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Nama : Ir. Yardha

NIP : 19620708 199103 1 001
Jabatan : Peneliti Ahli Utama, BPTP Jambi
Alamat : Jl Samarinda Paal Lima Kotabaru Jambi

Merupakan kontributor utama dalam penulisan Karya Tulis Ilmiah dengan Judul :
“Technology Of Soybean’s Seed Management Unit In Jambi Province”, yang
telah diterbitkan dalam Prosiding Seminar International on Agricultural Development IOP
conf. Series: Earth and Endverimental Science 383 (2019) 012051). IOP Publishing. Doi:
10.88/1755-1315/383/I/012051.November 2019

Demikian surat pernyataan ini dibuat untuk digunakan dalam pengajuan penilaian angka
kredit Jabatan Fungsional.

Jambi, 15 Desember 2019

Mengetahui, Hormat saya,

Ratna Rubiana, SP, M.Si Hery Nugroho, SP, MP Ir. Y a r d h a

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


To cite this article: 2019 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 383 011001

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The 1st International Conference on Agriculture and Rural Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 383 (2019) 011001 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/383/1/011001

All praise is due to Allah, who has bestowed His blessings and allows us
for hosting and joining “The 1st International Conference on Agriculture & Rural
Development (ICARD. The main objective of this event was to appreciate and
share the experience and results of research in agriculture, as well as to improve
its understanding and application to develop rural communities.
Agricultural is one of the sectors that significantly influence the community
and economic. In the present, the development of agriculture is crucial due to
some reasons. First, the potency of agriculture is enormous and having diverse
resources. Second, agriculture contribution to national income and exports is quite
high. Third, the size of the population who rely on the agricultural sector. Forth,
Its role in community food supply very substantial. Fifth, it becomes the basis of
economic growth.
Currently, the focus of the agricultural development is to build up a system
of food security based on production capability, diversity of food resources,
diversity of local institutions and cultures, and to establish globally-oriented
agribusiness by improving competitive advantages of local products based on
competition and comparative advantage of nature and human resources. Many
programs of research and development have been carried out in the field of
agriculture in the region that has this potential, particularly in rural areas. The
development and economic progress of the community, not only depends on the
implementation of a program and budget allocation by the government, but also
requires extensive scientific studies and its application in whole sectors, including
In Indonesia, research of agriculture is carried out by universities,
Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (Badan Libang
Pertanian), Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI), National Nuclear Energy
Agency of Indonesia (Batan), Agency for the Assessment and Application of
Technology (BPPT), and related research institution in other ministries. The
results need to be well documented and published to be applied by those who need
them. Spreading out the research results are also crucial for further research,
knowledge transfer, and reference in compiling scientific papers.
University, as one of the institutions for the implementation of scientific
studies, has to carry out its function continuously to research and disseminate
various studies in various fields of knowledge. One of them is agriculture in
general term, which is very vital sectors. These works are intended to support the

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The 1st International Conference on Agriculture and Rural Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 383 (2019) 011001 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/383/1/011001

advancement of science and technology and improve the welfare of society,

especially in the countryside.
University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa (UNTIRTA), through the faculty of
agriculture, has great enthusiasm and attention to strengthen scientific studies and
publication of research results. The event of ICARD is a collaboration between
the Faculty of Agriculture UNTIRTA and the Faculty of Agriculture, IPB
University. One of the outputs this event is scientific publications in Scopus
indexed international proceeding. In this respect, we hope this international
conference can contribute to the development of the agricultural sector, to support
food sovereignty on the people in Indonesia and around the world. Also, it serves
as an excellent opportunity to bring together scientists, researchers, and students
who are expected to be future researchers. Hopefully, everything we do will
benefit all of us.

Thank you very much.

Faculty of Agriculture
University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Prof. Dr. Ir. Nurmayulis, MP

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Technology and local knowledge of farmers in soybean seeds source

management in Jambi province
To cite this article: Yardha et al 2019 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 383 012051

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The 1st International Conference on Agriculture and Rural Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 383 (2019) 012051 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/383/1/012051

Technology and local knowledge of farmers in soybean seeds

source management in Jambi province

Yardha, R Rubiana*, H Nugroho

Jambi Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology, Indonesian Agency for
Agricultural Research and Development, Jl. Samarinda Paal Lima, Kotabaru, Kota
Jambi 36128.

*Corresponding author: ratna.rubiana@gmail.com

Abstract. The Ministry of Agriculture has optimism that soybean self-sufficiency can be
realized in 2018. Consistency to stay on track that has been targeted has made Soybean Seed
Management Unit (UPBS) activities accelerate with the technology of seed multiplication to
supply quality seeds. This study examined the dissemination of technology and the existence of
local knowledge, especially on consumption farmers to breeders as the output of UPBS activities.
The method used is a descriptive qualitative method through literature studies and studies in the
social field to explore the potential, roles, constraints and opportunities faced by farmers and
soybean seed breeders related to local knowledge. The data collected consists of secondary and
primary data. Benefit and Cost Ratio (B/C Ratio) analysis to determine the feasibility of changing
consumption farmers to breeder farmers. The results show that farmers' local knowledge changes
with technology dissemination. Changes occurred in the use of quality seeds of New Superior
Varieties (VUB) with the application of soybean integrated crop management (PTT) models that
were able to increase yields 16-27%. Local knowledge maintained in terms of attack control and
infestation of plant pests (OPT) in the concept of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). In this
case, local knowledge of breeder farmers can compensate for location -specific technology. At
the field level, a combination of technology and local knowledge was followed by an increase in
income from consumer farmers to B/C soybean growers. The ratio of consumption farmers to
1.45 increased to 1.69 for breeder farmers.

1. Introduction
Indonesian government must import around 1.9 million tons of soybeans each year to meet domestic
needs [1]. This high import is a large enough foreign exchange expenditure, so efforts to increase
domestic production need to be encouraged and one solution is to look for one with the availability of
national seeds.
Seed is one of the production inputs that has a significant contribution to increasing productivity and
quality of agricultural products. The availability of seeds with high yielding varieties and high quality,
both physical, physiological, genetic and pathological quality is absolutely necessary in an agricultural
production system. According to [2, 3] in modern agriculture, seed acts as a delivery mechanism that
channels technological excellence to farmers and other consumers. Therefore, a good seed system is
needed so that the technological superiority of a variety can be channeled.
Soybean seeds are seeds that quickly experience deterioration or decrease in viability and vigor,
especially if stored in conditions that are less than optimal storage. According to [4] the use of low
quality seeds with low viability and vigor will result in a low percentage of seedling emergence,

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
The 1st International Conference on Agriculture and Rural Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 383 (2019) 012051 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/383/1/012051

seedlings that are less tolerant of abiotic stress and are more sensitive to disease attacks and will
ultimately reduce yield.
Jambi province is one of the centers of soybeans on the island of Sumatra. However, the availability
of soybean for public consumption in Jambi Province is still lacking. Until now, Jambi province has not
been able to be independent in meeting the needs of seeds and soybean consumption. The cause of the
low soybean production due to many farmers still use low quality saved seeds. Farmers continuously
grow soybeans without selecting good seeds for cultivating in the next crop. In addition, the availability
of seeds by farmers and private business entities and even relevant government agencies often misses
when needed. Inadequate cultivation techniques, the attack of disturbing organisms and socio-economic
factors are the causes of low soybean seed production.
Jambi Assessment Institute of Agricultural Technology (AIAT), which is the Technical
Implementation Unit (TIU) of the Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, has
been given a mandate to resolve seedling problems in Jambi Province. To that end, Jambi AIAT through
the Seed Source Management Unit (SSMU) is contributing in providing quality soybean seeds. SSMU
soybean Jambi AIAT activities carried out through seed multiplication in the Integrated Plant
Management Field School demonstration plot area and fostering farmer groups and establishing
cooperation with Universities and Industrial Plantation Forest (IPF) to utilize the land between IPF
plants. The activity aims to produce and distribute FS and SS class soybean seed sources and increase
the ability and capacity of breeder farmers in producing soybean source seeds.
In this activity, SSMU also conducted a study on local knowledge of farmers in managing soybean
fields and disseminated technology. Farmers 'responses to external knowledge and farmers' decision-
making processes in adopting innovations are described in this paper. It was also stated that the factors
which became an obstacle for farmers in implementing technological innovation in soybean seed

2. Materials and Methods

Seed breeding activities were carried out in Dusun Baru Village, District VII Koto, Tebo Regency in
January to December 2016, which had been prepared and determined by the local Food Crop Agriculture
Office. Preparation for the location of activities included the selection of stretches as needed, carried out
with soybean breeder farmer groups.

2.1. Technology and Local Knowledge

Farmer's local knowledge and technology dissemination was inventoryed through questions, then
presented in the form of a comparison table. The data inventory process were carried out through in-
depth interviews with farmers in each assistance that were conducted on their understanding of the
cultivation process, IPM, ecological functions and interactions that occured in it until postharvest. Thus
obtained a comprehensive description of the practice of soybean cultivation until postharvest.
There was two categories of farmers as sources of information, namely consumption farmers and
soybean breeder farmers. Each of these groups of farmers had different experiences that had implications
for land management patterns, so they could show relative differences in their knowledge and
experience. Of the two categories above, approximately 30 farmers were interviewed and asked to
articulate their knowledge and understanding of the process of managing soybean land.

2.2. Seed production of superior varieties of FS and SS class soybeans

Source seed production was carried out based on technical seed production, namely: 1) Determination
of location, 2) determination of source seeds used, 3) land preparation, 4) planting, 5) fertilizing, 6) IPM
and weed control, 7) rouging, 8) harvest, 9) drying, 10) seed processing, 11) and packaging. Certification
and testing of seeds in the process of seed production is carried out in collaboration with BPSB Jambi
Financial analysis and break-even point were carried out to determine the feasibility of seed
multiplication efforts. Seed multiplication was considered feasible if the Gross B/C value was more than
1. The formulation of Gross B/C is [5]:

The 1st International Conference on Agriculture and Rural Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 383 (2019) 012051 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/383/1/012051

P ×Q
Gross B/C =

where: P = Production price (Rp/Kg)

Q = Production result (kg/ha)
Bi = Production costs to i (Rp/ha)

2.3. Increasing the ability and capacity of breeder farmers in producing soybean seeds
One of the ways to meet the needs of quality soybean seeds was by increasing skills, knowledge, and
the capacity of local seed breeders. Provision of seeds through local seed breeders was expected to be
able to accelerate the dissemination and distribution of new superior varieties and quality seeds.
Improvement of farmers' skills and knowledge was carried out through cooperation in seed production
with cooperative farmers and through training by bringing competent sources in the field of seed.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Tillage
In order to obtain quality seeds from farmers' breeding results, breeder farmers must have knowledge
about growing conditions, morphology, propagation technology and analysis of soybean seed farming.
The Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development has issued recommendations for
multiplication of soybean seeds. The soybean seed multiplication technology has been disseminated to
soybean seed breeder groups.
Agroecology of Dusun Baru Village, District VII of Koto, Tebo Regency is non-acid dry land.
Planting Season I is conducted in February - May (MH II) with a soybean cultivation technology
package starting from preparing land by tillage till loose before the rainy season, by plowing 1 to 2 times
then rake 1 time and leveled. The large seed variety, Anjasmoro, is the preference of farmers in Tebo,
while the Wilis and Grobogan seed varieties are also planted. The total seed requirement is 40 kg / ha.
Seed treatment with rhizobium source biological fertilizer at a dose of 20 g rhizobium / kg seed. Spacing
of 40 x 15 cm with two seeds per planting hole. Fertilizer recommendations depend on conditions and
soil fertility based on soil analysis, but in general in Dusun Baru Village the application of organic
fertilizer or manure is recommended as much as 2 tons / hectare. Plant Pest Organisms (OPT) are
controlled based on routine monitoring by farmers accompanied by researchers from BPTP Jambi. To
overcome weeds as well as pests and plant diseases carried out based on the technical guidelines for
Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Plants are ready to be harvested when the leaves have decayed and
95% of the pods are yellow-brown. Furthermore soybean seeding can be done manually.
Local knowledge refers to community-based agricultural technology and knowledge systems, in
contrast to top-down knowledge and technology systems developed by modern research institutes.
Because it is community based, in the process of disseminating technology, a suitable method is bottom-
up. One way is to ask farmers to talk about traditional processes that are carried out. For example in
fertilization, farmers are asked to explain the process of fertilization, the effects of fertilization. When
the farmer explains the known stages, the researcher disseminates the technology. In this way farmers
do not feel uprooted from the roots of their knowledge.
The farming system used by the community or traditional farmers is an agricultural system based on
years of observation of the community's environment and the surrounding natural environment.
Traditional societies have a variety of life-sustaining knowledge including farming knowledge of each
type of plant. Based on observations, each type of plant has a variety of uses, so that in each variety
there are various kinds of knowledge. The loss of one type of plant variety also means the loss of
knowledge that follows it. In one variety contained knowledge about: cropping patterns, tillage, pest
control, planting time, and others [6].
Farmers in Dusun Baru Village, District VII Koto, Tebo Regency have local knowledge that provides
a specific method of hereditary cultivation. However, farmers who are members of the Harapan Mulya

The 1st International Conference on Agriculture and Rural Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 383 (2019) 012051 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/383/1/012051

Farmers Group are willing to accept outside influences selectively so that local knowledge can be
maintained in accordance with the place. Their local knowledge is the result of thought based on good
experience and has been passed on continuously, and now it is a local knowledge of the community that
is sought again to be applied sustainably, because it has proven good results. Thus, in the process of
dissemination of soybean seed culture cultivation technology packages there are parts that are changed
and parts that are still maintained. The summary of the interview results illustrates the dissemination of
technology and local knowledge of KT farmers. Mulya's expectations are as follows (Table 1).

Table 1. Technology Dissemination of Local Farmers KT. Harapan Mulya Dusun Baru Village,
District VII Koto, Tebo Regency, Jambi Province, 2016.
Agriculture Sector Technologya Local Knowledge Location Specific
Tillage The soil is processed The use of mulch straw The soil is cultivated so
until loose and organic fertilizer that it reaches loose
structures. After tugal,
the seed is put into a
hole, then the hole is
sprinkled with organic
fertilizer and covered
with straw
Use of quality seeds Anjasmoro, Baluran, Preference for varieties Anjasmoro, Grobogan
Argopuro, Gumitir, with large and medium Wilis
Detam 1, Detam 2, seeds, using seeds from
Detam 3, Detam 4, the harvest
Wilis, Kaba,
Sinabung, Arjasari,
Malika, Gema,
Dering, Argomulyo,
Burangrang, Malabar,
Ijen, Gema, Dering
Seed Treatment Rhizobium Using soil that has been Using artificial
inoculation of seeds planted with soybeans inoculation, for example:
before planting, Legin, Rhizogin, and
administration of Rhizobin in the form of
growth regulators powder. , mixing is
(PGR), and liquid carried out evenly and in
supplementary a shady place, and the
fertilizers (PPC) seeds are planted
immediately (no more
than 6 hours).
Fertilization Fertilizer The main macro Recommendations for
recommendations fertilizer of NPK, NPK main macro
include the main manure, use of straw nutrients, micro nutrients,
macro nutrients NPK, manure, straw according
micro nutrients and to fertilizer reference.
manure as well as the
use of straw according
to the fertilizer

The 1st International Conference on Agriculture and Rural Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 383 (2019) 012051 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/383/1/012051

Agriculture Sector Technologya Local Knowledge Location Specific

Planting Distance Adjusting plant Approximately when On land with enough
Management population, 350,000 / flowing, however, the water 40 cm x 15 cm
hectare, spacing of 40 spacing of related On land with limited
cm x 15 cm uniforms is more or less water 40 cm x 10 cm
40 cm x 15 cm
Balitkabi, 2015

In controlling pests in soybean cropping, farmers are still relying on pesticides. Nevertheless efforts
to control pests by natural means are also carried out. For example, by setting traps in the form of cloth
that has been soaked in an insecticide mixed with shrimp paste. The smell of shrimp paste attracts insect
pests to perch on the fabric then the insects prick and suck the liquid that is in the fabric, and not how
long the pest dies.
Important pests found at soybean cultivation sites are Ophiomyia phaseoli, known locally as bean
flies, Spodoptera litura or grayak caterpillars, Nezara viridula or pale green ladybugs, Riptortus linearis
or brown ladybugs and other pod borer pests. Currently the recommended technology for effective
soybean pest control is the Sidamethrin insecticide for bean flies, Matador for leaf pests, and
Deltamethrin for pod sucking pests, SlNPV-JTM 97C for controlling grayworm caterpillars and using
entomopathogenic Verticillum lecanii for R. linearis. Alternative control using plant-based insecticide
extracts of neem seed powder to control bean flies has not been done. Insects which are natural enemies
of soybean pests are also commonly found such as Harmonia conformis, Oxyopes macilentus,
Chrysopogon sp. and Ischnura aurora. So that this becomes an important note for the sustainability of
soybean cultivation to be able to take pest control measures in a wise manner so that natural enemy
populations are high and sufficient to play a role in suppressing pest populations.

3.2. Soybean Seed Production Production

The implementation of the activity involves two farmer groups, which are responsible for carrying out
work starting on land preparation, planting, maintenance, harvesting and post-harvesting in accordance
with the technology applied. Choosing an appropriate location is the first step that determines the success
of soybean breeding activities. So that the risk of failure can be avoided or minimized, the location is
directed at conditions suitable for soybean crop cultivation.

3.2.1. Seed Source Soy Classes FS.

Soybean SSMU used Anjasmoro varieties covering an area of 4 hectares, Wilis covering an area of 2
hectares and Grobogan covering an area of 1 hectare, carried out by 12 breeder farmers.
Soybean seed source used comes from Malang Balitkabi is a superior variety that has characteristics
as: preferred by local farmers, can adapt to the environment, especially with acidity and aluminum levels
that are not too high, its taste is liked and has a high price in the market local, high yield, tolerant of
pests / diseases, and resistant to lodging. Variety choices are adjusted to the local location, and for the
location of these activities the Anjasmoro, Wilis and Grobogan Superior Varieties are used.
The average range for growing soybeans is around 90%, the high percentage of growth is due to the
high dormancy period and the level of nutrient availability in the soil. Growth of plants in the initial
stage (age 14 days) until the time of growth, plants from the flowering period until the filling of the pods
looks very good. The performance of soybean cultivation managed by recommended cultivation
techniques is far better than the growth of soybean farmers, even though it has been fertilized with Urea,
SP-36, and sometimes accompanied by KCl in the same dosage as recommended. The use of good
quality seeds, as well as the addition of manure and dolomite are the main causes of differences in plant
growth performance (Table 1).

The 1st International Conference on Agriculture and Rural Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 383 (2019) 012051 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/383/1/012051

Table 2. Appearance of FS class soybean breeding in Dusun Baru Village, District VII Koto, Tebo
Regency, Jambi Province, 2016.
Blok Variety Land area (ha) Date Plant Height Age of Number of
(cm) Flower (hr) Branches
I Anjasmoro 1,0 10-4-2016 80,2 32 5
II Grobogan 1,0 10-4-2016 80,4 33 4
III Wilis 0,5 24-4-2016 86,1 34 4

Appearance of soybean plants in Anjsmoro, Wilis and Grobogan varieties when the plants are 30-50
HST shows good and good growth, with an attractive appearance, straight and clear lines and lines of
plants. Appearance of plants against pest caterpillars is still below economic ambag/still relatively low
(> 15%), so farmers are sufficiently guided by mechanical control, if the attack exceeds the threshold
then control will be carried out using insecticides, so it does not affect the pod filling period.
Observation of the age of flowering Anjasmoro vareiats seen flowering plants with an age range of
32-35 HST, Wilis variety aged 35-36 HST and Grobogan Variety 28-29 HST. The occurrence of time
that is too long for flowering out between Anjasmoro, Wilis and Grobogan varieties is caused by genetic
traits of each variety.
The average height of Anjasmoro varieties ranged from 80.3 - 89.0 cm, Wilis varieties ranged from
79.3 - 81.4 cm, while Grobongan varieties ranged from 65.9 - 67.2 cm. It was seen that by fertilizing P
and management of organic matter can increase the growth and productivity of soybean plants in a
sustainable manner. Most of the soils in the tropics need a large amount of P needed by soybean plants
is relatively small compared to the needs of the elements N, K and Ca, but some P research results show
an increase in soybean yield. Besides lime will increase the need for plants for macro and micro
elements. Therefore fertilizing N, P and K is needed. Application of technology in accordance with the
recommendations will provide maximum results to the purity of soybean seeds.
Maintenance of the genetic quality of the varieties is carried out by means of rouging when the plants
are aged 15-20 HST, the phases and cooking phases of physiology, namely removing plants whose
morphological characteristics deviate from the characteristics of the varieties of plants whose seeds are
produced. At the age of 15-20 HST the observed component is hypocotyl color, green hypokotyl will
produce white flowers, while purple hypocotyl will produce purple flowers. In the flowering phase,
flowers that are too deviant from the dominant plant then the plant is immediately discarded. Likewise
in the physiological cooking phase, plants that deviate from the dominant plant are immediately
All these activities are carried out by breeders with the guidance of Jambi AIAT researchers, field
agricultural extension workers, and Agricultural Seed Supervision and Certification Center staff in the
regions. Thus purity and later no longer have problems regarding labeling because from the beginning
it was monitored by Agricultural Seed Supervision and Certification Center staff in the field.
The performance of the FS seed production shows that the Anjasmoro variety before the laboratory
test was 6,300 kg, passed the test (certified seed) of 6.00 kg. Grobogan varieties as much as 800
production, the laboratory test did not pass, this is due to the quality of grobogan varieties are not suitable
for planting in this location. The Wilis variety produces 500 kg of seeded seeds whereas the production
of 1600 kg, the low percentage of passing the wilis variety certification is also influenced by the growing
environment at the location of seed multiplication as presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Production of soybean seeds from BS to FS class, in Dusun Baru Village, District
VII Koto, Tebo Regency, Jambi Province, 2016.
Variety Blok Land Area (ha) Production (ton) % Pass
Test Pass

The 1st International Conference on Agriculture and Rural Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 383 (2019) 012051 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/383/1/012051

Anjasmoro I 4,0 5.300 5.000 95,24

Grobogan II 1,0 800 - 0
Wilis III 2,0 1.600 500 31,25

The results of multiplication of BS-FS seeds with a target of 7 tons can only be reached as much as
5,500 kg, this is caused by constraints of environmental factors growing plants. The results of this FS
propagation will be continued in the next season to get SS seeds.

3.2.2. Seed Source SS Soybean.

Propagation of FS-SS soybean seeds using Anjasmoro varieties covering an area of 15 hectares carried
out by 22 breeder farmers. Activities are located at KT. Harapan Mulya, Dusun Baru Village District
VII Koto, Tebo Regency. The implementation of the activity involved two farmer groups, who were
responsible for carrying out work starting on land preparation, planting, maintenance, harvesting and
post-harvesting in accordance with the technology applied.
Producing high-quality seeds, improving physical, physiological and genetic quality, is also carried
out during post-harvest handling. Maintaining physical and genetic quality is mainly carried out during
processing, while maintaining physiological quality of seeds is carried out from harvest to storage and
even until the seeds are ready for planting by farmers.
The performance of soybean plants at the age of 30-45 days shows a fairly rapid growth and good,
attractive appearance with a straight and clear plant flow. Appearance of plants also appears to have a
caterpillar attack but still relatively low or below the economic threshold (> 15%), so farmers are
sufficiently guided by mechanical control, if the attack exceeds the threshold then control is carried out
using insecticides, so it does not affect the pod filling period (Table 4).

Table 4. Appearance of conditions for multiplication of FS to SS soybean seeds with

Anjasmoro varieties in Dusun Baru Village, District VII Koto, Tebo Regency, Jambi
Province, 2016.
Blok Land Area (ha) Date Plant Height Age of Flower Number of
(cm) (hr) Branches
IV 0,5 5-4-2016 95,2 31 5
V 1,0 6-4-2016 92,4 33 5
VI 0,5 7-4-2016 87,1 32 4
VII 0,5 8-4-2016 89,0 34 5

Furthermore, observations of flowering age showed that Anjasmoro varieties issued flowers at the age
of 31 - 36 HST. The average plant height at 40 HST ranged from 87.3 to 99.9 cm (Table 2). It can be
seen that the timely application of fertilizer and dosage is very influential on plant height. The purpose
of fertilizing is to improve physical and chemical conditions in the soil. P fertilization and organic
material management can increase productivity on an ongoing basis. Most of the soils in the tropics need
a large amount of P needed by soybean plants is relatively small compared to the needs of the elements
N, K and Ca, but some P research results show an increase in soybean yield [8].
Field performance of plants shows the growth and development of plants is very encouraging and is
predicted to be able to produce seeds around 1.3 - 1.8 tons / ha of SS seeds. The multiplication of
Anjasmoro variety seeds to get the SS seed class can be seen from the planting block which has quite
encouraging production, with the percentage of certification passing ranging from 92 - 95% (Table 5).

The 1st International Conference on Agriculture and Rural Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 383 (2019) 012051 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/383/1/012051

Table 5. Production of soybean vareiats anjasmoro seeds from FS to SS seed classes, in

Dusun Baru Village, District VII Koto, Tebo Regency, Jambi Province, 2016.

Blok Land Area (ha) Production (ton) % Pass

Test Pass
IV 5,0 6.500 6.000 92,30
V 5,0 7.400 7.000 94,60
VI 5,0 5.500 5.000 90,20
VII 5,0 5.300 5.000 94,34

3.2.3. Feasibility Analysis. The profit of soybean seed farming is more profitable than consumption of
soybean farming. The high profitability of seed production farming compared to consumption
production is caused by differences in selling prices. The selling price of soybean seeds is Rp 12,000
per kg, while the selling price of soybean consumption is only Rp 6000 to Rp 7,000 per kg or there is a
difference in the selling price of Rp 5,000 to Rp 6,000 per kg.
Revenue from consumption farming is IDR 10,850,000 / ha / planting season or IDR 2,712,500 per
month. Whereas, from the production of seeds, Rp 17,700,000 / ha / planting season or Rp 4,425,000
per month. The revenue from seed production farming is sourced from sales in the form of seeds
amounting to Rp. 15,900,000 and in the form of consumption as much as Rp. 1,800,000. seed so it is
sold in the form of consumption. Therefore, the profit gained from consumption farming is IDR
6,427,500 / ha / planting season, whereas in seed farming farming, it gives profit of IDR 11,113,500 /
ha / planting season. B / C consumes 1.45 while B / C seeds 1.69.
In both of these farms, wages represent farm expenditures that are greater than those spent on material
purchases. In farming, the consumption cost that must be spent for wages is 73.04%, while the costs for
purchasing materials for production facilities are only 26.96%. Similarly, seed production farming,
where the costs incurred for wages amounted to 63.87%, while the costs incurred for the purchase of
production facilities amounted to 36.13%. The amount of wages incurred on existing farms compared
to introductory technology farms is due to the low efficiency of farms on existing technology, especially
on the expense of nursery costs that have moved twice.

3.3. Increasing the ability and capacity of breeder farmers in producing soybean seeds
With the implementation of site-specific technology that accommodates technology as a result of
research combined with local knowledge, it is no wonder that at the farmer level there are still doubts
about its success. So that the presence of the Jambi SSMU plays an important role so that farmers do
not feel alone. SSMU becomes a supporting system if farmers experience failure.
The proper implementation of the activities so far with the pilot project is to make a pilot designed
as a test or trial in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of a program implementation, find out the
impact of program implementation. In other words, the area in the soybean center becomes a laboratory
for researchers by sitting together with farmers. Researchers do not position themselves as superior to
farmers but as colleagues or learners alike. Its application uses the participatory method, which is a
method in which researchers go directly to the field following the activities under study. An example of
the convention is by explaining the institutional strengthening of the corporation area through escorting,
fostering and assisting in corn seed production techniques, then, provide assistance for production
facilities, agricultural machinery, infrastructure, and market access [9].

Some requirements must be met when farmers become seed growers. In the context of strengthening
the capacity of human resources (HR), farmers are equipped with technical capabilities of breeding
soybean seeds. It is intended that farmers can make soybean seeds independently.

The 1st International Conference on Agriculture and Rural Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 383 (2019) 012051 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/383/1/012051

Some requirements, for example, have facilities for seed production, drying floors, processing
facilities and warehouses. To facilitate the management of the seed breeder empowerment area, if
possible it is placed on one stretch, but if it is not possible it can be implemented not on one stretch but
still within 1 (one) subdistrict area. Seed breeders or breeder groups must carry out seed breeding in
accordance with the target area of each commodity.
So that the implementation of seed breeder empowerment activities can run according to the
provisions, it is necessary to provide guidance, monitoring and evaluation at the central level as well as
provinces and districts / cities that are allocated the Seed Breeder Empowerment activities. Assistance
is carried out from the beginning to the end of the process so that both farmers and researchers see and
experience the implications of all stages of the process.
The sustainability of this program is also very much determined by the process of monitoring and
evaluation of the relevant agencies collaborating with the relevant villages. It would be better if the seed
multiplication program carried out in the related villages was included in the Village Development
Planning. It is even possible to be grafted with a Financial Institution [7].

4. Conclusion
In the process of dissemination of soybean seed multiplication technology cultivation packages there
are parts that are changed and parts that are still maintained. The production target of 7 tons of FS
soybean seeds achieved was 5.5 tons, while the SS seed class with a target of 15 tons reached 23 tons or
exceeded the target of 7 tons of SS seed. Through the guidance and assistance of breeder farmer groups
regarding cultivation of seed, harvest, post-harvest technology and improvement of group
administration, the supply of seeds from outside the region can be reduced or even eliminated. The
capacity and capacity of breeder farmers has increased, this is seen from the success of producing seeds
and getting an award as the best breeder group of Jambi Province. Soybean seeds from UPBS BPTP
Jambi contributed to the supply of source seeds for the fulfillment of soybean seeds for breeder farmer
groups and Provincial and District/City Government programs.

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