Teleoperated Robot Using Gazebo & Ros
Teleoperated Robot Using Gazebo & Ros
Teleoperated Robot Using Gazebo & Ros
Keywords: ROS (Robot Operating System), Robot control, Autonomous navigation, SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping), Human-
robot interaction, Multi-robot systems, Machine learning.
International Journal on Applications in Information and Communication Engineering
Volume 9 : Issue 3 : August 2023, pp 16 – 20 ISSN (Online) : 2394 - 6237
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Advanced connectivity options, including 5G capabilities, Fig. 1 Block Diagram of the proposed model
enhance the robot's remote operation and data exchange
Determine the robot's intended application, whether it's for
capabilities, enabling seamless teleoperation and high-
research, exploration, education, or a specific task. Define
bandwidth communication with remote operators. The
the size, weight, mobility, sensors, actuators, and other
hardware architecture also prioritizes safety, incorporating
requirements based on the application.
redundant systems and fail-safes to ensure reliable operation
in various scenarios. Choose the necessary hardware components such as
microcontrollers, sensors (LIDAR, cameras, IMUs, etc.),
In conclusion, the hardware model of the advanced ROS
actuators (motors, servos), power supply (batteries), chassis,
robot represents a harmonious blend of computational power,
and any additional components required for your robot's
sensor diversity, mechanical precision, and connectivity
features. This combination empowers the robot to excel in a
wide range of applications, from autonomous navigation and Mechanical Design and Assembly:
manipulation to human-robot collaboration, making it a Design the mechanical structure of the robot, keeping in
pivotal tool in modern robotics research and industry. mind the placement of sensors, actuators, and other
components. Assemble the physical robot according to your
Block Diagram of proposed Hardware Model
The block diagram of the proposed hardware model is
Install ROS:
illustrated in Fig. 1.
Install ROS on a computer or microcontroller that will act as
the robot's brain. ROS provides various distributions; choose
the one that suits your needs. Ubuntu Linux is often
recommended as the operating system for ROS.
International Journal on Applications in Information and Communication Engineering
Volume 9 : Issue 3 : August 2023, pp 16 – 20 ISSN (Online) : 2394 - 6237
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Set up a ROS workspace to organize your robot's software Document your robot's hardware design, software
packages. This is where you'll develop, compile, and manage architecture, ROS nodes, packages, and any other relevant
your robot's software components. information. This will be helpful for troubleshooting,
maintenance, and sharing your work with others.
Develop ROS Nodes and Packages:
Integrate and configure the sensors and actuators according In the context of a ROS (Robot Operating System) robot, a
to your robot's requirements. Write ROS nodes to interface system process refers to a self-contained computational unit
with these hardware components, allowing data exchange
that performs a specific task within the robotic system. ROS
between them and the software environment.
facilitates the organization and communication between
Implement Perception and Control: various system processes, allowing them to work together to
accomplish complex robotic tasks. These processes are often
Develop perception algorithms to process sensor data, implemented as ROS nodes, which are the fundamental
perform object detection, SLAM (Simultaneous Localization building blocks of ROS applications.
and Mapping), and obstacle avoidance. Create control
algorithms to maneuver the robot based on the sensory input.
International Journal on Applications in Information and Communication Engineering
Volume 9 : Issue 3 : August 2023, pp 16 – 20 ISSN (Online) : 2394 - 6237
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RViz supports the visualization of diverse data types, such as Developers can customize and extend Gazebo's capabilities
point clouds from LIDAR sensors, images from cameras, by adding plugins for specific sensors, controllers, and
robot poses, trajectory paths, and more. Users can configure behaviors.
and customize RViz to display multiple types of data
simultaneously, enabling a comprehensive view of the robot's
environment and its interactions. RViz also provides options
for displaying reference frames, overlays, and interactive
markers, allowing users to manipulate the visualization and
gain insights into complex robotic scenarios.
International Journal on Applications in Information and Communication Engineering
Volume 9 : Issue 3 : August 2023, pp 16 – 20 ISSN (Online) : 2394 - 6237
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Modularity and Reusability: ROS encourages modularity and Operating System in shaping the future of robotics. Through
reusability of code. Functionality is organized into packages, meticulous design, development, and implementation, we
have successfully created a virtual environment where our
and packages are composed of nodes, libraries, and
ROS-based robot exhibited complex behaviors, navigated
configuration files. This modular approach allows developers autonomously, and interacted seamlessly with its
to create and share software components that can be easily surroundings. The project highlighted the versatility and
modularity of ROS, enabling us to integrate various
integrated into various robotic systems.
components, sensors, and algorithms to achieve a cohesive
and functional simulation. As we reflect on the journey
Sensor Integration: ROS provides libraries and tools to
undertaken during this project, it becomes evident that ROS's
interface with a wide range of sensors, such as cameras, open-source nature empowers researchers, developers, and
LIDAR, IMUs, GPS, and more. robotics enthusiasts to collaborate, innovate, and address the
challenges of the rapidly evolving robotics landscape. Our
Mapping and Navigation: ROS offers capabilities for simulation not only showcased the technical capabilities of
ROS but also underscored the importance of robust software
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), enabling
architectures, efficient communication protocols, and
robots to create maps of their environments while adaptive algorithms for building sophisticated robotic
simultaneously determining their own positions within those systems.
maps. Navigation algorithms and planners are also available REFERENCES
to help robots navigate autonomously.
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IV. CONCLUSION ubiquitous information management and communication. ACM,
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demonstrated the remarkable potential of the Robot [9]. La Delfa, Gaetano Carmelo, and Vincenzo Catania.