The Magnetized Universe: Massimo Giovannini

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The Magnetized Universe

Massimo Giovannini1

CERN, Theoretical Physics Division, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland

Cosmology, high-energy physics and astrophysics are converging
on the study of large-scale magnetic fields. While the experimen-
tal evidence for the existence of large-scale magnetization in galaxies,
clusters and superclusters is rather compelling, the origin of the phe-
nomenon remains puzzling especially in light of the most recent obser-
vations. The purpose of the present review is to describe the physical
motivations and some of the open theoretical problems related to the
existence of large-scale magnetic fields.

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1 A triple point 2

2 From Alfvén to ROSAT 4

3 Large-scale magnetic fields observations 7

3.1 Zeeman splitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2 Synchrotron emission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.3 Faraday Rotation Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.4 Magnetic fields in the Milky Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.5 Magnetic fields in external galaxies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.6 Magnetic fields in Abell clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.7 Magnetic fields in superclusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

4 Globally Neutral Plasmas 22

4.1 Qualitative aspects of plasma dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.2 Kinetic and fluid descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.3 From one-fluid equations to MHD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.4 The Alfvén theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.5 Magnetic diffusivity equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.6 The dynamo mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

5 Magnetic Fields in Curved Backgrounds 40

5.1 The standard cosmological model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5.1.1 Inflationary dynamics and its extensions . . . . . . . . 43
5.2 Gauge fields in FRW Universes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.3 Physical scales in the evolution of magnetic fields . . . . . . . 51
5.3.1 Before matter-radiation equality . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.3.2 After matter-radiation equality . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.4 Charge and current density fluctuations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
5.5 Inverse cascades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.6 Hypermagnetic fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
5.6.1 Anomalous MHD equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
5.6.2 Hypermagnetic knots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

6 Two approaches to the Origin 76

6.1 Inhomogeneous MHD equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
6.2 Inflationary mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

6.2.1 Conventional inflationary models . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
6.2.2 Abelian Higgs model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
6.2.3 Internal dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6.2.4 String cosmological models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
6.3 Inside the Hubble radius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
6.3.1 Phase transitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
6.4 Mixed mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

7 Effects of primordial magnetic fields 97

7.1 Electroweak epoch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
7.1.1 EW phase diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
7.1.2 Baryon asymmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
7.2 Big-bang nucleosynthesis epoch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

8 CMB physics an magnetic fields 104

8.1 Large-scale magnetic fields and CMB anisotropies . . . . . . . 106
8.2 Faraday rotation of CMB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
8.3 Relic gravitational waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

9 Gravitating magnetic fields 117

10 Concluding Remarks 121

A Complements on MHD description 123

1 A triple point
Why do we observe magnetic fields in the sky? Why do we live in a magne-
tized Universe? A variety of observations imply that stars, planets, galaxies,
clusters of galaxies are all magnetized. The typical magnetic field strengths2
range from few µ G (in the case of galaxies and galaxy clusters) to few G
(in the case of planets, like the earth) up to 1012 G (in the case of neutron
stars). Physical phenomena are characterized depending upon the typical
time and length scales where they take place. Magnetic fields of stars and
planets are related to length-scales which are much smaller than the diameter
of the Milky Way (of the order of 30 Kpc) or of the local supercluster. In
this sense, a magnetic field of the order of µ G is minute on the terrestrial
scale but it is sizable over the scale of the supercluster.
In the present review only large-scale magnetic fields will be consid-
ered, i.e. magnetic fields whose typical scale exceeds the AU ( 1AU =
1.49 × 1013 cm). Large-scale magnetic fields must be understood and treated
as an essential part of the largest structures observed in the sky. Legitimate
questions arising in the study of magnetized structures concern their forma-
tion and evolution. The answers to these questions are still not completely
settled. Specific observations will eventually allow to discriminate between
the different competing explanations.
Magnetic fields of distant spiral galaxies are in the µ G range. There
is also compelling evidence of large-scale magnetic fields which are not as-
sociated with individual galaxies. This empirical coincidence reminds a bit
of one of the motivations of the standard hot big-bang model, namely the
observation that the light elements are equally abundant in rather different
parts of our Universe. The approximate equality of the abundances implies
that, unlike the heavier elements, the light elements have primordial origin.
The four light isotopes D, 3 He, 4 He and 7 Li are mainly produced at a specific
stage of the hot big bang model named nucleosynthesis occurring below the
a typical temperature of 0.8 MeV when neutrinos decouple from the plasma
and the neutron abundance evolves via free neutron decay. The abundances
calculated in the simplest big-bang nucleosythesis model agree fairly well
with the astronomical observations. In similar terms it is plausible to argue
In this review magnetic fields will be expressed in gauss. In the SI units 1T = 104 G.
For practical reasons, in cosmic ray physics and in cosmology it is also useful to express
the magnetic field in GeV2 (in units h̄ = c = 1). Recalling that the Bohr magneton is
about 5.7 × 10−11 MeV/T the conversion factor will then be 1G = 1.95 × 10−20 GeV2 .

that large-scale magnetic fields have similar strengths at large scales because
the initial conditions for their evolutions were the same, for instance at the
time of the gravitational collapse of the protogalaxy. The way the initial
conditions for the evolution of large-scale magnetic fields are set represents
is generically named magnetogenesis.
There is another comparison which might be useful. Back in the seven-
ties the so-called Harrison-Zeldovich spectrum was postulated. Later, with
the developments of inflationary cosmology the origin of a flat spectrum of
curvature and density profiles has been justified on the basis of a period of
quasi-de Sitter expansion named inflation. It is also plausible that in some
inflationary models not only the fluctuations of the geometry are amplified
but also the fluctuations of the gauge fields. This happens if, for instance,
gauge couplings are effectively dynamical. As the Harrison-Zeldovich spec-
trum can be used as initial condition for the subsequent Newtonian evolution,
the primordial spectrum of the gauge fields can be used as initial condition for
the subsequent magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) evolution which may lead,
eventually, to the observed large-scale magnetic fields.
Cosmologists and theoretical physicists would like to understand large-
scale magnetization in terms of symmetries which are broken. There are
other two different motivations leading, independently, to the study of large-
scale magnetic fields. For instance it was observed long ago by Fermi that
if cosmic rays are in equilibrium with the galaxy, their pressure density is
comparable with the one of the magnetic field of the galaxy. Large-scale
magnetic fields are also extremely relevant for astrophysics. Magnetic fields
in galaxies are sufficiently intense to affect the dynamics of interstellar gas
both on the galactic scale and also on smaller scales characteristic of star
formation processes. This is the third motivation leading to the study of large
scale-magnetic fields: the astrophysical motivation which tries to combine
our knowledge of the Universe in powerful dynamical principles based on the
microscopic laws of nature.
The cross-disciplinary character of the physical phenomena addressed in
this review is apparent from the table of content. In Section 2 a brief his-
torical account of this fifty years old problem will be given. Then, to clarify
the nature of the various theoretical constructions, the empirical evidence of
large scale magnetic fields will be discussed in Section 3. Section 4 contains
some background material on the evolution of magnetic fields in globally
neutral plasmas in flat space. Section 5 and 6 address the problem of the
evolution of large scale magnetic fields in curved backgrounds and of their

origin. In Section 7 the possible effects of magnetic fields on the thermody-
namical history of the Universe are scrutinized. Section 8 will be concerned
with the effects of large scale magnetic fields on the Cosmic Microwave Back-
ground radiation (CMB) and on the relic background of gravitational waves.
In Section 9 the rôle of gravitating magnetic fields in cosmological solutions
will be swiftly pointed out.
The perspective of present review is theoretical. In this sense various (very
important) experimental results (for instance concerning optical polarization)
will receive only a swift attention.

2 From Alfvén to ROSAT

In January 1949 large-scale magnetic fields had no empirical evidence. The
theoretical situation can be summarized as follows:

• the seminal contributions of Alfvén [1] convinced the community that

magnetic fields can have a very large life-time in a highly conducting

• using the new discoveries of Alfvén, Fermi [2] postulated the existence
of a large-scale magnetic field permeating the galaxy with approximate
intensity of µ G and, hence, in equilibrium with the cosmic rays;

• rather surprisingly Alfvén [3] did not appreciate the implications of the
Fermi idea and was led to conclude (incorrectly) that cosmic rays are
in equilibrium with stars disregarding completely the possibility of a
galactic magnetic field;

• in 1949 Hiltner [4] and, independently, Hall [5] observed polarization

of starlight which was later on interpreted by Davis and Greenstein [6]
as an effect of galactic magnetic field aligning the dust grains 3 .

According to the presented chain of events it is legitimate to conclude that

It should be noticed that the observations of Hiltner [4] and Hall [5] took place from
November 1948 to January 1949. The paper of Fermi [2] was submitted in January 1949
but it contains no reference to the work of Hiltner and Hall. This indicates the Fermi was
probably not aware of these optical measurements.

• the discoveries of Alfvén were essential in the Fermi proposal (who was
already thinking of the origin of cosmic rays in 1938 before leaving
• the idea that cosmic rays are in equilibrium with the galactic magnetic
fields (and hence that the galaxy possess a magnetic field) was essential
in the correct interpretation of the first, fragile, optical evidence of
galactic magnetization.
The origin of the galactic magnetization, according to [2], had to be somehow
primordial. This idea was further stressed in two subsequent investigations
of Fermi and Chandrasekar [7, 8] who tried, rather ambitiously, to connect
the magnetic field of the galaxy to its angular momentum.
In the fifties various observations on polarization of Crab nebula sug-
gested that the Milky Way is not the only magnetized structure in the sky.
The effective new twist in the observations of large-scale magnetic fields
was the development (through the fifties and sixties) of radio-astronomical
techniques. From these measurements the first unambiguous evidence of
radio-polarization from the Milky Way (MW) was obtained [10].
It was also soon realized that the radio-Zeeman effect (counterpart of
the optical Zeeman splitting employed to determine the magnetic field of
the sun) could offer accurate determination of (locally very strong) magnetic
fields in the galaxy. The observation of Lyne and Smith [11] that pulsars
could be used to determine the column density of electrons along the line
of sight opened the possibility of using not only synchrotron emission as a
diagnostic of the presence of a large-scale magnetic field, but also Faraday
rotation. In the seventies all the basic experimental tools for the analysis of
galactic and extra-galactic magnetic fields were present. Around this epoch
also extensive reviews on the experimental endeavors started appearing and
a very nice account could be found, for instance, in the review of Heiles [12].
It became gradually clear in the early eighties, that measurements of
large-scale magnetic fields in the MW and in the external galaxies are two
complementary aspects of the same problem. While MW studies can provide
valuable informations concerning the local structure of the galactic magnetic
field, the observation of external galaxies provides the only viable tool for the
reconstruction of the global features of the galactic magnetic fields. As it
will be clarified in the following Sections, the complementary nature of global
and local morphological features of large-scale magnetization may become,
sometimes, a source of confusion.

Since the early seventies, some relevant attention has been paid not only
to the magnetic fields of the galaxies but also to the magnetic fields of the
clusters. A cluster is a gravitationally bound system of galaxies. The local
group (i.e. our cluster containing the MW, Andromeda together with other
fifty galaxies) is an irregular cluster in the sense that it contains fewer galaxies
than typical clusters in the Universe. Other clusters (like Coma, Virgo) are
more typical and are then called regular or Abell clusters. As an order of
magnitude estimate, Abell clusters can contain 103 galaxies.
In the nineties magnetic fields have been measured in single Abell clus-
ters but around the turn of the century these estimates became more reliable
thanks to improved experimental techniques. In order to estimate magnetic
fields in clusters, an independent knowledge of the electron density along
the line of sight is needed (see Sec. 3). Recently Faraday rotation mea-
surements obtained by radio telescopes (like VLA 4 ) have been combined
with independent measurements of the electron density in the intra-cluster
medium. This was made possible by the maps of the x-ray sky obtained with
satellites measurements (in particular ROSAT 5 ). This improvement in the
experimental capabilities seems to have partially settled the issue confirming
the measurements of the early nineties and implying that also clusters are
endowed with a magnetic field of µG strength which is not associated with
individual galaxies.
The years to come are full of interesting experimental questions to be
answered. These questions, as it will be discussed in the following, may have
a rather important theoretical impact both on the theory of processes taking
place in the local universe (like ultra-high energy cosmic ray propagation)
and on the models of trying to explain the origin of large scale magnetic
fields. Last but not least, these measurements may have an impact on the
physics of CMB anisotropies and, in particular, on the CMB polarization. In
fact, the same mechanism leading to the Faraday rotation in the radio leads
to a Faraday rotation of the CMB provided the CMB is linearly polarized.
One of the important questions to be answered is, for instance, the nature
and strength of the supercluster magnetic field and now more careful statisti-
cal studies are starting also along this important direction. Superclusters are
gravitationally bound systems of clusters. An example is the local superclus-
The Very Large Array Telescope, consists of 27 parabolic antennas spread over a
surface of 20 km2 in Socorro (New Mexico)
The ROegten SATellite (flying from June 1991 to February 1999) provided maps of the
x-ray sky in the range 0.1–2.5 keV. A catalog of x-ray bright Abell clusters was compiled.

ter formed by the local group and by the VIRGO cluster. Together ROSAT,
various observations with the EINSTEIN, EXOSAT, and GINGA satellites
showed the presence of hot diffuse gas in the Local Supercluster. The esti-
mated magnetic field in this system is, again, of the order of the µ G but the
observational evidence is still not conclusive. Another puzzling evidence is
the fact that Lyman-α systems (with red-shifts z ∼ 2.5) are endowed with a
magnetic field [13].
From the historical development of the subject a series of questions arises

• what is the origin of large-scale magnetic fields?

• are magnetic fields primordial as assumed by Fermi more than 50 years


• even assuming that large-scale magnetic fields are primordial, is there

a theory for their generation?

3 Large-scale magnetic fields observations

Before describing the theory of something (not of everything) it is highly
desirable, in natural sciences, to understand in some detail the empirical evi-
dence of the subject under discussion. While technical accounts of the various
experimental techniques exist already [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18] it seems use-
ful, in the present context, to give an account of the experimental situation
by emphasizing the physical principles of the various measurements. There
are valuable books dealing directly with large-scale magnetism [19, 20, 21].
Furthermore excellent reviews of the morphological features of large scale
magnetism can be found in [14, 15, 16, 17]. Even if the present review will
not be concerned with planetary magnetic fields, analogies with physical sit-
uations arising closer to the earth are often useful and, along this perspective,
magnetic field observations in the solar system have been recently reviewed
Magnetic fields observed in the Universe have a homogeneous (or uniform)
component and a non-uniform component. It is then useful, for the purposes
of this Section, to write, in a schematic notation, that

Btot = B + δB, (3.1)

where B is the uniform component and δB the non-uniform component.
Both components are phenomenologically very relevant. Different experi-
mental techniques can probe different components of large-scale magnetic
fields (i.e. either the total magnetic field or its homogeneous component).
Another important distinction is between B⊥ and Bk : there are measure-
ments (like synchrotron emission) which are sensitive to B⊥ i.e. the trans-
verse component of the magnetic field; there are other measurements (like the
Faraday Rotation measure or the Zeeman splitting of spectral lines) which
are sensitive to Bk i.e. the magnetic field along the line of sight.

3.1 Zeeman splitting

In order to measure large scale magnetic fields, one of the first effects coming
to mind, is the Zeeman effect. The energy levels of an hydrogen atom in
the background of a magnetic field are not degenerate. The presence of a
magnetic field produces a well known splitting of the spectral lines:

eB k
∆νZ = . (3.2)

where B k denotes the uniform component of the magnetic field along the line
of sight. From the estimate of the splitting, the magnetic field intensity can
be deduced. Indeed this technique is the one commonly employed in order
to measure the magnetic field of the sun [22]. The most common element in
the interstellar medium is neutral hydrogen, emitting the celebrated 21-cm
line (corresponding to a frequency of 1420 MHz). If a magnetic field of µ G
strength is present in the interstellar medium, according to Eq. (3.2), an in-
duced splitting, ∆νZ ∼ 3Hz, can be estimated. Zeeman splitting of the 21-cm
line generates two oppositely circular polarized spectral lines whose apparent
splitting is however sub-leading if compared to the Doppler broadening. In
fact, the atoms and molecules in the interstellar medium are subjected to
thermal motion and the amount of induced Doppler broadening is roughly
given by  
∆νDop ∼ ν, (3.3)
where vth is the thermal velocity ∝ T /m where m is the mass of the atom
or molecule. The amount of Doppler broadening is ∆νDop ∼ 30 kHz which is
much larger than the Zeeman splitting which should be eventually detected.

Zeeman splitting of molecules and recombination lines should however be
detectable if the magnetic field strength gets larger with the density. Indeed
in the interstellar medium there are molecules with an unpaired electron spin.
From Eq. (3.2) it is clear that a detectable Zeeman splitting (i.e. comparable
or possibly larger than the Doppler broadening) can be generically obtained
for magnetic fields where B k ' 10−3 G, i.e. magnetic fields of the order of
the m G. Molecules with an unpaired electron spin include OH, CN, CH and
some other. In the past, for instance, magnetic fields have been estimated in
OH clouds (see [12] and references therein). Magnetic fields of the order of
10 m G have been detected in interstellar H2 O maser clumps (with typical
densities O(1010 cm−3 )) [23]. More recently attempts of measuring magnetic
fields in CN have been reported [24]. The possible caveat with this type
of estimates is that the measurements can only be very local: the above
mentioned molecules are much less common than neutral hydrogen and are
localized in specific regions of the interstellar medium. In spite of this caveat,
Zeeman splitting measurements can provide reliable informations on the local
direction of the magnetic field. This determination is important in order to
understand the possible origin of the magnetic field. This aspect will be
discussed, in more detail, when describing the magnetic field of the Milky

3.2 Synchrotron emission

The first experimental evidence of the existence of large-scale magnetic fields
in external galaxies came, historically, from the synchrotron emission of Crab
nebula [25]. The emissivity formula (i.e. the energy emitted from a unit
volume, per unit time, per unit frequency interval and per unit solid angle)
for the synchrotron is a function of B⊥ and and of the relativistic electron
density, namely
(1+α)/2 (1−α)/2
W(B⊥ , ν) = W0 n0 Btot,⊥ ν , (3.4)

where ν is the frequency, W0 is a proportionality constant depending only

upon the spectral index γ which also determines the (isotropic) relativistic
electron number density distribution for electrons with energies in the range
ne dE = n0 E −α dE. (3.5)

A useful estimate for the maximal emission from electrons of energy E is
given by [21]
ν Btot,⊥ E 2
' 15 . (3.6)
MHz µG GeV
In generic terms the synchrotron emission is then sensitive to the total trans-
verse magnetic field. In oversimplified terms the measurement proceeds in
three steps:

• estimate of the emission intensity;

• from the estimate of the emission intensity, defining as L the typical

size of the source, the quantity Btot,⊥ W0 L can be deduced;

• the magnetic field can then be obtained by specifying the electron den-
sity distribution of the source.

While the second step is rather well defined (γ can indeed be determined
from the observed emission spectrum 6 ) the third step has to be achieved
in a model-dependent way. The relativistic electron density is sometimes
estimated using equipartition, i.e. the idea that magnetic and kinetic energy
densities may be, after all, comparable. Equipartition is not always an em-
pirical evidence, but can certainly be used as a working hypothesis which
may or may not be realized in the system under consideration. For instance
equipartition probably holds for the Milky Way but it does not seem to be
valid in the Magellanic Clouds [26]. The average equipartition field strengths
in galaxies ranges from the 4µ G of M33 up to the 19µ G of NGC2276 [27, 28].
In order to illustrate the synchrotron emission take for instance the MW.
Away from the region of the galactic plane synchrotron emission is the domi-
nant signal of the galaxy for frequencies below 5 GHz. Between 1.4 and 5 GHz
the spectral dependence is O(ν −0.9 ). It should be noticed that the spectral
index of synchrotron emission may change in different frequency ranges and
also in different regions of the sky due to the variation of the magnetic field
[29]. This aspect is crucial in the experimental analysis of CMB anisotropy
experiments in the GHz region. In fact, in the context of CMB studies the
synchrotron is a foreground which should be appropriately subtracted. The
way this is done is by extrapolation of lower frequency measurements. The
Typical galactic values of α are between 2.4 and 2.8. An important caveat to this
statement, relevant for foreground extraction (for instance in studies of CMB anisotropies)
is that the synchrotron spectrum may have a break.

problem of proper subtraction of synchrotron foreground is particularly acute
in the case of the PLANCK mission 7
The synchrotron has an intrinsic polarization which can give the orienta-
tion of the magnetic field, but not the specific sign of the orientation vector.
The strength of synchrotron polarization is proportional to |B ⊥ /Btot,⊥ |2 , i.e.
the ratio between the magnetic energy densities of the uniform and total
magnetic field. Thus, according to Eq. (3.1), the synchrotron polarization is
sensitive to the random component of the large-scale magnetic field.

3.3 Faraday Rotation Measurements

To infer the magnitude of the magnetic field strength Faraday effect has been
widely used. When a polarized radio wave passes through a region of space
of size δ` containing a plasma with a magnetic field the polarization plane of
the wave gets rotated by an amount
δφ ∝ ωB δ`, (3.7)
which is directly proportional to the square of the plasma frequency 8 ωp (and
hence to the electron density) and to the Larmor frequency ωB (and hence
to the magnetic field intensity). A linear regression connecting the shift in
the polarization plane and the square of the wavelength λ, can be obtained:

φ = φ0 + RMλ2 . (3.8)

By measuring the relation expressed by Eq. (3.8) for two (or more) sepa-
rate (but close) wavelengths, the angular coefficient of the regression can be
obtained and it turns out to be
∆φ ne Bk `
= 811.9 d , (3.9)
∆λ2 cm−3 µG kpc

in units of rad/m2 when all the quantities of the integrand are measured in
the above units. The explicit dependence of the red-shift can be also easily
included in Eq. (3.9). Notice, in general terms that the RM is an integral
The satellite mission PLANCK EXPLORER will provide, after 2008, full sky maps in
nine frequency channels ranging from 30 to 900 GHz.
See Eq. (4.5) in the following Section.

over distances. Thus the effect of large distances will reflect in high values of
the RM. Furthermore, the Faraday effect occurs typically in the radio (i.e.
cm < λ < m), however, some possible applications of Faraday effect in the
microwave can be also expected (see Section 8 of the present review).
The shift in the polarization plane should be determined with an accuracy
greater than δφ ∼ ±π. Otherwise ambiguities may arise in the determination
of the angular coefficient appearing in the linear regression of Eq. (3.8). This
aspect is illustrated in Fig. 1 which is rather standard but it is reproduced
here in order to stress the possible problems arising in the physical determi-
nation of the RM if the determination of the shift in the polarization plane
is not accurate.
The RM defined in Eq. (3.9) not only the magnetic field (which should be
observationally estimated), but also the column density of electrons. From
the radio-astronomical observations, different techniques can be used in order
to determine ne . One possibility is to notice that in the observed Universe
there are pulsars. Pulsars are astrophysical objects emitting regular pulses
of electromagnetic radiation with periods ranging from few milliseconds to
few seconds. By comparing the arrival times of different radio pulses at
different radio wavelengths, it is found that signals are slightly delayed as
they pass through the interstellar medium exactly because electromagnetic
waves travel faster in the vacuum than in an ionized medium. Hence, from
pulsars the column density of electrons
can be obtained in the form of the
dispersion measure, i.e. DM ∝ ne d`. Dividing the RM by DM, an estimate
of the magnetic field can be obtained. Due to their abundance, pulsars lead
to the best determination of the magnetic field in the galactic disk [30]. In
Fig. 2 (adapted from [31]) a map of the antisymmetric RM sky is reported.
In the picture the open circles denote negative RM while filled circles denote
positive RM. The size of the circle is proportional to the magnitude of the
RM. The convention is, in fact, to attribute negative RM to a magnetic field
directed away from the observer and positive RM if the magnetic field is
directed toward the observer.
As in the case of synchrotron emission also Faraday rotation measure-
ments can be used as a diagnostic for foreground contamination. The idea
would be, in this context to look for cross-correlations in the Faraday rota-
tion measure of extra-galactic sources and the measured microwave signal at
the same angular position. A recent analysis has been recently reported [32].
If magnetic field or the column density change considerably over the in-
tegration path of Eq. (3.9) one should probably define and use the two-point


φ RM1


2 2
λ1 λ2 λ 23 λ

Figure 1: The possible ambiguities arising in practical determinations of

the RM are illustrated. The RM is the angular coefficient of the linear
regression expressed by Eq. (3.8). Clearly it is not necessary to know the
initial polarization of the source to determine the slope of a straight line in
the (φ, λ2 ) plane, but it is enough to measure φ at two separate wavelength.
However, if the accuracy in the determination of φ is of the order of π the
inferred determination of the angular coefficient of the linear regression (3.8)
is ambiguous.

Figure 2: The filtered RM distribution of extragalactic radio sources. The
antisymmetric distribution is clear especially from the inner galactic quad-
rant. This picture is adapted from [31].

function of the RM, i.e.

C(~r) = hRM(~x + ~r)RM(~x)i. (3.10)

The suggestion to study the mean-squared fluctuation of the RM was pro-

posed [33, 34]. More recently, using this statistical approach particularly ap-
propriate in the case of magnetic fields in clusters (where both the magnetic
field intensity and the electron density change over the integration path),
Newmann, Newmann and Rephaeli [35] quantified the possible (statistical)
uncertainty in the determination of cluster magnetic fields (this point will
also be discussed later). The rather ambitious program of measuring the
RM power spectrum is also pursued [36, 37]. In [38] the analysis of correla-
tions in the RM has been discussed.

3.4 Magnetic fields in the Milky Way

Since the early seventies [12, 39] the magnetic field of the Milky way (MW)
was shown to be parallel to the galactic plane. RM derived from pulsars allow
consistent determinations of the magnetic field direction and intensity [40,
41]. In the Milky Way, the uniform component of the magnetic field is in the

plane of the galactic disk and it is thought to be directed approximately along
the spiral arm. There is, though, a slight difference between the northern
and southern hemisphere. While in the southern hemisphere the magnetic
field is roughly 2µG, the magnetic field in the northern hemisphere is three
times smaller than the one of the southern hemisphere. The magnetic field
of the MW is predominantly toroidal 9 . However, looking at the center of
the galaxy, a poloidal component (typically 1/3 of the toroidal one) has
been detected. In fact, in the central 100 pc of the MW there are in fact
pooloidal (dipole) fields whose origin is probably primordial [42]( see also
[43, 44]). The reason for this statement is that through the usual plasma
physics mechanisms (like the dynamo theory to be discussed later in Section
4) it is hard to account for a sizable poloidal component, even if localized in
the central region of the MW.
The common practice is to classify large-scale magnetic fields in spiral
galaxies according to the parity of the toroidal field under reflections of the
azimuthal angle [21, 14]. According to some authors this distinction palys a
crucial rôle in order to assess the primordial (or non-primordial ) nature of
the observed field (see, for instance, [15, 18]). In short, the virtues and limi-
tations of the previous distinction can be summarized as follows. Suppose to
plot the toroidal component of the measured magnetic field (for instance of
the MW) as a function of the azimuthal angle θ. This is, in fact, equivalent,
to plot the RM(θ) for instance near the equatorial plane of the galaxy. Then
two qualitatively different situations can arise. In the first case RM(θ) upon
rotation of π around the galactic center is even and this corresponds to ax-
isymmetric spiral galaxies (ASS). In the second case RM(θ) upon rotation
of π around the galactic center is odd and this corresponds to bisymmetric
spiral galaxies (BSS). This sharp distinction is invalidated by two experimen-
tal facts. First of all there may be extra phases so that it is not clear, in
practice, if RM(θ) is, predominantly, even or odd. In spite of possible am-
biguities (which are, however, an experimental problem) the distinction may
be very useful: if the magnetic fields would originate through some dynamo
amplification the preferred configuration will be of the ASS-type and not of
the BSS-type. There are strong indications that the MW is a BSS spiral
[30, 31]. A related issue is the reversal of the magnetic field from one spiral
arm to the other. In [31] 63 rotation measures from polarization observations
Recall that the toroidal field is defined as the vector sum of the radial and azimuthal
~ toroidal = Bθ êθ + Br êr .
components, i.e. B

of southern pulsars have been reported. For the galactic disk, convincing ev-
idence of field reversal near the Perseus arm is presented. In the solar circle
three reversals are observed: near the Carina-Sagittarius arm, near the Crux-
Scutum arm, and possibly a third one in the Norma arm. These reversals
are claimed to be consistent with BSS models.
Since this is a relevant point, the possible controversies arising in the
analysis of the magnetic field of the MW will now be swiftly mentioned.
It is appropriate, for this purpose, to give a geometrical characterization of
the arm structure of the MW [45]. The spiral structure of the galaxy can
be described in terms of a two-dimensional coordinate system (x, y) whose
origin (0, 0) is at the galactic center. In this coordinate system the sun is
located at (0, 8) where the coordinates are expressed in kpc. For each spiral
arm the equation reduces to four curves, each rotated by Π/2 of the form:

x = r cos θ, y = r sin θ, r = r0 eκ(θ−θ0 ) . (3.11)

In Eq. (3.11) r0 ∼ 2.3kpc, θ0 ∼ 0, −π/2, −π, −3/2π, κ ∼ 0.21. In Fig. 3 the

map of the spiral arms is illustrated according to the model of Eq. (3.11).
Fig. 3 is adapted from the recent paper of Vallée [45]. The region with
dashed lines is poorly known from the observational point of view (“zona
galactica incognita” in the terminology of Vallée [45]). In terms of Fig. 3 the
basic question related to the magnetic field structure concerns the relative
orientation of the magnetic field direction between one arm and the nearest
one. As mentioned above[30, 31] some studies suggest that three reversals
are present. Some other studies [45] based on a statistical re-analysis of
the most recent data from 1995 to 2001 suggest that only one reversal is
observed. The two large arrows in Fig. 3 represent the field directions in
the Carina-Sagittarius and in the Perseus arms. In [45] it has been argued
that the magnetic field of the MW has the structure of axisymmetric spiral.
However, the presence of one field reversal seems to be not fully consistent
with this interpretation.
If the magnetic field of the MW flips its direction from one spiral arm to
the other and then, as pointed out by Sofue and Fujimoto [46] the galactic
magnetic field should probably be associated with a BSS model. In the Sofue-
Fujimoto model the radial and azimuthal components of the magnetic field
in a bisymmetric logarithmic spiral configuration is given through
Br = f (r) cos θ − β ln sin p,


( x =0 , y = 8 kpc)
1111111111 x = r cosθ
10 0000000000
1111 PERSEUS y= r sin θ
1111 000
1111 000
111 κ(θ − θ ο)
1111 000
111 r = rο e
rο = 2.3 kpc



11111111111111 x
−5 Galactic

−10 0 10 (kpc)

Figure 3: The map of the MW is illustrated. Following [45] the origin of the
two-dimensional coordinate system are in the Galactic center. The two large
arrows indicate one of the possible (3 or 5) field reversals observed so far.
The field reversal indicated in this figure is the less controversial one.
Bθ = f (r) cos θ − β ln cos p, (3.12)
where r0 ∼ 10.5 kpc is the galactocentric distance of the maximum of the
field in our spiral arm, β = 1/ tan p and p is the pitch angle of the spiral.
The smooth profile f (r) can be chosen in different ways. A motivated choice
is [47, 48] (see also [46])
r1 r
f (r) = 3 tanh3 µG, (3.13)
r r2
where r1 = 8.5 kpc is the distance of the Sun to the galactic center and r2 = 2
kpc. The original model of SF does not have dependence in the z direction,
however, the z dependence can be included and also more complicated models
can be built [46]. Typically, along the z axis, magnetic fields are exponentially
suppressed as exp [−z/z0 ] with z0 ∼ 4 kpc.
In the BSS model there are then three issues to be determined in order
to specify the parameters[49]:
• the number and location of field reversals;

• the value of the pitch angle p introduced in Eq. (3.12);

• the field strength in the disk.

The answers to these three questions are, in short, the following:

• 3 to 5 field reversals have been claimed;

• the pitch angle is determined to be p = −8.20 ± 0.50 [31, 49];

• the strength of the regular field is, as anticipated 1.8 ± 0.3 µG.

It is interesting to notice that the total field strength, in the notation of

Eq. (3.1) can reach even 6 µ G indicating, possibly, a strong stochastic
component. Differently from other spirals, the Milky Way has also a large
radio halo. The radio-halo indicates the large-scale height of the magnetic
field and its origin is unclear As far as the stochastic component of the
galactic magnetic field is concerned, the situation seems to be, according
to the reported results, still unclear [50, 51, 52]. It is, at present, not fully
understood if the stochastic component of the galactic magnetic field is much
smaller than (or of the same order of) the related homogeneous part as
implied by the estimates of the total field strength.
The structure of magnetic fields can be relevant when investigating the
propagation of high-energy protons [53, 54] as noticed already long ago [55].
This aspect leads to crucial (and structural) ambiguities in the analysis of
the propagation of charged particles of ultra-high energy.
The current observations of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays (UHECR) do
not lead to a firm evidence of the existence of a cutoff of the cosmic ray
spectrum between 1019 and 1020 eV. This is the celebrated Greisen, Zat-
sepin, Kuzmin (GZK) cutoff [56, 57]. If the source distribution of UHECR is
isotropic and homogeneous because photoproduction interactions on the mi-
crowave background, then the GZK cutoff should be present. The isotropiza-
tion of UHECR can be explained by scattering in large magnetic fields. This
suggestion can be achieved in the presence of a sizable galactic halo. Mag-
netic fields may change not only the local intensity of UHECR but also their
energy spectrum [58]. Various papers analyzed the acceleration and prop-
agation of UHECR in magnetized structures (see, for instance, [59, 60, 61]
and references therein).

3.5 Magnetic fields in external galaxies
An excellent presentation of the evidence of cosmic magnetism in nearby
galaxies has been given by Beck et al.[15] and, in a more concise form, by
Widrow [62]. The past few years have witnessed a long discussion on the
primordial nature of magnetic fields in nearby galaxies whose features are
partially reported in [15]. In analogy with the problem discussed in the case
of the MW two different opinions have been confronted. Theorists believing
the primordial nature of the galactic magnetic field supported the BSS model.
On the contrary, dynamo theorists supported the conclusion that most of the
nearby galaxies are ASS. As previously described, the variation of the RM
as a function of the azimuthal angles has been used in order to distinguish
ASS from BSS [63, 64]. The simplistic summary of the recent results is that
there are galaxies where BSS structure dominates (like M81,M51) [65]. At
the same time in some galaxies the ASS dominates [66].

3.6 Magnetic fields in Abell clusters

Already the short summary of the main experimental techniques used for the
detection of large scales magnetic fields shows that there may be problems in
the determination of magnetic fields right outside galaxies. There magnetic
fields are assumed to be often of nG strength. However, due to the lack of
sources for the determination of the column density of electrons, it is hard
to turn the assumption into an experimental evidence. Magnetic fields in
clusters have been recently reviewed by Giovannini [67] and, more extensively,
by Carilli and Taylor [68].
Since various theoretical speculations suggest that also clusters are mag-
netized, it would be interesting to know if regular Abell clusters posses large
scale magnetic fields. Different results in this direction have been reported
[69, 70, 71] (see also [78]). Some studies during the past decade [69, 70] dealt
mainly with the case of a single cluster (more specifically the Coma cluster).
The idea was to target (with Faraday rotation measurements) radio sources
inside the cluster. However, it was also soon realized that the study of many
radio sources inside different clusters may lead to experimental problems due
to the sensitivity limitations of radio-astronomical facilities. The strategy is
currently to study a sample of clusters each with one or two bright radio-
sources inside.
In the past it was shown that regular clusters have cores with a detectable

component of RM [78, 71]. Recent results suggest that µ Gauss magnetic
fields are indeed detected inside regular clusters [72]. Inside the cluster means
in the intra-cluster medium. Therefore, these magnetic fields cannot be as-
sociated with individual galaxies.
Regular Abell clusters with strong x-ray emission were studied using a
twofold technique [72, 73]. From the ROSAT full sky survey, the electron den-
sity has been determined [74]. Faraday RM (for the same set of 16 Abell clus-
ters) has been estimated through observations at the VLA radio-telescope.
The amusing result (confirming previous claims based only on one cluster
[69, 70]) is that x-ray bright Abell clusters possess a magnetic field of µ
Gauss strength. The clusters have been selected in order to show similar
morphological features. All the 16 clusters monitored with this technique
are at low red-shift (z < 0.1) and at high galactic latitude (|b| > 200 ).
These recent developments are rather promising and establish a clear
connection between radio-astronomical techniques and the improvements in
the knowledge of x-ray sky. There are various satellite missions mapping
the x-ray sky at low energies (ASCA, CHANDRA, NEWTON 10 ). There is
the hope that a more precise knowledge of the surface brightness of regular
clusters will help in the experimental determination of large scale magnetic
fields between galaxies. It should be however mentioned that evidence for
the presence of relativistic electrons and magnetic fields in clusters was di-
rectly available even before, from measurements of extended regions of radio
synchrotron emission (for frequencies 10−2 < ν < 1 GHz) [75].
It is interesting to notice that intra-cluster magnetic fields of µ G strength
can induce Faraday rotation on CMB polarization. By combining infor-
mations from Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect and X-ray emission from the same
clusters, it has been recently suggested that a richer information concerning
electron column density can be obtained [76]. In Fig. 4 the results reported
in [72] are summarized. In Fig. 4 the RM of the sample of x-ray bright Abell
clusters is reported after the subtraction of the RM of the galaxy. At high
galactic latitude (where all the observed clusters are) the galactic contribu-
tion is rather small and of the order of 9.5rad/m2 .
The results reported in [71] In Fig. 4 the open points represent sources
viewed through the thermal cluster gas, whereas the full points represent
ASCA is operating between 0.4 AND 10 keV and it is flying since February 1993.
CHANDRA (NASA mission) and NEWTON (ESA mission) have an energy range com-
parable with the one of ASCA and were launched, almost simultaneously, in 1999.

Figure 4: From Ref. [72] the RM deduced from a sample of 16 X-ray bright
Abell clusters is reported as a function of the source impact parameter.

control sources at impact parameters larger than the cluster gas. The excess
in RM attributed to clusters sources is clearly visible.
Using the described techniques large scale magnetic fields can be observed
and studied in external galaxies, in clusters and also in our own galaxy. While
the study of external galaxies and clusters may provide a global picture of
magnetic fields, the galactic observations performed within the Milky Way
are more sensitive to the local spatial variations of the magnetic field. For
this reasons local and global observations are complementary. The flipped
side of the coin, as we will see in the second part of the present Section, is
that the global structure of the magnetic field of our galaxy is not known
directly and to high precision but it is deduced from (or corroborated by)
the global knowledge of other spiral galaxies.

3.7 Magnetic fields in superclusters

Magnetic fields in the local supercluster are notoriously difficult to measure.
In the absence of direct measurements it is the opinion of the author that

these fields cannot be assumed to be small, i.e.  µG. In this situation it
seems useful to consider the possibility that these fields are large. In [54]
this point of view has been taken in connection with the propagation of
the most energetic cosmic rays. This approach is desirable since the (few)
reliable claims of measurements of large-scale magnetic fields in the Local
Supercluster seem to indicate that these fields are rather strong and more in
the range of the µ G than in the range of the n G.
Recently [77] the possible existence, strength and structure of magnetic
fields in the intergalactic plane, within the Local Supercluster, has been
scrutinized. The local supercluster is centered approximately at the VIRGO
cluster, about 18 Mpc from the Local Group. A statistically significant
Faraday screen acting on the radio-waves coming from the most distance
sources has been found. This analysis supports the existence of a regular
magnetic field of 0.3µ G in the Local Supercluster.
In the past detection of radio emission in the Coma supercluster has been
reported [78]. The plane of the Coma supercluster is defined by the Coma
cluster and by the Abell cluster 1367. The observed magnetic field has been
extimated to be of the order of 0.5µ G.
In [79] using numerical simulations the spectrum of protons above 1019
eV has been determined under the assumption that the injection spectrum
is determined by a discrete set of continuously emitting sources. The sources
follow the profile of the local Supercluster. It has been shown that if |B|
~ ≤
0.05µG the source distribution assumed in the Supercluster is inconsistent
with the observations. On the other hand, if |B| ~ ≤ 0.3µG, 10 sources in the
local Supercluster would lead to spectra consistent with the observations.
This analysis seems to fit with [77] and with the general arguments put for-
ward in [54]. In a complementary perspective, the authors of [80] claim to be
able to simulate the evolution of large-scale magnetic fields from reasonably
high red-shifts. The obtained results, according to [80], correctly reproduce
the present large-scale structure of cluster and supercluster magnetic fields
both in their observed and unobserved features.

4 Globally Neutral Plasmas

The simplified discussion of the plasma evolution is often related to magneto-
hydrodynamics (MHD) which is a one-fluid plasma description holding under
very specific assumptions. The goal of the first part of the present Section

(together with the related Appendix A) will be to present the reduction of
the common two-fluids plasma dynamics to the simplified case of one-fluid
description provided by MHD.

4.1 Qualitative aspects of plasma dynamics

Consider, as a starting point, a globally neutral plasma of electrons and
ions (in the simplest case protons) all at the same temperature T0 and with
mean particle density n0 . Suppose, for simplicity, local thermodynamical
equilibrium 11 . The charge densities will be given, respectively, by

ne (φ) = n0 eeφ/T0 ' (1 + ),

np (φ) = n0 e−eφ/T0 ' (1 − ), (4.1)
where φ is the electrostatic potential. In Eqs. (4.1) it has been assumed that
the plasma is weakly coupled, i.e. |eφ/T0 |  1. A test charge qt located in
the origin will then experience the electrostatic potential following from the
Poisson equation,

∇2 φ = 4πe[ne (φ) − np (φ)] − 4πqt δ (3) (~x), (4.2)

or, using Eqs. (4.1) into Eq. (4.2)

∇2 φ − φ = −4πδ (3) (~x), (4.3)

where s
λD = , (4.4)
8πn0 e2
is the Debye length. For a test particle the Coulomb potential will then have
the usual Coulomb form but it will be suppressed, at large distances by a
Yukawa term, i.e. e−r/λD .
In the interstellar medium there are three kinds of regions which are
conventionally defined, namely H2 regions (where the Hydrogen is predom-
inantly in molecular form), H0 regions (where Hydrogen is in atomic form)
and H+ regions (where Hydrogen is ionized). Sometimes H+ regions are
This assumption is violated in the realistic situations.

denoted with HI and H2 regions with HII. In the H+ regions the typical tem-
perature T0 is of the order of 10–20 eV while for n0 let us take, for instance,
n0 ∼ 3 × 10−2 cm−3 . Then λD ∼ 30km.
For r  λD the Coulomb potential is screened by the global effect of the
other particles in the plasma. Suppose now that particles exchange momen-
tum through two-body interactions. Their cross section will be of the order
of αem /T02 and the mean free path will be `mfp ∼ T02 /(αem
n0 ), i.e. recalling
Eq. (4.4) λD  `mfp . This means that the plasma is a weakly collisional
system which is, in general, not in local thermodynamical equilibrium. This
observation can be made more explicit by defining another important scale,
namely the plasma frequency which, in the system under discussion, is given
by s
4πn0 e2
ωp = , (4.5)
where me is the electron mass. The plasma frequency is the oscillation
frequency of the electrons when they are displaced from their equilibrium
q in a background of approximately fixed ions. Recalling that
vther ' T0 /me is the thermal velocity of the charge carriers, the collision
frequency ωc ' vther /`mfp is always much smaller than ωp ' vther /λD . Thus,
in the idealized system described so far, the following hierarchy of scales
λD  `mfp, ωc  ωp , (4.6)
which means that before doing one collision the system undergoes many os-
cillations, or, in other words, that the mean free path is not the shortest scale
in the problem. Usually one defines also the plasma parameter N = n−1 −3
0 λD ,
i.e. the number of particles in the Debye sphere. In the approximation of
weakly coupled plasma N  1 which also imply that the mean kinetic energy
of the particles is larger than the mean inter-particle potential, i.e. |eφ|  T0
in the language of Eq. (4.1).

4.2 Kinetic and fluid descriptions

From the point of view of the evolution of large-scale magnetic fields, the
galaxy is globally neutral system of charged particles with typical rotation
period of 3 × 108 yrs. Two complementary descriptions of the plasma can
then be adopted. The first possibility is to study the full system of kinetic

equations (the Vlasov-Landau description [81, 82, 83] for the one particle dis-
tribution function). In the kinetic description the “observables” of the plasma
dynamics are related to the various moments of the distribution function. In
a complementary perspective, it is also possible to study directly the evolu-
tion equations of the various moments of the distribution function (charge
and matter densities, momentum transfer etc.). The resulting description is
an effective one since not all the moments of the distribution function can be
kept. The necessity of a consistent truncation in the hierarchy of the various
moments is usually called closure problem. MHD is an effective description
which holding for
L  λD , t  ωp−1 , (4.7)
where L and t are the typical length and time scales of the problem. The
MHD approximation holds for typical length scales larger than the Debye
scale and typical frequencies much smaller than the plasma frequency. In
particular, the spectrum of plasma excitations obtained from the full kinetic
description matches with the spectrum of MHD excitations but only at suf-
ficiently small frequencies (typically of the order of the ionoacoustic waves)
[84, 85].
If the plasma is weakly collisional and out of thermodynamical equilib-
rium, an approximation where the evolution equations are still tractable is
given in terms of the one-particle distribution function fi (~x, ~v, t) where the
subscript denotes the given charge carrier (for instance electrons and ions).
The one-particle distribution obeys the Vlasov-Landau equation for each par-
ticle species of charge qi and of mass mi :
∂fi ~ ~x fi + qi (E
~ + ~v × B) ~ ~v fi = ∂fi
~ ·∇
+ ~v · ∇ . (4.8)
∂t mi ∂t coll

The term appearing at the right-hand side of Eq. (4.8) is the binary col-
lision term. In a weakly coupled plasma, the long-range force is given by
the Coulomb interaction, while the short-range component arises thanks to
binary collisions. In other words the electric and magnetic fields appearing
in Eq. (4.8) are mean fields obeying mean Maxwell’s equations:

~ ·E
~ = 4π ni qi d3 vfi (~x, ~v , t), (4.9)
∇ ~ + ∂ B = 0,
~ ×E (4.10)

~ X Z

~ ×B~ = ∂ E + 4π ni qi d3 v~v fi (~x, ~v, t), (4.11)
∂t i
~ ·B
∇ ~ = 0, (4.12)

where ni is the mean particle density. In the context of the kinetic approach
the evolution equation should be solved self-consistently with the Maxwell’s
equations. Clearly, in a system where the density of particles is small the
mean field given by the distant particles is more important than the the force
produced by the closest particles. In practice the Vlasov-landau system can
be linearized around some equilibrium value of the one-particle distribution
function and specific examples will be discussed later on.
The one-particle distribution function is not directly observable. The
directly observable quantities are the the various moments of the one-particle
distribution, for instance, the particle density,
ni (~x, t) = ni fi (~x, ~v, t)d3 v, (4.13)

and the related matter and charge densities for each particle species (i.e.
ρm,i (~x, t) = mi ni (~x, t) and ρq,i (~x, t) = qi ni (~x, t)) or summed over the differ-
ent species (i.e. ρm = i ρm,i and ρq = i ρq,i ). However, the dynamical
informations on the plasma evolution are not only encoded in the moment
of order zero but also in the higher moments (the first, the second and even
For some class of problems the kinetic approach is to be preferred. For
instance the kinetic approach is mandatory for all the high frequency phe-
nomena (like, for instance, equilibration of charge and current density fluc-
tuations). As far as the low-frequency phenomena are concerned one can
imagine to obtain a reduced (fluid-like) description. Instead of computing
the self-consistent evolution of Eqs. (4.8)–(4.12), obtaining, as a result, the
various moments of the one-particle distribution function, the evolution equa-
tions for the moments of the one-particle distribution can be solved directly.

4.3 From one-fluid equations to MHD

The evolution equations for the one-fluid variables are obtained from the two-
species kinetic description by some algebra which is summarized in the first
part of Appendix A. The bottom line of the derivation is that the moments of

the one-particle distribution function obey a set of partial differential equa-
tions whose solutions can be studied in different approximations. One of
these approximations is the MHD description. The set of one-fluid equations
(derived in Appendix A) can be written as

∂ρm ~
+ ∇ · (ρm~v ) = 0, (4.14)
∂ρq ~ ~
+ ∇ · j = 0. (4.15)
∂~v ~ ~ + J~ × B
~ − ∇P,
ρm + ~v · ∇ ~v = ρq E (4.16)
~ + ~v × B
E ~ = 1 J~ + 1 (J~ × B ~ − ∇P
~ e ). (4.17)
σ en
supplemented by the Maxwell’s equations
~ ·E
∇ ~ = 4πρq , ~ ·B
∇ ~ =0 (4.18)

~ ×E~ + ∂ B = 0, (4.19)

~ ×B~ = ∂ E + 4π J~ (4.20)
Eqs. (4.14) and (4.15) are the mass and charge conservation, Eq. (4.16) is
the equation for the momentum transfer and Eq. (4.17) is the generalized
Ohm law. In Eqs. (4.14)–(4.17) ~v is the one-fluid velocity field, P is the total
pressure and Pe is the pressure of the electrons.
If the plasma is globally neutral the charge density can be consistently
neglected. However, global neutrality is plausible only for typical lengths
much larger than λD where the collective properties of the plasma are the
leading dynamical effect. Under this assumption, Eqs. (4.15) and (4.18)
∇~ · J~ = 0, ∇
~ ·E~ = 0, (4.21)
which means that MHD currents are, in the first approximation, solenoidal.
The second step to get to a generalized form of the MHD equations is to
neglect the terms responsible for the high frequency plasma excitations, like
the displacement current in Eqs. (4.20) whose form becomes then

~ ×B
~ = 4π J.
~ (4.22)

Given the two sets of consistent approximations discussed so far, the form
taken by the generalized Ohm law may not be unique and, therefore, differ-
ent MHD descriptions arise depending upon which term at the right hand
side of Eq. (4.17) is consistently neglected. The simplest (but often not real-
istic) approximation is to neglect all the terms at the right hand side of Eq.
(4.17). This is sometimes called ideal MHD approximation. In this case the
Ohmic electric field is given by E ~ ' −~v × B.~ This ideal description is also
called sometimes superconducting MHD approximation since, in this case,
~ go to zero (and the conductivity
the resistive terms in Eq. (4.17), i.e. J/σ
σ → ∞). In the early Universe it is practical to adopt the superconducting
approximation (owing to the large value of the conductivity) but it is also
very dangerous since all the O(1/σ) effects are dropped.
A more controllable approximation is the real (or resistive) MHD. The
resistive approximation is more controllable since the small expansion pa-
rameter (i.e. 1/σ) is not zero (like in the ideal case) but it is small and finite.
This allows to compute the various quantities to a a given order in 1/σ even
if, for practical purposes, only the first correction is kept. In this framework
the Ohmic current is not neglected and the generalized Ohm law takes the
J~ ' σ(E~ + ~v × B).
~ (4.23)
Comparing Eq. (4.23) with Eq. (4.17), it is possible to argue that the resis-
tive MHD scheme is inadequate whenever the Hall and thermoelectric terms
are cannot be neglected. Defining ωB = eB/m as the Larmor frequency,
the Hall term J~ × B ~ can be neglected provided LωB2 /ωL v0  1 where L us
the typical size of the system and v0 the typical bulk velocity of the plasma.
With analogous dimensional arguments it can be argued that the pressure
gradient, i.e. the thermoelectric term, can be consistently neglected pro-
vided Lv0 ωLme /Te  1. Specific examples where the Hall term may become
relevant will be discussed in the context of the Biermann battery mechanism.
The set of MHD equations, as it has been presented so far, is not closed
if a further relation among the different variables is not specified [86]. Typi-
cally this is specified through an equation relating pressure and matter den-
sity (adiabatic or isothermal closures). Also the incompressible closure (i.e.
~ · ~v = 0 ) is often justified in the context of the evolution of magnetic fields

prior to recombination. It should be stressed that sometimes the adiabatic
approximation may lead to paradoxes. It would correspond, in the context of
ideal MHD, to infinite electrical conductivity and vanishingly small thermal

conductivity (i.e. the electrons should be extremely fast not to feel the re-
sistivity and, at the same time, extremely slow not to exchange heat among

4.4 The Alfvén theorems

The ideal and resistive MHD descriptions are rather useful in order to il-
lustrate some global properties of the evolution of the plasma which are
relevant both in the evolution of large-scale magnetic fields prior to recom-
bination and in the discussion of the gravitational collapse in the presence
of magnetic fields. These global properties of the plasma evolution go under
the name of Alfvén theorems [86] (see also [87]).
In the ideal limit both the magnetic flux and the magnetic helicity are
conserved. This means,
d ~ =− 1
~ · dΣ
B ∇
~ ×∇
~ ×B
~ · dΣ,
~ (4.24)
dt Σ 4πσ Σ

where Σ is an arbitrary closed surface which moves with the plasma 12 . If

σ → ∞ the expression appearing at the right hand side is sub-leading and
the magnetic flux lines evolve glued to the plasma element.
The other quantity which is conserved in the superconducting limit is the
magnetic helicity Z
HM = ~ · B,
d3 xA ~ (4.25)

where A~ is the vector potential whose presence may lead to think that the
whole expression (4.25) is not gauge-invariant. In fact A ~·B ~ is not gauge
invariant but, none the less, HM is gauge-invariant since the integration
volume is defined in such a way that the magnetic field B ~ is parallel to the
surface which bounds V and which we will call ∂V . If ~n is the unit vector
normal to ∂V then B ~ · ~n = 0 on ∂V and the gauge dependent contribution
to the integral appearing in Eq. (4.25) vanishes. In physical terms the
integration may always be performed imagining that the space is sliced in
flux tubes of the magnetic field. This procedure is correct provided the
magnetic flux is, at least approximately, conserved as implied by Eq. (4.24).
The magnetic gyrotropy
B~ ·∇
~ ×B~ (4.26)
Notice that in Ref. [87] Eq. (4.24) has been derived without the 4π term at the right
hand side because of different conventions.

it is a gauge invariant measure of the diffusion rate of HM . In fact, in the
resistive approximation [87]
d 1 Z 3 ~ ~
HM = − d x B · ∇ × B.
~ (4.27)
dt 4πσ V
As in the case of Eq. (4.25), for σ → ∞ the magnetic helicity is approxi-
mately constant. The value of the magnetic gyrotropy allows to distinguish
different mechanisms for the magnetic field generation. Some mechanisms are
able to produce magnetic fields whose flux lines have a non-trivial gyrotropy.
The properties of turbulent magnetized plasmas may change depending upon
the value of the gyrotropy and of the helicity [86].
The physical interpretation of the flux conservation and magnetic helicity
conservation is the following. In MHD the magnetic field has to be always
solenoidal (i.e. ∇·
~ B~ = 0). Thus, the magnetic flux conservation implies that,
in the superconducting limit (i.e. σ → ∞) the magnetic flux lines, closed
because of the transverse nature of the field, evolve always glued together
with the plasma element. In this approximation, as far as the magnetic field
evolution is concerned, the plasma is a collection of (closed) flux tubes. The
theorem of flux conservation states then that the energetical properties of
large-scale magnetic fields are conserved throughout the plasma evolution at
low frequencies.
While the flux conservation concerns the energetical properties of the
magnetic flux lines, the magnetic helicity concerns chiefly the topological
properties of the magnetic flux lines. If the magnetic field is completely
stochastic, the magnetic flux lines will be closed loops evolving independently
in the plasma and the helicity will vanish. There could be, however, more
complicated topological situations [87] where a single magnetic loop is twisted
(like some kind of Möbius stripe) or the case where the magnetic loops are
connected like the rings of a chain. In both cases the magnetic helicity will
not be zero since it measures, essentially, the number of links and twists
in the magnetic flux lines. Furthermore, in the superconducting limit, the
helicity will not change throughout the time evolution. The conservation
of the magnetic flux and of the magnetic helicity is a consequence of the
fact that, in ideal MHD, the Ohmic electric field is always orthogonal both
to the bulk velocity field and to the magnetic field. In the resistive MHD
approximation this is no longer true.
If the conductivity is very large (but finite), the resistive MHD approxi-
mation suggests, on one hand, that the magnetic flux is only approximately

conserved. On the other hand the approximate conservation of the magnetic
helicity implies that the closed magnetic loops may modify their topological
structure. The breaking of the flux lines, occurring at finite conductivity,
is related to the possibility that bits of magnetic fluxes are ejected from a
galaxy into the inter-galactic medium. This phenomenon is called magnetic
reconnection and it is the basic mechanism explaining, at least qualitatively,
why, during the solar flares, not only charged particles are emitted, but also
magnetic fields. In the context of large scale magnetic fields the approximate
(or exact) magnetic flux conservation has relevant consequences for the rôle
of magnetic fields during gravitational collapse.

4.5 Magnetic diffusivity equation

From Eqs. (4.22) and (4.23) the Ohmic electric field can be expressed as

~ = 1 ∇
E ~ ×B
~ − ~v × B,
~ (4.28)
which inserted into Eq. (4.19) leads to the magnetic diffusivity equation
=∇ ~ + 1 ∇2 B.
~ × (~v × B) ~ (4.29)
∂t 4πσ
The first term of Eq. (4.29) is the dynamo term. The second term of Eq.
(4.29) is the magnetic diffusivity term whose effect is to dissipate the mag-
netic field. By comparing the left and the right hand side of Eq. (4.29), the
typical time scale of resistive phenomena is

tσ ' 4πσL2 , (4.30)

where L is the typical length scale of the magnetic field. In a non-relativistic

plasma the conductivity σ goes typically as T 3/2 [84]. In the case of plan-
ets, like the earth, one can wonder why a sizable magnetic field can still be
present. One of the theories is that the dynamo term regenerates contin-
uously the magnetic field which is dissipated by the diffusivity term [20].
In the case of the galactic disk the value of the conductivity 13 is given by
σ ' 7 × 10−7 Hz. Thus, for L ' kpc tσ ' 109 (L/kpc)2 sec.
It is common use in the astrophysical applications to work directly with η = (4πσ)−1 .
In the case of the galactic disks η = 1026 cm2 Hz. The variable η denotes, in the present
review, the conformal time coordinate.

In Eq. (4.30) the typical time of resistive phenomena has been introduced.
Eq. (4.30) can also give the typical resistive length scale once the time-scale of
the system is specified. Suppose that the time-scale of the system is given by
tU ∼ H0−1 ∼ 1018 sec where H0 is the present value off the Hubble parameter.
Then s
Lσ = , (4.31)
leading to Lσ ∼ AU. The scale (4.31) gives then the upper limit on the
diffusion scale for a magnetic field whose lifetime is comparable with the age
of the Universe at the present epoch. Magnetic fields with typical correlation
scale larger than Lσ are not affected by resistivity. On the other hand,
magnetic fields with typical correlation scale L < Lσ are diffused. The value
Lσ ∼ AU is consistent with the phenomenological evidence that there are no
magnetic fields coherent over scales smaller than 10−5 pc.
The dynamo term may be responsible for the origin of the magnetic field
of the galaxy. The galaxy has a typical rotation period of 3 × 108 yrs and
comparing this number with the typical age of the galaxy, O(1010 yrs), it can
be appreciated that the galaxy performed about 30 rotations since the time
of the protogalactic collapse.
From Eq. (4.29) the usual structure of the dynamo term may be derived
by carefully averaging over the velocity filed according to the procedure of [88,
89]. By assuming that the motion of the fluid is random and with zero mean
velocity the average is taken over the ensemble of the possible velocity fields.
In more physical terms this averaging procedure of Eq. (4.29) is equivalent
to average over scales and times exceeding the characteristic correlation scale
and time τ0 of the velocity field. This procedure assumes that the correlation
scale of the magnetic field is much bigger than the correlation scale of the
velocity field which is required to be divergence-less (∇ ~ · ~v = 0). In this
approximation the magnetic diffusivity equation can be written as:
= α(∇ ~ + 1 ∇2 B,
~ × B) ~ (4.32)
∂t 4πσ
α=− h~v · ∇
~ × ~v i, (4.33)
is the so-called dynamo term which vanishes in the absence of vorticity. In
Eqs. (4.32)–(4.33) B~ is the magnetic field averaged over times longer that τ0
which is the typical correlation time of the velocity field.

It can be argued that the essential requirement for the consistence of the
mentioned averaging procedure is that the turbulent velocity field has to be
“globally” non-mirror symmetric [19]. If the system would be, globally, in-
variant under parity transformations, then, the α term would simply vanish.
This observation is related to the turbulent features of cosmic systems. In
cosmic turbulence the systems are usually rotating and, moreover, they pos-
sess a gradient in the matter density (think, for instance, to the case of the
galaxy). It is then plausible that parity is broken at the level of the galaxy
since terms like ∇ρ
~ m·∇ ~ × ~v are not vanishing [19].
The dynamo term, as it appears in Eq. (4.32), has a simple electrody-
namical meaning, namely, it can be interpreted as a mean ohmic current
directed along the magnetic field :
J~ = −αB
~ (4.34)
This equation tells us that an ensemble of screw-like vortices with zero mean
helicity is able to generate loops in the magnetic flux tubes in a plane or-
thogonal to the one of the original field. Consider, as a simple application of
Eq. (4.32), the case where the magnetic field profile is given by
Bx (z, t) = f (t) sin kz, By = f (t) cos kz, Bz (k, t) = 0. (4.35)
For this profile the magnetic gyrotropy is non-vanishing, i.e. B~ ·∇
~ ×B ~ =
kf (t). From Eq. (4.32), using Eq. (4.35) f (t) obeys the following equation
df k2
= kα − f (4.36)
dt 4πσ
admits exponentially growing solutions for sufficiently large scales, i.e. k <
4π|α|σ. Notice that in this naive example the α term is assumed to be con-
stant. However, as the amplification proceeds, α may develop a dependence
~ 2 , i.e. α → α0 (1 − ξ|B|
upon |B| ~ 2 )α0 [1 − ξf 2 (t)]. In the case of Eq. (4.36) this
modification will introduce non-linear terms whose effect will be to stop the
growth of the magnetic field. This regime is often called saturation of the
dynamo and the non-linear equations appearing in this context are some-
times called Landau equations [19] in analogy with the Landau equations
appearing in hydrodynamical turbulence.
In spite of the fact that in the previous example the velocity field has
been averaged, its evolution obeys the Navier-Stokes equation
ρ + (~v · ∇)~
~ v − ν∇2~v = −∇p
~ + J~ × B,
~ (4.37)

where ν is the thermal viscosity coefficient. Since in MHD the matter current
is solenoidal (i.e. ∇·(ρ~
~ v ) = 0) the incompressible closure ∇ρ
~ = 0, corresponds
to a solenoidal velocity field ∇·~
~ v = 0. Recalling Eq. (4.22), the Lorentz force
term can be re-expressed through vector identities and Eq. (4.37) becomes
   ~ 2
+ (~v · ∇)~ ~ p + |B| + (B
~ v − ν∇2~v = −∇ ~ · ∇)
~ B.
~ (4.38)
∂t 8π
In typical applications to the evolution of magnetic fields prior to recombi-
nation the magnetic pressure term is always smaller than the fluid pressure
, i.e. p  |B|
~ 2 . Furthermore, there are cases where the Lorentz force term
can be ignored. This is the so-called force free approximation. Defining the
kinetic helicity as ~ω = ∇ ~ × ~v , the magnetic diffusivity and Navier-Stokes
equations can be written in a rather simple and symmetric form

=∇ ~ + 1 ∇2 B,
~ × (~v × B) ~
∂t 4πσ
~ × (~v × ~ω ) + ν∇2 ~ω . (4.39)
In MHD various dimensionless ratios can be defined. The most frequently
used are the magnetic Reynolds number, the kinetic Reynolds number and
the Prandtl number:

Rm = vLB σ, (4.40)
R= , (4.41)
Pr = = νσ , (4.42)
R Lv
where LB and Lv are the typical scales of variation of the magnetic and veloc-
ity fields. In the absence of pressure and density perturbations the combined
system of Eqs. (4.22) and (4.38) can be linearized easily. Using then the
incompressible closure the propagating modes are the Alfvén waves whose
~ √4πρ. Often the
typical dispersion relation is ω 2 = c2a k 2 where ca = |B|/
Recall that in fusion studies the quantity β = 8π|B| ~ 2 /p is usually defined. If the
plasma is confined, then β is of order 1. On the contrary, if β  1, as implied by the
critical density bound in the early Universe, then the plasma may be compressed at higher
temperatures and densities.

Lundqvist number is called, in plasma literature [84, 86] magnetic Reynolds
number. This confusion arises from the fact that the Lunqvist number, i.e.
ca Lσ, is the magnetic Reynolds number when v coincides with the Alfvén
velocity. To have a very large Lundqvist number implies that the the conduc-
tivity is very large. In this sense the Lunqvist number characterizes, in fusion
theory, the rate of growth of resistive instabilities and it is not necessarily
related to the possible occurrence of turbulent dynamics. On the contrary,
as large Reynolds numbers are related to the occurrence of hydrodynamical
turbulence, large magnetic Reynolds numbers are related to the occurence of
MHD turbulence [86].

4.6 The dynamo mechanism

According to the naive description of the dynamo instability presented above
the origin of large-scale magnetic fields in spiral galaxies can be reduced to
the following steps:
• during the 30 rotations performed by the galaxy since the protogalactic
collapse, the magnetic field should be amplified by about 30 e-folds;
• if the large scale magnetic field of the galaxy is, today, O(µG) the
magnetic field at the onset of galactic rotation might have been even
30 e-folds smaller, i.e. O(10−19 G);
• assuming perfect flux freezing during the gravitational collapse of the
protogalaxy (i.e. σ → ∞) the magnetic field at the onset of gravita-
tional collapse should be O(10−23 ) G over a typical scale of 1 Mpc.
This picture is oversimplified and each of the three steps mentioned above
will be contrasted with the most recent findings.
The idea that a celestial body may acquire a magnetic field by differential
rotation can be traced back to the paper of Larmor of 1919 [90]. One of the
early ancestors of the dynamo mechanism, can be traced back to the model
of Fermi and Chandrasekar [7, 8]. In [7, 8] the attempt was to connect
the existence off the galactic magnetic field with the existence of a galactic
angular momentum. Later on dynamo theory has been developed in greater
detail (see [20]) and its possible application to large-scale magnetic fields has
been envisaged.
The standard dynamo theory has been questioned in different ways. Pid-
dington [91, 92] pointed out that small-scale magnetic fields can grow large

enough (until equipartition is reached) to swamp the dynamo action. The
quenching of the dynamo action has been numerically shown by Kulsrud and
Anderson [93]. More recently, it has been argued that if the large-scale mag-
netic field reaches the critical value 15 Rm v the dynamo action could also
be quenched [94, 95].
Eq. (4.29) is exact, in the sense that both ~v and B~ contain long and short
wavelength modes. The aim of the various attempts of the dynamo theory
is to get an equation describing only the “mean value” of the magnetic field.
To this end the first step is to separate the exact magnetic and velocity fields
~ + ~b,
~ = hBi
~v = hV
~i+V~, (4.43)

where hBi
~ and hV ~ i are the averages over an ensemble of many realizations
of the velocity field ~v. In order to derive the standard form of the dynamo
equations few important assumptions should be made. These assumptions
can be summarized as follows:

• the scale of variation of the turbulent motion V~ should be smaller than

the typical scale of variation of hBi.
~ In the galactic problem hV~ i is
~ is the turbulent motion
the differential rotation of the galaxy, while V
generated by stars and supernovae. Typically the scale of variation of
~v is less than 100 pc while the interesting scales for hBi
~ are larger than
the kpc;

• the field ~b is such that |~b|  |hBi|.


• it should happen that hV

~ ·∇
~ ×V
6 0.

• magnetic flux is frozen into the plasma (i.e. magnetic flux is conserved).

From the magnetic diffusivity equation (4.29), and using the listed assump-
tions, it is possible to derive the typical structure of the dynamo term by
carefully averaging over the velocity field according to the procedure outlined
in [19, 20, 96]. Inserting Eq. (4.43) into (4.29) and breaking the equation
v is the velocity field at the outer scale of turbulence.

into a mean part and a random part, two separate induction equations can
be obtained for the mean and random parts of the magnetic field
∂hBi ~ × ~bi,
=∇~ × hV ~ i × hBi
~ +∇ ~ × hV (4.44)
∂~b ~ × (V
~ × hBi)
~ +∇ ~ × (hV ~ i × ~b)
+∇ ~ × ~b) − ∇
~ × (V ~ × hV~ × ~bi, (4.45)
where the (magnetic) diffusivity terms have been neglected. In Eq. (4.44),
~ × ~bi is called mean field (or turbulent) electromotive force and it is the
average of the cross product of the small-scale velocity field V~ and of the
small scale magnetic field ~b over a scale much smaller than the scale of hBi~
but much larger than the scale of turbulence. Sometimes, the calculation
~ × ~bi is done in the case of incompressible and isotropic
of the effect of hV
turbulence. In this case hV~ × ~bi = 0. This estimate is, however, not realistic
since hBi
~ is not isotropic. More correctly [96], hV ~ × ~bi should be evaluated
by using Eq. (4.45) which is usually written in a simplified form
∂~b ~ × (V ~ × hBi),
=∇ (4.46)
where all but the first term of Eq. (4.45) have been neglected. To neglect
the term ∇ ~ × (hV~ i × ~b) does not pose any problem since it corresponds to
choose a reference frame where hV ~ i is constant. However, the other terms,
neglected in Eq. (4.46), are dropped because it is assumed that |~b|  |hBi|.
This assumption may not be valid all the time and for all the scales. The
validity of Eq. (4.46) seems to require that σ is very large so that magnetic
diffusivity can keep always ~b small [97]. On the other hand [96] one can argue
that ~b is only present over very small scales (smaller than 100 pc) and in this
case the approximate form of eq. (4.46) seems to be more justified.
From Eqs. (4.44)–(4.46) it is possible to get to the final result for the
evolution equation of hBi ~ [96] as it is usally quoted
~ × (αhBi)
~ + β∇2 hBi
~ +∇
~ × hV
~ i × hBi
~ , (4.47)
τ0 ~ ~ ~ i,
α=− hV · ∇ × V (4.48)
τ0 ~ 2
β= hV i, (4.49)
where α is the dynamo term, β is the diffusion term and τ is the typical corre-
lation time of the velocity field. The term α is, in general, space-dependent.
The standard lore is that the dynamo action stops when the value of the
magnetic field reaches the equipartition value (i.e. when the magnetic and
kinetic energy of the plasma are comparable). At this point the dynamo
“saturates”. The mean velocity field can be expressed as hV ~i'Ω ~ × ~r where
|Ω(r)| is the angular velocity of differential rotation at the galactocentric ra-
dius r. In the case of flat rotation curve |Ω(r)|
~ = Ω(r) ∼ r −1 which also
implies that ∂|Ω(r)|/∂r < 1.
Eq. (4.47) can then be written in terms of the radial and azimuthal com-
ponents of the mean magnetic field, neglecting, for simplicity, the diffusivity
∂hBφ i ∂Ω
= −r hBr i, (4.50)
∂t ∂r
∂hBr i ∂hBφ i
=α . (4.51)
∂t ∂r
The second equation shows that the α effect amplifies the azimuthal com-
ponent of the large-scale field. Then, through Eq. (4.50) the amplification
of the radial component is converted into the amplification of the azimuthal
field, this is the Ω effect.
Usually the picture for the formation of galactic magnetic fields is related
to the possibility of implementing the dynamo mechanism. By comparing the
rotation period with the age of the galaxy (for a Universe with ΩΛ ∼ 0.7, h ∼
0.65 and Ωm ∼ 0.3) the number of rotations performed by the galaxy since
its origin is approximately 30. During these 30 rotations the dynamo term
of Eq. (4.47) dominates against the magnetic diffusivity. As a consequence
an instability develops. This instability can be used in order to drive the
magnetic field from some small initial condition up to its observed value.
Eq. (4.47) is linear in the mean magnetic field. Hence, initial conditions
for the mean magnetic field should be postulated at a given time and over a
given scale. This initial mean field, postulated as initial condition of (4.47)
is usually called seed.
Most of the work in the context of the dynamo theory focuses on repro-
ducing the correct features of the magnetic field of our galaxy. The achievable
amplification produced by the dynamo instability can be at most of 1013 , i.e.

e30 . Thus, if the present value of the galactic magnetic field is 10−6 Gauss,
its value right after the gravitational collapse of the protogalaxy might have
been as small as 10−19 Gauss over a typical scale of 30–100 kpc.
There is a simple way to relate the value of the magnetic fields right after
gravitational collapse to the value of the magnetic field right before gravita-
tional collapse. Since the gravitational collapse occurs at high conductivity
the magnetic flux and the magnetic helicity are both conserved. Right before
the formation of the galaxy a patch of matter of roughly 1 Mpc collapses by
gravitational instability. Right before the collapse the mean energy density
of the patch, stored in matter, is of the order of the critical density of the
Universe. Right after collapse the mean matter density of the protogalaxy
is, approximately, six orders of magnitude larger than the critical density.
Since the physical size of the patch decreases from 1 Mpc to 30 kpc the
magnetic field increases, because of flux conservation, of a factor (ρa /ρb )2/3 ∼
104 where ρa and ρb are, respectively the energy densities right after and right
before gravitational collapse. The correct initial condition in order to turn
on the dynamo instability would be |B| ~ ∼ 10−23 Gauss over a scale of 1 Mpc,
right before gravitational collapse.
This last estimate is rather generous and has been presented just in order
to make contact with several papers (concerned with the origin of large scale
magnetic fields) using such an estimate. The estimates presented in the
last paragraph are based on the (rather questionable) assumption that the
amplification occurs over thirty e-folds while the magnetic flux is completely
frozen in. In the real situation, the achievable amplification is much smaller.
Typically a good seed would not be 10−19 G after collapse (as we assumed
for the simplicity of the discussion) but rather [96]

~ ≥ 10−13 G.
|B| (4.52)

The possible applications of dynamo mechanism to clusters is still under

debate and it seems more problematic [72, 73]. The typical scale of the grav-
itational collapse of a cluster is larger (roughly by one order of magnitude)
than the scale of gravitational collapse of the protogalaxy. Furthermore, the
mean mass density within the Abell radius ( ' 1.5h−1 Mpc) is roughly 103
larger than the critical density. Consequently, clusters rotate much less than
galaxies. Recall that clusters are formed from peaks in the density field. The
present overdensity of clusters is of the order of 103 . Thus, in order to get
the intra-cluster magnetic field, one could think that magnetic flux is exactly

~ > 10−9 G an
conserved and, then, from an intergalactic magnetic field |B|
~ > 10−7 G can be generated. This simple esti-
intra cluster magnetic field |B|
mate shows why it is rather important to improve the accuracy of magnetic
field measurements in the intra-cluster medium discussed in Section 3: the
change of a single order of magnitude in the estimated magnetic field may
imply rather different conclusions for its origin.

5 Magnetic Fields in Curved Backgrounds

As the temperature increases above 1 MeV, a relativistic plasma becomes
almost a perfect conductor. There are two complementary effects associated
with large-scale magnetic fields in curved backgrounds:
• large-scale magnetic fields may evolve over a rigid background space-
time determined, for instance, by the dynamics of barotropic fluids
and, in this case the energy density of the magnetic field must always
be smaller than the energy density of the fluid sources;

• magnetic fields may be so intense to modify the structure of the space-

time and, in this case, their energy density is comparable with the
energy density of the other sources of the geometry.
The first effect will be examined in the present Section, while the discussion
of the second effect, which is more speculative, will be confined to Section 9.

5.1 The standard cosmological model

The standard model of cosmological evolution rests on three important as-
sumptions [98]. The first assumption is that over very large length scales
(greater than 50 Mpc) the Universe is described by a homogeneous and
isotropic Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) line element:

ds2 = Gµν dxµ dxν = a2 (η)[dη 2 − d~x2 ], (5.1)

where a(η) is the scale factor and η the conformal-time coordinate (notice
that Eq. (5.1) has been written, for simplicity, in the conformally flat case).
The second hypothesis is that the sources of the evolution of the background
geometry are perfect fluid sources. As a consequence the entropy of the
sources is constant. The third and final hypothesis is that the dynamics of

the sources and of the geometry is dictated by the general relativistic FRW
equations 16 :
MP2 H2 = ρ, (5.2)
MP2 (H2 − H0 ) = (ρ + p), (5.3)
ρ0 + 3H(ρ + p) = 0, (5.4)

where H = (ln a)0 and the prime 17 denotes the derivation with respect to η.
Recall also, for notational convenience, that aH = H where H = ȧ/a is the
conventional Hubble parameter. The various tests of the standard cosmo-
logical model are well known [99, 100]. Probably one of the most stringent
one comes from the possible distortions, in the Rayleigh-Jeans region, of the
CMB spectrum. The absence of these distortions clearly rules out steady-
state cosmological models. In the standard cosmological model one usually
defines the proper distance of the event horizon at the time t1
Z tmax dt
de = a(t1 ) , (5.5)
t1 a(t)
this distance represents the maximal extension of the region over which causal
connection is possible. Furthermore, the proper distance of the particle hori-
zon can also be defined:
Z t2 dt
dp (t2 ) = a(t2 ) . (5.6)
tmin a(t)

If the scale factor is parametrized as a(t) ∼ tα , for 0 < α < 1 the Universe
experiences a decelerated expansion, i.e. ȧ > 0 and ä < 0 while the curvature
scale decreases, i.e. Ḣ < 0. This is the peculiar behaviour when the fluid
sources are dominated either by dust (p = 0) or by radiation (p = ρ/3).
In the case of the standard model, the particle horizon increases linearly in
cosmic time (therefore faster than the scale factor). This implies that the
CMB radiation, today observed with a temperature of 2.7K over the whole
present horizon has been emitted from space-time regions which were not
in causal contact. This problem is known as the horizon problem of the
Units MP = (8πG)−1/2 = 1.72 × 1018 GeV will be used.
The overdot will usually denote derivation with respect to the cosmic time coordinate
t related to conformal time as dt = a(η)dη.

standard cosmological model. The other problem of the standard model is
related to the fact that today the intrinsic (spatial) curvature k/a2 is smaller
than the extrinsic curvature, i.e. H 2 . Recalling that k/(a2 H 2 ) = k/ȧ2 it
is clear that if ä < 0, 1/ȧ2 increases so that the intrinsic curvature could
be, today, arbitrarily large. The third problem of the standard cosmological
model is related to the generation of the large entropy of the present Universe.
The solution of the kinematical problems of the standard model is usually
discussed in the framework of a phase of accelerated expansion [101], i.e.
ä > 0 and ȧ > 0. In the case of inflationary dynamics the extension of the
causally connected regions grows as the scale factor and hence faster than
in the decelerated phase. This solves the horizon problem. Furthermore,
during inflation the contribution of the spatial curvature becomes very small.
The way inflation solves the curvature problem is by producing a very tiny
spatial curvature at the onset of the radiation epoch taking place right after
inflation. The spatial curvature can well grow during the decelerated phase
of expansion but is will be always subleading provided inflation lasted for
sufficiently long time. In fact, the minimal requirement in order to solve
these problems is that inflation lasts, at least, 60-efolds. The final quantity
which has to be introduced is the Hubble radius H −1(t). This quantity is
local in time, however, a sloppy nomenclature often exchanges the Hubble
radius with the horizon. Since this terminology is rather common, it will also
be used here. In the following applications it will be relevant to recall some of
the useful thermodynamical relations. In particular, in radiation dominated
Universe, the relation between the Hubble parameter and the temperature
is given by
g∗ 1/2 T 2
H = 1.08 × ,
10.75 MP
g∗ −1/2 GeV 2
H −1 = 9 × 104 cm, (5.7)
10.75 T
where g∗ is the effective number of relativistic degrees of freedom at the
corresponding temperature. Eq. (5.2), implying H 2 MP2 = ρ/3, has been
used in Eq. (5.7) together with the known relations valid in a radiation
dominated background

π2 ζ(3)
ρ(T ) = g∗ T 4 , n(T ) = g∗ T 3 (5.8)
30 π2

where ζ(3) ' 1.2. In Eq. (5.8) the thermodynamical relation for the number
density n(T ) has been also introduced for future convenience.

5.1.1 Inflationary dynamics and its extensions

The inflationary dynamics can be realized in different ways. Conventional
inflationary models are based either on one single inflaton field [102, 103, 104,
105] or on various fields [106] (see [107] for a review). Furthermore, in the
context of single-field inflationary models one oughts to distinguish between
small-field models [104] (like in the so-called new-inflationary models) and
large-field models [105] (like in the case of chaotic models).
In spite of their various quantitative differences, conventional inflationary
models are based on the idea that during the phase of accelerated expansion
the curvature scale is approximately constant (or slightly decreasing). After
inflation, the radiation dominated phase starts. It is sometimes useful for
numerical estimates to assume that radiation suddenly dominates at the end
of inflation. In this case the scale factor can be written as
η −α
ai (η) = − , η < −η1 ,
αη + (α + 1)η1
ar (η) = , η ≥ −η1 , (5.9)
where α is some effective exponent parameterizing the dynamics of the pri-
mordial phase of the Universe. Notice that if α = 1 we have that the pri-
mordial phase coincides with a de Sitter inflationary epoch. The case α = 1
is not completely realistic since it corresponds to the case where the energy-
momentum tensor is simply given by a (constant) cosmological term. In
this case the scalar fluctuations of the geometry are not amplified and the
large-scale angular anisotropy in the CMB would not be reproduced. The
idea is then to discuss more realistic energy-momentum tensors leading to
a dynamical behaviour close to the one of pure de Sitter space, hence the
name quasi-de Sitter space-times. Quasi-de Sitter dynamics can be realized
in different ways. One possibility is to demand that the inflaton slowly rolls
down from its potential obeying the approximate equations
V (ϕ)
MP2 H 2 ' ,
3H ϕ̇ ' − , (5.10)

valid provided 1 = −Ḣ/H 2  1 and 2 = ϕ̈/(H ϕ̇)  1. There also exist
exact inflationary solutions like the power-law solutions obtainable in the
case of exponential potentials:
q √
2 ϕ
− p MP 2pMP
V = V0 e , ϕ̇ = ,
a(t) ' tp . (5.11)

Since, from the exact equations, 2MP2 Ḣ = −ϕ̇2 the two slow-roll parameters
can also be written as
 2  2
MP2 ∂ ln V MP2 ∂ ln V MP2 ∂ 2 V
1 = , 2 = − + . (5.12)
2 ∂ϕ 2 ∂ϕ V ∂ϕ2

In the case of the exponential potential (5.11) the slow-roll parameters are
all equal, 1 = 2 = 1/p. Typical potentials leading to the usual inflation-
ary dynamics are power-law potentials of the type V (ϕ) ' ϕn , exponential
potentials, trigonometric potentials and nearly any potential satisfying, in
some region of the parameter space, the slow-roll conditions.
Inflation can also be realized in the case when the curvature scale is
increasing, i.e. Ḣ > 0 and ä > 0. This is the case of superinflationary
dynamics. For instance the propagation of fundamental strings in curved
backgrounds [108, 109] may lead to superinflationary solutions [111, 112]. A
particularly simple case of superinflationary solutions arises in the case when
internal dimensions are present.
Consider a homogeneous and anisotropic manifold whose line element can
be written as

ds2 = Gµν dxµ dxν = a2 (η)[dη 2 − γij dxi dxj ] − b2 (η)γab dy ady b,
µ, ν = 0, ..., D − 1 = d + n, i, j = 1, ..., d, a, b = d + 1, ..., d + n. (5.13)

[η is the conformal time coordinate related, as usual to the cosmic time t =

a(η)dη ; γij (x), γab (y) are the metric tensors of two maximally symmetric
Euclidean manifolds parameterized, respectively, by the “internal” and the
“external” coordinates {xi } and {y a}]. The metric of Eq. (5.13) describes
the situation in which the d external dimensions (evolving with scale factor
a(η)) and the n internal ones (evolving with scale factor b(η)) are dynamically
decoupled from each other [113].

A model of background evolution can be generically written as
η σ η λ
a(η) = a1 − , b(η) = b1 − , η < −η1 ,
η1 η1
η + 2η1
a(η) = a1 , b(η) = b1 , −η1 ≤ η ≤ η2 ,
(η + η2 + 4η1 )2
a(η) = a1 , b(η) = b1 , η > η2 . (5.14)
4η1 (η2 + 2η1 )

In the parameterization of Eq. (5.14) the internal dimensions grow (in con-
formal time) for λ < 0 and they shrink for λ > 0 18 .
Superinflationary solutions are also common in the context of the low-
energy string effective action [117, 118, 119]. In critical superstring theory
the electromagnetic field Fµν is coupled not only to the metric (gµν ), but also
to the dilaton background (ϕ). In the low energy limit such interaction is
represented by the string effective action [117, 118, 119], which reads, after
reduction from ten to four expanding dimensions,
√ −ϕ 1
S = − d x −ge R + ∂µ ϕ∂ µ ϕ − e2ϕ ∂µ σ∂ µ σ

1 1 ϕ
+ Fµν F − e σFµν F̃
µν µν
4 8
were ϕ = φ − ln V6 ≡ ln(g 2) controls the tree-level four-dimensional gauge
coupling (φ being the ten-dimensional dilaton field, and V6 the volume of the
six-dimensional compact internal space). The field σ is the Kalb-Ramond
axion whose pseudoscalar coupling to the gauge fields may also be interesting.
In the inflationary models based on the above effective action [120, 121]
the dilaton background is not at all constant, but undergoes an accelerated
evolution from the string perturbative vacuum (ϕ = −∞) towards the strong
coupling regime, where it is expected to remain frozen at its present value.
The peculiar feature of this string cosmological scenario (sometimes called
pre-big bang [121]) is that not only the curvature evolves but also the gauge
coupling. Suppose, for the moment that the gauge fields are set to zero. The
To assume that the internal dimensions are constant during the radiation and matter
dominated epoch is not strictly necessary. If the internal dimensions have a time variation
during the radiation phase we must anyway impose the BBN bounds on their variation
[114, 115, 116]. The tiny variation allowed by BBN implies that b(η) must be effectively
constant for practical purposes.

phase of growing curvature and dilaton coupling (Ḣ > 0, ϕ̇ > 0), driven
by the kinetic energy of the dilaton field, is correctly described in terms
of the lowest order string effective action only up to the conformal time √
η = ηs at which the curvature reaches the string scale Hs = λ−1 s (λs ≡ α0
is the fundamental length of string theory). A first important parameter
of this cosmological model is thus the value ϕs attained by the dilaton at
η = ηs . Provided such value is sufficiently negative (i.e. provided the coupling
g = eϕ/2 is sufficiently small to be still in the perturbative region at η = ηs ), it
is also arbitrary, since there is no perturbative potential to break invariance
under shifts of ϕ. For η > ηs high-derivatives terms (higher orders in α0 )
become important in the string effective action, and the background enters
a genuinely “stringy” phase of unknown duration. An assumption of string
cosmology is that the stringy phase eventually ends at some conformal time η1
in the strong coupling regime. At this time the dilaton, feeling a non-trivial
potential, freezes to its present constant value ϕ = ϕ1 and the standard
radiation-dominated era starts. The total duration η1 /ηs , or the total red-
shift zs encountered during the stringy epoch (i.e. between ηs and η1 ), will
be the second crucial parameter besides ϕs entering our discussion. For the
purpose of this paper, two parameters are enough to specify completely our
model of background, if we accept that during the string phase the curvature
stays controlled by the string scale, that is H ' gMP ' λ−1 s (Mp is the
Planck mass) for ηs < η < η1 .
During the string era ϕ̇ and H are approximately constant, while, during
the dilaton-driven epoch
1 √
a = (−t)α , α = − √ 1 − Σ, (5.16)
Here Σ ≡ i βi2 represents the possible effect of internal dimensions whose
radii bi shrink like (−t)βi for t → 0− (for the sake of definiteness we show
in the figure the case Σ = 0). The shape of the coupling curve corresponds
to the fact that the dilaton is constant during the radiation era, that ϕ̇ is
approximately constant during the string era, and that it evolves like

1 3
g(η) = eϕ/2 = aλ , λ = (3 + √ ), (5.17)
2 1−Σ
during the dilaton-driven era.
An interesting possibility, in the pre-big bang context is that the exit
to the phase of decelerated expansion and decreasing curvature takes place

without any string tension correction. Recently a model of this kind has been
proposed [122]. The idea consists in adding a non-local dilaton potential
which is invariant under scale factor duality. The evolution equations of the
metric and of the dilaton will then become, in 4 space-time dimensions,
ϕ̇ − 3H 2 − V = 0,
Ḣ − Hϕ = 0,
2 ∂V
2ϕ̈ − ϕ̇ − 3H 2 + V − = 0, (5.18)
where ϕ = ϕ − 3 log a is the shifted dilaton. A particular solution to these
equations will be given by

V (ϕ) = −V0 e4ϕ , (5.19)

 √ 1/√3
a(t) = a0 τ + τ 2 + 1 , (5.20)
ϕ = − log (1 + τ 2 ) + ϕ0 , (5.21)
t e−2ϕ0
τ= , t0 = √ . (5.22)
t0 V0
This solution interpolates smoothly between two self-dual solutions. For
t → −∞ the background superinflates while for t → +∞ the decelerated
FRW limit is recovered.

5.2 Gauge fields in FRW Universes

In a FRW metric of the type (5.1) the evolution equations of the gauge
fields are invariant under Weyl rescaling of the four-dimensional metric. This
property is also often named conformal invariance. Consider, for simplicity,
the evolution equation of sourceless Maxwell fields:
∇µ F µν ≡ √ ∂µ −GF µν = 0. (5.23)
Since the metric √(5.1) is conformally flat, the time dependence arising in
Eq. (5.23) from −G, is always compensated by the controvariant indices
of the fields strength. Maxwell fields in conformally flat metrics obey the

same equations obtained in the case of Minkowski space-time provided the
conformal time coordinate is used and provided the fields are appropriately
rescaled. This property holds not only for Maxwell fields but also for chiral
fermions in FRW backgrounds.
Using Weyl invariance, the generalization of MHD equations to the case
of conformally flat FRW space-times can then be easily obtained:
∂ B~ ~
+ ∇ × E~ = 0 (5.24)

~ · E~ = 0, ∇
~ · B~ = 0, (5.25)
~ × B~ = 4π J~ + ∂ E ,
∇ (5.26)
J~ = σ(E~ + ~v × B),
~ (5.27)
B~ = a2 B,
~ E~ = a2 E,
~ J~ = a3 J,
~ σ = σc a, (5.28)
are the curved space fields expressed as a function of the corresponding flat
space quantities.
In the case of a radiation dominated background, the Navier-Stokes equa-
tion takes the form
~ p + |B| ] + [B · ∇]B + (p + ρ)ν∇2~v, (5.29)
~ ~ ~
[(p + ρ)~v ]0 +~v · ∇[(p
~ + ρ)~v] = −∇
8π 4π
where the incompressible closure, i.e. ∇ ~ · ~v = 0, has been already adopted
and where the vector identity ∇ × B × B~ = − 12 ∇|
~ ~ ~ B|~ 2 + [B~ · ∇]
~ B~ has been
used. In Eq. (5.29) p = a4 p and ρ = a4 ρ. In terms of the rescaled pressure
and energy densities the continuity equation becomes
+ (3γ − 1)Hρ + (γ + 1)∇ ~ · [ρ~v] = 0, (5.30)
where a barotropic equation of state has been assumed for the background
fluid, i.e. p = γρ. The energy density is homogeneous and hence the last
term in Eq. (5.30) can be consistently dropped within the incompressible
closure. However, one may ought to linearize Eq. (5.30) and this is why the
last term may be kept for future considerations. If γ = 1/3, then Eq. (5.30)
implies ρ0 = 0. For generic barotropic index Eq. (5.29) becomes
∂~v [B~ · ∇]
~ B~
+ (1 − 3γ)H~v = + ν∇2~v , (5.31)
∂η 4π(γ + 1)ρ

where the magnetic pressure term has been dropped since it is negligible with
respect to p.
Recalling that for L  Lσ the magnetic diffusivity equation can be writ-
ten, using vector identities, as

∂ B~ ~ v + 1 ∇2 B.
+ [~v · ∇]
~ B~ = [B~ · ∇]~ ~ (5.32)
∂η 4πσ

Eqs. (5.24)–(5.29) form a closed system sharing analogies with their flat
space counterpart. Thanks to conformal invariance, various solutions can
be lifted from flat to curved space like, for instance [86], the following fully
nonlinear solution of Eqs. (5.32) and (5.29)

B~ B~
~v = ± √ ∼ ±√ . (5.33)
ρ+p ρ

valid if thermal and magnetic diffusivities are neglected and if p  |B|

~ 2.
Eqs. (5.24)–(5.29) present also some differences with respect to the flat
space case: since the Universe is expanding, the relative balance between
diffusion scales may change as time goes by. All the propagation of MHD ex-
citations can be then generalized to the curved-space case. In various papers
[123, 124, 125, 125] this program has been achieved (see also [127, 128] for
earlier attempts). In [87] the evolution of magnetic fields with non-vanishing
magnetic helicity has been studied using the resistive MHD approximation
in curved space. In [129] the evolution of non-linear Alfvén waves with the
purpose of deriving possible observable effects [130].
In order to analyze the high-frequency spectrum of plasma excitations, the
Vlasov-Landau approach can be generalized to curved spaces [131]. There are
two options in order to achieve this goal. The first option is to assume that
the magnetic field breaks the isotropy of space-time. This approach leads to
the study of plasma effects in a magnetic field in full analogy with what is
done in terrestrial tokamaks. The second choice is to discuss magnetic fields
which are stochastic and which do not break the isotropy. Later in the present
review the effects of magnetic fields breaking the isotropy of space-time will
be considered but, for the moment, the attention will be concentrated on the
second approach.
A typical problem which should be discussed within the kinetic approach
is the relaxation of charge and current density fluctuations in a relativistic

plasma [132]. The problem is then to compute what magnetic field is induced
from charge and current density fluctuations.
Consider an equilibrium homogeneous and isotropic conducting plasma,
characterized by a distribution function
nq − p
f0 (p) = e T, (5.34)
8πT 3
common for both positively and negatively charged ultrarelativistic particles
(for example,
electrons and positrons). The normalization is chosen in such
a way that d3 pf0 (p) = nq . Within the kinetic approach, the initial charge
and current density fluctuations are related to the perturbations of the initial
value of the distribution function around the equilibrium distribution (5.34),
f+ (~x, p~, η) = f0 (p) + δf+ (~x, p~, η),
f− (~x, p~, η) = f0 (p) + δf− (~x, p~, η), (5.35)
where + refers to positrons and − to electrons, and p~ is the conformal mo-
mentum. The Vlasov equation defining the curved-space evolution of the
perturbed distributions can be written as
∂f+ ∂f+ ∂f+ ∂f+
+ ~v · + e(E~ + ~v × B)
~ · = , (5.36)
∂η ∂~x ∂~p ∂η coll
∂f− ∂f− ∂f− ∂f−
+ ~v · − e(E~ + ~v × B)
~ · = , (5.37)
∂η ∂~x ∂~p ∂η coll
where the two terms appearing at the right hand side of each equation are
the collision terms. This system of equation represents the curved space
extension of the Vlasov-Landau approach to plasma fluctuations [81, 82].
All particle number densities hereqare related to the comoving volume.
Notice that, in general ~v = ~p/ p~2 + m2e a2 . In the ultra-relativistic limit
~v = ~p/|~p| and the Vlasov equations are conformally invariant. This implies
that, provided we use conformal coordinates and rescaled gauge fields, the
system of equations which we would have in flat space [83] looks exactly the
same as the one we are discussing in a curved FRW (spatially flat) background
The evolution equations of the gauge fields coupled to the two Vlasov
equations can be written as
~ · E~ = 4πe
∇ d3 p[f+ (~x, p~, η) − f− (~x, p~, η)],


~ × E~ + B~ 0 = 0,

~ · B~ = 0,
∇ × B − E = 4πe d3 p~v [f+ (~x, p~, η) − f− (~x, p~, η)].
~ ~ ~ (5.38)

In order to illustrate the physical relevance of this description, Eqs. (5.38)

will be used later in this Section to study the fate of charge and current
density fluctuations.

5.3 Physical scales in the evolution of magnetic fields

When MHD is discussed in curved spce-times, the evolution of the geometry
reflects in the time evolution of the physical scales of the problem.

5.3.1 Before matter-radiation equality

From Eq. (5.32), the comoving momentum corresponding to the magnetic
diffusivity scale is given by the relation
k2 1
∼ ∼ H = aH. (5.39)
4πσ η
In the case of a relativistic plasma at typical temperatures T  1 MeV, the
flat-space conductivity (see Eq. (5.28)) is given by
σc ' , (5.40)

where σ ∼ αem
/T 2 is the cross section 19
. Then, it can be shown [133] that
σc = σ0 (5.41)
where σ0 is a slowly increasing function of the temperature. In [133] it
has been convincingly argued that σ0 ∼ 0.06 at T ∼ 100 MeV while it
becomes 0.6 at T ∼ 100 GeV (for a recent analysis of conductivity in high
temperature QED see [134]). Recalling Eq. (5.28) the physical diffusivity
scale ωσ = kσ /a(η) will be, in units of the Hubble parameter,
s  1/2  −1/2
ωσ 4πσ0 T T
= 72.2 × σ0 g∗−1/4
' . (5.42)
H αem H MP
The cross section is denoted with σ while the conductivity is σ.

Discounting for the effect due to the possible variations of the effective rel-
ativistic degrees of freedom, the (physical) magnetic diffusivity length scale
is much smaller than the Hubble radius at the corresponding epoch. For
instance, if T ∼ 10 MeV, then Lσ ∼ ωσ−1 ∼ 10−10 H −1 . This means that
there are ten decades length-scales where the magnetic field spectrum will
not experience diffusion due to the finite value of the conductivity.
The estimate of the magnetic diffusivity scale will now be repeated in a
different range of temperatures, namely for T < 0.2me when weak interac-
tions have fallen out of thermal equilibrium. In this case the relevant degrees
of freedom are the three neutrino species and the photon, i.e. g∗ = 3.36. In
this case the conductivity will be given by
σ' , (5.43)
me vth σ
which leads to  
1 T 1/2
σc = T, (5.44)
αem me
if vth ∼ (T /me )1/2 and σ ∼ αem
/T 2 . Eq. (5.44) leads to the known T 3/2
dependence of the conductivity from the temperature, as expected from a
non-relativistic plasma. The physical magnetic diffusivity momentum is, in
this case
s s
 1/4  1/4  1/2
ωσ 4π T T 11 −1/4 T MP
' ∼ g . (5.45)
H α me H αem ∗ me T
Eqs. (5.42) and (5.45) refer to two different ranges of temperatures. The
magnetic diffusivity scale in units of the Hubble parameter obtained in Eq.
(5.45) is smaller than the one given by in Eq. (5.42). Hence, by lowering
the temperature across the weak equilibration temperature makes the con-
ductivity length scale larger in units of the Hubble radius : inertial range 20
of length scales (i.e. the region where conductivity effects are negligible) is
larger above the weak equilibration temperature. Summarizing
−1/2 1/4  
σ0 g∗T 1/2
Lσ (T ) = LH (T ), T > MeV
72.2 MP
−1/2 1/4    
σ0 g∗ T 1/2 T −1/4
Lσ (T ) = LH (T ), T < MeV,(5.46)
72.2 MP me
In more general terms the inertial range is the interval of scales (either in momentum
or in real space) where the dynamics is independent on the scales of dissipation so that,
in this range, the difffusivities can be taken to zero.

where LH (T ) = H −1 (T ).
In the evolution of the plasma it is sometimes relevant to estimate the
thermal diffusivity scale setting a bound on the coherence of the velocity
field and not of the magnetic field. There are however phenomena, like the
propagation of MHD waves, where the excitations of a background magnetic
field are coupled to the excitations of the velocity field. Generally speaking
the typical correlation scale of the velocity field is always smaller, in various
physical situations, than the typical correlation scale of the magnetic fields.
The range of physical momenta affected by thermal diffusivity is bounded
from above by the thermal diffusivity scale which can be obtained from the
following relations

k2 1
k2 ν ' `γ (η) ' = H = aH, (5.47)
5 η
were `γ is the photon mean free path, i.e.

`γ ' . (5.48)
ne σ
The mean free path measures the efficiency of a given process to transfer
momentum. From Eqs. (5.29) and (5.47) the typical thermal diffusivity
momentum is: s
ωdiff 5
' . (5.49)
H H(T )`γ (T )
where ωdiff = kdiff /a is the physical momentum as opposed to the comov-
ing momentum kdiff . The scale defined in Eq. (5.49) is sometimes called
Silk scale. Notice that the mean free path given in Eq. (5.48) increases as
a3 (η). Since the physical scale of an inhomogeneous region increases as a(η),
the photon mean free path can become larger than the physical size of an
inhomogeneous region. This is the so-called free streaming regime.
If T < 0.2me , the photon mean free path is given by Eq. (5.48) where
σ T = 1.7 × 103 GeV−2 ' αem m−2 e is the Thompson cross section and

ne ' 6.6 × 10−9 (Ωb h20 ) xe T 3 (5.50)

is the electron number density depending both on the critical fractions of

baryons, Ωb and on the ionization fraction xe . The ionization fraction is the
ratio between the number density of protons and the total number density

of baryons. The value of xe drops from 1 to 10−5 in a short time around
recombination. Eq. (5.50) is simply derived by noticing that, after electron
positron annihilation, ne ' ηnγ where η = 2.74 × 10−8Ωb h20 is the baryon-
to-photon ratio, the free parameter of big-bang nucleosynthesis calculations
[136, 137, 138, 139]. Thus
xe −1 Ωb h20 −1 MeV 2 −1
`γ (T ) ' 8.8 × 1012 T . (5.51)
0.5 0.02 T
For temperatures larger than the MeV the photon mean free path can
be estimated by recalling that, above the MeV, the Thompson cross section
is replaced by the Klein-Nishina cross section (i.e. σ ∼ T −1 GeV−1 ). Thus,
from Eq. (5.48), the photon mean free path is
GeV 2
`γ (T ) ' 0.1 GeV−1 . (5.52)
As before, it is useful to refer ωdiff to the Hubble rate and to compute the
typical diffusion distances for T > 1 MeV
(γ)  1/4
Ldiff (T ) g∗
' 1.1 × 10−10 (5.53)
LH (T ) 10.75
and for T < 1 MeV
(γ)  −1/2  −1/2  1/4
Ldiff (T ) Ωb h20 xe g∗ MeV
' 1.03 × 10−5 . (5.54)
LH (T ) 0.02 0.5 10.75 T
At temperatures O(MeV), corresponding roughly to e+ e− annihilation, Eqs.
(5.53) and (5.54) differ by a factor 105 . This drop of five orders of magnitude
of the thermal diffusivity scale reflects the drop (by ten orders of magnitude)
of the photon mean free path as it can be appreciated by comparing Eqs.
(5.51) and (5.52) at T ' O(MeV).
For temperatures smaller than the electroweak temperature (i.e. T ∼ 100
GeV) down to the temperature of neutrino decoupling, neutrinos are the
species with the largest mean free path and, therefore, the most efficient
momentum transporters. Neglecting possible variations of the number of
relativistic species the neutrino mean free path will be simply given by `ν =
(nlep + nqua )−1 where nlep and nqua are the leptons and quark number
densities. Using this estimate the diffusion scale will be
Ldiff ' 10−5
LH (5.55)

(ν) (γ)
which should be compared with Eq. (5.53). Clearly Ldiff > Ldiff .
It seems then difficult to get observable effects from inhomogeneities in-
duced by MHD excitations. In [135] the damping rates of Alfvén and magne-
tosonic waves have been computed and it has been shown that MHD modes
suffer significant damping (see, however, [129, 130]). To avoid confusion, the
results reported in Ref. [135] apply to the damping of MHD waves and not
to the damping of magnetic fields themselves as also correctly pointed out in

5.3.2 After matter-radiation equality

In standard big bang cosmology there are three rather close (but rather
different) epochs,
• the matter-radiation equality taking place at Teq ' 5.5 (Ω0 h20 ) eV, i.e.
teq ' 4 × 1010 (Ω0 h20 )−2 sec;
• the decoupling of radiation from matter occurring at Tdec ' 0.26 eV
i.e. tdec ' 5.6 × 1012 (Ω0 h20 )−1/2 sec
• the recombination occurring, for a typical value of the critical baryon
fraction, at Trec ' 0.3 eV, i.e. trec ' 4.3 × 1012 (Ω0 h20 )−1/2 sec.
After plasma recombines, the baryons are no longer prevented from moving
by viscosity and radiation pressure. Thus, the only term distinguishing the
evolution of the baryons from the evolution of a cold dark matter fluid is the
presence of the Lorentz force term in the Navier-Stokes equation. In this sit-
uation, it is interesting to investigate the interplay between the forced MHD
regime and the generation of gravitational inhomogeneities. It was actually
argued long ago by Wasserman [141] and recently revisited by Coles [142]
that large-scale magnetic fields may have an important impact on structure
formation. Assuming that, for illustrative purposes, the matter fluid consists
only of baryons and cold dark matter, for t > trec the evolution of the system
is described by the following set of non relativistic equations
~ ~ ~
+ H~vb = −∇Φ ~ + ∇ × B × B, (5.56)
∂η 4πa4 (t)ρb
+ H~vb = −∇Φ, ~ (5.57)
∇ Φ=
ρb δb + ρc δc , (5.58)

where Φ is the Newtonian potential. Eqs. (5.56) come from Eq. (5.31)
for γ = 0 in the case of homogeneous pressure density. Eq. (5.57) can be
obtained, in the same limit, from Eq. Eq. (5.31) by setting to zero the
Lorentz force.
By linearizing the continuity equations for the two species, the relation
between the divergence of the velocity field and the density contrast can be
δb0 = −∇
~ · ~vb , δc0 = −∇
~ · ~vc , (5.59)
where δb = δρb /ρb and δc = δρc /ρc Thus, taking the divergence of Eqs. (5.56)
and (5.57) and using, in the obtained equations, Eqs. (5.58) and (5.59) the
following system can be obtained

a2 ∇~ · [B~ × ∇
~ B~ × B]
δb00 + Hδb − ρ δ=
2 m
, (5.60)
2MP 4πρb a4 (t)
δc00 + Hδc − ρm δ = 0, (5.61)
where δ = Ωb δb + Ωc δc and ρm = ρb + ρc is the total matter density. Multi-
plying Eq. (5.60) by Ωb and Eq. (5.61) by Ωc , the sum of the two resulting
equations can be written as

a2 ∇
~ · [B~ × ∇
~ B~ × B]
δ 00 + Hδ − ρm δ = Ωb , (5.62)
2MP2 4πρb a4 (t)
where it has been used that the background geometry is spatially flat. Going
to cosmic time, Eq. (5.62) reads

2 2 ∇
~ · [B~ × ∇
~ B~ × B]
δ̈ + δ̇ − 2 δ = . (5.63)
3t 3t 4πρb a6 (t)
The homogeneous term of Eq. (5.63) can be easily solved. The source term
strongly depends upon the magnetic field configuration [87]. However, as far
as time evolution is concerned, B~ is constant in the inertial range of scales,
i.e. L > Lσ . Hence, B~ = B~0 and B(t)
~ = B~0 /a2 (t). Assuming a stochastic
magnetic field the solution of equation (5.63) can be obtained integrating
from trec and recalling that ρb (t) ∼ ρb (trec )a−3 . The result is
t2rec |B
~ rec |2 9 t 2/3 3 trec 3
δ(t) = Ωb + − . (5.64)
4πρb (trec )a2 (trec )λ2B 10 trec 5 t 2

where λB is the typical length scale of variation of the magnetic field. The
total density contrast grows as t2/3 with an initial condition set by the Lorentz
force, i. e.
~ rec |2 t2
δ(trec ) ' Ωb rec
. (5.65)
4πρb (trec )a2 (trec )λ2B
To seed galaxy directly the effective δ(trec ) should be of the order off 10−3
for a flat Universe, implying that
~ rec | ' 10−3 λB
|B (Ωb h2 )1/2 G. (5.66)

Also the converse is true. Namely one can read Eq. (5.66) from left to right.
In this case Eq. (5.66) will define the typical scale affected by the presence
of the magnetic field. This scale is sometimes called magnetic Jeans scale
[99]: it can be constructed from the Jeans length
λ J = cs , (5.67)
where cs is replaced by ca , i.e. the Alfvén velocity.

5.4 Charge and current density fluctuations

As a simple application of kinetic techniques, it is useful to understand which
magnetic field can be obtained from an initial inhomogeneous distribution of
charge and current density fluctuations which can be described in terms of
fluctuations in the one-particle distribution function.
Consider then the system of Eqs. (5.38) under the assumption that,
initially, electric and magnetic fields vanish:

δf± (~x, p~, η0 ) 6= 0, E(~

~ x, η0 ) = B(~
~ x, η0 ) = 0. (5.68)

Using Eqs. (5.36)–(5.38) the induced magnetic fields can be obtained.. This
problem is discussed, in greater detail, in [132].
Subtracting Eqs. (5.36) and (5.37), and defining

f (~x, p~, η) = δf+ (~x, p~, η) − δf− (~x, p~, η) (5.69)

the Vlasov-Landau system can be written as
−g~k (~p) + i(~k · ~v − ω)f~kω (~
p) + 2eE~~kω · = −ν̃f~k,ω , (5.70)
i~k · E~~kω = 4πe p)d3 p,
f~kω (~ (5.71)
i~k · B~~kω = 0, (5.72)
B~~kω = ~k × E ~~ ,
kω (5.73)
k2 ~ i~ ~ ~
iω(1 − 2 )E~kω + k(k · E~kω ) = 4πe d3 p ~v f~kω (~
p), (5.74)
ω ω
where g~k (~p) is the initial profile of the distribution function and where ν̃ is the
typical collision frequency. The subscripts ~kω denote the Fourier transform
with respect to space and the Laplace transform with respect to time of the
corresponding quantity.
After enforcing the Gauss constraint at the initial time, the electric field
can be separated in its polarizations parallel and transverse to the direction
of propagation of the fluctuation. The transverse current provides a source
for the evolution of transverse electric field fluctuations
k2 ⊥
iω(1 − 2 )E~~kω = 4πe d3 pf~kω (~
p)~v⊥ , (5.75)
whereas the charge fluctuations provide a source for the evolution of longi-
tudinal electric field fluctuations
i~k · E~~kω = 4πe d3 pf~kω (~
p). (5.76)

In Eqs. (5.75) and (5.76) the longitudinal and transverse part of the electric
field fluctuations have been defined:
~k k
⊥ ⊥
E~~kω = E~~kω − (~k · E~~kω ), E~~kω = (E~~kω · ~k). (5.77)
|~k|2 |~k|2

The solution of Eq. (5.70) is given by

1 ∂f0
f~kω (~p) = p) − 2e~v · E~~kω
[g~k (~ ], (5.78)
i(~k · ~v − ω − iν̃) ∂p

where we used that ∂f0 /∂~ p ≡ ~v ∂f0 /∂p. The longitudinal and transverse
components of the electric fluctuations can be obtained by inserting Eq.
(5.78) into Eqs. (5.75)-(5.76)
k e g~k (~
|E~~kω | = d3 p , (5.79)
ik k i(~k · ~v − ω − iν̃)
⊥ e ω ⊥ g~k (~
E~~kω = 2 d 3
v , (5.80)
ω ⊥ − k 2 (~k · ~v − ω − iν̃)

where k and ⊥ are, respectively, the longitudinal and transverse part of the
polarization tensor
Z ~k · ~v
2e2 ∂f0
k (k, ω) = 1 − d3 p , (5.81)
k2 ~~ ∂p
(k · ~v − ω − iν̃)
2 Z 2
e ~v⊥ ∂f0
⊥ (k, ω) = 1 − d3 p . (5.82)
ω (~k · ~v − ω − iν̃) ∂p

Now, the general expression for the generated magnetic field is

e g~k (~
B~~kω = d3 p[~v × ~k] . (5.83)
ω ⊥ (k, ω) − k 2
2 ~
(k · ~v − ω − iν̃)

The space-time evolution of the magnetic fluctuations can be determined

by performing the inverse Laplace and Fourier transforms:
−iωη e dω i~k·~ g~k (~
~ x, η) = e 3
d ke x
[~v × ~k] . d3 p
ω ⊥ (k, ω) − k 2
(~v · ~k − ω − iν̃)
In order to perform this integral, the explicit relations for the polariza-
tion tensors should be given. They depend on the equilibrium distribution
function f0 (p), which we take to be the expression given in Eq. (5.34)21
Then we have for transverse polarization
e2 nq (ω + iν̃)2 k − ω − iν̃ ω + iν̃
⊥ (k, ω) = 1 + [1 − 2
] ln −2 , (5.85)
2ωkT k k + ω + iν̃ k
Notice that most of our considerations can be easily extended to the case of a Bose-
Einstein or Fermi-Dirac distribution. What is important, in our context, is the analytical
structure of the polarization tensors and this is the same for different distributions [123].

and for the longitudinal polarization:
e2 nq ω + iν̃ k − ω − iν̃
k (k, ω) = 1 + 2 + ln . (5.86)
k2T k k + ω + iν̃
Consider now the case of very small momenta k  ω and ω  ν̃, relevant
for long-ranged magnetic fields. Then the computation of the integral (5.84)
in the large time limit and with the use of explicit form of the transverse
polarization tensor in (5.85) gives 22 :
~ x, η) ' exp (−k 2 η/σ)∇
~ × J~ , (5.87)
4παem nq
where σ is the plasma conductivity in the relaxation time approximation,
4πe2 nq
σ= (5.88)
and initial electric current is given by
J~ (~x) = d3 p ~v g~k (~
p) . (5.89)

The obtained results assumed that the linearization of the Vlasov equa-
tion is consistent with the physical assumptions of our problem. This is
indeed the case. In order to safely linearize the Vlasov equation we have to
make sure that the perturbed distribution function of the charge fluctuations
is always smaller than the first order of the perturbative expansion (given by
the distribution of Eq. 5.34). In other words we have to make sure that

|δf+ (~x, p~, η)|  f0 (~

p), |δf− (~x, p~, η)|  f0 (~
p). (5.90)

These conditions imply that

eE~~kω ∂f0 (~
·  f0 (~
p). (5.91)
|~k · ~v − ω − iν̃| ∂~p

If the relativistic plasma frequency is defined,

4π e2 nq
ωp2 = , (5.92)
For small k, the equation ω 2 ⊥ (k, ω) − k 2 = 0 defining the poles of the inverse Laplace
transform implies ω ∼ ik 2 /σ.

the condition expressed by Eq. (5.91) can be restated, for modes k ≤ ωp , as
|E~~k,ω |2 < nq T (where we essentially took the square modulus of Eq. (5.91)).
This last inequality expresses the fact that the energy density associated with
the gauge field fluctuations should always be smaller than the critical energy
density stored in radiation. The linear treatment of the Vlasov equation is
certainly accurate provided the typical modes of the the field are smaller
than the plasma frequency and provided the energy density in electric and
magnetic fields is smaller than T 4 , i.e. the energy density stored in the
radiation background.

5.5 Inverse cascades

A relevant topic in the evolution of large scale magnetic fields concerns the
concepts of direct and inverse cascades. A direct cascade is a process, oc-
curring in a plasma, where energy is transferred from large to small length
scales. An inverse cascade is a process where the energy transfer goes from
small scales to large length scales. One can also generalize the the concept
of energy cascade to the cascade of any conserved quantity in the plasma,
like, for instance, the helicity. Thus, in general terms, the transfer process of
a conserved quantity is a cascade.
The concept of cascade (either direct or inverse) is related with the con-
cept of turbulence, i.e. the class of phenomena taking place in fluids and plas-
mas at high Reynolds numbers, as anticipated in Section 4. Non-magnetized
fluids become turbulent at high kinetic Reynolds numbers. Similarly, magne-
tized fluids should become turbulent for sufficiently large magnetic Reynolds
numbers. The experimental evidence of this occurrence is still poor. One of
the reasons is that it is very difficult to reach, with terrestrial plasmas, the
physical situation where the magnetic and the kinetic Reynolds numbers are
both large but, in such a way that their ratio is also large i.e.
Rm  1, R  1, Pr =  1. (5.93)
The physical regime expressed through Eqs. (5.93) rather common in the
early Universe. Thus, MHD turbulence is probably one of the key aspects of
magnetized plasma dynamics at very high temperatures and densities. Con-
sider, for instance, the plasma at the electroweak epoch when the temperature
was of the order of 100 GeV. One can compute the Reynolds numbers and

the Prandtl number from their definitions given in Eqs. (4.40)–(4.42). In
Rm ∼ 1017 , R = 1011 , Pr ' 106 , (5.94)
which can be obtained from Eqs. (4.40)–(4.42) using as fiducial parameters
v ' 0.1, σT /α, ν ' (αT )−1 and L ' 0.01 Hew −1
' 0.03 cm for T ' 100 GeV.
At high Reynolds and Prandtl numbers the evolution of the large-scale
magnetic fields is not obvious since the inertial regime is large. There are
then two scales separated by a huge gap: the scale of the horizon (3 cm
at the electroweak epoch) and the diffusivity scale (about 10−8 cm). One
would like to know, given an initial spectrum of the magnetic fields, what
is the evolution of the spectrum, i.e. in what modes the energy has been
transferred. The problem is that it is difficult to simulate systems with huge
hierarchies of scales.
Suppose, for instance, that large scale magnetic fields are generated at
some time t0 and with a given spectral dependence. The energy spectrum
of magnetic fields may receive, for instance, the dominant contribution for
large comoving momentum k (close to the cut-off provided by the magnetic
diffusivity scale). The “initial” spectrum at the time t0 is sometimes called
injection spectrum. The problem will then be to know the how the spectrum
is modified at a later time t. If inverse cascade occurs, the magnetic energy
density present in the ultra-violet modes may be transferred to the infra-red
modes. In spite of the fact that inverse cascades are a powerful dynamical
principle, it is debatable under which conditions they may arise.
The possible occurrence of inverse cascades in a magnetized Universe has
been put forward, in a series of papers, by Brandenburg, Enqvist and Olesen
[143, 144, 145, 146] (see also [147] for an excellent review covering also in a
concise way different mechanisms for the generation of large-scale magnetic
MHD simulations in 2 + 1 dimensions [143, 144] seem to support the idea
of an inverse cascade in a radiation dominated Universe. Two-dimensional
MHD simulations are very interesting but also peculiar. In 2 + 1 dimen-
sions, the magnetic helicity does not exist while the magnetic flux is well
defined and conserved in the ideal MHD limit. It is therefore impossible to
implement 2 + 1-dimensional MHD simulations where the magnetic flux and
the magnetic helicity are constrained to be constant in the ideal limit. This
technical problem is related to a deeper physical difference between magne-
tized plasmas with and without helicity. Consider then, for the moment, the

situation where the helicity is strictly zero. It is indeed possible to argue
that, in this case, 2 + 1-dimensional MHD simulations can capture some of
the relevant features of 3 + 1-dimensional MHD evolution.
In [145, 146] the scaling properties of MHD equations have been investi-
gated in the force-free regime (i.e. in the approximation of negligible Lorentz
force). In the absence of helical components at the onset of the MHD evolu-
tion a rather simple argument has been proposed by Olesen [145] in order to
decide under which conditions inverse cascade may arise. Consider the mag-
netic diffusivity and Navier-Stokes equations in the limit where J~ × B~ ' 0.
Then, the evolution equations are invariant under the following similarity
~x → L~x, η → L1− η, ~v → L~v,
B~ → L B,
~ ν → L1+ ν, σ → L−1− σ. (5.95)
For simplicity it is also useful to concentrate the attention on the inertial
range of momenta where the dynamics is independent on the scale of dissi-
In order to understand correctly the argument under discussion the vol-
ume average of the magnetic energy density has to be introduced (see [148]
for a lucid discussion on the various possible averages of large-scale magnetic
fields and see [149] for a complementary point of view). A generic rotation-
ally and parity invariant two-point function for the magnetic inhomogeneities
can be written as
G(~r, η) = hB(~
~ x, η)B(~
~ y , η)i, ~r = ~x − ~y . (5.96)
Defining now Z
G(~r, η) = d3 kG(k, η)e−ik·~r . (5.97)
From Eqs. (5.96)–(5.97) the following relation can be obtained
V dkQk (η) = d3 xd3 yhB(~
~ x, η)B(~
~ y , η)i, (5.98)

where Qk (η) is related to G(k, η) and V is the averaging volume.

The idea is now to study the scaling properties of Qk (η) under the sim-
ilarity transformations given in Eq. (5.95). Following [145], it is possible to
show that
a4 (η)Qk (η) = k α F (x)
x = k (3+α)/2 η. (5.99)

with α = −1 − 2. In Eq. (5.99) Qk (η) is related to the magnetic energy
density and F (x) is a function of the single argument x = (k (3+α)/2 η). If,
initially, the spectrum of the magnetic energy density is k α , then at later time
the evolution will be dictated by F (x). Since a4 (η)Qk (η) is approximately
constant, because of flux conservation, then the comoving momentum will
evolve, approximately, as

k ' η −2/(3+α) ' t−1/(3+α) , (5.100)

while the physical momentum will scale like

ω ' η −(5+α)/(α+3) ∼ t−(5+α)/(2α+6) . (5.101)

The conclusion of this argument is the following:

• if α < −3 the cascade will be direct (or forward);

• if α > −3 the comoving momentum moves toward the infra-red and

the cascade will be direct;

• if α = −3, then,  = 1 and, from Eqs. (5.95)-(5.99), the momentum

and time dependence will be uncorrelated.
The Olesen scaling argument has interesting implications:
• if the initial spectrum of the magnetic energy density is concentrated
at high momenta then, an inverse cascade is likely;

• from Eqs. (5.100) and (5.101) the typical correlation scale of the mag-
netic field may, in principle, evolve faster than in the case where the
inverse cascade is not present.
In a FRW Universe the correlation scale evolves as `(η) = `(η0 )a(η) from
a given initial time η0 where magnetic energy density is injected with spectral
dependence k α . If α > −3, Eqs. (5.100)–(5.101) imply that
  2   α+5
η α+3 η α+3
`(η) = `(η0 )a(η) ' `(η0 ) (5.102)
η0 η0
where the second equality follows in a radiation dominated phase of expan-
sion. In flat space, the analog of Eqs. (5.100)–(5.101) would imply that
`(t) ∼ `(t0 )(t/t0 )2/(α+3) . Finally, in the parametrization of Olesen [145] the

case of a Gaussian random field corresponds to α = 2, i.e.  = −3/2. In this
case the correlation scale will evolve as
`(η) = `(η0 )a(η) . (5.103)
In the context of hydrodynamics the scaling law expressed through Eq.(5.103)
is also well known [151]. It is appropriate, at this point, to recall that Hogan
[150] was the first one to discuss the evolution of the correlation scale pro-
duced by a Gaussian random injection spectrum (i.e. α = 2). Hogan was
also the first one to think to first order phase transitions as a possible source
of large scale magnetic fields [150].
An argument similar to the one discussed in the case of MHD can be
discussed in the case of ordinary hydrodynamics. In this case, the analog of
Qk (η) will be related to the kinetic energy density whose spectrum, in the
case of fully developed turbulence goes as k −5/3 , i.e. the usual Kolmogorov
The evolution of the correlation scale derived in Eq. (5.103) can be ob-
tained through another class of arguments usually employed in order to dis-
cuss inverse cascades in MHD: the mechanism of selective decay [86] which
can be triggered in the context of magnetic and hydrodynamical turbulence.
The basic idea is that modes with large wave-numbers decay faster than
modes whose wavenumber is comparatively small. Son [140] applied these
considerations to the evolution of large-scale magnetic fields at high temper-
atures and his results (when the magnetic field configuration has, initially,
vanishing helicity) are in agreement with the ones obtained in [145, 146]. In
[152] the topics discussed in [145, 140] have been revisited and in [153] the
possible occurrence of inverse cascades has been criticized using renormaliza-
tion group techniques.
The main assumption of the arguments presented so far is that the evo-
lution of the plasma occurs in an inertial regime. As discussed above in this
Section, at high temperatures the inertial regime is rather wide both from
the magnetic end thermal points of view. However, in the case where the
magnetic and thermal diffusivity scales are finite the arguments relying on
the inertial regime cannot be, strictly speaking, applied. In this situation
numerical simulations should be used in order to understand if the diffusive
regime either precedes or follows the inverse cascade.
If the magnetic and thermal diffusivity scales are finite, two conceptually
different possibilities can be envisaged. One possibility is that the inverse

Iroshnikov −Kraichnan
α= −3/2 Helical

l( η )
40 α=0
0 2 4 6 8 10

Figure 5: The time evolution of the correlation scale is illustrated in the

case of a FRW Universe dominated by radiation and in units `0 = 1. The
case α = 2 corresponds to the behaviour obtained in (5.103). The case
α = 2, corresponding to Eq. (5.104), refers to the situation of inverse cascade
with an initial helical spectrum. For comparison the case α = −3/2 is
also reported. This last evolution takes place if the injection spectrum is
of Iroshnikov-Kraichnan type.

cascade terminates with a diffusive regime. The other possibility is that

the onset of diffusion prevents the occurrence of the inverse cascade. This
dilemma can be solved by numerical simulations along the lines of the ones
already mentioned [143, 144]. The numerical simulations presented in [143,
144] are in (2 + 1) dimensions. The results support the occurrence of inverse
cascade in the presence of large kinetic viscosity. The moment at which
the cascade stops depends on the specific value of the viscosity coefficient.
In [154, 155] (3 + 1)-dimensional MHD simulations have shown evidence of
inverse cascade. Another possible limitation is that in the early Universe
the magnetic and kinetic Reynolds numbers are both large and also their
ratio, the Prandtl number, is very large. This feature seems to be difficult
to include in simulations.
The considerations presented so far do not take into account the possi-
bility that the initial magnetic field configuration has non vanishing helicity.
If magnetic helicity is present the typical features of MHD turbulence can
qualitatively change [86] and it was argued that the occurrence of inverse cas-
cades may be even more likely [156, 157] (see also [158]). The conservation

of the magnetic flux is now supplemented, in the magnetic sector of the evo-
lution, by the conservation of the helicity obtained in Eqs. (4.25) and (4.27).
The conservation of the helicity is extremely important in order to derive
the MHD analog of Kolmogorov spectrum. In fact, the heuristic derivation
of the Kolmogorov spectrum is based on the conservation of the kinetic en-
ergy density. If the conservation of the magnetic helicity is postulated, the
same qualitative argument leading to the Kolmogorov spectrum will lead
in the case of fully developed MHD turbulence to the so-called Iroshnikov-
Kraichnan spectrum [86, 159, 160] whose specific form, is, in terms of the
quantity introduced in Eq. (5.99) Qk (η0 ) ∼ k −3/2 .
Suppose, for simplicity, that the injection spectrum has a non-vanishing
helicity and suppose that the helicity has the same sign everywhere. In this
case A~ · B~ ∼ `|B|
~ 2 . Since the helicity is conserved the magnetic field will scale
according to Eqs. (5.95) but with  = −1/2 corresponding to α = 0. Hence,
the correlation scale will evolve, in this case, as
 2  5
η 3 η 3
`(η) = `(η0 )a(η) ' `(η0 ) , (5.104)
η0 η0

i.e. faster than in the case of Eq. (5.103). It is difficult to draw general
conclusions without specifying the nature and the features of the mechanism
producing the injection configuration of the magnetic field. The results crit-
ically summarized in this Section will be important when discussing specific
ideas on the origin of large-scale magnetic fields. In Fig. 5 the cases of dif-
ferent injection spectra are compared. It is clear that an injection spectrum
given by a Gaussian random field leads to a rather inefficient inverse cas-
cade. Since the magnetic helicity vanishes at the onset of the evolution, the
rate of energy transfer from small to large scales is rather slow. On the con-
trary if the injection spectrum is helical, the rate increases significantly. For
comparison the situation where the injection spectrum corresponds to the
Iroshnikov-Kraichnan case, i.e. the case of fully developed MHD turbulence,
is also reported. The dashed line of Fig. 5 illustrates the evolution of the
correlation scale dictated by the the Universe expansion.

5.6 Hypermagnetic fields

At small temperatures and small densities of the different fermionic charges
the SUL (2) ⊗ UY (1) is broken down to the Uem (1) and the long range fields

which can survive in the plasma are the ordinary magnetic fields. For suf-
ficiently high temperatures (and for sufficiently high values of the various
fermionic charges) the SUL (2) ⊗ UY (1) is restored and non-screened vector
modes correspond to hypermagnetic fields. In fact, Abelian electric fields
decay within a typical time scale 1/σ where σ is the conductivity. The long-
ranged non-Abelian magnetic fields (corresponding, for instance, to the color
SU(3) or to the weak SU(2)) cannot exist because at high temperatures
the non-Abelian interactions induce a “magnetic” mass gap ∼ g 2T where g
is the gauge coupling constant. Also the non-Abelian electric fields decay
because of the finite value of the conductivity as it occurs for Abelian elec-
tric fields. Therefore, the only long scale field that can exist in the plasma
for enough time must be associated with some Abelian U(1) group. This
statement, valid to all orders in perturbation theory, has been confirmed
non-perturbatively for the electroweak theory by recent lattice studies in
[163]. Under normal conditions (i.e. small temperatures and small densities
of the different fermionic charges) the SU(2)×U(1)Y symmetry is “broken”
down to U(1)EM , the massless field corresponding to U(1)EM is the ordinary
photon and the only long-lived field in the plasma is the ordinary magnetic
one. At sufficiently high temperatures, T > Tc , the SU(2)×U(1)Y symmetry
is “restored”, and non-screened vector modes Yµ correspond to the U(1)Y
hypercharge group. Hence, if primordial fields existed at T > Tc , they did
correspond to hypercharge rather than to U(1)EM .
At the electroweak epoch the typical size of the Hubble radius is of the or-
der of 3 cm . The typical diffusion scale is of the order of 10−9 cm. Therefore,
over roughly eight orders of magnitude hypermagnetic fields can be present
in the plasma without being dissipated [161].

5.6.1 Anomalous MHD equations

The evolution of hypermagnetic fields can be obtained from the anomalous
magnetohydrodynamical (AMHD) equations. The AMHD equations gener-
alize the treatment of plasma effects involving hypermagnetic fields to the
case of finite fermionic density[162].
There are essential differences between the interactions of magnetic fields
and the ones of hypermagnetic fields with matter. The ordinary electromag-
netic field has a vector-like coupling to the fermions, while the coupling of the
hypercharge fields is chiral. Thus, if hyperelectric (E ~ Y ) and hypermagnetic
~ Y ) fields are present simultaneously, they cause a variation of the fermionic

number according to the anomaly equation, ∂µ jµ ∼ 4π 2 HY ·EY (here g the hy-
g ~ ~
percharge gauge coupling constant). Now, the presence of non-homogeneous
hypermagnetic fields in the EW plasma with (hyper)conductivity σc always
~Y ∼ 1 ∇
implies the existence of a related electric field, E ~ ×H ~ Y . Since for
a general stochastic magnetic background h(H ~Y · ∇
~ ×H ~ Y )2 i =
6 0, the non-
uniform hypermagnetic field may absorb or release fermions and produce,
ultimately, baryon and lepton density perturbations because of the anomaly
The behaviour of cold fermionic matter with non-zero anomalous Abelian
charges was considered in [164] where it was pointed out that the anoma-
lous fermionic matter is unstable against the creation of Abelian gauge field
with non-zero Chern-Simons number, which eats up fermions because of the
anomaly. The right electron number density may be converted to the hyper-
charge field because of a similar effect. Also the opposite effect is possible:
hypercharge fields may be converted into fermions in a hot environment.
The electroweak plasma in complete thermal equilibrium at a temperature
T can be characterized by nf chemical potentials µi , i = 1, ..., nf correspond-
ing to the exactly conserved global charges
Ni = Li − (5.105)

(Li is the lepton number of the i-th generation, B is the baryon number,
and nf is the number of fermionic generations). One should also introduce
a chemical potential µY corresponding to weak hypercharge, but its value
is fixed from the requirement of the hypercharge neutrality of the plasma,
hY i = 0.
It is interesting to study this plasma slightly out of thermal equilibrium,
for instance in the situation where a non-uniform distribution of the hyper-
magnetic field is present. Because of the anomaly, this field is coupled to the
fermionic number densities. In principle, different chemical potentials can
be assigned to all the fermionic degrees of freedom of the electroweak theory
(45 if nf = 3) and the coupled system of Boltzmann-type equations for these
chemical potentials and the hypercharge fields may be written. Since we are
interested in the slow processes in the plasma, this is not necessary. If the
coupling, corresponding to some slow process, is switched off, then the elec-
troweak theory acquires an extra conserved charge and a further chemical
potential should be added to the system given in Eq. (5.105).

An interesting observation (which turns out to be quite important in our
context) has been made in [165, 166, 167], where it was noticed that pertur-
bative reactions with right-handed electron chirality flip are out of thermal
equilibrium at temperatures higher than some temperature TR .23 Thus, the
number of right electrons is perturbatively conserved at temperatures T > TR
and the chemical potential µR can be introduced for it. On the other hand,
this charge is not conserved because of the Abelian anomaly,

g 02 yR2
∂µ jRµ = − Yµν Ỹ µν , (5.106)
64π 2
and it is therefore coupled to the hypermagnetic field. Here Y and Ỹ are,
respectively, the UY (1) hypercharge field strengths and their duals, g 0 is the
associated gauge coupling and yR = −2 is the hypercharge of the right elec-
Now we are ready to derive the anomalous MHD equations in flat space
[161, 162]. The effective Lagrangian density describing the dynamics of the
gauge fields at finite fermionic density is [168]:

1√ √ g 02
LY,eR = − −gYαβ Y αβ − −gJα Y α + µijk Y ij Y k , µ= µR (5.107)
4 4π 2
(g is the determinant of the metric defined in (5.1); Yαβ = ∇[α Yβ] ; ∇α is the
covariant derivative with respect to the metric (5.1)[notice that in the metric
(5.1) ∇[α Yβ] = ∂[α Yβ] ]; g 0 is the Abelian coupling constant). The first and the
last terms in Eq. (5.107) are nothing but the curved space generalization of
the flat-space effective Lagrangian for the hypercharge fields at finite fermion
density [161, 162], Jα is the ohmic current. The equations of motion for the
hyperelectric and hypermagnetic fields are then

∂H~Y ∂ E~Y g 02
= −∇
~ × E~Y , + J~Y = 2 µR aH ~Y +∇
~ ×H
~Y ,
∂η ∂η π

~ ·H~ Y = 0, ∇
~ · E~Y = 0,

~ · J~Y = 0, J~Y = σ(E~Y + ~v × H~ Y ), σ = σc a(η), (5.108)

with the same notations introduced in the case of electromagnetic fields in

the case of the conventional MHD equations.
This temperature depends on the particle physics model, see also the discussion re-
ported in Section 5. In the MSM TR ' 80 TeV [165, 166, 167].

To Eqs. (5.108), the evolution equation of the right electron chemical
potential, accounting for the anomalous and perturbative non-conservation
of the right electron number density (nR ), must be added:

∂nR g 02
= − 2 E~Y · H
~ Y − Γ(nR − neq
R ), (5.109)
∂t 4π
where Γ is the perturbative chirality-changing rate, Γ = T M 0
, neq
R is the equi-
librium value of the right electron number density, and the term proportional
to E~Y · H
~ Y is the right electron anomaly contribution.
Finally, the relationship between the right electron number density and
the chemical potential must be specified. This relation depends upon the
particle content of the theory. In the case of the Minimal Standard Models
(MSM) the evolution equation of the chemical potential becomes [162]

1 ∂(µR a) g 02 783 1 ~ ~
=− 2 EY · HY − Γ(µR a). (5.110)
a ∂η 4π 88 a3 T 3

At finite hyperconductivity (in what we would call, in a MHD context,

resistive approximation) we have that from Eq. (5.108) the induced hyper-
electric field is not exactly orthogonal to the hypermagnetic one and, more-
over, an extra “fermionic” current comes in the game thanks to the fact that
we are working at finite chemical potential. Therefore in our context the
resistive Ohm law can be written as

E~Y = − ~v × H
~Y '
σ !
1 4α0 g 02
µR aH
~Y + ∇~ ×H~ Y − ~v × H
~Y , α0 = . (5.111)
σ π 4π

In the bracket appearing in Eq. (5.111) we can identify two different

contributions. One is associated with the curl of the magnetic field. We will
call this the MHD contribution, since it appears in the same way in ordi-
nary plasmas. The other contribution contains the chemical potential and it
is directly proportional to the magnetic field and to the chemical potential.
This is a typical finite density effect. In fact the extra Ohmic current simply
describes the possibility that the energy sitting in real fermionic degrees of
freedom can be transferred to the hypermagnetic field. It may be of some
interest to notice the analogy between the first term of Eq. (5.111) and

the typical form of the ohmic current discussed in Eq. (4.17) appearing in
the context of the dynamo mechanism. In the latter case the presence of a
current (proportional to the vorticity through the α dynamo term) was indi-
cating that large length scales magnetic fields could grow by eating up fluid
vortices. By inserting E~ Y obtained from the generalized Ohm law (5.111)
in the evolution equations (5.108) of the hypercharge fields, we obtain the
generalized form of the magnetic diffusivity equation:

∂H~Y 4aα0 ~  ~  ~ ~ + 1 ∇2 H
=− ∇ × µR HY + ∇ × (~v × H) ~Y . (5.112)
∂η πσ σ
In order to be consistent with our resistive approach we neglected terms con-
taining time derivatives of the electric field, which are sub-leading provided
the conductivity is finite. In our considerations we will also make a fur-
ther simplification, namely we will assume that the EW plasma is (globally)
parity-invariant and that, therefore, no global vorticity is present. There-
fore, since the length scale of variation of the bulk velocity field is much
shorter than the correlation distance of the hypermagnetic field, the infrared
modes of the hypercharge will be practically unaffected by the velocity of the
plasma, which will be neglected when the large-scale part of the hypercharge
is concerned. This corresponds to the usual MHD treatment of a mirror
symmetric plasma (see, e.g. Eq. (4.32)–(4.34), when α = 0).
Eqs. (5.112) and (5.110) form a set of AMHD equations for the hyper-
charge magnetic field and right electron chemical potential in the expanding

5.6.2 Hypermagnetic knots

The Abelian nature of the hypercharge field does not forbid that the hyper-
magnetic flux lines should have a trivial topological structure. This situation
is similar to what already encountered in the case of conventional electro-
magnetic fields with the important difference that the evolution equations of
hypermagnetic fields are different from the ones of ordinary magnetic fields.
After a swift summary of the properties of hypermagnetic knots (based on
[169, 170]), some interesting applications of these hypercharge profiles will
be reviewed.
In the gauge Y0 = 0, ∇~ · Y~ = 0, an example of topologically non-trivial
configuration of the hypercharge field is the Chern-Simons wave [171, 172,


Yx (z, t) = Y (t) sin k0 z,

Yy (z, t) = Y (t) cos k0 z,
Yz (z, t) = 0. (5.113)

This particular configuration is not homogeneous but it describes a hyper-

magnetic knot with homogeneous helicity and Chern-Simons number density
~Y · ∇
H ~ ×H~ Y = k0 H 2 (t),
g 02 ~ ~ = g
nCS = − 2
H Y · Y 2
H 2 (t), (5.114)
32π 32π k0

where H ~Y = ∇ ~ × Y~ , H(t) = k0 Y (t); g 0 is the U(1)Y coupling.

It is possible to construct hypermagnetic knot configurations with finite
energy and helicity which are localized in space and within typical distance
scale Ls . Let us consider in fact the following configuration in spherical
coordinates [170]

2B0 cos θ
Yr (R, θ) = − ,
πLs [R2 + 1]2
2B0 sin θ
Yθ (R, θ) = ,
πLs [R2 + 1]2
2B0 nR sin θ
Yφ (R, θ) = − , (5.115)
πLs [R2 + 1]2

where R = r/Ls is the rescaled radius and B0 is some dimensionless am-

plitude and n is just an integer number whose physical interpretation will
become clear in a moment. The hypermagnetic field can be easily computed
from the previous expression and it is
4B0 n cos θ
Hr (R, θ) = − ,
π L2s [R2 + 1]2
4B0 R2 − 1
Hθ (R, θ) = − n sin θ,
π L2s [R2 + 1]3
8B0 R sin θ
Hφ (R, θ) = − . (5.116)
π L2s [R2 + 1]3

The poloidal and toroidal components of H ~ can be usefully expressed as
Hp = Hr~er + Hθ~eθ and Ht = Hφ~eφ . The Chern-Simons number is finite and
~ ~
it is given by
g 02 ~ Y d3 x = g
02 ∞ 8nB02 R2 dR g 02 nB02
~ ·H = . (5.117)
32π 2 V 32π 2 0 π 2 [R2 + 1]4 32π 2

The total helicity of the configuration can also be computed

256 B02 n ∞ R2 dR 5B02 n
HY · ∇ × HY d x =
~ ~ ~ 3
= . (5.118)
V πL2 0 (1 + R2 )5 L2s

We can compute also the total energy of the field

Z 2
1 ~ Y |2 = B0 (n2 + 1).
E= d3 x|H (5.119)
2 V 2 Ls

and we discover that it is proportional to n2 . This means that one way of

increasing the total energy of the field is to increase the number of knots and
twists in the flux lines.
This type of configurations can be also obtained by projecting a non-
Abelian SU(2) (vacuum) gauge field on a fixed electromagnetic direction [174]
. The resulting profile of the knot depends upon an arbitrary function of
the radial distance.
These configurations have been also studied in [176, 177]. In particular,
in [177], the relaxation of HK has been investigated with a technique different
from the one employed in [169, 170] but with similar results. The problem
of scattering of fermions in the background of hypermagnetic fields has been
also studied in [178, 179].
Hypermagnetic knots with large correlation scale can be also generated
dynamically provided an unknotted hypermagnetic background is already
Let us assume that dynamical pseudoscalar particles are evolving in the
background geometry given by Eq. (5.1). The pseudoscalars are not a source
of the background (i.e. they do not affect the time evolution of the scale
In order to interpret these solutions it is very interesting to make use of the Clebsh de-
composition. The implications of this decomposition (beyond the hydrodynamical context,
where it was originally discovered) have been recently discussed (see [175] and references

factor) but, nonetheless, they evolve according to their specific dynamics
and can excite other degrees of freedom.
The action describing the interaction of a dynamical pseudoscalar with
hypercharge fields can be written as
√  1 αβ 1 ψ

S= d x −g g ∂α ψ∂β ψ − V (ψ) − Yαβ Y + c
4 αβ
Yαβ Ỹ αβ
. (5.120)
2 4 4M
This action is quite generic. In the case V (ψ) = (m2 /2)ψ 2 Eq. (5.120) is
nothing but the curved space generalization of the model usually employed
in direct searches of axionic particles [180, 181, 182]. The constant in front
of the anomaly is a model-dependent factor. For example, in the case of
axionic particles , for large temperatures T ≥ mW , the Abelian gauge fields
present in Eq. (5.120) will be hypercharge fields and c = cψY α0 /(2π) where
α0 = g 02 /4π and cψY is a numerical factor of order 1 which can be computed
(in a specific axion scenario) by knowing the Peccei-Quinn charges of all the
fermions present in the model [183, 184]. For small temperatures T ≤ mW
we have that the Abelian fields present in the action (5.120) will coincide
with ordinary electromagnetic fields and c = cψγ αem /2π where αem is the
fine structure constant and cψγ is again a numerical factor.
The coupled system of equations describing the evolution of the pseu-
doscalars and of the Abelian gauge fields can be easily derived by varying
the action with respect to ψ and Yµ ,
1 √ ∂V c
√ ∂µ −gg µν ∂ν ψ + = Yαβ Ỹ αβ ,
−g ∂ψ 4M
∇µ Y µν = ∇µ ψ Ỹ µν , ∇µ Ỹ µν = 0, (5.121)
1 √ 1 √
∇µ Y µν = √ ∂µ −gY µν , ∇µ Ỹ µν = √ ∂µ −g Ỹ µν , (5.122)
−g −g
are the usual covariant derivatives defined from the background FRW metric
Eqs. (5.121) can be written in terms of the physical gauge fields
∂V 1 c
ψ 00 + 2Hψ 0 − ∇2 ψ + a2 = − 2 E~Y · H ~Y ,
∂ψ a M

~ ·H
~ Y = 0, ∇ ~ × E~Y + H~ 0 = 0, ∇ ~ · E~Y = c ∇ψ~ ·H
~Y ,

~ ×H~ Y = E~ 0 − c ψ 0 H
~ Y + ∇ψ~ × E~Y . (5.123)

We want now to study the amplification of gauge field fluctuations in-
duced by the time evolution of ψ. Then, the evolution equation for the
hypermagnetic fluctuations H ~ Y can be obtained by linearizing Eqs. (5.123).
We will assume that any background gauge field is absent. In the linearisa-
tion procedure we will also assume that the pseudoscalar field can be treated
as completely homogeneous (i.e.|∇ψ| ~  ψ 0 ). This seems to be natural if,
prior to the radiation dominated epoch, an inflationary phase diluted the
gradients of the pseudoscalar.
In this approximation, the result of the linearization can be simply written
in terms of the vector potentials in the gauge Y 0 = 0 and ∇ ~ · Y~ = 0:

~ 00 − ∇2 Y
Y ~ + c ψ0 ∇~ ×Y ~ = 0, (5.124)
ψ̈ + 3H ψ̇ + = 0, (5.125)
By combining the evolution equations for the gauge fields we can find a
decoupled evolution equation for H ~Y ,

H ~ Y + c ψ0∇
~ 00 − ∇2 H ~ ×H
~ Y = 0. (5.126)
From this equation is already apparent that the pseudo-scalar vertex
induces an interaction in the two physical polarizations of the hypermag-
netic field. Giving initial conditions which are such that H ~ Y 6= 0 with
HY · ∇ × HY = 0 a profile with HY · ∇ × HY 6= 0 can be generated provided
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
ψ 0 6= 0.

6 Two approaches to the Origin

Since the flux is conserved the ratio between the magnetic energy density,
ρB (L, η) and the energy density sitting in radiation, ργ (η) is almost constant
and therefore, in terms of this quantity (which is only scale dependent but not
time dependent), the most simplistic dynamo requirement can be rephrased
(see Section 3) as
ρB (L, η)
rB (L) = ≥ 10−34 , L ∼ 1 Mpc, (6.1)
ργ (η)
to be compared with the value rB ∼ 10−8 which would lead to the galactic
magnetic field only thanks to the collapse and without the need of dynamo

action (this would be the case when the magnetic field is fully primordial).
Notice that Eq. (6.1) assumes that the magnetic flux is exactly frozen into
the plasma element.
As previously pointed out during the discussion of the dynamo mecha-
nism, the requirement expressed by Eq. (6.1) is unrealistic: it would corre-
spond to thirty e-folds of amplification during galactic rotation and perfect
flux freezing during the collapse of the protogalaxy. In a more realistic sit-
uation situation, taking into account the effectively achievable amplification
of the dynamo action the requirement would rather be, prior to collapse,

ρB (L, η)
rB (L) = ≥ 10−23 , L ∼ 1 Mpc. (6.2)
ργ (η)

In spite of the richness of the theoretical models, the mechanisms for magnetic
field generation can be divided, broadly speaking, into two categories: as-
trophysical and cosmological. The cosmological mechanisms can be divided,
in turn, into causal mechanisms (where the magnetic seeds are produced at
a given time inside the horizon) and inflationary mechanisms where correla-
tions in the magnetic field are produced outside the horizon.

6.1 Inhomogeneous MHD equations

The first attempts in this direction have been made by Biermann [185] and
Harrison [186, 187, 188]. The Biermann battery mechanism is easy to un-
derstand from the form of the generalized Ohm law discussed in Eq. (4.17).
MHD equations are linear and homogeneous in the magnetic field intensities.
The idea is then to look for a natural source term which seemed to be pro-
vided by the thermoelectric current already introduced in the context of the
generalized Ohm law . Consider, indeed, Eq. (4.17) in the approximation
where the Hall term is neglected (the argument can be also generalized to
the case of non vanishing Hall term). Then, the Ohmic electric field will not
be the one simply obtained in resistive MHD but it will get a contribution
from the thermoelectric term:

~ + ∇ × B − 1 ∇P
~ ~
~ = −~v × B
E ~ e. (6.3)
4πσ ene

Using the other MHD equations in the incompressible approximation the new
form of the magnetic diffusivity equation can be derived:
~ × (~v × B) ~ = − 1 ∇n
~ − 1 ∇2 B ~ e × ∇P
~ e. (6.4)
∂t 4πσ en2e

The magnetic diffusivity equation has now a source terms which does not
vanish provided the gradients of the charge density of the electrons is not
parallel to the pressure gradients. As a consequence of the presence of the
source term, the magnetic field will grow linearly in time until the thermo-
electric source term is comparable with the dynamo term. The estimate of
the magnetic field intensity prior to the onset of galactic rotation will then
~ ' t |∇n
|B| ~ e × ∇P
~ e |, (6.5)
leading to magnetic fields O(10−20 ) G over typical scales of the order of 10
In a complementary perspective, Harrison[186, 187, 188] discussed the
possibility that the pressure gradients are strictly vanishing, i.e. ∇p
~ e =
0. This is a reasonable assumption, for instance, in a radiation-dominated
stage of expansion where pressure gradients are expected to be negligible by
the global homogeneity of the background. In this situation, an evolution
equation for the vorticity can be derived
∂ 2 e ~ e
(a ~ω + B) = ∇2 B,
~ (6.6)
∂η mp 4πσmp

where ω = ∇ ~ × ~v and mp is the ion mass. If we now postulate that some

vorticity was present prior to decoupling, then Eq. (6.6) can be solved and
the magnetic field can be related to the initial vorticity as
~ ∼ − mp ω
B ~i
. (6.7)
e a
It is clear that if the estimate of the vorticity is made prior to equality (as
originally suggested by Harrison[186]) of after decoupling as also suggested, a
bit later[189] can change even by two orders of magnitude. Prior to equality
|~ω (t) ' 0.1/t and, therefore, |B ~ eq | ∼ 10−21 G. If a similar estimate is made
after decoupling the typical value of the generated magnetic field is of the

order of 10−18 G. So, in this context, the problem of the origin of magnetic
fields is circumvented by postulating an appropriate form of vorticity whose
origin must be explained.
The idea was employed, later on, in the context of the physics of topo-
logical defects. Vachaspati and Vilenkin [190] have suggested that cosmic
strings with small scale structure may be a source of the wanted vorticity.
The argument is, in short, that since matter flow in baryonic wakes is turbu-
lent, velocity gradients will be induced in the flow by the small-scale wiggles
which produced the required vorticity. Furthermore, dynamical friction be-
tween cosmic strings and matter may provide a further source of vorticity
[191]. There have been also studies trying to generate large-scale magnetic
fields in the context of superconducting cosmic strings (see, for instance, [192]
and references therein).
Recently the possible generation of large-scale magnetic fields prior to hy-
drogen recombination has been discussed in [193, 194]. The vorticity required
in order to produce the magnetic fields is generated, according to [193], by
the photon diffusion at second order in the temperature fluctuations. In a
similar perspective Hogan [195] got much less optimistic estimates which, ac-
cording to [193, 194], should be attributed to different approximation schemes
employed in the analysis.

6.2 Inflationary mechanisms

Different astrophysical objects, of different physical sizes, have comparable
magnetic fields. This coincidence is hard to explain in the context of causal
mechanisms of generation. The analogy with structure formation, already
presented in the Introduction, is here useful. In the late seventies, prior to
the formulation of the inflationary paradigm, the initial conditions for the
density contrast were taken as primordial input. Later on, in the context
of inflationary models, the primordial spectrum of curvature and density
fluctuations could be calculated.
During inflation, in fact, fields of various spin are present and they can
be excited by the dynamical evolution of the geometry. In the context of
inflationary models of particular relevance are the scalar and tensor fluc-
tuations of the geometry, corresponding respectively, to fluctuations of the
scalar curvature and to gravitational waves. Gravitational waves and curva-
ture perturbations obey evolution equations which are not invariant under
Weyl rescaling of the four-dimensional metric. Then the quantum mechan-

ical fluctuations in the corresponding fields will simply be amplified by the
evolution of the background geometry.
It is interesting to speculate that large scale magnetic fields could be
produced thanks to a similar mechanism. The major obstruction to this
type of models is that gauge fields are not amplified thanks to the evolution
of the background geometry the reason being that the evolution equations of
gauge fields are invariant under Weyl rescaling of the metric.
When conformal invariance is broken, by some means, one is often led
to estimate the amplitude of gauge field fluctuations arising as a result of
the breaking. Clearly the detailed amount of amplified gauge fields will be
specific of the particular model. In the following various ways of breaking
conformal invariance will be listed without getting through the details of the
calculations. Before doing so it is anyway instructive to introduce some gen-
eral considerations stressing the analogy between the production of magnetic
inhomogeneities and the production of gravitational inhomogeneities whose
late time evolution leads the anisotropies in the CMB.
The tensor modes of the geometry are described by a rank-two (transverse
and traceless) tensor in three spatial dimensions 25 , i.e.
ds2 = a2 (η)[dη 2 − (δij + hij )dxi dxj ], hii = ∂i hij = 0, (6.8)
obeying the equation, in Fourier space,
+ k − 2
µk = 0, (6.9)
where µk = ahk and hk is the Fourier mode of each polarization. In this
equation the “pump field” is simply given by the scale factor. When k 2 
|a00 /a| the mode is said to be adiabatically damped: in fact, in this regime,
|hk | ' a−1 , i.e. decreasing in an expanding Universe. In the opposite regime,
i.e. k 2  |a00 /a| the mode is super-adiabatically amplified. In fact, during
a de Sitter or quasi-de Sitter µk ∼ a(η) and hk is constant. Hence, for the
whole time the given mode spends under the “potential barrier” of Eq. (6.9),
it is amplified.
A similar equation holds for the canonical normal mode for the scalar
fluctuations of the geometry, i.e.
z 00
vk00 + k − 2
vk = 0. (6.10)
The theory of cosmological perturbations is assumed in the following considerations.
Comprehensive accounts of the relevant topics can be found in [196, 197] (see also [198]).

The variable vk is defined as
vk = aδϕk + zψk , Rk = − , (6.11)
where δϕk is the fluctuation of the inflaton, Rk is the curvature perturbation
and ψ is the scalar fluctuation of the geometry in the conformally Newtonian
gauge [196, 197]. If the inflaton has an exponential potential z(η) ' a(η).
In the case of gauge fields, each of the two polarization of the appropri-
ately rescaled vector potential obeys, the following equation
A00k + k 2 − g(g −1)00 Ak = 0. (6.12)

In the context specific models of breaking of conformal invariance, g(η) may

be associated with the gauge coupling. However g −1(η) can also be viewed
as a generic pump field arising as a result of the breaking of conformal in-
variance. The time dependence of the potential term is rather common to
different models: it goes to zero for |η| → ∞ as (ν 2 −1/4)η −2 . The numerical
coefficient appearing in the potential determines the strength and spectrum
of the amplified gauge fields whose subsequent evolution has to be however
computed at finite conductivity. In Fig. 6 the typical form of the potential
term appearing in Eq. (6.12) is illustrated. Different comoving frequencies
go under the barrier at different times and the amount of amplification is
roughly proportional to the time spend under the barrier. Clearly, given the
generic form of the barrier, smaller frequencies are more amplified than the
frequencies comparable with the height of the barrier at η1 . In Fig. 6 the ex-
plicit numerical value of the height of the barrier corresponds to a (present)
frequency of 108 Hz which can be realized if the pump field goes to a con-
stant right after the end of a conventional inflationary phase followed by a
radiation-dominated stage of expansion.
In the case of gravitational waves, and, with some caveats, in the case of
scalar metric fluctuations, the “potential barriers” appearing, respectively, in
Eqs. (6.9) and (6.10) may be related with the inverse Hubble radius. Hence,
in the case of metric fluctuations, a mode which is under the barrier is also,
with a swift terminology, outside the horizon (see Fig. 7). This is the reason
why, following the conventional nomenclature, in Fig. 6 the moment when a
given scale gets under the barrier has been denoted by ηex (i.e. horizon exit).
According to the same convention, the moment when a given scale gets out
the potential barrier is labeled by ηre (i.e. horizon re-entry). In Fig. 6 few

(g −1)’’ g

ω ∼ 10 Hz

ω σ ∼ 10 mHz

ω G ∼ 10 Hz

ω 0 ∼ 10 Hz

η ex η1 η re η

Figure 6: The effective potential appearing in Eq. (6.12) is illustrated in

general terms. In this example the pump field leading to amplification of
electromagnetic quantum fluctuations is assumed to be constant prior to the
onset of BBN. On the vertical axis few relevant physical frequencies (to be
compared with the height of the potential) have been reported.

relevant frequencies have been compared with the height of the barrier. Con-
sider, for instance, ωG i.e. the typical scale of gravitational collapse which is
of the order of 1 Mpc, i.e. 10−14 Hz. In Fig. 6 the physical frequency has been
directly reported. Another interesting frequency is ωσ ∼ mHz corresponding
to the present value of the magnetic diffusivity momentum. The amplifica-
tion caused by the parametric amplification of the vacuum fluctuations can
be computed by solving Eq. (6.12) in the different regimes.

Ak = √ , η < ηex ,
k Z η
Ak = g −1 (η)[Ck + Dk dη 0 g 2(η 0 )] , ηex < η < ηre
Ak = √ [c+ (k)e−ikη + c− (k)eikη ] , η > ηre , (6.13)
where ( Ck , Dk , and c± (k) are integrations constants).
The mixing coefficients c± (k), determining the parametric amplification
of a mode k 2 < |V (η1 )|, computed by matching these various branches of the


Log λ (t)
δ h ~ constant

− 61

Today : H ~ 10
duration of inflation δh ~ a
60−70 e−folds

Log r (t)

Log a(t)

10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Figure 7: The evolution of a given physical wavelength is illustrated in the

case of an inflationary model with minimal duration. The region above the
full curve (denoting the Hubble radius rH ) = H −1 ) corresponds, for the tensor
and scalar modes of the geometry, to the region where a given comoving
wavenumber k is below the “potential barrier” appearing in Eqs. (6.9) and

solution reported in Eq. (6.13). One finds:

gex gre 0 gre gex 0
2ike−ik(ηex ∓ηre ) c± (k) = ∓ (− ∓ ik) ± (− + ik)
gre gre gex gex
1 gex 0 gre 0 ηre
± (− + ik)(− ∓ ik) g 2 dη. (6.14)
gex gre gex gre ηex

Similar calculations can be performed in order to obtain the spectrum of

scalar and tensor fluctuations of the geometry [200, 201, 202].
Suppose now to make a simple estimate. Assume, for instance, that g is
evolving prior to η1 according to the dynamics dictated by a given model.
Suppose also that after η1 the Universe is suddenly dominated by radiation,
and g 0 ∼ 0 for η > η1 . In this situation all the modes reenter during radiation
and the amplification will be roughly given, to leading order by
|c− | ' . (6.15)
If the function g(η) is identified with the evolving gauge coupling this result
suggest that in order to have large amplification the gauge coupling g(η) has

to grow from smaller to larger values. This is what happens, for instance, in
the case of pre-big bang models where g ∼ eϕ/2 and ϕ is the for-dimensional
dilaton field [121].
Since we ought to estimate the amplification of an initial quantum me-
chanical fluctuations, a fully quantum mechanical treatment is certainly ap-
propriate also in view of the discussion of the correlation properties of the
obtained fluctuations. This analysis has been performed in [203] where the
squeezing properties of the obtained photons have also been discussed.
The perturbed effective Lagrangian density
  2  Z
1 X 02 g0 g0
L(~x, η) = A α +2 A0α Aα + A2α −(∂i Aα )2 , L(η) = d3 xL(~x, η),
2 α g g
describes the evolution of the two ( α = ⊗, ⊕) transverse degrees of freedom
defined by the Coulomb gauge condition A0 = 0 and ∇ ~ ·A
~ = 0 (the prime
denotes differentiation with respect to conformal time). The fields Aα = gAα
have kinetic terms with canonical normalization and the time evolution given
in Eq. (6.12) stems from the Euler-Lagrange equations derived from Eq.
(6.16). By functionally deriving the the action the canonically conjugated
momenta can be obtained leading to the Hamiltonian density and to the
associated Hamiltonian
1X 2 g0
H(~x, η) = π + (∂i Aα ) − 2 Aα πα ,
2 α α g
H(η) = d3 xH(~x). (6.17)
The operators corresponding to the classical polarizations appearing in the
Hamiltonian density
1 ~
Âα (~x, η) = d3 k 3/2
Âα (k, η)eik·~x ,
Âα (k, η) = √ [âk,α (η) + â†−k,α (η)],
1 ~
π̂α (~x, η) = d3 k π̂α (k, η)eik·~x ,
π̂α (k, η) = i [âk,α (η) − â†−k,α (η)], (6.18)
obey canonical commutation relations and the associated creation and anni-
hilation operators satisfy [âk,α , â†p,β ] = δαβ δ (3) (~k − ~p).

The (two-modes) Hamiltonian contains a free part and the effect of the
variation of the coupling constant is encoded in the (Hermitian) interaction
term which is quadratic in the creation and annihilation operators whose
evolution equations, read, in the Heisenberg picture
dâk,α g0
= −ikâk,α − â†−k,α ,
dη g

dâk,α g0
= ikâ†k,α − â−k,α . (6.19)
dη g
The general solution of the previous system of equations can be written in
terms of a Bogoliubov-Valatin transformation,
âk,α (η) = µk,α (η)b̂k,α + νk,α (η)b̂†−k,α
â†k,α (η) = µ∗k,α (η)b̂†k,α + νk,α

(η)b̂−k,α (6.20)
where âk,α (0) = b̂k,α and â−k,α(0) = b̂−k,α . Notice that the Bogoliubov co-
efficients are the quantum analog of the mixing coefficients discussed in the
semiclassical approach to the problem.
Unitarity requires that the two complex functions µk (η) and νk (η) are
subjected to the condition |µk (η)|2 − |νk (η)|2 = 1 which also implies that
µk (η) and νk (η) can be parameterized in terms of one real amplitude and
two real phases
µk = eiθk cosh rk , νk = ei(2φk −θk ) sinh rk , (6.21)
(r is sometimes called squeezing parameter and φk is the squeezing phase;
from now on we will drop the subscript labeling each polarization if not
strictly necessary). The total number of produced photons
h0−k 0k |â†k (η)âk (η) + â†−k â−k |0k 0−k i = 2 nk . (6.22)
is expressed in terms of nk = sinh2 rk , i.e. the mean number of produced
photon pairs in the mode k. Inserting Eqs. (6.20)–(6.22) into Eqs. (6.19) we
can derive a closed system involving only the nk and the related phases:
dnk g0
= −2f (nk ) cos 2φk , (6.23)
dη g
dθk g nk
= −k + sin 2φk , (6.24)
dη g f (nk )
dφk g 0 df (nk )
= −k + sin 2φk , (6.25)
dη g dnk

where f (nk ) = nk (nk + 1).
In quantum optics [204, 205] the coherence properties of light fields have
been a subject of intensive investigations for nearly half a century. In the
present context the multiparticle states described so fare are nothing but
squeezed states of the electromagnetic field [204, 205]. In fact, up to now
the Heisenberg description has been adopted. In the Schrödinger picture the
quantum mechanical states obtained as a result of the time evolution are
exactly squeezed vacuum states [204, 205].
Magnetic fields over galactic scales have typical frequency of the order
10−14 –10−15 Hz which clearly fall well outside the optical range. Thus, the
analogy with quantum optics is only technical. The same quantum opti-
cal analogy has been successfully exploited in particle [206] and heavy-ions
physics [207] of pion correlations (in order to measure the size of the strongly
interacting region) and in the phenomenological analysis of hadronic multi-
plicity distributions.
The interference between the amplitudes of the magnetic fields (Young
interferometry [208], in a quantum optical language) estimates the first order
coherence of the magnetic background at different spatial locations making
use of the two-point correlation function whose trace over the physical po-
larizations and for coincidental spatial locations is related to the magnetic
energy density. Eqs. (6.23)–(6.25) can be solved once the pump field is
specified but general expressions can be also obtained [203].

6.2.1 Conventional inflationary models

In conventional inflationary models it is very difficult to produce large scale
magnetic fields with phenomenologically relevant strength. This potential
difficulty has been scrutinized in various investigations [199, 209, 210, 211].
Turner and Widrow [209] listed a series of field theory models in de Sitter
space with the purpose of finding a natural way of breaking conformal in-
variance. The first suggestion was that conformal invariance may be broken,
at an effective level, through the coupling of photons to the geometry [212].
Typically, the breaking of conformal invariance occurs through products of
gauge-field strengths and curvature tensors, i.e.
1 1 1
Fµν Fαβ Rµναβ , 2
Rµν F µβ F να gαβ , Fαβ F αβ R (6.26)
m m m2
where m is the appropriate mass scale; Rµναβ and Rµν are the Riemann and
Ricci tensors and R is the Ricci scalar. If the evolution of gauge fields is

studied during a phase of de Sitter (or quasi-de Sittter) expansion, then the
amplification of the vacuum fluctuations induced by the couplings listed in
Eq. (6.26) is minute. The price in order to get large amplification should be,
according to [209], an explicit breaking of gauge-invariance by direct coupling
of the vector potential to the Ricci tensor or to the Ricci scalar, i.e.

RAµ Aµ , Rµν Aµ Aν . (6.27)

In [209] two other different models were proposed (but not scrutinized in
detail) namely scalar electrodynamics and the axionic coupling to the Abelian
field strength.
Dolgov [211] considered the possible breaking of conformal invariance due
to the trace anomaly. The idea is that the conformal invariance of gauge fields
is broken by the triangle diagram where two photons in the external lines
couple to the graviton through a loop of fermions. The local contribution

to the effective action leads to the vertex ( −g)1+ Fαβ F αβ where  is a
numerical coefficient depending upon the number of scalars and fermions
present in the theory. The evolution equation for the gauge fields, can be
written, in Fourier space, as

A00k + HA0k + k 2 Ak = 0, (6.28)
and it can be shown that only if  > 0 the gauge fields are amplified, i.e. only
if the theory is asymptotically free and the number of bosons is larger than
the number of fermions. Furthermore, only is  ∼ 8 substantial amplification
of gauge fields is possible.
In a series of papers [213, 214, 215] the possible effect of the axionic
coupling to the amplification of gauge fields has been investigated. The idea
is here that conformal invariance is broken through the explicit coupling
of a pseudo-scalar field to the gauge field, i.e. on top of the gauge and
pseudoscalar kinetic terms also a coupling (see Section 5)
√ ψ
−gcψγ αem Fαβ F̃ αβ , (6.29)
where F̃ αβ is the dual field strength and where cψγ is a numerical factor of
order one. Consider now the case of a standard pseudoscalar potential, for
instance m2 ψ 2 , evolving in a de Sitter (or quasi-de Sitter space-time). It
can be shown, rather generically, that the vertex given in Eq. (6.29) leads

to negligible amplification at large length-scales. The coupled system of
evolution equations to be solved in order to get the amplified field is similar
to Eqs. (5.123) already introduced in the duscussion of hypermagnetic fields
αem 0 ~
B~ 00 − ∇2 B~ − ψ ∇ × B~ = 0, (6.30)
ψ 00 + 2Hψ 0 + m2 a2 ψ = 0. (6.31)

From Eq. (6.30), there is a maximally amplified physical frequency

αem αem
ωmax ' ψ̇max ' m (6.32)
2πM 2π
where the second equality follows from ψ ∼ a−3/2 M cos mt (i.e. ψ̇max ∼ mM).
The amplification for ω ∼ ωmax is of the order of exp mαem /(2πH) where H
is the Hubble parameter during the de Sitter phase of expansion. From
the above expressions one can argue that the modes which are substantially
amplifed are the ones for which ωmax  H. The modes interesting for the
large-scale magnetic fields are the ones which are in the opposite range, i.e.
ωmax  H. Clearly, by lowering the curvature scale of the problem the
produced seeds may be larger and the conclusions much less pessimistic [215].
Another interesting idea pointed out by Ratra [210] is that the electro-
magnetic field may be directly coupled to the inflaton field. In this case the
coupling is specified through a parameter α, i.e. eαϕ Fαβ F αβ where ϕ is the
inflaton field in Planck units. In order to get sizable large-scale magnetic
fields the effective gauge coupling must be larger than one during inflation
(recall that ϕ is large, in Planck units, at the onset of inflation).
In [216] it has been suggested that the evolution of the Abelian gauge cou-
pling during inflation induce the growth of the two-point function of magnetic
inhomogeneities. This model is different from the one previously discussed
[210]. Here the dynamics of the gauge coupling is not related to the dynamics
of the inflaton which is not coupled to the Abelian field strength. In partic-
ular, rB (Mpc) can be as large as 10−12 . In [216] the MHD equations have
been generalized to the case of evolving gauge coupling. Recently a scenario
similar to [216] has been discussed in [217].
In the perspective of generating large scale magnetic fields Gasperini
[218] suggested to consider the possible mixing between the photon and the
graviphoton field appearing in supergravity theories (see also, in a related
context [219]). The graviphoton is the massive vector component of the
gravitational supermultiplet and its interaction with the photon is specified

by an interaction term of the type λFµν Gµν where Gµν is the filed strength
of the massive vector. Large-scale magnetic fields with rB (Mpc) ≥ 10−34 can
be obtained if λ ∼ O(1) and for a mass of the vector m ∼ 102 TeV.
Bertolami and Mota [220] argue that if Lorentz invariance is sponta-
neously broken, then photons acquire naturally a coupling to the geometry
which is not gauge-invariant and which is similar to the coupling considered
in [209].
Finally Davis and Dimopoulos [221] considered the possibility of phase
transitions taking place during inflation. They found that sizable large-scale
magnetic fields can be generated provided the phase transition occurs in the
last 5 e-foldings of the inflationary stage of expansion.

6.2.2 Abelian Higgs model

While the coupling of electromagnetic field to the metric and to the charged
fields is conformally invariant, the coupling of the charged scalar field to
gravity is not. Thus, vacuum fluctuations of the charged scalar field can
be amplified during inflation at super-horizon scales, leading potentially to
non-trivial correlations of the electric currents and charges over cosmological
distances. The fluctuations of electric currents, in their turn, may induce
magnetic fields through Maxwell equations at the corresponding scales. The
role of the charged scalar field may be played by the Higgs boson which
couples to the hypercharge field above the electroweak phase transition; the
generated hypercharged field is converted into ordinary magnetic field at the
temperatures of the order of electroweak scale.
No detailed computations were carried out in [209] in order to substanti-
ate this idea. The suggestion of [209] was further developed quite recently in
[222] for the standard electroweak theory with an optimistic conclusion that
large scale magnetic fields can be indeed generated. In [223] a supersymmet-
ric model was studied. In [132], previous treatments have been further scru-
tinized by computing, with higher accuracy, the amplification of the charged
scalar field and the damping induced by the conductivity. It turns out that
the resulting magnetic fields are insufficient in order to provide reasonable
seeds for the dynamo amplification.
Introducing appropriately rescaled fields the action of the Abelian-Higgs
model in a conformally flat FRW space-time can be written as
a00 1
S= d xdη[η Dµ φ̃ Dν φ̃ + ( − m2 a2 )φ̃∗ φ̃ − Fαβ F αβ ].
3 µν ∗
a 4
Now, since the evolution equation of the charged scalar is not conformally
invariant, current density and charge density fluctuations will be induced.
Then, by employing a Vlasov-Landau description similar to the one in-
troduced in Section 5, the resulting magnetic field will be of the order of
Bdec ∼ 10−40 Tdec
which is, by far, too small. Later it has been proposed that
much larger magnetic fields may be obtained in the context of the Abelian-
Higgs model [224] (see however [225] for a detailed criticism of this proposal).

6.2.3 Internal dimensions

If internal dimensions are dynamical, then Weyl invariance may be natu-
rally broken [226]. Consider a pure electromagnetic fluctuation decoupled
from the sources, representing an electromagnetic wave propagating in the
d-dimensional external space such that Aµ ≡ Aµ (~x, η), Aa = 0. In the metric
given in Eq. (5.1) the evolution equation of the gauge field fluctuations can
be written as √ 
√ ∂µ −GG G Fαβ = 0,
αµ βν
where Fαβ = ∇[α Aβ] is the gauge field strength and G is the determinant of
the D dimensional metric. Notice that if n = 0 the space-time is isotropic
and, therefore, the Maxwell’s equations can be reduced (by trivial rescaling)
to the flat space equations. If n 6= 0 we have that the evolution equation of
the electromagnetic fluctuations propagating in the external d-dimensional
manifold will receive a contribution from the internal dimensions which can-
not be rescaled away [228] 26 . In the radiation gauge (A0 = 0 and ∇i Ai = 0)
the evolution the vector potentials can be written as

A00i + nF A0i − ∇
~ 2 Ai = 0, F= . (6.35)
The vector potentials Ai are already rescaled with respect to the (conformally
flat) d + 1 dimensional metric. In terms of the canonical normal modes of
oscillations Ai = bn/2 Ai the previous equation can be written in a simpler
Notice that the electromagnetic field couples only to the internal dimensions through
the determinant of the D-dimensional metric. In string theories, quite generically, the
one-form fields are also coupled to the dilaton field. This case has been already analyzed
in the context of string inspired cosmological scenarios and will be discussed later.
For a discussion of gauges in curved spaces see [227].

form, namely

n2 2 n 0
A00i − V (η)Ai − ∇
~ 2 Ai = 0, V (η) = F + F. (6.36)
4 2
In order to estimate the amplification of the gauge fields induced by the
evolution of the internal geometry we shall consider the background metric of
Eq. (5.13) in the case of maximally symmetric subspaces γij = δij , γab = δab .
Suppose now that the background geometry evolves along three different
epochs. During the first phase (taking place for ] − ∞, −η1 ]) the evolution is
truly multidimensional. At η = −η1 the multidimensional dynamics is con-
tinuously matched to a radiation dominated phase turning, after decoupling,
into a matter dominated regime of expansion. During the radiation and
matter dominated stages the internal dimensions are fixed to their (present)
constant size in order not to conflict with possible bounds arising both at
the BBN time and during the matter-dominated epoch. The evolution of the
external dimensions does not affect the amplification of the gauge fields as it
can be argued from Eq. (6.36) :in the limit n → 0 (i.e. conformally invariant
background) Eq. (6.36) reduces to the flat space equation. A background
with the features described above has been introduced in Eq. (5.14).
Defining, respectively, bBBN and b0 as the size of the internal dimensions
at the BBN time and at the present epoch, the maximal variation allowed to
the internal scale factor from the BBN time can be expressed as bBBN /b0 ∼
1 +  where || < 10−2 [114, 115, 116]. The bounds on the variation of the
internal dimensions during the matter dominated epoch are even stronger.
Denoting with an over-dot the derivation with respect to the cosmic time
coordinate, we have that |ḃ/b| < 10−9 H0 where H0 is the present value of
the Hubble parameter [114]. The fact that the time evolution of internal
dimensions is so tightly constrained for temperatures lower of 1 MeV does
not forbid that they could have been dynamical prior to that epoch.
In the parameterization of Eq. (5.14) the internal dimensions grow (in
conformal time) for λ < 0 and they shrink 28 for λ > 0.
To assume that the internal dimensions are constant during the radiation and matter
dominated epoch is not strictly necessary. If the internal dimensions have a time variation
during the radiation phase we must anyway impose the BBN bounds on their variation
[114, 115, 116] . The tiny variation allowed by BBN implies that b(η) must be effectively
constant for practical purposes.

By inserting this background into Eq. (6.36) we obtain that for η < −η1

V (η) = (nλ − 2), (6.37)
4η 2

whereas V (η) → 0 for η > −η1 . Since V (η) goes to zero for η → ±∞ we
can define, in both limits, a Fourier expansion of Ai in terms of two distinct
orthonormal sets of modes. The amplification of the quantum mechanical
fluctuations of the gauge fields can then be computed using the standard
techniques (see, for instance, [229, 230, 231]). In [226] it has been shown that
in simple models of dimensional decoupling magnetic fields can be generated
with strength compatible with the bound of Eq. (6.2). In particular there
is the interesting possibility that large-scale magnetic fields are produced in
the case when internal dimensions also expand while the external ones also
expand but at a different rate.

6.2.4 String cosmological models

Large scale magnetic fields may also be produced in the context of string cos-
mological models [199, 280]. In many respects the case of string cosmological
models is related to the one where the gauge coupling is dynamical. However,
in the string cosmological context, the dynamics of the gauge coupling and of
the geometry are connected by the solutions of the low-energy β-functions.
The basic evolution of the background and of the gauge coupling has been
discussed in Section 5. In order to achieve a large amplification of the quan-
tum fluctuations of the gauge fields, the gauge coupling should be sufficiently
small when the typical scale of the gravitational collapse hits the “potential
barrier”. In particular, gex (ωG ) < 10−33 is the dynamo requirement has to be
satisfied. It is difficult to produce large scale magnetic fields with reasonable
amplitudes if the pre-big bang phase matches immediately to the post-big
bang evolution [232]. However, phenomenologically consistent pre-big bang
models lead to a sufficiently long stringy phase when the dilaton and the
curvature scale are roughly constant. If this phase is included the conditions
expressed by Eqs. (6.1) and (6.2) are easily satisfied. Furthermore, there
are regions in the parameter space of the model where rB (ωG ) ∼ 10−8 which
implies that the galactic magnetic field may be fully primordial [199, 280],
i.e. no dynamo action will be required.

6.3 Inside the Hubble radius
The experimental evidence concerning large-scale magnetic fields suggests
that magnetic fields should have similar strength over different length-scales.
In this sense inflationary mechanisms seem to provide a rather natural ex-
planation for the largeness of the correlation scale. At the same time, the
typical amplitude of the obtained seeds is, in various models, rather minute.
Primordial magnetic fields can also be generated through physical mech-
anisms operating inside the Hubble radius at a given physical time. Partic-
ularly interesting moments in the life of the Universe are the epoch of the
electroweak phase transition (EWPT) or the QCD phase transition where
magnetic fields may be generated according to different physical ideas. In
the following the different proposals emerged so far will be reviewed.

6.3.1 Phase transitions

At the time of the EWPT the typical size of the Hubble radius is of the
order of 3 cm and the temperature is roughly 100 GeV. Before getting into
the details of the possible electroweak origin of large-scale magnetic fields
it is useful to present a kinematical argument based on the evolution of the
correlation scale of the magnetic fields [140].
Suppose that, thanks to some mechanism, sufficiently large magnetic
fields compatible with the critical density bound are generated inside the
Hubble radius at the electroweak epoch. Assuming that the typical coherence
length of the generated magnetic fields is maximal, the present correlation
scale will certainly be much larger but, unfortunately, it does not seem to
be as large as the Mpc scale at the epoch of the gravitational collapse. As
already mentioned, the growth of the correlation scale may be enhanced, by
various processes such as inverse cascade and helical inverse cascade. For
instance, if the injection spectrum generated at the electroweak epoch is
Gaussian and random a simple estimate shows that the present correlation
scale is of the order of 100 AU which is already larger than what one would
get only from the trivial expansion of length-scales (i.e. 1 AU) [140]. If, in a
complementary perspective, the injection spectrum is strongly helical, then
the typical correlation scale can even be of the order of 100 pc but still too
small than the typical scale of the gravitational collapse.
Large-scale magnetic fields can be generated at the electroweak epoch in
various ways. Consider first the case when the phase transition is strongly

first order.
Hogan [150] originally suggested the idea that magnetic fields can be
generated during first-order phase transitions. Since during the phase transi-
tion there are gradients in the radiation temperature, similar thermoelectric
source terms of MHD equations (which were discussed in the context of the
Biermann mechanism) may arise. The magnetic fields, initially concentrated
on the surface of the bubbles, are expelled when bubbles collide thanks to
the finite value of the conductivity.
The idea that charge separation can be generated during first-order phase
transitions has been exploited in [233]. The suggestion is again that there
are baryon number gradients at the phase boundaries leading to thermoelec-
tric terms. In the process of bubble nucleation and collisions turbulence is
then produced. In spite of the fact that the produced fields are sizable, the
correlation scale, as previously pointed out, is constrained to be smaller than
100 pc.
In a first-order phase transition the phases of the complex order param-
eter of the nucleated bubbles are not correlated. When the bubbles undergo
collisions a phase gradient arises leading to a source terms for the evolution
equation of the gauge fields. Kibble and Vilenkin [234] proposed a gauge-
invariant difference between the phases of the Higgs field in the two bubbles.
This idea has been investigated in the context of the Abelian-Higgs model
[235, 236, 237]. The collision of two spherical bubbles in the Abelian-Higgs
model leads to a magnetic field which is localized in the region at the inter-
section of the two bubbles. The estimate of the strength of the field depends
crucially upon the velocity of the bubble wall. The extension of this idea to
the case of the standard model SU(2) × U(1) has been discussed in [238].
A relevant aspect to be mentioned is that the photon field in the broken
phase of the electroweak theory should be properly defined. In [239] it has
been shown that the definition employed in [238] is equivalent to the one
previously discussed in [240].
It has been argued by Vachaspati [241] that magnetic fields can be gener-
ated at the electroweak time even if the phase transition is of second order.
The observation is that, provided the Higgs field fluctuates, electromagnetic
fields may be produced since the gradients of the Higgs field appear in the
definition of the photon field in terms of the hypercharge and SU(2) fields.
Two of the arguments proposed in [241] have been scrutinized in subsequent
discussions. The first argument is related to the averaging which should be
performed in order to get to the magnetic field relevant for the MHD seeds.

Enqvist and Olesen [242] noticed that if line averaging is relevant the ob-
tained magnetic field is rather strong. However [242] (see also [148]) volume
averaging is the one relevant for MHD seeds.
The second point is related to the fact that the discussion of [241] was
performed in terms of gauge-dependent quantities. The problem is then to
give a gauge-invariant definition of the photon field in terms of the standard
model fields. As already mentioned this problem has been addressed in [238]
and the proposed gauge-invariant is equivalent [239] to the one proposed in
In [243] a mechanism for the generation of magnetic fields at the elec-
troweak epoch has been proposed in connection with the AMHD equations.
The idea is to study the conversion of the right-electron chemical potential
into hypercharge fields. In this context the baryon asymmetry is produced
at some epoch prior to the electroweak phase. The obtained magnetic fields
are rather strong (i.e. |B|
~ ∼ 1022 G at the EW epoch) but over a small scale
, i.e. 10−6 Hew
dangerously close to the diffusivity scale.
The final point to be mentioned is that, probably, the electroweak phase
transition is neither first order nor second order but it is of even higher or-
der at least in the context of the minimal standard model [244, 245]. This
conclusion has been reached using non-perturbative techniques and the rele-
vant point, in the present context, is that for Higgs boson masses larger than
mW the phase transition seems to disappear and it is possible to pass from
the symmetric to the broken phase without hitting any first or second order
phase transition.
There have been also ideas concerniing the a possible generation of mag-
netic fields at the time of the QCD phase transition occurring roughly at
T ∼ 140MeV, i.e. at the moment when free quarks combine to form colorless
hadrons. The mechanism here is always related to the idea of Biermann with
thermoelectric currents developed at the QCD time.Since the strange quark
is heavier than the up and down quarks there may be the possibility that the
quarks develop a net positive charge which is compensated by the electric
charge in the leptonic sector. Again, invoking the dynamics of a first-order
phase transition, it is argued that the shocks affect leptons and quarks in a
different way so that electric currents are developed as the bubble wall moves
in the quark-gluon plasma. In [246] the magnetic field has been estimated to
be |B|~ ∼ G at the time of the QCD phase transition and with typical scale
of the order of the meter at the same epoch.

In [247, 248] it has been pointed out that, probably, the magnetic fields
generated at the time of QCD phase transition may be much stronger than
the ones estimated in [246]. The authors of [247, 248] argue that strong
magnetic fields may be generated when the broken and symmetric phase of
the theory coexist. The magnetic fields generated at the boundaries between
quark and hadron phases can be, according to the authors, as large as 106 G
over scales of the order of the meter at the time of the QCD phase transition.
Recently, in a series of papers, Boyanovsky, de Vega and Simionato [249,
250, 251] studied the generation of large scale magnetic fields during a phase
transition taking place in the radiation dominated epoch. The setting is
a theory of N charged scalar fields coupled to an Abelian gauge field that
undergoes a phase transition at a critical temperature much larger than the
electroweak scale. Using non-equilibrium field theory techniques the authors
argue that during the scaling regime (when the back-reaction effects are
dominant) large scale magnetogenesis is possible. The claim is that the
minimal dynamo requirement of Eq. (6.1) is achievable at the electroweak
scale. Furthermore, much larger magnetic fields can be expected if the scaling
regime can be extended below the QCD scale.

6.4 Mixed mechanisms

From the above discussion it is apparent that the mechanisms producing
magnetic fields at some moment in the life of the Universe (and inside the
Hubble radius) have to justify the large correlation scale of the magnetic
seeds retried by subsequent MHD considerations. The possibility of turbulent
behaviour in the early Universe, even though physically justified, seems to be
difficult to quantify even if rather reasonable quantitative estimates appeared
so far. On the other hand, inflationary scenarios can lead to magnetic seeds
with large correlation scale.
A useful point to be stressed is that there may exist “mixed” mecha-
nisms. Consider the following example which has been proposed in [169] and
[170]. Suppose that during the inflationary phase a stochastic background of
gauge fields is produced thanks to the breaking of conformal invariance. The
spectral amplitude of the generated field will be constrained by the critical
density bound and by all the other dynamical considerations related to the
finite values of the diffusion scales.
The generated magnetic field spectrum will be distributed over a large
interval of frequencies. In particular, the energy spectrum of the magnetic

field will be non negligible at some intermediate scale, like, for instance, the
electroweak scale, i.e. the physical frequency ωew ∼ Hew . In other words,
if magnetic fields are generated thanks to some inflationary mechanism, the
amplified magnetic inhomogeneities will be reentering at different epochs
during the radiation dominated phase and the scales which left the horizon
later during inflation will reenter earlier.
Given the background of abelian gauge fields, the dynamics of the elec-
troweak epoch may add interesting physical features. For instance the mag-
netic field of inflationary origin will be, as discussed, topologicaly trivial: its
magnetic gyrotropy will vanish. However, during the EW epoch, thanks to a
pseudoscalar vertex due either to a pseudo goldstone boson or to the chem-
ical pootential, the topologically trivial hypermagnetic background may be
turned into a topologically non-trivial background and large magnetic helic-
ity may be generated.

7 Effects of primordial magnetic fields

In the context of various mechanisms, the magnetic fields generated at large
at the scale of the protogalactic collapse may be rather small. In this Section
the possible effects of magnetic present over much smaller length-scales will
be analyzed. Two important scales are the Hubble radius at the electroweak
epoch and at the big-bang nucleosynthesis epoch.

7.1 Electroweak epoch

Hypermagnetic fields present for temperatures T ≥ 100GeV have a twofold

• they may affect the phase diagram of the electroweak theory;

• they may offer a mechanism to seed the baryon asymmetry of the Uni-
verse (BAU).

7.1.1 EW phase diagram

The physical picture of the possible effects of magnetic fields on the elec-
troweak phase diagram is exactly the same as the macroscopic description of

superconductors in the presence of an external magnetic field. The normal-
superconducting phase transition, being of second order in the absence of
magnetic fields, becomes of first order if a magnetic field is present. The rea-
son for this is the Meissner effect, i.e. the fact that the magnetic field cannot
propagate inside a superconducting cavity, and, therefore, creates an extra
pressure acting on the normal-superconducting boundary. Our consideration
below explores this simple picture.
Consider the plain domain wall that separates broken and symmetric
phase at some temperature T , in the presence of a uniform hypercharge
magnetic field Yj . Far from the domain wall, in the symmetric phase, the
non-Abelian SU(2) field strength (Wj3 ) is equal to zero, because of a non-
perturbative mass gap generation. Inside the broken phase, the massive Zj
combination of Yj and Wj3 ,
Zj = cos θW Wj3 − sin θW Yj (7.1)
must be equal to zero, while the massless combination, corresponding to
photon Aemj , survives. The matching of the fields on the boundary gives
Aj = Yj cos θW . Thus, an extra pressure 12 |H
em ~ Y |2 sin2 θW acts on the do-
main wall from the symmetric side. At the critical temperature it must be
compensated by the vacuum pressure of the scalar field. If we neglect loop
corrections associated with the presence of magnetic fields, then the condition
that determines the critical temperature is:
1 ~ 2 2
|HY | sin θW = V (0, Tc ) − V (ϕmin , Tc ) , (7.2)
where V (ϕ, T ) is the effective potential in the absence of magnetic field, ϕmin
is the location of the minimum of the potential at temperature T .
The above consideration was dealing with the uniform magnetic fields.
Clearly, it remains valid when the typical distance scale of inhomogeneities
of magnetic field are larger than the typical bubble size. This is the case for
bubbles smaller than the magnetic diffusion scale, and, in particular, at the
onset of the bubble nucleation. Thus, the estimate of the critical temperature
coming from (7.2) is applicable. For bubbles larger than the diffusivity scale,
the presence of a stochastic magnetic field will considerably modify their
evolution. In particular, the spherical form of the bubbles is very likely to
be spoiled.
These considerations were presented in [161]. Later [252] perturbative es-
timates were performed in order to corroborate the proposed picture. In [253]

a full non-perturbative analysis of the phhase diagram of the electroweak the-
ory in the presence of an hyermagnetic background has been performed. As
previously discussed [244, 245] for values of the Higggs boson mass larger
than the W boson mass the electroweak phase diagram seems to exhibit a
cross-over regime. The inclusion of a constant hypermagnetic background
with typical strength |H ~ Y |/T 2 ≤ 0.3 does modify the electroweak phase di-
agram but does not seem to make the phase transition strongly first order
for mH ≥ mW as expected from perturbative considerations. Furthermore
for |H~ Y |/T 2 > 0.3 (but still compatible with the critical density bound) a
new (inhomogeneous) phase has been observed. The analysis performed in
[253] included a net hypermagnetic flux. It would be interesting to repeat the
same calculation in the presence of a non-vanishing hypermagnetic helicity
(or gyrotropy).

7.1.2 Baryon asymmetry

Depending upon the topology of the flux lines, hypermagnetic fields can have
two distinct effects:

• topologically non-trivial configurations of the hypermagnetic flux lines

lead to the formation of hypermagnetic knots whose decay might seed
the Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe (BAU);

• even if the electrowak plasma has vanishing hypermagnetic gyrotropy,

i.e. hH
~Y · ∇
~ ×H ~ Y i = 0, matter–antimatter fluctuations may be gener-

Consider first the situation where the electroweak plasma contains, for T >
Tc a network of hypermagnetic knots of the type of the ones described in
Eqs. (5.113)–(5.116). In Section 5 these configurations have been named
hypermagnetic knots (HK) and they are Chern-Simons condensates carrying
a non-vanishing (averaged) hypermagnetic helicity. As discussed, HK can
be dynamically generated from a background of hypermagnetic fields with
trivial topology provided a (time-dependent) pseudo-scalar is present in the
plasma (see, for instance, Eq. (5.120)).
In order to seed the BAU a network of HK should be present at high
temperatures. In fact for temperatures larger than Tc the fermionic number
is stored both in HK and in real fermions. For T < Tc , the HK should release
real fermions since the ordinary magnetic fields (present after EW symmetry

breaking) do not carry fermionic number. If the EWPT is strongly first order
the decay of the HK can offer some seeds for the BAU generation. This
last condition can be met in the minimal supersymmetric standard model
The integration of the U(1)Y anomaly equation gives the CS number
density carried by the HK which is in turn related to the density of baryonic
number nB for the case of nf fermionic generations. In fact, using Eqs.
(5.109)–(5.111) and after some algebra [161, 170] it can be shown that

nB α0 nf hH
~Y · ∇
~ ×H~ Y i M0 Γ
0 g 02
(tc ) = , α = (7.3)
s 2πσc s Γ + ΓH Tc2 4π

(g 0 is the U(1)Y coupling and s = (2/45)π 2Nef f T 3 is the entropy density;

Nef f , at Tc , is 106.75 in the MSM; M0 = MP /1.66 g∗ ). In Eq. (7.3) Γ is the
perturbative rate of the right electron chirality flip processes (i.e. scattering
of right electrons with the Higgs and gauge bosons and with the top quarks
because of their large Yukawa coupling) which are the slowest reactions in
the plasma and
783 α02 |H~ Y |2
ΓH = (7.4)
22 σc π 2 Tc2
is the rate of right electron dilution induced by the presence of a hypermag-
netic field. In the MSM we have that Γ < ΓH whereas in the MSSM Γ can
naturally be larger than ΓH . Unfortunately, in the MSM a hypermagnetic
field can modify the phase diagram of the phase transition but cannot make
the phase transition strongly first order for large masses of the Higgs boson.
Therefore, we will concentrate on the case Γ > ΓH and we will show that in
the opposite limit the BAU will be anyway small even if some (presently un-
known) mechanism would make the EWPT strongly first order in the MSM.
It is interesting to notice that, in this scenario, the value of the BAU is
determined by various particle physics parameters but also by the ratio of
the hypermagnetic energy density over the energy density sitting in radiation
during the electroweak epoch.
Consider now the complementary situation where the electroweak plasma,
for T > Tc , is filled with topologically trivial hypermagnetic fields. In this
case, fluctuations in the baryon to entropy ratio will be induced since, in
any case h(H ~Y · ∇~ ×H ~ Y )2 i =
6 0. These fluctuations are of isocurvature type
and can be related to the spectrum of hypermagnetic fields at the EWPT.

Defining as
nB nB
∆(r, tc ) = hδ (~x, tc )δ (~x + ~r, tc )i, (7.5)
s s
the fluctuations in the ratio of baryon number density nB to the entropy den-
sity s at t = tc [162], the value of ∆(r, tc ) can be related to the hypermagnetic
spectrum which is determined in terms of its amplitude ξ and its slope . A
physically realistic situation corresponds to the case in which the Green’s
functions of the magnetic hypercharge fields decay at large distance (i. e.
 > 0) and this would imply either “blue”(  ≥ 0 ) or “violet” (  1) energy
spectra. The fluctuations of the baryon to entropy ratio generated at the
electroweak epoch may survive until the BBN epoch [162]. The possibility of
survival of these fluctuations is related to their typical scale which must ex-
ceed the neutron diffusion scale appropriately blue-shifted at the electroweak
epoch. The implications of these fluctuations will be discussed in a moment.

7.2 Big-bang nucleosynthesis epoch

Large scale magnetic fields possibly present at the BBN epoch can have an
impact on the light nuclei formation. By reversing the argument, the success
of BBN can be used in order to bound the magnetic energy density possibly
present at the time of formation of light nuclei. Magnetic fields, at the BBN
epoch may have four distinct effects:

• they can enhance the rate of the Universe expansion at the correspond-
ing epoch in a way proportional to ρB ;

• they can affect the reaction rate in a way proportional to αem ρB ;

• they can affect the phase space of the electrons;

• they can induce, prior to the formation of the light nuclei, matter–
antimatter fluctuations.

While the first three effects are direct, the fourth effect is mainly caused by
hypermagnetic fields present even before BBN.
The idea that magnetic fields may increase the Universe expansion and,
consequently, affect directly the abundance of 4 He (which is directly sensitive
to the expansion rate) has been pointed out long ago by Greenstein [255] and

by Matese and O’Connel [256]. From a qualitative point of view the effects
over the expansion should be leading in comparison with the effects over the
rate of interactions (which are suppressed by αem ).
Thanks to detailed numerical simulations performed indipendently by dif-
ferent groups (i.e. Cheng et al. [257, 258]; Kernan, Starkman and Vachaspati
[259, 260]; Grasso and Rubinstein [261, 262]), the common opinion is that
the Universe expansion is the leading effect even if this conclusion has been
reached only recently and not without some disagreements on the details of
the calculations (see, for instance, [260]).
In order to prevent the Universe from expanding too fast at the BBN
epoch ρB < 0.27ρν where ρν is the energy density contributed by the stan-
dard three light neutrinos with masses much smaller than the MeV. The
BBN bound is physically relevant in many situations since it is a bit more
constraining than the critical density bound.
The BBN bounds discussed so far are derived assuming a stochastic mag-
netic field at the BBN epoch. This means that the isotropy of the geometry
is not affected. However, it is not unreasonable to think of the possibility
that a magnetic field with a preferred direction may break the isotropy of
the background. Thus bounds on the isotropy of the expansion at the BBN
epoch may be turned into bounds on the shear induced by the presence of a
magnetic field (see, for instance, [263, 264] and [265, 266]).
Let us now come to the last point. The matter–antimatter fluctuations
created at the electroweak epoch thanks to the presence of hypermagnetic
fields may survive down to the epoch of BBN. Since the fluctuations in the
baryon to entropy ratio are, in general, not positive definite, they will induce
fluctuations in the baryon to photon ratio, at the BBN epoch. The possible
effect of matter–antimatter fluctuations on BBN depends on the typical scale
of of the baryon to entropy ratio at the electroweak epoch. Recalling that for
T ∼ Tc ∼ 100 GeV the size of the electrowek horizon is approximately 3 cm,
fluctuations whose scale is well inside the EW horizon at Tc have dissipated
by the BBN time through (anti)neutron diffusion. The neutron diffusion
scale at Tc is
rn (Tc ) = 0.3 cm. (7.6)
The neutron diffusion scale at T = 1 keV is 105 m, while, today it is 10−5
pc, i.e. of the order of the astronomical unit. Matter–antimatter fluctuations
smaller than 105 m annihilate before neutrino decoupling and have no effect
on BBN. Two possibilities can then be envisaged. We could require that



log ∆ (r, t c )
ξ= 10 , ε=1.2

log∆(r, t c )


ξ=1, ε=0.1
ξ=1 , ε=1

ξ= 10 , ε=1.6

−24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(r / rn ) (r / r n )

Figure 8: The value of the baryon number fluctuations for different parame-
ters of the hypermagnetic background ξ and  is reported.

the matter–antimatter fluctuations (for scales r ≥ rn ) are small. This will

then imply a bound, in the (ξ,) plane on the strength of the hypermagnetic
background. In Fig. 9 such an exclusion plot is reported with the full line.
With the dashed line the bound implied by the increase in the expansion rate
(i.e. ρH < 0.2ρν ) is reported. Finally with the dot-dashed line the critical
density bound is illustrated for the same hypermagnetic background. The
second possibility is to study the effects of large matter–matter domains.
These studies led to a slightly different scenario of BBN [267], namely BBN
with matter–antimatter regions. This analysis has been performed in a series
of papers by Rehm and Jedamzik [268, 273] and by Kurki-Suonio and Sihvola
[269, 270] (see also [271, 272]). The idea is to discuss BBN in the presence of
spherically symmetric regions of anti–matter characterized by their radius rA
and by the parameter R, i.e. the matter/antimatter ratio. Furthermore, in
this scenario the net baryon-to-photon ratio, η, is positive definite and non
zero. Antimatter domains larger than 105 m at 1 keV may survive until BBN
and their dissipation has been analyzed in detail [270]. Antimatter domains
in the range
105 m ≤ rA ≤ 107 m (7.7)
at 1 keV annihilate before BBN for temperatures between 70 keV and 1 MeV.
Since the antineutrons annihilate on neutrons, the neutron to proton ratio
gets smaller. As a consequence, the 4 He abundance gets reduced if compared
to the standard BBN scenario. The maximal scale of matter–antimatter
fluctuations is determined by the constraints following from possible distor-









0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
ε 1

Figure 9: The parameter space of the hypermagnetic background in the case

∆(r, tc ) < nB /s for r > rn (full line).

tions of the CMB spectrum. The largest scale is of the order of 100 pc
(today), corresponding to 1012 m at 1 keV. Suppose that matter–antimatter
regions are present in the range of Eq. (7.7). Then the abundance of 4 He
get reduced. The yield of 4 He are reported as a function of R, the matter–
antimatter ratio and rA . Now, we do know that by adding extra-relativistic
species the 4 He can be increased since the Universe expansion gets larger.
Then the conclusion is that BBN with matter–antimatter domains allows for
a larger number of extra-relativistic species if compared to the standard BBN
scenario. This observation may have implications for the upper bounds on
the stochastic GW backgrounds of cosmological origin [274] since the extra-
relativistic species present at the BBN epoch can indeed be interpreted as
relic gravitons.

8 CMB physics an magnetic fields

The vacuum fluctuations of the gauge fields present during the inflationary
stage of expansion may be amplified if conformal invariance is broken. It
is then plausible that magnetic inhomogeneities are amplified not only at
the scale of protogalactic collapse but also at larger length-scales. agnetic
fields can be generated over all physical scales compatible Large-scale mag-


0.23 0.22


10 0.248

10 5 6 7 8
10 10 10 10
rA (m at 1 keV)

Figure 10: From [274] the 4 He yield is illustrated in the (R, rA ) plane for
η = 6 × 10−10 . As the matter/antimatter ratio decreases, we recover the
standard 4 He yield.

netic fields may then have various interesting implications on the physics of
the CMB and of its anisotropies. The following possible effects have been
discussed through the years:

• distortion of the Planckian spectrum;

• shift of the polarization plane (provided the CMB is linearly polarized);

• shift in the position of the first Doppler peak;

• generic increase of the amount of the (primary) anisotropy.

On top of these effects, magnetic fields can also modify the evolution of the
tensor fluctuations of the geometry for typical length scales much smaller
than the ones probed by CMB anisotropy experiments.
The possible distortions of the Planckian spectrum of CMB are usually
discussed in terms of a chemical potential which is bounded, by experimental
data, to me |µ| < 9×10−5 . Magnetic field dissipation at high red-shift implies
the presence of a chemical potential. Hence bounds on the distorsion of the
Planckian spectrum of the CMB can be turned into bounds on the magnetic
field strength at various scales. In particular [278] the obtained bound are

such that B < 3 × 10−8 G for comoving coherence lengths between 0.4 kpc
and 500 kpc.
Large scale magnetic fields can also afffect the poosition of the Doppler
peak. In [279] this analysis has been performed in a non-relativistic approxi-
mation where the scalar perturbations of the geometry obey linearized New-
tonian equations of motion. It has been found that, in this approximation,
the effect of the presence of the magnetic fields is an effective renormalization
of the speed of sound of the baryons.

8.1 Large-scale magnetic fields and CMB anisotropies

Large scale magnetic fields present prior to the recombination epoch may
act as a source term in the evolution equation of the cosmological perturba-
tions. If magnetic fields are created over large length scales (possibly even
larger than the Mpc) it is rather plausible that they may be present after
matter-radiation equality (but before decoupling) when primordial fluctua-
tions are imprinted on the CMB anisotropies. In fact, the relevant modes
determining the large scale temperature anisotropies are the ones that are
outside the horizon for ηeq < η < ηdec where ηeq and ηdec are, respectively,
the equality and the decoupling times. After equality there are two comple-
mentary approaches which can be used in order to address phenomenological
implications of large scale magnetic fields:

• large scale magnetic fields are completely homogeneous outside the hori-
zon after equality;

• large scale magnetic fields are inhomogeneous after equality.

The idea that homogeneous magnetic fields may affect the CMB anisotropies
was originally pointed out by Zeldovich [275, 276] and further scrutinized
by Grishchuk, Doroshkevich and Novikov [277]. Since this idea implies that
large-scale magnetic fields are weakly gravitating the details of the discussion
(and of the possible generalization of this idea) will be postponed to the
following Section.
The suggestion that inhomogeneous magnetic fields created during infla-
tion may affect the CMB anisotropies was originally proposed in [280]. In
[280] it was noticed that large scale magnetic fields produced during inflation
may also lead to large fluctuations for modes which are outside the horizon
after equality. In [280] it was noticed that either the produced magnetic fields

may be used to seed directly the CMB anisotropies, or, in a complementary
persepective, the CMB data can be used to put constraints on the production
If large-scale magnetic fields are inhomogeneous, their energy momentum
tensor will have, in general terms, scalar, vector and tensor modes
(S) (V ) (T )
δTµν = δTµν + δTµν + δTµν , (8.1)

which are decoupled and which act as source terms for the scalar, vector and
tensor modes of the geometry
(S) (V ) (T )
δgµν = δgµν + δgµν + δgµν , (8.2)

whose gauge-invariant description is well explored [196, 197](see also [198]).

The effect of the scalar component of large scale magnetic fields should be
responsible, according to the suggestion of [280], of the large scale tempera-
ture anisotropies. The direct seeding of large-scale temperature anisotropies
seems unlikely. In fact, the spectrum of large scale gauge fields leading to
plausible values of the magnetic energy density over the scale of protogalactic
collapse is typically smaller than the value required by experimental data.
However, even if the primordial spectrum of magnetic fields would be tai-
lored in an appropriate way, the initial conditions for the plasma evolution
compatible with the presence of a sizable (but undercritical) magnetic field
are of isocurvature type [281].
In order to illustrate this point consider the evolution equations for the
gauge-invariant system of scalar perturbations of the geometry expressed in
terms of the two Bardeen potential Φ and Ψ corresponding, in the Newtonian
gauge, to the fluctuations of the temporal and spatial component of the
metric [197, 198]. The linearization of the (00), (0i) and (i, j) components
of the Einstein equations leads, respectively, to:
a2 a2
∇2 Ψ − 3H(HΦ + Ψ0 ) = ρδ + δT 0 , (8.3)
2MP2 2MP2 0
a2 a2
∂i [HΦ + Ψ0 ] = (1 + w)ρ∂ i u + δT 0 , (8.4)
2MP2 2MP2 i
00 0 0 0 1 2
Ψ + H(Φ + 2Ψ ) + (H + 2H )Φ + ∇ (Φ − Ψ) δij
2 2 2
1 a a
− ∂i ∂ j (Φ − Ψ) = − 2
δTij + w ρδ, (8.5)
2 2MP 2MP

where δ = δρ/ρ and w = p/ρ is the usual barotropic index, and
1 ~
δT00 = |B(~x)|2 ,
1 1 ~
δTij = −B i B j
+ | B(~
x )| 2 j
δi ,
4πa4 2
B~ × ∇
~ × B~
δTi0 = . (8.6)
16π 2 a4 σ
are the fluctuations of the energy-momentum tensor of the magnetic field.
Eqs. (9.10)–(8.5) have to be supplemented by the perturbation of the covari-
ant conservation equations for the fluid sources:

δ 0 − (1 + w)∇2 u − 3Ψ0 (1 + w) = 0, (8.7)

u0 + H(1 − 3w)u − δ − Φ = 0. (8.8)

If the magnetic field is force-free, i.e. B~ × ∇

~ × B~ the above system simplifies.
Notice that Eq. (8.8) has been already written in the case where the Lorentz
force is absent. However, the forcing term appears, in the resistive MHD
approximation, in Eq. (8.6). The term B~ × ∇ ~ × B~ is suppressed by the
conductivity, however, it can be also set exactly to zero. In this case, vector
identities imply

(B~ × ∇
~ × B)
~ i = Bm ∂i Bm − Bm ∂ m Bi = 0, (8.9)

i.e. Bm ∂i Bm = Bm ∂ m Bi . With this identity in mind the system of Eqs.

(8.3)–(8.5) and (8.7)–(8.8) can be written, in Fourier space, as

a2 B02 (k)
k 2 Ψk + 3H(HΦk + Ψ0k ) = − − , (8.10)
2MP2 8πa2 MP2
Ψ00k + H(Φ0k + 2Ψ0k ) + (2H0 + H2 )Ψ
k2 a2 B02 (k)
− (Φk − Ψk ) = wρδ k − , (8.11)
3 2MP2 48πa2 MP2
B02 (k)
k 2 (Φk − Ψk ) = B2 (k), (8.12)
16πa2 MP2 0
δk0 + k 2 (1 + w)uk − 3Ψ0k (w + 1) = 0, (8.13)
u0k + H(1 − 3w)uk − δk − Φk = 0, (8.14)

1 Z 3 ~ ~ ~k − p~).
B02 (k) = d pB(~
p) · B( (8.15)
Combining Eqs. (8.10)–(8.11) with Eq. (8.12) the following decoupled
equation can be obtained
B02 (k) H2 (1 − 3w) − 2H0
Ψ00k + 3H(1 + w)Ψ0k 2
+ k wΨk = − w . (8.16)
8πa2 MP2 2k 2
Consider, for simplicity, the dark-matter radiation fluid after equality and
in the presence of a force-free magnetic field. In this case Eq. (8.16) can be
immediately integrated:
Ψ1 (k) ηeq 5 B02 (k) ηeq 4
Ψk (η) = Ψ0 (k) − − ,
5 η 8πk 2 MP2 η
Ψ1 (k) ηeq 5 B02 (k) ηeq 4
Φk (η) = Ψ0 (k) − − . (8.17)
5 η 16πk 2 MP2 η
The solutions given in Eq. (8.17) determine the source of the density and
velocity fluctuations in the plasma, i.e.
δr0 − ∇2 ur − 4Ψ0 = 0, (8.18)
u0r − δr − Φ = 0, (8.19)
δm − ∇2 um − 3Ψ0 = 0,
u0m + Hum − Φ = 0, (8.21)

The solution for the velocity fields and density contrasts can be easily ob-
tained by integrating Eqs. (8.18)–(8.21) with the source terms determined
by Eq. (8.17). The purpose is not to integrate here this system (see for
instance [282] for the standard case without magnetic fields). Rather it is
important to notice that there are two qualitatively different situation. The
first situation is the one where,
B02 (k) ηeq
|Ψ0 (k)|  , (8.22)
8πk 2 MP2 η
namely the case where the constant mode of the Bardeen potential is negli-
gible if compared to the contribution of the magnetic field. The derivative

of the Bardeen potential will be, however, non vanishing. In this case the
CMB anisotropies are said to be seeded by isocurvature initial conditions for
the fluid of radiation and dark-matter present after equality. In the opposite
case, nemely
B02 (k) ηeq 4
|Ψ0 (k)|  , (8.23)
8πk 2 MP2 η
the constant mode of the Bardeen potential is provided, for instance, by
inflation and the magnetic field represent a further parameter to be taken
into account in the analysis of CMB anisotropies. Assuming, roughly, that
|Ψ0 (k)| ∼ 10−6 , Eq. (8.23) implies that for the typical scale of the horizon at
decoupling the critical fraction of magnetic energy density should be smaller
than 10−3 . In the case of Eq. (8.23) the leading order relations among the
different hydrodynamical fluctuations are well known and can be obtained
from Eqs.(8.18)–(8.21) if the magnetic field is approximately negligible, i.e.

kur ' kum , δr ' (4/3)δm . (8.24)

This result has a simple physical interpretation, and implies the adiabaticity
of the fluid perturbations. The entropy per matter particle is indeed pro-
portional to S = T 3 /nm , where nm is the number density of matter particles
and T is the radiation temperature. The associated entropy fluctuation, δS,
δS 3
= δr − δm , (8.25)
S 4
where we used the fact that ρr ∼ T 4 and that ρm = mnm , where m is the
typical mass of the particles in the matter fluid. Equation (8.24) thus implies
δS/S = 0, in agreement with the adiabaticity of the fluctuations.
After having computed the corrections induced by the magnetic field on
the (leading) adiabatic initial condition the temperature anisotropies can be
computed using the Sachs-Wolfe effect [283]. In terms of the gauge-invariant
variables introduced in the present analysis, the various contributions to the
Sachs–Wolfe effect, along the ~n direction, can be written as
δT δr ηdec
(~n, η0 , x0 ) = ~ b + Φ (ηdec , ~x(ηdec )) −
+ ~n · ∇v (Φ0 + Ψ0 )(η, ~x(η))dη,
T 4 η0
where η0 is the present time, and ~x(η) = ~x0 − ~n(η − η0 ) is the unperturbed
photon position at the time η for an observer in ~x0 . The term ~vb is the pecu-
liar velocity of the baryonic matter component. In Fig. 11 the C` are plotted

x 10






l(l+1) Cl/(2π)


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Figure 11: The spectrum of C` is illustrated for a fiducial set of parameters

(h0 = 0.65, Ωb = 0.04733, ΩΛ = 0.7, Ωm = 0.25267) and for flat (full line,
n = 1), slightly red (dashed line, n = 0.9) and slightly blue (dotted line,
n = 1.02) spectral indices for the constant (adiabatic) mode.

in the case of models with adiabatic initial conditions. The data points re-
ported in Figs. 11 and 12 are those from COBE [284, 285], BOOMERANG
[286], DASI [287], MAXIMA [288] and ARCHEOPS [289]. Notice that the
data reported in [289] fill the “gap” between the last COBE points and the
points of [286, 287, 288]. In Fig. 12 the recent WMAP data are reported
[290, 291, 292].
Recall, that the temperature fluctuations are customarily discussed in
terms of their Legendre transform
δT X
(~x0 , ~n, η0 ) = a`m (~x0 )Y`m (~n), (8.27)
T `,m

where the coefficients a`m define the angular power spectrum C` by

a`m · a∗`0 m0 = δ``0 δmm0 C` , (8.28)

x 10





l(l+ 1) C /2π





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

Figure 12: The WMAP data are reported.

and determine the two-point (scalar) correlation function of the temperature

fluctuations, namely
* +
δT δT X  
(~n) (~n0 ) = a`m a∗`0 m0 Y`m (~n)Y`∗0 m0 (n~0 )
T T ``0 mm0
n0 =cos ϑ)

1 X
= (2` + 1)C` P` (cos ϑ). (8.29)
4π `
In Fig. 11 and 12 the experimental points are presented in terms of the C`
In Fig. 11 and 12 the curves fitting the data are obtained by imposing
adiabatic initial conditions. If magnetic fields would seed directly the CMB
anisotropies a characteristic “hump” would appear for ` < 100 which is not
compatible with the experimental data. If, on the contrary, the condition
(8.23) holds, then the modifications due to a magnetic field can be numeri-
cally computed for a given magnetic spectral index and for a given amplitude.
This analysis has been performed by Koh and Lee [293]. The claim is that
by modifying the amplitude of the magnetic field in a way compatible with
the cosmological constraint the effect on the scalar C` can be as large as the
10% for a given magnetic spectral index.
The main problem is order to detect large-scale magnetic fields from the
spectrum of temperature fluctuations is the parameter space. On top of the

usual parameters common in the CMB analysis at least two new parameters
should be introduced, namely the magnetic spectral index and the amplitude
of the magnetic field. The proof of this statement is that there is no avail-
able analysis of the WMAP data including also the presence of large scale
magnetic fields in the initial conditions according to the lines presented in
this Section.
To set bounds on primordial magnetic fields from CMB anisotropies it
is often assumed that the magnetic field is fully homogeneous. In this case
the magnetic field amplitude has been bounded to be B ≤ 10−3 G at the
decoupling time [294] (see also [296] for a complementary analysis always in
the case of a homogeneous magnetic field).
There is the hope that since magnetic fields contribute not only to the
scalar fluctuations, but also to the vector and tensor modes of the geometry
useful informations cann be also obtained from the analysis of vector and
tensor power spectra. In [295] temperature and polarization power spectra
induced by vector and tensor perturbations have been computed by assuning
a power-law spectrum of magnetic inhomogeneities. In [297, 298, 299] the
tensor modes of the geometry have been specifically investigated. In [300,
301, 302] it is argued that magnetic fields can induce anisotropies in the
polarization for rather small length scales, i.e. ` > 1000.
As already pointed out in the present Section, magnetic fields may be
assumed to be force free in various cases. This is an approximation which
may also be relaxed. However, even if magnetic fields are assumed to be
force-free there is no reason to assume that their associated magnetic helicity
(or gyrotropy) vanishes. In [303] the posssible effects of helical magnetic
fields on CMB physics have been investigated. If helical flows are present at
recombination, they would produce parity violating temperature-polarization
correlations. The magnitude of helical flows induced by helical magnetic
fields turns out to be unobservably small, but better prospects of constraining
helical magnetic fields come from maps of Faraday rotation measurements of
the CMB [303].

8.2 Faraday rotation of CMB

Large scale magnetic fields present at the decoupling epoch can also depo-
larize CMB [304]. The polarization of the CMB represents a very interesting
observable which has been extensively investigated in the past both from the
theoretical [305] and experimental points of view [306, 307]. Forthcoming

satellite missions like PLANCK [308] seem to be able to achieve a level of
sensitivity which will enrich decisively our experimental knowledge of the
CMB polarization with new direct measurements.
If the background geometry of the universe is homogeneous but not
isotropic the CMB is naturally polarized [305]. This phenomenon occurs, for
example, in Bianchi-type I models [309]. On the other hand if the background
geometry is homogeneous and isotropic (like in the Friedmann-Robertson-
Walker case) it seems very reasonable that the CMB acquires a small de-
gree of linear polarization provided the radiation field has a non-vanishing
quadrupole component at the moment of last scattering [310, 311].
Before decoupling photons, baryons and electrons form a unique fluid
which possesses only monopole and dipole moments, but not quadrupole.
Needless to say, in a homogeneous and isotropic model of FRW type a pos-
sible source of linear polarization for the CMB becomes efficient only at the
decoupling and therefore a small degree of linear polarization seems a firmly
established theoretical option which will be (hopefully) subjected to direct
tests in the near future. The linear polarization of the CMB is a very promis-
ing laboratory in order to directly probe the speculated existence of a large
scale magnetic field (coherent over the horizon size at the decoupling) which
might actually rotate (through the Faraday effect) the polarization plane of
the CMB.
Consider, for instance, a linearly polarized electromagnetic wave of phys-
ical frequency ω travelling along the x̂ direction in a plasma of ions and
electrons together with a magnetic field (B) ~ oriented along an arbitrary di-
rection ( which might coincide with x̂ in the simplest case). If we let the
polarization vector at the origin (x = y = z = 0, t = 0) be directed along the
ŷ axis, after the wave has traveled a length ∆x, the corresponding angular
shift (∆α) in the polarization plane will be :
e ωp 2 ~
∆α = fe (B · x̂) ∆x. (8.30)
2m ω
From Eq. (8.30) by stochastically averaging over all the possible orientations
~ and by assuming that the last scattering surface is infinitely thin (i.e.
of B
that ∆xfe ne ' σT−1 where σT is the Thompson cross section) we get an
expression connecting the RMS of the rotation angle to the magnitude of B
at t ' tdec
! 2
B(tdec ) ωM
h(∆α) i
2 1/2
' 1.6 0
Bc ω

Bc = 10−3 G, ωM ' 3 × 1010 Hz (8.31)

(in the previous equation we implicitly assumed that the frequency of the
incident electro-magnetic radiation is centered around the maximum of the
CMB). We can easily argue from Eq. (8.31) that if B(tdec ) ≥ Bc the expected
rotation in the polarization plane of the CMB is non negligible. Even if we
are not interested, at this level, in a precise estimate of ∆α, we point out that
more refined determinations of the expected Faraday rotation signal (for an
incident frequency ωM ∼ 30 GHz) were recently carried out [312, 313] leading
to a result fairly consistent with (8.30).
Then, the statement is the following. If the CMB is linearly polarized
and if a large scale magnetic field is present at the decoupling epoch, then
the polarization plane of the CMB can be rotated [304]. The predictions of
different models can then be confronted with the requirements coming from
a possible detection of depolarization of the CMB [304].

8.3 Relic gravitational waves

Magnetic fields can source the evolution equations of the fluctuations of the
geometry also over length-scales much smaller than the ones where CMB
anisotropy experiments are conduced. This suggests that magnetic inhomo-
geneities may leave an imprint on the relc background of gravitational waves.
If a hypermagnetic background is present for T > Tc , then, as discussed in
Section 5 and 6, the energy momentum tensor will acquire a small anisotropic
component which will source the evolution equation of the tensor fluctuations
of the metric. Suppose now, that |H ~ Y | has constant amplitude and that it is
also homogeneous. Then as argued in [314] we can easily deduce the critical
fraction of energy density present today in relic gravitons of EW origin
ρgw −1 2
Ωgw (t0 ) = ' zeq r , ρc (Tc ) ' Neff Tc4 (8.32)
(zeq is the redshift from the time of matter-radiation, equality). Because of
the structure of the AMHD equations, stable hypermagnetic fields will be
present not only for ωew ∼ kew /a but for all the range ωew < ω < ωσ where
ωσ is the diffusivity frequency. Let us assume, for instance, that Tc ∼ 100
GeV and g∗ = 106.75. Then, the (present) values of ωew is
Tc g∗
ωew (t0 ) ' 2.01 × 10−7 Hz. (8.33)
1GeV 100

Thus, ωσ (t0 ) ∼ 108 ωew . Suppose now that Tc ∼ 100 GeV; than we will have
that ωew (t0 ) ∼ 10−5 Hz. Suppose now, that
~ Y |/T 2 ≥ 0.3,
|H (8.34)

as, for instance, implied by the analysis of the electroweak phase diagram in
the presence of a magnetized background. This requirement imposes r ' 0.1–
0.001 and, consequently,
h20 ΩGW ' 10−7 − 10−8 . (8.35)
Notice that this signal would occurr in a (present) frequency range between
10−5 and 103 Hz. This signal satisfies the presently available phenomenolog-
ical bounds on the graviton backgrounds of primordial origin. The pulsar
timing bound ( which applies for present frequencies ωP ∼ 10−8 Hz and
implies h20 ΩGW ≤ 10−8 ) is automatically satisfied since our hypermagnetic
background is defined for 10−5 Hz ≤ ω ≤ 103Hz. The large scale bounds
would imply h20 ΩGW < 7 × 10−11 but a at much lower frequency (i.e. 10−18
Hz). The signal discussed here is completely absent for frequencies ω < ωew .
Notice that this signal is clearly distinguishable from other stochastic back-
grounds occurring at much higher frequencies (GHz region) like the ones
predicted by quintessential inflation [315, 316]. It is equally distinguishable
from signals due to pre-big-bang cosmology (mainly in the window of ground
based interferometers [317]). The frequency of operation of the interferomet-
ric devices (VIRGO/LIGO) is located between few Hz and 10 kHz [317]. The
frequency of operation of LISA is well below the Hz (i.e. 10−3Hz, approxi-
mately). In this model the signal can be located both in the LISA window
and in the VIRGO/LIGO window due to the hierarchy between the hyper-
magnetic diffusivity scale and the horizon scale at the phase transition. In
Fig. 13 the full thick line illustrates the spectrum of relic gravitational waves
produced in a conventional model for the evolution of the universe. The
flat plateau corresponds to modes which left the horizon during the infla-
tionary stage of expansion and re-entered duriing the radiation dominated
phase. The decreasing slope between 10−16 and 10−18 Hz is due to modes
leaving the horizon during inflation and re-entering during the maatter dom-
inated stage of expansion. Clearly, the signal provided by a background of
hypermagnetic fields can be even 7 order of magnitude larger than the infla-
tionary prediction. The interplay between gravitational waves and large-scale
magnetic fields has been also the subject of recent interesting investigations
[319, 320, 321].

Millisec. Pulsar

log ΩGW h

hard branch
soft branch

-15 -10 -5 0 5
log( ν /Hz)

Figure 13: The stochastic background of GW produced by inflationary mod-

els with flat logarithmic energy spectrum, illustrated together with the GW
background of hypermagnetic origin. The frequencies marked with dashed
lines correspond to the electroweak frequency and to the hypermagnetic dif-
fusivity frequency.

9 Gravitating magnetic fields

Up to now large scale magnetic fields have been treated in different frame-
works but always within a perturbative approach. However, magnetic fields
can also break explicitely the isotropy (but not the homogeneity) of the back-
ground geometry
Suppose that at some time t1 the Universe becomes transparent to radi-
ation and suppose that, at the same time, the four-dimensional background
geometry (which we assume, for simplicity, spatially flat) has a very tiny
amount of anisotropy in the scale factors associated with different spatial
directions, namely

ds2 = dt2 − a2 (t)dx2 − b2 (t)[dy 2 + dz 2 ], (9.1)

where b(t), as it will be clear in a moment, has to be only slightly different

from a(t). The electromagnetic radiation propagating along the x and y axes
will have a different temperature, namely
a1 R b1 R
− H(t)dt − F (t)dt
Tx (t) = T1 = T1 e , Ty (t) = T1 = T1 e , (9.2)
a b
where H(t) and F (t) are the two Hubble factors associated, respectively
with a(t) and b(t). The temperature anisotropy associated with the electro-
magnetic radiation propagating along two directions with different expansion
rates can be roughly estimated, in the limit H(t) − F (t)  1, as
∆T 1
∼ [H(t) − F (t)]dt = ε(t)d log t (9.3)
T 2
where, in the second equality, we assumed that the deviations from the ra-
diation dominated expansion can be written as F (t) ∼ (1 − ε(t))/2t with
|ε(t)|  1. The function ε can be connected with the shear parameter, i.e.
[H(t) −F (t)]/[H(t) + 2F (t)] which measures the anisotropy in the expansion.
In the standard context [275, 276] Einstein equations are solved in the metric
(9.1) with fluid sources and in the presence of a magnetic field. The shear
parameter is then connected with the magnetic field intensity.
The dynamical origin of the primordial anisotropy in the expansion can
be connected with the existence of a primordial magnetic field (not dynam-
ically generated but postulated as an initial condition) or with some other
sources of anisotropic pressure and, therefore, the possible bounds on the
temperature anisotropy can be translated into bounds on the time evolution
of the anisotropic scale factors [294].
Today the amount of anisotropy in the expansion must be very small
because of the effect we just described. In the present Section some highly
speculative considerations on the possible rôle of magnetic fields in the early
Universe will be intrtoduced. In spite of the fact that magnetic fields must
be sufficiently small today, in the past history of the Universe they might
have been very large even modifying the dynamics of the geometry. During
the magnetic phase the anisotropy in the expansion will be constant (or
even grow). However, after the magnetic phase a sufficienly long radiation
dominated phase may isotropize the background leading to a tiny amount of
anisotropy in the expansion. This is the basic scenario invoked long ago by
Zeldovich [275, 276].
In modern approaches to cosmology, the dynamics of the Universe at very
high densities is often discussed in terms of the low-energy string effective
action. It is then useful to analyze the Zeldovich proposal in terms of the
modern perspective.
In the low energy limit, the dilaton field is directly coupled to the kinetic

term of the Maxwell field [322]
1 √ 1 1
S=− d4 x −ge−ϕ R + g αβ ∂α ϕ∂β ϕ − Hµνα H µνα + Fαβ F αβ + ...
2λ2s 12 4
where Fαβ = ∇[α Aβ] is the Maxwell field strength and ∇µ is the covariant
derivative with respect to the String frame metric gµν . Notice that Hµνα is the
antisymmetric field strength. In Eq. (9.4) the ellipses stand for a possible
(non-perturbative) dilaton potential and for the string tension corrections
parameterized by α0 = λ2s . In Eq. (9.4) Fµν can be thought as the Maxwell
field associated with a U(1) subgroup of E8 × E8 .
Consider a spatially flat background configuration with vanishing an-
tysimmetric field strangth (Hµνα = 0) and vanishing dilaton potential. The
dilaton depends only on time and the metric will be taken fully anisotropic
since we want to study possible solutions with a homogeneous magnetic field
which is expected to break the isotropy of the background:

ds2 = gµν dxµ dxν = dt2 − a2 (t)dx2 − b2 (t)dy 2 − c2 (t)dz 2 . (9.5)

By varying the effective action with respect to ϕ, gµν and the vector
potential Aµ we get, respectively

R − g αβ ∂α ϕ∂β ϕ + 2g αβ ∇α ∇β ϕ = − Fαβ F αβ , (9.6)

1 1 1
Rµν − δµν R = δ ν Fαβ F αβ − Fµβ F νβ
2 2 4 µ
1 1 √
− δµν g αβ ∂α ϕ∂β ϕ − ∇µ ∇ν ϕ + δµν √ ∂α [ −gg αβ ∂β ϕ], (9.7)
2 −g
∇µ e F µν
= 0. (9.8)

where ∇µ denotes covariant differentiation with respect to the metric of Eq.

(9.5). Inserting Eq. (5.58) into Eq. (9.7) we get that Eq. (9.7) can be
expressed as
Rµν + ∇µ ∇ν ϕ + Fµα F να = 0. (9.9)
Consider now a homogeneous magnetic field directed along the x axis. The
generalized Maxwell equations (9.8) and the associated Bianchi identities
can then be trivially solved by the field strength Fyz = −Fzy . The resulting

system of equations (5.58), (9.9) can than be written, in the metric of Eq.
(9.5), as

ϕ̈ = H 2 + F 2 + G2 + Ḣ + Ḟ + Ġ, (9.10)
H ϕ̇ = HF + HG + H 2 + Ḣ, (9.11)
F ϕ̇ = HF + F G + F 2 + Ḟ − 2 2 , (9.12)
2b c
Gϕ̇ = GH + F G + G2 + Ġ − 2 2 , (9.13)
2b c
where Eqs. (9.10)–(9.13) correspond, respectively to the (00) and (ii) com-
ponents of Eq. (9.9).
The solution of Eqs. (9.10)–(9.13)
a(η) = a0 eH0 η , b(η) = b0 eϕ0 e(F0 +H0 +∆0 )η e−2∆0 η + eϕ1 ,
c(η) = c0 eφ0 e(G0 +H0 +∆0 )η e−2∆0 η + eϕ1 , (9.14)
ϕ(η) = ϕ0 + (H0 + ∆0 )η + log eϕ1 + e−2∆0 η , (9.15)

where q a0
∆0 ≡ H02 + Λ0 = √ e−(ϕ0 +ϕ1 ) B. (9.16)
2 2
The solution given in Eq.(9.16) s given in terms of a new variable (a gener-
alized conformal time) defined by the following differential relation

e−ϕ dη = dt, ϕ = ϕ − log abc. (9.17)

These solutions represent the generalization of pre-big bang solutions

[121] to the case where a constant magnetic field is included. Generaliza-
tions of the solution (9.16) can be obtained in various models anisotropic
(but homogeneous) models of the Bianchi class [327] like Bianchi I, II, III,
VI−1 and VII0 according to the usual classification which can be found, for
instance, in [323]. Further generalizations of the solution (9.16) are possible
in the Kantowski-Sachs metric with a magnetic field aligned alond the radial
coordinate [325, 326].
Magnetized cosmological solutions can be used in order to describe some
early phase in the life of the universe. This highly speculative idea may
be implemented in semi-realistic models provided the large anisotropy in

the expansion decays at later epochs. In the standard context [275, 276]
the only source of isotropization is the evolution in a radiation dominated
background since the shear parameter decays if the background is dominated
by radiation. If quadratic corrections are present, an initially anisotropic
solution becomes isotropic as a consequence of the dynamical properties of
the evolution equations as discussed in detail in [322].
Gauge fields have also been studied as a source of inflationary evolution
by Ford [328] and later by Lidsey [329, 330]. The gauge kinetic term is
supplemented by a potential which is a function of Aµ Aµ . Both exponential
inflation [328] and power-law inflation [329] can be realized in these models.

10 Concluding Remarks
The topics reported in the present review suggest various open problems
on the nature of large-scale magnetic fields in the present and in the early

• in principle the morphology of magnetic fields in spiral galaxies could

be used in order to understand the origin of galactic magnetism but in
practice the observations offer answers which are often contradictory;

• recent observations of magnetic fields inside Abell clusters confirm the

presence of strong magnetic fields in the µ G range;

• there is evidence that also superclusters are magnetized;

• in spite of the fact that magnetic fields may modify the patterns of
the CMB anisotropies and, eventually, induce anisotropies in the po-
larization, the theoretical analysis has been rarely corroborated by the
comparison with the available experimental data;

• Faraday rotation of the CMB polarization would be a powerful tool

to study the possible exsitence of large scale magnetic fields prior to

• the imprints of magnetic fields on the relic background of gravitational

waves (in the window of wide band interferometers) allows to test the
existence of a background of Abelian gauge fields at the electroweak

It would be important, for the theorist, a reasonable accuracy (within one or-
der of magnitude) in the experimental determination of large-scale magnetic
fields. For instance even one order of magnitude in the intensity of the intra-
cluster magnetic field (i.e. 10−6 G rather than 10−7 G) makes a difference as
far as the problem of the origin is concerned. In the same perspective, more
accurate determinations of the typical correlation scales of the intra-cluster
fields would be desirable.
There is, at the moment, no compelling reason why large-scale magnetic
fields should not be primordial, at least to some degree:

• in the early Universe magnetic fields are easily produced during phase
transitions but their typical correlation scales are small;

• inflation greatly helps in producing correlations over very large scales

and the (early) variation of gauge couplings during the inflationary
phase allows the generation of intense large-scale fields;

• primordial magnetic fields may have an impact on the thermodynam-

ical history of the Universe, but, in practice, the obtained constraints
improve only marginally, in various interesting cases, the critical den-
sity bound imposed on the magnetic energy density;

• if magnetic fields are generated during phase transitions, a growth in

their correlation scale cannot be excluded because of turbulent phe-
nomena whose existence can be reasonably expected (but not firmly
predicted) on the basis of our terrestrial knowledge of magnetized plas-

In the next decade a progress of the empirical knowledge is expected in ap-

parently unrelated areas like x and γ-ray astronomy, radio-astronomy, CMB
physics, detection of relic gravitational waves. All these areas are connected
with the existence and with the properties of large-scale magnetic fields in the
early and in the present Universe. This connection is sometimes rather frag-
ile since it is mediated by various theoretical assumptions. However, there is
the hope that, in a not too distant future, some of the puzzles related to the
origin and existence of large-scale magnetic fields may be resolved and some
of the current theoretical guessworks firmly ruled out.

Some of the ideas presented in this review have been elaborated and assem-
bled on the occasion of different sets of lectures delivered through the years.
The author wishes to express his gratitude to D. Babusci, H. de Vega, M.
Gasperini, H. Kurki-Suonio, E. Keihänen, N. Sanchez, M. Shaposhnikov, G.
Veneziano, A. Vilenkin. A special thank is due to G. Cocconi for important
remarks which improved the first draft.

A Complements on MHD description
Two fluids and one-fluid MHD equations
In a two-fluid plasma description the charge carriers are the ions (for sim-
plicity we can think of them as protons) and the electrons. The two fluid
equations treat the ions and the electrons as two conducting fluids which are
coupled as in Eqs. (4.8)–(4.12). Given the two- fluid description, one-fluid
variables can be defined directly in terms of the two-fluid variables

ρm (~x, t) = me ne (~x, t) + mp np (~x, t),

ρq (~x, t) = e[np (~x, t) − ne (~x, t)],
J~ = e[np~vp − ne~ve ]. (A.1)

In the case of a globally neutral plasma ne ∼ np = nq and ρq = 0. The ion

and electron equations then become

mp + ~vp · ∇ ~ + ~vp × B)
~ ~vp = enq (E ~ − ∇p
~ p + Cpe , (A.2)
∂ ~ ~ + ~ve × B)
~ − ∇p
~ e + Cep ,
me + ~ve · ∇ ~ve = −enq (E (A.3)
where Cpe and Cpe are the collision terms. In the globally neutral case the
center of mass velocity becomes
mp~vp + me~ve
~v = , (A.4)
mp + me

and the one-fluid mass and charge density conservations become

∂ρm ~
+ ∇ · (ρm~v ) = 0, (A.5)
∂ρq ~ ~
+ ∇ · J = 0. (A.6)
Summing up Eqs. (A.2) and (A.3) leads, with some algebra involving the
continuity equation, to the momentum transport equation in the one-fluid
ρm + ~v · ∇ ~ + J~ × B
~ ~v = ρq E ~ − ∇P,
~ (A.7)

where P = Pe + Pi . In Eq. (A.7) the collision term vanishes if there are
no neutral particles, i.e. if the plasma is fully ionized. The final equation of
the one-fluid description is obtained by taking the difference of Eqs. (A.2)
and (A.3) after having multiplied Eq. (A.2) by me and Eq. (A.3) by mp .
This procedure is more tricky and it is discussed in standard textbooks of
plasma physics[84, 85]. The key points in the derivation are that the limit
for me /mp → 0 must be taken. The problem with this procedure is that the
subtraction of the two mentioned equations does not guarantee that viscous
and collisional effects are negligible. The result of this procedure is the so-
called one-fluid generalized Ohm law:

E ~ = 1 J~ + 1 (J~ × B
~ + ~v × B ~ − ∇P
~ e ). (A.8)
σ enq

The term J~ × B is nothing but the Hall current and ∇P ~ e is often called
thermoelectric term. Finally the term J/σ~ is the resistivity term and σ is
the conductivity of the one-fluid description. In Eq. (A.8) the pressure has
been taken to be isotropic. This is, however, not a direct consequence of the
calculation presented in this Appendix but it is an assumption which may
(and should) be relaxed in some cases. In the plasma physics literature [84,
85] the anisotropic pressure contribution is neglected for the simple reason
that experiments terrestrial plasmas show that this terms is often negligible.

Conservation laws in resistive MHD

Consider and arbitrary closed surface Σ which moves with the plasma. Then,
by definition of the bulk velocity of the plasma (~v we can also write dΣ ~ =
~v × d~l dη. The (total) time derivative of the flux can therefore be expressed
Z Z ~ Z
d ∂B ~ × ~v · d~l,
B · dΣ =
~ ~ · dΣ +
~ B (A.9)
dt Σ Σ ∂t ∂Σ
where ∂Σ is the boundary of Σ. Using now the properties of the vector
products (i.e. B~ × ~v · d~l = −~v × B~ · d~l) we can express ~v × B~ though the
Ohm law given in Eq. (4.23) and we obtain that

~v × B ~+ 1 ∇
~ ' −E ~ ×B
~ (A.10)

Using now Eq. (A.9) together with the Stokes theorem, the following expres-
sion can be obtained
Z Z  ~  Z
d ~ · dΣ ∂B ~ − 1
B ~ = +∇
~ ×E
~ · dΣ ∇
~ ×∇
~ ×B
~ · dΣ.
~ (A.11)
dt Σ Σ ∂t 4πσ Σ

From the Maxwell’s equations the first part at the right hand side of Eq.
(A.11) is zero and Eq. (4.24), expressing the Alfvén theorem, is recovered.
With similar algebraic manipulations (involving the use of various vector
identities), the conservation of the magnetic helicity can be displayed. Con-
sider a closed volume in the plasma, then we can write that dV = d3 x =
~v⊥ · dΣ
~ dη ≡ ~n · ~v⊥ dΣ dη where ~n is the unit vector normal to Σ (the
boundary of V, i.e. Σ = ∂V ) and ~v⊥ is the component of the bulk velocity
orthogonal to ∂V . The (total) time derivative of the magnetic helicity can
now be written as
d ∂ ~ ~
HM = d3 x [A · B] + ~ · B~
A ~ v⊥ · ~ndΣ. (A.12)
dη V ∂η ∂V =Σ

The partial derivative at the right hand side of Eq. (A.12) can be made
explicit. Then the one-fluid MHD equations should be used recalling that
the relation between the electromagnetic fields and the vector potential, for
instance in the Coulomb gauge. Finally using again the Ohm law and trans-
forming the obtained surface integrals into volume integrals (through the
divergence theorem) Eq. (4.27), expressing the conservation of the helicity,
can be obtained.
In spite of the fact that the conservation of the magnetic helicity can be
derived in a specific gauge, the magnetic helicity is indeed a gauge invariant
quantity. Consider a gauge transformation
A ~ + ∇ξ,
~ (A.13)
then the magnetic helicity changes as
d xA3~ → ~·B
d xA3~+ d3 x∇
~ · [ξ B]
~ (A.14)

(in the second term at the right hand side we used the fact that the magnetic
field is divergence free). By now using the divergence theorem we can express
the volume integral as
d3 x∇
~ · [ξ B]
~ = ~ · ~ndΣ.
ξB (A.15)
V ∂V =Σ

Now if, as we required, B~ · ~n = 0 in ∂V , the integral is exactly zero and HM
is gauge invariant. The condition B ~ · ~n = 0 is not specific of a particular
profile of the magnetic field. It can be always achieved by slicing the volume
of integration in small flux tubes where, by definition, the magnetic field is
orthogonal to the walls of the flux tube.

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