Ort BCK Lostkey Tns
Ort BCK Lostkey Tns
Ort BCK Lostkey Tns
Strategy check
Remind the children to take note of punctuation and to read with appropriate expression.
Independent reading
• Ask children to read the story. Praise and encourage them while they read, and prompt as necessary.
Encourage reading with expression, pausing at commas.
(Questioning, Clarifying) On page 2, ask: What did Mum say? Who can read it with expression?
(Prediction) After each stage of the story, ask: What might happen next?
Check that children:
• read high frequency words with confidence
• use a range of strategies to work out new words
• know how to read the direct speech with different intonation from the rest of the sentence.
Returning to the text
(Clarifying) Ask: Did Mum know why the key was important to the children? Which pages tell us what
Mum feels about the key? (pages 5 and 23).
(Clarifying) On page 10, ask: Why has the man got a bump on his head?
(Clarifying) On page 13, ask: Why has the man got a different mower?
On page 3, ask the children to find the word ‘rocket’. Ask them to find another word on the same
page which rhymes with ‘rocket’.
On page 8, ask the children to find two words which sound the same but which are spelt differently
(‘two’ and ‘to’). Ask the children to give you examples of different sentences in which the two
versions are used.
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