Women Safety Ieee Paper

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Received April 2, 2021, accepted April 21, 2021, date of publication April 27, 2021, date of current version

May 7, 2021.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3076016

A Holistic Framework for Crime Prevention,

Response, and Analysis With Emphasis on
Women Safety Using Technology and
Societal Participation


1 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) at Pilani, Pilani 333031, India
2 Department of Civil Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) at Pilani, Pilani 333031, India
Corresponding author: Meetha V. Shenoy (meetha.shenoy@pilani.bits-pilani.ac.in)
This work was supported by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (Ministry of Human Resource Development) under Grant
IMPRESS/P497 /140/18-19/ICSSR.

ABSTRACT Ensuring women’s safety in smart cities is a need of the hour. Even though several legal
and technological steps are adopted worldwide, women’s safety continues to be an international concern.
Criminal records are maintained by law enforcement agencies and are most often not available to the public in
an easily comprehensible form. While some wearable devices and mobile applications are available which are
touted to aid in ensuring women’s safety, they utilize limited societal intervention and are not very efficient
in ensuring the safety of the women as and when required. Most often the crime response, crime analysis,
and crime prevention schemes are not integrated, leading to gaps in ensuring women’s safety. Our major
contribution is in developing a holistic system encompassing the three crucial aspects, i.e crime analysis
and mapping, crime prevention, and emergency response by leveraging societal participation for women
safety management. This work applies the Geographic Information System (GIS) for the identification of
hotspots and patterns of crime. The proposed system uses data generated from the mobile application and/or
wearable gadget prototyped as a part of this work along with the criminal history records for crime response,
analysis, and prevention. The system for the hotspot identification is demonstrated for the Pilani town in the
Jhunjhunu district in the state of Rajasthan, India, and can be easily scaled up geographically and utilized
as a safety strategy for smart cities. While the common man is provided a cost-effective solution via the
developed mobile application or wearable gadget, the various components are integrated into a website for
supervisory management and can be utilized by law enforcement agencies.

INDEX TERMS Smart cities, geographic information system (GIS), crime analysis, crime response, women
safety, mobile application, wearable device.

I. INTRODUCTION against women is being increasingly reported in recent times

Gender-based disparities are one of the major issues of across the world. According to António Guterres, the ninth
the current century. Even though constitutional rights have Secretary-General of the United Nations, violence and abuse
vouched for gender equality, it is a reality that gender-based against women are among the world’s most horrific human
disparity exists in several sections of societies across the rights violations, affecting 1 in every 3 women in the
world. The 21st-century women have to a certain extent world [1]. Gender equality is the prerequisite for a better
succeeded in contributing to society and working shoulder world. Gender-based violence on females limits women’s
to shoulder with men in several fields. However, violence participation in decision making leading to a decline in life
quality. Women’s equal participation is vital to stability,
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and to prevent conflict, and to promote inclusive and sustainable
approving it for publication was Wenge Rong . development.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
66188 VOLUME 9, 2021
M. V. Shenoy et al.: Holistic Framework for Crime Prevention, Response, and Analysis With Emphasis on Women Safety

Though the intensity of violence against women may vary, II. RELATED WORK & RATIONALE OF THE
no country has remained unaffected and there is a need to PROPOSED WORK
understand the root cause behind the crimes and find solu- Women’s safety has been one of the top priorities for law
tions. Today, the crime mapping and crime response remain enforcement agencies for several decades. Police departments
majorly a responsibility of law enforcement agencies. Crime around the world are facing demands to adopt newer solutions
record data is maintained by law enforcement agencies and to handle the concern of women’s safety. Various measures
is most often not available to the public in an easily com- have been undertaken even in the past by police and public,
prehensible form to take necessary precautions. Even though through initiatives such as the starting of the dedicated police
crime prevention is a major concern of the police force, since wings for woman safety, numerous mobile applications,
the human resource capacity of the police force is small severe punishments for offenders, etc. Other than dialing the
relative to the population, their services sometimes tend to police control room, the mechanisms available for women
get limited to crime response than crime prevention. Some to seek help can be classified into two categories- smart-
wearable devices and mobile applications are developed over phone assisted ‘app’ based mechanisms & dedicated gadget
the years towards ensuring women’s safety. However, most of based mechanisms. In this section, we discuss popular mobile
these applications and wearables either raise an alarm in the applications and wearables that are available for women’s
form of visual or audio cues or sent messages to the contacts safety and analyze the possible technological interventions to
(guardians) or law enforcement agencies. If a woman moves improve women’s safety. With the advancements in GIS tech-
out of the city or away from their guardians these systems do niques, it is possible to design proactive measures whereby
not serve the purpose. These systems utilize limited societal which the hotspots of crime can be identified and preventive
intervention and are not very efficient in ensuring the safety actions can be planned. In this section, we also discuss the
of the women as and when required. Most often the crime notable works in analyzing occurrence of crime using GIS
response, crime analysis, and crime prevention schemes technologies.
are not integrated leading to gaps in ensuring women’s
In this paper, we present a holistic framework encom- Some of the popular mobile applications available for women
passing the three crucial aspects, i.e crime analysis and safety are summarized in Table 1. Most of these applications
mapping, crime prevention, and prompt emergency response are reactive, i.e. can raise an alert when the user is in danger.
leveraging community participation. Geographic Informa- These applications provide a means to contact the police,
tion System (GIS) techniques are utilized in the proposed selected contact persons, or guardians when triggered. If the
system to identify hotspots and patterns of crime by inte- user goes to a distant location away from the contacts, only
grating socio-economic attributes of the area along with the the police force will be available for help, and sending alerts
criminal history. Using the information generated regarding to contacts at a distant place may be of limited use. Most of the
the crime statistics using the GIS techniques, the user can applications do not offer assistance in warning women about a
take necessary preventive measures before visiting an area. danger prone area. My SafetiPin app classifies a public area
A prototype of a wearable device and mobile application is as ‘unsafe’ or ‘safe’ at night, based on parameters such as
developed. The mobile application and the wearable gadget lighting conditions, openness, visibility, number of people in
can be used to trigger a panic signal to alert the volunteers the vicinity, number of police stations, walking path, etc [2].
in proximity, in addition to the contacts and law enforcement However, the reliability of the warnings generated by this
agencies. The mobile application and gadget allows tracking application is mostly limited by the perceived data as entered
of the person/volunteer and generates data for further crime by other users and not based on criminal history records from
analysis. This caters to the prompt crime response as soci- reliable sources. Also, higher number of people of the oppo-
etal participation is also leveraged. An interactive website is site sex in an area or poor visibility or lighting conditions may
developed for the visualization of GIS analysis, and data gen- not necessarily indicate that the area is unsafe for women.
erated through wearable and mobile applications. Through It has to be noted that the safety of women is compromised
this website, the administrator (law enforcement agencies) even within house premises. These factors thus cause limited
can track the movement of victims and nearby volunteers in use of the available applications in ensuring women’s safety.
real-time and assist both in an emergency. The administrator
can also update the database of criminal records regularly B. WEARABLE DEVICES FOR WOMEN SAFETY
and the crime hotspot analysis will be updated automatically. As mentioned in Table 1, several mobile applications are
The prototype of the framework developed for crime map- available, which lets the user alert the contacts in case of
ping, prevention, and crime response can be easily scaled perceived danger. However, during an emergency, it may not
up geographically and updated easily as a safety strategy in be always possible to access the phone, unlock it, open an
smart cities. The novelty, detailed design, implementation of app, and trigger the alert. Wearables are developed to address
the proposed system is described in detail in the subsequent this scenario. Some of the popular commercially available
sections. wearable devices are listed in Table 2. Some of the wearables

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M. V. Shenoy et al.: Holistic Framework for Crime Prevention, Response, and Analysis With Emphasis on Women Safety

TABLE 1. List of popular mobile applications available for women safety.

TABLE 2. List of popular wearable devices for women safety.

(eg: Siren or Sound Grenade) are standalone, which does and police stations in the area. The study reveals that crime
not pair with a smartphone, and will generate high decibel against women is lesser in areas closer to the police station.
sound on triggering thus alerting people in the near vicin- As a part of the ‘Free to Be’ project, in the year 2018,
ity. However, this might also put the woman at risk as this young women were enabled to travel to popular cities across
might cause the pervert to attack the woman in an attempt different countries to identify and share public spaces that
to save himself. Other wearables as mentioned in Table 2, make them feel uneasy and scared, or happy and safe [15].
are not standalone. They pair with a mobile application on Those women were asked to identify their experiences based
a smartphone using Bluetooth technology and then use the on perceived safety. The identified points were tagged to a
smartphone features to send alerts to pre-configured contacts, precise geographical location and a visual representation was
police, etc. ‘Safelet’, has two buttons on the side that can derived in which the aggregated perceived level of safety
be pressed to send a distress message to selected contact was marked using color-coding. The visual representation
numbers. The ‘Stiletto’ charm pairs with the mobile app and was then made available to the public through a website.
transmits a voice-assisted alert to selected contacts when However, the data used for the visualization is based on data
triggered. The Sonata watch ‘ACT’ paired with a smartphone collected in 2018, and the hotspot identification is based on
can send out panic messages to a set of contact numbers. If the the perceived level of safety and not based on actual crime
phone is lost, thrown away by the attacker, or if phone is out history. As very limited work is available in the literature
of charge then the wearable will not serve its purpose. regarding the application of GIS techniques for analysis of
Current solutions focus on limited crowd sourcing and crime specifically against women we also reviewed the works
are insufficient in ensuring the safety of the women as and on crime analysis in general.
when required. With the advancements in GIS, it is possible Reference [16] paper presents a data-driven approach for
to design proactive response measures whereby the hotspots the prediction of the number of crimes in the city of Chicago.
of crime can be identified and preventive actions can be The identification of crime dense regions or hotspots was
planned [13]. performed on the real-world data set available for the area
of Chicago. Once the hotspots were identified, the number
C. GIS FOR CRIME ANALYSIS of crimes reported in hotspots were extracted and a time
This section provides a brief review of the notable works series prediction technique was used for the prediction of
reported for crime analysis and hotspot mapping based the number of crimes in each hotspot. The dataset included
on GIS techniques. Reference [14] analyses crime against information such as the type of crime, location, date, commu-
women in Chandigarh, India using GIS Analysis. It is a nity area, etc. For the identification of hotspot, Density-based
preliminary work that involves the mapping of crime data Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN)

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based clustering technique was utilized. Given a set of points in applications such as crime monitoring when the amount
in space, DBSCAN groups together points that are closely of data available may be very less when compared to the
packed together leaving out the outliers. The objective behind geographic area or the population of the area.
hotspot identification in this work was to only identify and WebGIS is an advanced GIS system available on the web
limit the further study to the hotspot areas and hence clus- platform. This facilitates the users to browse the spatial
tering technique was utilized. Identification of hotspot shift- data, generate or view thematic maps on the WebGIS site.
ing or investigation of factors leading to the crime was not The major components of a WebGIS system are GIS soft-
included in the scope of the work. ware, associated database and server (integrated database
References [17]–[19] highlighted the potential of GIS and server systems are also referred to as database server),
techniques in identifying crime prone sites and then map- web server, and the web client [22]. Zhou et al. demon-
ping them. Creating a database with relevant crime infor- strated five hotspot mapping techniques, i.e., discrete point
mation and associated spatial data is a crucial aspect. mapping, choropleth mapping, grid mapping, spatial ellipse
The type of additional non-spatial information included in mapping, and density mapping for crime analysis on a
the database such as population, gender, etc varies across WebGIS system [22]. The database server used in the work is
the different applications. Byungyun Yang identified crime ‘PostgreSQL’, which stores crime data. The ‘PostGIS’ soft-
prone areas based on the Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) ware is used in this work. PostGIS is a free and open-source
technique [19]. In this work, the crime datasets (crime type GIS software that supports various types of operating systems
along with the location coordinates) were saved in the CSV such as Windows, Linux, iOS, etc. The web client is installed
file format. Grubesic et al. in their work identified crime with Adobe Flash Player and accesses the web resources
hotspots using the clustering technique [20]. The author high- through the webserver (‘Tomcat’) and GIS functionalities
lighted that additional research work to reduce its complexity through the ‘PostgreSQL’ server. Reference [24] presents
in addressing hotspot detection is required for its application another WebGIS system in which ‘GeoServer’ GIS software
to practical scenarios. Mitchell and Minami [21] in their is used along with ‘‘MySQL geospatial database’. It pub-
paper discussed the various factors influencing the increase lishes Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) services through
in crime rates over the last few decades in the United States. the spatial database engine. They have utilized Hyper-
The author identified several socio-economic variables such Text Markup Language (HTML), Asynchronous JavaScript
as household income, educational achievement, employment and XML (AJAX) based web client and ‘Tomcat’ web-
status, and poverty status. The authors applied multiple server. Reference [25] utilized a virtual machine with 2GB
regression analysis to depict the relationships between socio- of RAM imaged with Microsoft Windows Server hosting
economic/demographic variables and crime variables in the SQL Database, ArcGIS software, ArcGIS database server,
crime hotspots of Pittsburgh. The scope of the work was to and Javascript-based web application. References [27], [28]
identify the factors affecting the crime rather than identifying provides a comparison of the features of notable GIS soft-
hotspots of crime. ware, their supported data server, and the web clients.
Popular techniques for the hotspot mapping are dis-
crete point mapping, choropleth mapping, grid mapping, D. RATIONALE OF THE PROPOSED WORK
spatial ellipse mapping, and kernel density mapping [22]. Building safer cities for women will be effective only with (1)
In choropleth mapping, the study area is divided into various understanding of various socio-economic factors that lead to
geographic units and each unit is shaded based on the number violence against women so that effective measures for social
of crimes reported within it. The geographic units can be reforms can be designed, (2) crime analysis and mapping to
of different sizes and shapes. In grid mapping, grids of uni- identify hotspots of crime and hotspot shifting, (3) effective
form size and shape are generated across the study area and use of technology through which a woman can raise alerts
shaded depending on the number of crimes reported within in case of danger (4) prompt emergency response leveraging
each of them. In spatial ellipse hotspot mapping method, community participation, all of which are addressed in the
points are grouped into clusters based on their proximity, proposed solution. Even though some prior work is available
and a standard deviational ellipse is fitted to each cluster to in each of these areas, a holistic system encompassing crime
indicate the dispersion of points in the cluster through the prevention, crime analysis, and crime response is not avail-
ellipse’s size and alignment. Density mapping is probably the able. We propose a holistic framework leveraging societal
most commonly used hotspot mapping technique. The point participation and four major components as described below
density, line density, or kernel density can be mapped [23]. and depicted in Fig. 1.
In a point (or line density) calculation, the magnitude-per- 1) Mobile application
unit area from point features (or polyline features) that fall 2) Prototype of the wearable device
within a neighborhood around each raster cell is calculated. 3) GIS analysis for the identification of hotspots of crime
Kernel density mapping calculates a magnitude-per-unit area 4) Website for integrated crime monitoring, response, and
from the point or polyline features using a kernel function analysis
to fit a smoothly tapered surface to each point or line. How- Each city is unique and hence we propose that the safety
ever, the smoothing can also lead to inaccuracies especially of the women can be best addressed by leveraging societal

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of crime, the wearable device, and website for crime monitor-

ing are explained in this section.


A unique feature of the mobile application which is devel-
oped, i.e ‘‘SpotHer’’ is that the emergency crime response
is supported by societal participation in addition to the
response from law enforcement agencies and local guardians.
To ensure societal participation, a network of authorized vol-
unteers is created to assist the needy. The background/history
of volunteers can be subjected to verification. ‘‘SpotHer’’
application supports interfaces for registration of users using
phone number and One Time Password (OTP) based veri-
fication. The user can be either a victim or a volunteer. On
registration, the user also gets registered as a volunteer. The
user and volunteer activities are summarized using a use case
diagram as shown in Fig. 2. Application is meant for crime
response initiation triggered by a specific event, particularly-
FIGURE 1. Proposed system for crime monitoring.
pressing of ‘Save our Souls (SOS)’ button on the application
by the person in danger and acceptance of SoS notification
by a volunteer.
participation rather than completely relying on law enforce- The application supports the following features for victim
ment agencies. Through our system, the users are provided monitoring :
with a cost-effective wearable gadget and a mobile appli- • On logging in with the credentials, the user will be
cation to raise an alert when they are in danger. The crime directed to a home page which displays the current
response is leveraged through community participation. The location of the user along with the other users within
volunteers who are in the vicinity of the person in danger will a configurable radius on a map. Save Our Souls (SOS)
receive notifications regarding the users in danger and can button on the page can be pressed by the user in the case
track the person in danger and assist her in addition to the of an emergency event.
police or guardian. The use of wearable gadget is optional. • When the SOS is pressed, a notification is sent to the
Wearable gadget designed in the system can be utilized as registered users within a configurable radius (default
a standalone device and hence, can be used to trigger alerts configuration is 2kms). The notification can be also sent
even when the smartphone is not active. In case if the user to the police and selected contact numbers/guardians.
do not want to invest on buying the wearable, the mobile Once the SOS is pressed, the latitude and longitude
application can be used for raising the alert. The website coordinates are recorded and transmitted to the realtime
developed acts as an integrator between several components NoSQL cloud firebase database at the interval of every
of the system such as mobile application, wearable device, 30 seconds. This information will be further displayed
and GIS-based hotspot visualization. The GIS visualization on the website designed for crime analysis.
of hotspots of crime will help the user to identify possible • On receiving an SOS notification from the victims,
threats in a locality and take necessary precautions. The a volunteer can click on the notification to help the
supervisory management of the website can be done by the victim. On selecting the notification, the volunteer will
law enforcement agencies. The system is designed in such be redirected to another page containing Google maps.
a way that the website administrators can update the crime The volunteer can navigate to the user by clicking on the
records from time to time and the hotspots of crime will be navigate button embedded in the Google maps.
updated in the website accordingly. The website administra- • Once the user is safe, she can mark herself safe by
tors or law enforcing agencies can monitor the users in danger pressing a ‘Mark yourself safe’ button of the application.
and responses of volunteers to the alert. • Once the victim marks her ‘safe’, all the notified volun-
The design of the proposed system is explained in detail in teers will be again notified of the safety status.
the subsequent section. The various user and volunteer screens are shown in Fig. 3.
and Fig. 4. respectively.
III. PROPOSED CRIME MONITORING, RESPONSE AND SQLite library which implements SQL relational database
ANALYSIS SYSTEM management engine is used for storing the application
In this section, the holistic framework developed for crime data including the user name and password on the phone.
prevention, crime response, and analysis are presented. The As the requirement of local data storage is minimal, this
design of four major components of the framework, i.e the lightweight relational database is an ideal candidate for the
mobile application, GIS analysis for identification of hotspots application.

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FIGURE 2. Use cases for mobile Application-’SpotHer’.

FIGURE 3. Various page views of SpotHer app for user (victim).

1) CLOUD DATABASE FOR STORING DATA FROM MOBILE and the wearable device. The database used for storing and
APPLICATION & WEARABLE DEVICE manipulating data is the real-time NoSQL firebase cloud
This section provides a brief description of the cloud data database. Data is stored in the firebase cloud in JSON format
storage of the data collected from the ‘‘SpotHer’’ application and is synchronized in realtime to every connected client.

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FIGURE 4. Various pages of SpotHer app for volunteer.

The same database can be utilized even if we plan to develop The data from the wearable device or the mobile application
the application for iOS users as well. Firebase applications is treated in identically.
remain responsive even when offline because it persists the A single database instance of firebase supports up to
data to disk. Once connectivity is reestablished, the client 200,000 simultaneous connections. Each instance of a fire-
device receives the missed data if any, and synchronizes with base database caters to a specific region. In the current
the current server state. implementation, the database serves the region ‘asia-south1’
The structure of the real-time database was designed to covering India [29]. For service across the multiple regions,
have the following fields: we will include multiple database instances catering to dif-
• User login details- named as ‘users’ in database: This ferent regions in the same firebase project such that each
field stores the information of the users registered with database caters to a specific region. This design will ensure
the app, such as the name, registered phone number, the load-balancing of data. When the utilization within a
emergency contact numbers and the automatically gen- region may expand beyond the limit of 200,000 simultaneous
erated unique ID (foreign key) connections and 1,000 write operations/second, sharding of
• User location details- named as ‘userLocation’ in data will be done across multiple databases [29]. The above-
database: This field stores the information such as the mentioned features can be included as per the pricing policies
latitude and longitude coordinates of the user. of the real-time database and can be made available to the
• SOS details-named as ‘sosDetails’ in database: This users as an updated version of the application.
field stores information such as the ID of the user who We have customized a set of features of firebase, i.e
triggered the SOS, latest SOS timestamp along with the authentication, authorization, and role-based access control
user’s location coordinates, if any volunteer has accepted to ensure that the data is stored securely in the firebase.
the notification for service or not, and if the user is Firebase supports a set of authentication mechanisms such
marked ‘safe’ or ‘unsafe’. This field also stores the as drop-in authentication, federated identity provider inte-
information about the volunteers such as the user ID of gration, custom authentication integration, and anonymous
the volunteer who accepted the notification to offer help, authorization of the device [30]. We have utilized phone
timestamp and location coordinates. The structure of the number based authentication of the device which sends data
database is shown in Fig. 5. Once SOS is raised by the to the cloud. After authentication of the user, we control the
user, the app automatically generates SOS at an interval user’s access to data (authorize user) in the database using
of 30s till the user is marked safe. firebase rules. Separate rules are defined for the users and

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FIGURE 5. Structure of the cloud database for wearable and mobile application.

the administrators and then stored in firebase servers and is In the current work, we intended to do quick prototyping
always enforced always automatically [31]. We have used and hence have utilized Custom of the Shelf components
‘read ‘ and ‘write’ rules to ensure conditional ‘read’ and (COTS). After careful analysis of the available COTS compo-
‘write’ access to files by users and administrators. The read nents, we selected the ESP32 microcontroller board with inte-
and write rules were defined to decide if a user can access the grated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity support [32]. ESP32
data and also when the data can be accessed. To ensure the includes dual-core Tensilica LX6 MCU as the computing
integrity of data collected at the firebase, we have utilized element and includes ESP32-WROOM-32SE module for
the ‘validate’ rules to enforce type checking of the type of connectivity support. ESP32 is an ultra-low-power consum-
data entered by the user such as contact number and names ing module suitable for wearable electronics and Internet-
of the guardians provided by the user, etc. In addition to of-Things (IoT) applications. ESP32-WROOM-32SE is a
this, the firebase services also encrypt the data at rest and low form-factor module which also includes Microchip’s
encrypt data in transit using HTTPS. As the number of ATECC608A crypto authentication for enhanced security to
users increases, the query response mechanism can degrade. connect to IoT cloud services and TLS based secure commu-
Hence, ‘indexOn’ rules are used to improve the performance nication. The connection diagram for the wearable module is
of queries [31]. shown in Fig. 6.
We have utilized the LoNET808 module for the
B. WEARABLE DEVICE GPS/GSM/GPRS connectivity [33]. The board has a
In an emergency, it may not be always possible for the user to SIM808 module, which supports GSM/GPRS Quad-Band
access the phone, unlock it, open the application, and trigger network along with GPS technology for navigation. A unique
an alert. Wearables are developed to address this scenario feature of this module is that it supports the Assisted-
so that the alert can be generated as soon as possible with- GPS (A-GPS) module which can be used for positioning
out accessing the phone. From Table 2, it can be observed in indoor environments in addition to the outdoors. The
that the wearable devices which do not have a communica- A-GPS takes assistance from mobile towers to fix positions.
tion facility, just produce a loud sound when triggered thus The GPS receiver is highly sensitive with 22 tracking and
alerting the people in the nearby area. Other devices with 66 acquisition channels and provides positional accuracy of
communication capability are not standalone devices. They approximately 2.5m. Hence, women can report crimes and
can function only when paired with a smartphone. Unlike request for help even while indoors. The available wearable
the wearables mentioned in Table 2, the proposed wearable devices will report the position with reasonable accuracy
is a standalone device. Hence, it will be able to trigger SOS only in outdoor environments. The LoNET808 module sup-
and trigger crime response even if the smartphone is thrown ports NMEA protocol for GPS. The module has a current
away or tampered by the attacker or if the mobile phone is consumption of 24mA while in continuous tracking mode
out of battery. The device also can optionally pair with the and has a position update rate of 5Hz. The module also has
smartphone. In addition to the power supply and clocking an onboard battery charging circuit that can be used with
elements, the wearable device has a micro-controller, Wi-Fi, Lithium Polymer batteries. The LoNET808 module also has
Bluetooth, GPS receiver, GSM/GPRS support, and a touch a microphone that can be used to make voice calls and collect
screen interface. speech data around the module.
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FIGURE 6. Interfacing diagram for the wearable prototype.

The module supports two modes of operation- LOCAL & similar to a mobile charging process. The device can be either
REMOTE. In LOCAL mode, the user can trigger the SOS as worn on hand as a band or bracelet.
and when required using the touch interface. The data from
the wearable will be treated in the same manner as the data C. DATA COLLECTION FOR CRIME
from the mobile application by the cloud database. When the MONITORING & ANALYSIS
guardian sends an SMS message to the wearable to obtain The data collection for developing the GIS-based crime mon-
the location coordinates of the user, the module switches itoring and analysis system was completed using fieldwork
to REMOTE mode. Following this, the wearable module in the town of Pilani. Pilani is a small town situated in the
will initiate a call with the user so that the user is heard Shekhawati region of Rajasthan, India, and is a part of the
continuously by the guardian and the guardian can record the Jhunjhunu district. As of the 2011 Census of India, Pilani
data at his/her end. In both modes, when triggered, the wear- has a population of 29,741 of which 51% are males and 49%
able will send position updates to the cloud database at an females. The average literacy rate is 72%. Male literacy is
interval of 30seconds. In the LOCAL mode, once triggered, 80% and female literacy is 63%. 12% of the population is
the position updates will be transmitted till the user is marked under 6 years of age. The next census is due in the year 2021.
safe or till the module is restarted. In REMOTE mode the The criminal records for the years 2016-2019 were collected
position updates will be sent continuously for 2 minutes after from the Pilani police station. The data was not available in
which the wearable module can be pinged again if required. any digital repository and the field investigator collected the
The module can also be switched into low power mode of relevant and available data from the police record books. The
operation to save power consumption. The various use cases crime against women under the following Indian Penal Code
for wearable device is indicated in Fig. 7. (IPC) sections were reported in the station.
The prototype of the wearable is shown in Fig. 8.a, Fig. 8.b, • IPC 498-A: Husband or relative of husband of a woman
Fig. 9.a and the data collection at the firebase cloud is shown subjecting her to cruelty
in Fig. 9.b. The prototype is designed using the COTS com- • IPC 376: Rape
ponents for the testing of the holistic system. For the product • IPC 354: Assault or criminal force to woman with intent
version, a dedicated circuit board will be designed and the to outrage her modesty
size of the device will be similar to that of a watch. It may • IPC 363 Kidnapping
be noted that same microcontroller chip, GPS/GSM/GPRS • IPC 364: Kidnapping or abducting to murder
system and touch screen controller as used in the prototype • IPC 365:Kidnapping or abducting with intent to secretly
will be utilized in the final system. However instead of having and wrongfully confine a person
the three systems on three different boards as is while using • IPC 366: Kidnapping, abducting or inducing woman to
the COTS components, a single printed circuit board will compel her for marriage, etc.
accommodate the three chips along with the power supply and The collected data were tabulated and segregated based on the
clocking modules. The device can be powered using a 3.3V, year and IPC of the specific crime. The other attributes of the
2000mAH battery Li-Po battery. The battery can be charged data are date/month of the incidence, address (information

66196 VOLUME 9, 2021

M. V. Shenoy et al.: Holistic Framework for Crime Prevention, Response, and Analysis With Emphasis on Women Safety

FIGURE 7. Use cases for wearable device.

FIGURE 8. a. Top view of prototype when not triggered. b. Top view of the prototype when triggered.

regarding the location of crime such as the name of the previous study conducted on identifying the major factors
village, direction, and distance to the police station). The data affecting the occurrence of crime [18]. The Census Orga-
had to be georeferenced using latitude and longitude values nization of India conducts the census every 10 years and
for further plotting and visualization of this data on a map. collects various demographic and socio-economic data. The
With the help of the satellite geolocation feature provided latest census in India was conducted in 2011.
by Google Earth, the precise latitude and longitude values From the census records, information about the population,
(X, Y) for each location were also calculated for data. Fig. 10. employment, sex ratio, and literacy were extracted and were
represents the data after georeferencing. used to analyze the literacy rate, unemployment rate and
The data about the population statistics and the socio- population density in the area for which crime data was
economic factors that affect crime was also collected to ana- available. The data for the different cities in the district of
lyze the trends in crime and the identification of hotspots Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan was obtained and was used to infer the
of crime. The analysis of socio-economic causes is crucial effect of various socio-economic factors on the probability
because it helps in the prediction of the probability of the of occurrence of crime. The number of crimes reported in
occurrence of crime at a place. The socio-economic factors the Pilani police station for the years 2016, 2017, 2018, and
identified for this work are illiteracy, unemployment, and sex 2019 are 79, 67, 66, and 73 respectively. In the latest cen-
ratio. The socio-economic factors were selected based on a sus records, socio-economic data for 30 points are available

VOLUME 9, 2021 66197

M. V. Shenoy et al.: Holistic Framework for Crime Prevention, Response, and Analysis With Emphasis on Women Safety

FIGURE 9. a. Side view of the prototype b. Wearable data recorded in the database when triggered.

FIGURE 10. Sample record of crime data represented after georeferencing.

for the Jhunjunu district in Rajasthan and were utilized for socio-economic data is not generally made avail-
our work. The socio-economic causes are represented as able or reported for every geo-coordinate location on the
additional attributes in the data and the data was stored in map, but for a region. For the given region, the max-
the geospatial database created for GIS analysis. Crime spot imum and minimum value corresponding to a socio-
analysis using ArcGIS is elaborated in the next section. economic factor was available from census report.
Hence, the available socio-economic data was assigned
D. CRIME HOTSPOT IDENTIFICATION USING ArcGIS to relevant points on the map, and for the other places,
The data collected from the fieldwork was processed as men- the values were interpolated using the IDW (Inverse
tioned in this section for crime hotspot analysis. We have Distance Weighted) method of spatial interpolation. The
utilized ArcGIS 10.2 version for the work. The data was pre- general equation for IDW is given by
processed as follows. Pn zi
• Once the data was tabulated as shown in Fig.10., the data i dk
was classified and segregated into different tables based zp = Pn 1
i dk
on the year of occurrence of the crime and the IPC num- i

ber violated in the respective crime. This segregation is where ‘zp ’ is the estimated value at point ‘p’, ‘zi ’ is the z
a very important step in the analysis of crime for a better value at known point ‘i’, di is the distance between point
understanding of trend, co-relationship, and probability ‘i’ and point ‘0’, ‘n’ is the number of known points used
of the crime occurrence. The crime spots were marked in estimation, and ‘k’ is the specified power. The power
on the map as different point features in the map using ‘k’ controls the degree of local influence [34]. A power
the ArcMap software. of 1.0 means a constant rate of change in value between
• To understand the dependency of the probability of points (linear interpolation). A power of 2.0 or higher
crime on each of the socio-economic factor which suggests that the rate of change in values is higher near
was considered for the crime analysis, tabulation of a known point and levels off away from it. In our applica-
the socio-economic data for every city in the dis- tion, we have utilized linear interpolation. The IDW was
trict of Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan was performed. The selected as the suitable spatial interpolation technique

66198 VOLUME 9, 2021

M. V. Shenoy et al.: Holistic Framework for Crime Prevention, Response, and Analysis With Emphasis on Women Safety

FIGURE 11. Model generated using ArcGIS for hotspot mapping.

for thematic mapping of socio-economic causes of crime values. Finally, the sex ratio was also multiplied with
after a comparative study of the various spatial interpo- population density and then normalized to obtain the
lation techniques [35]. Once this procedure was carried probability values.
out for every village considered in the area of analysis, The output of the preprocessing stage is a set of five
the latitude and longitude for these points were obtained files -named Population_segregation_csv2.csv and the crime
from Google maps. records data for four years, x_csv.csv where x can be any
• A table was prepared with the geo-coordinate points year from 2016 to 2019. The five files were fed into ArcGIS
at which crime was reported and their socio-economic ‘Model Builder’ as separate input files. The input files were
attribute data. The population of each city was obtained then fed into the ‘‘Make XY Event Layer’’ data management
from the Census report and was used to calculate the tool of ArcGIS to create layers for individual input files.
population density in that area. In order to obtain the From the layer, a raster surface was interpolated using the
probability value for crime occurrence, the data obtained IDW technique. The output of this step is fed into the ‘Point
was normalized to a value between 0 and 1 to obtain Density tool’ of ArcGIS which calculates the magnitude
the value of probabilities [36]. The population values per unit area from point features within a neighborhood.
were normalized to obtain probability values to identify Raster calculator was used to generate the overlay graphs
the dependence of population density on the occurrence from crime data and socio-economic data which were then
of crime in that area [13]. Similarly, the literacy rate again passed through another raster layer to generate the final
was normalized to obtain the probability values. Before overlay as shown in the Fig. 11. The overlay generated for
normalization, the literacy data was multiplied with the socio-economic data, crime data and the final overlay which
population density to obtain weighted values of liter- indicate the probability of crime (or the hotspots of crime
acy because the effect of literacy rate on occurrence of against women) is shown in Fig. 12.a, Fig. 12.b and Fig. 12.c
crime is affected by the population density in that place. respectively. The base map of Pilani used for the analysis is
Unemployment percentage was obtained by dividing the shown in Fig. 12.d.
number of non-workers by the total population in the This generated model (or the python script extracted using
area. It was also multiplied with the population density the Model Builder) can be run on other platforms which
at that spot and then normalized to obtain the probability support GIS libraries [37]. The final overlay files generated

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M. V. Shenoy et al.: Holistic Framework for Crime Prevention, Response, and Analysis With Emphasis on Women Safety

FIGURE 12. a. Overlay of the socio-economic data. b. Overlay of Crime data. c. Final overlay indicating crime-prone
areas (Hotspots) in Jhunjhunu. d. Base map of Pilani used for the analysis.

by ArcGIS tool and the other layer files generated at interme- the visualization of the crime spots and their correspond-
diate steps can be uploaded on a website for public access. ing socio-economic scores as shown in Fig. 13. The four
As data in the input files change or data for subsequent checkboxes can be used to visualize the crime spots for
years are to be added, the model can be rerun to generate the last four years and the fifth checkbox can be used to
the final overlay graphs. However, rerunning the model (or view the socio-economic score for the crime spots. The
running.py) file will require ArcGIS licensing and ArcGIS overall architecture of the WebGIS system implemented
libraries [38]. Hence, we also performed the hotspot analysis in this work is represented in Fig. 14. When the client
using PostGIS- an open source GIS software, so that the data checks the boxes, via Asynchronous JavaScript And XML
can be uploaded on a website without any licensing issues as (AJAX) call to the database, it gets routed through the PHP
in ArcGIS. This process is explained in the next section. pages designated to communicate to the server (Fig. 14.).
In response, a layer corresponding to the checked box is
E. DEVELOPMENT OF A WebGIS SYSTEM FOR CRIME added to the WebGIS interface. AJAX supports the transmis-
SPOT ANALYSIS sion and reception of information in various formats, such
WebGIS is an advanced GIS system available on the web as text files, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), Extensible
platform. GIS system acts as the server (which has a Markup Language (XML), and Hypertext Markup Language
Uniform Resource Locator (URL)) and the web browser, (HTML). In similar manner, when the user clicks on the
mobile or desktop application acts as the client. We have ‘View Crime Probability Map’, the crime hotspots will be
developed a WebGIS application based on PostGIS. PostGIS displayed. The technique used for crime hotspot mapping is
is an open source software program that adds support same as described in Section III.D. AJAX calls are ‘asyn-
for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL object-relational chronous’ and hence allows communication with the server,
database [39]. PostGIS follows the SQL specification exchange of data, and updation of the page without having to
from the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). PostgreSQL refresh the page.
database is used to store geographic data and ‘Leaflet’ is The client side is programmed using the HTML, Cascading
used to display that data on a map. Leaflet is a light-weight Style Sheets (CSS) and Javascript. HTML5, the new version
(approximately 38KB) open-source JavaScript library for of the language HTML, with advanced elements, attributes,
interactive maps which can be extended with plugins. and behaviors, can also be used. The hot spot crime prob-
We have utilized the PostGIS version 2.5.0 for this work. ability map of the region obtained using PostGIS is shown
The WebGIS user interface developed by us mainly com- in Fig. 15. The second page of the WebGIS interface is an
prises of mainly two webpages. The first page presents admin page through which an administrator can update the

66200 VOLUME 9, 2021

M. V. Shenoy et al.: Holistic Framework for Crime Prevention, Response, and Analysis With Emphasis on Women Safety

FIGURE 13. WebGIS interface developed for visualization of crimespots and socio-economic factors.

structure of web content. Other technologies described

below were used to change the appearance/presentation or
functionality/behavior of the website. Following are
the major programming languages and various front-
end and back-end components used for developing the
• Python - used for running the entire website architecture
and it also acts as a skeleton for the entire website.
The version used for developing the website code is
2.7. The code is tested for compatibility till Python.3.6.
FIGURE 14. Overall architecture of the WebGIS system implementation. PyCharm integrated development environment was uti-
lized for Python interpretation. Python code is used for
initiating the retrieval of the user data from the wearable
data in the form of the GeoJSON file(s). The input file(s) can device and the mobile application stored in the firebase
be derived based on the criminal history record as described database.
in Section III.C. An admin button is given on the top of • Django - is used for creating connection to database and
the first page which lets the administrator of the website also for viewing /modifying the database contents. When
to navigate to the admin page. On inputting the new data, a request comes to a web server, it’s passed to Django
the hotspot analysis will be updated. Admin page is shown which interprets the request. Along with Python 2.7,
in Fig. 16. To upload the latest crime records, an upload file Django 1.11 was used.
button is provided at the top right corner of the admin page. • Java - used for creating block spaces for username and
On updation of data, the hotspot analysis will be updated passwords, decoding the foreign key generated from
automatically. firebase, etc.
• jQuery - This javascript library was used for creating
F. WEBSITE FOR HOTSPOT MONITORING animations, AJAX calls, adding plugins, for navigating
AND CRIME ANALYSIS through the content.
The website acts as an integrator for the various components • AngularJs framework- is used to build frontend interface
developed such as ‘SpotHer’ mobile application, wearable along with HTML to create dynamic components of the
device, and WebGIS visualization. GIS can be used to analyze website such as handling text entry. HTML can be used
and visualize the crime trends with a locational aspect in a only to create static components of the front-end.
better way enabling the police to work in a preventive mode. • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) - is a sheet style lan-
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the most basic guage for adding style elements such as colors, fonts and
building block of the website. It defines the meaning and spacing to document written in a markup language such

VOLUME 9, 2021 66201

M. V. Shenoy et al.: Holistic Framework for Crime Prevention, Response, and Analysis With Emphasis on Women Safety

FIGURE 15. Crime Hotspot map of the Pilani area as calculated in PoSTGIS.

FIGURE 16. Admin page for uploading the new dataset.

as HTML. CSS is used for creating tables required for of a PythonAnywhere’ server, Python based applica-
display of user data for supervisory management. tion, and ‘SQLite’ database. Reference [40] describes the
• Visual Studio - used for running the entire code in back- steps involved in deploying the website code on the
end and also for pushing the project onto webpage from webserver.
local host. The website provides visualization for the data collected
The website has to be loaded on a web server. We have from the mobile application, wearable device, geospatial
utilized ‘PythonAnywhere’ server for this implementation. server and the crime records. The interaction of the website
‘PythonAnywhere’ is a python based web hosting service and with the above mentioned components is depicted as a use
is based on ‘servers in the cloud’ concept [40]. The website case diagram as shown in Fig. 17. The data from the wearable
is hosted on world wide web using ‘pythonanywhere.com’ device and the mobile application is updated in the firebase
service. The back-end components of a website consists cloud. The main page of the website is shown in Fig. 18. User

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M. V. Shenoy et al.: Holistic Framework for Crime Prevention, Response, and Analysis With Emphasis on Women Safety

FIGURE 17. Use cases for website.

FIGURE 18. Home page of the website.

and administrator (also referred to as impress team) logins system. On clicking on the ‘GIS Visualization tab’, as shown
are available. The administrator account can be shared with in Fig.18, the user will be redirected to the WebGIS interface
the law enforcement agencies for hotpot analysis and also for as shown in Fig. 13, through which the Hotspots of crime can
monitoring the safe/unsafe status of users. GIS visualization be monitored. On login, the administrator can view the page
can be accessed without logging in or registering with the as shown in Fig. 19.

VOLUME 9, 2021 66203

M. V. Shenoy et al.: Holistic Framework for Crime Prevention, Response, and Analysis With Emphasis on Women Safety

FIGURE 19. Webpage as seen by the administrator.

FIGURE 20. Data collected by website in old cases section.

The webpage allows the administrator to view registered and emergency contacts etc. It is thus possible to design
user details (registered via the Mobile Application), the last proactive response measures whereby which the hotspots of
active location of user (once SOS is pressed) or volunteer crime can be identified, users in danger can be tracked and
(if SOS notification is accepted), details of users who have preventive actions can be planned. The website can be shared
raised the SOS and are currently ‘Safe’ and ‘Unsafe’ and with the law enforcement organizations for crime prevention
history of SOS raised and serviced. The administrator can planning.
also update the crime data to the geospatial server through
the link made available on the website. The testing of the IV. TESTING AND VALIDATION
integrated system combining the mobile application, wear- The testing of the integrated system consisting of the mobile
able device, GIS visualization and website was performed by application, wearable device, WebGIS based visualization,
allowing the ‘SpotHer’ to be utilized by a set of students, and website was performed over one month. The ‘SpotHer’
faculty members and research scholars on campus. One of application was allowed to be utilized by 20 users including a
the user was also given the wearable device. A snippet of set of students, faculty members, and research scholars. One
data as saved in the oldcases section is shown in Fig. 20. of the users was also given a wearable device. The mobile
As shown in the Fig. 20, the website allows to view important application was installed and tested on heterogeneous types of
information such as the real time location of the user, safety mobile phones. The functionality of the mobile application,
status of the user, number of volunteers responded to an SOS, the wearable device, and the website was tested thoroughly
personal details of the user such as name, phone number during the process. The holistic system was also subjected to

66204 VOLUME 9, 2021

M. V. Shenoy et al.: Holistic Framework for Crime Prevention, Response, and Analysis With Emphasis on Women Safety

a concurrency test. The mobile application and the wearable security and stress testing in the subsequent months before
device was found to enable real-time SoS notification and final deployment for the public. The database shall get more
user tracking. The user can also view GIS visualization in enriched and extensive with time leading to increased accu-
real-time. The sample data recorded in the firebase database racy and reliability in crime hotspot detection in the future.
from mobile and wearable devices and retrieved through the Our validation shall evolve in real-time with enriched crime
website in the old cases section of the webpage is demon- and socio-economic data set in the future.
strated in Fig. 20. The proposed system performs effective crime analysis
The main performance metric of the mobile application and generation of information to plan preventive measures
and the website is the ‘loading’ time. The website was utilized against crime. The success of community assisted crime
by the users and based on the user report and the report response will depend upon the network availability, volunteer
obtained from popular website speed testing sites such as availability and reachability, response reaction time of the
‘GTmetrix’ and ‘webpagetest’, the average loading time was volunteers, area/ zone characteristics of the crime, etc.
not later than 1.1 seconds under various network conditions.
During the development, the performance of mobile applica- V. CONCLUSION
tion such as peak CPU utilization, memory churn, memory Building safer cities for women requires holistic measures for
leaks, energy usage, etc was monitored using the ‘Android crime prevention, analysis, and response. This will be effec-
Profiler’ available with ‘Android Studio’ integrated devel- tive only with the understanding of various socio-economic
opment environment, and required code optimizations were factors that lead to violence against women so that effective
performed. The storage utilization of the mobile application measures for social reforms can be designed. Also, techno-
is 4.8MB. On a Samsung M30 phone, the average RAM logical interventions will not be effective in providing timely
utilization was observed to be around 6MB during the testing. help if only law enforcement agencies or personal contacts
Utilization of battery for around 6 minutes, with 3 minutes are involved in rescue and response. The work presented in
of active time and 3 minutes of background time is 0.3%. this paper describes the holistic framework for crime preven-
We have customized a set of features of firebase, i.e authenti- tion, response, and analysis with emphasis on women safety
cation, authorization, and role-based access control to ensure using technology and societal participation. The Integrated
that the data is stored securely in the firebase database. system offers the components - (1) WebGIS, including the
The GIS technique for spatial interpolation for thematic geospatial database storing criminal records and for hotspot
mapping of socio-economic causes of crime, i.e the Inverse generation, analysis, and visualization. (2) Mobile Applica-
Distance Weighted was selected after a comparative study of tion for raising alerts and enabling tracking of the person in
the various spatial interpolation techniques which are briefly danger, viewing the crime hotspots in the locality to enable
described in Section III, Subsection D and is elaborated at taking precautionary measures. The mobile application is
depth in our prior work [35]. The comparison was done designed to ensure that the registered users receive alerts
with three popular techniques, i.e Kringing, IDW, and Spline about the person in danger in the locality. The user can
interpolation techniques. First, the overlay analysis of all commit to approaching the person in danger after which both
socio-economic factors and the crime density was performed the user and person in danger can be recorded and monitored
separately using each technique. The overlay analysis was by the system administrator. (3) A cost-effective wearable
done by taking the weighted average of each attribute using gadget with GPS/GSM/GPRS for raising alerts and can be
the Raster Calculator tool in the ArcToolbox as mentioned in used as a standalone device even when the smartphone is not
Section III, Subsection D. The comparison of each interpola- active. (4) Website which acts as an integrator for the vari-
tion method is done by taking the absolute difference between ous components developed such as ‘SpotHer’ mobile appli-
the thematic map generated using the interpolation technique cation, wearable device, and WebGIS system. The website
and the thematic map of the past crime data using the ‘Raster provides visualization for the data collected from the mobile
Calculator tool’ and ‘Minus’ tool in the ArcToolbox. The application, wearable device, geospatial server, and criminal
mean and standard deviation values of the differences (errors) records. The administrator can also update the crime data
were used to determine the interpolation method gives us the to the geospatial database through the website. The website
result most similar to past crime data. The mean (µ) and allows viewing of important information such as the real-time
standard deviation (σ ) were calculated for IDW technique, location of the user, safety status of the user, the number of
Kringing, and Spline technique and the values calculated volunteers who responded to an SOS, details of the user such
were as follows- IDW (µ = 0.20, σ = 0.06), Kringing as name, phone number and emergency contacts, etc. It is
(µ = 0.42, σ = 0.11) and Spline (µ = 0.19, σ = 0.11). thus possible to design proactive response measures whereby
Based on this IDW was selected as a suitable interpolation which the hotspots of crime can be identified, users in danger
technique. can be tracked and preventive actions can be planned. The
The holistic framework for crime response, analysis, and supervisory management of the website will be done by law
prevention is designed and tested for functional reliabil- enforcement agencies. Societal participation, in addition to
ity and also usability as per the requirements. However, providing immediate relief to the victims, can also create
the system will still be subjected to continuous testing for awareness in society regarding crime against women and

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66206 VOLUME 9, 2021

M. V. Shenoy et al.: Holistic Framework for Crime Prevention, Response, and Analysis With Emphasis on Women Safety

MEETHA V. SHENOY (Member, IEEE) received ANU GUPTA received the M.E. and Ph.D. degrees
the B.Tech. degree in electronics and communi- from the Birla Institute of Technology and Science
cation engineering from the University of Kerala, (BITS) at Pilani, in 1995 and 2003, respectively.
in 2007, and the M.E. degree in embedded systems She is currently a Professor with the Department
and the Ph.D. degree from the Birla Institute of of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Birla
Technology and Science (BITS) at Pilani, Pilani, Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) Pilani.
India, in 2011 and 2018, respectively. She is involved in research in low power, and high
She has served as a Design and Development performance analog/ digital/ mixed signal design
Engineer with Tata Elxsi Ltd., for two years. She for FPGA/ ASIC applications. She has served as
is currently an Assistant Professor with the Depart- the Director for the ICSSR Funded Project "Crime
ment of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, BITS Pilani. She has expe- Analysis and Study for Safe Cities with Emphasis on Women Safety using
rience in research and teaching for over nine years. She has served as the Technology and Societal Participation" under which the work presented in
Co-Director for the ICSSR Funded Project "Crime Analysis and Study for the paper was carried out. She has published over 100 research articles and
Safe Cities with Emphasis on Women Safety using Technology and Societal guided three Ph.D. scholars.
Participation" under which the work presented in the paper was carried out.
Her research interests include the Internet of Things, networked embedded
systems, robotics, and autonomous systems development.

SMRITI SRIDHAR received the B.Tech. degree in RAJIV GUPTA (Member, IEEE) received the
computer science from Delhi University, in 2017. Ph.D. degree from the Birla Institute of Technol-
She is currently pursuing the M.S. degree by ogy and Science at Pilani, Pilani, in 1995. He is
research with the Department of Systems Engi- currently a Senior Professor of civil engineering
neering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. with the BITS at Pilani. He is involved in number
She has served as the Field Investigator for of research and development projects of World
the ICSSR Funded Project "Crime Analysis and Bank, DST, and so on. He has completed over
Study for Safe Cities with Emphasis on Women 17 funded research projects. He has served as the
Safety using Technology and Societal Participa- Co-Director for the ICSSR Funded Project "Crime
tion" under which the work presented in the paper Analysis and Study for Safe Cities with Emphasis
was carried out. on Women Safety using Technology and Societal Participation" under which
the work presented in the paper was carried out. He has published more than
GIRISH SALAKA received the B.Tech. degree 150 research articles, and guided more than ten Ph.D. scholars.
from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological Univer-
sity (JNTU) University, Kakinada, and the
M.Tech. degree in embedded systems from the
Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS)
at Pilani. He has served as a Research Assis-
tant for the project funded by the ICSSR "Crime
Analysis and Study for Safe Cities with Emphasis
on Women Safety using Technology and Societal
Participation" under which the work presented in
the paper was carried out. His research interests include embedded system
design, and mobile application development.

VOLUME 9, 2021 66207

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