Data Visualization and Techniques
Data Visualization and Techniques
Data Visualization and Techniques
Research Article
ISSN: 2229 -7170
AIDS epidemic in that part of the world) and the plummeting of life
Introduction expectancy in Rwanda at the time of that nationÊs genocide.
Data visualization is the graphical representation of information.
Bar charts scatter graphs, and maps are examples of simple data WhoÊs doing it?
visualizations that have been used for decades. Information Data visualizations have long been used in academic settings, but
technology combines the principles of visualization with powerful many instructors are using new technologies to
applications and large data sets to create sophisticated images and Concepts more quickly and deeply [4]. A history professor, for
animations. A tag cloud, for instance, uses text size to indicate the example, could use a visualization that shows which industries
relative frequency of use of a set of terms. In many cases, the data prospered and which suffered during the wars and economic
that feed a tag cloud come from thousands of Web pages, cycles of the 20th century to explain demographic shifts and the
representing perhaps millions of users. All of this information is social changes that followed. An economics professor might use
contained in a simple image that you can understand quickly and the same visualization to explain the financial connections in the
easily. More complex visualizations sometimes generate national or global economy[6]. Working with the visualization team
animations that demonstrate how data change over time. In an at the Renaissance Computing Institute, a faculty member in the
application called Gap minder, bubbles represent the countries of Department of Soil Science at North Carolina State University
the world, with each nationÊs population reflected in the size of its created an animated, interactive visualization that shows how
bubble. You can set the x and y axes to compare life expectancy fertilizer nitrates enter groundwater. The project combines data
with per capita income, for example, and the tool will show how from a network of GIS mapping systems and remote sensors and
each nationÊs bubble moves on the graph over time. You can see generates a visualization that shows where nitrates concentrate in
that higher income generally correlates with longer life expectancy, soil and how different modes of fertilizer delivery·coupled with
but the visualization also clearly shows that China doesnÊt follow variables such as precipitation·affect the rates and locations of
this trend·in 1975, the country had one of the lowest per capita groundwater pollution. Acuity and researchers in a wide range of
incomes but one of the longer life expectancies. The animation academic disciplines use visualizations to present data in ways that
also shows the steep drop in life expectancy in many sub-Saharan help generate new knowledge and understanding. What Can Be
African countries starting in the early 1990s (corresponding to the Achieved through Using Visualization Data visualization has many
This work is licensed under a Creat ive Com m ons At t ribut ion 3.0 License.
Sharma et al. Binary Journal of Data Mining & Networking 5 (1) 13-15 [2015]
properly. Users may be want to do the followings, which may multiple views zooming to focus attention panning to explore
require to re-do some earlier steps. Dynamically adjust mapping neighborhoods .
Tour data by varying views labeling to get original data deleting to
eliminate clutter Brushing/Highlighting to see correspondence in
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