Lost Mines of Phandelver Flowchart
Lost Mines of Phandelver Flowchart
Lost Mines of Phandelver Flowchart
job quest:
offer Agatha ask
quest: Agatha Wave
Sleeping Giant Shrine of Luck Agatha Conyberry Echo
Grista, p.19 S. Garaele, p.18 Agatha, p.28 Cave
ask map, p.42-51
flexible Reidoth,
location p.32
Qelline Ruins of
Redbrands Alderleaf Farm
Qelline, p.18
ruffians, p.19 Reidoth's
map, p.31-35
question ask reward, p.32
or follow Cody Mirna's
ruffians reward, p.22
IMO, remove this or
question point it to Triboar.
map, p.20-26
bugbears, p.24