Mots Liaison
Mots Liaison
Mots Liaison
A2 / B1 B2 C1
Firstly / First of all
First / Second / Third To start with / At the
First and foremost
To begin with beginning
The former / the latter
Before / After Secondly / Thirdly
Séquencer All in all
Next Lastly / At last
Overall / On the whole
Finally In short / In brief
To sum up
In conclusion / to
Although / Even though
Either… or / Neither… nor
Or Despite,
Whether… or…
But Whereas
Exprimer des Between… and…
However, Paradoxically
alternatives Instead (of)
While Otherwise
/ Nevertheless /
On the one hand… on the Unless
Contraster des Nonetheless
other hand… Meanwhile
idées In spite of
Unlike Yet, still
To some extent
If Not only, but also…
As a matter of act
By contrast
Moreover / On top of that Furthermore
Then Besides
Ajouter un Also
Next Indeed
autre point Too
Also As a matter of fact
For example / for instance
In addition to In other words
Because (of), Therefore Accordingly
Exprimer les So, In order to Due to …
conséquences So that Consequently On account of
That is why That is the reason why… Given that
Owing to
Exprimer les
As a result (of) Thus
causes et les Hence
If Thanks to…
In order to
Exprimer la In fact
In reality As a matter of fact,
situation réelle Actually
If Supposing Unless
Pour supposer
In case Unless Whether
A2 / B1 B2 C1
Firstly / First of all
First / Second / Third To start with / At the
First and foremost
To begin with beginning
The former / the latter
Before / After Secondly / Thirdly
Séquencer All in all
Next Lastly / At last
Overall / On the whole
Finally In short / In brief
To sum up
In conclusion / to
Although / Even though
Either… or / Neither… nor
Or Despite,
Whether… or…
But Whereas
Exprimer des Between… and…
However, Paradoxically
alternatives Instead (of)
While Otherwise
/ Nevertheless /
On the one hand… on the Unless
Contraster des Nonetheless
other hand… Meanwhile
idées In spite of
Unlike Yet, still
To some extent
If Not only, but also…
As a matter of act
By contrast
Moreover / On top of that Furthermore
Then Besides
Ajouter un Also
Next Indeed
autre point Too
Also As a matter of fact
For example / for instance
In addition to In other words
Because (of), Therefore Accordingly
Exprimer les So, In order to Due to …
conséquences So that Consequently On account of
That is why That is the reason why… Given that
Owing to
Exprimer les
As a result (of) Thus
causes et les Hence
If Thanks to…
In order to
Exprimer la In fact
In reality As a matter of fact,
situation réelle Actually
If Supposing Unless
Pour supposer
In case Unless Whether