DLP 1 - Digestion
DLP 1 - Digestion
DLP 1 - Digestion
Topic/Title Digestion
Grade Level / Section
Learning Area
Time allotment
CONTENT STANDARD The digestive system and its interaction with the circulatory,
respiratory, and excretory systems in providing the body with
nutrients for energy.
PERFORMANCE STANDARD Present an analysis of the data gathered on diseases resulting from
nutrient deficiency.
LEARNING COMPETENCY Explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion.
I.OBJECTIVES/LEARNING At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
COMPETENCIES a.) identify the different organ in digestion;
b.) illustrate the different organ in digestion; and
c.) reflect the importance of digestion and its organs.
“Let’s start our class this morning through a prayer.” (Aira will lead the prayer)
“Aira, please lead us in prayer.”
Good morning class! Good morning sir!
Checking of Attendance
Listen class, before we start our lesson for today, I will
check first your attendance.
Who is absent today? None sir!
Yes, Jefrey!
Ingestion is the first process that happens in
digestive system. It is the journey of taking in food or
any substance into the body through the mouth.
Very good! Why is it important to choose the right food
that we intake?
Yes, Nicole!
Because different foods provide different types and
amounts of key nutrients need by the body for energy
Very good answer! and growth.
What else?
Yes! Cindy!
By choosing right food, we can benefit our health by
reducing risks associated with malnutrition.
ENGAGE (7 minutes)
I have a two jars of chocolate here. Now take one (student will take one chocolate and pass the jar to
chocolate and pass to your classmates until everyone gets the classmates)
Yes, sir!
Is everyone got chocolate?
Now, the color you got chocolate will serve as the way for
you to form groups.
(The students will listen to the instruction.)
Students with Red chocolate will be the group 1, student
with blue chocolate will be group 2, students with yellow
chocolate will be group 3 and students with green
chocolate will be the group 4.
Now, go to your respective group.
Each group will eat all the chocolate they have.
Wait for your teacher’s signal.
Every group that finish eating will yell the word
The first group that finish eating is the WINNER.
Yes, sir!
Did you get the instruction class? Yes, we are!
Are you ready class?
Ready go! (students will play the contest of eating chocolates)
Very good! that is our topic for today, it’s all about the
process and organs involve in digestion.
Now, we will give each group a name based from the
organs of digestion. Group 1 will be the Mouth group,
Group 2 will be the Esophagus group, Group 3 will be
stomach Group and Group 4 will be the Small Intestine
group. These are the pictures of organ; these serve as
your identity, you must show them while you are
presenting your reports.
EXPLORE (15 Minutes)
I’ll give you five minutes to do this activity, you may start (The student will do the activity.)
Very good!
This time you will present your output in front.
Let’s start in the group 1. (Group 1 reporters will present their output.)
Now let’s proceed to Group 2. (Group 2 reporters will present their output.)
Now, let’s give time to Group 3. (Group 3 reporters will present their output.)
Now, let’s give time to Group 4. (Group 4 reporters will present their output.)
Yes, Mark Angelo! Digestion is the process that involved break down of
large food molecules into smaller molecules for easy
absorption of the cells.
There are two types of digestion involved in this process,
the mechanical digestion and chemical digestion.
Very Good! Chayan, please identify the mouth to the (Chayan will identify the mouth.)
human torso in front.
When you eat, how the mouth digests foods? Sir!
Yes, Jessabel! While the food is in the mouth, the teeth cut, crush,
and break it apart into tiny pieces while the tongue
helps mix food with saliva secreted by the salivary
glands forming into a moist ball called bolus so it
can be easily swallowed.
After being process in the mouth, which organ will the
bolus pass through before it reaches the stomach? Sir!
Very Good!
How can you define esophagus? Sir!
Very Good!
After being process in the mouth and passed through to
the esophagus, where will the bolus go? Sir!
Very Good!
Rollaine, please identify the stomach to the human Torso (Rollaine will identify the stomach.)
in the front.
What is the primary function of stomach? Sir!
After the food turns to chyme, where will the chyme go? Sir!
Haima, please identify the small intestine to the human (Haima will identify small intestine)
torso in the front.
Very good!
Do you have an idea about the function of small
intestine? Who can define the function of small intestine?
Yes, Ronnie!
The small intestine is an organ that breaks down
food further into substances, such as glucose, amino
acids, fatty acids. In this stage, there are three organs
Awesome! that involves in breaking down food into substances.
These organs are the liver, the pancreas and the gall
bladder which produces enzymes that help in breaking
down substances in the small intestine. These substances
are necessary for the next process in digestive system.
Now, let’s give time to Group 3. (Group 3 will present their work.)
Class, do you have any questions about our lesson today? None sir!
I think you understood our lesson.
EVALUATE (5 minutes)
Now, get 1/4 sheet of paper and let’s have a short quiz. Answers:
Directions: choose the letter of the correct answer then
write your answer in 1/4 sheet of paper.
Prepared by:
Pre-Service Teacher
Checked by:
_ ____
Pre-Service Cooperating Teacher