2015 Engineeringing Digital

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Gr.9 - 12

Guiding the leaders of tomorrow

www.proverto.co.za 2015/2016 First Edition
Choosing a Career ............................................................................... 02
Introduction ............................................................................................ 02
Your choice of study .............................................................................. 04
The different recognised qualifications in SA ..................................... 04

Engineering as a Career .................................................................... 06

Career opportunities in Engineering .................................................... 14

Careers in Science and Technology ............................................ 16

Related fields in construction, the built
environment and land / engineering surveying .................................. 16

Focus on: Geomatics ............................................................................. 19

Focus on: Astronomy .......................................................................... 32

Public TVET (Formerly FET) Colleges contribute to

Engineering Skills Development in SA ....................................... 40

Proverto Educational Publishers are proud to publish its first edition Engineering, Science, Technology and
Trades 2015. This guide covers all aspects of Engineering from University studies to TVET College (previously
known as FET Colleges) studies and life skills. Among others, the publication focuses on what symbols learners
should obtain and the recommended m-scores and criteria.

We hope this publication will guide learners to make informed decisions about their future and open doors and
opportunities they did not know exist.

This publication is also available in digital format on the www.proverto.co.za website.

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Alice Towson: alice@proverto.co.za
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Arno van Niekerk: arno@proverto.co.za
Guiding the leaders of tomorrow
Chris van Blerk - University of Pretoria

ISBN 978-0-9921823-2-8 2015/2016 First Edition

Choosing a Career
Why is education very important to both
Introduction your personal and professional life?

Choosing a career is one of the most impor- Let us assume that you are seeking to achieve
tant decisions you will ever make. However, some level of success. Depending on this, the
many people make career choices without much level of education may be relative, but the
career guidance. The importance of career bottom line is, an education of some sort is
guidance also holds true for students who are often paramount to future success. Completing
choosing a university or specialising field. more advanced levels of education shows that
you have a drive and commitment to learn and
By focusing your interests you will have a apply information, ideas, theories, and formulas
starting point that is uniquely about you and to achieve a variety of tasks and goals.
your career choice. This is only the beginning of
career planning and career guidance but a very One of the most apparent reasons education is
important first step. With information about your important is to acquire the subject matter and
interests, you can now explore a wide range of basic knowledge needed to get by in everyday
career options. life. For example:

With this information at hand, you can develop • English and language skills: English
a career plan. Career guidance is a lifelong and language skills will help you to
process. By starting with an awareness of your communicate your ideas more clearly.
personal interests, you can adjust this plan Communication skills are essential in
accordingly. A good way to move forward is to any role – whether you are dealing with
involve other people and a variety of career co-workers, patients, customers, or su-
planning resources in your journey of discovery. pervisors.

In assisting you in receiving career guidance, to • Maths and science skills: Although
do career planning and how to choose a career, calculators and computers are readily
websites such as http://www.careerliftoff.com accessible, math skills are imperative
and http://www.pacecareers.com/careercentre/ for most careers, and for life, and many
provide information and advice about careers other everyday activities require math
and career guidance while www.gostudy.co.za skills, regardless of your career choice.
is a good career choice site which also provides
the most recent list of universities, universities of • Technology, maths and science are
technology, TVET (FET) colleges, private institu- key components of many professions:
tions and short courses as well as information Many careers often require knowledge
on programmes, study fees, residences and and understanding of the sciences, and
even online applications. The National Youth technology. These fields are always
Development Agency (NYDA) similarly provides changing and growing with new deve-
comprehensive information about careers. You lopments and discoveries. It is impera-
can visit their website at http://www.youthcon- tive to have a basic understanding you
nect.org.za. A website such as http://www.bio- can build on with continuing education
careers.co.za specifically provides information throughout your career, to keep up with
about careers in the biomedical sciences and the latest changes!
biotechnology fields.
Your choice of study The different recognised qualifications in
South Africa are listed below:
To guide you in making the perfect choice of
study, there are certain steps that you may follow • Degrees: three to six years of higher
to find out what type of career suits you best: education offered by universities.
These are referred to as undergraduate
Step 1: Understand what qualification options degrees and may be followed by post-
are available to you (for example, a degree, graduate qualifications such as Honours,
diploma, certificate or learnership). Masters or PhD of which the duration is
a minimum of one year each
Step 2: You can browse the Careers and Occu-
pations Reference Directory for Young People • National Diploma: A three-year qualifica-
to see what qualification you would need for tion, offered by universities of technology
your career choice and decide on the most that offers both theoretical and practi-
practical and best suited for you, among others, cal training. After obtaining a National
a university, university of technology, Techni- Diploma, learners may enrol for a BTech
cal Vocational Education and Training (TVET) degree
College or learnership. Descriptions of qualifica-
tions are given further down this page. • Diplomas: Qualifications offered by an
accredited provider at higher educa-
Step 3: Once you have decided on the educa- tion level, including both theoretical and
tional route, get as much information as possible practical aspects. The duration of the
on important issues such as admission require- courses may vary
ments, deadlines for application, fees, bursary
schemes or loans available and duration of • Certificates: One year or less at Further
study. or Higher Education level offered by an
accredited provider which includes both
Step 4: If you do not have the funds to attend practical and skill orientated training.
the course or programme of your choice, see
if you are eligible for a bursary, a student loan
or a scholarship.

Step 5: Once you have reached your decision,

do not delay to apply. Many educational institu-
tions have strict closing dates for applications.

Whatever your choice of education is or will be,
always make sure that the service provider – uni-
versity, college or private educational provider
– is accredited, and offers recognised training.
Mintek’s mission is to serve South Africa through high-calibre research, development,

MINTEK – South Africa’s national minerals and metallurgy research and development facility
technology transfer that promotes mineral technology, as well as fosters the establishment and
expansion of small, medium, and large industries in the field of minerals and products derived
from them. Bursaries are offered in the following fields:
• Catalysis;
• Chemistry (Analytical or Geochemistry);
• Chemical Engineering (Minerals Processing or Process Control);
• Electrical Engineering (Process Control Systems or Electronics);
• Extractive Metallurgy (Pyrometallurgy, Hydrometallurgy or Biohydrometallurgy);
• Fuel Cells;
• Geology (Mineralogy, Petrology, Applied Geology or Economic Geology);
• Mechanical Engineering;
• Minerals Processing;
• Mining Engineering;
• Mining-Focused Environmental Compliance;
• Nanoscience and Nanotechnology;
• Physical Metallurgy;
• Physics; and,
• Precious Metal-Based Drug Discovery.
Mintek bursaries cover the full payment of registration, tuition, residence fees, meals, and
an allowance, in return for a commitment to work at Mintek on a year-for-year basis, after
obtaining your degree.
To apply, contact
apply, contact Mintek’s
Mintek’s Academic
Human Liaison
Capital Officer. Officer:
Snail mail:Mintek Bursary Office,
Dominic Monama
Private Bag X3015, Randburg 2125
E-mail: dominicm@mintek.co.za
E-mail: bursaries@mintek.co.za
Web: www.mintek.co.za
Web: www.mintek.co.za
Tel: 011 709 4139
Tel: 011 709 4648 A global leader in mineral and
Cell: 082 315 7361
Fax: 011 709 4465 metallurgical innovation
Please note: Mintek does not provide bursaries to undergraduate students studying towards
diplomas, only at postgraduate level.
The closing date for undergraduate applications is 31 July for support during the next academic
year. There is no closing date for postgraduate applications.

is regarded as
annual national
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Science, Engineering
interest in careers in
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ote an awareness
metallurgy, and to prom rals and
of the importance of mi a. To register,
gy to So uth Af ric
contact: l Coordinator
The Minquiz Nationa

E-mail: minquiz@mint
Web: www.mintek.co.za
Tel: 011 709 4139
Fax: 011 709 4465
Engineering as a Career
Introduction Chemical Engineering
Engineering dates back to the earliest develop- Chemical engineering involves all the facets of
ment of humankind. It was however only esta- indus­trial processes where raw materials are
blished as a profession during the nineteenth converted into higher-value products by means
century. As the technologies advanced the need of physical, chemical, thermal, biochemical
for faster and better innovations grew rapidly. or mechanical changes. Such pro­cesses are
Because of this growing need there exists excel- applied in the oil, coal, fuel, paper, food and
lent career opportunities for engineers in basi- textile industries, and also in mineral processing,
cally all sectors of the economy - nationally as water and effluent treatment, and the genera-
well as internationally. tion of electrical power. Most industries employ
people with training in chemical engineering.
Engineering involves the design, construction
and management of products, processes and Chemical engineers are involved in indus-
systems that transform and optimise the com- trial processes that convert raw materials into
modities that simplify our lives. Engineers study products with a higher economic value. This is
the application of mathematics and science in done by means of physical, thermal, chemical,
solving day to day engineering related problems biochemical and mechanical changes and pro-
and thus addressing the needs of our society. cesses. Chemical engineers apply their specia-
Engineers are responsible for applying their lised knowledge in the petroleum, food, minerals
knowledge in pursuit of sustainable economic processing, power generation, and the paper
development and the progression of humankind. and pulp industries. It also includes environ-
mental engineering activities such as air pollu-
When choosing a career in engineering it is tion control. Like other engineering disciplines,
important to explore the various disciplines that chemical engineers are involved in research
exist in this field which consists of a wide variety and development, techno-economic evaluation,
of choices and possibilities. A short review of equipment and plant design, process control
each of the various engineering disciplines is and optimisation, construction, commissioning,
given in this section as well as possible career operation and management as well as final
opportunities. product marketing and distribution.

Chemical Engineering with

specialisation in Minerals
Mineral Processing Engineering is a specialisa-
tion course offered by a tertiary institution such
as the North West University (NWU). It covers
the physical and chemical processes which yield
especially metals from ors. Industries provide
job opportunities to mineral engineers in a wide
variety of branches of the profession. It includes
research and development, economic evalua-
tion, design, the manufacturing of equipment
and construction and putting plants into opera-
tion, plant servicing, sale of products and service
delivery. Mineral engineers (extractive metal-
lurgists) are mainly employed by the mining
companies that operate mines and companies
such as Mintek.
Civil Engineering has to be innovative and stay abreast of new
Civil engineers create facilities that improve the technologies and developments in software
quality of people’s lives and the environment. and hardware.
This process entails research into the proposed
facility, the planning, design and construction of Computer engineering is used in almost all
the facility, as well as its continued maintenance. application fields, especially telecommunica-
Civil engineers increasingly merge and use tions, computer networking, cellphone opera-
environmental management and information tions, computer system companies, military
technology in their world of wealth creation. technologies (avionics, night vision, electronic
warfare, smart bombs, drones, laser target de-
Civil engineers design, build and maintain signators), transport technologies (toll roads),
constructions such as tower blocks and internet banking, security systems, consumer
sky-scrapers, dams, canals and pipelines, equipment, modems, hand-held scanners,
roads, bridges, tunnels, railways, airports, voting, medical systems (portable and remote
power stations, television towers, water works diagnostic recorders), robotics, entertainment
and outfall installations. They are involved in equipment, global positioning system (GPS)
financial modelling, feasibility studies and the navigation, measurement and control software,
management and rehabilitation of large asset and fibre-optic networks (self-healing networks).

Computer Engineering Electrical and Electronic

Computer engineering is one of the three Engineering
internationally accepted and closely-related Electrical and Electronic engineering are two of
sub-disciplines of the traditional field of electri- the three internationally accepted and closely-
cal engineering (electrical engineering, elec- related sub-disciplines in the traditional field of
tronic engineering and computer engineering). electrical engineering (electrical engineering,
Computer engineering entails the most dynamic electronic engineering and computer enginee-
and rapidly growing engineering discipline in the ring). There is hardly a technological system in
vast and constantly expanding field of informa- the world that does not rely on electrical power
tion and communication technology (ICT). It as a source of energy.
involves a combination of electronics, computer
systems (hardware and software) and commu- Electric Engineers are mainly involved in ge-
nication systems. nerating, controlling, distributing, conditioning
and applying electric energy. It entails design-
The aim of computer engineering is to integrate ing, manufacturing, putting into operation and
electronic, computing and control systems in maintaining electric systems. Because new
the best way possible to ensure fast, small components and methods are constantly deve-
and powerful systems. Examples of computer loped, renewal and improvement of existing
engineering include cellphone technology, car techniques and equipment are accentuated.
control computers for engine management, They also introduce alternative and renewable
entertainment systems, security systems, air- sources of electrical energy into everyday life.
conditioning, active suspension and the anti-lock Huge challenges exist for utilising and storing
breaking system (ABS). This is an expanding electrical energy from such sources as the sun
new discipline in engineering with job opportu- (solar energy), wind, biomass, water (hydro-
nities all over the world. energy) and even nuclear energy.

A computer engineer is someone with a flair for An electrical engineer has a good understand-
optimising electronic systems with dedicated ing of basic sciences and a good education in
computing systems and control software. This the theoretical and practical aspects (including
includes computer and communication networks design, installation and maintenance methodo-
of all sizes - from microcontrollers to the world- logy) of electrical engineering.
wide web. The computer engineer therefore
The Electronic Engineer is mainly involved in systems. The electronic engineer is someone
developing micro-electronic circuits as well as with a talent for introducing new technologies
control and communication systems, which in and upgrading old technologies.
turn find general application in all the branches
of electronic and electric engineering. Micro- Almost without exception, school subjects
processors and numeric electronic systems such as Mathematics and Science are vital
lately form the core of most electric and elec- for admission to an engineering course at most
tronic equipment in the industry, the consump- Universities and Universities of Technology.
tion market, the field of medicine, telecommu- This is also applicable to Electric and Electronic
nication, process control, power distribution Engineering as the admission requirements of
systems and aviation, as well as in specia- the Faculty of Engineering of the North-West
list applications such as artificial intelligence University indicate:

Faculty of Engineering, University of North-West

School Subjects Required
School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
Subjects Level Selection NSC aggregate
Mathematics 6 APS count of at least 31 Full matriculation
(minimum of 70%) exemption
Physical Science (SG) 5 ** An admission test
and a minimum of 60% must be passed
Language – At least 60% for 5
first or second language (SG)

Quick fact
Ceramic materials are extremely
versatile. Their applications range
from your average dinner plate to
the ‘tiles’ that prevent space shuttles
and capsules from burning up on
re-entry into our atmosphere.
Industrial Engineering
Industrial engineering (also referred to as Organisational matters that require optimisa-
business process engineering) studies the tion include site selection and layout of facili-
systems, processes, technology and people ties, manufacturing, inventory control, materials
which make up organisations. Industrial engi- handling, supply chain management, quality
neers are often involved in the processes behind management, cost control, financial services,
the scenes which are sometimes not that easy maintenance, reliability, computer simulation,
to see. For example: information systems, human resources and
business law.
• How do you ensure that fridges all over
South Africa are full of your favourite For obtaining an Industrial Engineering degree
soft drink? at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), for
example, you must meet the following admis-
• How are car-makers able to make sion requirements:
hundreds of different variations of the
same vehicle and still produce these
economically, driving a new car off the
production line every four minutes?

Industrial engineers are generally responsible

for the analysis, design, planning, implementa-
tion, operation, management and maintenance
of integrated systems. These systems consist of
people, capital, material, equipment, information
and energy. The aim is to increase the produc-
tivity of the organisation and create wealth.

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, School of

Mechanical, Industrial and Aeronautical Engineering, Wits
School Subjects Required
BSc(Eng) Industrial Engineering 4 year degree programme
Subjects Level Selection NSC aggregate
Mathematics 5 Minimum achievement Full matriculation
point of 36 and above exemption / university
Physical Science 5 endorsement
** Maths Literacy
English as the Language 4 candidates are not
of Learning and Teaching eligible to study in the
(LOLT), Home Language or School of Mechanical,
1st Additional Language Industrial and Aeronauti-
cal Engineering (Wits)
Mechanical and
Aeronautical Engineering
Mechanical and aeronautical engineering entails of products and services, for example, the pro-
the application of science to design, manufac- vision of electricity and water, transport (road,
ture, operate and maintain mechanical and railway and air), mining activities, mechatronics
aeronautical equipment and processes. The and air-conditioning. As a result of the broad
undergraduate course focuses on the establish- technical background, mechanical and aero-
ment of a broad knowledge of engineering and nautical engineers often develop into very suc-
includes subjects such as dynamics, strength cessful senior managers towards the latter part
of materials, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics of their careers. Among others, the University of
and design. The outputs of mechanical and the Witwatersrand and the University of Pretoria
aeronautical engineers include products and offer aeronautical engineering courses.
services that add value to the economy of the
country. Mechanical and aeronautical expertise An institution such as the University of
is instrumental in the design and manufacture. Pretoria has the following admission require-
ments for this field of engineering which also
apply to all their other engineering courses:

Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information

Technology, School of Engineering, University of Pretoria
School Subjects Required
BEng (Mechanical Engineering) 4 year degree programme
Subjects Level Selection NSC aggregate
Mathematics 6 An admission point National Senior
(minimum of 70%) score (APS) of at least Certificate with university
Physical Science 6 35 endorsement
(minimum of 70%)
Afrikaans or English 5
Metallurgical Engineering Mechatronic Engineering
South Africa is blessed with the world’s largest Mechatronic engineers develop and produce
mineral deposits of gold, chromium, platinum, machines and systems that use modern control
vanadium and manganese. This country also systems for greater adaptability, better per-
has large reserves of iron, lead, zinc, copper, formance, and/or lower costs. Mechatronic
nickel, coal and diamonds. The minerals industry systems strive to reach the optimal combination
contributes to some 50% of South Africa’s of mechanical, electrical and electronic subsys-
exports and is one of the largest employers in tems by integrating, for example, machine parts,
the country. The metallurgical engineer plays sensors and actuators, and using computer
a key role in the production of minerals and systems as controllers. The range of typical
metals. Metallurgical engineers help to process mechatronic systems now being designed and
metals into final products with added value. developed is wide and may include anything
In this way, maximum income is generated in from engine control units to ABS braking
international markets. systems, automated assembly lines, artificial
hearts, medical devices and consumer products
Metallurgical engineers unlock the riches of like washing machines.
deposits of metal ores, coal and diamonds
and optimise the manufacture of metal com- A BEng (Mechatronic) degree programme is
ponents. They work in plants where valuable offered by the Faculty of Engineering of the
minerals are recovered from ore, where metals University of Stellenbosch. This programme
are produced out of the minerals and where consists of modules from the BEng (Mechani-
the metals are converted into useful materials cal) and BEng (Electrical and Electronic) pro-
– such as steel or aluminium. Careers include grammes. In the third and fourth years, students
production engineers, plant managers, consult- study subjects such as Electronics, Electrical
ants and researchers. Drives, Control Systems, Computer Systems,
Machine Design and Mechatronics. Subjects
Mining Engineering such as Project Management, Noise and Vibra-
The profession of mining engineering encom- tion, Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineer-
passes a wide spectrum of engineering work ing serve to broaden the interdisciplinary base.
– from mine evaluation to industrial control. For
instance, mining engineers may undertake the South Africa has a sustained demand for
evaluation of a new mining project as soon as mechatronic engineers. Some mechatronic
the discovery and geological confirmation of a engineers work for large multinational corpora-
mineral deposit have been completed. If such tions, but the diverse education of mechatronic
a mineral deposit is found to be viable, mining engineers is sought after in smaller engineering
engineers will design the mine to exploit the concerns and serves as an excellent base for
mineral deposit. Where the mineral deposit is entrepreneurs.
close to the surface, an opencast mine will be
preferred, but for deeper deposits, an under-
ground mine will be planned. Mining engineers
will coordinate the construction of such a mine
and bring it to the stage where it starts producing.
Faculty of Engineering, University of Stellenbosch
School Subjects Required
Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
Subjects Level Selection NSC aggregate

Mathematics 6 Candidates are subject At least 60%

to selection according to
Physical Science 5 selection criteria
English Home Language or 3 ** Write the National
Benchmark Tests AQL
English First Additional 5
and MAT
Language or

English First Additional 4

Language and

Afrikaans Home Language 3


Afrikaans First Additional


Agricultural Engineering tural engineer, with knowledge of me-

Agricultural Engineers utilise technology to chanical techniques as well as soil and
connect the living world of plants, soil, water plants, assists producers, contractors
and animals, with engineering (systems, struc- and farmers in: tractor and other engine
tures and machines).The Engineer who is the tests; development of new machinery;
creator and moulder of modern technology plays design of agricultural equipment, and
a vital role in the economic development of a agricultural energy research and con-
country, as does the agricultural engineer who sultation
applies the engineering principles of science
and technology as well as his or her knowledge. • Soil conservation: The agricultural en-
gineer’s civil know-how is essential
Agricultural engineering provides challenging for the planning and design of, among
career opportunities in various job functions other things, conservation and reclai-
such as research, testing, development, design, ming structures; systems for the safe
consulting, management, engineering surveys, discharge of flood water and adapted
and planning and counselling. Important work farming practices to enhance soil con-
areas include: servation

• Water supply and irrigation: In this field • Agricultural buildings and structures:
the agricultural engineer is involved with Well-planned functional buildings are
hydrology and farm dam design; canal, required for a successful agricultural
pipeline and pump systems; sprinkler, industry, including buildings for the inten-
drip and micro-irrigation systems; sive production of meat, dairy products,
mechanised irrigation; surface irriga- poultry and eggs, glass houses and
tion and drainage plastic tunnels for intensive production
of flowers and vegetables, and buil-
• Agricultural mechanisation: Agricul- dings for the storage and processing of
tural machinery plays a primary role products such as maize, tobacco, milk
in the production of food. The agricul- and fruit
• Food and fibre processing: The agri- A four-year course in agricultural engineer-
cultural engineer must guide entrepre- ing is offered by, among others, the School
neurs in drying, milling, mixing, compact- of Engineering the University of Kwazulu-
ing, cooling and heating of agricultural Natal
products and handling, storing, trans-
portation, and packaging systems, for In order to apply for a BSc in Engineering
example, fruit, vegetables and meat. (including agricultural engineering) at UKZN,
prospective students must have:
The agricultural engineering programme is
termed differently by different universities
namely: biological and agricultural engineering,
and processing engineering and bioresource

School of Engineering, University of Kwazulu-Natal

School Subjects Required
College of Agriculture, Engineering and Science, UKZN
Subjects Level Selection NSC aggregate

Mathematics 6 At least 33 Matric Points National Senior

(minimum of 70%) (excluding Life Certificate with a
Orientation) Degree endorsement
Physical Science 6
(minimum of 70%)

** Mathematical Literacy is
not accepted as a replace-
ment for Mathematics

A minimum of three years in-service training

leads to registration as a professional engineer.
University of Technology
By studying a three-year course in engineering research in this field with a view to expand South
at a University of Technology, a student is also Africa’s nuclear power generating potential. By
afforded the opportunity to enter a career in means of these programmes, the NWU affords
agriculture as a technician. Various bursaries students the opportunity to become involved
are available from the Agricultural Research in new nuclear power projects in SA such as
Council (ARC) and the Department of Agricul- the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR)
ture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF). and building new conventional nuclear power
For those who want to qualify themselves as
technicians or technologists in an agricultural Career opportunities in
specialising field, most Institutions of Techno- Engineering
logy offer an N.Dip.
Excellent job opportunities exist for engineers
The South African Institute of Agricultural Engi- in practically all sectors of the economy; both
neers (SAIAE) promotes and protects the col- locally and overseas.
lective interests of the agricultural engineers in
South Africa and joins them in a professional After a number years of in practice, engineers
group. The Institute has international contact can be successful in one of various occupational
through its affiliation to the International Com- fields in accordance with their own potential,
mission for Agricultural Engineers (CIGR) in personality and work preferences:
Paris, France.
• An entrepreneur that owns and operates
Career opportunities his own consulting and/or manufacturing
Work is offered by Departments of Agriculture, company
various Government Departments, development • An academic at a university
organisations, manufacturers of agricultural • A researcher at a university or a research
equipment, fertilizer and irrigation companies, entity in the private sector
farming companies and organisations such as • Design engineer
the sugar industry and Consulting Engineers. • Project engineer
• Engineering consultant
A unique postgraduate qualification in • Production and/or maintenance engineer;
Nuclear Sciences and Engineering at the and
North-West University • Manager in a company up to the highest
The North-West University is the first in South
Africa to which a professorship has been
awarded in nuclear engineering. The School
of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering in the
Faculty of Engineering presents two postgradu-
ate programmes in nuclear engineering, namely
an MEng and an MSc in ‘Nuclear Engineering.
Introductory modules ease the transition from
relevant BEng degrees. Students who obtain a
BEng in Chemical Engineering or Mechanical
Engineering can apply for exemption of these
introductory modules.

The programmes are presented over a period

of two years (full time) and give access to PhD
studies in Nuclear Engineering. The North-West
University (NWU) has already been involved in
Careers in Science and Technology

Related fields in construction, the built environment and land /

engineering surveying

BSc Construction Management

Construction managers are business people
who work as contractors, project managers
and/or property experts in the built environ-
ment. The study programme focuses on the
technical, financial and managerial aspects of
construction. The construction manager can add
value to almost any building-related activity. In
the three-year programme, some financial and
managerial aspects are touched on, but the
main focus is on the technical aspects.

During the two-year honours degree follow-

ing the BSc degree, students receive further
training in aspects such as financial manage-
ment, project management and strategic man-
agement. Among others, this programme is
offered by the University of Pretoria.

BSc Science Interior BScLArch - Bachelor of Science

Architechture Landscape Architecture
This programme in interior architecture is one The BSc(LArch) qualification (3 year duration)
of only four similar programmes in South Africa of the University of Pretoria enables gradu-
with educational membership at the International ates to register with the South African Council
Federation of Interior Architects and Designers for the Landscape Architectural Profession
(IFI).The BScInt qualification of the Univer- (SACLAP) as Candidate Landscape Architec-
sity of Pretoria enables graduates to register tural Technologists. In practice, technologists
with the South African Institute for the Interior and/or junior designers provide assistance in the
Design Professions (IID) as candidate interior disciplines of landscape architecture, environ-
designers. This qualification is the first step to mental planning and management, architecture
future registration as candidate senior interior and urban design. Their responsibilities include
designers or candidate interior architects. In assessments and reports, the documentation
practice, candidate designers provide assis- of projects, project administration and site ma-
tance in interior design and architecture. Their nagement. This qualification is the first step to
responsibilities include design development, the future registration as a candidate landscape
documentation of projects, project administra- architect.
tion and site management. The programme
also enables graduates to access the related
fields of exhibition, stage and lighting design.
School for the Built Environment, University of Pretoria
School Subjects Required
BScLArch (Bachelor of Science Landscape Agriculture)
Subjects Level Selection NSC aggregate
Mathematics 4 Admission Point Score National Senior
(minimum of 70%) of at least 27 Certificate with university
Physical Science or 4 endorsement
Geography or Life Sciences
Afrikaans or English 5

Bachelor of Town and Bachelor of Architectural Studies

Regional Planning (UCT)
Town and regional planning is a profession that The Bachelor of Architectural Studies is a
promotes and manages change through the three year, undergraduate, full-time degree
planning, design, implementation and manage- programme offered by the University of Cape
ment of public interventions in the development Town. It focuses on the design of the built envi-
and use of land. These interventions can vary ronment and architectural design. Contextually
from building site level to supranational level and socially located architecture is used as
and aim at widening choice, promoting equity, the medium to develop foundational design
ensuring sustainable human settlements and ability which is easily transferable to the range
improving the quality of people’s lives. The of graduate professional degree streams in
guiding motive of the profession is the genera- Architecture, Landscape Architecture, City and
tion of viable alternatives to existing settlement Regional Planning, and Urban Design.
The study and practice of architecture involves
BScArch - Bachelor of Science the design of buildings and their associated
Architecture places, and incorporates aesthetic, theoreti-
The BScArch 3 year degree programme cal and practical concerns. Built environment
enables graduates to register with the South designers have to engage with an intercon-
African Council for the Architectural Profession nected range of issues: social, cultural, devel-
(SACAP) as candidate architectural technolo- opmental, contextual, environmental, technical,
gists. The qualification is the first step to future and financial.
registration as a candidate senior architectural
technologist or a candidate architect. In practice, This programme equips you with the ability to
technologists and/or junior designers provide solve design problems imaginatively, to think
assistance in the disciplines of architecture, rationally and to exercise appropriate judgement
interior design and urban design. Their responsi- within the discipline of architecture in urban and
bilities include design development, documenta- natural contexts. In particular it aims to develop
tion of projects, project administration and site the capacity to design appropriately within the
management. Among others, the University of built and natural environment.
Pretoria offers this qualification in Architecture.
It benefits from the related graduate programmes
Admission requirements include Afrikaans or in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban
English at performance level 5, Mathematics Design and City and Regional Planning. In
and Physical Science at level 4 and an admis- addition, it offers entry into the architectural,
sion point score (APS) of 27. Selection includes planning and design marketplace, into property
an interview. development, the building industry, the IT industry
and many other fields of employment where
design and organisational skills are required.
Bachelor of Science (BSc) Property Studies
in Construction Studies Property Studies provides graduates with
A BSc in Construction Studies is an undergradu- a broad knowledge base appropriate to the
ate course similarly offered by the University property industry including finance, economics,
of Cape Town (UCT) and equips students with property law and relevant communication and
the knowledge and expertise to occupy a broad computer skills. The students are also educated
range of managerial positions within the con- in the specialist areas of property valuations
struction industry. During their three years of and managing the entire property development
study, students learn about design, construction process. More specifically this would entail
and the latest engineering technologies, while evaluating and structuring finance for property
gaining a solid grounding in subjects such as developments, assessing risk, valuing property
economics, statistics, human resource manage- assets, managing property portfolios, facilities
ment, commercial and contract law, costing, management programmes, and managing the
surveying and professional communication. procurement of buildings.
Practical exercises are an integral part of all
three year’s curricula. Among others, a minimum
of 75% in Mathematics and 65% in Physical
Science is required for possible admission to
the course as well as a National Senior Certifi-
cate with university endorsement. The National
Benchmark Test (NBT) also has to be written.

Quick fact
The purity of gold is measured in
‘carats’. This word is derived from the
Latin term carob, which means ‘seed’
and actually refers to the seeds of
the carob tree. Although they were
inedible, the seeds were so uniform
in weight (about 0,2 grams each) that
they were used as a unit of weight
in classical times. Today, 24 carats
indicates ‘pure’ or fine (99,9%) gold.
FOCUS ON: GEOMATICS What is Geomatics?
If you are eager to develop your knowledge and Geomaticians are making use of techno-
understanding of society’s needs and possess logical advances and branching into new
the desire to contribute to the quality of life of and challenging areas of specialisation and
all South Africans as well as the management research.
of our heritage, then a career in the field of
Geomatics is for you. Geomatics is both an There is a shortage of professionals in survey-
applied science and a professional discipline ing, geographic information science (GIS) and
and it refers to the integrated approach of mea- remote sensing in South Africa and abroad,
surement, analysis, management and display resulting in good employment prospects. Career
of spatial data. Using the latest satellite, laser opportunities exist in private practices, aerial
and information technology, Geomatics profes- survey companies, offshore survey companies,
sionals are involved in planning, conducting mining houses and government. This is an ideal
and managing activities related to land and career for a person who enjoys mathematics
engineering surveying, information systems, and would like to have independence in their
land development and planning, land reform, day-to-day work.
law and commerce. Geomaticians are making
use of technological advances and branching
into new and challenging areas of specialisation
and research.

The University of Cape Town (UCT) was the first

university in southern Africa to offer a degree in
surveying and also to embrace the expanded
discipline of geomatics. It remains one of the
few institutions offering GIS specialisation at an
undergraduate level and is recognised nationally
and internationally for its excellence in geoma-
tics education.
BSc Geomatics • Cartography: Involves the making of
(University of Cape Town) maps and, more recently, the use of 3D
computer graphics to model and present
About the Degree different phenomena;
The BSc Geomatics degree is a four year under-
graduate degree. The degree is split into three • Land management: Land is fundamen-
streams, namely the: tal to human existence and surveyors
have been involved in managing land
Surveying Stream for centuries.
This is the traditional degree upon which the
degree programme was founded in the 1930s GeoInformatics Stream
and its design is similar to other engineering This stream provides a foundation in survey-
degrees on offer in the faculty. This stream ing, GIS, remote sensing, mathematics, land
allows to you register as a professional land law and land management. Students choose
surveyor. A surveyor is likely to specialise in a third-year level major subject in another area
one or more of the following areas: of specialisation in the Faculty of Science. Cur-
rently, the programme allows for a major in
• Cadastral surveying: The cadastral Computer Science, Environmental and Geo-
surveyor determines the position of graphic Science or Geology.
boundaries between properties;
Computer Science
• Engineering surveying: The skills
of expert engineering surveyors are While some computer science graduates have
required to enable complicated struc- worked in developing software applications
tures such as dams, super-elevated related to the location of cell phones for a variety
freeways and long tunnels to be built; of business and government applications, others
have worked in developing GIS applications and
• Geodetic surveying: Geodesists are software. General IT positions or IT manage-
involved in determining the size and ment consultant positions are also available to
shape of the earth, the variation in its these graduates.
gravitational field and the movement of
its land masses; Environmental and Geographic Science
• Hydrographic surveying: Hydrographic For the graduate who has majored in environ-
surveying has arisen out of the increa- mental and geographic science (EGS) oppor-
sing interest in the earth’s coastlines and tunities exist in areas such as environmental
the continental shelves as a source of consultancy, GIS, environmental law, training
oil, minerals and fish; and education, or environmental science.

• Topographic surveying: This involves Geology

aerial photogrammetry (mapping by
applying maths equations to photo- Majoring in geology, graduates will be well
graphs) and satellite remote sensing to prepared for a career involving the analysis
ensure the correct position of structures; and management of geological information.
These skills and knowledge are very much in
• Geographic Information Systems demand in the mining and mineral exploration
(GIS): A GIS specialist is an expert in field and by independent mining information
spatial data acquisition, analysis and consultancies. The spatial statistics, analysis
management; and modelling components provide a geologist
with a qualification that gives them an edge over
many others in their discipline.
Planning Stream
This stream makes it possible for students to
be awarded a BSc (Geomatics) after four years
of study and a Master of City and Regional
Planning (MCRP) in their fifth year. Graduates
can register as professionals with the Council
of South African Town and Regional Planners
Did you know?
South Africa is one of the largest
producers of chromite? The electric
Students complete three years of the BSc (Geo-
arc melting of this oxide mineral
matics) in Surveying core courses. The fourth
produces ferrochrome, which is
year is a combined Planning/Geomatics pro-
gramme and, finally, they complete the Planning widely used in stainless steel
programme in their fifth year. products. Through its innovations, the
Pyrometallurgy division supports and
Town and regional planners continually work contributes to our local ferrochrome
with spatial information and often with cadastral industry.
surveying information. In practice, planners
who can use GIS to do modelling, analysis and
scenario simulation are more employable as the
use of GIS, in much the same way that spread
sheets have been used to do simulations, is
increasingly becoming a service that planners
offer their clients.

For more information on this field of study

go to www.uct.ac.za
BComm (Economic Sciences) – BSc ConsEcol
various universities (Conservation Ecology) –
This programme focuses almost exclusively on University of Stellenbosch
fields of study in economics. Because of the Offered by the University of Stellenbosch,
importance of statistics for the development this unique programme, with an emphasis on
of high-level economic analysis, Statistics or social-ecological systems, equips you to work at
Mathematical Statistics up to the second-year solving the world’s conservation challenges. You
level is a prescribed subject in this programme. will have a choice of careers in environmental
impact assessment and monitoring (terrestrial
Students who intend following a career as an and freshwater), restoration ecology, game farm
economic or financial analyst or consultant management, ecotourism, community-based
should register for this programme. The focal natural resource management and environment-
areas that students choose will largely deter- oriented, sustainable production in agriculture
mine the kinds of jobs they come in line for. and forestry (including organic plant manage-
See below for the focal areas offered by this ment), in conservation planning, and in conser-
programme and the different lines of work they vation biology research.
help prepare you for.
The four-year programme kicks off with modules
ECONOMICS in Biology, Chemistry, Geo-environmental
Science, Computer Skills and Mathematics.
The financial sector offers excellent career During your second year you will be studying
opportunities for those who choose economics subjects dealing with conservation ecology,
as their focal area. Qualified people will typically biodiversity and applied sciences, such as Geo-
be employed as economic or financial analysts. graphical Information Systems (GIS), Biometry
Other career opportunities include economic or and Microbiology. The third year will focus on
management consultancy. Conservation Ecology, Biodiversity and Ecology,
as well as a choice of Soil Science, Environmen-
TRANSPORT ECONOMICS tal Sociology or Genetics. During the last year of
the course all the skills that were gained in the
As transport economist you will apply skills first three years are integrated in order to focus
including predicting the demand (for example, on the big and burning issues in conservation.
the number of trips and choice of transport
mode) and supply (capacity of transport modes) In addition to this, hands-on practicals are per-
and studying methods of financing maintenance, formed in all four years of the programme. In the
improvement and expansion of the transport last year there is also a choice either to develop
network (such as tolls and road user charges). your own comprehensive conservation plan for
a game farm, game reserve or nature area or to
Considering employment opportunities, trans- conduct a research project on a pre-determined
port economists often serve as consultants conservation issue. Because of the extinction
to government institutions, private transport crisis, the demand for such specialised know-
companies and the private sector. ledge is growing worldwide.
Faculty of AgriSciences, University of Stellenbosch
School Subjects Required
Department of Conservation Ecology and Entomology
Subjects Level Selection NSC aggregate

Mathematics 4 ** Write the National At least 55%

Benchmark Tests AQL (excluding Life
Physical Science or 4 and MAT Orientation)

Physical Science and 3

Life Sciences 4


Physical Science and 3

Agricultural Sciences 6

English or Afrikaans 4
(Home Language or First
Additional Language)

Agricultural and Forestry Sciences

South Africa is a big exporter of fruit and flowers. Plant Pathology
To be successful needs thorough research and This field is the study of biotical and a-biotical
knowledge of improved production, handling plant diseases, especially those that are caused
after it was harvested (the use of controlled by fungi and bacteria. Pathogens are organisms
atmospheric conditions for the improvement that are causing diseases in plants. With the
of fruit’s shelve-life and quality), marketing and current tendency in chemical-free agricultural
quality control. products, the answer lies in the biological control
of plant pathogens, therefore, DNA characteri-
Xylology sing of plant pathogens, the identification of host
Discover the wonder of wood – weave a magic resistance to plant diseases and the control of
chain of wood from the forest to the consumer. foreign intruder plants and pests, are important
Xylology concentrates on three main areas, study fields.
namely the drying of wood, wood protection and
wood pulping. The end products that are studied Food Science
are furniture, laminated products, wooden floors, Food science entails the study of food, from the
roof frames, wooden houses and bridges, as farm or water, until it is eaten or drunk. The great
well as wooden finishes such as ceilings and variety of food products on the shop’s shelves
panels and wood as structural material. is a result of the research and development that
are done by food scientists. Basic knowledge is
Agricultural Economics used to determine the causes of decay and to
Subjects such as farm management, rural and find better methods to provide food more freshly,
agricultural policy, agricultural marketing, envi- nutritious and tasty to consumers.
ronmental management and resource-econom-
ics, agricultural production and resource man-
agement, and international trade and marketing
are studied.
Viticulture and Oenology The Department of Viticulture and Oenology
A grapevine is a unique crop – follow the wonder at the University of Stellenbosch (Faculty of
of the microscopic development of the first small AgriSciences) is the only University-based
flower to the bottling (wine) or packaging (table- department in South Africa that offers graduate
grapes) of a unique product. Learn to physi- and postgraduate courses in Viticulture and
cally and bio-technologically manipulate the Oenology. The department has at its disposal
plant-physiological processes of the grape- well-equipped research facilities, including
vine and to prepare the full spectrum of wine experimental and commercial vineyards, a
products – from dry white wine to brandy – in small-scale teaching experimental cellar and
an environmentally-friendly industry. an industry-scale research and training cellar.

Department of Viticulture and Oenology,

University of Stellenbosch
School Subjects Required
BScAgric (Viticulture and Oenology (General)
4 year course
Subjects Level Selection NSC aggregate
Mathematics 4 Achievement of at least National Senior
Physical Science or 4 55%, calculated in a Certificate as certified
ratio of 40:60 for the by Umalusi; an achieve-
Physical Science and 3 University of Stellen- ment level of at least 4 in
Life Sciences 4 bosch Access Tests and four designated univer-
the average (excluding sity entrance subjects
Afrikaans or English 4 Life Orientation)
obtained for the NSC

Livestock Science Study at a University of Technology

Livestock Science is the science in which the The National Diploma is awarded after three
feeding, breeding physiology and production of years’ successful study. After the fourth year
farm animals, game as well as dogs and cats a B.Tech Degree (Bachelor in Technology) will
are studied. It concentrates on those aspects be awarded. After the fifth year the M.Tech
of big stock, small stock, pigs and poultry that Degree (Master of Technology) will be awarded
are of economic importance to man. Livestock and thereafter the D.Tech Degree (Doctorate
Science is a comprehensive field of study that of Technology).
includes a variety of industries, such as milk pro-
duction, poultry, pigs, ostriches and the feeding
of companion animals.

Study at a University
The BSc (Bachelor of Science), the usual ‘first
degree’ in the appropriate Faculty, requires a
minimum of three years’ study after school.
The BSc (Hons) may be regarded as a fourth
year to an ordinary BSc. The MSc (Master of
Science) and PhD degrees are awarded after
postgraduate research study, and the writing
of a thesis.
Have you ever noticed that for people with
Industrial Health and Safety Manager asthma it can sometimes be especially hard
Think of all the jobs in the world that involve to breathe in the middle of a busy city? One
machinery, chemicals, toxins, radiation, loud reason for this is the exhaust from vehicles.
noise, or travel to places above or below Earth’s Cars, buses, and motorcycles add pollution to
surface—all of these jobs carry an element our air, which affects our health. But can pol-
of risk to the workers. Industrial health and lution impact more than our health? Cutting
safety professionals work to minimize this risk. down trees, or deforestation, can contribute
They inspect work sites and help workers and to erosion, which carries off valuable topsoil.
companies understand and comply with safety But can erosion alter more than the condition
laws. They use their knowledge of mechanical of the soil? How does an oil spill harm fish
processes, chemistry, and human psychology and aquatic plants? How does a population of
and performance to anticipate hazardous con- animals interact with its environment? These
ditions. Protecting workers requires excellent are questions that environmental scientists
communication skills and a strong sense of study and try to find answers to. They conduct
responsibility. They: research or perform investigations to identify
and eliminate the sources of pollution or hazards
• Make sure that chemicals are stored that damage either the environment or human
safely in a manufacturing plant. and animal health. Environmental scientists
• Recommend that additional emergency are the stewards of our environment and are
shutoff switches be installed to stop an committed to keeping it safe for future genera-
assembly line. tions. They:
• Inspect machinery and pipes to make
sure they can withstand every day wear • Conduct experiments with dyes to see
and tear. how chemicals might disperse during a
• Check that employees are following toxic spill.
safety regulations, including wearing • Evaluate how increasing human popu-
safety gear. lations influence interactions between
wildlife and people.
• Create maps and graphs showing air
pollutants over time to help politicians
make informed decisions.
• Monitor water quality at beaches, lakes,
and rivers to detect contaminants and
keep people safe.

A Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree is the

minimum requirement to work in this field. This
degree can be obtained at various universities
throughout South Africa.
Geoscientist atmosphere, and changing events within it, so
Just as a doctor uses tools and techniques, that they can predict the weather. This weather
like X-rays and stethoscopes, to look inside forecasting helps the general public and people
the human body, geoscientists explore deep who work in industries such as shipping, air
inside a much bigger patient - planet Earth. transportation, agriculture, fishing, forestry, and
Geoscientists seek to better understand our water and power better plan for the weather, and
planet, and to discover natural resources, like reduce human and economic losses. Meteoro-
water, minerals, and petroleum oil, which are logists could be involved in activities such as:
used in everything from shoes, fabrics, roads,
roofs, and lotions to fertilizers, food packaging, • Monitor a drought so countries can make
ink, and CD’s. The work of geoscientists affects drought mitigation plans.
everyone and everything. They: • Track a hurricane to alert people about
its path, which could save thousands
• Locate the safest place to build a new of lives.
bridge in an area that is prone to earth- • Develop the TV weather forecast to help
quakes. people plan their daily activities.
• Predict the next volcanic eruption,
giving people who are in its path time Important school subjects
to evacuate.
• Discover new ways to extract oil from Mathematics and Physical Science as well as
rocks - needed for transportation, food, matriculation exemption
fabrics, plastics, and more.
• Find an underground water reserve Study at a University
that can be used to produce geother-
mal energy. You need a BSc degree in meteorology to
become a Meteorologist. A lot of people like
Geographer to do the Honours degree too. Some even spe-
When you hear the word geography, you might cialise in Aeronautical Meteorology Forecasting.
think of maps and names of state capitals, but The University of Pretoria is the only place in
the work of geographers is much more than South Africa that offers all these options.
creating maps and identifying places. Geo-
graphers look at how people, places, and Earth A meteorologist can work in many different
are connected. They study the economy, social fields, for example:
conditions, climate, and topography of a region
to help answer questions in urban and regional
planning, business, agriculture, and medicine.

• Define the terrain of another planet, so

that engineers can design an explora-
tion vehicle.
• Create up-to-the-minute fire maps to
help fire-fighters combat a wildfire.
• Determine how and why the boundaries
of a neighbourhood are changing.
• Create topographical maps to show how
the coastline has changed over time.

The atmosphere is a blanket of gases, surrounding
Earth that creates our weather. Meteorologists
study the measurements and motion of the
The Central Forecasting Office in Pretoria gets The School of Bioresources Engineering &
weather information from around the world. The Environmental Hydrology of the University of
Forecaster then studies this data. From that, Kwazulu-Natal is one of the biggest offering
they predict the weather for that region. study opportunities in the field of Environmental
Broadcasters analyse the weather patterns and For more information go to http://saees.ukzn.
report on the weather for television, radio etc. ac.za/Homepage.aspx or www.ukzn.ac.za

Researchers study weather patterns for national
weather bureaus, government and environmental
protection agencies.

A Climatologist works for the Weather
Bureau and collects and stores all the data
in a databank. Seasonal studies on climate
change have become increasingly important.
This service is provided by the Weather Bureau
and some other organisations (www.career-

A hydrologist could be involved in the following:

• Gather and evaluate meteorological data

to predict a drought.
• Help create environmentally responsible
water usage regulations for communities Quick fact
along a major river. Did you know that although about
• Collect and analyze water and mud 70% of the earth is covered in water,
samples to determine levels of pollu-
only 3% is fresh water? Of that 3%,
tants in a water system.
approximately 77% is frozen. All water
used at Mintek is analysed before
Hydrologists are the people who study and
manage water, one of our most significant being disposed of to ensure it meets
and all-important resources. Through data safety and environmental standards.
gathered from satellite instruments, hydrolo-
gists examine and create computer models that
show how water moves above, on, and under
the earth. With these models, hydrologists work
to conserve water, to predict droughts or floods,
to find new water sources, and to reduce and
reuse waste water.

Important school subjects

Mathematics, Physical Science, Biology and

English are among the subjects that must be
taken at school.
PHYSICAL SCIENCE Important school subjects
Include Mathematics, Physical Science and
Forensic Scientist Life Sciences
Forensic scientists help to solve crimes by
gathering and analysing physical evidence from Study at a University
crime scenes. Forensic science is a rapidly Possible universities to study at include the
growing field, partly due to advances in technol- University of Johannesburg, University of
ogy which are creating more possibilities for Pretoria, the University of the Witwatersrand
research and specialisation. In South Africa, and the University of Cape Town (all BSc in
there is a dire shortage of trained forensic sci- Chemistry). Eventually, qualifications such as
entists. The result is that laboratories are strug- a BSc Honours majoring in Chemistry, Biology
gling to get through their caseloads, causing or Pharmacology, or a Masters or Doctorate
ever-growing backlogs. are preferred.

This career can be Where can you work?

intense, bringing
with it great chal- Forensic laboratories in the private or public
lenges and rewards. sector or in private practice.
Unlike in CSI, crimes
are not solved in Physicist
a matter of hours, Physicists have a big goal in mind - to under-
great patience, dedi- stand the nature of the entire universe and
cation and concen- everything in it! To reach that goal, they observe
tration are required and measure natural events seen on Earth and
as laboratory work in the universe, and then develop theories,
is painstaking and using mathematics, to explain why those phe-
can be monotonous. You’ll definitely need an nomena occur. Physicists take on the chal-
enquiring, scientific mind, skill in interpreting lenge of explaining events that happen on the
scientific results and critical thinking abilities. grandest scale imaginable to those that happen
Good communication skills and confidence are at the level of the smallest atomic particles.
needed for working with others and presenting Their theories are then applied to human-scale
findings in court. projects to bring people new technologies, like
computers, lasers, and fusion energy. They:
If you think you have what it takes to pursue
forensic science, you can look forward to a • Develop clean, unlimited fusion energy.
fascinating and rewarding career in which you • Research maglev technology to proto-
will truly be making an important difference in type high speed trains.
the lives of others (www.sacareerfocus.co.za) • Design a laser to fix people’s vision
What does the work of a forensic • Simulate a roller coaster ride on a
scientist entail? computer.
A forensic scientist could:
• Run ballistics tests on guns to find the
one used in a bank robbery.
• Match DNA samples to reunite a long
lost child with her family.
• Collect evidence from a crime scene
to help understand the chain of events
• Solve a crime by matching fingerprints
at the crime scene to a suspect
Everything in the environment, whether naturally chemistry. The stream will also prepare you for
occurring or of human design, is composed of postgraduate studies and for a research career
chemicals. Chemists search for and use new in Organic Chemistry and/or Biochemistry.
knowledge about chemicals to develop new
processes or products. Career opportunities
There is a shortage in South Africa of well-
What can chemists do? They could: trained chemists who are skilled in both Organic
Chemistry and Biochemistry. Many large and
• Develop a synthetic fibre that can stop small companies depend for their existence on
a speeding bullet. chemists skilled in process control and in the
• Help discover new medicines that alleviate quality control of raw materials and manufac-
pain or cure diseases. tured products. State laboratories, such as the
• Figure out how to make hair-styling gel forensic laboratories in Cape Town and Pretoria,
work better. SASOL, manufacturers of pesticides, manu-
• Discover new processes that could solve facturers of cosmetic products and manufactu-
the world’s energy crisis. rers of pharmaceutical products all offer career
opportunities for chemists who are trained in
BSc in Chemistry (Chemical Biology): these fields.
Aims of this programme offered by
the University of Stellenbosch Programme length
The purpose of this stream is to train you to The BSc degree can be obtained within three
become a scientist who has the necessary years and the BSc Hons in Chemistry and/or
knowledge and skills for a career in those Biochemistry degree within another year of
sectors of the chemical industry involved in study.
the more organic and biochemical aspects of

Faculty of Science, University of Stellenbosch

School Subjects Required
Department of Chemistry and Polymer Science
Subjects Level Selection NSC
Mathematics 6 Minimum selection mark National Senior
(SM) of 65 % Certificate (NSC) as
Physical Science 4 ** Write the National specified by Umalusi
Benchmark Test
Afrikaans or English 4
(Home Language or First
Additional Language)
Focus on: Astronomy What Astronomers Do
Astronomy is by far the oldest of the sciences. Astronomers work to increase our understan-
Ancient peoples without even a written lan- ding of how the Universe began - how it has
guage made a careful study of the motions of evolved and will evolve. They study how inter-
the sun and moon, in Africa and elsewhere, stellar dust, gas clouds, planets, stars, galaxies
building stone temples and monuments tied and clusters of galaxies came to exist and how
to astronomical ideas. Babylonian and Greek they work. To do this the only tools available
astronomers were writing detailed mathemati- are light, physics and mathematics.
cal descriptions of celestial motion more than
2000 years ago. Today’s astronomers explore Among other things, astronomers could do
the nature of celestial objects ranging from the following:
planets and stars (including our own sun) to • Help plan a voyage to another planet or the
galaxies containing perhaps a million stars, moon and explain the mission to the public.
clusters and much larger structures of gala- • Determine the composition of a planet,
xies, and the universe and its formation twenty its atmosphere, and its moons.
thousand million years ago. • Investigate how galaxies are formed
and if supermassive black holes live at
Astronomers want to understand the en- their centers.
tire universe - the nature of the Sun, Moon, • Use sensitive radio telescopes to spot
planets, stars, galaxies, and everything in comets and asteroids with the potential
between. An astronomer’s work can be pure to impact Earth.
science - gathering and analysing data from
instruments and creating theories about the Undergraduate study
nature of cosmic objects - or the work can be Universities that are offering undergraduate
applied to practical problems in space flight astronomy courses include the following:
and navigation, or satellite communications
(www.saao.ac.za) Universities of South Africa (UNISA), Cape Town
(UCT), Kwazulu-Natal (UKZN), Witwatersrand
What is an Astronomer? (Wits), Free State (UFS), Johannesburg (UJ),
Western Cape (UWC), and Rhodes University
Astronomers are scientists who study the (RU)
origins, evolution, and physical and chemical
properties of objects that can be observed in The University of the Free State (UFS)
the sky. offers a BSc (Astrophysics) degree pro-
gramme with Astronomy as compulsory
subject with the following admission

Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences,

School Subjects Required University of the Free State
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Subjects Level Selection NSC
Mathematics 7 Minimum admission National Senior
point (AP) of 30 Certificate (NSC) and
Physical Science 4 ** Refer to the UFS matriculation exemption
website and learning
programmes for more
An official tuition language 4 information
Life Sciences 5
A typical undergraduate degree in astronomy DID YOU KNOW?
would be a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree The Southern African Large Telescope (SALT)
in physics, mathematics or engineering. is the largest single optical telescope in the
southern hemisphere and among the largest
Career Opportunities in the world. It has a hexagonal primary mirror
Graduates in astronomy are equipped to conduct array 11 metres across, comprising 91 indi-
research at the cutting edge of astrophysics and vidual 1.2m hexagonal mirrors. Although very
space science and have the broad science skills similar to the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET)
needed in any modern technological society. in Texas, SALT has a redesigned optical sys-
They would normally find employment at astro- tem resulting in a larger field of view and effec-
nomical research facilities (Observatories), uni- tive collecting area.
versity departments and are also highly valued
in fields as diverse as aerospace, financial SALT can detect the light from faint or distant
services and telecommunication. Particularly objects in the Universe, a billion times too faint
appreciated are the astronomers’ abilities in to be seen with the unaided eye - as faint as
understanding basic scientific issues and in a candle flame would appear at the distance
conceptualizing and evaluating systems-level of the moon. The telescope and instruments
solutions. are designed to operate from the near ultra-
violet to the near infrared (320 to 1700 nm),
Who can you contact and offer some unique or rare capabilities on
for more information? a telescope of this size.
The South African Astronomical Observatory
(SAAO) at (021) 447 0025 SALT is situated at the South African Astro-
nomical Observatory (SAAO) field station
near the small town of Sutherland, in the
Northern Cape Province, and is ~380 km from
Cape Town. SALT is funded by a consortium
of international partners from South Africa, the
United States, Germany, Poland, India, the
United Kingdom and New Zealand. The con-
struction phase was completed at the end of
2005 and from 2006 to 2009 it entered a pe-
riod of commissioning and performance veri-
fication. Since September 2011, observing is
now in full swing and the telescope is finally
realising its huge potential as Africa’s Giant
Eye on the Universe (www.saao.ac.za)
BIOTECHNOLOGY The biotechnologist or microbiologist is an inno-
Biomedical technology involves the analysis vative and confident person with an analytical
of, among other things, blood, sputum, urine, mind. You will cultivate and identify various
faeces and histological samples. As sophisti- micro-organisms, study the appearance and
cated instruments and techniques are used to activities of harmful and beneficial organisms
analyse samples, a medical technologist must in various industries and learn to manipulate
acquire a sound understanding of the proce- micro-organisms to the benefit of man.
dures and a high level of competence, in order
to perform the analyses accurately. Medical Diagnostics (termination of a disease through
technologists work in different medical disci- your knowledge) will form part of your work in
plines and usually specialize in one of his/her the following disciplines:
preferences, for example, Chemical Pathology,
Haematology, Microbiology, Histology, Cytology, Chemical pathology – The medical science and
Virology, Blood Transfusion or Clinical Patho- speciality practice concerned with all aspects of
logy. the disease, but with special reference to the
essential nature, causes and development of
Important school subjects abnormal conditions as well as the structure
Mathematics, Physical Science and Biology and functional changes that result from the
Each Institution has its own entrance require- disease processes.
Cytology – The study of chemistry of the cell,
Registration the anatomy, physiology and pathology
Registration as a qualified medical technologist
takes place four years after registration as a Hystopathology – The science or study dealing
student medical technologist, provided that the with the cytological and histological structure of
candidate has finished the first three academic abnormal tissue
years successfully. The candidate must also
have worked in a laboratory approved by the Haematology – The medical speciality field
SA Council of Medical Technology for at least related to the blood and blood forming tissues
14 months and must have passed the examina-
tion of the Council. Microbiology – The science concerned with
microscopic and ultra-microscopic organisms
Qualifications at a University of
N Dip: Biomedical Technology
B Tech: Biomedical Technology
M Tech: Biomedical Technology
D Tech: Biomedical Technology

Career opportunities
Career opportunities for the medical technologist
exist as company representative for medical and
laboratory products or as research assistant, in
government and provincial hospital laboratories,
pathology institutions at universities, private
pathology practices, the South African Institute
for Medical Research, veterinary practices and
several other industries, for example, pharma-
ceutical companies.
Important school subjects and Plant Pathologist
admission requirements What does the work of a plant pathologist
• Mathematics, Science, English and Biology. entail?
• Each Institution has its own entrance
requirements. A plant pathologist studies micro-organisms
• One year experiential training at a training and environmental conditions that cause plant
laboratory is needed. diseases and recommends how these diseases
can be managed or controlled.
Qualifications at a University of
Technology Margareth Mahlangu, Quality Assurance and
N Dip: Biotechnology Food Safety Manager at the Johannesburg
B Tech: Biotechnology Fresh Produce Market is an expert in plant
M Tech: Biotechnology diseases, and has a background in microbio-
D Tech: Biotechnology logy (study of micro-scopic living things). Some
micro-organisms cause food to spoil and others
Conservation Geneticist cause disease. Contamination with chemicals
or pesticides can also make food unsafe. Her
What does the work of a conservation job at the Johannesburg Fresh Produce Market
geneticist entail? (JFPM) is to make sure that the fresh fruit and
Among other things, a Conservation Geneticist vegetables traded every day (average of 2700
studies species of animals which are in danger tons) are safe to eat and of the highest quality.
of becoming extinct and finds out why they only
live in certain areas and how they are genetically Important school subjects
related to one another. For example, a type of Biology, Mathematics, Physical Science
mole called “Juliana’s Golden Mole” is almost
extinct and is only found in small numbers at Required qualifications
three different places in South Africa. BAgric/ BScAgric/ B Inst Agrar University)

A person like Paulette Bloomer, associate Pro- Where can I get a job?
fessor in the Department of Genetics of the Agricultural research organisations, universities,
University of Pretoria and her colleagues in Department of Agriculture, retailers, agricultural
the Zoology department are finding out why consulting companies, diagnostic laboratories,
only a few moles are left and what has caused biological control companies, seed and plant
this. She will also see if the three populations production companies.
(groups) of moles at the three different locations
are related. One of the populations may be
completely lost because of urban development
and Paulette will investigate to see what could
happen if this group of moles is lost.

Important school subjects

Biology, Mathematics, Physical Science.

Required qualifications
BSc degree with Zoology, Botany, Genetics or
Microbiology; BSc- Molecular & Cellular Biology/
Conservation Ecology/ Natural & Environmental
Science/ Biotechnology (University)

Where can you work?

Research institutions, universities, National
Zoological Gardens, diagnostic laboratories.
Bioinformaticist biological products they make, are of a high
What does the work of a Bioinformaticist quality and as safe as possible.
Important school subjects
Bioinformaticists are usually experts in both Biology, Mathematics, Physical Science.
biology and computer science. With this
combined knowledge they develop new software Required qualifications
to make sense of all the biological data that has BSc- Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Molecular
become available. They can, for instance, find & Cell Biology/ Biological & Life Sciences and
specific genes in bacteria and plants or other BSc Hons- Medical Cell Biology/ Immunology
living things. For instance, Nothemba Kula, a (University)
Bioinformaticist at the South African National
Bioinformatics Institute (SANBI), in Cape Town, Note
is working with other bioinformaticists from You need an MSc (Immunology/ Medical Cell
around the world to find a way to cut out the Biology) and/or PhD for higher positions in lec-
specific stretch of DNA of the malaria parasite turing and research.
which causes the disease. If this was removed,
it could reduce the number of people infected You need to register with the Health Professional
and dying from malaria (www.biocareers.co.za ) Council of SA (HPCSA) to work with human
blood and tissues.
Important school subjects
Biology, Mathematics, Physical Science. Where can I get a job?
Research organisations, universities, biotech-
Required qualifications nology start-up companies, large pharmaceuti-
BSc- Applied Biotechnology/ Biotechnology/ cal companies.
Biochemistry/ Microbiology/ Molecular & Cellular
Biology or similar combined with a post-graduate
university qualification in Bioinfomatics or one of
the national courses presented at the National
Bioinformatics Network (University).

Where can I get a job?

Various research organisations, universities,
some pharmaceutical multinationals

What does the work of an immunologist
Patrick Bouic, an Immunologist at Synexa Life
Sciences in Cape Town studies how the cells
designed to protect humans against infections,
work. To develop a vaccine against a specific
disease, he has to find out how to trigger these
protective cells to work before we get infected.
A vaccine teaches our bodies to recognise
disease-producing microbes. Patrick is also
researching the immune activities of natural
products, such as Buchu, a small indigenous
shrub only found in the Western Cape, and
how it can be used with man-made medicines
to treat chronic diseases such as arthritis. His
job at Synexa focuses on ensuring that the
What does the work of a veterinary virolo- The Information Technology industry is probably
gist require? one of the most exciting industries world-wide.
A person such as Theresa Smit, Virology Rapid technological advances are propelling
Research and Development Manager at dramatic changes in the way computers are
Onderstepoort Biological Products (OBP) in used to improve our lives.
Pretoria, researches and develops new or
improved vaccines against diseases of live- Graduates have the opportunity to join this
stock animals. A vaccine helps to stimulate the exciting industry. They can qualify themselves
defence response of the body. It is usually a for a rewarding and incredibly stimulating career
dead or weakened version of a micro-organism where they will have multiple career opportuni-
given to an animal to stimulate their bodies to ties for many years to come.
make specific antibodies- but without causing
disease. This means that if the animal is infected Thousands of vacancies exist in South Africa
with the disease, it is able to resist and survive. and many IT professionals find employment
outside our borders each year.
Onderstepoort Biological Products (OBP) makes
millions of doses of vaccines per year that can What does the IT specialist do?
be used to keep horses, cattle and sheep, The person will find himself/herself in any of
healthy. Theresa ensures that the vaccines a wide variety of computerised environments.
made are of the highest quality. Responsibilities may include the maintenance
of systems in use, systems analysis and design
Important school subjects and/or programming of new systems, network
Biology, Mathematics, Physical Science administration, database administration and
user support.
Required qualifications
BTech- Veterinary Technology (University of Systems analyst
Technology); BVSc; BSc- /Virology/Microbio- The systems analyst studies the problems and
logy/Molecular Biology or similar, BSC (Hons) needs of computer users and writes specifica-
at a University tions for the computer system. He or she is also
responsible for the detailed design of computer
Note systems, which a programmer can convert into
You need an MSc or PhD (Research) or a computer language.
MMedVet or DVSc for higher positions in lectu-
ring, research and management of laboratories Programmer
or departments The computer programmer is responsible for
the detailed design of how the computer should
Where can I get a job? perform a task and for instructing the computer
Animal disease diagnostic laboratories, patho- accordingly. The programmer is the main inter-
logy laboratories, universities, agricultural face between computer users and the computer
research organisations, private animal vaccine itself.
producers such as Onderstepoort Biological
Products (OBP). Computer technician
A computer is a complex collection of electronic
and mechanical components and requires
specific installation procedures, maintenance and
repair, which is done by the computer technician.
Where do I study? different ideas as technology is a wide field
University and it is very interesting to debate the diffe-
B Eng: Information Technology rences in understanding. It makes life very
easy when you have the relevant operating
A four-year engineering degree programme systems in order”.
dealing with hardware, software, interfaces and
networks, are available at various universities. REFERENCES AND SOURCES

University of Technology http://www.youthconnect.org.za

National Diploma: IT www.up.ac.za
A three-year National Diploma at the institution www.ukzn.ac.za
of Technology which includes one semester www.nwu.ac.za
applicable in–service training. www.maties.com
B Tech: NDip plus one year study www.ufs.ac.za
Colleges www.engenius.org.za
Nationwide Colleges such as CTI specialize www.sawomaneng.org.za
in IT training www.saiee.org.za
The courses are based on a self-paced study www.careerhelp.co.za
approach with instructors to assist and coach www.saasta.ac.za
students whenever they may require assistance. www.nstf.org.za
Various diplomas such as Computer Science www.olympiad.org.za
and Programming are available. www.exposcience.co.za
Career opportunities www.scifest.org.za
The computer industry provides the fastest
moving technology in modern industry. Compu-
ting skills are highly sought after, and the industry
offers a high level of ongoing opportunities and

Career status
IT specialists can acquire membership of the
Computer Society of South Africa and the Infor-
mation Technology Association (ITA)

Jack Manamela is an IT-Technician at the

Faculty of Veterinary Science of the University
of Pretoria. He says:

“I always loved technology when I was

growing up, and that is why I chose to follow
a career in Information Technology. It is a
very challenging profession and very sa-
tisfying to work with computers. The good
thing about my work is that I work with
people every day. Everyone comes with
The Sci-Bono Discovery Centre is a
world class interactive science centre
that supports maths, science and
technology education. We offer innovative,
dynamic learning experiences for learners
and teachers of all ages.
A strategic partner of the Gauteng
Department of Education, Sci-Bono aims to:
• Improve teaching and learning
of mathematics, science and technology
in Gauteng schools
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in Gauteng
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and engagement with science and technology
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international visitors.

Our collection of over 300 interactive science and

technology exhibits caters for curious minds of
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For more information

visit us on www.sci-bono.co.za
or 011 639 8400

Miriam Makeba street, between Jeppe and

President Streets, Newtown, Johannesburg
Public TVET (FET) Colleges contribute to
Engineering Skills Development in SA

There are 50 Public Technical Vocational Edu-

cation and Training (TVET) Colleges in South
Africa that serve diverse communities and that
are geographically wide spread:

In order to assist in alleviating skills shortages

in South Africa, the Colleges are offering NC(V)
NQF Levels 2-4 in Engineering Studies: Infor-
mation Technology and Computer Science;
Engineering and Related Design; Electrical
Infrastructure Construction, Mechatronics and
Civil Engineering, and Building Construction.

These programmes comprise of at least 60%

practical and 40% theory. The practical experi-
ence is obtained in well-equipped practical work-
shops as well as placement for short periods
of time in Industry where experiential training
is done.

The following N1-N6 Engineering Studies

courses are being offered: Civil-, Electrical and
Mechanical Engineering as well as Avionics.
These courses had been re-introduced to assist DHET TVET(FET) COLLEGES
in training Artisans and to improve the quali- BURSARY SCHEME
fications of those who had not yet obtained
the minimum qualifications for acceptance to
Apprenticeship. WHO CAN APPLY?
New Application Level 2 NC(V)
N1 Engineering and N4 Business Studies
The N1-N6 courses are offered per trimester
• Only South African Citizens
(three times annually). • Registered or intending to register for an NC(V)
programme/ N1 or N4 Engineering/ Business Studies
There are Department of Higher Education and • Financially needy students with academic potential
Training (DHET) bursaries available but terms • Evidence of good academic performance
and conditions apply. Bursaries are available • According to the admission policy and selection
for N4-N6 courses and NC(V) programmes. criteria of the College


Level 3 and 4/N2-N6
• Only South African Citizens
• Registration for an NC(V) programme/N2-N6
• NC(V) passed a minimum of five (5) subjects.
N2-N6 passed a minimum of 3 subjects
• statement of results as evidence of good
academic performance
• Financially needy students with good
academic results will be considered
• According to the admission policy and
selection criteria of the College
Aircraft Technicians Aircraft Maintenance
They are responsible for the complete cockpit Aircraft maintenance workers perform preventa-
instrumentation and electronic systems. Also tive maintenance by inspecting aircraft engines,
responsible for the maintenance of electrical ge- landing gear, instruments, pressurized sections
neration and distribution systems on the aircraft. and brakes.

With further training an Aircraft technician Parts that appear worn out are usually replaced or
(Avionics) will be able to diagnose and repair repaired in order to ensure they do not break while
more serious faults and carry out more complex in flight. After all repairs are made, the aircraft
maintenance tasks. must also be tested to make sure it still works.



The following documents and information must be provided:

• SAPS certified copies of Identity Document of applicant

• SAPS certified copy (ies) of Identity Documents of parent(s) or
legal guardian(s), a letter of appointment must be provided or
an SAPS sworn affidavit made by the guardian
• Certified copies of both Parents/Guardians/Spouse salary advise slips
not older than three months from date of application ( if applicable)
• Proof of address where studying
• SAPS certified copy (ies) of Death certificates if parent(s) / guardian(s)
PLEASE NOTE are deceased
• Residential addresses of applicant, parents / guardian must be
• This is a 100% bursary, 0% loan, all bursary provided; stands number, area, postal area name and a postal code
funds you are awarded with will not be (Water and Lights Bill or valid statement)
paid back to the College or Government • Number of family members, age and educational status of members in
• Bursaries are not guaranteed – terms and the house hold
conditions apply. Such as: good excellent • Certified copies of both parents/ Guardian’s pension payments not
older than three months from date of application ( if applicable)
academic performance At least 100%-80%
• If a parent/guardian is unemployed-she/he must make an affidavit at
attendance of classes: the means test results
the Commissioner of Oaths/SAPS ( if applicable) –how they make a living
and all applicable document submitted
• Bursary Application form completed in full
• Students are responsible for paying the • Proof of marital status if married, divorced or widowed ( if applicable)
difference if not awarded the full funds • New students supply Grade 9/10/11/12 statement of results);
existing students supply academic history
• Proof of registration reflecting the number of registered subjects
Admission requirements: N1- Grade 9/10; N1 for N2; N2 for N3
N4- Grade 12 pass with Mathematics and Science; N4 for N5 and N5 for N6
Duration: 11 weeks per N -level
Diploma requirement: 18 Months’ practical experience related to field of study in the working

Faculty: Engineering Studies

Civil Engineering
N1-N3 N4 N5 N6
Building Science Building Building Building
Administration Administration Administration
Building Drawing
Building Building Structural Building Structural
Bricklaying and Plastering
Structural Survey Survey Survey
Theory (N1 & N2)
Plumbing (N1& N2)
Building Structural Building Structural Building Structural
Woodworker’s Theory (N1)
Construction Construction Construction
Carpentry Theory (N2)
Quantity Surveying Quantity Surveying Quantity Surveying
Building and Civil
Technology (N3)

Career Opportunities: Architectural Techni-

cian: Quantity Surveyor; Drainage Inspector


Should be able to perform a wide variety of They must ensure that water is effectively
tasks throughout the complete life cycle of a utilized for domestic purposes and for livestock
construction project, cost control, and super- to farms through pipes and also to be respon-
vising staff. sible for the maintenance of toilet installations.


Should be able to manage our towns, to encou- Experience in civil works, earthwork, road works,
rage development for the purpose of economic building power line foundation work all over and
growth while protecting our architectural heritage management credentials. The must also have
in local councils. knowledge of safety and quality requirements
to add value.
They will be able to plan, design and construct
using the material forms of buildings which are
often perceived as cultural symbols and as a
work of art.

They will be able to cover a wide range of
projects from cleaning blocked pipes to a tank
installation, after completing the job it must be
rated to check the level of quality.
Admission requirements: N1- Grade 9/10; N1 for N2; N2 for N3
N4- Grade 12 pass with Mathematics and Science; N4 for N5 and N5 for N6
Duration: 11 weeks per N -level
Diploma requirement: 18 Months’ practical experience related to field of study in the working

Faculty: Engineering Studies

Electrical Engineering (Light Current)
N1-N3 N4 N5 N6

Mathematics Mathematics Digital Electronics Digital Electronics

Engineering Science Engineering Science Communication Communication
Electronics Indus- Electronics
trial Electronics Power Machines
Radio and Television Industrial Electronics
Theory Electro Technics Strength of Materials
Electro Technics
Power Machines and Structures
Industrial Electronics Digital Electronics
Strength of Materi- Industrial Electronics
Communication als and Structures
Electronics Electro Technics

Career Opportunities: Industrial Enginee-

ring; Sound Technology; Theatre Technology;
Process Lever Control; Digital Electronics;
Instrumentation; Telecommunications

Will be able to prepare individuals to apply
artistic and dramatic techniques to communicate
their ideas and feelings through technical theatre
methods including instruction in set design.

Will be able to work behind-the-scences of
concert, plays or other live events and will be
responsible for installing the sound and audio
Admission requirements: N1- Grade 9/10; N1 for N2; N2 for N3
N4- Grade 12 pass with Mathematics and Science; N4 for N5 and N5 for N6
Duration: 11 weeks per N -level
Diploma requirement: 18 months’ practical experience related to field of study in the working

Faculty: Engineering Studies

Electrical Engineering (Heavy Current)
N1-N3 N4 N5 N6
Engineering Science Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics
Industrial Electronics Engineering Power Machines/ Power Machines/
Electrical Trade Theory Science Strength of Materials Strength of Materials
(N1-N2) Industrial and Structures and Structures

Electrotechnology (N3) Electronics Industrial Electronics Industrial Electronics

Electro Technics Electro Technics Electro Technics

Career Opportunities: Computer Technician,

Electronic Technician, Electrician


Will be responsible for designing and impro-
ving the hardware and software of computers to
ensure that they operate efficient and work in a
variety of sectors including telecommunication.

Will be able to work at IT firms, IT department
that includes hardware engineers, software
engineers, network engineers / architecture,
as well as being a general manager.

Will be able work as an electrical technician
which will include fire detection systems, auto-
matic docking systems, follow-up on logged
help desk queries and perform quality audits
for all the services.
Admission requirements: N1- Grade 9/10; N1 for N2; N2 for N3
N4- Grade 12 pass with Mathematics and Science; N4 for N5 and N5 for N6
Duration: 11 weeks per N -level
Diploma requirement: 18 Months’ practical experience related to field of study in the working

Faculty: Engineering Studies

Mechanical Engineering
N1-N3 N4 N5 N6

Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics

Engineering Power Machines Power Machines
Engineering Science Science

Mechanotechnics Mechanotechnics Mechanotechnics

Engineering Drawing Engineering Strength of Strength of
Drafting and Design Materials and Materials and
Structures Structures
Fitting and
Mechanical Mechanical
Machining Theory Or
Drawing and Drawing and
Welding Or Design Design
Motor Trade Theory
Career Opportunities: Mill Wright; Fitter and Mechanical Draughtsman
turner; Technical related career opportunities; Draughtsmen or draftsmen produce mechanical,
Mechanical Technician; Power Station Worker; technical and architectural drawings as well as
Mechanical Draughtsman; Welder; Tool making; maps. It is a highly technical career requiring
Motor or Diesel Mechanic excellent Maths Skills and attention to detail. It
is now primarily done by computers by using a
Mill wright computer- aided design and drafting (CADD)
It covers a broad spectrum integrating the com- system.
bination of both mechanical fitting and electri-
cal or electronic skills which include electrical Mechanical technician
installations, electronic controllers and micro Duties include performing skilled work in several
processors such as those found in Computer of the mechanical or building trades which may
Numerically Controlled (CNC) machines. include work in the machinist, cabinet making,
welding, electrical, and plumbing trades. A
Fitter and Turner mechanical technician supervises the operation
Multi- skilled maintenance fitters are capable and maintenance of experimental equipment
in most machining processes including turning, and repairs and maintains testing equipment
milling, grinding and welding which make them and instruments.
self-reliant in their trade. They are often involved
in the development and fitting of new produc- Mechanic
tion processes. A mechanic is someone who specializes in the
repair and maintenance of all types of vehicles.
Toolmaker and Jig maker They are trained in the functioning of a car and
The toolmaker and jig maker is a craftsper- its components such as the engine and brakes.
son with the ingenuity to produce specialized The mechanic will conduct a thorough inspection
jigs, fixtures and tooling to assist industries to of the vehicle and may conduct routine tests to
produce their products consistently and accu- check for any malfunctions. A mechanic will fix
rately and with minimal waste. These people any problems by repair or replacement.
are skilled in the use of hand tools as well as
grinding, turning, milling and drilling machines.
Compulsory Fundamental subjects in Business, Utility and Social Studies are:
English First Language, Mathematics and Life Orientation

Civil Engineering and Building Construction

NQF Levels 2-4 Compulsory Vocational subjects:


Plant and Equipment Plant and Equipment Construction Planning

Construction Planning Construction Planning Construction Supervision

Materials Materials Materials

Carpentry and Roof work Carpentry and Roof work Carpentry and Roof work
(specialisation) (specialisation) (specialisation)

Career Opportunities: It gives access to the

following career sectors: Architectural Tech-
nology, Drainage Inspection, Industrial Desig-
ning; Quantity Surveying, Town and Regional
Planning; Sanitation and Reticulation; Building

Vocational activities: Participate in the opera-

tion & maintenance of construction equipment
& machinery; Participate in the construction of
roads, bridges, dams; railways and buildings.


Should be able to perform a wide variety of Will do freelance or self-employment, which is a
tasks throughout the complete life cycle of a con- huge opportunity for designers with appropriate
struction project, cost control, making valuable industrial experience, it is an option that requires
and supervising staff. a network of contracts, good business sense
and a determined attitude.
Should be able to manage our towns, to encour- ARCHITECTURE
age development for the purpose of economic Will be able to plan, design and construct using
growth while at that time protecting our archi- the material forms of buildings which are often
tectural heritage in local councils. perceived as cultural symbols and as a work
of art.
Compulsory Fundamental subjects for all NC (V) Engineering Programmes are:
English First Language, Mathematics and Life Orientation
Electrical Infrastructure Construction
NQF Levels 2-4 Compulsory Vocational subjects:
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Electrical Principles Electrical Principles Electrical
and Practice and Practice Principles and Practice
Workshop Practice Electrical Workmanship Electrical Workmanship
Electronic Control and Digital Electronic Control and Digital Electronic Control and Digital
Electronics Electronics Electronics
Electrical Systems and Electrical Systems and Electrical Systems and
Construction Construction Construction
(Specialisation) (Specialisation) (Specialisation

Career Opportunities: It gives access to the Vocational Activities: Work as an electrician at

following career sectors: Electrical Construc- an energy producing company or Power Plant;
tion Engineering; Industrial Engineering; Sound Work as an electrician at a telecommunications
Technology; Theatre Technology; Process Level or private electrical installation company.
Control; Digital Electronics; Instrumentation.

Compulsory Fundamental subjects in Engineering Studies are:

English First Language, Mathematics and Life Orientation

Engineering and Related Design

NQF Levels 2-4 Compulsory Vocational subjects:
Engineering Fundamentals Engineering Practice and Engineering Processes
Engineering Technology Maintenance Professional Engineering
Materials Technology Practice
Engineering Systems
Engineering Graphics and Applied Engineering
Fitting and Turning (Optional)
Design Technology
Fitting and Turning (Optional) Fitting and Turning (Optional)
Engineering Fabrication
or or
Engineering Fabrication Engineering Fabrication
Automotive Repair and Main-
(Optional) (Optional)
tenance (Optional)
Automotive Repair and Main- Automotive Repair and Main-
tenance (Optional) tenance (Optional)

Career Opportunities: Fitting and Turning:

Depending on specific career field chosen: The certificate holder will be able to manu-
facture tools, machines and engines; operate
Fabrication: and maintain machines; manufacture machines
The certificate holder will be able to design and other related components; interpret techni-
shafts and ventilations systems; plan and design cal drawings.
mines and mining facilities; fabricate plate work
and manufacturing of steel structures; interpret Automotive Repair and Maintenance:
technical drawings. The certificate holder will have access to the
following sectors: Car manufacturing; Automo-
tive Repair and maintenance; Motor Mechanics.


Petrol Level 1 - 4 Fitting Bricklaying
Diesel Level 1 - 4 Turning Carpentry and Roofing
Auto Electrician Fitting and Turning Painting and Decorating
Automotive Electronics Boiler Making Plumbing
Level Testing (Motor) Level 1 - 4 CNC Turning and Milling Trade Test Preparation
Auto Body Repair Introduction to Metrology
Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Welding
Cold and Freezer Rooms Trade Test Preparation
Upholstery Auto-Machining ALSO OFFERING:
Trade Test Preparation: Diesel & Petrol Business Studies
Engineering Studies
ELECTRICAL TRAINING: ELECTRONICS: National Certificate (Vocational)
Millwright Instrument Mechanician Programmes
Electrician Trade Test Finishing Cosmotology
Trade Test Preparation PLC Course Clothing Production

Symbol Campuses Contact No.

Atteridgeville Tel: 012 373 1200 Please visit our website for more information
Centurion Tel: 012 660 8500
ODI Tel: 012 725 1800 www.tsc.edu.za
Pretoria West Tel: 012 380 5000

TNC is contributing to skills shortages

in South Africa by offering the following
OtherUP! BE
Engineering courses/programmes:



Partner with9 pass

TSC and “Achieve the Future”
Minimum of a Grade 9 pass and specific selection criteria of the college
AET Level 4
An NQF Level 1 qualification related BUSINESS STUDIES
to programme • Office Administration
NQF Level 2/3 to enrol for NQF Level 3/4 • Marketing Management
2014 - 2024
Tshwane South criteria
and specific selection College
of thefor FET
is a merger (that took place in
college 2007) of theEconomics
• Finance, four former
colleges“Decade technical
and Accounting
the Artisan”
• Management
Centurion, Pretoria West and Odi (formely known as Odi Manpower training centre and a former campus of the Orbit College). In its
UTILITY AND SOCIAL STUDIES Cnr. Kgosi Mampuru & Pretorius St.
• Information Technology • Safety in Society Tel: 012 401 1727/1961
and Computer Science
· •Empowering learners through high technological equipment
Engineering and Related Design
• Hospitality Fax: 012 323 8683
Marketing Enquiries: 012 0000 441/439
• Tourism
· Facilitating the transition
- Automotive Repair and from school to the world of work
Mamelodi Campus
· Developing
Maintenancelearners to function holistically N4 - N6 19403 Serapeng Road, Mamelodi East
- Engineering Fabrication (Boilermaking) ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Tel: 012 801 1010/1
· Providing opportunities for continuous learning through the articulation
- Fitting and Turning
of education and training programmes.
Minimum of a Grade 12 pass or 012 401 1860 / 012 000 1284
Fax: 012 801 1179
• Electrical Infrastructure Construction and specific selection criteria of the college
• Civil Engineering Rosslyn Campus
Without both Construction
and Building private and public partnerships towards employability of students,
BUSINESS the college
STUDIES (N4 - N6)sector would have
Ernestbeen unableSt.toRosslyn
Oppenheimer deliver
Tel: 012 541 1590
on -itsCarpentry
mandate and ofRoofsupplying
Work the economy with a skilled workforce. •• Financial
Management or 012 401 1920 / 012 000 0274
- Masonry and Plumbing Fax: 012 541 1398
• Human Resource Management
Tshwane South College for FET is well known for its variety of practical training courses in building & civil construction, electrical
• Clothing Production Soshanguve North Campus
N4 - N6 electronics, mechanical, and automotive training.
• Management Assistant 1973 Phirima Road, Block G, Soshanguve
• Public Relations
We offer:
Minimum of a Grade 12 pass
Engineering Studies (Mathematics • Tourism
or 012 401 1839 / 012 000 0197/8
Fax: 012 799 1858
and ScienceCertificate (Vocational) Level 2-4
a pre-requisite) • Hospitality
Temba Campus
• Art and Design
Business / General Studies N4-N6
and specific selection criteria of the college Jubilee Road, Temba
Tel: 012 717 2151/2
Engineering Studies / Natural Science N1-N6 OTHER OCCUPATIONAL COURSES or 012 401 1701/2 / 012 000 0277
• Civil/Engineering
General • Confectionery Baking Fax: 012 717 6754
• Hairdressing
• Electrical Engineering • Cosmetology Soshanguve South Campus
• Mechanical Engineering College Road, Block L, Soshanguve
• Artisan Development Programmes SKILLS COURSES
Tel: 012 793 2675
or 012 401 1818 / 012 0000 231/245/238
Follow us on Facebook: Tel: 086 144 1111 • End User Computer Fax: 012 793 1383
• Event Management
Bursaries @TSC4FETAvailable Hostel accommodation • PC Repairs Pretoria Campus
Terms & Conditions Apply available at Soshanguve Campus and many more 420 Helen Joseph St. Pretoria
Tel: 012 401 1600/1633/1645
Fax: 012 326 5298
2015 Theme for TNC: “Make it Happen”
Compulsory Fundamental subjects in Engineering studies are:
English First Language, Mathematics and Life Orientation
Information Technology and Computer Science
NQF Levels 2-4-4Compulsory Vocational subjects are:

Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Introduction to Information Computer Hardware and Computer Programming
Systems Soft ware Data Communication and
Introduction to Systems Principles of Computer Networking
Development Programming System Analysis and Design
Electronics System Analysis and Design Project Management
Entrepreneurship; Project Management

Career Opportunities: The certificate holder

will have access to the following career sectors:
Computer Programming; Information Techno-
logy Management; Computer Systems Enginee-
ring and Data Processing.


Will be able to program survey, prepare data, Will be able work as an electrical technical will
process data, process data and manage data include fire detection system, automatic docking
project associated deliverables, data entry system, follow-up on logged help desk queries
scripting, quality assurance and project com- and perform quality audit for all the services.
munication to perform data validation to access
data quality before analysis. COMPUTER SYSTEM ENGINEERING
Will be responsible for designing and impro-
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ving the hardware and software of computers
MANAGEMENT to ensure that they operate efficient and work in
Will be able to work at an IT firms, IT department variety of sector including telecommunication.
that includes hardware engineers, software
engineers, network engineers / architecture etc.
as well as being a general manager.
Minimum entry requirements to the programme

For entry into the National Certificate (Mechatronics) at NQF Level 2, you require:

• A year end school report for Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 certificate; or

• An NQF Level 1 qualification; or
• An approved bridging programme designed for the specific purpose to access NQF Level 2; or
• A Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessment to meet the basic requirements for access
to NQF Level 2


Introduction to computers Stored Programmes Systems Stored Programme Systems
Electrotechnology Electrotechnology Electrotechnology
Manual Manufacturing Machine Manufacturing Computer-Integrated
Mechatronic Systems Mechatronics Systems Manufacturing
Mechatronic Systems

What Are The Career Opportuni- Career Information

ties After Completing The National
Certificate (Mechatronics): Oversee the work of contractors in accordance
with project requirements; Design enginee-
The National Certificate (Mechatronics) provides ring systems for the automation of industrial
an opportunity to access careers in any of the tasks; Create mechanical design documents
sectors listed below: for parts, assemblies or finished products;
Design advanced electronic control systems
• Mechanical Engineering for mechanical systems; Maintain technical
• Electrical Engineering project files; Create embedded software design
• Pneumatics programs; Analyze existing development or
• Hydraulics manufacturing procedures and suggest improve-
• Robotics ments; Implement or test design solutions and
• Programmable Logic Control (PLC) select material appropriate for mechatronic
• Computer Numeric Control (CNC) system designs.
• Industrial Information Technology
• Welding Research, design, develop or test automation,
intelligent systems, smart devices or industrial
systems control.
Afrikaans 1ste Addisionele Taal Physical Science
English 1st Additional Language Accounting/Rekeningkunde

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- Proverto Data Page 2015

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National Curriculum National Certificate National Certificate
(Vocational) [NC (V)]: (Vocational) [NC (V)]: (Vocational) [NC (V)]:
Levels 2-4 Levels 2-4 Levels 2-4
• Finance Economics & Accounting • Civil Engineering & Building • Education & Development
• Management Construction • Hospitality
• Marketing • Electrical Infrastructure • Information Technology &
• Office Administration Construction Computer Science
• Engineering & Related Design • Primary Agriculture
Report 191: N4-N6 (Mechanical) • Primary Health Care
• Business Management • Safety in Society
• Financial Management / Report 191: N1-N6 • Tourism
Human Resource Management • Civil Engineering • Transport & Logistics
• Management Assistant • Electrical Engineering
• Marketing Management • Mechanical Engineering Report 191: N4-N6
• Public Management • Water & Waste Management • Educare
• Public Relations • Hospitality & Catering Services
• Popular Music
• Travel & Tourism


Contact New Business Development Unit

The DHET Bursaries are available but they are not guaranteed –
even to students who are deemed financially needy through the Means Test.

To enquire more about bursaries, contact/visit

Students Support Offices at the Campuses

Visit/Contact any of our campuses now!

Dobsonville | George Tabor | Molapo | Roodepoort
Roodepoort West | Technisa Campuses

086 176 8849 / 011 527 8300 / 010 140 2010

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SAMANCOR CHROME is a progressive, innovative company
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