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Received: 12 February 2022

| Accepted: 21 March 2022

DOI: 10.1111/iej.13731


Present status and future directions of intracanal


Ronald Ordinola-­Zapata1 | W. Craig Noblett1 | Alejandro Perez-­Ron2 |

Zhou Ye3,4 | Jorge Vera5
Division of Endodontics, School of Abstract
Dentistry, University of Minnesota,
Two fundamental goals of endodontic treatment are to prevent or treat apical peri-
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Private Practice, Porto, Portugal
odontitis. From a predictive perspective, several variables can affect the outcome
Applied Oral Sciences and Community of root canal treatment. Some of these variables depend on intraoperative factors,
Dental Care, Faculty of Dentistry, The which include irrigation technique, size of the apical preparation, use of intracanal
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,
medicaments or the number of appointments necessary to complete the treatment.
4 However, the outcome may also be affected by host and microbial factors. The in-
Minnesota Dental Research Center
for Biomaterials and Biomechanics tensity of periradicular bone loss or tissue damage, the presence of preoperative pain
(MDRCBB), School of Dentistry, and associated conditions such as mechanical allodynia and central sensitization,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, USA
the anatomical complexity of the apical portion of the canal, and the virulence and
Endodontic Department, School of longevity of the bacterial infection can all have a profound influence on the out-
Dentistry, University of Missouri, come. Furthermore, numerous medical conditions have been reported to decrease
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
the capability of the immune system to heal the periapical tissues. It is the clinician's
Correspondence responsibility to analyse these variables and incorporate them into the disinfection
Ronald Ordinola-­Zapata, Division of strategy to maximize the chances of healing. This narrative review will focus on the
Endodontics, University of Minnesota
present status of intracanal medicaments, the clinical indications for their use and
School of Dentistry, 8-­166 Moos Health
Sciences Tower, 515 Delaware ST SE, future directions for research.
Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA.
antimicrobial peptides, apical periodontitis, biofilms, calcium hydroxide
Funding information
National Center for Advancing
Translational Sciences, Grant/Award
Number: UL1TR002494

I N T RO DU CT ION spanning the evolution of endodontics. At the beginning

of the twentieth century, the recommended treatment
Apical periodontitis (AP) is an inflammatory disease was limited to the insertion of strong antiseptics in the
caused by a polymicrobial infection of the root canal pulp chamber of teeth affected by pulp necrosis. Due to
(Ricucci et al., 2016, 2018; Ricucci & Siqueira, 2010). the poor understanding of the role of mechanical and
Early recognition of the infectious aetiology of AP led to chemical debridement, it was desirable that the intracanal
the development of a range of antimicrobial strategies drug be both powerful and penetrating (Grossman, 1967;

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-­NonCommercial-­NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-­commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2022 The Authors. International Endodontic Journal published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Endodontic Society.

Int Endod J. 2022;55(Suppl. 3):613–636. | 613


Schilder, 1974). Many toxic medicaments were used to ac- intracanal medicament after proper debridement presents
complish the goal of disinfection (Grossman, 1967). a clinical advantage, as improvement in symptoms can
Unfortunately, overreliance on intracanal medica- be confirmed before treatment completion (Chong & Pitt
ments prolonged treatment in the form of numerous Ford, 1992).
appointments without obtaining the desired outcome. The use of an intracanal medicament gives the cli-
Currently, it is known that the efficacy of intracanal me- nician the opportunity to test the effect of fundamental
dicaments is unpredictable in the presence of debris and endodontic procedures; if the short-­term outcomes are
therefore cannot substitute for the thorough debridement satisfactory to the operator and the patient, the case can be
of the root canal space (Haapasalo et al., 2007; Portenier completed and restored. Resolution of a sinus tract, pain
et al., 2002; Portenier Waltimo et al., 2006). In addition, relief, the absence of percussion and/or palpation sensi-
the use of intracanal medicaments with a fixative action tivity are favourable clinical signs of effective root canal
is no longer recommended as they are unlikely to be effec- disinfection. On the contrary, unsatisfactory results after
tive and have a questionable safety margin (Block et al., the initial disinfection appointment give the patient the
1980). opportunity to decide whether accepting other treatment
During the last 30 years, the introduction of enhanced options such as endodontic surgery, intentional replan-
magnification, heat-­treated nickel–­titanium instruments tation, or opting for extraction and tooth replacement is
and new irrigation protocols have improved the ability of the most advantageous treatment for the clinical scenario.
clinicians to manage complex cases and associated symp- Financial considerations also play an important role in a
toms in a single visit (see Figure 1). However, not all the patient's acceptance and their expectations of treatment
cases presented in dental practice will present a favourable outcomes. Thus, contemporary intracanal medicaments
prognosis. The prognosis may become questionable or such as calcium hydroxide are useful not only for the
unfavourable because of the presence of a long-­standing elimination of microorganisms and inactivation of their
infection (see Figure 2), the inability to reach microorgan- by-­products (Byström et al., 1985; Safavi & Nichols, 1993;
isms in inaccessible areas (i.e. complex apical anatomy or Shuping et al., 2000) but also for the confirmation of ini-
the presence of extraradicular infection), the presence of tial signs of healing or symptom resolution before treat-
large apical cysts or, in some cases, a patient's decreased ment completion (Chong & Pitt Ford, 1992).
immunocompetence. This last variable includes genetic or Despite these positive attributes, the speciality is sur-
acquired predisposition to develop persistent apical peri- rounded by some ambiguity about the use of intracanal
odontitis (Fouad & Burleson, 2003; Morsani et al., 2011). medicaments (Kvist et al., 2004; Molander et al., 2007;
In other cases, the prognosis is affected by compound- Paredes-­Vieyra & Jimenez Enriquez, 2012; Penesis et al.,
ing factors (multifactorial). In these cases, the use of an 2008; Sathorn et al., 2005; Trope et al., 1999). Many clinical

F I G U R E 1 Endodontic triad model is based on the cleaning, shaping and filling of the root canal space. This model only includes the
technical and microbiological aspects of the endodontic procedure. Clinical and patient's dependent information is not considered. Bacterial
biofilms (left) must be removed by mechanical or chemical means to produce an environment that is suitable for the filling stage (right).
Confocal laser scanning microscopy shows a dense biofilm layer infecting the dentine surface (left). A rhodamine B-­labelled sealer was used
to show the adaptation of a resin-­based sealer into the dentinal tubules (right). Observe the irregular surface of dentine substrate
ORDINOLA-­ZAPATA et al.    | 615

F I G U R E 2 Confocal laser scanning

microscopy image showing a typical
biofilm architecture found in a single-­
rooted tooth diagnosed with pulp
necrosis. The biofilm is firmly attached to
the dentine structure. Observe how the
biofilm presents multiple layers. Close
to the substrate, microbial cells showing
viability are surrounded by dead cells
labelled in red (arrows). Several bacterial
morphotypes can be observed several
micrometres away from the root canal
wall. These cells are not permeable to
the propidium dye and present intact
membranes. Live/Dead staining technique
(courtesy of Ronald Ordinola-­Zapata,
Marco A.H Duarte and Marcia S. Graeff;
bars represent 10 micrometres)

studies that have compared the use of multiple versus a assessed in different studies (presence or absence). Efforts
single appointment protocol have used surrogate out- to classify severity of signs in AP cases can be found in the
comes (i.e. short-­term postoperative pain assessment or literature (Estrela et al., 2008; Ørstavik et al., 1986). These
bacterial reduction). In addition, randomized clinical tri- periapical indices were introduced to define the amount
als in endodontics (Molander et al., 2007; Paredes-­Vieyra of bone loss by using two-­dimensional images and cone-­
& Jimenez Enriquez, 2012; Penesis et al., 2008; Trope et al., beam computed tomography. One limitation observed is
1999) have rarely measured the effect of demographic or that apical disease was described as a radiolucency sur-
prognostic factors in the study design, which increases the rounding the periapical tissues. A more thorough classi-
effect of confounding factors and bias. Multiple sources fication must include important bone loss characteristics
of bias can affect the result of clinical studies including that can describe the severity and ‘geography’ of the AP-­
attrition or loss to follow-­up (Penesis et al., 2008), selective related bone loss such as the presence of lateral root le-
bias and lack of power (Trope et al., 1999) amongst others. sions, the presence of furcation involvement of endodontic
Thus, it is not surprising that comparing single and mul- origin, erosion of cortical plates, the presence of through-­
tiple visit appointment strategies involving cases with a and-­through lesions, apico-­marginal defects or proximity
favourable preoperative prognosis (i.e. asymptomatic an- of periapical disease to other anatomical structures. It is
terior teeth) would not find any meaningful differences. important to establish a treatment protocol based on the
The aim of this review is focused on the clinical and basic severity of the disease because an asymptomatic 2 × 2 mm
science aspects supporting the use of intracanal medica- lesion may require a different treatment strategy than a
ments in endodontics. 10 × 10 mm periapical lesion that affects both cortical
In order to maximize treatment efforts and prognosis,
I S AP I C A L PE R IODON T IT IS a method known as ‘staging’ was developed in the early
A D I S E A S E W IT H MU LT IPLE 1960s by oncologists for measuring disease severity. This
STAG E S ? concept has been applied extensively for medical and sur-
gical problems to classify patients. In staging, diseases are
The current lack of perceived benefits associated with generically divided into categories of increasing levels of
the use of intracanal medicaments noted in clinical stud- severity (Gonnella et al., 1976, 1984; Gonnella & Louis,
ies (1 visit versus 2 visit references) could be attributed to 1987): for example, during neoplastic illnesses there are
how the binary AP disease model has been described and discrete ‘stages’ that can be defined and detected clinically.

These stages reflect the severity of the disease and most (1984), a diagnosis should document the four elements
importantly will impact the prognosis and choice of treat- required to define a disease: location of the problem, clin-
ment modality (Gonnella & Louis, 1987; Markson et al., ical manifestations, aetiology and severity. Symptomatic
1991). apical periodontitis may very well be an incomplete de-
To assess the advantages of intracanal medicaments scription. Symptomatic apical periodontitis with furcation
in the future, new classifications of apical periodontitis involvement secondary to pulp necrosis in a cracked tooth
should not only reflect the presence of pathosis and its ex- provides much more specific information. These com-
tent but also reflect the impact on prognosis and choice pounding factors allow the clinician and researchers to
of treatment modality by pre-­stratifying the severity of separate isolated apical disease and the presence of patho-
the disease (see Figure 3). According to Gonnella et al. sis with multiple compounding factors. According to the

F I G U R E 3 (a) Staging is a measurement of the severity of a patient's condition at any given point. The model is based on the extension
of tissue/organ injury and host's factors. At the time of intervention, the severity of the apical periodontitis condition will affect not only
the prognosis but also the use of treatment resources (i.e. number of visits, root-­end procedure and guided tissue regeneration). Observe
how the interaction of periradicular bone loss and immune factors can increase the severity of the disease's stage. An extensive amount of
periradicular bone loss in an immunocompromised patient reflects the presence of an advance stage in the grading system compared with
an immunocompetent patient with minimal or no periradicular bone loss. (b) The severity of periradicular bone loss has been reported as
a predictor factor for lack of complete healing. Note the different stages of bone loss; the severity of the disease not only affects the periapex
but also the furcation and lateral root areas in advance stages (3–­4). The extension of bone loss combined with the patient's medical
information and other aggravating factors can affect the prognosis and treatment plan decisions. Graph modified from Gonella et al. (1984)
ORDINOLA-­ZAPATA et al.    | 617

staging criteria, apical periodontitis and associated signs complete a case in a single session, favouring the use of an
(bone loss) and symptoms (mechanical allodynia, pain) intracanal medicament, or to include a surgical approach
might not be a single manifestation of pulp necrosis but a in the treatment plan. Although most published data on
family of signs that may include different stages. the antimicrobial activity of different medicaments were
In order to establish an infection control strategy, the obtained under laboratory conditions, it is important to
diagnosis must reflect severity in terms of the risk of tooth note that the goal of laboratory studies is the discovery of
loss, disease progression or the development of acute sys- the mechanisms involved in the development of pulpal
temic complications. Disease staging can also provide the and periapical disease. In many cases, these models are
framework to determine what resources and strategies used to rank antimicrobials challenged under different
need to be implemented, including single or multiple conditions (see Figures 4 and 5). However, because the
appointments, decompression, root-­end surgery with or information derived from laboratory or animal studies on
without guided tissue regeneration, intentional replan- root canal disinfection cannot predict clinical outcomes
tation or extraction. A future diagnostic classification in- (Oxford, Evidence Based Medicine, accessed on February
clusive of staging is necessary to respond to differences in 2022), the analysis of known preoperative prognostic fac-
the nature of a patient's health requirements and provide tors linked to failure must be considered during the plan-
clinical data relevant to analyse prognosis (see Figure 3). ning of the disinfection strategy. In this way, clinicians
In staging, diseases are generically divided into categories can use the prior information obtained from prospective
of increasing levels of severity (Gonnella et al., 1984), and studies to identify those factors that directly influence the
a modification for apical disease is suggested: prognosis of treatment.
Stage 1, conditions with no complications or problems Adolfsson and Steineck (2000) defined a prognostic
of minimal severity, including the absence of or minimal factor as a patient characteristic that identifies subgroups
changes in the apical tissues. of untreated patients having different outcomes. For ex-
Stage 2, problems limited to the periapical area, signifi- ample, uncontrolled type II diabetes or the presence of a
cantly increased risk of complications over stage 1. It is sinus tract in a tooth with a long-­standing infection can af-
suggested that the increase in lesion size >5 mm and the fect the resolution of apical periodontitis, thus increasing
presence of aggravating factors (tooth complexity, sinus the chances of failure. In this scenario, it is the increased
tract) would fit this category. probability of endodontic failure, which drives the clini-
Stage 3, extensive bone loss extending beyond the im- cal strategy, use of intracanal medicament, use of adjunct
mediate apical region. ‘Through-­and-­through’ osseous surgical procedures or the number of appointments re-
defects, large radiolucencies, furcation involvement and quired to complete treatment. In a prospective study, Ng
J-­shaped lesions would be examples of this stage. et al. (2011a, 2011b) monitored eight hundred patients re-
Stage 4, tooth loss or development of severe complica- ceiving root canal treatment in single or multiple appoint-
tions is imminent. Unfavourable prognosis. ments with different intracanal medicaments for at least
A staging approach can also incorporate elements 2 years. The following prognostic factors were linked to
related to the systemic health of the patient since many lower healing rates or tooth loss:
diseases can affect bone healing. Understanding the multi-
faceted aspects of apical periodontitis is necessary to com- The presence of apical periodontitis,
prehend the advantages of a two-­step treatment model Size of the lesion,
and the use of intracanal medicaments. The overall prog- Preoperative sinus tract,
nosis for healing of apical periodontitis can be affected The presence of interappointment flare-­up,
by immune status (Marending et al., 2005; Morsani et al., The presence of diabetes or systemic steroid therapy,
2011), size of the bone lesion (Ng et al., 2008; Sundqvist The presence of preoperative pain and
et al., 1998), diversity of the invading microbiome (see Narrow and deep periodontal probing depth.
Figure 4), the presence of persistent infection (Sjögren
et al., 1997), tooth type and the presence of cracks (Krell & Despite the fact that these studies provided informa-
Caplan, 2018), amongst other factors. tion on relevant clinical factors, the cohort prospective de-
sign presents limitations. For example, cohort studies may
suffer from selection bias because the treatment modality
WH E N TO U SE AN IN T R ACANAL (use of medication or not) is not predetermined. This can
MEDICAMENT? increase the risk of selective bias because providers can
select patients with favourable prognosis for the single ap-
Understanding the clinical factors that contribute to treat- pointment group, and more complex cases for the multiple
ment failure may influence the decision of the clinician to appointment group for whom intracanal medicaments are

F I G U R E 4 Microbial community found in primary endodontic infections (N = 31) after 16S rRNA next-­generation sequencing analysis.
The microbiome is composed mainly of anaerobic bacteria. No Enterococcus spp were found in these samples. The data highlight the
complexity of the endodontic microbiome and the necessity to challenge new antimicrobials with a mixed infection model (Unpublished
data, Endodontic Division University of Minnesota)

used. If the effect of the intracanal medicaments is to be pain interfering with daily activities and cases with symp-
accurately determined, procedures to prevent the chance tomatic apical periodontitis. In a similar study, Nixdorf
of imbalance between treatment groups with respect to et al. (2016) reported the presence of chronic pain after
important clinical prognostic factors or apical periodonti- root canal treatment. Chronic pain was defined as pain
tis stage categories should be considered in the design of present 6 months after endodontic intervention. The au-
future randomized clinical trials. thors reported that pain following root canal treatment
is not uncommon (10%), and a greater number of days of
pain in the week prior to treatment were predictive of per-
Preoperative pain and increased chance for sistent pain at 6 months.
flare-­up Yoldas et al. (2004) evaluated the evidence and level
of postoperative pain in retreatment cases completed in
A significant clinical variable to support the use of an in- one versus two visits. Two hundred and eighteen cases
tracanal medicament is the presence of moderate or se- that required retreatment were included in this study.
vere preoperative pain. This is especially true for patients The two-­visit retreatment with intracanal medication
with symptomatic apical periodontitis or acute apical using calcium hydroxide was found to be effective in
abscesses. Overall, the intensity of preoperative pain has reducing postoperative pain of previously symptomatic
been determined to be a prognostic factor of postopera- teeth and decreased the number of flare-­ups in all re-
tive pain or flare-­up (Law et al., 2014, 2015; Nixdorf et al., treatment cases. Torabinejad et al. (1988) determined
2012, 2016; Torabinejad et al., 1988). A prospective study the presence of interappointment emergencies in teeth
revealed that approximately 19% of patients undergoing with pulp necrosis. The authors found that patients in
root canal treatment will present with severe pain 1 week the age range of 40–­59 years were more susceptible to
after treatment (Law et al., 2015). Numerous predictive developing interappointment emergencies. Patients
factors were associated with postoperative symptoms and with preoperative pain, retreatments, and women older
must be considered before completion of treatment such than 40 years were also susceptible to developing inter-
as pain intensity at baseline, pain made worse by stress, appointment emergencies. Trope (1991) compared the
ORDINOLA-­ZAPATA et al.    | 619

these situations can assist the clinician in determining

whether final resolution of the symptoms is possible by
root canal treatment alone, or whether other treatment
options need to be implemented to manage the patient's
Conversely, previous data have also revealed that the
use of intracanal medicaments does not influence the
occurrence of postoperative pain (Sathorn et al., 2008).
However, the outcome was measured according to binary
definitions such as the presence or absence of symptoms.
Patients presenting with acute or chronic dental pain can
have a mixture of dental signs and symptoms. In some
cases, referred pain, mechanical allodynia and central
sensitization may be present due to pulpal and periapical
inflammation (Owatz et al., 2007). Completing root canal
treatment for symptomatic patients in one appointment
prevents additional evaluation by the dentist and may re-
sult in failure to fulfil the patient's expectations (patient's
centered outcome).

Lesion size and the presence of sinus tract

The number of residual walls in a bone defect of perio-

dontal origin is recognized as a prognostic factor for the
management of periodontal disease (Machtei et al., 1997).
However, the complexity of the bone loss pattern caused
by apical periodontitis, including the size and number
of bone walls and treatment modality, has rarely been
reported as a prognostic factor in root canal treatment
outcome studies or randomized clinical trials (Molander
et al., 2007; Paredes-­Vieyra & Jimenez Enriquez, 2012;
Penesis et al., 2008; Sathorn et al., 2005).
In a study addressing treatment outcomes of non-­
surgical retreatment cases, Sundqvist et al. (1998) found
that the size of the periapical lesion can influence the
F I G U R E 5 (top) Enterococcus faecalis colonizing dentinal treatment outcome. Lesions that healed were in the
tubules, a common model to assess the antimicrobial activity of range of 2–­6.5 mm compared with lesions that persisted
endodontic medicaments. From Zapata et al. (2008). (Bottom) that were in the range of 2.5–­13 mm. This difference
Bacteria from dental plaque colonizing the dentinal surface; was statistically significant. It has also been found that
observe the complexity of the later dentine infection including teeth with periapical lesions 1–­5 mm in diameter had a
the presence of multiple bacterial morphotypes (SEM; courtesy of success rate of 86.6%, and in cases where the lesion was
Ronald Ordinola-­Zapata, David Jaramillo, Diogo Guerreiro and larger than 5 mm, the rate of success was 78.2% (Ricucci
Claudia Biguetti) et al., 2011). In another study, teeth with small perira-
dicular lesions (≤5 mm) had a resolution rate of 88.2%,
flare-­up rate for single-­visit treatment. The author found whilst lesions that were large (5–­10 mm) or very large
that the overall flare-­up rate was between 1.4% and 1.8%. (≥10 mm) completely healed in 72.7% and 54.5% of the
However, patients with apical periodontitis requiring re- cases, respectively (Artaza et al., 2021). Ng et al. (2011a)
treatment had a flare-­up occurrence of 13.6%. The cu- showed that the success rates for the treatment of teeth
mulative evidence suggests that symptomatic cases and with and without a sinus tract, a condition associated with
retreatments are prone to have a higher risk of postop- the pathologic perforation of the cortical plate, were 66.7%
erative pain. A treatment regimen including cleaning, and 85%, respectively. Readers should also recognize that
shaping and medication with calcium hydroxide in this information may apply to the patterns of bone loss

characteristic of endo-­perio lesions. In addition, other de- of older individuals are risk factors for age-­related condi-
mographic factors should be considered such as age and tions and are often described by the term ‘inflammageing’
immunocompetence. (Ferrucci & Fabbri, 2018). At the local level, these patients
Although the presence or absence of apical periodon- can also be affected by caries and periodontal disease. In
titis is associated with the presence of microorganisms general, these older adult populations with complex medi-
in the root canal space, the number of microbial taxa per cal histories probably will have quite different apical peri-
canal has been found to be in direct proportion to the odontitis progression patterns compared with healthier
lesion size. Small lesions (<5 mm) harboured 11.7 taxa, older adults, young adults and children.
lesions from 5 to 10 mm harboured 16 taxa, and lesions Although the effect of systemic diseases on the out-
larger than 10 mm harboured about 20 species (Rôças & come of root canal treatment has not been extensively re-
Siqueira, 2008). The differences in species diversity be- searched, it is known that diabetes increases the chances
tween different lesion sizes help to explain the long-­held of root canal treatment failure by three times (Fouad &
concept that root canal treatment of teeth with large le- Burleson, 2003). One retrospective study (Marending et al.,
sions has a lower success rate than treatment of teeth with 2005) found that an impaired non-­specific immune sys-
small or no lesions (Ricucci et al., 2011; Rôças & Siqueira, tem, such as in cases of patients with insulin-­dependent
2008). More severe disease conditions can negatively im- diabetes, renal insufficiency, rheumatoid arthritis and
pact the outcome and should present symptom's resolu- ulcerative colitis, amongst others, influenced the per-
tion after initial debridement of the root canal space and sistence of apical periodontitis after treatment. Presently,
prior to treatment completion. it is accepted that immunologically impaired patients and
the medications they take to treat their diseases may play
an important role in the resolution of apical periodonti-
The medical condition of the host and tis. More importantly, many factors can be present in the
presence of comorbidities same patient, which increase uncertainty in the prognosis.
For example, glucocorticoids used to treat autoimmune
Occasionally, studies have shown that teeth with an unfa- diseases and bisphosphonates disrupt osteoclast function
vourable prognosis can be treated successfully using non-­ (Novack & Teitelbaum, 2008). In arthritic joints, inflam-
surgical treatment approaches (Calişkan, 2004; Southard matory cytokines, largely via the NFκB pathway, enhance
& Rooney, 1984). Unfortunately, many of these studies osteoclastogenesis and cause local osteolysis (Novack &
did not control for an important factor, the patient's de- Teitelbaum, 2008). In addition, estrogen deficiency stim-
mographics. The ability of connective tissues to fully re- ulates osteoclast differentiation and survival, both directly
generate in young patients compared with older adults is and indirectly, leading to postmenopausal osteoporosis
well known. Bone turnover and healing is rapid in grow- (Novack & Teitelbaum, 2008).
ing children and slows in adulthood (Lindaman, 2001). A previous case–­control study assessing the healing
Although medical conditions can occur at any age, they pattern of 19 patients taking TNF-­α inhibitors with a base-
are more common in the older adult population. For ex- line periapical index of 2.8 showed satisfactory healing
ample, 80% of older adults in the United States have at 2 years after root canal treatment (Cotti et al., 2018). These
least one chronic disease and 60% have at least two comor- data show that the systemic condition might not be rele-
bidities (Center for Disease Control & Prevention, 2017; vant if the severity of apical periodontitis is low, because
Divo et al., 2014). Because the number of older adults small lesions are generally associated with less complex
(>65 years) is estimated to grow in industrialized countries microbiota. It is also important to note that the reduction
(Divo et al., 2014), the number of these patients seeking in the microbial level necessary to obtain healing in an
endodontic services will undoubtedly increase. Ageing ef- immunocompetent patient may be completely different
fects including comorbidities have been rarely considered compared with an immunocompromised patient. Overall,
a factor that affects the outcome of root canal treatment. It patients with diseases impeding immune function or
is known that ageing decreases health and survival of an those taking immunosuppressive medications may ex-
individual. Ageing can be associated with an elevated con- perience greater risk for developing apical periodontitis
centration of several cytokines such as interleukins and or exhibit persistent apical periodontitis resistant to tra-
tumour necrosis factor-­alpha (Brüünsgaard & Pedersen, ditional endodontic treatment (Marending et al., 2005).
2003; Bruunsgaard et al., 2000). These pro-­inflammatory Genetic factors can also protect individuals from or pre-
mediators are also influenced by inflammation-­related dispose them to the untoward effects of a microbial chal-
diseases such as type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease lenge. An association between allele distribution and the
and autoimmune disorders, amongst others. Elevated polymorphism in RANK has been reported (Petean et al.,
levels of inflammation-­related biomarkers in the blood 2019). Subjects who carry the T allele had a lower risk of
ORDINOLA-­ZAPATA et al.    | 621

having persistent apical periodontitis. These findings sug- fill the root canal system is still valid presently. According
gest that polymorphisms in RANK and RANKL genes are to Chong and Pitt Ford (1992), intracanal medicaments
associated with PAP and that root canal treatment is inti- are recommended when the root canal is extensively in-
mately related to the host response (Petean et al., 2019). fected and when interappointment intervals are long. The
In general, teeth with a questionable prognosis are can- authors stressed that medicaments should not be used as
didates for additional visits to enhance the antimicrobial an alternative to thorough cleaning and shaping.
control and to assess its effect on the patient's symptoms. Many studies have found numerous advantages of cal-
A series of cases are presented in Figures 6–­14. cium hydroxide as the medicament of choice, primarily
its high alkalinity, tissue dissolution capability, ability
to neutralize endotoxins and antibacterial properties.
A NT I M I C RO B IAL ACT IVIT Y OF Calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) is a widely used intracanal
C A LC I UM H Y DROXIDE medicament. According to Siqueira and Lopes (1999), the
pH of Ca(OH)2 is ~12.5. Hydroxyl ions create free radi-
It is widely accepted that there is a strong association be- cals that destroy components of bacterial cell membranes.
tween infection of the root canal space and the develop- These free radicals react with bacterial DNA inhibiting
ment of apical periodontitis. Oral biofilms can colonize DNA replication and cell activity, and cause mutations.
the main root canal and lateral anatomy including api- The alkaline pH of calcium hydroxide also alters enzyme
cal ramifications (Ricucci et al., 2018; Ricucci & Siqueira, activity, disrupting cellular metabolism and structural
2010, 2010a). Initially, intracanal medicaments were in- proteins. Hydroxyl ions can diffuse across dentine increas-
dicated for almost all cases of pulp necrosis. The old con- ing the pH to 9.0, also known as trans-­dentinal medica-
cept of what is removed from the root canal is of greater tion (Tronstad et al., 1981). This effect may be important
significance with regard to success than what is placed to in controlling bacterial reservoirs in dentinal tubules.

F I G U R E 6 Mandibular first molar with asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis and minimal apical changes in a teenager patient. Case was
completed in a single appointment since no aggravating causes were recorded other than restorative factors. It is accepted that cases with
normal apical tissues present better prognosis than cases affected by apical periodontitis. A full-­coverage restoration was recommended



F I G U R E 7 (a) Acute apical abscess in a pre-­teenager female. Pulp necrosis developed after trauma of teeth #9 and 10 (maxillary and
lateral central incisors). Ill-­defined radiolucency surrounding the apices of affected teeth. The limited field-­of-­view cone-­beam computed
tomography shows the extension of the periapical lesion. Observe the purulent exudate after the pulp chamber access. The case was treated
in two visits using a calcium hydroxide medication. Observe the significant healing only 6 months after the initial debridement visit. The
prognosis is favourable. (b) Asymptomatic apical periodontitis in teeth #9 and 10 in a young immunocompetent adult; both teeth were
completed in a single appointment; observe how the sealer extrusion did not impair the healing. Follow-­up images were taken at 6 and
13 months. Clinical factors in favour of this case were lack of symptomatology, low anatomical challenge, lack of systemic condition and
favourable age. The case can be considered as healing

Calcium hydroxide can also act as a physical barrier, lim- hydroxide increased the tissue dissolving efficacy of 0.5%
iting the proliferation of residual microorganisms and sodium hypochlorite plus ultrasonic irrigation to the level
preventing reinfection due to coronal leakage (Siqueira achieved with full-­strength sodium hypochlorite (Türkün
& Lopes, 1999). Calcium hydroxide also has the ability to & Cengiz, 1997).
dissolve residual tissue. This medicament can dissolve ne- Safavi and Nichols (1994) concluded that calcium
crotic tissue alone, or can be used to pretreat tissues to in- hydroxide hydrolysed the lipid A moiety of bacterial
crease their dissolution rate when sodium hypochlorite is LPS, resulting in the release of free hydroxyl fatty acids.
used as irrigant (Hasselgren et al., 1988). An updated ver- This result suggests that calcium hydroxide-­mediated
sion of this study revealed that pretreatment with calcium degradation of LPS may be an important reason for the
ORDINOLA-­ZAPATA et al.    | 623




F I G U R E 8 Acute apical abscess associated with a maxillary lateral incisor in an older adult patient. The patient was on a monoclonal antibody
therapy to manage an autoimmune disorder. Note the extension of the radiolucency (>10 mm) and the intraoral swelling (a). The prognosis is
unfavourable because of the presence of an impaired immune system and the existence of severe apical bone loss. The goals of treatment were to
manage the infection, to reduce the lesion size and to create the conditions necessary for a root-­end resection (if necessary). Suppuration noted after
the pulp chamber access (a), calcium hydroxide (b) placed after the initial debridement and irrigation with 6% sodium hypochlorite (35.04). The
symptoms did not resolve at the 1-­week follow-­up visit, and a decompression procedure was performed following Hoen, LaBounty and Strittmatter
technique (Hoen et al., 1990). Systemic antibiotics were indicated. The case was filled with gutta–­percha and sealer (c) once the symptoms resolved
(pain and swelling). In total, three visits of cleaning, irrigation and medication (c) were used (bottom left). A 4-­month follow-­up, periapical
image shows decrease in the size of the periapical lesion (bottom right). A future surgical intervention was not discarded. The case shows the
compounding effect of an extensive periradicular lesion and an acute infection in a patient taking modulators of the immune system

F I G U R E 9 Eleven-­year-­old patient
with pulp necrosis, symptomatic apical
periodontitis and external inflammatory
root resorption. These conditions are
consequence of a previous dental trauma
in both maxillary central incisors. The
pulp chamber access confirmed the
presence of a necrotic pulp. Observe
the presence of radiopaque restorations
located at the coronal level and ill-­defined
radiolucencies (a–­b). Multiple resorptive
defects are observed in the coronal and
sagittal cone-­beam computed tomography
sections (c). Case treated in multiple
(a) (b) visits using calcium hydroxide (d). The
12-­month follow-­up shows healing of the
resorptive defects. The periapical tissues
can be considered as healing (e)


(d) (e)

beneficial effects observed with calcium hydroxide use and 2% chlorhexidine to detoxify the root canal. The re-
in clinical endodontics. Several laboratory studies have sults revealed that only canals medicated with calcium hy-
demonstrated the potential of calcium hydroxide medi- droxide were associated with absent or mild inflammatory
cation to inactivate the LPS molecule (Safavi & Nichols, infiltrate at the apical third, normal periodontal ligament
1993, 1994). Using an animal model, Nelson-­Filho et al. thickness and low degree of cementum resorption.
(2002) reported that LPS did not induce periapical inflam- The vehicles to deliver the medication have been
matory reactions in dog's teeth when the LPS was mixed classified as aqueous, viscous and oily according to their
with calcium hydroxide and then placed inside the root consistency and ability to allow for calcium hydroxide dis-
canals. On the contrary, when the canals were filled with sociation (Fava & Saunders 1999). Since the action of cal-
the endotoxin alone it induced a severe inflammatory pro- cium hydroxide is pH-­dependent, the ideal vehicle should
cess. Following the same methodology, Tanomaru et al. allow ionic dissociation of this medicament. Ca(OH)2 is
(2003) and Silva et al. (2004) evaluated the ability of three not equally effective against all bacteria and cannot substi-
concentrations of sodium hypochlorite (1%, 2.5% and 5%) tute for proper debridement (Fava & Saunders, 1999). For
ORDINOLA-­ZAPATA et al.    | 625

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

F I G U R E 1 0 Mandibular first molar with pulp necrosis, chronic apical abscess, and furcation involvement in an immunocompetent
older adult (a). The periapical digital image shows a radiopaque restoration consistent with an amalgam occlusal filling in the mandibular
first, second and third molar, an ill-­defined radiolucency with a lateral root lesion, and furcation involvement associated with #30 (b).
Observe the presence of a crack in the distal wall (c). Three prognostic factors were identified in this case: presence of a distal crack,
periapical pathosis and probing depth higher than 4 mm (Krell & Caplan, 2018). Prognosis was unfavourable. The treatment plan option
accepted by the patient was debridement, placement of calcium hydroxide medication and a temporary crown in the affected molar. The
case was completed 3 months later after initial signs of healing were confirmed. Despite the unfavourable prognosis, the 18-­month follow-­up
radiograph shows significant healing (d). The case was classified as healing

example, bacteria such as Enterococcus or Streptococcus hydroxide dressing with other antimicrobials has been ad-
can tolerate high pH levels in the range of 9–­11 (Chávez vocated. These include the use of paramonochlorophenol
de Paz et al., 2007; Weckwerth et al., 2013). In addition, camphorate (Silveira et al., 2011), chlorhexidine (Gomes
bacteria may survive after intracanal medication for many et al., 2006) or iodine potassium iodide (Tello-­Barbaran
reasons. They may be intrinsically resistant to the medica- et al., 2010).
ment or may be enclosed within anatomical variations of The removal of intra-­radicular biofilm has been rec-
the canal space that are inaccessible to debridement ef- ognized as the main focus of treatment of teeth with pulp
forts. Furthermore, the effects of dentine, organic debris necrosis. In the clinical scenario, the primary end-­point
and tissue fluids can buffer the pH of Ca(OH)2, affect- in prospective studies is the clinical and radiographic
ing its properties (Haapasalo et al., 2007; Portenier et al., evidence of apical periodontitis resolution (Ørstavik
2001). It is also questionable whether viscous or oily ve- et al., 1986). In clinical studies, the assessment of the
hicles are clinically beneficial, as they do not allow high effectiveness of treatment is limited by the lengthy re-
dissociation and consequent release of hydroxyl ions, sponse time before an end-­point occurs such as perira-
which are responsible for the main biologic effects of cal- dicular bone regeneration. This is one of the motivating
cium hydroxide (Siqueira & Lopes, 1999). To compensate factors for the use of surrogate outcomes. Researchers
for some of these deficiencies, the association of calcium have sought numerous outcomes that are sensitive to


(b) (c)


F I G U R E 1 1 Forty-­year-­old patient with pulp necrosis and acute apical abscess in a mandibular first molar. Extraoral swelling was
present at the initial consultation. The dental history included a cuspal fracture, a crown lengthening procedure and delivery of an indirect
restoration. The abscess developed a few weeks after restorative treatment. (a–­c) Observe the ill-­defined radiolucency associated with
the first molar, furcation involvement, lateral root lesions and moderate vertical bone loss associated with the distal root. The prognosis
was unfavourable due to the extensive bone loss. The treatment included 2 visits of debridement and intracanal medication until signs of
healing were observed. Antibiotics were used at the initial visit to manage the extraoral swelling. Calcium hydroxide was used as intracanal
medicament. (d) Postoperative image, 3-­month follow-­up and 18-­month recall showing recovery of the bone architecture and healing of
apical tissues. A new full-­coverage restoration was placed to avoid a biomechanical failure

differences between root canal treatment regimens In the case of microbiological samples, two conditions
(use of intracanal medications or not). In the interest are necessary to validate this biomarker as a surrogate:
of practicality, these changes in measures are often re- (1) the biologic marker must be correlated with the clin-
corded within a short period after root canal treatment ical end-­point; and (2) the marker must fully capture
is initiated, for example at the end of the disinfection the net effect of the intervention on the clinical efficacy
procedure (culture samples) or 1 week after the com- end-­point (Hunter et al., 2010). For example, in micro-
pletion of root canal treatment (postoperative pain). biological studies, positive bacterial cultures before the
Briefly, a surrogate is an outcome that substitutes for a canal fill have been used as a surrogate for persistence of
definitive clinical end-­point, such as bone regeneration. apical periodontitis.
ORDINOLA-­ZAPATA et al.    | 627

F I G U R E 1 2 Mandibular first molar

with pulp necrosis and chronic apical
abscess in an immunocompetent older
adult (a). Observe the J-­shaped lesion
surrounding the distal root, furcation
involvement and a calcified pulp chamber.
The prognosis was questionable. The
presence of an indirect restoration did not
avoid a conservative treatment (b). The (a) (b)
case was completed after the sinus tract
healed and probing depth was <4 mm. A
two-­visit model was used to manage this
chronic infection (c-­d). The 12-­month
recall shows satisfactory healing of the
furcation area and periapical tissues.
Signs of healing avoided a future surgical
intervention in this case with complex
(c) (d)
bone loss pattern and a possible apico-­
marginal defect (e)


Examples of a specific study design that has served as procedure. The study stressed the necessity of using anti-
the basis to support the link between bacterial negative microbial adjuncts to increase microbial reduction. In a
culture and radiographic healing are the studies of Sjögren subsequent study (Shuping et al., 2000), the authors in-
et al. (1997) and Kvist et al. (2004). These authors found cluded the use of an antimicrobial irrigant (1% NaOCl)
that cleaning and shaping in the absence of an intracanal and an intracanal dressing (calcium hydroxide). The mi-
medication is linked to only 68% success compared with crobiologic samples were obtained from forty-­two individ-
cases in which bacteria were completely removed (Sjögren uals after the root canals were enlarged to different apical
et al 1997). In the two-­visit model, healing of apical peri- sizes and irrigated with 1% NaOCl. In addition, the canals
odontitis was considered successful in 95% of cases. It is were medicated with calcium hydroxide for at least 7 days.
important to highlight that the Sjögren et al. (1997) study Using this protocol, 61% of the cases were bacteria-­free
was completed in single-­rooted teeth and cases were irri- at the end of instrumentation; when calcium hydroxide
gated with 0.5% NaOCl. medication was used, 92% of the cases did not have any
Another series of clinical studies addressing the anti- positive culture. The results revealed that the apical size of
microbial efficacy of different instrumentation and med- the preparation and the use of the intracanal medication
ication protocols were published between 1998 and 2005 contributed to the reduction in the microbial load. Other
(Card et al., 2002; Dalton et al., 1998; McGurkin-­Smith clinical studies show that on average, between 20 and 30%
et al., 2005; Shuping et al., 2000). In the first study (Dalton of the canals still have viable microorganisms after medi-
et al., 1998), the effect of rotary instrumentation on micro- cation with Ca (OH)2 (Ørstavik et al., 1991).
bial reduction in teeth with necrotic pulps was compared Clinical studies have also shown that the efficacy of
with the conventional step-­back technique. The results Ca (OH)2 in combination with other antimicrobials is not
revealed that both instrumentation techniques were entirely conclusive. Some studies revealed that the anti-
equivalent regarding microbial reduction. Of 48 individ- microbial effect of Ca (OH)2 improved when chlorhex-
uals who were included in this study, 13 were associated idine was incorporated in the paste (Paiva et al., 2013).
with no quantifiable organisms after the instrumentation In contrast, others have shown no significant increase in

F I G U R E 1 3 (a) Symptomatic
apical periodontitis associated with
a maxillary central incisor with pulp
necrosis in a 28-­year-­old patient. Observe
the well-­defined large radiolucency
and the radiographic characteristic of
a ‘through-­and-­through bone defect’.
The case was treated in multiple visits
(a) using a calcium hydroxide medication.
This protocol made an invasive surgical
procedure unnecessary. The follow-­
up periapical digital image shows
significant bone recovery. The case can
be classified as healing. (b) A mandibular
second premolar with complex
anatomy presenting an ill-­defined
periapical radiolucency with furcation
involvement and a J-­shaped lesion. The
case was completed using an intracanal
medication. The 36-­month follow-­up
periapical image shows healing of the
periapical tissues


antimicrobial activity (Manzur et al., 2007; Zerella et al., below those achieved by the instrumentation and irriga-
2005). Zerella et al. (2005) reported that intracanal dress- tion alone.
ing with a mixture of 2% chlorhexidine and Ca (OH)2 was In a randomized clinical trial, Manzur et al. (2007) as-
at least as effective as Ca (OH)2 in an inert vehicle in disin- sessed the antimicrobial efficacy of intracanal medication
fecting root canal-­treated teeth with apical periodontitis. with Ca (OH)2/saline, 2% chlorhexidine gel (CHX) and a
Paiva et al. (2013) used molecular methods to evaluate the combination of both Ca (OH)2 and CHX and concluded
clinical antimicrobial effects of one-­week intracanal med- that the antibacterial efficacy of three medications was
ication with Ca (OH)2 mixed with 2% chlorhexidine. The comparable. In a further study, Menakaya et al. (2015)
authors revealed that intracanal medication promoted a compared the efficacy of Ca (OH)2 powder mixed with
significant decrease in bacterial load to levels significantly 0.2% CHX or mixed with normal saline as an intracanal
ORDINOLA-­ZAPATA et al.    | 629




F I G U R E 1 4 Fifty-­six-­year-­old patient with a chronic apical abscess and pulp necrosis in a maxillary first molar. No systemic conditions
were recorded. The periapical image shows the presence of periapical radiolucencies and furcation involvement. Limited field-­of-­view
CBCT sagittal and coronal sections revealed the presence of an extensive furcation defect, a lateral root lesion and external invasive
cervical resorption (EICR) in the palatal side (a–­b). The clinical inspection revealed the presence of a crack in the distal marginal ridge
associated with occlusal amalgam restorations. The inspection of the pulp floor revealed that the crack did not extend below the CEJ level.
The prognosis was unfavourable because of the presence of several factors including extensive bone loss, EICR and a crack in the distal
marginal ridge. The treatment plan options included extraction, debridement and intracanal medication or no treatment. Patient elected the
non-­surgical treatment option, including the use of intracanal dressing. The common understanding between the provider and the patient
was that the treatment will be completed after showing initial signs of healing (decrease in probing depth) and closure of the sinus tract.
Occlusion was reduced after treatment, and a full-­coverage restoration was recommended after 3 months of follow-­ups. (c) The 18-­month
recall shows that the apical tissues are healing

medicament in the treatment of apical periodontitis and postoperative factors are not taken into account. The ef-
reported no significant difference in the outcome between fectiveness of calcium hydroxide in decreasing the num-
groups. It is important to note that despite their practical- ber of positive cultures after treatment has been shown
ity, surrogate outcomes have some limitations. Specifically, to be inconsistent. To achieve the desired effect, the in-
the results based on surrogate end-­points are less cer- tracanal medication should also be maintained for at least
tain than results based on long-­term follow-­up because 7 days. Sjögren et al. (1991) evaluated the antimicrobial

effectiveness of calcium hydroxide when used as a short-­ It is important to highlight that there is a global con-
term intracanal dressing in vivo. The authors revealed that cern regarding antibiotic resistance. The emergence of
a calcium hydroxide dressing efficiently eliminated mi- drug resistance in bacterial populations is undermining
croorganisms, which may survive biomechanical instru- the effectiveness of antibiotics and the ability to treat in-
mentation, and that predictable results can be achieved by fectious diseases, particularly in immunocompromised
dressing the canal for 7 days. patients, including older adults, patients with cancer and
patients receiving organ transplants (Boucher et al., 2009).
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) esti-
I N T RAC A NAL M E DICAM E N T S IN mates that drug-­resistant bacteria cause 23 000 deaths each
REG E NE R ATIVE E N DODON T ICS year in the United States and are a leading cause of death
worldwide with 1.2 million deaths in 2019 (Antimicrobial
Cleaning and removal of intracanal infection in teeth Resistance Collaborators, 2022; Sweileh, 2021). It has been
with incomplete root formation can be considered a chal- projected that there will be more deaths due to antimicro-
lenge that requires individual disinfection strategies when bial resistance than cancer by 2050. Antibiotic resistance
compared to treatment of teeth with complete root forma- is a growing concern because of the potential limitations
tion. A variety of medicaments were recommended for placed on the medical community to safely perform other
the management of teeth with an ‘open apex’ including medical procedures including chemotherapy, surgery and
Frank's paste (apexification procedure) (Frank, 1966), organ transplants (Boucher et al., 2009; Sweileh, 2021;
and the use of antibiotics for guided endodontic repair. Antimicrobial Resistance Collaborators, 2022). Thus, the
Antibiotics have been used as intracanal medication in use of antibiotics as a routine intracanal medicament is
root canal treatment at least since the 1951s (Grossman discouraged.
polyantibiotic paste) (Parhizkar et al., 2018). However,
local application of antibiotics in the root canal space has
been restricted because of the high microbial diversity of FUTURE DIRECTIONS:
the intracanal bacterial population and the risks of ad- NANOPARTIC LES AND
verse effects. The triple antibiotic paste has been recom- ANTIMIC ROBIAL PEPTIDES
mended for the management of teeth with incomplete
root formation. The paste is prepared by mixing three an- The control of multi-­drug-­resistant pathogenic bacteria
tibiotics: ciprofloxacin, minocycline and metronidazole, has become a priority for the World Health Organization
with sterile distilled water (Hoshino et al., 1996). The an- (WHO). Therefore, there has been an increasing de-
timicrobial efficacy was evaluated by Hoshino et al. (1996) mand for emerging non-­conventional new antimicrobial
and Ordinola-­Zapata et al. (2013). The results revealed the therapies (Prestinaci et al., 2015). Antimicrobial peptides
ability of the paste to eliminate microorganisms infect- (AMPs) and nanoparticle-­based medicaments have been
ing dentine compared with calcium hydroxide and 2% explored for use in dentistry.
chlorhexidine gel. In addition, the experiment explored Compared with traditional intracanal medica-
whether the residual microorganisms could recolonize ments, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are promising
the chemically treated biofilms. The results revealed that alternatives with high antimicrobial potency, good bio-
the triple antibiotic paste does not significantly increase compatibility and low bacterial resistance. AMPs are
the number of live organisms in comparison with calcium mostly cationic oligopeptides either derived from nat-
hydroxide (Ordinola-­Zapata et al., 2013) ural sources (e.g. bacteria, fungi, plants, and animals)
Despite the recognized antimicrobial activity of this or designed by computational methods. Several online
antibiotic dressing, it should be emphasized that the use databases summarized the reported AMPs; for example,
of antibiotic-­based intracanal medications can result in the Antimicrobial Peptide Database 3 (APD3) contain
clinical and biologic side effects, including tooth struc- 3324 AMPs (last accessed on 5 February 2022, https://
ture staining (Ordinola-­Zapata et al., 2013). Cohenca et al. (Wang et al., 2016) and the Database
(2010) and da Silva et al. (2010) evaluated in vivo the api- of Antimicrobial Activity and Structure of Peptides,
cal repair in immature dog's teeth with experimentally version 3.0 (DBAASP v3), contain 18 433 peptides with
induced apical periodontitis after root canal instrumenta- 14 085 AMPs targeting Gram-­positive microorganisms
tion and intracanal medication with the triple antibiotic and 14 927 AMPs targeting Gram-­negative microorgan-
paste compared with the use of negative apical pressure isms (last accessed on 5 February 2022; https://dbaasp.
irrigation. The authors found a significantly more intense org/) (Pirtskhalava et al., 2021). As E. faecalis is, until
inflammatory cell infiltrate and a less advanced repair now, the most reported organism found in secondary
process when the paste was used. endodontic infections, the antimicrobial activity of
ORDINOLA-­ZAPATA et al.    | 631

AMPs as intracanal medications has been primarily zinc oxide nanoparticle (ZnONP) (Aguiar et al., 2015;
tested against E. faecalis. Compared with the conven- Guerreiro-­Tanomaru et al., 2013; Samiei et al., 2018).
tional calcium hydroxide treatment, AMPs showed sig- Polymeric nanoparticles can be applied either as a direct
nificantly increased activity in eliminating E. faecalis antimicrobial agent, such as chitosan nanoparticles (Del
and eradicating biofilms (Lee & Baek, 2012; Lee et al., Carpio-­Perochena et al., 2017; Suresh et al., 2021), or as
2013; Winfred et al., 2014). By substituting all amino a biodegradable nanocarrier for antimicrobial drugs, such
acids of AMPs to D-­enantiomers, the antimicrobial ac- as poly(D,L-­lactide-­co-­glycolide) (PLGA) nanoparticles
tivity was further enhanced against E. faecalis compared (Arafa et al., 2020; Elmsmari et al., 2021; Makkar & Patri,
with L-­enantiomers (Hirt et al., 2018). 2017). Ceramic nanoparticles, such as mesoporous cal-
The mechanism of AMPs eliminating bacteria is still cium silicate nanoparticles, could be loaded with antimi-
a matter of debate (Bechinger & Gorr 2017). Due to the crobial agents (e.g. Ag, Zn and chlorhexidine) (Fan et al.,
amphipathic and cationic properties of AMPs, the antimi- 2014, 2016; Leng et al., 2020). Compared with some tradi-
crobial mechanism was determined to be closely related tional intracanal medications, the treatment of nanopar-
to the interactions between AMPs and negatively charged ticles had no significant influence on the mechanical
bacterial membrane bilayers. Several models have been properties of dentine (Suzuki et al., 2019; Zhu et al., 2017).
proposed to introduce the concept of transmembrane The combination of antimicrobial agents with different
pore formation leading to bacterial lysis, including ‘barrel-­ mechanisms of delivery may represent the future direc-
stave’, ‘carpet’ and ‘toroidal-­pore’ models (Brogden, 2005). tion of intracanal medicaments. The very simple example
Ye and co-­workers studied the relationships between the was the combination of two common intracanal medica-
antimicrobial activity and the self-­assembly of AMPs ments; examples included the combinations of AMPs
using a model AMP, GL13K, derived from a human pa- with intracanal irrigants (Tong et al., 2014), chitosan with
rotid secretory protein (Ye & Aparicio, 2019, 2022; Ye et al., chlorhexidine gluconate (Savitha et al., 2019), and AgNPs
2021). In their studies, the peptides with higher potency with chlorhexidine gluconate (Charannya et al., 2018).
in forming self-­assembled nanofibers presented stron- The nanocomposites of AMP-­AgNP had a significant
ger antimicrobial activity, which might be caused by the increase in antimicrobial activity compared with either
strong interactions between the self-­assembled AMPs and single AMP or single AgNP (Pal et al., 2016, 2019; Ruden
the bacterial lipid bilayer and other cell envelope compo- et al., 2009; Ye et al., 2022). This might be attributed to the
nents. There has been increasing speculation that AMPs synergistic effect that AMPs create by inducing bacterial
might also target other intracellular components, such as transmembrane pore formation for the access of AgNPs
protein, DNA and RNA (Brogden, 2005). Moreover, the to the internal targets. With multi-­antimicrobial agents,
immunomodulatory properties of AMPs have also been the incidence of bacterial resistance would also be signifi-
recently studied to simulate the immune system (Haney cantly lower than that using single antimicrobial agents.
& Hancock, 2013). Given that AMPs do not have specific
protein targets in bacteria, it is more difficult to develop
widespread bacterial resistance against AMPs compared CONC LUSIONS
with conventional antibiotics. Further understanding
of the antimicrobial mechanisms of AMPs would help Intracanal medicament is essential part of the endodon-
design more effective and specific AMPs as intracanal tic armamentarium. Although their use appears to be
medications. diminishing, they are useful in cases with questionable
Another effective antimicrobial agent as an intracanal or unfavourable prognosis. There is the necessity of well-­
medication is the use of nanoparticles, including metal, designed prospective studies to assess the long-­term out-
polymeric and ceramic nanoparticles. These nanoparticles comes of root canal treatment modalities. Clinical studies
are commonly mixed in the calcium hydroxide paste as lack proper stratification of relevant patient's factors in-
additives to enhance the antimicrobial potency of calcium cluding age, the presence of comorbidities that may impair
hydroxide (Sy Agossa et al., 2021). One of the most studied healing, size of the lesion and the presence of endo-­perio
metal nanoparticles against E. faecalis is silver nanoparti- defects. Ideally, studies need to embrace the advantages
cle (AgNP) due to its broad-­spectrum antimicrobial activ- of using a stage disease model. The use of nanoparticles
ity and simple fabrication procedures (Afkhami et al., 2015; and antimicrobial peptides as intracanal medicaments is
Halkai et al., 2018; Noronha et al., 2017; Wu et al., 2014; promissory, and more research in this area is encouraged.
Zheng et al., 2018). Other antimicrobial metal nanopar-
ticles used in endodontics included copper nanoparticle ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
(CuNP) (Rojas et al., 2021), selenium nanoparticle (SeNP) The research reported in this publication was supported
(Miglani & Tani-­Ishii, 2021; Shahmoradi et al., 2021) and by the National Center for Advancing Translational

An update from the Infectious Diseases Society of America.

Sciences of the National Institutes of Health Award Clinical Infectious Diseases, 48(1), 1–­12.
Number UL1-­TR002494. Brogden, K.A. (2005) Antimicrobial peptides: pore formers or met-
abolic inhibitors in bacteria? Nature Reviews Microbiology, 3,
The authors deny any conflicts of interest related to this Brüünsgaard, H. & Pedersen, B.K. (2003) Age-­related inflammatory
study. cytokines and disease. Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North
America, 23, 15–­39.
Bruunsgaard, H., Skinhøj, P., Pedersen, A.N., Schroll, M. & Pedersen,
B.K. (2000) Ageing, tumour necrosis factor-­alpha (TNF-­alpha)
The article is a narrative review and did not involve and atherosclerosis. Clinical & Experimental Immunology, 121,
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Byström, A., Claesson, R. & Sundqvist, G. (1985) The antibacterial
AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS effect of camphorated paramonochlorophenol, camphorated
Ronald Ordinola-­Zapata: Conceptualization, writing, ed- phenol and calcium hydroxide in the treatment of infected root
iting, funding acquisition. Jorge Vera: Writing, editing. canals. Endodontics Dental Traumatology, 1, 170–­175.
Calişkan, M.K. (2004) Prognosis of large cyst-­like periapical lesions
W. Craig Noblett: Writing, editing. Alejandro Perez Ron:
following nonsurgical root canal treatment: a clinical review.
Writing, editing. Zhou Ye: Writing, editing.
International Endodontic Journal, 37, 408–­416.
Card, S.J., Sigurdsson, A., Ørstavik, D. & Trope, M. (2002) The effec-
ORCID tiveness of increased apical enlargement in reducing intracanal
Ronald Ordinola-­Zapata https://orcid. bacteria. Journal of Endodontics, 28, 779–­783.
org/0000-0001-9738-0828 Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017) Healthy aging:
Zhou Ye promoting well-­being in older adults. Available from: https://​-r­ ound​s/pp/2017/20170​919-­senio​r-­aging.
html [Accessed February 1st 2022].
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