Mfreview 140011
Mfreview 140011
Mfreview 140011
2014, 1, 10
Ó S. Peters et al., Published by EDP Sciences, 2014
DOI: 10.1051/mfreview/2014010
Available online at:
Steven Peters1,*, Gisela Lanza1, Jun Ni2, Jin Xiaoning2, Yi Pei-Yun3, and Marcello Colledani4
Institute of Production Science (wbk), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Kaiserstrasse 12, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Wu Manufacturing Research Center, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, P.R. China
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, 20156 Milan, Italy
Abstract – The automotive industry can be described as a backbone in many developed countries such as Japan,
Korea, USA, and Germany, while being an enabler for economic prosperity in developing countries like China, Brazil,
Eastern Europe, and Russia at the same time. However, the dynamics and uncertainty are increasing heavily by market
changes, regulations, customer behavior, and new product technologies. Manufacturing research has to find answers to
increase quality of products, flexibility of plants, and supply chain networks, to manage complexity in technologies and
variants and overall to stay competitive even in high wage countries. In this paper, major technological challenges are
discussed and the current state of manufacturing technology and research is presented. Moreover, for each technolog-
ical and organizational area, future industrial, and research challenges are highlighted.
because the remanufactured versions are of an earlier for reuse [62]; however, the composite material must be isolated
generation. effectively through improved recovery strategies and correct
size reduction strategies have to be developed to avoid deterio-
End-of-life vehicles (ELVs) recycling rating the recyclability of the fibers by excessive shredding.
Finally, the development of new techniques for enabling the
The recycling of End-of-Life vehicles (ELVs) is an increas- optimized recycling of components with advanced engineered
ing concern for vehicle manufacturers due to the rising empha- metallic and non-metallic elements will be the basis for deriving
sis on environmental stewardship from customers and within guidelines for new legislations that will govern the end-of-life
companies, increasing material costs and regulations governing treatment of the vehicles of the future, to be collected in the
the future recyclability of vehicles. Moreover, the legislation next 10–15 years.
emphasis towards EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) is
bringing car manufacturers to the forefront of end-of-life activ-
ities. In 2009, over 9 million ELVs constituting over 8 million 2.8. Summary of core technologies
tons of waste were collected in the European Union, according
The automotive industry is probably facing the most critical
to Eurostat. Currently, ELV material recovery rates are in the
challenges in its whole history. Completely new technologies
range of 75–85% [60], but EU legislation, for example, targets
for the powertrain and the body of the car are on their way,
recovery, and re-use rates of 95%, an energy recovery of 10%
new markets in emerging countries prosper and customers’
and a maximum of 5% disposal by vehicle weight by the year
behavior changes rapidly and inhomogeneous. Despite the
2015. Meeting these targets requires both improvements of the
existing new technologies, internal combustion engines
current state of recycling technologies and diligent analysis of
will remain the leading technology for the next decades. Their
recyclability in the design phase of new components and mate-
development has to be focused on including production
rials. The International Dismantling Information System (IDIS)
technologies from efficient casting of new alloys to micro-
was developed by the automotive industry to meet the legal
structured surfaces. Some of the most promising technologies
obligations of the EU End of Life Vehicle (ELV) directive
emphasizing on manufacturing technologies are presented
and has been improved to an information system with vehicle
(see Figure 7).
manufacturer compiled information for treatment operators to
To manage the changes and to increase the effects of high
promote the environmental treatment of End-of-Life-Vehicles,
investments in research and development, new alliances and
safely, and economically.
cooperations are designed. Daimler, Ford, and Nissan are work-
Material recovery of vehicles remains focused on ferrous
ing together in the field of fuel cells. BMW works together with
metals, with the recovery of high value non-ferrous metals
SGL Carbon in the production of lightweight car bodies. On the
and relatively low value plastics incorporated as recycling
other hand, synergies between industries have the potential for
demand grows. ELVs are pre-treated by dismantling, which
even more disruptive innovations. Cooperation between auto-
originally served to capture valuable reusable components,
motive and aerospace industries in material and manufacturing
but evolved to include the capture of parts with regulated and
technology clusters can lead to even more new ideas.
toxic materials and to isolate components with high material
In the following, some trends of production management
recycling value, such as catalytic converters. After the vehicles
aspects and factory design are presented, dealing with the outer
are stripped, the hulks are sent to recyclers who shred the
effects of manufacturing.
vehicles. The remainder of the shredded vehicles (ASR –
Automotive Shredded Residue) can be used in trash-to-ash
schemes or is sent to landfill. While ELV regulation and 3. Production management
licensing of dismantlers in the EU serves to ensure that vehicle
recycling captures harmful materials in this process, the recov- 3.1. Near-zero downtime production performance
ery rates of materials from the ELVs and the quality of the
materials recovered is not assured. In particular, market factors, With a large degree of automation, the automotive industry
in both new product manufacturing and End-of-Life processing, needs intelligent machines and maintenance solutions to
and EU regulations may conflict in the areas of light metals achieve higher productivity, improved reliability, greater effi-
recycling and plastics and composites recycling. ciency and complete quality assurance. Most machine mainte-
Advancing beyond the state of the art to achieve higher nance today is either purely reactive (fixing or replacing
recycling rates will require opening traditional ELV recycling equipment after it fails) or blindly proactive (assuming a certain
to new disassembly models and recycling processing tech- level of performance degradation, with no input from the
niques. State of the art plastic separation techniques including machinery itself, and servicing equipment on a routine schedule
optical and spectroscopic techniques have difficulty with typical whether service is actually needed or not). Both scenarios are
automotive plastics [61]; however, isolating components with a extremely wasteful.
limited number of known plastic species may make these types The main barriers for predicting health condition/perfor-
of separation more feasible. Composite recycling may also mance of a complex system include: (a) the inability to
benefit from improved disassembly strategies. New techniques anticipate unknown faults particularly for complex engineering
for separating high value carbon fiber, more and more used in systems in which hundreds to thousands of sub-systems
high-tech, high performance automotive applications may interact and contribute to the overall system functionality and
provide an effective way to recapture composite components performance, (b) the inability to sustain system functionality
8 S. Peters et al.: Manufacturing Rev. 2014, 1, 10
Figure 7. Summary of current trends and possible roads to achieve future goals.
3.1.1. Machine immune systems continuous improvement processes, team work or andon
boards. Especially in series production (starting from the auto-
Machine Immune System is a new design and system motive industry) lean has been established quite well. However,
methodology that unleashes enormous potential for high its adaptation to smaller production facilities with a very high
performance and cost-effective automotive production systems. variance of products is still a crucial point in research [68].
An engineering immune machine/system can monitor and diag- The current national initiative in Germany called ‘‘Industrie
nose itself, and if any kinds of failure or degradation happen, 4.0’’ [69, 70] or the Digital Manufacturing & Design Innova-
it can still maintain its functions for a while. In order to fulfill tion (DMDII) Institute in the US [71] are working on the inte-
the machine immune function, intelligence is added to the gration of advanced solutions of modern information and
machine, making it clever enough for functional maintenance. communication technology (ICT) in production processes,
equipment, factories, and supply chains. For the methodological
3.1.2. Decision support tools – predictive maintenance side of lean, advances in ICT can help to reach new potentials
planning and service optimization application e.g. by using partially automated value stream maps by conse-
quent tracking of workpieces and carriers. Decentralized deci-
Design, control and management of maintenance activities sion making and dynamic adjustments of kanbans might help
in large production systems boost their productivities and to increase flexibility and resilience of lean production systems.
increase their reliability and responsiveness to changing opera-
tions [65]. The intelligent decision support tools – as part of the
solutions for tomorrow’s vehicle production strategy – have the 3.3. Global production networks
following several important issues that need to be addressed: Value creation has become a globally distributed task.
They include (1) assessment of the impact of a machine Using the best available production factors (e.g. to reduce labor
breakdown on the factory throughput, (2) prioritization of main- and energy costs) as well as being close to the market (and in
tenance tasks, (3) analysis of critical machine downtime effects, doing so, avoiding local-content penalties) are the most impor-
(4) identification of preventive maintenance opportunities, and tant reasons for going abroad. During the economic crisis in the
(5) resource allocation (e.g. maintenance crews) on the critical US and the EU, the Chinese market acts as an anchor of stabil-
sections of the systems [66]. Moreover, advanced decision ization. On the other hand, a crisis in one country can lead to
support systems for the automotive industry should be based turbulences in the supply chains, affecting all partners around
on integrated maintenance, production logistics and quality the world. Consequently, the design and management of agile
models to find the right balance between conflicting production networks which share information and risk become of crucial
objectives [67]. Future smart factories should leverage the importance [72].
maintenance intelligence to predict, prioritize, and plan the The task for future research is the development of a holistic
actions to achieve the ‘‘every action correct’’ objective. theory of global production, which enables science and industry
to better understand and control global distributed production.
3.1.3. Embedded and networked prognostics systems – There has to be a fusion of (existing) approaches to plan and
reconfigurable customizable platform control global production networks and production and
operations management. Quality issues, problems in logistics,
To enable a production system with a self-maintenance and suppliers’ performance or internal and external barriers (e.g.
self-prognostics function, there are customized prognostics local-content or emission regulations) can erode expected ben-
including embedded sensor systems with energy harvest capa- efits of a global production strategy. So far, science is not able
bilities, virtual models for augmented component life estimation to understand all interlinkages and influencing factors, which
(e.g. virtual bearings), and system reliability management. makes a sustainable optimization difficult. It can be stated that
Collaborative efforts are required to explore new strategic areas, the importance of global production networks has increased in a
including self-maintenance systems, resilient systems and engi- way and speed that scientific methods and theories fail to follow
neering immune systems. These new frontier efforts will lead to so far. The challenges on the way to a comprehensive under-
new transformational technologies in making future engineer- standing of global production can be arranged in four levels:
ing systems with predictive and preventive capabilities that production network, production system, production process
avoid potential issues. (manufacturing technology) and the product itself. Based on a
simultaneous engineering approach between product develop-
3.2. Advanced lean production ment and production process description, the overall structure
of a production line or whole factory at a certain location is
Lean Production has been playing a role of overwhelming determined and its performance analyzed, which affects site
importance in production science for decades now – starting selection and requires the assessment of the interaction with
with Toyota back in the 1940s and its worldwide spread in the surrounding network. When it comes to the above discussed
the last 20 years. Lean addresses two sides today – on the enabling core technologies (such as battery production for elec-
one hand it is a philosophy focusing on participation and moti- tric mobility and lightweight construction), this cycle is even
vation of employees but providing well-defined methods and more important. For high-wage countries in Europe it will be
approaches on the other hand. Some of the most crucial meth- of crucial importance to perform better than others in enabling
ods are just-in-time or just-in-sequence delivery, poka-yoke, new technologies, and in doing so the competition between
10 S. Peters et al.: Manufacturing Rev. 2014, 1, 10
companies will be a competition between their production net- This paper presents a review on recent developments in
works. For the headquarters, usually in high wage countries, industry and science with a focus on manufacturing technolo-
this means to use the internal competition to push innovations gies as well as organizational issues in automotive industry.
in product and production technology simultaneously and stea- Moreover, it presents potential trends. However, it must be sta-
dily – for instance by creating a role-model (so called lead ted that the paper of course is limited to subjective extrapolation
plants) for the production of the latest product technologies with done by the authors. Moreover, key technologies such as aero-
the latest manufacturing technologies, which is rolled out in all dynamics or (partially) autonomous driving and innovative sen-
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The automotive industry has changed from a ‘‘one-factory- production as well.
for-the-world’’ to a ‘‘hub-and-spoke-approach’’ and holds on
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Cite this article as: Peters S, Lanza G, Ni J, Xiaoning J, Pei-Yun Y & Colledani M: Automotive manufacturing technologies – an
international viewpoint. Manufacturing Rev. 2014, 1, 10.