Equity Theory
Equity Theory
Equity Theory
It is perceived equitable rewards are a major input into employee satisfaction. Equity
Theory is based on the idea that individuals are motivated by fairness.
In simple terms, equity theory states that if an individual identifies an inequity between
themselves and a peer, they will adjust the work they do to make the situation fair in
their eyes. if there is fairness they will work harder and also get motivated.
we have 2 terms - input and out put -----
Inputs are defined as those things that an individual does in order to receive an
output.They are the contribution the individual makes to the organization.
Outputs (sometimes referred to as outcomes) are the result an individual receives as a
result of their inputs to the organization. Some of these benefits will be tangible, such
as salary, but others will be intangible, such as recognition
Equity is defined as an individual’s outputs divided by that same person’s inputs.
individual output/individual input = others output/ other input
Essentially, what we are saying is that individuals will always adjust their inputs so that
the equation is always in balance
Comparison of the inputs and outputs of the employee and comparison other are
similar to those judgments made by employees according to expectancy theory
you can even compare your job with a person who have another job