Offer Letter
Offer Letter
Offer Letter
Study Affairs
Ingolstadt, 15.07.2022
Notice of admission to the first semester for the bachelor program Autonomous
Vehicle Engineering in winter semester 2022/2023
Execution of the of the Law on University Admission in Bavaria [Gesetzes über die Hochschulzulassung in Bayern] - BayHZG
(BayRS 2210-8-2-WK), Regulations Governing Admissions to State Universities in Bavaria [Verordnung über die
Hochschulzulassung an den staatlichen Hochschulen in Bayern] – HZV (BayRS 2210-8-2-1-1-WFK) and the statutes of the
matriculation, leave of absence, re-registration and disenrollment procedures at the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
(Immatrikulationssatzung THI) in the respective applicable versions.
I am pleased to tell you that you have been admitted to the bachelor program Autonomous Vehicle Engineering.
To secure the offered university place please submit the application for enrolment in the online application portal,
“Status of my application“ ( until 25.07.2022
Your claim for the university place expires if you do not submit the application for enrolment until the above named
date. Unclaimed university places will possibly be awarded to another applicant.
Application for enrolment does only lead to actual enrolment when the requirements for enrolment are met until 29th
of October 2022 at the latest. On 30th of October 2022 all remaining applications for enrolment will be terminated
For a Checklist for enrolment please have a look on page 3. To ensure smooth running of your enrolment procedure
please follow the steps in the given order. Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt is only obliged to enroll you when you
fulfill the remaining requirements for enrolment of the university.
You can only attend lectures at the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt as soon as you are enrolled. Before enrolment,
you don’t have insurance coverage at the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt. The winter semester 2022/2023 starts
on 1st of October 2022 and ends on 14th of March 2023. Start of lectures is on 4th of October 2022.
In case your study course requires a pre-study internship or a language certificate we point out that enrolment has to
be revoked in case the certificates won’t be submitted in time. The pre-study internship has to be done as well as
proven until the beginning of the fourth semester, proof of German language knowledge has to be proven until the
end of the first semester.
Pursuant to legal regulations, we hereby point out that the notice of admission must be withdrawn if it is based on
incorrect statements; if it is otherwise incorrect, it may be withdrawn after due consideration. The university may
furthermore request to submit the documents necessary for enrolment as certified copies. This notice must be kept
safely under all circumstances, in case it is required for furnishing to an administrative body at any time in the years
to come. It is fundamentally not possible to issue a duplicate!
Yours faithfully,
This document was issued electronically and is therefore valid without signature.
This document only serves the purpose of providing information on the contents of the corresponding document in German. The official document in German is the version that is legally binding.
Service Center
Ingolstadt, 15.07.2022
Um sich den angebotenen Studienplatz zu sichern, stellen Sie bitte bis zum 25.07.2022 einen Antrag auf
Immatrikulation im Bewerbungsfortschritt unseres Online-Bewerbungsportals unter
Ein Antrag auf Immatrikulation führt nur dann zu einer tatsächlichen Immatrikulation, wenn die Voraussetzungen
für eine Immatrikulation bis 29.10.2022, erfüllt werden. Am 30.10.2022 erlöschen alle übrigen Anträge auf
Auf Seite 3 finden Sie eine Checkliste für die Immatrikulation. Die Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt ist nur dann
verpflichtet Sie zu immatrikulieren, wenn Sie die übrigen Immatrikulationsvoraussetzungen der THI erfüllen.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie die Vorlesungen an der Technischen Hochschule Ingolstadt erst dann besuchen
können, wenn Sie bereits immatrikuliert wurden. Vor der Immatrikulation besteht kein Versicherungsschutz an der
Technischen Hochschule Ingolstadt. Das Wintersemester 2022/2023 beginnt am 01.10.2022 und endet am
14.03.2023. Vorlesungsbeginn ist der 04.10.2022.
Falls Ihr Studiengang ein Vorpraktikum oder einen Sprachnachweis erfordert weisen wir Sie hiermit darauf hin,
dass die Immatrikulation zurückgenommen werden muss, wenn Sie die entsprechenden Nachweise nicht
rechtzeitig einreichen. Das Vorpraktikum muss bis zum Beginn des vierten Semesters, der Nachweis über Deutsch
A1 (bei englischsprachigen Studiengängen) muss bis zum Ende des ersten Semesters erbracht werden.
Nach den gesetzlichen Vorschriften wird noch darauf hingewiesen, dass der Zulassungsbescheid
zurückgenommen werden muss, wenn er auf falschen Angaben beruht; ist er sonst fehlerhaft, kann er nach
pflichtgemäßem Ermessen zurückgenommen werden. Ferner behält sich die Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
das Recht vor, die für die Immatrikulation notwendigen Unterlagen zusätzlich in amtlich beglaubigter Kopie
anzufordern. Bitte heben Sie diesen Bescheid unbedingt sorgfältig auf, falls Sie ihn in den nächsten Jahren zur
Vorlage bei Behörden benötigen. Zweitschriften können grundsätzlich nicht ausgestellt werden.
Dieser Bescheid wurde maschinell erstellt und ist ohne Unterschrift gültig.
Checklist for Enrolment
The application for enrolment only is possible within the above-named period.
The payment of the student union fee in the amount of € 52.00 is done via an e-payment procedure. Please
follow the instructions in the PRIMUSS application portal regarding the e-payment procedure.
If you do not have Visa Card, Mastercard or PayPal, please write an e-mail to
Non-German applicants can find information on how to get it in the Info sheet of the International Office on
page 5. Important fact: although you may not arrive in Germany for some time having (and unfortunately
paying) for the health insurance is mandatory in order to get (and stay) enrolled. Please ask your health
insurance company to electronically send your health insurance details to our university.
German applicants please inform your public health insurance company that you are enrolling at the
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt. The notification of the health insurance company will be done digitally.
(German as well as non-German) Applicants with private health insurance coverage also have to book an
appointment at a German public health insurance company. At this appointment the insurance coverage will
be checked. The notification of the health insurance company will be done digitally.
For enrollment additional documents emerge in the upload-documents-area. Please check on it and complete
your upload-documents-area. You have to print, sign, scan and upload the declaration on enrollment you can
find on page 4 of this letter of admission.
All documents listed in the upload-documents-area need to be uploaded and need to have the status OK (after
they were checked), otherwise enrollment can’t take place.
What’s next?
As soon as the listed points are met accumulatively you will be enrolled. User name and initial password for the
university platforms then will be displayed in the PRIMUSS application portal right after the log-in. You will receive
information on the issue of your student ID in good time before the start of the semester
The listed points have to be met accumulatively until at least 29.10.2022 at the latest! Afterwards enrolment
won’t be possible anymore regardless the listed points on the checklist! Unfortunately, the University has no
influence on VISA processing.
Saidul Islam●1258 Sharifpur●1704 Gazipur●BD
I have declared acceptance as described in the letter of admission. I am aware of the fact that my claim on the place
expires, once I have missed the deadline for declaring acceptance.
Yours sincerely
____________ __________________________________
Date signature Saidul Islam
International Office
Dear Student,
First of all, congratulations from the International Office on your acceptance to our institution.
Register at THI
▪ Follow the instructions given in the Checklist for Enrolment.
Find accommodation
▪ Finding accommodation should be planned well in advance! Between 350 and 500 EUR
per month should be budgeted for accommodation.
▪ Please be aware that THI does not have any accommodation and is only in a position to
provide you with information on how to look for a place.
You also can apply for a buddy, who will help you with integration at THI life. If you wish to do so, please
write an email to
Kind regards,
THI International Office