CPWD Dar Vol II 14092023 Civil
CPWD Dar Vol II 14092023 Civil
CPWD Dar Vol II 14092023 Civil
20 Pile work
21 Aluminium Work
22 Water Proofing
23 Rain Water Harvesting & Tube wells
24 Conservation of Heritage Buildings.
25 Structural Glazing Aluminium Composite Panel
26 New Technologies and Materials
4. Delhi Analysis of Rates 2023 is based on market rates of materials prevailing during
the month of April 2023 at Delhi. The basic rates of materials are without GST and are
incorporated in the analysis, pertain to materials conforming to BIS Standards/CPWD
Specifications/Materials of good quality generally available in the market, as provided by
four committees headed by CE NDZ 1, II III of CPWD and CE flyover project zone, PWD.
The prevalent GST @ 18% on work contracts has been incorporated in analysis of all
items. Labour rates are taken from the minimum rate of wages including the basic rates
and variable dearness allowance issued by the Chief Labour Commissioner, New Delhi
Ministry of Labour and Employment, Govt. of India vide letter No. 1/S(i)/2023-LS-II dated
03.04.2023 and Commissioner (Labour), Govt. of NCT of Delhi vide letter No. (142)/02/
MW/VIII/Part file/429-443 dated 20.04.2023 (whichever is higher) w.e.f. 01.04.2023.
The nomenclature of main items has been printed along with the analysis of first Sub Item
only to conserve the space and number of pages.
Sundries have been considered as 2.27 times based on Cost Index of Delhi as on 01.04.2023
which is 107 over Delhi Plinth Area Rates 2021 with base 100 as on 01.04.2021.
I wish to place on record the technical input and effective coordination on the part of Shri
Prem Mohan, CE, CSQ (Civil) & Shri Vinayak Rai and the sincere efforts put in by Shri
Dinesh Kumar Ujjainia, SE (TAS) & Shri M. Seetarama Rao, Shri S.N. Jaiswal EE(TAS),
Shri Hemanta Panrui, AE (TAS), Shri Gian Chand, AE (TAS), Shri Raghvendra, AE (T AS)
& Shri Akhileshwar Sah, Chief Estimator and special thanks to Shri Durga Ram Chowdhary,
AE (TAS) for his constant hard work to carryout the correction in analysis of items through
out of the year and in preparation and finalizing the DAR 2023 in a due time.
8. I convey my gratitude to committees under CE, NDZ-1, II, Ill and CE Flyover Zone, PWD,
Delhi who provided market rates of items to CSQ office and thus enabled them to come out
with this edition of DAR.
9. Although due care has been taken in bringing out DAR-2023, still there is possibility that
some errors are left inadvertently. Errors or omissions may be brought to the notice of
Superintending Engineer (TAS), CPWD, Room No. 418, A-Wing, Nirman Bhawan, New
Delhi -110011 (delsetascsg.cpwd@njc.in I cecsq.cpwd@nic.in).
Suggestions from everyone who are using this document are welcome as there may have further
scope for improvement.
13.1 12 mm cement plaster of mix :
13.1.1 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
Cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 fine
3.4 Rate as per Item Number 3.4 of SH: Mortars cum 0.144 3708.80 534.07
0155 Mason (average) day 0.67 857.00 574.19
0115 Coolie day 0.75 736.00 552.00
0101 Bhisti day 0.92 816.00 750.72
9999 Scaffolding and sundries L.S. 12.61 2.27 28.62
TOTAL 2439.60 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 24.40
TOTAL 2464.00 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 524.09
TOTAL 2988.09 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 448.21
TOTAL 3436.30 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 34.36
Cost of 10.00 sqm 3470.66
Cost of 1.00 sqm 347.07
Say 347.05
13.8 15 mm cement plaster on rough side of single or half brick wall finished with a floating coat
of neat cement of mix :
13.8.1 1:3 (1 cement: 3 fine sand)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
Cement mortar 1 : 3 (1 cement : 3 fine
3.3 Rate as per Item Number 3.3 of SH: Mortars cum 0.172 4379.05 753.20
0155 Mason (average) day 0.80 857.00 685.60
0115 Coolie day 0.88 736.00 647.68
0101 Bhisti day 0.99 816.00 807.84
9999 Scaffolding and sundries L.S. 12.61 2.27 28.62
0367 Portland Cement (OPC-43 grade) tonne 0.02 5156.00 103.12
2209 Carriage of Cement tonne 0.02 0.00 0.00
0155 Mason (average) day 0.27 857.00 231.39
0115 Coolie day 0.27 736.00 198.72
9999 Scaffolding and sundries L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
TOTAL 3474.47 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 34.74
TOTAL 3509.21 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 746.41
TOTAL 4255.62 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 638.34
TOTAL 4893.96 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 48.94
Cost of 10.00 sqm 4942.90
Cost of 1.00 sqm 494.29
Say 494.30
13.9 Cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement.
13.9.1 12 mm cement plaster
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse
3.8 Rate as per Item Number 3.8 of SH: Mortars cum 0.144 4881.95 703.00
0155 Mason (average) day 0.67 857.00 574.19
0115 Coolie day 0.75 736.00 552.00
0101 Bhisti day 0.92 816.00 750.72
9999 Scaffolding and sundries L.S. 12.61 2.27 28.62
0367 Portland Cement (OPC-43 grade) tonne 0.02 5156.00 103.12
2209 Carriage of Cement tonne 0.02 0.00 0.00
0155 Mason (average) day 0.27 857.00 231.39
0115 Coolie day 0.27 736.00 198.72
9999 Scaffolding and sundries L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
TOTAL 3160.06 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 31.60
TOTAL 3191.66 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 678.87
TOTAL 3870.53 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 580.58
TOTAL 4451.11 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 44.51
Cost of 10.00 sqm 4495.62
Cost of 1.00 sqm 449.56
Say 449.55
13.10 15 mm cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat
cement on the rough side of single or half brick wall.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse
3.8 Rate as per Item Number 3.8 of SH: Mortars cum 0.172 4881.95 839.70
0155 Mason (average) day 0.80 857.00 685.60
0115 Coolie day 0.88 736.00 647.68
0101 Bhisti day 0.99 816.00 807.84
9999 Scaffolding and sundries L.S. 12.61 2.27 28.62
0367 Portland Cement (OPC-43 grade) tonne 0.02 5156.00 103.12
2209 Carriage of Cement tonne 0.02 0.00 0.00
0155 Mason (average) day 0.27 857.00 231.39
0115 Coolie day 0.27 736.00 198.72
9999 Scaffolding and sundries L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
TOTAL 3560.97 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 35.61
TOTAL 3596.58 X
13.11 18 mm cement plaster in two coats under layer 12 mm thick cement plaster 1:5 (1 cement : 5
coarse sand) finished with a top layer 6 mm thick cement plaster 1:6 (1 cement : 6 fine sand).
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
Under layer Cement mortar 1 : 5 (1 cement
: 5 coarse sand)
3.10 Rate as per Item Number 3.10 of SH: Mor-
tars cum 0.144 3850.75 554.51
Top layer Cement mortar 1 : 6 (1 cement : 6
fine sand)
3.6 Rate as per Item Number 3.6 of SH: Mortars cum 0.072 3038.50 218.77
0155 Mason (average) day 1.21 857.00 1036.97
0115 Coolie day 1.29 736.00 949.44
0101 Bhisti day 1.05 816.00 856.80
9999 Scaffolding and sundries L.S. 12.61 2.27 28.62
TOTAL 3645.11 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 36.45
TOTAL 3681.56 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 783.07
TOTAL 4464.63 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 669.69
TOTAL 5134.32 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 51.34
Cost of 10.00 sqm 5185.66
Cost of 1.00 sqm 518.57
Say 518.55
13.12 18 mm cement plaster in two coats under layer 12 mm thick cement plaster 1:5 (1 cement : 5
coarse sand) and a top layer 6 mm thick cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished
rough with sponge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
Under layer Cement mortar 1 : 5 (1 cement
: 5 coarse sand)
3.10 Rate as per Item Number 3.10 of SH: Mor-
tars cum 0.144 3850.75 554.51
Top layer Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3
coarse sand)
13.14 15 mm cement plaster 1:2 (1 cement : 2 stone dust) on the rough side of single or half brick wall.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
Cement mortar 1:2 (1 Cement : 2 stone
13.17 6 mm cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement
and thick coat of Lime wash on top of walls when dry for bearing of R.C.C. slabs and beams.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
Cement mortar 1 : 3 (1 cement : 3 fine
3.3 Rate as per Item Number 3.3 of SH: Mortars cum 0.072 4379.05 315.29
0155 Mason (average) day 0.51 857.00 437.07
0115 Coolie day 0.75 736.00 552.00
0101 Bhisti day 0.92 816.00 750.72
9999 Extra for removing burrs, cleaning with wire
brushes, pock making with pointed tool etc.
complete. L.S. 13.39 2.27 30.40
9999 Scaffolding and sundries L.S. 11.7 2.27 26.56
0367 Portland Cement (OPC-43 grade) tonne 0.02 5156.00 103.12
2209 Carriage of Cement tonne 0.02 0.00 0.00
0155 Mason (average) day 0.27 857.00 231.39
0115 Coolie day 0.27 736.00 198.72
9999 Scaffolding and sundries L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
0776 Satna lime quintal 0.01 400.00 4.00
9999 Indigo gum etc L.S. 2.08 2.27 4.72
9999 Sundries ladder etc. L.S. 0.52 2.27 1.18
0141 White Washer day 0.07 816.00 57.12
0115 Coolie day 0.07 736.00 51.52
9999 Sundries L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
TOTAL 2788.31 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 27.88
TOTAL 2816.19 X
13.20 Pebble dash plaster upto 10 m height above ground level with a mixture of washed pebble
or crushed stone 6 mm to 12.5 mm nominal size, dashed over and including fresh plaster in
two layers under layer 12 mm cement plaster 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) and top layer 10
mm cement plaster with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) mixed with 10% finely
grounded hydrated lime by volume of cement.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
Under layer 12 mm thick cement plaster
Cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse
3.9 Rate as per Item Number 3.9 of SH: Mortars cum 0.144 4211.70 606.48
0155 Mason (average) day 0.67 857.00 574.19
0114 Beldar day 0.75 736.00 552.00
0101 Bhisti day 0.92 816.00 750.72
9999 Scaffolding and sundries L.S. 9.88 2.27 22.43
Top layer 10 mm thick cement plaster
Cement mortar 1 : 3 (1 cement : 3 fine
13.24 Extra for plastering done on moulding, cornices or architraves including neat finish to line
and level:
13.24.1 In one coat
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0155 Mason (average) day 3.00 857.00 2571.00
0114 Beldar day 2.00 736.00 1472.00
0115 Coolie day 1.00 736.00 736.00
0101 Bhisti day 0.25 816.00 204.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 13.39 2.27 30.40
TOTAL 5013.40 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 50.13
TOTAL 5063.53 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1077.01
TOTAL 6140.54 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 921.08
TOTAL 7061.62 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 70.62
Cost of 10.00 sqm 7132.24
Cost of 1.00 sqm 713.22
Say 713.20
13.26 Providing and applying plaster of paris putty of 2 mm thickness over plastered surface to
prepare the surface even and smooth complete.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
Plaster of paris 10x0.002x1121 = 22.42kg
Add 2% wastage= 0.45kg
Total = 22.87kg. Say23kg
0869 Plaster of Paris kilogram 23.00 7.00 161.00
9977 Carriage of plaster of paris L.S. 3.90 2.27 8.85
0122 Mason (for plaster of paris work) 1st class day 0.91 897.00 816.27
0114 Beldar day 0.91 736.00 669.76
9999 Scaffolding and sundries L.S. 83.98 2.27 190.63
TOTAL 1846.51 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 18.47
TOTAL 1864.98 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 396.68
TOTAL 2261.66 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 339.25
TOTAL 2600.91 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 26.01
Cost of 10.00 sqm 2626.92
Cost of 1.00 sqm 262.69
Say 262.70
13.28 12 mm thick plain cement mortar bands in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine sand):
13.28.1 Flush Band
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 metre long and 10 cm
wide band
Cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 fine
3.4 Rate as per Item Number 3.4 of SH: Mortars cum 0.014 3708.80 51.92
0155 Mason (average) day 0.27 857.00 231.39
0115 Coolie day 0.27 736.00 198.72
0101 Bhisti day 0.05 816.00 40.80
9999 Sundries L.S. 1.43 2.27 3.25
TOTAL 526.08 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 5.26
TOTAL 531.34 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 113.02
TOTAL 644.36 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 96.65
TOTAL 741.01 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 7.41
Cost of 10.00 metre long and 10 cm wide
band 748.42
Cost of 1.00 metre long and 1 cm wide
band 7.48
Say 7.50
13.29 18 mm thick plain cement mortar band in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine sand):
13.29.1 Flush Band
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 metre long and 10 cm
wide band
Cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 fine
3.4 Rate as per Item Number 3.4 of SH: Mortars cum 0.02 3708.80 74.18
0155 Mason (average) day 0.32 857.00 274.24
0115 Coolie day 0.32 736.00 235.52
0101 Bhisti day 0.06 816.00 48.96
9999 Sundries L.S. 2.08 2.27 4.72
TOTAL 637.62 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 6.38
TOTAL 644.00 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 136.98
TOTAL 780.98 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 117.15
TOTAL 898.13 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 8.98
Cost of 10.00 metre long and 10 cm wide
band 907.11
Cost of 1.00 metre long and 1 cm wide
band 9.07
Say 9.05
13.30 18 mm thick moulded cement mortar band in two coats under layer 12 mm thick with cement
mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand) top layer 6 mm thick with cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement
: 4 fine sand).
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 metre long and 10 cm
wide band
Cement mortar 1 : 5 (1 cement : 5 coarse
3.10 Rate as per Item Number 3.10 of SH: Mor-
tars cum 0.014 3850.75 53.91
Cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 fine
3.4 Rate as per Item Number 3.4 of SH: Mortars cum 0.01 3708.80 37.09
0155 Mason (average) day 0.86 857.00 737.02
0115 Coolie day 0.86 736.00 632.96
0101 Bhisti day 0.05 816.00 40.80
9999 Sundries L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
TOTAL 1507.98 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 15.08
TOTAL 1523.06 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 323.95
TOTAL 1847.01 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 277.05
13.31 Pointing on brick work or brick flooring with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand):
13.31.1 Flush / Ruled/ Struck or weathered pointing
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
Cement mortar 1 : 3 (1 cement : 3 fine
3.3 Rate as per Item Number 3.3 of SH: Mortars cum 0.03 4379.05 131.37
0155 Mason (average) day 0.50 857.00 428.50
0115 Coolie day 0.60 736.00 441.60
0101 Bhisti day 0.93 816.00 758.88
9999 Sundries L.S. 7.15 2.27 16.23
9999 Scaffolding and racking out joints including
sundries L.S. 14.30 2.27 32.46
TOTAL 1809.04 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 18.09
TOTAL 1827.13 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 388.63
TOTAL 2215.76 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 332.36
TOTAL 2548.12 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 25.48
Cost of 10.00 sqm 2573.60
Cost of 1.00 sqm 257.36
Say 257.35
13.32 Pointing on tile brick work with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand):
13.32.1 Flush/ Ruled/ Struck or weathered pointing
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
Cement mortar 1 : 3 (1 cement : 3 fine
3.3 Rate as per Item Number 3.3 of SH: Mortars cum 0.046 4379.05 201.44
9999 Sundries L.S. 7.15 2.27 16.23
0155 Mason (average) day 0.67 857.00 574.19
0115 Coolie day 0.80 736.00 588.80
0101 Bhisti day 1.28 816.00 1044.48
9999 Scaffolding and racking out joints including
sundries L.S. 16.12 2.27 36.59
TOTAL 2461.73 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 24.62
TOTAL 2486.35 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 528.85
TOTAL 3015.20 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 452.28
TOTAL 3467.48 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 34.67
Cost of 10.00 sqm 3502.15
Cost of 1.00 sqm 350.22
Say 350.20
13.33 Pointing on stone work with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) :
13.33.1 Flush/ Ruled pointing
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
Cement mortar 1 : 3 (1 cement : 3 fine
3.3 Rate as per Item Number 3.3 of SH: Mortars cum 0.023 4379.05 100.72
9999 Sundries L.S. 7.15 2.27 16.23
0155 Mason (average) day 0.92 857.00 788.44
0115 Coolie day 1.37 736.00 1008.32
0101 Bhisti day 0.93 816.00 758.88
13.34 Raised and cut pointing on stone work in white cement mortar 1:3 (1 white cement : 3
marble dust).
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
White Cement mortar 1:3 (1 white cement :
3 marble dust)
3.16 Rate as per Item Number 3.16 of SH: Mor-
tars cum 0.038 7318.50 278.10
9999 Sundries L.S. 7.15 2.27 16.23
0155 Mason (average) day 2.00 857.00 1714.00
13.36 Extra for pointing on walls on the outside at height more than 10 m from ground level for every
additional height of 3 m or part there of.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
9999 Scaffolding L.S. 13.39 2.27 30.40
9999 Sundries L.S. 13.39 2.27 30.40
13.39 Colour washing such as green, blue or buff to give an even shade :
13.39.1 New work (two or more coats) with a base coat of white washing with lime
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0775 Dehradun white lime quintal 0.03 650.00 19.50
9977 Carriage of lime L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
9999 Add for colouring stuff L.S. 0.91 2.27 2.07
0141 White Washer day 0.30 816.00 244.80
0115 Coolie day 0.10 736.00 73.60
9999 Indigo gum etc L.S. 4.42 2.27 10.03
9999 Sundries ladders etc L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
TOTAL 374.50 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 3.75
TOTAL 378.25 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 80.45
TOTAL 458.70 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 68.81
TOTAL 527.51 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.28
Cost of 10.00 sqm 532.79
Cost of 1.00 sqm 53.28
Say 53.30
13.39.2 New work (two or more coats) with a base coat of whiting
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0775 Dehradun white lime quintal 0.03 650.00 19.50
9977 Carriage of lime L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
9999 Add for colouring stuff L.S. 0.91 2.27 2.07
0141 White Washer day 0.30 816.00 244.80
0115 Coolie day 0.10 736.00 73.60
9999 Indigo gum etc L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
9999 Sundries ladders etc L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
TOTAL 370.67 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 3.71
TOTAL 374.38 X
13.41 Distempering with 1st quality acrylic distemper (ready mixed) having VOC content less than
50 gram/litre, of approved manufacturer and of required shade and colour all complete to
achieve even shade and colour :
13.41.1 New work (two or more coats) over and including water thinnable priming coat with cement
primer having VOC content less than 50 gram/litre
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0808 Water thinnable cement primer for interior
wall surface, having VOC content less than
50 gram/litre litre 0.70 40.00 28.00
9988 Sundries for brushes,sand paper & putty for
filling holes including Carriage for primer L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
0802 Acrylic distemper 1st quality , having VOC
content less than 50 gram/ litre kilogram 1.25 45.00 56.25
9988 Sundries for brushes,sand paper including
Carriage for distemper L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
0131 Painter day 1.00 816.00 816.00
0115 Coolie day 0.50 736.00 368.00
2.27 0.00
TOTAL 1304.85 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 13.05
TOTAL 1317.90 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 280.32
TOTAL 1598.22 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 239.73
TOTAL 1837.95 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 18.38
Cost of 10.00 sqm 1856.33
Cost of 1.00 sqm 185.63
Say 185.65
13.44 Finishing walls with water proofing cement paint of required shade :
13.44.1 New work (Two or more coats applied @ 3.84 kg/10 sqm)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0851 Water proofing cement paint kilogram 3.84 41.00 157.44
9977 Carriage of material L.S. 1.56 2.27 3.54
13.51 Painting with silicon & acrylic emulsion based water thinnable sealer of approved brand and
manufacture on wet or patchy portion of plastered surfaces:
13.51.1 One coat
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0801 Silicon and acrylic emulsion litre 1.80 140.00 252.00
9977 Carriage of material L.S. 0.52 2.27 1.18
9999 Putty etc L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
0131 Painter day 0.27 816.00 220.32
0115 Coolie day 0.27 736.00 198.72
9999 Brushes, sand paper etc L.S. 5.33 2.27 12.10
9999 Sundries L.S. 10.79 2.27 24.49
TOTAL 715.01 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 7.15
TOTAL 722.16 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 153.60
TOTAL 875.76 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 131.36
TOTAL 1007.12 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 10.07
Cost of 10.00 sqm 1017.19
Cost of 1.00 sqm 101.72
Say 101.70
13.58 Providing and applying two coats of fire retardant paint on cleaned wood / ply surface @
3.5 sqm per litre per coat including preparation of base surface as per recommendations of
manufacturer to make the surface fire retardant.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
7240 Fire retardant paint litre 5.70 259.00 1476.30
9977 Carriage of material L.S. 1.43 2.27 3.25
0131 Painter day 0.54 816.00 440.64
0114 Beldar day 0.54 736.00 397.44
9999 Putty, brushes, sand paper etc L.S. 6.76 2.27 15.35
9999 Sundries L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
TOTAL 2351.28 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 23.51
TOTAL 2374.79 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 505.12
13.73 Forming groove of uniform size in the top layer of washed stone grit plaster as per approved
pattern using wooden battens, nailed to the under layer, including removal of wooden battens,
repair to the edges of panels and finishing the groove complete as per specifications and
direction of the Engineer-in-charge :
13.73.1 15 mm wide and 15 mm deep groove
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 30 mtrs
Second class kail wood in plank 30 x0.015
x0.015m =6.75cudm
Wastage @ 10% = 0.68
Total = 7.43 cudm
Assuming that the battens shall become
unserviceable after using 5 times
Cost for using once = 7.43 / 5 = 1.48 cudm
1198 Second class kail wood in planks 10 cudm 0.148 260.00 38.48
9977 Carriage of wood L.S. 0.39 2.27 0.89
Labour for making battens
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 0.15 816.00 122.40
0114 Beldar day 0.15 736.00 110.40
9999 Sundries L.S. 2.86 2.27 6.49
Labour for nailing the battens to under layer
and finishing and repairing grooves
13.75 Extra for washed stone grit plaster on circular work not exceeding 6 m in radius (in two
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0123 Mason 1st class day 0.50 897.00 448.50
0114 Beldar day 0.50 736.00 368.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 53.82 2.27 122.17
TOTAL 938.67 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 9.39
TOTAL 948.06 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 201.65
TOTAL 1149.71 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 172.46
TOTAL 1322.17 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 13.22
Cost of 10.00 sqm 1335.39
Cost of 1.00 sqm 133.54
Say 133.55
13.76 Forming groove of uniform size from 12x12 mm and upto 25x15 mm in the top layer of washed
stone grit plastered surface as per approved pattern, including providing and fixing aluminum
channels of appropriate size and thickness (not less than 2 mm), nailed to the under layer
with rust proof screws and nails and finishing the groove complete as per specifications and
direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 30 metre
Aluminium channel section 15 x 15 x 2 mm
(weight 0.221 kg/mtr)
Qty = 30 + 5% wastage = 31.5 m @ 0.221
kg/m = 6.96 kg.
13.77 Extra for using white cement in place of ordinary cement in the top layer of the item of washed
stone grit plaster.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
Add for
0368 White Cement tonne 0.10 10500.00 1050.00
Deduct for ordinary cement
0367 Portland Cement (OPC-43 grade) tonne -0.10 5156.00 -515.60
TOTAL 534.40 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 5.34
TOTAL 539.74 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 114.80
TOTAL 654.54 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 98.18
TOTAL 752.72 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 7.53
Cost of 10.00 sqm 760.25
Cost of 1.00 sqm 76.03
Say 76.05
13.78 Providing and applying 12 mm thick (average) premixed formulated one coat gypsum
lightweight plaster having additives and light weight aggregates as vermiculite/ perlite
respectively conforming to IS: 2547 (Part - 1 & II) 1976, applied on hacked / uneven background
such as bare brick/ block/ RCC work on walls & ceiling at all floors and locations, finished in
smooth line and level etc. complete.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
Premixed super white gypsum plaster @
16.14kg /sqm = 61.40 + 5% wastage =
161.40+8.07= 169.47 kg
0868 Premixed super white gypsum plaster. kg 169.47 8.00 1355.76
13.79 Extra for addition of synthetic Polyester triangular fibre of length 6 mm, effective diameter
10-40 microns and specific gravity of 1.34 to 1.40 in cement plaster/mortar by using 125
gms. of synthetic Polyester triangular fibre for 50 Kgs. cement used in cement mortar as per
directions of Engineer-in-Charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for per bag of 50 kg of cement
used in mortar
8733 Synthetic ployster triangular fibre of length
6 mm, effective diameter 10-40 microns
and specific gravity of 1.34 to 1.40 including
labour for mixing kg 0.125 440.50 55.06
TOTAL 55.06 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 0.55
TOTAL 55.61 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 11.83
TOTAL 67.44 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 10.12
TOTAL 77.56 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 0.78
Cost per bag of cement 78.34
Say 78.35
13.80 Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of approved
brand and manufacturer, over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and
smooth complete.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0824 Cement base wall care putty kg 14.58 18.00 262.44
10x0.001x1429 = 14.29kg
Add 2% wastage= 0.29kg
Total = 14.58kg Say 14.58 kg
9977 Carriage L.S. 3.90 2.27 8.85
0122 Mason (for plaster of paris work) 1st class day 0.45 897.00 403.65
13.81 Distempering with 1st quality acrylic distemper (ready mixed) having VOC (Volatile Organic
Compound ) content less than 50 gram/ litre, of approved brand and manufacturer including
applying additional coats wherever required to achieve even shade and colour
13.81.1 Old work (one or more coats)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0802 Acrylic distemper 1st quality , having VOC
content less than 50 gm/kg Kg 0.62 45.00 27.90
9988 Sundries for brushes,sand paper,scaffolding
including Carriage for distemper L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
0131 Painter day 0.33 816.00 269.28
0115 Coolie day 0.17 736.00 125.12
TOTAL 440.60 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 4.41
TOTAL 445.01 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 94.65
TOTAL 539.66 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 80.95
TOTAL 620.61 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.21
Cost of 10.00 sqm 626.82
Cost of 1.00 sqm 62.68
Say 62.70
13.82 Wall painting with acrylic emulsion paint, having VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) content
less than 50 grams/ litre, of approved brand and manufacture, including applying additional
coats wherever required, to achieve even shade and colour.
13.82.1 One coat
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0803 Acrylic emulsion , having VOC content less
than 50 gm/ltr litre 0.53 105.00 55.65
9999 For filling holes and cracks with putty etc L.S. 5.33 2.27 12.10
9977 Carriage of material L.S. 0.91 2.27 2.07
13.83 Wall painting with premium acrylic emulsion paint of interior grade, having VOC (Volatile
Organic Compound ) content less than 50 grams/ litre of approved brand and manufacture,
including applying additional coats wherever required to achieve even shade and colour.
13.83.1 One coat
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0804 Premium acrylic emulsion of interior grade,
having VOC content less than 50 gm/ltr. litre 0.38 210.00 79.80
13.85.3 With water thinnable cement primer on wall surface having VOC content less than 50 grams/
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0808 Water thinnable cement primer for interior
wall surface, having VOC content less than
50 gms/lit. litre 0.70 40.00 28.00
9988 Sundries for brushes,sand paper & putty for
filling holes including Carriage for primer L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
0131 Painter day 0.40 816.00 326.40
0115 Coolie day 0.20 736.00 147.20
TOTAL 519.90 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 5.20
TOTAL 525.10 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 111.69
TOTAL 636.79 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 95.52
TOTAL 732.31 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 7.32
Cost of 10.00 sqm 739.63
Cost of 1.00 sqm 73.96
Say 73.95
13.94 Painting (one or more coats) on rain water, soil waste and vent pipes and fittings with black
anticorrosive bitumastic paint of approved brand and manufacture on old work :
13.94.1 75 mm diameter pipes
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 30 metre
Area=22/7 x0.0814m x30m =7.67 sqm
0828 Anticorrosive bituminous paint (black) litre 0.43 120.00 51.60
9977 Carriage L.S. 0.39 2.27 0.89
0131 Painter day 0.27 816.00 220.32
0115 Coolie day 0.27 736.00 198.72
9999 Putty, sand paper etc L.S. 4.16 2.27 9.44
9999 Sundries L.S. 6.24 2.27 14.16
9999 Wire brushes for cleaning L.S. 4.42 2.27 10.03
9999 Extra for delays L.S. 26.91 2.27 61.09
TOTAL 566.25 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 5.66
TOTAL 571.91 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 121.65
TOTAL 693.56 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 104.03
TOTAL 797.59 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 7.98
Cost of 30.00 metre 805.57
Cost of 1.00 metre 26.85
Say 26.85
13.97 Painting with oil type wood preservative of approved brand and manufacture:
13.97.1 Old work (one or more coats)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0859 Oil type wood preservative litre 0.81 130.00 105.30
9977 Carriage of material L.S. 0.52 2.27 1.18
0131 Painter day 0.11 816.00 89.76
0115 Coolie day 0.11 736.00 80.96
9999 Brushes etc L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
9999 Sundries L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
TOTAL 289.60 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 2.90
TOTAL 292.50 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 62.21
TOTAL 354.71 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 53.21
TOTAL 407.92 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 4.08
Cost of 10.00 sqm 412.00
Cost of 1.00 sqm 41.20
Say 41.20
13.100 Painting with aluminium paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade:
13.100.1 One or more coats on old work
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0826 Aluminium paint litre 0.46 170.00 78.20
9977 Carriage of paint and material L.S. 0.52 2.27 1.18
9999 Putty etc L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
0131 Painter day 0.36 816.00 293.76
0115 Coolie day 0.36 736.00 264.96
9999 Brushes, sand paper etc L.S. 5.33 2.27 12.10
9999 Sundries L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
TOTAL 674.70 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 6.75
TOTAL 681.45 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 144.94
TOTAL 826.39 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 123.96
TOTAL 950.35 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 9.50
Cost of 10.00 sqm 959.85
Cost of 1.00 sqm 95.99
Say 96.00
13.104 Polishing on wood work with ready made wax polish of approved brand and manufacture
13.104.1 Old work
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0855 Wax polish (ready made) kilogram 0.25 242.00 60.50
9977 Caariage L.S. 0.39 2.27 0.89
0131 Painter day 0.40 816.00 326.40
0115 Coolie day 0.40 736.00 294.40
9999 Soap, brushes, cloth etc L.S. 4.16 2.27 9.44
9999 Sundries L.S. 4.42 2.27 10.03
TOTAL 701.66 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 7.02
TOTAL 708.68 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 150.74
TOTAL 859.42 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 128.91
TOTAL 988.33 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 9.88
Cost of 10.00 sqm 998.21
Cost of 1.00 sqm 99.82
Say 99.80
13.106 Painting (one or more coats) with black Japan paint of approved brand and manufacture to
give an even shade.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0829 Black Japan paint litre 0.70 110.00 77.00
9977 Carriage L.S. 0.52 2.27 1.18
9999 Putty etc. L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
0131 Painter day 0.36 816.00 293.76
0115 Coolie day 0.36 736.00 264.96
9999 Brushes, sand paper etc. L.S. 5.33 2.27 12.10
9999 Sundries L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
TOTAL 673.50 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 6.74
TOTAL 680.24 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 144.69
TOTAL 824.93 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 123.74
TOTAL 948.67 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 9.49
Cost of 10.00 sqm 958.16
Cost of 1sqm 95.82
Say 95.80
13.109.2 Old work (one or more coats @ 2.20 kg/10 sqm) complete.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0851 Water proofing cement paint kilogram 2.20 41.00 90.20
9977 Carriage of material L.S. 1.10 2.27 2.50
0131 Painter day 0.35 816.00 285.60
0115 Coolie day 0.12 736.00 88.32
0101 Bhisti day 0.05 816.00 40.80
9999 Brushes, sand paper etc L.S. 3.15 2.27 7.15
9999 Sundries L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
TOTAL 532.87 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 5.33
TOTAL 538.20 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 114.48
TOTAL 652.68 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 97.90
TOTAL 750.58 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 7.51
Cost of 10.00 sqm 758.09
Cost of 1.00 sqm 75.81
Say 75.80
13.110 Finishing walls with textured exterior paint of required shade :
13.110.1 Old work (Two or more coats on existing cement paint surface applied @ 3.28 ltr/10 sqm.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
8507 Textured exterior paint litre 3.28 185.00 606.80
9977 Carriage of material L.S. 1.56 2.27 3.54
0131 Painter day 0.46 816.00 375.36
0115 Coolie day 0.23 736.00 169.28
9999 Brushes, sand paper etc L.S. 7.15 2.27 16.23
9999 Sundries L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
TOTAL 1189.51 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 11.90
TOTAL 1201.41 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 255.54
TOTAL 1456.95 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 218.54
13.111 Finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth exterior paint of required shade :
13.111.1 Old work (Two or more coat applied @ 1.67 ltr/ 10 sqm) on existing cement paint surface
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
8505 Acrylic exterior paint litre 1.67 170.00 283.90
9977 Carriage of material L.S. 0.91 2.27 2.07
0131 Painter day 0.46 816.00 375.36
0115 Coolie day 0.23 736.00 169.28
9999 Sundries for brushes,sand paper,scaffolding
etc. L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
TOTAL 848.91 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 8.49
TOTAL 857.40 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 182.37
TOTAL 1039.77 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 155.97
TOTAL 1195.74 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 11.96
Cost of 10.00 sqm 1207.70
Cost of 1.00 sqm 120.77
Say 120.75
13.112 Finishing walls with Premium Acrylic Smooth exterior paint with Silicone additives of required
13.112.1 Old work (Two or more coats applied @ 1.43 ltr/ 10 sqm) over existing cement paint surface
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
8506 Premium Acrylic exterior paint litre 1.43 250.00 357.50
9977 Carriage of material L.S. 1.04 2.27 2.36
0131 Painter day 0.46 816.00 375.36
0115 Coolie day 0.23 736.00 169.28
9999 Sundries for brushes,sand paper,scaffolding
etc. L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
TOTAL 922.80 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 9.23
TOTAL 932.03 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 198.24
TOTAL 1130.27 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 169.54
TOTAL 1299.81 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 13.00
Cost of 10.00 sqm 1312.81
Cost of 1.00 sqm 131.28
Say 131.30
13.112.2 Old work (one or more coats applied @ 0.83 ltr/10 sqm).
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
8506 Premium Acrylic exterior paint litre 0.83 250.00 207.50
13.115 Varnishing with flatting varnish of approved brand and manufacture one or more coats on
old work.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0856 Ordinary varnish litre 0.70 110.00 77.00
9999 Glue, putty etc L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
9977 Carriage L.S. 1.82 2.27 4.13
9999 Painting brushes, turpentine, stencil etc L.S. 24.18 2.27 54.89
0131 Painter day 0.36 816.00 293.76
13.116 Polishing in high gloss/matt finish melamine clear polish on wood work in required color/
wooden shade texture with following process in the sequence as detailed below:
1. The surface to be polished is rubbed with sand paper 80/120 no. and then with sand paper
of 160/180 nos.
2. Applying two coats of sealer with spray gun and allowing sufficient drying time for 1st coat
and 2nd coat is allowed to dry for 8 to 12 hrs.
3. On drying of sealer coat, wet rubbing with emery cloth of finer grading with ample water
to remove excess sealer layer and make the surface further smooth after this wet rubbing,
then surface is applied with special grade melamine fillers to fill all the small and big holes/
grooves etc. Filler coat to be allowed to dry for 4 to 6 hrs on which again a light wet rubbing
is done this surface is further allowed to dry for 12 hrs.
4. On this, 1st coat of melamine polish is applied with spray gun using melamine clear polish
and melamine thinner in required proportion. This 1st coat is allowed to dry for 24 hrs then
this dry surface is again fine wet rubbed smooth, which is further allowed to dry for 12 hrs.
The final melamine polish is applied with compressor pressure spray gun using melamine
clear polish and melamine thinner mixed in required proportion complete as per direction of
Engineer-in-Charge. (Final coat to be done in 1 or 2 layers without gap of time.)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
7241 Melamine Matt clear polish litre 1.56 327.00 510.12
5766 Melamine wood sealer litre 2.80 200.00 560.00
5767 Melamine solvent/thinner litre 2.85 125.00 356.25
5768 Sanding cloth 150 mm wide metre 6.00 65.00 390.00
5769 Sand papers of assorted gratings Nos 16.00 25.00 400.00
5770 Melamine wood filler putty Kg 1.50 120.00 180.00
5771 Dhoti (worm out soft cotton cloth) Nos 2.00 25.00 50.00
0167 Polisher 1st class day 1.66 897.00 1489.02
0168 Polisher 2nd class day 3.25 816.00 2652.00
0114 Beldrs/Coolies day 2.00 736.00 1472.00
0006 Hire charges of compressor machine spare
gun etc., with electric charges day 1.25 9750.00 12187.50
9999 Sundries including scaffolding & T&P etc. L.S. 300.00 2.27 681.00
5779 Grinding buffers day 2.00 255.00 510.00
TOTAL 21437.89 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 214.38
TOTAL 21652.27 X
14.1 Repairs to plaster of thickness 12 mm to 20 mm in patches of area 2.5 sq.meters and under,
including cutting the patch in proper shape, raking out joints and preparing and plastering
the surface of the walls complete, including disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground, all
complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
14.1.1 With cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine sand)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
Cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 fine sand)
3.4 Rate as per Item Number 3.4 of SH: Mortars cum 0.183 3708.80 678.71
0155 Mason (average) day 1.21 857.00 1036.97
0115 Coolie day 1.29 736.00 949.44
0114 Beldar day 0.54 736.00 397.44
0101 Bhisti day 0.92 816.00 750.72
9999 Scaffolding and sundries L.S. 15.21 2.27 34.53
TOTAL 3847.81 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 38.48
TOTAL 3886.29 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 826.61
TOTAL 4712.90 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 706.94
TOTAL 5419.84 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 54.20
Cost of 10.00 sqm 5474.04
Cost of 1.00 sqm 547.40
Say 547.40
14.3 Fixing chowkhat in existing opening in brick/ RCC wall with dash fasteners/Chemical fasteners
of appropriate size (3 nos on each vertical member of door chowkhat and 2 nos on each
vertical member of window chowkhats), including Cost of dash fasteners/ chemical fastener.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 Nos. chowkhat.
0114 Beldar day 0.270 736.00 198.72
0115 Coolie day 0.195 736.00 143.52
0130 Mistry day 0.084 897.00 75.35
0128 Mate day 0.012 816.00 9.79
9999 Disposal of mulba L.S. 18.200 2.27 41.31
7019 Dash fastner/ chemical fastener each 60.000 13.00 780.00
9999 Hire charges of drill machine hire charges,
Scaffolding and Sundries L.S. 122.200 2.27 277.39
TOTAL 1526.08 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 15.26
TOTAL 1541.34 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 327.84
TOTAL 1869.18 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 280.38
TOTAL 2149.56 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 21.50
Cost of 10 Nos. 2171.06
Cost of each 217.11
Say 217.10
14.11 Fixing old glass panes with wooden fillets (excluding cost of fillets)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 1 sqm
0119 Glazier day 0.30 816.00 244.80
0114 Beldar day 0.30 736.00 220.80
9999 Sundries L.S. 1.43 2.27 3.25
9999 Nails L.S. 3.90 2.27 8.85
TOTAL 477.70 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 4.78
TOTAL 482.48 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 102.62
TOTAL 585.10 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 87.77
TOTAL 672.87 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.73
Cost of 1.00 sqm 679.60
Say 679.60
14.12 Providing and fixing 16 mm M.S. Fan clamps of standard shape and size in existing R.C.C.
slab, including cutting chase, anchoring clamp to reinforcement bar, including cleaning,
refilling, making good the chase with matching concrete, plastering and painting the exposed
portion of the clamps complete.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 100 Nos. fan clamp.
M.S.bar 16mm dia = 100x0.40 m (including
wastage) @ 1.58 kg/m = 63.2 kg=0.632 q
1003 Mild steel round bar above 12 mm dia quintal 0.632 5450.00 3444.40
14.13 Regrading terracing of mud phaska covered with tiles or brick, in cement mortar by dismantling
tiles or bricks, removing mud plaster, preparing the surface of mud phaska to proper slope,
relaying mud plaster gobri leaping and tiles or bricks, grouted in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement
: 3 fine sand), including replacing unserviceable tiles or bricks with new ones and disposal of
unserviceable material to the dumping ground (the cost of the new tiles or brick excluded), all
complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
(i) Dismantling tiles/bricks in cement mortar
including removing mud plaster and cleaning
the tiles/bricks
0155 Mason (average) day 0.54 857.00 462.78
0114 Beldar day 0.54 736.00 397.44
(ii) Preparing the surface, for mud phuska
to proper slope, relaying mud plaster gobri
0155 Mason (average) day 0.27 857.00 231.39
25mm thick mud plaster including gobri
Mud mortar
3.18 Rate as per Item Number 3.18 of SH: Mortars cum 0.24 940.55 225.73
0308 Bhusa quintal 0.084 530.00 44.52
Gobri mortar
3.18 Rate as per Item Number 3.18 of SH: Mortars cum 0.12 940.55 112.87
0114 Beldar day 0.25 736.00 184.00
(iii) relaying tiles/bricks including Cement
mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 fine sand) for
14.14 Replacing sand stone slabs in roofing, laid in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand),
including necessary repairs and cement pointing with same mortar complete, including
disposal of rubbish to dumping ground, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
14.14.1 Red/ white sand stone slabs 30 to 50 mm thick
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 100 sqm
Dismantling existing stone, slabs roofing
10x10 sqmx0.05m = 5 cum.
0114 Beldar day 8.850 736.00 6513.60
0115 Coolie day 3.750 736.00 2760.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 40.300 2.27 91.48
9999 Cleaning the surface including necessary
repairs L.S. 404.300 2.27 917.76
1174 Red sand stone slab 45 mm and 50 mm thick
(un-dressed) sqm 110.000 340.00 37400.00
2216 Carriage of Stone blocks white & red sand
stone & kota stone slab tonne 14.100 0.00 0.00
Cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse
3.9 Rate as per Item Number 3.9 of SH: Mortars cum 0.105 4211.70 442.23
Cement mortar 1 : 3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand)
3.3 Rate as per Item Number 3.3 of SH: Mortars cum 0.075 4379.05 328.43
0155 Mason (average) day 16.900 857.00 14483.30
0100 Bandhani day 20.300 816.00 16564.80
0115 Coolie day 16.900 736.00 12438.40
0101 Bhisti day 3.400 816.00 2774.40
9999 Sundries L.S. 161.200 2.27 365.92
2264 Carriage of Rubbish cum 5.000 185.55 927.75
TOTAL 96008.07 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 960.08
TOTAL 96968.15 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 20625.13
TOTAL 117593.28 Y
14.15 Renewing wooden battens in roofs, including making good the holes in wall and painting with
oil type wood preservative of approved brand and manufacture complete, including removal
of rubbish to the dumping ground, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
14.15.1 Sal wood battens
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 battens i.e. 300 cudm
3 metres long of 100x100mm
10x3x0.1x0.1 = 0.3cum =300cudm
Add wastage @ 2%= 6 cudm, Total = 306
1199 Sal wood in scantling 10 cudm 30.60 600.00 18360.00
2204 Carriage of Timber cum 0.306 0.00 0.00
Taking out the existing battens and refixing
new one including supporting the roof
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 0.50 816.00 408.00
0114 Beldar day 2.00 736.00 1472.00
9999 Disposal of mulba L.S. 5.33 2.27 12.10
9999 Making good the holes including sundries L.S. 80.73 2.27 183.26
0859 Oil type wood preservative litre 1.22 130.00 158.60
0131 Painter day 0.183 816.00 149.33
0115 Coolie day 0.183 736.00 134.69
9977 Carriage L.S. 0.78 2.27 1.77
9999 Brushes L.S. 5.07 2.27 11.51
9999 Sundries L.S. 4.81 2.27 10.92
TOTAL 20902.18 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 209.02
TOTAL 21111.20 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 4490.35
TOTAL 25601.55 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 3840.23
TOTAL 29441.78 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 294.42
Cost of 300 Cudm 29736.20
Cost of 1.00 cum 99120.67
Say 99120.65
14.16 Renewing wooden beams in roofs including making good the holes in walls and painting with
oil type wood preservative of approved brand and manufacture complete, including removal
of rubbish to the dumping ground, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
14.16.1 Not exceeding 4.00 metres in length.
14.17 Raking out joints in lime or cement mortar and preparing the surface for re-pointing or
replastering, including disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground, all complete as per
direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0114 Beldar day 0.53 736.00 390.08
0115 Coolie day 0.08 736.00 58.88
0101 Bhisti day 0.07 816.00 57.12
9999 Sundries L.S. 1.43 2.27 3.25
TOTAL 509.33 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 5.09
TOTAL 514.42 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 109.42
TOTAL 623.84 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 93.58
TOTAL 717.42 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 7.17
Cost of 10.00 sqm 724.59
Cost of 1.00 sqm 72.46
Say 72.45
14.18 Flush pointing with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) mixed with 2% of integral water
proofing compound by weight of cement for flat tile bricks on top of mud phaska :
14.18.1 With F.P.S. brick tiles
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
Cement mortar 1 : 3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand)
3.3 Rate as per Item Number 3.3 of SH: Mortars cum 0.015 4379.05 65.69
1213 Water proofing materials kilogram 0.153 45.00 6.89
2% of wt. of cement
0115 Coolie day 0.36 736.00 264.96
0124 Mason 2nd class day 0.36 816.00 293.76
0101 Bhisti day 0.36 816.00 293.76
9999 Sundries L.S. 18.85 2.27 42.79
TOTAL 967.85 W
14.19 Taking out wind ties from roof including cutting out rusted bolts, nuts etc. and removing
materials to any distance within compound and stacking.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 30 mtrs of weight 63 kgs
M.S. Flats 40x6mm @ 1.9kg./m = 30x1.9 = 57
kg. (A)
J’ hook bolts @ 30cm centre to centre = 101
Nos. x 0.15 m = 15.15 m @ 0.40kg./ m =
6.06kg (B)
Total (A+B) = 63.06 kg Say 63 kg
0103 Blacksmith 2nd class day 0.09 816.00 73.44
0100 Bandhani day 0.06 816.00 48.96
0114 Beldar day 0.16 736.00 117.76
TOTAL 240.16 W
14.20 Fixing of old wind tie with new fittings including painting two or more coats with anticorrosive
bitumastic paint of approved brand & manufacturer over and including priming coat of ready
mixed zinc chromate yellow primer of approved brand.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 20.2 m wind tie
1023 Galvanised steel J or L hooks 8 mm dia 10 Nos 6.80 130.00 884.00
@ 30 cm center to center = 68 Nos
1208 Bitumen washer 100 Nos 0.68 30.00 20.40
1209 G.I. plain washer thick 100 Nos 0.68 35.00 23.80
9977 Carriage of bolts, nuts and washers etc. L.S. 1.17 2.27 2.66
0102 Blacksmith 1st class day 0.34 897.00 304.98
0114 Beldar day 0.34 736.00 250.24
9999 Sundries L.S. 13.91 2.27 31.58
Applying priming coat with ready mixed zink
chromate yellow primer
20.2x2x(0.04+0.006) = 1.86 sqm
13.50.3 Rate as per item no 13.50.3 of SH : Finishing sqm 1.86 67.40 125.36 A
Painting with ready mixed black antcorrosive
bitumastic paint
13.65.1 Rate as per item No.13.65.1 SH: Finishing sqm 1.86 140.25 260.87 A
TOTAL 1903.89 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 15.18
TOTAL 1919.07 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 326.04
TOTAL 2245.11 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 278.83
TOTAL 2523.94 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 21.38
Cost of 20.2 metres 2545.32
Cost of 1.00 metre 126.01
Say 126.00
14.21 Renewing bottom rail and/or top runner of collapsible gate including making good all
damages and applying priming coat of zinc chromate yellow primer of approved brand and
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for gate of size 1.52x2.4 m
(weight 11.55 kg)
14.22 Renewing Wrought iron or M.S. Wheel or roller of steel door or gate and fitting and fixing the
same with necessary clamps, nuts and bolts/welding and erection etc. complete.
14.22.1 Wheel 50 mm dia and below
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 nos wheels of 40 mm dia.
Weight of 10 nos wheels
10x[3.14x{(40/2)x(40/2)}x40]x0.0078 = 3.92
14.23 Pumping out water caused by springs, tidal or river seepage, broken water mains or drains
and the like.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details for 10.91 kilolitre
Pumping hours 3 hrs. or 0.375 days
0011 Hire charges of Pumpset of capacity 4000
litres/hour. day 0.375 800.00 300.00
0114 Beldar day 2.00 736.00 1472.00
for clearing slush
TOTAL 1772.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 17.72
TOTAL 1789.72 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 380.67
TOTAL 2170.39 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 325.56
TOTAL 2495.95 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 24.96
Cost of 10.91 kilolitre 2520.91
Cost of 1 kilolitre 231.06
Say 231.05
14.25 Brick work with common burnt clay bricks of class designation 7.5 in mud mortar
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 cum.
2602 Common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular)
bricks class designation 7.5 1000 Nos 0.494 4724.00 2333.66
Mud mortar
3.18 Rate as per Item Number 3.18 of SH: Mortars cum 0.25 940.55 235.14
2201 Carriage of Bricks 1000 Nos 0.494 0.00 0.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
0123 Mason 1st class day 0.36 897.00 322.92
0124 Mason 2nd class day 0.36 816.00 293.76
0115 Coolie day 1.37 736.00 1008.32
0101 Bhisti day 0.2 816.00 163.20
TOTAL 4363.20 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 43.63
TOTAL 4406.83 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 937.33
TOTAL 5344.16 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 801.62
TOTAL 6145.78 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 61.46
Cost of 1 Cum. 6207.24
Say 6207.25
14.27 Providing and fixing plain jaffri door and window shutters including bright or/and black
enamelled M.S. butt hinges with necessary screws 35x10 mm laths placed 35 mm apart
(frames to be paid separately), including fixing 50x12 mm beading complete with :
14.28 Providing and fixing brass curtain rods of wall thickness 1.25 mm with two brass brackets
fixed with brass screws and wooden plugs etc. wherever necessary complete.
14.28.1 20 mm diameter.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 2 metre long
0444 Brass curtain rod 20 mm dia 1.25 mm thick metre 2.00 154.00 308.00
0446 Brass brackets (curtain rods) 20 mm each 2.00 49.00 98.00
9999 Screws L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
9977 Carriage L.S. 1.56 2.27 3.54
Wooden plugs including cutting brick work
and fixing in cement mortar
8.23 Rate as per item no 9.32 of SH : Wood work each 2.00 40.85 81.70 A
9999 LABOUR L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
14.28.2 25 mm diameter.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 2 metre long
0445 Brass curtain rod 25 mm dia 1.25 mm thick metre 2.00 209.00 418.00
0446 Brass brackets (curtain rods) 20 mm each 2.00 49.00 98.00
9999 Screws L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
9977 Carriage L.S. 1.56 2.27 3.54
Wooden plugs including cutting brick work
and fixing in cement mortar
8.23 Rate as per item no 9.32 of SH : Wood work each 2.00 40.85 81.70 A
9999 LABOUR L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
9999 Sundries L.S. 1.56 2.27 3.54
TOTAL 617.18 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 5.35
TOTAL 622.53 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 115.03
TOTAL 737.56 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 98.38
TOTAL 835.94 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 7.54
Cost of 2 metres 843.48
Cost of 1 metre 421.74
Say 421.75
14.29 Providing and fixing M.S. round or square bars with M.S. flats at required spacing in wooden
frames of windows and clerestory windows.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 33.67 kg
Details of cost for window -140x110cm
M.S. bar 16 mm dia 13x136 cm = 17.68 m @
1.58 kg/m = 27.93 kg
Add for wastage @ 10% =2.79 kg
Total = 30.72 kg or 0.307 q
1003 Mild steel round bar above 12 mm dia quintal 0.307 5450.00 1673.15
M.S. flat 40x6mm 2x96cm = 192cm+
1x110cm = 110cm
14.30 Providing joists (karries) including hoisting, fixing in position and applying wood preservative
on unexposed surface etc. complete with :
14.30.1 Sal wood
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 300cudm.
Sal wood
10x0.1mx0.1mx3.0m = 0.30 cum. Or = 300
Add wastage @ 2% = 6.00 cudm.
Total = 306 cudm.
1199 Sal wood in scantling 10 cudm 30.60 600.00 18360.00
2204 Carriage of Timber cum 0.306 0.00 0.00
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 0.70 816.00 571.20
0114 Beldar day 1.45 736.00 1067.20
0100 Bandhani day 0.70 816.00 571.20
Priming coat (Wood preservative)
13.57.1 Rate as per item no 13.57.1 SH : Finishing sqm 0.80 54.40 43.52 A
9999 Sundries L.S. 26.91 2.27 61.09
TOTAL 20674.21 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 206.31
TOTAL 20880.52 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 4432.03
TOTAL 25312.55 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 3790.35
14.31 Providing and fixing bright finished brass single acting spring hinges with necessary brass
screws etc. complete :
14.31.1 150 mm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 nos.
0389 Brass single acting spring hinges 150 mm each 10.00 467.00 4670.00
0449 Brass screws 50 mm 100 Nos 0.80 242.00 193.60
9977 Carriage of materials L.S. 3.64 2.27 8.26
0111 Carpenter 1st class day 0.40 897.00 358.80
0114 Beldar day 0.20 736.00 147.20
TOTAL 5377.86 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 53.78
TOTAL 5431.64 X
14.32.2 125 mm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 nos.
0393 Brass double acting spring hinges 125 mm each 10.00 440.00 4400.00
0449 Brass screws 50 mm 100 Nos 0.80 242.00 193.60
9977 Carriage of materials L.S. 3.64 2.27 8.26
0111 Carpenter 1st class day 0.40 897.00 358.80
0114 Beldar day 0.20 736.00 147.20
TOTAL 5107.86 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 51.08
TOTAL 5158.94 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1097.31
TOTAL 6256.25 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 938.44
TOTAL 7194.69 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 71.95
Cost of 10 hinges 7266.64
Cost of each 726.66
Say 726.65
14.32.3 100 mm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 nos.
0394 Brass double acting spring hinges 100 mm each 10.00 429.00 4290.00
0450 Brass screws 40 mm 100 Nos 0.80 187.00 149.60
14.33 Providing and fixing bright finished brass flush bolts with necessary brass screws etc.
complete :
14.33.1 250 mm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 nos.
0404 Brass flush bolt 250 mm each 10.00 175.00 1750.00
0452 Brass screws 25 mm 100 Nos 0.60 110.00 66.00
9977 Carriage of materials L.S. 3.64 2.27 8.26
0111 Carpenter 1st class Day 0.20 897.00 179.40
TOTAL 2003.66 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 20.04
TOTAL 2023.70 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 430.44
TOTAL 2454.14 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 368.12
TOTAL 2822.26 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 28.22
Cost of 10 hinges 2850.48
Cost of each 285.05
Say 285.05
14.33.2 150 mm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 nos.
0405 Brass flush bolt 150 mm each 10.00 150.00 1500.00
0452 Brass screws 25 mm 100 Nos 0.60 110.00 66.00
9977 Carriage of materials L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
0111 Carpenter 1st class day 0.17 897.00 152.49
TOTAL 1724.69 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 17.25
TOTAL 1741.94 X
14.35.2 250 mm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 nos.
0419 Brass hard drawn hooks and eyes 250 mm 10 Nos 1.00 631.00 631.00
9977 Carriage of material L.S. 0.91 2.27 2.07
0111 Carpenter 1st class day 0.06 897.00 53.82
TOTAL 686.89 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 6.87
TOTAL 693.76 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 147.56
TOTAL 841.32 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 126.20
TOTAL 967.52 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 9.68
Cost of 10 hooks and eyes 977.20
Cost of 1 hook and eye 97.72
Say 97.70
14.35.3 200 mm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 nos.
0420 Brass hard drawn hooks and eyes 200 mm 10 Nos 1.00 561.00 561.00
9977 Carriage of material L.S. 0.91 2.27 2.07
0111 Carpenter 1st class day 0.06 897.00 53.82
TOTAL 616.89 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 6.17
14.35.4 150 mm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 nos.
0421 Brass hard drawn hooks and eyes 150 mm 10 Nos 1.00 440.00 440.00
9977 Carriage of material L.S. 0.91 2.27 2.07
0111 Carpenter 1st class day 0.06 897.00 53.82
TOTAL 495.89 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 4.96
TOTAL 500.85 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 106.53
TOTAL 607.38 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 91.11
TOTAL 698.49 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.98
Cost of 10 Nos 705.47
Cost of each 70.55
Say 70.55
14.35.5 100 mm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 nos.
0422 Brass hard drawn hooks and eyes 100 mm 10 Nos 1.00 379.00 379.00
9977 Carriage of material L.S. 0.91 2.27 2.07
0111 Carpenter 1st class day 0.06 897.00 53.82
TOTAL 434.89 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 4.35
TOTAL 439.24 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 93.43
TOTAL 532.67 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 79.90
TOTAL 612.57 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.13
Cost of 10 Nos 618.70
Cost of each 61.87
Say 61.85
14.37 Providing and fixing 300 mm long bright finished brass chain with hook for fan light including
necessary brass screws etc. complete.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 nos.
0430 Brass chain with hook for fan light catch each 10.00 39.00 390.00
0452 Brass screws 25 mm 100 Nos 0.40 110.00 44.00
9977 Carriage of material L.S. 0.91 2.27 2.07
0111 Carpenter 1st class day 0.10 897.00 89.70
TOTAL 525.77 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 5.26
TOTAL 531.03 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 112.95
TOTAL 643.98 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 96.60
TOTAL 740.58 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 7.41
Cost of 10 Nos 747.99
Cost of each 74.80
Say 74.80
14.38 Providing and fixing bright finished brass quadrant stay 300 mm long with necessary brass
screws etc. complete.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 nos.
0427 Brass quadrant stays 300 mm each 10.00 121.00 1210.00
0452 Brass screws 25 mm 100 Nos 0.40 110.00 44.00
9977 Carriage of material L.S. 0.91 2.27 2.07
14.39 Providing and fixing bright finished brass helical door spring (superior quality).
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 nos.
0442 Brass helical spring 150 mm each 10.00 319.00 3190.00
0449 Brass screws 50 mm 100 Nos 0.40 242.00 96.80
0452 Brass screws 25 mm 100 Nos 0.20 110.00 22.00
9977 Carriage of material L.S. 3.84 2.27 8.72
0111 Carpenter 1st class day 0.40 897.00 358.80
0114 Beldar day 0.20 736.00 147.20
TOTAL 3823.52 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 38.24
TOTAL 3861.76 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 821.40
TOTAL 4683.16 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 702.47
TOTAL 5385.63 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 53.86
Cost of 10 Nos 5439.49
Cost of each 543.95
Say 543.95
14.40 Providing and fixing chromium plated brass butt hinges with necessary chromium plated
brass screws etc. complete.
14.40.1 125x70x4 mm (ordinary type)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 nos.
0525 Chromium plated Brass butt hinges (light/
ordinary) type 125x70x4 mm 10 Nos 1.00 720.00 720.00
0585 Chromium plated Brass screws 50 mm 100 Nos 1.00 275.00 275.00
9977 Carriage of material L.S. 3.64 2.27 8.26
0111 Carpenter 1st class day 0.14 897.00 125.58
0114 Beldar day 0.10 736.00 73.60
TOTAL 1202.44 W
14.72 Providing and fixing double scaffolding system (cup lock type) on the exterior side, up to
seven story height made with 40 mm dia M.S. tube 1.5 m centre to centre, horizontal & vertical
tubes joining with cup & lock system with M.S. tubes, M.S. tube challies, M.S. clamps and
M.S. staircase system in the scaffolding for working platform etc. and maintaining it in a
serviceable condition for the required duration as approved and removing it there after .The
scaffolding system shall be stiffened with bracings, runners, connection with the building etc
wherever required for inspection of work at required locations with essential safety features
for the workmen etc. complete as per directions and approval of Engineer-in-charge .The
elevational area of the scaffolding shall be measured for payment purpose .The payment will
be made once irrespective of duration of scaffolding.
Note: - This item to be used for maintenance work judicially, necessary deduction for
scaffolding in the existing item to be done.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for area 22.5m x 9.0m =202.5
14.72X Rate as per Item No.14.72X of SH:Repairs to
Buildings each 1.00 9081.00 9081.00
2205 Carriage of Steel tonne 6.054 0.00 0.00
40mm dia MS pipe = 3765.42 kg
25mm spigot = 123.98 kg
Nuts & bolts = 37.80 kg
Clamp = 120 nos @ 1.00kg each = 120.00 kg
Challies = 90 nos @ 15.00kg each
= 1350.00 kg
Cup locks = 1314 nos @ 0.50kg each
= 657.00 kg
Total = 6054.20 kg = 6.054 tonne
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 15.50 897.00 13903.50
0114 Beldar day 31.00 736.00 22816.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 1035 2.27 2349.45
14.72X Scaffolding
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for area 22.5 x 9.0= 202.50
Assuming shuttering material will become
unserviceable after use of 40 times
7397 Base jack each 14.00 155.00 2170.00
7x2=14 nos
4009 Mild steel tubes hot finished welded type kilogram 3765.42 72.00 271110.24
40mm dia M.S. Tube
Vertical standard 2.5m length
= 7x2x9x2.5 = 315.00 m
Bracing ledder 1.5m length = 7x2x9x4.0873 =
513.00 m
Side support 6.00m length = 3x2x6.00= 36.00
Horizontal support 3.00m length = 18x3x3.00
= 162.00 m
Total = 1026.00m @ 3.67 kg/m = 3765.42 kg
7387 Spigot for standard jointing kg 123.98 44.00 5455.12
7x2x9 = 126 nos x 0.40m length = 50.40m
50.40m @ 2.46kg/m = 123.98kg
1034 Bolts and nuts upto 300 mm in length quintal 0.378 5200.00 1965.60
2x7x2x9 = 252 nos @ 0.15 kg each
= 37.80 kg = 0.378 q
7346 Double coupler each 120.00 49.00 5880.00
2x3x2 + 2x18x3 = 120 nos
7398 Challies each 90.00 834.00 75060.00
3 nos x 18 lines = 54 nos
Two level plate challies = 2x 18 lines = 36
nos, Total = 90 nos
7399 Cup lock each 1314.00 50.00 65700.00
Vertical standards 5x7x2x9 = 630.00 Nos.
2x18x19 = 684 Nos.
Total =1314 Nos.
TOTAL 427340.96 P
Add 10% for maintenance on P 42734.10 Q
Less 25% salvage value on P -106835.24 R
TOTAL (P+Q+R) 363239.82
14.73 Providing and fixing bright finished brass casement window fasteners or peg stays to
windows/ ventilators with necessary welding and machine screws etc. complete.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 nos (10 x 0.20 = 2.00 kg)
0423 Brass casement window fastener each 10.00 49.00 490.00
9999 Fixing charges including welding and
materials etc. L.S. 125.58 2.27 285.07
9977 Carriage of materials L.S. 3.64 2.27 8.26
TOTAL 783.33 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 7.83
TOTAL 791.16 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 168.28
TOTAL 959.44 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 143.92
TOTAL 1103.36 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 11.03
Cost of 2.00kg window fasteners 1114.39
Cost of 1 kg window fastener 557.20
Say 557.20
14.74 Providing and fixing 14 mm bright finished brass spring catch to steel centre hung ventilators
with necessary welding and machine screws etc. complete.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 nos
0428 Brass fanlight catch 10 Nos 1.00 187.00 187.00
9999 Fixing charges including welding and
materials etc. L.S. 125.58 2.27 285.07
9977 Carriage of materials L.S. 3.64 2.27 8.26
TOTAL 480.33 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 4.80
TOTAL 485.13 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 103.19
TOTAL 588.32 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 88.25
TOTAL 676.57 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.77
Cost of 10 window fasteners 683.34
Cost of each 68.33
Say 68.35
14.75A Cleaning of terrace/loft water storage tank (inside surface area) upto 2000 litre capacity at all
heights with coconut brushes, duster etc., removal of silt, rubbish from the tank and cleaning
the tank with fresh water disinfecting with bleaching powder @ 0.5gm per litre capacity of
tank including marking the date of cleaning on the side of tank body with the help of stencil
and paint and disposing of malba all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. (The
old date already written on tank should be removed with paint remover or black paint and if
date is not written with the stencil or old date is not removed deduction will be made @ ` 0.10
per litre) (if during cleaning any GI fittings or ball cock is damaged that is to be repaired by
contractor at his own cost and nothing extra will be paid on this account)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 tanks
1 tank is of 500 litres capacity i.e. 5000 litres
1301 Bleaching powder quintal 0.025 1700.00 42.50
2264 Carriage of Rubbish cum 0.25 185.55 46.39
(asuming 0.040m depth of silt)
9999 Marking with paint i/c removal of existing
markings L.S. 30.00 2.27 68.10
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 1.00 816.00 816.00
for opening ball cock wheel valve and other
0114 Beldar day 1.00 736.00 736.00
for cleaning disinfecting etc
TOTAL 1708.99 W
14.76 Cleaning and desilting of gully trap chamber, including removal of rubbish mixed with earth
etc. and disposal of same, all as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 Nos.
0129 Sewerman day 1.00 736.00 736.00
9999 T & P Bamboo, bucket, whell barrow etc. L.S. 11.20 2.27 25.42
TOTAL 761.42 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 7.61
TOTAL 769.03 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 163.57
TOTAL 932.60 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 139.89
TOTAL 1072.49 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 10.72
Cost of 10 nos 1083.21
Cost of each 108.32
Say 108.30
14.77 Cleaning of chocked sewer line by diesel running vehicle mounting hydraulic operated
high pressure suction cum jetting sewer cleaning machine fitted with pump having 4000
litres suction capacity and 6000 litres water jetting tank capacity including skilled operator,
supervising engineer etc. for cleaning and partial desilting of manholes and dechocking of
sewer lines. Dechocking and flushing of sewer line from one manhole to another by high
pressure jetting system of 2200 PSI for sewer line from 150mm dia upto 300mm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of Cost for 208 metre
9999 Soap, brush, cloths & sundries L.S. 345.00 2.27 783.15
8500 Water for jetting / blowback 1000 litre 0.002 1450.00 2.90
0087 Hire Charges of Suction Jeting machine 2200
PSI machine i/c POL and operator day 1.00 44800.00 44800.00
0139 Skilled Beldar (for floor rubbing etc.) day 4.00 816.00 3264.00
0160 Technician day 1.00 973.00 973.00
TOTAL 49823.05 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 498.23
TOTAL 50321.28 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 10703.34
14.78 Cleaning of under ground sump, Over Head R.C.C. Tank ( independent staging) including
disposal of slit and rubbish, all as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. The cleaning shall
consist following operations:-
(i)Tank shall be emptied of water by pumping & bottom shall be cleaned of silt and other
(ii) Entire surface area of the sump shall then scrubbed thoroughly with wire brush etc. and
pressure washed with water.
(iv) The treated surface shall be dried using air jetting and all loose particles shall be removal
from the surface.
(v) Finally the surface shall be treated with ultraviolet radiation etc. as per direction of
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Let a underground tank of capacity 272000
litre or 272 KL and area of tank is 570sqm
(a) Dewater and slit cleaning
Considering through pumping 20% of
water to be lifted, water discharge =(272 x
Cost of pumping water with pump of capacity
4000 litres per hours , = (54.4/4 =13.6 hours =
@ 8 hours/ day = 1.7 day)
0011 Hire charges of Pump set of capacity 4000
litres/hour day 1.70 800.00 1360.00
0114 Beldar day 10.88 736.00 8007.68
(b) Scrabing the internal surface of tank
0114 Beldar day 5.13 736.00 3775.68
0115 Coolie day 2.28 736.00 1678.08
0101 Bhisti day 2.28 816.00 1860.48
9999 Sundries L.S. 142.50 2.27 323.48
(c) Bleaching
1301 Bleaching powder quintal 0.57 1700.00 969.00
0006 Hire charges of Spraying machine including
electric charges day 14.25 9750.00 138937.50
0138 Sprayer (for bitumen, tar etc.) day 14.25 816.00 11628.00
(d) Air jetting
0058 Air compressor hour 2.00 250.00 500.00
0114 Beldar day 0.25 736.00 184.00
(e) Ultra Violet Radiation
0085 Using cost of Ultra Violet Radiation tube hour 0.50 200.00 100.00
0114 Beldar day 0.063 736.00 46.37
TOTAL 169370.27 W
14.79 Disconnecting damaged overhead/terrace PVC water storage tank of any size from water
supply line and removing from the terrace including shifting at ground level as per direction
of Engineer-in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 No
For disconnecting & dismantling of existing
W/s line of water storage tanks on terrace of
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.10 816.00 81.60
0114 Beldar day 0.10 736.00 73.60
For Bringing the tank at Ground Level
0114 Beldar day 0.20 736.00 147.20
9999 Sundries L.S. 1.10 2.27 2.50
TOTAL 304.90 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 3.05
TOTAL 307.95 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 65.50
TOTAL 373.45 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 56.02
TOTAL 429.47 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 4.29
Cost for each 433.76
Say 433.75
14.80 Providing & fixing White vitreous china water closet squatting pan (Indian type) along with
“S” or “P” trap including dismantling of old WC seat and “S” or “P” trap at site complete with
all operations including all necessary materials, labour and disposal of dismantled material
i/c malba, all complete as per the direction of Engineer-in charge.
14.80.1 Long pattern W.C Pan of size 580x440 mm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
1953 Vitreous china Indian type W.C. pan size 580
mm each 1.00 500.00 500.00
1970 Vitreous china foot rests 250x125x25 mm pair 1.00 108.00 108.00
1890 Centrifugally sand cast (spun) S&S “P” or “S”
trap each 1.00 358.00 358.00
9999 Cement sand & grit etc. L.S. 13.36 2.27 30.33
9977 Carriage of materials L.S. 13.52 2.27 30.69
Less for
14.82 Dismantling W.C. Pan of all sizes including disposal of dismantled materials i/c malba all
complete as per directions of Engineer-in-Charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
0114 Beldar day 0.125 736.00 92.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 1.00 2.27 2.27
TOTAL 94.27 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 0.94
TOTAL 95.21 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 20.25
TOTAL 115.46 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 17.32
TOTAL 132.78 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 1.33
Cost of each 134.11
Say 134.10
14.84 Dismantling 15 to 40 mm dia G.I. pipe including stacking of dismantled pipes (within 50 metres
lead) as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
(a) Internal Work- Exposed on wall
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 metre
9999 Dismantling of G.I. Pipe and stacking etc. L.S. 10.00 2.27 22.70
TOTAL 22.70 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 0.23
TOTAL 22.93 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 4.88
TOTAL 27.81 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 4.17
TOTAL 31.98 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 0.32
Cost of 10 metres 32.30
Cost of 1 metre 3.23
Say 3.25
14.85 Taking out existing wooden door shutter, repair by cutting, painting etc. and refixing of
repaired door shutters to existing door frames, including replacement of hinges with screws,
etc. as required, all complete as per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one shutter (2.02 sqm)
Normal exiting size of shutter 1.00x2.02m
0637 Bright finished or black enameled mild steel
screws 40 mm 100 Nos 0.24 62.00 14.88
Assuming old hinges fixed in Tee iron frames
Half qty = 48/2=24 needs replacement
0156 Carpenter (average) day 0.18 857.00 154.26
0114 Beldar day 0.18 736.00 132.48
14.86 Providing and laying in situ seven course water proofing treatment with APP (Atactic poly-
propylene) modified Polymeric memberane over roof consisting of first coat of bitumen
primer @ 0.40 litre per sqm, 2nd, 4th & 6th courses of bonding material @ 1.20 Kg/sqm,
which shall consist of blown type bitumen of grade 85/25 conforming to IS : 702, 3rd and 5th
layers of roofing membrane APP modified Polymeric membrane 1.5 mm thick of 2.25 Kg/sqm
weight consisting of five layers prefabricated with centre core as 20 micron HMHDPE film
sandwiched on both sides with polymeric mix and the polymeric mix is protected on both side
with 20 micron HMHDPE film. 7th, the top most layer shall be finished with brick tiles of class
designation 10 grouted with cement mortar 1:3 (1cement : 3 fine sand) mixed with 2% integral
water proofing compound by weight of cement over a 12 mm layer of cement mortar 1:3 (1
cement : 3 fine sand) and finished neat (item of laying brick tiles shall be paid for separately).
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 30 sqm
APP modified polymeric felt (two layers)
1.5 mm thick = 2x30 = 60 sqm + Add 10%
wastage = 6 sqm. Total = 66 sqm
8200 A.P.P. modified polymeric felt (two layers) 1.5
mm thick sqm 66.00 90.00 5940.00
0316 Bitumen solution primer of approved quality litre 12.00 50.00 600.00
0.4x30 = 12
0313 Blown type petroleum bitumen of penetration
85/25 of approved quality tonne 0.108 38250.00 4131.00
3x36 =108 kg = 0.108 tonne
2211 Carriage of Tar bitumen tonne 0.12 0.00 0.00
9977 Carriage of polymeric felt L.S. 7.80 2.27 17.71
0370 Coal (steam) quintal 0.174 500.00 87.00
2200 Carriage of steam coal tonne 0.017 0.00 0.00
9999 Preparing roof surface, cutting grooves and
making good the same L.S. 134.55 2.27 305.43
0131 Painter day 2.16 816.00 1762.56
0114 Beldar day 3.24 736.00 2384.64
0130 Mistry day 0.18 897.00 161.46
9999 Sundries, brushes etc L.S. 6.76 2.27 15.35
TOTAL 15405.15 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 154.05
TOTAL 15559.20 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 3309.44
TOTAL 18868.64 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 2830.30
TOTAL 21698.94 Z
14.87 Providing and laying in situ five course water proofing treatment with APP (Atactic
Polypropylene) modified Polymeric memberane over roof consisting of first coat of bitumen
primer @ 0.40 litre per sqm, 2nd & 4th courses of bonding material @ 1.20 kg/sqm, which
shall consist of blown type bitumen of grade 85/25 conforming to IS : 702, 3rd layer of roofing
membrane APP modified Polymeric membrane 2.0 mm thick of 3.00 Kg/ sqm weight consisting
of five layers prefabricated with centre core as 100 micron HMHDPE film sandwiched on both
sides with polymeric mix and the polymeric mix is protected on both side with 20 micron
HMHDPE film. 5th, the top most layer shall be finished with brick tiles of class designation 10
grouted with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) mixed with 2% integral water proofing
compound by weight of cement over a 12 mm layer of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine
sand) and finished neat (item of laying brick tiles shall be paid for separately).
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 30 sqm
APP modified polymeric felt (two layers) 2.0
mm thick = 30 sqm
Add 10% wastage = 3 sqm
Total = 33 sqm
8201 A.P.P. modified polymeric felt (two layers) 2
mm thick sqm 33.00 130.00 4290.00
0316 Bitumen solution primer of approved quality litre 12.00 50.00 600.00
0.4x30 = 12
0313 Blown type petroleum bitumen of penetration
85/25 of approved quality tonne 0.072 38250.00 2754.00
1.20x30x2 =72 kg = 0.072 tonne
2211 Carriage of Tar bitumen tonne 0.084 0.00 0.00
9977 Carriage of polymeric felt L.S. 7.80 2.27 17.71
0370 Coal (steam) quintal 0.174 500.00 87.00
2200 Carriage of steam coal tonne 0.017 0.00 0.00
9999 Preparing roof surface, cutting grooves and
making good the same L.S. 134.55 2.27 305.43
0131 Painter day 1.58 816.00 1289.28
0114 Beldar day 2.37 736.00 1744.32
0130 Mistry day 0.13 897.00 116.61
9999 Sundries, brushes etc L.S. 6.76 2.27 15.35
TOTAL 11219.70 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 112.20
TOTAL 11331.90 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 2410.30
TOTAL 13742.20 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 2061.33
TOTAL 15803.53 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 158.04
Cost for 30 sqm 15961.57
Cost for 1 sqm 532.05
Say 532.05
14.90 Providing and laying APP (Atactic Polypropylene Polymer) modified prefabricated five layer, 3
mm thick water proofing membrane, black finished reinforced with glass fibre matt consisting
of a coat of bitumen primer for bitumen membrane @ 0.40 litre/sqm by the same membrane
manufactured of density at 25°C, 0.87 - 0.89 kg/litre and viscocity 70 - 160 cps. Over the primer
coat the layer of membrane shall be laid using butane torch and sealing all joints etc., and
preparing the surface complete. The vital physical and chemical parameters of the membrane
shall be as under : Joint strength in longitudinal and transverse direction at 23°C as 350/300
N/5 cm. Tear strength in longitudinal and transverse direction as 60/80N. Softening point of
membrane not less than 150°C. Cold flexibility shall be upto -2°C when tested in accordance
with ASTM, D - 5147. The laying of membrane shall be got done through the authorised
applicator of the manufacturer of membrane :
14.91 Providing and laying APP (Atactic Polypropylene Polymer) modified prefabricated five layer
3 mm thick water proofing membrane, black finished reinforced with non-woven polyester
matt consisting of a coat of bitumen primer for bitumen membrane @ 0.40 litre/sqm by the
same membrane manufacture of density at 25°C, 0.87-0.89 kg/ litre and viscocity 70-160 cps.
Over the primer coat the layer of membrane shall be laid using Butane Torch and sealing all
joints etc, and preparing the surface complete. The vital physical and chemical parameters
of the membrane shall be as under : Joint strength in longitudinal and transverse direction at
23°C as 650/ 450N/ 5cm. Tear strength in longitudinal and transverse direction as 300/250N.
Softening point of membrane not less than 150°C. Cold flexibility shall be upto -2°C when
tested in accordance with ASTM, D - 5147. The laying of membrane shall be got done through
the authorised applicator of the manufacturer of membrane :
14.91.1 3 mm thick
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 30 sqm
A.P.P. modified 3 mm thick - 30 sqm
Add 10% for wastage - 3 sqm
Total = 33 sqm
8205 A.P.P. modified 3 mm thick membrance
reinforced with polyster matt sqm 33.00 160.00 5280.00
8206 Bitumen primer for bitumen membrance litre 12.00 95.00 1140.00
2211 Carriage of Tar bitumen tonne 0.012 0.00 0.00
14.92 Extra for covering top of membrane with Geotextile, 120 gsm non woven, 100% polyester
of thickness 1 to 1.25 mm bonded to the membrane with intermittent touch by heating the
membrane by Butane Torch as per manufactures recommendation.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 30 sqm
Geotextile 120 gsm membrance - 30 sqm
Add 5% for wastage - 1.50 sqm
Total= 31.50 sqm
8207 Geotextile 120 gsm membrance sqm 31.50 27.00 850.50
9977 Carriage of Geotextile L.S. 7.80 2.27 17.71
0159 Skilled torch operator for laying tack day 0.43 897.00 385.71
or fitter 2.16 / 5 = 0.43
0130 Mistry day 0.04 897.00 35.88
0.18 / 5 = 0.04
0114 Beldar day 0.65 736.00 478.40
3.24-5 / 0.65
9999 Sundries, torch, LPG etc L.S. 46.80 2.27 106.24
TOTAL 1874.44 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 18.74
TOTAL 1893.18 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 402.68
TOTAL 2295.86 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 344.38
TOTAL 2640.24 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 26.40
Cost for 30 sqm 2666.64
Cost for 1 sqm 88.89
Say 88.90
14.94 Providing round the clock security guard with gun for watch & ward of Government premises
and its all belongings by deploying neatly dressed security guards in 8 hour’s shift including
necessary T&P like torch, lathi and uniform etc.complete, as per the direction of Engineer-in-
charge.(One job means 8 hour’s duty).
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 job (8hour’s duty)
0165 Security guard (with gun) day 1.00 973.00 973.00
9999 Lathi,torch,uniform,wooden stick & other
miscellaneous items L.S. 10.00 2.27 22.70
TOTAL 995.70 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 9.96
TOTAL 1005.66 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 213.90
TOTAL 1219.56 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 182.93
TOTAL 1402.49 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 14.02
Cost of 1 job 1416.51
Say 1416.50
15.1 Demolishing lime concrete manually/ by mechanical means and disposal of material within 50
metres lead as per direction of Engineer- in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 1 cum
0114 Beldar day 0.44 736.00 323.84
0115 Coolie day 0.37 736.00 272.32
9999 Sundries L.S. 1.04 2.27 2.36
TOTAL 598.52 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 5.99
TOTAL 604.51 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 128.58
TOTAL 733.09 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 109.96
TOTAL 843.05 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 8.43
Cost of 1.00 cum 851.48
Say 851.50
15.2 Demolishing cement concrete manually/ by mechanical means including disposal of material
within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer - in - charge.
15.2.1 Nominal concrete 1:3:6 or richer mix (i/c equivalent design mix)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 1 cum
0114 Beldar day 1.59 736.00 1170.24
0115 Coolie day 0.72 736.00 529.92
9999 Sundries L.S. 4.81 2.27 10.92
TOTAL 1711.08 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 17.11
TOTAL 1728.19 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 367.59
TOTAL 2095.78 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 314.37
TOTAL 2410.15 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 24.10
Cost of 1.00 cum 2434.25
Say 2434.25
15.2.2 Nominal concrete 1:4:8 or leaner mix (i/c equivalent design mix)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 1 cum
0114 Beldar day 0.88 736.00 647.68
0115 Coolie day 0.55 736.00 404.80
9999 Sundries L.S. 1.95 2.27 4.43
TOTAL 1056.91 W
15.3 Demolishing R.C.C. work manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of steel bars
and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer - in-
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 1 cum
0114 Beldar day 2.65 736.00 1950.40
0115 Coolie day 0.72 736.00 529.92
9999 Sundries L.S. 7.02 2.27 15.94
TOTAL 2496.26 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 24.96
TOTAL 2521.22 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 536.26
TOTAL 3057.48 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 458.62
TOTAL 3516.10 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 35.16
Cost of 1.00 cum 3551.26
Say 3551.25
15.4 Demolishing R.B. work manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of steel bars and
disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer-in-
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 1 cum
0114 Beldar day 2.12 736.00 1560.32
0115 Coolie day 0.90 736.00 662.40
9999 Sundries L.S. 4.68 2.27 10.62
TOTAL 2233.34 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 22.33
TOTAL 2255.67 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 479.78
TOTAL 2735.45 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 410.32
TOTAL 3145.77 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 31.46
Cost of 1.00 cum 3177.23
Say 3177.25
15.6 Extra for scrapping, cleaning and straightening reinforcement from R.C.C. or R.B. work.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 Nos
6 metres long 16 mm dia bars @ 1.58 kg/metre
Total weight = 94.80 kg = 0.948 quintal
0103 Blacksmith 2nd class day 0.25 816.00 204.00
0114 Beldar day 0.50 736.00 368.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 13.39 2.27 30.40
TOTAL 602.40 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 6.02
TOTAL 608.42 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 129.41
TOTAL 737.83 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 110.67
TOTAL 848.50 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 8.49
Cost of 94.80 kg 856.99
Cost of 1.00 kg 9.04
Say 9.05
15.8 Removing mortar from bricks and cleaning bricks including stacking within a lead of 50 m
(stacks of cleaned bricks shall be measured):
15.8.1 From brick work in mud mortar
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 1000 Nos
0114 Beldar day 2.40 736.00 1766.40
0115 Coolie day 1.60 736.00 1177.60
0124 Mason 2nd class day 0.40 816.00 326.40
9999 Sundries L.S. 1.82 2.27 4.13
TOTAL 3274.53 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 32.75
TOTAL 3307.28 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 703.46
TOTAL 4010.74 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 601.61
TOTAL 4612.35 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 46.12
Cost of 1000 Nos 4658.47
Say 4658.45
15.9 Demolishing stone rubble masonry manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of
serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per
direction of Engineer-in-charge :
15.9.1 In lime mortar
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 1 cum
0114 Beldar day 0.61 736.00 448.96
0115 Coolie day 0.49 736.00 360.64
15.10 Dismantling dressed stone work ashlar face stone work, marble work or precast concrete
work manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of serviceable and disposal of
unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge :
15.10.1 In lime mortar
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 1 cum
0114 Beldar day 0.78 736.00 574.08
0115 Coolie day 0.61 736.00 448.96
9999 Sundries L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
TOTAL 1029.24 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 10.29
TOTAL 1039.53 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 221.11
TOTAL 1260.64 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 189.10
TOTAL 1449.74 Z
15.11 Removing mortar from and cleaning stones and concrete articles (net quantity of stacks of
cleaned materials will be measured):
15.11.1 In lime mortar
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 1 cum
0124 Mason 2nd class day 0.05 816.00 40.80
0114 Beldar day 0.20 736.00 147.20
0115 Coolie day 0.20 736.00 147.20
9999 Sundries L.S. 0.52 2.27 1.18
TOTAL 336.38 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 3.36
TOTAL 339.74 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 72.26
TOTAL 412.00 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 61.80
TOTAL 473.80 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 4.74
Cost of 1.00 cum 478.54
Say 478.55
15.12 Dismantling doors, windows and clerestory windows (steel or wood) shutter including
chowkhats, architrave, holdfasts etc. complete and stacking within 50 metres lead :
15.12.1 Of area 3 sq. metres and below
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for each
0124 Mason 2nd class day 0.10 816.00 81.60
0114 Beldar day 0.18 736.00 132.48
0103 Blacksmith 2nd class day 0.05 816.00 40.80
9999 Sundries L.S. 1.43 2.27 3.25
TOTAL 258.13 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 2.58
TOTAL 260.71 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 55.45
TOTAL 316.16 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 47.42
TOTAL 363.58 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 3.64
Cost of each 367.22
Say 367.20
15.15 Extra for dismantling trusses, rafters, purlins etc. of wood work for every additional span of
one metre or part thereof beyond 10 metres :
15.15.1 Of sectional area 40 square centimetres and above
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 1cum for every additional span
of 1 metre
0103 Blacksmith 2nd class day 0.20 816.00 163.20
0114 Beldar day 0.30 736.00 220.80
15.16 Extra for dismantling trusses, rafters, purlins etc. of wood work for every additional height of
one metre or part thereof beyond 5 metres :
15.16.1 Of sectional area 40 square centimetres and above
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 1 cum for every additional
height of 1 metre
0103 Blacksmith 2nd class day 0.25 816.00 204.00
0114 Beldar day 0.50 736.00 368.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 13.39 2.27 30.40
TOTAL 602.40 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 6.02
TOTAL 608.42 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 129.41
TOTAL 737.83 Y
15.17 Dismantling steel work in single sections including dismembering and stacking within 50
metres lead in:
15.17.1 R.S. Joists
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 1 quintal
0103 Blacksmith 2nd class day 0.05 816.00 40.80
0100 Bandhani day 0.10 816.00 81.60
0114 Beldar day 0.15 736.00 110.40
9999 Sundries L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
TOTAL 239.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 2.39
TOTAL 241.39 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 51.34
TOTAL 292.73 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 43.91
TOTAL 336.64 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 3.37
Cost of 1.00 quintal 340.01
Cost of 1.00 kg 3.40
Say 3.40
15.18 Dismantling steel work in built up sections in angles, tees, flats and channels including all
gusset plates, bolts, nuts, cutting rivets, welding etc. including dismembering and stacking
within 50 metres lead.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 1 quintal
0103 Blacksmith 2nd class day 0.15 816.00 122.40
0100 Bandhani day 0.10 816.00 81.60
0114 Beldar day 0.25 736.00 184.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 4.16 2.27 9.44
TOTAL 397.44 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 3.97
TOTAL 401.41 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 85.38
TOTAL 486.79 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 73.02
TOTAL 559.81 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.60
Cost of 1.00 quintal 565.41
Cost of 1.00 kg 5.65
Say 5.65
15.19 Dismantling steel work manually/ by mechanical means in built up sections without
dismembering and stacking within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 1 quintal
0100 Bandhani day 0.10 816.00 81.60
15.20 Extra for dismantling trusses, rafters, purlins etc. of steel work for every additional span of
one metre or part thereof beyond 10 metres
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 1 quintal for every additional
span of 1 metre beyond 10 metre
0100 Bandhani day 0.02 816.00 16.32
0114 Beldar day 0.06 736.00 44.16
9999 Sundries L.S. 0.39 2.27 0.89
TOTAL 61.37 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 0.61
TOTAL 61.98 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 13.18
TOTAL 75.16 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 11.27
TOTAL 86.43 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 0.86
Cost of 1.00 quintal per metre span 87.29
Cost of 1.00 kg per metre span 0.87
Say 0.85
15.21 Extra for dismantling trusses, rafters, purlins etc. of steel work for every additional height of
one metre or part thereof beyond 5 metres.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 1 quintal for every additional
height of 1 metre beyond 5 metre
0100 Bandhani day 0.02 816.00 16.32
0114 Beldar day 0.06 736.00 44.16
9999 Sundries L.S. 0.39 2.27 0.89
TOTAL 61.37 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 0.61
TOTAL 61.98 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 13.18
15.23 Dismantling tile work in floors and roofs laid in cement mortar including stacking material
within 50 metres lead.
15.23.1 For thickness of tiles 10 mm to 25 mm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0124 Mason 2nd class day 0.30 816.00 244.80
0114 Beldar day 0.12 736.00 88.32
0115 Coolie day 0.24 736.00 176.64
9999 Sundries L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
TOTAL 515.96 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 5.16
TOTAL 521.12 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 110.84
TOTAL 631.96 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 94.79
TOTAL 726.75 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 7.27
Cost of 10.00 sqm 734.02
Cost of 1.00 sqm 73.40
Say 73.40
15.24 Demolishing dry brick pitching in floors, drains etc. including stacking of serviceable material
and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead :
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 1 cum
0114 Beldar day 0.25 736.00 184.00
0115 Coolie day 1.00 736.00 736.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
TOTAL 926.20 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 9.26
TOTAL 935.46 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 198.97
TOTAL 1134.43 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 170.16
TOTAL 1304.59 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 13.05
Cost of 1.00 cum 1317.64
Say 1317.65
15.25 Dismantling stone slab flooring laid in cement mortar including stacking of serviceable
material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0114 Beldar day 1.77 736.00 1302.72
0115 Coolie day 0.75 736.00 552.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
TOTAL 1873.02 W
15.29 Dismantling stone slab roofing over wooden karries or R.C.C. battens (dismantling karries and
battens to be paid for separately), including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of
unserviceable material within 50 metres lead.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 1 cum
0114 Beldar day 1.77 736.00 1302.72
0115 Coolie day 0.75 736.00 552.00
15.30 Dismantling jack arch roofing and floors including stacking of serviceable material and
disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0114 Beldar day 1.19 736.00 875.84
0115 Coolie day 1.21 736.00 890.56
9999 Sundries L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
TOTAL 1784.70 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 17.85
TOTAL 1802.55 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 383.40
TOTAL 2185.95 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 327.89
TOTAL 2513.84 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 25.14
Cost of 10.00 sqm 2538.98
Cost of 1.00 sqm 253.90
Say 253.90
15.31 Dismantling tiled roofing with battens, boarding etc. complete including stacking of serviceable
material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0114 Beldar day 1.73 736.00 1273.28
0115 Coolie day 0.25 736.00 184.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
TOTAL 1475.58 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 14.76
TOTAL 1490.34 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 317.00
TOTAL 1807.34 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 271.10
TOTAL 2078.44 Z
15.32 Demolishing thatch roofing including mats, bamboo, jaffari etc. complete including stacking
of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0114 Beldar day 0.54 736.00 397.44
9999 Sundries L.S. 3.64 2.27 8.26
TOTAL 405.70 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 4.06
TOTAL 409.76 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 87.16
TOTAL 496.92 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 74.54
TOTAL 571.46 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.71
Cost of 10.00 sqm 577.17
Cost of 1.00 sqm 57.72
Say 57.70
15.33 Dismantling wooden ballies in posts and struts including stacking within 50metres lead.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 50 metre
0114 Beldar day 0.50 736.00 368.00
0115 Coolie day 0.50 736.00 368.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 0.52 2.27 1.18
TOTAL 737.18 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 7.37
TOTAL 744.55 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 158.37
TOTAL 902.92 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 135.44
TOTAL 1038.36 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 10.38
Cost of 50.00 metre 1048.74
Cost of 1.00 metre 20.97
Say 20.95
15.34.2 R.C.C.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for each
0114 Beldar day 0.097 736.00 71.39
0115 Coolie day 0.06 736.00 44.16
9999 Sundries L.S. 0.26 2.27 0.59
9999 Excavation, transporting and stacking the posts
to the required place within 50 metres lead,
refilling the pit and dressing the same L.S. 13.39 2.27 30.40
9999 Extra for lifting of R.C.C. posts being heavier
than L iron and cleaning the posts of stacking
concrete L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
9999 Sundries L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
TOTAL 171.04 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 1.71
TOTAL 172.75 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 36.74
TOTAL 209.49 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 31.42
TOTAL 240.91 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 2.41
Cost of each 243.32
Say 243.30
15.36 Dismantling barbed wire or flexible wire rope in fencing including making rolls and stacking
within 50 metres lead.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 1 quintal
0114 Beldar day 3.50 736.00 2576.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 5.33 2.27 12.10
TOTAL 2588.10 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 25.88
TOTAL 2613.98 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 555.99
TOTAL 3169.97 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 475.50
TOTAL 3645.47 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 36.45
Cost of 1.00 quintal 3681.92
Cost of 1.00 kg 36.82
Say 36.80
15.37 Dismantling wooden trellis work excluding frames but including stacking the serviceable
material within 50 metres lead.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0124 Mason 2nd class day 0.10 816.00 81.60
0114 Beldar day 0.25 736.00 184.00
0115 Coolie day 0.25 736.00 184.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
TOTAL 455.80 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 4.56
TOTAL 460.36 X
15.38 Dismantling expanded metal or I.R.C. fabrics with necessary battens and beading including
stacking the serviceable material within 50 metres lead.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 0.10 816.00 81.60
0114 Beldar day 0.40 736.00 294.40
0115 Coolie day 0.20 736.00 147.20
9999 Sundries L.S. 4.16 2.27 9.44
TOTAL 532.64 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 5.33
TOTAL 537.97 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 114.43
TOTAL 652.40 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 97.86
TOTAL 750.26 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 7.50
Cost of 10.00 sqm 757.76
Cost of 1.00 sqm 75.78
Say 75.80
15.39 Dismantling wooden boardings in lining of walls and partitions, excluding supporting members
but including stacking within 50 metres lead :
15.39.1 Up to 10 mm thick
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 0.15 816.00 122.40
0114 Beldar day 0.20 736.00 147.20
0115 Coolie day 0.20 736.00 147.20
9999 Sundries L.S. 5.33 2.27 12.10
TOTAL 428.90 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 4.29
TOTAL 433.19 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 92.14
TOTAL 525.33 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 78.80
TOTAL 604.13 Z
15.41 Dismantling cement asbestos or other hard board ceiling or partition walls including stacking
of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials within 50 metres lead.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm.
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 0.20 816.00 163.20
15.42 Dismantling C.I. or asbestos rain water pipe with fittings and clamps including stacking the
material within 50 metres lead :
15.42.1 75 to 80 mm dia pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 metre
0114 Beldar day 0.36 736.00 264.96
0115 Coolie day 0.36 736.00 264.96
9999 Sundries L.S. 0.91 2.27 2.07
TOTAL 531.99 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 5.32
TOTAL 537.31 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 114.29
TOTAL 651.60 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 97.74
TOTAL 749.34 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 7.49
Cost of 10.00 metre 756.83
Cost of 1.00 metre 75.68
Say 75.70
15.43 Dismantling manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of serviceable material and
disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge
15.43.1 Water bound macadam road
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 36 sqm
Consider a road 6 metres wide and 6 metres
length wise 25 cm average depth = 9.00 cubic
For cutting road taking out soiling and metalling
including sorting and screening
0114 Beldar day 4.80 736.00 3532.80
0115 Coolie day 2.40 736.00 1766.40
9999 Labour for stacking of serviceable material and
disposal of unserviceable material within 50
metres lead L.S. 89.70 2.27 203.62
TOTAL 5502.82 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 55.03
TOTAL 5557.85 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1182.15
15.44 Dismantling G.I. pipes (external work) including excavation and refilling trenches after taking
out the pipes, manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of pipes within 50 metres
lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge :
15.44.1 15 mm to 40 mm nominal bore
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 metre
Trenching and refilling etc
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
0115 Coolie day 0.66 736.00 485.76
9999 Dismantling G.I. pipe and stacking etc L.S. 35.88 2.27 81.45
TOTAL 1052.97 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 10.53
TOTAL 1063.50 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 226.21
15.45 Dismantling C.I. pipes including excavation and refilling trenches after taking out the pipes,
manually/ by mechanical means breaking lead caulked joints, melting of lead and making
into blocks including stacking of pipes & lead at site within 50 metre lead as per direction of
15.45.1 Up to 150 mm diameter
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 40.26 metre or 11 nos joints
Earth work in excavation for dismantling pipes
including refilling of excavated earth
1x40.26x0.55x0.75 m =16.61cum
Deduct for pipes of average 100 mm dia
=1x40.26x(22/7)/4x(0.118)x(0.118) =0.44cum
Total =16.17cum
2.8.1 Rate as per Item No.2.8.1 of SH: EARTH
WORK cum 16.17 260.30 4209.05 A
2.25 Rate as per Item No.2.25 of SH: EARTH
WORK cum 16.17 196.00 3169.32 A
0761 Fuel wood quintal 0.46 550.00 253.00
0771 Kerosene oil litre 0.38 50.00 19.00
15.46 Dismantling steel cylinder R.C. pipes including excavation and refilling trenches after taking
out the pipes, manually/ by mechanical means breaking lead caulked joints, melting of lead
and making into blocks including stacking of pipes & lead at site within 50 metres lead as per
direction of Engineer-in-charge :
15.46.1 Up to 600 mm diameter
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 40.26 metre or 11 nos joints
Earth work in excavation for dismantling pipes
including refilling of excavated earth
1x40.26x1.30x1.65 m =86.36cum
Deduct for pipes of average 450 mm dia
=1x40.26x(22/7)/4x(0.48)x(0.48) =7.29cum
0114 Beldar day 5.32 736.00 3915.52
0115 Coolie day 5.46 736.00 4018.56
0101 Bhisti day 0.31 816.00 252.96
0761 Fuel wood quintal 1.40 550.00 770.00
15.48 Taking out C.I. cover with frame from R.C.C. top slab of manholes of various sizes including
demolishing of R.C.C. work manually/ by mechanical means and stacking of useful materials
near the site and disposal of unserviceable materials within 50 metres lead as per direction of
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 man hole
Demolition of R.C.C. slab 1.3x1.2x0.15 m
Less cover 0.61x0.455x0.15 m =0.042cum
Net Quantity =0.192cum
0114 Beldar day 0.50 736.00 368.00
0115 Coolie day 0.14 736.00 103.04
9999 Removel of C.I. Cover with frame including
stacking L.S. 1.30 2.27 2.95
9999 Sundries L.S. 7.15 2.27 16.23
TOTAL 490.22 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 4.90
TOTAL 495.12 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 105.31
TOTAL 600.43 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 90.06
TOTAL 690.49 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.90
Cost of each 697.39
Say 697.40
15.49 Taking out C.I. cover with frame from R.C.C. top slab of inspection chambers of various sizes
including demolishing of R.C.C. work manually/ by mechanical means and stacking of useful
materials near the site and disposal of unserviceable materials within 50 metres lead as per
direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 1 man hole
Demolition of R.C.C. slab
1.1x0.9x0.15 m =0.148cum
Less cover 0.61x0.455x0.15 m =0.042cum
=0.106cum Say 0.11cum
15.50 Dismantling of R.C.C. spun vent shaft including excavating the cement concrete pit completely,
taking out the shaft, refilling the excavated gap, stacking the useful materials near the site and
disposal of unserviceable materials within 50 metres lead.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for each
Dismantling cement concrete
1:4:8 0.90x0.90x1.35m =1.094cum
Less shaft 1/4x22/7x(0.450)x(0.450)x
1.10 m =0.175cum
=0.919cum Say 0.92cum
Dismantling cement concrete
1:2:4 0.90x0.90x0.15m =0.122cum
Less shaft 1/4x22/7x0.15x0.45 m=0.024cum
=0.098cum Say 0.10cum
0114 Beldar day 0.81 736.00 596.16
0115 Coolie day 0.51 736.00 375.36
9999 Sundries L.S. 1.82 2.27 4.13
0114 Beldar day 0.16 736.00 117.76
0115 Coolie day 0.07 736.00 51.52
9999 Sundries L.S. 0.52 2.27 1.18
0130 Mistry day 0.25 897.00 224.25
0123 Mason 1st class day 0.12 897.00 107.64
0124 Mason 2nd class day 0.12 816.00 97.92
0100 Bandhani day 1.00 816.00 816.00
0114 Beldar day 1.00 736.00 736.00
9999 Sundries for scaffolding etc L.S. 53.82 2.27 122.17
TOTAL 3250.09 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 32.50
TOTAL 3282.59 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 698.21
15.51 Dismantling of road gully chamber of various sizes including C.I. grating with frame including
stacking of useful materials near the site and disposal of unserviceable materials within 50
metres lead including refilling the excavated gap.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for one chamber
Dismantling cement concrete
a) 1:5:10 1.05x1.00x0.15m =0.16cum
Dismantling brick work in cement mortar
2.70x0.20x0.45m =0.24cum
Dismantling cement concrete
b) 1:2:4 2.70x0.20x0.15m =0.08cum
0114 Beldar day 0.14 736.00 103.04
0115 Coolie day 0.09 736.00 66.24
9999 Sundries L.S. 0.26 2.27 0.59
0114 Beldar day 0.25 736.00 184.00
0115 Coolie day 0.22 736.00 161.92
9999 Sundries L.S. 0.52 2.27 1.18
0114 Beldar day 0.13 736.00 95.68
0115 Coolie day 0.06 736.00 44.16
9999 Sundries for scaffolding etc L.S. 0.39 2.27 0.89
9999 Dismantling C.I. Grating L.S. 7.15 2.27 16.23
TOTAL 673.93 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 6.74
TOTAL 680.67 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 144.78
TOTAL 825.45 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 123.82
TOTAL 949.27 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 9.49
Cost of each 958.76
Say 958.75
15.52 Dismantling of flushing cistern of all types (C.I./PVC/Vitrious China) including stacking of
useful materials near the site and disposal of unserviceable materials within 50 metres lead.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for each
0117 Fitter (grade 2) day 0.05 816.00 40.80
0114 Beldar day 0.05 736.00 36.80
15.53 Dismantling of C.I. sluice valve including stacking of useful materials within a lead of 50 metres
15.53.1 Up to 150 mm diameter
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for dismantling 10 sluice valves
(ave.) 100mm
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.60 897.00 538.20
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.40 816.00 326.40
0114 Beldar day 1.60 736.00 1177.60
9999 Sundries for removing the R.C.C. cover etc for
dismantling sluice valve L.S. 89.70 2.27 203.62
TOTAL 2245.82 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 22.46
TOTAL 2268.28 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 482.46
TOTAL 2750.74 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 412.61
TOTAL 3163.35 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 31.63
Cost of 10 Nos 3194.98
Cost of each 319.50
Say 319.50
15.54 Dismantling of spindle fire hydrant including stacking of useful materials within 50 metres
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 Nos
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 1.50 897.00 1345.50
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 1.00 816.00 816.00
0114 Beldar day 4.00 736.00 2944.00
TOTAL 5105.50 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 51.06
TOTAL 5156.56 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1096.80
TOTAL 6253.36 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 938.00
TOTAL 7191.36 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 71.91
Cost of 10 Nos 7263.27
Cost of each 726.33
Say 726.35
15.55 Dismantling of cement concrete platform along with curtain walls and base concrete etc.
including stacking of useful materials near the site and disposal of unserviceable materials
within 50 metres lead :
15.55.1 120 x 120 cm (outside to outside)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for one platform
Dismantling cement concrete 1:5:10
4.00x0.35x0.12m =0.168cum
0.80x0.80x0.075m =0.048cum
=0.216cum Say 0.22cum
Dismantling brick work in cement mortar
4.00x0.20x0.30m =0.24cum
4.00x0.10x0.20m =0.088cum
=0.328cum Say 0.33cum
Dismantling 40 mm C.C. flooring 1:2:4
1.00x1.00x0.04m =0.04cum
0114 Beldar day 0.19 736.00 139.84
15.57 Dismantling aluminium/ Gypsum partitions, doors, windows, fixed glazing and false ceiling
including disposal of unserviceable material and stacking of serviceable material with in 50
meters lead as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 0.20 816.00 163.20
0114 Beldar day 0.30 736.00 220.80
9999 Sundries L.S. 5.38 2.27 12.21
TOTAL 396.21 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 3.96
TOTAL 400.17 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 85.12
TOTAL 485.29 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 72.79
TOTAL 558.08 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.58
Cost of 10.00 sqm 563.66
Cost of 1.00 sqm 56.37
Say 56.35
15.58 Demolishing R.C.C. work by mechanical means and stockpiling at designated locations
and disposal of dismantled materials up to a lead of 1 kilometre, stacking serviceable and
unserviceable material separately including cutting reinforcement bars.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 cum
0128 Mate day 0.03 816.00 24.48
15.59 Dismantling of flexible pavement (bituminous courses) by mechanical means and disposal of
dismantled material up to a lead of 1 kilometre, as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 cum
0128 Mate day 0.100 816.00 81.60
0114 Beldar day 3.000 736.00 2208.00
0039 Tractor with trolley . day 0.475 1350.00 641.25
0038 Tractor with ripper attachment. day 0.020 1350.00 27.00
TOTAL 2957.85 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 29.58
TOTAL 2987.43 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 635.43
TOTAL 3622.86 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 543.43
TOTAL 4166.29 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 41.66
Cost of 10 cum 4207.95
Cost of 1 cum 420.80
Say 420.80
16.1 Preparation and consolidation of sub grade with power road roller of 8 to 12 tonne capacity
after excavating earth to an average of 22.5 cm depth, dressing to camber and consolidating
with road roller including making good the undulations etc. and re-rolling the sub grade and
disposal of surplus earthwith lead upto 50 metres.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 100sqm.
(A) preparation of subgrade.
Earth work in excavation including dressing
etc. 100sqm.x22.5cm (average depth) =
0128 Mate day 1.80 816.00 1468.80
0115 Coolie day 18.00 736.00 13248.00
0114 Beldar day 0.27 736.00 198.72
0003 Hire charges of Diesel Road Roller - 8 to 10
tonne day 0.054 3350.00 180.90
0113 Chowkidar day 0.054 736.00 39.74
9999 Sundries L.S. 6.76 2.27 15.35
(B) Conslidation of subgrade
Roller charges (one roller does 1860 sqm.
of conosolidation of sub - grade with road
roller of 8 to 12 tonne capacity including
making good the undulations etc. with
earth or quarry spoils etc. and rerolling the
0003 Hire charges of Diesel Road Roller - 8 to 10
tonne day 0.054 3350.00 180.90
0113 Chowkidar day 0.054 736.00 39.74
9999 Sundries L.S. 6.76 2.27 15.35
TOTAL 15387.50 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 153.88
TOTAL 15541.38 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 3305.65
TOTAL 18847.03 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 2827.05
TOTAL 21674.08 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 216.74
Cost for 100 sqm. 21890.82
Cost per sqm. 218.91
Say 218.90
16.2 Extra for compaction of earth work in embankment under optimum moisture conditions to
give at least 95% of the maximum dry density (proctor density).
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
(Extra to item No.2.3 in Earth work)
0101 Bhisti day 0.17 816.00 138.72
16.3.10 Moorum
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 cum.
0810 Moorum cum 1.00 540.00 540.00
2265 Carriage of Moorum cum 1.00 0.00 0.00
TOTAL 540.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 5.40
TOTAL 545.40 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 116.01
TOTAL 661.41 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 99.21
TOTAL 760.62 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 7.61
Cost for one cum. 768.23
Say 768.25
16.5 Laying water bound macadam sub-base with brick aggregate and binding material, earth
etc. including screening, sorting and spreading to template and consolidation with
light power road-roller etc. complete. (payment for brick aggregate and moorum etc. to be
made separately)
16.5.1 Over burnt (Jhama) brick aggregate 120 mm to 40 mm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 cum.
0114 Beldar day 0.35 736.00 257.60
0115 Coolie day 0.26 736.00 191.36
0101 Bhisti Day 0.18 816.00 146.88
Roller charges (one roller does 230cum.
consolidation per day of 8 hours and uses
18 litres of diesel oil)
0003 Hire charges of Diesel Road Roller - 8 to 10
tonne day 0.004 3350.00 13.40
0113 Chowkidar day 0.004 736.00 2.94
9999 Sundries L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
TOTAL 618.38 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 6.18
16.6 Supplying, stacking and Spreading 6 mm thick red bajri, watering and rolling complete
including preparation of the surface and rolling.
16.6.1 With road roller/ hand roller
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 6 mm thick and 100 sqm
(A) Supplying and stacking of Red bajri at
0304 Bajri cum 0.60 1100.00 660.00
2311 Carriage of Red bajri cum 0.60 0.00 0.00
(B) Spreading of red bajri
16.7 Brick edging in full brick width and half brick depth including excavation, refilling and disposal
of surplus earth lead upto 50 metres.
16.7.1 With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 metre
2602 Common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular)
bricks class designation 7.5 1000 Nos 0.16 4724.00 755.84
including 12% wastage
2201 Carriage of Bricks 1000 Nos 0.16 0.00 0.00
0123 Mason 1st class day 0.17 897.00 152.49
0124 Mason 2nd class day 0.17 816.00 138.72
0115 Coolie day 0.35 736.00 257.60
9999 Removal of rubbish L.S. 17.94 2.27 40.72
9999 Sundries L.S. 8.97 2.27 20.36
TOTAL 1365.73 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 13.66
TOTAL 1379.39 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 293.40
TOTAL 1672.79 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 250.92
TOTAL 1923.71 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 19.24
Cost for 10 metre 1942.95
Cost per metre 194.30
Say 194.30
16.9 Scarifying metalled (water-bound) road surface including disposal of rubbish, lead upto 50 m
and consolidation of the aggregate received from scarifying with power road roller of 8 to 10
tonne capacity.
16.10 Making bajri path including preparation of subgrade, supplying and laying brick aggregate of
50 mm nominal size 7.5 cm deep with blinding material consisting of 12 mm moorum and 12
mm red bajri consolidated with road roller.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 100sqm.
Earth work in excavation including dressing
2.6.1 (Rate as per item no.2.6.1 of S.H. Earth
work) cum 7.50 177.50 1331.25 A
Collection and stacking of brick aggregate
53mm nominal size 100x0.075 =7.50cum.
0286 Brick Aggregate (Single size) : 50 mm
nominal size cum 7.50 700.00 5250.00
2260 Carriage of Brick aggregate cum 7.50 0.00 0.00
Supply staking Red Bajri
100x0.012= 1.2 cum
16.3.8 Rate as per Item Number 16.3.8 of SH:
Road Work cum 1.20 1564.90 1877.88 A
Collection and stacking of moorum at site
100x0.012 = 1.20cum.
16.3.10 Rate as per Item Number 16.3.10 of SH:
Road Work cum 1.20 768.25 921.90 A
Spreading and consolidation of brick
aggregate and blinding material etc.
0114 Beldar day 1.95 736.00 1435.20
0115 Coolie day 2.63 736.00 1935.68
0101 Bhisti day 1.35 816.00 1101.60
0003 Hire charges of Diesel Road Roller - 8 to 10
tonne day 0.135 3350.00 452.25
0113 Chowkidar day 0.135 736.00 99.36
9999 Sundries L.S. 20.15 2.27 45.74
Spreading of red bajri, watering and rolling
0003 Hire charges of Diesel Road Roller - 8 to 10
tonne day 0.054 3350.00 180.90
0113 Chowkidar day 0.054 736.00 39.74
TOTAL 14671.50 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 105.40
TOTAL 14776.90 X
16.11 Dry stone pitching 22.5 cm thick including supply of stones and preparing surface complete.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 sqm.
1158 Stone for pitching 15 cm x 22.5 cm cum 2.25 700.00 1575.00
2216 Carriage of Stone blocks white & red sand
stone & kota stone slab tonne 5.05 0.00 0.00
2.25x2245/1000 = 5.05 t
0123 Mason 1st class day 1.08 897.00 968.76
0124 Mason 2nd class day 1.08 816.00 881.28
0114 Beldar day 2.15 736.00 1582.40
0115 Coolie day 1.61 736.00 1184.96
9999 Sundries L.S. 6.76 2.27 15.35
TOTAL 6207.75 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 62.08
TOTAL 6269.83 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1333.59
TOTAL 7603.42 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 1140.51
TOTAL 8743.93 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 87.44
Cost for 10 sqm. 8831.37
Cost per sqm. 883.14
Say 883.15
16.12 Dry brick pitching half brick thick in drains including supply of bricks and preparing the
surface complete :
16.12.1 With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 sqm.
2602 Common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular)
bricks class designation 7.5 1000 Nos 0.645 4724.00 3046.98
2201 Carriage of Bricks 1000 Nos 0.645 0.00 0.00
16.13 Cutting road and making good the same including supply of extra quantities of materials i.e.
aggregate, moorum screening, red bajri and labour required.
16.13.1 bituminous portion
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1.08cum. (road 6 metres
wide, 0.6 metre length wise and 0.30m
(average depth) volume = 1.08 cum).
Supplying and stacking stone aggregate
53mm to 24 mm nominal size at site.
16.3.3 Rate as per Item Number 16.3.3 of SH:
Road Work cum 0.09 1842.30 165.81 A
Supplying and stacking red bajri at site
16.3.8 Rate as per Item Number 16.3.8 of SH:
Road Work cum 0.023 1564.90 35.99 A
Supplying and stacking moorum at site
16.3.10 Rate as per Item Number 16.3.10 of SH:
Road Work cum 0.022 768.25 16.90 A
2911 Stone chippings/ screenings 10/ 11.2 mm
nominal size cum 0.092 1400.00 128.80
2202 Carriage of Stone aggregate below 40 mm
nominal size cum 0.092 0.00 0.00
0309 Paving bitumen VG-10 of approved quality tonne 0.011 33530.00 368.83
2211 Carriage of Tar bitumen tonne 0.011 0.00 0.00
For cutting road and taking out soling and
metalling including sorting and screening.
0114 Beldar day 0.96 736.00 706.56
0115 Coolie day 0.48 736.00 353.28
Relaying soling stone 3.6x0.15=0.54cum.
0114 Beldar day 0.24 736.00 176.64
0115 Coolie day 0.24 736.00 176.64
16.14 Cutting bajri paths and making good the same including supply of extra quantities of brick
aggregate, moorum and red bajri required.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 sqm.
Supplying and stacking 50mm brick
aggregate at site(extra quantity)
0286 Brick Aggregate (Single size) : 50 mm
nominal size cum 0.19 700.00 133.00
2260 Carriage of Brick aggregate cum 0.19 0.00 0.00
Supplying and stacking red bajri at site
16.3.8 Rate as per Item Number 16.3.8 of SH:
Road Work cum 0.06 1564.90 93.89 A
Supplying and stacking moorum at site
16.3.10 Rate as per Item Number 16.3.10 of SH:
Road cum 0.06 768.25 46.10 A
For cutting, sorting out, spreading and
consolidation of aggregate
0114 Beldar day 1.60 736.00 1177.60
0115 Coolie day 0.80 736.00 588.80
TOTAL 2039.39 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 18.99
TOTAL 2058.38 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 408.04
16.15.2 Welded steel wire fabric of required width having rectangular mesh painted with two or more
coats of enamel paint of approved shade over a coat of primer (Priming & Painting to be paid
for separately).
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 27 sqm (209.25 kg).
Steel wire fabric 0.9m wide rectangular
mesh 75x25mm size weight not less than
7.75kg/sqm. 30x0.9 = 27sqm
16.16 Supplying and fixing turn buckles and straining bolts for barbed wire fencing.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one set
1030 Galvanised steel turn buckles each 1.00 25.00 25.00
1028 Straining bolts each 1.00 80.00 80.00
9977 Carriage of turn buckles and straining bolts L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
Labour for fixing straining bolts and turn
0103 Blacksmith 2nd class day 0.10 816.00 81.60
TOTAL 192.80 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 1.93
TOTAL 194.73 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 41.42
TOTAL 236.15 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 35.42
TOTAL 271.57 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 2.72
Cost per set 274.29
Say 274.30
16.17 Fencing with R.C.C. post placed at required distance, embedded in cement concrete blocks,
every 15th post, last but one end post and corner post shall be strutted on both sides and end
post one side only, provided with horizontal lines and two diagonals of barbed wire weighing
9.38 kg per 100 metres (minimum), between the two posts fitted and fixed with G.I. staples on
wooden plugs or G.I. binding wire tied to 6 mm bar nibs fixed while casting the post (cost of
R.C.C. posts, struts, earth work and concrete to be paid for separately) :- Payment to be made
per metre cost of total length of barbed wire used.
16.18 Fencing with angle iron post placed at required distance embedded in cement concrete blocks,
every 15th post, last but one end post and corner post shall be strutted on both sides and
end post on one side only and provided with horizontal lines and two diagonals interwoven
with horizontal wires, of barbed wire weighing 9.38 kg per 100 m (minimum), between the two
posts fitted and fixed with G.I. staples, turn buckles etc. complete. (Cost of posts, struts, earth
work and concrete work to be paid for separately). Payment to be made per metre cost of total
length of barbed wire used.
16.18.1 With G.I. barbed wire
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 333.24 metre
G.I. barbed wire
30x9 = 270.00m
2x10x(12+32)1/2 = 63.24
= 333.24m
16.19 Supplying at site Angle iron post & strut of required size including bottom to be split and bent
at right angle in opposite direction for 10 cm length and drilling holes upto 10 mm dia. etc.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 qunital
M.S. angle = 1.00 qtl.
Add 5% wastage = 0.05 qtl.
Total = =1.05 qtl
1007 Structurals such as tees,angles channels
and R.S. joists
quintal 1.05 5965.00 6263.25
2205 Carriage of Steel tonne 0.105 0.00 0.00
0103 Blacksmith 2nd class day 0.75 816.00 612.00
0114 Beldar day 0.50 736.00 368.00
For spotting, bending of angle and drilling
holes etc. :
0103 Blacksmith 2nd class day 1.00 816.00 816.00
0114 Beldar day 1.00 736.00 736.00
9999 Sundries such as drilling bit etc. L.S. 19.76 2.27 44.86
16.20 Welded steel wire fabric fencing with posts of specified material and of standard design
placed and embedded in cement concrete blocks 45x45x 60 cm of mix 1:5:10 (1 cement:5
fine sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size), every 15th post, last but one end
post and corner post shall be strutted on both sides and end post on one side only and struts
embedded in cement concrete blocks 70x45x50 cm of the same mix, provided with welded
steel wire fabric fixed between the posts fitted and fixed with G.I. staples on wooden plugs or
tied to 6 mm bar nibs with G.I. binding wire (cost of posts, welded steel wire fabric, painting,
earth work in excavation and concrete to be paid for separately).
16.22 Providing and fixing 15x15x90 cm boundary stone of hard stone with top 30 cm chisel dressed
on all four sides including top (cost of excavation, refilling and concrete etc. to be paid for
0.35x0.25x0.835m = 0.073
0.37x0.27x0.10m = 0.010
1/2x22/7x(0.175)²x0.25m = 0.012
= 0.095cum Say 0.10cum
Volume for 10 nos. = 10x0.10 cum = 1 cum
16.25 Surface dressing on new surface with paving bitumen of grade VG - 10 of approved quality
using 2.25 kg of bitumen per sqm with 1.65 cum of stone chippings 13.2 mm nominal size per
100 sqm of road surface, including consolidation with road roller of 6 to 8 tonne capacity etc.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 100 sqm.
Bitumen S-90@2.25kg per sqm. =225 kg =
0.225 tonne.
0309 Paving bitumen VG-10 of approved quality tonne 0.225 33530.00 7544.25
2211 Carriage of Tar bitumen tonne 0.225 0.00 0.00
Stone aggregate 13.2mm nominal size @
1.65cum. per 100sqm.
2910 Stone chippings/ screenings 12.5/ 13.2 mm
nominal size cum 1.650 1400.00 2310.00
2202 Carriage of Stone aggregate below 40 mm
nominal size cum 1.650 0.00 0.00
Steam coal for heating bitumen @2 quintal
per tonne of bitumen = 2x0.225=0.450q
0370 Coal (steam) quintal 0.450 500.00 225.00
16.27 Surface dressing on old surface with hot bitumen of grade VG - 10 of approved quality using
1.95 kg of bitumen per sqm with 1.50 cum of stone chippings 11.2 mm nominal size per 100
sqm of road surface, including consolidation with road roller of 6 to 8 tonne capacity, etc.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 100 sqm.
Bitumen 1.95kg./sqm.= 195kg. or 0.195t
0309 Paving bitumen VG-10 of approved quality tonne 0.195 33530.00 6538.35
2911 Stone chippings/ screenings 10/ 11.2 mm
nominal size cum 1.50 1400.00 2100.00
@ 1.50cum. per 100 sqm.
2211 Carriage of Tar bitumen tonne 0.195 0.00 0.00
2202 Carriage of Stone aggregate below 40 mm
nominal size cum 1.50 0.00 0.00
Steam coal for heating bitumen @2 quintal
per tonne of bitumen
0370 Coal (steam) quintal 0.39 500.00 195.00
2200 Carriage of steam coal tonne 0.039 0.00 0.00
Labour for cleaning the road surface,
heating and spraying bitumen and
aggregate etc.
(a) For cleaning :
0128 Mate day 0.06 816.00 48.96
0114 Beldar day 0.49 736.00 360.64
0115 Coolie day 0.97 736.00 713.92
(b) For heating and spraying bitumen :
0130 Mistry day 0.05 897.00 44.85
0138 Sprayer (for bitumen, tar etc.) day 0.06 816.00 48.96
0114 Beldar day 0.69 736.00 507.84
(c) For screening and spreading aggregate
0128 Mate day 0.66 816.00 538.56
0114 Beldar day 0.51 736.00 375.36
0115 Coolie day 0.51 736.00 375.36
(d) Consolidation Charges
0113 Chowkidar day 0.15 736.00 110.40
0101 Bhisti day 0.06 816.00 48.96
0003 Hire charges of Diesel Road Roller - 8 to 10
tonne day 0.06 3350.00 201.00
0007 Hire charges of Coaltar Sprayer day 0.06 400.00 24.00
0001 Hire charges of Coaltar Boiler 900 to 1400
litres day 0.06 900.00 54.00
16.28 Surface dressing one coat on new surface with bitumen of specified grade at a rate of 1.95
kg/sqm of surface area with 1.5 cum of stone chippings 13.2 mm nominal size per 100 sqm of
road surface, including consolidation with road roller of 6 to 8 tonne capacity , etc. complete :
16.28.1 Using bitumen emulsion (minimum 50% bitumen content- RS grade conforming to IS : 8887)
16.29 Surface dressing one coat on old surface with bitumen of specified grade at the rate of 1.22
kg/ sqm of surface area with 1.10 cum of stone chippings 11.2 mm nominal size per 100 sqm
of road surface, including consolidation with road roller of 6 to 8 tonne capacity etc. complete
16.29.1 Using bitumen emulsion (minimum 50% bitumen content- RS grade conforming to IS : 8887)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 100 sqm.
Bitumen emulsion @1.22 kg per Sqm. =122
kg. or 0.122 tonne
0310 Bitumen emulsion tonne 0.122 33850.00 4129.70
2211 Carriage of Tar bitumen tonne 0.122 0.00 0.00
Stone chippings 11.2mm nominal size @
1.10cum. per 100 sqm
2911 Stone chippings/ screenings 10/ 11.2 mm
nominal size cum 1.10 1400.00 1540.00
2202 Carriage of Stone aggregate below 40 mm
nominal size cum 1.10 0.00 0.00
16.30 Providing and applying tack coat using hot straight run bitumen of grade VG - 10, including
heating the bitumen, spraying the bitumen with mechanically operated spray unit fitted on
bitumen boiler, cleaning and preparing the existing road surface as per specifications :
16.31 Providing and applying tack coat using bitumen emulsion conforming to IS:8887, using
emulsion pressure distributer including preparing the surface & cleaning with mechanical
16.31.1 With rapid setting bitumen emulsion On W.B.M / W.M.M. @ 0.4kg/sqm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 3500 sqm.
7382 Bitumen emulsion rapid setting (R.S.)
conforming to IS : 8887-1995 tonne 1.40 19893.00 27850.20
2211 Carriage of Tar bitumen tonne 1.40 0.00 0.00
0075 Road sweeper (Mechamical Broom) @
1250 sqm. Per hour. hour 2.80 500.00 1400.00
0058 Air compressor hour 2.80 250.00 700.00
0061 Emulsion Pressure Distributor @ 1750 sqm
per hour hour 2.00 800.00 1600.00
0128 Mate day 0.08 816.00 65.28
0114 Beldar day 2.00 736.00 1472.00
TOTAL 33087.48 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 330.87
TOTAL 33418.35 X
16.34 2 cm premix carpet surfacing with 2.4 cum of stone chippings 11.2 mm nominal size per 100
sqm and bitumen emulsion (medium setting min. 65% bitumen content) complying with IS
: 8887, using 96 kg per cum of chippings, including consolidation with road roller of 6 to 9
tonne capacity etc. complete.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 100 sqm.
Bitumen emulsion M.S. @ 96kg per cum. of
96x2.4=230kg =0.230t
16.35 2.5 cm premix carpet surfacing with 3 cum of stone chippings 10 mm nominal size per 100
sqm and bitumen emulsion (medium setting min. 65% bitumen contents) complying with IS
: 8887, using 96 kg per cum of chippings of road surface, including consolidation with road
roller etc complete .
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 100 sqm.
Bitumen emulsion M.S. @ 96kg per cum. of
96x3 = 288 kg = 0.288 t
7742 Bitumen emulsion medium setting (M.S.)
conforming to IS : 8887-1995 tonne 0.288 33530.00 9656.64
2211 Carriage of Tar bitumen tonne 0.288 0.00 0.00
2911 Stone chippings/ screenings 10/ 11.2 mm
nominal size cum 3.00 1400.00 4200.00
16.36 Providing and laying Bitumen Penetration Macadam with hard stone aggregate of quality,
size and grading as specified, with bitumen of suitable penetration grade, including required
key aggregate as specified, spreading coarse aggregate with the help of self propelled/
tipper tail mounted aggregate spreader and applying bitumen by a pressure distributor
and then spreading key aggregate with the help of aggregate spreader complete, including
consolidation with road roller of minimum 8 to 10 tonne capacity to achieve specified values
of compaction and surface accuracy :
16.36.1 For 50mm compacted thickness using coarse aggregate of size 50-20 mm graded @ 0.60
cum per 10 sqm key aggregate of size 12.5 mm graded @ 0.15 cum per 10 sqm. With paving
asphalt grade VG - 10 @ 50 kg/ 10 sqm.
16.36.2 For 75 mm compacted thickness in two layers using stone aggregate of size 63-41 mm graded
@ 0.90 cum per 10 sqm key aggregate of size 20.0 mm graded @ 0.18 cum per 10 sqm. With
paving asphalt grade VG - 10 @ 68 kg/10 sqm.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 300 sqm.
Taking output as 300 sqm. for single layer.
Coarse agg. = 300/10x0.90 = 27 cum.
Key agg = 300/10x0.18 = 5.4 cum.
Bitumen = 300/10x68 = 2.04 t.
2206 Carriage of Stone aggregate 40 mm
nominal size and above cum 8.10 0.00 0.00
0292 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 50 mm
nominal size cum 8.10 1100.00 8910.00
0295 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm
nominal size cum 14.58 1425.00 20776.50
0297 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm
nominal size cum 4.32 1400.00 6048.00
0294 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 25 mm
nominal size cum 2.05 1400.00 2870.00
0296 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 12.5 mm
nominal size cum 2.57 1400.00 3598.00
0297 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm
nominal size cum 0.81 1400.00 1134.00
2916 Paving Asphalt VG -10 of approved quality tonne 2.04 33530.00 68401.20
2202 Carriage of Stone aggregate below 40 mm
nominal size
cum 24.33 0.00 0.00
2211 Carriage of Tar bitumen tonne 2.04 0.00 0.00
0114 Beldar day 25.00 736.00 18400.00
for spreading stone metal
0114 Beldar day 8.00 736.00 5888.00
for hand packing
0114 Beldar day 4.00 736.00 2944.00
dry rolling
0114 Beldar day 2.00 736.00 1472.00
/Bajri spreader
0138 Sprayer (for bitumen, tar etc.) day 1.00 816.00 816.00
0114 Beldar day 2.00 736.00 1472.00
for spreading key aggregate
0114 Beldar day 10.00 736.00 7360.00
for spraying bitumen
16.37 Providing and laying bitumen mastic wearing course (as per specifications) with industrial
bitumen of grade 85/25 conforming to IS : 702, prepared by using mastic cooker and laid
to required level and slope, including providing antiskid surface with bitumen precoated
fine grained hard stone chipping of approved size at the rate of 0.005 cum per 10 sqm and
at approximate spacing of 10 cm centre to centre in both directions, pressed into surface
protruding 1 mm to 4 mm over mastic surface, including cleaning the surface, removal of
debris etc. all complete. (Considering bitumen using 10.2% as per MORTH specification).
16.37.1 25 mm thick
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for surface area of 174 sqm
for single layer of 25 mm finished thickness.
Taking wearing coat as 10 tonne and
density as 2.3 gm/c.c Volume of bitumen
mastic = 10000/2300= 4.35 cum surface
area = 4.35/0.025 = 174 sqm.
(i) Bitumen of penetration 85/25 @ 10.2%
by weight of mix
0313 Blown type petroleum bitumen of
penetration 85/25 of approved quality tonne 1.020 38250.00 39015.00
2211 Carriage of Tar bitumen tonne 1.020 0.00 0.00
(ii) Weight of coarse aggregate @ 40%
10x(1000 - 150) x 40/100 = 3400 kg.
Stone aggregate :( 3400/43.38)x0.0283 =
2.22 cum.
16.38 2.5 cm thick bitumastic sheet with hot bitumen of approved quality, using stone chippings
(60% with 12.5 mm nominal size and 40% with 10 mm nominal size) @ 1.65 cum per 100 sqm
and coarse sand @ 1.65 cum per 100 sqm of road surface and with bitumen @ 56 kg/cum of
stone chippings and @ 128 kg/cum of sand over a tack coat with hot straight run bitumen,
including consolidation with road roller of 8 to 10 tonne etc. complete. (tack coat to be paid
separately) :
16.38.1 With paving Asphalt grade VG - 10 heated and then mixed with solvent at the rate of 70 grams
per kg of asphalt
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 100sqm.
80/100 bitumen @56kg. per cum. of
aggregate and 128kg. per cum. of sand:
56x1.65=92.4kg. = 0.092t +
128x1.65 = 211.2kg = 0.211t
2916 Paving Asphalt VG -10 of approved quality tonne 0.303 33530.00 10159.59
Solvent 0.070 kg. x 303 kg. = 21.21kg
2914 Solvent kilogram 21.21 32.00 678.72
2211 Carriage of Tar bitumen tonne 0.303 0.00 0.00
2342 Carriage of solvent/ Diesel. quintal 0.212 0.00 0.00
2910 Stone chippings/ screenings 12.5/ 13.2 mm
nominal size cum 0.99 1400.00 1386.00
2911 Stone chippings/ screenings 10/ 11.2 mm
nominal size cum 0.66 1400.00 924.00
2202 Carriage of Stone aggregate below 40 mm
nominal size
cum 1.65 0.00 0.00
0370 Coal (steam) quintal 0.606 500.00 303.00
2200 Carriage of steam coal tonne 0.061 0.00 0.00
16.39 4 cm thick bitumastic sheet with hot bitumen of approved quality, using stone chippings (60%
with 12.5 mm nominal size and 40% with 10 mm nominal size) @ 2.60 cum per 100 sqm and
coarse sand @ 2.60 cum per 100 sqm of road surface and with bitumen @ 56 kg/cum of stone
chippings and @ 128 kg/cum of sand over a tack coat with hot straight run bitumen, including
consolidation with road roller of 8 to 10 tonne etc. complete. (tack coat to be paid separately) :
16.39.1 With paving Asphalt grade VG - 10 heated and then mixed with solvent at the rate of 70 grams
per kg of asphalt
16.40 Providing and laying seal coat of premixed fine aggregate ( passing 2.36 mm and retained on
180 micron sieve) with bitumen using 128 kg of bitumen of grade VG - 10 bitumen per cum of
fine aggregate and 0.60 cum of fine aggregate per 100 sqm of road surface, including rolling
and finishing with road roller all complete.
16.42 Cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal
size) in pavements, laid to required slope and camber in panels as required including
consolidation finishing and tamping complete.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1.00 cum.
0293 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 40 mm
nominal size cum 0.52 1400.00 728.00
0295 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm
nominal size cum 0.22 1425.00 313.50
0297 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm
nominal size cum 0.11 1400.00 154.00
2206 Carriage of Stone aggregate 40 mm
nominal size and above cum 0.52 0.00 0.00
2202 Carriage of Stone aggregate below 40 mm
nominal size cum 0.33 0.00 0.00
0982 Coarse sand (zone III) cum 0.445 1450.00 645.25
2203 Carriage of Coarse sand cum 0.445 0.00 0.00
0367 Portland Cement (OPC-43 grade) tonne 0.32 5156.00 1649.92
2209 Carriage of Cement tonne 0.32 0.00 0.00
0155 Mason (average) day 0.10 857.00 85.70
0114 Beldar day 1.63 736.00 1199.68
0101 Bhisti day 0.70 816.00 571.20
0002 Hire charges of Concrete Mixer 0.25 to
0.40 cum with hooper day 0.077 900.00 69.30
0012 Vibrator (Needle type 40 mm) day 0.07 400.00 28.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 26.00 2.27 59.02
Side shuttering
Taking the slab to be 5cm thick and width
to be 6 metre, length of road 27 metre =
9.90/24.30 = 0.407 sqm
16.43 Providing and laying design mix cement concrete of M-30 grade, in roads/ taxi tracks/ runways,
using cement content as per design mix, using coarse sand and graded stone aggregate of
40 mm nominal size in appropriate proportions as per approved & specified design criteria,
providing dowel bars with sleeve/ tie bars wherever required, laying at site, spreading and
compacting mechanically by using needle and surface vibrators, levelling to required slope/
camber, finishing with required texture, including steel form work with sturdy M.S. channel
sections, curing, making provision for contraction/ expansion, construction & longitudinal
joints (10 mm wide x 50 mm deep) by groove cutting machine, providing and filling joints with
approved joint filler and sealants, complete all as per direction of Engineer-in-charge (Item of
joint fillers, sealants, dowel bars with sleeve/ tie bars to be paid separately).
Note:- Cement content considered in M-30 is @ 340 kg/cum. Excess/ less cement used as per
design mix is payable/ recoverable separately.
16.43.2 Cement concrete manufactured in automatic batching plant (RMC plant) i/c transportation to
site in transit mixer
16.46 Providing and filling in position rubberized bitumen hot sealing compound for sealing of
expansion joints in roads / pavements all complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
16.46.1 Using grade ‘A’ sealing compound conforming to IS: 1834.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 12 mm wide 25 mm deep
and 300 metres in length.
Sealing compound-
300x0.012x0.025 = 0.09cum.
Weight 1020 kg. per cum. = 1020x0.09 =
91.80 kg
0314 Bitumen hot sealing compound : grade A kilogram 91.80 30.00 2754.00
2211 Carriage of Tar bitumen tonne 0.092 0.00 0.00
91.8 kg = 0.0918 Say 0.092 tonne
Labour for filling :
0124 Mason 2nd class day 1.00 816.00 816.00
0114 Beldar day 2.50 736.00 1840.00
16.47 Painting runway/taxi track/apron marking with adequate nos of coats to give uniform finish
with road marking paint of superior make as approved by the Engineer-in-charge, i/c cleaning
the surface of ail dirt, scales, oil, grease and other foreign material etc. and lining out complete.
16.47.1 New work (Two or more coats)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10sqm.
1st Coat - 1.66 +
2nd Coat -1.13
Total = 2.79
7256 Superior quality road marking paint (water
based) litre 2.79 140.00 390.60
9977 Carriage of paint L.S. 5.07 2.27 11.51
0131 Painter day 0.54 816.00 440.64
0114 Beldar day 0.54 736.00 397.44
9999 Sundries L.S. 36.40 2.27 82.63
(including painting brush, wire brush, labour
for controlling traffic and other T&P etc.)
TOTAL 1322.82 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 13.23
TOTAL 1336.05 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 284.18
TOTAL 1620.23 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 243.03
TOTAL 1863.26 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 18.63
Cost for 10 sqm. 1881.89
Cost per sqm. 188.19
Say 188.20
16.48 Painting road surface marking with adequate nos of coats to give uniform finish with ready
mixed road marking paint conforming to IS : 164, on bituminous surface in white/yellow
shade, including cleaning the surface of all dirt, scales, oil, grease and foreign material etc.
16.48.1 New work (Two or more coats)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10sqm.
7255 Road marking paint (spirit based) litre 1.48 124.00 183.52
(conforming to IS 164 spirit base)
9977 Carriage of paint (1.48/0.8x0.08x6.9) L.S. 2.65 2.27 6.02
0128 Mate day 0.10 816.00 81.60
0131 Painter day 0.54 816.00 440.64
0114 Beldar day 1.68 736.00 1236.48
for stretching of rope & errecting of
9999 Sundries L.S. 36.40 2.27 82.63
(including painting brush, wire brush, labour
for controlling traffic and other T&P etc.)
TOTAL 2030.89 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 20.31
TOTAL 2051.20 X
16.50 Providing and fixing Glow studs of size 100x20 mm made of heavy duty body shall be
moulded ASA (Acrylic styrene Acryloretrite ) or HIP (High impact polystyrene) or ABS having
electronically welded micro- prismatic lens with abrasion resistant coating as approved by
Engineer in charge. The glow stud shall support a load of 13635 kg tested in accordance
with ASTM D4280. The slope of retro- reflective surface shall be 35 (+/-5) degress to base
.The reflective panels on both sides with at least 12 cm of reflective area up each side. The
luminance intensity should be as per the specification and shall be tested as described
in ASTM I: 809 as recommended in BS: 873 part 4 : 1973. The studs shall be fixed to the
Road surface using the adhesive conforming to IS, as per procedure recommended by the
manufacturer complete and as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 15 Nos.
7426 Cat’s eye each 15.00 87.00 1305.00
9977 Carriage of cats eyes L.S. 2.60 2.27 5.90
16.52 Providing and fixing precast lime fly ash concrete blocks 1:2:3:6 (1 lime: 2 fly ash: 3 coarse
sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size), including finishing with 10mm thick
cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) in foot paths, including preparation of sub
grade with a hand rammer, laying 10 mm thick leveling course of fine sand (jamuna sand) and
filling the joints with fine sand.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for a path of area
No. of blocks required for 100sqm. = 1080
(a) Concrete in blocks
(1080x0.30x0.30x0.09 = 8.75 cum.)
16.52Y Rate as per sub analysis Item Number
16.52Y of SH:Road Work cum 8.750 3744.60 32765.25
(b) Labour for surface excavation :
0114 Beldar day 7.200 736.00 5299.20
0115 Coolie day 6.000 736.00 4416.00
(c) For levelling course of fine sand
6501 Sand zone V (Jamuna) cum 1.000 1320.00 1320.00
2335 Carriage of Jamuna sand cum 1.000 0.00 0.00
0114 Beldar day 0.089 736.00 65.50
0115 Coolie day 0.107 736.00 78.75
0101 Bhisti day 0.035 816.00 28.56
(d) For finishing with 10mm thick cement
cement plaster with cement mortar 1:3(1
Cement: 3 Coarse sand)
qty. for 97.2sqm. = 0.972 cum
3.8 Rate as per Item Number 3.8 of SH:
Mortars cum 0.972 4881.95 4745.26
0155 Mason (average) day 7.870 857.00 6744.59
0115 Coolie day 7.870 736.00 5792.32
0101 Bhisti day 2.620 816.00 2137.92
9999 Scaffolding and sundries L.S. 122.200 2.27 277.39
(e) For laying blocks and filling joints with
Jamuna sand for filling joints 5mm (av.)
16.53 Providing and fixing concertina coil fencing with punched tape concertina coil 600 mm dia
10 metre openable length ( total length 90 m), having 50 nos rounds per 6 metre length, upto
3 m height of wall with existing angle iron ‘Y’ shaped placed 2.4m or 3.00 m apart and with
9 horizontal R.B.T. reinforced barbed wire, stud tied with G.I. staples and G.I. clips to retain
horizontal, including necessary bolts or G.I. barbed wire tied to angle iron, all complete as
per direction of Engineer-in-charge, with reinforced barbed tape(R.B.T.) / Spring core (2.5mm
thick) wire of high tensile strength of 165 kg/ sq.mm with tape (0.52 mm thick) and weight
43.478 gm/ metre (cost of M.S. angle, C.C. blocks shall be paid separately)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 30.00 m length
8691 Punched tape concertina coil 600 mm dia
10 m openable length (Total length 90 m) bundle 5.00 720.00 3600.00
(Having 50 Nos. of rounds per 6 meter = 1
Therefore, Nos. of bundles
8692 RBT reinforced barbed wire metre 270.00 8.00 2160.00
9 rounds = 9x30 = 270m
8693 Turn buckle and strengthening bolt each set 10.00 46.00 460.00
9999 G.I. staples clips etc. L.S. 49.40 2.27 112.14
Labour for fixing straightening cutting of
tape/ coils & wire
0114 Beldar day 1.00 736.00 736.00
16.54 Providing and laying Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam using crushed stone aggregates
of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder and filler, transporting the hot mix
to work site by tippers, laying with paver finisher equiped with electronic sensor to the
required grade, level and alignment and rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem
rollers as per specifications to achieve the desired compaction and density, complete as per
specificatons and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.
16.54.1 50 to 100 mm average compacted thickness with bitumen of grade VG-30 @ 5% (percentage
by weight of total mix) and lime filler @ 2% (percentage by weight of Aggregate) prepared in
Batch Type Hot Mix Plant of 100-120 TPH capacity.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 195 cum (or 450 M.T. )
7309 Paving Asphalt VG-30 of approved quality
(percentage by weight of total mix) tonne 22.50 41202.00 927045.00
2211 Carriage of Tar bitumen tonne 22.50 0.00 0.00
Total weight of mix = 450 tonnes
Weight of bitumen = 22.50 tonnes
Weight of aggregate = 450 -22.50 = 427.50
Taking density of aggregate = 1.5 tonne/
Volume of aggregate =427.50/1.5 =285cum
Grading - II/19 mm (Nominal Size)
25 - 10mm size = 30% of 285 = 85.5 cum
10 - 5mm size = 28% of 285 = 79.8 cum
5mm and below = 40% of 285 = 114 cum
0294 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 25 mm
nominal size cum 42.75 1400.00 59850.00
Qty = 85.5 * 50 /100
0297 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm
nominal size cum 42.75 1400.00 59850.00
Qty = 85.5 * 50 /100
16.54.2 50 to 100 mm average compacted thickness with bitumen of grade VG-30 @ 5% (percentage
by weight of total mix) and lime filler @ 2% (percentage by weight of Aggregate) prepared in
Drum Type Hot Mix Plant of 60-90 TPH capacity.
16.55.1 50 to 100 mm average compacted thickness with bitumen of grade VG-30 @ 3.50% (percentage
by weight of total mix) prepared in Batch Type Hot Mix Plant of 100-120 TPH capacity.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 205 cum (or 450 M.T. )
7309 Paving Asphalt VG-30 of approved quality tonne 15.75 41202.00 648931.50
3.5% of 450 MT = 15.75 MT
2211 Carriage of Tar bitumen tonne 15.75 0.00 0.00
Weight of mix = 205 * 2.5 = 450 tonnes
Total weight of mix = 450 tonnes Weight of
bitumen = 15.75 tonnes Weight of
aggregate = 450 -15.75 = 434.25 tonnes
Taking density of aggregate = 1.5 tonne/
Volume of aggregate =434.25/1.5
Grading - II/19 mm (Nominal Size)
25 - 10mm size = 40% of 289.50 = 115.8
10 - 5mm size = 40% of 289.50 = 115.8
5mm and below = 20% of 289.50 = 57.9
0294 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 25 mm
nominal size cum 57.90 1400.00 81060.00
Qty = 115.8 * 50 /100
0297 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm
nominal size cum 57.90 1400.00 81060.00
Qty = 115.8 * 50 /100
0297 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm
nominal size cum 57.90 1400.00 81060.00
Qty = 115.8 * 50 /100
0298 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 06 mm
nominal size cum 57.90 1425.00 82507.50
Qty = 115.8 * 50 /100
2903 Stone chippings/ screenings 4.75 mm
nominal size cum 57.90 1600.00 92640.00
Qty = 289.50 * 20 /100
2202 Carriage of Stone aggregate below 40 mm
nominal size cum 289.50 0.00 0.00
0062 Hot mix Plant -120 TPH capacity hour 3.00 16800.00 50400.00
@75tonne per hour actual output
0063 Hot mix Plant 100 TPH Capacity hour 3.00 14550.00 43650.00
16.55.2 50 to 100 mm average compacted thickness with bitumen of grade VG-30 @ 3.50% (percentage
by weight of total mix) prepared in Drum Type Hot Mix Plant of 60-90 TPH capacity.
16.56 Providing and laying semi- dense Bituminous concrete using crushed stone aggregates of
specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder and filler, transporting the hot mix to
work site by tippers, laying with paver finisher equiped with electronic sensor to the required
grade, level and alignment and rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers
to achieve the desired compaction and density as per specification, complete and as per
directions of Engineer-in-Charge.
16.56.1 25 mm compacted thickness with bitumen of grade VG-30 @ 5% (percentage by weight of
total mix) and lime filler @ 2% (percentage by weight of Aggregate) prepared in Batch Type
Hot Mix Plant of 100-120 TPH capacity.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 195 cum (450 tonnes)
Area covered for 25 mm thickness=7800
7309 Paving Asphalt VG-30 of approved quality tonne 22.50 41202.00 927045.00
5% of 450 MT = 22.50 MT
2211 Carriage of Tar bitumen tonne 22.50 0.00 0.00
Total weight of mix = 450 tonnes
Weight of bitumen = 22.50 tonnes
16.57.2 40/50 mm compacted thickness with bitumen of grade VG-30 @ 5.5% (percentage by weight
of total mix) and lime filler @ 3% (percentage by weight of Aggregate) and waste plastic
additive @ 8% (percentage by weight of bitumen) prepared in Batch Type Hot Mix Plant of
100- 120 TPH capacity.
16.57.4 40/50 mm compacted thickness with bitumen of grade CRMB-60 @ 5.5% (percentage by
weight of total mix) and lime filler @ 3% (percentage by weight of Aggregate) prepared in
Batch Type Hot Mix Plant of 100-120 TPH capacity.
16.57.5 40/50 mm compacted thickness with bitumen of grade VG-30 @ 5.5% (percentage by weight
of total mix) and lime filler @ 3% (percentage by weight of Aggregate) prepared in drum Type
Hot Mix Plant of 60-90 TPH capacity.
16.57.6 40/50 mm compacted thickness with bitumen of grade VG-30 @ 5.5% (percentage by weight
of total mix) and lime filler @ 3% (percentage by weight of Aggregate) and waste plastic
additive @ 8% (percentage by weight of bitumen) prepared in drum Type Hot Mix Plant of 60-
90 TPH capacity.
16.57.7 40/50 mm compacted thickness with bitumen of grade PMB-40 @ 5.5% (percentage by weight
of total mix) and lime filler @ 3% (percentage by weight of Aggregate) prepared in drum Type
Hot Mix Plant of 60-90 TPH capacity.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 191 cum (450 tonnes)
0312 Bitumen grade PMB - 40 M.T. 24.75 36200.00 895950.00
@5.50% (percentage by weight of total mix
2211 Carriage of Tar bitumen tonne 24.75 0.00 0.00
Total weight of mix = 450 tonnes
Weight of bitumen = 24.75 tonnes
Weight of aggregate = 450 -24.75 = 425.25
Taking density of aggregate = 1.5 tonne/
Volume of aggregate =425.25/1.5
Grading - II/19 mm (Nominal Size)
13.2 - 10mm size = 30% of 283.50 = 85.05
10 - 5mm size = 25% of 283.50 = 70.88
5mm and below = 42% of 283.50 = 119.07
0296 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 12.5 mm
nominal size cum 42.525 1400.00 59535.00
Qty = 85.05 * 50 /100
16.57.8 40/50 mm compacted thickness with bitumen of grade CRMB-60 @ 5.5% (percentage by
weight of total mix) and lime filler @ 3% (percentage by weight of Aggregate) prepared in
Drum Type Hot Mix Plant of 60-90 TPH capacity.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 191 cum (450 tonnes)
7741 Modified Bitumen Refinary produced
CRMB - 60 tonne 24.75 33250.00 822937.50
@5.50% (percentage by weight of total mix
2211 Carriage of Tar bitumen tonne 24.75 0.00 0.00
Total weight of mix = 450 tonnes
Weight of bitumen = 24.75 tonnes
Weight of aggregate = 450 -24.75 = 425.25
Taking density of aggregate = 1.5 tonne/
Volume of aggregate =425.25/1.5 =
Grading - II/19 mm (Nominal Size)
13.2 - 10mm size = 30% of 283.50 = 85.05
10 - 5mm size = 25% of 283.50 = 70.88
5mm and below = 42% of 283.50 =119.07
0296 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 12.5 mm
nominal size cum 42.525 1400.00 59535.00
Qty = 85.05 * 50 /100
0297 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm
nominal size cum 42.525 1400.00 59535.00
Qty = 85.05 * 50 /100
0297 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm
nominal size cum 35.44 1400.00 49616.00
Qty = 70.88 * 50 /100
0298 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 06 mm
nominal size cum 35.44 1425.00 50502.00
Qty = 70.88 * 50 /100
16.59 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing retro reflective sign boards made up of 2 mm thick
aluminium sheet, face to be fully covered with high intensity encapsulated type heat activated
retro reflective sheeting conforming to type - IV of ASTM-D 4956-01 in blue and silver white
or other colour combination including subject matter, message (bi-lingual), symbols and
borders etc. as per IRC ; 67:2001, pasted on substrate by an adhesive backing which shall be
activated by applying heat and pressure conforming to class -2 of ASTM-D-4956-01 and fixing
the same with suitable sized aluminium alloy rivets @ 20 cm c/c to back support frame of M.S.
angle iron of size 25x25x3 mm along with theft resistant measures, mounted and fixed with
2 Nos. M.S. angles of size 35x35x5 mm to a vertical post made up to M.S. Tee section ISMT
50x50x6 mm welded with base plate of size 100x100x5 mm at the bottom end and including
making holes in pipes, angles flats, providing & fixing M.S. message plate of required size,
steel work to be painted with two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint of required shade
and of approved brand & manufacture over priming coat of zinc chromate yellow primer
(vertical MS-Tee support to be painted in black and white colours).Backside of aluminium
sheet to be painted with two or more coats of epoxy paint over and including appropriate
priming coat including all leads and lifts etc. complete as per drawing , specification and
direction of Engineer-in-charge.
16.59.1 Mandatory/ Regulatory sign boards of 900 mm diametre with support length of 3750 mm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details cost for 1 board of 0.35 sqm
Aluminium sheet 2 mm thick
3.14/4x(0.9)x(0.9)=0.636 sqm add 10%
wastage = 0.064 i.e. 0.700sqm @ 5.60kg/
sqm = 3.92kg
2704 Aluminium Strip 40 mm wide and 2 mm
thick kg 3.92 243.00 952.56
2302 Carriage of G.I. sheet and accessories
3.92kg or 0.004 MT tonne 0.004 0.00 0.00
High intensity retro reflective sheet = 0.70
High intensity sheet for lettering / sign and
border etc. Taking 40% Area =0.28sqm,total
= 0.70 + 0.28 = 0.98 sqm
8690 High intensity retro - reflective sheet sqm 0.98 1345.00 1318.10
Steel work
Supporting frame 25x25x3mm for 900mm
dia board
3.14D=3.1416x0.90=2.83 metre @
Angle iron 35x35x.5mm for fixing the
support frame with vertical Tee-iron support
2x0.05=0.10m @ 2.6 kg/m = 0.26kg
Vertical post of M.S. tee of section ISNT
50x50x6mm = 3.75 metre @ 4.50kg/m =
16.88 kg
8690 High intensity retro - reflective sheet xqm 0.55 1345.00 739.75
Steel work
Angle iron frame 25x25x3mm 3x0.90= 2.70
metre @ 1.10kg/m
Angle iron 35x35x.5mm for fixing the
support frame to Tee- iron support post
2x0.05=0.10m @ 2.6 kg/m = 0.26kg
Vertical post of M.S. tee of section ISNT
50x50x6mm = 1x3.65=3.65m @ 4.50kg/m
Bass plate 100x100x5mm connected to
bottom end of vertocal tee.
(0.10x0.10x0.005x7850kg =0.39kg, total =
2.97+ 0.26 + 16.43 + 0.39 = 20.05kg. Add
wastage @ 5% = 1.00, total = 20.05 + 1.00
= 21.05kg
10.2 Rate as per item no 10.2 of SH : Steel work kg 21.05 133.70 2814.39 A
128 Mate
day 0.01 816.00 8.16
114 Beldar day 0.25 736.00 184
9999 Cost of material for drilling holes, nut bolts
& rivets, fabrication etc L.S. 65.00 2.27 147.55
Painting with synthetic enamel paint on
Angle iron
support frame 25x25x3mm
=1x2.7x0.10=0.27 sqm
Angle 35x35x5mm = 2x0.50x0.14=0.014
Tee 50x50x6mm =1x3.65x0.20 =0.73sqm
Base plate to be welded at bottom end
of Tee 100x100x5mm 0.022 sqm Total =
1.036 sqm
16.60 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing retro reflective overhead signage boards made up of
2 mm thick aluminium sheet, face to be fully covered with high intensity and encapsulated
lens type heat activated retro reflective sheeting conforming to type - III of ASTM-D-4956-01
as approved by Engineer-in-charge, letters, borders etc. as per IRC : 67-2001 in silver white
with blue colour back ground and with high intensity grade, pasted on substrate by pressure
sensitive adhesive backing which shall be activated by applying pressure conforming to
class II of ASTM-D-4956-01 and fixing the same to the plate of structural frame work by means
of suitable sized aluminium alloys, rivets or bolts & nuts @ 300 mm centre to centre all along
the periphery as well as in two vertical rows along with theft resistant measures, including
the cost of painting with two or more coats of epoxy paint in grey colour on the back side of
aluminium sheet including appropriate priming coat. The rate includes the cost of rounding
off the corners, lowering down the structural frame work from the gantry, fixing and erecting
the same in position all complete as per drawings, specification and direction of the engineer-
in-charge.(Structural frame work including M.S. plate to be provided separately. Rectangular
area of the sheet only shall be measured for payment).
16.60.1 Overhead informatory road signage
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for boards area 3.00x1.20
=3.60 sqm
2704 Aluminium Strip 40 mm wide and 2 mm
thick kilogram 21.17 243.00 5144.31
Add 5% wastage = 1.01 kg
Total = 20.16 + 1.01 = 21.17 kg.
2302 Carriage of G.I. sheet and accessories tonne 0.021 0.00 0.00
high intensity sheet for written matter.
Taking 40% 3.60x40% = 1.44 sqm.
Total = 3.60 + 1.44 = 5.04 sqm.
8690 High intensity retro - reflective sheet sqm 5.04 1345.00 6778.80
0588 Chromium plated Brass screws 25 mm 100 Nos 0.34 177.00 60.18
16.61 Providing Retro-reflective regulatory sign board of size 900 mm dia metre made out of 2 mm
thick aluminium sheet, face to be fully covered with high intensity encapsulated lens type
retro -reflective sheeting as approved by Engineer-in-charge . Letter, symbols, borders etc.
will be as per IRC - 67 with required colour scheme on the boards and with the high intensity
grade A. The aluminium sheet to be riveted to M.S. frame of angle iron of size 40x40x4 mm.
The boards will be fixed to 1 No. 50x50 mm square post made of M.S. angle 50x50x4 mm, 4
m long welded to the frame with adequate anti-theft arrangement .Sheet work to be painted
with two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint over an under coat (primer) and back side
of aluminium sheet to be painted with two or more coats of epoxy paint including appropriate
priming coat complete in all respects as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details cost for one board of 0.635 sqm
Aluminium sheet 2mm thick = 0.635 sqm.
Add 10% wastage = 0.06 sqm, total =
0.635 + 0.06 = 0.695 sqm. Say 0.70 sqm @
5.6kg/sqm = 3.98 kg
2704 Aluminium Strip 40 mm wide and 2 mm
thick kg 3.98 243.00 967.14
high intensity sheet for lettering/ sing and
border etc Taking 40% Area=0.28 sqm,
total = 0.70 + 0.28 = 0.98 sqm.
16.62 Providing and applying 2.5 mm thick road marking strips (retro- reflective) of specified shade/
colour using hot thermoplastic material by fully/ semi automatic thermoplastic paint applicator
machine fitted with profile shoe, glass beads dispenser, propane tank heater and profile shoe
heater, driven by experienced operator on road surface including cost of material, labour,
T&P, cleaning the road surface of all dirt, seals, oil, grease and foreign material etc. complete
as per direction of Engineer-in-charge and accordance with applicable specifications.
16.63 Providing, laying and making kerb channel 30 cm wide and 50 mm thick with cement concrete
1:3:6 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand:6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) over 75mm
bed of dry brick ballast 40 mm nominal size, well rammed and consolidated and grouted with
fine sand, including finishing the top smooth etc. complete and as per direction of Engineer-
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 sqm.
0287 Brick Aggregate (Single size) : 40 mm
nominal size cum 1.00 700.00 700.00
2260 Carriage of Brick aggregate cum 1.00 0.00 0.00
6501 Sand zone V (Jamuna) cum 0.08 1320.00 105.60
2335 Carriage of Jamuna sand cum 0.08 0.00 0.00
Labour for spreading, ramming and
0114 Beldar day 0.35 736.00 257.60
0115 Coolie day 0.26 736.00 191.36
0101 Bhisti day 0.18 816.00 146.88
Cement concrete-1:3:6
4.1.6 Rate as per item no 4.1.6 of SH : Concrete
16.64 Providing and laying 75 mm thick compacted bed of dry brick aggregate of 40 mm thick
nominal size including spreading, well ramming, consolidating and grouting with jamuna
sand, including finishing smooth etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
16.66 Excavating holes upto 0.10 cum, including getting out the excavated soil, then returning
the soil as deported in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth, including consolidating and
deposited layer by ramming watering etc., disposing of surplus excavated soil as directed
with in a lead of 50 mm and lift upto 1.5 m.
16.66.1 All kind of soil
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 30 holes-
Earth work 30x0.10 = 3.0 cum.
Extra labour for filling and ramming
2.8.1 Rate as per item no. 2.8.1 of SH: Earth
work cum 3.00 260.30 780.90 A
9999 Sundries L.S. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 811.59 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 0.31
TOTAL 811.90 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 6.59
TOTAL 818.49 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 5.64
TOTAL 824.13 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 0.43
Cost of 30 holes 824.56
Cost of 1 hole 27.49
Say 27.50
16.68 Providing and laying 60mm thick faciory made cement concrete interlocking paver block of
M -30 grade made by block making machine with strong vibratory compaction, of approved
size, design & shape, laid in required colour and pattern over and including 50mm thick
compacted bed of coarse sand, filling the joints with line sand etc. all complete as per the
direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10.00 sqm
8689 Interlocking C.C. paver block ( 60 mm thick,
M-30)(including carriage) sqm 10.00 400.00 4000.00
Bedding layer - 50mm thick
0982 Coarse sand (zone III) cum 0.50 1450.00 725.00
=10x0.050=0.50 cum
2203 Carriage of Coarse sand cum 0.50 0.00 0.00
0983 Fine sand (zone IV) cum 0.15 980.00 147.00
16.69 Providing and laying at or near ground level factory made kerb stone of M-25 grade cement
concrete in position to the required line, level and curvature, jointed with cement mortar 1:3
(1 cement: 3 coarse sand), including making joints with or without grooves (thickness of
joints except at sharp curve shall not to more than 5mm), including making drainage opening
wherever required complete etc. as per direction of Engineer-in-charge (length of finished
kerb edging shall be measured to calculate volume for payment). (Precast C.C. kerb stone
shall be approved by Engineer-in-charge).
16.70 Providing and fixing G.I. chain link fabric fencing of required width in mesh size 50x50 mm
including strengthening with 2 mm dia wire or nuts, bolts and washers as required complete
as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.
16.70.1 Made of G.I. wire of dia 4 mm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 sqm.
G.I. chain link 50x50 mm mesh = 10.00
Wastage @ 5% = 0.50 sqm.
Total = 10.50 sqm.
8695 Chain link fabric fencing mesh of size
50x50 mm made of G.I. wire of dia 4 mm sqm 10.50 330.00 3465.00
9977 Carriage. L.S. 156.00 2.27 354.12
0103 Blacksmith 2nd class day 2.14 816.00 1746.24
0114 Beldar day 1.62 736.00 1192.32
9999 Sundries including G.I. wire, nuts and bolts
and warshers. L.S. 174.75 2.27 396.68
TOTAL 7154.36 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 71.54
TOTAL 7225.90 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1536.95
TOTAL 8762.85 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 1314.43
TOTAL 10077.28 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 100.77
Cost for 10 sqm. 10178.05
Cost for 1 sqm. 1017.81
Say 1017.80
16.71 Providing and fixing G.I. chain link fabric fencing of required width in mesh size 25x25 mm
made of G.I. wire of dia 3 mm including strengthening with 2 mm dia wire or nuts, bolts and
washers as required complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 sqm.
G.I. chain link 25x25 mm mesh = 10.00
Wastage @ 5% = 0.50 sqm.
Total = 10.50 sqm.
8697 Chain link fabric fencing mesh of size
25x25 mm made of G.I. wire of dia 3 mm sqm 10.50 418.00 4389.00
9977 Carriage. L.S. 156.00 2.27 354.12
0103 Blacksmith 2nd class day 2.14 816.00 1746.24
0114 Beldar day 1.62 736.00 1192.32
9999 Sundries including G.I. wire, nuts and bolts
and warshers. L.S. 174.75 2.27 396.68
16.72 Supplying and stacking of hard stone (for stone pitching) 22.5 cm thick at site.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 2.25 cum
22.5 cm thick stone (Hard)
1158 Stone for pitching 15 cm x 22.5 cm cum 2.25 700.00 1575.00
Carriage by mechanical transport i/c
loading unloading and stacking
2215 Carriage of Soling stone & masonary stone cum 2.25 0.00 0.00
TOTAL 1575.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 15.75
TOTAL 1590.75 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 338.35
TOTAL 1929.10 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 289.37
TOTAL 2218.47 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 22.18
Cost for 2.25 cum 2240.65
Cost for one cum 995.84
Say 995.85
16.73 Dry stone pitching 22.5 cm thick laid in courses and required profile with hammer dressed
stones having no side less than 15 cm, with minimum depth of 20 cm including preparing the
bedding surface etc. all complete. (Payment for Stone to be made separately).
16.74 75 mm thick back filling for pitching including supplying of required materials and
consolidation etc. complete with :
16.74.1 Moorum
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 100 sqm
0810 Moorum cum 7.50 540.00 4050.00
Carriage by mechanical transport i/c
loading unloading and stacking
2265 Carriage of Moorum cum 7.50 0.00 0.00
0114 Beldar day 1.64 736.00 1207.04
0101 Bhisti day 0.13 816.00 106.08
TOTAL 5363.12 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 53.63
TOTAL 5416.75 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1152.14
TOTAL 6568.89 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 985.33
TOTAL 7554.22 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 75.54
Cost for 100 sqm 7629.76
Cost per sqm 76.30
Say 76.30
16.75 Providing and laying C.C. pavement of mix M-25 with ready mixed concrete from batching
plant. The ready mixed concrete shall be laid and finished with screed board vibrator , vacuum
dewatering process and finally finished by floating, brooming with wire brush etc. complete
as per specifications and directions of Engineer-in-charge. (The panel shuttering work shall
be paid for separately).
(Note:- Cement content considered in this item is @ 330 kg/cum. Excess/less cement used as
per design mix is payable/ recoverable separately).
16.78.1 With material conforming to Grade-I (size range 75 mm to 0.075 mm) having CBR Value-30
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 225 cum (450 tonnes)
Close graded graunlar sub-base material
per Grading-I of specifications
53mm to 9.5mm @ 50% = 144 cum
9.5 mm to 2.36mm @ 20% = 57 cum
2.36mm below @ 30% = 86.40 cum
0292 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 50 mm
nominal size cum 72.00 1100.00 79200.00
0297 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm
nominal size cum 72.00 1400.00 100800.00
2206 Carriage of Stone aggregate 40 mm
nominal size and above cum 72.00 0.00 0.00
2202 Carriage of Stone aggregate below 40 mm
nominal size cum 72.00 0.00 0.00
1179 Crushed stone 2.36 mm to 12.5 mm size cum 57.00 1005.00 57285.00
16.80 Construction of dry lean cement concrete sub base over a prepared sub-grade with coarse
and fine aggregate conforming to IS:383, the size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm,
aggregate cement ratio not to exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation after blending to be as per
specifications, cement content not to be less than 150 Kg/cum, optimum moisture content
to be determined during trial length construction, concrete strength not to be less than 10
Mpa at 7 days, mixed in a batching plant, transported to site, for all leads & lifts, laid with
a mechanical paver, compacting with 8-10 tonne vibratory roller, finishing and curing etc.
complete as per direction of Engineer-in- charge.
16.81Y Sub analysis item for fabrication charges of Item No. 16.81
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Sub analysis item no.16.81Y to be used in
Item No. 16.81
Details of cost for 2.5 metre
1215 Welding by electric plant cm 165.00 2.50 412.50
Cutting, assembling and erection charges
16.82 Taking out existing kerb stones of all types from footpath/ central verge, including removal
of mortar etc., disposal of unserviceable material to the dumping ground, for which payment
shall be made separately and stacking of serviceable material within 50 metre lead as per
direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 100 metre
0114 Beldar day 0.75 736.00 552.00
0115 Coolie day 3.00 736.00 2208.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 2.00 2.27 4.54
TOTAL 2764.54 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 27.65
TOTAL 2792.19 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 593.90
TOTAL 3386.09 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 507.91
TOTAL 3894.00 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 38.94
Cost of 100 metre 3932.94
Cost of 1 metre 39.33
Say 39.35
16.84 Laying old cement cocrete interlocking paver blocks of any design/ shape laid in required
line, level, curvature, colour and pattern over and including 50 mm thick compacted bed of
coarse sand, filling the joints with fine sand etc. all complete as per the direction of Engineer-
in-charge. (Old CC paver blocks shall be supplied by the department free of cost).
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 sqm.
Bedding layer 50mm thick
0982 Coarse sand (zone III) cum 0.50 1450.00 725.00
Qty = 10 x 0.05 = 0.50 cum
2203 Carriage of Coarse sand cum 0.50 0.00 0.00
0983 Fine sand (zone IV) cum 0.15 980.00 147.00
2261 Carriage of Fine sand (1 part badarpur
sand : 2 parts jamuna sand) cum 0.15 0.00 0.00
0123 Mason 1st class day 0.50 897.00 448.50
0124 Mason 2nd class day 0.50 816.00 408.00
0114 Beldar day 1.00 736.00 736.00
0115 Coolie day 0.50 736.00 368.00
TOTAL 2832.50 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 28.33
TOTAL 2860.83 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 608.50
TOTAL 3469.33 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 520.40
TOTAL 3989.73 Z
16.85 Laying at or near ground level old kerb stones of all types in position to the required line,
level and curvature, jointed with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand), including
making joints with or without grooves (thickness of joints, except at sharp curve, shall not
be more than 5 mm), including making drainage opening wherever required etc. complete as
per direction of Engineer-in-charge. (Length of finished kerb edging shall be measured for
payment). (Old kerb stones shall be supplied by the department free of cost)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 100 metre
Number of kerb stones = 100 / 0.405= 247
Qty. = 247 x 0.40 x 0.375 x 0.20 = 7.41cum
No. of joints = 247 - 1 = 246 Nos.
Cement Mortar 1:3 for fixing joints = 246
x[(0.115 + 0.20)/2 x 0.375 x 0.005] = 0.073
3.8 Rate as per Item No.3.8 of SH:MORTARS cum 0.073 4881.95 356.38
0123 Mason 1st class day 2.50 897.00 2242.50
0124 Mason 2nd class day 2.50 816.00 2040.00
0114 Beldar day 2.50 736.00 1840.00
0115 Coolie day 1.65 736.00 1214.40
TOTAL 7693.28 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 76.93
TOTAL 7770.21 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1652.72
TOTAL 9422.93 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 1413.44
TOTAL 10836.37 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 108.36
Cost of 100 metre 10944.73
Cost of 1 metre 109.45
Say 109.45
16.86 Providing and laying gang saw cut 18 mm thick, mirror polished pre moulded and pre polished
machine cut granite stone of required size and shape of approved shade, colour and texture
in footpath, flooring cut granite stone of required size and shape of approved shade, colour
and texture in footpath, flooring in road side plazas and similar locations, laid over 20mm
thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1cement : 4 coarse sand) including grouting the joints with
white cement mixed with matching pigment, epoxy touch ups etc. complete as per direction
of Engineer-in-Charge.
16.87 Providing and laying gang saw cut 30 mm thick, mirror polished pre moulded and pre polished
machine cut granite stone of required size and shape of approved shade, colour and texture
in footpath, flooring in road side plazas and similar locations, laid over 20mm thick base of
cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) including grouting the joints with white cement
mixed with matching pigment, epoxy touch ups etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-
16.87.1 With granite stone of colour black, cherry/ruby red of area less than 0.50 sqm.
16.87.2 With granite stone of all colour except black, cherry/ruby red of area less than 0.50 sqm.
16.88 Providing and laying matt finished vitrified tile of size 100x100x16mm having water absorption
less than 0.5% and conforming to IS: 15622 of approved make in all colours and shades in out
door floors such as footpath, court yard multi models etc., laid on 20mm thick base of cement
mortar 1:4 (1cement : 4 coarse sand) in all shapes & patterns including grouting the joints
with white cement mixed with matching pigments etc. complete as direction of Engineer-in-
16.89 Providing and laying matt finished vitrified tile of size 300x300x9.8mm having with water
absorption less than 0.5% and conforming to IS: 15622 of approved make in all colours and
shades in for outdoor floors such as footpath, court yard, multi modals location etc., laid on
20mm thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) in all shapes & patterns
including grouting the joints with white cement mixed with matching pigments etc. complete
as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
16.90 Providing and laying tactile tile (for vision impaired persons as per standards) of size
300x300x9.8mm having with water absorption less than 0.5% and conforming to IS:15622 of
approved make in all colours and shades in for outdoor floors such as footpath, court yard,
multi modals location etc., laid on 20mm thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse
sand) in all shapes & patterns including grouting the joints with white cement mixed with
matching pigments etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm.
Tile 300x300 x9.8mm = 10 sqm.
7893 Tactile tile sqm 10.000 890.00 8900.00
9977 Carriage L.S. 62.400 2.27 141.65
3.9 Rate as per Item No.3.9 of SH: MORTARS cum 0.240 4211.70 1010.81
9999 Sundries L.S. 36.400 2.27 82.63
0367 Portland Cement (OPC-43 grade) tonne 0.033 5156.00 170.15
0123 Mason 1st class day 2.000 897.00 1794.00
0115 Coolie day 2.000 736.00 1472.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 269.100 2.27 610.86
TOTAL 14182.10 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 141.82
TOTAL 14323.92 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 3046.70
TOTAL 17370.62 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 2605.59
TOTAL 19976.21 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 199.76
Cosr for 10 sqm 20175.97
Cosr per sqm 2017.60
Say 2017.60
16.91 Providing and laying factory made chamfered edge Cement Concrete paver blocks in footpath,
parks, lawns, drive ways or light traffic parking etc, of required strength, thickness & size/
shape, made by table vibratory method using PU mould, laid in required colour & pattern
over 50mm thick compacted bed of sand, compacting and proper embedding/laying of inter
locking paver blocks into the sand bedding layer through vibratory compaction by using
plate vibrator, filling the joints with sand and cutting of paver blocks as per required size
and pattern, finishing and sweeping extra sand. complete all as per direction of Engineer-in-
16.91.2 80 mm thick C.C. paver block of M-35 grade with approved colour design and pattern.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10.00 sqm.
8785 Coloured C.C. inter locking paver Block (80
mm thick, M-35) (including carriage) sqm 10.00 484.00 4840.00
0982 Coarse sand (zone 111) (10 x 0.050 = 0.50
cum ) cum 0.50 1450.00 725.00
2203 Carriage of Coarse sand cum 0.50 0.00 0.00
0983 Fine sand (zone IV) cum 0.15 980.00 147.00
2261 Carriage of Fine sand cum 0.15 0.00 0.00
Labour for Laying
0123 Mason 1st class day 0.50 897.00 448.50
0124 Mason 2nd class day 0.50 816.00 408.00
0114 Beldar day 1.00 736.00 736.00
0115 Coolie day 0.50 736.00 368.00
TOTAL 7672.50 W
16.92 Providing and fixing 10x10x7.50 cm Granite stone block hand cut and chisel dressed on top,
for paving in floors, drains etc. laid over 20mm thick base mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse
sand) with joints 10mm wide filled with same mortar including ruled pointing etc. complete as
per direction of engineer-in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10.00 sqm.
Stone size 10x10x7.50cm =1sqm
7774 Stone size 10x10x7.50cm (including
carriage) each 827.00 10.00 8270.00
3.9 Rate as per Item No.3.9 of SH: MORTARS cum 0.434 4211.70 1827.88
0367 Portland Cement (OPC-43 grade) tonne 0.02 5156.00 103.12
0124 Mason 2nd class day 1.08 816.00 881.28
0114 Beldar day 0.25 736.00 184.00
0115 Coolie day 1.62 736.00 1192.32
0101 Bhisti day 0.27 816.00 220.32
13.33.1 Rate as per Item No.13.33.1 of
SH: FINISHING sqm 10.00 385.40 3854.00 A
TOTAL 16532.92 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 126.79
TOTAL 16659.71 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 2723.77
TOTAL 19383.48 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 2329.42
TOTAL 21712.90 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 178.59
Cost of 10 sqm. 21891.49
Cost of 1 sqm. 2189.15
Say 2189.15
16.96 Providing & making Gabion structure with Mechanically Woven Double Twisted Hexagonal
Shaped Wire mesh Gabion Boxes as per IS 16014:2012,MORTH Clause 2500, of required size,
Mesh Type 10x12(D=100 mm with tolerance of ±2%), Zinic+10% Al alloy+PVC coated, Mesh
wire diameter 2.7/3.7mm (ID/OD), mechanically edged/selvedged with partitions at every 1m
interval and shall have minimum 10 numbers of openings per meter of mesh perpendicular to
twist, tying with lacing wire of diameter 2.2/3.2mm(ID/OD), supplied @3% by weight of Gabion
boxes, filled with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, as per drawing, all complete as
per directions of Engineer-in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details cost of one Gabion box/Crates of
size 2mx1mx1m = 2 cum
8578 Crates made of Mesh type 10x12 (D=100
mm) Zn+10% Al alloy + PVC coated. Mesh
wire diameter 2.70/3.70 mm (ID/OD).
sqm 11.00 320.00 3520.00
Surface area required = 11.00 sqm.
7753 Stone boulder with least dimension 200mm cum 2.00 875.00 1750.00
0128 Mate day 0.10 816.00 81.60
0125 Mason (for plain stone work) 2nd class day 0.50 816.00 408.00
0114 Beldar day 1.50 736.00 1104.00
TOTAL 6863.60 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 68.64
TOTAL 6932.24 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1474.49
TOTAL 8406.73 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 1261.01
TOTAL 9667.74 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 96.68
Cost of 2 cum 9764.42
Cost of 1 cum 4882.21
Say 4882.20
SUB HEAD : 18.0
18.1 Providing and fixing Polyethelene-Aluminium-Polyethelene PE-AL-PE Composite Pressure
Pipes conforming to IS - 15450, U.V. stabilized with carbon black having thermal stability for
hot & cold water supply, capable to withstand temperature up to 80°C, including all special
fittings of composite material (engineering plastic blend and brass inserts wherever required)
e.g. elbows, tees, reducers, couplers & connectors etc., with clamps at 1.00 metre spacing.
This includes testing of joints complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
18.1.1 1216 (16 mm OD) pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 metre
8300 1216 mm PE-AL-PE Composit pressure
pipe metre 10.00 53.00 530.00 P
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 159.00
30 x P / 100
9999 Cement, sand and grit L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.66 816.00 538.56
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 2015.53 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 20.16
TOTAL 2035.69 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 432.99
TOTAL 2468.68 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 370.30
TOTAL 2838.98 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 28.39
Cost of 10 metre 2867.37
Cost of 1 metre 286.74
Say 286.75
18.5 Providing and fixing 3 layer PP-R (Poly propylene Random copolymer) pipes conforming to
IS:15801, UV stabilized & anti - microbial fusion welded, having thermal stability for hot &
cold water supply, including all PP - R plain & brass threaded polypropylene random fittings
and fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes the cost of cutting chases
and making good the same including testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer-
Concealed work,including cutting chases and making good the wall etc.
18.5.1 PN - 16 Pipe, 20mm OD (SDR-7.4)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 metre
8626 Poly propylene- Random - Co - Polymer
(PPR) pipes PN-16 (SDR 7.4) - 20 mm
Outer dia metre 10.00 35.00 350.00 P
Add 75% for fittings, clamps and wastage
etc. on P, 75xP/100 262.50
Making chases upto 7.5 x 7.5 cm. in walls
and making good the same
18.78 Rate as per Item Number 18.78 of SH:
Water supply metre 10.00 202.90 2029.00 A
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.66 816.00 538.56
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 3961.83 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 19.33
TOTAL 3981.16 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 415.22
TOTAL 4396.38 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 355.11
TOTAL 4751.49 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 27.22
Cost of 10 metre 4778.71
Cost of 1 metre 477.87
Say 477.85
18.7 Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability
for hot & cold water supply and all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings, including fixing the
pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step
CPVC solvent cement and testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge.
Internal work - Exposed on wall
18.7.1 15 mm nominal dia Pipes
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 metre
8636 Chlorinated Polyvinyl - chloride (CPVC)
pipe 15 mm nominal dia. metre 10.00 43.00 430.00 P
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 129.00
30 x P / 100
18.8 Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability
for hot & cold water supply, including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings and fixing
the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one
step CPVC solvent cement and the cost of cutting chases and making good the same
including testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge.
Concealed work, including cutting chases and making good the walls etc.
18.8.1 15 mm nominal dia Pipes
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 metre
8636 Chlorinated Polyvinyl - chloride (CPVC)
pipe 15 mm nominal dia. metre 10.00 43.00 430.00 P
18.9 Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability
for hot & cold water supply including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings This includes
jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement, trenching, refilling & testing
of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge.
External work
18.9.1 15 mm nominal dia Pipes
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 metre
8636 Chlorinated Polyvinyl - chloride (CPVC)
pipe 15 mm nominal dia. metre 10.00 43.00 430.00 P
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on
(P) 129.00
30 x P / 100
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.08 897.00 71.76
0114 Beldar day 0.16 736.00 117.76
Trenching and refilling etc.
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
0115 Coolie day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 1720.04 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 17.20
TOTAL 1737.24 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 369.51
TOTAL 2106.75 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 316.01
TOTAL 2422.76 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 24.23
Cost of 10 metre 2446.99
Cost of 1 metre 244.70
Say 244.70
18.10 Providing and fixing G.I. pipes complete with G.I. fittings and clamps, including cutting and
making good the walls etc.
Internal work - Exposed on wall
18.10.1 15 mm dia nominal bore
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 metre
1545 G.I. pipes 15 mm dia metre 11.50 107.00 1230.50
Weight for carriage = pipe weight + 15%
for fiitings = 1.15 * 12.30 = 14 kg = 0.014
2271 Carriage of G.I. pipes below 100 mm dia tonne 0.014 0.00 0.00
9999 White lead, hemp, oil etc. L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
9999 Cement, sand and grit etc. L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.66 816.00 538.56
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 2575.33 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 25.75
TOTAL 2601.08 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 553.25
TOTAL 3154.33 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 473.15
TOTAL 3627.48 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 36.27
Cost of 10 metre 3663.75
Cost of 1 metre 366.38
Say 366.40
18.11 Providing and fixing G.I. Pipes complete with G.I. fittings and clamps, including making good
the walls etc. concealed pipe, including painting with anti corrosive bitumastic paint, cutting
chases and making good the wall :
18.11.1 15 mm dia nominal bore
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 metre
1545 G.I. pipes 15 mm dia metre 11.50 107.00 1230.50
Weight for carriage = pipe weight + 15%
for fiitings = 1.15 * 12.30 = 14 kg = 0.014
2271 Carriage of G.I. pipes below 100 mm dia tonne 0.014 0.00 0.00
9999 White lead, hemp, oil etc. L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
Painting G.I. pipe with anti-corrosive
bitumastic paint two or more coats
18.40.1 (Rate same as per item no. 18.40.1) metre 10.00 12.05 120.50 A
Making chases upto 7.5x7.5cm in walls
and making good the same
18.78 Rate as per item no. 18.78 Of SH Water
Supply metre 10.00 202.90 2029.00 A
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.66 816.00 538.56
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 4718.63 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 25.69
TOTAL 4744.32 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 551.92
TOTAL 5296.24 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 472.01
TOTAL 5768.25 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 36.19
Cost of 10 metre 5804.44
Cost of 1 metre 580.44
Say 580.45
18.12 Providing and fixing G.I. pipes complete with G.I. fittings including trenching and refilling etc.
External work
18.12.1 15 mm dia nominal bore
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 metre
1545 G.I. pipes 15 mm dia metre 10.20 107.00 1091.40
Weight for carriage = pipe weight + 2%
for fiitings = 1.02 * 12.30 = 13 kg = 0.013
2271 Carriage of G.I. pipes below 100 mm dia tonne 0.013 0.00 0.00
9999 White lead, hemp, oil etc. L.S. 5.33 2.27 12.10
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.08 897.00 71.76
0114 Beldar day 0.16 736.00 117.76
Trenching and refilling etc.
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
0115 Coolie day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 2264.54 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 22.65
9999 White lead, hemp, oil etc. L.S. 13.52 2.27 30.69
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.25 897.00 224.25
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
Trenching and refilling etc.
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
0115 Coolie day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 7322.22 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 73.22
TOTAL 7395.44 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1573.01
TOTAL 8968.45 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 1345.27
TOTAL 10313.72 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 103.14
Cost of 10 metre 10416.86
Cost of 1 metre 1041.69
Say 1041.70
18.14 Fixing water meter and stop cock in G.I. pipe line including cutting and threading the pipe and
making long screws etc. complete (cost of water meter and stop cock to be paid separately).
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one meter with stop cock
1555 G.I. back (jam) nuts 25 mm dia each 1.00 20.00 20.00
9988 Carriage of materials and sundries L.S. 5.33 2.27 12.10
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0114 Beldar day 0.33 736.00 242.88
18.17 Providing and fixing gun metal gate valve with C.I. wheel of approved quality (screwed end):
18.17.1 25 mm nominal bore
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no.
1927 Brass full way valve with C.I. wheel
(screwed end) 25 mm dia each 1.00 413.00 413.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges L.S. 10.79 2.27 24.49
TOTAL 437.49 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 4.37
TOTAL 441.86 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 93.98
TOTAL 535.84 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 80.38
TOTAL 616.22 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.16
Cost of one no. 622.38
Say 622.40
18.18 Providing and fixing ball valve (brass) of approved quality, High or low pressure, with plastic
floats complete :
18.18.1 15 mm nominal bore
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no.
1922 H.P. or L.P. ball valve with polythene floats:
15 mm dia each 1.00 237.00 237.00 Vertical
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no.
3088 Gunmetal non-return valve-vertical
(screwed end) 40 mm dia each 1.00 761.00 761.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges L.S. 16.12 2.27 36.59
TOTAL 797.59 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 7.98
TOTAL 805.57 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 171.34
TOTAL 976.91 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 146.54
TOTAL 1123.45 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 11.23
Cost of one no. 1134.68
Say 1134.70 Vertical
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no.
3092 Gunmetal non-return valve-vertical
(screwed end) 50 mm dia each 1.00 976.00 976.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges L.S. 17.55 2.27 39.84
TOTAL 1015.84 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 10.16
TOTAL 1026.00 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 218.23
TOTAL 1244.23 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 186.63
TOTAL 1430.86 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 14.31
Cost of one no. 1445.17
Say 1445.15 Vertical
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no.
3300 Gunmetal non-return valve-vertical
(screwed end) 80 mm dia each 1.00 2664.00 2664.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges L.S. 20.28 2.27 46.04
TOTAL 2710.04 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 27.10
TOTAL 2737.14 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 582.19
TOTAL 3319.33 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 497.90
TOTAL 3817.23 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 38.17
Cost of one no. 3855.40
Say 3855.40
18.21.2 45 cm length 15 mm nominal bore
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no.
1689 Unplasticised P.V.C.connection pipe with
brass union 45 cm long 15 mm bore each 1.00 38.00 38.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges L.S. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 68.69 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 0.69
TOTAL 69.38 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 14.76
TOTAL 84.14 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 12.62
TOTAL 96.76 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 0.97
Cost of one no. 97.73
Say 97.75
18.22 Providing and fixing C.P. brass shower rose with 15 or 20 mm inlet :
18.22.1 100 mm diameter
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no.
1878 Shower rose C.P.brass for 15 to 20 mm
inlet 100 mm dia each 1.00 121.00 121.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges L.S. 6.76 2.27 15.35
TOTAL 136.35 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 1.36
TOTAL 137.71 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 29.29
TOTAL 167.00 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 25.05
TOTAL 192.05 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 1.92
Cost of one no. 193.97
Say 193.95
18.24 Laying in position S&S or flanged C.I. special such as tees, bends, collars, tapers and caps
etc.(excluding cost of specials).
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 7 quintal
10 Nos. Tee 200x150mm Weight = 70x10
= 700kg.
LABOUR for laying tee-
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.93 897.00 834.21
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.62 816.00 505.92
0114 Beldar day 2.48 736.00 1825.28
9999 Sundries L.S. 40.17 2.27 91.19
TOTAL 3256.60 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 32.57
TOTAL 3289.17 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 699.61
TOTAL 3988.78 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 598.32
TOTAL 4587.10 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 45.87
Cost of 7 quintal 4632.97
Cost of one quintal 661.85
Say 661.85
18.25 Providing and laying S&S C.I. standard specials such as tees, bends, collars, tapers, caps
etc. (Heavy class):
18.25.1 Up to 300 mm dia
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 quintal
1464 S & S.C.I.standard specials upto 300 mm
dia (heavy class) quintal 1.00 4000.00 4000.00
2309 Carriage of Cast iron fittings tonne 0.10 0.00 0.00
18.26 Providing and laying flanged C.I. standard specials such as tees, bends, collars, tapers, caps
etc., suitable for flanged jointing as per IS : 1538 :
18.26.1 Up to 300 mm dia
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 quintal
1468 Flanged C.I. standard specials upto 300
mm dia(heavy class) quintal 1.00 5800.00 5800.00
2309 Carriage of Cast iron fittings tonne 0.10 0.00 0.00
For laying
18.24 Rate as per item No. 18.24 of SH: Water
Supply quintal 1.00 661.85 661.85 A
TOTAL 6461.85 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 58.00
18.27 Providing and laying S&S centrifugally cast (spun) iron pipes (Class LA) conforming to IS -
1536 :
18.27.1 100 mm dia pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 metre
100mm dia. spun iron pipes (in 5.5 m
Weight of 1 m pipes = 19.820 Kg
Weight of 10m pipes 19.820x10 = 198.20
7697 S&S Centrifugally (Spun) C.I. Pipe class
LA 100mm dia metre 10.00 950.00 9500.00
2319 Carriage of Spun iron S & S pipes 100 mm 100
dia metre 0.10 0.00 0.00
Labour for laying
18.23 Rate same as per item no 18.23 of SH:
Water Supply quintal 1.98 361.65 716.07 A
TOTAL 10216.07 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 95.00
TOTAL 10311.07 X
18.30 Providing flanged joints to double flanged C.I./ D.I. pipes and specials, including testing of
joints :
18.30.1 80 mm diameter pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 joints
1373 Rubber insertions for 80 mm dia pipe joints each 10.00 18.00 180.00
1956 Bolts and nuts 16 mm dia 60 mm long each 40.00 12.00 480.00
9977 Carriage of materials L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.15 897.00 134.55
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.15 816.00 122.40
0114 Beldar day 0.80 736.00 588.80
TOTAL 1511.95 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 15.12
TOTAL 1527.07 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 324.81
TOTAL 1851.88 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 277.78
TOTAL 2129.66 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 21.30
Cost for 10 joints 2150.96
Cost for one joint 215.10
Say 215.10
18.31 Providing and fixing C.I. sluice valves (with cap) complete with bolts, nuts, rubber insertions
etc. (the tail pieces if required will be paid separately) :
18.31.1 100 mm diameter Class I
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 sluice valves
1940 C.I.sluice valve (with caps) class I : 100
mm dia each 10.00 2695.00 26950.00
Carriage of sluice valves
wt.= 44.3x10=443kg= 0.443t. say 0.44t
2309 Carriage of Cast iron fittings tonne 0.44 0.00 0.00
LABOUR for laying sluice valve
18.24 (Rate as per item No. 18.24 Of SH: Water
Supply) quintal 4.43 661.85 2932.00 A
Providing flanged joints to sluice valves
with bolts, nuts and rubber insertion etc. Class II
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 sluice valves
3311 C.I.sluice valve (with caps) class II : 100
mm dia each 10.00 2776.00 27760.00
Carriage of sluice valves
56.3x10=563kg= 0.563t=0.56t
2309 Carriage of Cast iron fittings tonne 0.56 0.00 0.00
LABOUR for laying sluice valve
18.24 (Rate as per item No. 18.24 Of SH: Water
Supply) quintal 5.63 661.85 3726.22 A
Providing flanged joints to sluice valves
with bolts, nuts and rubber insertion etc.
18.30.2 (Rate as per item No.18.30.2 Of SH:
Water Supply) each 20.00 332.00 6640.00 A
TOTAL 38126.22 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 277.60
TOTAL 38403.82 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 5963.60
TOTAL 44367.42 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 5100.18
TOTAL 49467.60 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 391.01
Cost of 10 valves 49858.61
Cost of 1 valve 4985.86
Say 4985.85 Class II
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 sluice valves
3314 C.I.sluice valve (with caps) class II : 125
mm dia each 10.00 3365.00 33650.00
Carriage of sluice valves
wt. = 68.3x10=683kg = 0.68t say 0.68t
2309 Carriage of Cast iron fittings tonne 0.68 0.00 0.00
LABOUR for laying sluice valve
18.24 (Rate as per item No. 18.24 Of SH: Water
Supply) quintal 6.83 661.85 4520.44 A
Providing flanged joints to sluice valves
with bolts, nuts and rubber insertion etc.
18.30.3 (Rate as per item No.18.30.3 Of SH:
Water Supply) each 20.00 351.90 7038.00 A
TOTAL 45208.44 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 336.50
TOTAL 45544.94 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 7228.93
TOTAL 52773.87 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 6182.31
TOTAL 58956.18 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 473.98
Cost of 10 valves 59430.16
Cost of 1 valve 5943.02
Say 5943.00 Class II
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 sluice valves
3317 C.I.sluice valve (with caps) class II : 150
mm dia each 10.00 4193.00 41930.00
Carriage of sluice valves
wt. = 86.5x10=865kg = 0.865t. say 0.865t
2309 Carriage of Cast iron fittings tonne 0.865 0.00 0.00
LABOUR for laying sluice valve
18.24 (Rate as per item No. 18.24 Of SH: Water
Supply) quintal 8.65 661.85 5725.00 A
Providing flanged joints to sluice valves
with bolts, nuts and rubber insertion etc.
18.30.4 (Rate as per item No.18.30.4 Of SH:
Water Supply) each 20.00 387.40 7748.00 A
TOTAL 55403.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 419.30
TOTAL 55822.30 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 9007.70 Class II
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 sluice valves
3320 C.I.sluice valve (with caps) class II : 200
mm dia each 10.00 8976.00 89760.00
Carriage of sluice valves
wt. = 150.5x10=1505 kg = 1.5 t. say 1.5 t
2309 Carriage of Cast iron fittings tonne 1.50 0.00 0.00
LABOUR for laying sluice valve
18.24 (Rate as per item No. 18.24 Of SH: Water
Supply) quintal 15.05 661.85 9960.84 A
18.32 Constructing masonry Chamber 30x30x50 cm inside, in brick work in cement mortar 1:4 (1
cement :4 coarse sand) for stop cock, with C. I. surface box 100x100 x75 mm (inside) with
hinged cover fixed in reinforced cement concrete slab 1:1.5:3 mix (1 cement : 1.5 coarse
sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size), including necessary excavation,
foundation concrete 1:5:10 ( 1 cement : 5 fine sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal
size ) and inside plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) 12mm thick,
finished with a floating coat of neat cement complete as per standard design :
18.32.1 With common burnt clay F.P.S.(non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one chamber
(i) Earth work in excavation including
refilling and disposal of surplus earth
2.8.1 (Rate as per item no. 2.8.1 of SH: Earth
work) cum 0.30 260.30 78.09 A
18.34 Constructing masonry Chamber 90x90x100 cm inside, in brick work in cement mortar 1:4
(1 cement : 4 coarse sand) for sluice valve, with C.I. surface box 100 mm top diameter, 160
mm bottom diameter and 180 mm deep (inside) with chained lid and RCC top slab 1:1.5:3
mix (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size ), including
necessary excavation, foundation concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 fine sand : 10 graded stone
aggregate 40 mm nominal size ) and inside plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :
3 coarse sand) 12 mm thick, finished with a floating coat of neat cement complete as per
standard design :
18.34.1 With common burnt clay F.P.S.(non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one chamber
(i) Earth work in excavation including
refilling and disposal of surplus earth
1.51X1.51X1.25 m = 2.85cum.
2.8.1 Rate as per item no. 2.8.1 of SH: Earth
work cum 2.85 260.30 741.86 A
2.25 Rate as per item No.2.25 of SH: Earth
work cum 2.85 196.00 558.60 A
(ii) Cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 Cement :
5 fine sand : 10 graded stone aggregate
40mm nominal size)
1.51x1.51x0.1m=0.228cum. Say 0.23
4.1.11 Rate as per item no 4.1.11 of SH :
Concrete Work cum 0.23 6189.65 1423.62 A
(iii) Second class brick work in cement
foundations and plinth foundations and
18.36 Constructing masonry Chamber 60x60x75 cm, inside in brick work in cement mortar 1:4 (1
cement : 4 coarse sand) for fire hydrants, with C.I. surface box 350x350 mm top and 165 mm
deep ( inside) with chained lid and RCC top slab 1:1.5:3 mix (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand : 3
graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size ) , including necessary excavation, foundation
concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 fine sand:10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and
inside plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) 12 mm thick, finished
with a floating coat of neat cement complete as per standard design :
18.36.1 With common burnt clay F.P.S.(non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one chamber
(i) Earth work in excavation including
refilling and disposal of surplus earth
1.21X1.21X1.00m = 1.464cum. Say
2.8.1 Rate as per item no. 2.8.1 of SH: Earth
work cum 1.46 260.30 380.04 A
2.25 Rate as per item No.2.25 of SH: Earth
work cum 1.46 196.00 286.16 A
(ii) Cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 Cement :
5 fine sand : 10 graded stone aggregate
40mm nominal size)
1.21x1.21x0.1m=0.146cum. Say 0.15
4.1.11 Rate as per item no 4.1.11 of SH :
Concrete Work cum 0.15 6189.65 928.45 A
(iii) Second class brick work in cement
mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand) in
foundations and plinth
Say 0.57 cum.
18.37 Constructing masonry Chamber 60x45x50 cm inside, in brick work in cement mortar 1:4
(1 cement : 4 coarse sand) for water meter complete with C.I. double flap surface box
400x200x200 mm (inside) with locking arrangement and RCC top slab 1:1.5:3 mix (1 cement
: 1.5 coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) , including necessary
excavation, foundation concrete 1:5:10 ( 1 cement : 5 fine sand:10 graded stone aggregate
40 mm nominal size) and inside plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse
sand) 12 mm thick, finished with a floating coat of neat cement complete as per standard
design :
18.38 Painting G.I. pipes and fittings with synthetic enamel white paint with two coats over a
ready mixed priming coat, both of approved quality for new work :
18.38.1 15 mm diameter pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 metre
Perimeter = 0.0673 metre
Area=10x0.0673m = 0.673sqm.
Priming coat-
13.50.3 Rate as per item no 13.50.3 of SH :
Finishing sqm 0.673 67.40 45.36 A
Painting two coats excluding priming coat
with white paint on new work.
13.61.1 Rate as per item no 13.61.1 of SH :
Finishing sqm 0.673 155.90 104.92 A
9999 Add for delay L.S. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 180.97 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 0.31
TOTAL 181.28 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 6.59
TOTAL 187.87 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 5.64
TOTAL 193.51 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 0.43
Cost of 10 metre 193.94
Cost of one metre 19.39
Say 19.40
18.39 Repainting G.I. pipes and fittings with synthetic enamel white paint with one coat of
approved quality :
18.39.1 15 mm diameter pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 metre
Painting one coat with white paint on old
13.99.1 (Rate as per item no 13.99.1 of S.H.
Finishing) sqm 0.673 102.80 69.18 A
9999 Add for delay L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
TOTAL 87.48 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 0.18
TOTAL 87.66 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 3.93
TOTAL 91.59 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 3.36
TOTAL 94.95 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 0.26
Cost of 10 metre 95.21
Cost of one metre 9.52
Say 9.50
18.40 Painting G.I. pipes and fittings with two coats of anti-corrosive bitumastic paint of approved
quality :
18.40.1 15 mm diameter pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 metre
Painting with anti-corrosive paint two
13.65.1 (Rate as per item No.13.65.1 sub-heads
finishing) sqm 0.673 140.25 94.39 A
9999 Add for delay L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
TOTAL 112.69 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 0.18
TOTAL 112.87 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 3.93
TOTAL 116.80 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 3.36
TOTAL 120.16 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 0.26
18.41 Providing and filling sand of grading zone V or coarser grade, allround the G.I. pipes in
external work :
18.41.1 15 mm diameter pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost of sand filling alround
15mm dia. pipe 10 metre long.
Width of sand filling = 300mm
Depth of sand filling
Under the pipe = 75mm+
Above the pipe = 150mm+
Max. external dia of pipe = 21.8mm
= 246.8mm say 247mm
18.42 Boring with 100 mm diameter casing pipe for hand pump / tubewell, in all soils except
ordinary hard rocks requiring blasting, including removing the casing pipe after the hand
pump / tube well is lowered and tested :
18.42.1 Up to 6 metres depth
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 6m depth
LABOUR For boring and removing the
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.50 897.00 448.50
0114 Beldar day 3.00 736.00 2208.00
0010 Hire charges of Derrick monkey rope and
other accessories day 0.50 850.00 425.00
Depreciation @ 2% of the cost of casing
pipe 6metre @ Rs. per metre
1472 Casing pipe 100 mm dia metre 0.12 350.00 42.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 3154.19 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 31.54
TOTAL 3185.73 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 677.60
TOTAL 3863.33 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 579.50
TOTAL 4442.83 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 44.43
Cost of 6 metre 4487.26
Cost of one metre 747.88
Say 747.90
18.43 Providing and placing in position filters of 40 mm diameter G.I. pipe with brass strainer of
approved quality.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one strainer 1.5 long
1882 Strainer brass 40 mm dia 1.5 metre long each 1.00 688.00 688.00
9977 Carriage to site L.S. 13.52 2.27 30.69
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.17 897.00 152.49
0114 Beldar day 0.17 736.00 125.12
9999 Sundreis including hamp white lead etc. L.S. 7.15 2.27 16.23
TOTAL 1012.53 W
18.44 Providing and fixing to filter and lowering to proper levels 40 mm G.I. pipe for tube well
including cleaning and priming the tube well.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for a depth of 10 metre
1549 G.I. pipes 40 mm dia metre 10.20 290.00 2958.00
Carriage of 40mm pipe= pipe weight +
2% for fiitings = 1.02 *10* 3.65 = 37 kg =
0.037 tonne
2271 Carriage of G.I. pipes below 100 mm dia tonne 0.037 0.00 0.00
9999 White lead, hamp and oil etc. L.S. 6.76 2.27 15.35
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0114 Beldar day 0.75 736.00 552.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 7.25 2.27 16.46
TOTAL 3837.82 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 38.38
TOTAL 3876.20 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 824.47
TOTAL 4700.67 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 705.10
TOTAL 5405.77 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 54.06
Cost for 10 metre 5459.83
Cost of one metre 545.98
Say 546.00
18.45 Providing and placing in position hand pump of approved quality for 40 mm diameter G.I.
pipe complete with all accessories.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one pump
1693 S.C.I. hand pump each 1.00 725.00 725.00
9977 Carriage L.S. 13.52 2.27 30.69
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.10 897.00 89.70
0114 Beldar day 0.10 736.00 73.60
9999 Sundries L.S. 4.42 2.27 10.03
TOTAL 929.02 W
18.46 Providing and fixing G.I. Union in G.I. pipe including cutting and threading the pipe and
making long screws etc. complete (New work):
18.46.1 15 mm nominal bore
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no.
1641 G.I. Union 15 mm nominal bore each 1.00 40.00 40.00
9988 Carriage of materials and sundries L.S. 1.82 2.27 4.13
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.11 897.00 98.67
0114 Beldar day 0.11 736.00 80.96
TOTAL 223.76 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 2.24
TOTAL 226.00 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 48.07
TOTAL 274.07 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 41.11
TOTAL 315.18 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 3.15
Cost for one no. 318.33
Say 318.35
18.47 Providing and fixing G.I. Union in existing G.I. pipe line, cutting and threading the pipe and
making long screws, including excavation, refilling the earth or cutting of wall and making
good the same complete wherever required:
18.47.1 15 mm nominal bore
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no.
1641 G.I. Union 15 mm nominal bore each 1.00 40.00 40.00
9988 Carriage of materials and sundries L.S. 1.82 2.27 4.13
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0114 Beldar day 0.33 736.00 242.88
TOTAL 583.02 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 5.83
TOTAL 588.85 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 125.25
TOTAL 714.10 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 107.12
TOTAL 821.22 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 8.21
Cost for one no. 829.43
Say 829.45
18.48 Providing and placing on terrace (at all floor levels) polyethylene water storage tank, IS :
12701 marked, with cover and suitable locking arrangement and making necessary holes
for inlet, outlet and overflow pipes but without fittings and the base support for tank.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 500 litre
1649 Polyethylene water storage tank with
cover and suitable locking arrangement per litre 500.00 6.50 3250.00
9977 Carriage to site L.S. 179.40 2.27 407.24
9999 Placing at terrace L.S. 89.70 2.27 203.62
TOTAL 3860.86 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 38.61
TOTAL 3899.47 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 829.42
TOTAL 4728.89 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 709.33
TOTAL 5438.22 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 54.38
Cost for 500 litre 5492.60
Cost of one litre 10.99
Say 11.00
18.49 Providing and fixing C.P. brass bib cock of approved quality conforming to IS:8931 :
18.49.1 15 mm nominal bore
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no.
7257 C.P. Brass bibcock 15 mm each 1.00 330.00 330.00
9988 Carrige of material and fixing charges L.S. 11.57 2.27 26.26
TOTAL 356.26 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 3.56
TOTAL 359.82 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 76.53
TOTAL 436.35 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 65.45
TOTAL 501.80 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.02
Cost of 1 no. 506.82
Say 506.80
18.50 Providing and fixing C.P. brass long nose bib cock of approved quality conforming to IS
standards and weighing not less than 810 gms.
18.50.1 15 mm nominal bore
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no.
7258 C.P. Brass long nose bibcock 15 mm each 1.00 540.00 540.00
9988 Carrige of material and fixing charges L.S. 16.25 2.27 36.89
TOTAL 576.89 W
18.51 Providing and fixing C.P. brass long body bib cock of approved quality conforming to IS
standards and weighing not less than 690 gms.
18.51.1 15 mm nominal bore
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no.
7259 C.P. Brass long body bibcock 15 mm each 1.00 530.00 530.00
9988 Carrige of material and fixing charges L.S. 13.91 2.27 31.58
TOTAL 561.58 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 5.62
TOTAL 567.20 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 120.64
TOTAL 687.84 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 103.18
TOTAL 791.02 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 7.91
Cost of 1 no. 798.93
Say 798.95
18.52 Providing and fixing C.P. brass stop cock (concealed) of standard design and of
approved make conforming to IS:8931.
18.52.1 15 mm nominal bore
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no.
7260 C.P. Brass stop cock (concealed) 15 mm each 1.00 445.00 445.00
9988 Carrige of material and fixing charges L.S. 11.57 2.27 26.26
TOTAL 471.26 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 4.71
TOTAL 475.97 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 101.24
TOTAL 577.21 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 86.58
TOTAL 663.79 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.64
Cost of 1 no. 670.43
Say 670.45
18.53A Providing and fixing C.P. Brass extension nipple (size 15mmx50mm) of approved make and
quality as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
0593 C.P. Brass Extension Nipple (1/2”x2” size) each 1.00 46.00 46.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 2.89 2.27 6.56
TOTAL 52.56 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 0.53
TOTAL 53.09 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 11.29
TOTAL 64.38 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 9.66
TOTAL 74.04 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 0.74
Cost of 1 no. 74.78
Say 74.80
18.54 Providing and fixing PTMT bib cock of approved quality and colour.
18.54.1 15mm nominal bore, 86 mm long, weighing not less than 88 gms
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
7400 15 mm PTMT bib cock each 1.00 70.00 70.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
TOTAL 88.30 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 0.88
TOTAL 89.18 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 18.97
TOTAL 108.15 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 16.22
18.54.2 15 mm nominal bore, 122mm long, weighing not less than 99 gms
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
7401 15 mm PTMT bib cockwith flange (fancy) each 1.00 95.00 95.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
TOTAL 113.30 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 1.13
TOTAL 114.43 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 24.34
TOTAL 138.77 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 20.82
TOTAL 159.59 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 1.60
Cost of 1 no. 161.19
Say 161.20
18.54.3 15 mm nominal bore, 165 mm long, weighing not less than 110 gms
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
7402 15 mm PTMT bib cock long body with
flange each 1.00 106.00 106.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
TOTAL 124.30 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 1.24
TOTAL 125.54 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 26.70
TOTAL 152.24 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 22.84
TOTAL 175.08 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 1.75
Cost of 1 No.. 176.83
Say 176.85
18.55 Providing and fixing PTMT stop cock of approved quality and colour.
18.55.1 15 mm nominal bore, 86 mm long, weighing not less than 88 gms
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
7403 15 mm dia PTMT stop cock (male thread) each 1.00 65.00 65.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
TOTAL 83.30 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 0.83
TOTAL 84.13 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 17.89
TOTAL 102.02 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 15.30
TOTAL 117.32 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 1.17
Cost of 1 no. 118.49
Say 118.50
18.56 Providing and fixing PTMT pillar cock of approved quality and colour.
18.56.1 15 mm nominal bore, 107 mm long, weighing not less than 110 gms
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
7406 PTMT pillar cock each 1.00 125.00 125.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges L.S. 9.49 2.27 21.54
TOTAL 146.54 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 1.47
TOTAL 148.01 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 31.48
TOTAL 179.49 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 26.92
TOTAL 206.41 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 2.06
Cost of 1 no. 208.47
Say 208.45
18.56.2 15 mm nominal bore, 125 mm long foam flow, weighing not less than 120 gms
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
7410 PTMT pillar cock (fancy) 15 mm foam
flow. each 1.00 136.00 136.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges L.S. 9.49 2.27 21.54
TOTAL 157.54 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 1.58
TOTAL 159.12 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 33.84
18.57 Providing and fixing PTMT, push cock of approved quality and colour.
18.57.1 15 mm nominal bore, 98 mm long, weighing not less than 75 gms
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
7407 PTMT push cock 15 mm dia. each 1.00 61.00 61.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
TOTAL 79.30 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 0.79
TOTAL 80.09 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 17.04
TOTAL 97.13 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 14.57
TOTAL 111.70 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 1.12
Cost of 1 no. 112.82
Say 112.80
18.59 Providing and fixing C.I. double acting air valve of approved quality with bolts, nuts,
rubber insertions etc. complete (The tail pieces, tapers etc if required will be paid
separately) :
18.59.1 50 mm dia
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 no. double acting air
7415 Double acting air valve 50 mm each 10.00 3875.00 38750.00
9977 Carriage of air valves L.S. 26.00 2.27 59.02
9999 Labour for laying double acting air valve L.S. 39.00 2.27 88.53
Providing flanged joints to double acting
air valves with bolts, nuts and rubber
insertions etc.
18.30.1 (Rate as per item no 18.30.1 of SH :
Water Supply) each 10.00 215.10 2151.00 A
TOTAL 41048.55 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 388.98
TOTAL 41437.53 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 8356.24
TOTAL 49793.77 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 7146.42
TOTAL 56940.19 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 547.89
Cost of 10 air valves 57488.08
Cost of 1 air valve 5748.81
Say 5748.80
18.59.2 80 mm dia
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 no. double acting air
7416 Double acting air valve 80 mm each 10.00 4750.00 47500.00
9977 Carriage of air valves L.S. 26.00 2.27 59.02
9999 Labour for laying double acting air valve L.S. 39.00 2.27 88.53
Providing flanged joints to double acting
air valves with bolts, nuts and rubber
insertions etc.
18.30.1 (Rate as per item no 18.30.1 of SH :
Water Supply) each 10.00 215.10 2151.00 A
18.60 Providing and fixing enclosed type water meter (bulk type) conforming to IS : 2373 and
tested by Municipal Board complete with bolts, nuts, rubber insertions etc. (The tail pieces
if required will be paid separately):
18.60.1 80 mm dia nominal bore
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no. water meter
7418 Water meter (including testing charges)
80 mm each 1.00 2100.00 2100.00
9977 Carriage of water meter L.S. 26.00 2.27 59.02
9999 Labour for laying water meter L.S. 39.00 2.27 88.53
Providing flanged joints to double acting
air valves with bolts, nuts and rubber
insertions etc.
18.61 Providing and fixing C.I. dirt box strainer for bulk type water meter with nuts, bolts, rubber
insertions etc. complete conforming to IS : 2373:
18.61.1 80 mm dia
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for on no. dirt box strainer
7422 Dirt box srainer 80 mm each 1.00 2800.00 2800.00
9977 Carriage of dirt box strainer L.S. 26.00 2.27 59.02
9999 Labour for laying dirt box strainer L.S. 39.00 2.27 88.53
Providing flanged joints to double acting
air valves with bolts, nuts and rubber
insertions etc.
18.30.1 (Rate as per item no 18.30.1 of SH :
Water Supply) each 2.00 215.10 430.20 A
TOTAL 3377.75 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 29.48
TOTAL 3407.23 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 633.21
TOTAL 4040.44 Y
18.62 Providing and fixing PTMT Ball cock of approved quality, colour and make complete with
Epoxy coated aluminium rod with L.P./ H.P.H.D. plastic ball.
18.62.1 15 mm nominal bore, 105 mm long, weighing not less than 138 gms
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no.
7495 PTMT Ball Cock 15mm Complete with
Epoxy Coated Aluminium Road & H.D.
Ball each 1.00 79.00 79.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges L.S. 21.58 2.27 48.99
TOTAL 127.99 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 1.28
TOTAL 129.27 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 27.50
TOTAL 156.77 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 23.52
TOTAL 180.29 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 1.80
Cost of one no. 182.09
Say 182.10
18.62.2 20 mm nominal bore, 120 mm long, weighing not less than 198 gms
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no.
7496 PTMT Ball Cock 20mm Complete with
Epoxy Coated Aluminium Road & H.D.
Ball each 1.00 120.00 120.00
18.62.3 25 mm nominal bore, 152mm long, weighing not less than 440 gms
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no.
7497 PTMT Ball Cock 25mm Complete with
Epoxy Coated Aluminium Road & H.D.
Ball each 1.00 295.00 295.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges L.S. 32.24 2.27 73.18
TOTAL 368.18 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 3.68
TOTAL 371.86 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 79.09
TOTAL 450.95 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 67.64
TOTAL 518.59 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.19
Cost of one no. 523.78
Say 523.80
18.62.4 40 mm nominal bore, 206mm long, weighing not less than 690 gms
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no.
7498 PTMT Ball Cock 40mm Complete with
Epoxy Coated Aluminium Road & H.D.
Ball each 1.00 445.00 445.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges L.S. 32.24 2.27 73.18
TOTAL 518.18 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 5.18
TOTAL 523.36 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 111.32
TOTAL 634.68 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 95.20
TOTAL 729.88 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 7.30
Cost of one no. 737.18
Say 737.20
18.63 Providing and fixing PTMT angle stop cock 15 mm nominal bore, weighing not less than 85
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no.
7500 PTMT Angle Stop cock with Flenge 15mm each 1.00 92.00 92.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
TOTAL 110.30 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 1.10
TOTAL 111.40 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 23.69
TOTAL 135.09 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 20.26
TOTAL 155.35 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 1.55
Cost of one no. 156.90
Say 156.90
18.64 Providing and fixing PTMT swivelling shower, 15 mm nominal bore, weighing not less than
40 gms
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no.
7501 PTMT Swiveling shower 15mm each 1.00 70.00 70.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges L.S. 6.76 2.27 15.35
TOTAL 85.35 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 0.85
TOTAL 86.20 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 18.33
18.65 Providing and fixing PTMT soap Dish Holder having length of 138mm, breadth 102mm,
height of 75mm with concealed fitting arrangements, weighing not less than 106 gms.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no
7509 PTMT Soap Dish/Holder 138x102x75mm each 1.00 63.00 63.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges L.S. 6.76 2.27 15.35
TOTAL 78.35 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 0.78
TOTAL 79.13 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 16.83
TOTAL 95.96 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 14.39
TOTAL 110.35 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 1.10
Cost of one no 111.45
Say 111.45
18.66 Providing and laying S&S C.I. Standard specials such as tees, bends, collars tapers and
caps etc, suitable for flanged jointing as per IS : 1538 :
18.66.1 Up to 300 mm dia
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 quintal
7708 S&S Centrifugally (Spun) C.I. Pipe
Specials as per IS 1538 suitable for lead
jointing upto 300mm dia quintal 1.00 5600.00 5600.00
2309 Carriage of Cast iron fittings tonne 0.10 0.00 0.00
Labour for laying
18.24 Rate as per Item Number 18.24 of SH:
Water Supply quintal 1.00 661.85 661.85 A
TOTAL 6261.85 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 56.00
TOTAL 6317.85 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1203.03
TOTAL 7520.88 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 1028.85
TOTAL 8549.73 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 78.88
Cost of 1 quintal 8628.61
Say 8628.60
18.67 Providing and laying S&S C.I. Standard specials suitable for mechanical jointing as per IS
: 13382 :
18.67.1 Up to 300 mm dia
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 quintal
7710 S&S Centrifugally (Spun) C.I. Pipe
specials suitable for mechanical joint as
per I.S. 13382 upto 300mm dia quintal 1.00 9210.00 9210.00
2309 Carriage of Cast iron fittings tonne 0.10 0.00 0.00
Labour for laying
18.24 Rate as per Item Number 18.24 of SH:
Water Supply quintal 1.00 661.85 661.85 A
TOTAL 9871.85 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 92.10
TOTAL 9963.95 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1978.56
TOTAL 11942.51 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 1692.10
TOTAL 13634.61 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 129.73
Cost of 1 quintal 13764.34
Say 13764.35
18.68 Providing and laying D.I. specials of class K-12 suitable for push-on jointing as per IS :
18.68.1 Up to 600 mm dia
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 quintal
7682 Ductile Iron K - 12 specials suitable for
push on jointing upto 600 mm dia quintal 1.00 13600.00 13600.00
2309 Carriage of Cast iron fittings tonne 0.10 0.00 0.00
Labour for laying
18.24 Rate as per Item Number 18.24 of SH:
Water Supply quintal 1.00 661.85 661.85 A
TOTAL 14261.85 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 136.00
TOTAL 14397.85 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 2921.65
TOTAL 17319.50 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 2498.65
TOTAL 19818.15 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 191.56
Cost of 1 quintal 20009.71
Say 20009.70
18.68A Providing and laying Class K-12 Ductile Iron double chamber restrained joint (bolt less)
specials such as tees, bends, collars, tapers and caps etc. conforming to IS 9523 including
testing of joints all complete.
18.68A.1 Up to 600 mm nominal dia
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 quintal
Ductile Iron restrain Jointed
K - 12 specials suitable for push on
jointing up to 600 mm dia
18.69 Providing and laying D.I. Specials of Class K - 12 suitable for mechanical jointing as per IS:
18.69.1 Up to 600 mm dia
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 quintal
7684 Ductile Iron specials suitable for
mechanical jointing as per I.S. 9523 -upto
600mm dia quintal 1.00 14500.00 14500.00
2309 Carriage of Cast iron fittings tonne 0.10 0.00 0.00
Labour for laying
18.24 Rate as per Item Number 18.24 of SH:
Water Supply quintal 1.00 661.85 661.85 A
TOTAL 15161.85 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 145.00
TOTAL 15306.85 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 3114.99
TOTAL 18421.84 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 2664.00
TOTAL 21085.84 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 204.24
Cost of 1 quintal 21290.08
Say 21290.10
18.70 Providing push-on-joints to Centrifugally (Spun) Cast Iron Pipes or Ductile Iron Pipes
including testing of joints and the cost of rubber gasket:
18.70.1 100 mm dia pipes
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 50 Joints
7666 Ruber Gaskets Conforming to I.S 5382 of
S.B.R quality 100mm dia each 50.00 35.00 1750.00
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 1.00 897.00 897.00
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 1.00 816.00 816.00
0114 Beldar day 1.00 736.00 736.00
TOTAL 4199.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 41.99
TOTAL 4240.99 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 902.06
TOTAL 5143.05 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 771.46
TOTAL 5914.51 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 59.15
Cost of 50 joints 5973.66
Cost of 1 joint 119.47
Say 119.45
18.71 Providing and laying Double Flanged (screwed / welded) Centrifugally (Spun) Cast Iron,
Class B (IS : 1536) :
18.71.1 100 mm dia C.I. Double Flanged Pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 5 metre
100 mm dia. cast iron pipes double
flanged = 27.00 Kg
Weight of 5 m pipes 27.00x5 = 135.00 Kg
7712 Screwed double flanged centrigually cast
(spun) C.I. Pipe of Class B conforming to
I.S. 1536, - 100mm dia metre 5.00 1400.00 7000.00
2319 Carriage of Spun iron S & S pipes 100 100
mm dia metre 0.05 0.00 0.00
Labour for laying
18.23 Rate same as per item no 18.23 of SH:
Water Supply quintal 1.35 361.65 488.23 A
TOTAL 7488.23 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 70.00
TOTAL 7558.23 X
18.72 Providing and laying S&S Centrifugally Cast (Spun) / Ductile Iron Pipes conforming to IS :
18.72.1 100 mm dia Ductile Iron Class K-7 pipes
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 metre
100mm dia. cast iron pipes (in 5.5 m
Weight of 1 m pipes = 15.39 Kg
Weight of 10m pipes 15.39x10 = 153.90
7722 Ductile Iron Class K- 7 pipe conforming to
I.S. 8329 - 100mm dia metre 10.00 845.00 8450.00
2343 Carriage of cast iron pipes 100 mm dia 100
metre 0.10 0.00 0.00
Labour for laying
18.23 Rate same as per item no 18.23 of SH:
Water Supply quintal 1.54 361.65 556.94 A
TOTAL 9006.94 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 84.50
TOTAL 9091.44 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1815.29
TOTAL 10906.73 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 1552.47
TOTAL 12459.20 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 119.02
Cost of 10 metre 12578.22
Cost per metre 1257.82
Say 1257.80
18.75 Providing and fixing PTMT extension nipple for water tank pipe, fittings of approved quality
and colour.
18.75.1 15 mm nominal bore, weighing not less than 32 gms
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no.
7864 P.T.M.T. extension nipple 15mm each 1.00 30.00 30.00
9988 Carriage of materials and fixing charges L.S. 3.38 2.27 7.67
TOTAL 37.67 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 0.38
18.76 Cutting holes up to 30x30 cm in walls including making good the same:
18.76.1 With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 holes
Size 30x30 cm in 34 cm wall
Labour for cutting holes
18.77 Cutting holes up to 15x15 cm in R.C.C. floors and roofs for passing drain pipe etc. and
repairing the hole after insertion of drain pipe etc. with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size), including finishing complete
so as to make it leak proof.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 holes
Average size 15x15x15 cm
Labour for cutting holes
0123 Mason 1st class day 0.83 897.00 744.51
0124 Mason 2nd class day 0.83 816.00 677.28
0114 Beldar day 1.67 736.00 1229.12
Cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2
coarse sand ; 4 graded stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size)
10x0.15x0.15x0.15 m = 0.033 cum
Les 33% for pipe etc. = (-) 0.011 cum
= 0.022 cum Say 0.0.02 cum
4.1.3 Rate as per item no. 4.1.3 of SH :
concrete Work cum 0.02 7878.50 157.57 A
9999 Finishing top and bottom and making the
holes leak proof L.S. 121.16 2.27 275.03
18.78 Making chases up to 7.5x7.5 cm in walls including making good and finishing with matching
surface after housing G.I. pipe etc.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 metres
Labour for making chases
0123 Mason 1st class day 0.25 897.00 224.25
0124 Mason 2nd class day 0.25 816.00 204.00
0114 Beldar day 1.00 736.00 736.00
Cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3
coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size)
0.075x0.075x10 m = 0.05625 cum
Les 33% for pipe etc. = (-) 0.01856 cum
= 0.03769 cum Say 0.04 cum
4.2.5 Rate as per item no 4.2.5 of SH :
Concrete work cum 0.04 9311.40 372.46 A
TOTAL 1536.71 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 11.64
TOTAL 1548.35 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 250.11
TOTAL 1798.46 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 213.90
TOTAL 2012.36 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 16.40
Cost of 10 metre 2028.76
Cost of 1 metre 202.88
Say 202.90
18.79 Making hole up to 20x20 cm and embedding pipes up to 150 mm diameter in masonry and
filling with cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand: 6 graded stone aggregate 20
mm nominal size) including disposal of malba.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 metres
Cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3
coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size)
0.2x0.2x10 m = 0.40 cum
18.80 Disinfecting C.I. water mains by flushing with water containing bleaching powder @ 0.5
gms per litre of water and cleaning the same with fresh water, operation to be repeated
three times including getting the sample of water from the disinfected main tested in the
municipal laboratory.
18.80.1 80 mm diameter C.I. pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 100 metres
Bleaching powder
3x3.14/4x(80/10)²x (100x100)/1000x 0.5
gms = 754.28 gms Say 0.008 q
1301 Bleaching powder quintal 0.008 1700.00 13.60
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0114 Beldar day 1.31 736.00 964.16
9999 Sundries including testing of samples L.S. 9.88 2.27 22.43
TOTAL 1296.20 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 12.96
TOTAL 1309.16 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 278.46
TOTAL 1587.62 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 238.14
TOTAL 1825.76 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 18.26
Cost of 100 metre 1844.02
Say 1844.00
18.81 Extra for every operation of disinfecting the C.I. main by flushing with water containing
bleaching powder @ 0.5 gms per litre of water and cleaning the same with fresh water,
including getting the samples of water tested in the municipal laboratory:
18.81.1 80 mm diameter C.I. pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 100 metres
1301 Bleaching powder quintal 0.003 1700.00 5.10
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.11 897.00 98.67
0114 Beldar day 0.49 736.00 360.64
9999 Sundries including testing of samples L.S. 4.42 2.27 10.03
18.82 Dismantling old C.I. pipes including excavation and refilling trenches after taking out the
pipes, breaking lead caulked joints, melting of lead and making into blocks, including
stacking of pipes at site lead up to 50 metre:
18.82.1 80 mm diameter C.I. pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 40.26 m or 11 nos.
Earth work in excavation for dismantling
pipes including refilling of excavated earth
1x40.26x55x0.75 m=16.61 cum
Deduct for pipe 1x40.26x3.14/4x(0.098)²
=(-) 0.30 cum
Total= 16.31 cum
2.8.1 (Rate as per item no. 2.8.1 of SH: Earth
work) cum 16.31 260.30 4245.49 A
2.25 (Rate as per item No.2.25 of SH Earth
work) cum 16.31 196.00 3196.76 A
Breaking lead caulked joints, blocks and
0761 Fuel wood quintal 0.373 550.00 205.15
0771 Kerosene oil litre 0.379 50.00 18.95
18.84 Providing & fixing chrome plated brass battery based infrared sensor operated pillar cock,
having foam flow technology.
18.84.1 15 mm nominal bore
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no.
3327 15 mm Battery Based Sensor Pillar Cock each 1.00 6170.00 6170.00
18.85 Providing and fixing Stainless Steel pipe and fitting of grade AISI 304 as per JIS standard
3448 complete with press type fitting (fitting shall be paid for separately) i/c fixing of the pipe
with clamps at 1.00 m spacing including cutting and making good the walls including testing
of joints complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. (The pipe length inserted in the
fitting shall not be measured for payment)
Internal work - Exposed on wall
18.85.1 15.88 mm outer dia pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 metre
8779 SS pipe 304 grades with press fit technology
as per JIS 3448 standard 15.88 mm outer dia metre 10.00 155.00 1550.00 P
2272 Carriage of Stainless Steel pipes below 100
mm dia tonne 0.003 0.00 0.00
Add 3% for pipe inserted into fitting and
wastage etc. on P 46.50
3xP / 100
9999 Cement, sand and grit L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
Add 2% for special T&P and sundries etc. on
P 31.00
2 xP / 100
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.33 897.00 296.01
0117 Assistant Fitter or 2nd class Fitter day 0.66 816.00 538.56
0114 Beldar day 0.66 736.00 485.76
TOTAL 2954.03 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 29.54
TOTAL 2983.57 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 634.61
TOTAL 3618.18 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 542.73
TOTAL 4160.91 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 41.61
Cost of 10 metre 4202.52
Cost of 1 metre 420.25
Say 420.25
18.86 Providing and fixing Stainless Steel pipe and fitting of grade AISI 304 as per JIS standard
3448 complete with press type fitting (fitting shall be paid for separately) i/c fixing of the pipe
with clamps at 1.00m spacing and also including cutting of chases and making good the
walls including testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer -in-charge. (The pipe
length inserted in the fitting shall not be measured for payment)
Internal work - Concealed Pipe
18.86.1 15.88 mm outer dia Pipe.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 metre
8779 SS pipe 304 grades with press fit technology
as per JIS 3448 standard 15.88 mm outer dia metre 10.00 155.00 1550.00 P
Add 3% for pipe inserted into fitting and
wastage etc. on P 46.50
3xP/ 100
2272 Carriage of Stainless Steel pipes below 100
mm dia tonne 0.003 0.00 0.00
Making chases upto 7.5x7.5 cm.in walls and
making good the same
18.78 Rate as per Item No.18.78 of SH:WATER
SUPPLY metre 10.00 202.90 2029.00 A
Add 2% for special T&P and sundries etc. on
P 31.00
18.87 Providing and fixing required Stainless Steel Fitting of press fit design of grade AISI 304
conforming to JWWA G116 standard with V-profile or M-profile and with O-ring sealing gasket
of EPDM material of required dia as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
18.87.1 For 15.88 mm outer dia pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
8702 Coupling/Socket fittings for 15.88 mm outer
dia SS pipe each 1.00 66.00 66.00
TOTAL 66.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 0.66
TOTAL 66.66 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 14.18
TOTAL 80.84 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 12.13
TOTAL 92.97 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 0.93
Cost of 1 no. 93.90
Say 93.90
18.87A Providing and fixing required Stainless Steel Fitting of press fit design of grade 316L as per
IS 6911:2017 and conforming to EN-10312 standards with V-profile and with O-ring sealing
gasket of EPDM material of required dia as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
18.87A.1 For 15 mm outer dia pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
3868 Coupling/Socket fittings for 15 mm outer dia
SS pipe of grade 316L as per IS 6911:2017
and conforming to EN-10312 each 1.00 240.00 240.00
TOTAL 240.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 2.40
TOTAL 242.40 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 51.56
TOTAL 293.96 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 44.09
TOTAL 338.05 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 3.38
Cost of 1 no. 341.43
Say 341.45
18.88 Providing and fixing required Stainless Steel Fitting of press fit design of grade AISI 304
conforming to JWWA G116 standard with V-profile or M-profile and with O-ring sealing gasket
of EPDM material of providing and fixing required Stainless Steel Fitting of press fit design of
grade AISI 304 conforming to JWWA G116 standard with V-profile or M-profile and with O-ring
sealing gasket of EPDM material of required dia as per dirction of Engineer-in-charge.
18.88.1 For 22.22 mm x 15.88 mm outer dia pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
8791 Reducer for 22.22 mm X 15.88 mm outer Dia
SS pipe each 1.00 98.00 98.00
TOTAL 98.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 0.98
TOTAL 98.98 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 21.05
TOTAL 120.03 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 18.00
TOTAL 138.03 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 1.38
Cost of 1 no. 139.41
Say 139.40
18.88A Providing and fixing required Stainless Steel Fitting of press fit design of grade 316L as per
IS 6911:2017 and conforming to EN-10312 standards with V-profile and with O-ring sealing
gasket of EPDM material of required dia as per dirction of Engineer-in-charge.
18.88A.1 For 22mm x 15 mm outer dia pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
3874 Reducer for 22mm x 15 mm outer Dia SS
pipe of grade 316L as per IS 6911:2017 and
conforming to EN-10312 each 1.00 285.00 285.00
TOTAL 285.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 2.85
TOTAL 287.85 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 61.23
TOTAL 349.08 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 52.36
TOTAL 401.44 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 4.01
Cost of 1 no. 405.45
Say 405.45
18.89 Providing and fixing required Stainless Steel Fitting of press fit design of grade AISI 304
conforming to JWWA G116 standard with V-profile or M-profile and with O-ring sealing gasket
of EPDM material of required dia as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Slip Coupling/ Socket
18.89.1 For 15.88 mm outer dia pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
8806 Slip Coupling / Socket 15.88 mm outer dia
SS pipe each 1.00 65.00 65.00
TOTAL 65.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 0.65
TOTAL 65.65 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 13.96
TOTAL 79.61 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 11.94
TOTAL 91.55 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 0.92
Cost of 1 no. 92.47
Say 92.45
18.89A Providing and fixing required Stainless Steel Fitting of press fit design of grade 316L as per
IS 6911:2017 and conforming to EN-10312 standards with V-profile and with O-ring sealing
gasket of EPDM material of required dia as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Sleeve/Slip Coupling/ Socket
18.89A.1 For 15 mm outer dia pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
3885 Sleeve/ Slip Coupling / Socket 15 mm
outer dia SS pipe of grade 316L as per IS
6911:2017 and conforming to EN-10312 each 1.00 420.00 420.00
TOTAL 420.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 4.20
TOTAL 424.20 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 90.23
TOTAL 514.43 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 77.16
TOTAL 591.59 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.92
Cost of 1 no. 597.51
Say 597.50
18.90 Providing and fixing required Stainless Steel Fitting of press fit design of grade AISI 304
conforming to JWWA G116 standard with V-profile or M-profile and with O-ring sealing gasket
of EPDM material of required dia as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Elbow 90°
18.90.1 For 15.88mm outer dia pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
8812 Elbow 90° for 15.88 mm outer dia SS pipe each 1.00 70.00 70.00
TOTAL 70.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 0.70
TOTAL 70.70 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 15.04
TOTAL 85.74 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 12.86
TOTAL 98.60 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 0.99
Cost of 1 no. 99.59
Say 99.60
18.90A Providing and fixing required Stainless Steel Fitting of press fit design of grade 316L as per
IS 6911:2017 and conforming to EN-10312 standards with V-profile and with O-ring sealing
gasket of EPDM material of required dia as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Elbow 90°
18.90A.1 For 15 mm outer dia pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
3891 Elbow 90° for 15 mm outer dia SS pipe
of grade 316L as per IS 6911:2017 and
conforming to EN-10312 each 1.00 340.00 340.00
TOTAL 340.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 3.40
TOTAL 343.40 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 73.04
TOTAL 416.44 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 62.47
TOTAL 478.91 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 4.79
Cost of 1 no. 483.70
Say 483.70
18.91 Providing and fixing required Stainless Steel Fitting of press fit design of grade AISI 304
conforming to JWWA G116 standard with V-profile or M-profile and with O-ring sealing gasket
of EPDM material of required dia as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Reducing Elbow 90°
18.91.1 For22.22 mm x 15.88 mm outer dia pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
8818 Reducing Elbow 90° for 22.22 mm X 15.88
mm outer dia SS pipe each 1.00 157.00 157.00
TOTAL 157.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 1.57
TOTAL 158.57 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 33.73
TOTAL 192.30 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 28.85
TOTAL 221.15 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 2.21
Cost of 1 no. 223.36
Say 223.35
18.92 Providing and fixing required Stainless Steel Fitting of press fit design of grade AISI 304
conforming to JWWA G116 standard with V-profile or M-profile and with O-ring sealing gasket
of EPDM material of required dia as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Equal Tee
18.92.1 For 15.88 mm outer dia pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
8824 Equal Tee for 15.88 mm outer dia SS pipe each 1.00 139.00 139.00
TOTAL 139.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 1.39
TOTAL 140.39 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 29.86
TOTAL 170.25 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 25.54
TOTAL 195.79 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 1.96
Cost of 1 no. 197.75
Say 197.75
18.97 Providing and fixing required Stainless Steel Fitting of press fit design of grade AISI 304
conforming to JWWA G116 standard with V-profile or M-profile and with O-ring sealing gasket
of EPDM material of required dia as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Male Thread Connector/ Adapter
18.97.1 For 15.88 mm outer dia x 15 mm nominal dia threaded
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
8899 Stainless steel Male threaded Connector/
Adapter for 15.88 mm outer dia X 15 mm
nominal dia threaded each 1.00 176.00 176.00
TOTAL 176.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 1.76
TOTAL 177.76 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 37.81
TOTAL 215.57 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 32.34
TOTAL 247.91 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 2.48
Cost of 1 no. 250.39
Say 250.40
18.99 Providing and fixing required Stainless Steel Fitting of press fit design of grade AISI 304
conforming to JWWA G116 standard with V-profile or M-profile and with O-ring sealing gasket
of EPDM material of required dia as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Female Threaded Elbow 90°
18.100 Providing and fixing required Stainless Steel Fitting of press fit design of grade AISI 304
conforming to JWWA G116 standard with V-profile or M-profile and with O-ring sealing gasket
of EPDM material of required dia as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Male Threaded Elbow 90°
18.100.1 For 15.88 mm outer dia x 15 mm nominal dia threaded
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
8926 Stainless steel Male Threaded Elbow 90°
for 15.88 mm outer dia X 15 mm nominal dia
threaded each 1.00 229.00 229.00
TOTAL 229.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 2.29
TOTAL 231.29 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 49.20
TOTAL 280.49 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 42.07
TOTAL 322.56 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 3.23
Cost of 1 no. 325.79
Say 325.80
18.100.A Providing and fixing required Stainless Steel Fitting of press fit design of grade 316L as per
IS 6911:2017 and conforming to EN-10312 standard with V-profile and with O-ring sealing
gasket of EPDM material of required dia as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Male Threaded Elbow 90°
18.100A.1 For 15mm outer dia X 1/2” nominal dia threaded
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
3947 Stainless steel Male Threaded Elbow 90° for
15mm outer dia X 1/2” nominal dia threaded
of grade 316L as per IS 6911:2017 and
conforming to EN-10312 each 1.00 585.00 585.00
TOTAL 585.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 5.85
TOTAL 590.85 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 125.67
TOTAL 716.52 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 107.48
TOTAL 824.00 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 8.24
Cost of 1 no. 832.24
Say 832.25
18.101 Providing and fixing required Stainless Steel Fitting of press fit design of grade AISI 304
conforming to JWWA G116 standard with V-profile or M-profile and with O-ring sealing gasket
of EPDM material of required dia as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
18.101.1 For 15.88 mm outer dia pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
8936 Stainless steel Cap for 15.88 mm outer dia
pipe each 1.00 41.00 41.00
TOTAL 41.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 0.41
TOTAL 41.41 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 8.81
TOTAL 50.22 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 7.53
TOTAL 57.75 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 0.58
Cost of 1 no. 58.33
Say 58.35
18.101A Providing and fixing required Stainless Steel Fitting of press fit design of grade 316L as per
IS 6911:2017 and conforming to EN-10312 standard with V-profile and with O-ring sealing
gasket of EPDM material of required dia as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
18.101A.1 For 15 mm outer dia pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
3953 Stainless steel Cap for 15 mm outer dia pipe
of grade 316L as per IS 6911:2017 and
conforming to EN-10312 each 1.00 355.00 355.00
TOTAL 355.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 3.55
TOTAL 358.55 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 76.26
TOTAL 434.81 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 65.22
TOTAL 500.03 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.00
Cost of 1 no. 505.03
Say 505.05
18.102 Providing and fixing required Stainless Steel Fitting of press fit design of grade AISI 304
conforming to JWWA G116 standard with V-profile or M-profile and with O-ring sealing gasket
of EPDM material of required dia as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Pipe Bridge
18.102.1 For 15.88 mm outer dia pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
8942 Stainless steel Pipe Bridge for 15.88 mm
outer dia pipe each 1.00 96.00 96.00
TOTAL 96.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 0.96
TOTAL 96.96 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 20.62
TOTAL 117.58 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 17.64
TOTAL 135.22 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 1.35
Cost of 1 no. 136.57
Say 136.55
18.102A Providing and fixing required Stainless Steel Fitting of press fit design of grade 316L as
per IS 6911:2017 and conforming to EN-10312 standard with V-profile and with O-ring
sealing gasket of EPDM material of required dia as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Pipe Bridge
18.102A.1 For 15 mm outer dia pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
3959 Stainless steel Pipe Bridge for 15 mm outer
dia pipe of grade 316L as per IS 6911:2017
and conforming to EN-10312 each 1.00 460.00 460.00
TOTAL 460.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 4.60
TOTAL 464.60 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 98.82
TOTAL 563.42 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 84.51
TOTAL 647.93 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.48
Cost of 1 no. 654.41
Say 654.40
18.105 Providing and fixing required Stainless Steel Fitting of press fit design of grade 316L as per
IS 6911:2017 and conforming to EN-10312 standard with V-profile and with O-ring sealing
gasket of EPDM material of required dia as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Female Transition Elbow / FTE
18.105.1 For 15mm outer dia X 1/2” nominal dia threaded
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 no.
3971 Stainless steel Female Transition Elbow /
FTE for 15mm outer dia X 1/2” nominal dia
threaded of grade 316L as per IS 6911:2017
and conforming to EN-10312 each 1.00 725.00 725.00
TOTAL 725.00 W
19.1 Providing, laying and jointing glazed stoneware pipes class SP-1 with stiff mixture of cement
mortar in the proportion of 1:1 (1 cement : 1 fine sand) including testing of joints etc. complete :
19.1.1 100 mm diameter
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 30 metre
1854 Stoneware pipes grade A (60 cm long)
100 mm dia each 55.00 77.00 4235.00
Added 10% allowance for breakage
2224 Carriage of S.W. pipes 100 mm dia 100 metre 0.33 0.00 0.00
Added 10% allowance for breakage
Cement for 50 joints = 0.019 tonne
0367 Portland Cement (OPC-43 grade) tonne 0.019 5156.00 97.96
2209 Carriage of Cement tonne 0.019 0.00 0.00
0983 Fine sand (zone IV) cum 0.01 980.00 9.80
2261 Carriage of Fine sand (1 part badarpur
sand : 2 parts jamuna sand) cum 0.01 0.00 0.00
1881 Spun yarn kilogram 4.50 61.00 274.50
or plain gaskin @ 0.09 kg per joint =
0.09x50 = 4.50 kg
0123 Mason 1st class day 1.00 897.00 897.00
0124 Mason 2nd class day 1.00 816.00 816.00
0114 Beldar day 3.00 736.00 2208.00
0101 Bhisti day 1.00 816.00 816.00
TOTAL 9354.26 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 93.54
TOTAL 9447.80 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 2009.55
TOTAL 11457.35 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 1718.60
TOTAL 13175.95 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 131.76
Cost of 30 metre 13307.71
Cost of 1 metre 443.59
Say 443.60
19.2 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand : 10 graded stone
aggregate 40 mm nominal size) all-round S.W. pipes including bed concrete as per standard
design :
19.2.1 100 mm diameter S.W. pipe
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 metre
Area = W x W/2 + ½ x (3.14 x W² / 4) -
(3.14 x D² / 4)
= W² x (0.5 + 3.14 / 8) - (3.14 x D² / 4)
Where W = D + X
D = 100 + 12 + 12 = 124 mm or 12.4 cm
X = 300 mm as trench depth is less than
1200 mm
W = 12.4 + 30 = 42.4
Area= 42.4² x ( 0.5 + 3.14/ 8) - (3.14 x
= 1484 sqcm = 0.1484 sqm Say 0.148
For 10 m length qty. of concrete reqd. =
1.48 cum
4.1.10 Rate as per item no 4.1.10 of SH : Con-
crete Work cum 1.48 6518.60 9647.53 A
Cost of 10 metre 9647.53
Cost of metre 964.75
Say 964.75
19.5 Dismantling of old S.W. pipes including breaking of joints and bed concrete stacking of
useful materials near the site within 50 m lead and disposal of unserviceable materials into
municipal dumps :
19.5.1 100 mm diameter
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 metre
0114 Beldar day 0.49 736.00 360.64
0115 Coolie day 0.36 736.00 264.96
TOTAL 625.60 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 6.26
TOTAL 631.86 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 134.40
TOTAL 766.26 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 114.94
TOTAL 881.20 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 8.81
Cost of 10 metre 890.01
Cost of 1 metre 89.00
Say 89.00
19.7.2 Inside size 120x90 cm and 90 cm deep including C.I. cover with frame (medium duty) 500 mm
internal diameter, total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 116 kg (weight of cover
58 kg and weight of frame 58 kg) : With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 manhole
Cement concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement : 4
coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate
40 mm nominal size)
1.81x1.51x0.20 m = 0.547 cum Say 0.55
4.1.8 Rate as per item no 4.1.8 of SH : Con-
crete Work cum 0.55 6812.00 3746.60 A
Brick work with bricks of class designa-
tion 7.5 in foundation & plinth in cement
mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand)
5.12x0.23x0.80 m = 0.942 cum
Less for pipe 2x3.14x(0.15m)²x0.23m
=(-) 0.008 cum
Total= 0.934 cum Say 0.93 cum
6.1.1 Rate as per item no 6.1.1 of SH : Brick
Work cum 0.93 7370.65 6854.70 A
Cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size) for benching
2x1.20x(0.90/2) x (0.30+0.20)/2 = 2.70
Less for pipe 1.20x3.14/4x(0.15m)² = (-)
0.021 cum
Total= 0.249 cum say 0.25
4.1.3 Rate as per item no. 4.1.3 of SH : Con-
crete Work cum 0.25 7878.50 1969.63 A
12 mm cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3
coarse sand) finished with floating coat of
neat cement
4.20mx0.50m = 2.10 sqm
2x½x0.90x0.10m = 0.09 sqm
= 2.19 sqm
13.9.1 Rate as per item no 13.9.1 of SH : Fin-
ishing sqm 2.19 449.55 984.51 A
Reinforced cement concrete 1:1.5:3 (1
cement : 1.5 coarse sand : 3 graded
stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size)
For slab : 1.66x1.36x0.15m = 0.339 cum
19.7.3 Inside size 120x90 cm and 90 cm deep including C.I. cover with frame (heavy duty) 560 mm
internal diameter, total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 208 kg (weight of cover
108 kg and weight of frame 100 kg) : With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 manhole
Cement concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement : 4
coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate
40 mm nominal size)
1.81x1.51x0.20 m = 0.547 cum Say 0.55
4.1.8 Rate as per item no 4.1.8 of SH : Con-
crete Work cum 0.55 6812.00 3746.60 A
Brick work with bricks of class designa-
tion 7.5 in foundation & plinth in cement
mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand)
5.12x0.23x0.65 m = 0.765 cum
1x0.56x0.23x0.15 m = 0.019 cum
1x0.79x0.23x0.15 = 0.027 cum
= 0.811 cum
Less for pipe 2x3.14x(0.15m)²x0.23m =
(-) 0.008 cum
= 0.803 cum Say 0.80 cum
6.1.1 Rate as per item no 6.1.1 of SH : Brick
Work cum 0.80 7370.65 5896.52 A
Cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size) for benching
2x1.20x(0.90/2)x(0.30+0.20)/2 = 0.27
Less for pipe 1.20x3.14/4x(0.15m)² = (-)
0.021 cum
= 0.249 cum say 0.25
4.1.3 Rate as per item no. 4.1.3 of SH : Con-
crete Work cum 0.25 7878.50 1969.63 A
12 mm cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3
coarse sand) finished with floating coat of
neat cement
4.20mx0.35m = 1.47 sqm
2x0.56x0.15 m = 0.17 sqm
2x½x0.90x0.10m = 0.09 sqm
For fixing cover
19.9 Constructing brick masonry circular type manhole 0.91 m internal dia at bottom and 0.56m
dia at top in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand), inside cement plaster 12 mm
thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat
cement, foundation concrete 1:3:6 mix (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate
40 mm nominal size), and making necessary channel in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) finished with a floating coat of
neat cement, all complete as per standard design :
19.9.1 0.91 m deep with S.F.R.C. cover and frame (heavy duty, HD-20 grade designation) 560 mm
internal diameter conforming to I.S. 12592, total weight of cover and frame to be not less than
182 kg., fixed in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size) including centering, shuttering all complete. (Excavation, foot rests and
12mm thick cement plaster at the external surface shall be paid for separately) : With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 manhole
Cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3
coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate
40 mm nominal size)
1.67x1.67x0.225 m = 0.63 cum
4.1.6 Rate as per item no 4.1.6 of SH : Con-
crete Work cum 0.63 7178.75 4522.61 A
Brick work with bricks of class designa-
tion 75 in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement :
4 coarse sand)
Curved on plan
3.14x1.14x0.074x0.23 = 0.061
3.14x(1.14+0.79)/2x0.711x0.23 = 0.496
Total= 0.557
Duduct arch ring and portion of pipe
2x½x3.14x0.25mx0.230x0.10 m = 0.018
2x3.14/4x(0.15)²x0.230 = 0.008 cum
Total= 0.026 cum
19.12 Extra depth for circular type manhole 1.22 m internal dia (at bottom) beyond 1.68 m to
2.29 m :
19.12.1 With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost of 0.61 m extra depth
Brick work with bricks of class designa-
tion 7.5 in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement :
4 coarse sand)
6.1.1 Rate as per item no 6.1.1 of SH : Brick
Work cum 0.66 7370.65 4864.63 A
12mm cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3
coarse sand) finished with floating coat of
neat cement.
13.9.1 Rate as per item no 13.9.1 of SH : Fin-
ishing sqm 2.56 449.55 1150.85 A
Cost for 0.61 metre 6015.48
Cost for 1.00 metre 9861.44
Say 9861.45
19.14 Extra depth for circular type manhole 1.52 m internal dia (at bottom) beyond 2.30 m :
19.14.1 With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost of 1.88 m extra depth
Brick work with bricks of class designa-
tion 7.5 in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement:
4 coarse sand)
6.1.1 Rate as per item no 6.1.1 of SH : Brick
Work cum 5.26 7370.65 38769.62 A
12 mm cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement: 3
coarse sand) finished with floating coat of
neat cement
13.9.1 Rate as per item no 13.9.1 of SH : Fin-
ishing sqm 8.99 449.55 4041.45 A
Cost for 1.88 metre 42811.07
Cost for 1.00 metre 22771.85
Say 22771.85
19.15 Providing M.S. foot rests including fixing in manholes with 20x20x10 cm cement concrete
blocks 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size)
as per standard design :
19.15.1 With 20x20 mm square bar
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one M.S foot rests
M.S. 20 mm square bar 0.75 m @ 3.137
kg/m = 0.024
1006 Mild steel square bars quintal 0.024 5500.00 132.00
9988 Carriage, painting, and other sundries L.S. 1.82 2.27 4.13
LABOUR for fabrication
0103 Blacksmith 2nd class day 0.10 816.00 81.60
0114 Beldar day 0.10 736.00 73.60
Cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3
coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate
: 20 mm nominal size)
0.20x0.20x0.10 m = 0.004 cum
4.1.5 Rate as per item no 4.1.5 of SH : Con-
crete work cum 0.004 7294.70 29.18 A
LABOUR for fixing M.S. foot rests
0123 Mason 1st class day 0.02 897.00 17.94
0124 Mason 2nd class day 0.02 816.00 16.32
0114 Beldar day 0.05 736.00 36.80
TOTAL 391.57 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 3.62
TOTAL 395.19 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 77.85
TOTAL 473.04 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 66.58
TOTAL 539.62 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 5.10
Cost for 1 no. 544.72
Say 544.70
19.16 Providing orange colour safety foot rest of minimum 6 mm thick plastic encapsulated as per
IS : 10910, on 12 mm dia steel bar conforming to IS: 1786, having minimum cross section
as 23 mmx25 mm and over all minimum length 263 mm and width as 165 mm with minimum
112 mm space between protruded legs having 2 mm tread on top surface by ribbing or
chequering besides necessary and adequate anchoring projections on tail length on 138 mm
as per standard drawing and suitable to with stand the bend test and chemical resistance test
as per specifications and having manufacture’s permanent identification mark to be visible
even after fixing, including fixing in manholes with 30x20x15 cm cement concrete block 1:3:6
(1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) complete as per
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no.
7354 Plastic encapsuled M.S. foot rest
30x20x15 cm each 1.00 121.00 121.00
9988 Carriage and other sundries L.S. 1.82 2.27 4.13
Cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3
coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size)
( 0.30x0.20x0.15 = 0.009 cum)
4.1.5 Rate as per item no 4.1.5 of SH : Con-
crete work cum 0.009 7294.70 65.65 A
0123 Mason 1st class day 0.02 897.00 17.94
0124 Mason 2nd class day 0.20 816.00 163.20
0114 Beldar day 0.05 736.00 36.80
TOTAL 408.72 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 3.43
19.17 Replacement of M.S. foot rests in manholes including dismantling concrete blocks and fixing
with 20x20x10 cm cement concrete blocks 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size):
19.17.1 With 20x20 mm square bar
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one M.S foot rests
M.S. 20 mm square bar 0.75 m @ 3.137
kg/m =0.024 q
1006 Mild steel square bars quintal 0.024 5500.00 132.00
9988 Carriage,painting, and other sundries L.S. 1.82 2.27 4.13
Labour for fabrication
0103 Blacksmith 2nd class day 0.10 816.00 81.60
0114 Beldar day 0.10 736.00 73.60
Cement concrete 1:3:6 ( 1 cement : 3
coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size)
0.20x0.20x0.10 m = 0.004 cum
4.1.5 Rate as per item no 4.1.5 of SH : Con-
crete work cum 0.004 7294.70 29.18 A
for dismantling old forts rest cutting holes
and fixing new M.S. foot rests
0123 Mason 1st class day 0.05 897.00 44.85
0124 Mason 2nd class day 0.05 816.00 40.80
0114 Beldar day 0.1 736.00 73.60
TOTAL 479.76 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 4.51
TOTAL 484.27 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 96.80
TOTAL 581.07 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 82.78
TOTAL 663.85 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 6.35
Cost for 1 no. 670.20
Say 670.20
19.18 Supplying and fixing C.I. cover without frame for manholes :
19.18.1 455x610 mm rectangular C.I. cover (light duty) the weight of the cover to be not less than 23
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one cover
1355 Rectangular cover 455x610mm without
frame (low duty) each 1.00 850.00 850.00
9977 Carriage of C.I. Manhole cover L.S. 7.15 2.27 16.23
0114 Beldar day 0.12 736.00 88.32
TOTAL 954.55 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 9.55
TOTAL 964.10 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 205.06
TOTAL 1169.16 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 175.37
TOTAL 1344.53 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 13.45
Cost for 1 cover 1357.98
Say 1358.00
19.19.2 M D - 10 Square shape 450 mm internal dimension
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no.
7133 Rectangular shape 500x500 mm precast
R.C.C. manhole cover with frame - M.D.
- 10 each 1.00 700.00 700.00
9977 Carriage of manhole cover L.S. 6.76 2.27 15.35
Cement concrete 1:2:4 ( 1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 grade stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size )
0.95x0.95x0.15 = 0.1354 cum
Less cover with frame
0.80x0.80x0.15 = (-) 0.096 cum
= 0.0394 cum Say 0.04 cum
4.1.3 Rate as per item no. 4.1.3 of SH : Con-
crete Work cum 0.04 7878.50 315.14 A
9999 Sundries L.S. 16.64 2.27 37.77
TOTAL 1068.26 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 7.53
TOTAL 1075.79 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 161.79
TOTAL 1237.58 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 138.37
19.19.3 H D - 20 Circular shape 560 mm internal diameter
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no.
7135 Circular shape 560 mm dia precast
R.C.C. manhole cover with frame - H.D.
- 20 each 1.00 935.00 935.00
9977 Carriage of manhole cover L.S. 13.52 2.27 30.69
Cement concrete 1:2:4 ( 1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 grade stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size )
3.14/4x(1.05)²x0.15 = 0.1299 cum
Less cover with frame
3.14/4x(0.9)²x0.15 = (-) 0.0955 cum
= 0.0344 cum Say 0.03 cum
4.1.3 Rate as per item no. 4.1.3 of SH : Con-
crete Work cum 0.03 7878.50 236.36 A
9999 Sundries L.S. 20.28 2.27 46.04
19.19.4 EHD - 35 Circular shape 560 mm internal dia
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one no.
7136 Circular shape 560 mm dia precast
R.C.C. manhole cover with frame -
E.H.D. - 35 each 1.00 1250.00 1250.00
9977 Carriage of manhole cover L.S. 13.52 2.27 30.69
Cement concrete 1:2:4 ( 1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 grade stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size )
3.14/4x(1.05)²x0.15 = 0.1299 cum
Less cover with frame
3.14/4x(0.9)²x0.15 = (-) 0.0955 cum
= 0.0344 cum Say 0.03 cum
4.1.3 Rate as per item no. 4.1.3 of SH : Con-
crete Work cum 0.03 7878.50 236.36 A
9999 Sundries L.S. 20.28 2.27 46.04
TOTAL 1563.09 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 13.27
TOTAL 1576.36 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 285.02
TOTAL 1861.38 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 243.75
TOTAL 2105.13 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 18.69
Cost for 1 no. 2123.82
Say 2123.80
19.20 Supplying and fixing C.I. cover 300x300 mm without frame for gully trap (standard pattern)
the weight of cover to be not less than 4.5 kg
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one cover
1353 C.I.cover without frame 300x300mm
inside i.e.cover of 4.50 kg each 1.00 525.00 525.00
9988 Carriage for cover L.S. 2.70 2.27 6.13
0114 Beldar day 0.03 736.00 22.08
TOTAL 553.21 W
19.21 Making connection of drain or sewer line with existing manhole including breaking into and
making good the walls, floors with cement concrete 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4
graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) cement plastered on both sides with cement
mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand), finished with a floating coat of neat cement and making
necessary channels for the drain etc. complete :
19.21.1 For pipes 100 to 250 mm diameter
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one connection
cement concrete 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size)
= 0.30x0.30x0.23 m = 0.0207 cum
Less pipe = 1/2x3.14x0.23x0.23x0.23 =
0.0096 cum
= 0.0111 cum Say 0.01 cum
4.1.3 Rate as per item no. 4.1.3 of SH : Con-
crete cum 0.01 7878.50 78.79 A
12 mm cement plater 1:3 ( 1 cement : 3
coarse sand ) finished with a floating coat
of neat cement
2x0.35x0.35 =0.25sqm
13.9.1 Rate as per item no 13.9.1 of SH : Fin-
ishing sqm 0.25 449.55 112.39 A
(For cutting holes average size 30x30 cm
in 23 cm thick wall and making channel
0123 Mason 1st class day 0.12 897.00 107.64
0124 Mason 2nd class day 0.12 816.00 97.92
0114 Beldar day 0.25 736.00 184.00
9999 Add for delay sundries etc. L.S. 20.15 2.27 45.74
TOTAL 626.48 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 4.35
TOTAL 630.83 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 93.51
TOTAL 724.34 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 79.97
TOTAL 804.31 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 6.13
Cost for 1 connection 810.44
Say 810.45
19.23 Extra for depths beyond 60 cm of sand cast iron drop connection complete:
19.23.1 For 100 mm dia sand cast iron drop connection
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one metre
1617 S.C.I. soil, waste and vent single socket-
ed pipe 1.80 metres long: 100mm dia each 0.556 1200.00 667.20
Length of pipe = 1m. Hence, Qty = 1 / 1.8
= 0.556 Nos.
9977 Carriage of material and fixing charges L.S. 13.39 2.27 30.40
Cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5
fine sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40
mm nominal size)
0.40x0.45x1.00 mm = 0.18 cum
Less pipe portion
1/2x3.14x0.10x0.10x1.00 = 0.008 cum
Toothing portion
5x0.40x0.05x0.10 m = 0.010 cum
Total= 0.018 cum
Net Qty= 0.18-0.018 = 0.162 cum Say
0.16 cum
4.1.11 Rate as per item no 4.1.11 of SH : Con-
crete Work cum 0.16 6189.65 990.34 A
Form work
1.30x1.00 m = 1.30 sqm
5.9.2 Rate as per item no 5.9.2 of SH : RCC sqm 1.30 842.50 1095.25 A
9999 Sundries L.S. 7.15 2.27 16.23
For cutting holes 5 cm deep in alternate
course of brick work
0123 Mason 1st class day 0.04 897.00 35.88
0124 Mason 2nd class day 0.04 816.00 32.64
0114 Beldar day 0.04 736.00 29.44
TOTAL 2897.38 W
19.25.3 Rectangular arch type manhole 140x90 cm and beyond 2.45 m depth (up to 4.25 m depth)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1.80 metre
Dismantling IInd class brick work in
cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Coarse
sand) for 2.45 depth
Qty for 2.45m depth
5.52mx0.23mx1.20m = 1.524 cum
3.92mx0.23mx1.15m = 1.037 cum
Total = 2.561 cum
Deduct arch ring and portion of pipe
2x½x3.14x0.25mx0.23x0.1m = 0.018
2x3.14/4(0.15)²x0.23m = 0.008 cum
Total deduction= = (-) 0.026 cum
Net 2.561 - 0.026 = 2.535 cum Say 2.54
Qty in arch
½x3.14x1.13x0.80x0.23m = 0.327 cum
2x½x3.14x0.25mx0.23x0.1m = 0.018
Total = 0.345 cum Say 0.35 cum
Totol for 4.45 m depth 2.54 + 0.35 = 2.89
Qty for 4.25m depth
5.52mx0.23mx1.20m = 1.524 cum
3.92mx0.23mx2.95m = 2.660 cum
Total = 4.184 cum
Deduct arch ring and portion of pipe
2x½x3.14x0.70mx0.23x0.1m = 0.051
2x3.14/4x(0.60)²x0.23 = 0.130 cum
Total deduction== (-) 0.181 cum
Net 4.184 - 0.181 = 4.003 cum Say 4.00
Qty in arch
½x3.14x1.13x0.80x0.23m = 0.327 cum
2x½x3.14x0.70mx0.23x0.1m = 0.051
19.25.4 Circular manhole 122 cm diameter and beyond 1.68 m depth (up to 2.29 m depth)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 0.61 metre
Dismantling cement concrete 1:3:6 (1
Cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone
aggregate 40mm nominal size)
1.98x1.98x0.30 = 1.178 cum. Say 1.18
15.2.1 (Rate as per item No.15.2.1 of SH. dis-
mantling and Demolishing) cum 1.18 2434.25 2872.42 A
Dismantling IInd class brick work in
cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Coarse
Curved on plan
3.14x1.45x0.85x0.23 = 0.891
3.14x(1.45+0.79)/2x1.32x0.23 = 1.069
Total = 0.891 + 1.069 = 1.96 cum
Duduct arch ring and portion of pipe
2x1/2x3.14x0.25mx0.23x0.10 m = 0.018
2x3.14/4x(0.15)²x0.23 = 0.008 cum
Total deduction = 0.026 cum
Net quantity 1.96-0.026 = 1.934 Say 1.93
Qty in arch
2x1/2x3.14x0.25 m x0.23x0.10 m
= 0.018 cum Say 0.02 cum
19.26 Raising manhole cover and frame slab to required level including dismantling existing slab
and making good the damage as required (Raising depth of manhole to be paid separately) :
19.26.1 Rectangular manhole 90x80 cm with rectangular cover 600 x 450 mm of grade LD - 2.5
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one manhole
Dismantling of R.C.C slab of 1:1.5:3 (1
cement : 1.5 coarse sand (Zone - III): 3
aggregate stone 20 mm nominal size) =
1.36x1.26x0.15 = 0.257 cum
Less cover with frame portion
0.85x0.70x0.15 =(-) 0.089 cum
Net qty=0.168 cum Say 0.17 cum
19.26.2 Rectangular manhole 120x90 cm with circular cover 500 mm dia of grade MD - 10
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one manhole
Dismantling of R.C.C slab of 1:1.5:3 (1
cement : 1.5 coarse sand : 3 aggregate
stone 20 mm nominal size)
1.66x1.36x0.15 = 0.339 cum
Less for R.C.C cover with frame
3.14/4x(0.80)²x0.15 =(-) 0.075 cum
Net qty 0.264 cum Say 0.26 cum
15.3 Rate as per item no. 15.3 of SH : Dis-
mantling and demolishing cum 0.26 3551.25 923.33 A
9999 Removal of R.C.C cover and frame L.S. 7.15 2.27 16.23
R.C.C work 1:1.5:3 ( 1 cement : 1.5
coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size )
1.66x1.36x0.15 = 0.339 cum
Less portion cover with frame =
3.14/4x0.80x0.80x0.15 =(-) 0.075 cum
Net qty= 0.264 cum Say 0.26 cum
5.1.2 Rate as per item no. 5.1.2 of SH : RCC
work cum 0.26 9045.75 2351.90 A
Form work = 1.2x0.90 = 1.08 sqm
19.26.3 Rectangular manhole 120x90 cm with circular cover 560 mm dia of grade HD - 20
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one manhole
Dismantling of R.C.C slab of 1:1.5:3 (1
cement : 1.5 coarse sand : 3 aggregate
stone 20 mm nominal size)
1.66x1.36x0.15 = 0.339 cum
Less for R.C.C cover with frame
3.14/4x(0.90)²x0.15 =(-) 0.095 cum
Net qty 0.244 cum Say 0.24 cum
15.3 Rate as per item no 15.3 of SH : Disman-
tling and demolishing cum 0.24 3551.25 852.30 A
9999 Removal of R.C.C cover and frame L.S. 7.15 2.27 16.23
R.C.C work 1:1.5:3 ( 1 cement : 1.5
coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size )
1.66x1.36x0.15 = 0.339 cum
Less portion cover with frame =
3.14/4x0.90x0.90x0.15 =(-) 0.095 cum
Net qty= 0.244 cum Say 0.24 cum
5.1.2 Rate as per item no. 5.1.2 of SH : RCC
work cum 0.24 9045.75 2170.98 A
Form work = 1.2x0.90 = 1.08 sqm
Less cover = 3.14/4x(0.56)² =(-) 0.246
Net qty= 0.834 sqm Say .83 sqm
5.9.3 Rate as per item no 5.9.3 of SH : RCC
work sqm 0.83 927.25 769.62 A
9999 Sundries L.S. 20.28 2.27 46.04
TOTAL 3855.17 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 0.62
TOTAL 3855.79 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 13.38
TOTAL 3869.17 Y
19.26.4 Circular manhole 140 cm dia with circular cover 600 mm dia of grade EHD - 35
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one manhole
Dismantling of C.C slab of 1:2:4 (1 ce-
ment 2 coarse sand : 4 aggregate stone
20 mm nominal size)
= 3.14/4x(0.985)²x0.15 = 0.114 cum
Less cover =3.14/4x(0.90)²x0.15 =(-)
0.095 cum
Net qty= 0.019 cum Say 0.02 cum
15.3 Rate as per item no. 15.3 of SH : Dis-
mantling and demolishing cum 0.02 3551.25 71.03 A
9999 Removal of R.C.C cover and frame L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
C.C work 1:2:4 ( 1 cement : 2 coarse
sand 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size )
3.14/4x(0.985)²x0.15 = 0.114 cum
Less portion cover with frame =
3.14/4x(0.90)²x0.15 =(-) 0.095 cum
Net qty= 0.019 cum Say 0.02 cum
4.1.3 Rate as per item no 4.1.3 of SH : Con-
crete Work cum 0.02 7878.50 157.57 A
9999 Sundries L.S. 20.28 2.27 46.04
TOTAL 292.94 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 0.64
TOTAL 293.58 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 13.82
TOTAL 307.40 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 11.82
TOTAL 319.22 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 0.91
Cost of one no 320.13
Say 320.15
19.27 Constructing brick masonry road gully chamber 50x45x60 cm with bricks in cement mortar
1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) including 500x450 mm pre-cast R.C.C. horizontal grating with
frame complete as per standard design :
19.27.1 With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one chamber
Cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5
fine sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40
mm nominal size)
1.11mx1.06mx0.15 m= 0.176 cum Say
0.18 cum
19.28 Constructing brick masonry road gully chamber 45x45x77.5 cm with bricks in cement mortar
1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand ) with precast R.C.C. vertical grating complete as per standard
design :
19.28.1 With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one chamber
Cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5
fine sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40
mm nominal size)
1.06mx1.06mx0.15 m= 0.17 cum
4.1.11 Rate as per item no 4.1.11 of SH : Con-
crete Work cum 0.17 6189.65 1052.24 A
19.29 Constructing brick masonry road gully chamber 110x50x77.5 cm with bricks in cement mortar
1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) including 500x450 mm precast R.C.C. horizontal grating with
frame and vertical grating complete as per standard design :
19.29.1 With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one chamber
Cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5
fine sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40
mm nominal size)
1.71mx1.11mx0.15 m = 0.285 cum Say
0.29 cum
4.1.11 Rate as per item no 4.1.11 of SH : Con-
crete Work cum 0.29 6189.65 1795.00 A
Brick work in bricks of class designation
7.5 in cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4
coarse sand)
1.86 m x 0.23m x0.45 m = 0.193 cum
2.26mx0.23mx0.70 m = 0.364 cum
Total= 0.557 cum
Deduct lintel portion
2x0.23x0.20x0.20 m = (-) 0.018 cum
Nte Qty= 0.0539 cum Say 0.54 cum
6.1.1 Rate as per item no 6.1.1 of SH : Brick
Work cum 0.54 7370.65 3980.15 A
12 mm cement plaster 1:3 ( 1 cement : 3
coarse sand) finished with floating coat of
neat cement
Wall : 1.80x0.70 m = 1.26 sqm
Wall : 1.40x0.45 m = 0.63 sqm
Bed : 1.10x0.50 m = 0.55 sqm
Total= 2.44 sqm
Deduct 2x0.20x0.20 m = (-) 0.08 sqm
Net Qty= 2.36 sqm
13.9.1 Rate as per item no 13.9.1 of SH : Fin-
ishing sqm 2.36 449.55 1060.94 A
Cement concrete 1:2:4 ( 1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size)
Block = 1.92x0.23x0.15 = 0.07 cum
4.1.3 Rate as per item no 4.1.3 of SH : Con-
crete Work cum 0.07 7878.50 551.50 A
R.C.C. 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse
sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size)
19.30 Constructing brick masonry chamber for underground C.I. inspection chamber and bends
with bricks in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) C.I. cover with frame (light duty)
455x610 mm internal dimensions, total weight of cover with frame to be not less than 38 kg
(weight of cover 23 kg and weight of frame 15 kg), R.C.C. top slab with 1:1.5:3 mix (1 cement
: 1.5 fine sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size), foundation concrete 1:5:10 (1
cement : 5 fine sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size), inside plastering 12
mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand), finished smooth with a floating
coat of neat cement on walls and bed concrete etc. complete as per standard design:
19.30.1 Inside dimensions 455x610 mm and 45 cm deep for single pipe line :
19.30.3 Inside dimensions 600x 850 mm and 45 cm deep for pipe line with three or more inlets : With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost of one chamber
Cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5
fine sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40
mm nominal size)
1.46mx1.21mx0.15 m= 0.26 cum
4.1.11 Rate as per item no 4.1.11 of SH : Con-
crete Work cum 0.26 6189.65 1609.31 A
Brick work in bricks of class designation
7.5 in cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4
coarse sand)
3.82 m x 0.23m x0.30 m = 0.26 cum
Less pipe
5x3.14x(0.10)²x0.23 m = (-) 0.009 cum
Net Qty= 0.255 cum Say 0.26 cum
6.1.1 Rate as per item no 6.1.1 of SH : Brick
Work cum 0.26 7370.65 1916.37 A
12 mm cement plaster 1:3 ( 1 cement : 3
coarse sand) finished with floating coat of
neat cement
Wall : 2.90x0.30 m = 0.87 sqm
Bed : 0.85x0.60 m = 0.51 sqm
Total= 1.38 sqm
Less pipe 5x3.14/4x(0.10)² = (-) 0.04 sqm
Net Qty= 1.34 sqm
13.9.1 Rate as per item no 13.9.1 of SH : Fin-
ishing sqm 1.34 449.55 602.40 A
R.C.C 1:1.5:3 ( 1 cement : 1.5 coarse
sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size)
1.31x1.06x0.15 = 0.208 cum
Deduct cover
0.61x0.455x0.15 m = (-) 0.042 cum
Net Qty= 0.166 cum Say 0.17 cum
5.1.2 Rate as per item no. 5.1.2 of SH : RCC
work cum 0.17 9045.75 1537.78 A
Form work
19.32 Making soak pit 2.5 m diameter 3.0 metre deep with 45 x 45 cm dry brick honey comb
shaft with bricks and S.W. drain pipe 100 mm diameter, 1.8 m long complete as per
standard design.
19.32.1 With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one soak pit
Earth work in excavation including dis-
posal of surplus earth 3.14/4x(2.5)²x3m =
14.73 cum
2.8.1 Rate as per item no. 2.8.1 of SH: Earth
work cum 14.73 260.30 3834.22 A
= 3.14/4x(2.5)² x 1.5 m = 7.37 cum
2nd class bricks
perimetre = 4x0.35 =1.40 m
Area = 1.40x2.925 m = 4.1 sqm
19.33 Constructing soak pit 1.20x1.20x1.20 m filled with brickbats including S.W. drain pipe 100 mm
diameter and 1.20 m long complete as per standard design.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for one soak pit
Earth work in excavation including
disposal of surplus earth 1.2x1.2x1.2m =
1.73 cum
2.8.1 (Rate as per item no. 2.8.1 of SH: Earth
work) cum 1.73 260.30 450.32 A
0362 Brick bats cum 1.73 525.00 908.25
1.2x1.2x1.2 = 1.73 cum
2260 Carriage of Brick aggregate cum 1.73 0.00 0.00
16.8.1 Rate as per item no. 16.8.1 of SH : Road
work metre 5.20 53.45 277.94 A
Second class brick edging laid length
wise with half brick depth
1854 Stoneware pipes grade A (60 cm long)
100 mm dia each 2.00 77.00 154.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 25.84 2.27 58.66
For filling brick bats
0114 Beldar day 0.50 736.00 368.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 2247.86 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 15.20
TOTAL 2263.06 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 326.45
TOTAL 2589.51 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 279.19
TOTAL 2868.70 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 21.40
Cost of one soak pit 2890.10
Say 2890.10
19.34 Providing and fixing S.W. intercepting trap in manholes with stiff mixture of cement
mortar 1:1 (1 cement : 1 fine sand) including testing of joints etc. complete :
19.34.1 100 mm dia
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost of 10 nos.
7128 S.W. intercepting trap 100 mm dia each 10.000 200.00 2000.00
9977 Carriage of trap L.S. 10.400 2.27 23.61
0367 Portland Cement (OPC-43 grade) tonne 0.013 5156.00 67.03
2209 Carriage of Cement tonne 0.013 0.00 0.00
0983 Fine sand (zone IV) cum 0.010 980.00 9.80
2261 Carriage of Fine sand (1 part badarpur
sand : 2 parts jamuna sand) cum 0.010 0.00 0.00
1881 Spun yarn kilogram 0.900 61.00 54.90
19.36 Providing and laying Non Pressure NP-4 class (Heavy duty) R.C.C. pipes including collars/
spigot jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2 (1 cement : 2 fine
sand) including testing of joints etc. complete
19.36.1 450 mm dia RCC pipes.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail for 10 metre
1734 RCC pipe 450 mm dia NP-4 spigot metre 10.0 1870.00 18700.00
2299 Carriage of R.C.C. pipes 450 & 500 mm
dia 100 metre 0.10 0.00 0.00
0367 Portland Cement (OPC-43 grade) tonne 0.012 5156.00 61.87
2209 Carriage of Cement tonne 0.012 0.00 0.00
0983 Fine sand (zone IV) cum 0.017 980.00 16.66
2261 Carriage of Fine sand (1 part badarpur
sand : 2 parts jamuna sand) cum 0.017 0.00 0.00
0123 Mason 1st class day 0.375 897.00 336.38
0124 Mason 2nd class day 0.375 816.00 306.00
0114 Beldar day 2.41 736.00 1773.76
0101 Bhisti day 0.33 816.00 269.28
TOTAL 21463.95 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 214.64
TOTAL 21678.59 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 4611.04
TOTAL 26289.63 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 3943.44
TOTAL 30233.07 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 302.33
Detail of cost for 10 metre 30535.40
Rate per metre 3053.54
Say 3053.55
20.1 Providing, driving with hydraulic piling rigs with power units and installing driven cast-in-
situ reinforced cement concrete piles of grade M-25 of specified diameter and length below
the pile cap, to carry safe working load not less than specified, excluding the cost of steel
reinforcement but including the cost of shoe and the length of pile to be embedded in the pile
cap etc. all complete. (Length of pile for payment shall be measured from top of shoe to the
bottom of pile cap) :
20.1.1 400 mm dia piles
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 20 m length of pile
Concrete -3.14/4x0.40²x20 = 2.51 cum Rate as per item no of SH : RCC
Work cum 2.51 9504.75 23856.92 A
9999 Sundries L.S. 175.00 2.27 397.25
7181 C.I. pile shoe of 80 kg per pile @ 80 kg per
pile kilogram 80.00 52.00 4160.00
7182 M.S. clamps for pile shoe of 35 kg per pile kilogram 35.00 45.00 1575.00
0024 Hire and running charges of hydraulic piling
rig with power unit etc. including complete
accessories and shifting at site. day 0.36 39500.00 14220.00
0025 Hire and running charges of light crane. day 0.06 3900.00 234.00
Work supervisor
0130 Mistry day 0.08 897.00 71.76
0114 Beldar day 2.00 736.00 1472.00
TOTAL 45986.93 W
Add 1% water charges on “W -A” 221.30
TOTAL 46208.23 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 4754.12
TOTAL 50962.35 Y
Add 15% CP & OH on “Y-A” 4065.81
TOTAL 55028.16 Z
Add 1% cess on “Z -A” 311.71
Cost of 20 m pile 55339.87
Cost for 1 m pile 2766.99
Say 2767.00
20.2 Boring, providing and installation bored cast-in-situ reinforced cement concrete piles of grade
M-25 of specified diameter and length below the pile cap, to carry a safe working load not less
than specified, excluding the cost of steel reinforcement but including the cost of boring with
bentonite solution and temporary casing of appropriate length for setting out and removal of
same and the length of the pile to be embedded in the pile cap etc. by percussion drilling using
Direct mud circulation (DMC) or Bailer and chisel technique by tripod and mechanical Winch
Machine all complete, including removal of excavated earth with all its lifts and leads (length
of pile for payment shall be measured up to bottom of pile cap).
Note: Truck Mounted rotary/TMR/Tubewell boring machine shall not be used .
20.2.1 450 mm dia piles
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 20 m length of pile
Concrete 3.14/4x0.45²x20 = 3.18 cum Rate as per item no of SH : RCC
Work cum 3.18 9504.75 30225.11 A
7183 Bentonite tonne 0.25 3050.00 762.50
9999 Sundries L.S. 65.00 2.27 147.55
0015 Hire and running charges of Tripod and
Mechanical Winch machine complete with
power unit and accessories day 0.94 3350.00 3149.00
0025 Hire and running charges of light crane. day 0.06 3900.00 234.00
0026 Hire and running charges of bentonite
pump. day 0.38 3350.00 1273.00
0018 Hire and running charges of loader day 0.30 6700.00 2010.00
0017 Hire and running charges of tipper day 0.30 4200.00 1260.00
Work supervisor
0130 Mistry day 0.12 897.00 107.64
0114 Beldar day 2.50 736.00 1840.00
Total 41008.80 W
Add 1% water charges on “W -A” 107.84
TOTAL 41116.64 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 2316.63
TOTAL 43433.27 Y
Add 15% CP & OH on “Y-A” 1981.22
TOTAL 45414.49 Z
Add 1% cess on “Z -A” 151.89
Cost of 20 m pile 45566.38
Cost for 1 m pile 2278.32
Say 2278.30
20.2A Boring, providing and installation bored cast-in-situ reinforced cement concrete piles of garde
M-25 of specified diameter and length below pile cap, to carry a safe working load not less
than specified, excluding the cost of steel reinforcement but including the cost of boring with
bentonite solution and temporary casing of appropriate length for setting out and removal
of same and the length of the pile to be embedded in the pile cap etc. by Crawler mounted,
telescopic boom hydraulic pilling Rig all complete, including removal of excavated earth with
all its lifts and leads (length of pile for payment shall be measured up to bottom of pile cap).
Note: Truck Mounted rotary/TMR/Tube well boring machine shall not be used.
20.2A.1 600 mm dia piles
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 20 m length of pile
Concrete 3.14/4x0.60²x20 = 5.65 cum Rate as per item no of SH : RCC
Work cum 5.65 9504.75 53701.84 A
7183 Bentonite tonne 0.33 3050.00 1006.50
9999 Sundries L.S. 110.00 2.27 249.70
0024 Hire and running charges of hydraulic piling
rig with power unit etc. including complete
accessories and shifting at site. day 0.75 39500.00 29625.00
0025 Hire and running charges of light crane. day 0.06 3900.00 234.00
0026 Hire and running charges of bentonite
pump. day 0.38 3350.00 1273.00
0018 Hire and running charges of loader day 0.30 6700.00 2010.00
0017 Hire and running charges of tipper day 0.30 4200.00 1260.00
Work supervisor
0130 Mistry day 0.12 897.00 107.64
0114 Beldar day 3.00 736.00 2208.00
Total 91675.68 W
Add 1% water charges on “W -A” 379.74
TOTAL 92055.42 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 8157.81
TOTAL 100213.23 Y
Add 15% CP & OH on “Y-A” 6976.71
TOTAL 107189.94 Z
Add 1% cess on “Z -A” 534.88
Cost of 20 m pile 107724.82
Cost for 1 m pile 5386.24
Say 5386.25
20.3 Boring with hydraulic piling rigs with power units, providing and installing cast in situ single
under reamed piles of specified diameter and length below pile cap in M-25 cement concrete, to
carry a safe working load not less than specified, excluding the cost of steel reinforcement but
including the cost of boring with bentonite solution and the length of the pile to be embedded
in pile cap etc. all complete. (Length of pile for payment shall be measured upto to the bottom
of pile cap) :
20.3.1 300 mm dia piles
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 metres
Stem -3.14/4x(0.30)²x9.625 = 0.680 cum,
Bulb -3.14/4x(0.75)²x0.075 = 0.033 cum,
2x 3.14/4x(0.525)²x0.150 = 0.065 cum,
Total =0.778 cum Rate as per item no of SH : RCC
Work cum 0.778 9504.75 7394.70 A
7183 Bentonite tonne 0.08 3050.00 244.00
20.4 Extra over single under ream for providing additional bulbs in under reamed piles, under
specified diameter(only the nos. of extra bulbs are to be paid)
20.4.1 300 mm dia piles
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 bulb.
Bulb - 0.033 cum Rate as per item no of SH : RCC
Work cum 0.033 9504.75 313.66 A
7183 Bentonite tonne 0.003 3050.00 9.15
0024 Hire and running charges of hydraulic piling
rig with power unit etc. including complete
accessories and shifting at site. day 0.02 39500.00 790.00
0025 Hire and running charges of light crane. day 0.01 3900.00 39.00
20.5 Providing, driving (with vibrating pile driving hammer complete with power units & accessories)
and installing driven Pre-cast reinforced cement concrete piles of specified diameter and
length below the pile cap in M-25 cement concrete to carry safe working load not less than
specified with a central through preformed hole with M.S. black pipe of dia, 40 mm for grouting
with cement sand grouting of mix 1:2 (1cement : 2 coarse sand) under sufficient positive
pressure to ensure complete filling including centring, shuttering, driving and removing the
steel casing pipe and lifting casing etc. complete but excluding the cost of steel reinforcement.
(Length of pile for payment shall be measured from top of the shoe to the bottom of pile cap).
20.5.1 400 mm dia piles
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 20 m length of pile
Concrete -3.14/4x(0.40)²x20 = 2.51 cum Rate as per item no of SH : RCC
Work cum 2.51 9504.75 23856.92 A
5.19 Add Rate as per item no 5.19 of SH : RCC cum 2.51 16089.40 40384.39 A
5.1.3 Deduct Rate as per item no 5.1.3 SH : RCC cum -2.51 8583.40 -21544.33 A
Cement mortar 1:2 for grout
3.7 Rate as per Item Number 3.7 of SH: Mortars cum 0.025 5584.50 139.61
9999 Sundries L.S. 442.00 2.27 1003.34
7181 C.I. pile shoe of 80 kg per pile kilogram 80.00 52.00 4160.00
7182 M.S. clamps for pile shoe of 35 kg per pile kilogram 35.00 45.00 1575.00
0027 Hire and running charges of vibrating pile
driving hammer complete with power unit
and accessories day 0.38 33500.00 12730.00
0028 Hire and running charges of crane 20 tonne
capacity. day 0.06 7850.00 471.00
Work supervisor
0130 Mistry day 0.12 897.00 107.64
0114 Beldar day 3.00 736.00 2208.00
Total 65091.57 W
Add 1% water charges on “W -A” 223.95
TOTAL 65315.52 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 4810.96
TOTAL 70126.48 Y
Add 15% CP & OH on “Y-A” 4114.43
20.6 Vertical load testing of piles in accordance with IS 2911 (Part IV) including installation of loading
platform by Kentledge/Anchor piles method and preparation of pile head or construction of
test cap and dismantling of test cap after test etc. complete as per specification & the direction
of Engineer in-charge.
20.6.1 Single pile upto 50 tonne Safe capacity Initial test (Test Load 2.5 times the Safe capacity)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 test
7246 Verticle load testing (INITIAL) of piles
in accordance with IS : 2911 (Part-IV)
including installation of loading platform
and prepration of pile head or construction
of test cap and dismantling of test cap after
test etc. complete as per specification and
upto 50MT capacity pile. per test 1.00 38500.00 38500.00 Routine test (Test Load 1.5 times the Safe capacity)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 test
7249 Cyclic verticle load testing of piles in
accordance with IS : 2911 (Part-IV)
including prepration of pile head etc. for
Single pile upto 50 tonne capacity per test 1.00 13800.00 13800.00
TOTAL 13800.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 138.00
TOTAL 13938.00 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 2964.61
TOTAL 16902.61 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 2535.39
TOTAL 19438.00 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 194.38
Cost per test 19632.38
Say 19632.40
20.6.2 Single pile above 50 tonne and upto 100 tonne Safe capacity Initial test (Test Load 2.5 times the Safe capacity)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 test
7247 Verticle load testing (INITIAL) of piles
in accordance with IS : 2911 (Part-IV)
including installation of loading platform
and prepration of pile head or construction
of test cap and dismantling of test cap after
test etc. complete as per specification &
above 50MT and upto 100MT. per test 1.00 43000.00 43000.00
TOTAL 43000.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 430.00
TOTAL 43430.00 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 9237.56
TOTAL 52667.56 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 7900.13
TOTAL 60567.69 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 605.68
Cost per test 61173.37
Say 61173.35 Routine test (Test Load 1.5 times the Safe capacity)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 test
7251 Cyclic verticle load testing of piles in
accordance with IS : 2911 (Part-IV)
including prepration of pile head etc. for
Group of two piles upto 50 tonne capacity
each per test 1.00 28500.00 28500.00
TOTAL 28500.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 285.00
TOTAL 28785.00 X
20.7 Cyclic vertical load testing of pile in accordance with IS Code of practice IS:2911 (part IV) by
Kentledge method including preparation of pile head etc for.
20.7.1 Single pile Upto 50 tonne Safe capacity pile
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 test
7249 Cyclic verticle load testing of piles in
accordance with IS : 2911 (Part-IV)
including prepration of pile head etc. for
Single pile upto 50 tonne capacity per test 1.00 13800.00 13800.00
TOTAL 13800.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 138.00
TOTAL 13938.00 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 2964.61
TOTAL 16902.61 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 2535.39
TOTAL 19438.00 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 194.38
Cost per test 19632.38
Say 19632.40 Above 50 tonne and upto 100 tonne Safe capacity pile
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 test
7250 Cyclic verticle load testing of piles in
accordance with IS : 2911 (Part-IV)
including prepration of pile head etc. for
Single pile above 50 tonne capacity pile and
upto 100 tonne capacity pile per test 1.00 22800.00 22800.00
TOTAL 22800.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 228.00
TOTAL 23028.00 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 4898.06
TOTAL 27926.06 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 4188.91
TOTAL 32114.97 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 321.15
Cost per test 32436.12
Say 32436.10
20.8 Lateral load testing of single pile in accordance with IS Code of practice IS : 2911 (Part IV) for
determining safe allowable lateral load on pile :
20.8.1 Upto 50 tonne capacity pile
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 test
7252 Lateral load testing of single pile in
accordance with IS : 2911 part -IV for
determining safe allowable lateral load on
pile. Upto 50 tonne capacity per test 1.00 13800.00 13800.00
TOTAL 13800.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 138.00
TOTAL 13938.00 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 2964.61
TOTAL 16902.61 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 2535.39
TOTAL 19438.00 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 194.38
Cost per test 19632.38
Say 19632.40
20.9 Integrity testing of Pile using Low Strain/ Sonic Integrity Test/ Sonic Echo Test method in
accordance with IS 14893 including surface preparation of pile top by removing soil, mud,
dust & chipping lean concrete lumps etc. and use of computerised equipment and high skill
trained personal for conducting the test & submission of results, all complete as per direction
of Engineer-in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for one pit test (Ten pits in
one day)
0081 Pile Integrity testing equipment day 0.10 3350.00 335.00
0160 Technician day 0.10 973.00 97.30
0161 Helper (Technician) day 0.10 736.00 73.60
9999 Reporting charges L.S. 100.67 2.27 228.52
9977 Transportation and consumables etc. L.S. 33.56 2.27 76.18
TOTAL 810.60 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 8.11
TOTAL 818.71 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 174.14
TOTAL 992.85 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 148.93
TOTAL 1141.78 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 11.42
Cost per test 1153.20
Say 1153.20
21.1 Providing and fixing aluminium work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions with
extruded built up standard tubular sections/ appropriate Z sections and other sections of
approved make conforming to IS: 733 and IS: 1285, fixing with dash fasteners of required dia
and size, including necessary filling up the gaps at junctions, i.e. at top, bottom and sides with
required EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free,
straight, mitred and jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminium
snap beading for glazing / paneling, C.P. brass / stainless steel screws, all complete as per
architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-in-charge. (Glazing, paneling and dash
fasteners to be paid for separately) :
21.1.1 For fixed portion Anodised aluminium (anodised transparent or dyed to required shade according to IS: 1868,
Minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 40.02 kg
(i) External member of the frame (Jindal section
no 4605)
V = 2x2.40 = 4.80 m
H = 2x3x0.95 = 5.70 m
= 10.50 m @ 1.653 kg/m = 17.36 kg
(ii) Internal member of the frame (Jindal section
no 4604)
V = 2x2.40 = 4.80 m
H = 1x3x0.95 = 2.85 m
= 7.65 m @ 1.692 kg/m = 12.94 kg
(iii) Aluminium snap beading on both side (Jin-
dal section no 4407)
2x6x2 (1.14+0.95) = 50.16 m
Snap beading = 50.16 m @ 0.176 kg/m = 8.33
(iv) Angle cleat 38x38x4.8 mm 50 mm long
18x0.05 = 0.900 m @ 0.985 kg/m = 0.89 kg
Sub total =40.02 kg
Add 5% wastage = 2.00 kg
Total = 42.02 kg
7306 Aluminium T or L sections kilogram 42.02 198.00 8319.96
(v) C.P. brass /stainless steel screws 20 mm for
cleat angle 18x4 = 72 Nos
0589 Chromium plated Brass screws 20 mm 100 Nos 0.72 152.00 109.44
7389 Anodising 15 microns on aluminium sections kilogram 42.02 42.00 1764.84
9977 Carriage of material L.S. 52.00 2.27 118.04
For fabrication of frame
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 2.00 897.00 1794.00
0139 Skilled Beldar (for floor rubbing etc.) day 1.00 816.00 816.00
0114 Beldar day 1.00 736.00 736.00
0100 Bandhani day 0.05 816.00 40.80
9999 Labour for drilling holes, hire charges of drill,
electricity charges, carriage of dash hold fast-
ners and sundries L.S. 100.00 2.27 227.00
TOTAL 13926.08 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 139.26
TOTAL 14065.34 X Polyester powder coated aluminium (minimum thickness of polyester powder coating 50
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 40.02 kg
(i) External member of the frame (Jindal section
no 4605)
V = 2x2.40 = 4.80 m
H = 2x3x0.95 = 5.70 m
= 10.50 m @ 1.653 kg/m = 17.36 kg
(ii) Internal member of the frame (Jindal section
no 4604)
V = 2x2.40 = 4.80 m
H = 1x3x0.95 = 2.85 m
= 7.65 m @ 1.692 kg/m = 12.94 kg
(iii) Aluminium snap beading on both side (Jin-
dal section no 4407)
2x6x2 (1.14+0.95) = 50.16 m
Snap beading = 50.16 m @ 0.176 kg/m = 8.33
(iv) Angle cleat 38x38x4.8 mm 50 mm long
18x0.05 = 0.900 m @ 0.985 kg/m = 0.89 kg
Sub total =40.02 kg
Add 5% wastage = 2.00 kg
Total = 42.02 kg
7306 Aluminium T or L sections kilogram 42.02 198.00 8319.96
(v) C.P. brass /stainless steel screws 20 mm for
cleat angle 18x4 = 72 Nos
0589 Chromium plated Brass screws 20 mm 100 Nos 0.72 152.00 109.44
7393 Polyester powder coating 50 microns on alumin-
ium sections kilogram 42.02 72.00 3025.44
9977 Carriage of material L.S. 52.00 2.27 118.04
For fabrication of frame
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 2.00 897.00 1794.00
0139 Skilled Beldar (for floor rubbing etc.) day 1.00 816.00 816.00
0114 Beldar day 1.00 736.00 736.00
0100 Bandhani day 0.05 816.00 40.80
9999 Labour for drilling holes, hire charges of drill,
electricity charges, carriage of dash hold fast-
ners and sundries L.S. 100.00 2.27 227.00
21.1.2 For shutters of doors, windows & ventilators including providing and fixing hinges/ pivots
and making provision for fixing of fittings wherever required including the cost of EPDM
rubber / neoprene gasket required (Fittings shall be paid for separately) Anodised aluminium (anodised transparent or dyed to required shade according to IS: 1868,
Minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 20.62 kg
(i) Hanging style (Jindal section no 4524)
1x2.35 = 2.35 m @ 2.53 kg/m = 5.95 kg
(ii) Meeting style (Jindal section no 4526)
1x2.35 = 2.35 m @ 2.465 kg/m = 5.79 kg
(iii) Top & bottom rail (Jindal section no 4510)
2x0.75 = 1.50 m @ 2.48 kg/m = 3.72 kg
(iv) Lock rail (Jindal section no 4524)
1x0.75 = 0.75 m @ 2.53 kg/m = 1.90 kg
(v) Glazing plate (Jindal section no 440) on one
side of lock rail
1x0.75 = 0.75 m @ 0.459 kg/m = 0.34 kg
(vi) Aluminium snap beading (Jindal section no
4497) on both side
2x2 (0.75+1.26) = 8.04 m
2x2 (0.75+0.81) = 6.24 m
= 14.28 m @ 0.176 kg/m = 2.51 kg
(vii) Aluminium angle cleat 38x38x4.8 mm 35
mm long
3x4x0.035 = 0.42 m @ 0.985 kg/m = 0.41 kg
Sub total = 20.62 kg
Add 5% wastage = 1.03 kg
Total = 21.65 kg
7306 Aluminium T or L sections kilogram 21.65 198.00 4286.70
0689 Anodised Aluminium butt hinges 100x75x4 mm 10 Nos 0.40 410.00 164.00
(ix) C.P. brass /stainless steel screws 20 mm
For cleat 12x4 = 48
For Hinges 4x8 = 32
For glazing plate @ 15 cm centre to centre in 75
cm length 2x6 = 12
Total = 92 Nos Polyester powder coated aluminium (minimum thickness of polyester powder coating 50
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 20.62 kg
(i) Hanging style (Jindal section no 4524)
1x2.35 = 2.35 m @ 2.53 kg/m = 5.95 kg
(ii) Meeting style (Jindal section no 4526)
21.2 Providing and fixing 12 mm thick prelaminated particle board flat pressed three layer or graded
wood particle board conforming to IS: 12823 Grade l Type ll, in panelling fixed in aluminum
doors, windows shutters and partition frames with C.P. brass / stainless steel screws etc.
complete as per architectural drawings and directions of engineer-in-charge.
21.2.1 Pre-laminated particle board with decorative lamination on one side and balancing lamination
on other side
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 7 sqm
12 mm thick particle board = 7.00 sqm
Add 5% wastage = 0.35 sqm
Total = 7.35 sqm
7477 Prelaminated particle board with one side
decorative and other side balancing lamination,
flat pressed 3 layer & graded (medium density)
Grade I, Type II conforming to IS : 12823 (exte-
rior grade) 12 mm thick sqm 7.35 550.00 4042.50
9977 Carriage of particle board L.S. 13.65 2.27 30.99
9999 Sundries & screws etc. L.S. 27.30 2.27 61.97
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 0.90 816.00 734.40
0114 Beldar day 1.00 736.00 736.00
TOTAL 5605.86 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 56.06
TOTAL 5661.92 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1204.29
TOTAL 6866.21 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 1029.93
TOTAL 7896.14 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 78.96
Cost for 7 sqm 7975.10
Cost for 1 sqm 1139.30
Say 1139.30
21.3 Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium door, window, ventilator shutters and partitions
etc. with EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the architectural drawings and
the directions of engineer-in-charge . (Cost of aluminium snap beading shall be paid in basic
21.3.1 With float glass panes of 4.0 mm thickness (weight not less than 10kg/sqm)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1.00 sqm
Float Glass panes 4.0 mm thick = 1.00 sqm
Add for wastage & breakage @ 10% = 0.10
Total =1.10 sqm
2406 Float glass sheet of nominal thickness 4 mm
(weight not less than 10kg/sqm). sqm 1.10 321.00 353.10
9977 Carriage of glass L.S. 2.42 2.27 5.49
7390 Neoprene/EPDM rubber gasket metre 6.00 16.00 96.00
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 0.23 816.00 187.68
0114 Beldar day 0.23 736.00 169.28
9988 Sundries and carriage of gasket L.S. 6.89 2.27 15.64
TOTAL 827.19 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 8.27
TOTAL 835.46 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 177.70
TOTAL 1013.16 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 151.97
TOTAL 1165.13 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 11.65
Cost for 1 sqm 1176.78
Say 1176.80
21.3.2 With float glass panes of 5 mm thickness (weight not less than 12.50 kg/sqm)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1.00 sqm
Glass panes 5.50 mm thick = 1.00 sqm
21.3.3 With float glass panes of 8 mm thickness (weight not less than 20 kg/sqm)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1.00 sqm
Float Glass panes 8.0 mm thick = 1.00 sqm
Add for wastage & breakage @ 10% = 0.10
Total =1.10 sqm
2408 Float glass sheet of nominal thickness 8 mm.(-
weight not less than 20.00 kg/sqm). sqm 1.10 641.00 705.10
9977 Carriage of glass L.S. 4.84 2.27 10.99
7390 Neoprene/EPDM rubber gasket metre 6.00 16.00 96.00
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 0.23 816.00 187.68
0114 Beldar day 0.23 736.00 169.28
9988 Sundries and carriage of gasket L.S. 6.89 2.27 15.64
TOTAL 1184.69 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 11.85
TOTAL 1196.54 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 254.50
TOTAL 1451.04 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 217.66
TOTAL 1668.70 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 16.69
Cost for 1 sqm 1685.39
Say 1685.40
21.5 Providing and fixing powder coated aluminium work (minimum thickness of powder coating
50 micron) consisting of tee/ angle sections, of approved make conforming to IS : 733 in
frames of false ceiling including aluminium angle cleats with necessary C.P. brass/ stainless
steel sunk screws, aluminium perimeter angles fixed to wall with stainless steel rawl plugs @
450 mm centre to centre and fixing the frame work to G.I. level adjusting hangers 6 mm dia.
with necessary cadmium plated machine screws all complete as per approved architectural
drawings and direction of the Engineer-in-charge (level adjusting hangers, ceiling cleats and
expansion hold fasteners to be paid for separately).
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 6.35 kg (2.40x2.40 = 5.76
(i) Aluminium main runner - assuming Tee of
size 35x23.5x1.5 mm @ 600 mm centre to
3x2.40 m = 7.20 m
Extra for light fittings
2x1.20 m = 2.40 m
Total= 9.60 m @ 0.247 kg/m = 2.370 kg
Aluminium cross runner - assuming Tee of size
35x23.5x1.5 mm @ 600 mm centre to centre
3x4x0.60 m = 7.20 m
(-) 2x0.30 = (-) 0.60 m
Total=6.60 m @ 0.247 kg/m = 1.630 kg
Perimeter angle aluminium - assuming size
25.4x25.4x1.63 mm @ 600 mm centre to centre
4x2.40 m = 9.60 m @ 0.213 kg/m = 2.045 kg
Aluminium angle- assuming size
25.4x25.4x1.63 mm
Extra for light fittings =3x2x2 = 12.00
Corner = 4.00
For joining runners = 42.00
Total = 58.00x0.025 = 1.45 m @ 0.213 kg/m =
0.309 kg
Sub total = 2.370 + 1.630 + 2.045 + 0.309
=6.354 kg
Add 5% wastage = 0.318 kg
Total = 6.672 kg
7306 Aluminium T or L sections kilogram 6.672 198.00 1321.06
(iii) C.P. brass/ stainless steel screws 20 mm for
angle cleats=2x58 =116 Nos
0589 Chromium plated Brass screws 20 mm 100 Nos 1.160 152.00 176.32
(iv) Rawl plug for fixing perimeter angles
7048 Rawl plug 50 mm (designation 10 no.) each 24.000 24.00 576.00
21.6 Providing and fixing 6 mm dia. G.I. level adjusting hangers (upto 1200mm length), fixed to roof
slabs by means of ceiling cleats made out of G.I. flat 40x3mm size 60 mm long and stainless
steel expandable dash fastener of 12.5 mm dia and 50 mm long, complete as per direction of
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 23 nos (hangers in 2.40 mx
2.40 m = 5.76 sqm)one number
6 mm dia G.I. adjustable hangers including clips
(upto 1.20 metre length).
For light fitting 2x4 = 8.00
For runners = 15.00
Total = 23.00
7395 6 mm dia. G.I. adjustable hangers including
clips (upto 1.2 m length) each 23.00 21.00 483.00
Ceiling cleats
G.I. flat 40X3 mm 60mm long
23x0.06 = 1.38 m @ 0.95kg/m = 1.31kg
Add 5% wastage = 0.07 kg
Total = 1.38 kg say 0.014 q
0992 Galvanised steel plain sheets quintal 0.014 6800.00 95.20
7388 Dash hold fastener 12.5 mm dia, 40 mm long
with 6 mm dia bolt each 23.00 10.00 230.00
9977 Carriage of materials L.S. 5.20 2.27 11.80
0111 Carpenter 1st class day 0.35 897.00 313.95
0114 Beldar day 0.27 736.00 198.72
TOTAL 1332.67 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 13.33
21.7 Providing and fixing machine moulded aluminium covering of approved pattern & design,
made out of machine cut aluminium sheet and machine holed for receiving dash fastener,
over expansion joints on vertical surfaces/ceiling floors, the fixing on plate in one row on one
side of joint only shall be done with stainless steel dash fasteners of 8 mm dia and 75 mm
long bolt including providing aluminium washers 2 mm thick & 15 mm dia , at a staggered
pitch of 200mm centre to centre including drilling holes in the receiving surface and providing
expandable plastic sleeves in holes etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
21.7.1 Anodised aluminium sheet 2.5mm thick (anodised transparent or dyed to required shade
according to IS: 1868, Minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 7.00 kg
Anodised aluminium sheet 2.5 mm thick, 170
mm wide
5.88 m x0.17 m = 1.00 sqm @ 7.00 kg/
sqm = 7.00 kg
Add 5% wastage = 0.35 kg
Total = 7.35 kg
2704 Aluminium Strip 40 mm wide and 2 mm thick kilogram 7.35 243.00 1786.05
7389 Anodising 15 microns on aluminium sections kilogram 7.35 42.00 308.70
7347 Cadmium plated full threaded steel screws
(30x4 mm dia.) 100 Nos 0.30 29.00 8.70
7348 Aluminium washer 2 mm thick 15 mm dia 100 Nos 0.30 11.00 3.30
8776 Stainless steel dash fastener of 8 mm dia and
75 mm long bolt each 30.00 19.00 570.00
9977 Carriage of materials L.S. 6.50 2.27 14.76
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 0.392 816.00 319.87
0114 Beldar day 0.392 736.00 288.51
9999 Sundries including machine work L.S. 21.45 2.27 48.69
TOTAL 3348.58 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 33.49
TOTAL 3382.07 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 719.37
TOTAL 4101.44 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 615.22
TOTAL 4716.66 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 47.17
Cost for 7.00 kg 4763.83
Cost for 1 kg 680.55
Say 680.55
21.8 Filling the gap in between aluminium frame & adjacent RCC/ Brick/ Stone work by providing
weather silicon sealant over backer rod of approved quality as per architectural drawings and
direction of Engineer-in-charge complete.
21.8.1 Upto 5mm depth and 5 mm width
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 metre
8646 Silicon sealant cartridge 0.087 125.00 10.88
(i/c 5% wastage)
8654 Masking tape metre 2.00 2.00 4.00
9999 Sundries & profile L.S. 2.60 2.27 5.90
9999 LABOUR L.S. 20.80 2.27 47.22
TOTAL 68.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 0.68
TOTAL 68.68 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 14.61
21.9 Extra for applying additional anodic coating AC 25 instead of AC 15 to aluminium extruded
21.9.1 For fixed portion
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 41.09 kg
Difference in cost of
7391 Anodising 25 microns on aluminium sections kilogram 41.09 51.00 2095.59
7389 Anodising 15 microns on aluminium sections kilogram -41.09 42.00 -1725.78
TOTAL 369.81 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 3.70
TOTAL 373.51 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 79.45
TOTAL 452.96 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 67.94
TOTAL 520.90 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.21
Cost for 41.09 kg 526.11
Cost for 1 kg 12.80
Say 12.80
21.10 Providing and fixing double glazed hermetically sealed glazing in aluminium windows,
ventilators and partition etc. with 6 mm thick clear float glass both side, having 12 mm air gap,
including providing EPDM gasket, perforated aluminium spacers, desiccants, sealant (Both
primary and secondary sealant) etc. as per specifications, drawings and direction of Engineer-
in-charge complete.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1.00 sqm
21.11 Providing and fixing stainless steel (SS 304 grade) adjustable friction windows stays of
approved quality with necessary stainless steel screws etc. to the side hung windows as per
direction of Engineer-in-charge complete.
21.11.1 205 X 19 mm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 nos.
8649 Stainless steel (SS 304 grade) adjustable fric-
tion window stay 205 x 19 mm each 10.00 218.00 2180.00
8647 Stainless steel screws 30 mm x4 mm 100 nos 0.40 42.00 16.80
9977 CARRIAGE L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 0.14 816.00 114.24
0114 Beldar day 0.14 736.00 103.04
TOTAL 2420.28 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 24.20
TOTAL 2444.48 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 519.94
TOTAL 2964.42 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 444.66
TOTAL 3409.08 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 34.09
Cost for 10 nos 3443.17
Cost for each 344.32
Say 344.30
21.11.3 355 X 19 mm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 nos.
8651 Stainless steel (SS 304 grade) adjustable fric-
tion window stay 355 x 19 mm each 10.00 205.00 2050.00
8647 Stainless steel screws 30 mm x4 mm 100 nos 0.40 42.00 16.80
9977 CARRIAGE L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 0.14 816.00 114.24
0114 Beldar day 0.14 736.00 103.04
TOTAL 2290.28 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 22.90
TOTAL 2313.18 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 492.01
TOTAL 2805.19 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 420.78
TOTAL 3225.97 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 32.26
Cost for 10 nos 3258.23
Cost for each 325.82
Say 325.80
21.11.4 510 X 19 mm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 nos.
8652 Stainless steel (SS 304 grade) adjustable fric-
tion window stay 510 x 19 mm each 10.00 540.00 5400.00
8647 Stainless steel screws 30 mm x4 mm 100 nos 0.40 42.00 16.80
9977 CARRIAGE L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
21.11.5 710 X 19 mm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 nos.
8653 Stainless steel (SS 304 grade) adjustable fric-
tion window stay 710 x 19 mm each 10.00 1015.00 10150.00
8647 Stainless steel screws 30 mm x4 mm 100 nos 0.40 42.00 16.80
9977 CARRIAGE L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 0.14 816.00 114.24
0114 Beldar day 0.14 736.00 103.04
TOTAL 10390.28 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 103.90
TOTAL 10494.18 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 2232.11
TOTAL 12726.29 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 1908.94
TOTAL 14635.23 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 146.35
Cost for 10 nos 14781.58
Cost for each 1478.16
Say 1478.15
21.12 Providing and fixing aluminium tubular handle bar 32 mm outer dia, 3.0 mm thick & 2100 mm
long with SS screws etc .complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
21.12.1 Anodized (AC 15 ) aluminium tubular handle bar
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 nos handle bar.
10x22/7 x 1/4 (0.032x0.032 - 0.026 x 0.026) x
2.10 = 0.0057 cum
0.0057 cum @ 2710 kg/ cum = 15.56kg
Add 5% wastage 0.78 kg
Total = 16.34 kg
7306 Aluminium T or L sections kilogram 16.34 198.00 3235.32
7389 Anodising 15 microns on aluminium sections kilogram 16.34 42.00 686.28
9977 Carriage of material L.S. 4.42 2.27 10.03
8647 Stainless steel screws 30 mm x4 mm 100 nos 0.08 42.00 3.36
21.12.2 Powder coated minimum thickness 50 micron aluminium tubular handle bar
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 nos handle bar.
10x22/7 x 1/4 (0.032x0.032 - 0.026 x0.026) x
2.10 = 0.0057 cum
0.0057 cum @ 2710 kg/ cum = 15.56kg
Add 5% wastage 0.78 kg
Total = 16.34 kg
7306 Aluminium T or L sections kilogram 16.34 198.00 3235.32
7392 Powder coating 50 microns on aluminium sec-
tions kilogram 16.34 66.00 1078.44
9977 Carriage of material L.S. 4.42 2.27 10.03
8647 Stainless steel screws 30 mm x4 mm 100 nos 0.08 42.00 3.36
0111 Carpenter 1st class day 0.125 897.00 112.13
TOTAL 4439.28 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 44.39
TOTAL 4483.67 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 953.68
TOTAL 5437.35 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 815.60
TOTAL 6252.95 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 62.53
Cost of 10 nos 6315.48
Cost of 1 no 631.55
Say 631.55
21.12.3 Polyester powder coated minimum thickness 50 micron aluminium tubular handle bar
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 nos handle bar.
10x22/7 x 1/4 (0.032x0.032 -0.026 x 0.026) x
2.10 = 0.0057 cum
0.0057 cum @ 2710 kg/ cum = 15.56kg
Add 5% wastage 0.78 kg
Total = 16.34 kg
7306 Aluminium T or L sections kilogram 16.34 198.00 3235.32
21.13 Providing and fixing Brass 100mm mortice latch and lock with 6 levers without pair of handles
(best make of approved quality) for aluminium doors including necessary cutting and making
good etc. complete.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 1 nos.
7001 Brass 100mm mortice latch and lock with 6
levers without pair of handles each 1.00 211.00 211.00
0111 Carpenter 1st class day 0.17 897.00 152.49
9999 Sundry and screws L.S. 3.64 2.27 8.26
TOTAL 371.75 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 3.72
TOTAL 375.47 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 79.86
TOTAL 455.33 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 68.30
TOTAL 523.63 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.24
Cost of 1 no 528.87
Say 528.85
21.14 Providing and fixing anodised aluminium (anodised transparent or dyed to required shade
according to IS: 1868. Minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15) sub frame work for windows
and ventilators with extruded built up standard tubular sections of approved make conforming
to IS: 733 and IS: 1285, fixed with dash fastener of required dia and size (Dash fastener to be
paid for separately).
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 4.082kg
Aluminium Section
(i) External member of the frame (Jindal section
no TU/ 3644)
V = 2x2.00 = 4.00 m
H = 2x1.20 = 2.40 m
21.15 Providing and fixing aluminium casement windows fastener of required length for
aluminium windows with necessary screws etc. complete.
21.15.1 Anodized (AC 15) aluminium
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 nos.
8660 Aluminium casement window fastener (Ano-
dised AC 15) each 10.00 55.00 550.00
8666 Stainless steel screws 25 mm x4 mm 100 Nos 0.40 46.00 18.40
0111 Carpenter 1st class day 0.06 897.00 53.82
9977 Carriage of materials L.S. 2.73 2.27 6.20
TOTAL 628.42 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 6.28
TOTAL 634.70 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 135.00
TOTAL 769.70 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 115.46
TOTAL 885.16 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 8.85
Cost of 10 nos 894.01
Cost of 1 nos 89.40
Say 89.40
21.16 Providing and fixing aluminium round shape handle of outer dia 100 mm with SS screws etc.
complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge
21.16.1 Anodized (AC 15 ) aluminium
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 nos.
8663 Aluminium round shape handle (anodised AC
15) outer dia 100mm each 10.00 68.00 680.00
8666 Stainless steel screws 25 mm x4 mm 100 Nos 0.40 46.00 18.40
21.17 Providing and fixing anodised aluminium grill (anodised transparent or dyed to required
shade according to IS: 1868 with minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15) of approved design/
pattern, with approved standard section and fixed to the existing window frame with C.P. brass/
stainless steel screws @ 200 mm centre to centre, including cutting the grill to proper opening
size for fixing and operation of handles and fixing approved anodised aluminium standard
section around the opening, all complete as per requirement and direction of Engineer-in-
charge. (Only weight of grill to be measured for payment).
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10.00 kg
Anodised aluminium grill = 10.00 kg
Add 20% wastage = 2 kg = 12 kg
8774 Aluminium Grill kg 12.00 294.00 3528.00
9977 Carriage of materials L.S. 11.00 2.27 24.97
for fixing
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.50 897.00 448.50
0139 Skilled Beldar (for floor rubbing etc.) day 0.25 816.00 204.00
0114 Beldar day 0.25 736.00 184.00
0100 Bandhani day 0.05 816.00 40.80
9999 Sundries L.S. 25.00 2.27 56.75
TOTAL 4487.02 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 44.87
TOTAL 4531.89 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 963.93
TOTAL 5495.82 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 824.37
TOTAL 6320.19 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 63.20
Cost for 10.00 kg 6383.39
Cost for 1 kg 638.34
Say 638.35
21.18 Providing and fixing 12 mm thick frameless toughened glass door shutter of approved brand
and manufacture, including providing and fixing top & bottom pivot & double acting hydraulic
floor spring type fixing arrangement and making necessary holes etc. for fixing required door
fittings, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge (Door handle, lock and stopper
etc.to be paid separately).
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 2.10 sqm
Glass= 2.10 Sqm.
Add Wastage @ 10% = 0.21 sqm.
Total= 2.31 sqm.
8778 Toughened glass 12 mm thickness sqm 2.31 1925.00 4446.75
9977 Carriage of glass panes and other materials L.S. 8.19 2.27 18.59
9999 Methylated spirit L.S. 5.33 2.27 12.10
Stainless steel pivot and double acting hydraulic
floor spring type fixing
21.19 Filling the gap in between aluminium/ stone/ wood frame and adjacent RCC/Brick/ Stone/
wood/ Ceramic/ Gypsum work by providing weather/structural non sag elastomeric PU sealant
over backer rod of approved quality as per architectural drawings and direction of Engineer-
in-charge complete, complying to ASTM C920, DIN 18540-F & ISO 11600
21.19.1 Upto 5 mm depth and 5 mm width
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10m length width 5mm &
depth 5mm
2604 Weather/structural non sag elastomeric PU
sealant (600ml Sausage) for joints in RCC/
Brick/ Stone/ wood/ Ceramic/ Gypsum/Allumini-
um work complying to ASTM C920, DIN 18540-
F & ISO 11600 incl all taxes each 1.00 564.00 564.00
8654 Masking tape metre 20.00 2.00 40.00
9999 Sundries, including charges of Sealant gun
machine, dhoti etc L.S. 26.00 2.27 59.02
9977 Carriage of material L.S. 8.40 2.27 19.07
0123 Mason 1st class day 0.40 897.00 358.80
TOTAL 1040.89 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 10.41
TOTAL 1051.30 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 223.61
TOTAL 1274.91 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 191.24
TOTAL 1466.15 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 14.66
Cost of 10 metre 1480.81
Cost per metre 148.08
Say 148.10
22.1 Providing and laying integral cement based treatment for water proofing on horizontal surface
at all depth below ground level for under ground structures as directed by Engineer-in-Charge
and consisting of :
(i) Ist layer of 22 mm to 25 mm thick approved and specified rough stone slab over a 25 mm
thick base of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) including applying of twice ( at
base and top of mortar ) cement slurry @ 2.2kg/m2 (each time) mixed with water proofing
compound conforming to IS:2645 in the recommended proportion over the leveling course
(leveling course to be paid separately). Joints sealed and grouted with cement slurry mixed
with water proofing compound.
(ii) 2nd layer of 25 mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) mixed with water
proofing compound in recommended proportions.
(iii) Finishing top with stone aggregate of 10 mm to 12 mm nominal size spreading @ 8 cudm/
sqm thoroughly embedded in the 2nd layer.
22.1.1 Using rough kota stone.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10.00 sqm
Ist layer
Cement mortar 1:3 for fixing of stone 10x0.025
= 0.25 cum
3.8 Rate as per Item Number 3.8 of SH: MORTARS cum 0.250 4881.95 1220.49
Kota stone slab = 10 sqm
Wastage @ 10% = 1 sqm
Total = 11 sqm
1169 Kotastone slab 25mm thick (rough cheseled) sqm 11.000 280.00 3080.00
Cartage 11x0.025 @ 2330 kg/m3 = 0.64 t
2216 Carriage of Stone blocks white & red sand stone
& kota stone slab tonne 0.640 0.00 0.00
Cement mortar 1:3
10x0.025 = 0.25 cum
Wastage @ 12% = 0.03 cum
Total = 0.28 cum
3.8 Rate as per Item No.3.8 of SH: MORTARS cum 0.280 4881.95 1366.95
for slurry Bed
2x10.00 @ 2.20kg/m2 = 44.00 kg
4x3.7x0.02x0.025 = 0.0074 cum
25x0.56x0.02x0.025 = 0.0070 cum
Total= 0.0144 cum @ 1440 kg/cum=20.74 kg
Total = 64.74 kg or 0.065 tonne
0367 Portland Cement (OPC-43 grade) tonne 0.065 5156.00 335.14
2209 Carriage of Cement tonne 0.065 0.00 0.00
Mortar = 0.25 + 0.28 = 0.53 cum
Cement in 0.53 cum @ 5.1 q/cum = 2.7 quintal
Cement in slurry = 0.65 quintal
Total = 3.35 quintal =6.70 bags of 50 kg of
1213 Water proofing materials@0.10 kg per 50 kg of
cement used kilogram 0.670 45.00 30.15
0296 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 12.5 mm nomi-
nal size cum 0.080 1400.00 112.00
spreadig@ 8 cudm/sqm= 1x10x8x1/1000 = 0.08
2202 Carriage of Stone aggregate below 40 mm nom-
inal size cum 0.080 0.00 0.00
22.2 Providing and laying integral cement based treatment for water proofing on the vertical
surface by fixing specified stone slab 22 mm to 25 mm thick with cement slurry mixed with
water proofing compound conforming to IS:2645 in recommended proportions with a gap of
20 mm (minimum) between stone slabs and the receiving surfaces and filling the gaps with
neat cement slurry mixed with water proofing compound and finishing the exterior of stone
slab with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) 20 mm thick with neat cement punning
mixed with water proofing compound in recommended proportion complete at all levels and
as directed by Engineer-in-charge :
22.2.1 Using rough Kota stone
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10.00 sqm
Ist layer
Kota stone slab = 10 sqm
Wastage @ 10% = 1 sqm
Total = 11 sqm
1169 Kotastone slab 25mm thick (rough cheseled) sqm 11.00 280.00 3080.00
Cartage 11x0.025 @ 2330 kg/m3 = 0.64t
2216 Carriage of Stone blocks white & red sand stone
& kota stone slab tonne 0.64 0.00 0.00
Cement slurry for jointing
4x3.70 = 14.80 m
6x2.70 =16.20 m
total=31.00x0.025x0.012 = 0.0093 cum
Cement slurry for filling 20 mm gap
10x0.02 = 0.200 cum
= 0.2093 cum @ 1440 kg/cum = 301.39 kg or
0.301 tonne
0367 Portland Cement (OPC-43 grade) tonne 0.301 5156.00 1551.96
2209 Carriage of Cement tonne 0.301 0.00 0.00
22.3 Providing and laying water proofing treatment to vertical and horizontal surfaces of depressed
portions of W.C., kitchen and the like consisting of:
(i) Ist course of applying cement slurry @ 4.4 kg/sqm mixed with water proofing compound
conforming to IS 2645 in recommended proportions including rounding off junction of vertical
and horizontal surface.
(ii) IInd course of 20 mm cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) mixed with water
proofing compound in recommended proportion including rounding off junction of vertical
and horizontal surface.
(iii) IIIrd course of applying blown or residual bitumen applied hot at 1.7 kg. per sqm of area.
(iv) IVth course of 400 micron thick PVC sheet. (Overlaps at joints of PVC sheet should be 100
mm wide and pasted to each other with bitumen @ 1.7 kg/sqm).
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 sqm
Cement slurry @ 4.4 kg/sqm = 44.00 kg or 0.044 t
0367 Portland Cement (OPC-43 grade) tonne 0.044 5156.00 226.86
2209 Carriage of Cement tonne 0.044 0.00 0.00
Cement plaster 1:3 (20 mm thick)
3.8 Rate as per Item No.3.8 of SH: MORTARS cum 0.224 4881.95 1093.56
0155 Mason (average) day 0.940 857.00 805.58
0115 Coolie day 1.020 736.00 750.72
0101 Bhisti day 1.100 816.00 897.60
9999 Scafolding and sundries L.S. 12.610 2.27 28.62
Blown type petroleum bitumen of penetration
85/25 of approved quality tonne 0.018 38250.00 688.50
22.4 Providing and Placing in position suitable PVC water stops conforming to IS:12200 for
construction/ expansion joints between two RCC members and fixed to the reinforcement
with binding wire before pouring concrete etc. complete :
22.4.1 Serrated with central bulb (225 mm wide, 8-11 mm thick)
22.5 Providing and laying water proofing treatment in sunken portion of WCs, bathroom etc., by
applying cement slurry mixed with water proofing cement compound consisting of applying :
(a) First layer of slurry of cement @ 0.488 kg/sqm mixed with water proofing cement compound
@ 0.253 kg/ sqm. This layer will be allowed to air cure for 4 hours.
(b) Second layer of slurry of cement @ 0.242 kg/sqm mixed with water proofing cement
compound @ 0.126 kg/sqm. This layer will be allowed to air cure for 4 hours followed with
water curing for 48 hours.
The rate includes preparation of surface, treatment and sealing of all joints, corners, junctions
of pipes and masonry with polymer mixed slurry.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 sqm
Cement 10x(0.488+0.242) = 7.30 kg
Sealing fillets 10x0.5 kg / sqm = 5.00 kg
Total = 12.30 kg = 0.012 tonne
0367 Portland Cement (OPC-43 grade) tonne 0.012 5156.00 61.87
22.6 Providing and laying water proofing treatment on roofs of slabs by applying cement slurry
mixed with water proofing cement compound consisting of applying:
(a) after surface preparation, first layer of slurry of cement @ 0.488 kg/sqm mixed with water
proofing cement compound @ 0.253 kg/sqm.
(b) laying second layer of Fibre glass cloth when the first layer is still green. Overlaps of joints
of fibre cloth should not be less than 10 cm.
(c) third layer of 1.5 mm thickness consisting of slurry of cement @ 1.289 kg/sqm mixed with
water proofing cement compound @ 0.670 kg/sqm and coarse sand @ 1.289 kg/sqm. This will
be allowed to air cure for 4 hours followed by water curing for 48 hours. The entire treatment
will be taken upto 30 cm on parapet wall and tucked into groove in parapet all around.
(d) fourth and final layer of brick tiling with cement mortar (which will be paid for separately.
For the purpose of measurement the entire treated surface will be measured.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 sqm
Cement 10x(1.289+0.488) = 17.77 kg
Sealing fillets @ 10% = 1.77 kg
Total = 19.54kg = 0.020 tonne
0367 Portland Cement (OPC-43 grade) tonne 0.02 5156.00 103.12
2209 Carriage of Cement tonne 0.02 0.00 0.00
Bonding material 1.6 kgx30x2 = 96 kg
Bitumen (blown/residual type) 10x(0.253+0.67)
= 9.23 kg
Wastage @ 5% = 0.46 kg
Total = 9.69 kg
8501 Polymer modified cementation coating kilogram 9.69 170.00 1647.30
Fibre Glass cloth = 10.00 sqm
Wastage @ 10 % = 1.00 sqm
Total = 11.00 sqm
22.7 Providing and laying integral cement based water proofing treatment including preparation
of surface as required for treatment of roofs, balconies, terraces etc consisting of following
(a) Applying a slurry coat of neat cement using 2.75 kg/sqm of cement admixed with water
proofing compound conforming to IS. 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge over the
RCC slab including adjoining walls upto 300 mm height including cleaning the surface before
(b) Laying brick bats with mortar using broken bricks/brick bats 25 mm to 115 mm size with
50% of cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand) admixed with water proofing compound
conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge over 20 mm thick layer of
cement mortar of mix 1:5 (1 cement :5 coarse sand ) admixed with water proofing compound
conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge to required slope and treating
similarly the adjoining walls upto 300 mm height including rounding of junctions of walls and
(c) After two days of proper curing applying a second coat of cement slurry using 2.75 kg/ sqm
of cement admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by
(d) Finishing the surface with 20 mm thick jointless cement mortar of mix 1:4 (1 cement :4
coarse sand) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved
by Engineer-in-charge including laying glass fibre cloth of approved quality in top layer of
plaster and finally finishing the surface with trowel with neat cement slurry and making pattern
of 300x300 mm square 3 mm deep.
(e) The whole terrace so finished shall be flooded with water for a minimum period of two
weeks for curing and for final test.“All above operations to be done in order and as directed
and specified by the Engineer-in-Charge :
22.7.1 With average thickness of 120 mm and minimum thickness at khurra as 65 mm.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 100 sqm
i) Cement slury
0367 Portland Cement (OPC-43 grade) tonne 0.275 5156.00 1417.90
ii) Cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement: 5 coarsesand)
3.10 Rate as per Item No.3.10 of SH:Mortars cum 2.240 3850.75 8625.68
iii) Roof treatment with brick bat and cement
22.8 Providing and laying four courses water proofing treatment with bitumen felt over roofs
consisting of first and third courses of blown bitumen 85/25 or 90/15 conforming to IS : 702
applied hot @ 1.45 Kg per square metre of area for each course, second course of roofing felt
type 3 grade-I (hessian based self finished bitumen felt) and fourth and final course of stone
grit 6 mm and down size or pea sized gravel spread at 6 cubic decimeter per square metre,
including preparation of surface but excluding grading complete with :
22.9 Providing and laying six courses water proofing treatment with bitumen felt over roofs
consisting of first, third and fifth course of blown bitumen 85/25 or 90/15 conforming to IS
: 702 applied hot @ 1.45, 1.20 and 1.45 Kg per square metre of area respectively, second
and fourth courses of roofing felt type 3 grade I conforming to IS : 1322 (Hessian based self
finished bitumen felt) , sixth and final course of stone grit 6 mm and down size or pea sized
gravel spread at 6 cubic decimeter per sqm including preparation of surface but excluding
grading, complete.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 30 sqm
Blown or / and residual bitumen applied hot
0313 Blown type petroleum bitumen of penetration
85/25 of approved quality tonne 0.123 38250.00 4704.75
22.10 Providing and laying six courses water proofing treatment with bitumen felt over roofs
consisting of first, third and fifth courses of blown or / and residual bitumen applied hot at
1.45, 1.20 and 1.70 kg per square metre of area respectively, second and fourth courses of
roofing felt type 2 grade I (fibre base self finished bitumen felt) six and final courses of stone
grit 6 mm and down size or pea sized gravel spread at 6 cubic decimeter per sqm including
preparation of surface, excluding grading, compete.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 30 sqm
Blown bitumen applied hot
(1.45+1.20+1.70)x30 = 131 kg.
0313 Blown type petroleum bitumen of penetration
85/25 of approved quality tonne 0.131 38250.00 5010.75
Bitumen felt type B grade I (fibre base self
finished bitumen felt) = 60 sqm. + Add for over
lapping @ 10% = 6 sqm. Total =66 Sqm
0318 Bitumen felt fibre base (vegetable or animal):-
Type 2 grade 1 sqm 66.000 75.00 4950.00
2211 Carriage of Tar bitumen tonne 0.278 0.00 0.00
I/c Hession felt =(0.131 t+2.22x.001x66 =
22.11 Providing and laying six courses water proofing treatment with bitumen felt over roofs
consisting of first, third and fifth courses of blown or / and residual bitumen applied hot at
1.45, 1.20 and 1.70 kg per square metre of area respectively, second and fourth courses of
roofing felt type 2 grade II (glass fibre base self finished bitumen felt) and sixth and final
course of stone grit 6 mm and down size or pea sized gravel spread at 6 cubic decimeter per
sqm including preparation of surface but excluding grading, complete.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 30 sqm
Blown or / and residual bitumen applied hot
(1.45+1.20+1.70)x30 =131 kg.
0313 Blown type petroleum bitumen of penetration
85/25 of approved quality tonne 0.131 38250.00 5010.75
Bitumen felt as per IS 7193 Grade II (fibre base
self finished bitumen felt) = 60 sqm. + Add for
over lapping @ 10% = 6 sqm. Total =66 Sqm
0318 Bitumen felt fibre base (vegetable or animal):As
per IS 7193 Grade I sqm 66.000 75.00 4950.00
2211 Carriage of Tar bitumen tonne 0.334 0.00 0.00
I/c Hession felt= (0.131t+3.08x.001x66=334t.)
1177 Stone grit 6 mm and down size or pea sized
gravel cum 0.180 985.00 177.30
2202 Carriage of Stone aggregate below 40 mm nom-
inal size cum 0.180 0.00 0.00
Fuel (Steam coal) = 2 quintals/t of bitumen
22.12 Supplying and applying bituminous solution primer on roof and / or wall surface at 0.24 litre
per sqm.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 sq. metres
0316 Bitumen solution primer of approved quality litre 2.40 50.00 120.00
9977 CARRIAGE L.S. 1.43 2.27 3.25
0131 Painter day 0.17 816.00 138.72
0114 Beldar day 0.17 736.00 125.12
9999 Sundries brushes etc. L.S. 13.52 2.27 30.69
TOTAL 417.78 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 4.18
TOTAL 421.96 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 89.75
TOTAL 511.71 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 76.76
TOTAL 588.47 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.88
Cost of 10.00 Sqm. 594.35
Cost of 1.00 Sqm. 59.44
Say 59.45
22.13 Deduct for omitting in water proofing treatment final course of spreading stone grit 6 mm
down size or pea sized gravel :
22.13.1 at 6 cudm per sqm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 sqm.
Stone grit 6 mm and down size or pea sized
gravel cum 0.06 985.00 59.10
22.22 Providing and mixing integral crystalline admixture for water proofing treatment to RCC
structures like basement raft, retaining walls, reservior, sewage & water treatment plant,
tunnels / subway and bridge deck etc. at the time of transporting of concrete into the drum of
the ready-mix truck , using integral crystalline admixture @0.80% (minimum) to the weight of
cement content per cubic meter of concrete) or higher as recommended by the manufacturer’s
specification in reinforced cement concrete at site of work. The material shall meet the
requirements as specified in ACI-212-3R-2010 i.e. by reducing permeability of concrete by
more than 90%, compared with control concrete as per DIN 1048 and resistant to 16 bar
hydrostatic pressure. The crystalline admixture shall be capable of self-healing of cracks up
to a width of 0.50mm. The work shall be carried out all complete as per specification and the
direction of the Engineer-in-charge. The product performance shall carry guarantee for 10
years against any leakage.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 kg
0352 Integral crystalline admixture kg 1.00 253.00 253.00
9999 For measuring, making and mixing etc.. L.S. 5.80 2.27 13.17
9999 Sundries L.S. 1.15 2.27 2.61
9999 Carriage of material and tools cost etc.. L.S. 1.75 2.27 3.97
TOTAL 272.75 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 2.73
TOTAL 275.48 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 58.59
TOTAL 334.07 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 50.11
TOTAL 384.18 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 3.84
Cost for 1.00 Kg 388.02
Say 388.00
22.22A Providing and applying fibre reinforced elastomeric liquid water proofing membrane with
resilient acrylic polymers having Sun Reflectivity Index (SRI) of 105 on top of concrete roof in
three coats @10.76 litre/ 10 sqm. One coat of self-priming of elastomeric waterproofing liquid
(dilution with water in the ratio of 3:1) and two coats of undiluted elastomeric waterproofing
liquid (dry film thickness of complete application/system not less than 500 microns). The
operation shall be carried out after scrapping and properly cleaning the surface to remove
loose particles with wire brushes, complete in all respect as per the direction of Engineer-in-
22.23 Providing and applying integral crystalline slurry of hydrophilic in nature for waterproofing
treatment to the RCC structures like retaining walls of the basement, water tanks, roof slabs,
podiums, reservior, sewage & water treatment plant, tunnels / subway and bridge deck etc.,
prepared by mixing in the ratio of 5 : 2 (5 parts integral crystalline slurry : 2 parts water) for
vertical surfaces and 3 : 1 (3 parts integral crystalline slurry : 1 part water) for horizontal
surfaces and applying the same from negative (internal) side with the help of synthetic
fiber brush. The material shall meet the requirements as specified in ACI-212-3R-2010 i.e by
reducing permeability of concrete by more than 90% compared with control concrete as per
DIN 1048 and resistant to 16 bar hydrostatic pressure on negative side. The crystalline slurry
shall be capable of self-healing of cracks up to a width of 0.50mm. The work shall be carried
out all complete as per specification and the direction of the engineer-in-charge. The product
performance shall carry guarantee for 10 years against any leakage.
22.23.1 For vertical surface two coats @ 0.70 kg per sqm per coat
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 sqm
0351 Integral crystalline slurry kg 1.40 214.00 299.60
(2 x .70kg / sq.mtr. = 1.40kg)
9999 For application of waterproofing material L.S. 11.55 2.27 26.22
9999 Sundries L.S. 1.15 2.27 2.61
9999 Carriage of material and tools cost etc.. L.S. 1.75 2.27 3.97
TOTAL 332.40 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 3.32
TOTAL 335.72 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 71.41
TOTAL 407.13 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 61.07
22.23A Providing & Applying polymer modified, flexible cementatious negative side waterproofing
coating with elastic waterproofing polymers on interior wall plaster surface in three coats
@14.35 kg /10 sqm. one coat of self priming of cementatious waterproofing polymer(dilution
with water in the ratio of 1:1) and two coats of cementatious waterproofing polymer (dilution
with water in the ratio of 3:1 ) after scrapping and properly cleaning the surface to remove
pre-existing paint film & loose particles till plaster is visible, complete in all respect as per the
direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 Sqm
Cementitious water proofing coating with elastic
polymers kg 15.07 170.00 2561.90
14.35 kg + 0.72 (Add wastage 5%) = 15.07 litre
9977 Carriage of materials L.S. 1.56 2.27 3.54
0115 Coolie day 0.23 736.00 169.28
0131 Painter day 0.46 816.00 375.36
9999 Wire brush brushes, rollers etc. L.S. 7.15 2.27 16.23
9999 Sundries L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
TOTAL 3144.61 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 31.45
TOTAL 3176.06 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 675.55
TOTAL 3851.61 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 577.74
TOTAL 4429.35 Z
22.24 Providing and applying integral crystalline (dry shake) of hydrophilic in nature for
waterproofing treatment to the RCC structures like basement raft, foundation slab, sewage &
water treatment plant slab, warehouses floor, parking structures and water tank base slab etc.
sprinkled @0.60kg per sqm or higher as recommended by the manufacturer’s specification
over the lean concrete of above cited structures. The material shall meet the requirements
as specified in ACI-212-3R-2010 i.e. by reducing permeability of concrete by more than 85%,
compared control concrete as per DIN 1048 and resistant to 16 bar hydrostatic pressure on
negative side. The crystalline dry-shake shall be capable of self-healing of cracks up to a width
of 0.50mm. The work shall be carried out all complete as per specification and the direction of
the Engineer-in-charge. The product performance shall carry guarantee for 10 years against
any leakage.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 sqm
0354 Integral crystalline dry shake kilogram 0.60 308.00 184.80
9999 For measuring and sprinkling of waterproofing
material L.S. 11.55 2.27 26.22
9999 Sundries L.S. 1.15 2.27 2.61
9999 Carriage of material and tools cost etc.. L.S. 1.75 2.27 3.97
TOTAL 217.60 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 2.18
TOTAL 219.78 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 46.75
TOTAL 266.53 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 39.98
TOTAL 306.51 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 3.07
Cost for 1.00 sqm 309.58
Say 309.60
22.24A Providing & Applying high quality acrylic modified resin based texture of Dholpur/Red sand
stone Pattern with anti algae and UV resistance properties to be applied as intermediate finish
in desired pattern @ 43.04 kg/10 sqm to form film of 1- 1.5 mm thickness after scrapping and
properly cleaning the surface to remove loose particles from the plaster surface, followed by
top coating with Premium Acrylic Smooth exterior paint with Silicone additives of required
shade by two or more coats @ 1.43 litre/10 sqm, complete as the direction of Engineer -in-
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 Sqm
8513 Acrylic modified resin based texture kg 45.19 50.00 2259.50
43.04 kg + 2.15 (Add wastage 5%) = 45.19 kg
Quantity taken for cost using once = 10 sqm
Top coat with premium acrylic exterior paint (two
or more coats)
13.112.1 Rate as per Item No.13.112.1 of SH:Finishing sqm 10.00 131.30 1313.00 A
9977 Carriage of materials L.S. 3.90 2.27 8.85
22.25 Providing and applying crystalline mortar by mixing in the ratio of 4.5 : 1 (4.5 parts crystalline
mortar : 1 part water) for the treatment of faulty construction joints, cracks, tie rod holes and
spalled & honeycombed surface of RCC underground structures like basement, water tanks,
bridge deck etc. to ensure water tightness. The crystallie mortar shall conform to the EN 1504-
3 having compressive strength Class R4 ≥45 MPa and adhesive bond strength Class R3 ≥1.5
MPa. The work shall be carried out all complete as per specification and the direction of the
Engineer-In-Charge. The product performance shall carry guarantee for 10 years against any
22.25.1 For sealing cracks and faulty construction joints, routed out/making U-shape groove size
25x25mm and then primed the area with integral crystalline slurry @0.05kg/running metre
and while the surface is tacky filled the groove upto surface with crystalline mortar @1.50kg/
running metre. Once crystalline mortar is touch dry then finally applied two coats of integral
crystalline slurry @0.05kg/running metre per coat.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1.00 meter
0353 Crystalline Mortar @1.50 kg per meter kilogram 1.50 209.00 313.50
0351 Integral crystalline slurry for priming and finish-
ing kilogram 0.150 214.00 32.10
(3 x 0.05kg / meter) = 0.15kg
9999 For making crystalline mortar and repair work
etc.. L.S. 14.450 2.27 32.80
9999 Sundries L.S. 1.150 2.27 2.61
9999 Carriage of material and tools cost etc.. L.S. 1.750 2.27 3.97
TOTAL 384.98 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 3.85
TOTAL 388.83 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 82.70
TOTAL 471.53 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 70.73
TOTAL 542.26 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.42
Cost for 1.00 meter 547.68
Say 547.70
22.26 Providing and applying of swellable type water stop tape, 19 mm x 25 mm thick in linear metre
(expansive nature) for construction joints treatment of RCC structure such as raft slab, retain-
ing walls, water storage tank and at the junctions of raft slab with the retaining walls etc.. After
cleaning the surface, one coat of required primer for swellable water stop tape shall be applied
throughout the length of the joint @3.78 litre per 240 running metre. Over the primed surface
swellable type water stop tape shall be placed. The work shall be carried out all complete as
per specification and the direction of the Engineer-In-Charge. The product performance shall
carry guarantee for 10 years against any leakage.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1.00 meter
0355 Swellable type water stop tape (Crystalline
sealing compound) metre 1.00 354.00 354.00
0356 Swellable type water stop primer Litre 0.016 1430.00 22.88
(@3.78 litre per 240 running meter)
9999 For application of primer and swellable water stop L.S. 8.65 2.27 19.64
9999 Sundries L.S. 1.15 2.27 2.61
9999 Carriage of material and tools cost etc.. L.S. 1.75 2.27 3.97
TOTAL 403.10 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 4.03
TOTAL 407.13 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 86.60
TOTAL 493.73 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 74.06
TOTAL 567.79 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.68
Cost for 1.00 metre 573.47
Say 573.45
23.1 Boring/drilling bore well of required dia for casing/ strainer pipe, by suitable method prescribed
in IS: 2800 (part I), including collecting samples from different strata, preparing and submitting
strata chart/ bore log, including hire & running charges of all equipments, tools, plants &
machineries required for the job, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge, upto 90
metre depth below ground level.
23.1.1 All types of soil 300 mm dia
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 35 metre
0020 Hydraulic Excavator (3D) with driver and fuel. day 1.000 7850.00 7850.00
0005 Hire charges of Diesel Truck - 9 tonne day 0.429 4400.00 1887.60
Transportation charges for to and fro to site
(assume 140m of bore for one shifting)
Loading, unloading &Errection charges of drill-
ing Rig Machine
0114 Beldar day 4.00 736.00 2944.00
0130 Mistry day 1.00 897.00 897.00
7763 Water supply tanker of 5000 litre capacity each 1.00 1625.00 1625.00
Extra labour to assist M/C operator & security
0114 Beldar day 2.00 736.00 1472.00
0113 Chowkidar day 1.00 736.00 736.00
TOTAL 17411.60 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 174.12
TOTAL 17585.72 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 3740.48
TOTAL 21326.20 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 3198.93
TOTAL 24525.13 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 245.25
Cost for 35 metre 24770.38
Cost of 1 metre 707.73
Say 707.75
23.2 Boring/drilling bore well of required dia for casing/ strainer pipe, by suitable method prescribed
in IS: 2800 (part I), including collecting samples from different strata, preparing and submitting
strata chart/ bore log, including hire & running charges of all equipments, tools, plants &
machineries required for the job, all complete as per direction of Engineer -in-charge, beyond
90 metre & upto 150 metre depth below ground level.
23.2.1 All types of soil 300 mm dia
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 30 metre
0020 Hydraulic Excavator (3D) with driver and fuel. day 1.000 7850.00 7850.00
23.3 Supplying, assembling, lowering and fixing in vertical position in bore well, unplasticized PVC
medium well casing (CM) pipe of required dia, conforming to IS: 12818, including required hire
and labour charges, fittings & accessories etc. all complete, for all depths, as per direction of
Engineer -in-charge.
23.3.1 100 mm nominal size dia
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 100 metres
7758 uPVC blind pipe 100 mm dia as per IS: 12818 metre 100.00 465.00 46500.00
2319 Carriage of Spun iron S & S pipes 100 mm dia 0.50 0.00 0.00
Qty = 50 to consider 50% of carriage as per
for lowering
0114 Beldar day 0.50 736.00 368.00
0115 Coolie day 0.50 736.00 368.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 10.07 2.27 22.86
TOTAL 47258.86 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 472.59
TOTAL 47731.45 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 10152.48
TOTAL 57883.93 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 8682.59
TOTAL 66566.52 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 665.67
Cost of 100 metres 67232.19
Cost of 1 metre 672.32
Say 672.30
23.5 Supplying, filling, spreading & leveling stone boulders of size range 5 cm to 20 cm, in recharge
pit, in the required thickness, for all leads & lifts, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 cum.
7753 Boulder 50 mm to 200 mm cum 1.00 875.00 875.00
including carriage
0114 Beldar day 0.25 736.00 184.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 1.00 2.27 2.27
TOTAL 1061.27 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 10.61
TOTAL 1071.88 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 227.99
TOTAL 1299.87 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 194.98
TOTAL 1494.85 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 14.95
Cost of 1 Cum. 1509.80
Say 1509.80
23.6 Supplying, filling, spreading & leveling gravels of size range 5 mm to 10 mm, in the recharge
pit, over the existing layer of boulders, in required thickness, for all leads & lifts, all complete
as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 cum.
23.7 Supplying, filling, spreading & leveling coarse sand of size range 1.5 mm to 2 mm in recharge
pit, in required thickness over gravel layer, for all leads & lifts, all complete as per direction of
Engineer -in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 cum.
7755 Gravel 1.5 mm to 2 mm cum 1.00 895.00 895.00
including carriage
0114 Beldar day 0.25 736.00 184.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 1.00 2.27 2.27
TOTAL 1081.27 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 10.81
TOTAL 1092.08 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 232.29
TOTAL 1324.37 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 198.66
TOTAL 1523.03 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 15.23
Cost of 1 Cum. 1538.26
Say 1538.25
23.8 Gravel packing in tubewell construction in accordance with IS: 4097, including providing gravel
fine/ medium/ coarse, in required grading & sizes as per actual requirement, all complete as
per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 cum.
7772 Pea Gravel cum 1.00 1200.00 1200.00
including carriage
0114 Beldar day 0.30 736.00 220.80
9999 Sundries L.S. 1.00 2.27 2.27
TOTAL 1423.07 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 14.23
TOTAL 1437.30 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 305.71
TOTAL 1743.01 Y
23.9 Providing and fixing factory made precast RCC perforated drain covers, having concrete
of strength not less than M-25, of size 1000 x 450x50 mm, reinforced with 8 mm dia four
nos longitudinal & 9 nos cross sectional T.M.T. hoop bars, including providing 50 mm dia
perforations @ 100 to 125 mm c/c, including providing edge binding with M.S. flats of size 50
mm x 1.6 mm complete, all as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 No. RCC drain cover
7762 Precast R.C.C. perforated slab each 1.00 950.00 950.00
9988 Carriage and fixing charges L.S. 15.00 2.27 34.05
TOTAL 984.05 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 9.84
TOTAL 993.89 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 211.40
TOTAL 1205.29 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 180.79
TOTAL 1386.08 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 13.86
Cost of 1 No. 1399.94
Say 1399.95
23.10 Supplying, assembling, lowering and fixing in vertical position in bore well, ERW (Electric
Resistance Welded) FE 410 mild steel screwed and socketed/plain ended casing pipes of
required dia, conforming to IS: 4270, of reputed & approved make, including painted with
outside surface with two coats of anticorrosive paint of approved brand and manufacture,
including required hire & labour charges, fittings & accessories, all complete, for all depths,
as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
23.10.1 100 mm nominal size dia having minimum wall thickness 5.00 mm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 30 metre
7757 M.S. pipe 100 mm dia casing pipe metre 30.00 850.00 25500.00
7764 M.S. socket 100 mm dia each 5.00 140.00 700.00
2343 Carriage of ductile iron pipes (k7) 100 mm dia 100
metre 0.30 0.00 0.00
including loading and unloading Painting with anti-
corrosive Paint 3.14 x.0110x30.00=10.36 sqm.
13.65.1 Rate as per Item No.13.65.1 of SH: Finishing sqm 10.36 140.25 1452.99 A
0114 Beldar day 1.35 736.00 993.60
0130 Mistry day 0.50 897.00 448.50
TOTAL 29095.09 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 276.42
TOTAL 29371.51 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 5938.27
TOTAL 35309.78 Y
23.10.2 150 mm nominal size dia having minimum wall thickness 5.00 mm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 30 metre
7743 M.S. pipe 150 mm dia casing pipe metre 30.00 1250.00 37500.00
7765 M.S. socket 150 mm dia each 5.00 225.00 1125.00
2344 Carriage of cast iron pipes 150 mm dia 100
metre 0.30 0.00 0.00
including loading and unloading Painting with
Anticorrosive Paint 3.14 x0.160x30.00=15.07
13.65.1 Rate as per Item No.13.65.1 of SH:Finishing sqm 15.07 140.25 2113.57 A
0114 Beldar day 1.40 736.00 1030.40
0130 Mistry day 0.50 897.00 448.50
TOTAL 42217.47 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 401.04
TOTAL 42618.51 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 8615.40
TOTAL 51233.91 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 7368.05
TOTAL 58601.96 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 564.88
Cost for 30 metre 59166.84
Cost of 1 metre 1972.23
Say 1972.25
23.10.3 200 mm nominal size dia having minimum wall thickness 5.40 mm
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 30 metre
7744 M.S. pipe 200 mm dia casing pipe metre 30.00 1550.00 46500.00
7766 M.S. socket 200 mm dia each 5.00 300.00 1500.00
2345 Carriage of cast iron pipes 200 mm dia 100
metre 0.30 0.00 0.00
including loading and unloading Painting with
anticorrosive Paint 3.14 x0.210x30.00=20.25
13.65.1 Rate as per Item No.13.65.1 of SH:Finishing sqm 20.25 140.25 2840.06 A
0114 Beldar day 1.45 736.00 1067.20
0130 Mistry day 0.50 897.00 448.50
TOTAL 52355.76 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 495.16
TOTAL 52850.92 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 10637.31
TOTAL 63488.23 Y
23.11 Supplying, assembling, lowering and fixing in vertical position in bore well, ERW (Electric
Resistance Welded) FE 410 plain slotted (having slot of size 1.6/3.2 mm) mild steel threaded
and socketed/ plain bevel ended pipe (type A) of required dia, conforming to IS: 8110, of
reputed and approved make, having wall thickness not less than 5.40 mm, including painted
with outside surface with two coats of anticorrosive bitumestic paint of approved brand and
manufacture, including hire & labour charges, fittings & accessories, all complete, for all
depths, as per direction of Engineer -in-charge.
23.11.1 100 mm nominal size dia
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 30 metre
7757 M.S. pipe 100 mm dia casing pipe metre 30.00 850.00 25500.00
7764 M.S. socket 100 mm dia each 5.00 140.00 700.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 906.04 2.27 2056.71
2343 Carriage of ductile iron pipes (k7) 100 mm dia 100
metre 0.30 0.00 0.00
including loading and unloading Painting with
anticorrosive Paint 3.14 x.11x30.00=10.36 sqm
13.65.1 Rate as per Item No.13.65.1 of SH:Finishing sqm 10.36 140.25 1452.99 A
0114 Beldar day 1.35 736.00 993.60
0130 Mistry day 0.50 897.00 448.50
TOTAL 31151.80 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 296.99
TOTAL 31448.79 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 6380.11
TOTAL 37828.90 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 5456.39
TOTAL 43285.29 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 418.32
Cost for 30 metre 43703.61
Cost of 1 metre 1456.79
Say 1456.80
23.13 Providing and fixing suitable size threaded mild steel cap or spot welded plate to the top of
bore well housing/ casing pipe, removable as per requirement, all complete for borewell of:
23.13.1 100 mm dia
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 No
100mm dia MS screwed cap with locking ar-
7760 M.S. cap 100 mm dia each 1.00 150.00 150.00 P
Add 5% labour factor on P 7.50
TOTAL 157.50 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 1.58
TOTAL 159.08 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 33.84
TOTAL 192.92 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 28.94
TOTAL 221.86 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 2.22
Cost of 1 No 224.08
Say 224.10
23.14 Providing and fixing M.S. clamp of required dia to the top of casing/ housing pipe of tubewell
as per IS: 2800 (part I), including necessary bolts & nuts of required size complete.
23.14.1 100 mm clamp
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 No
Clamps made of MS flat of size 100x10mm
thick1x2mt.x7.80 kg per mt.=15.60 kg.
10.1 Rate as per Item No.10.1 of SH:Steel Work kg 15.60 117.35 1830.66 A
9999 Sundries, nuts and bolts etc. L.S. 25.00 2.27 56.75
TOTAL 1887.41 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 0.57
TOTAL 1887.98 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 12.19
TOTAL 1900.17 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 10.43
TOTAL 1910.60 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 0.80
Cost of 1 No 1911.40
Say 1911.40
23.15 Providing and fixing Bail plug/ Bottom plug of required dia to the bottom of pipe assembly of
tubewell as per IS:2800 (part I).
23.15.1 100 mm dia
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1 No
7761 M.S. bail plug 100 mm dia each 1.00 175.00 175.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 5.00 2.27 11.35
TOTAL 186.35 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 1.86
TOTAL 188.21 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 40.03
TOTAL 228.24 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 34.24
TOTAL 262.48 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 2.62
Cost of 1 No 265.10
Say 265.10
24.1 Raking out joints of stone masonry surface to the required width and depth, with due care and
precaution, by mechanical / manual means, including preparing and cleaning the surface for re-
pointing/ refilling of joints, including disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground within 50 metre
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
0114 Beldar day 0.53 736.00 390.08
0115 Coolie day 0.08 736.00 58.88
0101 Bhisti day 0.07 816.00 57.12
9999 Sundries L.S. 1.43 2.27 3.25
TOTAL 509.33 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 5.09
TOTAL 514.42 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 109.42
TOTAL 623.84 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 93.58
TOTAL 717.42 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 7.17
Cost of 10.00 sqm 724.59
Cost of 1.00 sqm 72.46
Say 72.45
24.2 Providing and fixing double scaffolding system (cup lock type) on the exterior side of building/
structure, upto 25 metre height, above ground level, including additional rows of scaffolding
in stepped manner as per requirement of site, made with 40mm dia M.S. tube, placed 1.5 metre
centre to centre, horizontal & vertical tubes joint with cup & lock system with M.S. Tubes, M.S.
tube challis, M.S. clamps and staircase system in the scaffolding for working platform etc. and
maintaining it in a serviceable condition for execution of work of cleaning and/ or pointing and/
or applying chemical and removing it thereafter. The scaffolding system shall be stiffened with
bracings, runners, connecting with the building etc, wherever required, if feasible, for inspection
of work at required locations with essential safety features for the workmen etc., complete as per
directions and approval of Engineer-in-charge.
Note:- (1) The elevational area of the scaffolding shall be measured for payment purpose. (2)
The payment will be made once only for execution of all items for such works.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for area 22.5x9.0=202.50 sqm
Assuming shuttering material will become unser-
viceable after use of 40 times Adding for mainte-
nance @ 10% of cost
Taking slvage value after full use of material @
25% of cost
7397 Base jack each 0.30 155.00 46.50
Qty taken for cost of using once
4009 Mild steel tubes hot finished welded type kilogram 80.02 72.00 5761.44
Vertical standard 2.5m length=7x2x9x2.5=315.00 m
24.3 Cleaning the sand stone surface and removing dirt, dust, bird dropping, grease, oil, algae, fungus,
monkey beats, vegetable growth etc., including providing, applying and washing the surface
with liquid Ammonia Chemical of 5% solution and other chemical cleaning agent as approved
by Archaeological Survey of India/ Engineer-in-charge, of approved brand and manufacturer,
with the help of required scrubbers and also cleaning with machine operated water jet mixed
with desired quantity of fine silica where ever required, without causing any scratching/ damage
to the stone surface and finally washing the surface with clean water with the help of pressure
jet machine, complete in all respect, including taking all precautions to safeguard ventilators,
windows, doors etc. by suitable covering so as to avoid any damage to the building/structure, all
as per direction of Engineer-in-charge (The rate is inclusive of all materials & labours involved
except scaffolding).
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
7767 Stone cleaning chemical approved by ASI litre 0.100 300.00 30.00
1 kg teepal of 3% solution for 10 sqm area
for 10sqm = 0.10 litre
7771 Liquid Amonia 5% litre 0.170 150.00 25.50
LABOUR (for applying the camical Salution)
0103 Blacksmith 2nd class day 0.20 816.00 163.20
0114 Beldar day 0.20 736.00 147.20
0128 Mate day 0.10 816.00 81.60
9999 Cleaning T & P & its manitinance cost (Jet Pump,
electrice cable, horse pipe, waler pipe, Nozel safe-
ty belt Rope & mantance cost and safety machine
for window etc.) L.S. 1.00 2.27 2.27
6501 Sand zone V (Jamuna) cum 0.028 1320.00 36.96
LABOUR (for pressure cleaning)
0131 Painter day 0.40 816.00 326.40
0114 Beldar day 0.80 736.00 588.80
0128 Mate day 0.10 816.00 81.60
TOTAL 1483.53 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 14.84
TOTAL 1498.37 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 318.70
TOTAL 1817.07 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 272.56
TOTAL 2089.63 Z
24.4 Providing and applying antifungal wash treatment using 3% solution of sodium
pentachlorophenate, of reputed brand and manufacturer, on cleaned sand stone surface at
desired locations as per direction of Engineer-in-charge (The rate is inclusive of all materials &
labours involved except scaffolding).
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
7775 Sodium pentachlorophenate Kg 0.10 575.00 57.50
0131 Painter day 0.25 816.00 204.00
0114 Beldar day 0.25 736.00 184.00
0128 Mate day 0.125 816.00 102.00
TOTAL 547.50 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 5.48
TOTAL 552.98 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 117.62
TOTAL 670.60 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 100.59
TOTAL 771.19 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 7.71
Cost of 10.00 sqm 778.90
Cost of 1.00 sqm 77.89
Say 77.90
24.5 Ruled / Flush pointing on Red sand stone masonry surface with lime, surkhi and marble dust
mortar in the ratio of 1:1.5:1/2 {One lime: 1.5 surkhi (50% red and 50% light yellow surkhi ) : 1/2
marble dust}. (The rate is inclusive of all materials & labours involved except scaffolding).
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
3.19 Rate as per Item No.3.19 of SH: Marble dust mor-
tar 1:1.5:1/2 cum 0.023 2880.67 66.26
0155 Mason (average) day 0.92 857.00 788.44
0115 Coolie day 1.37 736.00 1008.32
0101 Bhisti day 0.93 816.00 758.88
9999 Sundries L.S. 4.03 2.27 9.15
TOTAL 2631.05 W
24.6 Ruled/ Flush pointing on White sand stone masonry surface with lime, surkhi and marble dust
mortar in the ratio of 1:1.5:1/2 {One lime : 1.5 surkhi (15% dark red and 85% light yellow surkhi)
: 1/2 marble dust}. (The rate is inclusive of all materials & labours involved except scaffolding).
24.8 Applying breathable, non-reactive, antifungal, and water repellant Silane/Siloxane chemical
as approved by Archaeological Survey of India/ Engineer-in-charge, of approved brand and
manufacture, diluted with solvent mineral Turpentine oil in the ratio of 1:12 (One part of approved
chemical :12 Part of Turpentine oil), on the existing sand stone masonry surface with two or more
coats to give uniform application of chemical on the surface, all complete as per direction of
Engineer-In-charge (The rate is inclusive of all materials & labours involved except scaffolding).
25.1 Providing and supplying aluminium extruded tubular and other aluminium sections as per the
architectural drawings and approved shop drawings , the aluminium quality as per grade 6063
T5 or T6 as per BS 1474,including super durable powder coating of 60-80 microns conforming
to AAMA 2604 of required colour and shade as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. ( The
item includes cost of material such as cleats, sleeves, screws etc. necessary for fabrication
of extruded aluminium frame work. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account). The weight of
aluminium extruded section shall be taken for purpose of payment.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 6.50 kg
Width of the unit 1.6 m
Height of the unit 4.2 m
Area of Single Unit 6.72 sqm
Total Area 6.72 sqm, No of Panels 1 no
Aluminium Weight per sqm = 6.50 Kg/m2
Vision Height 2.2 m
Add for cleats, sleeves, screws etc. @5% =
0.33 kg
Add wastage @ 5% = 0.34 kg
Total = 7.17 kg
Details of cost for 6.50 kg
7306 Aluminium T or L sections kilogram 7.17 198.00 1419.66
7392 Powder coating 50 microns on aluminium
sections kilogram 7.17 66.00 473.22
TOTAL 1892.88 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 18.93
TOTAL 1911.81 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 406.64
TOTAL 2318.45 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 347.77
TOTAL 2666.22 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 26.66
Cost for 6.5 kg 2692.88
Cost for 1 kg 414.29
Say 414.30
25.2 Designing, fabricating, testing, protection, installing and fixing in position semi (grid) unitized
system of structural glazing (with open joints) for linear as well as curvilinear portions of the
building for all heights and all levels, including:
(a) Structural analysis & design and preparation of shop drawings for the specified design
loads conforming to IS 875 part III (the system must passed the proof test at 1.5 times design
wind pressure without any failure), including functional design of the aluminum sections for
fixing glazing panels of various thicknesses, aluminium cleats, sleeves and splice plates etc.
gaskets, screws, toggles, nuts, bolts, clamps etc., structural and weather silicone sealants,
flashings, fire stop (barrier)-cum-smoke seals, microwave cured EPDM gaskets for water
tightness, pressure equalisation & drainage and protection against fire hazard including:
(b) Fabricating and supplying serrated M.S. hot dip galvanised / Aluminium alloy of 6005 T5
brackets of required sizes, sections and profiles etc. to accommodate 3 Dimentional movement
for achieving perfect verticality and fixing structural glazing system rigidly to the RCC/ masonry/
structural steel framework of building structure using stainless steel anchor fasteners/ bolts,
nylon seperator to prevent bimetallic contacts with nuts and washers etc. of stainless steel
grade 316, of the required capacity and in required numbers.
25.3 Providing, assembling and supplying vision glass panels (IGUs) comprising of hermetically-
sealed 6-12- 6 mm insulated glass (double glazed) vision panel units of size and shape as
required and specified, comprising of an outer heat strengthened float glass 6mm thick, of
approved colour and shade with reflective soft coating on surface # 2 of approved colour
and shade, an inner Heat strengthned clear float glass 6mm thick, spacer tube 12mm wide,
dessicants, including primary seal and secondary seal (structural silicone sealant) etc. all
complete for the required performances, as per the Architectural drawings, as per the approved
shop drawings, as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The IGUs shall be
assembled in the factory/ workshop of the glass processor.
(Payment for fixing of IGU Panels in the curtain glazing is included in cost of item No.25.2)
For payment, only the actual area of glass on face # 1 of the glass panels (excluding the areas
of the grooves and weather silicone sealant) provided and fixed in position, shall be measured
in sqm.
25.4 Extra for openable side / top hung vision glass panels (IGUs) including providing and supplying
at site all accessories and hardwares for the openable panels as specified and of the approved
make such as heavy duty stainless steel friction hinges, min 4 -point cremone locking sets
with stainless steel plates, handles, buffers etc. including necessary stainless steel screws/
fasteners, nuts, bolts, washers etc. all complete as per the Architectural drawings, as per the
approved shop drawings, as specified and as directed by the Engineer- in-Charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 1.76 sqm
Width of the unit 1.6 m
Shuttter Weight
Height of the unit 1.1 m
Outer glass 6 mm
Area 1.76 sqm
Inner glass 6 mm
Aluminium Weight per sqm 7.78 Kg
Al weight = 1.76x7.78 = 13.7 Kg
No of Locking Point 4 no Total 67 Kg
Wedge Block 1 no
25.5 Providing, fabricating and supplying shadow box of required size and shape, for fixing in the
spandrel portion of the structural glazing, in linear as well as curvilinear portions of the building
by providing semi -rigid, inorganic, non-combustible fibre glass wool insulation 50 mm thick,
conforming to IS: 8183 and BS: 3958 Part 5. The insulation layer shall have facing (factory
bonded on surface # 1 of the fibre glass insulation layer), of black non-woven fibre glass tissue
of nominal thickness 0.5 mm and nominal mass not less than 60 gm /sqm, made of randomly
oriented glass fibres distributed in a binder by a wet-lay process including fixing 1.5 mm thick
solid aluminum sheet backing using, 6 mm thick cement board including SS rivets, nuts, bolts,
washers etc complete.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 3.23 sqm
Width of the unit = 0.86 m
Height of the unit = 3.75 m
Area = 3.23 sqm
Area including wastage @5 % = 3.39
Details of cost for 3.23 sqm
2626 Glass wool Denisity 48 Kg / m3 with Black
Glass Tissue (BGT) sqm 3.39 258.00 874.62
2634 GI/Aluminium Sheet (0.8 mm thick) kg 21.30 56.00 1192.80
2627 SS Screws - # 8 x 19 each 32.00 8.00 256.00
2628 Weather Sealant - DC 789 cartridge 2.00 127.00 254.00
2629 Cement Board sqm 3.39 251.00 850.89
9999 Sundries with clips & adhesives L.S. 308.50 2.27 700.30
25.6 Providing and supplying Spandrel Glass Panels comprising of 6 mm thick heat strengthened
monolithic float glass of approved colour and shade with reflective soft coating on surface #
2 of approved colour and shade so as to match the colour and shade of the IGUs in the vision
panels etc. ,all complete for the required performances as specified, as per the Architectural
drawings, as per the approved shop drawings, as specified, and as directed by the Engineer-
in- Charge.
For payment, only the actual area of glass on face # 1 of the glass panels (but excluding the
area of grooves and weather silicone sealant) provided and fixed in position, shall be measured
in sqm. (Payment for fixing of Spandrel Glass Panels in the curtain glazing is included in
cost of relevent Item*).“(i) Coloured tinted float glass 6mm thick substrate with reflective soft
coating on face # 2, having properties as visible Light transmittance (VLT) of 25 to 35 %, Light
reflection internal 10 to 15%, light reflection external 10 to 20 %, shading coefficient (0.25- 0.28)
and U value of 3.0 to 3.3 W/m2 K etc. . The properties of performance glass shall be decided by
technical sanctioning authority as per the site requirement.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 3.23 sqm
Width of the unit = 0.86 m
Height of the unit = 3.75 m
Area = 3.23 sqm
Area i/c wastage @ 5 % = 3.39 sqm
Details of cost for 3.23 sqm
2617 6 mm thick High performance glass sqm 3.39 1056.00 3579.84
9999 Sundries (Insurance charges) L.S. 43.46 2.27 98.65
9999 Sundries (Fabrication charges including silicon
sealant, baker rod, desecant etc.) L.S. 682.55 2.27 1549.39
9999 Sundries (transporation including loading
& unloading) L.S. 147.59 2.27 335.03
TOTAL 5562.91 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 55.63
TOTAL 5618.54 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1195.06
TOTAL 6813.60 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 1022.04
TOTAL 7835.64 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 78.36
Cost for 3.23 sqm 7914.00
Cost for 1 sqm 2450.15
Say 2450.15
26.1 Providing & fixing in position Phenol bonded Bamboowood flooring with planks of sizes
14mm thick, minimum 1800mm length and minimum 100 mm wide, in approved colour, texture
and finish, having Performance Appraisal Certificate (PAC) issued by Building Materials &
Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC). The flooring shall be fixed with tongue and groove
interlocking system, with underlayment of 4mm thick expanded polyethylene foam sheets
having density 40kg/cum, over prepared surface with necessary quarter round planks of
size 1900mm x 18mm and door reducer of size 1900mm x 44mm, wherever required. The
bamboowood planks shall have minimum density of 1000 Kg/cum & minimum Hardness 1000
Kgf. with Eco friendly UV coating, all complete as per direction of the Engineer in-charge.
26.2 Providing & fixing in position Phenol bonded Bamboo wood in wall skirting with planks
of sizes 14mm thick, 1900mm length (minimum) and 85mm wide(minimum), in approved
colour, texture and finish, having Performance Appraisal Certificate (PAC) issued by
Building Materials & Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC). The skirting shall be fixed
with SS screws & rawl plugs, over underlayment of 4mm thick, expanded polyethylene foam
sheets having 40kg/cum density over prepared surface. The bamboowood planks shall
have minimum density of 1000Kg/cum & minimum Hardness 1000 Kgf. with Eco friendly UV
coating, all complete as per direction of the Engineer in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm skirting
8024 Bamboo wood Skirting 14mm thick of Size
1900mm x 85mm metre 120.59 327.75 39523.37
26.3 Providing & fixing in position Phenol bonded Bamboowood wall cladding at all height
with planks of sizes 10mm thick, minimum 1800mm length and minimum 100 mm wide, in
approved colour, texture and finish, having Performance Appraisal Certificate (PAC) issued
by Building Materials & Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC), with necesasary profiled
edges fixed with 40mm SS screws 5 nos in each tile to frame work made of second class teak
wood of size 20x15 mm in centre of each tile and bottom and top of work height, 40x15mm
placed at ends of each tile. The cladding shall be laid over backlayment of 1.00 mm thick
expanded polyethylene foam of density 40kg/cum in two layers, first layer on wall surface
before fixing wooden frame and second layer on frame under cladding. The bamboowood
planks shall have minimum density of 1000 Kg/cum & minimum Hardness 1000 Kgf. with Eco
friendly UV coating, all complete as per direction of the Engineer in-charge.
26.4 Providing & fixing in position Phenol bonded Bamboowood panelled or panelled and glazed
shutters for doors windows, clerestorey windows with pre-molded minimum 30mm thick
planks, in approved colours, texture & finish. It shall have 10mm wide, 25mm deep grove
to fit in panels.The bamboo wood shall have minimum density of 1000 Kg/cum, minimum
Hardness 1000 Kgf. All styles and rails shall have profiled interlocking system locked in
place by bamboo pins, all complete as per direction of Engineer in charge. (The panelling will
be paid for separately).
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for shutters of Bamboowood
200 x 108cm = 2.16 sqm
8028 Bamboo wood shutter of doors 10 cudm 4.83 2018.75 9750.56
Styles 4x2.00x0.115x0.03 =0.0276 cum +
Top rails 1x1.08x0.11x0.03m = 0.0036 cum +
26.5 Providing & fixing in position Phenol bonded Bamboo wood panelling of 10mm thick, in 25 to
40 mm thick panelled or panelled & glazed shutters for doors, windows, clerestorey windows,
in approved colour, texture & finish. The bamboowood planks shall have minimum density of
1000 Kg/cum & minimum Hardness 1000 Kgf. The panels shall have profiled interlocking system
locked in place with bamboo pins all complete as per direction of the Engineer in-charge. (area
of opening for panel inserts excluding portion inside grooves or rebates to be measured)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for shutters of a door with
2/3rd panelling…
200 x 108 cm = 2.16 sqm
Panel area = 4x45.1x36.55cm = 0.66 sqm
8029 Bamboo wood panelling (10mm thick) 10 cudm 0.80 2018.75 1615.00
4x47.2x38.65x1.0cm = 0.0073cum + 0.0007
sqm (Add Wastage @10%)
Total = 0.008 cum OR 8 cudm
0156 Carpenter (average) day 0.57 857.00 488.49
9999 Sundries L.S. 4.42 2.27 10.03
TOTAL 2113.52 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 21.14
TOTAL 2134.66 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 454.04
TOTAL 2588.70 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 388.31
TOTAL 2977.01 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 29.77
Cost of 0.66 sqm 3006.78
Cost of 1 sqm 4555.73
Say 4555.75
26.6A Providing, erecting, laying and fixing in position in 3.5 to 4 mm thick bamboo mat corrugated
sheet (BMCS) as per IS: 15476-2004 in roofing with self drilling screws along with EPDM
washers complete or with galvanized iron J or L hooks 8mm dia G.I. plain and bitumen
washers etc, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 181.30sqm area.
Consider a sheet of 18mx9m (external di-
mension of plinth). Area of roof = 18.5x9.8m
= 181.30 sqm.
Sheets used = 2x 19 nos (2.44m x 1.05m)
& 4x19 nos (1.83mx 1.05m). Total area
= (2x19x2.44x1.05)+(4x19x1.83x1.05) =
243.39sqm, Add wastage @ 3% = 7.30
sqm, Total area = 250.69 sqm.
8144 Bamboo Mat corrugated sheets 3.5 to 4mm
thick conforming to IS 15476:2004 sqm 250.69 2891.00 724744.79
Weight of sheets, For 2.44mx1.05m sheet
size, 12kg/Nos x 38 nos = 456 kgs, For
1.83m x 1.05m sheet size, 9kgs/Nos x 76
Nos = 684 kgs. Total weight of sheet =
456+684 = 1140 kgs = 1.14 tonne
26.6B Providing and fixing in position ridges of 3.5 to 4 mm thick bamboo mat ridge cap (BMRC) as
per IS: 15476-2004 in roofing with self drilling screws along with EPDM washers complete or
with galvanized iron J or L hooks 8mm dia G.I. plain and bitumen washers etc, all complete
as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for length of ridge 18.50
metre (pair of 43cm width each)
Consider a shed of 18mx9m (external
dimensions of plinth). Length of ridge 18.50
Ridges (Male & female) of size: 1.05m
length required = 20 sets x 1.05m = 21.00
metre, Add wastage @ 5% = 1.05 metre,
Total length = 22.05 metre.
8145 Bamboo Mat Ridge cap 3.5 to 4mm thick
conforming to IS 15476:2004 metre 22.05 2810.00 61960.50
9977 Carriage (The ridges to be fixed with the
same hooks as the sheets) L.S. 19.43 2.27 44.11
9999 Sundries L.S. 9.71 2.27 22.04
0130 Mistry day 0.20 897.00 179.40
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 0.20 816.00 163.20
0114 Beldar day 0.60 736.00 441.60
TOTAL 62810.85 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 628.11
26.6C Providing and fixing at all height false ceiling of 4 mm thick phenol bonded Bamboo Mat
board (595x595 mm) conforming to IS:13958-1994 including providing and fixing of frame
work made of GI angle 25x25x0.4 mm thick all around suitably fixed to wall with the help
of dash fastener and hanger frame (600x600 mm c/c) made GI slotted Tee having powder
coating on bottom side (30x25x0.3 mm thick for main member & 25x25x0.3 mm for cross
member) connected to ceiling with 2.64 mm GI wire and anchor fastener at every junction
and also including cost of making openings for light fittings, grills, diffusers, cut outs made
with frame of perimeter channels suitably fixed all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 100 sqm.
Ceiling area = 100sqm, Add wastage @ 5%
= 5sqm, Total area = 105 sqm
8147 4mm thick Bamboo Mat Board conforming
to IS 13958:1994 sqm 105.00 1950.00 204750.00
Weight: (0.595x0.595m of Bamboo board).
Total number of board = 297. Total weight of
Bamboo board = 297 Nos x 1.31kgs/Nos =
389.07 kgs = 0.39 tonne.
2358 Carriage of 4mm thick Bamboo mat board
and accessories. tonne 0.39 17700.00 6903.00
8570 GI Main T ceiling section 30x25x0.3 mm (3
metre long) including of wastage of 10% each 29.50 240.00 7080.00
8571 GI Perimeter wall angle 25x25x0.4 mm (3
metre long) including of wastage of 10% each 13.50 200.00 2700.00
8572 GI Intermediate cross T section 25x25x0.3
mm (1.2 metre long) including of wastage of
10% on grid cutouts. each 147.00 90.00 13230.00
8573 GI Intermediate cross T section 25x25x0.3
mm (0.6 metre long) including of wastage of
10% on grid cutouts. each 147.00 45.00 6615.00
8615 Hanger rod 4mm thick each 72.00 11.00 792.00
8616 Adjustment clip 85x30x0.8mm each 72.00 7.00 504.00
7015 Soffit cleat (size 27x37x25x1.60mm) each 72.00 3.00 216.00
Dash hold fasteners 12.5mm dia, 50mm
7388 long with 6mm dia bolts each 72.00 10.00 720.00
9977 Carriage of grid materials L.S. 89.28 2.27 202.67
9999 Sundries L.S. 187.95 2.27 426.65
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 28.00 816.00 22848.00
0114 Beldar day 23.00 736.00 16928.00
26.6D Providing and fixing at Bamboo Mat board conforming to IS:13958-1994 for partition to frame
by bucking or studding with screws etc. complete (Frames, backing or studding to be paid
26.6D.1 3mm thickness
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 3.5mx2m = 7.0 sqm
Partition area = 7.0sqm, Add wastage @ 5%
= 0.35sqm, Total area = 7.35 sqm
8146 3mm thick Bamboo Mat Board conforming
to IS 13958:1994
sqm 7.35 1713.00 12590.55
Weight: 7.35sqm x 2.70 kgs/sqm =19.845
kgs = 0.02 tonne.
2358 Carriage of 3mm thick Bamboo mat board
and accessories. tonne 0.02 17700.00 354.00
9999 Sundries and screws L.S. 26.91 2.27 61.09
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 0.90 816.00 734.40
0114 Beldar day 1.00 736.00 736.00
TOTAL 14476.04 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 144.76
TOTAL 14620.80 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 3109.84
TOTAL 17730.64 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 2659.60
TOTAL 20390.24 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 203.90
Cost of 7 sqm 20594.14
Cost of 1sqm 2942.02
Say 2942.00
26.7 Providing and fixing 50 mm thick extruded polystyrene rigid insulation board of required
size between cavity wall, complying with ISO 4898:2008 & ASTM C 578-08b - type VI, having
thermal conductivity of 0.0289 W/m K as per ASTM C 578 (measured as per IS 3346),
compressive strength of > 350 kPa listed as per ASTM D 1621, density of 34-36 kg/m³ as per
ASTM D 1622, water absorptions ≤ 1% by volume as per ASTM D 2842, oxygen index of 24.1
to 28.1 listed as per ASTM D 2863, cell size 0.4 mm of dia (max) as per ASTM D 3576. Fire
retardent property as per DIN 4102, Part 1 of class B2 and as per ASTM E84 class A, fixed
with suitable water based adhesive and fastener, complete in all respect as per the direction
of Engineer-in-Charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 Sqm
8561 Extruded polystyrene rigid insulation board
50 mm thick sqm 10.20 610.00 6222.00
including 2% wastage
0111 Carpenter 1st class day 0.25 897.00 224.25
0128 Mate day 0.25 816.00 204.00
0114 Beldar day 0.25 736.00 184.00
9999 Sundries (Water based adhesive, fasteners,
scaffolding etc.) L.S. 100.00 2.27 227.00
TOTAL 7061.25 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 70.61
TOTAL 7131.86 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1516.95
26.8 Providing and fixing 50 mm thick extruded polystyrene rigid insulation board of required size
underdeck on ceiling surface, complying with ISO 4898:2008 & ASTM C 578-08b - type VI,
having thermal conductivity of 0.0289 W/m K as per ASTM C 578 (measured as per IS 3346),
compressive strength of > 350 kPa listed as per ASTM D 1621, density of 34-36 kg/cum as
per ASTM D 1622, water absorptions ≤ 1% by volume as per ASTM D 2842, oxygen index of
24.1 to 28.1 listed as per ASTM D 2863, cell size 0.4 mm of dia (max) as per ASTM D 3576. Fire
retardent property as per DIN 4102, Part 1 of class B2 and as per ASTM E84 class A, fixed
with suitable water based adhesive and fastener, complete in all respect as per the direction
of Engineer-in-Charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 Sqm
8561 Extruded polystyrene rigid insulation board
50 mm thick sqm 10.20 610.00 6222.00
including 2% wastage
0111 Carpenter 1st class day 0.50 897.00 448.50
0128 Mate day 0.50 816.00 408.00
0114 Beldar day 0.50 736.00 368.00
9999 Sundries (Water based adhesive, fasteners,
scaffolding etc.) L.S. 100.00 2.27 227.00
TOTAL 7673.50 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 76.74
TOTAL 7750.24 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1648.48
TOTAL 9398.72 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 1409.81
TOTAL 10808.53 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 108.09
Cost of 10 sqm 10916.62
Cost of 1 sqm 1091.66
Say 1091.65
26.9 Providing and fixing factory made solid Foam uPVC profile for kitchen cabinet frame (45
x 20 mm) of approved shade, quality and make. The profile shall be laminated on both
sides, made from rigid foam sheets (Single extruded) having density 600 Kg/cum and the
exposed edges sealed with PVC edge beading of same shade and colour. The frame shall
be fire retardent with necessary screw holding capacity. Frame shall be fixed to wall using
Expendable Fastner with necesary stainless steel screws, all complete as per direction of
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for kitchen cabinate
(2.00 x 0.45)+(2.00+0.615)= 2.13 mtr
2491 Pre laminated both side solid foam uPVC
profile (45x20mm) metre 2.13 136.00 289.68
26.10 Providing and fixing factory made Kitchen Cabinet Shutter/Partition 20 mm nominal thickness
of approved shade, quality and make, made from rigid foam sheets (Single extruded) having
density 600 Kg/cum and laminated on both side by laminate Sheet/PVC foil lamination. The
exposed edges shall be sealed with PVC edge beading of same shade and colour. The shutter
shall be fire retardent having necessary screw holding capacity. Shutter shall be fixed to
frame using approved hinges with necessary stainless steel screws, all complete as per
direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for of one shutter 0.46
x0.61m =0.281 sqm
2492 Solid foam uPVC sheet 20mm thick prelam-
inated on both side sqm 0.281 2187.00 614.55
2493 PVC edge beading metre 2.130 33.00 70.29
9999 Sundries L.S. 20.000 2.27 45.40
0111 Carpenter 1st class day 0.200 897.00 179.40
0114 Beldar day 0.200 736.00 147.20
TOTAL 1056.84 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 10.57
TOTAL 1067.41 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 227.04
TOTAL 1294.45 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 194.17
TOTAL 1488.62 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 14.89
Cost for 0.281 sqm 1503.51
Cost for 1 sqm 5350.57
Say 5350.55
26.11 Providing and fixing concealed hinge of approved quality for 19-20mm thick door with
stainless steel screws complete :
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 nos
26.12 Supplying & laying of bi-axial extruded high modulus polypropylene geogrid coforming to
MORTH SPECIFICATION for base/sub-base reinforcement having minimum tensile strength
15kN/m in the longitudinal and transverse direction, with 5kN/m and 7kN/m tensile strength
at 2% and 5% strain respectively in the longitudinal and transverse direction, junction
efficiency not less than 95% and with 38mm X 38mm mesh opening.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of Cost for 300 Sqm
8956 Bi-Axial Extruded GeoGrids of Minimum
Tensile Strength 15 kN/m in the longitudinal
and transverse direction Sqm 300.00 138.00 41400.00 P
Add 10 per cent of the cost of reinforcing
elements (synthetic geogrids) for wastage
and accessories like tie-strips, nuts and
bolts and loops/lugs for joining reinforcing
elements with the facia pannels, overlaps
and other protective elements for synthetic
geogrids and all other activities required to
complete the item in all respect including
taxes and transportation. 10% of “P” 4140.00
0128 Mate day 0.36 816.00 293.76
0114 Beldar day 6.00 736.00 4416.00
0139 Skilled Beldar day 3.00 816.00 2448.00
TOTAL 52697.76 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 526.98
TOTAL 53224.74 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 11320.90
TOTAL 64545.64 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 9681.85
TOTAL 74227.49 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 742.27
Cost for 300 Sqm 74969.76
Cost per Sqm 249.90
Say 249.90
26.14 Supplying & laying of bi-axial extruded high modulus polypropylene geogrid coforming to
MORTH SPECIFICATION for base/sub-base reinforcement having minimum tensile strength
30kN/m in the longitudinal and transverse direction, with 10.5kN/m and 21kN/m tensile
strength at 2% and 5% strain respectively in the longitudinal and transverse direction,
junction efficiency not less than 95% and with 38mm X 38mm mesh opening.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of Cost for 300 Sqm
8958 Bi-Axial Extruded GeoGrids of Minimum
Tensile Strength 30kN/m in the longitudinal
and transverse direction sqm 300.00 235.00 70500.00 P
Add 10 per cent of the cost of reinforcing
elements (synthetic geogrids) for wastage
and accessories like tie-strips, nuts and
bolts and loops/lugs for joining reinforcing
elements with the facia pannels, overlaps
and other protective elements for synthetic
geogrids and all other activities required to
complete the item in all respect including
taxes and transportation. 10% of “P” 7050.00
26.15 Supplying & laying of bi-axial extruded high modulus polypropylene geogrid coforming to
MORTH SPECIFICATION for base/sub-base reinforcement having minimum tensile strength
40kN/m in the longitudinal and transverse direction, with 14kN/m and 28kN/m tensile strength
at 2% and 5% strain respectively in the longitudinal and transverse direction, junction
efficiency not less than 95% and with 38mm X 38mm mesh opening.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of Cost for 300 Sqm
8959 Bi-Axial Extruded GeoGrids of Minimum
Tensile Strength 40kN/m in the longitudinal
and transverse direction Sqm 300.00 333.00 99900.00 P
Add 10 per cent of the cost of reinforcing
elements (synthetic geogrids) for wastage
and accessories like tie-strips, nuts and
bolts and loops/lugs for joining reinforcing
elements with the facia pannels, overlaps
and other protective elements for synthetic
geogrids and all other activities required to
complete the item in all respect including
taxes and transportation. 10% of “P” 9990.00
0128 Mate day 0.36 816.00 293.76
0114 Beldar day 6.00 736.00 4416.00
0139 Skilled Beldar day 3.00 816.00 2448.00
TOTAL 117047.76 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 1170.48
TOTAL 118218.24 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 25145.02
TOTAL 143363.26 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 21504.49
TOTAL 164867.75 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 1648.68
Cost for 300 Sqm 166516.43
Cost per Sqm 555.05
Say 555.05
26.17 Supplying & laying of drainage composite for use behind walls, between two different
fills, alongside drains of road, below concrete lining of canals etc. having thermobonding
a draining core - HDPE geonet comprises of two sets of parallel overlayed ribs integrally
connected to have a rhomboidal shape with a polyethylene film and a nonwoven geotextile
having mass per unit area 130 gsm and tensile strength of 8.0 kN/m that will be working as
separation or protecting layer, geocomposite having in plane flow capacity of 0.7 L / (m.s) at
hydraulic gradient of 1.0 & 20 kPa pressure and tensile strength of 13.5 kN/m , with mass per
unit area of 830 gsm, at easily accessible location including top and bottom, with all leads
and lifts, manpower and machinery, materials, labour etc. complete and as directed by
Engineer - In - Charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of Cost for 300 Sqm
8961 Geosynthetic Drainage Composite sqm 300.00 724.00 217200.00 P
26.18 Supplying and laying high strength flexible geogrids (HSFG) as soil reinforcement / basal
reinforcement as per MORTH 3100 and IRC 113, made of high tenacity polyester core with
polyethylene coating with Minimum Long Term Design Strength (LTDS) of more than 50% of
ultimate tensile strength at 30 degree Celcius corresponding to 12 % strain .
26.18.1 Ultimate tensile strength- 100 kN/m
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of Cost for 300 Sqm
8962 Synthetic Geogrid having umtimate tensile
strength 100 kN/m Sqm 300.00 230.00 69000.00 P
Add 10 per cent of the cost of reinforcing
elements (synthetic geogrids) for wastage
and accessories like tie-strips, nuts and
bolts and loops/lugs for joining reinforcing
elements with the facia pannels, overlaps
and other protective elements for synthetic
geogrids and all other activities required to
complete the item in all respect including
taxes and transportation. 10% of “P” 6900.00
0128 Mate day 0.36 816.00 293.76
0114 Beldar day 6.00 736.00 4416.00
0139 Skilled Beldar day 3.00 816.00 2448.00
TOTAL 83057.76 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 830.58
TOTAL 83888.34 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 17843.05
TOTAL 101731.39 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 15259.71
TOTAL 116991.10 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 1169.91
26.19 Providing at all heights, levels and locations Aluminium profile industrial troughed sheet
of Alloy 31500/31000/40800, conforming to IS 1254, IS 737, IS 2676. The sheet shall be fixed
using self drilling/self tapping SS screws of size 5.5x65 mm with EPDM seal complete upto
required pitch in horizontal, vertical or curved surfaces i/c cutting to size and shape where
required as per specifications, detail drawings and direction of Engineer-in-Charge. The rate
shall be inclusive of all screws, seal, ridge, labour, scaffolding, machinery for fixing and
approved sealent where required etc. but excluding the cost of purlins, rafters and trusses.
26.19.1 0.71 mm thick, the profile detail width 1044/920 mm, cover width 1000/875 mm.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 216.14 sqm
Consider a shed of 20x10 metres. (External
dimensions of plinth).
Area of roof- 20.20x10.70m = 216.14 sqm.
Sheets used = 20 Nosx10.70mx1.044m =
223.42 sqm, Add 3% wastage = 6.70 sqm,-
Total = 230.12sqm
8977 Aluminium profile sheet 0.71 mm sqm 230.12 660.00 151879.20
9999 Carriage of sheets L.S. 104.00 2.27 236.08
1023 Galvanised steel J or L hooks 8 mm dia 10 Nos 47.60 130.00 6188.00
26.19.2 0.91 mm thick, the profile detail width 1044/920 mm, cover width 1000/875 mm.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 216.14 sqm
Consider a shed of 20x10 metres. (External
dimensions of plinth).
Area of roof- 20.2x10.70m = 216.14 sqm.
Sheets used = 20 Nosx10.70mx1.044m =
223.42 sqm, Add 3% wastage = 6.70 sqm,
Total = 230.12sqm
8978 Aluminium profile sheet 0.91 mm sqm 230.12 864.00 198823.68
9999 Carriage of sheets L.S. 104.00 2.27 236.08
1023 Galvanised steel J or L hooks 8 mm dia 10 Nos 47.60 130.00 6188.00
1208 Bitumen washer 100 Nos 4.76 30.00 142.80
1209 G.I. plain washer thick 100 Nos 4.76 35.00 166.60
9999 Carriage of bolts and nuts, washers etc. L.S. 8.06 2.27 18.30
9999 Sundries L.S. 39.52 2.27 89.71
0130 Mistry day 2.34 897.00 2098.98
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 9.34 816.00 7621.44
0114 Beldar day 9.34 736.00 6874.24
TOTAL 222259.83 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 2222.60
TOTAL 224482.43 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 47747.41
TOTAL 272229.84 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 40834.48
TOTAL 313064.32 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 3130.64
Cost of 216.14 sqm 316194.96
Cost of 1 sqm 1462.92
Say 1462.90
26.22.2 With 15 mm thick tegular/butt edged without perforation plain/designer light weight calcium
silicate Anti-Microbial Bio-Safe coated false ceiling tiles Conforming to JIS-Z2801 and ASTM
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 100 sqm
5778 15 mm thick tegular/butt edged without per-
foration plain/designer light weight calcium
silicate Anti-Microbial Bio-Safe coated false
ceiling tiles of size 595x595mm sqm 105.00 885.00 92925.00
Ceiling Area = 100 sqm + Add 5% wastage
= 5 sqm. Total = 105 sqm
8590 Galavanised iron main Tee ceiling section
Size 24x38x0.33 mm (3 metre long) includ-
ing wastage @ 10% each 29.50 167.00 4926.50
8591 Galavanised iron perimeter wall Angle Size
24x24x0.40 mm (3.00 metre long) including
wastage @ 10% each 13.50 114.00 1539.00
8592 Galavanised iron intermediate cross T sec-
tion Size 24x32x0.33 mm (1.2 metre long)
including wastage @ 10% each 147.00 54.00 7938.00
8593 Glavanised iron intermediate cross T sec-
tion Size 24 x 32x 0.33 mm (0.6 metre long) each 147.00 27.00 3969.00
8588 Galavanised MS hanger rod 6 mm dia MS
fully threaded up to 1000 mm length each 72.00 17.00 1224.00
5775 Galavinised MS L-shape level adjuster of
size 76x25x25x1.6 mm each 72.00 15.00 1080.00
5776 12x50 mm long dash fastener each 72.00 35.00 2520.00
5777 Galvanized MS Z Cleat of size 25 x 37 x 25
x 1.6 mm with precut hole on both 25 mm
flange each 72.00 13.00 936.00
8211 40 mm long S.S screws with plastic rawl
plugs 100 nos. 1.00 270.00 270.00
9999 Scaffolding etc. L.S. 498.65 2.27 1131.94
9977 Carriage of materails etc. L.S. 237.48 2.27 539.08
9999 Sundries L.S. 310.70 2.27 705.29
0111 Carpenter 1st class day 28.00 897.00 25116.00
0114 Beldar day 23.00 736.00 16928.00
TOTAL 161747.81 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 1617.48
TOTAL 163365.29 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 34747.80
TOTAL 198113.09 Y
26.23 Providing and fixing false ceiling at all heights with integral densified calcium silicate
reinforced with fibre and natural filler false ceiling tiles of Size 595x595 mm of approved
texture, design and patterns having NRC (Noise Reduction coefficient) of 0.50 (minimum)
as per IS 8225:1987, Light reflectance of 85% (minimum). Non combustible as per BS:476
(part-4), fire performance as per BS:476 (part 6 &7), humidity resistance of 100%, thermal
conductivity < 0.043 W/m K as per ASTM 518:1991, in true horizontal level suspended on
inter-locking metal powder coated T-Grid of hot dipped galvanised iron section of 0.40 mm
thick on Silhouette profile,rotary stiched double webbed white with 6mm reveal profile (white/
black),comprising of main-T runners of size 15x42mm of length 3000 mm, cross - T of size
15x42 mm of length 1200 mm and secondary intermediate cross-T of size 15x42 mm of length
600mm to form grid module of size 600 x 600 mm, suspended from ceiling using galvanised
mild steel items (galvanizing @ 80 grams per sqm) i.e. 50 mm long, 8 mm outer diameter M-6
dash fasteners, 6 mm dia fully threaded hanger rod upto 1000 mm length and L-shape level
adjuster of size 85x25x2 mm. Galvanised iron perimeter wall angle of size 22x19x0.40 mm of
length 3000 mm to be fixed on periphery wall / partition with the help of plastic rawl plugs at
450 mm center to center and 40mm long dry wall S.S screws. The work shall be carried out
as per specifications, drawing and as per directions of the Engineer-in-Charge.
26.23.1 With 15 mm thick integral densified micro edge light weight calcium silicate false ceiling tiles
26.24 Providing and fixing in position wall panelling at all heights with integral densified calcium
silicate panels/tiles of size 595 x 595 mm, having NRC (Noise Reduction coefficient) of 0.50
(minimum) as per IS 8225:1987, Light reflectance of 85% (minimum). Non combustible as
per BS:476 (part-4), fire performance as per BS:476 (part 6 &7), humidity resistance of 100%,
thermal conductivity <0.043 W/m K as per ASTM 518:1991, comprising of a frame made from
especially fabricated galvanised mild steel sheet 0.50 mm thick pressed section (galvaniz-
ing @120 grams per sqm including both sides) i.e.vertical studs of size 48 x 34 x 36 mm
are placed at 600 mm centre to centre in a floor and ceiling channel section of size 50 x 32
mm fixed to the floor and soffit at 600 mm centre using 12 mm dia,50 mm long wedge type
expanded zinc alloy dash fastner with 10 mm bolt. This same channel is then to be fixed in
horiziontal direction at 600 mm centre to centre so as to form a grid of 600 mm x 600 mm.
Glasswool of 50 mm thickness is then to be inserted in the slots and finally calcium silicate
non combustible panels/tiles are to be screw fixed with self tapping pan head nickel coated
mild steel screws of size 13 x 3.2 mm on to this grid leaving an even groove of 1 mm between
the panels. The joints between the panels are to be duly jointed and finished using recom-
mended jointing calcium silicate based compound and fiber joint tape roll 50 mm wide (90
metre )roll and two coats of primer suitable for panelling as per manufacturer’s specification
as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge all complete.
26.24.1 With 15 mm thick fully perforated square/butt edge light weight calcium silicate panels/ tiles
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 6.00 x 3.65=21.90 sqm
8564 15 mm thick, light weight,fully perforated
square/butt edge integral densified,false
ceiling tiles of size 595x595 mm. sqm 23.000 905.00 20815.00
Ceiling area = 21.90 sqm + 1.10 sqm (Add
5% wastage) Total = 23.00 sqm
7367 Galvanised M.S. sheet 0.5 mm thick
pressed channel section of size 50x32 mm metre 12.600 65.00 819.00
26.25 Providing and fixing 15 mm thick false ceiling tiles at all heights with integral densified
calcium silicate reinforced with fibre and natural filler false ceiling tiles of Size 595x595 mm
of approved texture, design and patterns having NRC (Noise Reduction coefficient) of 0.50
(minimum) as per IS 8225:1987, Light reflectance of 85% (minimum). Non combustible as
per BS:476 (part-4), fire performance as per BS:476 (part 6 &7), humidity resistance of 100%,
thermal conductivity < 0.043 W/m K as per ASTM 518:1991,in true horizontal level on the
existing frame work consisting of T-sections and Lsections suitably fixed according to tile
size as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 Sqm
8589 Calcium Silicate tegular edged celling tiles
595x595 mm and 15 mm thick sqm 10.50 822.00 8631.00
10 + 0.5 (Add wastage @5%) = 10.5 sqm
26.26 Providing & fixing false ceiling at all heights with GRG (Glass Fibre Reinforced Gypsum) false
ceiling tiles of Size 595x595 mm of approved texture, design and patterns having moisture
content less than 2%, humidity resistance of 99%, NRC0.50 to 0.75 as per IS 8225:1987, Non
combustible as per BS 476 (part 4)-1970 and light reflectance of 85% (minimum) to be laid in
true horizontal level suspended on inter-locking metal T-Grid of hot dipped galvanised iron
section of 0.33mm thick (galvanized @ 120 grams per sqm including both sides) comprising
of main-T runners of size 15x32 mm of length 3000 mm, cross - T of size 15x32 mm of length
1200 mm and secondary intermediate cross-T of size 15x32 mm of length 600mm to form
grid module of size 600 x 600 mm, suspended from ceiling using galvanised mild steel items
(galvanizing @ 80 grams per sqm) i.e. 50 mm long, 8 mm outer diameter M-6 dash fasteners,
6 mm dia fully threaded hanger rod upto 1000 mm length and L-shape level adjuster of size
85x25x2 mm. Galvanised iron perimeter wall angle of size 24x24x0.40 mm of length 3000
mm to be fixed on periphery wall / partition with the help of plastic rawl plugs at 450 mm
center to center and 40 mm long dry wall wood screws. The work shall be carried out as per
specifications, drawing and as per directions of the Engineer-in-Charge.
26.26.1 With semi perforated 12 mm thick micro tegular edged GRG false ceiling tiles.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 100 sqm
Celling area =100 sqm
Add wastage @ 5% = 5 sqm
Total=105.00 sqm
8581 12 mm thick micro tegular edged semi
perforated GFRG (Glass Fibre Reinforced
Gypsum) false celing tiles of Size 595x595
mm sqm 105.00 605.00 63525.00
8555 Galvanized iron main-T ceiling sections
15x32x0.33 mm (3000 mm long) each 29.50 142.00 4189.00
Including wastage @ 10%
8591 Galvanized iron perimeter wall angle
24x24x0.40 mm (3000 mm long) each 13.50 114.00 1539.00
Including wastage @ 10%
8556 Galvanized iron intermediate cross-T sec-
tion 15x32x0.33 mm (1200 mm long) each 147.00 57.00 8379.00
Including wastage @ 10%
26.26.2 With fully perforated 12 mm thick micro tegular edged or 10 mm thick square edged GRG
false ceiling tiles.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 100 sqm
Celling area =100 sqm
Add wastage @ 5% = 5 sqm
Total=105.00 sqm
8582 12 mm thick micro tegular edged fully
perforated GFRG (Glass Fibre Reinforced
Gypsum) false celing tiles of Size 595x595
mm sqm 105.00 642.00 67410.00
8555 Galvanized iron main-T ceiling sections
15x32x0.33 mm (3000 mm long) each 29.50 142.00 4189.00
Including wastage @ 10%
8591 Galvanized iron perimeter wall angle
24x24x0.40 mm (3000 mm long) each 13.50 114.00 1539.00
Including wastage @ 10%
8556 Galvanized iron intermediate cross- T sec-
tion 15x32x0.33 mm (1200 mm long) each 147.00 57.00 8379.00
26.27 Providing and fixing mineral fibre false ceiling tiles at all heights of size 595X595mm of
approved texture, design and pattern. The tiles should have Humidity Resistance (RH) of 99%,
Light Reflectance ≥ 85%, Thermal Conductivity k = 0.052 - 0.057 w/m K, Fire Performance as
per (BS 476 pt - 6 &7)in true horizont al level suspended on interlocking T-Grid of hot dipped
all round galvanized iron section of 0.33 mm thick (galvanized @120 gsm) comprising of main
T runners of 15x32 mm of length 3000 mm, cross T of size 15x32mm of length 1200 mm and
secondary intermediate cross T of size 15x32 mm of length 600 mm to form grid module of size
600x600 mm suspended from ceiling using galvanized mild steel item (galvanised@80gsm) 50
mm long 8mm outer diameter M-6 dash fasteners, 6 mm diameter fully threaded hanger rod up
to 1000 mm length and L-shape level adjuster of size 85x25x2 mm, spaced at 1200 mm centre
to centre along main ‘T’. The system should rest on periphery walls /partitions with the help
of GI perimeter wall angle of size24x24X3000 mm made of 0.40 mm thick sheet, to be fixed to
the wall with help of plastic rawl plug at 450 mm centre to centre & 40 mm long dry wall S.S.
screws. The exposed bottom portion of all T-sections used in false ceiling support system
shall be pre-painted with polyester baked paint, for all heights. The work shall be carried out as
per specifications, drawings and as per directions of the engineer-in-charge.
26.27.1 With 16 mm thick beveled tegular mineral fibre false ceiling tile (NRC 0.55 to 0.60)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 100 Sqm
8552 Mineral fibre beveled tegular edged ceiling
tiles 595x595 mm, 16 mm thick sqm 105.00 920.00 96600.00
Area = 100 sqm + 5 sqm (Add for wastage
@5%) Total = 105 sqm
26.27.2 With 20 mm thick beveled tegular mineral fibre false ceiling tile (NRC 0.7)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 100 sqm
8554 Mineral fibre beveled tegular edged ceil-
ing tiles 595x595mm, 20 mm thick i/c 5%
wastage sqm 105.00 1170.00 122850.00
26.27.3 With 16 mm thick beveled tegular mineral fibre Anti-microbial false ceiling tile conforming to
ISO 5 (class 100 ) specifications
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 100 Sqm
8553 Mineral fibre beveled tegular edged ceil-
ing tiles 595x595 mm, 16 mm thick with
bioblock, conforming to ISO 5 (class 100)
specifications sqm 105.00 1020.00 107100.00
Area = 100 sqm + 5 sqm (Add for wastage
@5%) Total = 105 sqm
8555 G.I. main runner 15X32mm of 3000 mm
length, 0.33mm thick each 29.50 142.00 4189.00
including 10 % wastage
8556 G.I. cross Tee 15X32mm of 1200mm length
0.33mm thick each 147.00 57.00 8379.00
including 10 % wastage
26.28 Chipping of unsound/weak concrete material from slabs, beams, columns etc. with manual
Chisel and/ or by standard power driven percussion type or of approved make including
tapering of all edges, making square shoulders of cavities including cleaning the exposed
concrete surface and reinforcement with wire brushes etc. and disposal of debris for all lead
and lifts all complete as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge
26.28.1 75mm average thickness
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for One Sqm
75mm average thickness for beams
9999 Hire charges for HILTY-TE 504 Pneumatic
Chisel L.S. 5.60 2.27 12.71
0157 Machine Operator day 0.20 897.00 179.40
0114 Beldar day 0.10 736.00 73.60
TOTAL 265.71 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 2.66
TOTAL 268.37 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 57.08
TOTAL 325.45 Y
26.30 Drilling suitable holes in reinforced or plain cement concrete with power driven drill machine
to a minimum depth of 100mm upto 200mm in RCC beams, lintels, columns and slabs to
introduce steel bars for sunshades/balconies including fixing the steel bars in position using
epoxy resin anchor grout of approved make but excluding the cost of reinforcement, all
complete as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge.
26.30.1 Upto and including 12mm dia.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 holes
7913 Epoxy kg 0.200 380.00 76.00
Approx unit Weight of Epoxy= 2000kg/cum
or 2gm/cucm
Volume of Epoxy filled =3.14/4[(1.5)2-(1.2)2]
x 15.5cm = 9.86cucm
Weight of Epoxy for 10 holes=10x9.86 x 2 =
197.20 gms say 200gms = 0.2 kg
0088 Hire charges of Drill machine upto 30 mm dia day 0.500 200.00 100.00
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 0.500 897.00 448.50
0114 Beldar day 0.500 736.00 368.00
TOTAL 992.50 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 9.93
TOTAL 1002.43 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 213.22
TOTAL 1215.65 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 182.35
TOTAL 1398.00 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 13.98
Rate for 10 holes 1411.98
Rate for one hole 141.20
Say 141.20
26.31 Providing, mixing and applying bonding coat of approved adhesive on chipped portion of
RCC as per specifications and direction of Engineer-In-charge complete in all respect.
26.31.1 SBR Polymer (@10% of cement weight) modified cementitious bond coat @ 2.2 kg cement
per sqm of surface area mixed with specified proportion of approved polymer
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of Cost for 10.00 Sqm bonding coat
0367 Portland Cement (OPC-43 grade) tonne 0.022 5156.00 113.43
7914 SBR Polymer kg 2.200 200.00 440.00
@ 10% of cement weight= 22.00kgx10%
=2.2 kg
26.31.2 Epoxy bonding adhesive having coverage 2.20 sqm/kg of approved make
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of Cost for 2.20 Sqm
7913 Epoxy kg 1.000 380.00 380.00
9999 Application charge for applying bonding coat
of Epoxy L.S. 18.500 2.27 42.00
9999 Cost of brushes etc. L.S. 8.400 2.27 19.07
TOTAL 441.07 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 4.41
TOTAL 445.48 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 94.75
TOTAL 540.23 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 81.03
TOTAL 621.26 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 6.21
Cost for 2.20 sqm 627.47
Rate per sqm 285.21
Say 285.20
26.32 Providing, mixing and applying SBR polymer (of approved make) modified Cement mortar
in proportion of 1:4 (1 cement: 4 graded coarse sand with polymer minimum 2% by wt. of
cement used) as per specifications and directions of Engineer-in-charge.
Note: Measurement and payment: The pre-measurement of thickness shall be done just after
the surface preparation is completed and Payment under this item shall be made only after
proper wet curing has been done and surface has been satisfactorily evaluated by sounding
/ tapping with a blunt metal instrument and/or the 75mm size cube crushing strength at the
end of 28 days to be not less than 30 N/Sqmm2).
26.32.1 12 mm average thickness.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of Cost for 10 Sqm
Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : sand) =
0.144 Cum
26.33 Providing, mixing and applying SBR polymer (of approved make @ minimum 2% by wt. of
cement used) modified plain/reinforced cement concrete for structural members having
minimum characteristic compressive strength [with ordinary portland cement, coarse sand
and graded stone aggregate of 10mm maximum size in proportion as per design criteria] with
specified average thickness.
Note: Rates shall be for finished surface area of concrete and shall include the cost of labour,
concrete and appropriate approved Super-Plasticiser for rendering concrete as flowable and
SBR polymer but shall exclude cost of reinforcement, bond coat, Shear Keys, centering and
shuttering, strutting, propping etc (Payment under this item shall be made only after proper
wet curing has been done and surface has been satisfactorily evaluated by sounding/tapping
with a blunt metal instrument)
26.33.1 50mm thick in Grade M 25 with cement content not less than 330 kg per cum
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm area (0.5cum)
M25 concrete 0.5 cum of concrete@ 330 kg/
cum Rate as per Item No. of SH: Rein-
forced Cement Concrete cum 0.50 9860.40 4930.20 A
Deduction of pumping charges
0009 Pumping charges of concrete including Hire
charges of pump, piping work & accessories
etc. cum -0.50 250.00 -125.00
7914 SBR Polymer kg 3.30 200.00 660.00
@2% of cement 165 kg = 165X2% = 3.3 kg
26.33.2 75mm thick in Grade M 25 with cement content not less than 330 kg per cum
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm area (0.75cum)
M25 concrete 0.75 cum of concrete@ 330
kg/cum Rate as per Item No. of SH: RCC cum 0.75 9860.40 7395.30 A
Deduction of pumping charges
0009 Pumping charges of concrete including Hire
charges of pump, piping work & accessories
etc cum -0.75 250.00 -187.50
7914 SBR Polymer kg 4.95 200.00 990.00
@2% of cement 247.50 kg = 247.50X2% =
4.95 kg
TOTAL 8197.80 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 8.02
TOTAL 8205.82 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 172.40
TOTAL 8378.22 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 147.44
TOTAL 8525.66 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 11.30
Cost of 10 sqm 8536.96
Cost of 1 sqm 853.70
Say 853.70
26.34 Providing and laying SBR Polymer modified (of approved make @ minimum 2% by wt. of
cement used) plain/reinforced concrete jacket for the structural members e.g. columns, pillars,
piers, beams etc with concrete having the specified minimum characteristic compressive
strength [with ordinary portland cement, coarse sand and graded stone aggregate of 10mm
maximum size in proportion as per design criteria] with specified average thickness all-
round existing core of RCC member.
Note: Rates shall be for finished surface area of concrete and shall include the cost of making
holes in existing RCC slab, if required, for pouring concrete in shuttering mould of jacket and
appropriate approved Super-Plasticiser for rendering concrete as flowable self compacting
and SBR polymer but shall exclude cost of reinforcement, bond coat, Shear Keys, centering
and shuttering, strutting, propping etc (Payment under this item shall be made only after
proper wet curing has been done and surface has been satisfactorily evaluated by sounding/
tapping with a blunt metal instrument)
26.34.2 75mm thick in Grade M 25 with cement content not less than 330 kg per cum
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm area (0.75cum)
M25 concrete 0.75 cum of concrete@ 330
kg/cum Rate as per Item No. of SH: RCC cum 0.75 9860.40 7395.30 A
Deduction of pumping charges
0009 Pumping charges of concrete including Hire
charges of pump, piping work & accessories
etc cum -0.75 250.00 -187.50
7914 SBR Polymer kg 4.95 200.00 990.00
@2% of cement 247.50 kg = 247.50X2% =
4.95 kg
TOTAL 8197.80 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 8.02
TOTAL 8205.82 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 172.4
TOTAL 8378.22 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 147.44
TOTAL 8525.66 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 11.3
Cost of 10 sqm 8536.96
Cost of 1 sqm 853.70
Say 853.70
26.35 Providing and injecting approved grout in proportion recommended by the manufacturer into
cracks/honey-comb area of concrete/masonry by suitable gun/pump at required pressure
including cutting of nipples after curing etc. complete as per directions of Engineer-in-
(The payment shall be made on the basis of actual weight of approved grout injected.)
26.35.1 Stirrer mixed Acrylic Polymer of approved make @ 2% of weight of cement used) modified
Cement slurry made with non shrink compound in concrete/RCC work
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 100 kg Acrylic polymer
mixed cement grout
7927 Acrylic Polymer chemical for cracks kg 2.00 35.00 70.00
Considering 1 kg of cement grout mixed
with non shrink polymer compound with
cement @ 2% of cement
0367 Portland Cement (OPC-43 grade) tonne 0.10 5156.00 515.60
9977 Carriage of materials L.S. 1.00 2.27 2.27
9999 Injecting charges of Stirrer mixed polymer
grout Gun, rubber, pipe and other accesso-
ries hire charges of plant, machinery includ-
ing necessary fuel and transportation of site L.S. 2250.00 2.27 5107.50
0122 Foreman day 1.00 897.00 897.00
0157 Nozzleman day 1.00 897.00 897.00
0157 Pump Operator day 1.00 897.00 897.00
26.35.2 Stirrer mixed SBR Polymer (of approved make) modified Cement slurry made with Shrinkage
Compensating Cement in concrete/RCC work.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 100kg of SBR Polymer
mixed cement grout
7914 SBR Polymer for crack kg 2.00 200.00 400.00
0367 Portland Cement (OPC-43 grade) tonne 0.10 5156.00 515.60
9977 Carriage of materials L.S. 1.00 2.27 2.27
9999 Injecting charges of Stirrer mixed polymer
grout Gun, rubber, pipe and other accesso-
ries hire charges of plant, machinery includ-
ing necessary fuel and transportation of site
Rs 4000/- per day including plant shall be
used of doing approximate v Hence cost per
sqm (4000/50 = 80) L.S. 2250.00 2.27 5107.50
0122 Foreman day 1.00 897.00 897.00
0157 Nozzle Operator day 1.00 897.00 897.00
0157 Pump Operator day 1.00 897.00 897.00
TOTAL 8716.37 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 87.16
TOTAL 8803.53 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1872.51
TOTAL 10676.04 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 1601.41
TOTAL 12277.45 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 122.77
Cost of 100 kg 12400.22
Cost of 1 kg 124.00
Say 124.00
26.36 Providing, erecting, maintaining and removing temporary protective screens made out of
specified fabric with all necessary fixing arrangement to ensure that it remains in position for
the work duration as required by the Engineer-in-charge.
26.36.1 Wooven PVC cloth
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 sqm
7915 Wooven PVC cloth sqm 10.00 28.00 280.00
9999 Fixing double scaffolding outside L.S. 11.00 2.27 24.97
Total Material 304.97
For fixing and removal after complete of
work @25% 76.24
TOTAL 381.21 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 3.81
TOTAL 385.02 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 81.89
TOTAL 466.91 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 70.04
TOTAL 536.95 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.37
Rate for 10 sqm 542.32
Rate for 1 sqm 54.23
Say 54.25
26.37 Cleaning of exposed concrete surface of sticking material including loose and foreign
material by sand blasting with coarse sand followed by and including cleaning with oil free
air blast as per direction of Engineer in charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 Sqm
0089 Hire charges of sand blasting equipment (14
sqm per day) day 0.70 450.00 315.00
0090 Hire charges of compressor day 0.70 550.00 385.00
26.38 Shotcreting R.C.C. columns, beams and slabs etc. in layers with approved design mix
concrete having the specified minimum characteristic compressive strength [with ordinary
portland cement, coarse sand and graded stone aggregate of 10 mm maximum size in
proportion as per design criteria] including the cost of centering and shuttering at edges and
corners etc. as directed by Engineer- in-Charge
Note: Rates shall include the providing necessary ground wires etc. The levelling gauges, if
used, shall be paid for separately. Payment under this item shall be made only after proper
wet curing has been done and surface has been satisfactorily evaluated by sounding/tapping
with a blunt metal instrument.
26.38.1 25mm thick in Grade M 25 with cement content not less than 330 kg per cum
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 100 sqm
M25 concrete 2.5 cum of concrete@ 330 kg/
Cubical qty of concrete for 100 sqm =
100x1.00x0.025 = 2.5 cum + Wastage 25%,
= 2.5x25/100=0.625 cum. Total=3.125 cum Rate as per Item No. of SH: RCC cum 3.125 9860.40 30813.75 A
0086 Compressor, gun, rubber pipes & other ac-
cessories- hire charge of plant & machinery
i/c necessary fuel day 2.500 4500.00 11250.00
(approx. 40 sqm area of shotcrete per day =
100/40 = 2.5 day)
0157 Operator (Pile/ Special machine) day 4.000 897.00 3588.00
0154 Nozzel man/ gun man day 4.000 897.00 3588.00
0124 Mason 2nd class day 4.000 816.00 3264.00
0161 Helper (Technician) day 8.000 736.00 5888.00
0101 Bhisti day 4.000 816.00 3264.00
TOTAL 61655.75 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 308.42
TOTAL 61964.17 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 6625.69
26.38.2 50mm thick in Grade M 25 with cement content not less than 330 kg per cum
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
M25 concrete 0.5 cum of concrete@ 330 kg/
Cubical qty of concrete for 10 sqm =
10x1.00x0.050 = 0.50 cum Wastage 25%, =
0.50x25/100=0.125 cum Total=0.625 cum Rate as per Item No. of SH: RCC cum 0.625 9860.40 6162.75 A
0086 Compressor, gun, rubber pipes & other ac-
cessories- hire charge of plant & machinery
i/c necessary fuel day 0.400 4500.00 1800.00
(approx. 25 sqm area of shotcrete per day =
10/25 = 0.4 day)
0157 Operator (Pile/ Special machine) day 0.400 897.00 358.80
0154 Nozzel man/ gun man day 0.400 897.00 358.80
0124 Mason 2nd class day 0.400 816.00 326.40
0161 Helper (Technician) day 0.800 736.00 588.80
0101 Bhisti day 0.400 816.00 326.40
TOTAL 9921.95 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W-A” 37.59
TOTAL 9959.54 X
Add GST on “X-A” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 807.58
TOTAL 10767.12 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y-A” 690.66
TOTAL 11457.78 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z-A” 52.95
Cost of 10 sqm 11510.73
Cost of 1 sqm 1151.07
Say 1151.05
26.38.3 75mm thick in Grade M 25 with cement content not less than 330 kg per cum
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 100 sqm
M25 concrete 7.5 cum of concrete@ 330 kg/
Cubical qty of concrete for 100 sqm =
100x1.00x0.075 = 7.5 cum Wastage 25%, =
7.5x25/100=1.875 cum Total=9.375 cum Rate as per Item No. of SH: RCC cum 9.375 9860.40 92441.25 A
26.39 Providing and inserting 12mm dia galvanised steel injection nipple in honey comb area and
along crack line including drilling of holes of required diametre (20mm to 30mm) up to depth
from 30mm to 80mm at required spacing and making the hole & crack dust free by blowing
compressed air, sealing the distance between injection nipple with adhesive chemical of
approved make and allow it to cure complete as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 20.00 Nos Hole
7921 Adhesive chemical ml 188.00 2.00 376.00
(750 mm deep & 20 mm Dia Hole)
Volume of hole =20x(3.14/4)
x2.00x2.00x7.5=471 cub cm.
Adhesive @ 40% of 471 ml=188.40 ml, Say
188 ml
7922 Bit of drilling machine for Hole upto 30mm
dia each 1.00 550.00 550.00
(One Bit done 20 Holes only)
7923 GI injection nipple 12mm dia, 75mm long each 20.00 50.00 1000.00
7924 Blowing compressed air for cleaning holes
upto 30mm dia each 20.00 10.00 200.00
0155 Mason (average) day 0.50 857.00 428.50
0115 Coolie day 0.50 736.00 368.00
0101 Bhisti day 0.50 816.00 408.00
TOTAL 3330.50 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 33.31
TOTAL 3363.81 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 715.48
TOTAL 4079.29 Y
26.40 Providing and fixing hard drawn steel wire fabric of size 75 x25 mm mesh or other suitable
size wire mesh to be fixed & firmly anchored to the concrete surface by means of “L” shaped
mild steel shear key welded with existing reinforcement including the cost of materials,
labour, tool & plants as approved by Engineer-in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10.00 sqm ( i.e 77.50 kg.)
7925 L shaped 100mm long, 10mm dia mild steel
shear key kg 1.55 90.00 139.50
key to be provided at 0.5 mtr centre to cen-
tre in each direction
Total no. of Shear key of MS Bar in 10sqm
= 25 nos
25x0.10x0.617=1.55 kg
0091 Welding charges of shear key to existing
reinforcement each 25.00 5.00 125.00
1021 Hard drawn steel wire fabric sqm 10.50 430.00 4515.00
75x25mm, weight 7.75kg/sqm
75x25 mm = 10.00 sqm + Add 5%
wastage = 0.50 sqm Total = 10.50 sqm
9977 Carriage at site L.S. 5.61 2.27 12.73
0103 Blacksmith 2nd class day 1.00 816.00 816.00
0114 Beldar day 1.00 736.00 736.00
TOTAL 6344.23 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 63.44
TOTAL 6407.67 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1362.91
TOTAL 7770.58 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 1165.59
TOTAL 8936.17 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 89.36
Cost of 10 sqm 9025.53
Cost of 1 sqm 902.55
Say 902.55
26.42.1 A Outer face- Outer face having 6mm thick fiber cement board Type A, Category-III as
per IS:14862:2000 fixed on 9mm thick fiber cement board Type A, Category-III, as per
IS:14862:2000 (high pressure steam cured) Inner Face- 12.5 mm thick gypsum plaster board
conforming to IS 2095:2011 fixed on 8 mm thick fibre cement board of Type B, Category-III,
as per IS:14862:2000 (High pressure steam cured)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of Cost for 10.00 Sqm
Outer face :
0251 6mm thick Type A, Category III as per
IS:14862:2000 fiber cement board 1x10 =10
Sqm + 1.00 (Add for wastage @ 10%) Total
= 11.00 Sqm Sqm 11.00 244.00 2684.00
2636 GI Screws of Gauge 10, length 45 mm for
fixing cement bonded particle board to C
section. each 40.00 3.10 124.00
0252 9 mm thick Type A, Category III as per
IS:14862:2000 fiber cement board 1x10=10
sqm +1 sqm (Add for wastage @10%) Total
= 11.00 sqm Sqm 11.00 366.00 4026.00
2635 GI screws of gauge 10, length 25 mm for
fixing cement bonded particle board to C
section Tapping and finishing Cement board
joints each 40.00 3.15 126.00
Sub A/R 1 Filling the Groove of 2mm to 3 mm between
8 mm and 10 mm thick cement bonded
particle boards. Sqm 10.00 92.85 928.50
Inner face :
0237 Multi purpose fibre (high impact poly prope-
lene reinforced) cement board 8 mm thick
Type B, Category III as per IS:14862:2000
fiber cement board 1x10 = 10 sqm +1.00
(Add for wastage @ 10%) Total = 11.00
Sqm. Sqm 11.00 220.00 2420.00
2636 GI screw of gauge 10, length 45 mm for
fixing cement bonded particle board to C
section. each 40.00 3.10 124.00
26.42.2 Outer face: Outer face having 8 mm thick cement bonded particle Board fixed on 10 mm thick
cement bonded particle board. (Termite, Fire and Moisture Resistance) as per IS 14276:1995.
Inner face:-12.5 mm thick gypsum plaster board conforming to IS 2095:2011 fixed on 8 mm
thick cement bonded particle board (Termite, fire and moisture resistance) conforming to
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of Cost for 10.00 Sqm
Outer face :
0243 8mm thick Cement bonded particle board
1x10 =10 Sqm + 1.00 (Add for wastage @
10%) Total = 11.00 Sqm Sqm 11.00 230.00 2530.00
2636 GI Screws of Gauge 10, length 45 mm for
fixing cement bonded particle board to C
section. each 40.00 3.25 130.00
0249 10 mm thick Cement Bonded particle board
1x10=10 sqm +1 sqm (Add for wastage
@10%) Total = 11.00 sqm Sqm 11.00 500.00 5500.00
2635 GI screws of gauge 10, length 25 mm for
fixing cement bonded particle board to C
section Tapping and finishing Cement board
joints each 40.00 3.30 132.00
Sub A/R 1 Filling the Groove of 2mm to 3 mm between
8 mm and 10 mm thick cement bonded
particle boards. Sqm 10.00 95.40 954.00
Inner face :
0243 8 mm thick cement bonded particle board
1x10 = 10 sqm +1.00 (Add for wastage @
10%) Total = 11.00 Sqm. Sqm 11.00 230.00 2530.00
Sub A/R-1 Filling the groove (i.e. 2-3mm gap between boards),taping and jointing of the first layer 6mm
and 9mm thick fiber cement boards with epoxy based sealing compound or with silicon
sealant. Second layer is fixed over it in a staggered pattern.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 Sqm
1248 Epoxy based sealing Compound kg 1.400 535.00 749.00
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 0.132 816.00 107.71
0114 Beldar day 0.132 736.00 97.15
Cost of 10 sqm 953.86
Cost of 1 sqm 95.39
Say 95.40
26.43 Providing and fixing internal wall panels on Light gauge steel frame work with 12.5mm thick
gypsum plaster board conforming IS 2095:2011 fixed on cement board as per standard sizes
fixed with self-drilling / taping screws / fasteners @ 60cm c/c of approved make, Screws
shall be of counter sunk rib head of 1.60mm to 4 mm thick or 8 to 10 gauge of length varying
from 25 to 45 mm. Proper taping and jointing to be done using fiber mesh tape and epoxy
and acrylic based jointing compound for seamless finish.(cost of frame work to be paid for
26.43.1 Cement Fiber Board 8 mm thick of Type B, Category III as per IS 14862:2000 (High pressure
Steam Cured)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 Sqm
0237 Multi purpose fibre (high impact poly prope-
lene reinforced) cement board 8 mm thick
Type B, Category III as per IS 14862:2000
fiber cement board 2x10=20 sqm + 2.00
(Add for wastage @10 %) = 22.00 sqm Sqm 22.00 240.00 5280.00
2635 GI screws of gauge 10, length 25 mm for fix-
ing cement fiber board to C section Tapping
and finishing Cement board joints. each 80.00 3.30 264.00
0241 12.5 mm thick Gypsum plaster board 2x10
= 20 sqm + 2.00(Add for wastage @ 10%) =
22.00 sqm Sqm 22.00 180.00 3960.00
2635 GI screws of gauge 10, length 25 mm for fix-
ing cement fiber board to C section Tapping
and finishing Cement board joints. each 80.00 3.30 264.00
26.43.2 Cement Bonded particle board 8 mm (Termite, Fire & Moisture Resistance), as per IS:14276: 1995
26.45 Supplying and installation of moisture resistant/fire resistant cement board as per standard
sizes fixed with self-drilling / taping screws. Screws shall be of counter sunk rib head of
1.60mm to 4 mm thick or 8 to 10 gauge of length varying from 25 to 45 mm.
26.45.1 Cement Fiber Board 6 mm thick as per IS 14862:2000 of type B (High pressure Steam Cured)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 Sqm
0238 6 mm thick fibre cement board 10 sqm +1
sqm (Add for wastage @10%)=11.00 sqm Sqm 11.00 510.00 5610.00
2635 GI screws of gauge 10, length 25 mm for
fixing cement fibre board to C section Tap-
ping and finishing Cement board joints each 40.00 3.30 132.00
Sub A/R 1 Filling the Grove of 2 mm to 3 mm between
6 mm and 10 mm thick cement bonded
particle boards. Sqm 10.00 95.40 954.00
For cutting and fixing of Cement & gypsum
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 1.11 816.00 905.76
0114 Beldar day 3.33 736.00 2450.88
TOTAL 10052.64 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 100.53
TOTAL 10153.17 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 2159.58
26.45.2 Cement Bonded particle board 8 mm thick (Termite, Fire & Moisture Resistance), as per
IS:14276 : 1995
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 Sqm
0243 8 mm thick cement bonded particle
board 10 sqm +1 sqm (Add for wastage
@10%)=11.00 sqm Sqm 11.00 230.00 2530.00
2635 GI screws of gauge 10, length 25 mm for
fixing cement bonded particle board to C
section Tapping and finishing Cement board
joints each 40.00 3.30 132.00
Sub A/R 1 Filling the Grove of 2 mm to 3 mm between
6 mm and 10 mm thick cement bonded
particle boards. Sqm 10.00 95.40 954.00
For cutting and fixing of Cement & gypsum
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 1.11 816.00 905.76
0114 Beldar day 3.33 736.00 2450.88
TOTAL 6972.64 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 69.73
TOTAL 7042.37 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1497.91
TOTAL 8540.28 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 1281.04
TOTAL 9821.32 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 98.21
Cost of 10 sqm 9919.53
Cost of 1 sqm 991.95
Say 991.95
Sub A/R-1
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Material cost
Part-1 : Aluminium formwork
4mm thick sheet of aluminium alloy grade
6061 (type-6) for the contact face area of
100 sqm
the sheet/plate requirement including fram-
ing flanges and specials = 100 + 120 = 220
220 sqm @ 10.72 kg/sqm = 2358.40 Kg
Add 5% extra waste = 117.92 Kg
Total = 2358.40 + 117.82 = 2476.32 Kg
5780 4mm thick sheet of aluminium alloy grade
6061 (type-6) for aluminuum formwork Kg 2476.32 260.00 643843.20 E
Aluminium formwork weight without wastage
= 2358.40 Kg
5781 Fabrication cost for formwork panels and
special including computerised designing for
fabrication and mock testing before trans-
portation to site of work. Kg 2358.40 37.00 87260.80
Accossories like pins, wedges and wall ties
@ 5% of ( E ) 32192.16
Add cost towards maintenance and time
to time repalcement of damaged members
@5% ( E ) 32192.16
5782 Packaging and carting of aluminium sheet/
plate to the site of work Tonne 2.36 5400.00 12744.00
Part-2: M S working platform on external
face (required while fixing & removing )
10.2 M.S angle iron bracket of size 50x50x6 mm
(Rate i/c priming coat) Kg 270.00 133.70 36099.00 A
10x6.00 mtr @ 4.50 Kg/mtrs = 270 Kg (Rate
as per item no 10.2 SH:10 Steel work}
10.16.1 M.S. Square tube panel of tubes 25x25mm,
1.8mm thick (Rate i/c priming coat) Kg 256.25 194.40 49815.00 A
7x2x11.45 = 160mtr + 45 mtr (railing guards)
= 205 mtr @ 1.25 Kg/mtr = 256.25 Kg (Rate
as per item no.10.16.1 SH:10 Steel work )
Sub Filling and finishing the holes of varies sizes and shades (left by keys/pins of aluminium
A/R - 2 formwork shuttering while de-shuttering ) with GP-2 cementitious polymer compound mixed
with water in ratio prescribed by manufacturer to form consistent workable enough for
pushing it in the holes upto full depth of wall using appropriate tools and finishing smooth
all complete as per directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 110 holes
(Assuming 100 to 120 nos holes of
0.0001cum to 0.00008 cum size can be
filled with 8 kg (i/c wastage) of GP-2 com-
5774 GP-2 cementitious compound Kg 8.00 22.00 176.00
0124 Mason 2nd class day 0.45 816.00 367.20
0114 Beldar day 0.45 736.00 331.20
9999 Sundries for T&P and scaffolding etc. L.S. 50.00 2.27 113.50
Cost of 110 Nos holes 987.90
Cost of each hole 8.98
say 9.00
26.50.1 B Non load bearing panels 50 mm thick of required size (minimum 4mm thick fibre cement
board Type A, Category IV as per IS: 14862:2000 on both faces)
26.50.2 Non load bearing panels 75 mm thick of required size (minimum 5mm thick fibre cement
board Type B, Category III as per IS: 14862:2000 on both faces)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost 10sqm (6.95Nos x0.6m
x2.40m = 10sqm)
Panel area = 10.00sqm, Add wastage @ 5%
= 0.50sqm, Total area = 10.50 sqm
0245 Factory made light weight non asbestos fi-
bre reinforced aerated cement sandwitched
wall/roof panel (75mm thick). The outer face
on both sides of the panels will be non as-
bestos fibre cement board (minimum 5mm
thick) Type B, Category III conforming to IS
14862:2000 sqm 10.50 860.00 9030.00
9999 Sundries, cement based polymer modified
jointing compound, polymer based jointing
compound having superior flexibility, fibre
glass tape etc. L.S. 500.00 2.27 1135.00
For fixing, aligning, locking the panels, glass
fibre tape/fibre mesh with a jointing com-
0123 Mason 1st class day 1.00 897.00 897.00
0114 Beldar day 2.00 736.00 1472.00
0131 Painter day 0.50 816.00 408.00
26.50.2 A Non load bearing panels 75 mm thick of required size (minimum 5mm thick fibre cement
board Type A, Category III as per IS: 14862:2000 on both faces)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost 10sqm (6.95Nos x0.6m
x2.40m = 10sqm)
Panel area = 10.00sqm, Add wastage @ 5%
= 0.50sqm, Total area = 10.50 sqm
0255 Factory made light weight non asbestos fi-
bre reinforced aerated cement sandwitched
wall/roof panel (75mm thick). The outer face
on both sides of the panels will be non as-
bestos fibre cement board (minimum 5mm
thick) Type A, Category III conforming to IS
14862:2000 sqm 10.50 822.00 8631.00
9999 Sundries, cement based polymer modified
jointing compound, polymer based jointing
compound having superior flexibility, fibre
glass tape etc. L.S. 500.00 2.27 1135.00
For fixing, aligning, locking the panels, glass
fibre tape/fibre mesh with a jointing com-
0123 Mason 1st class day 1.00 897.00 897.00
0114 Beldar day 2.00 736.00 1472.00
0131 Painter day 0.50 816.00 408.00
TOTAL 12543.00 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 125.43
TOTAL 12668.43 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 2694.58
TOTAL 15363.01 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 2304.45
TOTAL 17667.46 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 176.67
Cost of 10 sqm 17844.13
Cost of 1sqm 1784.41
Say 1784.40
26.51 Supplying of standard quality GFRG panel of 124 mm thickness with modular cavities
purchased from GFRG panel manufacturing plant in the country, cut to required wall sizes
and floor/ roof slab sizes in correct length and height, including cutting of door, window
and ventilator opening as per the cutting drawing prepared by architects /design engineers
for the construction of GFRG building and loaded in stillages for transportation to the
construction site. Cost of panel includes security deposits, hire charges of stillages & jaws,
cost of transportation in trucks/ lorries without any damages upto 300kms including all leads
and lifts from GFRG manufacturing plant to construction site and unloading at site using
suitable fork lift/ crane. (Payment shall be made on the basis of area of one side of panel
without reduction of opening of door/ window / ventilator). For transportation above 300kms,
additional charges to be paid.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 1sqm.
Panel area = 1.00sqm, Add wastage @ 5%
= 0.050sqm, Total area = 1.05 sqm
26.52 Erection of GFRG Panels in walls in all floors using suitable crane as per instructions of
Engineer-in-Charge, as per cutting drawings and structural drawings, in perfect line and
plumb, above RCC plinth beam/GFRG panel below and provide necessary lateral/ slanting
support to keep the wall panel in safe position, providing & tieing of Reinforcement as per
structural drawings and applying a coat of water repellant coating Zycosil/equivalent
or equivalent product (1 Zycosil/equivalent compound :10 water ) to saturation level over
RCC plinth beam to provide water proofing treatment to joint between wall panel & plinth
beam as per the guide lines / instruction by the engineer in charge. (Cost of reinforcement,
water proofing of walls and plinth beam/GFRG panel below joints and installation of door/
window frames before filling of concrete shall be paid separately). The rate quoted shall
include making provision for laying of lintels, beams, sunshades, staircase beams, lofts,
plumbing work, electrical conduits and any structural insertion etc., as per the drawing and
direction of the engineer in charge. The payment shall be made based on the actual exposed
area (one side only) of the panel.
The work shall be carried out as per the Special Conditions For Glass Fibre Reinforced
Gypsum (GFRG) Structures mentioned in NIT.
Note: i) When cutting panel, “A” side is to be for outside or external surface of respective
external wall and B side is to be for internal surface of wall
ii)Erection of panel is to be with reference to both building plan & cutting drawing by following
notational mark indicated in the cutting drawing as well as notional mark written on each
panel cut as per cutting drawing
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 36sqm. (4 walls of 3mx3m
= 36 sqm)
Skilled trained crew erection team 4 persons
for 4 hour
0123 Mason (Brick layer) 1st class day 2.00 897.00 1794.00
For 2 Lintels works, 4 skilled men for 2 hrs
0123 Mason (Brick layer) 1st class day 1.00 897.00 897.00
Web cutting for horizontal tie beam, 2 skilled
men for 4 hrs
0123 Mason (Brick layer) 1st class day 1.00 897.00 897.00
26.53 Filling of empty cavities (as shown in the structural design drawing) with quarry dust mixed
with 5% cement (by volume). After initial infill of 50 mm thick with M25 concrete at base/
bottom of cavities to seal off, infill wall panel cavities in 3 stages as detailed below,
(i) 1st pour / infill to be limited to 0.3 to 0.50 m height from bottom of the panel.
(ii) 2nd Pour/ infill: infilling shall be done only after 90 minutes interval between successive
pours. The maximum height of infill shall be restricted to 1.5m height or up to the top level
of door / window.
(iii) 3rd pour/infill: After an interval of 90 minutes of second pour, infill or pour the balance
height up to the bottom of embedded RCC tie beam. Pour enough water just required to
dampen the dry mix enough to form cake form after each stage.
(cost of laying M25 concrete shall be paid separately)
(If any rain falls in between any stages of concrete pour, make sure to cover the panel top to
prevent ingress of water or water falling into the cavities. In case of water collection over the
concrete inside the panel, drill 10mm hole in GFRG panel immediately above concrete filled
level to drain out water before pour/in-fill of balance concreting)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for filling one panel size 9 sqm
(3mx3m Wall)
1159 Stone dust/Quarry dust filling in cavities of
size 230x94 mm
cum 0.850 1100.00 935.00
0367 OPC Cement @ 5% volume of quarry dust tonne 0.061 5156.00 314.52
Tools and plants hire charges
0002 Mixer hire charges day 0.125 900.00 112.50
0124 Mason 2nd class day 0.125 816.00 102.00
0114 Beldar day 0.125 736.00 92.00
TOTAL 1556.02 W
26.54 Laying of GFRG panel as roof / floor slab panel and staircase panel using suitable crane as per
instructions of Engineer-in-Charge, including providing support system with 25mm x 300mm-
400 mm wide plywood, as runner with proper prop below proposed micro beams including
(a) Cutting of top flange of panel to 180 mm wide (leaving 25mm projection on either side) to
provide RCC embedded micro beam as per cutting drawings and structural drawings.
(b) Reinforcement for micro beams and tie beams to be provided in position with proper
anchorage as per structural drawings.
(c) Provision for Electrical cabling, fan hooks and laying of pipes for plumbing work.
(d) Concreting of Tie beam, micro beam and top of GFRG panels (50 mm thick) with M-25
cement concrete mix using coarse aggregate of size less than 20 mm including laying of 10
gauge 100x100 size weld mesh with 25 mm effective cover from the panel top.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 9 sqm (3mx3m wall panel)
Providing runner & support system in place
placing panel in position with 40mm bearing
walls( 4 Skilled persons for 1/2 Hrs /1/16
0123 Mason (Brick layer) 1st class day 0.25 897.00 224.25
Lifting panel from stack by crane and plac-
ing in position with 40 mm bearing on walls
4 skilled labour for 1 hrs
0123 Mason (Brick layer) 1st class day 0.50 897.00 448.50
Cutting & removal of top flange to protruding
on either sides for keying panel into RCC
micro beams in position (every 3rd cavities
runner/span in place beneath) and providing
concealed beam reinforcement in position,
side shuttering for slab for external side(with
6mm grove) also to be provided (mean
while providing fan hooks, electrical cabling,
piping etc by coordinate task by concerned
skilled persons, 4 skilled labour for 1 hrs
0123 Mason (Brick layer) 1st class day 0.50 897.00 448.50
9999 Hire charges for runner and support system
and side shuttering for external side of slab
for 5 days L.S. 29.00 2.27 65.83
26.55 Supplying and fixing 10 Gauge weld mesh of size 100mm x100 mm for floor/roof slab concrete
screed over the micro beams as reinforcement. The weld mesh shall be fixed as per drawing.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 9sqm (3mx3m)
Mesh area = 9.00sqm, Add wastage @ 5%
= 0.45sqm, Total area = 9.45 sqm
1223 Steel weld mesh sqm 9.45 150.00 1417.50
Labour for filling the quarry dust
0103 Blacksmith 2nd class day 0.125 816.00 102.00
0114 Beldar day 0.125 736.00 92.00
TOTAL 1611.50 W
Add 1% water charges 16.12
TOTAL 1627.62 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 346.19
TOTAL 1973.81 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 296.07
TOTAL 2269.88 Z
Add Cess @1% on “Z” 22.70
Cost of 9 sqm 2292.58
Cost of 1 sqm 254.73
Say 254.75
26.56 Application of ZMB 60/equivalent solution (100 Kg ZMB 60/equivalent, 1 litre ZMB Nano
Thinner, 20 litre water & 1 Litre Zycoprime/equivalent = 122 litre/kg) over already applied coat
of Zycosil/equivalent & Zycoprime/equivalent solution on the top of all the RCC plinth beams
by brush/spray coat before erection of GFRG over RCC plinth beams in GF. In the case of
upper floors 150 mm wide on floor slab for all the external walls, bath/toilet/wet areas (3 hrs
drying time) before erection of wall panel on upper floors including erection of parapet wall.
26.57 After erection of GFRG wall panels, seal all GFRG wall joints with paper tape temporarily.
Water proofing treatment of vertical joints with Zycosil/equivalent water proofing Solution (1
litre of Zycosil/equivalent & 20 litres of water stirred first & 2 litres of Zycoprime/equivalent
added and stirred (total 23 litre)) with 50 ml syringe till the gap and in filled concrete is
completely saturated. After removing the paper seal, seal off the vertical joints with water
proofing material “Grout RW/equivalent “ (Sealing cost excluded.)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 30 metre
8519 Zycosil /equivalent litre 0.261 1440.00 375.84
8518 Zycoprime / equivalent litre 0.522 170.00 88.74
9999 water, syringe, etc. L.S. 160.000 2.27 363.20
0123 Mason (Brick layer) 1st class day 1.250 897.00 1121.25
TOTAL 1949.03 W
Add 1% water charges 19.49
TOTAL 1968.52 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 418.70
TOTAL 2387.22 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 358.08
TOTAL 2745.30 Z
Add Cess @1% on “Z” 27.45
Cost of 30 metre 2772.75
Cost of 1 metre 92.43
Say 92.45
26.58 Filling of joints between RCC plinth beam / floor slab and wall panel of external walls, toilet /
bath room / wet areas walls on all floor and parapet wall over roof slab, stair case head room
at the time of erection of GFRG panels with Grout RW/equivalent sealant compound after the
erection of panel before the infill of concrete in panel cavities and fine finish. This applies
for all horizontal and vertical joints between GFRG wall and slab panels.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 48 metre
8520 Elastobar / equivalent kg 1.000 300.00 300.00
0367 OPC Cement tonne 0.002 5156.00 10.31
26.59 Water proofing treatment of Vertical joints (of external side and internal side) between door
frame, window & ventilator frames (on all four sides) of outer wall over the Zycosil/equivalent
& Zycoprime/equivalent solution already applied (before the installation of door / window /
ventilator frames in position) and fine finish with Grout RW/equivalent.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 40 sqm or 4000 m of
10mm thick strip
8519 Zycosil / equivalent litre 1.000 1440.00 1440.00
8518 Zycoprime / equivalent litre 2.000 170.00 340.00
9999 Water, technical supervision, etc. L.S. 6.000 2.27 13.62
0123 Mason (Brick layer) 1st class day 0.286 897.00 256.54
8520 Elastobar / equivalent (1.00x4000/48=83.33
kg) kg 83.330 300.00 24999.00
0367 OPC Cement(0.0015x4000/48=0.125 tonne) tonne 0.125 5156.00 644.50
9999 100 mesh silica, water, technical supervi-
sion, etc.(3.00x4000/48=250.00) L.S. 250.000 2.27 567.50
0123 Mason (Brick layer) 1st class day 125.000 897.00 112125.00
1.50x4000/48=125.00 day
TOTAL 140386.16 W
Add 1% water charges 1403.86
TOTAL 141790.02 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 30158.74
TOTAL 171948.76 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 25792.31
TOTAL 197741.07 Z
Add Cess @1% on “Z” 1977.41
Cost of 4000 metre 199718.48
Cost of 1 metre 49.93
Say 49.95
26.61 In-filling / sealing of joint between RCC lintel cum sunshade and wall (on external side) in
all floors by pushing in Grout RW/equivalent in paste form and coving 20 mm x 20 mm
after applying a coat of Zycosil/equivalent & zycoprime/equivalent solution before cement
plastering of top, bottom and sides of RCC sunshade.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 40 sqm or 4000 m of
10mm thick strip
8519 Zycosil / equivalent litre 1.000 1440.00 1440.00
8518 Zycoprime / equivalent litre 2.000 170.00 340.00
9999 Water, technical supervision, etc. L.S. 6.000 2.27 13.62
0123 Mason (Brick layer) 1st class day 0.286 897.00 256.54
8520 Elastobar / equivalent (1.00x4000/48=83.33
kg) kg 83.330 300.00 24999.00
0367 OPC Cement(0.0015x4000/48=0.125 tonne) tonne 0.125 5156.00 644.50
9999 100 mesh silica, water, technical supervi-
sion, etc.(3.00x4000/48=250.00) L.S. 250.000 2.27 567.50
0123 Mason (Brick layer) 1st class day 125.000 897.00 112125.00
1.50x4000/48=125.00 day
TOTAL 140386.16 W
Add 1% water charges 1403.86
TOTAL 141790.02 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 30158.74
26.62 Designing, Providing, installing and fixing factory finished customed design pregalvanized
high tensile steel joists manufactured from G350 Z275 conforming to IS:277-1992, minimum
coating of galvanizing 275 gm/sqm, minimum yield stress 35 MPa & minimum tensile strength
of 380 MPa placed 1.23 metre apart to support the load of slab etc as per the design &
directions of Engineer-in-Charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 212.816 kg
Covered area = 5.57x4.2m = 23.394 sqm
(a) 250 series Joist (G 350) - 3mm thick -
Galvanised = 4 Nos x4.18 metre length =
16.72 metre @ 10.59 kg/metre = 177.06 kg
(b) Joist Shoe plate (E 250) - 12 mm thick
MS Plate (Galvanised with 55 microns) =
2 Nos in each joist x 4 No. joist = 8 No’s @
2.4kg/each = 19.2kg
(c) Bolts (M16 - Gr 8.8s), (Galvanised)
(16∅ X 40 bolts With washer & Nuts)= 6No’s
in each joist x 4 No. joists=24 Nos 24
No’s@0.135kg/each = 3.24 kg
(d) Hanging Angle at corners to support lock
bars L 75x40x1.6 (Galvanised) = 2x4.18
metre =8.36 metre @ 1.60kg/metre =
13.376 kg
Total weight = 177.06+19.2+3.24+13.376 =
212.816 kgs
1012 Pregalvanized high tensile steel kg 212.816 110.00 23409.76
LABOUR (Reference item no 10.1)
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 1.064 897.00 954.41
0103 Blacksmith 2nd class day 1.596 816.00 1302.34
0114 Beldar day 2.128 736.00 1566.21
Total 27232.72 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 272.33
TOTAL 27505.05 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 5850.32
TOTAL 33355.37 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 5003.31
TOTAL 38358.68 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 383.59
Cost of 212.816 kg 38742.27
Cost of 1 kg 182.05
Say 182.05
26.64 Centering and shuttering with 12mm thick shuttering plywood conforming to IS 4990:2011
and removal of form at all heights. Plywood will be supported on lock bars.
26.64.1 Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 135 sqm
Assuming 12mm thick plywood will become
unserviceable after use of 10 times
Area of roof = 135 sqm + Add wastage @
5% = 6.75 sqm. Total = 141.75 sqm.
Qty taken for cost using once = 141.75/10 =
14.175 sqm
8659 12mm thick waterproofing plywood conform-
ing to IS 4990:2011 sqm 14.175 578.00 8193.15
26.65 Providing and fixing roofing consist of 0.8 mm thick galvanized steel deck sheet conforming
to IS 277:1992 used as permanent shuttering over which MS wire mesh 3mm laid at 100x100
mm grid including edge trim covered with concrete. This metal deck will be supported on
structural steel beam with shear studs. (Structural steel like Beam, column, joists etc. &
concrete of different grade as per design will be paid separately).
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
Weight of GI sheet for 10sqm = 76.7 kgs +
Add wastage @ 3% = 2.3 kg. Total = 79.00 kg
8019 GI sheet 0.8 mm thick conforming to IS
277:1992 kg 79.00 69.00 5451.00
Length wire mesh 200metre/10 sqm.
Weight of wire @ 0.06 kg/m. total weight
= 12 kgs + Add wastage @ 5% = 0.6 kgs.
Total 12.6 kg
1217 GI Wire mesh 100x100 mm kg 12.60 75.00 945.00
2314 Carriage of sheet & wire tonne 0.092 0.00 0.00
1218 Shear stud each 40.00 50.00 2000.00
9999 Nails/Tagged screws L.S. 138.70 2.27 314.85
9999 Labour for fixing shear stud L.S. 462.40 2.27 1049.65
Labour for sheeting (Ref item no 26.19.1)
0130 Mistry day 0.108 897.00 96.88
0112 Carpenter 2nd class day 0.432 816.00 352.51
0114 Beldar day 0.432 736.00 317.95
Labour for laying wire mesh (Ref item no
0102 Blacksmith 1st class day 0.12 897.00 107.64
0114 Beldar day 0.120 736.00 88.32
Total 10723.80 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 107.24
TOTAL 10831.04 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 2303.76
TOTAL 13134.80 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 1970.22
TOTAL 15105.02 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 151.05
Cost of 10 sqm 15256.07
Cost of 1 sqm 1525.61
Say 1525.60
26.68 Providing and laying factory made Precast concrete solid blocks of 200 mm thickness of
grade M10 made of C&D waste from approved manufacturer in foundation and plinth in:
26.68.1 Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 10 cum
8658 Precast C&D waste concrete block 1000
Nos 1.109 30100.00 33380.90
2201 Carriage of blocks 1000
Nos 1.109 0.00 0.00
Cement mortar 1 : 6 (1 cement : 6 coarse
3.11 Rate as per item No 3.11 of SH: Mortar cum 1.130 3541.40 4001.78
9999 Sundries
L.S. 27.300 2.27 61.97
0123 Mason (brick layer) 1st class
day 3.300 897.00 2960.10
0124 Mason 2nd class
day 3.300 816.00 2692.80
0115 Coolie day 10.000 736.00 7360.00
0101 Bhisti day 1.800 816.00 1468.80
Total 51926.35 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 519.26
TOTAL 52445.61 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 11155.18
TOTAL 63600.79 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 9540.12
TOTAL 73140.91 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 731.41
Cost of 10 cum 73872.32
Cost of 1 cum 7387.23
Say 7387.25
26.69 Providing and laying factory made Precast concrete solid blocks of 200 mm thickness of
grade M10 made of C&D waste from approved manufacturer in superstructure above plinth
level up to floor V level
26.71 Providing and laying half block masonry with factory made Precast concrete solid blocks
of 100 mm thickness of grade M10 made of C&D waste from approved manufacturer in
superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level:
26.71.1 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand)
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 100 sqm
8658 Precast C&D waste concrete block 1000
Nos 1.161 30100.00 34946.10
2201 Carriage of blocks 1000
Nos 1.161 0.00 0.00
Cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse
3.9 Rate as per item No 3.9 of SH: Mortar cum 0.708 4211.70 2981.88
9999 Sundries L.S. 135.200 2.27 306.90
0123 Mason (brick layer) 1st class day 6.000 897.00 5382.00
0124 Mason 2nd class day 6.000 816.00 4896.00
0115 Coolie day 20.000 736.00 14720.00
0101 Bhisti day 7.000 816.00 5712.00
Extra labour for lifting of materials
(above floor two level upto floor five
0115 Coolie day 11.300 736.00 8316.80
Total 77261.68 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 772.62
TOTAL 78034.30 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 16597.90
TOTAL 94632.20 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 14194.83
TOTAL 108827.03 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 1088.27
Cost of 100 sqm 109915.30
Cost of 1 sqm 1099.15
Say 1099.15
26.73 Fabrication & Manufacturing of Prestressed Hollow Core slab (Hollow area 25 to 30%) of
different thickness & modular width 1200 mm in Controlled Factory Environment with
approved methodology conforming to IS 10297:1982 by using long line casting method having
arrangement of proper steel bed. Concreting should be done by batch mixing plant capable
of producing zero slump concrete, transported through automatic shuttels of standard make
& layed on bed with the help of extruder/Slipformer, finishing, curing and also provision
of steam curing. Cutting, making necessary cutout/holes of required sizes for services in
slab element after achieving required strength, yard handling & stacking all complete as per
approved shop drawings & design mix as per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge. (Cost
of strands should be paid separately).
Note: Excess/less cement over the specified cement content used as per design mix is
payable/recoverable separately)
26.73.1 Concrete Grade-M-40 (cement content 400 kg ) 100 mm thick hollow core slab
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail cost of 10.80 cum (120 Rmt )
120 Rmt X 1.20 m X .10 (25 % hollow) Rate as per item no of SH RCC cum 10.80 10313.30 111383.64 A
26.74.2 Extra for using M-40 (Cement content 400 kg) instead of M-35
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Cement for M-35 Mix = 0.370 T
Cement for M-40 Mix = 0.400 T
Difference 0.030 T
0367 Portland Cement tonne 0.030 5156.00 154.68
2209 Carriage of cement tonne 0.030 0.00 0.00
Plasticizer for M-35 Mix =7.400 Kgs
Plasticizer for M-40 Mix = 8.000 Kgs
Difference 0.600Kgs
7318 Plasticizer or Super Plasticizer 2% of ce-
ment content kg 0.600 30.00 18.00
TOTAL 172.68 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 1.73
TOTAL 174.41 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 37.10
TOTAL 211.51 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 31.73
TOTAL 243.24 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 2.43
Cost of 1.00 Cum 245.67
Say 245.65
26.74.3 Extra for using M-50 (Cement content 425 kg) instead of M-35
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Cement for M-35 Mix = 0.370 T
Cement for M-50 Mix = 0.425 T
Difference 0.055 T
0367 Portland Cement tonne 0.055 5156.00 283.58
2209 Carriage of cement tonne 0.055 0.00 0.00
Plasticizer for M-35 Mix =7.400 Kgs
Plasticizer for M-50 Mix = 8.500 Kgs
Difference 1.100Kgs
7318 Plasticizer or Super Plasticizer 2% of ce-
ment content kg 1.100 30.00 33.00
TOTAL 316.58 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 3.17
26.74.4 Extra for using M-60 (Cement content 440 kg) instead of M-35
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Cement for M-35 Mix = 0.370 T
Cement for M-60 Mix = 0.440 T
Difference 0.070 T
0367 Portland Cement tonne 0.070 5156.00 360.92
2209 Carriage of cement tonne 0.070 0.00 0.00
Plasticizer for M-35 Mix =7.400 Kgs
Plasticizer for M-60 Mix = 8.800 Kgs
Difference 1.400Kgs
7318 Plasticizer or Super Plasticizer 2% of ce-
ment content kg 1.400 30.00 42.00
TOTAL 402.92 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 4.03
TOTAL 406.95 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 86.56
TOTAL 493.51 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 74.03
TOTAL 567.54 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 5.68
Cost of 1.00 Cum 573.22
Say 573.20
26.75 Providing & laying in position Prestressing steel strands (low relaxation) on hollow core bed
by using mechanical pulling arrangement like Rabbit/ Bed master including all accessories
for Stressing & destressing operations as per approved make conforming to IS1343 & grade
FY-1860 etc, complete as per drawings and direction of Engineer -in-charge.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Considering Four beds
8 strands (each strand is of 9.53mm dia
consisting of 7 wires) X 4 beds X 120 Rmt X
0.453 Unit wt = 1739.52 kg. Say 1740kg.
Details of Cost for 1740 Kg
Quantity = 17.40 quintal + Add wastage 10
% = 1.74 q. Total = 19.14 q
0993 FY-1860 grade wire strands quintal 19.140 7500.00 143550.00
2205 Carriage of material tonne 1.914 0.00 0.00
Cutting baldes required for strand cutting
9999 Strand cutting by cutting saw machine L.S. 555.000 2.27 1259.85
9999 Cost of wedge L.S. 617.000 2.27 1400.59
26.77 Erection & Installation of Precast/Prestressed Concrete elements in correct & final position
with proper line level and plumb at site making all arrangements (i.e cranes, push-pull jacks
& all another T & P for lifting Placing & Alignment of elements, within erection tolerance
as per IS 15916 as per approved shop drawings and all complete as per the direction of
Engineer-in-Charge but excluding the cost of sim pads, non shrink grout and steel works i.e
hangers. All work up to fifth floor.
26.77.1 Prestressed hollow core Slab up to 200 mm thickness
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 150 Sqm.
Length of element can be upto 8.00 metres.
Mobile crane (Tyre mounted) upto 25m
height 100 feet boom
0044 Cost for crane upto 40 tonne capacity day 1.00 8950.00 8950.00
9999 Hire charges of props & Misc L.S. 434.00 2.27 985.18
0070 Genrator hiring 100kva hour 8.00 350.00 2800.00
Labour cost for erection
0111 Carpenter 1st class day 1.00 897.00 897.00
0112 Carpenter 2nd class
day 2.00 816.00 1632.00
0116 Fitter (grade 1) day 2.00 897.00 1794.00
0130 Mistry day 2.00 897.00 1794.00
0114 Beldar day 2.00 736.00 1472.00
9999 Sundries (Miscellaneous tools and lifting
slings) L.S. 500.00 2.27 1135.00
TOTAL 21459.18 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 214.59
TOTAL 21673.77 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 4610.01
TOTAL 26283.78 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 3942.57
TOTAL 30226.35 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 302.26
Cost for 150 Sqm 30528.61
Cost of 1 Sqm 203.52
Say 203.50
26.78 Providing & Applying weather proof sealant on outer joints of approved make conforming to
IS & directed by Engineer-in-charge.
26.78.1 Sealant 25mmx10mm at joints
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of material required for = 1.00 metre
including 5 % wastage
8646 Silicon sealant (including 5% wastage) cartridge 0.87 125.00 108.75
8654 Masking tape metre 2.00 2.00 4.00
9999 Scaffolding, hire charge etc. L.S. 2.87 2.27 6.51
9999 Sundries L.S. 2.87 2.27 6.51
TOTAL 125.77 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 1.26
TOTAL 127.03 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 27.02
TOTAL 154.05 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 23.11
TOTAL 177.16 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 1.77
Cost of 1 metre 178.93
Say 178.95
26.79 Providing & Laying of levelling sim pads required sizes (5x5cm to 10x10cm) of PVC / Rubber
to adjust level of bearing surface of supporting members as per the direction of Engineer in
26.79.1 2mm thick
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 100 Nos.
0246 2 mm thick sim pad each 100.00 11.00 1100.00
9977 Carriage of material L.S. 5.00 2.27 11.35
0116 Fitter (Grade-1) day 1.00 897.00 897.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 10.00 2.27 22.70
TOTAL 2031.05 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 20.31
TOTAL 2051.36 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 436.32
TOTAL 2487.68 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 373.15
TOTAL 2860.83 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 28.61
Cost for100 Nos. 2889.44
Cost of each 28.89
Say 28.90
26.79.3 10 mm thick
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 100 Nos.
0248 10 mm thick sim pad each 100.00 27.00 2700.00
9977 Carriage of material L.S 5.00 2.27 11.35
0116 Fitter (Grade-1) day 1.00 897.00 897.00
9999 Sundries LS 10.00 2.27 22.70
TOTAL 3631.05 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 36.31
TOTAL 3667.36 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 780.05
TOTAL 4447.41 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 667.11
TOTAL 5114.52 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 51.15
Cost for100 Nos 5165.67
Cost of each 51.66
Say 51.65
26.80 Providing & Grouting of dowel tubes / Shear keys / Joints of precast members with M-60
grade cementitious grout (Non Shrink) of approved make by suitable means ( Free flowing /
pump),curing etc. Complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge. (The payment shall be
made on the basis of actual weight of approved grout injected.)
26.80.1 Stirrer mixed cementitious grout (non shrink) of approved make in dowel tubes / Shear keys
/ Joints of precast members.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 250 kg non shrink cementi-
tious grout
including 5 % wastage
1251 M-60 grade cemetitious grout (Non Shrink) kg 262.50 28.00 7350.00
26.81 Providing and fixing Scaffolding net of required width made of high density Polyethylene
UV stabilized knitted on warp knitting machines having density 100grams/sqm and
shading coefficient minimum 75% around the construction site/ for vertical extension as
per requirement including fastening/tying with building/scaffolding pipes or with any other
fixtures etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. (One time payment shall be
made for providing Scaffolding net from start of work till completion of work including shifting
if any. The Scaffolding net shall be the property of the contractor on completion of the work)
26.83 Applying stamping finish to the top surface of freshly laid plain/reinforced cement
concrete of specified grade in porticos, sidewalks, driveways, pool decks and open yards
as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge. The process shall include the following:-
• The concrete shall be placed and screeded to the finished grade, and floated to a uniform
surface by using standard finishing techniques. The approved color hardener @ 2.7 kg/sqm
shall be applied evenly to the surface of the fresh concrete by the dry shake method by
sprinkling in two or more shakes, floated after each shake and trowelled only after the final
floating. The approved release agent @ 0.113 kg/sqm shall be applied evenly to the trowelled
surface before stamping or the said release agent can be applied to the flexible polyurethane
stamp moulds of approved design and in required sizes to achieve final stamped pattern.
These stampings shall be placed on the surface of concrete in three to four pieces at a
time and tapped gently with rammers of sufficient size & weight to leave proper stamp
marks and the process repeated for the remaining concrete surface till the whole surface
to be stamped is completed within the time while concrete is in plastic stage of setting.
• After stamping, the curing shall be done as per manufactures specifications.
After initial curing the imprinted joints shall be grouted using cement slurry
mixed with color hardener as per the requirement. The surface shall be sealed by
applying acrylic based sealer not less than 0.167 litre/sqm.on finished surface.
• The construction joints shall be provided by groove cutting of size 4mm x 20mm in panel
size 3m x 3 m or lesser as per the site conditions and filling the same with 10 mm baker
rod and providing and laying (PU) Polyurethane based joint sealer of approved make as
per manufacturer’s specifications and finished by applying Polyurethane resin based top
protective clear coat of minimum 80 micron applied with rollers on properly cured and dry
clean surface. (Cost of concrete for flooring is not included in this item which shall be paid
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 100 Sqm
7224 Concrete hardener Kg 297.00 24.00 7128.00
7225 Release agent Litre 1.35 235.00 317.25
7226 Sealer Kg 17.50 290.00 5075.00
26.84 Supplying and laying of Uni-Axial Woven Polyster Geogrid conforming to MORTH 3100 and
IRC113, as soil reinforcement/basal reinforcement including accessories like tie-strips, nuts
& bolts and loops/lugs for joining reinforcing elements with the facia pannels, overlaps and
other protective elements for synthetic geo-grids and all other activities required for reinforced
soil walls, slopes etc complete as per design requirements, manufacturer specifications and
as per direction of engineer-in- charge.
26.84.1 Uni Axial Woven polyster geogrid of minimum tensile strength 40KN/m in the Longitudinal
direction and 20 KN/m in the Transverse direction.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of Cost for 300 Sqm.
8979 Uni Axial Woven polyster geogrid of mini-
mum tensile strength 40KN/m in the Longi-
tudinal direction and 20 KN/m in the Trans-
verse direction. sqm 300.00 159.00 47700.00 P
Add 5 percent of the cost of reinforcing ele-
ments geogrid for wastage and accessories
like tie-strips, nuts and bolts and loops/lungs
for joining reinforcing elements with the
facia panels, overlaps and other protective
elements for geogrid and all other activities
required to complete the item in all respect
including transportation. i.e 5% of (P) 2385.00
26.84.2 Uni Axial Woven polyster geogrid of minimum tensile strength 60KN/m in the Longitudinal
direction and 20 KN/m in the Transverse direction.
26.84.4 Uni Axial Woven polyster geogrid of minimum tensile strength 100KN/m in the Longitudinal
direction and 30 KN/m in the Transverse direction.
26.84.5 Uni Axial Woven polyster geogrid of minimum tensile strength 120KN/m in the Longitudinal
direction and 30 KN/m in the Transverse direction.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of Cost for 300 Sqm.
8983 Uni Axial Woven polyster geogrid of min-
imum tensile strength 120KN/m in the
Longitudinal direction and 30KN/m in the
Transverse direction. sqm 300.00 292.00 87600.00 P
Add 5 percent of the cost of reinforcing ele-
ments geogrid for wastage and accessories
like tie-strips, nuts and bolts and loops/lungs
for joining reinforcing elements with the
facia panels, overlaps and other protective
elements for geogrid and all other activities
required to complete the item in all respect
including transportation.i.e 5% of (P) 4380.00
0128 Mate day 0.36 816.00 293.76
0114 Beldar day 6.00 736.00 4416.00
0139 Skilled Beldar day 3.00 816.00 2448.00
Total 99137.76 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 991.38
TOTAL 100129.14 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 21297.47
TOTAL 121426.61 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 18213.99
TOTAL 139640.60 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 1396.41
Cost of 300 sqm 141037.01
Cost of 1 sqm 470.12
Say 470.10
26.84.7 Uni Axial Woven polyster geogrid of minimum tensile strength 200KN/m in the Longitudinal
direction and 30 KN/m in the Transverse direction.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of Cost for 300 Sqm.
8985 Uni Axial Woven polyster geogrid of min-
imum tensile strength 200KN/m in the
Longitudinal direction and 30 KN/m in the
Transverse direction. sqm 300.00 431.00 129300.00 P
Add 5 percent of the cost of reinforcing ele-
ments geogrid for wastage and accessories
like tie-strips, nuts and bolts and loops/lungs
for joining reinforcing elements with the
facia panels, overlaps and other protective
elements for geogrid and all other activities
required to complete the item in all respect
including transportation.i.e 5% of (P) 6465.00
26.84.8 Uni Axial Woven polyster geogrid of minimum tensile strength 250KN/m in the Longitudinal
direction and 30 KN/m in the Transverse direction.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of Cost for 300 Sqm.
8986 Uni Axial Woven polyster geogrid of min-
imum tensile strength 250KN/m in the
Longitudinal direction and 30KN/m in the
Transverse direction. sqm 300.00 526.00 157800.00 P
Add 5 percent of the cost of reinforcing ele-
ments geogrid for wastage and accessories
like tie-strips, nuts and bolts and loops/lungs
for joining reinforcing elements with the
facia panels, overlaps and other protective
elements for geogrid and all other activities
required to complete the item in all respect
including transportation. i.e 5% of (P) 7890.00
0128 Mate day 0.36 816.00 293.76
0114 Beldar day 6.00 736.00 4416.00
0139 Skilled Beldar day 3.00 816.00 2448.00
Total 172847.76 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 1728.48
TOTAL 174576.24 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 37132.37
TOTAL 211708.61 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 31756.29
TOTAL 243464.90 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 2434.65
Cost of 300 sqm 245899.55
Cost of 1 sqm 819.67
Say 819.65
26.85 Supplying and laying of Bi-Axial Woven Polyster Geogrid conforming to MORTH 3100 and
IRC113, as soil reinforcement/basal reinforcement of granular road base and sub base, area
stalilization, track bed stabilization, load transfer platforms Including accessories like tie-
strips, nuts & bolts and loops/lugs for joining reinforcing elements with the facia pannels,
overlaps and other protective elements for synthetic geo-grids and all other activities
required etc. complete as per design requirements, manufacturer specifications and as per
direction of engineer-in- charge.
26.85.1 Bi Axial Woven polyster geogrid of minimum tensile strength 20KN/m in both Longitudinal
and Transverse direction.
26.86 Providing and fixing factory made single extruded WPC (Wood Polymer Composite) solid
door/window/Clerestory windows & other Frames/Chowkhat comprising of virgin PVC
polymer of K value 58-60 (Suspension Grade), calcium carbonate and natural fibers (wood
powder/ rice husk/wheat husk) and non toxic additives (maximum toxicity index of 12 for 100
gms) fabricated with miter joints after applying PVC solvent cement and screwed with full
body threaded star headed SS screws having minimum frame density of 750 kg/cum, screw
withdrawal strength of 2200 N (Face) & 1100 N (Edge), minimum compressive strength of
58 N/mm2, modulus of elasticity 900 N/mm2 and resistance to spread of flame of Class A
category with property of being termite/borer proof, water/moisture proof and fire retardant
and fixed in position with M.S hold fast/lugs/SS dash fasteners of required dia and length
complete as per direction of Engineer-In- Charge. (M.S hold fast/lugs or SS dash fasteners
shall be paid for separately).
Note: For WPC solid door/window frames, minus 5mm tolerance in dimensions i.e depth
and width of profile shall be acceptable. Variation in profile dimensions on plus side shall be
acceptable but no extra payment on this account shall be made.
5751 Factory made single extruded WPC (Wood
Polymer Composite) solid door/window,
clerestory windows & other Frames/
Chowkhat of frame size 65 x 100 mm in-
cluding carriage of frame metre 5.20 670.00 3484.00
For fabrication and fixing in position
0156 Carpenter (average) day 0.10 857.00 85.70
0155 Mason (average) day 0.17 857.00 145.69
0114 Beldar day 0.44 736.00 323.84
9999 Sundries includes PVC solvent cement and
SS screws etc.
L.S. 10.00 2.27 22.70
TOTAL 4061.93 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 40.62
TOTAL 4102.55 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 872.61
TOTAL 4975.16 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 746.27
TOTAL 5721.43 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 57.21
Cost of 5.20 metre 5778.64
Cost of 1 metre 1111.28
Say 1111.30
5752 Factory made single extruded WPC (Wood
Polymer Composite) solid door/window,
clerestory windows & other Frames/
Chowkhat of frame size 65 x 125 mm in-
cluding carriage of frame metre 5.20 860.00 4472.00
For fabrication and fixing in position
0156 Carpenter (average) day 0.10 857.00 85.70
0155 Mason (average) day 0.17 857.00 145.69
0114 Beldar day 0.44 736.00 323.84
9999 Sundries includes PVC solvent cement and
SS screws etc.
L.S. 10.00 2.27 22.70
TOTAL 5049.93 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 50.50
TOTAL 5100.43 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1084.86
TOTAL 6185.29 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 927.79
TOTAL 7113.08 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 71.13
Cost of 5.20 metre 7184.21
Cost of 1 metre 1381.58
Say 1381.60
26.88 Providing and fixing factory made single extruded WPC (Wood Polymer Composite) solid
decorative type flush door shutter of required size comprising of virgin polymer of K value
58-60 (Suspension Grade), calcium carbonate and natural fibers (wood powder/ rice husk/
wheat husk) and non toxic additives (maximum toxicity index of 12 for 100 gms) having
minimum density of 650 kg/cum and screw withdrawal strength of 1800 N (Face) & 900 N
(Edge), minimum compressive strength 50 N/mm2, modulus of elasticity 850 N/mm2 and
resistance to spread of flame of Class A category with property of being termite/borer proof,
water/moisture proof and fire retardant. WPC to be laminated with PVC foil of minimum 14
microns thick of approved design pasted with hot melt adhesive on both faces of shutter and
fixing with stainless steel butt hinges of required size with necessary full body threaded star
headed counter sunk S.S screws, all as per direction of Engineer-In- Charge. (Note: stainless
steel butt hinges and necessary S.S screws shall be paid separately)
26.88.1 30 mm thick
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for door shutter of size 2.20
5754 Factory made single extruded WPC (Wood
Polymer Composite) solid plain flush door
shutter 30mm thick sqm 2.20 2880.00 6336.00
5761 PVC laminated foil of minimum thickness of
14 microns of approved design sqm 4.40 130.00 572.00
9977 Carriage of door shutter L.S. 29.64 2.27 67.28
For pasting PVC laminated foil to door shut-
ter and fixing door shutter at position
0156 Carpenter (average) day 0.20 857.00 171.40
0114 Beldar day 0.30 736.00 220.80
TOTAL 7367.48 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 73.67
26.88.2 35 mm thick
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for door shutter of size 2.20
5755 Factory made single extruded WPC (Wood
Polymer Composite) solid plain flush door
shutter 35 mm thick sqm 2.20 3350.00 7370.00
5761 PVC laminated foil of minimum thickness of
14 microns of approved design sqm 4.40 130.00 572.00
9977 Carriage of door shutter L.S. 29.64 2.27 67.28
For pasting PVC laminated foil to door shut-
ter and fixing door shutter at position
0156 Carpenter (average) day 0.20 857.00 171.40
0114 Beldar day 0.30 736.00 220.80
TOTAL 8401.48 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 84.01
TOTAL 8485.49 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1804.86
TOTAL 10290.35 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 1543.55
TOTAL 11833.90 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 118.34
Cost of 2.20 sqm. 11952.24
Cost of 1 sqm. 5432.84
Say 5432.85
26.89 Providing and fixing factory made single extruded WPC (Wood Polymer Composite) solid
board one side white color and other side of board laminted with PVC foil of minimum 14
micron thickness of approved design pasted with hot melt adhesive for cup boards, work
stations and bathroom/kitchen cabinet etc. of required sizes comprising of virgin polymer
of K value 58-60 (Suspension Grade), calcium carbonate and natural fibers (wood powder/
rice husk/wheat husk) and non toxic additives (maximum toxicity index of 12 for 100 gms)
having minimum density of 650 kg/cum and screw withdrawal strength of 1800 N (Face) &
900 N (Edge), minimum compressive strength 50 N/mm2, modulus of elasticity 850 N/mm2
and resistance to spread of flame of Class A category with property of being termite/borer
proof, water/moisture proof and fire retardant and fixing with stainless steel piano hinges/
soft close clip on concealed hinges of required size with necessary full body threaded star
headed counter sunk S.S screws, all as per direction of Engineer-In- Charge. (Note: stainless
steel piano hinges/soft close clip on concealed hinges and necessary S.S screws shall be
paid separately)
26.89.2 25 mm thick
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 25 mm thick WPC board
for cupboard shutter of size 2.0x1.08 metre
= 2.16 sqm
5757 Factory made single extruded WPC (Wood
Polymer Composite) solid plain white col-
ored board of 25 mm thick
sqm 2.16 2430.00 5248.80
5761 PVC laminated foil of minimum thickness of
14 microns of approved design
sqm 2.16 130.00 280.80
9977 Carriage of board L.S. 5.00 2.27 11.35
9999 Sundries L.S. 20.00 2.27 45.40
0156 Carpenter (average) day 0.20 857.00 171.40
0114 Beldar day 0.20 736.00 147.20
TOTAL 5904.95 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 59.05
TOTAL 5964.00 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 1268.54
TOTAL 7232.54 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 1084.88
TOTAL 8317.42 Z
26.90 Providing and fixing factory made single extruded WPC (Wood Polymer Composite) solid
plain white color board for backing of cup boards and bathroom/kitchen cabinets etc. of
required size comprising of virgin polymer of K value 58-60 (Suspension Grade), calcium
carbonate and natural fibers (wood powder/ rice husk/wheat husk) and non toxic additives
(maximum toxicity index of 12 for 100 gms) having minimum density of 650 kg/cum and
screw withdrawal strength of 1800 N (Face) & 900 N (Edge), minimum compressive strength
50 N/mm2, modulus of elasticity 850 N/mm2 and resistance to spread of flame of Class A
category with property of being termite/borer proof, water/moisture proof and fire retardant
and fixing with stainless steel screws etc. all as per direction of Engineer-In- Charge. (Note:
stainless steel screws shall be paid separately)
26.90.1 6 mm thick
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 6 mm thick WPC board
for backing of cupboard of size 2.0x1.08
metre = 2.16 sqm
5758 Factory made single extruded WPC (Wood
Polymer Composite) solid plain white col-
ored board of 6 mm thick sqm 2.16 620.00 1339.20
9977 Carriage of board L.S. 5.00 2.27 11.35
0156 Carpenter (average) day 0.20 857.00 171.40
0114 Beldar day 0.20 736.00 147.20
TOTAL 1669.15 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 16.69
TOTAL 1685.84 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 358.58
TOTAL 2044.42 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 306.66
TOTAL 2351.08 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 23.51
Cost of 2.16 sqm. 2374.59
Cost of 1 sqm. 1099.35
Say 1099.35
26.90.2 12 mm thick
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 12 mm thick WPC board
for cupboard shutter of size 2.0x1.08 metre
= 2.16 sqm
5759 Factory made single extruded WPC (Wood
Polymer Composite) solid plain white col-
ored board of 12 mm thick sqm 2.16 1050.00 2268.00
9977 Carriage of board L.S. 5.00 2.27 11.35
0156 Carpenter (average) day 0.20 857.00 171.40
26.91 Providing and fixing factory made 18 mm thick single extruded WPC (Wood Polymer
Composite) solid plain white colour board Jali, CNC (Computer numeric control) routed of
approved design by Engineer-in -charge which are machine cut for duct/shaft covering,
partitions and facades comprising of virgin polymer of K value 58-60 (Suspension
Grade), calcium corbonate and natural fibers (wood powder/ rice husk/wheat husk) and
non toxic additives(maximum toxicity index of 12 for 100 gms) having minimum density
of 650 kg/cum and screw withdrawal strength of 1800 N (Face) minimum compressive
strength 50 N/mm2, modulus of elasticity 850 N/mm2 and resistance to spread of
flame of Class A category with properties of being termite/borer proof, water/moisture
proof and fire retardant and fixing on M.S (mild steel) frame made of 25 x 25 x 1.5 mm
square hollow box section including applying a priming coat of approved steel primer,
placed at grid made at 1.0 x 1.0 m or as per requirement at site with necessary stainless
steel fasteners and SS screws etc., all complete as per direction of Engineer-In- Charge.
(Note: M.S (mild steel) framework with priming coat and necessary SS fasteners and SS
screws shall be paid separately.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for WPC jali of size 1.80 x
2.40 metre = 4.32 sqm
5760 Factory made 18 mm thick single extruded
WPC (Wood Polymer Composite) solid plain
white colour board Jali including carriage sqm 4.32 2320.00 10022.40
9999 Sundries L.S. 10.00 2.27 22.70
0156 Carpenter (average) day 0.20 857.00 171.40
0114 Beldar day 0.30 736.00 220.80
TOTAL 10437.30 W
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” 104.37
TOTAL 10541.67 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 2242.21
TOTAL 12783.88 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 1917.58
TOTAL 14701.46 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 147.01
Cost of 4.32 sqm. 14848.47
Cost of 1 sqm. 3437.15
Say 3437.15
26.92.1 With 16mm thickness (+/- 10%) terracotta tiles of grey colour
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10.80 sqm (3.60 x 3.0
Façade area = 10.80 sqm + Wastage @ 5%
= 0.54 sqm. Total = 11.34 sqm
5762 16mm thick extruded terracotta tiles of grey
colour of size 300 x 595mm sqm 11.340 2265.00 25685.10
7306 Aluminium Tube / T Profile kg 17.100 198.00 3385.80
1). At outer corners tubular section 40x40x2
mm =
2 nos. 3 mtr. long = 6.00 mtr. @ 0.82 kg/
mtr. =
4.92 kg
2). At ends/termination angle 40x60x2 mm
= 2 nos.
3 mtr. long = 6.00 mtr. @ 0.53 kg/mtr. = 3.18
3). At intermediate T section 80x60x2mm =
4 nos.
3 mtr. long = 12.00 mtr. @ 0.75 kg/mtr. =
9.00 kg
(Total = 4.92+3.18+9.00 = 17.10 kg.
26.92.2 With 16mm thickness (+/- 10%) terracotta tiles of other than grey colors
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 10.80 sqm (3.60 x 3.0
Façade area = 10.80 sqm + Wastage @ 5%
= 0.54sqm. Total = 11.34 sqm
5763 16mm thick extruded terracotta tiles of other
than grey colour of size 300 x 595mm sqm 11.340 2045.00 23190.30
7306 Aluminium Tube / T Profile kg 17.100 198.00 3385.80
1). At outer corners tubular section 40x40x2
mm =
2 nos. 3 mtr. long = 6.00 mtr. @ 0.82 kg/
mtr. =
4.92 kg
2). At ends/termination angle 40x60x2 mm
= 2 nos.
3 mtr. long = 6.00 mtr. @ 0.53 kg/mtr. = 3.18
3). At intermediate T section 80x60x2mm =
4 nos. 3 mtr. long = 12.00 mtr. @ 0.75 kg/
mtr. = 9.00 kg
(Total = 4.92+3.18+9.00 = 17.10 kg.
7306 Aluminium “C” Clamps of size 56x25x2mm kg 7.240 198.00 1433.52
(i) 150mm long = 4x11 no. = 44.00 nos. x
0.15 = 6.6 mtr. @ 0.628 kg/mtr. = 4.14 kg
(ii) 75mm long 6x11=66.00 nos. x 0.075 =
4.95 mtr. @ 0.628 kg/mtr.= 3.10 kg.
Total=4.14 + 3.10 = 7.24 kg
7216 Self-Drilling/Self-Tapping Screws M-6 25mm
long each 284.000 4.00 1136.00
(a) Bracket to vertical profile - 32 Nos.x2.00
nos. = 64.00 Nos
b) For fixing of brackets to “C” clamps
(44+66=110)x2=220 nos.
Total = 220 Nos + 64 Nos = 284.00 Nos
1007 HDG Mild Steel Brackets (Minimum 18
microns Galvanizing) quintal 0.603 5965.00 3596.90
a) Wall bracket - Average 110 x 80 = 6mm
(i) 100 mm long = 12x0.10= 1.20 Mtr @ 8.65
kg/mtr. = 10.38 kg
(ii) 175mm long = 12x0.175=2.10 mtr. @
8.65 kg/mtr. = 18.17 kg
Total = 10.38 + 18.17 = 28.55 kg
The vertical ‘T’/’L/ Tubular’ sections shall be fixed to the wall using HDG (hot-dip-galvanized)
steel L-brackets (galvanizing thickness of minimum 80 microns) of size 110x80x6 mm at
intermediate vertical aluminium profiles and of size 220x110x12 mmat outer corners and
stainless steel grade 304,M10 full threaded anchor fasteners with nylon sleeve 100mm long
(for brick work) and M8 expansion anchor fasteners 75mm long for concrete surface, spacing
of brackets to be based on a structural/ static calculation. The brackets shall be of length
175mm at junction of two vertical aluminium profiles and of length 100mm at intermediate
points of vertical profiles and shall be fixed to the vertical aluminium T / L / Tubular profiles
using two numbers self-drilling/ self-tapping SS screws of size 5.5x25 mm with EPDM
EPDM gaskets to be fixed in between brackets and vertical profiles. The tiles shall be
mounted on the ‘C’ clamps such that the tiles are supported at top and bottom at both ends.
The tiles shall be mounted on the C-clamps with EPDM profiles in between such that the
tiles are supported at top and bottom at both ends. The vertical joint open groove between
two adjacent tiles shall be 10mm. The tiles and system shall be designed to resist wind
load as per IS 875 (Part 3) according to different zones. The tiles shall be installed using the
ventilated rain screen principle with provision for natural ventilation of the space between
the façade tiles and the structural wall. The work shall be carried out as per specification,
drawing and as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
Sub A/R-1 Filling and finishing the holes of varies sizes and shades (left by keys/pins of Tunnel formwork
shuttering while de-shuttering ) with GP-2 cementitious polymer compound mixed with water
in ratio prescribed by manufacturer to form consistent workable enough for pasting over
cement concrete cones and pushing it in the holes upto full depth of wall using appropriate
tools and finishing smooth all complete as per directions of the Engineer-in-charge
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 110 holes
GP 2 Compound applied over the cement
concrete cones 8 kg including wastage
5774 GP 2 cementitious compound kg 8.00 22.00 176.00
0124 Mason 2nd class each 0.45 816.00 367.20
0114 Beldar each 0.45 736.00 331.20
9999 Sundries for T&P and scaffolding etc.
L.S. 50.00 2.27 113.50
Total cost of 110 holes 987.90
Cost per holes 8.98
Say 9.00
26.95 Providing and installation of factory made Structural Stay in place form work system with
double faced panels for walls, single faced panels for roof/ floor slabs, L-shaped single faced
panels for corners, with necessary scaffolding, struts, bracing etc. Complete as per CPWD
specification and directions of the Engineer in Charge. Design of walls and other members
to be provided by the supplier & shall be duly vetted by any engineering institute of National
repute such as IITs, NITs etc. and nothing extra shall be payable on this account (Additional
steel reinforcement/dowels, design mix concrete of specified grade, electrical and plumbing
conduits insert for services and plastering on either side of walls shall be paid for separately).
Note:- This item shall be adopted for building upto G+3 Storeys only excluding seismic zone V.
26.95.1 Double panel of required thickness (110mm & above) with minimum weight of panel as 11.05
kg per sqm for walls with corresponding corners and jambs strips.
Code Description Unit Quantity Rate ` Amount `
Details of cost for 450 sqm
8991 Standard double panel of design width,
height and thickness sqm 440.00 2071.00 911240.00
26.95.2 Single panel for slabs with minimum weight of panel as 4.05 kg/sqm for walls with
corresponding corners and jambs strips.
125 mm wide Stay in Place PVC Wallform made of minimum 2.50 mm thick sections and
minimum weight 21.97 kg /sqm of formwork.
Code Description Unit Qty Rate ` Amount `
Detail of cost for 20 sqm surface area
8996 125 mm wide Stay in Place Wallform 2.50
mm thick of extruded Unplasticised Poly
Vinyl Chloride (uPVC).
Cost of Raw Materials for 20/2 = 10 sqm of
125 mm Wallforms @21.97 kg/sqm
219.70 kg + 5% wastage (10.98 kg) =
230.68 kg kg 230.68 160.00 36908.80
9999 Transportation Charges L.S. 610.38 2.27 1385.56
Labour for Installation
0123 Mason 1st Class day 1.00 897.00 897.00
0115 Beldar day 2.50 736.00 1840.00
9999 Sundries L.S. 50.00 2.27 113.50
TOTAL 41144.86 W
Add 1% Water charges on “W” 411.45
TOTAL 41556.31 X
Add GST on “X” (multiplying factor 0.2127) 8839.03
TOTAL 50395.34 Y
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” 7559.30
TOTAL 57954.64 Z
Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” 579.55
Cost of 20 sqm 58534.19
Cost for 1 sqm 2926.71
Say 2926.70
26.96.2 165 mm wide Stay in Place PVC Wallform made of minimum 2.50 mm thick sections and
minimum weight 29.00 kg /sqm of formwork.