مختبرات طبية
SLLE 2022
• Laboratory operation.
• Blood Bank.
• Urinalysis and Body fluids.
• Microbiology.
• Clinical Chemistry.
• Immunology and serology.
• Hematology.
• Histopathology.
• Pictures and calculations.
a. result accuracy
d. specimen acceptability
4. The most important diagnosis and therapeutic management decision tool used t
interpret test results is:
a. statistical analysis
b. reference intervals
c. specimen acceptability
b. unlabeled specimen
d. rate of inaccurate test order entry into the laboratory information system
a. control should be repeated to see if it will fall within the established interval
d. no action is needed
9. In quality control, ±2 standard deviations from the mean includes what percent of the
sample population?
a. 50
b. 75
c. 95
d. 98
10. Upon completion of a run of cholesterol tests, the technician recognizes that the
controls are not within the 2 SD confidence range. What is the appropriate course of
a. 5.65-5.95 mg/dL
b. 5.35-6.25 mg/dL
c. 5.50-6.10 mg/dL
d. d 5.70-5.90 mg/dL
12. What are the 3 steps of an individualized quality control plan (IQCP)/
b. documentation of lab QC
a. daily
b. weekly
c. monthly
d. periodically
a. risk assessment
d. quality assessment
a. discard chemicals into biohazard containers where they will later be autoclave
19- When hazardous chemicals are transferred from the original appropriately labeled
containers to a secondary container for immediate use by the person performing the
transfer, it:
c. mist be labeled with the hazardous warnings to the effect in involved target organs
20. An example of personal protective equipment (PPE) for handling hazardous chemicals
b. fume hood
a. flammable
b. electrical
c. radiation
d. biohazard
c. a fume hood
c. an eyelash station
d. a lab coat
26. Gloves worn in the laboratory for specimen processing must be removed and hands
washed when:
b. carrying a specimen outside the technical work area through clean areas
27. Safety glasses, face shields or other eye and face protectors must be worn when:
a. sodium hypochlorite
b. formalin
d. 100% alcohol
29. What is the single most effective method to prevent nosocomial spread of infection?
30. What is the most likely mode of transmission for bloodborne pathogens in
laboratory-acquired infections?
c. airborne transmission
d. fecal-oral transmission
a. biohazard
b. radiation hazard
c. chemical hazard
d. environmental hazard
a. chemical waste
b. infectious waste
c. radioactive waste
34. A fire occurs in the lab. The first course of action is to:
a. Sensitivity
b. Specificity
c. Percision
d. Reproducibility
a. mode
b. median
c. mean
d. coefficient of variation
37. The most frequent value in a collection of data is statistically known as:
a. mode
b. median
c. mean
d. standard deviation
a. mean
b. median
c. mode
d. standard deviation
40. The extent to which measurements agree with the true value of the quantity being
measured is known as:
a. Reliability
b. Accuracy
c. Reproducibility
d. Percision
41. The reliability of a test to be positive in the presence of the disease it was designed to
detect is known as:
a. Accuracy
b. Sensitivity
c. Precision
d. Specificity
42.The following target shows a set of results that show a high degree of:
a. Accuracy
b. Precision
c. Sensitivity
d. Specificity
49. Precision = Is the degree to which an instrument or process will repeat the same
51. Controls = Patient-like material used to validate test performance before analyzing
patient samples.
54. Shift = An abrupt change from the established mean for a control
55. Random error = Inconsistent change in results due to chance. Change in precision.
56. Systematic error = Influences values consistently in one direction. Change in accuracy.
57. Reference range = Range of values derived from a group of normal healthy persons.
95% of the population of normal persons.
61. R(4s) = One control exceeds the mean +2SD and the other -2SD within a single run
(4 SD apart).
62. 10x = 10 consecutive control measurements fall on one side of the mean.
64. What type of error occurs if specimen is collected at the wrong time? = Preanalytical
65. What type of error occurs if there is oversight of instrument flags? = analytic error.
66. What type of error occurs if lab results are recorded inaccurately? = postanalytic
66. Proficiency testing = External quality control that involves the testing of unknown
samples sent to a lab from a CMS approved provider.
67. False negative = A negative test result in a patient who has the disease or condition
that the test is designed to detect.
68. False positive = A positive test result in a patient who does not have a disease or
69. Using of patient samples in research = Patient should give informed consent.
72. Access to patient information, results, diagnosis, , this state best described by =
Patient confidentiality.
73. Treatment of patient regardless of age, sex, or religion is called = Access to care.
74. Protocol of positive malaria in Saudi Arabia = Inform the infectious disease
76. After u rescue and activate the alarm what is the next step = Contain the fire + close
the doors
78. Person who directly contact with patents and provide care = Primary health care
79. The suitable time and temperature for autoclave that use 15 Ibs = 121 C for 15 mins
81. Define proficiency test = External quality control, evaluates a laboratory testing results
by comparing them to those of similar laboratories.
83. Suitable place for safety data sheets = Suitable place for safety data sheets
86. Temperature of water bath in the bath = 10 C below the melting point of paraffin
89. Next step after rescue and activate alarm? = Contain fire + close doors
94. The patient complains of symptoms and describes them accurately and obtains the
pathological data of the disease, the history of the disease and the medication he is using
what is in this case = patient responsibilities.
98. What is the code name for a hazardous spill = Code Orange
100. Which of the following terms refers to the closeness with which the measured value
agrees with the true value?
A. Random error
B. Precision
C. Accuracy
D. Variance
106. What is considered a violation of patient rights = recording or taking photos of the
107. What PPE to use when handling hazardous sample = gown goggles and gloves
109. Values for the control that continue to the increase or decrease over period of 6
consecutive days to called Trend =Trend pass through the mean
110. When six or more consecutive daily values are distributed on one side of the mean
but maintain a constant level, it is known as a shift =shift not pass through the mean
112. What is the correct ppe for use in BSL 3? = Gown gloves n93 mask
114. Patients right = save patients from any medical injury that's injury results from errors
120. Which of the following is the correct sequence to be followed when preparing a
donor’s arm for = Select vein, apply tourniquet, clean with PVP-iodine. Venipuncture
121. What are the maximum numbers of hour that can be used to leave blood samples on
the bench before centrifugation = 2 hr.
123. Lab. equipment should be cleaned and disinfected with = formaldehyde &
124. 20 mL ascitic fluid sample from medical unit was sent to cytology laboratory without
label, however the request was available. Which of the following is the most appropriate
action = Reject the sample
5. Homozygous = Two alleles for a given trait are identical; stronger agglutination when
a red cell antigen is expressed from homozygous genes.
6. DAT = Direct antiglobulin test used to detect antibody bound to red cells in-vivo.
7. IAT = Indirect antiglobulin test used to detect antibody bound to red cells in-vitro.
Anti-A = 4+
Anti-B = 4+
A1 cells = 0
B cells = 1+
9. Rouleaux =
Anti-A = 4+
Anti-B = 4+
A1 cells = 2+
B cells = 2+
Anti-A = 0
Anti-B = 0
A1 cells = 0
B cells = 0
A. DCe/dce
C. Dce/dce
D. DCE/dCe
14. A complete Rh typing for antigens C, c, D, E, and e revealed negative results for C, D,
and E. How is the individual designated?
A. Rh positive
B. Rh negative
D. Impossible to determine
16. Which blood product is the most appropriate for preventing GVHD = Irradiated
blood (RBCs).
18. If both parents are A blood group, what is the possible offspring blood group =
Blood group A or O.
20. Most immunogenic blood group antigen after ABO antigens = D antigen.
24. Antibodies cause HDFN = Anti-D, anti-C, anti-E, anti-c, anti-e and
25. One of applications of indirect antiglobulin test (IAT), indirect comb test = Antibody
screening, crossmatching.
27. Which antibodies are IgG = Anti-e, anti-P, anti-S, anti-s, anti-U, anti-K, anti-JK(a,b).
28. Suitable blood product for treat the von Willebrand disease = Cryoprecipitate.
29. Prolonged PT and APTT, and PLTs: 100 x 10ˆ9/L, and fibrinogen is 40 mg/dL, what is
the suitable blood product = Cryoprecipitate.
35. Indirect comb test IAT used for = Detect the Abs in vitro
36. Direct comb test used for = Detect the sensitized RBCs with Ab in vivo
37. Autosomal recessive = Two Copies of defected gene from both parents should
38. Patient with car accident need 4 units of blood but his blood group is unknown =
Use O negative blood group (emergency)
42. Patient have vWF deficiency, the suitable blood component is = Cryoprecipitate
43. Define elution = Remove of antibodies that is attached to the surface of a red blood
cell, used in identification of antibodies
45. Polyspecific antihuman globulin (AHG) detect = IgG and C3 coated RBCs
47. Patient blood group A2 with an anti-A1, the suitable unit (group) for him = A2 or O
48. Patient with anti-E need blood = Same Rh phenotype (blood with no E antigen)
52. Mother O blood group, father A blood group, the child expression = Codominant
55. Patient have coagulation factors deficiency, suitable blood component = FFP
64. Blood group system destroyed by routine Blood bank enzymes = Duffy (Fya, Fyb)
65. In the room temperature there is 2+ reaction but in 37C and AHG
68. Natural occurring Ab = anti-A, anti-B, anti-Cw, anti-M, and antibodies in the Lewis
and P system
77. Mother and father have AB blood type and what is the baby’s blood type = 25%A ,
25%B , 50%AB
80. man from Jizan have ring stage of (P. vivax) with no symptoms, what’s the reason to
his not has symptoms = Duffy blood group (a- / b-).
81. yellow fever deferral from blood donation how many weeks =
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
84. lack the Duffy Fya and Fyb antigens(fya-,fyb-) = are resistant to invasion. p. vivax
86. What is the lowest percentage of values of hemoglobin for men who want to donate
= 13 g/dl
93. AB- patient needed 4 units of blood and the technologist found only 3 AB- what
other blood unit can be given to him? =A-, O- or B
94. Which HLA antibody is the marker for Behçet's disease? = HLA-B51
95. A2B with Anti-A1 discrepancy case + A2 with Anti-A1 discrepancy case
96. What is the nature of reaction that happens of ab against ABO incompatibility =
complement sensitize antibody on the antigens on the cells and cause cell lysis/destruction
97. A donor came with pulse: 140bpm, blood pressure: 100/70mmhg, 37 C, 51 kg Why
was he deferred? = 140 bpm
98. A Nigerian man came to saudi Arabia two years ago and became a nurse in Riyadh.
He is healthy = He is healthy and can donate
103. Which typing results are most likely to occur when a patient has an acquired B
antigen? =. Anti-A 4+, anti-B 1+, A1 cells neg, B cells 4
104. What is the Fisher-Race genotype for a person with anti-c? dce/ dCe DCE/dCe
106. Elution = is the process of extracting one material from another by washing with a
112. AB- patient need platelet but there is no AB- negative donor, he should
114. baby with HDNF, which blood transfusion to him = irradiated blood.
116. Child with unknown ABO type needs FFB transfusion which of these
126. A positive direct Coomb's test may be caused by which of the following = An
autoantibody on red cells surface.
129. A group B Rh-ve person can receive blood for the second time from = Group O Rh-
130. The most immunogenic blood group antigen after ABO antigens = D Antigen.
132. Which of the following is an application to the Indirect antiglobulin (Coombs) Test
= Antibody Screening.
133. A 50-year-old woman admitted to hospital with severe haemorrhage due to von
Willebrand disease. The doctor requested a blood product to be transfused to manage
Which of the following blood products is the most appropriate for the treatment of this
patient? Cryoprecipitate
134. Which of the following is the correct sequence to be followed when preparing a
donors arm for blood collection = Select vein, apply tourniquet, clean with PVP-iodine.
135. A positive direct Coomb's test may be caused by which of the following = An
autoantibody on red cells surface
1. A clean-catch urine is submitted to the laboratory for routine analysis and culture. The
routine urinalysis is done first, and 3 hours later, the specimen is sent to the microbiology
department for culture. The specimen should:
a. RBC, leukocytes and cats agglutinate on standing for several hours at room temp
a. at room temp
b. at 4-7 C
c. frozen
8. Renal Proteinuria = Protein in the urine caused by impaired renal function (glomerular
or tubular damage).
10. Gestational diabetes = During pregnancy only. goes away after childbirth.
11. How does the urine appearance differ between hematuria and hemoglobinuria =
Hematuria is CLOUDY and red and hemoglobinuria is CLEAR and red.
12. If bilirubin is present in the urine what can it indicate = Liver disease.
13. Excretion of Bence Jones protein in urine yields a definitive diagnosis of = Multiple
14. The presence of leukocyte in the urine with bacteria present in microscopic is called =
17. Oliguria = < 500 ml/day, Disease/cause: Dehydration, vomiting, Diarrhea, burns,
18. Turbidity or milky color of urine is caused by presence of = WBCs (pus cells).
22. Chemical strip of urinalysis shows positive bilirubin and decreased urobilinogen, what
is the diagnosis = Biliary obstruction (post-hepatic jaundice).
29. Differences between hyaline and waxy cast = Hyaline cast: seen in normal individual
& in renal disease (increased), congestive heart failure, consists of tamm-horsfall protein,
colorless, translucent, low refractive index Waxy cast: renal diseases, tubular inflammation
and chronic renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, consists of degenerated granular cast and
cells, yellow, high refractive index, contain cracks
30. Urine cast in case of Sickle cell anemia = Hemosiderin (hemoglobin) cast
32. Urine crystal in renal tubular acidosis (RTA) = Calcium salts (Calcium phosphate,
calcium carbonate)
34. Low CSF glucose, high lactate and high protein = Bacterial, fungal meningitis
37. Air bubbles tissue artifact = due to poor floatation technique which lead to
inadequate adherence of tissue to the slide, solved by using of distilled water in the bath,
also using of alcohol or detergent to reduce the surface tension. Placing of cover slip
46. Urine formed by three main steps = Filtration, reabsorption and secretion
52. In an unpreserved and old urine specimen, there could be difficulty differentiating
between bacteria and:
A. Yeast
B. Mucus
C. Amorphous phosphates
D. Pollen grains
56. semen specimen what stain we used to see sperm morphology = Eosin-nigrosin
59. If we leave the urinesample for a long time, what happens to the PH = Increase
64. Calculated =
66. What causes pale colored urine = People who drink more water produce more
70. check the Ph and Specific Gravity with any test in urine analysis = dipstick
71. pleural fluid need to send in central lab = save at 20 -22c or 2-8c
76. A man had a car accident and he has a history of heroin use. Acetylcodiene and
acetylmorphine were tested. Blood samples showed negative but urine showed pos why?
= Blood is not the sample of choice in this case
77. What will you find in urine in wilson’s disease? = increased copper
91. check the Ph and Specific Gravity with any test in urine analysis = dipstick.
97. Which of the following is the most likely cause of milky colored urine = White blood
98. A 15-year-old girl was admitted to a hospital with fever and headache. A sample of
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was sent to the laboratory for testing. The microbiology
laboratory confirmed positive kidney shaped Gram-negative bacteria. Other tests are
indicated below (see lab result).
1. What is the aim of Creatinine clearance test = Estimate the glomerular filtration
rate (GFR)
2. Type of bilirubin increase in hemolytic anemia = Unconjugated (indirect)
3. Regarding Ag-Ab reaction, what is the prozone = Zone of excess Abs.
4. Glycated Hb (hemoglobin) test what = HbA1c (average of glucose in 2-3 months).
5. In Jaffe reaction the creatinine reacts with = Picric acid in alkaline media.
6. When test is truly negative this is = Specificity.
7. Tumor marker use for = Screening, follow up and monitoring.
8. Patient with 3 days vomiting, with a distinctive smell of breathing (like nail polish)
= Diabetic ketoacidosis.
9. Non pathological condition shows a high blood albumin level = Dehydration.
10. If the blood tube left for 5 hours what test not affected = Uric acid.
11. Specific enzyme elevated in biliary obstruction = ALP.
12. Patient with chest pain, suspected to have Acute myocardial infarction, what is the
confirmatory test = Troponin T.
13. Special test for evaluation the congenital hypothyroidism = TSH.
14. Tumor marker for colon cancer = Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA).
15. Specific enzyme for hepatobiliary diseases = Alkaline phosphatase (ALP).
16. Specific enzyme for acute pancreatitis = Lipase.
17. A protein electrophoresis, all fractions are normal except Gamma fraction is
elevated, what is the diagnosis = Monoclonal gammopathy.
18. One patient with high level of ADH, what is the common finding =
19. Clinical condition associated with autoantibodies against thyroglobulin and
thyroid peroxidase = Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
20. High sugar with normal insulin = Insulin independent diabetes milletus.
21. High lipase and amylase = Pancreatitis.
22. Glucose in urine (renal glycosuria), normal in blood = Glucagon hormone.
23. Normal fasting blood sugar, and high 2-hour postprandial glucose = Isolated
postprandial hyperglycemia, type 2 diabetes Mellitus, cardiovascular risk.
24. Amber color of urine, presence of = Bilirubin.
25. Photosensitive = Bilirubin.
115. patient came to hospital without symptoms, just he has hard to breath, the
doctor guess he may have AMI, what’s the enzyme use in this case to find the
problem = Troponin
116. breast cancer marker is = Estrogen receptor positive
117. Marker Hepatocellular carcinoma = alpha fetoprotein (AFP)
118. Male enlargement breast and prostate = hCG elevated
119. Uric acid elevated indicated = Gout
120. Fruity odor urine is due to = Ketone
177. A 65-year-old man complains from bone pain and unexplained fractures. His
doctor ordered protein electrophoresis. See the pattern of serum protein
electrophoresis in Figure (A).
Which of the following is most likely the clinical condition = Hashimoto's thyroiditis
181. What is the anticoagulant of choice for blood gas analysis = Heparin
183. How would blood gas parameters change if a sealed specimen is left at room
temperature for 2 or more hours?
A. PO2 increases, PCO2 increases, pH increases
B. PO2 decreases, PCO2 decreases, pH decreases
C. PO2 decreases, PCO2 increases, pH decreases
D. PO2 increases, PCO2 increases, pH decreases
1. Auer rods found in which type of leukemia = Acute myeloid leukemia (AML).
2. Bleeding after dental extraction, factor assay shows factor VIII deficiency,
prolonged APTT, normal PT and normal PLTs count, what is the diagnosis =
Hemophilia A.
3. Medication act as vitamin K antagonist = Warfarin.
4. Test used for differentiation = Mixing studies.
5. Test used to differentiate von Willebrand disease from hemophilia = Bleeding
time (vWF low).
6. Peripheral smear shows rouleaux formation, caused by = Multiple myeloma
7. Howell-jolly bodies seen in = Hemolytic anemia, splenectomy, megaloblastic
8. Type of G6PD anemia = Hemolytic anemia.
9. The part in reticulocyte that stained with new methylene blue is = RNA.
10. Type of WBCs elevated in E. vermicularis infection = Eosinophils.
11. Mutation in polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia = JAK2 V617F.
12. Mutation in CML = t(9:22).
13. Anticoagulant cause pseudothrombocytopenia = EDTA.
14. Lab finding of TTP= Low PLTs count.
15. Sever menorrhagia, with low PLTs and normal PT, APTT = Von Willebrand
16. Hb-electrophoresis shows normal HbA and high HbA2 = Thalassemia minor.
17. Stain for reticulocytes count = Supravital stain (new methylene blue).
18. HIV, BBV, sickle cell anemia and sickle cell trait, for donation = Sickle trait.
19. Abnormal chromosome of CML = Philadelphia chromosome.
20. Best test for IDA = ferritin.
21. Cause low ESR = Low fibrinogen.
22. PT: 20 sec, APTT: 50 sec, TT: 18 sec = Hypofibrinogenemia.
23. Cause false positive DAT = Clotted sample.
24. PT & APTT in polycythemia patient = Prolonged.
25. Factor X deficiency = Prolonged PT & APTT.
26. Factor not measured by PT & APTT = Factor XIII.
27. Prolonged PT, given IV vitamin K. the PT corrects to normal after 24 hrs. =
Obstructive jaundice.
122. MCV = Mean corpuscular volume measure the size and volume of RBCs
123. CD AML = CD33
124. How differentiate between leukemia types = Flow cytometry
125. when patient infected by bacterial meningitis which WBCs can see more than
other WBCs = Neutrophils
126. What is CD marker don’t detect in hairy cell = CD5
127. Polycythemia vera mutations = Jak 2
128. Bence Jones protein indicated = Multiple myeloma test.
129. Protein S = Co factor for protein C.
130. The question of the CBC sample has cold agglutination, what is the
procedure that we take to treat it = warming tube to 37°C and washing red cell
can disappea agglutination.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis = Von Willebrand disease.
193. Some patient’s platelets clump in EDTA, or satellite, making platelet counts
falsely low. How should this be correct?
A. Mix the sample
B. Warm the sample
C. Do manual count
D. Use sodium citrate tub
194. What are the maximum numbers of hour that can be used to leave blood
samples on the bench before centrifugation = 2
Cystoisospora belli
Basophils Fiber
Aspergillus Sporothrix
Dohle bodies