LP1 RO TLE-HE BC G9 Q3.edited

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BEAUTY CARE (Nail Care) 9

Clean Fingernails and Toenails

Quarter 3, Week 1

Name: ______________________ Grade/Section: _____________


LO 1. Clean fingernails and toenails
• Consult client on desired nail service activities and specific requirements and
consultation record is agreed and signed.
• Checked and analyzed the client's hand nail structure and condition.
• Recognize nail disorder in preparation for nail repair.


A manicurist needs to have knowledge of the different parts of the nails for this will be your
basis in giving nail care services to your clients. The nail is an appendage of the skin. Examining
the hands of the client and its condition before starting is a MUST. If you notice some disorder,
prepare for nail repair. You should provide your client with protective materials/supplies for
hygienic purposes.
Nail is a plate of keratin that lies on the tips of the fingers & toes the main purpose of the
nail is to protect the fingers & toes; however, the fingernail also assists w/ certain physical
activities in daily life
Nail is a horny, translucent plate that protects the tips of the fingers and toes. It is composed
mainly of keratin, a protein substance that forms the base of all horny tissue. The nail is whitish
and translucent in appearance and allows the pinkish color of the nail bed to be seen. The horny
plate contains no nerves or blood vessels
Onyx is the technical term for the nail. The condition of the nail, like that of the skin, reflects the
general health of the body
Onychology is the study of the nail. The nails vary in thickness, being heaviest on the thumbs
and big toes. The characteristics of healthy nails are firm and flexible, slightly pink and the
surface is smooth, curved, and unspotted, without any hollows or wavy ridges.

Nail and its structure

The nail structure is divided into different parts. Each of these components has a specific
function, and if a component of the nail structure is disrupted, the nail can look unusual.

RO_BC_Grade 9_Q3_LP 1
The root of the nail is also known as the
germinal matrix. Its edge appears as a
white crescent, known as the lunula. The
root portion of this nail lies below the
skin, underneath the nail, and extends
several millimeters into the finger.
It produces most of the volume of the
nail and the nail bed.
The nail bed is also referred to as the
sterile matrix. It extends from the edge
of the nail root, or lunula, to the
hyponychium. The nail bed contains
blood vessels, nerves,
and melanocytes that produce melanin.
NAIL BED As the root grows the nail, the nail
streams down along the nail bed and
adds material to the underside of the nail
to make it thicker. When the nail grows
properly, the nail bed is smooth, but if
the nail doesn't grow correctly, the nail
may split or develop ridges that aren't
cosmetically attractive.
The nail plate is the actual fingernail, and
it's made of translucent keratin. The
pinkish appearance of the nail comes
NAIL PLATE from the blood vessels that are
underneath it. The underside of the nail
plate has grooves that run along the
length of the nail and help anchor it to
the nail bed.
The eponychium is more commonly
known as the cuticle. The cuticle is
situated between the skin of the finger
EPONYCHIUM and the nail plate. It fuses these
structures and provides a waterproof
The perionychium is the skin that
overlaps onto the sides of the nail plate,
PERIONYCHIUM also known as the paronychial edge.
The perionychium is the site of
hangnails, ingrown nails,

RO_BC_Grade 9_Q3_LP 1
and paronychia, a skin infection.

The hyponychium is the area between

the free edge of the nail plate and the
skin of the fingertip. It also provides a
HYPONYCHIUM waterproof barrier.
A whitened half-moon is located at the
LUNULA base of the nail.
The nail plate leaves the end of the
finger and forms a projection that is
called the free edge. This is attached to
FREE EDGE the nail bed and appears white. The
function of this is to protect the fingertip
and the hyponychium. This is also a part
that we file and shape.
The second layer of skin, contains tough
connective tissue, hair follicle/ roots,
DERMIS blood vessels, nerves, hair roots, and
sweat glands
The epidermis, the outermost layer of
skin, provides a waterproof barrier and
creates our skin tone.

EPIDERMIS https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-

Nail Growth some factors can influence the growth of nails such as nutrition, general
health, and disease. A nail grows forward, starting at the matrix and extending over the tip of the
finger. Like hair, nails grow faster in warm weather. Adult's nail growth is about 1/8 inch per
month whereas the nails of the children grow faster than those of the elderly. Toenails grow
slowly but they are thicker and harder than fingernails.

Nail Diseases and Disorders

Healthy nails are smooth and free of spots and unusual shapes and colors. Changes in
the color or texture of your nails may be a sign of disease or can be caused by a variety of different
conditions. Changes in nail shape are called deformities while changes in nail texture are called
dystrophies. Some dystrophies are caused by a fungal infection. Drugs, infections, and diseases
can cause nail discoloration.

RO_BC_Grade 9_Q3_LP 1
Nail disease or Onychosis is a disease or deformity of the nail. Nail diseases have distinct
classification as they have their signs and symptoms related to other medical conditions.
Nail disorders are a large group of conditions that affect the appearance of fingernails and
toenails. Infections caused by bacteria, fungus, viruses, underlying conditions, and inherited
ailments can all cause abnormalities in the nails.

Nail Diseases Description Treatment/ Care/

Inflammation of the nail matrix is Always keep the nails clean and
accompanied by pus formation use properly sanitized
caused by improperly sanitized implements.
nail implements and bacterial

In this condition, the nail grows It is recommended to cut the
into the sides of the flesh and nails properly and wear
may cause infection. Improper comfortable shoes that fit
trimming and shaping of nails are perfectly (shoes with a wide toe
often responsible for ingrown area and ones that don't press
nails. your toes)

Onychocryptosis or
Ingrown Nails
A condition in which the nail Apply a moisturizing cream on
curvature is increased and the nails every time you wash
enlarged; the nail becomes your hands or feet. Nails should
thicker and curves, sometimes always be trimmed and avoid
extending over the tip of the tight-fitting footwear.
finger or toe; this condition
results in inflammation and pain if
the nail grows into the skin.
A loosening of the nail is caused It is recommended to keep the
by internal disorder, infection, or nails short and avoid nail polish.
drug treatment. Use an emollient cream after
washing or bathing and try to
avoid irritants such as nail polish
remover and enamel or solvents
and cleaning agents.


RO_BC_Grade 9_Q3_LP 1
Also known as tinea unguium or To prevent getting a nail fungal
ringworm of the nails is an infection, it is advisable to keep
infectious disease caused by a the nails dry and clean, use an
fungus that commonly appears in antifungal foot spray or powder
whitish patches that can be and avoid cutting the skin
scraped off from the surface around the toenails since this
may be an entry point for

A shedding of one or more nails, Always wear properly fitted
either in whole or in part. It can footwear that offers your toes
occur during or after certain lots of space and dry nails
diseases of the body, such as thoroughly.
syphilis, as a result of fever and
system upsets, as a reaction to
prescription drugs, or as a result
of trauma.

An inflammation of the skin To prevent paronychia, always
around the nail is caused by keep your hands and feet dry
bacteria. The symptoms are and clean, wear rubber gloves
redness, swelling, and with an absorbent cotton lining if
tenderness of the tissue your hands are exposed
surrounding the nail. routinely to water or harsh
chemicals, and avoid cutting
your cuticles or pushing them
Nail Disorders Description Treatment/ Care/
Appear blue which reveals that It is recommended to see a
the body is not getting enough physician but can also be given
oxygen. This also indicates a manicure with care and light
infection in the lungs, such as pressure.
pneumonia. Some heart
problems can also be associated
with bluish nails.
Bluish Nails

RO_BC_Grade 9_Q3_LP 1
The result of trauma to the nail This can be treated by not
plate. This causes injury to the applying pressure on the nail
nail, the blood becomes trapped plate.
under the nail. There is
discoloration under the nail

Bruised nail
Wavy ridges are caused by It is recommended to buff the
uneven growth of the nails, nails carefully to help remove or
usually the result of illness or minimize the ridges.

Split cuticles; loose skin This may be trimmed with
separates from the cuticle. This is cuticle nippers, moisturize and
caused by dry cuticles and apply cuticle oil.

Nails with a concave shape are It is recommended to file nails
usually caused by iron deficiency carefully with no pressure and
anemia. These nails show raised use nail polish to harden and
ridges and are thin and concave. protect the nail.

Koilonychia or Spoon
A condition in which white spots The white spots on the fingernail
appear on the nails but do not will gradually diminish if you
indicate disease and as the nails start taking zinc in daily food.
grow, these white spots Limit the usage of nail enamels
eventually disappear. and polish to certain occasions.


RO_BC_Grade 9_Q3_LP 1
Caused by injury to the finger, It is recommended to soften
improper filing, or exposure to nails before trimming and use
harsh chemicals. Dry, brittle nails daily moisturizers or have oil
have revealed thyroid disease. manicures.

Onychorrhexis or
Split / brittle Nails
An overgrowth of the nail, usually File the nail smooth and buff
in thickness rather than length with pumice powder.
caused by a local infection and
can also be hereditary. This
condition may be given nail
services if the infection is not
An atrophy or wasting away of File the nail smooth with the fine
the nail plate causes it to lose its side of the emery board.
luster, become smaller, and Protect your hands from over-
sometimes shed entirely. Injury exposure to water, detergents,
or disease may account for this and other chemicals.

Caused by nervous habit and It is recommended that the client
stress-related. it is a sign of receives frequent manicures.
persistent anxiety that could Do not bite your nails.
benefit from treatment. This has
also been linked to the obsessive
- compulsive disorder. The signs
are sensitive to touch, the nail
plate may appear flat and
Onychophagy or
Bitten Nails
The inward advance of skin over Never attempt to remove a
the nail plate. This results in the pterygium, instead, consult a
loss of the nail plate due to the physician for advice and
development of scar tissue. treatment. It is also suggested to
Cortisone is used to prevent the have oil manicures.
advancement of scar tissue.


❖ Glittering Ideas
RO_BC_Grade 9_Q3_LP 1
Clients with a nail disorder may receive a service unless the infection is present.

Activity No. 1

Direction Identify the structure of the nails by labeling the parts. Write your answer on another
sheet of paper.

Name: _________________ Score:____________________

Section: ______________ Date Submitted:__________


Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 Score
Identify the Identify all Identify 8- Identify 5- Identify at Identify only
Nail parts of 10 parts of 7 parts of least 2-4 1 part of the
Structure the nail the nail the nail parts of the nail
structure. structure. structure. nail structure.
Work Finished Finished Finished Finished No concept
Finished ahead of within the closed to beyond the of time.
within the time. allotted the allotted time
allotted time. allotted
time time.

Activity No.2

Direction. Identify the word/term being described in the statement. Write your answer on
RO_BC_Grade 9_Q3_LP
another sheet 1
of paper.
1. Nail condition in which the cuticle splits around the nail.
2. This causes injury to nail blood becomes trapped under nail and discoloration appear
3. Extreme thickening curvature of the nails, extending over the tip of the finger or toe.
4. Caused by nervous habit and stress-related, it is a sign of persistent anxiety that could benefit
from treatment.
5. Technical term for the nail
6. An overgrowth of the nail, usually in thickness rather than length caused by a local infection
and can also be hereditary.
7. Wavy ridges are caused by uneven growth of the nails, usually the result of illness or injury.
8. Nails with a concave shape are usually caused by iron deficiency anemia.
9. A condition in which white spots appear on the nails but do not indicate disease and as the
nails grow, these white spots eventually disappear.
10. Caused by injury to the finger, improper filing, or exposure to harsh chemicals.

Activity No. 3
Direction. Perform the identifying nail condition. You may ask any of your family members to be
your client. Take a picture performance and compile it in a long size folder or you may take a
video presentation. Your output must include all the procedures in identifying nail conditions.


Criteria Checklist
Identifying Nail Condition

Criteria 5 3 1 Score
Identify nail Check and Check and Check and analyze
conditions. analyze nail analyze nail nail conditions
conditions conditions correctly with close
correctly correctly with supervision.
without Some
supervision. supervision.

Work finished within Finished ahead Finished within Finished beyond

the allotted time. of time. the allotted time. the allotted time.


Activity No. 1
Answer may vary

Activity 2.
RO_BC_Grade 9_Q3_LP 1
1. Hangnails
2. Bruised nail
3. Onychogryposis
4. Bitten nails
5. Nail
6. Onychauxis
7. Corrugations
8. Spoon nails
9. Leuconychia
10. Brittle nails

As a manicurist, why do you need to study the parts of the nail and nail condition?

K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum TLE Learning Module in Beauty Care (Nail Care) Services
Exploratory Course Grade 7 & 8

K to 12 Basic Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education Learning Module in Beauty Care
Services (Nail Care) NCII Learning Module for Grade 9

SPTVE BEAUTY CARE SERVICES 8 Module 1 Performing Manicure and Pedicure

CBLM-Beauty Care (Nail Care) Services Grade 9

MELCs for TLE- Home Economics Beauty Care (Nail Care) Services NCII Grade 9-10/11-12

Writer/s: CHRISELDA T. SALES Camarines Sur
Content Validator/s: SONIA M. SALES Camarines Sur

Language Editor/s: ALBERTO NOLASCO Camarines Sur

Illustrator/Lay-Out MONALISA C. BARRA Camarines Sur
Reviewer/s: MELINDA C. CHAVEZ Div TLE/TVL HE Coordinator
RONELO AL K. FIRMO Asst. Regional Director
GILBERT T. SADSAD Regional Director

RO_BC_Grade 9_Q3_LP 1

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