Aids of Construction Notes
Aids of Construction Notes
Aids of Construction Notes
As a Rule:
One that alleges a law to be unconstitutional, must prove it. The court
favors constitutionality
What if question of validity of an act,
3. Statutes "in pari materia" (relating to the same specific subject
• Statutes that relate to the same subject matter, or to the same class
of persons or things, or have the same purpose or object, are to be
construed together.
Construed as if they constituted one law. Since in enacting a law the
legislature must have in mind the other laws.
2 qualifications pari materia rule
a. If two or more statutes on the same subject were enacted under
different time, conditions and circumstances, their construction
should be in accordance with the circumstances and conditions
peculiar to them
b. A statute should not be construed as repealing a prior one on
same subject matter unless the new statute is intended to repeal
prior laws on the same subject matter.
4. General and Special Statutes
« Statutes treating a subject in general terms and another treating a
part of the same subject in particularly detailed manner
" If both statutes are irreconcilable, the general statute must give way
to the special or particular provisions as an exception to the general
Reference statutes
Refers to other statutes and makes them applicable to the subject of
Supplemental statutes
Intended to supply deficiencies in an existing statute and to add,
complete or extend, the statute without changing or modifying its
original text.
Reenacted statutes
One in which the provisions of an earlier statute are reproduced in the
same or substantially the same words.
In construing reenacted statutes, court should take into account prior
contemporaneous construction.
Adopted statutes
Statute patterned after, or copied from, a statute of a foreign country
Contemporary construction
• construction to the letter of the statute which recognizes nothing
that is not expressed
• equitable construction as will enlarge the letter of the statute to
accomplish its intended purpose, carry out its intent or promote
As to the application
a. Mandatory
b. Directory
As to applicability
a. Prospective
b. Retroactive
• in case of doubt, tax statutes must be construed strictly against the
government and liberally in favor of the taxpayer
• any claim for exemption from a tax statute is strictly construed
against the taxpayer and liberally in favor of the state
• command either positively that something be done, or performed in a
particular way, or negatively that something NOT be done, leaving the
person concerned no choice on the matter except to obey
1 contain words of command or prohibition
2 shall, must, ought, should
prohibitions such as cannot, shall not, ought not
1 same result is obtained
2 permissive or discretionary in nature
merely outlines the act to be done