A. James Gregor - Nordicism Revisited
A. James Gregor - Nordicism Revisited
A. James Gregor - Nordicism Revisited
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Nordicism Revisited
1i J. Angel, "A Racial Analysis of the Ancient Greeks," American Journal of Physical An-
thropology, N. S. II, 329-76.
12 T. Powell, The Celts (New York, 1958), p. 67; C. Coon, The Races of Europe (New York,
1954), pp. 186 ff.
is Whatmough, The Foundations of Roman Italy (London, 1937), pp. 52 ff.; G. Sergi, The Medi-
terranean Race (London, 1901), pp. 176 ff.
14 "Nordic Civilizations," p. 18.
'5 I. Schwidetzky, Das Problem des Voelkertodes (Stuttgart, 1954), p. 33; A. Mosso, Le origine
della civilitd mediterranea (Milan, 1910), pp. 327, 331 ff., Escursioni nel Mediterraneo e gli
scavi di Creta (Milan, 1910), Chap. XIX.
16 F. Keiter, Rasse und Kultur: Eine Kulturbilanz der Menschenrassen als Weg zur Rassen-
seelenkunde (Stuttgart, 1940), III, 371.
17 "Nordic Civilizations," pp. 18-19.
18 Cf. A. Gregor, "The Logic of Race Classification," Genus, XIV, 6 ff,
19 "Nordic Civilizations," p. 22.
20 Cf. Rig-Veda-Sanhita, trans. H. Wilson (London, 1850), p. 16, n. a.
21 Wace, in Cambridge Ancient History, II, 22-23; similarly Keiter, op. cit., m, 357.
22 Diodorus, V, 32.
23 G. Sergi, Le prime e le piu antiche civiltd (Turin, 1926), p. 250.
24 G. Sergi, Mediterranean Race, p. 20; Coon, op. cit., p. 145.
figures as support for his contention that the classical Greeks were
predominantly blond,25 he fails to mention that an equal number of
such renderings were brunet26 and, if anything, evidence for the fact
that the classical Greeks were a heterogeneous amalgam of ethnic
strains "with Mediterranean strains predominant."27
Nor is the picture, painted by the alter-Guenther, in which the
Greeks revealed themselves enamoured of "nordicity," in full accord
with the facts. The Guenther of the Northern World nowhere mentions
the Physiognomonica of the pseudo-Aristotle. The Nordicist is convinced
that the Greeks of antiquity admired the morphological traits of the
North European.28 Now the Physiognomonica is a contemporary text,
easily available, concerned with the Greek evaluation of the physical
characteristics of mankind. One would imagine the Nordicists, were
they interested in an objective evaluation of Hellenic sentiment, would
seek out its testimony. They are no doubt aware of its existence. But
we nowhere find reference to it.
The reason is not far to seek, for the pseudo-Aristotle finds little
to admire in "Nordic traits." It is not the fine, silken locks of the
North European which denote, to him, courage or virtue, but rather
the coarser tresses of the Mediterranean.29 Similarly, dark eyes are
the sign of good moral character30 - "grey or white31 eyes" connote
cowardice.32 Dark hair ("not very black") is an indication of natural
vitality.33 Too fair a complexion is indicative, to the pseudo-Aristotle,
of cowardice.34 A thin, pointed nose, which Guenther finds character-
istic of Nordics, indicates "irascibility, as in dogs.... "35
Aristotle, himself, did not find much to admire in the Northern
peoples whom he found full of spirit but "wanting in intelligence and
skill," having no political aptitude and incapable of ruling over others.36
But little dismayed, Guenther continues to add "fact" to "fact."
One such "fact" is Guenther's intuitive judgment that Greek statuary
gives evidence of the prevalence of "pure Nordic features"37 among
the Greeks. Needless to say Guenther does not report Professor Sergi's
equally authoritative judgment that Greek statuary does "not in the
slightest degree recall the features of a northern race. , ."38 Nor does
he take seriously the considered judgment of Professor Schuchhardt
46 Strabo VII, p. 293, as cited G. Schuette, Our Forefathers: The Gothonic Nations (Cambridge.
1929), I, 227.
47 Tacitus, Annals, I, 59-61.
48 W. Babington, The Fallacies of Race Theories (London, 1895), p. 175.
49 Schuette, op. cit., p. 233.
50 Ibid., p. 227.
51 Tacitus, GermanLa, 20.
52 Ibid., 16.
53 "They are tall as date palms, blond and ruddy..." Fadhlan, "The Vikings Abroad and at
Home," A Reader in General Anthropology (ed. C. Coon; New York, 1948), p. 411.
54 Ibid., pp. 411-12.
55 Guenther, Ritter, Tod und Teufel, p. 145.
5 Cf. A. Rosenberg, Kampf um die Macht (Munich, 1939), p. 348.
57 Cf. C. Rosten, Das ABC des Nationalsozialismus (1933), Chap. XVI.
72 "Die Rassenkunde ist in der misslichen Lage, den uberaus groessten Teil der Europaeischen
Menschen fuer Mischlinge, fuer Bastarde, erklaeren zu muessen." Guenther, Rassenkunde,
p. 15.
73 Cf. C. Kluckhohn, Mirror for Man (New York, 1957), p. 95.
74 Cf. A. Gobineau, Versuch ueber die Ungleichheit der Menschenracen (trans. Schemann;
Stuttgart, 1898), I, Chap. XVI.
75 Cf. Guenther, Racial ELements, Chap. I.
76 Guenther, Rassenkunde, p. 243.
77 Ib/d., p. 239-40.
78 Guenther, Racial Elements, p. 266.
79 Guenther, Nordische Gedanke, pp. 108-9.
crats" could not predict, with any assurance, the physical appear-
ance of their offspring,80 much less their psychic traits.
Nordicist literature is, thus, heavy with a stark and oppressive pessi-
mism. As such it accords well with the spirit of our time. It offers a
certain succor to the dispossessed, the defeated, the casteless and dis-
organized quasi-intellectual class which mass education is manufactur-
But its peculiar characteristics charm only a limited faction - dissi-
dents who oppose any established opinion - creatures anti-social, who
wish to see the world composed of enemies81 - those too weak to
accept the responsibility of their own failure.
One thing has become quite clear - Nordicism has ceased to have
any influence in "serious" circles. If it could at one time number among
its adherents and fellow travellers men of such stature as Vacher de
Lapouge, Gustav Le Bon, Henry Fairfield Osborn and Professor R
way, the scientific pretensions of the cult have been so thoroughly
undermined that not a single reputable authority will take up cudgels,
today, in its behalf. This is most assuredly evidenced by the low quality
of the material that has, of late, collected around it.
In this rather pitiable state Nordicism will linger on until its few
adherents find a sheltered niche in Theosophy, food-faddism, Christian
Science or Psychoanalysis.
80 Guenther, Rassenkunde, p. 240; Nordische Gedanke, p. 110.
81 Nordicists have systematically opposed themselves to Jews, Christians, South Europeans,