Physics Syllabus
Physics Syllabus
Physics Syllabus
Syllabus overview
Content overview
Candidates study the following topics:
1 Motion, forces and energy
2 Thermal physics
3 Waves
4 Electricity and magnetism
5 Nuclear physics
6 Space physics
1.2 Motion
1 Define speed as distance travelled per unit time and define velocity as change in displacement per unit time
2 Recall and use the equation
speed =
3 Recall and use the equation
total distance travelled
average speed =
total time taken
4 Define acceleration as change in velocity per unit time; recall and use the equation
change in velocity
acceleration =
time taken
5 State what is meant by, and describe examples of, uniform acceleration and non-uniform acceleration
6 Know that a deceleration is a negative acceleration and use this in calculations
7 Sketch, plot and interpret distance–time and speed–time graphs
8 Determine from the shape of a distance–time graph when an object is:
(a) at rest
(b) moving with constant speed
(c) accelerating
(d) decelerating
9 Determine from the shape of a speed–time graph when an object is:
(a) at rest
(b) moving with constant speed
(c) moving with constant acceleration
(d) moving with changing acceleration
10 State that the acceleration of free fall g for an object near to the surface of the Earth is approximately
constant and is approximately 9.8 m / s2
11 Calculate speed from the gradient of a distance–time graph
12 Calculate the area under a speed–time graph to determine the distance travelled for motion with constant
speed or constant acceleration
13 Calculate acceleration from the gradient of a speed–time graph
1.4 Density
1 Define density as mass per unit volume; recall and use the equation
density =
2 Describe how to determine the density of a liquid, of a regularly shaped solid and of an irregularly shaped
solid which sinks in a liquid (volume by displacement), including appropriate calculations
1.5 Forces
1.5.1 Balanced and unbalanced forces
1 Identify and use different types of force, including weight (gravitational force), friction, drag, air resistance,
tension (elastic force), electrostatic force, magnetic force, thrust (driving force) and contact force
2 Identify forces acting on an object and draw free-body diagram(s) representing the forces
3 State Newton’s first law as ‘an object either remains at rest or continues to move in a straight line at
constant speed unless acted on by a resultant force’
4 State that a force may change the velocity of an object by changing its direction of motion or its speed
5 Determine the resultant of two or more forces acting along the same straight line
6 Recall and use the equation
resultant force = mass × acceleration
F = ma
7 State Newton’s third law as ‘when object A exerts a force on object B, then object B exerts an equal and
opposite force on object A’
8 Know that Newton’s third law describes pairs of forces of the same type acting on different objects
1.6 Momentum
1 Define momentum as mass × velocity; recall and use the equation
p = mv
2 Define impulse as force × time for which force acts; recall and use the equation
impulse = FΔt = Δ(mv)
3 Apply the principle of the conservation of momentum to solve simple problems in one dimension
4 Define resultant force as the change in momentum per unit time; recall and use the equation
change in momentum
resultant force =
time taken
1.7.2 Work
1 Recall and use the equation
work done = force × distance moved in the direction of the force
W = Fd
1.7.4 Efficiency
1 Define efficiency as:
(useful energy output)
(a) (%) efficiency = ( × 100%)
(total energy input)
(useful power output)
(b) (%) efficiency = ( × 100%)
(total power input)
and recall and use these equations
1.7.5 Power
1 Define power as work done per unit time and also as energy transferred per unit time; recall and use the
work done
(a) power =
time taken
energy transferred
(b) power =
time taken
1.8 Pressure
1 Define pressure as force per unit area; recall and use the equation
pressure =
2 Describe how pressure varies with force and area in the context of everyday examples
3 State that the pressure at a surface produces a force in a direction at right angles to the surface and
describe an experiment to show this
4 Describe how the height of a liquid column in a liquid barometer may be used to determine the
atmospheric pressure
5 Describe, quantitatively, how the pressure beneath the surface of a liquid changes with depth and density
of the liquid
6 Recall and use the equation for the change in pressure beneath the surface of a liquid
change in pressure = density × gravitational field strength × change in height
∆p = ρg∆h
2 Thermal physics
2.1 Kinetic particle model of matter
2.1.1 States of matter
1 Know the distinguishing properties of solids, liquids and gases
2 Know the terms for the changes in state between solids, liquids and gases (gas to solid and solid to gas
transfers are not required)
2.3.2 Convection
1 Explain convection in liquids and gases in terms of density changes and describe experiments to illustrate
2.3.3 Radiation
1 Describe the process of thermal energy transfer by infrared radiation and know that it does not require a
2 Describe the effect of surface colour (black or white) and texture (dull or shiny) on the emission, absorption
and reflection of infrared radiation
3 Describe how the rate of emission of radiation depends on the surface temperature and surface area of an
4 Describe experiments to distinguish between good and bad emitters of infrared radiation
5 Describe experiments to distinguish between good and bad absorbers of infrared radiation
3 Waves
3.1 General properties of waves
1 Know that waves transfer energy without transferring matter
2 Describe what is meant by wave motion as illustrated by vibrations in ropes and springs and by experiments
using water waves
3 Describe the features of a wave in terms of wavefront, wavelength, frequency, crest (peak), trough,
amplitude and wave speed
4 Define the terms:
(a) frequency as the number of wavelengths that pass a point per unit time
(b) wavelength as the distance between two consecutive, identical points such as two consecutive crests
(c) amplitude as the maximum distance from the mean position
3.2 Light
3.2.1 Reflection of light
1 Define and use the terms normal, angle of incidence and angle of reflection
2 Describe an experiment to illustrate the law of reflection
3 Describe an experiment to find the position and characteristics of an optical image formed by a plane
mirror (same size, same distance from mirror as object and virtual)
4 State that for reflection, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection and use this in
constructions, measurements and calculations
3.4 Sound
1 Describe the production of sound by vibrating sources
2 Describe the longitudinal nature of sound waves and describe compressions and rarefactions
3 State the approximate range of frequencies audible to humans as 20 Hz to 20 000 Hz
4 Explain why sound waves cannot travel in a vacuum and describe an experiment to demonstrate this
5 Describe how changes in amplitude and frequency affect the loudness and pitch of sound waves
6 Describe how different sound sources produce sound waves with different qualities (timbres), as shown by
the shape of the traces on an oscilloscope
7 Describe an echo as the reflection of sound waves
8 Describe simple experiments to show the reflection of sound waves
9 Describe a method involving a measurement of distance and time for determining the speed of sound in air
10 Know that the speed of sound in air is approximately 330–350 m / s
11 Know that, in general, sound travels faster in solids than in liquids and faster in liquids than in gases
12 Define ultrasound as sound with a frequency higher than 20 kHz
13 Describe the uses of ultrasound in cleaning, prenatal and other medical scanning, and in sonar (including
calculation of depth or distance from time and wave speed)
4.2.4 Resistance
1 Recall and use the equation
resistance =
2 Describe an experiment to determine resistance using a voltmeter and an ammeter and do the appropriate
3 Recall and use, for a wire, the direct proportionality between resistance and length, and the inverse
proportionality between resistance and cross-sectional area
4 State Ohm’s law, including reference to constant temperature
5 Sketch and explain the current–voltage graphs for a resistor of constant resistance, a filament lamp and a
6 Describe the effect of temperature increase on the resistance of a resistor, such as the filament in a
filament lamp
5 Nuclear physics
5.1 The nuclear model of the atom
5.1.1 The atom
1 Describe the structure of the atom in terms of a positively charged nucleus and negatively charged
electrons in orbit around the nucleus
2 Describe how alpha-particle scattering experiments provide evidence for:
(a) a very small nucleus surrounded by mostly empty space
(b) a nucleus containing most of the mass of the atom
(c) a nucleus that is positively charged
5.2 Radioactivity
5.2.1 Detection of radioactivity
1 Describe the detection of alpha particles (α-particles) using a cloud chamber or spark counter and the
detection of beta particles (β-particles) (β-particles will be taken to refer to β−) and gamma radiation
(γ-radiation) by using a Geiger-Müller tube and counter
2 Use count rate measured in counts / s or counts / minute
3 Know what is meant by background radiation
4 Know the sources that make a significant contribution to background radiation including:
(a) radon gas (in the air)
(b) rocks and buildings
(c) food and drink
(d) cosmic rays
5 Use measurements of background radiation to determine a corrected count rate
5.2.5 Half-life
1 Define the half-life of a particular isotope as the time taken for half the nuclei of that isotope in any sample
to decay; recall and use this definition in calculations, which may involve information in tables or decay
2 Describe the dating of objects by the use of 14C
3 Explain how the type of radiation emitted and the half-life of the isotope determine which isotope is used
for applications including:
(a) household fire (smoke) alarms
(b) irradiating food to kill bacteria
(c) sterilisation of equipment using gamma rays
(d) measuring and controlling thicknesses of materials with the choice of radiations used linked to
penetration and absorption
(e) diagnosis and treatment of cancer using gamma rays
6 Space physics
6.1 Earth and the Solar System
6.1.1 The Earth
1 Know that:
(a) the Earth is a planet that orbits the Sun once in approximately 365 days
(b) the orbit of the Earth around the Sun is an ellipse which is approximately circular
(c) the Earth rotates on its axis, which is tilted, once in approximately 24 hours
(d) it takes approximately one month for the Moon to orbit the Earth
(e) it takes approximately 500 s for light from the Sun to reach the Earth
2 Define average orbital speed from the equation
2π r
where r is the average radius of the orbit and T is the orbital period; recall and use this equation
6.2.2 Stars
1 State that:
(a) galaxies are each made up of many billions of stars
(b) the Sun is a star in the galaxy known as the Milky Way
(c) other stars that make up the Milky Way are much further away from the Earth than the Sun is from the
(d) astronomical distances can be measured in light-years, where one light-year is the distance travelled in
a vacuum by light in one year
2 Describe the life cycle of a star:
(a) a star is formed from interstellar clouds of gas and dust that contain hydrogen
(b) a protostar is an interstellar cloud collapsing and increasing in temperature as a result of its internal
gravitational attraction
(c) a protostar becomes a stable star when the inward force of gravitational attraction is balanced by an
outward force due to the high temperature in the centre of the star
(d) all stars eventually run out of hydrogen as fuel for the nuclear reaction
(e) most stars expand to form red giants and more massive stars expand to form red supergiants when
most of the hydrogen in the centre of the star has been converted to helium
(f) a red giant from a less massive star forms a planetary nebula with a white dwarf at its centre
(g) a red supergiant explodes as a supernova, forming a nebula containing hydrogen and new heavier
elements, leaving behind a neutron star or a black hole at its centre
(h) the nebula from a supernova may form new stars with orbiting planets
Electrical symbols
cell switch
battery of cells
or earth or ground
thermistor voltmeter V
Candidates should be able to use the following multipliers: G giga, M mega, k kilo, d deci, c centi, m milli, μ micro,
n nano
weight W N
mass m, M kg, g, mg
density ρ g / cm3, kg / m3
speed u, v km / h, m / s, cm / s
velocity u, v m/s
acceleration a m / s2
force F N
spring constant k N / m, N / cm
momentum p kg m / s
impulse Ns
moment of a force Nm
power P W, kW, MW
temperature θ, T °C, K
wavelength λ m, cm, nm
focal length f m, cm
refractive index n
magnification M
current I A, mA
e.m.f. E V
resistance R Ω
charge Q C