Symptoms 1. Slight p/v bleeding History of paasage of fleshy mass followed by.
2. Slight lower abdominal pain. 1. Severe p/v bleeding
2. Severe lower abdominal pain.
Sign : Height of uterus correspond to gestational Height of uterus smaller than to gestational age
P/A: age
P/V/E Bleeding if any, escape through external os Cervical os admit tip of finger
Cervis feel soft Vary amount of bleeding
Investigation: Routine invt. Usg of pregnancy profile
Cbc, blood grouping and Rh typing, fbs and : retained product of conception in the uterine cavity
rbs 2hrs after breakfast, S.TSH, .
Urine R/M/E, usg of pregnancy profile: fetal
cardiac activity present
Specific mx:
• grade 1: broad spectrum antibiotics for 24 hours followed by
evacuation and curettage
• grad 2: broad spectrum antibiotics for 48 hours followed by
evacuation and curettage
• grade 3: broad spectrum antibiotics for 72 hours followed by
evacuation and curettage.
• haaemorrage
• injury
• generalized peritonitis
• endotoxic shock
• renal failure
• thrombophlebitis
• chronic debility
• chronic ill health, chronic pelvic pain
• dyspareunia
• secondary infertility
• Ectopic pregnancy
• Depression