SM Module 2
SM Module 2
SM Module 2
Internal Analysis
Value chain
Inbound logistics – These are all the processes related to receiving, storing, and
distributing inputs internally. Your supplier relationships are a key factor in
creating value here.
Operations – These are the transformation activities that change inputs into
outputs that are sold to customers. Here, your operational systems create value.
Outbound logistics – These activities deliver your product or service to your
customer. These are things like collection, storage, and distribution systems, and
they may be internal or external to your organization.
Marketing and sales – These are the processes you use to persuade clients to
purchase from you instead of your competitors. The benefits you offer, and how
well you communicate them, are sources of value here.
Service – These are the activities related to maintaining the value of your product
or service to your customers, once it’s been purchased.
Support Activities
These activities support the primary functions above. In our diagram, the dotted
lines show that each support, or secondary, activity can play a role in each
primary activity. For example, procurement supports operations with certain
activities, but it also supports marketing and sales with other activities.
SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. By
definition, Strengths (S) and Weaknesses (W) are considered to be internal factors
over which you have some measure of control. Also, by definition, Opportunities
(O) and Threats (T) are considered to be external factors over which you have
essentially no control.
Strengths – Strengths are the qualities that enable us to accomplish the
organization’s mission. These are the basis on which continued success can be
made and continued/sustained.
Strengths can be either tangible or intangible. These are what you are well-versed
in or what you have expertise in, the traits and qualities your employees possess
(individually and as a team) and the distinct features that give your organization
its consistency.
There are certain limitations of SWOT Analysis which are not in control of
management. These include-
Price increase;
Inputs/raw materials;
Government legislation;
Economic environment;
Searching a new market for the product which is not having overseas market due
to import restrictions; etc.
Resources, capability, competencies and dynamic competency
Creating Value
Value is measured by a product’s performance characteristics and by its attributes
For which customers are willing to pay.
Rare capabilities are capabilities that few, if any, competitors possess. A key
question to be answered when evaluating this criterion is, “How many rival firms
possess these valuable capabilities?” Capabilities possessed by many rivals are
unlikely to be sources of competitive advantage for any one of them. Instead,
valuable but common (i.e., not rare) resources and capabilities are sources of
competitive parity.
Costly-to-imitate capabilities are capabilities that other firms cannot easily
develop. Capabilities that are costly to imitate are created because of one reason
or a combination of three reasons . First, a firm sometimes is able to develop
capabilities because of unique historical conditions.
There are also two types of competitive scope than an organization must
choose between:
Broad market: serving a diverse market.
Narrow market: focusing on a niche market.
1. Cost Leadership Strategy
This strategy is for organizations that want to compete for a broad customer base
based on price.
A misconception about this strategy is that returns are lower. That is not the case. To
maintain above-average returns and provide the lowest price, the organization must
focus on internal efficiencies continually.
2.Differentiation Strategy
This strategy is for firms that want a broad customer base based on their uniqueness.
Typically, firms with this strategy will focus on building unique features to win in the
marketplace. They also usually charge a higher price to their customers, to offset the
cost of being unique.
Levels of Diversification