Program Detail - Mastering AI Bootcamp v3
Program Detail - Mastering AI Bootcamp v3
Program Detail - Mastering AI Bootcamp v3
Mastering AI:
From Foundations
to Applications
Curated Mentors
Instructor with >5 years of experience,
who have passed the teaching
competencies test.
An intensive bootcamp to master AI in 12 weeks and start the career to become AI Engineer
8+ AI Applications Based
#1 36 Live Sessions #4 Projects
1 3
1. Machine Learning Fundamentals
PHASE 1 2. Introduction to Deep Learning PHASE 3
Week 1-4 | 12 sessions 3. Implementation Deep Learning with Pytorch Week 9-12 | 12 sessions
4. Introduction to Transformers & Huggingface
5. Model Hub
6. Transfer Learning
7. Database & SQL Programming
Week Title Description
Week 1 Learning Python, Accelerated
Master Python skills with a focus on studying Machine Learning. With an
accelerated approach facilitating students to build, automate, and analyze data
from Machine Learning.
Week 2 Version Control Learn the concept of version control to manage changes in the development of
Foundational Statistics Learn the concepts of the basics of statistics and practical skills in gathering,
processing, and analyzing data. Basic knowledge of statistics is very necessary to
master the science of artificial intelligence.
Pandas and Data Cleansing
Learn data manipulation and efficient data cleansing tips using Python Pandas,
one of the powerful data analysis tools.
Week 3 Data Visualization Master the art of visualizing data with matplotlib tools. Make a visual of raw data
that allows proper decision making and pre-processing machine learning models
Week 4 Exploring Traditional Machine Learning Learn the basic concepts and techniques in traditional Machine Learning. Learning
Techniques 1-2 deeper about various algorithms and their implementation in the task of
modeling and data classification.
Week Title Description
Week 5 Machine Learning Fundamentals
Learn how to apply Machine Learning Model effectively by making fire that is easy
to use. Take advantage of the strength of your model in real world applications by
making it accessible, adjusted and easily integrated.
Deep Learning 1-2 Divide the world of artificial intelligence by learning deep learning. Build a basic
understanding of the main principles of neuro-system.
Week 6 Implementation Deep Learning with Start a career journey as an AI engineer through learning deep learning by
Pytorch 1-3 mastering Pytorch. Learn how to build, train, and perfect neuro-system effectively
accompanied by direct practice.
Week 7 Intro to Transformers and Huggingface Learn Transformers Model and Huggingface Library which plays an important role
Library and Pipeline in tasks related to the Neurolinguistic Program (NLP).
Model Hub Introduce the concept of the hub model and how to access, scroll, and apply
model-learning models that already exist in various AI tasks and projects.
Transfer Learning 1-2 Learn a strong understanding of the concept and practice of transfer learning in
machine learning. Understand how to use existing Machine Learning Models to
overcome new tasks, optimize the performance of the model, and save time and
resources in AI development.
Week Title Description
Week 8 Database and SQL Programming 1-2 Learn about the basics of databases, database management, and SQL
programming. Divine how to design, manage, and retrieve data from a database,
which is a very important skill in the development of application and data
Week 9 Convolutional Neural Network & Explore the world of visual recognition by learning about Convolutional Neural
Computer Vision 1-3 Networks (CNNS) and its application on Computer Vision. Find how to use CNN for
image classification, object detection, etc., increase your skills in processing and
interpreting complex visual data.
Week 10 Exploring Latest AI trend: GPT 4, Stable Follow the development of the AI landscape that is growing rapidly by examining
Diffusion 1-2 innovative technology such as GPT-4 and Stable Diffusion. At the end of the
program, students will be invited to use and innovate with the latest AI tools
Week Title Description
Week 11 Natural Language Processing with Divide the world of NLP by mastering Transformers, the latest technology to
Transformer (Text & Audio) 1-5 understand and produce human -like language through text and audio. Learn
- Intuition how to make models that can perform tasks such as translation, summary, and
- Embedding sentiment analysis, as well as making GPT chat with AI
- Preprocessing
- Seq2seq with RNN
- Attention
Week 12 Building Realworld NLP app with Improve Language Processing skills by developing NLP applications that use
LangChain/Semantic Kernel & Vector Langchain, Semantic Kernel, and Vector Databases.
Database 1-3
- Novel AI + Prompt Engineering
- API + Langchain Basic
Program Syllabus
Ide dari Aviandito membuat aplikasi Bike Fit App. Aplikasi ini ditujukan untuk
mengetahui pengaturan ideal sepeda bagi pengguna.
Simak cerita Aviandito berikut dalam merancang produk Bike Fit App!
Berbagai peralatan medis pun kini telah dilengkapi dengan teknologi Artificial
Intelligence dan Machine Learning. Salah satu contohnya, yaitu alat pendeteksi
tumor otak. Para ahli onkologi dapat mendeteksi tumor lebih awal dan lebih
akurat dengan bantuan teknologi AI. Hal ini juga tentunya dapat mencegah
persebaran tumor serta meningkatkan probabilitas tingkat kesembuhan pasien.
“Ketemu topik Identify Brain Tumor. Topik ini sudah banyak yang Try the Apps!
mengerjakan. Memilih ini karena sekalian belajar. Terlebih ada
ketertarikan untuk mendalami teknologi AI di bidang kesehatan
karena tuntutan di bidang medis biasanya memerlukan
akurasi yang tinggi”.
Salah satu ide inovasi muncul dari Gavin yang mengembangkan produk AI
berupa fitur pendeteksi kerusakan mobil. Dengan adanya teknologi ini,
pengemudi akan dimudahkan untuk mendeteksi jika ada kerusakan. Di sisi lain
pihak bengkel pun juga akan dimudahkan untuk mempercepat menemukan titik
kerusakan sehingga meminimalisir pembongkaran mobil.
24 Mar 2024
Tuition Fee
Rp 15.000.000,00
Rp 5.000.000,00
Every Monday,
(Disc. up to 100%) Wednesday and Friday
19.30-21.30 WIB
Full and Partial
Scholarship Available
until 31 January 2024
Q: What is the difference between other bootcamps and Ruangguru Engineering
Academy+ x Skill Academy Pro?
A: If you have prior relevant experience, that's great! However, if you are not sure,as long as
you have experience in any programming languages, you will be able to catch up with the
curriculum like the wind