Bi Units F
Bi Units F
Bi Units F
Business Intelligence:
Business Decisions:
Roles of Data Warehouse in BI
A business decision, sometimes called an
operational decision, is any choice made by a In business intelligence, data warehouses serve
business professional that determines short- as the backbone of data storage. Business
term or long-term company activities. intelligence relies on complex queries and
comparing multiple sets of data to inform
everything from everyday decisions to
DATAWAREHOUSE: organization-wide shifts in focus.
Amazon Redshift
Microsoft Azure
Google BigQuery
Amazon DynamoDB
Amazon RDS
Data mining is the process of sorting through
Amazon S3 large data sets to identify patterns and
relationships that can help solve business
problems through data analysis. Data mining
MariaDB techniques and tools enable enterprises to
KDD is the systematic process of identifying A Data Warehouse (DW) is a relational database
valid, practical, and understandable patterns in that is designed for query and analysis rather
massive and complicated data sets. The base of than transaction processing. It includes
the KDD method is data mining, which involves historical data derived from transaction data
the inference of algorithms that analyze the from single and multiple sources.
data, build the model, and discover previously
unknown patterns. A Data Warehouse provides integrated,
enterprise-wide, historical data and focuses on
providing support for decision-makers for data
modeling and analysis.
o It is a database designed for investigative tasks, This is done by excluding data that are not useful
using data from various applications. concerning the subject and including all data
o It supports a relatively small number of clients needed by the users to understand the subject.
Meta Data
Three common architectures are:
Operational System
The area of the data warehouse saves all the
predefined lightly and highly summarized
(aggregated) data generated by the warehouse We can do this programmatically, although data
manager. warehouses uses a staging area (A place where
data is processed before entering the
The goals of the summarized information are to
speed up query performance. The summarized
record is updated continuously as new A staging area simplifies data cleansing and
information is loaded into the warehouse. consolidation for operational method coming
from multiple source systems, especially for
End-User access Tools
enterprise data warehouses where all relevant
Cleansing and Transformation processes are
often closely linked in ETL tools.
Transformation is the core of the reconciliation
phase. It converts records from its operational
source format into a particular data warehouse
format. If we implement a three-layer
architecture, this phase outputs our reconciled
data layer.
1. Refresh: Data Warehouse data is completely and transformations have been defined, the ETL
rewritten. This means that older file is replaced. tool should automatically generate the data
2. Update: Only those changes applied to source OLAP stands for Online Analytical Processing.
information are added to the Data Warehouse. OLAP systems have the capability to analyze
An update is typically carried out without database information of multiple systems at the
deleting or modifying preexisting data. This current time. The primary goal of OLAP Service
method is used in combination with incremental is data analysis and not data processing.
extraction to update data warehouses regularly.
The term KDD stands for Knowledge Discovery make knowledge discovery and Data Mining a
in Databases. It refers to the broad procedure of matter of impressive significance and need. In
discovering knowledge in data and emphasizes the recent development of the field, it isn't
the high-level applications of specific Data surprising that a wide variety of techniques is
storing, and
Data mining techniques are currently used in a
analyzing huge volumes of data for statistical
wide array of data profiling practices including
analysis, and
for identifying patterns in the data for
interactive marketing,
discovering new information..
direct marketing,
consumer behavior through coupons, offers, knowledge lies, and where the high value
6. Helps you interpret market trends: A Delivering a high-level KM pilot at a senior level
powerful data mining program helps you has three benefits:
forecast future market trends, besides helping It delivers significant value to the organization
you identify new target markets. It engages senior managers in KM, and helps
7. Keeps you ahead of the pack: In today’s them understand the value KM can bring to the
competitive marketplace, businesses need to organization as a whole
make the right decisions to stay ahead of the
It gains senior managers’ buy-in, by showing
curve. Since data mining techniques help you
how KM can solve their most pressing problems
make precise business decisions, data mining
3. KM implementation needs to be treated as a
tools nowadays form an essential aspect of
behavior change program
enterprise decision-making.
So this is how data mining in CRM can benefit 4.. The endgame will be to introduce a complete
your business. However, data mining management framework for KM
techniques can generate benefits only if you
5. This framework will need to be embedded
adhere to the insights provided by the tool, and
into the organization structures
take action accordingly. You can witness a
successful transformation in your CRM process 6. The framework will need to include
governance if it is to be sustainable
7. The framework will be structured, rather than profound understanding of both the portions
emergent and the collaboration that gets made up.
Links between them Here, a team member is free to select and work
It is one of those knowledge management with the information in such a way that it comes
models that examines its essence specifically in from external sources in a transparent manner.
Let us now highlight all the four approaches of
Nonaka and Takeuchi
the Nonaka and Takeuchi model framework in
Best for Knowledge Creation Process
The Nonaka and Takeuchi KM model of
Socialization is the model of KM technique
knowledge conversion typically invokes four
through which a team member can quickly
different knowledge conversion modes in the
share tacit knowledge using monitoring,
copying, implementation, and involvement in
Indirect Way Approach – Socialization (tacit to conventional and non-conventional
tacit) communities and groups to enhance the traffic.
Indirect to Direct Way Approach – This process typically develops the prevention
Externalization (tacit to explicit) of utilizing a physical or virtual space where
Direct Way Approach – Combination (explicit interaction mainly holds on a social level.
to explicit) Externalization is an innovative platform to
Direct to Indirect Way – Internalization convey tacit knowledge into explicit concepts.
(explicit to tacit) This innovative approach of the model of KM
plays a vital role in knowledge sharing and the
creative process as tacit knowledge typically is
highly internalized.
A combination is a KM model
approach through which the company can
smoothly integrate the concepts into an
effective knowledge system.
Some examples are review report forms,
analysis trending, a detailed executive
summary, or a new database for content
Internalization is a responsive manner to To flatten the company’s point of view, the
consolidate explicit knowledge into tacit above three highly interconnected processes
knowledge. play a vital role. The potential of knowledge
creation and its commitment to implement such
Choo Sense-Making KM model
knowledge creation is of utmost importance for
Ideal for Decision-Making Process any team member.
creating, editing, and distributing digital
IMPORTANT? Additionally, decision support systems help
with data analysis and problem-solving, while
Improve your profitability and efficiency
social networking tools promote informal
knowledge sharing and relationship building.
Implementing the right knowledge management
Facilitate collaboration across teams, wherever
tools can significantly enhance a company's
they are
productivity and overall performance.
Promote continuous learning
Here’s a helpful list of knowledge management
tool types:
Knowledge management tools are essential for
businesses seeking to improve 1. KNOWLEDGE BASES
A knowledge base is a searchable information
organizational efficiency,
repository that stores your company’s data for
internal or external access. It serves to capture,
streamline communication,
manage, and organize key organizational
and foster innovation. information in order to help your teams or
customers find the information they need, when
These tools come in various types, each
they need it. There are two types of knowledge
designed to serve different purposes. Document
bases. A machine-readable knowledge base
management systems, one of the key knowledge
stores data that can only be analyzed by
management tools, enable easy storage,
artificial intelligence systems. A human-
organization, and retrieval of crucial files and
readable knowledge base stores documents and
documents. Collaboration platforms facilitate
physical texts that are accessible to people.
seamless teamwork and knowledge sharing
Human-readable knowledge bases are more
among employees, while content management
interactive, but searches are often more time-
systems provide a central repository for
AI knowledge management tools can capture,
filter, represent, or apply knowledge. They
include applications that can select, analyze, and
2. LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (LMS) classify text; conduct automated reasoning; and
create visualizations – all of which can enhance
Learning management systems help businesses decision-making capabilities. AI can help
build a strong foundation of knowledge organizations process human input, such as
management by allowing them to create handwriting and voice recognition, using
customized training and educational programs. natural language processing. These systems can
Through this system, company leaders can also deal with “big data,” traditionally deemed
design and manage lessons, courses, quizzes, unwieldy and difficult to maintain, by using new
and other training materials and deliver those methods for data storing such as decentralized
resources to employees, students, or partners. blockchain.
Hard infrastructure is concerned with the environment, both IT and non-IT also in terms
necessary for the functioning of an organization. supported this by indicating that organizations
that utilize both technical and organizational
soft infrastructure refers to the intangible infrastructures are more likely to implement
Define your knowledge management plan architecture for company data analysis, models
formation and compilations of hypotheses.
Show how you plan to align KM to your
organization’s overall strategy and goals. Define According to a platform choice, it is necessary
the value proposition for enhancing the flow of to be convinced that:
knowledge across your organization. Set clear
objectives and goals that will be easily the BI platform can work with your data sources,
understood throughout your organization. can load data files and necessary databases
website’s performance.
Observe the geographic regions from which the
• (OR) most and the least customers visit the site and
purchase specific products.
• What is web analytics?
• Importance of Web Analytics Setting goals. The first step in the web
analytics process is for businesses to determine
• Web analytics enables a business to retain goals and the end results they are trying to
customers, attract more visitors and increase achieve. These goals can include increased
the dollar volume each customer spends. sales, customer satisfaction and brand
awareness. Business goals can be both
• Analytics can help in the following ways:
quantitative and qualitative.
be combined with external data to interpret to experiment with different strategies in order
web usage. For example, a user's Internet to find the one that yields the best results. For
Protocol address is typically associated with example, A/B testing is a simple strategy to
many factors, including geographic location help learn how an audience responds to
• Processing data. The next stage of the web Business Analytics is ...
• Identifying key performance indicators your entire business. There’s almost no limit to
(KPIs). In web analytics, a KPI is a quantifiable what you can use business analytics for. Using
measure to monitor and analyze user behavior Big Data, it helps you dive into the data related
rates, unique users, user sessions and on-site your employees and more.
search queries.
Web Analytics and Business Intelligence
• Analyzing Drug Prescription Patterns On-site web analytics refers to a narrower focus
that uses analytics to track the activity of
• Predictive Analytics in the Insurance Industry visitors to a specific site to see how the site
is performing. The data gathered is usually
• Marketing Analysis
more relevant to a site's owner and can
include details on site engagement, such as
• Companies Using Analytic Scorecards
what content is most popular.
web analytics tools include the following: • Crazy Egg. Crazy Egg is a tool that tracks
where customers click on a page. This
• Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a
information can help organizations
web analytics platform that monitors
understand how visitors interact with
website traffic, behaviors and conversions.
content and why they leave the site
The platform tracks page views, unique
visitors, bounce rates, referral Uniform • ECRM Meaning: Marketing definition
Resource Locators, average time on-site,
page abandonment, new vs. returning • ECRM or Electronic Customer
visitors and demographic data. Relationship Management. Basically, this
tool is the 4.0 technology adaptation
of CRM to help companies approach and
build customer relationships through • The benefits of ECRM
online channels such as websites, email,
etc… • E-CRM system allows both to:
• ECRM provides all records and histories of • develop and maintain new digital