An Enhanced Method of Design and Implementation of Iot
An Enhanced Method of Design and Implementation of Iot
An Enhanced Method of Design and Implementation of Iot
Keywords: Underground cables, open circuit fault, short circuit fault, earth fault, fault detection, fault location identification, Internet of Things,
PIC controller.
Underground electricity distribution systems present benefits The fundamental principle of Ohm's law is effectively
such as aesthetic appeal and heightened resistance to applied in the development of a fault location tracking
environmental elements like weather and vandalism. system.
International Journal on Applications in Information and Communication Engineering
Volume 9 : Issue 3 : August 2023, pp 11 – 15 ISSN (Online) : 2394 - 6237
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International Journal on Applications in Information and Communication Engineering
Volume 9 : Issue 3 : August 2023, pp 11 – 15 ISSN (Online) : 2394 - 6237
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The resulting current alteration hinges on the cable's length The hardware model depicted in Fig. 2 is designed for a
from the fault location in scenarios of a Single Line to single-phase power supply configuration. The power supply
Ground fault, Double Line to Ground fault, or Three Phase to is established through a step-down transformer, followed by
Ground fault. Consequently, the voltage drops across series rectification and regulation. The cable's current sensing
resistors shift correspondingly, and the fault signal is routed circuit gauges the voltage drop magnitude across the
to the microcontroller's internal ADC for digital data resistors, transmitting this information to the microcontroller.
conversion. Subsequently, the microcontroller processes this By evaluating the voltage, the microcontroller determines the
digital data, which is then showcased on the connected LCD. distance of the fault location. the operator to monitor and
The output indicates fault location in kilometers and phase, locate the cable fault.
adapting to distinct fault conditions. Moreover, this output is
replicated on a webpage through the IoT Wi-Fi Module Fig.3 to Fig.6 show the hardware results for fault locations at
ESP8266 integrated with the system 1 Km, 2 Km, 3 Km & 4 Km respectively. The output is also
updated onto the IoT cloud using the Blynk Application. By
The system is powered by a 230V AC supply, which is using this application, the operator can monitor and
directed to the Adapter Module. This module converts the determine the fault location from the base station or any
AC voltage into DC. To eliminate the ripple in the output remote area using his/her mobile phone provided the phone is
from the adapter module, a 1000 microfarad electrolytic connected to the Internet.
capacitor is employed. Since a stable 5V voltage is necessary
for the system components like the Microcontroller
(ATmega328), 16x2 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), Relay
Drivers, Relays, Fault Sensing Circuit Module, and IoT Wi-
Fi Module, three 7805 voltage regulators are utilized. These
voltage regulators ensure a consistent 5V supply. The first
voltage regulator (VR1) delivers the 5V supply to the
microcontroller, LCD, and series resistors. The second
regulator (VR2) powers the relay driver IC ULN2003A and
three relays. The third voltage regulator caters to the IoT
ESP8266 Wi-Fi Development Board Module, providing it
with a 5V DC supply. The circuit consists of three relays
which are driven by a relay driver IC ULN2003A. The relays
used here switch off/on the bulb loads R, Y, and B to indicate
the fault being occurred in corresponding phases. Fig. 3 LCD and IoT displaying the fault at 1Km distance
International Journal on Applications in Information and Communication Engineering
Volume 9 : Issue 3 : August 2023, pp 11 – 15 ISSN (Online) : 2394 - 6237
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Fig. 5 LCD and IoT displaying the fault at 3Km distance III.INTERNET OF THINGS
Fig. 7 IoT application displaying the fault at 1Km and 2Km Current and Voltage Sensors: Monitor electrical
distance parameters for irregularities that hint at a fault.
International Journal on Applications in Information and Communication Engineering
Volume 9 : Issue 3 : August 2023, pp 11 – 15 ISSN (Online) : 2394 - 6237
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