Report Cybersecurity Great Consultant
Report Cybersecurity Great Consultant
Report Cybersecurity Great Consultant
Great Cybersecurity
Table of Contents
Introduction................................................................................. 3
Final Thoughts........................................................................... 21
Resources................................................................................... 22
IEEE Computer Society Resources..............................................................23
Reports, Statistics, and Associations.........................................................23
Security experts have been competing for an
advantage over adversaries since 1988, when the
Morris worm introduced the world to the denial-of-
service attack. In the decades following those early
skirmishes on what was a relatively contained network
of systems, the security space has vastly expanded.
Today, cybersecurity professionals must contend with
everything from smart power grids to interconnected
industry automation to the accelerating work-from-
home movement, all hovered over by the amorphous
and ever-expanding cloud.
Ongoing Demand
and Emerging
Security Technologies
While the demand for cybersecurity professionals continues to
grow, so too, does the pool of technologies available to help monitor
threats and protect systems.
with IT areas such as operating where they are going to try to act,
systems, communication and thus be able to close the open
protocols, networking and network gaps in time.”
architecture, and common
Having education and job experience
programming languages (such as
in these areas is ideal; adding IT and
C++, Java, and Python).
security-specific certifications can
Cybersecurity consultants also further demonstrate this knowledge
need a general working knowledge to your future clients. Among the
of security areas such as security hundreds of certifications available,
auditing, firewall management, deciding which ones matter—to
penetration testing, encryption your focus, your potential clients,
technologies, and principles of and your bottom line is another
ethical hacking and coding, along issue altogether.
with an insight into
the hacker mindset.
As Rodríguez notes,
“To be able to defend
a system well, you
first have to know
how to attack it. You To be able to defend
have to put yourself a system well, you
in the role of the first have to know
enemy to know how to attack it.
work that isn’t professional will on time. You also need organization
find it difficult to compete,” he and presentation skills. That is, it is
says, adding that having solid not enough to be good at analyzing
skills in both communications and an organization’s existing security
project management is crucial. and vulnerabilities; you also need
“This is especially true if you are an to describe the latter coherently to
independent consultant because you various stakeholders and clearly
need to listen to your client and set outline possible solutions, along
clear expectations—and then deliver with the strengths and downsides
a professional work product.” of each. This advisory role is critical;
play it well, and you will inspire
To be a successful independent
clients to trust you and recommend
consultant, you need experience
you to other organizations.
leading projects that stay on
schedule and complete successfully
Hustle First,
Then Take the Leap
Armed with skills (hard and soft), extensive job experience, and a list
of certifications, it’s tempting to simply apply for a business license,
build a website, tender your resignation, and start the hustle. But it
might be best to put the hustle at the top of your list, then consider
the timing on the other items later.
A good place to start the hustle? such as its online Special Technical
Networking. One place to look Community on Cybersecurity and
for opportunities is professional Technical Community on Security
societies, such as the IEEE and Privacy and conferences
Computer Society. It offers such as the IEEE International
numerous volunteer opportunities, Conference on Cyber Security and
as well as security-targeted learning Resilience (IEEE CSR). Engaging
and networking through resources with opportunities such as these
whether one-time
or ongoing, with
other cybersecurity It is important to build a
professionals and strong personal network
consultants can give because this is where you
you insights into will get many leads and
the field as well as make the connections to
its basic practices, secure the contract.
such as money
has many pros and cons, and it can Johnson agrees; in addition to
take many forms. Having a mentor learning about the cybersecurity
or regular interactions with other field and how to avoid pitfalls,
professionals can help you better reaching out to experienced
understand the practical issues and consultants may result in your
avoid reinventing the wheel. It can reconsidering the timing of
also help you formulate a clear vision establishing your own consultancy.
of your own story: who you are,
“You may decide this isn’t the
what you plan to offer, and why an
time, but after some additional
organization should hire you.
experiences, training, and
Rodríguez recommends that aspiring certifications, you may be much
consultants focus on one field and better prepared,” says Johnson,
specialize as much as possible, and adding that, in any case, it’s
always stay tuned to industry news. important for you to “frequently
“Learn to learn,” he says, “because reassess where you are, what
in this job, you will always have you offer, and what is needed
to be updating and learning new in the industry to stay current
technologies—and how to attack and marketable.”
and defend them.”
Final Thoughts
Rodríguez and Johnson both passionate about cybersecurity, which
emphasize that the fuel for a is essential to success in this field. You
successful consulting career is passion. can take trainings and learn technical
It is a passion for the security mission skills in a variety of ways, he says, but
that will drive your learning and hard “it will be difficult to succeed as an
work, your resiliency in challenging independent consultant if you don’t
times, and your client list’s expansion. demonstrate your passion.”
Certifications Conferences
• Certified Information Security • IEEE Secure Development
Analyst (CISA) Conference