Crochet Pattern

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Man Belt Holder

Materials across, turn.

❑ Worsted yarn: Row 23: Ch 1, sc first 2 sts tog, sc in
8 oz. blue each st across to last 2 sts, sc last
21⁄2 oz. white 2 sts tog, turn. (24)
11⁄2 oz. lt. peach Row 24: Ch 1, sc in each st across,
1 oz. brown turn.
Small amount maroon Rows 25–28: Repeat rows 23 and 24
❑ Polyester fiberfill alternately. (20 sts at end of row
❑ Two 12" ✕ 16" pieces cardboard 28)
❑ Small saw Rows 29–30: Repeat row 23. At end
❑ Paper punch of last row, fasten off. (18, 16)
❑ Adult’s tubular plastic clothes Row 31: Working this row in back
hanger lps (see Stitch Guide), for Neck,
❑ Two black 5⁄8" round buttons (for place slip knot on hook with
eyes) peach, insert hook in first st, yo, pull
❑ Three blue 3⁄4" flat buttons through st, insert hook in next st,
❑ 15 blue 1⁄2" flat buttons yo, pull through st, yo, pull through
❑ Peach and blue sewing thread 3 lps on hook (decrease made),
❑ Sewing and tapestry needles sc in each st across to last 2 sts, sc
❑ G hook or hook needed to ob­ last 2 sts tog, turn. (14)
tain gauge Row 32: Ch 1, sc in each st across,
Finished Size: 121⁄2" tall without hanger. Rows 33–36: For Head, ch 1, 2 sc in
Gauge: 4 sc = 1"; 4 sc rows = 1". first st, sc in each st across to last
Basic Stitches: Ch, sl st, sc, hdc, dc. st, 2 sc in last st, turn. (16, 18, 20, 22)
Rows 37–44: Ch 1, sc in each st
Belt Holder across, turn.
Body Side (make 2) Row 45: Ch 1, sc first 2 sts tog, sc in
Row 1: Starting at bottom, with blue, each st across to last 2 sts, sc last
ch 31, sc in second ch from hook, 2 sts tog, turn. (20)
sc in each ch across, turn. (30 sc Rows 46–47: Ch 1, sc in each st
made) Front of row 1 is right side of across, turn.
work. Row 48: Ch 1, sc first 2 sts tog, sc in
Rows 2–10: Ch 1, sc in each st each st across to last 2 sts, sc last
across, turn. At end of last row, fas­ 2 sts tog, turn. (18)
ten off. Row 49: Ch 1, sc in each st across,
Row 11: For Shirt, join white with sc turn.
in first st, sc in each st across, turn. Rows 50–54: Ch 1, sc first 2 sts tog,
Row 12: Ch 1, sc in each st across, sc in each st across to last 2 sts, sc
turn. last 2 sts tog, turn. (18 sts at end of
Row 13: Ch 1, sc first 2 sts tog, sc in row 54)
each st across to last 2 sts, sc last 2 Rnd 55: Working around outer
sts tog, turn. (28) edges, changing colors (see
Rows 14–18: Ch 1, sc in each st Stitch Guide) as needed to
across, turn. match piece, ch 1, sc in each st, in
Row 19: Ch 1, sc first 2 sts tog, sc in end of each row and in remaining
each st across to last 2 sts, sc last 2 lps on opposite side of starting ch
sts tog, turn. (26) around, join with sl st in first sc. Fas­
Rows 20–22: Ch 1, sc in each st ten off.

From Crochet To Go Magazine, No. 108, Page 12, Copyright © 1998 Crochet To Go Magazine
Designed by
Cynthia Harris

From Crochet To Go Magazine, No. 108, Page 13, Copyright © 1998 Crochet To Go Magazine
Man Belt Holder Hold wrong side of Body Sides to-
gether with row 54 at top and
cardboard between with hook at
Frame top. Sew crochet pieces together
1: Cut plastic hanger according to il­ in back lps, stuffing lightly be­
lustration #1. tween one Side and cardboard
2: Using crocheted Body Sides as before closing for front.

1. Ear (make 2)
Note: Work in continuous rnds, do not
join or turn unless otherwise stated.
Mark first st of each rnd.
Rnd 1: With peach, ch 3, sl st in first ch
CUT CUT to form ring, ch 1, 2 sc in each ch
" 2 1/ around. (6 sc made)
1 /2
2 2" Rnds 2–3: 2 sc in each st around.
Row 4: Fold in half; working through
DISCARD both thicknesses, sc in next 12 sts.
Fasten off.
With tapestry needle and peach,
sew straight edge on each Ear to
patterns, cut two pieces from each side of Head (see photo).
3: Holding both cardboard pieces Nose
together, using paper punch, Rnd 1: With peach, ch 3, sl st in first ch
punch holes 1⁄4" from outer edge to form ring, ch 1, 2 sc in each ch
and 1⁄2" apart around edges. around. (6 sc made)
4: With two strands of white yarn, Rnd 2: 2 hdc in each of next 2 sts, 2
holding plastic hanger between sc in each of next 2 sts, 2 hdc in
(see illustration #2), whipstitch each of next 2 sts. (12 sts)
cardboard pieces together Rnd 3: Sc in each st around, join with
through holes. sl st in first sc. Fasten off. Stuff.
With tapestry needle and peach,
2. sew Nose centered over rows
40–42 of Head.

Facial Features
For eyes, with sewing needle and
peach thread, sew two black
round buttons between rows 44
and 45 on Head 1" apart.
For Moustache, with tapestry needle
and two strands of brown, embroi­
der straight stitches (see Stitch
Guide) over rows 36–40 below
Nose (see photo).
For Hair, with tapestry needle and
two strands of brown, embroider
straight stitches across back of
Head between Ears over rows
40–47; embroider 1"-wide sections
at each side in front of Ear.

Assembly Shirt Collar

From Crochet To Go Magazine, No. 108, Page 14, Copyright © 1998 Crochet To Go Magazine
With bottom of Body front facing across, turn.
you, working in remaining lps on Rows 17–23: Repeat rows 14–16
row 30, join white with sc in first st, sc consecutively, ending with row 14
in next st, hdc in each of next 3 sts, and 20 sts.
dc in each of next 2 sts, ch 3, sl st in Row 24: Ch 1, sc in each st across,
next st, ch 3, dc in each of next 2 turn.
sts, hdc in each of next 3 sts, sc in Rnd 25: Working around outer edge,
each of next 2 sts, sl st in last st. Fas­ ch 1, sc in each st, in end of each
ten off. row and in remaining lps on oppo­
site side of starting ch around with
Jacket 2 sc in each corner at bottom, join
Front Side (make 2) with sl st in first sc. Fasten off.
Row 1: Starting at bottom, with blue,
ch 19, sc in second ch from hook, Assembly
sc in each ch across, turn. (18 sc Hold wrong sides of Front and Back
Rows 2–9: Ch 1, sc in each st across,
Row 10: Ch 1, sc in each st across to
Sew side and
top two sts

Sew side and

last 2 sts, sc last 2 sts tog, turn. (17)

top two sts

Rows 11–13: Ch 1, sc in each st
across, turn.
Rows 14–22: Repeat rows 10–13
consecutively, ending with row 10
and 14 sts.
Row 23: Ch 1, sc first 2 sts tog, sc in
each st across, turn. (13)
Row 24: Ch 1, sc in each st across to Sides together, with tapestry nee­
last 2 sts, sc last 2 sts tog, turn, for dle and blue, working in back lps,
second side, do not turn. sew side edges together (see illus­
Rnd 25: Working around outer edge, tration); working on both lps, sew
ch 1, sc in each st, in end of each two stitches at each end for shoul­
row and in remaining lps on oppo­ der seam. Repeat on other side
site side of starting ch around with edge.
2 sc in each corner at bottom, join For Lapel, fold down top inner corner
with sl st in first sc. Fasten off. Front of on each Front Side, tack in place.
rnd 25 is right side of work. Place Jacket over Body, tack in
Back Side
Row 1: Starting at bottom, with blue, Arm (make 2)
ch 31, sc in second ch from hook, Row 1: Starting at bottom of Hand,
sc in each ch across, turn. (30 sc with peach, ch 5, sc in second ch
made) from hook, sc in each ch across,
Rows 2–9: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn. (4 sc made)
turn. Rows 2–3: Ch 1, 2 sc in first st, sc in
Row 10: Ch 1, sc first 2 sts tog, sc in each st across to last st, 2 sc in last
each st across to last 2 sts, sc last 2 st, turn. (6, 8)
sts tog, turn. (28) Rows 4–6: Ch 1, sc in each st across,
Rows 11–13: Ch 1, sc in each st turn. At end of last row, fasten off.
across, turn. Row 7: For Arm, join blue with sc in
Row 14: Ch 1, sc first 2 sts tog, sc in first st, sc in each st across, turn.
each st across to last 2 sts, sc last 2 Rows 8–23: Ch 1, sc in each st
sts tog, turn. (26) across, turn.
Rows 15–16: Ch 1, sc in each st Rows 24–25: Ch 1, sc first 2 sts tog, sc
From Crochet To Go Magazine, No. 108, Page 15, Copyright © 1998 Crochet To Go Magazine
Man Belt Holder tom, join with sl st in first sc. Fasten
in each st across to last 2 sts, sc last With tapestry needle and blue, cen­
2 sts tog, turn. (6, 4) ter and sew back lps on each
Rnd 26: Working around outer Medium Pocket over rows 2–7 of
edge, ch 1, sc in each st, in end of each Front Side on Jacket leaving
each row and in remaining lps on top edge opened.
opposite side of starting ch
around changing colors as need­ Belt Loop (make 15)
ed, join with sl st in first sc. Fasten Row 1: Starting at bottom, with blue,
off. ch 5, sc in second ch from hook, sc
With tapestry needle and matching in each ch across, turn. (4 sc
color, sew Arm and Hands to made)
each side of Body on Jacket (see Rows 2–4: Ch 1, sc in each st across,
photo) stuffing before closing. turn.
Row 5: Ch 1, sc in each of first 2 sts;
for button loop, ch 3; sc in each of
Small Pocket last 2 sts. Fasten off.
Row 1: With blue, ch 4, sc in second Sew bottom edge of four Belt Loops
ch from hook, sc in each ch evenly spaced across bottom
across, turn. (3 sc made) edge on front of Body. Repeat on
Rows 2–3: Ch 1, sc in each st across, back of Body.
turn. Beginning and ending 11⁄2" from
Rnd 4: Working around outer edge, edges, sew bottom edge of three
ch 1, sc in each st, in end of each Belt Loops evenly spaced across
row and in remaining lps on op­ row 1 on Back of Jacket.
posite side of starting ch around, Sew bottom edge on four Belt Loops
join with sl st in first sc. Fasten off. evenly spaced across row 10 on
With tapestry needle and blue, sew Back of Jacket.
back lps on Pocket over rows With sewing needle and blue
11–15 on left-hand side of Jacket thread, sew one 1⁄2" button to
Front leaving top edge unsewn for Jacket at each corresponding
opening. button loop.
With sewing needle and blue
Hankie thread, sew three 3⁄ 4" buttons
With maroon, work same as rows 1–3 evenly spaced down Front of
of Small Pocket. At end of last row, Jacket.
fasten off.
With tapestry needle and maroon, Bow Tie
tack Hankie inside Small Pocket Row 1: With maroon, ch 4, sc in sec­
leaving 1⁄2" extended. ond ch from hook, sc in each ch
across, turn. (3 sc made)
Medium Pocket (make 2) Rows 2–7: Ch 1, sc in each st
Row 1: With blue, ch 7, sc in second across, turn. At end of last row, fas­
ch from hook, sc in each ch ten off.
across, turn. (6 sc made) Cut two 6" strands from maroon.
Rows 2–3: Ch 1, sc in each st across, Tightly tie one strand between
turn. rows 3 and 4 on Bow Tie and other
Rnd 4: Working around outer edge, strand between rows 4 and 5. Trim
ch 1, sc in each st, in end of each ends.
row and in remaining lps on op­ With tapestry needle and maroon,
posite side of starting ch around sew Bow Tie to Shirt centered di­
with 2 sc in each corner at bot­ rectly below Collar. ❑❑

From Crochet To Go Magazine, No. 108, Page 16, Copyright © 1998 Crochet To Go Magazine

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