Case Tractor Cvx1135 To Cvx1195 Service Manual

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Case Tractor CVX1135 to CVX1195

Service Manual
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DescriptionCase Tractor CVX1135 to CVX1195 Service ManualSize: 174
MBFormat: PDFLanguage: EnglishBrand: CaseType of Machine: TractorType of
Manual: Service ManualModel: CVX 1135 CVX 1145 CVX 1155 CVX 1170 CVX
1190 CVX 1195 TractorsSerial Number:Part Number:Number of Pages: 2396
PageContents:Engine– Workshop Manual– Workshop Manual (CVX 1195)Fuel
System– Functional description Injection System– Functional description Injection
System – Common Rail System (CVX 1195)Electrical– Functional description CAN
Bus (Basics)– Functional description and Troubleshooting – ADIC– Function
diagrams – Electrics– Function diagrams – Electrics (CVX 1195)– Connectors,
Wiring Harnesses, Electrical and Electronic Components– Connectors, Wiring
Harnesses, Electrical and Electronic Components (CVX 1195)4009A– Circuit
diagram– Circuit diagram (CVX 1195)– Electrical– Fault codesSteering System–
Functional description, Troubleshooting and Settings– Front Axle with Independent
Suspension 20.25S– Functional description, Troubleshooting and Settings– Front
Axle with Independent Suspension 20.29S– Workshop Manual – Front Axle –
Carraro 20.25, 20.25 FR– Workshop Manual – Independently Suspended Front
Axle 20.25S and 20.25SI FR5006– Workshop Manual – Independently Suspended
Front Axle 20.29SI / FRTransmission– Functional description Transmission–
Troubleshooting – System hydraulics– Cartridge – Removing and Fitting–
Cartridge – Disassembling and Assembling– Rear Axle – Removing and Fitting–
Rear Axle – Disassembling and Assembling– Parking Interlock, 4-wheel Drive
Clutch and Bevel Pinion (Rear Module)Hydraulic System– Functional description
CC-LS Hydraulic System (Closed Center-Load Sensing)– Functional description
and troubleshooting– High Pressure Hydraulic Circuit– Functional description and
troubleshooting– (Electronic 3-point hitch control system EDC)– Fault codes and
fault description, EHS Auxiliary Control UnitsCabin– Functional description and
troubleshooting Air ConditioningFanpageMore Product
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For this offence Carew, knowing his man and how best to punish
him, informed the Basque that a fine of a fortnight's pay had been
entered against his name in the log-book.
It was nearly midday, and the heat of the still, moist air was intense.
The French mate lay reclined under an awning on the after-deck,
rolling up cigarette after cigarette, and smoking them with half-shut
eyes as he dreamily meditated.
In the bows, under an awning extemporised out of an old sail, were
squatting the two Spaniards, playing at monte with a very dirty pack
of cards. Now and then would be heard the sonorous oaths of the
Basque, as he savagely reviled his bad luck, or the triumphant
chuckle of El Chico, whom fortune was favouring. These two had
been gambling almost incessantly during the calm, for the money
they were to receive from Carew on their arrival at Buenos Ayres.
The Galician had already succeeded in winning El Toro's pay for
many weeks in advance. Neither of the men could read or write, but
they kept a tally of their debts of honour—over which there was
much wrangling—by cutting notches on a beam in the forecastle.
A few minutes before noon Carew came on deck, sextant in hand,
and the mate rose to his feet lazily. Carew's face was now bronzed
by the tropical sun, and was fuller than it had been two months
back. The haggard expression, the restless anxiety of his eye, had
gone. He looked like a man with the easiest of consciences.
He glanced at the two card-players forward. "Have you taken the
precaution I ordered?" he asked the mate.
"I have, captain; here they are," and Baptiste produced two
formidable knives from his pocket.
Since the incident I have mentioned, Carew had instituted a rule, to
the effect that the men should not play at cards or dice unless they
had previously delivered their weapons to one of the two officers.
El Chico overheard the mate's reply. "Ah, captain," he cried, "you'll
have to hand both knives over to me at the end of this game. I shall
have won everything El Toro possesses in the world if my luck holds
as it is doing now."
"Caramba! it is too much; a plague on the cards!" cried the Basque
furiously, hurling the pack across the deck. "I'll have no more of
them. If I have no knife, I have these hands," and he opened them
out with a gesture of rage in front of the Galician. "I could circle your
little neck with these, and throttle you in half a minute, El Chico."
El Chico said nothing, but shrugged his shoulders with a provoking
"El Toro, come aft," cried Carew, who had acquired enough Spanish
to give his orders in that tongue; "come aft, and set up that mizzen
rigging; it's as slack as possible."
The wild beast acknowledged its master and proceeded to obey his
orders in a surly fashion, even as Caliban might have reluctantly
carried out some behest of the superior intelligence that had
enslaved him.
"This calm seems as if it would never end," said Carew to the mate.
"It looks black yonder. Another squall, I suppose. Just enough to
entice us to hoist our sails, and then to die away again."
"I don't see anything like the trade-wind sky about," said Baptiste,
who had sailed the tropical seas before.
Carew took his midday observation of the sun; then, lowering his
sextant, called out, "Make it eight bells, Baptiste," and went below to
work out his position.
He found that the Petrel had only travelled five miles in the last
twenty-four hours. He was seventy miles north of the equator, and
his longitude by dead-reckoning (he had, as has been explained, no
chronometer on board) was about 30° west, so that he was distant
some five hundred miles from Cape St. Roque, the most easterly
point of the New World.
Soon after noon the dark bank of cloud rose rapidly from the horizon
and overspread the whole heavens; the rain began to pour down as
it only can in these equatorial regions, and a fresh breeze from the
south-east cooled the heated atmosphere.
The sails were hoisted, and the yacht ran some two or three miles;
then the hopeless calm fell again, and there was not a cloud to be
seen in the blue vault above. The sails flapped to and fro with a loud
noise as the vessel rolled in the swell which the breeze had left
behind it.
"Oh, this accursed calm!" cried Carew impatiently; "down with all
your canvas again."
The men obeyed, grumbling at their ill-luck, and then resumed their
game of monte.
In the afternoon the heat became more oppressive than ever, and it
was impossible to stay below; so all hands remained under the
awnings on deck.
The mate, after pondering for some while, said to Carew, "We shall
run short of water if this continues much longer."
"I have thought of that. We must serve out a smaller allowance."
"Buenos Ayres is a long way off yet, captain. Would it not be well to
put into some Brazilian port for water and vegetables? This heat is
very trying on a small vessel like this. We shall have illness on board
if we are not careful."
"I do not wish to break the voyage anywhere, unless it is absolutely
necessary," Carew replied.
"I know these countries," Baptiste continued; "and there is one very
good reason why you should call at some port on the way."
"What is it?"
"You have no bill of health with you. Now in Buenos Ayres the
authorities are very afraid of yellow fever, and if you arrive there
with no papers to show where you are from, they will take it for
granted that you have come from some infected port, and that you
have probably lost some hands on the voyage and wish to conceal it.
They would, therefore, put you in quarantine for who knows how
long. They might, under the suspicious circumstances, refuse even
to give you pratique at all, and send you off to sea again."
"How will calling at a Brazilian port remedy that?"
"Because in Brazil they are not afraid of yellow fever, as they always
have it there. At Rio they won't trouble you at all, and your consul
will give you a clean bill of health for Buenos Ayres. Then, being
satisfied that you have had no illness on board, the Buenos Ayres
people will grant you pratique after, let us say, a quarantine of four
days, even if yellow fever were raging at Rio."
"A queer plan to avoid quarantine for Yellow Jack by calling at the
headquarters of the fever!" said Carew; "but I see that you are right.
I will put into Rio."
After a pause the Frenchman said thoughtfully, "I shall be sorry to
leave this vessel, sir. I suppose you still think of selling her in the
River Plate. I should like to continue the cruise for another year."
"So should I, but I can't afford it. Yachting is an expensive
"Oh, I don't know that. A cruise may be made to pay its way even in
these days, especially if one carries a warrant from the Admiralty of
one's country like you do. The authorities are always civil to one who
sails under the Government blue ensign, and never trouble him with
the tedious formalities the common merchantman is subjected to."
"I don't know what you mean," said Carew. "There is no money to
be made now by legitimate trade at sea. Besides, a yacht is not
allowed to trade at all."
"I said nothing about legitimate trade," said the Frenchman quietly,
as he rolled himself another cigarette.
The eyes of the two men met, and they understood each other.
The mate had never let drop so broad a hint before; but he knew
that he was safe in doing so. There had existed for some time a sort
of freemasonry of crime between himself and Carew. They had been
thrown altogether upon each other's society of late. Both were
educated men, and gentlemen by birth; both were shrewd readers
of character; and it is so far easier for the bad than for the good
man to recognise a kindred nature.
Carew did not exactly entertain a liking for his mate, but he found
his companionship far pleasanter than that of any other man could
have been. The Frenchman's tolerant way of looking at crime was
peculiarly gratifying to the ex-solicitor. It acted as a most soothing
salve to his conscience.
He liked to hear the man's cynical talk—the superficial philosophy
with which he defended crime as being the least hypocritical way of
obeying nature's law of the struggle for existence. The very
presence of this villain seemed to exert a strange, magnetic
influence on Carew's pliable soul, lulling it into a fool's paradise.
Such an affinity for evil between two men who are much together
will soon destroy any conscience that either of them may happen to
So Carew, having become accustomed to an atmosphere of crime,
no longer shrank from the thought of it, and, with an amused smile,
replied to the mate's remark, "What piece of villainy are you going to
suggest now, Baptiste?"
"I don't think you ought to use that word villainy," protested the
Frenchman, with an air of comic indignation. "As a matter of fact, I
was not at that moment thinking of any one particular 'piece of
villainy,' but vaguely of a great number of feasible schemes I know
of for transferring the wickedly-earned riches of others into our own
deserving pockets."
"This is highly interesting," said Carew, in a bantering tone. "Explain
one of these notable schemes of yours, Baptiste."
But the Frenchman did not reply. He looked round the horizon with a
puzzled expression, and, putting his hand to his ear, appeared to be
listening intently.
"Hark, captain! What is that?" he cried.
Carew listened, and heard a low, rumbling sound like distant
"Thunder out of a cloudless sky! That is strange."
"That is no thunder, captain," said Baptiste, with a scared look, "but
what it is I know not."
The sound became louder. It did not seem to be approaching from
any direction, but to be everywhere—around, below, above—filling
all space. Then it swelled to a great roar, as of the rolling of
thousands of drums. The air trembled at the sound, and the surface
of the sea no longer reflected the blue sky above, but, appearing like
a mirror over which one has breathed, vibrated into myriads of
wrinkles and gyrating rings. Soon the water began to be greatly
disturbed, and raved and foamed about the vessel as if she were
floating in a boiling caldron. Then occurred an appalling prodigy.
First, louder than loudest thunder, was heard a deafening explosion,
and immediately the sea leapt up, not in waves, but in steep
pyramids of water, piling itself up in domes, as if some mighty force
were thrusting it up from below. The yacht pitched wildly into the
confused whirl till she was nigh to break up with the violence of the
shocks, and the water poured over her decks in masses, threatening
to swamp her. Hollow whirlpools opened out suddenly in front of her,
seeking to engulf her: a fearful spectacle to behold, which might
make even the bravest men go mad with fright. Then came another
explosion, and the superstitious Spaniards, holding on to the rigging
for dear life, shrieked with abject terror as they saw the limpid sea
suddenly thicken and change its colour to a dark, sulphurous yellow.
There was an odour of sulphur in the air, and the sun was shining
through a sickly yellow haze.
The crew, who would have done their duty with cool courage in a
hurricane, were completely unnerved by this alarming portent. The
two men forward thought that the fiend himself had opened hell
under them to swallow up their sinful souls; they prayed and
blasphemed in turns. The French mate, white to his lips and
trembling, clutched the rigging, with his eyes closed. Carew alone,
though his cheeks were pale, was calm. Holding on to the bulwark to
prevent himself from being thrown overboard by the violent leaping
of the yacht, he looked around him with a resolute expression. He
would fight bravely for his life, but he had no fear of death.
In the midst of this turmoil a strong wind suddenly arose.
"Hoist the foresail!" he shouted; but none of the terrified men
obeyed the order. "Cowardly idiots!" he cried, and scrambling
forward as well as he could to the mast, he seized the fore-halyards
and set the sail. Then he returned to the tiller, after having been
nearly washed overboard by a sea on the way, and steered the
vessel dead before the wind.
In ten minutes he had sailed, not without danger, outside the circle
of raging water; and looking back he saw that the disturbance had
already commenced to subside, and the loud roaring had lessened to
a distant moaning.
"Locos!" he cried; "madmen, cowards, hoist the mainsail! Are you
women to be so scared by a slight terremoto?"
"I didn't know that there were earthquakes in mid-ocean," said El
Toro, who was the first to recover somewhat from his fright. "But,
captain, you are a curious one. I knew you feared no man; but,
caramba! it seems you don't fear the devil himself."
"Up mainsail," cried Carew again, "and don't jabber, thou great
coward! Hurry up. We have a fair wind."
The mate was now himself again. "Aha! the terremoto has brought
us luck," he cried. "Look yonder, captain," and he pointed to the
east, where the sky had become suddenly covered with small fleecy
clouds. "I know that sign—that is the trade wind."
They put all sail on the vessel, and were soon bowling along before
the ever-freshening wind. They had left behind them the dreary
region of the Doldrums, with its stifling heat, and the air above the
dancing waves was cool and bracing.
The mate, who was steering, began to chaff his companions. "Say,
El Toro, you thought the authorities below had sent for you when
you felt that trembling of the sea."
"Trembling?" replied the Basque gruffly. "There was more trembling
of thee than of the sea itself, thou white-gilled Frenchman."
"So there was," drawled the sarcastic El Chico. "But let us remember
that our mate is a man of education—of soul. His nerves are in
harmony with Nature. When Nature is merry he is merry; when
Nature trembles; he trembles. But that is poetical sympathy, not
fear, my friend El Toro."
And so these three reviled each other's cowardice, until Carew,
fearing bloodshed, called out, "Now, then, stop that discussion, or all
of you bring me your knives here."
Then this amiable crew smoked and sulked in silence for a while.
Shortly afterwards, Carew was below studying a chart of the South
Atlantic. To him came down the mate, who looked over his shoulder
and asked, "How far are we now from Rio, sir?"
"About sixteen hundred miles," was the reply. "That means a run of
nine or ten days at the outside with this wind."
"You are a man of great nerve," said the mate, filled with a genuine
admiration. "I thought the bravest man would have lost his head in
that horrid earthquake."
Carew laughed. "Mine was only the courage of science at the best,
Baptiste. You see, the phenomenon did not take me by surprise. I
half expected something of the sort."
"Oh, it is very simple. See here,"—he pointed to the chart,—"read
that." The words, "Volcanic region of the Atlantic," were printed
across a large tract of ocean in the vicinity of the equator. "Now, if
you will turn over the pages of the South Atlantic Pilot Directory, you
will read that this part of the Atlantic is peculiarly subject to volcanic
disturbance; so much so, that mariners are in this book warned on
the subject. There are no soundings hereabouts with two thousand
fathoms of line, and yet the disturbance is transmitted upwards
through all those miles of water; so you can imagine the violent
forces that are at work below us. It is rare that a vessel crosses this
strange corner of the sea without experiencing some manifestation
or other of this nature. Sometimes it may be only a discoloration of
the water that is noticed; sometimes a shock is felt as if the vessel
had struck a rock, or she shivers till the masts are like to be thrown
out of her. It is a region terrible to superstitious sailors; but I believe
it is rare that a vessel has sustained any serious damage from these
"Even if I had known all that I should have lost my nerve; for, say
what you like, captain, our danger was a very real one. The
terremoto has done one good thing, anyhow: it has inspired El Chico
and El Toro with an immense respect for your courage. We won't tell
them that you were forewarned by the pilot book. You can do what
you like with those men after this, Captain Allen. For the future they
are your obedient slaves."
The brave trade wind blew without intermission for ten days, and
then Carew, being in the latitude of Rio de Janeiro, steered due west
for the land, which, according to his dead-reckoning, was not two
hundred miles distant. It was night, and the wind having fallen light,
the yacht made little progress. At midnight Carew came on deck to
relieve the mate.
"Look over there," said Baptiste, pointing across the vessel's bows to
the westward. "Those are the lights of Rio."
"What! so soon?" cried Carew; and turning his eyes in the indicated
direction he perceived, not indeed the gleam of a lighthouse or other
ordinary sign of approaching land, but an appearance as of a stormy
dawn. High above the horizon hung masses of clouds whose lower
surface was of a faint red, as if they were reflecting some immense
conflagration too far away to be yet visible.
"You cannot distinguish any other city in the world from such a
distance," said the mate. "When you are one hundred miles—yes,
and more than that—away, you can tell the position of Rio de
Janeiro by the glare that hangs over it at night. The gaslights there
are innumerable. I have heard that it is the best lighted city in the
world, and I believe it. At midnight the streets are illuminated as if
for a fête; and, what is more, all the roads and paths that lead out
into the country and up to the tops of the mountains are better lit
than any of the streets in your London. Ah, the capital of the Brazils
is a wonderful place!"
As Carew discovered later on, Baptiste had not exaggerated the
At daybreak Carew was still on deck, being anxious to catch a first
glimpse of the New World after so many weeks upon the desert
When the sun rose the blue sky was cloudless, but the western
horizon was obscured by a white fog, which, Baptiste said, nearly
always hovered over this coast at early morning.
Of a sudden the upper portion of the mist lifted, and high above
them there appeared, as if floating in mid-air, the summit of a huge
mountain. It was of cubical shape, with perpendicular sides of bare,
smooth stone, like the altar of some giant race—a marvellous sight
to thus burst suddenly upon men who had for so long seen nothing
but sky and water.
"That is the Gavia Mountain," cried Baptiste; "it lies to the left of the
entrance of the Bay of Rio."
Then the morning breeze came down upon the land, and, as by
enchantment, the mist vanished, and all the features of that
wonderful coast were revealed to them.
Lofty mountains of the most fantastic forms rose sheer from the sea.
Some were great pyramids or peaks of ruddy granite gleaming like
molten gold in the sunshine; others, sloping more gently, were
covered with great forests of tropical vegetation. Along the whole
shore extended a white line of foam, where the Atlantic swell, piled
up by the fresh trade winds, perpetually thundered at the base of
the cliffs. In places the ravines terminated in beautiful bays, where
on beaches of silver sand the cocoa-nut trees waved their rustling
branches. The tropical seas wash no lovelier a land than this; and at
that moment, with the sun still low in the east, there were a softness
and translucency in the gorgeous colouring that gave an unreal and
fairy-like aspect to the scene. Close under the conical mountain
known as the Sugar Loaf a gorge opened out, and through this was
seen the vast expanse of the Bay of Rio, which the old navigators, in
their admiration for its beauty, likened unto the gates of heaven.
The yacht crossed the tumbling waters on the bar, sailed through the
majestic gates, and floated on the still, pale green water of the
inland sea.
The Bay of Rio is considered to be the fairest of all the harbours of
the earth, and one who has seen it can well believe that it is so.
Imagine a vast lake, some eighty miles in circumference, surrounded
by grand mountains, indented with many winding bays, and studded
with islands of all sizes, on whose shores are many towns and
villages, chief among which is the empire city of South America, the
white Rio de Janeiro. A luxuriant vegetation comes down to the very
edge of the water, even up to the streets of the city; the varied
foliage of many species of palms, the luscious blades of the
bananas, the spreading mangos, and bread-fruit trees giving a cool
appearance to the torrid land.
About a mile from the city of Rio, at the entrance of the bay, is the
fortified island of Villegagnon. The yacht was sailing close under its
shore, the mate steering. Carew was gazing at the grand scenery
around him with deep emotion. Under the influence of this lovely
nature, his thoughts became tender and pure; his soul was strangely
subdued, and his mind sank into a happy reverie, such as good men
who feel secure in their innocence are supposed alone to enjoy.
The mate was watching Carew's face; then he said, in a casual
"I know this port pretty well, Mr. Allen, though I have only been here
once before; and, by the way, I was sailing then in an English
barque. Let me see, what was the captain's name? Captain Grou—
no, it was not that—Garou—Carou—oh yes, that was it—Captain
Carew started visibly and looked steadily into the mate's face, but he
could read nothing in those impassive features. "It is but a
coincidence," he said to himself. "It is impossible that Baptiste can
have discovered my real name. There are many Carews in the world,
after all." Nevertheless, the sound of the name he had put away
from him for ever disturbed him greatly. He was awakened from his
pleasant reverie, and the beautiful scenery had no more delights for
him. All the evil things which he had done and had yet to do were
unpleasantly brought to his mind. Now that he saw the great city
before him, he shrank from the idea of mixing once more with his
fellow-men. He wished he were out on the open sea again.
"Baptiste," he said, "I should like to bring up some way from the
quays; it will be quieter."
"Certainly, captain. Let us bring up here under Villegagnon; it will be
cooler and healthier than farther in. Look yonder at the
merchantman anchorage. I see the yellow flag flying from at least a
dozen foremasts. The yellow fever is evidently playing mischief at
Baptiste had not been unobservant of Carew's start and change of
expression at the mention of his name. The wily Frenchman had a
game to play: he had put down his first card with a result that
satisfied him.
The anchor was let go under Villegagnon and the sails were stowed;
then Baptiste, looking around him, happened to perceive a barque
anchored about half a mile off. "Ho, El Toro," he cried; "look at that
barque. Is she not the very sister to the old Vrouw Elisa?"
"Baptiste," said Carew sternly, "you told me that you had never been
on board the Vrouw Elisa."
The mate, not in the least disconcerted, laughed, and replied, "That
does not prevent my knowing her by sight, surely, Captain Carou—I
mean—how stupid of me!—Captain Allen."
Shortly after the Petrel's anchor had been let go, under the island of
Villegagnon, a galley, manned by brawny blacks, came off to the
yacht; a Brazilian gentleman in uniform leapt on deck and introduced
himself as the doctor of the port. On hearing that the vessel was an
English yacht sailing under an Admiralty flag he raised no difficulties,
but granted Carew pratique at once, despite the absence of a clean
bill of health from Rotterdam.
When the health boat had gone off again, Carew ordered the dinghy
to be lowered. "I will go on shore at once, Baptiste," he said. "I will
call on the British consul, and ask him for a clean bill of health for
Buenos Ayres. We won't stay longer than is necessary in this
unhealthy place."
"May I suggest," replied the mate, "that you should give the lads a
few dollars of their pay, and allow them a run on shore to stretch
their legs after having been cooped up so long in this little craft?"
Carew remembered the empty condition of the ship's treasury, and
did not see his way to paying his crew any portion of their wages at
"If they go on shore they will drink rum in the sun, and catch Yellow
Jack," he said.
"Not they, sir. These are sober Spaniards, and they are too
acclimatised to run much risk of fever."
"I'll think the matter over. But we'll leave the two men in charge this
afternoon. You come on shore with me, Baptiste. You know Rio, and
can show me the way about."
So Carew and the mate got into the dinghy, and the latter, taking the
oars, pulled off towards the Mole. They landed on a quay bordered
by a negro market, where fish, fruit, rags, and all manner of odds
and ends were sold by very fat negresses in huge yellow turbans; a
filthy and malodorous spot. After leaving the dinghy in charge of a
custom-house officer, they hustled their way through the jabbering
crowd of blacks, and entered the chief streets of the city.
Baptiste, who evidently knew his way well, brought Carew to the
door of the British Consulate. "I will leave you now, captain," he
said, "to transact your business. Let me have a dollar or so to amuse
myself with, and I will meet you in an hour's time at the corner of
the chief street, the Rua Ovidor, in front of the big jeweller's shop."
Carew gave him a ten-shilling piece—he only had two more in the
world now—and they separated.
Having obtained a bill of health from the consul, Carew strolled
through the hot streets until the appointed time, when the mate,
punctual to a minute, met him at the corner of the Rua Ovidor.
"Captain," said Baptiste, "it is stifling in these streets. Let us get on a
tram and drive out of the town to the Botanical Gardens. It will be
cooler there, and I wish to speak to you in a quiet place where there
are no eavesdroppers about. I have made an important discovery
since I left you."
With a noise of jingling bells the mules carried them rapidly through
the suburbs of the city; past fairy-like villas that seemed to be built
of delicately tinted porcelain, surrounded by gardens that were
paradises of exquisite plants, with cool fountains splashing under the
feathery palms; past groves of marvellous trees that bore no leaves,
but were covered instead with blossoms of purple and vivid crimson,
so that the eye was pained by the excess of glory; past pleasant
inlets of the great bay, where the tiny waves dashed on the white
sands under the cocoa-nut trees; and around them rose the great
amphitheatre of granite peaks and forest-clad mountains glowing
under the cloudless sky.
They reached the gate of the Botanical Gardens, and the mate led
Carew to an avenue of oreodoxas—the most majestic of the family
of palms. These rose straight and smooth as marble columns to an
immense height, and far overhead their graceful leaves met in
regular arches, forming a great aisle as of a cathedral of giants. A
solemn spot, fitted to exalt the soul of man and inspire lofty
thoughts, but which Baptiste, with an unconscious irony, had
selected as a safe place to discuss with Carew a scheme of
detestable crime which his lust for gold had suggested to him.
They sat down on a bench under the polished trunk of one of the
huge palms. Carew was silent. He was impressed by the marvellous
nature around. Everything was so unfamiliar to his senses. The rich
colouring of the beautiful and sometimes grotesquely shaped
vegetation, the birds of brilliant plumage that flashed by him, the
metallic lustre and monstrous forms of the beetles and other insects,
the shrieking of the paroquets, and other noises of the intense and
teeming tropical life—all bewildered his brain. The very air, heavy
with the pungent odours of many flowers, seemed intoxicating. He
could scarcely realise that this was not all some fantastic dream.
But Baptiste, who had important business on hand, cared little for
the wonders of Nature. He rolled himself a cigarette, lit it, then,
sprawling himself in a lazy fashion on the bench, commenced—
"The other day, captain, we were engaged in an interesting
conversation, which was rather rudely disturbed by an earthquake.
Have you forgotten the subject of it?"
"I remember that you were talking some nonsense about making
yachting pay its expenses by smuggling, or something of the sort."
"I said nothing about smuggling, captain, and I was not talking
nonsense. I said that the master of a yacht sailing under
Government papers has many opportunities of putting gold into his
pockets; that is, if his liver be sound and he is not troubled with a
morbid conscience. Now, I only left you for one hour, captain, and in
that time I picked up all the news of the port by calling at one or
two rum shops—old haunts of mine; and, as luck would have it, I
have discovered an easy way for us all to make our fortunes."
"Silence, man!" angrily ejaculated Carew. "I don't wish to hear your
rascally plans. You mistake me; I am not one to seek a fortune by
illicit methods."
Carew meant all he said. He intended to commit one more crime
only—to telegraph in Allen's name to the bank for the bulk of Allen's
property. After that, sick of sin, he would live an exemplary life, and
appease conscience by good works in some far country. But he
forgot that he who once starts to run down a steep hill cannot stop
himself exactly when he wishes.
"What virtue—what righteous indignation!" sneered the mate. "But,
captain, you will have to listen to me. Whether you wish it or no, you
shall make a fortune in the way I am going to suggest."
There was a menace in the man's tone and a malicious twinkle in his
Carew looked at him. "Explain yourself, if you please," he said coldly.
"So I will," cried Baptiste, with energy, abandoning his lazy drawl.
Then, throwing away his cigarette, he rose from his recumbent
position and stood before Carew, who still remained sitting on the
"Do you think that I am blind—that I am an idiot, captain? Do you
imagine that I don't know who you are and what you have done,—
with all your virtuous talk,—eh, Mr. Carew?"
As he uttered these words rapidly the mate closely observed their
effect upon the Englishman, whose face turned ghastly white, and
whose right hand stole round to his back.
"No shooting, if you please," cried the Frenchman, in a bantering
tone. "Don't draw that revolver. Remember that there's a fine for
carrying firearms in Rio. Coward though I may be, you don't frighten
me here, captain. I know you dare not kill me on shore. The inquiry
afterwards would be fatal to you. Besides, you are wise enough to
grasp quickly the fact that our interests are coincident. At sea it was
otherwise. There I held my tongue. I was aware that you would
have thrown me overboard some dark night had you guessed that I
knew so much. Here on shore I am safe."
Carew felt that he was in the man's power, and saw the futility of
denial. "What do you know?" he asked, in a dry voice, bringing his
hand in front of him again.
"That your name is not Allen, but Carew."
"What else?"
"That you are impersonating a man whose property you have
Carew felt as if his heart had stopped; the tall palms swam around
him. He closed his eyes, and was only conscious of the cataract of
sound raised by the shrieking paroquets and the manifold hum of
insects. It was only for a moment; then he recovered himself, and,
opening his eyes, again saw before him the cynical face of the
Frenchman. "What else?" he asked, with a deep sigh.
"Surely that is enough, captain. But, in short, understand that I
know all about you."
"How have you learnt this?"
"Suffice it that I know it. I don't wish to spoil your little game,
captain, but you must help me in mine. I will now sit down and
silently smoke a cigarette, so that you can ponder a while on what I
have said. I perceive that I have somewhat disturbed your mind.
Now, as violent emotions are very bad for the health in this hot
climate, it will do you good to rest for a few minutes; for I have
more exciting news to communicate."
The Frenchman resumed his former lazy position, and proceeded to
smoke, as he smiled contentedly at his own reflections; while Carew
sat with knit brows, the perspiration streaming down his face,
unable to collect his thoughts, but terribly conscious in a vague way
that he could never extricate himself from the network of crime into
which he had voluntarily thrown himself; that for him there was no
hope of putting the past away; that one sin would lead irrevocably to
another; that Nemesis had made all his future life as one long chain
of iniquity, even to the unknown dreadful end of it.
The Frenchman was very pleased with himself. He had succeeded
beyond his expectations in gaining a hold over Carew, whom he
could now compel to subserve his purposes. The mate had played a
bold game of "bluff"; he had made Carew believe that he was
acquainted with his history, whereas he knew nothing of it,
possessed no proofs of what he had so boldly asserted, and had
merely made an ingenious guess at the truth.
At a very early stage of the voyage, Baptiste had come to the
conclusion that the conscience of the Englishman was burdened with
some crime, and that he was a fugitive from justice.
A variety of circumstances had led him to this belief. That Carew had
shipped three men who were known to be murderers, and had sailed
away with them across the ocean at a moment's notice, was in itself
highly suspicious. So the wily Frenchman, bethinking himself how
useful it often is to know another man's disagreeable secrets, set
himself to discover all he could of his employer's past.
Many a night, when it was Carew's watch on deck, Baptiste
employed himself in rummaging the drawers and lockers of the
saloon. For a long time he discovered nothing to his purpose; but he
was patient and minute in his investigations, and at last he got on
the right scent in the following wise.
He found that the handwriting in the ship's log-book and on the
agreements which the captain had drawn out for his crew was not in

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