Blends Words
Blends Words
Blends Words
Complete the crossword puzzle below
1 s i t c o m
2 w l 3 s
e 4 w f m
b 5 e m o t i c o n
i 6 c r e g
n h k
7 a f f l u e n z a 8 t
r g h 9 m o t e l
g o 10s u
11p i x e l 12e l e c t r o c u t e
r i a h
c y d 13b
c o r
a w u
t n n
i c
14f o r t n i g h t
Created using the Crossword Maker on
1. 4. The horror movie took on a ........... in the middle
of the movie. (sitcom) 1. 2. We took this ........ when we (selfie)
5. 3. She uses this ............... in the chat to say that she 2. 13. A seminar conducted over the internet.
is angry. (emoticon) (webinar)
7. 1. .............. is the bad effects of living in a society 3. 6. Air pollution that contains a mixture of smoke
where many people are too rich. (affluenza) and fog. (smog)
9. 5.She decided to stay overnight at the quaint ...... by 4. 12. A person who is addicted to work. (workaholic)
the highway. (motel) 6. 9. A person who work in the charity service.
11. 7.The smallest unit of a digital image. (pixel) (chugger)
12. 15. The people ...... when they touche The bate 8. 14.In American football points (touchdown)
wires (electrocute) 10. 11. A vacation often involving day trips to local
14. 10.A period of two weeks. (fortnight) attractions. (staycation)
13. 8.A meal that combines breakfast and lunch.