2. **Predictive and Abstract Indices:** While indices should be predictive and concrete for
current use, they also need to be abstract enough to accommodate future applications of the
case base. Striking a balance between predictability and abstraction ensures versatility in the
future use of the case base.
- **Feature Identification:**
- Identify relevant features based on problem analysis.
- Extract features directly from the problem description, elicit features post-understanding, or
obtain features from users through human-machine interaction.
- Features play a crucial role in directing the search for similar cases.
- **Tentative Matching:**
- Find a group of candidate cases from the case base using identified features.
- Rely on indices and perform partial matches, constructing a partial order based on
- Similarities can be computed through syntax structures or a more in-depth analysis.
- Methods include nearest neighbor, induction, knowledge-guided induction, and template
- **Final Selection:**
- Choose one or several cases with the highest similarity to the target case from the tentative
- Domain knowledge plays a key role in explanations provided by knowledge engineers or
computed based on the knowledge model.
- Evaluate explanations and arrange candidates based on criteria, selecting the most relevant
or rational match.
2. **Induction:**
- Determines features that best discriminate cases.
- Generates a decision tree for effective case organization.
- Useful when a single case feature is required, dependent upon others.
3. **Template Retrieval:**
- Similar to SQL-like queries, returning cases within specified parameters.
- Limits the search space to a relevant section of the case base.
- Applied before other techniques like nearest neighbor.
These retrieval methods play a crucial role in leveraging past cases to influence the quality of
current problem-solving in CBR systems.
Case retrieval in Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) relies on defining and assessing the similarity
among cases. The success of case retrieval is pivotal for the effective application of CBR,
making similarity a core concept in this reasoning paradigm.
In summary, these similarity relations, including semantic, structural, goal-based, and individual
similarities, form the foundation for successful case retrieval in CBR, influencing the
effectiveness of applying past cases to solve current problems.
Case reuse in Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) involves leveraging past cases to solve current
problems. It can be categorized into two types based on the information reused: result reuse
and method reuse.
**Result Reuse:**
- Directly applies adaptation to the solution stored in cases.
- Identifies prominent differences between base and target cases and applies adaptation rules.
- Reuses solutions stored in cases.
**Method Reuse:**
- Reuses algorithms or rules employed in problem-solving from base cases.
- Produces a new solution for the target case.
- Adaptation methods depend on concrete problems.
**Case Revise:**
- Occurs when the proposed solution is deemed unsatisfactory.
- Evaluation of the proposed solution is necessary before initiating the revise process.
- Evaluation can be based on feedback after solution application or consultation with domain
- Revision aims to output a better solution based on the current problem description and a
suggested solution obtained in the reuse process.
**Revision Methods:**
1. **Substitution:**
- Structural adaptation technique involving component substitutions.
- Includes reinstantiation, parameter adjustment, local search, query, specialized search, and
case-based substitution.
2. **Transformation:**
- Involves common-sense transformation and model-guided repair.
- Common-sense transformation replaces, deletes, or increases components based on basic
- Model-guided repair uses a causal model to guide adaptation, often employed in diagnosis
3. **Special-purpose Adaptation and Repair:**
- Domain-dependent method used in structural adaptations.
- Utilizes heuristics to index potential useful cases.
- Heuristics give evaluations on approximate solutions and are controlled by rule-based
production systems.
4. **Derivational Replay:**
- Focuses on how solutions are derived.
- Derives a solution in a new situation based on the method of deriving an old solution or
solution piece.
- A case-based revise method compared with case-based substitution methods.
In summary, case reuse involves leveraging past solutions or methods for current
problem-solving. Case revision processes evaluate and improve proposed solutions, employing
various methods such as substitution, transformation, special-purpose adaptation, and
derivational replay to enhance the adaptation process.
Case retention in Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) is akin to case retrieval but involves storing
new cases in the case base. It encompasses both the storage and retrieval aspects of
information. This process contributes to learning and knowledge acquisition, determining what
information to retain, and how to organize, index, and manage the case base.
**Instance Representation:**
- Instances in Instance-Based Learning (IBL) are described as feature-value pairs in an
n-dimensional instance space.
- Each instance has n features, with one corresponding to the category feature and the rest
termed predictor features.
- IBL algorithms focus on learning concepts involving one category feature, leading to disjoint
**Classification Process:**
- Classification relies on the assumption that similar instances share similar classifications.
- In the absence of prior knowledge, IBL assumes equal contributions from all features, requiring
normalization of feature value domains.
**Performance Assessment:**
- Generalization capability assesses IBL's ability to describe concepts and its learning power.
- Classification accuracy, learning rate, incorporation costs (updating concept descriptions), and
storage requirements are key performance metrics.
**Storage Requirement:**
- IBL algorithms' storage requirement is measured by the size of concept descriptions, indicating
the number of saved instances used for classification decisions.
**Demonstration Area:**
- The China East Sea (north latitude 25 to 34 degrees, east longitude 130) serves as a
demonstration area for fishing ground prediction.
- Focus on technologies like data mining, Case-Based Learning (CBL), expert systems, and
remote sensing analysis for fishery, supported by geographical information system technology.
CBR is an Artificial Intelligence approach that tackles new problems by leveraging knowledge
from previously solved, similar problems. Cases, representing contextualized experiences, form
the basis for reasoning in CBR.
**Characteristics of a Case:**
1. *Implicit Concrete Knowledge:* Cases contain implicit knowledge related to specific contexts,
typically focusing on how to perform certain tasks.
2. *Diverse Forms and Granularities:* Cases come in various forms and granularities,
incorporating different time slices and the effects of solution application.
3. *Useful Experiences:* Cases encode experiences beneficial for reasoning, aiding in goal
attainment or predicting potential failures.
**CBR in Artificial Intelligence:**
CBR deviates from traditional "cause-effect" chain-based reasoning by implicitly storing
knowledge in cases rather than explicit rules. It excels in adapting past successful solutions to
solve analogous problems.
**Realism in CBR:**
CBR aligns with the realities of regulation and repetition in the world. Similar actions under
comparable conditions often yield parallel results, reflecting the idea that past experiences can
provide insights into the future.
In summary, CBR's reliance on experiential knowledge stored in cases has proven valuable in
overcoming challenges associated with knowledge acquisition, maintenance, and
problem-solving efficiency in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
Analogical problem solving involves finding solutions to new problems by drawing analogies
with recalled solutions from similar old problems. This process incorporates reasoning to
generate new knowledge and adjust solutions based on past experiences.
CBR, a form of analogical reasoning, retrieves similar cases from memory when faced with a
new problem. The process involves refining retrieved cases to find the best match and
ultimately generating a solution for the new problem.
**Stages of CBR:**
1. **Case Retrieval:**
- Retrieval of similar cases from memory based on certain properties of the target case.
- Preliminary exploration of potential base cases involves local analogical mapping.
2. **Analogical Mapping:**
- Arrangement of potential base cases in a partial order according to similarity.
- Selection of the most similar base case for a one-to-one mapping with the target case.
3. **Analogical Transformation:**
- Construction of a complete or partial solution for the new problem using the mapping and the
base case's solution.
- Reuse of information from the base case, categorized into result reuse and method reuse.
4. **Explanation:**
- Explanation of any failure in the transformation process.
- Cause-and-effect analysis report for successful cases.
5. **Case Revision:**
- Adaptation of a proposed solution to prevent factors leading to failures.
- Evaluation of the proposed solution before initiating the revise process.
6. **Analogy Verification:**
- Validation of the analogy mapping between base cases and the target case.
7. **Case Retention:**
- Addition of the newly-generated solution to the case base for future use.
- Knowledge acquisition through retention involves choosing relevant information and refining
base cases.
8. **Considerations in CBR:**
- **Case Representation:** Efficient case representation is crucial for system performance.
- **Analysis Model:** Used to analyze the target case and elicit information for finding the best
- **Case Retrieval:** Finding potentially useful cases and determining the best match.
CBR, categorized into problem-solving and interpretive types, offers a practical approach to
reasoning based on past experiences. The success of CBR systems relies on effective case
representation, analysis models, and accurate case retrieval. The iterative nature of CBR,
involving explanation, revision, and retention, facilitates continuous learning and adaptation for
improved problem-solving efficiency and quality.
Understanding the brain's memory mechanism for knowledge remains an open problem, leading
to various knowledge representation methods in knowledge-based systems. Traditional
methods like production rules, semantic networks, frames, and object-oriented representation
may not be suitable for learning systems, especially in analogically learning systems.
**Memory Network:**
The Memory Network summarizes the interrelations among Semantic Memory Units (SMUs). It
involves various slots:
- SMU_NAME slot: Describes the conceptual SMU.
- Constraint slots (CON): Provide restraints on the SMU.
- Taxonomy slots (TAX): Define relationships in the taxonomy.
- Causality slots (CAU): Define cause-and-effect connections.
- Similarity slots (SIM): Define similar SMUs.
- Partonomy slots (PAR): Define whole-part relations.
- Case slots (CAS): Define relevant cases.
- Theory slots (THY): Define theories about the SMU.
The network ensures easy retrieval of knowledge, incorporates semantic relations among
nodes, and is complex yet reflective of intricate inner relations among different types of
In summary, the Memory Network provides a comprehensive and flexible model for knowledge
representation, retrieval, and learning, incorporating various types of information and supporting
diverse reasoning processes.