Middle To Late Childhood
Middle To Late Childhood
Middle To Late Childhood
- Boys typically play physically (running), whereas girls The other five, which are not reflected in IQ scores are,
loves games that involves verbal expression or counting out musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal,
loud (jump rope, hopscotch) and naturalist
- Rough-And-Tumble Play – wrestling, kicking, tumbling,
grappling, and chasing, accompanied by laughing and CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS
- Older children are able to process instruction and learn Intellectual Disability – significantly subnormal
team strategies cognitive and adaptive functioning.
- Intervention programs have helped many of those mildly or
Body Image (how one believes one looks) becomes moderately disabled and those considered borderline to hold
important early in middle childhood, especially for girls, jobs, live in the community, and function in society
which could lead to eating disorders during adolescence. Learning Disabilities – difficulty in learning that
involves understanding or using spoken or written
Acute Medical Conditions – occasional, short-term language, and the difficulty can appear in listening,
conditions, such as infections and warts thinking, reading, writing, and spelling
Chronic Medical Conditions – physical, developmental, a) Dyslexia – most commonly diagnosed LD; severe
behavioral, or emotional conditions that persists 3 months or impairment in their ability to read and spell
more such as asthma and diabetes b) Dysgraphia – difficulty in handwriting
c) Dyscalculia – developmental arithmetic disorder/
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – most
At about 7 years of age, children enter the stage of common mental disorder in childhood. Characterized by
Concrete Operations according to Jean Piaget mood swings, impatience, carelessness, poor
Children can now think logically. organization, risky behavior.
Spatial concepts – allows to interpret maps and Autism Spectrum Disorder – Characterized by
navigate environment problems with social communication and interaction,
Causality – makes judgement about cause and and restricted or repetitive behaviors or interests.
School-age children can concentrate longer than CHILDREN IN THE FAMILY
younger children and can focus on the information they
need and want while screening out irrelevant information Coregulation – children and parents share power
Selective Attention – the ability to deliberately The amount of autonomy parents provide affects how
direct one’s attention and shut out distractions their children feel about them.
Inhibitory control – the voluntary suppression of Children exposed to high levels of family conflict are
unwanted responses more likely to show a variety of responses that can
The efficiency of working memory increases greatly in include internalizing or externalizing behaviors
middle childhood
Mnemonic Device – strategy to aid memory Internalizing behaviors – anxiety, fear, depression-anger
External Memory Aids – writing down things to turned inward
remember Externalizing behaviors – aggression, fighting,
Rehearsal – conscious repetition disobedience, hostility