as a hiding place from the a delight for wild donkeys,
wind, a pasture of flocks,
and a covert from the storm, 15 until the Spirit is poured on us from on
as streams of water in a dry place, high,
as the shade of a large rock in a weary and the wilderness becomes a fruitful
land. field,
3 The eyes of those who see will not be dim,
and the fruitful field is considered a
and the ears of those who hear will forest.
4 The heart of the rash will understand 16 Then justice will dwell in the wilderness;
knowledge, and righteousness will remain in the
and the tongue of the stammerers will fruitful field.
be ready to speak plainly. 17 The work of righteousness will be peace,
5 The fool will no longer be called noble, and the effect of righteousness, quiet-
nor the scoundrel be highly respected. ness and confidence forever.
18 My people will live in a peaceful habita-
6 For the fool will speak folly,
and his heart will work iniquity, tion,
to practice profanity, in safe dwellings,
and to utter error against Yahweh, and in quiet resting places,
19 though hail flattens the forest,
to make empty the soul of the hungry,
and to cause the drink of the thirsty to and the city is leveled completely.
20 Blessed are you who sow beside all wa-
fail. ters,
7 The ways of the scoundrel are evil.
who send out the feet of the ox and the
He devises wicked plans to destroy the donkey.
humble with lying words,
even when the needy speaks right.
8 But the noble devises noble things, 1 Woe
to you who destroy, but you weren’t
and he will continue in noble things. destroyed,
and who betray, but nobody betrayed
9 Rise up, you women who are at ease! you!
Hear my voice! When you have finished destroying, you
You careless daughters, give ear to my will be destroyed;
speech! and when you have finished betrayal,
10 For days beyond a year you will be trou- you will be betrayed.
bled, you careless women;
2 Yahweh, be gracious to us. We have
for the vintage will fail.
The harvest won’t come. waited for you.
11 Tremble, you women who are at ease! Be our strength every morning,
Isaiah 33:3 825 Isaiah 33:24

our salvation also in the time of trou- and speaks blamelessly,

ble. he who despises the gain of oppres-
3 At the noise of the thunder, the peoples
have fled. who gestures with his hands, refusing
When you lift yourself up, the nations to take a bribe,
are scattered. who stops his ears from hearing of
4 Your plunder will be gathered as the
caterpillar gathers. and shuts his eyes from looking at
Men will leap on it as locusts leap. evil—
5 Yahweh is exalted, for he dwells on high. 16 he will dwell on high.
He has filled Zion with justice and His place of defense will be the
righteousness. fortress of rocks.
6 There will be stability in your times, His bread will be supplied.
abundance of salvation, wisdom, His waters will be sure.
and knowledge.
17 Your eyes will see the king in his beauty.
The fear of Yahweh is your treasure.
They will see a distant land.
7 Behold, their valiant ones cry outside; 18 Your heart will meditate on the terror.
the ambassadors of peace weep bit- Where is he who counted?
terly. Where is he who weighed?
8 The highways are desolate. Where is he who counted the towers?
19 You will no longer see the fierce people,
The traveling man ceases.
The covenant is broken. a people of a deep speech that you
He has despised the cities. can’t comprehend,
He doesn’t respect man. with a strange language that you can’t
9 The land mourns and languishes. understand.
20 Look at Zion, the city of our appointed
Lebanon is confounded and withers
away. festivals.
Sharon is like a desert, and Bashan Your eyes will see Jerusalem, a quiet
and Carmel are stripped bare. habitation,
10 “Now I will arise,” says Yahweh. a tent that won’t be removed.
Its stakes will never be plucked up,
“Now I will lift myself up.
nor will any of its cords be broken.
Now I will be exalted.
11 You will conceive chaff. 21 But there Yahweh will be with us in
You will give birth to stubble. majesty,
Your breath is a fire that will devour a place of wide rivers and streams,
you. in which no galley with oars will go,
12 The peoples will be like the burning of neither will any gallant ship pass by
lime, there.
like thorns that are cut down and 22 For Yahweh is our judge.
burned in the fire. Yahweh is our lawgiver.
Yahweh is our king.
13 Hear, you who are far off, what I have
He will save us.
and, you who are near, acknowledge 23 Your rigging is untied.
my might.” They couldn’t strengthen the foot of
14 The sinners in Zion are afraid. their mast.
Trembling has seized the godless ones. They couldn’t spread the sail.
Who among us can live with the devouring Then the prey of a great plunder was di-
fire? vided.
Who among us can live with everlast- The lame took the prey.
ing burning?
15 He who walks righteously 24 The inhabitant won’t say, “I am sick.”
Isaiah 34:1 826 Isaiah 35:2

The people who dwell therein will be From generation to generation, it will
forgiven their iniquity. lie waste.
No one will pass through it forever
1 Come near, you nations, to hear!
and ever.
11 But the pelican and the porcupine will
Listen, you peoples. possess it.
Let the earth and all it contains hear, The owl and the raven will dwell in it.
the world, and everything that comes He will stretch the line of confusion over it,
from it. and the plumb line of emptiness.
2 For Yahweh is enraged against all the 12 They shall call its nobles to the kingdom,
nations, but none shall be there;
and angry with all their armies. and all its princes shall be nothing.
He has utterly destroyed them. 13 Thorns will come up in its palaces,
He has given them over for slaughter. nettles and thistles in its fortresses;
3 Their slain will also be cast out, and it will be a habitation of jackals,
and the stench of their dead bodies a court for ostriches.
will come up. 14 The wild animals of the desert will meet
The mountains will melt in their with the wolves,
blood. and the wild goat will cry to his fellow.
4 All of the army of the sky will be dis- Yes, the night creature† shall settle there,
solved. and shall find herself a place of rest.
The sky will be rolled up like a scroll, 15 The arrow snake will make her nest
and all its armies will fade away, there,
as a leaf fades from off a vine or a fig and lay, hatch, and gather under her
tree. shade.
5 For my sword has drunk its fill in the sky.
Yes, the kites will be gathered there,
Behold, it will come down on Edom, every one with her mate.
and on the people of my curse, for
judgment. 16 Search in the book of Yahweh, and read:
6 Yahweh’s sword is filled with blood. not one of these will be missing.
It is covered with fat, with the blood of None will lack her mate.
lambs and goats, For my mouth has commanded,
with the fat of the kidneys of rams; and his Spirit has gathered them.
for Yahweh has a sacrifice in Bozrah, 17 He has cast the lot for them,
and a great slaughter in the land of and his hand has divided it to them
Edom. with a measuring line.
7 The wild oxen will come down with them,
They shall possess it forever.
and the young bulls with the mighty From generation to generation they
bulls; will dwell in it.
and their land will be drunken with
and their dust made greasy with fat. 35
The wilderness and the dry land will be
8 For Yahweh has a day of vengeance,
a year of recompense for the cause of The desert will rejoice and blossom
Zion. like a rose.
9 Its streams will be turned into pitch, 2 It will blossom abundantly,
its dust into sulfur, and rejoice even with joy and singing.
and its land will become burning Lebanon’s glory will be given to it,
pitch. the excellence of Carmel and Sharon.
10 It won’t be quenched night or day. They will see Yahweh’s glory,
Its smoke will go up forever. the excellence of our God.
† 34:14 literally, lilith, which could also be a night demon or night monster
Isaiah 35:3 827 Isaiah 36:16

3 Strengthen the weak hands, the household, and Shebna the scribe, and
and make the feeble knees firm. Joah, the son of Asaph the recorder came
4 Tell those who have a fearful heart, “Be out to him.
strong! 4 Rabshakeh said to them, “Now tell
Don’t be afraid! Hezekiah, ‘The great king, the king of As-
Behold, your God will come with syria, says, “What confidence is this in
vengeance, God’s retribution. which you trust? 5 I say that your counsel
He will come and save you. and strength for the war are only vain
5 Then the eyes of the blind will be opened,
words. Now in whom do you trust, that
you have rebelled against me? 6 Behold,
and the ears of the deaf will be un- you trust in the staff of this bruised reed,
6 Then the lame man will leap like a deer, even in Egypt, which if a man leans on it,
it will go into his hand and pierce it. So
and the tongue of the mute will sing; is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all who trust
for waters will break out in the wilder- in him. 7 But if you tell me, ‘We trust
and streams in the desert. in Yahweh our God,’ isn’t that he whose
7 The burning sand will become a pool, high places and whose altars Hezekiah has
and the thirsty ground springs of wa- taken away, and has said to Judah and to
ter. Jerusalem, ‘You shall worship before this
Grass with reeds and rushes will be in altar?’ ” 8 Now therefore, please make a
the habitation of jackals, where they pledge to my master the king of Assyria,
lay. and I will give you two thousand horses, if
8 A highway will be there, a road,
you are able on your part to set riders on
and it will be called “The Holy Way”. them. 9 How then can you turn away the
The unclean shall not pass over it, face of one captain of the least of my mas-
but it will be for those who walk in the ter’s servants, and put your trust in Egypt
Way. for chariots and for horsemen? 10 Have I
Wicked fools shall not go there. come up now without Yahweh against this
9 No lion will be there, land to destroy it? Yahweh said to me, “Go
nor will any ravenous animal go up on up against this land, and destroy it.” ’ ”
it. 11 Then Eliakim, Shebna and Joah said to
They will not be found there;
Rabshakeh, “Please speak to your servants
but the redeemed will walk there.
10 Then Yahweh’s ransomed ones will re- in Aramaic, for we understand it. Don’t
turn, speak to us in the Jews’ language in the
and come with singing to Zion; hearing of the people who are on the wall.”
and everlasting joy will be on their 12 But Rabshakeh said, “Has my master
heads. sent me only to your master and to you,
They will obtain gladness and joy, to speak these words, and not to the men
and sorrow and sighing will flee who sit on the wall, who will eat their own
away.” dung and drink their own urine with you?”
13 Then Rabshakeh stood, and called out
36 with a loud voice in the Jews’ language,
1Now in the fourteenth year of King and said, “Hear the words of the great king,
Hezekiah, Sennacherib king of Assyria at- the king of Assyria! 14 The king says, ‘Don’t
tacked all of the fortified cities of Judah let Hezekiah deceive you; for he will not be
and captured them. 2 The king of Assyria able to deliver you. 15 Don’t let Hezekiah
sent Rabshakeh from Lachish to Jerusalem make you trust in Yahweh, saying, “Yah-
to King Hezekiah with a large army. He weh will surely deliver us. This city won’t
stood by the aqueduct from the upper pool be given into the hand of the king of As-
in the fuller’s field highway. 3 Then Eli- syria.” ’ 16 Don’t listen to Hezekiah, for the
akim the son of Hilkiah, who was over king of Assyria says, ‘Make your peace with
Isaiah 36:17 828 Isaiah 37:21

me, and come out to me; and each of you the servants of the king of Assyria have
eat from his vine, and each one from his blasphemed me. 7 Behold, I will put a spirit
fig tree, and each one of you drink the in him and he will hear news, and will
waters of his own cistern; 17 until I come return to his own land. I will cause him to
and take you away to a land like your own fall by the sword in his own land.” ’ ”
land, a land of grain and new wine, a land 8 So Rabshakeh returned, and found the
of bread and vineyards. 18 Beware lest king of Assyria warring against Libnah,
Hezekiah persuade you, saying, “Yahweh for he heard that he had departed from
will deliver us.” Have any of the gods of Lachish. 9 He heard news concerning
the nations delivered their lands from the Tirhakah king of Ethiopia, “He has come
hand of the king of Assyria? 19 Where are out to fight against you.” When he heard
the gods of Hamath and Arpad? Where it, he sent messengers to Hezekiah, say-
are the gods of Sepharvaim? Have they ing, 10 “Thus you shall speak to Hezekiah
delivered Samaria from my hand? 20 Who king of Judah, saying, ‘Don’t let your God
are they among all the gods of these coun- in whom you trust deceive you, saying,
tries that have delivered their country out “Jerusalem won’t be given into the hand
of my hand, that Yahweh should deliver of the king of Assyria.” 11 Behold, you
Jerusalem out of my hand?’ ” have heard what the kings of Assyria have
21 But they remained silent, and said
done to all lands, by destroying them ut-
nothing in reply, for the king’s command- terly. Shall you be delivered? 12 Have
ment was, “Don’t answer him.” the gods of the nations delivered them,
22 Then Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, who
which my fathers have destroyed, Gozan,
was over the household, and Shebna the Haran, Rezeph, and the children of Eden
scribe, and Joah, the son of Asaph the who were in Telassar? 13 Where is the king
recorder, came to Hezekiah with their of Hamath, and the king of Arpad, and the
clothes torn, and told him the words of king of the city of Sepharvaim, of Hena,
and Ivvah?’ ”
37 14 Hezekiah received the letter from the
hand of the messengers and read it. Then
1 When King Hezekiah heard it, he tore
his clothes, covered himself with sack- Hezekiah went up to Yahweh’s house, and
cloth, and went into Yahweh’s house. 2 He spread it before Yahweh. 15 Hezekiah
sent Eliakim, who was over the household, prayed to Yahweh, saying, 16 “Yahweh of
and Shebna the scribe, and the elders of Armies, the God of Israel, who is en-
the priests, covered with sackcloth, to Isa- throned among the cherubim, you are the
iah the prophet, the son of Amoz. 3 They God, even you alone, of all the kingdoms
said to him, “Hezekiah says, ‘Today is a day of the earth. You have made heaven
of trouble, and of rebuke, and of rejection; and earth. 17 Turn your ear, Yahweh,
for the children have come to the birth, and hear. Open your eyes, Yahweh, and
and there is no strength to give birth. 4 It behold. Hear all of the words of Sen-
may be Yahweh your God will hear the nacherib, who has sent to defy the living
words of Rabshakeh, whom the king of God. 18 Truly, Yahweh, the kings of Assyria
Assyria his master has sent to defy the liv- have destroyed all the countries and their
ing God, and will rebuke the words which land, 19 and have cast their gods into the
Yahweh your God has heard. Therefore fire; for they were no gods, but the work
lift up your prayer for the remnant that is of men’s hands, wood and stone; therefore
left.’ ” they have destroyed them. 20 Now there-
5 So the servants of King Hezekiah came fore, Yahweh our God, save us from his
to Isaiah. hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth
6 Isaiah said to them, “Tell your mas- may know that you are Yahweh, even you
ter, ‘Yahweh says, “Don’t be afraid of the only.”
words that you have heard, with which 21 Then Isaiah the son of Amoz sent to
Isaiah 37:22 829 Isaiah 38:8

Hezekiah, saying, “Yahweh, the God of Is- “Therefore Yahweh says concerning
rael says, ‘Because you have prayed to me the king of Assyria, ‘He will not come to this
against Sennacherib king of Assyria, 22 this city, nor shoot an arrow there, neither will
is the word which Yahweh has spoken he come before it with shield, nor cast up
concerning him: The virgin daughter of a mound against it. 34 He will return the
Zion has despised you and ridiculed you. way that he came, and he won’t come to
The daughter of Jerusalem has shaken her this city,’ says Yahweh. 35 ‘For I will defend
head at you. 23 Whom have you defied this city to save it, for my own sake, and for
and blasphemed? Against whom have you my servant David’s sake.’ ”
exalted your voice and lifted up your eyes 36 Then Yahweh’s angel went out and
on high? Against the Holy One of Israel. struck one hundred and eighty-five thou-
24 By your servants, you have defied the sand men in the camp of the Assyrians.
Lord, and have said, “With the multitude When men arose early in the morning, be-
of my chariots I have come up to the height hold, these were all dead bodies. 37 So Sen-
of the mountains, to the innermost parts of nacherib king of Assyria departed, went
Lebanon. I will cut down its tall cedars and away, returned to Nineveh, and stayed
its choice cypress trees. I will enter into there. 38 As he was worshiping in the
its farthest height, the forest of its fruitful house of Nisroch his god, Adrammelech
field. 25 I have dug and drunk water, and and Sharezer his sons struck him with the
with the sole of my feet I will dry up all the sword; and they escaped into the land of
rivers of Egypt.” Ararat. Esar Haddon his son reigned in his
26 “ ‘Have you not heard how I have done place.
it long ago, and formed it in ancient times?
Now I have brought it to pass, that it should 38
1 In those days Hezekiah was sick and
be yours to destroy fortified cities, turning
them into ruinous heaps. 27 Therefore near death. Isaiah the prophet, the son
their inhabitants had little power. They of Amoz, came to him, and said to him,
were dismayed and confounded. They “Yahweh says, ‘Set your house in order, for
were like the grass of the field, and like the you will die, and not live.’ ”
2 Then Hezekiah turned his face to the
green herb, like the grass on the housetops,
and like a field before its crop has grown. wall and prayed to Yahweh, 3 and said,
28 But I know your sitting down, your go- “Remember now, Yahweh, I beg you, how I
have walked before you in truth and with
ing out, your coming in, and your raging
a perfect heart, and have done that which
against me. 29 Because of your raging
is good in your sight.” Then Hezekiah wept
against me, and because your arrogance
has come up into my ears, therefore I will 4 Then Yahweh’s word came to Isaiah,
put my hook in your nose and my bridle in
saying, 5 “Go, and tell Hezekiah, ‘Yahweh,
your lips, and I will turn you back by the
way by which you came. the God of David your father, says, “I have
heard your prayer. I have seen your tears.
30 “ ‘This shall be the sign to you: You will
Behold, I will add fifteen years to your
eat this year that which grows of itself, and life. 6 I will deliver you and this city out
in the second year that which springs from of the hand of the king of Assyria, and I
it; and in the third year sow and reap and will defend this city. 7 This shall be the
plant vineyards, and eat their fruit. 31 The sign to you from Yahweh, that Yahweh will
remnant that is escaped of the house of do this thing that he has spoken. 8 Behold,
Judah will again take root downward, and I will cause the shadow on the sundial,
bear fruit upward. 32 For out of Jerusalem which has gone down on the sundial of
a remnant will go out, and survivors will Ahaz with the sun, to return backward ten
escape from Mount Zion. The zeal of Yah- steps.” ’ ” So the sun returned ten steps on
weh of Armies will perform this.’ the sundial on which it had gone down.
Isaiah 38:9 830 Isaiah 39:8

9 The writing of Hezekiah king of Judah, Therefore we will sing my songs with
when he had been sick, and had recovered stringed instruments all the days of
of his sickness: our life in Yahweh’s house.
10 I said, “In the middle of my life I go into 21 Now Isaiah had said, “Let them take
the gates of Sheol.† a cake of figs, and lay it for a poultice on
I am deprived of the residue of my the boil, and he shall recover.” 22 Hezekiah
years.” also had said, “What is the sign that I will
11 I said, “I won’t see Yah, go up to Yahweh’s house?”
Yah in the land of the living.
I will see man no more with the inhab-
itants of the world.
12 My dwelling is removed,
1 At that time, Merodach-baladan the son
and is carried away from me like a of Baladan, king of Babylon, sent letters
shepherd’s tent. and a present to Hezekiah, for he heard
I have rolled up my life like a weaver. that he had been sick, and had recovered.
He will cut me off from the loom. 2 Hezekiah was pleased with them, and
From day even to night you will make showed them the house of his precious
an end of me. things, the silver, the gold, the spices, and
13 I waited patiently until morning.
the precious oil, and all the house of his
He breaks all my bones like a lion. armor, and all that was found in his trea-
From day even to night you will make sures. There was nothing in his house, nor
an end of me. in all his dominion, that Hezekiah didn’t
14 I chattered like a swallow or a crane. show them. 3 Then Isaiah the prophet
I moaned like a dove. came to King Hezekiah, and asked him,
My eyes weaken looking upward. “What did these men say? From where did
Lord, I am oppressed. they come to you?”
Be my security.”
15 What will I say? Hezekiah said, “They have come from a
country far from me, even from Babylon.”
He has both spoken to me, and himself
has done it. 4 Then he asked, “What have they seen in
I will walk carefully all my years be- your house?”
cause of the anguish of my soul. Hezekiah answered, “They have seen all
16 Lord, men live by these things;
that is in my house. There is nothing
and my spirit finds life in all of them. among my treasures that I have not shown
You restore me, and cause me to live. them.”
17 Behold, for peace I had great anguish, 5 Then Isaiah said to Hezekiah, “Hear the
but you have in love for my soul deliv- word of Yahweh of Armies: 6 ‘Behold, the
ered it from the pit of corruption; days are coming when all that is in your
for you have cast all my sins behind house, and that which your fathers have
your back. stored up until today, will be carried to
18 For Sheol‡ can’t praise you. Babylon. Nothing will be left,’ says Yah-
Death can’t celebrate you. weh. 7 ‘They will take away your sons who
Those who go down into the pit can’t hope will issue from you, whom you shall father,
for your truth. and they will be eunuchs in the king of
19 The living, the living, he shall praise you, Babylon’s palace.’ ”
as I do today. 8Then Hezekiah said to Isaiah, “Yah-
The father shall make known your weh’s word which you have spoken is
truth to the children. good.” He said moreover, “For there will
20 Yahweh will save me. be peace and truth in my days.”
† 38:10 Sheol is the place of the dead. ‡ 38:18 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Isaiah 40:1 831 Isaiah 40:22

40 Who has measured the waters in the

1“Comfort, comfort my people,” says hollow of his hand,
your God. 2 “Speak comfortably to and marked off the sky with his span,
Jerusalem, and call out to her that her and calculated the dust of the earth in
warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity a measuring basket,
is pardoned, that she has received of and weighed the mountains in scales,
Yahweh’s hand double for all her sins.” and the hills in a balance?
3 The voice of one who calls out, 13 Who has directed Yahweh’s Spirit,

“Prepare the way of Yahweh in the or has taught him as his counselor?
14 Who did he take counsel with,
Make a level highway in the desert for and who instructed him,
our God. and taught him in the path of justice,
4 Every valley shall be exalted, and taught him knowledge,
and every mountain and hill shall be and showed him the way of under-
made low. standing?
The uneven shall be made level, 15 Behold, the nations are like a drop in a
and the rough places a plain. bucket,
5 Yahweh’s glory shall be revealed,
and are regarded as a speck of dust on
and all flesh shall see it together; a balance.
for the mouth of Yahweh has spoken Behold, he lifts up the islands like a
it.” very little thing.
16 Lebanon is not sufficient to burn,
6 The voice of one saying, “Cry out!”
nor its animals sufficient for a burnt
One said, “What shall I cry?” offering.
“All flesh is like grass, 17 All the nations are like nothing before
and all its glory is like the flower of the him.
field. They are regarded by him as less than
7 The grass withers,
nothing, and vanity.
the flower fades,
because Yahweh’s breath blows on it. 18 To whom then will you liken God?
Surely the people are like grass.
8 The grass withers, Or what likeness will you compare to
the flower fades; 19 A workman has cast an image,
but the word of our God stands for- and the goldsmith overlays it with
9 You who tell good news to Zion, go up on and casts silver chains for it.
20 He who is too impoverished for such an
a high mountain.
You who tell good news to Jerusalem, offering chooses a tree that will not
lift up your voice with strength! rot.
He seeks a skillful workman to set up
Lift it up! Don’t be afraid!
a carved image for him that will not
Say to the cities of Judah, “Behold,
be moved.
your God!”
10 Behold, the Lord Yahweh will come as a 21
Haven’t you known?
mighty one, Haven’t you heard?
and his arm will rule for him. Haven’t you been told from the begin-
Behold, his reward is with him, ning?
and his recompense before him.
11 He will feed his flock like a shepherd. Haven’t you understood from the
foundations of the earth?
He will gather the lambs in his arm, 22 It is he who sits above the circle of the
and carry them in his bosom. earth,
He will gently lead those who have and its inhabitants are like grasshop-
their young. pers;
Isaiah 40:23 832 Isaiah 41:10

who stretches out the heavens like a and let the peoples renew their
curtain, strength.
and spreads them out like a tent to Let them come near,
dwell in, then let them speak.
23 who brings princes to nothing,
Let’s meet together for judgment.
who makes the judges of the earth 2
meaningless. Who has raised up one from the east?
24 They are planted scarcely. Who called him to his feet in righ-
They are sown scarcely. teousness?
He hands over nations to him
Their stock has scarcely taken root in and makes him rule over kings.
the ground. He gives them like the dust to his
He merely blows on them, and they sword,
wither, like the driven stubble to his bow.
and the whirlwind takes them away as 3 He pursues them
stubble. and passes by safely,
25 “To whom then will you liken me? even by a way that he had not gone
Who is my equal?” says the Holy One. 4 with his feet.
26 Lift up your eyes on high, Who has worked and done it,
and see who has created these, calling the generations from the be-
who brings out their army by number. ginning?
He calls them all by name. I, Yahweh, the first, and with the last, I
By the greatness of his might, am he.”
and because he is strong in power, 5 The islands have seen, and fear.
not one is lacking. The ends of the earth tremble.
27 Why do you say, Jacob,
They approach, and come.
6 Everyone helps his neighbor.
and speak, Israel,
They say to their brothers, “Be strong!”
“My way is hidden from Yahweh,
7 So the carpenter encourages the gold-
and the justice due me is disregarded
by my God?” smith.
28 Haven’t you known? He who smooths with the hammer en-
courages him who strikes the anvil,
Haven’t you heard? saying of the soldering, “It is good;”
The everlasting God, Yahweh, and he fastens it with nails, that it
the Creator of the ends of the earth, might not totter.
doesn’t faint.
He isn’t weary. 8 “But you, Israel, my servant,
His understanding is unsearchable.
29 He gives power to the weak. Jacob whom I have chosen,
He increases the strength of him who the offspring of Abraham my friend,
9 you whom I have taken hold of from
has no might.
30 Even the youths faint and get weary, the ends of the earth,
and called from its corners,
and the young men utterly fall;
31 but those who wait for Yahweh will and said to you, ‘You are my servant. I
renew their strength. have chosen you and have not cast
They will mount up with wings like you away.’
10 Don’t you be afraid, for I am with you.
They will run, and not be weary. Don’t be dismayed, for I am your God.
They will walk, and not faint. I will strengthen you.
Yes, I will help you.
1 “Keep silent before me, islands,
Yes, I will uphold you with the right
hand of my righteousness.
Isaiah 41:11 833 Isaiah 42:1

11 Behold, all those who are incensed 21 Produce your cause,” says Yahweh.
against you will be disappointed “Bring out your strong reasons!” says
and confounded. the King of Jacob.
Those who strive with you will be like 22 “Let them announce and declare to us
nothing, and shall perish. what will happen!
12 You will seek them, and won’t find them, Declare the former things, what they
even those who contend with you. are,
Those who war against you will be as that we may consider them, and know
nothing, the latter end of them;
as a nonexistent thing. or show us things to come.
23 Declare the things that are to come here-
13 For I, Yahweh your God, will hold your
right hand, after,
saying to you, ‘Don’t be afraid. that we may know that you are gods.
I will help you.’ Yes, do good, or do evil,
14 Don’t be afraid, you worm Jacob, that we may be dismayed,
and see it together.
and you men of Israel. 24 Behold, you are nothing,
I will help you,” says Yahweh. and your work is nothing.
“Your Redeemer is the Holy One of He who chooses you is an abomina-
Israel. tion.
15 Behold, I have made you into a new
sharp threshing instrument with 25 “I have raised up one from the north, and
teeth. he has come,
You will thresh the mountains, from the rising of the sun, one who
and beat them small, calls on my name,
and will make the hills like chaff. and he shall come on rulers as on mor-
16 You will winnow them,
and the wind will carry them away, and as the potter treads clay.
and the whirlwind will scatter them. 26 Who has declared it from the beginning,
You will rejoice in Yahweh. that we may know?
You will glory in the Holy One of Israel. and before, that we may say, ‘He is
17 The poor and needy seek water, and right?’
Surely, there is no one who declares.
there is none. Surely, there is no one who shows.
Their tongue fails for thirst.
Surely, there is no one who hears your
I, Yahweh, will answer them.
I, the God of Israel, will not forsake 27 I amwords.
the first to say to Zion, ‘Behold, look
18 I will open rivers on the bare heights, at them;’
and I will give one who brings good
and springs in the middle of the val-
news to Jerusalem.
leys. 28 When I look, there is no man,
I will make the wilderness a pool of even among them there is no coun-
and the dry land springs of water. selor who, when I ask, can answer a
19 I will put cedar, acacia, myrtle, and oil 29 word.
Behold, all of their deeds are vanity and
trees in the wilderness. nothing.
I will set cypress trees, pine, and box Their molten images are wind and
trees together in the desert; confusion.
20 that they may see, know, consider,
and understand together, 42
1 “Behold, my servant, whom I uphold,
that Yahweh’s hand has done this,
and the Holy One of Israel has created my chosen, in whom my soul delights:
it. I have put my Spirit on him.
Isaiah 42:2 834 Isaiah 42:22

He will bring justice to the nations. and declare his praise in the islands.
2 He will not shout, 13 Yahweh will go out like a mighty man.
nor raise his voice, He will stir up zeal like a man of war.
nor cause it to be heard in the street. He will raise a war cry.
3 He won’t break a bruised reed.
He won’t quench a dimly burning Yes, he will shout aloud.
wick. He will triumph over his enemies.
He will faithfully bring justice.
4 He will not fail nor be discouraged, 14 “I have been silent a long time.

until he has set justice in the earth, I have been quiet and restrained my-
and the islands wait for his law.” self.
Now I will cry out like a travailing
5 God Yahweh, woman. I will both gasp and pant.
he who created the heavens and 15 I will destroy mountains and hills,
stretched them out, and dry up all their herbs.
he who spread out the earth and that I will make the rivers islands,
which comes out of it, and will dry up the pools.
he who gives breath to its people and 16 I will bring the blind by a way that they
spirit to those who walk in it, says:
6 “I, Yahweh, have called you in righteous- don’t know.
ness. I will lead them in paths that they don’t
I will hold your hand. know.
I will keep you, I will make darkness light before
and make you a covenant for the peo- them,
and crooked places straight.
I will do these things,
as a light for the nations,
7 to open the blind eyes, and I will not forsake them.
to bring the prisoners out of the dun- 17 “Those who trust in engraved images,
who tell molten images,
and those who sit in darkness out of
the prison. ‘You are our gods,’
will be turned back.
8 “I am Yahweh. They will be utterly disappointed.
That is my name.
18 “Hear, you deaf,
I will not give my glory to another,
nor my praise to engraved images. and look, you blind,
9 Behold, the former things have happened that you may see.
and I declare new things. 19 Who is blind, but my servant?
I tell you about them before they come Or who is as deaf as my messenger
up.” whom I send?
Who is as blind as he who is at peace,
10 Sing to Yahweh a new song,
and as blind as Yahweh’s servant?
and his praise from the end of the 20 You see many things, but don’t observe.
earth, His ears are open, but he doesn’t listen.
you who go down to the sea, 21 It pleased Yahweh, for his righteousness’
and all that is therein, sake, to magnify the law
the islands and their inhabitants. and make it honorable.
11 Let the wilderness and its cities raise
22 But this is a robbed and plundered peo-
their voices,
with the villages that Kedar inhabits. ple.
Let the inhabitants of Sela sing. All of them are snared in holes,
Let them shout from the top of the and they are hidden in prisons.
mountains! They have become captives, and no one
12 Let them give glory to Yahweh, delivers,
Isaiah 42:23 835 Isaiah 43:18

and a plunder, and no one says, ‘Re- and my daughters from the ends of the
store them!’ earth—
7 everyone who is called by my name,
23 Who is there among you who will give
and whom I have created for my glory,
ear to this? whom I have formed,
Who will listen and hear for the time yes, whom I have made.’ ”
to come?
24 Who gave Jacob as plunder,
8 Bring out the blind people who have eyes,
and Israel to the robbers?
Didn’t Yahweh, he against whom we 9 Letand the deaf who have ears.
all the nations be gathered together,
have sinned? and let the peoples be assembled.
For they would not walk in his ways,
and they disobeyed his law. Who among them can declare this,
25 Therefore he poured the fierceness of his and show us former things?
Let them bring their witnesses, that they
anger on him,
may be justified,
and the strength of battle.
or let them hear, and say, “That is
It set him on fire all around, but he didn’t true.”
It burned him, but he didn’t take it to 10 “You are my witnesses,” says Yahweh,
heart.” “With my servant whom I have cho-
1 But now Yahweh who created you, Jacob, that you may know and believe me,
and he who formed you, Israel, says: and understand that I am he.
Before me there was no God formed,
“Don’t be afraid, for I have redeemed you. neither will there be after me.
I have called you by your name. 11 I myself am Yahweh.
You are mine. Besides me, there is no savior.
2 When you pass through the waters, I will 12
I have declared, I have saved, and I have
be with you, shown,
and through the rivers, they will not and there was no strange god among
overflow you. you.
When you walk through the fire, you will Therefore you are my witnesses”,
not be burned, says Yahweh, “and I am God.
and flame will not scorch you. 13 Yes, since the day was, I am he.
3 For I am Yahweh your God, There is no one who can deliver out of
the Holy One of Israel, my hand.
your Savior. I will work, and who can hinder it?”
14 Yahweh, your Redeemer, the Holy One
I have given Egypt as your ransom,
Ethiopia and Seba in your place. of Israel says: “For your sake, I have sent
4 Since you have been precious and hon- to Babylon, and I will bring all of them
ored in my sight, down as fugitives, even the Chaldeans, in
and I have loved you, the ships of their rejoicing. 15 I am Yahweh,
therefore I will give people in your your Holy One, the Creator of Israel, your
place, King.”
16 Yahweh, who makes a way in the sea,
and nations instead of your life.
5 Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. and a path in the mighty waters,
17 who brings out the chariot and horse,
I will bring your offspring from the
east, the army and the mighty man
and gather you from the west. (they lie down together, they shall not
6 I will tell the north, ‘Give them up!’ rise;
and tell the south, ‘Don’t hold them they are extinct, they are quenched
back! like a wick) says:
Bring my sons from far away, 18 “Don’t remember the former things,
Isaiah 43:19 836 Isaiah 44:11

and don’t consider the things of old. “Don’t be afraid, Jacob my servant;
19 Behold, I will do a new thing. and you, Jeshurun, whom I have cho-
It springs out now. sen.
3 For I will pour water on him who is
Don’t you know it?
I will even make a way in the wilderness, thirsty,
and rivers in the desert. and streams on the dry ground.
20 The animals of the field, the jackals and I will pour my Spirit on your descendants,
the ostriches, shall honor me, and my blessing on your offspring;
because I give water in the wilderness 4 and they will spring up among the grass,
and rivers in the desert, as willows by the watercourses.
to give drink to my people, my chosen, 5 One will say, ‘I am Yahweh’s.’
21 the people which I formed for my- Another will be called by the name of
self, Jacob;
that they might declare my praise. and another will write with his hand
‘to Yahweh,’
22 Yet you have not called on me, Jacob; and honor the name of Israel.”
but you have been weary of me, Israel.
6 This is what Yahweh, the King of Israel,
23 You have not brought me any of your
sheep for burnt offerings, and his Redeemer, Yahweh of Armies,
neither have you honored me with
your sacrifices. “I am the first, and I am the last;
and besides me there is no God.
I have not burdened you with offerings, 7 Who is like me?
nor wearied you with frankincense. Who will call,
24 You have bought me no sweet cane with and will declare it,
money, and set it in order for me,
nor have you filled me with the fat of since I established the ancient people?
your sacrifices, Let them declare the things that are com-
but you have burdened me with your sins. ing,
You have wearied me with your iniq- and that will happen.
uities. 8 Don’t fear,

25 I, even I, am he who blots out your trans-

neither be afraid.
Haven’t I declared it to you long ago,
gressions for my own sake; and shown it?
and I will not remember your sins. You are my witnesses.
26 Put me in remembrance. Is there a God besides me?
Let us plead together. Indeed, there is not.
Declare your case, I don’t know any other Rock.”
that you may be justified.
27 Your first father sinned, 9 Everyone who makes a carved image is
and your teachers have transgressed vain.
against me. The things that they delight in will not
28 Therefore I will profane the princes of profit.
the sanctuary; Their own witnesses don’t see, nor
and I will make Jacob a curse, know, that they may be disap-
and Israel an insult.” pointed.
10 Who has fashioned a god,
1 Yet listen now, Jacob my servant,
or molds an image that is profitable
for nothing?
and Israel, whom I have chosen. 11 Behold, all his fellows will be disap-
2 This is what Yahweh who made you,
and formed you from the womb, and the workmen are mere men.
who will help you says: Let them all be gathered together.
Isaiah 44:12 837 Isaiah 44:27

Let them stand up. “I have burned part of it in the fire.

They will fear. Yes, I have also baked bread on its
They will be put to shame together. coals.
I have roasted meat and eaten it.
12 The blacksmith takes an ax, Shall I make the rest of it into an abom-
works in the coals, ination?
Shall I bow down to a tree trunk?”
fashions it with hammers, 20 He feeds on ashes.
and works it with his strong arm. A deceived heart has turned him
He is hungry, aside;
and his strength fails; and he can’t deliver his soul,
he drinks no water, nor say, “Isn’t there a lie in my right
and is faint. hand?”
13 The carpenter stretches out a line.
He marks it out with a pencil. 21 Remember these things, Jacob and Is-
He shapes it with planes. rael,
He marks it out with compasses, for you are my servant.
and shapes it like the figure of a man, I have formed you.
with the beauty of a man, You are my servant.
to reside in a house. Israel, you will not be forgotten by me.
14 He cuts down cedars for himself, 22 I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, your
and takes the cypress and the oak, transgressions,
and strengthens for himself one and, as a cloud, your sins.
among the trees of the forest. Return to me, for I have redeemed
He plants a cypress tree, you.
and the rain nourishes it.
15 Then it will be for a man to burn; 23 Sing, you heavens, for Yahweh has done
and he takes some of it and warms it!
himself. Shout, you lower parts of the earth!
Yes, he burns it and bakes bread. Break out into singing, you moun-
Yes, he makes a god and worships it; tains, O forest, all of your trees,
he makes it a carved image, and falls for Yahweh has redeemed Jacob,
down to it. and will glorify himself in Israel.
16 He burns part of it in the fire.
With part of it, he eats meat. 24 Yahweh, your Redeemer,
He roasts a roast and is satisfied. and he who formed you from the
Yes, he warms himself womb says:
and says, “Aha! I am warm. I have
seen the fire.” “I am Yahweh, who makes all things;
17 The rest of it he makes into a god, who alone stretches out the heavens;
even his engraved image. who spreads out the earth by myself;
25 who frustrates the signs of the liars,
He bows down to it and worships,
and prays to it, and says, “Deliver me, and makes diviners mad;
for you are my god!” who turns wise men backward,
and makes their knowledge foolish;
18 They don’t know, neither do they con- 26 who confirms the word of his servant,
sider, and performs the counsel of his mes-
for he has shut their eyes, that they sengers;
can’t see, who says of Jerusalem, ‘She will be inhab-
and their hearts, that they can’t under- ited;’
stand. and of the cities of Judah, ‘They will be
19 No one thinks, built,’
neither is there knowledge nor under- and ‘I will raise up its waste places;’
standing to say, 27 who says to the deep, ‘Be dry,’
Isaiah 44:28 838 Isaiah 45:17

and ‘I will dry up your rivers,’ 9 Woe to him who strives with his Maker—
28 who says of Cyrus, ‘He is my shepherd, a clay pot among the clay pots of the
and shall perform all my pleasure,’ earth!
even saying of Jerusalem, ‘She will be Shall the clay ask him who fashions it,
built;’ ‘What are you making?’
and of the temple, ‘Your foundation or your work, ‘He has no hands?’
will be laid.’ ” 10 Woe to him who says to a father, ‘What
have you become the father of?’
1 Yahweh says to his anointed, to Cyrus, or to a mother, ‘What have you given
birth to?’ ”
whose right hand I have held to subdue
nations before him and strip kings of their 11 Yahweh, the Holy One of Israel
armor, to open the doors before him, and and his Maker says:
the gates shall not be shut: “You ask me about the things that are to
2 “I will go before you
come, concerning my sons,
and make the rough places smooth. and you command me concerning the
I will break the doors of bronze in pieces work of my hands!
and cut apart the bars of iron. 12 I have made the earth, and created man
3 I will give you the treasures of darkness
on it.
and hidden riches of secret places, I, even my hands, have stretched out
that you may know that it is I, Yahweh, who the heavens.
calls you by your name, I have commanded all their army.
even the God of Israel. 13 I have raised him up in righteousness,
4 For Jacob my servant’s sake,
and I will make all his ways straight.
and Israel my chosen, He shall build my city,
I have called you by your name. and he shall let my exiles go free,
I have given you a title, not for price nor reward,” says Yah-
though you have not known me. weh of Armies.
5 I am Yahweh, and there is no one else.
Besides me, there is no God. 14 Yahweh says: “The labor of Egypt,
I will strengthen† you, and the merchandise of Ethiopia,
though you have not known me, and the Sabeans, men of stature, will
6 that they may know from the rising of the
come over to you,
sun, and they will be yours.
and from the west,
that there is no one besides me. They will go after you.
I am Yahweh, and there is no one else. They shall come over in chains.
7 I form the light They will bow down to you.
and create darkness. They will make supplication to you:
I make peace ‘Surely God is in you; and there is no
and create calamity. one else.
I am Yahweh, There is no other god.
who does all these things. 15 Most certainly you are a God who has

8 Rain, you heavens, from above,

hidden yourself,
God of Israel, the Savior.’ ”
and let the skies pour down righteous- 16 They will be disappointed,
Let the earth open, that it may produce yes, confounded, all of them.
salvation, Those who are makers of idols will go
and let it cause righteousness to spring into confusion together.
up with it. 17 Israel will be saved by Yahweh with an
I, Yahweh, have created it. everlasting salvation.
† 45:5 or, equip
Isaiah 45:18 839 Isaiah 46:10

You will not be disappointed nor con-

1 Bel bows down.
founded to ages everlasting.
Nebo stoops.
18 For Yahweh who created the heavens, Their idols are carried by animals,
the God who formed the earth and and on the livestock.
made it, The things that you carried around are
who established it and didn’t create it heavy loads,
a waste, a burden for the weary.
who formed it to be inhabited says: 2 They stoop and they bow down together.
“I am Yahweh. They could not deliver the burden,
There is no other. but they have gone into captivity.
19 I have not spoken in secret,
in a place of the land of darkness. 3 “Listen to me, house of Jacob,
I didn’t say to the offspring of Jacob, ‘Seek and all the remnant of the house of
me in vain.’ Israel,
I, Yahweh, speak righteousness. that have been carried from their
I declare things that are right. birth,
that have been carried from the
20 “Assemble yourselves and come. womb.
4 Even to old age I am he,
Draw near together, you who have and even to gray hairs I will carry you.
escaped from the nations. I have made, and I will bear.
Those have no knowledge who carry the Yes, I will carry, and will deliver.
wood of their engraved image,
and pray to a god that can’t save. 5 “To whom will you compare me, and
21 Declare and present it. consider my equal,
Yes, let them take counsel together. and compare me, as if we were the
Who has shown this from ancient time? same?
6 Some pour out gold from the bag,
Who has declared it of old?
Haven’t I, Yahweh? and weigh silver in the balance.
There is no other God besides me, a just They hire a goldsmith,
God and a Savior. and he makes it a god.
There is no one besides me. They fall down—
yes, they worship.
22 “Look to me, and be saved, all the ends of
7 They bear it on their shoulder.
the earth; They carry it, and set it in its place, and
for I am God, and there is no other.
23 I have sworn by myself.
it stands there.
It cannot move from its place.
The word has gone out of my mouth Yes, one may cry to it, yet it can not answer.
in righteousness, and will not be re- It cannot save him out of his trouble.
that to me every knee shall bow, 8 “Remember this, and show yourselves
every tongue shall take an oath. men.
24 They will say of me,
Bring it to mind again, you transgres-
‘There is righteousness and strength 9 Remember the former things of old;
only in Yahweh.’ ” for I am God, and there is no other.
Even to him will men come. I am God, and there is none like me.
All those who raged against him will 10 I declare the end from the beginning,
be disappointed. and from ancient times things that are
25 All the offspring of Israel will be justified not yet done.
in Yahweh, I say: My counsel will stand,
and will rejoice! and I will do all that I please.
Isaiah 46:11 840 Isaiah 47:15

11 I call a ravenous bird from the east, 8“Now therefore hear this, you who are
the man of my counsel from a far given to pleasures,
country. who sit securely,
Yes, I have spoken. who say in your heart,
I will also bring it to pass. ‘I am, and there is no one else besides
I have planned. me.
I will also do it. I won’t sit as a widow,
neither will I know the loss of chil-
12 Listen to me, you stubborn-hearted, dren.’
9 But these two things will come to you in a
who are far from righteousness!
13 I bring my righteousness near. moment in one day:
It is not far off, the loss of children and widowhood.
and my salvation will not wait. They will come on you in their full mea-
I will grant salvation to Zion, in the multitude of your sorceries,
my glory to Israel. and the great abundance of your en-
10 For you have trusted in your wickedness.
47 You have said, ‘No one sees me.’
1 “Come down and sit in the dust, virgin
Your wisdom and your knowledge has per-
daughter of Babylon. verted you.
Sit on the ground without a throne, You have said in your heart, ‘I am, and
daughter of the Chaldeans. there is no one else besides me.’
For you will no longer be called tender 11 Therefore disaster will come on you.
and delicate. You won’t know when it dawns.
2 Take the millstones and grind flour.
Mischief will fall on you.
Remove your veil, lift up your skirt, You won’t be able to put it away.
uncover your legs, Desolation will come on you suddenly,
and wade through the rivers. which you don’t understand.
3 Your nakedness will be uncovered.
Yes, your shame will be seen. 12 “Stand now with your enchantments
I will take vengeance, and with the multitude of your sor-
and will spare no one.” ceries,
in which you have labored from your
4 Our Redeemer, Yahweh of Armies is his
name, as if you might profit,
is the Holy One of Israel.
as if you might prevail.
5 “Sit in silence, and go into darkness, 13 You are wearied in the multitude of your
daughter of the Chaldeans. counsels.
Now let the astrologers, the stargaz-
For you shall no longer be called ers, and the monthly prognostica-
the mistress of kingdoms. tors stand up and save you from the
6 I was angry with my people.
things that will happen to you.
I profaned my inheritance 14 Behold, they are like stubble.
and gave them into your hand. The fire will burn them.
You showed them no mercy. They won’t deliver themselves from
You laid a very heavy yoke on the aged. the power of the flame.
7 You said, ‘I will be a princess forever,’ It won’t be a coal to warm at
so that you didn’t lay these things to or a fire to sit by.
your heart, 15 The things that you labored in will be like
nor did you remember the results. this:
Isaiah 48:1 841 Isaiah 48:17

those who have trafficked with you for I knew that you dealt very treacher-
from your youth will each wander ously,
in his own way. and were called a transgressor from
There will be no one to save you. the womb.
9 For my name’s sake, I will defer my anger,
and for my praise, I hold it back for
1 “Hear this, house of Jacob,
so that I don’t cut you off.
you who are called by the name of 10 Behold, I have refined you,
Israel, but not as silver.
and have come out of the waters of I have chosen you in the furnace of
Judah. affliction.
You swear by Yahweh’s name, 11 For my own sake,
and make mention of the God of Israel, for my own sake, I will do it;
but not in truth, nor in righteousness— for how would my name be profaned?
2 for they call themselves citizens of the I will not give my glory to another.
holy city,
12 “Listen to me, O Jacob,
and rely on the God of Israel;
Yahweh of Armies is his name. and Israel my called:
3 I have declared the former things from of I am he.
old. I am the first.
Yes, they went out of my mouth, and I I am also the last.
13 Yes, my hand has laid the foundation of
revealed them.
I did them suddenly, and they hap- the earth,
pened. and my right hand has spread out the
4 Because I knew that you are obstinate, heavens.
and your neck is an iron sinew, when I call to them, they stand up
and your brow bronze; together.
5 therefore I have declared it to you from of
14 “Assemble yourselves, all of you, and
old; hear!
before it came to pass I showed it to Who among them has declared these
you; things?
lest you should say, ‘My idol has done
He whom Yahweh loves will do what he
them. likes to Babylon,
My engraved image and my molten
and his arm will be against the
image has commanded them.’
6 You have heard it.
15 I, even I, have spoken.
Now see all this. Yes, I have called him.
And you, won’t you declare it?
I have brought him
“I have shown you new things from this and he shall make his way prosperous.
16 “Come near to me and hear this:
even hidden things, which you have
“From the beginning I have not spoken in
not known. secret;
7 They are created now, and not from of
from the time that it happened, I was
old. there.”
Before today, you didn’t hear them,
lest you should say, ‘Behold, I knew Now the Lord Yahweh has sent me
them.’ with his Spirit.
8 Yes, you didn’t hear.
Yes, you didn’t know. 17 Yahweh,
Yes, from of old your ear was not your Redeemer,
opened, the Holy One of Israel, says:
Isaiah 48:18 842 Isaiah 49:13

“I am Yahweh your God, 5 Now Yahweh, he who formed me from

who teaches you to profit, the womb to be his servant,
who leads you by the way that you says to bring Jacob again to him,
should go. and to gather Israel to him,
18 Oh that you had listened to my com- for I am honorable in Yahweh’s eyes,
mandments! and my God has become my strength.
Then your peace would have been like 6 Indeed, he says, “It is too light a thing that
a river you should be my servant to raise up
and your righteousness like the waves the tribes of Jacob,
of the sea. and to restore the preserved of Israel.
19 Your offspring also would have been as
I will also give you as a light to the nations,
the sand that you may be my salvation to the
and the descendants of your body like
its grains. end of the earth.”
7 Yahweh, the Redeemer of Israel, and his
His name would not be cut off nor Holy One,
destroyed from before me.”
says to him whom man despises, to
20 Leave Babylon! him whom the nation abhors, to a
Flee from the Chaldeans! servant of rulers:
With a voice of singing announce this, “Kings shall see and rise up,
tell it even to the end of the earth; princes, and they shall worship,
say, “Yahweh has redeemed his ser- because of Yahweh who is faithful,
vant Jacob!” even the Holy One of Israel, who has
21 They didn’t thirst when he led them chosen you.”
through the deserts. 8 Yahweh says, “I have answered you in an
He caused the waters to flow out of the
rock for them. acceptable time.
He also split the rock and the waters I have helped you in a day of salvation.
gushed out. I will preserve you and give you for a
covenant of the people,
22 “There is no peace”, says Yahweh, “for to raise up the land, to make them
the wicked.” inherit the desolate heritage,
9 saying to those who are bound, ‘Come
1 Listen, islands, to me.
to those who are in darkness, ‘Show
Listen, you peoples, from afar: yourselves!’
Yahweh has called me from the womb; “They shall feed along the paths,
from the inside of my mother, he has and their pasture shall be on all tree-
mentioned my name. less heights.
2 He has made my mouth like a sharp
10 They shall not hunger nor thirst;
sword. neither shall the heat nor sun strike
He has hidden me in the shadow of his them,
He has made me a polished shaft. for he who has mercy on them will
He has kept me close in his quiver. lead them.
3 He said to me, “You are my servant, He will guide them by springs of wa-
Israel, in whom I will be glorified.” 11 I will make all my mountains a road,
4 But I said, “I have labored in vain. and my highways shall be exalted.
I have spent my strength in vain for 12 Behold, these shall come from afar,
nothing; and behold, these from the north and
yet surely the justice due to me is with from the west,
Yahweh, and these from the land of Sinim.”
and my reward with my God.” 13 Sing, heavens, and be joyful, earth!
Isaiah 49:14 843 Isaiah 50:3

Break out into singing, mountains! and your daughters shall be carried on
For Yahweh has comforted his people, their shoulders.
23 Kings shall be your foster fathers,
and will have compassion on his af-
flicted. and their queens your nursing moth-
14 But Zion said, “Yahweh has forsaken me, They will bow down to you with their faces
and the Lord has forgotten me.” to the earth,
15 “Can a woman forget her nursing child, and lick the dust of your feet.
that she should not have compassion Then you will know that I am Yahweh;
on the son of her womb? and those who wait for me won’t be
Yes, these may forget, disappointed.”
yet I will not forget you! 24 Shall the plunder be taken from the
16 Behold, I have engraved you on the
palms of my hands.
or the lawful captives be delivered?
Your walls are continually before me. 25
17 Your children hurry. But Yahweh says, “Even the captives of
the mighty shall be taken away,
Your destroyers and those who devas-
and the plunder retrieved from the
tated you will leave you.
18 Lift up your eyes all around, and see: fierce,
for I will contend with him who contends
all these gather themselves together, with you
and come to you. and I will save your children.
As I live,” says Yahweh, “you shall surely 26 I will feed those who oppress you with
clothe yourself with them all as with their own flesh;
an ornament, and they will be drunk on their own
and dress yourself with them, like a blood, as with sweet wine.
19 “For, as for your waste and your desolate Then all flesh shall know that I, Yahweh,
am your Savior
and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of
and your land that has been de-
surely now that land will be too small for
the inhabitants,
1 Yahweh says, “Where is the bill of your
and those who swallowed you up will
mother’s divorce, with which I have
be far away. put her away?
20 The children of your bereavement will
Or to which of my creditors have I sold
say in your ears, you?
‘This place is too small for me. Behold, you were sold for your iniquities,
Give me a place to live in.’ and your mother was put away for
21 Then you will say in your heart, ‘Who has
your transgressions.
conceived these for me, since I have 2 Why, when I came, was there no one?
been bereaved of my children When I called, why was there no one
and am alone, an exile, and wander- to answer?
ing back and forth? Is my hand shortened at all, that it can’t
Who has brought these up? redeem?
Behold, I was left alone. Where were Or have I no power to deliver?
these?’ ” Behold, at my rebuke I dry up the sea.
22 The Lord Yahweh says, “Behold, I will lift I make the rivers a wilderness.
Their fish stink because there is no
up my hand to the nations, water, and die of thirst.
and lift up my banner to the peoples. 3 I clothe the heavens with blackness.
They shall bring your sons in their bosom, I make sackcloth their covering.”
Isaiah 50:4 844 Isaiah 51:10

4 The Lord Yahweh has given me the 2 Look to Abraham your father,
tongue of those who are taught, and to Sarah who bore you;
that I may know how to sustain with for when he was but one I called him,
words him who is weary. I blessed him,
He awakens morning by morning, and made him many.
he awakens my ear to hear as those 3 For Yahweh has comforted Zion.
who are taught. He has comforted all her waste places,
5 The Lord Yahweh has opened my ear. and has made her wilderness like
I was not rebellious.
I have not turned back. and her desert like the garden of Yah-
6 I gave my back to those who beat me, weh.
and my cheeks to those who plucked Joy and gladness will be found in them,
off the hair. thanksgiving, and the voice of melody.
I didn’t hide my face from shame and 4 “Listen to me, my people;
7 For the Lord Yahweh will help me. and hear me, my nation,
Therefore I have not been con- for a law will go out from me,
founded. and I will establish my justice for a
Therefore I have set my face like a flint, light to the peoples.
and I know that I won’t be disap- 5 My righteousness is near.
pointed. My salvation has gone out,
8 He who justifies me is near. and my arms will judge the peoples.
Who will bring charges against me? The islands will wait for me,
Let us stand up together. and they will trust my arm.
Who is my adversary? 6 Lift up your eyes to the heavens,
Let him come near to me. and look at the earth beneath;
9 Behold, the Lord Yahweh will help me! for the heavens will vanish away like
Who is he who will condemn me? smoke,
Behold, they will all grow old like a gar- and the earth will wear out like a gar-
ment. ment.
The moths will eat them up. Its inhabitants will die in the same way,
but my salvation will be forever,
10 Who among you fears Yahweh
and my righteousness will not be abol-
and obeys the voice of his servant? ished.
He who walks in darkness
and has no light, 7 “Listen to me, you who know righteous-
let him trust in Yahweh’s name, ness,
and rely on his God. the people in whose heart is my law.
11 Behold, all you who kindle a fire, Don’t fear the reproach of men,
who adorn yourselves with torches and don’t be dismayed at their insults.
around yourselves, 8 For the moth will eat them up like a gar-
walk in the flame of your fire, ment,
and among the torches that you have and the worm will eat them like wool;
kindled. but my righteousness will be forever,
You will have this from my hand: and my salvation to all generations.”
you will lie down in sorrow. 9 Awake, awake, put on strength, arm of

1 “Listen to me, you who follow after righ-
Awake, as in the days of old,
teousness, the generations of ancient times.
you who seek Yahweh. Isn’t it you who cut Rahab in pieces,
Look to the rock you were cut from, who pierced the monster?
and to the quarry you were dug from. 10 Isn’t it you who dried up the sea,
Isaiah 51:11 845 Isaiah 52:5

the waters of the great deep; desolation and destruction,

who made the depths of the sea a way and famine and the sword.
for the redeemed to pass over? How can I comfort you?
11 Those ransomed by Yahweh will return, 20 Your sons have fainted.
and come with singing to Zion. They lie at the head of all the streets,
Everlasting joy shall be on their heads. like an antelope in a net.
They will obtain gladness and joy. They are full of Yahweh’s wrath,
Sorrow and sighing shall flee away. the rebuke of your God.

12 “I, even I, am he who comforts you. 21 Therefore now hear this, you afflicted,

Who are you, that you are afraid of 22 and drunken, but not with wine:
man who shall die, Your Lord Yahweh,
and of the son of man who will be your God who pleads the cause of his
made as grass? people, says,
13 Have you forgotten Yahweh your Maker, “Behold, I have taken out of your hand the
who stretched out the heavens, cup of staggering,
and laid the foundations of the earth? even the bowl of the cup of my wrath.
Do you live in fear continually all day be- You will not drink it any more.
cause of the fury of the oppressor, 23 I will put it into the hand of those who
when he prepares to destroy? afflict you,
Where is the fury of the oppressor? who have said to your soul, ‘Bow
14 The captive exile will speedily be freed. down, that we may walk over you;’
He will not die and go down into the and you have laid your back as the
pit. ground,
His bread won’t fail. like a street to those who walk over.”
15 For I am Yahweh your God, who stirs up
the sea 52
so that its waves roar. 1 Awake, awake! Put on your strength,
Yahweh of Armies is his name. Zion.
16 I have put my words in your mouth
Put on your beautiful garments,
and have covered you in the shadow Jerusalem, the holy city,
of my hand, for from now on the uncircumcised
that I may plant the heavens, and the unclean will no more come
and lay the foundations of the earth, into you.
and tell Zion, ‘You are my people.’ ” 2 Shake yourself from the dust!
Arise, sit up, Jerusalem!
17 Awake, awake! Release yourself from the bonds of
Stand up, Jerusalem, your neck, captive daughter of Zion!
you who have drunk from Yahweh’s
hand the cup of his wrath. 3 For Yahweh says, “You were sold for noth-
You have drunken the bowl of the cup of ing;
staggering, and you will be redeemed without
and drained it. money.”
18 There is no one to guide her among
all the sons to whom she has given 4 For the Lord Yahweh says:
birth; “My people went down at the first into
and there is no one who takes her by Egypt to live there;
the hand among all the sons whom and the Assyrian has oppressed them
she has brought up. without cause.
19 These two things have happened to
you— 5 “Now therefore, what do I do here,” says
who will grieve with you?— Yahweh,
Isaiah 52:6 846 Isaiah 53:8

“seeing that my people are taken away Kings will shut their mouths at him;
for nothing? for they will see that which had not
Those who rule over them mock,” says been told them,
Yahweh, and they will understand that which
“and my name is blasphemed continu- they had not heard.
ally all day long.
6 Therefore my people shall know my 53
1 Who has believed our message?
Therefore they shall know in that day To whom has Yahweh’s arm been re-
that I am he who speaks. vealed?
2 For he grew up before him as a tender
Behold, it is I.”
7 How beautiful on the mountains are the and as a root out of dry ground.
feet of him who brings good news, He has no good looks or majesty.
who publishes peace, When we see him, there is no beauty
who brings good news, that we should desire him.
who proclaims salvation, 3 He was despised
who says to Zion, “Your God reigns!” and rejected by men,
8 Your watchmen lift up their voice. a man of suffering
Together they sing; and acquainted with disease.
for they shall see eye to eye when Yah- He was despised as one from whom men
weh returns to Zion. hide their face;
9 Break out into joy! and we didn’t respect him.
Sing together, you waste places of
4 Surely he has borne our sickness
for Yahweh has comforted his people. and carried our suffering;
He has redeemed Jerusalem. yet we considered him plagued,
10 Yahweh has made his holy arm bare in struck by God, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgres-
the eyes of all the nations.
All the ends of the earth have seen the sions.
salvation of our God. He was crushed for our iniquities.
The punishment that brought our peace
11 Depart! Depart! Go out from there!
was on him;
Touch no unclean thing! and by his wounds we are healed.
Go out from among her! 6 All we like sheep have gone astray.
Cleanse yourselves, you who carry Everyone has turned to his own way;
Yahweh’s vessels. and Yahweh has laid on him the iniq-
12 For you shall not go out in haste,
uity of us all.
neither shall you go by flight;
for Yahweh will go before you, 7 He was oppressed,
and the God of Israel will be your rear yet when he was afflicted he didn’t
guard. open his mouth.
As a lamb that is led to the slaughter,
13 Behold, my servant will deal wisely.
and as a sheep that before its shearers
He will be exalted and lifted up, is silent,
and will be very high. so he didn’t open his mouth.
14 Just as many were astonished at you— 8 He was taken away by oppression and
his appearance was marred more judgment.
than any man, and his form more As for his generation,
than the sons of men— who considered that he was cut off out
15 so he will cleanse† many nations. of the land of the living
† 52:15 or, sprinkle
Isaiah 53:9 847 Isaiah 54:13

and stricken for the disobedience of Don’t be confounded, for you will not
my people? be disappointed.
9 They made his grave with the wicked,
For you will forget the shame of your
and with a rich man in his death, youth.
although he had done no violence, You will remember the reproach of
nor was any deceit in his mouth. your widowhood no more.
5 For your Maker is your husband; Yahweh
10 Yet it pleased Yahweh to bruise him.
of Armies is his name.
He has caused him to suffer. The Holy One of Israel is your Re-
When you make his soul an offering for deemer.
sin, He will be called the God of the whole
he will see his offspring. earth.
He will prolong his days 6 For Yahweh has called you as a wife for-
and Yahweh’s pleasure will prosper in saken and grieved in spirit,
his hand. even a wife of youth, when she is cast
11 After the suffering of his soul,
off,” says your God.
he will see the light† and be satisfied.
My righteous servant will justify many by 7 “For a small moment I have forsaken you,
the knowledge of himself; but I will gather you with great mer-
and he will bear their iniquities. cies.
12 Therefore I will give him a portion with 8 In overflowing wrath I hid my face from
the great. you for a moment,
He will divide the plunder with the but with everlasting loving kindness I
strong, will have mercy on you,” says Yah-
because he poured out his soul to death weh your Redeemer.
and was counted with the transgres-
sors; 9 “For this is like the waters of Noah to me;
yet he bore the sins of many for as I have sworn that the waters of
and made intercession for the trans- Noah will no more go over the earth,
gressors. so I have sworn that I will not be angry
with you, nor rebuke you.
1 “Sing, barren, you who didn’t give birth!
10 For the mountains may depart,
and the hills be removed,
Break out into singing, and cry aloud, but my loving kindness will not depart
you who didn’t travail with child! from you,
For more are the children of the deso- and my covenant of peace will not be
late than the children of the married removed,”
wife,” says Yahweh.
2 “Enlarge the place of your tent,
says Yahweh who has mercy on you.
and let them stretch out the curtains of 11 “You afflicted, tossed with storms, and
your habitations; not comforted,
don’t spare; lengthen your cords, and behold, I will set your stones in beau-
strengthen your stakes. tiful colors,
3 For you will spread out on the right hand
and lay your foundations with sap-
and on the left; phires.
and your offspring will possess the na- 12 I will make your pinnacles of rubies,
tions your gates of sparkling jewels,
and settle in desolate cities.
and all your walls of precious stones.
4 “Don’t be afraid, for you will not be 13 All your children will be taught by Yah-
ashamed. weh,
† 53:11 So read the Dead Sea Scrolls and Septuagint. Masoretic Text omits “the light”.
Isaiah 54:14 848 Isaiah 56:1

and your children’s peace will be and a nation that didn’t know you
great. shall run to you,
14 You will be established in righteousness. because of Yahweh your God,
You will be far from oppression, and for the Holy One of Israel;
for you will not be afraid, for he has glorified you.”
and far from terror,
for it shall not come near you. 6 Seek Yahweh while he may be found.
15 Behold, they may gather together, but Call on him while he is near.
7 Let the wicked forsake his way,
not by me.
Whoever gathers together against you and the unrighteous man his thoughts.
will fall because of you. Let him return to Yahweh, and he will have
mercy on him,
16 “Behold, I have created the blacksmith to our God, for he will freely pardon.
who fans the coals into flame, 8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
and forges a weapon for his work;
and I have created the destroyer to and your ways are not my ways,” says
destroy. Yahweh.
9 “For as the heavens are higher than the
17 No weapon that is formed against you
will prevail; so are my ways higher than your ways,
and you will condemn every tongue and my thoughts than your thoughts.
that rises against you in judgment. 10 For as the rain comes down and the snow
This is the heritage of Yahweh’s servants, from the sky,
and their righteousness is of me,” says and doesn’t return there, but waters
Yahweh. the earth,
and makes it grow and bud,
55 and gives seed to the sower and bread
1 “Hey! Come, everyone who thirsts, to the to the eater;
11 so is my word that goes out of my mouth:
Come, he who has no money, buy, and it will not return to me void,
eat! but it will accomplish that which I
Yes, come, buy wine and milk without please,
money and without price. and it will prosper in the thing I sent it
2 Why do you spend money for that which to do.
12 For you shall go out with joy,
is not bread,
and your labor for that which doesn’t and be led out with peace.
satisfy? The mountains and the hills will break out
Listen diligently to me, and eat that which before you into singing;
is good, and all the trees of the fields will clap
and let your soul delight itself in rich- 13 Instead ofhands.
the thorn the cypress tree will
ness. come up;
3 Turn your ear, and come to me.
and instead of the brier the myrtle tree
Hear, and your soul will live.
will come up.
I will make an everlasting covenant
It will make a name for Yahweh,
with you, even the sure mercies of for an everlasting sign that will not be
David. cut off.”
4 Behold, I have given him for a witness to
the peoples, 56
a leader and commander to the peo- 1 Yahweh says:
ples. “Maintain justice
5 Behold, you shall call a nation that you and do what is right,
don’t know; for my salvation is near
Isaiah 56:2 849 Isaiah 57:7

and my righteousness will soon be re- They can’t bark—

vealed. dreaming, lying down, loving to slum-
2 Blessed is the man who does this,
and the son of man who holds it fast; 11 Yes, the dogs are greedy.
who keeps the Sabbath without profaning They can never have enough.
it They are shepherds who can’t understand.
and keeps his hand from doing any They have all turned to their own way,
evil.” each one to his gain, from every quar-
3 Let no foreigner who has joined himself ter.
12 “Come,” they say, “I will get wine,
to Yahweh speak, saying,
and we will fill ourselves with strong
“Yahweh will surely separate me from
his people.” and tomorrow will be as today,
Do not let the eunuch say, “Behold, I great beyond measure.”
am a dry tree.”
4 For Yahweh says, “To the eunuchs who 1 57
keep my Sabbaths, The righteous perish,
choose the things that please me, and no one lays it to heart.
and hold fast to my covenant, Merciful men are taken away,
5 I will give them in my house and within and no one considers that the righ-
my walls a memorial and a name teous is taken away from the evil.
2 He enters into peace.
better than of sons and of daughters.
I will give them an everlasting name They rest in their beds,
that will not be cut off. each one who walks in his upright-
6 Also the foreigners who join themselves
3 “But draw near here, you sons of a sorcer-
to Yahweh ess,
to serve him,
and to love Yahweh’s name, you offspring of adulterers and prosti-
to be his servants, 4 Whom do you mock?
everyone who keeps the Sabbath from pro-
Against whom do you make a wide
faning it,
and holds fast my covenant, and stick out your tongue?
7 I will bring these to my holy mountain,
Aren’t you children of disobedience
and make them joyful in my house of and offspring of falsehood,
prayer. 5 you who inflame yourselves among the
Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices
will be accepted on my altar; oaks,
under every green tree;
for my house will be called a house of
prayer for all peoples.” who kill the children in the valleys,
8 The Lord Yahweh, who gathers the out- under the clefts of the rocks?
6 Among the smooth stones of the valley is
casts of Israel, says, your portion.
“I will yet gather others to him, They, they are your lot.
in addition to his own who are gath-
You have even poured a drink offering to
9 All you animals of the field, You have offered an offering.
come to devour, Shall I be appeased for these things?
7 On a high and lofty mountain you have
all you animals in the forest.
10 His watchmen are blind. set your bed.
They are all without knowledge. You also went up there to offer sacri-
They are all mute dogs. fice.
Isaiah 57:8 850 Isaiah 58:5

8 You have set up your memorial behind for the spirit would faint before me,
the doors and the posts, and the souls whom I have made.
17 I was angry because of the iniquity of his
for you have exposed yourself to
someone besides me, covetousness and struck him.
and have gone up. I hid myself and was angry;
You have enlarged your bed and he went on backsliding in the way
and made you a covenant with them. of his heart.
18 I have seen his ways, and will heal him.
You loved what you saw on their bed.
9 You went to the king with oil, I will lead him also,
and restore comforts to him and to his
increased your perfumes, mourners.
sent your ambassadors far off, 19 I create the fruit of the lips:
and degraded yourself even to Sheol.† Peace, peace, to him who is far off and
10 You were wearied with the length of to him who is near,”
your ways; says Yahweh; “and I will heal them.”
yet you didn’t say, ‘It is in vain.’ 20 But the wicked are like the troubled sea;
You found a reviving of your strength; for it can’t rest and its waters cast up
therefore you weren’t faint. mire and mud.
21 “There is no peace”, says my God,
11 “Whom have you dreaded and feared, “for the wicked.”
so that you lie,
and have not remembered me, nor 1 58
laid it to your heart? “Cry aloud! Don’t spare!
Haven’t I held my peace for a long time, Lift up your voice like a trumpet!
and you don’t fear me? Declare to my people their disobedience,
12 I will declare your righteousness; and to the house of Jacob their sins.
2 Yet they seek me daily,
and as for your works, they will not
benefit you. and delight to know my ways.
13 When you cry, As a nation that did righteousness,
let those whom you have gathered de- and didn’t forsake the ordinance of
their God,
liver you, they ask of me righteous judgments.
but the wind will take them. They delight to draw near to God.
A breath will carry them all away, 3 ‘Why have we fasted,’ they say, ‘and you
but he who takes refuge in me will possess
don’t see?
the land, Why have we afflicted our soul, and
and will inherit my holy mountain.” you don’t notice?’
14 He will say, “Build up, build up, prepare “Behold, in the day of your fast you find
the way! pleasure,
Remove the stumbling-block out of the and oppress all your laborers.
way of my people.” 4 Behold, you fast for strife and contention,
15 For the high and lofty One who inhabits
and to strike with the fist of wicked-
eternity, ness.
whose name is Holy, says: You don’t fast today so as to make your
“I dwell in the high and holy place, with voice to be heard on high.
him also who is of a contrite and 5 Is this the fast that I have chosen?
humble spirit, A day for a man to humble his soul?
to revive the spirit of the humble, Is it to bow down his head like a reed,
and to revive the heart of the contrite. and to spread sackcloth and ashes un-
16 For I will not contend forever, neither der himself?
will I always be angry; Will you call this a fast,
† 57:9 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Isaiah 58:6 851 Isaiah 59:8

and an acceptable day to Yahweh? from doing your pleasure on my holy

6 “Isn’t this the fast that I have chosen:
and call the Sabbath a delight,
to release the bonds of wickedness, and the holy of Yahweh honorable,
to undo the straps of the yoke, and honor it,
to let the oppressed go free, not doing your own ways,
and that you break every yoke? nor finding your own pleasure,
7 Isn’t it to distribute your bread to the
nor speaking your own words,
hungry, 14 then you will delight yourself in Yahweh,
and that you bring the poor who are and I will make you to ride on the high
cast out to your house? places of the earth,
When you see the naked, and I will feed you with the heritage of
that you cover him; Jacob your father;”
and that you not hide yourself from for Yahweh’s mouth has spoken it.
your own flesh?
8 Then your light will break out as the
morning, 1 Behold, Yahweh’s hand is not shortened,
and your healing will appear quickly; that it can’t save;
then your righteousness shall go before nor his ear dull, that it can’t hear.
you, 2 But your iniquities have separated you
and Yahweh’s glory will be your rear and your God,
guard. and your sins have hidden his face
9 Then you will call, and Yahweh will an- from you,
swer. so that he will not hear.
You will cry for help, and he will say, 3 For your hands are defiled with blood,
‘Here I am.’ and your fingers with iniquity.
“If you take away from among you the Your lips have spoken lies.
yoke, Your tongue mutters wickedness.
4 No one sues in righteousness,
finger pointing,
and speaking wickedly; and no one pleads in truth.
10 and if you pour out your soul to the They trust in vanity
hungry, and speak lies.
and satisfy the afflicted soul, They conceive mischief
then your light will rise in darkness, and give birth to iniquity.
5 They hatch adders’ eggs
and your obscurity will be as the noon-
day; and weave the spider’s web.
11 and Yahweh will guide you continually, He who eats of their eggs dies;
satisfy your soul in dry places, and that which is crushed breaks out
into a viper.
and make your bones strong. 6 Their webs won’t become garments.
You will be like a watered garden, They won’t cover themselves with
and like a spring of water their works.
whose waters don’t fail. Their works are works of iniquity,
12 Those who will be of you will build the
and acts of violence are in their hands.
old waste places. 7 Their feet run to evil,
You will raise up the foundations of and they hurry to shed innocent
many generations. blood.
You will be called Repairer of the Breach, Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity.
Restorer of Paths with Dwellings. Desolation and destruction are in
their paths.
13 “If you turn away your foot from the 8 They don’t know the way of peace;
Sabbath, and there is no justice in their ways.
Isaiah 59:9 852 Isaiah 60:6

They have made crooked paths for them- He put on garments of vengeance for cloth-
selves; ing,
whoever goes in them doesn’t know and was clad with zeal as a mantle.
peace. 18 According to their deeds,
he will repay as appropriate:
9 Therefore justice is far from us,
wrath to his adversaries,
and righteousness doesn’t overtake recompense to his enemies.
us. He will repay the islands their due.
We look for light, but see darkness; 19 So they will fear Yahweh’s name from
for brightness, but we walk in obscu- the west,
rity. and his glory from the rising of the
10 We grope for the wall like the blind.
Yes, we grope as those who have no for he will come as a rushing stream,
eyes. which Yahweh’s breath drives.
We stumble at noon as if it were twilight.
Among those who are strong, we are 20 “A Redeemer will come to Zion,
like dead men. and to those who turn from disobedi-
11 We all roar like bears ence in Jacob,” says Yahweh.
and moan sadly like doves. 21 “As for me, this is my covenant with
We look for justice, but there is none, them,” says Yahweh. “My Spirit who is
for salvation, but it is far off from us. on you, and my words which I have put
in your mouth shall not depart out of
12 For our transgressions are multiplied
your mouth, nor out of the mouth of your
before you, offspring, nor out of the mouth of your
and our sins testify against us; offspring’s offspring,” says Yahweh, “from
for our transgressions are with us, now on and forever.”
and as for our iniquities, we know
them: 60
1 “Arise, shine; for your light has come,
13 transgressing and denying Yahweh,
and turning away from following our and Yahweh’s glory has risen on you!
God, 2 For behold, darkness will cover the earth,
speaking oppression and revolt, and thick darkness the peoples;
conceiving and uttering from the but Yahweh will arise on you,
heart words of falsehood. and his glory shall be seen on you.
14 Justice is turned away backward, 3 Nations will come to your light,
and righteousness stands far away; and kings to the brightness of your
for truth has fallen in the street, rising.
and uprightness can’t enter.
15 Yes, truth is lacking; 4 “Lift up your eyes all around, and see:
and he who departs from evil makes they all gather themselves together.
himself a prey. They come to you.
Your sons will come from far away,
Yahweh saw it, and your daughters will be carried in
and it displeased him that there was arms.
no justice. 5 Then you shall see and be radiant,
16 He saw that there was no man, and your heart will thrill and be en-
and wondered that there was no inter- larged;
cessor. because the abundance of the sea will be
Therefore his own arm brought salvation turned to you.
to him; The wealth of the nations will come to
and his righteousness sustained him. you.
17 He put on righteousness as a breastplate, 6 A multitude of camels will cover you,
and a helmet of salvation on his head. the dromedaries of Midian and Ephah.
Isaiah 60:7 853 Isaiah 61:2

All from Sheba will come. I will make you an eternal excellency,
They will bring gold and frankincense, a joy of many generations.
and will proclaim the praises of Yah- 16 You will also drink the milk of the na-
weh. tions,
7 All the flocks of Kedar will be gathered
and will nurse from royal breasts.
together to you. Then you will know that I, Yahweh, am
The rams of Nebaioth will serve you. your Savior,
They will be accepted as offerings on my your Redeemer,
altar; the Mighty One of Jacob.
and I will beautify my glorious house. 17 For bronze I will bring gold;
8 “Who are these who fly as a cloud,
for iron I will bring silver;
for wood, bronze,
and as the doves to their windows? and for stones, iron.
9 Surely the islands will wait for me,
I will also make peace your governor,
and the ships of Tarshish first, and righteousness your ruler.
to bring your sons from far away, 18 Violence shall no more be heard in your
their silver and their gold with them, land,
for the name of Yahweh your God, nor desolation or destruction within
and for the Holy One of Israel, your borders;
because he has glorified you. but you will call your walls Salvation,
and your gates Praise.
10 “Foreigners will build up your walls, 19 The sun will be no more your light by
and their kings will serve you; day,
for in my wrath I struck you, nor will the brightness of the moon
but in my favor I have had mercy on give light to you,
you. but Yahweh will be your everlasting light,
11 Your gates also shall be open continu-
and your God will be your glory.
ally; they shall not be shut day nor 20 Your sun will not go down any more,
night, that men may bring to you nor will your moon withdraw itself;
the wealth of the nations, and their for Yahweh will be your everlasting light,
kings led captive.
12 For that nation and kingdom that will and the days of your mourning will
not serve you shall perish; yes, those 21 Then your people will all be righteous.
nations shall be utterly wasted. They will inherit the land forever,
13 “The glory of Lebanon shall come to you, the branch of my planting,
the work of my hands,
the cypress tree, the pine, and the
that I may be glorified.
box tree together, to beautify the 22
The little one will become a thousand,
place of my sanctuary; and I will and the small one a strong nation.
make the place of my feet glorious. I, Yahweh, will do this quickly in its
14 The sons of those who afflicted you will
come bowing to you;
and all those who despised you will 61
bow themselves down at the soles of 1 The Lord Yahweh’s Spirit is on me,
your feet. because Yahweh has anointed me to
They will call you Yahweh’s City, preach good news to the humble.
the Zion of the Holy One of Israel. He has sent me to bind up the broken
15 “Whereas you have been forsaken and to proclaim liberty to the captives
hated, and release to those who are bound,†
so that no one passed through you, 2 to proclaim the year of Yahweh’s favor
† 61:1 LXX and DSS add: recovery of sight to the blind
Isaiah 61:3 854 Isaiah 62:8

and the day of vengeance of our God, He has covered me with the robe of
to comfort all who mourn, righteousness,
3 to provide for those who mourn in Zion, as a bridegroom decks himself with a
to give to them a garland for ashes, garland
the oil of joy for mourning, and as a bride adorns herself with her
the garment of praise for the spirit of jewels.
11 For as the earth produces its bud,
that they may be called trees of righteous- and as the garden causes the things
ness, that are sown in it to spring up,
the planting of Yahweh, so the Lord Yahweh will cause righ-
that he may be glorified. teousness and praise to spring up
before all the nations.
4 They will rebuild the old ruins.
They will raise up the former devas- 62
1 For Zion’s sake I will not hold my peace,
tated places.
They will repair the ruined cities and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest,
that have been devastated for many until her righteousness shines out like the
generations. dawn,
5 Strangers will stand and feed your flocks. and her salvation like a burning lamp.
2 The nations will see your righteousness,
Foreigners will work your fields and
your vineyards. and all kings your glory.
6 But you will be called Yahweh’s priests. You will be called by a new name,
Men will call you the servants of our which Yahweh’s mouth will name.
3 You will also be a crown of beauty in
You will eat the wealth of the nations. Yahweh’s hand,
You will boast in their glory. and a royal diadem in your God’s
7 Instead of your shame you will have dou- hand.
4 You will not be called Forsaken any more,
Instead of dishonor, they will rejoice nor will your land be called Desolate
in their portion. any more;
Therefore in their land they will possess but you will be called Hephzibah,†
double. and your land Beulah;‡
Everlasting joy will be to them. for Yahweh delights in you,
8 “For I, Yahweh, love justice. and your land will be married.
I hate robbery and iniquity. 5 For as a young man marries a virgin,
I will give them their reward in truth so your sons will marry you.
and I will make an everlasting As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride,
covenant with them. so your God will rejoice over you.
9 Their offspring will be known among the
nations, 6 I have set watchmen on your walls,
and their offspring among the peo- Jerusalem.
ples. They will never be silent day nor night.
All who see them will acknowledge them, You who call on Yahweh, take no rest,
that they are the offspring which Yah- 7 and give him no rest until he estab-
weh has blessed.” lishes,
10 I will greatly rejoice in Yahweh!
and until he makes Jerusalem a praise
in the earth.
My soul will be joyful in my God,
for he has clothed me with the garments of 8 Yahweh has sworn by his right hand,
salvation. and by the arm of his strength,
† 62:4 Hephzibah means “I delight in her”. ‡ 62:4 Beulah means “married”
Isaiah 62:9 855 Isaiah 63:14

“Surely I will no more give your grain to be My own wrath upheld me.
food for your enemies, 6 I trod down the peoples in my anger
and foreigners will not drink your and made them drunk in my wrath.
new wine, for which you have la- I poured their lifeblood out on the
bored, earth.”
9 but those who have harvested it will eat
it, and praise Yahweh. 7I
will tell of the loving kindnesses of Yah-
Those who have gathered it will drink weh
it in the courts of my sanctuary.” and the praises of Yahweh,
according to all that Yahweh has given
10 Go through, go through the gates! to us,
Prepare the way of the people! and the great goodness toward the house
Build up, build up the highway! of Israel,
Gather out the stones! which he has given to them according
Lift up a banner for the peoples. to his mercies,
11 Behold, Yahweh has proclaimed to the and according to the multitude of his
end of the earth: loving kindnesses.
“Say to the daughter of Zion, 8 For he said, “Surely, they are my people,
‘Behold, your salvation comes! children who will not deal falsely;”
Behold, his reward is with him, so he became their Savior.
and his recompense before him!’ ” 9 In all their affliction he was afflicted,
12 They will call them “The Holy People, and the angel of his presence saved
Yahweh’s Redeemed”. them.
You will be called “Sought Out, In his love and in his pity he redeemed
A City Not Forsaken”. them.
He bore them,
1 Who is this who comes from Edom,
and carried them all the days of old.
with dyed garments from Bozrah? 10 But they rebelled
Who is this who is glorious in his clothing, and grieved his Holy Spirit.
marching in the greatness of his Therefore he turned and became their en-
strength? emy,
“It is I who speak in righteousness, and he himself fought against them.
mighty to save.”
2 Why is your clothing red, 11 Then he remembered the days of old,
and your garments like him who Moses and his people, saying,
treads in the wine vat? “Where is he who brought them up out
3 “I have trodden the wine press alone.
of the sea with the shepherds of his
Of the peoples, no one was with me. Where is he who put his Holy Spirit
Yes, I trod them in my anger among them?”
and trampled them in my wrath. 12 Who caused his glorious arm to be at
Their lifeblood is sprinkled on my gar- Moses’ right hand?
and I have stained all my clothing. Who divided the waters before them,
4 For the day of vengeance was in my heart, to make himself an everlasting
and the year of my redeemed has 13 Who led them through the depths,
5 I looked, and there was no one to help; like a horse in the wilderness,
and I wondered that there was no one 14 so that they didn’t stumble?
to uphold. As the livestock that go down into the
Therefore my own arm brought salvation valley,
to me. Yahweh’s Spirit caused them to rest.
Isaiah 63:15 856 Isaiah 65:4

So you led your people to make your- Behold, you were angry, and we sinned.
self a glorious name. We have been in sin for a long time.
Shall we be saved?
15 Look down from heaven, 6 For we have all become like one who is
and see from the habitation of your unclean,
holiness and of your glory. and all our righteousness is like a pol-
Where are your zeal and your mighty acts? luted garment.
The yearning of your heart and your We all fade like a leaf;
compassion is restrained toward and our iniquities, like the wind, take
me. us away.
16 For you are our Father, 7 There is no one who calls on your name,
though Abraham doesn’t know us, who stirs himself up to take hold of
and Israel does not acknowledge us. you;
You, Yahweh, are our Father. for you have hidden your face from us,
Our Redeemer from everlasting is and have consumed us by means of
your name. our iniquities.
17 O Yahweh, why do you make us wander
8 But now, Yahweh, you are our Father.
from your ways,
and harden our heart from your fear? We are the clay and you our potter.
Return for your servants’ sake, We all are the work of your hand.
9 Don’t be furious, Yahweh.
the tribes of your inheritance.
18 Your holy people possessed it but a little Don’t remember iniquity forever.
while. Look and see, we beg you,
Our adversaries have trodden down we are all your people.
your sanctuary. 10 Your holy cities have become a wilder-
19 We have become like those over whom ness.
you never ruled, Zion has become a wilderness,
like those who were not called by your Jerusalem a desolation.
name. 11 Our holy and our beautiful house where
our fathers praised you
1 Oh that you would tear the heavens,
is burned with fire.
All our pleasant places are laid waste.
that you would come down, 12 Will you hold yourself back for these
that the mountains might quake at things, Yahweh?
your presence—
2 as when fire kindles the brushwood,
Will you keep silent and punish us
very severely?
and the fire causes the water to boil.
Make your name known to your adver-
saries, 65
1 “I am inquired of by those who didn’t ask.
that the nations may tremble at your
presence! I am found by those who didn’t seek
3 When you did awesome things which we
I said, ‘See me, see me,’ to a nation that
didn’t look for, was not called by my name.
you came down, and the mountains 2 I have spread out my hands all day to a
quaked at your presence. rebellious people,
4 For from of old men have not heard,
who walk in a way that is not good,
nor perceived by the ear, after their own thoughts;
nor has the eye seen a God besides you, 3 a people who provoke me to my face
who works for him who waits for him. continually,
5 You meet him who rejoices and does righ-
teousness, sacrificing in gardens,
those who remember you in your and burning incense on bricks;
ways. 4 who sit among the graves,
Isaiah 65:5 857 Isaiah 65:22

and spend nights in secret places; 13 Therefore the Lord Yahweh says,
who eat pig’s meat, “Behold, my servants will eat,
and broth of abominable things is in but you will be hungry;
their vessels; behold, my servants will drink,
5 who say, ‘Stay by yourself, but you will be thirsty.
don’t come near to me, Behold, my servants will rejoice,
for I am holier than you.’ but you will be disappointed.
14 Behold, my servants will sing for joy of
These are smoke in my nose,
a fire that burns all day. heart,
but you will cry for sorrow of heart,
6 “Behold, it is written before me: and will wail for anguish of spirit.
I will not keep silence, 15 You will leave your name for a curse to
but will repay, my chosen,
yes, I will repay into their bosom and the Lord Yahweh will kill you.
7 your own iniquities and the iniquities He will call his servants by another name,
16 so that he who blesses himself in the
of your fathers together”, says Yah-
weh, earth will bless himself in the God of
“who have burned incense on the truth;
mountains, and he who swears in the earth will
swear by the God of truth;
and blasphemed me on the hills.
because the former troubles are forgotten,
Therefore I will first measure their
work into their bosom.” and because they are hidden from my
8 Yahweh says,
17 “For, behold, I create new heavens and a
“As the new wine is found in the cluster,
new earth;
and one says, ‘Don’t destroy it, for a and the former things will not be re-
blessing is in it:’ membered,
so I will do for my servants’ sake, nor come into mind.
that I may not destroy them all. 18 But be glad and rejoice forever in that
9 I will bring offspring out of Jacob, which I create;
and out of Judah an inheritor of my for, behold, I create Jerusalem to be a
mountains. delight,
My chosen will inherit it, and her people a joy.
and my servants will dwell there. 19 I will rejoice in Jerusalem,
10 Sharon will be a fold of flocks, and delight in my people;
and the valley of Achor a place for and the voice of weeping and the voice of
herds to lie down in, crying
for my people who have sought me. will be heard in her no more.
11 “But you who forsake Yahweh, 20 “No more will there be an infant who
who forget my holy mountain, only lives a few days,
nor an old man who has not filled his
who prepare a table for Fortune, days;
and who fill up mixed wine to Destiny; for the child will die one hundred years
12 I will destine you to the sword,
and you will all bow down to the and the sinner being one hundred
slaughter; years old will be accursed.
because when I called, you didn’t answer. 21 They will build houses and inhabit them.
When I spoke, you didn’t listen; They will plant vineyards and eat their
but you did that which was evil in my eyes, fruit.
22 They will not build and another inhabit.
and chose that in which I didn’t de-
light.” They will not plant and another eat;
Isaiah 65:23 858 Isaiah 66:14

for the days of my people will be like the 5 Hear Yahweh’s word,
days of a tree, you who tremble at his word:
and my chosen will long enjoy the “Your brothers who hate you,
work of their hands. who cast you out for my name’s sake,
23 They will not labor in vain have said,
nor give birth for calamity; ‘Let Yahweh be glorified,
for they are the offspring of Yahweh’s that we may see your joy;’
blessed but it is those who shall be disap-
and their descendants with them. pointed.
24 It will happen that before they call, I will 6
A voice of tumult from the city,
and while they are yet speaking, I will a voice from the temple,
hear. a voice of Yahweh that repays his ene-
25 The wolf and the lamb will feed together. mies what they deserve.
The lion will eat straw like the ox. 7 “Before she travailed, she gave birth.
Dust will be the serpent’s food.
They will not hurt nor destroy in all my Before her pain came, she delivered a
holy mountain,” 8 Who has heard of such a thing?
says Yahweh. Who has seen such things?
Shall a land be born in one day?
66 Shall a nation be born at once?
1 Yahweh says:
For as soon as Zion travailed,
“Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my she gave birth to her children.
footstool. 9 Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to
What kind of house will you build to
be delivered?” says Yahweh.
Where will I rest? “Shall I who cause to give birth shut
2 For my hand has made all these things, the womb?” says your God.
and so all these things came to be,” 10
says Yahweh: “Rejoice with Jerusalem, and be glad for
“but I will look to this man, her, all you who love her.
even to he who is poor and of a con- Rejoice for joy with her, all you who
trite spirit, mourn over her;
11 that you may nurse and be satisfied at
and who trembles at my word.
3 He who kills an ox is as he who kills a the comforting breasts;
man; that you may drink deeply,
he who sacrifices a lamb, as he who and be delighted with the abundance
breaks a dog’s neck; of her glory.”
he who offers an offering, as he who
12 For Yahweh says, “Behold, I will extend
offers pig’s blood;
he who burns frankincense, as he who peace to her like a river,
blesses an idol. and the glory of the nations like an
Yes, they have chosen their own ways, overflowing stream,
and their soul delights in their abomi- and you will nurse.
nations. You will be carried on her side,
4 I also will choose their delusions, and will be dandled on her knees.
and will bring their fears on them, 13 As one whom his mother comforts,
because when I called, no one answered; so I will comfort you.
when I spoke, they didn’t listen, You will be comforted in Jerusalem.”
but they did that which was evil in my eyes,
and chose that in which I didn’t de- 14 You will see it, and your heart shall re-
light.” joice,
Isaiah 66:15 859 Isaiah 66:24

and your bones will flourish like the quenched, and they will be loathsome to
tender grass. all mankind.”
Yahweh’s hand will be known among his
and he will have indignation against
his enemies.
15 For, behold, Yahweh will come with fire,
and his chariots will be like the whirl-
to render his anger with fierceness,
and his rebuke with flames of fire.
16 For Yahweh will execute judgment by
fire and by his sword on all flesh;
and those slain by Yahweh will be
17 “Those who sanctify themselves and
purify themselves to go to the gardens,
following one in the middle, eating pig’s
meat, abominable things, and the mouse,
they shall come to an end together,” says
18 “For I know their works and their
thoughts. The time comes that I will gather
all nations and languages, and they will
come, and will see my glory.
19 “I will set a sign among them, and I will
send those who escape of them to the na-
tions, to Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, who draw
the bow, to Tubal and Javan, to far-away
islands, who have not heard my fame, nor
have seen my glory; and they shall declare
my glory among the nations. 20 They shall
bring all your brothers out of all the na-
tions for an offering to Yahweh, on horses,
in chariots, in litters, on mules, and on
camels, to my holy mountain Jerusalem,
says Yahweh, as the children of Israel bring
their offering in a clean vessel into Yah-
weh’s house. 21 Of them I will also select
priests and Levites,” says Yahweh.
22 “For as the new heavens and the new
earth, which I will make, shall remain be-
fore me,” says Yahweh, “so your offspring
and your name shall remain. 23 It shall
happen that from one new moon to an-
other, and from one Sabbath to another,
all flesh will come to worship before me,”
says Yahweh. 24 “They will go out, and
look at the dead bodies of the men who
have transgressed against me; for their
worm will not die, nor will their fire be
Jeremiah 1:1 860 Jeremiah 2:5

14 Then Yahweh said to me, “Out of the

north, evil will break out on all the inhabi-
The Book of tants of the land. 15 For behold, I will call all
Jeremiah the families of the kingdoms of the north,”
says Yahweh.
1 The words of Jeremiah the son of “They will come, and they will each set his
Hilkiah, one of the priests who were throne at the entrance of the gates of
in Anathoth in the land of Benjamin. Jerusalem,
2 Yahweh’s† word came to him in the days and against all its walls all around, and
of Josiah the son of Amon, king of Judah, against all the cities of Judah.
16 I will utter my judgments against them
in the thirteenth year of his reign. 3 It
came also in the days of Jehoiakim the concerning all their wickedness,
son of Josiah, king of Judah, to the end of in that they have forsaken me,
the eleventh year of Zedekiah, the son of and have burned incense to other
Josiah, king of Judah, to the carrying away and worshiped the works of their own
of Jerusalem captive in the fifth month. hands.
4 Now Yahweh’s word came to me, saying, 17 “You therefore put your belt on your
5 “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew
waist, arise, and say to them all that I com-
you. mand you. Don’t be dismayed at them, lest
Before you were born, I sanctified you. I dismay you before them. 18 For behold,
I have appointed you a prophet to the I have made you today a fortified city, an
nations.” iron pillar, and bronze walls against the
6 Then I said, “Ah, Lord‡ Yahweh! Be-
whole land—against the kings of Judah,
hold,§ I don’t know how to speak; for I am against its princes, against its priests, and
a child.” against the people of the land. 19 They
7 But Yahweh said to me, “Don’t say, ‘I
will fight against you, but they will not
am a child;’ for you must go to whomever
prevail against you; for I am with you”,
I send you, and you must say whatever I
says Yahweh, “to rescue you.”
command you. 8 Don’t be afraid because of
them, for I am with you to rescue you,” says
9 Then Yahweh stretched out his hand
1 Yahweh’s word came to me, say-
and touched my mouth. Then Yahweh said ing, 2 “Go and proclaim in the ears of
to me, “Behold, I have put my words in Jerusalem, saying, ‘Yahweh says,
your mouth. 10 Behold, I have today set you “I remember for you the kindness of your
over the nations and over the kingdoms, to youth,
uproot and to tear down, to destroy and to your love as a bride,
overthrow, to build and to plant.” how you went after me in the wilderness,
11 Moreover Yahweh’s word came to me, in a land that was not sown.
3 Israel was holiness to Yahweh,
saying, “Jeremiah, what do you see?” the first fruits of his increase.
I said, “I see a branch of an almond tree.” All who devour him will be held guilty.
12 Then Yahweh said to me, “You have
Evil will come on them,” ’ says Yah-
seen well; for I watch over my word to weh.”
perform it.” 4 Hear Yahweh’s word, O house of Jacob,
13 Yahweh’s word came to me the second and all the families of the house of Israel!
time, saying, “What do you see?” 5 Yahweh says,
I said, “I see a boiling cauldron; and it is “What unrighteousness have your fathers
tipping away from the north.” found in me,
† 1:2 “Yahweh” is God’s proper Name, sometimes rendered “LORD” (all caps) in other translations. ‡ 1:6 The
word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.” § 1:6 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze
at. It is often used as an interjection.
Jeremiah 2:6 861 Jeremiah 2:24

that they have gone far from me, 15 The young lions have roared at him and
and have walked after worthless vanity, raised their voices.
and have become worthless? They have made his land waste.
6 They didn’t say, ‘Where is Yahweh who His cities are burned up, without in-
brought us up out of the land of habitant.
16 The children also of Memphis and
who led us through the wilderness, Tahpanhes have broken the crown
through a land of deserts and of pits, of your head.
17 “Haven’t you brought this on yourself,
through a land of drought and of the
shadow of death, in that you have forsaken Yahweh
through a land that no one passed your God,† when he led you by the
through, way?
18 Now what do you gain by going to Egypt,
and where no man lived?’
7 I brought you into a plentiful land to drink the waters of the Shihor?
to eat its fruit and its goodness; Or why do you go on the way to As-
but when you entered, you defiled my syria, to drink the waters of the
land, River?‡
19 “Your own wickedness will correct you,
and made my heritage an abomina-
and your backsliding will rebuke you.
8 The priests didn’t say, ‘Where is Yahweh?’ Know therefore and see that it is an evil
and bitter thing,
and those who handle the law didn’t
know me. that you have forsaken Yahweh your
The rulers also transgressed against me, God,
and the prophets prophesied by Baal and that my fear is not in you,” says the
and followed things that do not profit. Lord, Yahweh of Armies.
20 “For long ago I broke off your yoke,
9 “Therefore I will yet contend with you,”
and burst your bonds.
says Yahweh,
You said, ‘I will not serve;’
“and I will contend with your chil-
for on every high hill and under every
dren’s children.
10 For pass over to the islands of Kittim, and green tree you bowed yourself,
see. playing the prostitute.
Send to Kedar, and consider diligently, 21 Yet I had planted you a noble vine,
and see if there has been such a thing. a pure and faithful seed.
11 Has a nation changed its gods, How then have you turned into the de-
which really are no gods? generate branches of a foreign vine
But my people have changed their to me?
22 For though you wash yourself with lye,
glory for that which doesn’t profit.
12 “Be astonished, you heavens, at this and use much soap,
yet your iniquity is marked before
and be horribly afraid.
me,” says the Lord Yahweh.
Be very desolate,” says Yahweh. 23 “How can you say, ‘I am not defiled.
13 “For my people have committed two
I have not gone after the Baals’?
they have forsaken me, the spring of See your way in the valley.
living waters, Know what you have done.
and cut out cisterns for themselves: You are a swift dromedary traversing her
broken cisterns that can’t hold wa- ways, 24 a wild donkey used to the
ter. wilderness, that sniffs the wind in
14 Is Israel a slave? her craving.
Is he born into slavery? When she is in heat, who can turn her
Why has he become a captive? away?
† 2:17 The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim). ‡ 2:18 i.e., the Euphrates River
Jeremiah 2:25 862 Jeremiah 3:8

All those who seek her will not weary Surely his anger has turned away
themselves. In her month, they will from me.’
find her. “Behold, I will judge you,
25 “Keep your feet from being bare, because you say, ‘I have not sinned.’
and your throat from thirst. 36 Why do you go about so much to change
But you said, ‘It is in vain. your ways?
No, for I have loved strangers, You will be ashamed of Egypt also,
and I will go after them.’ as you were ashamed of Assyria.
26 As the thief is ashamed when he is found, 37 You will also leave that place with your
so the house of Israel is ashamed— hands on your head;
they, their kings, their princes, their for Yahweh has rejected those in
priests, and their prophets, whom you trust,
27 who tell wood, ‘You are my father,’
and you won’t prosper with them.
and a stone, ‘You have given birth to
for they have turned their back to me, 3
1“They say, ‘If a man puts away his
and not their face,
wife, and she goes from him, and becomes
but in the time of their trouble they
another man’s, should he return to her
will say, ‘Arise, and save us!’ again?’ Wouldn’t that land be greatly pol-
28 “But where are your gods that you have
luted? But you have played the prostitute
made for yourselves? with many lovers; yet return again to me,”
Let them arise, if they can save you in says Yahweh.
the time of your trouble, 2 “Lift up your eyes to the bare heights,
for you have as many gods as you have and see! Where have you not been lain
towns, O Judah.
29 “Why will you contend with me?
with? You have sat waiting for them by
the road, as an Arabian in the wilder-
You all have transgressed against me,” ness. You have polluted the land with
says Yahweh. your prostitution and with your wicked-
30 “I have struck your children in vain.
ness. 3 Therefore the showers have been
They received no correction. withheld and there has been no latter rain;
Your own sword has devoured your yet you have had a prostitute’s forehead
prophets, and you refused to be ashamed. 4 Will you
like a destroying lion. not from this time cry to me, ‘My Father,
31 Generation, consider Yahweh’s word. you are the guide of my youth!’?
Have I been a wilderness to Israel? 5 “ ‘Will he retain his anger forever? Will
Or a land of thick darkness? he keep it to the end?’ Behold, you have
Why do my people say, ‘We have broken
loose. spoken and have done evil things, and
We will come to you no more’? have had your way.”
32 “Can a virgin forget her ornaments, 6 Moreover, Yahweh said to me in the

or a bride her attire? days of Josiah the king, “Have you seen that
Yet my people have forgotten me for which backsliding Israel has done? She
days without number. has gone up on every high mountain and
33 How well you prepare your way to seek under every green tree, and has played the
love! prostitute there. 7 I said after she had done
Therefore you have even taught the all these things, ‘She will return to me;’ but
wicked women your ways. she didn’t return, and her treacherous sis-
34 Also the blood of the souls of the inno- ter Judah saw it. 8 I saw when, for this very
cent poor is found in your skirts. cause, that backsliding Israel had commit-
You didn’t find them breaking in, ted adultery, I had put her away and given
but it is because of all these things. her a certificate of divorce, yet treacherous
35 “Yet you said, ‘I am innocent. Judah, her sister, had no fear, but she also
Jeremiah 3:9 863 Jeremiah 4:8

went and played the prostitute. 9 Because says Yahweh. 21 A voice is heard on the
she took her prostitution lightly, the land bare heights, the weeping and the peti-
was polluted, and she committed adultery tions of the children of Israel; because they
with stones and with wood. 10 Yet for all have perverted their way, they have for-
this her treacherous sister, Judah, has not gotten Yahweh their God. 22 Return, you
returned to me with her whole heart, but backsliding children, and I will heal your
only in pretense,” says Yahweh. backsliding.
11 Yahweh said to me, “Backsliding Israel
“Behold, we have come to you; for you
has shown herself more righteous than are Yahweh our God. 23 Truly help from
treacherous Judah. 12 Go, and proclaim the hills, the tumult on the mountains, is
these words toward the north, and say, in vain. Truly the salvation of Israel is in
‘Return, you backsliding Israel,’ says Yah- Yahweh our God. 24 But the shameful thing
weh; ‘I will not look in anger on you, for has devoured the labor of our fathers from
I am merciful,’ says Yahweh. ‘I will not our youth, their flocks and their herds,
keep anger forever. 13 Only acknowledge their sons and their daughters. 25 Let us lie
your iniquity, that you have transgressed down in our shame, and let our confusion
against Yahweh your God, and have scat- cover us; for we have sinned against Yah-
tered your ways to the strangers under weh our God, we and our fathers, from our
every green tree, and you have not obeyed youth even to this day. We have not obeyed
my voice,’ ” says Yahweh. 14 “Return, back- Yahweh our God’s voice.”
sliding children,” says Yahweh, “for I am
a husband to you. I will take one of you 4
from a city, and two from a family, and
1 “If you will return, Israel,” says Yah-
I will bring you to Zion. 15 I will give weh, “if you will return to me, and if you
you shepherds according to my heart, who will put away your abominations out of
will feed you with knowledge and under- my sight; then you will not be removed;
2 and you will swear, ‘As Yahweh lives,’ in
standing. 16 It will come to pass, when
you are multiplied and increased in the truth, in justice, and in righteousness. The
land in those days,” says Yahweh, “they nations will bless themselves in him, and
will no longer say, ‘the ark of Yahweh’s they will glory in him.”
3 For Yahweh says to the men of Ju-
covenant!’ It will not come to mind. They
won’t remember it. They won’t miss it, dah and to Jerusalem, “Break up your fal-
nor will another be made. 17 At that time low ground, and don’t sow among thorns.
4 Circumcise yourselves to Yahweh, and
they will call Jerusalem ‘Yahweh’s Throne;’
and all the nations will be gathered to it, take away the foreskins of your heart,
to Yahweh’s name, to Jerusalem. They will you men of Judah and inhabitants of
no longer walk after the stubbornness of Jerusalem; lest my wrath go out like fire,
their evil heart. 18 In those days the house and burn so that no one can quench it, be-
of Judah will walk with the house of Israel, cause of the evil of your doings. 5 Declare
and they will come together out of the land in Judah, and publish in Jerusalem; and
of the north to the land that I gave for an say, ‘Blow the trumpet in the land!’ Cry
inheritance to your fathers. aloud and say, ‘Assemble yourselves! Let’s
19 “But I said, ‘How I desire to put you go into the fortified cities!’ 6 Set up a stan-
among the children, and give you a pleas- dard toward Zion. Flee for safety! Don’t
ant land, a goodly heritage of the armies of wait; for I will bring evil from the north,
the nations!’ and I said, ‘You shall call me and a great destruction.”
“My Father”, and shall not turn away from 7 A lion has gone up from his thicket,
following me.’ and a destroyer of nations. He is on his
20 “Surely as a wife treacherously de- way. He has gone out from his place, to
parts from her husband, so you have dealt make your land desolate, that your cities
treacherously with me, house of Israel,” be laid waste, without inhabitant. 8 For
Jeremiah 4:9 864 Jeremiah 5:3

this, clothe yourself with sackcloth, lament how to do good.” 23 I saw the earth and,
and wail; for the fierce anger of Yahweh behold, it was waste and void, and the
hasn’t turned back from us. 9 “It will hap- heavens, and they had no light. 24 I saw
pen at that day,” says Yahweh, “that the the mountains, and behold, they trembled,
heart of the king will perish, along with the and all the hills moved back and forth. 25 I
heart of the princes. The priests will be as- saw, and behold, there was no man, and
tonished, and the prophets will wonder.” all the birds of the sky had fled. 26 I saw,
10 Then I said, “Ah, Lord Yahweh! Surely and behold, the fruitful field was a wilder-
ness, and all its cities were broken down at
you have greatly deceived this people and the presence of Yahweh, before his fierce
Jerusalem, saying, ‘You will have peace;’
anger. 27 For Yahweh says, “The whole
whereas the sword reaches to the heart.”
11 At that time it will be said to this people land will be a desolation; yet I will not
and to Jerusalem, “A hot wind blows from make a full end. 28 For this the earth will
mourn, and the heavens above be black,
the bare heights in the wilderness toward because I have spoken it. I have planned it,
the daughter of my people, not to winnow, and I have not repented, neither will I turn
nor to cleanse. 12 A full wind from these back from it.”
will come for me. Now I will also utter 29 Every city flees for the noise of the
judgments against them.”
13 Behold, he will come up as clouds, and horsemen and archers. They go into the
his chariots will be as the whirlwind. His thickets and climb up on the rocks. Ev-
horses are swifter than eagles. Woe to us! ery city is forsaken, and not a man dwells
For we are ruined. 14 Jerusalem, wash your therein. 30 You, when you are made deso-
heart from wickedness, that you may be late, what will you do? Though you clothe
saved. How long will your evil thoughts yourself with scarlet, though you deck
lodge within you? 15 For a voice declares yourself with ornaments of gold, though
from Dan, and publishes evil from the you enlarge your eyes with makeup, you
hills of Ephraim: 16 “Tell the nations, be- make yourself beautiful in vain. Your
hold, publish against Jerusalem, ‘Watchers lovers despise you. They seek your life.
31 For I have heard a voice as of a woman
come from a far country, and raise their
in travail, the anguish as of her who gives
voice against the cities of Judah. 17 As
birth to her first child, the voice of the
keepers of a field, they are against her all
daughter of Zion, who gasps for breath,
around, because she has been rebellious
who spreads her hands, saying, “Woe is
against me,’ ” says Yahweh. 18 “Your way
me now! For my soul faints before the
and your doings have brought these things
to you. This is your wickedness, for it is
bitter, for it reaches to your heart.”
19 My anguish, my anguish! I am pained 5
1 “Run back and forth through the streets
at my very heart! My heart trembles
within me. I can’t hold my peace, be- of Jerusalem, and see now, and know, and
cause you have heard, O my soul, the seek in its wide places, if you can find a
sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war. man, if there is anyone who does justly,
20 Destruction on destruction is decreed, who seeks truth, then I will pardon her.
2 Though they say, ‘As Yahweh lives,’ surely
for the whole land is laid waste. Suddenly
my tents are destroyed, and my curtains they swear falsely.”
gone in a moment. 21 How long will I see 3 O Yahweh, don’t your eyes look on
the standard and hear the sound of the truth? You have stricken them, but they
trumpet? were not grieved. You have consumed
22 “For my people are foolish. They don’t
them, but they have refused to receive
know me. They are foolish children, and correction. They have made their faces
they have no understanding. They are harder than a rock. They have refused to
skillful in doing evil, but they don’t know return.
Jeremiah 5:4 865 Jeremiah 5:31

4 Then I said, “Surely these are poor. beat down your fortified cities in which
They are foolish; for they don’t know Yah- you trust with the sword.
weh’s way, nor the law of their God. 5 I will 18 “But even in those days,” says Yahweh,
go to the great men and will speak to them, “I will not make a full end of you. 19 It will
for they know the way of Yahweh, and happen when you say, ‘Why has Yahweh
the law of their God.” But these with one our God done all these things to us?’ Then
accord have broken the yoke, and burst
you shall say to them, ‘Just as you have
the bonds. 6 Therefore a lion out of the
forest will kill them. A wolf of the evenings forsaken me and served foreign gods in
will destroy them. A leopard will watch your land, so you will serve strangers in a
against their cities. Everyone who goes land that is not yours.’
out there will be torn in pieces, because 20 “Declare this in the house of Jacob, and
their transgressions are many and their publish it in Judah, saying, 21 ‘Hear this
backsliding has increased. now, foolish people without understand-
7 “How can I pardon you? Your children ing, who have eyes, and don’t see, who
have forsaken me, and sworn by what are have ears, and don’t hear: 22 Don’t you fear
no gods. When I had fed them to the full, me?’ says Yahweh; ‘Won’t you tremble at
they committed adultery, and assembled my presence, who have placed the sand for
themselves in troops at the prostitutes’ the bound of the sea by a perpetual decree,
houses. 8 They were as fed horses roaming that it can’t pass it? Though its waves toss
at large. Everyone neighed after his neigh- themselves, yet they can’t prevail. Though
bor’s wife. 9 Shouldn’t I punish them for they roar, they still can’t pass over it.’
these things?” says Yahweh. “Shouldn’t my 23 “But this people has a revolting and
soul be avenged on such a nation as this? a rebellious heart. They have revolted
10 “Go up on her walls, and destroy, but and gone. 24 They don’t say in their heart,
don’t make a full end. Take away her ‘Let’s now fear Yahweh our God, who gives
branches, for they are not Yahweh’s. 11 For rain, both the former and the latter, in its
the house of Israel and the house of Judah season, who preserves to us the appointed
have dealt very treacherously against me,” weeks of the harvest.’
says Yahweh. 25 “Your iniquities have turned away
12 They have denied Yahweh, and said, these things, and your sins have withheld
“It is not he. Evil won’t come on us. We good from you. 26 For wicked men are
won’t see sword or famine. 13 The prophets found among my people. They watch, as
will become wind, and the word is not in fowlers lie in wait. They set a trap. They
them. Thus it will be done to them.” catch men. 27 As a cage is full of birds, so
14 Therefore Yahweh, the God of Armies
are their houses full of deceit. Therefore
says, “Because you speak this word, be- they have become great, and grew rich.
hold, I will make my words in your mouth 28 They have grown fat. They shine; yes,
fire, and this people wood, and it will de- they excel in deeds of wickedness. They
vour them. 15 Behold, I will bring a nation don’t plead the cause, the cause of the
on you from far away, house of Israel,” fatherless, that they may prosper; and they
says Yahweh. “It is a mighty nation. It don’t defend the rights of the needy.
is an ancient nation, a nation whose lan- 29 “Shouldn’t I punish for these things?”
guage you don’t know and don’t under-
stand what they say. 16 Their quiver is says Yahweh. “Shouldn’t my soul be
an open tomb. They are all mighty men. avenged on such a nation as this?
17 They will eat up your harvest and your 30 “An astonishing and horrible thing has
bread, which your sons and your daugh- happened in the land. 31 The prophets
ters should eat. They will eat up your prophesy falsely, and the priests rule by
flocks and your herds. They will eat up their own authority; and my people love to
your vines and your fig trees. They will have it so. What will you do in the end of it?
Jeremiah 6:1 866 Jeremiah 6:26

6 From the prophet even to the priest,

1 “Flee for safety, you children of Ben- everyone deals falsely.
jamin, out of the middle of Jerusalem! 14 They have healed also the hurt of my
Blow the trumpet in Tekoa and raise up a people superficially,
signal on Beth Haccherem, for evil looks saying, ‘Peace, peace!’ when there is
out from the north with a great destruc- no peace.
15 Were they ashamed when they had com-
tion. 2 I will cut off the beautiful and deli-
cate one, the daughter of Zion. 3 Shepherds mitted abomination?
with their flocks will come to her. They will No, they were not at all ashamed, nei-
pitch their tents against her all around. ther could they blush.
They will feed everyone in his place.” Therefore they will fall among those who
4 “Prepare war against her! Arise! Let’s fall.
go up at noon. Woe to us! For the day When I visit them, they will be cast
declines, for the shadows of the evening down,” says Yahweh.
16 Yahweh says, “Stand in the ways and
are stretched out. 5 Arise! Let’s go up by
night, and let’s destroy her palaces.” 6 For see, and ask for the old paths, ‘Where is
Yahweh of Armies said, “Cut down trees, the good way?’ and walk in it, and you
and cast up a mound against Jerusalem. will find rest for your souls. But they said,
This is the city to be visited. She is filled ‘We will not walk in it.’ 17 I set watchmen
over you, saying, ‘Listen to the sound of
with oppression within herself. 7 As a well
the trumpet!’ But they said, ‘We will not
produces its waters, so she produces her
listen!’ 18 Therefore hear, you nations,
wickedness. Violence and destruction is
heard in her. Sickness and wounds are and know, congregation, what is among
continually before me. 8 Be instructed, them. 19 Hear, earth! Behold, I will bring
Jerusalem, lest my soul be alienated from evil on this people, even the fruit of their
you, lest I make you a desolation, an unin- thoughts, because they have not listened
habited land.” to my words; and as for my law, they
9 Yahweh of Armies says, “They will thor- have rejected it. 20 To what purpose does
oughly glean the remnant of Israel like a frankincense from Sheba come to me, and
vine. Turn again your hand as a grape the sweet cane from a far country? Your
gatherer into the baskets.” burnt offerings are not acceptable, and
10 To whom should I speak and testify, your sacrifices are not pleasing to me.”
21 Therefore Yahweh says, “Behold, I will
that they may hear? Behold, their ear
is uncircumcised, and they can’t listen. lay stumbling blocks before this people.
Behold, Yahweh’s word has become a re- The fathers and the sons together will
proach to them. They have no delight in it. stumble against them. The neighbor and
11 Therefore I am full of Yahweh’s wrath. I his friend will perish.” 22 Yahweh says,
am weary with holding it in. “Behold, a people comes from the north
“Pour it out on the children in the street, country. A great nation will be stirred
and on the assembly of young men up from the uttermost parts of the earth.
together; 23 They take hold of bow and spear. They
for even the husband with the wife will be are cruel, and have no mercy. Their voice
taken, roars like the sea, and they ride on horses,
the aged with him who is full of days. everyone set in array, as a man to the
12 Their houses will be turned to others, battle, against you, daughter of Zion.”
their fields and their wives together; 24 We have heard its report. Our hands
for I will stretch out my hand on the inhab- become feeble. Anguish has taken hold
itants of the land, says Yahweh.” of us, and pains as of a woman in labor.
13 “For from their least even to their great- 25 Don’t go out into the field or walk by

est, everyone is given to covetous- the way; for the sword of the enemy and
ness. terror are on every side. 26 Daughter of
Jeremiah 6:27 867 Jeremiah 7:25

my people, clothe yourself with sackcloth, 12 “But go now to my place which was in
and wallow in ashes! Mourn, as for an Shiloh, where I caused my name to dwell
only son, most bitter lamentation, for the at the first, and see what I did to it for the
destroyer will suddenly come on us. wickedness of my people Israel. 13 Now,
27 “I have made you a tester of metals and because you have done all these works,”
a fortress among my people, that you may says Yahweh, “and I spoke to you, rising
know and try their way. 28 They are all up early and speaking, but you didn’t hear;
grievous rebels, going around to slander. and I called you, but you didn’t answer;
14 therefore I will do to the house which
They are bronze and iron. All of them deal
corruptly. 29 The bellows blow fiercely. is called by my name, in which you trust,
The lead is consumed in the fire. In vain and to the place which I gave to you and to
they go on refining, for the wicked are not your fathers, as I did to Shiloh. 15 I will cast
plucked away. 30 Men will call them re- you out of my sight, as I have cast out all
jected silver, because Yahweh has rejected your brothers, even the whole offspring†
them.” of Ephraim.
16 “Therefore don’t pray for this people.
7 Don’t lift up a cry or prayer for them or
1 The word that came to Jeremiah from make intercession to me; for I will not
Yahweh, saying, 2 “Stand in the gate of hear you. 17 Don’t you see what they do
Yahweh’s house, and proclaim this word in the cities of Judah and in the streets of
there, and say, ‘Hear Yahweh’s word, all Jerusalem? 18 The children gather wood,
you of Judah, who enter in at these gates to and the fathers kindle the fire, and the
worship Yahweh.’ ” women knead the dough, to make cakes to
3 Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel the queen of the sky, and to pour out drink
says, “Amend your ways and your do- offerings to other gods, that they may pro-
ings, and I will cause you to dwell in this voke me to anger. 19 Do they provoke me to
place. 4 Don’t trust in lying words, say- anger?” says Yahweh. “Don’t they provoke
ing, ‘Yahweh’s temple, Yahweh’s temple, themselves, to the confusion of their own
Yahweh’s temple, are these.’ 5 For if you faces?”
thoroughly amend your ways and your 20 Therefore the Lord Yahweh says: “Be-
doings, if you thoroughly execute justice hold, my anger and my wrath will be
between a man and his neighbor; 6 if you poured out on this place, on man, on an-
don’t oppress the foreigner, the fatherless, imal, on the trees of the field, and on the
and the widow, and don’t shed innocent fruit of the ground; and it will burn and
blood in this place, and don’t walk after will not be quenched.”
other gods to your own hurt, 7 then I will 21 Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel
cause you to dwell in this place, in the land says: “Add your burnt offerings to your
that I gave to your fathers, from of old even sacrifices and eat meat. 22 For I didn’t
forever more. 8 Behold, you trust in lying speak to your fathers or command them
words that can’t profit. 9 Will you steal, in the day that I brought them out of the
murder, commit adultery, swear falsely, land of Egypt concerning burnt offerings
burn incense to Baal, and walk after other or sacrifices; 23 but this thing I commanded
gods that you have not known, 10 then them, saying, ‘Listen to my voice, and I
come and stand before me in this house, will be your God, and you shall be my
which is called by my name, and say, ‘We people. Walk in all the way that I command
are delivered,’ that you may do all these you, that it may be well with you.’ 24 But
abominations? 11 Has this house, which they didn’t listen or turn their ear, but
is called by my name, become a den of walked in their own counsels and in the
robbers in your eyes? Behold, I myself stubbornness of their evil heart, and went
have seen it,” says Yahweh. backward, and not forward. 25 Since the
† 7:15 or, seed
Jeremiah 7:26 868 Jeremiah 8:11

day that your fathers came out of the land loved, which they have served, after which
of Egypt to this day, I have sent to you all they have walked, which they have sought,
my servants the prophets, daily rising up and which they have worshiped. They
early and sending them. 26 Yet they didn’t will not be gathered or be buried. They
listen to me or incline their ear, but made will be like dung on the surface of the
their neck stiff. They did worse than their earth. 3 Death will be chosen rather than
fathers. life by all the residue that remain of this
27 “You shall speak all these words to evil family, that remain in all the places
them, but they will not listen to you. You where I have driven them,” says Yahweh
shall also call to them, but they will not of Armies. 4 “Moreover you shall tell them,
answer you. 28 You shall tell them, ‘This is ‘Yahweh says:
the nation that has not listened to Yahweh “ ‘Do men fall, and not rise up again?
their God’s voice, nor received instruction. Does one turn away, and not return?
Truth has perished, and is cut off from 5 Why then have the people of Jerusalem
their mouth.’ 29 Cut off your hair, and
throw it away, and take up a lamentation fallen back by a perpetual backslid-
on the bare heights; for Yahweh has re- ing?
jected and forsaken the generation of his They cling to deceit.
wrath. They refuse to return.
30 “For the children of Judah have done 6 I listened and heard, but they didn’t say
that which is evil in my sight,” says Yah- what is right.
weh. “They have set their abominations No one repents of his wickedness, say-
in the house which is called by my name, ing, “What have I done?”
to defile it. 31 They have built the high Everyone turns to his course,
places of Topheth, which is in the valley as a horse that rushes headlong in the
of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons battle.
and their daughters in the fire, which I 7 Yes, the stork in the sky knows her ap-
didn’t command, nor did it come into my pointed times.
mind. 32 Therefore behold, the days come”, The turtledove, the swallow, and the
says Yahweh, “that it will no more be called crane observe the time of their com-
‘Topheth’ or ‘The valley of the son of Hin- ing;
nom’, but ‘The valley of Slaughter’; for they but my people don’t know Yahweh’s
will bury in Topheth until there is no place law.
to bury. 33 The dead bodies of this people
will be food for the birds of the sky, and
8 “ ‘How do you say, “We are wise, and
for the animals of the earth. No one will Yahweh’s law is with us?”
frighten them away. 34 Then I will cause But, behold, the false pen of the scribes
to cease from the cities of Judah and from has made that a lie.
9 The wise men are disappointed.
the streets of Jerusalem the voice of mirth
and the voice of gladness, the voice of the They are dismayed and trapped.
bridegroom and the voice of the bride; for Behold, they have rejected Yahweh’s word.
the land will become a waste.” What kind of wisdom is in them?
10 Therefore I will give their wives to oth-

1 “At
8 ers
and their fields to those who will pos-
that time,” says Yahweh, “they will
bring the bones of the kings of Judah, sess them.
the bones of his princes, the bones of the For everyone from the least even to the
priests, the bones of the prophets, and greatest is given to covetousness;
the bones of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, from the prophet even to the priest
out of their graves. 2 They will spread everyone deals falsely.
them before the sun, the moon, and all 11 They have healed the hurt of the daugh-
the army of the sky, which they have ter of my people slightly, saying,
Jeremiah 8:12 869 Jeremiah 9:8

“Peace, peace,” when there is no 20 “The harvest is past.

peace. The summer has ended,
12 Were they ashamed when they had com- and we are not saved.”
mitted abomination?
No, they were not at all ashamed. 21 For
the hurt of the daughter of my peo-
They couldn’t blush. ple, I am hurt.
Therefore they will fall among those who I mourn.
fall. Dismay has taken hold of me.
In the time of their visitation they will 22 Is there no balm in Gilead?
be cast down, says Yahweh. Is there no physician there?
Why then isn’t the health of the daughter
13 “ ‘I will utterly consume them, says Yah- of my people recovered?
No grapes will be on the vine, 9
1 Oh that my head were waters,
no figs on the fig tree,
and the leaf will fade. and my eyes a spring of tears,
The things that I have given them that I might weep day and night
will pass away from them.’ ” for the slain of the daughter of my
14 “Why do we sit still?
2 Oh that I had in the wilderness
Assemble yourselves! a lodging place of wayfaring men,
Let’s enter into the fortified cities, that I might leave my people
and let’s be silent there; and go from them!
for Yahweh our God has put us to silence, For they are all adulterers,
and given us poisoned water to drink, an assembly of treacherous men.
because we have sinned against Yah- 3
“They bend their tongue,
15 We looked for peace, but no good came; as their bow, for falsehood.
and for a time of healing, and behold, They have grown strong in the land,
dismay! but not for truth;
16 The snorting of his horses is heard from for they proceed from evil to evil,
Dan. and they don’t know me,” says Yah-
The whole land trembles at the sound 4 weh.
of the neighing of his strong ones; “Everyone beware of his neighbor,
for they have come, and have devoured and don’t trust in any brother;
the land and all that is in it, for every brother will utterly supplant,
the city and those who dwell therein.” and every neighbor will go around
17 “For, behold, I will send serpents, like a slanderer.
5 Friends deceive each other,
adders among you,
which will not be charmed; and will not speak the truth.
and they will bite you,” says Yahweh. They have taught their tongue to speak
18 Oh that I could comfort myself against lies.
sorrow! They weary themselves committing
My heart is faint within me. iniquity.
19 Behold, the voice of the cry of the daugh- 6 Your habitation is in the middle of deceit.
ter of my people from a land that is Through deceit, they refuse to know
very far off: me,” says Yahweh.
7 Therefore Yahweh of Armies says,
“Isn’t Yahweh in Zion?
Isn’t her King in her?” “Behold, I will melt them and test them;
for how should I deal with the daugh-
“Why have they provoked me to anger ter of my people?
with their engraved images, 8 Their tongue is a deadly arrow.
and with foreign idols?” It speaks deceit.
Jeremiah 9:9 870 Jeremiah 10:2

One speaks peaceably to his neighbor with 19 For a voice of wailing is heard out of
his mouth, Zion,
but in his heart, he waits to ambush ‘How we are ruined!
him. We are greatly confounded
9 Shouldn’t I punish them for these things?” because we have forsaken the land,
says Yahweh. because they have cast down our
“Shouldn’t my soul be avenged on a dwellings.’ ”
nation such as this?
10 I will weep and wail for the mountains, 20 Yet hear Yahweh’s word, you women.
and lament for the pastures of the Let your ear receive the word of his
wilderness, mouth.
because they are burned up, so that no one Teach your daughters wailing.
passes through; Everyone teach her neighbor a lamen-
Men can’t hear the voice of the live- tation.
21 For death has come up into our win-
Both the birds of the sky and the animals dows.
have fled. It has entered into our palaces
They are gone. to cut off the children from outside,
and the young men from the streets.
11 “I will make Jerusalem heaps, 22 Speak, “Yahweh says,
a dwelling place of jackals. “ ‘The dead bodies of men will fall as dung
I will make the cities of Judah a desolation, on the open field,
without inhabitant.” and as the handful after the harvester.
12 Who is wise enough to understand No one will gather them.’ ”
this? Who is he to whom the mouth of 23 Yahweh says,
Yahweh has spoken, that he may declare “Don’t let the wise man glory in his wis-
it? Why has the land perished and burned dom.
up like a wilderness, so that no one passes Don’t let the mighty man glory in his
through? might.
13 Yahweh says, “Because they have for- Don’t let the rich man glory in his
saken my law which I set before them, riches.
and have not obeyed my voice or walked 24 But let him who glories glory in this,
in my ways, 14 but have walked after the that he has understanding, and knows
stubbornness of their own heart and af- me,
ter the Baals, which their fathers taught that I am Yahweh who exercises loving
them.” 15 Therefore Yahweh of Armies, kindness, justice, and righteousness
the God of Israel, says, “Behold, I will feed in the earth,
them, even this people, with wormwood for I delight in these things,” says Yah-
and give them poisoned water to drink. 16 I weh.
25 “Behold, the days come,” says Yahweh,
will scatter them also among the nations,
whom neither they nor their fathers have “that I will punish all those who are cir-
known. I will send the sword after them, cumcised only in their flesh: Egypt, Ju-

until I have consumed them.” dah, Edom, the children of Ammon, Moab,
17 Yahweh of Armies says, and all who have the corners of their hair
cut off, who dwell in the wilderness, for
“Consider, and call for the mourning all the nations are uncircumcised, and all
women, that they may come. the house of Israel are uncircumcised in
Send for the skillful women, that they heart.”
may come.
18 Let them make haste 10
and take up a wailing for us, 1 Hear the word which Yahweh speaks to
that our eyes may run down with tears you, house of Israel! 2 Yahweh says,
and our eyelids gush out with waters. “Don’t learn the way of the nations,
Jeremiah 10:3 871 Jeremiah 10:23

and don’t be dismayed at the signs of and by his understanding has he

the sky; stretched out the heavens.
13 When he utters his voice,
for the nations are dismayed at them.
3 For the customs of the peoples are vanity; the waters in the heavens roar,
for one cuts a tree out of the forest, and he causes the vapors to ascend
the work of the hands of the workman from the ends of the earth.
with the ax. He makes lightnings for the rain,
4 They deck it with silver and with gold. and brings the wind out of his trea-
They fasten it with nails and with ham- suries.
14 Every man has become brutish and
so that it can’t move. without knowledge.
5 They are like a palm tree, of turned work, Every goldsmith is disappointed by his
and don’t speak. engraved image;
They must be carried, for his molten image is falsehood,
because they can’t move. and there is no breath in them.
15 They are vanity, a work of delusion.
Don’t be afraid of them;
for they can’t do evil, In the time of their visitation they will
neither is it in them to do good.” perish.
6 There is no one like you, Yahweh. 16 The portion of Jacob is not like these;

You are great, for he is the maker of all things;

and your name is great in might. and Israel is the tribe of his inheritance.
7 Who shouldn’t fear you, Yahweh of Armies is his name.
17 Gather up your wares out of the land,
King of the nations? you who live under siege.
For it belongs to you. 18 For Yahweh says,
Because among all the wise men of the “Behold, I will sling out the inhabi-
nations, tants of the land at this time,
and in all their royal estate, and will distress them, that they may
there is no one like you. feel it.”
8 But they are together brutish and foolish, 19 Woe is me because of my injury!
instructed by idols! My wound is serious;
It is just wood. but I said,
9 There is silver beaten into plates, which is “Truly this is my grief, and I must bear
brought from Tarshish, it.”
20 My tent has been destroyed,
and gold from Uphaz,
the work of the engraver and of the and all my cords are broken.
hands of the goldsmith. My children have gone away from me, and
Their clothing is blue and purple. they are no more.
They are all the work of skillful men. There is no one to spread my tent any
10 But Yahweh is the true God. more,
He is the living God, to set up my curtains.
21 For the shepherds have become brutish,
and an everlasting King.
At his wrath, the earth trembles. and have not inquired of Yahweh.
The nations aren’t able to withstand Therefore they have not prospered,
his indignation. and all their flocks have scattered.
11 “You shall say this to them: ‘The gods 22 The voice of news, behold, it comes,

that have not made the heavens and the and a great commotion out of the
earth will perish from the earth, and from north country,
under the heavens.’ ” to make the cities of Judah a desolation,
12 God has made the earth by his power. a dwelling place of jackals.
He has established the world by his 23 Yahweh, I know that the way of man is
wisdom, not in himself.
Jeremiah 10:24 872 Jeremiah 11:19

It is not in man who walks to direct his my words. They have gone after other
steps. gods to serve them. The house of Israel
24 Yahweh, correct me, but gently;
and the house of Judah have broken my
not in your anger, covenant which I made with their fathers.
lest you reduce me to nothing. 11 Therefore Yahweh says, ‘Behold, I will
25 Pour out your wrath on the nations that bring evil on them which they will not be
don’t know you, able to escape; and they will cry to me, but
and on the families that don’t call on I will not listen to them. 12 Then the cities
your name; of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem
for they have devoured Jacob. will go and cry to the gods to which they
Yes, they have devoured him, con- offer incense, but they will not save them
sumed him, at all in the time of their trouble. 13 For
and have laid waste his habitation. according to the number of your cities are
your gods, Judah; and according to the
11 number of the streets of Jerusalem you
1 The word that came to Jeremiah from have set up altars to the shameful thing,
Yahweh, saying, 2 “Hear the words of this even altars to burn incense to Baal.’
covenant, and speak to the men of Ju- 14 “Therefore don’t pray for this people.
dah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem; Don’t lift up cry or prayer for them; for I
3 and say to them, Yahweh, the God of
will not hear them in the time that they cry
Israel says: ‘Cursed is the man who doesn’t to me because of their trouble.
hear the words of this covenant, 4 which I 15 What has my beloved to do in my house,
commanded your fathers in the day that I since she has behaved lewdly with
brought them out of the land of Egypt, out many,
of the iron furnace,’ saying, ‘Obey my voice and the holy flesh has passed from
and do them, according to all which I com- you?
mand you; so you shall be my people, and I When you do evil,
will be your God; 5 that I may establish the then you rejoice.”
oath which I swore to your fathers, to give
them a land flowing with milk and honey,’ 16 Yahweh called your name, “A green olive
as it is today.” tree,
Then I answered, and said, “Amen, Yah- beautiful with goodly fruit.”
6 Yahweh said to me, “Proclaim all these With the noise of a great roar he has kin-
words in the cities of Judah, and in the dled fire on it,
streets of Jerusalem, saying, ‘Hear the and its branches are broken.
17 For Yahweh of Armies, who planted you,
words of this covenant, and do them. 7 For
I earnestly protested to your fathers in the has pronounced evil against you, because
day that I brought them up out of the land of the evil of the house of Israel and of the
house of Judah, which they have done to
of Egypt, even to this day, rising early and
themselves in provoking me to anger by
protesting, saying, “Obey my voice.” 8 Yet offering incense to Baal.
they didn’t obey, nor turn their ear, but
18 Yahweh gave me knowledge of it, and I
everyone walked in the stubbornness of
their evil heart. Therefore I brought on knew it. Then you showed me their doings.
19 But I was like a gentle lamb that is led to
them all the words of this covenant, which
I commanded them to do, but they didn’t the slaughter. I didn’t know that they had
do them.’ ” devised plans against me, saying,
9 Yahweh said to me, “A conspiracy
“Let’s destroy the tree with its fruit,
is found among the men of Judah, and and let’s cut him off from the land of
among the inhabitants of Jerusalem. the living,
10 They have turned back to the iniquities that his name may be no more remem-
of their forefathers, who refused to hear bered.”
Jeremiah 11:20 873 Jeremiah 12:15

20 But, Yahweh of Armies, who judges righ- 6 For even your brothers, and the house of
teously, your father,
who tests the heart and the mind, even they have dealt treacherously
I will see your vengeance on them; with you!
for to you I have revealed my cause. Even they have cried aloud after you!
21 “Therefore Yahweh says concerning Don’t believe them,
the men of Anathoth, who seek your life, though they speak beautiful words to
saying, ‘You shall not prophesy in Yah- you.
weh’s name, that you not die by our hand’— 7
22 therefore Yahweh of Armies says, ‘Be- “I have forsaken my house.
I have cast off my heritage.
hold, I will punish them. The young men
I have given the dearly beloved of my
will die by the sword. Their sons and their
soul into the hand of her enemies.
daughters will die by famine. 23 There will 8 My heritage has become to me as a lion in
be no remnant to them, for I will bring evil the forest.
on the men of Anathoth, even the year of She has uttered her voice against me.
their visitation.’ ” Therefore I have hated her.
9 Is my heritage to me as a speckled bird of
12 prey?
1 You are righteous, Yahweh, Are the birds of prey against her all
when I contend with you; around?
yet I would like to plead a case with you. Go, assemble all the animals of the field.
Why does the way of the wicked pros- Bring them to devour.
10 Many shepherds have destroyed my
Why are they all at ease who deal very vineyard.
treacherously? They have trodden my portion under
2 You have planted them. Yes, they have foot.
They have made my pleasant portion
taken root. a desolate wilderness.
They grow. Yes, they produce fruit. 11 They have made it a desolation.
You are near in their mouth, It mourns to me, being desolate.
and far from their heart. The whole land is made desolate,
3 But you, Yahweh, know me.
because no one cares.
You see me, and test my heart toward 12 Destroyers have come on all the bare
you. heights in the wilderness;
Pull them out like sheep for the slaughter, for the sword of Yahweh devours from
and prepare them for the day of the one end of the land even to the
slaughter. other end of the land.
4 How long will the land mourn, No flesh has peace.
13 They have sown wheat,
and the herbs of the whole country
wither? and have reaped thorns.
Because of the wickedness of those who They have exhausted themselves,
dwell therein, and profit nothing.
the animals and birds are consumed; You will be ashamed of your fruits,
because they said, because of Yahweh’s fierce anger.”
“He won’t see our latter end.”
5 “If you have run with the footmen, 14 Yahweh says, “Concerning all my
and they have wearied you, evil neighbors, who touch the inheritance
then how can you contend with which I have caused my people Israel to
horses? inherit: Behold, I will pluck them up from
Though in a land of peace you are secure, off their land, and will pluck up the house
yet how will you do in the pride of the of Judah from among them. 15 It will hap-
Jordan? pen that after I have plucked them up, I
Jeremiah 12:16 874 Jeremiah 13:22

will return and have compassion on them. wine.” ’ They will tell you, ‘Do we not cer-
I will bring them again, every man to his tainly know that every container should be
heritage, and every man to his land. 16 It filled with wine?’ 13 Then tell them, ‘Yah-
will happen, if they will diligently learn the weh says, “Behold, I will fill all the inhabi-
ways of my people, to swear by my name, tants of this land, even the kings who sit on
‘As Yahweh lives;’ even as they taught my David’s throne, the priests, the prophets,
people to swear by Baal, then they will be and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, with
built up in the middle of my people. 17 But drunkenness. 14 I will dash them one
if they will not hear, then I will pluck up against another, even the fathers and the
that nation, plucking up and destroying it,” sons together,” says Yahweh: “I will not
says Yahweh. pity, spare, or have compassion, that I
should not destroy them.” ’ ”
13 15 Hear, and give ear.
Don’t be proud,
1 Yahweh said to me, “Go, and buy your-
self a linen belt, and put it on your waist, for Yahweh has spoken.
16 Give glory to Yahweh your God,
and don’t put it in water.”
2 So I bought a belt according to Yah- before he causes darkness,
weh’s word, and put it on my waist. and before your feet stumble on the
3 Yahweh’s word came to me the second dark mountains,
time, saying, 4 “Take the belt that you have and while you look for light,
bought, which is on your waist, and arise, he turns it into the shadow of death,
and makes it deep darkness.
go to the Euphrates, and hide it there in a 17 But if you will not hear it,
cleft of the rock.”
5 So I went and hid it by the Euphrates, as my soul will weep in secret for your
Yahweh commanded me. pride.
6 After many days, Yahweh said to me, My eye will weep bitterly,
“Arise, go to the Euphrates, and take the and run down with tears,
belt from there, which I commanded you because Yahweh’s flock has been
taken captive.
to hide there.” 18 Say to the king and to the queen mother,
7 Then I went to the Euphrates, and dug,
and took the belt from the place where I “Humble yourselves.
had hidden it; and behold, the belt was Sit down, for your crowns have come
ruined. It was profitable for nothing. down,
8 Then Yahweh’s word came to me, say- even the crown of your glory.
19 The cities of the South are shut up,
ing, 9 “Yahweh says, ‘In this way I will ruin
and there is no one to open them.
the pride of Judah, and the great pride
Judah is carried away captive: all of them.
of Jerusalem. 10 This evil people, who
They are wholly carried away captive.
refuse to hear my words, who walk in 20 Lift up your eyes,
the stubbornness of their heart, and have
gone after other gods to serve them and and see those who come from the
to worship them, will even be as this belt, Where is the flock that was given to you,
which is profitable for nothing. 11 For as your beautiful flock?
the belt clings to the waist of a man, so I 21 What will you say when he sets over
have caused the whole house of Israel and you as head those whom you have
the whole house of Judah to cling to me,’ yourself taught to be friends to you?
says Yahweh; ‘that they may be to me for Won’t sorrows take hold of you, as of a
a people, for a name, for praise, and for woman in travail?
glory; but they would not hear.’ 22 If you say in your heart,
12 “Therefore you shall speak to them
“Why have these things come on me?”
this word: ‘Yahweh, the God of Israel says, Your skirts are uncovered because of the
“Every container should be filled with greatness of your iniquity,
Jeremiah 13:23 875 Jeremiah 14:16

and your heels suffer violence. because there is no vegetation.

23 Can the Ethiopian change his skin, 7 Though our iniquities testify against us,
or the leopard his spots? work for your name’s sake, Yahweh;
Then may you also do good, for our rebellions are many.
who are accustomed to do evil. We have sinned against you.
8 You hope of Israel,
24 “Therefore I will scatter them
its Savior in the time of trouble,
as the stubble that passes away why should you be as a foreigner in the
by the wind of the wilderness. land,
25 This is your lot,
and as a wayfaring man who turns
the portion measured to you from aside to stay for a night?
me,” says Yahweh, 9 Why should you be like a scared man,
“because you have forgotten me, as a mighty man who can’t save?
and trusted in falsehood.” Yet you, Yahweh, are in the middle of us,
26 Therefore I will also uncover your skirts
and we are called by your name.
on your face, Don’t leave us.
and your shame will appear. 10 Yahweh says to this people:
27 I have seen your abominations, even
“Even so they have loved to wander.
your adulteries They have not restrained their feet.
and your neighing, the lewdness of Therefore Yahweh does not accept them.
your prostitution, Now he will remember their iniquity,
on the hills in the field. and punish them for their sins.”
Woe to you, Jerusalem! 11 Yahweh said to me, “Don’t pray for this
You will not be made clean. people for their good. 12 When they fast, I
How long will it yet be?”
will not hear their cry; and when they offer
14 burnt offering and meal offering, I will not
accept them; but I will consume them by
1 This is Yahweh’s word that came to
Jeremiah concerning the drought: the sword, by famine, and by pestilence.”
2 “Judah mourns, 13 Then I said, “Ah, Lord Yahweh! Be-

and its gates languish. hold, the prophets tell them, ‘You will
They sit in black on the ground. not see the sword, neither will you have
The cry of Jerusalem goes up. famine; but I will give you assured peace
3 Their nobles send their little ones to the in this place.’ ”
14 Then Yahweh said to me, “The
They come to the cisterns, prophets prophesy lies in my name. I
and find no water. didn’t send them. I didn’t command them.
They return with their vessels empty. I didn’t speak to them. They prophesy
They are disappointed and con- to you a lying vision, divination, and a
founded, thing of nothing, and the deceit of their
and cover their heads. own heart. 15 Therefore Yahweh says
4 Because of the ground which is cracked, concerning the prophets who prophesy in
because no rain has been in the land, my name, but I didn’t send them, yet they
the plowmen are disappointed. say, ‘Sword and famine will not be in this
They cover their heads. land.’ Those prophets will be consumed
5 Yes, the doe in the field also calves and by sword and famine. 16 The people to
forsakes her young, whom they prophesy will be cast out in the
because there is no grass. streets of Jerusalem because of the famine
6 The wild donkeys stand on the bare and the sword. They will have no one to
heights. bury them—them, their wives, their sons,
They pant for air like jackals. or their daughters, for I will pour their
Their eyes fail, wickedness on them.
Jeremiah 14:17 876 Jeremiah 15:11

17 “You shall say this word to them: “I will appoint over them four kinds,”
“ ‘Let my eyes run down with tears night says Yahweh: “the sword to kill, the dogs to
and day, tear, the birds of the sky, and the animals
and let them not cease; of the earth, to devour and to destroy.
for the virgin daughter of my people is 4 I will cause them to be tossed back and
broken with a great breach, forth among all the kingdoms of the earth,
with a very grievous wound. because of Manasseh, the son of Hezekiah,
18 If I go out into the field, king of Judah, for that which he did in
then behold, the slain with the sword! Jerusalem.
5 For who will have pity on you, Jerusalem?
If I enter into the city,
then behold, those who are sick with Who will mourn you?
famine! Who will come to ask of your welfare?
For both the prophet and the priest go 6 You have rejected me,” says Yahweh.
about in the land, “You have gone backward.
and have no knowledge.’ ” Therefore I have stretched out my hand
19 Have you utterly rejected Judah?
against you
and destroyed you.
Has your soul loathed Zion? I am weary of showing compassion.
Why have you struck us, and there is no 7 I have winnowed them with a fan in the
healing for us? gates of the land.
We looked for peace, but no good I have bereaved them of children.
came; I have destroyed my people.
and for a time of healing, and behold, They didn’t return from their ways.
dismay! 8 Their widows are increased more than
20 We acknowledge, Yahweh, our wicked-
the sand of the seas.
ness, I have brought on them against the
and the iniquity of our fathers; mother of the young men a de-
for we have sinned against you. stroyer at noonday.
21 Do not abhor us, for your name’s sake.
I have caused anguish and terrors to
Do not disgrace the throne of your fall on her suddenly.
glory. 9 She who has borne seven languishes.
Remember, and don’t break your She has given up the spirit.
covenant with us.
22 Are there any among the vanities of the Her sun has gone down while it was yet
nations that can cause rain? day.
Or can the sky give showers? She has been disappointed and con-
Aren’t you he, Yahweh our God? founded.
Therefore we will wait for you; I will deliver their residue to the sword
before their enemies,” says Yahweh.
for you have made all these things.
10 Woe is me, my mother, that you have
15 borne me, a man of strife,
1 Then Yahweh said to me, “Though and a man of contention to the whole
Moses and Samuel stood before me, yet my earth!
mind would not turn toward this people. I have not lent, neither have men lent to
Cast them out of my sight, and let them go me;
out! 2 It will happen when they ask you, yet every one of them curses me.
‘Where shall we go out?’ then you shall tell 11 Yahweh said,
them, ‘Yahweh says: “Most certainly I will strengthen you for
“Such as are for death, to death; good.
such as are for the sword, to the sword; Most certainly I will cause the enemy
such as are for the famine, to the famine; to make supplication to you in the
and such as are for captivity, to captivity.” ’ time of evil
Jeremiah 15:12 877 Jeremiah 16:12

and in the time of affliction. and I will redeem you out of the hand
12 Can one break iron,
of the terrible.”
even iron from the north, and bronze?
13 I will give your substance and your trea-
sures for a plunder without price, 1 Then Yahweh’s word came to me, say-
and that for all your sins, ing, 2 “You shall not take a wife, neither
even in all your borders. shall you have sons or daughters, in this
14 I will make them to pass with your en-
place.” 3 For Yahweh says concerning the
emies into a land which you don’t sons and concerning the daughters who
know; are born in this place, and concerning
for a fire is kindled in my anger, their mothers who bore them, and con-
which will burn on you.” cerning their fathers who became their fa-
15 Yahweh, you know.
ther in this land: 4 “They will die grievous
deaths. They will not be lamented, neither
Remember me, visit me, will they be buried. They will be as dung
and avenge me of my persecutors. on the surface of the ground. They will
You are patient, so don’t take me away. be consumed by the sword and by famine.
Know that for your sake I have suf- Their dead bodies will be food for the birds
fered reproach. of the sky and for the animals of the earth.”
16 Your words were found,
5 For Yahweh says, “Don’t enter into the
and I ate them. house of mourning. Don’t go to lament.
Your words were to me a joy and the rejoic-
ing of my heart, Don’t bemoan them, for I have taken away
for I am called by your name, Yahweh, my peace from this people,” says Yahweh,
God of Armies. “even loving kindness and tender mercies.
17 I didn’t sit in the assembly of those who 6 Both great and small will die in this land.

make merry and rejoice. They will not be buried. Men won’t lament
I sat alone because of your hand, for them, cut themselves, or make them-
for you have filled me with indigna- selves bald for them. 7 Men won’t break
bread for them in mourning, to comfort
18 Why is my pain perpetual, them for the dead. Men won’t give them
and my wound incurable, the cup of consolation to drink for their
which refuses to be healed? father or for their mother.
8 “You shall not go into the house of feast-
Will you indeed be to me as a deceitful
brook, ing to sit with them, to eat and to drink.”
9 For Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel
like waters that fail?
19 Therefore Yahweh says, says: “Behold, I will cause to cease out of
“If you return, then I will bring you again, this place, before your eyes and in your
that you may stand before me; days, the voice of mirth and the voice of
and if you take out the precious from the gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and
vile, the voice of the bride. 10 It will happen,
you will be as my mouth. when you tell this people all these words,
They will return to you, and they ask you, ‘Why has Yahweh pro-
but you will not return to them. nounced all this great evil against us?’ or
20 I will make you to this people a fortified ‘What is our iniquity?’ or ‘What is our
bronze wall. sin that we have committed against Yah-
They will fight against you, weh our God?’ 11 then you shall tell them,
but they will not prevail against you; ‘Because your fathers have forsaken me,’
for I am with you to save you says Yahweh, ‘and have walked after other
and to deliver you,” says Yahweh. gods, have served them, have worshiped
21 “I will deliver you out of the hand of the them, have forsaken me, and have not kept
wicked, my law. 12 You have done evil more than
Jeremiah 16:13 878 Jeremiah 17:10

your fathers, for behold, you each walk 17

after the stubbornness of his evil heart, so 1 “The sin of Judah is written with a pen of
that you don’t listen to me. 13 Therefore I iron,
will cast you out of this land into the land and with the point of a diamond.
that you have not known, neither you nor It is engraved on the tablet of their heart,
your fathers. There you will serve other and on the horns of your altars.
gods day and night, for I will show you no 2 Even their children remember their al-
favor.’ tars
14 “Therefore behold, the days come,” and their Asherah poles by the green
says Yahweh, “that it will no more be said, trees on the high hills.
‘As Yahweh lives, who brought up the chil- 3 My mountain in the field,
dren of Israel out of the land of Egypt;’ I will give your substance and all your
15 but, ‘As Yahweh lives, who brought up treasures for a plunder,
the children of Israel from the land of the and your high places, because of sin,
north, and from all the countries where he throughout all your borders.
had driven them.’ I will bring them again 4 You, even of yourself, will discontinue
into their land that I gave to their fathers. from your heritage that I gave you.
16 “Behold, I will send for many fisher-
I will cause you to serve your enemies
men,” says Yahweh, “and they will fish in the land which you don’t know,
them up. Afterward I will send for many for you have kindled a fire in my anger
hunters, and they will hunt them from which will burn forever.”
every mountain, from every hill, and out 5 Yahweh says:
of the clefts of the rocks. 17 For my eyes “Cursed is the man who trusts in man,
are on all their ways. They are not hidden relies on strength of flesh,
from my face. Their iniquity isn’t con- and whose heart departs from Yah-
cealed from my eyes. 18 First I will recom- weh.
pense their iniquity and their sin double, 6 For he will be like a bush in the desert,
because they have polluted my land with and will not see when good comes,
the carcasses of their detestable things, but will inhabit the parched places in the
and have filled my inheritance with their wilderness,
abominations.” an uninhabited salt land.
19 Yahweh, my strength, my stronghold, 7 “Blessed is the man who trusts in Yahweh,
and my refuge in the day of affliction, and whose confidence is in Yahweh.
8 For he will be as a tree planted by the
the nations will come to you from the ends waters,
of the earth, who spreads out its roots by the river,
and will say,
and will not fear when heat comes,
“Our fathers have inherited nothing but but its leaf will be green,
lies, and will not be concerned in the year of
vanity and things in which there is no drought.
profit. It won’t cease from yielding fruit.
20 Should a man make to himself gods 9 The heart is deceitful above all things
which yet are no gods?” and it is exceedingly corrupt.
Who can know it?
21 “Therefore behold, I will cause them to
know, 10 “I, Yahweh, search the mind.
this once I will cause them to know my I try the heart,
hand and my might. even to give every man according to his
Then they will know that my name is ways,
Yahweh.” according to the fruit of his doings.”
Jeremiah 17:11 879 Jeremiah 18:8

11 As the partridge that sits on eggs which holy, as I commanded your fathers. 23 But
she has not laid, they didn’t listen. They didn’t turn their
so is he who gets riches, and not by ear, but made their neck stiff, that they
right. might not hear, and might not receive in-
In the middle of his days, they will leave struction. 24 It will happen, if you diligently
him. listen to me,” says Yahweh, “to bring in no
At his end, he will be a fool. burden through the gates of this city on
12 A glorious throne, set on high from the
the Sabbath day, but to make the Sabbath
beginning, day holy, to do no work therein; 25 then
is the place of our sanctuary. there will enter in by the gates of this
13 Yahweh, the hope of Israel,
city kings and princes sitting on David’s
all who forsake you will be disap- throne, riding in chariots and on horses,
pointed. they and their princes, the men of Judah
Those who depart from me will be written and the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and this
in the earth, city will remain forever. 26 They will come
because they have forsaken Yahweh, from the cities of Judah, and from the
the spring of living waters. places around Jerusalem, from the land
14 Heal me, O Yahweh, and I will be healed.
of Benjamin, from the lowland, from the
Save me, and I will be saved; hill country, and from the South, bringing
for you are my praise. burnt offerings, sacrifices, meal offerings,
15 Behold, they ask me,
and frankincense, and bringing sacrifices
“Where is Yahweh’s word? of thanksgiving to Yahweh’s house. 27 But
Let it be fulfilled now.”
16 As for me, I have not hurried from being if you will not listen to me to make the
a shepherd after you. Sabbath day holy, and not to bear a burden
I haven’t desired the woeful day. You and enter in at the gates of Jerusalem on
know. the Sabbath day, then I will kindle a fire in
That which came out of my lips was its gates, and it will devour the palaces of
before your face. Jerusalem. It will not be quenched.” ’ ”
17 Don’t be a terror to me.
You are my refuge in the day of evil.
18 Let them be disappointed who persecute
1 The word which came to Jeremiah from
me, Yahweh, saying, 2 “Arise, and go down to
but don’t let me be disappointed.
the potter’s house, and there I will cause
Let them be dismayed,
you to hear my words.”
but don’t let me be dismayed. 3 Then I went down to the potter’s house,
Bring on them the day of evil,
and destroy them with double de- and behold, he was making something on
struction. the wheels. 4 When the vessel that he made
19 Yahweh said this to me: “Go and stand of the clay was marred in the hand of the
in the gate of the children of the people, potter, he made it again another vessel, as
through which the kings of Judah come in seemed good to the potter to make it.
and by which they go out, and in all the 5 Then Yahweh’s word came to me, say-
gates of Jerusalem. 20 Tell them, ‘Hear Yah- ing, 6 “House of Israel, can’t I do with you
weh’s word, you kings of Judah, all Judah, as this potter?” says Yahweh. “Behold,
and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, that as the clay in the potter’s hand, so are
enter in by these gates: 21 Yahweh says, you in my hand, house of Israel. 7 At the
“Be careful, and bear no burden on the instant I speak concerning a nation, and
Sabbath day, nor bring it in by the gates concerning a kingdom, to pluck up and
of Jerusalem. 22 Don’t carry a burden out to break down and to destroy it, 8 if that
of your houses on the Sabbath day. Don’t nation, concerning which I have spoken,
do any work, but make the Sabbath day turns from their evil, I will repent of the
Jeremiah 18:9 880 Jeremiah 19:6

evil that I thought to do to them. 9 At 20 Should evil be recompensed for good?

the instant I speak concerning a nation, For they have dug a pit for my soul.
and concerning a kingdom, to build and to Remember how I stood before you to speak
plant it, 10 if they do that which is evil in my good for them,
sight, that they not obey my voice, then I to turn away your wrath from them.
will repent of the good with which I said I 21 Therefore deliver up their children to
would benefit them. the famine,
11 “Now therefore, speak to the men of
and give them over to the power of the
Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, sword.
saying, ‘Yahweh says: “Behold, I frame evil Let their wives become childless and wid-
against you, and devise a plan against you. ows.
Everyone return from his evil way now, Let their men be killed
and amend your ways and your doings.” ’ and their young men struck by the
12 But they say, ‘It is in vain; for we will sword in battle.
22 Let a cry be heard from their houses
walk after our own plans, and we will each
follow the stubbornness of his evil heart.’ ” when you bring a troop suddenly on
13 Therefore Yahweh says: them;
“Ask now among the nations, for they have dug a pit to take me
‘Who has heard such things?’ and hidden snares for my feet.
23 Yet, Yahweh, you know all their counsel
The virgin of Israel has done a very
horrible thing. against me to kill me.
14 Will the snow of Lebanon fail from the Don’t forgive their iniquity.
rock of the field? Don’t blot out their sin from your sight,
Will the cold waters that flow down Let them be overthrown before you.
from afar be dried up? Deal with them in the time of your
15 For my people have forgotten me.
They have burned incense to false
gods. 19
They have been made to stumble in their 1 Thus said Yahweh, “Go, and buy a pot-
ways ter’s earthen container, and take some of
in the ancient paths, the elders of the people and of the elders of
to walk in byways, in a way not built the priests; 2 and go out to the valley of the
16 to make their land an astonishment,
son of Hinnom, which is by the entry of the
gate Harsith, and proclaim there the words
and a perpetual hissing.
that I will tell you. 3 Say, ‘Hear Yahweh’s
Everyone who passes by it will be aston- word, kings of Judah and inhabitants of
Jerusalem: Yahweh of Armies, the God of
and shake his head.
17 I will scatter them as with an east wind Israel says, “Behold, I will bring evil on
before the enemy. this place, which whoever hears, his ears
I will show them the back, and not the will tingle. 4 Because they have forsaken
face, me, and have defiled this place, and have
in the day of their calamity. burned incense in it to other gods that they
18 Then they said, “Come! Let’s devise didn’t know—they, their fathers, and the
plans against Jeremiah; for the law won’t kings of Judah—and have filled this place
perish from the priest, nor counsel from with the blood of innocents, 5 and have
the wise, nor the word from the prophet. built the high places of Baal to burn their
Come, and let’s strike him with the tongue, children in the fire for burnt offerings to
and let’s not give heed to any of his words.” Baal, which I didn’t command, nor speak,
19 Give heed to me, Yahweh, which didn’t even enter into my mind.
6 Therefore, behold, the days come,” says
and listen to the voice of those who
contend with me. Yahweh, “that this place will no more be
Jeremiah 19:7 881 Jeremiah 20:10

called ‘Topheth’, nor ‘The Valley of the son the prophet and put him in the stocks that
of Hinnom’, but ‘The valley of Slaughter’. were in the upper gate of Benjamin, which
7 “ ‘ “I will make the counsel of Judah and was in Yahweh’s house. 3 On the next
Jerusalem void in this place. I will cause day, Pashhur released Jeremiah out of the
them to fall by the sword before their en- stocks. Then Jeremiah said to him, “Yah-
emies, and by the hand of those who seek weh has not called your name Pashhur,
their life. I will give their dead bodies to but Magormissabib.† 4 For Yahweh says,
be food for the birds of the sky and for the ‘Behold, I will make you a terror to yourself
animals of the earth. 8 I will make this city and to all your friends. They will fall by the
an astonishment and a hissing. Everyone sword of their enemies, and your eyes will
who passes by it will be astonished and see it. I will give all Judah into the hand
hiss because of all its plagues. 9 I will cause of the king of Babylon, and he will carry
them to eat the flesh of their sons and the them captive to Babylon, and will kill them
flesh of their daughters. They will each with the sword. 5 Moreover I will give all
eat the flesh of his friend in the siege and the riches of this city, and all its gains, and
in the distress with which their enemies, all its precious things, yes, I will give all
and those who seek their life, will distress the treasures of the kings of Judah into the
them.” ’ hand of their enemies. They will make
10 “Then you shall break the container
them captives, take them, and carry them
in the sight of the men who go with you, to Babylon. 6 You, Pashhur, and all who
11 and shall tell them, ‘Yahweh of Armies
dwell in your house will go into captivity.
says: “Even so I will break this people and You will come to Babylon, and there you
this city as one breaks a potter’s vessel, will die, and there you will be buried, you,
that can’t be made whole again. They will and all your friends, to whom you have
bury in Topheth until there is no place to prophesied falsely.’ ”
bury. 12 This is what I will do to this place,”
says Yahweh, “and to its inhabitants, even 7 Yahweh, you have persuaded me, and I
making this city as Topheth. 13 The houses was persuaded.
of Jerusalem and the houses of the kings You are stronger than I, and have pre-
of Judah, which are defiled, will be as the vailed.
place of Topheth, even all the houses on I have become a laughingstock all day.
whose roofs they have burned incense to Everyone mocks me.
all the army of the sky and have poured out 8 For as often as I speak, I cry out;
drink offerings to other gods.” ’ ” I cry, “Violence and destruction!”
14 Then Jeremiah came from Topheth, because Yahweh’s word has been made a
where Yahweh had sent him to proph- reproach to me,
esy, and he stood in the court of Yah- and a derision, all day.
weh’s house, and said to all the people: 9 If I say that I will not make mention of
15 “Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel him,
says, ‘Behold, I will bring on this city and or speak any more in his name,
on all its towns all the evil that I have then there is in my heart as it were a burn-
pronounced against it, because they have ing fire shut up in my bones.
made their neck stiff, that they may not I am weary with holding it in.
hear my words.’ ” I can’t.
10 For I have heard the defaming of many:
20 “Terror on every side!
1 Now Pashhur, the son of Immer the Denounce, and we will denounce
priest, who was chief officer in Yahweh’s him!”
house, heard Jeremiah prophesying these say all my familiar friends,
things. 2 Then Pashhur struck Jeremiah those who watch for my fall.
† 20:3 “Magormissabib” means “surrounded by terror”
Jeremiah 20:11 882 Jeremiah 21:13

“Perhaps he will be persuaded, will deal with us according to all his won-
and we will prevail against him, drous works, that he may withdraw from
and we will take our revenge on him.” us.”
11 But Yahweh is with me as an awesome 3 Then Jeremiah said to them, “Tell
mighty one. Zedekiah: 4 ‘Yahweh, the God of Israel says,
Therefore my persecutors will stum- “Behold, I will turn back the weapons of
ble, war that are in your hands, with which
and they won’t prevail. you fight against the king of Babylon, and
They will be utterly disappointed against the Chaldeans who besiege you
because they have not dealt wisely, outside the walls; and I will gather them
even with an everlasting dishonor into the middle of this city. 5 I myself
which will never be forgotten. will fight against you with an outstretched
12 But Yahweh of Armies, who tests the hand and with a strong arm, even in anger,
righteous, in wrath, and in great indignation. 6 I
who sees the heart and the mind, will strike the inhabitants of this city, both
let me see your vengeance on them, man and animal. They will die of a great
for I have revealed my cause to you. pestilence. 7 Afterward,” says Yahweh, “I
13 Sing to Yahweh! will deliver Zedekiah king of Judah, his ser-
Praise Yahweh, vants, and the people, even those who are
for he has delivered the soul of the left in this city from the pestilence, from
needy from the hand of evildoers. the sword, and from the famine, into the
14 Cursed is the day in which I was born. hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon,
Don’t let the day in which my mother and into the hand of their enemies, and
bore me be blessed. into the hand of those who seek their life.
15 Cursed is the man who brought news to He will strike them with the edge of the
my father, saying, sword. He will not spare them, have pity,
“A boy is born to you,” making him or have mercy.” ’
very glad. 8 “You shall say to this people, ‘Yahweh
16 Let that man be as the cities which Yah- says: “Behold, I set before you the way
weh overthrew, of life and the way of death. 9 He who
and didn’t repent. remains in this city will die by the sword,
Let him hear a cry in the morning, by the famine, and by the pestilence, but
and shouting at noontime, he who goes out and passes over to the
17 because he didn’t kill me from the Chaldeans who besiege you, he will live,
womb. and he will escape with his life. 10 For I
So my mother would have been my have set my face on this city for evil, and
grave, not for good,” says Yahweh. “It will be
and her womb always great. given into the hand of the king of Babylon,
18 Why did I come out of the womb to see
and he will burn it with fire.” ’
labor and sorrow, 11 “Concerning the house of the king of
that my days should be consumed Judah, hear Yahweh’s word: 12 House of
with shame? David, Yahweh says,
21 ‘Execute justice in the morning,
and deliver him who is robbed out of
1 The word which came to Jeremiah
the hand of the oppressor,
from Yahweh, when King Zedekiah sent
to him Pashhur the son of Malchijah, and lest my wrath go out like fire,
Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah, the priest, and burn so that no one can quench it,
saying, 2 “Please inquire of Yahweh for because of the evil of your doings.
us; for Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon 13 Behold, I am against you, O inhabitant of
makes war against us. Perhaps Yahweh the valley,
Jeremiah 21:14 883 Jeremiah 22:21

and of the rock of the plain,’ says Yah- and not see his native country.
weh. 11 For Yahweh says touching Shallum the
‘You that say, “Who would come down son of Josiah, king of Judah, who reigned
against us?” instead of Josiah his father, and who went
or, “Who would enter into our out of this place: “He won’t return there
homes?” any more. 12 But he will die in the place
14 I will punish you according to the fruit of
where they have led him captive. He will
your doings, says Yahweh;
see this land no more.”
and I will kindle a fire in her forest, 13 “Woe to him who builds his house by
and it will devour all that is around unrighteousness,
her.’ ”
and his rooms by injustice;
22 who uses his neighbor’s service without
1 Yahweh said, “Go down to the house wages,
of the king of Judah, and speak this word and doesn’t give him his hire;
there: 2 ‘Hear Yahweh’s word, king of Ju- 14 who says, ‘I will build myself a wide
dah, who sits on David’s throne—you, your house and spacious rooms,’
servants, and your people who enter in and cuts out windows for himself,
by these gates. 3 Yahweh says: “Execute with a cedar ceiling,
justice and righteousness, and deliver him and painted with red.
who is robbed out of the hand of the op-
15 “Should you reign because you strive to
pressor. Do no wrong. Do no violence to
the foreigner, the fatherless, or the widow. excel in cedar?
Don’t shed innocent blood in this place. Didn’t your father eat and drink,
4 For if you do this thing indeed, then kings and do justice and righteousness?
sitting on David’s throne will enter in by Then it was well with him.
16 He judged the cause of the poor and
the gates of this house, riding in chariots
and on horses—they, their servants, and
so then it was well.
their people. 5 But if you will not hear Wasn’t this to know me?”
these words, I swear by myself,” says Yah- says Yahweh.
weh, “that this house will become a desola- 17 But your eyes and your heart are only for
tion.” ’ ” your covetousness,
6 For Yahweh says concerning the house
for shedding innocent blood,
of the king of Judah: for oppression, and for doing vio-
“You are Gilead to me, lence.”
the head of Lebanon. 18 Therefore Yahweh says concerning Je-
Yet surely I will make you a wilderness, hoiakim the son of Josiah, king of Judah:
cities which are not inhabited. “They won’t lament for him,
7 I will prepare destroyers against you,
everyone with his weapons, saying, ‘Ah my brother!’ or, ‘Ah sister!’
and they will cut down your choice cedars, They won’t lament for him,
and cast them into the fire. saying ‘Ah lord!’ or, ‘Ah his glory!’
8 “Many nations will pass by this city, 19 He will be buried with the burial of a

and they will each ask his neighbor, ‘Why donkey,

has Yahweh done this to this great city?’ drawn and cast out beyond the gates of
9 Then they will answer, ‘Because they Jerusalem.”
abandoned the covenant of Yahweh their 20 “Go up to Lebanon, and cry out.
God, worshiped other gods, and served
them.’ ” Lift up your voice in Bashan,
10 Don’t weep for the dead. and cry from Abarim;
Don’t bemoan him; for all your lovers have been de-
but weep bitterly for him who goes away, stroyed.
for he will return no more, 21 I spoke to you in your prosperity,
Jeremiah 22:22 884 Jeremiah 23:12

but you said, ‘I will not listen.’ of your doings,” says Yahweh. 3 “I will
This has been your way from your youth, gather the remnant of my flock out of all
that you didn’t obey my voice. the countries where I have driven them,
22 The wind will feed all your shepherds, and will bring them again to their folds;
and your lovers will go into captivity. and they will be fruitful and multiply. 4 I
Surely then you will be ashamed will set up shepherds over them who will
and confounded for all your wicked- feed them. They will no longer be afraid
ness. or dismayed, neither will any be lacking,”
23 Inhabitant of Lebanon, says Yahweh.
who makes your nest in the cedars, 5 “Behold, the days come,” says Yahweh,
how greatly to be pitied you will be when “that I will raise to David a righteous
pangs come on you, Branch;
the pain as of a woman in travail! and he will reign as king and deal wisely,
24 “As I live,” says Yahweh, “though Co-
and will execute justice and righteous-
niah the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah ness in the land.
were the signet on my right hand, I would 6 In his days Judah will be saved,
still pluck you from there. 25 I would and Israel will dwell safely.
give you into the hand of those who seek This is his name by which he will be called:
your life, and into the hand of them of Yahweh our righteousness.
whom you are afraid, even into the hand 7 “Therefore, behold, the days come,” says
of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and Yahweh, “that they will no more say, ‘As
into the hand of the Chaldeans. 26 I will Yahweh lives, who brought up the children
cast you out with your mother who bore
you into another country, where you were of Israel out of the land of Egypt;’ 8 but, ‘As
Yahweh lives, who brought up and who led
not born; and there you will die. 27 But to
the offspring of the house of Israel out of
the land to which their soul longs to return,
the north country, and from all the coun-
there they will not return.”
28 Is this man Coniah a despised broken tries where I had driven them.’ Then they
will dwell in their own land.”
vessel? 9 Concerning the prophets:
Is he a vessel in which no one delights?
Why are they cast out, he and his offspring, My heart within me is broken.
and cast into a land which they don’t All my bones shake.
know? I am like a drunken man,
29 O earth, earth, earth, and like a man whom wine has over-
hear Yahweh’s word! come,
30 Yahweh says, because of Yahweh,
“Record this man as childless, and because of his holy words.
a man who will not prosper in his 10 “For the land is full of adulterers;
days; for because of the curse the land
for no more will a man of his offspring mourns.
prosper, The pastures of the wilderness have dried
sitting on David’s throne up.
and ruling in Judah.” Their course is evil,
and their might is not right;
1 “Woe to the shepherds who destroy and
11 for both prophet and priest are profane.
Yes, in my house I have found their
scatter the sheep of my pasture!” says wickedness,” says Yahweh.
12 Therefore their way will be to them as
Yahweh. 2 Therefore Yahweh, the God of
Israel, says against the shepherds who feed slippery places in the darkness.
my people: “You have scattered my flock, They will be driven on,
driven them away, and have not visited and fall therein;
them. Behold, I will visit on you the evil for I will bring evil on them,
Jeremiah 23:13 885 Jeremiah 23:35

even the year of their visitation,” says 22 But if they had stood in my council,
Yahweh. then they would have caused my peo-
13 “I have seen folly in the prophets of
ple to hear my words,
and would have turned them from their
Samaria. evil way,
They prophesied by Baal, and from the evil of their doings.
and caused my people Israel to err.
14 In the prophets of Jerusalem I have also 23
“Am I a God at hand,” says Yahweh,
seen a horrible thing: “and not a God afar off?
they commit adultery and walk in lies. 24 Can anyone hide himself in secret places
They strengthen the hands of evildoers, so that I can’t see him?” says Yahweh.
so that no one returns from his “Don’t I fill heaven and earth?” says
wickedness. Yahweh.
They have all become to me as Sodom, 25 “I have heard what the prophets have
and its inhabitants as Gomorrah.”
15 Therefore Yahweh of Armies says con- said, who prophesy lies in my name, say-
cerning the prophets: ing, ‘I had a dream! I had a dream!’ 26 How
long will this be in the heart of the prophets
“Behold, I will feed them with wormwood,
and make them drink poisoned water; who prophesy lies, even the prophets of
for from the prophets of Jerusalem the deceit of their own heart? They

ungodliness has gone out into all the intend to cause my people to forget my
land.” name by their dreams which they each
16 Yahweh of Armies says, tell his neighbor, as their fathers forgot
“Don’t listen to the words of the prophets my name because of Baal. 28 The prophet
who prophesy to you. who has a dream, let him tell a dream;
They teach you vanity. and he who has my word, let him speak
They speak a vision of their own heart, my word faithfully. What is the straw to
and not out of the mouth of Yahweh. the wheat?” says Yahweh. 29 “Isn’t my
17 They say continually to those who de- word like fire?” says Yahweh; “and like a
spise me, hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?
‘Yahweh has said, “You will have 30 “Therefore behold, I am against the
peace;” ’ prophets,” says Yahweh, “who each steal
and to everyone who walks in the stub- my words from his neighbor. 31 Behold,
bornness of his own heart they say, I am against the prophets,” says Yahweh,
‘No evil will come on you.’ “who use their tongues, and say, ‘He says.’
18 For who has stood in the council of Yah- 32 Behold, I am against those who proph-
weh, esy lying dreams,” says Yahweh, “who tell
that he should perceive and hear his them, and cause my people to err by their
word? lies, and by their vain boasting; yet I didn’t
Who has listened to my word, and
send them or command them. They don’t
heard it?
19 Behold, Yahweh’s storm, his wrath, has profit this people at all,” says Yahweh.
33 “When this people, or the prophet,
gone out.
Yes, a whirling storm! or a priest, asks you, saying, ‘What is the
It will burst on the head of the wicked. message from Yahweh?’ Then you shall
20 Yahweh’s anger will not return until he tell them, ‘ “What message? I will cast you
has executed off,” says Yahweh.’ 34 As for the prophet,
and performed the intents of his heart. the priest, and the people, who say, ‘The
In the latter days, you will understand message from Yahweh,’ I will even pun-
it perfectly. ish that man and his household. 35 You
21 I didn’t send these prophets, yet they ran. will say everyone to his neighbor, and
I didn’t speak to them, yet they proph- everyone to his brother, ‘What has Yah-
esied. weh answered?’ and, ‘What has Yahweh
Jeremiah 23:36 886 Jeremiah 25:9

said?’ 36 You will mention the message 8“

‘As the bad figs, which can’t be eaten,
from Yahweh no more, for every man’s they are so bad,’ surely Yahweh says, ‘So
own word has become his message; for I will give up Zedekiah the king of Ju-
you have perverted the words of the liv- dah, and his princes, and the remnant of
ing God, of Yahweh of Armies, our God. Jerusalem who remain in this land, and
37 You will say to the prophet, ‘What has those who dwell in the land of Egypt. 9 I
Yahweh answered you?’ and, ‘What has will even give them up to be tossed back
Yahweh spoken?’ 38 Although you say, ‘The and forth among all the kingdoms of the
message from Yahweh,’ therefore Yahweh earth for evil, to be a reproach and a
says: ‘Because you say this word, “The proverb, a taunt and a curse, in all places
message from Yahweh,” and I have sent to where I will drive them. 10 I will send
you, telling you not to say, “The message the sword, the famine, and the pestilence
from Yahweh,” 39 therefore behold, I will among them, until they are consumed
utterly forget you, and I will cast you off from off the land that I gave to them and
with the city that I gave to you and to to their fathers.’ ”
your fathers, away from my presence. 40 I
will bring an everlasting reproach on you, 25
and a perpetual shame, which will not be
1The word that came to Jeremiah con-
forgotten.’ ” cerning all the people of Judah, in the
fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah,
24 king of Judah (this was the first year of
1 Yahweh showed me, and behold, two Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon), 2 which
baskets of figs were set before Yahweh’s Jeremiah the prophet spoke to all the peo-
temple, after Nebuchadnezzar king of ple of Judah, and to all the inhabitants
Babylon had carried away captive Je- of Jerusalem: 3 From the thirteenth year
coniah the son of Jehoiakim, king of of Josiah the son of Amon, king of Judah,
Judah, and the princes of Judah, with the even to this day, these twenty-three years,
craftsmen and smiths, from Jerusalem, Yahweh’s word has come to me, and I have
and had brought them to Babylon. 2 One spoken to you, rising up early and speak-
basket had very good figs, like the figs that ing; but you have not listened.
are first-ripe; and the other basket had 4 Yahweh has sent to you all his servants
very bad figs, which could not be eaten, the prophets, rising up early and sending
they were so bad. them (but you have not listened or inclined
3 Then Yahweh asked me, “What do you your ear to hear), 5 saying, “Return now ev-
see, Jeremiah?” eryone from his evil way, and from the evil
I said, “Figs. The good figs are very good, of your doings, and dwell in the land that
and the bad are very bad, so bad that they Yahweh has given to you and to your fa-
can’t be eaten.” thers, from of old and even forever more.
4 Yahweh’s word came to me, saying, 6 Don’t go after other gods to serve them
5 “Yahweh, the God of Israel says: ‘Like or worship them, and don’t provoke me to
these good figs, so I will regard the captives anger with the work of your hands; then I
of Judah, whom I have sent out of this place will do you no harm.”
into the land of the Chaldeans, as good. 7 “Yet you have not listened to me,” says
6 For I will set my eyes on them for good,
Yahweh, “that you may provoke me to
and I will bring them again to this land. I anger with the work of your hands to your
will build them, and not pull them down. I own hurt.”
will plant them, and not pluck them up. 7 I 8 Therefore Yahweh of Armies says: “Be-
will give them a heart to know me, that I cause you have not heard my words,
am Yahweh. They will be my people, and I 9 behold, I will send and take all the fam-
will be their God; for they will return to me ilies of the north,” says Yahweh, “and I
with their whole heart. will send to Nebuchadnezzar the king of
Jeremiah 25:10 887 Jeremiah 25:34

Babylon, my servant, and will bring them all the kings of Arabia, all the kings of the
against this land, and against its inhabi- mixed people who dwell in the wilderness;
tants, and against all these nations around. 25 and all the kings of Zimri, all the kings of
I will utterly destroy them, and make them Elam, and all the kings of the Medes; 26 and
an astonishment, and a hissing, and per- all the kings of the north, far and near,
petual desolations. 10 Moreover I will take one with another; and all the kingdoms
from them the voice of mirth and the voice of the world, which are on the surface of
of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom the earth. The king of Sheshach will drink
and the voice of the bride, the sound of after them.
the millstones, and the light of the lamp. 27 “You shall tell them, ‘Yahweh of
11 This whole land will be a desolation, and Armies, the God of Israel says: “Drink,
an astonishment; and these nations will and be drunk, vomit, fall, and rise no
serve the king of Babylon seventy years. more, because of the sword which I will
12 “It will happen, when seventy years send among you.” ’ 28 It shall be, if they
are accomplished, that I will punish the refuse to take the cup at your hand to
king of Babylon and that nation,” says Yah- drink, then you shall tell them, ‘Yahweh of
weh, “for their iniquity. I will make the Armies says: “You shall surely drink. 29 For,
land of the Chaldeans desolate forever. 13 I behold, I begin to work evil at the city
will bring on that land all my words which which is called by my name; and should
I have pronounced against it, even all that you be utterly unpunished? You will not
is written in this book, which Jeremiah has be unpunished; for I will call for a sword
prophesied against all the nations. 14 For on all the inhabitants of the earth, says
many nations and great kings will make Yahweh of Armies.” ’
30 “Therefore prophesy against them all
bondservants of them, even of them. I
will recompense them according to their these words, and tell them,
deeds, and according to the work of their “ ‘Yahweh will roar from on high,
hands.” and utter his voice from his holy habi-
15 For Yahweh, the God of Israel, says to tation.
me: “Take this cup of the wine of wrath He will mightily roar against his fold.
from my hand, and cause all the nations He will give a shout, as those who tread
to whom I send you to drink it. 16 They against all the inhabitants of the earth.
will drink, and reel back and forth, and 31 A noise will come even to the end of the
be insane, because of the sword that I will earth;
send among them.” for Yahweh has a controversy with the
17 Then I took the cup at Yahweh’s hand, nations.
and made all the nations to drink, to whom He will enter into judgment with all flesh.
Yahweh had sent me: 18 Jerusalem, and As for the wicked, he will give them to
the cities of Judah, with its kings and its the sword,” ’ says Yahweh.”
princes, to make them a desolation, an 32 Yahweh of Armies says,
astonishment, a hissing, and a curse, as it “Behold, evil will go out from nation to
is today; 19 Pharaoh king of Egypt, with his nation,
servants, his princes, and all his people; and a great storm will be raised up
20 and all the mixed people, and all the from the uttermost parts of the
kings of the land of Uz, all the kings of earth.”
33 The slain of Yahweh will be at that day
the Philistines, Ashkelon, Gaza, Ekron, and
the remnant of Ashdod; 21 Edom, Moab, from one end of the earth even to the other
and the children of Ammon; 22 and all the end of the earth. They won’t be lamented.
kings of Tyre, all the kings of Sidon, and They won’t be gathered or buried. They
the kings of the isle which is beyond the will be dung on the surface of the ground.
sea; 23 Dedan, Tema, Buz, and all who have 34 Wail, you shepherds, and cry.
the corners of their beard cut off; 24 and Wallow in dust, you leader of the flock;
Jeremiah 25:35 888 Jeremiah 26:20

for the days of your slaughter and of your 10 When the princes of Judah heard these
dispersions have fully come, things, they came up from the king’s house
and you will fall like fine pottery. to Yahweh’s house; and they sat in the
35 The shepherds will have no way to flee. entry of the new gate of Yahweh’s house.
The leader of the flock will have no 11 Then the priests and the prophets spoke
escape. to the princes and to all the people, saying,
36 A voice of the cry of the shepherds, “This man is worthy of death, for he has
and the wailing of the leader of the prophesied against this city, as you have
flock, heard with your ears.”
for Yahweh destroys their pasture. 12 Then Jeremiah spoke to all the princes
37 The peaceful folds are brought to silence
and to all the people, saying, “Yahweh sent
because of the fierce anger of Yahweh. me to prophesy against this house and
38 He has left his covert, as the lion; against this city all the words that you have
for their land has become an aston- heard. 13 Now therefore amend your ways
ishment because of the fierceness of and your doings, and obey Yahweh your
the oppression,
God’s voice; then Yahweh will relent from
and because of his fierce anger. the evil that he has pronounced against
you. 14 But as for me, behold, I am in your
26 hand. Do with me what is good and right
1 In the beginning of the reign of Je-
hoiakim the son of Josiah, king of Judah, in your eyes. 15 Only know for certain
that if you put me to death, you will bring
this word came from Yahweh: 2 “Yahweh
says: ‘Stand in the court of Yahweh’s innocent blood on yourselves, on this city,
house, and speak to all the cities of Judah and on its inhabitants; for in truth Yahweh
which come to worship in Yahweh’s house, has sent me to you to speak all these words
all the words that I command you to speak in your ears.”
16 Then the princes and all the people
to them. Don’t omit a word. 3 It may be
they will listen, and every man turn from said to the priests and to the prophets:
his evil way, that I may relent from the evil “This man is not worthy of death; for he
which I intend to do to them because of the has spoken to us in the name of Yahweh
evil of their doings.’ ” 4 You shall tell them, our God.”
17 Then certain of the elders of the
“Yahweh says: ‘If you will not listen to me,
to walk in my law which I have set before land rose up, and spoke to all the as-
you, 5 to listen to the words of my servants sembly of the people, saying, 18 “Micah
the prophets whom I send to you, even the Morashtite prophesied in the days of
rising up early and sending them—but you Hezekiah king of Judah; and he spoke to
have not listened— 6 then I will make this all the people of Judah, saying, ‘Yahweh of
house like Shiloh, and will make this city a Armies says:
curse to all the nations of the earth.’ ” “ ‘Zion will be plowed as a field,
7 The priests and the prophets and and Jerusalem will become heaps,
all the people heard Jeremiah speaking and the mountain of the house as the
these words in Yahweh’s house. 8 When high places of a forest.’
Jeremiah had finished speaking all that 19 Did Hezekiah king of Judah and all Judah
Yahweh had commanded him to speak to put him to death? Didn’t he fear Yah-
all the people, the priests and the prophets weh, and entreat the favor of Yahweh, and
and all the people seized him, saying, Yahweh relented of the disaster which he
“You shall surely die! 9 Why have you had pronounced against them? We would
prophesied in Yahweh’s name, saying, commit great evil against our own souls
‘This house will be like Shiloh, and this that way!”
city will be desolate, without inhabitant?’ ” 20 There was also a man who prophesied
All the people were crowded around in Yahweh’s name, Uriah the son of She-
Jeremiah in Yahweh’s house. maiah of Kiriath Jearim; and he prophe-
Jeremiah 26:21 889 Jeremiah 27:20

sied against this city and against this land and with pestilence, until I have consumed
according to all the words of Jeremiah. them by his hand. 9 But as for you, don’t
21 When Jehoiakim the king, with all his listen to your prophets, to your diviners,
mighty men and all the princes heard his to your dreams, to your soothsayers, or to
words, the king sought to put him to death; your sorcerers, who speak to you, saying,
but when Uriah heard it, he was afraid, “You shall not serve the king of Babylon;”
and fled, and went into Egypt. 22 Then 10 for they prophesy a lie to you, to remove
Jehoiakim the king sent Elnathan the son you far from your land, so that I would
of Achbor and certain men with him into drive you out, and you would perish. 11 But
Egypt. 23 They fetched Uriah out of Egypt the nation that brings their neck under the
and brought him to Jehoiakim the king, yoke of the king of Babylon and serves him,
who killed him with the sword and cast his that nation I will let remain in their own
dead body into the graves of the common land,’ says Yahweh; ‘and they will till it and
people. dwell in it.’ ” ’ ”
24 But the hand of Ahikam the son of 12 I spoke to Zedekiah king of Judah ac-
Shaphan was with Jeremiah, so that they cording to all these words, saying, “Bring
didn’t give him into the hand of the people your necks under the yoke of the king of
to put him to death. Babylon, and serve him and his people,
and live. 13 Why will you die, you and your
27 people, by the sword, by the famine, and
1 In the beginning of the reign of Je- by the pestilence, as Yahweh has spoken
hoiakim the son of Josiah, king of Judah, concerning the nation that will not serve
this word came to Jeremiah from Yahweh, the king of Babylon? 14 Don’t listen to the
saying, 2 Yahweh says to me: “Make bonds words of the prophets who speak to you,
and bars, and put them on your neck. saying, ‘You shall not serve the king of
3 Then send them to the king of Edom, to
Babylon;’ for they prophesy a lie to you.
the king of Moab, to the king of the children 15 For I have not sent them,” says Yahweh,
of Ammon, to the king of Tyre, and to the “but they prophesy falsely in my name;
king of Sidon, by the hand of the messen- that I may drive you out, and that you
gers who come to Jerusalem to Zedekiah may perish, you, and the prophets who
king of Judah. 4 Give them a command to prophesy to you.”
their masters, saying, ‘Yahweh of Armies, 16 Also I spoke to the priests and to all
the God of Israel says, “You shall tell your this people, saying, Yahweh says, “Don’t
masters: 5 ‘I have made the earth, the men, listen to the words of your prophets who
and the animals that are on the surface prophesy to you, saying, ‘Behold, the ves-
of the earth by my great power and by
sels of Yahweh’s house will now shortly
my outstretched arm. I give it to whom
be brought again from Babylon;’ for they
it seems right to me. 6 Now I have given
prophesy a lie to you. 17 Don’t listen to
all these lands into the hand of Nebuchad-
nezzar the king of Babylon, my servant. I them. Serve the king of Babylon, and live.
have also given the animals of the field to Why should this city become a desolation?
18 But if they are prophets, and if Yahweh’s
him to serve him. 7 All the nations will
serve him, his son, and his son’s son, until word is with them, let them now make
the time of his own land comes. Then intercession to Yahweh of Armies, that the
many nations and great kings will make vessels which are left in Yahweh’s house,
him their bondservant. in the house of the king of Judah, and at
8 “ ‘ “ ‘It will happen that I will punish Jerusalem, don’t go to Babylon. 19 For Yah-
the nation and the kingdom which will not weh of Armies says concerning the pillars,
serve the same Nebuchadnezzar king of concerning the sea, concerning the bases,
Babylon, and that will not put their neck and concerning the rest of the vessels that
under the yoke of the king of Babylon,’ says are left in this city, 20 which Nebuchadnez-
Yahweh, ‘with the sword, with famine, zar king of Babylon didn’t take when he
Jeremiah 27:21 890 Jeremiah 29:4

carried away captive Jeconiah the son of Then Hananiah the prophet took the
Jehoiakim, king of Judah, from Jerusalem bar from off the prophet Jeremiah’s neck,
to Babylon, and all the nobles of Judah and broke it. 11 Hananiah spoke in the
and Jerusalem— 21 yes, Yahweh of Armies, presence of all the people, saying, “Yahweh
the God of Israel, says concerning the ves- says: ‘Even so I will break the yoke of
sels that are left in Yahweh’s house, and Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon from off
in the house of the king of Judah, and the neck of all the nations within two full
at Jerusalem: 22 ‘They will be carried to years.’ ” Then the prophet Jeremiah went
Babylon, and there they will be, until the his way.
day that I visit them,’ says Yahweh; ‘then 12 Then Yahweh’s word came to
I will bring them up, and restore them to Jeremiah, after Hananiah the prophet had
this place.’ ” broken the bar from off the neck of the
prophet Jeremiah, saying, 13 “Go, and tell
28 Hananiah, saying, ‘Yahweh says, “You have
broken the bars of wood, but you have
1 That same year, in the beginning of
the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah, in the made in their place bars of iron.” 14 For
fourth year, in the fifth month, Hananiah Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel says,
the son of Azzur, the prophet, who was of “I have put a yoke of iron on the neck
Gibeon, spoke to me in Yahweh’s house, in of all these nations, that they may serve
the presence of the priests and of all the Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon; and
people, saying, 2 “Yahweh of Armies, the they will serve him. I have also given him
God of Israel, says, ‘I have broken the yoke the animals of the field.” ’ ”
15 Then the prophet Jeremiah said to
of the king of Babylon. 3 Within two full
years I will bring again into this place all Hananiah the prophet, “Listen, Hananiah!
the vessels of Yahweh’s house that Neb- Yahweh has not sent you, but you make
uchadnezzar king of Babylon took away this people trust in a lie. 16 Therefore
from this place and carried to Babylon. 4 I Yahweh says, ‘Behold, I will send you away
will bring again to this place Jeconiah the from off the surface of the earth. This
son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, with all year you will die, because you have spoken
the captives of Judah, who went to Baby- rebellion against Yahweh.’ ”
17 So Hananiah the prophet died the
lon,’ says Yahweh; ‘for I will break the yoke
of the king of Babylon.’ ” same year in the seventh month.
5 Then the prophet Jeremiah said to the
prophet Hananiah in the presence of the
Now these are the words of the let-
priests, and in the presence of all the peo- ter that Jeremiah the prophet sent from
ple who stood in Yahweh’s house, 6 even Jerusalem to the residue of the elders of
the prophet Jeremiah said, “Amen! May the captivity, and to the priests, to the
Yahweh do so. May Yahweh perform prophets, and to all the people whom Neb-
your words which you have prophesied, to uchadnezzar had carried away captive
bring again the vessels of Yahweh’s house, from Jerusalem to Babylon, 2 (after Jeco-
and all those who are captives, from Baby- niah the king, the queen mother, the eu-
lon to this place. 7 Nevertheless listen now nuchs, the princes of Judah and Jerusalem,
to this word that I speak in your ears, and the craftsmen, and the smiths had de-
in the ears of all the people: 8 The prophets parted from Jerusalem), 3 by the hand of
who have been before me and before you Elasah the son of Shaphan and Gemariah
of old prophesied against many countries, the son of Hilkiah, (whom Zedekiah king of
and against great kingdoms, of war, of evil, Judah sent to Babylon to Nebuchadnezzar
and of pestilence. 9 As for the prophet who king of Babylon). It said:
prophesies of peace, when the word of the 4 Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel,
prophet happens, then the prophet will be says to all the captives whom I have
known, that Yahweh has truly sent him.” caused to be carried away captive from
Jeremiah 29:5 891 Jeremiah 29:29

Jerusalem to Babylon: 5 “Build houses deliver them to be tossed back and forth
and dwell in them. Plant gardens and among all the kingdoms of the earth, to
eat their fruit. 6 Take wives and father be an object of horror, an astonishment,
sons and daughters. Take wives for a hissing, and a reproach among all
your sons, and give your daughters to the nations where I have driven them,
husbands, that they may bear sons and 19 because they have not listened to my
daughters. Multiply there, and don’t words,” says Yahweh, “with which I sent
be diminished. 7 Seek the peace of the to them my servants the prophets, ris-
city where I have caused you to be car- ing up early and sending them; but you
ried away captive, and pray to Yahweh would not hear,” says Yahweh.
for it; for in its peace you will have 20 Hear therefore Yahweh’s word, all
peace.” 8 For Yahweh of Armies, the God you captives whom I have sent away
of Israel says: “Don’t let your prophets from Jerusalem to Babylon. 21 Yahweh of
who are among you and your divin- Armies, the God of Israel, says concern-
ers deceive you. Don’t listen to your ing Ahab the son of Kolaiah, and con-
dreams which you cause to be dreamed. cerning Zedekiah the son of Maaseiah,
9 For they prophesy falsely to you in my who prophesy a lie to you in my name:
name. I have not sent them,” says Yah- “Behold, I will deliver them into the
weh. 10 For Yahweh says, “After seventy hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Baby-
years are accomplished for Babylon, I lon; and he will kill them before your
will visit you and perform my good word eyes. 22 A curse will be taken up about
toward you, in causing you to return to them by all the captives of Judah who
this place. 11 For I know the thoughts are in Babylon, saying, ‘Yahweh make
that I think toward you,” says Yahweh, you like Zedekiah and like Ahab, whom
“thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to the king of Babylon roasted in the fire;’
23 because they have done foolish things
give you hope and a future. 12 You shall
call on me, and you shall go and pray in Israel, and have committed adultery
to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You with their neighbors’ wives, and have
shall seek me and find me, when you spoken words in my name falsely, which
search for me with all your heart. 14 I I didn’t command them. I am he who
knows, and am witness,” says Yahweh.
will be found by you,” says Yahweh, “and
24 Concerning Shemaiah the Nehelamite
I will turn again your captivity, and I
will gather you from all the nations, and you shall speak, saying, 25 “Yahweh of
from all the places where I have driven Armies, the God of Israel, says, ‘Because
you, says Yahweh. I will bring you again you have sent letters in your own name to
to the place from where I caused you to all the people who are at Jerusalem, and to
be carried away captive.” Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah, the priest,
and to all the priests, saying, 26 “Yahweh
15 Because you have said, “Yahweh has made you priest in the place of Je-
has raised us up prophets in Babylon,” hoiada the priest, that there may be offi-
16 Yahweh says concerning the king who cers in Yahweh’s house, for every man who
sits on David’s throne, and concerning is crazy and makes himself a prophet, that
all the people who dwell in this city, your you should put him in the stocks and in
brothers who haven’t gone with you into shackles. 27 Now therefore, why have you
captivity, 17 Yahweh of Armies says: “Be- not rebuked Jeremiah of Anathoth, who
hold, I will send on them the sword, makes himself a prophet to you, 28 because
the famine, and the pestilence, and will he has sent to us in Babylon, saying, The
make them like rotten figs that can’t be captivity is long. Build houses, and dwell
eaten, they are so bad. 18 I will pur- in them. Plant gardens, and eat their
sue after them with the sword, with the fruit?” ’ ”
famine, and with the pestilence, and will 29 Zephaniah the priest read this letter
Jeremiah 29:30 892 Jeremiah 30:18

in the hearing of Jeremiah the prophet. and save your offspring from the land
30 Then Yahweh’s word came to Jeremiah, of their captivity.
saying, “Send to all of the captives, say- Jacob will return,
ing, ‘Yahweh says concerning Shemaiah and will be quiet and at ease.
the Nehelamite: “Because Shemaiah has No one will make him afraid.
prophesied to you, and I didn’t send him, 11 For I am with you, says Yahweh, to save
and he has caused you to trust in a lie,” you;
32 therefore Yahweh says, “Behold, I will for I will make a full end of all the
punish Shemaiah the Nehelamite and his nations where I have scattered you,
offspring. He will not have a man to dwell but I will not make a full end of you;
among this people. He won’t see the good but I will correct you in measure,
that I will do to my people,” says Yahweh, and will in no way leave you unpun-
“because he has spoken rebellion against ished.”
12 For Yahweh says,
Yahweh.” ’ ”
“Your hurt is incurable.
30 Your wound is grievous.
1 The word that came to Jeremiah from 13 There is no one to plead your cause,
Yahweh, saying, 2 “Yahweh, the God of Is- that you may be bound up.
rael, says, ‘Write all the words that I have You have no healing medicines.
14 All your lovers have forgotten you.
spoken to you in a book. 3 For, behold,
the days come,’ says Yahweh, ‘that I will They don’t seek you.
reverse the captivity of my people Israel For I have wounded you with the wound of
and Judah,’ says Yahweh. ‘I will cause them an enemy,
to return to the land that I gave to their with the chastisement of a cruel one,
fathers, and they will possess it.’ ” for the greatness of your iniquity,
4 These are the words that Yahweh spoke because your sins were increased.
15 Why do you cry over your injury?
concerning Israel and concerning Judah.
5 For Yahweh says: Your pain is incurable.
“We have heard a voice of trembling; For the greatness of your iniquity,
a voice of fear, and not of peace. because your sins have increased,
6 Ask now, and see whether a man travails I have done these things to you.
16 Therefore all those who devour you will
with child.
Why do I see every man with his hands be devoured.
on his waist, as a woman in travail, All your adversaries, everyone of
and all faces are turned pale? them, will go into captivity.
7 Alas, for that day is great, so that none is Those who plunder you will be plunder.
like it! I will make all who prey on you be-
It is even the time of Jacob’s trouble; come prey.
but he will be saved out of it. 17 For I will restore health to you,
8 It will come to pass in that day, says and I will heal you of your wounds,”
Yahweh of Armies, that I will break says Yahweh,
his yoke from off your neck, “because they have called you an outcast,
and will burst your bonds. saying, ‘It is Zion, whom no man seeks
Strangers will no more make them after.’ ”
their bondservants; 18 Yahweh says:
9 but they will serve Yahweh their God, “Behold, I will reverse the captivity of Ja-
and David their king, cob’s tents,
whom I will raise up to them. and have compassion on his dwelling
10 Therefore don’t be afraid, O Jacob my places.
servant, says Yahweh. The city will be built on its own hill,
Don’t be dismayed, Israel. and the palace will be inhabited in its
For, behold, I will save you from afar, own place.
Jeremiah 30:19 893 Jeremiah 31:14

19 Thanksgiving will proceed out of them and will enjoy its fruit.
with the voice of those who make 6 For there will be a day that the watchmen
merry. on the hills of Ephraim cry,
I will multiply them, ‘Arise! Let’s go up to Zion to Yahweh
and they will not be few; our God.’ ”
I will also glorify them, 7 For Yahweh says,
and they will not be small. “Sing with gladness for Jacob,
20 Their children also will be as before, and shout for the chief of the nations.
and their congregation will be estab- Publish, praise, and say,
lished before me. ‘Yahweh, save your people,
I will punish all who oppress them. the remnant of Israel!’
21 Their prince will be one of them, 8 Behold, I will bring them from the north
and their ruler will proceed from country,
among them. and gather them from the uttermost
I will cause him to draw near, parts of the earth,
and he will approach me; along with the blind and the lame,
for who is he who has had boldness to the woman with child and her who
approach me?” says Yahweh. travails with child together.
22 “You shall be my people, They will return as a great company.
9 They will come with weeping.
and I will be your God.
23 Behold, Yahweh’s storm, his wrath, has I will lead them with petitions.
gone out, I will cause them to walk by rivers of wa-
a sweeping storm; ters,
it will burst on the head of the wicked. in a straight way in which they won’t
24 The fierce anger of Yahweh will not re- stumble;
turn until he has accomplished, for I am a father to Israel.
and until he has performed the inten- Ephraim is my firstborn.
tions of his heart. 10 “Hear Yahweh’s word, you nations,
In the latter days you will understand
it.” and declare it in the distant islands.
31 ‘He who scattered Israel will gather him,
and keep him, as a shepherd does his
1 “At that time,” says Yahweh, “I will be
the God of all the families of Israel, and flock.’
11 For Yahweh has ransomed Jacob,
they will be my people.”
2 Yahweh says, “The people who survive and redeemed him from the hand of
the sword found favor in the wilderness; him who was stronger than he.
12 They will come and sing in the height of
even Israel, when I went to cause him to
rest.” Zion,
3 Yahweh appeared of old to me, saying, and will flow to the goodness of Yah-
“Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting weh,
love. to the grain, to the new wine, to the oil,
Therefore I have drawn you with lov- and to the young of the flock and of the
ing kindness. herd.
4 I will build you again, Their soul will be as a watered garden.
and you will be built, O virgin of Israel. They will not sorrow any more at all.
13 Then the virgin will rejoice in the dance,
You will again be adorned with your tam-
bourines, the young men and the old together;
and will go out in the dances of those for I will turn their mourning into joy,
who make merry. and will comfort them, and make
5 Again you will plant vineyards on the them rejoice from their sorrow.
14 I will satiate the soul of the priests with
mountains of Samaria.
The planters will plant, fatness,
Jeremiah 31:15 894 Jeremiah 31:34

and my people will be satisfied with For Yahweh has created a new thing in the
my goodness,” says Yahweh. earth:
a woman will encompass a man.”
15 Yahweh says:
23 Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel,
“A voice is heard in Ramah,
lamentation and bitter weeping, says: “Yet again they will use this speech in
Rachel weeping for her children. the land of Judah and in its cities, when I
She refuses to be comforted for her reverse their captivity: ‘Yahweh bless you,
children, habitation of righteousness, mountain of
because they are no more.” holiness.’ 24 Judah and all its cities will
16 Yahweh says: dwell therein together, the farmers, and
“Refrain your voice from weeping, those who go about with flocks. 25 For I
and your eyes from tears, have satiated the weary soul, and I have
for your work will be rewarded,” says replenished every sorrowful soul.”
Yahweh. 26 On this I awakened, and saw; and my
“They will come again from the land of sleep was sweet to me.
the enemy. 27 “Behold, the days come,” says Yahweh,
17 There is hope for your latter end,” says
“that I will sow the house of Israel and
Yahweh. the house of Judah with the seed of man
“Your children will come again to their and with the seed of animal. 28 It will
own territory. happen that, like as I have watched over
them to pluck up and to break down and
18 “I have surely heard Ephraim grieving
to overthrow and to destroy and to afflict,
thus, so I will watch over them to build and to
‘You have chastised me, plant,” says Yahweh. 29 “In those days they
and I was chastised, as an untrained will say no more,
calf. “ ‘The fathers have eaten sour grapes,
Turn me, and I will be turned, and the children’s teeth are set on
for you are Yahweh my God. edge.’
19 Surely after that I was turned. 30 But everyone will die for his own iniq-
I repented. uity. Every man who eats the sour grapes,
After that I was instructed. his teeth will be set on edge.
I struck my thigh. 31 “Behold, the days come,” says Yahweh,
I was ashamed, yes, even confounded, “that I will make a new covenant with the
because I bore the reproach of my house of Israel, and with the house of Ju-
youth.’ dah, 32 not according to the covenant that
20 Is Ephraim my dear son?
I made with their fathers in the day that I
Is he a darling child? took them by the hand to bring them out
For as often as I speak against him, of the land of Egypt, which covenant of
I still earnestly remember him. mine they broke, although I was a husband
Therefore my heart yearns for him. to them,” says Yahweh. 33 “But this is the
I will surely have mercy on him,” says covenant that I will make with the house
Yahweh. of Israel after those days,” says Yahweh:
21 “Set up road signs.
“I will put my law in their inward parts,
and I will write it in their heart.
Make guideposts. I will be their God,
Set your heart toward the highway, and they shall be my people.
even the way by which you went. 34 They will no longer each teach his neigh-
Turn again, virgin of Israel. bor,
Turn again to these your cities. and every man teach his brother, say-
22 How long will you go here and there, ing, ‘Know Yahweh;’
you backsliding daughter? for they will all know me,
Jeremiah 31:35 895 Jeremiah 32:15

from their least to their greatest,” says of Judah won’t escape out of the hand of
Yahweh, the Chaldeans, but will surely be delivered
“for I will forgive their iniquity, into the hand of the king of Babylon, and
and I will remember their sin no will speak with him mouth to mouth, and
more.” his eyes will see his eyes; 5 and he will bring
35 Yahweh, who gives the sun for a light by
Zedekiah to Babylon, and he will be there
day, until I visit him,” says Yahweh, “though
and the ordinances of the moon and of you fight with the Chaldeans, you will not
the stars for a light by night,
prosper?” ’ ”
who stirs up the sea, so that its waves
roar— 6Jeremiah said, “Yahweh’s word came
Yahweh of Armies is his name, says: to me, saying, 7 ‘Behold, Hanamel the son
36 “If these ordinances depart from before
of Shallum your uncle will come to you,
me,” says Yahweh, saying, “Buy my field that is in Anathoth;
“then the offspring of Israel also will for the right of redemption is yours to buy
cease from being a nation before me it.” ’ ”
forever.” 8 “So Hanamel my uncle’s son came to
37 Yahweh says: “If heaven above can be
measured, me in the court of the guard according to
and the foundations of the earth Yahweh’s word, and said to me, ‘Please
searched out beneath, buy my field that is in Anathoth, which is
then I will also cast off all the offspring in the land of Benjamin; for the right of
of Israel for all that they have done,” inheritance is yours, and the redemption is
says Yahweh. yours. Buy it for yourself.’
38 “Behold, the days come,” says Yahweh,
“Then I knew that this was Yahweh’s
“that the city will be built to Yahweh from word. 9 I bought the field that was in
the tower of Hananel to the gate of the Anathoth of Hanamel my uncle’s son, and
corner. 39 The measuring line will go out weighed him the money, even seventeen
further straight onward to the hill Gareb, shekels† of silver. 10 I signed the deed,
and will turn toward Goah. 40 The whole sealed it, called witnesses, and weighed
valley of the dead bodies and of the ashes, the money in the balances to him. 11 So
and all the fields to the brook Kidron, to I took the deed of the purchase, both that
the corner of the horse gate toward the which was sealed, containing the terms
east, will be holy to Yahweh. It will not and conditions, and that which was open;
be plucked up or thrown down any more 12 and I delivered the deed of the purchase
forever.” to Baruch the son of Neriah, the son of

1 This
32 Mahseiah, in the presence of Hanamel my
uncle’s son, and in the presence of the
is the word that came to Jeremiah
from Yahweh in the tenth year of Zedekiah witnesses who signed the deed of the pur-
king of Judah, which was the eighteenth chase, before all the Jews who sat in the
year of Nebuchadnezzar. 2 Now at that court of the guard.
time the king of Babylon’s army was be- “I commanded Baruch before them,
sieging Jerusalem. Jeremiah the prophet saying, 14 Yahweh of Armies, the God of
was shut up in the court of the guard, Israel, says: ‘Take these deeds, this deed
which was in the king of Judah’s house. of the purchase which is sealed, and this
3 For Zedekiah king of Judah had shut deed which is open, and put them in an
him up, saying, “Why do you prophesy, earthen vessel, that they may last many
and say, ‘Yahweh says, “Behold, I will give days.’ 15 For Yahweh of Armies, the God
this city into the hand of the king of Baby- of Israel says: ‘Houses and fields and vine-
lon, and he will take it; 4 and Zedekiah king yards will yet again be bought in this land.’
† 32:9 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces.
Jeremiah 32:16 896 Jeremiah 32:40

16 Now after I had delivered the deed of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and he
the purchase to Baruch the son of Neriah, I will take it. 29 The Chaldeans, who fight
prayed to Yahweh, saying, against this city, will come and set this
city on fire, and burn it with the houses
17 “Ah Lord Yahweh! Behold, you have
on whose roofs they have offered incense
made the heavens and the earth by your to Baal, and poured out drink offerings to
great power and by your outstretched other gods, to provoke me to anger.
arm. There is nothing too hard for 30 “For the children of Israel and the chil-
you. 18 You show loving kindness to dren of Judah have done only that which
thousands, and repay the iniquity of the was evil in my sight from their youth; for
fathers into the bosom of their children the children of Israel have only provoked
after them. The great, the mighty God, me to anger with the work of their hands,
Yahweh of Armies is your name: 19 great says Yahweh. 31 For this city has been
in counsel, and mighty in work; whose to me a provocation of my anger and of
eyes are open to all the ways of the chil- my wrath from the day that they built it
dren of men, to give everyone according even to this day, so that I should remove
to his ways, and according to the fruit
it from before my face, 32 because of all
of his doings; 20 who performed signs the evil of the children of Israel and of the
and wonders in the land of Egypt, even children of Judah, which they have done
to this day, both in Israel and among to provoke me to anger—they, their kings,
other men; and made yourself a name, their princes, their priests, their prophets,
as it is today; 21 and brought your people the men of Judah, and the inhabitants of
Israel out of the land of Egypt with signs, Jerusalem. 33 They have turned their backs
with wonders, with a strong hand, with to me, and not their faces. Although I
an outstretched arm, and with great ter- taught them, rising up early and teaching
ror; 22 and gave them this land, which them, yet they have not listened to receive
you swore to their fathers to give them, instruction. 34 But they set their abom-
a land flowing with milk and honey. inations in the house which is called by
23 They came in and possessed it, but
my name, to defile it. 35 They built the
they didn’t obey your voice and didn’t high places of Baal, which are in the valley
walk in your law. They have done noth- of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons
ing of all that you commanded them to and their daughters to pass through fire to
do. Therefore you have caused all this Molech, which I didn’t command them. It
evil to come upon them. didn’t even come into my mind, that they
24 “Behold, siege ramps have been should do this abomination, to cause Judah
built against the city to take it. The city to sin.”
is given into the hand of the Chaldeans 36 Now therefore Yahweh, the God of
who fight against it, because of the Israel, says concerning this city, about
sword, of the famine, and of the pesti- which you say, “It is given into the hand of
lence. What you have spoken has hap- the king of Babylon by the sword, by the
pened. Behold, you see it. 25 You have famine, and by the pestilence:” 37 “Behold,
said to me, Lord Yahweh, ‘Buy the field I will gather them out of all the countries
for money, and call witnesses;’ whereas where I have driven them in my anger,
the city is given into the hand of the and in my wrath, and in great indignation;
Chaldeans.” and I will bring them again to this place.
26 Then Yahweh’s word came to I will cause them to dwell safely. 38 Then
Jeremiah, saying, 27 “Behold, I am Yahweh, they will be my people, and I will be their
the God of all flesh. Is there anything too God. 39 I will give them one heart and one
hard for me? 28 Therefore Yahweh says: way, that they may fear me forever, for
Behold, I will give this city into the hand their good and the good of their children
of the Chaldeans, and into the hand of after them. 40 I will make an everlasting
Jeremiah 32:41 897 Jeremiah 32:18

covenant with them, that I will not turn by which they have transgressed against
away from following them, to do them me. 9 This city will be to me for a name
good. I will put my fear in their hearts, that of joy, for praise, and for glory, before all
they may not depart from me. 41 Yes, I will the nations of the earth, which will hear
rejoice over them to do them good, and I all the good that I do to them, and will fear
will plant them in this land assuredly with and tremble for all the good and for all the
my whole heart and with my whole soul.” peace that I provide to it.’ ”
42 For Yahweh says: “Just as I have 10 Yahweh says: “Yet again there will

brought all this great evil on this people, be heard in this place, about which you
so I will bring on them all the good that say, ‘It is waste, without man and without
I have promised them. 43 Fields will be animal, even in the cities of Judah, and in
bought in this land, about which you say, the streets of Jerusalem, that are desolate,
‘It is desolate, without man or animal. It without man and without inhabitant and
is given into the hand of the Chaldeans.’ without animal,’ 11 the voice of joy and the
44 Men will buy fields for money, sign the voice of gladness, the voice of the bride-
deeds, seal them, and call witnesses, in the groom and the voice of the bride, the voice
land of Benjamin, and in the places around of those who say, ‘Give thanks to Yahweh
Jerusalem, in the cities of Judah, in the of Armies, for Yahweh is good, for his lov-
cities of the hill country, in the cities of the ing kindness endures forever;’ who bring
lowland, and in the cities of the South; for thanksgiving into Yahweh’s house. For I
I will cause their captivity to be reversed,” will cause the captivity of the land to be
says Yahweh. reversed as at the first,” says Yahweh.
12 Yahweh of Armies says: “Yet again
there will be in this place, which is waste,
33 without man and without animal, and in
1 Moreover Yahweh’s word came to all its cities, a habitation of shepherds
Jeremiah the second time, while he was
still locked up in the court of the guard, causing their flocks to lie down. 13 In the
saying, 2 “Yahweh who does it, Yahweh cities of the hill country, in the cities of
who forms it to establish it—Yahweh is the lowland, in the cities of the South, in
his name, says: 3 ‘Call to me, and I will the land of Benjamin, in the places around
answer you, and will show you great and Jerusalem, and in the cities of Judah, the
difficult things, which you don’t know.’ flocks will again pass under the hands of
4 For Yahweh, the God of Israel, says con- him who counts them,” says Yahweh.
14 “Behold, the days come,” says Yahweh,
cerning the houses of this city and con-
cerning the houses of the kings of Judah, “that I will perform that good word which
which are broken down to make a de- I have spoken concerning the house of Is-
fense against the mounds and against the rael and concerning the house of Judah.
sword: 5 ‘While men come to fight with the 15 “In those days and at that time,
Chaldeans, and to fill them with the dead I will cause a Branch of righteousness
bodies of men, whom I have killed in my to grow up to David.
anger and in my wrath, and for all whose He will execute justice and righteous-
wickedness I have hidden my face from ness in the land.
this city, 6 behold, I will bring it health and 16 In those days Judah will be saved,
healing, and I will cure them; and I will and Jerusalem will dwell safely.
reveal to them abundance of peace and This is the name by which she will be
truth. 7 I will restore the fortunes of Judah called:
and Israel, and will build them as at the Yahweh our righteousness.”
first. 8 I will cleanse them from all their 17 For Yahweh says: “David will never
iniquity by which they have sinned against lack a man to sit on the throne of the house
me. I will pardon all their iniquities by of Israel. 18 The Levitical priests won’t lack
which they have sinned against me and a man before me to offer burnt offerings,
Jeremiah 32:19 898 Jeremiah 34:16

to burn meal offerings, and to do sacrifice you, ‘You won’t die by the sword. 5 You will
continually.” die in peace; and with the burnings of your
19 Yahweh’s word came to Jeremiah, say- fathers, the former kings who were before
ing, 20 “Yahweh says: ‘If you can break my you, so they will make a burning for you.
covenant of the day and my covenant of They will lament you, saying, “Ah Lord!”
the night, so that there will not be day and for I have spoken the word,’ says Yahweh.”
night in their time, 21 then my covenant 6 Then Jeremiah the prophet spoke all
could also be broken with David my ser- these words to Zedekiah king of Judah in
vant, that he won’t have a son to reign on Jerusalem, 7 when the king of Babylon’s
his throne; and with the Levitical priests, army was fighting against Jerusalem and
my ministers. 22 As the army of the sky against all the cities of Judah that were left,
can’t be counted, and the sand of the sea against Lachish and against Azekah; for
can’t be measured, so I will multiply the these alone remained of the cities of Judah
offspring of David my servant and the as fortified cities.
Levites who minister to me.’ ” 8 The word came to Jeremiah from Yah-
23 Yahweh’s word came to Jeremiah, say-
weh, after King Zedekiah had made a
ing, 24 “Don’t consider what this people has covenant with all the people who were
spoken, saying, ‘Has Yahweh cast off the at Jerusalem, to proclaim liberty to them,
two families which he chose?’ Thus they 9 that every man should let his male ser-
despise my people, that they should be no vant, and every man his female servant,
more a nation before them.” 25 Yahweh who is a Hebrew or a Hebrewess, go free,
says: “If my covenant of day and night that no one should make bondservants of
fails, if I have not appointed the ordi- them, of a Jew his brother. 10 All the
nances of heaven and earth, 26 then I will princes and all the people obeyed who had
also cast away the offspring of Jacob, and entered into the covenant, that everyone
of David my servant, so that I will not should let his male servant and everyone
take of his offspring to be rulers over the his female servant go free, that no one
offspring of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; for should make bondservants of them any
I will cause their captivity to be reversed more. They obeyed and let them go, 11 but
and will have mercy on them.” afterwards they turned, and caused the
servants and the handmaids whom they
34 had let go free to return, and brought them
1 The word which came to Jeremiah from
into subjection for servants and for hand-
Yahweh, when Nebuchadnezzar king of maids.
Babylon, with all his army, all the king- 12 Therefore Yahweh’s word came
doms of the earth that were under his do- to Jeremiah from Yahweh, saying,
minion, and all the peoples, were fighting 13 “Yahweh, the God of Israel, says: ‘I made
against Jerusalem and against all its cities, a covenant with your fathers in the day
saying: 2 “Yahweh, the God of Israel, says, that I brought them out of the land of
‘Go, and speak to Zedekiah king of Judah, Egypt, out of the house of bondage, saying:
and tell him, Yahweh says, “Behold, I will 14 At the end of seven years, every man
give this city into the hand of the king of you shall release his brother who is a
of Babylon and he will burn it with fire. Hebrew, who has been sold to you, and
3 You won’t escape out of his hand, but
has served you six years. You shall let him
will surely be taken and delivered into his go free from you. But your fathers didn’t
hand. Your eyes will see the eyes of the listen to me, and didn’t incline their ear.
king of Babylon, and he will speak with 15 You had now turned, and had done that
you mouth to mouth. You will go to Baby- which is right in my eyes, in every man
lon.” ’ proclaiming liberty to his neighbor. You
4 “Yet hear Yahweh’s word, O Zedekiah had made a covenant before me in the
king of Judah. Yahweh says concerning house which is called by my name; 16 but
Jeremiah 34:17 899 Jeremiah 35:16

you turned and profaned my name, and the man of God, which was by the room of
every man caused his servant and every the princes, which was above the room of
man his handmaid, whom you had let Maaseiah the son of Shallum, the keeper of
go free at their pleasure, to return. You the threshold. 5 I set before the sons of the
brought them into subjection, to be to you house of the Rechabites bowls full of wine,
for servants and for handmaids.’ ” and cups; and I said to them, “Drink wine!”
17 Therefore Yahweh says: “You have not 6 But they said, “We will drink no wine;
listened to me, to proclaim liberty, every for Jonadab the son of Rechab, our father,
man to his brother, and every man to his commanded us, saying, ‘You shall drink
neighbor. Behold, I proclaim to you a no wine, neither you nor your children,
liberty,” says Yahweh, “to the sword, to the forever. 7 You shall not build a house, sow
pestilence, and to the famine. I will make seed, plant a vineyard, or have any; but all
you be tossed back and forth among all the your days you shall dwell in tents, that you
kingdoms of the earth. 18 I will give the may live many days in the land in which
men who have transgressed my covenant, you live as nomads.’ 8 We have obeyed
who have not performed the words of the voice of Jonadab the son of Rechab,
the covenant which they made before me our father, in all that he commanded us, to
when they cut the calf in two and passed drink no wine all our days, we, our wives,
between its parts: 19 the princes of Judah, our sons, or our daughters; 9 and not to
the princes of Jerusalem, the eunuchs, the build houses for ourselves to dwell in. We
priests, and all the people of the land, who have no vineyard, field, or seed; 10 but
passed between the parts of the calf. 20 I we have lived in tents, and have obeyed,
will even give them into the hand of their and done according to all that Jonadab
enemies and into the hand of those who our father commanded us. 11 But when
seek their life. Their dead bodies will be Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came up
food for the birds of the sky and for the into the land, we said, ‘Come! Let’s go
animals of the earth. to Jerusalem for fear of the army of the
21 “I will give Zedekiah king of Judah and
Chaldeans, and for fear of the army of the
his princes into the hands of their enemies, Syrians; so we will dwell at Jerusalem.’ ”
into the hands of those who seek their life
and into the hands of the king of Baby- 12 Then Yahweh’s word came to
lon’s army, who has gone away from you. Jeremiah, saying, 13 “Yahweh of Armies,
22 Behold, I will command,” says Yahweh, the God of Israel, says: ‘Go and tell the men
“and cause them to return to this city. They of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem,
will fight against it, take it, and burn it “Will you not receive instruction to listen
with fire. I will make the cities of Judah a to my words?” says Yahweh. 14 “The
desolation, without inhabitant.” words of Jonadab the son of Rechab that
he commanded his sons, not to drink
35 wine, are performed; and to this day they
1 The word which came to Jeremiah from drink none, for they obey their father’s
Yahweh in the days of Jehoiakim the son commandment; but I have spoken to you,
of Josiah, king of Judah, saying, 2 “Go to rising up early and speaking, and you have
the house of the Rechabites, and speak not listened to me. 15 I have sent also to
to them, and bring them into Yahweh’s you all my servants the prophets, rising
house, into one of the rooms, and give up early and sending them, saying, ‘Every
them wine to drink.” one of you must return now from his evil
3 Then I took Jaazaniah the son of way, amend your doings, and don’t go after
Jeremiah, the son of Habazziniah, with other gods to serve them. Then you will
his brothers, all his sons, and the whole dwell in the land which I have given to
house of the Rechabites; 4 and I brought you and to your fathers;’ but you have
them into Yahweh’s house, into the room not inclined your ear, nor listened to me.
of the sons of Hanan the son of Igdaliah, 16 The sons of Jonadab the son of Rechab
Jeremiah 35:17 900 Jeremiah 36:20

have performed the commandment of 8 Baruch the son of Neriah did accord-
their father which he commanded them, ing to all that Jeremiah the prophet com-
but this people has not listened to me.” ’ manded him, reading in the book Yah-
17 “Therefore Yahweh, the God of weh’s words in Yahweh’s house. 9 Now
Armies, the God of Israel, says: ‘Behold, in the fifth year of Jehoiakim the son of
I will bring on Judah and on all the Josiah, king of Judah, in the ninth month,
inhabitants of Jerusalem all the evil that all the people in Jerusalem and all the
I have pronounced against them, because people who came from the cities of Ju-
I have spoken to them, but they have not dah to Jerusalem, proclaimed a fast before
heard; and I have called to them, but they Yahweh. 10 Then Baruch read the words
have not answered.’ ” of Jeremiah from the book in Yahweh’s
18 Jeremiah said to the house of the house, in the room of Gemariah the son
of Shaphan the scribe, in the upper court,
Rechabites, “Yahweh of Armies, the God
of Israel, says: ‘Because you have obeyed at the entry of the new gate of Yahweh’s
the commandment of Jonadab your father, house, in the ears of all the people.
11 When Micaiah the son of Gemariah,
and kept all his precepts, and done ac-
cording to all that he commanded you,’ the son of Shaphan, had heard out of the
19 therefore Yahweh of Armies, the God of book all Yahweh’s words, 12 he went down
Israel, says: ‘Jonadab the son of Rechab into the king’s house, into the scribe’s
will not lack a man to stand before me room; and behold, all the princes were
forever.’ ” sitting there, Elishama the scribe, Delaiah
the son of Shemaiah, Elnathan the son
36 of Achbor, Gemariah the son of Shaphan,
Zedekiah the son of Hananiah, and all the
1 In the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son
princes. 13 Then Micaiah declared to them
of Josiah, king of Judah, this word came
all the words that he had heard, when
to Jeremiah from Yahweh, saying, 2 “Take Baruch read the book in the ears of the peo-
a scroll of a book, and write in it all the ple. 14 Therefore all the princes sent Jehudi
words that I have spoken to you against
the son of Nethaniah, the son of Shelemiah,
Israel, against Judah, and against all the the son of Cushi, to Baruch, saying, “Take
nations, from the day I spoke to you, from in your hand the scroll in which you have
the days of Josiah even to this day. 3 It may read in the ears of the people, and come.”
be that the house of Judah will hear all the
So Baruch the son of Neriah took the
evil which I intend to do to them, that they scroll in his hand, and came to them.
may each return from his evil way; that I 15 They said to him, “Sit down now, and
may forgive their iniquity and their sin.” read it in our hearing.”
4 Then Jeremiah called Baruch the son of
So Baruch read it in their hearing.
Neriah; and Baruch wrote from the mouth 16 Now when they had heard all the
of Jeremiah all Yahweh’s words, which he words, they turned in fear one toward
had spoken to him, on a scroll of a book. another, and said to Baruch, “We will
5 Jeremiah commanded Baruch, saying, “I
surely tell the king of all these words.”
am restricted. I can’t go into Yahweh’s 17 They asked Baruch, saying, “Tell us now,
house. 6 Therefore you go, and read from how did you write all these words at his
the scroll which you have written from my mouth?”
mouth, Yahweh’s words, in the ears of the 18 Then Baruch answered them, “He dic-
people in Yahweh’s house on the fast day. tated all these words to me with his mouth,
Also you shall read them in the ears of all and I wrote them with ink in the book.”
19 Then the princes said to Baruch, “You
Judah who come out of their cities. 7 It
may be they will present their supplication and Jeremiah go hide. Don’t let anyone
before Yahweh, and will each return from know where you are.”
his evil way; for Yahweh has pronounced 20 They went in to the king into the court,
great anger and wrath against this people.” but they had laid up the scroll in the room
Jeremiah 36:21 901 Jeremiah 37:13

of Elishama the scribe. Then they told and gave it to Baruch the scribe, the son of
all the words in the hearing of the king. Neriah, who wrote therein from the mouth
21 So the king sent Jehudi to get the scroll, of Jeremiah all the words of the book
and he took it out of the room of Elishama which Jehoiakim king of Judah had burned
the scribe. Jehudi read it in the hearing in the fire; and many similar words were
of the king, and in the hearing of all the added to them.
princes who stood beside the king. 22 Now
the king was sitting in the winter house in 37
the ninth month, and there was a fire in 1 Zedekiah the son of Josiah reigned
the brazier burning before him. 23 When as king instead of Coniah the son of Je-
Jehudi had read three or four columns, the hoiakim, whom Nebuchadnezzar king of
king cut it with the penknife, and cast it Babylon made king in the land of Judah.
into the fire that was in the brazier, until 2 But neither he, nor his servants, nor the
all the scroll was consumed in the fire people of the land, listened to Yahweh’s
that was in the brazier. 24 The king and words, which he spoke by the prophet
his servants who heard all these words Jeremiah.
were not afraid, and didn’t tear their gar- 3 Zedekiah the king sent Jehucal the
ments. 25 Moreover Elnathan and Delaiah son of Shelemiah and Zephaniah the son
and Gemariah had made intercession to
the king that he would not burn the scroll; of Maaseiah, the priest, to the prophet
but he would not listen to them. 26 The king Jeremiah, saying, “Pray now to Yahweh
commanded Jerahmeel the king’s son, and our God for us.”
4 Now Jeremiah came in and went out
Seraiah the son of Azriel, and Shelemiah
the son of Abdeel, to arrest Baruch the among the people, for they had not put him
scribe and Jeremiah the prophet; but Yah- into prison. 5 Pharaoh’s army had come
weh hid them. out of Egypt; and when the Chaldeans who
27 Then Yahweh’s word came to were besieging Jerusalem heard news of
Jeremiah, after the king had burned the them, they withdrew from Jerusalem.
scroll, and the words which Baruch wrote 6 Then Yahweh’s word came to the
at the mouth of Jeremiah, saying, 28 “Take prophet Jeremiah, saying, 7 “Yahweh, the
again another scroll, and write in it all the God of Israel, says, ‘You shall tell the king of
former words that were in the first scroll, Judah, who sent you to me to inquire of me:
which Jehoiakim the king of Judah has “Behold, Pharaoh’s army, which has come
burned. 29 Concerning Jehoiakim king of out to help you, will return to Egypt into
Judah you shall say, ‘Yahweh says: “You their own land. 8 The Chaldeans will come
have burned this scroll, saying, “Why have again, and fight against this city. They will
you written therein, saying, ‘The king of take it and burn it with fire.” ’
9 “Yahweh says, ‘Don’t deceive your-
Babylon will certainly come and destroy
this land, and will cause to cease from selves, saying, “The Chaldeans will surely
there man and animal?’ ” ’ 30 Therefore depart from us;” for they will not depart.
Yahweh says concerning Jehoiakim king 10 For though you had struck the whole
of Judah: “He will have no one to sit on army of the Chaldeans who fight against
David’s throne. His dead body will be you, and only wounded men remained
cast out in the day to the heat, and in among them, they would each rise up in
the night to the frost. 31 I will punish his tent and burn this city with fire.’ ”
him, his offspring, and his servants for 11 When the army of the Chaldeans had
their iniquity. I will bring on them, on withdrawn from Jerusalem for fear of
the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and on the Pharaoh’s army, 12 then Jeremiah went out
men of Judah, all the evil that I have of Jerusalem to go into the land of Ben-
pronounced against them, but they didn’t jamin, to receive his portion there, in the
listen.” ’ ” middle of the people. 13 When he was in
32 Then Jeremiah took another scroll, Benjamin’s gate, a captain of the guard was
Jeremiah 37:14 902 Jeremiah 38:13

there, whose name was Irijah, the son of will live. He will escape with his life and
Shelemiah, the son of Hananiah; and he he will live.’ 3 Yahweh says, ‘This city will
seized Jeremiah the prophet, saying, “You surely be given into the hand of the army
are defecting to the Chaldeans!” of the king of Babylon, and he will take it.’ ”
14 Then Jeremiah said, “That is false! I 4 Then the princes said to the king,
am not defecting to the Chaldeans.” “Please let this man be put to death, be-
But he didn’t listen to him; so Irijah cause he weakens the hands of the men of
seized Jeremiah, and brought him to the war who remain in this city, and the hands
princes. 15 The princes were angry with of all the people, in speaking such words to
Jeremiah, and struck him, and put him in them; for this man doesn’t seek the welfare
prison in the house of Jonathan the scribe; of this people, but harm.”
for they had made that the prison. 5 Zedekiah the king said, “Behold, he is in
16 When Jeremiah had come into the
your hand; for the king can’t do anything to
dungeon house and into the cells, and oppose you.”
Jeremiah had remained there many days, 6 Then they took Jeremiah and threw
17 then Zedekiah the king sent and had him
him into the dungeon of Malchijah the
brought out. The king asked him secretly king’s son, that was in the court of the
in his house, “Is there any word from Yah- guard. They let down Jeremiah with cords.
weh?” In the dungeon there was no water, but
Jeremiah said, “There is.” He also said, mire; and Jeremiah sank in the mire.
“You will be delivered into the hand of the 7 Now when Ebedmelech the Ethiopian,
king of Babylon.”
18 Moreover Jeremiah said to King a eunuch, who was in the king’s house,
Zedekiah, “How have I sinned against heard that they had put Jeremiah in the
you, against your servants, or against this dungeon (the king was then sitting in Ben-
people, that you have put me in prison? jamin’s gate), 8 Ebedmelech went out of the
19 Now where are your prophets who king’s house, and spoke to the king, saying,
9 “My lord the king, these men have done
prophesied to you, saying, ‘The king of
Babylon will not come against you, nor evil in all that they have done to Jeremiah
against this land?’ 20 Now please hear, my the prophet, whom they have cast into the
lord the king: please let my supplication be dungeon. He is likely to die in the place
presented before you, that you not cause where he is, because of the famine; for
me to return to the house of Jonathan the there is no more bread in the city.”
scribe, lest I die there.” 10 Then the king commanded Ebedm-
21 Then Zedekiah the king commanded, elech the Ethiopian, saying, “Take from
and they committed Jeremiah into the here thirty men with you, and take up
court of the guard. They gave him daily Jeremiah the prophet out of the dungeon,
a loaf of bread out of the bakers’ street, before he dies.”
until all the bread in the city was gone. 11 So Ebedmelech took the men with
Thus Jeremiah remained in the court of the him, and went into the house of the
guard. king under the treasury, and took from
there rags and worn-out garments, and let
38 them down by cords into the dungeon to
1 Shephatiah the son of Mattan, Gedaliah Jeremiah. 12 Ebedmelech the Ethiopian
the son of Pashhur, Jucal the son of said to Jeremiah, “Now put these rags and
Shelemiah, and Pashhur the son of Malchi- worn-out garments under your armpits
jah heard the words that Jeremiah spoke under the cords.”
to all the people, saying, 2 “Yahweh says, Jeremiah did so. 13 So they lifted
‘He who remains in this city will die by Jeremiah up with the cords, and took
the sword, by the famine, and by the pesti- him up out of the dungeon; and Jeremiah
lence, but he who goes out to the Chaldeans remained in the court of the guard.
Jeremiah 38:14 903 Jeremiah 39:8

14 Then Zedekiah the king sent and took I have talked with you, and they come to
Jeremiah the prophet to himself into the you, and tell you, ‘Declare to us now what
third entry that is in Yahweh’s house. Then you have said to the king; don’t hide it from
the king said to Jeremiah, “I will ask you us, and we will not put you to death; also
something. Hide nothing from me.” tell us what the king said to you;’ 26 then
15 Then Jeremiah said to Zedekiah, “If I you shall tell them, ‘I presented my suppli-
declare it to you, will you not surely put me cation before the king, that he would not
to death? If I give you counsel, you will not cause me to return to Jonathan’s house, to
listen to me.” die there.’ ”
16 So Zedekiah the king swore secretly to 27 Then all the princes came to Jeremiah,
Jeremiah, saying, “As Yahweh lives, who and asked him; and he told them according
made our souls, I will not put you to death, to all these words that the king had com-
neither will I give you into the hand of manded. So they stopped speaking with
these men who seek your life.” him, for the matter was not perceived.
17 Then Jeremiah said to Zedekiah, “Yah- 28 So Jeremiah stayed in the court of the
weh, the God of Armies, the God of Israel, guard until the day that Jerusalem was
says: ‘If you will go out to the king of Baby- taken.
lon’s princes, then your soul will live, and
this city will not be burned with fire. You 39
will live, along with your house. 18 But if 1In the ninth year of Zedekiah king
you will not go out to the king of Babylon’s of Judah, in the tenth month, Nebuchad-
princes, then this city will be given into the nezzar king of Babylon and all his army
hand of the Chaldeans, and they will burn came against Jerusalem, and besieged it.
2 In the eleventh year of Zedekiah, in the
it with fire, and you won’t escape out of
their hand.’ ” fourth month, the ninth day of the month,
19 Zedekiah the king said to Jeremiah, “I a breach was made in the city. 3 All the
am afraid of the Jews who have defected princes of the king of Babylon came in, and
to the Chaldeans, lest they deliver me into sat in the middle gate: Nergal Sharezer,
their hand, and they mock me.” Samgarnebo, Sarsechim the Rabsaris, Ner-
20 But Jeremiah said, “They won’t deliver gal Sharezer the Rabmag, with all the
you. Obey, I beg you, Yahweh’s voice, in rest of the princes of the king of Babylon.
that which I speak to you; so it will be well 4 When Zedekiah the king of Judah and all
with you, and your soul will live. 21 But if the men of war saw them, then they fled
you refuse to go out, this is the word that and went out of the city by night, by the
Yahweh has shown me: 22 ‘Behold, all the way of the king’s garden, through the gate
women who are left in the king of Judah’s between the two walls; and he went out
house will be brought out to the king of toward the Arabah.
5 But the army of the Chaldeans pursued
Babylon’s princes, and those women will
say, them, and overtook Zedekiah in the plains
“Your familiar friends have turned on you, of Jericho. When they had taken him,
and have prevailed over you. they brought him up to Nebuchadnezzar
Your feet are sunk in the mire, king of Babylon to Riblah in the land of
they have turned away from you.” Hamath; and he pronounced judgment on
23 They will bring out all your wives and him. 6 Then the king of Babylon killed
your children to the Chaldeans. You won’t Zedekiah’s sons in Riblah before his eyes.
escape out of their hand, but will be taken The king of Babylon also killed all the
by the hand of the king of Babylon. You will nobles of Judah. 7 Moreover he put out
cause this city to be burned with fire.’ ” Zedekiah’s eyes and bound him in fetters,
24 Then Zedekiah said to Jeremiah, “Let to carry him to Babylon.
no man know of these words, and you 8 The Chaldeans burned the king’s house
won’t die. 25 But if the princes hear that and the people’s houses with fire and
Jeremiah 39:9 904 Jeremiah 40:11

broke down the walls of Jerusalem. 9 Then place; 3 and Yahweh has brought it, and
Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard car- done according as he spoke. Because you
ried away captive into Babylon the rest of have sinned against Yahweh, and have not
the people who remained in the city, the obeyed his voice, therefore this thing has
deserters also who fell away to him, and come on you. 4 Now, behold, I release you
the rest of the people who remained. 10 But today from the chains which are on your
Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard left hand. If it seems good to you to come with
of the poor of the people, who had nothing, me into Babylon, come, and I will take care
in the land of Judah, and gave them vine- of you; but if it seems bad to you to come
yards and fields at the same time. with me into Babylon, don’t. Behold, all
11 Now Nebuchadnezzar king of Baby- the land is before you. Where it seems
lon commanded Nebuzaradan the captain good and right to you to go, go there.”
of the guard concerning Jeremiah, saying, 5 Now while he had not yet gone back, “Go
12 “Take him and take care of him. Do him back then,” he said, “to Gedaliah the son
no harm; but do to him even as he tells of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, whom the
you.” king of Babylon has made governor over
13 So Nebuzaradan the captain of the the cities of Judah, and dwell with him
guard, Nebushazban, Rabsaris, and Ner- among the people; or go wherever it seems
gal Sharezer, Rabmag, and all the chief right to you to go.”
officers of the king of Babylon 14 sent and So the captain of the guard gave him
took Jeremiah out of the court of the guard, food and a present, and let him go. 6 Then
and committed him to Gedaliah the son Jeremiah went to Gedaliah the son of
of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, that he Ahikam to Mizpah, and lived with him
should bring him home. So he lived among among the people who were left in the
the people. land.
15 Now Yahweh’s word came to Jeremiah 7 Now when all the captains of the forces
while he was shut up in the court of the who were in the fields, even they and their
guard, saying, 16 “Go, and speak to Ebed- men, heard that the king of Babylon had
melech the Ethiopian, saying, ‘Yahweh of made Gedaliah the son of Ahikam gover-
Armies, the God of Israel, says: “Behold, I nor in the land, and had committed to him
will bring my words on this city for evil, men, women, children, and of the poorest
and not for good; and they will be accom- of the land, of those who were not carried
plished before you in that day. 17 But I away captive to Babylon, 8 then Ishmael
will deliver you in that day,” says Yahweh; the son of Nethaniah, and Johanan and
“and you will not be given into the hand of Jonathan the sons of Kareah, and Seraiah
the men of whom you are afraid. 18 For I the son of Tanhumeth, and the sons of
will surely save you. You won’t fall by the Ephai the Netophathite, and Jezaniah the
sword, but you will escape with your life, son of the Maacathite, they and their men
because you have put your trust in me,” came to Gedaliah to Mizpah. 9 Gedaliah the
says Yahweh.’ ” son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan swore
to them and to their men, saying, “Don’t be
40 afraid to serve the Chaldeans. Dwell in the
1 The word which came to Jeremiah from land, and serve the king of Babylon, and it
Yahweh, after Nebuzaradan the captain will be well with you. 10 As for me, behold,
of the guard had let him go from Ramah, I will dwell at Mizpah, to stand before the
when he had taken him being bound in Chaldeans who will come to us; but you,
chains among all the captives of Jerusalem gather wine and summer fruits and oil,
and Judah who were carried away captive and put them in your vessels, and dwell in
to Babylon. 2 The captain of the guard your cities that you have taken.”
took Jeremiah and said to him, “Yahweh 11 Likewise when all the Jews who were
your God pronounced this evil on this in Moab, and among the children of Am-
Jeremiah 40:12 905 Jeremiah 41:15

mon, and in Edom, and who were in all having cut themselves, with meal offer-
the countries, heard that the king of Baby- ings and frankincense in their hand, to
lon had left a remnant of Judah, and that bring them to Yahweh’s house. 6 Ishmael
he had set over them Gedaliah the son of the son of Nethaniah went out from Miz-
Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, 12 then all the pah to meet them, weeping all along as he
Jews returned out of all places where they went, and as he met them, he said to them,
were driven, and came to the land of Ju- “Come to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam.” 7 It
dah, to Gedaliah, to Mizpah, and gathered was so, when they came into the middle of
very much wine and summer fruits. the city, that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah
13 Moreover Johanan the son of Kareah, killed them, and cast them into the middle
and all the captains of the forces who were of the pit, he, and the men who were with
in the fields, came to Gedaliah to Mizpah, him. 8 But ten men were found among
14 and said to him, “Do you know that those who said to Ishmael, “Don’t kill us;
Baalis the king of the children of Ammon for we have stores hidden in the field, of
has sent Ishmael the son of Nethaniah to wheat, and of barley, and of oil, and of
take your life?” honey.”
But Gedaliah the son of Ahikam didn’t So he stopped, and didn’t kill them
believe them.
15 Then Johanan the son of Kareah spoke among their brothers. 9 Now the pit in
to Gedaliah in Mizpah secretly, saying, which Ishmael cast all the dead bodies of
the men whom he had killed, by the side of
“Please let me go, and I will kill Ishmael the
Gedaliah (this was that which Asa the king
son of Nethaniah, and no man will know
it. Why should he take your life, that all had made for fear of Baasha king of Israel),
the Jews who are gathered to you should Ishmael the son of Nethaniah filled it with
those who were killed.
be scattered, and the remnant of Judah
perish?” Then Ishmael carried away captive
16 But Gedaliah the son of Ahikam said all of the people who were left in Miz-
to Johanan the son of Kareah, “You shall pah, even the king’s daughters, and all the
not do this thing, for you speak falsely of people who remained in Mizpah, whom
Ishmael.” Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard had
committed to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam.
41 Ishmael the son of Nethaniah carried them
1 Now in the seventh month, Ishmael the away captive, and departed to go over to
son of Nethaniah, the son of Elishama, of the children of Ammon.
the royal offspring and one of the chief 11 But when Johanan the son of Kareah,
officers of the king, and ten men with him,
came to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam to and all the captains of the forces who were
Mizpah; and there they ate bread together with him, heard of all the evil that Ishmael
in Mizpah. 2 Then Ishmael the son of the son of Nethaniah had done,
12 then

Nethaniah arose, and the ten men who they took all the men, and went to fight
were with him, and struck Gedaliah the with Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and
son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan with found him by the great waters that are
the sword and killed him, whom the king in Gibeon.
13 Now when all the people

of Babylon had made governor over the who were with Ishmael saw Johanan the
land. 3 Ishmael also killed all the Jews son of Kareah, and all the captains of the
who were with Gedaliah at Mizpah, and forces who were with him, then they were
the Chaldean men of war who were found glad. So all the people who Ishmael had
there. carried away captive from Mizpah turned
4 The second day after he had killed about and came back, and went to Johanan
Gedaliah, and no man knew it, 5 men came the son of Kareah. 15 But Ishmael the son
from Shechem, from Shiloh, and from of Nethaniah escaped from Johanan with
Samaria, even eighty men, having their eight men, and went to the children of
beards shaved and their clothes torn, and Ammon.
Jeremiah 41:16 906 Jeremiah 42:20

16 Then Johanan the son of Kareah and 9 and said to them, “Yahweh, the God of
all the captains of the forces who were Israel, to whom you sent me to present
with him took all the remnant of the peo- your supplication before him, says: 10 ‘If
ple whom he had recovered from Ish- you will still live in this land, then I will
mael the son of Nethaniah, from Mizpah, build you, and not pull you down, and I
after he had killed Gedaliah the son of will plant you, and not pluck you up; for I
Ahikam—the men of war, with the women, grieve over the distress that I have brought
the children, and the eunuchs, whom he on you. 11 Don’t be afraid of the king of
had brought back from Gibeon. 17 They Babylon, of whom you are afraid. Don’t be
departed and lived in Geruth Chimham, afraid of him,’ says Yahweh, ‘for I am with
which is by Bethlehem, to go to enter into you to save you, and to deliver you from
Egypt 18 because of the Chaldeans; for they his hand. 12 I will grant you mercy, that he
were afraid of them, because Ishmael the may have mercy on you, and cause you to
son of Nethaniah had killed Gedaliah the return to your own land.
son of Ahikam, whom the king of Babylon
made governor over the land. 13 “
‘But if you say, “We will not dwell in
this land,” so that you don’t obey Yahweh
42 your God’s voice, 14 saying, “No, but we will
1 Then all the captains of the forces, and go into the land of Egypt, where we will see
Johanan the son of Kareah, and Jezaniah no war, nor hear the sound of the trumpet,
the son of Hoshaiah, and all the people nor have hunger of bread; and there we
from the least even to the greatest, came will dwell;” ’ 15 now therefore hear Yah-
near, 2 and said to Jeremiah the prophet, weh’s word, O remnant of Judah! Yahweh
“Please let our supplication be presented of Armies, the God of Israel, says, ‘If you
before you, and pray for us to Yahweh your indeed set your faces to enter into Egypt,
God, even for all this remnant, for we are and go to live there, 16 then it will happen
left but a few of many, as your eyes see that the sword, which you fear, will over-
us, 3 that Yahweh your God may show us take you there in the land of Egypt; and the
the way in which we should walk, and the famine, about which you are afraid, will
things that we should do.” follow close behind you there in Egypt; and
4 Then Jeremiah the prophet said to you will die there. 17 So will it be with all
them, “I have heard you. Behold, I will the men who set their faces to go into Egypt
pray to Yahweh your God according to to live there. They will die by the sword, by
your words; and it will happen that what- the famine, and by the pestilence. None of
ever thing Yahweh answers you, I will de- them will remain or escape from the evil
clare it to you. I will keep nothing back that I will bring on them.’ 18 For Yahweh
from you.” of Armies, the God of Israel, says: ‘As my
5 Then they said to Jeremiah, “May Yah- anger and my wrath has been poured out
weh be a true and faithful witness among on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so my
us, if we don’t do according to all the word wrath will be poured out on you, when you
with which Yahweh your God sends you to enter into Egypt; and you will be an object
tell us. 6 Whether it is good, or whether it of horror, an astonishment, a curse, and
is bad, we will obey the voice of Yahweh a reproach; and you will see this place no
our God, to whom we send you; that it may more.’
19 “Yahweh has spoken concerning you,
be well with us, when we obey the voice of
Yahweh our God.” remnant of Judah, ‘Don’t go into Egypt!’
7 After ten days, Yahweh’s word came Know certainly that I have testified to you
to Jeremiah. 8 Then he called Johanan today. 20 For you have dealt deceitfully
the son of Kareah, and all the captains of against your own souls; for you sent me to
the forces who were with him, and all the Yahweh your God, saying, ‘Pray for us to
people from the least even to the greatest, Yahweh our God; and according to all that
Jeremiah 42:21 907 Jeremiah 44:8

Yahweh our God says, so declare to us, and his throne on these stones that I have hid-
we will do it.’ 21 I have declared it to you den; and he will spread his royal pavilion
today; but you have not obeyed Yahweh over them. 11 He will come, and will strike
your God’s voice in anything for which he the land of Egypt; such as are for death
has sent me to you. 22 Now therefore know will be put to death, and such as are for
certainly that you will die by the sword, captivity to captivity, and such as are for
by the famine, and by the pestilence in the the sword to the sword. 12 I will kindle
place where you desire to go to live.” a fire in the houses of the gods of Egypt.
He will burn them, and carry them away
captive. He will array himself with the
43 land of Egypt, as a shepherd puts on his
1 When Jeremiah had finished speaking garment; and he will go out from there in
to all the people all the words of Yahweh peace. 13 He will also break the pillars of
their God, with which Yahweh their God Beth Shemesh that is in the land of Egypt;
had sent him to them, even all these words, and he will burn the houses of the gods of
2 then Azariah the son of Hoshaiah, Jo- Egypt with fire.’ ”
hanan the son of Kareah, and all the proud
men spoke, saying to Jeremiah, “You speak 44
falsely. Yahweh our God has not sent you 1The word that came to Jeremiah con-
to say, ‘You shall not go into Egypt to live cerning all the Jews who lived in the land
there;’ 3 but Baruch the son of Neriah has of Egypt, who lived at Migdol, and at Tah-
turned you against us, to deliver us into panhes, and at Memphis, and in the coun-
the hand of the Chaldeans, that they may try of Pathros, saying, 2 “Yahweh of Armies,
put us to death or carry us away captive to the God of Israel, says: ‘You have seen all
Babylon.” the evil that I have brought on Jerusalem,
4 So Johanan the son of Kareah, and all and on all the cities of Judah. Behold, today
the captains of the forces, and all the peo- they are a desolation, and no man dwells in
ple, didn’t obey Yahweh’s voice, to dwell in them, 3 because of their wickedness which
the land of Judah. 5 But Johanan the son they have committed to provoke me to
of Kareah and all the captains of the forces anger, in that they went to burn incense,
took all the remnant of Judah, who had re- to serve other gods that they didn’t know,
turned from all the nations where they had neither they, nor you, nor your fathers.
4 However I sent to you all my servants
been driven, to live in the land of Judah—
6 the men, the women, the children, the the prophets, rising up early and sending
king’s daughters, and every person who them, saying, “Oh, don’t do this abom-
Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard had inable thing that I hate.” 5 But they didn’t
left with Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, the listen and didn’t incline their ear. They
son of Shaphan; and Jeremiah the prophet, didn’t turn from their wickedness, to stop
and Baruch the son of Neriah. 7 They came burning incense to other gods. 6 Therefore
into the land of Egypt, for they didn’t obey my wrath and my anger was poured out,
Yahweh’s voice; and they came to Tahpan- and was kindled in the cities of Judah and
hes. in the streets of Jerusalem; and they are
8 Then Yahweh’s word came to Jeremiah wasted and desolate, as it is today.’
in Tahpanhes, saying, 9 “Take great stones 7 “Therefore now Yahweh, the God of
in your hand and hide them in mortar in Armies, the God of Israel, says: ‘Why do
the brick work which is at the entry of you commit great evil against your own
Pharaoh’s house in Tahpanhes, in the sight souls, to cut off from yourselves man and
of the men of Judah. 10 Tell them, Yahweh woman, infant and nursing child out of
of Armies, the God of Israel, says: ‘Behold, the middle of Judah, to leave yourselves
I will send and take Nebuchadnezzar the no one remaining, 8 in that you provoke
king of Babylon, my servant, and will set me to anger with the works of your hands,
Jeremiah 44:9 908 Jeremiah 44:26

burning incense to other gods in the land the cities of Judah and in the streets of
of Egypt where you have gone to live, that Jerusalem; for then we had plenty of food,
you may be cut off, and that you may be and were well, and saw no evil. 18 But since
a curse and a reproach among all the na- we stopped burning incense to the queen
tions of the earth? 9 Have you forgotten the of the sky, and pouring out drink offerings
wickedness of your fathers, the wicked- to her, we have lacked all things, and have
ness of the kings of Judah, the wickedness been consumed by the sword and by the
of their wives, your own wickedness, and famine.”
19 The women said, “When we burned
the wickedness of your wives which they
committed in the land of Judah and in the incense to the queen of the sky and poured
streets of Jerusalem? 10 They are not hum- out drink offerings to her, did we make her
bled even to this day, neither have they cakes to worship her, and pour out drink
feared, nor walked in my law, nor in my offerings to her, without our husbands?”
20 Then Jeremiah said to all the people—
statutes, that I set before you and before
your fathers.’ to the men and to the women, even to all
the people who had given him an answer,
11 “Therefore Yahweh of Armies, the God
saying, 21 “The incense that you burned
of Israel, says: ‘Behold, I will set my face in the cities of Judah, and in the streets
against you for evil, even to cut off all of Jerusalem, you and your fathers, your
Judah. 12 I will take the remnant of Judah kings and your princes, and the people of
that have set their faces to go into the land the land, didn’t Yahweh remember them,
of Egypt to live there, and they will all and didn’t it come into his mind? 22 Thus
be consumed. They will fall in the land Yahweh could no longer bear it, because of
of Egypt. They will be consumed by the the evil of your doings and because of the
sword and by the famine. They will die, abominations which you have committed.
from the least even to the greatest, by the Therefore your land has become a desola-
sword and by the famine. They will be an tion, an astonishment, and a curse, with-
object of horror, an astonishment, a curse, out inhabitant, as it is today. 23 Because
and a reproach. 13 For I will punish those you have burned incense and because you
who dwell in the land of Egypt, as I have have sinned against Yahweh, and have not
punished Jerusalem, by the sword, by the obeyed Yahweh’s voice, nor walked in his
famine, and by the pestilence; 14 so that law, nor in his statutes, nor in his testi-
none of the remnant of Judah, who have monies; therefore this evil has happened
gone into the land of Egypt to live there, to you, as it is today.”
will escape or be left to return into the 24 Moreover Jeremiah said to all the peo-
land of Judah, to which they have a desire ple, including all the women, “Hear Yah-
to return to dwell there; for no one will weh’s word, all Judah who are in the land
return except those who will escape.’ ” of Egypt! 25 Yahweh of Armies, the God
15 Then all the men who knew that their of Israel, says, ‘You and your wives have
wives burned incense to other gods, and both spoken with your mouths, and with
all the women who stood by, a great as- your hands have fulfilled it, saying, “We
sembly, even all the people who lived in will surely perform our vows that we have
the land of Egypt, in Pathros, answered vowed, to burn incense to the queen of the
Jeremiah, saying, 16 “As for the word that sky, and to pour out drink offerings to her.”
you have spoken to us in Yahweh’s name, “ ‘Establish then your vows, and per-
we will not listen to you. 17 But we will cer- form your vows.’
tainly perform every word that has gone 26 “Therefore hear Yahweh’s word, all
out of our mouth, to burn incense to the Judah who dwell in the land of Egypt: ‘Be-
queen of the sky and to pour out drink hold, I have sworn by my great name,’ says
offerings to her, as we have done, we and Yahweh, ‘that my name will no more be
our fathers, our kings and our princes, in named in the mouth of any man of Judah
Jeremiah 44:27 909 Jeremiah 46:12

in all the land of Egypt, saying, “As the Lord struck in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the
Yahweh lives.” 27 Behold, I watch over son of Josiah, king of Judah.
them for evil, and not for good; and all the 3 “Prepare the buckler and shield,
men of Judah who are in the land of Egypt and draw near to battle!
will be consumed by the sword and by the 4 Harness the horses, and get up, you
famine, until they are all gone. 28 Those horsemen,
who escape the sword will return out of and stand up with your helmets.
the land of Egypt into the land of Judah Polish the spears,
few in number. All the remnant of Judah, put on the coats of mail.
who have gone into the land of Egypt to live 5 Why have I seen it?
there, will know whose word will stand, They are dismayed and are turned
mine or theirs. backward.
29 “ ‘This will be the sign to you,’ says Their mighty ones are beaten down,
Yahweh, ‘that I will punish you in this have fled in haste,
place, that you may know that my words and don’t look back.
will surely stand against you for evil.’ Terror is on every side,”
30 Yahweh says, ‘Behold, I will give says Yahweh.
6 “Don’t let the swift flee away,
Pharaoh Hophra king of Egypt into the
hand of his enemies and into the hand nor the mighty man escape.
of those who seek his life, just as I gave In the north by the river Euphrates
Zedekiah king of Judah into the hand of they have stumbled and fallen.
Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, who
was his enemy and sought his life.’ ” 7 “Who is this who rises up like the Nile,
like rivers whose waters surge?
1 The message that Jeremiah the prophet
8 Egypt rises up like the Nile,
like rivers whose waters surge.
spoke to Baruch the son of Neriah, when He says, ‘I will rise up. I will cover the
he wrote these words in a book at the earth.
mouth of Jeremiah, in the fourth year of I will destroy cities and its inhabi-
Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, king of Judah, tants.’
saying, 2 “Yahweh, the God of Israel, says to 9 Go up, you horses!
you, Baruch: 3 ‘You said, “Woe is me now! Rage, you chariots!
For Yahweh has added sorrow to my pain! Let the mighty men go out:
I am weary with my groaning, and I find no Cush and Put, who handle the shield;
rest.” ’ and the Ludim, who handle and bend
4 “You shall tell him, Yahweh says: ‘Be- the bow.
10 For that day is of the Lord, Yahweh of
hold, that which I have built, I will break
down, and that which I have planted I will Armies,
pluck up; and this in the whole land. Do 5 a day of vengeance,
you seek great things for yourself? Don’t that he may avenge himself of his ad-
seek them; for, behold, I will bring evil on versaries.
all flesh,’ says Yahweh, ‘but I will let you The sword will devour and be satiated,
escape with your life wherever you go.’ ” and will drink its fill of their blood;
for the Lord, Yahweh of Armies, has a
sacrifice in the north country by the
1 Yahweh’s word which came to river Euphrates.
11 Go up into Gilead, and take balm, virgin
Jeremiah the prophet concerning the
nations. daughter of Egypt.
2 Of Egypt: concerning the army of You use many medicines in vain.
Pharaoh Necoh king of Egypt, which was There is no healing for you.
by the river Euphrates in Carchemish, 12 The nations have heard of your shame,
which Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and the earth is full of your cry;
Jeremiah 46:13 910 Jeremiah 47:2

for the mighty man has stumbled for they will march with an army,
against the mighty, and come against her with axes, as
they both fall together.” wood cutters.
23 They will cut down her forest,” says Yah-
13 The word that Yahweh spoke to weh,
Jeremiah the prophet, how that Nebuchad- “though it can’t be searched;
nezzar king of Babylon should come and because they are more than the locusts,
strike the land of Egypt: and are innumerable.
14 “Declare in Egypt, 24 The daughter of Egypt will be disap-

publish in Migdol, pointed;

and publish in Memphis and in Tah- she will be delivered into the hand of
the people of the north.”
panhes; 25 Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel,
say, ‘Stand up, and prepare, says: “Behold, I will punish Amon of No,
for the sword has devoured around and Pharaoh, and Egypt, with her gods and
15 Why are your strong ones swept away? her kings, even Pharaoh, and those who
trust in him. 26 I will deliver them into
They didn’t stand, because Yahweh the hand of those who seek their lives, and
pushed them. into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of
16 He made many to stumble.
Babylon, and into the hand of his servants.
Yes, they fell on one another. Afterwards it will be inhabited, as in the
They said, ‘Arise! Let’s go again to our own days of old,” says Yahweh.
people, 27 “But don’t you be afraid, Jacob my ser-
and to the land of our birth, vant.
from the oppressing sword.’ Don’t be dismayed, Israel;
17 They cried there, ‘Pharaoh king of Egypt for, behold, I will save you from afar,
is but a noise; and your offspring from the land of
he has let the appointed time pass by.’ their captivity.
Jacob will return,
18 “As I live,” says the King, and will be quiet and at ease.
whose name is Yahweh of Armies, No one will make him afraid.
“surely like Tabor among the mountains, 28 Don’t be afraid, O Jacob my servant,”
and like Carmel by the sea, says Yahweh,
so he will come. “for I am with you;
19 You daughter who dwells in Egypt, for I will make a full end of all the
furnish yourself to go into captivity; nations where I have driven you,
for Memphis will become a desolation, but I will not make a full end of you,
and will be burned up, but I will correct you in measure,
without inhabitant. and will in no way leave you unpun-
20 “Egypt is a very beautiful heifer;
but destruction out of the north has
1 Yahweh’s
come. word that came to Jeremiah
It has come. the prophet concerning the Philistines, be-
21 Also her hired men in the middle of her
fore Pharaoh struck Gaza.
are like calves of the stall, 2 Yahweh says:
for they also are turned back. “Behold, waters rise up out of the north,
They have fled away together. and will become an overflowing
They didn’t stand, stream,
for the day of their calamity has come and will overflow the land and all that is
on them, therein,
the time of their visitation. the city and those who dwell therein.
22 Its sound will go like the serpent, The men will cry,
Jeremiah 47:3 911 Jeremiah 48:15

and all the inhabitants of the land will Her little ones have caused a cry to be
wail. heard.
3 At the noise of the stamping of the hoofs 5
For they will go up by the ascent of Luhith
of his strong ones, with continual weeping.
at the rushing of his chariots, For at the descent of Horonaim they
at the rumbling of his wheels, have heard the distress of the cry of
the fathers don’t look back for their chil- destruction.
dren 6 Flee! Save your lives!
because their hands are so feeble, Be like the juniper bush in the wilder-
4 because of the day that comes to destroy
all the Philistines, 7 For, because you have trusted in your
to cut off from Tyre and Sidon every works and in your treasures,
helper who remains; you also will be taken.
for Yahweh will destroy the Philistines, Chemosh will go out into captivity,
the remnant of the isle of Caphtor. his priests and his princes together.
5 Baldness has come on Gaza; 8 The destroyer will come on every city,
Ashkelon is brought to nothing. and no city will escape;
You remnant of their valley, the valley also will perish,
how long will you cut yourself? and the plain will be destroyed, as
Yahweh has spoken.
6 “ ‘You sword of Yahweh, how long will it 9
Give wings to Moab,
be before you are quiet? that she may fly and get herself away:
Put yourself back into your scabbard; and her cities will become a desolation,
rest, and be still.’ without anyone to dwell in them.
7 “How can you be quiet, 10 “Cursedis he who does the work of Yah-
since Yahweh has given you a com- weh negligently;
mand? and cursed is he who keeps back his
Against Ashkelon, and against the sword from blood.
there he has appointed it.” 11 “Moab has been at ease from his youth,
and he has settled on his dregs,
1 Of Moab.
48 and has not been emptied from vessel to
Yahweh of Armies, the God of vessel,
Israel, says: neither has he gone into captivity;
“Woe to Nebo! therefore his taste remains in him,
For it is laid waste. and his scent is not changed.
Kiriathaim is disappointed. 12 Therefore behold, the days come,” says
It is taken. Yahweh,
Misgab† is put to shame “that I will send to him those who pour
and broken down. off,
2 The praise of Moab is no more.
and they will pour him off;
In Heshbon they have devised evil and they will empty his vessels,
against her: and break their containers in pieces.
‘Come! Let’s cut her off from being a 13 Moab will be ashamed of Chemosh,
nation.’ as the house of Israel was ashamed of
You also, Madmen, will be brought to si- Bethel, their confidence.
The sword will pursue you. 14 “How do you say, ‘We are mighty men,
3 The sound of a cry from Horonaim,
and valiant men for the war’?
desolation and great destruction! 15 Moab is laid waste,
4 Moab is destroyed. and they have gone up into his cities,
† 48:1 or, The stronghold
Jeremiah 48:16 912 Jeremiah 48:38

and his chosen young men have gone 29 “We have heard of the pride of Moab.
down to the slaughter,” He is very proud in his loftiness, his
says the King, whose name is Yahweh pride,
of Armies. his arrogance, and the arrogance of
16 “The calamity of Moab is near to come,
his heart.
and his affliction hurries fast. 30 I know his wrath,” says Yahweh, “that it
17 All you who are around him, bemoan
is nothing;
him; his boastings have done nothing.
and all you who know his name, say, 31 Therefore I will wail for Moab.
‘How the strong staff is broken, Yes, I will cry out for all Moab.
the beautiful rod!’ They will mourn for the men of Kir
18 “You daughter who dwells in Dibon, Heres.
32 With more than the weeping of Jazer
come down from your glory,
and sit in thirst; I will weep for you, vine of Sibmah.
for the destroyer of Moab has come up Your branches passed over the sea.
against you. They reached even to the sea of Jazer.
He has destroyed your strongholds. The destroyer has fallen on your summer
19 Inhabitant of Aroer, stand by the way fruits
and watch. and on your vintage.
Ask him who flees, and her who es- 33 Gladness and joy is taken away from the
capes; fruitful field
say, ‘What has been done?’ and from the land of Moab.
20 Moab is disappointed;
I have caused wine to cease from the wine
for it is broken down. presses.
Wail and cry! No one will tread with shouting.
Tell it by the Arnon, that Moab is laid The shouting will be no shouting.
waste. 34 From the cry of Heshbon even to Elealeh,
21 Judgment has come on the plain coun-
try— even to Jahaz they have uttered their
on Holon, on Jahzah, on Mephaath, voice,
22 on Dibon, on Nebo, on Beth Diblath- from Zoar even to Horonaim, to Eglath
aim, Shelishiyah;
23 on Kiriathaim, on Beth Gamul, on for the waters of Nimrim will also be-
Beth Meon, come desolate.
24 on Kerioth, on Bozrah, 35 Moreover I will cause to cease in Moab,”
and on all the cities of the land of says Yahweh,
Moab, far or near. “him who offers in the high place,
25 The horn of Moab is cut off, and him who burns incense to his
and his arm is broken,” says Yahweh. gods.
36 Therefore my heart sounds for Moab like
26 “Make him drunk,
for he magnified himself against Yah- and my heart sounds like flutes for the
weh. men of Kir Heres.
Moab will wallow in his vomit, Therefore the abundance that he has
and he also will be in derision. gotten has perished.
27 For wasn’t Israel a derision to you?
37 For every head is bald,
Was he found among thieves?
For as often as you speak of him, and every beard clipped.
you shake your head. There are cuttings on all the hands,
28 You inhabitants of Moab, leave the cities, and sackcloth on the waist.
38 On all the housetops of Moab,
and dwell in the rock.
Be like the dove that makes her nest and in its streets, there is lamentation
over the mouth of the abyss. everywhere;
Jeremiah 48:39 913 Jeremiah 49:9

for I have broken Moab like a vessel “Has Israel no sons?

in which no one delights,” says Yah- Has he no heir?
weh. Why then does Malcam possess Gad,
39 “How it is broken down! and his people dwell in its cities?
How they wail! 2 Therefore behold, the days come,”
How Moab has turned the back with says Yahweh,
shame! “that I will cause an alarm of war to be
So will Moab become a derision heard against Rabbah of the chil-
and a terror to all who are around
him.” dren of Ammon,
40 For Yahweh says: “Behold, he will fly as and it will become a desolate heap,
an eagle, and her daughters will be burned with
and will spread out his wings against fire;
Moab. then Israel will possess those who pos-
41 Kerioth is taken, sessed him,”
and the strongholds are seized. says Yahweh.
The heart of the mighty men of Moab at 3 “Wail, Heshbon, for Ai is laid waste!
that day Cry, you daughters of Rabbah!
will be as the heart of a woman in her Clothe yourself in sackcloth.
pangs. Lament, and run back and forth
42 Moab will be destroyed from being a among the fences;
people, for Malcam will go into captivity,
because he has magnified himself his priests and his princes together.
against Yahweh. 4 Why do you boast in the valleys,
43 Terror, the pit, and the snare are on you, your flowing valley, backsliding
inhabitant of Moab,” says Yahweh. daughter?
44 “He who flees from the terror will fall You trusted in her treasures,
into the pit; saying, ‘Who will come to me?’
and he who gets up out of the pit will 5 Behold, I will bring a terror on you,”
be taken in the snare, says the Lord, Yahweh of Armies,
for I will bring on him, even on Moab, “from all who are around you.
the year of their visitation,” says Yah- All of you will be driven completely
weh. out,
and there will be no one to gather
45 “Those who fled stand without strength
together the fugitives.
under the shadow of Heshbon;
for a fire has gone out of Heshbon, 6 “But afterward I will reverse the captivity
and a flame from the middle of Sihon, of the children of Ammon,”
and has devoured the corner of Moab, says Yahweh.
and the crown of the head of the tu-
multuous ones. 7 Of Edom, Yahweh of Armies says:
46 Woe to you, O Moab!
“Is wisdom no more in Teman?
The people of Chemosh are undone; Has counsel perished from the pru-
for your sons are taken away captive, dent?
and your daughters into captivity. Has their wisdom vanished?
8 Flee! Turn back!
47 “Yet I will reverse the captivity of Moab Dwell in the depths, inhabitants of
in the latter days,” Dedan;
says Yahweh. for I will bring the calamity of Esau on
Thus far is the judgment of Moab. him when I visit him.
9 If grape gatherers came to you,

1 Of the children of Ammon. Yahweh
would they not leave some gleaning
says: If thieves came by night,
Jeremiah 49:10 914 Jeremiah 49:27

wouldn’t they steal until they had 19 “Behold, he will come up like a lion from
enough? the pride of the Jordan against the
10 But I have made Esau bare, strong habitation;
I have uncovered his secret places, for I will suddenly make them run
and he will not be able to hide himself. away from it,
His offspring is destroyed, and whoever is chosen,
with his brothers and his neighbors; I will appoint him over it.
and he is no more. For who is like me?
11 Leave your fatherless children. Who will appoint me a time?
Who is the shepherd who will stand
I will preserve them alive.
before me?”
Let your widows trust in me.” 20 Therefore hear the counsel of Yahweh,
12 For Yahweh says: “Behold, they to that he has taken against Edom,
whom it didn’t pertain to drink of the cup and his purposes that he has purposed
will certainly drink; and are you he who against the inhabitants of Teman:
will altogether go unpunished? You won’t Surely they will drag them away,
go unpunished, but you will surely drink. the little ones of the flock.
13 For I have sworn by myself,” says Yah- Surely he will make their habitation
weh, “that Bozrah will become an aston- desolate over them.
ishment, a reproach, a waste, and a curse. 21 The earth trembles at the noise of their
All its cities will be perpetual wastes.” fall;
14 I have heard news from Yahweh, there is a cry, the noise which is heard
in the Red Sea.
and an ambassador is sent among the 22 Behold, he will come up and fly as the
nations, eagle,
saying, “Gather yourselves together! and spread out his wings against
Come against her! Bozrah.
Rise up to the battle!” The heart of the mighty men of Edom
at that day will be as the heart of a
15 “For, behold, I have made you small woman in her pangs.
among the nations,
23 Of Damascus:
and despised among men.
16 As for your terror, “Hamath and Arpad are confounded,
for they have heard evil news.
the pride of your heart has deceived
you, They have melted away.
There is sorrow on the sea.
O you who dwell in the clefts of the rock, It can’t be quiet.
who hold the height of the hill, 24 Damascus has grown feeble,
though you should make your nest as high she turns herself to flee,
as the eagle, and trembling has seized her.
I will bring you down from there,” says Anguish and sorrows have taken hold of
Yahweh. her,
17 “Edom will become an astonishment. as of a woman in travail.
Everyone who passes by it will be as- 25 How is the city of praise not forsaken,
tonished, the city of my joy?
and will hiss at all its plagues. 26 Therefore her young men will fall in her
18 As in the overthrow of Sodom and Go- streets,
morrah and its neighbor cities,” says and all the men of war will be brought
Yahweh, to silence in that day,”
“no man will dwell there, says Yahweh of Armies.
neither will any son of man live 27 “I will kindle a fire in the wall of Damas-
therein. cus,
Jeremiah 49:28 915 Jeremiah 50:6

and it will devour the palaces of Ben There will be no nation where the out-
Hadad.” casts of Elam will not come.
37 I will cause Elam to be dismayed before
28 Of Kedar, and of the kingdoms of Ha- their enemies,
zor, which Nebuchadnezzar king of and before those who seek their life.
Babylon struck, Yahweh says: I will bring evil on them, even my fierce
“Arise, go up to Kedar, anger,’ says Yahweh;
and destroy the children of the east. ‘and I will send the sword after them,
29 They will take their tents and their
until I have consumed them.
38 I will set my throne in Elam,
flocks. and will destroy from there king and
they will carry away for themselves princes,’ says Yahweh.
their curtains, 39 ‘But it will happen in the latter days
all their vessels, and their camels;
that I will reverse the captivity of
and they will cry to them, ‘Terror on
Elam,’ says Yahweh.”
every side!’
30 Flee!
Wander far off! 1 The
word that Yahweh spoke concern-
Dwell in the depths, you inhabitants of ing Babylon, concerning the land of the
Hazor,” says Yahweh; Chaldeans, by Jeremiah the prophet.
“for Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon 2 “Declare among the nations and publish,
has taken counsel against you, and set up a standard;
and has conceived a purpose against publish, and don’t conceal;
31 Arise! Go up to a nation that is at ease, say, ‘Babylon has been taken,
Bel is disappointed,
that dwells without care,” says Yah- Merodach is dismayed!
weh; Her images are disappointed.
“that has neither gates nor bars,
Her idols are dismayed.’
that dwells alone. 3 For a nation comes up out of the north
32 Their camels will be a booty,
and the multitude of their livestock a against her,
plunder. which will make her land desolate,
I will scatter to all winds those who have and no one will dwell in it.
the corners of their beards cut off; They have fled.
and I will bring their calamity from They are gone,
every side of them,” both man and animal.
says Yahweh. 4 “In those days, and in that time,” says
33 Hazor will be a dwelling place of jackals,
a desolation forever. “the children of Israel will come,
No man will dwell there, they and the children of Judah to-
neither will any son of man live gether;
therein.” they will go on their way weeping,
34 Yahweh’s
and will seek Yahweh their God.
word that came to Jeremiah 5 They will inquire concerning Zion with
the prophet concerning Elam, in the begin- their faces turned toward it,
ning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah, saying, ‘Come, and join yourselves to
saying, 35 “Yahweh of Armies says: Yahweh in an everlasting covenant
‘Behold, I will break the bow of Elam, that will not be forgotten.’
the chief of their might. 6 My people have been lost sheep.
36 I will bring on Elam the four winds from Their shepherds have caused them to
the four quarters of the sky, go astray.
and will scatter them toward all those They have turned them away on the moun-
winds. tains.
Jeremiah 50:7 916 Jeremiah 50:23

They have gone from mountain to hill. 15 Shout against her all around.
They have forgotten their resting She has submitted herself.
place. Her bulwarks have fallen.
7 All who found them have devoured them. Her walls have been thrown down,
Their adversaries said, ‘We are not for it is the vengeance of Yahweh.
guilty, Take vengeance on her.
because they have sinned against Yahweh, As she has done, do to her.
the habitation of righteousness, 16 Cut off the sower from Babylon,
even Yahweh, the hope of their fa- and him who handles the sickle in the
thers.’ time of harvest.
For fear of the oppressing sword,
8 “Flee out of the middle of Babylon! they will each return to their own peo-
Go out of the land of the Chaldeans, ple,
and be as the male goats before the and they will each flee to their own
flocks. land.
9 For, behold, I will stir up
and cause to come up against Babylon 17 “Israel is a hunted sheep.
a company of great nations from the The lions have driven him away.
north country; First, the king of Assyria devoured him,
and they will set themselves in array and now at last Nebuchadnezzar king
against her. of Babylon has broken his bones.”
She will be taken from there. 18 Therefore Yahweh of Armies, the God
Their arrows will be as of an expert of Israel, says:
mighty man. “Behold, I will punish the king of Babylon
None of them will return in vain. and his land,
10 Chaldea will be a prey.
as I have punished the king of Assyria.
All who prey on her will be satisfied,” 19
says Yahweh. I will bring Israel again to his pasture,
and he will feed on Carmel and
11 “Because you are glad, Bashan.
His soul will be satisfied on the hills of
because you rejoice, Ephraim and in Gilead.
O you who plunder my heritage, 20 In those days, and in that time,” says
because you are wanton as a heifer Yahweh,
that treads out the grain, “the iniquity of Israel will be sought
and neigh as strong horses, for,
12 your mother will be utterly disap- and there will be none,
pointed. also the sins of Judah,
She who bore you will be confounded. and they won’t be found;
Behold, she will be the least of the nations, for I will pardon them whom I leave as
a wilderness, a dry land, and a desert. a remnant.
13 Because of Yahweh’s wrath she won’t be
21 “Go up against the land of Merathaim,
but she will be wholly desolate. even against it, and against the inhab-
Everyone who goes by Babylon will be as- itants of Pekod.
tonished, Kill and utterly destroy after them,” says
and hiss at all her plagues. Yahweh,
14 Set yourselves in array against Babylon “and do according to all that I have
all around, commanded you.
all you who bend the bow; 22 A sound of battle is in the land,
shoot at her. and of great destruction.
Spare no arrows, 23 How the hammer of the whole earth is
for she has sinned against Yahweh. cut apart and broken!
Jeremiah 50:24 917 Jeremiah 50:41

How Babylon has become a desolation I will kindle a fire in his cities,
among the nations! and it will devour all who are around
24 I have laid a snare for you, him.”
33 Yahweh of Armies says: “The children of
and you are also taken, Babylon,
and you weren’t aware. Israel and the children of Judah are
oppressed together.
You are found,
and also caught, All who took them captive hold them
because you have fought against Yah- fast.
They refuse to let them go.
weh. 34 Their Redeemer is strong.
25 Yahweh has opened his armory,
and has brought out the weapons of Yahweh of Armies is his name.
He will thoroughly plead their cause,
his indignation;
that he may give rest to the earth,
for the Lord, Yahweh of Armies, has
a work to do in the land of the and disquiet the inhabitants of Baby-
Chaldeans. lon.
26 Come against her from the farthest bor-
35 “A sword is on the Chaldeans,” says Yah-
Open her storehouses. weh,
Cast her up as heaps. “and on the inhabitants of Babylon,
Destroy her utterly. on her princes,
Let nothing of her be left. and on her wise men.
36 A sword is on the boasters,
27 Kill all her bulls.
and they will become fools.
Let them go down to the slaughter.
A sword is on her mighty men,
Woe to them! For their day has come,
and they will be dismayed.
the time of their visitation. 37 A sword is on their horses,
28 Listen to those who flee and escape out
of the land of Babylon, on their chariots,
and on all the mixed people who are in
to declare in Zion the vengeance of
the middle of her;
Yahweh our God, and they will become as women.
the vengeance of his temple.
A sword is on her treasures,
29 “Call together the archers against Baby- and they will be robbed.
38 A drought is on her waters,
all those who bend the bow. and they will be dried up;
Encamp against her all around. for it is a land of engraved images,
Let none of it escape. and they are mad over idols.
39 Therefore the wild animals of the desert
Pay her back according to her work.
According to all that she has done, do with the wolves will dwell there.
to her; The ostriches will dwell therein.
It will be inhabited no more forever,
for she has been proud against Yahweh, neither will it be lived in from genera-
against the Holy One of Israel. tion to generation.
30 Therefore her young men will fall in her
40 As when God overthrew Sodom and Go-
streets. morrah and its neighbor cities,” says
All her men of war will be brought to
silence in that day,” says Yahweh. “so no man will dwell there,
31 “Behold, I am against you, you proud
neither will any son of man live
one,” says the Lord, Yahweh of therein.
“for your day has come, 41 “Behold, a people comes from the north.
the time that I will visit you. A great nation and many kings will be
32 The proud one will stumble and fall, stirred up from the uttermost parts
and no one will raise him up. of the earth.
Jeremiah 50:42 918 Jeremiah 51:12

42 They take up bow and spear. 4 They will fall down slain in the land of the
They are cruel, and have no mercy. Chaldeans,
Their voice roars like the sea. and thrust through in her streets.
They ride on horses, 5 For Israel is not forsaken, nor Judah, by
everyone set in array, his God,
as a man to the battle, by Yahweh of Armies;
against you, daughter of Babylon. though their land is full of guilt against
43 The king of Babylon has heard the news
the Holy One of Israel.
of them,
and his hands become feeble. 6 “Flee out of the middle of Babylon!
Anguish has taken hold of him, Everyone save his own life!
pains as of a woman in labor.
44 Behold, the enemy will come up like a Don’t be cut off in her iniquity,
for it is the time of Yahweh’s
lion vengeance.
from the thickets of the Jordan against
He will render to her a recompense.
the strong habitation; 7 Babylon has been a golden cup in Yah-
for I will suddenly make them run
away from it. weh’s hand,
who made all the earth drunk.
Whoever is chosen, The nations have drunk of her wine;
I will appoint him over it, therefore the nations have gone mad.
for who is like me? 8 Babylon has suddenly fallen and been
Who will appoint me a time?
Who is the shepherd who can stand destroyed!
before me?” Wail for her!
45 Therefore hear the counsel of Yahweh Take balm for her pain.
that he has taken against Babylon; Perhaps she may be healed.
and his purposes
that he has purposed against the land 9 “We would have healed Babylon,
of the Chaldeans: but she is not healed.
Surely they will drag them away, Forsake her,
even the little ones of the flock. and let’s each go into his own country;
Surely he will make their habitation for her judgment reaches to heaven,
desolate over them. and is lifted up even to the skies.
46 The earth trembles at the noise of the
10 ‘Yahweh has produced our righteous-
taking of Babylon.
The cry is heard among the nations. Come, and let’s declare in Zion the
work of Yahweh our God.’
1 Yahweh says:
11 “Make the arrows sharp!
“Behold, I will raise up against Babylon, Hold the shields firmly!
and against those who dwell in Lebka- Yahweh has stirred up the spirit of the
mai, a destroying wind. kings of the Medes,
2 I will send to Babylon strangers, who will
because his purpose is against Baby-
winnow her. lon, to destroy it;
They will empty her land;
for in the day of trouble they will be for it is the vengeance of Yahweh,
against her all around. the vengeance of his temple.
12 Set up a standard against the walls of
3 Against him who bends, let the archer
bend his bow, Babylon!
also against him who lifts himself up Make the watch strong!
in his coat of mail. Set the watchmen,
Don’t spare her young men! and prepare the ambushes;
Utterly destroy all her army! for Yahweh has both purposed and done
Jeremiah 51:13 919 Jeremiah 51:31

that which he spoke concerning the With you I will break in pieces
inhabitants of Babylon. the old man and the youth.
13 You who dwell on many waters, abun- With you I will break in pieces
dant in treasures, the young man and the virgin.
your end has come, the measure of 23 With you I will break in pieces
your covetousness. the shepherd and his flock.
14 Yahweh of Armies has sworn by himself,
With you I will break in pieces
saying, the farmer and his yoke.
‘Surely I will fill you with men, With you I will break in pieces
as with locusts, governors and deputies.
and they will lift up a shout against 24 “I will render to Babylon and to all the
you.’ inhabitants of Chaldea all their evil that
they have done in Zion in your sight,” says
15 “He has made the earth by his power.
He has established the world by his 25 “Behold, I am against you, destroying
wisdom. mountain,” says Yahweh,
By his understanding he has stretched “which destroys all the earth.
out the heavens. I will stretch out my hand on you,
16 When he utters his voice,
roll you down from the rocks,
there is a roar of waters in the heav- and will make you a burned moun-
and he causes the vapors to ascend tain.
26 They won’t take a cornerstone from you,
from the ends of the earth.
He makes lightning for the rain, nor a stone for foundations;
and brings the wind out of his trea- but you will be desolate forever,” says
suries. Yahweh.
27 “Set up a standard in the land!
17 “Every man has become stupid and with-
Blow the trumpet among the nations!
out knowledge.
Prepare the nations against her!
Every goldsmith is disappointed by his
Call together against her the kingdoms
of Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz!
for his molten images are falsehood, Appoint a marshal against her!
and there is no breath in them. Cause the horses to come up as the
18 They are vanity,
swarming locusts!
a work of delusion. 28 Prepare against her the nations,
In the time of their visitation, they will
perish. the kings of the Medes, its governors,
19 The portion of Jacob is not like these, and all its deputies, and all the land
for he formed all things, of their dominion!
29 The land trembles and is in pain;
including the tribe of his inheritance.
for the purposes of Yahweh against
Yahweh of Armies is his name.
Babylon stand,
20 “You are my battle ax and weapons of to make the land of Babylon a desola-
war. tion, without inhabitant.
With you I will break the nations into 30 The mighty men of Babylon have
pieces. stopped fighting,
With you I will destroy kingdoms. they remain in their strongholds.
21 With you I will break in pieces Their might has failed.
the horse and his rider. They have become as women.
22 With you I will break in pieces
Her dwelling places are set on fire.
the chariot and him who rides therein. Her bars are broken.
With you I will break in pieces 31 One runner will run to meet another,
man and woman. and one messenger to meet another,
Jeremiah 51:32 920 Jeremiah 51:51

to show the king of Babylon that his How Babylon has become a desolation
city is taken on every quarter. among the nations!
32 So the passages are seized. 42 The sea has come up on Babylon.
They have burned the reeds with fire. She is covered with the multitude of its
The men of war are frightened.” waves.
43 Her cities have become a desolation,
33 For Yahweh of Armies, the God of Is-
rael says: a dry land, and a desert,
“The daughter of Babylon is like a thresh- a land in which no man dwells.
No son of man passes by it.
ing floor at the time when it is trod-
44 I will execute judgment on Bel in Baby-
den. lon,
Yet a little while, and the time of har-
vest comes for her.” and I will bring out of his mouth that
which he has swallowed up.
34 “Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon The nations will not flow any more to him.
has devoured me. Yes, the wall of Babylon will fall.
He has crushed me.
He has made me an empty vessel. 45 “My people, go away from the middle of
He has, like a monster, swallowed me up. her,
He has filled his mouth with my deli- and each of you save yourselves from
cacies. Yahweh’s fierce anger.
He has cast me out. 46 Don’t let your heart faint.
35 May the violence done to me and to my
Don’t fear for the news that will be
flesh be on Babylon!” heard in the land.
the inhabitant of Zion will say; and, For news will come one year,
“May my blood be on the inhabitants of and after that in another year news
Chaldea!” will come,
will Jerusalem say. and violence in the land,
ruler against ruler.
36 Therefore Yahweh says: 47 Therefore behold, the days come that
“Behold, I will plead your cause, I will execute judgment on the en-
and take vengeance for you. graved images of Babylon;
I will dry up her sea, and her whole land will be con-
and make her fountain dry. founded.
37 Babylon will become heaps, All her slain will fall in the middle of
a dwelling place for jackals, her.
48 Then the heavens and the earth,
an astonishment, and a hissing, and all that is therein,
without inhabitant. will sing for joy over Babylon;
38 They will roar together like young lions.
for the destroyers will come to her
They will growl as lions’ cubs.
39 When they are inflamed, I will make from the north,” says Yahweh.
their feast, 49 “As Babylon has caused the slain of Israel
and I will make them drunk, to fall,
that they may rejoice, so the slain of all the land will fall at
and sleep a perpetual sleep, Babylon.
and not wake up,” says Yahweh. 50 You who have escaped the sword, go!

40 “I will bring them down like lambs to the Don’t stand still!
Remember Yahweh from afar,
slaughter, and let Jerusalem come into your
like rams with male goats. mind.”
41 “How Sheshach is taken! 51 “We are confounded
How the praise of the whole earth is because we have heard reproach.
seized! Confusion has covered our faces,
Jeremiah 51:52 921 Jeremiah 52:9

for strangers have come into the sanc- that are written concerning Babylon.
tuaries of Yahweh’s house.” 61 Jeremiah said to Seraiah, “When you
come to Babylon, then see that you read
52 “Therefore behold, the days come,” says
all these words, 62 and say, ‘Yahweh, you
Yahweh, have spoken concerning this place, to cut
“that I will execute judgment on her it off, that no one will dwell in it, neither
engraved images; man nor animal, but that it will be desolate
and through all her land the wounded forever.’ 63 It will be, when you have
will groan. finished reading this book, that you shall
53 Though Babylon should mount up to the
bind a stone to it, and cast it into the middle
sky, of the Euphrates. 64 Then you shall say,
and though she should fortify the ‘Thus will Babylon sink, and will not rise
height of her strength, again because of the evil that I will bring
yet destroyers will come to her from on her; and they will be weary.’ ”
me,” says Yahweh. Thus far are the words of Jeremiah.
54 “The sound of a cry comes from Babylon,
and of great destruction from the land
1Zedekiah was twenty-one years old
of the Chaldeans! when he began to reign. He reigned eleven
55 For Yahweh lays Babylon waste,
years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name
and destroys out of her the great voice! was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of
Their waves roar like many waters. Libnah. 2 He did that which was evil in Yah-
The noise of their voice is uttered. weh’s sight, according to all that Jehoiakim
56 For the destroyer has come on her,
had done. 3 For through Yahweh’s anger
even on Babylon. this happened in Jerusalem and Judah, un-
Her mighty men are taken. til he had cast them out from his presence.
Their bows are broken in pieces, Zedekiah rebelled against the king of
for Yahweh is a God of retribution. Babylon. 4 In the ninth year of his reign,
He will surely repay. in the tenth month, in the tenth day of
57 I will make her princes, her wise men,
the month, Nebuchadnezzar king of Baby-
her governors, her deputies, and her lon came, he and all his army, against
mighty men drunk. Jerusalem, and encamped against it; and
They will sleep a perpetual sleep, they built forts against it round about. 5 So
and not wake up,” the city was besieged to the eleventh year
says the King, whose name is Yahweh of King Zedekiah.
of Armies. 6 In the fourth month, in the ninth day
58 Yahweh of Armies says:
of the month, the famine was severe in
“The wide walls of Babylon will be utterly the city, so that there was no bread for the
overthrown. people of the land. 7 Then a breach was
Her high gates will be burned with
fire. made in the city, and all the men of war
The peoples will labor for vanity, fled, and went out of the city by night by
and the nations for the fire; the way of the gate between the two walls,
and they will be weary.” which was by the king’s garden. Now the
59 The word which Jeremiah the prophet Chaldeans were against the city all around.
commanded Seraiah the son of Neriah, The men of war went toward the Arabah,
8 but the army of the Chaldeans pursued
the son of Mahseiah, when he went with
Zedekiah the king of Judah to Babylon in the king, and overtook Zedekiah in the
the fourth year of his reign. Now Seraiah plains of Jericho; and all his army was scat-
was chief quartermaster. 60 Jeremiah tered from him. 9 Then they took the king,
wrote in a book all the evil that should and carried him up to the king of Babylon
come on Babylon, even all these words to Riblah in the land of Hamath; and he
Jeremiah 52:10 922 Jeremiah 52:31

pronounced judgment on him. 10 The king was eighteen cubits;† and a line of twelve
of Babylon killed the sons of Zedekiah be- cubits encircled it; and its thickness was
fore his eyes. He also killed all the princes four fingers. It was hollow. 22 A capital of
of Judah in Riblah. 11 He put out the eyes of bronze was on it; and the height of the one
Zedekiah; and the king of Babylon bound capital was five cubits,‡ with network and
him in fetters, and carried him to Babylon, pomegranates on the capital all around, all
and put him in prison until the day of his of bronze. The second pillar also had the
death. same, with pomegranates. 23 There were
12 Now in the fifth month, in the tenth ninety-six pomegranates on the sides; all
day of the month, which was the nine- the pomegranates were one hundred on
teenth year of King Nebuchadnezzar, king the network all around.
of Babylon, Nebuzaradan the captain of 24 The captain of the guard took Seraiah
the guard, who stood before the king the chief priest, and Zephaniah the sec-
of Babylon, came into Jerusalem. 13 He ond priest, and the three keepers of the
burned Yahweh’s house, and the king’s threshold, 25 and out of the city he took an
house; and all the houses of Jerusalem, officer who was set over the men of war;
even every great house, he burned with and seven men of those who saw the king’s
fire. 14 All the army of the Chaldeans, who face, who were found in the city; and the
were with the captain of the guard, broke scribe of the captain of the army, who mus-
down all the walls of Jerusalem all around. tered the people of the land; and sixty men
15 Then Nebuzaradan the captain of the of the people of the land, who were found
guard carried away captive of the poorest in the middle of the city. 26 Nebuzaradan
of the people, and the rest of the people the captain of the guard took them, and
who were left in the city, and those who brought them to the king of Babylon to
fell away, who defected to the king of Baby- Riblah. 27 The king of Babylon struck them,
lon, and the rest of the multitude. 16 But and put them to death at Riblah in the land
Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard left of Hamath.
of the poorest of the land to be vineyard So Judah was carried away captive out of
keepers and farmers. his land. 28 This is the number of the peo-
17 The Chaldeans broke the pillars of ple whom Nebuchadnezzar carried away
bronze that were in Yahweh’s house and captive:
the bases and the bronze sea that were in the seventh year, three thousand
in Yahweh’s house in pieces, and carried twenty-three Jews;
all of their bronze to Babylon. 18 They 29 in the eighteenth year of Nebuchad-
also took away the pots, the shovels, the nezzar, he carried away captive from
snuffers, the basins, the spoons, and all Jerusalem eight hundred thirty-two per-
the vessels of bronze with which they min- sons;
30 in the twenty-third year of Nebuchad-
istered. 19 The captain of the guard took
away the cups, the fire pans, the basins, the nezzar, Nebuzaradan the captain of the
pots, the lamp stands, the spoons, and the guard carried away captive of the Jews
bowls; that which was of gold, as gold, and seven hundred forty-five people.
that which was of silver, as silver. All the people numbered four thousand six
20 They took the two pillars, the one sea, hundred.
31 In the thirty-seventh year of the cap-
and the twelve bronze bulls that were un-
der the bases, which King Solomon had tivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the
made for Yahweh’s house. The bronze of twelfth month, in the twenty-fifth day of
all these vessels was without weight. 21 As the month, Evilmerodach king of Babylon,
for the pillars, the height of the one pillar in the first year of his reign, lifted up the
† 52:21 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46
centimeters. ‡ 52:22 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about
18 inches or 46 centimeters.
Jeremiah 52:32 923 Jeremiah 52:34

head of Jehoiachin king of Judah, and re-

leased him from prison. 32 He spoke kindly
to him, and set his throne above the throne
of the kings who were with him in Babylon,
33 and changed his prison garments. Je-
hoiachin ate bread before him continually
all the days of his life. 34 For his allowance,
there was a continual allowance given him
by the king of Babylon, every day a portion
until the day of his death, all the days of his
Lamentations 1:1 924 Lamentations 1:13

7 Jerusalem remembers in the days of her

affliction and of her miseries
The all her pleasant things that were from
Lamentations the days of old;
of Jeremiah when her people fell into the hand of the
1 How the city sits solitary, and no one helped her.
that was full of people! The adversaries saw her.
They mocked at her desolations.
She has become as a widow,
who was great among the nations! 8 Jerusalem has grievously sinned.
She who was a princess among the Therefore she has become unclean.
provinces All who honored her despise her,
has become a slave! because they have seen her naked-
2 She weeps bitterly in the night.
Yes, she sighs and turns backward.
Her tears are on her cheeks.
Among all her lovers 9 Her filthiness was in her skirts.
she has no one to comfort her. She didn’t remember her latter end.
All her friends have dealt treacherously Therefore she has come down astound-
with her. ingly.
They have become her enemies. She has no comforter.
“See, Yahweh, my affliction;
3 Judah has gone into captivity because of for the enemy has magnified himself.”
10 The adversary has spread out his hand
and because of great servitude.
She dwells among the nations. on all her pleasant things;
She finds no rest. for she has seen that the nations have
All her persecutors overtook her in entered into her sanctuary,
her distress. concerning whom you commanded
that they should not enter into your
4 The roads to Zion mourn, assembly.
because no one comes to the solemn
assembly. 11 All her people sigh.
All her gates are desolate. They seek bread.
Her priests sigh. They have given their pleasant things
Her virgins are afflicted, for food to refresh their soul.
and she herself is in bitterness. “Look, Yahweh, and see,
for I have become despised.”
5 Her adversaries have become the head.
Her enemies prosper; 12 “Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by?
for Yahweh† has afflicted her for the multi- Look, and see if there is any sorrow
tude of her transgressions. like my sorrow,
Her young children have gone into which is brought on me,
captivity before the adversary. with which Yahweh has afflicted me in
the day of his fierce anger.
6 All majesty has departed from the daugh-
ter of Zion. 13 “From on high has he sent fire into my
Her princes have become like deer bones,
that find no pasture. and it prevails against them.
They have gone without strength be- He has spread a net for my feet.
fore the pursuer. He has turned me back.
† 1:5 “Yahweh” is God’s proper Name, sometimes rendered “LORD” (all caps) in other translations.
Lamentations 1:14 925 Lamentations 2:4

He has made me desolate and I faint all My heart turns over within me,
day long. for I have grievously rebelled.
14 “The yoke of my transgressions is bound
Abroad, the sword bereaves.
At home, it is like death.
by his hand.
They are knit together. 21 “They have heard that I sigh.
They have come up on my neck. There is no one to comfort me.
He made my strength fail. All my enemies have heard of my trouble.
The Lord‡ has delivered me into their They are glad that you have done it.
hands, You will bring the day that you have pro-
against whom I am not able to stand. claimed,
15 “The Lord has set at nothing all my
and they will be like me.
mighty men within me. 22 “Let all their wickedness come before
He has called a solemn assembly you.
against me to crush my young men. Do to them as you have done to me for
The Lord has trodden the virgin all my transgressions.
daughter of Judah as in a wine press. For my sighs are many,
16 “For these things I weep.
and my heart is faint.
My eye, my eye runs down with water,
because the comforter who should re-
1 How has the Lord covered the daughter
fresh my soul is far from me.
My children are desolate, of Zion with a cloud in his anger!
because the enemy has prevailed.” He has cast the beauty of Israel down
from heaven to the earth,
17 Zion spreads out her hands. and hasn’t remembered his footstool
in the day of his anger.
There is no one to comfort her.
Yahweh has commanded concerning Ja- 2
cob, The Lord has swallowed up all the
that those who are around him should dwellings of Jacob
be his adversaries. without pity.
Jerusalem is among them as an un- He has thrown down in his wrath the
clean thing. strongholds of the daughter of Ju-
18 “Yahweh is righteous, He has brought them down to the
for I have rebelled against his com- ground.
mandment. He has profaned the kingdom and its
Please hear all you peoples, princes.
and see my sorrow.
My virgins and my young men have 3 He has cut off all the horn of Israel in
gone into captivity. fierce anger.
He has drawn back his right hand
19 “I called for my lovers, from before the enemy.
but they deceived me. He has burned up Jacob like a flaming fire,
My priests and my elders gave up the spirit which devours all around.
in the city,
4 He has bent his bow like an enemy.
while they sought food for themselves
to refresh their souls. He has stood with his right hand as an
20 “Look, Yahweh; for I am in distress. He has killed all that were pleasant to the
My heart is troubled. eye.
‡ 1:14 The word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.”
Lamentations 2:5 926 Lamentations 2:17

In the tent of the daughter of Zion, he My heart is troubled.

has poured out his wrath like fire. My bile is poured on the earth,
because of the destruction of the
5 The Lord has become as an enemy. daughter of my people,
He has swallowed up Israel. because the young children and the
He has swallowed up all her palaces. infants swoon in the streets of the
He has destroyed his strongholds. city.
He has multiplied mourning and
lamentation in the daughter of 12 They ask their mothers,
Judah. “Where is grain and wine?”
when they swoon as the wounded in
6 He has violently taken away his taberna- the streets of the city,
cle, when their soul is poured out into
as if it were a garden. their mothers’ bosom.
He has destroyed his place of assembly.
Yahweh has caused solemn assembly 13 What shall I testify to you?
and Sabbath to be forgotten in Zion. What shall I liken to you, daughter of
In the indignation of his anger, he has Jerusalem?
despised the king and the priest. What shall I compare to you,
that I may comfort you, virgin daugh-
7 The Lord has cast off his altar. ter of Zion?
He has abhorred his sanctuary. For your breach is as big as the sea.
He has given the walls of her palaces into Who can heal you?
the hand of the enemy.
They have made a noise in Yahweh’s 14 Your prophets have seen false and fool-
house, ish visions for you.
as in the day of a solemn assembly. They have not uncovered your iniq-
8 Yahweh has purposed to destroy the wall
to reverse your captivity,
of the daughter of Zion. but have seen for you false revelations
He has stretched out the line. and causes of banishment.
He has not withdrawn his hand from
destroying; 15 All that pass by clap their hands at you.
He has made the rampart and wall lament. They hiss and wag their head at the
They languish together. daughter of Jerusalem, saying,
9 Her gates have sunk into the ground. “Is this the city that men called ‘The perfec-
He has destroyed and broken her bars. tion of beauty,
Her king and her princes are among the the joy of the whole earth’?”
nations where the law is not.
Yes, her prophets find no vision from 16 All your enemies have opened their
Yahweh. mouth wide against you.
They hiss and gnash their teeth.
10 The elders of the daughter of Zion sit on
They say, “We have swallowed her up.
the ground. Certainly this is the day that we looked for.
They keep silence. We have found it.
They have cast up dust on their heads. We have seen it.”
They have clothed themselves with
17 Yahweh has done that which he planned.
The virgins of Jerusalem hang down He has fulfilled his word that he com-
their heads to the ground. manded in the days of old.
He has thrown down,
11 My eyes fail with tears. and has not pitied.
Lamentations 2:18 927 Lamentations 3:22

He has caused the enemy to rejoice over again and again all day long.
He has exalted the horn of your adver- 4 He has made my flesh and my skin old.
saries. He has broken my bones.
5 He has built against me,
18 Their heart cried to the Lord.
O wall of the daughter of Zion, and surrounded me with bitterness
and hardship.
let tears run down like a river day and 6 He has made me dwell in dark places,
night. as those who have been long dead.
Give yourself no relief.
Don’t let your eyes rest. 7 He has walled me about, so that I can’t go
19 Arise, cry out in the night, He has made my chain heavy.
at the beginning of the watches! 8 Yes, when I cry, and call for help,
Pour out your heart like water before the he shuts out my prayer.
face of the Lord. 9 He has walled up my ways with cut stone.
Lift up your hands toward him for the He has made my paths crooked.
life of your young children,
who faint for hunger at the head of 10 He is to me as a bear lying in wait,
every street. as a lion in hiding.
11 He has turned away my path,
20 “Look, Yahweh, and see to whom you
and pulled me in pieces.
have done thus!
Should the women eat their offspring, 12 He has made me desolate.
He has bent his bow,
the children that they held and and set me as a mark for the arrow.
bounced on their knees?
Should the priest and the prophet be 13 He has caused the shafts of his quiver to
killed in the sanctuary of the Lord? enter into my kidneys.
14 I have become a derision to all my
21 “The youth and the old man lie on the
ground in the streets. and their song all day long.
My virgins and my young men have 15
He has filled me with bitterness.
fallen by the sword. He has stuffed me with wormwood.
You have killed them in the day of your
anger. 16 He has also broken my teeth with gravel.
You have slaughtered, and not pitied. He has covered me with ashes.
17 You have removed my soul far away
22 “You have called, as in the day of a
from peace.
solemn assembly, my terrors on ev- I forgot prosperity.
ery side. 18 I said, “My strength has perished,
There was no one that escaped or along with my expectation from Yah-
remained in the day of Yahweh’s weh.”
My enemy has consumed those whom 19 Remember my affliction and my misery,
I have cared for and brought up. the wormwood and the bitterness.
20 My soul still remembers them,
1 I am the man who has seen affliction
and is bowed down within me.
21 This I recall to my mind;
by the rod of his wrath. therefore I have hope.
2 He has led me and caused me to walk in
darkness, 22 It is because of Yahweh’s loving kind-
and not in light. nesses that we are not consumed,
3 Surely he turns his hand against me because his mercies don’t fail.
Lamentations 3:23 928 Lamentations 3:60

23 They are new every morning. “You have covered us with anger and
Great is your faithfulness. pursued us.
24 “Yahweh is my portion,” says my soul. You have killed.
“Therefore I will hope in him.” You have not pitied.
44 You have covered yourself with a cloud,
25 Yahweh is good to those who wait for so that no prayer can pass through.
45 You have made us an off-scouring and
to the soul who seeks him. refuse
26 It is good that a man should hope in the middle of the peoples.
and quietly wait for the salvation of
46 “All our enemies have opened their
27 It is good for a man that he bear the mouth wide against us.
yoke in his youth. 47 Terror and the pit have come on us,
devastation and destruction.”
28 Let him sit alone and keep silence,
48 My eye runs down with streams of wa-
because he has laid it on him.
29 Let him put his mouth in the dust, ter,
for the destruction of the daughter of
if it is so that there may be hope.
30 Let him give his cheek to him who strikes
my people.
49 My eye pours down
him. and doesn’t cease,
Let him be filled full of reproach.
without any intermission,
50 until Yahweh looks down,
31 For the Lord will not cast off forever.
32 For though he causes grief, and sees from heaven.
51 My eye affects my soul,
yet he will have compassion according
to the multitude of his loving kind- because of all the daughters of my city.
nesses. 52 They have chased me relentlessly like a
33 For he does not afflict willingly,
nor grieve the children of men. bird,
those who are my enemies without
34 To crush under foot all the prisoners of cause.
53 They have cut off my life in the dungeon,
the earth, and have cast a stone on me.
35 to turn away the right of a man 54
Waters flowed over my head.
before the face of the Most High, I said, “I am cut off.”
36 to subvert a man in his cause, the
Lord doesn’t approve. 55 I called on your name, Yahweh,
out of the lowest dungeon.
37 Who is he who says, and it comes to pass, 56
You heard my voice:
when the Lord doesn’t command it? “Don’t hide your ear from my sighing,
38 Doesn’t evil and good come out of the
and my cry.”
mouth of the Most High?
39 Why should a living man complain, 57
You came near in the day that I called on
a man for the punishment of his sins? you.
You said, “Don’t be afraid.”
40 Let us search and try our ways,
58 Lord, you have pleaded the causes of my
and turn again to Yahweh.
41 Let’s lift up our heart with our hands to soul.
God in the heavens.
† You have redeemed my life.
42 “We have transgressed and have re- 59 Yahweh, you have seen my wrong.
belled. Judge my cause.
You have not pardoned. 60 You have seen all their vengeance
† 3:41 The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim).
Lamentations 3:61 929 Lamentations 4:16

and all their plans against me. They were whiter than milk.
They were more ruddy in body than ru-
61 You have heard their reproach, Yahweh,
and all their plans against me, Their polishing was like sapphire.
62 the lips of those that rose up against me,
and their plots against me all day long. 8 Their appearance is blacker than a coal.
63 You see their sitting down and their ris- They are not known in the streets.
ing up. Their skin clings to their bones.
I am their song. It is withered.
It has become like wood.
64 You will pay them back, Yahweh,
9 Those who are killed with the sword
according to the work of their hands. are better than those who are killed
65 You will give them hardness of heart,
with hunger;
your curse to them. for these pine away, stricken through,
66 You will pursue them in anger,
for lack of the fruits of the field.
and destroy them from under the
heavens of Yahweh. 10 The hands of the pitiful women have
boiled their own children.
1 How the gold has become dim!
They were their food in the destruc-
tion of the daughter of my people.
The most pure gold has changed!
The stones of the sanctuary are poured out 11 Yahweh has accomplished his wrath.
at the head of every street. He has poured out his fierce anger.
He has kindled a fire in Zion,
2 The precious sons of Zion,
which has devoured its foundations.
comparable to fine gold,
how they are esteemed as earthen pitch- 12 The kings of the earth didn’t believe,
ers, neither did all the inhabitants of the
the work of the hands of the potter! world,
that the adversary and the enemy
3 Even the jackals offer their breast. would enter into the gates of
They nurse their young ones. Jerusalem.
But the daughter of my people has become
cruel, 13 It is because of the sins of her prophets
like the ostriches in the wilderness. and the iniquities of her priests,
4 The tongue of the nursing child clings to
that have shed the blood of the just in
the middle of her.
the roof of his mouth for thirst.
The young children ask for bread, 14 They wander as blind men in the streets.
and no one breaks it for them. They are polluted with blood,
5 Those who ate delicacies are desolate in So that men can’t touch their gar-
the streets. ments.
Those who were brought up in purple 15
“Go away!” they cried to them.
embrace dunghills.
“Unclean! Go away! Go away! Don’t
6 For the iniquity of the daughter of my touch!
When they fled away and wandered, men
people is greater than the sin of
said among the nations,
which was overthrown as in a mo- “They can’t live here any more.”
ment. 16 Yahweh’s anger has scattered them.
No hands were laid on her.
He will not pay attention to them any
7 Her nobles were purer than snow. more.
Lamentations 4:17 930 Lamentations 5:22

They didn’t respect the persons of the We are weary, and have no rest.
priests. 6 We have given our hands to the Egyp-
They didn’t favor the elders. tians,
and to the Assyrians, to be satisfied
17 Our eyes still fail, with bread.
looking in vain for our help. 7 Our fathers sinned, and are no more.
In our watching we have watched for We have borne their iniquities.
8 Servants rule over us.
a nation that could not save.
There is no one to deliver us out of
18 They hunt our steps, their hand.
9 We get our bread at the peril of our lives,
so that we can’t go in our streets.
Our end is near. because of the sword in the wilder-
Our days are fulfilled, ness.
10 Our skin is black like an oven,
for our end has come. because of the burning heat of famine.
11 They ravished the women in Zion,
19 Our pursuers were swifter than the ea-
gles of the sky. the virgins in the cities of Judah.
12 Princes were hanged up by their hands.
They chased us on the mountains.
They set an ambush for us in the The faces of elders were not honored.
13 The young men carry millstones.
The children stumbled under loads of
20 The breath of our nostrils, wood.
14 The elders have ceased from the gate,
the anointed of Yahweh,
was taken in their pits; and the young men from their music.
15 The joy of our heart has ceased.
of whom we said,
under his shadow we will live among Our dance is turned into mourning.
16 The crown has fallen from our head.
the nations.
Woe to us, for we have sinned!
21 Rejoice and be glad, daughter of Edom, 17 For this our heart is faint.
who dwells in the land of Uz. For these things our eyes are dim:
18 for the mountain of Zion, which is deso-
The cup will pass through to you also.
You will be drunken, late.
and will make yourself naked. The foxes walk on it.
19 You, Yahweh, remain forever.
22The punishment of your iniquity is ac- Your throne is from generation to gen-
complished, daughter of Zion. eration.
He will no more carry you away into 20 Why do you forget us forever,
captivity. and forsake us for so long a time?
He will visit your iniquity, daughter of 21 Turn us to yourself, Yahweh, and we will
Edom. be turned.
He will uncover your sins. Renew our days as of old.
22 But you have utterly rejected us.
5 You are very angry against us.
1 Remember, Yahweh, what has come on
Look, and see our reproach.
2 Our inheritance has been turned over to
our houses to aliens.
3 We are orphans and fatherless.
Our mothers are as widows.
4 We must pay for water to drink.
Our wood is sold to us.
5 Our pursuers are on our necks.
Baruch 1:1 931 Baruch 2:1

the altar of the Lord our God; 11 and pray

for the life of Nabuchodonosor king of
Baruch Babylon, and for the life of Baltasar his
The book of Baruch is recognized as son, that their days may be‡ as the days
Deuterocanonical Scripture by the Roman of heaven above the earth. 12 The Lord
Catholic, Greek Orthodox, and Russian Or- will give us strength and light to our eyes.
thodox Churches. In some Bibles, Baruch We will live under the shadow of Nabu-
chapter 6 is listed as a separate book called chodonosor king of Babylon and under the
The Letter of Jeremiah, reflecting its sepa- shadow of Baltasar his son, and we shall
ration from Baruch in some copies of the serve them many days, and find favor in
Greek Septuagint. their sight. 13 Pray for us also to the Lord
our God, for we have sinned against the
1 These are the words of the book which Lord our God. To this day the wrath of
Baruch the son of Nerias, the son of the Lord and his indignation is not turned
Maaseas, the son of Sedekias, the son of from us. 14 You shall read this book which
Asadias, the son of Helkias, wrote in Baby- we have sent to you, to make confession
lon, 2 in the fifth year, in the seventh day of in the house of the Lord upon the day of
the month, at the time when the Chaldeans the feast and on the days of the solemn
took Jerusalem and burned it with fire. assembly.
3 Baruch read the words of this book in
15 You shall say: To the Lord our God
the hearing of Jechonias the son of Joakim
king of Judah, and in the hearing of all the belongs righteousness, but to us confusion
people who came to hear the book, 4 and of face, as at this day—to the men of Judah,
in the hearing of the mighty men, and of to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, 16 to our
the kings’ sons, and in the hearing of the kings, to our princes, to our priests, to our
elders, and in the hearing of all the people, prophets, and to our fathers, 17 because
from the least to the greatest, even of all we have sinned before the Lord. 18 We
have disobeyed him and have not listened
those who lived at Babylon by the river to the voice of the Lord our God, to walk
Sud. 5 Then they wept, fasted,† and prayed in the commandments of the Lord that he
before the Lord. 6 They also made a col- has set before us. 19 Since the day that
lection of money according to every man’s the Lord brought our fathers out of the
ability; 7 and they sent it to Jerusalem to land of Egypt to this present day, we have
Joakim the high priest, the son of Helkias, been disobedient to the Lord our God, and
the son of Salom, and to the priests and to we have been negligent in not listening to
all the people who were found with him his voice. 20 Therefore the plagues have
at Jerusalem, 8 at the same time when he clung to us, along with the curse which the
took the vessels of the house of the Lord, Lord declared through Moses his servant
that had been carried out of the temple, in the day that he brought our fathers out
to return them into the land of Judah, the of the land of Egypt to give us a land that
tenth day of Sivan—silver vessels which flows with milk and honey, as at this day.
Sedekias the son of Josias king of Judah 21 Nevertheless we didn’t listen to the voice
had made, 9 after Nabuchodonosor king of of the Lord our God, according to all the
Babylon had carried away Jechonias, the words of the prophets whom he sent to us,
princes, the captives, the mighty men, and 22 but we each walked in the imagination
the people of the land from Jerusalem, and of his own wicked heart, to serve strange
brought them to Babylon. gods and to do what is evil in the sight of
10 And they said: Behold, we have sent the Lord our God.
you money; therefore buy with the money
burnt offerings, sin offerings, and incense, 2
and prepare an oblation, and offer upon 1 Therefore the Lord has made good
† 1:5 Another reading is, and vowed vows. ‡ 1:11 See Deuteronomy 11:21.
Baruch 2:2 932 Baruch 2:29

his word which he pronounced against 16 O Lord, look down from your holy house
us, and against our judges who judged and consider us. Incline your ear, O Lord,
Israel, and against our kings, and against and hear. 17 Open your eyes, and see; for
our princes, and against the men of Is- the dead that are in Hades, whose breath
rael and Judah, 2 to bring upon us great is taken from their bodies, will give to
plagues such as never happened before the Lord neither glory nor righteousness;
under the whole heaven,† as it came to 18 but the soul who is greatly vexed, who
pass in Jerusalem, according to the things goes stooping and feeble, and the eyes that
that are written in the law of Moses, 3 that fail, and the hungry soul, will declare your
we should each eat the flesh of our own glory and righteousness, O Lord.
son, and each eat the flesh of our own
daughter. 4 Moreover he has given them
19 For we do not present our supplica-
to be in subjection to all the kingdoms that tion before you, O Lord our God, for the
are around us, to be a reproach and a righteousness of our fathers and of our
desolation among all the people around us, kings. 20 For you have sent your wrath
where the Lord has scattered them. 5 Thus and your indignation upon us, as you have
they were cast down and not exalted, be- spoken by your servants the prophets, say-
cause we sinned against the Lord our God ing, 21 “The Lord says, ‘Bow your shoulders
in not listening to his voice. 6 To the Lord to serve the king of Babylon, and remain
our God belongs righteousness, but to us in the land that I gave to your fathers.
and to our fathers confusion of face, as at 22 But if you won’t hear the voice of the
this day. 7 All these plagues have come Lord to serve the king of Babylon, 23 I will
upon us which the Lord has pronounced cause to cease out of the cities of Judah
against us. 8 Yet have we not entreated and from the region near Jerusalem the
the favor of the Lord by everyone turn- voice of mirth, the voice of gladness, voice
ing from the thoughts of his wicked heart. of the bridegroom, and the voice of the
9 Therefore the Lord has kept watch over bride. The whole land will be desolate
the plagues. The Lord has brought them without inhabitant.’ ” 24 But we wouldn’t
upon us, for the Lord is righteous in all his listen to your voice, to serve the king of
works which he has commanded us. 10 Yet Babylon. Therefore you have made good
we have not listened to his voice, to walk your words that you spoke by your ser-
in the commandments of the Lord that he vants the prophets, that the bones of our
has set before us. kings and the bones of our fathers would
11 And now, O Lord, you God of Israel be taken out of their places. 25 Behold, they
who have brought your people out of the are cast out to the heat by day and to the
land of Egypt with a mighty hand, with frost by night. They died in great miseries
signs, with wonders, with great power, by famine, by sword, and by‡ pestilence.
and with a high arm, and have gotten 26 You have made the house that is called
yourself a name, as at this day: 12 O Lord by your name as it is today because of the
our God, we have sinned. We have been wickedness of the house of Israel and the
ungodly. We have done wrong in all your house of Judah.
ordinances. 13 Let your wrath turn from 27 Yet, O Lord our God, you have dealt
us, for we are but a few left among the hea- with us after all your kindness and accord-
then where you have scattered us. 14 Hear ing to all your great mercy, 28 as you spoke
our prayer, O Lord, and our petition, and by your servant Moses in the day when you
deliver us for your own sake. Give us favor commanded him to write your law in the
in the sight of those who have led us away presence of the children of Israel, saying,
captive, 15 that all the earth may know that 29 “If you won’t hear my voice, surely this
you are the Lord our God, because Israel very great multitude will be turned into
and his posterity is called by your name. a small number among the nations where
† 2:2 Another reading is, even as he has done. ‡ 2:25 See Jeremiah 32:36.
Baruch 2:30 933 Baruch 3:29

I will scatter them. 30 For I know that 9 Hear, O Israel, the commandments of
they will not hear me, because they are life! Give ear to understand wisdom!
a stiff-necked people; but in the land of 10 How is it, O Israel, that you are in your
their captivity they will take it to heart, enemies’ land, that you have become old
31 and will know that I am the Lord their in a strange country, that you are defiled
God. I will give them a heart and ears with the dead, 11 that you are counted with
to hear. 32 Then they will praise me in those who are in Hades? 12 You have for-
the land of their captivity, and think about saken the fountain of wisdom. 13 If you had
my name, 33 and will return from their walked in the way of God, you would have
stiff neck and from their wicked deeds; dwelled in peace forever. 14 Learn where
for they will remember the way of their there is wisdom, where there is strength,
fathers who sinned before the Lord. 34 I and where there is understanding, that
will bring them again into the land which you may also know where there is length
I promised to their fathers, to Abraham, of days and life, where there is the light
to Isaac, and to Jacob, and they will rule of the eyes and peace. 15 Who has found
over it. I will increase them, and they out her place? Who has come into her
won’t be diminished. 35 And I will make an treasuries? 16 Where are the princes of the
everlasting covenant with them to be their heathen, and those who ruled the beasts
God, and they will be my people. I will no that are on the earth, 17 those who had
more remove my people Israel out of the their pastime with the fowls of the air, and
land that I have given them.” those who hoarded up silver and gold, in
which people trust, and of their getting
there is no end? 18 For those who diligently
3 sought silver, and were so anxious, and
1 O Lord Almighty, you God of Israel, whose works are past finding out, 19 they
the soul in anguish and the troubled spirit have vanished and gone down to Hades,
cries to you. 2 Hear, O Lord, and have and others have come up in their place.
mercy; for you are a merciful God. Yes, 20 Younger men have seen the light and
have mercy upon us, because we have lived upon the earth, but they haven’t
sinned before you. 3 For you are enthroned known the way of knowledge, 21 nor un-
forever, and we keep perishing. 4 O Lord derstood its paths. Their children haven’t
Almighty, you God of Israel, hear now the embraced it. They are far off from their
prayer of the dead Israelites, and of the way. 22 It has not been heard of in Canaan,
children of those who were sinners before neither has it been seen in Teman. 23 The
you, who didn’t listen to the voice of you sons also of Agar who seek understanding,
their God; because of this, these plagues which are in the land, the merchants of
cling to us. 5 Don’t remember the iniquities Merran and Teman, and the authors of fa-
of our fathers, but remember your power bles, and the searchers out of understand-
and your name at this time. 6 For you ing—none of these have known the way of
are the Lord our God, and we will praise wisdom or remembered her paths.
you, O Lord. 7 For this cause, you have 24 O Israel, how great is the house of God!
put your fear in our hearts, to the intent How large is the place of his possession!
that we should call upon your name. We 25 It is great and has no end. It is high and
will praise you in our captivity, for we unmeasurable. 26 Giants were born that
have called to mind all the iniquity of our were famous of old, great of stature, and
fathers who sinned before you. 8 Behold, expert in war. 27 God didn’t choose these,
we are yet this day in our captivity where nor did he give the way of knowledge to
you have scattered us, for a reproach and a them, 28 so they perished, because they had
curse, and to be subject to penalty accord- no wisdom. They perished through their
ing to all the iniquities of our fathers who own foolishness. 29 Who has gone up into
departed from the Lord our God. heaven, taken her, and brought her down
Baruch 3:30 934 Baruch 4:29

from the clouds? 30 Who has gone over from the law of God 13 and had no regard
the sea, found her, and will bring her for for his statutes. They didn’t walk in the
choice gold? 31 There is no one who knows ways of God’s commandments or tread in
her way, nor any who comprehend her the paths of discipline in his righteousness.
path. 32 But he that knows all things knows 14 Let those who dwell near Zion come
her, he found her out with his understand- and remember the captivity of my sons
ing. He who prepared the earth for all time and daughters, which the Everlasting has
has filled it with four-footed beasts. 33 It is brought upon them. 15 For he has brought
he who sends forth the light, and it goes. a nation upon them from afar, a shameless
He called it, and it obeyed him with fear. nation with a strange language, who didn’t
34 The stars shone in their watches, and respect old men or pity children. 16 They
were glad. When he called them, they said, have carried away the dear beloved sons
“Here we are.” They shone with gladness of the widow, and left her who was alone
to him who made them. 35 This is our God. desolate of her daughters.”
No other can be compared to him. 36 He 17 But I—how can I help you? 18 For he
has found out all the way of knowledge, who brought these calamities upon you
and has given it to Jacob his servant and will deliver you from the hand of your
to Israel who is loved by him. 37 Afterward enemies. 19 Go your way, O my children.
she appeared upon earth, and lived with Go your way, for I am left desolate. 20 I
have put off the garment of peace, and put
4 on the sackcloth of my petition. I will cry
to the Everlasting as long as I live.
1 This is the book of God’s command-
ments and the law that endures forever. 21 Take courage, my children. Cry to God,
All those who hold it fast will live, but those and he will deliver you from the power
who leave it will die. 2 Turn, O Jacob, and and hand of the enemies. 22 For I have
take hold of it. Walk toward the shining of trusted in the Everlasting, that he will save
its light. 3 Don’t give your glory to another, you; and joy has come to me from the Holy
nor the things that are to your advantage to One, because of the mercy that will soon
a foreign nation. 4 O Israel, we are happy; come to you from your Everlasting Savior.
for the things that are pleasing to God are 23 For I sent you out with mourning and
made known to us. weeping, but God will give you to me again
5 Be of good cheer, my people, the memo-
with joy and gladness forever. 24 For as
rial of Israel. 6 You were not sold to the now those who dwell near Zion have seen
nations for destruction, but because you your captivity, so they will shortly see your
moved God to wrath, you were delivered to salvation from our God which will come
your adversaries. 7 For you provoked him upon you with great glory and brightness
who made you by sacrificing to demons of the Everlasting. 25 My children, suffer
and not to God. 8 You forgot the everlasting patiently the wrath that has come upon
God who brought you up. You also grieved you from God, for your enemy has perse-
Jerusalem, who nursed you. 9 For she saw cuted you; but shortly you will see his de-
the wrath that came upon you from God, struction and will tread upon their necks.
and said, “Listen, you who dwell near Zion; 26 My delicate ones have traveled rough
for God has brought upon me great mourn- roads. They were taken away like a flock
ing. 10 For I have seen the captivity of my carried off by enemies.
sons and daughters, which the Everlasting 27 Take courage, my children, and cry to
has brought upon them. 11 For with joy I God; for you will be remembered by him
nourished them, but sent them away with who has brought this upon you. 28 For
weeping and mourning. 12 Let no man as it was your decision to go astray from
rejoice over me, a widow and forsaken by God, return and seek him ten times more.
many. For the sins of my children, I am 29 For he who brought these calamities
left desolate, because they turned away upon you will bring you everlasting joy
Baruch 4:30 935 Baruch 6:15

again with your salvation. 30 Take courage, the mercy and righteousness that come
O Jerusalem, for he who called you by from him.
name will comfort you. 31 Miserable are
those who afflicted you and rejoiced at 6
your fall. 32 Miserable are the cities which
The Letter of Jeremy (Jeremiah)
your children served. Miserable is she
who received your sons. 33 For as she
1 A copy of a letter that Jeremy sent to
rejoiced at your fall and was glad of your those who were to be led captives into
ruin, so she will be grieved at her own des- Babylon by the king of the Babylonians,
olation. 34 And I will take away her pride in to give them the message that God com-
her great multitude and her boasting will manded him.
2 Because of the sins which you have
be turned into mourning. 35 For fire will
committed before God, you will be led
come upon her from the Everlasting for
away captives to Babylon by Nabu-
many days; and she will be inhabited by
chodonosor king of the Babylonians. 3 So
demons for a long time.
36 O Jerusalem, look around you toward when you come to Babylon, you will
remain there many years, and for a long
the east, and behold the joy that comes to
season, even for seven generations. After
you from God. 37 Behold, your sons come,
that, I will bring you out peacefully from
whom you sent away. They come gathered
there. 4 But now you will see in Babylon
together from the east to the west at the
gods of silver, gold, wood carried on
word of the Holy One, rejoicing in the glory
shoulders, which cause the nations to fear.
of God. 5 Beware therefore that you in no way

5 become like these foreigners. Don’t let fear

1 Take off the garment of your mourning take hold of you because of them when
and affliction, O Jerusalem, and put on for- you see the multitude before them and
ever the beauty of the glory from God. 2 Put behind them, worshiping them. 6 But say
on the robe of the righteousness from God. in your hearts, “O Lord, we must worship
Set on your head a diadem of the glory of you.” 7 For my angel is with you, and I
the Everlasting. 3 For God will show your myself care for your souls. 8 For their
splendor everywhere under heaven. 4 For tongue is polished by the workman, and
your name will be called by God forever they themselves are overlaid with gold
“Righteous Peace, Godly Glory”. and with silver; yet they are only fake,
5 Arise, O Jerusalem, and stand upon and can’t speak. 9 And taking gold, as
the height. Look around you toward the if it were for a virgin who loves to be
east and see your children gathered from happy, they make crowns for the heads of
the going down of the sun to its rising at their gods. 10 Sometimes also the priests
the word of the Holy One, rejoicing that take gold and silver from their gods, and
God has remembered them. 6 For they spend it on themselves. 11 They will even
went from you on foot, being led away give some of it to the common prostitutes.
by their enemies, but God brings them in They dress them like men with garments,
to you carried on high with glory, on a even the gods of silver, gods of gold, and
royal throne. 7 For God has appointed that gods of wood. 12 Yet these gods can’t
every high mountain and the everlasting save themselves from rust and moths,
hills should be made low, and the valleys even though they are covered with purple
filled up to make the ground level, that garments. 13 They wipe their faces because
Israel may go safely in the glory of God. of the dust of the temple, which is thick
8 Moreover the woods and every sweet upon them. 14 And he who can’t put to
smelling tree have shaded Israel by the death one who offends against him holds
commandment of God. 9 For God will lead a sceptre, as though he were judge of a
Israel with joy in the light of his glory with country. 15 He has also a dagger in his
Baruch 6:16 936 Baruch 6:48

right hand, and an axe, but can’t deliver the gods of silver, gold, and wood. 31 And
himself from war and robbers. 16 By this in their temples the priests sit on seats,
they are known not to be gods. Therefore having their clothes torn and their heads
don’t fear them. 17 For like a vessel that and beards shaven, and nothing on their
a man uses is worth nothing when it is heads. 32 They roar and cry before their
broken, even so it is with their gods. When gods, as men do at the feast when one is
they are set up in the temples, their eyes dead. 33 The priests also take off garments
are full of dust through the feet of those from them and clothe their wives and
who come in. 18 As the courts are secured children with them. 34 Whether it is evil or
on every side upon him who offends the good what one does to them, they are not
king, as being committed to suffer death, able to repay it. They can’t set up a king or
even so the priests secure their temples put him down. 35 In like manner, they can
with doors, with locks, and bars, lest neither give riches nor money. Though
they be carried off by robbers. 19 They a man make a vow to them and doesn’t
light candles for them, yes, more than for keep it, they will never exact it. 36 They
themselves, even though they can’t see can save no man from death. They can’t
one. 20 They are like one of the beams deliver the weak from the mighty. 37 They
of the temple. Men say their hearts are can’t restore a blind man to his sight, or
eaten out when things creeping out of the deliver anyone who is in distress. 38 They
earth devour both them and their clothing. can show no mercy to the widow, or do
They don’t feel it 21 when their faces are good to the fatherless. 39 They are like the
blackened through the smoke that comes stones that are cut out of the mountain,
out of the temple. 22 Bats, swallows, and these gods of wood that are overlaid with
birds land on their bodies and heads. So do gold and with silver. Those who minister
the cats. 23 By this you may know that they to them will be confounded.
are no gods. Therefore don’t fear them. 40 How could a man then think or
24 Notwithstanding the gold with which say that they are gods, when even the
they are covered to make them beautiful, Chaldeans themselves dishonor them?
41 If they shall see one mute who can’t
unless someone wipes off the tarnish, they
won’t shine; for they didn’t even feel it speak, they bring him and ask him to
when they were molten. 25 Things in which call upon Bel, as though he were able to
there is no breath are bought at any cost. understand. 42 Yet they can’t perceive this
26 Having no feet, they are carried upon themselves, and forsake them; for they
shoulders. By this, they declare to men have no understanding. 43 The women
that they are worth nothing. 27 Those who also with cords around them sit in the
ways, burning bran for incense; but if
serve them are also ashamed, for if they
any of them, drawn by someone who
fall to the ground at any time, they can’t
passes by, lies with him, she reproaches
rise up again by themselves. If they are
her fellow, that she was not thought as
bowed down, they can’t make themselves
worthy as herself and her cord wasn’t
straight; but the offerings are set before
broken. 44 Whatever is done among them
them, as if they were dead men. 28 And
is false. How could a man then think
the things that are sacrificed to them, their or say that they are gods? 45 They are
priests sell and spend. In like manner, fashioned by carpenters and goldsmiths.
their wives also lay up part of it in salt; They can be nothing else than what the
but to the poor and to the impotent they workmen make them to be. 46 And they
give none of it. 29 The menstruous woman themselves who fashioned them can never
and the woman in childbed touch their continue long. How then should the things
sacrifices, knowing therefore by these that are fashioned by them? 47 For they
things that they are no gods. Don’t fear have left lies and reproaches to those
them. 30 For how can they be called who come after. 48 For when there comes
gods? Because women set food before any war or plague upon them, the priests
Baruch 6:49 937 Baruch 6:73

consult with themselves, where they may able to judge causes or to do good to men.
be hidden with them. 49 How then can’t 65 Knowing therefore that they are no gods,
men understand that they are no gods, don’t fear them. 66 For they can neither
which can’t save themselves from war or curse nor bless kings. 67 They can’t show
from plague? 50 For seeing they are only signs in the heavens among the nations,
wood and overlaid with gold and silver, or shine as the sun, or give light as the
it will be known hereafter that they are moon. 68 The beasts are better than they;
false. 51 It will be manifest to all nations for they can get under a covert, and help
and kings that they are no gods, but the
works of men’s hands, and that there is no themselves. 69 In no way then is it manifest
work of God in them. 52 Who then may not to us that they are gods. Therefore don’t
know that they are not gods? fear them. 70 For as a scarecrow in a gar-
den of cucumbers that keeps nothing, so
53 For they can’t set up a king in a land are their gods of wood overlaid with gold
or give rain to men. 54 They can’t judge and silver. 71 Likewise also their gods of
their own cause, or redress a wrong, being wood overlaid with gold and with silver,
unable; for they are like crows between are like a white thorn in an orchard that
heaven and earth. 55 For even when fire every bird sits upon. They are also like
falls upon the house of gods of wood over- a dead body that is thrown out into the
laid with gold or with silver, their priests dark. 72 You will know them to be no
will flee away, and escape, but they them- gods by the bright purple that rots upon
selves will be burned apart like beams. them. They themselves will be consumed
56 Moreover they can’t withstand any king afterwards, and will be a reproach in the
or enemies. How could a man then ad- country. 73 Better therefore is the just man
mit or think that they are gods? 57 Those who has no idols; for he will be far from
gods of wood overlaid with silver or with reproach.
gold aren’t able to escape from thieves or
robbers. 58 The gold, silver, and garments
with which they are clothed—those who
are strong will take from them, and go
away with them. They won’t be able to
help themselves. 59 Therefore it is better to
be a king who shows his manhood, or else
a vessel in a house profitable for whatever
the owner needs, than such false gods—or
even a door in a house, to keep the things
safe that are in it, than such false gods; or
better to be a pillar of wood in a palace
than such false gods.
60 For sun, moon, and stars, being bright
and sent to do their jobs, are obedient.
61 Likewise also the lightning when it
flashes is beautiful to see. In the same
way, the wind also blows in every country.
62 And when God commands the clouds
to go over the whole world, they do as
they are told. 63 And the fire sent from
above to consume mountains and woods
does as it is commanded; but these are to
be compared to them neither in show nor
power. 64 Therefore a man shouldn’t think
or say that they are gods, seeing they aren’t
Ezekiel 1:1 938 Ezekiel 1:26

of torches. The fire went up and down

among the living creatures. The fire was
The Book of bright, and lightning went out of the fire.
Ezekiel 14 The living creatures ran and returned as

1 Now
the appearance of a flash of lightning.
in the thirtieth year, in the fourth 15 Now as I saw the living creatures, be-
month, in the fifth day of the month, as
I was among the captives by the river hold, there was one wheel on the earth
beside the living creatures, for each of the
Chebar, the heavens were opened, and I
four faces of it. 16 The appearance of the
saw visions of God.†
2 In the fifth of the month, which was wheels and their work was like a beryl.
the fifth year of King Jehoiachin’s captiv- The four of them had one likeness. Their
ity, 3 Yahweh’s‡ word came to Ezekiel the appearance and their work was as it were
priest, the son of Buzi, in the land of the a wheel within a wheel. 17 When they
Chaldeans by the river Chebar; and Yah- went, they went in their four directions.
weh’s hand was there on him. They didn’t turn when they went. 18 As for
4 I looked, and behold,§ a stormy wind their rims, they were high and dreadful;
came out of the north: a great cloud, and the four of them had their rims full of
eyes all around.
with flashing lightning, and a brightness 19 When the living creatures went, the
around it, and out of the middle of it as
it were glowing metal, out of the middle wheels went beside them. When the living
of the fire. 5 Out of its center came the creatures were lifted up from the earth,
likeness of four living creatures. This was the wheels were lifted up. 20 Wherever
their appearance: They had the likeness of the spirit was to go, they went. The spirit
a man. 6 Everyone had four faces, and each was to go there. The wheels were lifted
one of them had four wings. 7 Their feet up beside them; for the spirit of the living
were straight feet. The sole of their feet creature was in the wheels. 21 When those
was like the sole of a calf’s foot; and they went, these went. When those stood, these
sparkled like burnished bronze. 8 They stood. When those were lifted up from
had the hands of a man under their wings the earth, the wheels were lifted up beside
on their four sides. The four of them had them; for the spirit of the living creature
their faces and their wings like this: 9 Their was in the wheels.
22 Over the head of the living creature
wings were joined to one another. They
didn’t turn when they went. Each one there was the likeness of an expanse, like
went straight forward. an awesome crystal to look at, stretched
10 As for the likeness of their faces, they out over their heads above. 23 Under the
had the face of a man. The four of them expanse, their wings were straight, one
had the face of a lion on the right side. The toward the other. Each one had two which
four of them had the face of an ox on the covered on this side, and each one had two
left side. The four of them also had the which covered their bodies on that side.
24 When they went, I heard the noise of
face of an eagle. 11 Such were their faces.
Their wings were spread out above. Two their wings like the noise of great waters,
wings of each one touched another, and like the voice of the Almighty, a noise of
two covered their bodies. 12 Each one went tumult like the noise of an army. When
straight forward. Where the spirit was they stood, they let down their wings.
to go, they went. They didn’t turn when 25 There was a voice above the expanse
they went. 13 As for the likeness of the that was over their heads. When they
living creatures, their appearance was like stood, they let down their wings. 26 Above
burning coals of fire, like the appearance the expanse that was over their heads was
† 1:1 The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim). ‡ 1:3 “Yahweh” is God’s proper Name, sometimes
rendered “LORD” (all caps) in other translations. § 1:4 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice, observe,
see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection. † 1:26 or, lapis lazuli
Ezekiel 1:27 939 Ezekiel 3:13

the likeness of a throne, as the appearance 9When I looked, behold, a hand was
of a sapphire† stone. On the likeness of the stretched out to me; and behold, a scroll
throne was a likeness as the appearance of a book was in it. 10 He spread it before
of a man on it above. 27 I saw as it were me. It was written within and without; and
glowing metal, as the appearance of fire lamentations, mourning, and woe were
within it all around, from the appearance written in it.
of his waist and upward; and from the
appearance of his waist and downward I 3
saw as it were the appearance of fire, and 1 He said to me, “Son of man, eat what
there was brightness around him. 28 As you find. Eat this scroll, and go, speak to
the appearance of the rainbow that is in the house of Israel.”
2 So I opened my mouth, and he caused
the cloud in the day of rain, so was the
appearance of the brightness all around. me to eat the scroll.
3 He said to me, “Son of man, eat this
This was the appearance of the likeness scroll that I give you and fill your belly and
of Yahweh’s glory. When I saw it, I fell on your bowels with it.”
my face, and I heard a voice of one that Then I ate it. It was as sweet as honey in
spoke. my mouth.
4 He said to me, “Son of man, go to the

2 house of Israel, and speak my words to

them. 5 For you are not sent to a people of a
1 He said to me, “Son of man, stand on
your feet, and I will speak with you.” 2 The strange speech and of a hard language, but
Spirit entered into me when he spoke to to the house of Israel— 6 not to many peo-
me, and set me on my feet; and I heard him ples of a strange speech and of a hard lan-
who spoke to me. guage, whose words you can’t understand.
Surely, if I sent you to them, they would
3 He said to me, “Son of man, I send
listen to you. 7 But the house of Israel will
you to the children of Israel, to a nation not listen to you, for they will not listen
of rebels who have rebelled against me. to me; for all the house of Israel are obsti-
They and their fathers have transgressed nate† and hard-hearted. 8 Behold, I have
against me even to this very day. 4 The made your face hard against their faces,
children are impudent and stiff-hearted. I and your forehead hard against their fore-
am sending you to them, and you shall tell heads. 9 I have made your forehead as
them, ‘This is what the Lord† Yahweh says.’ a diamond, harder than flint. Don’t be
5 They, whether they will hear, or whether
afraid of them, neither be dismayed at
they will refuse—for they are a rebellious their looks, though they are a rebellious
house—yet they will know that there has house.”
been a prophet among them. 6 You, son of 10 Moreover he said to me, “Son of man,
man, don’t be afraid of them, neither be receive in your heart and hear with your
afraid of their words, though briers and ears all my words that I speak to you. 11 Go
thorns are with you, and you dwell among to them of the captivity, to the children of
scorpions. Don’t be afraid of their words, your people, and speak to them, and tell
nor be dismayed at their looks, though them, ‘This is what the Lord Yahweh says,’
they are a rebellious house. 7 You shall whether they will hear, or whether they
speak my words to them, whether they will refuse.”
will hear or whether they will refuse; for 12 Then the Spirit lifted me up, and I
they are most rebellious. 8 But you, son heard behind me the voice of a great rush-
of man, hear what I tell you. Don’t be ing, saying, “Blessed be Yahweh’s glory
rebellious like that rebellious house. Open from his place.” 13 I heard the noise of
your mouth, and eat that which I give you.” the wings of the living creatures as they
† 2:4 The word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.” † 3:7 Literally, have a hard forehead
Ezekiel 3:14 940 Ezekiel 4:10

touched one another, and the noise of the among them. 26 I will make your tongue
wheels beside them, even the noise of a stick to the roof of your mouth so that you
great rushing. 14 So the Spirit lifted me up, will be mute and will not be able to cor-
and took me away; and I went in bitter- rect them, for they are a rebellious house.
ness, in the heat of my spirit; and Yahweh’s 27 But when I speak with you, I will open
hand was strong on me. 15 Then I came your mouth, and you shall tell them, ‘This
to them of the captivity at Tel Aviv who is what the Lord Yahweh says.’ He who
lived by the river Chebar, and to where hears, let him hear; and he who refuses,
they lived; and I sat there overwhelmed let him refuse; for they are a rebellious
among them seven days. house.”
16 At the end of seven days, Yahweh’s
word came to me, saying, 17 “Son of man, 4
I have made you a watchman to the house
1“You also, son of man, take a tile, and
lay it before yourself, and portray on it a
of Israel. Therefore hear the word from my
city, even Jerusalem. 2 Lay siege against it,
mouth, and warn them from me. 18 When
I tell the wicked, ‘You will surely die;’ and build forts against it, and cast up a mound
you give him no warning, nor speak to against it. Also set camps against it and
warn the wicked from his wicked way, to plant battering rams against it all around.
3 Take for yourself an iron pan and set it
save his life, that wicked man will die in
his iniquity; but I will require his blood at for a wall of iron between you and the city.
your hand. 19 Yet if you warn the wicked, Then set your face toward it. It will be
and he doesn’t turn from his wickedness, besieged, and you shall lay siege against it.
nor from his wicked way, he will die in This shall be a sign to the house of Israel.
4 “Moreover lie on your left side, and
his iniquity; but you have delivered your
soul.” lay the iniquity of the house of Israel on
20 “Again, when a righteous man turns it. According to the number of the days
from his righteousness and commits iniq- that you shall lie on it, you shall bear their
uity, and I lay a stumbling block before iniquity. 5 For I have appointed the years
him, he will die. Because you have not of their iniquity to be to you a number of
given him warning, he will die in his sin, days, even three hundred ninety days. So
and his righteous deeds which he has done you shall bear the iniquity of the house of
will not be remembered; but I will require Israel.
his blood at your hand. 21 Nevertheless 6 “Again, when you have accomplished
if you warn the righteous man, that the these, you shall lie on your right side, and
righteous not sin, and he does not sin, he shall bear the iniquity of the house of Ju-
will surely live, because he took warning; dah. I have appointed forty days, each day
and you have delivered your soul.” for a year, to you. 7 You shall set your face
22 Yahweh’s hand was there on me; and toward the siege of Jerusalem, with your
he said to me, “Arise, go out into the plain, arm uncovered; and you shall prophesy
and I will talk with you there.” against it. 8 Behold, I put ropes on you, and
23 Then I arose, and went out into the you shall not turn yourself from one side to
plain, and behold, Yahweh’s glory stood the other, until you have accomplished the
there, like the glory which I saw by the days of your siege.
river Chebar. Then I fell on my face. 9 “Take for yourself also wheat, barley,
24 Then the Spirit entered into me and
beans, lentils, millet, and spelt, and put
set me on my feet. He spoke with me, and them in one vessel. Make bread of it. Ac-
said to me, “Go, shut yourself inside your cording to the number of the days that you
house. 25 But you, son of man, behold, will lie on your side, even three hundred
they will put ropes on you, and will bind ninety days, you shall eat of it. 10 Your
you with them, and you will not go out food which you shall eat shall be by weight,
† 4:10 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces.
Ezekiel 4:11 941 Ezekiel 5:16

twenty shekels† a day. From time to time nations, and against my statutes more than
you shall eat it. 11 You shall drink wa- the countries that are around her; for they
ter by measure, the sixth part of a hin.‡ have rejected my ordinances, and as for
From time to time you shall drink. 12 You my statutes, they have not walked in them.’
shall eat it as barley cakes, and you shall 7 “Therefore the Lord Yahweh says: ‘Be-
bake it in their sight with dung that comes cause you are more turbulent than the
out of man.” 13 Yahweh said, “Even thus nations that are around you, and have not
will the children of Israel eat their bread walked in my statutes, neither have kept
unclean, among the nations where I will my ordinances, neither have followed the
drive them.” ordinances of the nations that are around
14 Then I said, “Ah Lord Yahweh! Behold,
you; 8 therefore the Lord Yahweh says:
my soul has not been polluted; for from my ‘Behold, I, even I, am against you; and I
youth up even until now I have not eaten will execute judgments among you in the
of that which dies of itself, or is torn of sight of the nations. 9 I will do in you that
animals. No abominable meat has come
into my mouth!” which I have not done, and which I will
15 Then he said to me, “Behold, I have not do anything like it any more, because
given you cow’s dung for man’s dung, and of all your abominations. 10 Therefore the
you shall prepare your bread on it.” fathers will eat the sons within you, and
16 Moreover he said to me, “Son of man, the sons will eat their fathers. I will exe-
cute judgments on you; and I will scatter
behold, I will break the staff of bread in the whole remnant of you to all the winds.
Jerusalem. They will eat bread by weight, 11 Therefore as I live,’ says the Lord Yah-
and with fearfulness. They will drink wa-
weh, ‘surely, because you have defiled my
ter by measure, and in dismay; 17 that they
sanctuary with all your detestable things,
may lack bread and water, be dismayed
and with all your abominations, therefore
one with another, and pine away in their
I will also diminish you. My eye won’t
spare, and I will have no pity. 12 A third
part of you will die with the pestilence, and
5 they will be consumed with famine within
1“You, son of man, take a sharp sword.
you. A third part will fall by the sword
You shall take it as a barber’s razor to
yourself, and shall cause it to pass over around you. A third part I will scatter to all
your head and over your beard. Then take the winds, and will draw out a sword after
balances to weigh and divide the hair. 2 A them.
13 “ ‘Thus my anger will be accom-
third part you shall burn in the fire in the
middle of the city, when the days of the plished, and I will cause my wrath toward
siege are fulfilled. You shall take a third them to rest, and I will be comforted. They
part, and strike with the sword around it. will know that I, Yahweh, have spoken in
A third part you shall scatter to the wind, my zeal, when I have accomplished my
and I will draw out a sword after them. wrath on them.
3 You shall take a small number of these 14 “ ‘Moreover I will make you a deso-
and bind them in the folds of your robe. lation and a reproach among the nations
4 Of these again you shall take, and cast that are around you, in the sight of all that
them into the middle of the fire, and burn pass by. 15 So it will be a reproach and a
them in the fire. From it a fire will come taunt, an instruction and an astonishment,
out into all the house of Israel. to the nations that are around you, when
5 “The Lord Yahweh says: ‘This is I execute judgments on you in anger and
Jerusalem. I have set her in the middle in wrath, and in wrathful rebukes—I, Yah-
of the nations, and countries are around weh, have spoken it— 16 when I send on
her. 6 She has rebelled against my ordi- them the evil arrows of famine that are for
nances in doing wickedness more than the destruction, which I will send to destroy
‡ 4:11 A hin is about 6.5 liters or 1.7 gallons.
Ezekiel 5:17 942 Ezekiel 7:11

you. I will increase the famine on you and the pestilence. 12 He who is far off will
will break your staff of bread. 17 I will send die of the pestilence. He who is near will
on you famine and evil animals, and they fall by the sword. He who remains and
will bereave you. Pestilence and blood will is besieged will die by the famine. Thus I
pass through you. I will bring the sword on will accomplish my wrath on them. 13 You
you. I, Yahweh, have spoken it.’ ” will know that I am Yahweh when their
slain men are among their idols around
their altars, on every high hill, on all the
6 tops of the mountains, under every green
1 Yahweh’s word came to me, saying,
2 “Son of man, set your face toward the tree, and under every thick oak—the places
where they offered pleasant aroma to all
mountains of Israel, and prophesy to them, their idols. 14 I will stretch out my hand
3 and say, ‘You mountains of Israel, hear
on them and make the land desolate and
the word of the Lord Yahweh! The Lord waste, from the wilderness toward Diblah,
Yahweh says to the mountains and to the throughout all their habitations. Then
hills, to the watercourses and to the val- they will know that I am Yahweh.’ ”
leys: “Behold, I, even I, will bring a sword
on you, and I will destroy your high places.
4 Your altars will become desolate, and
your incense altars will be broken. I will 1 Moreover Yahweh’s word came to me,
cast down your slain men before your saying, 2 “You, son of man, the Lord Yah-
idols. 5 I will lay the dead bodies of the weh says to the land of Israel, ‘An end! The
children of Israel before their idols. I will end has come on the four corners of the
scatter your bones around your altars. 6 In land. 3 Now the end is on you, and I will
all your dwelling places, the cities will be send my anger on you, and will judge you
laid waste and the high places will be des- according to your ways. I will bring on
olate, so that your altars may be laid waste you all your abominations. 4 My eye will
and made desolate, and your idols may be not spare you, neither will I have pity; but
broken and cease, and your incense altars I will bring your ways on you, and your
may be cut down, and your works may be abominations will be among you. Then
abolished. 7 The slain will fall among you, you will know that I am Yahweh.’
and you will know that I am Yahweh. 5 “The Lord Yahweh says: ‘A disaster! A
8 “ ‘ “Yet I will leave a remnant, in that unique disaster! Behold, it comes. 6 An end
you will have some that escape the sword has come. The end has come! It awakes
among the nations, when you are scat- against you. Behold, it comes. 7 Your doom
tered through the countries. 9 Those of has come to you, inhabitant of the land!
you that escape will remember me among The time has come! The day is near, a
the nations where they are carried captive, day of tumult, and not of joyful shouting,
how I have been broken with their lewd on the mountains. 8 Now I will shortly
heart, which has departed from me, and pour out my wrath on you, and accomplish
with their eyes, which play the prostitute my anger against you, and will judge you
after their idols. Then they will loathe according to your ways. I will bring on
themselves in their own sight for the evils you all your abominations. 9 My eye won’t
which they have committed in all their spare, neither will I have pity. I will punish
abominations. 10 They will know that I you according to your ways. Your abomi-
am Yahweh. I have not said in vain that I nations will be among you. Then you will
would do this evil to them.” ’ know that I, Yahweh, strike.
11 “The Lord Yahweh says: ‘Strike with 10 “ ‘Behold, the day! Behold, it comes!
your hand, and stamp with your foot, and Your doom has gone out. The rod has blos-
say, “Alas!”, because of all the evil abomi- somed. Pride has budded. 11 Violence has
nations of the house of Israel; for they will risen up into a rod of wickedness. None of
fall by the sword, by the famine, and by them will remain, nor of their multitude,
Ezekiel 7:12 943 Ezekiel 8:9

nor of their wealth. There will be nothing 26 Mischief will come on mischief, and ru-
of value among them. 12 The time has mor will be on rumor. They will seek
come! The day draws near. Don’t let the a vision of the prophet; but the law will
buyer rejoice, nor the seller mourn; for perish from the priest, and counsel from
wrath is on all its multitude. 13 For the the elders. 27 The king will mourn, and
seller won’t return to that which is sold, the prince will be clothed with desolation.
although they are still alive; for the vision The hands of the people of the land will be
concerns the whole multitude of it. None troubled. I will do to them after their way,
will return. None will strengthen himself and according to their own judgments I
in the iniquity of his life. 14 They have will judge them. Then they will know that
blown the trumpet, and have made all I am Yahweh.’ ”
ready; but no one goes to the battle, for my
wrath is on all its multitude.
15 “ ‘The sword is outside, and the pesti-
1 Inthe sixth year, in the sixth month, in
lence and the famine within. He who is the fifth day of the month, as I sat in my
in the field will die by the sword. He who house, and the elders of Judah sat before
is in the city will be devoured by famine me, the Lord Yahweh’s hand fell on me
and pestilence. 16 But of those who escape, there. 2 Then I saw, and behold, a like-
they will escape and will be on the moun- ness as the appearance of fire—from the
tains like doves of the valleys, all of them appearance of his waist and downward,
moaning, everyone in his iniquity. 17 All fire, and from his waist and upward, as
hands will be feeble, and all knees will be the appearance of brightness, as it were
weak as water. 18 They will also clothe glowing metal. 3 He stretched out the form
themselves with sackcloth, and horror will of a hand, and took me by a lock of my
cover them. Shame will be on all faces, head; and the Spirit lifted me up between
and baldness on all their heads. 19 They earth and the sky, and brought me in the
will cast their silver in the streets, and their visions of God to Jerusalem, to the door
gold will be as an unclean thing. Their sil- of the gate of the inner court that looks
ver and their gold won’t be able to deliver toward the north, where there was the seat
them in the day of Yahweh’s wrath. They of the image of jealousy, which provokes to
won’t satisfy their souls or fill their bellies; jealousy. 4 Behold, the glory of the God of
because it has been the stumbling block of Israel was there, according to the appear-
their iniquity. 20 As for the beauty of his or- ance that I saw in the plain.
nament, he set it in majesty; but they made 5 Then he said to me, “Son of man, lift up
the images of their abominations and their your eyes now the way toward the north.”
detestable things therein. Therefore I have
So I lifted up my eyes the way toward the
made it to them as an unclean thing. 21 I
north, and saw, northward of the gate of
will give it into the hands of the strangers
the altar this image of jealousy in the entry.
for a prey, and to the wicked of the earth 6 He said to me, “Son of man, do you see
for a plunder; and they will profane it. 22 I
will also turn my face from them, and they what they do? Even the great abomina-
will profane my secret place. Robbers will tions that the house of Israel commit here,
that I should go far off from my sanctu-
enter into it, and profane it.
ary? But you will again see yet other great
23 “ ‘Make chains, for the land is full of
bloody crimes, and the city is full of vio- 7 He brought me to the door of the court;
lence. 24 Therefore I will bring the worst and when I looked, behold, a hole in the
of the nations, and they will possess their wall. 8 Then he said to me, “Son of man, dig
houses. I will also make the pride of the now in the wall.”
strong to cease. Their holy places will be When I had dug in the wall, I saw a door.
profaned. 25 Destruction comes! They 9 He said to me, “Go in, and see the
will seek peace, and there will be none. wicked abominations that they do here.”
Ezekiel 8:10 944 Ezekiel 10:2

10 So I went in and looked, and saw every every man with his slaughter weapon in
form of creeping things, abominable ani- his hand. One man in the middle of
mals, and all the idols of the house of Israel, them was clothed in linen, with a writer’s
portrayed around on the wall. 11 Seventy inkhorn by his side. They went in, and
men of the elders of the house of Israel stood beside the bronze altar.
3 The glory of the God of Israel went up
stood before them. In the middle of them
Jaazaniah the son of Shaphan stood, every from the cherub, whereupon it was, to the
man with his censer in his hand; and the threshold of the house; and he called to the
smell of the cloud of incense went up. man clothed in linen, who had the writer’s
12 Then he said to me, “Son of man, have inkhorn by his side. 4 Yahweh said to him,
you seen what the elders of the house of “Go through the middle of the city, through
Israel do in the dark, every man in his the middle of Jerusalem, and set a mark on
rooms of imagery? For they say, ‘Yahweh the foreheads of the men that sigh and that
doesn’t see us. Yahweh has forsaken the cry over all the abominations that are done
land.’ ” 13 He said also to me, “You will within it.”
again see more of the great abominations 5 To the others he said in my hearing,
which they do.” “Go through the city after him, and strike.
14 Then he brought me to the door of the Don’t let your eye spare, neither have pity.
gate of Yahweh’s house which was toward 6 Kill utterly the old man, the young man,
the north; and I saw the women sit there the virgin, little children and women; but
weeping for Tammuz. 15 Then he said to don’t come near any man on whom is the
me, “Have you seen this, son of man? You mark. Begin at my sanctuary.”
will again see yet greater abominations Then they began at the old men who
than these.” were before the house.
16 He brought me into the inner court 7 He said to them, “Defile the house, and
of Yahweh’s house; and I saw at the door fill the courts with the slain. Go out!”
of Yahweh’s temple, between the porch They went out, and struck in the city.
and the altar, there were about twenty-five 8 While they were killing, and I was left,
men with their backs toward Yahweh’s I fell on my face, and cried, and said, “Ah
temple and their faces toward the east. Lord Yahweh! Will you destroy all the
They were worshiping the sun toward the residue of Israel in your pouring out of
east. your wrath on Jerusalem?”
17 Then he said to me, “Have you seen
9 Then he said to me, “The iniquity of the
this, son of man? Is it a light thing to house of Israel and Judah is exceedingly
the house of Judah that they commit the great, and the land is full of blood, and the
abominations which they commit here? city full of perversion; for they say, ‘Yah-
For they have filled the land with violence, weh has forsaken the land, and Yahweh
and have turned again to provoke me to doesn’t see.’ 10 As for me also, my eye won’t
anger. Behold, they put the branch to their spare, neither will I have pity, but I will
nose. 18 Therefore I will also deal in wrath. bring their way on their head.”
My eye won’t spare, neither will I have 11 Behold, the man clothed in linen, who
pity. Though they cry in my ears with a
had the inkhorn by his side, reported the
loud voice, yet I will not hear them.”
matter, saying, “I have done as you have
commanded me.”
1Then he cried in my ears with a loud 10
voice, saying, “Cause those who are in 1 Then I looked, and see, in the expanse
charge of the city to draw near, each man that was over the head of the cherubim
with his destroying weapon in his hand.” there appeared above them as it were a
2 Behold, six men came from the way of the sapphire† stone, as the appearance of the
upper gate, which lies toward the north, likeness of a throne. 2 He spoke to the
† 10:1 or, lapis lazuli
Ezekiel 10:3 945 Ezekiel 11:7

man clothed in linen, and said, “Go in be- Chebar. 16 When the cherubim went, the
tween the whirling wheels, even under the wheels went beside them; and when the
cherub, and fill both your hands with coals cherubim lifted up their wings to mount
of fire from between the cherubim, and up from the earth, the wheels also didn’t
scatter them over the city.” turn from beside them. 17 When they
He went in as I watched. 3 Now the stood, these stood. When they mounted
cherubim stood on the right side of the up, these mounted up with them; for the
house when the man went in; and the spirit of the living creature was in them.
cloud filled the inner court. 4 Yahweh’s 18 Yahweh’s glory went out from over the
glory mounted up from the cherub, and threshold of the house and stood over the
stood over the threshold of the house; and cherubim. 19 The cherubim lifted up their
the house was filled with the cloud, and wings and mounted up from the earth in
the court was full of the brightness of Yah- my sight when they went out, with the
weh’s glory. 5 The sound of the wings of wheels beside them. Then they stood at
the cherubim was heard even to the outer the door of the east gate of Yahweh’s house;
court, as the voice of God Almighty when
he speaks. and the glory of the God of Israel was over
6 It came to pass, when he commanded
them above.
20 This is the living creature that I
the man clothed in linen, saying, “Take fire saw under the God of Israel by the river
from between the whirling wheels, from Chebar; and I knew that they were cheru-
between the cherubim,” that he went in bim. 21 Every one had four faces, and every
and stood beside a wheel. 7 The cherub one four wings. The likeness of the hands
stretched out his hand from between the
cherubim to the fire that was between the of a man was under their wings. 22 As for
cherubim, and took some of it, and put the likeness of their faces, they were the
it into the hands of him who was clothed faces which I saw by the river Chebar, their
in linen, who took it and went out. 8 The appearances and themselves. They each
form of a man’s hand appeared here in the went straight forward.
cherubim under their wings.
9 I looked, and behold, there were four
wheels beside the cherubim, one wheel
1 Moreover the Spirit lifted me up and
beside one cherub, and another wheel be- brought me to the east gate of Yahweh’s
side another cherub. The appearance of house, which looks eastward. Behold,
the wheels was like a beryl stone. 10 As twenty-five men were at the door of the
for their appearance, the four of them had gate; and I saw among them Jaazaniah the
one likeness, like a wheel within a wheel. son of Azzur, and Pelatiah the son of Bena-
11 When they went, they went in their four
iah, princes of the people. 2 He said to me,
directions. They didn’t turn as they went, “Son of man, these are the men who devise
but to the place where the head looked iniquity, and who give wicked counsel in
they followed it. They didn’t turn as they this city; 3 who say, ‘The time is not near
went. 12 Their whole body, including their to build houses. This is the cauldron, and
backs, their hands, their wings, and the we are the meat.’ 4 Therefore prophesy
wheels, were full of eyes all around, even against them. Prophesy, son of man.”
the wheels that the four of them had. 13 As 5 Yahweh’s Spirit fell on me, and he said
for the wheels, they were called in my to me, “Speak, ‘Yahweh says: “Thus you
hearing, “the whirling wheels”. 14 Every have said, house of Israel; for I know the
one them had four faces. The first face was things that come into your mind. 6 You
the face of the cherub. The second face was
the face of a man. The third face was the have multiplied your slain in this city, and
face of a lion. The fourth was the face of an you have filled its streets with the slain.”
eagle. 7 “ ‘Therefore the Lord Yahweh says:
15 The cherubim mounted up. This is “Your slain whom you have laid in the
the living creature that I saw by the river middle of it, they are the meat, and this is
Ezekiel 11:8 946 Ezekiel 12:10

the cauldron; but you will be brought out things and their abominations, I will bring
of the middle of it. 8 You have feared the their way on their own heads,’ says the
sword; and I will bring the sword on you,” Lord Yahweh.”
says the Lord Yahweh. 9 “I will bring you 22 Then the cherubim lifted up their
out of the middle of it, and deliver you into wings, and the wheels were beside them.
the hands of strangers, and will execute The glory of the God of Israel was over
judgments among you. 10 You will fall by them above. 23 Yahweh’s glory went up
the sword. I will judge you in the border from the middle of the city, and stood on
of Israel. Then you will know that I am the mountain which is on the east side of
Yahweh. 11 This will not be your cauldron, the city. 24 The Spirit lifted me up, and
neither will you be the meat in the middle brought me in the vision by the Spirit of
of it. I will judge you in the border of God into Chaldea, to the captives.
Israel. 12 You will know that I am Yahweh, So the vision that I had seen went up
for you have not walked in my statutes. from me. 25 Then I spoke to the captives all
You have not executed my ordinances, but the things that Yahweh had shown me.
have done after the ordinances of the na-
tions that are around you.” ’ ”
13 When I prophesied, Pelatiah the son of 12
1 Yahweh’s word also came to me, saying,
Benaiah died. Then I fell down on my face, 2 “Son of man, you dwell in the middle of
and cried with a loud voice, and said, “Ah
Lord Yahweh! Will you make a full end of the rebellious house, who have eyes to see,
the remnant of Israel?” and don’t see, who have ears to hear, and
14 Yahweh’s word came to me, saying, don’t hear; for they are a rebellious house.
15 “Son of man, your brothers, even your 3 “Therefore, you son of man, prepare

brothers, the men of your relatives, and your baggage for moving, and move by day
all the house of Israel, all of them, are the in their sight. You shall move from your
ones to whom the inhabitants of Jerusalem place to another place in their sight. It may
have said, ‘Go far away from Yahweh. This be they will consider, though they are a
land has been given to us for a possession.’ rebellious house. 4 You shall bring out your
16 “Therefore say, ‘The Lord Yahweh baggage by day in their sight, as baggage
says: “Whereas I have removed them far for moving. You shall go out yourself at
off among the nations, and whereas I have evening in their sight, as when men go out
scattered them among the countries, yet I into exile. 5 Dig through the wall in their
will be to them a sanctuary for a little while sight, and carry your baggage out that way.
6 In their sight you shall bear it on your
in the countries where they have come.” ’
17 “Therefore say, ‘The Lord Yahweh shoulder, and carry it out in the dark. You
says: “I will gather you from the peoples, shall cover your face, so that you don’t see
and assemble you out of the countries the land, for I have set you for a sign to the
where you have been scattered, and I will house of Israel.”
7 I did so as I was commanded. I brought
give you the land of Israel.”
18 “ ‘They will come there, and they will out my baggage by day, as baggage for
take away all its detestable things and all moving, and in the evening I dug through
the wall with my hand. I brought it out
its abominations from there. 19 I will give
in the dark, and bore it on my shoulder in
them one heart, and I will put a new spirit
their sight.
within them. I will take the stony heart 8 In the morning, Yahweh’s word came to
out of their flesh, and will give them a
heart of flesh, 20 that they may walk in my me, saying, 9 “Son of man, hasn’t the house
statutes, and keep my ordinances, and do of Israel, the rebellious house, said to you,
them. They will be my people, and I will be ‘What are you doing?’
10 “Say to them, ‘The Lord Yahweh
their God. 21 But as for them whose heart
walks after the heart of their detestable says: “This burden concerns the prince
Ezekiel 12:11 947 Ezekiel 13:10

in Jerusalem, and all the house of Israel within the house of Israel. 25 For I am
among whom they are.” ’ Yahweh. I will speak, and the word that
11 “Say, ‘I am your sign. As I have done, I speak will be performed. It will be no
so will it be done to them. They will go into more deferred; for in your days, rebellious
exile, into captivity. house, I will speak the word and will per-
12 “ ‘The prince who is among them will form it,” says the Lord Yahweh.’ ”
bear his baggage on his shoulder in the 26 Again Yahweh’s word came to me, say-
dark, and will go out. They will dig through ing, 27 “Son of man, behold, they of the
the wall to carry things out that way. He house of Israel say, ‘The vision that he sees
will cover his face, because he will not see is for many days to come, and he prophe-
the land with his eyes. 13 I will also spread sies of times that are far off.’
my net on him, and he will be taken in my 28 “Therefore tell them, ‘The Lord Yah-
snare. I will bring him to Babylon to the weh says: “None of my words will be de-
land of the Chaldeans; yet he will not see ferred any more, but the word which I
it, though he will die there. 14 I will scatter speak will be performed,” says the Lord
toward every wind all who are around him Yahweh.’ ”
to help him, and all his bands. I will draw
out the sword after them. 13
15 “ ‘They will know that I am Yahweh 1 Yahweh’s word came to me, saying,
when I disperse them among the nations 2 “Son of man, prophesy against the
and scatter them through the countries. prophets of Israel who prophesy, and say
16 But I will leave a few men of them from to those who prophesy out of their own
the sword, from the famine, and from the heart, ‘Hear Yahweh’s word: 3 The Lord
pestilence, that they may declare all their Yahweh says, “Woe to the foolish prophets,
abominations among the nations where who follow their own spirit, and have seen
they come. Then they will know that I am nothing! 4 Israel, your prophets have been
Yahweh.’ ” like foxes in the waste places. 5 You have
17 Moreover Yahweh’s word came to me,
not gone up into the gaps or built up the
saying, 18 “Son of man, eat your bread
wall for the house of Israel, to stand in the
with quaking, and drink your water with
battle in Yahweh’s day. 6 They have seen
trembling and with fearfulness. 19 Tell the falsehood and lying divination, who say,
people of the land, ‘The Lord Yahweh says ‘Yahweh says;’ but Yahweh has not sent
concerning the inhabitants of Jerusalem them. They have made men to hope that
and the land of Israel: “They will eat their the word would be confirmed. 7 Haven’t
bread with fearfulness and drink their wa- you seen a false vision, and haven’t you
ter in dismay, that her land may be des- spoken a lying divination, in that you say,
olate, and all that is therein, because of ‘Yahweh says;’ but I have not spoken?”
the violence of all those who dwell therein. 8 “ ‘Therefore the Lord Yahweh says:
20 The cities that are inhabited will be laid
waste, and the land will be a desolation. “Because you have spoken falsehood and
Then you will know that I am Yahweh.” ’ ” seen lies, therefore, behold, I am against
21 Yahweh’s word came to me, saying, you,” says the Lord Yahweh. 9 “My hand
22 “Son of man, what is this proverb that will be against the prophets who see false
you have in the land of Israel, saying, visions and who utter lying divinations.
‘The days are prolonged, and every vision They will not be in the council of my peo-
fails?’ 23 Tell them therefore, ‘The Lord ple, neither will they be written in the
Yahweh says: “I will make this proverb to writing of the house of Israel, neither will
cease, and they will no more use it as a they enter into the land of Israel. Then you
proverb in Israel;” ’ but tell them, ‘ “The will know that I am the Lord Yahweh.”
days are at hand, and the fulfillment of 10 “ ‘Because, even because they have
every vision. 24 For there will be no more seduced my people, saying, “Peace;” and
any false vision nor flattering divination there is no peace. When one builds up
Ezekiel 13:11 948 Ezekiel 14:10

a wall, behold, they plaster it with white- will know that I am Yahweh. 22 Because
wash. 11 Tell those who plaster it with with lies you have grieved the heart of
whitewash that it will fall. There will be an the righteous, whom I have not made sad;
overflowing shower; and you, great hail- and strengthened the hands of the wicked,
stones, will fall. A stormy wind will tear it. that he should not return from his wicked
12 Behold, when the wall has fallen, won’t way, and be saved alive. 23 Therefore you
it be said to you, “Where is the plaster with shall no more see false visions nor practice
which you have plastered it?” divination. I will deliver my people out of
13 “ ‘Therefore the Lord Yahweh says: “I your hand. Then you will know that I am
will even tear it with a stormy wind in Yahweh.’ ”
my wrath. There will be an overflow-
ing shower in my anger, and great hail- 1 Then
some of the elders of Israel came
stones in wrath to consume it. 14 So I will to me and sat before me. 2 Yahweh’s
break down the wall that you have plas- word came to me, saying, 3 “Son of man,
tered with whitewash, and bring it down these men have taken their idols into their
to the ground, so that its foundation will heart, and put the stumbling block of their
be uncovered. It will fall, and you will iniquity before their face. Should I be
be consumed in the middle of it. Then inquired of at all by them? 4 Therefore
you will know that I am Yahweh. 15 Thus speak to them and tell them, ‘The Lord
I will accomplish my wrath on the wall, Yahweh says: “Every man of the house of
and on those who have plastered it with Israel who takes his idols into his heart and
whitewash. I will tell you, ‘The wall is no puts the stumbling block of his iniquity
more, nor those who plastered it— 16 to wit, before his face then comes to the prophet,
the prophets of Israel who prophesy con- I Yahweh will answer him there according
cerning Jerusalem, and who see visions of to the multitude of his idols, 5 that I may
peace for her, and there is no peace,’ ” says take the house of Israel in their own heart,
the Lord Yahweh.’ ” because they are all estranged from me
17 You, son of man, set your face against through their idols.” ’
the daughters of your people, who proph- 6 “Therefore tell the house of Israel, ‘The
esy out of their own heart; and prophesy Lord Yahweh says: “Return, and turn your-
against them, 18 and say, “The Lord Yah- selves from your idols! Turn away your
weh says: ‘Woe to the women who sew faces from all your abominations.
magic bands on all elbows and make veils 7 “ ‘ “For everyone of the house of Israel,
for the head of persons of every stature to or of the strangers who live in Israel, who
hunt souls! Will you hunt the souls of my separates himself from me and takes his
people and save souls alive for yourselves? idols into his heart, and puts the stumbling
19 You have profaned me among my people block of his iniquity before his face, and
for handfuls of barley and for pieces of comes to the prophet to inquire for himself
bread, to kill the souls who should not die of me, I Yahweh will answer him by myself.
and to save the souls alive who should not 8 I will set my face against that man and
live, by your lying to my people who listen will make him an astonishment, for a sign
to lies.’ and a proverb, and I will cut him off from
20 “Therefore the Lord Yahweh says: ‘Be- among my people. Then you will know
hold, I am against your magic bands, with that I am Yahweh.
which you hunt the souls to make them 9 “ ‘ “If the prophet is deceived and
fly, and I will tear them from your arms. speaks a word, I, Yahweh, have deceived
I will let the souls fly free, even the souls that prophet, and I will stretch out my
whom you ensnare like birds. 21 I will also hand on him, and will destroy him from
tear your veils and deliver my people out among my people Israel. 10 They will bear
of your hand; and they will no longer be their iniquity. The iniquity of the prophet
in your hand to be ensnared. Then you will be even as the iniquity of him who
Ezekiel 14:11 949 Ezekiel 16:6

seeks him, 11 that the house of Israel may brought on it. 23 They will comfort you,
no more go astray from me, neither defile when you see their way and their doings;
themselves any more with all their trans- then you will know that I have not done all
gressions; but that they may be my people, that I have done in it without cause,” says
and I may be their God,” says the Lord the Lord Yahweh.
Yahweh.’ ”
12 Yahweh’s word came to me, saying, 15
13 “Son of man, when a land sins against
1Yahweh’s word came to me, saying,
2 “Son of man, what is the vine tree more
me by committing a trespass, and I stretch
than any tree, the vine branch which is
out my hand on it, and break the staff of
among the trees of the forest? 3 Will wood
its bread and send famine on it, and cut
off from it man and animal— 14 though be taken of it to make anything? Will men
these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, take a pin of it to hang any vessel on it?
4 Behold, it is cast into the fire for fuel; the
were in it, they would deliver only their
own souls by their righteousness,” says the fire has devoured both its ends, and the
middle of it is burned. Is it profitable for
Lord Yahweh.
15 “If I cause evil animals to pass through any work? 5 Behold, when it was whole, it
was suitable for no work. How much less,
the land, and they ravage it and it is made when the fire has devoured it, and it has
desolate, so that no man may pass through been burned, will it yet be suitable for any
because of the animals— 16 though these work?”
three men were in it, as I live,” says the 6 Therefore the Lord Yahweh says: “As
Lord Yahweh, “they would deliver neither the vine wood among the trees of the for-
sons nor daughters. They only would be est, which I have given to the fire for fuel,
delivered, but the land would be desolate. so I will give the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
17 “Or if I bring a sword on that land, 7 I will set my face against them. They will
and say, ‘Sword, go through the land, so go out from the fire, but the fire will still
that I cut off from it man and animal’— devour them. Then you will know that I
18 though these three men were in it, as I
am Yahweh, when I set my face against
live,” says the Lord Yahweh, “they would them. 8 I will make the land desolate, be-
deliver neither sons nor daughters, but cause they have acted unfaithfully,” says
they only would be delivered themselves. the Lord Yahweh.
19 “Or if I send a pestilence into that land,
and pour out my wrath on it in blood, to 16
1 Again Yahweh’s word came to me, say-
cut off from it man and animal— 20 though
Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, as I live,” ing, 2 “Son of man, cause Jerusalem to
says the Lord Yahweh, “they would deliver know her abominations; 3 and say, ‘The
neither son nor daughter; they would de- Lord Yahweh says to Jerusalem: “Your ori-
liver only their own souls by their righ- gin and your birth is of the land of the
teousness.” Canaanite. An Amorite was your father,
21 For the Lord Yahweh says: “How and your mother was a Hittite. 4 As for
much more when I send my four severe your birth, in the day you were born your
judgments on Jerusalem—the sword, the navel was not cut. You weren’t washed in
famine, the evil animals, and the pesti- water to cleanse you. You weren’t salted at
lence—to cut off from it man and animal! all, nor wrapped in blankets at all. 5 No eye
22 Yet, behold, there will be left a remnant pitied you, to do any of these things to you,
in it that will be carried out, both sons to have compassion on you; but you were
and daughters. Behold, they will come cast out in the open field, because you were
out to you, and you will see their way and abhorred in the day that you were born.
their doings. Then you will be comforted 6 “ ‘ “When I passed by you, and saw you
concerning the evil that I have brought on wallowing in your blood, I said to you,
Jerusalem, even concerning all that I have ‘Though you are in your blood, live!’ Yes,
Ezekiel 16:7 950 Ezekiel 16:31

I said to you, ‘Though you are in your flour, oil, and honey, with which I fed you,
blood, live!’ 7 I caused you to multiply as you even set it before them for a pleasant
that which grows in the field, and you in- aroma; and so it was,” says the Lord Yah-
creased and grew great, and you attained weh.
to excellent beauty. Your breasts were 20 “ ‘ “Moreover you have taken your
formed, and your hair grew; yet you were sons and your daughters, whom you have
naked and bare. borne to me, and you have sacrificed these
8 “ ‘ “Now when I passed by you, and
to them to be devoured. Was your pros-
looked at you, behold, your time was the titution a small matter, 21 that you have
time of love; and I spread my garment over slain my children and delivered them up,
you and covered your nakedness. Yes, I in causing them to pass through the fire
pledged myself to you and entered into a to them? 22 In all your abominations and
covenant with you,” says the Lord Yahweh, your prostitution you have not remem-
“and you became mine. bered the days of your youth, when you
9 “ ‘ “Then I washed you with water. were naked and bare, and were wallowing
Yes, I thoroughly washed away your blood in your blood.
from you, and I anointed you with oil. 10 I
clothed you also with embroidered work
23 “ ‘ “It has happened after all your
and put leather sandals on you. I dressed wickedness—woe, woe to you!” says the
you with fine linen and covered you with Lord Yahweh— 24 “that you have built for
silk. 11 I decked you with ornaments, put yourselves a vaulted place, and have made
bracelets on your hands, and put a chain yourselves a lofty place in every street.
25 You have built your lofty place at the
on your neck. 12 I put a ring on your
nose, earrings in your ears, and a beau- head of every way, and have made your
beauty an abomination, and have opened
tiful crown on your head. 13 Thus you
were decked with gold and silver. Your your feet to everyone who passed by, and
clothing was of fine linen, silk, and em- multiplied your prostitution. 26 You have
broidered work. You ate fine flour, honey, also committed sexual immorality with
and oil. You were exceedingly beautiful, the Egyptians, your neighbors, great of
flesh; and have multiplied your prostitu-
and you prospered to royal estate. 14 Your
renown went out among the nations for tion, to provoke me to anger. 27 See there-
your beauty; for it was perfect, through my fore, I have stretched out my hand over
majesty which I had put on you,” says the you, and have diminished your portion,
Lord Yahweh. and delivered you to the will of those who
15 “ ‘ “But you trusted in your beauty, hate you, the daughters of the Philistines,
who are ashamed of your lewd way. 28 You
and played the prostitute because of your have played the prostitute also with the As-
renown, and poured out your prostitution syrians, because you were insatiable; yes,
on everyone who passed by. It was his. you have played the prostitute with them,
16 You took some of your garments, and
and yet you weren’t satisfied. 29 You have
made for yourselves high places decked moreover multiplied your prostitution to
with various colors, and played the pros- the land of merchants, to Chaldea; and yet
titute on them. This shouldn’t happen,
you weren’t satisfied with this.
neither shall it be. 17 You also took your
beautiful jewels of my gold and of my sil- 30 “ ‘ “How weak is your heart,” says
ver, which I had given you, and made for the Lord Yahweh, “since you do all these
yourself images of men, and played the things, the work of an impudent prostitute;
prostitute with them. 18 You took your em- 31 in that you build your vaulted place at
broidered garments, covered them, and the head of every way, and make your lofty
set my oil and my incense before them. place in every street, and have not been as
19 My bread also which I gave you, fine a prostitute, in that you scorn pay.
Ezekiel 16:32 951 Ezekiel 16:55

32 “ ‘ “Adulterous wife, who takes you shall not commit this lewdness with all
strangers instead of her husband! your abominations.
33 People give gifts to all prostitutes; but 44 “ ‘ “Behold, everyone who uses
you give your gifts to all your lovers, and proverbs will use this proverb against
bribe them, that they may come to you on you, saying, ‘As is the mother, so is her
every side for your prostitution. 34 You daughter.’ 45 You are the daughter of your
are different from other women in your mother, who loathes her husband and her
prostitution, in that no one follows you to children; and you are the sister of your
play the prostitute; and whereas you give sisters, who loathed their husbands and
hire, and no hire is given to you, therefore their children. Your mother was a Hittite,
you are different.” ’ and your father an Amorite. 46 Your elder
35 “Therefore, prostitute, hear Yahweh’s sister is Samaria, who dwells at your left
hand, she and her daughters; and your
word: 36 ‘The Lord Yahweh says, “Because
younger sister, who dwells at your right
your filthiness was poured out, and your
hand, is Sodom with her daughters. 47 Yet
nakedness uncovered through your pros-
you have not walked in their ways, nor
titution with your lovers; and because of
done their abominations; but soon you
all the idols of your abominations, and for
were more corrupt than they in all your
the blood of your children, that you gave to
ways. 48 As I live,” says the Lord Yahweh,
them; 37 therefore see, I will gather all your
“Sodom your sister has not done, she nor
lovers, with whom you have taken plea-
her daughters, as you have done, you and
sure, and all those whom you have loved,
your daughters.
with all those whom you have hated. I 49 “ ‘ “Behold, this was the iniquity of
will even gather them against you on every
your sister Sodom: pride, fullness of
side, and will uncover your nakedness to
bread, and prosperous ease was in her
them, that they may see all your naked-
and in her daughters. She also didn’t
ness. 38 I will judge you as women who
strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.
break wedlock and shed blood are judged; 50 They were arrogant and committed
and I will bring on you the blood of wrath
abomination before me. Therefore I took
and jealousy. 39 I will also give you into them away when I saw it. 51 Samaria hasn’t
their hand, and they will throw down your committed half of your sins; but you have
vaulted place, and break down your lofty multiplied your abominations more than
places. They will strip you of your clothes they, and have justified your sisters by all
and take your beautiful jewels. They will your abominations which you have done.
leave you naked and bare. 40 They will also 52 You also bear your own shame yourself,
bring up a company against you, and they in that you have given judgment for your
will stone you with stones, and thrust you sisters; through your sins that you have
through with their swords. 41 They will committed more abominable than they,
burn your houses with fire, and execute they are more righteous than you. Yes, be
judgments on you in the sight of many also confounded, and bear your shame, in
women. I will cause you to cease from that you have justified your sisters.
playing the prostitute, and you will also 53 “ ‘ “I will reverse their captivity, the
give no hire any more. 42 So I will cause my captivity of Sodom and her daughters, and
wrath toward you to rest, and my jealousy the captivity of Samaria and her daugh-
will depart from you. I will be quiet, and ters, and the captivity of your captives
will not be angry any more. among them; 54 that you may bear your
43 “ ‘ “Because you have not remem- own shame, and may be ashamed because
bered the days of your youth, but have of all that you have done, in that you
raged against me in all these things; there- are a comfort to them. 55 Your sisters,
fore, behold, I also will bring your way on Sodom and her daughters, will return to
your head,” says the Lord Yahweh: “and their former estate; and Samaria and her
Ezekiel 16:56 952 Ezekiel 17:18

daughters will return to their former es- 7 “ ‘ “There was also another great ea-
tate; and you and your daughters will re- gle with great wings and many feathers.
turn to your former estate. 56 For your Behold, this vine bent its roots toward
sister Sodom was not mentioned by your him, and shot out its branches toward him,
mouth in the day of your pride, 57 before from the ground where it was planted, that
your wickedness was uncovered, as at the he might water it. 8 It was planted in a good
time of the reproach of the daughters of soil by many waters, that it might produce
Syria, and of all who are around her, the branches and that it might bear fruit, that
daughters of the Philistines, who despise it might be a good vine.” ’
you all around. 58 You have borne your 9 “Say, ‘The Lord Yahweh says: “Will it
lewdness and your abominations,” says prosper? Won’t he pull up its roots and cut
Yahweh. off its fruit, that it may wither, that all its
59 “ ‘For the Lord Yahweh says: “I will
fresh springing leaves may wither? It can’t
also deal with you as you have done, who be raised from its roots by a strong arm or
have despised the oath in breaking the many people. 10 Yes, behold, being planted,
covenant. 60 Nevertheless I will remem- will it prosper? Won’t it utterly wither
ber my covenant with you in the days of when the east wind touches it? It will
your youth, and I will establish an ever- wither in the ground where it grew.” ’ ”
lasting covenant with you. 61 Then you 11 Moreover Yahweh’s word came to me,
will remember your ways and be ashamed
when you receive your sisters, your elder saying, 12 “Say now to the rebellious house,
sisters and your younger; and I will give ‘Don’t you know what these things mean?’
them to you for daughters, but not by your Tell them, ‘Behold, the king of Babylon
covenant. 62 I will establish my covenant came to Jerusalem, and took its king, and
with you. Then you will know that I its princes, and brought them to him to
am Yahweh; 63 that you may remember, Babylon. 13 He took one of the royal off-
and be confounded, and never open your spring,† and made a covenant with him.
mouth any more because of your shame, He also brought him under an oath, and
when I have forgiven you all that you have took away the mighty of the land, 14 that
done,” says the Lord Yahweh.’ ” the kingdom might be brought low, that it
might not lift itself up, but that by keeping
his covenant it might stand. 15 But he
17 rebelled against him in sending his ambas-
1 Yahweh’s word came to me, saying,
2 “Son of man, tell a riddle, and speak a sadors into Egypt, that they might give him
horses and many people. Will he prosper?
parable to the house of Israel; 3 and say, Will he who does such things escape? Will
‘The Lord Yahweh says: “A great eagle he break the covenant, and still escape?
with great wings and long feathers, full of
feathers which had various colors, came 16 “ ‘As I live,’ says the Lord Yahweh,
to Lebanon and took the top of the cedar. ‘surely in the place where the king dwells
4 He cropped off the topmost of its young who made him king, whose oath he de-
twigs, and carried it to a land of traffic. He spised, and whose covenant he broke,
planted it in a city of merchants. even with him in the middle of Babylon
5 “ ‘ “He also took some of the seed of he will die. 17 Pharaoh with his mighty
the land and planted it in fruitful soil. He army and great company won’t help him
placed it beside many waters. He set it in the war, when they cast up mounds and
as a willow tree. 6 It grew and became build forts to cut off many persons. 18 For
a spreading vine of low stature, whose he has despised the oath by breaking the
branches turned toward him, and its roots covenant; and behold, he had given his
were under him. So it became a vine, hand, and yet has done all these things. He
produced branches, and shot out sprigs. won’t escape.
† 17:13 or, seed
Ezekiel 17:19 953 Ezekiel 18:17

19 “Therefore the Lord Yahweh says: ‘As I 7 and has not wronged any,
live, I will surely bring on his own head my but has restored to the debtor his
oath that he has despised and my covenant pledge,
that he has broken. 20 I will spread my has taken nothing by robbery,
net on him, and he will be taken in my has given his bread to the hungry,
snare. I will bring him to Babylon, and will and has covered the naked with a gar-
enter into judgment with him there for his ment;
8 he who hasn’t lent to them with interest,
trespass that he has trespassed against me.
21 All his fugitives in all his bands will fall hasn’t taken any increase from them,
by the sword, and those who remain will who has withdrawn his hand from iniq-
be scattered toward every wind. Then you uity,
will know that I, Yahweh, have spoken it.’ has executed true justice between
22 “The Lord Yahweh says: ‘I will also man and man,
9 has walked in my statutes,
take some of the lofty top of the cedar,
and has kept my ordinances,
and will plant it. I will crop off from the
to deal truly;
topmost of its young twigs a tender one,
he is just,
and I will plant it on a high and lofty moun-
he shall surely live,” says the Lord Yah-
tain. 23 I will plant it in the mountain of weh.
the height of Israel; and it will produce
boughs, and bear fruit, and be a good 10 “If he fathers a son who is a robber
cedar. Birds of every kind will dwell in who sheds blood, and who does any one of
the shade of its branches. 24 All the trees these things, 11 or who does not do any of
of the field will know that I, Yahweh, have those things
brought down the high tree, have exalted but has eaten at the mountain shrines
the low tree, have dried up the green tree, and defiled his neighbor’s wife,
and have made the dry tree flourish. 12 has wronged the poor and needy,
“ ‘I, Yahweh, have spoken and have done has taken by robbery,
it.’ ” has not restored the pledge,
and has lifted up his eyes to the idols,
1 Yahweh’s
18 has committed abomination,
word came to me again, say- 13 has lent with interest,
ing, 2 “What do you mean, that you use and has taken increase from the poor,
this proverb concerning the land of Israel, shall he then live? He shall not live. He
saying, has done all these abominations. He shall
‘The fathers have eaten sour grapes, surely die. His blood will be on him.
and the children’s teeth are set on 14 “Now, behold, if he fathers a son who
edge’? sees all his father’s sins which he has done,
3 “As I live,” says the Lord Yahweh, “you and fears, and doesn’t do likewise,
shall not use this proverb any more in 15 who hasn’t eaten on the mountains,
Israel. 4 Behold, all souls are mine; as the hasn’t lifted up his eyes to the idols of
soul of the father, so also the soul of the son the house of Israel,
is mine. The soul who sins, he shall die. hasn’t defiled his neighbor’s wife,
16 hasn’t wronged any,
5 “But if a man is just,
hasn’t taken anything to pledge,
and does that which is lawful and hasn’t taken by robbery,
right, but has given his bread to the hungry,
6 and has not eaten on the mountains,
and has covered the naked with a gar-
hasn’t lifted up his eyes to the idols of ment;
the house of Israel, 17 who has withdrawn his hand from the
hasn’t defiled his neighbor’s wife, poor,
hasn’t come near a woman in her im- who hasn’t received interest or in-
purity, crease,
Ezekiel 18:18 954 Ezekiel 19:9

has executed my ordinances, live. He shall not die. 29 Yet the house
has walked in my statutes; of Israel says, ‘The way of the Lord is not
he shall not die for the iniquity of his fa- fair.’ House of Israel, aren’t my ways fair?
ther. He shall surely live. 18 As for his fa- Aren’t your ways unfair?
30 “Therefore I will judge you, house of
ther, because he cruelly oppressed, robbed
his brother, and did that which is not good Israel, everyone according to his ways,”
among his people, behold, he will die in his says the Lord Yahweh. “Return, and turn
iniquity. yourselves from all your transgressions, so
19 “Yet you say, ‘Why doesn’t the son bear iniquity will not be your ruin. 31 Cast away
the iniquity of the father?’ When the son from you all your transgressions in which
has done that which is lawful and right, you have transgressed; and make yourself
and has kept all my statutes, and has done a new heart and a new spirit. For why
them, he will surely live. 20 The soul who will you die, house of Israel? 32 For I have
sins, he shall die. The son shall not bear no pleasure in the death of him who dies,”
the iniquity of the father, neither shall the says the Lord Yahweh. “Therefore turn
father bear the iniquity of the son. The yourselves, and live!
righteousness of the righteous shall be on
him, and the wickedness of the wicked 19
shall be on him. “Moreover, take up a lamentation for
21 “But if the wicked turns from all his the princes of Israel, 2 and say,
sins that he has committed, and keeps all ‘What was your mother?
my statutes, and does that which is lawful A lioness.
and right, he shall surely live. He shall She couched among lions,
not die. 22 None of his transgressions that in the middle of the young lions she
he has committed will be remembered nourished her cubs.
against him. In his righteousness that he 3 She brought up one of her cubs.
has done, he shall live. 23 Have I any He became a young lion.
pleasure in the death of the wicked?” says He learned to catch the prey.
the Lord Yahweh, “and not rather that he He devoured men.
should return from his way, and live? 4 The nations also heard of him.
24 “But when the righteous turns away He was taken in their pit;
from his righteousness, and commits iniq- and they brought him with hooks to
uity, and does according to all the abomi- the land of Egypt.
nations that the wicked man does, should
5“ ‘Now when she saw that she had waited,
he live? None of his righteous deeds that
he has done will be remembered. In his and her hope was lost,
trespass that he has trespassed, and in his then she took another of her cubs,
sin that he has sinned, in them he shall die. and made him a young lion.
25 “Yet you say, ‘The way of the Lord 6 He went up and down among the lions.
is not equal.’ Hear now, house of Israel: He became a young lion.
Is my way not equal? Aren’t your ways He learned to catch the prey.
unequal? 26 When the righteous man turns He devoured men.
7 He knew their palaces,
away from his righteousness, and commits
iniquity, and dies in it, then he dies in and laid waste their cities.
his iniquity that he has done. 27 Again, The land was desolate with its fullness,
when the wicked man turns away from because of the noise of his roaring.
8 Then the nations attacked him on every
his wickedness that he has committed, and
does that which is lawful and right, he will side from the provinces.
save his soul alive. 28 Because he considers, They spread their net over him.
and turns away from all his transgressions He was taken in their pit.
that he has committed, he shall surely 9 They put him in a cage with hooks,
Ezekiel 19:10 955 Ezekiel 20:18

and brought him to the king of Baby- that I had searched out for them, flowing
lon. with milk and honey, which is the glory
They brought him into strongholds, of all lands. 7 I said to them, ‘Each of you
so that his voice should no more be throw away the abominations of his eyes.
heard on the mountains of Israel. Don’t defile yourselves with the idols of
10 “ ‘Your mother was like a vine in your Egypt. I am Yahweh your God.’
8 “ ‘ “But they rebelled against me and
blood, planted by the waters.
It was fruitful and full of branches by wouldn’t listen to me. They didn’t all throw
reason of many waters. away the abominations of their eyes. They
11 It had strong branches for the scepters of also didn’t forsake the idols of Egypt. Then
those who ruled. I said I would pour out my wrath on them,
Their stature was exalted among the to accomplish my anger against them in
thick boughs. the middle of the land of Egypt. 9 But I
They were seen in their height worked for my name’s sake, that it should
with the multitude of their branches. not be profaned in the sight of the nations
12 But it was plucked up in fury. among which they were, in whose sight I
It was cast down to the ground, made myself known to them in bringing
and the east wind dried up its fruit. them out of the land of Egypt. 10 So I
Its strong branches were broken off caused them to go out of the land of Egypt
and withered. and brought them into the wilderness. 11 I
The fire consumed them. gave them my statutes and showed them
13 Now it is planted in the wilderness,
my ordinances, which if a man does, he
in a dry and thirsty land. will live in them. 12 Moreover also I gave
14 Fire has gone out of its branches.
them my Sabbaths, to be a sign between
It has devoured its fruit, me and them, that they might know that I
so that there is in it no strong branch am Yahweh who sanctifies them.
to be a scepter to rule.’ 13 “ ‘ “But the house of Israel rebelled
This is a lamentation, and shall be for a against me in the wilderness. They didn’t
lamentation.” walk in my statutes and they rejected my
ordinances, which if a man keeps, he shall
1 In
20 live in them. They greatly profaned my
the seventh year, in the fifth month, Sabbaths. Then I said I would pour out
the tenth day of the month, some of the my wrath on them in the wilderness, to
elders of Israel came to inquire of Yahweh, consume them. 14 But I worked for my
and sat before me. name’s sake, that it should not be profaned
2 Yahweh’s word came to me, saying,
3 “Son of man, speak to the elders of Israel, in the sight of the nations, in whose sight
and tell them, ‘The Lord Yahweh says: “Is I brought them out. 15 Moreover also I
it to inquire of me that you have come? As swore to them in the wilderness that I
would not bring them into the land which
I live,” says the Lord Yahweh, “I will not be I had given them, flowing with milk and
inquired of by you.” ’ honey, which is the glory of all lands,
4 “Will you judge them, son of man? Will
16 because they rejected my ordinances,
you judge them? Cause them to know the and didn’t walk in my statutes, and pro-
abominations of their fathers. 5 Tell them, faned my Sabbaths; for their heart went
‘The Lord Yahweh says: “In the day when after their idols. 17 Nevertheless my eye
I chose Israel, and swore to the offspring spared them, and I didn’t destroy them.
of the house of Jacob, and made myself I didn’t make a full end of them in the
known to them in the land of Egypt, when wilderness. 18 I said to their children in
I swore to them, saying, ‘I am Yahweh your the wilderness, ‘Don’t walk in the statutes
God;’ 6 in that day I swore to them to bring of your fathers. Don’t observe their or-
them out of the land of Egypt into a land dinances or defile yourselves with their
Ezekiel 20:19 956 Ezekiel 20:41

idols. 19 I am Yahweh your God. Walk in yourselves in the way of your fathers? Do
my statutes, keep my ordinances, and do you play the prostitute after their abom-
them. 20 Make my Sabbaths holy. They inations? 31 When you offer your gifts,
shall be a sign between me and you, that when you make your sons pass through
you may know that I am Yahweh your the fire, do you pollute yourselves with all
God.’ your idols to this day? Should I be inquired
21 “ ‘ “But the children rebelled against
of by you, house of Israel? As I live, says the
me. They didn’t walk in my statutes, and Lord Yahweh, I will not be inquired of by
didn’t keep my ordinances to do them, you!
which if a man does, he shall live in them. 32 “
They profaned my Sabbaths. Then I said ‘ “That which comes into your mind
I would pour out my wrath on them, to will not be at all, in that you say, ‘We will
accomplish my anger against them in the be as the nations, as the families of the
wilderness. 22 Nevertheless I withdrew my countries, to serve wood and stone.’ 33 As
I live,” says the Lord Yahweh, “surely with
hand and worked for my name’s sake, that
a mighty hand, with an outstretched arm,
it should not be profaned in the sight of the
and with wrath poured out, I will be king
nations, in whose sight I brought them out.
23 Moreover I swore to them in the wilder- over you. 34 I will bring you out from
ness, that I would scatter them among the the peoples, and will gather you out of
nations and disperse them through the the countries in which you are scattered
countries, 24 because they had not exe- with a mighty hand, with an outstretched
cuted my ordinances, but had rejected my arm, and with wrath poured out. 35 I will
statutes, and had profaned my Sabbaths, bring you into the wilderness of the peo-
and their eyes were after their fathers’ ples, and there I will enter into judgment
idols. 25 Moreover also I gave them statutes with you face to face. 36 Just as I entered
that were not good, and ordinances in into judgment with your fathers in the
which they couldn’t live. 26 I polluted them wilderness of the land of Egypt, so I will
in their own gifts, in that they caused all enter into judgment with you,” says the
that opens the womb to pass through the Lord Yahweh. 37 “I will cause you to pass
fire, that I might make them desolate, to under the rod, and I will bring you into
the end that they might know that I am the bond of the covenant. 38 I will purge
Yahweh.” ’ out from among you the rebels and those
27 “Therefore, son of man, speak to the who disobey me. I will bring them out of
house of Israel, and tell them, ‘The Lord the land where they live, but they shall not
Yahweh says: “Moreover, in this your fa- enter into the land of Israel. Then you will
thers have blasphemed me, in that they know that I am Yahweh.”
have committed a trespass against me. 39 “ ‘As for you, house of Israel, the Lord
28 For when I had brought them into the Yahweh says: “Go, everyone serve his
land which I swore to give to them, then idols, and hereafter also, if you will not
they saw every high hill and every thick listen to me; but you shall no more profane
tree, and they offered there their sacri- my holy name with your gifts and with
fices, and there they presented the provo- your idols. 40 For in my holy mountain, in
cation of their offering. There they also the mountain of the height of Israel,” says
made their pleasant aroma, and there they the Lord Yahweh, “there all the house of
poured out their drink offerings. 29 Then Israel, all of them, shall serve me in the
I said to them, ‘What does the high place land. There I will accept them, and there
where you go mean?’ So its name is called I will require your offerings and the first
Bamah† to this day.” ’ fruits of your offerings, with all your holy
30 “Therefore tell the house of Israel, things. 41 I will accept you as a pleasant
‘The Lord Yahweh says: “Do you pollute aroma when I bring you out from the peo-
† 20:29 “Bamah” means “High Place”.
Ezekiel 20:42 957 Ezekiel 21:16

ples and gather you out of the countries in heart† and with bitterness. 7 It shall be,
which you have been scattered. I will be when they ask you, ‘Why do you sigh?’ that
sanctified in you in the sight of the nations. you shall say, ‘Because of the news, for it
42 You will know that I am Yahweh when comes! Every heart will melt, all hands
I bring you into the land of Israel, into will be feeble, every spirit will faint, and
the country which I swore to give to your all knees will be weak as water. Behold, it
fathers. 43 There you will remember your comes, and it shall be done, says the Lord
ways, and all your deeds in which you have Yahweh.’ ”
8 Yahweh’s word came to me, saying,
polluted yourselves. Then you will loathe
9 “Son of man, prophesy, and say, ‘Yahweh
yourselves in your own sight for all your
evils that you have committed. 44 You will says:
know that I am Yahweh, when I have dealt “A sword! A sword!
with you for my name’s sake, not accord- It is sharpened,
ing to your evil ways, nor according to your and also polished.
10 It is sharpened that it may make a
corrupt doings, you house of Israel,” says
the Lord Yahweh.’ ” slaughter.
45 Yahweh’s word came to me, saying, It is polished that it may be as light-
46 “Son of man, set your face toward the ning.
south, and preach toward the south, and Should we then make mirth?
prophesy against the forest of the field in The rod of my son condemns every
the south. 47 Tell the forest of the south, 11 It is given to be polished,
‘Hear Yahweh’s word: The Lord Yahweh that it may be handled.
says, “Behold, I will kindle a fire in you, and
The sword is sharpened.
it will devour every green tree in you, and
Yes, it is polished
every dry tree. The burning flame will not
to give it into the hand of the killer.” ’
be quenched, and all faces from the south 12 Cry and wail, son of man;
to the north will be burned by it. 48 All flesh
will see that I, Yahweh, have kindled it. It for it is on my people.
will not be quenched.” ’ ” It is on all the princes of Israel.
49 Then I said, “Ah Lord Yahweh! They They are delivered over to the sword with
say of me, ‘Isn’t he a speaker of parables?’ ” my people.
Therefore beat your thigh.
21 13 “For there is a trial. What if even the
1Yahweh’s word came to me, saying, rod that condemns will be no more?” says
2 “Son of man, set your face toward
the Lord Yahweh.
Jerusalem, and preach toward the sanc- 14 “You therefore, son of man, prophesy,
tuaries, and prophesy against the land of and strike your hands together.
Israel. 3 Tell the land of Israel, ‘Yahweh Let the sword be doubled the third time,
says: “Behold, I am against you, and will the sword of the fatally wounded.
draw my sword out of its sheath, and will It is the sword of the great one who is
cut off from you the righteous and the fatally wounded,
wicked. 4 Seeing then that I will cut off which enters into their rooms.
from you the righteous and the wicked, 15 I have set the threatening sword against
therefore my sword will go out of its sheath all their gates,
against all flesh from the south to the that their heart may melt,
north. 5 All flesh will know that I, Yahweh, and their stumblings be multiplied.
have drawn my sword out of its sheath. It Ah! It is made as lightning.
will not return any more.” ’ It is pointed for slaughter.
6 “Therefore sigh, you son of man. You 16 Gather yourselves together.
shall sigh before their eyes with a broken Go to the right.
† 21:6 literally, the breaking of your thighs
Ezekiel 21:17 958 Ezekiel 22:7

Set yourselves in array. children of Ammon, and concerning their

Go to the left, reproach:
wherever your face is set. “A sword! A sword is drawn!
17 I will also strike my hands together, It is polished for the slaughter,
and I will cause my wrath to rest. to cause it to devour,
that it may be as lightning;
I, Yahweh, have spoken it.” 29 while they see for you false visions,
18 Yahweh’s word came to me again, say-
while they divine lies to you,
ing, 19 “Also, you son of man, appoint two to lay you on the necks of the wicked who
ways, that the sword of the king of Babylon are deadly wounded,
may come. They both will come out of one whose day has come in the time of the
land, and mark out a place. Mark it out iniquity of the end.
at the head of the way to the city. 20 You 30 Cause it to return into its sheath.
shall appoint a way for the sword to come In the place where you were created,
to Rabbah of the children of Ammon, and in the land of your birth, I will judge
to Judah in Jerusalem the fortified. 21 For you.
the king of Babylon stood at the parting of 31 I will pour out my indignation on you.
the way, at the head of the two ways, to I will blow on you with the fire of my
use divination. He shook the arrows back wrath.
and forth. He consulted the teraphim.‡ He I will deliver you into the hand of brutish
looked in the liver. 22 In his right hand men,
was the lot for Jerusalem, to set battering skillful to destroy.
rams, to open the mouth in the slaughter, 32 You will be for fuel to the fire.
to lift up the voice with shouting, to set Your blood will be in the middle of the
battering rams against the gates, to cast land.
up mounds, and to build forts. 23 It will You will be remembered no more;
for I, Yahweh, have spoken it.” ’ ”
be to them as a false divination in their
sight, who have sworn oaths to them; but
he brings iniquity to memory, that they 22
1 Moreover Yahweh’s word came to me,
may be taken.
saying, 2 “You, son of man, will you judge?
24 “Therefore the Lord Yahweh says: ‘Be-
Will you judge the bloody city? Then
cause you have caused your iniquity to be cause her to know all her abominations.
remembered, in that your transgressions 3 You shall say, ‘The Lord Yahweh says:
are uncovered, so that in all your doings “A city that sheds blood within herself,
your sins appear; because you have come that her time may come, and that makes
to memory, you will be taken with the idols against herself to defile her! 4 You
hand. have become guilty in your blood that you
25 “ ‘You, deadly wounded wicked one, have shed, and are defiled in your idols
the prince of Israel, whose day has come, which you have made! You have caused
in the time of the iniquity of the end, 26 the your days to draw near, and have come to
Lord Yahweh says: “Remove the turban, the end of your years. Therefore I have
and take off the crown. This will not be as made you a reproach to the nations, and a
it was. Exalt that which is low, and humble mocking to all the countries. 5 Those who
that which is high. 27 I will overturn, over- are near and those who are far from you
turn, overturn it. This also will be no more, will mock you, you infamous one, full of
until he comes whose right it is; and I will tumult.
give it.” ’ 6 “ ‘ “Behold, the princes of Israel, ev-
28 “You, son of man, prophesy and say, eryone according to his power, have been
‘The Lord Yahweh says this concerning the in you to shed blood. 7 In you have they
‡ 21:21 teraphim were household idols that may have been associated with inheritance rights to the household
property. † 22:7 Literally, made light of father and mother.
Ezekiel 22:8 959 Ezekiel 23:4

treated father and mother with contempt.† will be melted in the middle of it; and you
Among you they have oppressed the for- will know that I, Yahweh, have poured out
eigner. In you they have wronged the my wrath on you.’ ”
fatherless and the widow. 8 You have de- 23 Yahweh’s word came to me, saying,
spised my holy things, and have profaned 24 “Son of man, tell her, ‘You are a land that
my Sabbaths. 9 Slanderous men have been is not cleansed nor rained on in the day
in you to shed blood. In you they have of indignation.’ 25 There is a conspiracy of
eaten on the mountains. They have com- her prophets within it, like a roaring lion
mitted lewdness among you. 10 In you ravening the prey. They have devoured
have they uncovered their fathers’ naked- souls. They take treasure and precious
ness. In you have they humbled her who things. They have made many widows
was unclean in her impurity. 11 One has within it. 26 Her priests have done vio-
committed abomination with his neigh- lence to my law and have profaned my
bor’s wife, and another has lewdly defiled holy things. They have made no distinc-
his daughter-in-law. Another in you has tion between the holy and the common,
humbled his sister, his father’s daughter. neither have they caused men to discern
12 In you have they taken bribes to shed
between the unclean and the clean, and
blood. You have taken interest and in- have hidden their eyes from my Sabbaths.
crease, and you have greedily gained of So I am profaned among them. 27 Her
your neighbors by oppression, and have princes within it are like wolves ravening
forgotten me,” says the Lord Yahweh. the prey, to shed blood and to destroy
13 “‘ “Behold, therefore I have struck my souls, that they may get dishonest gain.
hand at your dishonest gain which you 28 Her prophets have plastered for them
have made, and at the blood which has with whitewash, seeing false visions, and
been shed within you. 14 Can your heart divining lies to them, saying, ‘The Lord
endure, or can your hands be strong, in Yahweh says,’ when Yahweh has not spo-
the days that I will deal with you? I, Yah- ken. 29 The people of the land have used op-
weh, have spoken it, and will do it. 15 I pression and exercised robbery. Yes, they
will scatter you among the nations, and have troubled the poor and needy, and
disperse you through the countries. I will have oppressed the foreigner wrongfully.
purge your filthiness out of you. 16 You 30 “I sought for a man among them who
will be profaned in yourself in the sight of would build up the wall and stand in the
the nations. Then you will know that I am gap before me for the land, that I would not
Yahweh.” ’ ” destroy it; but I found no one. 31 Therefore
17 Yahweh’s word came to me, saying, I have poured out my indignation on them.
18 “Son of man, the house of Israel has I have consumed them with the fire of my
become dross to me. All of them are wrath. I have brought their own way on
bronze, tin, iron, and lead in the middle their heads,” says the Lord Yahweh.
of the furnace. They are the dross of sil-
ver. 19 Therefore the Lord Yahweh says:
‘Because you have all become dross, there- 23
1 Yahweh’s word came again to me, say-
fore, behold, I will gather you into the mid-
dle of Jerusalem. 20 As they gather silver, ing, 2 “Son of man, there were two women,
bronze, iron, lead, and tin into the middle the daughters of one mother. 3 They played
of the furnace, to blow the fire on it, to melt the prostitute in Egypt. They played the
it, so I will gather you in my anger and in prostitute in their youth. Their breasts
my wrath, and I will lay you there and melt were fondled there, and their youthful nip-
you. 21 Yes, I will gather you, and blow on ples were caressed there. 4 Their names
you with the fire of my wrath, and you will were Oholah the elder, and Oholibah her
be melted in the middle of it. 22 As silver is sister. They became mine, and they
melted in the middle of the furnace, so you bore sons and daughters. As for their
Ezekiel 23:5 960 Ezekiel 23:30

names, Samaria is Oholah, and Jerusalem prostitution, remembering the days of her
Oholibah. youth, in which she had played the prosti-
5 “Oholah played the prostitute when she tute in the land of Egypt. 20 She lusted after
was mine. She doted on her lovers, on their lovers, whose flesh is as the flesh of
the Assyrians her neighbors, 6 who were donkeys, and whose issue is like the issue
clothed with blue—governors and rulers, of horses. 21 Thus you called to memory the
all of them desirable young men, horse- lewdness of your youth, in the caressing of
men riding on horses. 7 She gave herself as your nipples by the Egyptians because of
a prostitute to them, all of them the choic- your youthful breasts.
est men of Assyria. She defiled herself with 22 “Therefore, Oholibah, the Lord Yah-
the idols of whoever she lusted after. 8 She weh says: ‘Behold, I will raise up your
hasn’t left her prostitution since leaving
lovers against you, from whom your soul
Egypt; for in her youth they lay with her.
is alienated, and I will bring them against
They caressed her youthful nipples and
they poured out their prostitution on her. you on every side: 23 the Babylonians and
9 “Therefore I delivered her into the
all the Chaldeans, Pekod, Shoa, Koa, and
all the Assyrians with them; all of them de-
hand of her lovers, into the hand of the sirable young men, governors and rulers,
Assyrians on whom she doted. 10 These
princes and men of renown, all of them
uncovered her nakedness. They took her
riding on horses. 24 They will come against
sons and her daughters, and they killed
you with weapons, chariots, and wagons,
her with the sword. She became a byword
and with a company of peoples. They will
among women; for they executed judg-
set themselves against you with buckler,
ments on her.
11 “Her sister Oholibah saw this, yet shield, and helmet all around. I will com-
mit the judgment to them, and they will
she was more corrupt in her lusting than judge you according to their judgments.
she, and in her prostitution which was 25 I will set my jealousy against you, and
more depraved than the prostitution of
they will deal with you in fury. They will
her sister. 12 She lusted after the Assyri- take away your nose and your ears. Your
ans, governors and rulers—her neighbors,
remnant will fall by the sword. They will
clothed most gorgeously, horsemen riding
take your sons and your daughters; and
on horses, all of them desirable young
the rest of you will be devoured by the
men. 13 I saw that she was defiled. They
fire. 26 They will also strip you of your
both went the same way.
clothes and take away your beautiful jew-
14 “She increased her prostitution; for
els. 27 Thus I will make your lewdness to
she saw men portrayed on the wall, the im- cease from you, and remove your pros-
ages of the Chaldeans portrayed with red, titution from the land of Egypt, so that
15 dressed with belts on their waists, with
you will not lift up your eyes to them, nor
flowing turbans on their heads, all of them remember Egypt any more.’
looking like princes, after the likeness of
the Babylonians in Chaldea, the land of 28 “For the Lord Yahweh says: ‘Behold,
their birth. 16 As soon as she saw them, I will deliver you into the hand of them
she lusted after them and sent messengers whom you hate, into the hand of them
to them into Chaldea. 17 The Babylonians from whom your soul is alienated. 29 They
came to her into the bed of love, and they will deal with you in hatred, and will take
defiled her with their prostitution. She away all your labor, and will leave you
was polluted with them, and her soul was naked and bare. The nakedness of your
alienated from them. 18 So she uncov- prostitution will be uncovered, both your
ered her prostitution and uncovered her lewdness and your prostitution. 30 These
nakedness. Then my soul was alienated things will be done to you because you
from her, just like my soul was alienated have played the prostitute after the na-
from her sister. 19 Yet she multiplied her tions, and because you are polluted with
Ezekiel 23:31 961 Ezekiel 24:6

their idols. 31 You have walked in the way prostitute with her, and she with them.’
of your sister; therefore I will give her cup 44 They went in to her, as they go in to a
into your hand.’ prostitute. So they went in to Oholah and
32 “The Lord Yahweh says: to Oholibah, the lewd women. 45 Righteous
‘You will drink of your sister’s cup, men will judge them with the judgment
which is deep and large. of adulteresses and with the judgment of
You will be ridiculed and held in derision. women who shed blood, because they are
It contains much. adulteresses, and blood is in their hands.
33 You will be filled with drunkenness and
46 “For the Lord Yahweh says: ‘I will
with the cup of astonishment and des- bring up a mob against them, and will
olation, give them to be tossed back and forth and
with the cup of your sister Samaria. robbed. 47 The company will stone them
34 You will even drink it and drain it out. with stones and dispatch them with their
You will gnaw the broken pieces of it, swords. They will kill their sons and their
and will tear your breasts; daughters, and burn up their houses with
for I have spoken it,’ says the Lord Yahweh. fire.
35 “Therefore the Lord Yahweh says: ‘Be- 48 “ ‘Thus I will cause lewdness to cease

cause you have forgotten me and cast me out of the land, that all women may be
behind your back, therefore you also bear taught not to be lewd like you. 49 They
your lewdness and your prostitution.’ ” will recompense your lewdness on you,
36 Yahweh said moreover to me: “Son of and you will bear the sins of your idols.
man, will you judge Oholah and Oholibah? Then you will know that I am the Lord
Then declare to them their abominations. Yahweh.’ ”
37 For they have committed adultery, and
blood is in their hands. They have com- 24
mitted adultery with their idols. They have 1Again, in the ninth year, in the tenth
also caused their sons, whom they bore to month, in the tenth day of the month, Yah-
me, to pass through the fire to them to be weh’s word came to me, saying, 2 “Son of
devoured. 38 Moreover this they have done man, write the name of the day, this same
to me: they have defiled my sanctuary day. The king of Babylon drew close to
in the same day, and have profaned my Jerusalem this same day. 3 Utter a parable
Sabbaths. 39 For when they had slain their to the rebellious house, and tell them, ‘The
children to their idols, then they came the Lord Yahweh says,
same day into my sanctuary to profane “Put the cauldron on the fire.
it; and behold, they have done this in the Put it on,
middle of my house. and also pour water into it.
40 “Furthermore you sisters have sent for 4 Gather its pieces into it,

men who come from far away, to whom even every good piece:
a messenger was sent, and behold, they the thigh and the shoulder.
came; for whom you washed yourself, Fill it with the choice bones.
5 Take the choice of the flock,
painted your eyes, decorated yourself with
ornaments, 41 and sat on a stately bed, with and also a pile of wood for the bones
a table prepared before it, whereupon you under the cauldron.
set my incense and my oil. Make it boil well.
42 “The voice of a multitude being at Yes, let its bones be boiled within it.”
6 “ ‘Therefore the Lord Yahweh says:
ease was with her. With men of the com-
mon sort were brought drunkards from “Woe to the bloody city,
the wilderness; and they put bracelets on to the cauldron whose rust is in it,
their hands, and beautiful crowns on their and whose rust hasn’t gone out of it!
heads. 43 Then I said of her who was Take out of it piece after piece
old in adulteries, ‘Now they will play the without casting lots for it.
Ezekiel 24:7 962 Ezekiel 25:5

7“ ‘ “For the blood she shed is in the middle 19 The people asked me, “Won’t you tell
of her. us what these things mean to us, that you
She set it on the bare rock. act like this?”
She didn’t pour it on the ground, 20 Then I said to them, “Yahweh’s word
to cover it with dust. came to me, saying, 21 ‘Speak to the house
8 That it may cause wrath to come up to of Israel, “The Lord Yahweh says: ‘Behold,
take vengeance, I will profane my sanctuary, the pride of
I have set her blood on the bare rock, your power, the desire of your eyes, and
that it should not be covered.” that which your soul pities; and your sons
9 “ ‘Therefore the Lord Yahweh says:
and your daughters whom you have left
“Woe to the bloody city! behind will fall by the sword. 22 You will do
I also will make the pile great. as I have done. You won’t cover your lips
10 Heap on the wood. or eat mourner’s bread. 23 Your turbans
Make the fire hot. will be on your heads, and your sandals
Boil the meat well. on your feet. You won’t mourn or weep;
Make the broth thick, but you will pine away in your iniquities,
and let the bones be burned. and moan one toward another. 24 Thus
11 Then set it empty on its coals, Ezekiel will be a sign to you; according to
that it may be hot, all that he has done, you will do. When this
comes, then you will know that I am the
and its bronze may burn, Lord Yahweh.’ ” ’ ”
and that its filthiness may be molten in 25 “You, son of man, shouldn’t it be in the
it, day when I take from them their strength,
that its rust may be consumed. the joy of their glory, the desire of their
12 She is weary with toil; eyes, and that whereupon they set their
yet her great rust, heart—their sons and their daughters—
rust by fire, doesn’t leave her. 26 that in that day he who escapes will come
13 “ ‘ “In your filthiness is lewdness. Be- to you, to cause you to hear it with your
cause I have cleansed you and you weren’t ears? 27 In that day your mouth will be
cleansed, you won’t be cleansed from your opened to him who has escaped, and you
filthiness any more, until I have caused my will speak and be no more mute. So you
wrath toward you to rest. will be a sign to them. Then they will know
14 “ ‘ “I, Yahweh, have spoken it. It will that I am Yahweh.”
happen, and I will do it. I won’t go back. I
won’t spare. I won’t repent. According to
1 Yahweh’s word came to me, saying,
your ways and according to your doings, 2 “Son of man, set your face toward the
they will judge you,” says the Lord Yah- children of Ammon, and prophesy against
weh.’ ” them. 3 Tell the children of Ammon, ‘Hear
15 Also Yahweh’s word came to me, say-
the word of the Lord Yahweh! The Lord
ing, 16 “Son of man, behold, I will take away Yahweh says, “Because you said, ‘Aha!’
from you the desire of your eyes with one against my sanctuary when it was pro-
stroke; yet you shall neither mourn nor faned, and against the land of Israel when
weep, neither shall your tears run down. it was made desolate, and against the
17 Sigh, but not aloud. Make no mourning house of Judah when they went into cap-
for the dead. Bind your headdress on you, tivity, 4 therefore, behold, I will deliver
and put your sandals on your feet. Don’t you to the children of the east for a pos-
cover your lips, and don’t eat mourner’s session. They will set their encampments
bread.” in you and make their dwellings in you.
18 So I spoke to the people in the morning, They will eat your fruit and they will drink
and at evening my wife died. So I did in the your milk. 5 I will make Rabbah a stable
morning as I was commanded. for camels and the children of Ammon a
Ezekiel 25:6 963 Ezekiel 26:12

resting place for flocks. Then you will Yahweh, when I lay my vengeance on
know that I am Yahweh.” 6 For the Lord them.” ’ ”
Yahweh says: “Because you have clapped
your hands, stamped with the feet, and 26
rejoiced with all the contempt of your soul 1 In the eleventh year, in the first of
against the land of Israel, 7 therefore, be- the month, Yahweh’s word came to me,
hold, I have stretched out my hand on you, saying, 2 “Son of man, because Tyre has
and will deliver you for a plunder to the said against Jerusalem, ‘Aha! She is bro-
nations. I will cut you off from the peoples, ken! She who was the gateway of the
and I will cause you to perish out of the peoples has been returned to me. I will
countries. I will destroy you. Then you will be replenished, now that she is laid waste;’
know that I am Yahweh.” 3 therefore the Lord Yahweh says, ‘Behold,
8 “ ‘The Lord Yahweh says: “Because
I am against you, Tyre, and will cause
Moab and Seir say, ‘Behold, the house of many nations to come up against you, as
Judah is like all the nations,’ 9 therefore, the sea causes its waves to come up. 4 They
behold, I will open the side of Moab from will destroy the walls of Tyre, and break
the cities, from his cities which are on its down her towers. I will also scrape her
frontiers, the glory of the country, Beth dust from her, and make her a bare rock.
Jeshimoth, Baal Meon, and Kiriathaim, 5 She will be a place for the spreading of
10 to the children of the east, to go against
nets in the middle of the sea; for I have
the children of Ammon; and I will give spoken it,’ says the Lord Yahweh. ‘She
them for a possession, that the children of will become plunder for the nations. 6 Her
Ammon may not be remembered among daughters who are in the field will be slain
the nations. 11 I will execute judgments with the sword. Then they will know that I
on Moab. Then they will know that I am am Yahweh.’
Yahweh.” 7 “For the Lord Yahweh says: ‘Behold, I
12 “ ‘The Lord Yahweh says: “Because
will bring on Tyre Nebuchadnezzar king
Edom has dealt against the house of Ju- of Babylon, king of kings, from the north,
dah by taking vengeance, and has greatly with horses, with chariots, with horsemen,
offended, and taken revenge on them,” and an army with many people. 8 He will
13 therefore the Lord Yahweh says, “I will kill your daughters in the field with the
stretch out my hand on Edom, and will sword. He will make forts against you,
cut off man and animal from it; and I cast up a mound against you, and raise
will make it desolate from Teman. They up the buckler against you. 9 He will set
will fall by the sword even to Dedan. 14 I his battering engines against your walls,
will lay my vengeance on Edom by the and with his axes he will break down your
hand of my people Israel. They will do in towers. 10 By reason of the abundance of
Edom according to my anger and accord- his horses, their dust will cover you. Your
ing to my wrath. Then they will know my walls will shake at the noise of the horse-
vengeance,” says the Lord Yahweh. men, of the wagons, and of the chariots,
15 “ ‘The Lord Yahweh says: “Because when he enters into your gates, as men
the Philistines have taken revenge, and enter into a city which is broken open.
have taken vengeance with contempt 11 He will tread down all your streets with
of soul to destroy with perpetual hostil- the hoofs of his horses. He will kill your
ity,” 16 therefore the Lord Yahweh says, people with the sword. The pillars of
“Behold, I will stretch out my hand on your strength will go down to the ground.
the Philistines, and I will cut off the 12 They will make a plunder of your riches
Cherethites, and destroy the remnant and make a prey of your merchandise.
of the sea coast. 17 I will execute great They will break down your walls and de-
vengeance on them with wrathful re- stroy your pleasant houses. They will lay
bukes. Then they will know that I am your stones, your timber, and your dust in
Ezekiel 26:13 964 Ezekiel 27:13

the middle of the waters. 13 I will cause the merchant of the peoples to many islands,
noise of your songs to cease. The sound of the Lord Yahweh says:
your harps won’t be heard any more. 14 I “You, Tyre, have said,
will make you a bare rock. You will be a ‘I am perfect in beauty.’
place for the spreading of nets. You will be 4 Your borders are in the heart of the seas.
built no more; for I Yahweh have spoken Your builders have perfected your
it,’ says the Lord Yahweh. beauty.
15 “The Lord Yahweh says to Tyre: ‘Won’t 5 They have made all your planks of cy-
the islands shake at the sound of your press trees from Senir.
fall, when the wounded groan, when the They have taken a cedar from
slaughter is made within you? 16 Then all Lebanon to make a mast for you.
the princes of the sea will come down from 6 They have made your oars of the oaks of
their thrones, and lay aside their robes, Bashan.
and strip off their embroidered garments. They have made your benches of ivory
They will clothe themselves with trem- inlaid in cypress wood from the is-
bling. They will sit on the ground, and will lands of Kittim.
tremble every moment, and be astonished 7 Your sail was of fine linen with embroi-
at you. 17 They will take up a lamentation dered work from Egypt,
over you, and tell you, that it might be to you for a banner.
“How you are destroyed, Blue and purple from the islands of
who were inhabited by seafaring men, Elishah was your awning.
the renowned city, 8 The inhabitants of Sidon and Arvad were
who was strong in the sea, your rowers.
she and her inhabitants, Your wise men, Tyre, were in you.
who caused their terror to be on all They were your pilots.
who lived there!” 9 The old men of Gebal
18 Now the islands will tremble in the day and its wise men were your repairers
of your fall. of ship seams in you.
Yes, the islands that are in the sea will All the ships of the sea with their mariners
be dismayed at your departure.’ were in you
19 “For the Lord Yahweh says: ‘When I
to deal in your merchandise.
make you a desolate city, like the cities
that are not inhabited, when I bring up the 10 “ ‘ “Persia, Lud, and Put were in your
deep on you, and the great waters cover army,
you, 20 then I will bring you down with your men of war.
those who descend into the pit, to the peo- They hung the shield and helmet in you.
ple of old time, and will make you dwell in They showed your beauty.
the lower parts of the earth, in the places 11 The men of Arvad with your army were
that are desolate of old, with those who go on your walls all around,
down to the pit, that you be not inhabited; and valiant men were in your towers.
and I will set glory in the land of the living. They hung their shields on your walls all
21 I will make you a terror, and you will
no more have any being. Though you are They have perfected your beauty.
sought for, yet you will never be found 12 “ ‘ “Tarshish was your merchant by
again,’ says the Lord Yahweh.” reason of the multitude of all kinds of
riches. They traded for your wares with
1 Yahweh’s word came again to me, say-
silver, iron, tin, and lead.
13 “ ‘ “Javan, Tubal, and Meshech were
ing, 2 “You, son of man, take up a lamen- your traders. They traded the persons of
tation over Tyre; 3 and tell Tyre, ‘You who men and vessels of bronze for your mer-
dwell at the entry of the sea, who are the chandise.
Ezekiel 27:14 965 Ezekiel 27:36

14 “ ‘ “They of the house of Togarmah your mariners, your pilots, your re-
traded for your wares with horses, war pairers of ship seams,
horses, and mules. the dealers in your merchandise,
15 “ ‘ “The men of Dedan traded with you.
and all your men of war who are in
Many islands were the market of your you,
hand. They brought you horns of ivory and with all your company which is among
ebony in exchange. you,
16 “ ‘ “Syria was your merchant by rea- will fall into the heart of the seas in the
son of the multitude of your handiworks. day of your ruin.
28 At the sound of the cry of your pilots,
They traded for your wares with emeralds,
purple, embroidered work, fine linen, the pasture lands will shake.
coral, and rubies. 29 All who handle the oars,
17 “ ‘ “Judah and the land of Israel were the mariners and all the pilots of the
your traders. They traded wheat of Min- sea,
nith, confections, honey, oil, and balm for will come down from their ships.
your merchandise. They will stand on the land,
18 “ ‘ “Damascus was your merchant for 30 and will cause their voice to be

the multitude of your handiworks by rea- heard over you,

son of the multitude of all kinds of riches, and will cry bitterly.
with the wine of Helbon, and white wool. They will cast up dust on their heads.
19 “ ‘ “Vedan and Javan traded with yarn They will wallow in the ashes.
for your wares; wrought iron, cassia, and 31 They will make themselves bald for you,
calamus were among your merchandise. and clothe themselves with sackcloth.
20 “ ‘ “Dedan was your merchant in pre- They will weep for you in bitterness of
cious saddle blankets for riding. soul,
21 “ ‘ “Arabia and all the princes of Kedar with bitter mourning.
were your favorite dealers in lambs, rams, 32 In their wailing they will take up a
and goats. In these, they were your mer- lamentation for you,
chants. and lament over you, saying,
22 “ ‘ “The traders of Sheba and Raamah
‘Who is there like Tyre,
were your traders. They traded for your like her who is brought to silence in
wares with the best of all spices, all pre- the middle of the sea?’
cious stones, and gold. 33 When your wares came from the seas,
23 “ ‘ “Haran, Canneh, Eden, the traders
you filled many peoples.
of Sheba, Asshur and Chilmad, were your
You enriched the kings of the earth
traders. 24 These were your traders in
choice wares, in wrappings of blue and with the multitude of your riches and
embroidered work, and in cedar chests of your merchandise.
34 In the time that you were broken by the
of rich clothing bound with cords, among
your merchandise. seas,
25 “ ‘ “The ships of Tarshish were your car- in the depths of the waters,
your merchandise and all your com-
avans for your merchandise.
pany fell within you.
You were replenished 35 All the inhabitants of the islands are
and made very glorious in the heart of
astonished at you,
the seas.
26 Your rowers have brought you into great and their kings are horribly afraid.
waters. They are troubled in their face.
The east wind has broken you in the 36 The merchants among the peoples hiss
heart of the seas. at you.
27 Your riches, your wares, your merchan- You have come to a terrible end,
dise, and you will be no more.” ’ ”
Ezekiel 28:1 966 Ezekiel 28:19

28 “You were the seal of full measure,

1 Yahweh’s word came again to me, say- full of wisdom,
ing, 2 “Son of man, tell the prince of Tyre, and perfect in beauty.
‘The Lord Yahweh says: 13 You were in Eden,
“Because your heart is lifted up, the garden of God.
and you have said, ‘I am a god, Every precious stone adorned you:
I sit in the seat of God, ruby, topaz, emerald,
in the middle of the seas;’ chrysolite, onyx, jasper,
yet you are man, sapphire,† turquoise, and beryl.
and no god, Gold work of tambourines
though you set your heart as the heart and of pipes was in you.
of a god— They were prepared in the day that
3 behold, you are wiser than Daniel. you were created.
14 You were the anointed cherub who cov-
There is no secret that is hidden from
you. ers.
4 By your wisdom and by your understand- Then I set you up on the holy mountain
ing you have gotten yourself riches, of God.
You have walked up and down in the
and have gotten gold and silver into middle of the stones of fire.
your treasuries. 15 You were perfect in your ways from the
5 By your great wisdom
day that you were created,
and by your trading you have in- until unrighteousness was found in
creased your riches, you.
and your heart is lifted up because of16 By the abundance of your commerce,
your riches—” your insides were filled with vio-
6 “ ‘therefore the Lord Yahweh says: lence,
“Because you have set your heart as the and you have sinned.
heart of God, Therefore I have cast you as profane out of
7 therefore, behold, I will bring God’s mountain.
strangers on you, I have destroyed you, covering
the terrible of the nations. cherub,
They will draw their swords against the from the middle of the stones of fire.
beauty of your wisdom. 17 Your heart was lifted up because of your
They will defile your brightness. beauty.
8 They will bring you down to the pit. You have corrupted your wisdom by
You will die the death of those who are reason of your splendor.
slain I have cast you to the ground.
in the heart of the seas. I have laid you before kings,
9 Will you yet say before him who kills you,
that they may see you.
‘I am God’? 18 By the multitude of your iniquities,
But you are man, and not God,
in the unrighteousness of your com-
in the hand of him who wounds you. merce,
10 You will die the death of the uncircum-
you have profaned your sanctuaries.
cised Therefore I have brought out a fire from
by the hand of strangers;
for I have spoken it,” says the Lord the middle of you.
Yahweh.’ ” It has devoured you.
I have turned you to ashes on the earth
11 Moreover Yahweh’s word came to me, in the sight of all those who see you.
saying, 12 “Son of man, take up a lamen- 19 All those who know you among the peo-
tation over the king of Tyre, and tell him, ples will be astonished at you.
‘The Lord Yahweh says: You have become a terror,
† 28:13 or, lapis lazuli
Ezekiel 28:20 967 Ezekiel 29:15

and you will exist no more.” ’ ” and I will make the fish of your rivers
stick to your scales.
20 Yahweh’s word came to me, saying,
I will bring you up out of the middle of your
21 “Son of man, set your face toward Sidon,
and prophesy against it, 22 and say, ‘The with all the fish of your rivers which
Lord Yahweh says: stick to your scales.
“Behold, I am against you, Sidon. 5 I’ll cast you out into the wilderness,
I will be glorified among you. you and all the fish of your rivers.
Then they will know that I am Yahweh, You’ll fall on the open field.
when I have executed judgments in You won’t be brought together or gath-
her, ered.
and am sanctified in her. I have given you for food to the animals of
23 For I will send pestilence into her,
the earth
and blood into her streets. and to the birds of the sky.
The wounded will fall within her, 6 “ ‘ “All the inhabitants of Egypt will
with the sword on her on every side. know that I am Yahweh, because they have
Then they will know that I am Yahweh. been a staff of reed to the house of Israel.
24 “ ‘ “There will no longer be a pricking 7 When they took hold of you by your hand,
brier to the house of Israel, nor a hurting you broke and tore all their shoulders.
thorn of any that are around them that When they leaned on you, you broke and
scorned them. Then they will know that I paralyzed all of their thighs.”
am the Lord Yahweh.” 8 “ ‘Therefore the Lord Yahweh says:
25 “ ‘The Lord Yahweh says: “When I
“Behold, I will bring a sword on you, and
have gathered the house of Israel from will cut off man and animal from you.
the peoples among whom they are scat- 9 The land of Egypt will be a desolation and
tered, and am shown as holy among them a waste. Then they will know that I am
in the sight of the nations, then they will Yahweh.
dwell in their own land which I gave to “ ‘ “Because he has said, ‘The river is
my servant Jacob. 26 They will dwell in it mine, and I have made it,’ 10 therefore,
securely. Yes, they will build houses, plant behold, I am against you and against your
vineyards, and will dwell securely when rivers. I will make the land of Egypt an
I have executed judgments on all those utter waste and desolation, from the tower
around them who have treated them with of Seveneh even to the border of Ethiopia.
contempt. Then they will know that I am 11 No foot of man will pass through it, nor
Yahweh their God.” ’ ” will any animal foot pass through it. It
won’t be inhabited for forty years. 12 I will
29 make the land of Egypt a desolation in the
1 In the tenth year, in the tenth month, middle of the countries that are desolate.
on the twelfth day of the month, Yahweh’s Her cities among the cities that are laid
word came to me, saying, 2 “Son of man, set waste will be a desolation forty years. I will
your face against Pharaoh king of Egypt, scatter the Egyptians among the nations,
and prophesy against him and against all and will disperse them through the coun-
Egypt. 3 Speak and say, ‘The Lord Yahweh tries.”
says: 13 “ ‘For the Lord Yahweh says: “At the
“Behold, I am against you, Pharaoh king of end of forty years I will gather the Egyp-
Egypt, tians from the peoples where they were
the great monster that lies in the mid- scattered. 14 I will reverse the captivity of
dle of his rivers, Egypt, and will cause them to return into
that has said, ‘My river is my own, the land of Pathros, into the land of their
and I have made it for myself.’ birth. There they will be a lowly kingdom.
4 I will put hooks in your jaws, 15 It will be the lowest of the kingdoms. It
Ezekiel 29:16 968 Ezekiel 30:16

won’t lift itself up above the nations any The pride of her power will come
more. I will diminish them so that they will down.
no longer rule over the nations. 16 It will They will fall by the sword in it from the
no longer be the confidence of the house of tower of Seveneh,”
Israel, bringing iniquity to memory, when says the Lord Yahweh.
they turn to look after them. Then they will “They will be desolate in the middle of the
know that I am the Lord Yahweh.” ’ ” countries that are desolate.
Her cities will be among the cities that
17 It came to pass in the twenty-seventh are wasted.
year, in the first month, in the first day 8 They will know that I am Yahweh
of the month, Yahweh’s word came to me, when I have set a fire in Egypt,
saying, 18 “Son of man, Nebuchadnezzar and all her helpers are destroyed.
king of Babylon caused his army to serve 9 “ ‘ “In that day messengers will go out
a great service against Tyre. Every head from before me in ships to make the care-
was made bald, and every shoulder was less Ethiopians afraid. There will be an-
worn; yet he had no wages, nor did his guish on them, as in the day of Egypt; for,
army, from Tyre, for the service that he behold, it comes.”
had served against it. 19 Therefore the 10 “ ‘The Lord Yahweh says:
Lord Yahweh says: ‘Behold, I will give the “I will also make the multitude of Egypt to
land of Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar king of cease,
Babylon. He will carry off her multitude, by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king
take her plunder, and take her prey. That of Babylon.
will be the wages for his army. 20 I have 11 He and his people with him,
given him the land of Egypt as his payment the terrible of the nations,
for which he served, because they worked will be brought in to destroy the land.
for me,’ says the Lord Yahweh. They will draw their swords against
21 “In that day I will cause a horn to Egypt,
sprout for the house of Israel, and I will and fill the land with the slain.
open your mouth among them. Then they 12 I will make the rivers dry,
will know that I am Yahweh.” and will sell the land into the hand of
evil men.
1 Yahweh’s word came again to me, say-
I will make the land desolate,
and all that is therein,
ing, 2 “Son of man, prophesy, and say, ‘The by the hand of foreigners.
Lord Yahweh says: I, Yahweh, have spoken it.”
“Wail, ‘Alas for the day!’ 13 “ ‘The Lord Yahweh says:
3 For the day is near,
“I will also destroy the idols,
even Yahweh’s day is near. and I will cause the images to cease
It will be a day of clouds, from Memphis.
a time of the nations. There will be no more a prince from the
4 A sword will come on Egypt,
land of Egypt.
and anguish will be in Ethiopia,
I will put a fear in the land of Egypt.
when the slain fall in Egypt. 14 I will make Pathros desolate,
They take away her multitude,
and her foundations are broken and will set a fire in Zoan,
down. and will execute judgments on No.
5 “ ‘ “Ethiopia, Put, Lud, all the mixed 15 I will pour my wrath on Sin,
people, Cub, and the children of the land the stronghold of Egypt.
that is allied with them, will fall with them I will cut off the multitude of No.
by the sword.” 16 I will set a fire in Egypt
6 “ ‘Yahweh says: Sin will be in great anguish.
“They also who uphold Egypt will fall. No will be broken up.
Ezekiel 30:17 969 Ezekiel 31:12

Memphis will have adversaries in the ‘Whom are you like in your greatness?
daytime. 3 Behold, the Assyrian was a cedar in
17 The young men of Aven and of Pibeseth Lebanon
will fall by the sword. with beautiful branches,
They will go into captivity. and with a forest-like shade,
18 At Tehaphnehes also the day will with- of high stature;
draw itself, and its top was among the thick
when I break the yokes of Egypt there. boughs.
4 The waters nourished it.
The pride of her power will cease in her.
As for her, a cloud will cover her, The deep made it to grow.
and her daughters will go into captiv- Its rivers ran all around its plantation.
ity. It sent out its channels to all the trees
19 Thus I will execute judgments on Egypt. of the field.
5 Therefore its stature was exalted above
Then they will know that I am Yah- all the trees of the field;
weh.” ’ ” and its boughs were multiplied.
20 In the eleventh year, in the first month, Its branches became long by reason of
many waters,
in the seventh day of the month, Yahweh’s
when it spread them out.
word came to me, saying, 21 “Son of man, 6
All the birds of the sky made their nests in
I have broken the arm of Pharaoh king of
its boughs.
Egypt. Behold, it has not been bound up,
Under its branches, all the animals of
to apply medicines, to put a bandage to the field gave birth to their young.
bind it, that it may become strong to hold All great nations lived under its
the sword. 22 Therefore the Lord Yahweh shadow.
says: ‘Behold, I am against Pharaoh king of 7
Thus it was beautiful in its greatness,
Egypt, and will break his arms, the strong
in the length of its branches;
arm, and that which was broken. I will
cause the sword to fall out of his hand. 8 for its root was by many waters.
23 I will scatter the Egyptians among the The cedars in the garden of God could not
nations, and will disperse them through hide it.
the countries. I will strengthen the arms
24 The cypress trees were not like its
of the king of Babylon, and put my sword branches.
The pine trees were not like its branches;
in his hand; but I will break the arms of
Pharaoh, and he will groan before the king nor was any tree in the garden of God
of Babylon with the groaning of a mortally 9 like it in its beauty.
wounded man. 25 I will hold up the arms I made it beautiful by the multitude of its
of the king of Babylon, but the arms of branches,
so that all the trees of Eden,
Pharaoh will fall down. Then they will
that were in the garden of God, envied
know that I am Yahweh when I put my
sword into the hand of the king of Baby- 10 “Therefore thus said the Lord Yahweh:
lon, and he stretches it out on the land of ‘Because he is exalted in stature, and he
Egypt. 26 I will scatter the Egyptians among has set his top among the thick branches,
the nations and disperse them through the and his heart is lifted up in his height,
countries. Then they will know that I am 11 I will deliver him into the hand of the
Yahweh.’ ” mighty one of the nations. He will surely
deal with him. I have driven him out for
1 In the eleventh year, in the third
his wickedness. 12 Foreigners, the tyrants
of the nations, have cut him off and have
month, in the first day of the month, Yah- left him. His branches have fallen on the
weh’s word came to me, saying, 2 “Son of mountains and in all the valleys, and his
man, tell Pharaoh king of Egypt and his boughs are broken by all the watercourses
multitude: of the land. All the peoples of the earth
Ezekiel 31:13 970 Ezekiel 32:12

have gone down from his shadow and and fouled their rivers.”
have left him. 13 All the birds of the sky 3 The Lord Yahweh says:
will dwell on his ruin, and all the animals “I will spread out my net on you with a
of the field will be on his branches, to the
14 company of many peoples.
end that none of all the trees by the waters They will bring you up in my net.
exalt themselves in their stature, and don’t 4 I will leave you on the land.
set their top among the thick boughs. Their I will cast you out on the open field,
mighty ones don’t stand up on their height, and will cause all the birds of the sky to
even all who drink water; for they are all settle on you.
delivered to death, to the lower parts of I will satisfy the animals of the whole
the earth, among the children of men, with earth with you.
those who go down to the pit.’ 5 I will lay your flesh on the mountains,
15 “The Lord Yahweh says: ‘In the day
and fill the valleys with your height.
when he went down to Sheol,† I caused a 6
mourning. I covered the deep for him, and I will also water the land in which you
I restrained its rivers. The great waters swim with your blood,
were stopped. I caused Lebanon to mourn even to the mountains.
for him, and all the trees of the field fainted 7 The watercourses will be full of you.
for him. 16 I made the nations to shake When I extinguish you, I will cover the
at the sound of his fall, when I cast him heavens
down to Sheol‡ with those who descend and make its stars dark.
into the pit. All the trees of Eden, the choice I will cover the sun with a cloud,
and best of Lebanon, all that drink water, and the moon won’t give its light.
were comforted in the lower parts of the 8 I will make all the bright lights of the sky
earth. 17 They also went down into Sheol dark over you,
with him to those who are slain by the and set darkness on your land,” says
sword; yes, those who were his arm, who the Lord Yahweh.
lived under his shadow in the middle of the 9 “I will also trouble the hearts of many
nations. peoples,
18 “ ‘To whom are you thus like in glory
when I bring your destruction among
and in greatness among the trees of Eden? the nations,
Yet you will be brought down with the into the countries which you have not
trees of Eden to the lower parts of the known.
earth. You will lie in the middle of the 10 Yes, I will make many peoples amazed at
uncircumcised, with those who are slain you,
by the sword. and their kings will be horribly afraid
“ ‘This is Pharaoh and all his multitude,’ for you,
says the Lord Yahweh.” when I brandish my sword before them.
They will tremble at every moment,
1 In the twelfth year, in the twelfth every man for his own life,
month, in the first day of the month, “Yah- in the day of your fall.”
weh’s word came to me, saying, 2 ‘Son of 11 For the Lord Yahweh says:
man, take up a lamentation over Pharaoh “The sword of the king of Babylon will
king of Egypt, and tell him, come on you.
12 I will cause your multitude to fall by the
“You were likened to a young lion of the
nations; swords of the mighty.
yet you are as a monster in the seas. They are all the ruthless of the nations.
You broke out with your rivers, They will bring the pride of Egypt to noth-
and troubled the waters with your ing,
feet, and all its multitude will be destroyed.
† 31:15 Sheol is the place of the dead. ‡ 31:16 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Ezekiel 32:13 971 Ezekiel 33:2

13 I will destroy also all its animals from those who go down to the pit. 25 They have
beside many waters. made Elam a bed among the slain with
The foot of man won’t trouble them all her multitude. Her graves are around
any more, her, all of them uncircumcised, slain by
nor will the hoofs of animals trouble the sword; for their terror was caused in
them. the land of the living, and they have borne
14 Then I will make their waters clear,
their shame with those who go down to the
and cause their rivers to run like oil,” pit. He is put among those who are slain.
says the Lord Yahweh. 26 “There is Meshech, Tubal, and all their
15 “When I make the land of Egypt desolate
multitude. Their graves are around them,
and waste, all of them uncircumcised, slain by the
a land destitute of that of which it was
full, sword; for they caused their terror in the
when I strike all those who dwell therein, land of the living. 27 They will not lie with
then they will know that I am Yahweh. the mighty who are fallen of the uncircum-
16 “ ‘ “This is the lamentation with which cised, who have gone down to Sheol with
they will lament. The daughters of the their weapons of war and have laid their
nations will lament with this. They will swords under their heads. Their iniquities
lament with it over Egypt, and over all her are on their bones; for they were the terror
multitude,” says the Lord Yahweh.’ ” of the mighty in the land of the living.
28 “But you will be broken among the
17Also in the twelfth year, in the fif- uncircumcised, and will lie with those who
teenth day of the month, Yahweh’s word are slain by the sword.
came to me, saying, 18 “Son of man, wail 29 “There is Edom, her kings, and all her
for the multitude of Egypt, and cast them princes, who in their might are laid with
down, even her and the daughters of the those who are slain by the sword. They will
famous nations, to the lower parts of the lie with the uncircumcised, and with those
earth, with those who go down into the who go down to the pit.
pit. 19 Whom do you pass in beauty? Go 30 “There are the princes of the north, all
down, and be laid with the uncircumcised. of them, and all the Sidonians, who have
20 They will fall among those who are slain gone down with the slain. They are put to
by the sword. She is delivered to the shame in the terror which they caused by
sword. Draw her away with all her multi- their might. They lie uncircumcised with
tudes. 21 The strong among the mighty will those who are slain by the sword, and bear
speak to him out of the middle of Sheol† their shame with those who go down to the
with those who help him. They have gone pit.
down. The uncircumcised lie still, slain by 31 “Pharaoh will see them and will be
the sword. comforted over all his multitude, even
22 “Asshur is there with all her company. Pharaoh and all his army, slain by the
Her graves are all around her. All of them sword,” says the Lord Yahweh. 32 “For I
are slain, fallen by the sword, 23 whose have put his terror in the land of the living.
graves are set in the uttermost parts of the He will be laid among the uncircumcised,
pit, and her company is around her grave, with those who are slain by the sword,
all of them slain, fallen by the sword, who even Pharaoh and all his multitude,” says
caused terror in the land of the living. the Lord Yahweh.
24 “There is Elam and all her multitude
around her grave; all of them slain, fallen 33
1 Yahweh’s word came to me, saying,
by the sword, who have gone down uncir-
cumcised into the lower parts of the earth, 2 “Son of man, speak to the children of your
who caused their terror in the land of the people, and tell them, ‘When I bring the
living, and have borne their shame with sword on a land, and the people of the
† 32:21 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Ezekiel 33:3 972 Ezekiel 33:27

land take a man from among them, and will be remembered; but he will die in his
set him for their watchman, 3 if, when he iniquity that he has committed. 14 Again,
sees the sword come on the land, he blows when I say to the wicked, “You will surely
the trumpet and warns the people, 4 then die,” if he turns from his sin and does
whoever hears the sound of the trumpet that which is lawful and right, 15 if the
and doesn’t heed the warning, if the sword wicked restore the pledge, give again that
comes and takes him away, his blood will which he had taken by robbery, walk in the
be on his own head. 5 He heard the sound statutes of life, committing no iniquity, he
of the trumpet and didn’t take warning. will surely live. He will not die. 16 None
His blood will be on him; whereas if he of his sins that he has committed will be
had heeded the warning, he would have remembered against him. He has done
delivered his soul. 6 But if the watchman that which is lawful and right. He will
sees the sword come and doesn’t blow the surely live.
trumpet, and the people aren’t warned, 17 “ ‘Yet the children of your people say,
and the sword comes and takes any person
from among them, he is taken away in his “The way of the Lord is not fair;” but as
iniquity, but his blood I will require at the for them, their way is not fair. 18 When
watchman’s hand.’ the righteous turns from his righteousness
7 “So you, son of man, I have set you a and commits iniquity, he will even die
watchman to the house of Israel. There- therein. 19 When the wicked turns from his
fore hear the word from my mouth, and wickedness and does that which is lawful
and right, he will live by it. 20 Yet you say,
give them warnings from me. 8 When I
“The way of the Lord is not fair.” House of
tell the wicked, ‘O wicked man, you will
Israel, I will judge every one of you after
surely die,’ and you don’t speak to warn
his ways.’ ”
the wicked from his way, that wicked man
will die in his iniquity, but I will require his 21 In the twelfth year of our captivity,
blood at your hand. 9 Nevertheless, if you
in the tenth month, in the fifth day of
warn the wicked of his way to turn from it,
the month, one who had escaped out of
and he doesn’t turn from his way; he will
Jerusalem came to me, saying, “The city
die in his iniquity, but you have delivered
has been defeated!” 22 Now Yahweh’s hand
your soul. had been on me in the evening, before
10 “You, son of man, tell the house of
he who had escaped came; and he had
Israel: ‘You say this, “Our transgressions opened my mouth until he came to me in
and our sins are on us, and we pine away the morning; and my mouth was opened,
in them. How then can we live?” ’ 11 Tell and I was no longer mute.
them, ‘ “As I live,” says the Lord Yahweh, 23 Yahweh’s word came to me, saying,
“I have no pleasure in the death of the 24 “Son of man, those who inhabit the
wicked, but that the wicked turn from his
way and live. Turn, turn from your evil waste places in the land of Israel speak,
ways! For why will you die, house of Is- saying, ‘Abraham was one, and he inher-
rael?” ’ ited the land; but we are many. The land
12 “You, son of man, tell the children is given us for inheritance.’ 25 Therefore
of your people, ‘The righteousness of the tell them, ‘The Lord Yahweh says: “You
righteous will not deliver him in the day of eat with the blood, and lift up your eyes
his disobedience. And as for the wicked- to your idols, and shed blood. So should
ness of the wicked, he will not fall by it in you possess the land? 26 You stand on your
the day that he turns from his wickedness; sword, you work abomination, and every
neither will he who is righteous be able to one of you defiles his neighbor’s wife. So
live by it in the day that he sins. 13 When should you possess the land?” ’
I tell the righteous that he will surely live, 27 “You shall tell them, ‘The Lord Yahweh
if he trusts in his righteousness and com- says: “As I live, surely those who are in
mits iniquity, none of his righteous deeds the waste places will fall by the sword. I
Ezekiel 33:28 973 Ezekiel 34:17

will give whoever is in the open field to the animals of the field, and were scat-
the animals to be devoured, and those who tered. 6 My sheep wandered through all
are in the strongholds and in the caves the mountains and on every high hill. Yes,
will die of the pestilence. 28 I will make my sheep were scattered on all the sur-
the land a desolation and an astonishment. face of the earth. There was no one who
The pride of her power will cease. The searched or sought.”
mountains of Israel will be desolate, so that 7 “ ‘Therefore, you shepherds, hear Yah-
no one will pass through. 29 Then they will weh’s word: 8 “As I live,” says the Lord Yah-
know that I am Yahweh, when I have made weh, “surely because my sheep became
the land a desolation and an astonishment
because of all their abominations which a prey, and my sheep became food to all
they have committed.” ’ the animals of the field, because there
30 “As for you, son of man, the children was no shepherd, and my shepherds didn’t
search for my sheep, but the shepherds
of your people talk about you by the walls fed themselves, and didn’t feed my sheep,
and in the doors of the houses, and speak to 9 therefore, you shepherds, hear Yahweh’s
one another, everyone to his brother, say-
word!” 10 The Lord Yahweh says: “Behold,
ing, ‘Please come and hear what the word
I am against the shepherds. I will require
is that comes out from Yahweh.’ 31 They
my sheep at their hand, and cause them to
come to you as the people come, and they
cease from feeding the sheep. The shep-
sit before you as my people, and they hear
herds won’t feed themselves any more. I
your words, but don’t do them; for with
will deliver my sheep from their mouth,
their mouth they show much love, but
that they may not be food for them.”
their heart goes after their gain. 32 Behold,
11 “ ‘For the Lord Yahweh says: “Behold,
you are to them as a very lovely song of
one who has a pleasant voice, and can play I myself, even I, will search for my sheep,
well on an instrument; for they hear your and will seek them out. 12 As a shepherd
words, but they don’t do them. seeks out his flock in the day that he is
33 “When this comes to pass—behold, it among his sheep that are scattered abroad,
so I will seek out my sheep. I will deliver
comes—then they will know that a prophet
them out of all places where they have
has been among them.”
been scattered in the cloudy and dark day.
13 I will bring them out from the peoples,

34 and gather them from the countries, and

1 Yahweh’s word came to me, saying, will bring them into their own land. I
2 “Son of man, prophesy against the shep- will feed them on the mountains of Israel,
herds of Israel. Prophesy, and tell them, by the watercourses, and in all the inhab-
even the shepherds, ‘The Lord Yahweh ited places of the country. 14 I will feed
says: “Woe to the shepherds of Israel them with good pasture, and their fold
who feed themselves! Shouldn’t the shep- will be on the mountains of the height of
herds feed the sheep? 3 You eat the fat. Israel. There they will lie down in a good
You clothe yourself with the wool. You fold. They will feed on rich pasture on
kill the fatlings, but you don’t feed the the mountains of Israel. 15 I myself will be
sheep. 4 You haven’t strengthened the dis- the shepherd of my sheep, and I will cause
eased. You haven’t healed that which was them to lie down,” says the Lord Yahweh.
16 “I will seek that which was lost, and will
sick. You haven’t bound up that which
was broken. You haven’t brought back bring back that which was driven away,
that which was driven away. You haven’t and will bind up that which was broken,
sought that which was lost, but you have and will strengthen that which was sick;
ruled over them with force and with rigor. but I will destroy the fat and the strong. I
5 They were scattered, because there was will feed them in justice.” ’
no shepherd. They became food to all 17 “As for you, O my flock, the Lord Yah-
Ezekiel 34:18 974 Ezekiel 35:15

weh says: ‘Behold, I judge between sheep sheep, the sheep of my pasture, are men,
and sheep, the rams and the male goats. and I am your God,’ says the Lord Yahweh.”
18 Does it seem a small thing to you to
have fed on the good pasture, but you must 35
1 Moreover Yahweh’s word came to me,
tread down with your feet the residue of
your pasture? And to have drunk of the saying, 2 “Son of man, set your face against
clear waters, but must you foul the residue Mount Seir, and prophesy against it, 3 and
with your feet? 19 As for my sheep, they tell it, ‘The Lord Yahweh says: “Behold,
eat that which you have trodden with your I am against you, Mount Seir, and I will
feet, and they drink that which you have stretch out my hand against you. I will
fouled with your feet.’ make you a desolation and an astonish-
20 “Therefore the Lord Yahweh says to
ment. 4 I will lay your cities waste, and you
will be desolate. Then you will know that I
them: ‘Behold, I, even I, will judge be- am Yahweh.
tween the fat sheep and the lean sheep. 5 “ ‘ “Because you have had a perpetual
21 Because you thrust with side and with
hostility, and have given over the children
shoulder, and push all the diseased with of Israel to the power of the sword in the
your horns, until you have scattered them time of their calamity, in the time of the
abroad, 22 therefore I will save my flock, iniquity of the end, 6 therefore, as I live,”
and they will no more be a prey. I will says the Lord Yahweh, “I will prepare you
judge between sheep and sheep. 23 I will for blood, and blood will pursue you. Since
set up one shepherd over them, and he you have not hated blood, therefore blood
will feed them, even my servant David. will pursue you. 7 Thus I will make Mount
He will feed them, and he will be their Seir an astonishment and a desolation. I
shepherd. 24 I, Yahweh, will be their God, will cut off from it him who passes through
and my servant David prince among them. and him who returns. 8 I will fill its moun-
I, Yahweh, have spoken it. tains with its slain. The slain with the
25 “ ‘I will make with them a covenant of sword will fall in your hills and in your
peace, and will cause evil animals to cease valleys and in all your watercourses. 9 I
out of the land. They will dwell securely will make you a perpetual desolation, and
in the wilderness and sleep in the woods. your cities will not be inhabited. Then you
26 I will make them and the places around will know that I am Yahweh.
10 “ ‘ “Because you have said, ‘These two
my hill a blessing. I will cause the shower nations and these two countries will be
to come down in its season. There will be mine, and we will possess it,’ although
showers of blessing. 27 The tree of the field Yahweh was there, 11 therefore, as I live,”
will yield its fruit, and the earth will yield says the Lord Yahweh, “I will do accord-
its increase, and they will be secure in their ing to your anger, and according to your
land. Then they will know that I am Yah- envy which you have shown out of your
weh, when I have broken the bars of their hatred against them; and I will make my-
yoke, and have delivered them out of the self known among them when I judge
hand of those who made slaves of them.
28 They will no more be a prey to the na- you. 12 You will know that I, Yahweh,
tions, neither will the animals of the earth have heard all your insults which you
devour them; but they will dwell securely, have spoken against the mountains of Is-
and no one will make them afraid. 29 I will rael, saying, ‘They have been laid desolate.
raise up to them a plantation for renown, They have been given to us to devour.’
13 You have magnified yourselves against
and they will no more be consumed with
famine in the land, and not bear the shame me with your mouth, and have multiplied
of the nations any more. 30 They will know your words against me. I have heard it.”
that I, Yahweh, their God am with them, 14 The Lord Yahweh says: “When the whole
and that they, the house of Israel, are my earth rejoices, I will make you desolate.
people, says the Lord Yahweh. 31 You my 15 As you rejoiced over the inheritance of
Ezekiel 36:1 975 Ezekiel 36:23

the house of Israel because it was desolate, be fruitful. I will cause you to be inhabited
so I will do to you. You will be desolate, as you were before, and you will do better
Mount Seir, and all Edom, even all of it. than at your beginnings. Then you will
Then they will know that I am Yahweh.’ ” know that I am Yahweh. 12 Yes, I will
cause men to walk on you, even my people
1 You, son of man, prophesy to the moun-
Israel. They will possess you, and you will
be their inheritance, and you will never
tains of Israel, and say, “You mountains of again bereave them of their children.”
Israel, hear Yahweh’s word. 2 The Lord 13 “ ‘The Lord Yahweh says: “Because
Yahweh says: ‘Because the enemy has said
against you, “Aha!” and, “The ancient high they say to you, ‘You are a devourer of
places are ours in possession!” ’ 3 therefore men, and have been a bereaver of your
prophesy, and say, ‘The Lord Yahweh says: nation;’ 14 therefore you shall devour men
“Because, even because they have made no more, and not bereave your nation any
you desolate, and swallowed you up on more,” says the Lord Yahweh. 15 “I won’t
every side, that you might be a posses- let you hear the shame of the nations any
sion to the residue of the nations, and you more. You won’t bear the reproach of the
are taken up in the lips of talkers, and peoples any more, and you won’t cause
the evil report of the people;” 4 therefore, your nation to stumble any more,” says the
you mountains of Israel, hear the word Lord Yahweh.’ ”
16 Moreover Yahweh’s word came to me,
of the Lord Yahweh: The Lord Yahweh
says to the mountains and to the hills, to saying, 17 “Son of man, when the house of
the watercourses and to the valleys, to Israel lived in their own land, they defiled
the desolate wastes and to the cities that it by their ways and by their deeds. Their
are forsaken, which have become a prey way before me was as the uncleanness of
and derision to the residue of the nations a woman in her impurity. 18 Therefore
that are all around; 5 therefore the Lord I poured out my wrath on them for the
Yahweh says: “Surely in the fire of my blood which they had poured out on the
jealousy I have spoken against the residue land, and because they had defiled it with
of the nations, and against all Edom, that their idols. 19 I scattered them among the
have appointed my land to themselves for nations, and they were dispersed through
a possession with the joy of all their heart, the countries. I judged them according
with despite of soul, to cast it out for a to their way and according to their deeds.
prey.” ’ 6 Therefore prophesy concerning 20 When they came to the nations where
the land of Israel, and tell the mountains, they went, they profaned my holy name, in
the hills, the watercourses and the valleys, that men said of them, ‘These are Yahweh’s
‘The Lord Yahweh says: “Behold, I have people, and have left his land.’ 21 But I had
spoken in my jealousy and in my wrath, respect for my holy name, which the house
because you have borne the shame of the of Israel had profaned among the nations
nations.” 7 Therefore the Lord Yahweh where they went.
says: “I have sworn, ‘Surely the nations
that are around you will bear their shame.’ 22 “Therefore tell the house of Israel, ‘The
8 “ ‘ “But you, mountains of Israel, you Lord Yahweh says: “I don’t do this for your
shall shoot out your branches and yield sake, house of Israel, but for my holy name,
your fruit to my people Israel; for they are which you have profaned among the na-
at hand to come. 9 For, behold, I am for tions where you went. 23 I will sanctify
you, and I will come to you, and you will my great name, which has been profaned
be tilled and sown. 10 I will multiply men among the nations, which you have pro-
on you, all the house of Israel, even all of it. faned among them. Then the nations will
The cities will be inhabited and the waste know that I am Yahweh,” says the Lord
places will be built. 11 I will multiply man Yahweh, “when I am proven holy in you
and animal on you. They will increase and before their eyes.
Ezekiel 36:24 976 Ezekiel 37:14

24 “ ‘ “For I will take you from among will be filled with flocks of men. Then they
the nations and gather you out of all the will know that I am Yahweh.’ ”
countries, and will bring you into your
own land. 25 I will sprinkle clean water on 37
you, and you will be clean. I will cleanse
1 Yahweh’s hand was on me, and he
brought me out in Yahweh’s Spirit, and set
you from all your filthiness and from all
me down in the middle of the valley; and it
your idols. 26 I will also give you a new
was full of bones. 2 He caused me to pass by
heart, and I will put a new spirit within
them all around; and behold, there were
you. I will take away the stony heart out very many in the open valley, and behold,
of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of they were very dry. 3 He said to me, “Son of
flesh. 27 I will put my Spirit within you, and man, can these bones live?”
cause you to walk in my statutes. You will I answered, “Lord Yahweh, you know.”
keep my ordinances and do them. 28 You 4 Again he said to me, “Prophesy over
will dwell in the land that I gave to your these bones, and tell them, ‘You dry bones,
fathers. You will be my people, and I will hear Yahweh’s word. 5 The Lord Yahweh
be your God. 29 I will save you from all your says to these bones: “Behold, I will cause
uncleanness. I will call for the grain and breath to enter into you, and you will live.
will multiply it, and lay no famine on you. 6 I will lay sinews on you, and will bring up
30 I will multiply the fruit of the tree and the
flesh on you, and cover you with skin, and
increase of the field, that you may receive put breath in you, and you will live. Then
no more the reproach of famine among the you will know that I am Yahweh.” ’ ”
nations. 7 So I prophesied as I was commanded.
31 “ ‘ “Then you will remember your evil As I prophesied, there was a noise, and
ways, and your deeds that were not good; behold, there was an earthquake. Then
and you will loathe yourselves in your the bones came together, bone to its bone.
own sight for your iniquities and for your 8 I saw, and, behold, there were sinews on
abominations. 32 I don’t do this for your them, and flesh came up, and skin covered
sake,” says the Lord Yahweh. “Let it be them above; but there was no breath in
known to you. Be ashamed and con- them.
9 Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the
founded for your ways, house of Israel.”
33 “ ‘The Lord Yahweh says: “In the day wind, prophesy, son of man, and tell the
wind, ‘The Lord Yahweh says: “Come from
that I cleanse you from all your iniquities, the four winds, breath, and breathe on
I will cause the cities to be inhabited and these slain, that they may live.” ’ ”
the waste places will be built. 34 The land 10 So I prophesied as he commanded me,
that was desolate will be tilled instead of
being a desolation in the sight of all who and the breath came into them, and they
passed by. 35 They will say, ‘This land that lived, and stood up on their feet, an exceed-
was desolate has become like the garden ingly great army.
11 Then he said to me, “Son of man, these
of Eden. The waste, desolate, and ruined
cities are fortified and inhabited.’ 36 Then bones are the whole house of Israel. Be-
the nations that are left around you will hold, they say, ‘Our bones are dried up, and
know that I, Yahweh, have built the ruined our hope is lost. We are completely cut off.’
12 Therefore prophesy, and tell them, ‘The
places and planted that which was deso-
late. I, Yahweh, have spoken it, and I will Lord Yahweh says: “Behold, I will open
do it.” your graves, and cause you to come up out
37 “ ‘The Lord Yahweh says: “For this, of your graves, my people; and I will bring
moreover, I will be inquired of by the you into the land of Israel. 13 You will know
house of Israel, to do it for them: I will in- that I am Yahweh, when I have opened
crease them with men like a flock. 38 As the your graves and caused you to come up out
flock for sacrifice, as the flock of Jerusalem of your graves, my people. 14 I will put my
in her appointed feasts, so the waste cities Spirit in you, and you will live. Then I will
Ezekiel 37:15 977 Ezekiel 38:11

place you in your own land; and you will will make a covenant of peace with them.
know that I, Yahweh, have spoken it and It will be an everlasting covenant with
performed it,” says Yahweh.’ ” them. I will place them, multiply them,
and will set my sanctuary among them
15 Yahweh’s word came again to me, say- forever more. 27 My tent also will be with
ing, 16 “You, son of man, take one stick and them. I will be their God, and they will
write on it, ‘For Judah, and for the children be my people. 28 The nations will know
of Israel his companions.’ Then take an- that I am Yahweh who sanctifies Israel,
other stick, and write on it, ‘For Joseph, the when my sanctuary is among them forever
stick of Ephraim, and for all the house of more.” ’ ”
Israel his companions.’ 17 Then join them
for yourself to one another into one stick,
that they may become one in your hand.
1 Yahweh’s word came to me, saying,
18 “When the children of your people
2 “Son of man, set your face toward Gog,
speak to you, saying, ‘Won’t you show us
of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh,
what you mean by these?’ 19 tell them,
Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against
‘The Lord Yahweh says: “Behold, I will take
the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand him, and say, ‘The Lord Yahweh says:

of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his “Behold, I am against you, Gog, prince of
companions; and I will put them with it, Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal. 4 I will turn
you around, and put hooks into your jaws,
with the stick of Judah, and make them
and I will bring you out, with all your
one stick, and they will be one in my hand.
20 The sticks on which you write will be army, horses and horsemen, all of them
clothed in full armor, a great company
in your hand before their eyes.” ’ 21 Say to with buckler and shield, all of them han-
them, ‘The Lord Yahweh says: “Behold, I dling swords; 5 Persia, Cush, and Put with
will take the children of Israel from among them, all of them with shield and helmet;
the nations where they have gone, and will 6 Gomer, and all his hordes; the house of
gather them on every side, and bring them Togarmah in the uttermost parts of the
into their own land. 22 I will make them north, and all his hordes—even many peo-
one nation in the land, on the mountains ples with you.
of Israel. One king will be king to them all.
7 “ ‘ “Be prepared, yes, prepare yourself,
They will no longer be two nations. They
won’t be divided into two kingdoms any you, and all your companies who are as-
more at all. 23 They won’t defile themselves sembled to you, and be a guard to them.
any more with their idols, nor with their 8 After many days you will be visited. In
detestable things, nor with any of their the latter years you will come into the land
transgressions; but I will save them out that is brought back from the sword, that
of all their dwelling places in which they is gathered out of many peoples, on the
have sinned, and will cleanse them. So mountains of Israel, which have been a
they will be my people, and I will be their continual waste; but it is brought out of
God. the peoples and they will dwell securely,
24 “ ‘ “My servant David will be king over all of them. 9 You will ascend. You will
them. They all will have one shepherd. come like a storm. You will be like a cloud
They will also walk in my ordinances and to cover the land, you and all your hordes,
observe my statutes, and do them. 25 They and many peoples with you.”
will dwell in the land that I have given 10 “ ‘The Lord Yahweh says: “It will hap-
to Jacob my servant, in which your fa- pen in that day that things will come into
thers lived. They will dwell therein, they, your mind, and you will devise an evil
and their children, and their children’s plan. 11 You will say, ‘I will go up to the land
children, forever. David my servant will of unwalled villages. I will go to those who
be their prince forever. 26 Moreover I are at rest, who dwell securely, all of them
Ezekiel 38:12 978 Ezekiel 39:11

dwelling without walls, and having nei- him with pestilence and with blood. I will
ther bars nor gates, 12 to take the plunder rain on him, on his hordes, and on the
and to take prey; to turn your hand against many peoples who are with him, torrential
the waste places that are inhabited, and rains with great hailstones, fire, and sul-
against the people who are gathered out fur. 23 I will magnify myself and sanctify
of the nations, who have gotten livestock myself, and I will make myself known in
and goods, who dwell in the middle of the the eyes of many nations. Then they will
earth.’ 13 Sheba, Dedan, and the merchants know that I am Yahweh.” ’
of Tarshish, with all its young lions, will
ask you, ‘Have you come to take the plun- 39
der? Have you assembled your company 1 “You, son of man, prophesy against
to take the prey, to carry away silver and Gog, and say, ‘The Lord Yahweh says: “Be-
gold, to take away livestock and goods, to hold, I am against you, Gog, prince of Rosh,
take great plunder?’ ” ’ Meshech, and Tubal. 2 I will turn you
14“Therefore, son of man, prophesy, around, will lead you on, and will cause
and tell Gog, ‘The Lord Yahweh says: “In you to come up from the uttermost parts
that day when my people Israel dwells se- of the north; and I will bring you onto the
curely, will you not know it? 15 You will mountains of Israel. 3 I will strike your
come from your place out of the uttermost bow out of your left hand, and will cause
parts of the north, you, and many peoples your arrows to fall out of your right hand.
4 You will fall on the mountains of Israel,
with you, all of them riding on horses, a
you, and all your hordes, and the peoples
great company and a mighty army. 16 You
who are with you. I will give you to the
will come up against my people Israel as a
cloud to cover the land. It will happen in ravenous birds of every sort and to the
the latter days that I will bring you against animals of the field to be devoured. 5 You
will fall on the open field, for I have spoken
my land, that the nations may know me it,” says the Lord Yahweh. 6 “I will send
when I am sanctified in you, Gog, before a fire on Magog and on those who dwell
their eyes.” securely in the islands. Then they will
17 “‘The Lord Yahweh says: “Are you he know that I am Yahweh.
of whom I spoke in old time by my servants 7 “ ‘ “I will make my holy name known
the prophets of Israel, who prophesied in among my people Israel. I won’t allow my
those days for years that I would bring you holy name to be profaned any more. Then
against them? 18 It will happen in that the nations will know that I am Yahweh,
day, when Gog comes against the land of the Holy One in Israel. 8 Behold, it comes,
Israel,” says the Lord Yahweh, “that my and it will be done,” says the Lord Yahweh.
wrath will come up into my nostrils. 19 For “This is the day about which I have spoken.
in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath 9 “ ‘ “Those who dwell in the cities of
I have spoken. Surely in that day there will Israel will go out and will make fires of the
be a great shaking in the land of Israel, 20 so weapons and burn them, both the shields
that the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, and the bucklers, the bows and the arrows,
the animals of the field, all creeping things and the war clubs and the spears, and
who creep on the earth, and all the men they will make fires with them for seven
who are on the surface of the earth will years; 10 so that they will take no wood
shake at my presence. Then the mountains out of the field, and not cut down any
will be thrown down, the steep places will out of the forests; for they will make fires
fall, and every wall will fall to the ground. with the weapons. They will plunder those
21 I will call for a sword against him to who plundered them, and rob those who
all my mountains,” says the Lord Yahweh. robbed them,” says the Lord Yahweh.
“Every man’s sword will be against his 11 “ ‘ “It will happen in that day, that I
brother. 22 I will enter into judgment with will give to Gog a place for burial in Israel,
Ezekiel 39:12 979 Ezekiel 40:5

the valley of those who pass through on from them; so I gave them into the hand
the east of the sea; and it will stop those of their adversaries, and they all fell by
who pass through. They will bury Gog and the sword. 24 I did to them according to
all his multitude there, and they will call it their uncleanness and according to their
‘The valley of Hamon Gog’. transgressions. I hid my face from them.
12 “ ‘ “The house of Israel will be bury-
“Therefore the Lord Yahweh says:
ing them for seven months, that they may ‘Now I will reverse the captivity of Jacob
cleanse the land. 13 Yes, all the people of the and have mercy on the whole house of
land will bury them; and they will become Israel. I will be jealous for my holy name.
famous in the day that I will be glorified,” 26 They will forget their shame and all their
says the Lord Yahweh. trespasses by which they have trespassed
14 “ ‘ “They will set apart men of contin-
against me, when they dwell securely in
ual employment who will pass through the their land. No one will make them afraid
land. Those who pass through will go with 27 when I have brought them back from
those who bury those who remain on the the peoples, gathered them out of their
surface of the land, to cleanse it. After enemies’ lands, and am shown holy among
the end of seven months they will search. them in the sight of many nations. 28 They
15 Those who search through the land will will know that I am Yahweh their God,
pass through; and when anyone sees a in that I caused them to go into captiv-
man’s bone, then he will set up a sign by ity among the nations, and have gathered
it, until the undertakers have buried it in them to their own land. Then I will leave
the valley of Hamon Gog. 16 Hamonah will none of them captive any more. 29 I won’t
also be the name of a city. Thus they will hide my face from them any more, for I
cleanse the land.” ’ have poured out my Spirit on the house of
17 “You, son of man, the Lord Yahweh Israel,’ says the Lord Yahweh.”
says: ‘Speak to the birds of every sort,
and to every animal of the field, “Assemble
yourselves, and come; gather yourselves 40
on every side to my sacrifice that I sacri- 1 In the twenty-fifth year of our captivity,
fice for you, even a great sacrifice on the in the beginning of the year, in the tenth
mountains of Israel, that you may eat meat day of the month, in the fourteenth year
and drink blood. 18 You shall eat the flesh after the city was struck, in the same day,
of the mighty, and drink the blood of the
Yahweh’s hand was on me, and he brought
princes of the earth, of rams, of lambs, and
me there. 2 In the visions of God he brought
of goats, of bulls, all of them fatlings of
me into the land of Israel, and set me down
Bashan. 19 You shall eat fat until you are on a very high mountain, on which was
full, and drink blood until you are drunk, something like the frame of a city to the
of my sacrifice which I have sacrificed for south. 3 He brought me there; and, behold,
you. 20 You shall be filled at my table with there was a man whose appearance was
horses and charioteers, with mighty men, like the appearance of bronze, with a line
and with all men of war,” says the Lord of flax in his hand and a measuring reed;
Yahweh.’ and he stood in the gate. 4 The man said to
21 “I will set my glory among the nations.
me, “Son of man, see with your eyes, and
Then all the nations will see my judgment hear with your ears, and set your heart on
that I have executed, and my hand that I all that I will show you; for you have been
have laid on them. 22 So the house of Israel brought here so that I may show them to
will know that I am Yahweh their God,
from that day and forward. 23 The nations you. Declare all that you see to the house
will know that the house of Israel went into of Israel.”
captivity for their iniquity, because they 5 Behold, there was a wall on the outside
trespassed against me, and I hid my face of the house all around, and in the man’s
Ezekiel 40:6 980 Ezekiel 40:31

hand a measuring reed six cubits† long, gates, even the lower pavement. 19 Then he
of a cubit and a hand width each. So he measured the width from the forefront of
measured the thickness of the building, the lower gate to the forefront of the inner
one reed; and the height, one reed. court outside, one hundred cubits, both on
6 Then he came to the gate which looks the east and on the north.
toward the east, and went up its steps. He 20 He measured the length and width
measured the threshold of the gate, one of the gate of the outer court which faces
reed wide; and the other threshold, one toward the north. 21 The lodges of it were
reed wide. 7 Every lodge was one reed long three on this side and three on that side.
and one reed wide. Between the lodges Its posts and its arches were the same as
was five cubits. The threshold of the gate the measure of the first gate: its length
by the porch of the gate toward the house was fifty cubits, and the width twenty-five
was one reed. cubits. 22 Its windows, its arches, and its
8 He measured also the porch of the gate palm trees were the same as the measure
toward the house, one reed. 9 Then he mea- of the gate which faces toward the east.
sured the porch of the gate, eight cubits; They went up to it by seven steps. Its
and its posts, two cubits; and the porch of arches were before them. 23 There was
the gate was toward the house. a gate to the inner court facing the other
10 The side rooms of the gate eastward gate, on the north and on the east. He
were three on this side, and three on that measured one hundred cubits from gate to
side. The three of them were of one mea- gate.
sure. The posts had one measure on this 24 He led me toward the south; and be-
side and on that side. 11 He measured hold, there was a gate toward the south.
the width of the opening of the gate, ten
cubits; and the length of the gate, thirteen He measured its posts and its arches ac-
cubits; 12 and a border before the lodges, cording to these measurements. 25 There
one cubit on this side, and a border, one were windows in it and in its arches all
around, like the other windows: the length
cubit on that side; and the side rooms, six
cubits on this side, and six cubits on that was fifty cubits, and the width twenty-five
side. 13 He measured the gate from the cubits. 26 There were seven steps to go
roof of the one side room to the roof of the up to it, and its arches were before them.
other, a width of twenty-five cubits, door It had palm trees, one on this side, and
against door. 14 He also made posts, sixty another on that side, on its posts. 27 There
cubits; and the court reached to the posts, was a gate to the inner court toward the
around the gate. 15 From the forefront of south. He measured one hundred cubits
the gate at the entrance to the forefront from gate to gate toward the south.
of the inner porch of the gate were fifty 28 Then he brought me to the inner
cubits. 16 There were closed windows to court by the south gate. He measured
the side rooms, and to their posts within the south gate according to these measure-
the gate all around, and likewise to the ments; 29 with its lodges, its posts, and its
arches. Windows were around inward. arches, according to these measurements.
Palm trees were on each post.
17 Then he brought me into the outer
There were windows in it and in its arches
all around. It was fifty cubits long, and
court. Behold, there were rooms and a twenty-five cubits wide. 30 There were
pavement made for the court all around. arches all around, twenty-five cubits long
Thirty rooms were on the pavement. and five cubits wide. 31 Its arches were
18 The pavement was by the side of the
toward the outer court. Palm trees were on
gates, corresponding to the length of the its posts. The ascent to it had eight steps.
† 40:5 A normal cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches
or 46 centimeters. A handbreadth is about 4.3 inches or 11 centimeters, so the long cubit described here would be
about 22.3 inches or 57 centimeters long. Thus, a 6 long cubit measuring reed would have been about 3 yards 26.6
inches or about 3.42 meters long.
Ezekiel 40:32 981 Ezekiel 41:7

32 He brought me into the inner court faces toward the north is for the priests
toward the east. He measured the gate who perform the duty of the altar. These
according to these measurements; 33 with are the sons of Zadok, who from among the
its lodges, its posts, and its arches, accord- sons of Levi come near to Yahweh to min-
ing to these measurements. There were ister to him.” 47 He measured the court,
windows in it and in its arches all around. one hundred cubits long and one hundred
It was fifty cubits long, and twenty-five cubits wide, square. The altar was before
cubits wide. 34 Its arches were toward the the house.
outer court. Palm trees were on its posts on 48 Then he brought me to the porch of
this side and on that side. The ascent to it the house, and measured each post of the
had eight steps. porch, five cubits on this side, and five cu-
35 He brought me to the north gate, and bits on that side. The width of the gate was
he measured it according to these mea- three cubits on this side and three cubits
surements— 36 its lodges, its posts, and on that side. 49 The length of the porch was
its arches. There were windows in it all twenty cubits and the width eleven cubits,
around. The length was fifty cubits and the even by the steps by which they went up to
width twenty-five cubits. 37 Its posts were it. There were pillars by the posts, one on
toward the outer court. Palm trees were on this side, and another on that side.
its posts on this side and on that side. The
ascent to it had eight steps. 41
38 A room with its door was by the posts 1 He brought me to the nave and mea-
at the gates. They washed the burnt of- sured the posts, six cubits wide on the one
fering there. 39 In the porch of the gate side and six cubits wide on the other side,
were two tables on this side and two tables which was the width of the tent. 2 The
on that side, on which to kill the burnt width of the entrance was ten cubits,† and
offering, the sin offering, and the trespass the sides of the entrance were five cubits
on the one side, and five cubits on the other
offering. 40 On the one side outside, as one side. He measured its length, forty cubits,
goes up to the entry of the gate toward the and the width, twenty cubits.
north, were two tables; and on the other 3 Then he went inward and measured
side, which belonged to the porch of the each post of the entrance, two cubits; and
gate, were two tables. 41 Four tables were the entrance, six cubits; and the width of
on this side, and four tables on that side, by the entrance, seven cubits. 4 He measured
the side of the gate: eight tables, on which its length, twenty cubits, and the width,
they killed the sacrifices. 42 There were twenty cubits, before the nave. He said to
four cut stone tables for the burnt offering, me, “This is the most holy place.”
a cubit and a half long, a cubit and a half 5 Then he measured the wall of the
wide, and one cubit high. They laid the in- house, six cubits; and the width of ev-
struments with which they killed the burnt ery side room, four cubits, all around the
offering and the sacrifice on them. 43 The house on every side. 6 The side rooms
hooks, a hand width long, were fastened were in three stories, one over another,
within all around. The meat of the offering and thirty in each story. They entered into
was on the tables. the wall which belonged to the house for
44 Outside of the inner gate were rooms the side rooms all around, that they might
for the singers in the inner court, which be supported and not penetrate the wall of
was at the side of the north gate. They the house. 7 The side rooms were wider on
faced toward the south. One at the side of the higher levels, because the walls were
the east gate faced toward the north. 45 He narrower at the higher levels. Therefore
said to me, “This room, which faces toward the width of the house increased upward;
the south, is for the priests who perform and so one went up from the lowest level
the duty of the house. 46 The room which to the highest through the middle level.
† 41:2 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46
Ezekiel 41:8 982 Ezekiel 42:8

8 I saw also that the house had a raised 21 The door posts of the nave were
base all around. The foundations of the squared. As for the face of the nave, its
side rooms were a full reed of six great appearance was as the appearance of the
cubits. 9 The thickness of the outer wall of temple. 22 The altar was of wood, three
the side rooms was five cubits. That which
was left was the place of the side rooms cubits high, and its length two cubits. Its
that belonged to the house. 10 Between corners, its base, and its walls were of
the rooms was a width of twenty cubits wood. He said to me, “This is the table
that is before Yahweh.” 23 The temple and
around the house on every side. 11 The
the sanctuary had two doors. 24 The doors
doors of the side rooms were toward an
open area that was left, one door toward had two leaves each, two turning leaves:
the north, and another door toward the two for the one door, and two leaves for
south. The width of the open area was five the other. 25 There were made on them,
cubits all around. on the doors of the nave, cherubim and
12 The building that was before the sepa- palm trees, like those made on the walls.
rate place at the side toward the west was There was a threshold of wood on the face
of the porch outside. 26 There were closed
seventy cubits wide; and the wall of the
windows and palm trees on the one side
building was five cubits thick all around,
and on the other side, on the sides of the
and its length ninety cubits.
13 So he measured the temple, one hun-
porch. This is how the side rooms of the
temple and the thresholds were arranged.
dred cubits long; and the separate place,
and the building, with its walls, one hun-
dred cubits long; 14 also the width of the 1 Then
he brought me out into the outer
face of the temple, and of the separate court, the way toward the north. Then
place toward the east, one hundred cubits. he brought me into the room that was op-
15 He measured the length of the build-
posite the separate place, and which was
ing before the separate place which was opposite the building toward the north.
at its back, and its galleries on the one 2 Facing the length of one hundred cubits†
side and on the other side, one hundred was the north door, and the width was fifty
cubits from the inner temple, and the cubits. 3 Opposite the twenty cubits which
porches of the court, 16 the thresholds, belonged to the inner court, and opposite
and the closed windows, and the galleries the pavement which belonged to the outer
around on their three stories, opposite the court, was gallery against gallery in the
threshold, with wood ceilings all around, three stories. 4 Before the rooms was a
and from the ground up to the windows, walk of ten cubits’ width inward, a way
(now the windows were covered), 17 to the of one cubit; and their doors were toward
space above the door, even to the inner the north. 5 Now the upper rooms were
house, and outside, and by all the wall all shorter; for the galleries took away from
around inside and outside, by measure. these more than from the lower and the
18 It was made with cherubim and palm middle in the building. 6 For they were in
trees. A palm tree was between cherub three stories, and they didn’t have pillars
and cherub, and every cherub had two as the pillars of the courts. Therefore the
faces, 19 so that there was the face of a uppermost was set back more than the
man toward the palm tree on the one side, lowest and the middle from the ground.
and the face of a young lion toward the 7 The wall that was outside by the side of
palm tree on the other side. It was made the rooms, toward the outer court before
like this through all the house all around. the rooms, was fifty cubits long. 8 For the
20 Cherubim and palm trees were made length of the rooms that were in the outer
from the ground to above the door. The court was fifty cubits. Behold, those fac-
wall of the temple was like this. ing the temple were one hundred cubits.
† 42:2 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46
Ezekiel 42:9 983 Ezekiel 43:12

9 From under these rooms was the entry on 2 Behold, the glory of the God of Israel
the east side, as one goes into them from came from the way of the east. His voice
the outer court. was like the sound of many waters; and
10 In the thickness of the wall of the
the earth was illuminated with his glory.
court toward the east, before the separate 3 It was like the appearance of the vision
place, and before the building, there were which I saw, even according to the vision
rooms. 11 The way before them was like that I saw when I came to destroy the city;
the appearance of the rooms which were and the visions were like the vision that
toward the north. Their length and width I saw by the river Chebar; and I fell on
were the same. All their exits had the same my face. 4 Yahweh’s glory came into the
arrangement and doors. 12 Like the doors house by the way of the gate which faces
of the rooms that were toward the south toward the east. 5 The Spirit took me up
was a door at the head of the way, even
and brought me into the inner court; and
the way directly before the wall toward the
behold, Yahweh’s glory filled the house.
east, as one enters into them.
13 Then he said to me, “The north rooms
and the south rooms, which are opposite I heard one speaking to me out of the

the separate place, are the holy rooms, house, and a man stood by me. 7 He said
where the priests who are near to Yah- to me, “Son of man, this is the place of my
weh shall eat the most holy things. There throne and the place of the soles of my
they shall lay the most holy things, with feet, where I will dwell among the chil-
the meal offering, the sin offering, and dren of Israel forever. The house of Israel
the trespass offering; for the place is holy. will no more defile my holy name, neither
14 When the priests enter in, then they they nor their kings, by their prostitution
shall not go out of the holy place into the and by the dead bodies of their kings in
outer court until they lay their garments their high places; 8 in their setting of their
in which they minister there; for they are threshold by my threshold and their door
holy. Then they shall put on other gar- post beside my door post. There was a wall
ments, and shall approach that which is between me and them; and they have de-
for the people.” filed my holy name by their abominations
15 Now when he had finished measuring which they have committed. Therefore I
the inner house, he brought me out by the have consumed them in my anger. 9 Now
way of the gate which faces toward the let them put away their prostitution, and
east, and measured it all around. 16 He the dead bodies of their kings far from me.
measured on the east side with the mea- Then I will dwell among them forever.
suring reed five hundred reeds, with the
measuring reed all around. 17 He mea- 10 “You, son of man, show the house
sured on the north side five hundred reeds to the house of Israel, that they may
with the measuring reed all around. 18 He be ashamed of their iniquities; and let
measured on the south side five hundred them measure the pattern. 11 If they are
reeds with the measuring reed. 19 He ashamed of all that they have done, make
turned about to the west side, and mea- known to them the form of the house, its
sured five hundred reeds with the measur- fashion, its exits, its entrances, its struc-
ing reed. 20 He measured it on the four
ture, all its ordinances, all its forms, and all
sides. It had a wall around it, the length its laws; and write it in their sight, that they
five hundred cubits, and the width five may keep the whole form of it, and all its
hundred cubits, to make a separation be-
ordinances, and do them.
tween that which was holy and that which
was common.
12 “This is the law of the house. On
43 the top of the mountain the whole limit
1 Afterward he brought me to the gate, around it shall be most holy. Behold, this
even the gate that looks toward the east. is the law of the house.
Ezekiel 43:13 984 Ezekiel 44:9

13 “These are the measurements of the prepare a young bull and a ram out of the
altar by cubits (the cubit† is a cubit and flock, without defect. 26 Seven days shall
a hand width): the bottom shall be a cu- they make atonement for the altar and pu-
bit, and the width a cubit, and its border rify it. So shall they consecrate it. 27 When
around its edge a span;‡ and this shall be
they have accomplished the days, it shall
the base of the altar. 14 From the bottom be that on the eighth day and onward, the
on the ground to the lower ledge shall be
two cubits, and the width one cubit; and priests shall make your burnt offerings on
from the lesser ledge to the greater ledge the altar and your peace offerings. Then I
shall be four cubits, and the width a cubit. will accept you,’ says the Lord Yahweh.”
15 The upper altar shall be four cubits; and
from the altar hearth and upward there 44
shall be four horns. 16 The altar hearth 1 Then he brought me back by the way
shall be twelve cubits long by twelve wide, of the outer gate of the sanctuary, which
square in its four sides. 17 The ledge shall looks toward the east; and it was shut.
be fourteen cubits long by fourteen wide 2 Yahweh said to me, “This gate shall be
in its four sides; and the border about it shut. It shall not be opened, no man shall
shall be half a cubit; and its bottom shall enter in by it; for Yahweh, the God of Israel,
be a cubit around; and its steps shall look has entered in by it. Therefore it shall be
toward the east.” shut. 3 As for the prince, he shall sit in it
18 He said to me, “Son of man, the Lord
as prince to eat bread before Yahweh. He
Yahweh says: ‘These are the ordinances of shall enter by the way of the porch of the
the altar in the day when they make it, to gate, and shall go out the same way.”
offer burnt offerings on it, and to sprinkle 4 Then he brought me by the way of
blood on it. 19 You shall give to the Levitical the north gate before the house; and I
priests who are of the offspring of Zadok, looked, and behold, Yahweh’s glory filled
who are near to me, to minister to me,’ says Yahweh’s house; so I fell on my face.
the Lord Yahweh, ‘a young bull for a sin 5 Yahweh said to me, “Son of man, mark
offering. 20 You shall take of its blood and
well, and see with your eyes, and hear with
put it on its four horns, and on the four your ears all that I tell you concerning all
corners of the ledge, and on the border the ordinances of Yahweh’s house and all
all around. You shall cleanse it and make its laws; and mark well the entrance of
atonement for it that way. 21 You shall also the house, with every exit of the sanctu-
take the bull of the sin offering, and it shall ary. 6 You shall tell the rebellious, even
be burned in the appointed place of the the house of Israel, ‘The Lord Yahweh says:
house, outside of the sanctuary. “You house of Israel, let that be enough of
22 “On the second day you shall offer a
all your abominations, 7 in that you have
male goat without defect for a sin offering; brought in foreigners, uncircumcised in
and they shall cleanse the altar, as they heart and uncircumcised in flesh, to be
cleansed it with the bull. 23 When you in my sanctuary, to profane it, even my
have finished cleansing it, you shall offer a house, when you offer my bread, the fat
young bull without defect and a ram out of and the blood; and they have broken my
the flock without defect. 24 You shall bring covenant, to add to all your abominations.
them near to Yahweh, and the priests shall 8 You have not performed the duty of my
cast salt on them, and they shall offer them holy things; but you have set performers of
up for a burnt offering to Yahweh. my duty in my sanctuary for yourselves.”
25 “Seven days you shall prepare every 9 The Lord Yahweh says, “No foreigner, un-
day a goat for a sin offering. They shall also circumcised in heart and uncircumcised in
† 43:13 A normal cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches
or 46 centimeters. A hand width is about 4.3 inches or 11 cm. ‡ 43:13 A span is the length from the tip of a man’s
thumb to the tip of his little finger when his hand is stretched out (about half a cubit, or 9 inches, or 22.8 cm.)
Ezekiel 44:10 985 Ezekiel 45:1

flesh, shall enter into my sanctuary, of any garments, that they not sanctify the people
foreigners who are among the children of with their garments.
Israel. 20 “ ‘ “They shall not shave their heads, or
10 “ ‘ “But the Levites who went far from allow their locks to grow long. They shall
me when Israel went astray, who went only cut off the hair of their heads. 21 None
astray from me after their idols, they will of the priests shall drink wine when they
bear their iniquity. 11 Yet they shall be min- enter into the inner court. 22 They shall not
isters in my sanctuary, having oversight take for their wives a widow, or her who is
at the gates of the house, and ministering put away; but they shall take virgins of the
in the house. They shall kill the burnt offspring of the house of Israel, or a widow
offering and the sacrifice for the people, who is the widow of a priest. 23 They shall
and they shall stand before them to min- teach my people the difference between
ister to them. 12 Because they ministered the holy and the common, and cause them
to them before their idols, and became a to discern between the unclean and the
stumbling block of iniquity to the house of clean.
24 “ ‘ “In a controversy they shall stand
Israel, therefore I have lifted up my hand
against them,” says the Lord Yahweh, “and to judge. They shall judge it according to
they will bear their iniquity. 13 They shall my ordinances. They shall keep my laws
not come near to me, to execute the office and my statutes in all my appointed feasts.
of priest to me, nor to come near to any of They shall make my Sabbaths holy.
my holy things, to the things that are most 25 “ ‘ “They shall go in to no dead person
holy; but they will bear their shame and to defile themselves; but for father, or for
their abominations which they have com- mother, or for son, or for daughter, for
mitted. 14 Yet I will make them performers brother, or for sister who has had no hus-
of the duty of the house, for all its service band, they may defile themselves. 26 After
and for all that will be done therein. he is cleansed, they shall reckon to him
15 “ ‘ “But the Levitical priests, the sons seven days. 27 In the day that he goes
into the sanctuary, into the inner court, to
of Zadok, who performed the duty of my
minister in the sanctuary, he shall offer his
sanctuary when the children of Israel went
sin offering,” says the Lord Yahweh.
astray from me, shall come near to me to 28 “ ‘They shall have an inheritance: I
minister to me. They shall stand before me
to offer to me the fat and the blood,” says am their inheritance; and you shall give
the Lord Yahweh. 16 “They shall enter into them no possession in Israel. I am their
my sanctuary, and they shall come near to possession. 29 They shall eat the meal offer-
my table, to minister to me, and they shall ing, and the sin offering, and the trespass
keep my instruction. offering; and every devoted thing in Israel
shall be theirs. 30 The first of all the first
17“ ‘ “It will be that when they enter in fruits of every thing, and every offering of
at the gates of the inner court, they shall everything, of all your offerings, shall be
be clothed with linen garments. No wool for the priest. You shall also give to the
shall come on them while they minister in priests the first of your dough, to cause
the gates of the inner court, and within. a blessing to rest on your house. 31 The
18 They shall have linen turbans on their priests shall not eat of anything that dies
heads, and shall have linen trousers on of itself or is torn, whether it is bird or
their waists. They shall not clothe them- animal.
selves with anything that makes them
sweat. 19 When they go out into the outer 45
court, even into the outer court to the 1 “ ‘ “Moreover, when you divide by lot
people, they shall put off their garments the land for inheritance, you shall offer
in which they minister and lay them in an offering to Yahweh, a holy portion of
the holy rooms. They shall put on other the land. The length shall be the length of
Ezekiel 45:2 986 Ezekiel 45:22

twenty-five thousand reeds, and the width tenth of a homer. Its measure shall be the
shall be ten thousand. It shall be holy in same as the homer. 12 The shekel† shall
all its border all around. 2 Of this there be twenty gerahs.‡ Twenty shekels plus
shall be a five hundred by five hundred twenty-five shekels plus fifteen shekels
square for the holy place, and fifty cubits† shall be your mina.§
for its pasture lands all around. 3 Of this 13 “ ‘ “This is the offering that you shall
measure you shall measure a length of offer: the sixth part of an ephah from a
twenty-five thousand, and a width of ten homer of wheat, and you shall give the
thousand. In it shall be the sanctuary, sixth part of an ephah from a homer of
which is most holy. 4 It is a holy portion barley, 14 and the set portion of oil, of
of the land; it shall be for the priests, the the bath of oil, one tenth of a bath out of
ministers of the sanctuary, who come near the cor, which is ten baths, even a homer
to minister to Yahweh. It shall be a place (for ten baths are a homer),† 15 and one
for their houses and a holy place for the lamb of the flock out of two hundred, from
sanctuary. 5 Twenty-five thousand cubits the well-watered pastures of Israel—for a
in length and ten thousand in width shall meal offering, for a burnt offering, and
be for the Levites, the ministers of the for peace offerings, to make atonement for
house, as a possession for themselves, for them,” says the Lord Yahweh. 16 “All the
twenty rooms. people of the land shall give to this offering
6 “ ‘ “You shall appoint the possession
for the prince in Israel. 17 It shall be the
of the city five thousand cubits wide and prince’s part to give the burnt offerings,
twenty-five thousand long, side by side the meal offerings, and the drink offerings,
with the offering of the holy portion. It in the feasts, and on the new moons, and
shall be for the whole house of Israel. on the Sabbaths, in all the appointed feasts
7 “ ‘ “What is for the prince shall be on
of the house of Israel. He shall prepare the
the one side and on the other side of the sin offering, the meal offering, the burnt
holy allotment and of the possession of the
offering, and the peace offerings, to make
city, in front of the holy allotment and in
atonement for the house of Israel.”
front of the possession of the city, on the 18 “ ‘The Lord Yahweh says: “In the first
west side westward, and on the east side
eastward, and in length corresponding to month, on the first day of the month, you
one of the portions, from the west border shall take a young bull without defect, and
to the east border. 8 In the land it shall be to you shall cleanse the sanctuary. 19 The
him for a possession in Israel. My princes priest shall take of the blood of the sin
shall no more oppress my people, but they offering and put it on the door posts of the
shall give the land to the house of Israel house, and on the four corners of the ledge
according to their tribes.” of the altar, and on the posts of the gate
9 “ ‘The Lord Yahweh says: “Enough of the inner court. 20 So you shall do on
you, princes of Israel! Remove violence the seventh day of the month for everyone
and plunder, and execute justice and righ- who errs, and for him who is simple. So
teousness! Stop dispossessing my people!” you shall make atonement for the house.
says the Lord Yahweh. 10 “You shall have 21 “ ‘ “In the first month, on the four-
just balances, a just ephah,‡ and a just teenth day of the month, you shall have
bath. 11 The ephah and the bath shall be the Passover, a feast of seven days; unleav-
of one measure, that the bath may contain ened bread shall be eaten. 22 On that day
one tenth of a homer,§ and the ephah one the prince shall prepare for himself and
† 45:2 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46
centimeters. ‡ 45:10 1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel § 45:11 1 homer is about 220 liters or 6
bushels † 45:12 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces. ‡ 45:12 a gerah is about 0.5 grams or about 7.7
grains § 45:12 A mina is about 600 grams or 1.3 U. S. pounds. † 45:14 1 cor is the same as 1 homer in volume,
and is about 211 liters, 55.9 gallons, or 6 bushels. 1 bath is about 21.1 liters, 5.59 gallons, or 2.4 pecks.
Ezekiel 45:23 987 Ezekiel 46:17

for all the people of the land a bull for a sin he shall go in by the way of the porch of the
offering. 23 The seven days of the feast he gate, and he shall go out by its way.
shall prepare a burnt offering to Yahweh, 9 “ ‘ “But when the people of the land
seven bulls and seven rams without defect come before Yahweh in the appointed
daily the seven days; and a male goat daily feasts, he who enters by the way of the
for a sin offering. 24 He shall prepare a north gate to worship shall go out by the
meal offering, an ephah‡ for a bull, an way of the south gate; and he who enters
ephah for a ram, and a hin§ of oil to an by the way of the south gate shall go out
ephah. by the way of the north gate. He shall not
25 “ ‘ “In the seventh month, on the fif- return by the way of the gate by which he
teenth day of the month, during the feast, came in, but shall go out straight before
he shall do like that for seven days. He him. 10 The prince shall go in with them
shall make the same provision for sin of- when they go in. When they go out, he
fering, the burnt offering, the meal offer- shall go out.
ing, and the oil.” 11 “ ‘ “In the feasts and in the appointed
holidays, the meal offering shall be an
ephah§ for a bull, and an ephah for a ram,
46 and for the lambs as he is able to give,
1 “ ‘The Lord Yahweh says: “The gate of
and a hin of oil to an ephah. 12 When
the inner court that looks toward the east the prince prepares a free will offering, a
shall be shut the six working days; but on burnt offering or peace offerings as a free
the Sabbath day it shall be opened, and will offering to Yahweh, one shall open for
on the day of the new moon it shall be him the gate that looks toward the east;
opened. 2 The prince shall enter by the and he shall prepare his burnt offering
way of the porch of the gate outside, and and his peace offerings, as he does on the
shall stand by the post of the gate; and Sabbath day. Then he shall go out; and
the priests shall prepare his burnt offer- after his going out one shall shut the gate.
ing and his peace offerings, and he shall 13 “ ‘ “You shall prepare a lamb a year
worship at the threshold of the gate. Then
he shall go out, but the gate shall not be old without defect for a burnt offering to
Yahweh daily. Morning by morning you
shut until the evening. 3 The people of the
land shall worship at the door of that gate shall prepare it. You shall prepare a meal

before Yahweh on the Sabbaths and on the offering with it morning by morning, the
new moons. 4 The burnt offering that the sixth part of an ephah, † and the third part
prince shall offer to Yahweh shall be on of a hin of oil to moisten the fine flour;
the Sabbath day, six lambs without defect a meal offering to Yahweh continually by
and a ram without defect; and the meal 5 a perpetual ordinance. 15 Thus they shall

offering shall be an ephah for the ram, and prepare the lamb, the meal offering, and
the meal offering for the lambs as he is able the oil, morning by morning, for a contin-
to give, and a hin† of oil to an ephah.‡ 6 On ual burnt offering.”
the day of the new moon it shall be a young 16 “ ‘The Lord Yahweh says: “If the prince
bull without defect, six lambs, and a ram. gives a gift to any of his sons, it is his
They shall be without defect. 7 He shall inheritance. It shall belong to his sons. It
prepare a meal offering: an ephah for the is their possession by inheritance. 17 But if
bull, and an ephah for the ram, and for the he gives of his inheritance a gift to one of
lambs according as he is able, and a hin of his servants, it shall be his to the year of
oil to an ephah. 8 When the prince enters, liberty; then it shall return to the prince;
‡ 45:24 1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel § 45:24 A hin is about 6.5 liters or 1.7 gallons. † 46:5
A hin is about 6.5 liters or 1.7 gallons. ‡ 46:5 1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel § 46:11 1 ephah
is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel † 46:14 1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel
Ezekiel 46:18 988 Ezekiel 47:14

but as for his inheritance, it shall be for his pass through the waters, waters that were
sons. 18 Moreover the prince shall not take to the ankles. 4 Again he measured one
of the people’s inheritance, to thrust them thousand, and caused me to pass through
out of their possession. He shall give inher- the waters, waters that were to the knees.
itance to his sons out of his own possession, Again he measured one thousand, and
that my people not each be scattered from caused me to pass through waters that
his possession.” ’ ” were to the waist. 5 Afterward he mea-
19 Then he brought me through the en- sured one thousand; and it was a river that
try, which was at the side of the gate, I could not pass through, for the waters
into the holy rooms for the priests, which had risen, waters to swim in, a river that
looked toward the north. Behold, there could not be walked through.
6 He said to me, “Son of man, have you
was a place on the back part westward.
20 He said to me, “This is the place where seen this?”
the priests shall boil the trespass offering Then he brought me and caused me to
and the sin offering, and where they shall return to the bank of the river. 7 Now when
I had returned, behold, on the bank of the
bake the meal offering, that they not bring river were very many trees on the one side
them out into the outer court, to sanctify and on the other. 8 Then he said to me,
the people.” “These waters flow out toward the eastern
21 Then he brought me out into the outer region and will go down into the Arabah.
court and caused me to pass by the four Then they will go toward the sea and flow
corners of the court; and behold, in ev- into the sea which will be made to flow
ery corner of the court there was a court. out; and the waters will be healed. 9 It will
22 In the four corners of the court there happen that every living creature which
were courts enclosed, forty cubits‡ long swarms, in every place where the rivers
and thirty wide. These four in the corners come, will live. Then there will be a very
were the same size. 23 There was a wall great multitude of fish; for these waters
around in them, around the four, and boil- have come there, and the waters of the
ing places were made under the walls all sea will be healed, and everything will live
around. 24 Then he said to me, “These are wherever the river comes. 10 It will happen
the boiling houses, where the ministers that fishermen will stand by it. From En
of the house shall boil the sacrifice of the Gedi even to En Eglaim will be a place for
the spreading of nets. Their fish will be
after their kinds, as the fish of the great
47 sea, exceedingly many. 11 But its swamps
1He brought me back to the door of
the temple; and behold, waters flowed out marshes will not be healed. They will be
from under the threshold of the temple given up to salt. 12 By the river banks, on
eastward, for the front of the temple faced both sides, will grow every tree for food,
toward the east. The waters came down whose leaf won’t wither, neither will its
from underneath, from the right side of fruit fail. It will produce new fruit every
the temple, on the south of the altar. 2 Then month, because its waters issue out of the
he brought me out by the way of the gate sanctuary. Its fruit will be for food, and its
northward, and led me around by the way leaf for healing.”
13 The Lord Yahweh says: “This shall
outside to the outer gate, by the way of the
gate that looks toward the east. Behold, be the border by which you shall divide
waters ran out on the right side. the land for inheritance according to the
3 When the man went out eastward with twelve tribes of Israel. Joseph shall have
the line in his hand, he measured one two portions. 14 You shall inherit it, one
thousand cubits,† and he caused me to as well as another; for I swore to give it to
‡ 46:22 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46
centimeters. † 47:3 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18
inches or 46 centimeters.
Ezekiel 47:15 989 Ezekiel 48:16

your fathers. This land will fall to you for 4 “By the border of Naphtali, from the
inheritance. east side to the west side, Manasseh, one
15 “This shall be the border of the land: portion.
“On the north side, from the great sea, 5 “By the border of Manasseh, from the
by the way of Hethlon, to the entrance east side to the west side, Ephraim, one
of Zedad; 16 Hamath, Berothah, Sibraim portion.
(which is between the border of Damas- 6 “By the border of Ephraim, from the
cus and the border of Hamath), to Hazer east side even to the west side, Reuben, one
Hatticon, which is by the border of Hau- portion.
ran. 17 The border from the sea shall be 7 “By the border of Reuben, from the east
Hazar Enon at the border of Damascus; side to the west side, Judah, one portion.
and on the north northward is the border 8 “By the border of Judah, from the east
of Hamath. This is the north side.
18 “The east side, between Hauran, Dam- side to the west side, shall be the offering
ascus, Gilead, and the land of Israel, shall which you shall offer, twenty-five thou-
be the Jordan; from the north border to the sand reeds in width, and in length as one
east sea you shall measure. This is the east of the portions, from the east side to the
side. west side; and the sanctuary shall be in the
19 “The south side southward shall be middle of it.
9 “The offering that you shall offer to
from Tamar as far as the waters of Meri-
both Kadesh, to the brook, to the great sea. Yahweh shall be twenty-five thousand
This is the south side southward. reeds in length, and ten thousand in width.
20 “The west side shall be the great sea, 10 For these, even for the priests, shall
from the south border as far as opposite be the holy offering: toward the north
the entrance of Hamath. This is the west twenty-five thousand in length, and to-
side. ward the west ten thousand in width, and
21 “So you shall divide this land to your- toward the east ten thousand in width, and
selves according to the tribes of Israel. toward the south twenty-five thousand in
22 You shall divide it by lot for an in- length; and the sanctuary of Yahweh shall
heritance to you and to the aliens who be in the middle of it. 11 It shall be for the
live among you, who will father children priests who are sanctified of the sons of
among you. Then they shall be to you as Zadok, who have kept my instruction, who
the native-born among the children of Is- didn’t go astray when the children of Israel
rael. They shall have inheritance with you went astray, as the Levites went astray.
12 It shall be to them an offering from the
among the tribes of Israel. 23 In whatever
tribe the stranger lives, there you shall offering of the land, a most holy thing, by
give him his inheritance,” says the Lord the border of the Levites.
13 “Alongside the border of the priests,
the Levites shall have twenty-five thou-
sand cubits in length and ten thousand
48 in width. All the length shall be twenty-
1 “Now these are the names of the tribes:
From the north end, beside the way of five thousand, and the width ten thousand.
14 They shall sell none of it, nor exchange
Hethlon to the entrance of Hamath, Hazar
Enan at the border of Damascus, north- it, nor shall the first fruits of the land be
ward beside Hamath (and they shall have alienated, for it is holy to Yahweh.
15 “The five thousand cubits that are left
their sides east and west), Dan, one por-
tion. in the width, in front of the twenty-five
2 “By the border of Dan, from the east thousand, shall be for common use, for the
city, for dwelling and for pasture lands;
side to the west side, Asher, one portion.
and the city shall be in the middle of it.
3 “By the border of Asher, from the east 16 These shall be its measurements: the
side even to the west side, Naphtali, one north side four thousand and five hun-
portion. dred, and the south side four thousand
Ezekiel 48:17 990 Ezekiel 48:35

and five hundred, and on the east side Tamar to the waters of Meribath Kadesh,
four thousand and five hundred, and the to the brook, to the great sea.
west side four thousand and five hundred. 29 “This is the land which you shall divide
17 The city shall have pasture lands: to-
by lot to the tribes of Israel for inheritance,
ward the north two hundred fifty, and and these are their several portions, says
toward the south two hundred fifty, and the Lord Yahweh.
toward the east two hundred fifty, and to- 30 “These are the exits of the city: On
ward the west two hundred fifty. 18 The re- the north side four thousand five hundred
mainder of the length, alongside the holy reeds by measure; 31 and the gates of the
offering, shall be ten thousand eastward city shall be named after the tribes of Is-
and ten thousand westward; and it shall rael, three gates northward: the gate of
be alongside the holy offering. Its increase Reuben, one; the gate of Judah, one; the
shall be for food to those who labor in the gate of Levi, one.
city. 19 Those who labor in the city, out 32 “At the east side four thousand five
of all the tribes of Israel, shall cultivate hundred reeds, and three gates: even the
it. 20 All the offering shall be a square of gate of Joseph, one; the gate of Benjamin,
twenty-five thousand by twenty-five thou- one; the gate of Dan, one.
sand. You shall offer it as a holy offering, 33 “At the south side four thousand five
with the possession of the city. hundred reeds by measure, and three
21 “The remainder shall be for the prince, gates: the gate of Simeon, one; the gate of
on the one side and on the other of the holy Issachar, one; the gate of Zebulun, one.
34 “At the west side four thousand five
offering and of the possession of the city;
hundred reeds, with their three gates: the
in front of the twenty-five thousand of the
gate of Gad, one; the gate of Asher, one; the
offering toward the east border, and west-
gate of Naphtali, one.
ward in front of the twenty-five thousand 35 “It shall be eighteen thousand reeds in
toward the west border, alongside the por-
circumference; and the name of the city
tions, it shall be for the prince. The holy
from that day shall be, ‘Yahweh is there.’
offering and the sanctuary of the house
shall be in the middle of it. 22 Moreover,
from the possession of the Levites, and
from the possession of the city, being in
the middle of that which is the prince’s, be-
tween the border of Judah and the border
of Benjamin, shall be for the prince.
23 “As for the rest of the tribes: from the
east side to the west side, Benjamin, one
24 “By the border of Benjamin, from the
east side to the west side, Simeon, one
25 “By the border of Simeon, from the
east side to the west side, Issachar, one
26 “By the border of Issachar, from the
east side to the west side, Zebulun, one
27 “By the border of Zebulun, from the
east side to the west side, Gad, one portion.
28 “By the border of Gad, at the south side
southward, the border shall be even from
Daniel (Greek) 1:1 991 Daniel (Greek) 2:3

your faces worse looking than the youths

who are of your own age? Then you would
The Book of endanger my head with the king.”
Daniel 11 Then Daniel said to the steward whom
with Greek Portions the prince of the eunuchs had appointed
over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and
1 In the third year of the reign of Je- Azariah: 12 “Test your servants, I beg you,
hoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar ten days; and let them give us vegetables to
king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and eat and water to drink. 13 Then let our faces
besieged it. 2 The Lord† gave Jehoiakim be examined before you, and the face of
king of Judah into his hand, with part of the the youths who eat of the king’s delicacies;
vessels of the house of God;‡ and he carried and as you see, deal with your servants.”
14 So he listened to them in this matter, and
them into the land of Shinar to the house
of his god. He brought the vessels into the tested them for ten days.
treasure house of his god. 15 At the end of ten days, their faces ap-
3 The king spoke to Ashpenaz the mas- peared fairer, and they were fatter in flesh,
ter of his eunuchs, that he should bring than all the youths who ate of the king’s
in some of the children of Israel, even of delicacies. 16 So the steward took away
the royal offspring§ and of the nobles— their delicacies, and the wine that they
4 youths in whom was no defect, but well- would drink, and gave them vegetables.
17 Now as for these four youths, God gave
favored, and skillful in all wisdom, and en-
dowed with knowledge, and understand- them knowledge and skill in all learning
ing science, and who had the ability to and wisdom; and Daniel had understand-
serve in the king’s palace; and that he ing in all visions and dreams.
should teach them the learning and the 18 At the end of the days which the king
language of the Chaldeans. 5 The king had appointed for bringing them in, the
appointed for them a daily portion of the prince of the eunuchs brought them in be-
king’s delicacies, and of the wine which he fore Nebuchadnezzar. 19 The king talked
drank, and that they should be nourished with them; and among them all was found
three years; that at its end they should no one like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael,
serve the king. and Azariah. Therefore they served the
6 Now among these were of the children king. 20 In every matter of wisdom and
of Judah: Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and understanding concerning which the king
Azariah. 7 The prince of the eunuchs gave inquired of them, he found them ten
names to them: to Daniel he gave the name times better than all the magicians and
Belteshazzar; to Hananiah, Shadrach; to enchanters who were in all his realm.
21 Daniel continued serving even to the
Mishael, Meshach; and to Azariah, Abed-
nego. first year of King Cyrus.
8 But Daniel purposed in his heart that
he would not defile himself with the king’s 2
delicacies, nor with the wine which he 1 Inthe second year of the reign of Neb-
drank. Therefore he requested of the uchadnezzar, Nebuchadnezzar dreamed
prince of the eunuchs that he might not dreams; and his spirit was troubled, and
defile himself. 9 Now God made Daniel find his sleep went from him. 2 Then the king
kindness and compassion in the sight of commanded that the magicians, the en-
the prince of the eunuchs. 10 The prince chanters, the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans
of the eunuchs said to Daniel, “I fear my be called to tell the king his dreams. So
lord the king, who has appointed your food they came in and stood before the king.
and your drink. For why should he see 3 The king said to them, “I have dreamed a

† 1:2 The word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.” ‡ ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim). § 1:3

1:2 The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
or, seed
Daniel (Greek) 2:4 992 Daniel (Greek) 2:27

dream, and my spirit is troubled to know 16 Daniel went in, and desired of the king
the dream.” that he would appoint him a time, and he
4 Then the Chaldeans spoke to the king in would show the king the interpretation.
the Syrian language, “O king, live forever! 17 Then Daniel went to his house and
Tell your servants the dream, and we will made the thing known to Hananiah,
show the interpretation.” Mishael, and Azariah, his companions,
5 The king answered the Chaldeans, “The 18 that they would desire mercies of the
thing has gone from me. If you don’t make God of heaven concerning this secret, and
known to me the dream and its interpre- that Daniel and his companions would not
tation, you will be cut in pieces, and your perish with the rest of the wise men of
houses will be made a dunghill. 6 But if Babylon. 19 Then the secret was revealed
you show the dream and its interpretation, to Daniel in a vision of the night. Then
you will receive from me gifts, rewards, Daniel blessed the God of heaven. 20 Daniel
and great honor. Therefore show me the answered,
dream and its interpretation.” “Blessed be the name of God forever and
7 They answered the second time and ever;
said, “Let the king tell his servants the for wisdom and might are his.
dream, and we will show the interpreta- 21 He changes the times and the seasons.
tion.” He removes kings and sets up kings.
8 The king answered, “I know of a cer-
He gives wisdom to the wise,
tainty that you are trying to gain time, and knowledge to those who have un-
because you see the thing has gone from derstanding.
me. 9 But if you don’t make known to me 22 He reveals the deep and secret things.
the dream, there is but one law for you; He knows what is in the darkness,
for you have prepared lying and corrupt and the light dwells with him.
words to speak before me, until the situa- 23 I thank you and praise you,
tion changes. Therefore tell me the dream,
and I will know that you can show me its O God of my fathers,
interpretation.” who have given me wisdom and might,
10 The Chaldeans answered before the and have now made known to me
king, and said, “There is not a man on what we desired of you;
the earth who can show the king’s matter, for you have made known to us the
because no king, lord, or ruler, has asked king’s matter.”
24 Therefore Daniel went in to Arioch,
such a thing of any magician, enchanter, or
Chaldean. 11 It is a rare thing that the king whom the king had appointed to destroy
requires, and there is no other who can the wise men of Babylon. He went and said
show it before the king, except the gods, this to him: “Don’t destroy the wise men of
whose dwelling is not with flesh.” Babylon. Bring me in before the king, and
12 Because of this, the king was angry I will show to the king the interpretation.”
25 Then Arioch brought in Daniel before
and very furious, and commanded that
all the wise men of Babylon be destroyed. the king in haste, and said this to him: “I
13 So the decree went out, and the wise men have found a man of the children of the
were to be slain. They sought Daniel and captivity of Judah who will make known to
his companions to be slain. the king the interpretation.”
14 Then Daniel returned answer with 26 The king answered Daniel, whose
counsel and prudence to Arioch the cap- name was Belteshazzar, “Are you able to
tain of the king’s guard, who had gone out make known to me the dream which I have
to kill the wise men of Babylon. 15 He an- seen, and its interpretation?”
swered Arioch the king’s captain, “Why is 27 Daniel answered before the king, and
the decree so urgent from the king?” Then said, “The secret which the king has de-
Arioch made the thing known to Daniel. manded can’t be shown to the king by wise
Daniel (Greek) 2:28 993 Daniel (Greek) 3:1

men, enchanters, magicians, or soothsay- as iron, because iron breaks in pieces and
ers; 28 but there is a God in heaven who subdues all things; and as iron that crushes
reveals secrets, and he has made known to all these, it will break in pieces and crush.
King Nebuchadnezzar what will be in the 41 Whereas you saw the feet and toes, part
latter days. Your dream, and the visions of of potters’ clay, and part of iron, it will be
your head on your bed, are these: a divided kingdom; but there will be in it
29 “As for you, O king, your thoughts of the strength of the iron, because you
came on your bed, what should happen saw the iron mixed with miry clay. 42 As
hereafter; and he who reveals secrets has the toes of the feet were part of iron, and
made known to you what will happen. part of clay, so the kingdom will be partly
30 But as for me, this secret is not revealed strong, and partly brittle. 43 Whereas you
to me for any wisdom that I have more saw the iron mixed with miry clay, they
than any living, but to the intent that the will mingle themselves with the seed of
interpretation may be made known to the men; but they won’t cling to one another,
king, and that you may know the thoughts even as iron does not mix with clay.
of your heart. 44 “In the days of those kings the God
31 “You, O king, saw, and behold,† a great of heaven will set up a kingdom which
image. This image, which was mighty, will never be destroyed, nor will its
and whose brightness was excellent, stood sovereignty be left to another people; but
before you; and its appearance was terri- it will break in pieces and consume all
fying. 32 As for this image, its head was of these kingdoms, and it will stand forever.
fine gold, its breast and its arms of silver, 45 Because you saw that a stone was cut
its belly and its thighs of bronze, 33 its legs out of the mountain without hands, and
of iron, its feet part of iron, and part of clay. that it broke in pieces the iron, the bronze,
34 You saw until a stone was cut out without the clay, the silver, and the gold. The great
hands, which struck the image on its feet God has made known to the king what will
that were of iron and clay, and broke them happen hereafter. The dream is certain,
in pieces. 35 Then the iron, the clay, the and its interpretation sure.”
bronze, the silver, and the gold were bro- 46 Then King Nebuchadnezzar fell on his
ken in pieces together, and became like the face, worshiped Daniel, and commanded
chaff of the summer threshing floors. The that they should offer an offering and
wind carried them away, so that no place sweet odors to him. 47 The king answered
was found for them. The stone that struck to Daniel, and said, “Of a truth your God is
the image became a great mountain, and the God of gods, and the Lord of kings, and
filled the whole earth. a revealer of secrets, since you have been
36 “This is the dream; and we will tell its
able to reveal this secret.”
interpretation before the king. 37 You, O 48 Then the king made Daniel great, and
king, are king of kings, to whom the God of gave him many great gifts, and made him
heaven has given the kingdom, the power, rule over the whole province of Babylon,
the strength, and the glory. 38 Wherever and to be chief governor over all the wise
the children of men dwell, he has given the men of Babylon. 49 Daniel requested of
animals of the field and the birds of the the king, and he appointed Shadrach, Me-
sky into your hand, and has made you rule shach, and Abednego over the affairs of
over them all. You are the head of gold. the province of Babylon; but Daniel was in
39 “After you, another kingdom will arise the king’s gate.
that is inferior to you; and a third king-
dom of bronze, which will rule over all the 3
earth. 40 The fourth kingdom will be strong 1 Nebuchadnezzar the king made an im-
† 2:31 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.
† 3:1 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46
Daniel (Greek) 3:2 994 Daniel (Greek) 3:23

age of gold, whose height was sixty cubits,† gods, and don’t worship the golden image
and its width six cubits. He set it up in the which you have set up.”
plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon. 13 Then Nebuchadnezzar in rage and
2 Then Nebuchadnezzar the king sent to
fury commanded that Shadrach, Meshach,
gather together the local governors, the and Abednego be brought. Then these
deputies, and the governors, the judges, men were brought before the king.
the treasurers, the counselors, the sheriffs, 14 Nebuchadnezzar answered them, “Is
and all the rulers of the provinces, to come it on purpose, Shadrach, Meshach, and
to the dedication of the image which Neb- Abednego, that you don’t serve my god,
uchadnezzar the king had set up. 3 Then nor worship the golden image which I
the local governors, the deputies, and the have set up? 15 Now if you are ready
governors, the judges, the treasurers, the whenever you hear the sound of the horn,
counselors, the sheriffs, and all the rulers flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipe, and all kinds
of the provinces, were gathered together
of music to fall down and worship the
to the dedication of the image that Neb-
image which I have made, good; but if you
uchadnezzar the king had set up; and they
don’t worship, you shall be cast the same
stood before the image that Nebuchadnez-
hour into the middle of a burning fiery
zar had set up.
4 Then the herald cried aloud, “To you furnace. Who is that god who will deliver
you out of my hands?”
it is commanded, peoples, nations, and
languages, 5 that whenever you hear the 16 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, answered the king, “Nebuchadnezzar, we
harp, pipe, and all kinds of music, you have no need to answer you in this matter.
17 If it happens, our God whom we serve
fall down and worship the golden image
that Nebuchadnezzar the king has set up. is able to deliver us from the burning fiery
6 Whoever doesn’t fall down and worship furnace; and he will deliver us out of your
shall be cast into the middle of a burning hand, O king. 18 But if not, let it be known
fiery furnace the same hour.” to you, O king, that we will not serve your
7 Therefore at that time, when all the gods or worship the golden image which
peoples heard the sound of the horn, flute, you have set up.”
zither, lyre, harp, pipe, and all kinds of 19 Then Nebuchadnezzar was full of
music, all the peoples, the nations, and the fury, and the form of his appearance was
languages, fell down and worshiped the changed against Shadrach, Meshach, and
golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the Abednego. He spoke, and commanded
king had set up. that they should heat the furnace seven
8 Therefore at that time certain times more than it was usually heated.
Chaldeans came near, and brought accu- 20 He commanded certain mighty men
sation against the Jews. 9 They answered who were in his army to bind Shadrach,
Nebuchadnezzar the king, “O king, live for Meshach, and Abednego, and to cast them
ever! 10 You, O king, have made a decree into the burning fiery furnace. 21 Then
that every man who hears the sound of these men were bound in their pants,
the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipe, their tunics, their mantles, and their other
and all kinds of music shall fall down and clothes, and were cast into the middle of
worship the golden image; 11 and whoever the burning fiery furnace. 22 Therefore
doesn’t fall down and worship shall be because the king’s commandment was ur-
cast into the middle of a burning fiery gent, and the furnace exceedingly hot, the
furnace. 12 There are certain Jews whom flame of the fire killed those men who took
you have appointed over the affairs of the up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
province of Babylon: Shadrach, Meshach, 23 These three men, Shadrach, Meshach,
and Abednego. These men, O king, have and Abednego, fell down bound into the
not respected you. They don’t serve your middle of the burning fiery furnace.
Daniel (Greek) 3:24 995 Daniel (Greek) 3:55

THE SONG OF THE THREE HOLY CHIL- or burnt offering, or sacrifice, or oblation,
DREN‡ or incense, or place to offer before you,
24 They walked in the midst of the and to find mercy.
39 Nevertheless in a
contrite heart and a humble spirit let us
fire, praising God, and blessing the Lord.
25 Then Azarias stood, and prayed like this. be accepted,
40 like the burnt offerings of
rams and bullocks, and like ten thousands
Opening his mouth in the midst of the fire of fat lambs. So let our sacrifice be in
he said, 26 “Blessed are you, O Lord, you your sight this day, that we may wholly go
God of our fathers! Your name is worthy after you, for they shall not be ashamed
to be praised and glorified for evermore; who put their trust in you. 41 And now
27 for you are righteous in all the things
we follow you with all our heart. We
that you have done. Yes, all your works fear you, and seek your face. 42 Put us
are true. Your ways are right, and all your not to shame; but deal with us after your
judgments are truth. 28 In all the things kindness, and according to the multitude
that you have brought upon us, and upon of your mercy. 43 Deliver us also according
the holy city of our fathers, Jerusalem, you to your marvelous works, and give glory to
have executed true judgments. For accord- your name, O Lord. Let all those who harm
ing to truth and justice you have brought your servants be confounded. 44 Let them
all these things upon us because of our be ashamed of all their power and might,
sins. 29 For we have sinned and committed and let their strength be broken. 45 Let
iniquity in departing from you. 30 In all them know that you are the Lord, the only
things we have trespassed, and not obeyed God, and glorious over the whole world.”
your commandments or kept them. We 46 The king’s servants who put them in
haven’t done as you have commanded us,
that it might go well with us. 31 Therefore didn’t stop making the furnace hot with
all that you have brought upon us, and naphtha, pitch, tinder, and small wood,
47 so that the flame streamed out forty nine
everything that you have done to us, you
have done in true judgment. 32 You de- cubits above the furnace. It spread and

livered us into the hands of lawless ene- burned

those Chaldeans whom it found
the furnace. 49 But the angel of the
mies, most hateful rebels, and to an un-
just king who is the most wicked in all Lord came down into the furnace together
the world. 33 And now we can’t open our with Azarias and his fellows, and he struck
mouth. Shame and reproach have come the flame of the fire out of the furnace,
50 and made the midst of the furnace as it
on your servants and those who worship had been a moist whistling wind, so that
you. 34 Don’t utterly deliver us up, for your the fire didn’t touch them at all. It neither
name’s sake. Don’t annul your covenant. hurt nor troubled them.
35 Don’t cause your mercy to depart from 51 Then the three, as out of one mouth,
us, for the sake of Abraham who is loved by praised, glorified, and blessed God in the
you, and for the sake of Isaac your servant, furnace, saying, 52 “Blessed are you, O
and Israel your holy one, 36 to whom you Lord, you God of our fathers, to be praised
promised that you would multiply their and exalted above all forever! 53 Blessed is
offspring as the stars of the sky, and as the your glorious and holy name, to be praised
sand that is on the sea shore. 37 For we, O and exalted above all forever! 54 Blessed
Lord, have become less than any nation, are you in the temple of your holy glory,
and are brought low this day in all the to be praised and glorified above all for-
world because of our sins. 38 There isn’t ever! 55 Blessed are you who see the depths
at this time prince, or prophet, or leader, and sit upon the cherubim, to be praised
‡ 3:23 The Song of the Three Holy Children is an addition to Daniel found in the Greek Septuagint but not found in the
traditional Hebrew text of Daniel. This portion is recognized as Deuterocanonical Scripture by the Roman Catholic,
Greek Orthodox, and Russian Orthodox Churches. It is found inserted between Daniel 3:23 and Daniel 3:24 of the
traditional Hebrew Bible. Here, the verses after 23 from the Hebrew Bible are numbered starting at 91 to make
room for these verses.
Daniel (Greek) 3:56 996 Daniel (Greek) 3:94

and exalted above all forever. 56 Blessed Praise and exalt him above all forever! 81 O
are you on the throne of your kingdom, all you beasts and cattle, bless the Lord!
to be praised and extolled above all for- Praise and exalt him above all forever! 82 O
ever! 57 Blessed are you in the firmament you children of men, bless the Lord! Praise
of heaven, to be praised and glorified for- and exalt him above all forever! 83 O let
ever! Israel bless the Lord! Praise and exalt him
above all forever. 84 O you priests of the
58 O all you works of the Lord, bless
Lord, bless the Lord! Praise and exalt him
the Lord! Praise and exalt him above all above all forever! 85 O you servants of
forever! 59 O you heavens, bless the Lord! the Lord, bless the Lord! Praise and exalt
Praise and exalt him above all for ever! him above all forever! 86 O you spirits
60 O you angels of the Lord, bless the Lord!
and souls of the righteous, bless the Lord!
Praise and exalt him above all forever! 61 O
all you waters that are above the sky, bless Praise and exalt him above all forever! O
you who are holy and humble of heart,
the Lord! Praise and exalt him above all
forever! 62 O all you powers of the Lord, bless the Lord! Praise and exalt him above
all forever! 88 O Hananiah, Mishael, and
bless the Lord! Praise and exalt him above Azariah, bless the Lord! Praise and exalt
all forever! 63 O you sun and moon, bless
him above all forever; for he has rescued
the Lord! Praise and exalt him above all us from Hades, and saved us from the hand
forever! 64 O you stars of heaven, bless
the Lord! Praise and exalt him above all of death! He has delivered us out of the
midst of the furnace and burning flame.
forever! 65 O every shower and dew, bless
the Lord! Praise and exalt him above all fire. 89delivered
He has
O give
us out of the midst of the
thanks to the Lord, for he
forever! 66 O all you winds, bless the Lord!
Praise and exalt him above all forever! 67 O is good; for his mercy is forever. 90 O all
you fire and heat, bless the Lord! Praise you who worship the Lord, bless the God
and exalt him above all forever! 68 O you of gods, praise him, and give him thanks;
dews and storms of snow, bless the Lord! for his mercy is forever!”
Praise and exalt him above all forever! 69 O Deliverance from the Furnace
you nights and days, bless the Lord! Praise
91 † Then Nebuchadnezzar the king was
and exalt him above all forever! 70 O you
light and darkness, bless the Lord! Praise astonished and rose up in haste. He spoke
and exalt him above all forever! 71 O you and said to his counselors, “Didn’t we cast
cold and heat, bless the Lord! Praise and three fire?”
men bound into the middle of the
exalt him above all forever! O you frost
They answered the king, “True, O king.”
and snow, bless the Lord! Praise and exalt 92 He answered, “Look, I see four men
him above all forever! 73 O you lightnings
loose, walking in the middle of the fire, and
and clouds, bless the Lord! Praise and
exalt him above all forever! 74 O let the they are unharmed. The appearance of the
earth bless the Lord! Let it praise and exalt fourth is like a son of the gods.”
93 Then Nebuchadnezzar came near to
him above all forever! 75 O you mountains
and hills, bless the Lord! Praise and exalt the mouth of the burning fiery furnace. He
him above all forever! 76 O all you things spoke and said, “Shadrach, Meshach, and
that grow on the earth, bless the Lord! Abednego, you servants of the Most High
Praise and exalt him above all forever! God, come out, and come here!”
77 §O sea and rivers, bless the Lord! Praise Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-
and exalt him above all forever! 78 O you nego came out of the middle of the fire.
94 The local governors, the deputies, and
springs, bless the Lord! Praise and exalt
him above all forever! 79 O you whales and the governors, and the king’s counselors,
all that move in the waters, bless the Lord! being gathered together, saw these men,
Praise and exalt him above all forever! 80 O that the fire had no power on their bodies.
all you birds of the air, bless the Lord! The hair of their head wasn’t singed. Their
§ 3:77 Some authorities transpose this verse and the next one. † 3:91 Verses 91-97 were numbered 24-30 in the
traditional Hebrew text of Daniel.
Daniel (Greek) 3:95 997 Daniel (Greek) 4:19

pants weren’t changed. The smell of fire whom is the spirit of the holy gods. I told
wasn’t even on them. the dream before him, saying,
95 Nebuchadnezzar spoke and said, 9 “Belteshazzar, master of the magi-
“Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, cians, because I know that the spirit of
and Abednego, who has sent his angel the holy gods is in you, and no secret
and delivered his servants who trusted in troubles you, tell me the visions of my
him, and have changed the king’s word, dream that I have seen, and its interpre-
and have yielded their bodies, that they tation. 10 These were the visions of my
might not serve nor worship any god, head on my bed: I saw, and behold, a
except their own God. 96 Therefore I tree in the middle of the earth; and its
make a decree, that every people, nation, height was great. 11 The tree grew, and
and language, who speak anything evil was strong, and its height reached to the
against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and sky, and its sight to the end of all the
Abednego, shall be cut in pieces, and their earth. 12 Its leaves were beautiful, and
houses shall be made a dunghill, because it had much fruit, and in it was food for
there is no other god who is able to deliver all. The animals of the field had shade
like this.” under it, and the birds of the sky lived in
97 Then the king promoted Shadrach, its branches, and all flesh was fed from
Meshach, and Abednego in the province of it.
13 “I saw in the visions of my head on
my bed, and behold, a watcher and a
holy one came down from the sky. 14 He
1 Nebuchadnezzar the king,
cried aloud, and said this, ‘Cut down the
tree and cut off its branches! Shake off
to all the peoples, nations, and lan- its leaves and scatter its fruit! Let the
guages, who dwell in all the earth: animals get away from under it, and the
Peace be multiplied to you. fowls from its branches. 15 Nevertheless
2 It has seemed good to me to show the leave the stump of its roots in the earth,
signs and wonders that the Most High even with a band of iron and bronze, in
God has worked toward me. the tender grass of the field; and let it
3 How great are his signs! be wet with the dew of the sky. Let his
How mighty are his wonders! portion be with the animals in the grass
His kingdom is an everlasting king- of the earth. 16 Let his heart be changed
dom. from man’s, and let an animal’s heart be
His dominion is from generation given to him. Then let seven times pass
to generation. over him.
17 “ ‘The sentence is by the decree of
4 I, Nebuchadnezzar, was at rest in my
house, and flourishing in my palace. 5 I the watchers, and the demand by the
saw a dream which made me afraid; and word of the holy ones, to the intent that
the thoughts on my bed and the visions the living may know that the Most High
of my head troubled me. 6 Therefore I rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it
made a decree to bring in all the wise to whomever he will, and sets up over it
men of Babylon before me, that they the lowest of men.’
18 “This dream I, King Nebuchadnez-
might make known to me the interpre-
tation of the dream. 7 Then the ma- zar, have seen; and you, Belteshazzar,
gicians, the enchanters, the Chaldeans, declare the interpretation, because all
and the soothsayers came in; and I told the wise men of my kingdom are not able
the dream before them; but they didn’t to make known to me the interpretation;
make known to me its interpretation. but you are able, for the spirit of the holy
8 But at the last Daniel came in before gods is in you.”
me, whose name was Belteshazzar, ac- 19 Then Daniel, whose name was Belte-
cording to the name of my god, and in shazzar, was stricken mute for a while,
Daniel (Greek) 4:20 998 Daniel (Greek) 4:37

and his thoughts troubled him. The nezzar. 29 At the end of twelve months
king answered, “Belteshazzar, don’t let he was walking in the royal palace of
the dream, or the interpretation, trouble Babylon. 30 The king spoke and said,
you.” “Is not this great Babylon, which I have
Belteshazzar answered, “My lord, may built for the royal dwelling place, by the
the dream be for those who hate you, might of my power and for the glory of
and its interpretation to your adver- my majesty?”
31 While the word was in the king’s
saries. 20 The tree that you saw, which
grew and was strong, whose height mouth, a voice came from the sky, say-
reached to the sky, and its sight to all the ing, “O King Nebuchadnezzar, to you it
earth; 21 whose leaves were beautiful, is spoken: ‘The kingdom has departed
and its fruit plentiful, and in it was food from you. 32 You shall be driven from
for all; under which the animals of the men, and your dwelling shall be with the
field lived, and on whose branches the animals of the field. You shall be made to
birds of the sky had their habitation— eat grass as oxen. Seven times shall pass
22 it is you, O king, who have grown and over you, until you know that the Most
become strong; for your greatness has High rules in the kingdom of men, and
grown, and reaches to the sky, and your gives it to whomever he will.’ ”
33 This was fulfilled the same hour on
dominion to the end of the earth.
23 “Whereas the king saw a watcher Nebuchadnezzar. He was driven from
men, and ate grass as oxen, and his body
and a holy one coming down from the
was wet with the dew of the sky, until his
sky, and saying, ‘Cut down the tree, and
hair had grown like eagles’ feathers, and
destroy it; nevertheless leave the stump
his nails like birds’ claws.
of its roots in the earth, even with a band 34 At the end of the days I, Nebuchad-
of iron and bronze, in the tender grass nezzar, lifted up my eyes to heaven, and
of the field, and let it be wet with the my understanding returned to me, and I
dew of the sky. Let his portion be with
blessed the Most High, and I praised and
the animals of the field, until seven times
pass over him.’ honored him who lives forever.
For his dominion is an everlasting do-
24 “This is the interpretation, O king,
and it is the decree of the Most High, and his kingdom from generation
which has come on my lord the king: to generation.
25 that you shall be driven from men, 35 All the inhabitants of the earth are
and your dwelling shall be with the an- reputed as nothing;
imals of the field. You shall be made and he does according to his will
to eat grass as oxen, and shall be wet in the army of heaven,
with the dew of the sky, and seven times and among the inhabitants of the
shall pass over you; until you know that earth;
the Most High rules in the kingdom of and no one can stop his hand,
men, and gives it to whomever he will. or ask him, “What are you doing?”
26 Their command to leave the stump of 36 At the same time my understanding
the roots of the tree means your king- returned to me; and for the glory of
dom will be sure to you, after you will my kingdom, my majesty and brightness
have known that the heavens do rule. returned to me. My counselors and my
27 Therefore, O king, let my counsel be
lords sought me; and I was established
acceptable to you, and break off your in my kingdom, and excellent greatness
sins by righteousness, and your iniqui- was added to me. 37 Now I, Nebuchad-
ties by showing mercy to the poor. Per- nezzar, praise and extol and honor the
haps there may be a lengthening of your King of heaven; for all his works are
tranquility.” right and his ways just; and those who
28 All this came on the King Nebuchad- walk in pride he is able to humble.
Daniel (Greek) 5:1 999 Daniel (Greek) 5:21

5 king, Nebuchadnezzar, your father—yes,

1 Belshazzar the king made a great feast the king, your father—made him master of
to a thousand of his lords, and drank wine the magicians, enchanters, Chaldeans, and
before the thousand. 2 Belshazzar, while soothsayers 12 because an excellent spirit,
he tasted the wine, commanded that the knowledge, understanding, interpreting
golden and silver vessels which Nebuchad- of dreams, showing of dark sentences, and
nezzar his father had taken out of the tem- dissolving of doubts were found in the
ple which was in Jerusalem be brought same Daniel, whom the king named Belte-
to him, that the king and his lords, his shazzar. Now let Daniel be called, and he
wives and his concubines, might drink will show the interpretation.”
from them. 3 Then they brought the golden 13 Then Daniel was brought in before the
vessels that were taken out of the temple king. The king spoke and said to Daniel,
of God’s house which was at Jerusalem; “Are you that Daniel of the children of
and the king and his lords, his wives and the captivity of Judah, whom the king my
his concubines, drank from them. 4 They father brought out of Judah? 14 I have
drank wine, and praised the gods of gold, heard of you, that the spirit of the gods is
and of silver, of bronze, of iron, of wood, in you, and that light, understanding, and
and of stone.
5 In the same hour, the fingers of a man’s excellent wisdom are found in you. 15 Now
hand came out and wrote near the lamp the wise men, the enchanters, have been
brought in before me to read this writing,
stand on the plaster of the wall of the and make known to me its interpretation;
king’s palace. The king saw the part of but they could not show the interpretation
the hand that wrote. 6 Then the king’s of the thing. 16 But I have heard of you, that
face was changed in him, and his thoughts you can give interpretations and dissolve
troubled him; and the joints of his thighs doubts. Now if you can read the writing,
were loosened, and his knees struck one and make known to me its interpretation,
against another.
7 The king cried aloud to bring in the
you shall be clothed with purple, and have
a chain of gold around your neck, and shall
enchanters, the Chaldeans, and the sooth- be the third ruler in the kingdom.”
sayers. The king spoke and said to the 17 Then Daniel answered the king, “Let
wise men of Babylon, “Whoever reads this
writing and shows me its interpretation your gifts be to yourself, and give your
shall be clothed with purple, and have a rewards to another. Nevertheless, I will
read the writing to the king, and make
chain of gold about his neck, and shall be
known to him the interpretation.
the third ruler in the kingdom.” 18 “To you, king, the Most High God gave
8 Then all the king’s wise men came in;
Nebuchadnezzar your father the kingdom,
but they could not read the writing and and greatness, and glory, and majesty.
couldn’t make known to the king the in- 19 Because of the greatness that he gave
terpretation. 9 Then King Belshazzar was him, all the peoples, nations, and lan-
greatly troubled. His face was changed in guages trembled and feared before him.
him, and his lords were perplexed. He killed whom he wanted to, and he kept
10 The queen by reason of the words
alive whom he wanted to. He raised up
of the king and his lords came into the whom he wanted to, and he put down
banquet house. The queen spoke and whom he wanted to. 20 But when his heart
said, “O king, live forever; don’t let your was lifted up, and his spirit was hardened
thoughts trouble you, nor let your face so that he dealt proudly, he was deposed
be changed. 11 There is a man in your from his kingly throne, and they took his
kingdom in whom is the spirit of the holy glory from him. 21 He was driven from the
gods. In the days of your father, light, sons of men and his heart was made like
understanding, and wisdom like the wis- the animals’, and his dwelling was with the
dom of the gods were found in him. The wild donkeys. He was fed with grass like
Daniel (Greek) 5:22 1000 Daniel (Greek) 6:14

oxen, and his body was wet with the dew 4 Then the presidents and the local gov-
of the sky, until he knew that the Most High ernors sought to find occasion against
God rules in the kingdom of men, and that Daniel as touching the kingdom; but they
he sets up over it whomever he will. could find no occasion or fault, because
22 “You, his son, Belshazzar, have not he was faithful. There wasn’t any error
humbled your heart, though you knew all or fault found in him. 5 Then these men
this, 23 but have lifted up yourself against said, “We won’t find any occasion against
the Lord of heaven; and they have brought this Daniel, unless we find it against him
the vessels of his house before you, and concerning the law of his God.”
6 Then these presidents and local gover-
you and your lords, your wives, and your
concubines, have drunk wine from them. nors assembled together to the king, and
You have praised the gods of silver, gold, said this to him, “King Darius, live forever!
bronze, iron, wood, and stone, which don’t 7 All the presidents of the kingdom, the
see, hear, or know; and you have not glori- deputies and the local governors, the coun-
fied the God in whose hand is your breath selors and the governors, have consulted
and whose are all your ways. 24 Then the together to establish a royal statute, and to
part of the hand was sent from before him, make a strong decree, that whoever asks a
and this writing was inscribed. petition of any god or man for thirty days,
25 “This is the writing that was inscribed: except of you, O king, he shall be cast into
‘MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN.’ the den of lions. 8 Now, O king, establish
26 “This is the interpretation of the thing: the decree, and sign the writing, that it not
MENE: God has counted your kingdom, be changed, according to the law of the
and brought it to an end. Medes and Persians, which doesn’t alter.”
27 TEKEL: you are weighed in the balances, 9 Therefore King Darius signed the writing

and are found wanting. and the decree.

10 When Daniel knew that the writing
28 PERES: your kingdom is divided, and
given to the Medes and Persians.” was signed, he went into his house (now
29 Then Belshazzar commanded, and
his windows were open in his room to-
ward Jerusalem) and he kneeled on his
they clothed Daniel with purple, and put
knees three times a day, and prayed, and
a chain of gold about his neck, and pro-
gave thanks before his God, as he did be-
claimed that he should be the third highest
fore. 11 Then these men assembled to-
ruler in the kingdom. gether, and found Daniel making petition
30 In that night Belshazzar the Chaldean
and supplication before his God. 12 Then
King was slain. 31 Darius the Mede re- they came near, and spoke before the king
ceived the kingdom, being about sixty-two concerning the king’s decree: “Haven’t
years old. you signed a decree that every man who
makes a petition to any god or man within
6 thirty days, except to you, O king, shall be
1It pleased Darius to set over the king- cast into the den of lions?”
dom one hundred twenty local governors, The king answered, “This thing is true,
who should be throughout the whole king- according to the law of the Medes and
dom; 2 and over them three presidents, Persians, which doesn’t alter.”
of whom Daniel was one; that these lo- 13 Then they answered and said before
cal governors might give account to them, the king, “That Daniel, who is of the chil-
and that the king should suffer no loss. dren of the captivity of Judah, doesn’t re-
3 Then this Daniel was distinguished above spect you, O king, nor the decree that you
the presidents and the local governors, be- have signed, but makes his petition three
cause an excellent spirit was in him; and times a day.” 14 Then the king, when he
the king thought to set him over the whole heard these words, was very displeased,
realm. and set his heart on Daniel to deliver him;
Daniel (Greek) 6:15 1001 Daniel (Greek) 7:8

and he labored until the going down of the “I make a decree that in all the do-
sun to rescue him. minion of my kingdom men tremble and
15 Then these men assembled together fear before the God of Daniel;
to the king, and said to the king, “Know, “for he is the living God,
O king, that it is a law of the Medes and and steadfast forever.
Persians, that no decree nor statute which His kingdom is that which will not be de-
the king establishes may be changed.” stroyed.
16 Then the king commanded, and they His dominion will be even to the end.
27 He delivers and rescues.
brought Daniel, and cast him into the den He works signs and wonders in
of lions. The king spoke and said to Daniel, heaven and in earth,
“Your God whom you serve continually, he who has delivered Daniel from the
will deliver you.” power of the lions.”
17 A stone was brought, and laid on the 28 So this Daniel prospered in the reign
mouth of the den; and the king sealed it of Darius, and in the reign of Cyrus the
with his own signet, and with the signet of Persian.
his lords, that nothing might be changed
concerning Daniel. 18 Then the king went 7
to his palace, and passed the night fasting. 1 In the first year of Belshazzar king of
No musical instruments were brought be- Babylon, Daniel had a dream and visions
fore him; and his sleep fled from him. of his head on his bed. Then he wrote the
19 Then the king arose very early in the dream and told the sum of the matters.
2 Daniel spoke and said, “I saw in my
morning, and went in haste to the den of vision by night and behold, the four winds
lions. 20 When he came near to the den to of the sky broke out on the great sea. 3 Four
Daniel, he cried with a troubled voice. The
king spoke and said to Daniel, “Daniel, ser- great animals came up from the sea, differ-
vant of the living God, is your God, whom ent from one another.
4 “The first was like a lion, and had
you serve continually, able to deliver you eagle’s wings. I watched until its wings
from the lions?” were plucked, and it was lifted up from the
21 Then Daniel said to the king, “O king,
earth, and made to stand on two feet as a
live forever! 22 My God has sent his angel, man. A man’s heart was given to it.
and has shut the lions’ mouths, and they 5 “Behold, there was another animal, a
have not hurt me; because I am innocent second, like a bear. It was raised up on
in his sight. Also before you, O king, I have one side, and three ribs were in its mouth
done no harm.” between its teeth. They said this to it:
23 Then the king was exceedingly glad,
‘Arise! Devour much flesh!’
and commanded that they should take 6 “After this I saw, and behold, another,
Daniel up out of the den. So Daniel was like a leopard, which had on its back four
taken up out of the den, and no kind of wings of a bird. The animal also had four
harm was found on him, because he had heads; and dominion was given to it.
trusted in his God. 7 “After this I saw in the night visions,
24 The king commanded, and they
and, behold, there was a fourth animal,
brought those men who had accused awesome and powerful, and exceedingly
Daniel, and they cast them into the den strong. It had great iron teeth. It de-
of lions—them, their children, and their voured and broke in pieces, and stamped
wives; and the lions mauled them and the residue with its feet. It was different
broke all their bones in pieces before they from all the animals that were before it. It
came to the bottom of the den. had ten horns.
25 Then King Darius wrote to all the peo- 8 “I considered the horns, and behold,
ples, nations, and languages, who dwell in another horn came up among them, a little
all the earth: one, before which three of the first horns
“Peace be multiplied to you. were plucked up by the roots: and behold,
Daniel (Greek) 7:9 1002 Daniel (Greek) 8:3

in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a feet; 20 and concerning the ten horns that
man, and a mouth speaking great things. were on its head, and the other horn which
9 “I watched until thrones were placed, came up, and before which three fell, even
and one who was ancient of days sat. that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that
His clothing was white as snow, spoke great things, whose look was more
and the hair of his head like pure wool. stout than its fellows. 21 I saw, and the
His throne was fiery flames, same horn made war with the saints and
prevailed against them 22 until the ancient
and its wheels burning fire. of days came, and judgment was given to
10 A fiery stream issued and came out from
the saints of the Most High, and the time
before him. came that the saints possessed the king-
Thousands of thousands ministered to dom.
him. 23 “So he said, ‘The fourth animal will be
Ten thousand times ten thousand
stood before him. a fourth kingdom on earth, which will be
The judgment was set. different from all the kingdoms, and will
The books were opened. devour the whole earth, and will tread it
11 “I watched at that time because of the down, and break it in pieces. 24 As for the
voice of the great words which the horn ten horns, ten kings will arise out of this
spoke. I watched even until the animal was kingdom. Another will arise after them;
slain, its body destroyed, and it was given and he will be different from the former,
to be burned with fire. 12 As for the rest and he will put down three kings. 25 He will
of the animals, their dominion was taken speak words against the Most High, and
away; yet their lives were prolonged for a will wear out the saints of the Most High.
season and a time. He will plan to change the times and the
13 “I saw in the night visions, and be-
law; and they will be given into his hand
hold, one like a son of man came with until a time and times and half a time.
the clouds, and he came to the ancient of 26 “ ‘But the judgment will be set, and
days, and they brought him near before they will take away his dominion, to con-
him. 14 Dominion was given him, with sume and to destroy it to the end. 27 The
glory and a kingdom, that all the peoples, kingdom and the dominion, and the great-
nations, and languages should serve him. ness of the kingdoms under the whole sky,
His dominion is an everlasting dominion, will be given to the people of the saints of
which will not pass away, and his kingdom the Most High. His kingdom is an everlast-
will not be destroyed. ing kingdom, and all dominions will serve
15 “As for me, Daniel, my spirit was
and obey him.’
grieved within my body, and the visions of 28 “Here is the end of the matter. As
my head troubled me. 16 I came near to one for me, Daniel, my thoughts troubled me
of those who stood by, and asked him the greatly, and my face was changed in me;
truth concerning all this. but I kept the matter in my heart.”
“So he told me, and made me know the
interpretation of the things. 17 ‘These great 8
animals, which are four, are four kings, 1In the third year of the reign of King
who will arise out of the earth. 18 But Belshazzar, a vision appeared to me, even
the saints of the Most High will receive to me, Daniel, after that which appeared to
the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for- me at the first. 2 I saw the vision. Now it
ever, even forever and ever.’ was so, that when I saw, I was in the citadel
19 “Then I desired to know the truth of Susa, which is in the province of Elam.
concerning the fourth animal, which was I saw in the vision, and I was by the river
different from all of them, exceedingly ter- Ulai. 3 Then I lifted up my eyes, and saw,
rible, whose teeth were of iron, and its and behold, a ram which had two horns
nails of bronze; which devoured, broke in stood before the river. The two horns were
pieces, and stamped the residue with its high; but one was higher than the other,
Daniel (Greek) 8:4 1003 Daniel (Greek) 8:27

and the higher came up last. 4 I saw the 15 When I, even I Daniel, had seen the
ram pushing westward, northward, and vision, I sought to understand it. Then
southward. No animals could stand before behold, there stood before me something
him. There wasn’t anyone who could de- like the appearance of a man. 16 I heard a
liver out of his hand; but he did according man’s voice between the banks of the Ulai,
to his will, and magnified himself. which called, and said, “Gabriel, make this
man understand the vision.”
5As I was considering, behold, a male
17 So he came near where I stood; and
goat came from the west over the surface
of the whole earth, and didn’t touch the when he came, I was frightened, and fell
ground. The goat had a notable horn be- on my face; but he said to me, “Understand,
tween his eyes. 6 He came to the ram that son of man; for the vision belongs to the
had the two horns, which I saw standing time of the end.”
before the river, and ran on him in the fury 18 Now as he was speaking with me, I
of his power. 7 I saw him come close to the fell into a deep sleep with my face toward
ram, and he was moved with anger against the ground; but he touched me, and set me
him, and struck the ram, and broke his two upright.
horns. There was no power in the ram to 19 He said, “Behold, I will make you know
stand before him; but he cast him down to
the ground, and trampled on him. There what will be in the latter time of the indig-
was no one who could deliver the ram out nation; for it belongs to the appointed time
of his hand. 8 The male goat magnified of the end. 20 The ram which you saw, that
himself exceedingly. When he was strong, had the two horns, they are the kings of
the great horn was broken; and instead Media and Persia. 21 The rough male goat
of it there came up four notable horns is the king of Greece. The great horn that is
toward the four winds of the sky. between his eyes is the first king. 22 As for
9 Out of one of them came out a little
that which was broken, in the place where
four stood up, four kingdoms will stand up
horn, which grew exceedingly great, to-
out of the nation, but not with his power.
ward the south, and toward the east, and
toward the glorious land. 10 It grew great, 23 “In the latter time of their kingdom,
even to the army of the sky; and it cast when the transgressors have come to the
down some of the army and of the stars to full, a king of fierce face, and understand-
the ground, and trampled on them. 11 Yes, ing dark sentences, will stand up. 24 His
it magnified itself, even to the prince of the power will be mighty, but not by his own
army; and it took away from him the con- power. He will destroy awesomely, and
tinual burnt offering, and the place of his will prosper in what he does. He will de-
sanctuary was cast down. 12 The army was stroy the mighty ones and the holy people.
given over to it together with the continual 25 Through his policy he will cause deceit
burnt offering through disobedience. It to prosper in his hand. He will magnify
cast down truth to the ground, and it did himself in his heart, and he will destroy
its pleasure and prospered. many in their security. He will also stand
13 Then I heard a holy one speaking; up against the prince of princes; but he will
and another holy one said to that certain be broken without human power.
one who spoke, “How long will the vision 26 “The vision of the evenings and morn-
about the continual burnt offering, and ings which has been told is true; but seal
the disobedience that makes desolate, to up the vision, for it belongs to many days
give both the sanctuary and the army to be to come.”
trodden under foot be?” 27 I, Daniel, fainted, and was sick for
14 He said to me, “To two thousand and some days. Then I rose up, and did the
three hundred evenings and mornings. king’s business. I wondered at the vision,
Then the sanctuary will be cleansed.” but no one understood it.
Daniel (Greek) 9:1 1004 Daniel (Greek) 9:21

9 we have sinned against him. 12 He has

1In the first year of Darius the son of confirmed his words, which he spoke
Ahasuerus, of the offspring of the Medes, against us, and against our judges who
who was made king over the realm of the judged us, by bringing on us a great
Chaldeans, 2 in the first year of his reign I, evil; for under the whole sky, such has
Daniel, understood by the books the num- not been done as has been done to
ber of the years about which Yahweh’s† Jerusalem. 13 As it is written in the law
word came to Jeremiah the prophet, for of Moses, all this evil has come on us. Yet
we have not entreated the favor of Yah-
the accomplishing of the desolations of weh our God, that we should turn from
Jerusalem, even seventy years. 3 I set my our iniquities and have discernment in
face to the Lord God, to seek by prayer your truth. 14 Therefore Yahweh has
and petitions, with fasting in sackcloth and watched over the evil, and brought it on
ashes. us; for Yahweh our God is righteous in
4 I prayed to Yahweh my God, and made all his works which he does, and we have
confession, and said, not obeyed his voice.
“Oh, Lord, the great and dreadful God, 15 “Now, Lord our God, who has
who keeps covenant and loving kind- brought your people out of the land of
ness with those who love him and keep Egypt with a mighty hand, and have
his commandments, 5 we have sinned, gotten yourself renown, as it is today, we
and have dealt perversely, and have have sinned. We have done wickedly.
done wickedly, and have rebelled, even 16 Lord, according to all your righteous-
turning aside from your precepts and ness, please let your anger and your
from your ordinances. 6 We haven’t wrath be turned away from your city
listened to your servants the prophets, Jerusalem, your holy mountain, because
who spoke in your name to our kings, for our sins, and for the iniquities of
our princes, and our fathers, and to all our fathers, Jerusalem and your people
the people of the land. have become a reproach to all who are
7 “Lord, righteousness belongs to you, around us.
17 “Now therefore, our God, listen to
but to us confusion of face, as it is today—
to the men of Judah, and to the inhabi- the prayer of your servant, and to his
tants of Jerusalem, and to all Israel, who petitions, and cause your face to shine
are near, and who are far off, through on your sanctuary that is desolate, for
all the countries where you have driven the Lord’s sake. 18 My God, turn your ear
them, because of their trespass that they and hear. Open your eyes and see our
have trespassed against you. 8 Lord, desolations and the city which is called
to us belongs confusion of face, to our by your name; for we don’t present our
kings, to our princes, and to our fathers, petitions before you for our righteous-
because we have sinned against you. ness, but for your great mercies’ sake.
9 To the Lord our God belong mercies 19 Lord, hear. Lord, forgive. Lord, listen

and forgiveness; for we have rebelled and do. Don’t defer, for your own sake,
against him. 10 We haven’t obeyed Yah- my God, because your city and your peo-
weh our God’s voice, to walk in his laws, ple are called by your name.”
which he set before us by his servants
the prophets. 11 Yes, all Israel have trans- While I was speaking, praying, and

gressed your law, turning aside, that confessing my sin and the sin of my peo-
they wouldn’t obey your voice. ple Israel, and presenting my supplication
“Therefore the curse and the oath before Yahweh my God for the holy moun-
written in the law of Moses the servant tain of my God— 21 yes, while I was speak-
of God has been poured out on us; for ing in prayer, the man Gabriel, whom I
† 9:2 “Yahweh” is God’s proper Name, sometimes rendered “LORD” (all caps) in other translations.
Daniel (Greek) 9:22 1005 Daniel (Greek) 10:16

had seen in the vision at the beginning, 4 In the twenty-fourth day of the first
being caused to fly swiftly, touched me month, as I was by the side of the great
about the time of the evening offering. river, which is Hiddekel, 5 I lifted up my
22 He instructed me and talked with me, eyes and looked, and behold, there was a
and said, “Daniel, I have now come to give man clothed in linen, whose thighs were
you wisdom and understanding. 23 At the adorned with pure gold of Uphaz. 6 His
beginning of your petitions the command- body also was like beryl, and his face like
ment went out and I have come to tell you, the appearance of lightning, and his eyes
for you are greatly beloved. Therefore like flaming torches. His arms and his feet
consider the matter and understand the were like burnished bronze. The voice of
vision. his words was like the voice of a multitude.
24 “Seventy weeks are decreed on your 7 I, Daniel, alone saw the vision; for the
people and on your holy city, to finish men who were with me didn’t see the vi-
disobedience, to put an end to sin, to make sion; but a great quaking fell on them, and
reconciliation for iniquity, to bring in ever- they fled to hide themselves. 8 So I was
lasting righteousness, to seal up vision and left alone, and saw this great vision. No
prophecy, and to anoint the most holy. strength remained in me; for my face grew
25 “Know therefore and discern that deathly pale, and I retained no strength.
from the going out of the commandment 9 Yet I heard the voice of his words. When
to restore and to build Jerusalem to the I heard the voice of his words, then I fell
Anointed One,‡ the prince, will be seven into a deep sleep on my face, with my face
weeks and sixty-two weeks. It will be built toward the ground.
again with street and moat, even in trou- 10 Behold, a hand touched me, which
bled times. 26 After the sixty-two weeks set me on my knees and on the palms
the Anointed One§ will be cut off and will of my hands. 11 He said to me, “Daniel,
have nothing. The people of the prince you greatly beloved man, understand the
who come will destroy the city and the words that I speak to you. Stand upright,
sanctuary. Its end will be with a flood, and for I have been sent to you, now.” When
war will be even to the end. Desolations he had spoken this word to me, I stood
are determined. 27 He will make a firm trembling.
covenant with many for one week. In 12 Then he said to me, “Don’t be afraid,
the middle of the week he will cause the Daniel; for from the first day that you set
sacrifice and the offering to cease. On the your heart to understand, and to hum-
wing of abominations will come one who ble yourself before your God, your words
makes desolate. Even to the full end that were heard. I have come for your words’
is decreed, wrath will be poured out on the
desolate.” sake. 13 But the prince of the kingdom of
Persia withstood me twenty-one days; but,
10 behold, Michael, one of the chief princes,
1 In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia came to help me because I remained there
a revelation was revealed to Daniel, whose with the kings of Persia.
14 Now I have

name was called Belteshazzar. The reve- come to make you understand what will
lation was true, even a great warfare. He happen to your people in the latter days;
understood the revelation, and had under- for the vision is yet for many days.”
standing of the vision. 15 When he had spoken these words to
2 In those days I, Daniel, was mourning me, I set my face toward the ground, and
three whole weeks. 3 I ate no pleasant was mute. 16 Behold, one in the likeness
bread. No meat or wine came into my of the sons of men touched my lips. Then
mouth. I didn’t anoint myself at all, until I opened my mouth, and spoke and said
three whole weeks were fulfilled. to him who stood before me, “My lord,
‡ 9:25 “Anointed One” can also be translated “Messiah” (same as “Christ”). § 9:26 “Anointed One” can also be
translated “Messiah” (same as “Christ”).
Daniel (Greek) 10:17 1006 Daniel (Greek) 11:18

by reason of the vision my sorrows have and he who became her father, and he who
overtaken me, and I retain no strength. strengthened her in those times.
17 For how can the servant of my lord talk 7 “But out of a shoot from her roots one
with my lord? For as for me, immediately will stand up in his place who will come to
there remained no strength in me. There the army and will enter into the fortress of
was no breath left in me.” the king of the north, and will deal against
18 Then one like the appearance of a man them and will prevail. 8 He will also carry
touched me again, and he strengthened their gods, with their molten images and
me. 19 He said, “Greatly beloved man, don’t their precious vessels of silver and of gold,
be afraid. Peace be to you. Be strong. Yes, captive into Egypt. He will refrain some
be strong.” years from the king of the north. 9 He
When he spoke to me, I was strength- will come into the realm of the king of
ened, and said, “Let my lord speak; for you the south, but he will return into his own
have strengthened me.” land. 10 His sons will wage war and will
20 Then he said, “Do you know why I assemble a multitude of great forces which
have come to you? Now I will return to will keep coming and overflow and pass
fight with the prince of Persia. When I go through. They will return and wage war,
out, behold, the prince of Greece will come. even to his fortress.
21 But I will tell you what is inscribed in 11 “The king of the south will be moved

the writing of truth. There is no one who with anger and will come out and fight
supports me against these except Michael, with him, even with the king of the north.
your prince. He will send out a great multitude, and
the multitude will be given into his hand.
11 12 The multitude will be lifted up, and his
1 “As for me, in the first year of Darius the heart will be exalted. He will cast down
Mede, I stood up to confirm and strengthen tens of thousands, but he won’t prevail.
13 The king of the north will return, and
2 “Now I will show you the truth. Behold, will send out a multitude greater than the
three more kings will stand up in Persia. former. He will come on at the end of the
The fourth will be far richer than all of times, even of years, with a great army and
them. When he has grown strong through with abundant supplies.
his riches, he will stir up all against the 14 “In those times many will stand up
realm of Greece. 3 A mighty king will stand against the king of the south. Also the chil-
up who will rule with great dominion, and dren of the violent among your people will
do according to his will. 4 When he stands lift themselves up to establish the vision;
up, his kingdom will be broken, and will but they will fall. 15 So the king of the
be divided toward the four winds of the north will come and cast up a mound, and
sky, but not to his posterity, nor according take a well-fortified city. The forces of the
to his dominion with which he ruled; for south won’t stand, neither will his chosen
his kingdom will be plucked up, even for people, neither will there be any strength
others besides these. to stand. 16 But he who comes against him
5 “The king of the south will be strong.
will do according to his own will, and no
One of his princes will become stronger one will stand before him. He will stand in
than him and have dominion. His do- the glorious land, and destruction will be
minion will be a great dominion. 6 At in his hand. 17 He will set his face to come
the end of years they will join themselves with the strength of his whole kingdom,
together. The daughter of the king of the and with him equitable conditions. He
south will come to the king of the north will perform them. He will give him the
to make an agreement, but she will not daughter of women to corrupt her; but
retain the strength of her arm. He will also she will not stand, and won’t be for him.
not stand, nor will his arm; but she will 18 After this he will turn his face to the
be given up, with those who brought her islands, and will take many; but a prince
Daniel (Greek) 11:19 1007 Daniel (Greek) 11:41

will cause the reproach offered by him to holy covenant, and will take action. He will
cease. Yes, moreover, he will cause his even return, and have regard to those who
reproach to turn on him. 19 Then he will forsake the holy covenant.
turn his face toward the fortresses of his 31 “Forces will stand on his part and
own land; but he will stumble and fall, and they will profane the sanctuary, even the
won’t be found. fortress, and will take away the continual
20 “Then one who will cause a tax collec-
tor to pass through the kingdom to main- burnt offering. Then they will set up the
tain its glory will stand up in his place; but abomination that makes desolate. 32 He
within few days he shall be destroyed, not will corrupt those who do wickedly against
in anger, and not in battle. the covenant by flatteries; but the people
21 “In his place, a contemptible person who know their God will be strong and
take action.
will stand up, to whom they had not given 33 “Those who are wise among the people
the honor of the kingdom; but he will come will instruct many; yet they will fall by the
in time of security, and will obtain the sword and by flame, by captivity and by
kingdom by flatteries. 22 The overwhelm- plunder, many days. 34 Now when they
ing forces will be overwhelmed from be- fall, they will be helped with a little help;
fore him, and will be broken. Yes, also but many will join themselves to them with
the prince of the covenant. 23 After the
flatteries. 35 Some of those who are wise
treaty is made with him, he will work will fall, to refine them, and to purify, and
deceitfully; for he will come up, and will to make them white, even to the time of
become strong with a small people. 24 In the end; because it is yet for the appointed
time of security, he will come even on time.
the fattest places of the province. He will 36 “The king will do according to his
do that which his fathers have not done, will. He will exalt himself, and magnify
nor his fathers’ fathers. He will scatter himself above every god, and will speak
among them prey, plunder, and substance. marvelous things against the God of gods.
Yes, he will devise his plans against the He will prosper until the indignation is
strongholds, even for a time. accomplished; for what is determined will
25 “He will stir up his power and his
be done. 37 He won’t regard the gods of his
courage against the king of the south with fathers, or the desire of women, or regard
a great army; and the king of the south will any god; for he will magnify himself above
wage war in battle with an exceedingly all. 38 But in his place he will honor the god
great and mighty army; but he won’t stand, of fortresses. He will honor a god whom
for they will devise plans against him. his fathers didn’t know with gold, silver,
26 Yes, those who eat of his delicacies will
precious stones, and pleasant things. 39 He
destroy him, and his army will be swept
will deal with the strongest fortresses by
away. Many will fall down slain. 27 As for
the help of a foreign god. He will increase
both these kings, their hearts will be to do
with glory whoever acknowledges him. He
mischief, and they will speak lies at one
will cause them to rule over many, and will
table; but it won’t prosper, for the end will
divide the land for a price.
still be at the appointed time. 28 Then he 40 “At the time of the end, the king of the
will return into his land with great wealth.
His heart will be against the holy covenant. south will contend with him; and the king
He will take action and return to his own of the north will come against him like a
land. whirlwind, with chariots, with horsemen,
29 “He will return at the appointed time and with many ships. He will enter into
and come into the south; but it won’t be the countries, and will overflow and pass
in the latter time as it was in the former. through. 41 He will enter also into the glori-
30 For ships of Kittim will come against ous land, and many countries will be over-
him. Therefore he will be grieved, and will thrown; but these will be delivered out of
return, and have indignation against the his hand: Edom, Moab, and the chief of the
Daniel (Greek) 11:42 1008 Daniel (Greek) 13:9

children of Ammon. 42 He will also stretch 8 I heard, but I didn’t understand.

Then I
out his hand against the countries. The said, “My lord, what will be the outcome of
land of Egypt won’t escape. 43 But he will these things?”
have power over the treasures of gold and 9 He said, “Go your way, Daniel; for the
of silver, and over all the precious things of words are shut up and sealed until the time
Egypt. The Libyans and the Ethiopians will of the end. 10 Many will purify themselves,
be at his steps. 44 But news out of the east make themselves white, and be refined;
and out of the north will trouble him; and but the wicked will do wickedly. None of
he will go out with great fury to destroy the wicked will understand; but those who
and utterly to sweep away many. 45 He will are wise will understand.
plant the tents of his palace between the 11 “From the time that the continual
sea and the glorious holy mountain; yet he burnt offering is taken away and the
will come to his end, and no one will help abomination that makes desolate set up,
him. there will be one thousand two hundred
ninety days. 12 Blessed is he who waits and
12 comes to the one thousand three hundred
thirty-five days.
1 “At that time Michael will stand up,
13 “But go your way until the end; for you
the great prince who stands for the chil-
dren of your people. There will be a time will rest and will stand in your inheritance
of trouble, such as never was since there at the end of the days.”
was a nation even to that same time. At
that time, your people will be delivered— 13
everyone who is found written in the book.
2 Many of those who sleep in the dust of THE HISTORY OF SUSANNA
1 †A
man lived in Babylon, and his name
the earth will awake, some to everlasting was Joakim. 2 He took a wife, whose name
life, and some to shame and everlasting was Susanna, the daughter of Helkias, a
contempt. 3 Those who are wise will shine very fair woman, and one who feared the
as the brightness of the expanse. Those Lord. 3 Her parents were also righteous,
who turn many to righteousness will shine and taught their daughter according to the
like the stars forever and ever. 4 But you, law of Moses. 4 Now Joakim was a great
Daniel, shut up the words and seal the rich man, and had a beautiful garden next
book, even to the time of the end. Many to his house. The Jews used to come to him,
will run back and forth, and knowledge because he was more honorable than all
will be increased.” others. 5 The same year, two of the elders
5 Then I, Daniel, looked, and behold, two
of the people were appointed to be judges,
others stood, one on the river bank on this such as the Lord spoke of, that wickedness
side, and the other on the river bank on
that side. 6 One said to the man clothed came from Babylon from elders who were
in linen, who was above the waters of the judges, who were supposed to govern the
river, “How long will it be to the end of people. 6 These were often at Joakim’s
these wonders?” house. All that had any lawsuits came to
7 I heard the man clothed in linen, who them.
was above the waters of the river, when 7 When the people departed away at
he held up his right hand and his left hand noon, Susanna went into her husband’s
to heaven, and swore by him who lives garden to walk. 8 The two elders saw her
forever that it will be for a time, times, going in every day and walking; and they
and a half; and when they have finished were inflamed with lust for her. 9 They
breaking in pieces the power of the holy perverted their own mind and turned
people, all these things will be finished. away their eyes, that they might not look
† 13:1 The History of Susanna is translated from chapter 13 of Daniel in the Greek Septuagint. It is not found in the
traditional Hebrew text of Daniel. The History of Susanna is recognized as Deuterocanonical Scripture by the Roman
Catholic, Greek Orthodox, and Russian Orthodox Churches.
Daniel (Greek) 13:10 1009 Daniel (Greek) 13:46

to heaven, nor remember just judgments. tale, the servants were greatly ashamed;
10 And although they both were wounded for there was never such a report made of
with lust for her, yet dared not show the Susanna.
other his grief. 11 For they were ashamed 28 It came to pass on the next day,
to declare their lust, what they desired to when the people assembled to her hus-
do with her. 12 Yet they watched eagerly band Joakim, the two elders came full
from day to day to see her. 13 The one of their wicked intent against Susanna to
said to the other, “Let’s go home, now; put her to death, 29 and said before the
for it is dinner time.” 14 So when they people, “Send for Susanna, the daugh-
had gone out, they parted company, and ter of Helkias, Joakim’s wife.” So they
turning back again, they came to the same sent; 30 and she came with her father
place. After they had asked one another and mother, her children, and all her kin-
the cause, they acknowledged their lust. dred. 31 Now Susanna was a very delicate
Then they appointed a time both together, woman, and beautiful to behold. 32 These
when they might find her alone. wicked men commanded her to be un-
15 It happened, as they watched on an veiled, for she was veiled, that they might
be filled with her beauty. 33 Therefore her
opportune day, she went in as before
friends and all who saw her wept. 34 Then
with only two maids, and she desired to
the two elders stood up in the midst of the
wash herself in the garden; for it was
people and laid their hands upon her head.
hot. 16 There was nobody there except the 35 She, weeping, looked up toward heaven;
two elders who had hid themselves and
watched her. 17 Then she said to her maids, for her heart trusted in the Lord.
36 The elders said, “As we walked in the
“Bring me olive oil and ointment, and shut
the garden doors, that I may wash myself.” garden alone, this woman came in with
18 They did as she asked them and shut the two maids, shut the garden doors, and sent
garden doors, and went out themselves at the maids away. 37 Then a young man
the side doors to fetch the things that she who was hidden there came to her and lay
had commanded them. They didn’t see the with her. 38 And we, being in a corner
elders, because they were hidden. of the garden, saw this wickedness and
19 Now when the maids had gone out, the ran to them. 39 And when we saw them
together, we couldn’t hold the man; for
two elders rose up and ran to her, saying,
20 “Behold, the garden doors are shut, that he was stronger than we, and opened the
doors, and leaped out. 40 But having taken
no man can see us, and we are in love
with you. Therefore consent to us, and lie this woman, we asked who the young man
with us. 21 If you will not, we will testify was, but she would not tell us. We testify
against you, that a young man was with these things.
41 Then the assembly believed them, as
you; therefore you sent your maids away
from you.” those who were elders of the people and
22 Then Susanna sighed, and said, “I am judges; so they condemned her to death.
42 Then Susanna cried out with a loud
trapped; for if I do this thing, it is death
to me. If I don’t do it, I can’t escape your voice, and said, “O everlasting God, you
hands. 23 It is better for me to fall into your know the secrets, and know all things be-
hands, and not do it, than to sin in the sight fore they happen. 43 You know that they
of the Lord.” 24 With that Susanna cried have testified falsely against me. Behold,
with a loud voice; and the two elders cried I must die, even though I never did such
out against her. 25 Then one of them ran things as these men have maliciously in-
and opened the garden doors. vented against me.”
26 So when the servants of the house 44 The Lord heard her voice. 45 Therefore
heard the cry in the garden, they rushed in when she was led away to be put to death,
at the side door to see what had happened God raised up the holy spirit of a young
to her. 27 But when the elders had told their youth, whose name was Daniel. 46 He cried
Daniel (Greek) 13:47 1010 Daniel (Greek) 14:6

with a loud voice, “I am clear from the He answered, “Under an evergreen oak
blood of this woman!” tree.”
47 Then all the people turned them to- 59 Then Daniel said to him, “You have
ward him, and said, “What do these words also certainly lied against your own head;
that you have spoken mean?” for the angel of God waits with the sword to
48 So he, standing in the midst of them, cut you in two, that he may destroy you.”
said, “Are you all such fools, you sons of 60 With that, all the assembly cried out
Israel, that without examination or knowl- with a loud voice, and blessed God, who
edge of the truth you have condemned a saves those who hope in him. 61 Then they
daughter of Israel? 49 Return again to the arose against the two elders, for Daniel
place of judgment; for these have testified had convicted them of false testimony
falsely against her.” out of their own mouth. 62 According to
50 Therefore all the people turned again
the law of Moses they did to them what
in haste, and the elders said to him, “Come, they maliciously intended to do to their
sit down among us, and show it to us, neighbor. They put them to death, and
seeing God has given you the honor of an the innocent blood was saved the same
elder.” day. 63 Therefore Helkias and his wife
51 Then Daniel said to them, “Put them praised God for their daughter Susanna,
far apart from each another, and I will with Joakim her husband, and all the kin-
examine them.” 52 So when they were put dred, because there was no dishonesty
apart one from another, he called one of found in her. 64 And from that day forth,
them, and said to him, “O you who have Daniel had a great reputation in the sight
become old in wickedness, now your sins of the people.
have returned which you have committed
before, 53 in pronouncing unjust judgment,
condemning the innocent, and letting the 14
guilty go free; although the Lord says, ‘You
shall not kill the innocent and righteous.’ Bel and the Dragon
54 Now then, if you saw her, tell me, under
1 †King Astyages was gathered to his fa-
which tree did you see them companying thers, and Cyrus the Persian received his
kingdom. 2 Daniel lived with the king, and
He answered, “Under a mastick tree.” was honored above all his friends.
55 And Daniel said, “You have certainly 3 Now the Babylonians had an idol called
lied against your own head; for even now Bel, and every day twelve great measures
the angel of God has received the sentence of fine flour, forty sheep, and six firkins‡ of
of God and will cut you in two.” 56 So he wine were spent on it. 4 The king honored
put him aside, and commanded to bring it and went daily to worship it; but Daniel
the other, and said to him, “O you seed worshiped his own God. The king said to
of Canaan, and not of Judah, beauty has him, “Why don’t you worship Bel?”
deceived you, and lust has perverted your 5 He said, “Because I may not honor idols
heart. 57 Thus you have dealt with the
daughters of Israel, and they for fear were made with hands, but only the living God,
intimate with you; but the daughter of who has created the sky and the earth, and
Judah would not tolerate your wickedness. has sovereignty over all flesh.”
58 Now therefore tell me, under which 6 Then the king said to him, “Don’t you
tree did you take them being intimate to- think that Bel is a living god? Don’t you see
gether?” how much he eats and drinks every day?”
† 14:1 Bel and the Dragon is translated from chapter 14 of Daniel in the Greek Septuagint. It is not found in the
traditional Hebrew text of Daniel. Bel and the Dragon is recognized as Deuterocanonical Scripture by the Roman
Catholic, Greek Orthodox, and Russian Orthodox Churches. ‡ 14:3 a firkin is about 41 liters or 11 gallons.
Daniel (Greek) 14:7 1011 Daniel (Greek) 14:34

7 Then Daniel laughed, and said, “O king, 20 The king said, “I see the footsteps of
don’t be deceived; for this is just clay in- men, women, and children.” Then the king
side, and brass outside, and never ate or was angry, 21 and took the priests with
drank anything.” their wives and children, who showed him
8 So the king was angry, and called for the secret doors, where they came in and
his priests, and said to them, “If you don’t consumed the things that were on the ta-
tell me who this is who devours these ex- ble. 22 Therefore the king killed them,
penses, you shall die. 9 But if you can show and delivered Bel into Daniel’s power, who
me that Bel devours them, then Daniel overthrew it and its temple.
shall die; for he has spoken blasphemy 23 In that same place there was a great
against Bel.” dragon which the people of Babylon wor-
Daniel said to the king, “Let it be accord- shiped. 24 The king said to Daniel, “Will you
ing to your word.” also say that this is of brass? Behold, he
10 Now there were seventy priests of Bel,
lives, eats and drinks. You can’t say that he
besides their wives and children. The king is no living god. Therefore worship him.”
went with Daniel into Bel’s temple. 11 So 25 Then Daniel said, “I will worship the
Bel’s priests said, “Behold, we will leave; Lord my God; for he is a living God. 26 But
but you, O king, set out the food, and mix allow me, O king, and I will kill this dragon
the wine and set it out, shut the door se- without sword or staff.”
curely, and seal it with your own signet.
12 When you come in the morning, if you The king said, “I allow you.”
27 Then Daniel took pitch, fat, and hair,
don’t find that Bel has eaten everything,
we will suffer death, or else Daniel, who and melted them together, and made
speaks falsely against us.” lumps of them. He put these in the
13 They weren’t concerned, for under dragon’s mouth, so the dragon ate and
the table they had made a secret entrance, burst apart. Daniel said, “Behold, these are
by which they entered in continually, and the gods you all worship.”
28 When the people of Babylon heard
consumed those things. 14 It happened,
when they had gone out, the king set the that, they took great indignation, and con-
food before Bel. Now Daniel had com- spired against the king, saying, “The king
manded his servants to bring ashes, and has become a Jew. He has pulled down Bel,
they scattered them all over the temple in slain the dragon, and put the priests to the
the presence of the king alone. Then they sword.” 29 So they came to the king, and
went out, shut the door, sealed it with the said, “Deliver Daniel to us, or else we will
king’s signet, and so departed. destroy you and your house.”
15 Now in the night, the priests came with 30 Now when the king saw that they
their wives and children, as they usually trapped him, being constrained, the king
did, and ate and drank it all. 16 In the delivered Daniel to them. 31 They cast
morning, the king arose, and Daniel with him into the lion’s den, where he was six
him. 17 The king said, “Daniel, are the seals days. 32 There were seven lions in the
whole?” den, and they had been giving them two
He said, “Yes, O king, they are whole.” carcasses and two sheep every day, which
18 And as soon as he had opened the then were not given to them, intending
door, the king looked at the table, and cried that they would devour Daniel.
with a loud voice, “You are great, O Bel, and 33 Now there was in Jewry the prophet
with you is no deceit at all!” Habakkuk,§ who had made stew, and
19 Then Daniel laughed, and held the
had broken bread into a bowl. He was
king that he should not go in, and said, going into the field to bring it to the
“Behold now the pavement, and mark well reapers. 34 But the angel of the Lord said to
whose footsteps these are.” Habakkuk, “Go carry the dinner that you
§ 14:33 Gr. Ambakoum.
Daniel (Greek) 14:35 1012 Daniel (Greek) 14:42

have into Babylon to Daniel, in the lions’

35 Habakkuk said, “Lord, I never saw
Babylon. I don’t know where the den is.”
36 Then the angel of the Lord took him by
the crown, and lifted him up by the hair of
his head, and with the blast of his breath
set him in Babylon over the den.
37 Habakkuk cried, saying, “O Daniel,
Daniel, take the dinner which God has sent
38 Daniel said, “You have remembered
me, O God! You haven’t forsaken those
who love you!” 39 So Daniel arose and
ate; and the angel of God set Habakkuk in
his own place again immediately. 40 On
the seventh day, the king came to mourn
for Daniel. When he came to the den, he
looked in, and, behold, Daniel was sitting.
41 Then the king cried with a loud voice,
saying, “Great are you, O Lord, you God
of Daniel, and there is none other beside
you!” 42 So he drew him out, and cast those
that were the cause of his destruction into
the den; and they were devoured in a mo-
ment before his face.
Hosea 1:1 1013 Hosea 2:9

go up from the land; for great will be the

day of Jezreel.
The Book of
Hosea 2
1 “Say to your brothers, ‘My people!’†
1 Yahweh’s† word that came to Hosea the and to your sisters, ‘My loved one!’‡
son of Beeri, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, 2 Contend with your mother!
Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and in Contend, for she is not my wife,
the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash, king neither am I her husband;
of Israel. and let her put away her prostitution from
2 When Yahweh spoke at first by Hosea,
her face,
Yahweh said to Hosea, “Go, take for your- and her adulteries from between her
self a wife of prostitution and children of breasts;
unfaithfulness; for the land commits great 3 lest I strip her naked,
adultery, forsaking Yahweh.” and make her bare as in the day that
3 So he went and took Gomer the daugh- she was born,
ter of Diblaim; and she conceived, and and make her like a wilderness,
bore him a son. and set her like a dry land,
4 Yahweh said to him, “Call his name and kill her with thirst.
4 Indeed, on her children I will have no
Jezreel, for yet a little while, and I will
avenge the blood of Jezreel on the house mercy,
of Jehu, and will cause the kingdom of the for they are children of unfaithful-
house of Israel to cease. 5 It will happen in 5 For their mother has played the prosti-
that day that I will break the bow of Israel tute.
in the valley of Jezreel.” She who conceived them has done
6 She conceived again, and bore a daugh- shamefully;
ter. for she said, ‘I will go after my lovers,
Then he said to him, “Call her name Lo- who give me my bread and my water,
Ruhamah,‡ for I will no longer have mercy my wool and my flax,
on the house of Israel, that I should in my oil and my drink.’
any way pardon them. 7 But I will have 6 Therefore behold,§ I will hedge up your
mercy on the house of Judah, and will save way with thorns,
them by Yahweh their God,§ and will not and I will build a wall against her,
save them by bow, sword, battle, horses, or that she can’t find her way.
horsemen.” 7 She will follow after her lovers,
8 Now when she had weaned Lo-
but she won’t overtake them;
Ruhamah, she conceived, and bore a son. and she will seek them,
9 He said, “Call his name Lo-Ammi,† for
but won’t find them.
you are not my people, and I will not be Then she will say, ‘I will go and return to
yours. 10 Yet the number of the children of my first husband,
Israel will be as the sand of the sea, which for then it was better with me than
can’t be measured or counted; and it will now.’
come to pass that, in the place where it 8 For she didn’t know that I gave her the
was said to them, ‘You are not my people,’ grain, the new wine, and the oil,
they will be called ‘sons of the living God.’ and multiplied to her silver and gold,
11 The children of Judah and the children of which they used for Baal.
Israel will be gathered together, and they 9 Therefore I will take back my grain in its
will appoint themselves one head, and will time,
† 1:1 “Yahweh” is God’s proper Name, sometimes rendered “LORD” (all caps) in other translations. ‡ 1:6
Lo-Ruhamah means “not loved”. § 1:7 The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim). † 1:9 Lo-Ammi
means “not my people”. † 2:1 ‘Ammi’ in Hebrew ‡ 2:1 ‘Ruhamah’ in Hebrew § 2:6 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.
Hosea 2:10 1014 Hosea 4:2

and my new wine in its season, 19 I will betroth you to me forever.

and will pluck away my wool and my Yes, I will betroth you to me in righ-
flax which should have covered her teousness, in justice, in loving kind-
nakedness. ness, and in compassion.
10 Now I will uncover her lewdness in the 20 I will even betroth you to me in faithful-
sight of her lovers, ness;
and no one will deliver her out of my and you shall know Yahweh.
hand. 21 It will happen in that day, that I will
11 I will also cause all her celebrations to
cease: respond,” says Yahweh.
her feasts, her new moons, her Sab- “I will respond to the heavens,
baths, and all her solemn assem- and they will respond to the earth;
blies. 22 and the earth will respond to the
12 I will lay waste her vines and her fig grain, and the new wine, and the oil;
trees, and they will respond to Jezreel.
about which she has said, ‘These are 23 I will sow her to me in the earth;
my wages that my lovers have given and I will have mercy on her who had
me,’ not obtained mercy;
and I will make them a forest,
and I will tell those who were not my
and the animals of the field shall eat
them. people, ‘You are my people;’
13 I will visit on her the days of the Baals, and they will say, ‘You are My God!’ ”
to which she burned incense
when she decked herself with her earrings 3
and her jewels, Yahweh said to me, “Go again, love a

and went after her lovers woman loved by another, and an adulter-
and forgot me,” says Yahweh. ess, even as Yahweh loves the children of
14 “Therefore behold, I will allure her, Israel, though they turn to other gods, and
and bring her into the wilderness, love cakes of raisins.”
2 So I bought her for myself for fifteen
and speak tenderly to her.
15 I will give her vineyards from there, pieces of silver and a homer† and a half
and the valley of Achor for a door of of barley. 3 I said to her, “You shall stay
hope; with me many days. You shall not play the
and she will respond there prostitute, and you shall not be with any
as in the days of her youth, other man. I will also be so toward you.”
4 For the children of Israel shall live
and as in the day when she came up
many days without king, without prince,
out of the land of Egypt.
16 It will be in that day,” says Yahweh, without sacrifice, without sacred stone,
and without ephod or idols. 5 Afterward
“that you will call me ‘my husband,’ the children of Israel shall return and seek
and no longer call me ‘my master.’ Yahweh their God, and David their king,
17 For I will take away the names of the
and shall come with trembling to Yahweh
Baals out of her mouth, and to his blessings in the last days.
and they will no longer be mentioned
by name.
18 In that day I will make a covenant for
Hear Yahweh’s word, you children of
them with the animals of the field, Israel,
and with the birds of the sky, for Yahweh has a charge against the
and with the creeping things of the inhabitants of the land:
ground. “Indeed there is no truth, nor goodness,
I will break the bow, the sword, and the nor knowledge of God in the land.
battle out of the land, 2 There is cursing, lying, murder, stealing,
and will make them lie down safely. and committing adultery;
† 3:2 1 homer is about 220 liters or 6 bushels
Hosea 4:3 1015 Hosea 5:4

they break boundaries, and blood- because its shade is good.

shed causes bloodshed. Therefore your daughters play the prosti-
3 Therefore the land will mourn, tute,
and everyone who dwells in it will and your brides commit adultery.
waste away, 14 I will not punish your daughters when
with all living things in her, they play the prostitute,
even the animals of the field and the nor your brides when they commit
birds of the sky; adultery;
yes, the fish of the sea also die. because the men consort with prostitutes,
4 “Yet let no man bring a charge, neither let and they sacrifice with the shrine
any man accuse; prostitutes;
for your people are like those who so the people without understanding
bring charges against a priest. will come to ruin.
5 You will stumble in the day, 15 “Though you, Israel, play the prostitute,
and the prophet will also stumble with yet don’t let Judah offend;
you in the night; and don’t come to Gilgal,
and I will destroy your mother. neither go up to Beth Aven,
6 My people are destroyed for lack of
nor swear, ‘As Yahweh lives.’
knowledge. 16 For Israel has behaved extremely stub-
Because you have rejected knowledge, bornly, like a stubborn heifer.
I will also reject you, Then how will Yahweh feed them like
that you may be no priest to me. a lamb in a meadow?
17 Ephraim is joined to idols.
Because you have forgotten your God’s
law, Leave him alone!
18 Their drink has become sour.
I will also forget your children.
7 As they were multiplied, so they sinned They play the prostitute continually.
against me. Her rulers dearly love their shameful
I will change their glory into shame. 19 The wind has wrapped her up in its
8 They feed on the sin of my people,
and set their heart on their iniquity. and they shall be disappointed be-
9 It will be like people, like priest;
cause of their sacrifices.
and I will punish them for their ways,
and will repay them for their deeds.
10 They will eat, and not have enough. 5
1 “Listen to this, you priests!
They will play the prostitute, and will
not increase; Listen, house of Israel,
because they have abandoned listen- and give ear, house of the king!
ing to Yahweh. For the judgment is against you;
11 Prostitution, wine, and new wine take for you have been a snare at Mizpah,
away understanding. and a net spread on Tabor.
12 My people consult with their 2 The rebels are deep in slaughter,
wooden idol, but I discipline all of them.
and answer to a stick of wood. 3 I know Ephraim,
Indeed the spirit of prostitution has led and Israel is not hidden from me;
them astray, for now, Ephraim, you have played the
and they have been unfaithful to their prostitute.
God. Israel is defiled.
13 They sacrifice on the tops of the moun- 4 Their deeds won’t allow them to turn to
tains, their God,
and burn incense on the hills, under for the spirit of prostitution is within
oaks, poplars, and terebinths, them,
Hosea 5:5 1016 Hosea 6:11

and they don’t know Yahweh. In their affliction they will seek me
5 The pride of Israel testifies to his face. earnestly.”
Therefore Israel and Ephraim will
stumble in their iniquity.
Judah also will stumble with them. 6
1 “Come! Let’s return to Yahweh;
6 They will go with their flocks and with
for he has torn us to pieces,
their herds to seek Yahweh,
but they won’t find him. and he will heal us;
He has withdrawn himself from them. he has injured us,
7 They are unfaithful to Yahweh; and he will bind up our wounds.
2 After two days he will revive us.
for they have borne illegitimate chil-
dren. On the third day he will raise us up,
Now the new moon will devour them and we will live before him.
with their fields. 3 Let’s acknowledge Yahweh.
Let’s press on to know Yahweh.
8 “Blow the cornet in Gibeah,
As surely as the sun rises,
and the trumpet in Ramah! Yahweh will appear.
Sound a battle cry at Beth Aven, be- He will come to us like the rain,
hind you, Benjamin! like the spring rain that waters the
9 Ephraim will become a desolation in the
day of rebuke.
Among the tribes of Israel, I have 4 “Ephraim, what shall I do to you?
made known that which will surely Judah, what shall I do to you?
be. For your love is like a morning cloud,
10 The princes of Judah are like those who and like the dew that disappears early.
remove a landmark. 5 Therefore I have cut them to pieces with
I will pour out my wrath on them like the prophets;
water. I killed them with the words of my
11 Ephraim is oppressed,
he is crushed in judgment, Your judgments are like a flash of light-
because he is intent in his pursuit of ning.
idols. 6 For I desire mercy, and not sacrifice;
12 Therefore I am to Ephraim like a moth,
and the knowledge of God more than
and to the house of Judah like rotten-
ness. burnt offerings.
7 But they, like Adam, have broken the
13 “When Ephraim saw his sickness, covenant.
and Judah his wound, They were unfaithful to me there.
8 Gilead is a city of those who work iniq-
then Ephraim went to Assyria,
and sent to King Jareb: uity;
but he is not able to heal you, it is stained with blood.
9 As gangs of robbers wait to ambush a
neither will he cure you of your man,
wound. so the company of priests murder on
14 For I will be to Ephraim like a lion,
the path toward Shechem,
and like a young lion to the house of committing shameful crimes.
Judah. 10 In the house of Israel I have seen a horri-
I myself will tear in pieces and go away. ble thing.
I will carry off, and there will be no There is prostitution in Ephraim.
one to deliver. Israel is defiled.
15 I will go and return to my place,
until they acknowledge their offense, 11 “Also, Judah, there is a harvest ap-
and seek my face. pointed for you,
Hosea 7:1 1017 Hosea 8:5

when I restore the fortunes of my peo- 11 “Ephraim is like an easily deceived dove,
ple. without understanding.
They call to Egypt.
7 They go to Assyria.
12 When they go, I will spread my net on
1 When I would heal Israel,
then the iniquity of Ephraim is uncov- them.
ered, I will bring them down like the birds of
also the wickedness of Samaria; the sky.
for they commit falsehood, I will chastise them, as their congrega-
and the thief enters in, tion has heard.
and the gang of robbers ravages out- 13 Woe to them!
side. For they have wandered from me.
2 They don’t consider in their hearts that I Destruction to them!
remember all their wickedness. For they have trespassed against me.
Now their own deeds have engulfed Though I would redeem them,
them. yet they have spoken lies against me.
They are before my face. 14 They haven’t cried to me with their
3 They make the king glad with their heart,
wickedness, but they howl on their beds.
and the princes with their lies. They assemble themselves for grain and
4 They are all adulterers. new wine.
They are burning like an oven that the They turn away from me.
baker stops stirring, 15 Though I have taught and strengthened
from the kneading of the dough, until their arms,
it is leavened. yet they plot evil against me.
5 On the day of our king, the princes made 16 They return, but not to the Most High.
themselves sick with the heat of They are like a faulty bow.
wine. Their princes will fall by the sword for
He joined his hand with mockers. the rage of their tongue.
6 For they have prepared their heart like an
This will be their derision in the land
oven, of Egypt.
while they lie in wait.
Their anger smolders all night.
In the morning it burns as a flaming 8
fire. 1 “Put the trumpet to your lips!
7 They are all hot as an oven,
Something like an eagle is over Yah-
and devour their judges. weh’s house,
All their kings have fallen. because they have broken my
There is no one among them who calls covenant
to me. and rebelled against my law.
8 Ephraim mixes himself among the na- 2 They cry to me, ‘My God, we, Israel, ac-
tions. knowledge you!’
Ephraim is a pancake not turned over. 3 Israel has cast off that which is good.
9 Strangers have devoured his strength, The enemy will pursue him.
and he doesn’t realize it. 4 They have set up kings, but not by me.
Indeed, gray hairs are here and there on They have made princes, and I didn’t
him, approve.
and he doesn’t realize it. Of their silver and their gold they have
10 The pride of Israel testifies to his face; made themselves idols,
yet they haven’t returned to Yahweh that they may be cut off.
their God, 5 Let Samaria throw out his calf idol!
nor sought him, for all this. My anger burns against them!
Hosea 8:6 1018 Hosea 9:10

How long will it be until they are capa- You love the wages of a prostitute at
ble of purity? every grain threshing floor.
6 For this is even from Israel! 2 The threshing floor and the wine press
The workman made it, and it is no won’t feed them,
God; and the new wine will fail her.
indeed, the calf of Samaria shall be 3 They won’t dwell in Yahweh’s land;
broken in pieces. but Ephraim will return to Egypt,
7 For they sow the wind,
and they will eat unclean food in As-
and they will reap the whirlwind. syria.
He has no standing grain. 4 They won’t pour out wine offerings to
The stalk will yield no head. Yahweh,
If it does yield, strangers will swallow neither will they be pleasing to him.
it up. Their sacrifices will be to them like the
8 Israel is swallowed up. bread of mourners;
Now they are among the nations like a all who eat of it will be polluted;
worthless thing. for their bread will be for their ap-
9 For they have gone up to Assyria, petite.
like a wild donkey wandering alone. It will not come into Yahweh’s house.
Ephraim has hired lovers for himself. 5 What will you do in the day of solemn
10 But although they sold themselves assembly,
among the nations, and in the day of the feast of Yahweh?
I will now gather them; 6 For, behold, when they flee destruction,
and they begin to waste away because Egypt will gather them up.
of the oppression of the king of Memphis will bury them.
mighty ones. Nettles will possess their pleasant
11 Because Ephraim has multiplied altars things of silver.
for sinning, Thorns will be in their tents.
they became for him altars for sin- 7 The days of visitation have come.
ning. The days of reckoning have come.
12 I wrote for him the many things of my Israel will consider the prophet to be a fool,
law, and the man who is inspired to be
but they were regarded as a strange insane,
thing. because of the abundance of your sins,
13 As for the sacrifices of my offerings, and because your hostility is great.
they sacrifice meat and eat it, 8 A prophet watches over Ephraim with my
but Yahweh doesn’t accept them. God.
Now he will remember their iniquity, A fowler’s snare is on all of his paths,
and punish their sins. and hostility in the house of his God.
They will return to Egypt. 9 They have deeply corrupted themselves,
14 For Israel has forgotten his Maker and as in the days of Gibeah.
built palaces; He will remember their iniquity.
and Judah has multiplied fortified He will punish them for their sins.
cities; 10 I found Israel like grapes in the wilder-
but I will send a fire on his cities, ness.
and it will devour its fortresses.” I saw your fathers as the first ripe in
the fig tree at its first season;
but they came to Baal Peor, and con-
1 Don’t rejoice, Israel, to jubilation like
secrated themselves to the shameful
the nations; and became abominable like that
for you were unfaithful to your God. which they loved.
Hosea 9:11 1019 Hosea 10:13

11 As for Ephraim, their glory will fly away Therefore judgment springs up like
like a bird. poisonous weeds in the furrows of
There will be no birth, no one with the field.
child, and no conception. 5 The inhabitants of Samaria will be in
12 Though they bring up their children, terror for the calves of Beth Aven,
yet I will bereave them, so that not a for its people will mourn over it,
man shall be left. along with its priests who rejoiced
Indeed, woe also to them when I de- over it,
part from them! for its glory, because it has departed
13 I have seen Ephraim, like Tyre, planted from it.
6 It also will be carried to Assyria for a
in a pleasant place; present to a great king.
but Ephraim will bring out his chil- Ephraim will receive shame,
dren to the murderer. and Israel will be ashamed of his own
14 Give them—Yahweh what will you give?
Give them a miscarrying womb and 7 Samaria and her king float away
dry breasts. like a twig on the water.
8 The high places also of Aven, the sin of
15 “All their wickedness is in Gilgal; Israel, will be destroyed.
for there I hated them. The thorn and the thistle will come up
Because of the wickedness of their on their altars.
deeds, I will drive them out of my They will tell the mountains, “Cover
house! us!” and the hills, “Fall on us!”
I will love them no more.
All their princes are rebels. 9 “Israel, you have sinned from the days of
16 Ephraim is struck. Gibeah.
Their root has dried up. There they remained.
They will bear no fruit. The battle against the children of
Even though they give birth, yet I will iniquity doesn’t overtake them in
kill the beloved ones of their womb.” 10 Gibeah.
When it is my desire, I will chastise them;
17 My God will cast them away, because and the nations will be gathered
they didn’t listen to him; against them
and they will be wanderers among the when they are bound to their two
nations. transgressions.
11 Ephraim is a trained heifer that loves to

10 so
I will put a yoke on her beautiful
1 Israel is a luxuriant vine that produces
his fruit. I will set a rider on Ephraim.
According to the abundance of his Judah will plow.
fruit he has multiplied his altars. Jacob will break his clods.
As their land has prospered, they have 12 Sow to yourselves in righteousness,
adorned their sacred stones. reap according to kindness.
2 Their heart is divided.
Now they will be found guilty. Break up your fallow ground,
He will demolish their altars. for it is time to seek Yahweh,
He will destroy their sacred stones. until he comes and rains righteous-
ness on you.
3 Surely now they will say, “We have no 13
You have plowed wickedness.
king; for we don’t fear Yahweh; You have reaped iniquity.
and the king, what can he do for us?” You have eaten the fruit of lies,
4 They make promises, swearing falsely in for you trusted in your way, in the
making covenants. multitude of your mighty men.
Hosea 10:14 1020 Hosea 12:8

14 Therefore a battle roar will arise among for I am God, and not man—the Holy
your people, One among you.
and all your fortresses will be de- I will not come in wrath.
stroyed, 10 They will walk after Yahweh,
as Shalman destroyed Beth Arbel in who will roar like a lion;
the day of battle. for he will roar, and the children will
The mother was dashed in pieces with come trembling from the west.
11 They will come trembling like a bird out
her children.
15 So Bethel will do to you because of your of Egypt,
great wickedness. and like a dove out of the land of As-
At daybreak the king of Israel will be syria;
destroyed. and I will settle them in their houses,” says

1 “When
11 12 Ephraim surrounds me with falsehood,
Israel was a child, then I loved and the house of Israel with deceit.
him, Judah still strays from God,
and called my son out of Egypt. and is unfaithful to the Holy One.
2 They called to them, so they went from
They sacrificed to the Baals,
1 Ephraim feeds on wind,
and burned incense to engraved im- and chases the east wind.
ages. He continually multiplies lies and des-
3 Yet I taught Ephraim to walk.
I took them by their arms, They make a covenant with Assyria,
but they didn’t know that I healed and oil is carried into Egypt.
them. 2 Yahweh also has a controversy with Ju-
4 I drew them with cords of a man, with ties
of love; and will punish Jacob according to his
and I was to them like those who lift up ways;
the yoke on their necks; according to his deeds he will repay
and I bent down to him and I fed him. him.
3 In the womb he took his brother by the
5 “They won’t return into the land of Egypt;
but the Assyrian will be their king, and in his manhood he contended
because they refused to repent. with God.
6 The sword will fall on their cities, 4 Indeed, he struggled with the angel, and
and will destroy the bars of their gates, prevailed;
and will put an end to their plans. he wept, and made supplication to
7 My people are determined to turn from
me. He found him at Bethel, and there he
Though they call to the Most High, spoke with us—
he certainly won’t exalt them. 5 even Yahweh, the God of Armies.

8 “How can I give you up, Ephraim?

Yahweh is his name of renown!
6 Therefore turn to your God.
How can I hand you over, Israel? Keep kindness and justice,
How can I make you like Admah? and wait continually for your God.
How can I make you like Zeboiim?
My heart is turned within me, 7 A merchant has dishonest scales in his
my compassion is aroused. hand.
9 I will not execute the fierceness of my He loves to defraud.
anger. 8 Ephraim said, “Surely I have become rich.
I will not return to destroy Ephraim, I have found myself wealth.
Hosea 12:9 1021 Hosea 13:16

In all my wealth they won’t find in me and you shall acknowledge no god but
any iniquity that is sin.” me,
and besides me there is no savior.
9 “But I am Yahweh your God from the land 5 I knew you in the wilderness,

of Egypt. in the land of great drought.

6 According to their pasture, so were they
I will yet again make you dwell in
tents, filled;
as in the days of the solemn feast. they were filled, and their heart was
10 I have also spoken to the prophets, exalted.
and I have multiplied visions; Therefore they have forgotten me.
and by the ministry of the prophets I 7 Therefore I am like a lion to them.
have used parables. Like a leopard, I will lurk by the path.
11 If Gilead is wicked, 8 I will meet them like a bear that is be-
surely they are worthless. reaved of her cubs,
In Gilgal they sacrifice bulls. and will tear the covering of their
Indeed, their altars are like heaps in heart.
There I will devour them like a lioness.
the furrows of the field. The wild animal will tear them.
12 Jacob fled into the country of Aram. 9 You are destroyed, Israel, because you are
Israel served to get a wife. against me,
For a wife he tended flocks and herds. against your helper.
13 By a prophet Yahweh brought Israel up
10 Where is your king now, that he may
out of Egypt,
save you in all your cities?
and by a prophet he was preserved.
14 Ephraim has bitterly provoked anger. And your judges, of whom you said,
‘Give me a king and princes’?
Therefore his blood will be left on him, 11 I have given you a king in my anger,
and his Lord† will repay his contempt.
and have taken him away in my wrath.
13 12 The guilt of Ephraim is stored up.
1 When Ephraim spoke, there was trem- His sin is stored up.
bling. 13 The sorrows of a travailing woman will
He exalted himself in Israel, come on him.
but when he became guilty through He is an unwise son,
Baal, he died. for when it is time, he doesn’t come to
2 Now they sin more and more, the opening of the womb.
14 I will ransom them from the power of
and have made themselves molten im-
ages of their silver, Sheol.†
even idols according to their own un- I will redeem them from death!
derstanding, Death, where are your plagues?
all of them the work of the craftsmen. Sheol, where is your destruction?
They say of them, ‘They offer human
sacrifice and kiss the calves.’ “Compassion will be hidden from my eyes.
3 Therefore they will be like the morning 15 Though he is fruitful among his
mist, brothers, an east wind will come,
like the dew that passes away early, the breath of Yahweh coming up from
like the chaff that is driven with the the wilderness;
whirlwind out of the threshing and his spring will become dry,
floor, and his fountain will be dried up.
and like the smoke out of the chimney. He will plunder the storehouse of trea-
4 “Yet I am Yahweh your God from the land 16 Samaria will bear her guilt,
of Egypt; for she has rebelled against her God.
† 12:14 The word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.” † 13:14 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Hosea 14:1 1022 Hosea 14:9

They will fall by the sword.

Their infants will be dashed in pieces,
and their pregnant women will be
ripped open.”

1 Israel, return to Yahweh your God;
for you have fallen because of your
2 Take words with you, and return to Yah-
Tell him, “Forgive all our sins,
and accept that which is good;
so we offer bulls as we vowed of our
3 Assyria can’t save us.
We won’t ride on horses;
neither will we say any more to the
work of our hands, ‘Our gods!’
for in you the fatherless finds mercy.”
4 “I will heal their waywardness.
I will love them freely;
for my anger is turned away from
5 I will be like the dew to Israel.
He will blossom like the lily,
and send down his roots like Lebanon.
6 His branches will spread,
and his beauty will be like the olive
and his fragrance like Lebanon.
7 Men will dwell in his shade.
They will revive like the grain,
and blossom like the vine.
Their fragrance will be like the wine of
8 Ephraim, what have I to do any more with
I answer, and will take care of him.
I am like a green cypress tree;
from me your fruit is found.”
9 Who is wise, that he may understand
these things?
Who is prudent, that he may know
For the ways of Yahweh are right,
and the righteous walk in them,
but the rebellious stumble in them.
Joel 1:1 1023 Joel 1:20

for the harvest of the field has per-

The Book of 12 The vine has dried up, and the fig tree
Joel withered—
the pomegranate tree, the palm tree
1Yahweh’s† word that came to Joel, the also, and the apple tree,
son of Pethuel. even all of the trees of the field are
2 Hear this, you elders, withered;
and listen, all you inhabitants of the for joy has withered away from the
land! sons of men.
Has this ever happened in your days, 13 Put on sackcloth and mourn, you priests!
or in the days of your fathers? Wail, you ministers of the altar.
3 Tell your children about it,
Come, lie all night in sackcloth, you minis-
and have your children tell their chil- ters of my God,‡
dren, for the meal offering and the drink of-
and their children, another genera-
fering are withheld from your God’s
4 What the swarming locust has left, the house.
14 Sanctify a fast.
great locust has eaten.
What the great locust has left, the Call a solemn assembly.
grasshopper has eaten. Gather the elders and all the inhab-
What the grasshopper has left, the itants of the land to the house of
Yahweh, your God,
caterpillar has eaten. and cry to Yahweh.
5 Wake up, you drunkards, and weep!
15 Alas for the day!
Wail, all you drinkers of wine, because
of the sweet wine, For the day of Yahweh is at hand,
for it is cut off from your mouth. and it will come as destruction from
6 For a nation has come up on my land, the Almighty.
16 Isn’t the food cut off before our eyes,
strong, and without number.
His teeth are the teeth of a lion, joy and gladness from the house of our
and he has the fangs of a lioness. God?
7 He has laid my vine waste, 17 The seeds rot under their clods.
and stripped my fig tree. The granaries are laid desolate.
He has stripped its bark, and thrown it The barns are broken down, for the
away. grain has withered.
Its branches are made white. 18 How the animals groan!
8 Mourn like a virgin dressed in sackcloth
The herds of livestock are perplexed,
for the husband of her youth! because they have no pasture.
9 The meal offering and the drink offering
Yes, the flocks of sheep are made deso-
are cut off from Yahweh’s house. late.
The priests, Yahweh’s ministers, 19 Yahweh, I cry to you,
10 The field is laid waste. for the fire has devoured the pastures
The land mourns, for the grain is de- of the wilderness,
stroyed, and the flame has burned all the trees
The new wine has dried up, of the field.
and the oil languishes. 20 Yes, the animals of the field pant to you,
11 Be confounded, you farmers! for the water brooks have dried up,
Wail, you vineyard keepers, and the fire has devoured the pastures
for the wheat and for the barley; of the wilderness.
† 1:1 “Yahweh” is God’s proper Name, sometimes rendered “LORD” (all caps) in other translations. ‡ 1:13 The
Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim).
Joel 2:1 1024 Joel 2:19

2 11 Yahweh thunders his voice before his

1 Blow the trumpet in Zion, army,
and sound an alarm in my holy moun- for his forces are very great;
tain! for he is strong who obeys his com-
Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, mand;
for the day of Yahweh comes, for the day of Yahweh is great and very
for it is close at hand: awesome,
2 A day of darkness and gloominess, and who can endure it?
12 “Yet even now,” says Yahweh, “turn to
a day of clouds and thick darkness.
me with all your heart,
As the dawn spreading on the mountains,
and with fasting, and with weeping,
a great and strong people;
and with mourning.”
there has never been the like, 13 Tear your heart and not your garments,
neither will there be any more after
them, and turn to Yahweh, your God;
even to the years of many generations. for he is gracious and merciful,
3 A fire devours before them, slow to anger, and abundant in loving
and behind them, a flame burns. kindness,
The land is as the garden of Eden before and relents from sending calamity.
14 Who knows? He may turn and relent,
and behind them, a desolate wilder- and leave a blessing behind him,
ness. even a meal offering and a drink offer-
Yes, and no one has escaped them. ing to Yahweh, your God.
4 Their appearance is as the appearance of 15 Blow the trumpet in Zion!

horses, Sanctify a fast.

and they run as horsemen. Call a solemn assembly.
5 Like the noise of chariots on the tops of 16 Gather the people.
the mountains, they leap, Sanctify the assembly.
like the noise of a flame of fire that Assemble the elders.
devours the stubble, Gather the children, and those who
like a strong people set in battle array. nurse from breasts.
6 At their presence the peoples are in an- Let the bridegroom go out of his room,
guish. and the bride out of her chamber.
17 Let the priests, the ministers of Yahweh,
All faces have grown pale. weep between the porch and the
7 They run like mighty men.
They climb the wall like warriors. and let them say, “Spare your people,
They each march in his line, and they Yahweh,
don’t swerve off course. and don’t give your heritage to re-
8 One doesn’t jostle another.
They each march in their own path. that the nations should rule over
They burst through the defenses them.
and don’t break ranks. Why should they say among the peoples,
9 They rush on the city. ‘Where is their God?’ ”
18 Then Yahweh was jealous for his land,
They run on the wall.
They climb up into the houses. and had pity on his people.
19 Yahweh answered his people,
They enter in at the windows like
thieves. “Behold,† I will send you grain, new
10 The earth quakes before them. wine, and oil,
The heavens tremble. and you will be satisfied with them;
The sun and the moon are darkened, and I will no more make you a re-
and the stars withdraw their shining. proach among the nations.
† 2:19 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.
Joel 2:20 1025 Joel 3:5

20 But I will remove the northern army far Your old men will dream dreams.
away from you, Your young men will see visions.
and will drive it into a barren and 29 And also on the servants and on the
desolate land, handmaids in those days,
its front into the eastern sea, I will pour out my Spirit.
and its back into the western sea; 30 I will show wonders in the heavens and
and its stench will come up, in the earth:
and its bad smell will rise.” blood, fire, and pillars of smoke.
Surely he has done great things. 31 The sun will be turned into darkness,
21 Land, don’t be afraid.
and the moon into blood,
Be glad and rejoice, for Yahweh has before the great and terrible day of
done great things. Yahweh comes.
22 Don’t be afraid, you animals of the field; 32 It will happen that whoever will call on
for the pastures of the wilderness Yahweh’s name shall be saved;
spring up, for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem
for the tree bears its fruit. there will be those who escape,
The fig tree and the vine yield their as Yahweh has said,
strength. and among the remnant, those whom
23 “Be glad then, you children of Zion, Yahweh calls.
and rejoice in Yahweh, your God;
for he gives you the early rain in just
measure, 3
1 “For, behold, in those days,
and he causes the rain to come down
for you, and in that time,
the early rain and the latter rain, as when I restore the fortunes of Judah
before. and Jerusalem,
24 The threshing floors will be full of wheat, 2
I will gather all nations,
and the vats will overflow with new and will bring them down into the
wine and oil. valley of Jehoshaphat;
25 I will restore to you the years that the
and I will execute judgment on them
swarming locust has eaten,
there for my people,
the great locust, the grasshopper, and
and for my heritage, Israel, whom
the caterpillar,
they have scattered among the na-
my great army, which I sent among
you. tions.
26 You will have plenty to eat and be satis- They have divided my land,
3 and have cast lots for my people,
and will praise the name of Yahweh, and have given a boy for a prostitute,
your God, and sold a girl for wine, that they may
who has dealt wondrously with you; drink.
and my people will never again be 4
“Yes, and what are you to me, Tyre and
27 You will know that I am among Israel, Sidon,
and all the regions of Philistia?
and that I am Yahweh, your God, and
there is no one else; Will you repay me?
and my people will never again be And if you repay me,
disappointed. I will swiftly and speedily return your
repayment on your own head.
28 “It will happen afterward, that I will 5 Because you have taken my silver and my
pour out my Spirit on all flesh; gold,
and your sons and your daughters will and have carried my finest treasures
prophesy. into your temples,
Joel 3:6 1026 Joel 3:21

and have sold the children of Judah

6 and a stronghold to the children of
and the children of Jerusalem to the Israel.
17 “So you will know that I am Yahweh,
sons of the Greeks,
that you may remove them far from your God,
their border. dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain.
7 Behold, I will stir them up out of the place Then Jerusalem will be holy,
where you have sold them, and no strangers will pass through her
and will return your repayment on any more.
18 It will happen in that day,
your own head;
8 and I will sell your sons and your daugh- that the mountains will drop down
ters into the hands of the children of sweet wine,
Judah, the hills will flow with milk,
and they will sell them to the men of all the brooks of Judah will flow with
Sheba, waters;
to a faraway nation, and a fountain will flow out from Yah-
weh’s house,
for Yahweh has spoken it.” and will water the valley of Shittim.
19 Egypt will be a desolation
9 Proclaim this among the nations:
and Edom will be a desolate wilder-
“Prepare for war! ness,
Stir up the mighty men. for the violence done to the children of
Let all the warriors draw near. Judah,
Let them come up. 10 Beat your plow- because they have shed innocent
shares into swords, blood in their land.
and your pruning hooks into spears. 20 But Judah will be inhabited forever,
Let the weak say, ‘I am strong.’ and Jerusalem from generation to gen-
11 Hurry and come, all you surrounding eration.
nations, 21 I will cleanse their blood
and gather yourselves together.” that I have not cleansed,
Cause your mighty ones to come down for Yahweh dwells in Zion.”
there, Yahweh.
12 “Let the nations arouse themselves,
and come up to the valley of Je-
for there I will sit to judge all the sur-
rounding nations.
13 Put in the sickle;
for the harvest is ripe.
Come, tread, for the wine press is full,
the vats overflow, for their wicked-
ness is great.”
14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of
For the day of Yahweh is near in the
valley of decision.
15 The sun and the moon are darkened,
and the stars withdraw their shining.
16 Yahweh will roar from Zion,
and thunder from Jerusalem;
and the heavens and the earth will
but Yahweh will be a refuge to his
Amos 1:1 1027 Amos 2:2

9 Yahweh says:
“For three transgressions of Tyre, yes, for
The Book of four,
Amos I will not turn away its punishment;
because they delivered up the whole
1 The words of Amos, who was among community to Edom,
the herdsmen of Tekoa, which he saw con- and didn’t remember the brotherly
cerning Israel in the days of Uzziah king of covenant;
Judah and in the days of Jeroboam the son 10 but I will send a fire on the wall of Tyre,
of Joash, king of Israel, two years before and it will devour its palaces.”
the earthquake. 2 He said: 11 Yahweh says:
“Yahweh† will roar from Zion, “For three transgressions of Edom, yes, for
and utter his voice from Jerusalem; four,
and the pastures of the shepherds will I will not turn away its punishment,
and the top of Carmel will wither.” because he pursued his brother with
3 Yahweh says: the sword
and cast off all pity,
“For three transgressions of Damascus, and his anger raged continually,
yes, for four, and he kept his wrath forever;
I will not turn away its punishment, 12 but I will send a fire on Teman,
because they have threshed Gilead and it will devour the palaces of
with threshing instruments of iron; Bozrah.”
4 but I will send a fire into the house of 13 Yahweh says:
Hazael, “For three transgressions of the children of
and it will devour the palaces of Ben
Ammon, yes, for four,
5 I will break the bar of Damascus, I will not turn away its punishment,
and cut off the inhabitant from the because they have ripped open the
valley of Aven, pregnant women of Gilead,
and him who holds the scepter from that they may enlarge their border.
the house of Eden; 14 But I will kindle a fire in the wall of
and the people of Syria shall go into Rabbah,
captivity to Kir,” and it will devour its palaces,
says Yahweh. with shouting in the day of battle,
6 Yahweh says: with a storm in the day of the whirl-
“For three transgressions of Gaza, yes, for wind;
15 and their king will go into captivity,
I will not turn away its punishment, he and his princes together,”
because they carried away captive the says Yahweh.
whole community,
to deliver them up to Edom;
1 Yahweh says:
7 but I will send a fire on the wall of Gaza,
and it will devour its palaces. “For three transgressions of Moab, yes, for
8 I will cut off the inhabitant from Ashdod, four,
and him who holds the scepter from I will not turn away its punishment,
Ashkelon; because he burned the bones of the
and I will turn my hand against Ekron; king of Edom into lime;
and the remnant of the Philistines will 2 but I will send a fire on Moab,
perish,” and it will devour the palaces of Ke-
says the Lord‡ Yahweh. rioth;
† 1:2 “Yahweh” is God’s proper Name, sometimes rendered “LORD” (all caps) in other translations. ‡ 1:8 The
word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.”
Amos 2:3 1028 Amos 3:8

and Moab will die with tumult, with and some of your young men for
shouting, and with the sound of the Nazirites.
trumpet; Isn’t this true,
3 and I will cut off the judge from among you children of Israel?” says Yahweh.
them, 12 “But you gave the Nazirites wine to
and will kill all its princes with him,” drink,
says Yahweh. and commanded the prophets, saying,
4 Yahweh says: ‘Don’t prophesy!’
13 Behold,‡ I will crush you in your place,
“For three transgressions of Judah, yes, for
four, as a cart crushes that is full of grain.
14 Flight will perish from the swift.
I will not turn away its punishment,
because they have rejected Yahweh’s The strong won’t strengthen his force.
law, The mighty won’t deliver himself.
and have not kept his statutes, 15 He who handles the bow won’t stand.
and their lies have led them astray, He who is swift of foot won’t escape.
after which their fathers walked; He who rides the horse won’t deliver
5 but I will send a fire on Judah, himself.
16 He who is courageous among the mighty
and it will devour the palaces of will flee away naked on that day,”
Jerusalem.” says Yahweh.
6 Yahweh says:
“For three transgressions of Israel, yes, for 3
four, 1 Hear this word that Yahweh has spoken
I will not turn away its punishment, against you, children of Israel, against the
because they have sold the righteous whole family which I brought up out of the
for silver, land of Egypt, saying:
and the needy for a pair of sandals; 2 “I have only chosen you of all the families
7 They trample the heads of the poor
of the earth.
into the dust of the earth Therefore I will punish you for all of
and deny justice to the oppressed. your sins.”
A man and his father use the same maiden, 3 Do two walk together,
to profane my holy name. unless they have agreed?
8 They lay themselves down beside ev- 4 Will a lion roar in the thicket,
ery altar on clothes taken in pledge. when he has no prey?
In the house of their God† they drink Does a young lion cry out of his den,
the wine of those who have been if he has caught nothing?
fined. 5 Can a bird fall in a trap on the earth,
9 Yet I destroyed the Amorite before them,
where no snare is set for him?
whose height was like the height of the Does a snare spring up from the ground,
cedars, when there is nothing to catch?
and he was strong as the oaks; 6 Does the trumpet alarm sound in a city,
yet I destroyed his fruit from above, without the people being afraid?
and his roots from beneath. Does evil happen to a city,
10 Also I brought you up out of the land of
and Yahweh hasn’t done it?
Egypt 7 Surely the Lord Yahweh will do nothing,
and led you forty years in the wilder- unless he reveals his secret to his ser-
ness, vants the prophets.
to possess the land of the Amorite. 8 The lion has roared.
11 I raised up some of your sons for
Who will not fear?
prophets, The Lord Yahweh has spoken.
† 2:8 The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬ ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim). ‡ 2:13 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take
notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.
Amos 3:9 1029 Amos 4:11

Who can but prophesy? everyone straight before her;

9 Proclaim in the palaces at Ashdod, and you will cast yourselves into Har-
and in the palaces in the land of Egypt, mon,” says Yahweh.
and say, “Assemble yourselves on the 4 “Go to Bethel, and sin;
mountains of Samaria, to Gilgal, and sin more.
and see what unrest is in her, Bring your sacrifices every morning,
and what oppression is among them.” your tithes every three days,
10 “Indeed they don’t know to do right,” 5 offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving of
says Yahweh, that which is leavened,
“Who hoard plunder and loot in their and proclaim free will offerings and
palaces.” brag about them;
11 Therefore the Lord Yahweh says:
for this pleases you, you children of
“An adversary will overrun the land; Israel,” says the Lord Yahweh.
and he will pull down your 6 “I also have given you cleanness of teeth
strongholds, in all your cities,
and your fortresses will be plun- and lack of bread in every town;
dered.” yet you haven’t returned to me,” says
12 Yahweh says:
“As the shepherd rescues out of the mouth 7 “I also have withheld the rain from you,
of the lion two legs, when there were yet three months to
or a piece of an ear, the harvest;
so shall the children of Israel be res- and I caused it to rain on one city,
cued who sit in Samaria on the cor-
ner of a couch, and caused it not to rain on another
and on the silken cushions of a bed.” city.
13 “Listen, and testify against the house One field was rained on,
of Jacob,” says the Lord Yahweh, the God and the field where it didn’t rain with-
of Armies. ered.
14 “For in the day that I visit the transgres- 8 So two or three cities staggered to one city

sions of Israel on him, to drink water,

I will also visit the altars of Bethel; and were not satisfied;
and the horns of the altar will be cut yet you haven’t returned to me,” says
off, Yahweh.
9 “I struck you with blight and mildew
and fall to the ground.
15 I will strike the winter house with the many times in your gardens and
summer house; your vineyards,
and the houses of ivory will perish, and the swarming locusts have de-
and the great houses will have an voured your fig trees and your olive
end,” trees;
says Yahweh. yet you haven’t returned to me,” says
1 Listen to this word, you cows of Bashan,
10 “I sent plagues among you like I did
who are on the mountain of Samaria, who I have slain your young men with the
oppress the poor, who crush the needy, sword,
who tell their husbands, “Bring us drinks!” and have carried away your horses.
2 The Lord Yahweh has sworn by his holi- I filled your nostrils with the stench of your
ness, camp,
“Behold, the days shall come on you yet you haven’t returned to me,” says
that they will take you away with Yahweh.
hooks, 11 “I have overthrown some of you,
and the last of you with fish hooks. as when God overthrew Sodom and
3 You will go out at the breaks in the wall, Gomorrah,
Amos 4:12 1030 Amos 5:19

and you were like a burning stick 9 who brings sudden destruction on the
plucked out of the fire; strong,
yet you haven’t returned to me,” says so that destruction comes on the
Yahweh. fortress.
10 They hate him who reproves in the gate,
12 “Therefore I will do this to you, Israel;
because I will do this to you, and they abhor him who speaks
prepare to meet your God, Israel. blamelessly.
11 Therefore, because you trample on the
13 For, behold, he who forms the moun-
tains, creates the wind, declares to poor and take taxes from him of
man what is his thought, wheat,
who makes the morning darkness, you have built houses of cut stone, but
and treads on the high places of the you will not dwell in them.
earth: You have planted pleasant vineyards,
Yahweh, the God of Armies, is his but you shall not drink their wine.
name.” 12 For I know how many are your offenses,
and how great are your sins—
1 Listen to this word which I take up for
you who afflict the just,
who take a bribe,
a lamentation over you, O house of Israel: and who turn away the needy in the
2 “The virgin of Israel has fallen; courts.
She shall rise no more. 13 Therefore a prudent person keeps silent
She is cast down on her land; in such a time,
there is no one to raise her up.” for it is an evil time.
3 For the Lord Yahweh says: 14 Seek good, and not evil,

“The city that went out a thousand shall that you may live;
have a hundred left, and so Yahweh, the God of Armies, will
and that which went out one hundred be with you,
shall have ten left to the house of as you say.
Israel.” 15 Hate evil, love good,
4 For Yahweh says to the house of Israel: and establish justice in the courts.
“Seek me, and you will live; It may be that Yahweh, the God of
5 but don’t seek Bethel, Armies, will be gracious to the rem-
nor enter into Gilgal, nant of Joseph.”
and don’t pass to Beersheba; 16 Therefore Yahweh, the God of Armies,
for Gilgal shall surely go into captivity, the Lord, says:
and Bethel shall come to nothing. “Wailing will be in all the wide ways.
6 Seek Yahweh, and you will live, They will say in all the streets, ‘Alas!
lest he break out like fire in the house Alas!’
of Joseph, They will call the farmer to mourning,
and it devour, and there be no one to and those who are skillful in lamenta-
quench it in Bethel. tion to wailing.
7 You who turn justice to wormwood, 17 In all vineyards there will be wailing,

and cast down righteousness to the for I will pass through the middle of
earth! you,” says Yahweh.
8 Seek him who made the Pleiades and 18 “Woe to you who desire the day of Yah-
Orion, weh!
and turns the shadow of death into the Why do you long for the day of Yah-
morning, weh?
and makes the day dark with night; It is darkness,
who calls for the waters of the sea, and not light.
and pours them out on the surface of 19 As if a man fled from a lion,
the earth, Yahweh is his name, and a bear met him;
Amos 5:20 1031 Amos 7:1

or he went into the house and leaned his and the calves out of the middle of the
hand on the wall, stall,
and a snake bit him. 5 who strum on the strings of a harp,
20 Won’t the day of Yahweh be darkness,
who invent for themselves instru-
and not light? ments of music, like David;
Even very dark, and no brightness in 6 who drink wine in bowls,
it? and anoint themselves with the best
21 I hate, I despise your feasts, oils,
and I can’t stand your solemn assem- but they are not grieved for the afflic-
blies. tion of Joseph.
22 Yes, though you offer me your burnt 7 Therefore they will now go captive with
offerings and meal offerings, the first who go captive.
I will not accept them; The feasting and lounging will end.
neither will I regard the peace offer- 8 “The Lord Yahweh has sworn by himself,”
ings of your fat animals. says Yahweh, the God of Armies:
23 Take away from me the noise of your “I abhor the pride of Jacob,
songs! and detest his fortresses.
I will not listen to the music of your Therefore I will deliver up the city
harps. with all that is in it.
9 It will happen that if ten men remain in
24 But let justice roll on like rivers,
and righteousness like a mighty one house,
stream. they will die.
25 “Did you bring to me sacrifices and 10 “When a man’s relative carries him,
offerings in the wilderness forty years, even he who burns him, to bring bodies
house of Israel? 26 You also carried the tent out of the house, and asks him who is in
of your king and the shrine of your images, the innermost parts of the house, ‘Is there
the star of your god, which you made for yet any with you?’ And he says, ‘No;’ then
yourselves. 27 Therefore I will cause you to he will say, ‘Hush! Indeed we must not
go into captivity beyond Damascus,” says mention Yahweh’s name.’
Yahweh, whose name is the God of Armies. 11 “For, behold, Yahweh commands, and
the great house will be smashed to
1 Woe to those who are at ease in Zion, pieces,
and to those who are secure on the and the little house into bits.
12 Do horses run on the rocky crags?
mountain of Samaria,
the notable men of the chief of the Does one plow there with oxen?
nations, But you have turned justice into poison,
to whom the house of Israel come! and the fruit of righteousness into bit-
2 Go to Calneh, and see. terness,
From there go to Hamath the great. 13 you who rejoice in a thing of nothing,
Then go down to Gath of the who say,
Philistines. ‘Haven’t we taken for ourselves horns
Are they better than these kingdoms? by our own strength?’
Is their border greater than your bor- 14 For, behold, I will raise up against you a
der? nation, house of Israel,”
3 Alas for you who put far away the evil
says Yahweh, the God of Armies;
day, “and they will afflict you from the en-
and cause the seat of violence to come trance of Hamath to the brook of the
near, Arabah.”
4 who lie on beds of ivory,
and stretch themselves on their 7
couches, 1 Thus the Lord Yahweh showed me: be-
and eat the lambs out of the flock, hold, he formed locusts in the beginning of
Amos 7:2 1032 Amos 8:9

the shooting up of the latter growth; and Israel, and don’t preach against the house
behold, it was the latter growth after the of Isaac.’ 17 Therefore Yahweh says: ‘Your
king’s harvest. 2 When they finished eating wife shall be a prostitute in the city, and
the grass of the land, then I said, “Lord your sons and your daughters shall fall by
Yahweh, forgive, I beg you! How could the sword, and your land shall be divided
Jacob stand? For he is small.” by line; and you yourself shall die in a land
3 Yahweh relented concerning this. “It that is unclean, and Israel shall surely be
shall not be,” says Yahweh. led away captive out of his land.’ ”
4 Thus the Lord Yahweh showed me: be-
hold, the Lord Yahweh called for judgment 8
by fire; and it dried up the great deep, and 1 Thus the Lord Yahweh showed me: be-
would have devoured the land. 5 Then I hold, a basket of summer fruit.
said, “Lord Yahweh, stop, I beg you! How 2 He said, “Amos, what do you see?”
could Jacob stand? For he is small.” I said, “A basket of summer fruit.”
6 Yahweh relented concerning this. “This
Then Yahweh said to me,
also shall not be,” says the Lord Yahweh. “The end has come on my people Israel.
7 Thus he showed me: behold, the Lord
I will not again pass by them any more.
stood beside a wall made by a plumb line, 3 The songs of the temple will be wailing in
with a plumb line in his hand. 8 Yahweh
that day,” says the Lord Yahweh.
said to me, “Amos, what do you see?”
“The dead bodies will be many. In
I said, “A plumb line.”
every place they will throw them
Then the Lord said, “Behold, I will set
a plumb line in the middle of my people out with silence.
4 Hear this, you who desire to swallow up
Israel. I will not again pass by them any
the needy,
more. 9 The high places of Isaac will be
and cause the poor of the land to fail,
desolate, the sanctuaries of Israel will be 5 saying, ‘When will the new moon be
laid waste; and I will rise against the house
of Jeroboam with the sword.” gone, that we may sell grain?
10 Then Amaziah the priest of Bethel sent And the Sabbath, that we may market
to Jeroboam king of Israel, saying, “Amos wheat,
making the ephah† small, and the
has conspired against you in the middle of
shekel‡ large,
the house of Israel. The land is not able
to bear all his words. 11 For Amos says, and dealing falsely with balances of
‘Jeroboam will die by the sword, and Israel deceit;
6 that we may buy the poor for silver,
shall surely be led away captive out of his
land.’ ” and the needy for a pair of sandals,
12 Amaziah also said to Amos, “You seer, and sell the sweepings with the
go, flee away into the land of Judah, and wheat?’ ”
there eat bread, and prophesy there, 13 but 7 Yahweh has sworn by the pride of Jacob,
don’t prophesy again any more at Bethel; “Surely I will never forget any of their
for it is the king’s sanctuary, and it is a works.
8 Won’t the land tremble for this,
royal house!”
14 Then Amos answered Amaziah, “I was and everyone mourn who dwells in it?
no prophet, neither was I a prophet’s son, Yes, it will rise up wholly like the River;
but I was a herdsman, and a farmer of and it will be stirred up and sink again,
sycamore figs; 15 and Yahweh took me like the River of Egypt.
from following the flock, and Yahweh said 9 It will happen in that day,” says the Lord
to me, ‘Go, prophesy to my people Is- Yahweh,
rael.’ 16 Now therefore listen to Yahweh’s “that I will cause the sun to go down at
word: ‘You say, Don’t prophesy against noon,
† 8:5 1 ephah is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel ‡ 8:5 a normal shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35
Amos 8:10 1033 Amos 9:15

and I will darken the earth in the clear the River, and will sink again, like the River
day. of Egypt. 6 It is he who builds his rooms
10 I will turn your feasts into mourning,
in the heavens, and has founded his vault
and all your songs into lamentation; on the earth; he who calls for the waters of
and I will make you wear sackcloth on all the sea, and pours them out on the surface
your bodies, of the earth—Yahweh is his name. 7 Are
and baldness on every head. you not like the children of the Ethiopians
I will make it like the mourning for an only to me, children of Israel?” says Yahweh.
son, “Haven’t I brought up Israel out of the land
and its end like a bitter day. of Egypt, and the Philistines from Caphtor,
11 Behold, the days come,” says the Lord and the Syrians from Kir? 8 Behold, the
Yahweh, eyes of the Lord Yahweh are on the sinful
“that I will send a famine in the land, kingdom, and I will destroy it from off the
not a famine of bread, surface of the earth, except that I will not
nor a thirst for water, utterly destroy the house of Jacob,” says
but of hearing Yahweh’s words. Yahweh. 9 “For behold, I will command,
12 They will wander from sea to sea,
and I will sift the house of Israel among all
and from the north even to the east; the nations as grain is sifted in a sieve, yet
they will run back and forth to seek not the least kernel will fall on the earth.
Yahweh’s word, 10 All the sinners of my people will die by
and will not find it. the sword, who say, ‘Evil won’t overtake
13 In that day the beautiful virgins
nor meet us.’ 11 In that day I will raise up
and the young men will faint for thirst. the tent of David who is fallen and close up
14 Those who swear by the sin of Samaria,
its breaches, and I will raise up its ruins,
and say, ‘As your god, Dan, lives,’ and I will build it as in the days of old,
and, ‘As the way of Beersheba lives,’ 12 that they may possess the remnant of
they will fall, and never rise up again.” Edom and all the nations who are called by
my name,” says Yahweh who does this.
1 I saw the Lord standing beside the altar,
13 “Behold, the days come,” says Yahweh,
“that the plowman shall overtake the
and he said, “Strike the tops of the pillars, reaper,
that the thresholds may shake. Break them and the one treading grapes him who
in pieces on the head of all of them. I sows seed;
will kill the last of them with the sword. and sweet wine will drip from the
Not one of them will flee away. Not one mountains,
of them will escape. 2 Though they dig and flow from the hills.
into Sheol,† there my hand will take them; 14 I will bring my people Israel back from
and though they climb up to heaven, there captivity,
I will bring them down. 3 Though they and they will rebuild the ruined cities,
hide themselves in the top of Carmel, I will and inhabit them;
search and take them out from there; and and they will plant vineyards, and
though they be hidden from my sight in the drink wine from them.
bottom of the sea, there I will command They shall also make gardens,
the serpent, and it will bite them. 4 Though and eat their fruit.
15 I will plant them on their land,
they go into captivity before their enemies,
there I will command the sword, and it and they will no more be plucked up
will kill them. I will set my eyes on them out of their land which I have given
for evil, and not for good. 5 For the Lord, them,”
Yahweh of Armies, is he who touches the says Yahweh your God.
land and it melts, and all who dwell in it
will mourn; and it will rise up wholly like
† 9:2 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Obadiah 1 1034 Obadiah 21

don’t rejoice over the children of Judah in

the day of their destruction. Don’t speak
The Book of proudly in the day of distress. 13 Don’t
Obadiah enter into the gate of my people in the day
of their calamity. Don’t look down on their
1 The vision of Obadiah. This is what affliction in the day of their calamity, nei-
the Lord† Yahweh‡ says about Edom. We ther seize their wealth on the day of their
have heard news from Yahweh, and an calamity. 14 Don’t stand in the crossroads
ambassador is sent among the nations, to cut off those of his who escape. Don’t
saying, “Arise, and let’s rise up against deliver up those of his who remain in the
her in battle. 2 Behold,§ I have made you day of distress. 15 For the day of Yahweh is
small among the nations. You are greatly near all the nations! As you have done, it
despised. 3 The pride of your heart has will be done to you. Your deeds will return
deceived you, you who dwell in the clefts upon your own head. 16 For as you have
of the rock, whose habitation is high, who drunk on my holy mountain, so all the
says in his heart, ‘Who will bring me down nations will drink continually. Yes, they
to the ground?’ 4 Though you mount on will drink, swallow down, and will be as
high as the eagle, and though your nest is though they had not been. 17 But in Mount
set among the stars, I will bring you down Zion, there will be those who escape, and
from there,” says Yahweh. 5 “If thieves it will be holy. The house of Jacob will
came to you, if robbers by night—oh, what possess their possessions. 18 The house of
disaster awaits you—wouldn’t they only Jacob will be a fire, the house of Joseph a
steal until they had enough? If grape flame, and the house of Esau for stubble.
pickers came to you, wouldn’t they leave They will burn among them and devour
some gleaning grapes? 6 How Esau will be them. There will not be any remaining to
ransacked! How his hidden treasures are the house of Esau.” Indeed, Yahweh has
sought out! 7 All the men of your alliance spoken.
have brought you on your way, even to 19 Those of the South will possess the
the border. The men who were at peace mountain of Esau, and those of the low-
with you have deceived you, and prevailed land, the Philistines. They will possess the
against you. Friends who eat your bread field of Ephraim, and the field of Samaria.
lay a snare under you. There is no under- Benjamin will possess Gilead. 20 The cap-
standing in him.” tives of this army of the children of Israel,
8 “Won’t I in that day”, says Yahweh, “de- who are among the Canaanites, will pos-
stroy the wise men out of Edom, and un- sess even to Zarephath; and the captives
derstanding out of the mountain of Esau? of Jerusalem, who are in Sepharad, will
9 Your mighty men, Teman, will be dis- possess the cities of the Negev. 21 Saviors
mayed, to the end that everyone may be will go up on Mount Zion to judge the
cut off from the mountain of Esau by mountains of Esau, and the kingdom will
slaughter. 10 For the violence done to your be Yahweh’s.
brother Jacob, shame will cover you, and
you will be cut off forever. 11 In the day
that you stood on the other side, in the day
that strangers carried away his substance
and foreigners entered into his gates and
cast lots for Jerusalem, even you were like
one of them. 12 But don’t look down on
your brother in the day of his disaster, and
† 1:1 The word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.” ‡ 1:1 “Yahweh” is God’s proper Name, sometimes rendered “LORD”
(all caps) in other translations. § 1:2 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It
is often used as an interjection.
Jonah 1:1 1035 Jonah 2:6

12 He said to them, “Take me up, and

throw me into the sea. Then the sea will be
The Book of calm for you; for I know that because of me
Jonah this great storm is on you.”
13 Nevertheless the men rowed hard to
1 Now Yahweh’s† word came to Jonah the get them back to the land; but they could
son of Amittai, saying, 2 “Arise, go to Nin- not, for the sea grew more and more
eveh, that great city, and preach against it, stormy against them. 14 Therefore they
for their wickedness has come up before cried to Yahweh, and said, “We beg you,
me.” Yahweh, we beg you, don’t let us die for
3 But Jonah rose up to flee to Tarshish this man’s life, and don’t lay on us innocent
from the presence of Yahweh. He went blood; for you, Yahweh, have done as it
down to Joppa, and found a ship going pleased you.” 15 So they took up Jonah and
to Tarshish; so he paid its fare, and went threw him into the sea; and the sea ceased
down into it, to go with them to Tarshish its raging. 16 Then the men feared Yahweh
from the presence of Yahweh. exceedingly; and they offered a sacrifice to
4 But Yahweh sent out a great wind on Yahweh and made vows.
17 Yahweh prepared a huge fish to swal-
the sea, and there was a mighty storm on
the sea, so that the ship was likely to break low up Jonah, and Jonah was in the belly of
up. 5 Then the mariners were afraid, and the fish three days and three nights.
every man cried to his god. They threw the
cargo that was in the ship into the sea to 2
lighten the ship. But Jonah had gone down 1 Then Jonah prayed to Yahweh, his God,
into the innermost parts of the ship and he out of the fish’s belly. 2 He said,
was laying down, and was fast asleep. 6 So “I called because of my affliction to Yah-
the ship master came to him, and said to weh.
him, “What do you mean, sleeper? Arise, He answered me.
call on your God!‡ Maybe your God§ will Out of the belly of Sheol† I cried.
notice us, so that we won’t perish.” You heard my voice.
7 They all said to each other, “Come! Let’s 3 For you threw me into the depths,
cast lots, that we may know who is respon- in the heart of the seas.
sible for this evil that is on us.” So they cast The flood was all around me.
lots, and the lot fell on Jonah. 8 Then they All your waves and your billows
asked him, “Tell us, please, for whose cause passed over me.
this evil is on us. What is your occupation? 4 I said, ‘I have been banished from your
Where do you come from? What is your sight;
country? Of what people are you?” yet I will look again toward your holy
9 He said to them, “I am a Hebrew, and I temple.’
fear Yahweh, the God† of heaven, who has 5 The waters surrounded me,
made the sea and the dry land.” even to the soul.
10 Then the men were exceedingly
The deep was around me.
afraid, and said to him, “What have you The weeds were wrapped around my
done?” For the men knew that he was head.
fleeing from the presence of Yahweh, 6 I went down to the bottoms of the moun-
because he had told them. 11 Then they tains.
said to him, “What shall we do to you, that The earth barred me in forever;
the sea may be calm to us?” For the sea yet you have brought my life up from
grew more and more stormy. the pit, Yahweh my God.
† 1:1 “Yahweh” is God’s proper Name, sometimes rendered “LORD” (all caps) in other translations. ‡ 1:6 or, gods
§ 1:6 or, gods † 1:9 The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim). † 2:2 Sheol is the place of the
Jonah 2:7 1036 Jonah 4:11

7 “When my soul fainted within me, I re- 4

1 But it displeased Jonah exceedingly,
membered Yahweh.
My prayer came in to you, into your and he was angry. 2 He prayed to Yah-
holy temple. weh, and said, “Please, Yahweh, wasn’t this
8 Those who regard vain idols forsake their what I said when I was still in my own
own mercy. country? Therefore I hurried to flee to
9 But I will sacrifice to you with the Tarshish, for I knew that you are a gracious
voice of thanksgiving. God and merciful, slow to anger, and abun-
I will pay that which I have vowed. dant in loving kindness, and you relent of
doing harm. 3 Therefore now, Yahweh,
Salvation belongs to Yahweh.” take, I beg you, my life from me, for it is
10 Then Yahweh spoke to the fish, and it better for me to die than to live.”
4 Yahweh said, “Is it right for you to be
vomited out Jonah on the dry land.
5 Then Jonah went out of the city and

3 sat on the east side of the city, and there

1 Yahweh’s word came to Jonah the sec- made himself a booth and sat under it in
the shade, until he might see what would
ond time, saying, 2 “Arise, go to Nineveh, become of the city. 6 Yahweh God prepared
that great city, and preach to it the message a vine and made it to come up over Jonah,
that I give you.” that it might be a shade over his head to
3 So Jonah arose, and went to Nineveh, deliver him from his discomfort. So Jonah
according to Yahweh’s word. Now Nin- was exceedingly glad because of the vine.
eveh was an exceedingly great city, three 7 But God prepared a worm at dawn the
days’ journey across. 4 Jonah began to next day, and it chewed on the vine so that
enter into the city a day’s journey, and he it withered. 8 When the sun arose, God
cried out, and said, “In forty days, Nineveh prepared a sultry east wind; and the sun
will be overthrown!” beat on Jonah’s head, so that he was faint
5 The people of Nineveh believed God; and requested for himself that he might
and they proclaimed a fast and put on die. He said, “It is better for me to die than
to live.”
sackcloth, from their greatest even to their 9 God said to Jonah, “Is it right for you to
least. 6 The news reached the king of Nin- be angry about the vine?”
eveh, and he arose from his throne, took He said, “I am right to be angry, even to
off his royal robe, covered himself with death.”
sackcloth, and sat in ashes. 7 He made a 10 Yahweh said, “You have been con-
proclamation and published through Nin- cerned for the vine, for which you have
eveh by the decree of the king and his no- not labored, neither made it grow; which
bles, saying, “Let neither man nor animal, came up in a night and perished in a night.
herd nor flock, taste anything; let them 11 Shouldn’t I be concerned for Nineveh,
not feed, nor drink water; 8 but let them that great city, in which are more than one
be covered with sackcloth, both man and hundred twenty thousand persons who
animal, and let them cry mightily to God. can’t discern between their right hand and
Yes, let them turn everyone from his evil their left hand, and also many animals?”
way and from the violence that is in his
hands. 9 Who knows whether God will not
turn and relent, and turn away from his
fierce anger, so that we might not perish?”
10 God saw their works, that they turned
from their evil way. God relented of the
disaster which he said he would do to
them, and he didn’t do it.
Micah 1:1 1037 Micah 2:2

9 For her wounds are incurable;

for it has come even to Judah.
The Book of It reaches to the gate of my people,
Micah even to Jerusalem.
10 Don’t tell it in Gath.
1 Yahweh’s† word that came to Micah of Don’t weep at all.
Morasheth in the days of Jotham, Ahaz, At Beth Ophrah† I have rolled myself
and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, which he in the dust.
saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem. 11 Pass on, inhabitant of Shaphir, in naked-
2 Hear, you peoples, all of you! ness and shame.
Listen, O earth, and all that is therein. The inhabitant of Zaanan won’t come
Let the Lord‡ Yahweh be witness against out.
you, The wailing of Beth Ezel will take from
the Lord from his holy temple. you his protection.
12 For the inhabitant of Maroth waits anx-
3 For behold,§ Yahweh comes out of his
iously for good,
because evil has come down from Yah-
and will come down and tread on the weh to the gate of Jerusalem.
high places of the earth. 13 Harness the chariot to the swift steed,
4 The mountains melt under him,
inhabitant of Lachish.
and the valleys split apart like wax She was the beginning of sin to the
before the fire, daughter of Zion;
like waters that are poured down a for the transgressions of Israel were
steep place. found in you.
14 Therefore you will give a parting gift to
5 “All this is for the disobedience of Jacob,
Moresheth Gath.
and for the sins of the house of Israel. The houses of Achzib will be a deceit-
What is the disobedience of Jacob? ful thing to the kings of Israel.
Isn’t it Samaria? 15 I will yet bring a conqueror to you, in-
And what are the high places of Judah?
habitants of Mareshah.
Aren’t they Jerusalem? The glory of Israel will come to Adul-
6 Therefore I will make Samaria like a rub-
ble heap of the field, 16 Shave your heads,
like places for planting vineyards; and cut off your hair for the children
and I will pour down its stones into the of your delight.
valley, Enlarge your baldness like the vulture,
and I will uncover its foundations. for they have gone into captivity from
7 All her idols will be beaten to pieces,
all her temple gifts will be burned with
and I will destroy all her images; 2
for of the hire of a prostitute has she gath- 1 Woe to those who devise iniquity
ered them, and work evil on their beds!
and to the hire of a prostitute shall When the morning is light, they practice it,
they return.” because it is in the power of their
8 For this I will lament and wail. 2 They covet fields and seize them,
I will go stripped and naked. and houses, then take them away.
I will howl like the jackals They oppress a man and his house,
and mourn like the ostriches. even a man and his heritage.
† 1:1 “Yahweh” is God’s proper Name, sometimes rendered “LORD” (all caps) in other translations. ‡ 1:2 The
word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.” § 1:3 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze
at. It is often used as an interjection. † 1:10 Beth Ophrah means literally “House of Dust.”
Micah 2:3 1038 Micah 3:9

3 Therefore Yahweh says: as a flock in the middle of their pas-

“Behold, I am planning against these peo- ture.
ple a disaster, They will swarm with people.
from which you will not remove your
13 He who breaks open the way goes up
necks, before them.
They break through the gate, and go
neither will you walk haughtily, out.
for it is an evil time. Their king passes on before them,
4 In that day they will take up a parable
with Yahweh at their head.
against you,
and lament with a doleful lamenta- 3
tion, saying, 1 I said,
‘We are utterly ruined! “Please listen, you heads of Jacob,
My people’s possession is divided up. and rulers of the house of Israel:
Indeed he takes it from me and assigns Isn’t it for you to know justice?
2 You who hate the good,
our fields to traitors!’ ”
5 Therefore you will have no one who di- and love the evil;
vides the land by lot in Yahweh’s who tear off their skin,
assembly. and their flesh from off their bones;
3 who also eat the flesh of my people,
6 “Don’t prophesy!”—they prophesy—
“Don’t prophesy about these things. and peel their skin from off them,
Disgrace won’t overtake us.” and break their bones,
7 Shall it be said, O house of Jacob,
and chop them in pieces, as for the pot,
and as meat within the cauldron.
“Is Yahweh’s Spirit angry? 4 Then they will cry to Yahweh,
Are these his doings? but he will not answer them.
Don’t my words do good to him who Yes, he will hide his face from them at that
walks blamelessly?” time,
8 But lately my people have risen up as an because they made their deeds evil.”
enemy. 5 Yahweh says concerning the prophets
You strip the robe and clothing from who lead my people astray—for those who
those who pass by without a care, feed their teeth, they proclaim, “Peace!”
returning from battle. and whoever doesn’t provide for their
9 You drive the women of my people out mouths, they prepare war against him:
from their pleasant houses; 6 “Therefore night is over you, with no
from their young children you take vision,
away my blessing forever. and it is dark to you, that you may not
10 Arise, and depart! divine;
For this is not your resting place, and the sun will go down on the
because of uncleanness that destroys, prophets,
even with a grievous destruction. and the day will be black over them.
7 The seers shall be disappointed,
11 If a man walking in a spirit of falsehood
and the diviners confounded.
lies, saying, Yes, they shall all cover their lips,
“I will prophesy to you of wine and of for there is no answer from God.”†
strong drink,” 8 But as for me, I am full of power by
he would be the prophet of this people. Yahweh’s Spirit,
12 I will surely assemble all of you, Jacob. and of judgment, and of might,
I will surely gather the remnant of to declare to Jacob his disobedience,
Israel. and to Israel his sin.
I will put them together as the sheep of 9 Please listen to this, you heads of the
Bozrah, house of Jacob,
† 3:7 The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim).
Micah 3:10 1039 Micah 4:13

and rulers of the house of Israel, 6 “In that day,” says Yahweh,
who abhor justice, “I will assemble that which is lame,
and pervert all equity, and I will gather that which is driven
10 who build up Zion with blood, away,
and Jerusalem with iniquity. and that which I have afflicted;
11 Her leaders judge for bribes, 7 and I will make that which was lame
and her priests teach for a price, a remnant,
and that which was cast far off a strong
and her prophets of it tell fortunes for
money; nation:
and Yahweh will reign over them on
yet they lean on Yahweh, and say,
Mount Zion from then on, even for-
“Isn’t Yahweh among us? ever.”
No disaster will come on us.” 8 You, tower of the flock, the hill of the
12 Therefore Zion for your sake will be
daughter of Zion,
plowed like a field, to you it will come.
and Jerusalem will become heaps of
rubble, Yes, the former dominion will come,
and the mountain of the temple like the kingdom of the daughter of
the high places of a forest. Jerusalem.
9 Now why do you cry out aloud?

4 Is there no king in you?

1 But in the latter days, Has your counselor perished,
it will happen that the mountain of that pains have taken hold of you as of
Yahweh’s temple will be established a woman in travail?
on the top of the mountains, 10 Be in pain, and labor to give birth,
and it will be exalted above the hills; daughter of Zion,
and peoples will stream to it. like a woman in travail;
2 Many nations will go and say, for now you will go out of the city,
“Come! Let’s go up to the mountain of and will dwell in the field,
Yahweh, and will come even to Babylon.
and to the house of the God of Jacob; There you will be rescued.
and he will teach us of his ways, There Yahweh will redeem you from
and we will walk in his paths.” the hand of your enemies.
For the law will go out of Zion,
and Yahweh’s word from Jerusalem; 11 Now many nations have assembled
3 and he will judge between many peoples, against you, that say,
and will decide concerning strong na- “Let her be defiled,
tions afar off. and let our eye gloat over Zion.”
They will beat their swords into plow- 12 But they don’t know the thoughts of Yah-
shares, weh,
and their spears into pruning hooks. neither do they understand his coun-
Nation will not lift up sword against na- sel;
tion, for he has gathered them like the
neither will they learn war any more. sheaves to the threshing floor.
4 But every man will sit under his vine and
13 Arise and thresh, daughter of Zion,
under his fig tree. for I will make your horn iron,
No one will make them afraid,
and I will make your hoofs bronze.
for the mouth of Yahweh of Armies
has spoken. Indeed all the nations
5 You will beat in pieces many peoples.
may walk in the name of their gods, I will devote their gain to Yahweh,
but we will walk in the name of Yah- and their substance to the Lord of the
weh our God forever and ever. whole earth.
Micah 5:1 1040 Micah 6:5

1 Now you shall gather yourself in troops,
9 Let your hand be lifted up above your
daughter of troops. and let all of your enemies be cut off.
He has laid siege against us. 10 “It will happen in that day”, says Yah-
They will strike the judge of Israel with weh,
a rod on the cheek. “that I will cut off your horses from
2 But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, among you
being small among the clans of Judah, and will destroy your chariots.
out of you one will come out to me who 11 I will cut off the cities of your land
is to be ruler in Israel; and will tear down all your
whose goings out are from of old, from strongholds.
ancient times. 12 I will destroy witchcraft from your hand.
3 Therefore he will abandon them until the
You shall have no soothsayers.
time that she who is in labor gives 13 I will cut off your engraved images and
Then the rest of his brothers will re- your pillars from among you;
turn to the children of Israel. and you shall no more worship the
4 He shall stand, and shall shepherd in the work of your hands.
strength of Yahweh, 14 I will uproot your Asherah poles from
in the majesty of the name of Yahweh among you;
his God. and I will destroy your cities.
They will live, for then he will be great 15 I will execute vengeance in anger
to the ends of the earth. and wrath on the nations that didn’t
5 He will be our peace when Assyria in- listen.”
vades our land
and when he marches through our 6
fortresses, 1 Listen now to what Yahweh says:
then we will raise against him seven “Arise, plead your case before the moun-
shepherds, tains,
and eight leaders of men. and let the hills hear what you have to
6 They will rule the land of Assyria with the say.
sword, 2 Hear, you mountains, Yahweh’s indict-
and the land of Nimrod in its gates. ment,
He will deliver us from the Assyrian, and you enduring foundations of the
when he invades our land, earth;
and when he marches within our bor- for Yahweh has a case against his peo-
der. ple,
7 The remnant of Jacob will be among and he will contend with Israel.
many peoples 3 My people, what have I done to you?
like dew from Yahweh, How have I burdened you?
like showers on the grass, Answer me!
4 For I brought you up out of the land of
that don’t wait for man
nor wait for the sons of men. Egypt,
8 The remnant of Jacob will be among the and redeemed you out of the house of
nations, bondage.
among many peoples, I sent before you Moses, Aaron, and
like a lion among the animals of the Miriam.
forest, 5 My people, remember now what Balak
like a young lion among the flocks of king of Moab devised,
sheep; and what Balaam the son of Beor an-
who, if he goes through, treads down swered him from Shittim to Gilgal,
and tears in pieces, that you may know the righteous acts
and there is no one to deliver. of Yahweh.”
Micah 6:6 1041 Micah 7:9

6 How shall I come before Yahweh, and your inhabitants a hissing.

and bow myself before the exalted You will bear the reproach of my peo-
God? ple.”
Shall I come before him with burnt offer-
with calves a year old?
1 Misery is mine!
7 Will Yahweh be pleased with thousands
of rams? Indeed, I am like one who gathers the
With tens of thousands of rivers of oil? summer fruits, as gleanings of the
Shall I give my firstborn for my disobedi- vineyard.
ence? There is no cluster of grapes to eat.
The fruit of my body for the sin of my My soul desires to eat the early fig.
soul? 2 The godly man has perished out of the
8 He has shown you, O man, what is good.
What does Yahweh require of you, but and there is no one upright among
to act justly, men.
to love mercy, and to walk humbly They all lie in wait for blood;
with your God? every man hunts his brother with a
9 Yahweh’s voice calls to the city— 3 Their hands are on that which is evil to do
and wisdom fears your name— it diligently.
“Listen to the rod, The ruler and judge ask for a bribe.
and he who appointed it. The powerful man dictates the evil desire
10 Are there yet treasures of wickedness in of his soul.
Thus they conspire together.
the house of the wicked, 4 The best of them is like a brier.
and a short ephah† that is accursed? The most upright is worse than a thorn
11 Shall I tolerate dishonest scales,
and a bag of deceitful weights?
12 Her rich men are full of violence,
The day of your watchmen,
even your visitation, has come;
her inhabitants speak lies,
now is the time of their confusion.
and their tongue is deceitful in their 5 Don’t trust in a neighbor.
speech. Don’t put confidence in a friend.
13 Therefore I also have struck you with a
With the woman lying in your em-
grievous wound. brace,
I have made you desolate because of be careful of the words of your mouth!
your sins. 6 For the son dishonors the father,
14 You shall eat, but not be satisfied. the daughter rises up against her
Your hunger will be within you. mother,
You will store up, but not save, the daughter-in-law against her
and that which you save I will give up mother-in-law;
to the sword. a man’s enemies are the men of his
15 You will sow, but won’t reap. own house.
7 But as for me, I will look to Yahweh.
You will tread the olives, but won’t
anoint yourself with oil; I will wait for the God of my salvation.
and crush grapes, but won’t drink the My God will hear me.
8 Don’t rejoice against me, my enemy.
16 For the statutes of Omri are kept, When I fall, I will arise.
and all the works of Ahab’s house. When I sit in darkness, Yahweh will be
You walk in their counsels, a light to me.
that I may make you a ruin, 9 I will bear the indignation of Yahweh,

† 6:10 An ephah is a measure of volume (about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel), and a short ephah is made smaller
than a full ephah for the purpose of cheating customers.
Micah 7:10 1042 Micah 7:20

because I have sinned against him, He will tread our iniquities under foot.
until he pleads my case and executes You will cast all their sins into the
judgment for me. depths of the sea.
20 You will give truth to Jacob,
He will bring me out to the light.
I will see his righteousness. and mercy to Abraham,
10 Then my enemy will see it, as you have sworn to our fathers from
and shame will cover her who said to the days of old.
“Where is Yahweh your God?”
My eyes will see her.
Now she will be trodden down like the
mire of the streets.
11 A day to build your walls!
In that day, he will extend your bound-
12 In that day they will come to you from
Assyria and the cities of Egypt,
and from Egypt even to the River,
and from sea to sea,
and mountain to mountain.
13 Yet the land will be desolate because of
those who dwell therein,
for the fruit of their doings.
14 Shepherd your people with your staff,
the flock of your heritage,
who dwell by themselves in a forest.
Let them feed in the middle of fertile pas-
ture land,
in Bashan and Gilead, as in the days of
15 “As in the days of your coming out of the
land of Egypt,
I will show them marvelous things.”
16 The nations will see and be ashamed of
all their might.
They will lay their hand on their
Their ears will be deaf.
17 They will lick the dust like a serpent.
Like crawling things of the earth, they
will come trembling out of their
They will come with fear to Yahweh
our God,
and will be afraid because of you.
18 Who is a God like you, who pardons
and passes over the disobedience of
the remnant of his heritage?
He doesn’t retain his anger forever,
because he delights in loving kind-
19 He will again have compassion on us.
Nahum 1:1 1043 Nahum 2:13

image. I will make your grave, for you are

The Book of 15 Behold,§ on the mountains the feet of

Nahum him who brings good news, who publishes

peace! Keep your feasts, Judah! Perform
1 A revelation about Nineveh. The book your vows, for the wicked one will no more
of the vision of Nahum the Elkoshite. pass through you. He is utterly cut off.
2 Yahweh† is a jealous God‡ and avenges.
Yahweh avenges and is full of wrath. Yah-
weh takes vengeance on his adversaries,
1 He who dashes in pieces has come up
and he maintains wrath against his ene- against you. Keep the fortress! Watch the
mies. 3 Yahweh is slow to anger, and great way! Strengthen your waist! Fortify your
in power, and will by no means leave the power mightily!
guilty unpunished. Yahweh has his way in 2 For Yahweh restores the excellency of
the whirlwind and in the storm, and the Jacob as the excellency of Israel, for the de-
clouds are the dust of his feet. 4 He rebukes stroyers have destroyed them and ruined
the sea and makes it dry, and dries up all their vine branches.
the rivers. Bashan and Carmel languish. 3 The shield of his mighty men is made
The flower of Lebanon languishes. 5 The red. The valiant men are in scarlet. The
mountains quake before him, and the hills chariots flash with steel in the day of his
melt away. The earth trembles at his pres- preparation, and the pine spears are bran-
ence, yes, the world, and all who dwell in dished. 4 The chariots rage in the streets.
it. 6 Who can stand before his indigna- They rush back and forth in the wide ways.
tion? Who can endure the fierceness of his Their appearance is like torches. They
anger? His wrath is poured out like fire, run like the lightnings. 5 He summons
and the rocks are broken apart by him. his picked troops. They stumble on their
7 Yahweh is good, a stronghold in the day
way. They dash to its wall, and the pro-
of trouble; and he knows those who take tective shield is put in place. 6 The gates
refuge in him. 8 But with an overflowing of the rivers are opened, and the palace
flood, he will make a full end of her place, is dissolved. 7 It is decreed: she is uncov-
and will pursue his enemies into darkness. ered, she is carried away; and her servants
9 What do you plot against Yahweh? He moan as with the voice of doves, beating
will make a full end. Affliction won’t rise on their breasts. 8 But Nineveh has been
up the second time. 10 For entangled like from of old like a pool of water, yet they
thorns, and drunken as with their drink, flee away. “Stop! Stop!” they cry, but
they are consumed utterly like dry stubble. no one looks back. 9 Take the plunder of
11 One has gone out of you who devises
silver. Take the plunder of gold, for there is
evil against Yahweh, who counsels wicked- no end of treasure, an abundance of every
12 Yahweh says: “Though they are in full precious thing.
10 She is empty, void, and
waste. The heart melts, the knees knock to-
strength and likewise many, even so they
gether, their bodies and faces have grown
will be cut down and pass away. Though
pale. 11 Where is the den of the lions, and
I have afflicted you, I will afflict you no
the feeding place of the young lions, where
more. 13 Now I will break his yoke from off the lion and the lioness walked with the
you, and will burst your bonds apart.” lion’s cubs, and no one made them afraid?
14 Yahweh has commanded concerning 12
The lion tore in pieces enough for his
you: “No more descendants will bear your cubs, and strangled prey for his lionesses,
name. Out of the house of your gods, I will and filled his caves with the kill and his
cut off the engraved image and the molten dens with prey. 13 “Behold, I am against
† 1:2 “Yahweh” is God’s proper Name, sometimes rendered “LORD” (all caps) in other translations. ‡ 1:2 The
Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬ ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim). § 1:15 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice,
observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.
Nahum 3:1 1044 Nahum 3:19

you,” says Yahweh of Armies, “and I will are women. The gates of your land are set
burn her chariots in the smoke, and the wide open to your enemies. The fire has
sword will devour your young lions; and devoured your bars.
I will cut off your prey from the earth, 14 Draw water for the siege. Strengthen
and the voice of your messengers will no your fortresses. Go into the clay, and
longer be heard.” tread the mortar. Make the brick kiln
strong. 15 There the fire will devour you.
3 The sword will cut you off. It will de-
1 Woe to the bloody city! It is all full vour you like the grasshopper. Multiply
of lies and robbery—no end to the prey. like grasshoppers. Multiply like the lo-
2 The noise of the whip, the noise of the cust. 16 You have increased your mer-
rattling of wheels, prancing horses, and chants more than the stars of the skies. The
bounding chariots, 3 the horseman charg- grasshopper strips and flees away. 17 Your
ing, and the flashing sword, the glittering guards are like the locusts, and your of-
spear, and a multitude of slain, and a great ficials like the swarms of locusts, which
heap of corpses, and there is no end of settle on the walls on a cold day, but when
the bodies. They stumble on their bodies the sun appears, they flee away, and their
4 because of the multitude of the prostitu- place is not known where they are.
18 Your shepherds slumber, king of As-
tion of the alluring prostitute, the mistress
of witchcraft, who sells nations through syria. Your nobles lie down. Your people
her prostitution, and families through her are scattered on the mountains, and there
witchcraft. 5 “Behold, I am against you,” is no one to gather them. 19 There is no
says Yahweh of Armies, “and I will lift healing your wound, for your injury is
your skirts over your face. I will show the fatal. All who hear the report of you clap
nations your nakedness, and the kingdoms their hands over you, for who hasn’t felt
your shame. 6 I will throw abominable your endless cruelty?
filth on you and make you vile, and will
make you a spectacle. 7 It will happen that
all those who look at you will flee from
you, and say, ‘Nineveh is laid waste! Who
will mourn for her?’ Where will I seek
comforters for you?”
8 Are you better than No-Amon,† who
was situated among the rivers,‡ who had
the waters around her, whose rampart
was the sea, and her wall was of the
sea? 9 Cush and Egypt were her bound-
less strength. Put and Libya were her
helpers. 10 Yet was she carried away. She
went into captivity. Her young children
also were dashed in pieces at the head
of all the streets, and they cast lots for
her honorable men, and all her great men
were bound in chains. 11 You also will
be drunken. You will be hidden. You
also will seek a stronghold because of the
enemy. 12 All your fortresses will be like
fig trees with the first-ripe figs. If they
are shaken, they fall into the mouth of the
eater. 13 Behold, your troops among you
† 3:8 or, Thebes ‡ 3:8 or, Nile
Habakkuk 1:1 1045 Habakkuk 2:8

the wicked swallows up the man who is

more righteous than he, 14 and make men
The Book of like the fish of the sea, like the creeping
Habakkuk things that have no ruler over them? 15 He
takes up all of them with the hook. He
1 The revelation which Habakkuk the catches them in his net and gathers them
prophet saw. 2 Yahweh,† how long will I in his dragnet. Therefore he rejoices and
cry, and you will not hear? I cry out to you is glad. 16 Therefore he sacrifices to his net
“Violence!” and will you not save? 3 Why and burns incense to his dragnet, because
do you show me iniquity, and look at per- by them his life is luxurious and his food
versity? For destruction and violence are is good. 17 Will he therefore continually
before me. There is strife, and contention empty his net, and kill the nations without
rises up. 4 Therefore the law is paralyzed, mercy?
and justice never prevails; for the wicked
surround the righteous; therefore justice
comes out perverted.
1I will stand at my watch and set myself
5 “Look among the nations, watch, and on the ramparts, and will look out to see
wonder marvelously; for I am working what he will say to me, and what I will
a work in your days which you will not answer concerning my complaint.
believe though it is told you. 6 For, behold,‡ 2 Yahweh answered me, “Write the vi-
I am raising up the Chaldeans, that bitter sion, and make it plain on tablets, that he
and hasty nation who march through the who runs may read it. 3 For the vision is
width of the earth, to possess dwelling yet for the appointed time, and it hurries
places that are not theirs. 7 They are feared toward the end, and won’t prove false.
and dreaded. Their judgment and their Though it takes time, wait for it, because it
dignity proceed from themselves. 8 Their will surely come. It won’t delay. 4 Behold,
horses also are swifter than leopards, and his soul is puffed up. It is not upright in
are more fierce than the evening wolves. him, but the righteous will live by his faith.
Their horsemen press proudly on. Yes, 5 Yes, moreover, wine is treacherous: an
their horsemen come from afar. They fly arrogant man who doesn’t stay at home,
as an eagle that hurries to devour. 9 All of who enlarges his desire as Sheol;† he is like
them come for violence. Their hordes face death and can’t be satisfied, but gathers to
forward. They gather prisoners like sand. himself all nations and heaps to himself all
10 Yes, they scoff at kings, and princes are
a derision to them. They laugh at every 6 Won’t all these take up a parable
stronghold, for they build up an earthen against him, and a taunting proverb
ramp and take it. 11 Then they sweep by against him, and say, ‘Woe to him who
like the wind and go on. They are indeed increases that which is not his, and who
guilty, whose strength is their god.” enriches himself by extortion! How long?’
12 Aren’t you from everlasting, Yahweh 7 Won’t your debtors rise up suddenly, and
my God,§ my Holy One? We will not wake up those who make you tremble,
die. Yahweh, you have appointed them and you will be their victim? 8 Because
for judgment. You, Rock, have established you have plundered many nations, all
him to punish. 13 You who have purer eyes the remnant of the peoples will plunder
than to see evil, and who cannot look on you because of men’s blood, and for the
perversity, why do you tolerate those who violence done to the land, to the city and to
deal treacherously and keep silent when all who dwell in it.
† 1:2 “Yahweh” is God’s proper Name, sometimes rendered “LORD” (all caps) in other translations. ‡ 1:6 “Behold”,
from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection. § 1:12 The
Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim). † 2:5 Sheol is the place of the dead.
Habakkuk 2:9 1046 Habakkuk 3:14

9 Woe to him who gets an evil gain for Selah.

his house, that he may set his nest on high,
that he may be delivered from the hand of His glory covered the heavens,
evil! 10 You have devised shame to your and his praise filled the earth.
4 His splendor is like the sunrise.
house by cutting off many peoples, and
have sinned against your soul. 11 For the Rays shine from his hand, where his
stone will cry out of the wall, and the beam power is hidden.
5 Plague went before him,
out of the woodwork will answer it.
12 Woe to him who builds a town with and pestilence followed his feet.
blood, and establishes a city by iniquity! 6 He stood, and shook the earth.
13 Behold, isn’t it from Yahweh of Armies He looked, and made the nations trem-
that the peoples labor for the fire, and ble.
the nations weary themselves for vanity? The ancient mountains were crum-
14 For the earth will be filled with the bled.
knowledge of Yahweh’s glory, as the wa- The age-old hills collapsed.
ters cover the sea. His ways are eternal.
15 “Woe to him who gives his neighbor 7 I saw the tents of Cushan in affliction.
drink, pouring your inflaming wine until The dwellings of the land of Midian
they are drunk, so that you may gaze at 8 trembled.
Was Yahweh displeased with the rivers?
their naked bodies! 16 You are filled with
shame, and not glory. You will also drink Was your anger against the rivers,
and be exposed! The cup of Yahweh’s or your wrath against the sea,
right hand will come around to you, and that you rode on your horses,
disgrace will cover your glory. 17 For the on your chariots of salvation?
9 You uncovered your bow.
violence done to Lebanon will overwhelm
you, and the destruction of the animals You called for your sworn arrows.
will terrify you, because of men’s blood Selah.
and for the violence done to the land, to You split the earth with rivers.
every city and to those who dwell in them. 10 The mountains saw you, and were
18 “What value does the engraved image afraid.
have, that its maker has engraved it; the The storm of waters passed by.
molten image, even the teacher of lies, The deep roared and lifted up its
that he who fashions its form trusts in it, hands on high.
11 The sun and moon stood still in the sky
to make mute idols? 19 Woe to him who
says to the wood, ‘Awake!’ or to the mute at the light of your arrows as they
stone, ‘Arise!’ Shall this teach? Behold, it went,
is overlaid with gold and silver, and there at the shining of your glittering spear.
is no breath at all within it. 20 But Yahweh 12 You marched through the land in wrath.
is in his holy temple. Let all the earth be You threshed the nations in anger.
silent before him!” 13 You went out for the salvation of your
1 A prayer of Habakkuk, the prophet, set
for the salvation of your anointed.
You crushed the head of the land of
to victorious music. wickedness.
2 Yahweh, I have heard of your fame.
You stripped them head to foot.
I stand in awe of your deeds, Yahweh. Selah.
Renew your work in the middle of the
years. 14 You pierced the heads of his warriors
In the middle of the years make it with their own spears.
known. They came as a whirlwind to scatter
In wrath, you remember mercy. me,
3 God came from Teman, gloating as if to devour the wretched
the Holy One from Mount Paran. in secret.
Habakkuk 3:15 1047 Habakkuk 3:19

15 You trampled the sea with your horses,

churning mighty waters.
16 I heard, and my body trembled.
My lips quivered at the voice.
Rottenness enters into my bones, and I
tremble in my place
because I must wait quietly for the day
of trouble,
for the coming up of the people who
invade us.
17 For even though the fig tree doesn’t
nor fruit be in the vines,
the labor of the olive fails,
the fields yield no food,
the flocks are cut off from the fold,
and there is no herd in the stalls,
18 yet I will rejoice in Yahweh.
I will be joyful in the God of my salva-
19 Yahweh, the Lord,† is my strength.
He makes my feet like deer’s feet,
and enables me to go in high places.
For the music director, on my stringed

† 3:19 The word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.”

Zephaniah 1:1 1048 Zephaniah 2:7

will not do good, neither will he do evil.”

13 Their wealth will become a plunder, and
The Book of their houses a desolation. Yes, they will
Zephaniah build houses, but won’t inhabit them. They
will plant vineyards, but won’t drink their
1 Yahweh’s† word which came to Zepha- wine.
14 The great day of Yahweh is near. It
niah, the son of Cushi, the son of Gedaliah,
the son of Amariah, the son of Hezekiah, in is near and hurries greatly, the voice of
the days of Josiah, the son of Amon, king of the day of Yahweh. The mighty man cries
Judah. there bitterly. 15 That day is a day of wrath,
2 I will utterly sweep away everything a day of distress and anguish, a day of trou-
from the surface of the earth, says Yahweh. ble and ruin, a day of darkness and gloom,
3 I will sweep away man and animal. I will a day of clouds and blackness, 16 a day of
sweep away the birds of the sky, the fish of the trumpet and alarm against the fortified
the sea, and the heaps of rubble with the cities and against the high battlements. 17 I
wicked. I will cut off man from the surface will bring such distress on men that they
of the earth, says Yahweh. 4 I will stretch will walk like blind men because they have
out my hand against Judah and against all sinned against Yahweh. Their blood will
the inhabitants of Jerusalem. I will cut off be poured out like dust and their flesh like
the remnant of Baal from this place—the dung. 18 Neither their silver nor their gold
name of the idolatrous and pagan priests, will be able to deliver them in the day of
5 those who worship the army of the sky Yahweh’s wrath, but the whole land will be
on the housetops, those who worship and devoured by the fire of his jealousy; for he
swear by Yahweh and also swear by Mal- will make an end, yes, a terrible end, of all
cam, 6 those who have turned back from those who dwell in the land.
following Yahweh, and those who haven’t
sought Yahweh nor inquired after him. 2
1 Gather yourselves together, yes, gather
7 Be silent at the presence of the Lord‡
Yahweh, for the day of Yahweh is at hand. together, you nation that has no shame,
2 before the appointed time when the day
For Yahweh has prepared a sacrifice. He
has consecrated his guests. 8 It will happen passes as the chaff, before the fierce anger
in the day of Yahweh’s sacrifice that I will of Yahweh comes on you, before the day
punish the princes, the king’s sons, and all of Yahweh’s anger comes on you. 3 Seek
those who are clothed with foreign cloth- Yahweh, all you humble of the land, who
ing. 9 In that day, I will punish all those have kept his ordinances. Seek righteous-
who leap over the threshold, who fill their ness. Seek humility. It may be that you will
master’s house with violence and deceit. be hidden in the day of Yahweh’s anger.
4 For Gaza will be forsaken, and Ashkelon
10 In that day, says Yahweh, there will
be the noise of a cry from the fish gate, a desolation. They will drive out Ashdod
at noonday, and Ekron will be rooted up.
a wailing from the second quarter, and 5 Woe to the inhabitants of the sea coast,
a great crashing from the hills. 11 Wail,
the nation of the Cherethites! Yahweh’s
you inhabitants of Maktesh, for all the word is against you, Canaan, the land of
people of Canaan are undone! All those the Philistines. I will destroy you until
who were loaded with silver are cut off. there is no inhabitant. 6 The sea coast
12 It will happen at that time, that I will
will be pastures, with cottages for shep-
search Jerusalem with lamps, and I will herds and folds for flocks. 7 The coast
punish the men who are settled on their will be for the remnant of the house of
dregs, who say in their heart, “Yahweh Judah. They will find pasture. In the
† 1:1 “Yahweh” is God’s proper Name, sometimes rendered “LORD” (all caps) in other translations. ‡ 1:7 The
word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.” † 2:7 The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim).
Zephaniah 2:8 1049 Zephaniah 3:17

houses of Ashkelon, they will lie down law. 5 Yahweh, within her, is righteous. He
in the evening, for Yahweh, their God,† will do no wrong. Every morning he brings
will visit them and restore them. 8 I his justice to light. He doesn’t fail, but the
have heard the reproach of Moab and the unjust know no shame.
insults of the children of Ammon, with 6 I have cut off nations. Their battle-
which they have reproached my people ments are desolate. I have made their
and magnified themselves against their streets waste, so that no one passes by.
border. 9 Therefore, as I live, says Yahweh Their cities are destroyed, so that there is
of Armies, the God of Israel, surely Moab no man, so that there is no inhabitant. 7 I
will be as Sodom, and the children of Am- said, “Just fear me. Receive correction,” so
mon as Gomorrah, a possession of nettles that her dwelling won’t be cut off, accord-
and salt pits, and a perpetual desolation. ing to all that I have appointed concerning
The remnant of my people will plunder her. But they rose early and corrupted all
them, and the survivors of my nation will their doings.
inherit them. 10 This they will have for 8 “Therefore wait for me”, says Yahweh,
their pride, because they have reproached “until the day that I rise up to the prey, for
and magnified themselves against the peo- my determination is to gather the nations,
ple of Yahweh of Armies. 11 Yahweh will that I may assemble the kingdoms to pour
be awesome to them, for he will famish on them my indignation, even all my fierce
all the gods of the land. Men will worship anger, for all the earth will be devoured
him, everyone from his place, even all the with the fire of my jealousy.
shores of the nations. 9 For then I will purify the lips of the
12 You Cushites also, you will be killed by
peoples, that they may all call on Yahweh’s
my sword. name, to serve him shoulder to shoulder.
13 He will stretch out his hand against the 10 From beyond the rivers of Cush, my
north, destroy Assyria, and will make Nin- worshipers, even the daughter of my dis-
eveh a desolation, as dry as the wilderness. persed people, will bring my offering. 11 In
14 Herds will lie down in the middle of that day you will not be disappointed for
her, all kinds of animals. Both the pelican all your doings in which you have trans-
and the porcupine will lodge in its capitals. gressed against me; for then I will take
Their calls will echo through the windows. away out from among you your proudly
Desolation will be in the thresholds, for he exulting ones, and you will no more be
has laid bare the cedar beams. 15 This is arrogant in my holy mountain. 12 But I will
the joyous city that lived carelessly, that
leave among you an afflicted and poor peo-
said in her heart, “I am, and there is no
one besides me.” How she has become a ple, and they will take refuge in Yahweh’s
desolation, a place for animals to lie down name. 13 The remnant of Israel will not
in! Everyone who passes by her will hiss do iniquity nor speak lies, neither will a
and shake their fists. deceitful tongue be found in their mouth,
for they will feed and lie down, and no one
3 will make them afraid.”
14 Sing, daughter of Zion! Shout, Is-
1 Woe to her who is rebellious and pol-
luted, the oppressing city! 2 She didn’t obey rael! Be glad and rejoice with all your
the voice. She didn’t receive correction. heart, daughter of Jerusalem. 15 Yahweh
She didn’t trust in Yahweh. She didn’t has taken away your judgments. He has
draw near to her God. thrown out your enemy. The King of
3 Her princes within her are roaring li- Israel, Yahweh, is among you. You will
ons. Her judges are evening wolves. They not be afraid of evil any more. 16 In that
leave nothing until the next day. 4 Her day, it will be said to Jerusalem, “Don’t
prophets are arrogant and treacherous be afraid, Zion. Don’t let your hands be
people. Her priests have profaned the weak.” 17 Yahweh, your God, is among you,
sanctuary. They have done violence to the a mighty one who will save. He will rejoice
Zephaniah 3:18 1050 Zephaniah 3:20

over you with joy. He will calm you in his

love. He will rejoice over you with singing.
18 I will remove those who grieve about
the appointed feasts from you. They are a
burden and a reproach to you. 19 Behold,†
at that time I will deal with all those who
afflict you; and I will save those who are
lame and gather those who were driven
away. I will give them praise and honor,
whose shame has been in all the earth.
20 At that time I will bring you in, and
at that time I will gather you; for I will
give you honor and praise among all the
peoples of the earth when I restore your
fortunes before your eyes, says Yahweh.

† 3:19 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,

ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.
Haggai 1:1 1051 Haggai 2:9

words of Haggai the prophet, as Yahweh

their God had sent him; and the people
The Book of feared Yahweh.
Haggai 13 Then Haggai, Yahweh’s messenger,
spoke Yahweh’s message to the people,
1 In the second year of Darius the king, saying, “I am with you,” says Yahweh.
14 Yahweh stirred up the spirit of Zerub-
in the sixth month, in the first day of
the month, Yahweh’s† word came by Hag- babel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Ju-
gai the prophet, to Zerubbabel the son of dah, and the spirit of Joshua the son of
Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua Jehozadak, the high priest, and the spirit
the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, say- of all the remnant of the people; and
ing, 2 “This is what Yahweh of Armies they came and worked on the house of
says: These people say, ‘The time hasn’t yet Yahweh of Armies, their God, 15 in the
come, the time for Yahweh’s house to be twenty-fourth day of the month, in the
built.’ ” sixth month, in the second year of Darius
3 Then Yahweh’s word came by Haggai the king.
the prophet, saying, 4 “Is it a time for
you yourselves to dwell in your paneled 2
houses, while this house lies waste? 5 Now 1In the seventh month, in the twenty-
therefore this is what Yahweh of Armies first day of the month, Yahweh’s word
says: ‘Consider your ways. 6 You have came by Haggai the prophet, saying,
sown much, and bring in little. You eat, 2 “Speak now to Zerubbabel the son of
but you don’t have enough. You drink, but Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua
you aren’t filled with drink. You clothe the son of Jehozadak, the high priest,
yourselves, but no one is warm; and he and to the remnant of the people, saying,
who earns wages earns wages to put them 3 ‘Who is left among you who saw this
into a bag with holes in it.’ house in its former glory? How do you
7 “This is what Yahweh of Armies says:
see it now? Isn’t it in your eyes as
‘Consider your ways. 8 Go up to the moun- nothing? 4 Yet now be strong, Zerubbabel,’
tain, bring wood, and build the house. I says Yahweh. ‘Be strong, Joshua son of
will take pleasure in it, and I will be glori- Jehozadak, the high priest. Be strong, all
fied,” says Yahweh. 9 “You looked for much, you people of the land,’ says Yahweh, ‘and
and, behold,‡ it came to little; and when work, for I am with you,’ says Yahweh
you brought it home, I blew it away. Why?” of Armies. 5 This is the word that I
says Yahweh of Armies, “Because of my covenanted with you when you came out
house that lies waste, while each of you is of Egypt, and my Spirit lived among you.
busy with his own house. 10 Therefore for ‘Don’t be afraid.’ 6 For this is what Yahweh
your sake the heavens withhold the dew, of Armies says: ‘Yet once more, it is a little
and the earth withholds its fruit. 11 I called while, and I will shake the heavens, the
for a drought on the land, on the moun- earth, the sea, and the dry land; 7 and I
tains, on the grain, on the new wine, on the will shake all nations. The treasure of all
oil, on that which the ground produces, on nations will come, and I will fill this house
men, on livestock, and on all the labor of with glory, says Yahweh of Armies. 8 The
the hands.” silver is mine, and the gold is mine,’ says
12 Then Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel Yahweh of Armies. 9 ‘The latter glory of
and Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high this house will be greater than the former,’
priest, with all the remnant of the people, says Yahweh of Armies; ‘and in this place I
obeyed Yahweh their God’s§ voice, and the will give peace,’ says Yahweh of Armies.”
† 1:1 “Yahweh” is God’s proper Name, sometimes rendered “LORD” (all caps) in other translations. ‡ 1:9 “Behold”,
from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection. § 1:12 The
Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim).
Haggai 2:10 1052 Haggai 2:23

10 In the twenty-fourth day of the ninth ‘and will make you like a signet ring, for I
month, in the second year of Darius, Yah- have chosen you,’ says Yahweh of Armies.”
weh’s word came by Haggai the prophet,
saying, 11 “Yahweh of Armies says: Ask
now the priests concerning the law, say-
ing, 12 ‘If someone carries holy meat in
the fold of his garment, and with his fold
touches bread, stew, wine, oil, or any food,
will it become holy?’ ”
The priests answered, “No.”
13 Then Haggai said, “If one who is un-
clean by reason of a dead body touch any
of these, will it be unclean?”
The priests answered, “It will be un-
14 Then Haggai answered, “ ‘So is this
people, and so is this nation before me,’
says Yahweh; ‘and so is every work of their
hands. That which they offer there is un-
clean. 15 Now, please consider from this
day and backward, before a stone was laid
on a stone in Yahweh’s temple. 16 Through
all that time, when one came to a heap
of twenty measures, there were only ten.
When one came to the wine vat to draw out
fifty, there were only twenty. 17 I struck
you with blight, mildew, and hail in all
the work of your hands; yet you didn’t
turn to me,’ says Yahweh. 18 ‘Consider,
please, from this day and backward, from
the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month,
since the day that the foundation of Yah-
weh’s temple was laid, consider it. 19 Is the
seed yet in the barn? Yes, the vine, the fig
tree, the pomegranate, and the olive tree
haven’t produced. From today I will bless
you.’ ”
20 Yahweh’s word came the second time
to Haggai in the twenty-fourth day of the
month, saying, 21 “Speak to Zerubbabel,
governor of Judah, saying, ‘I will shake the
heavens and the earth. 22 I will overthrow
the throne of kingdoms. I will destroy the
strength of the kingdoms of the nations. I
will overthrow the chariots and those who
ride in them. The horses and their riders
will come down, everyone by the sword of
his brother. 23 In that day, says Yahweh
of Armies, I will take you, Zerubbabel my
servant, the son of Shealtiel,’ says Yahweh,
Zechariah 1:1 1053 Zechariah 2:3

12 Then Yahweh’s angel replied, “O Yah-

weh of Armies, how long will you not have
The Book of mercy on Jerusalem and on the cities of
Zechariah Judah, against which you have had indig-
1 In the eighth month, in the second year
nation these seventy years?”
13 Yahweh answered the angel who
of Darius, Yahweh’s† word came to the talked with me with kind and comfort-
prophet Zechariah the son of Berechiah, ing words. 14 So the angel who talked
the son of Iddo, saying, 2 “Yahweh was very with me said to me, “Proclaim, saying,
displeased with your fathers. 3 Therefore ‘Yahweh of Armies says: “I am jealous
tell them, Yahweh of Armies says: ‘Return for Jerusalem and for Zion with a great
to me,’ says Yahweh of Armies, ‘and I will jealousy. 15 I am very angry with the
return to you,’ says Yahweh of Armies. nations that are at ease; for I was but a
4 Don’t you be like your fathers, to whom
little displeased, but they added to the
the former prophets proclaimed, saying: calamity.” 16 Therefore Yahweh says: “I
Yahweh of Armies says, ‘Return now from have returned to Jerusalem with mercy.
your evil ways and from your evil doings;’ My house shall be built in it,” says Yahweh
but they didn’t hear nor listen to me, says of Armies, “and a line shall be stretched
Yahweh. 5 Your fathers, where are they? out over Jerusalem.” ’
And the prophets, do they live forever? 17 “Proclaim further, saying, ‘Yahweh of
6 But my words and my decrees, which Armies says: “My cities will again over-
I commanded my servants the prophets, flow with prosperity, and Yahweh will
didn’t they overtake your fathers? again comfort Zion, and will again choose
“Then they repented and said, ‘Just as Jerusalem.” ’ ”
Yahweh of Armies determined to do to us, 18 I lifted up my eyes and saw, and be-
according to our ways and according to hold, four horns. 19 I asked the angel who
our practices, so he has dealt with us.’ ” talked with me, “What are these?”
7 On the twenty-fourth day of the
He answered me, “These are the horns
eleventh month, which is the month She- which have scattered Judah, Israel, and
bat, in the second year of Darius, Yahweh’s Jerusalem.”
word came to the prophet Zechariah the 20 Yahweh showed me four craftsmen.
son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo, saying, 21 Then I asked, “What are these coming to
8 “I had a vision in the night, and behold,‡ a do?”
man riding on a red horse, and he stood He said, “These are the horns which
among the myrtle trees that were in a scattered Judah, so that no man lifted up
ravine; and behind him there were red, his head; but these have come to terrify
brown, and white horses. 9 Then I asked, them, to cast down the horns of the nations
‘My lord, what are these?’ ” that lifted up their horn against the land of
The angel who talked with me said to me, Judah to scatter it.”
“I will show you what these are.”
10 The man who stood among the myrtle 2
trees answered, “They are the ones Yah-
1I lifted up my eyes, and saw, and be-
weh has sent to go back and forth through hold, a man with a measuring line in his
the earth.” hand. 2 Then I asked, “Where are you
11 They reported to Yahweh’s angel who going?”
stood among the myrtle trees, and said, He said to me, “To measure Jerusalem, to
“We have walked back and forth through see what is its width and what is its length.”
the earth, and behold, all the earth is at rest 3 Behold, the angel who talked with me
and in peace.” went out, and another angel went out to
† 1:1 “Yahweh” is God’s proper Name, sometimes rendered “LORD” (all caps) in other translations. ‡ 1:8 “Behold”,
from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection.
Zechariah 2:4 1054 Zechariah 4:7

meet him, 4 and said to him, “Run, speak So they set a clean turban on his head,
to this young man, saying, ‘Jerusalem will and clothed him; and Yahweh’s angel was
be inhabited as villages without walls, be- standing by.
cause of the multitude of men and live- 6 Yahweh’s angel solemnly assured
stock in it. 5 For I,’ says Yahweh, ‘will be to Joshua, saying, 7 “Yahweh of Armies says:
her a wall of fire around it, and I will be the ‘If you will walk in my ways, and if you
glory in the middle of her. will follow my instructions, then you also
6 Come! Come! Flee from the land of
shall judge my house, and shall also keep
the north,’ says Yahweh; ‘for I have spread my courts, and I will give you a place of
you abroad as the four winds of the sky,’ access among these who stand by. 8 Hear
says Yahweh. 7 ‘Come, Zion! Escape, you now, Joshua the high priest, you and your
who dwell with the daughter of Babylon.’ fellows who sit before you, for they are
8 For Yahweh of Armies says: ‘For honor
men who are a sign; for, behold, I will
he has sent me to the nations which plun- bring out my servant, the Branch. 9 For,
dered you; for he who touches you touches behold, the stone that I have set before
the apple of his eye. 9 For, behold, I will Joshua: on one stone are seven eyes;
shake my hand over them, and they will behold, I will engrave its inscription,’ says
be a plunder to those who served them; Yahweh of Armies, ‘and I will remove the
and you will know that Yahweh of Armies iniquity of that land in one day. 10 In that
has sent me. 10 Sing and rejoice, daughter day,’ says Yahweh of Armies, ‘you will
of Zion! For behold, I come and I will invite every man his neighbor under the
dwell within you,’ says Yahweh. 11 Many vine and under the fig tree.’ ”
nations shall join themselves to Yahweh
in that day, and shall be my people; and I
will dwell among you, and you shall know
1The angel who talked with me came
that Yahweh of Armies has sent me to you.
12 Yahweh will inherit Judah as his portion again and wakened me, as a man who is
wakened out of his sleep. 2 He said to me,
in the holy land, and will again choose
“What do you see?”
Jerusalem. 13 Be silent, all flesh, before
Yahweh; for he has roused himself from I said, “I have seen, and behold, a lamp
his holy habitation!” stand all of gold, with its bowl on the top
of it, and its seven lamps on it; there are
seven pipes to each of the lamps which are
3 on the top of it; 3 and two olive trees by it,
1 He showed me Joshua the high priest one on the right side of the bowl, and the
standing before Yahweh’s angel, and Satan other on the left side of it.”
standing at his right hand to be his ad- 4 I answered and spoke to the angel who
versary. 2 Yahweh said to Satan, “Yahweh talked with me, saying, “What are these,
rebuke you, Satan! Yes, Yahweh who has my lord?”
chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Isn’t this a 5 Then the angel who talked with me
burning stick plucked out of the fire?” answered me, “Don’t you know what these
3 Now Joshua was clothed with filthy are?”
garments, and was standing before the I said, “No, my lord.”
angel. 4 He answered and spoke to those 6 Then he answered and spoke to me,
who stood before him, saying, “Take the saying, “This is Yahweh’s word to Zerubba-
filthy garments off him.” To him he said, bel, saying, ‘Not by might, nor by power,
“Behold, I have caused your iniquity to but by my Spirit,’ says Yahweh of Armies.
pass from you, and I will clothe you with 7 Who are you, great mountain? Be-
rich clothing.” fore Zerubbabel you are a plain; and he
5 I said, “Let them set a clean turban on will bring out the capstone with shouts of
his head.” ‘Grace, grace, to it!’ ”
Zechariah 4:8 1055 Zechariah 6:8

8 Moreover Yahweh’s word came to me, He said, “This is the ephah‡ basket that
saying, 9 “The hands of Zerubbabel have is appearing.” He said moreover, “This
laid the foundation of this house. His is their appearance in all the land— 7 and
hands shall also finish it; and you will behold, a lead cover weighing one talent§
know that Yahweh of Armies has sent me was lifted up—and there was a woman
to you. 10 Indeed, who despises the day
of small things? For these seven shall re- sitting in the middle of the ephah† bas-
joice, and shall see the plumb line in the ket.” 8 He said, “This is Wickedness;” and
he threw her down into the middle of
hand of Zerubbabel. These are Yahweh’s the ephah basket; and he threw the lead
eyes, which run back and forth through
weight on its mouth.
the whole earth.” 9 Then I lifted up my eyes and saw, and
11 Then I asked him, “What are these two
olive trees on the right side of the lamp behold, there were two women; and the
stand and on the left side of it?” wind was in their wings. Now they had
12 I asked him the second time, “What are wings like the wings of a stork, and they
these two olive branches, which are beside lifted up the ephah basket between earth
the two golden spouts that pour the golden and the sky. 10 Then I said to the angel who
oil out of themselves?” talked with me, “Where are these carrying
13 He answered me, “Don’t you know
the ephah basket?”
what these are?” 11 He said to me, “To build her a house
I said, “No, my lord.”
14 Then he said, “These are the two in the land of Shinar. When it is prepared,
anointed ones who stand by the Lord† of she will be set there in her own place.”
the whole earth.”
1 Then again I lifted up my eyes and saw,
1 Again
I lifted up my eyes, and saw, and
behold, four chariots came out from be-
and behold, a flying scroll. 2 He said to me, tween two mountains; and the mountains
“What do you see?” were mountains of bronze. 2 In the first
I answered, “I see a flying scroll; its chariot were red horses. In the second
length is twenty cubits,† and its width ten chariot were black horses. 3 In the third
cubits.” chariot were white horses. In the fourth
3 Then he said to me, “This is the curse chariot were dappled horses, all of them
that goes out over the surface of the whole powerful. 4 Then I asked the angel who
land, for everyone who steals shall be cut talked with me, “What are these, my lord?”
off according to it on the one side; and 5 The angel answered me, “These are
everyone who swears falsely shall be cut the four winds of the sky, which go out
off according to it on the other side. 4 I from standing before the Lord of all the
will cause it to go out,” says Yahweh of earth. 6 The one with the black horses
Armies, “and it will enter into the house of goes out toward the north country; and
the thief, and into the house of him who the white went out after them; and the
swears falsely by my name; and it will dappled went out toward the south coun-
remain in the middle of his house, and will try.” 7 The strong went out, and sought
destroy it with its timber and its stones.” to go that they might walk back and forth
5 Then the angel who talked with me through the earth. He said, “Go around
came forward and said to me, “Lift up and through the earth!” So they walked
now your eyes and see what this is that is back and forth through the earth.
appearing.” 8 Then he called to me, and spoke to me,
6 I said, “What is it?” saying, “Behold, those who go toward the
† 4:14 The word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.” † 5:2 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the
elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46 centimeters. ‡ 5:6 An ephah is a measure of volume of about 22
liters, 5.8 U. S. gallons, or about 2/3 of a bushel. § 5:7 A talent is about 30 kilograms or 66 pounds. † 5:7 1 ephah
is about 22 liters or about 2/3 of a bushel
Zechariah 6:9 1056 Zechariah 8:6

north country have quieted my spirit in the the former prophets when Jerusalem was
north country.” inhabited and in prosperity, and its cities
9 Yahweh’s word came to me, saying, around her, and the South and the lowland
10 “Take of them of the captivity, even of were inhabited?’ ”
8 Yahweh’s word came to Zechariah, say-
Heldai, of Tobijah, and of Jedaiah; and
come the same day, and go into the house ing, 9 “Thus has Yahweh of Armies spoken,
of Josiah the son of Zephaniah, where they saying, ‘Execute true judgment, and show
have come from Babylon. 11 Yes, take silver kindness and compassion every man to
and gold, and make crowns, and set them his brother. 10 Don’t oppress the widow,
on the head of Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the fatherless, the foreigner, nor the poor;
the high priest; 12 and speak to him, saying, and let none of you devise evil against
‘Yahweh of Armies says, “Behold, the man his brother in your heart.’ 11 But they
whose name is the Branch! He will grow refused to listen, and turned their backs,
up out of his place; and he will build Yah- and stopped their ears, that they might not
weh’s temple. 13 He will build Yahweh’s hear. 12 Yes, they made their hearts as hard
temple. He will bear the glory, and will sit as flint, lest they might hear the law and
and rule on his throne. He will be a priest the words which Yahweh of Armies had
sent by his Spirit by the former prophets.
on his throne. The counsel of peace will Therefore great wrath came from Yahweh
be between them both. 14 The crowns shall of Armies. 13 It has come to pass that, as
be to Helem, to Tobijah, to Jedaiah, and to
Hen the son of Zephaniah, for a memorial he called and they refused to listen, so they
in Yahweh’s temple. will call and I will not listen,” said Yahweh
15 Those who are far off shall come and of Armies; 14 “but I will scatter them with
build in Yahweh’s temple; and you shall a whirlwind among all the nations which
they have not known. Thus the land was
know that Yahweh of Armies has sent me
to you. This will happen, if you will dili- desolate after them, so that no man passed
gently obey Yahweh your God’s voice.” ’ ”† through nor returned; for they made the
pleasant land desolate.”
7 8
1 In the fourth year of King Darius,
Yahweh’s word came to Zechariah in the The word of Yahweh of Armies came

fourth day of the ninth month, the month to me. 2 Yahweh of Armies says: “I am
of Chislev. 2 The people of Bethel sent jealous for Zion with great jealousy, and I
Sharezer and Regem Melech and their am jealous for her with great wrath.”
3 Yahweh says: “I have returned to Zion,
men to entreat Yahweh’s favor, 3 and to
speak to the priests of the house of Yah- and will dwell in the middle of Jerusalem.
weh of Armies and to the prophets, saying, Jerusalem shall be called ‘The City of
“Should I weep in the fifth month, separat- Truth;’ and the mountain of Yahweh of
ing myself, as I have done these so many Armies, ‘The Holy Mountain.’ ”
4 Yahweh of Armies says: “Old men and
4 Then the word of Yahweh of Armies old women will again dwell in the streets
came to me, saying, 5 “Speak to all the of Jerusalem, every man with his staff in
people of the land and to the priests, say- his hand because of their old age. 5 The
ing, ‘When you fasted and mourned in the streets of the city will be full of boys and
fifth and in the seventh month for these girls playing in its streets.”
seventy years, did you at all fast to me, 6 Yahweh of Armies says: “If it is mar-
really to me? 6 When you eat and when velous in the eyes of the remnant of this
you drink, don’t you eat for yourselves people in those days, should it also be
and drink for yourselves? 7 Aren’t these marvelous in my eyes?” says Yahweh of
the words which Yahweh proclaimed by Armies.
† 6:15 The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬
ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim).
Zechariah 8:7 1057 Zechariah 9:8

7 Yahweh of Armies says: “Behold, I 20Yahweh of Armies says: “Many peo-

will save my people from the east coun- ples and the inhabitants of many cities will
try and from the west country. 8 I will yet come. 21 The inhabitants of one will go
bring them, and they will dwell within to another, saying, ‘Let’s go speedily to en-
Jerusalem. They will be my people, and I treat the favor of Yahweh, and to seek Yah-
will be their God, in truth and in righteous- weh of Armies. I will go also.’ 22 Yes, many
ness.” peoples and strong nations will come to
9 Yahweh of Armies says: “Let your seek Yahweh of Armies in Jerusalem and
hands be strong, you who hear in these to entreat the favor of Yahweh.” 23 Yahweh
days these words from the mouth of the of Armies says: “In those days, ten men out
prophets who were in the day that the of all the languages of the nations will take
foundation of the house of Yahweh of hold of the skirt of him who is a Jew, saying,
Armies was laid, even the temple, that it ‘We will go with you, for we have heard
might be built. 10 For before those days that God is with you.’ ”
there was no wages for man nor any wages
for an animal, neither was there any peace
1 A revelation.
to him who went out or came in, because of
the adversary. For I set all men everyone Yahweh’s word is against the land of
against his neighbor. 11 But now I will Hadrach,
not be to the remnant of this people as in and will rest upon Damascus—
the former days,” says Yahweh of Armies. for the eye of man
12 “For the seed of peace and the vine will and of all the tribes of Israel is toward
yield its fruit, and the ground will give its Yahweh—
2 and Hamath, also, which borders on it,
increase, and the heavens will give their Tyre and Sidon, because they are very
dew. I will cause the remnant of this peo- wise.
ple to inherit all these things. 13 It shall 3 Tyre built herself a stronghold,
come to pass that, as you were a curse and heaped up silver like the dust,
among the nations, house of Judah and and fine gold like the mire of the
house of Israel, so I will save you, and you streets.
shall be a blessing. Don’t be afraid. Let 4 Behold, the Lord will dispossess her,
your hands be strong.” and he will strike her power in the sea;
14 For Yahweh of Armies says: “As I and she will be devoured with fire.
thought to do evil to you when your fathers 5 Ashkelon will see it, and fear;
provoked me to wrath,” says Yahweh of
Gaza also, and will writhe in agony;
Armies, “and I didn’t repent, 15 so again
as will Ekron, for her expectation will
I have thought in these days to do good
be disappointed;
to Jerusalem and to the house of Judah.
and the king will perish from Gaza,
Don’t be afraid. 16 These are the things that
and Ashkelon will not be inhabited.
you shall do: speak every man the truth 6 Foreigners will dwell in Ashdod,
with his neighbor. Execute the judgment and I will cut off the pride of the
of truth and peace in your gates, 17 and Philistines.
let none of you devise evil in your hearts 7 I will take away his blood out of his
against his neighbor, and love no false mouth,
oath; for all these are things that I hate,” and his abominations from between
says Yahweh. his teeth;
18 The word of Yahweh of Armies came and he also will be a remnant for our God;
to me. 19 Yahweh of Armies says: “The and he will be as a chieftain in Judah,
fasts of the fourth, fifth, seventh, and tenth and Ekron as a Jebusite.
months shall be for the house of Judah joy, 8 I will encamp around my house against
gladness, and cheerful feasts. Therefore the army,
love truth and peace.” that no one pass through or return;
Zechariah 9:9 1058 Zechariah 10:8

and no oppressor will pass through and how great is his beauty!
them any more: Grain will make the young men flourish,
for now I have seen with my eyes. and new wine the virgins.
9 Rejoice greatly, daughter of Zion! 10
1 Ask of Yahweh rain in the spring time,
Shout, daughter of Jerusalem!
Behold, your King comes to you! Yahweh who makes storm clouds,
He is righteous, and having salvation; and he gives rain showers to everyone
lowly, and riding on a donkey, for the plants in the field.
2 For the teraphim† have spoken vanity,
even on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
10 I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim and the diviners have seen a lie;
and the horse from Jerusalem. and they have told false dreams.
The battle bow will be cut off; They comfort in vain.
and he will speak peace to the nations. Therefore they go their way like sheep.
His dominion will be from sea to sea, They are oppressed, because there is
and from the River to the ends of the no shepherd.
3 My anger is kindled against the shep-
11 As for you also, herds,
because of the blood of your covenant, and I will punish the male goats,
I have set free your prisoners from the for Yahweh of Armies has visited his
pit in which is no water. flock, the house of Judah,
12 Turn to the stronghold, you prisoners of and will make them as his majestic
hope! horse in the battle.
4 From him will come the cornerstone,
Even today I declare that I will restore
from him the tent peg,
double to you.
13 For indeed I bend Judah as a bow for me. from him the battle bow,
from him every ruler together.
I have loaded the bow with Ephraim. 5 They will be as mighty men,
I will stir up your sons, Zion, treading down muddy streets in the
against your sons, Greece, battle.
and will make you like the sword of a They will fight, because Yahweh is with
mighty man. them.
The riders on horses will be con-
14 Yahweh will be seen over them. founded.
His arrow will flash like lightning.
6 “I will strengthen the house of Judah,
The Lord Yahweh will blow the trumpet,
and will go with whirlwinds of the and I will save the house of Joseph.
south. I will bring them back,
15 Yahweh of Armies will defend them. for I have mercy on them.
They will destroy and overcome with They will be as though I had not cast them
sling stones. off,
They will drink, and roar as through wine. for I am Yahweh their God, and I will
They will be filled like bowls, hear them.
7 Ephraim will be like a mighty man,
like the corners of the altar.
and their heart will rejoice as through
16 Yahweh their God will save them in that wine.
day as the flock of his people; Yes, their children will see it and rejoice.
for they are like the jewels of a crown, Their heart will be glad in Yahweh.
lifted on high over his land. 8 I will signal for them and gather them,
17 For how great is his goodness, for I have redeemed them.
† 10:2 teraphim were household idols that may have been associated with inheritance rights to the household
Zechariah 10:9 1059 Zechariah 12:4

They will increase as they were be- “Favor” and the other I called “Union”,
fore. and I fed the flock. 8 I cut off the three
9 I will sow them among the peoples. shepherds in one month; for my soul was
They will remember me in far coun- weary of them, and their soul also loathed
tries. me. 9 Then I said, “I will not feed you. That
They will live with their children and which dies, let it die; and that which is to
will return. be cut off, let it be cut off; and let those
10 I will bring them again also out of the
who are left eat each other’s flesh.” 10 I
land of Egypt, took my staff Favor and cut it apart, that I
and gather them out of Assyria. might break my covenant that I had made
I will bring them into the land of Gilead with all the peoples. 11 It was broken in
and Lebanon; that day; and thus the poor of the flock that
and there won’t be room enough for listened to me knew that it was Yahweh’s
them. word. 12 I said to them, “If you think it best,
11 He will pass through the sea of affliction,give me my wages; and if not, keep them.”
and will strike the waves in the sea, So they weighed for my wages thirty pieces
and all the depths of the Nile will dry of silver. 13 Yahweh said to me, “Throw it to
up; the potter—the handsome price that I was
and the pride of Assyria will be valued at by them!” I took the thirty pieces
brought down, of silver and threw them to the potter in
and the scepter of Egypt will depart. Yahweh’s house. 14 Then I cut apart my
12 I will strengthen them in Yahweh.
other staff, Union, that I might break the
They will walk up and down in his brotherhood between Judah and Israel.
name,” says Yahweh. 15 Yahweh said to me, “Take for yourself
yet again the equipment of a foolish shep-
1 Open your doors, Lebanon, herd. 16 For, behold, I will raise up a shep-
that the fire may devour your cedars. herd
in the land who will not visit those
are cut off, neither will seek those
2 Wail, cypress tree, for the cedar has
who are scattered, nor heal that which is
fallen, broken, nor feed that which is sound; but
because the stately ones are de- he will eat the meat of the fat sheep, and
stroyed. will tear their hoofs in pieces. 17 Woe to the
Wail, you oaks of Bashan, worthless shepherd who leaves the flock!
for the strong forest has come down. The sword will strike his arm and his right
3 A voice of the wailing of the shepherds!
eye. His arm will be completely withered,
For their glory is destroyed—a voice of and his right eye will be totally blinded!”
the roaring of young lions!
For the pride of the Jordan is ruined.
4 Yahweh my God says: “Feed the flock of
1 A revelation of Yahweh’s word con-
slaughter. 5 Their buyers slaughter them cerning Israel: Yahweh, who stretches out
and go unpunished. Those who sell them the heavens and lays the foundation of the
say, ‘Blessed be Yahweh, for I am rich;’ earth, and forms the spirit of man within
and their own shepherds don’t pity them. him says: 2 “Behold, I will make Jerusalem
6 For I will no more pity the inhabitants a cup of reeling to all the surrounding
of the land,” says Yahweh; “but, behold, I peoples, and it will also be on Judah in the
will deliver every one of the men into his siege against Jerusalem. 3 It will happen
neighbor’s hand and into the hand of his in that day that I will make Jerusalem a
king. They will strike the land, and out of burdensome stone for all the peoples. All
their hand I will not deliver them.” who burden themselves with it will be
7 So I fed the flock to be slaughtered, severely wounded, and all the nations of
especially the oppressed of the flock. I the earth will be gathered together against
took for myself two staffs. The one I called it. 4 In that day,” says Yahweh, “I will strike
Zechariah 12:5 1060 Zechariah 14:2

every horse with terror and his rider with tants of Jerusalem, for sin and for unclean-
madness. I will open my eyes on the house ness.
2 It will come to pass in that day, says
of Judah, and will strike every horse of the
peoples with blindness. 5 The chieftains Yahweh of Armies, that I will cut off the
of Judah will say in their heart, ‘The in- names of the idols out of the land, and
they will be remembered no more. I will
habitants of Jerusalem are my strength in
also cause the prophets and the spirit of
Yahweh of Armies their God.’
6 In that day I will make the chieftains of impurity to pass out of the land. 3 It will
happen that when anyone still prophesies,
Judah like a pan of fire among wood, and
then his father and his mother who bore
like a flaming torch among sheaves. They him will tell him, ‘You must die, because
will devour all the surrounding peoples you speak lies in Yahweh’s name;’ and his
on the right hand and on the left; and father and his mother who bore him will
Jerusalem will yet again dwell in their own stab him when he prophesies. 4 It will
place, even in Jerusalem. happen in that day that the prophets will
7 Yahweh also will save the tents of Judah each be ashamed of his vision when he
first, that the glory of David’s house and prophesies; they won’t wear a hairy man-
the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem tle to deceive, 5 but he will say, ‘I am no
not be magnified above Judah. 8 In that prophet, I am a tiller of the ground; for I
day Yahweh will defend the inhabitants of have been made a bondservant from my
Jerusalem. He who is feeble among them youth.’ 6 One will say to him, ‘What are
at that day will be like David, and David’s these wounds between your arms?’ Then
house will be like God, like Yahweh’s angel he will answer, ‘Those with which I was
before them. 9 It will happen in that day, wounded in the house of my friends.’
that I will seek to destroy all the nations 7 “Awake, sword, against my shepherd,
that come against Jerusalem.
10 I will pour on David’s house and on
and against the man who is close to
me,” says Yahweh of Armies.
the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of “Strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be
grace and of supplication. They will look scattered;
to me† whom they have pierced; and they and I will turn my hand against the
shall mourn for him as one mourns for little ones.
his only son, and will grieve bitterly for 8 It shall happen that in all the land,” says
him as one grieves for his firstborn. 11 In Yahweh,
that day there will be a great mourn- “two parts in it will be cut off and die;
ing in Jerusalem, like the mourning of but the third will be left in it.
Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddo. 9 I will bring the third part into the fire,
12 The land will mourn, every family apart;
and will refine them as silver is re-
the family of David’s house apart, and their fined,
wives apart; the family of the house of and will test them like gold is tested.
Nathan apart, and their wives apart; 13 the They will call on my name, and I will hear
family of the house of Levi apart, and their them.
wives apart; the family of the Shimeites I will say, ‘It is my people;’
apart, and their wives apart; 14 all the fam- and they will say, ‘Yahweh is my
ilies who remain, every family apart, and God.’ ”
their wives apart.
1 Behold,
a day of Yahweh comes, when
13 your plunder will be divided within you.
1 “In that day there will be a fountain 2 For I will gather all nations against
opened to David’s house and to the inhabi- Jerusalem to battle; and the city will be
† 12:10 After “me”, the Hebrew has the two letters “Aleph Tav” (the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet),
not as a word, but as a grammatical marker.
Zechariah 14:3 1061 Zechariah 14:21

taken, the houses rifled, and the women Yahweh will be among them; and they
ravished. Half of the city will go out into will each seize the hand of his neighbor,
captivity, and the rest of the people will not and his hand will rise up against the hand
be cut off from the city. 3 Then Yahweh will of his neighbor. 14 Judah also will fight
go out and fight against those nations, as at Jerusalem; and the wealth of all the
when he fought in the day of battle. 4 His surrounding nations will be gathered to-
feet will stand in that day on the Mount gether: gold, silver, and clothing, in great
of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on abundance.
15 A plague like this will fall on the horse,
the east; and the Mount of Olives will be
split in two from east to west, making a on the mule, on the camel, on the donkey,
very great valley. Half of the mountain and on all the animals that will be in those
will move toward the north, and half of it camps.
16 It will happen that everyone who is
toward the south. 5 You shall flee by the
valley of my mountains, for the valley of left of all the nations that came against
the mountains shall reach to Azel. Yes, you Jerusalem will go up from year to year to
shall flee, just like you fled from before the worship the King, Yahweh of Armies, and
earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of to keep the feast of booths. 17 It will be
Judah. Yahweh my God will come, and all that whoever of all the families of the earth
the holy ones with you.† doesn’t go up to Jerusalem to worship the
6 It will happen in that day that there will King, Yahweh of Armies, on them there
not be light, cold, or frost. 7 It will be a will be no rain. 18 If the family of Egypt
unique day which is known to Yahweh— doesn’t go up and doesn’t come, neither
not day, and not night; but it will come will it rain on them. This will be the plague
to pass that at evening time there will be with which Yahweh will strike the nations
that don’t go up to keep the feast of booths.
light. 19 This will be the punishment of Egypt and
8 It will happen in that day that living
the punishment of all the nations that don’t
waters will go out from Jerusalem, half of go up to keep the feast of booths.
them toward the eastern sea, and half of 20 In that day there will be inscribed on
them toward the western sea. It will be so the bells of the horses, “HOLY TO YAH-
in summer and in winter.
9 Yahweh will be King over all the earth. WEH”; and the pots in Yahweh’s house will
In that day Yahweh will be one, and his be like the bowls before the altar. 21 Yes,
name one. every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah will
10 All the land will be made like the be holy to Yahweh of Armies; and all those
Arabah, from Geba to Rimmon south of who sacrifice will come and take of them,
Jerusalem; and she will be lifted up and and cook in them. In that day there will
will dwell in her place, from Benjamin’s no longer be a Canaanite‡ in the house of
gate to the place of the first gate, to the cor- Yahweh of Armies.
ner gate, and from the tower of Hananel to
the king’s wine presses. 11 Men will dwell
therein, and there will be no more curse;
but Jerusalem will dwell safely.
12 This will be the plague with which
Yahweh will strike all the peoples who
have fought against Jerusalem: their flesh
will consume away while they stand on
their feet, and their eyes will consume
away in their sockets, and their tongue will
consume away in their mouth. 13 It will
happen in that day that a great panic from
† 14:5 Septuagint reads “him” instead of “you”. ‡ 14:21 or, merchant
Malachi 1:1 1062 Malachi 2:8

of the sun even to its going down, my

name is great among the nations, and in
The Book of every place incense will be offered to my
Malachi name, and a pure offering; for my name
is great among the nations,” says Yahweh
1 A revelation, Yahweh’s† word to Israel
of Armies. 12 “But you profane it when
by Malachi. you say, ‘Yahweh’s table is polluted, and its
2 “I have loved you,” says Yahweh.
fruit, even its food, is contemptible.’ 13 You
Yet you say, “How have you loved us?” say also, ‘Behold,§ what a weariness it is!’
“Wasn’t Esau Jacob’s brother?” says Yah- And you have sniffed at it”, says Yahweh of
weh, “Yet I loved Jacob; 3 but Esau I hated, Armies; “and you have brought that which
and made his mountains a desolation, and was taken by violence, the lame, and the
gave his heritage to the jackals of the sick; thus you bring the offering. Should I
wilderness.” 4 Whereas Edom says, “We accept this at your hand?” says Yahweh.
are beaten down, but we will return and 14 “But the deceiver is cursed who has in
build the waste places,” Yahweh of Armies his flock a male, and vows and sacrifices
says, “They shall build, but I will throw to the Lord† a defective thing; for I am a
down; and men will call them ‘The Wicked great King,” says Yahweh of Armies, “and
Land,’ even the people against whom Yah- my name is awesome among the nations.”
weh shows wrath forever.”
5 Your eyes will see, and you will say,
“Yahweh is great—even beyond the border 2
1 “Now,you priests, this commandment
of Israel!”
6 “A son honors his father, and a servant is for you. 2 If you will not listen, and if
his master. If I am a father, then where is you will not take it to heart, to give glory to
my honor? And if I am a master, where my name,” says Yahweh of Armies, “then I
is the respect due me?” says Yahweh will send the curse on you, and I will curse
of Armies to you priests who despise my your blessings. Indeed, I have cursed them
name. “You say, ‘How have we despised already, because you do not take it to heart.
your name?’ 7 You offer polluted bread on 3 Behold, I will rebuke your offspring,† and
my altar. You say, ‘How have we polluted will spread dung on your faces, even the
you?’ In that you say, ‘Yahweh’s table is dung of your feasts; and you will be taken
contemptible.’ 8 When you offer the blind away with it. 4 You will know that I have
for sacrifice, isn’t that evil? And when sent this commandment to you, that my
you offer the lame and sick, isn’t that evil? covenant may be with Levi,” says Yahweh
Present it now to your governor! Will he be of Armies. 5 “My covenant was with him
pleased with you? Or will he accept your of life and peace; and I gave them to him
person?” says Yahweh of Armies. that he might be reverent toward me; and
9 “Now, please entreat the favor of God,‡ he was reverent toward me, and stood in
that he may be gracious to us. With this, awe of my name. 6 The law of truth was
will he accept any of you?” says Yahweh of in his mouth, and unrighteousness was not
Armies. found in his lips. He walked with me in
10 “Oh that there were one among you peace and uprightness, and turned many
who would shut the doors, that you might away from iniquity. 7 For the priest’s lips
not kindle fire on my altar in vain! I should keep knowledge, and they should
have no pleasure in you,” says Yahweh seek the law at his mouth; for he is the
of Armies, “neither will I accept an offer- messenger of Yahweh of Armies. 8 But you
ing at your hand. 11 For from the rising have turned away from the path. You have
† 1:1 “Yahweh” is God’s proper Name, sometimes rendered “LORD” (all caps) in other translations. ‡ 1:9 The
Hebrew word rendered “God” is “‫ֱֹלה֑ים‬ ִ ‫( ”א‬Elohim). § 1:13 “Behold”, from “‫”ה͏נֵּה‬,
ִ means look at, take notice,
observe, see, or gaze at. It is often used as an interjection. † 1:14 The word translated “Lord” is “Adonai.” † 2:3
or, seed
Malachi 2:9 1063 Malachi 3:14

caused many to stumble in the law. You his temple. Behold, the messenger of the
have corrupted the covenant of Levi,” sayscovenant, whom you desire, is coming!”
Yahweh of Armies. 9 “Therefore I have says Yahweh of Armies. 2 “But who can
also made you contemptible and wicked endure the day of his coming? And who
before all the people, according to the way
will stand when he appears? For he is like
you have not kept my ways, but have had a refiner’s fire, and like launderers’ soap;
respect for persons in the law. 10 Don’t 3 and he will sit as a refiner and purifier
we all have one father? Hasn’t one God of silver, and he will purify the sons of
created us? Why do we deal treacherously Levi, and refine them as gold and silver;
every man against his brother, profaning and they shall offer to Yahweh offerings in
the covenant of our fathers? 11 Judah has righteousness. 4 Then the offering of Judah
dealt treacherously, and an abomination and Jerusalem will be pleasant to Yahweh
is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem; as in the days of old and as in ancient years.
for Judah has profaned the holiness of 5 I will come near to you to judgment. I
Yahweh which he loves, and has married will be a swift witness against the sorcer-
the daughter of a foreign god. 12 Yahweh ers, against the adulterers, against the per-
will cut off the man who does this, him jurers, and against those who oppress the
who wakes and him who answers, out of
the tents of Jacob and him who offers an hireling in his wages, the widow, and the
offering to Yahweh of Armies. fatherless, and who deprive the foreigner
13 “This again you do: you cover Yah- of justice, and don’t fear me,” says Yahweh
of Armies.
weh’s altar with tears, with weeping, and 6 “For I, Yahweh, don’t change; there-
with sighing, because he doesn’t regard fore you, sons of Jacob, are not consumed.
the offering any more, neither receives it7 From the days of your fathers you have
with good will at your hand. 14 Yet you say,
turned away from my ordinances and
‘Why?’ Because Yahweh has been witness have not kept them. Return to me, and I
between you and the wife of your youth, will return to you,” says Yahweh of Armies.
against whom you have dealt treacher- “But you say, ‘How shall we return?’
ously, though she is your companion and 8 Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me!
the wife of your covenant. 15 Did he not But you say, ‘How have we robbed you?’
make you one, although he had the residue In tithes and offerings. 9 You are cursed
of the Spirit? Why one? He sought godly with the curse; for you rob me, even this
offspring. Therefore take heed to your whole nation. 10 Bring the whole tithe into
spirit, and let no one deal treacherously the storehouse, that there may be food in
against the wife of his youth. 16 One who my house, and test me now in this,” says
hates and divorces”, says Yahweh, the God Yahweh of Armies, “if I will not open you
of Israel, “covers his garment with vio- the windows of heaven, and pour you out
lence!” says Yahweh of Armies. “There- a blessing, that there will not be enough
fore pay attention to your spirit, that you
room for. 11 I will rebuke the devourer for
don’t be unfaithful. your sakes, and he shall not destroy the
17 You have wearied Yahweh with your
fruits of your ground; neither shall your
words. Yet you say, ‘How have we wea- vine cast its fruit before its time in the
ried him?’ In that you say, ‘Everyone who field,” says Yahweh of Armies. 12 “All na-
does evil is good in Yahweh’s sight, and he
tions shall call you blessed, for you will be
delights in them;’ or ‘Where is the God ofa delightful land,” says Yahweh of Armies.
justice?’ 13 “Your words have been harsh against
me,” says Yahweh. “Yet you say, ‘What
3 have we spoken against you?’ 14 You
1 “Behold, I send my messenger, and he have said, ‘It is vain to serve God,’ and
will prepare the way before me! The Lord, ‘What profit is it that we have followed
whom you seek, will suddenly come to his instructions and that we have walked
Malachi 3:15 1064 Malachi 4:6

mournfully before Yahweh of Armies?

15 Now we call the proud happy; yes, those
who work wickedness are built up; yes,
they tempt God, and escape.’
16 Then those who feared Yahweh spoke
one with another; and Yahweh listened
and heard, and a book of memory was
written before him for those who feared
Yahweh and who honored his name.
17 They shall be mine,” says Yahweh
of Armies, “my own possession in the
day that I make. I will spare them, as
a man spares his own son who serves
him. 18 Then you shall return and discern
between the righteous and the wicked,
between him who serves God and him who
doesn’t serve him.
1 “For behold, the day comes, burning
like a furnace, when all the proud and all
who work wickedness will be stubble. The
day that comes will burn them up,” says
Yahweh of Armies, “so that it will leave
them neither root nor branch. 2 But to you
who fear my name shall the sun of righ-
teousness arise with healing in its wings.
You will go out and leap like calves of the
stall. 3 You shall tread down the wicked; for
they will be ashes under the soles of your
feet in the day that I make,” says Yahweh
of Armies.
4 “Remember the law of Moses my ser-
vant, which I commanded to him in Horeb
for all Israel, even statutes and ordinances.
5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the
prophet before the great and terrible day
of Yahweh comes. 6 He will turn the hearts
of the fathers to the children and the hearts
of the children to their fathers, lest I come
and strike the earth with a curse.”
Matthew 1:1 1065 Matthew 2:3

whom was born Jesus,§ who is called

The Good News According to 17 So all the generations from Abraham
to David are fourteen generations; from
Matthew David to the exile to Babylon fourteen gen-
1 The book of the genealogy of Jesus erations; and from the carrying away to
Christ,† the son of David, the son of Abra- Babylon to the Christ, fourteen genera-
ham. tions.
2 Abraham became the father of Isaac. 18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was like
Isaac became the father of Jacob. Jacob this: After his mother, Mary, was engaged
became the father of Judah and his broth- to Joseph, before they came together, she
ers. 3 Judah became the father of Perez and was found pregnant by the Holy Spirit.
Zerah by Tamar. Perez became the father 19 Joseph, her husband, being a righteous
of Hezron. Hezron became the father of man, and not willing to make her a pub-
Ram. 4 Ram became the father of Ammi- lic example, intended to put her away se-
nadab. Amminadab became the father of
Nahshon. Nahshon became the father of cretly. 20 But when he thought about these
Salmon. 5 Salmon became the father of things, behold,† an angel of the Lord ap-
Boaz by Rahab. Boaz became the father peared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph,
of Obed by Ruth. Obed became the father son of David, don’t be afraid to take to
of Jesse. 6 Jesse became the father of King yourself Mary as your wife, for that which
David. David the king‡ became the father is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.
of Solomon by her who had been Uriah’s 21 She shall give birth to a son. You shall
wife. 7 Solomon became the father of Re- name him Jesus,‡ for it is he who shall save
hoboam. Rehoboam became the father of his people from their sins.”
Abijah. Abijah became the father of Asa. 22 Now all this has happened that it
8 Asa became the father of Jehoshaphat. Je-
might be fulfilled which was spoken by the
hoshaphat became the father of Joram. Jo- Lord through the prophet, saying,
ram became the father of Uzziah. 9 Uzziah 23 “Behold, the virgin shall be with child,
became the father of Jotham. Jotham be-
came the father of Ahaz. Ahaz became the and shall give birth to a son.
father of Hezekiah. 10 Hezekiah became They shall call his name Immanuel,”
the father of Manasseh. Manasseh became which is, being interpreted, “God with
the father of Amon. Amon became the fa- us.”*
ther of Josiah. 11 Josiah became the father 24 Joseph arose from his sleep, and did as
of Jechoniah and his brothers at the time of the angel of the Lord commanded him, and
the exile to Babylon. took his wife to himself; 25 and didn’t know
12 After the exile to Babylon, Jecho-
her sexually until she had given birth to
niah became the father of Shealtiel. her firstborn son. He named him Jesus.
Shealtiel became the father of Zerubbabel.
13 Zerubbabel became the father of Abiud.
Abiud became the father of Eliakim. 2
Eliakim became the father of Azor. 14 Azor Now when Jesus was born in Bethle-
became the father of Zadok. Zadok be- hem of Judea in the days of King Herod,
came the father of Achim. Achim became behold, wise men† from the east came to
the father of Eliud. 15 Eliud became the
father of Eleazar. Eleazar became the Jerusalem, saying, 2 “Where is he who is
father of Matthan. Matthan became the born King of the Jews? For we saw his
father of Jacob. 16 Jacob became the father star in the east, and have come to worship
of Joseph, the husband of Mary, from him.” 3 When King Herod heard it, he
† 1:1 Messiah (Hebrew) and Christ (Greek) both mean “Anointed One” ‡ 1:6 NU omits “the king”. § 1:16
“Jesus” means “Salvation”. † 1:20 “Behold”, from “ἰδοὺ”, means look at, take notice, observe, see, or gaze at. It is
often used as an interjection. ‡ 1:21 “Jesus” means “Salvation”. * 1:23 Isaiah 7:14 † 2:1 The word for “wise
men” (magoi) can also mean teachers, scientists, physicians, astrologers, seers, interpreters of dreams, or sorcerers.
Matthew 2:4 1066 Matthew 3:8

was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. all the surrounding countryside, from two
4 Gathering together all the chief priests years old and under, according to the exact
and scribes of the people, he asked them time which he had learned from the wise
where the Christ would be born. 5 They men. 17 Then that which was spoken by
said to him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled, saying,
this is written through the prophet, 18 “A voice was heard in Ramah,
6 ‘You Bethlehem, land of Judah, lamentation, weeping and great
are in no way least among the princes mourning,
of Judah; Rachel weeping for her children;
for out of you shall come a governor she wouldn’t be comforted,
who shall shepherd my people, Is- because they are no more.”*
rael.’ ”* 19 But when Herod was dead, behold, an
7 Then Herod secretly called the wise angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to
men, and learned from them exactly what Joseph in Egypt, saying, 20 “Arise and take
time the star appeared. 8 He sent them the young child and his mother, and go into
to Bethlehem, and said, “Go and search the land of Israel, for those who sought the
diligently for the young child. When you young child’s life are dead.”
have found him, bring me word, so that I 21 He arose and took the young child and
also may come and worship him.” his mother, and came into the land of Is-
9 They, having heard the king, went their rael. 22 But when he heard that Archelaus
way; and behold, the star, which they saw was reigning over Judea in the place of his
in the east, went before them until it came father, Herod, he was afraid to go there.
and stood over where the young child Being warned in a dream, he withdrew
was. 10 When they saw the star, they re- into the region of Galilee, 23 and came and
joiced with exceedingly great joy. 11 They lived in a city called Nazareth; that it might
came into the house and saw the young be fulfilled which was spoken through the
child with Mary, his mother, and they fell prophets that he will be called a Nazarene.
down and worshiped him. Opening their
treasures, they offered to him gifts: gold, 3
1 In those days, John the Baptizer came,
frankincense, and myrrh. Being warned
in a dream not to return to Herod, they preaching in the wilderness of Judea, say-
went back to their own country another ing, 2 “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven
way. is at hand!” 3 For this is he who was spoken
13 Now when they had departed, behold, of by Isaiah the prophet, saying,
an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in “The voice of one crying in the wilderness,
a dream, saying, “Arise and take the young make the way of the Lord ready!
child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, Make his paths straight!”*
and stay there until I tell you, for Herod 4 Now John himself wore clothing made
will seek the young child to destroy him.” of camel’s hair with a leather belt around
14 He arose and took the young child
his waist. His food was locusts and wild
and his mother by night and departed into honey. 5 Then people from Jerusalem, all
Egypt, 15 and was there until the death of of Judea, and all the region around the Jor-
Herod, that it might be fulfilled which was dan went out to him. 6 They were baptized
spoken by the Lord through the prophet, by him in the Jordan, confessing their sins.
saying, “Out of Egypt I called my son.”* 7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees
16 Then Herod, when he saw that he was and Sadducees coming for his baptism,
mocked by the wise men, was exceedingly he said to them, “You offspring of vipers,
angry, and sent out and killed all the male who warned you to flee from the wrath to
children who were in Bethlehem and in come? 8 Therefore produce fruit worthy
* 2:6 Micah 5:2 * 2:15 Hosea 11:1 * 2:18 Jeremiah 31:15 * 3:3 Isaiah 40:3
Matthew 3:9 1067 Matthew 4:19

of repentance! 9 Don’t think to yourselves, Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is
‘We have Abraham for our father,’ for I tell written,
you that God is able to raise up children ‘He will command his angels concerning
to Abraham from these stones. 10 Even you,’ and,
now the ax lies at the root of the trees. ‘On their hands they will bear you up,
Therefore every tree that doesn’t produce
good fruit is cut down, and cast into the so that you don’t dash your foot
fire. against a stone.’ ”*
11 “I indeed baptize you in water for 7 Jesus said to him, “Again, it is written,
repentance, but he who comes after me is ‘You shall not test the Lord, your God.’ ”*
mightier than I, whose sandals I am not 8 Again, the devil took him to an exceed-
worthy to carry. He will baptize you in the ingly high mountain, and showed him all
Holy Spirit.† 12 His winnowing fork is in his the kingdoms of the world and their glory.
hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his 9 He said to him, “I will give you all of these
threshing floor. He will gather his wheat things, if you will fall down and worship
into the barn, but the chaff he will burn up me.”
with unquenchable fire.” 10 Then Jesus said to him, “Get behind
13 Then Jesus came from Galilee to the
me,† Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall
Jordan‡ to John, to be baptized by him. worship the Lord your God, and you shall
14 But John would have hindered him, say-
serve him only.’ ” *
ing, “I need to be baptized by you, and you 11 Then the devil left him, and behold,
come to me?” angels came and served him.
15 But Jesus, answering, said to him, “Al-
12 Now when Jesus heard that John was
low it now, for this is the fitting way for
us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he delivered up, he withdrew into Galilee.
13 Leaving Nazareth, he came and lived
allowed him.
16 Jesus, when he was baptized, went up in Capernaum, which is by the sea, in the
directly from the water: and behold, the region of Zebulun and Naphtali, 14 that
heavens were opened to him. He saw the it might be fulfilled which was spoken
Spirit of God descending as a dove, and through Isaiah the prophet, saying,
coming on him. 17 Behold, a voice out of the 15 “The land of Zebulun and the land of
heavens said, “This is my beloved Son, with Naphtali,
whom I am well pleased.” toward the sea, beyond the Jordan,
Galilee of the Gentiles,
4 16 the people who sat in darkness saw a
1 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into great light;
the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. to those who sat in the region and
2 When he had fasted forty days and forty shadow of death,
nights, he was hungry afterward. 3 The to them light has dawned.”*
tempter came and said to him, “If you are 17 From that time, Jesus began to preach,
the Son of God, command that these stones and to say, “Repent! For the Kingdom of
become bread.” Heaven is at hand.”
4 But he answered, “It is written, ‘Man 18 Walking by the sea of Galilee, he‡ saw
shall not live by bread alone, but by every two brothers: Simon, who is called Peter,
word that proceeds out of God’s mouth.’ ”* and Andrew, his brother, casting a net into
5 Then the devil took him into the holy the sea; for they were fishermen. 19 He said
city. He set him on the pinnacle of the to them, “Come after me, and I will make
temple, 6 and said to him, “If you are the you fishers for men.”
† 3:11 TR and NU add “and with fire” ‡ 3:13 i.e., the Jordan River * 4:4 Deuteronomy 8:3 * 4:6 Psalm
91:11-12 * 4:7 Deuteronomy 6:16 † 4:10 TR and NU read “Go away” instead of “Get behind me” * 4:10
Deuteronomy 6:13 * 4:16 Isaiah 9:1-2 ‡ 4:18 TR reads “Jesus” instead of “he”
Matthew 4:20 1068 Matthew 5:24

20 They immediately left their nets and kinds of evil against you falsely, for my
followed him. 21 Going on from there, he sake. 12 Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad,
saw two other brothers, James the son of for great is your reward in heaven. For
Zebedee, and John his brother, in the boat that is how they persecuted the prophets
with Zebedee their father, mending their who were before you.
nets. He called them. 22 They immediately 13 “You are the salt of the earth, but if the
left the boat and their father, and followed salt has lost its flavor, with what will it be
him. salted? It is then good for nothing, but to
23 Jesus went about in all Galilee, teach-
be cast out and trodden under the feet of
ing in their synagogues, preaching the men.
14 You are the light of the world. A city
Good News of the Kingdom, and healing
every disease and every sickness among located on a hill can’t be hidden. 15 Neither
the people. 24 The report about him went do you light a lamp and put it under a
out into all Syria. They brought to him measuring basket, but on a stand; and it
all who were sick, afflicted with vari- shines to all who are in the house. 16 Even
ous diseases and torments, possessed with so, let your light shine before men, that
demons, epileptics, and paralytics; and he they may see your good works and glorify
healed them. 25 Great multitudes from your Father who is in heaven.
Galilee, Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea, and 17 “Don’t think that I came to destroy
from beyond the Jordan followed him. the law or the prophets. I didn’t come
to destroy, but to fulfill. 18 For most
5 certainly, I tell you, until heaven and earth
1 Seeing the multitudes, he went up onto pass away, not even one smallest letter‡ or
the mountain. When he had sat down, his one tiny pen stroke§ shall in any way pass
disciples came to him. 2 He opened his away from the law, until all things are ac-
mouth and taught them, saying, complished. 19 Therefore, whoever shall
3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit,
break one of these least commandments
for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.* and teach others to do so, shall be called
4 Blessed are those who mourn, least in the Kingdom of Heaven; but who-
for they shall be comforted.* ever shall do and teach them shall be called
5 Blessed are the gentle,
great in the Kingdom of Heaven. 20 For
I tell you that unless your righteousness
for they shall inherit the earth.†* exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees,
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst there is no way you will enter into the
for righteousness, Kingdom of Heaven.
for they shall be filled. 21 “You have heard that it was said to the
7 Blessed are the merciful, ancient ones, ‘You shall not murder;’* and
for they shall obtain mercy. ‘Whoever murders will be in danger of the
8 Blessed are the pure in heart, judgment.’ 22 But I tell you that everyone
for they shall see God. who is angry with his brother without a
9 Blessed are the peacemakers, cause † will be in danger of the judgment.
for they shall be called children of Whoever says to his brother, ‘Raca!’ ‡ will
God. be in danger of the council. Whoever says,
10 Blessed are those who have been perse- ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of
cuted for righteousness’ sake, Gehenna.§
for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. 23 “If therefore you are offering your gift
11 “Blessed are you when people re- at the altar, and there remember that your
proach you, persecute you, and say all brother has anything against you, 24 leave
* 5:3 Isaiah 57:15; 66:2 * 5:4 Isaiah 61:2; 66:10,13 † 5:5 or, land. * 5:5 Psalm 37:11 ‡ 5:18 literally, iota
§ 5:18 or, serif * 5:21 Exodus 20:13 † 5:22 NU omits “without a cause”. ‡ 5:22 “Raca” is an Aramaic insult,
related to the word for “empty” and conveying the idea of empty-headedness. § 5:22 or, Hell
Matthew 5:25 1069 Matthew 6:4

your gift there before the altar, and go Whatever is more than these is of the evil
your way. First be reconciled to your one.
38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘An
brother, and then come and offer your gift.
25 Agree with your adversary quickly while eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’*
39 But I tell you, don’t resist him who is
you are with him on the way; lest perhaps
the prosecutor deliver you to the judge, evil; but whoever strikes you on your right
and the judge deliver you to the officer, cheek, turn to him the other also. 40 If

and you be cast into prison. 26 Most anyone sues you to take away your coat,
certainly I tell you, you shall by no means let him have your cloak also. 41 Whoever
get out of there until you have paid the last compels you to go one mile, go with him
penny.† two. 42 Give to him who asks you, and
27 “You have heard that it was said, ‡ ‘You don’t turn away him who desires to bor-
row from you.
shall not commit adultery;’* 28 but I tell you 43 “You have heard that it was said,
that everyone who gazes at a woman to
lust after her has committed adultery with ‘You shall love your neighbor * and hate
her already in his heart. 29 If your right your enemy.’‡ 44 But I tell you, love your
eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out and enemies, bless those who curse you, do
throw it away from you. For it is more prof- good to those who hate you, and pray for
itable for you that one of your members those who mistreat you and persecute you,
45 that you may be children of your Father
should perish than for your whole body to
who is in heaven. For he makes his sun
be cast into Gehenna.§ 30 If your right hand to rise on the evil and the good, and sends
causes you to stumble, cut it off, and throw rain on the just and the unjust. 46 For if
it away from you. For it is more profitable you love those who love you, what reward
for you that one of your members should do you have? Don’t even the tax collectors
perish, than for your whole body to be cast do the same? 47 If you only greet your
into Gehenna.† friends, what more do you do than others?
31 “It was also said, ‘Whoever shall put
Don’t even the tax collectors§ do the same?
away his wife, let him give her a writing 48 Therefore you shall be perfect, just as
of divorce,’* 32 but I tell you that whoever your Father in heaven is perfect.
puts away his wife, except for the cause of
sexual immorality, makes her an adulter- 6
ess; and whoever marries her when she is 1 “Be careful that you don’t do your char-
put away commits adultery. itable giving† before men, to be seen by
33 “Again you have heard that it was said them, or else you have no reward from
to the ancient ones, ‘You shall not make your Father who is in heaven. 2 Therefore,
false vows, but shall perform to the Lord when you do merciful deeds, don’t sound a
your vows,’* 34 but I tell you, don’t swear at trumpet before yourself, as the hypocrites
all: neither by heaven, for it is the throne do in the synagogues and in the streets,
of God; 35 nor by the earth, for it is the that they may get glory from men. Most
footstool of his feet; nor by Jerusalem, for certainly I tell you, they have received
it is the city of the great King. 36 Neither their reward. 3 But when you do mer-

shall you swear by your head, for you can’t ciful deeds, don’t let your left hand know
make one hair white or black. 37 But let what your right hand does, 4 so that your
your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’ and your ‘No’ be ‘No.’ merciful deeds may be in secret, then your
† 5:26 literally, kodrantes. A kodrantes was a small copper coin worth about 2 lepta (widow’s mites)—not enough to
buy very much of anything. ‡ 5:27 TR adds “to the ancients”. * 5:27 Exodus 20:14 § 5:29 or, Hell † 5:30
or, Hell * 5:31 Deuteronomy 24:1 *
5:33 Numbers 30:2; Deuteronomy 23:21; Ecclesiastes 5:4 * 5:38 Exodus
21:24; Leviticus 24:20; Deuteronomy 19:21 * 5:43 Leviticus 19:18 ‡ 5:43 not in the Bible, but see Qumran
Manual of Discipline Ix, 21-26 § 5:47 NU reads “Gentiles” instead of “tax collectors”. † 6:1 NU reads “acts of
righteousness” instead of “charitable giving”
Matthew 6:5 1070 Matthew 7:1

Father who sees in secret will reward you treasures in heaven, where neither moth
openly. nor rust consume, and where thieves don’t
5 “When you pray, you shall not be as break through and steal; 21 for where your
the hypocrites, for they love to stand and treasure is, there your heart will be also.
pray in the synagogues and in the corners 22 “The lamp of the body is the eye. If
of the streets, that they may be seen by therefore your eye is sound, your whole
men. Most certainly, I tell you, they have body will be full of light. 23 But if your eye
received their reward. 6 But you, when is evil, your whole body will be full of dark-
you pray, enter into your inner room, and ness. If therefore the light that is in you is
having shut your door, pray to your Fa- darkness, how great is the darkness!
ther who is in secret; and your Father 24 “No one can serve two masters, for
who sees in secret will reward you openly. either he will hate the one and love the
7 In praying, don’t use vain repetitions as other, or else he will be devoted to one and
the Gentiles do; for they think that they despise the other. You can’t serve both God
will be heard for their much speaking. and Mammon. 25 Therefore I tell you,
8 Therefore don’t be like them, for your don’t be anxious for your life: what you
Father knows what things you need before will eat, or what you will drink; nor yet
you ask him. 9 Pray like this: for your body, what you will wear. Isn’t
“ ‘Our Father in heaven, may your name be life more than food, and the body more
kept holy. than clothing? 26 See the birds of the
10 Let your Kingdom come. sky, that they don’t sow, neither do they
Let your will be done on earth as it is reap, nor gather into barns. Your heavenly
in heaven. Father feeds them. Aren’t you of much
11 Give us today our daily bread. more value than they?
12 Forgive us our debts, 27 “Which of you by being anxious, can
as we also forgive our debtors. add one moment§ to his lifespan? 28 Why
13 Bring us not into temptation, are you anxious about clothing? Consider
but deliver us from the evil one. the lilies of the field, how they grow. They
For yours is the Kingdom, the power, and don’t toil, neither do they spin, 29 yet I tell
the glory forever. Amen.’‡ you that even Solomon in all his glory was
14 “For if you forgive men their tres-
not dressed like one of these. 30 But if
passes, your heavenly Father will also for- God so clothes the grass of the field, which
give you. 15 But if you don’t forgive men today exists and tomorrow is thrown into
their trespasses, neither will your Father the oven, won’t he much more clothe you,
forgive your trespasses. you of little faith?
16 “Moreover when you fast, don’t be like 31 “Therefore don’t be anxious, saying,
the hypocrites, with sad faces. For they ‘What will we eat?’, ‘What will we drink?’
disfigure their faces that they may be seen or, ‘With what will we be clothed?’ 32 For
by men to be fasting. Most certainly I the Gentiles seek after all these things;
tell you, they have received their reward. for your heavenly Father knows that you
17 But you, when you fast, anoint your head need all these things. 33 But seek first
and wash your face, 18 so that you are God’s Kingdom and his righteousness; and
not seen by men to be fasting, but by your all these things will be given to you as
Father who is in secret; and your Father, well. 34 Therefore don’t be anxious for
who sees in secret, will reward you. tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious
19 “Don’t lay up treasures for yourselves for itself. Each day’s own evil is sufficient.
on the earth, where moth and rust con-
sume, and where thieves break through 7
and steal; 20 but lay up for yourselves 1 “Don’t judge, so that you won’t be
‡ 6:13 NU omits “For yours is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen.” § 6:27 literally, cubit
Matthew 7:2 1071 Matthew 8:8

judged. 2 For with whatever judgment 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know
you judge, you will be judged; and with them.
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord,
whatever measure you measure, it will be
measured to you. 3 Why do you see the Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of
speck that is in your brother’s eye, but Heaven, but he who does the will of my
don’t consider the beam that is in your own Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will
eye? 4 Or how will you tell your brother, tell me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we
‘Let me remove the speck from your eye,’ prophesy in your name, in your name cast
and behold, the beam is in your own eye? out demons, and in your name do many
5 You hypocrite! First remove the beam mighty works?’ 23 Then I will tell them, ‘I
out of your own eye, and then you can see never knew you. Depart from me, you who
clearly to remove the speck out of your work iniquity.’
brother’s eye. 24 “Everyone therefore who hears these
6 “Don’t give that which is holy to the words of mine and does them, I will liken
dogs, neither throw your pearls before the him to a wise man who built his house on
a rock. 25 The rain came down, the floods
pigs, lest perhaps they trample them under came, and the winds blew and beat on that
their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces. house; and it didn’t fall, for it was founded
7 “Ask, and it will be given you. Seek, and
on the rock. 26 Everyone who hears these
you will find. Knock, and it will be opened words of mine and doesn’t do them will
for you. 8 For everyone who asks receives. be like a foolish man who built his house
He who seeks finds. To him who knocks it on the sand. 27 The rain came down, the
will be opened. 9 Or who is there among floods came, and the winds blew and beat
you who, if his son asks him for bread, will on that house; and it fell—and its fall was
give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a great.”
28 When Jesus had finished saying these
fish, who will give him a serpent? 11 If you
then, being evil, know how to give good things, the multitudes were astonished at
gifts to your children, how much more will his teaching, 29 for he taught them with
your Father who is in heaven give good authority, and not like the scribes.
things to those who ask him! 12 Therefore,
whatever you desire for men to do to you, 8
1When he came down from the moun-
you shall also do to them; for this is the law tain, great multitudes followed him.
and the prophets. 2 Behold, a leper came to him and wor-
13 “Enter in by the narrow gate; for the
shiped him, saying, “Lord, if you want to,
gate is wide and the way is broad that leads you can make me clean.”
to destruction, and there are many who 3 Jesus stretched out his hand and
enter in by it. 14 How† narrow is the gate touched him, saying, “I want to. Be made
and the way is restricted that leads to life! clean.” Immediately his leprosy was
There are few who find it. cleansed. 4 Jesus said to him, “See that
15 “Beware of false prophets, who come
you tell nobody; but go, show yourself to
to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly the priest, and offer the gift that Moses
are ravening wolves. 16 By their fruits
commanded, as a testimony to them.”
you will know them. Do you gather grapes 5 When he came into Capernaum, a cen-
from thorns or figs from thistles? 17 Even turion came to him, asking him for help,
so, every good tree produces good fruit, 6 saying, “Lord, my servant lies in the
but the corrupt tree produces evil fruit. house paralyzed, grievously tormented.”
18 A good tree can’t produce evil fruit, 7 Jesus said to him, “I will come and heal
neither can a corrupt tree produce good him.”
fruit. 19 Every tree that doesn’t grow good 8 The centurion answered, “Lord, I’m not
fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. worthy for you to come under my roof.
† 7:14 TR reads “Because” instead of “How”
Matthew 8:9 1072 Matthew 9:6

Just say the word, and my servant will woke him up, saying, “Save us, Lord! We
be healed. 9 For I am also a man under are dying!”
authority, having under myself soldiers. 26 He said to them, “Why are you fearful,
I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and tell O you of little faith?” Then he got up,
another, ‘Come,’ and he comes; and tell my rebuked the wind and the sea, and there
servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” was a great calm.
10 When Jesus heard it, he marveled and 27 The men marveled, saying, “What
said to those who followed, “Most certainly kind of man is this, that even the wind and
I tell you, I haven’t found so great a faith, the sea obey him?”
not even in Israel. 11 I tell you that many 28 When he came to the other side, into
will come from the east and the west, and the country of the Gergesenes,‡ two people
will sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and possessed by demons met him there, com-
Jacob in the Kingdom of Heaven, 12 but the ing out of the tombs, exceedingly fierce, so
children of the Kingdom will be thrown that nobody could pass that way. 29 Behold,
out into the outer darkness. There will be they cried out, saying, “What do we have
weeping and gnashing of teeth.” 13 Jesus
to do with you, Jesus, Son of God? Have
said to the centurion, “Go your way. Let it
you come here to torment us before the
be done for you as you have believed.” His
servant was healed in that hour. time?” 30 Now there was a herd of many
14 When Jesus came into Peter’s house, pigs feeding far away from them. 31 The
he saw his wife’s mother lying sick with demons begged him, saying, “If you cast us
a fever. 15 He touched her hand, and the out, permit us to go away into the herd of
fever left her. So she got up and served pigs.”
32 He said to them, “Go!”
him.† 16 When evening came, they brought
to him many possessed with demons. He They came out and went into the herd
cast out the spirits with a word, and healed of pigs; and behold, the whole herd of
all who were sick, 17 that it might be ful- pigs rushed down the cliff into the sea and
filled which was spoken through Isaiah the died in the water. 33 Those who fed them
prophet, saying, “He took our infirmities fled and went away into the city and told
everything, including what happened to
and bore our diseases.”*
18 Now when Jesus saw great multitudes those who were possessed with demons.
34 Behold, all the city came out to meet
around him, he gave the order to depart to
the other side. Jesus. When they saw him, they begged
19 A scribe came and said to him, that he would depart from their borders.
“Teacher, I will follow you wherever you
go.” 9
20 Jesus said to him, “The foxes have 1He entered into a boat and crossed
holes and the birds of the sky have nests, over, and came into his own city. 2 Behold,
but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his they brought to him a man who was par-
head.” alyzed, lying on a bed. Jesus, seeing their
21 Another of his disciples said to him, faith, said to the paralytic, “Son, cheer up!
“Lord, allow me first to go and bury my Your sins are forgiven you.”
3 Behold, some of the scribes said to
22 But Jesus said to him, “Follow me, and themselves, “This man blasphemes.”
leave the dead to bury their own dead.” 4 Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said,
23 When he got into a boat, his disciples “Why do you think evil in your hearts?
5 For which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are
followed him. 24 Behold, a violent storm
came up on the sea, so much that the boat forgiven;’ or to say, ‘Get up, and walk?’
was covered with the waves; but he was 6 But that you may know that the Son
asleep. 25 The disciples came to him and of Man has authority on earth to forgive
† 8:15 TR reads “them” instead of “him” * 8:17 Isaiah 53:4 ‡ 8:28 NU reads “Gadarenes”
Matthew 9:7 1073 Matthew 9:37

sins—” (then he said to the paralytic), “Get behind him, and touched the fringe‡ of his
up, and take up your mat, and go to your garment; 21 for she said within herself, “If
house.” I just touch his garment, I will be made
7 He arose and departed to his house.
8 But when the multitudes saw it, they mar- 22 But Jesus, turning around and seeing
veled and glorified God, who had given her, said, “Daughter, cheer up! Your faith
such authority to men. has made you well.” And the woman was
9 As Jesus passed by from there, he saw a made well from that hour.
23 When Jesus came into the ruler’s
man called Matthew sitting at the tax col-
lection office. He said to him, “Follow me.” house and saw the flute players and the
He got up and followed him. 10 As he sat crowd in noisy disorder, 24 he said to them,
in the house, behold, many tax collectors “Make room, because the girl isn’t dead,
and sinners came and sat down with Jesus but sleeping.”
and his disciples. 11 When the Pharisees They were ridiculing him. 25 But when
saw it, they said to his disciples, “Why does the crowd was sent out, he entered in, took
your teacher eat with tax collectors and her by the hand, and the girl arose. 26 The
sinners?” report of this went out into all that land.
12 When Jesus heard it, he said to them, 27 As Jesus passed by from there, two
“Those who are healthy have no need for blind men followed him, calling out and
a physician, but those who are sick do. saying, “Have mercy on us, son of David!”
13 But you go and learn what this means: 28 When he had come into the house, the
‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice,’* for I blind men came to him. Jesus said to them,
came not to call the righteous, but sinners “Do you believe that I am able to do this?”
to repentance.”† They told him, “Yes, Lord.”
14 Then John’s disciples came to him, 29 Then he touched their eyes, saying,
saying, “Why do we and the Pharisees fast “According to your faith be it done to
often, but your disciples don’t fast?” you.” 30 Then their eyes were opened. Je-
15 Jesus said to them, “Can the friends sus strictly commanded them, saying, “See
of the bridegroom mourn as long as the that no one knows about this.” 31 But they
bridegroom is with them? But the days will went out and spread abroad his fame in all
come when the bridegroom will be taken that land.
away from them, and then they will fast. 32 As they went out, behold, a mute man
16 No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth who was demon possessed was brought
on an old garment; for the patch would to him. 33 When the demon was cast out,
tear away from the garment, and a worse the mute man spoke. The multitudes mar-
hole is made. 17 Neither do people put veled, saying, “Nothing like this has ever
new wine into old wine skins, or else the been seen in Israel!”
34 But the Pharisees said, “By the prince
skins would burst, and the wine be spilled,
and the skins ruined. No, they put new of the demons, he casts out demons.”
35 Jesus went about all the cities and the
wine into fresh wine skins, and both are
preserved.” villages, teaching in their synagogues and
18 While he told these things to them, preaching the Good News of the Kingdom,
behold, a ruler came and worshiped him, and healing every disease and every sick-
saying, “My daughter has just died, but ness among the people. 36 But when he
come and lay your hand on her, and she saw the multitudes, he was moved with
will live.” compassion for them because they were
19 Jesus got up and followed him, as did harassed§ and scattered, like sheep with-
his disciples. 20 Behold, a woman who had out a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his
a discharge of blood for twelve years came disciples, “The harvest indeed is plentiful,
* 9:13 Hosea 6:6 † 9:13 NU omits “to repentance”. ‡ 9:20 or, tassel § 9:36 TR reads “weary” instead of
Matthew 9:38 1074 Matthew 10:33

but the laborers are few. 38 Pray therefore will scourge you. 18 Yes, and you will
that the Lord of the harvest will send out be brought before governors and kings for
laborers into his harvest.” my sake, for a testimony to them and to the
nations. 19 But when they deliver you up,
1 He called to himself his twelve disci- don’t be anxious how or what you will say,
ples, and gave them authority over un- for it will be given you in that hour what
clean spirits, to cast them out, and to you will say.
20 For it is not you who speak,

heal every disease and every sickness. but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in
2 Now the names of the twelve apostles you.
21 “Brother will deliver up brother to
are these. The first, Simon, who is called
Peter; Andrew, his brother; James the son death, and the father his child. Children
of Zebedee; John, his brother; 3 Philip; will rise up against parents and cause
Bartholomew; Thomas; Matthew the tax them to be put to death. 22 You will be
collector; James the son of Alphaeus; Leb- hated by all men for my name’s sake, but
baeus, who was also called† Thaddaeus; he who endures to the end will be saved.
4 Simon the Zealot; and Judas Iscariot, who 23 But when they persecute you in this city,
also betrayed him. flee into the next, for most certainly I tell
5 Jesus sent these twelve out and com- you, you will not have gone through the
manded them, saying, “Don’t go among the cities of Israel until the Son of Man has
Gentiles, and don’t enter into any city of come.
24 “A disciple is not above his teacher,
the Samaritans. 6 Rather, go to the lost
sheep of the house of Israel. 7 As you go, nor a servant above his lord.
25 It is
enough for the disciple that he be like his
preach, saying, ‘The Kingdom of Heaven
teacher, and the servant like his lord. If
is at hand!’ 8 Heal the sick, cleanse the they have called the master of the house
lepers,‡ and cast out demons. Freely you
received, so freely give. 9 Don’t take any Beelzebul, how much more those of his
household! 26 Therefore don’t be afraid
gold, silver, or brass in your money belts. of them, for there is nothing covered that
10 Take no bag for your journey, neither
will not be revealed, or hidden that will
two coats, nor sandals, nor staff: for the not be known. 27 What I tell you in the
laborer is worthy of his food. 11 Into
darkness, speak in the light; and what you
whatever city or village you enter, find out hear whispered in the ear, proclaim on the
who in it is worthy, and stay there until you housetops. 28 Don’t be afraid of those
go on. 12 As you enter into the household, who kill the body, but are not able to kill
greet it. 13 If the household is worthy, let the soul. Rather, fear him who is able to
your peace come on it, but if it isn’t worthy, destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.†
let your peace return to you. 14 Whoever 29 “Aren’t two sparrows sold for an as-
doesn’t receive you or hear your words, as
sarion coin?‡ Not one of them falls to
you go out of that house or that city, shake the ground apart from your Father’s will.
the dust off your feet. 15 Most certainly 30 But the very hairs of your head are all
I tell you, it will be more tolerable for the numbered. 31 Therefore don’t be afraid.
land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of You are of more value than many spar-
judgment than for that city. rows. 32 Everyone therefore who con-
16 “Behold, I send you out as sheep
fesses me before men, I will also confess
among wolves. Therefore be wise as ser- him before my Father who is in heaven.
pents and harmless as doves. 17 But 33 But whoever denies me before men, I
beware of men, for they will deliver you up will also deny him before my Father who
to councils, and in their synagogues they is in heaven.
† 10:3 NU omits “Lebbaeus, who was also called” ‡ 10:8 TR adds “raise the dead,” § 10:25 Literally, Lord of
the Flies, or the devil † 10:28 or, Hell. ‡ 10:29 An assarion is a small coin worth one tenth of a drachma or a
sixteenth of a denarius. An assarion is approximately the wages of one half hour of agricultural labor.
Matthew 10:34 1075 Matthew 11:25

34 “Don’t think that I came to send peace did you go out? To see a prophet? Yes, I
on the earth. I didn’t come to send peace, tell you, and much more than a prophet.
but a sword. 35 For I came to set a man 10 For this is he, of whom it is written,
at odds against his father, and a daughter ‘Behold, I send my messenger before your
against her mother, and a daughter-in-law face, who will prepare your way before
against her mother-in-law. 36 A man’s foes you.’* 11 Most certainly I tell you, among
will be those of his own household.* 37 He those who are born of women there has
who loves father or mother more than me not arisen anyone greater than John the
is not worthy of me; and he who loves son Baptizer; yet he who is least in the King-
or daughter more than me isn’t worthy of dom of Heaven is greater than he. 12 From
me. 38 He who doesn’t take his cross and the days of John the Baptizer until now,
follow after me isn’t worthy of me. 39 He the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence,
who seeks his life will lose it; and he who and the violent take it by force.† 13 For all
loses his life for my sake will find it.
40 “He who receives you receives me, and
the prophets and the law prophesied until
John. 14 If you are willing to receive it, this
he who receives me receives him who sent is Elijah, who is to come. 15 He who has
me. 41 He who receives a prophet in the
name of a prophet will receive a prophet’s ears to hear, let him hear.
16 “But to what shall I compare this gen-
reward. He who receives a righteous man
in the name of a righteous man will receive eration? It is like children sitting in the
a righteous man’s reward. 42 Whoever marketplaces, who call to their compan-
gives one of these little ones just a cup ions 17 and say, ‘We played the flute for
of cold water to drink in the name of a you, and you didn’t dance. We mourned
disciple, most certainly I tell you, he will in for you, and you didn’t lament.’ 18 For John
no way lose his reward.” came neither eating nor drinking, and they
say, ‘He has a demon.’ 19 The Son of Man
11 came eating and drinking, and they say,
1 When Jesus had finished directing his ‘Behold, a gluttonous man and a drunkard,
twelve disciples, he departed from there to a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ But
teach and preach in their cities. wisdom is justified by her children.”‡
2 Now when John heard in the prison the 20 Then he began to denounce the cities
works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples in which most of his mighty works had
3 and said to him, “Are you he who comes, been done, because they didn’t repent.
21 “Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you,
or should we look for another?”
4 Jesus answered them, “Go and tell John Bethsaida! For if the mighty works had
the things which you hear and see: 5 the been done in Tyre and Sidon which were
blind receive their sight, the lame walk, done in you, they would have repented
the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear,* long ago in sackcloth and ashes. 22 But I
the dead are raised up, and the poor have tell you, it will be more tolerable for Tyre
good news preached to them.* 6 Blessed is and Sidon on the day of judgment than for
he who finds no occasion for stumbling in you.
23 You, Capernaum, who are exalted

me.” to heaven, you will go down to Hades. §

7 As these went their way, Jesus began For if the mighty works had been done in
to say to the multitudes concerning John, Sodom which were done in you, it would
“What did you go out into the wilderness have remained until today. 24 But I tell you
to see? A reed shaken by the wind? 8 But that it will be more tolerable for the land
what did you go out to see? A man in of Sodom on the day of judgment, than for
soft clothing? Behold, those who wear soft you.”
clothing are in kings’ houses. 9 But why 25 At that time, Jesus answered, “I thank

* 10:36 Micah 7:6 * 11:5 Isaiah 35:5 * 11:5 Isaiah 61:1-4 * 11:10 Malachi 3:1 † 11:12 or, plunder it.
‡ 11:19 NU reads “actions” instead of “children” § 11:23 or, Hell
Matthew 11:26 1076 Matthew 12:29

you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, sheep! Therefore it is lawful to do good on
that you hid these things from the wise the Sabbath day.” 13 Then he told the man,
and understanding, and revealed them to “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it
infants. 26 Yes, Father, for so it was well- out; and it was restored whole, just like the
pleasing in your sight. 27 All things have other. 14 But the Pharisees went out and
been delivered to me by my Father. No one conspired against him, how they might
knows the Son, except the Father; neither destroy him.
does anyone know the Father, except the 15 Jesus, perceiving that, withdrew from
Son and he to whom the Son desires to there. Great multitudes followed him; and
reveal him. he healed them all, 16 and commanded
28 “Come to me, all you who labor and are
them that they should not make him
heavily burdened, and I will give you rest. known, 17 that it might be fulfilled which
29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from
was spoken through Isaiah the prophet,
me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; saying,
and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For 18 “Behold, my servant whom I have cho-
my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” sen,
my beloved in whom my soul is well
1 At that time, Jesus went on the Sabbath
I will put my Spirit on him.
day through the grain fields. His disciples He will proclaim justice to the nations.
were hungry and began to pluck heads of 19 He will not strive, nor shout,
grain and to eat. 2 But the Pharisees, when neither will anyone hear his voice in
they saw it, said to him, “Behold, your the streets.
disciples do what is not lawful to do on the 20 He won’t break a bruised reed.
Sabbath.” He won’t quench a smoking flax,
3 But he said to them, “Haven’t you read
until he leads justice to victory.
what David did when he was hungry, and 21 In his name, the nations will hope.”*
those who were with him: 4 how he en-
tered into God’s house and ate the show 22 Then one possessed by a demon, blind
bread, which was not lawful for him to and mute, was brought to him; and he
eat, nor for those who were with him, but healed him, so that the blind and mute
only for the priests?* 5 Or have you not man both spoke and saw. 23 All the multi-
read in the law that on the Sabbath day the tudes were amazed, and said, “Can this be
priests in the temple profane the Sabbath the son of David?” 24 But when the Phar-
and are guiltless? 6 But I tell you that one isees heard it, they said, “This man does
greater than the temple is here. 7 But if not cast out demons except by Beelzebul,
you had known what this means, ‘I desire the prince of the demons.”
mercy, and not sacrifice,’* you wouldn’t 25 Knowing their thoughts, Jesus said

have condemned the guiltless. 8 For the to them, “Every kingdom divided against
Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.” itself is brought to desolation, and every
9 He departed from there and went into city or house divided against itself will not
their synagogue. 10 And behold, there was stand. 26 If Satan casts out Satan, he is
a man with a withered hand. They asked divided against himself. How then will his
him, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath kingdom stand? 27 If I by Beelzebul cast
day?” so that they might accuse him. out demons, by whom do your children
11 He said to them, “What man is there cast them out? Therefore they will be your
among you who has one sheep, and if this judges. 28 But if I by the Spirit of God cast
one falls into a pit on the Sabbath day, out demons, then God’s Kingdom has come
won’t he grab on to it and lift it out? 12 Of upon you. 29 Or how can one enter into the
how much more value then is a man than a house of the strong man and plunder his
* 12:4 1 Samuel 21:3-6 * 12:7 Hosea 6:6 * 12:21 Isaiah 42:1-4
Matthew 12:30 1077 Matthew 13:12

goods, unless he first bind the strong man? 44 Then he says, ‘I will return into my house
Then he will plunder his house. from which I came;’ and when he has come
30 “He who is not with me is against back, he finds it empty, swept, and put in
me, and he who doesn’t gather with me, order. 45 Then he goes and takes with

scatters. 31 Therefore I tell you, every sin himself seven other spirits more evil than
and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but he is, and they enter in and dwell there.
the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be The last state of that man becomes worse
forgiven men. 32 Whoever speaks a word than the first. Even so will it be also to this
evil generation.”
against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven 46 While he was yet speaking to the mul-
him; but whoever speaks against the Holy
titudes, behold, his mother and his broth-
Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in ers stood outside, seeking to speak to him.
this age, or in that which is to come. 47 One said to him, “Behold, your mother
33 “Either make the tree good and its fruit
and your brothers stand outside, seeking
good, or make the tree corrupt and its fruit to speak to you.”
corrupt; for the tree is known by its fruit. 48 But he answered him who spoke to
34 You offspring of vipers, how can you,
him, “Who is my mother? Who are my
being evil, speak good things? For out brothers?” 49 He stretched out his hand
of the abundance of the heart, the mouth toward his disciples, and said, “Behold, my
speaks. 35 The good man out of his good mother and my brothers! 50 For who-
treasure† brings out good things, and the ever does the will of my Father who is in
evil man out of his evil treasure brings heaven, he is my brother, and sister, and
out evil things. 36 I tell you that every
idle word that men speak, they will give
account of it in the day of judgment. 37 For 13
1 On that day Jesus went out of the house
by your words you will be justified, and by
your words you will be condemned.” and sat by the seaside. 2 Great multi-
38 Then certain of the scribes and Phar- tudes gathered to him, so that he entered
isees answered, “Teacher, we want to see a into a boat and sat; and all the multitude
sign from you.” stood on the beach. 3 He spoke to them
39 But he answered them, “An evil and many things in parables, saying, “Behold,
adulterous generation seeks after a sign, a farmer went out to sow. 4 As he

but no sign will be given to it but the sign sowed, some seeds fell by the roadside,
of Jonah the prophet. 40 For as Jonah and the birds came and devoured them.
5 Others fell on rocky ground, where they
was three days and three nights in the
didn’t have much soil, and immediately
belly of the huge fish, so will the Son of
they sprang up, because they had no depth
Man be three days and three nights in the
of earth. 6 When the sun had risen, they
heart of the earth. 41 The men of Nin-
eveh will stand up in the judgment with were scorched. Because they had no root,
this generation and will condemn it, for they withered away. 7 Others fell among
they repented at the preaching of Jonah; thorns. The thorns grew up and choked
and behold, someone greater than Jonah is them. 8 Others fell on good soil and

here. 42 The Queen of the South will rise yielded fruit: some one hundred times as
up in the judgment with this generation much, some sixty, and some thirty. 9 He
and will condemn it, for she came from who has ears to hear, let him hear.”
10 The disciples came, and said to him,
the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom
of Solomon; and behold, someone greater “Why do you speak to them in parables?”
than Solomon is here. 11 He answered them, “To you it is given
43 “When an unclean spirit has gone out to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of
of a man, he passes through waterless Heaven, but it is not given to them. 12 For
places seeking rest, and doesn’t find it. whoever has, to him will be given, and he
† 12:35 TR adds “of the heart”
Matthew 13:13 1078 Matthew 13:36

will have abundance; but whoever doesn’t 24 He set another parable before them,
have, from him will be taken away even saying, “The Kingdom of Heaven is like
that which he has. 13 Therefore I speak a man who sowed good seed in his field,
to them in parables, because seeing they 25 but while people slept, his enemy came
don’t see, and hearing, they don’t hear, and sowed darnel weeds† also among the
neither do they understand. 14 In them the wheat, and went away. 26 But when the
prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says, blade sprang up and produced grain, then
‘By hearing you will hear, the darnel weeds appeared also. 27 The
and will in no way understand; servants of the householder came and said
Seeing you will see, to him, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in
and will in no way perceive; your field? Where did these darnel weeds
15 for this people’s heart has grown callous, come from?’
28 “He said to them, ‘An enemy has done
their ears are dull of hearing,
and they have closed their eyes; this.’
or else perhaps they might perceive with “The servants asked him, ‘Do you want
their eyes, us to go and gather them up?’
29 “But he said, ‘No, lest perhaps while
hear with their ears,
understand with their heart, you gather up the darnel weeds, you root
and would turn again, up the wheat with them. 30 Let both

and I would heal them.’* grow together until the harvest, and in the
16 “But blessed are your eyes, for harvest time I will tell the reapers, “First,
they see; and your ears, for they hear. gather up the darnel weeds, and bind them
17 For most certainly I tell you that many in bundles to burn them; but gather the
prophets and righteous men desired to see wheat into my barn.” ’ ”
31 He set another parable before them,
the things which you see, and didn’t see
them; and to hear the things which you saying, “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a
hear, and didn’t hear them. grain of mustard seed which a man took,
18 “Hear, then, the parable of the farmer. and sowed in his field, 32 which indeed
19 When anyone hears the word of the is smaller than all seeds. But when it is
Kingdom and doesn’t understand it, the grown, it is greater than the herbs and
evil one comes and snatches away that becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air
come and lodge in its branches.”
which has been sown in his heart. This is 33 He spoke another parable to them.
what was sown by the roadside. 20 What
was sown on the rocky places, this is he “The Kingdom of Heaven is like yeast
who hears the word and immediately with which‡ a woman took and hid in three mea-
joy receives it; 21 yet he has no root in sures of meal, until it was all leavened.”
34 Jesus spoke all these things in parables
himself, but endures for a while. When
oppression or persecution arises because to the multitudes; and without a parable,
of the word, immediately he stumbles. he didn’t speak to them, that it might

22 What was sown among the thorns, this be fulfilled which was spoken through the
is he who hears the word, but the cares prophet, saying,
of this age and the deceitfulness of riches “I will open my mouth in parables;
choke the word, and he becomes unfruit- I will utter things hidden from the
ful. 23 What was sown on the good ground, foundation of the world.”*
36 Then Jesus sent the multitudes away,
this is he who hears the word and under-
stands it, who most certainly bears fruit and went into the house. His disciples
and produces, some one hundred times as came to him, saying, “Explain to us the
much, some sixty, and some thirty.” parable of the darnel weeds of the field.”
* 13:15 Isaiah 6:9-10 † 13:25 darnel is a weed grass (probably bearded darnel or lolium temulentum) that looks
very much like wheat until it is mature, when the difference becomes very apparent. ‡ 13:33 literally, three sata.
Three sata is about 39 liters or a bit more than a bushel * 13:35 Psalm 78:2
Matthew 13:37 1079 Matthew 14:13

37 He answered them, “He who sows the into his own country, he taught them in
good seed is the Son of Man, 38 the field is their synagogue, so that they were as-
the world, the good seeds are the children tonished and said, “Where did this man
of the Kingdom, and the darnel weeds are get this wisdom and these mighty works?
the children of the evil one. 39 The enemy 55 Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t
who sowed them is the devil. The harvest his mother called Mary, and his brothers
is the end of the age, and the reapers are James, Joses, Simon, and Judas?† 56 Aren’t
angels. 40 As therefore the darnel weeds all of his sisters with us? Where then did
are gathered up and burned with fire; so this man get all of these things?” 57 They
will it be at the end of this age. 41 The were offended by him.
Son of Man will send out his angels, and But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not
they will gather out of his Kingdom all without honor, except in his own country
things that cause stumbling and those who and in his own house.” 58 He didn’t do
do iniquity, 42 and will cast them into the many mighty works there because of their
furnace of fire. There will be weeping and unbelief.
gnashing of teeth. 43 Then the righteous
will shine like the sun in the Kingdom of
their Father. He who has ears to hear, let
1 Atthat time, Herod the tetrarch heard
him hear.
44 “Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like the report concerning Jesus, 2 and said to
treasure hidden in the field, which a man his servants, “This is John the Baptizer.
found and hid. In his joy, he goes and sells He is risen from the dead. That is why
all that he has and buys that field. these powers work in him.” 3 For Herod
45 “Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like had arrested John, bound him, and put
him in prison for the sake of Herodias,
a man who is a merchant seeking fine
his brother Philip’s wife. 4 For John said
pearls, 46 who having found one pearl of
to him, “It is not lawful for you to have
great price, he went and sold all that he
her.” 5 When he would have put him to
had and bought it.
47 “Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like
death, he feared the multitude, because
they counted him as a prophet. 6 But when
a dragnet that was cast into the sea and Herod’s birthday came, the daughter of
gathered some fish of every kind, 48 which, Herodias danced among them and pleased
when it was filled, fishermen drew up on Herod. 7 Therefore he promised with an
the beach. They sat down and gathered oath to give her whatever she should ask.
the good into containers, but the bad they 8 She, being prompted by her mother, said,
threw away. 49 So it will be in the end of “Give me here on a platter the head of John
the world.§ The angels will come and sepa- the Baptizer.”
rate the wicked from among the righteous, 9 The king was grieved, but for the sake
50 and will cast them into the furnace of
fire. There will be weeping and gnashing of his oaths and of those who sat at the
table with him, he commanded it to be
of teeth.” 51 Jesus said to them, “Have you given, 10 and he sent and beheaded John
understood all these things?” in the prison. 11 His head was brought
They answered him, “Yes, Lord.” on a platter and given to the young lady;
52 He said to them, “Therefore every
and she brought it to her mother. 12 His
scribe who has been made a disciple in disciples came, took the body, and buried
the Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who it. Then they went and told Jesus. 13 Now
is a householder, who brings out of his when Jesus heard this, he withdrew from
treasure new and old things.” there in a boat to a deserted place apart.
53 When Jesus had finished these para- When the multitudes heard it, they fol-
bles, he departed from there. 54 Coming lowed him on foot from the cities.
§ 13:49 or, end of the age. † 13:55 or, Judah
Matthew 14:14 1080 Matthew 15:11

14 Jesus went out, and he saw a great strong, he was afraid, and beginning to
multitude. He had compassion on them sink, he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!”
and healed their sick. 15 When evening had 31 Immediately Jesus stretched out his
come, his disciples came to him, saying, hand, took hold of him, and said to him,
“This place is deserted, and the hour is “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”
already late. Send the multitudes away, 32 When they got up into the boat, the wind
that they may go into the villages, and buy ceased. 33 Those who were in the boat
themselves food.” came and worshiped him, saying, “You are
16 But Jesus said to them, “They don’t truly the Son of God!”
need to go away. You give them something 34 When they had crossed over, they
to eat.” came to the land of Gennesaret. 35 When
17 They told him, “We only have here five the people of that place recognized him,
loaves and two fish.” they sent into all that surrounding region
18 He said, “Bring them here to me.” 19 He and brought to him all who were sick;
36 and they begged him that they might just
commanded the multitudes to sit down on
the grass; and he took the five loaves and touch the fringe§ of his garment. As many
the two fish, and looking up to heaven, as touched it were made whole.
he blessed, broke and gave the loaves to
the disciples; and the disciples gave to the 15
multitudes. 20 They all ate and were filled. 1Then Pharisees and scribes came to
They took up twelve baskets full of that Jesus from Jerusalem, saying, 2 “Why do
which remained left over from the broken your disciples disobey the tradition of the
pieces. 21 Those who ate were about five elders? For they don’t wash their hands
thousand men, in addition to women and when they eat bread.”
children. 3 He answered them, “Why do you also
22 Immediately Jesus made the disciples disobey the commandment of God because
get into the boat and go ahead of him to of your tradition? 4 For God commanded,
the other side, while he sent the multitudes ‘Honor your father and your mother,’*
away. 23 After he had sent the multitudes and, ‘He who speaks evil of father or
away, he went up into the mountain by
mother, let him be put to death.’* 5 But
himself to pray. When evening had come,
you say, ‘Whoever may tell his father or his
he was there alone. 24 But the boat was mother, “Whatever help you might other-
now in the middle of the sea, distressed by
the waves, for the wind was contrary. 25 In wise have gotten from me is a gift devoted
the fourth watch of the night,† Jesus came to God,” 6 he shall not honor his father
or mother.’ You have made the command-
to them, walking on the sea.* 26 When the ment of God void because of your tradi-
disciples saw him walking on the sea, they tion. 7 You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah
were troubled, saying, “It’s a ghost!” and prophesy of you, saying,
they cried out for fear. 27 But immediately 8 ‘These people draw near to me with their
Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Cheer up! It mouth,
is I! ‡ Don’t be afraid.” and honor me with their lips;
28 Peter answered him and said, “Lord, if
but their heart is far from me.
it is you, command me to come to you on 9 And they worship me in vain,
the waters.” teaching as doctrine rules made by
29 He said, “Come!”
men.’ ”*
Peter stepped down from the boat and 10 He summoned the multitude, and said
walked on the waters to come to Jesus. to them, “Hear, and understand. 11 That
30 But when he saw that the wind was which enters into the mouth doesn’t defile
† 14:25 The night was equally divided into four watches, so the fourth watch is approximately 3:00 a.m. to sunrise.
* 14:25 See Job 9:8 ‡ 14:27 or, I AM! § 14:36 or, tassel * 15:4 Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 5:16 * 15:4
Exodus 21:17; Leviticus 20:9 * 15:9 Isaiah 29:13
Matthew 15:12 1081 Matthew 16:6

the man; but that which proceeds out of on the mountain and sat there. 30 Great
the mouth, this defiles the man.” multitudes came to him, having with them
12 Then the disciples came and said to the lame, blind, mute, maimed, and many
him, “Do you know that the Pharisees were others, and they put them down at his feet.
offended when they heard this saying?” He healed them, 31 so that the multitude
13 But he answered, “Every plant which wondered when they saw the mute speak-
my heavenly Father didn’t plant will be ing, the injured healed, the lame walking,
uprooted. 14 Leave them alone. They are and the blind seeing—and they glorified
blind guides of the blind. If the blind guide the God of Israel.
32 Jesus summoned his disciples and
the blind, both will fall into a pit.”
15 Peter answered him, “Explain the said, “I have compassion on the multitude,
because they have continued with me now
parable to us.” three days and have nothing to eat. I don’t
16 So Jesus said, “Do you also still not
want to send them away fasting, or they
understand? 17 Don’t you understand that might faint on the way.”
whatever goes into the mouth passes into 33 The disciples said to him, “Where
the belly and then out of the body? 18 But could we get so many loaves in a deserted
the things which proceed out of the mouth place as to satisfy so great a multitude?”
come out of the heart, and they defile the 34 Jesus said to them, “How many loaves
man. 19 For out of the heart come evil
thoughts, murders, adulteries, sexual sins, do you have?”
thefts, false testimony, and blasphemies. They said, “Seven, and a few small fish.”
20 These are the things which defile the 35 He commanded the multitude to sit

man; but to eat with unwashed hands down on the ground; 36 and he took the
doesn’t defile the man.” seven loaves and the fish. He gave thanks
21 Jesus went out from there and with- and broke them, and gave to the disci-
drew into the region of Tyre and Sidon. ples, and the disciples to the multitudes.
22 Behold, a Canaanite woman came out 37 They all ate and were filled. They took
from those borders and cried, saying, up seven baskets full of the broken pieces
“Have mercy on me, Lord, you son of that were left over. 38 Those who ate were
David! My daughter is severely possessed four thousand men, in addition to women
by a demon!” and children. 39 Then he sent away the
23 But he answered her not a word. multitudes, got into the boat, and came
His disciples came and begged him, say- into the borders of Magdala.
ing, “Send her away; for she cries after us.”
24 But he answered, “I wasn’t sent to 16
anyone but the lost sheep of the house of
1The Pharisees and Sadducees came,
Israel.” and testing him, asked him to show them a
25 But she came and worshiped him, say- sign from heaven. 2 But he answered them,
ing, “Lord, help me.” “When it is evening, you say, ‘It will be fair
26 But he answered, “It is not appropriate weather, for the sky is red.’ 3 In the morn-
to take the children’s bread and throw it to ing, ‘It will be foul weather today, for the
the dogs.” sky is red and threatening.’ Hypocrites!
27 But she said, “Yes, Lord, but even the You know how to discern the appearance
dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their of the sky, but you can’t discern the signs
masters’ table.” of the times! 4 An evil and adulterous
28 Then Jesus answered her, “Woman, generation seeks after a sign, and there
great is your faith! Be it done to you even will be no sign given to it, except the sign
as you desire.” And her daughter was of the prophet Jonah.”
healed from that hour. He left them and departed. 5 The disci-
29 Jesus departed from there and came ples came to the other side and had for-
near to the sea of Galilee; and he went up gotten to take bread. 6 Jesus said to them,
Matthew 16:7 1082 Matthew 17:8

“Take heed and beware of the yeast of the 22 Peter took him aside and began to
Pharisees and Sadducees.” rebuke him, saying, “Far be it from you,
7 They reasoned among themselves, say-
Lord! This will never be done to you.”
ing, “We brought no bread.” 23 But he turned and said to Peter, “Get
8 Jesus, perceiving it, said, “Why do you
behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling
reason among yourselves, you of little block to me, for you are not setting your
faith, because you have brought no bread? mind on the things of God, but on the
9 Don’t you yet perceive or remember the things of men.”
five loaves for the five thousand, and how 24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If
many baskets you took up, 10 or the seven anyone desires to come after me, let him
loaves for the four thousand, and how deny himself, take up his cross, and follow
many baskets you took up? 11 How is it me. 25 For whoever desires to save his
that you don’t perceive that I didn’t speak life will lose it, and whoever will lose his
to you concerning bread? But beware of life for my sake will find it. 26 For what
the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” will it profit a man if he gains the whole
12 Then they understood that he didn’t
world and forfeits his life? Or what will a
tell them to beware of the yeast of bread, man give in exchange for his life? 27 For
but of the teaching of the Pharisees and the Son of Man will come in the glory of
Sadducees. his Father with his angels, and then he will
13 Now when Jesus came into the parts render to everyone according to his deeds.
of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, 28 Most certainly I tell you, there are some
saying, “Who do men say that I, the Son of standing here who will in no way taste of
Man, am?” death until they see the Son of Man coming
14 They said, “Some say John the Bap-
in his Kingdom.”
tizer, some, Elijah, and others, Jeremiah or
one of the prophets.”
15 He said to them, “But who do you say
1After six days, Jesus took with him
that I am?” Peter, James, and John his brother, and
16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the
brought them up into a high mountain
Christ, the Son of the living God.”
17 Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, by themselves. 2 He was changed† before
them. His face shone like the sun, and
Simon Bar Jonah, for flesh and blood has his garments became as white as the light.
not revealed this to you, but my Father 3 Behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to
who is in heaven. 18 I also tell you that you them talking with him.
are Peter,† and on this rock ‡ I will build 4 Peter answered and said to Jesus,
my assembly, and the gates of Hades§ will
“Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you
not prevail against it. 19 I will give to
want, let’s make three tents here: one for
you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”
and whatever you bind on earth will have 5 While he was still speaking, behold, a
been bound in heaven; and whatever you
bright cloud overshadowed them. Behold,
release on earth will have been released
in heaven.” 20 Then he commanded the a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This
disciples that they should tell no one that is my beloved Son, in whom I am well
he was Jesus the Christ. pleased. Listen to him.”
21 From that time, Jesus began to show 6 When the disciples heard it, they fell on
his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem their faces, and were very afraid. 7 Jesus
and suffer many things from the elders, came and touched them and said, “Get up,
chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and don’t be afraid.” 8 Lifting up their
and the third day be raised up. eyes, they saw no one, except Jesus alone.
† 16:18 Peter’s name, Petros in Greek, is the word for a specific rock or stone. ‡ 16:18 Greek, petra, a rock mass
or bedrock. § 16:18 or, Hell † 17:2 or, transfigured
Matthew 17:9 1083 Matthew 18:9

9 As they were coming down from the 24 When they had come to Capernaum,
mountain, Jesus commanded them, say- those who collected the didrachma coins§
ing, “Don’t tell anyone what you saw, until came to Peter, and said, “Doesn’t your
the Son of Man has risen from the dead.” teacher pay the didrachma?” 25 He said,
10 His disciples asked him, saying, “Then
why do the scribes say that Elijah must When he came into the house, Jesus an-
come first?” ticipated him, saying, “What do you think,
11 Jesus answered them, “Elijah indeed Simon? From whom do the kings of the
comes first, and will restore all things; earth receive toll or tribute? From their
12 but I tell you that Elijah has come al- children, or from strangers?”
ready, and they didn’t recognize him, but 26 Peter said to him, “From strangers.”
did to him whatever they wanted to. Even Jesus said to him, “Therefore the chil-
so the Son of Man will also suffer by them.” dren are exempt. 27 But, lest we cause
13 Then the disciples understood that he them to stumble, go to the sea, cast a hook,
spoke to them of John the Baptizer. and take up the first fish that comes up.
14 When they came to the multitude, When you have opened its mouth, you will
a man came to him, kneeling down to find a stater coin.† Take that, and give it to
him and saying, 15 “Lord, have mercy on them for me and you.”
my son, for he is epileptic and suffers
grievously; for he often falls into the fire, 18
1 In that hour the disciples came to Jesus,
and often into the water. 16 So I brought
him to your disciples, and they could not saying, “Who then is greatest in the King-
cure him.” dom of Heaven?”
17 Jesus answered, “Faithless and per- 2 Jesus called a little child to himself,

verse generation! How long will I be with and set him in the middle of them 3 and
said, “Most certainly I tell you, unless you
you? How long will I bear with you? Bring
turn and become as little children, you
him here to me.” 18 Jesus rebuked the
will in no way enter into the Kingdom of
demon, and it went out of him, and the boy
Heaven. 4 Whoever therefore humbles
was cured from that hour. himself as this little child is the greatest
19 Then the disciples came to Jesus pri-
in the Kingdom of Heaven. 5 Whoever
vately, and said, “Why weren’t we able to
receives one such little child in my name
cast it out?”
20 He said to them, “Because of your un- receives me, 6 but whoever causes one
belief. For most certainly I tell you, if you of these little ones who believe in me to
stumble, it would be better for him if a
have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you huge millstone were hung around his neck
will tell this mountain, ‘Move from here and that he were sunk in the depths of the
to there,’ and it will move; and nothing sea.
will be impossible for you. 21 But this 7 “Woe to the world because of occasions
kind doesn’t go out except by prayer and of stumbling! For it must be that the occa-
fasting.” ‡ sions come, but woe to that person through
22 While they were staying in Galilee, Je- whom the occasion comes! 8 If your hand
sus said to them, “The Son of Man is about or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it
to be delivered up into the hands of men, off and cast it from you. It is better for
23 and they will kill him, and the third day you to enter into life maimed or crippled,
he will be raised up.” rather than having two hands or two feet
They were exceedingly sorry. to be cast into the eternal fire. 9 If your eye
‡ 17:21 NU omits verse 21. § 17:24 A didrachma is a Greek silver coin worth 2 drachmas, about as much as 2
Roman denarii, or about 2 days’ wages. It was commonly used to pay the half-shekel temple tax, because 2 drachmas
were worth one half shekel of silver. A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces. † 17:27 A stater is a silver coin
equivalent to four Attic or two Alexandrian drachmas, or a Jewish shekel: just exactly enough to cover the half-shekel
temple tax for two people. A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces, usually in the form of a silver coin.
Matthew 18:10 1084 Matthew 19:3

causes you to stumble, pluck it out and cast Heaven is like a certain king who wanted
it from you. It is better for you to enter into to settle accounts with his servants.
life with one eye, rather than having two 24 When he had begun to settle, one
eyes to be cast into the Gehenna† of fire. was brought to him who owed him ten
10 See that you don’t despise one of these thousand talents.§ 25 But because he
little ones, for I tell you that in heaven their couldn’t pay, his lord commanded him
angels always see the face of my Father to be sold, with his wife, his children,
who is in heaven. 11 For the Son of Man and all 26 that he had, and payment to be
came to save that which was lost. ‡ made. The servant therefore fell down
12 “What do you think? If a man has and knelt before him, saying, ‘Lord, have
one hundred sheep, and one of them goes patience with me, and I will repay you
astray, doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine, go all!’ 27 The lord of that servant, being

to the mountains, and seek that which has moved with compassion, released him and
gone astray? 13 If he finds it, most certainly forgave him the debt.
28 “But that servant went out and found
I tell you, he rejoices over it more than
over the ninety-nine which have not gone one of his fellow servants who owed him
one hundred denarii,† and he grabbed him
astray. 14 Even so it is not the will of your
and took him by the throat, saying, ‘Pay me
Father who is in heaven that one of these what you owe!’
little ones should perish.
29 “So his fellow servant fell down at
15 “If your brother sins against you, go,
his feet and begged him, saying, ‘Have
show him his fault between you and him patience with me, and I will repay you!’
alone. If he listens to you, you have gained 30 He would not, but went and cast him into
back your brother. 16 But if he doesn’t
prison until he should pay back that which
listen, take one or two more with you, that was due. 31 So when his fellow servants
at the mouth of two or three witnesses saw what was done, they were exceedingly
every word may be established.* 17 If he sorry, and came and told their lord all that
refuses to listen to them, tell it to the as- was done. 32 Then his lord called him
sembly. If he refuses to hear the assembly in and said to him, ‘You wicked servant!
also, let him be to you as a Gentile or a I forgave you all that debt because you
tax collector. 18 Most certainly I tell you, begged me. 33 Shouldn’t you also have
whatever things you bind on earth will had mercy on your fellow servant, even as
have been bound in heaven, and whatever I had mercy on you?’ 34 His lord was angry,
things you release on earth will have been and delivered him to the tormentors until
released in heaven. 19 Again, assuredly he should pay all that was due to him. 35 So
I tell you, that if two of you will agree on my heavenly Father will also do to you, if
earth concerning anything that they will you don’t each forgive your brother from
ask, it will be done for them by my Father your hearts for his misdeeds.”
who is in heaven. 20 For where two or
three are gathered together in my name, 19
there I am in the middle of them.” 1 When Jesus had finished these words,
21 Then Peter came and said to him,
he departed from Galilee and came into
“Lord, how often shall my brother sin the borders of Judea beyond the Jordan.
against me, and I forgive him? Until seven 2 Great multitudes followed him, and he
times?” healed them there.
22 Jesus said to him, “I don’t tell you 3 Pharisees came to him, testing him and
until seven times, but, until seventy times saying, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his
seven. 23 Therefore the Kingdom of wife for any reason?”

† 18:9 or, Hell ‡ 18:11 NU omits verse 11. * 18:16 Deuteronomy 19:15 § 18:24 Ten thousand talents (about
300 metric tons of silver) represents an extremely large sum of money, equivalent to about 60,000,000 denarii, where
one denarius was typical of one day’s wages for agricultural labor. † 18:28 100 denarii was about one sixtieth of
a talent, or about 500 grams (1.1 pounds) of silver.
Matthew 19:4 1085 Matthew 20:1

4 He answered, “Haven’t you read that he Jesus said, “ ‘You shall not murder.’ ‘You
who made them from the beginning made shall not commit adultery.’ ‘You shall not
them male and female,* 5 and said, ‘For steal.’ ‘You shall not offer false testimony.’
this cause a man shall leave his father and 19 ‘Honor your father and your mother.’*
mother, and shall be joined to his wife; and And, ‘You shall love your neighbor as your-
the two shall become one flesh?’* 6 So that self.’ ”*
they are no more two, but one flesh. What 20 The young man said to him, “All these
therefore God has joined together, don’t let things I have observed from my youth.
man tear apart.” What do I still lack?”
7 They asked him, “Why then did Moses 21 Jesus said to him, “If you want to be
command us to give her a certificate of perfect, go, sell what you have, and give
divorce and divorce her?” to the poor, and you will have treasure
8 He said to them, “Moses, because of
in heaven; and come, follow me.” 22 But
the hardness of your hearts, allowed you when the young man heard this, he went
to divorce your wives, but from the be- away sad, for he was one who had great
ginning it has not been so. 9 I tell you
that whoever divorces his wife, except for 23 Jesus said to his disciples, “Most cer-
sexual immorality, and marries another, tainly I say to you, a rich man will enter
commits adultery; and he who marries her into the Kingdom of Heaven with diffi-
when she is divorced commits adultery.” culty. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a
10 His disciples said to him, “If this is
camel to go through a needle’s eye than for
the case of the man with his wife, it is not a rich man to enter into God’s Kingdom.”
expedient to marry.” 25 When the disciples heard it, they were
11 But he said to them, “Not all men can
exceedingly astonished, saying, “Who then
receive this saying, but those to whom it can be saved?”
is given. 12 For there are eunuchs who 26 Looking at them, Jesus said, “With
were born that way from their mother’s men this is impossible, but with God all
womb, and there are eunuchs who were things are possible.”
made eunuchs by men; and there are eu- 27 Then Peter answered, “Behold, we
nuchs who made themselves eunuchs for have left everything and followed you.
the Kingdom of Heaven’s sake. He who is
What then will we have?”
able to receive it, let him receive it.” 28 Jesus said to them, “Most certainly I
13 Then little children were brought to
tell you that you who have followed me, in
him that he should lay his hands on them the regeneration when the Son of Man will
and pray; and the disciples rebuked them. sit on the throne of his glory, you also will
14 But Jesus said, “Allow the little children,
sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve
and don’t forbid them to come to me; for tribes of Israel. 29 Everyone who has left
the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to ones
houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or
like these.” 15 He laid his hands on them, mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for
and departed from there. my name’s sake, will receive one hundred
16 Behold, one came to him and said,
times, and will inherit eternal life. 30 But
“Good teacher, what good thing shall I do, many will be last who are first, and first
that I may have eternal life?” who are last.
17 He said to him, “Why do you call me
good?† No one is good but one, that is, God. 20
1 “For the Kingdom of Heaven is like a
But if you want to enter into life, keep the
commandments.” man who was the master of a household,
18 He said to him, “Which ones?” who went out early in the morning to hire
* 19:4 Genesis 1:27 * 19:5 Genesis 2:24 † 19:17 So MT and TR. NU reads “Why do you ask me about what is
good?” * 19:19 Exodus 20:12-16; Deuteronomy 5:16-20 * 19:19 Leviticus 19:18 † 20:2 A denarius is a silver
Roman coin worth 1/25th of a Roman aureus. This was a common wage for a day of farm labor.
Matthew 20:2 1086 Matthew 20:32

laborers for his vineyard. 2 When he had to death, 19 and will hand him over to
agreed with the laborers for a denarius† a the Gentiles to mock, to scourge, and to
day, he sent them into his vineyard. 3 He crucify; and the third day he will be raised
went out about the third hour,‡ and saw up.”
others standing idle in the marketplace. 20 Then the mother of the sons of
4 He said to them, ‘You also go into the Zebedee came to him with her sons,
vineyard, and whatever is right I will give kneeling and asking a certain thing of him.
21 He said to her, “What do you want?”
you.’ So they went their way. 5 Again
he went out about the sixth and the ninth She said to him, “Command that these,
hour,§ and did likewise. 6 About the my two sons, may sit, one on your right
eleventh hour he went out and found oth-
† hand and one on your left hand, in your
ers standing idle. He said to them, ‘Why do Kingdom.”
you stand here all day idle?’ 22 But Jesus answered, “You don’t know
7 “They said to him, ‘Because no one has what you are asking. Are you able to drink
hired us.’ the cup that I am about to drink, and be
“He said to them, ‘You also go into the baptized with the baptism that I am bap-
vineyard, and you will receive whatever is tized with?”
right.’ They said to him, “We are able.”
8 “When evening had come, the lord 23 He said to them, “You will indeed drink

of the vineyard said to his manager, my cup, and be baptized with the baptism
‘Call the laborers and pay them their that I am baptized with; but to sit on my
wages, beginning from the last to the first.’ right hand and on my left hand is not mine
9 “When those who were hired at about the to give, but it is for whom it has been
eleventh hour came, they each received prepared by my Father.”
a denarius. 10 When the first came, 24 When the ten heard it, they were in-
they supposed that they would receive dignant with the two brothers.
more; and they likewise each received 25 But Jesus summoned them, and said,
a denarius. 11 When they received it, “You know that the rulers of the nations
they murmured against the master of the lord it over them, and their great ones
household, 12 saying, ‘These last have exercise authority over them. 26 It shall
spent one hour, and you have made them not be so among you; but whoever de-
equal to us who have borne the burden of sires to become great among you shall be‡
the day and the scorching heat!’ your servant. 27 Whoever desires to be
13 “But he answered one of them, ‘Friend, first among you shall be your bondservant,
I am doing you no wrong. Didn’t you agree 28 even as the Son of Man came not to be
with me for a denarius? 14 Take that which served, but to serve, and to give his life as
is yours, and go your way. It is my desire a ransom for many.”
to give to this last just as much as to you. 29 As they went out from Jericho, a great
15 Isn’t it lawful for me to do what I want multitude followed him. 30 Behold, two
to with what I own? Or is your eye evil, blind men sitting by the road, when they
because I am good?’ 16 So the last will be heard that Jesus was passing by, cried
first, and the first last. For many are called, out, “Lord, have mercy on us, you son of
but few are chosen.” David!” 31 The multitude rebuked them,
17 As Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, telling them that they should be quiet, but
he took the twelve disciples aside, and on they cried out even more, “Lord, have
the way he said to them, 18 “Behold, we mercy on us, you son of David!”
are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of 32 Jesus stood still and called them, and
Man will be delivered to the chief priests asked, “What do you want me to do for
and scribes, and they will condemn him you?”
‡ 20:3 Time was measured from sunrise to sunset, so the third hour would be about 9:00 a.m. § 20:5 noon and
3:00 p.m. † 20:6 5:00 p.m. ‡ 20:26 TR reads “let him be” instead of “shall be”
Matthew 20:33 1087 Matthew 21:26

33 They told him, “Lord, that our eyes called a house of prayer,’* but you have
may be opened.” made it a den of robbers!”*
34 Jesus, being moved with compassion, 14 The lame and the blind came to him
touched their eyes; and immediately their in the temple, and he healed them. 15 But
eyes received their sight, and they fol- when the chief priests and the scribes saw
lowed him. the wonderful things that he did, and the
children who were crying in the temple
21 and saying, “Hosanna to the son of David!”
1 When they came near to Jerusalem they were indignant, 16 and said to him,
and came to Bethsphage,† to the Mount “Do you hear what these are saying?”
of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples, Jesus said to them, “Yes. Did you
2 saying to them, “Go into the village that never read, ‘Out of the mouth of children
is opposite you, and immediately you will and nursing babies, you have perfected
find a donkey tied, and a colt with her. praise?’ ”*
17 He left them and went out of the city to
Untie them and bring them to me. 3 If
anyone says anything to you, you shall say, Bethany, and camped there.
18 Now in the morning, as he returned
‘The Lord needs them,’ and immediately
he will send them.” to the city, he was hungry. 19 Seeing a fig
4 All this was done that it might be tree by the road, he came to it and found
fulfilled which was spoken through the nothing on it but leaves. He said to it, “Let
prophet, saying, there be no fruit from you forever!”
5 “Tell the daughter of Zion, Immediately the fig tree withered away.
20 When the disciples saw it, they mar-
behold, your King comes to you,
humble, and riding on a donkey, veled, saying, “How did the fig tree imme-
on a colt, the foal of a donkey.”* diately wither away?”
21 Jesus answered them, “Most certainly
6 The disciples went and did just as Jesus
commanded them, 7 and brought the don- I tell you, if you have faith and don’t doubt,
key and the colt and laid their clothes on you will not only do what was done to the
them; and he sat on them. 8 A very great fig tree, but even if you told this mountain,
multitude spread their clothes on the road. ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ it would
Others cut branches from the trees and be done. 22 All things, whatever you ask in

spread them on the road. 9 The multitudes prayer, believing, you will receive.”
23 When he had come into the temple, the
who went in front of him, and those who
followed, kept shouting, “Hosanna‡ to the chief priests and the elders of the people
son of David! Blessed is he who comes came to him as he was teaching, and said,
in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the “By what authority do you do these things?
highest!” * Who gave you this authority?”
10 When he had come into Jerusalem, all 24 Jesus answered them, “I also will ask
the city was stirred up, saying, “Who is you one question, which if you tell me, I
this?” likewise will tell you by what authority I
11 The multitudes said, “This is the do these things. 25 The baptism of John,
prophet, Jesus, from Nazareth of Galilee.” where was it from? From heaven or from
12 Jesus entered into the temple of God men?”
and drove out all of those who sold and They reasoned with themselves, saying,
bought in the temple, and overthrew the “If we say, ‘From heaven,’ he will ask us,
money changers’ tables and the seats of ‘Why then did you not believe him?’ 26 But
those who sold the doves. 13 He said to if we say, ‘From men,’ we fear the mul-
them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be titude, for all hold John as a prophet.”
† 21:1 TR & NU read “Bethphage” instead of “Bethsphage” * 21:5 Zechariah 9:9 ‡ 21:9 “Hosanna” means “save
us” or “help us, we pray”. * 21:9 Psalm 118:26 * 21:13 Isaiah 56:7 * 21:13 Jeremiah 7:11 * 21:16 Psalm
Matthew 21:27 1088 Matthew 22:12

27 They answered Jesus, and said, “We was made the head of the corner.
don’t know.” This was from the Lord.
He also said to them, “Neither will I tell It is marvelous in our eyes’?*
you by what authority I do these things. 43 “Therefore I tell you, God’s Kingdom
28 But what do you think? A man had two
will be taken away from you and will be
sons, and he came to the first, and said, given to a nation producing its fruit. 44 He
‘Son, go work today in my vineyard.’ 29 He who falls on this stone will be broken to
answered, ‘I will not,’ but afterward he pieces, but on whomever it will fall, it will
changed his mind, and went. 30 He came scatter him as dust.”
to the second, and said the same thing. 45 When the chief priests and the Phar-
He answered, ‘I’m going, sir,’ but he didn’t isees heard his parables, they perceived
go. 31 Which of the two did the will of his that he spoke about them. 46 When they
father?” sought to seize him, they feared the multi-
They said to him, “The first.” tudes, because they considered him to be a
Jesus said to them, “Most certainly I tell prophet.
you that the tax collectors and the pros-
titutes are entering into God’s Kingdom 22
before you. 32 For John came to you in 1 Jesus answered and spoke to them
the way of righteousness, and you didn’t again in parables, saying, 2 “The Kingdom
believe him; but the tax collectors and the of Heaven is like a certain king, who made
prostitutes believed him. When you saw it, a wedding feast for his son, 3 and sent out
you didn’t even repent afterward, that you his servants to call those who were invited
might believe him. to the wedding feast, but they would not
33 “Hear another parable. There was a
come. 4 Again he sent out other servants,
man who was a master of a household who saying, ‘Tell those who are invited, “Be-
planted a vineyard, set a hedge about it, hold, I have prepared my dinner. My cattle
dug a wine press in it, built a tower, leased and my fatlings are killed, and all things
it out to farmers, and went into another are ready. Come to the wedding feast!” ’
country. 34 When the season for the
5 But they made light of it, and went their
fruit came near, he sent his servants to the ways, one to his own farm, another to
farmers to receive his fruit. 35 The farmers
took his servants, beat one, killed another, his merchandise; 6 and the rest grabbed
and stoned another. 36 Again, he sent his servants, treated them shamefully, and
other servants more than the first; and killed them. 7 When the king heard

they treated them the same way. 37 But that, he was angry, and sent his armies,
afterward he sent to them his son, say- destroyed those murderers, and burned
ing, ‘They will respect my son.’ 38 But their city.
8 “Then he said to his servants, ‘The wed-
the farmers, when they saw the son, said
among themselves, ‘This is the heir. Come, ding is ready, but those who were invited
let’s kill him and seize his inheritance.’ weren’t worthy. 9 Go therefore to the
39 So they took him and threw him out of intersections of the highways, and as many
the vineyard, then killed him. 40 When as you may find, invite to the wedding
therefore the lord of the vineyard comes, feast.’ 10 Those servants went out into the
what will he do to those farmers?” highways and gathered together as many
41 They told him, “He will miserably de- as they found, both bad and good. The
stroy those miserable men, and will lease wedding was filled with guests.
out the vineyard to other farmers who will 11 “But when the king came in to see the
give him the fruit in its season.” guests, he saw there a man who didn’t have
42 Jesus said to them, “Did you never read on wedding clothing, 12 and he said to
in the Scriptures, him, ‘Friend, how did you come in here
‘The stone which the builders rejected not wearing wedding clothing?’ He was
* 21:42 Psalm 118:22-23
Matthew 22:13 1089 Matthew 23:5

speechless. 13 Then the king said to the which was spoken to you by God, saying,
servants, ‘Bind him hand and foot, take 32 ‘I am the God of Abraham, and the God
him away, and throw him into the outer of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?’* God is not
darkness. That is where the weeping and the God of the dead, but of the living.”
grinding of teeth will be.’ 14 For many are 33 When the multitudes heard it, they
called, but few chosen.” were astonished at his teaching.
15 Then the Pharisees went and took 34 But the Pharisees, when they heard
counsel how they might entrap him in that he had silenced the Sadducees,

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