1 DESCRIPTION..........................................................................................4
2 STANDARDS .............................................................................................5
ANNEX A.....................................................................................................40
In order to protect the life and assurance on board, Brightsky company develop
JB-QBC-BS10 fire alarm system. Addressable detector and modules are used in this
system. If the detector find fire, the fire place can be easy to confirm from the fire
alarm panel.
The fire alarm system is designed to meet all major marine and industrial requirements.
The fire alarm system is designed to meet MSC.1/Circ.1387 (revised guidelines for the
approval of fixed water-based local application fire-fighting systems for use in
category a machinery spaces) and can be used to automatically control the fixed
water-based local application fire-fighting system.
This system can be easy to be operated . The fire alarm system is composed with the
following parts: fire alarm controller, fire alarm repeater , addressable smoke detector,
addressable heat detector, IR flame detector, manual call point, disable input device,
isolator, input module and input/output module.
Max two loop boards can be used in the controller, each loop board supports 4 loop,
maximum 160 points can be connected to each loop.
¾ CCS《Guidelines for Type Approval Test of Electric and Electronic
¾ CCS GD01 《Guidelines for Type Approval Test of Electric and Electronic
¾ EN54-2(1998, A1:2006) 《Fire detection and fire alarm systems-Part 2: Control
and indicating equipment》
¾ EN54-4(1997, A1:2002,A2:2006) 《Fire detection and fire alarm systems-Part 4:
Power supply equipment》
¾ EN54-5(2000, A1:2002) 《 Fire detection and fire alarm systems-Part 5: Heat
detectors-Point detectors》
¾ EN54-7(2000, A1:2002,A2:2006) 《Fire detection and fire alarm systems-Part 7:
Smoke detectors-Point detectors using scattered light, transmitted light or
¾ EN54-10(2001, A1:2005) 《Fire detection and fire alarm systems-Part 10: Flame
detectors-Point detectors》
¾ EN54-11(2001, A1:2005) 《Fire detection and fire alarm systems-Part 11: Manual
call points》
¾ IEC60092-504(2001) 《 Electrical installation in ships-Part 504:Special
features-control and instrumentation》
¾ IEC60533(1999) 《 Electrical and electronic installations in ships-
Electromagnetic compatibility》
¾ MSC.1/Circ.1387(2010) (replace MSC/CIRC.913 )
故障 Fault BSKY
屏蔽 Disabled Condition
测试 Test Condition
监管 Supervisory
主电故障 MSBD Fault
备电故障 ESBD Fault
状 态
系统故障 System Fault Status
报警延时 Alarm Delay
声光报警器 Alarm Device
设备启动反馈 FPE Running
设备故障反馈 FPE Fault
电源 Power
消 音 指示灯测试 声光消音 启 动 复 位 锁 键
Mute Lamp Test Silence Activate Reset Lock Key
F4 测试 Test 0 OK
1) Fire indicator – flashing or steady in red color, the fire indicator is flashing to indicate that the
current fire alarm is not confirmed. It turn to steady if the current alarm is confirmed by pressing
OK key
2) Fault indicator – flashing or steady in yellow color. the fault lamp is flashing to indicate that the
current fault alarm is not confirmed. It turn to steady if the current alarm is confirmed by pressing
OK key
3) Disabled Condition indicator – steady in yellow color. When the system is in disabled condition,
this indicator will be lit
4) Test Condition indicator – steady in yellow color. When some zones in the system is set to test
condition, this indicator will be lit
5) Supervisory indicator - flashing or steady in red color. When the input module activated or
input/output module received feedback signal, this indicator is flashing. It turn to steady if the
current alarm is confirmed by pressing OK key.
6) MSBD Fault indicator - flashing or steady in yellow color. Indicator is lit when the main power
7) ESBD Fault indicator - flashing or steady in yellow color. Indicator is lit when the emergency
power missing.
8) System Fault indicator – flashing in yellow color. This indicator is lit when the system fault
(EEPROM checksum error, CPU fault, and so on) occur
9) Alarm delay indicator – flashing in yellow color. When the system is in alarm delay status, the
indicator is flashing and it will be shut down if the alarm delay count down to zero
10) Alarm device indicator – flashing or steady in yellow color. If the line connected to the BELL1 is
broken, this indicator is flashing. If the BELL is disabled, it is steady..
11) FPE Running indicator – flashing or steady in red color. This indicator is used to Indicate the
running state of fire protection equipment, when some fire extinguishing zones are started, it is
flashing and it is changed to steady when the controller receive the starting feedback signal.
12) FPE Fault indicator –flashing or steady in yellow color. This indicator is used to Indicate the
fault state of fire protection equipment, when the fire protection equipment is in fault state and
send fault signal to this system, the indicator is flashing. pressing OK key to confirm it.
13) Power indicator – steady in green color. when the system power on, it is lit.
14) F1-F4 keys and indicator - when press the key, the equipment that controlled by these keys will
be started, and the related indicators will be lit steady in yellow color.
15) Menu key - press it when you want to test or configure the system or check the history records.
16) Exit key - it is used to exit the current menu and back to upper menu.
17) Disable key - press it when you want to disable some device in the system.
18) Test key - press it to set some zone to test condition.
19) Alpha-numbering key - it is used to input, confirm or delete letters and numbers.
20) ARROW key - it is used for page turning over or change the cursor’s position.
21) Lock key - it is used to lock or unlock the keyboard.
22) Down-page key - press it to check next alarm message
23) Status key - use to change the alarm status display ( fire alarm, activities, activate ,fault, disable or
24) Up-page key - press it to check last alarm message.
25) Reset key - use to reset the system, disabled condition is not affected by this operation.
26) Activate key - press it to activate or close some device.
27) Silence key - press it to turn off the bell when the bell is started, press again to restart the bell.
28) Lamp test key – use to test all indicators on the fire alarm control panel, all the indicator will be
lit if this key pressed.
29) Mute key - it is used to stop or restart the internal buzz in the fire alarm control panel when the
internal buzz is started.
30) LCD display – all messages are displayed in this area.
·The number in the bracket after the item is access level.
Turn on the power, and the controller will be power on and enter standby status, see the below display
of the LCD:
2011/06/25 18:36
Fire Alarm Control Panel
System Normal
·Is the type of the alarm status, for example, the above is the fire alarm.
·The fire alarm information’s number. For example, the above is the second fire alarm message.
·The total alarm message, the above means 3 fire alarm message in this system.
·First fire alarm information display zone. It is remain although the up page or down page key
·Zone in which first fire alarm happens, For example, the above zone is zone 1.
·The device type that send out first fire alarm , for example the above picture is smoke detector.
·Address of the first fire alarm device, the above address is 004 in loop 1.
·The first fire alarm zone’s description, for example, the above is "bridge".
·Fire alarm information display zone, for example, the above picture shows the second piece of fire
alarm information, and the message is the similar with first fire alarm information, press up
page or down page key to check last or next fire alarm message.
·Operation help message display zone.
·Alarm delay count down display zone.
After fire alarm happens, besides the above fire alarm information was shown on LCD, the controller
will act as below:
① Give fire alarm sound and illuminate the fire indicator on the panel.
② Fire alarm output relay FIRE1-FIRE6 output.
③ When bell begins count down, the Alarm Delay indicator is flashing, after count down is
finished, the Alarm Delay will be illuminated, and the bell is started. if the fire alarm is from
the manual call point, it is started without delay.
④ If Association(Other settings->Association auto status is in automatic status, and the
association logic of logic setting will be carried out.
⑤ Put the time and place and other information of fire alarm to history record.
⑥ If a fire repeater (Other settings->Repeater panel sum)is connected, it will send fire alarm
information directly to the fire repeater.
⑦ If a VDR(Other settings->VDR using)is connected, it will send fire alarm information to
1 Room No.201
2 2011/06/25 17:50
·The place where the fire alarm happens, that is the place of the detector, the above picture is
"Room No.201".
·Time when fire alarm happens, the time shown on the above picture is 17:50,June 25,2011.
Press left-arrow key to back to the main fire alarm interface.
⑤ Press up-page or down-page to check the previous or next fire alarm information.
⑥ Press Status key to check other status information (event, activate, fault, disable, test and so
on.) see the below illustration.
1 Fire alarm (003)
2 Event (000)
3 Activate (000)
4 Fault (000)
5 Disable (000)
6 Test (000)
⑦ Note: if fire alarm messages are suppressed to display another type’s alarm message, ,the
controller will automatically back to the fire alarm display status without any operating in 30
When in the below situation, the controller will enter fault status.
1.When the wire that connect the controller and detectors is open-circuit or short-circuit; or the
disconnect between the detector and bases, or the detector was damaged so that the monitoring
between the detector and controller is abnormal.
2.The wire connect the controller and fire repeater is open circuit or short-circuit, which cause the
abnormal communication.
3.Line broken between the controller and the bell.
4.Main power supply, emergency power supply,DC24V,charging fault, battery low voltage or
disconnection, earth fault.
5.MAG. Door hold line disconnect.
6.Wrong device type.
7.Device not included in the configuration.
8.Flash checksum error.
9.EEPROM checksum error.
10.The communication fault that caused by the open-circuit, short-circuit between Control panel
and interface board
11.Abnormal communication that caused by the open-circuit or short-circuit between Interface
board and Loop board.
12.DC24V fault for fire alarm control panel or fire alarm repeater.
After fault happens, besides the fault information in LCD, the controller will carry out below actions:
① Give fault sound, and the fault indicator on the panel is illuminated.
② FAULT1-FAULT4 of the fault output relay will output. for some fault, system fault1,system
fault2 will output as well, please see the detailed fault description list.
③ Put the time, address and other information of the fault to the history record.
④ If the system has a fire repeater, it will send fault information to fire repeater.
⑤ If the system has a VDR, it will send fault information to VDR as well.
Except system fault, all other fault can be reset automatically after fault signals is cleared, you can only
reset manually for system fault.
Supervisory signal is the input signals except fire signals and fault signals, such as the alarm of input
modules, feedback of input/output modules and so on. when controller receives this signals, it will
enter the supervisory status, and the LCD displays as below:
1 ZONE 2 IMC module 2078
Accommodation floor 2
After enter supervisory status, except the supervisory information shown on the LCD, the controller
will act as below:
① Illuminate the supervisory indicator on the panel.
② If the association is in automatic status, it will carry out the associate logic of the logic
③ Put the time, address and other information of supervisory to history record.
④ If the system has a fire repeater, it will send supervisory information to fire repeater.
⑤ If the system has a VDR, it will send the supervisory information to VDR.
When module is in action, or fire extinguishing zone is started, or the bell is started, the controller will
display below information, and the interface is as below:
1 ZONE 2 RMC module 2079
Accommodation floor 2
When an activate information happens, beside the displaying on LCD, the controller will act as below:
① Put the time, address and other information of activate to history record.
② When the system has a fire repeater, it will send activate information to fire repeater.
③ When the system has a VDR, it will send Activate information to VDR.
Output modules, fire extinguishing protection zone, bells and other equipment can be started
automatically when fire alarm happens, besides this, they can also be started by using the menu on the
board manually.
1 Module
2 Fire protection zone
3 Bell
Choose the activate type, for example, if you choose module, the interface will show the present
registered modules list.
After activate, the activated module information will be shown on the activate interface. if you turn
off ,the module information will be cleared from the activate interface.
The controller has disable function, press Disable key to enter the disable function, the interface is
shown as below:
1 Disable list(001)
2 New disable
3 Remove all disable
Choose "New disable" to set the new disable, firstly, you should choose the equipment type, please see
below picture.
1 Zone
2 Detector ,MCP,module etc.
3 Bell
There are three kinds of equipment type, zone, bell and detectors. after you have chosen the equipment
type, the controller will give the equipment list of this type of equipment, if you choose disable zone,
the interface will show the below information.
zone 001
zone 002
After you chose the zone that you want to disable, then you chose the time attribute, please see the
below picture:
1 permanent
2 periodic
3 clock
"Permanent" means this equipment will be disabled forever and will be disabled immediately.
"Periodic" means this equipment is disabled periodically, you can choose a period in a day when the
equipment is disables, after this period, it will be normal. please see the below:
"Clock" means from now on to the time that you have set, the equipment is disable, and the effect is
only for one time. after the disable function is set, they will be shown on "disable list".
001 ZONE 2 smoke detector 2001
002 ZONE 2 smoke detector 2002
periodic 15:00-18:20
003 ZONE 2 smoke detector 2003
clock 18:20
Note: this interface only shows the disable equipment that you have set. we have some disable which
are not come into effect immediately ( for periodic disable") as well. you can inquire the effective
disable by pressing status key.in disable menu. see below picture.
1 ZONE 2 smoke detector 2001
Accommodation floor 2
For the effective Disable information, beside it is shown on LCD, the controller can also act as below:
① Illuminate the disable indicator on the panel.
② Put the time when disable happens and the address to the history record.
③ If the system has a fire repeater, it will send disable information to fire repeater.
④ If the system has a VDR, it will send disable information to VDR.
3.9 TEST
If you just want to test the alarm function of detectors and do not want to start the alarm bell, output
fire relay and the logic operation, you can use test function. set the zone in Test function, press Test
key to set the set, please see the below picture:
1 Test zone list(001)
2 New test zone
3 Remove all test zone
Choose "New Test Zone" to set the zone that you want to test, for example:
zone 001
zone 002
For the test zone that you have chosen, you can see them from "test zone list", please see below:
zone 002
For the zone that is set test, the Test indicator is illuminated; if there is a detector in this zone, the
controller will enter "test" alarm status, the display is shown as below:
TEST 1(1)
1 ZONE 2 smoke detector 2001
Accommodation floor 2
Besides the alarm information of the test zone, the controller will act as below:
① Put the time address and other information of "test" to the history record.
② It the system is connected with a fire repeater, it will send the "test" alarm information to fire
③ If the system has a VDR, it will send "test" alarm information to VDR.
Test alarm can automatically reset. for example, after all smokes scattered to the air, the test alarm
status of smoke detector can automatically reset.
The control panel follows the turn of Fire, Supervisory, Activate, Fault, Disable, Test to show grade
from high to low arrangement information, high grade status display takes precedence. That is to say,
when in low grade interface, if there is high grading information coming, then the interface will be
immediately switched to high grade display status.
3.10 RESET
If there is a fire, fault, supervisory happens, press Reset key to reset this status, if the elements that
caused this status still existing, this status will happens again after reset. for example, if a smoke
detector alarms, if you press the reset when the smoke still existing in the smoke detector, the controller
will alarm again.
When "Activate" happens, press reset key to turn off all the started equipment.
When the controller is reset, the "test zone" that you set will be cleared.
The controller can send out two type sounds: continuous sound or fire alarm or supervisory alarm.
When in fire alarm and supervisory status, it will give a continuous buzzing.
If the bell is in "Activate" status, press Silence key to turn off the bell, if it is under countdown
stage, then the countdown will be stopped; after you press Silence key again, the bell will be
restarted again if the system has unconfirmed fire alarm. Besides this, if you have set" Silence
restart delay"(Delay->Silence restart delay, after the delay time, the bell will be restarted again if
unconfirmed fire alarm is existing.
The control panel can be locked automatically to avoid unauthorized operation under the below two
kind of situations:
① There is no any operation within 30 seconds.
② Press lock key.
After locked, you can only clear inside sound or check fire alarm information, and the lock indicator is
illuminated in this situation.
Press Lock key and enter the password, then you can unlock the controller.
3.13 MENU
Press menu key to enter the main menu, see the below picture
1 Date & Time
2 History
3 Service(3 Level)
4 System version
5 Detector test
6 Setup dimmer
2011/06/27 10:17:52
0 1 2 3
The “Write detector address”,“Read detector address”,“Test detector analogy” of the “Detector test”
function is only for the detectors that connected to the "BUS" terminals of "fire alarm control panel.
you can connect one detector for one time.
“Detector analogy” is a non-dimensional value, and the range of the value is 15-35 in normal status. If
the value is more than 50,it will alarm, if it is less than 15,it is fault.
“Test loop detector” is to test loop that connected to loop board. please see the below:
LEFT/RIGHT-switch loop
·Is the analog value of the registered detectors, please reference "Detector information"
·Is the analog value of the present detector.
3.13.6 SERVICE
This item is used to configure the parameter for the system, following is the picture for it:
1 Detector information
2 Zone information
3 Logic
4 Workspace
5 Settings
6 Exchange
7 User password
Press OK key to inquire and edit the equipment information, please see the below:
Device number : 1001
Type : somke detector
Alarm grade : 000
Zone : 001
Description :
OK-confirm,LEFT/RIGHT-change type
·"Device number" is the equipment number, for example, the above is number 1 of loop 1.
·"Type' is equipment type, for example, the above is smoke detector.
·"Zone" is the zone number if the equipment, for example the above No.:1001 detector belongs to
zone 1.
·"Description" is the description to the place where the equipment is installed, for example, the
above means that No.:1001 detector is installed in "bridge, left". There are 40 characters
Press numbering key 2 to delete the equipment that you have chosen from the registered equipment.
Press numbering key 3 to register the equipment manually, please see the below:
Register,Please waitting... (1)
The controller will automatically scan the equipment that connected to the bus and record the
equipment type when in automatic register status. when the system is installed for the first time, you
can inquire the quantity of devices, address and type of the installed devices throng checking automatic
register function, which make it more simple.
·The zone list here is the zone number you set for the detectors in "detector information", you can
not add new zone here.
Press OK key to inquire and edit the zone information that you have chosen, please see the below:
Zone 001 Description:
Device list:
1001 1002
· "Zone description" can has maximally 40 characters.
· "Device list" is an format that the controller generated automatically according to the zone
number of the "detector information. LOGIC
Logic function is used to set the controlling functions that the controller has to carry out after the fire
alarm or supervisory happens.
LOGIC Sum:001
Logic Source Activate
001:OR1 1001-1002 5001-5002
WORKSPACE function is used to isolate one zone quickly, please see the below:
Source Zone
001: 1007 001
·If the equipment of "Source" has supervisory, the zone of "zone" will be isolated, please see the
above. If module 1007 input modules has supervisory alarm, then zone 1 is isolated.
·You can set maximally 20 pieces of WORKSPACE. SETTINGS
This item is used to configure the system running parameter.
Fire protection localbox is used to protect the localbox of the fire extinguishing protection area:
Start Stop Module1 Module2
01: 3005-3006 3007-3007 5001 1008
02: 0000-0000 0000-0000 0000 0000
03: 0000-0000 0000-0000 0000 0000
04: 0000-0000 0000-0000 0000 0000
05: 0000-0000 0000-0000 0000 0000
06: 0000-0000 0000-0000 0000 0000
07: 0000-0000 0000-0000 0000 0000
·Several local operating boxes can be in one zone, the places of “start” and “stop” are address
·‘Module1’ is fire sounder, for example, the above picture means the fire sounder address of first
fire protection area is 5001.
·‘module2’is the output module that connected to Solenoid valve, the above picture means the
address of output module that connected to solenoid valve of first protection area is 1008.
·You can set localbox information for maximally 16 fire protection zones. 10 fire protection output
zones are in one fire protection control board. If the fire protection zone number is larger than 10,
please add input/output module.
Fire protection monitor is used to set the address f input modules which is used to monitor pump status,
see the below:
CPE input module :4008
FPE input module :4009
·‘CPE input module’ is the input module that used to detect the running status of protection area.
·‘FPE input module’ is the input module that used to detect the fault status of pump.
·For the above picture, when there is there is signals input to number 4012 signal input modules,
the alarm signals will be taken as fault. You can set maximally 100 pieces of alarm type.
For the equipment that needs to change the alarm type, you can input the changed descriptions directly
in "description" of "detector information", for example, the above picture shows that module 4012
has detected that the pump is in "fault", then it can be described as " pump fault", when module 4012
alarms," pump fault (Ext-In)" will be shown on the "description" place of fault. if module 4012 itself
has a problem(for example, disconnection),then " pump fault" will be shown on the "fault". DELAY
Delay is used to set delay functions, see the below:
DELAY 1(3)
Bell delay(S) : 120
Mute restart delay(s) : 900
Silence restart delay(s) : 900
·‘Bell delay’ is the delayed time of bell started after fire alarm, usually it is 120 seconds.
·‘Mute restart delay’ is after the mute of the controller, if there is unconfirmed fire alarm, and the
inside sound will be restarted after some time, the above is 900 seconds.
·‘Silence restart delay’ is after the silence of the bell, if there is some unconfirmed fire alarm, the
bell will be restarted after some time, the above is 900 seconds.
Key F1: 5001 0000 0000 0000 0000
Key F2: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
Key F3: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
Key F4: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
·Each key corresponds to the five modules address, press the key to start or stop the fire modules at
the same time.
·‘Association auto status’ is the association status of fire controller, if it is in automatic status, it
will carry our logic in "Logic" when in fire alarm or supervisory.
·‘MSBD fault check’ is to check whether the main power supply has fault or not.
·‘ESBD fault check’ is to check whether the emergency power supply has fault or not.
·‘Ship's DC24V fault check’ is to check whether the ship's DC24V has fault or not.
·‘Battery fault check’ is to check whether the battery has charging fault or low voltage fault.
·‘MAG.Door hold fault check’ is to check whether Magnetic door hold has disconnection fault.
·‘Bell fault check’ is to check whether the bell has disconnection fault.
·‘Repeater panel sum’ is the quantity of the repeaters that can be connected to this system, it is
maximally 4 repeaters.
·‘Repeater panel fault check’ is to check whether the fire repeater has connection fault.
·‘Water mist using’ is for backup usage.
·‘Water mist panel fault check’ is for backup usage.
·‘PA Close’ means when there is a PA input, do you want to close the PA output, if yes, it PA output
will be closed.
·‘Earth fault check’ to check whether the controller has earth fault.
·‘Earth grade is the sensitivity grade of earth grade, 1-10 grade, the smaller number, the higher
·‘VDR using’ means whether a VDR is connected.
·‘VDR baudrate’ is the baudrate that communicate with VDR, it has 4800 and 9600 types.
· ‘Ext. power fault output’ means when any of MSBD, ESBD, Ship's DC24V has
fault,POW.FAU1,POW.FAU2 output or all of MSBD、ESBD、Ship's DC24V have fault, the
Exchange is used to download ,upload the configuration data. see the below:
1 Download configuration from USB
2 Upload configuration to USB
3 Download configuration to board
Download configuration from USB is to download the configuration data from USB memory, see the
Please select USB port : 1 or 2
Initialization USB1...
Look BSKYBS10.CFG...
Read data...
Write data...
Download to board? 1-yes,2-no
·The name of configuration document is fixed as BSKYBS10.CFG.
·Configuration document content is all the content of service menu.
Upload configuration to USD is to upload the configuration document to USD memory, see the below:
Please select USB port : 1 or 2
Initialization USB1...
Read data from FLASH...
Write file BSKYBS10.CFG to USB...
·The configuration data document name is fixed as BSKYBS10.CFG.
·The content of configuration data document is all the content of service menu.
Download configuration to board is used to download the configuration data from panel to interface
board, see the below:
Download configuration data to
board, please waitting...(1)
In general, if you want to save the information you should chose ‘Save & Download to board’,so that
the controller will save the configuration information to the panel and download to interface board as
well. if you chose ‘Save’, the information will keep to panel, this may cause the data difference
between the panel and the interface board, which may cause mistake as well. of course, users can
choose ‘Download configuration to board’ in EXCHAGE to synchronize and update the data between
the panel and interface board.
·You can not do the function to the controller unless one minute later than you have download data
to interface board.
This panel can be used both as controller and repeater. From "Factory setup->Controller or Repeater",
you can set the working type, see the below:
Panel type : controller
Panel address : 001
Status-change type
If the panel type is repeater, you have to set the address of the repeater.
The Silence, Reset key of the panel in "repeater type" has the same function with the keys on
controller. you can through the repeater to make the bell silence and also reset the controller. the
function is similar to repeater, and it keeps all the functions of the first grade permission of controller,
meanwhile, it adds the silence and reset function of grade two permission, but it does not have the
activate, disable and test functions of grade two permission and also all the functions of grade 3
火警 FI RE
故障 Fau lt
屏蔽 Disa bled Con diti on
测试 Test Con diti on
监管 S uper viso ry
主电故障 MSBD Fau lt
备电故障 ESBD Fau lt
系统故障 Sy stem Fau lt
报警延时 A larm Del ay
声光报警器 Al arm Devi ce
设备启动反馈 F PE R unni ng
设备故障反馈 FPE Fau lt
电源 Pow er
状 态 消 音 指示灯测试
Stat us Mu te Lam p Te st
1) Fire indicator – flashing or steady in red color, the fire indicator is flashing to indicate that the
current fire alarm is not confirmed. It turn to steady if the current alarm is confirmed by pressing
OK key
2) Fault indicator – flashing or steady in yellow color. the fault lamp is flashing to indicate that the
current fault alarm is not confirmed. It turn to steady if the current alarm is confirmed by pressing
OK key
3) Disabled Condition indicator – steady in yellow color. When the system is in disabled condition,
this indicator will be lit
4) Test Condition indicator – steady in yellow color. When some zones in the system is set to test
condition, this indicator will be lit
5) Supervisory indicator - flashing or steady in red color. When the input module activated or
input/output module received feedback signal, this indicator is flashing. It turn to steady if the
current alarm is confirmed by pressing OK key.
6) MSBD Fault indicator - flashing or steady in yellow color. Indicator is lit when the main power
7) ESBD Fault indicator - flashing or steady in yellow color. Indicator is lit when the emergency
power missing.
8) System Fault indicator – flashing in yellow color. This indicator is lit when the system fault
Turn on the power, and the repeater will be power on and enter to the standby status, and the LCD will
display as the below:
Fire Alarm Repeater Panel
System Normal
1 2 3 6 7
·Is the interface type, for example, the above is the fire alarm interface.
·Shows the present focus frame is on which piece of fire alarm information. For example, the
above shows that the focus frame is on the second piece of fire alarm information.
·Is the present total quantity of fire alarm information, the above picture shows that the present
total quantity of fire alarm information is 3.
·The zone that the first fire alarm information displays.in this system, the first fire alarm
information is shown on the fixed zone, no matter how to turn over the page, the first fire alarm
information is always shown in this place.
·The zone where first fire alarm happens, the above is zone 1.
·The device type of the first fire alarm happens, the above is smoke detector.
·The address of the first fire alarm, the above is number 4 of loop1.
·The description to the zone of the first fire alarm, the above is "bridge"
·The time when the first fire alarm happens, the above is 17:50 of June 25,2011.
·The display zone of fire alarm information, the above is the second piece of fire alarm
information, the format is the same as the first fire alarm information.
·Prompt information display zone.
When receive the fire alarm information, the repeater will illuminate the indicator on its panel, and give
continuous buzzing.
The confirmation status of the control panel is the same as the repeater, if you have confirmed certain
piece of fire alarm, when the focus frame moves to this piece of confirmed information of the repeater,
the fire alarm indicator will be illuminated, or else it is flashing.(this function is the same for
supervisory and fault as well).
When the fire repeater receive the fault information that sent from the fire controller, it will enter fault
status, see the below:
FAULT 1(1)
1 ZONE 2 smoke detector 2001
Accommodation floor 2
2011/06/25 18:10
MUTE-Buzz off
When receive the fault information, the repeater will illuminate the fault indicator on its panel, and give
a interval buzzing.
The repeater follows the turn of Fire、Supervisory、Activate、Fault、Disable、Test to show grade from
high to low arrangement information, high grade status display takes precedence. That is to say, when
in low grade interface, if there is high grading information coming, then the interface will be
immediately switched to high grade display status.
Press status key to switch the interface board from the high to low grade.
If the interface of the repeater is not showing the latest fire alarm information and the system has a fire
alarm, the repeater will switch to the latest fire alarm interface automatically if there is no any
operation after 30 seconds.
The repeater can be reset only after it get the instruction from fire controller.
4.8 MUTE
The repeater can give two kind of sound from inside.
In fire alarm and supervisory, it will give a continuous buzzing.
In fault status, it will give a interrupted buzzing.
The sound of fire and supervisory is prior to the sound of fault, even if a fault happens, when a fire or
supervisory signals come, the repeater will come to fire supervisory sound. if the repeater is in mute
status, the sound is in accordance with the signals.
If the inside sound is open, press Mute key you will turn off the inside sound of repeater; if you press
mute key again, if there is unconfirmed fire alarm in the system, the inside sound will be restarted.
When in mute, the mute indicator will be illuminated.
Press STATUS+UP PAGE or STATUS+DOWN PAGE to adjust the lightness of indicator and
the brightness of LCD backlight. there are four grade of lightness totally, 0 is the darkest and 3 is the
Data direction: from controller to VDR, it is single way transmission.
Electrical signals:RS485
Communication parameter:9600,n8,1or 4800,n,8,1,can be set on the controller.
Data format:
Data unit name Length(Byte) Description Remark
Header 6 $FRFIR fixed format
Spacer 1 ,
Alarm type S- fire,
I- supervisory
1 F-Fault
spacer 1 ,
Device type FS — smoke detector Reset and communication
FH — heat detector signals is fixed as OT.
2 FD — combined detector
FM — manual call point
OT — others
Spacer 1 ,
Loop number decimal system ASCII code Reset and communication
signals is fixed as 00
spacer 1 ,
Device number decimal system ASCII code Reset and communication
signals is fixed as 000
spacer 1 ,
Division number decimal system ASCII code Reset and communication
signals is fixed as 000
spacer 1 ,
Action type A-fire, association, supervisory, The action type for reset and
disable communication is blank.
V —cancel association, fault,
supervisory, restore, cancel
X- device fault
terminator 2 \r\n Start a new line
Example for the fire alarm system used in fixed water-based local application
fire-fighting system
JB-QBC-BS10 fire alarm system can be used in fixed water-based local application fire-fighting
system( water-mist control function)
“Fire Protection Control Board” can be used to control water-mist zone’s valve and the control signal
can be used as input signal for pump controller. The pump is controlled by pump controller.
This system have auto and manual control mode in water-mist control function
Auto control mode
Auto control mode can only send out starting signal, in ” logic ” setting, set the relative
detector’s address to the source place. Set the control module’s address to the “Activate” place. Several
items that the contents in the “source” place is the same and the targets are different in “activate” place
can be set , that used to control other devices such as AV sounder in the water-mist zone if the fire
alarm occurred in this zone), when the system is in auto state, the detector in water-mist zone send out
fire alarm , then the module in fire protection control board will be started , start the relative valve and
send out starting signal to pump.
In order to stop the module in fire protection control board, press the “reset” key to reset system or
press the “activate” key to stop the module in fire protection control board
Manual control mode
The function is the same with fire protection function in
For example: 2 detectors in one water-mist zone, the addressed are 1001 and 1002, the address of AV
sounder in relative zone is 1005.
Fire protection control board is connected to loop 4, the address of the modules in fire protection
control board is from 4001 to 4010. the 4001 module is used to control the zone’s valve.
One local operating box is installed in this zone, the start key’s address is 1006 and the stop key’s
address is 1007.
For auto start mode, refer to the following logic setting figure, in this case, the 1001 and 1002 detectors
send out fire alarm at the same time, the 1005 and 4001 module will be started.
LOGIC Sum:002
Logic Source Activate
001:AND 1001-1002 1005-1005
002:AND 1001-1002 4001-4001
For manual start mode, refer to the following “fire protection local box” setting figure. In this case,
press the start button(address 1006) to start the modules(1005 and 4001), press the stop button(address
1007) to stop the 1005 and 4001 module.
Start Stop Module1 Module2
01: 1006-1006 1007-1007 1005 4001
02: 0000-0000 0000-0000 0000 0000
03: 0000-0000 0000-0000 0000 0000
04: 0000-0000 0000-0000 0000 0000
05: 0000-0000 0000-0000 0000 0000
06: 0000-0000 0000-0000 0000 0000
07: 0000-0000 0000-0000 0000 0000