Water 11 01221
Water 11 01221
Water 11 01221
A New Flash Flood Warning Scheme Based on
Hydrodynamic Modelling
Wei Huang 1,2, *, Zhixian Cao 1, *, Minghai Huang 2 , Wengang Duan 2 , Yufang Ni 1 and
Wenjun Yang 2
1 State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan University,
Wuhan 430072, China; yufangni@whu.edu.cn
2 Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan 430010, China; hmh_hk@126.com (M.H.);
ckydwg@163.com (W.D.); yangwj@mail.crsri.cn (W.Y.)
* Correspondence: huangvy@whu.edu.cn (W.H.); zxcao@whu.edu.cn (Z.C.); Tel.: +86-27-82927332 (W.H.);
+86-27-68774409 (Z.C.)
Received: 29 April 2019; Accepted: 10 June 2019; Published: 11 June 2019
Abstract: Flash flooding is one of the most severe natural hazards and commonly occurs in
mountainous and hilly areas. Due to the rapid onset of flash floods, early warnings are critical for
disaster mitigation and adaptation. In this paper, a flash flood warning scheme is proposed based on
hydrodynamic modelling and critical rainfall. Hydrodynamic modelling considers different rainfall
and initial soil moisture conditions. The critical rainfall is calculated from the critical hazard, which
is based on the flood flow depth and velocity. After the critical rainfall is calculated for each cell
in the catchment, a critical rainfall database is built for flash flood warning. Finally, a case study is
presented to show the operating procedure of the new flash flood warning scheme.
Keywords: flash flood warning; hydrodynamic modelling; critical rainfall; hazard index
1. Introduction
Flash floods are one of the most severe natural hazards worldwide. Due to the impact of climate
change, the frequency and severity of flash flood hazards increase [1,2]. Furthermore, anthropogenic
activity increases in the mountain and hill areas, which adds the risk of humans being exposed to flash
floods. Thus, identifying effective measures that reduce the hazard damage triggered by flash floods is
important. Flood warning systems are commonly recognized as vital risk mitigation measures [3]. One
of the key problems of flash flood warning schemes is how to judge when and whether to send alarms
to the targeted people, especially in catchments without hydrometric stations at the cross section of the
outlet. Threshold analysis can be used as one of the emerging approaches in flash flood forecasting [4].
Two types of thresholds are usually used. The first threshold is the critical rainfall related to discharge
or stage at certain cross sections of the catchment [5–7]. The second threshold is the critical rainfall
directly related to the depth and/or velocity of the considered cell [8,9], and this threshold better
considers the physical background of the hydrodynamics of flash floods.
Bracken et al. (2008) [10] and Norbiato et al. (2008) [11] correlated the rainfall input with the
runoff thresholds and identified the critical rainfall conditions necessary to produce flooding in their
study areas. Martina et al. (2006) [12] and Golian et al. (2010) [4] showed that flood warnings can be
produced by identifying the rainfall conditions necessary to generate flooding. The authors defined the
thresholds as the cumulative volume of rainfall for a given soil moisture condition during a storm that
could generate critical discharge. Amadio et al. (2003) [13] and Martina et al. (2006) [12] proposed flash
flood warning systems based on comparisons between critical thresholds and real-time monitoring
rainfall or precipitation forecasts. Amadio et al. (2003) [13] also investigated the reliability of a flood
warning system based on rainfall thresholds using historical data.
Because rainfall thresholds are non-trivial, the generation and run-off processes of flash floods,
which provide the basis of the definition of thresholds, are also important. Models for flash floods can
be categorized into three kinds: data-driven models, lumped hydrological models, and distributed
hydrological models [14]. Data-driven models use statistical relationships derived from precipitation
and river flow data to generate flow forecasts. These models are widely used in flood forecasting due to
their simplicity. However, these models require long-term data records for training or calibration; thus,
these models are inappropriate for flash flood forecasting because flash floods usually occur in small
catchments in which gauged data are rare or unavailable. Lumped hydrological models are primarily
used for flood forecasting with the hypothesis that the parameters are invariant in space [15]. In general,
the usefulness of lumped hydrological models for flash floods is limited by their coarse resolution, their
need for long-term historical data for calibration, and their poor performance in catchments with few
gauges [14]. Distributed models are gaining popularity among hydrologists, who use them to simulate
the non-linear response of a catchment to rainfall events [16–20]. The basic physical principles include
the conservation of mass and momentum for shallow water flows. With different approximations to
the shallow flow equations, the distributed models are divided into kinematic wave [21,22], diffusion
wave [23,24], adaptive kinematic-dynamic [25], and full hydrodynamic models [8,26–30]. Comparative
studies have shown how difficult it is for kinematic and diffusion wave models to accurately resolve
flash floods [28,31]. Although some simplified models have been confirmed by the agreement between
modelling results and observations, complete confirmation is logically precluded by the fallacy of
affirming the consequences and by incomplete access to natural phenomena [32]. Consequently, it is
critical to develop flash flood models incorporating as much physical mechanism as possible, which
seems to be the most viable way of improving the reliability of numerical modelling [8,30,33].
Full hydrodynamic models can provide detailed hydrodynamic information (e.g., depth and
velocity) for each cell and can accurately model the rainfall-runoff process. Therefore, it is the best
choice for calculating critical rainfall. Only a few studies have proposed critical rainfall based on full
hydrodynamic models [8]. In this previous work, the critical rainfall was related only to depth, which
neglects the fact that the combination of low depth and high velocity can also put people in danger in
mountainous areas. Therefore, it is necessary to include velocity in the definition of rainfall thresholds.
In the present paper, we present a new warning scheme based on hydrodynamic modelling results
and a new method for calculating the critical rainfall related to the critical hazard index from flood flow
depth and velocity. A case study of the Lengkou catchment is provided to demonstrate the operational
flowchart of the new warning scheme.
2. Hydrodynamic Model
The full 2D hydrodynamic model proposed in Huang et al. (2015) [33] was employed in the
present work. This model was built upon the 2D shallow water hydrodynamic model and incorporated
rainfall and infiltration. Manning’s roughness coefficient n is used to calculate the bed stresses. The
original Green–Ampt infiltration equation [34] is used to calculate the infiltration rate. In this model, the
saturated hydraulic conductivity ks and Green–Ampt capillary head Hs , which was mainly determined
by the soil type, are assumed to be uniform and constant when field data are not available. The
saturated volumetric water content θs is usually equal to the soil porosity. The initial volumetric
water content θi may vary spatially. However, it is difficult to obtain information about the spatial
distribution of the initial water content for real flash floods. Following Martina et al. (2006) [12], the
three values of the initial volumetric water content (θs ) that were adopted were 1/3, 2/3 and 1.0, which
corresponded to dry, moderate wet, and wet soil conditions, respectively.
The governing equations were solved using the Godunov-type finite volume method in conjunction
with the Harten-Lax-van Leer-contact (HLLC) approximate Riemann solver [35]. Details of the
numerical scheme can be referenced in [33]. The hydrodynamic model has a 2nd order accuracy in space
and a 1st order accuracy in time. The model was validated by several laboratory experiments [36,37]
and realistic flash flood events in small catchments (i.e., two flash flood events in the Lengkou
Water 2019, 11, 1221 3 of 15
catchment) [33]. It was concluded that the present model had the capacity to reproduce flash floods,
which meets the objective of calculating the thresholds to be used in flash flood warning systems.
extended. Specifically, the rainfall scenarios were designed as follows: the simulation time is 3 h, and
the total rainfall increment is 10 mm, which results in 8 scenarios for the 1-h rainfall duration condition
(Table 1). If the simulation time is 6 h and the rainfall increment is 15 mm, then there are 7 scenarios for
the 3-h rainfall duration condition. If the simulation time is 12 h and the rainfall increment is 20 mm,
then there are 9 scenarios for the 6-h rainfall duration condition. Meanwhile, three kinds of initial soil
saturation conditions should be considered for each rainfall condition. Overall, 72 scenarios were
modelled to build the critical rainfall database (Table 1).
(1) Determine the rainfall duration time according to the rainfall forecast.
(2) Determine the antecedent soil moisture type according to the 5-day accumulated rainfall (Table 2).
(3) Based on the rainfall duration and antecedent soil type determination, determine the
corresponding critical rainfall from the database.
(4) Calculate the accumulated rainfall at the decision moment, rd = ro . Calculate the accumulated
rainfall at the warning moment, rw = rp + rd . The calculation time steps for both rd and rw are
15 min for a 1-h rainfall duration, while they are 30 min for both 3-h and 6-h rainfall durations.
(5) Compare the rainfall at the warning time, rw , and the critical rainfall, rc ; if rw > rc , send the
warning information to the target community.
Table 2. Antecedent soil moisture classes according to the 5-day accumulated rainfall [45].
rd and rw are 15 min for a 1-hour rainfall duration, while they are 30 min for both 3-hour and
6-hour rainfall durations.
Antecedent Rainfall
rainfall forecast
rainfall rainfall
Yes No
rw > rc
Warning Safe
Figure 2. Graph
2. Graph of Lengkou
of the the Lengkou catchment.
catchment. (a) Location
(a) Location in Shanxi
in Shanxi Province,
Province, (b) digital
(b) digital elevation
elevation model
(DEM), and(DEM), and (c) topography
(c) topography with villages.
with villages.
4.2. Results
In this section, the impacts of the critical hazard index, rainfall duration and antecedent rainfall
on critical rainfall are demonstrated in the Lengkou catchment.
Based on the hydrodynamic modelling results, the critical rainfall was obtained for each cell
with different combinations of rainfall duration and initial soil condition.
Water 2019, 11, 1221 7 of 15
4.2. Results
In this section, the impacts of the critical hazard index, rainfall duration and antecedent rainfall
on critical rainfall are demonstrated in the Lengkou catchment.
Based on the hydrodynamic modelling results, the critical rainfall was obtained for each cell with
different combinations of rainfall duration and initial soil condition.
Figure 3. Distribution
Figure 3. Distribution of
of critical
critical rainfall
rainfall of
of “Preparing
“Preparing Evacuation”
Evacuation” (PE)
(PE) for
for the
the case
case of
of initial
initial dry
dry soil
condition (for the 1-h rainfall duration).
condition (for the 1-hour rainfall duration).
Water 2019, 11, 1221 Figure 3. Distribution of critical rainfall of “Preparing Evacuation” (PE) for the case of initial dry soil 8 of 15
condition (for the 1-hour rainfall duration).
Figure 5. Critical rainfall distribution for “immediate evacuation” (IE) under initial wet soil conditions
Figure 5. Critical rainfall distribution for “immediate evacuation” (IE) under initial wet soil
(for the 1-h rainfall duration).
conditions (for the 1-hour rainfall duration).
Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 17
Water 2019, 11, 1221 9 of 15
Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 17
Figure 6. Critical rainfall distribution for “immediate evacuation” (IE) under initial wet soil
Figure 6. Critical
Figure rainfall
6. Critical distribution
rainfall for “immediate
distribution evacuation”
for “immediate (IE) under
evacuation” initialinitial
(IE) under wet soil
conditions (for the 3-hour rainfall duration).
(for the 3-h rainfall
conditions duration).
(for the 3-hour rainfall duration).
Figure 7. Critical rainfall distribution for “immediate evacuation” (IE) under initial wet soil conditions
Figure 7. Critical rainfall distribution for “immediate evacuation” (IE) under initial wet soil
(for the 6-h rainfall
Figure duration).
7. Critical rainfall distribution for “immediate evacuation” (IE) under initial wet soil
conditions (for the 6-hour rainfall duration).
conditions (for the 6-hour rainfall duration).
4.2.3. Impact of Antecedent Rainfall
For example, for the 3-h rainfall duration, the critical rainfall distributions for PE are shown under
the initial dry, medium wet, and wet soil conditions in Figures 8–10, respectively. The figures show
that the critical rainfall is lower in relation to lower initial moisture, i.e., the critical rainfall for any cell
ranges as follows: initial dry > medium wet > wet. For example, the critical rainfalls of the domain
Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 17
Figure 8. Critical rainfall distribution for “preparing evacuation” (PE) under initial dry soil conditions
Water 2019, 8. Critical
11, x FOR rainfall distribution for “preparing evacuation” (PE) under initial dry soil 12 of 17
(for the 3-h rainfall
conditions duration).
(for the 3-hour rainfall duration).
Figure Critical
9. 9.
Figure Criticalrainfall
distribution for
for “preparing evacuation”(PE)
“preparing evacuation” (PE)under
initial medium
medium wet
wet soilsoil
conditions (for the
(for the3-h rainfall
3-hour duration).
rainfall duration).
Figure 9. Critical rainfall distribution for “preparing evacuation” (PE) under initial medium wet soil
Water 2019, 11, 1221 11 of 15
conditions (for the 3-hour rainfall duration).
(1) According to the rainfall forecast (Table 3), the rainfall duration can be determined to be 3 h.
(2) As the flood season of the Lengkou catchment occurs in the growing season and the antecedent
rainfall is 30 mm, the initial soil saturation is classified as dry (Table 2).
(3) Choose the critical rainfall for the catchment in relation to a 3-h rainfall duration and initial dry
soil conditions from the critical rainfall database.
(4) Compute the accumulative rainfall at the warning moment, such as the last row of Table 3.
(5) Taking location Pa as an example, the critical rainfalls are 35 mm and 40 mm for PE and IE,
respectively. At decision time td = t3 = 1.0 h, the cumulative rainfall is 25 mm, and the rainfall
forecasted for the next 30 min is 15 mm. Therefore, the cumulative rainfall at the warning time
is 40 mm. If the rainfall intensity is assumed to be uniform during the next 30 min (i.e., from
t = 1.0 to 1.5 h), the cumulative rainfall will reach 35 mm at t = 1.17 h (as shown in Figure 11).
Thus, a PE warning will be sent to the people at Pa . The cumulative rainfall will reach 40 mm
at tw = 1.5 h (as shown in Figure 12). Therefore, an IE warning should be sent to people at both
locations Pa and Pb .
Time t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7
Decision time td (h) 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Warning time tw (h) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Forecasted rainfall rp (mm) (tk ∼ tk+1 ) 10 10 15 10 15 5 0
Observed rainfall ro (mm) (tk−1 ∼ tk ) 0 15 10 10 15 8 2
Cumulative rainfall at decision time rw (mm) 0 15 25 35 50 58 60
Cumulative rainfall at warning time: rw = rp + rd 10 25 40 45 65 63 60
respectively. At decision time t d = t3 = 1.0 h, the cumulative rainfall is 25 mm, and the rainfall
forecasted for the next 30 min is 15 mm. Therefore, the cumulative rainfall at the warning time
is 40 mm. If the rainfall intensity is assumed to be uniform during the next 30 min (i.e., from t =
1.0 to 1.5 h), the cumulative rainfall will reach 35 mm at t = 1.17 h (as shown in Figure 11). Thus,
a PE warning will be sent to the people at Pa. The cumulative rainfall will reach 40 mm at t w =
Water 2019, 11, 1221 12 of 15
1.5 h (as shown in Figure 12). Therefore, an IE warning should be sent to people at both
locations Pa and Pb.
Figure 12. Critical rainfall distribution for “immediate evacuation” (IE) under initial dry soil conditions
Figure 12. Critical rainfall distribution for “immediate evacuation” (IE) under initial dry soil
(for the conditions
3-h rainfall
the 3-hour rainfall duration)
catchment to judge whether and when to trigger an alarm. Moreover, the velocity was considered in
addition to the hazard index calculation, and this approach is more reasonable than using only the
water depth. The impacts of rainfall duration, initial water soil content, and hazard index on critical
rainfall were also demonstrated. The operational flowchart of the warning scheme was demonstrated
using a flash flood event case study of the Lengkou catchment. To make the present system more
predictable, the basic information (e.g., high resolution DEM) of a catchment should be collected to
build a more precise database on critical rainfall. Furthermore, real-time hydrodynamic modelling of
rainfall-runoff processes and the subsequent hazard calculations is possible as the development of
computer technology and resources progress, especially for small, ungauged catchments.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization & Methodology, W.H. and Z.C.; Software, W.H.; Validation, W.H.;
Writing-Original Draft Preparation, W.H. and Y.N.; Writing-Review & Editing, W.D. and W.Y.; Visualization, M.H.;
Supervision, Z.C. and W.D.; Funding Acquisition, Z.C., W.H. and W.D.
Funding: This study was funded by the National Key Research and Development Program of China
(Nos. 2018YFC1508002 and 2018YFC1508601) and the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants Nos. 11502032
and 11432015).
Acknowledgments: The authors are indebted to Shanxi Provincial Department of Water Resources and Shanxi
Hydrological Resources Survey Bureau for their support during the work.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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