4106 - Strategic Management (Final) Amended
4106 - Strategic Management (Final) Amended
4106 - Strategic Management (Final) Amended
Table of Contents
Task 1- Personal Development Plan.............................................................................................3
1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................3
2. Literature Review....................................................................................................................4
SWOT Analysis..........................................................................................................................8
Action Plan.................................................................................................................................8
Task 2............................................................................................................................................9
1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................9
2. Literature Review.....................................................................................................................12
2.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................12
2.7 Introducing re-structure to the organizational ERP system...........................................17
Task 1- Personal Development Plan
1. Introduction
After studying in Mechanical Engineering Diploma in Institute of Engineering Technology,
Katunayaka I trained in many companies in Sri Lanka as a training engineer. Isaro Automation,
Sri Lanka Railway, Construction Equipment Training Centre were some of my workplaces and I
got more management and engineering experience in my working period.
After that I started my career in the engineering field back in 2007 as a Junior Engineer in
Multiways Engineering (Pvt) Ltd and moved up the ladder and the company designated me as a
workshop engineer and led the dialup 1st level support team for almost two years. I was given
the role of team leader of the power generator installation and servicing department with the
same job title, and I managed twelve engineers until 2009. I oversaw a team of young,
dedicated professionals that consistently met or exceeded the company's business goals while
also enhancing the company's brand image in the country. Apart from managing the companies
digital business, I am responsible to carry out promotional activities in the field which required
identification of potential markets, preparing marketing plans and budgets , obtaining necessary
approvals , coordinating and implementing the projects.
I'm also in charge of presenting reports and presentations to the monthly marketing meetings,
which cover a variety of topics such as business volumes, lost business, area and channel
development and competitor performance analysis. Branch revenue and profitability, managing
non- performing contents, handling administrative matters, supervising debt collection and
account management are some of the other key areas that I am entrusted with. I had a lot of fun
assisting my youthful co-workers in establishing and growing their careers.
I aspire to be a capable senior marketing and sales manager. To attain my aim, I need to build a
strong educational foundation that includes both academic and professional experience. I need
to improve my general knowledge of business management in order to advance to the position
of senior manager. In addition, I want to strengthen my soft skills, such as quick decision
making, time management, risk management, and interpersonal communication, all of which are
critical for an effective senior manager.
2. Literature Review
2.1 Introduction to Professional Development Plan and Personal
Development Plan
The professional development plan briefs out the goals a professional would intend to pursue,
the required skills and the competencies that should possess and the objectives in the long term
would like to accomplish for a promising career development (Duke Human Resources, 2021). It
can be accomplished by honing the talents necessary to attain the desired outcomes. To gain
the essential abilities, one must first have a clear knowledge of what he or she needs to do and
how to accomplish it.
Professional Development, on the other hand, focuses on the work or profession and develops
that element. It might imply acquiring and honing the essential abilities to carry out the work
function efficiently and successfully, and this is something that should ideally be sustained when
economic, technical, and legislative changes occur on a daily basis.
Personal development is really about maximizing the potential and abilities both in and outside
of the workplace (Mudd, 2015). Professional growth is personal growth: you are who you are, no
matter where you are. You may use the progress in any aspect of the life, regardless of where
you improve yourself (at work or in your personal life). Professional growth entails more than
just broadening one's skill set or honing one's expertise. Individuals that prioritize personal
growth and consider it as critical to their professional success are the most effective,
inspirational, and well-known professionals (Masala, 2021).
Masala adds to Mudd's point of view by stating that professional growth is more than just
honing abilities or specializing. The most inspirational leaders in history have prioritized
personal development and regarded it as essential to their professional success. Masala further
elaborated that the competent leader will be made with the combination of both professional
development and personal development. When professional development is grounded in
practice and tightly matched to specific contextual goals, it becomes relevant. Purposeful
professional development promotes inquiry and action in response to real-world difficulties in a
variety of geographical, cultural, and socioeconomic situations.
aids in dealing with the problems that these rapid changes offer. Because this type of shift might
be challenging to existing practice, good PD helps to assist this process. Future-oriented
professional development fosters creativity and flexibility and prepares teachers with the skills to
come up with new solutions to existing problems (NSW, 2021). With changes to our working life
occurring on a daily basis, whether due to economic shifts, legislative changes, or technological
advancements, it is critical to continue to enhance your skill set in order to be effective in your
According to Beausaert (2011), the Personal Development Plan concept is still in use today,
together with the Professional Development Plan, as a portfolio evaluation and a report system
for corporate learning and responsibility. Employees are a valuable asset to any company, and
they provide a competitive edge that propels it ahead. Employees that exhibit the attribute of
continuous learning should be able to adapt to a rapidly changing environment. Professional
Growth Plans might be utilized as a strategic strategy to encourage people to pursue learning
and development.
According to Drucker (2009), there are ten major criteria for self-development. Focus on
accomplishments, think and reflect, practice systematic abandonments, move beyond your four
walls, establish a parallel professional path, volunteer, mentor, teach, learn how to learn, and
confront self-management obstacles are some of them.
Personal development and effective management have become intertwined, implying that
personal growth is a prerequisite for a successful firm. Individual development is connected to
characteristics of management such as managing people, tasks, outputs, boundaries, and
An effective manager strives to give his or her all to the business in order to attain its goals and
objectives. He or she thinks that the success of an organization is determined by individual
growth and how it impacts the whole system. In order to contribute to the organization, a good
manager must focus on the individual growth of his or her workers and help them realize the
value of self-improvement. For planning, decision-making, and management of the company, a
good manager must have interpersonal skills as well as necessary educational background. A
successful manager must be able to make judgments depending on changing circumstances
and must comprehend the significance of all related operations.
2.1 The benefits of Professional Development Plan to Managers
Professional development objectives are critical to an employee's performance and
engagement. Employees may not progress or be inspired to push themselves if their skills and
knowledge stay stagnant. Employee development programs allow individuals to broaden their
perspectives and enhance their abilities, therefore benefiting the entire team.
Managers should listen to employees and understand how they want to grow rather than merely
telling them what they need to work on. Professional development goals facilitate collaboration
and provide a forum for employees to share their vision for the future. They could be interested
in gaining new abilities, understanding how their job affects other departments, or using new
technologies to improve their efficiency. These learning opportunities benefit both the person
and the business, and they are essential for productive career discussions.
In an era where more and more businesses are slashing expenses for things like training, your
company can stand out by providing and marketing professional development opportunities.
There are two distinct functions that technology plays in professional growth. A large amount of
research exists on the use of professional development to improve understanding and abilities
in using technology to engage students and affect their learning and accomplishment. There is a
far smaller amount of study on the use of technology to provide professional development
programs, and even less on what makes it effective (Alberta Education, 2006).
It would be more beneficial if the focus is on a single objective so the results would be less
complex.It is frequently beneficial to examine your experience, knowledge, resources, skills, and
support. You will remember to consider all of these headings if you list them individually. These
are primarily internal in nature, referring to you and the resources and talents that are
accessible to you. As a result, they are things that you can typically manage (Skills You Need,
2.3 Establishing personal development objective
want to become a senior manager in Marketing and Sales who is competent enough in both
experience and knowledge.
In my quest to attain my professional goals, I am considering finishing an MBA not just because
it is the best formal certification for achieving my goals, but also because it is the most well-
known and highly acknowledged management qualification. Based on the realistic time
schedule, quality of teaching, and support provided to students, I chose to do my MBA at the
University of Wolverhampton. Aside from the inherent worldwide exposure, a foreign university
can add international worth to my qualifications. I'm also looking forward to connecting with the
business network and developing long-term ties that will benefit my professional progress.
Self-analysis is one of the most difficult things to do. It does, however, play an important part in
human development. Personal talent SWOT analysis may help you obtain a better knowledge of
yourself. A personal SWOT analysis is an important element of determining one's personal and
professional goals. When I reflect on my career, I'm happy of the progress I've achieved based
on my own SWOT analysis. In terms of work performance, the previous five years were
particularly noteworthy, and I was acknowledged for those accomplishments in a short amount
of time. My qualifications comprised a number of years of experience in a variety of businesses,
as well as project management experience.
In 2009, I proposed to my organization to start the new concept which called ‘The power
generators for long term rent’. It was a wholly new concept for Sri Lanka. There were no any
organization or nay other competitor for this new business at that time. We started by 6 number
of our own generators and now we have over 450 generators in island wide. I’m very much
satisfied about how my innovative thinking helped to the success of my organization and I’m
looking forward to improving the strategic decision making skills which may require to perform
my duties as a senior manager in the future.
SWOT Analysis
Strength Weaknesses
Industry Experience over 15 years Less highlighting of the work I've done to
Innovative mindset management. They will not notice unless I
Academic knowledge offer them with a success story.
Opportunities Threats
Educational Qualifications (MBA) Work pressure due to the laying off of
Working Exposure employees
Prevailing pandemic situation
Job security
Action Plan
Actions Achievement
Objective Measurement
Short Term Long Term Date
Getting the MBA Maintaining Complete my 31/12/2021 Final Result
qualification 100% lecture MBA with a Semester
attendance merit grade Results
Passing all the
subjects at the
first attempt
Focus more on Read MBA Bring changes to 31/12/2021 Key
advancing the program the department Performance
strategic recommended whilst improving Indicators
decision making articles, books the work quality.
Being an Take part of Present 31/12/2021 Feedback from
outstanding online training performance to the management
presenter program of the management and BOD
presentation at LRP, KPI
Having an Use the work Involve in project 31/12/2021 Post evaluation /
innovative experience and management Cost comparison
mindset theory learnt in
Task 2
1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction to Industry
Sri Lanka's national grid is predominantly fuelled by hydroelectric and thermal power, with
photovoltaics and wind power in the early stages of deployment. The power generation industry
of Sri Lanka comprises both from government and private holding firms.
Wind and solar power plants, converting auto diesel-fired plants to dual fuel (liquid natural gas)
plants, home solar systems, LNG power plants, mini hydroelectricity plants, electrical meters
and switches, power transmission and control systems, wind energy, and power cables are all
potential areas of growth in the power sector (International Trade Administration, 2021).
To become the market leader in the power generation industry by local manufacturing in order
to meet the unique industrial and commercial power requirements and to save the foreign
exchange through motivated employees working to increase shareholder returns while
improving relationships with all other stakeholders is the mission of the Multiways Engineering.
As main activities the company hire generators for long term contracts under a monthly rent,
generator installation services, selling of recondition and brand new generators , Sound
attenuated canopies fabrication, design, and sound proofing of generator rooms , installation of
automatic transfer switches panels and changeover switches , servicing and rewinding of
alternators , Fuel tanks, radiators, and silencers with muffler fabrication and Providing any type
of spare part for sale or hire of generators.
In order to assess the business problem, all four C components must be considered in order to
determine the cause of the problem.
Communication - Within the firm, communication is quite well established. There are channels
of communication in place, as well as strong procedures in place to keep track of all internal
conversations. Because of the high organizational structure, communication is ineffective and
inefficient when it comes to aligning with the chain of command.
Coordination - This component is where the problems begin to appear. Despite the fact that
collaboration is robust, coordination is where the problems in the organization begin. The
resources necessary for control are in place; however, coordination is lacking because the
majority of decisions are made at the top.
Control - This component is primarily responsible for identifying the company's strategic issue.
There is no genuine delegation of authority to the employees at the sub-levels, and control is
fully concentrated at the top of the organization structure.
Senior Manager-
Senior Manager - Senior manager- Senior Manager -
Sales and
Finance HR operations
Multiways Engineering has around 100 employees and each workflow employee has to report
for his immediate supervisor or executive. All the executives should report to their managers.
2. Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
The strategy is a notion that provides long term direction to the organization to achieve the
objective of the organization. A successful strategy has the advantage of creating a competitive
advantage for the organization and provide the highest level of satisfaction for the stakeholders.
Corporate level, Business level, and Operational level are the three levels of strategy that
operate in a company.
The entire purpose and the scope of the organization is concerned by the corporate-level
strategy, and the corporate strategy is defined by the vision statement. The business-level
strategy is primarily concerned with the business units and how they compete in various
markets and develop distinct strategies to service these markets. Different strategies can be
devised by corporations in order to acquire competitive advantages in various business
divisions. According to Michael Porter, these strategies guide firms to attain exceptional quality
by giving the best values, and there are three generic strategies. Cost leadership, differentiation,
and focus provide the company a competitive advantage.
The corporate level is responsible for establishing the organization's overarching purpose,
vision, and corporate level strategy in order to get to where they want to go. Business level
strategies are concerned with individual SBUs and their respective market duties, whereas
operational strategies are concerned with functional levels of effectively and efficiently doing
By anticipating and responding to competitive risks, strategy assures a company's survival. This
is a technique of accomplishing the institution's goals and intended outcomes by concentrating
on strategic and operational objectives, goals, and strategies based on organizational programs,
policies, and activities. (Etleva, 2017).
In his research (Eva, et al., 2018), found out that the three-way interaction effects of
formalization, centralization and differentiation, as well as cost leadership, mitigate the link
between leadership and performance.
Formalization - At the time of their appointment of the employees they were given clearly
defined Job Roles and Job Descriptions. Given the expansion and recent changes, they must
be redefined in order to continue forward. The entity has more formalized culture and it has
impacted positively for the effectiveness and efficiency levels of the overall operational
processes of the organization.
Span of Control – In the current organizational structure the factory flow workers are directly
reporting to their respective operational supervisors in the operational department. All the
supervisors are reporting to the operational manager. So there is no direct communication
between the factory flow workers and the management level. All the four departments have
separate managers and senior managers and they are ultimately reporting to the managing
director of the company.
Standardization - Even while KPI reviews and evaluations occur across the organization, they
are not integrated through a system. All the department functions are going through their
respective system and there is no any integrated system within the entity.
Chain of Command - Even though the company has a formal structure, employees are
expected to provide several reports and information to all of their superiors, including their
immediate boss. Because the organization's chain of command is not operating in this case,
middle management is forced to waste time presenting the same information over and over.
Complexity – Unavailability of an integrated ERP system has made the processes more
complicated and the wastage of time is high.
Centralization - Decentralizing specific departments can improve the overall operating process
while also giving divisional managers decision-making authority.
Technology – The usage of high tech equipment and other advanced technologies has
become a mandatory requirement for the business organizations now adays. Yet, the
organization is still in the primary level in the terms of using advanced technology in the work
processes. To become an entity with a competitive advantage having a business process which
is well equipped is a must and the technology is an essential factor in terms of 4Cs.
In addition, management has direct influence over these aspects. However, the four "soft"
qualities are harder to describe, less tangible, and more impacted by your company's culture
than the four "hard" characteristics. Although they are divided as soft and hard elements, all the
seven elements are equally as important as the hard aspects in order for the organization to
become successful business organization.
Strategy Systems
Skills Style
Strategy – The strategy of Multiways Engineering is to become the market leader in the power
generation industry by local manufacturing meet the commercial power requirements and the
unique industrial and enter into the international market.
Structure - The organization's structure is tall and hierarchical, with a clearly defined chain of
command, unity of command, and line of authority. The company is led by a Chairman and
Managing Director, with senior managers and managers in charge of each of the company's
Systems – There are four separate computerized systems for each four divisions. Accounting
department has a separate accounting package to record the financial transactions , for HR
department there is a separate system to mark the attendance and to calculate the payroll,
operational department has a separate system to record their input and output data and also
marketing and sales division have a separate system to record the marketing budgets and sales
information. Not having an integrated system to cover the whole organizational functions has
been identified as an issue in the organization.
Shared Values - The objective of the organization is to offer the maximum value for the all
stakeholder groups and to offer the best products to fulfil the customer requirements. To
communicate with its stakeholders, the entity has its own corporate values and principles. The
main ethics include integrity, honesty, objectivity, professional abilities, and behaviours.
Staff – There are around 100 employees working in Multiways Engineering and both the skilled
and unskilled labour is working there. The training for the new factory flow recruitments will be
provided by their immediate senior employees and for all the executive employees formal
training will be given in a timely manner.
Style - The management places a high priority on client demand, needs, and satisfaction.
Workers are sometimes irritated by management decisions because they do not consider ideas
from middle management or the personnel. Those are usually decisions made by high
Skills - In order to meet the customer's requirements, the firm frequently employs negotiation
and technical capabilities from its employees. However, most of the time, the system is not very
systematic, and employees follow their own procedures, resulting in a wide range of results.
The failures and capabilities are detected, as described in the SWOT analysis, and they must
be handled seriously. When compared to the previous financial year, which had its own
challenges with a global pandemic situation that resulted in lower sales, lower profit margins,
and skeleton staff at the SBU level, the required resources in terms of skilled staff, finance
capacity, and level of competencies are now available.
insufficient. Some organizations additionally implement digital literacy programs and related
cultural change activities, while others engage in some type of reorganization to support the
investment in digital workplace technologies. When it comes to the efficacy and influence of the
digital workplace, one of the elements to examine is organizational structure. Some businesses
are already leading the push toward a more agile culture by taking big actions and restructuring
themselves in ways that help them achieve their goals. (Bynghall, 2020).
Businesses want to use their information and technological advantage to ensure their long-term
economic success. Businesses who do not adapt to this mindset will have a much harder time
succeeding, especially if it is widely accepted. As a result, businesses will need to reinvent
themselves digitally to be relevant in this digital age, when individuals absorb information at a
rate unprecedented in human history. Every stakeholder is unique, and some may be unwilling
to support the restructuring strategy. They had to figure out which of their stakeholders would be
the most difficult to persuade and adjust their strategy accordingly (Hussain, 2020).
Many businesses are continually engaged in efforts aimed at improving their efficiency. As a
result of this tendency, institutions are continually being restructured. Most researchers capture
Organizational Reorganization, one of three restructuring techniques suggested by Bowman et
al., (1999) named as organizational restructuring strategies, financial restructuring strategies
and the portfolio restructuring strategies.
Hills places a strong emphasis on internal attention, with the goal of achieving company plans
effectively and efficiently in order to be successful. At the same time, it shows the managers'
identification of the primary duties of the restructured organization, leadership, culture, profit,
and systems to be driven. I believe the 4Cs difficulties that we highlighted have also been
identified, as they investigate the aforementioned qualities.
2.8 PESTEL Analysis for Restructuring proposal
A PESTEL study is required to understand the external threats and opportunities posed by
macro-environmental changes. Changes in the macro environment might affect the Porter Five
Forces and an industry's appeal. PESTEL sum up the external environment in Political,
Economical, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental factors.
Political - From this standpoint, the proposed adjustment has a negative impact. The
implementation of new integrated ERP system is unaffected because this is an ERP project that
is not fuelled by taxes, duties, finance levies, or other revenue-generating activities.
Social - The performance, profits, and profitability of the individual SBU and area are exhibited
in real time as a result of this structural transformation and the implementation of an integrated
ERP system at the SBU level. The suggested ERP system-based automation would ensure that
the process is finished on time and that all key stakeholders are kept up to date at all times.
After the implementation of the new ERP system the efficiency level of the firm as a whole will
go up significantly and the wastage of time will reduce.
Environmental- When we address 4C issues through the proposed structure, we can also
empower leaders at the SBU level to work for the betterment of their work scopes in terms of
employment, sustainability, CSR, and balancing TBL, and add results to the overall group's
performance in terms of "Higg Index, ISO standards," and other related facts.
Legal - The common thread here is that no matter where you operate, you must adhere to all
legal obligations. The proposed structure, on the other hand, is feasible and has little or no
influence on government policy.
2.9 Impact on the stakeholders
When it comes to Multiway Engineering and this ERP implementation, I can think of two types of
stakeholders: internal and external. Internal stakeholders include the all the employees include
the managerial levels in all the four divisions named as finance, HR, Marketing and while
external stakeholders include the suppliers, customers, auditors, and ERP solution providers.
The finance team will have accurate sales statistics on time and will be able to report the
finalized sales to the board of directors on time. Pre and post audit assessments, as indicated
by the certified auditors, could be used to accurately carry out the needed financial audits. At
this time, the difficulties of communication and control will be resolved. Likewise the report
generating function will get more convenient.
The coordination and communication among the divisions will be streamlined with on time data
visibility, and any malpractices during the month-end sales cut-off will be eliminated with much
enhanced collaboration. When goods are sent out through designated 3PLs, they will also
receive the system-generated paperwork in a timely and clear manner. When introducing and
executing ERP solutions with the external service provider, the ICT team plays a critical role.
The necessity to schedule required demo sessions and subsequent training when the systems
go live across the organization.
After reviewing all of the concepts, models, and analyses, I recommend that the new proposed
structure be implemented in the Multiway Engineering in conjunction with the aforementioned
ERP solution. We will be able to address the 4Cs difficulties that we outlined in the introduction
as a result of this. To review the made modifications, management and department team
members must provide feedback. Simultaneously, it is necessary to assess progress and
determine how the entity is progressing toward the desired sales value through implemented
modifications. The implementation of team modifications would assist the corporation in
focusing on the main business trend and approaching an underserved market niche. Though
the reorganization and tactics outlined require significant initial investment, the benefits that the
organization will earn will be definitely more than the cost. They would assist the firm by
promoting positive short- and long-term business outcomes.
Blue Ocean Strategy
There are two types of oceans in the market universe: red oceans and blue oceans. All of
today's industries are represented by red oceans. Competitiveness and competitive tactics are
the cornerstones of this well-known market sector. There are clear industry boundaries and
competitive standards in Red Oceans.
A "blue ocean strategy" refers to a method that is used to create new markets and sectors in
which demand is created rather than competed for, and the rule of competition is ignored. Blue
Oceans is becoming more popular for a variety of reasons. Industrial productivity has increased
dramatically as a result of rapid technical advancements. The most crucial notion in Blue Ocean
is value innovation. These two words must be linked because neither will perform successfully
without the other, and it implies to stand out at a reasonable cost. As a new way of thinking
about and implementing strategy, value innovation creates both a Blue Ocean and competitive
advantage for the company. Importantly, value innovation outlines the value-cost trade-off,
which is one of the most widely held beliefs in competition based strategy (Rawabdeh, 2012).
The ERP implementation will provide more efficient data transmission within the entity and the
increase in the productivity level will aid the entity to obtain the competitive advantage over the
rival firms. The new approach will be a great help to simplify the strategic decision making
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