Midgea Poct Mock 2021 P1 MS

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1. (a) Describe the solar system. (3mks) .

 The solar system is made up of the sun, planets and other heavenly bodies such as the moon, meteorites and
 The centre of the solar system is the sun.
 The planets orbit the sun their own orbits in an ant-clockwise direction.
 The planets are held to position by the sun’s gravitational force.
(b) Mention two planets that do not have natural satellites (2mks)

 Mercury and venus

2. (a) What is the difference between rotation and revolution of the earth (2mks)

Rotation is the movement/spinning of the earth on its axis once in 24hrs or a day while Revolution movement of
the earth on orbit of the earth around the sun once a year.

(b )If the local time in Mombasa at longitude 450 E is 12.00 noon, what will be the time at Abidjan in Ivory Coast
longitude 10 0 W. (2mks)

Degree difference 45+10 =55o


550 =4x55/1 =220 min =3.40 hrs

12.00 a.m -3.40hrs=8.20 a.m

3. The diagram below represents zones of natural vegetation on a mountain within the tropical region. Use it to
answer questions that follow.


400 F

300 E
Height in

200 D


(a) Name the vegetation zones marked D, and E. (2 mks)

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D -Rain forest
E -Bambo forest

(b ) State two characteristics of the vegetation marked F (2 mks)

 Found at highest mountains above tree line

 Afro-alpine plants adapted to extreme cold and strong winds
 Scrubby type
 Low-growing evergreen shrubs with bell-shaped purple flowers
 Coarse grass eg tussock and mosses

 At lower altitudes there is groundsel, lobelia and heather.

 Where there is poor drainage there is mountain swamp vegetation referred to as bogs.

(c ) Give two places in East Africa with this type of vegetation . (2 mks)

 Mount Kenya
 mount Kilimanjaro
 Mt Ruwenzori

4.(a) State Two reasons why some lakes are salty. (2 mks)
- Some of them lack fresh water rivers emptying into them.
- Some are fed by rivers which flow over rocks with high salt content.
- Some of the lakes are underlain with rocks containing a lot of mineral salts.
- Some lakes are situated in areas with high temperatures thus high evaporation rates
leading to concentration and accumulation of dissolved mineral salts.

- Some lakes lack outlets to drain away some of the salts in them leading to accumulation of salts.
(max. 2mks)

(b) Identify processes that led to the formation of the following lakes (3mks)

i)Lake Malawi -Faulting

ii)Lake Paradise -vulcanicity

iii)Lake Sare - wave deposition

5.(a)Define weathering (2mks)

Weathering is mechanical breakdown or chemical decay of rocks at or near the earth surface in situ (without

(b) State three human activities which may lead to biological weathering . (3 mks)

 Through Burning of charcoal

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 Through Mining /quarrying
 Through Ploughing the ground
 Through Road Construction
 Through construction of houses


6. Study the map of YIMBO 1:50,000 (KENYA /UGANDA)sheet 115/1 and answer the following questions.

(a) (i) Give the six figure grid reference of the road junction in grid square 3082. (2mks)

 302823
(ii) Calculate the length of the road from Port Southby to Bondo and Asembo. (2mks)
 14.5km

(iii)Identify two means of transport used in the area covered by the map. (2 mks)
 Land transport
 Water transport

(b) (i) What types of administrative boundaries are shown on the map. (2mks)

 International boundaries
 Regional /provincial boundaries

(ii) Give the longitudal extent of the area covered by Mageta island . (2mks)
 33 058’ 30” E to 34 0 03’ 30”E

(iii) Give the height of Utonga Hill. (2mks)

 1220m

(c )Using a vertical scale 1cm rep 20m draw a cross section from grid reference 260820 t0 290880.on the cross
section mark and label (6mks)

 Conical hill
 River
 Papyrus swamp

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(d)Describe the long profile of river Yala (3mks)

 River Yala flows northwards

 River Yala has meanders along the course

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 Rier Yala flows through a swamp
 River Yala forms trellis pattern with some of its tributaries .

(e)Explain how relief and human activities has influenced distribution of natural vegetation in the area covered by
the map (4mks)

Relief –Lowlands have papyrus vegetation due to poor drainage

Steep slope eg around Usengi hill has little vegetation /scrub due to thin soils
Human activities –There are few vegetation in the densely settled areas e.g around got agulu

7.(a) The map below shows some features in the Eastern Rift Valley of Kenya. Use it to answer questions (b) (i)
and (ii).

(i) Name the blocks marked K and L (2mks)

(ii) Name the lakes marked Z and P. (2mks)

P –L.magadi
b) (i) Apart from tensional theory give two theories that lead to formation of the Rift

valley. (2mks)

 Compressional forces.
 Anticlinal acting theory. 2x1=2mks

(ii) Using well labeled diagram explain the formation of the Rift valley by tensional forces.
(7 mks)
 Rock layers are subjected to tensional forces.
 Adjacent parallel normal faults develop in the rocks of the crust.
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 Increased tensional forces pull side blocks apart/away from the middle block
 The middle block sink to form a depression or a valley with steep sides called a Rift valley.
 Step faulting may occur to form a valley with fault steps.

(c ) Describe how block mountains influence climate. (4mks)

- Some of block Mountains that face the sun are warmer than slopes facing away from the sun in high latitude
areas (Aspect).
- Windward slopes of block Mountains have higher precipitation due to Orographic effect while the leeward
sides have lower rainfall due to rain shadow effect.
- Orographic effect of block Mountains leads to lower temperatures on the higher mountain slopes forming
- Lowlands and valley between the block mountains has temperature inversion which make higher slopes warmer
while lower remain cooler.
- High altitude of block Mountains has an effect on changes of pressure./ Mountains have an effect on reduction
of pressure with increasing altitude.
- Block mountains cause anabatic/valley winds which cool temperatures on the windward slopes while
Katabatic / Mountain winds warm temperature on lower slopes of leeward sides2 x2

(d) Explain four ways which faulting influences the drainage systems. (8mks)
 When faulting occurs across a river valley it causes displacement of land leading to formation of a waterfall.√
 some rivers may end up flowing along fault lines forming fault-guided drainage pattern.√
 Uplift of land as a result of faulting may block a river, causing it to change direction.√
 When faulting occurs across a river valley may cause the river to disappear into the ground through a fault
 If Rift faulting occurs in an enclosed area a basin may be formed resulting to rivers flowing into the basin to
form inland drainage.
 Faulting a cross a river valley make the river disappear underground to form
underground streams.

8(a) (i) Difference between a spring and an artesian basin. (2mks)

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- A sprig is a natural out flow of water from rocks While an artesian basin is a saucer –shaped shallow
depression consisting of a layer of permeable rock layer lying beneath two impermeable layers and a part
of the permeable rock layer is exposed to the surface along the edges of the basin.

(ii) Give four conditions necessary for the formation of an artesian basin. (4mks)

 The acquifer must be sandwitched between impermeable rocks so that it can retain water.
 The acquifer must outcrop in a region which is a source of water.
 The acquier must dip from a region of water intake and the rock layers must form a broad syncline or basin.
 The mouth of the well must be lower than the intake area to ensure water comes out of the well on its own

(b) Explain how the following factors affect the occurrence of underground water:

(i) Gradient /Slope (2mks)

Gentle gradient allow more water infiltration into the ground leading to availability of more
underground water.

(ii) Nature of rocks. (2mks)

 Permeability of the rock influence the rate of infiltration, Hence permeable rocks allows more percolation as
compared to impermeable rocks.
 Rocks must have air space (pores, cracks or joints) for surface water to infiltrate.
 The acquifer should be porous and underlain by an impermeable rock so that the ground water can
accumulate in it.
(iii) Vegetation cover. (2mks)

 Vegetation breaks the speed of the raindrops falling on the ground, thus giving the water more time to
 It reduces the speed of surface run off, giving the water more time to infiltrate
 Vegetation provides shade conditions which reduces the rate of evaporation thus increasing the water
retention of ground water

(c )With the aid of well labeled diagrams describe how a limestone pillar is formed. (7mks)

Rain water absorbs carbon dioxide forming weak carbonic acid

-Rain water dissolves calcium carbonate as it percolates through limestone joints
-The solution of calcium bicarbonate is formed ,which drips from the roof and some drop to the floor
-Some water and carbon dioxide are released leaving behind deposits of calcium carbonate on the roof and the
floor forming projections of stactites and stalagmite respectively
-Further deposition of calcium carbonate leads to two projections joining to form a pillar joining the floor and the
roof of the cave as limestone pillar

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d) Explain three significance of Karst scenery to human economic activities. (6 mks)

 Blocks of limestone rocks are used for building houses 

 Limestone is a raw material for the manufacture of cement. 
 The limestone landscape discourages settlement because of its rugged nature and scarcity of surface water
 The surface and underground features and karst scenery eg caves are beautiful hence attract tourists 
 Limestone landscapes are usually rugged with rocky surfaces, thin soils poor vegetation and inadequate
surface water, all of which discourage settlement

9.(a) Use the diagram below to answer the following questions

(i) Name the features marked J, K and L (3mks)

J– Deflation hollow (1mk)
K- OASIS (1mk)
L- Aquifer (1mk)
(ii) What is the importance of J to the human environment (1mk)

 Contain oasis which are sources of water

 Has some features like oasis which attracted settlement and agriculture

b) Explain three factors that influence wind deposition in desert areas. (6mks)

 Presence of obstacles such as rocks, bushes and shrubs in the path of prevailing wind creates friction
/reducing velocity ,have wind drops some of its load.
 Wind carrying too many particles it may lead to some of the load to the deposited
 Sudden down pour experienced in deserts may lead to some practices carried by wind & suspended in the air
may be washed down and have deposited.

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 When the strength of wind slackens, there may be deposition of load.
 Occurrence of a water surface or a moist ground along a desert landscape leads to friction have deposition of

(c) With the aid of well labeled diagrams describe the formation of:

(i) Barchans (5 mks)

 Prevailing wind is interrupted by an obstacle. eg rock out crop/vegetation  leading to deposition of sand
around the obstacle where sand piles up to form a low hill of sand.
 The winds cross over the hill to form eddy currents on the leeward side which push sand to create a shallow
depression and a steep concave slope
 The sand pushed forward forms sharp edges or horns on the leeward side.
 This process forms a crescent shaped low ridge of sand at right angle to the prevailing wind direction called

(ii) zeugens (4 mks)

Zeugen are formed in desert areas where alternating horizontal layers of hard and soft rocks surface are found.
A surface layer of hard rock underlain by a layer of soft rock
The top layer of hard rock is jointed/has cracks.
The weathering process opens up the joints
Wind abrasion opens up the joints, deepening and widening them to reach the soft layers of rocks
Deflation blows away the loose broken materials.
Furrows are formed and gradually widen as abrasion continues into the soft rocks.
The hard rock forms ridges separating furrows.
This process creates a ridge and furrow landscape called Zeugen. The ridges are called zeugens 

(d) State any six significance of desert feature to human activities. (6mks)
 Desert soils are dry therefore discouraging human settlements because they do not support agriculture.

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 Desert features e.g. yardangs and rock pedestals etc are a tourist attractions who bring in foreign exchange
 Some deflation hollows contain oasis which are sources of water for the desert nomadic communities.
 The desert landscape provides an ideal testing ground for military weapons because it is hardly inhabited.
 Loess soils are fertile and encourage agriculture in areas such as China, and Europe.
 Intense solar radiation in the desert is used to generate solar electricity.
 Salt flats can be used to provide salts required in salt industries.
 Sand dunes interfere with infrastructure e.g. roads

10 (a) (i) Define the term glacier. (2 mks)

Is a mass of ice of limited width which moves outwards from a central area of ice accumulation√√/is a mass of
moving ice

(ii) List three types of glaciers (3 mks)

 Avalanches
 Cirque glacier
 Piedmont glacier
 valley glacier / Alpine glacier
 ice bergs
 ice caps
 ice sheets
 continental glacier

(b) (i)Describe the following processes of glacial erosion:

Plucking. (4mks)
 Ice at the base and sides of the glacier freezes onto the rocks.
 Melt water enters the cracks/joints and as it freezes it exerts pressure in the rocks enlarging them
 The enlargement of the cracks leads to disintegration of the rocks
 As the ice moves forward, pieces of rocks over which the ice has frozen are pulled along and dislodged
from the rest of the rock mass through a process called plucking

Abrasion. (3mks)
 This is caused by rock debris that is embedded in a glacier.
 These debris scratch, scrape and polish the rock surfaces over which the glacier moves

(ii) Explain three factors that enhance glacial erosion. (6mks)

 Nature of the underlying rock

Well jointed/faulted rocks are eroded by plucking process since the joints allow water to enter in the rock.
 Availability of debris which act as erosive tools.
The more the debris embedded in the ice the more effective is abrasion process.
 Speed of the glacier.

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The faster the speed the greater the erosive energy.
 the thickness and weight of the ice.
A thick glacier exerts greater pressure on the underlying rock causing weathering.
 The rock debris embedded in the glacier is pressed down by the thick glacier to erode by abrasion

(c ) The diagram below shows features resulting from glacial deposition on a lowland area.

Direction of movement of ice

Name the features marked X, Y and Z. (3 mks)



Z-Ribbon lake

d)Students from a school near Mt. Kenya were planning to carry out a field study of the glaciated features on the top
of the mountain.

( i) State two objectives of their field study. (2mks)

- To find out how features like cirgues are formed

- To find out the effect of the glaciations the human activities of the area.

(ii) Give the reasons why it would be difficult to undertake the field study on the glaciated features on the
mountain. (3 mks)

- Difficult in climbing steep peaks

- Extreme low temperatures

- Walking on snow covered highlands may not be possible

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