2015 Engineeringing Digital
2015 Engineeringing Digital
2015 Engineeringing Digital
Gr.9 - 12
Proverto Educational Publishers are proud to publish its first edition Engineering, Science, Technology and
Trades 2015. This guide covers all aspects of Engineering from University studies to TVET College (previously
known as FET Colleges) studies and life skills. Among others, the publication focuses on what symbols learners
should obtain and the recommended m-scores and criteria.
We hope this publication will guide learners to make informed decisions about their future and open doors and
opportunities they did not know exist.
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Choosing a career is one of the most impor- Let us assume that you are seeking to achieve
tant decisions you will ever make. However, some level of success. Depending on this, the
many people make career choices without much level of education may be relative, but the
career guidance. The importance of career bottom line is, an education of some sort is
guidance also holds true for students who are often paramount to future success. Completing
choosing a university or specialising field. more advanced levels of education shows that
you have a drive and commitment to learn and
By focusing your interests you will have a apply information, ideas, theories, and formulas
starting point that is uniquely about you and to achieve a variety of tasks and goals.
your career choice. This is only the beginning of
career planning and career guidance but a very One of the most apparent reasons education is
important first step. With information about your important is to acquire the subject matter and
interests, you can now explore a wide range of basic knowledge needed to get by in everyday
career options. life. For example:
With this information at hand, you can develop • English and language skills: English
a career plan. Career guidance is a lifelong and language skills will help you to
process. By starting with an awareness of your communicate your ideas more clearly.
personal interests, you can adjust this plan Communication skills are essential in
accordingly. A good way to move forward is to any role – whether you are dealing with
involve other people and a variety of career co-workers, patients, customers, or su-
planning resources in your journey of discovery. pervisors.
In assisting you in receiving career guidance, to • Maths and science skills: Although
do career planning and how to choose a career, calculators and computers are readily
websites such as http://www.careerliftoff.com accessible, math skills are imperative
and http://www.pacecareers.com/careercentre/ for most careers, and for life, and many
provide information and advice about careers other everyday activities require math
and career guidance while www.gostudy.co.za skills, regardless of your career choice.
is a good career choice site which also provides
the most recent list of universities, universities of • Technology, maths and science are
technology, TVET (FET) colleges, private institu- key components of many professions:
tions and short courses as well as information Many careers often require knowledge
on programmes, study fees, residences and and understanding of the sciences, and
even online applications. The National Youth technology. These fields are always
Development Agency (NYDA) similarly provides changing and growing with new deve-
comprehensive information about careers. You lopments and discoveries. It is impera-
can visit their website at http://www.youthcon- tive to have a basic understanding you
nect.org.za. A website such as http://www.bio- can build on with continuing education
careers.co.za specifically provides information throughout your career, to keep up with
about careers in the biomedical sciences and the latest changes!
biotechnology fields.
Your choice of study The different recognised qualifications in
South Africa are listed below:
To guide you in making the perfect choice of
study, there are certain steps that you may follow • Degrees: three to six years of higher
to find out what type of career suits you best: education offered by universities.
These are referred to as undergraduate
Step 1: Understand what qualification options degrees and may be followed by post-
are available to you (for example, a degree, graduate qualifications such as Honours,
diploma, certificate or learnership). Masters or PhD of which the duration is
a minimum of one year each
Step 2: You can browse the Careers and Occu-
pations Reference Directory for Young People • National Diploma: A three-year qualifica-
to see what qualification you would need for tion, offered by universities of technology
your career choice and decide on the most that offers both theoretical and practi-
practical and best suited for you, among others, cal training. After obtaining a National
a university, university of technology, Techni- Diploma, learners may enrol for a BTech
cal Vocational Education and Training (TVET) degree
College or learnership. Descriptions of qualifica-
tions are given further down this page. • Diplomas: Qualifications offered by an
accredited provider at higher educa-
Step 3: Once you have decided on the educa- tion level, including both theoretical and
tional route, get as much information as possible practical aspects. The duration of the
on important issues such as admission require- courses may vary
ments, deadlines for application, fees, bursary
schemes or loans available and duration of • Certificates: One year or less at Further
study. or Higher Education level offered by an
accredited provider which includes both
Step 4: If you do not have the funds to attend practical and skill orientated training.
the course or programme of your choice, see
if you are eligible for a bursary, a student loan
or a scholarship.
Whatever your choice of education is or will be,
always make sure that the service provider – uni-
versity, college or private educational provider
– is accredited, and offers recognised training.
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Engineering as a Career
Introduction Chemical Engineering
Engineering dates back to the earliest develop- Chemical engineering involves all the facets of
ment of humankind. It was however only esta- industrial processes where raw materials are
blished as a profession during the nineteenth converted into higher-value products by means
century. As the technologies advanced the need of physical, chemical, thermal, biochemical
for faster and better innovations grew rapidly. or mechanical changes. Such processes are
Because of this growing need there exists excel- applied in the oil, coal, fuel, paper, food and
lent career opportunities for engineers in basi- textile industries, and also in mineral processing,
cally all sectors of the economy - nationally as water and effluent treatment, and the genera-
well as internationally. tion of electrical power. Most industries employ
people with training in chemical engineering.
Engineering involves the design, construction
and management of products, processes and Chemical engineers are involved in indus-
systems that transform and optimise the com- trial processes that convert raw materials into
modities that simplify our lives. Engineers study products with a higher economic value. This is
the application of mathematics and science in done by means of physical, thermal, chemical,
solving day to day engineering related problems biochemical and mechanical changes and pro-
and thus addressing the needs of our society. cesses. Chemical engineers apply their specia-
Engineers are responsible for applying their lised knowledge in the petroleum, food, minerals
knowledge in pursuit of sustainable economic processing, power generation, and the paper
development and the progression of humankind. and pulp industries. It also includes environ-
mental engineering activities such as air pollu-
When choosing a career in engineering it is tion control. Like other engineering disciplines,
important to explore the various disciplines that chemical engineers are involved in research
exist in this field which consists of a wide variety and development, techno-economic evaluation,
of choices and possibilities. A short review of equipment and plant design, process control
each of the various engineering disciplines is and optimisation, construction, commissioning,
given in this section as well as possible career operation and management as well as final
opportunities. product marketing and distribution.
A computer engineer is someone with a flair for An electrical engineer has a good understand-
optimising electronic systems with dedicated ing of basic sciences and a good education in
computing systems and control software. This the theoretical and practical aspects (including
includes computer and communication networks design, installation and maintenance methodo-
of all sizes - from microcontrollers to the world- logy) of electrical engineering.
wide web. The computer engineer therefore
The Electronic Engineer is mainly involved in systems. The electronic engineer is someone
developing micro-electronic circuits as well as with a talent for introducing new technologies
control and communication systems, which in and upgrading old technologies.
turn find general application in all the branches
of electronic and electric engineering. Micro- Almost without exception, school subjects
processors and numeric electronic systems such as Mathematics and Science are vital
lately form the core of most electric and elec- for admission to an engineering course at most
tronic equipment in the industry, the consump- Universities and Universities of Technology.
tion market, the field of medicine, telecommu- This is also applicable to Electric and Electronic
nication, process control, power distribution Engineering as the admission requirements of
systems and aviation, as well as in specia- the Faculty of Engineering of the North-West
list applications such as artificial intelligence University indicate:
Quick fact
Ceramic materials are extremely
versatile. Their applications range
from your average dinner plate to
the ‘tiles’ that prevent space shuttles
and capsules from burning up on
re-entry into our atmosphere.
Industrial Engineering
Industrial engineering (also referred to as Organisational matters that require optimisa-
business process engineering) studies the tion include site selection and layout of facili-
systems, processes, technology and people ties, manufacturing, inventory control, materials
which make up organisations. Industrial engi- handling, supply chain management, quality
neers are often involved in the processes behind management, cost control, financial services,
the scenes which are sometimes not that easy maintenance, reliability, computer simulation,
to see. For example: information systems, human resources and
business law.
• How do you ensure that fridges all over
South Africa are full of your favourite For obtaining an Industrial Engineering degree
soft drink? at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), for
example, you must meet the following admis-
• How are car-makers able to make sion requirements:
hundreds of different variations of the
same vehicle and still produce these
economically, driving a new car off the
production line every four minutes?
• Water supply and irrigation: In this field • Agricultural buildings and structures:
the agricultural engineer is involved with Well-planned functional buildings are
hydrology and farm dam design; canal, required for a successful agricultural
pipeline and pump systems; sprinkler, industry, including buildings for the inten-
drip and micro-irrigation systems; sive production of meat, dairy products,
mechanised irrigation; surface irriga- poultry and eggs, glass houses and
tion and drainage plastic tunnels for intensive production
of flowers and vegetables, and buil-
• Agricultural mechanisation: Agricul- dings for the storage and processing of
tural machinery plays a primary role products such as maize, tobacco, milk
in the production of food. The agricul- and fruit
• Food and fibre processing: The agri- A four-year course in agricultural engineer-
cultural engineer must guide entrepre- ing is offered by, among others, the School
neurs in drying, milling, mixing, compact- of Engineering the University of Kwazulu-
ing, cooling and heating of agricultural Natal
products and handling, storing, trans-
portation, and packaging systems, for In order to apply for a BSc in Engineering
example, fruit, vegetables and meat. (including agricultural engineering) at UKZN,
prospective students must have:
The agricultural engineering programme is
termed differently by different universities
namely: biological and agricultural engineering,
and processing engineering and bioresource
** Mathematical Literacy is
not accepted as a replace-
ment for Mathematics
Quick fact
The purity of gold is measured in
‘carats’. This word is derived from the
Latin term carob, which means ‘seed’
and actually refers to the seeds of
the carob tree. Although they were
inedible, the seeds were so uniform
in weight (about 0,2 grams each) that
they were used as a unit of weight
in classical times. Today, 24 carats
indicates ‘pure’ or fine (99,9%) gold.
FOCUS ON: GEOMATICS What is Geomatics?
If you are eager to develop your knowledge and Geomaticians are making use of techno-
understanding of society’s needs and possess logical advances and branching into new
the desire to contribute to the quality of life of and challenging areas of specialisation and
all South Africans as well as the management research.
of our heritage, then a career in the field of
Geomatics is for you. Geomatics is both an There is a shortage of professionals in survey-
applied science and a professional discipline ing, geographic information science (GIS) and
and it refers to the integrated approach of mea- remote sensing in South Africa and abroad,
surement, analysis, management and display resulting in good employment prospects. Career
of spatial data. Using the latest satellite, laser opportunities exist in private practices, aerial
and information technology, Geomatics profes- survey companies, offshore survey companies,
sionals are involved in planning, conducting mining houses and government. This is an ideal
and managing activities related to land and career for a person who enjoys mathematics
engineering surveying, information systems, and would like to have independence in their
land development and planning, land reform, day-to-day work.
law and commerce. Geomaticians are making
use of technological advances and branching
into new and challenging areas of specialisation
and research.
English or Afrikaans 4
(Home Language or First
Additional Language)
Study at a University
The BSc (Bachelor of Science), the usual ‘first
degree’ in the appropriate Faculty, requires a
minimum of three years’ study after school.
The BSc (Hons) may be regarded as a fourth
year to an ordinary BSc. The MSc (Master of
Science) and PhD degrees are awarded after
postgraduate research study, and the writing
of a thesis.
Have you ever noticed that for people with
Industrial Health and Safety Manager asthma it can sometimes be especially hard
Think of all the jobs in the world that involve to breathe in the middle of a busy city? One
machinery, chemicals, toxins, radiation, loud reason for this is the exhaust from vehicles.
noise, or travel to places above or below Earth’s Cars, buses, and motorcycles add pollution to
surface—all of these jobs carry an element our air, which affects our health. But can pol-
of risk to the workers. Industrial health and lution impact more than our health? Cutting
safety professionals work to minimize this risk. down trees, or deforestation, can contribute
They inspect work sites and help workers and to erosion, which carries off valuable topsoil.
companies understand and comply with safety But can erosion alter more than the condition
laws. They use their knowledge of mechanical of the soil? How does an oil spill harm fish
processes, chemistry, and human psychology and aquatic plants? How does a population of
and performance to anticipate hazardous con- animals interact with its environment? These
ditions. Protecting workers requires excellent are questions that environmental scientists
communication skills and a strong sense of study and try to find answers to. They conduct
responsibility. They: research or perform investigations to identify
and eliminate the sources of pollution or hazards
• Make sure that chemicals are stored that damage either the environment or human
safely in a manufacturing plant. and animal health. Environmental scientists
• Recommend that additional emergency are the stewards of our environment and are
shutoff switches be installed to stop an committed to keeping it safe for future genera-
assembly line. tions. They:
• Inspect machinery and pipes to make
sure they can withstand every day wear • Conduct experiments with dyes to see
and tear. how chemicals might disperse during a
• Check that employees are following toxic spill.
safety regulations, including wearing • Evaluate how increasing human popu-
safety gear. lations influence interactions between
wildlife and people.
• Create maps and graphs showing air
pollutants over time to help politicians
make informed decisions.
• Monitor water quality at beaches, lakes,
and rivers to detect contaminants and
keep people safe.
The atmosphere is a blanket of gases, surrounding
Earth that creates our weather. Meteorologists
study the measurements and motion of the
The Central Forecasting Office in Pretoria gets The School of Bioresources Engineering &
weather information from around the world. The Environmental Hydrology of the University of
Forecaster then studies this data. From that, Kwazulu-Natal is one of the biggest offering
they predict the weather for that region. study opportunities in the field of Environmental
Broadcasters analyse the weather patterns and For more information go to http://saees.ukzn.
report on the weather for television, radio etc. ac.za/Homepage.aspx or www.ukzn.ac.za
Researchers study weather patterns for national
weather bureaus, government and environmental
protection agencies.
A Climatologist works for the Weather
Bureau and collects and stores all the data
in a databank. Seasonal studies on climate
change have become increasingly important.
This service is provided by the Weather Bureau
and some other organisations (www.career-
A hydrologist could be involved in the following:
Career opportunities
Career opportunities for the medical technologist
exist as company representative for medical and
laboratory products or as research assistant, in
government and provincial hospital laboratories,
pathology institutions at universities, private
pathology practices, the South African Institute
for Medical Research, veterinary practices and
several other industries, for example, pharma-
ceutical companies.
Important school subjects and Plant Pathologist
admission requirements What does the work of a plant pathologist
• Mathematics, Science, English and Biology. entail?
• Each Institution has its own entrance
requirements. A plant pathologist studies micro-organisms
• One year experiential training at a training and environmental conditions that cause plant
laboratory is needed. diseases and recommends how these diseases
can be managed or controlled.
Qualifications at a University of
Technology Margareth Mahlangu, Quality Assurance and
N Dip: Biotechnology Food Safety Manager at the Johannesburg
B Tech: Biotechnology Fresh Produce Market is an expert in plant
M Tech: Biotechnology diseases, and has a background in microbio-
D Tech: Biotechnology logy (study of micro-scopic living things). Some
micro-organisms cause food to spoil and others
Conservation Geneticist cause disease. Contamination with chemicals
or pesticides can also make food unsafe. Her
What does the work of a conservation job at the Johannesburg Fresh Produce Market
geneticist entail? (JFPM) is to make sure that the fresh fruit and
Among other things, a Conservation Geneticist vegetables traded every day (average of 2700
studies species of animals which are in danger tons) are safe to eat and of the highest quality.
of becoming extinct and finds out why they only
live in certain areas and how they are genetically Important school subjects
related to one another. For example, a type of Biology, Mathematics, Physical Science
mole called “Juliana’s Golden Mole” is almost
extinct and is only found in small numbers at Required qualifications
three different places in South Africa. BAgric/ BScAgric/ B Inst Agrar University)
A person like Paulette Bloomer, associate Pro- Where can I get a job?
fessor in the Department of Genetics of the Agricultural research organisations, universities,
University of Pretoria and her colleagues in Department of Agriculture, retailers, agricultural
the Zoology department are finding out why consulting companies, diagnostic laboratories,
only a few moles are left and what has caused biological control companies, seed and plant
this. She will also see if the three populations production companies.
(groups) of moles at the three different locations
are related. One of the populations may be
completely lost because of urban development
and Paulette will investigate to see what could
happen if this group of moles is lost.
Required qualifications
BSc degree with Zoology, Botany, Genetics or
Microbiology; BSc- Molecular & Cellular Biology/
Conservation Ecology/ Natural & Environmental
Science/ Biotechnology (University)
What does the work of an immunologist
Patrick Bouic, an Immunologist at Synexa Life
Sciences in Cape Town studies how the cells
designed to protect humans against infections,
work. To develop a vaccine against a specific
disease, he has to find out how to trigger these
protective cells to work before we get infected.
A vaccine teaches our bodies to recognise
disease-producing microbes. Patrick is also
researching the immune activities of natural
products, such as Buchu, a small indigenous
shrub only found in the Western Cape, and
how it can be used with man-made medicines
to treat chronic diseases such as arthritis. His
job at Synexa focuses on ensuring that the
What does the work of a veterinary virolo- The Information Technology industry is probably
gist require? one of the most exciting industries world-wide.
A person such as Theresa Smit, Virology Rapid technological advances are propelling
Research and Development Manager at dramatic changes in the way computers are
Onderstepoort Biological Products (OBP) in used to improve our lives.
Pretoria, researches and develops new or
improved vaccines against diseases of live- Graduates have the opportunity to join this
stock animals. A vaccine helps to stimulate the exciting industry. They can qualify themselves
defence response of the body. It is usually a for a rewarding and incredibly stimulating career
dead or weakened version of a micro-organism where they will have multiple career opportuni-
given to an animal to stimulate their bodies to ties for many years to come.
make specific antibodies- but without causing
disease. This means that if the animal is infected Thousands of vacancies exist in South Africa
with the disease, it is able to resist and survive. and many IT professionals find employment
outside our borders each year.
Onderstepoort Biological Products (OBP) makes
millions of doses of vaccines per year that can What does the IT specialist do?
be used to keep horses, cattle and sheep, The person will find himself/herself in any of
healthy. Theresa ensures that the vaccines a wide variety of computerised environments.
made are of the highest quality. Responsibilities may include the maintenance
of systems in use, systems analysis and design
Important school subjects and/or programming of new systems, network
Biology, Mathematics, Physical Science administration, database administration and
user support.
Required qualifications
BTech- Veterinary Technology (University of Systems analyst
Technology); BVSc; BSc- /Virology/Microbio- The systems analyst studies the problems and
logy/Molecular Biology or similar, BSC (Hons) needs of computer users and writes specifica-
at a University tions for the computer system. He or she is also
responsible for the detailed design of computer
Note systems, which a programmer can convert into
You need an MSc or PhD (Research) or a computer language.
MMedVet or DVSc for higher positions in lectu-
ring, research and management of laboratories Programmer
or departments The computer programmer is responsible for
the detailed design of how the computer should
Where can I get a job? perform a task and for instructing the computer
Animal disease diagnostic laboratories, patho- accordingly. The programmer is the main inter-
logy laboratories, universities, agricultural face between computer users and the computer
research organisations, private animal vaccine itself.
producers such as Onderstepoort Biological
Products (OBP). Computer technician
A computer is a complex collection of electronic
and mechanical components and requires
specific installation procedures, maintenance and
repair, which is done by the computer technician.
Where do I study? different ideas as technology is a wide field
University and it is very interesting to debate the diffe-
B Eng: Information Technology rences in understanding. It makes life very
easy when you have the relevant operating
A four-year engineering degree programme systems in order”.
dealing with hardware, software, interfaces and
networks, are available at various universities. REFERENCES AND SOURCES
Career status
IT specialists can acquire membership of the
Computer Society of South Africa and the Infor-
mation Technology Association (ITA)
With further training an Aircraft technician Parts that appear worn out are usually replaced or
(Avionics) will be able to diagnose and repair repaired in order to ensure they do not break while
more serious faults and carry out more complex in flight. After all repairs are made, the aircraft
maintenance tasks. must also be tested to make sure it still works.
They will be able to cover a wide range of
projects from cleaning blocked pipes to a tank
installation, after completing the job it must be
rated to check the level of quality.
Admission requirements: N1- Grade 9/10; N1 for N2; N2 for N3
N4- Grade 12 pass with Mathematics and Science; N4 for N5 and N5 for N6
Duration: 11 weeks per N -level
Diploma requirement: 18 Months’ practical experience related to field of study in the working
Will be able to prepare individuals to apply
artistic and dramatic techniques to communicate
their ideas and feelings through technical theatre
methods including instruction in set design.
Will be able to work behind-the-scences of
concert, plays or other live events and will be
responsible for installing the sound and audio
Admission requirements: N1- Grade 9/10; N1 for N2; N2 for N3
N4- Grade 12 pass with Mathematics and Science; N4 for N5 and N5 for N6
Duration: 11 weeks per N -level
Diploma requirement: 18 months’ practical experience related to field of study in the working
Will be able to work at IT firms, IT department
that includes hardware engineers, software
engineers, network engineers / architecture,
as well as being a general manager.
Will be able work as an electrical technician
which will include fire detection systems, auto-
matic docking systems, follow-up on logged
help desk queries and perform quality audits
for all the services.
Admission requirements: N1- Grade 9/10; N1 for N2; N2 for N3
N4- Grade 12 pass with Mathematics and Science; N4 for N5 and N5 for N6
Duration: 11 weeks per N -level
Diploma requirement: 18 Months’ practical experience related to field of study in the working
Carpentry and Roof work Carpentry and Roof work Carpentry and Roof work
(specialisation) (specialisation) (specialisation)
For entry into the National Certificate (Mechatronics) at NQF Level 2, you require:
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The DHET Bursaries are available but they are not guaranteed –
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