Semester One - 2024 - Year 8 Maths

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Year 8 Maths Curriculum Planner

Semester 1, 2024 - January to July

Unit 1 – Integers
Term 1: Weeks 1 - 3

Know... ● Integers are whole numbers that can be negative, zero or positive
● A number line can be used to add or subtract positive and negative integers
● Multiplying and dividing two integers of the same sign produces a positive solution
● Multiplying and dividing two integers with opposite signs produces a negative solution
● The rules for order of operations, brackets, index, division, multiplication, addition, subtraction
● Expressions can be evaluated by substitution
● There are a variety of methods to evaluate using the four main operators including mental strategies

Understand ● Negative integers have applications in the real world including temperature, elevation, sport, finance
that... and direction
● Negative integers are used and calculated the same as positive numbers, but as their opposites

Be able to... ● Add and subtract positive and negative integers

● Find the product and quotient of all integers
● Accurately apply order of operations in evaluating expressions including brackets, index, division,
multiplication, addition and subtraction
● Substitute integers to evaluate algebraic expressions
● Evaluate expressions using a variety of mental strategies including breaking down numbers

Victorian Curriculum Standards

● Use the 4 operations with integers and with rational numbers, choosing and using efficient mental and written
strategies, and digital tools where appropriate, and making estimates for these computations (VC2M8N04)

Key Literacy Skills

Word level Sentence level Text level

● Read the problem carefully and ● Check if the question bears ● Write down the equation that
underline any important words similarities to other questions needs to be solved
and phrases you may have done previously ● Using the operation/s you
● Write down the important facts ● If necessary, draw a number identified in the planning stage
you are given, or other line carefully labelling it with work through the question.
information you may know the appropriate positive and ● In a multi-stage problem, you
about the problem negative numbers
may need to use answers
● If working with other students, ● If required, write the relevant obtained in one part of the
discuss your ideas with them operation off to the side of the question when solving later
and see if you can find a question. parts.
starting point for a solution For example: +,−¿−¿ ● Check the reasonableness of
● Develop a strategy to work your answer in the context of
through the question the problem
● If you are working through a
worded question ensure that
you answer in words
● Include units in your answer
where appropriate.

Key Numeracy Skills

● Solving problems involving the 4 operations with integers and positive rational numbers

Common Formative Tasks Assessment Tasks

Chapter 1 (Integers) Topic Test

Unit 2 – Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Term 1: Weeks 4 - 7

Know... ● Common conversions between decimal, fraction and percentages

● Using rounding to estimate the results of calculations with whole numbers and decimals, and
understanding the conventions for rounding
● recognising terminating, recurring and non-terminating decimals and choosing their appropriate

Understand ● Understanding that quantities can be represented by different number types and calculated using
that... various operations, and that choices need to be made about each
● Percentages have applications in the real world including finance, profit, loss and discount
● Place value in a decimal
● Multiplying and dividing by powers of 10 can be done by moving the digits left or right of the decimals
● Percentage is a number out of 100
● Percentage mark-ups and discounts correspond to increasing and decreasing a price by a percentage
● The unitary method involves finding the value of ’one unit’ as an intermediate step

Be able to... ● Add subtract multiply and divide fractions, decimal

● Find fraction of a given quantity
● Find equivalent fractions
● Convert between decimals, fractions and percentage
● Carry out the 4 operations using fractions and decimals
● Find percentage increase and decrease
● Find percentages of quantities and express one as a percentage of another
● justifying choices of written, mental or calculator strategies for solving specific problems including those
involving large numbers
● using authentic problems to express quantities as percentages of other amounts
● using percentages to solve problems, including those involving mark-ups, discounts, profit and loss and
Victorian Curriculum Standards

● convert between fractions and terminating or recurring decimals, using digital tools as appropriate (VC2M8N03)
● Solve problems involving the use of percentages, including percentage increases and decreases and percentage error,
with and without digital technologies (VC2M8N05)
● use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving rational numbers and percentages, including
financial contexts involving profit and loss; formulate problems, choosing efficient mental and written calculation
strategies and using digital tools where appropriate; interpret and communicate solutions in terms of the context,
reviewing the appropriateness of the model (VC2M8N06)

Key Literacy Skills

Brainstorming Planning Writing

● Read the problem carefully and ● Check if the question bears ● Write down the equation that
underline any important words similarities to other questions needs to be solved
and phrases you may have done previously ● Using the operation/s you
● Write down the important facts ● Determine if the number/cost identified in the planning stage
you are given, or other will increase or decrease based work through the question.
information you may know on your estimation ● In a multi-stage problem, you
about the problem ● Develop a strategy to work may need to use answers
● If working with other students, through the question obtained in one part of the
discuss your ideas with them question when solving later
and see if you can find a parts.
starting point for a solution ● Check the reasonableness of
your answer in the context of
the problem
● If you are working through a
worded question ensure that
you answer in words
● Include units in your answer
where appropriate.

Key Numeracy Skills

● Confidently work with decimals, percentages and fractions in real life scenarios including financial mathematics.

Common Formative Tasks Assessment Tasks

CFT from Ex 3E – 3H (Percentages) Modelling task

Chapter 3 (Fractions, Decimals and Percentages) Topic Test 2

Unit 3 – Statistics
Term 1: Weeks 7 - 9

Know... ● To know the meaning of the terms numerical, categorical, discrete and continuous
● To know which data measure is most appropriate
● To know which type of sampling is most appropriate

● To know which type of data display is most appropriate

Understand ● To understand that data can be represented through a variety of charts/graphs

● To understand measures of centre and spread for numerical data
● To understand what measures are effected by an outlier

Be able to... ● Interpret column graphs, line graphs and pie charts
● Interpret data presented in a table
● Construct a tally and frequency table from a set of data
● Construct a graph from a frequency table
● Calculate the mean, median and mode for a set of numerical data
● Calculate the range of a set of numerical data

Victorian Curriculum Standards

● distinguish between a population and a sample, and investigate techniques for data collection including census,
sampling, experiment and observation, and explain the practicalities and implications of obtaining data through these
techniques (VC2M8ST01)
● analyse and report on the distribution of data from primary and secondary sources using random and non-random
sampling techniques (VC2M8ST02)
● compare variations in distributions and proportions obtained from random samples of the same size drawn from a
population and recognise the effect of sample size on this variation (VC2M8ST03)
● plan and conduct statistical investigations involving samples of a population; use ethical and fair methods to make
inferences about the population and report findings, acknowledging uncertainty (VC2M8ST04)
Key Literacy Skills

Brainstorming Planning Writing

● Read the problem carefully and ● Check if the question bears ● Write down the equation that
underline any important words similarities to other questions needs to be solved
and phrases you may have done previously ● Using the operation/s you
● Write down the important facts ● Determine what the question is identified in the planning stage
you are given, or other asking and how it can be work through the question.
information you may know answered based on the ● In a multi-stage problem, you
about the problem information provided
may need to use answers
● If working with other students, ● Develop a strategy to work obtained in one part of the
discuss your ideas with them through the question question when solving later
and see if you can find a parts.
starting point for a solution ● Check the reasonableness of
your answer in the context of
the problem
● If you are working through a
worded question ensure that
you answer in words
● Include units in your answer
where appropriate.

Key Numeracy Skills

● To be able to draw meaningful conclusions about data represented in a variety of charts.

Common Formative Tasks Assessment Tasks

1. Statistics Real Estate Investigation Task

Topic/Concept Common Assessment
Week Learning Intentions Lesson Activities
formative tasks Task

1 Introduction to ● To be able to add a Ex 1E

Negative positive integer to a
Integers negative integer Mild: 1 2 a-d,g 3 abg 4 5aeg 7 8
Medium: 2 a-g,I 3 acegij 4 5aceg
● To be able to subtract a 6ab 7 9 8, 11 12
positive integer from a Hot: 2dhl 3dhl 5bdfh 6bd 8 9 13 10
positive or negative 14 15
Ex 1F

Addition and ● To be able to add or Mild: 1 2 bdfgik 3bdfgik 5b 11 6a

Subtraction of subtract negative Medium: 2bdfgik 3bdfgik 4acegik
Negative integers 5b 11 6 ab 8
Integers Hot: 2cfil 3cfil 4cfil 8 9 11 12 10 14

2 Multiplication ● To be able to find the Ex 1G

and Division of product and quotient of
Integers two or more integers Mild: 1 2 acegik 3acegik 4acegi 6a
6ce 11
Medium: 2 acegik 3aeil 4dfgi 5 acf
6 ace 11 7 8 12

Hot: 2dhl 3dhl 4cfl 5cf 9 10 14 15

8 12 13

3 Order of ● To be able to evaluate Ex 1H

Operation and numerical expressions
Substitution using the order of Mild: 1 all, 2 b d f h, 3 b d f h, 4 b d
operations f h 5 b d f h, 6 a c e g, 7 a c e g 10
11 a c e g
Medium: 2 b e h, 3 b e h k, 4 b e h,
5 b e h, 6 c f, 7 c f, 8 c f I l ,10 13a c
● To be able to substitute 11 a c e g 12 14
integers for pronumerals
in order to evaluate Hot: : 2 b e h, 3 b e h k, 4 b e
expressions h, 5 b e h, 6 c f, 7 c f, 8 c f I l ,
9 c f I l 10 11 a c e g, 12, 13 a
c, 14, 15*, 16*

4 (Adding, ● To be able to add and Ex 3E Chapter 1
subtract decimals (Integers)
Mild: Worksheet, 5a b c d, 6a b c e, Topic Test
Multiplying and ● To be able to multiply
and divide decimals 7 a b c 10
Dividing) with
including powers of ten. Medium: 2 ESQ, 3 ESQ 5 ESQ, 6
Decimals ESQ, 7a c d g, 11, 14 12 15
Hot: 2 LHS, 3d, 4c, 5 RHS, 6 RHS, 7
RHS, 8 RHS, 9 RHS, 11, 12 14, 15,
13, 16
● To be able to convert a
Terminating, fraction to a recurring
Recurring and decimal using division
Rounding with correct notation Ex 3F
● To be able to round Mild: Building understanding 1
decimals to a given abcdef 2.
number of decimal 1 2ac 3ac 4 a b c d e f g, 5 a c, 6 a c
places by first finding the 9
critical digit Medium: 2abc, 3 aceh, 4 a c e g, 5
a c, 6 a c, 1 a b, 7 a c, 9 10, 11, 13,
14, 15
Hot: 2abc, 3 aceh, 4 e g, 5 a c, 6 a
c, 7 a c, 2 a c, 3 c, g, 8, 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15

5 Fractions, ● To be able to convert Ex 3G CFT from Ex
between percentages, 3E – 3H
Decimals and
fractions and decimals Mild: 1 a i, ii, 2ad, 3abc, 4abc, 5abc, (Percentages
Percentages )
6 ab, 7 ab, 8 ab, 14, 9, 10 ac
Medium: 1 a ii, 1 b i, 2aceg,
3aceg, 4 aceg, 5 adg, 6 adg, 7 adg,
8 adg, 10 a c, 14 11a, 15 a, b, c
● To be able to express
one quantity as a Hot: 1 b i, ii, 2 e, f, g, h. 3 e, f, g, h 4
percentage of another e, f, g, h. 5 e, f, g, h. 6 e, f, g h. 7 e,
quantity f, g, h. 8 e, f, g, h. 11b 14 15 13 16

Ex 3H

● To be able to find a
Finding a certain percentage of a Mild: 1 all. 2 a,b,c. 4 a, b, c. 5 a, b, c
Percentage and quantity . 7 a, b,c,d. 10a 11, 15
Expressing as a Medium: 2 b,d,f,h. 3. b,d,f,h. 4. a,
Percentage b, d 5 b,d,f. 7 d,g,j. 9 a,c,e, 11, 15
13, 16

Hot: 2 e,f,g,h. 3e,f,g,h. 4 b, c, d 5,

d,e,f. . 7 j,k,l, 9d,e,f 14, 16 17 18

Decreasing and International Women’s Day

6 Increasing by ● To be able to find the (Friday 8th March) 2024 Theme
new value if an amount Resources
is increased or
decreased by a Ex 3I
Mild: 1 all. 2 a,b,c. 4 a, b, c. 6 7 11
Medium: 2 b,d,f,h. 3. b,d,f. 4. a, c,
● To understand the e. 5 b,d,f. 7, 11 9 12
relationship between Hot: 2 e,f,g,h. 3d,e,f. 4 d,e,f. 5 e,f.
mark-ups/discounts and 8, 11, 12, 10, 13
Calculating percentage
Percentage increases/decrease
Ex 3J
Mild: 1 ai, bi. 2 a,b c. 3a, b, c. 4 a b,
● To be able to calculate c 6 11
the percentage change Medium: 2 a c, f. 3 b d. 4. a, c, 5 a,
(increase or decrease) b 6 , 11, 9, 12
when prices are Hot: 2 c, e, f. 3 b, d . 4 c, d. 5 a, c 8,
increased or decreased 11, 10, 13, 14

● To know the meaning of

the terms percentage
change, percentage
profit, percentage loss
and percentage error

7 Interpreting ● To be able to interpret Ex 8A – Selected Questions Modelling task

Graphs and column graphs, line Booklet
Tables graphs and pie charts Chapter 3
● To be able to interpret Decimals and
data presented in a table Percentages)
Topic Test 2

Term 1

8 Measures of ● To be able to calculate Ex 8D – Selected Questions

Centre Including the mean, median and
Mean, Median mode for a set of Worksheet
and Mode numerical data

● To understand the effect Ex 8E – Selected Questions

an outliner can have on
the measures of center Worksheet
Measures of
Spread, (Range ● To be able to calculate
and Outliers the range of a set of
Only) numerical data

9 Survey and ● To understand that a Ex 8F – Selected Questions

Sampling sample needs to be
representative of a
larger group in order for Booklet
the conclusions to be

● To be able to interpret
results from a survey

● To be able to decide
whether a bias is
introduced by different
methods of collecting
Unit 4 Measurement
Term 2: Weeks 1 – 5

Know... ● The meaning of the terms diameter, radius and circumference

● The different units of measure for perimeter, area and volume
● What perimeter is and how to calculate this
● The number Pi and its function in relation to circles
● The difference between capacity and volume

Understand ● To understand the concepts of perimeter, area and volume

that... ● To understand the function of pi (π) and its use in calculations with circles and semicircles
● To understand that composite shapes are a combination of smaller known shapes
● To understand the link between more complex shapes and rectangles/triangles

Be able to... ● Convert between different metric units of length, area and volume
● Find the perimeter of a shape or an unknown side length when given the perimeter
● Find the area and circumference of a circle using a calculator and an approximation
● Find the area of squares, rectangles, parallelograms and triangles
● Find the area of rhombuses, kites and trapeziums
● To be able to convert between units for volume and capacity
● To be able to find the volume of rectangular prisms, including cubes

Victorian Curriculum Standards

● solve problems involving the area and perimeter of irregular and composite shapes using appropriate units
● solve problems involving the volume and capacity of right prisms using appropriate units (VC2M8M02)
● solve problems involving the circumference and area of a circle using formulas and appropriate units (VC2M8M03)
● solve problems involving time and duration, including using 12- and 24-hour time across multiple time zones
● use Pythagoras’ theorem to solve problems involving the side lengths of right-angled triangles (VC2M8M06)
● use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving ratios and rates, including distance-time problems
for travel at a constant speed and financial contexts; formulate problems; interpret and communicate solutions in
terms of the situation, reviewing the appropriateness of the model (VC2M8M07)
Key Literacy Skills

Word level Sentence level Text level

● Read the problem carefully and ● Check if the question bears ● Write down the equation that
underline any important words similarities to other questions needs to be solved
and phrases you may have done previously ● Using the operation/s you
● Write down the important facts ● Determine what the question is identified in the planning stage
you are given, or other asking and how it can be work through the question.
information you may know answered based on the ● In a multi-stage problem, you
about the problem information provided
may need to use answers
● If working with other students, ● Develop a strategy to work obtained in one part of the
discuss your ideas with them through the question question when solving later
and see if you can find a parts.
starting point for a solution ● Check the reasonableness of
your answer in the context of
the problem
● If you are working through a
worded question ensure that
you answer in words
● Include units in your answer
where appropriate.

Key Numeracy Skills

● Students use appropriate metric units when solving measurement problems involving the perimeter and area of
composite shapes, and volume of right prisms. They use Pythagoras’ theorem to solve measurement problems
involving unknown lengths of right-angled triangles.

Common Formative Tasks Assessment Tasks

1. CFT (Covering Ex 4A, 4K, 4L, 4M, 4B) 1. Chapter 4 (Measurement) Topic Test
2. Perimeter, circumference and area of shapes
including fractions and decimals (Worksheet)
Unit 5: Algebra
Term 2: Weeks 6 – 9

Know... ● The basic terminology of algebra

● What makes two expressions equivalent
● What an algebraic fraction is
● That expressions can be written from word descriptions

Understand ● A letter can be used to represent an unknown number

that... ● To understand what like terms are and how they can be combined
● To understand that the rules of multiplying and dividing fractions extend to algebraic fractions
● To understand that the distributive law can be used to expand brackets and factorising is simply the
reverse procedure of this.

Be able to... ● Substitute values to evaluate algebraic expressions

● Decide if two terms are like terms and then simplify where required
● Multiply and divide terms, including fractions and simplify the result
● Find the lowest common denominator of two algebraic fractions
● Add and subtract algebraic fractions and simplify the result
● To be able to factorise using highest common factors and expand using the distributive law
● To be able to model simple situations using algebra

Victorian Curriculum Standards

 create, expand, factorise, rearrange and simplify linear expressions, applying the associative, commutative, identity,
distributive and inverse properties (VC2M8A01)
 Use algorithms and related testing procedures to identify and correct errors (VC2M8A04)

Key Literacy Skills

Brainstorming Planning Writing

● Read the problem carefully and ● Check if the question bears ● Write down the equation that
underline any important words similarities to other questions needs to be solved
and phrases you may have done previously ● Using the operation/s you
● Write down the important facts ● Work through the literacy identified in the planning stage
you are given, or other provided in the question. work through the question.
information you may know ● Have you seen any of the ● In a multi-stage problem, you
about the problem
● If working with other students, words before? Will they have may need to use answers
an impact on what the obtained in one part of the
discuss your ideas with them
question is asking? question when solving later
and see if you can find a
● If required make the question parts.
starting point for a solution
simpler by replacing like terms ● Check the reasonableness of
with a simple variable. your answer in the context of
● Develop a strategy to work the problem
through the question ● If you are working through a
worded question ensure that
you answer in words
● Include units in your answer
where appropriate.

Key Numeracy Skills

● To be able to represent information as a variable so as to calculate a variety of solutions.

Common Formative Tasks Assessment Tasks

1. Substitution and like terms in measurement 1. Chapter 5 (Algebra) Topic Test

Week Topic/Concept Learning Intention Lesson Activities Common Assessment
formative Task

1 Length and ● To be able to convert Ex 4A Real estate

Perimeter between different metric Mild: 1 2acegikmo 3 abcdg investigation
units of length 5abc 6a task (statistics)
Medium: 2acegikmo 3 acegi
● To be able to find the 4acf 5acd 7 10ab 6ab 8
perimeter of a shape when its Hot: 2dilm 3ehi 4cef 6 7 10
individual side lengths are ace 9 12
● To be able to determine the Ex 4K
perimeter and area of Mild: 2 ace, 4 abdef, 6, 8abc
irregular shapes by sums of Medium: 2 ace, 4 abdef, 6,
increasingly accurate covering 8bcde, 9
measurements, such as line Hot: 2 ace, 4 abdef, 5ab, 6,
segments and grids. 8bcde, 9, 10

● To be able to identify the

hypotenuse in a right-angled
● To be able to use Pythagoras’
theorem to determine if a
triangle has a right angle
based on its side lengths

● To be able to use Pythagoras’

2 Pythagoras’ theorem to find the Ex 4L
Theorem Mild: 1, 2ace, 3bcf, 4, 5, 8 ac
hypotenuse of a right-angled
Medium: 1, 2ace, 3bcf, 4, 5,
triangle 7, 8 ac, 9b
● To be able to apply Hot: 1, 2ace, 3bcf, 4, 5, 7, 8
Pythagoras’ theorem to ac, 9b, 10acd
simple worded problems
involving an unknown Ex 4M
Mild: 1, 2bd, 3bdf, 4, 7, 10
hypotenuse or diagonal
Medium: 2bd, 3bdf, 4, 5, 7,
9ac, 10
● To be able to use Pythagoras’ Hot: 2bd, 3bdf, 4, 5, 7, 9ac,
theorem to find the length of 10
a shorter side in a right-
angled triangle

3 Circumference ● To be able to use the Ex 4B

of a Circle Circumference Formula to find Mild: 2a, b, c 3 a, b, c, e 5 4
the Circumference of a circle a, c 6, 11
Medium: 2a,c 3 a, c, e 4 a,
c 6 , 11 7a, 8a, 9a
● To be able to convert between Hot: 2a, 3b, 3e, 8a, c, 9 a, b,
different metric units of area. c 10, 12, 15
● To be able to find the area of
squares, rectangles,
Areas of Basic Ex 4C
parallelograms and triangles.
Shapes Mild: 1 2bdfhjlnprt 3acegjk
● To demonstrate that the area 4abe 6ac 12a
of composite shapes can be Medium: 2bdfhjlnprt 3acegjk
found by adding or subtracting Hot: 5 ace 3 bfhk 4cef 6 8 9
basic shapes 12 13 10 11 15

4 Areas of Kites, ● To demonstrate a link Ex 4D CFT

Rhombuses between the formulas we Mild: 1 (all), 2 a, d, g, 3a, (Covering Ex
and have learned so far and those 4 5a, 8 4A, 4K, 4L,
Trapeziums more complex. Medium: 2a, c, d, f, g, h 4 , 4M, 4B)
8 5a, 9
● To be able to find the area of Hot: 2c, f, h, 3c, 5a, 6, 10
kites, rhombuses and 7, 9, 11

Area of a Ex 4E
● To be able to find the area of a
Circle Mild: 1, 2a, c, d, e, 4 a,b, e, f 6
circle given its radius or
7, 12
Medium: 2 c, e, 3 a, d, 4 a,b,
e, f 8, 9 10, 12
● To demonstrate how to find Hot: 3b, d, f 4a, c, e, f, 5, 9 12
the area of circle sectors 11, 14

5 Volume and ● To be able to convert Ex 4H Term 2

Capacity between capacity and Mild: 1, 2 a, c 3a, c, e 4a, 5 6 Progress
volume. 10 Reports
Medium: 2c, e, 3a, e 4a, c 6,
10 8, 11
Hot: 3 e, g, h, 4c, f, 7,8,11 9
● To understand what a cross-
Volumes of section of a prism and cylinder 12 13
Prisms and is
Cylinders IDAHOBIT (17th May)
● To be able to find the volume
Ex 4I
of prisms and cylinders
Mild: 1 a, b 2a, c, 3a,c 4a,
Medium: 2c, 3a, d, e, 6, 7
4a, e 8 10 11
Hot: 3 d, f, 4e, 7,8,9, 10,
11 12 13

6 ● To be able to convert between Ex 4J Chapter 4

Time different units of time Mild: 1 2 acegikmoq 3 ade 4 (Measuremen
acegi 20 11 12 21 t) Topic Test 2
● To be able to convert between Medium: 2 acegikmoq 4
times in 24 -hour time and acegi 8 20 12 15 21 23
a.m./p.m Hot: 2 adgjmp 3ef 4 bfh 8 15
● 16 21 22 23 19
● To be able to use a time zone
map to relate times in
different locations in the world

The Language Ex 5A
7 of Algebra ● To be able to identify
coefficients, terms and Mild: 1, 3 a, b, c, e, g, 4 a, b, d,
constant terms within f, h, j 5 a, c, e, g 5I,k,m,n 7,8
Medium: 2, 3a, b, 4 a, b, d, f, i
expressions, including in
5a,b,e,i,m 6a,d 8 10, 12,14
situations where coefficients
are zero or negative
Hot: 3 c, g, 4 b, d, f 5a,e,i,m
6d,e 10,12, 14 11, 13, 15

National Sorry Day (26th May)

Substitution and National Reconciliation
Week (27th May to 3rd June)

Ex 5B

Mild: 1 a, b, 2 a, e, h, 3 a, c, j ,l
4a, c, e, 5 a, c, e
Medium: 2 a, e, h, 3 a, c, j ,l 4
● To be able to evaluate
algebraic expressions by
substituting values b, c 5 a, c, e, 6 a, d, g
Hot: 3 a, c, j ,l 4 b, c 5 a, 6 a, b,
10 13

Adding and Substitution

8 Subtracting ● To be able to simplify Ex 5C and like terms
expressions containing like in
Like Terms
terms Mild: 1 a 2 a, d, g, 3 a, c, f, 4 a, measurement
● c, f, 5 a, c, e, j, k 6, 7, 8a (Worksheet)
Medium: 2 a, d, g, 3 a, c, f, 4 a,
c, f, 5 a, c, k 6, 8a, 13 9 10
Hot: 3 c, f, 4 c, f, i, 5 c, i, 6, 9,
10 14 12 16

Multiplying ● To understand the index

and Dividing notation x 2 and x 3 Ex 5D
Terms Mild: 2 a, c, e 3a, d, j, m 4 a,
● To be able to simplify algebraic d, g, j, 5 a, b, c 5 d, 6a, b 8a,b
expressions involving Medium: 2 a, c, e 3a, d, j, m
multiplication and division 4 a, d, g, j, 5 a, c, e 7 8
Hot: 3a, d, j, m 4 a, d, g, j, 5
a, c, e 8, 9, 7, 11

9 Expanding  To be able to expand Ex 5G

Brackets brackets using the Mild: 1a,b 2a, e, i 3a,e,i
distributive law 4a,c,e 7a, c, 11,
 To be able to expand Medium: 2 e, i 3 e, i 4a,c,e
brackets and then collect 6a, d 7a,11 8, 9, 12
like terms Hot: 3a, e, i 4a,c,e 5a d 6a, d
8, 9, 13, 12 OR 15
 To be able to find the
highest common factor of Ex 5H
two terms Mild: 1ai, 1bi, 2a, b, e, 3 a ,
b, c, e, g, h 5 8
 To be able to factorise Medium: 2 a, b, e 3 c, f, I, 4
Factorising expressions
Expressions b, d, f, I, j 5 6 8
Hot: 2b, e, h. 3c, f, i. 4b, f, j
6,8 7,9,11

Index laws: To be able to apply index law Ex 5J

10 Multiplying 1 when multiplying terms with Mild: 1ai aii bi bii ci cii di 2ac Chapter 5
and dividing the same base 3acegik 5ac 6abcdef 6ij* 9*
powers  To be able to apply index law 7*
2 when dividing terms with Medium: 2ac 3acegik (Algebra)
the same base 4acegikmo 5ac 6acegik 9* 7* Topic Test
 To be able to simplify 10*
expressions in which the index Hot: 2ac 3acegik 4acegikmo
is zero 5ac 6acegik 10* 11* 8*

Index laws:  To be able to simplify Ex 5K

Raising powers expressions involving powers Mild: 1ai bi ci 2adg 3ace
of powers 4aceg 6* 10*
Medium: 2bdfh 3ace 4aceg
● To be able to expand 5acegik 6* 7* 10*
expressions where a product is
taken to a power, e.g. (ab)3 Hot: 2bdfh 3ace 4aceg
5acegik 8* 9* 13* 14*

Activity from the textbook

11 Algorithm ● To be able to use algorithms Chapter 11 Algorithmic
divisibility and related testing procedures thinking
tests to identify and correct errors Semester 1
Reports due
● To be able to use spreadsheets
and flow charts to conduct
analysis and implement their
own algorithms

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