Clinical Deterioration - A Concept Analysis
Clinical Deterioration - A Concept Analysis
Clinical Deterioration - A Concept Analysis
Descriptive Title
Clinical deterioration: a concept analysis
Concise Title
Clinical deterioration
Ricardo M. Padilla, MSN, RN, CCRN
PhD Student, Adjunct Clinical Professor
Hahn School of Nursing & Health Science
Beyster Institute for Nursing Research
University of San Diego
San Diego, CA, USA;
Ricardo M. Padilla
PhD Student, Adjunct Clinical Professor
Hahn School of Nursing
Beyster Institute for Nursing Research
University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA, 92110, USA
Telephone: + 1 (619) 260-4548
This manuscript and other dissertation research has received funding from the PhD Nursing
Student Dean’s Scholarship from the University of San Diego, Hahn School of Nursing and
Health Science.
This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not
been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may
lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as
doi: 10.1111/jocn.14238
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Accepted Article Aims and objectives. To present a concept analysis of clinical deterioration and introduce an
operational definition.
intensive care unit admissions often exhibit physiological signs preceding these events.
Clinical deterioration not promptly recognized can result in increased patient morbidity and
Methods. Eight step method of concept analysis proposed by Walker and Avant.
Results. Defining attributes include dynamic state, decompensation, and objective and
level of care, and prolonged hospital admission were the consequences identified. Defining
the uniformity of the concept of clinical deterioration causes a gap in knowledge and
vital role in the inpatient setting demonstrated by the dynamic nature of a patients’ condition
during hospitalization. It is anticipated that this concept analysis on clinical deterioration will
What does this paper contribute to the wider global clinical community?
practices identifying modifiable risk factors earlier, allowing nurses to intervene prior
Key words: clinical deterioration, concept analysis, instability, inpatient, failure to rescue,
According to the 2017 American Heart Association report, roughly 209,000 patients
are treated for in-hospital cardiac arrests every year (Benjamin et al., 2017). The majority of
patients who endure in-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest and unplanned intensive care unit
admissions exhibit physiological signs of change hours preceding these acute events
(Ashworth, 2002; Berlot, Pangher, Pettrucci, Bussani, & Lucangelo, 2004; Buist, Bernard,
Nguyen, Moore, & Anderson, 2004; Churpek, Yuen,& Edelson, 2013; Scott, Considine, &
Botti, 2014). Literature has demonstrated that inpatients who suffer cardiopulmonary arrest
can show signs of physiological decay 24 hours prior to arrest and an estimated 23,000 cases
of in-hospital arrest can be avoidable with better care (Beaumont, Luettel, & Thomson, 2008;
Smith et al., 2006). A barrier to recognizing and responding to clinical deterioration stems
from variations as to what constitutes a deteriorating patient (Jones, Mitchell, Hillman, &
concept into simple elements to promote clarity and a mutual understanding (Foley & Davis,
2017). The aim of this manuscript is to present a concept analysis on clinical deterioration
that utilized the Walker and Avant (2011) method and introduce an operational definition for
in the latter part of the 20th century and integrated into health systems with the endorsement
from the American Heart Association (AHA) (Grimes, Thornell, Clark, & Viney, 2007).
Despite several decades of utilizing CPR within the hospital setting patient outcomes have
remained dismal and there is a recognized need for early identification and intervention of
hospitalized patients at risk (Grimes et al., 2007; Naeem & Montenegro, 2005). Identifying
clinical deterioration plays an important role in the health care industry demonstrated by the
dynamic nature of a patients’ condition during hospitalization (Jones et al., 2013) with
Following the two landmark reports To Err is Human (2000) and Crossing the
Quality Chasm (2001) released by the Institute of Medicine, the Institute for Healthcare
Improvement (IHI) followed up with the 100,000 lives campaign (Berwick, Calkins,
McCannon, & Hackbarth, 2006). The IHI is an organization focused on improving the safety
of health care delivery while maintaining quality and costs. While it began in the United
States, many organizations around the globe participate in the IHI (e. g., Canada, England,
Scotland, Denmark, Sweden, Singapore, Latin America, New Zealand, Ghana, Malawi, South
Africa, the Middle East) [Institute for Healthcare Improvement (2017a)]. The 100,000 lives
campaign was an 18-month United States national initiative with a goal of saving 100,000
lives among patients in hospitals through improvements in safety (Berwick et al., 2006).
Because clinical deterioration was not being recognized in hospitals, one of the interventions
from the 100,000 lives campaign was national deployment of Rapid Response Teams (RRTs)
also known as Medical Emergency Teams (METs), which are teams staffed by health care
deterioration in non-intensive-care settings (Berwick et al., 2006; Jones et al., 2011; Odell,
Victor, & Oliver, 2009). The RRT and MET have received endorsement from the AHA 2015
al., 2015).
practicing hospital nurses starting from the pre-licensure level. As nursing students’ progress
through their learning, they are placed in simulated environments and clinical situations
assessing their ability to identify, manage, and respond to clinical deterioration (Cooper et al.,
2010; Fisher & King, 2013; Hart et al., 2015). As nurses transition from novice to expert
they can recognize subtle changes and intuitively grasp situations leading up to clinical
deterioration (Benner, 1982; Tait, 2010). While there is an association between nursing
experience and the identification of patient deterioration clinically (Beaumont et al., 2008;
Tait, 2010), there is a lack in response and recognition of clinical deterioration by nurses,
that utilized the Walker and Avant (2011) method. The objective of the concept analysis was
to introduce an operational definition that could be utilized in research and clinical practice.
Derived from a modified version of Wilson’s (1963) classic concept analysis, Walker
and Avant (2011) decreased the analysis to 8 steps from the original 11. The steps are as
follows: 1. Select concept; 2. Determine the aims of the analysis; 3. Identify all uses of the
concept; 4. Determine the defining attributes (associated terms); 5. Identify a model case
(example demonstrating all defining attributes); 6. Identify other type of cases (borderline,
related, contrary); 7. Identify antecedents (occur prior to concept) and consequences (occur as
concept). Albeit the steps are listed sequentially, they are actually iterative (Walker & Avant,
2011). For example, while performing a review of the literature for uses of the concept one
may concurrently identify empirical referents. Along with performing a step-by-step concept
analysis, the writers will introduce an operational definition based on the findings.
Search strategy
As encouraged by Walker & Avant (2011) when performing a concept analysis all
uses of the concept must be considered and not be limited to nursing or medical literature.
Utilizing dictionaries, thesauruses, and other available literature will help identify many
aspects of the concept (Walker & Avant, 2011). In conjunction with identifying uses of the
term, academic databases accessed for this concept analysis included: Academic Search
included clinical deterioration, instability, failure to rescue, early warning score, track and
trigger, and decompensation. Limiters included: publication date 2000 through 2017; full
text; English language, inpatient, and scholarly (peer reviewed) journals. Initial database
search yielded 3,134 results and after including limiters this was narrowed down to 446 and
identified and removed. Three hundred fifty six article abstracts were reviewed. An
additional 8 articles and one book published before the year 2000 were identified from
supporting references and reviewed. As final sources, a total of sixty-one peer reviewed
articles, six books, four definitions from the Meriam-Webster Online Dictionary, and two
Following the Walker and Avant process, all uses of the concept of clinical
deterioration and both terms in the phrase were reviewed independently (Walker & Avant,
2011). According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word clinical is defined as: 1).
“relating to or based on work done with real patients; 2). of or relating to the medical
derived from “Klinikēl,” a late 18th century Greek word directly meaning “bedside”
from “Dēteriōrātiō,” a late 17th century Latin word meaning “worse” (Merriam-Webster,
n.d.). The term deterioration has implications beyond medical literature and is used to also
describe a declining process in many structures and systems such as “rust deterioration” and
complication described in healthcare settings and can develop at any point in a patient’s
Defining attributes
(Walker& Avant, 2011). Attributes are clusters of characteristics that establish the true
definitions of a concept (Tofthagen et al., 2010) and represent associated terms allowing
readers more insight (Townsend & Scanlan, 2011). For the concept of clinical deterioration
three defining attributes were identified: dynamic state; decompensation; and subjective and
objective determination.
2008; Johnstone, Rattray, & Myers, 2007; Jones et al., 2013; Tait, 2010).
2013; Prytherch, Smith, Schmidt, & Featherstone, 2010). Monitoring of vital signs is a
standard of practice in health care interactions between clinicians and patients and often a real
time descriptor for clinical deterioration (Andrews & Waterman, 2005; Beaumont et al.,
2008; Buist et al., 2004; Johnstone et al., 2007; Jones et al., 2013; Kirkland et al., 2013;
McDonnell et al., 2012; Tait, 2010). There are well documented objective accounts of
relationships between abnormal vital signs and clinical deterioration leading to increased
mortality (Ashworth, 2002; Buist et al., 2004; Scott et al., 2014; Smith et al., 2006). Intuition
and feeling a sense of “concern” regarding a patient is also described as a determinant for
clinical deterioration (DeVita et al., 2006; Hillman et al., 2005; Jones et al., 2013; Odell,
Victor, & Oliver, 2009) and would be described as a subjective determination of clinical
Case examples
In this stage of the concept analysis case examples will be presented using the
defining attributes to further clarify the concept. Four categories of case examples will be
Model case. A model case is an example of the concept demonstrating all the
attributes (Walker & Avant, 2011). In explaining model cases Wilson (1963) states “Well if
constructed” (p. 163). The model case of clinical deterioration was one constructed by the
Example: Ricky, the Rapid Response Team Registered Nurse (RRT-RN), responds to
a call in the progressive care unit regarding a patient with hypotension. Upon arrival Ricky
notices that all the vital signs are abnormal. Not only is the patient hypotensive but has a
heart rate of 155 beats per minute, an irregular respiratory rate of 44, and an oxygen
saturation of 90%. The primary nurse tells Ricky that the patient was admitted earlier during
the shift for urosepsis and also states that her repeated attempts at contacting the Physician
have not been successful and is why she called for the RRT. The patient is now in a critical
state and physiologically unstable. Ricky looks at the charted vital signs over the last four
Rationale. This is an example of a model case because it entails each of the defining
attributes listed in the concept analysis. The patient has a pathogenic process of urosepsis
and has exhibited a dynamic state evident by abnormality of vital signs. Also noted by the
Additional cases
Avant (2011) state that developing other cases that are slightly different from the concept of
interest will assist in determining the final defining attributes. The additional cases used by
the writers will include a borderline case, related case, and a contrary case; all cases were
important feature missing in comparison to the model case (Wilson 1963). These cases are
inconsistent when considering the defining characteristics of the concept and help to conclude
Example: Matt, a student nurse, asks his preceptor Anne, “Wow, our patient’s heart
rate and temperature are high today, not at all close to the patient’s baseline. Should we be
mechanism to fight infection. Although our patient has the potential to get worse while
Rationale. This is not considered a model case because it is missing one key attribute
of the change from baseline and physiological changes are noted because of the abnormal
vital signs.
Related case. Related cases contain instances of the concept that are associated with
the studied concept but are missing some of the defining attributes (Walker & Avant, 2011).
Related cases are useful to discriminate similarities and differences (Lebel et al., 2014). For
the related case, the concept of derangement was selected for discriminating similarities and
Provider (PMP), Shirley noticed that she was feeling malaise and had increased bruising.
Thinking that the malaise was due to the pain medicine she was prescribed and the increased
bruising was from the accident itself, she ignored her symptoms. Upon assessment by her
PMP during a routine follow-up, he noticed that Shirley’s temperament was different based
on having seen her for over 20 years. He checked her vital signs which were all in normal
limits. With suspicion, he ordered some basic lab tests and radiographic studies. Labs results
indicated a complete blood count having many immature white blood cells, a low red blood
cell count, and critically low platelets. Shirley was directly admitted to the hospital and after
Rationale. This is not a model case because the abnormal lab values in this case
contributed to a diagnosis of AML, a hematological derangement. While her lab values are
in a dynamic state and Shirley has the potential to physiologically decompensate in the
Contrary case. Contrary cases are clear examples of what the concept is not and
contain none of the defining attributes (Walker& Avant, 2011). Contrary casesare helpful
because it is easier to say what something is not versus explaining what it is (Walker &
Avant, 2011).
Example: Jonathon woke up this morning feeling exceptionally well. He started off
his morning routine with a light breakfast then a brisk jog. Approximately one year ago
Jonathon visited his PMP and was upset to find out that he had borderline high cholesterol
and was 15 pounds overweight. Since the visit he restricted his diet for three months and
continues to exercise five times a week. Upon return to his PMP’s office today, his
seen you!”
Rationale: This is not an example of a model case because it currently meets none of
the defining attributes. While Jonathon’s state of health had been dynamic during the three
More importantly for the purposes of this case, his current state of health today would be
considered a stable condition and not dynamic. Although Jonathon was initially informed
that he had borderline high cholesterol and was overweight, he was able to physiologically
overcome those conditions and attain good health. There is currently no evidence of a
gathered and organized shows a descriptive pattern of themes (Rodgers, 2000; Tofthagen &
Fagerstrom, 2010); such patterns emerge as antecedents and consequences. Identifying terms
as antecedents and consequences helps to differentiate thoseterms from attributes, thus further
refining the category of attributes (Walker& Avant, 2011). Antecedents are phenomena that
occur prior to the concept whereas consequences are phenomena that occur as a result of the
experienced by a patient (Andrews & Waterman, 2005; Beaumont et al., 2008; Jones et al.,
2013; McDonnell et al., 2012; Newman, 2017; Scott et al., 2014). Providing that, clinical
evident. Patients who have acute or preexisting conditions (Swartz, 2011), emergency
admissions to a hospital, surgeries, and recovery from a critical illness are highly susceptible
to clinical deterioration (Beaumont et al., 2008; Bion & Heffner, 2004; Jones et al., 2013;
Newman, 2017).
(Venes & Taber, 2013). In hospitals, clinical deterioration can be preceded by a pathogenic
process and the sequelae from that process is detrimental (Jones et al., 2013; Patiporn et al.,
2017; Rhodes et al., 2017). Finally, a thorough literature review on models to describe
clinical deterioration conducted by Jones et al. (2013) revealed that in 25,000 patient records
reviewed in New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and Canada, 8-17 % were associated with
adverse events and 37-51% of those events were thought to be preventable (Baker et al.,
2004; Davis et al., 2002; Davis et al., 2003; Vincent, Neale, & Woloshynowych, 2001).
increases cardiopulmonary arrest and mortality (Buist et al., 2004; Jones et al., 2013; Kause
et al., 2004; McDonnell et al., 2012). The National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) in London
performed an analysis of 425 avoidable deaths in acute hospitals, of which 64 deaths were
associated with patients clinically deteriorating beforehand (Beaumont et al, 2008; NPSA,
2007). Implementation of a higher level care initially starts with increased clinician care and
response from RRTs occurring during various stages of clinical deterioration (Jones et al.,
clinical deterioration on acute care units have been documented (Jones et al., 2011). Those
al., 2016; Calzavacca et al., 2010; Jones et al, 2013; Smith & Aitken, 2015; Stelfox,
Empirical referents
a concept. Identifying probable empirical referents during the process of a concept analysis
helps to validate the concept by providing further meaning (Walker & Avant, 2011). In
trying to describe and even prevent clinical deterioration, researchers and clinicians have
instruments to predict deterioration (Andrews & Waterman, 2005; Beaumont et al., 2008;
Johnstone et al., 2007; Kirkland et al., 2013; McDonnell et al., 2012; Tait, 2010). Items
within these measurement instruments can represent empirical referents for the concept
clinical deterioration.
Based on the notion that patients exhibit premonitory signs, use of early warning
score (EWS) (Andrews & Waterman, 2005; Beaumont et al., 2008; Morgan, Williams, &
Wright, 1997; Smith el., 2014) and track and trigger (T&T) (Churpek et al., 2013; Johnstone
et al., 2007; Kirkland et al., 2013; McDonnell et al., 2012; Scott et al., 2014) instruments
have been utilized in health care systems globally to assess relevant data. EWS and T&T
systems use physiological parameters for scoring. These data utilized from EWS and T&T
systems are used to identify clinical deterioration and activate RRTs or METs.
numerical severity score and a calculated probability of mortality (Bouch & Thompson,
2008). Common severity scoring systems include the Acute Physiology and Chronic health
Evaluation (APACHE) (Knaus et al., 1985), Logistic Organ Dysfunction (LOD) (Le Gall et
al., 1996), Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) (Le Gall & Lemeshow, 1993),
Multiple Organ Dysfunction Score (MODS) (Marshall et al., 1995) and the Sequential Organ
Failure Assessment (SOFA) Score (Vincent et al., 1996). Using severity scoring has gained
importance in many health care facilities and can guide management modalities (Akbar,
Shahzadi, Khurram, & Khar, 2016). Although mostly utilized in the critical care setting,
severity scoring systems can assess the likelihood of clinical deterioration as well as mortality
A systematic review performed by Odell, Victor, & Oliver (2009) found the most
common theme in detecting inpatient clinical deterioration was attributed to intuition, the act
Intuition has gained notoriety as a tool for resource utilization leading to RRT or MET
activation (Jones, Drennan, Hart, Bellomo, & Web, 2012; Massey, Chaboyer, & Anderson,
Operational definition
definitions. However, many times theoretical definitions are seen as abstract and not
measurable. Thus, operational definitions are constructed because they have measurement
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (2017b) reports that failing to recognize
arrest is often preceded by warning signs and many times can be preventable if intervened
early on (Bion & Heffner, 2004; Buist el al., 2002). Promptly recognizing clinical
deterioration can save lives. It is in the presence of nursing personnel that clinical
mortality and even prevent the transfer of patients to higher and more costly levels of care.
Proactive rounding has been one such nurse-led initiative. When not responding to
RRT calls, RRT-RNs will round on inpatient units identifying patients at high risk for clinical
deterioration. One hospital employing this nurse-led proactive rounding model prepared
nursing assistants to recognize early clinical deterioration by defining trigger alerts (i. e.,
change in heart rate, blood pressure or temperature). On each shift a designated RRT-RN
conducted proactive rounds among all nursing assistants querying them about the
standardized trigger alerts and supporting them in reporting these alerts to the unit RNs. The
unit RNs would subsequently follow up with action steps such as having blood cultures
drawn for a rise in temperature among specific at-risk patient populations (Leach, Kagawa,
signs of clinical deterioration. This work would begin with a mutual understanding of the
concept of clinical deterioration. Building on this mutual understanding, the work would be
integrated into education programs and continue into practice. Simulation technology could
be utilized in both education and practice settings, allowing the participants to incrementally
develop both their recognition and communication skills in the context of clinical
deterioration. Case study discussions and debriefing sessions involving additional specialists
would further support learning. For example, the involvement of an infection disease
physician and clinical nurse specialist could provide additional knowledge to the team about
more subtle changes in a patient not yet exhibiting the obvious signs of sepsis.
Although there has been extensive literature and research regarding managing clinical
deterioration (Jones et al., 2013), the main purpose of this manuscript was to provide concept
clarification by way of the Walker and Avant (2011) concept analysis method. Issues
underpinning the recognition of the deteriorating patient are multifaceted (Smith & Aitken,
2015) often including contextual factors and practice variances (Jones et al., 2013). Variation
in the uniformity of the concept of clinical deterioration has created a gap in knowledge and
necessitated clarification of this phenomenon for nursing research and clinical practice.
thorough review of the literature and uses of the concept, defining attributes identified
practices identifying modifiable risk factors earlier, allowing nurses to intervene prior to
critical situations arising in the inpatient setting. Nurses are the forefront of patient care
delivery in the acute inpatient setting and play a pivotal role in recognizing and responding to
clinical deterioration. Nurses are often the first person on the multidisciplinary team to
recognize a change in patient condition and it is detrimental to call for assistance prior to
development of a prearrest state. RRTs or METs were created to further assess clinical
deterioration and can offer assistance with triaging conditions, critical care interventions, and
appropriate and safe transfer to a higher level of care. Intervening on clinical deterioration
educational opportunities providing patients the best advantage should they incur this critical
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