3D-Position Tracking and Control For All-Terrain Robots

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Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics

Volume 43

Editors: Bruno Siciliano · Oussama Khatib · Frans Groen

Pierre Lamon

3D-Position Tracking
and Control for All-Terrain

Professor Bruno Siciliano, Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Università di Napoli Federico II, Via
Claudio 21, 80125 Napoli, Italy, E-mail: siciliano@unina.it
Professor Oussama Khatib, Robotics Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA 94305-9010, USA, E-mail: khatib@cs.stanford.edu
Professor Frans Groen, Department of Computer Science, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Kruislaan 403, 1098
SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands, E-mail: groen@science.uva.nl


Dr. Pierre Lamon

BlueBotics S.A.
PSE-C CH-1015 Lausanne
Email: pierre.lamon@bluebotics.com

ISBN 978-3-540-78286-5 e-ISBN 978-3-540-78287-2

DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-78287-2

Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics ISSN 1610-7438

Library of Congress Control Number: 2008921245

c 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

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Editorial Advisory Board
Herman Bruyninckx, KU Leuven, Belgium
Raja Chatila, LAAS, France
Henrik Christensen, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Peter Corke, CSIRO, Australia
Paolo Dario, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Pisa, Italy
Rüdiger Dillmann, Universität Karlsruhe, Germany
Ken Goldberg, UC Berkeley, USA
John Hollerbach, University of Utah, USA
Makoto Kaneko, Osaka University, Japan
Lydia Kavraki, Rice University, USA
Sukhan Lee, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Tim Salcudean, University of British Columbia, Canada
Sebastian Thrun, Stanford University, USA
Yangsheng Xu, Chinese University of Hong Kong, PRC
Shin’ichi Yuta, Tsukuba University, Japan


STAR (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics) has been promoted ROBOTICS ***




under the auspices of EURON (European Robotics Research Network)

To Mati, Sophie and the baby

At the dawn of the new millennium, robotics is undergoing a major transformation in

scope and dimension. From a largely dominant industrial focus, robotics is rapidly
expanding into the challenges of unstructured environments. Interacting with, assist-
ing, serving, and exploring with humans, the emerging robots will increasingly touch
people and their lives.
The goal of the new series of Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR) is to
bring, in a timely fashion, the latest advances and developments in robotics on the basis
of their significance and quality. It is our hope that the wider dissemination of research
developments will stimulate more exchanges and collaborations among the research
community and contribute to further advancement of this rapidly growing field.
The monograph written by Pierre Lamon is the second the series devoted to track-
ing and control of robots in rough terrain. Research in this area has been mainly fo-
cused on 2D localization, on the assumption of flat surfaces. Whenever the rover has
to climb over obstacles in cluttered environments, accurate 3D position tracking is
crucial for both autonomous navigation and obstacle negotiation, as discussed in the
introductory chapter. The trade-off between scientific and technical solutions makes
this volume unique in the wide field of autonomous mobile robotics. The finalization
of the approach on a real rover experimental platform allows a clear understanding of
the influence of mechanical design, locomotion control and sensing on the pose track-
ing problem.
Remarkably, the monograph is based on the author’s doctoral thesis, which received
the prize of the Sixth Edition of the EURON Georges Giralt PhD Award devoted to the
best PhD thesis in Robotics in Europe. A very fine addition to the Series!

Naples, Italy Bruno Siciliano

December 2007 STAR Editor

During the first year of my doctoral thesis I went to Carnegie Mellon University
for an internship. The goal was to implement the Mars Autonomy software1 on
Shrimp, a six wheeled rover with extended climbing capabilities. At that time,
Shrimp had limited sensing capabilities and was only able to travel autonomously
for about ten meters in a flat and simple environment. The robot couldn’t reach
farther goals because it rapidly lost track of its position. Thus, I decided to focus
my research on position tracking in order to extend the range of autonomous
At that time, most of the research works in all-terrain rover navigation as-
sumed flat environments and addressed 2D localization. Even though 2D local-
ization is sufficient for many applications, the extension to 3D is necessary in
cluttered environment, when the rover has to climb over the encountered ob-
stacles. In such conditions, accurate 3D position tracking is crucial for both
autonomous navigation and obstacle negotiation. The subject of my thesis and,
a fortiori this book, was clear: 3D-position tracking and control for all-terrain

Autonomous mobile robotics is a fascinating field of research that involves tech-
nical and scientific domains. Thus, the research community working in this field
is composed of people with very different backgrounds. One finds for exam-
ple mathematicians, physicians, computer scientists, engineers and biologists. It
is interesting to note that each researcher has his or her own definition of an
autonomous mobile robot and has an individual way to address a given prob-
lem. However, two main categories of approaches can be distinguished i.e., the
top-down and the bottom-up. One or the other is favored depending on the re-
searcher’s scientific and technical background. The top-down approach consists
in developing a theoretical formulation of the problem and proposing a solution
based on mathematical models. Although such a solution can be analyzed with
respect to e.g. optimality and mathematical complexity, it does not necessarily
The Mars Autonomy project: http://www.frc.ri.cmu.edu/projects/mars
XII Preface

work for the real application. Indeed, it often occurs that the models do not fully
capture the reality or that they cannot be applied because they make use of un-
known parameters. A failure to apply a model happens when the abstraction
level is too high and when the technical constraints are not fully considered dur-
ing the development phase. On the other hand, the bottom-up approach starts
from a real application and proposes pragmatic solutions to given problems. The
risk with such an approach is to tailor solutions in an incremental way, that is,
to patch the system as problems arise. Such a reactive development favors the
use of heuristics that may limit the system’s performance and reliability.
The methodology used throughout this book is an attempt to reconcile the
top-down and the bottom-up approaches and to avoid their respective traps.
Even though the development was driven by the application, the bottom-up ap-
proach was not particularly favored. Thus, simple but valid heuristics were pro-
posed only when modeling was not applicable. On the other hand, the technical
constraints were considered during the modeling phases to avoid the generation
of inapplicable models. In other words, the methodology used in this book tries
to make the best tradeoff between scientific and technical solutions.

This work is an adventure during which I met many different people ready to
help and to act as a source of inspiration. First of all, I am grateful to my advisor,
Roland Siegwart, for convincing me to do a doctoral thesis at the Autonomous
Systems Laboratory. All this has been possible thanks to his positive attitude,
mentorship and support.
During the thesis, I had the chance to spend several months in other labs.
Each time, the experience was very positive and stimulating. The first exchange
was at CMU, were I discovered the world of linux and autonomy applied to rough
terrain rovers. I would like to thank Reid Simmons for agreeing to supervise my
work, Sanjiv Singh and Dennis Strelow for their help related to visual motion
estimation, and Bart Nabbe and Jianbo Shi for their good advice. The next
two exchanges took place at the Laboratoire d’Analyse et d’Architecture des
Systèmes (LAAS-CNRS). In particular, I would like to thank Simon Lacroix,
Anthony Mallet and Raja Chatila for their help and for having hosted me in
excellent conditions.
Most of the student projects related to this research provided very good re-
sults, which helped to validate the theory through experiments with SOLERO.
I would like to thank Ambroise Krebs for his excellent masters thesis, which en-
abled the development of a new approach to slip minimization in rough terrain.
Also, I am grateful to Stéphane Michaud for the development of the mechanical
structure of SOLERO, Martin Nyffenegger for the nice remote control interface,
Benoı̂t Dagon for the mechanical design of the panoramic vision system and
Gabriel Paciotti for the stereovision rig.
The help of my colleagues was invaluable, and enabled me to develop the var-
ious systems discussed in this book. In particular, I would like to thank Grégoire
Terrien and Michel Lauria for their expert advice related to the mechanical
Preface XIII

aspects, Agostino Martinelli for the mathematics, Daniel Burnier, Ralph Piguet
and Gilles Caprari for the electronics and finally Rolf Jordi and Frédéric Pont
for the questions related to informatics. The positive atmosphere in the lab pro-
vided favorable conditions for efficient and constructive work. Special thanks to
Marie-José Pellaud, Nicola Tomatis, Daniel Burnier and my office-mate Gilles
Caprari for their psychological support. I’m grateful to everybody in the lab for
the great time I’ve spent during these four years.
Thanks also to the members of my thesis committee, Simon Lacroix, Paolo
Fiorini and Bertrand Merminod, for their careful reading of the thesis and for
their constructive feedback.

Lausanne, Switzerland Pierre Lamon

December 2007

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Autonomy in Rough Terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 The Open Challenges of Rough Terrain Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.1 Lack of Prior Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.2 Perception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.3 Locomotion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Research Context and Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Structure of the Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 The SOLERO Rover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.1 Mechanical Design of SOLERO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Control Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2.1 Sensors and Actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2.2 Software Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3 3D-Odometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.1 3D-Odometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.1.1 Bogie Displacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.1.2 3D Displacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.1.3 Contact Angles Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.2 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

4 Control in Rough-Terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.1 Quasi-static Model of a Wheeled Rover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.1.1 Mobility Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.1.2 A 3D Static Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.2 Torque Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.2.1 Wheel Slip Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.2.2 Optimization Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.2.3 Torque Optimization for SOLERO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
XVI Contents

4.3 Rover Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

4.4 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.4.1 Simulation Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.4.2 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.5 Wheel-Ground Contact Angles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

5 Position Tracking in Rough-Terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

5.1 Sensor Selection for Motion Perception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5.2 Uncertainties Propagation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
5.2.1 Coordinate Systems and Transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
5.2.2 Error Propagation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
5.3 Sensor Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
5.3.1 Sensor Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.3.2 State Prediction Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
5.4 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.4.1 Inertial Sensor and 3D-Odometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.4.2 Enhancement with VME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

A Kinematic and Quasi-static Model of SOLERO . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

A.1 Kinematic Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
A.1.1 The Bogies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
A.1.2 The Main Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
A.1.3 The Front Fork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
A.2 The Quasi-static Model of SOLERO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
A.2.1 Linear Dependence of the Wheel Torques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
A.2.2 Equal Torque Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

B Linearized Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
B.1 Accelerometers Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
B.2 Gyroscopes State Transition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

C The Gauss–Markov Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

D Visual Motion Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
1 Introduction

1.1 Autonomy in Rough Terrain

Researchers have worked for years toward making mobile robots move by them-
selves and take their own decisions. Thanks to the efforts of a large research
community and the evolution of technology, fully autonomous robots are today
ready for applications in structured environments. However, their level of au-
tonomy is still limited and the environments in which they are deployed are
often engineered in order to guarantee reliability. Most successful applications
are limited to indoor, office and industrial environments.
Outdoors, the operation of mobile robots is more complex, and a lot of effort
has been deployed recently toward enabling a greater level of autonomy for out-
door vehicles. Such robots find their application in scientific exploration of hostile
environments like deserts, volcanoes, the Antarctic, or other planets. There is also
a high level of interest in such robots for search and rescue operations after natural
or industrial disasters. Two examples of such applications are:

• The NASA project “Life in Atacama” aims to search autonomously for life
in the Atacama desert in Chile. The first results are very promising but
the following extract illustrates the difficulties encountered: “The farthest
Zoë ran autonomously was 3.3 kilometers but on average a traverse would
terminate after just over 200 meters” [2].
• The recent NASA “Mars Exploration Rover” mission (MER) aimed to un-
derstand how past water activity on Mars has influenced the red planet’s
environment over time. Because of the narrow bandwidth of communication
and time delay, the tele-operation of the rovers was a slow process. For safety
reasons, autonomous navigation was enabled only on relatively easy terrain
and for short traverses.

These examples show that human supervision is still required for operating rovers
in rough terrain and that further effort is required in order to enable fully au-
tonomous operation.

P. Lamon: 3D-Position Track. & Cntrl. for All-Terrain Robots, STAR 43, pp. 1–5, 2008.
springerlink.com c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008
2 Introduction

1.2 The Open Challenges of Rough Terrain Navigation

The aim of this section is to describe the challenges when navigating in unknown
and rough terrains. The main difficulties to cope with are: the lack of prior
information, perception and locomotion.

1.2.1 Lack of Prior Information

There is a long-standing paradox between exploration and localization. In the
past, navigators had to explore and map unknown regions while keeping track
of their own position, which is difficult without a consistent map. For a mobile
robot, the problem is the same when exploring a new area. There is no way
to guarantee an optimal path between two points without any prior informa-
tion about the encountered terrain topology and soil types. In order to reach a
distant goal, the robot has to gain knowledge progressively about the explored
environment, and store it in such a way that it can be used later for planning
a path to the final destination. The hazards have to be detected and avoided as
the robot explores new areas. This forces the robot to frequently replan its path,
and for that, keep track of its own position.

1.2.2 Perception
Perception is a difficult task in mobile robotics because sensors are error-prone
and their measurements are uncertain. In comparison with indoor environments,
perception in natural scenes is even more complex and the acquired measure-
ments are more difficult to analyze and interpret. For example, changing lighting
conditions strongly affect the quality of acquired images and the vibrations due
to uneven soils yield noisy signals.
In order to illustrate the problems involved in interpreting data, let us con-
sider scans acquired by a 2D laser range finder with a 360◦ field-of-view. In an
office environment, two scans taken from the same spot but with different head-
ing contain the same information. A simple scan-matching algorithm confirms
that both scans have been taken from the same position. On the other hand, a
small heading change can lead to a large change in the rover’s attitude in rough
terrain. Even if the scans have been taken from the same position they can
be completely different. This example demonstrates the substantial increase of
perception complexity in 3D and shows the importance of choosing appropriate
sensor configurations for outdoor environments.
Another problem of sensing in cluttered terrains lies in the limited field-of-
view. The occlusions caused by the obstacles and terrain slope changes force the
robot to adopt a complex motion strategy: the maneuvers shall maximize the
information gain while limiting the risk of being trapped.

1.2.3 Locomotion
Indoors, the environment can be modeled as obstacle and obstacle-free areas and
it is assumed that the robot can move freely within the obstacle-free regions.
Research Context and Scope 3

In rough terrain, this simple representation is not possible because it is not

straightforward to determine if a specific area is traversable. Many parameters
such as the type of soil, the climbing performance of the rover and the terrain
topology have to be considered. For example, a single rock of the size of the
wheel’s diameter can be overcome on a flat terrain, but can cause the rover to
tilt over when encountered on a steep slope. Similarly, a flat and rocky patch
could be easily crossed, whereas a sandy slope can represent an obstacle.
These examples illustrate the complexity of locomotion in rough terrains.
Thus, both planning a safe path and controlling the rover actuators to execute
the planned trajectory are difficult tasks. An optimal all-terrain locomotion con-
cept together with a good wheel controller to optimize traction enables reaching
more challenging areas and increases the performance of the system.

1.3 Research Context and Scope

A large part of the literature concerning autonomous navigation in rough terrain

focuses on high-level functionalities such as environment modeling, perception and
path planning. In [60], traversability maps are used instead of passable/impassable
maps to plan a path through an unknown scene. The D* algorithm is used to dy-
namically replan a path as the robot acquires more information about the environ-
ment. The authors of [26] propose a unified process considering both perception
planning and path planning so that the most relevant perception can be performed
regarding the current goal of the robot. This provides a way to both optimally ex-
plore an environment while planning a path to the goal. Reference [40] presents the
state-of-the-art on autonomous navigation in unknown terrains and proposes so-
lutions to integrate the required functionalities in a consistent way. This work also
insists on the importance of localization for autonomous navigation and the neces-
sity to use a set of concurrent and complementary algorithms to produce robust
position estimates. Reference [18] focuses on the selection of feasible trajectories
based on the kinematic constraints of the rover and a digital-elevation map. En-
suring the proper execution of the generated trajectory is still an open challenge.
Considering the state-of-the-art and the open challenges of autonomous nav-
igation in rough terrain, this book aims to contribute toward gaining a better
understanding of the problems involved. In particular, it proposes concrete solu-
tions for improving both locomotion and position tracking, which are the most
limiting factors for autonomous navigation in rough terrain.
In this work, we are interested in applications, where no absolute sensing mecha-
nism is available for long period of time and where the type of soil is unknown a pri-
ori. A good example of such application is the MER mission. During this mission,
on-board rover’s position tracking was primarily performed by the IMU, wheel-
odometry, and sun-finding techniques. In cases where the rover experienced slip-
page caused by, e.g., traversing on loose soils or steep slopes, the onboard visual
odometry technique was applied [22]. At the end of the Martian solar day (sol),
telemetry data was used together with imagery in a bundle-adjustment algorithm
to correct the positions of the rovers. The rovers were typically commanded only
4 Introduction

once per sol using a pre-scheduled sequence of specified commands (e.g., turn on
the spot 30◦ , drive forward for 1 meter, etc.). So, having an accurate position esti-
mate during the operation of the rovers was of critical importance [22]. The maxi-
mum range the rovers could reach within a sol was limited by the positioning error
accumulated by dead reckoning. Because the position error grows as a function of
the traveled distance, any method for reducing this error accumulation will con-
siderably increase the traveled distance per sol.
Thus, the intent of this research work is to combine different approaches
to reduce as much as possible the errors of dead reckoning. In particular, we
show how 3D position tracking can be improved by considering rover locomotion
in challenging environments as a holistic problem. Most of the research work
focuses on a particular aspect of position tracking and/or is limited to relatively
flat and smooth terrains. This work proposes to extend position tracking to
environments comprising sharp edges such as steps and to consider not only
sensing but also mechanical aspects (chassis configuration) and motion control
(slip minimization).
In rough terrain, it is crucial to carefully select appropriate sensors and use
their complementarity to produce reliable position estimates. Each sensor has its
own advantages and drawbacks depending on the situation and thus relying on
only one sensor can lead to catastrophic results. Although the choice of sensors is
important, it is not the only aspect to consider. Indeed, the specific locomotion
characteristics of the rover and the way it is driven also have a strong impact on
pose estimation. The sensor signals might not be usable if an unadapted chassis
and controller are used in rough terrain. For example, the signal-to-noise ratio
is poor for an inertial measurement unit mounted on a four-wheel drive rover
with stiff suspensions. Likewise, odometry provides bad estimates if the wheel
controller does not include slip minimization, or if the kinematics of the rover
is not taken into account in the algorithms. The aim of this research work is to
reduce the position error growth by considering all these aspects together.

1.4 Structure of the Book

This book is structured as follows.

Chapter 2 presents the design of the rough terrain rover SOLERO capable
of passively handling obstacles with sizes ranging up to two times the wheel
diameter. This design has shown great potential in exploring hazardous environ-
ments. In the framework of this research, specific software tools and hardware
have been developed for the prototype, making the system fully operational to
run experiments in real conditions.
In Chapter 3, a new approach to compute 3D-motion increments based on wheel
encoders and chassis state sensors is presented. It is called 3D-Odometry. Because
the method accounts for the kinematics of the rover, it provides better results
than the standard approach. When combined with an efficient mechanical struc-
ture such as SOLERO’s, it allows producing accurate three dimensional motion
estimates in rough terrain. This contributes toward more accurate pose tracking.
Structure of the Book 5

A physics-based controller minimizing wheel slip is proposed in Chapter 4.

Minimizing wheel slip not only minimizes odometric errors (better position track-
ing), but also enhances the climbing performance of the rover (better locomo-
tion). This controller is generalized and can be applied to any kind of passive
mechanical structure with wheels.
Finally, Chapter 5 proposes an approach for combining proprioceptive and
exteroceptive sensors to track the rover’s position robustly in three dimensions.
The results of sensor fusion integrating 3D-Odometry, inertial sensors and Visual
Motion Estimation based on stereovision (VME) are presented. The experiments
demonstrate how each sensor contributes to increase the accuracy and robustness
of the 3D-motion estimation. The approach can accommodate any number of
sensors, of any kind.
2 The SOLERO Rover

SOLERO (Solar-powered Exploration Rover) is the name of a rover built in a

study carried out jointly by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lau-
sanne (EPFL), Switzerland, and von Hoerner & Sulger GmbH (vH&S), Ger-
many, under a contract from the European Space Agency (ESA). The objective
of this activity was to develop a system design for a regional exploration rover,
including breadboarding for the demonstration of locomotion capabilities, pay-
load accommodation, power provision and control.
The most prominent feature of the SOLERO rover is its ability to operate
relying on just-generated solar power, i.e., with minimal use of batteries (used
only for contingency or peak power demands). A number of solar-powered ve-
hicles operate in this mode on Earth. However, as Mars is farther from the sun
than Earth, the power available from sunlight is significantly reduced and thus
designing a working and reliable system is much more difficult. We have achieved
power consumption optimization by combining smart power management and an
efficient locomotion system. The calculations for power demand have been based
on results obtained from ground testing of the breadboard rover and on accurate
models of the Martian environment (i.e., reduced gravity, reduced intensity of
sunlight, dust contamination on the solar arrays, temperatures, terrain surface,
etc.). It was found that the rover should incorporate energy storage for peak
demand and contingency situations only, allowing the solar array to be sized for
smaller loads and resulting in a lighter, smaller and more reliable rover system.
More information about the project can be found in [50, 16].
At the end of the project, one of the breadboards was significantly modified
to serve as a research platform for autonomous navigation and enhanced control.
The purpose of this chapter is to describe the mechanical design, the sensors and
the control architecture of SOLERO.

2.1 Mechanical Design of SOLERO

Most locomotion concepts for all-terrain rovers are based on wheels, caterpillars
or legs. Walking machines (e.g. Dante [11]) are well-adapted to unstructured en-
vironments as they can ensure stability in a wide range of situations. However,

P. Lamon: 3D-Position Track. & Cntrl. for All-Terrain Robots, STAR 43, pp. 7–19, 2008.
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008
8 The SOLERO Rover

they are mechanically complex and require a lot of control resources. On a

planar surface, such locomotion concepts are slow and have high-power con-
sumption in comparison to other concepts. Caterpillar robots demonstrate good
off-road abilities thanks to their high stability and good traction capability (large
footprint), but suffer high-friction losses between surface and caterpillars while
turning. Treads offer good mechanical robustness and a large footprint, allowing
the robot to move on various types of terrain. Examples of such robots are the
Nanokhod [70] or TeleMAX [5]. Wheeled rovers are optimal for well-structured
environments like roads or buildings. Off-road, their performance depends on
the typical size of obstacles encountered. This holds for Sojourner [61], Micro
5 [39] and Rocky 7 [72], which can typically cross obstacles of their wheel size,
if the friction coefficient is high enough. Extending the climbing abilities of a
wheeled rover requires the use of a special strategy and implies dedicated actu-
ators and a complex control procedure. Examples of active wheeled rovers are
Octopus [43], Marsokhod [38], Hybtor [46], SpaceCat [42] and Nanorover [68]. A
complete study of locomotion concepts based on wheels can be found in [44, 41].
The classification we generally use to study locomotion concepts differentiates
between active and passive locomotion. Passive locomotion uses passive suspen-
sions, having no sensors or additional actuators to guarantee stable movement,
whereas an active robot employs a closed control loop to maintain stability dur-
ing motion. Under this definition, Sojourner, Rocky 7 and Micro 5 are passive
robots; Nanorover, SpaceCat, Octopus and walking machines are active robots;
Marsokhod, Nanokhod and Hybtor are either active or passive, depending on their
locomotion mode. Active locomotion extends the mobility of a robot but increases
system complexity and needs extended control resources. Increasing the number
of active degrees of freedom has a negative impact on the following characteristics:
• Sensing: more sensing capability is required for controlling the robot (e.g.,
encoders, force and torque sensors, etc.). This necessitates more cabling and
increases the complexity of the overall architecture.
• Control: the control gets more complex as the number of degrees of freedom
• Weight: the actuated degrees of freedom require motors, which add weight
to the structure.
• Energy: the actuators and additional sensors for the joints increase power
• Reliability: the more complex, the lower the reliability.
Given these constraints, passive designs are generally preferred, especially for
space applications, where power, weight and reliability are critical. New passive
structures based on parallel kinematics have been proposed recently, i.e., Shrimp
[25] and Crab [64]. Such concepts offer excellent climbing performance without
suffering from the drawbacks of active designs.
The mechanical structure of the SOLERO rover is similar to that of Shrimp
[58, 25, 59], an all-terrain rover developed at EPFL. SOLERO has one wheel
mounted on a fork in the front, one wheel attached to the main body at the rear
and two bogies on each side (Fig. 2.1).
Mechanical Design of SOLERO 9

(a) (b)

Fig. 2.1. (a) SOLERO mechanical structure without sensors; (b) prototype equipped
with a solar panel, power management board and scientific payload

Table 2.1. SOLERO main characteristics

Overall dimensions 0.88 × 0.6 × 0.45 m

Maximum speed 0.5 m/s2
Rover’s main body mass (inc. batteries, laptop etc.) 7.4 kg
Wheel mass (inc. motor, gears) 0.7 kg
Steering mechanism mass 0.6 kg
Spring constant 357 N/m
Wheel diameter 0.15 m
Ground clearance 0.208 m

Fig. 2.2. Mechanical dimensions of SOLERO, left view (in mm)

10 The SOLERO Rover

Fig. 2.3. Mechanical dimensions of SOLERO, front view (in mm)

(a) (b)

pin joints

resulting movement

pin joints

applied force

virtual center of rotation

rotation axis

Fig. 2.4. Parallel mechanisms of SOLERO: (a) front fork kinematics. Because the
instantaneous rotation center is placed below the wheel axis, the fork passively folds
for climbing an obstacle; (b) parallel bogie with its virtual rotation axis placed between
the wheels

The main characteristics of SOLERO are summarized in Table 2.1. Figures

2.2 and 2.3 depict the rover’s overall mechanical dimensions. A more detailed
model with all parameters is available in Appendix A.
The parallel architecture of the bogies and the spring-suspended fork provide
a high ground clearance while keeping all six motorized wheels in ground contact
at any time. This ensures excellent climbing capabilities over obstacles up to two
times the wheel diameter, as well as excellent adaptation to all kinds of terrains.
The front fork has two functions: its spring suspension guarantees ground
contact of all wheels, and its particular parallel mechanism produces a passive
elevation of the front wheel if an obstacle is encountered. As depicted in Fig. 2.4a,
the instantaneous rotation center is placed below the wheel axis. The result is
Control Architecture 11

that a horizontal force applied toward the wheel center translates into an eleva-
tion motion of the fork. The equations of the wheel center trajectory together
with the fork parameters are presented in Appendix A.1.3
The bogies provide lateral stability. To ensure similarly good ground clearance
and climbing capabilities, their virtual center of rotation is set to the height of
the wheel axis using the parallel configuration shown on Fig. 2.4b.
Finally, the steering of the rover is realized by synchronizing the rotation of the
front and rear wheels and the speed difference of the bogie wheels (skid-steering).

2.2 Control Architecture

The overall control architecture of SOLERO is presented in Fig. 2.5. The rectan-
gular boxes represent computers and the rounded rectangles represent the sen-
sors and actuators. SOLERO is equipped with two computers communicating
through a crossover ethernet cable. The computer, called solerovaio, is a laptop
in charge of image processing. It acquires images from a stereovision rig and an
omnicam through a firewire (IEEE1394) bus, and transmits preprocessed data to
the second computer, called soleropc104. This second computer has access to all
the other sensors and actuators of the robot. It reads data from an inertial mea-
surement unit through a RS232 port and interfaces an I2 C bus using the parallel
port. The devices attached to the I2 C bus are: six wheel controllers, three servo-
controllers, one angular sensor module (reading the three suspension angles) and
an electronic board for the energy management of the rover. soleropc104 acts
also as a gateway for the rover’s subnet. A host computer (soleroap) can connect
to the subnet through a wireless ethernet interface. This allows, for example, the
downloading of images, controlling the rover remotely through a graphical user
interface and reading the rover state.
Fig. 2.6 presents the different sensors that have been mounted on SOLERO
and the control system, including the actuators, the computational units and
the electronic devices.

2.2.1 Sensors and Actuators

This section presents each sensor and actuator in more detail.

The I2 C Modules
The use of an I2 C bus allows for the easy integration of various types of sensors
and actuators (up to 127 modules can be connected). Because each module
contains its own processing unit, the computational load on the master processor
is substantiality reduced; the main processor can read pre-processed data directly
and send commands to the modules.
EPFL developed various I2 C modules implementing interfaces for different
kinds of sensors and actuators, including infrared and ultrasound distance sen-
sors, linear camera, accelerometers, inclinometer, GPS, servo controller and DC
motor controller. For SOLERO, two new types of I2 C modules have been devel-
oped: an absolute angular sensor and an energy management module.
12 The SOLERO Rover

ieee1394 bus

solerovaio video1394 FireWire slave FireWire slave

Stereovision Omnicam


soleropc104 eth0 eth1

I2C slave (0x14) RS232 device

Angles sensor IMU

central onboard
i2c bus rs232
parallel port serial port

I2C slave (0x40) I2C slave (0x41) I2C slave (0x42) I2C slave (0x43) I2C slave (0x44)
Front wheel Rear wheel Right front Right rear Left front

I2C slave (0x45) I2C slave (0x46) I2C slave (0x47) I2C slave (0x48) I2C slave (0x03)
Left rear Front steering Rear steering Stereo servo Energy board


soleroap eth0

Solero3D SoleroGUI usb port

Fig. 2.5. Block diagram of the control architecture

Control Architecture 13

g h
ZR e



c j

Fig. 2.6. Sensors, actuators and electronics of SOLERO: (a) steering servo mecha-
nism; the same design is used for the rear wheel; (b) passively articulated bogie and
spring-suspended front fork (equipped with absolute angular sensors); (c) 6 motor-
ized wheels (DC motors); (d) omnidirectional vision system; (e) stereovision module,
which can be oriented around the tilt axis; (f ) laptop (solerovaio); (g) micro-computer
(soleropc104); (h) energy management board; (i) batteries (NiMh 7000 mA h); (j) I2 C
modules (motor controllers, angular sensor module, servo controllers, etc.); (k)
inertial measurement unit

Angular Sensor
In order to know the state of the chassis, the angular position of the fork and the
bogies have to be measured. The angle of a pin joint is obtained by measuring
the direction of the field of a magnet fixed to the rotating axle. The magnetic
field direction is measured by means of a magneto-resistive bridge that is fixed to
the main body. This contactless sensing mechanism is robust against drift, com-
pact, and provides angle measurements with a precision of less than 0.2◦ . This
accuracy is much higher than that obtained using a potentiometer-based ap-
proach. Furthermore, our solution provides absolute angles and does not require
initialization each time the system is started (initialization would be required if
a relative encoder were to be used). The components used to measure the front
fork angle are depicted in Fig. 2.7.

Energy management board

The energy management board of SOLERO together with its physical interfaces
are depicted in Fig. 2.8. Its main characteristics are summarized here:
• Two power supplies can be connected: a battery and an external power supply
(DC voltage or solar panel in the range 11–15 V). An external switch or the
I2 C interface is used to switch between the two sources.
• Delivers regulated 5 V (10 A) and 12 V (1.2 A) for the system.
• Digital switch for the motors and system voltage.
14 The SOLERO Rover

d e f

Fig. 2.7. Angular sensor for the front fork: (a) magneto-resistive bridge; (b) commu-
nication and power bus; (c) linearization chip; (d) magnet; (e) magnet holder (fixed
to the axle); (f ) lower arm of the front fork

• Currents and voltages of all the sources and consumers are measured and
• The battery voltage is monitored and the board warns the user by means of
a blinking led and an acoustic signal. Below a certain voltage, the system is
turned off automatically in order to protect the battery and the system.
• The battery status can be read from a seven-segment display.
• All the functions of the board can be accessed through I2 C commands, i.e.,
switch on/off, battery status, currents and voltages, etc.

The stereovision rig is a MegaD module from VidereDesign, which can acquire
grayscale images up to 1280 × 960 pixels at 15 Hz. The combination of 2/3”
CMOS chips and lenses with 4.8 mm focal length results in a field-of-view of
85◦ × 69◦ . The rig is mounted on top of a mast and can be oriented around the
tilt axis (Fig. 2.9). This allows the rig to keep ground features in the field-of-view
of the cameras even if the rover is tilted upward or downward. In order to keep
the center of gravity as low as possible, the motor is mounted close to the rover’s
main body. The rotational motion is transmitted to the stereovision module by
means of a traction pole.
A lot of effort has been deployed to design a system with high stiffness and
low mechanical play between the parts. This is important because the relative
position between the camera coordinate system and the rover coordinate system
has to be known precisely. Inaccuracies in the estimation of this transformation
can lead to significant localization errors.

The omnicam depicted in Fig. 2.10 has been especially designed for SOLERO. Its
main components are a camera and a panoramic mirror. A transparent cylinder
Control Architecture 15

g h i j k l

b c d

Fig. 2.8. The energy management board and the rear panel: (a) battery connector;
(b) external charger connector; (c) external power supply connector; (d) I2 C bus
connector; (e) external display connector; (f ) regulated 5–12 V supplies; (g) source
switch; (h) battery status display; (i) system state display; (j) low battery warning
buzzer; (k) main system switch; (l) rear panel connector (used for both external power
supply and charger)

(a) (b)

Fig. 2.9. Stereovision support with tilt mechanism: (a) global view; (b) enlarged view
of the motor transmission. The motor is equipped with an optical encoder, used for
measuring the tilt angle.
16 The SOLERO Rover


θ r


Fig. 2.10. Omnicam hardware with a Fig. 2.11. Equiangular mirror and vi-
transparent cylinder for dust protection sion system parameters

is used to hold the mirror and to protect the vision system against dust. The
camera has been chosen for its compactness and low-power consumption. These
properties make it suitable for mobile applications. Grayscale and color images
up to 640 × 480 pixels can be acquired through firewire at a rate of 20 Hz. The
characteristic equation of the mirror is given by
   − 1+α
1+α r 2
cos θ = (2.1)
2 r0
with r0 the distance from the focal point F to the mirror, α the intrinsic param-
eter of the mirror, θ the angle of the ray, and r the distance from F to the mirror
along the ray (see Fig. 2.11). Such a mirror belongs to the family of equiangular
mirrors: each image pixel covers the same solid radial angle. Thus, when moving
radially in the image, the shape of an image feature is less distorted than it
would be by using other mirror shapes (such as spherical or parabolical). This
facilitates feature tracking and data association between two consecutive images.
More information about this kind of mirror can be found in [21, 52].

Inertial Measurement Unit

The Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) is the VG400CC-200 device from Cross-
bow. It is a solid-state inertial measurement system that utilizes MEMS micro-
machined sensing technology. It is composed of a triad of accelerometers (velocity
rate sensors) and gyroscopes (angular rate sensors), which are combined inter-
nally to provide roll and pitch angles in static and dynamic conditions (using a
Kalman filter). Furthermore, the calibrated angular rates and accelerations are
available and come together with a timestamp. This timing information allows
us to perform accurate integration of angular and velocity rates over time.
Control Architecture 17

2.2.2 Software Architecture

The system is divided into five functional modules running as separate processes,
i.e., vme, central, onboard, Solero3D and SoleroGUI (see Fig. 2.5). The modules
run on different computers and communicate using the Inter-Process Commu-
nication messaging system [1]. This IPC library, developed at Carnegie Mellon
University, can send and receive complex data structures transparently, includ-
ing lists and variable length arrays, using both anonymous “publish/subscribe”
and “client/server” message-passing paradigms. In the current configuration,
vme runs on solerovaio, onboard and central on soleropc104, and Solero3D and
SoleroGUI on the remote computer soleroap. However, the architecture can be
easily modified to accommodate another hardware configuration. For example,
vme, central and onboard could all run on solerovaio.
Because vme and onboard exchange time critical data, the internal clocks of
solerovaio and soleropc104 are synchronized. This synchronization is guaranteed
by Network Time Protocol [3] deamons running on both computers.
central acts as a server for the IPC network. It is responsible for routing the
messages and holds the systemwide information (such as defined message pro-
totypes). onboard, the main program of our software architecture, has access to
the low-level sensors and actuators, i.e., the IMU and the I2 C modules. Its main
tasks are to perform sensor fusion and execute the motion commands sent by
the remote control interface SoleroGUI. On solerovaio, the vme module has ac-
cess to the stereovision and the omnicam through the firewire bus. After image


a b e

Fig. 2.12. The main window (left) and the data browser (right): (a) data replay slider.
By manipulating this slider the scene is updated with the corresponding robot state;
(b) 3D rendering area; (c) variable selection lists one and two; (d) plot areas one and
two; (e) data browser slider
18 The SOLERO Rover


c f

d g

Fig. 2.13. The remote control interface for SOLERO: (a) robot’s position and attitude;
(b) text box for warning messages, e.g., the pitch angle exceeds a predefined value; (c) 3D
representation of the robot state and 3D cloud of stereo points. The operator can inter-
actively change the perspective; (d) rover control area. The motion commands are given
by clicking and moving the mouse cursor. The robot can be also driven with a joystick;
(e) first image area. The user can select the left, right, stereo or omnicam image. All the
imagers’ settings can be modified; (f ) second image area; (g) panoramic view area.

acquisition, it performs image processing and sends the results to onboard for sen-
sor fusion. The two remaining modules Solero3D and SoleroGUI are described
in more detail in the following sections.

This program has been developed for visualizing and logging data acquired by the
robot during an experiment. Its main use is for testing and debugging algorithms
offline. Figure 2.12 shows the main window (left ) and the data browser (right ).
The main window integrates a full 3D rendering area, allowing the user to
change views. By manipulating a slider, the set of data stored during an experi-
ment can be replayed step by step. All the variables such as the robot position,
the internal links’ angles and the attitude angles are plotted in the data browser.
This module is an important tool to test the system, debug and compare algo-
rithm performance.

Remote Control Interface

A dedicated module called SoleroGUI has been developed for the tele-operation
of SOLERO (Fig. 2.13). In order to ease remote control, the graphical user
Summary 19

interface displays the images taken onboard the rover together with a 3D view
of the current rover state. Furthermore, stereoscopic information is displayed
in the 3D scene, allowing the operator to have a better understanding of the
environment in front of the rover and thus properly avoid hazardous areas. A
panoramic image is displayed at the bottom of the main window. It provides a
wide field-of-view and helps the operator to navigate through the scene. Finally,
all parameters of the imagers are accessible through dialog boxes.
Other features of the GUI (Graphical User Interface) are listed here:
• Warning messages such as “low battery” and “dangerous rover posture” are
printed on the screen in order to avoid critical situations, which could damage
the rover.
• The operator can control the rover with a game pad or the mouse. Smooth
trajectories are generated using nonlinear optimization accounting for both
maximal wheel acceleration and speed.
• Two operation modes are available. The first one is called “coordinated and
allows the robot to drive on any circular arc. The second mode is called “non-
coordinated” and only straight line and point-turning motion are allowed.
• A watchdog timer is implemented to detect communication problems. The
GUI sends a signal every second and the rover stops in case the signal is not
• The GUI uses cross-platform libraries and can be compiled and run on dif-
ferent OS.

2.3 Summary

Because no generic hardware setup exists for such rovers, a lot of effort had to
be deployed to make SOLERO a well-performing platform for research. Further-
more, a set of powerful tools has been developed for speeding up the process of
debugging the algorithms and analyzing the data stored during the experiments.
The modularity and portability of the system allows easy adaptation of new ac-
tuators and sensors. For example, a GPS can be easily added to the I2 C bus and
more cameras attached to the firewire or USB buses. The possibility to access
all the schematics and firmware of the I2 C sensors allows to have a low-level
control of data transmission timings and thus improve the reactivity of the sys-
tem. Off the shelf components are rarely well documented, especially concerning
time-stamping of data, which is of high importance in robotics. The energetic
autonomy of the system running on batteries depends on the intensity and du-
ration of the driving phases. In average, the autonomy is around three hours,
allowing to run long sessions of experiments. This autonomy can be doubled by
replacing NiMh batteries by LiPo, while keeping the same weight.
3 3D-Odometry

Until recently, autonomous mobile robots were mostly designed to run in indoor
environments that are partly structured and flat. Many problems arise in rough
terrain and position tracking is more difficult. Although odometry is widely
used indoors (2D), its application is limited in natural environments (3D). The
wheels are more likely to slip because of the rough structure of the soil, and the
error in the position estimation can grow quickly. For these reasons, odometry is
generally avoided in challenging terrains. However, we can look at the problem
differently and ask: “How could we limit wheel slip in rough terrain ?”
Two different aspects can be improved to minimize wheel slip. The first one is
to develop a controller that guarantees good balance of wheel torques and speeds
to optimize the robot’s motion. A torque controller minimizing slip and maxi-
mizing traction is presented in Chapter 4. The second aspect is to improve the
mechanical structure of the robot. Indeed, a well-designed mechanical structure
yields a smooth trajectory and thus enables limited wheel slip. As described in
Chapter 2, SOLERO can adapt passively to a large range of obstacles and al-
lows limited wheel slip in comparison with rigid structures such as four-wheel
drive rovers. Thus, the odometric information is usable even in rough terrain.
A new technique called 3D-Odometry, which provides 3D motion estimates of
SOLERO, is presented in this chapter.

3.1 3D-Odometry
Odometry is widely used to track the position (x, y) and the heading ψ of a
robot in a plane π [19]. The vector [ x y ψ ]Tπ is updated by integrating small
motion increments sensed by the wheel encoders between two time-steps. When
combined with the robot’s attitude angles φ (roll) and θ (pitch), this technique
allows the estimation of the six degrees of freedom in a global coordinate system,
i.e., [ x y z φ θ ψ ]TW . The orientation of the plane π on which the robot moves
is determined using an inclinometer and the motion increment is obtained by
projecting the robot displacements measured in the plane π into the global co-
ordinate system. This method, used in [40], is referred later as the standard

P. Lamon: 3D-Position Track. & Cntrl. for All-Terrain Robots, STAR 43, pp. 21–32, 2008.
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008
22 3D-Odometry

method. The approach works well only if the environment does not comprise too
many slope discontinuities. Indeed, the pose estimation error grows quickly dur-
ing transitions because it is assumed that the rover is locally moving in a plane.
In rough terrain, this assumption is not appropriate and the transitions problem
must be addressed properly. Odometry based on vehicle kinematics and wheel
encoders are addressed in [34, 9]. However, the presented results focus mainly on
straight trajectories and smooth terrains. In this work, we present an approach
that deals with sharp obstacles and full 3D trajectories.
The 3D-Odometry computation is divided into two steps: a) the computation
of the left and right sides of the robot (Sect. 3.1.1), and b) the computation of the
resulting 3D displacement of the robot’s center (Sect. 3.1.2). The main reference
frames and variables used for 3D-Odometry are defined in Fig. 3.1.

Zw Zw
Zr Zr
O Yw
Xw O
η Yr

F zb
B xb


OXw Yw Zw global reference frame L projection of O in the left bogie plane

OXr Yr Zr robot’s frame B left bogie center (rotation center)
Ob xz bogie frame (in the bogie plane) Δ, η norm/direction of L’s displacement

Fig. 3.1. Main variables and reference frames for 3D-Odometry

3.1.1 Bogie Displacement

For SOLERO, the motion increments of the left and right bogies are used to
compute the 3D motion of the robot’s center O. The aim of this section is to
describe how to compute the displacement (Δ and η) of one bogie knowing the
translations of the wheels (encoder data ER, EF ) and the change of the bogie
angle (ε) between state t and t + 1 (see Figs. 3.2 and 3.3). In what follows, the
equations are developed for the left bogie. However, the same method is applied
for the right bogie and the corresponding equations are obtained using simple
variables and parameter substitution.
3D-Odometry 23

For computing the displacement of L we proceed in two steps: a) The dis-

placement of B is computed in the bogie’s frame Ob xz (Fig. 3.2) b) This motion
increment is propagated through the bogie’s mechanical structure to compute
the effective displacement of L, expressed in the robot’s frame OXr Zr (Fig. 3.3).
The equations to calculate the displacement of B are similar to [31]. However,
we extend the approach to calculate the displacement of a full parallel bogie
(Δ and η). Because the distance between the wheels remains constant, one can
write the following equations (ER, EF and ε being the parameters)
−→ −−→ −− → −−→
RF = RR + R F  + F  F
hb ER cos ρw hb cos ε −EF cos φw (3.1)
= + +
0 −ER sin ρw −hb sin ε EF sin φw

These equations can be solved for φw and ρw , which are the wheel-ground
contact angles. However, this equation system can be inconsistent in some patho-
logical cases. For example, if ε equals zero then ER must be equal to EF because
the distance between the wheels remains constant. In practice, ER and EF can
be slightly different because the wheels are subject to slip. When the equation


sta xb
te Ob
φw ε μ
F Δz’ B state t R
Δx’ ρw
R’’ t γr

2 ER

hb und

ER, EF rear/front wheel displacement

ρw , φw rear/front wheel’s direction of motion
R, F initial position of the rear/front wheel center
R , F  final position of the rear/front wheel center
B, B  initial/final position of the bogie center
ε bogie’s angular change
hb distance between the wheel centers
Δx , Δz  x/z components of vector BB 
t1 distance BR (not displayed on the figure)
t2 distance R R

Fig. 3.2. Displacement of B between state t and t + 1. The final position of the
rear/front wheel is on a circle of radius ER/EF centered at R/F , respectively.
24 3D-Odometry

system is inconsistent, we set the bogie displacement as being equal to the aver-
age of the displacements of the two wheels. In the general case, valid solutions
are found and the sine theorem is applied in the RR R triangle to compute Δx
and Δz  , which are the coordinates of the displacement of B expressed in the
bogie’s coordinate system Ob xz
 hb  hb
Δx = t1 + − t2 cos ε Δz = − − t2 sin ε
2 2
ER |sin(π − ρw − ε)| hb ER |sin ρw |
t1 = − and t2 =
|sin ε| 2 |sin ε|
Fig. 3.3 defines the parameters for computing the displacement of L consid-
ering the displacement of B and the mechanical structure of the bogie. The
effective bogie angle change between state t and t + 1 is given by

ε = θ2 + φ2 − (θ1 + φ1 ) (3.2)

φ state t+1 state t


μ zr
η φ1
θ1 xr
B’ φw
k L o
xb zb
R’ φ
ER ρ

L projection of O in the left bogie plane μ angle of LL expressed in Ob xz

L final position of L (at time t + 1) η angle of LL expressed in OXr Zr
Δ norm of LL θ1 , θ2 initial/final pitch angle
Δx, Δz coordinates of LL expressed in Ob xz φ1 , φ 2 initial/final bogie angle
k bogie leg length

Fig. 3.3. Bogie’s configuration change between two time steps. The distance between
the states has been artificially increased for the purpose of clarity.
3D-Odometry 25

Because the relative position of L with respect to B depends on the bogie

configuration, the displacement of B and L are not the same. This effect is
taken into account to compute the effective displacement of L. Considering that
the angular changes and the motion increments between t and t + 1 are small,
the incremental corrections are given by

cx = −k (sin φ2 − sin φ1 )
cz = k (cos φ2 − cos φ1 )

Then cx and cz are added to Δx , Δz  to compute the actual displacements

of point L expressed in the bogie’s coordinate system Ob xz

Δx = Δx + cx (3.4)

Δz = Δz + cz (3.5)

Finally, the norm of the displacement Δ and the motion angle η expressed in
the robot’s frame are given by

Δ= Δx2 + Δz 2 η = φ1 + μ
where μ is defined as  
μ = − arctan (3.6)

3.1.2 3D Displacement
The previous section described the computation of the norm Δ and the direction
of motion η of one bogie. The aim of this section is to derive the equations
for computing the 3D displacement of the robot’s center O using the left and
right bogie translations. The main schematic for the 3D-Odometry is depicted in
Fig. 3.4. In the latter, the subscripts l and r are used to denote variables related
to the left and right bogies respectively. The angles ηr and ηl define the tilt of
the planes πr and πl containing C  and L . C  and L are situated on circles
centered in C and L with radius Δr and Δl , respectively. These constraints lead
to the following equations
nr · CC  = 0 (3.7)

nl · LL = 0 (3.8)

Δ2r = x2r + yr + + zr2 (3.9)
Δl = xl + yl −
2 2
+ zl2 (3.10)
26 3D-Odometry

The infinitesimal displacements of the left and right sides of the robot mainly
occur in the bogie planes. When the robot is turning, however, the norm of the
displacement of one side is larger than the other and that forces a fraction of the
motion to occur out of the bogie planes (along Yr ). Because of the nonholonomic
constraint, this displacement cannot be measured directly. Thus, we assume that
the smallest displacement among Δr and Δl takes place in the corresponding bogie
plane, giving to the other side an additional degree of freedom along Yr . In the

Zr Yr


L Δl
L’(x l, y l , z l)
2 ηl

Wb te O’(xo , yo, z o)
s ta
πb sta
C’(x r, yr , z r )

Wb distance between the bogie planes Δr , Δl right/left absolute displacement

C, C  initial/final position of the right bogie πr , πl right/left planes
L, L initial/final position of the left bogie nr , nl normal vectors of πr πl
O, O initial/final position of the robot center πb plane // to OXr Zr , containing C
ηr , ηl right/left displacement angles

Fig. 3.4. 3D-Odometry, variables definition

Experimental Results 27

example of Fig. 3.4, Δr is smaller than Δl . Therefore the right displacement vector
is constrained to remain in the bogie plane πb . This constraint is expressed by
+ Δ2r = x2r + yr2 + zr2 (3.11)

In case Δr is bigger than Δl , one substitutes the subscript r with l in 3.11. Be-
cause the wheelbase Wb remains constant, one can write the additional constraint

Wb2 = (xl − xr )2 + (yl − yr )2 + (zl − zr )2 (3.12)

Finally, the rover’s displacement vector is obtained using

−−→ −−→ C  L
OO = OC + (3.13)
Solving the system of nine equations with nine unknowns formed by equation
−−→ −−→ −−→
3.7 to 3.13 leads to the solutions for OC  , OL and OO (the nine unknowns).
The yaw angle increment is computed using
xr − xl
dψ = (3.14)

The roll increment dφ can be computed by substituting xr and xl by zr and zl

in 3.14. However, we have chosen to rely on the value of the roll angle provided
by the inclinometer because this is an absolute angle and therefore it is not
subject to drift.

3.1.3 Contact Angles Estimation

The 3D-Odometry provides an estimation of the motion increment in three di-
mensions and the heading change of the rover. It is interesting to note that
the contact angles of the bogie wheels are also computed by this method (see
Fig. 3.2). The contact angles of the fork and the rear wheels can be computed
using parameters substitution in 3.1. To estimate the rear-wheel contact angle,
ε is replaced by the pitch change of the rover (dθ) and the norm of the robot’s
motion, computed by the 3D-Odometry, is used instead of EF . The same kind of
parameter substitution is used to compute the contact angle of the front wheel.
The wheel-ground contact angles are required for predictive wheel controllers for
minimizing wheel slip. Such a controller is presented in Chapter 4.

3.2 Experimental Results

The Shrimp breadboard (see Fig. 3.5) has been used to compare the performance
of 3D-Odometry and the standard method. In order to facilitate the estimation of
the ground-truth, we used obstacles of known shape: this allows computation of
28 3D-Odometry

the true trajectory of the rover using its kinematic model and the geometric di-
mensions of the obstacles. The rover was remotely controlled several times over
the obstacles and the trajectories were computed online with both 3D-Odometry
and the standard method. For each run, we measured the rover’s final position and
computed the absolute and relative errors. We tested the system for different ob-
stacle configurations such as depicted in Figs. 3.6, 3.7 and 3.9. The obstacles are
made of wood and the ground is a mixture of concrete and small stones.

Fig. 3.5. The Shrimp breadboard. This robot is a small scale version of SOLERO.

For all experiments, the position estimation error of the standard method
grows quickly. This is due to the fact that the method does not account for the
kinematic model of the robot and only considers the attitude of the main body.
Whereas the consequences of this approximation are less relevant for smooth
terrains (Fig. 3.6), they become disastrous while climbing sharp-shaped obstacles
(Fig. 3.7).
On the other hand, the 3D-Odometry estimates the angle ε (3.2), which corre-
sponds to the actual motion direction of the bogie center B. This angle, together
with the wheel encoders’ data allows computation of the wheel-ground contact
angles and the norm and direction of motion of a bogie (point L or C). This di-
rection corresponds neither to the pitch of the main body nor to the mechanical
angle of the bogie: it is the actual direction of motion of the point L or C in
the global coordinate system. Thus, the motion increment Δz (3.5) is computed
and used to correct the trajectory along zr during the slope transitions. The
corrections corresponding to the first experiment are plotted in Fig. 3.8. They
are positive when the first wheel starts climbing the obstacle, zero when there is
no slope change and become negative when the bogie finally reaches the top of
the obstacle. The slope transitions are well detected and this allows correction of
Experimental Results 29

Fig. 3.6. Steep slope experimental setup. The robot starts in front of the obstacle,
climbs a 35◦ slope and stops on top after traveling a distance of 870 mm along the x
direction. The height of the obstacle is 175 mm. The slope changes are relatively smooth
for this experiment.

the z-coordinate to thus better track the robot’s position. The position estima-
tions computed by 3D-Odometry are more accurate and the numerical figures
presented in Tables 3.2 and 3.2 confirm these qualitative results.
In order to correctly analyze the error sources of the 3D-Odometry, the main
mechanical parameters of the robot were calibrated before the experiments. That
way, the remaining errors are only due to nonsystematic errors and errors in-
troduced by our approach. The wheel diameters and the wheelbase of the robot
have been calibrated using [19]. The pitch offset of the IMU has been estimated
using the trajectory computed by the standard approach on flat ground. After
the robot completes a full loop, the final height shall be equal to the initial
height. The pitch offset of the IMU, Oimu , is obtained using
Oimu = arcsin (Δh/s) (3.15)
where Δh is the error accumulated along the z axis and s the total path length.
After the calibration of the offsets, the remaining errors related to the 3D-
Odometry shall be due to nonsystematic errors and approximation of the
algorithm. The first source of error we might think about is wheel slip. In case
of slip the calculated distance is bigger than the measured one and the results
presented in Tables 3.2 and 3.2 can be interpreted that way. However, wheel slip
is not the biggest source of error in these experiments. The errors are mainly
along the z direction and they are due to nonlinearities, variation of the wheel
30 3D-Odometry

Fig. 3.7. Sharp edges experimental setup. The robot goes over a 300 by 70 mm ob-
stacle and stops after 1 m travel. Even with sharp slope transitions, the 3D-Odometry
trajectory accurately follows the obstacle shape.

Fig. 3.8. z-coordinate correction for the first experiment. For clarity, both Pitch and
Bogie Angle curves have been scaled by a factor of 12 and 8, respectively. The time-
step between two samples is about 60 ms (computation time for the 3D-Odometry).
Experimental Results 31

Table 3.1. Relative error for the steep slope experiment (870 mm)

Measured 3D-Odometry Standard

x y x y x y
864 175 871 188 896 209
873 175 876 187 904 210
872 175 877 186 905 209
875 175 878 185 908 208
870 175 873 186 903 208
Mean error 0.5% 6.4% 3.7% 19.2%

Table 3.2. Relative error for the sharp edges experiment (1000 mm)

Measured 3D-Odometry Standard

x y x y x y
993 0 1000 1 1038 19
1010 0 1012 5 1056 24
1015 0 1008 7 1062 25
1009 0 1008 6 1059 25
996 0 1002 4 1046 22
Mean error 0.2% 2.7% 5.5% 13.2%

diameters, and inaccuracy in the mechanical dimension. For the steep slope
experiment, the final averaged error of 11 mm can be explained by a remaining
angular offset. Indeed, an offset of 1◦ leads to an error of around 15 mm in the
z direction for an 870-mm horizontal motion. For the sharp edges experiment,
these errors canceled out because of the symmetry of the obstacle.



Fig. 3.9. Full 3D experiment performed with the Shrimp. Only the right bogie wheels
climbed the obstacle (a). Then, the rover was driven over obstacle (b) (with an incident
angle of approximatively 20◦ ).
32 3D-Odometry

The experimental setup used to test the full 3D capability of the 3D-Odometry
is depicted in Fig. 3.9. Like for the first two experiments, the real robot was
used. This time, the rover followed the sequence of preprogrammed commands
consisting of a) going straight for 1 m b) turning to the right 70◦ c) go straight
for 1 m. Only the right bogie wheels climbed the first obstacle (a) whereas the
other wheels kept ground contact. Then, the rover was driven over the second
obstacle (b) with an incident angle of approximatively 20◦ . The value of such
an experiment is that it forced the chassis to adopt asymmetric configurations
and allowed us to test the full 3D-capability of the 3D-Odometry. The true
final position and orientation of the rover was hand-measured and compared
with the computed final position. The average error at the goal was only x =
0.02 m, y = 0.02 m, z = 0.005 m, ψ = 3◦ for a total path length of around 2 m.
This corresponds to a relative error of 1.4, 2, 2.8 and 4%, respectively.

3.3 Summary
This chapter described a new approach called 3D-Odometry that estimates the
3D displacement of a rover in rough terrain. The sensory inputs are the wheel
encoders of the four bogie wheels, the bogie angular sensors and an inclinometer.
It has been shown that this approach performs better than the standard method
used traditionally. The position estimation is significantly improved when the
rover overcomes sharp-shaped obstacles because the method accounts for the
kinematic model of the rover.
Thanks to its nonhyperstatic mechanical structure, SOLERO overcomes obsta-
cles in a smooth manner, with limited wheel slip. When applying 3D-Odometry,
such a design enables the use of odometry as a means to estimate the rover motion
in rough terrain. Moreover, the accuracy of odometry can be further improved
using a controller minimizing wheel slip. The description of such a controller is
presented in the next chapter.
4 Control in Rough-Terrain

For wheeled rovers, motion optimization is generally related to minimizing wheel

slip. Minimizing slip not only limits odometric error but also increases the robot’s
climbing performance and traction. Different approaches to slip minimization in
rough terrain can be found in the literature.
The controller developed in [69] derives from the Anti-lock Breaking System
(ABS) and uses the information of wheel slip to correct individual wheel speed.
Reference [13] proposes a velocity synchronization algorithm, which minimizes
the effect of the wheels “fighting” against each other. The first step of the ap-
proach consists in detecting which of the wheels are deviating significantly from
the nominal velocity profile. Then a voting scheme is used to compute the re-
quired velocity set point change for each individual wheel. Because such methods
adapt the wheel speeds when slip has already occurred, they are referred to as
reactive approaches.
A controller providing better performance might be developed by considering
the physical model of the rover and wheel-soil interaction models. Thus, the
traction of each wheel is optimized considering the load distribution on the
wheels and the soil properties. Such approaches are referred to as predictive
approaches. In [30, 34, 32], wheel-slip limitation is obtained by minimizing the
ratio T /N for each wheel, where T is the traction force and N the normal force.
Reference [74] proposes a method to minimize slip ratios and thus avoid soil
failure due to excessive traction.
The predictive approaches are very sensitive to soil parameter variations and
difficult to implement on real rovers. To palliate this limitation, [33] developed
a method for estimating the parameters as the robot moves. However, the ap-
proach is limited to a rigid wheel rolling on a deformable soil. During exploration
missions, the rover is likely to cross different kinds of soil (rock, gravel, sand,
grass, etc.) whose characteristics are unknown in advance. Thus, to apply model-
based approaches, both the wheel-soil interaction models and parameters shall
be adapted depending on the encountered terrain type. This requires develop-
ing a terrain classifier able to detect all kinds of soil and a way of estimating
the parameters for each class as the robot moves. In practice, it is tedious to

P. Lamon: 3D-Position Track. & Cntrl. for All-Terrain Robots, STAR 43, pp. 33–51, 2008.
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008
34 Control in Rough-Terrain

implement because it is impossible to cover the entire range of terrain types. In

case a priori knowledge about the environment is available, a method such as
presented in [20] might be implemented to classify and detect a limited set of
terrain classes.
In this chapter, we propose a predictive controller that accounts for the load
distribution on the wheels and that does not require a priori knowledge about
wheel-soil interaction models and terrain classification. The proposed closed-
loop approach estimates the rolling resistance torque online using the sensing
capabilities of the rover instead of relying on possibly inaccurate or unknown

4.1 Quasi-static Model of a Wheeled Rover

The speed of an autonomous rover is limited in rough terrain because the naviga-
tion algorithms are computationally expensive (image processing, path planning,
etc.) and the onboard processing power is limited. In this range of speeds, typi-
cally smaller than 20 cm/s, the dynamic forces can be neglected and a quasi-static
model is appropriate. Such a model can be solved for contact forces and motor
torques knowing the state of the robot and the wheel-ground contact angles. To
develop such a model, a mobility analysis of the rover’s mechanical structure is
performed (Sect. 4.1.1). The analysis produces a consistent physical model with
the appropriate degrees of freedom at each joint. Then the forces are introduced
and the equilibrium equations are written for each part composing the rover’s
chassis (Sect. 4.1.2).

4.1.1 Mobility Analysis

The mobility of a rolling robot in straight motion should ideally be one, indi-
cating that the robot can move in a constrained direction. Grubler’s Mobility
Equation in three dimensions [47], also known as the Kutz–Bach Criterion, is
written as
M O = 6n − 5f1 − 4f2 − 3f3 − 2f4 − f5 (4.1)
where n is the number of mechanical parts of the system and fj the number
of joints of each type (j = 1 . . . 5). For example f1 is the number of pin joints
and f3 the number of spherical joints. The mobility equation is a guideline for
determining if a system is statically determinate. Many real systems contain
redundancy in links and joints resulting in hyperstatism. A four-legged table,
for example, is statically indeterminate if considered rigid. More sophisticated
modeling methods are required to analyze the distribution of forces in a hy-
perstatic system. Another approach is to model selective joints with additional
degrees of freedom. Intelligent selection of these joints can minimize the error
associated with a quasi-static solution. While the modeled kinematic chain is a
simplification, it can be good enough to support motor control.
Quasi-static Model of a Wheeled Rover 35

Mobility analysis of SOLERO

In a first step, one can consider the wheel-ground contacts as spherical joints and
all the pin joints in the mechanism as one degree of freedom (DOF) revolute. For
the SOLERO, the calculation of the mobility using 4.1 is -20 rather than 1. The
system is, therefore, significantly hyperstatic and requires a modified model for
a possible quasi-static solution. Two significant modifications to joint degrees
of freedom assist the model. The first one involves the representation of the
wheel-ground joint mobility. For a standard wheel without slip, the joint that
represents the wheel-ground contact can be modeled as a spherical joint allowing
three degrees of freedom (rotations about the three axes). Motor torque on the
wheels will directly affect the forces in that contact plane. Lateral forces are
not influenced by the motor torque. Therefore, the system was modeled with
the lateral forces being carried by the wheel fixed to the body (rear wheel) and
the wheel on the front fork. The wheels on the bogies were modeled with no
resistance in the lateral direction (4 degrees of freedom). We have chosen such a
model because not enough information exists to assess how the lateral forces are
distributed among all the wheels and because the error due to the simplification
has almost no influence on the controller. The second modification acts on the
representation of the redundant kinematic chains. It is possible to model selected
joints on redundant kinematic chains with more degrees of freedom. This results
in forces being transmitted through direct flow patterns. Because the model is
being used to optimize motor torques, inaccuracies in the internal linkage forces
have minimal effect. Figure 4.1 shows the resulting kinematic model of SOLERO.
The numbers at the link connections indicate the degrees of freedom of that
joint. The resulting model is mechanically equivalent to the real structure. The


mo1 mo3

mo3 mo1
mo1 mo1



Fig. 4.1. Joints mobility for SOLERO

36 Control in Rough-Terrain

mobility of the bogies and the fork is one and the final mobility can be calculated
using 4.1 to produce

M O = 6 × 18 − 5 × 14 − 4 × 1 − 3 × 7 − 2 × 6 = 1 (4.2)

4.1.2 A 3D Static Model

For a 3D static model, 6 equations (3 torques and 3 forces) are applied to each
body, containing ground reaction forces, gravity forces (weight) and external
forces. Dynamic forces are considered to be negligible because of the low speed.
The mobility analysis is used to introduce the right number of forces/torques at
each joint. In 3D, the number of generalized forces (ng ) to introduce follows the
ng = 6 − mo (4.3)
where mo is the mobility of the joint. For example, five generalized forces are
introduced for a pin joint (mo = 1): only one rotation is free, while all the
translations (3 forces) and the remaining rotations (2 torques) are blocked.

Model of SOLERO
SOLERO has 18 parts and is characterized by 6×18 = 108 independent equations
describing the static equilibrium of each part and involving 14 external ground
forces, 6 internal wheel torques and 93 internal forces and torques for a total of
113 unknowns. The weight of the fork and the bogies’ link has been neglected,
whereas the weight of the main body and the wheels is considered. Of course,
it is possible to reduce this set of independent equations because we have no
interest in implicitly calculating the internal forces of the system. The variables
of interest are the three ground contact forces on the front and the rear wheels,
the two ground contact forces on each wheel of the bogies and the six wheel
torques. This makes 20 unknowns of interest and the system can be reduced to
20 − (113 − 108) = 15 equations. This leads to the following matrix equation

M15×20 U20×1 = R 15×1 (4.4)

where M is the model matrix depending on the geometric parameters and the
state of the robot, U a vector containing the unknowns and R a constant vector.
The details of the model together with the mechanical parameters are described
in Appendix A.

4.2 Torque Optimization

It is interesting to note that there are more unknowns than equations in 4.4.
That means that the set of wheel-torques guaranteeing the static equilibrium
is infinite. This becomes obvious when considering that one motorized wheel is
enough to make the robot move. This characteristic can be used to control the
traction of each wheel and to select, among all the possibilities, the set of torques
Torque Optimization 37

minimizing slip. Other functions, such as energy, can be used instead. In this
chapter, we focus on slip minimization and this section describes the concepts
and the optimization algorithms.

4.2.1 Wheel Slip Model

The intent of this section is to formulate a holistic model of a robot to control the
wheel motor torques in order to minimize wheel slip. Therefore, it is helpful to
review the governing equations on wheel slip and explain which function should
be minimized to reach this goal. The model presented in what follows assumes a
rule of proportionality between traction and the normal force on the wheel: the
more pressure on the wheel, the more traction it can carry before slipping. This
proportionality rule is not perfectly verified in all circumstances. However, such
a model is valid in most cases and is appropriate because we are not interested
in exactly computing the forces at the interface but in minimizing wheel slip.
Figure 4.2 shows the common forces acting on the wheel of a mobile robot.

N M P external wheel joint force

N normal force
T T traction force
P R wheel radius
M motor torque
R μ0 static friction coefficient
μ dynamic friction coefficient

Fig. 4.2. Acting forces on a wheel and friction coefficients definition

The wheel is balanced if the friction force fulfils 4.5. This case represents static
friction. If the static friction force cannot balance the system, the wheel slips and
the friction force is set by 4.6.
Fstatic ≤ μ0 N (4.5) Fdynamic = μ N (4.6)

In order to avoid wheel slip, the friction force that depends directly on the
motor torque M should satisfy
T = ≤ μ0 N (4.7)
The above equations suggest that there are two ways to reduce wheel slip.
First, assume that μ0 is known and set

T ≤ μ0 N (4.8)
38 Control in Rough-Terrain

In fact, it is difficult to know μ0 precisely because it depends on the kind

of wheel-soil interaction. During exploration, the kind of soil interacting with
the wheels is not known, which makes μ0 impossible to predetermine. Another
way to avoid wheel slip is to first assume that the wheel does not slip. It is
then possible to calculate the forces T and N as a function of the torque and
the result is optimized in order to minimize the ratio T /N . Accounting for this
T μn N
= = μn (4.9)
μn is similar to a friction coefficient. In minimizing this ratio, then minimizing
μn , we optimize our chances that this coefficient is smaller than the real friction
coefficient μ0 . If this is the truth, no slip occurs. Therefore, it is possible to
minimize the ratio T /N without knowing the real static friction coefficient. The
second method is used here, because it is more robust.

4.2.2 Optimization Algorithm

The controllable inputs of the system are the six wheel torques. Since there are
five more unknowns than equations, it is possible to write an equation expressing
the torques as linearly dependent (a proof is presented in Appendix A.2.1). The
14 other equations define the external forces as a function of the torques. The
model of SOLERO is indeterminate because there are fewer equations than vari-
ables and the set of solutions is five-dimensional (number of wheels - 1). The goal
of the optimization is to minimize slip and this can be achieved by maximizing
the traction forces, which is equivalent to minimizing the function

f = max(Ti /Ni ) = max(μi ) (4.10)

with i = 1 . . . 6. The minimum of f is denoted μm in what follows. μm can be

seen as the minimal-needed friction coefficient that guarantees no slip. Because
it is difficult to do reasoning in five dimensions, a simpler 2D robot referred to as
ThreeWheels (see Fig. 4.3) is used to present our optimization algorithm. This
process is then extended for the complete model of SOLERO.
The model of the ThreeWheels rover has nine unknowns, i.e., two forces and
one torque on each wheel and seven equations: three global equations, one torque
equation for each wheel and one torque equation for the fork. That leads to a two-
dimensional solution space. Equation 4.11 expresses the torque of the first wheel
as a function of m2 and m3 (m1 , m2 and m3 are linearly dependant) and 4.12 and
4.13 express the normal and tangential forces, respectively. α, β, γ,  and δ, are
parameters that depend on the rover’s state and geometry (see Appendix A.2).

m1 =  1 m2 +  2 m3 + δ (4.11)
Ni = α1i m2 + β1i m3 + γ1i (4.12)
Ti = α2i m2 + β2i m3 + γ2i (4.13)

with i = 1 . . . 3
Torque Optimization 39

Fig. 4.3. The ThreeWheels 2D model. This rover belongs to the passively suspended
robots family. m4 is an uncontrolled torque generated by a torsion spring with known

The optimal solution is found by minimizing the function f , which is plotted

in Fig. 4.4
T1 T2 T3
f (m2 , m3 ) = max , , = max(μ1 , μ2 , μ3 ) (4.14)
N1 N2 N3
The optimization problem is nonlinear because the functions μ1 , μ2 and μ3
are hyperbolic. Our optimization method, whose scheme is presented in Fig. 4.5,
uses a combination of several modules. Each module is activated alternatively
depending on the result of the previous module in the chain. The first step of the
optimization process consists of initializing the algorithm with a set of torques
that satisfy the model. A set of equal torques is chosen as the initial solution
because it always verifies the model (see Appendix A.2.2 for the proof). Then,
this solution is checked against the physical constraints:
a. positive normal force: the normal forces Ni must be greater than zero (the
asymptotes of the hyperbolic functions define the sign inversion limit)
b. motor torque saturation: the wheel torques mi must be smaller than the
maximal motor torque M axT rq.
If this solution is valid, it is taken as the initial solution for the fixed-point
optimization (A). If it does not fulfill the constraints, a valid initial solution is
computed using the simplex method (B). The optimal solution is then provided
either by (A) or the gradient optimization (C). We have chosen this scheme be-
cause most of the states are handled by (A), which is computationally very light
in comparison with a standard monolithic, constrained optimization algorithm.
The different modules are now presented in more detail.
40 Control in Rough-Terrain

Fig. 4.4. Function f to minimize, for the ThreeWheels rover in a given state. The op-
timal solution (circled ), minimizing slip and fulfilling the physical constraints, is found
using numerical optimization. The optimal solution corresponds to the intersection of
μ1 , μ2 and μ3 .

Equal no Simplex
Torques Valid ?
Method B
yes 91 %

Fixed Point no Gradient

Valid ?
Method A Method C
yes 78 %
Optimal torques ( Mo )

Fig. 4.5. Optimization algorithm. The execution times for the algorithms A, B and
C are 6, 5 and 20 ms, respectively (on a 1.5 GHz processor). The worst case is about
31 ms but most cases (71%) are handled by A, which takes only 6 ms.

A. Fixed-point Optimization
This optimization method is based on the fixed-point algorithm. The aim of this
algorithm is to numerically find the intersection of functions when an analytical
solution is difficult or impossible to obtain. In our case, the optimal solution
corresponds to the intersection of μ1 , μ2 and μ3 . The corresponding flow chart
of the algorithm is presented in Fig. 4.6.
This algorithm is computationally light and provides good results for most cases.
Nevertheless, it diverges sometimes and does not account for the aforementioned
constraints. This can lead to torques that cannot be produced by the motors.
Torque Optimization 41

1 Initial 2 Forces 3 Computation of

Solution Computation an average
friction coefficient

4 Computation of the corresponding torques

Fig. 4.6. Fixed-point based algorithm. The quasi-static model (2) is solved with an
initial set of torques (1). Then the average of μ1 , μ2 and μ3 is computed by (3) (the
forces provided by (2) are used to compute μ1 , μ2 and μ3 ). The torques corresponding
to this average are computed in (4) and fed back into block (2). Twenty iterations are
generally sufficient for convergence.

B. Simplex Method
This method is based on the simplex algorithm which solves linear programs in
a constrained solution space. The simplex method tries to maximize an objective
function considering a set of constraints on the variables. In our case, the algorithm
is only used to provide a valid initial solution, and thus, many objective functions
can be used. However, in order to get closer to the final optimal solution, we choose
the function h defined in 4.15, which tends to minimize the ratio Ti /Ni

h= Ni (4.15)

where n is the number of wheels. Furthermore, the function h is linear because

it is a linear combination of the torques. The solution provided by this method
is guaranteed to fulfill the constraints and can be used as a starting point for
both the gradient and fixed-point optimization.

C. Gradient optimization
This algorithm seeks an optimum in the constrained solution space given a
known valid initial solution. Gradient optimization is similar to the potential
field method: at each step, the gradient is computed and the next solution is
generated following the maximum slope.

4.2.3 Torque Optimization for SOLERO

The optimization for the three dimensional SOLERO is identical to the method
presented in the previous section. The solution space now has five dimensions
and one has to account for 12 constraints

Ni > 0 (4.16)
|mi | < M axT rq (4.17)
42 Control in Rough-Terrain

Fig. 4.7. Snapshot of the graphical user interface used to test our optimization proce-
dure. The user can interactively modify the state of the robot, i.e., the wheel-ground
contact angles, roll angle, pitch angle and the bogies and fork angles. The optimal
torques and forces are computed when the state changes (the forces are expressed in
the global reference frame): (a) side view; (b) right bogie view; (c) decomposed view
from behind. In this view, the arrows represent the projections of the reaction forces
in the global frame of reference.

with i = 1 . . . 6 and M axT rq the saturation torque. An example of computed

forces and torques is depicted in Fig. 4.7.
The optimization algorithm has been run for around 20,000 different chas-
sis configurations. The different postures have been generated automatically by
varying each parameter to cover the entire robot’s configuration space. The pa-
rameters are: the wheel-ground contact angles, roll and pitch, the fork, and the
angles of the left and right bogies. For each rover state, the minimal friction co-
efficient (μm ) has been computed and fed into the histogram shown in Fig. 4.8.
It is interesting to note that, for 80% of the cases, the friction coefficient μm
is smaller than 0.6 (this corresponds to the static friction coefficient of a tire on
a dry road). As explained in Sect. 4.2.1, if μm is smaller than the real friction
coefficient μ0 , then there is no slip. Thus, there is no slip for 80% of the chassis
configurations when the rover is traveling on a terrain with a friction coefficient
higher or equal to 0.6 (e.g., a rocky terrain). For more slippery soils it becomes
more and more difficult to guarantee no slip. However, the near-exponential
shape of the histogram is very favorable and the probability of slip is always
minimized whatever the soil type.
The bar of the histogram corresponding to friction coefficients higher than
one corresponds to situations where it is impossible to keep static equilibrium
and to avoid slip. Indeed, a friction coefficient is always smaller than one by
definition. However, this is not critical in practice because, at a higher level, the
path planner avoids areas in which the rover risks reaching such extreme chassis
configurations [18]. Thus, such cases can be discarded.
Rover Motion 43

Fig. 4.8. Histogram of μm for about 20,000 different robot postures. 80% of the states
correspond to a friction coefficient smaller than 0.6 and 65% to a friction coefficient
smaller than 0.3.

4.3 Rover Motion

Rolling resistance is another important aspect of the quasi-static model, and
is therefore reviewed here. A static model balances the forces and moments
of a system to remain at rest or maintain a constant speed. Such a system
is an ideal case and does not include resistance to movement. Therefore, an
additional torque compensating for the rolling resistance torque must be added
to the wheels in order to complete the model and guarantee motion at constant
speed. This results in a quasi- static model. Several rolling resistance models
are developed in the literature and can be incorporated in the static model to
ensure constant speed motion. A rolling resistance model for an elastic wheel on
an elastic soil is presented in [37]. Other models applicable for rigid wheels and
deformable soils such as sand or earth can be found in [14, 15, 6]. In practice,
the parameters of these models are generally difficult to estimate and are valid
only for a specific type of soil and condition. Furthermore, the behavior of the
controller can be unstable when wrong parameters and/or models are used:
what would happen if a controller designed for sand is used on rock? Because
an exploration rover is subject to deal with different types of terrain, using a
controller endowing a wheel-ground interaction model-specific to one type of soil
is generally not appropriate. Figure 4.9 is a good illustration: when driving on
such a terrain some wheels might roll on sand and some others on bare rock.
Furthermore, the grit and compactness of the sand changes depending on the
local conditions.
44 Control in Rough-Terrain

Fig. 4.9. Images of the Mars surface taken by the NASA rover Spirit next to the
Bonneville Crater

In practice, parameterized wheel-soil interaction models cannot be used for

such terrain types. Thus, rolling resistance cannot be derived from the models
and must be estimated as the robot moves. Our approach introduces a closed-
loop controller for estimating rolling resistance and minimizing wheel slip. It is
depicted in Fig. 4.10

Vd + Model & s Terrain

PID Optimization
− N
Mc Mo Mr
Mw +
Distribution +

Vd desired rover velocity Mo optimal torques

Vr measured rover velocity N normal forces
Mr rolling resistance torque (unknown) s rover state
Mc global correction torque Mw wheel correction torques

Fig. 4.10. Rover motion control loop. The global loop is a speed-control loop whereas
the controllers for the wheels are torque controllers. The rover state vector s includes
the wheel-ground contact angles, the internal links angles and the roll and pitch angles.

The kernel of the control loop is a PID controller. It enables the estimation of
the additional torques to apply to the wheels in order to reach the rover’s desired
velocity Vd . The PID minimizes the velocity error Vd −Vr , where Vr is the rover’s
actual velocity measured using onboard sensors1. Mc is actually the estimate of

The rover velocity is estimated using the sensor fusion algorithm presented in Chapter 5.
Experimental Results 45

the global rolling resistance torque Mr , which is considered as a perturbation

by the PID controller. The rejection of the perturbation is guaranteed by the
integral term I of the PID. Because we assume that the rolling resistance is
proportional to the normal force, the additional torques to apply to each wheel
are calculated using
Mwi = · Mc (4.18)
where Ni is the normal force on wheel i and Nm the average of all the normal
forces. The derivative term D of the PID allows us to account for nonmodeled
dynamic effects and allows stabilization of the system. The same set of parame-
ters can be used for very different terrains because the stability margin offered
by such a system is large: the ratio between the rover’s inertia and the motor
torques is high. Furthermore, we are more interested in minimizing slip than in
reaching the desired velocity very precisely. For locomotion in rough terrain, a
residual velocity error is accepted as long as slip is minimized.

4.4 Experimental Results

A simulation phase tested the algorithms to verify the theoretical concepts and
assumptions. The simulation parameters were set as close as possible to the real
operational conditions. However, the intent was not to get exact outputs, but to
compare different control strategies.

4.4.1 Simulation Tools

Simulations were realized with the Open Dynamics Engine [4]. This open-source
library simulates rigid body dynamics in three dimensions. It has advanced joint
types and integrates collision-detection with friction. The source code is avail-
able, so it is possible to integrate more sophisticated simulation models such as
rolling resistance, friction in the joints, etc. In this application, a rolling resis-
tance proportional to the normal force on the wheel has been implemented.
The simulation tools allow testing and comparison of different traction control
strategies. In our experiments, wheel slip is taken as the main benchmark and
the performance of our controller (predictive control) is compared to the con-
troller presented in [13] (reactive control). As discussed above, the reactive con-
troller implements speed controllers for the wheels, whereas wheel torques are
controlled in the predictive approach.

Wheel Slip Definition

The slip of wheel i at time step k is computed using

sik = Δw(k−1,k)
− Δθ(k−1,k)
·R (4.19)
46 Control in Rough-Terrain

i i
where Δw(k−1,k) is the true wheel displacement, Δθ(k−1,k) the angular change
and R the wheel radius. The total slip of the rover integrated during an experi-
ment is defined as
S= sik (4.20)
k i=1

Wheel-Ground Contact Angle Estimation

The body collision algorithm of ODE provides n contact points around the wheel
together with the forces at those points. These data are similar to those measured
using a tactile wheel (the wheel deflection is a function of the applied force) and
the same method as presented in Sect. 4.5 is applied to compute the contact
angle. In some rare cases, no contact point is provided by ODE at a given
time step k. Either the wheel does not touch the ground, or the body collision
algorithm fails to compute contact between the wheel and the ground (modeled
as a 3D mesh). In this situation, the previous contact angle at time k − 1 is
considered (we assume slow motion and a short simulation period of 10 ms).

4.4.2 Experiments
We set the nominal rover speed for all the simulations to 0.1 m/s and the fric-
tion coefficient to 0.6. Different terrain shapes such as depicted in Figs. 4.11 and
Fig. 4.12 were generated to perform the experiments in a wide range of condi-
tions. The terrain of Fig. 4.11 is a simple 2D profile (in the plane x-z), whereas

CoG trajectory (Experiment 1)

Terrain profile
0.8 CoG trajectory
Terrain height/ CoG trajectory [m]








0 0.5 1 1.5 2
x [m]

Fig. 4.11. Trajectory of the center of gravity and terrain profile for experiment 1. This
kind of terrain is difficult for a wheeled rover because it comprises sharp edges.
Experimental Results 47

Fig. 4.12. Terrain for experiment 2. This kind of terrain is challenging for a wheeled
rover because much side slip occurs.

the terrain of Fig. 4.12 is a full 3D mesh. The latter was generated randomly
using step, sinusoidal, circle and particle deposition functions.
Because both controllers behave differently in a given situation, the trajec-
tories of the rover can differ significantly. Indeed, the slip of the wheels is not
the same for both controllers, and this can cause the rover to take different
routes. To allow performance comparison, we consider an experiment as valid if
the distance between the final positions of both paths is smaller than a certain
threshold (for a path length of about 3.5 m). A distance threshold of 0.1 m is
small enough to consider the routes as similar.
For all the valid experiments, predictive control showed better performance
than reactive control. In some cases, the rover was unable to even climb some
obstacles and to reach the final position when driven using the reactive approach.
The results for the two examples are presented in Table 4.1. It can be seen that
the integrated wheel slip is smaller if predictive control is used.
All the results obtained during the experiments are similar to the one depicted
in Figs. 4.13 and 4.14. On flat terrain the performance of both controllers are
identical and wheel slip is zero. As soon as bumps and slopes are introduced, the
instantaneous slip for each wheel is reduced when using predictive control: the

Table 4.1. Integrated wheel slip S

Experiment Predictive control Reactive control Improvement vs reactive control

1 S = 0.32 m S = 0.48 m 20%
2 S = 0.61 m S = 0.86 m 16%
48 Control in Rough-Terrain

Wheel slip (Experiment 1)

Rear wheel slip (spd) 1
Rear wheel slip (trq) 2 3
Rover total slip (spd, scaled) 3
Rover total slip (trq, scaled) 4
(scale factor 500) 4
Wheel slip [m]

1, 3 reactive
2, 4 predictive

2 1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
x [m]

Fig. 4.13. Total slip and rear-wheel slip for experiment 1 (total slip is scaled by a
factor of 500). Locally, wheel slip can be bigger with predictive control but the total
slip remains always smaller: 20% better than reactive control.

Wheel slip (Experiment 2)

Front wheel slip (spd) 1
Front wheel slip (trq) 2 3
Rover total slip (spd, scaled) 3
Rover total slip (trq, scaled) 4
(scale factor 800) 4
Wheel slip [m]

1, 3 reactive
2, 4 predictive


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
x [m]

Fig. 4.14. Total slip and front wheel slip for experiment 2 (total slip is scaled by a
factor of 800). The difference gets bigger as the rover encounters rough terrain. At the
end of the experiment, the predictive controller performs 16% better than the reactive
Wheel-Ground Contact Angles 49

peaks are at the same places for both controllers, but the amplitude is smaller for
the predictive controller. That means that when a wheel slips at a given place, it
slips less when predictive control is used. This major behavior can be observed
in Figs. 4.13 and 4.14 when looking closely at curves 1 and 2. The peaks may not
be aligned but that is mainly due to slight differences in the trajectories. The
improvement is difficult to quantify because it strongly depends on the kind of
terrain. However, because this behavior has been observed systematically for all
the experiments we performed, it validates the benefit of using a predictive con-
troller. As noted above, the focus was on the comparison of the two controllers,
not on the absolute figures.
Another important result of the simulations is that they allowed us to test the
approach against violations of the strong assumptions that were made during
the development of the controller, i.e., the wheels always have ground contact,
there is no slip and there is no dynamic effect. During the experiments, these
assumptions were all violated but no instability was observed and the controller
performed well in all the tested configurations.
Finally, the simulations showed good results and promising perspectives. Fur-
thermore, they allowed us to detect potential problems and address implemen-
tation details, bringing us a step closer to the real application.

4.5 Wheel-Ground Contact Angles

The contact angles between the wheels and the ground are key parameters re-
quired for traction optimization algorithms. There are different ways of deter-
mining these angles. The method presented in Chapter 3 and the one described
in [34] are similar because they both consider the displacement and velocity of
each wheel for computing the contact angles. The accuracy of the estimation
provided by such methods strongly depends on wheel slip and terrain profile. In
particular, no estimation can be computed when the rover is at stand-still and
poor results are obtained in slowly changing terrain profiles. In [54] the informa-
tion of the global rover motion is used to estimate the contact angles, limiting
the sensitivity to individual wheel slip.
All these approaches assume no slip or account for an accurate velocity esti-
mation. Therefore, they are all subject to the “chicken and egg” problem, i.e.,
wrong wheel-ground contact angles lead to unadapted motor commands, which
cause more wheel slip that generates bad angle estimations. Thus, direct mea-
surement of wheel-ground contact angles is preferred because it is independent
of the terrain characteristics and guarantees the system stability. The contact
angles can be obtained by measuring the forces acting on the wheels. This can
be done using flexible wheels equipped with sensors measuring deflection or by
equipping the wheel hub with torque and force sensors. Such approaches have
the advantage of providing the contact points for static conditions as well. An
example of a tactile wheel is depicted in Fig. 4.15 and more information can be
found in [43].
50 Control in Rough-Terrain

(a) (b)

Fig. 4.15. The tactile wheel (developed at EPFL by Michel Lauria). (a) Sixteen
infrared proximity sensors measure the tire deflection all around the wheel; (b) picture
of the front wheel of the robot Octopus, equipped with tactile wheels.

With such a wheel, the contact angle is estimated simply using a weighted
mean of the proximity sensor signals. In this way a smooth transition of the
measured angle is obtained even when sharp slope changes are encountered. In
Fig. 4.15b, the force on the tire is transferred from vertical to horizonal as the
wheel climbs the step in a continuous manner. The weighted mean translates
this behavior in the wheel-ground contact estimation. There are at least two
other advantages of including deflection sensors in the wheels:

• improvement of the 3D-Odometry accuracy: a) a direct measurement pro-

vides better estimates of the contact angles; b) the sensors measure the ef-
fective wheel radii, which are required inputs for 3D-Odometry
• improvement of the controller performance: the deflection of the wheel at a
given contact point is an image of the applied force at that point. This infor-
mation can be incorporated in the model in order to improve the estimates
of the normal forces, which are used in 4.18

4.6 Summary

Most of the physics-based control approaches to slip-minimization rely on the

knowledge of a specific wheel-soil interaction model. However, in a real applica-
tion, the model parameters are unknown because the rover is subject to deal with
different types of soil such as sand, rocks, gravel or grass. An error in the model
parameters has a negative, possibly catastrophic impact on the performance of
the controller.
In this chapter, a quasi-static model of a six-wheeled rover together with an
optimization method to minimize slip has been presented. Unlike other control
Summary 51

strategies, the proposed method does not require the use of soil models, instead
it estimates the rolling resistance as the robot moves. As a consequence, the
rover is able to operate on different types of soil, which is the main requirement
for exploration missions. Furthermore, our approach can be adapted to any kind
of wheeled rover and the needed processing power remains low, which enables
online computation. The simulations showed that such a controller performs
better than a reactive controller and that the system is mature enough to be
implemented on the rover for real experiments.
Another interesting aspect of our controller is that the normal forces are
explicitly computed and can be used to estimate a slip probability for each
wheel: the less pressure on the wheel, the more likely the wheel is to slip. The
slip probability can then be propagated through the 3D-Odometry equations to
finally obtain the covariance matrix for the robot’s displacement. This covariance
is valuable information for probabilistic multi-sensor fusion that is presented in
the next chapter.
5 Position Tracking in Rough-Terrain

As explained in the introduction, accurate pose tracking is essential for applica-

tions where no absolute positioning means is available for extended periods of
time. Such conditions hold for underground mining vehicles and planetary explo-
ration rovers, for example. That kind of environment is a challenge for position
tracking because of the roughness of the encountered terrain. Indeed, the vi-
brations, the high-amplitude orientation changes and wheel slip have a negative
impact on the quality of sensor measurements and thus on sensor fusion. The
previous chapters presented the different actions that have been taken to increase
measurement quality. Chapter 2 introduced a platform leading to smooth mo-
tion across obstacles. That way, both the vibrations and wheel slip are limited.
Then, Chapter 3 and 4 presented two complementary approaches for increasing
the accuracy of the odometry. The smoother motion and increased accuracy of
the odometry enable sensor fusion in favorable conditions.
The intent of this chapter is to develop a method for combining different
sources of information to estimate the six degrees of freedom of a rough-terrain
rover. The approach, based on an extended information filter, is presented in
Sect. 5.3. Section 5.1 gives a survey of the sensors that can be used in rough
terrain and section 5.2 presents the problem of having sensors distributed at
different places on the rover. Finally, Sect. 5.4 presents the experimental results,
validating the theory.

5.1 Sensor Selection for Motion Perception

The aim of this section is to give a survey of sensors that can be used for position
tracking and emphasize the difficulties of motion perception in unstructured
outdoor environments.
The family of 1D/2D distance sensors such as ultrasound and 2D laser scan-
ners are commonly used indoors (structured environments), but are not well
adapted for outdoors (unstructured environments). In structured environments,
it is generally assumed that a rover moves on flat ground and that its working
space is delimited by walls, perpendicular to the ground. This strong assumption

P. Lamon: 3D-Position Track. & Cntrl. for All-Terrain Robots, STAR 43, pp. 53–79, 2008.
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008
54 Position Tracking in Rough-Terrain

allows using a simple world representation, and distance information is used to

localize the rover. Simple features such as corners, lines and segments are ex-
tracted from raw data and are relevant enough for localization [66, 8]. When
dealing with unstructured environments (3D world), these sensors do not pro-
vide enough information and the interpretation of their measurements is tedious
because of the lack of a priori knowledge.
Monocular vision (a single camera) provides a lot of information and covers a
large field-of-view: from very close distances to the horizon (this is not the case
for distance sensors, which are limited to a predefined range). Many applications
use monocular vision as a source of information for position tracking. When
combined with a panoramic mirror, e.g., parabolic or equiangular, the field-of-
view of a camera is extended to 360◦ . Such a panoramic vision system is used
in [62] for tracking the six degrees of freedom of a robotic platform. In [23], the
skylines extracted from panoramic views are used to localize a mobile robot,
provided a topographic map is available. However, monocular vision provides
only scaleless motion information. This information has to be completed with
metric data to obtain metric estimations.
Range imagers such as stereovision are valuable sensors for outdoor applica-
tions. For example, the MER rovers are equipped with two stereovision systems
that are used for terrain traversability analysis and visual odometry [27, 22]. The
principle of visual odometry is to compute an estimate of the robot’s motion on
the base of a set of 3D point-to-point matches (see Appendix D). However, the
use of stereovision has some limitations: it works well only in textured environ-
ments, its range is limited and the images can be affected by bad illumination
conditions, leading to poor visual odometry estimations.
Odometry based on wheel encoders is a well-known technique for motion
estimation. In Chapter 3, it has been shown that odometry can be used on uneven
terrains if the mechanical structure of the rover is adapted. However, because
of wheel slip, the position estimation error can grow quickly and this technique
cannot be used as the only means to track a rover’s position.
The inertial sensors measure the accelerations and rotation rates of a body on
which they are mounted. Thus, the 3D position and the orientation of a rover
can be tracked by performing the double integration of the accelerations and
the single integration of the angular rates. In the presence of a known gravity
field, the attitude angles of the rover, i.e., roll and pitch, can be estimated in an
absolute manner. However, the pose estimation and the heading diverge quickly
because the signals are affected by biases and scaling errors that are integrated
over time. Thus, such sensors cannot be used alone to estimate motion and have
to be combined with other sensors to limit drift.
Heading sensors such as compasses are of high interest because they provide
absolute heading information and therefore are not subject to drift. However,
the magnetic field is generally not homogeneous, or even usable on the surface
of Mars. Sun sensors and star sensors use the sun and the stars, respectively, as
absolute references (the design of a sun sensor is presented in [67]). Both provide
Sensor Selection for Motion Perception 55

absolute heading, and the star sensors also provide latitude and longitude. These
sensors can only be used when the rover is perfectly still, and require good
meteorological conditions. Furthermore, a sun sensor can be utilized only during
the day, whereas the measurements of a star sensor are only available during the
night. However, they are of high interest for global re-localization: the absolute
position acquired by a star sensor during the night can be used to relocate the
rover globally after a long traverse. Thus, three conclusions can be drawn from
the above discussion:
1. No single sensor can provide all the required information. All have their own
drawbacks and advantages. In general, the value of the provided information
is inversely proportional to the sampling rate, e.g., an inertial measurement
unit can provide data at 100 Hz but the heading estimation diverges quickly,
whereas a sun sensor provides absolute heading but requires the rover to
remain at rest over a longer measurement time.
2. Since the data provided by absolute sensors contain no drift, they have more
value than those acquired using dead reckoning sensors.
3. Because a small angle error (e.g., heading error) leads to a large position
error, it is more important to have precise information about angles than
about distances.

These conclusions enforce the fact that the use of complementary sensors is re-
quired for robust position tracking. In this chapter, we use three different sources
of information for sensor fusion, though our approach can be easily extended to
more sources:
• Wheel encoders: as discussed in Chapter 3, odometry can be used to predict
the robot’s displacement and a reasonably accurate motion estimation can be
obtained in rough terrain. Moreover, Chapter 4 proposes an algorithm to limit
wheel slip and enhance the accuracy of odometry. This motion estimation
technique provides data at a relatively high rate (10 Hz).
• IMU: an inertial measurement unit enables the direct measurement of sys-
tem dynamics. When a gravity field is present, the attitude can be estimated
without any drift, which is very valuable information. Furthermore, the mea-
surements are available at a high frequency (75 Hz).
• Stereovision: a method similar to [48, 53] is used to estimate the six degrees
of freedom of the rover. Instead of using pixel tracking, interest points are
extracted for each frame and are matched using the algorithm presented in
[35, 36]. This technique, called Visual Motion Estimation (VME), usually
provides better pose estimation than the other sensors but at a much lower
rate (0.5 Hz).
For this research, absolute sensors such as GPS have not been considered
because the rover is supposed to track its position in an unknown environment
without the help of any artificial beacons (e.g., exploration of Mars).
56 Position Tracking in Rough-Terrain

5.2 Uncertainties Propagation

A mobile robot is equipped with several sensors positioned at different places
on its chassis. In order to enable sensor fusion, a common reference frame must
be chosen. Then, the position of each sensor has to be expressed in this same
coordinate system. The following sections develop the equations for propagating
the uncertainties associated with the sensors’ measurements (incremental motion
information) through coordinate system transformations.

5.2.1 Coordinate Systems and Transformations

The position of a sensor S is expressed by a homogeneous transformation matrix
⎡ ⎤
cθcψ −cφsψ + sφsθcψ sφsψ + cφsθcψ xt
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ cθsψ cφcψ + sφsθsψ −sφcψ + cφsθsψ yt ⎥
H =⎢ ⎢

⎥ (5.1)
⎢ −sθ sφcθ cφcθ zt ⎥
⎣ ⎦
0 0 0 1

where s and c denote, respectively, the sin(.) and cos(.) functions. Such a matrix
includes both rotation and translation in three dimensions. The rotation is a
three by three direction cosine matrix expressed in terms of the angles φ, θ, ψ and
the components of the translation are xt , yt and zt . Thus, such a transformation
is parametrized by six parameters that are the six degrees of freedom of a body in
a 3D space. It is interesting to note that a homogeneous matrix can also be used
to describe incremental motion (in a time interval t, t + 1) or even to describe
the robot’s pose as illustrated in Fig. 5.1. Between times t and t + 1, the sensor
moves from point S to S  . The 3D transformation reflecting the sensor motion
is given by HS  S . Thus, the six parameters defining HS  S include all the motion
information between t and t + 1 (expressed in the sensor frame). We define pS ,
the vector of the parameters defining HS  S
pS = φS θS ψS xS yS zS (5.2)

As explained at the beginning of this section, we need to express this trans-

formation in a common coordinate system, which in our case is the coordinate
system linked to the robot’s body (Rxr yr zr ). In other words, we need to com-
pute the motion of the robot’s center R, i.e. HR R . Considering that the position
of the sensor relative to the robot’s frame remains constant (HSR = HS  R ), one
can write
xR = HSR HS  S xs = HR R HSR xs (5.3)
where xs is a point in the sensor frame at time t + 1 and xR its coordinates in
the robot’s frame at time t. Using 5.3, the motion of the robot expressed in the
robot’s coordinate system is given by
HR R = HSR HS  S HSR (5.4)
Uncertainties Propagation 57

t+1 t

xs zr
R’ xr




Fig. 5.1. Transformations between the different coordinate systems. W, R and S are,
respectively, the centers of the coordinate systems associated with the World, the Robot
and the Sensor. The homogeneous matrix Hij allows the transformation of coordinates
expressed in the reference frame i into that of frame j. “Prime” signs added to variable
names (e.g., p ) denote values related to time-step t + 1.

and the corresponding parameters vector is defined as

pR = φR θR ψR xR yR zR (5.5)

Using a similar approach, the pose of the robot at time t + 1, expressed in the
world coordinates system, is given by

HR W = HRW HR R (5.6)

Finally, we define pW and pW as the parameters vectors of HRW and HR W
pW = φW θW ψW xW yW zW (5.7)
pW = φW θW
ψW xW yW
zW (5.8)

5.2.2 Error Propagation

For sensor fusion, we need to assess how the uncertainties associated with the sen-
sor measurement pS propagate1 through the coordinate system transformation
An introduction to error propagation is given in [8, 49].
58 Position Tracking in Rough-Terrain

HR R . The uncertainties associated with the transformation HSR are neglected
because HSR can be calibrated accurately. In the latter, we define CS and CR
as the covariance matrices associated with the vectors pS and pR respectively.
In order to propagate these covariances, the function q, expressing pR as a func-
tion of pS has to be derived. q is determined using 5.4 and the properties of the
homogeneous transformation matrices

q0 (pS ) = arctan(HR R (3, 2)/HR R (3, 3)) = φR

q1 (pS ) = arcsin(−HR R (3, 1)) = θR
q2 (pS ) = arctan(HR R (2, 1)/HR R (1, 1)) = ψR
q3 (pS ) = HR R (4, 1) = xR
q4 (pS ) = HR R (4, 2) = yR
q5 (pS ) = HR R (4, 3) = zR

Then the covariance matrix associated with pR is given by

CR = JS CS JST with JS = (5.10)
Now, we are interested in computing the uncertainty associated with the
robot’s pose at time t + 1. For that, we need to combine the uncertainty of the
pose at time t and the uncertainty associated with the incremental motion pR .
The function q  (a set of six functions), expressing pW as a function of pW and
pR is obtained using 5.6 and the properties of the homogeneous transformation
q0 (pW , pR ) = arctan(HR W (3, 2)/HR W (3, 3)) = φW 
q1 (pW , pR ) = arcsin(−HR W (3, 1)) = θW 
q2 (pW , pR ) = arctan(HR W (2, 1)/HR W (1, 1)) = ψW 
q3 (pW , pR ) = HR W (4, 1) = xW 
q4 (pW , pR ) = HR W (4, 2) = yW 
q5 (pW , pR ) = HR W (4, 3) = zW 

Finally, the covariance matrix of the pose at time t + 1 is given by

t+1 T t T
CW = JR CR JR + JW CW JW (5.12)
where CW is the covariance matrix associated with pW and

∂q  ∂q 
JR = JW = (5.13)
∂pR ∂pW

5.3 Sensor Fusion

Probabilistic data fusion is the most-used method for combining uncertain in-
formation. All the probabilistic filters such as the Hidden Markov Models, the
Sensor Fusion 59

Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes, or the Kalman filter are derived
from the Bayes rule and provide a framework to fuse uncertain data [10]. The
choice of one or another depends on the application. For continuous state spaces,
the Kalman filter is the preferred choice for sensor fusion. Even if this method can
be applied to fuse the measurements acquired by any number of sensors, most of
the applications found in the literature generally use only two sensors. The most
commonly used pairs are: odometry/laser scanner, odometry/inertial measure-
ment unit [19], inertial measurement unit/vision [63, 56, 71], compass/inertial
measurement unit [55], inertial/GPS [51], etc. Furthermore, even for rough ter-
rain rovers, only the 2D case (x, y, ψ) is generally considered.
In this section, a method to estimate the six degrees of freedom of the rover
(i.e. x, y, z, φ, θ, ψ) using the measurements of three different sensors is presented.
Its principle is presented in Fig. 5.2. Our approach uses an extended information
filter (EIF) to combine the information acquired by the sensors. This formulation
of the Kalman filter has very interesting features: its mathematical expression is
well suited to implement a distributed sensor fusion scheme and allows for easy
extension of the system in order to accommodate any number of sensors, of any
kind [49]. In this application, the observation and transition equations are not
linear and a nonlinear information filter is required. The observation equation
assumes additive zero mean Gaussian noise and is written
zj (k) = hj [k, x(k)] + νj (k) (5.14)
where zj is the measurement vector of sensor j and hj the non-linear observation
model transforming the state vector x(k) from the state space to the observation
space. We define the measurement covariance matrix as being the expectation of
the measurement noise: Rj = E νj νjT . Similarly, the nonlinear state transition
equation can be written as
x(k) = f [k, x(k − 1)] + ω(k) (5.15)
where f is the non-linear state transition model describing the transition of the
state from one time-step to another as a nonlinear function of the state. The
covariance matrix of the state transition is defined as Q = E w wT . The first
order nonlinear information filter is similar to the linear information filter if the
following substitutions are made
∇x hj [k, x̂(k)] ≡ Hj (k) (5.16)

∇x f [k, x̂(k)] ≡ F (k) (5.17)

For the information filter, the information state vector y and the information
matrix, which is the inverse of the covariance matrix P , are updated according
ŷ(k|k) = ŷ(k|k − 1) + HjT (k)Rj−1 (k)zj (k) = P −1 (k|k) x̂(k|k) (5.18)

P −1 (k|k) = P −1 (k|k − 1) + HjT (k)Rj−1 Hj (k) (5.19)

60 Position Tracking in Rough-Terrain

Next step

State Prediction State Update

inc Hinc Rinc 3D−ODO

Hodo Rodo

imu Himu Rimu

VME Hvme Rvme

Fig. 5.2. Sensor fusion scheme. The Inertial Sensor (IS) is divided into two logical
sensors: an inclinometer (inc) and an inertial measurement unit (imu).

with S = {imu, inc, odo, vme} as the set of sensors and z (k) = z(k) for the linear
filter, otherwise

z j (k) = zj (k)− (hj [k, x̂(k|k − 1)] − ∇x hj [k, x̂(k|k − 1)] x̂(k|k − 1)) (5.20)

The covariance matrix and the information vector are predicted as

P (k|k − 1) = F (k)P (k − 1|k − 1)F T (k) + Q(k) (5.21)

ŷ(k|k − 1) = P (k|k − 1)F (k)P (k − 1|k − 1)ŷ(k − 1|k − 1) (5.22)

Finally, the state vector may be obtained from

x̂(k|k) = P (k|k) ŷ(k|k) (5.23)

It is interesting to note that a sensor j can be easily incorporated in the

sensor fusion process if the observation model hj , the covariance Rj and the
measurement vector zj are provided. With the information filter, the update
stage is additive. The update of the information vector and the information ma-
trix takes the form of the simple equations 5.18 and 5.19 that can be interpreted
this way: the information at time k is equal to the information at time k − 1
plus the total amount of the information provided by the sensors.

5.3.1 Sensor Models

To implement such a filter, the relationship between the measurement vectors
and the state vector has to be determined for all the sensors. The measurement
models hj together with their linear matrix form Hj are presented in this section
whereas the methodology for setting up the covariance matrices Rj is discussed
in the experimental results section. Indeed, the values in Rj are specific to the
Sensor Fusion 61

sensors used in the experiments. The measurement vectors and matrices for all
the sensors are defined in Fig. 5.2.

Inertial Measurement Unit Model

The position, velocity and attitude can be computed by integrating the mea-
surement acquired by the IMU, that is

zimu = ẍ ÿ z̈ ωx ωy ωz (5.24)

However, the accelerometers and gyroscopes are influenced by bias errors.

Even if these offsets are small they will cause an unbounded growth in the error of
integrated measurements. The velocity and the angles error grow proportionally
over time and the position error to the square of time. To limit the drift, these
biases are introduced in the state vector for being estimated by the filter. The
accelerometers are thus modeled as
⎡ ⎤z ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
ẍ ẍ bax
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ÿ ⎥ = ΓW R ⎢ ÿ ⎥ + ⎢ bay ⎥ + va (5.25)
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
z̈ z̈ baz

and the gyroscopes as

⎡ ⎤z ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
ωx ωx bωx
⎣ ⎦ =⎣ ⎦+⎣ ⎦ + vω (5.26)
ωy ωy bωy

ωzz = (1 + Δωz ) [ωz + bωz ] + vωz (5.27)

ΓW R is the direct cosine rotation matrix that transforms values expressed
in the world-fixed coordinate system W into the robot’s coordinate system R.
This matrix is a function of the angles φ (roll), θ (pitch) and ψ (yaw). The b’s
and v’s are the biases and the measurement noises of the signals, respectively.
Unlike roll and pitch, the heading of the rover is not periodically updated with
absolute data. Therefore, in order to limit error propagation, a special provision
is included in the z-gyroscope model: a more accurate modeling, incorporating
the scaling error Δωz . Equations 5.25 and 5.26 are nonlinear and the first order
Taylor expansion is used to obtain the linearized equations
⎡ ⎤z ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
ẍ ẍ φ bax
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ÿ ⎥ = Γ̄W R ⎢ ÿ ⎥ + ∇ Γ̄W R ā ⎢ θ ⎥ + ⎢ bay ⎥ + νa (5.28)
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
z̈ z̈ ψ baz
¯ ÿ¯ z̈¯ − g
with ā = ẍ
62 Position Tracking in Rough-Terrain

ωzz = (1 + Δ̄ωz ) ωz + (1 + Δ̄ωz ) bωz + (ω̄z + b̄ωz ) Δωz + νωz (5.29)

where the bars denote operating point values and g is the gravitational constant,
which has to be removed before integrating the accelerations. Then, the matrix
Himu can be constructed using 5.26, 5.28 and 5.29 (the detailed linearized equa-
tions for the IMU are developed in Appendix B). Hinc is the identity matrix
because the inclinometer directly measures φ and θ (the attitude of the robot).
Because the IMU is not placed exactly at the center of the robot, it is subject
to centripetal accelerations due to the angular velocities. These perturbations
have to be subtracted from the measurements in order to consider the accelera-
tions related to the center of the robot, which is used as the reference point by
all sensors. The centripetal perturbation ci for each accelerometer is given by
ci = ω × (ω × ri ) + ω̇ × ri (5.30)
with ω = ωx ωy ωz and i ∈ {x, y, z}
where ri is the position of each accelerometer i with respect to the robot’s center.

3D-Odometry Measurement Model

The robot used for this research is a partially skid-steered rover and the natural
and controlled motion is mainly in the forward direction. Thus, the motion
estimation errors due to wheel slip and wheel diameter variations have much
more effect in the x-z plane of the rover than along the lateral direction y.
Therefore, scaling errors (Δox and Δoz ) modeling wheel slip and wheel diameter
change are introduced only for the x and z-axes.
3D-Odometry provides an incremental measurement of the rover’s motion
between time t and t + 1: podo dox doy doz doψ (expressed in the robot’s
coordinate system). Thus, the corresponding transformation matrix HR R (see
Fig. 5.1) is obtained by making the following substitution in 5.1
xt = (1 + Δox )dox yt = doy zt = (1 + Δoz )doz
φ=0 θ=0 ψ = doψ
We set the roll and pitch increments to zero because the information about
these angles is not explicitly provided by odometry. As the odometry is updated
at a relatively high rate, we can consider the small angles approximation. Thus,
setting these angles to zero has minimal impact on the incremental motion error.
The position in the world coordinate system is computed with 5.6, using the
robot pose at time t and the incremental motion HR R . Finally, 5.11 is used to find
the relations between the state vector and the measurement vector. These expres-
sions are not linear and the Jacobian has to be developed to finally obtain Hodo .

VME Measurement Model

VME estimates the incremental camera motion between two stereo pairs acquisi-
tions, i.e., pvme = dvx dvy dvz dvφ dvθ dvψ . This transformation, expressed
Sensor Fusion 63

in the camera coordinate system, is first converted into the robot’s coordinate
system using 5.4. Then the same method as presented in the previous section is
applied to derive Hvme .

5.3.2 State Prediction Model

The state prediction model determines the transition of the state vector from
one time-step to another. In our case, it has the following form
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
xx Fx xx wx
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ xy ⎥ ⎢ Fy ··· 0 ⎥ ⎢ xy ⎥ ⎢ wy ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ xz ⎥ ⎢ Fz ⎥ ⎢ xz ⎥ ⎢ wz ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ .. .. ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ xba ⎥ =⎢ . F . ⎥ ⎢ x ⎥ + ⎢ w ⎥ (5.32)
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ba ⎥⎢ ba
⎥ ⎢ ba

⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ xω ⎥ ⎢ Fω ⎥ ⎢ xω ⎥ ⎢ wω ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ xbω ⎥ ⎢ 0 · · · F ⎥ ⎢ x ⎥ ⎢ w ⎥
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ bω ⎦⎣ bω
⎦ ⎣ bω

xΔ FΔ xΔ wΔ
k+1 k k


x = [ xx xy xz xba xω xbω xΔ ]T

= [ ẍ ẋ x ÿ ẏ y z̈ ż z bax bay baz ωx φ ωy θ ωz ψ bωx bωy bωz Δωz Δox Δoz ]T

The angular rates, biases, scaling errors and accelerations are random pro-
cesses that are affected by the motion commands of the rover, time and other
unmodeled parameters. However, they cannot be considered as pure white noise
exclusively because they are highly time-correlated. In order to illustrate this
statement, let us assume that the rover is subject to an acceleration of 2g at
time t. At time t + 1, the acceleration cannot reach −2g because the rover has a
certain inertia and the elapsed time between t and t + 1 is short. Thus, these sig-
nals are time-correlated and cannot be considered as white noise. Instead, they
can be modeled as first order Gauss–Markov processes2 whose auto-correlation
function is
Rp (t) = σ 2 e−τ |t| (5.33)
where 1/τ is the time constant defining the correlation time and σ 2 is the variance
of the process. Such a process can also be considered as a low pass filter, with τ

The detailed derivation of the equations related to the first and second integral of
a Gauss–Markov process is presented in Appendix C. In particular, the covariance
matrix associated with such a process is developed.
64 Position Tracking in Rough-Terrain

being the time constant. The discrete differential equations of the first and second
integral of such a process are computed using the inverse Laplace operator
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
p1 e−τ h 00 p1 p
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 1⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ p2 ⎥ =⎢ (1 − e−τ h )/τ 1 0 ⎥ ⎢ p2 ⎥ = Φ(τ, h) ⎢ p2 ⎥ (5.34)
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
−τ h
p3 (τ h − 1 + e 2
)/τ h 1 p3 p3
k+1 k k

where p2 and p3 are, respectively, the first and second integral of the Gauss–
Markov process p1 , and h is the sampling time. It is interesting to note that if τ
tends toward zero, and if p1 corresponds to an acceleration, then 5.34 is written
as ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤
ẍ 1 00 ẍ
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥
⎢ ẋ ⎥ = ⎢ h 1 0 ⎥ ⎢ ẋ ⎥ (5.35)
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦⎣ ⎦
x h2 /2 h 1 x
k+1 k

This corresponds to the well-known set of equations that represents uniformly-

accelerated motion. Thus, the state propagation along x between k and k +
1 is nothing more than an accelerated motion using the best estimate of the
acceleration at time step k. The transition matrices for xx , yy and zz can thus
be written as

Fx = Φ(τx , h) Fy = Φ(τy , h) Fz = Φ(τz , h) (5.36)

The biases and scaling factors are simply propagated through a low-pass filter
Fba = diag(e−τbax , e−τbay , e−τbaz )

Fbω = diag(e−τbωx , e−τbωy , e−τbωz ) (5.37)

FΔ = diag(e−τΔωz , e−τΔox , e−τΔoz )

where diag(a, b, c) refers to a diagonal matrix composed of the elements a, b and
c. The covariance matrix Qp associated with a Gauss–Markov process and its
integral terms are derived by computing the individual expectations E {pi pj }
with i, j = 1 . . . 3. Thus, because the accelerations, biases and scaling errors are
modeled as Gauss–Markov processes, one can write

Qx = E wx wxT Qy = E wy wyT Qz = E wz wzT (5.38)

Qba = E wba wba Qbω = E wbω wbω QΔ = E wΔ wΔ (5.39)

The derivation of Fω is more tedious because the dynamics of xω is nonlinear.

Furthermore, the small-angle approximation cannot be made because the robot
Experimental Results 65

moves on rough terrain, where angular variations can be of high amplitude.

Equation 5.40 describes the nonlinear state transition of xω

ωxk+1 = ωxk e−τωx h ωyk+1 = ωyk e−τωy h ωzk+1 = ωzk e−τωz h

φk+1 = q1 (xω ) = φk + h((ωy sin φ + ωz cos φ) tan θ + ωx )

θk+1 = q2 (xω ) = θk + h(ωy cos φ − ωz sin φ)

ψk+1 = q3 (xω ) = ψk + h(ωy sin φ + ωz cos φ)/ cos θ

Finally, the linearized 6x6 matrix Fω is obtained by computing the Jacobian

of the q functions (see Appendix B.2).

5.4 Experimental Results

The aim of this section is to describe the methodology used to define the state
transition matrix Q and the measurement covariance matrices Rj , and to vali-
date the theory through experiments conducted on SOLERO. In order to better
illustrate how each sensor contributes to the pose estimation and in which situ-
ation, the experiments were divided into two parts. The first part describes the
results of sensor fusion between inertial sensors and odometry only, whereas the
second part involves all three sensors, i.e., odometry, inertial sensor and visual
motion estimation.

5.4.1 Inertial Sensor and 3D-Odometry

An IMU provides direct measurements of the dynamics of a system and is self-
contained. For these reasons, it is used in many applications to estimate the
robot’s velocities and orientation. IMUs were first used in aerospace and a large
part of the literature refers to such applications, (see [65] for theory and applica-
tions). The availability of integrated low-cost and low-power solid-state sensors
enabled the usage of IMUs for ground applications such as mobile robotics.
Nevertheless, their implementation on ground vehicles is more difficult than on
aircraft because of the poor signal-to-noise ratio; the vehicles move relatively
slowly and are subject to vibrations.
Many research works are related to road vehicle applications, in which an IMU
is used to provide a higher update rate of the position between two consecutive
GPS data acquisitions. In particular, this combination of sensors is used in [73,
17] to estimate the wheel diameter changes and the vehicle sideslip. Reference
[12] shows that a low-cost IMU can improve the localization system performance
and can be applied to mobile robotics if an accurate sensor model is provided.
A method for combining data from a gyroscope and odometry is presented in
[19]. The gyroscope improves the angle estimates and thus the final position
66 Position Tracking in Rough-Terrain

estimate. The authors of [57] present interesting results for an underground

mining vehicle. They clearly show how inertial sensors can be used to correct
nonsystematic errors due to soil irregularities when fused with other sensors
such as wheel encoders and laser scanners. In [24], the authors propose to use
the nonholonomic constraints that govern the motion of a vehicle on a surface, to
align the IMU. Finally, 3D-simulation results of a sensor fusion between an IMU
and a compass are presented in [55]. The paper states that the system can be
used to localize a Mars rover prototype. Unfortunately, the position error grows
quickly when localization is done on the sole basis of acceleration and angular
velocity integration. Furthermore, a compass cannot be used on Mars because
the magnetic field is too weak.
Most of the published works involving IMU on ground vehicles present re-
sults in two dimensions and deal with the estimation of the planar position
and heading only. Furthermore, the ground is generally flat and the type of
soil is known (mostly paved road, carpet or stone). This allows relatively accu-
rate vehicle models to be developed, which yield good odometric information.
The conditions in rough terrain are more challenging and these assumptions are
not applicable. In particular, no accurate wheel-ground interaction model can
be developed and the planar assumption cannot be considered. In this section,
the experimental results show how IMU and 3D-Odometry can be combined
to provide more reliable motion estimates in three dimensions. As presented in
Sect. 5.3, the estimation loop makes use of several models: the state transition
model and the measurement models. The methodology to set their covariance
matrices is developed here.

Setting the State Transition Covariance Matrix

The parameters of the state transition covariance matrix Q are set using the
rover’s properties, experimental data and the sensors’ datasheets. The parame-
ters of the sub-matrices Qx , Qy and Qz are based on the way the rover is driven
and on the general terrain type. We assume that the robot always keeps ground
contact, that it is nonholonomic and that the attitude angles are limited to val-
ues smaller than 40◦ . As a consequence, the noise sequences of xx , xy and xz
are not independent from each other. Indeed, when the rover is accelerating in
the x-y plane, both accelerations along x and y are affected. Furthermore, the
z coordinate depends on the x and y coordinates (the robot moves in the 2.5D
space). Modeling of this cross-correlation is highly complex because it is a func-
tion of nonlinear transformations, which are in turn functions of time. However,
in order to avoid excessive complexity and benefit from a simpler filter, we have
assumed no cross-correlation between these axes.
Some simple heuristics are applied for estimating how given parameters are
related to each other and how they are expected to behave as a function of time.
For example, the bias affecting an accelerometer changes more slowly than the
acceleration itself. Finally, by increasing slightly the variances of the processes,
the filter remains consistent for a larger range of situations. Table 5.1 lists all
the parameters together with the heuristics that were used in each case. They
Experimental Results 67

Table 5.1. State transition parameters

The experiments show that the z axis is more

subject to vibration when the rover is driving.
τẍ = τÿ = 0.6 τz̈ = 0.1
Thus, it has to be filtered to a greater extent as
compared to x and y.
The acceleration along the z axis is generally
smaller than the acceleration along x and y axes
because the motors of the rover directly affect
σẍ2 = σẍ2 = 0.008 σz̈2 = 0.003
the acceleration in x and y. The acceleration
along z is only due to slope changes in the ter-
The biases change more slowly than the accel-
τbax = τbax = 0.016 τbaz = 0.002 erations, over time. Thus, their time constants
are set shorter.
These values are set being equal to the square
2 2 2 of half of the maximum biases of the accelerom-
σbax = σbay = 0.2 σbaz = 0.11
eters (2σ), the values of which are given in the
IMU datasheet.
ωz is directly governed by the command signals
τωx = τωy = 1 τωz = 3 to the rover. It is thus subject to change more
rapidly than ωx,y .
These values are set being equal to the square
2 2 2 of half the maximum biases for the gyroscopes
σbωx = σbωy= 0.0006 σbωz
= 0.012
(2σ), the values of which can be found in the
IMU datasheet.
The same reasoning used for setting the acceler-
ation biases is applicable here. According to the
τΔωz = 3 × 10−4 σΔωz
= 3 × 10−5 IMU datasheet, the scaling factor is less than
1%. So, we took the square of half of this value
to set the variance of the scaling factor.
These values were determined experimentally.
2 2
τΔox = τΔoz = 2 σΔox = σΔoz = 1 However, the filter is not very sensitive to their

might not be the optimal parameters but they have proven to give good filter

Setting Rimu , Rinc and Rodo

In order to set the uncertainty model of the IMU, the rover was driven forward
at different velocities and on different types of soil while collecting data and
computing statistics. The experiments showed that the variance of the signals
does not change significantly with change in velocity or terrain type. This can
be attributed to the passive mechanical structure of SOLERO, which allows for
filtering and smoothing of the trajectories. Thus, the worst-case set of variances
was selected to set the matrix Rimu . For the inclinometer, the variances of the
68 Position Tracking in Rough-Terrain

roll and pitch angles were set to the square of half the value given in the IMU
datasheet (2σ = 1◦ ). These values correspond to the diagonal elements of Rinc .
The uncertainty model of the odometry is difficult to assess because it depends
on the type of terrain. As it is not possible to classify all terrain types, we set the
uncertainty of the odometry as being proportional to the acceleration undergone
by the rover. Indeed, slip mostly occurs when negotiating an obstacle, while the
robot is subject to acceleration. Furthermore, at constant speed, the acceleration
is zero and does not bring much information about the rover’s motion. In this
particular case, motion estimation can only rely on odometry. For the same
reasons, the variance for the yaw angle was set proportional to the angular rate
ωz . Thus, the covariance matrix associated with 3D-Odometry is written as

kx (1 + ẍzR − gx ) 0

⎢ 0 z
ky (1 + ÿR − gy )
CR = ⎢

⎢ 0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0 ⎥
⎥ (5.41)

kz (1 + z̈R − gz ) 0 ⎥

0 kψ (1 + ω zz )

where kx , ky , kz and kψ are proportional gains and gx , gy and gz are the grav-
itational components in the rover-fixed frame. The gains are set depending on
the detected wheel slip, which is obtained using exteroceptive sensors such as vi-
sual odometry. This approach proved to work well and was validated during the
experiments. The same equations as presented in Sect. 5.2.2 are applied to prop-
agate the covariance matrix CR through the coordinate system transformation
and to finally obtain Rodo .

Experimental Validation
In order to test the position-tracking algorithm, the robot was driven across sev-
eral experimental setups for a predefined distance. For each of five test runs per
setup, the 3D-Odometry trajectory and the filtered trajectory3 were compared.
In this section, we present the results corresponding to the setup depicted in
Fig. 5.3, which is the most difficult obstacle the rover had to climb during the
The experimental setup of Fig. 5.3 is very difficult to negotiate for a wheeled
rover because of the sharp edges and the low-friction coefficient. A lot of slip oc-
curred during the step climb and the robot bounced on the ground when the rear
bogie wheels descended from the obstacle. The different events occuring during
The filtered trajectory is the trajectory estimated by the EIF filter.
Experimental Results 69

Fig. 5.3. Experimental setup along with the corresponding 3D model used to analyze
the results. The maximum height of the obstacle is 135 mm and the final height is 45 mm.

a b c d

Fig. 5.4. Accelerometers’ raw signals for a run performed on the setup depicted in
Fig. 5.3: (a) front wheels climbing; (b) rear wheels climbing; (c) front wheels descend-
ing; (d) rear wheels descending from the concrete blocks

the obstacle negotiation are easily identified when looking at the z-accelerometer
signal in Fig. 5.4.
Table 5.4.1 reports the estimation errors of the final position of the trajectories
computed with the 3D-Odometry and the filter. The third run, in bold in the
table, is used as the reference experiment for the next two figures.
70 Position Tracking in Rough-Terrain

Table 5.2. Experimental results for the setup depicted in Fig. 5.3 (in mm)

Measured 3D-Odometry Filtered

x y z x y z x y z
1020 4 45 1150 88 40 1160 17 44
1025 7 45 1149 66 40 1152 38 40
1030 5 45 1182 58 38 1184 18 45
1030 2 45 1149 31 33 1150 29 34
1025 1 45 1152 35 36 1152 16 37
Mean error 130 52 8 131 20 5

The error along the x-axis is nearly the same for both the filtered and the 3D-
Odometry trajectories. This is mainly due to the fact that there are situations
where the rover’s velocity change is not detected by the accelerometers. Such
situations occur in case of wheel slip and when the signal-to-noise ratio of the
accelerometers is poor. A typical example is when the rover starts climbing the
obstacle. In this case, a lot of wheel slip occurs and the acceleration along x
is low. Thus, less weight is given to acceleration and the filter mainly accounts
for the odometry measurements. As a consequence, the estimations of the 3D-
Odometry and the filtered one do not differ.
On the other hand, when the rover goes down the obstacle the accelerations are
significant (Fig. 5.4c and d) and the uncertainty of the odometry increases accord-
ing to 5.41. Thus, more weight is given to the acceleration measurements and this
allows for trajectory correction such as highlighted in Fig. 5.5. For all the experi-
ments the filtered final z-coordinate is always closer to the true height of 45 mm.
The error along the z-axis is only 5 mm instead of 8 mm for the 3D-Odometry.
The position error along the y-axis is mainly due to the heading (yaw) error.
Indeed, a small heading error translates into large position errors as the traveled
distance increases. The error of the heading computed with odometry is mainly
due to asymmetric wheel slip, which occurs frequently during this experiment.
The heading estimation is significantly improved when the z-gyroscope measure-
ments are integrated. These measurements contain valuable information about
the heading rate that is used to filter asymmetric slip and thus to produce better
estimates as shown in Fig. 5.6. This results in a significant reduction of the error
along the y-axis (see Table 5.4.1).
The position error in the y-z plane is plotted in Fig. 5.7. It clearly appears
that the average error of the filtered estimate is closer to the ground-truth (the
origin) than the 3D-Odometry estimate. The total error in the plane y-z is 20 mm
for the filtered and 52 mm for the 3D-Odometry. Thus, there is an improvement
of 44% when using sensor fusion.
For testing the filter in a more general case, the rover was driven several times
across the scene depicted in Fig. 5.8. Each time, the operator remote-controlled
the rover in order to close the loop. For each run, the final error of the filtered
trajectory was smaller than that estimated using odometry only. For the particular
Experimental Results 71

True final height d

Fig. 5.5. z-coordinate of the trajectory. The acceleration measurements are integrated
to correct the trajectory (circled areas). The circled areas correspond to events labeled
(c) and (d) in Fig. 5.4.

True final Yaw angle

Fig. 5.6. Yaw-angle estimate (the true final angle is close to zero). The yaw gyroscope,
measuring the angular rate around z, allows filtering asymmetric slip.

experiment of Fig. 5.8, the final error [ x , y , z , ψ ] was [0.16 m, 0.142 m, 0.014 m,
18◦ ] for 3D-Odometry and only [0.06 m, 0.029 m, 0.012 m, 1.2◦] when using sensor
72 Position Tracking in Rough-Terrain

Error in the y-z plan

-2 Average odometry
Average filtered
Error z [mm]





10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Error y [mm]

Fig. 5.7. Position error in the y-z plane. The 3D-Odometry estimates are represented
by the circles and the filtered estimates by the triangles.


Fig. 5.8. Comparison between (a) 3D-Odometry and (b) filtered trajectory. This
experiment was realized with the real rover.

The experimental results show that the inertial measurement unit helps to cor-
rect odometric errors and significantly improves the pose estimate. The main
contributions occur locally when the robot overcomes sharp-shaped obstacles
and during asymmetric wheel slip. In all the experiments, the fusion of odom-
etry and inertial sensors provided better motion estimates than that obtained
Experimental Results 73

using odometry only. The improvement brought by the sensor fusion process
becomes more and more significant as the total path length increases. In com-
parison with other works integrating inertial sensors on ground vehicles, this
work distinguishes itself with the following features:
• This work addresses the full 3D case.
• An error model for the 3D-Odometry is established based on the IMU mea-
surements according to 5.41.
• The IMU is used in rough terrain, where the signal-to-noise ratio is unfavor-
• It was shown that the integration of the accelerations can be used to correct
the robot’s position locally.

5.4.2 Enhancement with VME

In the previous section, only proprioceptive sensors were integrated to track the
robot’s position. Even if the inertial sensors complete the odometric information,
there are situations where the measurements do not provide enough information
about the rover’s motion. For example, the situation where all the wheels slip,
e.g., on ice, is not correctly handled by the filter. In this case, the acceleration
is close to zero and the filter only integrates odometric information to produce
erroneous position estimates. Thus, in order to increase the robustness of the
position tracking and to limit the error growth, it is necessary to incorporate
measurements from exteroceptive sensors. These sensors allow computing the
rover’s ego-motion by tracking features in the environment. This way, wheel slip
is detected and correctly handled by the filter.
Here we use the visual motion estimation technique presented in Appendix D
to compute the rovers’s ego-motion. This new motion information is integrated
with the filter using the scheme depicted in Fig. 5.2. The uncertainty model of
VME, presented in [36], is based on an error model of stereovision. The covariance
matrix Rvme expressed in the robot’s frame is obtained using the equations in
Sect. 5.2.

Experimental Results
One of the experimental setups used to test our position-tracking algorithm
is depicted in Fig. 5.9. The use of obstacles of known shape enables the pre-
calculation of reference trajectories (ground-truth trajectories), that are used to
assess the accuracy of our approach. The experiment consisted in driving the
rover on top of the obstacle while computing the rover’s trajectory using the
sensor fusion algorithm. A sequence of snapshots taken during the experiment
is shown in Fig. 5.10.
The graph of Fig. 5.11 plots four trajectories, i.e. 3D-Odometry, VME, Esti-
mated and the Reference trajectory. The Estimated trajectory is the result of
the sensor fusion of all three sensors. The Reference trajectory was computed
considering the kinematics of SOLERO and the geometric dimensions of the
experimental setup (the final x coordinate was hand measured). As the rover
74 Position Tracking in Rough-Terrain

(a) (b)

Fig. 5.9. Experimental setup for sensor fusion using VME, 3D-Odometry and IMU:
(a) side view; (b) image taken by the left camera of the stereovision system. The dots
represent the extracted Harris features. In comparison with a natural scene, only a few
features are detected.

Zone A Zone B

Zone C

Fig. 5.10. Trajectory of SOLERO (decomposed in three zones)

did not deviate significantly from straight motion, the computed trajectory is
considered as the ground-truth.
The graph is divided into three zones, characterizing three different phases of
the trajectory as depicted in Fig. 5.10. In zone A, the VME trajectory is very
close to the Reference trajectory, whereas the Estimated trajectory is slightly
Experimental Results 75

X-Z trajectories
3D-Odometry 2 2
Estimated 3
Reference 4 4
z [m]


Zone A Zone B Zone C


0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1
x [m]

Fig. 5.11. x-z trajectories for the experimental setup of Fig. 5.9

offset. This offset is mainly due to the great amount of wheel slip occurring
in zone A. Because the amplitude of the acceleration is low in that part of the
trajectory, the weight given to the odometry is not significantly decreased. Thus,
the integration of the odometry measurements contributes to push the Estimated
trajectory slightly away from the Reference.
In zone B, the Estimated trajectory is closer to the Reference trajectory than
VME (see Fig. 5.12). When climbing the obstacle, the motion estimates provided
by VME are less accurate because of the lower number of features matched be-
tween successive frames. The low number of matches also increases the uncer-
tainty associated with the VME estimates. This explains why the jagged steps of
the VME trajectory are not propagated to the level of the Estimated trajectory.
Zone C corresponds to the phase of the trajectory where the rear wheel passes
from the sloped surface to the top plane. This transition causes the rover to tilt
forward rapidly and thus creates a high discrepancy between two successively
acquired images. In such conditions, feature matching is more difficult and only
a few pairings are established. The worst case occurs between images number 31
and 32 where only 29 pairings are found. As a consequence, the VME provided
a very bad motion estimate with a high uncertainty (see Figs. 5.13 and 5.14). In
this case, less weight is given to VME and the sensor fusion can perfectly filter
this bad information to produce a reasonably good estimate using the odometry
and the IMU instead. Finally, the estimated final position is very close to the
measured final position. A final error of four millimeters for a trajectory longer
than one meter (0.4%) is very satisfactory, given the difficulty of the terrain
(high wheel slip and field-of-view changes).
It is interesting to analyze the plot of the variance of the estimated x coordi-
nate as a function of time. As shown in Fig. 5.15, the variance increases globally,
76 Position Tracking in Rough-Terrain

X-Z trajectories (Zone B)

0.16 3D-Odometry
0.15 Reference


z [m]





0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65
x [m]

Fig. 5.12. Enlarged view of zone B. The Estimated trajectory is closer to the Reference
trajectory than VME.

X-Z trajectories (Zone C)

0.23 Estimated

z [m]




0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 1.05 1.1
x [m]

Fig. 5.13. Enlarged view of zone C. Twenty-nine features were matched between
images 31 and 32. This yields a bad motion estimate of VME, associated with a large
uncertainty. Thanks to sensor fusion, the system successfully filtered this information
to provide a good position estimation.

as a function of time. This is because no absolute information is available to

reset the position in the global reference frame. The “saw” shape of the plot at
the global level is due to the VME updates, whereas the “saw” shape at a local
Experimental Results 77

Fig. 5.14. Variance of the motion estimations of VME along x (in meters). The uncer-
tainty increases suddenly at image 32 because only a few features were matched (only
29 pairings).

level is due to the odometry updating the position estimated on the sole base
of the IMU measurements. In other words, the motion estimates of VME have
the biggest weight, followed, respectively, by the 3D-Odometry and the IMU. In
Fig. 5.15, we can also observe the effects of the filter updates when uncertain
VME estimations are provided. When the uncertainty of VME is large (see
Fig. 5.14), the estimations have less weight and the variance along x remains high.
Such filter behaviors are expected and prove that the filter provides consistent

Note about SLAM

The visual motion estimation technique presented in this chapter enables the
computation of the incremental motion between two stereo pairs’ acquisitions.
Thus, the position error grows each time a new stereo pair is integrated. It is
possible to limit the error growth by applying the SLAM (Simultaneous Lo-
calization And Mapping) technique [7, 45]. Basically, the approach consists in
simultaneously estimating the rover’s position while creating a map, composed
of relevant features of the environment. By constantly re-observing and match-
ing the same features it is then possible to bound the position error. However,
in practice, the method is difficult to apply in rough terrain. Indeed, there is
no guarantee of constantly re-observing and matching the same features as the
robot moves. The main difficulties are related to occlusions and potentially large
field-of-view changes between two data acquisitions. Furthermore, the percep-
tion of the environment can be very different when going from position A to B
and back from B to A, thus making the problem of feature matching potentially
78 Position Tracking in Rough-Terrain

Fig. 5.15. The variance of the position estimates along the x-axis. Because no ab-
solute positioning mechanism is available to reset the position, the variance globally
increases over time. The variance significantly decreases each time a VME measure-
ment is available. At a lower level (circled ), the odometry periodically corrects the
position estimates computed using IMU measurements only.

difficult. Another limitation of SLAM is related to the memory requirement when

large areas are explored. Finally, in the context of an exploration mission such
as the MER mission, the rover does not come back to its initial position, and
thus, SLAM does not provide a bounded positioning error anyway.
In spite of all these limitations, SLAM can nevertheless be used locally to
refine the motion estimates. Indeed, even if the features are re-observed only
a few times and discarded when they disappear from the field-of-view, these
multiple observations help to limit the error growth of the position estimate.

5.5 Summary
In this chapter, a robust method for combining different sensor measurements to
track the rover’s position has been presented. The sensor fusion scheme is flex-
ible and can accommodate any number of sensors of any kind. In order to test
the approach, a set of experiments was performed. Three different types of sen-
sors were used, i.e., 3D-Odometry, inertial sensors and a visual motion estimation
Summary 79

technique based on stereovision. It turned out that the use of complementary

sensors greatly increases the robustness and accuracy of the position estimates.
This work distinguishes itself from other similar research projects in the following
• Sensor fusion is applied in rough terrain and allows tracking the rover’s po-
sition in three dimensions.
• Sensor fusion is performed with three sensor types (usually only two types
of sensors are used).
6 Conclusion

This book is about 3D position tracking and control for all-terrain robots. Its
intent is to contribute toward extending the range of possible areas a robot can
explore. The work covers a wide range of problems, from system integration
aspects up to the development of high-level control algorithms and models. It
is shown that control over both the technological and scientific aspects allows
reaching better system performance. Improvement of the accuracy of 3D position
tracking is obtained by considering rover locomotion in challenging terrains as a
holistic problem. Thus, most of the aspects having an influence on pose tracking
are addressed, i.e., mechanical design, locomotion control and sensing.
In Chapter 2, the development of a new all-terrain rover has been presented.
The platform, called SOLERO, is equipped with two computers, a stereovision
module, an omnidirectional vision system, an inertial measurement unit, numer-
ous sensors and actuators and dedicated electronics for power management. The
mechanical structure of SOLERO allows smooth motion across rough terrain
with limited wheel slip and vibration. This yields good signal-to-noise ratios for
the sensors and, in particular, enables the use of inertial sensors in rough terrain.
Thus, the intrinsic performance of such a chassis directly contributes to better
position tracking.
A method called 3D-Odometry that enables the computation of the rover’s
motion increments based on wheel encoders and chassis state sensors is presented
in Chapter 3. Because it accounts for the rover’s kinematic model, this technique
provides better motion estimates than the standard approach. The improvement
brought by 3D-Odometry becomes particularly significant when considering ob-
stacles comprising sharp edges. Another interesting feature of the approach is
that it internally computes the wheel-ground contact angles, which are required
inputs for traction control.
To further improve the accuracy of odometry, a predictive controller mini-
mizing wheel slip and maximizing traction has been developed. The approach,
presented in Chapter 4, can be applied to various types of terrain because it does
not explicitly rely on complex wheel-ground interaction models, whose param-
eters are generally unknown. Instead of a model-based approach, the controller

P. Lamon: 3D-Position Track. & Cntrl. for All-Terrain Robots, STAR 43, pp. 81–82, 2008.
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008
82 Conclusion

uses the sensing capabilities of the rover to estimate rolling resistance as the
robot moves. The approach can be adapted to any kind of passive-wheeled rover
and runs in real time.
A sensor fusion involving inertial sensors, 3D-Odometry and visual motion
estimation is presented in Chapter 5. The experiments demonstrated how each
sensor contributes to increase the accuracy and robustness of the 3D pose esti-
mation. In particular, the inertial measurement unit helps to correct odometric
errors locally, when the robot overcomes sharp-shaped obstacles and when asym-
metric wheel slip occurs. Furthermore, the use of complementary sensors allows
increasing the robustness of the tracking algorithm against sensor failure: the
rover was able to keep track of its position even in the presence of inaccurate
visual motion information.
Because position error grows as a function of the traveled distance, the benefit
of combining all these approaches increases as the rover drives longer distances.
A Kinematic and Quasi-static Model of

This appendix describes the kinematic model of SOLERO and the quasi-static
model that supports the slip minimization algorithm presented in Chapter D.

A.1 Kinematic Model

The chassis of SOLERO is composed of 18 mechanical parts that are numbered

as presented in Fig. A.1. The part number 1 is a special part that corresponds
to the ground, and thus, is not a mechanical part of SOLERO. The six wheels
are numbered as presented in Table A.1.

Table A.1. Wheel numbers and description

Wheel number Description Part number

1 Front wheel 13
2 Rear wheel 9
3 Right bogie, front wheel 2
4 Right bogie, rear wheel 3
5 Left bogie, front wheel 14
6 Left bogie, rear wheel 15

In the figures below, the subscript r refers to the robot’s frame whereas W
refers to the global frame (world frame). The label N is used to denote a normal
force, T a traction force and Tω a wheel torque. In order to increase the read-
ability of the figures, the forces between the mechanical parts, i.e., the internal
forces, have been omitted. Only the relevant forces and torques are depicted.

P. Lamon: 3D-Position Track. & Cntrl. for All-Terrain Robots, STAR 43, pp. 83–90, 2008.
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008
84 Kinematic and Quasi-static Model of SOLERO

10 11 4 7 5 6



14 16 8


Fig. A.1. Part numbers of SOLERO (part 1 corresponds to the ground)

A.1.1 The Bogies


K xr
φ J

wheel 5,3

T14,2 N14,2 wheel 6,4

τ 5,3 θ T15,3 R6,4
mw g τ 6,4
mw g

Fig. A.2. Variables and dimensions of a bogie. Subscripts l and r denote the left and
right bogie respectively. The bogies are attached to the main body through pin joints
placed at points J and K.
Kinematic Model 85

A.1.2 The Main Body

C xg zr
ωc s’
dc K zg
ωk xr
G yr
A J dk
ωa ωj
da θ

wheel 2
zw T9 R2

θ N9
L9 θ
mw+s g

Fig. A.3. Variables and dimensions of the main body

A.1.3 The Front Fork


ψ’ Δ γ’
ρc Ω C1
d2 γ’’
Φ b b’
h αf
c’ A

wheel 1

T13 N13 xr
Tw13 yr
L13 m w+s g

Fig. A.4. Parameters of the front fork. The fork is attached to the main body through
points A and C1 .
86 Kinematic and Quasi-static Model of SOLERO

Trajectory of Point P
The position of the front wheel center P is a function of the angle αf . Its coor-
dinates are obtained using the parametric equations of angles α and ψ 
α(αf ) = − αf + φ (A.1)
c − b cos(α)
ψ  (αf ) = arccos 
b2 + c2 − 2bc cos(α)
b2 + c2 − 2bc cos(α) + d2 − e2
+ arccos 
2d b2 + c2 − 2bc cos(α)

Finally, the coordinates of P expressed in the robot’s frame are given by

⎡ ⎤
c cos(αf ) + h cos(αf − ψ  )
P (αf ) = ⎣ ⎦ (A.3)
c sin(αf ) − h sin(αf − ψ  )

A.2 The Quasi-static Model of SOLERO

The notation used to label the forces and torques follows the standard conven-
tion: a generalized force labeled Fi,j defines a torque or a force of part i, named
F and acting on part j. When i = 1 the subscript i is omitted. The following
entities are defined to shorten the mathematical expression of the quasi-static

Rx = cos(π − αf − ρc ) R
Rz = − sin(π − αf − ρc ) R
mxF = mw+s g sin(θ)
myF = −mw+s g sin(φ) cos(θ)
mzF = −mw+s g cos(φ) cos(θ)
mxR = mw+s g sin(θ)
myR = −mw+s g sin(φ) cos(θ)
mzR = −mw+s g cos(φ) cos(θ)
mxBR = mw g sin(θ)
myBR = −mw g sin(φ) cos(θ)
mzBR = −mw g cos(φ) cos(θ)
mxBL = mw g sin(θ)
myBL = −mw g sin(φ) cos(θ)
mzBL = −mw g cos(φ) cos(θ)
M x = (M − 4 mw − 2 mw+s ) g sin(θ)
M y = −(M − 4 mw − 2 mw+s ) g sin(φ) cos(θ)
M z = −(M − 4 mw − 2 mw+s ) g cos(φ) cos(θ)
−R1 T13 + T w13 = 0 −R2 T9 + T w9 = 0 −R3 T2 + T w2 = 0
−R4 T3 + T w3 = 0 −R5 T14 + T w14 = 0 −R6 T15 + T w15 = 0

2k · mxBR + F7,8x s + T w2 + T w3 − k (N2 cos(τ3 ) + N3 cos(τ4 ) + T2 sin(τ3 ) + T3 sin(τ4 )) = 0

2k · mxBL − F8,19x s + T w14 + T w15 − k(N14 cos(τ5 ) + N15 cos(τ6 ) + T14 sin(τ5 ) + T15 sin(τ6 )) = 0
T8,10x + h · (L13 + myF ) sin(ξ) − c ((L13 + myF ) sin(αf ) + L13 · R1 · sin(τ1 )) = 0
T8,10z + c · (L13 + myF ) cos(αf ) + L13 · R1 · cos(τ1 ) + h · (L13 + myF ) cos(ξ) = 0
e · F8,11z cos(Ω) + (e − e) · F spz cos(Ω) − e · F8,11x sin(Ω) − (e − e) · F spx sin(Ω) = 0
L13 + L9 + M y + 2 · myBL + 2 · myBR + myF + myR = 0

k · cos(φr ) · (−T2 cos(τ3 ) + T3 cos(τ4 ) + N2 sin(τ3 ) − N3 sin(τ4 ))

+ (2k · mxBR + F7,8x s + T w2 + T w3 − 2k · (N2 cos(τ3 ) + T2 sin(τ3 ))) sin(φr ) = 0

k cos(φl ) (−T14 cos(τ5 ) + T15 cos(τ6 ) + N14 sin(τ5 ) − N15 sin(τ6 ))

+ (2k · mxBL − F8,19x s + T w14 + T w15 − 2k (N14 cos(τ5 ) + T14 sin(τ5 ))) sin(φl ) = 0

d · (F8,11z − F spz) cos(ξ) + d · F8,11x sin(ξ) + h · N13 sin(τ1 + ξ)

− (T w13 + h · mzF cos(ξ) + h · T13 cos(τ1 + ξ) + d · F spx sin(ξ) + h · mxF sin(ξ)) = 0
The Quasi-static Model of SOLERO

(c · F spx + c · (F8,11x + mxF )) sin(αf )

− ((c · F spz + c (F8,11z − F spz + mzF )) cos(αf ) + c (T13 cos(αf − τ1 ) + F spx sin(αf ) + N13 sin(αf − τ1 ))) = 0

− (M z + 2 · mzBL + 2 · mzBR + mzF + mzR + T13 cos(τ1 ) + T9 cos(τ2 ) + T2 cos(τ3 ) + T3 cos(τ4 ) + T14 cos(τ5 ) + T15 cos(τ6 ))
+ N13 sin(τ1 ) + N9 sin(τ2 ) + N2 sin(τ3 ) + N3 sin(τ4 ) + N14 sin(τ5 ) + N15 sin(τ6 ) = 0

2·B  ·mzBR+T8,10x +M y·(cb +zg )+L9 ·R2 sin(τ2 )+B  (T2 cos(τ3 )+T3 cos(τ4 )+N14 sin(τ5 )+N15 sin(τ6 ))−(2k(myBL+myBR)
+ 2 · B  · mzBL + M z · yg + B  (T14 cos(τ5 ) + T15 cos(τ6 ) + N2 sin(τ3 ) + N3 sin(τ4 )) + dj (L9 + myR) sin(ωj )) = 0

B  ((F7,8x + F8,19x )s + T w2 + T w3 ) + k · (T8,10z + M x · yg ) + dj · k(L9 + myR) cos(ωj )

− (dja · k · (L13 + myF ) + B  · (T w14 + T w15 ) + k · M y · xg + k · L9 · R2 cos(τ2 )) = 0

− (b · F8,11x + b · F8,11z + dja · mzF + F8,19x s + T w9 + M z · xg + dja · T13 cos(τ1 ) + dj · N9 sin(τ2 − ωj ) + dj · mxR sin(ωj ))
+ F7,8x s + M x · (cb + zg ) + dj · T9 cos(τ2 − ωj ) + dj · mzR cos(ωj + dja · N13 sin(τ1 )) = 0
Kinematic and Quasi-static Model of SOLERO
The Quasi-static Model of SOLERO 89

This set of equations still contains internal forces, i.e., F7,8x , F8,10x , F8,10z ,
F8,11x , F8,11z and F8,19x . These unknowns are removed using the Gauss–Jordan

A.2.1 Linear Dependence of the Wheel Torques

The equation system is simplified using a Gauss–Jordan elimination. The final
system contains 15 equations with 20 unknowns and is written as

Q20×14 F14×1 = A20×1 − B20×6 M6×1 (A.4)

with F a vector containing the unknown forces and M the vector containing the
torques. The matrices Q, A and B contain the information about the gravity,
the rover’s geometry and state. Equation A.4 is rewritten to express the forces
as a function of the wheel torques

F14×1 = pinv(Q14×20 ) [A20×1 − B20×6 M6×1 ] (A.5)

with pinv(Q), the pseudo-inverse of Q. Now the linear dependence of the torques
is proven using the null space property.

Null space definition

C is a linear application. We define the null space of C as the set of vectors
whose image as a function of C is the null vector

Cnxm null(C)mxl = 0nxl (A.6)

One can write

[C null(C)]T = null(C)T C T = 0lxn (A.7)
and then
C T null(C T ) = null(C T )T C = 0nxl (A.8)
Using the property of A.8 applied to A.4, one can write

null(QT )T Q F = 0 = null(QT )T [A − B M] (A.9)

Rewriting A.9, we obtain

null(QT )T B M = null(QT )T A (A.10)

B1x6 M6x1 = A1x1 (A.11)


B1x6 = null(QT )T B A1x1 = null(QT )T A

Equation A.11 proves that the torques are linearly dependent. Furthermore,
this confirms that the solution space is of dimension m−1 where m is the number
of wheels.
90 Kinematic and Quasi-static Model of SOLERO

A.2.2 Equal Torque Solution

For SOLERO the solution space is of dimension 5. Among all the possible solu-
tions, the set of torque defined by A.12 is a solution of the system.

A1x1 T
E6x1 = 6 111111 (A.12)
 (1, i)
B Linearized Models

The linearized forms of the nonlinear equations of Chap. 5 are developed in this
appendix. In what follows, c and s correspond to the cosine and sine functions. A
variable over-lined with a bar denotes an operating point value and the variable
h corresponds to the sampling time.

B.1 Accelerometers Model

The first order Taylor expansion of 5.25 is used to obtain the linearized model
⎡ ⎤z ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
ẍ ẍ φ bax
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥  ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ÿ ⎥ = Γ̄W R ⎢ ÿ ⎥ + ∇ Γ̄W R ā ⎢ θ ⎥ + ⎢ bay ⎥ + νa (B.1)
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
z̈ z̈ ψ baz
¯ ÿ¯ z̈¯ − g
with ā = ẍ
The Jacobian of 5.28 is written as

⎢ ¯
∇ Γ̄W R ā = ⎢ (z̈ − g)cθ̄cφ̄ + ÿ(−c
¯ ¯ φ̄cψ̄sθ̄ + sφ̄sψ̄)
ψ̄sφ̄ + cφ̄sθ̄sψ̄) + ẍ(c

−(z̈¯ − g)cθ̄sφ̄ + ẍ(−c
¯ ¯
ψ̄sθ̄sφ̄ + cφ̄sψ̄) + ÿ(−c φ̄cψ̄ − sθ̄sφ̄sψ̄)

−(z̈¯ − g)cθ̄ − ẍ
¯ cψ̄sθ̄ − ÿ¯ sθ̄sψ̄
¯ cθ̄cψ̄sφ̄ − (z̈¯ − g)sθ̄sφ̄ + ÿ¯ cθ̄sφ̄sψ̄

¯ cθ̄cφ̄cψ̄ − (z̈¯ − g)cφ̄sθ̄ + ÿ¯ cθ̄cφ̄sψ̄

ÿ¯ cθ̄cψ̄ − ẍ¯ cθ̄sψ̄

¯ ψ̄sθ̄sφ̄ − cφ̄sψ̄) + ẍ(−c
ÿ(c ¯ φ̄cψ̄ − sθ̄sφ̄sψ̄) ⎥ (B.2)

¯ ψ̄sφ̄ − cφ̄sθ̄sψ̄) + ÿ(c
ẍ(c ¯ φ̄cψ̄sθ̄ + sφ̄sψ̄)

P. Lamon: 3D-Position Track. & Cntrl. for All-Terrain Robots, STAR 43, pp. 91–92, 2008.
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008
92 Linearized Models

B.2 Gyroscopes State Transition

The linear form of the state transition model 5.40 is written as
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
ωx ω
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ x⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ φ ⎥ ⎢ φ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ωy ⎥ ⎢ ωy ⎥
⎢ ⎥ = Fω ⎢ ⎥ (B.3)
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ θ ⎥ ⎢ θ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ωz ⎥ ⎢ ωz ⎥
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
ψ ψ
k+1 k


e−τωx h 0 0

⎢ h 1 + h(ω̄y cφ̄ − ω̄z sφ̄) tan θ̄ hsφ̄ tan θ̄

⎢ 0 0 e−τωy h
Fω = ⎢

⎢ 0 h(−ω̄z cφ̄ − ω̄y sφ̄) hcφ̄

⎢ 0 0 0

0 h
(ω̄y cφ̄ − ω̄z sφ̄) h scφ̄θ̄

0 0 0

(ω̄z cφ̄ + ω̄y sφ̄) hcφ̄ tan θ̄ 0 ⎥
c2 θ̄ ⎥

0 0 0⎥
⎥ (B.4)

1 −hsφ̄ 0 ⎥

0 e−τωz h 0 ⎥

h cφ̄
(ω̄ z c φ̄ + ω̄ y s φ̄) tan θ̄ h cθ̄
C The Gauss–Markov Process

The aim of this appendix is to derive the mathematical expressions of a double-

integrated Gauss–Markov process P . A Gauss–Markov process is a stochastic
process with zero mean and whose autocorrelation function is written as

RP (t) = σ 2 e−τ |t| (C.1)

where 1/τ is the time constant of the process and σ 2 its variance. The power
spectral density function of P is given by

2σ 2 τ
SP (jω) = RP (t) · e−jωt dt = (C.2)
ω2 + τ 2

A Gauss–Markov process can be considered as a white noise being filtered by

a low pass filter with transfer function

2σ 2 τ
H(jω) = (C.3)
jω + τ

Equation C.3 is derived from the following relationship

SP (jω) = |H(jω)| SU (jω) (C.4)

where SU (jω) is a unity white noise signal. Figure C.1 depicts the double in-
tegration of a Gauss–Markov process p1 . The signal u(t) is a unity white noise
and p2 and p3 are, respectively, the first and second integrals of p1 . The transfer
functions between u and p1 , p2 and p3 are, respectively,
√ √ √
2σ 2 τ 2σ 2 τ 2σ 2 τ
H1 (s) = H2 (s) = H3 (s) = (C.5)
s+τ s(s + τ ) s2 (s + τ )

P. Lamon: 3D-Position Track. & Cntrl. for All-Terrain Robots, STAR 43, pp. 93–95, 2008.
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008
94 The Gauss–Markov Process

and the corresponding impulse responses are given by

h1 (t) = 2σ 2 τ e−τ t

2σ 2
h2 (t) = (1 − e−τ t ) (C.6)

2σ 2
h3 (t) = (τ t − 1 + e−τ t )

H1 (s) H2 (s) H3 (s)

2σ2 τ s−1 s−1
u(t) s+τ p1 (t) p2 (t) p3 (t)

Fig. C.1. Double integration of a Gauss–Markov process

The continuous state transition model of a double-integrated Gauss–Markov

process is finally written as
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤ ⎡√ ⎤
ṗ1 −τ 0 0 p1 2σ 2 τ
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ṗ2 ⎥ = ⎢ 1 0 0 ⎥ ⎢ p2 ⎥ + ⎢ 0 ⎥ u(t) (C.7)
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
ṗ3 0 10 p3 0

The discrete state transition matrix Φ is obtained by applying the inverse

Laplace operator on its continuous form
⎡ ⎤−1
s+τ 0 0
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
Φ = L −1 (sI − F )−1 = L −1 ⎢ −1 s 0 ⎥
⎣ ⎦
0 −1 s
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ (C.8)
1/s + τ 0 0 e−τ h 00
⎢ ⎥ ⎢  ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
= L −1 ⎢ 1/s(s + τ ) 1/s 0 ⎥ = ⎢ 1 − e−τ h τ 1 0⎥
⎣ ⎦ ⎣  ⎦
1/s2 (s + τ ) 1/s2 1/s τ h − 1 + e−τ h τ 2 h 1

where h is the sampling time. The covariance matrix of the process, Q, is obtained
by computing the expectations of p1 , p2 and p3 . The covariance of two sequences
pi and pj is written as
h h
E {pi pj } = hi (λ) hj (ε)E[u(λ)u(ε)] dλ dε (C.9)
0 0
The Gauss–Markov Process 95

If the signal u is a unity white noise, C.9 can be simplified to

h h h
E {pi pj } = hi (λ) hj (ε)δ(λ − ε) dλ dε = hi (λ)hj (λ) dλ (C.10)
0 0 0

All the elements of the covariance matrix Q can be computed using C.10.
Only E {p2 p2} and E {p2 p3} are derived here. The other terms are obtained in
a similar way

h h  2
2σ 2
E {p2 p2 } = h2 (λ)h2 (λ) dλ = 1 − e−τ λ dλ
0 0 (C.11)
2σ 2 2 1
= h− 1 − e−τ h + 1 − e−2τ h
τ τ 2τ

E {p2 p3 } = h2 (λ)h3 (λ) dλ
2σ 2 −τ λ 2σ 2 (C.12)
= 1−e · τ λ − 1 + e−τ λ dλ
τ τ3
2σ 2 τ 2 −τ h 1 − e−τ h 1 − e−2τ h
= 2 h −h 1−e + −
τ 2 τ 2τ
Finally Q becomes
⎡ ⎤
E {p1 p1 } E {p1 p2 } E {p1 p3 }
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
Q = ⎢ E {p2 p1 } E {p2 p2 } E {p2 p3 } ⎥ (C.13)
⎣ ⎦
E {p3 p1 } E {p3 p2 } E {p3 p3 }
D Visual Motion Estimation

This appendix presents the principle of the visual motion estimation technique
used for SOLERO. Such a technique allows computing an estimate of the 3D
camera motion between two stereo pairs acquisitions1 . The six displacement
parameters are computed on the basis of a set of 3D point-to-point matches
established by tracking the pixels in the image sequence acquired by the robot.
The following figure summarizes the approach:
1. At time t, a stereo pair is acquired and the Harris corner detector [29] is ap-
plied to extract interest points from both images. Then, the point-matching
algorithm presented in [35] is used to find correspondences between the in-
terest points in both images. Finally, the cloud of 3D points is obtained
using stereovision and a second outlier rejection cycle is performed [36].
Stereovision is only computed for the interest points in order to reduce the
computation time.
2. At time t+1, a new stereo pair is acquired and the Harris points are again
extracted from both images. Then, the correspondences between the interest
point extracted in the left images (acquired at time t and t+1) are searched
using the same technique as presented in 1.
3. The stereovision is used to compute the cloud of 3D points at time t+1.
4. Finally, the six displacement parameters between t and t+1 are computed
using the least square minimization technique presented in [28].
The approach is robust and provides accurate motion estimates. A precision
of 1% can be attained after a 100-m traverse. More details about the visual
motion estimation technique can be found in [36]. In particular, the error model
for the six displacement parameters is presented. This uncertainty model is used
in Chapter 5 for sensor fusion.

The algorithm used in this project has been developed at the LAAS (Laboratoire
d’Analyse et d’Architecture des Systèmes).

P. Lamon: 3D-Position Track. & Cntrl. for All-Terrain Robots, STAR 43, pp. 97–98, 2008.
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008
98 Visual Motion Estimation

Fig. D.1. Principle of the visual motion estimation (illustration from LAAS)

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ABS, 33 joint
accelerometers, 16, 61, 70, 91 pin, 35
algorithm spherical, 34
fixed-point, 40
gradient, 41 Kalman filter, 16, 59
simplex, 41
locomotion, 3, 4, 7
Atacama, 1
magneto-resistive, 13
bogie, 10, 22, 84 MER, 1, 3, 54, 78
mobility, 34
contact angles, 27, 34, 42, 50
control nonholonomic, 26, 66
predictive, 46, 48
reactive, 46 omnicam, 14

parallel mechanism, 10
error propagation, 56, 57
quasi-static, 34, 43, 86
fork, 10, 85
friction coefficient, 8, 38, 42, 68 rolling resistance, 43, 46

Gauss–Markov process, 63, 93 sensor fusion, 59, 60

gravity field, 54, 55 Shrimp, 8, 27
ground-truth, 27, 70, 73, 74 SOLERO, 7, 8, 11, 35, 36, 86
gyroscopes, 16, 61, 65, 92 stereovision, 14, 17, 54, 73, 97

tactile wheel, 47
hyperstatic, 34
virtual center of rotation, 11
IMU, 16, 55, 61, 65 VME, 55, 62, 73, 97
inertial sensor, 54, 65
information filter, 59, 60 wheel encoders, 21, 28, 54
Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics
Edited by B. Siciliano, O. Khatib and F. Groen

Vol. 43: Lamon, P. Vol. 31: Ferre, M.; Buss, M.; Aracil, R.;
3D-Position Tracking and Control Melchiorri, C.; Balaguer C. (Eds.)
for All-Terrain Robots Advances in Telerobotics
105 p. 2008 [978-3-540-78286-5] 500 p. 2007 [978-3-540-71363-0]
Vol. 42: Laugier, C.; Siegwart, R. (Eds.) Vol. 30: Brugali, D. (Ed.)
Field and Service Robotics Software Engineering for Experimental Robotics
300 p. 2008 [978-3-540-75403-9] 490 p. 2007 [978-3-540-68949-2]
Vol. 41: Milford, M.J.
Vol. 29: Secchi, C.; Stramigioli, S.; Fantuzzi, C.
Robot Navigation from Nature
Control of Interactive Robotic Interfaces – A
194 p. 2008 [978-3-540-77519-5]
Port-Hamiltonian Approach
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