Warriors Secret
Warriors Secret
Warriors Secret
Table Of Contents
Introduction: 5
Chapter 1: The Trifecta of Erectile Woes 15
Chapter 2: The Erectile Booster Molecule 28
Chapter 3: The Fermented Fountain Of Youth 33
Chapter 4: The Warrior Foods 42
Chapter 5: The Warrior’s Secret™ 58
Chapter 6: The Warrior’s Alternatives 70
Chapter 7: Warrior Feasts 79
Chapter 8: The Warrior’s Secret Protocol 99
Conclusion: 108
In the Year 668 AD…
After the longest, bloodiest series of wars the Korean peninsula had ever
The great General Kim Yushin had nally united all 3 kingdoms of the
land then known as the Silla Kingdom, which would come to be known
as South Korea, under one rule.
As a gift for his great service and to provide for him during his
retirement, General Yushin was granted his own “tax village”…
A large plot of land complete with farmers, tradesmen, and the ultimate
reward of the ancient world… concubines.
And though of advanced age… nearly 70 at the time… the now retired
General took full advantage of his gifts… and I don’t just mean the lands
either ;-)
But a good way to think about the formula is that it acts like a fuel
source for you erections.
Unlike other fast buck artists out there I’m not here to tell you I have a
magical solution to get rid of your problems instantly…
But as a good rule of thumb I would say that most men will experience a
noticeable improvement within 2 weeks of using The Warrior’s Secret™
eating a serving twice per day, and preferably rst on an empty
Some men may take longer… but every man should get some bene t
within that time.
Not only will that save you money, it’s proof positive that the health and
functionality of your body is superior.
Hearing from other guys like you about the success you’re having with
The Warrior’s Secret™ makes my day.
We are going to talk a little bit about how The Warrior’s Secret™ recipe
works… why it is so e ective, and what it can do for your health.
I’m going to give you a few di erent versions of The Warrior’s Secret™
so that you can tailor it to your individual tastes.
We’ll cover all of that and more inside of this guide but before we do…
The most important thing you can take away from this guide is that
YOU have the power to end your sexual performance problems.
But you really do need to understand where all this comes from and
Don’t worry, I won’t bore you with lots of details and get into the
weeds… I just want you to know what’s going on so that you can tailor
the program to your own needs.
I’m a big believer in the adage: “Give a man a sh… you feed him for a
day. But teach a man to sh… you feed him for life.”
Let me tell you a little bit about what happens in the medical industry.
This person busts their ass in school, puts in extra hours, and joins the
right student organizations to boost their medical school application…
Then once they get in they learn a model that is largely pushed by the
pharma industry.
It’s just to provide relief and keep the recurring revenue coming in.
Now, what this means is that Pharma companies are really interested in
keeping you “hooked” so to speak on their products.
Because the pro t isn’t in a single sale but in the many sales that occur
over the life of a disease…
So the drugs that really make BIG money are the ones you have to take
every day.
Yes and no… see obviously there are novel compounds that really do help
people out.
But they aren’t really designed to target the root of a problem… or deal
with the body’s own natural pathways that often are simply broken
down because of age or some other health condition.
Which brings us to ED
See… for the last 20 or so years the BIG thing (pun intended) in the
medical industry has been a class of compounds known as PDE-5
I’m going to get into the details of how these drugs work a bit later on
but for now just know…
I’ve done thousands of hours of research and I can tell you that ED isn’t
a single problem with a single root.
But more like a complex problem that has 3 primary categories of cause.
To a “dulling” of the sensory system that feeds the arousal signals to your
John Thomas and makes you erect.
Do you feel ultra nervous during sex, lacking con dence that you can get
or maintain a solid erection?
Do you notice that you’re not getting the same pleasure from your
These are signs that you have desire and sensitivity related ED.
The recipes you’ll discover are de nitely going to help you correct this
problem… but you also might nd that you need to work on stress and
anxiety a bit as well.
Make sure you take some time out every day to relax.
Take breaks throughout your workday to breathe (yes, just deep breathe)
There are many great programs out there to help you, or you could
simply search on YouTube for some tips to get you started here.
But the important thing is you HAVE to control stress if you’re going to
remain sexually potent in the long run.
Inside of your penis are two long hollow tubes called “Corpora
Cavernosa” which are made of elastic proteins (think balloon rubber).
The Warrior’s Secret™ protocol will help you with this problem but
there are a few other good solutions that can help you rein this in as well.
I’ll discuss a few below, but for now it’s more important to check
whether or not this could be a major contributor to your erectile woes.
Have you noticed that your manhood won’t stay hard as easily during
This is caused by loss of elastic tissue that simply can’t stretch out
enough to accommodate the pressure that needs to be maintained for an
erection to continue.
This will signal your body to stop sending out the arousal signals and
can kill your erections.
It’s the typical “blood ow” explanation for erectile dysfunction that
you’ve likely heard about dozens of times.
We’re going to talk about this in greater detail during the next section
but almost all men who struggle with erections…
Even those with tissue brosis and sensitivity or psychological issues will
bene t from improving this cause category of sexual dysfunction.
Which is partly why ED drugs are so tempting since they do a good job
of targeting this issue and hiding the other problems you’ve got going
You just need to give it the right raw materials and trigger the proper
metabolic environment inside of your body.
These signal molecules are the fuel your erections need to have the
passionate, blissful sex life you desire.
I mean that… as long as you are healthy enough and physically t enough
to have sex…
So with that in mind… let’s discuss a bit more about how we’re going to
do that
I think that all 3 causes combine together to make it di cult for some
men to get hard.
This is especially true for men over the age of 45… but the scary and
shocking part is that it’s also becoming more and more common among
younger men as well.
Around late 2016 I ran across a study that changed everything for me
and led me to create this guide.
If you’ve done any research on ED at all then you’re likely familiar with
the compound Nitric Oxide…
Nitric Oxide (or NO) is a gas your body naturally produces inside of the
endothelium, which is a cell lining of the vascular and smooth muscle
tissues that make up your cock.
Now, cGMP is the chemical that actually dilates blood vessels and relaxes
the smooth muscle cells that expand when you become aroused.
The reason you generally can’t get hard is that you’re not stimulating the
production of cGMP, which I call “The Erectile Booster Molecule” or
EBM for short.
The problem with Viagra is that it is “too good” at doing this and can
cause issues with blood pressure and even the health of your vascular
tissue over time.
Is that there isn’t evidence that this pathway really causes ED in the rst
The medical research shows that there isn’t too much PDE-5 being
produced in your body, but instead… there’s too little EBM.
It’s really quite simple – jump-start your body’s production of EBM and
you’ll get back those Promethean erections that bend toward the sky.
Well, I did a lot of research and personal testing and the best way that I
know of to do this is to consume high levels of foods rich in the
precursor nutrients that help your body turn EBM “on” so it can go to
work in your body.
One of these ways that was heavily utilized by the armies of Kim Yushin
was fermentation.
1. They would steal food, plundering the land of their enemy and
taking what they wanted
2. They would hunt for wild game along their march
3. They would carry food with them
Now the rst one, as I’m sure that you can imagine, is NOT a very
reliable way at all.
However, I want you to quickly imagine a ghting force of 50, 75, even
100 thousand soldiers on the march for hundreds and hundreds of
I’m sure you can see how an army could quickly overwhelm the supply
of wild game in a very short period of time.
See, the Romans, the Greeks, and even the Persians… they all relied
generally on dried foods for their armies.
Wheat, rice, sorghum, and barley that were baked into crackers…
In fact, during the Civil War a ration called “hard tack” which was a
heavy wheat cracker fed both the Northern and Southern armies.
In fact, veterans often recalled that worse than the long marches, brutal
battles, and
Not just that but the lack of certain critical vitamins and minerals that
were needed to stave o diseases like scurvy and other common military
ailments posed a big problem.
Not only does the fermentation process allow the preservation of highly
nutritious foods for long periods of time…
This tiny little magical microbe is known as L-bacillus and it’s the
product of a unique fermentation process.
The reason it’s so powerful is that it lives in your gut and helps you
digest food.
But here’s the real kicker… remember earlier when I was telling you that
Nitric Oxide production is key to switching on your body’s production
of EBM?
Well… it turns out that this process of preserving food helps to convert
compounds called nitrates that naturally occur in a few common
vegetables…into Nitric Oxide inside of your body.
One group in her study randomly received oral Viagra given as directed.
The results… at the end of the study both groups reported an equal level
of positive change in their erection quality (according to something
known as the Erectile Hardness Scale or EHS).
Not just that, but both groups had also increased the frequency of sex by
the same amount.
And the recipes that I have designed like The Warrior’s Secret™ are
de nitely more powerful!
There is a secret to getting L. Bacilli bacteria (the good guys that improve
your gut health).
Not only will this give you fantastic erections (and I do mean
They can improve your blood sugar numbers – though I didn’t ask the
clients who beta-tested The Warrior’s Secret™ to track their HbA1c…
more than one was able to go o at least 1 of their medications.
They can help you pack on muscle mass – I packed on 8 lbs of dense
muscle and improved every single lift. Many other guys reported
signi cant gains of their own.
The science behind fermented foods is just beginning and I don’t see it
slowing down anytime soon.
The recipes – like The Warrior’s Secret™ that I’m going to share with
you in this guide – have enormous power.
It does take a little bit of extra e ort to prepare the food this way (but
not too much work).
So now you know a little bit more about The Fermented Fountain of
Youth that can turn on an age-reversing tide inside of your body…
Let’s get down to brass tacks and learn The Warrior’s Secret™ recipe
that can lead to your Bedroom Renaissance.
I’m not either… in fact; getting the recipe I’m going to share with you
just right was something that required me to hire a gourmet chef to
See, just eating any, old, basic fermented vegetable recipe will give you
excellent erections…
But the power behind The Warrior’s Secret™ is in its ability to deliver a
very speci c ratio of the Erectile Booster Molecules precursors into your
Now, the recipe I’m going to share does take a little bit of work, but
when you rst experience the results you’re going to realize it was worth
But since I’m not a gourmet chef… I had to hire one to help me gure
this recipe out.
I got good results with my rst 4 versions… but I had to get the
fermentation just right to really make this work.
Since the instructions may not be very clear… I’ve included some
pictures to help you follow along.
So with that in mind let’s get into how you can make this delicious
erection elixir in your own kitchen in just minutes per week.
You’ll want to get yourself a good set of glass Mason pickling jars if you
don’t already have them.
I prefer to use a vegetable stomper, which you can get at any decent
kitchen appliance store.
Now, you don’t have to spend $30 bucks on a special tool you can use
pretty much any blunt object as long as it’s clean.
If you have a dishwasher, this is a good way to clean your jars… otherwise
thoroughly hand wash in anti-bacterial soap and thoroughly dry before
using them.
Let’s talk about the ingredients and why they matter so much.
The goal is to get the right ratio of vegetables to make sure that they pack
the right quantity of the EBM precursor nutrients.
It’s a shame that more men in The West don’t eat pounds of this
vegetable every month.
The big bene t is that once it ferments its ability to convert the naturally
occurring nitrates into boner-boosting EBM is phenomenal!
Erectile Dysfunction
Diabetes (Type 2)
High Cholesterol
This stu when fermented isn’t just a really tasty but it’s packed with a
trace amino acid called L-Citrulline.
Now, you may have heard that L-Arginine is a powerful nutrient for
combatting erectile dysfunction… and it is…
Here’s why…
It sounds complicated of course but really it’s not so tough… see there’s
an enzyme your body makes naturally called NOS which stands for
Nitric Oxide Synthase.
While L-Citrulline is
extremely powerful at ghting
ED on paper (theoretically
comparable to Viagra in fact)…
So gastric acid acts as a “transport factor” that helps deliver the active
nutrients into the body where they can be put to use.
The good news is… the chemical fermentation process overcomes this
challenge by serving as a digestive means to allow L-Citrulline absorbed
by the gut lining in much higher concentrations than the supplements
Which means the critical chemical signaling inside of your gut that
shuttles the powerful nutrients into your body can happen both more
e ectively and more e ciently.
After that, a single serving once per day is probably enough to keep your
erections surging.
When they are properly fermented they can shuttle EBM boosting
precursor nutrients into your manhood faster than a fat chick on a
Twinkie ;-)
There’s not much more to say about this except for how to prepare it,
which we’ll talk about when we delve into the instructions.
And this matters to you because right now, plaque build up is a big
reason why men have ED.
See, the Corpora Cavernosa inside of your manhood, which are the
spongy, hollow tissues that ll up with blood to make you erect…
And if there’s blockage of these arteries your manhood doesn’t get the
blood it needs.
Capsaicin is clinically proven to help clear out your arteries and naturally
boost blood ow, which along with all the other bene ts… makes it an
essential component of The Warrior’s Secret™
Alternatively, if you simply can’t stand the heat… you can try either of
The Warrior Alternatives in Chapter 5 and still get very good results.
Ginger and Garlic are well recognized for their heart and brain-boosting
bene ts.
They also are great for intestinal issues like atulence and that’s
important in this case because cabbage can make you a bit gassy.
So these two
powerful “Warrior
Foods” add avor
and erection
enhancing punch
to The Warrior’s
A word of warning here… the rst time you mix up a batch of the
Warrior’s Secret™ it may take you a little time to make.
Let’s list out the ingredients so you know exactly what you need.
Watermelon Rind:
Proceed to cut the watermelon into smaller pieces and let out the red
interior fruit.
Set that aside for snacking or for the Maca Melon Manboost smoothie
detailed in chapter 7.
The rind should be semi transparent so that it breaks down during the
fermentation a bit.
Quarter the cabbage head and remove the core with a sharp butchers
knife refer to the image below:
Cut the cabbage quarters into course pieces roughly ¾ to 1 inch in width
as shown:
Measure out the salt 1-tablespoon at a time, sprinkle over the
cabbage/rind mixture and toss around with a spoon or salad tongs for
even coating.
Add cold water to the salt-coated vegetables until they are submerged.
Set a timer and stir the mixture every 30 minutes to ensure even brining.
*Alternatively, you could simply add the salt to the water and whisk to
mix it before adding the raw vegetables.
Add the pulsed mixture to ½ cup of dried Korean Chili Flakes (don’t
substitute another type of dried chili, the avor of this product is
To make your paste even more potent you can substitute the sh sauce
for 3 dried oysters soaked in warm water for 30 minutes and minced
nely with 2 tablespoons of soy sauce instead of sh sauce.
Oysters are loaded with zinc and trace minerals that help support healthy
hormone levels.
Mix together:
Mix the vegetables, spice paste, and
beet/onion mixture together in the
large bowl with kitchen gloves until
it’s evenly coated.
Pack mason jars with the mixed ingredients
about ¾ full.
You can get these on Amazon for cheap and they’re great for telling you
when your ferment has nished… as they will form a mound as the gasses
from the lacto fermentation expand.
Store in a cool, dry and dark place (room temperature) for the rst 48 -
72 hours at least then transfer to the fridge.
Simply unscrew the lid and let some of the gas escape…
To get the maximum bene t from the mixture consume it at least twice
per day for 2 weeks or until you notice you’re having incredible, highly
sensitive erections.
You’ll notice a marked increase in sex drive, you’ll start waking up with
massive, angry erections that don’t decline, and your boners will be
highly sensitive like your mid-20s.
At this point you can reduce your consumption down to 5 servings per
week to maintain the e ects (but you might was to keep eating it 2x per
day because it tastes good and is really good for you).
In Chapter 7, I’ll share some delicious recipes you’ll enjoy that will help
you burn fat, build muscle, boost hormones, and of course… get
massive, marble-hard erections.
There are always a small handful of guys that just cannot tolerate spice.
Likely because their ancestral lands were too cold for the cultivation of
chilies and other hot roots (horseradish, ginger, etc) that were used since
prehistoric times for the preservation of food.
In these parts of the world, the cold climate is it’s own natural
preservative so they simply didn’t develop the palate to appreciate spice.
I remember one of the rst men that I personally coached was from
Sweden and getting him to enjoy The Warrior’s Secret™ was like pulling
He just could not handle the heat no matter what recipe I gave him to
try and hide it.
It was around this time that I went back to the drawing board and
actually started to look into the history of a lot of the fermentation
methods used around the world.
I discovered that initially, even in the Far East, in ancient China, Japan,
and Korea… it was likely that the natives used hot roots and black pepper
instead of chilies in fermented dishes.
Like him, this recipe mounts a serious rebellion against weak erections…
plus it tastes great!
The recipe is crunchy and has a little kick of ginger but is well tolerated
even by those who dislike spice.
Rind Watermelon:
Prepare the watermelon rind as before. You don't need the amount to be
perfect but a 1:1 ratio is ideal.
Sprinkle salt over the vegetables and gently massage together with your
hands for 3 to 5 minutes until the vegetables are evenly coated and have
begun to break down.
Set aside for 25 minutes so the salt can pull the moisture out of the
Combine together:
The ginger, dill, dill seed, and veggie mix into a bowl and mix
Pack in a jar:
Place the mix in Mason jar (wide mouth, thoroughly cleaned).
If you use a Pickle Pipe you don’t have to burp
the jars… otherwise you should burn them
approximately every 24 hours.
For those that do enjoy a little kick but want a change of pace… your 2nd
Warrior Alternative is a delectable dish I call Curtido De Amor.
And given that “amor” obviously means love in Spanish, this bad boy
will live up to its name sake by boosting your buddy in the bedroom
Rind Watermelon:
Prepare the watermelon rind as before. The ratio of 3 cups to 5 cups
does not have to be exact, but the ratio does matter to the nished
product as far as both consistency and potency.
Thoroughly mix with your hands until the salt and spices are evenly
coated over all the vegetables.
Set aside to cure for 25 minutes in order for the liquid to be drawn out
of the vegetables.
Pack in a Jar:
Place the mixture into wide-mouth mason jars and pack the veggies
down with a vegetable packer to submerge them underneath the liquid.
Set aside for a minimum of 72 hours in a cool, dark space.
Preferably, you should use a Pickle Pipe on top of the Mason jar to allow
the gasses to escape.
Test the batch after 72 hours for taste… it should be crunchy and slightly
sour with a nice kick of tang and heat.
If you’re satis ed with the ferment… transfer the jars to the refrigerator
where they will ferment more slowly.
The more fermentation occurs, the more powerful the batch will be…
but obviously you want to match that with your taste buds as well.
At least, let’s say you’re not used to it in the quantities that we’re talking
about here…
So in this chapter of the guide, I’ll give you some speci c recipes you can
use to feast like a king and screw like a horny teenager.
This is a delicious, refreshing smoothie that’s a great way to cool the hot
avors of a few of the dishes you’ll be munching (including The
Warrior’s Secret™ itself).
In addition, the coconut milk adds a delicious, tropical kick and a host
of healthy fats to help your gut, your nerves, and your manhood.
2 cups of watermelon
2 tablespoons of Maca Powder <Amazon Link>
¼ cup pure 100% coconut milk (read the ingredients, make sure it’s
made with 100% coconut)
2 teaspoons of coconut sugar (inulin ber sweetener if you’re
avoiding added sugar)
1/2 lime juiced
2 ice cubes
2 large eggs (select high quality eggs depending on your budget. This
Article < https://www.bonappetit.com/story/cage-free-meaning-
best-eggs> will give you some good tips)
1-tablespoon coconut oil or grass fed butter (do NOT use
2 teaspoons reduced sodium soy sauce (read the label to make sure
it’s naturally brewed soy sauce. Kikkoman is a good brand)
¼ cup of The Warrior’s Secret™
1 scallion thinly sliced
This is a “mock” fried rice made of cauli ower rice, which is a lower
calorie, gluten-free alternative to normal rice.
It’s good to avoid foods that spike your blood sugar too high to avoid the
a ects to your metabolism and to help maintain higher quality erections.
A full discussion of how blood sugar can impact sexual potency, weight
gain, metabolic e ciency, and youthful energy levels is well beyond the
scope of this guide…
But su ce it to say that it’s important to keep your blood sugar stable
and avoid erratic spikes (even if you don’t have diabetes or pre-diabetes).
This is a delicious, rich treat that’s sure to please even the most stubborn
Plus, the included ingredients allow you to burst with erectile potency.
Everybody wins.
1. Heat riced cauli ower until just tender and salt to taste
2. Add cheddar cheese and stir until melted and well-incorporated
3. Add the eggs, coconut our, and spring onions… stir until well-
4. Use a ¼ cup scoop to remove enough of the batter to fritter pack the
mixture gently into the ¼ cup with the back of a large kitchen spoon
5. Add about 2 tablespoons of coconut oil to a pan over medium-high
heat. Wait until oil glistens then add the fritter mix to the pan and
press them at with the back of a spatula to form a thick disc
6. Repeat to ll the pan leaving at least 1½ inches between fritters to
allow them to brown. Once the edges have begun to turn golden
(about 3 minutes), ip the fritters and brown on the remaining side
1. Set cooked fritters aside on a plate lined with a paper towel. Place in
an oven warmed to 325 degrees to keep them warm while you nish
all the fritters
2. Once the fritters are complete, spread The Warrior’s Secret™ over
the warm fritters and eat
This is a great light lunch or even breakfast. You can also pre-prepare the
fritters and heat them up in an oven (don’t use a microwave or they’ll be
soggy and tough).
You can also leave one side slightly under-browned and reheat in a pan
with a small amount of oil adding some cheese to the other side and
making little “mini grilled cheese” and adding some of The Warrior’s
Secret™ inside. It’s really delicious.
You could also add thinly sliced Jalapenos to the cauli ower mixture
instead of spring onion that is insanely delicious with Curtido De Amor.
These are bit high in calories so don’t go overboard but they’re a great
treat for the Maintenance Phase of The Warrior’s Secret™ Protocol (see
Chapter 8).
You can add serve it with additional Curtido De Amor and some crisp
apple slices or air-fried sweet potato fries.
It’s basically a low-carb version of the classic deli treat with the goodness
of The Revenge of Vercingetorix
If you don’t have the patience to make your own mayo… don’t use the
store-bought crap...
It’s loaded with soybean oil which in ames your veins and arteries,
which will just make your erections that much more accid and
If you can nd one made with quality ingredients and only high quality
olive or avocado oil (no soybean oil, read the label they WILL try to trick
you on this)… you can use that but it’s probably going to be a on the
spendy side.
So there you have it, 5 amazing feasts for superior sexual performance.
Mention you’re part of The Warrior’s Secret™ tribe and I’ll give you a
nice discount.
You’ll get even more recipes for savage sexual potency that will even help
you shed a few extra pounds and put on a little muscle without having
to diet.
The rst thing to note is that you’ll want to develop some good habits…
your ferments will take anywhere from 48 hours to 7 days to cure into
the boner-boosting goodness that will make you happy to be a man.
The rest of them are pretty easy, just eat good, healthy food along and eat
a full serving of The Warrior’s Secret™ or other ferment at 2 meals.
Phase 1: Ramp
During this phase, you’re likely starting from square one so you’ll need
to load your body up on the EBM precursors.
It’s essential to get these signals working at full force once again.
The Fasts:
During this phase of the program you are REQUIRED to fast at least 16
hours between your last meal of the day and your rst meal of the
following day.
Great question… rst of all, it’s a great way to stabilize your blood sugar,
which is a key controller of overall metabolic health.
This will improve your energy levels and likely even help you lose body
fat without dieting at all!
After all, what good is the best nutrition in the world if it doesn’t get to
where it needs to go?
Fasting will allow you to have a potent surge of gastric acid to absorb the
nutrients in The Warrior’s Secret™.
After you’ve done that, eating a piece of grilled meat, some veggies or a
small salad and a little fruit is the best way to go.
No bread
No pasta
No cheese
No foods with
industrially extracted oils (corn oil, soybean oil, canola oil, Cottonseed
oil, Sun ower oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, rice bran oil)
No egg yolks
No dairy
This is a reset stage for your gut and your erections, there’s a big link
between these and you have to eat right in order to take advantage.
You might also want to snack on a little ferment later in the day.
Your second meal should be the same kind as the rst but a little larger.
You can bulk up on broth, vegetables, tree nuts (in moderation), and
fresh fruit in order to get full.
Get plenty of rest (about 8 hours each night) and a little exercise (a solid
20 minutes of high intensity body weight workout 3 times per week is
Phase 2: Accumulate
During this Phase of the protocol, the goal is to allow the EBM
precursors to accumulate to levels you had during what I call “your rst
sexual prime.”
You’ll follow that ferment feed with a strict light meal after ve minutes.
The di erence is… you can let up a bit during the second meal (just
don’t go crazy).
Otherwise, good, old-fashioned butter is your best bet (grass fed for the
best fatty acid pro le).
Any of the recipes in Chapter 7 or any like them are ne as your second
As long as you’re consistent, your body will love you for it.
Phase 3: Maintain
Now we’ve done the heavy lifting, all you have to do is maintain.
3 -5 fasts per week are still recommended but you can eat any foods you’d
Keep to high quality food like lean grilled meats, eggs, and vegetables
You can cut back to one ½ cup or so serving of ferment per day.
But you want one load day (eating ferment on empty stomach followed
by strict meal) per week still just to make sure everything’s kosher.
Enjoy your erections and don’t give her too many orgasms... she still
needs to walk ;-)
So there you have it…
You’ve learned a ton and you’ve developed some really powerful
knowledge along the way.
My girlfriend is quite a bit younger than me and she was sitting on the
couch in her nighty, going through her social media feed and I had a
chance to make good use of it.
It’d been months since I’d been that hard (if she could even remember
Needless to say, our sex life got a LOT better after that… and I gained a
good amount of muscle, burned o a lot of extra belly fat (without
At work I was sharp, crisp and fresh… life was just better in every way.
Obviously, I say “without dieting” while recognizing that the rst phase
of the protocol does require some discipline.
But only for seven days… then after that it was dead simple to follow.
Now, that might seem like a lot to you right now… and that’s NO
Tons of guys on this protocol just walk or hike and get awesome results.
You WILL be successful with this protocol if you follow it… it’s
Just show a little discipline during the rst 14 days and let the magic
happen in with the fermented foods.
Last piece of advice before I swat you on the butt and send you out into
the game…
The one I recommend most and that I use myself is Rock Hard Formula
I know I’ve already hit on this before but there is a reason… it works and
I use it myself.
‘Nu said.
And yes, if you hit the link above and buy it I’ll get a commission… it’s
one of the ways I generate revenue and continue to be able to provide
guys like you with awesome insight to have uncanny sexual performance
at any age.
Here’s to you rockin’ the rafters all night and living on the edge like a
man’s supposed to…
Your pal,
Bill Radcli e