Random House Book of Poetry

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Book of
for Children
Treasury of 572 Poems
>(A "

for Today's Child






Jack Prelutsky


Arnold Lobel

Opening Poems for Each Section

Especially Written for This Anthology
by Jack Erelutsky


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Livingston. Copyright © 1980 by Myra Cohn Livingston. A Margaret K.
McElderry Book (New York: Atheneum, 1980). "Little Bits of Soft-
Every effort has been made to trace the ownership of all copyrighted Boiled Egg" from A CHILD'S BOOK OF MANNERS by Fay Maschler. Text
material and to secure the necessary permissions to reprint these selec- copyright © 1978 by Fay Maschler (New York: Atheneum, 1979; Lon-
tions. In the event of any question arising as to the use of any material, don: Jonathan Cape, 1978). "Misnomer" from RAINBOW WRITING by-
the editor and the publisher, while expressing regret for any inadvertent Eve Merriam. Copyright © 1976 by Eve Merriam (New York: Athe-
error, will be happy to make the necessary correction in future printings. neum, 1976). "Two People" from A WORD OR TWO W I T H YOU by Eve
Merriam. Copyright © 1981 by Eve Merriam (New York: Atheneum,
Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following for permission to
1982). "Something Is There" from SEE MY LOVELY POISON IVY by Lilian
reprint the copyrighted material listed below:
Moore. Copyright © 1975 by Lilian Moore (New York: Atheneum,
Abingdon Press for "Thanksgiving" from CHERRY STONES! GARDEN 1975). "Pigeons" and " F o g h o r n s " from i THOUGHT I H E A R D THE CITY by
SWINGS! by Ivy 0 . Easrwick. Copyright © 1962 by Abingdon Press. Lilian Moore. Copyright © 1969 by Lilian Moore (New York: Athe-
"Flight Plan" from ALL DAFFODILS ARE DAFFY by Jane Merchant. Copy- neum, 1969). "Ground Hog Day" from THINK O F SHADOWS by Lilian
right © 1966 by Abingdon Press. Reprinted by permission. Moore. Copyright © 1975, 1980 by Lilian Moore (New York: Athe-
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., for "The Secret Song" and neum, 1980). "Waking," "Until I Saw the Sea," and " H e y , Bug!" from i
"Green Stems" from NIBBLE NIBBLE by Margaret Wise Brown. Copyright FEEL THE SAME WAY by Lilian Moore. Copyright © 1967 by Lilian Moore
© 1959 by Margaret Wise Brown. "Oodles of Noodles" and "Tomb- (New York: Atheneum, 1967). "TheToad" from CORNUCOPIA by Robert
stone" from OODLES OF NOODLES by Lucia M. and James L. Hymes, Jr. S. Oliver. Copyright © 1978 by Robert S. Oliver (New York: Atheneum,
Copyright © 1964 by Lucia M. and James L. Hymes, Jr. A Young Scott 1978). "Tag Along," "Chocolate Cake," and "Bubble G u m " from ALL
Book. " I Am Rose" from THE WORLD IS ROUND by Gertrude Stein. THE DAY LONG by Nina Payne. Copyright © 1973 by Nina Payne (New
Copyright 1939 by Gertrude Stein, renewed 1967 by Daniel C. Joseph. York: Atheneum, 1973). " T o Dark Eyes Dreaming" from TODAY IS
"Up in the Pine" from BLUEBERRIES LAVENDER by Nancy Dingman SATURDAY by Zilpha Keatley Snyder. Copyright © 1969 by Zilpha Keat-
Watson. Copyright © 1977 by Nancy Dingman Watson. Reprinted by- Iey Snyder (New York: Atheneum, 1969). " Z e b r a " a n d "Lumps" from
FLASHLIGHT AND OTHER POEMS by Judith Thurman. Copyright © 1976
permission of Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
by Judith Thurman (New York: Atheneum, 1976). "Some Things Don't
Associated Book Publishers Ltd. for "Sensitive, Seldom and Sad" from Make Any Sense at All," "xMother Doesn't Want a D o g , " and "Since
RHYMES WITHOUT REASON by Mervyn Peake. Published by Methuen Hanna Moved Away" from IF I WERE IN CHARGE O F THE WORLD AND
Children's Books. "Green Candles" from THE UNKNOWN GODDESS by- OTHER STORIES by Judith Viorst. Copyright © 1981 by Judith Viorst
Humbert Wolfe. Published by Methuen &c Co. Reprinted by permission (New York: Atheneum, 1981). Reprinted by permission of Atheneum
of Associated Book Publishers Ltd. Publishers, Inc.
Atheneum Publishers, Inc., for "The Mandrill" from CATS AND BATS AND
THINGS WITH WINGS by Conrad Aiken. Copyright © 1965 by Conrad Patricia Ayres for "Sing a Song of Subways" from THE INNER CITY
Aiken (New York: Atheneum, 1965). "John" from LET'S MARRY SAID MOTHER GOOSE by Eve Merriam. Text copyright © 1969 by Eve Mer-
riam. "Umbilical" from FINDING A POEM by Eve Merriam. Copyright ©
right © 1974 by N. M. Bodecker. A Margaret K. McElderry Book (New- 1970 by Eve Merriam. "What in the World?" from THERE IS NO RHYME
York: Atheneum, 1974). "When All the World Is Full of Snow," "Sing FOR SILVER by Eve Merriam. Copyright © 1962 by Eve Merriam. Re-
Me a Song of Teapots and Trumpets," and "Good-by My Winter Suit" printed by permission of the author.
N. M. Bodecker. Copyright © 1976 by N. M. Bodecker. A Margaret K. Marjorie Barrows for "The Bug," reprinted from Child Life Magazine,
McElderry Book (New York: Atheneum, 1976). "A Wolf . . . " from Rand McNally δί Company.
AND ESKIMOS OF NORTH AMERICA, James Houston, editor. Copyright © Kenneth C. Bennett for "Thanksgiving Magic" by Rowena Bastin Ben-
1972 by James Houston. A Margaret K. McElderry Book (New York: nett. Reprinted by permission of Kenneth C. Bennett, agent for Rowena
Atheneum, 1972). "Concrete Mixers" from 8 A.M. SHADOWS by Patricia Bennett.
Hubbell. Copyright © 1965 by Patricia Hubbell (New York: Atheneum, The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., for "My Brother B e r t " from MEET MY
1965). "Message from a Mouse, Ascending in a Rocket" from CATCH ME FOLKS by Ted Hughes. Copyright © 1961, 1973 by Ted Hughes. Re-
A WIND by Patricia Hubbell. Copyright © 1968 by Patricia Hubbell (New- printed by permission of the publisher, The Bobbs-Merrill Company,
York: Atheneum, 1968). " O u r Washing Machine" from THE APPLE VEN- Inc. Canadian rights administered by Faber and Faber Publishers.
DOR'S FAIR by Patricia Hubbell. Copyright © 1963 by Patricia Hubbell
Curtis Brown, Ltd., for "Ghosts" from THE GOLDEN HIVE by Harry Behn.
(New York: Atheneum, 1963). "History" from THE WAY THINGS ARE AND
Copyright © 1957, 1962, 1966 by Harry Behn. Published by Harcourt
OTHER POEMS by Myra Cohn Livingston. Copyright © 1974 by Myra
Brace Jovanovich. "Jonathan Bing" from JONATHAN BING AND OTHER
Cohn Livingston. A Margaret K. McElderry Book (New York: Athe-
VERSES by Beatrice Curtis Brown. Copyright 1929 by Beatrice Curtis
neum, 1974). " 1 2 October" from THE MALIBU AND OTHER POEMS by
Brown, renewed 1957. Published by Oxford University Press. "Wres-
Myra Cohn Livingston. Copyright © 1972 by Myra Cohn Livingston. A
tling," "Follow the Leader," and "Broom Balancing" from STILTS, SOM-
Margaret K. McElderry Book (New York: Atheneum, 1972). "Martin
ERSAULTS AND HEADSTANDS by Kathleen Fraser. Copyright © 1968 by-
Luther King" from NO WAY OF KNOWING: DALLAS POEMS by Myra Cohn
Kathleen Fraser. Published by Atheneum. "Girls Can, T o o ! " from GIRLS
CAN, TOO! by Lee Bennett Hopkins. Copyright © 1972 by Lee Bennett
Hopkins. Published by Franklin Watts. "Accidentally" from NO ONE
WRITES A LETTER TO A SNAIL by Maxine Kumin. Copyright © 1962 by
Copyright © 1983 by Random House, Inc. Maxine Kumin. Published by G. P. Putnam's Sons. " J ' s the Jumping Jay-
Walker" from ALL AROUND THE TOWN by Phyllis McGinley. Copyright
All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright
1948 by Phyllis McGinley, renewed 1976. Published by J. B. Lippincott.
Conventions. Published in the United States by Random House, Inc.,
"We're Racing, Racing down the Walk" from SUGAR AND SPICE—THE
New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada
ABC OF BEING A GIRL by Phyllis McGinley. Copyright €> 1959, 1960 by-
Limited, Toronto.
Phyllis McGinley. Published by Franklin Watts. " H o m e w o r k " from
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data BREAKFAST, BOOKS & DREAMS by Jane Yolen. Copyright © 1981 by Jane
Main entry under title: Yolen. Published by Frederick Warne. Reprinted by permission of Curtis
The Random House book of poetry for children. Brown, Ltd.

"Opening poems for each section especially Curtis Brown Group Limited for "My Name Is . . . " from SILVER BELLS
written for this anthology by Jack Prelutsky." AND COCKLE SHELLS by Pauline Clarke. Copyright © 1962 by Pauline
Includes indexes. Clarke. Reprinted by permission of Curtis Brown Group Limited, Lon-
Summary: More than 550 poems by American, English, don.
and anonymous authors. The Witter Bynner Foundation for Poetry, Inc., for " T h e Sandpiper"
1. Children's poetry, American. 2. Children's from A CANTICLE O F PAN by Witter Bynner. Copyright 1920 by Alfred A.
poetry, English. [1. American poetry—Collections. Knopf, Inc., renewed 1948 by Witter Bynner. Reprinted by permission of
2. English poetry—Collections] I. Prelutsky, The Witter Bynner Foundation for Poetry, Inc.
Jack. II. Lobel, Arnold, ill.
The Caxton Printers Ltd. for "Beside the Line of Elephants" from PICK-
PS586.3.R36 1983 811\008'09282 83-2990 POCKET SONGS by Edna Becker (Caldwell, Idaho: T h e Caxton Printers
ISBN 0-394-85010-6 Ltd.). Reprinted by permission.
ISBN 0-394-95010-0 (lib. bdg.)
Miriam Chaikin for "I Hate Harry." Reprinted by permission of the
Manufactured in China. author. "Ms. Whatchamacallit Thingamajig," reprinted from Woman's
Day. Copyright © 1980 by Miriam Chaikin. Reprinted by permission of
34 35 36 37 38 38 40 the author.
Chattoand Windus Ltd. for "Lone Dog" from SONGS TO SAVE A SOUL by E. C. Publications, Inc., for "The Bat" from MAD FOR BETTER OR VERSE.
Irene Rutherford McLeod. Reprinted by permission of the Author's Copyright © 1968, 1975 by Frank Jacobs and E. C. Publications, Inc.
Literary Estate and Chatto and Windus Ltd. Norma Millay Ellis, Literary Executor, for "Travel" from COLLECTED
Clarion Books for "Night Comes" from A BUNCH OF POEMS AND VERSES POEMS by Edna St. Vincent Millay. Copyright 1921, 1948 by Edna St.
by Beatrice Schenk de Regniers. Copyright © 1976 by Beatrice Schenk de Vincent Millay. Published by Harper δc Row.
Regniers. Published by Clarion Books, Ticknor δc Fields: A Houghton Evans Brothers Limited for "Rainy Nights" from COME FOLLOW ME by
Mifflin Company. Irene Thompson.
Elizabeth Coatsworth for "Country Barnyard" from NIGHT AND THE Farrar, Straus δc Giroux, Inc., for "basketball" from SPIN A SOFT BLACK
CAT. SONG by Nikki Giovanni. Copyright © 1971 by Nikki Giovanni. Re-
Joanna Cole for "Driving to the Beach." Copyright © 1973 by Joanna printed by permission of Hill and Wang, a Division of Farrar, Straus δc
Cole. Giroux, Inc. "Crickets" from SMALL POEMS by Valerie Worth. Copyright
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William Cole for "Sneaky Bill," "Banananananananana," and "Did
Giroux, Inc.
You?" by William Cole. Copyright © 1977 by William Cole. "Valentine"
by Shel Silverstein. Copyright © 1961 by Shel Silverstein. Four Winds Press for "Wendy in Winter" from THE COVERED BRIDGE
Commonweal Publishing Co., Inc., for "Godmother" by Phyllis B. HOUSE AND OTHER POEMS by Kaye Starbird Jennison. Copyright © 1979
Morden. by Kaye Starbird Jennison. Reprinted by permission of Four Winds Press,
a Division of Scholastic Inc.
Hilda Conkling for "Dandelion." Reprinted by permission of the author.
Martin Gardner for " S o a p " and "Barbershop."
Mary Elizabeth Counselman for "Gift with the Wrappings Off."
Grosset δc Dunlap, Inc., for "Rhyme" from THE SPARROW BUSH by
The Lois Lenski Covey Foundation, Inc., for "Sing a Song of People" Elizabeth Coatsworth. Copyright © 1966 by Grosset δc Dunlap, Inc.
from THE LIFE i LIVE by Lois Lenski. Copyright © 1965 by The Lois "The Sparrow Hawk" and "The Tin Frog" from THE PEDALING MAN by
Lenski Covey Foundation, Inc. Reprinted by permission of The Lois Russell Hoban. Copyright © 1968 by Russell Hoban. Reprinted by
Lenski Covey Foundation, Inc. permission of Grosset δc Dunlap, Inc.
Delacorte Press for "Lion" from LAUGHING TIME by William Jay Smith. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., for "Ladybug" from MORNING IS A
Copyright© 1953,1955, 1956,1957, 1959,1968,1974,1977,1980 by LITTLE CHILD by Joan Walsh Anglund. Copyright © 1969 by Joan Walsh
William Jay Smith. Reprinted by permission of Delacorte Press/Seymour Anglund. "Growing Up" and "Trees" from THE LITTLE HILL by Harry
Lawrence. "Unicorn," "The Toaster," "Seal," "Love," and "Jittery Jim" Behn. Copyright 1949 by Harry Behn, renewed 1977 by Alice L. Behn.
from LAUGHING TIME by William Jay Smith. Copyright © 1953, 1955, "maggie and milly and molly and may" from COMPLETE POEMS
1956, 1957, 1959, 1968, 1974, 1977, 1980 by William Jay Smith. 1913-1962 by e. e. cummings. Copyright © 1956 by e. e. cummings. "Keep
Reprinted by permission of Delacorte Press/Seymour Lawrence. A Mer- a Poem in Your Pocket" from SOMETHING SPECIAL by Beatrice Schenk de
loyd Lawrence Book. Regniers. Copyright © 1958 by Beatrice Schenk de Regniers. "Arithme-
tic" from THE COMPLETE POEMS O F CARL SANDBURG. Copyright 1950 by
Dewes δc Son for "Who's In" by Elizabeth Fleming. Reprinted by permis-
Carl Sandburg, renewed 1978 by Margaret Sandburg, Helga Sandburg
sion of Alison Fleming.
Crile, and Janet Sandburg. "Buffalo Dusk" from SMOKE AND STEEL by
The Dial Press for "LiΓ Bro'" and "Basketball Star" from MY DADDY IS A Carl Sandburg. Copyright 1920 by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.,
COOL DUDE AND OTHER POEMS by Karama Fufuka. Copyright © 1975 renewed 1948 by Carl Sandburg. " F o g " from CHICAGO POEMS by Carl
by Karama Fufuka. Reprinted by permission of The Dial Press. Sandburg. Copyright 1916 by Holt, Rinehartand Winston, Inc., renewed
Dennis Dobson Publishers for " O n the Ning Nang Nong," "A Thousand 1944 by Carl Sandburg. "The Opposite of Two" from OPPOSITES by
Hairy Savages," and "You Must Never Bath in an Irish Stew" from SILLY Richard Wilbur. Copyright © 1973 by Richard Wilbur. Reprinted by
VERSE FOR KIDS by Spike Milligan. permission of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.
Candida Donadio δc Associates, Inc., for "Number Nine, Penwiper Harper δc Row, Publishers, Inc., for "First Snow" from A POCKETFUL OF
Mews" and "Lord Cray" from AMPHIGOREY by Edward Gorey. Copy- POEMS by Marie Louise Allen. Copyright © 1957 by Marie Allen Ho-
right © 1972 by Edward Gorey. Reprinted by permission of Candida warth. "Keziah" and "Rudolph Is Tired of the City" from BRONZEVILLE
Donadio δc Associates, Inc. Canadian rights administered by Deborah BOYS AND GIRLS by Gwendolyn Brooks. Copyright © 1956 by Gwendo-
Rogers Ltd. lyn Brooks Blakely. "The Spangled Pandemonium" from BEYOND THE
PAWPAW TREES by Palmer Brown. Copyright 1954 by Palmer Brown.
Doubleday δc Company, Inc., for "If Once You Have Slept on an Island"
"The Myra Song" from THE MONSTER DEN by John Ciardi. Copyright ©
from TAXIS AND TOADSTOOLS by Rachel Field. Copyright 1926 by The
1963, 1964, 1966 by John Ciardi. "What Someone Said WhenΉe Was
Century Company. "Mice" from FIFTY-ONE NEW NURSERY RHYMES by
Spanked on the Day Before His Birthday" from YOU KNOW WHO by John
Rose Fyleman. Copyright 1932 by Doubleday δc Company, Inc. Cana-
Ciardi. Copyright © 1964 by John Ciardi. "Mummy Slept Late and
dian rights administered by The Society of Authors. "Easter" from
Daddy Fixed Breakfast" from YOU READ TO ME, ΓLL READ T O YOU by
POEMS, ESSAYS AND LETTERS by Joyce Kilmer. Copyright 1914 by Harriet
John Ciardi. Copyright © 1962 by John Ciardi. "A Dragonfly" from
Monroe. "Feelings About Words" from WORDS, WORDS, WORDS by Mary
O'Neill. Copyright © 1966 by Mary O'Neill. "What Is Red?" and "What
Eleanor Farjeon. " T h e Children's Carol" from ELEANΌR FARJEON'S
Is Orange?" from HAILSTONES AND HALIBUT BONES by Mary O'Neill.
POEMS FOR CHILDREN. Copyright 1927, 1951 by Eleanor Farjeon. "The
Copyright © 1961 by Mary Le Due O'Neill. "Miss Norma Jean Pugh"
from PEOPLE I'D LIKE TO KEEP by Mary O'Neill. Copyright © 1964 by
Copyright 1926, 1951 by Eleanor Farjeon. "Bliss," "Poetry," and
Mary O'Neill. "The Serpent" and "The Sloth" from THE COLLECTED
POEMS OF THEODORE ROETHKE. Copyright 1950 by Theodore Roethke.
1938, 1951 by Eleanor Farjeon. "Merry Christmas" from FEATHERED
ONES AND FURRY by Aileen Fisher. Copyright © 1971 by Aileen Fisher.
Copyright © 1961 by Theodore Roethke. "Dinky" from THE COLLECTED
"Light the Festive Candles" and " O n Mother's Day" from SKIP AROUND
POEMS OF THEODORE ROETHKE. Copyright 1953 by Theodore Roethke.
THE YEAR by Aileen Fisher. Copyright © 1967 by Aileen Fisher. "Egg
Thoughts," "Homework," and "Stupid Old Myself from EGG THOUGHTS
right 1938 by Theodore Roethke. " I Am Cherry Alive" from SUMMER
by Russell Hoban. Copyright © 1964, 1972 by Russell Hoban. "Spring"
and "The Middle of the Night" from DOGS AND DRAGONS, TREES AND
It Have Been a Shadow?" from GOOSE GRASS RHYMES by Monica Shan-
DREAMS by Karla Kuskin. Copyright © 1958 by Karla Kuskin. "A Bug
non. Copyright 1930 by Doubleday δc Company, Inc. " H o w to Tell
Sat in a Silver Flower" from DOGS AND DRAGONS, TREES AND DREAMS by
Goblins from Elves" from GOOSE GRASS RHYMES by Monica Shannon.
Karla Kuskin. Copyright © 1975 by Karla Kuskin. " M e " and "Rules"
Copyright 1930 by Monica Shannon Wing. "The Blackbird" from KEN-
from DOGS AND DRAGONS, TREES AND DREAMS by Karla Kuskin. Copy-
SINGTON GARDENS by Humbert Wolfe. Canadian rights administered by-
right © 1962 by Karla Kuskin. "Winter Clothes" from THE ROSE ON MY
Ann Wolfe. "The Pig" and "The Flea" from NOT FOR CHILDREN by
CAKE by Karla Kuskin. Copyright © 1964 by Karla Kuskin. "Frighten-
Roland Young. Reprinted by permission of Doubleday δc Company, Inc.
ing" from UP AND DOWN THE RIVER by Claudia Lewis. Copyright © 1979
E. P. Dutton δc Co., Inc., for "The Wrong Start" from RHYMES ABOUT US by Claudia Lewis. "Daylight Saving Time" from WONDERFUL TIME by
by Marchette Chute. Copyright © 1974 by Marchette Chute. "Wiggly Phyllis McGinley. Copyright © 1965, 1966 by Phyllis McGinley. "When
Giggles" from ME IS HOW I FEEL: POEMS by Stacy Jo Crossen and Natalie Mosquitoes Make a M e a l " from THE WINDS THAT COME FROM FAR AWAY
Anne Covell. Copyright © 1970 by A. Harris Stone, Stacy Crossen, by Else Holmelund Minarik. Copyright © 1964 by Else Holmelund
Natalie Covell, and Victoria deLarrea. "How Strange It Is" from POEMS Minarik. "Six Weeks Old" from CHIMNEY SMOKE by Christopher Mor-
OF EARTH AND SPACE by Claudia Lewis. Copyright © 1967 by Claudia ley. Copyright 1921, 1949 by Christopher Morley. "The Plumpuppets"
Lewis. "The More It Snows" from THE HOUSE AT POOH CORNER by A. A. from THE ROCKING HORSE by Christopher Morley. Copyright 1919 by
Milne. Copyright 1928 by E. P. Dutton δc Co., Inc., renewed 1956 by Harper δc Row, Publishers, Inc., renewed 1947 by Christopher Morley.
A. A. Milne. Canadian rights administered by McClelland and Stewart "These Are the Beds . . . " from THE BED BOOK by Sylvia Plath. Copyright
Ltd. Reprinted by permission of the publisher, E. P. Dutton δc Co., Inc. © 1976 by Ted Hughes. Canadian rights administered by Olwyn Hughes.
from COLLECTED POEMS by Vachel Lindsay. Copyright 1914 by Macmil- Plays, Inc., for "Wearing of the Green" from HOLIDAY PROGRAMS FOR
lan Publishing Co., Inc., renewed 1942 by Elizabeth C. Lindsay. "Check" BOYS AND GIRLS by Aileen Fisher. Copyright 1953 by Aileen Fisher.
from COLLECTED POEMS by James Stephens. Copyright 1915 by lMacmil- Plays, Inc., Publishers, Boston, MA.
lan Publishing Co., Inc., renewed 1943 by James Stephens. "Little Jack Prelutsky for "Nature Is," "The Four Seasons," "Dogs and Cats and
Things" from COLLECTED POEMS by James Stephens. Copyright 1926 by Bears and Bats," "The Ways of Living Things," "City, O h , City!,"
Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., renewed 1954 by Cynthia Stephens. "Children, Children Everywhere," " M E I AM!," "Home! You're Where
Canadian rights administered by Iris Wise and Macmillan, London and It's Warm Inside," T i n Hungry!," "Some People I Know," "Nonsense!
Basingstoke (The Macmillan Company of Canada, Ltd.). "February Nonsense!," "Alphabet Stew," "Where Goblins Dwell," and " T h e Land
Twilight" from COLLECTED POEMS by Sara Teasdale. Copyright 1926 by of Potpourri." Copyright © 1983 by Jack Prelutsky.
Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., renewed 1954 by xMamie T. Wheless.
"To a Squirrel at Kyle-Na-No" from COLLECTED POEMS by William Prentice-Hall, Inc., for "Wanted—A Witch's Cat" from WHAT WITCHES
Butler Yeats. Copyright 1919 by Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., renewed DO by Shelagh McGee. Copyright © 1980 by Felix Gluck Press, Ltd.
1947 by Bertha Georgie Yeats. Canadian rights administered by A. P. Published by Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632.
Watt Ltd. Reprinted by permission of Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. The Putnam Publishing Group for " M y Nose," "When," and "When I
Josephine Curry McNatt for "Smells" from POEMS FOR JOSEPHINE by Was Lost" from ALL TOGETHER by Dorothy Aldis. Copyright 1925-28,
Kathryn Worth'. 1934, 1939, 1952 by Dorothy Aldis, renewed 1953-56, 1962, 1967.
"Everybody Says" from HERE, THERE & EVERYWHERE by Dorothy Aldis.
Methuen, Inc., for "Grandpa Bear's Lullaby" from DRAGON NIGHT AND Copyright 1927, 1928 by Dorothy Aldis, renewed 1955,1956. "Wasps"
OTHER LULLABIES by Jane Yolen. Copyright © 1980 by Jane Yolen. from is ANYBODY HUNGRY? by Dorothy Aldis. Copyright © 1964 by-
Reprinted by permission of the publisher, Methuen, Inc. Dorothy Aldis. Reprinted by permission of G. P. Putnam's Sons. "The
James N. Miller for " C a t " by Mary Britton Miller. Alligator" and "Gumble" from STUFF & NONSENSE by Michael Dugan.
Copyright © 1974 by William Collins. "The Bluffalo" from HOW
John Travers Moore for "Going Up," copyright © 1983 by John Travers
BEASTLY! by Jane Yolen. Copyright © 1980 by Jane Yolen. Reprinted by-
Moore, and "The Tree Frog," copyright © 1967 by John Travers Moore.
permission of Philomel Books, a Division of The Putnam Publishing
Used by permission of the author.
Lillian Morrison for "Just for One Day." Original poem reprinted by
permission of the author. "Air Traveler" by Lillian Morrison. Random House, Inc., for "Song of the Ogres" from w. H. AUDEN: COL-
LECTED POEMS, Edward Mendelson, editor. Copyright © 1968 by W H.
William Morrow δc Company, Inc., for "My Mouth" and "Chocolate Auden. Reprinted by permission of Random House, Inc. " O d e to the Pig:
Chocolate" from EATS by Arnold Adoff. Copyright © 1979 by Arnold His Tail," "Ode to Spring," "Thoughts on Talkers," and "Ants, Al-
Adoff. Reprinted by permission of Lothrop, Lee δc Shepard Books (A though Admirable, Are Awfully Aggravating" from THE COLLECTED
Division of William Morrow δc Company, Inc.). "Summer" from COUN- POEMS O F FREDDY THE PIG by Walter R. Brooks. Copyright 1953 by
TRY PIE by Frank Asch. Copyright © 1979 by Frank Asch. "The Sugar Walter R. Brooks. "Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker" from JAMES AND THE
Lady," "Sunrise," and "Alley Cat School" from CITY SANDWICH by GIANT PEACH by Roald Dahl. Copyright © 1961 by Roald Dahl. Re-
Frank Asch. Copyright © 1978 by Frank Asch. " O h the Toe Test!" from printed by permission of Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. "Together" from EM-
NEVER SAY UGH TO A BUG by Norma Farber. Copyright © 1979 by BRACE: SELECTED LOVE POEMS by Paul Engle. Copyright © 1969 by Paul
Norma Farber. Reprinted by permission of Greenwillow Books (A Divi- Engle. Reprinted by permission of Random House, Inc. " T h e Lizard"
sion of William Morrow δc Company, Inc.). "The Reason I Like Choco- from A CHILD'S BESTIARY by John Gardner. Copyright © 1977
late" from VACATION TIME by Nikki Giovanni. Copyright © 1980 by by Boskydell Artists, Ltd. "Winter Moon" from SELECTED POEMS OF
Nikki Giovanni. Reprinted by permission of William Morrow δc Com- LANGSTON HUGHES. Copyright 1926 by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., renewed
pany, Inc. "Water's Edge" from WHO WOULD MARRY A MINERAL? by 1954 by Langston Hughes. "Dreams" and "April Rain Song" from THE
Lillian Morrison. Copyright © 1978 by Lillian Morrison. "The Knock- DREAM KEEPER AND OTHER POEMS by Langston Hughes. Copyright 1932
out" and " O n the Skateboard" from THE SIDEWALK RACER AND OTHER by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., renewed 1960 by Langston Hughes. Reprinted
POEMS OF SPORTS AND ACTION by Lillian Morrison. Copyright © 1977 by permission of Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. "Mclntosh Apple" from SLEEPY
by Lillian Morrison. Reprinted by permission of Lothrop, Lee δc Shepard IDA AND OTHER NONSENSE POEMS by Steven Kroll. Copyright © 1977 by
Books (A Division of William Morrow δc Company, Inc.). "The Darkling Steven Kroll. "Where Are You N o w ? " and "The Universe" from ALL
Elves" from THE HEADLESS HORSEMAN RIDES TONIGHT by Jack Prelutsky. ABOARD by Mary Britton Miller. Copyright © 1958 by Pantheon Books,
Copyright © 1980 by Jack Prelutsky. " N o Girls Allowed" from ROLLING Inc. "They've All Gone South" from LISTEN—THE BIRDS by Mary Britton
HARVEY DOWN THE HILL by Jack Prelutsky. Copyright © 1980 by Jack Miller. Copyright © 1961 by Pantheon Books, Inc. " T h e Contrary
Prelutsky. "Wrimples" from THE SNΌPP ON THE SIDEWALK by Jack Pre- Waiter" from STUFF δc NONSENSE by Edgar Parker. Copyright © 1961 by
lutsky. Copyright © 1976, 1977 by Jack Prelutsky. "Pumberly Pott's Edgar Parker. Reprinted by permission of Pantheon Books, a Division
Unpredictable Niece" and "Herbert Glerbett" from THE QUEEN OF EENE of Random House, Inc. "Too Many Daves" from THE SNEETCHES AND
by Jack Prelutsky. Copyright © 1970, 1978 by Jack Prelutsky. "The OTHER STORIES by Dr. Seuss. Copyright 1953, 1954, 1961 by Dr. Seuss.
Bogeyman" and " T h e Troll" from NIGHTMARES by Jack Prelutsky. "If We Didn't Have Birthdays" from HAPPY BIRTHDAY T O YOU by Dr.
Copyright © 1976 by Jack Prelutsky. "Long Gone" and "Don't Ever Seuss. Copyright © 1959 by Dr. Seuss. Reprinted by permission of
Sieze a Weasel by the Tail," copyright © 1967, 1983 by Jack Prelutsky. Random House, Inc. "January" and "August" from A CHILD'S CALENDAR
Reprinted from z o o DOINGS, copyright © 1983 by Jack Prelutsky. "The by John Updike. Copyright © 1965 by John Updike and Nancy Burkert.
Hippopotamus," copyright © 1970, 1983 by Jack Prelutsky. Reprinted Reprinted by permission of Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. "My Little Sister" from
from z o o DOINGS, copyright © 1983 by Jack Prelutsky. "The Lion" and ALL ON A SUMMER'S DAY by William Wise. Copyright © 1971 by William
"The Cow," copyright © 1974, 1983 by Jack Prelutsky. Reprinted from Wise. Reprinted by permission of Pantheon Books, a Division of Random
z o o DOINGS, copyright © 1983 by Jack Prelutsky. Reprinted by permis- House, Inc.
sion of Greenwillow Books (A Division of William Morrow δc Company,
Inc.). "Crowds" and "Stickball" from SUBWAY SWINGER by Virginia Marian Reiner for "Lazy Witch" and "Mr. Pratt" from OLD MRS. TWINDLY-
Schonborg. Copyright © 1970 by Virginia Schonborg. Reprinted by TART AND OTHER RHYMES. Copyright © 1967 by Myra Cohn Livingston.
permission of William Morrow δc Company, Inc. Paul R. Reynolds, Inc., for "Eat-it-all Elaine," "Measles," and "Cock-
roaches" by Kaye Starbird. Copyright © 1963, 1966 by Kaye Starbird.
New Directions Publishing Corp. for "Johnnie Crack and Flossie Snail" Reprinted by permission of Paul R. Reynolds, Inc., 12 East 41st Street,
from UNDER MILK WOOD by Dylan Thomas. Copyright 1954 by New New York, NY 10017.
Directions Publishing Corp. Canadian rights administered by David
Higham Associates Limited. "This Is Just to Say" from COLLECTED Marci Ridlon for " M y Brother" and "City, City" from THAT WAS
EARLIER POEMS by William Carlos Williams. Copyright 1938 by New SUMMER by Marci Ridlon. Copyright © 1969 by Marci Ridlon. Published
Directions Publishing Corp. Reprinted by permission of New Directions by Follett Publishing Co. "Open Hydrant" and "Fernando" by Marci
Publishing Corp. Ridlon.
Michael Rieu for "The Flattered Flying Fish," "The Lesser Lynx," "The
The New Yorker Magazine, Inc., for "Hog-Calling Competition" by
Paint Box," "Sir Smasham Uppe," "Soliloquy of a Tortoise on Revisiting
Morris Bishop. Copyright © 1936, 1964 by The New Yorker Magazine,
the Lettuce Beds After an Interval of One Hour While Supposed to Be
Inc. "A Sad Song About Greenwich Village" by Frances Park. Copyright
Sleeping in a Clump of Blue Hollyhocks," and "Two People" by E. V.
© 1927,1955 by The New Yorker Magazine, Inc.
Bonnie Nims for "How to Get There." Reprinted by permission of the Lady Joan Roberts for " I c e " by Sir Charles Roberts.
author. J. Philip O'Hara, the publisher, is no longer in business.
St. Martin's Press, Inc., for "The Great Auk's Ghost" from COLLECTED
Harold Ober Associates for "City" from THE LANGSTON HUGHES POEMS by Ralph Hodgson. Copyright © 1961 by Ralph Hodgson. Ca-
READER. Copyright © 1958 by Langston Hughes. Published by Braziller. nadian rights administered by George Allen δc Unwin Ltd.
S. G. Phillips, Inc., for "I'm Alone in the Evening" from MIND YOUR OWN The Saturday Evening Post Company for "Far Trek" by June Brady.
BUSINESS by Michael Rosen. Copyright © 1974 by Michael Rosen. Copyright © 1974. " H o t Line" by Louella Dunann. Copyright © 1972
Canadian rights administered by Andre Deutsch Ltd. by The Curtis Publishing Company. Reprinted by permission from The
Saturday Evening Post.
Susan Alton Schmeltz for "Paper Dragons," reprinted from Cricket Margaret Winsor Stubbs for "This Little Pig Built a Spaceship" from THE
Magazine, volume 6, number 7, March 1979. Copyright © 1979 by SPACE CHILD'S MOTHER GOOSE.
Susan M. Schmeltz. Catherine R. Sullivan for "Measurement" from SELECTED LYRICS AND
Scholastic Inc. for "Wind-Wolves" by William D. Sargent. Copyright SONNETS by A. M. Sullivan. Copyright © 1970 by Catherine R. Sullivan
1926 by Scholastic Inc. Reprinted by permission of Scholastic Inc. (Scho- (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell,'l970).
lastic Writing Awards Program). Dorothy Brown Thompson for "Maps," reprinted from Target Maga-
Frances Schwartz Literary Agency for the following poems by Arnold zine. "Our House" and "This Is Halloween," reprinted from Child Life
Spilka: "Don't Tell Me That I Talk Too Much!" from AND THE FROG Magazine. Copyright reassigned to Dorothy Brown Thompson.
"BLAH!" Copyright © 1972 by Arnold Spilka. "Flowers Are a Silly Viking Penguin Inc. for "Changing," "The Folk Who Live in Backward
Bunch" from ONCE UPON A HORSE. Copyright € 1966 by Arnold Town," "Meg's Egg," and "Waiters" from YELLOW BUTTER PURPLE
Spilka. "Γm Really Not Lazy" and "1 Saw a Little Girl I Hate" from A JELLY RED JAM BLACK BREAD by Mary Ann Hoberman. Copyright ©
RUMBUDGIN. Copyright © 1970 by Arnold Spilka. "Puzzle" from A LION 1981 by Mary Ann Hoberman. "Clickbeetle" and "Praying Mantis"
i CAN DO WITHOUT. Copyright © 1964 by Arnold Spilka. from BUGS by Mary Ann Hoberman. Copyright © 1976 by Mary Ann
Louise H. Sclove for "Habits of the Hippopotamus" and "Routine" from Hoberman. " M e " and " T h e Snowflake" from BELLS AND GRASS by
GAILY THE TROUBADOUR by Arthur Guiterman. "Harvest Home" from Walter de la Mare. Copyright 1942 by Walter de la Mare, renewed 1969
BRAVE LAUGHTER by Arthur Guiterman. "The Polliwog" by Arthur Gui- by Richard de la Mare. "The People" and "The Rabbit" from UNDER THE
terman. Preprinted by permission of Louise H. Sclove. TREE by Elizabeth Madox Roberts. Copyright 1922 by B. W. Huebsch,
renewed 1950 by Ivor S. Roberts. "Joyful" from FROM SUMMER TO
Charles Scribner's Sons for "Desert Tortoise" from DESERT VOICES by
SUMMER by Rose Burgunder Styron. Copyright © 1965 by Rose Styron.
Byrd Baylor. Copyright © 1981 by Byrd Baylor (New York: Charles
Reprinted by permission of Viking Penguin Inc.
Scribner's Sons, 1981). "Ducks' Ditty" from THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS
by Kenneth Grahame. Copyright 1908 by Charles Scribner's Sons (New Walker and Company for "Colonel Fazackerley" from FIGGIE HOBBIN
York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1908). " I Can Fly," "They're Calling," by Charles Causley. Copyright © 1973 by Charles Causley.
"Leave Me Alone," and "The City Dump" from AT THE TOP OF MY VOICE
Watson-Guptill Publications for "Advice to Small Children" and "Let
by Felice Holman. Copyright © 1970 by Felice Holman (New York:
Others Share" from EVERY DOG HAS HIS SAY by Edward Anthony. Copy-
Charles Scribner's Sons, 1970). "Amelia Mixed the Mustard" by A. E.
right 1947, © 1975 by Watson-Guptill Publications. Reprinted by per-
Housman from MY BROTHER, A. E. HOUSMAN by Laurence Housman.
mission of Watson-Guptill Publications.
Copyright 1937, 1938 by Laurence Housman, copyrights renewed (New-
York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1938). Reprinted by permission of A. P. Watt Ltd. for "The Pumpkin" from COLLECTED POEMS by Robert
Charles Scribner's Sons. Canadian rights administered by The Society of Graves. Reprinted by permission of Robert Graves.
Authors. Mabel Watts for "Maytime Magic," reprinted from Humptγ Dumpty
R. C. Scriven for "The Marrog." Magazine, 1954. "The Riveter" by Mabel Watts. Reprinted by permis-
sion of Mabel Watts.
Ian Serraillier for "The Tickle Rhyme" from THE MONSTER HORSE.
Copyright 1950 by Ian Serraillier. Published by Oxford University Press. Wesleyan University Press for "The Base Stealer" from THE ORB WEAVER
by Robert Francis. Copyright © 1960 by Robert Francis. Reprinted by
Richard Shaw for "Cat's Menu" by Winifred Crawford (aka Richard permission of Wesleyan University Press. This poem first appeared in
Shaw). Forum.
Sheed 6c Ward, Inc., for "Daddy Fell into the Pond" by Alfred Noyes. James T. White 6c Co. for "Birch Trees" by John Richard Moreland.
Copyright 1952 by Sheed 6c Ward, Inc. Reprinted by permission of
Andrews and McMeel, Inc. All rights reserved. Xerox Education Publications for "Foul Shot" by Edwin A. Hoey, re-
printed from Read Magazine. Copyright © 1962 by Xerox Education
Diane Siebert for "Train Song." Copyright © 1981 by Diane Siebert. Publications. Reprinted by permission of Read Magazine.
Simon 6c Schuster for "Slithergadee" from DON'T BUMP THE GLUMP! by
Adam Yarmolinsky for "A Pig Is Never Blamed" by Babette Deutsch.
Shel Silverstein. Copyright © 1964 by Shel Silverstein.
Norah Smaridge for "Why Run?" Copyright © by Norah Smaridge. Additional acknowledgments:
William Jay Smith for "Lion" from POEMS 1947-1957 by William Jay Smith. Atheneum Publishers, Inc., for "In the Motel" from THE PHANTOM ICE
Copyright © 1957 by William Jay Smith. Published by Little, Brown and CREAM MAN: MORE NONSF.NSK VERSE by X.J. Kennedy. Copyright © 1979 by
Company. X.J. Kennedy. A Margaret K. McElderry Book (New York: Atheneum,
1979). "Mother's Nerves," "Father and Mother," and " H e l p ! " from ONE
The Society of Authors for "Tired Tim," "Some One," "Silver," and WINTER IN AUGUST AND OTHER NONSENSE JING1 FS by X.J. Kennedy. Copyright
"The Horseman" by Walter de la Mare. Reprinted by permission of the © 1975 by X.J. Kennedy. A Margaret K. McElderry Book (New York:
Literary Trustees of Walter de la Mare and The Society of Authors as Atheneum, 1975). Reprinted by permission of Atheneum Publishers, Inc.
their representative.
Gretchen Van Meter for "Leopard." Copyright © 1977 by Gretchen Van
Jean Conder Soule for "Surprises." Meter. "Leopard" first appeared in Cricket, January 1978, vol. 5, no. 5.
Lloyd Sarett Stockdale for "Four Little Foxes" from COVENANT WITH "Γm Nobody! Who Are You?" reprinted by permission of the publishers
and the Trustees of Amherst College from THE POEMS OF EMILY DICKINSON,
edited by Thomas H. Johnson, Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap Press of
Sarett, editor. C.Opvriuhr < 1956 bv Alma Johnson Sarett (Gainesville:
Harvard University Press, Copyright 1951, © 1955,1979,1983 by the Pres-
The University of Florida Press, | 9 5 6 \ "The Wolf ( τ y " from r o ufc<111>
ident and Fellows of Harvard College.
POEMS Dy Lew Sarett. Copyright © 1969 by Alma Johnson Sarett (Henry
Holt and Company). Reprinted by permission of Lloyd Sarett Stockdale.
Windy Nights 27 The Moon's the North
Introduction 18 Robert Louis Stevenson Wind's Cooky 32
Who Has Seen the Wind? 27 Vachel Lindsay
Christina Rossetti The Star 33
Mountain Brook 28 Jane Taylor
Nature Is . . . 21 Elizabeth Coatsworth Night Comes 33
River Winding 28 Beatrice Schenk de Regniers
Auguries of Innocence 22
William Blake Charlotte Zolotow Night 33
Water's Edge 28 Mary Ann Hoberman
All Things Bright and
Beautiful 22 Lillian Morrison Silver 33
Cecil Frances Alexander Mud 28 Walter de la Mare
Polly Chase Boy den The Night Is a Big Black Cat 33
Γm Glad the Sky Is
Painted Blue 22 The Muddy Puddle 28 G. Orr Clark
Anonymous Dennis Lee
The Universe 22 Sea Shell 29
Mary Button Miller Amy Lowell The Four Seasons 35
Measurement 23 The Sea 29
The Months 36
A. M. Sullivan Anonymous
Sara Coleridge
On the Bridge 23 Until I Saw the Sea 29
Four Seasons 36
Kate Greenaway Lilian Moore
Flint 23 The Rain Has Silver
January 36
Christina Rossetti Sandals 29
John Updike
May Justus
The Wolf Cry 24 Martin Luther King 37
Lew Sarett Rain Clouds 30 Myra Cohn Livingston
The Secret Song 24 Elizabeth-Ellen Long
Lincoln 37
Margaret Wise Brown To Walk in Warm Rain 30 Nancy Byrd Turner
Last Rites 24 David McCord
Ground Hog Day 37
Christina Rossetti Rhyme 30 Lilian Moore
Trees 24 Elizabeth Coatsworth
Beyond Winter 38
Sara Coleridge The More It Snows 30 Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Crocus 25 A. A. Milne
Valentine 38
Walter Crane First Snow 31 Shel Silverstein
Dandelion 25 Marie Louise Allen
Ice 38
Hilda Conkling When All the World Is Charles G. D. Roberts
The Ferns 25 Full of Snow 31
Washington 39
Gene Baro N. M. Bodecker
Nancy Byrd Turner
Birch Trees 25 Stopping By Woods on
Smells 39
John Richard Moreland a Snowy Evening 31
Kathryn Worth
Robert Frost
Wind-Wolves 26 February Twilight 39
William D. Sargent The Snowflake 32 Sara Teasdale
The Wind 26 Walter de la Mare
Paper Dragons 40
James Reeves Check 32 Susan M. Schmeltz
Mountain Wind 26 James Stephens
Maple Feast 40
Barbara Kunz Loots Frances Frost
When 40 Thanksgiving Magic 46 Camel 57
Dorothy Aldis Rowena Bastin Bennett Alan Brownjohn
Daylight Saving Time 41 12 October 46 The Camel's Complaint 57
Phyllis McGinley Myra Cohn Livingston Charles Edward Carryl
March 41 Thanksgiving 47 Buffalo Dusk 58
Elizabeth Coatsworth Ivy O. Eastwick Carl Sandburg
The March Wind 41 Thanksgiving Day 47 The Hippopotamus 58
Anonymous L. Maria Child Jack Prelutsky
Wearing of the Green 41 Light the Festive Candles 48 Holding Hands 58
Aileen Fisher Aileen Fisher Lenore M. Link
Spring Rain 42 The Children's Carol 48 Oliphaunt 59
Marchette Chute Eleanor Farjeon J.R.R. Tolkien
Ode to Spring 42 Winter Moon 48 The Wolf 59
Walter R. Brooks Langston Hughes Georgia Roberts Durston
Easter 42 I Heard a Bird Sing 49 Beside the Line of Elephants 59
Joyce Kilmer Oliver Herford Edna Becker
Spring Is 42 Merry Christmas 49 Four Little Foxes 60
Bobbi Katz Aileen Fisher Lew Sarett
On Mother's Day 43 From: A Christmas Package 49 Grandpa Bear's Lullaby 60
Aileen Fisher David McCord Jane Yolen
Spring 43 A Visit from St. Nicholas 50 The Lesser Lynx 60
Karla Kuskin Clement Clarke Moore E. V. Rieu

oooα-by My Winter buit 4J rolar bear 6(J

N. M. Bodecker Gail Kredenser
A Moment in Summer 44 Dogs and Cats and The Lion 61
Charlotte Zolotow Jack Prelutsky
Bears and Bats 52
A Rocket in My Pocket 44 Lion 61
Anonymous William Jay Smith
The Waltzer in the House 54
Maytime Magic 44 Stanley Kunitz Leopard 61
Mabel Watts Gretchen Kreps
Mice 54
Summer 44 Rose Fyleman Seal 62

Frank Asch William Jay Smith

The Chipmunk's Song 55
Joyful 44 Randall Jarrell
The Performing Seal 63
Rose Burgunder Rachel Field
To a Squirrel at
October 45 Kyle-Na-No 55 The Donkey 63
Thomas Bailey Aldrich William Butler Yeats Anonymous
October 45 The Rabbit 55 The Wild, the Free 63
Maurice Sendak Elizabeth Madox Roberts Lord Byron
August 45 The Hedgehog 56 The Mandrill 63
John Updike J.J.Bell Conrad Aiken
Harvest Home 45 The Bat 56 Ode to the Pig: His Tail 64
Arthur Guiterman Theodore Roethke Walter R. Brooks
This Is Halloween 46 The Bat 56 The Pig 64
Dorothy Brown Thompson Frank Jacobs Roland Young
Lazy Witch 46 The Sloth 56 The Hairy Dog 64
Myra Cohn Livingston Theodore Roethke Herbert Asquith
A Pig Is Never Blamed 64 Crickets 73 The Lizard 79
Babette Deutsch Valerie Worth John Gardner
The Cow 64 Praying Mantis 73 The Boa 79
Ogden Nash Mary Ann Hoberman J.J.Bell
Roger the Dog 65 Ants, Although Admirable, Are Brontosaurus 79
Ted Hughes Awfully Aggravating 74 Gail Kredenser
Walter R. Brooks Desert Tortoise 80
Lone Dog 65
McLeod Wasps 74 Byrd Baylor
Dorothy Aldis The Frog 81
Sunning 66
James S. Tippett The Flea 74 Hilaire Belloc
Roland Young The Crocodile 81
Bliss 66
Eleanor Farjeon Bug in a Jug 74 Lewis Carroll
Anonymous Samuel 81
I've Got a Dog 66
The Bug 74 Bobbi Katz
Maήorie Barrows The Tree Frog 82
His Highness's Dog 66
Anonymous Oh the Toe-Test! 74 John Ύravers Moore
Norma Farber The Hummingbird 82
The Cat of Cats 61
William Brighΐy Rands When Mosquitoes Michael Flanders
Make a Meal 74 The Polliwog 82
A Cat in Despondency 61
Else Holmelund Minarik Arthur Guiterman
Cockroaches 75 Baby Talk 82
The Cats of Kilkenny 61
Kaye Starbird Anna Bird Stewart
A Dragonfly 75 The Canary 83
Country Barnyard 68
Eleanor Farjeon Ogden Nash
Elizabeth Coaΐsworΐh
Fireflies in the Garden 76 Ducks' Ditty 83
Cats 68
Robert Frost Kenneth Grahame
Eleanor Farjeon
Caterpillar 76 The Duck 83
Cat 68
Christina Rossetti Richard Digance
Mary Britton Miller
The Tickle Rhyme 76 The Blackbird 83
Little Things 69
Ian Serraillier Humbert Wolfe
James Stephens
Ladybug 76 Sea Gull 84
Feather or Fur 69
Joan Walsh Anglund Elizabeth Coatsworth
John Becker
The Codfish 77 The Sandpiper 84
Cat's Menu 69
Anonymous Frances Frost
Richard Shaw
A Wee Little Worm 77 The Sandpiper 84
James Whitcomb Riley Witter Bynner
The Ways of The Flattered Flying Fish 77 Something Told the
£. V. Rieu
Living Things 71 Wild Geese 85
Long Gone 78 Rachel Field
Jack Prelutsky The Hen 85
Hey, Bug! 72
Lilian Moore The Shark 78 Lord Alfred Douglas
Lord Alfred Douglas Night Heron 86
Hurt No Living Thing 72
Christina Rossetti Fishes' Evening Song 78 Frances Frost
Green Stems 72 Dahlov Ipcar The Vulture 86
Margaret Wise Brown Sally and Manda 79 Hilaire Belloc
A Bug Sat in a Silver Flower 73 Alice B. Campbell The Sparrow Hawk 87
Kuskin Russell Hoban
Tony Baloney 109 My Father Owns the The Marrog 125
Dennis Lee Butcher Shop 118 R. C. Scriven
Fernando 109 Anonymous Everybody Says 125
Marci Ridlon I Am Rose 118 Dorothy Aldis
Queenie 109 Gertrude Stein Stupid Old Myself 125
Leland B.Jacobs Me 119 Russell Hoban
Jessica Jane 110 Karla Kuskin Don't Tell Me That I Talk
May Justus Every Time I Climb a Tree 119 Too Much! 126
Follow the Leader 110 David McCord Arnold Spilka
Kathleen Fraser The Reason I Like Surprises 126
Freddy 110 Chocolate 119 Jean Conder Soule
Dennis Lee Nikki Giovanni If We Didn't Have Birthdays 126
Girls Can, Too! Ill Mark's Fingers 120 Dr. Seuss
Lee Bennett Hopkins Mary O'Neill History 127
No Girls Allowed 111 When I Was Lost 120 Myra Cohn Livingston
Jack Prelutsky Dorothy Aldis I Am Cherry Alive 127
Little Clotilda 111 Keziah 120 Delmore Schwartz
Anonymous Gwendolyn Brooks I'm Really Not Lazy 127
We're Racing, Racing Just Me 120 Arnold Spilka
down the Walk 111 Margaret Hillert Winter Clothes 128
Phyllis McGinley How to Get There 121 Karla Kuskin
maggie and milly and Bonnie Nims I'm Nobody! Who Are You? 128
molly and may 112 A Wolf... 121 Emily Dickinson
e. e. cummings Osage Indian Yawning 128
Wrestling 112 Dust of Snow 121 Eleanor Farjeon
Kathleen Fraser Robert Frost Rhinos Purple,
Measles 113 Sulk 121 Hippos Green 129
Kaye Starbird Felice Holman Michael Patrick Hearn
Barbershop 113
If No One Ever One Day When We
Martin Gardner
Marries Me 121 Went Walking 129
Wiggly Giggles 113 Laurence Alma-Ίadema Valine Hobbs
Stacy Jo Crossen and
Broom Balancing 122
Natalie Anne Coi/ell
Kathleen Fraser
Since Hanna Moved Away 114 A h o u r Veer ΛΊΊ
Home! You're
a u υ u i i eel Ϊ.Δ.Δ.
Judith Viorst
Margaret Hillert Where It's Warm
A Lullaby 114
Lewis Carroll
On the Skateboard 122 Inside 131
Lillian Morrison
What in the World? 114 I Can Fly 123 The Wrong Start 132
Eve Merriam Felice Holman Marchette Chute

basketball 123 Mother's Nerves 132

X. /. Kennedy
Me I Am! 117 Nikki Giovanni
Basketball Star 123 John 132
Karama Fufuka N. M. Bodecker
My N a m e I s . . . 118
Pauline Clarke Song 124 Waking 133
Ruth Krauss Lilian Moore
Me 118
Growing Up 124 Mother Doesn't
Walter de la Mare
Harry Behn Want a Dog 133
Judith Viorst
Amelia Mixed Homework 141 My Little Sister 149
the Mustard 133 Russell Hoban William Wise
A. E. Housman Hot Line 141 Little Bits of
I Wish I Could Meet the Louella Όunann Soft-Boiled Egg 149
Man That Knows 134 I'm Alone in the Evening 142 Fay Maschler
John Ciardi Michael Rosen Chocolate, Chocolate 149
Some Things Don't Make The Winning of the Arnold Adoff
Any Sense at All 135 TV West 142 A Thousand Hairy Savages 150
Judith Viorst John T. Alexander Spike Milligan
The First Tooth 135 I Eat My Peas with Honey 150
Charles and Mary Lamb The Middle of the Night 143
Karla Kuskin
Bringing Up Babies 135 Accidentally 150
Roy Fuller Our House 143
Maxine W. Kumin
Dorothy Brown Thompson
Six Weeks Old 135 I Raised a Great Hullabaloo 150
Christopher Morley Two People 143
Eve Merriam
Help! 136 Twickham Tweer 151
X. /. Kennedy Jack Prelutsky
Lil'Bro' 136
Karama Fufuka Γm Hungry! 145 The Worm 151
Ralph Bergengren
My Brother 136 My Mouth 146 The Pizza 152
Marci Ridlon Arnold Adoff Ogden Nash
Leave Me Alone 136 This Is Just to Say 146 Soliloquy of a Tortoise . . . 152
Felice Holman William Carlos Williams £. V. Rieu
The Myra Song 137 Tomorrow's the Fair 146 Mr. Pratt 152
John Ciardi Anonymous Myra Cohn Livingston
Let Others Share 137 Turtle Soup 146 Sneaky Bill 153
Edward Anthony Lewis Carroll William Cole
In the Motel 137 Oodles of Noodles 147
X. /. Kennedy Lucia M. and
James L. Hymes, Jr.
Some People
Rules 137
Karla Kuskin Mummy Slept Late and Daddy I Know 155
The Runaway 138 Fixed Breakfast 147 Some People 156
Bobbi Katz John Ciardi Rachel Field
Soap 138 Egg Thoughts 147 People 156
Martin Gardner Russell Hoban Charlotte Zolotow
What Someone Said When He Pie Problem 148 Routine 156
Was Spanked on the Day Shel Silverstein Arthur Guiterman
Day Before His Birthday 139 Daddy Fell into the Pond 156
Meg's Egg 148
John Ciardi Alfred Noyes
Mary Ann Hoberman
They're Calling 139 Celery 148 Smart 157
Felice Holman Ogden Nash Shel Silverstein
Going Up 140 Taste of Purple 148 One Misty,
John Trovers Moore Leland B. Jacobs Moisty Morning 157
Up in the Pine 140 Anonymous
Chocolate Cake 148
Nancy Dingman Watson Nina Payne Thoughts on Tal kers 157
Homework 141 Walter R. Brooks
Patience 149
Jane Yolen Bobbi Katz My Brother Bert 158
Ted Hughes
Grandpapa 159 Solomon Gr undy 165 The Owl and the Pussy-Cat 175
Harry Graham Anonymous Edward Lear
Growing Old 159 Mr.Kartoffel 165 The Hare and the Pig 176
Rose Henderson James Reeves L. /. Bridgman
Grandpa Dropped Aunt Sponge and The Alligator 176
His Glasses 159 AuntSpiker 166 Mary Macdonald
Leroy F. Jackson RoaldDahl The Lizard 176
Manners 159 The Sugar Lady 166 Theodore Roethke
Mariana Griswold Frank Asch The Serpent 176
Van Rensselaer Theodore Roethke
Lord Cray 167
Uncle 159 Edward Gorey The Shark 177
Harry Graham Together 167 J.J.Bell

Miss Norma Jean Pugh 160 Paul Engle I Had a Little Pig 177
Mary O'Neill The Opposite of Two 167 Anonymous
Godmother 161 Richard Wilbur The Ants at the Olympics 177
Phyllis B. Morden Richard Digance
Sir Smasham Uppe 167
Too Many Dayes 161 E. V. Rieu The Animal Fair 178
Dr. Seuss Anonymous
The Little Boy and The Purple Cow 178
the Old Man 161 Gelett Burgess
Shel Silverstein
Nonsense! 168 I Asked My Mother 178
Tombstone 162 Anonymous
Lucia M. and Jabberwocky 170 AlgyMetaBear 178
James L. Hymes, Jr. Lewis Carroll Anonymous
Air Traveler 162 Toot! Toot! 170 The Walrus 178
Lillian Morrison Anonymous Michael Flanders
House. For Sale 162 Higglety, Pigglety, Pop! 170 Adventures of Isabel 179
Leonard Clark Samuel Goodrich Ogden Nash
Jittery Jim 162 On the Ning Nang Nong 171 Alligator Pie 180
William Jay Smith Spike Milligan Dennis Lee
On a Bad Singer 162 The Common Cormorant 171 Beela by the Sea 180
Samuel Taylor Coleridge Christopher Isherwood Leroy F. Jackson
Doctor Emmanuel 163 Mclntosh Apple 171 You Must Never Bath
James Reeves Steven Kroll in an Irish Stew 180
Hog-Calling Competition 163 The Lobsters and the Spike Milligan
Morris Bishop Fiddler Crab 171 Did You Ever Go Fishing? 180
Old Quin Queeribus 163 Frederick J. Forster Anonymous
Nancy Byrd Turner The Butterfly's Ball 172 Sensitive, Seldom and Sad 181
There Was an Old Man William Roscoe Mervyn Peake
with a Beard 163 The Contrary Waiter 173 Josephine 181
Edward Lear Edgar Parker Alexander Resnikoff
Jonathan Bing 163 Whoops! 173 The Folk Who Live in
Beatrice Curtis Brown Anonymous Backward Town 181
Poor Old Lady 164 Way Down South 173 Mary Ann Hoberman
Anonymous Anonymous Father William 182
Fatty, Fatty, Boom-a-latty 165 The Duel 174 Lewis Carroll
Anonymous Eugene Field
Johnnie Crack and The Puffin 192 Where Goblins
Flossie Snail
Dylan Thomas
183 Robert Williams Wood
Dwell 198
Eletelephony 192
The Snail's Dream 183 Laura E. Richards Some One 200
Oliver Herford Mr. Bidery's Walter de la Mare
The Twins 183 Spidery Garden 192 Ghosts 200
Henry S. Leigh David McCord Harry Behn
The New Vestments 184 The Ptarmigan 193 Something Is There 200
Edward Lear Anonymous Lilian Moore
Pumberly Pott's Banananananananana 193 The Horseman 200
Unpredictable Niece 186 William Cole Walter de la Mare
Jack Prelutsky Clickbeetle 193 hist whist 201
Don't Worry if Your Mary Ann Hoberman e. e. cummings
Job Is Small 186 Sing Me a Song of Teapots and What's That? 201
Anonymous Trumpets 193 Florence Parry Heide
Number Nine, N. M. Bodecker
Green Candles 201
Penwiper Mews 186 The Modern Hiawatha 194 Humbert Wolfe
Edward Gorey George A. Strong
The Witch! The Witch! 202
Tender-heartedness 186 Misnomer 194 Eleanor Farjeon
Harry Graham Eve Merriam
Song of the Witches 202
Jimmy Jet and His TV Set 187 To Be or Not To Be 194 William Shakespeare
Shel Silverstein Anonymous Owl 202
A Young Lady of Lynn 187 Don't Ever Seize a Sylvia Read
Anonymous Weasel by the Tail 195
Wanted—A Witch's Cat 202
Herbert Glerbett 187 Jack Prelutsky
Shelagh McGee
Jack Prelutsky Have You Ever Seen? 195 Eight Witches 203
Anonymous B.J.Lee
ΛI i 1 n nn
W a i t e r S 1 9 5
Witches' Menu 203
A l p h a b e t SteW 188 Mary Ann Hoberman Sonja Nikolay
An Atrocious Pun 195 Queen Nefertiti 203
A Fly and a Flea in a Flue 190 Anonymous Anonymous
Wild Flowers 195 Colonel Fazackerley 204
The Cow 190 Peter Newell Charles Causley
Jack Prelutsky
J's the Jumping Jay- Walker 196 Song of the Ogres 205
The Tutor 190 Phyllis McGinley W H. Auden
Carolyn Wells
Poetry 196 Three Ghostesses 205
Weather 190 Eleanor Faήeon Anonymous
Lumps 196 The Darkling Elves 205
Two Witches 190 Judith Ύhurman Jack Prelutsky
Alexander Resnikoff
A Word 196 The Elf and
Antonio 191 Emily Dickinson the Dormouse 206
Laura E. Richards
The Yak 197 Oliver Herford
Habits of the Hippopotamus 191 Jack Prelutsky The Bogeyman 206
Arthur Guiterman
Feelings About Words 197 Jack Prelutsky
TheBluffalo 191 Mary O'Neill The Troll 206
Jane Yolen
Jack Prelutsky
Moses 191
TheWendigo 207 The Land of A Football Game 221
Ogden Nash Alice Van Eck
Potpourri 215
Father and Mother 207 Maps 221
X. /. Kennedy Happy Thought 216 Dorothy Brown Thompson
The Fairies 207 Robert Louis Stevenson If Once You Have
William Allingham Our Washing Machine 216 Slept on an Island 221
The Great Auk's Ghost 208 Patricia Hubbell Rachel Field
Ralph Hodgson Introduction to Train Song 222
Songs of Innocence 216 Diane Siebert
The Pumpkin 208
Robert Graves William Blake Travel 223
No Holes Marred 216 Edna St. Vincent Millay
The Seven Ages of
Elf-hood 208 Suzanne Douglass Flight Plan 223
Rachel Field Steam Shovel 216 Jane Merchant
Unicorn 209 Charles Malam To an Aviator 223
William Jay Smith The Toaster 217 Daniel Whitehead Hicky
How to Tell Goblins William Jay Smith Message from a Mouse,
from Elves 209 The Tin Frog 217 Ascending in
Monica Shannon Russell Hoban a Rocket 224
Patricia Hubbell
The Little Man 209 Driving to the Beach 217
Hughes Mearns Joanna Cole From a Railway Carriage 224
Robert Louis Stevenson
Gumble 209 My Nose 217
Michael Dugan Dorothy Aldis The Toad 224
Robert S. Oliver
Slithergadee 209 From: The Bed Book 217
Shel Silverstein Sylvia Plath This Little Pig
Built a Spaceship 225
TheBogus-Boo 210 Arithmetic 218
Frederick Winsor
James Reeves Carl Sandburg
Dreams 225
Wrimples 210 What Is Pink? 218
Langston Hughes
Jack Prelutsky Christina Rossetti
Far Trek 225
Ms. Whatchamacallit What Is Orange? 218
June Brady
Thingamajig 211 Mary O'Neill
Miriam Chaikin How Strange It Is 225
To Be Answered in Claudia Lewis
The Spangled Our Next Issue 219
Pandemonium 211 Anonymous The Paint Box 226
Palmer Brown £. V. Rieu
The Base Stealer 219
Keep a Poem in
The Creature in Robert Francis
Your Pocket 226
the Classroom 212 What Is Red? 219 Beatrice Schenk de Regniers
Jack Prelutsky Mary O'Neill
To Dark Eyes Dreaming 226
Dinky 212 Who's In 219 Zilpha Keatley Snyder
Theodore Roethke Elizabeth Fleming
The Plumpuppets 213 The Library 220
Christopher Money Barbara A. Huff Index of Titles 228
Could It Have Been The Knockout 220 Index of First Lines 233
a Shadow? 213 Lillian Morrison Index of Authors 240
Monica Shannon Foul Shot 220 Index of Subjects 243
Edwin A. Hoey About the Author!Illustrator 247
Yellow 220
David McCord
and surprising as being tickled or catching a snowflake on a mitten. Young
children are fascinated by the visual images of "The Old Woman Who Lived in
a Shoe." They revel in the rhythms of "Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater." And
although they may not quite understand the meaning, they are enchanted by the
wordplay of "Sing a Song of Sixpence."
But then something happens to this early love affair with poetry. At some point
during their school careers, many children seem to lose their interest and enthu-
siasm for poetry and their easygoing pleasure in its sounds and images. They
begin to find poetry boring and irrelevant, too difficult or too dull to bother with.
For the last few years Γve been visiting schools, colleges, and libraries through-
out the United States and Canada, working directly with children. In reading and
reciting poetry to them, Γve begun to understand the kinds of poems to which
children respond—poems that evoke laughter and delight, poems that cause a
palpable ripple of surprise by the unexpected comparisons they make, poems
that paint pictures with words that are as vivid as brushstrokes, poems that
reawaken pleasure in the sounds and meanings of language. Repeated requests
from teachers and librarians to recommend a comprehensive anthology of such
poems provided the impetus for The Random House Book of Poetry for
When I assembled this collection, I decided to focus on poems for elementary
school children—the kids I know best. I felt that this group provided a sufficiently
wide age range, although there are undoubtedly many poems in the collection
that will appeal to preschoolers and others that will please adolescents. There
are, however, no nursery rhymes, which my target audience might find babyish;
nor are there poems that specifically cater to such adolescent concerns as roman-
tic love (and acne). Parents and teachers of preschoolers, therefore, should be
selective in using the book. A poem that might be deliriously scary for an eight-
year-old might be terrifying to a four-year-old. My criteria for selecting poems
were rhythm, rhyme, and imagery that did not sacrifice clarity of meaning. I
looked for poems that deal with topics of interest to children in a way that
delights the ear. I have avoided many of the "inspirational" and the long narrative
poems that are so often included in other anthologies because they no longer
seem relevant to today's children, morally uplifting though they may have been
to earlier generations. On the other hand, I have included such writers as Lewis

Carroll and A. A. Milne because their magic with words withstands the test of
time. While most of the poets represented are primarily children's poets, there
are some poems by poets who are generally considered "adult" poets, such as
Robert Frost, Christopher Morley, and John Updike. Sometimes these poets
wrote an occasional poem for children; other times their poetry has a beautiful
simplicity that makes it appealing and meaningful to both children and adults.
Quite frankly, I tried to fill this book with poems I believe elementary school
children will like. While there are many poignant and serious poems in the
collection, the accent is on humor and light verse.
During the last thirty or forty years there has been a renaissance in children's
poetry. Many of the best children's poets who ever wrote are writing today. Such
contemporary writers as Aileen Fisher, John Ciardi, Lilian Moore, Dennis Lee,
and Shel Silverstein, to name a handful, are creating children's poetry that is
relevant, understandable, and thoroughly enjoyable. Such poets, unlike some of
their pedantic predecessors, do not set out to educate children in a way that will
make them more socially acceptable to adult company. They write from the child
within themselves for "other" children, using the technical skills and insights of
mature artists. Not unlike artists who create work for adults, they shape the way
reality is perceived. They enrich daily experience. Who can see a field of blazing
sunflowers and not remember them as Van Gogh painted them? Try reading
Lilian Moore's "Until I Saw the Sea," for example, before your next excursion to
the beach. Then you, too, will see the sea breathe "in and out" when you watch
the surf. After reading John Ciardi's "Mummy Slept Late and Daddy Fixed
Breakfast," when some child receives a waffle that looks "like a manhole cover,"
the experience will have a universality, a special element of humor, that it would
not have had without the child's experiencing the poem. Unlike the poems in
many other "comprehensive" anthologies, two thirds of the poems in this collec-
tion were first published during the past four decades.
As the table of contents shows, I have divided the anthology into fourteen
broad sections. In addition to the table of contents and the usual indexes of
author, title, and first line, I have included a subject index. I hope that it will
prove valuable, especially to teachers, who can use it to add the fun and beauty
of poetry to subjects in the school curriculum and to events during the year.
I am especially delighted that Arnold Lobel, a Caldecott Award winner, agreed
to illustrate the collection. It is difficult to imagine a child looking at these
illustrations and not wanting to read the poems! I hope that our combined efforts
will introduce children everywhere to many new, wonderful, and unexpected
ways of looking at the world.


Albuquerque, New Mexico

April 1983
Nature is the endless sky,
the sun of golden light,
a cloud that floats serenely by,
the silver moon of night.

Nature is a sandy dune,

a tall and stately tree,
the waters of a clear lagoon,
the billows on the sea.

Nature is a gentle rain

and winds that howl and blow,
a thunderstorm, a hurricane,
a silent field of snow.

Nature is a tranquil breeze

and pebbles on a shore.
Nature's each and all of these
and infinitely more.

All Things Bright and Beautiful

All things bright and beautiful,

All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.

Each little flower that opens,

Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colors,
Auguries of Innocence He made their tiny wings.

The purple-headed mountain,

To see a World in a grain of sand,
The river running by,
And a Heaven in a wild flower,
The sunset, and the morning,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,
That brightens up the sky;
And Eternity in an hour.
William Blake The cold wind in the winter,
The pleasant summer sun,
The ripe fruits in the garden,
He made them every one.
I'm Glad the Sky Is Painted Blue He gave us eyes to see them,
And lips that we might tell,
Γm glad the sky is painted blue,
How great is God Almighty,
And the earth is painted green,
Who has made all things well.
With such a lot of nice fresh air
Cecil Frances Alexander
All sandwiched in between.

The Universe

There is the moon, there is the sun

Round which we circle every year,
And there are all the stars we see
On starry nights when skies are clear,
And all the countless stars that lie
Beyond the reach of human eye.
If every bud on every tree,
All birds and fireflies and bees
And all the flowers that bloom and die
Upon the earth were counted up,
The number of the stars would be
Greater, they say, than all of these.
Mary Britton Miller
If I could see a little fish—
That is what I just now wish!
I want to see his great round eyes
Always open in surprise.
I wish a water-rat would glide
Slowly to the other side;
Or a dancing spider sit
On the yellow flags a bit.
I think I'll get some stones to throw,
And watch the pretty circles show.
Or shall we sail a flower-boat,
And watch it slowly—slowly float?
Measurement That's nice—because you never know
How far away it means to go;
Stars and atoms have no size, And when tomorrow comes, you see,
They only vary in men's eyes. It may be in the great wide sea.
Men and instruments will blunder Kate Greenaway
Calculating things of wonder.
A seed is just as huge a world
As any ball the sun has hurled. An emerald is as green as grass,
Stars are quite as picayune A ruby red as blood;
As any splinter of the moon. A sapphire shines as blue as heaven;
A flint lies in the mud.
Time is but a vague device;
Space can never be precise; A diamond is a brilliant stone,
To catch the world's desire;
Stars and atoms have a girth, An opal holds a fiery spark;
Small as zero, ten times Earth. But a flint holds fire.
There is, by God's swift reckoning Christina Rossetti
A universe in everything.
A. M. Sullivan
The Secret Song
Who saw the petals
drop from the rose?
I, said the spider,
But nobody knows.
Who saw the sunset
flash on a bird?
I, said the fish,
But nobody heard. Last Rites
Who saw the fog
Dead in the cold, a song-singing thrush,
come over the sea ?
Dead at the foot of a snowberry bush—
I, said the sea pigeon,
Only me. Weave him a coffin of rush,
Dig him a grave where the soft mosses grow,
Who saw the first Raise him a tombstone of snow.
green light of the sun? Christina Rossetti
I, said the night owl,
The only one.
Who saw the moss
creep over the stone?
I, said the gray fox,
All alone.
Margaret Wise Brown

The Wolf Cry

The Arctic moon hangs overhead;
The wide white silence lies below.
A starveling pine stands lone and gaunt,
Black-penciled on the snow.
Weird as the moan of sobbing winds, Trees
A lone long call floats up from the trail;
And the naked soul of the frozen North The Oak is called the king of trees,
Trembles in that wail. The Aspen quivers in the breeze,
Lew Sarett The Poplar grows up straight and tall,
The Peach tree spreads along the wall,
The Sycamore gives pleasant shade,
The Willow droops in watery glade,
The Fir tree useful timber gives,
The Beech amid the forest lives.
Sara Coleridge
The Crocus
The golden crocus reaches up
To catch a sunbeam in her cup.
Walter Crane

O little soldier with the golden helmet,

What are you guarding on my lawn?
Birch Trees You with your green gun
The night is white, And your yellow beard,
The moon is high, Why do you stand so stiff?
The birch trees lean There is only the grass to fight!
Against the sky. Hilda Conk ling

The cruel winds

Have blown away
Each little leaf
Of silver gray.
O lonely trees
As white as wool. . .
That moonlight makes
So beautiful.
John Richard Moreland

The Ferns
High, high in the branches
the seawinds plunge and roar.
A storm is moving westward,
but here on the forest floor
the ferns have captured stillness.
A green sea growth they are.
The ferns lie underwater
in a light of the forest's green.
Their motion is like stillness,
as if water shifts between
and a great storm quivers
through fathoms of green.
Gene Baro

Do you hear the cry as the pack goes by,
The wind-wolves hunting across the sky?
Hear them tongue it, keen and clear, Mountain Wind
Hot on the flanks of the flying deer!
Windrush down the timber chutes
Across the forest, mere, and plain, between the mountain's knees—
Their hunting howl goes up again! a hiss of distant breathing,
All night they'll follow the ghostly trail, a shouting in the trees,
All night we'll hear their phantom wail, a recklessness of branches,
For tonight the wind-wolf pack holds sway a wilderness a-sway,
From Pegasus Square to the Milky Way, when suddenly
And the frightened bands of cloud-deer flee a silence
In scattered groups of two and three. takes your breath away.
William D. Sargent Barbara Kunz Loots

The Wind
I can get through a doorway without any key,
And strip the leaves from the great oak tree.
I can drive storm-clouds and shake tall towers,
Or steal through a garden and not wake the flowers.
Seas I can move and ships I can sink;
I can carry a house-top or the scent of a pink.
When I am angry I can rave and riot;
And when I am spent, I lie quiet as quiet.
James Reeves

Windy Nights
Whenever the moon and stars are set, Who Has Seen the Wind?
Whenever the wind is high,
All night long in the dark and wet, Who has seen the wind?
A man goes riding by. Neither I nor you:
Late in the night when the fires are out, But when the leaves hang trembling,
Why does he gallop and gallop about? The wind is passing through.

Whenever the trees are crying aloud, Who has seen the wind?
And ships are tossed at sea, Neither you nor I:
By, on the highway, low and loud, But when the leaves bow down their heads,
By at the gallop goes he; The wind is passing by.
By at the gallop he goes, and then Christina Rossetti
By he comes back at the gallop again.
Robert Louis Stevenson
Mountain Brook
Because of the steepness,
the streamlet runs white,
narrow and broken River Widing
as lightning by night.
Because of the rocks, Rain falling, what things do you grow?
it leaps this way and that, Snow melting, where do you go?
Wind blowing, what trees do you know?
fresh as a flower,
River winding, where do you flow?
quick as a cat.
Charlotte Zolotow
Elizabeth Coatsworth

The Muddy Puddle

I am sitting
In the middle
Of a rather Muddy
Mud is very nice to feel
All squishy-squash between the toes!
With my bottom
I'd rather wade in wiggly mud
Full of bubbles
Than smell a yellow rose.
And my rubbers
Nobody else but the rosebush knows Full of Mud,
How nice mud feels
While my jacket
Between the toes.
And my sweater
Polly Chase Boyden Go on slowly
Getting wetter
As I very
Slowly settle
Water's Edge To the Bottom
Wave swashes Of the Mud.
foam splashes And I find that
ripple swishes What a person
backwashes With a puddle
dead fishes Round his middle
and pools Thinks of mostly
with little live ones In the muddle
deliciously Is the Muddi-
going about their business. Ness of Mud.
Lillian Morrison Dennis Lee
Sea Shell
Sea Shell, Sea Shell,
Sing me a song, O please!
A song of ships, and sailor men,
And parrots, and tropical trees,
Of islands lost in the Spanish Main
Which no man ever may find again,
Of fishes and corals under the waves,
And sea horses stabled in great green caves.
Sea Shell, Sea Shell,
Sing of the things you know so well.
Amy Lowell

The Sea
Behold the wonders of the mighty deep,
Where crabs and lobsters learn to creep,
And little fishes learn to swim, The Rain Has Silver Sandals
And clumsy sailors tumble in.
Anonymous The rain has silver sandals
For dancing in the spring,
And shoes with golden tassels
For summer's frolicking.
Until I Saw the Sea Her winter boots have hobnails
Of ice from heel to toe,
Until I saw the sea
Which now and then she changes
I did not know
For moccasins of snow.
that wind
could wrinkle water so.
I never knew
that sun
could splinter a whole sea of blue
did I know before,
a sea breathes in and out
upon a shore.
Lilian Moore

The More It Snows

The more it
The more it
The more it
And nobody
KNOWS-tiddely-pom, I like to see a thunder storm,
How cold my A dunder storm,
TOES-tiddely-pom A blunder storm,
How cold my I like to see it, black and slow,
TOES-tiddely-pom Come stumbling down the hills.
Growing. I like to hear a thunder storm,
A plunder storm,
A. A. Milne
A wonder storm,
Roar loudly at our little house
And shake the window sills!
Elizabeth Coatsworth

Rain Clouds
Along a road
Not built by man
There winds a silent
Caravan To Walk in Warm Rain
Of camel-clouds To walk in warm rain
Whose humped gray backs And get wetter and wetter!
Are weighted down To do it again—
With heavy packs To walk in warm rain
Of long-awaited,
Till you drip like a drain.
Precious rain To walk in warm rain
To make the old earth And get wetter and wetter.
Young again,
David McCord
And dress her shabby
Fields and hills
In green grass silk
With wild-flower frills.
Elizabeth-Ellen Long
When All the World
Is Full of Snow
I never know
just where to go, !
when all the world
is full of snow.
I do not want
to make a track,
not even
to the shed and back.
I only want
to watch and wait, First Snow
while snow moths settle
on the gate, Snow makes whiteness where it falls.
The bushes look like popcorn-balls.
and swarming frost flakes And places where I always play,
fill the trees Look like somewhere else today.
with billions
Marie Louise Allen
of albino bees.
I only want
myself to be
as silent as
a winter tree, Stopping by Woods
on a Snowy Evening
to hear the swirling
stillness grow, Whose woods these are I think I know.
when all the world His house is in the village though;
is full of snow. He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
N. M. Bodecker
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
And miles to go before I sleep.
Robert Frost
The Night was creeping on the ground!
She crept, and did not make a sound
Until she reached the tree: And then
She covered it, and stole again
Along the grass beside the wall!
—I heard the rustling of her shawl
As she threw blackness everywhere
Along the sky, the ground, the air,
And in the room where I was hid!
But, no matter what she did
To everything that was without,
She could not put my candle out!
So I stared at the Night! And she
Stared back solemnly at me!
James Stephens

The Snowflake
Before I melt,
Come, look at me!
This lovely icy filigree!
Of a great forest
In one night
I make a wilderness The Moon's the North Wind's Cooky
Of white:
The Moon's the North Wind's cooky.
By skyey cold
He bites it, day by day,
Of crystals made,
Until there's but a rim of scraps
All softly, on
That crumble all away.
Your finger laid,
I pause, that you The South Wind is a baker.
My beauty see: He kneads clouds in his den,
Breathe, and I vanish And bakes a crisp new moon that. . . greedy
Instantly. North . . . Wind. . . eats . . . again!
Walter de la Mare Vachel Lindsay

Night Comes . . .

Night comes
out of the sky.
The Star
Stars come
peeking. Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Moon comes Up above the world so high,
sneaking, Like a diamond in the sky.
As your bright and tiny spark,
Who is Lights the traveler in the dark—
shaking, Though I know not what you are,
shivery- Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
quaking? Jane Taylor
Who is afraid
of the night?
Not I.
Beatrice Schenk de Regniers
Slowly, silently, now the moon
Walks the night in her silver shoon;
This way, and that, she peers, and sees
Night Silver fruit upon silver trees;
One by one the casements catch
The night is coming softly, slowly; Her beams beneath the silvery thatch;
Look, it's getting hard to see. Couched in his kennel, like a log,
Through the windows, With paws of silver sleeps the dog;
Through the door, From their shadowy cote the white breasts peep
Pussyfooting Of doves in a silver-feathered sleep;
On the floor, A harvest mouse goes scampering by,
Dragging shadows, With silver claws, and silver eye;
Crawling, And moveless fish in the water gleam,
Creeping, By silver reeds in a silver stream.
Soon it will be time for sleeping
Walter de la Mare
Pull down the shades.
Turn on the light.
Let's pretend it isn't night.
Mary Ann Hoberman
The Night Is a Big Black Cat
The Night is a big black cat
The Moon is her topaz eye,
The stars are the mice she hunts at night,
In the field of the sultry sky.
G. Orr Clark
The earth is warm, the suns ablaze,
it is a time of carefree days;
and bees abuzz that chance to pass
may see me snoozing on the grass.

The leaves are yellow, red, and brown,
a shower sprinkles softly down;
the air is fragrant, crisp, and cool,
and once again Γm stuck in school.

The birds are gone, the world is white,
the winds are wild, they chill and bite;
the ground is thick with slush and sleet,
and I can barely feel my feet.

The fields are rich with daffodils,
a coat of clover cloaks the hills,
and I must dance, and I must sing
to see the beauty of the spring.

Four Seasons
Spring is showery, flowery, bowery.
Summer: hoppy, choppy, poppy.
Autumn: wheezy, sneezy, freezy.
Winter: slippy, drippy, nippy.

The Months
January brings the snow,
Makes our feet and fingers glow.
February brings the rain, January
Thaws the frozen lake again.
The days are short,
March brings breezes loud and shrill, The sun a spark
Stirs the dancing daffodil. Hung thin between
April brings the primrose sweet, The dark and dark.
Scatters daisies at our feet. Fat snowy footsteps
May brings flocks of pretty lambs, Track the floor.
Skipping by their fleecy dams. Milk bottles burst
Outside the door.
June brings tulips, lilies, roses,
Fills the children's hands with posies. The river is
A frozen place
Hot July brings cooling showers, Held still beneath
Apricots and gillyflowers. The trees of lace.
August brings the sheaves of corn, The sky is low.
Then the harvest home is borne. The wind is gray.
Warm September brings the fruit, The radiator
Sportsmen then begin to shoot. Purrs all day.
John Updike
Fresh October brings the pheasant,
Then to gather nuts is pleasant.
Dull November brings the blast,
Then the leaves are whirling fast.
Chill December brings the sleet,
Blazing fire, and Christmas treat.
Sara Coleridge
There was a boy of other days,
A quiet, awkward, earnest lad,
Who trudged long weary miles to get
A book on which his heart was set—
And then no candle had! Martin Luther King
He was too poor to buy a lamp Got me a special place
But very wise in woodmen's ways. For Martin Luther King.
He gathered seasoned bough and stem, His picture on the wall
And crisping leaf, and kindled them Makes me sing.
Into a ruddy blaze.
I look at it for a long time
Then as he lay full length and read, And think of some
The firelight flickered on his face, Real good ways
And etched his shadow on the gloom, We will overcome.
And made a picture in the room,
Myra Cohn Livingston
In that most humble place.
The hard years came, the hard years went,
But, gentle, brave, and strong of will,
Ground Hog Day
He met them all. And when today Ground Hog sleeps
We see his pictured face, we say, All winter
'There's light upon it still." Snug in his fur,
Nancy Byrd Turner Dreams
Green dreams of
Grassy shoots,
Of nicely newly nibbly
Ah, he starts to
With drowsy
Looks from his burrow
Out on fields of
What's there?
Oh no.
His shadow. Oh,
How sad!
Six more
Lilian Moore
Beyond Winter
Over the winter glaciers
I see the summer glow,
And through the wild-piled snowdrift
The warm rosebuds below.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

When Winter scourged the meadow and the hill
And in the withered leafage worked his will,
The water shrank, and shuddered, and stood still—
Then built himself a magic house of glass,
Irised with memories of flowers and grass,
Wherein to sit and watch the fury pass.
Valentine Charles G. D. Roberts

I got a valentine from Timmy

Eva even sent me two
But I didn't get none from you.
Shel Silverstein


Through all the frozen winter

My nose has grown most lonely
For lovely, lovely, colored smells
That come in springtime only.

The purple smell of lilacs,

The yellow smell that blows
Across the air of meadows
Where bright forsythia grows.

The tall pink smell of peach trees,

The low white smell of clover,
And everywhere the great green smell
Of grass the whole world over.
: S M Kaΐhryn Worth


He played by the river when he was young,

He raced with rabbits along the hills,
He fished for minnows, and climbed and swung,
And hooted back at the whippoorwills.
Strong and slender and tall he grew—
And then, one morning, the bugles blew.

Over the hills the summons came,

Over the river's shining rim.
He said that the bugles called his name, February Twilight
He knew that his country needed him,
And he answered, "Coming!" and marched away I stood beside a hill
For many a night and many a day. Smooth with new-laid snow,
A single star looked out
Perhaps when the marches were hot and long
From the cold evening glow.
He'd think of the river flowing by
Or, camping under the winter sky, There was no other creature
Would hear the whippoorwill's far-off song. That saw what I could see—
Boy or soldier, in peace or strife, I stood and watched the evening star
He loved America all his life! As long as it watched me.
Nancy Byrd Turner Sara Teasdale

A blue day,
a blue jay
and a good beginning.
One crow, The March Wind
melting snow—
I come to work as well as play;
spring's winning!
I'll tell you what I do;
Elizabeth Coatsworth
I whistle all the live-long day,
"Woo-oo-oo-oo! Woo-oo!"
I toss the branches up and down
And shake them to and fro,
I whirl the leaves in flocks of brown,
And send them high and low.
I strew the twigs upon the ground,
The frozen earth I sweep;
I blow the children round and round
And wake the flowers from sleep.
Wearing of the Green
It ought to come in April,
or, better yet, in May
when everything is green as green—
I mean St. Patrick's Day.
With still a week of winter
this wearing of the green
seems rather out of season—
it's rushing things, I mean. Daylight Saving Time
But maybe March is better
In Spring when maple buds are red,
when all is done and said:
We turn the Clock an hour ahead;
St. Patrick brings a promise,
Which means, each April that arrives,
a four-leaf-clover promise,
We lose an hour
a green-all-over promise
Out of our lives.
of springtime just ahead!
Aileen Fisher Who cares? When Autumn birds in flocks
Fly southward, back we turn the Clocks,
And so regain a lovely thing—
That missing hour
We lost last Spring.
Phyllis McGinley


The air is like a butterfly

With frail blue wings.
The happy earth looks at the sky
. .

:M And sings.
Joyce Kilmer

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Spring Rain
The storm came up so very quick
It couldn't have been quicker.
I should have brought my hat along,
I should have brought my slicker.

My hair is wet, my feet are wet,

I couldn't be much wetter. Spring Is
I fell into a river once
But this is even better. Spring is when
Marchette Chute
the morning sputters like
Ode to Spring
O spring, O spring, sneakers
You wonderful thing! run
O spring, O spring, O spring! down
0 spring, O spring, the
When the birdies sing stairs
1 feel like a king, so fast you can hardly keep up with them,
O spring! and
spring is when
Walter R. Brooks
your scrambled eggs
and turn into a million daffodils
trembling in the sunshine.
Bobbi Katz
Spring On Mother's Day
I'm shouting On Mother's Day we got up first,
Γm singing so full of plans we almost burst.
Γm swinging through trees
We started breakfast right away
Γm winging sky-high
as our surprise for Mother's Day.
With the buzzing black bees.
Γm the sun We picked some flowers, then hurried back
Γm the moon to make the coffee—rather black.
Γm the dew on the rose.
Γm a rabbit We wrapped our gifts and wrote a card
Whose habit and boiled the eggs—a little hard.
Is twitching his nose. And then we sang a serenade,
Γm lively which burned the toast, I am afraid.
Γm lovely
Γm kicking my heels. But Mother said, amidst our cheers,
Γm crying "Come dance" "Oh, what a big surprise, my dears.
to the freshwater eels. I've not had such a treat in years."
Γm racing through meadows And she was smiling to her ears!
Without any coat Aileen Fisher
Γm a gamboling lamb
Γm a light leaping goat
Γm a bud Good-by My Winter Suit
Γm a bloom
Γm a dove on the wing. Good-by my winter suit,
Γm running on rooftops good-by my hat and boot,
And welcoming spring! good-by my ear-protecting muffs
and storms that hail and hoot.
Karla Kuskin
Farewell to snow and sleet,
farewell to Cream of Wheat,
farewell to ice-removing salt
and slush around my feet.

Right on! to daffodils,

right on! to whippoorwills,
right on! to chirp-producing eggs
and baby birds and quills.

The day is on the wing,

the kite is on the string,
the sun is where the sun should be—
it's spring all right! It's spring!
N. M. Bodecker

Joyful A
A summer day is full of ease,
Maytime Magic
a bank is full of money,
our lilac bush is full of bees, A little seed
and I am full of honey. For me to sow . . .
Rose Burgunder
A little earth
To make it grow . . .
A little hole,
A little p a t . . .
A little wish,
And that is that.
A Moment in Summer
A little sun,
A moment in summer A little shower . . .
belongs to me A little while,
and one particular And then—a flower!
honey bee. Mabel Watts
A moment in summer
shimmering clear
making the sky Summer
seem very near,
a moment in summer When it's hot
belongs to me. I take my shoes off,
Charlotte Zolotow I take my shirt off,
I take my pants off,
I take my underwear off,
I take my whole body off,
and throw it
in the river.
Frank Asch

A Rocket in My Pocket
I've got a rocket
In my pocket;
I cannot stop to play. -
Away it goes!
I've burned my toes.
It's Independence Day.
August Harvest Home

The sprinkler twirls. The maples flare among the spruces,

The summer wanes. The bursting foxgrape spills its juices,
The pavement wears The gentians lift their sapphire fringes
Popsicle stains. On roadways rich with golden tinges,
The waddling woodchucks fill their hampers,
The playground grass ^ deer mou$e ^ Λ e c h φ m u n k s c a m p e r s ?
Is worn to dust. T^ ,
. The squirrels scurry, never stopping,
, ^ For all they hear is apples dropping
Creak, creak with rust. ^ ^ ^ p l u m p m g ^ a n d fa§ter;
The trees are bored The bee weighs down the purple aster—

Thanksgiving Magic

Thanksgiving Day I like to see

Our cook perform her witchery.
She turns a pumpkin into pie
As easily as you or I
This Is Halloween Can wave a hand or wink an eye.
She takes leftover bread and muffin
Goblins on the doorstep, And changes them to turkey stuffin'.
Phantoms in the air, She changes cranberries to sauce
Owls on witches' gateposts And meats to stews and stews to broths;
Giving stare for stare, And when she mixes gingerbread
Cats on flying broomsticks, It turns into a man instead
Bats against the moon, With frosting collar 'round his throat
Stirrings round of fate-cakes And raisin buttons down his coat.
With a solemn spoon, Oh, some like magic made by wands,
Whirling apple parings, And some read magic out of books,
Figures draped in sheets And some like fairy spells and charms
Dodging, disappearing, But I like magic made by cooks!
Up and down the streets, Rowenα Bαstin Bennett
Jack-o'-lanterns grinning,
Shadows on a screen,
Shrieks and starts and laughter—
This is Halloween!
Dorothy Brown Thompson

hazy Witch

Lazy witch,
What's wrong with you?
Get up and stir your magic brew.
Here's candlelight to chase the gloom.
Jump up and mount your flying broom 12 October
And muster up your charms and spells
From where I stand now
And wicked grins and piercing yells.
the world is flat,
It's Halloween! There's work to do!
flat out flat,
Lazy witch,
no end to that.
What's wrong with you?
Myrα Cohn Livingston Where my eyes go the land moves out.
How is it then
five hundred years ago (about)
Columbus found
that far beyond the flat on flat
the world was round?
Myrα Cohn Livingston

Thank You
for all my hands can hold—
apples red,
and melons gold,
yellow corn
both ripe and sweet,
peas and beans
so good to eat!
Thanksgiving Day
Thank You
Over the river and through the wood, for all my eyes can see—
To grandfather's house we go; lovely sunlight,
The horse knows the way field and tree,
To carry the sleigh white cloud-boats
Through the white and drifted snow. in sea-deep sky,
soaring bird
Over the river and through the wood—
and butterfly.
Oh, how the wind does blow!
It stings the toes Thank You
And bites the nose, for all my ears can hear—
As over the ground we go. birds' song echoing
far and near,
Over the river and through the wood,
songs of little
To have a first-rate play.
stream, big sea,
Hear the bells ring,
cricket, bullfrog,
duck and bee!
Hurrah for Thanksgiving Day!
Ivy O. Eastwick
Over the river and through the wood,
Trot fast, my dapple-gray!
Spring over the ground,
Like a hunting-hound!
For this is Thanksgiving Day.

Over the river and through the wood,

And straight through the barn-yard gate.
We seem to go
Extremely slow—
It is so hard to wait!
Over the river and through the wood—
Now grandmother's cap I spy!
Hurrah for the fun!
Is the pudding done?
Hurrah for the pumpkin-pie!
L. Maria Child
Light the Festive Candles

Light the first of eight tonight—

the farthest candle to the right.
Light the first and second, too,
when tomorrow's day is through.
Then light three, and then light four—
every dusk one candle more
Till all eight burn bright and high,
honoring a day gone by
When the Temple was restored,
rescued from the Syrian lord,
And an eight-day feast proclaimed—
The Festival of Lights—well named
To celebrate the joyous day
when we regained the right to pray
to our one God in our own way.
Aileen Fisher

Winter Moon
How thin and sharp is the moon tonight!
How thin and sharp and ghostly white
Is the slim curved crook of the moon tonight!
Langston Hughes

The Children's Carol

Here we come again, again, and here we come again!
Christmas is a single pearl swinging on a chain,
Christmas is a single flower in a barren wood,
Christmas is a single sail on the salty flood,
Christmas is a single star in the empty sky,
Christmas is a single song sung for charity.
Here we come again, again, to sing to you again,
Give a single penny that we may not sing in vain.
Eleanor Farjeon
From: A Christmas Package

My stocking's where
He'll see it—there!
One-half a pair.
The tree is sprayed,
My prayers are prayed,
My wants are weighed.
I've made a list
Of what he missed
Last year. I've kissed
My father, mother,
Sister, brother;
I've done those other
Things I should
And would and could.
So far, so good.
David McCord
I Heard a Bird Sing
I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December
A magical thing
And sweet to remember.
"We are nearer to Spring
Than we were in September,"
I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December.
Oliver Herford

Merry Christmas
I saw on the snow
when I tried my skis
the track of a mouse
beside some trees.
Before he tunneled
to reach his house
he wrote "Merry Christmas"
in white, in mouse.
Aileen Fisher

A Visit from St. Nicholas

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds;
While visions of sugar-pίums danced in their heads;
And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long winter's n a p —
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters, and threw up the sash.
The moon, on the breast of the new-fallen snow,
Gave the luster of midday to objects below;
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer,
With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name:
"Now, Dasherl now, Dancerl now, Prancer and Vixenl
On, Cometl on, Cupidl on, Donder and Blitzenl
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!"
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky;
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew
With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too.

Mammals are a variedlot;
some are furry, some are not;
many come equipped with tails;
*,. some have quills, a few have scales.

Some are large, and others small;

some are quick, while others crawl;
they prance on land, they swing from trees;
they're underground and in the seas.

Some have hooves, and some have paws;

some have fangs in snapping jaws;
some will snarl if you come near;
others quickly disappear.

Dogs and cats and bears and bats,

all are mammals, so are rats;
whales are mammals, camels too;
Γm a mammal.. .so are YO U!

I think mice
Are rather nice.

Their tails are long,

Their faces small,
They haven't any
Chins at all.
Their ears are pink,
Their teeth are white,
They run about
The house at night.
They nibble things
They shouldn't touch
And no one seems
To like them much.
But / think mice
Are nice.
T h e Waltzer in the House Rose Fyleman

A sweet, a delicate white mouse,

A little blossom of a beast,
Is waltzing in the house
Among the crackers and the yeast.
O the swaying of his legs!
O the bobbing of his head!
The lady, beautiful and kind,
The blue-eyed mistress, lately wed,
Has almost laughed away her wits
To see the pretty mouse that sits
On his tiny pink behind
And swaying, bobbing, begs.
She feeds him tarts and curds,
Seed packaged for the birds,
And figs, and nuts, and cheese;
Polite as Pompadour to please
The dainty waltzer of her house,
The sweet, the delicate, the innocent white mouse
As in a dream, as in a trance,
She loves his rhythmic elegance,
She laughs to see his bobbing dance.
Stanley Kunitz

The Rabbit

When they said the time to hide was mine,

I hid back under a thick grape vine.

And while I was still for the time to pass,

A little gray thing came out of the grass.

He hopped his way through the melon bed

And sat down close by a cabbage head.

He sat down close where I could see,

And his big still eyes looked hard at me,

His big eyes bursting out of the rim,

And I looked back very hard at him.
Elizabeth Madox Roberts

The Chipmunk's Day

In and out the bushes, up the ivy,
To a Squirrel at Kyle-Na-No
Into the hole
Come play with me; By the old oak stump, the chipmunk flashes
Why should you run Up the pole.
Through the shaking tree To the feeder full of seeds he dashes,
As though Γd a gun Stuffs his cheeks,
To strike you dead? The chickadee and titmouse scold him.
When all I would do Down he streaks.
Is to scratch your head
And let you go. Red as the leaves the wind blows off the maple,
Red as a fox,
William Butler Yeats
Striped like a skunk, the chipmunk whistles
Past the love seat, past the mailbox,

Down the path,

Home to his warm hole stuffed with sweet
Things to eat.
Neat and slight and shining, his front feet

Curled at his breast, he sits there while the sun

Stripes the red west
With its last light: the chipmunk
Dives to his rest.
Randall Jarrell
The Bat
Bats are creepy; bats are scary;
Bats do not seem sanitary;
Bats in dismal caves keep cozy;
Bats remind us of Lugosi;
The Hedgehog Bats have webby wings that fold up;
Bats from ceilings hang down rolled up;
The Hedgehog sleeps beneath the hedge- Bats when flying undismayed are;
As you may sometimes see— Bats are careful; bats use radar;
And I prefer it sleeping there Bats at nighttime at their best are;
To sleeping here with me! Bats by Batman unimpressed are!
J.J.Bell Frank Jacobs

The Bat
By day the bat is cousin to the mouse.
He likes the attic of an ageing house.
His fingers make a hat about his head.
His pulse beat is so slow we think him dead.
He loops in crazy figures half the night
Among the trees that face the corner light.
But when he brushes up against a screen,
We are afraid of what our eyes have seen:
For something is amiss or out of place
When mice with wings can wear a human face,
Theodore Roethke
The Sloth
In moving-slow he has no Peer.
You ask him something in his ear;
He thinks about it for a Year;
And, then, before he says a Word
There, upside down (unlike a Bird)
He will assume that you have Heard—
A most Ex-as-per-at-ing Lug.
But should you call his manner Smug,
He'll sigh and give his Branch a Hug;
Then off again to Sleep he goes,
Still swaying gently by his Toes,
And you just know he knows he knows.
Theodore Roethke

The Camel's Complaint

"Canary-birds feed on sugar and seed,

Parrots have crackers to crunch;
And, as for the poodles, they tell me the noodles
Have chickens and cream for their lunch.
But there's never a question
About MY digestion—
ANYTHING does for me!

"Cats, you're aware, can repose in a chair,

Chickens can roost upon rails;
Puppies are able to sleep in a stable,
And oysters can slumber in pails.
But no one supposes
A poor Camel dozes—
ANY PLACE does for me!

"Lambs are inclosed where it's never exposed,

Coops are constructed for hens;
Kittens are treated to houses well heated,
And pigs are protected by pens.
But a Camel comes handy
Wherever it's sandy—
ANYWHERE does for me!

"People would laugh if you rode a giraffe,

Or mounted the back of an ox;
It's nobody's habit to ride on a rabbit,
Camel Or try to bestraddle a fox.
But as for a Camel, he's
I am a camel in all the sand. Ridden by families—
I do not require a helping hand. ANY LOAD does for me!

Near where my camel-master sits "A snake is as round as a hole in the ground,
Is a great big statue shattered into bits. And weasels are wavy and sleek;
And no alligator could ever be straighter
My hump is solid, my hoofs are tough;
Than lizards that live in a creek.
My personality is gruff.
But a Camel's all lumpy
Γm endlessly stubborn and stupidly slow. And bumpy and humpy—
I invariably know the way to go. ANY SHAPE does for me!"

Alan Brownjohn Charles Edward Carryl

The buffaloes are gone.
And those who saw the buffaloes are gone.
Those who saw the buffaloes by thousands and how they
pawed the prairie sod into dust with their great hoofs,
their great heads down pawing on in a great pageant
of dusk,
Those who saw the buffaloes are gone.
And the buffaloes are gone.
Carl Sandburg

The Hippopotamus
Holding Hands
The huge hippopotamus hasn't a hair
on the back of his wrinkly hide; Elephants walking
he carries the bulk of his prominent hulk Along the trails
rather loosely assembled inside.
Are holding hands
The huge hippopotamus lives without care By holding tails
at a slow philosophical pace,
as he wades in the mud with a thump and a thud Trunks and tails
and a permanent grin on his face. Are handy things
Jack Prelutsky When elephants walk
In circus rings.
Elephants work
And elephants play
And elephants walk
And feel so gay.
And when they walk—
It never fails
They're holding hands
By holding tails.
Lenore M. Link
Beside the Line of Elephants
I think they had no pattern
When they cut out the elephant's skin;
Some places it needs letting out,
And others, taking in.
Edna Becker

Gray as a mouse,
Big as a house,
Nose like a snake,
I make the earth shake,
As I tramp through the grass;
Trees crack as I pass.
With horns in my mouth
I walk in the South,
Flapping big ears.
Beyond count of years
I stump round and round, The Wolf
Never lie on the ground,
Not even to die. When the pale moon hides and the wild wind wails,
Oliphaunt am I, And over the tree-tops the nighthawk sails,
Biggest of all, The gray wolf sits on the world's far rim,
Huge, old, and tall. And howls: and it seems to comfort him.
If ever you'd met me, The wolf is a lonely soul, you see,
You wouldn't forget me. No beast in the wood, nor bird in the tree,
If you never do, But shuns his path; in the windy gloom
You won't think I'm true; They give him plenty, and plenty of room.
But old Oliphaunt am I,
And I never lie. So he sits with his long, lean face to the sky
Watching the ragged clouds go by.
/. R. R. Tolkien
There in the night, alone, apart,
Singing the song of his lone, wild heart.
Far away, on the world's dark rim
He howls, and it seems to comfort him.
Georgia Roberts Durston
Four Little Foxes
Speak gently, Spring, and make no sudden sound;
For in my windy valley, yesterday, I found
New-born foxes squirming on the ground—
Speak gently.
Walk softly, March, forbear the bitter blow;
Her feet within a trap, her blood upon the snow,
The four little foxes saw their mother go—
Walk softly.
Go lightly, Spring, oh, give them no alarm;
When I covered them with boughs to shelter them from harm,
The thin blue foxes suckled at my arm—
Go lightly.
Step softly, March, with your rampant hurricane;
Nuzzling one another, and whimpering with pain,
The new little foxes are shivering in the rain—
Step softly.
Lew Sarett

Grandpa Bear's Lullaby

The night is long
But fur is deep. The Lesser Lynx
You will be warm
In winter sleep. The laughter of the Lesser Lynx
Is often insincere:
The food is gone It pays to be polite, he thinks,
But dreams are sweet If Royalty is near.
And they will be
Your winter meat. So when the Lion steals his food
Or kicks him from behind,
The cave is dark He smiles, of course—but oh, the rude
But dreams are bright Remarks that cross his mind!
And they will serve
E. V Rieu
As winter light.
Sleep, my little cubs, sleep.
Jane Yolen
Polar Bear
The secret of the polar bear
Is that he wears long underwear.
Gail Kredenser

See how he dives
From the rocks with a zoom!
See how he darts
Through his watery room
Past crabs and eels
And green seaweed,
Past fluffs of sandy
Minnow feed!
See how he swims
With a swerve and a twist,
A flip of the flipper,
A flick of the wrist!
Softer than spray,
Down he plunges
And sweeps away;
Before you can think,
Before you can utter
Words like "Dill pickle"
Or "Apple butter,"
Back up he swims
Past Sting Ray and Shark,
Out with a zoom,
A whoop, a bark;
Before you can say
Whatever you wish,
He plops at your side
With a mouthful of fish!
William Jay Smith
The Mandrill The Wild, the Free
In the Mandrill With flowing tail, and flying mane,
unrefined Wide nostrils never stretched by pain,
Beauty and Beast Mouths bloodless to the bit or rein,
are well combined. And feet that iron never shod,
How would you like And flanks unscarred by spur or rod,
to have that face A thousand horse, the wild, the free,
to look at in your looking-glass? Like waves that follow o'er the sea.
And all the other Lord Byron
jungle creatures
what must they think
of those strange features?
And that odd name
the Mandrill—can The Donkey
it be he hopes
I saw a donkey
But that face One day old,
won't His head was too big
wash For his neck to hold;
off His legs were shaky
with And long and loose,
soap: They rocked and staggered
I fear poor Mandrill And weren't much use.
has He tried to gambol
no And frisk a bit,
hope. But he wasn't quite sure
Of the trick of it.
Conrad Aiken
His queer little coat
Was soft and gray
And curled at his neck
In a lovely way.
His face was wistful
The Performing Seal
And left no doubt
Who is so proud That he felt life needed
As not to feel Some thinking about.
A secret awe So he blundered round
Before a seal In venturesome quest,
That keeps such sleek And then lay flat
And wet repose On the ground to rest.
While twirling candles He looked so little
On his nose? And weak and slim,
I prayed the world
Rachel Field
Might be good to him.
Ode to the Pig: His Tail
My tail is not impressive
But it's elegant and neat.
In length it's not excessive—
I can't curl it round my feet—
But it's awfully expressive
And its weight is not excessive,
And I don't think it's conceit,
Or foolishly possessive
If I state with some aggressive-
ness that it's the final master touch
That makes a pig complete.
Walter R. Brooks

The Pig
The pig is not a nervous beast;
He never worries in the least.
He lives his tranquil life unshaken,
A Pig Is Never Blamed
And when he dies brings home the bacon.
Roland Young A pig is never blamed in case
he forgets to wash his face.
No dirty suds are on his soap,
The Hairy Dog because with soap he does not cope.
He never has to clean the tub
My dog's so furry I've not seen
after he has had a scrub,
His face for years and years:
for whatever mess he makes,
His eyes are buried out of sight,
a bath is what he never takes.
I only guess his ears.
But then, what is a pool to him?
When people ask me for his breed, Poor pig, he never learns to swim.
I do not know or care: And all the goodies he can cram
He has the beauty of them all down his gullet turn to ham.
Hidden beneath his hair. It's mean:
Herbert Asquith keeping clean.
You hardly want to, till you're very big.
But it's worse to be a pig.
Babette Deutsch

The Cow
The cow is of the bovine ilk;
One end is moo, the other, milk.
Ogden Nash
Roger the Dog
Asleep he wheezes at his ease.
He only wakes to scratch his fleas.
He hogs the fire, he bakes his head
As if it were a loaf of bread.
He's just a sack of snoring dog.
You can lug him like a log.
You can roll him with your foot,
He'll stay snoring where he's put.
I take him out for exercise,
He rolls in cowclap up to his eyes.
He will not race, he will not romp,
He saves his strength for gobble and chomp.
He'll work as hard as you could wish
Emptying his dinner dish,
Then flops flat, and digs down deep,
Like a miner, into sleep.
Ted Hughes

Lone Dog
I'm a lean dog, a keen dog, a wild dog and lone,
I'm a rough dog, a tough dog, hunting on my own!
I'm a bad dog, a mad dog, teasing silly sheep;
I love to sit and bay at the moon and keep fat souls from sleep.
I'll never be a lap dog, licking dirty feet,
A sleek dog, a meek dog, cringing for my meat.
Not for me the fireside, the well-filled plate,
But shut door and sharp stone and cuff and kick and hate.
Not for me the other dogs, running by my side,
Some have run a short while, but none of them would bide.
O mine is still the lone trail, the hard trail, the best,
Wide wind and wild stars and the hunger of the quest.
Irene McLeod

The Cat of Cats

I am the cat of cats. I am
The everlasting cat!
Cunning, and old, and sleek as jam,
The everlasting cat!
I hunt the vermin in the night—
The everlasting cat!
For I see best without the light—
The everlasting cat!
William Brighty Rands

The Cats of Kilkenny

There were once two cats of Kilkenny,
Each thought there was one cat too many;
So they fought and they fit,
And they scratched and they bit,
Till, excepting their nails
And the tips of their tails,
Instead of two cats, there weren't any.

A Cat in Despondency
A cat in despondency sighed
And resolved to commit suicide.
She passed under the wheels
Of eight automobiles,
And under the ninth one she died.
m Cat

The black cat yawns,

Opens her jaws,
Stretches her legs,
And shows her claws.

Country Barnyard Then she gets up

And stands on four
Cats and kittens, kittens and cats Long stiff legs
under the barn and under the shed; And yawns some more.
a face by the steps, a tail by the ramp
She shows her sharp teeth,
and off they go, if they hear a tread!
She stretches her lip,
Sleep in the sun with one eye on guard, Her slice of a tongue
doze in the grass with a listening ear, Turns up at the tip.
run for the darkness under the barn
as soon as a human being draws near! Lifting herself
On her delicate toes,
Not quite wild and not quite tame, She arches her back
thin and limber, with hungry eye: As high as it goes.
the house cat sits at the kitchen door
disdainfully watching her kin go by. She lets herself down
With particular care,
Elizabeth Coatsworΐh
And pads away
With her tail in the air.
Cats Mary Britton Miller

Cats sleep
Any table,
Any chair,
Top of piano,
In the middle,
On the edge,
Open drawer,
Empty shoe,
Lap will do,
Fitted in a
Cardboard box,
In the cupboard
With your frocks-
They don't care!
Cats sleep
Eleanor Earjeon

Little Things
Little things, that run, and quail,
And die, in silence and despair!
Little things, that fight, and fail,
And fall, on sea, and earth, and air!
All trapped and frightened little things,
The mouse, the coney, hear our prayer!
As we forgive those done to us,
—The lamb, the linnet, and the hare—
Forgive us all our trespasses,
Little creatures, everywhere!
James Stephens

Cat's Menu
I eat what I wish—
It's a matter of taste. Feather or Fur
Whether liver or fish,
When you watch for
I eat what I wish.
Feather or fur
Putting scraps in my dish
Feather or fur
Is a terrible waste.
Do not stir
I eat what I wish—
Do not stir.
It's a matter of taste.
Richard Shaw Feather or fur
Come crawling
Some come peeping
Some by night
And some by day.
Most come gently
All come softly
Do not scare
A friend away.
When you watch for
Feather or fur
Feather or fur
Do not stir
Do not stir.
John Becker


There is wonder past all wonder

in the ways of living things,
in a worm's intrepid wriggling,

Hurt No Living Thing

Hurt no living thing;

Ladybird, nor butterfly,
Nor moth with dusty wing,
Nor cricket chirping cheerily,
Nor grasshopper so light of leap,
Nor dancing gnat, nor beetle fat,
Nor harmless worms that creep.
Christina Rosseΐΐi

Hey, Bug!

Hey, bug, stay!

Don't run away.
I know a game that we can play.

I'll hold my fingers very still

and you can climb a finger-hill.

No, no.
Don't go.

Here's a wall—a tower, too,

a tiny bug town, just for you.
I've a cookie. You have some.
Green Stems Take this oatmeal cookie crumb.

Little things that crawl and creep Hey, bug, stay!

In the green grass forests, Hey, bug!
Deep in their long-stemmed world Hey!
Where ferns uncurl Lilian Moore
To a greener world
Beneath the leaves above them;
And every flower upon its stem
Blows above them there
The bottom of a geranium,
The back side of a trillium,
The belly of a bumblebee
Is all they see, these little things
Down so low
Where no bird sings
Where no winds blow,
Deep in their long-stemmed world.
Margaret Wise Brown

Praying Mantis Crickets

That praying mantis over there Crickets
Is really not engaged in prayer. Talk
That praying mantis that you see In the tall
Is really preying (with an "e"). Grass
It preys upon the garter snake. All
It preys upon the bumblebee. Late summer
It preys upon the cabbage worm, Long.
The wasp, the fly, the moth, the flea. When
(And sometimes, if its need is great, Summer
It even preys upon its mate.) Is gone,
The dry
With prey and preying both so endless,
It tends to end up rather friendless
And seldom is commended much
Except by gardeners and such.
Valerie Worth
Mary Ann Hoberman

A Bug Sat in a Silver Flower

A bug sat in a silver flower
Thinking silver thoughts.
A bigger bug out for a walk
Climbed up that silver flower stalk
And snapped the small bug down his jaws
Without a pause
Without a care
For all the bug's small silver thoughts.
It isn't right
It isn't fair
That big bug ate that little bug
Because that little bug was there.
He also ate his underwear.
Karla Kuskin
Ants, Although Admirable, Bug in a Jug
Are Awfully Aggravating
Curious fly,
The busy ant works hard all day Vinegar jug,
And never stops to rest or play. Slippery edge,
He carries things ten times his size, Pickled bug.
And never grumbles, whines or cries. Anonymous
And even climbing flower stalks,
He always runs, he never walks.
He loves his work, he never tires,
And never puffs, pants or perspires.

Yet though I praise his boundless vim

I am not really fond of him.
The Bug
Walter R. Brooks
And when the rain had gone away
And it was shining everywhere,
I ran out on the walk to play
And found a little bug was there.

Wasps And he was running just as fast

As any little bug could run,
Wasps like coffee. Until he stopped for breath at last,
Syrup. All black and shiny in the sun.
And then he chirped a song to me
And gave his wings a little tug,
And that's the way he showed that he
Was very glad to be a bug!
A Dorothy Aldis
Marjorie Barrows
k ** *
Oh the Toe-Test!
The Flea
The fly, the fly,
And here's the happy, bounding flea— in the wink of an eye,
You cannot tell the he from she. can taste with his feet
The sexes look alike, you see; if the syrup is sweet
But she can tell and so can he. or the bacon is salty.
Roland Young Oh is it his fault he
gets toast on his toes
as he tastes as he goes?
Norma Farber


A leaf bug comes from an egg in June

Before it can live and thrive.
A green moth comes from a curled cocoon,
A honeybee from a hive.
But though in all of the insect books
Such varied sources make sense,
Like water beetles coming from brooks
Or caterpillars from tents . . .
The thing that really puzzles me some
In the way of bug affairs
Is: why do cockroaches always come
From The People Living Upstairs?
Kaye Starbird

When Mosquitoes Make a Meal

When mosquitoes make a meal,

arms and legs have great appeal.

But they stay out when we go in.

That's why mosquitoes are so thin.

And if we keep them from their dinner,

they're bound to grow a great deal thinner.
Else Holmelund Minarik
A Dragonfly
When the heat of the summer
Made drowsy the land,
A dragonfly came
And sat on my hand.

With its blue-jointed body,

And wings like spun glass,
It lit on my fingers
As though they were grass.
Eleanor Faήeon
The Tickle Rhyme
"Who's that tickling my back?" said the wall.
"Me," said a small
Caterpillar. "I'm learning
To crawl."
Ian Serraillier

Fireflies in the Garden

Here come real stars to fill the upper skies,
And here on earth come emulating flies,
That though they never equal stars in size,
(And they were never really stars at heart)
Achieve at times a very star-like start.
Only, of course, they can't sustain the part.
Robert Frost

Brown and furry
Caterpillar in a hurry,
Take your walk A small speckled visitor
To the shady leaf, or stalk, wearing crimson cape,
Or what not, brighter than a cherry,
Which may be the chosen spot. smaller than a grape.
No toad spy you,
Hovering bird of prey pass by you; A polka-dotted someone
Spin and die, walking on my wall,
To live again a butterfly. a black-hooded lady
Christina Rossetti
in a scarlet shawl.
Joan Walsh Anglund
Fishes' Evening Song

Long Gone Flip flop,

Flip flap,
Don't waste your time in looking for Slip slap,
the long-extinct tyrannosaur, Lip lap;
because this ancient dinosaur Water sounds,
just can't be found here anymore. Soothing sounds.
We fan our fins
This also goes for stegosaurus, As we lie
allosaurus, brontosaurus Resting here
and any other saur or saurus. Eye to eye.
They all lived here long before us. Waterfalls
Jack Prelutsky Drop by drop,
Plip plop,
The Shark Drip drop.
Plink plunk,
A treacherous monster is the Shark, Splash splish;
He never makes the least remark. Fish fins fan,
Fish tails swish,
And when he sees you on the sand,
Swush, swash, swish.
He doesn't seem to want to land.
This we wish . . .
He watches you take off your clothes, Water cold,
And not the least excitement shows. Water clear,
Water smooth,
His eyes do not grow bright or roll,
Just to soothe
He has astounding self-control.
Sleepy fish.
He waits till you are quite undressed, Dahlov Ipcar
And seems to take no interest.
And when towards the sea you leap,
He looks as if he were asleep.
But when you once get in his range,
His whole demeanor seems to change.
He throws his body right about,
And his true character comes out.
It's no use crying or appealing,
He seems to lose all decent feeling.
After this warning you will wish
To keep clear of this treacherous fish.
His back is black, his stomach white,
He has a very dangerous bite.
Lord Alfred Douglas
The giant brontosaurus
Was a prehistoric chap
With four fat feet to stand on
And a very skimpy lap.
The scientists assure us
Of a most amazing thing—
A brontosaurus blossomed
When he had a chance to sing!
(The bigger brontosauruses,
Who liked to sing in choruses,
Would close their eyes
and harmonize
And sing most anything.)
They growled and they yowled,
They deedled and they dummed;
They warbled and they whistled,
They howled and they hummed.
They didn't eat, they didn't sleep;
They sang and sang all day.
Now all you'll find are footprints
Where they tapped the time away!
Gail Kredenser

Sally and Manda

Sally and Manda are two little lizards
Who gobble up flies in their two little gizzards.
They live by a toadstool near two little hummocks
And crawl all around on their two little stomachs.
Atice B. Campbell

The Boa The Lizard

Allow me just one short remark The Lizard is a timid thing
About this lengthy Boa: That cannot dance or fly or sing;
If Noah had it in his ark, He hunts for bugs beneath the floor
I sympathize with Noah! And longs to be a dinosaur.
J.J.Bell John Gardner

Desert Tortoise
I am the old one here. I cross My shell still shows
the same arroyo the toothmarks
that I crossed where a wildcat
and snakes
when I was young, thought he had me
and deer
returning to long ago.
and butterflies
the same safe den He didn't know
and badgers
to sleep through that I was safe
come and go.
winter's cold. beneath
Each spring, the hard brown rock
and eagles
I warm myself he tried to bite.
come and go.
in the same sun,
I trust that shell.
But tortoises search for the same
I move
grow old long tender blades
at my own speed.
and stay. of green,
and taste the same This
Our lives stretch out.
ripe juicy cactus fruit. is a good place
for an old tortoise
I know
to walk.
the slow
sure way Byrd Baylor
my world
repeats itself.
I know
how I fit in.
I found this salamander
Near the pond in the wood.
Samuel, I called him—
Samuel, Samuel.
Right away I loved him.
He loved me too, I think.
Samuel, I called him—
Samuel, Samuel.
I took him home in a coffee can,
And at night
He slept in my bed.
In the morning
The Crocodile I took him to school.

How doth the little crocodile He died very quietly during spelling.
Improve his shining tail,
Sometimes I think
And pour the waters of the Nile
I should have left him
On every golden scale!
Near the pond in the woods.
How cheerfully he seems to grin! Samuel, I called him—
How neatly spread his claws, Samuel, Samuel.
And welcomes little fishes in Bobbi Katz
With gently smiling jaws!
Lewis Carroll

The Frog
Be kind and tender to the Frog,
And do not call him names,
As "Slimy skin," or "Polly-wog,"
Or likewise "Ugly James,"
Or "Gape-a-grin," or "Toad-gone-wrong,'
Or "Billy Bandy-knees":
The Frog is justly sensitive
To epithets like these.
No animal will more repay
A treatment kind and fair;
At least so lonely people say
Who keep a frog (and, by the way,
They are extremely rare).
Hilaire Belloc

The Tree Frog

The tree frog
Creaks and croaks and croaks
And says "Dee deep"
On elms and oaks,
"Dee deep," he says
And stops, till when
It's time to say
"Dee deep" again.
John Trovers Moore
The Polliwog
Oh, the Polliwog is woggling
In his pleasant native bog
With his beady eyes a-goggling
Through the underwater fog
And his busy tail a-joggling
And his eager head agog—
Just a happy little frogling
Who is bound to be a Frog!
Arthur Guiterman

The Hummingbird
The Hummingbird, he has no song
From flower to flower he hums along Baby Talk
Humming his way among the trees
The fledglings have a language
He finds no words for what he sees
That is all their own.
Michael Flanders
They lisp in broken syllables
In a high, clear tone.
Each bird learns first a single word
Quite long for a beginner,
But says it very plainly,
Anna Bird Stewart
The Blackbird
In the far corner
close by the swings,
every morning
a blackbird sings.
His bill's so yellow,
his coat's so black,
The Canary that he makes a fellow
whistle back.
The song of canaries
Never varies, Ann, my daughter,
And when they're moulting thinks that he
They're pretty revolting. sings for us two
Ogden Nash especially.
Humbert Wolfe

The Duck
Ducks' Ditty
When you're a Duck like me it's impossible
All along the backwater, to make friends with humans like you.
Through the rushes tall, We're friendly and don't cause any trouble,
Ducks are a-dabbling. but you're not and you certainly do.
Up tails all!
We swim round, me and the family,
Ducks' tails, drakes' tails, while you throw us old lumps of bread.
Yellow feet a-quiver, Your dog starts to run with the crack of your gun
Yellow bills all out of sight and one of us loses his head.
Busy in the river!
And if that's not enough, then you cook us
Slushy green undergrowth with our legs sticking up in the air.
Where the roach swim— Try putting yourself into our place.
Here we keep our larder, I tell you, it just isn't fair.
Cool and full and dim.
Richard Digance
Every one for what he likes!
We like to be
Head down, tails up,
Dabbling free!
High in the blue above
Swifts whirl and call—
We are down a-dabbling
Up tails all!
Kenneth Grahame
The Sandpiper
At the edge of tide
He stops to wonder,
Races through
The lace of thunder.
Sea Gull On toothpick legs
Swift and brittle,
The sea gull curves his wings,
He runs and pipes
the sea gull turns his eyes.
And his voice is little.
Get down into the water, fish!
(if you are wise.) But small or not,
He has a notion
The sea gull slants his wings,
To outshout
the sea gull turns his head. B< The Atlantic Ocean.
Get deep into the water, fish!
(or you'll be dead.) Frances Frost

Elizabeth Coatsworth

The Sandpiper
Along the sea-edge, like a gnome
Or rolling pebble in the foam,
As though he timed the ocean's throbbing,
Runs a piper, bobbing, bobbing.
Now he stiffens, now he wilts,
Like a little boy on stilts!
Creatures burrow, insects hide,
When they see the piper glide.
You would think him out of joint,
Till his bill began to point.
You would doubt if he could fly,
Till his straightness arrows by.
You would take him for a clown,
Till he peeps and flutters down,
Vigilant among the grasses,
Where a fledgling bobs and passes.
Witter Bynner
The Hen
The Hen is a ferocious fowl,
She pecks you till she makes you howl.
And all the time she flaps her wings,
And says the most insulting things.
And when you try to take her eggs,
She bites large pieces from your legs.
The only safe way to get these,
Is to creep on your hands and knees.
In the meanwhile a friend must hide,
And jump out on the other side.
And then you snatch the eggs and run,
Something Told the Wild Geese
While she pursues the other one.
Something told the wild geese The difficulty is, to find
It was time to go. A trusty friend who will not mind.
Though the fields lay golden
Lord Alfred Douglas
Something whispered—"Snow."
Leaves were green and stirring, jk

Berries, luster-glossed,
But beneath warm feathers
Something cautioned—"Frost."
All the sagging orchards
Steamed with amber spice,
But each wild breast stiffened
At remembered ice.
Something told the wild geese
It was time to fly—
Summer sun was on their wings,
Winter in their cry.
Rachel Field


Night Heron
Hunting my cat along the evening brook
Where she'd been stalking deer mice in the weeds,
I nearly missed this sight—the great night heron
Bluer than dusk in the maze of willow reeds.
Beautiful, motionless, he stood in silence
On one leg, waiting for lantern flies,
And gazed across the brook to where in hemlock
His nest of sticks rose high against the skies.
Then at my feet I saw my fierce young hunter
Crouched in the wet grass, trembling and in awe.
We left our heron to his stars. Cat shivered
And touched my cheek with a damp and golden paw.
Frances Frost

The Vulture
The Vulture eats between his meals
And that's the reason why
He very, very rarely feels
As well as you and I.
His eye is dull, his head is bald,
His neck is growing thinner.
Oh! what a lesson for us all
To only eat at dinner!
Hilaire Belloc

He clasps the crag with crooked hands;

Close to the sun in lonely lands,
Ringed with the azure world, he stands.
The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;
He watches from his mountain walls,
And like a thunderbolt he falls.
Alfred Tennyson
The Sparrow Hawk
Wings like pistols flashing at his sides,
Masked, above the meadow runway rides,
Galloping, galloping with an easy rein.
Below, the fieldmouse, where the shadow glides,
Holds fast the small purse of his life, and hides.
Russell Hoban

City, oh, city

of glory and grace,
of breathtaking towers
that soar into space,
of bottomless canyons,
steel, rivet, and stone;
City, oh, city,
how mighty you've grown.

City, oh, city

of myriad ways,
of thunderous sounds
that resound through your days,
of glistening lanterns
that brighten your nights;
City, oh, city
of shining delights.
Just for One Day
Hey, sidewalk pacers
bumper riders
long-legged gliders
stalkers, ledge walkers
roof straddlers
fence jumpers
stampers, trouncers
muggers, sluggers
big burly bouncers
alley runners
stabbers, purse grabbers
hurriers, harriers
scared scurriers Gift with the
all chased and chasers, Wrappings Off
please cease for a moment
Oh, what can you do with a Christmas pup
oh please,
In a little apartment three flights up?
lie down in a heap
He prowls.
and sleep.
Lillian Morrison And whenever the landlord happens by
With a "Rent's due!" gleam in his fishy eye,
He howls!
The Riveter Or whenever you dress for a hurry date,
This worker is a fearless one, With a frantic prayer that you won't be late,
a daring acrobat, He "helps"!
He creeps across the narrow beams, Or when guests sit down in the rocking chair
As steady as a cat. And neglect to see if a tail is there.
He shifts and swings the girders, He yelps;
While the wind about him blows.
He drives the red-hot rivets, And if you protest that he isn't hurt
Though a fly sits on his nose. And call him out from beneath your skirt,
Imagine how it feels to work He balks.
Up twenty stories high, Or perhaps there's rain, or a two-foot snow,
Riveting the girders there Or it's three a.m.—then he's got to go
That shine against the sky! For walks!
Mabel Watts
And the place you pick for his bed at night
Is the one sure place that he doesn't quite
Oh, what can you do with a Christmas pup
In a little apartment three flights up?
Mary Elizabeth Counselman

City, city,
Wrong and bad,
Looms above me
When Γm sad,
Throws its shadow
On my care,
Sheds its poison
In my air,
Pounds me with its
Noisy fist,
Sprays me with its
Sooty mist.
Till, with sadness
On my face,
I long to live
Another place.

City, city,
Shines around me
When Γm glad,
Lifts me with its
Strength and height,
Fills me with its
Sound and sight,
Takes me to its
Crowded heart,
Holds me so I
Won't depart.
Till, with gladness
On my face,
I wouldn't live
Another place.
Marci Ridlon
Things to Do If You Are a Subway

Pretend you are a dragon.

Sing a Song of Subways
Live in underground caves.
Roar about underneath the city.
Sing a song of subways,
Swallow piles of people.
Never see the sun;
Four-and-twenty people Spit them out at the next station.
In room for one. Zoom through the darkness.
Be an express.
When the doors are opened— Go fast.
Everybody run. Make as much noise as you please.
Bobbi Katz

Flowers Are a Silly Bunch Rudolph Is Tired of the City

Flowers are a silly bunch These buildings are too close to me.
While trees are sort of bossy. Γd like to PUSH away.
Lakes are shy Γd like to live in the country,
The earth is calm And spread my arms all day.
And rivers do seem saucy.
Γd like to spread my breath out, t o o —
Hills are good
As farmers' sons and daughters do.
But mountains mean
While weeds all ask for pity. Γd tend the cows and chickens.
I guess the country can be nice Γd do the other chores.
But I prefer the city. Then, all the hours left Γd go
Arnold Spilka A-SPREADING OUt-of-doOΓS.
Gwendolyn Brooks
That May Morning Zebra
That May morning—very early— white sun
As I walked the city street, black
Not a single store was open fire escape,
Any customer to greet.
That May morning—it was early— grazing like a zebra
As I walked the avenue, outside my window.
I could stop and stare and window-shop, Judith Ίhurman
And hear the pigeons coo.

Early, early that May morning The People Upstairs

Crowds pushing
Into the subway
Scare me.
(Maybe I'll grow out of it.)
Crowds rushing
At the traffic light
Make me wonder.
Across the honking streets
Carry me along.
Crowds that stand
For a ticket,
For a movie,
I don't dig.
Slicking Concrete Mixers
Up and down escalators,
Crowds The drivers are washing the concrete mixers;
Popping out of elevators Like elephant tenders they hose them down.
Don't turn me on. Tough gray-skinned monsters standing ponderous,
(Maybe I'll grow out of it.) Elephant-bellied and elephant-nosed,
Virginia Schonborg Standing in muck up to their wheel-caps,
Like rows of elephants, tail to trunk.
Their drivers perch on their backs like mahouts,
Sending the sprays of water up.
They rid the trunk-like trough of concrete,
Direct the spray to the bulging sides,
Turn and start the monsters moving.
Concrete mixers
Move like elephants
Bellow like elephants
Spray like elephants,
Concrete mixers are urban elephants,
Their trunks are raising a city.
Patricia Hubbell
Sing a Song of People
Sing a song of people
Walking fast or slow;
People in the city,
Up and down they go.
People on the sidewalk,
People on the bus;
People passing, passing,
In back and front of us.
Pigeons People on the subway
Underneath the ground;
Pigeons are city folk People riding taxis
content Round and round and round.
to live with concrete
and cement. People with their hats on,
Going in the doors;
They seldom People with umbrellas
try When it rains and pours.
the sky. People in tall buildings
A pigeon never sings And in stores below;
of hill Riding elevators
and flowering hedge, Up and down they go.
but busily commutes ^
People walking singly,
from sidewalk People in a crowd;
to his ledge. People saying nothing,
Oh pigeon, what a waste of wings! People talking loud.
People laughing, smiling,
Lilian Moore
Grumpy people too;
People who just hurry
They've All Gone South And never look at you!

Redbird, bluebird, Sing a song of people

Bird with yellow mouth Who like to come and go;
All the pretty little birds Sing of city people
Have flown away south, You see but never know!
But the little dusty sparrow Lois Lenski
With his wings of rusty brown
For some peculiar reason
Lingers in the town
And little city children
Who wouldn't know a robin
From a cuckoo or a crow
Will hear the little sparrows
Chirping in the snow.
Mary Britton Miller
96 / / / • •


The broomstick bat Fog

Is good.
You've got to be fast, The fog comes
You've got to dodge. on little cat feet.
StickbalΓs a tough game
In the city. It sits looking
The ball ricochets over harbor and city
From fender to hood on silent haunches
To stoop—you've got it! and then moves on.
You've got to be fast, Carl Sandburg
You've got to dodge
In the city. Alley Cat School
Virginia Schonborg
Do alley cats go
to alley cat school?
Where they learn how to slink
and stay out of sight?
Where they learn how to find
A Sad Song About warm and comfortable places,
Greenwich Village On a cold wintry night?
Do they learn from teachers and books,
She lives in a garret
how to topple a garbage can lid?
Up a haunted stair,
Did they all go
And even when she's frightened
to alley cat school?
There's nobody to care.
Is that what they did?
She cooks so small a dinner Frank Asch
She dines on the smell,
And even if she's hungry
Open Hydrant
There's nobody to tell.

She sweeps her musty lodging Water rushes up /•(

As the dawn steals near, and gushes,

And even when she's crying cooling summer's sizzle.
There's nobody to hear. In a sudden whoosh
I haven't seen my neighbor it rushes,
Since a long time ago, not a little drizzle.
And even if she's dead First a hush and down
There's nobody to know. it crashes,
Frances Park over curbs it swishes.

Just a luscious waterfall

cooling city fishes.
Marci Ridlon

I like the town on rainy nights

When everything is wet—
When all the town has magic lights
And streets of shining jet!
When all the rain about the town
Is like a looking-glass,
And all the lights are upside-down
Below me as I pass.
In all the pools are velvet skies,
And down the dazzling street
A fairy city gleams and lies
In beauty at my feet.
Irene Thompson
April Rain Song
Let the rain kiss you. City Lights
Let the rain beat upon your head with silver
liquid drops. Into the endless dark
Let the rain sing you a lullaby. The lights of the buildings shine,
Row upon twinkling row,
The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk.
Line upon glistening line.
The rain makes running pools in the gutter.
Up and up they mount
The rain plays a little sleep-song on our roof at
Till the tallest seems to be
The topmost taper set
And I love the rain. On a towering Christmas tree.
Langston Hughes Rachel Field

The City Dump

City asleep
City asleep
Papers fly at the garbage heap.
Refuse dumped and
The sea gulls reap
Grapefruit rinds
And coffee grinds
And apple peels.
The sea gull reels and
The field mouse steals
In for a bite
In the morning the city At the end of night
Spreads its wings Of crusts and crumbs
Making a song And pits of plums.
In stone that sings. The white eggshells
In the evening the city Here it comes! And the green-blue smells
Goes to bed huge hulk And the gray gull's cry
Hanging lights in the darkness And the red dawn sky....
About its head. the long freighter City asleep
blacker than the water City asleep
Langston Hughes
silent as a ghostship A carnival
stealing by On the garbage heap.
slowly Felice Holman
Where Are You Now? down the dark river.
Claudia Lewis
When the night begins to fall
And the sky begins to glow
You look up and see the tall Foghorns
City of light begin to grow—
In rows and little golden squares The foghorns moaned
The lights come out. First here, then there in the bay last night
Behind the windowpanes as though so sad
A million billion bees had built so deep
Their golden hives and honeycombs I thought I heard the city
Above you in the air. crying in its sleep.
Mary Briΐton Miller Lilian Moore
Cockpit in the Clouds
Two thousand feet beneath our wheels
The city sprawls across the land
Like heaps of children's blocks outflung,
In tantrums, by a giant hand.
To east a silver spire soars
And seeks to pierce our lower wing.
Above its grasp we drift along,
A tiny, droning, shiny thing.
The noon crowds pack the narrow streets.
The el trains move so slow, so slow.
Amidst their traffic, chaos, life,
The city's busy millions go.
Up here, aloof, we watch them crawl.
In crystal air we seem to poise
Behind our motor's throaty roar—
Down there, we're just another noise.
Dick Dorrance
Children, children everywhere,
children dark and children fair,
children of all shapes and sizes,
children springing odd surprises,
children chasing, running races,
children laughing, making faces,
children cooking mud for dinner,
children, every one a winner.

Children jumping, children wiggling,

children grumping, children giggling,
children singing, sneezing, weeping,
children sometimes even sleeping,
children giving children hugs,
children chewing worms and bugs,
children in their parents' hair,
children, children everywhere.

Advice to Small Children
Eat no green apples or you'll droop,
Be careful not to get the croup,
Avoid the chicken-pox and such,
And don't fall out of windows much.
Edward Anthony

Hug O'War
I know what / feel like;
I will not play at tug o' war. I'd like to be you
I'd rather play at hug o' war, And feel what you feel like
Where everyone hugs And do what you do.
Instead of tugs, I'd like to change places
Where everyone giggles For maybe a week
And rolls on the rug, And look like your look-like
Where everyone kisses, And speak as you speak
And everyone grins, And think what you're thinking
And everyone cuddles, And go where you go
And everyone wins. And feel what you're feeling
Shel Silverstein And know what you know.
I wish we could do it;
What fun it would be
If I could try you out
And you could try me.
The Joke
Mary Ann Hoberman
The joke you just told isn't funny one bit.
It's pointless and dull, wholly lacking in 1
It's so old and stale, it's beginning to
Besides, it's the one I was going to tell.
Somebody loves you deep and true.
If I weren't so bashful, I'd tell you who.
I Love You Question
I love you, I love you, Do you love me
I love you divine, Or do you not?
Please give me your bubble gum, You told me once
You're sitting on mine! But I forgot.
Anonymous Anonymous

I love you, I like you,
I really do like you.
I do not want to strike you,
I do not want to shove you.
I do want to like you,
I do want to love you;
And like you and love you
And love you and love you.
William Jay Smith

Huckleberry, Gooseberry, Raspberry Pie

Huckleberry, gooseberry, raspberry pie
All sweetest things one cannot buy.
Peppermint candies are six for a penny,
But true love & kisses, one cannot buy any.
Clyde Watson

I Saw a Little Girl I Hate

I saw a little girl I hate
And kicked her with my toes.
She turned
And smiled
And KISSED me!
Then she punched me in the nose.
Arnold Spilka
I Hate Harry
I hate Harry l i k e . . . like . . . OOO!
I hate Harry l i k e . . . GEE!
I hate that Harry like—poison.
I hate! hate! hate! HAR-RY!
Rat! Dope! Skunk! Bum! Liar!
Dumber than the dumbest dumb flea!
BOY!... do I hate Harry,
I hate him the most that can be. Double-Barreled Ding-Dong-Bat
I hate him a hundred, thousand, million
Doubled, and multiplied by three, Why,
A skillion, trillion, zillion more times You—
Than Harry, that rat, hates me. Double-barreled,
Miriam Chaikin Disconnected,
Don't you dare come
Puzzle Near me, or I'll
Disconnect you
My best friend's name is Billy Just like that!
But his best friend is Fred
Dennis Lee
And Fred's is Willy Wiffleson
And Willy's best is Ted.
Ted's best pal is Samuel
While Samuel's is P a u l . . . .
It's funny Paul says I'm his best
I hate him most of all.
Arnold Spilka

John, Tom, and James

John was a bad boy, and beat a poor cat;
Tom put a stone in a blind man's hat;
James was the boy who neglected his prayers;
They've all grown up ugly, and nobody cares.
Charles Henry Ross

Yip-yap Rattletrap
Yip-yap Rattletrap
Prating noisy Pest
There Was a Little Girl Stuff a Muffin in your Mouth
And let my poor Ears rest!
There was a little girl, who had a little curl Clyde Watson
Right in the middle of her forehead,
And when she was good, she was very, very good,
But when she was bad she was horrid.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Two People
Tag Along Two people live in Rosamund,
And one is very nice;
Sing song The other is devoted
Tag along To every kind of vice—
Standing by the wall
To walking where the puddles are,
Crank pot And eating far too quick,
Whine a lot And saying words she shouldn't know,
Just because you're small And wanting spoons to lick.
Big shot Two people live in Rosamund,
Red hot And one (I say it twice)
Go and wilt a flower Is very nice and very good:
Rough tough The other's only nice.
Mean enough E. V Rieu
To make the milk turn sour
Nina Payne
Ten Kinds
Read This with Gestures Winnie Whiney, all things grieve her;
Fannie Fibber, who'd believe her?
It isn't proper, I guess you know,
Lotty Loozem, late to school, sir;
To dip your hands—like this—in the snow,
Albert Allplay, quite a fool, sir;
And make a snowball, and look for a hat,
Kitty Kissem, loved by many;
And try to knock it off—like that!
George Grump, not loved by any;
John Ciardi
Ralph Ruff—beware his fist, sir;
Tillie Tattle, like a blister;
Gus Goodactin, bright and cheery;
Sammy Selfish, sour and dreary.
Do you know them, as I've sung them?
Easy 'tis to choose among them.
Mary Mapes Dodge
Table Manners Why Run?
The Goops they lick their fingers, Jane won't touch a caterpillar,
And the Goops they lick their knives; Mary's frightened of a mouse,
They spill their broth on the tablecloth— Sally shrieks and runs for Daddy
Oh, they lead disgusting lives! When a moth flies in the house.
The Goops they talk while eating, Pam's afraid of shiny beetles,
And loud and fast they chew; Spiders make Melinda squirm,
And that is why I'm glad that I Susan nearly has HYS-TER-ICS
Am not a Goop—are you? If you chase her with a worm!
Geleΐΐ Burgess
Aren't they foolish to be frightened?
Fancy making such a fuss
Over harmless creepy-crawlies
Who are scared to death—of US.
Norah Smaridge

Did You?

Having little kids around, they say, is truly bliss;

Jack But did you ever hear of any little kid like this?
He swallows pits,
That's Jack;
Has temper fits,
Lay a stick on his back!
What's he done? I cannot say. Spills the ink,
We'll find out tomorrow, And clogs the sink.
And beat him today. And, oh my gosh!
He hates to wash!
Charles Henry Ross
He plays with matches,
And grabs and snatches.
Bubble Gum He scrawls on walls,
And sprawls and bawls,
I'm in trouble
And argues and fights,
made a bubble
And kicks and bites. . . .
peeled it off my nose
You say you never heard of
Felt a rock any kid like that, you d o —
inside my sock Well, I know one who's
got gum between my toes just like that and it's
Made another
told my brother
we could blow a pair
William Cole
Give three cheers
now our ears
are sticking to our hair.
Nina Payne

The Story of Augustus Who Would

Not Have Any Soup

Augustus was a chubby lad;

Fat ruddy cheeks Augustus had:
And everybody saw with joy
The plump and hearty, healthy boy.
He ate and drank as he was told,
And never let his soup get cold.
But one day, one cold winter's day,
He screamed out "Take the soup away!
0 take the nasty soup away!
1 won't have any soup today."
Next day, now look, the picture shows
How lank and lean Augustus grows!
Yet, though he feels so weak and ill,
The naughty fellow cries out still
"Not any soup for me, I say:
0 take the nasty soup away!
1 wont have any soup today."
The third day comes: Oh what a sin!
To make himself so pale and thin.
Yet, when the soup is put on table,
He screams, as loud as he is able,
"Not any soup for me, I say:
0 take the nasty soup away!
1 WON'T have any soup today."
Look at him, now the fourth day's come!
He scarcely weighs a sugar-plum;
He's like a little bit of thread,
And, on the fifth day, he was—dead!
Heinrich Hoffmann

Eat-it-all Elaine
I went away last August
To summer camp in Maine,
And there I met a camper
Called Eat-it-all Elaine.
Although Elaine was quiet,
She liked to cause a stir
By acting out the nickname
Her camp-mates gave to her.
The day of our arrival One morning, berry-picking,
At Cabin Number Three A bug was in her pail,
When girls kept coming over And though we thought for certain
To greet Elaine and me, Her appetite would fail,
She took a piece of Kleenex Elaine said, "Hmm, a stinkbug."
And calmly chewed it up, And while we murmured, "Ooh,"
Then strolled outside the cabin She ate her pail of berries
And ate a buttercup. And ate the stinkbug, too.
Elaine, from that day forward, The night of Final Banquet
Was always in command. When counselors were handing
On hikes, she'd eat some birch-bark. Awards to different children
On swims, she'd eat some sand. Whom they believed outstanding,
At meals, she'd swallow prune-pits To every thinking person
And never have a pain, At summer camp in Maine
While everyone around her The Most Outstanding Camper
Would giggle, "Oh, Elaine!" Was Eat-it-all Elaine.
Kaye Starbird
Queenie's strong and Queenie's tall.
You should see her bat a ball,
Ride a bike, or climb a wall.
(Queenie's not her name at all.)
Queenie's nimble, Queenie's quick.
Tired Tim You should see her throw a stick,
Watch her saw a board that's thick,
Poor tired Tim! It's sad for him See her do her tumbling trick.
He lags the long bright morning through,
Ever so tired of nothing to do; Queenie's not afraid, like me,
He moons and mopes the livelong day, Of snakes or climbing up a tree.
Nothing to think about, nothing to say; (I think that's why the boys agree,
Up to bed with his candle to creep, Queenie's what her name should be.)
Too tired to yawn, too tired to sleep: Leland B. Jacobs
Poor tired Tim! It's sad for him.
Walter de la Mare

Wendy in Winter
No wonder Wendy's coat blew off.
She didn't have it zipped.
And—since she didn't watch for slush—
No wonder Wendy slipped.
No wonder Wendy froze her feet
Although her boots were lined, Fernando
Because when Wendy left for school Fernando has a basketball.
She left her boots behind. He tap, tap, taps it down the hall,
And since she didn't dodge the ice then leaps up high and shoots with care.
That sagged an apple bough, The fact a basket isn't there,
No wonder Wendy's hatless head he totally dismisses.
Has seven stitches now. He says he never misses.
Kaye Starbird My crazy friend Fernando.
Marci Ridlon

Tony Baloney
Tony Baloney is fibbing again—
Look at him wiggle and try to pretend.
Tony Baloney is telling a lie:
Phony old Tony Baloney, goodbye!
Dennis Lee

Follow the Leader

Whatever he does, you have to do too,
because he is the leader.
When he jumps off the porch, you have to jump too
(even when you're a little bit scared),
because he is the leader.
If he yells "blueberry" very loud
or says "Hello" to a frog,
you have to do all those things
because he is the leader.
But then his turn is over.
And you are next.
And everyone stands behind you
and waits for you to begin
and they have to do whatever silly things
you can think of
because YOU are the leader now.
Kathleen Fraser
Jessica Jane
Jessica Jane is the kind of cook
Who doesn't need a recipe book.
Little trouble indeed she takes
When she makes puddings and pies and cakes.
With a twist of her wrist and a pat-a-pat Freddy
She turns them out in a row—like that!
There in a row in the summer sun Here is the story
They bake and bake till they're all well done. Of Freddy, my friend,
Grocery problems are not for her— Who ran out in the traffic,
She has plenty of mud and a stick to stir. And that is the end.
May Justus Dennis Lee
Girls Can, Too!

Tony said: "Boys are better!

They c a n . . .

whack a ball,
ride a bike with one hand Little Clotilda
leap off a wall."
Little Clotilda,
I just listened Well and hearty,
and when he was through, Thought she'd like
I laughed and said: To give a party.
"Oh, yeah! Well, girls can, too!" But as her friends
Were shy and wary,
Then I leaped off the wall, Nobody came
and rode away But her own canary.
With his 200 baseball cards
/ won that day.
Lee Benneΐ Hopkins

We're Racing, Racing down the Walk

We're racing, racing down the walk,

Over the pavement and round the block.
We rumble along till the sidewalk ends—
Felicia and I and half our friends.
No Girls Allowed
Our hair flies backward. It's whish and whirr! When we're playing tag
She roars at me and I shout at her and the girls want to play,
As past the porches and garden gates we yell and we scream
We rattle and rock and we chase them away.
On our roller skates.
Phyllis McGinley When we're playing stickball
or racing our toys
and the girls ask to join,
we say, 'Only for boys."

We play hide-and-go-seek
and the girls wander near.
They say, "Please let us hide."
We pretend not to hear.

We don't care for girls

so we don't let them in,
we think that they're d u m b —
and besides, they might win.
Jack Prelutsky
maggie and milly and molly and may
maggie and millie and molly and may
went down to the beach (to play one day)
and maggie discovered a shell that sang
so sweetly she couldn't remember her troubles,and
milly befriended a stranded star
whose rays five languid fingers were;
and molly was chased by a horrible thing
which raced sideways while blowing bubbles:and
may came home with a smooth round stone
as small as a world and as large as alone.
For whatever we lost(like a you or a me)
it's always ourselves we find in the sea
e. e. cummings

I like wrestling with Herbie because
he's my best friend.
We poke each other
(but not very hard)
and punch each other
(but not very hard)
and roll on the grass
and pretend to have fights
just to make our sisters scream.
But sometimes if he hits me too much
and it hurts,
I get mad
and I punch him back
as hard as I can
and then we both are crying
and going into our houses
and slamming our back doors on each other.
But the next day, if it's sunny,
we come out into our yards
and grin at each other,
and sometimes he gives me an apple
or I give him a cookie and
then we start wrestling again.
Kathleen Fraser
Wiggly Giggles
I've got the wiggly-wiggles today,
And I just can't sit still.
My teacher says she'll have to find
A stop-me-wiggle pill.
I've got the giggly-giggles today;
I couldn't tell you why.
But if Mary hiccups one more time
I'll giggle till I cry.
I've got to stamp my wiggles out
And hold my giggles in,
Measles Cause wiggling makes me giggle
And gigglers never win.
The few times back in the early fall Stacy Jo Crossen
When kids had measles and Natalie Anne Covell
And stayed home sick,
Our classroom teacher would have us all
Writing them letters
To get well quick.
But now, when most of the kids in school Barbershop
Are out with measles
When you visit the barber
They somehow catch,
And sit in his chair,
Our teacher's suddenly changed her rule
Don't squirm
And just ignores them
Like a worm
And lets them scratch.
While he's cutting your hair.
She says that lately we all get measle-y
Don't shiver
Much too easily.
And quiver
Kaye Starbird And bounce up and down.
Don't shuffle
And snuffle
And act like a clown.
Each wiggle
Will jiggle
The blades of the shears.
Those scissors can slip
And snip
Off a tip
Of one of your tender pink ears!
Martin Gardner

What in the world

climbs chattering pattering swinging from trees
like a flying trapeze
with a tail that can curl
like the rope cowboys twirl?
Here's a banana for you!
What in the world
goes stalking and balking
running and sunning
thumping and dumping
lugging and hugging
swinging and singing
wriggling and giggling
sliding and hiding
throwing and knowing and
growing and growing
much too big for
last year's clothes?
Who knows?
Eve Merriam
/ am the only ME I AM
who qualifies as me;
no ME i AM has been before,
and none will ever be.

No other ME I AM can feel

the feelings I've within;
no other ME I AM can fit
precisely in my skin.

There is no other ME I AM
who thinks the thoughts I do;
the world contains one MEI AM,
there is no room for two.

I am the only ME I AM
this earth shall ever see;
that ME i AM I always am
is no one else but ME!
As long as I live
I shall always be
My Self—and no other,
Just me.
Like a tree—
Willow, elder,
Aspen, thorn,
Or cypress forlorn.
T ike 3 flnwpr

The Reason I Like Chocolate

The reason I like chocolate
is I can lick my fingers
and nobody tells me I'm not polite
I especially like scary movies
'cause I can snuggle with Mommy
or my big sister and they don't laugh
I like to cry sometimes 'cause
Every Time I Climb a Tree everybody says "what's the matter
don't cry"
Every time I climb a tree
and I like books
Every time I climb a tree
Every time I climb a tree for all those reasons
but mostly 'cause they just make me
I scrape a leg
Or skin a knee
And every time I climb a tree and I really like
I find some ants to be happy
Or dodge a bee Nikki Giovanni
And get the ants
All over me
And every time I climb a tree
Where have you been?
They say to me
But don't they know that I am free
Every time I climb a tree?
I like it best Me
To spot a nest
"My nose is blue,
That has an egg
My teeth are green,
or maybe three
My face is like a soup tureen.
And then I skin I look just like a lima bean.
The other leg I'm very, very lovely.
But every time I climb a tree My feet are far too short
I see a lot of things to see And long.
Swallows rooftops and TV My hands are left and right
And all the fields and farms there be And wrong.
Every time I climb a tree My voice is like the hippo's song.
Though climbing may be good for ants I'm very, very,
It isn't awfully good for pants Very, very,
But still it's pretty good for me Very, very
Every time I climb a tree Lovely?"
David McCord Karla Kuskin
Mark's Fingers
I like my fingers.
They grip a ball,
Turn a page,
Break a fall,
Help whistle
A call.
Shake hands
And shoot
Rubber bands.
When candy is offered
They take enough.
They fill my pockets
With wonderful stuff,
And they always tell me
Smooth from rough.
They follow rivers Keziah
On a map,
They double over I have a secret place to go.
When I rap, Not anyone may know.
They smack together And sometimes when the wind is rough
When I clap. I cannot get there fast enough.
They button buttons,
Tie shoelaces, And sometimes when my mother
Open doors to Is scolding my big brother,
Brand-new places.
My secret place, it seems to me,
They shape and float
Is quite the only place to be.
My paper ships,
Fasten papers to Gwendolyn Brooks
Paper clips,
And carry ice cream
To my lips.... Just Me
Mary O'Neill Nobody sees what I can see,
For back of my eyes there is only me.
And nobody knows how my thoughts begin,
When I Was Lost For there's only myself inside my skin.
Isn't it strange how everyone owns
Underneath my belt
Just enough skin to cover his bones?
My stomach was a stone.
My father's would be too big to fit—
Sinking was the way I felt.
I'd be all wrinkled inside of it.
And hollow.
And my baby brother's is much too small—
And Alone.
It just wouldn't cover me up at all.
Dorothy Aldis
But I feel just right in the skin / wear,
And there's nobody like me anywhere.
Margaret Hillert
If No One Ever Marries Me
If no one ever marries me—
And I don't see why they should;
For nurse says Γm not pretty,
And Γm seldom very good—

If no one ever marries me

I shan't mind very much;
I shall buy a squirrel in a cage, Sulk
And a little rabbit hutch.
I scuff
I shall have a cottage near a wood, my feet along
And a pony all my own. And puff
And a little lamb quite clean and tame my lower lip
That I can take to town. I sip my milk
And when I'm getting really old, in slurps
At twenty-eight or nine, And huff
I shall buy a little orphan girl And frown
And bring her up as mine. And stamp around
And tip my chair
Laurence Alma-Tadema
back from the table
Nearly fall down
but I don't care
How to Get There
I scuff
I go And puff
through Sunday's tunnel, hushed and deep; And frown
up Monday's mountain, craggy and steep; And huff
along Tuesday's trail, winding and slow; And stamp
into Wednesday's woods, still halfway to go; And pout
over Thursday's bridge, shaky and tall; Till I forget
through the hidden gate in Friday's wall What it's about
to get to Felice Holman

I wish there were a shorter way. Dust of Snow

Bonnie Nims
The way a crow
Shook down on me
A Wolf... The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree
A wolf
Has given my heart
I considered myself
A change of mood,
And saved some part
the owls are hooting of a day I rued.
Robert Frost
the night I fear.
Osage Indian
Broom Balancing
Millicent can play the flute
and Francine can dance a jig,
but I can balance a broom.

Susanna knows how to bake cookies

and Harold can stand on one foot
but I can balance a broom.

Jeffry can climb a ladder backwards

and Andrew can count to five thousand and two,
but I can balance a broom.

Do you think a circus might discover me?

Kathleen Fraser

The Sidewalk Racer

About Feet OR
The centipede is not complete
Unless he has one hundred feet. Skimming
Spiders must have eight for speed, an asphalt sea
And six is what all insects need. I swerve, I curve, I
Other creatures by the score sway; I speed to whirring
Cannot do with less than four. sound an inch above the
But two are quite enough, you know, ground; Pm the sailor
To take me where I want to go. and the sail, Γm the
driver and the wheel
Margaret Hillert
Γm the one and only
single engine
human auto
Lillian Morrison
Basketball Star
When I get big
I want to be the best
basketball player in the world.
I'll make jumpshots, hookballs
and layups
and talk about dribble—
mine'll be outta sight!
Karama Fufuka
I'd much rather sit there in the sun
watching the snow drip from the trees
and the milkman's footsteps fill up with water
and the shadow of the spruce tree branches waving
over the sparkle on the leftover snow
and the water dripping in front of my eyes
and the water dripping from the roof
from the bushes of sparkle the water is dripping
the water is dripping from my eyes it is not dripping
I'd much rather sit in the sun the sun
I'd much rather sit in the sun
listening to the shovels scraping
and the birds that whistle on the wires that are dripping
and the backporch is shining
the steam is floating up
the steam floats up around me like my breathing was before
and the maple tree is gleaming in the branches that are bare
above the backporch that is steaming
and I take off my shoes
I take off my stockings and
I sit in the sun I am sitting in the sun
I'd much rather sit here in the sun
Ruth Krauss

Growing Up
When I was seven
We went for a picnic
Up to a magic
Foresty place.
I knew there were tigers
Behind every boulder,
Though I didn't meet one
Face to face.
When I was older 4'.
We went for a picnic i
Up to the very same 1
Place as before,
And all of the trees •km
And the rocks were so little
They couldn't hide tigers r I
Or me anymore.
Harry Behn
Stupid Old Myself

Stupid old myself today

Found a four-leaf clover,
Left it where it blew away,
All my good luck's over.
Done and finished, gone astray
Stupid old myself today.

Stupid with a brand-new kite

Lost it in a tree
Way up high and tangled tight—
No more kite for me.
Stupid falling off a log
When I tried to get
Close enough to catch a frog The Marrog
Came home very wet.
My desk's at the back of the class
Then I swapped my teddy bear
And nobody, nobody knows
In a stupid muddle
I'm a Marrog from Mars
For a doll that's lost her hair.
With a body of brass
No more bear to cuddle.
And seventeen fingers and toes.
Walking slowly and alone
Wouldn't they shriek if they knew
Stupid and in sorrow
I've three eyes at the back of my head
I just found a lucky stone—
And my hair is bright purple
Maybe I'll be smart tomorrow.
My nose is deep blue
With today one day behind me
And my teeth are half-yellow, half-red.
Maybe my good luck will find me.
Russell Hoban My five arms are silver, and spiked
With knives on them sharper than spears.
I could go back right now if I liked—
And return in a million light-years.

I could gobble them all

For I'm seven foot tall
And I'm breathing green flames from my ears.
Everybody Says
Wouldn't they yell if they knew,
Everybody says If they guessed that a Marrog was here?
I look just like my mother. Ha-ha, they haven't a clue—
Everybody says Or wouldn't they tremble with fear!
Γm the image of Aunt Bee. "Look, look, a Marrog"
Everybody says They'd all scream—and SMACK
My nose is like my father's The blackboard would fall and the ceiling would crack
But / want to look like M £ ! And teacher would faint, I suppose.
Dorothy Aldis But I grin to myself, sitting right at the back
And nobody, nobody knows.
R. C. Scriven


Surprises are round

Or long and tallish.
Surprises are square
Or flat and smallish.

Surprises are wrapped

With paper and bow,
And hidden in closets
Where secrets won't show.

Surprises are often

Good things to eat;
Don't Tell Me That I Talk Too Much! A get-well toy or
A birthday treat.
Don't tell me that I talk too much!
Don't say it! Surprises come
Don't you dare! In such interesting sizes—
I only say important things I LIKE
Like why it's raining where. SURPRISES!
Or when or how or why or what jean Conder Souk
Might happen here or there.
And why a thing is this or that
And who is bound to care.
So don't tell me I talk too much! BCmfT ΎΌΏ
Don't say it!
Arnold Spilka

If We Didn't Have Birthdays

If we didn't have birthdays, you wouldn't be you.

If you'd never been born, well then what would you do?
If you'd never been born, well then what would you be?
You might be a fish! Or a toad in a tree!
You might be a doorknob! Or three baked potatoes!
You might be a bag full of hard green tomatoes.
Or worse than all t h a t . . . Why, you might be a WASN'T!
A Wasn't has no fun at all. No, he doesn't.
A Wasn't just isn't. He just isn't present.
But you . . . You ARE YOU! And, now isn't that pleasant!
Dr. Seuss


And Γm thinking how to get out

Of this stuffy room
With its big blackboards.

And Γm trying not to listen

In this boring room
To the way things were.

And Γm thinking about later,

Running from the room
Back into the world,
I Am Cherry Alive
And what the guys will say when
Γm up to bat and hit "I am cherry alive," the little girl sang,
A big fat home run. "Each morning I am something new:
Myra Cohn Livingston I am apple, I am plum, I am just as excited
As the boys who made the Hallowe'en bang:
I am tree, I am cat, I am blossom too:
Γm Really Not Lazy When I like, if I like, I can be someone new,
Someone very old, a witch in a zoo:
Γm really not lazy—
I can be someone else whenever I think who,
Γm not!
And I want to be everything sometimes too:
Γm not!
And the peach has a pit and I know that too,
It's just that Γm thinking
And I put it in along with everything
And thinking
To make the grown-ups laugh whenever I sing:
And thinking
And I sing: It is true; It is untrue;
A lot!
I know, I know, the true is untrue,
It's true I don't work
The peach has a pit,
But I can't!
The pit has a peach:
I just can't!
And both may be wrong
When I'm thinking
When I sing my song,
And thinking
But I don't tell the grown-ups: because it is sad,
And thinking
And I want them to laugh just like I do
A lot!
Because they grew up
Arnold Spilka And forgot what they knew
And they are sure
I will forget it some day too.
They are wrong. They are wrong.
When I sang my song, I knew, I knew!
I am red, I am gold,
I am green, I am blue,
I will always be me,
I will always be new!"
Delmore Schwartz

Winter Clothes
Under my hood I have a hat
And under that
My hair is flat.
Under my coat
My sweater's blue.
My sweater's red.
I'm wearing two.
My muffler muffles to my chin
And round my neck

Rhinos Purple, Hippos Green

My sister says
I shouldn't color
Rhinos purple,
Hippos green.
She says
I shouldn't be so stupid;
Those are things
She's never seen. One Day When We Went Walking
But I don't care
One day when we went walking,
What my sister says,
I found a dragon's tooth,
I don't care
A dreadful dragon's tooth.
What my sister's seen.
"A locust thorn," said Ruth.
I will color
What I want to— One day when we went walking,
Rhinos purple, I found a brownie's shoe,
Hippos green. A brownie's button shoe.
Michael Patrick Hearn "A dry pea pod," said Sue.
One day when we went walking,
I found a mermaid's fan,
A merry mermaid's fan.
"A scallop shell," said Dan.
One day when we went walking,
I found a fairy's dress,
A fairy's flannel dress.
"A mullein leaf," said Bess.
Next time that I go walking—
Unless I meet an elf,
A funny, friendly elf—
I'm going by myself!
Valine Hobbs

Home! You are a special place;

you're where I wake and wash my face,
brush my teeth and comb my hair,
change my socks and underwear,
clean my ears and blow my nose,
try on all my parents' clothes.

Home! You're where it's warm inside,

where my tears are gently dried,
where I'm comforted and fed,
where I'm forced to go to bed,
where there's always love to spare
Home! I'm glad that you are there
The Wrong Start
I got up this morning and meant to be good,
But things didn't happen the way that they should
I lost my toothbrush,
I slammed the door, ^
I dropped an egg
On the kitchen floor,
I spilled some sugar
And after that
I tried to hurry
And tripped on the cat.
Things may get better. I don't know when.
I think I'll go back and start over again.
Marchette Chute

John could take his clothes off
but could not put them on.
His patient mother dressed him,
and said to little John,
"Now, John! You keep your things on."
But John had long since gone—
Mother's Nerves and left a trail of sneakers
and small things in the sun,
My mother said, "If just once more
I hear you slam that old screen door, so she would know to find him
I'll tear out my hair! I'll dive in the stove!" wherever he might run.
I gave it a bang and in she dove. And at the end of every trail
X.J. Kennedy stood Mrs. Jones & Son,
she with all his little clothes,
and little John—with none!
For John could take his clothes off
but could not put them on.
His patient mother dressed him
and on went little John—
and on—
and on—
and on—
N. M. Bodecker
Mother Doesn't Want a Dog
Mother doesn't want a dog.
Mother says they smell,
And never sit when you say sit,
Or even when you yell.
And when you come home late at night
And there is ice and snow,
You have to go back out because
The dumb dog has to go.
Mother doesn't want a dog.
I Wish I Could Meet the Man That Knows
I wish I could meet the man that knows
Who put the fly on my daddy's nose
When my daddy was taking a nap today.
I tried to slap that fly away
So Daddy could sleep. But just as my hand
Came down to slap him, the fly jumped, AND
I hit with a bang—where do you suppose?—
"Ow!" cried Daddy, and up he jumped.
He jumped so hard that he THUMP-
His head on the wall.
Well, I tried to say,
"See, Daddy, I slapped the fly away."
And I should think he would have thanked me.
But what do you think he did? He
"I was just trying to help!" I said.
But Daddy was looking very red.
"For trying to help, I have to thank you.
But for that smack on the nose, I'll spank
And up in the air went his great big hand
As he said, "I hope you understand
It's my nose I'm spanking for, not the fly.
For the fly I thank you."
And that is why
I wish I could meet the man that knows
Who put the fly on my daddy's nose.
For when I find him, I want to thank him.
And as I do, I want to spank him.
John Ciardi
Some Things Don't
Make Any Sense at All

My mom says Γm her sugarplum.

My mom says Γm her lamb.
My mom says Γm completely perfect
Just the way I am.
My mom says Γm a super-special wonderful terrific
little guy.
My mom just had another baby.
Judith Viorst

Bringing Up Babies

If babies could speak they'd tell mother or nurse

That slapping was pointless, and why:
For if you're not crying it prompts you to cry,
And if you are—then you cry worse.
Roy Fuller

The First Tooth

Through the house what busy joy,

Just because the infant boy
Has a tiny tooth to show!
I have got a double row,
All as white, and all as small;
Yet no one cares for mine at all.
He can say but half a word,
Yet that single sound's preferred
To all the words that I can say
In the longest summer day. Six Weeks Old
He cannot walk, yet if he put
He is so small, he does not know
With mimic motion out his foot,
The summer sun, the winter snow;
As if he thought he were advancing,
The spring that ebbs and comes again,
It's prized more than my best dancing. All this is far beyond his ken.
Charles and Mary Lamb
A little world he feels and sees:
His mother's arms, his mother's knees;
He hides his face against her breast,
And does not care to learn the rest.
Christopher Money
My Brother
My brother's worth about two cents,
As far as I can see.
I simply cannot understand
Why they would want a "he."
He spends a good part of his day
Asleep inside the crib,
And when he eats, he has to wear
A stupid baby bib.
He cannot walk and cannot talk
Help! And cannot throw a ball.
In fact, he can't do anything—
Firemen, firemen!
He's just no fun at all.
State police!
Victor's locked in Pop's valise! It would have been more sensible,
Robert's eating kitty litter! As far as I can see,
Doctor! Instead of getting one like him
Lawyer! To get one just like me.
Baby-sitter! . Mara Ridlon
X. ]. Kennedy

I have to take my little brother
everywhere I go
'cause I'm his big sister
and Mama told me to.
His nose is always snotty Leave Me Alone
and his shoes come all untied,
his diapers get wet and dirty, Loving care!
and he sure does like to cry. Too much to bear.
heave me alone!
He gets in the dirt
and runs in the street Don't brush my hair,
and doesn't like to mind— Don't pat my head,
but he's my little brother Don't tuck me in
and I keep him all the time. Tonight in bed,
Don't ask me if I want a sweet,
Karama Fufuka
Don't fix my favorite things to eat,
Don't give me lots of good advice,
And most of all just don't be nice.
But when I've wallowed well in sorrow,
Be nice to me again tomorrow.
Felice Holman
The Myra Song In the Motel
Myra, Myra, sing-song. Bouncing! bouncing! on the beds
Myra, Myra, gay. My brother Bob and I cracked heads—
Myra, Myra, skip-along
People next door heard the crack,
Sings all day.
Whammed on the wall, so we whammed right back.
Myra, Myra, gloom-pout.
Dad's razor caused an overload
Myra, Myra, sad.
And wow! did the TV set explode!
Myra, Myra, poke-about,
Don't feel bad. Someone's car backed fast and—tinkle!
Myra, Myra, chatterbox. In our windshield was a wrinkle.
Myra, Myra, busy. Eight more days on the road? Hooray!
What a clatter Myra talks! What a bang-up holiday!
Makes me dizzy! X. /. Kennedy
Myra, Myra, la-de-da,
Dressed in Mummy's clothes, Rules
Playing Lady Fa-la-la,
Looking down her nose. Do not jump on ancient uncles.
Myra, Myra, sleepyhead.
Myra, Myra, tiny. Do not yell at average mice.
Myra, Myra, slugabed.
The nose I kiss is shiny.
Do not wear a broom to breakfast.
Do not ask a snake's advice.
What a lot of her there are!
I love them all.
John Ciardi
Do not bathe in chocolate pudding.

Do not talk to bearded bears.

Let Others Share
Let others share your toys, my son, Do not smoke cigars on sofas.
Do not insist on all the fun.
For if you do it's certain that
Do not dance on velvet chairs.
You'll grow to be an adult brat.
Edward Anthony
Do not take a whale to visit
Russell's mother's cousin's yacht.
And whatever else you do do
It is better you
Do not.
Karla Kuskin
The Runaway
I made peanut butter sandwiches.
I didn't leave a mess.
I packed my shell collection
and my velvet party dress,
the locket Grandma gave me
and two pairs of extra socks,
my brother's boy scout flashlight
and some magic wishing rocks.
Oh, they'll be so sorry.
They're Calling What Someone
Said When He Was Spanked
They're calling, "Nan,
on the Day
Come at once."
But I don't answer.
Before His Birthday
It's not that I don't hear,
I'm very sharp of ear, Some day
But I'm not Nan, I may
I'm a dancer. Pack my bag and run away.
Some day
They're calling, "Nan,
I may.
Go and wash."
—But not today.
But I don't go yet.
Their voices are quite clear, Some night
I'm humming but I hear, I might
But Γm not Nan, Slip away in the moonlight.
I'm a poet. I might.
Some night.
They're calling, "Nan,
—But not tonight.
Come to dinner!"
And I stop humming. Some night.
I seem to hear them clearer, Some day.
Now that dinner's nearer. I might.
Well, just for now I'm Nan, I may.
And I say, "Coming." —But right now I think I'll stay.
Felice Holman John Ciardi

Up in the Pine
Γm by myself
I want to be
I don't want anyone
Playing with me

Γm all alone
In the top of the pine
Daddy spanked me
And I don't feel fine

I can look way out

On the woods and lakes
I can hear the buzz
That the chain saw makes

And a woodpecker chopping

In the crabapple tree
With his red crest bobbing
Going Up But he doesn't see me

Space-Suit Sammy, If anybody hollers

Head in glass, I'll pretend I'm not there
Watches all I may miss dinner
The Martians pass. But I don't care

Ray gun ready, The pine needles swish

Tank in tow, And the wind whistles free
Rocket waiting— And up in the pine
Systems go! Is only me

Whish! by moon, It's starting to rain

Over stars, But the tree keeps me dry
Past the glint We toss in the black clouds
Of alien cars, The tree and I

Space-Suit Sammy φ~ Now Daddy's calling.

At the helm He never stays mad.
Knows atomic He probably feels awful
Void and realm, Because I'm sad.

Knows the course, I'll answer Daddy.

The way ahead, He's concerned about the weather.
Up and u p — I'll climb down and he'll take my hand
And so to bed. And we'll go in the house together.
John Ίravers Moore Nancy Dingman Watson
Homework sits on top of Sunday, squashing Sunday flat.
Homework has the smell of Monday, homework's very fat.
Heavy books and piles of paper, answers I don't know.
: Sunday evening's almost finished, now I'm going to go
-f-/ i Do my homework in the kitchen. Maybe just a snack,
Then I'll sit right down and start as soon as I run back
For some chocolate sandwich cookies. Then I'll really do
All that homework in a minute. First I'll see what new
Show they've got on television in the living room.
Everybody's laughing there, but misery and gloom
And a full refrigerator are where I am at.
Hot Line
I'll just have another sandwich. Homework's very fat.
Our daughter, Alicia, Russell Hoban
Had just turned sixteen,
And was earning the title
Of "Telephone Queen."
For her birthday we gave her
Her own private phone What is it about homework
Along with instructions That makes me want to write
To leave ours alone. My Great Aunt Myrt to thank her for
The sweater that's too tight?
Now we still catch her using
Our line, with the stall, What is it about homework
"I can't tie mine up, Mom, That makes me pick up socks
I might get a call." That stink from days and days of wear,
Louella Dunann
Then clean the litter box?
What is it about homework
That makes me volunteer
To take the garbage out before
The bugs and flies appear?
What is it about homework
That makes me wash my hair
And take an hour combing out
The snags and tangles there?
What is it about homework?
You know, I wish I knew,
'Cause nights when I've got homework
I've got much too much to do!
]ane Yolen
Fm Alone in the Evening
I'm alone in the evening
when the family sits
reading and sleeping
and I watch the fire in close
to see flame goblins
wriggling out of their caves
for the evening
Later I'm alone
when the bath has gone cold around me
and I have put my foot
beneath the cold tap
where it can dribble
through valleys between my toes
out across the white plain of my foot
and bibble bibble into the sea
I'm alone
when mum's switched out the light
my head against the pillow
listening to ca thump ca thump
The Winning of the TV West in the middle of my ears.
It's my heart.
When twilight comes to Prairie Street
Michael Rosen
On every TV channel,
The kids watch men with blazing guns
In jeans and checkered flannel.
Partner, the West is wild tonight—
There's going to be a battle
Between the sheriff's posse and
The gang that stole the cattle.
On every screen on Prairie Street
The sheriff roars his order:
"We've got to head those hombres off
Before they reach the border."
Clippity-clop and bangity-bang
The lead flies left and right.
Paradise Valley is freed again
Until tomorrow night.
And all the kids on Prairie Street
Over and under ten
Can safely go to dinner now . . .
The West is won again.
John T. Alexander
Two People
She reads the paper,
while he turns on TV;
she likes the mountains,
he craves the sea.

He'd rather drive,

she'll take the plane;
The Middle of the Night he waits for sunshine;
she walks in the rain.
This is a song to be sung at night
J .1 1 -1 .. \-\e* σπiiΛC ΛCWKTΠ rcΛΛ HrinLrc
Γm hungry, so I think I'll take
a bite or two of lunch,
a pizza and a chocolate cake,
some peanut butter crunch,
a healthy slice of apple pie,
a pound or so of ham,
a stack of waffles (two feet high)
^. with boysenberry jam.

I'll follow with a dozen eggs

(Γ7/ scramble them, I guess)
and six or seven turkey legs
(I could not do with less),
some rhino roast and hippo stew
and fresh fillet of horse,
then rest a minute (maybe two)
and start the second course.

My Mouth
stays shut
food just

my tongue says
we are
full today Turtle Soup
Beautiful Soup, so rich and green,
teeth just
Waiting in a hot tureen !
Who for such dainties would not stoop ?
Soup of the evening, beautiful Soup !
Soup of the evening, beautiful Soup !
come in
Beau—ootiful Soo—oop !
i am always hungry Beau—ootiful Soo—oop !
Arnold Adoff Soo—oop of the e—e—evening,
Beautiful, beautiful Soup !
Beautiful Soup ! Who cares for fish,
This Is Just to Say Game, or any other dish ?
Who would not give all else for two
I have eaten pennyworth only of beautiful Soup ?
the plums Pennyworth only of beautiful Soup?
that were in Beau—ootiful Soo—oop !
the icebox Beau—ootiful Soo—oop !
Soo—oop of the e—e—evening,
and which
you were probably Beautiful, beauti—FUL SOUP !
saving Lewis Carroll
for breakfast
Tomorrow's the Fair
Forgive me
they were delicious Tomorrow's the fair,
so sweet And I shall be there,
and so cold. Stuffing my guts
William Carlos Williams With gingerbread nuts.
Egg Thoughts Mummy Slept Late and
Daddy Fixed Breakfast
I do not like the way you slide, Daddy fixed the breakfast.
I do not like your soft inside, He made us each a waffle.
I do not like you many ways, It looked like gravel pudding.
And I could do for many days It tasted something awful.
Without a soft-boiled egg.
"Ha, ha," he said, 'Til try again.
Sunny-Side-Up This time I'll get it right."
But what / got was in between
With their yolks and whites all runny
Bituminous and anthracite.
They are looking at me funny.
"A little too well done? Oh well,
Γll have to start all over."
Lying face-down on the plate That time what landed on my plate
On their stomachs there they wait. Looked like a manhole cover.
Poached I tried to cut it with a fork:
Poached eggs on toast, why do you shiver The fork gave off a spark.
With such a funny little quiver? I tried a knife and twisted it
Into a question mark.
I eat as well as I am able, I tried it with a hack-saw.
But some falls underneath the table. I tried it with a torch.
It didn't even make a dent.
Hard-Boiled It didn't even scorch.
With so much suffering today
The next time Dad gets breakfast
Why do them any other way?
When Mommy's sleeping late,
Russell Hoban I think I'll skip the waffles.
I'd sooner eat the plate!
John Ciardi

Oodles of Noodles
I love noodles. Give me oodles.
Make a mound up to the sun.
Noodles are my favorite foodies.
I eat noodles by the ton.
Lucia and James L. Hymes, Jr.

Taste of Purple
Grapes hang purple
In their bunches,
Ready for
September lunches.
Gather them, no
Minutes wasting.
Purple is
Delicious tasting.
Leland B. Jacobs
Chocolate Little Bits of Soft-Boiled Egg
Little bits of soft-boiled egg
1 Spread along the table leg
love Annoy a parent even more
you so Than toast and jam dropped on the floor.
i (When you're bashing on the ketchup
want Keep in mind where it might fetch up.)
to Try to keep the food you eat
marry Off your clothes and off your seat,
you On your plate and fork and knife.
and This holds true throughout your life.
Fay Maschler
in the
of your
Arnold Adoff
My Little Sister

My little sister
Likes to eat.
Patience But when she does
She's not too neat.
Chocolate Easter bunny
The trouble is
In a jelly bean nest,
She doesn't know
Γm saving you for very last
Exactly where
Because I love you best.
The food should go!
Γll only take a nibble
William Wise
From the tip of your ear
And one bite from the other side
So that you won't look queer.
Yum, you're so delicious!
I didn't mean to eat
Your chocolate tail till Tuesday.
Oops! There go your feet!
I wonder how your back tastes
With all that chocolate hair.
I never thought your tummy
Was only filled with air!
Chocolate Easter bunny
In a jelly bean nest,
Γm saving you for very last
Because I love you best.
Bobbi Katz

Once—I didn't mean to,

but that
was that—
I yawned in the sunshine
and swallowed a gnat.

I'd rather eat mushrooms

and bullfrogs' legs,
I'd rather have pepper
all over my eggs

than open my mouth

on a sleepy day
and close on a gnat
going down that way.

It tasted sort of salty.

It didn't hurt a bit.
A Thousand Hairy Savages I accidentally ate a gnat
and that
A thousand hairy savages was
Sitting down to lunch it!
Gobble gobble glup glup Maxine W. Kumin
Munch munch munch.
Spike Milligan

I Eat My Peas with Honey

I eat my peas with honey;

Γve done it all my life.
It makes the peas taste funny,
But it keeps them on the knife.

I Raised a Great Hullabaloo

I raised a great hullabaloo

When I found a large mouse in my stew,
Said the waiter, "Don't shout
And wave it about,
Or the rest will be wanting one, t o o ! "

The Worm

When the earth is turned in spring

The worms are fat as anything.

And birds come flying all around

To eat the worms right off the ground.

They like worms just as much as I

Like bread and milk and apple pie.

And once, when I was very young,

I put a worm right on my tongue.

Twickham Tweer I didn't like the taste a bit,

And so I didn't swallow it.
Shed a tear for Twickham Tweer
who ate uncommon meals, But oh, it makes my Mother squirm
who often peeled bananas Because she thinks I ate that worm!
and then only ate the peels, Ralph Bergengren
who emptied jars of marmalade
and only ate the jars,
and only ate the wrappers
off of chocolate candy bars.

When Twickham cooked a chicken

he would only eat the bones,
he discarded scoops of ice cream
though he always ate the cones,
he'd boil a small potato
but he'd only eat the skin,
and pass up canned asparagus
to gobble down the tin.

He sometimes dined on apple cores

and bags of peanut shells,
on cottage cheese containers,
cellophane from caramels,
but Twickham Tweer passed on last year,
that odd and novel man,
when he fried an egg one morning
and then ate the frying pan.
Jack Preluΐsky

Soliloquy of a Tortoise
on Revisiting
the Lettuce Beds
After an Interval of One Hour
While Supposed
to Be
in a Clump
of Blue Hollyhocks
One cannot have enough
of this delicious stuff!
E.V. Rieu
The Pizza
Look at itsy-bitsy Mitzi!
See her figure slim and ritzy!
She eatsa
Greedy Mitzi!
She no longer itsy-bitsy!
Ogden Nash

Mr. Pratt
Mr. Pratt has never left
A single crumb of bread,
Which may explain why Mrs. Pratt
Looks lean and underfed.
I once asked Mr. Pratt to leave
His wife a crumb of bread.
"Do you suggest/' he shrieked at me,
"That I be thin instead?"
"I only thought," I answered true,
"That were you not so fat,
There might be room for me to see
A glimpse of Mrs. Pratt."
Myra Cohn Livingston
Some people I know like to chatter,
while others speak hardly a word;
some think there is nothing the matter
with being completely absurd;
some are impossibly serious,
while others are absolute fun;
some are reserved and mysterious,
while others shine bright as the sun.

Some people I know appear sour,

but many seem pleasant and sweet;
some have the grace of a flower,
while others trip over their feet;
some are as still as a steeple,
while some need to fidget and fuss;
yet every last one of these people
is somehow exactly like us.
No matter what we are and who,
Some duties everyone must do:
A Poet puts aside his wreath
To wash his face and brush his teeth,
And even Earls
Must comb their curls,
And even Kings
Have underthings.
Arthur Guiterman

Some People Daddy Fell into the Pond

Isn't it strange some people make Everyone grumbled. The sky was gray.
You feel so tired inside, We had nothing to do and nothing to say.
Your thoughts begin to shrivel up We were nearing the end of a dismal day,
Like leaves all brown and dried! And there seemed to be nothing beyond,
But when you're with some other ones,
Daddy fell into the pond!
It's stranger still to find
Your thoughts as thick as fireflies And everyone's face grew merry and bright,
All shiny in your mind! And Timothy danced for sheer delight.
Rachel Field "Give me the camera, quick, oh quick!
He's crawling out of the duckweed." Click!
Then the gardener suddenly slapped his knee,
And doubled up, shaking silently,
And the ducks all quacked as if they were daft
And it sounded as if the old drake laughed.

Oh, there wasn't a thing that didn't respond

Daddy fell into the pond!
People Alfred Noyes

Some people talk and talk

and never say a thing.
Some people look at you
and birds begin to sing.
Some people laugh and laugh
and yet you want to cry.
Some people touch your hand
and music fills the sky.
Charlotte Zolotow

Thoughts on Talkers

Some people talk in a telephone

And some people talk in a hall;
Some people talk in a whisper,
And some people talk in a drawl;
And some people talk-and-talk-and-talk-and-talk-and-talk
And never say anything at all.
Walter R. Brooks

One Misty, Moisty Morning

Smart One misty, moisty morning,

When cloudy was the weather,
My dad gave me one dollar bill I chanced to meet an old man,
'Cause Γm his smartest son, Clothed all in leather.
And I swapped it for two shiny quarters He began to compliment
'Cause two is more than one! And I began to grin.
How do you do? And how do you do?
And then I took the quarters
And how do you do again?
And traded them to Lou
For three dimes—I guess he don't know Anonymous
That three is more than two!
Just then, along came old blind Bates
And just 'cause he can't see
He gave me four nickels for my three dimes,
And four is more than three!

And I took the nickels to Hiram Coombs

Down at the seed-feed store,
And the fool gave me five pennies for them,
And five is more than four!
And then I went and showed my dad,
And he got red in the cheeks
And closed his eyes and shook his head—
Too proud of me to speak!
Shel Silverstein

My Brother Bert

Pets are the hobby of my brother Bert.

He used to go to school with a mouse in his shirt.

Uncle, whose inventive brains
Kept evolving aeroplanes,
Fell from an enormous height
On my garden lawn, last night.
Flying is a fatal sport,
Uncle wrecked the tennis-court.
Harry Graham

Growing Old
When I grow old I hope to be
I have an uncle I don't like, As beautiful as Grandma Lee.
An aunt I cannot bear: Her hair is soft and fluffy white.
She chucks me underneath the chin, Her eyes are blue and candle bright.
He ruffles up my hair. And down her cheeks are cunning piles
Of little ripples when she smiles.
Another uncle I adore,
Rose Henderson
Another aunty, too:
She shakes me kindly by the hand,
He says, "How do you do?" Grandpa Dropped His Glasses
Mariana Griswold Van Rensselaer
Grandpa dropped his glasses once
In a pot of dye,
Grandpapa And when he put them on again
He saw a purple sky.
Grandpapa fell down a drain; Purple birds were rising up
Couldn't scramble out again. From a purple hill,
Now he's floating down the sewer Men were grinding purple cider
There's one grandpapa the fewer. At a purple mill.
Harry Graham Purple Adeline was playing
With a purple doll,
Little purple dragonflies
Were crawling up the wall.
And at the supper table
He got crazy as a loon
From eating purple apple dumplings
With a purple spoon.
Leroy E Jackson

Miss Norma Jean Pugh,


Full of oatmeal Two and two

And gluggy with milk Are four or five
On a morning in springtime Or red or blue?
Soft as silk Who cares whether
When legs feel slow Six or seven
And bumblebees buzz Come before or after
And your nose tickles from Ten or eleven?
Dandelion fuzz Who cares if
And you long to C-A-T
Break a few Spells cat or rat
Cobwebs stuck with Or tit or tat
Diamond dew Or ball or bat?
Stretched right out Well, I do
In front of you— But I didn't
When all you want Used to—
To do is feel Until MISS NORMA JEAN PUGH!
Until it's time for She's terribly old
Another meal, As people go
Or sit right down Twenty-one-or-five-or-six
In the cool Or so
Green grass But she makes a person want to
And watch the KNOW!
Caterpillars pass Mary O'Neill
Who cares if
There was an old lady The Little Boy and the Old Man
Who had three faces,
One for everyday, Said the little boy, "Sometimes I drop my spoon."
And one for wearing places— Said the little old man, "I do that too."
To meetings and parties, The little boy whispered, "I wet my pants."
Dull places like that— "I do that too," laughed the little old man.
A face that looked well Said the little boy, "I often cry."
With a grown-up hat. The old man nodded, "So do I."
But she carried in her pocket "But worst of all," said the boy, "it seems
The face of an elf, Grown-ups don't pay attention to me."
And she'd clap it on quick And he felt the warmth of a wrinkled old hand.
When she felt like herself. "I know what you mean," said the little old man.
Sitting in the parlor Shel Silverstein
Of somebody's house,
She'd reach in her pocket
Sly as a mouse . . .
And there in the corner, Too Many Daves
Sipping her tea,
Was a laughing elf-woman Did I ever tell you that Mrs. McCave
Nobody could see! Had twenty-three sons and she named them all Dave?
Well, she did. And that wasn't a smart thing to do.
Phyllis B. Morden
You see, when she wants one and calls out, "Yoo-Hoo!
Come into the house, Dave!" she doesn't get one.
All twenty-three Daves of hers come on the run!
This makes things quite difficult at the McCaves'
As you can imagine, with so many Daves.
And often she wishes that, when they were born,
She had named one of them Bodkin Van Horn
And one of them Hoos-Foos. And one of them Snimm.
And one of them Hot-Shot. And one Sunny Jim.
And one of them Shadrack. And one of them Blinkey.
And one of them Stuffy. And one of them Stinkey.
Another one Putt-Putt. Another one Moon Face.
Another one Marvin O'Gravel Balloon Face.
And one of them Ziggy. And one Soggy Muff.
One Buffalo Bill. And one Biffalo Buff.
And one of them Sneepy. And one Weepy Weed.
And one Paris Garters. And one Harris Tweed.
And one of them Sir Michael Carmichael Zutt
And one of them Oliver Boliver Butt
And one of them Zanzibar Buck-Buck McFate . . .
But she didn't do it. And now it's too late.
Dr. Seuss
House. For Sale
The doors are locked,
the gray blinds drawn,
new weeds sprung up
in path and lawn.
For "She is dead,"
I heard them say,
the friend I saw
there every day. Jittery Jim

She used to wave There's room in the bus

from where she sat For the two of us,
in the front room But not for Jittery Jim.
nursing a cat.
He has a train
And always smiled And a rocket plane,
as I passed by He has a seal
her little house, That can bark and swim,
and always I And a centipede
With wiggly legs,
waved back at her, And an ostrich
and then went on Sitting on ostrich eggs,
my way to school; And crawfish
Tombstone and now she's gone. Floating in oily kegs!
And where's her cat? There's room in the bus
Here lies
Does he now roam For the two of us,
A bully
all by himself But we'll shut the door on him!
Who wasn't so wise.
without a home?
He picked on William Jay Smith
A fellow The boards are up,
Who was his own size. and I feel glum
Lucia M. and James L. Hymes, Jr. because I know
strangers will come.
No more I'll see
Air Traveler my old friend's face,
He comes from afar nor go again
In a silver cigar near that sad place.
And Leonard Clark
down On a Bad Singer
ramp Swans sing before they die—'twere no bad thing
Like a heavyweight champ. Should certain persons die before they sing.
Lillian Morrison Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Doctor Emmanuel Jonathan Bing

Doctor Emmanuel Harrison-Hyde Poor old Jonathan Bing

Has a very big head with brains inside. Went out in his carriage to visit the King,
I wonder what happens inside the brains But everyone pointed and said, "Look at that!
That Doctor Emmanuel's head contains. Jonathan Bing has forgotten his hat!"
(He'd forgotten his hat!)
James Reeves
Poor old Jonathan Bing
Went home and put on a new hat for the King,
But up by the palace a soldier said, "Hi!
You can't see the King; you've forgotten your
Poor Old Lady
Poor old lady, she swallowed a fly.
I don't know why she swallowed a fly.
Poor old lady, I think she'll die.
Poor old lady, she swallowed a spider.
It squirmed and wriggled and turned inside her.
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly.
I don't know why she swallowed a fly.
Poor old lady, I think she'll die.
Poor old lady, she swallowed a bird.
How absurd! She swallowed a bird.
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider,
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly,
I don't know why she swallowed a fly.
Poor old lady, I think she'll die.
Poor old lady, she swallowed a cat.
Think of that! She swallowed a cat.
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird.
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider.
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly,
I don't know why she swallowed a fly.
Poor old lady, I think she'll die.
Poor old lady, she swallowed a dog.
She went the whole hog when she swallowed the dog
She swallowed the dog to catch the cat,
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird,
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider.
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly,
I don't know why she swallowed a fly.
Poor old lady, I think she'll die.
Poor old lady, she swallowed a cow.
I don't know how she swallowed the cow.
She swallowed the cow to catch the dog,
She swallowed the dog to catch the cat,
She swallowed the cat to catch the bird,
She swallowed the bird to catch the spider,
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly,
I don't know why she swallowed a fly.
Poor old lady, I think she'll die.
Poor old lady, she swallowed a horse.
She died, of course.
Fatty, Fatty, Boom-a-latty
Fatty, Fatty, Boom-a-latty;
This is the way he goes!
He is so large around the waist,
He cannot see his toes!
This is Mr. Skinny Linny;
See his long lean face!
Instead of a regular suit of clothes,
He wears an umbrella case!

Mr. Kartoffel
Mr. Kartoffel's a whimsical man;
He drinks his beer from a watering-can,
And for no good reason that I can see
He fills his pockets with china tea.
He parts his hair with a knife and fork
And takes his ducks for a Sunday walk.
Says he, "If my wife and I should choose
To wear our stockings outside our shoes,
Plant tulip-bulbs in the baby's pram
And eat tobacco instead of jam,
And fill the bath with cauliflowers,
That's nobody's business at all but ours."
Says Mrs. K., "I may choose to travel
With a sack of grass or a sack of gravel,
Solomon Grundy Or paint my toes, one black, one white,
Or sit on a birds' nest half the night—
Solomon Grundy, But whatever I do that is rum or rare,
Born on a Monday, I rather think that it's my affair.
Christened on Tuesday, So fill up your pockets with stamps and string,
Married on Wednesday, And let us be ready for anything!"
Took ill on Thursday, Says Mr. K. to his whimsical wife,
Worse on Friday, "How can we face the storms of life,
Died on Saturday,
Unless we are ready for anything?
Buried on Sunday,
So if you've provided the stamps and string,
This is the end
Let us pump up the saddle and harness the horse
Of Solomon Grundy.
And fill him with carrots and custard and sauce,
Anonymous Let us leap on him lightly and give him a shove
And it's over the sea and away, my love!"
James Reeves
Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker
"I look and smell," Aunt Sponge declared, "as
lovely as a rose!
Just feast your eyes upon my face, observe my
shapely nose!
Behold my heavenly silky locks!
And if I take off both my socks
You'll see my dainty toes."
"But don't forget," Aunt Spiker cried, "how much
your tummy shows!"
Aunt Sponge went red. Aunt Spiker said, "My
sweet, you cannot win,
Behold MY gorgeous curvy shape, my teeth, my
charming grin!
Oh, beauteous me! How I adore
My radiant looks! And please ignore
The pimple on my chin."
"My dear old trout!" Aunt Sponge cried out. "You're
only bones and skin!
"Such loveliness as I possess can only truly shine
In Hollywood!" Aunt Sponge declared. "Oh,
wouldn't that be fine!
I'd capture all the nations' hearts!
They'd give me all the leading parts!
The stars would all resign!"
"I think you'd make," Aunt Spiker said, "a lovely

The Sugar Lady

There is an old lady who lives down the hall,
Wrinkled and gray and toothless and small.
At seven already she's up,
Going from door to door with a cup.
"Do you have any sugar?" she asks,
Although she's got more than you.
"Do you have any sugar," she asks,
Hoping you'll talk for a minute or two.
Frank Asch
Lord Cray Sir Smasham Uppe
The sight of his guests filled Lord Cray Good afternoon, Sir Smasham Uppe!
At breakfast with horrid dismay, We're having tea: do take a cup.
So he launched off the spoons Sugar and milk? Now let me see—
The pits from his prunes Two lumps, I think?. . . Good gracious me!
At their heads as they neared the buffet. The silly thing slipped off your knee!
Edward Gorey Pray don't apologize, old chap:
A very trivial mishap!
So clumsy of you? How absurd!
My dear Sir Smasham, not a word!
Now do sit down and have another,
And tell us all about your brother—
You know, the one who broke his head.
Is the poor fellow still in bed?—
A chair—allow me, sir! . . . Great Scott!
That was a nasty smash! Eh, what?
Oh, not at all: the chair was old—
Queen Anne, or so we have been told.
We've got at least a dozen more:
Just leave the pieces on the floor.
I want you to admire our view:
Come nearer to the window, do;
And look how beautiful. . . Tut, tut!
You didn't see that it was shut?
I hope you are not badly cut!
Not hurt? A fortunate escape!
Together Amazing! Not a single scrape!
And now, if you have finished tea,
Because we do I fancy you might like to see
All things together A little thing or two I've got.
All things improve, That china plate? Yes, worth a lot:
Even weather. A beauty too . . . Ah, there it goes!
Our daily meat I trust it didn't hurt your toes?
And bread taste better, Your elbow brushed it off the shelf?
Trees are greener, Of course: I've done the same myself.
Rain is wetter. And now, my dear Sir Smasham—Oh,
You surely don't intend to go?
Paul Engle
You must be off? Well, come again.
So glad you're fond of porcelain!
The Opposite of Two E.V.Rieu

What is the opposite of two}

A lonely me, a lonely you.
Richard Wilbur

' .->




s ?
Toot! Toot!

A peanut sat on a railroad track,

His heart was all a-flutter;
The five-fifteen came rushing by—
Toot! toot! peanut butter!

Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves, Higglety, Pigglety, Pop!
And the mome raths outgrabe. Higglety, pigglety, pop!
"Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The dog has eaten the mop;
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! The pig's in a hurry,
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun The cat's in a flurry,
The frumious Bandersnatch!" Higglety, pigglety, pop!
Samuel Goodrich
He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought—
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.
And, as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!
One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.
"And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"
He chortled in his joy.
Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
Lewis Carroll

The Lobsters and the Fiddler Crab

The lobsters came ashore one night

In the merry month of June,
And coaxed the fiddler crab to play
A rollicking tango tune.

The lobsters danced, the fiddler played

Till morning, rosy red,
Chased the dancers into the sea
And the fiddler home to bed!
Frederick J. Forster

The Common Cormorant

The common cormorant or shag

Lays eggs inside a paper bag
The reason you will see no doubt
It is to keep the lightning out.
But what these unobservant birds
Have never noticed is that herds
Of wandering bears may come with buns
And steal the bags to hold the crumbs.
Christopher Isherwood

On the Ning Nang Nong

On the Ning Nang Nong

Where the Cows go Bong!
And the Monkeys all say Boo!
There's a Nong Nang Ning
Where the trees go Ping!
And the tea pots Jibber Jabber Joo.
On the Nong Ning Nang
Mclntosh Apple All the mice go Clang!
And you just can't catch 'em when they do!
Mclntosh apple So it's Ning Nang Nong!
Has nice rosy cheeks Cows go Bong!
Romaine lettuce Nong Nang Ning!
Turns green when she speaks Trees go Ping!
Cherry tomato Nong Ning Nang!
Has gorgeous red hair The mice go Clang!
But Γm mashed potatoes What a noisy place to belong,
And fall down the stairs. Is the Ning Nang Ning Nang Nong! !
Steven Kroll Spike Milligan
The Butterfly's Ball
Come take up your hats, and away let us haste,
To the Butterfly's Ball, and the Grasshopper's Feast.
The trumpeter Gadfly has summoned the crew,
And the revels are now only waiting for you.
On the smooth-shaven grass by the side of a wood,
Beneath a broad oak which for ages has stood,
See the children of earth and the tenants of air,
For an evening's amusement together repair.
And there came the Beetle, so blind and so black,
Who carried the Emmet, his friend, on his back.
And there came the Gnat, and the Dragonfly too,
And all their relations, green, orange, and blue.
And there came the Moth, with her plumage of down,
And the Hornet, with jacket of yellow and brown;
Who with him the Wasp, his companion, did bring,
But they promised that evening, to lay by their sting.
Then the sly little Dormouse crept out of his hole,
And led to the feast his blind cousin the Mole.
And the Snail, with his horns peeping out of his shell,
Came, fatigued with the distance, the length of an ell.
A mushroom their table, and on it was laid
A water-dock leaf, which a tablecloth made.
The viands were various, to each of their taste,
And the Bee brought the honey to sweeten the feast.
With steps most majestic the Snail did advance,
And he promised the gazers a minuet to dance;
But they all laughed so loud that he drew in his head,
And went in his own little chamber to bed.
Then, as evening gave way to the shadows of night,
Their watchman, the Glow-worm, came out with his light
So home let us hasten, while yet we can see;
For no watchman is waiting for you and for me.
William Roscoe

Way Down South

Way down South where bananas grow,
A grasshopper stepped on an elephant's toe.
The elephant said, with tears in his eyes,
"Pick on somebody your own size."
The Duel
The gingham dog and the calico cat
Side by side on the table sat;
Twas half-past twelve, and (what do you think!)
Nor one nor t'other had slept a wink!
The old Dutch clock and the Chinese plate
Appeared to know as sure as fate
There was going to be a terrible spat.
(I wasn't there; I simply state
What was told to me by the Chinese plate!)

The gingham dog went "bow-wow-wow!"

And the calico cat replied "mee-ow!"
The air was littered, an hour or so,
With bits of gingham and calico,
While the old Dutch clock in the chimney-place
Up with its hands before its face,
For it always dreaded a family row!
(Now mind: Γm only telling you
What the old Dutch clock declares is true!)

The Chinese plate looked very blue,

And wailed, "Oh dear! what shall we d o ! "
But the gingham dog and the calico cat
Wallowed this way and tumbled that,
Employing every tooth and claw
In the awfullest way you ever saw—
And, oh! how the gingham and calico flew!
(Don't fancy I exaggerate—
/ got my news from the Chinese plate!)

Next morning, where the two had sat

They found no trace of dog or cat;
And some folks think unto this day
That burglars stole that pair away!
But the truth about the cat and pup
Is this: they ate each other up!
Now what do you really think of that!
(The old Dutch clock it told me so,
And that is how I came to know.)
Eugene Field

The Owl and the Pussy-Cat

The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea
In a beautiful pea-green boat,
They took some honey, and plenty of money,
Wrapped up in a five-pound note.
The Owl looked up to the stars above,
And sang to a small guitar,
" O lovely Pussy! O Pussy, my love,
What a beautiful Pussy you are,
You are,
You are!
What a beautiful Pussy you are!"

Pussy said to the Owl, "You elegant fowl!
How charmingly sweet you sing!
O let us be married! too long we have tarried:
But what shall we do for a ring?"
They sailed away, for a year and a day,
To the land where the Bong-tree grows
And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood
With a ring at the end of his nose,
His nose,
His nose,
With a ring at the end of his nose.

"Dear Pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling
Your ring?" Said the Piggy, "I will."
So they took it away, and were married next day
By the Turkey who lives on the hill.
They dined on mince, and slices of quince,
Which they ate with a runcible spoon;
And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand,
They danced by the light of the moon,
The moon,
The moon,
They danced by the light of the moon.
Edward Lear
The Hare and the Pig
When the hare and the pig had some pleasure to plan,
They each found they had much better fun
If they planned it together and both of them said,
"Surely two heads are better than one!"

But the hare had the toothache, the pig got the mumps,
Then they cried, " O h , just one head will do!
Just to think what we'd suffer if each had two heads!
Surely one head is better than two!"

The Serpent

There was a Serpent who had to sing.

There was. There was.
He simply gave up Serpenting.
The Alligator Because. Because.

The alligator chased his tail He didn't like his Kind of Life;
Which hit him on the snout; He couldn't find a proper Wife;
He nibbled, gobbled, swallowed it, He was a Serpent with a soul;
And turned right inside-out. He got no Pleasure down his Hole.
Mary Macdonald And so, of course, he had to Sing,
And Sing he did, like Anything!
The Lizard The Birds, they were, they were Astounded;
And various Measures Propounded
The Time to Tickle a Lizard, To stop the Serpent's Awful Racket:
Is Before, or Right After, a Blizzard. They bought a Drum. He wouldn't Whack it.
Now the place to begin They sent—you always send—to Cuba
Is just under his Chin— And got a Most Commodious Tuba;
And here's more Advice: They got a Horn, they got a Flute,
Don't Poke more than Twice But Nothing would suit.
At an Intimate Place like his Gizzard. He said, "Look, Birds, all this is futile:
Theodore Roeΐhke I do not like to Bang or Tootle."
And then he cut loose with a Horrible Note
That practically split the Top of his Throat.
"You see," he said, with a Serpent's Leer,
"I'm Serious about my Singing Career!"
And the Woods Resounded with many a Shriek
As the Birds flew off to the End of Next Week.
Theodore Roethke
The Ants at the Olympics
At last year's Jungle Olympics,
the Ants were completely outclassed.
In fact, from an entry of sixty-two teams,
the Ants came their usual last.
They didn't win one single medal.
Not that that's a surprise.
I Had a Little Pig The reason was not lack of trying,
but more their unfortunate size.
I had a little pig,
I fed him in a trough, While the cheetahs won most of the sprinting
He got so fat and the hippos won putting the shot,
His tail dropped off. the Ants tried sprinting but couldn't,
So I got me a hammer, and tried to put but could not.
And I got me a nail,
It was sad for the ants 'cause they're sloggers.
And I made my little pig
They turn out for every event.
A brand-new tail.
With their shorts and their bright orange tee-shirts,
Anonymous their athletes are proud they are sent.
They came last at the high jump and hurdles,
which they say they'd have won, but they fell.
The Shark They came last in the four hundred meters
and last in the swimming as well.
Oh, what a lark to fish for shark
With Grandpapa for bait! They came last in the long-distance running,
The Shark would be in time for tea though they say they might have come first.
And Grandpapa be late. And they might if the other sixty-one teams
J.J.Bell hadn't put in a finishing burst.
But each year they turn up regardless.
They're popular in the parade.
The other teams whistle and cheer them,
aware of the journey they've made.
For the Jungle Olympics in August,
they have to set off New Year's Day.
They didn't arrive the year before last.
They set off but went the wrong way.
So long as they try there's a reason.
After all, it's only a sport.
They'll be back next year to bring up the rear,
and that's an encouraging thought.
Richard Digance
I Asked My Mother
I asked my mother for fifty cents
To see the elephant jump the fence.
He jumped so high that he touched the sky
And never came back till the Fourth of July.
Adventures of Isabel
Isabel met an enormous bear,
Isabel, Isabel, didn't care;
The bear was hungry, the bear was ravenous,
The bear's big mouth was cruel and cavernous.
The bear said, Isabel, glad to meet you,
How do, Isabel, now I'll eat you!
Isabel, Isabel, didn't worry,
Isabel didn't scream or scurry.
She washed her hands and she straightened her hair up,
Then Isabel quietly ate the bear up.
Once in a night as black as pitch
Isabel met a wicked old witch.
The witch's face was cross and wrinkled,
The witch's gums with teeth were sprinkled.
Ho ho, Isabel! the old witch crowed,
I'll turn you into an ugly toad!
Isabel, Isabel, didn't worry,
Isabel didn't scream or scurry,
She showed no rage and she showed no rancor,
But she turned the witch into milk and drank her.
Isabel met a hideous giant,
Isabel continued self-reliant.
The giant was hairy, the giant was horrid,
He had one eye in the middle of his forehead.
Good morning, Isabel, the giant said,
I'll grind your bones to make my bread.
Isabel, Isabel, didn't worry,
Isabel didn't scream or scurry.
She nibbled the Zwieback that she always fed off,
And when it was gone, she cut the giant's head off.
Isabel met a troublesome doctor,
He punched and he poked till he really shocked her.
The doctor's talk was of coughs and chills
And the doctor's satchel bulged with pills.
The doctor said unto Isabel,
Swallow this, it will make you well.
Isabel, Isabel, didn't worry,
Isabel didn't scream or scurry.
She took those pills from the pill concocter,
And Isabel calmly cured the doctor.
Ogden Nash
Alligator Pie
Alligator pie, alligator pie,
If I don't get some I think I'm gonna die.
Give away the green grass, give away the sky,
But don't give away my alligator pie.
Alligator stew, alligator stew,
If I don't get some I don't know what I'll do.
Give away my furry hat, give away my shoe,
But don't give away my alligator stew.
Alligator soup, alligator soup,
If I don't get some I think I'm gonna droop.
Give away my hockey-stick, give away my hoop,
But don't give away my alligator soup.
Dennis Lee

Did You Ever Go Fishing?

Did you ever go fishing on a bright sunny day—
Sit on a fence and have the fence give way?
Slide off the fence and rip your pants,
And see the little fishes do the hootchy-kootchy dance?
Beela by the Sea Anonymous

Catch a floater, catch an eel,

Catch a lazy whale,
Catch an oyster by the heel
And put him in a pail.
There's lots of work for Uncle Ike,
Fatty Ford and me
All day long and half the night
At Beela by the sea.
Leroy E Jackson

You Must Never Bath in an Irish Stew

You must never bath in an Irish Stew
It's a most illogical thing to do
But should you persist against my reasoning
Don't fail to add the appropriate seasoning.
Spike Milligan

The Folk Who Live in

Backward Town
The folk who live in Backward Town
Are inside out and upside down.
They wear their hats inside their heads
And go to sleep beneath their beds.
They only eat the apple peeling
And take their walks across the ceiling.
Mary Ann Hoberman

Sensitive, Seldom and Sad

Sensitive, Seldom and Sad are we,
As we wend our way to the sneezing sea,
With our hampers full of thistles and fronds
To plant round the edge of the dab-fish ponds;
Oh, so Sensitive, Seldom and Sad—
Oh, so Seldom and Sad.
In the shambling shades of the shelving shore,
We will sing us a song of the Long Before,
And light a red fire and warm our paws
For it's chilly, it is, on the Desolate shores,
For those who are Sensitive, Seldom and Sad,
For those who are Seldom and Sad.
Sensitive, Seldom and Sad we are,
As we wander along through Lands Afar,
To the sneezing sea, where the sea-weeds be,
And the dab-fish ponds that are waiting for we
Who are, Oh, so Sensitive, Seldom and Sad,
Oh, so Seldom and Sad.
Mervyn Peake

Josephine, Josephine,
The meanest girl I've ever seen.
Her eyes are red, her hair is green
And she takes baths in gasoline.
Alexander Resnikoff

Father William

"You are old, Father William," the young man said,

"And your hair has become very white;
And yet you incessantly stand on your head—
Do you think, at your age, it is right?"

"In my youth," Father William replied to his son,

"I feared it might injure the brain;
But, now that Γm perfectly sure I have none,
Why, I do it again and again."

"You are old," said the youth, "as I mentioned before,

And have grown most uncommonly fat;
Yet you turned a back-somersault in at the door—
Pray, what is the reason of that?"

"In my youth," said the sage, as he shook his gray locks,

"I kept all my limbs very supple
By the use of this ointment—one shilling the box—
Allow me to sell you a couple?"

"You are old," said the youth, "and your jaws are too weal
For anything tougher than suet;
Yet you finished the goose, with the bones and the beak—
Pray, how did you manage to do it?"

"In my youth," said his father, "I took to the law,

And argued each case with my wife;
And the muscular strength which it gave to my jaw
Has lasted the rest of my life."

"You are old," said the youth, "one would hardly suppose
That your eye was as steady as ever;
Yet you balanced an eel on the end of your nose—
What made you so awfully clever?"

"I have answered three questions, and that is enough,"

Said his father; "don't give yourself airs!
Do you think I can listen all day to such stuff?
Be off, or Γll kick you downstairs!"
Lewis Carroll
The Twins
In form and feature, face and limb,
I grew so like my brother,
That folks got taking me for him,
And each for one another.
It puzzled all our kith and kin,
It reached an awful pitch;
For one of us was born a twin,
Yet not a soul knew which.
One day (to make the matter worse),
r>^r c i
The New Vestments
There lived an old man in the Kingdom of Tess,
Who invented a purely original dress;
And when it was perfectly made and complete,
He opened the door, and walked into the street.
By way of a hat, he'd a loaf of Brown Bread,
In the middle of which he inserted his head;
His Shirt was made up of no end of dead Mice,
The warmth of whose skins was quite fluffy and nice;
His Drawers were of Rabbit-skins; so were his Shoes;
His Stockings were skins—but it is not known whose;
His Waistcoat and Trousers were made of Pork Chops;
His Buttons were Jujubes, and Chocolate Drops;
His Coat was all Pancakes with Jam for a border,
And a girdle of Biscuits to keep it in order;
And he wore over all, as a screen from bad weather,
A Cloak of green Cabbage-leaves stitched all together.
He had walked a short way, when he heard a great noise,
Of all sorts of Beasticles, Birdlings, and Boys;
And from every long street and dark lane in the town
Beasts, Birdies, and Boys in a tumult rushed down.
Two Cows and a half ate his Cabbage-leaf Cloak;
Four Apes seized his Girdle, which vanished like smoke;

Three Kids ate up half of his Pancaky Coat,

And the tails were devoured by an ancient He Goat;
An army of Dogs in a twinkling tore up his
Pork Waistcoat and Trousers to give to their Puppies;
And while they were growling, and mumbling the Chops,
Ten Boys prigged the Jujubes and Chocolate Drops.
He tried to run back to his house, but in vain,
For Scores of fat Pigs came again and again;
They rushed out of stables and hovels and doors,
They tore off his stockings, his shoes, and his drawers;
And now from the housetops with screechings descend,
Striped, spotted, white, black, and gray Cats without end,
They jumped on his shoulders and knocked off his hat,
When Crows, Ducks, and Hens made a mincemeat of that,
They speedily flew at his sleeves in a trice,
And utterly tore up his Shirt of dead Mice;
They swallowed the last of his Shirt with a squall,
Whereon he ran home with no clothes on at all.
And he said to himself as he bolted the door,
"I will not wear a similar dress anymore,
"Anymore, anymore, anymore, nevermore!"
Edward Lear
Pumberly Pott's Unpredictable Niece

Pumberly Pott's unpredictable niece

declared with her usual zeal
that she would devour, by piece after piece,
her uncle's new automobile.

She set to her task very early one morn

by consuming the whole carburetor;
then she swallowed the windshield, the headlights and horn,
and the steering wheel just a bit later.

She chomped on the doors, on the handles and locks,

on the valves and the pistons and rings;
on the air pump and fuel pump and spark plugs and shocks,
on the brakes and the axles and springs.

When her uncle arrived she was chewing a hash

made of leftover hoses and wires
(she'd just finished eating the clutch and the dash
and the steel-belted radial tires).

"Oh, what have you done to my auto," he cried,

"you strange unpredictable lass?"
"The thing wouldn't work, Uncle Pott," she replied,
and he wept, "It was just out of gas."
Jack Preluΐsky

Don't Worry if Your Job Is Small Tender-heartedness

Don't worry if your job is small, Billy, in one of his nice new sashes,
And your rewards are few. Fell in the fire and was burned to ashes;
Remember that the mighty oak, Now, although the room grows chilly,
Was once a nut like you. I haven't the heart to poke poor Billy.
Anonymous Harry Graham

Number Nine, Penwiper Mews

From Number Nine, Penwiper Mews,

There is really abominable news:
They've discovered a head
In the box for the bread,
But nobody seems to know whose.
Edward Gorey
A Young Lady of Lynn

There was a young lady of Lynn,

Who was so uncommonly thin
That when she essayed
To drink lemonade,
She slipped through the straw and fell in.

Jimmy Jet and His TV Set

I'll tell you the story of Jimmy Jet—

And you know what I tell you is true.
He loved to watch his TV set
Almost as much as you.

He watched all day, he watched all night Herbert Glerbett

Till he grew pale and lean,
From "The Early Show" to "The Late Late Show" Herbert Glerbett, rather round,
And all the shows between. swallowed sherbet by the pound,
fifty pounds of lemon sherbet
He watched till his eyes were frozen wide,
went inside of Herbert Glerbett.
And his bottom grew into his chair.
And his chin turned into a tuning dial, With that glob inside his lap
And antennae grew out of his hair. Herbert Glerbett took a nap,
and as he slept, the boy dissolved,
And his brains turned into TV tubes,
and from the mess a thing evolved—
And his face to a TV screen.
And two knobs saying "VERT." and " H O R I Z . " a thing that is a ghastly green,
Grew where his ears had been. a thing the world had never seen,
a puddle thing, a gooey pile
And he grew a plug that looked like a tail
of something strange that does not smile.
So we plugged in little Jim.
And now instead of him watching TV Now if you're wise, and if you're sly,
We all sit around and watch him. you'll swiftly pass this creature by,
Shel Silverstein it is no longer Herbert Glerbett.
Whatever it is, do not disturb it.
Jack Preluΐsky
Words can be stuffy, as sticky as glue,
but words can be tutored to tickle you too,
to rumble and tumble and tingle and sing,
to buzz like a bumblebee, coil like a spring.

Juggle their letters and jumble their sounds,

swirl them in circles and stack them in mounds,
twist them and tease them and turn them about,
teach them to dance upside down, inside out.

Make mighty words whisper and tiny words roar

in ways no one ever had thought of before;
cook an improbable alphabet stew,
and words will reveal little secrets to you.
The Tutor
A Tutor who tooted the flute
Tried to teach two young tooters to toot.
Said the two to the Tutor,
"Is it harder to toot, or
To tutor two tooters to toot?"
Carolyn Wells

A Fly and a Flea in a Flue Whether the weather be fine
Or whether the weather be not,
A fly and a flea in a flue Whether the weather be cold
Were imprisoned, so what could they do? Or whether the weather be hot,
Said the fly, "Let us flee!" We'll weather the weather
"Let us fly!" said the flea, Whatever the weather,
And they flew through a flaw in the flue. Whether we like it or not.

Two Witches
There was a witch
The witch had an itch
The itch was so itchy it
Gave her a twitch.
Another witch
Admired the twitch
The Cow So she started twitching
Though she had no itch.
The cow mainly moos as she chooses to moo
and she chooses to moo as she chooses. Now both of them twitch
So it's hard to tell which
She furthermore chews as she chooses to chew Witch has the itch and
and she chooses to chew as she muses. Which witch has the twitch.
If she chooses to moo she may moo to amuse Alexander Resnikoff
or may moo just to moo as she chooses.
If she chooses to chew she may moo as she chews
or may chew just to chew as she muses.
Jack Prelutsky
The Bluffalo
Oh, do not tease the Bluffalo
With quick-step or with shuffalo
When you are in a scuffalo
In Bluffalo's backyard. Moses
For it has quite enoughalo Moses supposes his toeses are roses,
Of people playing toughalo But Moses supposes erroneously;
And when it gives a cuffalo For nobody's toeses are posies of roses
It gives it very hard. As Moses supposes his toeses to be.
But if by chance a scuffalo Anonymous
Occurs twixt you and Bluffalo,
Pray tempt it with a truffalo
And catch it off its guard.
And while it eats that stuffalo Antonio
You can escape the Bluffalo
Antonio, Antonio,
And with a huff and puffalo
Was tired of living alonio.
Depart from its backyard.
He thought he would woo
Jane Yolen Miss Lissamy Lou,
Miss Lissamy Lucy Molonio.
Antonio, Antonio,
Habits of the Rode off on his polo-ponio.
Hippopotamus He found the fair maid
In a bowery shade,
The hippopotamus is strong A-sitting and knitting alonio.
And huge of head and broad of bustle;
The limbs on which he rolls along Antonio, Antonio,
Are big with hippopotomuscle. Said, "If you will be my ownio
I'll love you true,
He does not greatly care for sweets And I'll buy for you,
Like ice cream, apple pie, or custard, An icery creamery conio!"
But takes to flavor what he eats
A little hippopotomustard. "Oh, nonio, Antonio!
You're far too bleak and bonio!
The hippopotamus is true And all that I wish,
To all his principles, and just; You singular fish,
He always tries his best to do Is that you will quickly begonio."
The things one hippopotomust.
Antonio, Antonio,
He never rides in trucks or trams, He uttered a dismal moanio;
In taxicabs or omnibuses, Then ran off and hid
And so keeps out of traffic jams (Or I'm told that he did)
And other hippopotomusses. In the Antarctical Zonio.
Arthur Guiterman Laura E. Richards
Sing Me a Song of
Teapots and Trumpets
Sing me a song
of teapots and trumpets:
Trumpots and teapets
And tippets and taps,
trippers and trappers
and jelly bean wrappers ^
and pigs in pajamas
with zippers and snaps. Banananananananana
Sing me a song I thought I'd win the spelling bee
of sneakers and snoopers: And get right to the top,
Snookers and sneapers But I started to spell "banana,"
and snappers and snacks, And I didn't know when to stop.
snorkels and snarkles,
William Cole
a seagull that gargles,
and gargoyles and gryphons
and other knickknacks.
Sing me a song
of parsnips and pickles: Click beetle
and pumpkins and pears,
Clack beetle
plumbers and mummers
Snapjack black beetle
and kettle drum drummers
Glint glitter glare beetle
and plum jam (yum-yum jam)
Pin it in your hair beetle
all over their chairs.
Tack it to your shawl beetle
Sing me a song— Wear it at the ball beetle
but never you mind it! Shine shimmer spark beetle
I've had enough Glisten in the dark beetle
of this nonsense. Don't cry. Listen to it crack beetle
Criers and fliers Click beetle
and onion ring fryers— Clack beetle
It's more than I want to put up with! Mary Ann Hoberman
N. M. Bodecker
The Ptarmigan
The ptarmigan is strange,
As strange as he can be;
Never sits on ptelephone poles
Or roosts upon a ptree.
And the way he ptakes pto spelling
Is the strangest thing pto me.

If you've ever been one
you know that
you don't sit the baby,
you bouncer
The Modern Hiawatha puller
He killed the noble Mudjokivis; patter
With the skin he made him mittens, rocker
Made them with the fur side inside, feeder
Made them with the skin side outside, burper
He, to get the warm side inside, changer
Put the inside skin side outside: kisser
He, to get the cold side outside, bedder
Put the warm side fur side inside: Eve Merriam
That's why he put the fur side inside,
Why he put the skin side outside,
Why he turned them inside outside.
George A. Strong

To Be or Not To Be
I sometimes think I'd rather crow
And be a rooster than to roost
And be a crow. But I dunno.
A rooster he can roost also,
Which don't seem fair when crows can't crow.
Which may help, some. Still I dunno.
Crows should be glad of one thing, though;
Nobody thinks of eating crow,
While roosters they are good enough
For anyone unless they're tough.
There are lots of tough old roosters though,
And anyway a crow can't crow,
So mebby roosters stand more show.
It looks that way. But I dunno.

Wild Flowers
'Of what are you afraid, my child?" inquired the kindly teacher.
"Oh, sir! the flowers, they are wild," replied the timid creature.
Peter Newell

Don't Ever Seize

a Weasel by the Tail

You should never squeeze a weasel

for you might displease the weasel,
and don't ever seize a weasel by the tail.

Let his tail blow in the breeze;

if you pull it, he will sneeze,
for the weasel's constitution tends to be a little frail.

Yes the weasel wheezes easily;

the weasel freezes easily;
the weasel's tan complexion rather suddenly turns pal

So don't displease or tease a weasel,

squeeze or freeze or wheeze a weasel
and don't ever seize a weasel by the tail.
Jack Preluΐsky

An Atrocious Pun

A major, with wonderful force,

Called out in Hyde Park for a horse.
All the flowers looked round,
Have You Ever Seen? But no horse could be found,
So he just rhododendron, of course.
Have you ever seen a sheet on a river bed?
Or a single hair from a hammer's head?
Has the foot of a mountain any toes?
And is there a pair of garden hose? Waiters
Does the needle ever wink its eye?
Dining with his older daughter
Why doesn't the wing of a building fly?
Dad forgot to order water.
Can you tickle the ribs of a parasol?
Daughter quickly called the waiter.
Or open the trunk of a tree at all?
Waiter said he'd bring it later.
Are the teeth of a rake ever going to bite? So she waited, did the daughter,
Have the hands of a clock any left or right? Till the waiter brought her water.
Can the garden plot be deep and dark? When he poured it for her later,
And what is the sound of the birch's bark? Which one would you call the waiter?
Anonymous Mary Ann Hoberman

J's the Jumping Jay-Walker

J's the jumping Jay-walker,

A sort of human jeep.
He crosses where the lights are red
Before he looks, he'll leap!
Then many a wheel
Begins to squeal,
And many a brake to slam.
He turns your knees to jelly
And the traffic into jam.
Phyllis McGinley


Humps are lumps

and so are mumps.

Bumps make lumps

on heads.
Poetry Mushrooms grow
in clumps of lumps—
What is Poetry? Who knows? on clumps of stumps,
Not a rose, but the scent of the rose; in woods and dumps.
Not the sky, but the light in the sky;
Not the fly, but the gleam of the fly; Springs spring lumps
Not the sea, but the sound of the sea; in beds.
Not myself, but what makes me Mosquito bites
See, hear, and feel something that prose make itchy lumps.
Cannot: and what it is, who knows?
Frogs on logs
Eleanor Farjeon
make twitchy lumps.
Judith Ύhurman

A Word

A word is dead
When it is said,
Some say.

I say it just
Begins to live
That day.
Emily Dickinson
There is a place where goblins dwell,
where leprechauns abound,
where evil trolls inhabit holes,
and elves are often found,
where unicorns grow silver horns,
and mummies leave their tombs,
where fiery hosts of ashen ghosts
cavort in drafty rooms.

There is a place where poltergeists

and ogres rove unseen,
where witches rise through midnight skies,
where stalks the phantom queen,
where fairy folk atop an oak
are apt to weave a spell;
it's there to find within your mind,
that place where goblins dwell.
Some One
Some one came knocking
At my wee, small door;
Some one came knocking,
Γm sure—sure—sure;
I listened, I opened,
I looked to left and right,
But naught there was a-stirring
In the still dark night;
Only the busy beetle
Tap-tapping in the wall,
Only from the forest
The screech-owl's call,
Only the cricket whistling
While the dewdrops fall,
So I know not who came knocking,
At all, at all, at all. Something Is There
Walter de la Mare
Something is there
there on the stair
coming down
coming down
stepping with care.
Coming down
coming down

Something is coming and wants to get by.

Lilian Moore

A cold and starry darkness moans The Horseman
And settles wide and still
Over a jumble of tumbled stones I heard a horseman
Dark on a darker hill. Ride over the hill;
The moon shone clear,
An owl among those shadowy walls,
The night was still;
Gray against the gray
His helm was silver,
Of ruins and brittle weeds, calls
And pale was he;
And soundless swoops away.
And the horse he rode
Rustling over scattered stones Was of ivory.
Dancers hover and sway, Walter de la Mare
Drifting among their own bones
Like webs of the Milky Way.
Harry Behn
Green Candles
"There's someone at the door," said gold candlestick:
"Let her in quick, let her in quick!"
"There is a small hand groping at the handle.
Why don't you turn it!" asked green candle.
"Don't go, don't go," said the Hepplewhite chair,
hist whist "Lest you find a strange lady there."
"Yes, stay where you are," whispered the white wall:
hist whist "There is nobody there at all."
little ghostthings
tip-toe "1 know her little foot," gray carpet said:
twinkle-toe "Who but I should know her light tread?"
"She shall come in," answered the open door,
little twitchy "And not," said the room, "go out anymore."
witches and tingling
Humbert Wolfe
hob-a-nob hob-a-nob
little hoppy happy
toad in tweeds
little itchy mousies
with scuttling
eyes rustle and run and
whisk look out for the old woman
with the wart on her nose What's That?
what she'll do to yer
What's that?
nobody knows
Who's there?
for she knows the devil ooch There's a great huge horrible horrible
the devil ouch creeping up the stair!
the devil A huge big terrible terrible
ach the great with creepy crawly hair!
There's a ghastly grisly ghastly
green with seven slimy eyes!
dancing And flabby grabby tentacles
devil of a gigantic size!
devil He's crept into my room now,
devil he's leaning over me.
devil I wonder if he's thinking
wheeEEE how delicious I will be.
e. e. cummings Florence Parry Heide

The Witch! The Witch!

The Witch! the Witch! don't let her get you!
Or your Aunt wouldn't know you the next time she met
Eleanor Farjeon

Wanted—A Witch's Cat

Wanted—a witch's cat.
Queen Nefertiti
Spin a coin, spin a coin,
All fall down;
Queen Nefertiti
Stalks through the town.
Over the pavements
Her feet go clack
Her legs are as tall
As a chimney stack;
Her fingers flicker
Like snakes in the air,
The walls split open
At her green-eyed stare;
Her voice is thin
As the ghosts of.bees;
She will crumble your bones,
She will make your blood freeze.
Spin a coin, spin a coin,
All fall down;
Queen Nefertiti
Stalks through the town.

Witches5 Menu
Live lizard; dead lizard
Marinated; fried.
Eight Witches Poached lizard; pickled lizard
Salty lizard hide.
Eight witches rode the midnight sky.
One wailed low, and one wailed high, Hot lizard, cold lizard
Another croaked, another sighed Lizard over ice.
Throughout the eerie midnight ride. Baked lizard, boiled lizard
Lizard served with spice.
One witch's voice was cackly toned,
Another shrieked, another moaned. Sweet lizard, sour lizard
The eighth, much younger than the rest, Smoked lizard heart.
Made a scary sound the best— Leg of lizard, loin of lizard
Yoooo— Lizard a la carte.
Yoooo— Sonja Nikolay
Colonel Fazackerley
Colonel Fazackerley Butterworth-Toast
Bought an old castle complete with a ghost,
But someone or other forgot to declare
To Colonel Fazack that the specter was there.
On the very first evening, while waiting to dine,
The Colonel was taking a fine sherry wine,
When the ghost, with a furious flash and a flare,
Shot out of the chimney and shivered, "Beware!"
Colonel Fazackerley put down his glass
And said, "My dear fellow, that's really first class!
I just can't conceive how you do it at all.
I imagine you're going to a Fancy Dress Ball?"
At this, the dread ghost gave a withering cry.
Said the Colonel (his monocle firm in his eye),
"Now just how you do it I wish I could think.
Do sit down and tell me, and please have a drink."
The ghost in his phosphorous cloak gave a roar
And floated about between ceiling and floor.
He walked through a wall and returned through a pane
And backed up the chimney and came down again.
Said the Colonel, "With laughter I'm feeling quite weak!'
(As trickles of merriment ran down his cheek).
"My house-warming party I hope you won't spurn.
You must say you'll come and you'll give us a turn!"
At this, the poor specter—quite out of his wits—
Proceeded to shake himself almost to bits.
He rattled his chains and he clattered his bones
And he filled the whole castle with mumbles and moans.
But Colonel Fazackerley, just as before,
Was simply delighted and called out, "Encore!"
At which the ghost vanished, his efforts in vain,
And never was seen at the castle again.
"Oh dear, what a pity!" said Colonel Fazack.
"I don't know his name, so I can't call him back."
And then with a smile that was hard to define,
Colonel Fazackerley went in to dine.
Charles Causley
The Darkling Elves
In wildest woods, on treetop shelves,
sit evil beings with evil selves—
they are the dreaded darkling elves
and they are always hungry.
Three Ghostesses
In garish garb of capes and hoods,
Three little ghostesses, they wait and watch within their woods
Sitting on postesses, to peel your flesh and steal your goods
Eating buttered toastesses, for they are always hungry.
Greasing their fistesses,
Up to their wristesses, Through brightest days and darkest nights
Oh, what beastesses these terrifying tiny sprites
To make such feastesses! await to strike and take their bites
for they are always hungry.
Watch every leaf of every tree,
Song of the Ogres for once they pounce you cannot flee—
their teeth are sharp as sharp can be . . .
Little fellow, you're amusing, and they are always hungry.
Stop before you end by losing
Jack Prelutsky
Your shirt:
Run along to Mother, Gus,
Those who interfere with us
Get hurt.
Honest Virtue, old wives prattle,
Always wins the final battle.
Dear, Dear!
Life's exactly what it looks,
Love may triumph in the books,
Not here.
We're not joking, we assure you:
Those who rode this way before you
Died hard.
What? Still spoiling for a fight?
Well, you've asked for it all right:
On guard!
Always hopeful, aren't you? Don't be.
Night is falling and it won't be
Long now:
You will never see the dawn,
You will wish you'd not been born.
And how!
W. H. Auden

The Elf and the Dormouse

Under a toadstool
Crept a wee Elf,
Out of the rain The Bogeyman
To shelter himself.
In the desolate depths of a perilous place
Under the toadstool, the bogeyman lurks, with a snarl on his face.
Sound asleep, Never dare, never dare to approach his dark lair
Sat a big Dormouse for he's waiting. . . just waiting . . . to get you.
All in a heap.
He skulks in the shadows, relentless and wild
Trembled the wee Elf, in his search for a tender, delectable child.
Frightened, and yet With his steely sharp claws and his slavering jaws
Fearing to fly away oh he's waiting.. . just waiting . . . to get you.
Lest he get wet.
Many have entered his dreary domain
To the next shelter— but not even one has been heard from again.
Maybe a mile! They no doubt made a feast for the butchering beast
Sudden the wee Elf and he's waiting. . . just waiting... to get you.
Smiled a wee smile,
In that sulphurous, sunless and sinister place
Tugged till the toadstool he'll crumple your bones in his bogey embrace.
Toppled in two. Never never go near if you hold your life dear,
Holding it over him for o h ! . . . what he'll do . . . when he gets you!
Gaily he flew. Jack Prelutsky
Soon he was safe home The Troll
Dry as could be.
Soon woke the Dormouse— Be wary of the loathsome troll
"Good gracious me! that slyly lies in wait
to drag you to his dingy hole
Where is my toadstool?"
and put you on his plate.
Loud he lamented.
—And that's how umbrellas His blood is black and boiling hot,
First were invented. he gurgles ghastly groans.
Oliver Herford He'll cook you in his dinner pot,
your skin, your flesh, your bones.
He'll catch your arms and clutch your legs
and grind you to a pulp,
then swallow you like scrambled eggs—
gobble! gobble! gulp!
So watch your steps when next you go
upon a pleasant stroll,
or you might end in the pit below
as supper for the troll.
Jack Prelutsky

The Wendigo,
The Wendigo!
Its eyes are ice and indigo!
Its blood is rank and yellowish!
Its voice is hoarse and bellowish!
Its tentacles are slithery,
And scummy,
The Fairies
Leathery! Up the airy mountain,
Ttc line 3ΓP Knnσrv KinhhpΓV.
The Great Auk's Ghost
The Great Auk's ghost rose on one leg,
Sighed thrice and three times winked,
And turned and poached a phantom egg,
And muttered, "I'm extinct."
Ralph Hodgson

The Pumpkin
You may not believe it, for hardly could I:
I was cutting a pumpkin to put in a pie,
And on it was written in letters most plain
"You may hack me in slices, but I'll grow
I seized it and sliced it and made no mistake
As, with dough rounded over, I put it to bake:
But soon in the garden as I chanced to walk,
Why, there was that pumpkin entire on his
Robert Graves

The Seven Ages of Elf-hood

When an Elf is as old as a year and a minute
He can wear a cap with a feather in it.
By the time that he is two times two
He has a buckle for either shoe.
At twenty he is fine as a fiddle,
With a little brown belt to go round his middle.
When he's lived for fifty years or so
His coat may have buttons all in a row.
If past three score and ten he's grown
Two pockets he has for his very own.
At eighty-two or three years old
They bulge and jingle with bits of gold.
But when he's a hundred and a day
He gets a little pipe to play!
Rachel Field

The Slithergadee has crawled out of the sea.

He may catch all the others, but he won't catch me.
How to Tell Goblins
No you won't catch me, old Slithergadee,
from Elves
You may catch all the others, but you wo
The Goblin has a wider mouth Shel Silverstein
Than any wondering elf. Gumble
The saddest part of this is that
He brings it on himself. The Gumble lives behind the door;
For hanging in a willow clump At night he's oft inclined to snore,
In baskets made of sheaves, Waking me in such a fright
You may see the baby goblins I leap from bed, turn on the light,
Under coverlets of leaves. And clad in dressing gown and slippers
They suck a pink and podgy foot Drag out the Gumble by his flippers,
(As human babies do), Admonish him with such a smack
And then they suck the other one, He first turns blue and then turns black,
Until they're sucking two. While I, ashamed at what I've done,
And so it is that goblins' mouths Go back to bed and count to one
Keep growing very round. Thousand and three Gumblish sheep
So you can't mistake a goblin, In vain attempt to go to sleep,
When a goblin you have found. While Gumble sniggers, "Serves him right,
I hope he's kept awake all night."
Monica Shannon
Michael Dugan

The Unicorn with the long white horn
Is beautiful and wild.
He gallops across the forest green
So quickly that he's seldom seen
Where Peacocks their blue feathers preen
And strawberries grow wild.
He flees the hunter and the hounds,
Upon black earth his white hoof pounds,
Over cold mountain streams he bounds
The Little Man
And comes to a meadow mild;
There, when he kneels to take his nap, As I was walking up the stair
He lays his head in a lady's lap I met a man who wasn't there;
As gently as a child. He wasn't there again today.
William Jay Smith I wish, I wish he'd stay away.
Hughes Mearns

The Bogus-Boo
The Bogus-boo
Is a creature who
Comes out at night—and why?
He likes the air;
He likes to scare
The nervous passer-by.
Out from the park
At dead of dark
He comes with huffling pad.
If, when alone, Wrimples
You hear his moan,
'Tis like to drive you mad. When the clock strikes five but it's only four,
there's a wrimple in your clock.
He has two wings,
When your key won't work in your own front door,
Pathetic things,
there's a wrimple in the lock.
With which he cannot fly.
His tusks look fierce, When your brand-new shoes refuse to fit,
Yet could not pierce there's a wrimple in each shoe.
The merest butterfly. When the lights go out and they just were lit,
that's a wrimple's doing too.
He has six ears,
But what he hears When you shake and shake but the salt won't pour,
Is very faint and small; there's a wrimple in the salt.
And with the claws When your cake falls flat on the kitchen floor,
On his eight paws it's surely a wrimple's fault.
He cannot scratch at all.
The way to fix these irksome works
He looks so wise is obvious and simple.
With his owl-eyes, Just search and find it where it lurks,
His aspect grim and ghoulish; and then . . . remove the wrimple.
But truth to tell, Jack Prelutsky
He sees not well
And is distinctly foolish.
This Bogus-boo,
What can he do
But huffle in the dark?
So don't take fright;
He has no bite
And very little bark.
James Reeves
The Spangled Pandemonium
The Spangled Pandemonium
Is missing from the zoo.
He bent the bars the barest bit,
And slithered glibly through.
He crawled across the moated wall,
He climbed the mango tree,
And when his keeper scrambled up,
He nipped him in the knee.
To all of you, a warning
Not to wander after dark,
Or if you must, make very sure
You stay out of the park.
Ms. Whatchamacallit Thingamajig For the Spangled Pandemonium
Is missing from the zoo,
Ms. Whatchamacallit Thingamajig And since he nipped his keeper,
can make herself small or make herself big, He would just as soon nip you!
can take any shape, from round as a ball
Palmer Brown
to sharp as a spear, to wide as a wall.
She makes no sound as she creeps, flies or shakes
(how she moves depends on the shape that she takes).
And though she is soundless, she's always around.
Wherever you are—there she can be found.
What? You've never seen her? That's because she's
invisible by day and disguised as a breeze.
At night, when the lights are out in the house,
she takes on the shape of a shadow or mouse.
Though you've never seen her, she's always close by.
Have you never felt something fly in your eye?
Or noticed the cat stare at someone unseen?
Or found dirt on a shirt that was utterly clean?
Have you ever been pushed and found no one there?
Or dropped a glass you were holding with care?
What of itches, tickles, scratches and those?
Are they all just—accidents—do you suppose?
You have the idea. You're beginning to see.
Yes, those are the doings of Ms. W. T.
She loves a good laugh, and laughs without end
to see a look of surprise on the face of a friend.
Miriam Chaikin

Could It Have Been a Shadow?

What ran under the rosebush?
What ran under the stone?
Could it have been a shadow,
Running away alone?
Maybe a fairy's shadow,
Slipping away at dawn
To guard a gleaming pot of gold
For a busy leprechaun.
Monica Shannon

The Plumpuppets
When little heads weary have gone to their bed,
When all the good nights and the prayers have been said,
Of all the good fairies that send bairns to rest
The little Plumpuppets are those I love best.
If your pillow is lumpy, or hot, thin and flat,
The little Plumpuppets know just what they're at;
They plump up the pillow, all soft, cool and fat—
The little Plumpuppets plump-up it!
The little Plumpuppets are fairies of beds:
They have nothing to do but to watch sleepy heads;
They turn down the sheets and they tuck you in tight,
And they dance on your pillow to wish you good night!
No matter what troubles have bothered the day,
Though your doll broke her arm or the pup ran away;
Though your handles are black with the ink that was spilt-
Plumpuppets are waiting in blankets and quilt.
If your pillow is lumpy, or hot, thin and flat,
The little Plumpuppets know just what they're at;
They plump up the pillow; all soft, cool and fat—
The little Plumpuppets plump-up it!
Christopher Morley
• A

Oh, take my hand and stroll with me

into the Land of Potpourri,
a land to think, a land to dream,
a land of peaches topped with cream,
of orange crayons, yellow pears,
a wind-up frog upon the stairs,
a windy beach, a flying bed,
a helicopter overhead.

In Potpourri you're sure to spy

a locomotive clacking by,
a toaster pop, a rocket roar,
a shovel like a dinosaur,
a puzzled mouse in outer space,
a breathless theft of second base;
so take my hand and stroll with me
into the Land of Potpourri.
Happy Thought
The world is so full of a number of things,
Γm sure we should all be as happy as kings.
Robert Louis Stevenson

to Songs of Innocence
Piping down the valleys wild,
Piping songs of pleasant glee,
On a cloud I saw a child,
And he laughing said to me:

Our Washing Machine "Pipe a song about a Lamb!"

So I piped with merry cheer.
Our washing machine went whisity whirr "Piper, pipe that song again";
Whisity whisity whisity whirr So I piped; he wept to hear.
One day at noon it went whisity click "Drop thy pipe, thy happy pipe;
Whisity whisity whisity click Sing thy songs of happy cheer!"
Click grr click grr click grr click So I sang the same again,
Call the repairman While he wept with joy to hear.
Fix it. . . Quick!
Patricia Hubbell "Piper, sit thee down and write
In a book, that all may read."
So he vanished from my sight;
And I plucked a hollow reed,

And I made a rural pen,

And I stained the water clear,
And I wrote my happy songs
Every child may joy to hear.
William Blake
Steam Shovel

The dinosaurs are not all dead.

No Holes Marred
I saw one raise its iron head
To watch me walking down the road For printed instructions
Beyond our house today. I had a great regard,
Its jaws were dripping with a load Until, in the mail,
Of earth and grass that it had cropped. Came an IBM card
It must have heard me where I stopped, With a written command
Snorted white steam my way, Not to crease it or fold it,
And stretched its long neck out to see, And a stamped, return envelope—
And chewed, and grinned quite amiably. Too small to hold it.
Charles Malam Suzanne Douglass
From: The Bed Book
These are the Beds
forme and for you!
These are the Beds
to climb into:
Pocket-size Beds
and Beds for Snacks,
Tank Beds, Beds My Nose
on Elephant Backs,
It doesn't breathe;
Beds that fly,
It doesn't smell;
Arithmetic is where numbers fly
like pigeons in and out of your head.
Arithmetic tells you how many you lose or win
if you know how many you had
before you lost or won.
Arithmetic is seven eleven all good children
go to heaven—or five six bundle of sticks.
Arithmetic is numbers you squeeze from your
head to your hand to your pencil to your paper
till you get the right answer... . What Is Orange?
If you have two animal crackers, one good and one bad,
and you eat one and a striped zebra Orange is a tiger lily,
with streaks all over him eats the other, A carrot,
how many animal crackers will you have A feather from
if somebody offers you five six seven and you say A parrot,
No no no and you say Nay nay nay A flame,
and you say Nix nix nix? The wildest color
If you ask your mother for one fried egg You can name.
for breakfast and she gives you Orange is a happy day
two fried eggs and you eat Saying good-by
both of them, who is better in arithmetic, In a sunset that
you or your mother? Shocks the sky.
Carl Sandburg Orange is brave
Orange is bold
What Is Pink? It's bittersweet
And marigold.
What is pink? A rose is pink Orange is zip
By the fountain's brink. Orange is dash
What is red? A poppy's red The brightest stripe
In its barley bed. In a Roman sash.
What is blue? The sky is blue Orange is an orange
Where the clouds float through. Also a mango
What is white? A swan is white Orange is music
Sailing in the light. Of the tango.
What is yellow? Pears are yellow, Orange is the fur
Rich and ripe and mellow. Of the fiery fox,
What is green? The grass is green, The brightest crayon
With small flowers between. In the box.
What is violet? Clouds are violet And in the fall
In the summer twilight. When the leaves are turning
What is orange? Why, an orange, Orange is the smell
Just an orange! Of a bonfire burning.. . .
Christina Rossetti Mary O'Neill
Who's In What Is Red?

'The door is shut fast Red is a sunset

And everyone's out." Blazy and bright.
But people don't know Red is feeling brave
What they're talking about! With all your might.
Says the fly on the wall, Red is a sunburn
And the flame on the coals Spot on your nose,
And the dog on his rug Sometimes red
And the mice in their holes, Is a red, red rose.
And the kitten curled up, Red squiggles out
And the spiders that spin— When you cut your hand.
"What, everyone's out? Red is a brick and
Why, everyone's in!" A rubber band.
Elizabeth Fleming Red is a hotness
You get inside
When you're embarrassed
The Base Stealer And want to hide.
Fire-cracker, fire-engine
Poised between going on and back, pulled
Fire-flicker red—
Both ways taut like a tightrope-walker,
And when you're angry
Fingertips pointing the opposites,
Red runs through your head.
Now bouncing tiptoe like a dropped ball
Red is an Indian,
Or a kid skipping rope, come on, come on,
A Valentine heart,
Running a scattering of steps sidewise,
The trimming on
How he teeters, skitters, tingles, teases,
A circus cart.
Taunts them, hovers like an ecstatic bird,
Red is a lipstick,
He's only flirting, crowd him, crowd him,
Red is a shout,
Delicate, delicate, delicate, delicate—now!
Red is a signal
Robert Francis
That says: "Watch out!"
To Be Answered in Our Next Issue Red is a great big
Rubber ball.
When a great tree falls Red is the giant-est
And people aren't near, Color of all.
Does it make a noise Red is a show-off
If no one can hear? No doubt about it—
And which came first, But can you imagine
The hen or the egg? Living without it?
This impractical question Mary O'Neill
We ask and then beg.
Some wise men say
It's beyond their ken.
Did anyone ever
Ask the hen?
The Library The Knockout
It looks like any building The shortest fight
When you pass it on the street, I ever saw
Made of stone and glass and marble, Was a left to the body
Made of iron and concrete. And a right to the jaw.
But once inside you can ride Lillian Morrison
A camel or a train,
Visit Rome, Siam, or Nome,
Feel a hurricane,
Meet a king, learn to sing,
How to bake a pie, Foul Shot
Go to sea, plant a tree,
Find how airplanes fly, With two 60's stuck on the Scoreboard
Train a horse, and of course And two seconds hanging on the clock,
Have all the dogs you'd like, The solemn boy in the center of eyes,
See the moon, a sandy dune, Squeezed by silence,
Or catch a whopping pike. Seeks out the line with his feet,
Everything that books can bring Soothes his hands along his uniform,
You'll find inside those walls. Gently drums the ball against the floor,
A world is there for you to share Then measures the waiting net,
When adventure calls. Raises the ball on his right hand,
Balances it with his left,
You cannot tell its magic Calms it with fingertips,
By the way the building looks, Breathes,
But there's wonderment within it, Crouches,
The wonderment of books. Waits,
Barbara A. Huff And then through a stretching of stillness,
Nudges it upward.

Yellow The ball slides up and out.

Green is go, Leans,
and red is stop, Wobbles,
and yellow is peaches Wavers,
with cream on top. Hesitates,
Earth is brown, Plays it coy
and blue is sky; Until every face begs with unsounding
yellow looks well screams—
on a butterfly. And then
Clouds are white, And then,
black, pink, or mocha; And then,
yellow's a dish of Right before ROAR-UP,
tapioca. Dives down and through.
David McCord Edwin A. Hoey
A Football Game Maps
It's the might, it's the fight High adventure
Of two teams who won't give in And bright dream—
It's the roar of the crowd Maps are mightier
And the "Go, fight, win!" Than they seem:
It's the bands, it's the stands, Ships that follow
It's the color everywhere. Leaning stars—
It's the whiff, it's the sniff Red and gold of
Of the popcorn on the air. Strange bazaars—
It's a thrill, it's a chill,
/ Ice floes hid
It's a cheer and then a sigh;
Beyond all knowing-
It's that deep, breathless hush
Planes that ride where
When the ball soars high.
Winds are blowing!
Yes, it's more than a score,
Train maps, maps of
Or a desperate grasp at fame;
Wind and weather,
Fun is King, win or lose—
Road maps—taken
That's a football game!
Alice Van Eck
Maps are really
Magic wands
For home-staying
If Once You Have Slept on an Island
If once you have slept on an island Dorothy Brown Thompson
You'll never be quite the same;
You may look as you looked the day before
And go by the same old name,
You may bustle about in street and shop;
You may sit at home and sew,
But you'll see blue water and wheeling gulls
Wherever your feet may go.
You may chat with the neighbors of this and that
And close to your fire keep,
But you'll hear ship whistle and lighthouse bell
And tides beat through your sleep.
Oh, you won't know why, and you can't say how
Such change upon you came,
But—once you have slept on an island
You'll never be quite the same!
Rachel Field
Flight Plan

Of all the ways of traveling in earth and air and sea

It's the lively helicopter that has captivated me.
It hovers anywhere in air just like a hummingbird.
Flies backward; forward, up or down, whichever is preferred.
It doesn't pierce the stratosphere as zipping rockets do
Nor pop sound barriers and puff fat jet streams through the blue.
It isn't first in speed or weight or anything but fun
And deftly doing dangerous jobs that often must be done.
When anyone is lost in storm or flooded river's span
And other planes can't help at all, a helicopter can.
It lights on snow or mountaintop—wherever it is needed.
The plane that's like a hummingbird will not be superseded
By satellite or Stratojet. No supership has topped her.
And just as soon as ever I can I'll fly a helicopter!
]ane Merchant

To an Aviator

You who have grown so intimate with stars

And know their silver dripping from your wings,
Swept with the breaking day across the sky,
Known kinship with each meteor that swings—

You who have touched the rainbow's fragile gold,

Carved lyric ways through dawn and dusk and rain
And soared to heights our hearts have only dreamed—
How can you walk earth's common ways again?
Daniel Whiΐehead Hicky

The railroad track is miles away,

And the day is loud with voices speaking,
Yet there isn't a train goes by all day
But I hear its whistles shrieking.

All night there isn't a train goes by,

Though the night is still for sleep and dreaming
But I see its cinders red on the sky
And hear its engine steaming.

My heart is warm with the friends I make,

And better friends I'll not be knowing,
Yet there isn't a train I wouldn't take,
No matter where it's going.
Edna St. Vincent Milϊay
From a Railway Carriage
Faster than fairies, faster than witches,
Bridges and houses, hedges and ditches;
And charging along like troops in a battle,
All through the meadows the horses and cattle:
All of the sights of the hill and the plain
Fly as thick as driving rain;
And ever again, in the wink of an eye,
Message from a Mouse, Painted stations whistle by.
Ascending in a Rocket
Here is a child who clambers and scrambles,
Attention, architect! All by himself and gathering brambles;
Attention, engineer! Here is a tramp who stands and gazes;
A message from mouse, And there is the green for stringing the daisies!
Coming clear: Here is a cart run away in the road
"Suggest installing Lumping along with man and load;
Spike or sprocket And here is a mill and there is a river:
Easily turned by Each a glimpse and gone for ever!
A mouse in a rocket; Robert Louis Stevenson
An ejection gadget
Simple to handle
To free mouse quickly The Toad
From this space-age ramble.
In days of old, those far off times
Suggest packing
Of high romance and magic,
For the next moon trip
A toad was an enchanted prince,
A mouse-sized parachute
A transformation tragic.
Somewhere in the ship,
So I can descend Today the toad is studied as
(When my fear comes strong) A scientific topic—
Back to earth where I was born. No prince is found, although we look
Back to the cheerful world of cheese With vision microscopic.
And small mice playing,
And yet, the prince is there—he's there
And my wife waiting."
As clearly as can be.
Patricia Hubbell Forget your microscope, my friend,
And use your mind to see!
Robert S. Oliver

This Little Pig Built a Spaceship

This little pig built a spaceship,
This little pig paid the bill;
This little pig made isotopes,
This little pig ate a pill;
And this little pig did nothing at all,
But he's just a little pig still. How Strange It Is
Frederick Winsor
In the sky
Soft clouds are blowing by.
Nothing more can I see
Dreams In the blue air over me.

Hold fast to dreams Yet I know that planetoids and rocket cones,
For if dreams die Telstars studded with blue stones,
Life is a broken-winged bird And many hundred bits of fins
That cannot fly. And other man-made odds and ends
Are wheeling round me out in space
Hold fast to dreams At a breathless astronautic pace.
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field How strange it is to know
Frozen with snow. That while I watch the soft clouds blow
So many things I cannot see
Langston Hughes
Are passing by right over me.
Claudia Lewis

Far Trek
Some things will never change although
We tour out to the stars;
Arriving on the moon we'll find
Our luggage sent to Mars!
June Brady
To Dark Eyes Dreaming
Dreams go fast and far
these days.
They go by rocket thrust.
They go arrayed
in lights
or in the dust of stars.
Dreams, these days,
go fast and far.
Dreams are young, these days,
The Paint Box or very old,
They can be black
"Cobalt and umber and ultramarine, or blue or gold.
Ivory black and emerald green— They need no special charts,
What shall I paint to give pleasure to you?" nor any fuel.
"Paint for me somebody utterly new." It seems, only one rule applies,
to all our dreams—
"I have painted you tigers in crimson and white." They will not fly except in open sky.
"The colors were good and you painted aright." A fenced-in dream
"I have painted the cook and a camel in blue will die.
And a panther in purple." "You painted them true.
Zilpha Keatley Snyder
"Now mix me a color that nobody knows,
And paint me a country where nobody goes.
And put in it people a little like you,
Watching a unicorn drinking the dew."

Keep a Poem in Your Pocket

Keep a poem in your pocket
and a picture in your head
and you'll never feel lonely
at night when you're in bed.
The little poem will sing to you
the little picture bring to you
a dozen dreams to dance to you
at night when you're in bed.

Keep a picture in your pocket

and a poem in your head
and you'll never feel lonely
at night when you're in bed.
Beatrice Schenk de Regniers

About Feet, 122 Bug in a Jug, 74 Common Cormorant, The, 171

Accidentally, 150 Bug Sat in a Silver Flower, A, 73 Concrete Mixers, 94
Adventures of Isabel, 179 Butterfly's Ball, The, 172 Contrary Waiter, The, 173
Advice to Small Children, 102 Could It Have Been a Shadow?
Air Traveler, 162 Camel, 57 213
Algy Met a Bear, 178 Camel's Complaint, The, 57 Country Barnyard, 68
All Things Bright and Beautiful, Canary, The, 83 Cow, The, 64
22 Cat, 68 Cow, The, 190
Alley Cat School, 96 Cat in Despondency, A, 67 Creature in the Classroom, The,
Alligator, The, 176 Cat of Cats, The, 67 212
Alligator Pie, 180 Caterpillar, 76 Crickets, 73
Alphabet Stew, 188 Cats, 68 Crocodile, The, 81
Amelia Mixed the Mustard, 133 Cat's Menu, 69 Crocus, The, 25
Animal Fair, The, 178 Cats of Kilkenny, The, 67 Crowds, 94
Antonio, 191 Celery, 148
Ants, Although Admirable, Are Changing, 102 Daddy Fell into the Pond, 156
Awfully Aggravating, 74 Check, 32 Dandelion, 25
Ants at the Olympics, The, 177 Children, Children Everywhere, Darkling Elves, The, 205
April Rain Song, 97 101 Daylight Saving Time, 41
Arithmetic, 218 Children's Carol, The, 48 Desert Tortoise, 80
Atrocious Pun, An, 195 Chipmunk's Song, The, 55 Did You? 106
Auguries of Innocence, 22 Chocolate Cake, 148 Did You Ever Go Fishing? 180
August, 45 Chocolate, Chocolate, 149 Dinky, 212
Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker, 166 City, 98 Doctor Emmanuel, 163
City, City, 91 Dogs and Cats and Bears and Bats,
Baby Talk, 82 City Dump, The, 98 52-53
Banananananananana, 193 City Lights, 97 Donkey, The, 63
Barbershop, 113 City, Oh, City! 89 Don't Ever Seize a Weasel by the
Base Stealer, The, 219 Clickbeetle, 193 Tail, 195
basketball, 123 Cockpit in the Clouds, 99 Don't Tell Me That I Talk Too
Basketball Star, 123 Cockroaches, 75 Much! 126
Bat, The, 56 Codfish, The, 77 Don't Worry if Your Job Is Small,
Bat, The, 56 Colonel Fazackerley, 204 186
Beela by the Sea, 180 Double-Barreled Ding-Dong-Bat,
Beside the Line of Elephants, 59 104
Beyond Winter, 38 Dragonfly, A, 75
Birch Trees, 25 Dreams, 225
Blackbird, The, 83 Driving to the Beach, 217
Bliss, 66 Duck, The, 83
Bluffalo,The,191 Ducks' Ditty, 83
Boa, The, 79 Duel, The, 174
Bogeyman, The, 206 Dust of Snow, 121
Bringing Up Babies, 135
Brontosaurus, 79 Eagle, The, 87
Broom Balancing, 122 Easter, 42
Bubble Gum, 106 Eat-it-all Elaine, 108
Buffalo Dusk, 58 Egg Thoughts, 147
Bug, The, 74 Eight Witches, 203

Eletelephony, 192 Girls Can, Too! I l l I Saw a Little Girl I Hate, 103
Elf and the Dormouse, The, 206 Godmother, 161 I Wish I Could Meet the Man That
Every Time I Climb a Tree, 119 Going Up, 140 Knows, 134
Everybody Says, 125 Good-by My Winter Suit, 43 Ice, 38
Grandpa Bear's Lullaby, 60 If No One Ever Marries Me, 121
Fairies, The, 207 Grandpa Dropped His Glasses, If Once You Have Slept on an
Far Trek, 225 159 Island, 221
Father and Mother, 207 Grandpapa, 159 If We Didn't Have Birthdays, 126
Father William, 182 Great Auk's Ghost, The, 208 I'm Alone in the Evening, 142
Fatty, Fatty, Boom-a-latty, 165 Green Candles, 201 I'm Glad the Sky Is Painted Blue,
Feather or Fur, 69 Green Stems, 72 22
February Twilight, 39 Ground Hog Day, 37 I'm Hungry! 145
Feelings About Words, 197 Growing Old, 159 I'm Nobody! Who Are You? 128
Fernando, 109 Growing Up, 124 I'm Really Not Lazy, 127
Ferns, The, 25 Gumble, 209 In the Motel, 137
Fireflies in the Garden, 76 Introduction to Songs of
First Snow, 31 Habits of the Hippopotamus, 191 Innocence, 216
First Tooth, The, 135 Hairy Dog, The, 64 I've Got a Dog, 66
Fishes' Evening Song, 78 Happy Thought, 216
Flattered Flying Fish, The, 77 Hare and the Pig, The, 176 Jabberwocky, 170
Flea, The, 74 Harvest Home, 45 Jack, 106
Flight Plan, 223 Have You Ever Seen? 195 January, 36
Flint, 23 Hedgehog, The, 56 Jessica Jane, 110
Flowers Are a Silly Bunch, 92 Help! 136 Jimmy Jet and His TV Set, 187
Fly and a Flea in a Flue, A, 190 Hen, The, 85 Jittery Jim, 162
Fog, 96 Herbert Glerbett, 187 John, 132
Foghorns, 98 Hey, Bug! 72 John, Tom, and James, 104
Folk Who Live in Backward Higglety, Pigglety, Pop! 170 Johnnie Crack and Flossie Snail,
Town, The, 181 Hippopotamus, The, 58 183
His Highness's Dog, 66 Joke, The, 102
hist whist, 201 Jonathan Bing, 163
History, 127 Josephine, 181
Hog-Calling Competition, 163 Joyful, 44
/ / / \ ^ \ Holding Hands, 58 J's the Jumping Jay-Walker, 196
Home! You're Where It's Warm Just for One Day, 90
Inside, 131 Just Me, 120
Homework, 141
Homework, 141 Keep a Poem in Your Pocket, 226
Horseman, The, 200 Keziah, 120
^ • f ^ i y Tij, I Hot Line, 141 Knockout, The, 220
\^^Λ\. ' ¥' { House. For Sale, 162
How Strange It Is, 225 Ladybug, 76
How to Get There, 121 Land of Potpourri, The, 215
How to Tell Goblins from Elves, Last Rites, 24
209 Lazy Witch, 46
Huckleberry, Gooseberry, Leave Me Alone, 136
Follow the Leader, 110 Raspberry, 103 Leopard, 61
Football Game, A, 221 Hug O' War, 102 Lesser Lynx, The, 60
Foul Shot, 220 Hummingbird, The, 82 Let Others Share, 137
Four Little Foxes, 60 Hurt No Living Thing, 72 Library, The, 220
Four Seasons, 36 Light the Festive Candles, 48
Four Seasons, The, 35 I Am Cherry Alive, 127 LiΓ Bro\ 136
Freddy, 110 I Am Rose, 118 Lincoln, 37
Frightening, 98 I Asked My Mother, 178
Frog, The, 81 I Can Fly, 123
From: A Christmas Package, 49 I Eat My Peas with Honey, 150
From a Railway Carriage, 224 I Had a Little Pig, 177
From: The Bed Book, 217 I Hate Harry, 104
I Heard a Bird Sine 49
Ghosts, 200 I Love You, 103
Gift with the Wrappings Off, 90 I Raised a Great Hullabaloo, 150

Modern Hiawatha, The, 194 October, 45
Moment in Summer, A, 44 October, 45
Months, The, 36 Ode to Spring, 42
Moon's the North Wind's Cooky, Ode to the Pig: His Tail, 64
The, 32 Oh the Toe-Test! 74
More It Snows, The, 30 Old Quin Queer ibus, 163
Moses, 191 Oliphaunt, 59
\ Mother Doesn't Want a Dog, 133 On a Bad Singer, 162
Mother's Nerves, 132 On Mother's Day, 43
Mountain Brook, 28 On the Bridge, 23
Mountain Wind, 26 On the Ning Nang Nong, 171
Mr. Bidery's Spidery Garden, 192 On the Skateboard, 122
Mr. Kartoffel, 165 One Day When We Went Walking,
Mr. Pratt, 152 129
Ms. Whatchamacallit One Misty, Moisty Morning, 157
Thingamajig, 211 Oodles of Noodles, 147
Lion, 61 Mud, 28 Open Hydrant, 96
Lion, The, 61 Muddy Puddle, The, 28 Opposite of Two, The 167
Little Bits of Soft-Boiled Egg, 149 Mummy Slept Late and Daddy Our House, 143
Little Boy and the Old Man, The, Fixed Breakfast, 147 Our Washing Machine, 216
161 My Brother, 136 Owl, 202
Little Clotilda, 111 My Brother Bert, 158 Owl and the Pussy-Cat, The, 175
Little Man, The, 209 My Father Owns the Butcher Shop;
Little Things, 69 118 Paint Box, The, 226
Lizard, The, 79 My Little Sister, 149 Paper Dragons, 40
Lizard, The, 176 My Mouth, 146 Patience, 149
Lobsters and the Fiddler Crab, My Name I s . . . , 118 People, 156
The, 171 My Nose, 217 People, The, 93
Lone Dog, 65 Myra Song, The, 137 People Upstairs, The, 93
Long Gone, 78 Performing Seal, The, 63
Lord Cray, 167 Nature Is, 21 Pie Problem, 148
Love, 103 New Vestments, The, 184 Pig, The, 64
Lullaby, A, 114 Night, 33 Pig Is Never Blamed, A, 64
Lumps, 196 Night Comes, 33 Pigeons, 95
Night Heron, 86 Pizza, The, 152
maggie and milly and molly and Night Is a Big Black Cat, The, 33 Plumpuppets, The, 213
may, 112 No Girls Allowed, 111 Poetry, 196
Mandrill, The, 63 No Holes Marred, 216 Polar Bear, 60
Manners, 159 Nonsense! Nonsense! 168 Polliwog, The, 82
Maple Feast, 40 Number Nine, Penwiper Mews, Poor Old Lady, 164
Maps, 221 186 Praying Mantis, 73
March, 41
March Wind, The, 41
Mark's Fingers, 120
Marrog, The, 125
Martin Luther King, 37
Maytime Magic, 44
Mclntosh Apple, 171
Me, 118
Me, 119
ME I AM! 117
Measles, 113
Y JlIMc rί ΓΊ; — :.*
Measurement, 23
Meg's Egg, 148
Merry Christmas, 49
Message from a Mouse, Ascending
in a Rocket, 224
Mice, 54
Middle of the Night, The, 143
Misnomer, 194
Miss Norma Jean Pugh, 160

Ptarmigan, The, 193 Soliloquy of a Tortoise on
Puffin, The, 192 Revisiting the Lettuce Beds
Pumberly Pott's Unpredictable After an Interval of One Hour
Niece, 186 While Supposed to Be Sleeping
Pumpkin, The, 208 in a Clump of Blue Hollyhocks,
Purple Cow, The, 178 152
Puzzle, 104 Solomon Grundy, 165
Some One, 200
Queen Nefertiti, 203 Some People, 156
Queenie, 109 Some People I Know, 155
Question, 103 Some Things Don't Make Any
Sense at All, 135
Rabbit, The, 55 Somebody, 102
Rain Clouds, 30 Something Is There, 200
Rain Has Silver Sandals, The, 29 Something Told the Wild Geese,
Rainy Nights, 97 85
Read This with Gestures, 105 Song, 124
Reason I Like Chocolate, The, 119 Song of the Ogres, 205
Rhinos Purple, Hippos Green, 129 Song of the Witches, 202
Rhyme, 30 Spangled Pandemonium, The, 211
River Winding, 28 Sparrow Hawk, The, 87
Riveter, The, 90 Spring, 43
Rocket in My Pocket, A, 44 Spring Is, 42
Roger the Dog, 65 Spring Rain, 42
Routine, 156 Star, The, 33 Three Ghostesses, 205
Rudolph Is Tired of the City, 92 Steam Shovel, 216 Tickle Rhyme, The, 76
Rules, 137 Stickball, 96 Tin Frog, The, 217
Runaway, The, 138 Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Tired Tim, 109
Evening, 31 To a Squirrel at Kyle-Na-No, 55
Sad Song About Greenwich Story of Augustus Who Would To an Aviator, 223
Village, A, 96 Not Have Any Soup, The, 107 To Be Answered in Our Next
Sally and Manda, 79 Stupid Old Myself, 125 Issue, 219
Samuel, 81 Sugar Lady, The, 166 To Be or Not to Be, 194
Sandpiper, The, 84 Sulk, 121 To Dark Eyes Dreaming, 226
Sandpiper, The, 84 Summer, 44 To Walk in Warm Rain, 30
Sea, The, 29 Sunning, 66 Toad, The, 224
Sea Gull, 84 Sunrise, 93 Toaster, The, 217
Sea Shell, 29 Surprises, 126 Together, 167
Seal, 62 Tombstone, 162
Secret Song, The, 24 Table Manners, 106 Tomorrow's the Fair, 146
Sensitive, Seldom and Sad, 181 Tag Along, 105 Tony Baloney, 109
Serpent, The, 176 Taste of Purple, 148 Too Many Daves, 161
Seven Ages of Elf-hood, The, 208 Ten Kinds, 105 Toot! Toot! 170
Shark, The, 78 Tender-heartedness, 186 Train Song, 222
Shark, The, 177 Thanksgiving, 47 Travel, 223
Silver, 33 Thanksgiving Day, 47 Tree Frog, The, 82
Since Hanna Moved Away, 114 Thanksgiving Magic, 46 Trees, 24
Sing a Song of People, 95 That May Morning, 93
Sing a Song of Subways, 92 There Was a Little Girl, 105
Sing Me a Song of Teapots and There Was an Old Man with a
Trumpets, 193 Beard, 163
Sir Smasham Uppe, 167 They're Calling, 139
Six Weeks Old, 135 They've All Gone South, 95
Slithergadee, 209 Things to Do If You Are a Subway,
Sloth, The, 56 92
Smart, 157 This Is Halloween, 46
Smells, 39 This Is Just to Say, 146
Snail's Dream, The, 183 This Little Pig Built a Spaceship,
Sneaky Bill, 153 225
Snowflake, The, 32 Thoughts on Talkers, 157
Soap, 138 Thousand Hairy Savages, A, 150

Troll, The, 206 Way Down South, 173 Wiggly Giggles, 113
Turtle Soup, 146 Ways of Living Things, The, 71 Wild Flowers, 195
Tutor, The, 190 Wearing of the Green, 41 Wild, the Free, The, 63
12 October, 46 Weather, 190 Wind, The, 26
Twickham Tweer, 151 Wee Little Worm, A, 77 Wind-Wolves, 26
Twins, The, 183 Wendigo, The, 207 Windy Nights, 27
Two People, 105 Wendy in Winter, 109 Winning of the TV West, The, 142
Two People, 143 We're Racing, Racing down the Winter Clothes, 128
Two Witches, 190 Walk, 111 Winter Moon, 48
What in the World? 114 Witch! The Witch!, The, 202
Umbilical, 93 What Is Orange? 218 Witches'Menu, 203
Uncle, 159 What Is Pink? 218 Wolf..., A, 121
Unicorn, 209 What Is Red? 219 Wolf, The, 59
Universe, The, 22 What Someone Said When He Was Wolf Cry, The, 24
Πnril ϊ <^w the Sea 79 SnankeH on the Dav Before His Word. A. 196

A blue day, 41 Attention, architect! 224

A bug sat in a silver flower, 73 Augustus was a chubby lad, 107
A bull-voiced young fellow of Pawling, 163
A cat in despondency sighed, 67 Bats are creepy; bats are scary, 56
A cold and starry darkness moans, 200 Be kind and tender to the Frog, 81
A fly and a flea in a flue, 190 Be wary of the loathsome troll, 206
A horse and a flea and three blind mice, 173 Beautiful Soup, so rich and green, 146
A leaf bug comes from an egg in June, 75 Because of the steepness, 28
A little seed, 44 Because we do, 167
A major, with wonderful force, 195 Before I melt, 32
A moment in summer, 44 Behold the wonders of the mighty deep, 29
A peanut sat on a railroad track, 170 Billy, in one of his new sashes, 186
A pig is never blamed in case, 64 Bouncing! bouncing! on the beds, 137
A silver-scaled Dragon with jaws flaming red, 217 Brown and furry, 76
A small speckled visitor, 76 By day the bat is cousin to the mouse, 56
A snail, who had a way it seems, 183
A summer day is full of ease, 44 "Canary-birds feed on sugar and seed, 57
A sweet, a delicate white mouse, 54 Catch a floater, catch an eel, 180
A tarsier worked as a waiter, 173 Cats and kittens, kittens and cats, 68
A thousand hairy savages, 150 Cats sleep, 68
A treacherous monster is the Shark, 78 Celery, raw, 148
A tutor who tootled the flute, 190 Children, children everywhere, 101
A wee little worm in a hickory-nut, 77 Chocolate cake, 148
A wolf, 121 Chocolate Easter bunny, 149
A word is dead, 196 City asleep, 98
Algy met a bear, 178 City, city, 91
All along the backwater, 83 City, oh, City, 89
All things bright and beautiful, 22 Click beetle, 193
Alligator pie, alligator pie, 180 "Cobalt and umber and ultramarine, 226
Allow me just one short remark, 79 Colonel Fazackerley Butterworth-Toast, 204
Along a road, 30 Come play with me, 55
Along the sea-edge, like a gnome, 84 Come take up your hats, and away let us haste, 172
Amelia mixed the mustard, 133 Crickets, 73
An emerald is as green as grass, 23 Crowds pushing, 94
And here's the happy, bounding flea, 74 Curious fly, 74
And Γm thinking how to get out, 127
And when the rain had gone away, 74
Antonio, Antonio, 191
Arithmetic is where numbers fly, 218
As I was walking up the stair, 209
As long as I live, 118
Asleep he wheezes at his ease, 65
At last year's Jungle Olympics, 177
At the edge of the tide, 84

Daddy fixed the breakfast, 147
Dead in the cold, a song-singing thrush, 24
Did I ever tell you that Mrs. McCave, 161
Did you ever go fishing on a bright sunny day, 180
Dining with his older daughter, 195
Do alley cats go, 96
Do not jump on ancient uncles, 137
Do you hear the cry as the pack goes by, 26
Do you love me, 103
Doctor Emmanuel Harrison-Hyde, 163
Don't tell me that I talk too much! 126
Don't waste your time in looking for, 78
Don't worry if your job is small, 186
Double, double toil and trouble, 202
Dreams go fast and far, 226
Goblins on the doorstep, 46
Eat no green apples or you'll droop, 102 Good afternoon, Sir Smasham Uppe! 167
Eight witches rode the midnight sky, 203 Good-by my winter suit, 43
Elephants walking, 58 Got me a special place, 37
Eons ago, when the earth was still yeasty, 61 Grandpa dropped his glasses once, 159
Every time I climb a tree, 119 Grandpapa fell down a drain, 159
Everybody says, 125 Grapes hang purple, 148
Everyone grumbled. The sky was gray, 156 Gray as a mouse, 59
Green is go, 220
Faster than fairies, faster than witches, 224 Ground Hog sleeps, 37
Fatty, Fatty, Boom-a-latty, 165
Fernando has a basketball, 109 Have you ever seen a sheet on a river bed? 195
Firemen, firemen! 136 Having little kids around, they say, is truly bliss, 106
Flip flop, 78 He clasps the crag with crooked hands, 87
Flowers are a silly bunch, 92 He comes from afar, 162
For printed instructions, 216 He is so small, he does not know, 135
From Number Nine, Penwiper Mews, 186 He killed the noble Mudjokivis, 194
From where I stand now, 46 He played by the river when he was young, 39
Full of oatmeal, 160 Herbert Glerbett, rather round, 187
Here come the real stars to fill the upper skies, 76
Here is the story, 110
Here it comes! 98
Here lies, 162
Here we come again, again, and here we come
again! 48
Hey, bug, stay! 72
Hey, sidewalk pacers, 90
Higglety, pigglety, pop! 170
High adventure, 221
High, high in the branches, 25
hist whist, 201
Hold fast to dreams, 225
Home! You are a special place, 131
Homework sits on top of Sunday, squashing Sunday
flat, 141
How doth the little crocodile, 81
How thin and sharp is the moon tonight! 48
Huckleberry, gooseberry, raspberry pie, 103
Humps are lumps, 196
Hunting my cat along the evening brook, 86
Hurt no living thing, 72

i, 149 I made peanut butter sandwiches, 138
I am a camel in all the sand, 57 I never know, 31
"I am cherry alive," the little girl said, 127 I never saw a Purple Cow, 178
I am his Highness's dog at Kew, 66 I raised a great hullabaloo, 150
I am Rose my eyes are blue, 118 I saw a donkey, 63
I am sitting, 28 I saw a little girl I hate, 103
I am the cat of cats. I am, 67 I saw on the snow, 49
I am the old one here, 80 I scuff, 121
I am the only ME I AM, 117 I sometimes think Γd rather crow, 194
I asked my mother for fifty cents, 178 I stood beside a hill, 39
I can fly, of course, 123 I think mice, 54
I can get through a doorway without any key, 26 I think they had no pattern, 59
I come to work as well as play, 41 I thought I'd win the spelling bee, 193
I do not like the way you slide, 147 I went away last August, 108
I eat my peas with honey, 150 I went to the animal fair, 178
I eat what I wish, 69 I will not play at tug o' war, 102
I found this salamander, 81 I wish I could meet the man that knows, 134
I go, 121 I'd much rather sit there in the sun, 124
got a valentine from Timmy, 38 If babies could speak they'd tell mother or nurse,
I got up this morning and meant to be good, 132 135
I had a little pig, 177 If I could see little fish, 23
I hate Harry like... like . . . OOO! 104 If I eat one more piece of pie, I'll die! 148
I have a secret place to go, 120 If no one ever marries me, 121
I have an uncle I don't like, 159 If once you have slept on an island, 221
I have eaten, 146 If we didn't have birthdays, you wouldn't be you,
I have hopped, when properly wound up, the whole 126
length, 217 If you've ever been one, 194
I have to take my little brother, 136 I'll tell you the story of Jimmy Jet, 187
I heard a bird sing, 49 I'm a lean dog, a keen dog, a wild dog and lone, 65
I heard a horseman, 200 I'm alone in the evening, 142
I know what / feel like, 102 I'm by myself, 140
I like my fingers, 120 I'm glad the sky is painted blue, 22
I like the town on rainy nights, 97 I'm hungry, so I think I'll take, 145
I like to see a thunder storm, 30 I'm in trouble, 106
I like wrestling with Herbie because, 112 I'm nobody! Who are you? 128
"I look and smell," Aunt Sponge declared, "as I'm really not lazy, 127
lovely as a rose! 166 I'm shouting, 43
I love noodles. Give me oodles, 147 I'm Sneaky Bill, I'm terrible mean and vicious, 153
I love you, I like you, 103 In and out the bushes, up the ivy, 55
I love you, I love you, 103 In days of o Id, those far off times, 224


Little things that crawl and creep, 72
Little things, that run, and quail, 69
Live lizard; dead lizard, 203
Look at itsy-bitsy Mitzi! 152
Loving care! 136

maggie and milly and molly and may, 112

Mammals are a varied lot, 52
Mclntosh apple, 171
Meg, 148
In February there are days, 40 Millicent can play the flute, 122
In form and feature, face and limb, 183 Moses supposes his toeses are roses, 191
In March, kites bite the wind, 40 Mother doesn't want a dog, 133
In moving-slow he has no Peer, 56 Mr. KartoffePs a whimsical man, 165
In October, 45 Mr. Pratt has never left, 152
In Spring when maple buds are red, 41 Ms. WhatchamacallitThingamajig, 211
In the desolate depths of a perilous place, 206 Mud is very nice to feel, 28
In the far corner, 83 My best friend's name is Billy, 104
In the Mandrill, 63 My brother's worth about two cents, 136
In the morning the city, 98 My dad gave me one dollar bill, 157
In the sky, 225 My desk's at the back of the class, 125
In wildest woods, on treetop shelves, 205 My dog's so furry I've not seen, 64
Into the bit-flaked sugar-snow, 40 My father owns the butcher shop, 118
Into the endless dark, 97 My father's name is Frankenstein, 207
Isabel met an enormous bear, 179 My little sister, 149
Isn't it strange some people make, 156 My mom says Γm her sugarplum, 135
It appeared inside our classroom, 212 My mother said, "If just once more, 132
It doesn't breathe, 217 My name is Sluggery-wuggery, 118
It isn't proper, I guess you know, 105 "My nose is blue, 119
It looks like any building, 220
It ought to come in April, 41
It's the might, it's the fight, 221
I've got a dog as thin as a rail, 66
I've got a rocket, 44
I've got the wiggly-wiggles today, 113

Jane won't touch a caterpillar, 106

January brings the snow, 36
Jessica Jane is the kind of cook, 110
John could take his clothes off, 132
John was a bad boy, and beat a poor cat, 104
Johnnie Crack and Flossie Snail, 183
Josephine, Josephine, 181
J's the Jumping Jay-walker, 196
Just look at those hands! 138 My secret way of waking, 133
My sister says, 129
Keep a poem in your pocket, 226 My stocking's where, 49
My tail is not impressive, 64
Lazy witch, 46 Myra, Myra, sing-song, 137
Let me fetch sticks, 66
Let others share your toys, my son, 137 Nature is the endless sky, 21
Let the rain kiss you, 97 Night comes, 33
Light the first of eight tonight, 48 No matter what we are and who, 156
Little bits of soft-boiled egg, 149 No wonder Wendy's coat blew off, 109
Little Clotilda, 111 Nobody sees what I can see, 120
Little fellow, you're amusing, 205 Nonsense? That's what makes no sense, 168

O little soldier with the golden helmet, 25
O spring, O spring, 42
O what's the weather in a Beard, 212
October turned my maple's leaves to gold, 45
Of all the ways of traveling in earth and air and sea,
"Of what are you afraid, my child," inquired the
kindly teacher, 195
Oh, do not tease the Bluffalo, 191
Oh, take my hand and stroll with me, 215
Oh, the Polliwog is woggling, 82
Oh, what a lark to fish for shark, 177
Oh, what can you do with a Christmas pup, 90
Old Dog lay in the summer sun, 66 Rain falling, what things do you grow? 28
Old Quin Queeribus, 163 Red is a sunset, 219
On Midsummer night the witches shriek, 202 Redbird, bluebird, 95
On Mother's Day we got up first, 43
On the Ning Nang Nong, 171 Said the little boy, "Sometimes I drop my spoon,
On the road, 217 161
Once—I didn't mean to, 150 Said the Shark to the Flying Fish over the phone, 77
Once there was an elephant, 192 Sally and Manda are two little lizards, 79
One cannot have enough, 152 Sea Shell, Sea Shell, 29
One day when we went walking, 129 See how he dives, 62
One misty, moisty morning, 157 Sensitive, Seldom and Sad are we, 181
Orange is a tiger lily, 218 She lives in a garret, 96
Our daughter, Alicia, 141 She reads the paper, 143
Our house is small, 143 Shed a tear for Twickham Tweer, 151
Our washing machine went whisity whirr, 216 Sing a song of people, 95
Out in back, 222 Sing a song of subways, 92
Over the river and through the wood, 47 Sing me a song, 193
Over the winter glaciers, 38 Singsong, 105
Skimming, 122
Pets are the hobby of my brother Bert, 158 Slowly, silently, now the moon, 33
Pigeons are city folk, 95 Snow makes whiteness where it falls, 31
Piping down the valleys wild, 216 Solomon Grundy, 165
Poised between going on and back, pulled, 219 Someday, 139
Poor old Jonathan Bing, 163 Some one came knocking, 200
Poor old lady, she swallowed a fly, 164 Some people I know like to chatter, 155
PooroldMr.Bidery, 192 Some people talk and talk, 156
Poor tired Tim! It's sad for him, 109 Some people talk in a telephone, 157
Pretend you are a dragon, 92 Some things will never change although, 225
Pumberly Pott's unpredictable niece, 186 Some words clink, 197
Somebody loves you deep and true, 102
Queenie's strong and Queenie's tall, 109 Something is there, 200
Something told the wild geese, 85
Sometimes—I'm sorry—but sometimes, 128
Space-Suit Sammy, 140
Speak gently, Spring, and make no sudden sound,
Speak roughly to your little boy, 114
Spin a coin, spin a coin, 203
Spring is showery, flowery, bowery, 36
Spring is when, 42
Stars and atoms have no size, 23
stays shut, 146
Stupid old myself today, 125

Surprises are round, 126 The Goblin has a wider mouth, 209
Swans sing before they die -'twere no bad thing, The golden crocus reaches up, 25
162 The Goops they lick their fingers, 106
The Great Auk's ghost rose on one leg, 208
Thank You, 47 The Gumble lives behind the door, 209
Thanksgiving Day I like to see, 46 The Hedgehog sleeps beneath the hedge, 56
That May morning—very early, 93 The hen is a ferocious fowl, 85
That praying mantis over there, 73 The hippopotamus is strong, 191
That's Jack, 106 The huge hippopotamus hasn't a hair, 58
The air is like a butterfly, 42 The Hummingbird, he has no song, 82
The alligator chased his tail, 176 The joke you just told isn't funny one bit, 102
The ants are walking under the ground, 93 The laughter of the Lesser Lynx, 60
The Arctic moon hangs overhead, 24 The lion has a golden mane, 61
The black cat yawns, 68 The lion, ruler over all the beasts, 61
The Bogus-boo, 210 The Lizard is a timid thing, 79
The broomstick bat, 96 The lobsters came ashore one night, 171
The buffaloes are gone, 58 The maples flare among the spruces, 45
The busy ant works hard all day, 74 The Moon's the North Wind's cooky, 32
The centipede is not complete, 122 The more it, 30
The city YAWNS, 93 The Night is a big black cat, 33
The codfish lays ten thousand eggs, 77 The night is coming softly, slowly, 33
The common cormorant or shag, 171 The night is long, 60
The cow is of the bovine ilk, 64 The night is white, 25
The cow mainly moos as she chooses to moo, 190 The Night was creeping on the ground! 32
The days are short, 36 The Oak is called the king of trees, 24
The dinosaurs are not all dead, 216 The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea, 175
"The door is shut fast, 219 The people upstairs all practice ballet, 93
The doors are locked, 162 The pig is not a nervous beast, 64
The drivers are washing the concrete mixers, 94 The ptarmigan is strange, 193
The earth is warm, the sun's ablaze, 35 The railroad track is miles away, 223
The few times back in the early fall, 113 The rain has silver sandals, 29
The fledglings have a language, 82 The reason I like chocolate, 119
The fly, the fly, 74 The sea gull curves his wings, 84
The fog comes, 96 The secret of the polar bear, 60
The foghorns moaned, 98 The shortest fight, 220
The folk who live in Backward Town, 181 The sight of his guests filled Lord Cray, 167
The giant brontosaurus, 79 The Slithergadee has crawled out of the sea, 209
The gingham dog and the calico cat, 174 The snail, who had a way, it seems, 183
The song of canaries, 83
The Spangled Pandemonium, 211
The sprinkler twirls, 45
The storm came up so very quick, 42
The Time to Tickle a Lizard, 176
The tires on my bike are flat, 114
The tree frog, 82
The Unicorn with the long white horn, 209
The Vulture eats between his meals, 86
The Walrus lives on icy floes, 178
The way a crow, 121
The Wendigo, 207
The Witch! the Witch! don't let her get you! 202
The world is so full of a number of things, 216
There is a place where goblins dwell, 198
There is wonder past all wonder, 71
There is an old lady who lives down the hall, 166
There is the moon, there is the sun, 22

There lived an old man in the Kingdom of Tess, 184
There was a boy of other days, 37
There was a little girl, who had a little curl, 105
There was a Serpent who had to sing, 176 ζ Φ* # Λ t ^LL'J,,^,^.
There was a witch, 190
There was a young lady of Lynn, 187
There was an old lady, 161
There was an Old Man with a beard, 163
There were once two cats of Kilkenny, 67 When an Elf is as old as a year and a minute, 208
There's room in the bus, 162 When I get big, 123
"There's someone at the door," said gold When I grow old I hope to be, 159
candlestick, 201 When I was seven, 124
These are the Beds, 217 When it's hot, 44
These buildings are too close to me, 92 When little heads weary have gone to their bed, 213
They're calling, "Nan, 139 When mosquitoes make a meal, 75
This is a song to be sung at night, 143 when spanky goes, 123
This little pig built a spaceship, 225 When the clock strikes five but it's only four, 210
This worker is a fearless one, 90 When the earth is turned in spring, 151
Three little ghostesses, 205 When the hare and the pig had some pleasure to
Through all the frozen winter, 39 plan, 176
Through the house what busy joy, 135 When the heat of summer, 75
To see a World in a grain of sand, 22 When the night begins to fall, 98
To walk in warm rain, 30 When the pale moon hides and the wild wind wails,
Tomorrow's the fair, 146 59
Tony Baloney is fibbing again, 109 When they said the time to hide was mine, 55
Tony said: "Boys are better! I l l When twilight comes to Prairie Street, 142
Twas brillig, and the slithy toves, 170 When we're playing tag, 111
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through When Winter scourged the meadow and the hill, 38
the house, 50 When you visit the barber, 113
Twinkle, twinkle little star, 33 When you watch for, 69
Two people live in Rosamund, 105 When you're a Duck like me it's impossible, 83
Two thousand feet beneath our wheels, 99 Whenever the moon and stars are set, 27
Whether the weather be fine, 190
Uncle, whose inventive brains, 159 white sun, 93
Under a toadstool, 206 Who has seen the wind? 27
Under my hood I have a hat, 128 Who is so proud, 63
Underneath my belt, 120 Who saw the petals, 24
Until I saw the sea, 29 "Who's that tickling my back?" said the wall, 76
Up the airy mountain, 207 Whose woods these are I think I know, 31
Upon this cake of ice is perched, 192 Why, 104
Windrush down the timber chutes, 26
Wanted—a witch's cat, 202 Wings like pistols flashing at his sides, 87
Wasps like coffee, 74 Winnie Whiney, all things grieve her, 105
Water rushes up, 96 With flowing tail, and flying mane, 63
Wave swashes, 28 With two 60's stuck on the Scoreboard, 220
Way down South where bananas grow, 173 Words can be stuffy, as sticky as glue, 188
We're racing, racing down the walk, 111
What in the world, 114 Yickity-yackity, yickity-yak, 197
What is it about homework, 141 Yip-yap Rattletrap, 105
What is pink? A rose is pink, 218 "You are old, Father William," the young man said,
What is poetry? Who knows? 196 182
What is the opposite of two} 167 You can take away my mother, 93
What ran under a rosebush? 213 You may not believe it, for hardly could 1,208
Whatever he does, you have to do too, 110 You must never bath in an Irish Stew, 180
What's that? 201 You should never squeeze a weasel, 195
When a great tree falls, 219 You who have grown so intimate with stars, 223

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Adoff, Arnold, 146,149 Chaikin, Miriam, 104, 211 Dahl,Roald,166

Aiken, Conrad, 63 Child, L. Maria, 47 De la Mare, Walter, 32,33,109,
Aldis, Dorothy, 40,74,120,125, Chute, Marchette, 42,132 118,200
217 Ciardi, John, 105,134,137,139, De Regniers, Beatrice Schenk, 33,
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 45 147 226
Alexander, Cecil Frances, 22 Clark, G. Orr, 33 Deutsch, Babette, 64
Alexander, John T., 142 Clark, Leonard, 162 Dickinson, Emily, 128,196
Allen, Marie Louise, 31 Clarke, Pauline, 118 Digance, Richard, 83,177
Allingham, William, 207 Coatsworth, Elizabeth, 28,30,41, Dodge, Mary Mapes, 105
Alma-Tadema, Laurence, 121 68,84 Dorrance, Dick, 99
Anglund, Joan Walsh, 76 Cole, Joanna, 217 Douglas, Lord Alfred, 78, 85
Anthony, Edward, 102,137 Cole, William, 106,153,193 Douglass, Suzanne, 216
Asch, Frank, 44, 93,96,166 Coleridge, Sara, 24,36 Dugan, Michael, 209
Asquith, Herbert, 64 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 162 Dunann, Louella, 141
Auden,WH.,205 Conkling, Hilda, 25 Durston, Georgia Roberts, 59
Counselman, Mary Elizabeth, 90
Baro, Gene, 25 Covell, Natalie Anne, 113 Eastwick, Ivy O., 47
Barrows, Marjorie, 74 Crane, Walter, 25 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 38
Baylor, Byrd, 80 Crossen, Stacy Jo, 113 Engle, Paul, 167
Becker, Edna, 59 cummings, e. e., 112,201
Becker, John, 69 Farber, Norma, 74
Behn, Harry, 124,200 Farjeon, Eleanor, 48, 66, 68, 75,
BellJ.J., 56,79,177 128,196,202
Belloc,Hilaire,81,86 / V Field, Eugene, 174
Bennett, Rowena Bastin, 46
Bergengren, Ralph, 151
Ά t\ Field, Rachel, 63, 85,97,156,
Bishop, Morris, 163 %
Blake, William, 22,216
^vH JΓ T —^ - Fisher, Aileen, 41,43,48,49
Flanders, Michael, 82,178
Bodecker, N. M., 31,43,132,193 Fleming, Elizabeth, 219
Boyden, Polly Chase, 28 Forster, Frederick J., 171
Brady, June, 225 Francis, Robert, 219
Bridgman, L. J., 176 Fraser, Kathleen, 110,112,122
Brooks, Gwendolyn, 92,120 Frost, Frances, 40, 84, 86
Brooks, Walter R, 42, 64, 74,157 Frost, Robert, 31,76,121
Brown, Beatrice Curtis, 163 Fufuka, Karama, 123,136
Brown, Margaret Wise, 24,72 .'JJbgi/ \ /' fir Fuller, Roy, 135
Brown, Palmer, 211 L fHwL *s tv Fyleman, Rose, 54
Brownjohn, Alan, 57
Burgess, Gelett, 106,178 Gardner, John, 79
Burgunder, Rose, 44 Gardner, Martin, 113,138
Bynner, Witter, 84 Giovanni, Nikki, 119,123
Byron, Lord, 63 Goodrich, Samuel, 170
Gorey, Edward, 167,186
Campbell, Alice B., 79 1
Carroll, Lewis, 81,114,146,170,
H ί ^ . y ^ Jjj Graham, Harry, 159,186
Grahame, Kenneth, 83
Carry 1, Charles Edward, 57
y Graves, Robert, 208
Greenaway, Kate, 23
Causley, Charles, 204 Guiterman, Arthur, 45, 82,156,191
Roberts, Charles G. D., 38 Smith, William Jay, 61, 62,103, Updike, John, 36,45
Roberts, Elizabeth Madox, 55, 93 162,209,217
Roethke, Theodore, 56,176,212 Snyder, Zilpha Keatley, 226 Van Eck, Alice, 221
Roscoe, William, 172 Soule, Jean Conder, 126 Van Rensselaer, Mariana
Rosen, Michael, 142 Spilka, Arnold, 92,103,104,126, Griswold, 159
Ross, Charles Henry, 104,106 127 Viorst, Judith, 114,133,135
Rossetti, Christina, 23,24,27, 72, Starbird, Kaye, 75,108,109,113
76,218 Stein, Gertrude, 118 Watson, Clyde, 103,105
Stephens, James, 32, 69 Watson, Nancy Dingman, 140
Sandburg, Carl, 58,96,218 Stevenson, Robert Louis, 27,216, Watts, Mabel, 44, 90
Sarett, Lew, 24,60 224 Wells, Carolyn, 190
Sargent, William D., 26 Stewart, Anna Bird, 82 Wilbur, Richard, 167
Schmeltz, Susan M., 40 Strong, George A., 194 Williams, William Carlos, 146
Schonborg, Virginia, 94, 96 Sullivan, A. M., 23 Winsor, Frederick, 225
Schwartz, Delmore, 127 Wise, William, 149
Scriven, R. C , 125 Taylor, Jane, 33 Wolfe, Humbert, 83,201
Sendak, Maurice, 45 Teasdale, Sara, 39 Wood, Robert Williams, 192
Serraillier, Ian, 76 Tennyson, Alfred, 87 Worth, Kathryn, 39
Seuss,Dr.,126,161 Thomas, Dylan, 183 Worth, Valerie, 73
Shakespeare, William, 202 Thompson, Dorothy Brown, 46,
Shannon, Monica, 209,213 143,221 Yeats, William Butler, 55
Shaw, Richard, 69 Thompson, Irene, 97 Yolen,Jane,60,141,191
Siebert, Diane, 222 Thurman, Judith, 93,196 Young, Roland, 64,74
Silverstein, Shel, 38,102,148, Tippett, James S., 66
157,161,187,209 Tolkien, J.R.R, 59 Zolotow, Charlotte, 28,44,156
Smaridge, Norah, 106 Turner, Nancy Byrd, 37, 39,163

The following index supplements the table of con- Death, 24, 81,107,110,148
tents at the beginning of this book. We hope that it Dinosaurs, 78-79
will be helpful to all those who use this book—espe-
cially to teachers as a way of adding the fun and Dogs, 64-66,90,133,164,174
beauty of poetry to a variety of subjects in the school Dreams, 139,160,183,220-221,225-226
curriculum and to special events throughout the year.
Creating this index was a selective process. We felt it Fall, 35-36,45-48
would be more useful to list subjects that either reoc- Family, 49, 125, 133,135-141, 147, 149, 156-159,
curred with frequency, such as spring, or highlighted 166,177-178,183,195. See also Babies,
a particular theme or concept, such as imagination, Fathers, Grandparents, Mothers
rather than to list every image that appeared in the
Fantasy, 50-51, 118-119, 121, 125, 127-128, 150,
poems. 158, 161, 163-165, 170-172, 174-178,
The Editors 181-186,198,215. See also Nonsense poems
Anger, 121,125-126,132,134,136,138-140,151
Animals (mammals), 22-24, 26, 31, 37, 43, 45, 49,
April, 36,41
Atoms, 22-23
August, 36,45
Autumn. See Fall

Babies, 106,132,135-136,183,194
Beach. See Sea
Bedtime, 109,142-143,217,226
Birds, 22, 24, 35-36, 41^*3, 47, 49, 55, 57, 69, 71,
77, 82, 84-87, 93, 95, 98, 121, 140, 151, 156,
Body, parts of, 28,42,117,120,122-123,125,131,
133, 135, 138, 142, 146, 166, 186-187, 191,
Books, poetry, 119,220,226
Boredom, 127-128,141 Fathers, 134,137-138,140,147,156-157,195
Cats, 33, 67-69, 86, 96,114,162,164,174,202 February, 36-40
Christmas, 48-50, 90, 97 Fire, 142,186
City, 89 Fish, 23-24, 33, 62, 71, 77-78, 84, 112, 171, 177,
Clothing (real and imaginary), 28-29, 42-45, 50-51, Flowers and plants, 22-25, 35-36, 38, 42-44, 55,
60, 68, 76, 109,124, 128,132, 138, 163,184, 72-74, 82, 92, 118, 152, 163, 191-192, 195,
Cold, 22,24-27,31,36,38,47,109
Food and eating, 43, 45-47, 54, 69, 74, 103,
Colors, 22-23, 25, 31, 33, 39, 41, 45, 47, 55, 61, 106-108, 110, 114, 119, 133, 138-139, 141,
72-73, 119, 125, 127-129, 148, 159-160, 145-153, 165, 168, 170-171, 173, 179-180,
171,178,181,218-220,226 182,184,187,193

Names (real and whimsical), 109, 111-112, 118,
151, 160-163, 165-167, 178-179, 182-183,
Night, 22,24,26-27, 31-33, 39,48,56, 76, 86,89,
Nonsense poems, 118-119,136-137, 151,157-159,
163, 165, 167, 168, 170-174, 176, 187,
November, 36,46-47

Ocean. See Sea

October, 36,45^6
People, 37, 90, 93-95, 104-107, 143, 151-167.
Friends and enemies, 102-105, 110, 112-114, 156, 181-182,186-187,196,204
167,174,181,191,223 Plants. See Flowers and plants
Frustration, 127,129,141,156
Rabbits (bunnies), 39,43,55,114,149
Games and sports, 49, 93, 96, 102, 109-112, Rain, 20-21,28,30,42,44, 95, 97
122-123,127,158-159,177,180,219-221 Reptiles and amphibians, 47, 71, 78-82, 114, 176.
Ghosts. See Monsters 180,203,224
Grandparents, 47,138,159,177 Rocks, stones, and minerals, 23-24, 80,112,124
Rooms/furniture, 68,131,141,143,201
Halloween, 45-46,127,190,208. See also Witches
Holidays, 37-39,41-50,126,149,178 Scary things, 45-46, 78,121,198,200-213
House. See Rooms/furniture School, 127-128,160,183,212
Sea, 21, 23-24, 27-29, 62, 78, 84, 112, 175,
Illnesses, 102,113 180-181,221
Imaginary creatures, 26-27, 170-171, 174-175, Seasons. See Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter
178,184-185,198. See also Fantasy September, 36,49,148
Imagination, 23, 25, 27, 29-33,50-51, 72, 93, 121, Sky, 21-23,26,178,223-225
127, 129, 138-139, 170-171, 174-175, 178,
196,215,221. See also Fantasy Snow, 21,24,30-32,35-40,49,105,121
Insects and worms, 22-23, 35, 4 3 ^ 5 , 47, 66, 77,
79, 101, 106, 119, 122, 134, 150-151, 164,
January, 36-37

King, Martin Luther, 37

Lincoln, Abraham, 37
Loneliness, 114,140,142,161-162,166-167
Love, 102-103,131,175,191
Machines, 92-94, 98,140,186,216-217,222-224
March, 36,40-41, 60
May, 36, 93
Monsters, 179,198,201,204,212
Moon, 21-25,27,32-33,46,48, 71,175,200
Morning, 24, 93, 98,132-133,157
Mothers, 43, 125, 132-133, 135-138, 141, 147,
Music. See Songs
Songs, 35, 4 8 ^ 9 , 71, 78, 82-83, 92-93, 95, 112, Trees, 22, 24-27, 31, 33, 39-40, 45, 47, 82,
127,137,143,171,190,193,216,222,226 118-119,124,140
Space (planets), 22-23,125,215,224-225
Spring, 35-43,49, 60, 93,149,160 Washington, George, 39
Stars, 22-23,26-27,33,39, 76 Water, 21-23, 28-29, 45, 78, 96, 124, 138. See also
Rain, Sea
Storms, 21,25-26, 30. See also Rain, Wind
Wind, 21-22,24-27, 29-30,40-41,140
Summer, 35-36,44-45,66,72-73,96,217
Winter, 21-22, 30-32, 3 5 ^ 1 , 43, 48-51, 60, 85,
Sun, 23,29,35,43, 66,124 109,124,129
Witches, 45-46, 179, 190, 198, 201-203. See also
Talking, 82,154-157 Halloween
Television, 142-143,187 Wonder/prayer, 22-23,47-49,69,71
Thanksgiving, 46-47 Words and wordplay, 30,114,170-171,188-197
Time, 22-23,36,41,121,124,135,141,160,208 Work, 90,141,173
Travel (real and imaginary), 92, 94-95, 98-99,140,
162,175,215, 220-225
Jack Prelutsky's first collection of poems was published in
1967. His skill as a wordsmith who tickles young funnybones
has been increasing with each new volume of his verse. There
are now over thirty. Whether creating nonsensical portraits
such as those in The Queen of Eene or exploring the dark
world of Nightmares, Mr. Prelutsky creates rhyming images
that never fail to delight his readers. Mr. Prelutsky spends
much of his time presenting poems to children in schools and
libraries throughout the United States. This constant contact
with children and their mentors not only nourishes his own
work, but it also gives him a keen awareness of poems children
respond to and find relevant—knowledge that made him es-
pecially qualified to select poems for this anthology.

Arnold Lobel has been delighting children and the young at

heart since he first started illustrating children's books in
1961. What he calls "the little world at the end of my pencil"
reveals a gentle sense of humor and subtle sensitivity trans-
mitted with craftsmanship. He has now illustrated over sev-
enty books for children, some of which he wrote. Mr. Lobel
received the Caldecott Medal for Fables in 1981. Frog and
Toad Are Friends was a Caldecott Honor Book in 1971, and
its sequel, Frog and Toad Together, was a 1973 Newbery
Honor Book. The Random House Book of Poetry for Chil-
dren, his most ambitious project to date, gives Mr. Lobel an
infinite arena in which to display his virtuosity. Poems about
nature, holidays, animals, the city, the supernatural—silly
poems and serious poems—are all given an added dimension
by his art.

More people than space allows me to name helped make

this book a reality. Although unmentioned, they are not
unappreciated. I'd like to give special thanks to Janet
Schulman at Random House, who recognized the need for
a comprehensive new anthology for today's child and
worked closely with me in making final choices, as well as
Ole Risom, the art director; Jos. Trautwein, the designer;
and Arnold Lobel, whose sensitive and exuberant illustra-
tions embellish every page. I'd also like to thank Bill Cole
and the many librarians who helped me track down poems
and poets, and my wife, Carolynn, for her support. Most of
all Γd like to thank the poets whose voices will continue to
sing in celebration of life and childhood in this book.
Jack Prelutsky


The text of this book was set in Sabon, a typeface created

by Jan Tschichold, the well-known German typographer.

The book was designed by Jos. Trautwein of Bentwood Studios.

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